#my simon pillow its lonely
freshyweshypoo · 6 months
Oh how I love school
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pure-oddity · 1 year
Fast foodies know the deal
Ghost x reader
(not proof read, this is just fluff straight from the source
Warnings: none, ovulation mention maybe? Its brought up a single time.)
The craving hits around 3 in the morning, it's ovulation week so the idea of not getting chicken nuggets from the drive through makes you want to cry.
You turn towards the sleeping lug beside you. He's on his back, breaths deep and even. Still as a grave but at your movement he takes the arm you had been using as a pillow to drag you further into his side.
Your Simon, took you forever just to get the man to admit he did more than tolerate you. even longer to admit he cared for you. It took you almost using his toothbrush to realize that the man might actually (gasp) like you. That one you didn't push, figured he'd come to terms with it on his own.
As you look at how peaceful he seems you try to fight the urge, you really do, but as you prop yourself up on your elbows and move closer to Simon's ear you resign to begging his forgiveness later.
"Simon, my baby? You sleeping?"
You wouldn't have known he was a awake had it not been for the lone eye opening to check on you
"Was, love. I was. Whats wrong, bad dream? Y' Can turn on the telly to that duck cartoon or the robots - won't bother me none." He rubs a comforting hand up and down your back, he's being so sweet you really do start to feel bad.
"I want chicken nuggets."
Both eyes are open now.
The silence continues.
You smile sheepishly.
Wordlessly simon extracts his arm and turns so his back is to you.
"Nnooooooo! Simon pleeeaase. Pretty please? I want chicken nuggets so bad!"
"Go ahead. keys are on the rack, tanks full."
"Nooo you have to take me! come on baby please, for me?"
"My love. Sunshine. Light of my life. If you're hungry i made a perfecly good roast last night. Heat that up and let a man rest."
"I dont want a perfectly good roast! I want chicken nuggets. And a burger. And fries - oh maybe a shake?" You lean over him, hair purposely hung over into his face. He turns quickly and you're nose to nose
"So youre gonna have me get up at 3 fucking a.m. to get you a greasey, artey clogging, cholesterol raising gastrointestinal disaster of a meal - when we have a perfectly good home made dinner in the fridge."
A deep suffering sigh.
An ecstatic squee
"Just get your fuckin shoes on"
You lean back over into the passenger seat, simon grumpy faced as you insisted that you should be the one to order.
You pat your thighs in glee as he pulls up to the window, gives you a dirty look , and hands the cashier his card.
The second window delivers your meal and drink quickly, you dig in like a starved animal. You're mid chew when he gives a grunt. A snooty sounding eh hem.
You grin and giggle, slowly airplaning him a nugget.
"Give me the chicken or i'll take the whole box"
You squeak and shove it to his lips quickly. His jaws snap around the nugget and it's gone within a single bite - you retract your fingers, still intact but wet with spit.
You give an 'eeeech' and look for somewhere to wipe your hand.
"Any of this ends up in or on my interior and it'll be your arse."
You roll your eyes and reach in the bag for a napkin, knocking the fries over in the process.
The car drifts slowly to the left and is parked along the side of the road.
Not a word spoken.
You try to shove as many back into the carton as possible.
He stares at you.
You smile sweetly at him before leaning over the center console and kissing him. You meet his lips, they're stretched into a dangerous grin.
"Love" kiss "did you" kiss "spill salt" kiss "in my truck?"
You might not know a lot, but you know that voice means you're in trouble, which means it's distraction time.
You continue your sweet onslaught of kisses.
"Thank you for taking me baby, I love you so much. ", another smooch
is delivered.
"Youre my person, my favorite guy, love of my life."
He bites at your lip and you barely manage to slip it from his teeth
"Wanna spend the rest of my life with you, grow old with you"
He grips the back of your head and maneuvers your ear to his mouth, in a deep rumble he asks
"Are there fries on my floor, love?"
The dangerous smile still present.
"No of course not baby! i cleaned those up."
"So my truck is fry free?"
"Well - no didn't say that. there's a, a few under the seat"
He's grappling you into his lap now, the man looks a hint deranged.
"And why, my love, are you telling me about them instead getting them?"
he presses.
"'Cause I - hehe - I can't reach!" You giggle out as his hands slink towards your sides.
He pokes and prods at you, growling not unlike a bear while you squeal and squeak out little laughs.
"Gets a man up at ass o'clock-"
"Oh please, you get up early anyway!"
"makes him drive to get congealed grease-"
"you had a nugget too!"
"Then trashes his truck."
"Oh please it's like a handful of fries, I'll get them, i'll get them!"
He frees you with a huff and you dive back over to your side of the car. You pop open your door and hop outside to get a better angle at the underside of the seat. He gets impatient as you fish around for the last few fries, giving a little hurrah as the last one is snatched.
Clambering back into the truck you grin at him, happy as can be. He hums a short laugh, and you're off to home again.
He makes a beeline for the bedroom and you trot over to the counter to finish your meal, most of it having been shared and eaten in the truck. You sit back a moment to enjoy the feeling of fullness when you see Simon emerge again.
"Bed. Now. Kept me up long enough" he's already on you before you can think of a reply, slung over his shoulder. He makes quick work of getting you both situated in your proper spots.
You're snuggled into his side for the night, full and content. He breathes in deep and exhales slowly. you draw nonsensical patterns on his bare chest, playing with the hair there. As sleep overtakes you, your palm flattens over the spot where his heart resides; and you feel him relax just a smidgen more.
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v1x3n · 1 year
᭝ ᨳଓ ՟ - TOO MUCH TO ASK?
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simon 'ghost' riley x reader ⸝⸝ navigation ୨୧ tags : angst
୨୧ synopsis : based of the Arctic Monkeys song 'too much to ask'
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Seeing her walk into the room fills me with pure confusion. I don't know why we have been like this. The smiles as she walked in the room had turned into frowns as she looked my way. Looking over at Johnny, sighing to myself. How did it come to this? Am I too quick to assume that she isn't pissed anymore? Johnny chuckles to himself, seeing the lovers disappear, "is the love no longer in bloom?" joking as he nudges me. I don't understand what's so funny. "Fuck yourself Johnny." I retort in a huff. Johnny scoffs as my mind replays the fight from before. She had pissed me off, gone out drinking with mates she knows I hate, until 2am. It was like she was trying to avoid me. 10 or 11 was fine but 2am was too far, way too late. When she came home, drunk as fuck, throwing a fuckin' tantrum, tears flowing down her pretty ass face. They played a very different tune from what we did before that morning when she wanted attention from me.
Her head red raw as Johnny makes another snarky comment, "what, did he leave you on read?" cooing through his thick accent. She storms out of the room, bringing all her anger with her, lingering some around the room. Thoughts flow through my mind as I realise it's ending. The so-called ending doesn't sound like the happiest around. My other relationships' breaking points felt like nothing compared to this. Why did it have to end? I love her. Fake chatting with Johnny before leaving after following her. Striding through the corridors to find her quarters. Taking a small breath and knocking gently on the wood of the door. "love..? can I come in..?" taking a reliefed sigh as she opens it. Sad, lonely eyes look up at me. "what?" i take a small inhale then followed by an exhale, i let myself inside and shut the door behind me. "listen, when you sobbed before-" she cuts me off," its fine simon." my..name? She had never used my name, it was always cute silly pet names until now. Fuck i had messed up big. "it's not though, is it?" I grab onto her hand, but she pulls away instantly. "it's just the fight from yesterday." It felt much more like the product of a squabble. I could see her unable to make eye contact, taking a step away from me. Noticing her lack of her usual physical contact, I know now there's a reason for it to be something more."Just leave it, Simon." grumbling through her words, looking down at her feet.
Walking away from her quarters, making it to mine, coming up with ideas for how to get the spark we had back. Bumping into Price along the way, him fastly knowing I'm feeling down. "You good, mate?"
"Yeh" I chuffed, trying to hide the fuckin' pain in my voice. "Soap told is 'bout what's been goin' on." He takes a small pause and sighs softly, hands on his hips and looking into my eyes. "would me having a small chat with her create a bother?" thinking for a moment, breathing in and out, creating a small hesitatenly nod from me. "there would be." pitiously replying. "just treat her right then." shite advice captain. Like I wasn't being nice? Price fucks off as I open my door and lay down on my bed."Oh" I grumble, taking a while to relax myself, laying my head on the pillow and trying to settle myself. Checking my phone to see if she had called. its uncertian if she had fully closed off from me yet.whether the curtain had shut for good.deciding to get myself back up, seeing as it wasnt late yet; Only 5pm. Heading down to the mess hall, seeing her. Slowly making my way up to her, nervous about the interaction. I suggest, "Wanna go to the little pub you like?"
I could see her cogs turning, almost struggling to say something, like her mouth was taped shut. She said, "See if it's still raining, I'm not dressed for it." I let out a small sigh, not knowing what her answer would be. But hearing it was different. And then "if you loved me-" And I interrupted, received a scowl and stare, but still decided to stop her there. "so no date?" she pulls me back into my room and scoffs. Obviously this was another start to yet another fight. I am so sick of being unable to love her.
The fight starts, loud groans, even louder shouting. Tears. the whole package. "Would it be outrageous to say...We're either shouting or we're shagging?" she wails from her soft lips, I tried to hold myself back, to keep my cool, but it was no use. Every time we fought, it felt like a tidal wave crashing over me, drowning me in anger and frustration."It's like we are docked in tempestuous bays" or at least that's how it felt yesterday."Why can't you just listen to me for once?" she yells, her voice piercing through my ears. She sits down on my bed, the spot of many memories. Her eyes were getting heavier. I just want to go back to the way things were.
"Would a kiss be too much to ask?" I let out a sigh, feeling the frustration building up inside of me. Without a reply, I sit next to her, gently placing my arm around her waist as she covers her face with her hands. After taking too long to reply, she tries to reply but yet again I cut her off, "its a pity." taking her hands off her face, looking over and up at me. Seeing the gloomy, dazed, unresponsive gaze she gives me, it just hit me. We can't go back. All the cute memories from the first kiss, first time, to chest touching on the back.
I guess it was all too much to ask.
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stargazer-balladeer · 4 years
Stealing Their Hoodie [BNHA]
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Characters Included: Midoriya Izuku, Bakugo Katsuki, Todoroki Shoto & Hawks
Note: HUEHUEHUE MY FAVORITES BOIS ALL MIX IN ONE! Did someone already do this? I’m not sure but if someone did it already, please know that I did this because I’m lonely and thought that Simon Blackquil’s coat looks comfy -3-
Reader’s Gender: Neutral (but I might’ve imagined it being a female reader instead, whOOPS--)
Warning: none
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Midoriya Izuku
-When he sees you wearing his hoodie, he would downright faint on the spot. His face is color red as his eyes were in a spiral-shape, leaving you dumbfounded on what’s happening. 
-It might’ve happened during winter and you two were in the Dormitory. You decided to steal one of his hoodie’s (we all guess it’s a All Might jacket), it was large on you having its sleeves past your hands and the jacket already on your knee-level, making it look like a dress. (or if you’re neutral or boy, it only past waist-line and past your hands still :).) 
-He’ll wake up later on, probably thinking he was just dreaming it. Until he looks at you and burst into a red mess. He would start talking nonsense and rapidly as he waves his hand around, you being amused in this whole situation. Please calm this poor bby Broccoli down before he has a heart attack (though I think he already did when he fainted a while ago lol).
-He would probably pout at the fact that it suits you better than it was for him. 
Bakugo Katsuki
-When he sees you wearing his hoodie, he would do a double-take. Like he would blink multiple times before screaming at you (with a tint of pink in his cheeks :3). You being confused and surprised at his screaming.
-It would definitely happen when you were over his house, him screaming at his mother while his father beckoning you to go upstairs. You saw Katsuki’s hoodie on his bed so you decided to wear it. It was plain black but it’s so comfy and you practically drown at the size of his hoodie.
-He’ll keep screaming at you until you scream back at him about taking off his hoodie so that he could be quiet. This resulted in him being silenced at once before nervously (:O) looking away and mumbling that you can keep it on. You would tease him obviously and he’ll go back to his screaming self.
-He’ll never admit it out loud that you look better with his hoodie on.. you may or may not keep it :)
Todoroki Shoto
-When he sees you wearing his hoodie, he might not realize it at first but soon recognize it. He’ll ask you innocently why you are wearing his hoodie, and you’ll reply that its comfy. He’ll just smile at your cuteness and lets you keep it as a result. (He’s practically the calmest among them all -_-’)
-It would happen when you came to his dorm room to sleep there, you decided that it would be a good idea to rummage through his clothes (let’s face it, he’s room is outta be cold). You quickly found a blue-colored hoodie and put it on. His jacket’s large even on him (since I can see Todoroki liking comfy and large clothes :3), so its very big on you.
-Todoroki would enter the room and greet you normally, without realizing your wearing his hoodie (much to your disappointment). When he realize it, it’s when you two would be going to sleep. Then and then he would point it out, you might have laugh when he realized it though. Todoroki doesn’t mind as you two drift off to sleep.
-Todoroki would let you borrow his clothes from now on :)
-When he sees you, he would either tease you or tackle you into a hug while cooing how cute you were. He’s just so happy to see his s/o wearing his clothes since he thinks of it as a couple’s thing and romantic (I can totally see him as a romantic at heart :3)
-It would happen while he was off in his daily Pro Hero work, probably on night duty. You would get lonely without him so you grab one of his clothes, hoodie in this case, and put it on so you won’t feel lonely. It gets pretty lonely without your favorite man ;-; His hoodie would be very big on you as well.
-When he arrives through the window (he never uses the door), he would probably double-take at the sight of you wearing his hoodie while sleeping, curled up like a infant. His heart might break at the sight of you, now guilty for leaving you alone like nights like this. His heart is heavy but he manages to put a smile on his face. Pouncing on you immediately after taking off his gears and cooing how cute you are. He doesn’t ask or say anything, he’ll cuddle you and on the next day, spoils you. (Probably to make up for the night he’s not there).
-Hawks lets you wear his clothes, probably spraying every clothes with his scent so you won’t feel lonely. (Probably also spraying the pillows :).)
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witchiswriting · 4 years
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Summary: Dearest @thewalkingdead-imagines​ requested a fic with prompts  “You’re just a softie.” and “You took all the pillows so I’m using you as one.” So it’s basically a piece of fluff. Hope you enjoy!
Pairings: Negan x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of sex, slight touching, Negan being Negan
Recently it’s been very busy for you and Negan. After taking over a new place with your boyfriend your quality time starts to get lessen. Forming a new authority was hard and keeping people in line was harder.
The Sanctuary had ruled by a horrible excuse of a man for a long time. When you and your boyfriend Negan came across the place you two thought maybe you finally found your permanent home. All of your old groups had been slaughtered but you two managed to survive.
At first, everything seemed okay with your new home. Negan was working right under the leader. He charmed the douche in such a short time. After all Negan was a born-ready leader and sharp.
But things started getting weird after a month or so. Several disgusting incidents as rape and physical abuse took place and that shit excuse of a leader just gave the people who’s been abused a pep talk about how they must protect themselves.
Not too long after the events, you and Negan started to spend long nights over discussing how you can discard the leader and take charge. No one deserved this bad treatment even if it’s apocalypse.
So, that was how you had taken over the position as leaders. Negan was proud to lead with you along his side. Things were getting better, but the leadership also brought long working hours and frequent runs to turn this place into a proper and safe one.
Negan has been gone for two days with a few men, they were looking for supplies and trustworthy people to bring back. The Sanctuary had its resident but with the new changes Negan found himself in need of more people.
You huffed as you finished your work at the inventory. You took the job of finding people, especially women, a job. That misogynistic asshole considered women nothing but a doormat. So, you paid extreme attention to give everyone a fair and suitable job.
Feeling tired and hungry you took faster steps to your room, smiling and having a small talk with people on the way. You were content with the things.
There was one thing which bothers you. After becoming the leader, Negan became the new attraction of some single women. They tried to threw themselves at him repeatedly, but he brushed them off instantly, though it did nothing to lessen your jealousy.
Just as you reached the door one of your assistants came next to you, she seemed out of breath.
‘Y/N, they’re back.’ She said with a cheerful tone.
Knowing Jane, you knew what she was talking about. Her husband was Negan’s right hand man Simon, so it was no surprise that she looks over the moon.
Despite all of your exhaustion, you immediately started toward downstairs. You and Negan has been together for a year now, but the time did nothing to appease your love and respect for each other.
Just as you stepped out of the gates, you met with a pair of familiar hazel eyes. Without giving a thought you just jumped into your lover’s arms.
Negan let out an amused chuckle. His deep voice rumbled through your ears. This man made you nothing but crazy for himself.
‘Fuck! Somebody’s missed me.’ Negan kissed your jaw, starting his way down to your neck.
‘Shut up. As you wouldn’t miss me if I go away for days.’ You nudged your nose along his.
‘Bold of you to assume that I’d leave you alone babe. You know me, I would get so lonely; especially at night.’ He smirked mischievously.
‘You horny bastard. Here I thought my boyfriend would be too sad staying without me.’ You feigned a hurt expression.
‘Sweetheart, you know what I mean. Also, you fucking know well that me and my dick don’t do fine without your smoking hot body.’ He grabbed your ass, making a scene for everyone without giving a damn.
‘Negan!’ you tried pushing him but ending up bursting into giggles.
