#my silly thoughts about scp doctors
scp-arts · 1 year
I had this rather funny idea? Well funny to me.
I was just thinking how during Edison's time in Antarctica, he probably got emotionally attached to a penguin to the point where he tried to bring it back with him, saying that he will just keep it in his tub filled with ice cold water.
He did leave it behind and wasn't very happy about it. I also imagined that King got him a penguin plushie/Squishmellow to make up for the fact that he couldn't bring back his emotional attached penguin.
So yeah, that's one idea I have for this bastard that won't pay rent for living in my head
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dino--draws · 4 months
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Happy pride motherfuckers. To the like six people on SCP tumblr who know who these guys are do you see it. Do you see my vision.
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peachebo · 2 months
so in the au is izutsumi a scp, and if so, what class
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To answer your questions about Izutsumi - yes, she is an scp object in my au! I thought about her being the euclid class because of her attitude towards the doctors. But she became less stubborn as it was clear that they want to help her become human (if it's even possible..)
About Kabru - I really haven't thought of anything as I didn't intend to go THIS far about a silly monster×scientist au with farcille, but I really like your idea!
sorry about the shitty quality, I am not at home rn
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mushyblushyredhead · 1 month
Okay ngl I came about your scp oc Travis in my scrolling and instant curiosity hit me. Who is this man? Why is he so adorable? Asexual buddies! Yay! Sorry just a lil feral lmao
FHJAHDJD no need to apologize, love! I love love LOVE talking about my OCs and answering questions about them!! (*⁰▿⁰*) super duper touched someone is actually curious about my silly OC here 🥺🥺💕
Lemme answer your questions in a little OC rant while also not giving away too many spoilers:
Dr. Travis Blanche
Brilliant Canadian goober who is both a doctor and a researcher at the SCP Foundation. But before he joined the Foundation, he was one of the head researchers at another shady corporation. (Kinda like the Global Occult Coalition in a way) Travis had spent majority of his teen years and early adult life investigating and studying all things supernatural and anomalous, as he is very intrigued by both. When he left his hometown to investigate anomalous readings near a small town in Nevada, he discovered there was actually a hidden facility where scientists and other doctors were studying anomalous creatures just like he was doing.
Instantly convinced, he joined the team and was ecstatic to offer his expertise from previous anomaly encounters to the other scientists. He was finally getting to do a job that he was good at and liked! But what he didn’t know was that the founder of that corporation was secretly using Travis’ medical and anomalous expertise to his own nefarious purposes: genetically altering and experimenting on anomalous children. These children all seemed to be on the brink of death, and only Travis could save them by engineering cures not found in traditional human medicine but through the contained anomalies in the facility. Or so he was told…
Travis thought he was doing the right thing, giving these kids a second chance at life. But once he discovered the corporation’s true intentions with these kids once they got older, he knew he had to be the one to free them and take down this evil corporation for good.
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As for why is he so adorable? Well…because he is! Under all those PHDs and the fancy lab coat, Travis is just a tall silly goober who loves to have cereal for dinner, read comics, and jam out to 80s and pop music. <3 Even though he isn’t a parent biologically, he might as well be with the way he’s bonded with the anomalous kiddos in a way nobody else at the shady corp has done. The kids absolutely love Travis! They see him as their father, which melts his heart. Travis is also a sweet doctor when it comes to giving the kids checkups. He’s definitely that type of doctor that can make a baby laugh when giving them a shot. 🥺🥺
And yes! He is asexual! ♤ Growing up, he always knew he was different because he never wanted any intimacy in a relationship. Hence why his first and only relationship in high school ended so quickly when his former girlfriend wanted to engage in more spicy things, which didn’t sit well with him. For the longest time, he thought something was wrong with him with not wanting spicy intimacy in a relationship. But when he discovered the asexual spectrum and all about being ace, it was both a relief and an “a-ha” moment. There was nothing wrong with him; his feelings about intimacy were completely normal and valid, and better yet, there were other people just like him who felt the same way! From then on, Travis was happy to call himself an ace, and wears ace colored band bracelets to show his pride. He figured one day, he could be in a happy relationship where there doesn’t need to be spicy stuff, but for now, he’s happy being a single parent to a group of anomalous kiddos. ♡ฅ(ᐤˊ꒳ฅˋᐤ)
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nomsfaultau · 3 months
(Potentially) daily ask №2
Fault!Ranboo and Genloss!Ranboo edition due to the Founder's cut coming out today!
Okay does his thing kinda work like the shy man? So photos and videos count too? To the same degree?
Do they have any backstory lore? Before they were captured by the foundation?
Unstoppable force vs an immovable object question. Could anyone from the main gang defeat them? Like, how strong are they actually assuming someone looked them in the eye? Phil doesn't count he's a literal god.
If they and the main gang met, do you think they'd get along? What sort of relationships would they have with each member of the gang?
Would making a one-way mirror glasses for them work to basically disable their powers? Like they can see everything but the others can't see their eyes? Of course you could probably still get a glance from under the glasses considering their height but uh.. idk man, ski mask. But one-way mirror.
At this point you might as well count the universe in which I just spontaneously appear there an au because I can and will give you hypothetical scenarios of me interacting with the characters. On this note. BOOM *spontaneously revives them, convinces the whole ass foundation that they never existed so that they won't be searched for, revives that one doctor's wife, gives Ranboo a ski mask and teleports them to sbi* DONE WOO HI HOW ARE YA FEELIN'? (directed at them)
Gives them their favourite cookies for the emotional damage
Do you know about genloss? Do you watch it? I know you said that you're not a fan of horror but tbh it's mostly psychological horror and some gore. Mostly silly though.
Are you gonna be watching Founder's cut today when it comes out in like 1.5 hours?
Any thoughts on it? Place to rant basically
The fault crew + Ranboo get teleported into the world of genloss suddenly. Specifically during choice while Ranboo and Charlie are running around the mall. How well does it go for either of them?
[Spoilers for Fault. like really stinking big ones]
Initially I thought not, but I think the real core of the powerset is being unbeholden. So he would go on a rampage if eye contact was made via camera/video. However, the ender pearl is a physical object that can't pass through walls when they teleport. So I suppose they'd just be determinedly trying to burrow through a wall, always knowing exactly where the person was but unable to reach.
Ranboo is alas a very very very minor character currently, like 'backstory to a tertiary supporting character' minor. Does not have backstory before the Foundation explored in or out of Fault...but will be showing up again eventually so more may be explored at that time. But as of yet, not really. Mostly because Ranboo's origins would have to be extreeeeemely far back in the timeline due to being (biig spoiler here) the source of the Foundation's amnestics. Philza has mentioned knowing of the Foundation for at least a few centuries, but also they do a very good job of being unknown. This gets into very foggy territory that's the bane of any urban fantasy's existence actually, because presumably if modern society is nearly identical to our own something has to have been suppressing anomalies from the dawn of time, in this case via Ranboo amnestics or some other means. So unless we assume time travel (which many SCP stories do, and which would be TERRIBLE for my story) I suppose Ranboo -or the phenomena of Ranboo, this could just be the latest vessel- could be very very old. I'd caution on the side of vessel, so potentially they began as a human ? or some other creature that then was changed by the god/entity using him? This entity then having had many many forms over time, frequently captured by use of the Foundation/analogous organization. Perhaps it was once extremely powerful, dampening the memories of humanity for its own reasons, leading to the current regime. oh. so i've just like solved a major world building problem. sick. Oh god I have racing thoughts about this now....
I think most could tbh. I mean Lawrence Lethe (ew) defeated them. In a physical fight Ranboo represents a horror monster threat to base humans, mostly by being tall fast strong and vicious plus some occasional teleportation, but has a very glaring weakness. Tubbo wouldn't for moral reasons but could also just fly way high up so Ranboo can't throw the enderpearl far enough. Tommy's Red might count close enough to water and dissolve them, though there is a debate on if Red would be able to thwart them from attacking him? That's a can of worms you could argue in any direction you want I think so I won't touch it. The Blade al.ways.wins. Like no matter what. Uh oh what's that the forecast looks like a storm how unfortunate anyway deadzo. Phil would turn that sucker to glass. And Wilbur loves eating sand. Though I suppose if he managed to eat their soul he could get Ranboo powers...? Anyway smack down that twink is OBLITERATED.
Ranboo will meet at least some of the main gang albeit as a skull and pile of sand. Tubbo is going to be. Well. in a REALLY funky head space due to encounters with Void madness. But they're going to be like???? our husband????????? not our husband? what plane of the universe are we on?? How do we know what is Real??? Existence is gonna fall apart-- while Ranboo is just like aw thanks for rescuing me random stranger this is great! ^-X Wilbur thinks Ranboo is very inconvenient to move around but at least they don't eat much? Ranboo doesn't like being around it because the void keeps nibbling. Philza would have STRONG feelings about Ranboo due to his horrific experience with amnestics. But also would acknowledge that Ranboo hadn't much say in the matter, and ultimately treat them politely yet indifferently as he does most people he doesn't view as important (anyone that isn't his Collected or a problem). The Blade is very stiff and unhappy as he isn't as good separating them from all of his friends forgetting about him. Bit more of a problem than Phil since The Blade usually handles his problems extremely directly via murder, but he has enough character development at this point to see killing Ranboo won't help. After some friction he gets over it and after some awkwardness is probably down to joke around and be his normal dorky self with Ranboo. Tommy would have resentment about what happened to Phil since he's very loyal, but then Ranboo would make him laugh and he'd forget about it lol. Also 2x scared of touching them.
It's based on Ranboo feeling like they're being perceived to an extent? So I think if Ranboo thought they were being watched they'd also go on a rampage. I think the Foundation just blinded them with a blindfold. Or morbidly, perhaps would rip out their eye and wait for it to regrow, to create a stash of ender pearls for Foundation personnel use...?
Lawrence would be reeling, and then probably assume having the wifey back means his redemption arc is finished. This would cause Many problems later on. Speaking of problems, the Foundation would be PANICKING. Oh my god. I think if convinced Ranboo never existed there'd be utter chaos of them trying to figure out what cognito hazard is messing with them. So while the Foundation is set on fire and the entire premise of the series collapses, let's ignore that and see how the gang is doing! I'm going to say they're dropped at the end of the most recent chapter. Assuming they don't startle and attack in self defense, Tommy is utterly delighted to get even more friends because he's so starved for people, Tubbo is trying to figure out if the wife revival thing would work for themselves/Rhodes (potentially while simultaneously flirting with Ranboo for maximum comedic value)((but also probably Rosalind since that's destroying them)), The Blade is trying to figure out if the teleportation act could be used to break out of the Foundation in the future, Wilbur is disgruntled by strangers (one of which is HUMAN), and Phil is mostly trying to figure out if there's a security risk if they could be found...but is probably quickly assured it's fine given he got Tommy via accidental summoning shenanigans. Since I don't think the ski mask thing would work, Ranboo would probably be blindfolded. I think Tubbo would act as seeing eye bees for them, developing little short hand codes to help them move around and really bonding over that. Phil is the type of guy to do blind fold training and have tips. The Blade commiserates with them over the time he lost an eye, and Wilbur with being blinded by the Foundation via light. And potentially the reactions from 4 (-Tubbo bc of timeline, Wilbur bc revived fully) if more well adjusted since the gang is doing better here than in epoch 3-4.
