#my own lore for UD
Hi, hi. I recently joined the ugly dolls fandom. And I wanted to ask you the story of how Louis and Vage cook together in the kitchen? It's just that you have a lot of long stories that are hard to find^^"
Hello! I've been absent for a bit, sorry 😅I've been fleshing out the plot of what might either be added onto Shell-shock or become a part of my sequel.
Wage does more of the cooking than Lou does, honestly (he sucks at cooking, to a certain extent) but the reason he started working for Wage was because it was supposed to be a mix of a punishment but reintegration back into their society.
Obviously Lou has been cleaning the mess of the Uglies and the wayward Pretties since his downfall, Ox felt bad, but didn't have a better option that didn't lead to an outright riot from the Pretties for blatantly giving Lou another chance.
In a joking manner, Moxy is the one to suggest that Wage could always use some help cleaning dishes. He'd still be cleaning and, ergo, "slaving away as punishment" but he wouldn't necessarily be wandering around Imperfection like a hobo and be completely isolated from society.
And no, Wage was not happy with it at all. Really the only reason she agreed to it was because 1) Ox told her to and 2) it meant she could boss Lou around all she wanted. And Wage was certainly not going to pass up an opportunity to make Lou her personal butler.
I can always write a short story on some of the moments Wage and Lou have or like the beginnings of their friendship if you want. Your question kind of sounded like a "hey, can you give me a summary of what happened?" So, I apologize in advance if you were initially hoping for a short story.
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shinakazami1 · 1 year
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Edit: yo mobile tumblr pls chill why is it all non chronological kwjsjs
Some Skip Button shenanigans with my Jester Narrator! :D
Jester's Parable is cut in 3 acts. Act 1 is the main game, act 2 and 3 are UD Edition.
Maybe some Jester Parable lore if anyone is interested under the cut (Heavy Zending and Skip Button mentions)
Act 2 starts with Narrator finding Stanley in Zending and thinking it's the actual Stanley he was supposed to get. Which in some way is right - his Stanley is his, after all. This act starts with Stanley pretending he is different, starting First Save run. He goes through the whole game, seeing if Narrator has changes.
The main game /act 1 ends with Stanley becoming one with Zen ending (due to Narrator wanting to punish him) , consuming the lights in there and leaving Narrator alone for 8 years. The one year spared between the releases is him coming back and starting to work on the UD Edition due to higher ups - as the actual game developers are called in there - get Curator to kick Narry's ass and start working on the game again.
Stanley in act 1 was tortured a lot - and by that, I do hope I will soon post one of the live writings I did in stanarr server - and during the time he became one with the zending, he also spread overall in the Parable, causing him to get power over it. Narrator is obsessed with the idea that this Stanley is not his and shoved another one he was supposed to have somewhere, making him overall angry at the man.
Realising he hadn't, he ends the game and goes to Second Save run where things change in Skip button, which is a room used as torture for Jester Narrator, marking the start of act 3 - revenge
Sksusus dunno if anyone wants to read this tbh, I never posted much of my own stuff and I'm a bit nervous but if you're reading this little ramble of mine, thanks a bunch, I really appreciate it :D
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vellichorom · 4 months
Hello Discord User Vellichorom AKA Twinkie AKA Velli AKA individual who’s character I love so much who has consumed my literal every day for the last year plus that I have not stopped thinking about (literally, over three hundred and sixty five days have gone buy and every single one of them I’ve had this man in my head, Vellichorom, do you know what you’ve done Vellichorom, you did this to me.) 
NOW I MAY BE UNHINGED ABOUT THIS MAN but how about I take a step back for a moment to just, talk about it? To discuss the absolute mastery I feel has been carefully and lovingly crafted into him? 
I’m really picky about the characters I like. Yeah I am fond of characters, I’ll like them and talk about them and whatever, but NOT ONCE has a character CONSUMED MY LITERAL BRAIN CELLS like Thierry has. Of course he has an amazing base to go off of, he IS THE NARRATOR, and I will admit that I absolutely ADORE TSP and all of the lore that has been crafted into him... but that alone was not enough for me to be purely interested in him for a long period of time (cough: see me not doing much tsp stuff aside from Thierry cough) 
The way that you have woven in every aspect of TSP and its canon into him, and then MADE IT EVEN BETTER AND MENTAL-ILLNESS-INDUCING has got me gripping the edge of my seat like a feral goblin every time you post literally ANYTHING about him ever. You blended TSP/TSPCC/adjacent lore together in a way that makes Thierry his own thing and also the perfect embodiment of the Narrator.
I have hyper fixations that wane and grow over time, things that I have enjoyed for long stints, but NEVER, EVER, Has there been ONE CHARACTER that has captured my attention so wholly. 
Looking at just him as a character, I adore the way you actually embrace and show off his flaws in a way that feels so human and also just like the weird fucking creature that The Narrator obviously is. You paid SO MUCH attention to detail and THAT SHOWS! IT DOES!! The Narrator is EGOTISTICAL, he is AN ASSHOLE, HE IS NOT PERFECT! EVER!I won’t shit on other people for wanting that for their own interpretations, but by god if you aren’t one of the like, two other people I’ve seen PERFECTLY capture that in his actions and behavior. You interpret the scenes in TSP/UD with such a nuanced and in depth eye with Thierry that I actually ENVY YOU FOR IT because I WANT TO DO THAT TOO. The expression of his ego balanced with his simultaneous self-loathing is just a perfect coat of icing on the proverbial cake. You miraculously made this man exactly as loveable and hateable as the straight up copy-pasted canon. I want him to suffer, and I love him so much, and I feel awful for him, and I think he’s an asshole. 
His relationship with Rosemary? Do I even HAVE to say anything? No, I don’t, but IM GOING TO. 
I seriously have never understood how you and Tomie so amazingly captured that Stanley/Narrator relationship through Gore/Guts in such an AWE INSPIRING, BEAUTIFUL, AND HORRIFIC way. Like, I genuinely do not know how to put into words the way that I absolutely ADORE this interpretation of it. The never ending spiral of desperation, need and reliance that the Narrator has on Stanley (and vice versa) is FLAWLESSLY executed and showcased with Rosemary/Thierry. I know I don’t really talk about Gogu as much as I talk about Thierry, but I have said it before and I will say it again, they are AMAZING, THEY ARE BEAUTIFUL, AND I CANNOT THINK OF ANY LITERALLY ANY NARRATOR X  RELATIONSHIP THAT PERFECTLY EXEMPLIFIES THE WAY THAT THE NARRATOR WOULD BE WITH SOMEONE, AND THE HORRORS THAT COME WITH IT. EVER. 
And the most amazing part is that you, YOU, a fucking EXCELLENT, BEAUTIFUL, TALENTED ARTIST, have made THE design ever. THE. DESIGN. EVER. No exceptions. OBVIOUSLY the enjoyment of a design of a character of such a nature is mostly up to personal taste, but for one second can we stand back and think about who the fuck we’re talking about? 
