#my own dad graded me 4/5
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Y'all. Wtf is this?!?! I was sorting through stuff in my mom's basement and found this MASTERPIECE. I'm pretty sure this is my dad's handwriting. It must have been for art class when I was home-schooled back in the day. He gave me a 4. Maybe I would have gotten a 5 if I'd colored the other sleeve! I guess she's a cheerleader (note the pom poms) with T-Rex arms. Is she blowing a bubble? I thought she was eating cotton candy on a stick until I saw the matching pom pom in her other hand. Her bubble gum getting stuck in her pom pom is the least of her problems though. This girl looks like a refrigerator with legs. I'd like to think my skills have improved.

#gotta start somewhere#aspiring artist#fridge girl#the legs hahahaha#dafuq#my own dad graded me 4/5#ouch dad#baby beet art
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Heart On Your Sleeve Part 10
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9
The town is a wreck, but there's still space for them at the hospital.
Nancy recognizes a few of the doctors - ones who know about the Upside Down - and they're all whisked away into two private rooms. One for Eddie, and one for Max.
Steve is stuck with Eddie. He hates thinking of it like that, because he wants to be with Eddie, but he wants to be with Max, too. He wants to prowl back and forth between them, like his presence will make any difference.
But Eddie's heart is still in his chest, and while the doctor had praised his quick thinking in helping his friend, it's too risky to have Eddie's heart far away from his body while he's healing.
So Steve's in the chair next to his bed, hooked up to the heart monitor and listening to the faint but steady sound of Eddie's heart as he feels it beat in his own chest.
Dustin and Robin go back and forth, one of them always with him and the other giving updates when they come to switch out.
It's Dustin in the chair next to his now, and he feels the echo of his own heart next to Dustin's, knows the kid must be feeling what he is - and probably a little bit of Eddie's, too.
Three hearts, all entwined. Robin could make something poetic from that, he thinks.
All he can do is let Dustin pillow his head on his shoulder, press his hand to his own chest and think come back to us.
Eddie's hand twitches.
Steve jolts up, reaching for it automatically.
“Steve?” Eddie asks, even though his eyes are closed and his expression hasn't changed. “Dustin?”
Dustin makes some kind of strangled noise, fumbling for Eddie's other hand. “Can he feel us?”
“I've got his heart, and you've got mine, so yeah, he has to, right?” Steve asks, aware he sounds a little desperate and not really caring.
“Come on, Eddie,” Dustin pleads. “You have to wake up, okay?”
Eddie wakes up.
“I should have died in there.”
Steve feels his jaw tense. “No, you shouldn't have.”
“No, I meant - doc says I would have died, if you hadn't taken my heart,” Eddie says.
“I know,” Steve admits. “That's why I asked for it.”
Eddie exhales, long and slow. “Where'd you learn that?”
“Eighth grade science,” Steve replies, shooting a little grin at him.
Eddie gives a surprised little laugh. “Seriously?”
“Eh, kind of.” Steve considers for a moment. He's never talked about this with anyone, but - “My parents used to lock their hearts in a safe in my dad's study at night. When I was little, and I got upset at them leaving, they told me they put their hearts in there when they went on trips, too, and I had to stay behind to watch over them.”
Eddie looks at him, soft and tender. Steve'd think it was pity, if it wasn't for Eddie's heart in his chest. It's just sad, and a little angry.
“I told Mr. Clarke about that, and he said it was hogshit.”
Eddie snorts. “Mr. Clarke said hogshit?”
“Who's telling this story?” Steve retorts, then laughs when Eddie mimes zipping his lips closed and throwing away the key.
“It was hogshit,” Steve continues. “But then he told us that people could survive potentially fatal injuries with heart exchanges. Then, after Starcourt…”
He trails off, not sure how to say it.
“Robin told me a little,” Eddie admits. “That it was the Russians and the Upside Down, and you let yourself get caught to cover for Dustin and Erica. That you tried to draw attention away from her.”
That makes him sound more heroic than the moment felt, but at least it also makes this easier.
“The Russian spies, they had this thing that could open your chest. They didn't believe I was telling the truth, so they took my heart out.”
Eddie reaches out to take his hand, squeezing it tight. There's a faint trickle of horror and guilt and affection, and he knows that Eddie's put it together with the changes in his heart.
“I healed a lot faster because we were doing heart exchanges,” he finishes. “So I figured it'd keep you safe.”
Eddie's grip on his hand tightens. “I really am sorry,” he mutters. “About last summer. After - after that, you needed a friend, and I just left.”
