#my phone starting beeep beeep beep
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somerandomdudelmao · 1 year ago
Cass: my tablet is actively dying
People on the kofi: well let's try to get you a new one!!!
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ladykailitha · 2 days ago
You're a Dream to Me Part 3
Whoohoo! And we're back with this lovely story! This will be its forever home until it's completed. So every Sunday you will a new chapter of this wonderfully fun soulmate fic!
In this one we have Chrissy making it up to the band and Steve getting his first hint of who his soulmate is (denial is a river in Egypt Steve!)
Part 1 Part 2
Steve was on top of an old van, a blanket laid out under them, watching the sun set. He was sitting with his back pressed to his soulmate’s chest as he ran his fingers through the riot of curls. The man’s hair was soft and silky, like he knew how to take care of it.
“You can’t resist my hair, can you, baby?” his soulmate rumbled. His arms wrapped tighter around Steve’s waist.
Steve sighed happily. “I can’t resist you.”
His soulmate nuzzled his neck and then his hands started to wander. Steve’s body arched into the touch. He looked down at the hands and saw rings on almost every finger. All except the ring finger on the left hand. Steve laced their fingers together and then pulled the man down for a kiss. It was searing and sensual, leaving Steve feeling warm all over.
His soulmate’s hands began to drift toward his belt and lower–
Steve jolted awake, sitting straight up in his bed, disorientated. He panted for breath. He looked around to see that he was in his bedroom and it was still dark outside. He picked up his phone, silencing the alarm.
Steve ran his hands over his face. He had forgotten to turn off his alarm. He wasn’t meant to be into the bookstore until the afternoon. He flopped his head back onto the pillows, staring up at the ceiling.
That soulmate dream had started toward the steamy. While he had heard of them happening to other people, he had always assumed that they were when they were about to meet, not the second clear dream ever.
But like all the other dreams he had of his soulmate it was very tender and intimate. He knew that once he met his soulmate that they would be perfect for each other. He knew that sounded bit like hyperbole, but he could feel it with every new dream he had about his soulmate.
He curled up into a ball and tried to drift back to sleep, all the while in the back of his mind it fused the memory of the rings on his soulmate’s long fingers.
Eddie hated having to wake up early on performance days because it meant that he would be running on empty from the get go. But there was some major sporting event in town where everyone had come from far away to watch this game. And even though Chrissy had gotten them hotel rooms before the game was announced in the city, they had been bumped to make room.
Chrissy had spent hours screaming at the poor guy who did reservations to no avail. There were no rooms in the whole fucking town to be had. So they had to get a hotel in a city about an hour away and then wake up early to drive into the city so that they could get everything set up.
He rubbed his eyes and then pressed the heels of his palms into them. That dream last night was so fucking domestic that it made his teeth ache. The way Steve murmured that he couldn’t resist all of Eddie? God that was like fucking catnip to him. The casual affection was addictive as hell.
He crawled out of bed and started making the coffee as he padded into the bathroom for a shower. He hoped the combination of the two would make him less of a zombie and more of person by the time he got down to the lobby to meet with Chrissy and the rest of the band.
He scrubbed his hair and had to stop for a moment to catch his breath. The feeling of Steve’s hand in his hair had decided to make an indelible mark on his psyche today. The way that it feel was tender and possessing all at once. Like Steve had laid claim to him to care for him.
Eddie pressed his hand to his chest were the tattoo of the black, thorny crown was etched into his skin. He had gotten after their first song had gone platinum. ‘King of My Heart’ was a song off their third album. They had had songs go gold and whole albums go platinum, but that was the first time a song theirs had done so.
The guys knew it was about Steve, but everyone else thought it had been about Eddie’s then boyfriend, Ferdie Olivier. Ferdie’s parents were big Shakespeare fans and that’s how he got the name Ferdinand. Dude was hot, but wasn’t meant for the life under the bright lights. He loved being a small character actor, not the boyfriend of megastar Eddie Munson.
He wasn’t sure how long he stood there taking in the memories of his dreams, but not long enough that the water went cold before he got out. The coffee was still hot and he put it in a little to-go cup, adding enough cream and sugar to kill a horse. He finished getting dressed and then grabbed his stuff and coffee on the way out the door.
He was the first down in the lobby and sat down in a nearby chair as he eyed a croissant hungrily. Jeff came down and swiped two croissants, tossing him one.
“Jesus fuck,” Jeff huffed as he sat down next to him, “just fucking eat if you’re hungry. You don’t need to go looking like fucking Oliver Twist, dude.”
Eddie blushed as he bit down on his buttery croissant. “Thanks.”
After he munched on the pastry he stood up and got a couple of bagels and some cream cheese spread. By the time Chrissy arrived, the band had eaten and were fully caffeinated.
She raised an eyebrow, but wisely said nothing. Their PA took their luggage and packed up the car they had rent for the day. Once they were on the road Chrissy spoke up.
“I’ve got a treat for the whole band really,” she said, “though it started as a way to make up for being a bitch the other morning.”
“Wha’cha got?” Gareth asked, leaning forward and propping himself up with his elbow to the seat.
“You know how we have three days between Indy and Bloomington?” she asked with a huge grin on her face.
Brian rolled his eyes and huffed. “Don’t we know it. We were going to spend it with our families, maybe get the cops to chase us for old time’s sake.”
“Well...” Chrissy said, “what would be another thing you’d like to do for old time’s sake?”
Eddie blinked for a moment. “There is no fucking way. They’d never agree to it, they’re like a country western bar now or some shit.”
Chrissy turned around and smirked. “Not anymore. It’s not even a dive bar anymore. It’s a full on metal and leather bar now.”
They all stared at her in shock and suddenly they were all talking at once over top of each other as they expressed their excitement and in Gareth’s case incredulity. Eddie put his fingers to his lips and let out a loud, piercing whistle.
Everyone went stock still.
“Thank you,” Eddie murmured. “So you are telling us that not only is The Hideout a metal and leather bar, but that you got us a gig there during our three day layover in Hawkins?”
“Yup!” Chrissy said brightly. “So I couldn’t decide which say you guys would have wanted; day one, two, or three. So I figured, I’d let you decide and then call them with the exact day.”
All at once everyone was talking over each other again, this time Eddie joining with them, while Chrissy settled in her seat with delighted giggle.
In the end they chose the last day. That way they had plenty of time to spend with their families, and a chance to bow out of town on one hell of a high.
Chrissy called The Hideout and made sure they had the date set. She might have fucked up but she was pretty sure this more than made up for it.
Steve went through the day in a haze. He had spent some time in the health section of the bookstore looking at the books on soulmate dreams. Especially the ones on sex and found out that the sooner those types of dreams started between soulmates the tighter the bond was between the two.
So the fact that they had almost had sex or at least almost made out like horny teenagers in the the second dream meant that they were destined for a bond that would last their entire lives. Soulmates came in all sorts of flavors from good friends to a love that would last the ages. And according to the seven books he looked at, that’s what he was headed for.
On the one hand, it was heartwarming to know that having waited a long time he was about to meet the other half of his soul, the person that would complete him in ways he couldn’t even imagine. But on the other hand, that pressure was immense. How was he supposed to live up that kind of fairy tale romance?
He was absently drawing one of the rings that he saw on his soulmate’s hands when Dustin came in with his mom to look for a new knitting book she had heard of that had patterns from ancient times.
When Dustin came up to the cash register, he spotted the drawing.
“Hey, I didn’t know you drew,” he said cocking his head to the side. “Wha’cha drawing?”
Steve sighed but handed the drawing over to him. “My soulmate likes lots of chunky rings, I guess.”
Claudia leaned over Dustin’s shoulder to look at the picture. “Oh my heavens! Is that a pig?!”
“Yeah,” he replied with a shrug. “The one of the others was a skull ring and the last one was like a coffin or something because it had a cross and skulls on it.”
Dustin frowned at the description of the rings.
“What’s up, Dusty?” he asked.
Dustin pulled out his phone and began searching. When Steve opened his mouth to ask again, Dustin held up his finger.
“Dusty,” Claudia admonished, “don’t be rude and answer Steve.”
“Ah ha!” he cried. “I thought that sounded familiar!” He turned the phone over for Steve to see.
Steve took it from him to look at the picture more closely. It showed the close up of a man playing guitar and all three of the rings looked about right and even on the same fingers.
“Yeah,” Steve said with a nod. “That’s what they looked like.”
“Those are Eddie Munson’s rings,” Dustin cried. “Like could he be your soulmate?”
Steve frowned for a moment as he tried to place the name. “He’s that guy from Hawkins who made it big with that rock band right?”
“Metal band,” Dustin said rolling his eyes. “But yes. Corroded Coffin. You know, the music you said plays in your soulmate dreams.”
“Yes, okay,” Steve side biting his lip. “But I’m not really Eddie’s type. Or at least I wouldn’t have been in high school. He prefers the dudes that look like him.”
“It’s more likely,” Claudia said gently trying to not get Dustin’s hopes up, “that the rings in Steve’s dreams aren’t exactly the same ones that Eddie Munson wears.”
Dustin looked at the phone in Steve’s hand. “Maybe your soulmate is an uber fan or something if he got replicas of Eddie’s rings.” He looked up at Steve.
Steve handed the phone back to Dustin. “That’s probably it. Plus, Eddie’s a metal star now and what would he want with a mousy bookstore owner, anyway?”
“Well,” Dustin said with a grimace, “when you do meet your soulmate, ask him where he got his rings because they look so spot on for Eddie’s and I’d like to buy some too.”
Steve huffed out a small breathy laugh. “Sure thing, bud. I’ll be sure and ask.”
Dustin grinned and finally allowed Steve to ring them up.
Steve mouthed the name ‘Eddie Munson’ and then shook his head.
Nah. It couldn’t be.
Could it?
1- @itsall-taken @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @sadisticaltarts @dolphincliffs
2- @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @irregular-child @cryptid-system @kultiras
3- @maya-custodios-dionach @goodolefashionedloverboi @val-from-lawrence @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog
4- @bookbinderbitch @bookworm0690 @forgottenkanji @dreamercec @blondie1006
5- @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @genderless-spoon @fearieshadow @thesecondfate
6- @dragonmama76 @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt @useless-nb-bisexual @disrespectedgoatman
7- @counting-dollars-counting-stars @tinyplanet95 @ravenfrog @swimmingbirdrunningrock @lingeringmirth
8- @gutterflower77 @a-lovely-craziness @just-a-tiny-void @w1ll0wtr33 @beelze-the-bubkiss
9- @themoonagainstmers @eyehartart @tartarusknight @chaotic-waffle @dotdot-wierdlife
10- @stedestielfrattficlover
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itsrainingpussywillows · 8 months ago
Mikey Madison x fem!reader
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- Inspo: Sophie Thatchers bird scooter accident, my own tweet, and an old 1D imagine
- NOTE: guys i am NOT a writer in any way i literally wrote this on my toilet when i just got inspired while reading Jake Paul wattpad fics , i dunno how to use tumblr i suck at this LMFAOOO also i rode on a bird scooter once 2 years ago so im #QUALIFIED to write this
I wake up from my slumber as the bright sun-rays peek through my blijds. I turn over to my right side my girlfriend Mikey Madison is still asleep resting peacefully. I admire her for a few seconds more and kiss her forehead. “G’morning” she says GAWD she looks even more beautiful in the morning. “C’mon baby we have to get up and get ready. Did you forget about what I have planned for today??” I ask with a chuckle “‘Course not I js need a couple more minutes.” she mumbles less than 30 minutes later we are already out of the door
Today was meant to be a fun filled day. We were going to go get breakfast at Dutch Bros and then we were going to go drive downtown and ride those little bird scooters but absolutely positively nothing could’ve prepared me for what was going to transpire later today.
“ hi can I get one large picture-perfect and one large chai latte?” Mikey was ordering, my social anxiety just could NOT handle that. once we got to the window, we paid and they gave us two pink straws. I squealed with excitement as pink is my favorite color and also they thought we were pretty #STRAWCODEEE am I right?
The whole rest of the car ride was full of singing, dancing, laughs, and overall just two crazy women hyped up on caffeine
we drove around for a bit more when we parked Mikey and I got out and begin to walk over to the nearest Bird scooters. Mikey pressed a couple of buttons on her phone, so did I and just like that we were all set to ride our scooters “Y/n COME ONNNN” Mikey said as she started ZOOMING on that damn thang.
We had been riding for about 30 minutes down the street until we reached a crosswalk. “ Wanna race?!” Mikey yelled from the other side of the street “ YEAH” I yelled back, It wouldn’t be too long before the crosswalk said that it was OK for us to go. “ ON THREE “ She yelled and began counting down
we started speeding down the hill. I was in the lead we were both giggling and laughing until i was launched forwards. My wheel had gotten stuck on a small rock and launched me face first right on the cold hard concrete. everything from this was a blur I just remember seeing a bit of red and hearing mikey scream.
beep.. beeep .. beeeeeeeep
my eyes flutter I woke up in a bright hospital room “Y/n ypure awake!!” Mikey exclaimed “Oh my God I thought I would never see you again!” she said “What do you mean?” i asked when my doctor, Dr. Paul as in doctor. JAKE Paul came in the room to explain. “ well girl you had a Bird scooter accident. Also you lost all your teeth so you’re gonna have to get a teeth transplant surgery sorry!” he explains “What i losth all my teef?????!”