We can go based off of a few things:
His VA, Kevan Brighting: Mr. Brighting is a fat, old man. He has JOWLS, he has WRINKLES, he has WEIGHT not only to himself, but his voice. OBVIOUSLY not all VAs match their characters, but when you consider someone’s voice and the voice you assign TO a character, you usually want it to mimic that, and The voice that Mr. Brighting does for the Narrator is literally just that. And old, crotchety, fat british man. 
Specifically based on his Voice: Again, to piggy back off of what I was just saying, a character is meant to match the voice, you can hear the way he slightly slurs/mushes his words together, (which, by the way, if people didn’t know, slight lisps can be caused by more weight/fat being in the face! :D) You can hear him creaking around in his chair!
Based on context clues/general ideas of what the character is doing/does: The Narrator, as described in the game, is old (context clues people, context clues), codes/can create things using code, is not human (‘various human sensibilities’ gives that RIGHT away) and sits in a chair coding/reading shit most of the time. If anyone looks me in the eyes and tells me that a person who does that would not at least be heavy set, I will wack them with a stick. 
ALL OF THAT BEING SAID: this means that YOU MADE HIM! Look at him! Look at that man! It’s FUCKING HIM, ITS THE NARRATOR REAL! HE’S REALLL!!! I don’t give a flying fuck what my bias says, if I think of the Narrator I am going to think of someone that looks either like Kevan Brighting, or Thierry Ellis-Baker. There is no other thing for me. I can kinda smush other designs into it, and see it that way via The Square Hole /ref - but it will ALWAYS AND FOREVER be that. He’s an omnipresent voice that doesn’t show himself, when he’s not, he is NOT WEARING A SUIT. But he is FASHIONABLE, WHO is looking at him, seeing the fact that he wears a fucking fancy, flowing, stylish cardigan WITH A GOLD CHAIN, and saying NO He LOokS lIke A sLOb??? Because you are literally wrong, I would AND HAVE worn things that are LESS FANCY than that in professional settings. He’s wearing a turtleneck sweater, dress pants, and some comfy BUT PRESENTABLE shoes. If someone thinks he looks slobby they’re delusional. Like what do they think? That that old man should be wearing a suit for whatever fucking reason??? In his Office??? In his chair while sitting on his fat ass? (NOT TO SAY THAT HE CAN’T, AND I KNOW THIERRY HAS, AND CAN, AND WOULD IF HE NEEDED TO, BUT WHO ON GOD’S GREEN EARTH, ESPECIALLY WHEN CODING AND SHIT, WANTS TO WEAR A SUIT 24/7)  Also, tacking this on here at the end, you have helped SO much with my comfort with acknowledging my own body weight, accepting it, and liking myself more than literally anyone could ever have, and Thierry is a HUGE part of that for SO many reasons.
I love everything about him, Vellichorom, and it is of my humble opinion that everyone who does not and looks at him like he is anything less than what The Narrator is at his most basic, are dirty little liars who are jealous
TL;DR: Anyone who is disrespectful and disregards the expert care, craft, and love that has gone into Thierry lore and design wise can go and suck the fattest, dirtiest rock they find outside in a river, and report back to me in fourteen business days with their illnesses so I can laugh at them :)
Thank you for coming to my two+ page essay/TED Talk Uh... oh yeah this is an ask box... uh... what's your favorite fun fact about Thierry/Romary? :)
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ujm jm, umm um that they love you
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mellowwillowy · 3 months
What's your inspo to create your oc? Mainly for the Life characters one
I’ll name mainly the well-known here and my personal favorites 🤍
LIfE Project
The trio
Yulian — Based on the man from my dream when I was 12. At first, his appearance was meant to be faceless just like how I couldn't see his face because it was too bright.
Yulian’s early concept revolved around dream and bouquet of flowers.
Eve — Based on vague image from my brain, memories or whatever. (could be dream or game) Afterward, she was in the concept to be Yulian’s lover. (Originally faceless as well)
Her main image was the woman in a white room or at the shore. Either way, she still has those images until today.
Yulian’s Darling — based on the image my friend projected into me lol. Takes a lot of time to finally perfect them into a character.
Kaspar — no idea…? Was originally just a random NPC for the Uphill Daisies case where Yulian fights against Eldridge.
Then I suddenly had the urge to deepen his relationship with Yulian and not just make him one of Yulian’s nameless tools. I figured Yulian might need a new friend too to give some flavor to his life. (I just wanna see a huge man standing side by side with Yulian too lol)
Acquillina (ver. UD) — I feel like seeing a badass woman around Yulian (tbh she is a part of the lore). One of Yulian’s closest allies although Darling rarely sees her when compared to Kaspar.
The scientists — 2 of them are based from my dream just like Yulian and co. One of them is fictional.
Blue — I want to see all my type into a character! At first, his character was meant to be some sort of mascot or just the typical lover (genderless) to my personal.
Chloe — based on a character from a game that had me on a chokehold (no it's just some dumb generated character but she’s just… pretty? Even though it's just some ugly generated design?)
Decided to make her related to Blue just this year~
Eleanor — Originally meant to be someone completely unrelated to Blue but around this year, I decided to make him related to Blue.
Also I like seeing him fighting with Yulian over their beloved. Monochrome is the main idea.
Seth — only existence is as Streamer! Reader’s lover. Soon his lore deepened but is still one of the less important characters.
A-01 — is on the same package as Yulian’s Darling. (no comment)
XL — Based on my own name and the character I made in a game (lol). Soon she is fleshed out and her lore grows with each fandom I'm in (I’d call her a yume except that she isn't).
The other vessels are most likely to be personified ideas.
Caelus — Based on my friend’s OC, I tend to ship XL with their OC but due to not wanting to OOC him, I made this dude. (So sorry)
But his lore and overall personalities are bent to my own taste (?) But the same concept nonetheless which is Hastur (Eldritch Horror)
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Erickson — this dude. Except that he’s not as stealthy.
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Noel — I want them to be twins and I want both of them to have a miserable life. (Eldritch horror-wise, Nug and Yeb)
Feng Jianyu — if you know Hua Cheng or Luo Binghe, he’s just like them. My little yandere ^^
Afternote: If LIfE Project is Genshin, then CatboX is HSR. Lol.
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emblazons · 1 year
what are your favorite byler headcanons?
—I never get asked this question, so thanks for being the first lmao. (I did write my “S5 hopes” before, but these are different I think?) Anyway. Hmmm.
While they both love Tolkien, Mike likes the Lord of the Rings trilogy books more, but Will enjoys the Hobbit best. Mike loves the depth of the lore and complexity of how Tolkien describes things in the original trilogy because they help him when he’s coming up with campaigns, but Will enjoys the straightforward (and a little sweeter) narrative of The Hobbit more—and also has a preference for it because the version he had as a kid was more image-heavy, and he’s an artist. :)
Speaking of Tolkien—Mike absolutely has a one-ring he keeps around his neck like Frodo. (It may even be what he chooses as an engagement ring way, way down the line, but Will is so outdone he decides to just buy it to wear it around his neck instead lol).