Steve licks his lips, considering his response for a moment, before he goes with honesty. “I had friends. I had Robin and the kids, and they were enough. I didn't really need anything else. But - I wanted you.”
Eddie looks at him, and Steve can feel - hesitation, uncertainty, does he really want me?
“Eddie,” Steve says, slow and thoughtful. “I don't want you because I'm lonely, or I have no one else. Maybe there was a part of that when it first started, but - I'm okay, I'm happy. I want you because of you, not just because I want anyone.”
Shock filters through Eddie so hard that Steve feels it like an almost physical blow.
His heart aches.
He doesn't have to ask if that's something that Eddie hasn't been told before - he knows it already.
“I'm not letting you go,” Steve tells him, only because Eddie's heart is still beating in his chest and he's confident it will be well received. “Not this time.”
“I can live with that,” Eddie says, only a little shaky.
Dustin takes a turn swapping hearts with Eddie, and Steve heads immediately for Max's room.
Lucas is there, sitting by her bed and holding her hand.
“Hey,” Steve says softly, pulling up a chair to sit next to him. “How's she doing?”
“Same,” Lucas says flatly. “But she's in there, I can feel it.”
“You can feel it?” Steve asks.
“We swapped before - before. Just in case. To give her another tether to the real world.”
Shit, that was a great idea. It gives him more hope, and he sags a little in his chair.
“Jesus, you kids are smart,” Steve says, impressed.
Lucas looks at him funny. “We learned that from you, Steve.”
He doesn't really think that's true, considering he learned it from them just as much, but he lets it be, just gripping the back of Lucas's neck and giving him a little squeeze.
Lucas unwinds, just a little bit, and Steve gets a better look at him - notices his swollen eye, his puffy jaw, and feels a cold surge of rage.
He waits for a moment to let the worst of it pass, then asks, “Swap?”
Lucas looks over at him, clearly hesitant.
“The three of us are kind of banged up,” Steve says. “Figure it can't hurt to have more heart power at work here.”
Lucas snorts. “Heart power?”
“Heart power,” Steve confirms, radiating as much confidence as possible.
He's not sure if it works, but Lucas does open his chest up and carefully pull out Max's heart. Steve's extra gentle as he swaps them, tucking her heart into his chest.
It's immediate, what Lucas was talking about. There's only the faintest sense of Max, and an equally faint sense of a fear and guilt and love that he recognizes as Lucas - the residual of what Max is feeling from him, he guesses. Even stranger is an echo he can feel of his own emotions - from him to Lucas to Max and back to him again, apparently.
“Huh,” he says, at the same time Lucas goes, “Woah.”
They sit there, together, and Steve must fall asleep at some point because the next thing he knows, there's the shifting of a chair as Lucas jumps up. Steve startles, only to see El and Will and Mike come flooding in. They sweep Lucas into a hug, and Steve watches them hold on, clinging and desperate.
Eventually, they peel apart, and El goes to Max's side, taking her hand. Her eyes close for a long while, then open again, looking sad.
“I can't reach her,” she whispers. “Not even with my powers back.”
“She's there, though, right? I can still feel her,” Lucas says.
El's brow furrows.
“Max and Lucas swapped before this happened,” Steve explains. “To keep her tethered here, so Vecna couldn't take her.”
Mike frowns. “Vecna?”
“One,” El says, which - okay, yeah, clearly there's a story there, but not the time. She holds her hands out to Lucas. “May I swap?”
Lucas looks over at Steve, and he takes Max's heart out and offers it to her.
“We figured the more helping, the better,” Lucas says.
El exchanges her heart for Max's, looking thoughtful. It's an even bigger rush, with El in the mix, and - even though Max's heart isn't in his chest anymore, he can feel the echo of her even more clearly.
Lucas sucks in a breath. “It's working,” he says. “She's stronger.”
“The more, the better,” El says thoughtfully.
“Eddie woke up from me and him and Dustin sharing,” Steve says, the realization coming over him. “I mean, it wasn't a real circle, but he was just regularly unconscious, not creepy wizard unconscious.”
El looks at Mike, who immediately turns on his heel and leaves. He comes back a few minutes later, with Dustin and Robin and Erica.
“We made Nancy and Jonathan and Argyle stay with Eddie,” Mike announces.
“Uh, yeah, do you want to tell us why?” Dustin asks.
El's eyes flash. “We're going to get Max back.”
