#my paycheck is suffering
voidchildstar · 2 years
Dear salmon run players-
PUT THE EGGS IN THE MF BASKET- istg i've lost so many rounds because people just leave the eggs sitting around and I swear I'm the only 1 trying to meet the quota-
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kurgy · 1 year
been having a serious physical health problem for many years that is recently very quickly getting worse and as I undergo more tests and procedures while the problem actively gets worse, I got stuck having a serious talk about "purchasing at home accommodations" while they figure out whats wrong with my stomach and work out a treatment plan, because the costs of hospitalizing me for further testing/treatment instead for the unforeseeable futurewould ruin me, so I'm looking up some of the things she suggested, pricing shit out, and god half of this stuff was already out of the question because I am still displaced and man, and this is still technically cheaper than hospital bills, but I simply cannot save up/raise the money to get any of this in a timely manner
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pictureday2005 · 10 months
i dont need therapy or medication i need it to be 2007. i need it to be my full time job to learn and explore and be curious about the world around me again
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torchickentacos · 5 months
i feel like commentary youtube has a subsect of videos that come down to 'this could have been a tumblr vent post'
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sukimas · 1 year
apartments being like "you have to make 3x this rent a month for us to let you rent here" are so stupid. you think i'm spending $4000 on bills food and incidentals? the most i've ever spent on a car repair was $2k. give me your stupid apartment asshole
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minecraftbookshelf · 1 year
Two apartments ago I had sliding mirror doors on my closet and every time I’m worldbuilding and timeline planning a major project I miss those doors so much 😭😭😭
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b0ngwatertearz · 3 months
#tw sui ideation#the longer that im alive the more i feel like i shouldn’t be#i can never catch a fucking break#within three months i my mom dies#then i get dumped by the love of my life on my first mother’s day after her passing#and then i get diagnosed with type 1 diabetes#facsism is on the rise#our country is being run by a genocidal dementiated zionist#our choice for the next presidency is that genocidal war criminal or a somehow worse genocidal war criminal#all of our rights are being stripped away#we’re in a cost of living crisis#im not even living paycheck to paycheck#i regularly have to borrow money from my friends to survive till next payday#and that’s with all the government assistance im on#so i’m really struggling to understand why i should bother staying to find out what happens#i know my friends love me#i know people care about me#that does nothing to relieve the suffering i live through everyday#my friends loving me does not take away the fact that i’m disabled and transgender in this hellscape#and actively working a full time job#with no fucking help#do i have a little financial assistance? sure. but not nearly enough to survive#75% of my needs are not being met most of the time because i can’t fucking do it#and no one believes i’m disabled enough to need help#or they don’t care enough to help#bc all day everyday i hear how strong i am and how none of my friends could ever go through what i do#and yet whenever i ask for help i often get met with irritation or annoyance#im just so fucking tired#i can’t keep doing this#i can’t live like this forever
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savage-rhi · 3 months
Magenta 🤬
#my state is complaining about not having enough customers for psilocybin treatments#well as someone that heavily advocated for it to be legalized because of research and science lemme tell you why:#you gatekept your whole client base via outpricing them because you don't want to serve people with medium to low incomes#you only want rich people as your clients when the majority of people who could legitimately benefit from this treatment#are one paycheck away from homelessness or have to choose between an 800-1200 dose or buying groceries for the next month for their families#now look I get it you gotta get your cake and eat it too#but that's no excuse for isolating a large client base just because you're offended that poor people with mental health issues exist#if you want to keep this shit rolling and not have the state overturn anything#make it more accessible to people that truly need it and I'm telling you word of mouth travels fast#you'll get more clients more advocacy and more investment into research#by giving people an opportunity#and making them feel included in the process#thats what yall did when you started the petitions to get lawmakers to take the benefits seriously#so what changed?#what turned you into greedy cunts?#oh yeah money and again you're offended poor people exist#y'all know too folks will just go to a dealer they know and get it for cheaper right?#i mean whats the point in paying 3 to 5k for a special “retreat” where you pay an additional 1k to 2k for 3 doses#when johnny boy down the street can hook you up with 10 doses for 100 bucks and a bag of chips?#and btw guys wtf happened to all that money that was supposed to go to creating state of the art mental health clinics and facilities#when measure 110 got passed that decriminalized drugs?#no one has an answer???#hmmm#it's no wonder we are near dead last in mental health in this country#its like i said in the meeting: you guys love to profit off the suffering of others#magenta#magenta is my vent word
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besthimbomachine · 1 year
"Cell phone wide, baby. I'm cell phone wide."
Kenny Omega, BTE ep 235
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elviehun · 10 months
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Okay so i still don't know what is behind all the removal from streaming platforms, like if Ray is cooking something (🤞) or if it's bc of the latest disgraceful stunt pulled by spotify (grrr) BUT
She helped me through SO.much.shit. through the years and it's made by the most talented musician and most beautiful person I've ever known in the music industry and sung in the most angelic of human voices in the history of humans singing their feelings out loud so.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY REMEMBER THE LAUGHTER, my sweet girl and friend in need. I love you. Forever. 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
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ikkaku-of-heart · 11 months
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I have two hours left at work, and I don't want to write blogs for clients! I want to write Ikkaku-related things! Kisses! Starters! I want to plot with people! Whhhyyyy must I be a responsible adult and write about boring stuff?!
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neeturnal · 11 months
i'm actually so stressed about money it's not even a joke like oh my god
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olde-scratch · 1 year
the money i would spend if monster high wasn't overhauled.
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citrine-elephant · 1 year
so much on my mind about this shit job, but i just love (sarcastically) that if you're to be exercising, you MUST build up to it, 'less you cause injury. because you can and will if your body isn't ready. if you do 100 pushups first time.... you're a prodigy of exercise and you're probably gonna burn out if you're not suffering alreadt.
yet a desperate fucker who needs a job to survive? nah, 7 hours of exercise each day all week? yep, that's reasonable. totally (further sarcasm)
you never worked out before? too bad, get back to work. make us more money. fill my pockets and fund my sixty mansions. (eat the rich, comrades, they are nothing without our labour)
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shadyhouse · 1 year
how do you find a job that pays enough to keep on living when you have no degrees and cant do math and dont have transportation and have mental health issues and nepotism isnt an option
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foxcassius · 1 year
also lucky for me the cheapest shipping option was also the shipping option that will have the yarn at my house by saturday LOL
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