“ i’m afraid so, do you have anybody in mind that would be willing to give you their teeth? If not, we can just get you veneers, but that’d be kind of hard. You know you lost all your teeth.” I took a moment to think since I didnt want my lovely beautiful sexy gorgeous girlfriend Mikey Madison to give up her precious teeth “ no I don’t hav anybody who I fink would be willing to give me their teef” “Well honey it’s settled. Looks like it’s time for you to get some veneers!” he exclaimed in a southern accent before pulling out a huge needle. “W-what isth that?” I stuttered
“Horse tranquilizer!” he said excitedly and before i could interject he injected it into my arm and I was out cold. in what felt like barely a minute I woke up to my girlfriend standing over me. “Mikey I’m Alive!” i scream “Who do you fink gave you your teef”, she says smiling and that’s when I finally get a good look at her mouth
all of her beautiful pearly white teeth were gone and apparently inside of my mouth “But Mikey y-you cant! let me give you back your teeth. I don’t need them besides how am I supposed to kiss you? You have no teeth.” i stated frantically. “Isth okay y/n, you needed them more” she says hugging me gently
“But-“ “Shhhhhhhhh” she interrupted me “We’ll find a way to get me more teef, i promisth”
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my-creepypasta-story · 5 years ago
Hidden Love
Im Sally, 23 years old and at university, studying sociology. I’m the average person looking girl. I’m at 5.5ft, with medium brown hair and grey eyes. My fashion style, hmm, I haven’t really got one. I just wear hoodies with my jeans that my mum buys me. I don’t care if people make fun of me, it’s what I do. I don’t have a lot of friends in uni and I just hang out at the library or in my room reading a book or studying.
I’m in a shared house (2 bed house) and Meadow is renting a room right opposite from me. My roommate she, on the other hand, is the opposite, she’s only 5.4ft and has long brunette hair, wavy and her style is always fitted. I don’t know what you call it, but yeahh. She’s really cute. Okay, I admit, I have a little crush on her. It’s her first month here and my last 3 months here. Though I am glad I’m going to leave, she always has one night stands with guys she just met. I don’t really get involved when she gets too drunk, she gets all horny and I just feel really uncomfortable. My landlord doesn’t really care, as long he gets the rent paid and no damage to the house, he’s fine. I heard Meadow is a waitress at the local cafe near here, but I never go in. I don’t really socialise.
The next few weeks later Meadow had a boyfriend and then suddenly he broke up with her. She stormed into my room and starting to crying on my bed while I was studying for my exam, I told her to go away but then she started to throw up. I cleaned her up the best I could and let her stay on my sofa. All of her makeup was ruined and her red lipstick was all smudged, I just felt sorry for her. It’s so embarrassing at the same time too. That night she was so drunk, her boob popped out of her dress red silk dress. Of course I tried to not look and I got one of my tops to put on. I didn’t mind, that top was going to the charity shop anyway. The next morning she woken up and I made us breakfast in the kitchen with a little table we had. It’s crappy and needed to be replaced but my landlord is lazy. She came down stairs with no knickers on and just my top. I was like “where are your knickers” she replied back “I threw up and I had to bin them”. She went into the down stairs bathroom and brushed her teeth. By the time she finished, I just finished my breakfast. We talked for a while and saying that her ex boyfriend was blaming her for spreading lies and calling her a crazy psycho bitch and so on. After that, we really close.
We started to hang out all of the time, and I started to like her even more. Her cute laugh, her cute smile when she wore red lipstick, my heart just melt. But I know I shouldn’t be going there and soon I’m going back home. One night she got me all dressed up, did my hair and makeup. Worn heels that I haven’t worn since prom and worn one of her dresses. I felt pretty for the first time. Meadow said “wow, any guy would fall for you” I blushed. I turned away and we went to one of her friends parties, of course no guy chatted me up, only the guys would stare at her. But surprisingly she didn’t bring anyone home, we both got the taxi and I had a little too much to drink. That’s when it all started in the livingroom. I accidentally fell on her while I was wearing my heels and we both fell on the sofa. I kissed her and I pulled back but she straight away kissed me back. We were making out, feeling each other up. Am I going to have sex tonight? The last time I had sex was with my ex 2 years ago. But this felt like something else, I never felt like this before. Before you know it, we were in her bedroom taking each other’s clothes off. So passionate and I never kissed a girl before and I liked it. Before long we were having sex, it started oral her licking me, I felt her tounge inside me and I just wanted to scream and then coming up to my boobs and her touch, oh her touch felt magical. We tried many positions and some things I had never done to a girl and I craved for her moan, her sweat, her voice. I wanted more, that’s when she brought out her double dildo and we just started to hump, grind and a few more different positions. Oh my, I loved her. We were having sex for hours! I never wanted this to stop.
The next morning I woken to her and she did the same, we kissed passionately. I went down stairs and made us some breakfast, she kissed me goodbye and left for work. Thank god it was a Saturday because all I needed to do was to take a shower. That night we just cuddled, watching tv together and kissing here and there. Weeks turned into months and we were having sex every other day, I didn’t mind because I fell in love with her. But every time when I wanted to go out with her, she made an excuse. I was hurt and after a while, I hardly saw her. The sex stopped and I was hurt. I tried to talk too her but nothing. After uni I graduated, I tried knocking at her door, she opened the door completely naked and started to kiss me, again we fucked. We tried a few more positions and even scissoring, her clit against mine, while she grabbed my hair. It was rough, the bed was shaking so hard we broke it and we carried on to my sofa. For hours we played around with each other, her giggle, her moaning while she grabbed my hair forcefully. It was heaven. Afterwards, I felt great but there was always something nagging at me, at the back of my mind.
When I was preparing to move out, she wasn’t in. I only lived an hour away from the house. I sent her a little message saying I’m moving out soon and it would be nice for you to meet my family. I gave her the address with “xoxo sally” Meadow didn’t respond. I was hurt and I left it at that.
A few months went by and nothing from Meadow, not even her sexy text messages, her naked pic or even pic masturbating. Nothing. I even sent her a few but they didn’t get delivered for some reason. I missed her touch, her moan. I admit, I wanted to fuck her again. Hot steamy sex, I was in my room crying. My mum and dad were worried about me, but I couldn’t say why because I was afraid they wouldn’t understand. Don’t get me wrong, my parents love gay people and infact we have a gay couple next door, Dan and Craig with a beautiful daughter named Molly. My parents are best friends with them and was there with the adoption. I love my family and I’m the only daughter they have. After work with my mum, I called her and nothing, just went to straight to voice mail saying “heyy it’s meadow, leave a message after a beep. Beeep *giggles”. Later that night I was taking out the trash like I normally do and I thought I saw something in the distance, I just walked it off and went inside.
The next day I was doing errands, it was getting darker by the day of course it’s winter, so it will do. I was walking back home after picking some milk and bread from the corner shop, all the way there I felt someone was following me. Where I live, it’s not great for light. So I tried to be where the street lamps are, but since I live in the country side, it’s not that, well great. I was scared the whole way. I picked up my phone and tried sending a text to Meadow, “heyy, are you doing okay. I miss you”. Sort of cheesy bull crap, when I came home, still nothing.
Months go by and I haven’t heard from her. In Decemeber it was my mother’s birthday, it was her 50th and I saved up my money and got her a pearl bracelet. She always wanted one and my dad gave her a matching pearl necklace. We thought she would love it, come to the the party at our house. I went into my closet and I couldn’t find the bracelet, everywhere I look, it wasn’t there. I freaked to my Uncle Javis and my cousin Terry. They both helped me look and I was crying, my mother found out and she was kind, she told me “you will find it when you’re not looking for it” I smiled and carried on with the party. That night when everyone was going home, some had a little too much to drink aka my uncle Javis, I saw behind him I thought was Meadow and her look, I’ve never seen before, her dead eyes. Blinked again, she wasn’t there. I thought, I must be seeing things. Everyone went home and I was cleaning up, in the kitchen was a piece of cake on the floor and as I was going to get it, my dad called. I heard a creak from the kitchen door heading to the back garden. But my dad called again and I had to go and see him. Me, my mum and my dad were having a really good time and laughing at uncle Javis. We love him and thank god my counsin Terry was there to take him home.
The next few days, I honestly thought I was going mad. My charger had gone missing along with my vibrator. I thought I was going crazy, but like my mum said, will find it when I see it. But after a few days later, in my office some of my things were going missing and I couldn’t explain why. I nearly got fired too because I missed placed a clinents folder and everything was in it; their address, driving licence, number and so on. I was so worried and I had a panic attack at work. I got sick leave for a month and thank god my mum stepped in or else I would of lost my job. Only a few days being at home, I finally felt more calm, turned on the news at 6pm everything in my life went down hill. Some person murdered my client in their home and stabbed them to death. They even stolen their car and stole a few things. I called my mum because I was worried I would loose my job, the police came over and everything. Thank god I had an alibi because I was out shopping and the CCTV caught me. I was off the hook.
Next morning, I just went out for a run. I haven’t ran since college but it always helped me. Putting on my music, running around the park and in the woods, I felt better but I’m out of shape. I was panting badly, then I remembered, there’s a fresh spring of water near by. I slowly walked to the spring, had some refreshing water. I got my phone out and tried to call Meadow again, but this time I heard the ring and it was right around the corner. I saw her, she came running up to me “I miss you” and we started to kiss. Her car was near by and he had sex in it, first time I felt naughty, she grabbed my hair again and she wanted too finger me, it felt so good. The car was rocking back and forth, I forgotten all about the murder. We ended up using her dildo, thrusting back and forth, Meadow grabbing my hair again as I moaned hard. We finished up and started to kiss again. I missed her so much, she told me she would be at my house tonight. I couldn’t wait, I bought the most sexiest outfits and a new double vibrator from Ann Summers. I was so ready to be fucked tonight because my parents were going out. All the house to myself.
Later that night, she showed up, nothing but her coat and her thong. She went inside my home and forced me onto the sofa, ripped my tights and fucked me there. I felt so good, the force the passion. I craved for her, we went into the kitchen. Licked me from the inside, her tounge on my clit, I screamed. We both went into my bedroom, I brought out my double dildo vibrator and we went doggy style, half way through my phone rang. Meadow told me not to get my phone, but it kept on ringing and ringing. She turned it off and fucked me even harder while the dilido was at full pelt. We were having sex on the floor, rough and hard, we were at it for hours. Her sweaty body next to mine as we were lying down on my floor. I missed her so much. She whispered in my ear “no one will have you” as she grabbed my hair and fucked me hard again with my own vibrator I thought I lost, I screamed begging for more abs more. Again she went on top of me and fucked me so hard I started to scream again. When we were done, I got my phone and I had so many messages from everyone. I turned around and she was there, staring at me with those dead eyes. I ran from her, i was completely naked, i started to scream at the top of my voice for help. The message was “your mum is dead and your dad is in ICU and a woman with bruntte hair was found trying to kill them”.
The car was my client where me and Meadow had sex, my parents gone out for the day. All that was Meadows, my missing things, the mysterious cake, her following me. Oh god, she stalked me! She wanted me all to herself. I ran to Craig and Dan’s house. Thank god they were in and, I locked the doors, called the cops. I told them everything on what happened. I was crying in tears while molly was trying to cheer me up with her dolls. I was so confused and hurt. I didn’t know what was going on.
The day of the court hearing, she was found guilty and sent too a mental instition for the rest of her life. Apparently she lied about the cafe and even her own name. Her real name was Abby, when they sent her away; I just sobbed, me and my dad, now in a wheel chair, we finally said our goodbyes to mum. We both missed her.
3 years later, I get a letter from Meadow every month. I never annswred and I never really heard from her again. Me and dad moved house, nearer to the city and family. That year we found out Meadow escaped from the mental institution. I was always on my guard after that. Then one day, I saw her on the tram, those dead eyes starting at me again. I hated her.
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magic-marvel · 7 years ago
Chapter 5
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4
Pairing: Peter Parker/Spider-man x Reader
Summary: A night out leads to an encounter with our favorite masked hero.
Word Count: 3053
A/N: I have an AO3 account now!!! 
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You were with your mom when it happened. You sat at the table doing homework while she started dinner. You were both laughing with each other when your phone buzzed. You ignored it. You said something about your mom's cooking, she yelled an insult back. You can't remember it now. Your phone then went off again, one more time, then another. It kept going, moving closer and closer to the edge. You picked it up. The clock read 4:03.
You scrolled through the notifications, some of them from social media.
“Text from Beverly (5)”
“Google Alerts: Bomb in D.C.”
“Twitter: Attack on Washington Monument”
“Missed Call from Beverly (3), Riley (1)”
“Text from Riley (2)”
There was a lump in your throat. Your mom asked if you were okay, it went unheard. You kept rereading the words, not even bothering to open the notifications. Your mom ended up snatching the phone from your hand after her many attempts to get your attention. Her face drained of all color.