After some more dallying with each other you finally decided to go back to your room so you can have some rest.
Along the way you came across Sherry, she was one of the women who tried getting into your boyfriend’s pants.
‘Oh, Negan. You’re back safe and sound. Thank God.’ She said with a sickeningly sweet tone.
‘Fuck yeah, I mean I’m invincible and my girl knows how strong I am.’ He bit his bottom lip teasingly. You know Negan was just fucking with her. He was well aware of the fact that his recent position piqued interest of some women and he made it his mission to mock them, repeatedly.
Although Negan was handling himself well you couldn’t help your jealousy. Negan’s been always a handsome man and now with being in charge his admirers started to increase. They weren’t getting the fact that he’s taken. No matter how hard he tries.
Putting an annoying smile on your face you cleared your throat before speaking. ‘Babe, do you mind reminding me how strong you are?’ You stood on your toes and bit his earlobe. ‘I might be forgetting it. You being gone and me being lonely…’ You put your hand on his chest, slightly fisting his white t-shirt to feel his toned body.
Negan didn’t even try to hold his growl back. ‘As you can fucking see I’m busy as shit right now, need to take care of my girl. So, have a nice day Shirley.’ Negan walked away nonchalantly but you failed at holding your laugh as you saw Sherry’s face when Negan called her Shirley.
When you reached to your room Negan let himself down on the bed. He was clearly exhausted and sleepy as fuck.
‘Doll, as much as I’d like to fuck your brains out for hours daddy needs his fucking beauty sleep. So, take of your clothes and lie down with me.’ He looked at you with his pleading puppy eyes.
Honestly, you were in no state to decline his offer since you too were exhausted as fuck, but his puppy eyes also made your heart flutter. ‘I lay with you if you take your shirt off.’
‘Dirty girl, never failing to amaze me.’ He bit his lower lip while chuckling. Started getting out of his shirt slowly, giving you a funny show.
You giggled loudly. ‘You know what Negan? You’d suck as a stripper.’ You straddled his hips.
‘Now why would you fucking say that and hurt my feelings baby doll?’ He faked a pout.
‘C’mon big boy, I need sleep as much as you. I’ve been working off my ass for all day.’ You hit him back to bed and put your head on his chest, playing with short curls on his chest.
‘Mmh. I’m gonna fucking remind you how talented I am with my dick and moves, after I fucking sleep.’ He mumbled sleepily and drifted off to sleep shortly after.
You felt a movement behind you and stirred. Your body was protesting for you to go back to sleep.
‘Fuck!’ you let out a yawn and turned around. You found yourself sprawled out on Negan.
‘What the hell Negan?’ you whined sleepily.
‘Doll, I don’t know if you fucking notice, but you’re using me as your own pillow.’ He huffed.
You raised your head with an annoying expression on your face. ‘Oh, pardon me mister. You took all the pillows so I’m using you as one.’ You stated as a matter of fact.
‘You’re lucky you’re fucking cute, lie down baby.’ He muttered in a loving voice.
‘Did you seriously wake me up for that and now you’re telling me to continue using you as my fucking personal pillow?’ You hissed, getting interrupted while sleeping is one of the things you despised the most.
‘Babe, c’mon let’s go back to sleep and after that we can make sweet love.’ He begged with his eyes closed.
‘What? You, Negan, are going to make love to me? You’re just a softie.’ You let out a laugh.
‘Don’t tempt me little girl.’ He tried to sound stern as possible, but the exhaustion was clear in his deep tone.
‘Oh, what would you fucking do, daddy?’
In an instant he flipped you over and now standing between your legs, thrusting into your pelvis slowly.
You couldn’t help but let out a satisfied moan.
‘What were you saying baby girl?’ He chuckled with an erotic undertone in his voice.
‘Fuck! Negan, stop teasing and get into it!’ You started grinding yourself on him.
You aren’t getting any sleep tonight.
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literatehiss · 4 years
Trust Fall
Read on AO3 here Anyone who knew him could tell you that Simon Fairchild was not the sort of man you would want looking after children. He is still pretty sure he could do better than the Lukas' though. Simon meets and hangs out with a confused 8 year-old Peter.
Little Peter was lonely.
This wasn’t unusual. His parents paid no attention to him, his siblings were all too old or too young to play with him and the few members of the staff he became fond of were swiftly replaced.
It was a brisk spring morning, and Peter’s latest nanny had vanished the night before. No one had replaced her yet which meant Peter was free to spend his day however he liked until someone eventually thought about him.
He didn’t hold much hope of that happening.
He had turned eight only a few months prior, a dull occasion filled with expensive presents that he opened by himself in his room, alone, like usual. One of the gardeners that he had liked to talk to had snuck him a roughly made cloth cat that Peter had hidden under his bed like everything he didn’t want his parents to take from him.
The gardener didn’t last until the end of the day. He didn’t even make it off the grounds of the estate.
He pulled the cat out from under his bed every night, playing with its soft ears and mismatched eyes, hugging it close to his chest as he fell asleep.
He found it burning in the dining room three nights ago.
The only surprise he could muster was that it had lasted as long as it had. It wasn’t until he was safe in his room that Peter released the tight ball of grief, muffling his tears into a pillow. His nanny had caught him crying and had taken him to his parents, concerned. He had tried to pull away from her grip around his shoulders but she wouldn’t relent. Peter had hastily dried his tears on the way to his parents’ room, knowing that he would be punished for such a show of sentimentality.
He stood there under his mother’s glare as his nanny suggested that Peter might need friends, connections, that something might be wrong with the little boy.
She had been swiftly dismissed and Peter had spent the rest of the day in the dusty old attic amongst all the other things the Lukas family didn’t want.
The attic was nothing more than a swiftly fading repressed memory now as he poked the tip of his boot into a muddy puddle, the frozen surface cracking and crunching under the pressure. Peter walked on, past the gardens and the cemetery, past the trees that his younger siblings had carved their names into, desperate to be remembered.The rough tread of his boots skidded in the mud as he slid on the slight hill that led down to the lake. It took him a while, but eventually he clambered up a tree that sat so close to the water’s edge that he could see its roots running under the murky water.
It was peaceful up here, quiet and still as he looked out over the rippling surface of the lake. His eyes closed, embracing the solitude.
It was at this moment he felt the thick branch he was sitting on, shift slightly with the weight of another creature. He jerked away in alarm, closed eyes slamming open as he turned to look at the intruder of his peace.
The man who had seemed to drop in from nowhere, was old. Much older than uncle Nathaniel and he was the oldest person Peter knew. He didn’t seem worried about his light blue suit getting dirty as he settled down onto the tree branch.
“Now, I don’t believe we have met young man. You’ve definitely got the look of a Lukas though, so I’ll presume you arn’t a particularly unwise intruder.” The man laughed. Peter looked at him. The man looked back. Peter had never had to introduce himself to anyone before.
“Alright then, the good old Lukas silent treatment I see,” he let go of the branch, swaying slightly and Peter panicked that the man was going to fall off. He reached over, grabbing Peter’s hand from its firm hold on the branch he was sat on, giving him a firm handshake, “The name is Simon Fairchild. Now, I know you lot are not exactly fond of social interaction, but it is normally polite to give your own name at this point.”
He gave a quiet mumble of “Peter” which caused the man, Simon, to finally stop shaking his hand. Peter ripped his hand away to grip the branch again.
“Peter is it? Lovely, just lovely. You like the water Peter?” he said, nodding at the now still water of the lake.
“Mhm,” he just hummed a vague affirmative which unfortunately didn’t seem to dissuade the man from talking.
“Have you ever seen the ocean Peter?” Simon was searching his pockets for something as he talked, not holding onto the branch at all.
Peter shook his head, but realising that the man was no longer looking at him he just let out a quiet “no”, watching the man pull out a pocketwatch to check the time. Peter then proceeded to have a minor heart-attack as the man jumped off the branch. Visions of broken bones being blamed on him flashed before his eyes.
“Come on down Peter, I think its about time you headed home and I have the pleasure of a meeting with Nathaniel.” peter looked down to see Simon looking perfectly unharmed.
By the time he had scrambled down the tree, Simon had pulled an umbrella from somewhere and had put it up just in time for the first few splatters of rain to hit it.
Peter hadn’t realised how far the lake was from the house until he was forced to walk home with someone else rather than walking alone. Peter flushed a little as his tummy growled with hunger.
“You must have been out here all day lad. Now it has been quite some time since I was your age, but shouldn’t you have someone watching you?”
Peter shrugged.
“No-one cares as long as I’m home before dark.” he could hear air whistle through the man’s teeth, his jaw clenched.
“Well they should. You could have gotten hurt.” Simon looked down at Peter with a sad look in his eyes that looked wrong on a face so clearly used to excitement and joy. Peter had no response to that. He could have gotten hurt, and he would have had to drag himself back to the house just to be ignored by his parents and coldly patched up by whatever member of the staff was around at the time.
It wouldn’t be the first time.
Simon seemed to be able to sense his discomfort and switched topic, chattering about the sea and the sky and art and space and many other things Peter didn’t really understand. Simon’s strides were much longer than his own but the elderly man slowed for him, always making sure his umbrella covered Peter from the rain.
It was only once they got in view of the old house that Simon drew away slightly, finishing his lecture on why landscape art was clearly superior to portraits.
Peter wasn’t sure if he didn’t agree or he simply didn’t care.
Either way, Simon drew away and when Peter looked up at him curiously he gave the young boy a quick grin.
“Wouldn’t want you to get in trouble lad.”
The walk up to the house was spent in silence and as soon as Simon opened the door a maid appeared to hurry Peter away from Nathaniel’s guest.
Peter got one more glance of Simon before he was ushered towards his room. The man just stood there in the entrance hall, staring at him, brow furrowed as if in deep thought before he strode into Uncle Nathaniel's office.
    Simon had known the Lukas family for as long as they had worshipped the Forsaken, all the way back to Mordechai. He had known, in theory, that their children couldn’t be happy to create such cold and lonely adults, but Peter had broken the shrivelled remains of his heart.
 He might be a monster but he still had standards. Children didn’t need to be terrorised, they were already scared of almost everything, all of the time. He didn’t see the point. Wait a few years and you got a much richer, more complex fear.
 This was an excuse really.
 Peter reminded him of Mordechai before the man had been lost to the Forsaken completely. Curious and proud. Introvert  ed   for sure, but friendly enough to those he was close to. The young boy might not have a future in academia but he was a bright lad.
If the Lukas’ got their way, they would crush what little personality the boy had by the time he reached adulthood. Simon had met a few of the younger members of the Lukas’ through the years, and at this point he could tell which of the children the family would just discard and which would have their isolation nurtured until most of the joy and life in them was sucked dry. Peter was definitely part of the latter group. If the boy hadn’t of been, Simon might have been tempted to snap the kid up for the Fairchilds. It would have ruffled some feathers but no one would have cared too much.  But he could tell the family had plans for Peter, and so he could do nothing for the poor lad.
 Simon had never been great with time, it was all meaningless in the grand scheme of things, but he was pretty sure the lad hadn’t grown much by the next time he saw him.  So it couldn’t have been too long.
 H  e had just left yet another boring meeting with Nathaniel when he literally stumbled into Peter, the young boy catching himself on the wall before could fall over.  The young Lukas heir’s  face was passive but his eyes were red and his face was wet. Simon  tugged him along with him as he walked.
“What’s wrong Peter?” The boy’s voice was dull and emotionless as he spoke.
“My brother is gone.”
“Gone?” Simon felt his heart drop.
“Don’t know where. Mother says they were sent away. Diane says Mother and Father had them hurt.” Simon was vaguely aware of Diane being one of Peter’s two older sisters. He hoped she was just messing with the young boy, and that they had just sent the child away. He wasn’t sure he could face the idea of the Lukas’ murdering their young children. He didn’t know what to do. Any expectation of Peter opening up emotionally was laughable. They walked further down the hall before Simon stopped them suddenly. Eh might not be able or willing to do anything to fix the problems with the Lukas Family, but he could certainly make this one little boy a bit happier. He searched through his pockets for a scrap of paper and wrote down a location which he stuck to the door of Peter’s room as they passed it.
“Do you remember our talk last time about whether you had seen the ocean or not? Would you like to?” Peter looked up curiously but nodded.
 Simon was aware this wasn’t wise.
 But screw it, you only live once (unless you are Jonah of course).
 Simon laughed at the sensation of  free-fall   that he loved so much, only just remembering to steady Peter when they eventually landed back on solid ground. Peter let out a little panicked squeak.
“Where are we?”
“Dover, so we haven’t gone too far, don’t worry.”
 Simon took a few steps and sat down on the stark white cliffs, gesturing Peter over to sit next to him.
 T  hey didn’t talk about anything important. Simon asked about Peter’s schooling while Peter asked about Simon’s shipping company. They sat there for hours until the sun began to set and a black car rumbled up behind them. Simon sniffed in irritation.
“Took them long enough. Well Peter this was a delight as usual. I’ll see you soon lad.”
 The last thing Peter saw of Simon before he stepped into the chauffeured car, was Simon stepping straight off the cliff edge and vanishing into the cold sea air.
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runnerfiveready · 4 years
9 and 21 for the Five Ask please :)
well hello hello, of course! (I was really hoping someone would do 9 teheh) I did 21 a little bit down if you wanna check that out, but I can still answer the other one!
so 9: How does your Five sleep (light/heavy sleeper, on their side/stomach/back, restless/still, nightmares/dreams, etc.
My Five used to be super restless, until she found this one, very particular way of sleeping that’s really eased her. I’m going to try and explain it with both a very terrible stick-figure sketch and actual words:
Tumblr media
so like... my Five squishes herself up against the wall on the furthest away edge from the room. She’ll stacks two pillows and adjust them to touch the wall at the top, and angle out at the bottom so there’s a small triangle of space where she wedges her body into. She also stuffs a toy dinosaur she’s hung onto in the gap between her arms (which she pulls in tightly toward herself when she sleeps) And sleeps like that, on her side. That way, she’s got pressure all around her, and it makes her feel safe and surrounded. (god that sounds so lonely i-) If she has the slightest sense something is wrong, she’ll wake up immediately. My Five also wakes up multiple times through the night, and if she can’t sleep (which to be totally honest, happens quite a lot) she’ll just slip out of her room and take night runs or walk around Abel. She’ll sometimes climb the tallest building in Abel and just sit on the roof, legs dangling. Even better if its pouring with rain, or a thunderstorm. 
She’s kinda just learnt to sleep anywhere, like most other runners. Doesn’t matter where! -She once scared everyone half to death when they couldn’t find her, until Simon found her 20 minutes later where she was sleeping in a cupboard in the greenhouse. Five just claimed it was warm and quiet 😂 - She has quite vivid dreams, and honestly loves dreaming. They’re all actually quite fun and really in depth, with only the odd nightmare here and there. (She did have quite a rough patch after she first arrived after the helicopter crash, and after Archie died :( )
sorry that was so long, but I really love that question hahaha
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xiaosdinonuggies · 5 years
Continuation from the story I started earlier. You can find it here if you wanna give it a read ^^ I do appreciate feedback.                                            »»——⍟——««
It wasn’t until the next day that the exhausted hero woke up from the strain caused by the night before. She didn’t remember even going home, just remembered a loud scream before forgetting everything afterwards. Whatever had happened, she didn’t trust the so-called ‘ally of the heroes’, Iris. Looking around the room, she saw the begging eyes of a basset hound staring at her. It brought an instant smile to her face. 
“Awww, Burrito. You’re cute.” She patted the dog for a moment before getting out of bed. 
Once she slipped the fuzzy bunny slippers onto her feet, she realized that her costume was taken off and hanging up on the closet--fully washed and ironed. Two moments later, and older woman leaning on a cane hobbled into the bedroom.  “Ms. West, you really should be careful when you jump through the windows. Someone could have seen you come crashing into the house, or heard you with all that noise you caused. Are you trying to hide your identity from criminals?”  She tapped her cane against the woman’s arm with a frown. “You’re twenty-seven and have been doing this since you were a teenager. I’d expect you to know this by now.”  “Sorry Nana.” In no way was this doting woman related to the young hero, but the two shared such a loving friendship that she couldn’t call the elderly woman anything different.  She ended up leaving without saying anything else, just leaving a plate of pancakes on the desk before dipping from the room. Sighing, the hero went over towards the plate and plucked a few pancakes off the top before sitting down and opening her laptop. Someone had to have recorded last nights chase,  the city was way too nosy to not have take a video of at least something. 
Deciding to start with the common social media platforms, she opened up Twitter first and scrolled through it. When that struck out, Instagram, Facebook, and even YouTube were searched through. She found nothing, to her surprise. Checking the clock, it was well after 3 p.m. She’d been sitting there for almost four hours and came up with absolutely nothing. 
Rubbing her eyes as she groaned, the thought of the dark web came to mind. Well....It wasn’t entirely a bad idea if the threat of being chased by Iris still lingered in the air. Besides, finding out who had shown up before she passed out was important. Maybe not just to figure out who needed thanking, but also because they might be in whatever trouble that was meant for her. 