When it comes to getting work done, Mike is a think-out-loud type—as in, will talk to himself out loud and not even realize he’s doing it when alone, or with someone he’s comfortable getting into his head around. Will doesn’t say anything about it, because he thinks it’s hilarious—but Mike eventually learns about his own tendency when Will knows about a surprise he had planned before he can even do it…because he was thinking out loud. (He gets up in arms about how Will should have told him, but the more time passes, the funnier the tendency becomes to them).
Mike was hype as hell for the release of Jurassic Park in 1993. Will was also hype, but. Not nearly as excited about it as Mike was. When the Peter Jackson’s LOTR adaptation was announced, they were both over the moon (though Will was a bit scared. He is very picky about his movies, and adaptations even more so).
The two of them would settle in San Francisco, and would definitely be the ones who run a “teach DnD / campaign night” in conjunction with a comic book store in their neighborhood, in an attempt to keep the younger generations’ love for it alive—the same way as the bookstore owner who introduced them to the book. this is maybe based on an actual comicbook store with a dnd night in the SF Castro that I found a few years ago. The world may never know. They are thrilled in 2016 when a new Netflix show (😉) and Critical Role revives people’s love for it when they’re much, much older.
The first time the topic of “going to pride” comes up in the mid-90’s (long before it was the socially accepted event it is today), Will is mildly terrified—and so is Mike, but his “brave paladin” side absolutely talks himself up enough to get Will to join him solely out of a need to prove he can. They end up having a great time, and Mike, who has never really delved into queer history, ends up on a whole tangent of learning about it for an entire month afterward. Will finds it v endearing.
Mike sucks at poker because he cannot keep a single thing off his face. He is, however, really good at playing “the house” in card games, so that’s the role he takes on (comes from years of leading campaigns. He’s a bit of a showman that way).
Will cannot stand cold even after he’s disconnected from Vecna/the UD, and misses California—which is why they move back. When “global warming” talk starts becoming more common, his favorite dad joke to make is “if I think it’s getting hot, it must be,” but no one but the party & family know why it’s funny.
Earlier into their relationship, Will becomes a bit troubled by the fact that Mike is the only person he ever dated. It causes tension in their relationship for a little while, though Will eventually realizes he doesn't want to be with anyone else, so it doesn't matter. (Much later, Mike admits that he thought Will’s concerns were unfounded, considering the only person he ever dated outside of Will happened when he was 13 & probably shouldn’t have even been his girlfriend in the first place, given the fact that she was 3 seconds out of a lab…& he doesn’t even like women anyway).
Mike knows Will is healing more from “the events of the show” when Will starts making dark-humor jokes about being possessed and/or being lost in the upside down—though it takes him a lot to get used to it, given how scared he spent years being about losing Will. Eventually he gets on board and laughs—which Will appreciates, because it helps him to see Mike get less uncomfortable and feel safer about keeping Will safe after all that happened.
There are ten I could think of off top?? LMAO someone ask @magentamee what my other headcanons are I’m sure she’s heard them all by now 😂
Thanks so much for this ask!
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brionysea · 2 years
soooo vale of shadows on mike's playlist
Type 6 and insane
this line made me wonder if they were talking about the enneagram personality types and if that one specifically applied to mike, so i looked it up and...
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yes. i'm gonna take that as an immediate yes
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like. these could literally be from the personality section of a mike wheeler wiki page
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i'm lowkey convinced that the duffers must have looked at enneagram types when making these characters just like i do
and then there's this bit...
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which, if the manifestation theory is true (which the rest of the song heavily supports but that's a different post), explains everything
They are often filled with a nameless anxiety and then try to find or create reasons why.
do you ever notice how much better mike is in situations where he has something to fight against? he's not drifting. he's solid. he has purpose, he has the necessary intelligence and strategic capabilities and leadership skills, he has constant opportunities to prove his own bravery and importance to the people whose opinions he values (and therefore himself)
in normal life, he flounders. he can't convince his parents to let them play their game for 20 more minutes. he doesn't have anything productive to channel his grief into. he avoids his friends. he caves in on himself
that's just an interesting contrast, isn't it?
the annual tragedy coming to hawkins every year also serves to make him feel more like the person he wants to be - a brave knight, fearlessly fighting against the forces of evil - and he can carry that reassurance with him back to the mundane, suburban life that never makes him feel anything but trapped and worthless
but it never sticks, because his insecurities keep getting ripped right back open again, so the monsters keep coming back
this exchange from "the source" (👀) is also particularly interesting in this new context
Mike: They're conspiring against me.
Will: That's what you're concerned about right now?
Mike: It's not my main concern. It's just a sub-concern.
the implication is that mike's being ridiculous for worrying about the made-up idea of max "corrupting" el, but wouldn't it be fucked up if the main problem that he's supposed to be worrying about was made up too? if he's been the titular source the whole time?
idk, i think about the character consequences of a reveal like this all the time. and how obvious it would be in hindsight
but back to enneagrams:
once they establish a trustworthy belief, they do not easily question it, nor do they want others to do so
and this just. makes me a little bit crazy. intelligent late-comer characters like robin and erica aren't allowed to work with mike when he's making those bizarre leaps in logic that match up perfectly with how the UD works and what its weaknesses are, because their tendency to ask smart person questions -> "hey, how the fuck does he know that?" -> the whole game falls apart (and crushes mike with guilt in the process)
seriously, imagine a research scene like the one robin had in the library with nancy, but with mike instead. there wouldn't be an "i don't know" response to what they're looking for, there would be a dead-on response that turns out to correlate exactly with the magic answer they find half an hour later - if they even need to do research in the first place, because mike tends to just make shit up on the spot that's immediately accepted as the show's lore. robin would find that so weird and she would not keep it to herself, especially if it's backed up by a million other instances of mike knowing things he shouldn't like he does every season
the lack of familiarity with mike and how he operates is exactly what would lead to those weird patterns being questioned, because there's no instinctive "well, that's just mike" response to fall back on like there is with the core cast
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this paragraph pretty much single-handedly convinced me that the show will end when mike's internal world comes into balance (that or when he dies, which i do and don't like thinking about in equal measure)
think about it: if this whole thing has just been one teenager's insecurities unknowingly being brought to life so that he can beat them back with a stick, when will it stop? when will it end? when he gains the type of self confidence that naturally comes with growing up and growing into himself, or when they die with him
mike might be okay with his death in those circumstances, because he thinks everyone else will be better off without him on an objective level of "the horrors will leave my friends alone forever", but characters like dustin and will and lucas wouldn't let that happen in a million years, no matter what their reactions to mike creating the horrors otherwise are
this makes me even more convinced that the season 4 threat - the one that's the perfect opportunity to tell the internal voices that don't think you have what it takes to make it in the real world to go to hell, if you have the kind of danger-induced determination and self-belief that he does - came from, and was meant for, mike
it would be interesting to determine what level he's at each season, with 1 being the healthiest and 9 being the unhealthiest, but i can't wrap my head around it. if anyone else wants to, please go ahead!