She switched on the T.V. in an instant, quickly switching through the channels until the news came on. You turned in your seat, facing the screen as a bold banner scrolled across the bottom:
Your eyes frantically scanned the screen, a news anchor tried his best to show little emotion. It didn't work. The screen then began showing a video of a family enjoying the monument. A little girl looked up in awe while a woman smiled at her. They began to stand together for a picture, a voice behind the camera telling them to smile. There was a sudden jolt, the camera shook before dust and brick crumpled down the side. The camera quickly flicked up, revealing a large crack running along one side of the pyramid that sat atop a tall column of stone.
The video was cut short, switching to a live feed.
“Oh my God...” Your mom barely whispered, a hand held tightly over her mouth.
You picked up your phone, frantically typing in the pass code before pulling up your contacts. It was a short list, so getting to Liz's name was almost instant.
You clicked the call button, holding the device to your ear. You waited.
Beeep  pause Beeep pause Beeep
The phone kept ringing, each second causing your stomach to twist into knots.
“You have reached the automated-” You hung up.
Your lip was trembling, you hit the call button once more.
As the phone kept ringing, you watched the screen. Helicopters circled the Monument, people were either frantically running away or staring in awe. You weren't sure what you would do.
“You have reached-” You hung up again. A sob clawing its way from your throat. Your mom turned at the sound.
She watched as you tried again, your fist crumpling the hem of your shirt. Your knuckles were white. You kept thinking back to Liz's Snapchat story. A pool party from the night before, Flash poking fun at Peter for not joining in, her team winning, Mr. Harrington awkwardly waving into the camera, and the last you saw was of her entering the Washington Monument. There were no updates after that. Your hand shook as it held the phone up to your ear.
“You have-” You dropped the phone. The automated voice relaying its message. Your lunges struggled to take in air, your chest was on fire. A beep could be heard, your phone is recording a voicemail.
Both hands muffled your sobs. Tears streaming down your face. Liz is in there, Peter is in there. Were they okay? Are they scared? Is anyone helping them?
Your mom picked the phone up, hanging it up and wrapping her arms around you. You let out a muffled sob into her shoulder. She rubbed at your back gently, letting you hiccup and cry into her.
The camera zoomed in on the monument, slowly following up its side. You watched over your moms shoulder.
“M-Mom-” You hiccuped. “Look.”
She turned towards the T.V., her face contorting in confusion.
“Is that-”
“Spider-man.” You finished.
Red and blue crawled up the Monument, the camera shakily followed his movements as he sped up the side. Webs would be shot to give him momentum, but he kept frantically crawling up.
Your sobs subsided, your bottom lip was held tightly between your teeth in anticipation. You wiped at the tears on your cheeks, watching the news intently.
One of the helicopters hovered next to Spider-man, a megaphone blasting at the masked hero.
“Return to the ground immediately!” It shouted, Spider-man kept going.
You watched as he frantically kicked at a small window. He even begun swinging into it, it didn't budge.
Your mom was squeezing your hand, both of you watching as he climbed higher to the top. Your heart was pounding in your throat at this point.
“Return to the ground now, or we will open fire!” The voice shouted from the helicopter. You stepped forward to the screen.
“He's trying to help, you idiot!” You screamed. Your voice scratched at the shout, your mom said nothing.
Spider-man took one look back at the helicopter, the gears turning in his head. You held your breath, watching as the moments unfolded.
He pushed off the monument, spreading a pair of webbing under his arms. You watched as he flew past the blades, hooking onto the bottom of the helicopter to swing back into the window. A loud pop! followed by a crash resonated. The screeching of metal made you cringe, how the camera ever picked up that noise from so far made you wince even further. Those inside must have heard that noise painfully.
There was a pin-drop silence afterwards. The helicopter stayed by the window, people below stared up in shock. No one was talking, not even the anchors.
It felt like forever. The camera was zoomed in on the window, waiting for any signs of life. You squeezed your moms hand, she let you. You seemingly didn't even blink, not wanting to miss a moment. After a few painful minutes, the silence was cut when the camera man panned down to a newswoman.
“We just received word from authorities that all of the occupants have been safely removed from the elevator and are now on their way down the monument. No injuries have been reported so far.” She spoke eloquently into the camera, the hint of relief in her voice as she relayed the information.
You released your breath, shaking at the intake of air. Your hand was pressed against your forehead while you squeezed your eyes shut.
They are okay
You opened your eyes to find your mom handing you back your phone, a new notification was displayed at the top. You pressed it open.
Liz: hey! everyones fine!! ill call u when i get off the phone with my parents ❤
You took a seat on the couch. You were wondering how Liz seemed so calm in her message. She always seemed so level-headed, no matter the situation. You thought this kind of event would be an exception, but it seems not.
You scrolled through your contacts, stuck in the P's. The space between Pam and Phillip was nonexistent. You didn't have his number, and there was no way you could get into direct contact with him. You wanted to make sure he was okay.
Your mom left the news on while she finished dinner. You stayed on the couch, your knee bouncing as you stared into your contact list.
You had eventually returned to your spot on the table, struggling to finish your assignment. You had just gotten off the phone with Liz, the conversation mostly being you worried over her. But after finally assuring you, you believed that everyone was safe.
Well, almost everyone.
“What do you mean he wasn't there?” You asked Liz.
“He just wasn't, Peter didn't even show up to the competition. We're heading back to the hotel to grab our stuff, Ned mentioned he got sick or something so he stayed back.” She responded. A little more disappointed than anything, she really depended on him for Academic Decathlon.
You let out a worried sigh, “Okay. Call me back if anything happens. Get home safe.” You finished.
She said goodbye before hanging up. The silent line deafening in your ear.
Your stomach twisted again, your brows were furrowed in worry. You hoped he really did stay back at the hotel. What kind of trouble was he getting himself into?
It was late that night. Your homework was shoved into your backpack out of frustration, you decided to just do it at school. You still worried over Peter, especially since Liz hadn't said anything. He's fine, you thought, no message is good, it means nothing bad happened.
You were in your pajamas, leaning over your desk to close your window when you heard it.
“You're never leaving this house ever again. I don't care if you're 40, I will make sure to chain you to the couch if you try and open the door.” A woman was scolding.
You took a peek out, curiosity getting the best of you.
“C'mon May, I wasn't even actually there!” There was a whine to that familiar voice. It made you want to laugh.
“Is that supposed to make me feel better? You stayed in a hotel by yourself when you were supposed to be at the competition!” May said.
You watched Peter follow the woman in the building. That must have been the aunt he lives with, she really was quite the beauty.
You almost never saw Peter in the building, him being a few floors below you. His schedule seemingly prevented him from ever bumping into you. But you did see his aunt often, sometimes running into her in the laundry room.
Once they disappeared into the building, you shut the window. You were finally able to calm your nerves, him being safe and at home.
You walked out of your room and into the kitchen. You were scavenging the fridge for any snacks before you head to bed. You knew it was a bad habit, but you couldn't help yourself.
You settled for a bowl of cereal, finding nothing else worthy of your late-night habit. You held onto the bowl with steady hands, making sure to shut off the lights as you scurried back to your room. The empty hall always giving you chills when you shut the lights. You pushed your bedroom door closed with your hip, leaving the lights on in your room.
A quick tap tap tap caused you to shriek. Your precious cargo flinging into the air, pouring milk and frosted flakes all over your carpet.
You turned with wide eyes, finding Spider-man hanging upside down on the other side of your window. His hand was covering his mouth, eyes as wide as they can possibly go. He saw everything.
You slapped a hand over your face, not even wanting to look at the mess on the floor. You headed towards the window, opening it with a little more anger than intended.
“May I help you?” Anger laced every word.
“I'm so sorry.” Was all he could say. You stepped aside, letting him crawl into your room. You closed the window behind him, keeping the cold air out. “Let me help you clean it up!” He offered.
“Oh, that's so kind of you.” You replied sarcastically. “It's not like I was going to make you clean it anyways.”
He knew he should feel guilty, some sort of regret for scaring you. But all he could think about was how adorable you were angry. You were usually more reserved, small laughs here and there. He didn't even think you were capable of anger. But the way you furrowed your brows, your sarcasm dripping from those lips. The same ones that held such a beautiful, heart-breaking smile.
Don't even get him started on your outfit. The over sized 'Jurassic Park' shirt reached your thighs, almost completely covering the pair of shorts you had on. The shirt was slanted, leaving a peek of your shoulder sticking out. He wanted to melt.
“Stay here.” You commanded.
“Yes, Ma'am.” He responded automatically. He watched your figure leave the room. Trying his hardest to keep his eyes up. He didn't try hard enough.
You returned with an arm full of towels, all ranging in colors. You handed him a red one before leaving the rest on the bed. You got on your knees by the stain, trying to soak up milk with your own purple towel. Blot, don't rub you remembered.
Peter stared at you frozen, unsure exactly how legs work. He just watched you work on the stain, flipping and folding at your towel for a clean spot.
“Well? Get down here are start blotting Spidey!” You commanded once more.
“O-Oh! Right!” He spoke before joining you on the floor.
He followed your movements, making sure to not rub the stain in. Does milk stain? He didn't want to find out.
“I'm sorry I made you spill.” He commented.
“It's okay.” You spoke lightly, looking up at him. There was a lopsided smile on your part. He thought he couldn't fall in more love.
You ended up vacuuming over the stain, probably a poor decision but you didn't want to pick up the individual frosted flakes that littered your room. Peter held onto the ceiling as you went over the whole floor, not wanting to be in the way. You thought it was cute.
You mentally apologized to your downstairs neighbor, hoping the vacuum didn't disturb them. Putting the vacuum away, you walked back into the room, avoiding the still damp patch in the middle of your room. Peter still held onto the ceiling, but this time was hanging by a web. What a dork.
Taking a seat on your bed, you watched as he slowly descended from the string. He was eye level with you now.
You gave him a warm smile, “Thank you.”
“Oh-yeah, no problem. It's the least I can do. I mean I'm the one who scared you into spill-”
“Not about that.” You interrupted. He just stared, scanning your face for any hints of what you mean.
“My friend was on that elevator.” You filled the silence.
“Oh.” He said. “Uhm, I was just in the neighborhood, ya know.” He tried answering. He scratched at the back of his head, a habit it seems.
“You're good at this 'hero' thing.” You looked down at your lap, your fingers pinching the end of your shirt. “Especially for being a kid.”
He was taken aback, his posture shifting even as he hung upside down.
“I-I'm not a kid!” His voice deepened. “I'm a man!” He puffed out his chest, putting his hands on his hips as his feet pinched the web holding him.
“Yeah, right, Spider-boy.” You teased. A chuckle leaving your lips.
He couldn't help but laugh along. Your laughter struck him right in the heart, the arrow piercing with no remorse. He was so lost in your smile and he wouldn't want it any other way.
You stood up from the bed, walking up to him. The panels of his eyes widened with a whizz when you placed your hands on his cheeks. You ran your thumbs over the soft material, taking in every bit of his mask.
With a leap of faith, you leaned in.
Your lips connected with the cheek of his mask, he held still for you. Your eyes shut when you made contact. Savoring the moment, committing it to memory. Even down to his scent, rosewood, you realized.
He thought he had died and gone to heaven. Maybe he fell with the elevator? Did he catch himself when he propelled down the shaft? Who cares. What ever higher being granted him this moment, he was thanking profusely in his head.
He let you hold him in place, your lips gently pressed against his cheek. He wanted to rip his mask off, remove the layer that prevented any true contact.
But before any irrational thoughts came true, you pulled away.
Your hands still held onto him, a shy smile on your face.
“My friend is alive because of you. Thank you, Spider-boy” You meant the gratitude with all your heart. But you felt the need to joke with him, lighten any awkwardness that might arise from your bravery.
Peter stared at you with wide eyes. His heart pounding with an immeasurable speed. His chest was going to burst open and his heart was going to drop to the floor. He always thought the phrase 'looks that can kill' held a malicious meaning. But right now, in this moment, he knew that phrase was reserved for you and that beautiful smile. The way your eyelashes fluttered and how you brushed aside locks of hair. It all was deadly, and Peter didn't want to leave the crossfire.
“Mhmm. Yup. N-No problem” He tried answering, his head nodding in your hands. “Wow, um. Okay, make sure to tell your friend to get into more dangerous situations, yeah?”
You laughed at his sudden declaration. Your heart fluttered in your chest, cheeks warming at his comment.
“Sure, Spidey.” You joked.
You finally removed your hands away from him, his cheeks instantly missing the warmth they provided. His face seemed to follow them just for a moment out of instinct.
“C'mon, I'm getting a new bowl of cereal.” You spoke by the door.
He twisted in his web to face you, watched as you motioned him to follow.
Peter gently lowered himself to the floor, the web remaining on the ceiling.
“That better come off, Spider-boy.” You spoke over your shoulder, walking to the kitchen.
“It'll dissolve.” He said. Just like my heart, he thought.
The rest of his visit was spent eating cereal. He picked fruit loops, you stuck to frosted flakes. He sprinkled more sugar into his bowl and you couldn't help but laugh.
A sweet tooth for a sweetheart.
Chapter 6
Taglist: Crossed out usernames are uncooperative, message me if there is a spelling error or other mistake.