Still not wanting the dark web to be on her conscience, she tried seeing if perhaps a few others in the hero community could help her out. After all, most of the heroes with actual paying jobs had cameras all around the city. If she could get her hands on it...perhaps she’d know what happened last night. Sliding her phone from her pocket, she dialed the first number that popped up. It was only labeled with a leaf, nothing more. If anyone had gotten a hold of her phone, she didn’t want anyone getting much more than numbers. “What West? Everyone knows I’m on vacation in Paris. Its 2 in the morning, make it quick before I send a pipe bomb to your house.” The girl on the end of the line had definitely just been woken up and wasn’t too happy about it.  “Sorry, sorry. I was wondering if you had any cameras set up near the dark side?” The dark side was usually what they referred to the rougher side of the city, rather than calling it something worse.  “You couldn’t have called my brother--or either one of my sisters? Never mind...I do but you’re going to need the login for it. I’ll just text it to you. Goodnight and good luck with whatever you’re doing.” The line dropped right after that. 
Just as promised, the login and link to the cameras was sent to her phone. While there was the feeling of guilt for waking the resting vigilante during her one month of rest, this was urgent. Besides, she was convinced the other girl’s older brother had some sort of weird condition that caused him to disrespect most the people he came in contact with. Weird. 
The cameras were definitely more useful than the internet had been. The exact moment had been fully recorded from the time the canister dropped to when she was having trouble breathing. “Dear god, I look like I’m having heart burn or something. That’s attractive.” She stopped providing commentary for herself when a blur moved across the screen. After nearly choking on her own saliva, she replayed the whole thing just to make sure she wasn’t seeing things.
She threw her hands in the air. “That’s it. My career is over.” 
The very petty-thief she’d been trying to catch since she was nineteen had taken a high-voltage hit to the back for her right after kicking her through the portal to send her home. That explained why she woke up in her bedroom instead of behind a dumpster. But why save her? 
Throwing herself into full work mode, she politely asked Nana to make a large pot of hot tea since she’d be sitting there a while. As she started digging into any little thing she could find on Iris, the older woman sat behind her and offered advice every once in a while. The sun had set by the time she had actually collected enough that was considered useful. 
It seemed that the government-sponsored company wasn't as heroic as the people they claimed to work with. Several personal blogs, including those of a small-time reporter, had gone into detail about community heroes going missing after talking with Iris. All of them had been approached in the same way she had, Iris claiming they mistook the hero for a villain or criminal and apologizing for it. However, there were never any sightings of the heroes in question once they’d been reportedly released. 
Putting her cup of tea down, a frown worked its way onto her face. If heroes had been going missing, she couldn’t imagine what had been happening to them. Whatever Iris was doing must have been behind the larger heroes' backs, and probably wasn't anything legal if it was being covered up so well. Depending on what was actually going on in their facilities, they were likely treating their villains worse than their potentially kidnapped heroes.  “ You don’t find any of this offensive?” Nana spoke up, raising an eyebrow from her own tea.  “What do you mean?”  “They went after you. That means they think you’re a nobody!” 
Two hours had gone by and there was an open suitcase on her bed. Her costume was shoved inside it, along with anything else she could possibly fit. When she leaned over to zip it, a Scottish Fold hopped onto the pillows that had been forcefully pushed into the overflowing suitcases. This led to more stuff being somehow fit inside the case, mostly cat products. 
“I mean if this goes sour, at least I have you and Burrito. You wanna go break a villain out of jail Simon?” The cat meowed back at her in response. “This is why I’m single. I talk to cats.” 
Bringing the suitcase to a rather broken-down looking car, she said her goodbyes to the elderly woman before putting the two animals in the car and driving off. She’d reached out to another friend, getting a location of the Iris-owned facility in the city. It was near the emptier section where the rich bought huge properties for the sole purpose of not having to look at their neighbors. She supposed that would have been a perfect spot for them to set up, somewhere no one would notice anything sketchy going on. 
It was well into the late hours of the night, maybe early morning when she pulled into the parking lot of a Dollar General with the lights off. It was about a half-mile away from the actual facility, but she didn’t want anyone seeing her car so close by and piecing things together. The cat was on her shoulder as she pulled a backpack from the trunk of the car and slung it over the opposite shoulder. Thus began the twenty minute walk towards the facility, and the poor performance of her attempting to climb someone’s storage warehouse. 
Once she had gotten up there, she looked over the facility and started taking photos for later. It was only when she noticed a lone female agent standing off to the side while talking annoyingly loud on the phone. A grin twitched at the corners of the hero’s mouth.  “You’ll do Karen, you’ll do.” Sliding the backpack onto the roof, she unzipped it and pulled out a brown wig similar to the Karen’s hair. 
After fixing the wig to her head, she made quick work of knocking the woman unconscious and stealing her uniform, leaving a thin dark-colored blanket just to keep her body hidden. Thankfully this woman had a pretty plain face and always wore sunglasses, so it wasn't entirely hard to pull something like this off. After stealing the woman's ID badge and putting Simon in her bag, the nervous twenty-seven-year-old made her way to the front doors. 
Nobody questioned her when she walked back inside, lifting her phone to her ear as if she were still talking on it. A few people rolled their eyes, as if this were a regular thing. ‘It kind of makes me wonder how hard it actually is to get in here.’
Trying to be subtle while searching for something had no clue as the whereabouts to was incredibly difficult. She kept stumbling over the high heels, laughing and just blaming it on that ‘darn gravitational pull’. Eventually she tripped into another hallway. It was long, and only had one door at the very end. Deciding this had to be it, she picked herself up and made her way down the hall as quietly as possible. The door was made of steal and had tempered bulletproof glass in the corner. Even with the high heels, she was still too short to reach it. 
Leaning on the door in an attempt to hear through it, she got nothing. Deciding to test her luck, she pushed on the door handle. Surprisingly, it opened. There was only one person in the room, so she shut the door and locked it. Hanging upside down in chains was the person she’d been trying to stop for years. She stared into his green eyes, only finding them full of fear. It was such a change from arrogant and mischievous that it shocked her to her core.  
“I told you, I don't know anything. I don’t know who they are!” He started thrashing around to the point where she just pulled the wig and glasses off. There was a purple-colored domino mask replacing her usual one but it still looked enough like her normal costume to be recognizable. A net was covering her natural hair for the moment, so she wasn't too worried.  “Sucky name?” He looked at her with confusion in his eyes. “You really shouldn’t be here. You need to go. They’re trying to find you.”  “Yeah, I’ve got that. But I didn’t come all the way out here just to leave you behind. Also stop calling me that, my name is Origami.” She went over to the chains and started working at the lock while the cat climbed from her purse and went over to the barred window.  “Exactly. Sucky name. I’ll stop calling you that when you stop calling me Cottontail.” Without warning, the chains unraveled and he tumbled to the floor head-first. “You did that on purpose.” 
“Maybe. Maybe not.” Grinning, she pulled the chains to the side and let them pile in the corner. 
There was a clanging noise as the window and bars hit the floor. It made the villain jump a bit but Origami just sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. “Simon do you really have to be that loud?” “Wait, you have a magical cat? All these years and you’ve never once brought your cat, who can apparently cut through metal rods, to any of our fights.” He stared at her, but she just shrugged and pointed to the open window. “Didn’t see the need to bother him for a skinny crook like you. Now climb out that window before I punt your fuzzy butt out of it for you. I don’t have all night.” He snorted a bitterly but obeyed, starting to climb out the window. “Funny. I don’t recall you ever having caught me.” 
Once he had gotten out, she dropped next to him with the cat in her arms. “What’s next, hero?”  He was referring to the large group that currently had their guns pointed at the both of them. With a bit of hesitation, she pulled three of the folded wolves and blew onto them. They grew and sprang to life, the six foot creations immediately taking action and beginning to make quick work of them. Almost instantly her chest tightened and her breathing became labored. It wasn't anything she couldn’t handle for the moment, though. Grabbing his hand, she pulled another paper creation out of her bag. Though, this time it was a butterfly. When it grew, it was only about four feet. Even still, it was enough to carry them off into the coming sunrise. 
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diningpageantry · 6 years
No Wait Unblock Me
Archive Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18215168/chapters/43133210
Chapter 2/10 of It’s A Handheld Disaster
Word Count: 1580
Chapter Summary: Simon and Baz finally get to "mutuals" status.
For the third time today, I see a similar notification slide through my drop down.
bi-sammy sent you a picture
Part of me initially wants to sigh, roll my eyes, and swipe it away, because apparently part of me wishes to be alone for the rest of my life. Thankfully, the reasonable, tiny sliver of my mind makes sure I don’t make such a mistake.
Given the situation, one would think we’d parted ways. He makes a post, we stop the argument, all is fair in fandom and war. Except, now I believe Snow has grown under an impression that after one exchange, it qualifies us for somewhat of a friendship, and therefore reason to send me memes. Don’t get me wrong, memes are a fantastic waste of time and barely a waste of energy, but it’s strange that he’s not fucking off like most people.
Maybe I’m used to others being scared of me.
Maybe I’m used to others following my tactics of scaring them away.
Whatever I’ve done hasn’t worked, since this arse is immune to my attempts at coldness and mild animosity. I’m starting to suspect there’s something genuinely wrong with him, like he doesn’t get enough love and attention.
Guess that makes two of us.
I guess I somewhat crave this friendship. I’ll speak the truth to that and say yes, I smile when his memes pop up. They’re almost always fandom, and definitely made on Photoshop. This one, I see as I tap and let it load, is the crudely drawn Kirby graphic shoving burgers into his mouth, but over Kirby is photoshopped a picture of Huxley’s face and the burgers are Sam's ass.
It’s all poorly done and, sadly, extremely endearing.
My thumbs hover over my keyboard, cheeks creasing as I stare down at the picture. I lay back against my pillows, the curtains drawn and my hair pulled out of my face. It’s quite lonely; my life’s a sterile mixture of quarantined education and age old settled dust in my ancient room. It’s nice to have his somewhat obnoxious messages pop onto my screen, but it feels so odd. So foreign, and barely understood.
I want to understand.
gaystrell: why are you still messaging me?
I get an answer not even a minute later.
bi-sammy: do you want me to stop?
I don’t even hesitate to send out a reply, feeling a steadily growing lump in my throat, choking me mindless.
gaystrell: no.
bi-sammy: then why did you ask?
gaystrell: i just
gaystrell: don’t get it
bi-sammy: get what?
gaystrell: why you’d want to talk to me
bi-sammy: because youre cool
gaystrell: vexing me won’t get you “street cred”, if that’s what you’re after
bi-sammy: shit no wait that’s not what i meant
bi-sammy: dont block me fukc wait
bi-sammy: id just meant that you wrote all that shit and i thought it was really cool and
bi-sammy: i dont know
bi-sammy: i thought we could be friends since you did all that
bi-sammy: ill stop if you want me to
gaystrell: calm down you’re clogging my notifs
gaystrell: do that again and i /will/ block you
gaystrell: but………. if you actually do want to be friends i suppose i’m willing to give forth a little attention
bi-sammy: im osrry i dont speak posh cunt
gaystrell: too bad, blocked
bi-sammy: no wait unblock me
gaystrell: fine last chance
bi-sammy: bitch
gaystrell: b l o c k e d
bi-sammy: no but,,,,,,, i do want to be friends
I’m smiling like a fucking loon, scrolling through our brief exchange. It’s strange. Most people aren’t upfront about wanting to talk, or wanting someone to talk with. Wanting a friend, even. I have the people follow me and ask me questions, and of that only a small handful of those who actually interact eith me (and even in that, we usually only speak to give each other a helping hand).
And despite that, here’s someone who wants to try.
I suck my lower lip into my mouth, trying to think of my course of actions.
There’s a simple one I can take now (and probably should’ve taken as an initiative). I click his icon, and click “Follow” on his page.
It doesn’t take very long before I get a notification come through, starting that he mentioned me in a post.
It isn’t very long, but it gets its point across in the best way possible. It’s just a mobile screenshot, reading “gaystrell started following bi-sammy” with a quick caption.
god himself entered the groupchat. how do i block him?
I wonder what it’d be like to see me in the moment. It’s a real shame Penn wasn’t around to capture it, since I’m in the middle of French class, but I must’ve smiled so stupidly that it caught the attention of the professor. He gave me a stern look until I set down my mobile.
The moment he turned away, I opened it back up and grinned.
At first, I didn’t believe what I was seeing. Him. Following me.
Us. Mutuals. Mutuals.
Of course I had to screenshot and post as a brag (barely humble, more metaphorically sucking my own knob for all my followers to see). Nobody really cares, as expected.
Well, nobody except the single message from none other than Mr. Bitch.
gaystrell: blocked. unfollowed. reported. waste of space.
My smile creases back my cheeks as they flush pink. I send back a quick message before turning my mobile over, foot tapping double the speed of the analogue on the wall.
bi-sammy: ;)
He winked. Interesting.
I’m out of breath.
I lay my phone flat away from me, face down as I squint at my wall. I should respond in a composed fashion. I have to be clever, and not one-upping him is never an option. After all, does this qualify as flirting? Friendly banter? What am I doing with this random fucking bloke that I don’t even have a face to put to?
He’s my age. Roughly. Yes?
I check his tumblr again, as if I hadn’t just read his bio earlier.
simon // he/him // 17 // hold my fucking hand (please)
Maybe he’s just straight and I’m misreading it. Yes. Probably. Aren’t most people straight? Is that still a fact? (I highly doubt it, given how boring that must be.) But he winked at me. Somewhat prompted, I’ll give him that, but it was still a fucking wink.
I wink in texts to Dev and Niall too, though, but that’s different, isn’t it? I’d never snog either of them (especially fucking Dev), but hey. If unfaced internet boy asked for a snog, would I?
I’m too wrapped up and starved for human interaction to properly deal with this.
gaystrell: i will carry on with my threats, snow
There it is. Perfectly biting, while not being entirely rejecting. Maybe I’m better at this than I thought.
Or, perhaps, I’m worse, because even an hour and a half after sending the text, he’s silent.
I remind myself every few minutes that he most likely attends an actual school and has classes, but it makes my chest ache in the most unfair way every time my mobile tempts me with an unrelated notification.
I work myself to the point of moping down in the kitchen, slumping against the fridge whilst watching Vera make tea. She’s relatively silent, knowing better than anybody to leave me to sulk.
“You’re a drama queen,” she tuts, looking over me. Granted, I dress like a slob and borderline haunt this godforsaken mansion, but I feel as though that makes me entitled to being the way I am.
“I’m lonely,” I sigh, head resting against the fridge. It hums beside me, the chromed metal cooling my cheek. “Am I not granted a dramatic spell every now and then?”
“Not unprovoked.”
I set a hand against the handle, then let it drop. I’m not hungry. “What if it was provoked?”
“Is it?”
Instinctively, I pull out my phone and click it on. Nothing. “Perhaps.”
Vera frowns at me, walking over and setting a hand on my arm. “What’s wrong? Are you feeling okay?”
My eyes slowly roll as I push myself off the appliance, standing upright. “Physically, yes. Don’t fuss. It’s just… online shit.”
“You spend too much time on the phone,” she sighs, letting go and going back to the tea as she fixes me a mug. “Don’t you think you’d be happier to disconnect from social media for a day or two? Go on a walk, see nature?”
I snort, looking outside. “And what? Trip and bust open my knee? That’d wind me back up in care for at least a few days.”
“You act like you’re made of paper and glass.” She offers over my mug, letting my fingers wind around the handle before she shakes her head.
“I might as well be,” I huff down before thanking her and blowing on my tea.
Once I leave back up to my room, I realise it's somehow more depressing in here over the kitchen with Vera’s disapproval of technology rantings. At least she’s some sort of company.
As I’m sipping my tea, I go back to scrolling on my laptop as a notif pops up, jarring me with the sound but letting me breathe again.
bi-sammy: why do you know my last name smh
I exhale slowly, smiling to myself.
gaystrell: you commented on my google doc, you idiot
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teresa-madrigal · 5 years
The nonagenarian rolled over to his side to catch a sliver of the mid-morning light. He rubbed at his eyes, wiped his sleeve against his moist mustache, and hoisted himself upright. He was always quick to rise in the morning, but these days his initial routine included everything but standing.
He tugged off his stocking cap, rested his back against the headboard, and reached toward his endtable for a drink of water. His next impulse was to grab the nearest book - but then he noticed the wooden pipe he’d neglected to stow away. It brought a mischievous grin to the old man’s wrinkled face.
Two knocks coincided with the lighting of his pipe.
“Mr. Madrigal, your--”
“Yes, I know - bring her in.”
He would have been content to remain bedridden for just another hour, but Simon Madrigal was never one to put his wants before his needs.
“You’ve been sleeping in again,” the young brunette noted as she stepped swiftly toward the window and pulled apart the curtains.
The old man squinted. “You may recall that I’m retired.”
“Being a Madrigal is--”
“--a full time occupation and a lifelong commitment. Do you honestly still believe those words?”
She glanced down pensively and clasped her hands together. “...I might,” she admitted with a smile.
Simon laughed. “Well, you shouldn’t. I only taught you that nonsense because you loafed around too much as a child. Now you’re an eager morning bird - what happened?”
“I’ve not a clue, grandfather, but my hunch is that it has something to do with my obligation to your health.” She snatched the pipe out of his hand and set it on the windowsill. “How many times do I have to tell you to stop that?”
He gave a rumbling groan. “I thought my wife died ten years ago.” But he knew she was not wrong, and he had no right to resent her candor. It was through his own efforts that all of his children and grandchildren learned to speak bluntly, even to their elders.
“A good wife doesn’t need a pulse to keep her husband in line. Now, are you ready to begin?”
