#my persona 5 otp is showing
hamliet · 1 year
Crows With A Side of Bone, Please
Hamliet finally wrote that review.
I'll start off by saying that everyone is a very good actor. Jessie Mei Li has essentially nothing to work with, but she does her best to sell it anyways and still makes me care about her. Ben Barnes is delightfully evil while still affording the character sympathy the narrative doesn't give him.
The Crows--oh lord, the Crows. All of them have chemistry as a group and as couples. Wylan's actor is fantastic here and feels like a natural fit with the other 5, and Nina's actress also fits perfectly with the crew. They do have a lot to work with, and they manage to fully flesh out their already 3D characters and make them alive.
Kanej, Wesper, Nina/Matthias, Genya/David
The good ships, because this season I revoke my like of Malina that season 1 introduced me to.
I wrote this about Kanej. But also more about Kanej, because OTP OTP OTP.
I loved the final scene with them in the finale, where he grabs her, and she holds his hand and tells him, bluntly, that she does not want him with armor on. The line is one of my favorites in the book, and the show did an excellent job of showing the totality of it, the wholistic nature of what Inej is asking for. Yes, she's asking for him without his cold persona, without his bravado. She's asking for his vulnerabilities.
But she's also asking for his body. For him not to see her as broken. For him not to settle for less than all of her. She is thirsty, and I honestly think this was a beautiful portrayal of someone who has been hurt and is wary, but still wants and believes in the potential for good in sex. The show made this aspect so much more forefront than I remember it being in the books, and I honestly love it.
I also liked the choice to get Wylan and Jesper together early on. The piano scene emphasizes both of their respective gifts, and Wylan's fear over what Kaz might do to Alby clearly projects Wylan's own fears about being condemned for his father. (Wylan is actually one of my favorites in the books because his disability is, imo, good representation.)
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Nina and Matthias didn't get nearly as much screentime this season (together anyways), but they made the most of every moment anyways. Even when they are apart we see the potential in how they are still affecting each other. We see Nina's determination. We see Matthias's hurt. We see the pride and humility they both carry, and how both can inhibit and also free them. There's so much potential there.
The motif of prisons, of hiding, is very strong in the Crows' arcs. Matthias uses his masculinity as a prison and chooses to fight over be free because he's scared. Wylan hides his family and disability. Jesper hides his gift. But if you want to have a complete life, you have to step out into the light. Which is a perfect way to segway into Alina, but...
Let's save the salt for later.
Also, not a ship, but I quite liked Nikolai. His character is one of the standouts in the original trilogy (because complexity). His volcra issue being rearranged timewise to be a cliffhanger I don't mind either.
David's death was, just like it is in Rule of Wolves, cruel and pointless. Just like Matthias's in Crooked Kingdom. Give Genya happiness. She earned it. So did David. Love seeing a woman who's been sexually abused and maimed find hope and healing with an autistic man who is almost NEVER a love interest in stories and then he dies for The Sads. Real inspiring. Real thoughtful. There is no narrative nor character reason for it to happen at all, and so early only made it worse honestly.
Show, Don't Tell
Mal tells Alina he has so many friends in the army that he's worried about, but we saw exactly 0 of these in the previous season. In fact, we saw Mal pulling away from the army to pursue Alina.
It was ridiculous that Alina's response to Kirigan in the climax saying people would come for her was "I will save myself," and then literally ONE SECOND LATER Inej saves her. Alina has never saved herself this entire dang series. Not in either season. The Crows save her each and every time! And that's not a bad thing--it could offer something about the power of relying on others, but to blatantly lie to your audience when you've shown us something else... bad writing yo.
I also wish they'd given us a reason to care about Ravka. They keep saying it's worth saving, worth protecting, but... why? We aren't even given the easiest narrative techniques to make us care about the common people (see, Alby making us care about Pekka even though we hate him=a good way of making us care. Give us a child who needs saving, a connection to the people, something, anything. If people deserve saving just because they are people well, that demonstrably flies in the face of what happens to Kirigan, so....)
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It still baffles me that Alina again preaches about choice and yet even fate determined Mal's finding Alina. It was literally imprinting. That's what imprinting is. And for some reason Malina is held up as... healthy? When it's clearly extremely codependent?
It's not a huge problem that it's codependent, though, on principle. It's fiction. What does bother me is the hypocrisy of trying to tear apart every bad thing "bad boys" do while portraying Malina as healthy when it's demonstrably not. Malina would be far, far more interesting, frankly compelling, if they actually delved into this. The cliffhanger hinted they might do just this, but given other aspects, I'm not sure I quite trust them to follow up and follow though.
If you're gonna condemn what some people like and hold up what you like in comparison, at least make sure you're honest about its flaws.
Abuse is Bad Except Not if a Woman Does It. Then It's Girl Power!
Again, the themes of the Crows almost, at times, contradict Shadow & Bones' purported themes. But that's not hard, because Shadow & Bones' purported themes contradict themselves.
I've said this before, but I'll say again that there is a difference between complexity and paradoxes and portrayal the oft-contradictory reality of our world and contradicting your theme. A contradiction is much more common in a simplistic story, which S&B is.
Why is it wrong and seen as a sign of evil beyond comprehension for the Darkling to hurt his mother, who is acknowledged even by the show to have abused him, but not inherently wrong for Alina or Inej or Kaz to hurt their abusers?
Literally Bhagra said "know that i loved you and it wasn't enough." We are NEVER shown her loving him; we are shown abuse, which the show does kind of acknowledge, while also trying to vindicate Bhagra while holding the Darkling to standards it doesn't hold any other character.
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Yes, there's some complexity here insofar as Inej and Kaz's relationships with abuse and revenge go. They aren't black and white, and the characters waffle in the gray. But Alina and the Darkling literally are light and darkness, and the gray is explicitly rejected. And there is actually a way to make this work!
You have to frame it as a tragedy.
Kaz, Inej, Genya et al mess up and do terrible things in revenge; they even at times (especially Kaz) walk the line between utterly losing themselves to it. But they have people around them to pull them back, to reach for them. The Darkling does not. This could be portrayed as something sad, as someone trying to reach the hurting child inside him and him continuously rejecting them (for example, Adam and Blake in RWBY), with his death framed as something to mourn rather than viewed as a moment of triumph, but no. The show doesn't offer him this (to be fair. Neither did the books.)
And to people who say Alina's not obligated to do so! Yes, yes, sure, but also Alina's inherent goodness is just assumed, when she's demonstrably kind of callous at best. I talked about this more in my review of Season 1, but yeah. Nothing's changed on that front.
The point is also that... what has the Darkling actually done to Alina? There were ways to emphasize him as an abuser, which he is clearly coded as, but the show (and the books tbh) doesn't do that. Alina supposedly mourns her parents, but we're given a handful of lines and nothing to actually show us the impact of losing them. (Again, Alina's self-centered focus is actually very much a trauma response to this... or could be, but the story doesn't want to explore it.) The impact of his lies is just not really explored on a deep level like it should be if you want to go for the "abuser" angle. See again, Blake Belladonna for how you do that.
Alina's "there is no redemption" line was baffling to me. It was framed like some sort of powerful "I. Am. Iron Man" moment, except okay, if that's your power girl, I don't think it's a good one.
Power Fantasies
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This is my issue with Shadow & Bone the books as well: they aim to deconstruct "Beauty and the Beast" but fail to understand the appeal of the story in the first place is not "oh i have a dangerous boyfriend" but instead a healing power fantasy the same way fight-punch-kick can be a power fantasy. Shadow & Bone also directly tries to deconstruct Jungian symbolism of the shadow, but also doesn't like, understand what Jungian symbolism stands for. Until the ending, that is, when the writers were clearly like "Bardugo doesn't get it but we do and we're keeping it."
Again, I'll contrast this with Blake in RWBY, whose portrayal I have criticized before, but which is much better than the portrayal here. Blake is herself both beauty and beast, which emphasizes the traditional fairy tale's emphasis on accepting the worst of ourselves and recognizing both the beautiful aspects of ourselves at the same time. We tend to see ourselves as either Good or Bad, but only when we see ourselves as both do we mature and truly live. Even though Adam is ultimately "put down" in RWBY, Blake still acknowledges her flaws and doesn't see Adam as inherently bad, but he leaves her absolutely no choice. Alina facing down the Darkling offers her zero introspection and growth.