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6okuto · 9 months
Nia teach me how to make character playlist pls
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MEE?! ☹️ tagging @mouselungs and @sweet-milky-tea705 because u make chara playlists so i think ud have better advice than me. LOL.
i'm not very efficient to be honest but in general. figure out the vibe u want (fluffy, angsty, what music they'd listen to), pick a few genres + artists and work from there ?! 🥹 see what other artists fans enjoy / if they have any playlists / etc... i listen to a lot of genres so i'm usually alright no matter what . like i start by scrolling through my playlists & liked songs for 20 minutes before i even try to go deep diving LOL....
erm. i will use my oc as an example . i'm still figuring her out to be honest. but. she likes rnb, jazz, indie, shoegaze etc... so artists i immediately think to check would be laufey, sza, bathe alone, the neighbourhood, milena, ENNY etc etc and there's a couple of my own playlists in mind that i know i can steal from
and i like rozie ramati who happens to have a few playlists + a "discovered on" section so i just queue songs that look good to see if i like them for my oc :-) just by scrolling for a bit i already have 30 songs without trying too hard ? ^^ (here's the playlist if u would like to see)
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if it's not an oc i check out existing playlists ^^ with their name and maybe popular lines e.g. "we are the protagonists of the world" for bokuaka, "my soul knows otherwise" for satosugu, etc. it can be helpful if ur looking for genres u don't really listen to/need inspo
^ my logic about writing applies to this tbh. if it's an oc u can think of characters that they remind u of and check those playlists
lore... what are their issues. what are their insecurities and trauma what are their key relationships what music do you think they'd listen to etc.. it's good to keep in mind while listening to lyrics like for example if they often feel like a burden/useless i'm going to say leech boy by crywank. i don't know my oc's issues yet so i can't use that to guide me LMAO but y'know
song radios and spotify's daily/genre mixes can kind of suck ass if we're being serious but i do check them because sometimes they Don't suck ass. so.
there's also playlist makers on youtube ^^ straight up just searching like. "krnb playlist" or "satosugu playlist" then letting yourself fall down a rabbit hole
and i know it can be like. u'll see popular trending songs pop up a lot and ur like maannn but they're accurate so u want them anyway. and that's fine. u can work around it too though like... sometimes there's "songs like x" playlists or u check the artist for other songs...yeah.
really quite shocked u asked me i don't think i've ever successfully made a chara playlist. i always forget about them or get too picky and give up LEIFGJBDJHGB but if u would like song recs...hit me up. I Love Music. also let me see afterward if u want like OMGG so exciting...
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ticklishraspberries · 5 months
SIORRY FOR SENDINGIN ANOTHER ASK BUT YOUTE PLAYING UNTIL DAWN??????????????????? IM GONNA LOSE IT (POSITIVE) LETS GOOOOOOOOO SHARE ANY THOUGHTS IF YOUD LIKE..... i know the game is very . eh . in tersm of how in incorporates /certain/ themes and ... lore but. most of the fandom rn are pretty aware of the bad side of UD ykwim? sorry for saying a lot i am just 😭😭S O HAPPY
never apologize ty for the asks!!! xo
yeah i definitely am a little iffy about the indigenous lore...i'm not educated enough to know if it's just like. culturally insensitive or downright like incorrect and offensive, but i was very surprised to see that element and had a small awkward laugh about how it's definitely not politically correct.
with that aside though, i really like the game so far!! the first time i tried to play, the controls made me so mad. i have pretty bad reflexes and motor skills, and the ps5 controller is so sensitive, i felt so out of my element. i know i can probably change some settings but i got the hang of it eventually!!
i am still pretty iffy on all the characters except sam, who i like. i kind of feel like, you guys all willingly played that cruel prank on hannah, so i already hate you. sam seems like the only one who didn't want to do the prank, and feels genuine guilt about it, at least where i am right now, which is why i like her.
i do know quite a few spoilers and have watched other people play through later parts, so i sort of know what to expect, but i'm excited to see how my own choices will influence my game!!!
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willel · 1 year
Tbh S4 created more questions than answering them. They made it seem like the lab tried to create kids like Henry so many people think all kids powers are from him or something experiment based. But we know Kali was taken from the UK and her origin suggests that other kids probably got taken from other places, their races were also very diverse. Kali must have exhibited natural powers when she was a kid. Then how come the other kids are just experiment based? Because it is not like only Kali was natural. And if she is then it kinda creates a loop because we do not know. Heck we do not even know why she is the only one who exhibits illusion powers but not other kids. And she doesnt have telekinesis. And if the kids powers are connected to the UD, then how does Kali even have powers since she was a kid in the UK? Does the UD extend to other places on Earth or just Hawkins? I guess you can say they are not that connected to the UD but just have a supernatural relation by necessity? Because it is not like their powers only exist bc of the UD, they exist bc of experiments. Like idk what is going on but I think they screwed it up with Kali's plot and it screams like"we didnt know what to do with Kali". Because they just didnt think further.
I think people just misinterpret the "recreate me" line. We must remember how Henry was "created". (at least, to our knowledge).
He wasn't born in a lab and experimented all his life. He faced some kind of hardship, awoke to his powers, trained for a month using his own family as testing dummies, and then killed all but one.
To "recreate" Henry, all you have to do is scour the world for children with similar circumstances as him, see if they have potential, capture them, and then train them using the same methods Henry used to train himself.
I made a gifset of it before, but this moment is a great example of what I mean:
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Henry trained using animals and whatnot, so of course Brenner would force his test subjects, especially El, to do the same. To his surprise I'm sure, El didn't need to do all that to get stronger. She skipped right to kill the assholes who tried to lock her into the cell.
As for Kali's powers, we can't say for sure if she has telekinesis, but telekinesis and "finding" people obviously wasn't her strong suit. She specialized in illusions. I remember it being explained outside the show that all the kids have similar powers, but some excel in some areas and are weak in others.
We can see this play out when Brenner forces them to fight telekinetically. We never see most of these kids perform any telekinesis, they got pushed away immediately. Telekinesis was probably 002's specialty, so you can imagine his anger when El upstaged him in his own specialty.
We also have a glimpse of 010. He's very good at finding people it seems. He's the only kid we witnessed doing this other than El and Henry.
So it's safe to say, all these kids were quite talented, including Kali, but none of them were a jack of all trades like Henry. Which is why Henry preferred El, because though she was lacking the illusion power, she is also a jack of all trades and even had a power he didn't. (not that he knew that until she blasted him to another dimension)
There is no indication their powers are from the Upside Down. I see people say that a lot, but I just don't see the connection there? Maybe people are pulling from some d&d lore that I'm unaware of where "magic" comes from a specific dimension?