He nodded and began unbuttoning his shirt. “Of course. I’ve an unusually eventful day ahead of me.” The old man slouched down until he was flat on his back with his head propped up on a pillow. His upper body was rather fit for his age - but the dozens of scattered scars rendered his skin less presentable.
Teresa plucked off her gloves and rolled up her sleeves. “I was wondering why you sent for me again so soon. What is the occasion?” She placed a compact lockbox on the endtable and opened it to retrieve a scalpel.
“They’re honoring the veterans of the Great Blockade”, he explained, “and I didn’t bother to tell them that I wasn’t enlisted until the next year.”
She laughed lightly. “I’m sure they’d be happy to have you regardless. They’d be hard pressed to find someone your age who can remember anything at all.” She leaned in to search for an unblemished section of skin and settled for a spot on his upper right arm, where a lone scar had almost completely faded.
The venerable man was virtually numb to the sensation of the scalpel. What at first seemed perverse had by now become mundane. “Frankly, I don’t remember very much either. I’ll have no choice but to rivet them with tall tales.”
Their conversation came to a halt as Teresa’s attention narrowed in on her work. With her first laceration complete, she pulled away a blanket and tugged up a pant leg to reveal a pale, bony calf, just as saturated in scars as the torso. She opened another incision, lifted his leg, and squeezed it until the slightest stream of blood dripped down.
Teresa had just one more canvas to stain: her own flesh. She ran a clean scalpel through her palm and hovered it over the open wound on the elder’s arm. As two fingers pulled the cut apart, several drops of her own blood trickled down to infuse with his.
She pulled away her bloodied hand and clenched it shut while her cleaner fingers gently massaged Simon’s arm. She took a deep breath, shut her eyes, and began channeling her most practiced spell.
A tingling sensation overtook Simon’s nerves. It was neither euphoric nor painful; it merely signaled that the magic was working. The sensation traveled down from his shoulder to his legs, which tremored involuntarily as the magic ran its course.
Teresa pinned his legs still with her hands and pressed a soft cloth against the second incision. She kept her grip firm as she concentrated for a few more minutes, only letting go when the limbs ceased to shake.
She inspected the blood-soaked rag before discarding it into a rubbish bin. All three incisions had been sufficiently cauterized by the ritual, though they remained bright red and vulnerable.
Finally, Teresa opened a vial and poured it over Simon’s belly, releasing a lone leech. “Promise me that you won’t neglect to leech tonight. My work can only be half as effective when you don’t do your part to maintain it.”
“You know how much I hate these things,” he mumbled as he watched the slithering creature suckle from his skin. “And you know it won’t make a difference whether I last ten more years or ten more days. Life has been good to--”
“It makes all the difference in the world,” she interrupted. “You’ve still so much wisdom to bestow.”
He snickered as he slowly heaved himself up. “One of these days, Teresa, you’re going to realize that I’m not as wise as you think.”
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5hfanfiction · 6 years
Camren: At First Sight (Chapter 4)
Trigger Warning: mention of sexual assault 
A/N: Hi guys! If you want to start from the beginning, it’s posted on Wattpad (@paigejv). Enjoy :)
“UGHHHH,” I groaned into my pillow, fumbling to silence the alarm. Ms. Philips wouldn’t mind if I came late to first period, right? Surely a top student deserves a little leeway…  
I jolted up in bed.
“Guys,” I rasped, my eyes squinting against the sunlight pouring through the cabin window. “It’s elimination day.” 
No response. Turning to my right, I ran my fingers over the now vacant space beside me. I sighed when I found the sheets cold.   
Before I could wonder further, Lauren came striding through the bunk door, her notebook tucked under her arm. “No shit, Sherlock,” she grinned. “How’s your leg?”
“Throbbing,” I winced. “But I’ll live.” I scrunched my blankets to the bottom of the bed and climbed to my feet. With a hiss, I managed to limp forward, over to Dinah’s sleeping form.
She lay curled beneath her covers, her head turned away from the wall. I cupped my hands around my mouth.   
“Are you sure that’s—” Lauren started, her eyes wide.
“IT’S TIME TO GET UP,” I shouted into Dinah’s ear, my voice echoing through the cabin.
She sat up so fast, she nearly banged her head on the bedpost. “What the hell, Mila!” The younger girl grabbed for her heart, jabbing an accusing finger in my face. “You little shit.”
I shrugged, grinning. “You looked so peaceful.” 
“And you, Lauren? I would have thought you knew better,” Dinah glared. 
She raised her hands protectively. “Hey, hey. Don’t drag me into this. That was all Camz.”  
“So when I pummel her, you won’t stop me?”
Ally’s moan saved Lauren from answering. “Remind me again why we went to bed so late?” 
“Hot guys,” Lauren smirked. 
I raised my eyebrow, turning toward Normani. “What?”
“I thought you said—“
“We need to get ready,” she mumbled, not meeting my gaze. “There’s no time to shower.” 
I nodded and limped back to my cubby. Lost in thoughts of the impending elimination, we dressed in silence, well-aware that our next trip to the cabin could be to pack our suitcases. 
My hair was a disaster, so I tied it up in a ponytail before hurrying onto the porch. 
“Right, right, shoes.” 
Lauren shook her head, smirking, as I limped back and stuffed them onto my feet. 
“Don’t judge me. I’m so nervous.” 
We headed toward the main building, trudging through the cold morning air. I took a deep breath. 
“It will be over soon,” Ally smiled, throwing her arm across my shoulder. “Don’t worry. If anyone’s getting through, it’s going to be the five of us.”
I giggled. “Yeah, obviously, we’re—”
“All five? Those odds aren’t too hot,” Normani blurted. 
Piercing green eyes turned a shade darker as Lauren glared at the older girl. “Not helping,” she spat. 
“Hey, I’m just being realistic.” 
I slipped my hand into Lauren’s and pulled her into the cafeteria before she could respond. “Let’s get some oatmeal.”
She followed reluctantly. “Mush, you mean.” 
“Not when you add bananas.”
“Banana mush.”
I placed my hand over my heart. “And I thought we were friends.” 
The corner of her mouth lifted. “Just because you have a weird obsession with bananas doesn’t mean I have to like eating them.”
“There’s a joke there somewhere,” Dinah smirked, joining us at the table. 
I flushed slightly as Lauren poked my cheek. 
“Hey look,” I announced, quickly changing the subject. “It’s Arin.” He stumbled into the cafeteria, half-asleep, and slid into the chair next to Keaton’s. 
“Normaniiiii,” Ally sang. “You should go say hello.”
I giggled.
“Fuck off,” Normani muttered under her breath. Dinah gasped, and Ally looked hurt. 
“What has gotten into you today?” Lauren asked angrily. 
“Or last night, for that matter,” Dinah blurted. “Why’d you leave so early?”
I swung my eyes in her direction. Under our scrutiny, she fidgeted, her face turning red. “I—”
“Quiet, please.” Demi’s voice echoed around the cafeteria. 
We had been too distracted to notice her entrance. I whipped my head around to face her, my heart already pounding. She stood with Simon at her side and tapped the microphone until the room fell silent. My stomach dropped as I braced myself for what she had to say.
“We’ll talk later,” Ally whispered. 
Normani merely nodded, her eyes downcast.
“Will the following people please stand?” Demi cleared her throat and unfolded a piece of paper, preparing to read.
“Really?” Lauren whispered. “They’re going to do this here?”
“Shush,” I hissed. 
“Emma Dover,” she read. “Catherine Edwards. Nate Elsen. Sam Gorman.”
My heart nearly stopped when I realized the list was alphabetical. I tuned out the rest of the names. “She skipped me.” I could feel the tears building behind my eyes, my face turning red. 
Lauren squeezed my hand hard. “She’s skipped all of us, Camz.”
It was true. Demi was already past “M,” and not one of our five names had been called. Normani muttered to herself, looking as heartbroken as I felt. 
“And Abby Williams,” Demi finished, replacing the mic in its stand. “Please follow me.” 
We watched them leave the cafeteria mutely, gathering their things. Simon stayed at the front of the room, scanning our faces. 
“She didn’t say what the names meant,” Ally whispered. 
I closed my eyes.
The cafeteria door screeched shut, and we all turned to stare at Simon. He surveyed us in silence. And then the corner of his mouth lifted. “Relax. You all made it.”
The roar was deafening. I cried as Lauren’s arms came around my own, followed by Dinah, and Ally, and even Normani, who squeezed into the giant group hug so tight I could barely breathe. 
Simon chuckled, then cleared his throat to call our attention. Twice. Three times. It wasn’t until Demi had returned, a good ten minutes later, that we reclaimed our seats and quieted down. My smile was so big, it felt like my cheeks were going to break. 
“Congratulations,” Demi grinned. “You’ve really earned it.” Another round of applause shook the room.
“Should we explain the third challenge?” Simon murmured. 
Demi considered for a moment, then turned her head and spoke into the mic. “Challenge 3 will be tomorrow afternoon. All you need to know for now,“ and she waved her hand over a stack of papers on the front table, “is the song you will perform. Once you finish breakfast, pick up your assignment and head to rehearsal straightaway.”
As the judges took their leave, Demi’s eyes met mine. She winked quickly, and like the weirdo I am, my hand raised in a thumbs-up. I flushed when she smiled knowingly.
Itching to get started, we hurried to the trashcan and dumped our bowls of mush.
I was in such a hurry to escape the rehearsal room that I left through a back door. Expecting to be alone, I was surprised to find a familiar shape sitting in the grass. 
“Camz?” Lauren closed her notebook quickly when I walked toward her. She leaned forward, squinting against the sun. “What’s wrong?”
I wiped the tears from my eyes with shaking hands. “Nothing. I’m just being stupid.” 
“Come here,” she implored, holding out her arms.    
I scooted into them gratefully. As she stroked my hair, I let out a sigh, relaxing into her embrace. My eyelids slid shut. 
“How do you do it?” I murmured. 
“Do what?”
“Make me feel so good.”
I felt Lauren’s hand freeze on my hair. Then she laughed lightly, and I could breathe again. What the fuck, Camila. 
“I guess I just understand where you’re coming from.”
I bit my lip. “Don’t tell me you also forgot the words when Simon walked by? No wait—you definitely didn’t knock over the music stand and spill your drink all over the floor. Only I could do that.” 
She grimaced. “Sounds like a great practice.”
“The best.”
We fell into a comfortable silence. I wiggled slightly and moved down her body to rest my head in her lap. Stretching my legs across the grass, I watched as the shapes in the clouds raced through the sky, joining with the treetops when I couldn’t see any further.   
These arms of mine, they are lonely / Lonely and feeling blue
My breath hitched when Lauren began to sing. At barely more than a whisper, I strained my ears, needing to hear every word. 
These arms of mine, they are yearning / Yearning from wanting you
I lifted my chin to look at her, but those green eyes stared straight ahead, refusing to meet my gaze. 
And if you would let them hold you / Oh, how grateful I will be
When I ran my fingers over her hand, her cheeks took on a red tinge, but her voice didn’t waver. 
These arms of mine, they are burning / Burning from wanting you
She stopped as abruptly as she started. Of their own accord, my fingers reached up and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “That was amazing,” I breathed. 
“Thanks.” She finally dropped her eyes to meet mine, a soft smile playing at the corners of her lips. I had never seen her so vulnerable. Those green orbs consumed me, and I couldn’t look away, desperate to decipher her expression.  
“Lauren?” I murmured. 
“Yeah?” she breathed, her eyes still on mine. 
“Can you tell me what you’re thinking?”
I watched her blush up to the roots of her dark hair. She broke our eye contact and stared straight ahead, across the open field. “That I have to learn the end of that song if I’m going to have a shot at making it to the Judges’ Houses.” She gently pushed me off her lap and climbed to her feet, lifting her notebook from the grass. “We’d better go before lunch ends.”
I nodded mutely and wiped the dirt off my shorts.  
“What,” Dinah pushed her food around her plate angrily, “has gotten into you guys?” 
I looked up to see Lauren frowning into her spaghetti. She offered a vague shrug and merely rolled her eyes, avoiding my gaze completely.
“First Normani,” Dinah huffed, “and now you two.” She waved her fork between us. “No one’s saying anything.” 
I reached for my napkin and let my fingers tear it to strips, too anxious to sit still. 
“That’s it.” Dinah banged her cup on the table. “We’re gonna play a game. Outside, all of you, now.”
No one moved. 
“We’re still eating,” Ally finally protested. 
Dinah crossed her arms. “Fine. Then we’ll play right here. Truth or dare.” 
“What do you want to know, Dinah? That I’m not as nice as you thought I was? That I don’t give a fuck about any of you?” Normani blurted. 
I flinched and found myself leaning away from the older girl. She was my competitor, and there was a decent chance I wouldn’t see her after this week, but it hurt all the same.    
“Fuck you.” Lauren finally said, her tone flat. 
Instead of shooting back an insult, Normani dropped her head into her hands. “I’m sorry,” she whispered.
I sat there, frozen, as Dinah stretched her hand across the table and placed it reassuringly on the older girl’s arm. “Actually…I wanted to know what Arin did to you.”
My mouth dropped open. Lauren looked just as surprised as I felt; she turned in my direction, crinkling her nose in confusion. It was the first time she had looked at me since we came inside. 
“Wait…” Ally sighed. “This has to do with—"
But Dinah ignored her, focusing her attention on Normani. “He didn’t, like, you know…”   
I held my breath as we waited for her reply, a sick feeling settling in my stomach. 
“No,” she finally murmured in a thick voice. She wiped her eyes roughly. “But if his friend hadn’t seen us…I don’t know. He could have.”
Dinah stood up so quickly her chair skidded against the wall. “I’m going to fucking kill him,” she snarled.  
“No,” Normani repeated weakly. Lauren grabbed Dinah’s arm to stop her from charging across the cafeteria and attacking Arin then and there. “I mean…it just happened so fast. I’m not sure…” 
“Not sure of what, Normani?” Ally asked softly. 
But she just shook her head. “Never mind. Can we talk about something else?”
“No,” Lauren and Dinah scowled. “You’ve got to report him.”
Normani just shook her head. “And say what? He kissed me?” She scoffed. “It would be weirder if he hadn’t.” 
I cleared my throat. “Wait, I don’t understand. So what happened?”
The older girl reached for her fork, pushing the food across her plate. “I don’t…know.” Her voice cracked. 
We fell silent at that. I replayed the conversation, barely paying attention to Dinah as she walked around the table and wrapped Normani in a hug.
“It was fucking terrible,” she older girl mumbled, her gaze fixed on a speck of dirt beside her cup. “Whether I wanted him or not didn’t seem to matter.”  
Lauren’s eyes turned a full shade darker. She clenched her fists, clearly itching to…well, I wasn’t really sure. But Arin wouldn’t like it. 
“There’s only two days left, Normani,” Ally said softly. “Let’s hope he gets eliminated.” 
“And we make it,” Normani hiccupped. “I’m sorry, guys. Really. You’re the best.”  
“Duh,” Dinah grinned. “And from now on, no boys. We stick together.” 
I looked at Lauren quickly, thinking about Keaton. But the corner of her mouth quirked. “No boys,” she echoed, her green eyes settling on my own. She smiled tentatively. I think my answering grin spoke for itself.
Lauren laced our fingers and pulled me into the auditorium. “What do you think the meeting’s about?”
“Maybe they’ll explain the final challenge?” The other contestants milled around the stage, and with a jolt, I remembered the first time I had come through those doors. Just as uncertain, just as nervous…but now I had the green-eyed girl beside me. That made all the difference.  
“Earth to Camila,” Lauren sang.
I blushed, realizing I had been staring at her. “Sorry. What were you saying?”
She just shook her head, a grin pulling at her lips. “Never mind.”
We sat behind our bunkmates. Dinah was still consoling a distressed Normani, but Ally smiled at us in acknowledgement. When she turned back around, I leaned into Lauren’s side, sighing happily as her fingers rubbed patterns into my arm.    
“Alright, listen up.” Demi spoke into the mic. I did a double take. Beside her stood…holy hell. “As you can see, we have two new judges joining us for the third challenge and the remainder of the season. Please welcome…Britney Spears and L.A. Reid!”
The applause was deafening. I grabbed Lauren’s arm, my mouth open, too starstruck to form words. 
I loved the way her eyes sparkled under the stage lights. She laughed, giddy, and ran her hand through her hair. “As if things couldn’t get any crazier.” 
“Cue flashback to seven-year-old me rocking it out to ‘Toxic,’” I giggled. “If you’d told me that I’d be singing in front of Britney Spears for real…”    
“So you’ve always been a dork?” Lauren teased.        
“Hey,” I whined. “I—"
“Shut it, lovebirds,” Dinah called over her shoulder. I didn’t register what she had said until Lauren jumped away from me, pushing my arm off hers. My wrist crashed into the floor to support my weight. “Oof,” I winced.  
“Sorry,” she muttered, refusing to meet my gaze.
I tried to listen to L.A. Reid when he stepped up to the mic, but my mind was working in overdrive, spinning out of control. It was a joke I know Dinah didn’t mean anything by it but oh god Lauren sure thought she did I could see it written all over her face the way she pushed me away in disgust like she wanted nothing to do with me—
“Coming, Mila?” Ally asked. I shook my head slowly, staring around the room, surprised to find most of the contestants standing in four columns. I blinked, confused, before spotting Lauren and the girls lined up in front of Britney. She held a sign over her head that read “Teens,” so I scrambled to my feet and moved to join them. 