Sigh. It's a 2.5/5 for me. The Crows are everything. I want their spin off. I need it. I will take Zoya and Nikolai too.
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strawberryjamsara · 1 year
the ask game thing for fandom anddd yttd or persona!!!
Favorite character: Sara
Least favorite character: Midori or Megumi
5 favorite ships: Naoreko, Saranzu, Qmai, Maiple, and Keitaro
Character I find most attractive: Mai is sooo pretty and also covered in blood and wears a cool dress and has that awesome eye design and
Character I would marry: Reko Yabusame has me like that image of Homer Simpson in a wedding dress
Character I would be best friends with: Nao! Sorry I stole your wife.
An unpopular opinion: I don’t think Sara and Midori have many parallels. What’s far more prevalent and interesting to me is Sara’s utility to Midori as another source of entertainment similar to Shin. He wants to bring out her ruthless nature because it intrigues him, and he will hurt people around her for the sake of it, and yet he’s uninterested in treating her like an equal despite talking like she is.
A random thought: The fact Nankidai never finished the sketches for that High School AU bothers me like hell
Canon otp: Ryojoe <3
Non canon otp: Naoreko I guess
Most badass character: Well obviously, it’s Hayasahrurhkgtsjisdjyrgjtzf
Most epic villain: Uh, well my favorite floormaster is Safalin
Pairing I am not a fan of: The twinks with scarfs
Character I feel the writers screwed over: tbh I think the emotion route does Kanna sooooooo dirty. Like first of all she doesn’t even react to Shins death. Like she just tried to stick up for his life and failed. He died. She’s losing another sibling. But apparently she’s better now. In an instant she has gone from wanting to die at the alter to saying that she’s learned sacrifice is something you should never do. Everything is A-Okay. This is the good route. It makes this feel like Nankidai didn’t care about writing her, and that she’s just a pawn to develop Shin and this was a fun bonus. Like that’s the last thing you would want. At least show her change! Or hell, maybe you should show her final parting with Shin!
Favorite friendship: I really care about Sara and Keiji’s relationship. Guy who kills people and the weird lesbian kid who he is not qualified to care for but he does is literally the trope ever.
Character I most identify with: Sara. I have issues.
Character I wish I could be: Nobody. These bitches need therapy.
Persona 5
Favorite character: I am unfortunately, an enjoyer of Goro Akechi
Least favorite character: Kamoshida.
5 favorite ships: Akeshu, Makoann, Ryukita, Akiryu, Shihoann
Character I find most attractive: Tae
Character I would marry: I guess I’d enter a lavender marriage with Sojiro. We can have a nice coffee shop au.
A random thought: Every Ann redesign is better than the original how do they do it.
An unpopular opinion: Yaldabaoth was like a really good concept for the game because saying “getting rid of the asshole in power is not the solution, this here is the foundation of sloth that society feeds upon and you must destroy complacency itself for anything to change.” Is actually like really cool and radical for a game in 2016 to say.
Canon otp: Sojiro and Wakaba
Non canon otp: Akeshu.
Most badass character: They’re all losers
Most epic villain: I liked Maruki as a villain
Pairing I am not a fan of: I see Futaba and Akira as siblings.
Character I feel the writers screwed over: (Holding Makoto’s character arc in my arms and sobbing)
Favorite friendship: Futaba and Yusukes bickering was really endearing!
Character I most identify with: Makoto again. Maybe I need help.
Character I wish I could be: I was gonna default to Sojiro again but then I remembered his attitude at the beginning of the game and I was like “Oh fuck no.” So I got nothing.
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U V W X :chinhands:
This took much longer than expected. I should have expected it though because I always write too much. Thank you so much for the ask, @dottie-wan-kenobi! I enjoyed getting the chance to ponder and flail about fandom!
U - 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms
Persona 5: Goro Akechi. My poor little meow meow. His duality fascinates me: who he presents himself to be vs. who he really is, who he wanted to be as a child vs. who he has become now. His slow realization that he’s merely the puppet of more powerful forces in the game (Shido, Yaldabaoth (though he doesn’t quite know this), and Maruki) is heartbreaking, as are the choices that he makes to break free from that control.  
Yuri on Ice: Yuuri Katsuki. He is so important to me. He’s so wrapped up in his head, striving for acknowledgement, for success, for Victor, that he doesn’t see his own talent or how bright of a light that he is. His blossoming over the course of the show is lovely. I desperately wish for a season two of the show (or the long delayed movie) because I want to see more of Yuuri’s journey to discover life and love.
Bungou Stray Dogs: Nakahara Chuuya. I am in aesthetic lust with his design. There’s just something about it that calls to me. The red hair, the jaunty hat, the even jauntier grin, the choker and the coat. He’s a pintsized powerhouse and so achingly human (despite his less than human origins). His dynamic with Dazai is fascinating, and I wish we got to see more of him in the anime & manga.
Final Fantasy XV: Prompto Argentum. See above re: Nakahara Chuuya being so achingly human despite his origins. See above re: Yuuri Katsuki and his anxiety and lack of belief in himself. See above re: Goro Akechi and the power of Robbie Daymond as a voice actor. He’s an anxious ball of sunshine just trying to keep up with royalty, and I love how he helps Noctis to feel human, despite the literal weight of the world on his shoulders.
Game of Thrones: Sansa Stark. Sansa for queen. I found her story the most compelling in the show (it’s been too long since I’ve read the books for me to comment on them). She has such a hard, relentless reality check. The little songbird is nearly crushed by the cruelty of the world, but she finds a way to survive in the figurative lion’s den, without any physical or mystical prowess. She should have been Queen of all Westeros at the end, not just Queen of the North.
V - 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms
Persona 5: Goro Akechi x Akira Kurusu (Ren Amamiya). Because, to paraphrase Hegel, advancement cannot occur without both thesis and antithesis. Because they are two sides of the same coin. Because in other circumstances they could have been great rivals, maybe even friends. Because Akira is the one person that Goro refuses to lose to. Because Akira held on to the glove. Because Goro being alive & his real, angry, jaded self is Akira’s greatest wish.
Avatar: Katara x Zuko. Because one rises with the moon and the other rises with the sun. Because Katara offered to heal his scar. Because Zuko went with her to find her mother’s killer. Because Katara went with him to confront his sister. Because Zuko threw himself in front of lightning to protect Katara.
 Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Buffy and Spike. Because they are my first online OTP. Because Spike would rather be fighting her (and because the feeling is mutual). Because Spike knows that he’s a monster, but Buffy treats him like a man. Because Buffy asked him to stay. Because Spike made a promise to a lady. Because 147 days yesterday and 148 days today. 
W - 5 favorite ships and 5 kinks you like best for said ships
Yuri on Ice: Victor x Yuuri. Yuuri & his stamina just wrecking Victor
Trigun Stampede: Vash x Wolfwood. Wolfwood calling Vash ‘angel’
Bungou Stray Dogs: Dazai x Chuuya. Emotional honesty 
Game of Thrones: Jon x Sansa. Jon going down on Sansa like a champ
Persona 5: Goro x Akira. Philosophical debates as foreplay
Yuri on Ice: Yuri Plisetsky
Persona 5: Yusuke Kitagawa
The Untamed: Wei Wuxian
My Hero Academia: Todoroki Shouto
Fruits Basket: Tohru Honda
Trigun Stampede: Vash
Howl’s Moving Castle: Sophie Hatter
Breath of the Wild: Sidon
Bungou Stray Dogs: (tie) Akutagawa Ryuunosuke & Atsushi Nakajima
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nerice · 2 years
oc ask meme! 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, and 47!