 @spider-mendes @sunflower-anna @missrowle @courtneychicken @legendarydazekitten @fly-little-butterfly @zseonlydavinci @alltheloveforharrystyles @pandalandalopalis
252 notes · View notes
paharvey99 · 4 years ago
No Waitrose October 7: Days 30-31
Day 30
Friday – and the penultimate day of No Waitrose October. Also my nephew’s birthday, so when the four year-old I live with got up she was bundled in front of my phone to record a happy birthday video message. She’s done so many of these that she’s become an accomplished singer of Happy Birthday; I sent it to the family WhatsApp and my younger sister complimented her dramatic pauses and use of vibrato.
I’d bought my nephew some Minecraft Lego (Minecraft is one of those things where I’m not too sure what it is but we’re past the point where I feel comfortable asking. This is not a plea for anyone to tell me what Minecraft is, by the way), and I also wanted to get him something stupid and annoying, because he’s eight, so I got him a voice changer shaped like a mini red megaphone.
A couple of weeks back when I was buying all this on the internet I had thought it would be amusing to get him a retail-size box of chocolate bars, like 24 Bountys or something. He very nearly got 20 white chocolate Lion bars, but then I realised that maybe he didn’t even like white chocolate Lion bars, so I bought him a big Cadbury’s selection box type thing. I still maintain that a box of 20 white chocolate Lion bars is a fantastic present, I’m going to definitely buy one for someone for Christmas.
After the happy birthday message I did the nursery run and came home and did a load of work, had last night’s Sichuan pork dumpling filling noodles for lunch, more work, nursery run, and a nip into M&S Food on the way home.
You’ve probably noticed this month that I have been going to M&S Food quite a lot, and from the outside it might look like I’ve just replaced Waitrose with M&S Food and carried on as usual. However, this isn’t quite right. I will regularly do a big main shop in Waitrose, whereas I can’t bring myself to do that in M&S Food, which remains solely for “bits”. I bought some milk and something for tea, which turned out to be some trout in watercress sauce that was down from six quid to 90 pence. I knew the person I live with would tell me off later for giving her a ready meal for tea, but with a saving of more than a fiver I couldn’t leave it there.
By the time we got home my nephew had received his birthday message and presents and there was even a video of him using the voice changer thingy, which did seem to be as stupid and annoying as I’d hoped. This reminds me – the voice changer present was vaguely inspired by the book Angelica Sprocket’s Pockets by Quentin Blake. The title character has a range of unlikely items in her pockets, like trees and elephants and a kitchen sink and so forth. Spoiler alert: that’s the entire plot of the book. One of the things she has in her pockets is a selection of motor horns that go PAR-HURR and BEEEP BEEP, and I realised that a motor horn that goes PAR-HURR and BEEEP BEEP would be a fantastic thing to receive as a present. However, I chickened out of buying one for my nephew and scaled it down to the mini-megaphone voice changer. Maybe when he’s older.
I roasted some potatoes, courgettes, onions and a yellow pepper in chicken stock to go with the trout, I used a lot of stock and the vegetables ended up a soft, tasty mess, I was very pleased with them. As predicted, the person I live with expressed disapproval of the trout, saying that while it tasted nice she’d rather not eat a bought sauce. I know what she means; it may have been a cheap and tasty option, but I need to protect my brand better.
Just as we were going to bed I went to post a link to a previous blog on Twitter and noticed that the government had leaked news about a new national lockdown to the papers. I flicked through a few tweets and everyone was furious with the government for doing this, and I ended up furious as well. Then I wished I hadn’t looked at Twitter, as I was having a nice evening and all of a sudden I was furious.
It made me think, actually, that the government must be really pleased with the whole Twitter situation. Because really, they do abhorrent stuff, everyone on Twitter gets furious and then literally nothing happens. Boris Johnson is not quaking in his boots because a 90s comedian has got 33,000 retweets, no matter how incisive the skewering. He doesn’t even know it’s happened. Dominic Cummings is not rushing about going “Twitter is furious, what can we DO?”. He’s perfectly happy that he’s upset a bunch of lefties and they’re sitting about frothing in their own anger and doing absolutely nothing meaningful about it. No one is rustling up an angry mob with pitchforks and flaming torches, no one’s even writing to their MP. You want to change stuff, you’ve got to get up and do stuff; it’s the only way. Not me though, I’m too busy.
After that I calmed down and went to bed.
Didn’t go to Waitrose.
Day 31
As ever, Halloween marks the final day of No Waitrose October. I’m fairly sure I complain about Halloween every year, so I won’t bore you with it again, just know that I still don’t like anything about it.
The four year-old I live with and I got up and had breakfast while the other person I live with stayed in bed. After a while I took the person I live with through a cup of tea and complained about the new lockdown. The person I live with hadn’t checked Twitter last night and didn’t know about it, so I then felt a bit bad for waking her up with miserable news.
The weather was miserable too, not much hope of going out for a walk or anything, so we stayed in and pottered about all morning doing weird bits of tidying and video calls with family and stuff.
We made the unicorn Angel Delight that we bought in the week. I had to whip up three different bowls of gloop and assemble them accordingly, it was quite time-consuming. They did look amazing though, the kind of dessert that you see on fairytale tables laden with goodies. I put a picture of them on Instagram and we put them in the fridge for later.
For lunch I made fishcakes, peas and oven chips and somehow managed to mess up the oven chips. I don’t know what I did wrong, they all stuck to the tray for some reason. Still ate them, obviously. Then we had the unicorn Angel Delight for afters. I don’t know if Angel Delight has changed, or I have changed, or both, but it was pretty terrible. Just the kind of food that isn’t worth eating. None of us ate much of it, hopefully we’ll never have to bother with it again.
After lunch there was a break in the weather and the four year-old I live with was persuaded out of the house on the promise of going to Slimetown. Thankfully this was quickly forgotten and so we just went down to the sea, where the light was amazing but it was a bit windy, so we headed back inland. On the way back we went past City Books, Hove’s liveliest independent bookshop apparently. It reminded me that I wanted to buy Nigella Lawson’s new book, and then I realised that with the lockdown coming I wanted to buy it at an independent bookshop rather than online, support local businesses and all that. I had a look in and thankfully it wasn’t particularly lively inside, or we wouldn’t have gone in. I bought the new Nigella and I also bought a book for the four year-old I live with as a pre-lockdown treat, something called Shark in the Park.
Back at home I started reading the new Nigella, and it appears to be exactly what I want from Nigella right now; a text-heavy cookbook with loads of recipes and ideas. You may have noticed that I’ve been banging on about Nigella a lot this month, well that’s because I think she’s brilliant. People tend to think of her slightly daft tv persona, flouncing about in her big London townhouse eating cheesecake in her dressing gown at midnight or whatever, but when you read her books you realise that’s all for show. She’s actually someone who’s properly obsessed with making and eating delicious food, which is where her interests align with mine. And she’s not precious about it; there is a recipe in her new book - not even a recipe really – for roast chicken served on crisps. Literally, you roast a chicken, cut it up into pieces and serve it on top of a large bowl of crisps. The chicken juices soak into some of the crisps, the ones round the edge stay, well, crisp. I think I actually punched the air when I read this recipe, because really, you know that that is going to be absolutely sodding delicious. Roast chicken and crisps are among my top five foodstuffs of all time, so why on earth had I never thought to combine them before? That’s the genius of Nigella. She’s like Eric Cantona or someone, seeing passes that no one else on the pitch can see. You’d probably need a green salad with it, mind.
I showed the roast chicken and crisps photo to the person I live with and she expressed some reservations. Not sure I’ll get away with roast chicken and crisps any time soon.
After more reading and pottering and bed-changing and tidying it turned out to be bedtime. I’d had the song Memory from the musical Cats in my head all day, so I put the Barbra Streisand version on for the four year-old I live with on my phone. She didn’t take to it, so I put a related video on, which turned out to be Taylor Swift singing Macavity the Mystery Cat from the ill-fated film adaptation from last year. We have a storybook version of Macavity the Mystery Cat that we read a lot, so the four year-old I live with knows it really well and was very excited to see a video of it.
It hardly needs saying, as everyone said it at the time, but that version of Cats from last year really is very strange indeed, isn’t it? We watched a few videos from it, and it hardly seems credible that anyone thought it was ok to release into the public domain. Somehow it had a magical effect on the four year-old I live with, who fell asleep to Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer or something.
For tea I had made sausage, pumpkin and brussel sprout pasta, all baked in a creamy cheesy sauce, a proper ribsticker of a meal. The pumpkin was a nod to Halloween, even though I hate it (Halloween, not pumpkin).
After tea we watched a film on Netflix called The Trial of the Chicago 7, which we quite enjoyed, a solid 7/10. 
Then we got angry about the government. This new lockdown doesn’t seem like it’s going to be that big a deal for us, we weren’t going to pubs and restaurants anyway. I would like to know if the man coming to fix the hole in the ceiling next Thursday is still allowed to come, and whether the surveyor can still go round to do a report on the house we’re buying, but we’ll just have to wait and see I suppose. Then we went to bed. Another year over.
Didn’t go to Waitrose.
0 notes
jewelslover · 7 years ago
My Expectation
Chapter 2: Strawberries
XY is feeling discouraged when she can't get over her obstacles.
Pairing: J-Hope/Jung Hoseok x Original Female Character(s)/Reader
Word Count: 2.9K
Length: 2/? | MASTERLIST |
Comedy, Angst, Fluff
Important Fic Info:
COMPANY NAME: WatchList Ent. ~ BASIC MEMBER INFO (In order of Leader/Oldest-Youngest): IOU-Park Jiwoo (19 years old) Genie- Im Mijin (24 years old) Angel- Im Misun (24 years old) XY- Kim Soobin (21 years old) E- Lee Eunki (17 years old) ~ CURRENT TIME TABLE: October 2017
Beep, Beeep, Beeeep~
I felt around blindly for the alarm clock, meeting nothing but cotton bed sheets. The beeping had been going on for the past five minutes and the high pitched noise was driving me insane. Granted, the noise would have stopped by now if I’d just open my eyes, so in reality I was bringing this insanity upon myself.
Someone walked into the room, and with a click, harsh fluorescent lights pierced through my eyelids. I groaned and stuffed my face into a flattened pillow when hands started shaking my shoulder.
“Unnie~” a voice whined.
I slowly lifted my head and forced my eyes open just enough to see E’s face hovering above my own. She smiled down and laughed at what must’ve been my exhausted expression. She pushed my shoulder again and balanced precariously on the edge of the mattress.
Seriously, what was people’s problem with letting me sleep? I stuck my tongue out at the younger girl and sat up with some help from her. “What time is it?” I asked, rubbing the butt of my palm into my eyes.
The other laughed at the question and shook her head in disappointment, blonde curls bouncing around her face. Wait… Blonde? I looked at her quizzically and furrowed my brows. Grabbing one of the curls in my hand, I proceeded to examine it, which only made Eunki laugh more.
“Soobin-Unnie, what are you doing?” She laughed, pushing my hand away and letting the pulled curl bounce back into place.
“Your hair is different…” I noted, leaning my weight onto my supporting hand. She rolled her eyes and pulled me to my feet, dragging me to the dresser across from my bed.
“Silly, we have restyling today. Angel-unnie and I finished early, but Jiwoo and Genie-Unnie are still there. They’re waiting for you.”
“Waitin- Wait! What time is it?!” I asked, my eyes going wide. I looked around for the earlier offending alarm clock and looked at the numbers displayed on the screen.
Do you know the flip-flop your heart does when you feel for your phone, only to find that it’s not in your pocket? That’s what my heart did, but ten times over.
“Oh my god! It’s passed noon! I’m gonna be late!” I reached into the roots of my hair and quickly snapped out of my tired daze.
“Yeah… I just told you that,” Eunki said, looking at me with a confused expression. I quickly grabbed my phone from it’s charger, pocketing it in the jacket that I still had on from yesterday. Holding my hands out to pause, I quickly looked around for anything else I would need, deciding to grab a clean change of clothes for when I arrived at BigHit.
I nodded to myself when I had everything I needed and started to walk out of the room when Eunki stepped in front of me, her hands settled on her hips in an authoritative manner. However, considering her small stature, she looked more pouty than threatening.
“Unnie, what on earth are you doing?” She stood there with her lips settled into a slight frown, her big eyes narrowed into concerned crescents. I looked past her and into the living room, finding my dance bag settled in a lump near the door.
“I’m late to dance practice! Hoseok-Oppa and Jungkook-ah will be waiting for me,” I started, trying to move past her and into the other room.
“You… have practice today? You didn’t tell management. We already have a schedule today,” She continued blocking my path, following me as I tried to get around her.
“Unnie stop,” she said, grabbing me by my arms. Her eyebrows furrowed as she got a closer look at me, “Are you even fully awake?”
I looked down blankly at her, wondering what she was going on about. A styling appointment? I had already told management about the practice I had planned- I told them every time Hoseok and I aligned our schedules. That’s exactly what I told Eunki.
“I’ve taken care of it Eunki. We aligned our schedules already.”
“Unnie, we haven’t gotten this month’s schedule yet. Do you even remember what yesterday’s date was?”
I shook my head and grabbed my phone to check the date on the homescreen.