When Arin ambled in front of me, I curled my lip, wishing I could shove him off the stage. Assuming Ally shared the same sentiment, I turned around…and was surprised to see she had joined Demi’s line. I raised my eyebrow, frowning. 
“I’m 19,” she mouthed, pointing to the sign above Demi’s head. “Young adult.” 
Hm. I hadn’t known that. I smiled weakly and raised my hand, giving her a thumbs-up.
“Alright. Here’s what we’re going to do.” Demi spoke into the mic once more, dropping her sign at her feet. “The lines you’re in now are your competition. For the third challenge, you’ll be singing for one of six available spots in your age group.”
I gulped, my stomach dropping, as I looked up my line. No way in hell could I beat all those people. Not to mention…Lauren. I watched as she ran her hand through her long black hair. I willed her to turn around, but she kept her eyes trained on the judges. 
“We want to give you the chance to work with other singers,” Demi continued. “Some of your coaches have complained that they can’t get through to you guys.”
I bit my lip. Whoops.  
“If you look to your right and left, you’ll see your new group members. Not in your age category, of course, so help each other as much as you can, please. You’ll have the afternoon to run through your songs. After dinner, you’ll meet with your coaches and show them what you’ve learned.” Demi beckoned the first contestants forward and spoke to them briefly before sending them off to a rehearsal room. 
My line moved slowly, and I tried to count across the rows to figure out who I would end up with. Lauren never turned around, but I glanced at her periodically, noting the way she shifted her weight from one foot to the other.  
When Ally was paired with Arin, I smiled sympathetically at her scowl, waving to her sadly as she left the auditorium. And then it was my turn. 
“Room 12, guys,” Demi consulted her notes. “Make sure you know your lyrics by tonight’s practice.” She smirked at me briefly, and I sighed, knowing that was for my benefit. 
“Will do,” I nodded quickly, with all the confidence I could muster. 
We trudged through the auditorium doors.  
I threw my arm over my eyes and collapsed into my bed, my stomach full to bursting from dinner with our small groups. “I’m never getting up,” I croaked aloud, assuming it was Dinah on the stairs.
Wrong. Lauren chuckled as she pushed through the bunk door, stumbling slightly in the dark. “Tell me about it.” 
I fidgeted nervously. Her damn mood swings were giving me whiplash, and my heart thudded as she came straight for me. Those green eyes didn’t quite meet mine. “Scoot, will you?” 
I wasn’t about to question it. My bed dipped under her weight, and she curled into my side, tucking her arm behind my head. I stiffened when her fingers grazed my collarbone. 
“You know we have practice in forty-five minutes?” Dinah thumped into the cabin and flicked on the light, making us both jump. “Weren’t you going to shower, Mila?”
I sighed. “Yeah.” But I burrowed further into Lauren’s neck, pressing my body flush against hers, feeling reckless.  
“She smells good.”
I opened one eye, squinting against the light. My lips quirked when Lauren turned red. I didn’t bother hiding my smirk.  
“I mean you could probably wait until after rehearsal to shower,” she mumbled, rolling onto her stomach and out of my arms. “If you’ll be awake enough at midnight.” 
I groaned and shoved a pillow over my face. Though working with the other contestants had proved surprisingly useful—I’d fully memorized the lyrics, and Tate had suggested a genius note change to serve as my redemption—I wanted nothing more than to stay in this bed. For eternity. 
But I squeezed my eyes shut and let my better sense win out. Deep breath. I counted to five and sat up slowly, reaching for my towel. “If I’m this tired now, I’m going to pass out later.” I stumbled into the bathroom and turned the tap to scalding. 
I wished I could shut my brain off, just for a minute. So I wouldn’t have to remember the way my body responded to Lauren’s raspy voice, the way those green eyes bared so much, even as she said nothing at all. I hated the power she held, able to turn my day from good to bad to good again with nothing more than a well-timed smile…or a well-placed shove.   
Shut it, lovebirds. 
I especially refused to think about why I cared so much.       
Instead, I tipped my chin toward the shower head, letting the water mingle with my tears and wash them down my skin. They pooled behind the rim of my shower shoes and only spilled over when I shook them free, spraying water across the tub. My fingers had wrinkled to prunes before I found the energy to cut the tap.
When I reached for my towel, my hand hit the wall with a painful smack. I muttered a curse, groping blindly from behind the shower curtain, certain I had hooked it on the door. I reluctantly pulled the curtain aside, shivering, and searched the tile floor. My clothes lay in a messy pile, and I tried not to drip water on them as I stepped out of the tub. 
“Guys?” I cracked the bathroom door open. “Can someone pass me a towel?”
No response.      
I peered around the door and into the cabin. It was completely empty…and there was my towel, crumpled on my bed. I bit my lip. Ten steps, max, and I’d be back in the bathroom, warm and dry. I shivered when I inched further around the door, half my body already into the bunk, ready to make a run for it…
I slammed the door on my toe as I jumped back, petrified. “What the fuck, guys!” I slid my hands to my knees and bent over, waiting for my heart to stop pounding. 
“That was fucking hilarious!” Dinah called. “And payback for this morning. You really should have known better, Mila.” 
“Oh yeah?” I gasped through the door. “You just wait, Dinah Jane Hansen. Just. You. Wait. You’re so done.”
“Hey, you can’t only blame me. It was Lauren’s idea!” she shouted back.
I blushed, wondering how much of my body had been visible when the girls jumped out from behind their cubbies. “You’re both fucked, then.”
Normani and Ally giggled. Traitors. “Still want that towel, Mila?”
“No.” I crossed my arms, even though she couldn’t see me through the door. “I’m just fine, thank you very much.” I slipped on clean clothes and ran my comb through my hair, taking care to spray water over the other girls’ belongings. “That’s what you get,” I muttered.
“Stop talking to yourself and come out here,” Lauren called. “You’re going to be late.” 
Hearing footsteps pounding down the stairs, I flung the door aside and stepped into the cabin. Lauren was alone. Her hand was in her hair, and she bit her lip as her gaze traveled down my body, over my chest, and lingered on the sliver of skin peeking out from beneath the hem of my shirt. Our eyes locked.
“Come on,” she muttered, and spun on her heel. The back of her ears turned bright red as we pushed through the door. 
A/N: Thanks so much for reading! As always, more chapters are posted on Wattpad (@paigejv). Skip directly to chapter 5.0 <3 
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Inside No. 9 Series 6 Episode 3 Review: Lip Service
Warning: contains spoilers for Inside No. 9 series 6 episode 3.
What a sad tale! Four sad tales, if we’re counting – a melancholic pass-the-parcel that tore off layers of wrapping and changed shape at regular intervals. ‘Lip Service’ started out as a domestic drama that turned dark, briefly became a romance, and ended unexpectedly as a conspiracy thriller. Four stories, three twists, as many genres, 30 minutes, no waiting. Where else on TV does an audience get this much bang for their buck?
Until its final moments, ‘Lip Service’ ran at a different speed to this series’ previous two episodes. While they were crammed with busy dialogue and heightened drama, this started with silence and space. Felix Hughes (Steve Pemberton) checked into the grotty three-star Medway Hotel, placed a pair of binoculars on the bed, and cry-screamed into a pillow. A poignant piano score accompanied his turmoil as we took in his grimy, desaturated surroundings, which were decked out in queasily vintage shades of green, brown and orange.
Reece Shearsmith’s character – an officious German hotel manager, part Basil Fawlty in ‘The Psychiatrist’ episode, part WWII movie baddie, with an accent to rival the outrageous Italian Shearsmith played in ‘Wuthering Heist’ – was as retro as the furnishings. Eric Muller’s arrival burst the bubble of pathos built up by Pemberton and the music in the episode’s opening moments, shifting the tone from mournful to comedic. Sian Clifford’s character Iris was pitched at the same caricature-ish level. From her costume-y outdated clothes to her mannered, eye-contact avoiding delivery, she could almost have been the more switched-on sister of Psychoville’s Emily. 
Iris was a caricature, of course, a misfit creation whose lonely “I’m single as a dollar and not looking for change” backstory was just a cover. Every so often, her dialogue seemed to betray the slicker, more alpha character beneath – when she admonished Felix about women taking their careers seriously, or her analysis of how press agents “have to be flirtatious to coerce people into doing their bidding,” for instance. 
Flirting to coerce was exactly what Iris was doing to Felix, whom she manipulated into exactly where she needed him. He thought he’d hired her as a professional lip reader to spy on his wife’s meeting over the road, but where Iris was concerned, spy was – forgive the pun – the operative word.
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Inside No. 9 Series 6 Episode 2 Review: Simon Says
By Louisa Mellor
Inside No. 9 Series 6 Episode 1 Review: Wuthering Heist
By Louisa Mellor
After a series of lies were revealed, viewers learned that Clifford’s character wasn’t just a lip reader, but a member of the British intelligence service (revealing secondary wordplay in that ‘Lip Service’ title). She was there to frame Felix for murder. The government needed to squash an imminent leak from political activist Dimitri Novak, who worked with Felix’s ex, so MI5 framed Felix as Dimitri’s killer, and shot them both. In a downbeat but neatly structured ending, Felix was carried away in a body bag, and the corrupt politicians lived to lie another day. 
A second watch reveals exactly how the plan worked, all the way down to the hotel fire alarm drill that obscured the sound of the operation. Felix needed to be seen in the window brandishing a gun, while the real gunman next door took out Dimitri. ‘Iris’ got him into position, throwing him the hotel hairdryer as a prop for the benefit of eyewitnesses. The only ambiguous note for me was whether or not Shearsmith‘s character was part of the plan, working against MI5, or totally unaware of what was going on. I’d guess the latter but am happy to be corrected.
Pemberton’s tragic character went through a fascinating shift in the half-hour. He moved from pitiable to potential threat then back to victim. His disgusted, totally non-prurient reaction to the jazz mag and lovelorn reminiscences of Brenda (“Dorothy Perkins”) marked him out as no danger to Iris. Then after the restraining order twist, Brenda calling Felix insane, and him violently throwing the binoculars, he felt like a believable menace. Broken shell to lethal threat – get you a man who can do both.
It wasn’t all misery and menace. The lip-reading premise allowed for some good old-fashioned gags (“You deserve a penis… happiness”), the “Max/my ex” line set a satisfying mini-puzzle and there were funny standalone lines (“It’s like Mumsnet, but with sad men rather than competitive women”). Iris lip-reading Brenda’s side of the phone call was a particularly clever arrangement that didn’t break Inside No. 9’s single location rule. If it’s never been done before, that was a beautiful bit of workmanship.
cnx.cmd.push(function() { cnx({ playerId: "106e33c0-3911-473c-b599-b1426db57530", }).render("0270c398a82f44f49c23c16122516796"); });
On the single location rule, in a bend of tradition, Felix and Iris weren’t inside a number nine themselves, but instead preoccupied with what was going on inside the No. 9 hotel over the road. Before anybody sends in a complaint though, add up the digits of Felix’s room number for some maths-based fun. Oh, and good hotel kettle tip, by the way. Best just pack the one from home from now on, eh.
Inside No. 9 continues on Monday the 31st of May at 9.30pm on BBC Two.
The post Inside No. 9 Series 6 Episode 3 Review: Lip Service appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3fLuh2i
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irrelevantwriter · 7 years
Simon’s Advent Calendar Challenge Day 5: Christmas Movies
Characters: Simon x OFC
Rating: NSFW, Explicit 
Warnings: Smut (like…a lot), vague mentions of past sexual abuse, mentions of pornography, mentions of bodily fluids, unprotected sex, cursing, degrading Santa’s reputation (???)
Word Count: 7K
Summary: Carmen requested a special Christmas tradition from Simon, but things took a different turn when Simon mistakenly brought some XXX to the holidays. 
This is for the “Simon’s Advent Calendar Challenge” by @simons-thirst-squad. I chose the prompt “Christmas Movies” and I decided to take this down a very dirty path. I’ve never written Simon smut before, but I’ve been wanting to so here ya go. Hope its dirty enough for you coal getting, name on the naughty list, thirsty squad of Simon!
Also, the movie mentioned in this story is very real so I cannot take credit for the heinous title. 
 Happy Holidays!
It was late. The halls of the Sanctuary were empty and silent. She knew if she were anyone else she’d be escorted back to her room for being out after curfew, but she had obtained perks throughout her stay at the Sanctuary. And they were all thanks to a man named Simon.
Carmen turned the last corner and spotted the lone door at the end of the hallway. She was in a secluded part of the factory, but the location was not by accident. Only the best for Negan’s top executive. She made her booted footsteps muted as she slowly walked towards the closed door. There was a soft light emanating from the crack at the bottom. She sucked in a large breath and released it slowly. She was nervous.
She and Simon had become an item recently. When he’d found her out in the shell of what was left of the world she’d been a prisoner. She’d been a hostage among men of the most brutal caliber. Simon had saved her. And perhaps it was the savior complex that tethered her to him at first, but over time her fondness for him never waned. There’d been other suitors who’d approached her, their interest written all over their face and their words dripping with it. She’d never once been tempted to explore those options. She’d only ever felt safe and comfortable with the mustached man who’d bragged about gelato upon their first meeting. She smiled at the memory.
She fidgeted with her dark hair, thankful she had at least had the forethought to check her reflection in one of the mirrors from the communal bathrooms. Her hair ran down her back in natural waves, the frizz apparent after a long day. Her dark eyes were weary, much like everyone’s nowadays, but they shined with anticipation for what was to come. Her complexion was lighter now that the summer months were long gone, but her natural caramel color was still apparent. The dark circles under her eyes were visible, but had faded over time. She’d scrutinized her appearance with a critical eye, wishing she’d spent more of her points on makeup or clothing. Her red plaid button-up was wrinkled and smelled of baby powder. Her black jeans had a poor excuse for a patch over one knee, the shade of black not at all a match to the rest of the fabric. She looked presentable in the context of an apocalyptic world, but not for a meeting with a potential….what? What was Simon to her?
A soft thud sounded from the room just beyond the door and she slammed back into the current moment. She shook her head to rid her mind of anymore self-analytical thoughts and lifted a fist to knock. The knocks sounded small to her ears, but she knew Simon heard them. She could hear him shuffling to get to the door. She shifted back on her feet as the door swept open, revealing a far more relaxed looking Simon than she was used to seeing.
“Hey…” He was smiling wide, his teeth on display as he met her eyes. Carmen couldn’t help but to return the sentiment.
“Hey yourself,” She threw back, her gaze momentarily straying to the extra buttons undone on his grey shirt. His many belts were gone from his waist. His shirt was half untucked, his sleeves still rolled to his elbows. His boots were still on his feet, but she could tell the laces were loosened. He looked at ease and happy to see her.
“Come on in,” He ushered her inside, moving aside to allow her to slip passed him. 
Carmen let her eyes dance over the space. She’d never been to his room before. It was large and surprisingly inviting. There was a large bed, perhaps a queen-sized mattress, with a dark tan comforter and chocolate-colored sheets. The pillows were large and looked extremely fluffy. The bed was simply made, with a soft cream knit throw blanket at the end of the bed. It was unexpectedly warm and domestic for the man who was near the same level of dangerous as Negan. There was a small kitchenette with various cooking utensils and refrigerator. There was even a small dining table for two. A brown leather couch sat alongside one wall with a dresser and television set positioned across from it. A door in the far-left corner had Carmen deducing it was a bathroom. His set up was nice…a palace compared to what most had.
“Wow…this is amazing.” She stated in slight awe. She felt a pull towards his bed, but kept her feet firmly planted in the center of the room. It’d been far too long since she’d felt the plushness of a mattress. She slept on a cot in a room with two other women.
“Oh uh, thanks.” He sounded sheepish as he shut the door and turned to face her. His hands were shoved into his pockets and Carmen couldn’t help but notice how boyish he looked standing there. He had to be at least ten years older than her, but he looked remarkably juvenile…in a positive way. That was one thing she had liked about Simon from the beginning. He made her laugh, and he did so by projecting a child-like quality that was robbed from this world years earlier. She was sure his charm would’ve been anything but appealing before the turn, but now it reminded her that there was a world beyond the dead…one with human emotion still summering at the surface.
“You want something to drink?” He asked as he scratched at the back of his neck. He was nervous and the realization calmed Carmen’s own nerves. It’d been so long since she’d entertained the idea of being with a man. It’d been even longer since she’d acted on it. She was never good at projecting her interest to the opposite sex.
“Sure. Whatcha got?” She watched as he moved towards his refrigerator, his hulking frame looking ten times larger in the semi-confined space.
“I got beer. Home brew.” 
He was talking into the fridge as he bent down to pull two bottles from the shelves. Carmen unabashedly zeroed in on his ass. She’d glimpsed the sight a time or two before and was not disappointed. He straightened up and turned to face her, an eyebrow raised at her in question. She belatedly realized he had asked her a question and she had failed to supply an answer.
“Oh yeah, that’d be great.” She said with a slight laugh. He smiled and popped the two tops with ease only a master drinker could accomplish. His biceps were straining against his shirt and she once again tried to keep from staring too long. He made it to her in three large steps and she took the outstretched bottle from his calloused hand. Their skin met for the briefest of moments and she noted how much warmth he seemed to radiate.
“Cheers to the most wonderful time of the year,” Simon deadpanned. Carmen laughed, raising her bottle to clink with his. The liquid was bitter, but the aftertaste was pleasant. It reminded her of hot summer days and football games. It reminded her of her family. A twinge of sadness accompanied the memories, but she quickly pushed them away. That was another life, another time.