*rolls up my sleeves all the fucking way* let me introduce u to so many freaks. also linking my oc page again here not everyone's on there but for refrance!!!! this got long so im actually using the humble readmore function for once but im gonna showcase one answer up here and that is:
has anyone drawn fanart of your ocs? if yes, maybe show a picture or two here (remember sources & permissions!)
i love all the art you n charlotte have drawn but this pic you did of reina. man (i cry everytime i look at it, she's SO BEAUTIFUL here you got her down better than i have ever drawn her <33333)
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first oc ever: a young girl who gets her throat taken out by a big cat at a circus performance; who is now a young boy called honey who gets his throat taken out by kizuna while he wanders the swamplands searching for his brother! :D
personal favourite oc: absolutely without any doubt or competition whatsoever this goes to sky lmao. rabbit daughter of my life <33333
have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else? nope! all organically grown ocs in my brain tbh i find the practice of adoptables etc a little weird but that's just bc it, for me personally, conceptually, just does not work at all lmao
if you could make only one of your ocs popular/known, who would it be? nightmare scenario that guarantees callout posts tbh but after reading a billion articles on traditional female villains for my thesis i am slightly tempted to blaze knowledge abt faye lmao. high femme lesbian villain (power armor notwithstanding) we need more of em <3
are your ocs part of any story or stories? only have story ocs!! if i think up a guy he comes pre-equipped with problems which i will somehow slot into the grander verse, i don't make the rules
sunshine oc: alissa!!!! tragic girl who dies too young but before then is the absolute light in the life of everyone she touches ;_; there is one au where she lives and aims to use the lifesong to help more people, in the process of which she becomes eliada's sworn enemy & also possibly romances damia. long story
troublemaker ocs: handsdown linn wins this category lol. always up to no good, a nsfw criminal menace <3
oc otp: YOU KNOW THE ANSWER TO THAT IS JUMIE/REINA. thank you for drawing them make out it gives me life <33333
introduce an oc that means a lot to you (and explain why): gestures at reina. gestures at sky. gestures harder *camera pans over i am now on the floor sobbing* yknow?
introduce oc that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like: jumie used to be very mellow and leaned most strongly into the caretaking persona (it still comes out with sky a lot ;_;) but when i actually got around to writing her boy. oh boy. takes no shit and vibe checks every single person she comes across (for better or for worse) lawful good paladin behavior
which one of your ocs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they’re going? leah!!! unfortunate tendency to disappear on people bc of whatever piqued her interest & also knows no fear/loves freaky and spooky stuff. noah, her scaredy-dragon bodyguard, is as exasperated as he is close to a heart attack at all times
pick one oc of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really) cait, avery, and jumie wld all run weapon aes focused blogs (swords, knives, spears&bows respectively) and would probably end up sending each other hatemail over their weapon preferences lmao
introduce an oc who is not quite human: kizuna!!! typical choice here lol but. fun-sized (bear shaped) omnivorous murder bunny who can shapeshift into the people she devours. has a little identity crisis from it eventually, its ok
do you have any certain type when you create your ocs? do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? it’s time to confess: i dont set out to create ocs so much as they just show up unasked on the doorstep of my brain but i absolutely love 2 give ocs a truckload of extremely visible scars (and some hidden ones for funsies) face scars are one of the greatest honors i can bestow <3
has anyone ever (friendly) claimed any of your ocs as their child? various yeah most frequently adopted are leah (statistical daughter of all time) and belle+sky for trauma reasons lmao
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mysticdragon3md3 · 20 days
Earlier today, I saw someone's old post about how they love FE3H but don't care about the discourse. They said they didn't care about all the worldbuilding, lore, character conflicts, etc. They were just in it for the battles and dragons and such.
Despite how much I've come to hate how the discourse and fear of other fans has made me anxious about expressing my fandom for FE3H…I think I have to admit that maybe I like the discourse. I LIKE thinking about the worldbuilding and character backstories. I LIKE thinking about all the character conflicts and allegories in the story themes. I LIKE figuring out what ideals I agree with and what anti-ideals that FE3H has reminded me of, and why I feel so strongly against my personal anti-ideals.
And though it's likely a really toxic trait of mine, I also like only hearing good things about my favorite characters and favorite route (points). I like dumping on the characters I dislike, because they're not real and only fictional characters are acceptable to bully. I like sticking to my FE3H bubble with my specific headcanons about my favorite ship. I don't get into fandom to add extra stress to my life. It's supposed to alleviate my real life stress. So if I only want to fixate on the positive things (from my opinion), then I'll do that.
That tactic served me well in past fandoms. …It's just that, compared to other fandoms I've been in, I've been absolutely perplexed at how much FE3H's different bubbles strangely spill over into differing---CONFLICTING---VITRIOLICALLY CONFLICTING bubbles. Back when I was in Persona 5 fandom, my favorite character was the most hated character in the cast, by the majority of the fandom, for years and years, until P5R released. But I never saw hate for him, because I stayed in the Ryuji bubble. No one's Ryuji-hate, ever spilled into the Ryuji tag. The most I saw of my nOTP were random suggestions by social media algorithms, which I did complain about (to Tumblr. I complaied to the void about Tumblr algorithms showing me my nOTP, because it's a popular ship. I didn't complain about my nOTP on posts fangirling over that ship.) But I never got long ranting posts dumping on my OTP and trying to force my nOTP onto me. All the P5 factions stayed in their bubbles and we left each other alone, to enjoy the series in the way that we each preferred.
So it really confuses me why FE3H fandom never seems to stay in their own bubbles, their own factions, why it's so difficult to avoid seeing hate for your favorite character/route/OTP, etc. In fact, sometimes, others will look down on you for staying in a bubble, for not engaging with the full game, all the routes, and every single character. Staying in your bubble in FE3H is sometimes treated as a derogatory practice, according to some people's opinions, used to invalidate whatever feelings/opinions you may have about FE3H and especially how you choose to enjoy FE3H, even if a corded-off bubble is the way a person gets the most enjoyment and least stress out of FE3H. I'm just thoroughly dumbfounded and stumped. I don't use the Emperor's name in my anti-Emperor posts. I don't even tag my ridiculous bullying of her with her actual name. And i certainly dont comment character-hate onto character-fan posts. And though I seem to have a completely different headcanon for the relationship dynamics of my favorite FE3H ship, compared to the majority of the fanbase, I've created my own tag for that ship, so that the majority of that ship's fanbase and my headcanons, don't have to clash. I don't even tag my fanart of that ship with their common ship name! (And I drew them A LOT…for a while, EVERY SINGLE FREAKING DAY.) And yet, despite the precautions (which I assume SOME others take too), I still see nOTPs and personal anti-ideal interpretations of FE3H on my feeds. Then again, even in terms of our favorite characters, we can't seem to agree on their CHARACTERIZATIONS and what makes them so great. I've seen Claude fans laud him for holding to standards in his methods for achieving his goals, then other Claude fans laud him for being willing to do anything, regardless of moral standards, for his goals. Our perspectives on why we love our favorite, even singular characters, can be so conflicting, it can be frustrating to see our favorite character "misunderstood" by fellow fans of the exact same characters. We can't agree about anything in FE3H, even amongst our own bubble/factions. This has been such a weird fandom for me.
I feel like I've posted before about trying to process all this confusion, but I can never seem to find that exact post. I remember other people trying to address the same confusion in the FE3H fandom. But I can't remember what they said. All I know is that, after a whole new fandom finally broke me away from constantly obsessing over FE3H, the distance has been a relief. Even as that new fandom has started to fade its intensity from my mind, and I find myself drifting back towards FE3H, I find myself thankfully not so intense about FE3H as before. Not so intensely defensive, stubborn, volatile, reactive, etc. The mental/emotional distance has been a blessing.