Wilbur insists he eats the cookies first (to make sure they aren't poisoned of course of course). He tells everyone they're disgusting and tries to eat them all but Phil puts a stop to that. Tommy declares that he is perfectly emotionally fine and is only stealing the cookies because he deserves a reward. The Blade argues he should get way extra because of his size. While everyone is bickering Tubbo yoinks them and flies away, only to get chased down by Philza, who distributes them, and reminds everyone else to thank you. Instant Phil points for making his Collected happy.
Not really haha. Haven't seen anything of it. I know zilch, except i think a surgery happens and niki is on a carousal whatever that means? Full transparency, I mostly just watched Techno and then Tommy stuff for more Techno content.
4. As I know nothing of genloss, I can't do much here. HOWEVER. There is a pivotal scene in Fault that will take place in a mall. So we can imagine Ranboo and Charlie frolicking in the background amongst piles and piles of Foundation MTF soldier corpses while the main characters have a terse argument about philosophies, morals, and custody?
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kachawo · 2 years
A scp/magnus archives-esque au where Lan Wangji and Jiang Wanyin discover old cassette tapes of status entries, the voice in those tapes... none other than Wei Wuxian, who had gone missing 6 years ago.
This was not the strangest part alone, the entries, the contents-- it all sounds like a madman's dream.
Wei Wuxian spoke about objects or living beings in such a frightening perspective all the while maintaining a calm tone.
"Entry 0096 Subject: 4. Species: Type AD. Further observations have concluded--
Entry 0109 Subject: 12. Species: Type 0. It seems that The Busker is able to mutate--
Entry 0013 Subject: 25. Species: ???. The subject we call "Dean" has shown very interesting-- "
It's all a mystery to the both of them.
What's worse is this-- both Lwj and Jwy know that the man was not some sort of mad-scientist,
He was-- he was a doctor! Wei Ying held down a job in a rehab institute in Yiling for people who where born with deficiencies.
The same Yiling Institute that burned down after the said man had gone missing.
Jiang Wanyin was convinced this was some sick trick that his brother left behind, some fantasy story Wei Ying thought was cool. He knew his brother so well he--
He wasn't the person that Jiang Wanyin heard in those tapes, the voice is different. It's not cheerful or bright-- the Wei Wuxian he knew would not have such a dead voice.
Jiang Wanyin gave up on the hope of finding the man very quickly. 6 goddamn years, and all he got was this.
But Lan Wangji never did.
He hoarded those tapes like a lifeline. Listened to all 26 tapes over and over and over and over-
He felt like he had something. An answer, it was here somewhere he just couldn't find it!
Wei Ying was here, that voice over the recorder was him he knows it.
But Lan Wangji doesn't know why.
Listening to the tapes repeatedly, his hope started to wane. But he held out-- even when his brother called out to him, even when his uncle barked that he was finding a dead man-
And it ended up being very fruitful.
"To the dearest boy I knew, with him my heart grew...
Lan Wangji knew this song, had immortalized it in his heart.
When the voice in the tape sang this... he sounded soft.
How could he have missed it? So eager to devour every word that came out of that voice, he never really stayed long on one tape.
If the recording ended, it usually spared a few minutes of utter silence. He never waits until the end of that silence to switch to another tape.
Which was an utter mistake.
"He sent me to the Lotus Lake, held my hand all day.."
It was such a silly lullaby, and it kept changing depending on its singer's mood.
Oh, how Lan Wangji loved it.
"Oh how it makes me woe, to see my dear boy go.."
"With him my heart stays, while here my body lays."
"Beneath the Lotus Lake."
Shortly after a sad chuckle follows the song.
"Or... should I say beneath the Yiling Lake?"
Lan Wangji's heart dropped.
Once he was sure the recording truly finished, he fished it out the holder and examined it.
"Entry 0123. Clouds." The title on the tape says. It was just the same as the others, Wei Ying would start by describing the subject and go on like he always did.
But now Lan Wangji looks closer.
The date underneath it says 08/24/1997. Exactly 6 years before Wei Ying went missing.
His eyes grow large at the realization--
Lan Wangji remembers very clearly, in the recording Wei Ying had said--
"It is currently 12 pm of January 23. I do realize that I've missed the chance to greet a Happy New Year but oh well--
Who am I kidding? It's not like anyone will find these tapes anyways. Devices like these are old to the new generation. In the 21st century no one's even gonna recognize these silly things."
21st century
Wei Ying had gone missing in the 20th
It filled Lan Wangji with hope and fear.
He's still out there.
But then how did this tape get here? These were retrieved from Wei Ying's old apartment, which has been restricted from being accessed ever since he had gone missing.
Jiang Wanyin and Lan Wangji were allowed to retrieve his stuff only 3 months ago.
The date today was October 30th, 2004.
Why is it that, of all the tapes Wei Ying had recorded, this one was the most up to date?
Especially when the other recordings were within dates that they knew he was still present in their lives?
This was the only recording of him during those missing 6 years.
And it's fresh.
Lan Wangji stumbled, he grabbed his phone on the desk and contacted the only person he knew at that moment.
The phone rang
And picked up.
"Jiang Wanyin, I've found him."
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keysorsomething · 6 months
Sweet Tea and Kvass
This is a little work about my SCP OC again :))
My fav relationship dynamic is grumpy Russian man and a silly little cowboy who annoys him :))
Im so sorry this took so long to come out after it was teased I've been vv busy !!
Crossposted on Ao3 :))
Dmitri exhales, smoke flowing gracefully into the late-night air. He liked it here; it was a beautiful state, and being so far from the city was peaceful. The night’s chill was comforting and reminded him vaguely of home. He lets his eyes shut, slowly and calmly. Crickets rang through the chilly night, letting him get washed with a moment of silent peace. These moments were rare for him. He had so much to do, “War is not a nine-to-five”, after all*.*
Now he feels how tired he is, how he’s barely holding his head up. He looks down at his cigarette, using it as a timer. He had about halfway to go, and then he could go to bed. He was going to finish this, and then he was going to sleep. And he wasn’t going to let any bullshit get to him, no matter how much nonsense the idiots he was assigned to work with got in. He wished he could have someone who took the job seriously.
He tried not to dwell on the thoughts, instead trying to let himself relax so that he’d sleep easier when he went back inside. He took slow, long drags of his cigarette, savoring the moment of peace. He almost wants to start another when he holds nothing but the butt in between his finger and thumb. He shoves the burning end into the porch railing, before flicking it off into the dirt under him. He steps away with a sigh, preparing for whatever he has to deal with when he enters back into the house.
It was a decently large, well-kept, Foundation-owned house meant for missions like this. He didn’t know how often they had to go to this area of Southern Georgia, but he wasn’t complaining about having such a nice place to stay. And, all things considered, the house was pretty clean.
It was a small team, so everyone had their own place to sleep. The door swings open into a small kitchen area, and one of the other members of the team sits at the small circular dinner table. Dmitri groans, seeing him. Arin. Dmitri hated cowboys - he hadn’t met many, but that damn time in Texas had him meet enough - and Arin was the most Southern Cowboy-y as they came.
“Howdy!” He greets Dmitri as he enters the room, turning his head back to look at the Russian man. He always had this easy-going smile on his face, one that never looked forced. But it was just so jarring. Dmitri was so used to the blank faces of home. The smile left a sickly sweet feeling in his stomach, like eating a cake with too much sugar.
He grumbles lowly, “Привет, Доктор,” barely waving. Dr. Akins’ face twitches, he wasn’t really a doctor. It was something he got hung up on often, the phrasing. But Dmitri wasn’t planning on being chivalrous with the other man. Arin’s grin slips, and he nods, turning back around in his chair.
“Alright, well,” Arin mumbles, picking up the silverware he was using to eat. “You gonna be up before six?” He asks, taking a bite of the food.
“Maybe,” Dmitri replies, shrugging.
“Well, I‘mma make some breakfast, but I won’t be up ‘til five-thirty or six, so,” Arin turns back to him. “You’ll still be welcome to take some if you wanna,” He mumbles, before shaking his head. “But don't let me keep ya. You need sleep, you’re doin’ all the hard work.”
Dmitri blinks slowly, pulling a face, “Yeah, Goodnight, Doctor,” He grumbles, walking out of the room. He huffs, rubbing at his face as he makes his way down the hallway. He agreed to take the first room on the right - directly across from Arin's.
It wasn’t a willing agreement - at least not fully. Dmitri had to be at the front, there was no way he wouldn’t let himself be. He had to be at the front to protect his men, and unfortunately, that was the same reason Arin had to be just across from him.
“Keep the death count low; if the one who comes back when they die gets killed, there’s no need to report it,” was the official answer. He was basically a human shield when they took him out like this. Which was rare, as far as Dmitri knew. He didn’t know a lot about the other man’s job on site, but he couldn’t imagine that it was very kind to the other man.
Dmitri swings his room’s door open, groaning as he pulls his shirt off. He drops it neatly in the hamper, kicking the door back shut and not minding when it slams shut behind him. He lets out a heavy sigh when he’s in the bed again. He has to admit that it’s a nice, soft mattress, and the sheets were warm and inviting.
Dmitri is out like a light as soon as the blanket is on him, falling into a deep sleep. His sleeps weren’t always the greatest, haunted by visions of what he’s seen in battle. Many of his dreams were him reliving his last day before he went into the army.
Just slight glimpses of his life before, ones that end up with him re-awakening with tears in his eyes and a pillow tight to his chest. It was embarrassing, the only downside to sleeping here now. Back on site, the walls were thick, and soundproof but these walls are thin, wood.
When he awakes again, his body weight crushes the pillow on the bed, and he’s sweating profusely. He groans, sitting up and rubbing his face. As much as he misses her, maybe it’s a good thing his bed is empty nowadays. He slips out of bed, grabs himself a towel as he goes into the bathroom. He’s still slightly groggy as he starts his shower, taking his time to make sure the water is just right. It cools him off as he steps under the water with a soft huff.
When he gets out he can smell something cooking. It’s unfamiliar, but it leaves a rumble in his stomach. He groans, wrapping the towel over his waist before he steps into the halls. He hears hushed whispers from the kitchen. He rounds the corner, turning in. Arin stands at the stove, humming warmly as he uses a spoon to stir whatever was in the pan he held.
“I still say we should have chicken and waffles,” One of the men at the table groans.
“We can have some tomorrow,” Arin hums, pulling the pan away from the heat.
“What if I ain't here tomorrow? What if I die?” The man replies, letting his hand swing down onto the table.
“You ain’t gonna die,” Arin replies, turning around to him with a wink. “Not while I’m here, at least,” He beams, plating some food. “Oh, Agent Strelnikov,” Arin replies with a jolt, even though he’s smiling. “’M making breakfast; biscuits and gravy. You want a plate?”
Dmitri’s brow furrows, and he shuffles on his feet, “What is “biscuits and gravy”?” He asks, stepping forward.
“Soft bread and thickened sausage fat,” Arin explains, before chuckling. “Oh, well, that doesn’t sound very appetizing.” He plates some more, holding it out to Dmitri. “You wanna try some? You can be honest if you don't like it. I won't be upset, promise,” He beams, and Dmitri takes a moment to think about it.
He had to eat breakfast anyway. He huffs, taking the plate. He sits at the table, taking the fork and knife Arin offers him. Arin plates some for himself, sitting at the head of the table. He has only a fork, not having taken a knife for himself, and looks up briefly here and there as Dmitri takes slow bites. It was not the worst that he’d eaten, but it was nothing compared to food from home.