“Its good, right?” Simon asked, his boyish grin back on his mustached face. She nodded in agreement, wiping some of the brew from her lips. She belatedly noticed the table-top Christmas tree on his dresser. It was a cheap, plastic structure with colored lights and a hideous looking gold star on top. It was the kind you’d see inside of a dollar store before the turn. But in Simon’s room it looked almost delicate. 
“Feeling the Christmas spirit?” Carmen asked, her head tilting in the direction of the miniature aluminum tree. Simon’s gaze followed her movements and he smirked.
“What can I say? I’m a sucker for the old man in red.” He joked, arms outstretched in confession.
Carmen laughed, the sound not unfamiliar to her ears when in his presence. Their eyes locked for a few seconds longer than necessary and she could feel her cheeks heat at the gesture. She thought about his visit to her earlier that day. She’d been cleaning up the makeshift school room after all the children had gone when he’d stopped by. He’d promised her a gift, though he wouldn’t say what it was. He’d asked her to come by later in the evening and she’d agreed without hesitation. She trusted him. And if she was being honest, she was hoping they’d take whatever they were doing to a more physical level.  
She cleared her throat, adverting her gaze to the only window in the space. The moon was full and its luminescent light bled into the room. “So…where’s my gift?” She teased. He laughed in response and she felt her body start to tingle at the sound.
“Ah, I see. Only here for the promise of free shit.” He feigned hurt as he placed a hand to his chest.
“You can’t promise a girl a gift and expect her to think about anything else.” She fired back, her eyebrow raised in challenge.
“Touché.” He smirked, nodding his head in defeat. She watched as he took a pull from his beer and turned away from her and towards the dresser. His shoulders were wide and they stretched the material of his already tight shirt as he moved.
“So, you remember what you asked me to find a few weeks ago?” He asked with his back still to her. He was rummaging through the top drawer and Carmen tried to peek over his shoulder, though the gesture was useless. He was much taller than her five-foot-two frame.  
“Ummm….” She trailed off, trying to place the conversation he’d been referring to. It clicked for her when she thought back to the interaction they’d had right after “Thanksgiving”. There was no way to be sure if they were correct on their timeline of celebrations, but the weather provided enough clues. Carmen had been making a list of things she needed for the classroom when Simon stopped by. They’d chatted and flirted with ease, a dance they were familiar with. He’d happily taken the list from her and assured her he’d try his hardest to collect the supplies. At the last item on the list he’d raised a questioning eyebrow at her. She’d hesitantly written down “Christmas movies” in delicate cursive. She’d been on the hunt for any kind of Christmas loot so that she could dress up the room for the kids and give them a piece of what they used to have or never did have. It was a frivolous request and she’d told Simon not to worry about it, but he was adamant he would try.
The memory was gone in an instant when a slamming of a drawer brought her back to the present. Simon turned back to her, a stack of DVDs and VHS tapes clutched in both of his large hands. Carmen could feel a wetness trying to reach her eyes, but she quickly banished the emotion. She didn’t know why the gesture had made her emotional, but she had a feeling it had everything to do with the man before her. 
“I told you I’d come through. I’m a man of my word.” Simon presented the tattered and beat up movies to her and Carmen set down her beer to inspect his finds. She knew her mouth was hanging open slightly and her already large eyes were widened in disbelief. It was a small favor, but nowadays a small favor could get someone killed. Simon didn’t have to do what he did, he didn’t have to put his life on the line for her, but he did…more than once.
“I can’t believe you actually found some.” She said in awe as she read each title, nostalgia hitting her like an ocean wave. Some of her favorites were among the stack. A Christmas Story, Rudolph, Miracle on 34th Street. There were a few she’d never heard of before but she was sure the children would love them. Carmen tore her gaze from the items and met Simon’s warm eyes. He was looking at her with an emotion she couldn’t define, but that she didn’t to want to look away from.
“Wasn’t hard to find. Just hope they still work.” He said as he grabbed a few from her hands to fiddle with. Carmen bit her lip, trying to contain the smile that was threatening to burst off her face. Her eyes zeroed in on a black box atop the dresser behind him and her eyes lit up. 
“Let’s find out.” She exclaimed excitedly as she blindly reached for a DVD from his hand and walked to the DVD/VHS combo on his dresser. “This thing works, right?” She belatedly asked as she searched for the power button. She heard Simon chuckle behind her and then felt his warmth as he walked up and stopped just short of pressing his front into her back. His hand came out to press the button she’d been searching for, his arm nearly locking her in against his hard body and the piece of furniture. His scent filled her nostrils. He smelled like the wind, beer, and a hint of something spicy, cologne most likely. She struggled not to her push her backside into him. The temptation was there and she could feel herself ready to topple over the edge.
The once black screen of the television came to life and she realized Simon had turned it on. They both stepped back, waiting as the machines came to life. Carmen grabbed the DVD case of the movie she’d chosen and furrowed her brows. The cover was badly weathered, the title not clearly visible. She looked closer and could see the faded picture of a man dressed as Santa Clause and what looked like a girl sitting in his lap. Suddenly, music pierced the silence and a grainy image of a snowy New York skyline appeared on screen. 
“I don’t think I know this one.” Carmen said as she and Simon looked on. He was nursing his beer, his arms cross across his wide chest. He looked deep in thought, as if he was trying to place the movie as well.
 “Yeah, me either.” He finally said. Carmen startled abruptly as a loud and exaggerated moan filled the air, the image of a busy street replaced with a busty blonde being thoroughly ravaged by a man dressed as Santa, equipped with white beard and glasses. The image was unexpected and disturbing. The sounds of two people fucking echoed off the walls and seemed to magnify by the second. Simon started to cough and sputter, and Carmen realized he had choked on a swig of his beer. They both seemed paralyzed, unable to make a move to end the debauchery. A title in bold gold letters swept across the screen as Santa continued to fuck his “naughty girl”.
Miracle on 69th Street
Clever, Carmen thought. Simon hurried to shut the movie off, first muting the television and then stopping the movie altogether. The room was filled with only the sound of their breathing as they struggled to find their bearings. It seemed neither one of them knew what to say or do. Carmen tentatively met Simon’s eyes and she was surprised by her reaction. She laughed. It started as a giggle, but continued until she was clutching her stomach. Simon joined in, unable to dismiss the complete ridiculousness of the situation.
“I cannot believe that just happened.” Carmen managed to say between bouts of laughter. Her eyes had overflowed with tears and this time she didn’t stop them from falling. She wiped at the moisture as Simon clutched his stomach in amusement.
“What the fuck did we just witness?” He asked, running a hand over his moustache to smooth down the wayward whiskers. His smile was displayed brightly, his teeth impeccably white for the end of the world.
Carmen shook her head as her laughter turned to giggles. “I think my childhood is ruined.” She stated ruefully. Her cheeks hurt from the laughter and she could feel that they were pink with embarrassment. She had watched porn on occasion before the turn, but she’d never taken part in watching with a boyfriend. The act always felt too intrusive. That especially felt true in that moment. With Simon. Alone in his room. But there was an undertone of lust beneath the surface. She couldn’t deny she felt it. And she had a feeling he did too.
They had both stopped laughing and were now trying not to stare at the other, but failing miserably. They caught each other’s eyes and the instant they met, Carmen made a decision. She took a step towards him and he seemed to read her mind. He matched her movements and soon they were so close she couldn’t tell where his breath began and hers ended.
“Simon,” She breathed out. She could feel his heated gaze on her full lips and she licked them in response. The warm cocoa of his eyes had shifted to black. The change made her shiver.
“Carmen,” He responded. His voice low and gravelly with desire. The air around them was brimming with sexual tension. It had never been this intense with them before, but Carmen knew it had always been there; just waiting to show itself and combust. She stepped closer to him, if at all possible. It made it difficult for them to meet gazes, but she didn’t care. She leaned forward onto her tiptoes and brought her mouth to his ear.
“Kiss me.” She demanded and she swore she heard him growl. The sound fanned the already ravenous fire inside her. Simon wasted no time and pulled her flush against him as he attacked her waiting mouth. They clashed in a mass of lips, tongues, and hands. Carmen clung to his shirt as his lips dominated hers, his tongue gliding with hers in the most erotic fashion. The man could fucking kiss. He tasted like beer and citrus. His moustache tickled her skin, but she paid no mind to the delicious burn it left behind. His hands gripped at her waist, but she needed more. She pushed her chest up and into his, hoping he picked up on her hint. His mouth left hers and trailed down her neck, his teeth nibbling gently at the flesh. She allowed him more access as she leaned away to expose more of her skin to his hungry mouth. His hands still remained at her hips and she impatiently grabbed his left hand and placed it near her breast.
“Carmen, wait…” Simon rasped. His hands were back on her hips and he took a step back to allow space between their overheated bodies. Both of their chests were rising with rapid breaths, their lips swollen and red from their previous activities.
“What’s wrong?” She asked, her voice no longer as confident as it had been. She watched as Simon ran a hand over his graying hair. He seemed to be struggling with something. Doubt crept into Carmen’s mind and she immediately started to feel self-conscious.
“Are you sure about this?” He asked, the gentleness in his tone surprising her.
“Sure about what?”
“This.” He gestured to the space between the two of them but she was still confused. He took notice and elaborated with a sigh. “You and I.” He clarified.
Carmen closed the gap between them, her hands now back on his chest. She felt his own hands encircle her waist and she relished the comfort it brought her. She met his stare from beneath her dark lashes and she smiled softly up at him. Simon had always been gentle with her. She’d seen it the minute he’d saved her from hell. As a high-ranking official in the Sanctuary, Simon was someone to take notice of. He was someone to either impress or stay out of his way. He was a severe man with an air about him that demanded respect. He was like Negan in that way. He could be just as intimidating as the man himself. Many feared Simon about as much as they feared the Sanctuary’s leader. But Carmen had never been the target of such behavior. Simon had seen what she’d been through. She’d never explained in detail, but he had an idea. The pieces weren’t hard to put together. And because of that he’d been softer with her. He’d gone out of his way to make her comfortable. And for a while she thought it was all out of pity, but the more time they spent together and the more she observed how he acted around everyone else had her believing otherwise.
“Simon,” She started, the confidence in her voice slowly creeping back in. She rubbed against him as she lifted herself to his lips. She could feel his fingers digging in to the flesh of her hips as she nibbled at his chin and neck. He was tense beneath her, but he wasn’t stopping her either. “I want this.” She whispered against his mouth. “I want you.” She added as her hands started to travel to the button of his pants.
She knew he wanted her. She’d felt his erection pressing into her while they’d been making out like teenagers. Carmen knew he was trying to show some restrain and be a gentleman. She knew he was trying to show compassion for what she’d experienced, and while she was grateful for that, she was also a grown woman. A grown woman with grown woman needs.
“Fuck, Carmen…” He trailed off as she sucked hungrily at his neck, leaving a mark. Her fingers untucked the rest of his shirt and hungrily groped at his chiseled stomach and chest. She hadn’t realized how starved she’d been for human touch, but now that she’d had a taste she didn’t think she’d ever get enough.
Simon finally responded to her ministrations and moved his hands under her flannel. His hands felt delicious along the curve of her back. They traveled up to her bra and stopped, leaving goosebumps in their wake. Their lips met again and a certainness was there that wasn’t present before. His hands finally gave her what she craved and skimmed along her ribs to grope her soft breasts. She whimpered into his mouth as he moved the cup of her bra away and made contact with her nipple. It immediately puckered at his touch. His hands felt so good, but she knew it could feel better.
“Too many clothes.” She pouted once they’d taken a breath for air. He seemed to agree and chuckled as he removed his hands from her shirt and helped her unbutton it. The garment was quickly discarded to the floor once all the buttons had been undone. Her breasts were heaving in the black bra they were encased in. Simon’s eyes devoured her and she fought not to cover herself. He seemed to sense her anxiousness and started working on the buttons of his own shirt. She watched as more and more of his tanned and toned skin was revealed. She’d felt his abs under her fingertips but seeing them was something completely different. He looked like he was carved out of stone. He threw his shirt to the ground and reached out for her. She obliged and stepped back into his embrace. The skin on skin contact felt heavenly. They tasted each other again as Simon’s hands moved to the clasp on the back of her bra. The material loosened beneath his touch and she allowed it to fall away from her body.
“God, you are gorgeous.”
 His words and the way he was looking at her made a blush color her cheeks and her thighs clench together in want. She could feel her arousal seep into her underwear, the feeling uncomfortable but welcomed. Carmen felt her lust skyrocket at the look in his eye. She gazed downward and noticed the obvious bulge beneath his pants. She didn’t want to go slow anymore. She needed to feel all of him and soon. She moved her fingers to the button of her jeans and undid them while simultaneously kicking off her boots. She shimmied the denim over her shapely hips and down her thighs until they were low enough that she could kick them off. Simon watched her curiously, but copied her actions and undressed down to his black boxer briefs. Carmen pulled him to her and all but attacked him with her mouth. They explored each other as hands groped and squeezed in the name of desire. She felt Simon start to shift them back towards his bed and Carmen allowed him to do so. They stopped once her legs met the edge of the mattress.
Carmen’s bare back met the softness of his comforter as Simon held himself above her. He pressed his clothed cock into her damp center, making her moan out wantonly. He did it again and she awarded him with a similar response. Her nails bit into the muscles of his back and shoulders as he shifted down her body, his moustache providing a stimulating friction she wanted more of. His fingers hooked into the delicate lace of her black panties, but he didn’t remove them immediately. Her eyes found his and she could see the silent question in them. She nodded, biting her lip and squeezing her thighs together. He grinned at the invitation and her blatant display of enticement. She lifted her hips for him as he began to move the material away from her body, her desperation for him now on full display. She watched as he brought her panties to his nose and breathed in. The action immediately made her legs close and her hips swivel against the mattress.
“No, baby…keep those magnificent thighs open.” Simon chided, prying her legs back open with his hands. He knelt on the floor and pulled her closer to the edge by her ankles, causing a small yelp to escape her lips. She giggled as he licked his lips and inched his way closer to her aching pussy. He was eyeing her like prey and she ate it up. She felt a thick finger glide across her swollen lips, gathering the wetness that had spilled over. Carmen briefly felt embarrassed by her body’s reaction, but Simon’s words halted those feelings immediately.
“I cannot wait to taste that sweet syrup.”
Carmen moaned and gripped the bedding as he teased her entrance. Her hips pushed against his finger, but he placed a palm against her stomach to halt her movements. She was growing frustrated with his teasing and she was about to tell him such when he licked a long strip against her flesh. He left no area untouched as he feasted on her. Carmen writhed and moaned, lights flashing behind her eyelids as she gave herself over to the sensations. His mouth felt delicious on her bare skin and the coarseness of his facial hair stung her flesh in the most erotic way possible.
“Shit,” She cursed as the coil within her started to unravel. Simon’s pace increased and she squeezed his head between her thighs when he thrust his finger inside her. She unabashedly grabbed his head and moved against him as her orgasm started to rip through her. Her whole body contracted and she felt suspended in space. She had no idea what sounds were leaving her mouth, but she didn’t care. She felt a rush of arousal seep out of her and right into Simon’s eager mouth. Her pussy continued to spasm as Simon relentlessly consumed her. She whimpered and gently pushed him away as all feeling came back to her body and the sensation of him became too much. He laughed, but relented. She watched with heavily lidded eyes as he wiped his glistening mouth and moustache with the back of his hand. He winked at her as he moved a hand into his briefs and began to touch himself. Carmen nearly rolled her eyes at the sight and her thighs immediately clenched. She thought her body couldn’t take anymore, but Simon’s actions were revving her up for more.
She sat up on her knees, her inner thighs slick with saliva and her own juices. She reached out for him and he obliged, moving closer to her. Carmen licked and nibbled at his solid chest, her small hands moving to the waistband of his briefs and pulling them down and over his cock. He was long and thick and pulsating with need. Her eyes took in the image before her. Simon had his head thrown back, eyes closed in pleasure while his hands tangled themselves in her dark tresses. Carmen let her lips trail down his body until she was able to take him into her mouth. The grip on her hair tightened as she suctioned her lips around him, forgoing any teasing.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck…” He chanted above her as she used one of her hands to pump him in time with her mouth and tongue. She almost couldn’t fit him all the way in, but she relaxed her throat and swallowed him. Simon growled above her and she instantly felt his body go rigid. She mimicked her movements, wanting to taste more of him. A hint of salt touched her tongue and she knew he was getting close. She pulled away from him to catch her breath and was rewarded with a bead of precum at his tip. She licked at it hungrily.
“Carmen…you have to stop…I’m gonna cum.” His words were breathy and tense, warning her of his impending orgasm. As much as she wanted him to come undone in her mouth, she needed him inside her.
She released him and he hungrily kissed her, both of his hands encasing her face as he moved her onto her back. His solid form covered her softer one as they lay in a mass of limbs. Without the barrier of clothes, they rutted against each other in animalistic passion. Carmen widened her legs to accommodate Simon’s large form. She could feel his dick at her entrance and she thrusted her hips upward to welcome him. Simon pulled himself away from her neck and held himself above her while he lined himself up with her slit.
“Ready?” He asked, breathless and with a touch of tenderness. Carmen rolled her hips against his and smirked at the grimace that painted his features. “That a yes?” He chuckled as he moved a hand between their bodies to grasp ahold of himself.