---even if I don't know what to do with myself, when I don't have a fandom to intensely obsess over. I mean, what is strong enough to make the constant stream of anxious thoughts go away, when there's no intense obsession, always ready to be visualized by default in my brain? What other thoughts besides fandom obsession are strong enough to instantly supersede any anxious intrusive thoughts, reliably and effectively alleviating me of any negative thought spiral? I stay obsessed with one fandom at a time or one OTP persistently, for years at a time. I don't watch as much anime as I used to. and even when I do, I just don't get overtaken by a new obsession. I'm behind on all the new popular series and ships: JJK, Geto/Gojo, Demon Slayer KNY, Mob Psycho 100, Frieren, Chainsaw Man, Blue Lock, HeroAca, Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail, Kaiju No.8, etc. …and mostly because I've tried them, but wasn't interested enough to stay, let alone get obsessed over. About the only new series I seem to enjoy are a handful (Dungeon Meshi, Spy x Family, Apothecary Diaries, and what little I see of a few other iyashikei series). Yet, even those, I'm not obsessing over. I like them; they're not my new intensely effective mental/emotional balm to fight back against my anxiety. I miss having a blorbo to obsess over so intensely, that I see everything in life as related to or reminding me of them. I miss having an OTP so intense, that just the idea of them being happy, keeps my depression at bay. It's a really useful thing, to have a fandom to intensely obsess over.
I miss it. But I'm also kind of worried, that until a new one grabs me, I'm drifting back towards FE3H. That wasn't a healthy or safe place to be. It gave me just as much emotional pain and social anxiety, as the real life anxiety, that I was using my FE3H ship to counteract. It's worrisome.
I can only try to enjoy FE3H as a solo fan. That seems to be the safest thing. It keeps FE3H as a positive experience for me, without the fandom adding negative experiences to my life. I used to be a solo fan with everything. (There just weren't many accessible outlets to connect with other niche fans, back in the day, and niche is what anime/manga was back then. Now, I'm starting to get curious about Rumiko Takahashi fandoms, even though I originally enjoyed all that manga/anime, on my own. It's very odd to see arguing over something that I didn't take too far beyond its canon.) So the trick is to apply my old mentality of consuming canon media, to this new age, where I'm too accustomed to interacting with fandom. But it seems like this route is for the best.
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fangirling-heart · 2 months
Hii :D
For the character breakdown thing: Maybe Amity? Or Gus?
Have a lovely day!! <3
Hello and good day to you too!
Mmmm... My stupid indecisive brain can't decide again, so I'm doing them both! Two wonderful child prodigies!
Starting with Amity:
How I feel about this character.
I. Love. Her!!! She's in my top 5 characters in the show and one of my favorite characters in general, not to mention that she's also one of the most relatable to me! I love her arc, her relationship with Luz, how smart and badass she is, how she takes responsibility for her actions and grows as a person and I especially love the evolution of her family relationships.
2. All the people I ship romantically with this character.
Luz. Lumity is one of my Owl House OTPs!
3. My non-romantic OTP with this character
I like her relationship with Willow, and how the show made points that they didn't instantly become bffs again after "Understanding Willow", but it was more gradual and slow and awkward and real. Also, I love the parallels between her and Hunter, and to me those two are besties! (wish we could see more of both those relationships though, screw you disney!)
4. My unpopular opinion about this character.
The closest I think I have to an unpopular opinion about Amity is the fact that I'm not a fan of her mean girl persona.
5. One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon.
I wish we could've seen more of relationships with the rest of the Hexsquad.
Now for Gus:
How I feel about this character.
He's a neat little guy! Or as I like to call him, "the boy the myth the legend "! Gus is fun and interesting as a character and I really like how his illusion powers are used.
2. All the people I ship romantically with this character.
I ship him with Matt Tholomule. It's a more casual ship to me tho.
3. My non-romantic OTP with this character
His friendship with Willow and Hunter is everything to me! Emerald Trio my beloved!
4. My unpopular opinion about this character.
I don't really think I have one for him.
5. One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon.
I wish we could've seen more of his relationship with his dad. We get little pieces of it in s2 and s3, but they feel way too little to tell us something about his dad and the kind of relationship they have. I mean, Willow's dads got almost the same amount of screen time, but at least it gave us some information about them as characters and about their relationship with their daughter (not that I would mind if we got more). With Gus and his dad though, I feel like I don't know anything about them, other than his dad is a reporter and Gus is scared of letting him down, and that they love each other of course.
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ticklish-n-stuff · 2 years
omg fun ask game !! im curious to know about:
A, C, R, S (with akitoya), & U
you may skip any/all if you dont want to do them but those are my fave ones ☺️✨
Fandom meme
A - Your current OTP(s)/OT3(s)/OTX(s)
I already answered this one in the previous post but I'll thrown in an extra one lol. It's been a while since I saw bungo stray dogs but I still think about Ranpo x Poe all the time
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will (be nice)
I've never liked Deku x Bakugo as a romantic pairing and I doubt I ever will. I prefer them more as just friends. No hate to ppl who do ship them, it's just not for me :)
R - A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships
Idk why but since I started playing pjsekai, I've always liked the idea of Tsukasa x Kanade. I think they would make a fun couple with how different their personalities are, it'd be like opposites attract
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
This one is specifically for Akito. So essentially I've seen those clips of Akito's va doing like a girly voice and that got me thinking... what if that's why Akito is such a grumpy grump? He just secretly wants to be a pretty girl who goes to Miya academy lol.
I just thought of this, but imagine AkiToya doing each others nails KSJAKSJAKSJ. Toya's manicures would be perfection while Akito just makes a mess lmao
U - 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms
Akito from project sekai: I love and hate him oh so much simultaneously lmao. Plus he started my unhealthy obsession with redheads
Leo Tsukinaga from enstars: I haven't crushed this hard on a fictional character since I first got into vocaloid xD
Yusuke Kitagawa from persona 5: this is where my love for blue haired/eccentric men started.
Bokuto Kotaro from haikyuu: my fave himbo <3. I relate to his emotional struggles on a spiritual level ajhskahdjsjs.
Ranpo Edogawa from bungo stray dogs: I love this man child so much💖💖💖💖💖
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fannefics · 3 years
Fanne's Fic Recs
Persona 5 Fantasy AU Fanfictions (Akechi Goro/Persona 5 Protag)
Back with another few fics to rec, this time featuring fics in a fantasy AU. This list will include AUs like fairy tail and magic, since those fall nicely under the category of fantasy. Amusingly, I only realized all these fics were akeshu fics until after I put the short list together, haha!
Witch AU by Tayani Series, Akechi Goro/Persona 5 Protag
Goro Akechi ran away from humans. He locked himself away in a lonely hut, in the middle of a forest, surrounded himself with jinxes and walls to keep others away. He didn't need anyone else; he didn't want to be hurt or used anymore.
He was perfectly content to live his peaceful, lonely life brewing potions and studying magic just for the sake of it.
That is, until one day, certain Akira Kurusu fell right into his life.
Your heart for a wish come true by Tayani Complete, Akechi Goro/Persona 5 Protag
Shuake Week 2020 Day 4 - Festival / Vacations / Seasons
On Kupalnocka, the Midsummer Eve, Goro Akechi decides to make the one wish he has come true. He will make his father suffer for what he had done to him and his mother, no matter what it takes.
Even if he will need to give up his heart for it.
Your Shadow Fell Like Last Night's Rain by bloominginthenight Complete, Akechi Goro/Persona 5 Protag
They say that there lives a toymaker in the woods who knows how to fix any problem and who can put a smile on every face. Yet only his best friend knows how lonely he truly is.
But maybe that might all change soon with the arrival of an injured knight on the toymaker’s doorstep.
Or: An insight into Akira Kurusu’s life through the eyes of his loyal cat familiar.
A Dream by collapsingStars Complete, Akechi Goro/Persona 5 Protag
I know you. I walked with you once upon a dream. That look in your eyes is so familiar a gleam...
Soft Goro Week Day Four: Fairy Tales and Princes
Let me know if I made a mistake somewhere. Thanks for reading! - Fanne
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intothewickedwood · 2 years
becky! hi!! can you pls do 001 for ouat, 003 for regina and 002 for any ship from ouat that you'd like :) *hugs*
Thank you so much, lovely! <3 *gives biggest hug back*
001 OUAT
Favorite character: Alice Jones! Loml. I relate to her so much. An actual cinnamon cupcake.