Hearts change hands quicker than Steve can keep track of, but in the end, no one has their own heart in their chest. It's an avalanche of emotion that Steve can't make out - so much it’s almost overwhelming - until he feels something like a guiding hand, firm and insistent.
“Max,” El whispers.
Steve turns his thoughts completely on Max, focusing on her - on taking her to the arcade, on the skate park, on her hanging out in his kitchen as they cook dinner. One by one, everyone's emotions start to take focus - on how Max makes them feel, how much they care, how they need her here.
Max's eyes open.
They set up another rotation schedule, this time for Max, who looks a little shell shocked and overwhelmed by all the attention.
“Did you think we wouldn't do this for you?” Steve asks quietly when it's his turn, when Lucas and El are sleeping and it's just him and Max awake in her room.
She doesn't answer for a while, but he can feel her conflicted confusion and then unsteady acceptance.
“No,” she says after a while. “I knew you guys would.”
He breathes out, and they sit in silence for a bit.
“Did you read my letter?” she asks, purposefully not looking at him.
“Nah. You said it was just in case, and there wasn't going to be an in case. We weren't going to let Vecna have you.” He manages to keep his voice steady, though he knows she can feel the edge of the fear he'd had for her. “I wanted to hear what was in it from you.”
She makes a face, and he thinks she isn't going to tell him, but then she blurts out, “I said I wished you were my brother, not Billy.”
His stomach drops out, and there's a rush of vertigo that leaves him breathless for a moment, but - not in a bad way.
He doesn't know how to respond to that, other than, “I am your brother.”
She scoffs. “It doesn't work like that.”
“Sure it does,” he counters, growing confident. “Billy was your brother just because of a piece of paper your parents signed, right?”
She frowns, finally looking at him again. “Yeah, I guess.”
“So what's stopping us?” He taps his chest, over where her heart beats. “We have each other's hearts. We'll always be family.”
Max looks away again, then, very quietly, says, “Okay.”
“Heard you call Max your sister when you were talking to the doctor earlier,” Eddie says.
Steve feels a little smile tug at his lips as he takes Eddie's hand. It grows when Eddie laces their fingers together.
“You know Dustin's going to throw a fit when he hears it, and insist that you were his brother first, right?” Eddie teases.
“Of course he is.” Steve rolls his eyes. “Welcome to my family. You sure you still want to stick around?”
He's joking, but Eddie's expression goes soft and contemplative.
“Welcome to your family, huh? You planning a proposal soon, big boy?” Eddie asks softly.
Steve's mouth goes dry. He thinks he should say something - anything - but nothing comes out.
“Swap?” Eddie asks, after a few minutes.
Steve's not sure if someone told him or if he figured it out himself, and part of him wants to ask Eddie if he's sure, but he decides to take Eddie at his word. He opens his chest up, holding out his heart.
Eddie copies him, and - it's his first real look at Eddie's heart. There's silver lines all over it, delicate scars mottling its surface, but it's almost as deep red as Steve's still is.
“Oh,” Steve breathes once Eddie's heart is safely tucked inside his chest again.
There's a love there so strong he almost doesn't know what to do with it - isn't sure if it's Eddie's or his for a moment before he realizes it's both of them feeding off each other.
“Yeah,” Eddie says quietly.
Steve lifts Eddie's hand up, presses a kiss to his knuckles. “I know what I want my future to look like,” Steve admits. “And I want you in it.”
Eddie swallows, and Steve can feel an edge of trepidation before it solidifies into something sharp and determined. “Okay.”
“Okay?” Steve asks.
“I'm sticking around, this time,” Eddie confirms. “For good.”
“Okay,” Steve agrees.
He knows it's a risk, but - right now, they're alone, and so he leans in to seal the promise their hearts are making with a kiss.
And that's the final part for now! I do have a sequel planned down the road for what happens after they get out of the hospital, folding Eddie into the heart sharing and settling Eddie and Steve and Robin into a trio - I plan on using the tag "hearts out steddie" if anyone would like to follow it for when it comes out!
Thank you so much to everyone who commented, reblogged, liked, or otherwise interacted with this! Everyone's reactions were so amazing, and I really love reading your thoughts!!