“Sunday, October 1”
Reality sunk in as I looked at the screen and started to collect my thoughts. Bangtan was busy with meetings today, Hoseok and I hadn’t met about scheduling yet, and I wasn’t late for anything… other than my styling appointment. I pressed the pads of my middle and index fingers to my temples and rubbed, trying to calm myself down. The adrenaline from my panic started to trickle away, being replaced by exhaustion.
“Soobin…” Eunki asked in genuine worry, dropping the honorific.
“I’m fine. Just a little disoriented that’s all.”
She pressed her lips together and took hold of my arm once again, dragging me down the hall. “You’re taking a shower. Take some time to clear your head. I’ll tell Styling that I held you up.”
I sighed in disagreement and stopped halfway there, only to be met by a pitiful pout from her until I caved and continued walking. She smiled triumphantly, pushing me into the bathroom. After hearing the lock of the door, she headed back down the hall to call the stylist Unnies.
Four hours later, I came out of styling, complete with a new hairstyle and color. Travelling into the company dance studio I caught sight of myself in the mirrored wall and cringed.
Red. Why did they have to choose red.
I tugged on the braided pigtails and groaned. Scratch what I thought yesterday, I was no longer looking forward to meeting Hoseok and Jungkook for our next dance practice. I didn’t even want to think about the amount of teasing I would receive. Aside from the fact that my face would probably be indistinguishable from my hair, the dye was ironically the same shade as Hoseok’s. I let go of my hair and shook my head, dropping my duffle near the closest wall.
Reaching in, I grabbed the clean change of clothes from earlier, my favorite tennis, a water bottle, and a short aux cord. Setting the other various items next to the bag, I cradled the bundle of clothes under my arm and slipped away to the nearest bathroom.
I shook my hand through the sleeve of the sweater, forcing it through the soft material. Letting out a sigh of relief, I stepped out of the bathroom and headed back towards the studio. It was almost pitiful how much joy comfortable clothes could bring someone. I shoved open the studio door with my back whilst trying to pin my bangs up and out of my face with a bobby pin. However, due to their new (aka: annoying) lack of length, the small clip did nothing as the hair flopped back onto my forehead.
Rolling my eyes, I reached into the duffle and pulled out a thick Nike headband, stretching it over my head. Holding out my hands, I let the band sit to see if it would do its job without me holding it in place. After successfully remaining unmoving, I pulled my phone from my sweater pocket and grabbed the aux cord I had set on the floor earlier.
Connecting both to the soundboard in the studio, I scrolled through my music library until I found Yoongi’s track. Tapping play, his deep voice pulsed through the speakers accompanied by the rough cut of instrumentals and effects. I settled in the middle of the studio and closed my eyes for a moment, focusing on the beat of the track.
Opening them again as the track grew closer to where I entered, I pressed my lips together in concentration before beginning the familiar steps.
It was funny actually. Compared to a few spots here and there, the choreography looked near completion. If I were looking at it from an outside view, I would say it only needed a little polishing. At least, that’s what I would say if it weren’t for the spin…
I closed my eyes, shaking my head in frustration as I slipped mid-routine. I groaned and walked over to my phone, pausing the track right before the bass drop and spin. I leant my back against the cool reflective glass of the mirror and breathed out. I was overthinking, exactly what Hoseok had told me not to do.
I thought back on yesterday’s practice, specifically the dialogue that had occured when the two of us were alone.
. . .
“You seem frustrated with the second verse,” Hoseok commented. When he paused the music, I looked up at him and shrugged, shaking out an arm that was tired.
“The spin is proving to be difficult, but I’ll get it… eventually.”
“That didn’t sound too confident…”  He said, quirking an eyebrow.
“Look it’s not a big deal. Run it again please,” I asked, moving towards the soundboard. He stepped in front of it and I stopped. I made a face, “What are you doing, Oppa?”
“You’re tired and frustrated. I’m stopping practice because you won’t make any progress in that mind set. It’s not healthy Soobin-ssi,” He frowned, a rare expression on his face.
I rolled my eyes. “Hoseok-Oppa I’m not tired,” I said… and yawned. He smirked at my yawn and I scrunched up my nose. “That was just… bad timing. I can still practice, I swear.”
“We’re stopping Soobin.”
. . .
I took a breath and pushed off the mirror. Reaching over, I changed the playlist to one that was full of songs I enjoyed. The piano of Sunday Candy started playing through the speakers and I instinctively smiled at the good-vibes song Hoseok had introduced to me during our first practice together.
After making sure the playlist was set on shuffle, I readjusted and took the time to stretch, something I should’ve done as soon as soon as I had re-entered the room. Reaching one arm across my chest and pulling on it with the other, I hoped this would release whatever tension I had built up.
The pastel colors of the sunset had faded into blackness as time grew later. Two hours had passed and I only seemed to be getting worse.
I had paused the music and now laid in the middle of the room, spread out like a starfish. Sighing at the amount of time wasted, I reflected on my progress if you could even call it that. Aside from the fact that I couldn’t get the dumb spin down, the rest of the moves seemed to be going downhill as well. What had seemed polished earlier grew jerky and forced, the complete opposite of the smooth and effortless movements I had practiced yesterday.
I tugged at my braided hair in frustration, unraveling what the stylists had done earlier. There was now hair sticking out at odd angles throughout the pigtails and I decided to just undo them completely, sitting up and pulling the loose hair up into a top knot.
As I was wrapping a spare band around the mess of hair, the door to the practice room opened and Mijin-Unnie, or “Genie”, walked in. I assumed that she was on a facetime call with her twin sister as she played with her newly cropped black hair in front of her phone camera. When she realized that she wasn’t the only one in the room, her focus turned away from whatever she was doing.
“Oh!” she exclaimed once she saw that it was me that occupied the room. “Everyone,” she said, addressing the phone once again, “I’ve just found our XY, working hard as always.”
My eyes widened as she hurried over to me, wrapping a bare arm around my sweaty form and putting the phone in front of us. “A V-live?” I asked, forcing a practiced smile. The older girl eagerly nodded and positioned the phone higher, showcasing our new hair.
“I wanted to show everyone my new comeback look. Now they get to see both of ours!” she laughed, patting down the bun on my head. I smiled and batted her hand away, keeping up the playful facade in front of the camera.
“Hello everyone! Thank you for supporting Expectation’s comeback! We look forward to seeing you all soon!” I said, giving a slight bow to the camera.
“Aish~ So formal. Our fans are family,” Mijin smiled, lots of chat bubbles with heart emojis popping up on the small screen.
I just continued smiling and bowed again. Mijin continued talking and I kinda spaced out, slipping into my own little world. I repeated the choreography steps in my head, subconsciously moving my shoulders and pursing my lips with each transition. What had Hoseok said about the third verse? Was I supposed to face more to the left or right?
I snapped out of my trance as Mijin bopped me on the head, her phone now tucked into her back pocket. Turning, I stared at her, confused. “What?”
“I said you look like a strawberry,” she laughed. “You should never pair your red hair with that green headband again unless you’re aiming to look like a fruit. In which case, if you are, you’re killing it.”
“Oh… okay,” I responded half-heartedly.
She jokingly shoved my shoulder, gaining my full attention. “Hey. What’s up?”
“Me? Uh, nothing. Just thinking,” I said, standing up and brushing off my leggings. I disconnected my phone from the soundboard and slid it back into my sweater pocket. I started going around to collect my things and Mijin followed, crossing her arms in front of her.
“Don’t give me that Soobin-ssi,” she said, frowning. “I know that when you’re ‘thinking’ something bigger is always going on. What’s wrong? You’ve been in a sour mood for weeks now.”
I shrugged and zipped up my duffle bag once all my belongings were safely stored inside. “It’s just… choreography block. I’m a bit frustrated, but I’ll get out my funk soon.”
“I’ll accept that excuse… for now,” she smiled, nudging her shoulder into mine. “I’m sorry for pushing you into that V-live earlier.”
I smiled back at her, “It’s fine, Unnie. You didn’t know I was having a hard time.”
I stood up, pulling my bag over my shoulder and we walked out of the studio together, meeting Jiwoo-ssi in the hall, and all took the same van back to the dorm. When we pulled up to the front of the apartment complex, Angel, or Misun-Unnie, met us outside.
“Finally! E and I have been worried. Wher-” She stopped herself short and grinned when she looked up at us. “Awwe! Soobin-ssi, your hair looks like a strawberry!”
“Why does everyone think that I look like a fruit?” I sighed as Mijin shot me a pointed look. I stuck out my tongue at her, causing her to laugh before hurrying inside with her twin, complaining about Seoul’s chilly fall weather. Behind me, I felt an arm link around my own as a body pulled closer to mine.
I looked over and saw Jiwoo’s shivering form hunkered into herself, latching onto me for warmth. Even after three years of living in Seoul as a trainee, she still hadn’t adjusted to the cold weather. Coming from Busan she had pretty thin blood. Snuggling against me like this had become a pretty common occurrence in the last 2 years of living together.
We walked together, using each other as wind-protectors, unlatching once we were inside the warm building. My phone vibrated and I urged Jiwoo ahead of me, telling her that I would catch up. She nodded, smiling, and ran to meet the twins at the elevator. I pulled my phone out and saw that I had 2 missed messages from Hoseok.
Happy Feet
“Just got my schedule ^.^”
“*click to open attachment*”
I tapped on the file box and opened the attachment listing Hoseok’s times off. These weren't necessarily days that he didn’t have schedules, but days where he had the time to practice.
I tapped out a quick message in reply, telling him that I would get back to him soon, and headed to the elevator.
The next week, I had a schedule full of comeback preparation, making it impossible to meet up with Hoseok. I spent any spare moment I had in the studio practicing comeback choreo as well as the original that Hoseok, Jungkook, and I created. It was filled with trial and error, and I could almost feel my practice time quickly deteriorating into wasted energy. The difficulty I would have with one of the choreographies would affect the other, and our dance instructors were starting to take notice.
“Soobin-ssi, take some time to sit out. You need to take a breath,” one of them finally said, taking me out of formation from the rest of the girls. I insisted I was fine, but she ended up sitting me up against the wall anyway, forcing me to watch the rest of my members dance while I did nothing. I pressed on top of my head through my beanie and sighed.
It looked like I couldn’t get anything right this week no matter how hard I practiced. I sat there with my head in my hands trying to calm down and hide tears and sweat, our new song droning on in the background. I could hear the sounds of the room around me, but it all seemed drowned out by the thoughts of failure swimming around in my head.
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joonskisses · 7 years ago
Missed Texts and Unsaid Words | kth
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description: Last words were the most painful. The news of Taehyung’s death was worse. 
word count: 1.4k 
genre: angst, boyfriend!au
pairing: taehyung x reader 
warnings: language. slight trigger warning. mentions of death.
"I don't ever want to see you again. Go. Get out of my sight."
You laughed softly. It wasn’t true at all. You loved him. More than you should’ve. But you could see how it was affecting him. More negative than positive. “Taehyung, I-I can’t do this anymore. I don’t want you anymore.” It was for the best. For him. You would do anything for him. And this was it. You spoke again, “This is it. This is where it ends. We’re-”
“Please don’t say it. Don’t say what I think you will. You love me and I love you. The end. Nothing can change that. You’re- you’re everything. Please,” he begged, “Please don’t leave me.” You were weak. How could you leave the boy you would give the world to? Is this how dying felt? You stood up straighter, “I told you. I don’t love you anymore. It will be easier if you just left.” He looked at you with teary eyes and whispered, “Just rip my heart out. Tear me to shreds. Anything but this. Anything, anything. I fucking love you so much. Don’t do this.”
He grabbed your arms and pulled you dangerously close. You looked away as your vision started to blur as well. Furiously wiping at your eyes, you pushed Taehyung away forcefully. “Don’t touch me. I told you to leave already. Isn’t this enough for you? What more do you need from me?” The hole in your heart got bigger and bigger with every lie. He pulled at his hair frantically. “Stop lying. Stop fucking lying! I can’t lose you.” Suddenly the vase of flowers from your second anniversary was on the floor. Taehyung grabbed a photo of you and him together- the one you had said was your favorite- and threw it at the mirror above the living room table.
“B-Baby, please. Stay with me. I’ll get on the floor and beg. I-I’ll do anything. How am I supposed to live without you? It’s impossible. How do you expect me to breathe without air? There’s no me without you. I won’t exist.” You stared at the photo frame, now in pieces, and shrugged. “Trust me. You’ll survive.” He laughed. He cried. You couldn’t tell what was happening anymore. And when he pulled you into the tightest embrace and kissed your shaking lips with a passion, the spark that erupted burnt down your whole world. The kiss lasted for a good second before you shoved him away. You hit his chest angrily, “Go away,” Another hit. “Leave me the fuck alone,” Another painfully hard hit. “I don’t care about you anymore!” He backed you up against the wall roughly, until your head hit the edge of a painting on the wall, making you hiss in pain. “Take it back. Stay. No matter how hard it is to be with me. Stay. Losing you, is losing myself too.”
Your head hitting the painting was enough force to knock it down. You ran for the door of your room, but Taehyung grabbed your legs to keep you from leaving. You turned to see him on his knees. “Why are you making it so hard for me to leave?” You cried. He just looked up to you with tear stained cheeks. “Love isn’t easy.” You attempted to shake him off you, but he wasn’t budging.