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Least Favorite character: Okay, I’m gonna look through every character and choose instead of just guessing. You know, I think it’s Alphonse Frankenstein (a.k.a Viktor and Gerhardt’S dad). He’s just terrible, doesn’t give anyone a chance to speak and just hates Viktor for no discernible reason. I’m not for violence but Gerhardt probably just wanted to get a word in edgeways.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Oooh! This is a fun quezzie! 
1. Snowing
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Perfect babies. I love them more than words can say. They are so perfect for one another and they make my heart swell every time they’re together.
2. Curious Archer
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This ship means so much to me. They helped me finally come to terms with my sexuality and they are just such a wonderful couple. Have I expressed how much I love how supportive Robin is?! The way they look at each other. The way Robin became a better person with accidental help from Alice. I just love them. They belong together.
3. Hooking Utensil
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They’re just so cute. They’re so flirtatious and are always helping eachother out. They just had so much potential and I need all the fics and I just want Wish Hook, Tiana and Alice to be a family because she’s so good to Alice and I need AUs where they raise her together and I cry.
4. Gremma
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Forever my otp for Emma. They just had so much potential and he was the first person she opened up to in a romantic sense after a long while. She was lonely for so long and she let herself reveal her caring side with him. He meant so much to her because of that and she wore his shoelace around her wrist for a long time after his death, which says so much and their kiss broke through his cursed persona, which surely makes them true love. I wish they’d explained that. Would it have worked if Emma kissed Mary Margaret on the forehead? We’ll never know.
5. Frozen Swan
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More on my thoughts on this pairing further down! But also, remember that true love’s hand hold?
Character I find most attractive: Mary Margaret and David
Character I would marry: Okay, probably Mary Margaret most of all! Especially s1 Mary Margaret but I also want to marry David and Alice Jones! And Kathryn! And Jefferson! And Anna! And Robin Mills! And Elsa! And, okay I’m gonna have a lot of weddings to plan.
Character I would be best friends with: Alice Jones or Anna. I need an uplifting, quirky friend. 
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a random thought: I really want to figure out all of the characters ages by the start of the curse and end of the show. 
An unpopular opinion: I really like s7 and I know a lot of people don’t. It’s my 3rd favourite season because I think it introduces some great characters, like Alice Jones, an older Robin Mills and Princess Tiana. 
My Canon OTP: Snowing
My Non-canon OTP: Hooking Utensil
Most Badass Character: I’mma go with Emma. She’s like the epitome of a badass.
Most Epic Villain: Zelena, for me! Loved every moment of her in s3 and she quickly became my favourite character before Alice came along. She was just deliciously wicked and funny. 
Pairing I am not a fan of: Captain Swon, Outlaw Queeen, Rumbellle. They’re just not for me. Though the first used to be. And lol, I was just looking up ouat ships and found out the ship for August x Baelfire is called Firewood xD. I’m not opposed to that ship, however!
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Emma and original Hook after s5. I just felt they became totally different characters dedicated only to eachother without room for anyone else. Emma, in particular, became unrecognisable. I missed her meaningful interactions with her family. I missed her old personality. 
Favourite Friendship: Mary Margaret and Emma in s1. They were such good friends who could confide anything in each other and always gave each other great advice. And Emma saying she can’t lose her family even before they knew they were in 1x17 kills me everytime. She was willing to do anything for her best friend. They were like sisters.
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Character I most identify with: Alice Jones We’re both pretty eccentric, mentally ill, autistic (I headcanon her to be) and not straight haha! I try to see the positive side of things nowadays like her and I have my own odd way of doing things. Who wants to be normal, anyway?
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Character I wish I could be: Hmm. Good question. I’d like to have magic, so I guess Alice because she can just wish for anything and it’s hers. I wouldn’t mind being Snow or Charming so I could be married to one of them but I’d hate to break them up.
003 Regina Mills
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How I feel about this character: I like her. Her and I went through a rocky patch in s5 and early s6 because I just found her hypocrisy when it came to Zelena to be too much, but she regained my favour in s7 and I can look past it now. She scared the crap out of me in s1, ngl. But I love that about her. I think she’s a great villain with a sympathetic backstory. Though her difficulty in self-reflecting frustrated me at times, I’ve learned to see it as part of what makes her character so unique and complex and I’m glad she grew in that respect in s6. Regina’s cool.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Dr. Facilier, Kathryn, Daniel, Maleficent and, you know, I’m getting into Swan Queen recently since I’m following a lot of blogs that post about them, including yours Renee! Thank you for dragging me down the SQ rabbit hole with you xD!
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: I would say Wicked Queen but I want to go for something different than my penultimate answer. I love the relationship with Cora and Regina. I am such a sucker for toxic mother-daughter relationships and there’s is like the epitomy of that. It’s so intriguing to watch Cora manipulate, control and influence her. And after everything Regina still loves her mother. Such a great dynamic!
My unpopular opinion about this character: I guess it’s that I’m not a fan of 0Q at all and I never really did like them together. I just felt Regina had to change her whole persona when around him but at least she went back to herself when he wasn’t around. I wish that was the same for Emma with her bf.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I kinda wished she had taken responsibilities for her actions earlier but I guess the reward for waiting wouldn’t have been as satisfying. I also wish the serum!queen was more intimidating in s6. I was hoping to be as scared of her as I was in s1, but ah well.
Favorite friendship for this character: I love her dynamic with Zelena. I love how it started in s3 with them hating eachother and I love how it evolved, even though I did find it difficult in s5 and early s6. But they were such a delight in later s5, later s6 and s7. They came so far.
My crossover ship: Freaking Bellatrix Lestrange is the only one that comes to mind. Regina feels difficult to pair. But I have no doubt they’d create devastating chaos together and Bellatrix would be as obsessed with her as she was with Voldemort.
002 Any Ship from Ouat
Oooh! I feel so powerful right now! I’m gonna go with Frozen Swan!
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When I started shipping them: In 4x02 when Emma is freezing and Elsa is grasping her hands and panicking for her. Just watch the way Elsa holds onto her. That sh*t’s gay and I love it.
My thoughts: I’ve recently been looking at a lot of crack ouat s4 posts and I am living for gay Elsa pining over Emma. I wish those posts were canon however wild they may be.
What makes me happy about them: I love how their friendship developed. She is arguably the best friend Emma ever had, not afraid to show affection for her (because she’s in love with her lbr) and helped Emma accept herself when no one else could. Elsa needs a girlfriend and Emma and her are a great pairing. The way Elsa looks at her. I just die. And the fact that they both struggled to control their magic.
What makes me sad about them: That they never got together and Elsa never got to be explicitly gay. Please, it’s all I want in life! It probably wasn’t the writer’s intention but my God, the subtext is so freaking strong. 
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: None.
Things I look for in fanfic: I haven’t read a Frozen Swan fanfic in a while but I need Elsa battling with her sexuality because her parents forced her to supress her gay feelings. Love triangles are good, with Elsa pining and Emma eventually realising that Elsa is her soulmate after her magic goes out of control. Elsa pining is a good and painful thing.
My wishlist: I wish their was never ending crack posts of the frozen arc. I just can’t get enough. I wish I realised how much I need to get back into reading Frozen Swan (if anyone knows any canon divergent where Elsa longs for Emma please send me recs! There will be so many cookies!). I wish Elsa was in the show much longer. The Frozen characters were just so good and I needed so much more of them.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: For Emma I would be happy with Graham, August, Baelfire or Jefferson. For Elsa. Hmm, some lucky lady. Elsa x Ruby would be cute. They could help each other control the ‘monster’ within. Frozen Wolf is cool. I can also see Robin Mills, actually, when I think about it, when Robin is older like she is in s7 and we make them the same age, of course. Robin’s good at calming people down. 
My happily ever after for them: Emma would have to leave Hook for Elsa in s4 and they wouldn’t have to go to freaking camelot in s5. Let them go to Arendelle instead! They’d eventually get married, raise Henry together and have joint custody with Regina and they can have a magical daughter that’s super powerful and has both their magic. She’d need their help controlling it but she’d get nothing but support from them and her brother. She can be called Ruth or Gerda, but I prefer Ruth.