He took slow, calculated bites as he watched his coworkers eat. They eat fast, Arin simply powering through the soft biscuits with his fork. It bothers Dmitri, the sheer lack of manners. Is it that hard to eat with a knife? But he huffs, looking back down at the food. It’s filling, and it’s important to be full and fed for a long day of searching through a small town for an anomaly.
And the man wasn’t a half-bad cook. Dmitri finishes his food, damn near fully cleaning the plate. A part of him wishes he had been served more, but it will suffice. Arin stands when Dmitri is done, offering his hand out.
“I will do the dishes, Доктор,” Dmitri huffs as the hand comes into his view, raising to his feet himself. “You should not have to cook and clean.”
“Well, I thought you might want to get dressed, Captain,” Arin replies, gesturing vaguely towards the Russian man. He looks almost innocent, his eyes wide and batting at Dmitri.
Dmitri huffs once more, relinquishing his plate to the Southerner. He watches as Arin takes the plates, humming as he moves to the sink. He watches the man hunch, turning the water on as he starts the chore. Dmitri doesn’t stay to watch, turning back around to his own room to get himself dressed for the day.
The sun beats down on them, one thing that Dmitri is decidedly hating. That and Arin’s stupid hat that he keeps tipping down at the people they pass. People are beaming at the Southerner, waving and gleefully greeting him back. It looked like he was a small-town celebrity. People seemed drawn to him like he was magnetic. It was bewildering, to watch how much charisma he had. It was like a dance, socializing here. A dance the Dmitri couldn’t quite get yet. The moves were similar, maybe even exactly the same, but he couldn’t get the smaller intricacies, the ones that weren’t present at home.
To tilt his head here, to smile there, the smallest little twist that makes him walk backward in just a slightly uncomfortable way. These small things, even though they were additions to the dance of socializing he knew, made him feel clumsy like he was tripping over his own feet. Arin did not, though. Arin moved slowly through the dance, swaying at just the right time, smiling and pulling his dance partner in just close enough. The closeness that would be scandalous in the 1700s, the kind where you could feel the breath of the other fanning over your face.
It was something to be envious of, the expertise. Perhaps foolishly, considering how long the man had been around for, but Dmitri still looked at him with the green tint, wanting nothing more than to be able to glide so gracefully through the conversations like this.
Arin leads the small group consisting of himself, Dmirti, and two others. They make their way into a small building, a saloon-styled shop. The four of them make their way inside, being greeted by a young woman who chimes in a pitched-up voice when she spots them.
“Hello, table for four?” She asks sweetly, smiling up at Arin. He grins and shrugs, leaning on the counter.
“We were just lookin’ to ask around, buttercup, but we won't mind stayin’ for some coffee,” He turns his head back to the other men. “Would we, fellas?”
Dmitri watches the other two men turn to each other with big grins, and how Arin’s face twitches with clear displeasure at the sight. The hostess nods and leads them to a booth, Arin firmly yanking one of the men by the wrist like a mom pulling her toddler away from a toy they were throwing a fit over. There was a harshness in the action, a feeling of betrayal, that the man didn't seem to catch. But Dmitri did, and it was a curious thing.
The four of them sit in a booth, Dmitri and Arin sitting across from each other at the ends. Arin faces away from the door, smiling as he talks with the hostess, asking her about how she is doing. He asks about any strange happenings, stuff out of the ordinary. She mentions a semi-truck flipping over on its way out of town before asking why.
Arin grins widely - a disturbing expression to Dmitri, the way that the corners of his mouth pull up so much - and winks at the young woman, “Well, I can tell ya, but I’d have to kill ya, huh?” He chuckles, shaking his head, “We just wanna help, hon,” He corrects, turning to Dmitri. “That’s our job, ta help those who need it, yeah?”
”Дa,” Dmitri agrees quickly, and he watches Arin’s eyes shine excitedly at the agreement. The woman nods.
“Well, did anyone see the truck?” Arin asks, cocking his head to the side.
“Oh, well, some of the firefighters did,” She speaks, her voice soft as she taps the pen to her mouth while she thinks. She takes out her notepad, writing down a handful of names before handing them to Arin. He takes it carefully, turning to her with a big smile.
“Thank you, sweetie. It means a lot you trust us to help,” He tells her, her voice a perfect, sickly-sweet calm. That was what Dmitri disliked so much about Arin’s demeanor. He could never tell what was genuine and what was a ploy to get information or some other want from the target - because they blended into each other flawlessly.
It was easy to get that good at reading people and telling them what they wanted to hear, when you had been around for so long. Perhaps part of it was learned and part was natural, but either way Dmitri thought it was disgraceful. Not that he could blame the other man much - he had his own charms, and his own uses for them. But what Dmitri was doing there was completely different, in his mind. Charming a woman into giving you information for your fights was gross, and his charms had nothing to do with the violence of his missions or of the Foundation.
Arin insists they stay and at least drink something, even though they’re wasting daylight and money, considering that they already had food back at the house. But the Southener still orders a big pitcher of sweet tea with a big grin, insisting that Dmitri try at least a sip.
”When in Rome, you know?” He states, pouring a glass for Dmitri. He doesn’t fill in all the way up, or even halfway, just about a quarter. Enough for the Russian to get a taste, but nothing that would force him to have more than a sip. He pushes the glass forward, not minding the pure disdain on Dmitri’s face. “You don’t gotta, I’ll drink it if you’d prefer.” It was tentative, a small slip in the man’s pride for what was his home.
“I will try,” Dmitri insists roughly, taking the glass from him harshly. He hated that softness, how every offer of Arin’s came with an out. He was an adult, and he could handle himself. He places the glass to his lips, taking a long sip of the liquid.
It, much like Arin, is sickeningly sweet. He frowns as the cold tea touches his tongue, filling his mouth. He pulls away, swallowing it despite how much he wants to spit it back out. He was going to prove to this man that he was capable of taking care of himself, of fulfilling his own duties, and of the fact that he didn’t need another man to talk to him like a pampered child. He takes another long sip, finishing all that he had been poured. Arin smiles, with that same damn smile, and goes to ask him if he liked it.
But, he beats the cowboy to the punch by harshly grabbing the pitcher and pouring himself a full glass. He stares the other man down, violence clear in his face. Arin seems stunned - or perhaps hurt - at the action, but he remains silent. And he’s stopped smiling. It’s a perfect look for him, one that fills Dmitri with a twisted sense of pride.
That pride unfortunately leaves him with much more of the sweet liquid in his stomach than he’d wish, and he feels more than nauseous when they leave. His stomach is so uncomfortable he can’t even think something negative about the way Arin leaves fifteen dollars on the table, despite that being nowhere near fifteen percent of the amount they paid for that pitcher. Dmitri doesn’t even understand how he’s walking by the time they make it to the Fire Department building, which is small considering the area surrounding it. The paper only gives three names, which was the best thing to come from that whole situation.
The interviews go by quickly and are relatively painless. They don’t reveal much, but they give the group a location and some newer information, including other situations in the area. All of them seem to surround one house just on the outskirts of the town, which is the most helpful piece of information. They have their target, and that’s all they could ask for.
Well, Dmitri could ask for one more thing. This was, most likely, a type green. A reality-bender. He doubted anyone here could deal with them as well as his favorite most competent coworker, one Dr. Clef. But, he would have to do.
As much as he doubted these workers, he knew that they would do well, if he took control. He was competent, and he could overcome their goofing off if he was strong enough. If they listened maybe he could make it back to Site. And maybe he won’t have to die with his last drinking being sweet tea.
Gearing up is mostly silent. The men load their guns, adjust their armor, and say their prayers.
Arin doesn’t seem to say anything.
They drive down the back way, with Arin driving. It’s late, dark, by the time they go, but that was the idea. They park behind the house and sit in a moment of fearful silence together. Arin is the first to get out, taking a moment to look out into the dark woods behind the house.
It was run down, the kind of building local kids would tell ghost stories about before daring their friends to go knock on the door. Arin seems lost in thought as he stares off into the distance, fiddling with some keyring he’d attached to the handgun he had in his waistband. It was a moment of solemn silence, one Dmitri didn’t think was possible from the obnoxious other man. He sighs, standing next to Arin silently as he pulls out his pack of cigarettes.
Arin’s eyes slide to his hands, and a chuckle escapes him, “Just my thought, too,” He comments, his hand dropping the metal ring he was fiddling with.
“You want?” Dmitri offers, and this time isn’t doing it with some petty reasoning in his mind, but instead to be kind.
“Nah,” Arin responds, taking a pack of his own from his pocket. “You should keep ‘em for yourself.” He speaks softly, taking out a cigarette of his own as well as his lighter. They stand in silence, for a moment. Together, looking out into the dark forest, in the chilly night air.
“I could die,” Dmitri comments after a moment. “If this goes sour. I would not need extra cigarette then.”
“You won’t die,” Arin replies with an irritated huff. “Not while I’m here.”
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i genuinely love like- seeing your scp art. because i know literally nothing about scp besides the base layer stuff (giant foundation that keeps things contained, there's a danger scale, and i know of the paper mache doll that is so hungry for attention it will obliterate you if you dare try to even blink).
i'm not a big scp fan. not in a "oh, i can't stand this" obviously, i reblog the art you make. but in a "yeah, i'll probably never go anywhere past surface level cuz i'm not interested, but this is cool and it's cool that you like it, so here's some encouragement from the sidelines"
i have no idea who tj or miller or any of these characters are. i don't know why the ships/headcannons exist. i didn't even know there were characters to ship/slap headcannons onto, i thought it was just "hey, cool anomaly, here's some facts, that's it". but there's actual characters?? and they have lore??? and therefore they can be shaped into whatever????
one of them's a fucking cowpoke?????
i don't know, and i honestly don't wanna know, because it would ruin the beauty that is "wait, what's going on, who are these people-???"
i don't know what the point of this was, i'm running on 2hrs of sleep, but just- keep doing the art as long as you want because it's fun being so mega confused about any of it lmao
wahahhha!! I won’t explain anything so you can continue to live in your state of confusion but the idea of someone learning about scp though my art of it is extremely funny. I live in such a niche corner of the fandom, my blog is not the typical nor the ideal scp experience. I just love my silly little doctors and I love putting them into situations.
I am so glad that you like the drawings! I see you all of the time in my notifications and your reblogs mean a lot to me<!!3 
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pinkhairedlily · 3 years
Chapter 5 - Student Council President Sakura
When Naruto let go of that pitch, Sakura knew their school had won. She hugged Hinata who was also overjoyed, and she turned to her side to give Sasuke a high five then she realized he was still not back.
As she moved along the bleachers, she rallied her schoolmates to give a resounding yell routine. Disappearing within the noise, she moved along the halls below the benches, and there she found the group.
When the fist made contact with her face, she almost blacked out. The pain came rushing in after a few seconds of numbness, her sight a complete blur, a slight disorientation, and her hearing muffled. The scuffle played out before her as her eyes refocused, Sasuke kicking and punching the goons on the stomach, but it seemed she got it wrong when Kakashi’s eyes drifted to her as a pair of glaring daggers.
His one foot was on the wrist of the guy who punched her. When the blood finally dripped from her broken nostrils, Kakashi broke the guy’s hand, thankfully echoed by the screams from the bleachers. “You’ll get expulsion and multiple restraining orders just for the hell of it.”