Final taglist: @fairytalesreality @lostonceandneverfound @wheneverfeasible @awkwardgravity1 @theintrovertedintrovert @thewickedkat @ravenfrog @scarlet-malfoy @missmagillicuddy @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @ollyxar @cringe-culture-is-dead-99 @thedragonsaunt @makewavesandwar @cryptid-system @ajeff855 @mae-liz @the-fantastical-asexual @jettestar @warlordess @persnicketysquares @samsoble @my-love-of-books @mydysfunctionallife @dreamercec @holyangelstudentuniverse @breealtair @shunna @xtraordinarally @thatdamnfan @justalittledrainbamage @strangerfolks @disrespectedgoatman @amber-ambience @anxietyfulloption @thepossummoldypasta @irregular-child @th30ra3k3n @powdeeee @theohohmoment @5ammi90 @ominous-pool-light @beeeeeeeeeeeeeeens @rebellatlas @blackpanzy
#steddie#steve harrington#stranger things#eddie munson#steddie fic#robin buckley#dustin henderson#max mayfield#lucas sinclair#eleven hopper#steve and dustin#steve and dustin and eddie#steve and max#lumax#im not saying elumax but im also not NOT saying elumax#hearts out steddie
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busy woman

warnings: video sex, masturbation, dirty talk, kinda sub matt, matt's still kind of an ass but not as much, a few sabrina carpenter references
free tonight?
depends on the time?
have to do a live stream at 6:45
u free b4 or after?
free from 4:30-5, 6:15-6:45 and then 7:45 till EOD
4:30 works fine for me
you’re a busy woman
gotta make a living somehow ;)
i’ll see u at 4:30 then :))
matt hopes that the click that came from his phone was silent enough to not disturb the quiet work time the classroom was given. his eyes scan the room for a few moments, noticing the way each person in the room was in their own little bubble of the world. the jocks in the back row near the right were hitting each other and stealing each others things. the more studious girls in the middle row, each listening to some different sort of music. and then there was you. you were isolated in the front row today, the headphones over your ears blasting music loud enough for him to faintly hear. your phone was tightly wrapped around your fingers alongside your pencil. he sighs quietly as he gets back to his own schoolwork, glancing at the professor besides him.
“dr thomas? my mom just texted and she needs me home earlier than expected so i’m gonna head out at 4:15 ish. all of last weeks tests are graded. grades are updated.” matt smiles, jotting down a few more ideas on his paper. he quite enjoyed the professors presence, but he still couldn’t wait to get all of the requirements needed for his masters degree. matt’s eyes go back down to his class work, getting distracted shortly afterwards when someone walks up to the desk. he doesn’t look up instantly, instead deciding to use context clues. the first thing that he uses to determine who’s at the desk is the jangle of the jewelry. the second thing is the dr martens on the feet of the person. the final thing is her voice. your voice. matt’s eyes look up at you, a small scoff leaving his lips.
“dr thomas… i’m not feeling too good. would you mind if i left early? my works done and turned in.” your voice sounds so sweet. so… spoiled. matt thinks. he bats his eyes at you, a look of shock in his eyes. you failed your last test and you’re asking to leave early? matt didn’t get it. he lets out another scoff as you walk out the door with your professors permission, beginning to pack up himself. he bids his farewell and begins walking go his car in the parking lot, rolling his eyes when he sees you standing next to his vehicle to get into your own.
“following me, matt?”
matt shakes his head as you unlock your car, his arms crossing as he leans against his door. “that mercedes on daddy’s car insurance plan?” you swallow as you lick your lips, shaking your head. “no.” matt chuckles as he unlocks his car door, glancing over at you. “you have to take out a loan for it then?” his eyes widen at you, pursing his lips. he knows the answer is no. he also knows, well, he thinks, you’re lying to him about your dad’s involvement in your finances. your eyes scan his tattoo covered arms up and down, pursing your lips. “you pay for all those yourself?” “well no. when i was younger my mom helped pay for so-“ “hypocrite.” matt scoffs when you shut your car door on him mid-conversation, speeding off like you had somewhere to be. he had completely forgotten that he had somewhere to be.
matt had never driven faster in his life. he drove like there were no other cars on the road. it probably wasnt healthy that he was doing all of this for a camgirl. it had to be a level of whipped that had been undiscovered by most men. his entire ride home is spent with nothing but thoughts of you, even if he didnt know it was you. he thought of the way he had joined each of your live streams in the past week, sometimes spending more than 20 dollars just to compliment your lingerie or to tell you to move your fingers a little bit faster. he hadnt even realized how much of his brain you had been taking up, but it was nearly all of it. at some point or another during his drive home, matt had grown painfully hard. as he puts his car in park in the garage of his apartment complex. the tote bag he uses as a backpack was thrown over his shoulder for a moment, but matt decides it would be best to hold it over his crotch, just until he gets inside. Matt’s legs move quicker than he intended them to, and he groans in frustration when its 4:31 and the elevator is still going painfully slow. when he finally reaches his floor, he borderline sprints to his door, kicking off his shoes and taking off his sweater. its quickly tossed to the side and discarded, and its 4:34 by the time he actually opens his laptop. he hopes that he’s not too late.
