#my poor buffy
oveliagirlhaditright · 4 months
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"Willow walked with Buffy down the corridor as students bustled around them. She asked, 'You don't think Angel would have gone after the Judge himself, do you?'
'No. He'd know better than that. Maybe he just needed... I don't know.'
I can't tell her I slept with him, Buffy thought. I can't tell anyone. What would they think? What is he thinking? Where is he? 'I just wish he'd contact me. I need to talk to him.'" - The Angel Chronicles vol. 3
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Bangel and Spuffy parallels. But a sad ones here, where Buffy feels like she can't tell anyone that she's sleeping with Angel or Spike:(
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jennys-calendar · 17 days
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Rewatching 6x02 and like
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explosionshark · 1 year
Oh my God everyone kicking Buffy out and putting Faith in charge is the FUNNIEST moment of collective girlfailure in all of Buffy. Genuinely a number one. Faith has been out of prison for less time than a Hulu Trial and they’re just like “put her in charge we are SICK OF THIS BLONDE BITCH” and it goes exactly as you expect. Nothing but respect for my idiot in chief
It's so fucking funny bc Faith doesn't even really want it, it's just pretty much her being a victim of her own Hotness Bubble like
The Potentials are all freaked out and bummed over how Their Lives Are All In Danger and Buffy's been stressed so she hasn't been the fun parent lately. Then Faith rocks up - they don't KNOW her. But she's SO hot. She's funny. She's got this rep. She's got slaying experience. And, crucially, she's really exuding this kind of dirtbag ex con zen that these idiot teenagers IMMEDIATELY misread as competence.
List of things Faith is competent at by season 7
-slaying (I'll give her that!)
-looking good in tank tops
-being pretty chill when people take shots at her over the whole Going Evil Phase
-being stabbed
-sustaining head trauma
-i mean getting her ass absolutely handed to her repeatedly without dying
-being gay for buffy
You'll note this list does NOT INCLUDE any sort of leadership skills. She's literally JUST hot and kind of charming.
She is the deadbeat dad who has the kids on the weekend and doesn't make them stick to bedtimes or do their homework and she let's them play M rated video games and say "bitch."
And what does she do when she's in charge? Almost immediately receive another traumatic brain injury.
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mycatismyfriend · 5 months
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer | 3x14 "Bad Girls"
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bugaboooooooooo · 1 year
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faith my best friend faith my silly rabbit my poor little meow meow my idiot chief in command
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strawberri-draws · 8 months
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btvs sketchbook doodles :)
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reality-schmality · 4 months
For all the crap the narrative dumped on Dawn, she deserved some goddamn power. She was the fucking Key. I wish there could have been some kind of power unlocked in her at some point. Some residual power left over that allowed her to become a witch (potentially paralleling Willow’s early arc?). Or if she was mystical energy, maybe she could have felt the presence of demons and potential slayers and…
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bangelism · 1 year
angel nation doesn’t talk about the absolute SERVE this was enough. the exposed seam things idk what to call them?? ARE WE ALL SEEING THIS??? it’s crazyyyy
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milftrickster · 1 year
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Funniest dynamic in the show.
Me and my daughter's ex-nemesis watching soap operas in the crypt 😍
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liesmultixxx · 7 months
there was absolutely no need for making buffy think her father hates her and essentially thinks her existence is a mistake only to show him hug her tightly and be so happy to see her
i can’t do this 😭
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fictiongods · 3 months
I have a song on my Fuffy playlist and I really just added it cause I liked it and that was the playlist I was listening to at the time so I kept meaning to take it off because I didn’t really know if it even related to them or not and I just looked up the meaning…..don’t talk to me. It’s safe to say that song is STAYING THERE. Goodbye.
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itwasmagic · 3 months
tagged by: @kurtsvonneslut
rules: make a poll with five of your all time favorite characters and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone's favorite!
tagging: @aenslem @jessmalia @caribaheine @ellegreenawey @emmafallsinlove
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jennys-calendar · 10 months
It's the fact that Buffy Summers would forgive anyone but herself for me
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mycatismyfriend · 8 months
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Get a job.
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pzyii · 11 months
no one else in the summers family has autism so where did dawn get it from????
*gently nudges willow into the room*
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whattraintracks · 6 months
27. Human Friends - TMNT 1987
Buffy and Raphael should've been best friends, spread the word
"Poor Little Rich Turtle" is a spectacular episode
almost entirely because of Buffy Shellhammer
all the boys need more friends their age, Raphael especially
and these two could have gotten along SO WELL
in that episode, Michelangelo’s level of attraction to Buffy is inversely proportional to Raphael’s begrudging respect for her
I bet Raphael tells her about Michelangelo's crush as a joke
and she declares she has no interest in anyone human, turtle, boy, girl, or otherwise, and they high-five/three about it
he would love having a rich friend that lets him hang out in her mansion
he makes fun of her for said mansion but still shamelessly takes advantage of her wealth
which is fair since she’s been trashing his sewer home since day one 
Leonardo’s joke about seeing "how the other half lives"? Yeah, they run that bit six feet under
she does not care that Raphael and his brothers are local heroes they’re just some weird little dudes from beneath the city to her
she is, however, so excited to learn about all the hidden sewer routes around the city so she can escape her more boring responsibilities
they're both made of pretty tough stuff and predictably bond over their abnormal childhoods and limited connections/friends
"don't get out much, do you?" he says like he doesn’t have equally negative amounts of experience with normal teenage fun!!
zero understanding of typical friendship rituals between them
they wrestle, gift each other weird stuff, and spend a lot of time trying to figure out what normal teenagers do, only to give up and do something else because the things they thought of sounded boring
they'll just randomly ask each other stuff like, "did you know most people only eat three meals a day with specific foods for each meal?" and be totally confused together about it
they also have the most skewed concept of money
Raphael has never paid for anything in his life other than pizza, and while Buffy knows the exact value of super niche chemical tech supplies, she could not give you a reasonable estimate for produce
a lifetime with Donatello has made Raphael a surprisingly good sounding board for the more technical aspects of Buffy’s work
which she does enjoy, as well as cutthroat business operations, she just hates her public persona and sucking up to adults who think they know better than her
he likes to hold the fact that t(he)y saved her life (multiple times) over her head, but like as a joke
except for when he tries to use it to win arguments
unfortunately, it never works, she is the most ungrateful brat ever thank you much
they very much share that I don’t owe anyone anything attitude
EXCEPT for Master Splinter, whom they mutually respect and agree is the only acceptable adult
she unironically complains about humans with him but particularly has beef with adults, and he heartily encourages this
they love that they can be total jerks around each other without hurting anyone else’s delicate feelings
THEE besties who judge people and hate each other affectionately
all the insults: "martian" "nerd" "pet store reject" "spoiled brat"
when they’re not coming up with colorful insults for each other, they’re doing it together for other people
it's their favorite bonding activity <3
since she enjoyed their initial misadventure so much, she asks if she can go out with the turtles to fight and stuff again, and Raphael laughs at her
until she takes a bunch of martial arts classes and totally kicks his shell
and, well, he supposes a nice easy patrol or two might be fun
unfortunately, the team cannot handle the strength of their combined sass, and she’s forbidden from ever joining them again, even though she has a mean left hook
ultimately, I think they’d mellow each other out now that they have an outlet for their angst and eventually grow and learn a lot from one another
but, mostly, they just talk so much crap together
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