While Kakashi called the security, Sasuke went to Sakura’s side with a mix of an irritated but worried look on his face. Ah, he was wondering why.
“I’m okay,” she tried to say despite receiving no question, but the words came out wrong. Oh my gods, are my teeth broken? How embarrassing?
As if summoned by her thoughts, he stood before them right after the guards took away the passed-out bullies. “Let’s get you two to the clinic.”
“I can’t call Naruto. I left my bag with Hinata,” she tried to say again but the words were coming out jumbled like I con kor Nar-u-o…I re ma ba wi Hina-a…
Kakashi was trying not to laugh as she communicated with Sasuke who was on the other bed, being checked by a doctor with curtains drawn. The school clinic recommended them to go directly to the hospital.
“He would have to wait for our congratulations,” Sasuke replied.
“I see you wincing in pain, young man. That’s a broken rib right there,” the doctor noted from the other side. When the curtains were swept to the side, Sakura saw her raven-haired classmate clutching at his side. When his eyes opened to find hers, he glanced away and let go of his pained expression.
“Ms. Haruno, I will be referring you to our plastics. Would be a waste if your student council president loses her pretty face.” The doctor tapped Kakashi’s shoulder as she walked out of their ward.
“Thanks, Nohara,” he called out after her.
Sakura deduced he was friends with the doctor, but she could ask him that some other time. She looked a bit older than the Math teacher so they might not be together. Regardless, shouldn’t she be more engrossed of having a crooked nose in front of Kakashi than his personal love life? When he turned her attention to her finally, she instinctively covered her face with her hands.
“Sakura, you should tilt your head upwards, just a little bit. You had a nosebleed earlier, didn’t you?” She did what he said, but gods, this was so embarrassing. She tried to look at him through her fingers, and his beauty mark moved as he chuckled. Ugh, why is he so perfect?
His phone suddenly pinged, and he took a moment to read the message. “Hmm. I need to leave and go explain things to the board. Nohara might advise bed rest and school leave for at most three weeks so get well soon, all right?” Then, he turned to Sasuke. “You don’t have to worry about it.”
Sakura wondered if she should ask a favor from Kakashi. Asking him to stay was a tad too much, and asking him to contact the council would be too irresponsible. Maybe she could sneak out after his exit and find a way to contact the council. She should also call Naruto – second on the task list. He would be devastated without their congratulations.
A hand on her head stopped her thoughts. “Stop thinking at hundred miles per second, and rest. I will take care of the council and inform Uzumaki of your situation. I assume you three are friends?”
“No.” “Yes.” Sasuke and Sakura answered respectively.
Kakashi smiled, finding amusement in their dynamics. “See you soon.”
“Shi yo,” she muttered through her broken nose, unaware of her fingers already fidgeting the rubber band on her wrist.
She was back in the hospital the following week. While Sasuke was advised to be confined, she was sent for home care. The mandated rest did not even last a day because she needed to show up to her shifts in the café and showed up she did in some elaborate mask to cover her bandaged nose and a sketchpad for conversations. To appease the constant nag and flood of messages from her councilmates, she stopped showing up in school for three days and turned the tables on them by doing all the nagging and demanding daily updates.
On the fourth day, she was up and running through the school halls to reach the board inquisition in time. She gladly accepted an annoyed litany of precautions and reminders from Kakashi.
“I never thought you could be this stubborn, Sakura.” He was visibly exasperated. “I can’t tail you every time and remind you that you’re injured.”
But you could. “I’m sorry, Sensei. I promise to not push myself so hard for the next days.” Sakura gave him a peace sign which he jokingly waved away.
“Pull your energy back, like 60 percent of it.” He patted her head softly, like an adult would to an unreasonable kid, and never have she felt more insulted. “If only I could take care of you.”
Like a babysitter would? She immediately put distance between them, feeling angry for no reason, and she stormed off, leaving him clueless in the middle of the hallway about her sudden rigid behavior.
Now she was back in the hospital after a week of mild recuperation. When she went to check on Sasuke, she found him asleep, probably from the sedatives. It amused her that even in slumbers, his brows would furrow, yet a part of her worried that there must be something looping him in nightmares. She left her presence with a basket of fruits and a medium-sized carton of tomato juice which Naruto mentioned was his favorite. Several juice boxes of the same flavor were stacked on the other side of his bed and a plastic bag filled with instant ramen bowls. She would ask the maintenance staff later to take out the trash.
When she finally reached the door of Dr. Aki Nohara, her assistant gestured for her to wait for a while outside. She figured she can loiter in Sasuke’s room and have one of the nurses get her until she heard Kakashi’s voice inside the room.
“I know you literally accelerated throughout school, but you need to act more like your age.” Her doctor scolded her teacher like an old friend. She was aware of her eavesdropping, but she hoped to learn more of his life. “I’m saying you should visit Rin.”
“Does she miss me?” It was and wasn’t his voice. She didn’t hear his usual nonchalance when he blurted out those words. Ah, a weird ache was forming in her chest.
“Do you even need to ask that from me when the answer is already so obvious?”
“Hmm. I’m just not ready….yet.”
“Well get on with it and put a ring on her finger or others will!”
Ah, her sensei was apparently planning to get married? So he had someone after all, someone named Rin. Sakura felt the room crowd her in, almost suffocating her, and she accidentally bumped into a passing staff and a tray cart of medical supplies.
Her small disturbance brought the occupants outside the room. “Ah, Ms. Haruno, you may come in now. You look pale, dear.”
Kakashi waved at her, his teacher persona already up in arms, then he turned to Dr. Aki. “Your medical advice for my heart is noted, but not now, maybe in the far, far, far future.”
Dr. Aki tsked at him. “Off you go Hatake. I have a patient waiting. Oh thank heavens, the color is returning to your face.”
He’s not marrying her……yet. Would it be silly to think I have a chance?
A whole two weeks have gone in secluded rooms – a week alone in a hospital room because of Itachi’s connections and another week alone cooped up in his apartment. He got radio silence from his brother, and he almost wished he gave him an earful of insults instead – many of which should have called out his cowardice, especially when the clash had an avoidable casualty. He looked so stupid next to cool Kakashi, Kakashi who was only five years older than them, Kakashi who smoked and read with baseball playing on the background, Kakashi who took on all four people at once with no scratch on his body, Kakashi with his silver hair being friends with doctors and bigshots, Kakashi with his beauty mark laughing at Sakura.
If there was any further downside to this, that was also the angry flood of texts he got from Naruto the night of the game, and then nothing. He was too drugged with sedatives he didn’t have the right mind to reply and process them. He was too drugged to wake up with a clear mind even. He didn’t bother to text or call back. Whatever, whatever, whatever. He took a look again at his phone, checked the time, found no new messages, and put it back on his side table.
His past self would have enjoyed this momentary social isolation, but he couldn’t help the nagging feeling of missing company however, he can’t bring himself to admit this aloud.
The next time he opened his eyes, he scrambled out of bed in panic and cold sweat. Someone was incessantly ringing his doorbell. When his eyes tried to find the clock, he found that it was already eight in the evening. He was sure he wasn’t expecting any guests tonight.
He trudged on to his door and mustered some strength to look through the peephole. Blue irises looked back at him, moved away a few steps, and struck a pose with a pink-haired girl with bandages still on her nose. The door never opened so quickly during the length of his stay.
“Are you stalkers or something?” were the first words he spat.
“Dr. Aki Nohara said it’s okay to visit you now!” Naruto whined. “And Sakura brought food!”
Sakura presented several paper bags. “It was Naruto’s idea actually. He nagged me for a week.”
“Yeah and I couldn’t understand her in the first few days,” the blonde said, rather straightforwardly.
Sasuke held back the urge to slap his hand on his forehead, but he moved to the side as he allowed them to venture inside his apartment. On second thought, did he put his underwear on the laundry basket?
“We figured you didn’t have dinner yet,” Sakura told him as she laid out the food containers on the dining table. “Mind if we use your utensils?”
“I forgot to say please make yourself at home,” Sasuke snapped sarcastically.
“Eeew, you’re still in your pajamas.” Naruto made a face at him while he opened his fridge and scoured for water and fruit juices. “That makes the two of us who didn’t shower!”
“You idiot. I showered this morning.” Nevertheless, Sasuke sat on the seat beside Sakura, allowing her to give him a bowl of ramen and some serving of okonomiyaki. A large platter of takoyaki was placed in the center of the table, first to be consumed by impatient hands and hungry mouths. Sakura had one hell of an appetite and fast metabolism to boot.
“Anyway, congratulations idiot,” he said while munching on the last piece of takoyaki. “Aren’t you supposed to travel to Fukuoka for the semis?”
“Yeah, next week! It doesn’t start until next month, but Captain Haru said we need to train,” Naruto replied as he proceeded to open a bowl of instant ramen. “The board also granted us exemption from exams. My brains are saved.”
“Your training camp really coincided with the school field trip,” Sakura noted. “Maybe we could visit you in between?”
“That would be the best!” Naruto grinned sheepishly, but Sasuke swore there was a tinge of red in his cheeks.
Finally rid of all food and dishes, the three lounged around in his living room, browsing titles in Netflix – Sakura wanted gore, crime, and horror while Naruto wanted adventure and fantasy films.
“What genre do you want, Sasuke?” Sakura asked. She was in possession of the remote and was seated on the other end of the couch. Naruto was on the floor with an open packet of chips and soda.
“And if I said romance?” he chided, weirdly enough to catch them offguard, but Sakura landed on the Twilight series and pressed play without second thoughts. “I was joking.”
“And it’s now starting,” she said back.
“How long are you gonna stay here?” He lost track of time – not the first instance this happened but the first occurrence without the burden of something heavy. “It’s past midnight.”
“I thought I was slow but you’re actually slower,” Naruto teased. “We’re staying over, grumpy.”
“I would love for a vampire to bite me,” Sakura quipped out of context.
Sasuke figured he didn’t have the energy to refute their uninvited sleepover at his unit. By the time New Moon played on screen, Naruto was sleeping on the floor with his mouth hanging wide open, and Sakura was lying fully on the couch, her feet stretched out on his lap. He slid out of this awkward entanglement and strode quietly to his drawers where he took out spare blankets to cover them with. On his bedside table, his phone lit up with a message notification.
Happy birthday, Sasuke. – Itachi
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plaguedoctormemes · 4 years
Ive been jumping on this blog on and off and just periodically checking things. I’m mostly just focusing my energy on drawing, my classes and my girlfriend at the present moment.
While drawing, i had been absentmindedly watching/listening to stuff (mostly ridiculous stuff that i used to enjoy + fandom drama postmortems for a little nostalgia trip, and a laugh and an eyeroll) and it got me to thinking about what i made this blog for and what plaguecore means to me as a concept.
It’s weird. i take it seriously yet not seriously at the same time.
I was not the first person to create an entirely plague doctor themed blog (that wasnt scp-related) nor was i even the first person to claim the word “plaguecore” but i am often attributed with these things anyway. It’s wierd and i dont feel important for it in any way whatsoever. I originally just cross-posted memes i found from other sites and created a few memes of my own and posted here for me to go back and laugh at and before I knew it, people that werent my gf or a couple of my friends followed me for it. I started using “plaguecore” because i thought it was a neat aesthetic that could be distinct enough from witchy stuff and dark academia and general goth things, and my plaguecore blog was made purely for myself and myself only (same as this blog).