hi sorry, computer died ://
perfect timing omg
my last one on one went late
busy busy
*sent a link*
here’s the zoom
u can join anonymously if youd like :)
an exhale that matt didnt know he was holding in leaves his throat when you sent the link. he clicks it gently, making sure of two things when he does. first, he makes sure hes on incognito mode so that it doesnt show his email or anything of the sorts. the second thing he does is make sure his camera and microphone are off. when he fully joins the call, his breath hitches in the back of his throat. youre wearing a light blue set. he had never seen it before. he had even gone back one day and scrolled through all of your saved streams and it wasnt in any of them. he goes to type a message in the chat but youre already speaking by the time his pointer is hovering over the text box. “hi mateo.” fuck.
your voice was as smooth as silk, if not smoother. “sorry i was late… my last guy took foreverrrr. can you imagine that? im dolled up all pretty and he didnt even finish.” even though he couldnt see your face, matt knew you were pouting. his fingers hover over his laptops keyboard for a moment before he begins typing, watching as youre toying with the hem of your panties. couldnt imagine that, not in a million years. I was late too, class ran late. Matt doesnt even realize what he was typing until it was already sent. he knows the chance of you knowing him is extremely slim. there was 8.1 billion people on planet earth, there was no way he would be recognizable enough to you based on the mention of a class. this subsides the anxiousness coursing through matt, palming at himself through his sweatpants.
“you in school? college i hope… you smart? I bet you are. bet youre the top of your class. bet youre always so well-behaved… just like you are for me.” matt swallows, nodding rapidly even though you cant see him. he feels awkward only staring at you and you not seeing anything but a black screen. his fingers move faster than his brain does, typing and sending another message. can i turn my camera on? you giggle as you reach besides you to your bedside table, grabbing your skin toned dildo and holding it close to your body. “if you really want to. im not gonna force you. if you only wanna show your bottom half like be thats okay too.” matt licks his lip as he looks around the room, grabbing a long sleeved tshirt. it’s just to cover his tattoos. to subdue his fear of getting caught.
once his shirt is on and his pants are off, he positions his camera for you to see him— part of him. the part of him he’s probably the most proud of. there’s a faint click in his bedroom, and then he’s on screen. you giggle on the other side, bringing out a self consciousness in matt that he didn’t know he had. “well well well… look at you hm? y’tellin me you walk around with that thing all day?” matt bites his lip as he gives a thumbs up, groaning as he does so— why did he even do that? you giggle once more, rubbing the silicone in your hand over your clit. “well… if it helps. i’d much rather have that than this. if you wanna keep givin thumbs up… i’ll let ya.”
matt lets out a small whimper as he begins stroking himself to your words, quietly hoping that his body language is enough. he bites his lip as he uses his free hand to type another message to you, watching as the silicone dick slides between your legs, your underwear still on. he’s so visibly hard that it makes you almost feel bad. “all that for me?” matt holds up his thumb again, a groan exiting his lips. when you slip your panties to the side and slide down onto the silicone toy, matt just about loses it. his hand begins moving faster than he wanted it to, but he doesn’t mind. you just look so pretty bouncing like that. “wish it was you… fuck wish it was you! bet you’d… fill me up so good. so so good. mhm… holy shit.” matt’s mouth drops wide open at your words, precum leaking all around his tip.
your eyes— even though he can’t see them— haven’t left his throbbing member since you laid eyes on it. some of the people you usually do this with are just older men who haven’t gotten it up properly in years. something about this one is different. there’s a sense of familiarity within the call. your lip is being held tightly between your teeth as your movements start to teeter, slowing down while looking at matt. “d-do you want me to cum for you, sweet boy? i can hold it if you want. make the 30 minutes you’re paying for last all 30.” matt groans at your words once more, spreading the precum over his tip.
no. please. don’t wanna hold you back. matt’s message in the chat is clear to you, and you take it as permission to let the feeling wash over you. your cum begins to coat the dildo you were riding, the creamy white substance becoming clearer as its spread all around. “mmmmph!” you yelp, throwing your head back onto the pillow, giving matt a much clearer view at your pussy. your face remains out of sight, as does matt’s when his spurts of cum begin to coat his webcam. his eyes are tightly squeezed shut, opening them to watch you ride out your orgasm. you sit back up on your bed, sliding out the toy and tossing it to the side. “oh look at you… came all over your camera like a good boy. really had fun today. i’m sorry i didn’t make it last longer… just got really worked up i guess.”