I believe powers just exist in the world of Stranger Things. It's very rare and some people will never even realize they have powers and continue to live an average life. The experiments didn't create these powers, they just pushed them further along, like training for a sport. With these powers, you can access other dimensions parallel to ours, but it doesn't mean powers come from there.
Just my thoughts.
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juvederm · 7 months
actually yapping
feel like a lot of my thoughts about not getting enough notes or whatever on a drawings can be dissolved by just accepting that art of the Game (its plot, events, etc) will pop off more than some self indulgent sketch. people will like things they can recognize, which i was aware of but i just thought that my art would reach the fandom people, yk the ones who are not just attached to the story but the characters too. so making recognizable art of the game wouldn't matter bc it would instead be of the characters
but the thing is, making Serious art of the game is tough. it's hard coming up with ideas, and who knows if the process is gonna be fun or extremely grueling. and on top of that, what hasn't been done so far? every idea has been drawn, been brought to life. the game is like 8 years old now. i kinda don't wanna draw more "Mountain. Blood. Snow. Ugly winter outfits" anymore lol. i mean sometimes i do bc i love the game obviously but when i wanna have fun, i'll tend to do other things that kinda combine with my own personal interests. so like fashion for example, i'll take the characters and dress them up. that's me having fun.
i want to think and Know that people understand this concept, but it feels like they don't? maybe they do. i know for a fact my mutuals do, because you are all very supportive of every silly josh doodle i make lol i appreciate it a lot 🤗 you guys are the kind of people i make this art for, the Character Likers. because i myself am someone who will attach to the characters more than like, the story. which isn't to say i just disregard the source material, that's not it at all, but for me regarding UD, imma be honest yall... i do not give a fuck abt the creature lore in the game at all. i don't care abt billy bates and whatnot. it's fine if you do, but me personally ehhh i don't care much abt that part of the story
i really like the characters out of all of this, i like certain dynamics, dialogue, etc. and i love the story too, and especially love when the story involves the characters (which i think the sanitarium segments doesn't really do? it kinda just gives insight on the 1950s mine incident and shjt) but i like the parts of the story relating to the twins. bc those are characters and they kinda haunt the narrative.
speaking of the narrative, it's part of the reason i like josh. he doesn't haunt the narrative but he controls it a lot id say. he's a very captivating character, very compelling. you want a lot out of him, like what's wrong, why is he doing this, why did he say that, blah blah. i honestly love characters that are attractive in this way, even to other characters in the story. so sam and chris for example. i enjoy the dynamic they have with josh because they're worried about him, they're thinking about him, or they want to know if he's okay, what's up with him and all that. he holds their attention like that, and ofc that led to ships and stuff. i feel like ashley's actress said it best when describing josh: "you think he's one way but then he's another"
which is honestly just so fucking true. you think he's dead, then he's not, you think he's okay but then he's not, you think he might live but he doesn't. he's even like that personality wise i'd say, but that's teetering onto like headcanon territory just somewhat. because sam does say "it's hard to tell with him" but that's mostly bc of the incident with the twins, she can't Tell if he's okay or barely hanging on. josh is hard to pin down, he's Complex, as stated in the game
sorry for getting into a little josh analysis there but since he is an important character (in general) to me, i kinda felt the need. because this also goes into my gripes about people not really getting why i draw him the way i do. j know i won't shut up about this, but i just Want everyone to know, bc i feel as though it was part of the reason why i wasn't really interacted with for as long as i've been a part of this fandom. like nobody really understood what i was doing, but it was really just simple fun. i mean, now i've completely given up hope with ever really Connectinf with the fandom, but i just want this off my chest honesrly lol
like i really don't want to keep drawing josh one way. like i said i wanna have fun so that's what i do. i can't really "make an him an oc" because i don't change anything about his story or writing. putting him in a silly outfit doesn't make him eligible for "original characterification" lol. so that's what i mean by i make a lot my art for the fandom people, the ones who like the game for more than its story, people who like making headcanons, people who like writing for the game, etc
and the reason i do it a lot is bc of what i said before. making art of the game is tough, it's a lot of thinking. what Hasn't been done already? not much lol. so i'll just keep sketching the silly stuff and sharing it with cool ppl who kinda get what i'm doing 👍
but i definitely will make art of the game and not just the characters, i'll make art more recognizable to the average player because guess what. that's also what i like. it just takes a long time for me because Serious art has a lot of thinking and planning behind it and is just very time consuming in general. but oh, josh in a skirt? took two minutes and i can just close my ipad and not worry about anything else lol
i hope this made sense??!?&?@ i kinda wanted to talk to people about it so if anyone else feels the same way i'd love to know. i'll prob make a followup sometime soon but i just wanted to get all my thoughts out in one place because i've kinda collected them all finally leleleleel
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wulvert · 1 year
i have something 2 confess,,,im so sorry,,,ive nver watched trigun. wht scene are u talking about with kelly in the tags of the avery ref discussion post,,,(GENUINE QUESTION JUST REREAD THIS AFTER TYPING THIS ENTIRE ASK AND REALISED IT KINDA SOUNDED MEAN??? JUDGEMENTAL??? IT WASNT MEANT 2 BE THAT WAY SORRY) ALSO IF IT ISNT BLATANT SPOILER TERRITORY,,,whats the lore behind all their scars. why has avery been stabbed so many few times. is she secretly weak against knives pre-incident. whts scarlet's two scars,,,does trisha have scars besides the werewolf attack incident back in ye olden days,,, also off topic but i tried dr. pepper strawberries and cream today and it made me think of red. my ratign is "far too sweet oh god jesus FUCKING christ good heavens i can feel my heart stopping" and then i finished the entire can. the best way i can describe the taste is if you chose to drink an entire thing of carbonated strawberry syrup for fun
NOO DW I DONT EXPECR PPL 2 READ MY TAGS ANYWAY im talkong abt the scene where u find out vash has a cage over hus left nipple
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that one.
tbh not the most interesting backstory, vampires just get u with a knife sometimes! they dont like being killed. tho avery has a scar on her ankle where her dad cut her achilles tendon when she was a kid (its completely fine now though) (it was an accident he expected her to dodge his knive so its normal father daughter bonding its like when ur dad makes u lick a battery when ur 4)
on her ref scarlet has one on her lower upper leg. like above her knee but above above her knee, and one on the side of her stomach- wait and her bite scar which she covers up pretty well
k on averys ref which js the only completed (ish) ref bc im lazy she has one stab-slash in one combo on her stomach, two slashes on her left forearm around where ud block something with it. back of her knee, slash on upper arm, slash agross her shoulder blades, &obvs her little bite scar. and her ankle. & yes, she would never admit it but she was weak against being stabbed. embarassing.
kelly i have drawn his scars like once in my sketchbook but hes been stabbed a lot, i think staked once and ppl vampires bite him sometimes (but thats ok he survived unlike some ppl, who somehow claim 2 b better at their job than he is) good few like intense slashes on the torso, ones similar to averys forearm scars but more intense and on all arms, top surgery, another stab here and there- couple burns when he gets in the way of avery with a flamethrower. its fine. hes fine. it looks cool anyway. ive never drawn his back which is probably more scarred nkw that i think abt it. bc. he probably gets sneaked up on more often.
trisha the ones on screen (i think shes the only one ive bothered giving scars on screen bc theyre lore relevant but more bc im lazy), and general giant dog mauling on her legs and stuff. prior 2 that no! she was young and hadnt been hit with the violence of everyday household objects deciding to betray you yet. ( not me thiugh i have been attacked by pencils scissors and my own appendix )
i wanted 2 try that but afaik it doesnt exist here..................... jealos..... though i dont really want to drink an entire can of carbonated strawberry syrup.