“That’s a hell yes…” She whispered, voice thick with lust. Carmen gasped as he finally plunged inside her. The sensation was all consuming. There was a slight burn, the fullness she felt bordering on uncomfortable. But she didn’t tell him to stop. Her whole body tensed and she knew Simon could feel it. He cursed above her, his chest heaving against her own.
“Do you want me to stop?” He asked, though she could tell it would take everything in him to do so, but he would if she said. He would stop in an instant if he knew she didn’t want to continue. But despite the slight pain, Carmen wanted it…and then some.
“No, don’t stop…” She gasped out as he shifted above her. Her body was starting to accommodate him and the burn was ebbing. She was vaguely aware of her tense limbs and she forced herself to go lax.
“You gotta relax, baby…” Simon softly whispered as he began to pull out and dive back in. Carmen nodded and focused on the pleasure, the warmth of Simon’s body, and his voice. “You feel so good, Carmen…so tight and wet.” His words were doing the trick and her legs widened as he picked up his pace. Carmen moaned as he started to go faster, his rough hand massaging one of her breasts. She wrapped her legs around his lower back, encouraging him. His mouth was on her neck, sucking and licking her flesh until it was sore and bruised. She craved more. Carmen clenched her inner walls around him, nearly suffocating his girth. Simon’s hips stuttered and his head fell into the crook of her neck at the action. “Fuck…” He growled against her. “Do that again.” He requested breathlessly. Carmen happily obliged, pushing her hips up to meet his as she locked him inside her depths. “Goddamn, that feels heavenly…”
Carmen bit her bottom lip and moaned directly into Simon’s ear as he stayed unmoving above her. She began to fuck herself on his dick, thrusting her hips so that he slid against her slick walls. Simon’s teeth bit into her shoulder at the action and she relished the power she held in that moment. The room was filled with their heavy breathing and the vulgar sounds of their bodies meeting. There wasn’t a headboard to bang against the wall, but if there was Carmen was sure it’d alert others of their activities. 
Simon’s hips came down on hers to halt her movements and she whimpered as he hit a particularly sensitive spot. Her fingers tangled in his hair as he took over. “Harder.” She moaned out and he wasted no time in giving in to her request. His hips thrusted with a brutal force, one that made her stomach start to tingle with the familiar sensation. Whimpers and moans of mindless pleasure started to pour from her lips as he pounded her into his mattress. Her nails dug into his back and she could hear him hiss above her at the gesture. Carmen was on the cusp of falling into oblivion. “On top…I wanna be on top.” She breathed out. Her voice sounded foreign to her own ears, the lust evident.
Simon stopped and looked down at her, his forehead shimmering with a sheen of sweat. His brow was furrowed in concentration, but when he met her dark eyes the lines smoothed out. He smiled down at her with a hint of surprise in her brazenness. “Your wish is my command.”
Unexpectedly, he rolled them so that he was on his back and she was straddling his hips, all while he was still encased inside her. Carmen moaned long and slow at the shift in positions, testing the new feelings of pleasure by rotating her hips slowly. She felt Simon’s hands on her hips and ass, the contrast of his rough skin against her soft flesh made her spine tingle. She threw her head back and let Simon have full access to her breasts as they bounced above him. He twisted her nipples with his fingers and then grasped at the fleshy mounds hungrily. Carmen grasped both of his wrists in her hands, not stopping him but urging him to continue.
“Shit, you look fucking amazing like this.” Simon growled as she continued to ride him. Her pace increased and she felt him shift below her. She suddenly felt his chest against hers and realized he’d moved upright to lean against the wall so that they were nearly face to face. His hands grasped her ass, encouraging her movements. Carmen surrendered to the sensations, moaning Simon’s name as he attacked her breasts with is mouth.
“I’m close…so close.” Carmen warned, hips now rutting in a frantic manner. He captured her lips with his own while his hand ventured down her body and to the place they were joined. He found her clit and massaged the bundle of nerves in an unforgiving manner. Carmen cried out and felt her body tense around him. Her eyes squeezed shut as she pulled Simon against her in what she was sure was a painfully tight embrace as she came undone. Her body rocked and shivered with tremors, the blood rushing to her ears. She could feel her release coating Simon’s cock and their thighs, the surge of pleasure crashing over her like a wave. It was intense and almost too powerful for her body. She could feel Simon’s hands all over. From her hips to her naked back, she could feel his fingertips dance across her sweaty skin. He tangled them into the ends of her hair as reality came back into the forefront and the fog started to clear.
They stayed like that for a moment. Her with her arms entangled in his hair and him mirroring her embrace, not an inch of space available between them. She could still feel him pulsing inside her and she couldn’t help but to squeeze him in response. He groaned into her ear and took that as his cue to start moving. He switched their positions so that Carmen now lay spread out below him. She still felt the aftershocks of her orgasm, the haze still clearing from her mind as Simon began to thrust into her now flooded pussy. He remained upright, watching his dick disappear into her body. He was coated with a mixture of their juices and Carmen could see the hunger in his eyes as his pace increased. His muscles flexed and the vein in his neck protruded as he thrust, his hands holding her legs open at an obscene angle.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum.” He panted as he jackhammered into her. Carmen moaned at the statement, wanting to see and feel him lose control. She let him do as he pleased, her limbs feeling too heavy to move. She could feel the already unraveled coil ready to release again and she shook her head at the realization. Her body was too sensitive. She couldn’t do another. But Simon could read her body and he doubled his efforts. A finger landed on her clit and she whimpered in response. “Cum with me, baby…I wanna see you.” Simon demanded and she found herself doing as he said.
She felt his body go rigid as his hands gripped her thighs painfully. He went still as he emptied hot streams of cum inside her quaking walls. Carmen cried out at the smaller orgasm his own triggered. Her hands knotted into the bedsheets above her while her back arched off the bed. He pulled out of her mid-release and let the remaining streaks of his cum fall onto her pussy and stomach. Carmen welcomed the blatant display of marking his territory. He collapsed on top of her, uncaring about the mess between them. She cradled him, letting her fingertips stroke his back as they both caught their breaths.
“Holy shit, that was fucking amazing.”
Carmen couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled from her throat. As a result, their bodies shook with the movement and his now flaccid dick rubbed against her thoroughly fucked sex. They both groaned at the contact, but reveled in the pleasure it still provided to their overused bodies. Simon lifted himself up and onto his forearms so that he could look down at her. She met his gaze through heavy lids and despite everything, she felt a blush heat her cheeks. His fingers moved strands of hair from her face and gently caressed her neck, and she knew those were the places his mouth had marked her. 
“You okay?” He asked, the gentleness back in his voice. Carmen smiled and captured his hand in her own against her neck.
“Better than okay.” She answered, wrapping her leg around his back to bring him towards her awaiting lips. He smiled and met her lips in a lazy, post-coital kiss.
Ten minutes later they had finally had enough strength to move and clean themselves up before getting situated under the covers. Carmen sat nestled into the crook of Simon’s arm as he sat against the wall, spooning gelato from a carton into her mouth and his.
 “We should probably check the other movies before we let the kids watch them.” He quipped, letting her lips wrap around the spoon he’d held in front of her.
Carmen giggled and nodded as the cold dessert slid down her throat. “Yeah, that’s probably a good idea.” She sat up and turned to face him, holding the sheet to her chest in unnecessary modesty. She found his eyes and let her face turn serious. Simon immediately noticed and sobered. “Thank you.” At his confused gaze, she elaborated. “For everything…for saving me, for looking out for me, for getting those movies, for the mind-blowing sex…” At the last part, Simon almost looked sheepish and she grinned.
“It was my pleasure.” He said with a knowing smirk and a comical wag of his thick brows. She laughed and made a grab for the spoon sitting in the melting carton of gelato. “But really Carmen,” At the sound of his voice she met his eyes and found he was back to being serious. “I did those things because I care about you…have for a while.”
“Me too.” Carmen smiled shyly and grabbed the spoon again, scooping some of the sweet mixture onto the utensil. She brought it to Simon’s lips this time and he smiled before taking it into his mouth. His moustache had remnants of the gelato and she leaned forward to kiss it away. His hand cradled the back of her head as they got lost in each other.
When they finally pulled apart, Carmen placed herself into his lap and took over the feeding.  She could feel him harden beneath her and she rubbed herself against him. His eyebrows shot up in surprise. “Already?” He asked mischievously.
Carmen leaned forward to smear gelato on Simon’s neck and then let her tongue clean it away. She felt more than heard his breathing hitch as his hands gripped her hips. “I should ask you the same question.” She teased as she let his cock slip between her wet lips. 
“I told you, I gotta soft spot for the man in red.” He retorted with a smirk and she burst into a fit of giggles. The gelato was long forgotten as they set out to prove that it was in fact the most wonderful time of the year.
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passionpitobsession · 7 years
More Fic Recs:
Hello peeps! It’s been two months since I last recommended some fics [here] so it’s time for another list!
these are in no particular order other than the ship they’re written for :)
Once Upon A Time In Brooklyn by @Hikarinimichitasora
Rating: Explicit
Chapter(s) & Status: 22 & complete
Summary: Once upon a time, in a faraway land called Brooklyn, an older-than-he-seemed Warlock lived in a fashionable loft apartment...
Magnus Bane angers the wrong warlock and ends up with more than he bargained for. Not only is he cursed to live out fairytales that risk his life in increasingly creative ways, he also has to find his One True Love within the year or face dire consequences.
Million Papercuts by @Kimmy
Rating: General Audience
Chapter(s) & Status: one-shot & complete
Summary: In a unusual feat of bravery, Alec goes to a club. He doesn't regret it when it leads to him meeting a wonderful mundane called Magnus. The only problem? Magnus thinks Alec is also a mundane.
Possibly I like the Thrill by @woodsbane 
Rating: Mature
Chapter(s) & Status: one-shot & complete
Summary: It first started out small, when Magnus noticed.
What About Angels? by @shadowsmystic
Rating: Explicit
Chapter(s) & Status: 31 & complete
Summary: As a night nurse on an ward for elderly patients. Magnus knows all about losing loved ones. Shortly after a John Doe is placed on his ward for reasons unexplained, Magnus finds his surroundings changing around him. Could this young man be bringing a bad omen? Or was it all just a dream?
Old Friend, Remember Me by @lost_strayer
Rating: Mature
Chapter(s) & Status: one-shot & complete
Summary: "Who's that?" Raphael asked. Even though the man couldn't be older than 30, he already had a few strands of grey in his thick, messy hair. He had a beard, which was as dark as his hair should had been, thick and long enough to hide the beginning of the deep scar that adorned his skin along the left side of his throat. But the most outstanding feature of him, were his eyes. A beautiful color hiding behind a blank and sad curtain of dullness.
Or Raphael lost his memory. The first 18 years of his life just gone. 10 years after his accident he can't help but notice this tall sad looking man, who keeps drawing the same face in his sketchbook. A face of a boy with shining cat-like eyes, Raphael sees almost every night in his dreams.
A Promise of Forever by @maghnvsbane
Rating: Teen
Chapter(s) & Status: one-shot & complete
Summary: Alec starts to understand why Shadowhunters wear gold at weddings.
He’s found his home and he’s found his heart and finally, he belongs somewhere, with someone.
Tonight the light is dancing in your eyes by @baneandgone
Rating: Mature
Chapter(s) & Status: one-shot & complete
Summary: Magnus laughs. His eyes are positively sparkling in the flicker of the campfire and Alec forces himself to look away before he ends up doing something stupid like staring into them for the rest of eternity.
aka alec goes to a beach party and maybe gets more than he bargained for
The Barista and the Fashionista by @Takara_Phoenix
Rating: Explicit
Chapter(s) & Status: one-shot & complete
Summary: Magnus is a fashion designer. He is not, however, a morning person. Or a coffee person. So when his best friend Raphael asks him to meet up in a coffee shop so Magnus could finally meet both of Raphael's boyfriends, Magnus is not a fan of the idea. Morning. Coffee. Simon. Not that he doesn't like Simon, but Simon can be a bit loud and chatty and much and those are not qualities Magnus wants to encounter early in the morning.
The Seduction of Self Hatred by @MysticDodo
Rating: Teen
Chapter(s) & Status: one-shot & complete
Summary: Based after the events of Shadowhunters Season 2 Episode 8, Love Is A Devil. Clary talks with Alec about what happened. Alec just wants to be with Magnus.
The Wedding of the Century by @AJenno
Rating: General Audience
Chapter(s) & Status: 2 & complete
Summary: A wedding between Alec and Magnus. I mean, really, what else can I say? The title is pretty self explanatory. *Winks* (Also I have added Chapter 2, the Wedding Reception!)
Lunch Break by @damnyoudaddario
Rating: Teen
Chapter(s) & Status: 2/3 & incomplete?
Summary: Another boring Clave meeting, Magnus is looking hot AF across the table from him and Alec can't take it.
but the whole sky fell by @beatperfume
Rating: Teen
Chapter(s) & Status: one-shot & complete
Summary: After the attack on the Institute, Alec and Magnus try to keep everything together, including each other.
Nail Polish is the way to a man's heart by @iamtheoppositeofamnesiaa
Rating: General Audience
Chapter(s) & Status: one-shot & complete
Summary: ' ‘’This one is called ‘size matters’, a very pretty berry colour, no?’’ Magnus asks, fingertips teasingly rolling over the square edges of the little bottle, never breaking eye contact. Alec flushes while Magnus raises an eyebrow playfully.'
Alec is dragged to a nail salon by Izzy and meets the man of his dreams there. If only he can survive all the innuendos.
A bridge to our future by @magnusbaene
Rating: N/A
Chapter(s) & Status: one-shot & complete
Summary: “What’s wrong?” The gentleness of Alec’s voice rushed over him, and for a moment he was struck by how right this felt, both of them together.
“I’m sorry, Alexander,” Magnus answered, “the past snuck up on me.”
The Well in the Garden by @Lemur710
Rating: General Audience
Chapter(s) & Status: one-shot & complete
Summary: “You okay?” Alec asked. His hand sought out Magnus’s, chilled fingers stroking his.
“I am.” “You don’t seem okay. Sitting out here in the dark by this well that nobody uses anymore…” Alec peered down its depths once more. “…that's definitely haunted.” “Aren’t we all?” Magnus joked.
Shadowhunters Don't Cry by @deevoyd
Rating: General Audience
Chapter(s) & Status: one-shot & complete
Summary: "It wasn't unusual for Alec to arrive on Magnus' doorstep unannounced; but it was unusual for Alec to arrive at three in the morning, soaked to the bone from the rain and bearing bloodshot eyes - eyes that had been holding back both angry and desperate tears, the whole journey over. Magnus only has to take one look at Alec to know it was bad."
All Kinds of Forever by @fluffyyaoi
Rating: Explicit
Chapter(s) & Status: one-shot & complete
Summary: What if there was peace between everyone, no evil demons, power hungry Shadowhunters, or disrespectful, too proud for their own good mothers? What would malec do with all that free time on their hands. A sexy pillow talk on an early Saturday morning.
The Very Best Thing by @mypheralside
Rating: N/A/
Chapter(s) & Status: one-shot & complete
Summary: Magnus returns to the apartment late and drained of magic (i love this trope, just try and stop me reading and writing all the fics about this!!). Alec takes care of him, gets him to bed and looks after him when he wakes in the middle of the night with a fever. It kinda starts with cute, the middle is all practical comfort/care and ends with cute/fluffy. (That's what i was aiming for anyway!)
Seven minutes in heaven by @katychan666
Rating: Teen
Chapter(s) & Status: one-shot & complete
Summary: Alec Lightwood has been crushing on Magnus Bane since he was a freshman. Now, a senior, he finds himself at a party, where Isabelle forces him to play a little game. So what happens when Magnus makes a sudden appearance and agrees to play the game with them as well?
Happy to have you in my life by @katychan666
Rating: Teen
Chapter(s) & Status: one-shot & complete
Summary: Feeling lonely while being surrounded by people is the worst feeling ever and Alec isn't s stranger to that. After years of feeling lonely and depressed, he was finally able to meet someone that makes the loneliness flee away. When Alec goes to his dark place, Magnus is there to calm him down and to let him know that he isn't going anywhere. He is there to stay. For good.
the furthest constellations of our souls by @lightwoodlesbians 
Rating: General Audience
Chapter(s) & Status: one-shot & complete
Summary: or, the 'our kids attend a bakery class together and i think you look pretty tasty' au
Beauty from the depths of the sea by @katychan666
Rating: Teen
Chapter(s) & Status: one-shot & complete
Summary: Alec is completely fascinated by a sea creature and even though he doesn't know what it is, he couldn't help himself but to stare at it in complete awe every single night. When he learns that the sea creature is actually a beautiful merman Magnus Bane, he falls in love with him almost immediately.
and my heart is set on you by @lightwoodlesibians
Rating: Teen
Chapter(s) & Status: 2 & complete
Summary: or the, 'we're putting on a fund-raising play to save our old drama department' au (ft. bonus: 'we had a thing in high school but i haven't seen you in years and oh god you're even more attractive than i remember')
I'm Glad I Didn't Die Before I Met You by @dust-and-shadxws
Rating: N/A
Chapter(s) & Status: one-shot & complete
Summary: Alec has been planning this for a while, is tonight the right time?