“Taehyung. Get up. Before I call someone else to come get you,” he got up, but he grabbed your hand in the act. “I’m going to say this once. Taehyung, I don’t ever want to see you again. Go. Get out of my sight.” He just stared at you with a blank face, before letting go of his grip on your sweaty hand and backing away. “I-I love you. And I know you love me. But if you want me to leave, I’ll go.”
You ripped your hand from his and watched his heart crumble to dust right in front of you. You pointed him to the door, knowing completely well he knew where it was, he’s known for 2 years.
You watched him walk out of your life. That was the last time you saw him.
Present day
To: Tae 
Please come back to me
Sent at 6:22 am
To: Tae 
I miss you
Sent at 6:24 am
To: Tae 
I’m sorry. I’m nothing without you.
Sent at 6:45 am
To: Tae
I take back everything I said that day.
Drafted at 6:47 am
It was the worst feeling. It felt like you were underwater with no one being there to help you float again. All the light from your life was replaced with the darkness and the guilt of Taehyung’s death. You still remember when you got the call. 2 hours after the fight, Jin-hyung called you to break the news.
“Hey, I don’t know how to say this but, Taehyung was in a terrible car accident. The doctors said he won’t make it.”
You didn’t reply. You were speechless. All you could do was throw your phone at the wall, and crash to the floor. You cried until you threw up. The guilt clawed at your stomach. It was your fault. You pushed him away. And you had thought it was for the best. The feeling lasted for 2 days, before you turned numb. You didn’t pick up any calls or texts. You didn’t open the door for Jungkook when he came to comfort you. You didn’t even clean up the broken glass from the fight before. You replayed that night over and over in your head.
“Please don’t leave me.”
His voice haunted you. You stopped eating. You layed in your own filth for weeks, just reliving the same night over and over. You finally made the choice to get up, only to head to the kitchen for 2 bottles of whiskey and head back to bed. The next days were hazy. You were hardly ever sober, and you only ever watched videos and looked at pictures of Taehyung. The first time you ever called him, was only to hear the message you both had recorded for the voicemail greeting.
“It’s Taehyung. If I’m not at the phone-”
“He’s with me!” You yelled out in the background.
He chuckled, “Yeah uh- just leave a message at the beep.”
“Beeep!” You loved that part. He had imitated the sound of the beep, and you thought it was the cutest thing in the world. You left tons and tons of voicemails. But there was never any reply.
From: Seokjin
You have to get out of that house. We’re all worried about you.
Read at 7:14 am
From: Sugar 
Today’s the funeral. Please come. We miss you. I miss you.
Read at 7:16 am
You never went.
To: Tae 
You can't be dead. You can’t just leave me like this.
Sent at 8:34 pm
It was so cruel. How could he just be taken away from you like this? It wasn’t fair. This was supposed to be easy. Then you remembered Taehyung’s words, “Love isn’t easy.” You couldn’t go on like this. This wasn’t supposed to happen. Minutes later, you found yourself sulking in the bath. You couldn’t tell the difference between your tears and the water. Murmuring out, “Please, I miss you.” You slid your head deeper under the water. What if you stayed like this? You could be with Taehyung again. Although it was stupid, that you didn’t realize he was the one until he died. He was your lifeline, your whole world. But he disappeared just like that. You needed a breath of air. But you stayed under, thinking about what would happen if you didn’t come up.
Moments later, Taehyung’s voice filled your ears.
“Baby, don’t do this. It’s not worth it.”
But it was. To see him again it was worth it.
“Hey, it wasn’t your fault. Come on, breathe, live for me.”
You were conflicted. The longing to see him again was overwhelming. But you came to a decision.
You would see him again.
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luvpogl-music · 5 years ago
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                                             “Sweet Dreams”
                                                     6:51 AM.
My eyes gently begin to roll awake from the continued annoyance of the alarm I diligently set the night before. A disturbing reminder that the routine life I am slowly being indoctrinated back into is again, about to begin its dull vicious cycle for another week.
Glancing over I take notice of the slender framed, short-haired blonde embracing my shoulder from the night before. Lying there still sound asleep, as though the constant buzz of that damned cell phone has no affect on the sub-conscience state I, too, found myself in only minutes prior.
A pastel green silk lingerie draped gently across her body brings back a flood of broken visions that allow my mind to piece together an acceptable timeline of the promiscuous debauchery, which occurred only hours before under the covers of moonlight. I tenderly slide my free hand under the silk duvet that hides the soft contour of her hips and start to trace the black laced fringes outlining her negligee with my finger. Half of my heart desiring her to awaken and the other half praying she remain still in the peaceful refuge she has seemed to find; so not to awaken this moment of perfection. Cautiously leaning in to caress with my lips the unveiled shoulder before me, which has been left exposed by the shuffled misplacement of that final protective garment all women use as hidden security. The steady gentle whisper of her sleeping breath becomes more pronounced bringing the true beauty of this instance into vivid detail.
As the moist tip of my tongue begins to retreat from the silky smoothness of her vanilla skin my nostrils become filled with the lingering aroma of a quiet mixture of lavender and rose petals. A left-over reminder of the intoxicating bouquet used to lure me into her tangled web the night before. A carefully concocted plan, I realize, deceitfully enacted to benefit me the guise of remaining under my own control when in fact it was her spell all along that was designed to trap me in this very moment.
Still groggy from the alarms' interruption of solitude, the heightened awareness of senses begin to wreak havoc on the pleasure center of my brain. My fingers begin roaming their way into the small of her back after carefully studying the crevice of space where the back of her thigh and bottom blend together.  Reading the shape of her body as braille only entices my further desire. It is then that the lifeless body begins displaying signs of movement, with a slight torque of her hips I feel her posterior greet me with a hint of unresolved seduction.
With a slight turn of her head, a satisfied crooked smile makes its way from her lips as if to say “good morning” like the warm rays of sun that are starting to beam through the window. My mind starts to race in nervous anxiety, “who is this woman, what is her name? Why can I not remember this important detail? She's not like the others, no it's as if the goddess of the dawn has formed her specially for me. Certainly something...or...someone this important, shouldn't I be able to remember her name?!” 
                                                     7:10 A.M.
BEEP...BEEEP....BEEEEP. The alarm sounds off angrily as though it is frustrated at the fact I so coldly hit the snooze button during its first call to rise. Tossing the phone down I quickly redirect my mind into tricking itself in making believe I am somehow running late for the day, because I made the choice to spend a few more minutes of bliss with the woman of my dreams.
Damn! Reality has just set in, sharply looking over at the sweat soaked void next to me; my hand excitedly feels up and down the sheets for any sign that she was real and not just a half-awake euphoric illusion of the imagination.
0 notes
writingevil · 8 years ago
by- E.L.B
with help from and written for- @phan-and-destiel
Charlie’s tattoo was simple just some leaves tracing their left arm. They knew one day they were supposed to meet their soulmate with the same leaves and then they would be happy together forever. Charlie hoped that day never came, they worried about what their soulmate would think of them. Charlie, the asexual.
Charlie’s parents were traditionalists, the ones that had their kids cover their tattoo’s until they were eighteen. But Charlie left the church a long time ago after they watched two of the beacon boys get ridiculed for holding hands during service. Charlie didn’t want to be associated with something that hated others. Charlie often took off their cover sleeve before they got to school because they just didn’t see the point of hiding it.
It wasn’t that uncommon to find Charlie writing in between the leaves of their tattoo. They wrote stories of dragons and warriors that teamed up together to overthrow the greater evil. They always ran out of room. That’s what they were doing now during lunch, just sitting away from everyone and writing on their arm.
“Whatcha doing?” Charlie looked up to meet the eye of Amy, a girl they had noticed around school.
“Nothing, I’m just writing something.” Charlie said looking back down at their arm and covering it with their hand.
“I always see you over here writing on your arm, I figured maybe if I asked you might let me read it?” Amy smiled and pushed back the bangs of her pixie cut that Charlie had admired once or twice.
“Sorry, you have to reach at least level 4 friend to unlock arm stories.” Charlie joked softly. Amy sat beside them.
“Well let’s start at level one then.” She said. “I’m Amy, I’m 15 and people tell me I’m annoying.”
“I’m Charlie, I’m also 15 and I don’t think you’re annoying.” Charlie smiled softly.
“Only cause you don’t know me well enough.” Amy clapped Charlie on the shoulder and smiled at them.
Charlie and Amy started sitting together in class and sneaking jokes to each other. They’d sit together at lunch and talk about the new videos of whoever their favorite YTubers were at the moment. Eventually Charlie would come to class with a story written on their arm and let Amy read it while taking notes for the both of them. Next block Amy would let Charlie sleep while she took notes and nudge them whenever the teacher got suspicious. 
“So, question.” Charlie said at lunch one day.
“Answer,” Amy smiled.
“Why’d you come sit with me last year? You used to have a bunch of friends following you around and were the token of traditionalists. Why risk that to sit with someone with their cover off?” 
Amy looked at the ground for a few seconds, “I told them I was homoromantic and they spit in my face. I figured if being traditionalist meant hiding who I am then I don’t want to be a traditionalist.”
“Then why do you wear your cover?” Charlie asked.
“My family goes to one of the weird churches where even the kid themselves aren’t allowed to see the tattoo until they’re 18 and I guess I’m just scared.” Amy shrugged.
“Well, no one can make you take it off. Since you told me that and got bonus points for making me feel guilty for not telling you earlier. You’ve reached level 99 friend and have unlocked special bonuses.”
“Yay!” Amy smiled. “Achievement get!”
“So, I’m asexual and biromantic and I don’t really identify with gender less about the she more about the they.”
“Oh my god.” Amy gasped and covered her mouth. “I never even asked about your gender I just assumed!”
“Yeah most people do cause I keep my hair long but I can’t afford a binder and even if I did I don’t want to look like a boy all the time. I mean sure its nice sometimes but not all the time.” 
“I’m so sorry!”
“It’s fine really I haven’t even told that many people so it doesn’t matter.”
“Charlie- they/them,” Amy said as she wrote on a scrap of paper and handed it to Charlie. “Staple it to my forehead so I remember.”
“You have enough minor brain damage as it is, ya goof.” 
Two weeks later Amy showed up at Charlie’s house before school with a box. 
“Upstairs your room now!” Amy laughed dragging Charlie through their own house.
“Amy, too early. Need coffee.” Charlie groaned still in their PJ’s. Amy plopped on Charlie’s bed and tossed them the box which they missed. “Hope this wasn’t fragile.”
“It’s not just open it!” She sang.
“I should have listened to you when you said you were annoying.” Amy gasped, “Kidding! Kidding!” Charlie opened the box and inside were two tank top-like items of clothing they immediately recognized. “Amy, you didn’t.”
“You’re right I totally didn’t. You never have to wear them unless you feel like you want to that day. Also there’s instructions in the box for safety.” Amy grinned. Charlie ran up and hugged her tightly and Amy fake coughed. “You’re killing me!”
“It’s revenge for the heart attack you just gave me.” Charlie laughed. “Thank you!”
Another year passed and they entered their junior year of hell high school. Amy continued to wear her cover and Charlie choose to cut their hair a bit shorter but still longer than Amy’s. They were called names at school but really they didn’t care as long as they had the other. 
“Hey. Lezbo!” a guy shouted at Amy one day. “Why don’t you and your girlfriend get out of the cafeteria. You and freaks like her don’t belong here.”
Amy breathed deeply and Charlie put their hand on her shoulder. “Just ignore that ass.”
“So, what’s it today?” said the same guy to Charlie. “You finally pick a side?”
Charlie stiffened and grit their teeth which gave Amy the final straw. She stood up and walked over to the guy pulling him up by his shirt. 
“Don’t you ever misgender them on purpose again! They are ten times a better person than you will ever be!” She shouted at him and then kicked him hard where it hurts. “Come on, Charlie, let’s go.” She picked up both her’s and Charlie’s book bags and walked out the door.
Amy got suspended for three days because of that incident but she didn’t care and said the thing she missed most was reading whatever Charlie had written on their arm that day. Charlie missed their naps and their friend. School got scarier when Amy wasn’t with them. But little did they know it would be a while before they got their friend back in school. 
Amy texted them on the last day of their suspension that she was coming over. That’s what it had become it wasn’t a question it was just known that Amy could come hang out in Charlie’s room when thing’s at home got too tough. Charlie got worried after it had been an hour and she hadn’t shown up so she decided to call her. 
“RING! RING! RING! Hey this is Amy if you’re Charlie calling leave a message anyone else please fuck off at the beep. BEEEP!”
“Hey Amy its Charlie. Please call me back I’m really worried.”
Another hour passes. 
“Amy, Its Charlie you live 15 minutes from my house. Call me back, I’m worried.”
Thirty minutes pass.
“Amy. Charlie answer your phone I’m worried sick about you.”
One hour later.
“It’s Charlie, you know the drill call me when you can. I’m super worried.”
15 minutes later Charlie’s phone starts to ring and they answer it without looking.
“Amy? Are you okay?”
“Charlie this is Amy’s mother. Amy was in a car accident and she’s in the hospital can you please come as soon as possible? Charlie? Charlie? Are you there?”