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henrysglock · 2 years
Hi! Love your theories! Mine are changing and evolving, so it's good to read other people amazing analyses. It really helps.
Every day I find new things, references and parallels... Like, ST Mind Flayer is more like the Serpent in D&D, an ancient being, depicted as a serpent made of cloud and lightning, who whispers in Vecna's ear, telling him the secrets of lichdom. Also depicted wrapped around Vecna (the vines!) It's basically the very embodiment of magic/power. And imo, it's the source of all the powers in ST, from the moment Henry and his mom sensed it at the Creel House and their abilities were activated. They were like Force sensitive, lol? That's why Brenner would've never let Henry go. When El remembers her mom, for example, those strange clouds/colors she sees are the same we see a minute later, when Henry gets banished in the UD. Imo, El was remembering the very source of her powers. Then there's Will's name on Henry's grandfather clock... the damn neck tingle, the Soteria and the electric shock collars. It's always the neck!
But after all these months, I'm still not sure: why does Henry want Will? He must have some power, right? Maybe Henry needs it like he needed El's? Some space-time manipulation power Henry could use to rebuild the world? Or Will is like Bastian of the Neverending Story and can shape things permanently while Henry can only shape things temporarily or create illusions?
I'm very curious. What do you think?
It we're talking strictly supernatural, it's possible that Henry needs Will for something more creation-based, the same way El is the only one who can open gates on her own. I can also see the argument for this Serpent character, but that doesn't fit with the fact that Henry is more similar to an Ilithid mind flayer than he is to the actual Vecna character. Brenner is actually more similar to the actual Vecna character, and I talk about that in a post titled "Henry, Brenner, and DnD Lore", which is available in my pinned link library. Essentially, by absorbing the numbers, Henry boosts himself to Vecna-levels and becomes an almost-Vecna, which by your addition re: the serpent, would allow him to commune with such a creature. The contradicting fact is that the Shadow Monster couldn't reach Henry, and Henry couldn't reach it, without an open gate. Like...that's canon. No open gates, as far as we know, existed before 1979, and Henry simply isn't strong enough to reach the Shadow Monster before he's banished through that same gate in 1979.
So...It's possible that that's all there is to it if the Duffers started throwing in gotcha details, but, imo...it's not a complete fit, and it's not very narratively satisfying.
Per aemiron-main and my analyses, it's believed that Virginia knew about Henry because she knows herself. He's his mother's son. His powers had to come from somewhere, and we know the Shadow Monster can't reach into the RSU without an open gate nearby. Henry most likely got his powers from his mother, which is (among other reasons) why she was having him sent away. She, like Brenner, wanted to control him. Brenner absolutely wants Henry for his abilities, and double-crossed Virginia to get him with no strings attached. Brenner is also subtextually a pedophile, which is actually quite important narratively. There's a lot to unpack there, but if you look for the Montauk subset of MKULTRA, you'll figure out a lot of what you need to know there. I also have a collaborative post with heroesbyler linked in my pinned link library under "Mamas and Papas: Spiders, Flowers, and Bathtubs". Brenner has so many weird attachments to both Henry and El, and all of them revolve around being able to abuse them until they're brainwashed, and then harness and wield their powers vicariously. His inability to let Henry and El go centers around all these weird attachments. I talk about that more in another part of my pinned post titled "Stranger Things: Absorption, Ghosts, and Loss of Self". The source of El's powers, much like Henry's, is her mother. Now, whether Terry had latent powers that were activated by MKULTRA or her powers were already presenting before then...who knows. All we know is that for El and Henry, at least, the powers are most likely genetic. It's true, it's all in the neck, but it's not necessarily all linked to the Shadow Monster. I'd wager it's more likely that they're linked to each other via Henry. Henry has been shocked before by those collars, he had Soteria, and he was the one responsible for either giving Will his spidey-sense or awakening his spidey-sense. Now, we know that Henry canonically absorbs everyone he kills into his mind. We also know that he's very closely paralleled to Will. I'd argue that if Will didn't innately have powers (which he likely does based on ST1), then Henry inadvertently gave him powers when Will died and came back in the UD. Either way, they're so similar narratively that we can draw the conclusion that Will might at this point in time have the same regenerative/healing abilities as Henry, which is all linked to Henry's neck via the collars and Soteria. It's all the same web.
Now, why I think Henry wanted El to join him has nothing to do with her supernaturally. It's all very human, actually, and I've laid it all out in a different link on my pinned link library titled "ST4: Stories by Proxy". Essentially, it all centers around the fact that based on a lot of the canon pieces which indicate that Henry was never responsible for the Creel massacre in the first place, and that he may actually experience a fair amount of guilt over Alice's death. It continues deeper with "Stranger Things: Siblings, Love, Sacrifice, and Guilt" (also pinned!). This ties into why he's so fixated on Will. He sees his younger self in Will, which I talk about in part 3 of the last pinned post I mentioned. At first it's a twisted idea of freeing/saving as a moral disguise for his abuse of Will in search of power, and then that turns to jealousy/obsession in ST2 once he realizes Will has everything he ever wanted. We also have to hold in mind that Henry didn't display the tendencies and behavior that he does not until after the massacre has begun. His behavior shifts as he absorbs the minds of the people he kills, the same people who abused him mentally, physically, and likely sexually throughout his life. I also talk about this in "Stranger Things: Absorption, Ghosts, and Loss of Self". He's warped by the people he absorbs, so he does terrible things while hiding behind his original self's moral code of saving/freeing.
I think his desire for Will as a little to do with powers and a lot to do with his own mental state, and I think we're going to see that play out as they interact in ST5. Pre-Massacre Henry is not as bad as he and the audience have been lead to believe by Brenner, who skips months of footage to give El a certain image of Henry, and who is part of MKULTRA, which is known for breaking people's memories down and building them up "stronger" to create brainwashed soldiers (I talk about this in "MKULTRA: Man-Made Monsters", also in my pinned).