Crimson and Clover by @champagnemagnus
Rating: General Audience
Chapter(s) & Status: one-shot & complete
Summary: Alec and Magnus were taking a big step in their relationship tonight. Magnus was taking Alec to Pandemonium as the official boyfriend of the club owner, to sit with him on his metaphorical throne.Magnus was absolutely thrilled. Owning the club was one of the best investments he had ever made, for the sake of both his happiness and networking.Alec was excited, he really was, for Magnus’s sake. He knew how much this meant to him, and he was looking forward to assimilating into this aspect of Magnus’s life. However, he was unbelievably nervous. Living in the institute had definitely not fostered an interest in partying and dancing and having the time to be so lighthearted. He was bad at drinking and dancing, and he was not good with smoothly navigating overwhelming social situations. But Magnus… god, anything he could do with Magnus, that they could do together, was something he wanted.
Domestic Chores by @deathdario
Rating: General Audience
Chapter(s) & Status: one-shot & complete
Summary: Magnus is injured and Alec decides to stay at the loft and take care of the warlock
Of Vampire Sons and Downworlder Dads by @DarkFairytale
Rating: General Audience
Chapter(s) & Status: 3 & complete
Summary: Magnus cast his gaze around the group before him and rolled his eyes. “Oh please, don’t act so surprised,” he said, with a haughty sniff that may or may not have been genuine, and he brushed invisible debris from the right shoulder of Raphael’s embroidered suit jacket. “Where did you think his impeccable dress sense came from?”
5 Times Magnus Thinks Alec Would Make A Great Dad + 1 Time He Does by @malecstereklove
Rating: N/A
Chapter(s) & Status: one-shot & complete
Summary: Magnus admires Alec's parenting abilities on other people's children
Bruises by @burntotears
Rating: Teen
Chapter(s) & Status: one-shot & complete
Summary: "I want to take care of you,” Alec whispered, nearly inaudible.
here, beneath my lungs by @fairykinds
Rating: General Audience 
Chapter(s) & Status: one-shot & complete
Summary: Even warlocks need taking care of every once in awhile.
Wing AU by @theonetruenorth
Rating: General Audience
Chapter(s) & Status: 3 & complete
Summary: The first time Alec ever feels self-conscious about his wings is the first time that Magnus sees them.
A Bright Lazy Morning of Cuddling by @black-and-whitecrow
Rating: Mature
Chapter(s) & Status: one-shot & complete
Summary: Just a moment from Alec and Magnus’ lives, when there is no crisis to solve and they can enjoy some quality time together. The title really says it all.
Intimacy by @Facade_Expert
Rating: Teen
Chapter(s) & Status: one-shot & complete
Summary: They somehow made it all the way to cuddling in bed.Now all Alec had to do was convince Magnus he wanted to be there.
A Clumsy Kitten by @Realitysucks
Rating: N/A
Chapter(s) & Status: one-shot & complete
Summary: Seven things mattered for Chairman Meow: his human, the human of his human, food, being pet, warmth, sleeping and playing. He had a very good life until the human of his human, this clumsy kitten, decided to betray him.
Love on the Telephone by @ninike
Rating: Explicit
Chapter(s) & Status: one-shot & complete
Summary: 'I’m coming home tomorrow. You should save energy for the mind blowing sex we will have.’ Magnus purred from the other end of the call, and Alec, after four days of no touching and feeling his lover’s hands all over his body, already started feeling his stomach jump when Magnus told him what he was planning to do when he got home.
What happens on set, stays on set by @ninike
Rating: N/A
Chapter(s) & Status: one-shot & complete
Summary: Acting can be tiring some days aka an AU fanfiction in which Malec are actors and they release some stress.
a little guest by @maghnvsbane
Rating: General Audience
Chapter(s) & Status: one-shot & complete
Summary: After Alec becomes Head of the Institute, life sometimes gets a little boring. But there is a certain little warlock that can quickly change that.
The Green of Meadows by @notnatural
Rating: Mature
Chapter(s) & Status: one-shot & complete
Summary: "You're never out of bed before me." Magnus said, an air of wonder in his voice, like the thought was almost too ridiculous to even entertain. "I know." Alec whispered against his lips, laugh bubbling up in his throat. "It won't happen again." And then, as an afterthought, "I missed you."
You Give Me Butterflies by @EmilyRLightwood
Rating: Teen
Chapter(s) & Status: one-shot & complete
Summary: Alec loves waking up to his man and giving him kisses first thing in the morning.
Begin Again by @ReneeWritesx
Rating: N/A
Chapter(s) & Status: 5 & complete
Summary: Unpacking sucked. And Magnus had only brought like half of his things. Okay, maybe two-thirds. But whatever, it didn’t matter. What did matter was that Magnus was sweating from carrying boxes, the cottage had no air conditioning, and he was super close to packing everything back up and driving back to New York in about three seconds.
Vexing Encounters by @deathdario
Rating: Explicit
Chapter(s) & Status: 7 & complete
Summary: Magnus is a social butterfly. Almost too social with his flirtatious remarks and sexual propositions.
But with a face like Magnus', and a body like his, who is Alec to say no
Baby I Choose You by @malecstereklove 
Rating: N/A
Chapter(s) & Status: one-shot & complete
Summary: Max Lightwood-Bane, the son of esteemed actors Alec and Magnus Lightwood-Bane realized how special his family was at a young age.
Traveler by @bumblebeesknees
Rating: Teen
Chapter(s) & Status: one-shot & complete
Summary: Alec’s not sure how to process that Max, his five-month old baby, is apparently a dimension hopping private investigator 140 years in the future. Magnus has a much easier time dealing with it.
“Sorry,” says Max, blinking rapidly. He doesn’t look away from Alec. He looks – Alec doesn’t know how to describe the expression on Max’s face. “It’s just... it’s been a long time since I saw you, Dad.”
whiskey-wasted and beautiful by @bradleymartin
Rating: Teen
Chapter(s) & Status: one-shot & complete
Summary: “I love you,” Simon repeats — both fury and disappointment in his tone. His words are still a little slurred, but they cut right through Raphael. “Why do you never say anything? Why do you get to be Mr. Cool Guy Han Solo and just nod or change the subject? It’s not fair.”
Raphael wracks his brain to think of a response. “Is that why you’re drunk?”
Simon frowns and slouches down in the bed. “That’s called ‘changing the subject.’”
Two Drunk Guys by @captainlokidokes
Rating: Teen
Chapter(s) & Status: one-shot & complete
Summary: "Imagine two vampires getting drunk and describing each other"
Bloodlust by @someone_else_else
Rating: N/A
Chapter(s) & Status: 3 & complete
Summary: What happens when Simon Forgets to feed?
A Vampire's Greatest Desire by @alexnderlightwood
Rating: N/A
Chapter(s) & Status: one-shot & complete
Summary: "Why are you doing this?" Simon cried out, looking from Clary to Jace as they struggled. The queen smiled in return.
"The kiss that will set them free, is the kiss you most desire." Is all she said, watching him with an amused curiosity as the Shadowhunters behind him gasped and tried to get out of the vines.
Or... 2x14 where it was Simon who had to kiss the one he loved instead of Clary, leading to a somewhat surprising revelation.
worlds apart by @softjimon
Rating: General Audience
Chapter(s) & Status: one-shot & complete
Summary: highschool AU where Simon is the biggest nerd for space and the guys on the football team like to tease him, except for Jace Lightwood: captain and star quarterback who thinks it’s super cute.
Starry Eyed by @meliorn
Rating: Teen
Chapter(s) & Status: one-shot
Summary: It’s hard being a teenager in high school. It’s even harder when you’re just starting to figure out sexuality and desire and how cute boys are, when suddenly a boy starts paying attention to you. And not just any boy, either.
Or, the high school AU where Jace asks Simon to tutor him.
deadly quiet by @mxgnxsbane
Rating: Mature
Chapter(s) & Status: one-shot & complete
Summary: jace still hasn't called
dream to me by @fakeandinspace
Rating: Explicit
Chapter(s) & Status: one-shot & complete
Summary: Jace feels a little hopeless as he crawls back into bed. He pulls his blankets tight around himself and tries to get back to sleep. Now that he’s awake, and post-orgasm, what he misses most about the dream as it drains away from him is the feeling of being held.
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aceprosecuties · 7 years
Prompt: Simon gets sick during the time while he's working with Fullbright/the Phantom,. While the Phantom doesn't care about Simon, and is kinda germaphobic, they still have to act like they care about Simon, because that's what Fullbright would do.
I LOVE THIS also ty for phantom stuff I really do love phantom/simon stuff lbr.  Also I’m not sure if this was meant to be comedic BUT because it is blackbright/phantomquill I made it more serious lawl but I still hope you like :>  
Damn that Simon Blackquill.
He was a resilient one. An annoyingly competent challenger that left no clues as to where he washiding that damned psych profile.  Frustrationwas a bit outside the Phantom’s miniscule emotional range, but Blackquill wastesting that with every day he refused to relinquish any of his secrets.
Luckily, the prosecutor seemed completely unaware that his “FoolBright” was also the Phantom that he had been hunting.  A fantastic disguise: Bobby Fulbright was avery emotional man…so very unlike the man under the mask.  It made it easier to hide from themetaphorical hawk constantly searching for him, even while in chains.
Yes, Simon Blackquill was an intimidating and worthyopponent.
Which was why seeing him curled up on his prison cot, shakingand sweating from fever was an…interesting sight.  On the floor next to the bed was awastebasket, which Simon had already emptied some of the contents of hisstomach into.
The Phantom wanted to hesitate before entering the samurai’scell.  The air in there almost seemedheavy with disease…not something he wished to walk through.  He had been very diligent about his healthsince even before he knew who he was: getting sick means a higher likelihood ofbeing discovered.  After all, if he wassick, he couldn’t concentrate on faking the various emotions that he needed toemulate.  Hospitals were out of thequestion…doctors could unmask him and ruin everything.
So exposing himself to whatever sickness his charge hadcontracted was not something thePhantom wanted to do.
However, Bobby Fulbright would run in there and immediatelystart fussing over Prosecutor Blackquill.
Unfortunately, whenever the Phantom and Bobby were inconflict, Bobby won.  That was the onlyway to survive.
“Prosecutor Blackquill!” The detective unlocked the cell door and approached the man still curledup on the bed.  His hair was out of itsponytail and was messily sprawled out on his pillow.  When ‘Fulbright’ looked over to see Simon’sface, he noted that he was even paler than normal; his skin was almost the sameshade as his white bangs.  It wasunsettling, and the Phantom ignored the warning bells going off in his head tostay away.  
Instead, he put his gloved hand on Blackquill’s sweaty head.
Even through the fabric, he could feel the heat radiating offSimon’s skin.
“At this rate, Fool Bright, they’ll be able to give myexecution date to another doomed soul,” Simon weakly croaked out.  “Because I’ll be dead in a few hours.”
“Don’t be so dramatic, sir!” ‘Fulbright’ laughed even as he brought his fingers to Simon’s wrist tocheck his pulse, which was racing.  Simondidn’t even have the energy to swat him away, so just watched carefully,despite how dull his eyes appeared to be. “You’ll be fine!  A heart ofjustice such as yours is too strong to be taken out from something like this!”
Besides, if youdied right now I wouldn’t have enough time to get that profile you’ve storedaway.
“As usual, Fool Bright, your obnoxious cheeriness is exhilarating,”Simon responded, obviously sarcastically.
“Thank you sir!” Although the Phantom had noted the sarcasm, Bobby did not.  “Why don’t I get you a cold towel for yourhead, and some meds!  Obviously I'll haveto watch you take them, but they could help.”
“I don’t need you fussing over me, Fool Bright.  Just let me wallow in misery in peace.”
Oh, how tempting it was for the Phantom to listen to Simonand just leave…especially after Simonhad begun coughing violently without exactly covering his mouth.  He felt this great need to shower to stopanything before it began.
But Bobby would not run away from a sick Simon Blackquill inneed.  That wouldn’t be very just, wouldit?
“Don’t be like that, Prosecutor Blackquill!  Just because you try to act all tough doesn’tmean you can’t ask for help when you need it!”
“…You’re an idiot, Fool Bright.”
Despite the disparaging comment, Simon said it in anaffectionate tone.  The man was trying sohard to not get close to anyone, but the Phantom had noticed that ‘Fulbright’was beginning to slowly chip away at the walls around the samurai’s heart.  Blame it on the fact that Simon actually was lonely and sad deep down; he triedto hide it, but the Phantom could see the truth behind those grey eyes.
Even now, as dull as they were with sickness, those eyesseemed to look at him in a way that suggested that Simon Blackquill hadfeelings other than exasperation withrespect to Bobby Fulbright.
How tragic.
‘Fulbright’ brushed some of Simon’s hair from his eyes; Bobbywould have made a move like that, right?
“I’ll be right back, sir.”    
And ‘Fulbright’ walked out of the cell, with the Phantomtaking note of the fact that Simon’s eyes stayed on him the entire time.
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sleepykittypaws · 5 years
A Christmas Prince: The Royal Baby
Original Airdate: December 5, 2019 (Netflix) Where to Watch?: It’s a Netflix original, so it should be available on the service forever
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In 2017, Netflix dropped A Christmas Prince with zero fanfare and few expectations, an idea reinforced by their infamous tweet actually making fun of subscribers who watched it multiple times. Yet, it became something of a phenomena. Not because it broke any new ground (it very much did not), nor because it was especially good (it wasn’t), but because it not only introduced a streaming generation to the cheese-tastic made-for-TV Christmas genre, it also signaled Netflix’s entry into the holiday film landscape, where they’re now a major player.
Three years later and Netflix continues to milk the Christmas Prince franchise with diminishing results. This year, it’s A Christmas Prince: The Royal Baby where Queen Amber (worst queen name ever) and King Richard are having a (spoiler alert) baby. Yeah, as with last year’s Royal Wedding edition, the title basically gives away the ending on this one.
Also like last year’s entry, there’s also some silly political shenanigans that leads to the bonkers interventions that have become this franchise’s trademark.
Does King Richard ride his giant horse off to rescue someone, say, their OB/GYN on Christmas Eve? Of course he does! Is there some far-fetched Aldovian, holiday-related history that is dumped on us via lengthy exposition and ludicrous flashback? Naturally. How about some truly ridiculous green screen? Why, it wouldn’t be Christmas in Aldovia without it!
This time, in addition to giving birth, they’re also re-signing a treaty with their ally Penglia amid flashbacks which made me fear this was going to give us some incredibly cringe-y Asian stereotypes, most of which they mercifully sidestepped. 
They do, though, show us a map that reveals that Aldovia is not the tiny principality we all would naturally expect of a 21st century pure monarchy, but instead is twice the size of Great Britain. This was my largest laugh of the movie, and I never stopped thinking about it.
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Also, that very same map also features Belgravia, home of the fictional monarchy from Vanessa Hudgens’ royal Netflix Christmas movie, The Princess Switch, which is currently filming a sequel…And in which the characters watched the movie, A Christmas Prince. 
Considering the consequences of having both Belgravia be a real place in A Christmas Prince: The Royal Baby AND the original A Christmas Prince movie existing in The Princess Switch universe made my brain melt and drip out of my ears, so I’m dead now. Merry Christmas!
Anywhodoodle…The treaty suddenly goes missing and the Penglian King and Queen have to stay around and play games—and why is Netflix not selling that Aldovian Top of the Tree game right now, because I would smash that order button so hard—assemble cribs (because royalty always goes flat pack) and attend baby showers held in some sort of in-castle spa we’d never seen before. All while the leads continue to have just about zero chemistry, and the side characters carry on pretending we care about them far more than we do. (Though, I admit, Simon has grown on me.)
I will say that, unlike last year, I didn’t correctly suss out the villain in the first five minutes, as I presumed it was going to be the Penglian attache trying to pin it on poor Simon.
The semi-painful working of Amber’s friends into Aldovian royal life, and the continued so-dumb conceit of her being a “blogger” (so 2005) is wearing on my nerves. And why can’t Raj Najaj’s “Sahil" and Joel McVeagh’s “Andy" be a couple, as was first strongly hinted at, rather than just business partners? I mean, for half the movie I presumed they were, like Melissa and Simon. Sure, it would be trite to have the series only two gay characters coupled up, but no more cliche than any of the other relationships that seem to be based solely on proximity and limited cast budget. ("You and I are the lone remaining singles with speaking parts, we should date!")
And, if you’re wondering if Rose McIver’s baby bump pillow is one of the worst ever to appear on screen, don’t fret, because it definitely is. There’s a scene where you can not only clearly see the elastic belt holding it on beneath her shirt, but there’s also a food stain on said outfit. A sure sign that every expense was spared in making this movie. (Even though this probably had 2-3 times the budget of a Hallmark/Lifetime joint.)
So, Amber solves the mystery with the help of the Princess, fast aging out of her Adorable Moppet role, taking a life-threatening fall in the dungeon, which no one seems especially concerned about. (She splits open a 4” thick rock with her shoulder, but is totally fine.)
Then, Queen Amber gives birth without sullying her peignoir set, or mussing her hair, and they’ve got a three-month old baby (several, actually, of wildly different sizes) in their arms by the time the clock strikes midnight on Christmas. 
There was still fun to be had in just mocking this silly movie, and I appreciate that Netflix leans into ironic viewing of its Christmas content, but I feel like the franchise has reached its natural conclusion—or at least a majority of the actors appear to have lost their interest. Would be happy to see the always game McIver, the best part of the franchise, move on to a new Christmas cliche for Netflix in 2020.
Final Judgement: 2 Paws Up (If they do continue the franchise, Amber’s blog must die.)
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