Charlie gasped in a deep breath of air. “Yes Mrs. Granite I’ll be their as soon as possible.”
They hung up and grabbed a coat and keys throwing their coat on over their PJs and shoving their phone into the pocket. They dashed downstairs in flip flops. 
“Charlie?” Their mother called out and stopped them in front of the door. “You’re a mess where are you going so late at night.”
“Mom, Amy’s been in a car wreck please she’s in the hospital.” They took deep breaths. 
“Give me your keys.” their mom said.
“No but’s you’re in no state to drive. I’ll drive you there.” Their mother said taking the keys out of their hand. “Frank! Charlie and I are leaving for the hospital I’ll be back in a half an hour to pick up some stuff to bring to them.” 
Charlie didn’t know how to process everything that was going on right then and there so they just shoved it down and stared out the window wishing speed limits didn’t exist for concerned friends. They reached the hospital in a half an hour and Charlie rushed in before their mom had put the car in park.
“Amy Granite. 6-15-99. She was in a car accident.” Charlie rushed out to the nurse at the desk as their mom walked in.
The nurse started entering information. “And you are?”
“I’m ...” they looked to their mother unsure of their own name at the moment. 
“Charlie Harvard and I’m their mother. Amy’s mom called Charlie and asked them to come.” 
“Yes. Amy is currently in the ICU, you’re allowed up in the waiting room up there. Third floor to the right.” The nurse said. “And sweetie, drink some water and count to ten try not to panic okay. Your friend will be fine.”
Charlie nodded and dragged her mom to the elevators and waited impatiently. When they reached the waiting room Amy’s mom sat with her head bowed and hands clasped with tears running down her face. 
“Mrs. Granite?” Charlie asked softly stopping in front of her. 
“Oh, Charlie!” She stood and wrapped her arms around the worried teen. 
“Is she okay?”
“She was hit by a drunk driver and it’s not good. Her car was flipped and she’s unconscious and I don’t know what’s happening they won’t let me see her.”
Charlie sat and covered their mouth. Their mother left to grab them a change of clothes, blankets and coffee for all of them. They sat in the waiting room for what felt like hours. The clock ticked out of rhythm with the fast pace of Charlie’s heart. Charlie prayed to every god they could remember even the one’s so stupid they couldn’t possibly be really. Eventually a doctor came out.
“That’s me!” said Amy’s mother and she grabbed Charlie as well. “I’m Amy Granite’s mother.”
“We were able to get everything stable but she is comatose as of right now. We don’t know when she will wake up. You can come back to see her if you like.” the doctor said kindly. Amy’s mother nodded and followed the doctor not letting go of Charlie’s arm. The trio walked through a maze of hallways until they reached a dark room with a single bed and a lot of machines.  Amy had a bruise covering the majority of her face and an oxygen mask strapped across her mouth. There was an IV in her left arm which they had taken the cover off of. Amy’s mom sat on her right and Charlie took the left side . 
“Feel free to stay for as long as you like.” The doctor said. 
Charlie took Amy’s hand careful of her oxygen reader. They sat their for a while Amy’s mom fell asleep on the uncomfortable sofa after making Charlie promise to wake her up if anything happened. Charlie’s mom came back and sat with them for a while before falling asleep but Charlie stayed awake tracing the leaves on their friends arm the leaves they had seen everyday for most of their life. The leaves they had written between to make the cute girl with the same leaves on her arm smile. It was funny how long it took Charlie to actually realize it. They held up their arm to Amy’s and smiled softly. 
“Well, now you have to wake up cause I have so much to tell you.” Charlie whispered to Amy.
It was two weeks before Amy finally woke up. Charlie’s mom made them go back to school after one week and they were in school when they got called down to the office.
“Charlie Harvard for Dismissal” 
They bolted out of their class not even listening to the teacher and ran to the attendance office.
“Your moms outside.” 
They thanked the lady and scribbled their name and time and ran out of hell school and straight to their mom’s car.
“Not awake yet but they think it will be soon.”
Charlie tried to convince their mom that speeding wasn’t illegal in this instance, it didn’t work. They raced to Amy’s room but when they got there nothing had changed. Amy still wasn’t awake yet. They exchanged greetings with Amy’s mom and sat beside her. Charlie fell asleep a few hours later. They were woken up by a haunting noise and Amy’s mother calling for help. The low beep was coming from Amy’s heart monitor and the line was straight. 
“Charlie we need to leave.”
“Charlie. Amy will be fine. We need to get out of the doctor’s way.” Their mother tried to pull them up but Charlie wasn’t looking away from Amy. 
“Get her out of here!” said a doctor and a male nurse picked Charlie up and they screamed and kicked. 
“AMY!! AMYYY!!!” They felt tears run down their face and started to cough feeling everything go dark. 
Charlie woke up in their own hospital bed a few hours later with their mother and a nurse looking at them.
“Look who finally decided to wake up.” their mother smiled. 
“Amy is fine. You were dehydrated and panic ridden.” the nurse said. “Drink up and then once I check your vitals you can see your girlfriend.”
Charlie blushed but did everything the nurse said. They let them go thirty minutes later. 
“C’mon. She’s been asking for you.”
“She’s awake?” Charlie gasped and ran for the elevator. 
“I thought that might happen.” their mom sighed. 
Charlie raced to Amy’s room flipping off the male nurse that carried them out as they passed him. They stopped at the door and took a deep breath. By now Amy would’ve seen the tattoo. They knocked softly. 
“Come in.” It was like the voice of an angel they had missed it so much. They walked in and saw Amy sitting up on her bed smiling at them and then in between their arms. 
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vampmeup2017 · 7 years ago
The Devil in Love
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Summary: Damon contemplates on his love for Elena meanwhile; he finds out that Elena is in danger after Stefan calls. Sam, Dean, and Castiel(Cas) kidnap Elena and Bonnie in attempt to catch Damon and Stefan after hearing what has been going on in mystic falls. 
“Damon what are you doing?” Stefan asked as he stepped into the library where Damon was standing over the fireplace. Stefan saw a cup of blood in Damon’s hands and pouted with concern when he looked into Damon’s eyes while his senses couldn’t help but thrive under the thought of human blood in his mouth. However, Stefan started to control his cravings and after a second the cravings went away instantly, leaving no sign of hunger for Damon to notice. “Burning my sins for the day from a distance” he responded with a growing smirk while looking behind him to see whether or not Elena is with him, “where’s Elena?” He flicked his right eyebrow up. He knew he couldn’t have Elena because she was in love with Stefan, but seeing her was enough for him.
“She said she was with Caroline” Stefan said with his eyebrows expressing concern and confusion about Damon’s curiosity of Elena’s whereabouts. Stefan knew that Damon loved her, but he couldn’t stop him they both knew how important Elena is. With all the issues that they have been facing like Klaus coming, Elena trying to kill herself, and John Gilbert meddling with Elena and her friend—any kind of pressure could draw Elena away from him even more and into Damon’s arms now that they are no longer together.   Both brothers stood across the room facing each other. The tensions between each other grew immensely as they both competed for her. Neither of them could move on. Katherine damaged both of the brothers and set them at war for love forever. “Well then...I’ma head out and see what our pathetic little town has in store for me at the grill” Damon retorted breaking the tension between The Salvatore’s. Stefan watched him until he left out the front door and sat down on the nearby armchair looking at the glass that Damon left on the mantle. The human blood was just sitting there. He knows how powerful it is and how good it tastes, but he can’t have any until tomorrow. 
While walking, Damon started to think about Elena. Damon thinks about Elena every moment he isn’t being sarcastic or scheming. He knows she is something much more than what Katherine could ever be; she is the warmth that every vampire needs, she is the kindness he has never experienced, the courage he has never witnessed, and the happiness that he has never felt. He wanted Elena to be his, he wanted to kiss her, he wanted to hold her, and he wanted to protect her. Elena was a something he couldn’t put into words. He knew he would never hurt her...he loved her. She was the one person that believed in him and couldn’t truly hate no matter what was his actions. Elena herself did not know how important Damon was, she usually has Stefan to distract her and Damon always seemed to make Elena angry by doing the wrong thing. All she knew was that she wasn’t sure how to feel about Damon. He was important to her. And now that Stefan and Elena broke up, he had a chance, but for now he flipped the switch to turn off his emotions and continued to walk to the bar.
Before entering the bar, Damon bumped into some clumsy tall, long haired man with a flannel and dark jeans. Damon quickly turned around as aggression grew over him and prepared to grab the man, but stopped after he saw that the man walked into the wall, almost falling and struggled to continue. He chose to not fight the guy because his desire for a drink was more important than some random drunk. He just shrugged his shoulders and went inside the grill.
After a couple of hours had passed, Damon’s phone started to ring and he sees that it is Stefan. He chooses to ignore the ringing and continues to drink and talk to a young brunette to his left. His phone rang again and Damon sluggishly chooses to answer this time.
“Excuse me, I have to answer my needy sibling” he says to the brunette as he slides off the stool.
“I am about to compel one of the most boring woman here in town into a circus performer, this better be good.” Damon answers in a sarcastic tone.
“Do you know if Elena is at the grill with Caroline?” Stefan quickly responds with a shaky voice.
“If she was here we would be having a party without you.” Damon says wittingly as he looks over the customers at each table trying to see if Elena was there. Slowly Damon grew concern over Stefan’s question thinking there could be only one reason why he would call him.
“Jenna called me asking for Elena to come home, but she isn’t with me so I wanted to see whether or not she was at the grill?” Stefan explains.
Before Damon could respond Stefan, his phone rang again.
“Wait Stefan someone is calling me.” He puts Stefan on hold and looks at the caller ID—it was Elena. He quickly answers the call. “Elena your puppy of a boyfriend is looking for you.” Damon sarcastically responds, but instead of an answer, he hears Elena yelling for a couple seconds.
“ELENA! ARE YOU OKAY?” Damon begins to yell out and his eyes widen. Silence falls upon the other line and the call drops.
He grabs his jacket and begins walking out of the grill as fast as he could and takes Stefan off of hold. “Stefan, we need to find her. She just called, but there was a struggle. Start looking at Jenna’s” Damon hastily responds.
“Okay I’m on my way?” Stefan responds.
“I’m going to Bonnie see if she knows anything.” Damon rushes through the door and heads towards Bonnie’s. The drunk man with the flannel sits in the car next to Damon, laying low, but Damon doesn’t pay attention and the car follows him.
As he arrives, Bonnie opens the front door and warns him, “You know I am not going to invite you inside. And if you try anything—”
Damon cuts off Bonnie and quickly asks, “I don’t need your witchy attitude. Elena is in trouble. We need to find her. Do you know where she was coming from?” Damon says catching his breath as he walks up to the door frame.
“She called from the school. She and Caroline were putting away supplies for the upcoming cele—“
Damon cuts off Bonnie and runs towards his car.
“Let me come with you!” Bonnie yells, but Damon already started to back up with his car when she got down from her porch.
She ran back inside her home and grabbed the keys to her car. She started to run across her lawn franticly towards the car door until she suddenly tripped over some foreign object and fell on her concrete driveway. Her arm broke the fall, but her eyesight become blurry as she saw a man with a light brown trench coat and blue tie walking towards her. She tried to lift her head to look up at the man, but a weakness grew over her and the world around her started to spin. She couldn’t lift herself off the ground and tried to yell, but her mouth was covered with a towel and eyes began to close and she passed out.
Damon grabbed his phone while he was speeding through town and started to dial Stefan.
“Hello? Damon?! Jenna said Elena hasn’t been home since she left to the school with Caroline” Stefan answered.
“Yes I know that; you need to meet me there right now. I am going to check it out before all hell breaks loose.” Damon says while he swerves around the cars that are standing on the red light.
“Should I ask what that was, Damon?” Concerned, Stefan asks.
“Don’t worry about it. Hurry up and get to the school.” Damon hangs up the phone and takes a turn. While driving, Damon’s concern grew over him as he started to think what could happen to Elena. Remembering her scream gave his a knot in his stomach. He can’t imagine being without her even if she didn’t feel the same way about him.
He arrived at to the school’s parking lot and quickly stopped his engine and stepped out to find Elena’s car. The window was smashed in and all along the door there were dents and scratch marks and underneath the car he found Elena’s phone and keys. He knew something big went down here. Slowly, anger grew over him as he frantically searched around the parking lot to find some kind of clue where she could have been taken to. He searched for minutes that felt like hours. His breathing sped up and he started to get more frantic. He ended up smashing a car window that he was standing next to. All hope was lost. Suddenly, Damon heard a door open and saw a man with long dark hair and a flannel enter one of the backdoors into the cafeteria. Damon recognized him from the grill. He quickly ran to the door, but found it to be locked. Luckily that wasn’t a problem for him, he just pulled once and the door broke free and he let himself in. He quietly walked inside and searched around the room to see where the tall man went. As he started to walk through a hallway, he heard one of the doors in front of him open and the tall man with the flannel ran until he disappeared after a left turn. Damon ran after him, but quickly stopped before Damon had the chance to investigate, he saw Elena and Bonnie lying on the floor near the benches in the cafeteria. He ran to them. He stroked Elena’s hair to the side of her face, when a stake was shot at him. The tall man shot Damon’s right side and he fell to the ground along with Elena and Bonnie. He groaned in pain and grabbed the stake. As he pulled it out, the man started to walk towards him as quickly as possible. The pain felt like a sharp lightning bolt hitting him and he couldn’t move any faster. Right when he pulled the stake out the tall man shot another one into his leg.