Henry's retelling is arguably less reliable than Victor's, and Victor is in an insane asylum.
Either way, I think the main reason why Will has been targeted again and again is because he's narratively identical to young Henry. This makes him stand out like a beacon to Broken, No Longer Henry in the UD. It also means he's the best shot at reaching the core of Henry and orchestrating his defeat. I talk about this in my two most recent posts, which are the bottom two links in the "main meal" section of my pinned.
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starryvoice · 2 months
Hello again I am posting again here, this is time I might be posting this in advance as man I rather not do what I did with mass posting stuff in this blog myself.
So I want to talk about D&D again, yes we are going back to X again. This is the second to the last character that I have in that world before my own journeys on being another DM in another servers other than mine and these ones are still on going to this day as I think I am playing around 2-3 characters in two servers now, but the story for each 3 characters that I playing in those two servers are still on hold with comes to character story plots as I am a bit in and out of playing as player and I been mostly in the DM seat at the moment with just writing lore and readying for sessions for another set of new players. Oh you might be asking why I am playing 3 characters in 2 servers. Well I am playing in one server two characters for two different DMs and other one is another west march so yeah.
Rabi March
He is a Purple Gem Dragonborn that is originally a Stars Druid but changed to Ancients Paladin 6/The Fathomless Warlock 11 only. This is the best friend that I was talking about in my last post in D&D. The best friend that lost to another lover of Shino and now just wandering around X to find something about the place where Shino stayed. He has a familiar named Molly who became his daughter cause of my flavor of Molly as she is a Water Sprite based on Rabi's Warlock Goddess of the water theme, Rabi did worship two gods/goddesses for this as I did want Rabi to worship two gods/goddess for his oath and warlock, this point I don't know that Oaths wasn't based on a god. So I should have made him a cleric if I really wanted to do two gods thing, but everyone in that server rolled with it.
So what is Rabi's journey to this "peaceful" X. Well let me say that it is not really become peaceful after the fight of UD with Shino in fact there are things that were something brewing behind the scenes that all the DMs were planning for that season of X. (Oh yeah I forgot to tell you, guys that we ran by seasons in the server, I came in the server when it is was on its 3rd season, so this point was the 4th season of X). Let's just say that there were a lot of lore for the dragons and Rabi was involved with it as Gem Dragons are a rare thing in X and there are a lot of character plot that was rolling around this season since the DMs are either getting on dramas or on break for the most of it. We have called that season the Couple Season since there were only mostly these 4 or 5 characters that getting the spot light man, but there is these couples that was getting the most spot light than the other characters. I guess my character got pushed to the next season honestly since I did got in the DM side and man, I am very sad to hear that Rabi's dragon lore stuff are in that other season and I am playing another character by then.
In which was his step-sister that is a Red Kobold. I will be telling that side of the story in the next post and what happened to that west march in lighter terms cause you have guess on why I did say second to the last character.
So what happened to Rabi after all of that shit, well he did find his dream demon boyfriend (Yes he was gay, but it is because all the characters that I play are Pansexual at best, so technically he is pansexual) But yes I will back on a little on that on why Rabi has a demon for a boyfriend? and oh I forgot he got another daughter! in his fight around another gem dragon for parts for a sword upgrade (Stirring Dragon's Wrath Rapier) this daughter of his was in inside of the gem that was connected to the Rapier, so yeah he has two daughters. So back to the Demon Boyfriend, this is actually my session to finally end Rabi's journey (Yes I DMed this), it was a mess in a half since that session was half-planned in my part and the character mechanically can't go to sleep or dream for that matter. So I tried ways to make them go to Rabi's head to see what's up with him. The Funny thing in this session is that Rabi just really want to stay for the dicking.
YES I KNOW THIS IS MY CHARACTER, but I want some kind of chaos with him, throughout his journey in X, he didn't got to show who he really is, he is only known as this lovable father to two little daughters, but come on can't he have someone to have around when the daughters are away? He never planned to have daughters first before he got someone get some dicking down, this poor man is a virgin that he want to wait to tell his feelings to this best friend he has, but man he was too late. So you know I can't left him with other partner that would love him. Yes it is weird that a demon is your boyfriend, but I made this demon a bit different than your typical demon, so they both are loving couple that want to stay with each other, but when that other plot that I was telling you that the other DM has planned as messed up this demon, so he can't out with Rabi in his head.
Man I know this really weird but that's what happened on that session man, at least everyone is safe and happy for now. With the plans of finding ways for the Demon and Rabi together and live a happy life.
Trust me I didn't did the same mistake as that now. At that time I was pretty beginner with DMing, and I mostly plan things out and really have layouts and storyboarding the plot of the sessions. Again I was really dumb and it was half-baked plot.
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gareis-archive · 2 years
i just wanna make a huge psa here, i might go on to soft block UD blogs, nothing personal against the muns but for my own comfort and the comfort of my friends, i'd rather just not be involved! i appreciate y'all for changing it up, and making your own lore, but i can't help the gut feeling that i get. again, this is nothing personal, i'll follow y'all's other blogs!!!! but for my own personal mental health i think i'm gonna keep a distance from UD as a whole.
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emblazons · 2 years
Honesty Hour: I am literally never going to understand “Duffer doubt” or full abject disappointment in them as show runners…and it’s because their story makes sense.
Like. The fear for queer rep thing I understand completely, but so far, even with how little I resonated with S3 or S4-2 at first…they are solid writers with a sense of both direction and their audience, and I have no core issues with what they’ve presented.
Forewarning: pettiness, byler doubt (only mentions for context) & potential elitism idk (it’s also a little long lmao)
This idea The Duffers are gonna drop every single thing they’ve set up from the get go to accommodate the most surface level, least in-character storyline “because heteronormativity” is absolutely insane to me. The idea that, after setting up FOUR SEASONS of buildup, they’re going to kill off the primary protagonist of S1 and drop every single character lesson / core narrative to shove the YOUNGEST CHARACTERS in the gd show into a Disney fantasy marriage is crazy. I literally don’t even know how to imagine them doing that—not because it has never happened in a show, but because hearing them talk about ST makes it clear it’s BEEN mapped from the get, and they have explained clearly why certain things went the way they did in their own way.
Noah got cast on a monologue from a second season before they even have a confirmation of its existence, and character traits we are just pulling on now in characters like Mike (his insecurity especially) are written CLEAR AS DAY in the PITCH OF THE SHOW. Every single sign people on THIS LITERAL APP have pointed to for Y E A R S before S4 that Will was gay turned out to be right, and there has been, from the very first moment Netflix picked this thing up, a 25 page document where they broke down the UD lore.