Thank you again for all the wonderful quezzies!
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starlight-phantom · 2 years
Maruki for the character meme? :3
What I like about them:
I love how versatile he is. I mentioned this to Deni a few days ago but there are so many angles to his character. He's the goofy school counselor, he's a supportive father/big brother figure, he's a traumatised victim, he's an intimidating antagonist, etc. You can do so much with his character, it's amazing. Plus I love how his motives are completely understandable and, in a way, admirable... But his methods are a bit of a yikes to put it lightly.
What I dislike about them:
He does decide what's best for the other characters without really talking to them about it. And that ends up not being what was best for them. Like, c'mon dude, I thought your job was listening to people.
Favourite moment:
I'm torn between his Rank 10 because that's just a really sweet scene between him and Ren after they've become quite close, especially since so many adults in the main story treat Ren so badly (excluding the obvious ones, I know they get better) and the final fist fight in his palace because wow, that scene is heart wrenching but cathartic and I cry every time I play through it.
Least favourite moment:
Honestly? When he shows the group Sumire's traumatic memories and causes her to break down. It just seems so out of character for him??? Like I get they had to reveal Sumire's true identity somehow, but I just don't see how that fits into Maruki's character when his whole thing is keeping people away from pain. I guess you could say he was making a point to Ren and Goro but even then, that still seems so out of character? I dunno, that scene is just odd when you think about it too much.
A situation with this character that I want to see explored more:
I've said it before and I'll say it again and again: I wish we had more scenes with third semester Palace ruler Maruki. That particular persona (don't) of his doesn't get anywhere enough screentime. Something I really, really want is a scene similar to P4G when Yu goes to see Adachi by himself and try to talk to him. I feel like that could have been a really interesting discussion, especially if it was a tense one where you had to choose your options carefully because Maruki is the one with complete control in his palace and his warped mindset makes him believe that he's helping Ren. I just think that would be cool.
An interesting AU for this character:
.... D-Do I even to say it? You already know. I am just that predictable.
A crossover:
I don't really tend to think of crossovers too much but I recently rewatched Promare for reasons, and a thought that randomly popped into my head was "Burnish Takuto" and it hasn't left me since.
OTP (or OT3+ etc…. just… favourite ship):
Again, do I even need to say it???? Takurumi, and I really wish it got more attention from the fanbase. I know it won't because Rumi appeared for like 5 minutes in an 100+ game... But still. I can dream.
Other ships?:
Takawa is pretty cute, I like that one. Plus I've seen quite a bit of HaseMaru content that makes me wish we could see them interact in canon.
Obviously Ren because their relationship is really interesting one that I don't have the brainpower to analyse right now but I love how sassy Ren is towards Takuto, like when he forgot Ren's reward for helping him with his research and Ren just crosses his legs and folds his arm while staring at Takuto like an unimpressed mother.
But I really like the idea of Sojiro and Takuto, and let's throw Zenkichi into mix, bonding over how difficult it is to keep the thieves from getting into trouble and being tired dads.
Just any of the students. It just makes me uncomfortable.
An assortment of headcanons:
Like I said earlier, my brain ain't working today....I've been trying to convince myself to write today since I woke up at seven this morning... It's now quarter to six and I haven't written anything... Sorry about that...
I guess the only thing that pops into my mind is, if Takuto adopted an animal, he'd adopt an older one because it makes him sad to see them left behind when all the younger animals find families.
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leonardalphachurch · 3 years
okay, tucker time
Why I like them tucker is literally my exact type of fictional dude. he’s a ball of barely contained repression and toxic masculinity when literally all he wants is connection and love. he pretends that he doesn’t care but not only does he care very badly, he wants to care very badly. he puts on this glamour of false machismo and aloofness and playboy energy but when the cards are on the table that persona fails and he just. does what’s right. you see this with junior, you see this with season 4s quest, with being the alien ambassador, with the end of season 8, the end of season 10 (tbf that applies to all the bgc but still), and of course this shines through the most is chorus, where that’s literally the main arc of 11-12. he craves intimacy but doesn’t think he’s deserving of it or capable of gaining it so he pushes woman away with his misogyny and he pushes men away with his homophobia.
okay this isn’t done but i’m stopping now bc i need to stop eventually but i could go on forever lol
Why I don’t even though i said ^all that^ i still don’t like the misogyny. please stop this at once
Favorite episode the season 15 ep when he fucked shit up and like rode on the tank was hot as fuck. i’m sure there’s a better ep but i can’t think of one off the top of my head. maybe when he falls in a hole and finds a sword. god he’s so pathetic i love him
Favorite season is there an option besides season 12?
Favorite line is it cheating to say something from a dvd menu screen? i don’t care it’s him flirting with yellow church. i’m gonna take you to the mall do the things you wanna do. take you to cinnabon. make stouffers lasagna. i know we already had dessert i’m crazy. crazy for you. you’re like david blaine with tits.
(runner up sad line is “i just wanna stand around and talk to my friend but he’s gone now and all i have is you”. think about that line daily)
Favorite outfit breaking the mold here but halo 4 armor actually looks better on tucker. NO ONE ELSE but tucker okay.
i think for the out of armor outfits i need to make a separate post lol or this is gonna be a spam of images
OTP lol is this a question. have you looked at my blog
Brotp dont tell Tucker but it’s tuckington. they’re literally so good for each other.
Head Canon
-okay look most of my answer to first question could probably be considered headcanon but like. shut the fuck up it’s canon if you think for five seconds
-in love with church and wash
-the reason that he’s so in love with church and wash is that they’re the first people who didn’t give up on him. no matter how annoying tucker was, church was always still his friend. no matter how much tucker refused to try, wash still pushed him to try harder
-epsilons absence hit him so hard because it felt like church was finally giving up on being his friend
-he totally slept with felix
Unpopular opinion i don’t like trans man tucker. there’s a lot of reasons that i can answer separately if anyone’s interested. i’m not saying it’s problematic or whatever the fuck but i just. don’t interact with fanon where he’s trans. make every other character trans, let tucker be the token cis
A wish he’s literally so bisexual let him be bisexual and in love with church
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen never EVER fucking write him as an actual predator ever fucking again. literally what the fuck is wrong with jordan cweirz. i can’t believe people think season 18 is the worst thing that happened to rvb when 14 exists and has a joke like that. actually i change my wish to be roosterteeth removing that joke from the show. like if you seriously consider that fact as a canon part of tuckers backstory and not just a shitty joke written by someone who thinks it’s funny to have a kid version of hitler in their show then like i don’t want you here byyeeeeee
5 words to best describe them
repressed, cares, capable, refusal-of-the-call, dilf
My nickname for them uh, none actually
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joisbishmyoga · 3 years
More art! (Both color and b&w versions.) Based off an rp a friend and I did a few years ago:
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Quick background points:
Turns out that if you set Persona 5 in 2022 -- which, you can, the calendar matches up with 2016 -- Gorou is five during Persona 3. (And makes it entirely possible that Gorou's mother actually died of Apathy Syndrome. Cruel irony is cruel.)
W and I have an OTP/3/4.
Minato is the canon manga name for P3's male protagonist. We like it better than the movies' "Makoto", and now with P5 the movie name would get confusing anyway.
(sorry for length, where the heck did the read-more cut go on this app...?)
J: Meanwhile Mitsuru is being all "it's 2 in the morning and Elizabeth's done WHAT"
W: 'Brought us a 'future guest of the Velvet Room.' At Minato's behest.
J: 'He's HOW old? Elizabeth kidnapped a small child from his bed and Minato didn't tell her to put him back...?'
W: 'Perhaps six. And Minato told her to bring him to us. My experience with children not Ken-san is limited, but I already hypothesize that his previous environment was actively detrimental.'
J: 'Should I be waking my lawyers?'
J: She has already inadvertently woken Aki by getting up, bc I say so. Shinji... idk, he's either not been found yet or is still in hospital probably.
W: 'Yes. Custody arrangements must be made immediately--ah. Minato suggested that you require an heir.'
W: Still in hospital, he was in a LONG coma.