I had haphazardly written what plaguecore meant for me on my blog and i guess the reason why I’m writing this post in the first place is that i have always (and will always) hope that plaguecore and plague doctors would be associated with positive things regardless of its bleak past and implications, simply because I want those things to be true. I want anyone to feel comfortable dressing up and wear a funny bird mask no matter who or what they are and smell flowers and try to be helpful and feel capable of learning something new even though they might not have all of the equipment or resources in front of them. But i can only want and hope things for things to be fine, and know that that cant always happen. I can only hope that i can try to be as welcoming as I can and listen. I can only hope that I and everyone else can do the same.
I and other people within this community- hell, any community- can try to help others fee safe and welcomed. Any person can aim to want an inclusive and safe space, but that is only an ideology and not something that can always be described, or can be a promise well kept. But that in itself is not a bad thing, either. Claiming something “is” or “isnt” is such a finality in language that, as I grow, I feel rather uncomfortable with. It claims that something “is” something, period, and can never change or become something that it “isnt”. It cannot be “better” and cannot be “worse”. I’d rather things get better, whatever that means to you and I. I want it to be inclusive, but i cannot forsee if that desire is respected in any way. People will come and go, and language and minds can change either on a drop of a hat or over the course of time. People will buy funny masks and dump them in a forgotten box once we find something thats new we’re passionate about. Is that a good thing, because we are human and we love to discover and experience new things? Or is it bad because we are fickle, we love the latest trends, or because we hate to be stuck on old habits that embarrass us?
Will i delete this blog once i find a new hyperfixation that resonates with me more? Will i abandon it so it stays in an archival state? Or will i continue this until I get a shiny new doctor costume and reinvent myself with a new silly name? Will i keep it just because it’s been a fun casual little romp, or will I leave if things change for me too much too fast? I don’t think any of these things are necessarily bad or good, i think.
Why am i writing this? I don’t know. I’ve just been weirdly reflective and reverent lately, i guess. Feel free to ignore it.
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Coraline au (Never dreaming)
N/A: trying to explore a plot hole here.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @bamfoftheundead @discordsworld
Today is Friday, one day of the week where Kitty takes to work on her music so far she´s pleased with the results enough to warrant a rest and as she sits down on her puff, a pink one that seems to embrace her body (she almost feels as if she has no real body or rather, she is filling all the space, corner existent in the universe. What a silly thought to have)
"Hard day?" IT´s voice rings softly in her ear and Kitty´s eyes are open(still has a body, of course, she has) and look at the Chaos itself who is a void (of course he is) as Cosmo and Jupiter aren´t here now.
"You´re always watching me, which by the way, is rude, so...what´s the point in me answer that?" she returns back at him with good humour as she gets out of the puff.  "I should be the one asking you hat but..."
"Is very rude ask things if you already know" IT respond back in the same tone flashing a wide smile. "You shouldn´t peek, if you want to see me, how to say, work, you can come with me next time"
"Lovely, maybe when I want to write something more akin Evanesce!" she rejoins gentle and it´s tentacle touches her hair gently. "Oh, I know you. You want to ask more things about my life, look if you want to know if I really lost my virginity with 15 years old, yes, I wasn´t lying in that interview" she crosses her arms amused recalling the interview in question and how her family take that as something normal (well, when they did deal with Dagon and all that weird cult festival, their daughter having a normal sex life is something to celebrate...of course, Kitty won´t tell her sex life is not so normal)
"No, no, not that. Jupiter told me you have insomnia and can´t sleep...is that true?" LK now has a more corporal body and is the blue and fuzzy Nightcrawler Kitty used now.
"Oh, yes?"
"Then..how come you can dream about certain things?"
Kitty stops her movements and gazes upon him. She never truly talk with anyone about this aspect of her, Jupiter and Cosmo? Yes, but in a more superficial matter, but, now...
"Look, I´ve never truly needed to sleep, not really" she begins recalling all her time as a small child. "I remember my mother once sobbing on the phone with the doctor saying how I wasn´t sleeping and how they are worried about my health and then I pretend to sleep"
"Pretend to sleep?" LK asked again confused.
"Yeah, I closed my eyes and keep counting until the infinity or close, that seems to have fooled my mother and even my doctor who said the pills, oh yeah I have to take those pills to ''sleep'', " she quotes on the air and continues "but I never truly sleep, not for a minute. I could pretend very well and I even have nice stories of dreams to share with people when asked about my dreams"
LK chuckles amused at this.  "And those images you see in your mind? If they aren´t dreams...what are they?"
"At first, I thought it was you just showing off" she begins ignoring the smirk on his face. Too smug and full of secrets (full on wanting to know a secret that no one else knows) "especially because of that fake Dark Pharaoh...but, one of your cats told me what you usually do with fakes and "now she is pondering those images one last time "that fake was treat very differently and you´re too evil to use that image and say I´m special human to you"
"Hey!" LK said but Kitty waves at him to calm him down.
"You´re a handsome, evil asshole. Accept that, anyway, back to the point, I now know it isn´t you putting images in my head for two reasons" Kitty speaks again floating in the air with that azzure energy. LK is too mesmerized to voice a complaint. "You can´t enter my mind" and she continues "Actually, I always thought those images are some sort of side effect of my powers. Some witches can´t enter into some realms because her powers and I thought it was the same with me...but I was wrong"
No one can enter Life´s mind (things LK will use to tease when SHE is fully awakened even more by the fact she is the one who banned certain witches from entering certain realms)
"And you haven´t met that fake one, but, you wish you had...I think...Zaorva is trying to speak through you and you really want to know what she has to say"
Things to tease Zaorva when she wakes up is growing.
"Yes, but there´s the last option, one that I never really used before" LK is looking at Kitty who is curious now. Is cute, he admits that to himself, "is a reason that only works with you, Katzchen, I´m in love with you"
Kitty blushes and only says how sappy Chaos is being, however, she asks. "When you meet Zaorva...what will happen?"
"Do you mind if we get into a relationship a 3?"
"Can I ask you something? Have you ever love anyone or anything before?"
"As I do you? NO, You've got a real charm, Katzchen, that I think only Zaorva can top...I´d not get love, and maybe that´s her jurisdiction, not mine, but...I can say I love you now and forever"
"Me and Zaorva are going to tease you for being corny"
"I can deal with that just fine" ____________________________________________________________________________
"You can eat human food," Kitty asked with the menu in her hands. The menu is from a restaurant that LK never heard of it, but, won´t pay attention to this detail. "And when I say human food, I mean food, not humans"
"Funny, Katzchen, but, yes I can eat food" LK respond amused as Kitty is using her cellphone to ask for the said food, she mentioned how she gets a special discount with this restaurant.
And in 5 minutes after making the call the food materialize in the kitchen sit with a nice blue plastic bag and the big card saying ''welcome back, any food you wish to order will be given in no more than 5 minutes or less. Free of charge for our favourite customer"
LK watches as the menu is being carefully placed in her draw as Kitty asks LK to join her for the meal. Which human would ever ask that to HIM? No human, of course.
"Oh, by the way, I keep forgetting to tell you that...since Zaorva is sending me her memories, you know, for the whole ''Zaorva´s call'' I think she wants me to tell you this: Dude, I´ve been stalking you since your empire in Shiark" and Kitty resume to eat her food.
LK blinks many times. SHE did stalk him?
"Really? And what she thought of my time there?"
"Pretty impressive as well pretty evil. The whole thing with the prince leaving the royal family and giving on power was on your plans?"
"No, that was unforeseen in my original plan, so, I had to adapt."
"Still impressive and still evil"
"Thank you, Katzchen"
Minerva supposes she must thank her lucky stars as she found what she was looking for in so little time. The SCP foundation. Sure, Minerva could have used the Avengers, but, the problem is that the Avengers like to meddle with the X-men and IT is there...do never anger IT.
"Now, tell me, good doctor, which ones are the creation of life?" Minerva asked with the confidence of someone carrying a more powerful weapon as the doctors and scientist are in a tight spot.
"Only the SCP of life?"
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foundationsecured · 6 years
Commission: SCP-049/Jem
This is a Commission! 
Dr. Jem Albers isn’t anxious, they swear. But SCP-049 notices more than he lets on...
  The air felt anxious.
Was that the right word? The air felt awkward, and uncomfortable, and every other word under the sun that described some feeling of tense aggravation. Yes, that was correct. The air felt anxious.
Or maybe Jem was projecting.
Jem stiffened, then sighed, all in one fluid motion, easily practiced and done a hundred times before. They smoothed a hand through some loose pieces of hair, and stuck out their lip, and, well, generally tried their best not to think about why they were anxious. A task easier said than done, especially for someone like Jem, who had anxiety the size of the entirety of Site-14, and a seemingly bottomless pit to draw it from.
So, okay, Jem was anxious. That much was a given. It wasn’t like they could deny it, but it also wasn’t like anyone would ask. At least, not right now. Sam might ask, but she was busy, and Jem felt their stomach twist in another set of awkward knots at the thought of Sam asking what was wrong, because that meant thinking more about the problem and-
Oof. Right. 
Jem cleared their throat, straightened their bow tie, and entered the interview chamber. And they didn’t even need to fake the smile they gave the person inside: SCP-049.
“Hello, 049,” Jem greeted, taking a seat in their chair, placing down a folder and fixing their glasses. SCP-049 nodded lightly in turn.
“Hello, doctor,” 049 sounded as though he was smiling, but Jem couldn’t ever say for certain. Besides, his eyes gave it away every time. 049 continued, “I trust you are well today?”
Jem blinked, then cleared their throat, “Oh, yeah, I’m fine!” and they felt particularly proud that their voice didn’t waver even once.
A strange look passed through 049’s eyes, but he didn’t say anything, and it was gone just as quick. Jem chalked it up to the cold feeling still resting in their stomach, and continued on.
“So, just a few more questions today,” Jem hummed, sliding some papers out, pulling out a pen and fiddling with it, “If that’s okay.”
Jem glanced up, catching 049’s stare, and then glanced back down. Wow, these papers sure are interesting.
“Of course,” SCP-049 whispered. And Jem pretended their stomach didn’t tumble for a different reason.
And so, the interview passed as… well, as normal. Jem gave questions, SCP-049 gave answers. But, as time went on, the ever-present anxiety that Jem had been ignoring began to make itself known, like some ugly monster locked in Keter containment. And it wasn’t going away. Jem tapped their foot, bit their lip, hunched over in their chair and even tried to do some careful breaths. But, no matter what Jem did, the anxiety kept growing. There wasn’t… there wasn’t any reason for it.
“Is something wrong, doctor?” 049 finally asked. Jem jumped slightly, then put on their best attempt at a normal smile. It didn’t come out right.
“I’m fine!” And their voice cracked too.
A tense silence slid over the interview room, and Jem hated it. They just wanted to keep talking to 049, not remember their anxiety, or let it make things awkward. Jem pointedly did not look at 049, and held their breath instead, hoping he would just give up-
And it would have worked (right?) had Jem’s phone not buzzed in their project. Front coat pocket, like always. But, today, it felt like hot lava, burning their skin. Jem frantically scrambled to silence it, and made very, very sure not to look at the words on the screen (don’t look at them, don’t look at them) as they finally, finally shut the phone off. Almost mechanically, Jem set the into their pocket.