Damon yelled out, “Ahh, what the hell.” He pushed himself away from Elena and pulled out the second one. He slowly started to get up off the ground, and when he stood up the man punched Damon’s gut, but that had no effect on him. He bobbed his head to the side and his nostrils flared. The man looked shocked and widened his eyes when Damon’s eyes grew red and black.
“Do you have a death wish?” Damon grunted.
“No, but you do.” The man answered as he slowly took a step back.Damon quickly reached for him, and punched his jaw with all his strength and let him fall on the floor. He made sure the man was out cold by kicking his side and checking his pulse right after. Damon thought to himself how he didn’t want to kill the man to disappoint Elena. After he check that the man was breathing, he walked over to Elena and saw she was all scratched up and bruised.
“Elena, wake up….. ELENA! WAKE UP!” Damon began to choke. He checked her pulse and felt how slight it was. Making sure the coast was clear, he took her into his arms and quickly ran to his car. He gently put her into the seat; he took off his jacket and draped it over her chest. Leaving her, he went back in for Bonnie. Damon started to lift Bonnie off the ground when he heard footsteps somewhere inside the building. He thought of the best place he can put Bonnie and decided to leave her in the library, putting her on a bean bag and breaking off the door knobs of the entrance to prevent anything from coming in or out. When he turned around to search for the source of the noise, another stake was shot at him, but this time into his shoulder.
He grunted in pain and fell to his knees.
“Can you stop with it the stakes? This is getting annoying” Damon angrily responded as he struggled to take out the stake from his shoulder.
“Not until you are dead, I won’t” A raspy voice responded behind him. “Where’s my brother?” a man asked.  
Damon turned around as he took out the stake and saw a shorter man with a dark shirt and heavy brown leather jacket and washed out jeans. “Who are you?” Damon responds with an aggressive stare. “How many are there of you?” Damon added.
“And what makes you think I would tell you?” The man responds with his dark voice and angry stare.
“Because I know you are not stupid. And you seem to be responding to me for someone who wants to kill me” Damon wittingly responds while lifting his right eyebrow judging the man.
“Well you won’t be alive for long.” The man says confidently.
“You are messing with a predator.” Damon says as he slowly walks towards the man. He sees Stefan coming from behind and distracts the man until Stefan restrained him.
“There is a second one on the cafeteria floor.” Damon tells Stefan, letting the man hear him.
“I just passed by there. There was no one there Damon.” Shock grew over Damon’s face. Damon punched the man as hard as he could until he knew he was unconscious. “Man can he take a few punches” Damon says while Stefan puts him into a closet on his left and breaks off the door knob to lock him in.
“We need to find the second one, before this gets worse.” Damon warns Stefan as he starts to jog back to the cafeteria.
“Do you know why they are here? What do they want?” Stefan asks as he closes the closet door.
“Guessing they are vampire hunters, they seem to only want to hurt us.” Damon waits for a response from Stefan. “Stefan did you hear me?” Damon turns around and sees no one behind him. He turns back and gets to the cafeteria. He decides to continue towards the cafeteria to check if Stefan heard something and went ahead another way, but he sees Stefan on the floor with a stake in his back besides two other men; the tall man with long hair and the flannel and the third man with a trench coat and blue tie.
“If there are more of you, can you all just come out all at once to save me some time here?” Damon responds with annoyance.
The tall man shot a stake at Stefan’s back while he was on the floor and he suddenly yells in pain. Damon looks at the two men with worry and quickly lunges towards the tall man. He threw him down onto the floor and pushes the man with the trench coat so hard he hits the wall and collapses. Damon quickly yanks the stake out of Stefan and gets him on his feet.
As Stefan slowly heals his wounds, Damon goes over to the man with the flannel and punches him, “what are you doing here?” Damon punches him again. “What do you want” Damon angrily asks.
“Sam!” The man with the trench coat yells as he slowly gets up from the floor.
“Cas…go…” Sam responds. Suddenly Cas disappears and Damon and Stefan look around wondering where he could have disappeared in front of them.
“What is going on?” Damon asks standing in disbelief.  Damon began to raise his fist in the air, until he heard footsteps in front of him. He looked up and saw Elena in the arms of Cas.
“How dare you break into my car” Damon quickly responds as he jumps at the man with the trench coat, while Sam took a chance and quickly ran in the direction towards the library.
“Stefan!” Damon yells.
“I’m going.” Stefan responds as he runs in the direction that Sam went.
Damon quickly stole Elena arms and slides her into the next room. He started walking towards Cas but he disappears in front of his eyes. He looks around, seeing no one.  Turning his back, Cas appear behind him with a needle of vervain and stabs him. Damon quickly moves away enough to still have the strength to stand upright. Scared, Cas disappears again.  Damon waits for a moment before he yelled in pain and crouches.
Stefan sluggishly runs in and helps Damon take out the needle from his neck.
Sam walks in with the man who they stuffed into the closet.
“This isn’t over. You may not remember me but we have been following you since you came into Mystic Falls.” Sam responds with the twitch of his nose.
“You shouldn’t have left a trail of bodies, Damon” The shorter man replies.
“Oh get over yourselves, whoever you are. You are clearly not from around here” Damon responds, holding up the stake gun that Cas had dropped when Damon threw him against the wall. Stefan runs up behind the shorter man and grabs his head in a choke hold.
“Dean!” Sam yells as he looks at the stake gun and Dean in his vulnerable position.
“Listen here, Sam and Dean and that third freaky guy, you both leave right now and we won’t shoot you and your friend here won’t get his neck snapped. Is that clear? Whatever you came here for, is over.” Damon warns.
Sam gives Damon a dirty to Damon and moves his foot. Damon quickly raises the stake gun and just before he pulled the trigger Dean yells “Sam stop!”
Stefan and Damon exchange looks and Stefan quickly turns Dean around before he can react, and punches him as hard as he could, knocking him out. Damon runs and does the same to Sam.
“Go get Bonnie from the library. We will take them to the hospital and then deal with these messes, but hurry, I don’t know where the third one went and I don’t want there to be anymore coming.” Damon said while throwing the stake gun to the side.
“What about Elena?” Stefan asks concerned. “I’ll take her” Damon says softly. Stefan hears Bonnie yell from the library and he looks back at Damon once more before running, giving him a look of trust.
Damon slowly walks over to Elena. He pushes her hair behind her ears, and lifts her slowly putting her head onto his chest and her arms around her own. While walking Elena, slowly wakes up. “What happened? Where am I?!” Elena starts to freak out. “Calm down Elena, it’s just me your pal, carrying you to my car to take you to the hospital.” Damon says in a joking voice thinking Elena wants to be with Stefan. She slowly calms and leans her head onto Damon’s chest as he kept walking. Damon smirks and holds her a little tighter.
He gently puts Elena on her feet in the parking lot and helps her step into the car. He drapes his jacket over her again and she thanks him. He walks over to his side of the car and sits down. Before starting the engine, Damon in a low voice says “I was afraid what they were going to do to you.” A long pause is shared between them and Elena leans over and gently kisses his cheek. Damon freezes for a moment and smiles as he drives off.
When Damon looked into his rear view mirror he saw the three men standing at the school drive way, but Damon kept driving to take Elena to the hospital. He knew they would come back, but not tonight.
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patsnack24 · 7 years ago
Adventures in Learning - Business 101
Adventures in Learning – Business 101
*beep* *beep* “Uggggggh shut up” *BEEEP* *BEEEEEEP* *BEEP* “Fine! I’ll wake up!” A crawled out of bed to swipe shut off my phone alarm. Only fifteen minutes till Intro to Business class starts. I hated that class. Sorry let me rephrase that: I HATED that class. Yes, I was still a business major back then. I loved the content in the course. My professor? Not all that much. I’m soo tired. Maybe I…
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newguy743 · 8 years ago
Old Dog, New Tricks
Act 4 The Night is Young
There they were, three cops and a crook all in a car. It's almost sound like a start of bad cop joke. Max was driving back to ZPD HQ with Judy sitting in the passenger seat. Max had thought it be best for her to seat in front instead of being next to Nick in the back. They said nothing while heading over to the station, they only heard the radio from the car.
Judy looked at Max as if she felt she had failed his expectation of her, Max was looking straight at the road, seeing it calm and cool as there not many cars as there is before. Nick, however, was in a silent state towards Max’s actions. Max kept both of them in the dark about Chase, never to be shown by the day of light to them.
Nick: So, a wolf brother?
Max: It’s a long, L~ONG story. We’ll tell you everything, just not yet
Judy looked at Max with a look of confusion, so did Nick from the back.
Chase: *Grunts It’s not that long as you think.
All were surprised except for Max, Chase had begun to wake up from five shots of elephant tranquilizers. Yet he still felt sluggish from them.
Nick: How are you… you got shot five times, FIVE TIMES.
Chase: Yeah I know, time?
Judy looked at the radio for the time.
Judy: It’s pass 10.
Chase: Not the time-time shooter.
Max: 15 min knockout.
Chase: New personal best.
Nick felt a bit surprised at the statement at what Chase had said. And to Judy, she felt a bit hurt to what Chase had called her.
Nick:(He’d done this before) How are not sleeping for weeks right now?
Chase had looked at Nick like he just asked a stupid question.
Chase: I suffer a weird case of ADHD, and apparently it has an effect against elephant tranq darts.
Max: Unless you shoot him at the heart.
Nick and Judy then remembered how to determine how he was still walking with those four shots on his body and the look upon his face with seriousness towards them. Judy then realized what Chase had called her.
Judy: Why did you call me ‘shooter’?
Chase had looked at Judy with a dull look as he did.
Chase: You shot me first, hence ‘shooter’.
She then looked at Nick for confirmation, Nick was also looking for confirmation upon this statement. When they exchange looks, they both calmed down and sat down. Yet Nick still wanted answers from them. However, he still had to get little information from them.
Nick: Where did you go?
Chase had looked at Nick but his face still facing down to the floor. He then leaned back on his seat.
Chase: *Sigh I’ve been to places that would make you think so differently.
Nick saw him trying to avoid the question. So he used a straight question.
Nick: What were the places that you went to?
He said with an attitude, Chase was still calmed and had looked up on the car’s ceiling.
Chase: Down in south America, then Egypt, and last at Chicago.
He said as it was casual, yet Nick was trying to put the pieces together on how he got to them.
Judy: What was the change?
Chase had looked at the ears at where Judy was sitting, the lights passing the car above them made it a bit hard to see them.
Chase: Change?
Judy: The case at which your brother tried to prove your innocence at court.
Chase then began to lean at the window for hearing the full reasoning. Nick saw how Chase looked through the window, desecration, and sadness in him.
Chase: The case was me in a fight, at a bar.
Both Nick and Judy began to be more curious upon why the case was about a bar fight. In a bar fight, they usually put them in jail for months at a time for it.
Chase: The fight was upon some dirty rich animal who ran his mouth too much. Enough to bribe the judge to make a pardon for him. I was in jail for a year, a year of fighting in the court and…. In the showers. *Shudders
Nick and Judy began to feel sorry for Chase, but they still couldn’t understand the hatred towards his own brother.
Judy: I'm sorry that you were in jail for a year, and I can’t understand what you went through nor will I try. But you-
Chase had headbutted at the cage causing Judy to jump and Nick pulling out his gun on him at the neck. Max, however, stayed quiet and calm due to this action, not even a flinch.
Chase: Do me a favor and stop right there. Okay, shooter.
Judy fell into silence after that and Nick saw how she was starting to go emotionally. He responded by applying pressure with his gun on Chase’s neck, that made him back down to his seat. Nick looked at Chase and saw only courage and fierce concentration at what’s in front of him, he kept his gun on him in case he gets the chance of a fight. They stop at a red light near the Downtown district of Zootopia, as they entered Chase had flickered his ears out of nowhere.
This made Chase looked back at the road, Nick looked at him closely due to that action of him and his ears.
Nick: What’s wrong? Why are your ears-
Chase: Shush.
Chase had looked at the cars that were behind them, there were very few cars but never really sure. His ears started to be searching around for something but not sure what he was hearing He then sat back down and looked at the windows of both left and right of the car, seeing the buildings passing by and the path on the road seems narrow but he thinks it to be too calm.
Chase: You need to let me out right now!
He said at a panic pace.
Max: What’s wrong?!
Max in response, he started to get back to the reality at hand.
Nick: What are you hearing?
Chase: Right NOW, Let ME go NOW!
Judy: If you need help we can-
Chase: NO, I can handle it, just let me-
Chase had looked left and saw only the bright headlights of a car blinding him.
The car spins out crazy and as it did it got air at the bottom of it, when it got the air it turned into a top for about three seconds. It then started to land, on its roof till you hear
(Yup, all on a phone. Which my fingers need a rest, they are dead~. Act 5 will have to wait for a while. Thanks for reading.)
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