J: '.... Aigis, I'm eighteen, barely a month out of high school, have just taken on the responsibilities of a Fortune 500 company without the business degree or any experience, and have a dozen patronizing patriarchal sharks circling just within my own company. It would be completely insane to adopt a child right now. I'll do it.'
W: 'Minato knows us all so well. And SEES is behind you in this as in all things.'
J: Aki woke up fully at 'Minato' and alarmed half out of bed at 'custody', and now he's sitting there in the sheets all wide-eyed.
J: Aki: She's right. We gotcher back, Mitsuru.
J: Aki: But man. A kid, huh?
W: Mitsuru: You and Shinjirou needed someone to look after anyway.
J: Aki: Coulda done with a few more months to get Shinji back on his feet, but heh. Yeah. I guess. Want me to come with?
W: Mitsuru: Yes, please. You know far more about children than I do.
J: Aki: *gets up, gets dressed super-casual bc time* This late, it'll be a tossup between worst behavior and too insecure to risk showing it.
W: Mitsuru: He seems charmed by Aigis being a robot, and seems very impressed by Minato being a hero. 
J: Aki: ... That's really worrying. We're gonna be in for it, Mitsuru. Let's go.
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professorchaos · 3 years
Why I like them
he's very sweet and i LOVE his design. his voice is cute. he has a lot of wasted potential, imo, and it's always really cool to see what fans do with that. he reminds me of the very early days of the show, and thus makes me feel very nostalgic!
Why I don’t
i don't find his character particularly funny - the recurring gags with him (slapstick violence, relentless bullying and a british accent) got old extremely fast.
Favorite episode (scene if movie)
probably damien! i also have a massive MASSIVE soft spot for two guys naked in a hot tub.
Favorite season/movie
maybe season 3? i don't remember it that well but i know that he's in that one and that i like it better than 1 + 2. i kinda like season 4 as well but i don't remember pip being all that prominent, aside from in pip (though i may be wrong here! i don't rewatch those early seasons all that often).
Favorite line
"i'm the head whicker nicker, and you are all little whickershams. we all sing 'the merry tune of stratford' until i say 'terah!' and then you all fall down laughing, and i join you, as i find it funny too." (excuse me?)
Favorite outfit
his metrosexual look was so cool!
i don't really have one! fan content of dip is very cute and i often find myself absolutely adoring it, but in canon it didn't speak to me all that much. i can really see why people love it so much though, there's a lot to be explored there and their designs look great together.
i forgot to put this in butters' one but i have so... so many thoughts n feelings about pip, dougie and butters as a little trio. some of the "foreign kids" fan content is really fun too! fanon estella i care you
Head Canon
because he's such a strange and lonely child, as well as because of how he attempted to befriend damien, i feel like he's the type to get really engrossed in mythology and folklore and try and talk to ghosts and fairies... from a classical literary standpoint i think that there's something very satisfying about a ghost-loving kid who ends up slowly disappearing and then dying. it's like an old ghost story. whisked away by the fairies or stomped on by mecha barbra streisand... what's the difference, really?
Unpopular opinion
to me, because of how it was framed, his backstory as outlined in pip is not necessarily canon. i find it more interesting in many ways to imagine that he might just be a really weird and lonely kid with a sad home life who decided to tell the class the story of great expectations as though it were lived experience. because of this, i don't tend to consider joe, estella and pocket (etc) characters within the south park universe as many do (though of course, they could be representing other people or concepts in his life)!
A wish
some kind of nod to him in current lore would be AMAZING! iirc there was cut content in one of the games that included pip's skull - i sincerely hope for another game in the future where this concept is revised and brought in. i'd also love to see some phone destroyer cards for him! perhaps it'd be weird to have a dead character, but there are undead characters like satan and unreal characters like the woodland critters, so it's not totally off the table. the ideal in my eyes would be for him to get a supervillain persona, but even just a reference to him would be really awesome!
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen
he already died so it's hard to think of anything HAHAHA
5 words to best describe them
cheeky nandos bit sad innit
My nickname for them
pippy, pippy wippy, pippywise
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littlenekosfan · 3 years
Since no one else asked... Do the boys for the ask meme too uwu There is never too much Bazz and Jugram <3
oh BOY we are here for a fun ride :)
1. Favorite thing about them
that is a rather complicated question since it's so open... hm, lets go about what i like about their character
bazz, his passion, i love that fire he has in his heart, so bright you can see it shine in his eyes, in everything he does.. passionate people are the ones i love to hear the most about, their engagement and enthusiasm always inspires me even if i dont relate, you can tell im a person of love haha, its my most important value and he has no shame in showing that, he always smiles and have that confidence, and still feel like a relatable character, down to earth, and i really love that
jugram is a little harder to love given his... cold persona (no being hot wont count here) but there is something that makes me fall for him and its his unconditional love... he isnt really open about the concept of love, and he very much has his own interpretation of it, where he keeps hiding what it truly holds even to himself... while i dont like how he denies it, he never killed it, he never killed that flame in his heart even if it means it would hurt him in the future... his love for bazz is just beautiful to me, to love someone for all the goods and bad, from the past to the future, to love even if the ideas dont collide with yours... he cant let go bc he genuinely feels love, and im glad he kept it and accepted it despite it all
was that too fanon or vague ?? im probably talking to myself or i talk as if the person heard all my interpretation of these two... very specific, so i dont blame you if you dont get it
tbh there is so much to love, their story, their personality, their contrast, their relationship, their struggles etc etc, its just, SO much and its all so good..
2. Least favorite thing about them
ahh, i always try to see "what went wrong" with these two... while there is a lot of mistake there and there, which are human or misunderstandings, there is one thing that... kind of upsets me, its this
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i know what you're going to say, naki you're not supposed to take it literally, but i think it is... the more i read it, the more it makes sense with how they acted in their separation, but has humans, its so.. out of touch... like, oh yeah, never talk about your traumas/struggles/feelings with your partner bc we understood eachother??? bro you've only known eachother for 6months and yall arent even adults....... no way they never talked about that but also, if they had, they wouldnt have had that break up....... anyways, what im saying is, its unrealistic and it actually irks me.........
3. Favorite line
"Don’t worry about what the grown-ups tell you, I’ll teach you everything you need to know, We're gonna become the strongest Quincies, Jugo"
"Ishida Uryu... you should go save your friends..."
both can get my crying in the club... the first one bc it touches me personally, and the second bc... juazz feelings
4. brOTP
jugram: lille, askin, his aide (also aizen ???)
bazz: haha.... who even wants to be friend with him, actually i want to... askin.
bonus with juazz+ichiishi !!!!!! i love that combination sm
5. OTP
ill just list my ships with involving: juazz, juazzbert, jubert, hubazz, baskin
6. nOTP
juhasch....... and lowkey bazzren/jugishi
7. Random HC
well... how about one headcanon of them by age slice
as kids, bazz was jugram's sunshine, too bright sometimes haha, jugram had to take a lot of time to adjust to bazz' energy bc while being cocky and.. arrogant, he's very nice, and he can see that, sometimes it would wear him off since he's not that great, but bazz is too good of an observer, he would quickly notice it and cheer jugram up.. a little hard duo, but they are both trying their best
as teens, they say they are stuck in the forest training but that would require a nice little house wouldnt it? minimum furniture since it's too hard to get some (ahem, sleeping in the same bed for some heat nyehe) but also, that's basically a domestic au lmao but yeah, cooking, doing laundy, bathing.... all stuff together :) i like the idea of bazz being the only one being able to read and jugram learns from him? he takes so much interest that he keeps a journal about their journey or discoveries... bazz too, but not as much... he's too busy being disliked by the neighbor city jfghdfg
young adults/prewar. oh... oh boy, that one i actually need to dev about it with scenarios and my personal hcs but ill go with a ns//fw bc why not :) while they dont talk nor get along well.. like, at all, that doesnt stop them from being... touchy, it wouldnt romantic or anything "reciprocal" (as in, its more selfish/out of impulse then doing *with* the other) but there is def some yearning... lots LOTS of it.. they would kinda regret doing it bc its not right, but they just cant help it...