The once tense silence was now brittle. Jem felt… shame. The phone on their pocket was a heavy, lead weight, freezing the ice in their veins. Anxiety crawled up their back, making their throat tight, and were those tears forming? Jem didn’t even look up, too ashamed, even as 049 reached over, and…
And plucked the phone out of Jem’s pocket. Jem glanced up in a bleery confusion, but 049 simply frowned. He turned the phone over in gloved hands, then set it gently down onto the table. Jem… Jem wanted to leave. Their anxiety was stifling, it was too much, and now 049 would ask about it, and Jem would have to explain that it was their fault, and-
“It seems silly, that this device should cause you such strife,” SCP-049 tilted his head, “But, it is not my place to judge. Nor,” and 049 made certain that Jem had eye contact then, “is it my place to ask.”
The balloon of anxiety lessened, but only slightly. 049 continued, standing up.
“I could see, when you first entered the room, that an anxiety ate away at you. It is not my place to ask, again,” 049 moved carefully, as if every step was full of deliberation. Jem could only watch, as 049 walked closer, until he was standing only a meter away, at most.
“But. It is my place to try and comfort you, I think,” 049 finally whispered, leaning down. Jem stuttered on air, but then 049 tentatively reached out… and placed a hand on their shoulder, “I care about you.”
The horrible, ugly knot of anxiety dissolved into the air, and Jem found themself leaning forward, until they were hugging 049, because they couldn’t think of anything else to do, but it felt right. And after a moment, 049 hugged them back.
Time passed, but eventually, Jem and 049 separated. But already, Jem felt… so much better. They wanted to say a billion things, like ‘thank you’, or ‘how did you know’, or even, ‘I think I really like you, oh gosh’.
But, instead, Jem awkwardly smiled and said, “Onto the next question?”
And Jem could tell from 049’s eyes that he smiled too.
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sandpaperdaisy · 4 years
The medieval plague doctor, with his waxed robes and beaked mask, has always been an important part of my internal horror landscape. So much so that when our own real-life pandemic hit, a plague doctor sticker giveaway was the first thing I thought of in order to try to cheer a few people (and myself) up in the early weeks of the tragedy. I’m happy to report that it did just that! I sent out lots of letters and everyone who requested them was delighted to get a little “extra” with their stickers: a little sketch of a plague doctor (often with a big heart on his robe or doing something silly like pushing a shopping cart) telling them to “Stay Safe!”
Now that the giveaway is over, I thought it might be nice to commemorate the event with some more glimpses of plague doctor madness.
First up is all the amazing plague doctor items I’ve gotten from my generous and talented friends! To see more of Courtney (NonDecafArt)’s art and masks go here, for more of Cora (Cola_Problems)’s art go here, and to see more of the great things in the Nick Nackery go here!
Next up I’d like to share with you a couple of plague doctor related panels from a comic I’m doing called The Ocean. It may be awhile before I finish this one, especially since it’s a little too close to home at the moment, but feel free to look at the several pages I’ve got so far.
Thirdly, I would be remiss if I didn’t talk about the SCP Foundation, a rich repository of free horror and uncanny fiction that has its very own plague doctor in the entry SCP 049. Constructed like a fictional research and containment foundation, the scp archives and its surrounding community of talented writers, artists, game developers and youtubers will leave you with an everlasting brimful of scary and imaginative fiction. There are something like 4000 entries now. TheVolgun is one of the most celebrated SCP-based youtubers and voice actors out there, and his interpretation of SCP 049 “The Plague Doctor” is the definitive interpretation for many people.
My love of plague doctors and all lore surrounding the black plague predates the SCP Foundation, however. Back when I was a child I enjoyed reading through Time-Life’s Enchanted World series every chance I got. One of the books, Ghosts, dealt heavily with the plague. Its pages showed chilling art by Bruegel replete with laughing triumphant skeletons and coupled with poem stanzas like these:
The lantern-bearer lights the way, For those who no more seize the day. Blind eyes peer out from every head, That crowds the carriage of the Dead.
Not crown nor coin can halt time’s flight, Or stay the armies of the night. King and villain, lad and lass, All answer to the hourglass.
It was these fearsome “armies of the night” I pictured when I began to write my novel.
The heavily cloaked and gloved “Resurrection Men” from chapter one owe much to my terror and fascination with plague doctors. I also call them Ankou after another legend you can find in the Enchanted World series (as well as elsewhere), and they have a healthy dose of A Gentleman from Prague, which is one of my favorite short horror stories. Here’s an Ankou I drew for the October Sketch Challenge I did a long time ago.
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In 2019 my friends succeeded in getting me hooked on The Magnus Archives, and this series as well has a healthy appreciation for the horrors of the plague and the cloaked and hooded strangers that creak heavily from house to house in their cart, calling for the dead to be surrendered to their dubious care. I couldn’t resist drawing two such characters for this past October sketch challenge. And I haven’t even touched on my gaskmask obsession!!
Someday, I might gain some sort of deeper insight into my utter fascination for the obscured and sinister stranger, whether it takes the form of the beaked plague doctor, the grinning skeleton from whom all trace of humanity has been removed, the menacing figure in the fog, or the alien glitter of a gas-mask’s goggles. In every case, you can’t quite be sure that the stranger under the mask is really human, or benign. And in my favorite movie of all time, John Carpenter’s The Thing (1982), even human features can be a lie. What lies beneath might not be human or friendly at all.
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I wonder how many of you have been similarly in thrall to a lifelong fascination with menacing strangers and obscured faces? I’d love to hear about any other legends or creatures you’re fascinated with (or terrified of). Feel free to tell me about them in the comments!
Plague Doctors and Other Strangers: my own obsession and a little more background on menacing or partially obscured strangers in stories and art. The medieval plague doctor, with his waxed robes and beaked mask, has always been an important part of my internal horror landscape.
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fearofaherobrine · 7 years
Roleplay Server Log #274
“A Present for Slender, Zoo Trip pt1″
[Splender] Enters Doc's house with Pinwheel in his arms- Hello?
[Doc] Is sitting on the steps smootching Deerheart-
[Splender] Sends out his senses and finds them and begins heading towards them- Hello?  Doctor?
[Doc] Leans back on the steps and reluctantly releases Deerheart. -
[Deer] - Oh, hello Splender!  And Pinwheel too!
[Doc] Waves- What's up guys?
[Splender] - Well I was wondering if you would be willing to watch Pinwheel for awhile.  Sally would like to come for a visit
[Doc] Pinwheel? Is that okay with you? You can probably play with Crim some more.
[Pinwheel] - Cri?
[Doc] Yep. I'm sure he's around here somewhere.
[Pinwheel] - Cri!  Cri!
[Doc] Well there you go. Looks like it's okay Splender. Give my regards to Sally and your bro.
[Splender] - Oh I will!- He puts Pinwheel down- Now behave Pinwheel
[Doc] Is nearly eye to eye with the small dragon since they're laying back on the steps- How's your day going Pinwheel?
[Pinwheel] - No
[Doc] Okay then...
[Deer] Giggles a little-
[Splender] Creates an opening and goes through-
[Doc] Calls after him- did she eat already?
[Splender] - I think so!
[Doc] Sneaks a hand over to scritch her ruff-
[Pinwheel] Stiffens and then relaxes with a little trill-
[Doc] Did you get a chance to play in the scratchy grass?
[Pinwheel] Trills and rolls over, accidentally falling down the last few steps-
[Doc] Sits up - Whoah! Careful! Are you okay?
[Pinwheel] Huffs- No
[Doc] Then I'll check on you. - Touches her gently as if examining her and then scratches her ruff with both hands.
[Pinwheel] Neck stretches out happily-
[Deer] - She's gotten much better lately
[Doc] She's getting more exercise, and the attention she needs. I think she was just full of energy and not getting to run around enough.
[Pinwheel] Moves away from the scratches to sniff around-
[Doc] I have an idea. - Xe pops out one of the floor blocks and replaces it with a grass block from the creative- How's that?
[Pinwheel] Goes right over to it and just starts rolling around-
[Doc] See? Happy dragon.
[Deer] - It's adorable how her second word is her friends name
[Doc] That too. I'm just glad she made a friend. Ironic that's it's the only other dragon on the seed with a venomous bite
[Deer] - I wonder if that's why they bonded...
[Doc] Who knows? But I don't want her to be lonely and mad. I know Splender can be a bit... overwhelming at times.
[Deer] - That he can be- Leans against Doc
[Doc] Threads an arm around her shoulder and relaxes against her- Best to enjoy the peaceful moments while they last.
[Deer] - Absolutely
[Splender] Is walking with Sally to LJ's circus, singing a silly song with her-
[Herabrine] Is playing at one of the little booths, basically squirting the targets with little streams of water from a nearby puddle.
[Sally] Gets quieter when she see's Hera-
[Splender] - Hello!
[Herabrine] Hi Splender. -Looks at Sally - Oh man... Is your brother visiting again?
[Splender] - Nope!  Sally is on her own little visit!  Do you know where LJ is?
[Herabrine] No Ej this time either? I bet Doc's feeling lucky then. Heh. I'm not sure. He's around here someplace.
[Splender] - Well then we should go find him!- He twirls Sally around a bit
[Herabrine] Flies up a little so she's closer to Splenders level and looks around- Okay
[Splender] Goes investigating through some tents until they enter the main tent- I still don't see him...
[LJ] Grins from above them and reaches down for Sally-
[Herabrine] Jinks back a little as his rainbow sleeve goes past her- Ha! Trickster.
[LJ] Grabs Sally and tosses her up into the air- Hey kiddo!
[Sally] Laughs happily-
[Splender] - LJ be careful!
[Herabrine] Ah, she's okay. A three block fall is only a heart and a half and she's got ten.
[Splender] - Still...
[LJ] - Ha ha!  So what are you here for kiddo?
[Sally] - Papa's birthday is coming up!
[LJ] - Oh!  That's right!
[Hearbrine] I thought Slender was like... ancient or something? I'm shocked he knows when his birthday is.
[Splender] - He doesn't, but he let Sally choose one for him
[Herabrine] Oh, so, gonna suprise him or something?
[Sally] - Uh huh!  But first I have to find him a present...
[LJ] - And there's no better present finders than Splender and I!
[Herabrine] What have you gotten him in the past? I mean you can't get high tech right? Cause of the EMP?
[Sally] - Books and pictures!
[Herabrine] Hmm... Does his emp blow out redstone?
[Splender] - I wouldn't think so, the torch on CP's door has never had any problems...
[Herabrine] Does some gentle loops in the air thinking- We could make something then? What's a good 'dad' gift?
[Sally] Macaroni art!
[Herabrine] What's a macaroni? -chuckles- we could find him an amusing tie?
[Splender] Gives her a mental burst of macaroni art- I know brother will love anything you get him Sally
[Herabrine] Just floats there turning the image over in her mind - that's weird..
[LJ] - Let's see here, we might be able to find some books he doesn't have yet...
[Herabrine] I've never had a dad.... I'm just familar with the cliches... What does he usually read anyway?
[Splender] - Boring stuff
[Herabrine] Well that's no fun... does Slender actually have a sense of humor?
[LJ] - His own
[Herabrine] I get it... Okay here's a thought, what's his most common complaint?
[Splender] - Depends on the day
[Herabrine] Motions for him to elaborate-
[Splender] - It depends on the day and who's in the house.  Some days he's grumbling over us, his brothers, or the damages done to the manor, or the SCP, or even how much food we're going through!
[Herabrine] Nothing to him personally? He's old, isn't he creaky at all?
[Splender] - Things like that don't really affect us until we get as old as our great grandfather!