Where on literal earth are people getting that they have no idea what they’re doing? Or that the lore people point to as foreshadowing is gonna get thrown out the window in the final season of the show? I get being nervous or anxious that your favorite character might not get all the time you want, or even being afraid that they won’t dig into all the things you want personally, but…the idea that two self-proclaimed film boys who were as into their inspirations as we are their show are going to undermine their own narrative integrity to pull a 180 on every theme they’ve set up from the get go and start killing off characters who are front and center in the “we tell the stories of the outcasts as a fuck you to the people who make media we think sucks” narrative? I’m gonna need you to be serious.
As a long time fan and fandom consumer of television, and someone who had to live through being invested in Game of Thrones, I am saying with my whole chest that the doubt is entirely emotional rather than based on anything objective that the duffers have said or done.
They’re not D&D from GoT, who were great ADAPTORS but who just started winging it because they didn’t have completed source material from GRRM. They aren’t the Voltron writers who had a good premise but mixed it all up because of firing their best writers and then caving to fandom nonsense. They aren’t the supernatural writers, or the Sherlock writers who set up an ongoing joke without the follow through people expected. They are the Duffers. And while their writing style is nothing like what I would do, they are telling a story that I can follow and respect until proven otherwise.
All this talk about “mistakes” and the like, even with queer rep. Like??? They released this show in 2016, and the last several years in its country of origin have been absolutely steeped in a horrifying level of bigotry both sociopolitically and in media. Stranger Things was released the same year Tr*mp was elected, and still managed to stand in abject criticism of every value on display in American conservatism ever since.
The push and pull of what was “allowed” in media because of the cultural insanity & bigotry that moved to center stage in the United States makes it clear why they didn’t bring their queer storyline to the fore at first glance and just put it in the subtext—to tell the story without being undermined by the “two seasons and cancelled” era of Netflix before it got huge (because, as we all know, Netflix and cancelling shows is a huge problem for many writers to this literal day) and to keep the bigots on main from noticing it until the train was too fast to stop. That’s what we’re dealing with now—a lot of people yelling loudly on places like Reddit, expecting to be consoled in in their homophobia and bigotry, because now Stranger Things is popular and far along enough to start saying the quiet part (that has ALWAYS been there) out loud.
Hiding the queer storyline in the subtext is something people have done in tv and film for DECADES anyway, and in literature for CENTURIES before that…but somehow the fact that it wasn’t made explicit until the fourth season invalidates it? Or makes it suddenly a reason to call into question the integrity of the entire show, or to let some random m*leven shipper undermine your sense of what makes a good story (which is also what matters most to the “we don’t listen to Reddit, and we regret focusing more on fan theories than our plot” duffers)? Once again: I’m gonna need you to be serious.
All I’m saying is that the way some people in this fandom are willing to believe and agonize over the takes of 18-19 year old actors or a random twitter account or YouTuber instead of listening to the creators of the show + looking at cultural context and how queer stories have been told for eons is crazy. It reeks of immaturity insecurity and media illiteracy, and gives two guys who have put a lot of time and (ADMITTEDLY IMPERFECT) effort into a show that remains one of the best told stories (despite network interference) in recent memory.
I get being nervous. I get being suspicious. But critical consumption & media literacy is more than just theorizing about what things mean or watching what inspired The Duffers. Stop looking at social media posts and randoms for information and start paying attention to the people who MAKE the things you’re so emotionally attached to in their context. I am literally begging at this point.
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kemafili · 2 years
Laois Dungeonmeshi!
GAHHHHHHHH oh holy smokes ok i have been getting ready for this all my life alrgiht i want to be as brief as possible bc if i start to real rant ill never finish
favorite thing about them: puppy sunshine attitude on natural moments, when he needs to change he will do so, sometimes (or maybe even always) he fails at it since he cant read social cues correctly, i adore his social skills epic fail, like i love your autism
least favorite thing about them: idk maybeee ummmm idk nothing i think
favorite line: im going to have to list them
they let me milk a minotaur
i wanted to be born as a quadrupedal monster, too!
at least let me count her nipples!
why am i the only person with a blindfold on..?
im being insulted in a language i dont undersand! and it sounds really nasty!
thats...! so lame.
Just being long-limbed isnt a talent
brOTP: Namari and Laius, they are very fun to see interact with each other, they seem to have a very clear opening on how one likes something a lot like an hyperfixation, Laius appreaciates Namaris knowledge of weapons and such and Namari can appreciate Laius interest for monsters like a tad strange thing but she seems to come around it, in the background panneling of the first-ish chapters and maybe even later on when namari is shown as a flashback, it can be seen that they might have been the second ones to spend more time togheter (Namari and Chilchuck being first, not including Marcille and Falin bc they are basically stuck togheter like glue), oh shit also also the adventurers bible has a few comics where namari and laius are drinking togheter and shes helping him with some shit issues and then they also speak on body hair shit lmfao omggggg fuck my life whatever uuughh i am so normal about them, i do really like them in liek aaaa ummm i say brotp bc i feel like they are very silent of romantic emotion but i also dont want to say everything is platonic lol, they bros in the way straight men that have gay sex are you feel me like that picture of two men almost kissing and it says this is how straight men hang out.
OTP: Laius and Kabru, liek omggg at first i was like they are toxic as hell but just someting so hillyius about them lmfao idk the chad (Kabru) has a love hate situation with the Nerd (Laius) and the nerd doesnt want teh chad? hillaryus idgaf keep chasing that piece of meat though.
nOTP: Laius and Marcille ☹ guhhhhh omg they are besties and Marcille has been so clear on not wanting anything with laius romantically so its liek guhhhhhhh i dont even know what to add here
random headcanon: i said liek 50 million times in the past his favorite food would be cheesecake bc he loves dairy but that is canon now so i want to add that Flan is also his second favorite annnnndddd uhhhh i have so much shit to addd here but i dont have it on my thoguhts rn bc i am Star Trekpilled so i am forgetting my own written lore but like my friends on the server once said
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unpopular opinion: i dont like when peopel paint him as a kid or as an idiot because of the autism shit, like he is very much aware of other stuff, saying he doesnt even know what sex is did you forgot when he joked about the crabs inside those treasure shit (i forgot the proper name lmfao) saying if you saw their bottoms ud know their gender and he had a smirk on his face and Chilchuck got pissed off about it or when he found out the armors had sex while holding hands or when the Marcille succubi showed up he knew itd be fucked up if everyone else knew come the fuck on he knows what the hell is up, we need to sexualize autism okay and this doesnt go only there though btw liek stop making him dumber he knows what is up idk how to word it correctly but yeah he cant caught up on social cues but its not a whole umbrella of him being a dumbass
song i associate with them: woah i think its hilarryus that as one of my favorite characters i havent made him a playlist but i feel like hes just. so , so unmusical, like that before mentioned adventurers bible chapter where he says i cant sing or dance i was like yup i am ppretty sure you cant, he doenst seem to have a rhythim LMFAO id say anything that is related to medieval music thats what reminds me of him
favorite picture of them: hi
i hate having to choose only one picture but i love blushing and i love eating so this one
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