post war, this one can be very very open and wide, but rebuilding what was lost brings some reconciliation... not fully, but the gap is less... awkward, so they can now talk to eachother without that weird tension, bazz would love teasing jugram but it would always end up falling on his own head fjghdfg,.. there is some up and downs during that time ofc, but no tension like it used to be, they would have some casual talks... too casual that askin can easily pick up how they have history fgjkkfgh
i actually have a lot of hc, such as their physical appearance, their little perks and ofc, their angst... its hard to dev when im just given one random hc fgmjdfg i either end up with scenarios or interpretation rip legit i can make a post of the same length about their hair.. THEIR HAIR.....help
8. Unpopular opinion
i have no shame to blame the very badly received ending of bleach to juazz unpopularity... also ppl considering them as villains, for some reason, yet arrancars gets lots of love and attention but not ritters?? maybe bc of the anime but still?? most ppl in the fandom read tybw now...... sigh..... also, if you dont think romance is possible between them, ill call you homophobe on sight (idm ppl who prefers it platonic, but if you think it "ruins" their relationship, you are so off the grid pal)
also, they are one of the best written characters in the whole series but nobody wants to dig as far as i did.......
and very very hot take but..... you cant have jugram or bazz as a fav if you dislike the other, not sorry
9. Favorite picture of them
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and of course
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moonandblossoms · 3 years
For- "Give me a character and I will answer."
1. Kane Yamashita
2. Tala Valkov
3. Julia Fernandez
For all! 🤪🤪
If you keep sending me so many asks, when will I have time to type.... alright leave it.
1. Kane Yamashita
Why I like him- I find him to be amazing, well-written, complex, tricky, cool, calm, intelligent, sexy, hot, and what not? He is kind, caring, has great leadership skills and overall he is an amazing character.
Why I don't like him- N/A
Favorite episode- Fine with all of his episodes in the V-Force arc, but I will tell that I specifically liked him in episodes 17, maybe 19, 20, 25, 27, 43.
Favorite season/movie- He comes only in V-Force.
Favorite line- "Okay Salima, let's show the freaky doctor were good as his new made monsters!"
Favorite outfit- As much as I like him, I expected him to have cooler outfits, but I pick his first one. The third one made him look like a naive boy.
OTP- W/Salima, OCs are fine as well.
BROTP- Tyson, Ray, Ozuma, Mariam, Jim, Goki, Mariah, Zeo, Julia, Tala, Brooklyn, Hilary, Queen, Max and Kai.
Headcanon- He has an older sister.
Unpopular opinion- He is well-written than most of the V-force characters, including even the bladebreakers (I can make an exception for Ozuma and a few characters, maybe).
A wish- Let him end up with Salima, please! And I want him to have a red-haired and blue-eyes daughter with her. Also, have a nice bit-beast.
An oh-god-please-don't-ever-happen- Wearing the Psykicks' uniform again, please no.
5 words to best describe him- Smart, attractive, intelligent, independent, courageous.
My nickname for him- That handsome genius.
2. Tala Valkov
Why I like him- I think Tala is really cool and amazing.
Why I don't like him- N/A
Favorite episode- Episode 36 of G-Revolution
Favorite season/movie- G-Revolution
Favorite line- Sorry can't remember anything at the moment ^^'
Favorite outfit- G-Revolution outfit.
OTP- W/Queen and maybe Julia. OCs are fine as well.
BROTP- W/his teammates + Kai.
Headcanon- He is immune to cold weather.
Unpopular opinion: I think that he got stronger in season 3. I mean, G-Revolution Tala is stronger than part 1 Tala. I have heard many people telling that he was nerfed. I don't really think that he was nerfed. He just fought with strong opponents.
A wish: MARRY QUEEN. Idk how I ended up shipping them, I have come this far to ship them. Also I want him to meet his parents (Idk if both or either of them is deceased, I suppose his father is dead).
An oh-god-please-don't-ever-happen- Don't go to Boris again.
5 words to best describe him- Kuudere, cold, mysterious, power-packed, brave.
My nickname for him- Ice Prince.
3. Julia Fernandez
Why I like her- Julia is extremely badass, likeable, and I love her big-girl persona.
Why I don't like her- N/A
Favorite episode- Episode 26, and even episode 22.
Favorite season/movie- She appears only in G-Revolution.
Favorite line- "Do you know why I have so much of confidence in battles? Because you are always there to back me up! Without you here, I wouldn't be as glorious as I am!"
Favorite outfit- Of course her main one. I too liked her Egypt one but that was for a very short span of time xD
OTP- W/Kai Hiwatari and Tala Valkov (more of the former one)
BROTP- Queen, Mariah, Hilary, Kane, Emily, Mathilda, Michael, Mariam, Salima, Rick, etc.
Headcanon- She is so much into dark shaded lispticks, pedicure, facial and grooming. She is a trendy fashionista.
Unpopular opinion- I think that Julia is not sassy everytime. There would have been times when she could actually feel down. Those are the ones which could give room for courage.
A wish- I'd like her to date Kai because she would be the best type of girl who will suit Kai. She is ain't too disturbing in love, she is just natural in that regard. Kai would come to like powerful girls like her. I wouldn't mind even if it is Tala.
An oh-god-please-don't-ever-happen- Don't need to feel sad about you being an orphan dearie, be happy!
5 words to best describe her- Brave, courageous, sassy, beautiful, flawless.
My nickname for her- Lightning Queen
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notcorrect-persona5 · 4 years
Can’t have one without the other! How about Teddie?
yesss you’re so right. the hanamura bros gotta stick together!
favorite thing about him
his absolute sunshine of a personality! he’s so energetic, sweet and fun. atlus and his va called him pure of heart, and like, that’s adorable.
least favorite thing about them
teddie can be really insecure, and he’s terrified of his friends hating him. he asks more than once if his friends dislike him and the investigation team just..ignores him? his shadow was also really concerning, and nobody thought to say anything to him?? maybe check up on him??
favorite line
“i’m busier than most of you, so i can’t come every morning...i mean, i have to eat breakfast, go back to bed, eat lunch, watch some tv...and that’s not even including time for snacks! you might not think so, but coming here is pretty tough to fit into my schedule.”
“chie-chan! yuki-chan! let’s be mermaids!”
hanamura bros and nana-chan! nanako and teddie are besties, and i love that so much. nanako was the reason teddie believed in himself again like- and their promise 🥺
hanamura bros...they’re brothers.
random headcanon
boy do i have a lot. i won’t say them all, but i’ll list a few.
1. yosuke’s third year the hanamuras adopt teddie :)
2. teddie gets nightmares, so he’ll wake yosuke up in the middle of the night sometimes.when that happens, yosuke lets him sleep with him as long as he promises not to tell anyone lol
3. yosuke’s house (shown in the magician) is big enough to have 4-6 bedrooms, yet teddie sleeps in yosuke’s closet. that was definitely teddie’s request. probably because of his fear of being alone.
4. you can’t tell me the random noises you hear every day wouldn’t freak him out when he first came to our world. like the first time he heard a blender? that would be so scary, he’s never heard anything like that before.
5. teddie and yosuke’s mom have a tv show they watch together every week.
6. teddie gets so excited when he learns new things about this world, so he likes to tell yosuke when he learns something like a new word or phrase.
unpopular opinion
he isn’t obsessed with girls in a sexual way. in persona q he says he wants to get married because it means he’ll never be alone. he seeks love, validation, and companionship. many of his influences - yukiko’s and kanji’s shadows, yosuke’s parents, likely tv and yosuke himself - give off the idea that a romantic relationship is the best way to get that. being alone makes him extremely sad, so he flirts with girls (and occasionally boys) in hopes of finding a companion who will always be with him.
song that reminds me of them
april by beach bunny
cloud 9 by beach bunny
hard times by paramore
let’s face it i’m cute from acorn lane
invisible from beetlejuice the musical (after the prologue)
creep by radiohead
favorite picture of him
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my profile picture :-)
but seriously, teddie is officially the cutest.
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