[Herabrine] Giggles - I'm just imagining him first thing in the morning shuffling around in slippers and a robe....
[Splender] - He occasionally does!  Especially if he's recently been in a more difficult fight recently
[Herabrine] Yeah... nobody looks good first thing in the morning.
[Splender] - And depending on how many bathrooms are functioning in the manor will determine how grumpy he is about the fighting in the hallways
[Herabrine] He doesn't have his own bathroom? Maybe we should get him a really tall toilet!
[Splender] - Oh he does, but the halls can get rather loud if the others have to share a bathroom due to them breaking some of them
[Herabrine] Sounds like you need someone to expand the house...
[Splender] - CP did a couple of times, but that's just how it is in the manor.  Every room has it's own small bathroom attatched
[Herabrine] I was just going to ask, it would have been a wasted opportunity if he'd never been asked to build anything out there.
[Splender] - Well, we have some time to brainstorm so let's just keep thinking!
[LJ] Has wandered off with Sally to play at one of the stalls-
[Herabrine] You know... I've heard TLOT can use redstone to make stuff vibrate...
[Splender] - Like a joy buzzer?
[Herabrine] How about a whole chair? Like a massager thingie?
[Splender] Thinks for a moment- That is a possibility...
[Herabrine] Does he already have a huge chair someplace?
[Splender] - Oh yes, a few
[Herabrine] If you nab one, we can probably alter it.
[Splender] - Got it!  For now though...  Time to play!
[Herabrine] Well you have your choice. Me and Lj got everything fixed up. I think him and the kid got a head start on us too.
[Splender] - Oh that tricky clown!
[Herabrine] Grins- Hell yeah. He's a hoot and a half.
[Splender] - Will you be joining us?
[Herabrine] Sure! I was just killing time anyway. It's weird being in here. It's like when CP and I went out to torment BEN, kinda more detailed.
[Splender] - Oh yes!  Well he is more real world based
[Herabrine] I can't touch my hair, I get all distracted... It's so much...
[Splender] - Ha ha!  I'm sure you'd get used to it if you spent more time there!
[Herabrine] Yeah, maybe. I think I'll stick to astral projecting irl. I heard about the hell you gotta go through to stay out there.
[Splender] - It's your choice.
[Lie] Has entered the castle looking for Doc- Doc? Hello?
[Doc] Is keeping an eye on Pinwheel and making more rock candy- Well I'm popular today... - louder- Down here Lie!
[Lie] Goes on down and skirts around Pinwheel who is snoozing- Hey Doc, I was wondering if you had any more pastries about? We seem to have run out of them at my place
[Doc] Sure! I keep that kind of thing hidden around the house if Yaunfen gets hungry. Try the trunk by the anvil.
[Lie] Goes over to check- So I saw that you went back out again after we got the gun for Ever, what was that about?
[Doc] Shudders - Hg wanted a goat and I took him and Crim out to get one. It was my bad for going to a physics game...
[Lie] - What happened?
[Doc] Everyone that went got banged up from being flung around just trying to walk.
[Lie] Can't stop her laugh- And you brought something that physics breaking here?
[Doc] It's a live goat. Hg wanted it. It seemed normal enough and I haven't heard any complaints since he took it away.
[Lie] - So anything else of interest happen?
[Doc] Yes! I got menaced by some kind of monster! And we got the hell out of there pretty damn quick.
[Lie] - Monster?
[Doc] Shakes hir head vigorously - it was huge! With creepy spindly legs, and nubby horns, and it stuck a big blue tongue out at us!  
[Lie] - ... Show me mentally?
[Doc] Thinks about it, but the memory is distorted by hir fear and the creature looks far more menacing-
[Lie] - Okay that didn't help... What color was it?
[Doc] Yellow, with brown blotches. It was so skinny and weird!
[Lie] - Did it have a really long neck?
[Doc] It did! Long and slender everything! - Holds hir shoulders - it was horrible!
[Lie] - ... How the hell did you run into a giraffe in a game about goats!?
[Doc] I don't know?! Is that what it's called: a gi-raft?
[Lie] Gives Doc a mental image of one- They are real creatures Doc
[Doc] Makes a small cry of alarm- They're real?!!
[Lie] - Yes, and they are plant eaters and relatively peaceful... Maybe we need to take you to a zoo...
[Doc] What's a zoo?
[Lie] - It's a place where humans gather animals from all over the world so everyday people have a chance to see what they normally wouldn't be able to.
[Doc] Looks thoughtful- is that... Safe?
[Lie] - Oh yes, in fact a lot of animals there are ones that were rescued as babies and unable to survive in the wild, or are endangered and need protection and help raise their numbers
[Doc] That sounds kind of nice... What's the catch?
[Lie] - What do you mean?
[Doc] I don't know, I guess I'm just having a bitter day.
[Lie] - Well we could go to one if you wanted
[Doc] It sounds nice but... - gestures to Pinwheel
[Deer] Comes back- Oh, hello Lie
[Lie] - Hello Deer
[HG] -come into the room looking for plant to water-
[Doc] Hey there Hg, come to give the vines a little sprinkle?
[HG] yep what are you doing?
[Doc] Making candy and watching Pinwheel sleep.
[Lie] - Were also discussing going to a zoo
[HG] what's a zoo?
[Deer] Smiles at Pinwheel-
[Lie] - A place with lots of animals
[HG] I want to see that.
[Lie] - Well it might be awhile since Doc is babysitting...
[Doc] Sighs- I kinda promised Splender...
[Deer] - I can watch Pinwheel
[Doc] Are you sure? I feel bad running all around out there and leaving you behind.
[Deer] - I'll be fine, go
[Doc] Kisses her- Thank you. Here, take these just in case- hands her some of the rainbow fruits- hopefully she'll sleep the whole time and never miss me.
[Deer] - If she does I'll offer to take her to Crim
[Doc] Then I guess I'm ready when you guys are-
[Lie] - Doc?
[Doc] Yes?
[HG] -I am ready-
[Lie] - Clothes?
[Doc] Wilts- aw nuts... I'll go change. - Traipses up the steps
[HG] do I have to change?
[Lie] Looks at HG- Do you have anything cleaner?
[HG] -looks at his clothes- no
[Lie] - I guess what your wearing will have to do then...
[Doc] Comes back down in a simple t-shirt, soft shoes and shorts- okay... I'm ready. Should I bring anything? I emptied my inventory by half.
[Lie] - Money and maybe some snacks... Oh! And your contacts.
[HG] -puts on his sunglasses-
[Doc] Makes a mean little smile- can't we take Cps credit card?
[Lie] - He already gave me a copy of it
[Doc] Woo! Jackpot! - puts hir contacts in- ready!
[Lie] Puts on her sunglasses and concentrates, opening a portal-
[Doc] Strolls through and looks around-
-They come out via a TV advertising some stuff, a short walk to the entrance of the zoo which has a bit of a line-
[HG] whoa that's a lot of people
[Doc] Smooths hir hair a little and takes a nervous breath at the sight of so many humans
[Lie] - Not really...
[Lie] Leads them into the line and it isn't long before they are at the front. Unfortunately there's a mother grilling the girl behind the glass for all of the Showtime's and animal walks being held that day-
[Doc] Gives the worker a sympathetic look over the woman's shoulder, and then mouths along with the loud woman just for giggles.  
[HG] -giggles at what doc is doing-
[Lie] Nudges Doc as another line opens and they move to it. Lie buys three tickets and grabs a map as well before passing out the tickets- Here you guys go
[Doc] turns the little piece of paper over curiously and follows Lie
[HG] -hold his ticket- what do I do with this?
[Lie] Takes her ticket and scans it's barcode at the gate which let's her through- It's too show that we paid for entrance, it also tells the zoo how many people have visited that day
[HG] ah -follows lie-
[Doc] just trading with villagers and collecting data. That's sensible.
-The entrance to the zoo is large with trees and a large gift shop to the left-
[Lie] Looks at the map- Looks like the path is fairly circular, so which way do you want to go first?- A peacock struts past them
[Doc] Darts behind Lie to avoid the peacock
[HG] left?
[Lie] - Left it is then- She starts leading them that way towards an area marked for marine animals
[Doc] Keeps an eye on the peacock, worried it will follow them-
-The peacock chases after some spilled popcorn before a keeper can clean it up- -A building looms up before then and Lie pushes open the door where a wall of heat meets them. They are instantly thrust into the shallow waters of the tropics-
[HG] -is looking around with a child like wonderment as he follows-
[Doc] Is a bit self- conscious about hir glitch and ankle stitches showing and is watching the people around them for any sign of threat almost as closely as the animals  - feels like a jungle biome in here
-There's a shallow pool with stingrays in it and a keeper standing nearby-
[Lie] - Well these are tropical animals
[HG] -points to the shallow pool- what are those?
[Doc] look at these guys, they look like moving lilly pads, all flat!
[Keeper] - These are stingrays, would you like to pet them?
[Doc] Are they okay with being petted?
[Keeper] - Oh absolutely, these guys are here for educational purposes. Normally they'd have barbs on the end of their tails, but they've been removed for safety reasons
[HG] -tries to pet the stingrays-
[Lie] Sticks a hand in the water and pets one-
[Doc] Aww, - Xe puts hir hands on the side of the tank to see better and twiddles hir fingers gently in the water
-The rays swim around in a circle, pushing themselves up against the wall looking for treats-
[Doc] Ghosts over one gently and says quietly- we all have to make sacrifices I guess...
[HG] -tries to pet all of the rays-
[Keeper] Reaches in and gently pulls one out to show the mouth on the underside- These guys are bottom feeders, that's why they look like this
[Lie] Giggles as one investigates her fingers-
[Doc] Smiles at their silly squared off mouths - even green sea pancakes gotta eat.
[HG] there little faces are so cute
[Keeper] - Yup, every animal has its role to play in the ecosystem to keep it running smoothly, that's why we have so many conservation programs
[Doc] Thinks fondly of Deerheart - take care of the land, and it will take of you...
[Keeper] - Exactly
[Lie] - Come on, we still have a lot to see
[HG] okay -follows lie-
-They step onto a slightly raised wooden walkway where tiny sharks swim below them of multiple species-
[HG] -looks at the sharks-
[Doc] looks down at them - those are some sleek looking fish
[Lie] - They're sharks, they've been around for over 65 million years. One of the most efficient predators there is
[HG] predators?
[Lie] - Animals that kill others to survive
[Doc] quietly- hostile mobs behind glass...
[HG] -watches the sharks swim-
-The next room is darker with a massive glass wall with several larger species of shark swimming behind it-
[Doc] Goes right up to the glass and looks up in awe-
[HG] they are huge
[Lie] - These guys are adults, and not even the largest types of shark
[Doc] Is watching a hammerhead sway back and forth as it swims- I bet they're still not as big as Basil though
[HG] -points at the hammer head- why is it's head flat?
-A lemon shark swims closer and opens its mouth near the glass-
[Lie] - I don't know, that's just how it evolved
[Doc] Looks at the lemon shark and lets out a small laugh before poking Lie- now that's a familiar grin, isn't it? - Xe shows hir own triangular teeth as Xe smiles at Lie playfully
[Lie] Smiles as well- Oh I just got a wonderful idea. I'm betting we can buy some shark teeth in the gift shop... Wanna prank TLOT?
[HG] prank him how?
[Doc] What did you have in mind Lie?
[Lie] - We go back, acting a bit panicked and say there was an accident and show him the teeth, acting like they came out of your mouth
[HG] what about fake blood?
[Doc] Pffft! Or I could make you a set of falsies with them and you could shock him that way, that's actually funnier since he gave you his energy.  
[Lie] - I don't think they'd fit in my mouth...
[Doc] Hmmm. Let me think about it...
[Lie] Moves on to the next section, it seems to be an empty enclosure until something darts past the glass-
[Doc] What the?!
[HG] -looks scared-
-The shape comes back around and stops this time, it's a seal and it's looking at them curiously-
[HG] -eyes light up- awe it's so cute
[Doc] it's so chubby!
[Lie] - Well I think these guys are meant for a bit colder water- She looks behind them where there's a tropical fish display
[HG] -is still staring at the seal-
-A couple more seals swim into sight as well-
[HG] -waves at the seals-
-One seal turns a circle-
[Doc] Actually... This looks familiar too. Lie? Doesn't it kind of look like that black sea monster that lives near Dawn's island? If you stretched the neck out?
[Lie] - Kinda?
[HG] daw so cute
-A gate starts opening at the far end of the enclosure-
[Doc] What's going on over there?
-There's another tank behind the gate and from it a pair of belugas swim through-
[Doc] Okay, those are kinda weird. Are they runts? They're so pale.
[Lie] - Nope, those are a type of arctic whale
[HG] -is watching all the fish and belugas-
-The belugas swim around with the seals-
[Lie] - Come on, there's a lot more to see
[HG] -follows lie- there are so many cute animals
-They leave the aquarium and enter a more jungle like area, they can hear monkeys from the monkey house-
[Doc] That's a weird noise
[HG] what was that noise
[Lie] - Yeah, but they are related to humans- They pass a few bird enclosures
[Doc] Nods- humans do make silly noises. Especially when you surprise one- snickers
[HG] -is looking at the birds as they pass-
[Lie] Opens the for to the monkey house. In front of them is a picture showing them what different expressions mean to the monkeys and apes and a warning not to grin teeth at them-
[Doc] stone-faced, got it. Just like humans in that too... Little Misunderstandings can be such a huge deal.
[Lie] - Well these are humans closest relatives...- She looks over at some chimps playing- Specifically these guys
[Doc] it seems like saying I see the resemblance would be insulting...
[HG] -is watching them play-
[Lie] Moves on to the gorillas-
[Doc] These guys remind me of Buff. They must work out. - elbows Lie playfully
[Lie] - Yeah, these guys are one of the strongest
-There's some screeching behind them as a couple of tamarins play fight -
[Doc] Watches the monkeys cautiously-
[Lie] Reads the plaque next to the glass- Those are golden tamarins
-Another group of people enter the monkey house with kids and Lie ushers the others out.  The next section is very African themed-
[HG] -is trying to look at everything-
[Lie] Spots something in the bushes- Awww, look at that
-There's a large brown bird under the leaves of the bushes and some cheeping coming from under her-
[HG] -point a the bird- what is that?
[Lie] - That's a peahen, a female peacock.  And I think she has babies
[Doc] That's a girl peacock? Oh I get it. Camoflage for sitting on the nest and hiding it.
[Lie] - Yeah, and she's a bit smaller too
[Doc] Well best not to upset a mama with babies. We should go.
[HG] don't we have a peacock?
[Lie] - Yeah- She turns around a corner and in front of them are two exibits, one on either side.  One houses the hippo's with an underwater viewing station, and the other houses the elephants
[Doc] Lots of chubby critters... Hey... why are those mammoths naked?
[Lie] - Because they're not mammoths, they're elephants.  They are related though
[Doc] Oh... I think the mammoths are cooler. The fur cubes make nice blankets and cushions too.
[HG] -points at the hippos- they look friendly
[Lie] - These guys are the largest land animals there are...  And those guys are one of the deadliest HG
[Doc] Do they step on people?
[HG] -hides from them behind lie-
[Lie] - Nope, usually trample, drown, or plain bite them to death
-One hippo opens it's mouth wide-
[Doc] Those are some big teeth.
[HG] -refuses to look at the hippos and keeps hideing from them-
[Lie] - Let's go to the underwater viewing station, we can watch them swim
[HG] no they scary
[Lie] - It's okay, we'll be safely behind glass.  This is one reason why zoo's exist, so animals can be viewed without humans being put in danger
[Doc] Yeah come on Hg, we'll be quick.
[HG] -whines but follows because he doesn't want to lose doc and lie-
-They go down a few stairs and enter a viewing area that lets them see under the water.  One hippo is sleeping on the bottom while another swims around a bit-
[Lie] - See HG?  Nothing to be worried about
[Doc] giggles- They look kinda funny with all their floaty jiggly fat.
[HG] -is still a little shaky-
-The wall behind them is full of factoids-
[Doc] Pauses to read the notice and then looks closer to see if there are any baby hippos in the tank.
[Lie] - Looking for something in particular Doc?
[Doc] Kinda curious to see what the little ones look like. I bet they're cute.
[Lie] Reads the wall- Looks like they had one, and they have some pictures over there
[Doc] Goes to look- awwwwww
[HG] -is trying to keep away from the glass-
[Lie] - Maybe we should move on, HG doesn't look so good
[HG] yes I want to go
[Doc] Lead the way then Lie.
[Lie] Leads them out the other side and they're facing the elephant enclosure and they hear laughing-
[HG] laughing?
[Doc] Are they doing something silly?
[Offender] - Arc!  Arc!  Look!  Look at the size of it!
[Arc] Groans and goes back to sketching-
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foundationsecured · 6 years
yoooooo your writing is absolutely wonderful, and my suggestion: Dr. Kondraki and Dr. Clef. Friends, rivals, occasionally enemies . Both go Yandere and get possessive over the same researcher, the poor nonbinary Reader. The two eventually decide to team up and, well.. take matters into their own hands.. when they see the Reader getting involved with another employee. You can make it as NSFW as you want, but that sweet sweet sweet Yandere goodness is a must, pretty please.
Aaah, I made this very long, I’m sorry! Even so, I feel like I should’ve made this longer in places. Oh jeez. I’ll add the read more later. I hope you enjoy!
Yandere Dr. Clef/Reader/Yandere Dr. Kondraki
The Foundation was a dream come true. You loved working there, and you could remember your first interview, how the two doctors (Dr. Kondraki and Dr. Clef, respectively) had personally seen to your hiring (!!) and, even better, that the two of them they became your bosses, no less!
Working at Site-8 was difficult, but rewarding. You got to meet your new colleagues, helped out with research, and generally made sure you were doing the best work you could. The SCPs were fascinating, after all.
Some days were a little harder than others, though. You mentioned this in a passing comment to Dr. Clef, when he came by to pick up some papers. Then suddenly, when you came in the next day, you found your workload drastically reduced. You thought at first you were being informally reprimanded for your unprofessional conduct, and went running over to Dr. Kondraki to apologize for your behavior, but…
“Come back when you actually need to apologize.”
Which…hadn’t been very helpful, actually, but you’d known the doctor long enough to know that he was just trying to be helpful, in his own gruff way. Still, the lack of responsibilities made you feel a little bit like you were a kid with your hand in the cookie jar, despite not having done anything wrong. While your colleagues dealt with emergency research additions, you were quietly placed in a singular office and given (highly) classified documents to amend.
It was a little lonely, actually. You couldn’t help but mention that when Dr. Kondraki came by to ask you a few questions. And, just like that, you found yourself more again. But this time, to the personal work environment of both Dr. Kondraki and Dr. Clef. Your eyes went wide at the sudden promotion, especially to such an intimate work environment with your two bosses. But, none of that mattered once you saw the work that came with it. Intellectually stimulating work, the kind you’d been craving since starting your job. You were ecstatic! You must’ve spent an entire day thanking both of the doctors. Dr. Kondraki had muttered something, but Dr. Clef ate the attention up with a smile, and said something to the effect of hoping you enjoyed yourself.
After that…gosh. It was a whirlwind. Work, work, work. Always new documents to be made, always new research proposals to undertake. You spent half the day hurrying behind Dr. Clef, and the other half spent hurrying behind Dr. Kondraki. There wasn’t a moment of time that wasn’t spent with the two doctors, and rarely, they’d work in a pair, bickering with each other about things you didn’t quite understand. But they were always very kind to you. It was just unfortunate that your previously healthy social life began to shrivel up and die under the pressure of your new position, but that was fine. You were more than glad to spend your days working with the two brilliant (and extraordinary charming) doctors.
The surprise came when you were getting lunch. Truthfully, you hadn’t been able to have a normal lunch break in the Site cafeteria for quite some time. You didn’t even recognize any of the scientists sitting around, a fact that made you feel all the more out of place. Mostly, you felt silly for even coming down here to eat. You could’ve been enjoying lunch in the doctors’ offices, but here you were, making yourself a fool. Oh jeez.
“Hey, I haven’t seen you around before,” A voice broke the gloom of your mind. You looked up from your food, and a person stood in front of you. They were fairly attractive, and their smile was warm as they sat across from you, “My name’s Sam. You new here?”
“Oh, no,” You shook your head, “I work with Dr. Kondraki and Dr. Clef.”
“Huh. Haven’t seen hide or hair of you around,” Sam leaned back a little, but still smiling, kind, “It’s a shame for someone as nice looking as you to be kept cooped up like that, though.”
You blushed and reeled back a little, startled at the compliment, “Oh, I wouldn’t say that…” You stammered. They laughed, pleasant and warm, and your face only got hotter.
“Can I give you my number? I’d love to take you out to dinner some time,” Sam offered, already scribbling something down on a napkin. You hid your face behind your hand, but accepted it, mumbling some gibberish and thanks.
The first thing you did when you got back to the offices was tell your doctors what happened. You showed Dr. Kondraki and Dr. Clef the little napkin, excited with anticipation of a date, a real date. But, as you turned around to enter the number into your phone, you missed it. Or rather, several its. You missed the way Dr. Kondraki’s face grew darker, a shadow passing over it. You missed how Dr. Clef’s charming smile disappeared, twisting into an angry grimace. And you missed how they both made eye contact and then nodded, a wordless agreement passing between them.
You continued work as usual, and then went home after you were done. You texted Sam a few times, saying thank you, setting up times for your date (a real date!!). And as you went to bed, you couldn’t help but giggle, flustered, hugging your pillow close and smiling.
You awoke with a yawn. Time for work. But, as you checked your phone, you groggily tilted your head. A new email from the doctors. ‘Take today off. We know how hard you have been working :)’. You almost wanted to email back and ask if you could come in anyway, but, you didn’t. After all, they’d given you a direct order, and you didn’t want to disobey such a polite offering. So, you yawned again and laid back onto your bed, curling up under the covers.
Far, far away, at Site-8, there was a dark room. And in the dark room was someone you might have recognized: Sam. But, Sam wouldn’t be making it out of that room, not anytime soon. No, rather, Dr. Kondraki and Dr. Clef would be dealing with Sam. After all, you were theirs. Only they were allowed to be with you, only they could spend time near you, and especially only they could have the privilege of a date with you. Not Sam. Unfortunate that Sam would be having a workplace accident today. Unfortunate that Sam wouldn’t be able to make it to your date later.
And when you’d go to work the next day, saying how terribly rude Sam had been, standing you up, well, Dr. Kondraki and Dr. Clef would be there to comfort you.
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