the pout on matt’s face is there. he wishes you could see it, but he just opts to send another message in chat. you do a lot of stuff in 15 minutes. never really came that fast before. u got a gift or sum. his typing was never this unprofessional, but he still wants to make sure there’s no evidence of matt being, well, matt. “oh well thank you. i’ll see you another time okay? oh! oh my gosh i didn’t even mention the pay. um… i should’ve before we even started. usually it’s 50 for a first time one on one. then next time it would be 60 cause like a dollar per minute. you know usually… um. because i was late and we didn’t do the whole thirty minutes just… 40… is fine… my cashapp is in my account. you text me and keep me updated okay? i’ll see you another time.” matt smiles to himself as you speak so sweetly to him, leaving the call to clean himself off. it doesn’t take him very long, but by the time he’s done, he’s gotten a few texts from his brothers asking if he wants to go out. a new bar opening or something. he hesitantly agrees, throwing himself back on the bed for a few minutes before getting ready for the night.
the hours ticked by slowly for you, the only source of pleasure and enjoyment being long gone after your call with mateo. you wondered where he was right now and how he was doing. it was unusual. you hadn’t ever really gotten attached to any clients before. you’re pulled from your thoughts when there’s a knock on your door, standing up and looking at your roommate on the other side. “cmon cammy i need you to come with me! how am i ever gonna pull girls if there’s nobody there to distract the hot guys? hm? what’s the point of having a hot roommate if she isn’t gonna put her tools to good use!” you giggle at his words, looking back at your bed. “give me 15 minutes. i’ll be ready. can we go to that new place on hill street?” you smile, shutting the door in his face. the getting ready process doesn’t take you long, already having been slightly glammed up for some of your clients who paid more to see your face. you glance down at your lingerie set, grabbing a matching blue top from your closet— one that’s just slightly more bar appropriate. you let out a small huff as you grab your bag, walking back into the kitchen. “let’s go then.”
the bar is more packed than you or matt could’ve expected. neither of you really wanted to be here. matt would much rather be in his apartment watching tv while he watched sonic run around the living room like he usually would on fridays. crazy enough, you would rather be camming right now. you lick your lips slightly as you flirt your way into another drink, smiling at the unlucky gentleman and walking back onto the dance floor. at some point along the way, you bump into an unknown figure, groaning when it’s just matt. “what are you doing at a college bar?” he asks, his voice cocky as ever. “i’m a college student. what are you doing at a college bar? trying to pick up a younger girl or something?” you quip back, rolling your eyes. matt can’t help but notice the way your blue top looks familiar.
he’s seen the color before, but never the top itself. matt swallows slightly as he realizes he forgot to pay earlier, shaking his head at your question. “no… just here with my brothers. stay safe tonight okay? it’s new and dangerous out here.” he whispers, pushing away from you. you furrow your brows at his word, making your way over to talk to your roommate. “tucker i think our teachers assistant got laid.” you mumble, taking a sip from your espresso martini. tucker chuckles as he takes a swig of his beer, waiting for further explanation. “he was… actually nice to me for once.”
the conversation begins to flow, both on your side of the bar and matt’s. matt can’t stop thinking about the color you were wearing. he feels the guilt eating him alive. he can’t believe he didn’t pay cherry earlier. there’s a point when chris is deep in conversation with nick that matt uses as an excuse to pull out his phone. he quickly opens cashapp, sending the money to the username he’s become so used to lately. You sent $40 to cherrychapsdick!
on the other side of the bar, nearly at the exact same time, you felt your phone buzz in your skirts pocket. you pull it out for just a moment, smiling at the notification. mateo81 sent you $40!
a/n: not to sound like an ao3 writer but my apologies for not writing/uploading anything... i got into a car crash and then midterms beat my ass. anyway!!!! also like... support ur writers by reblogging and commenting! but i wont force u. but also i love reading reblogs and comments.
tags (reply or comment to be added but it may be full soon i dont remember. im not a professional) @mattsstarlet @oopsiedaisydeer @marrykisskilled @ifwdominicfike @frankoceanfanpage @mattssslutbby @sophand4n4 @matthewsturnsgf @izzylovesmatt @m11rx @chris-hallelujah @sturniolotoast @mattsbrat @wastelandzella @le4hsblog @mattsd0llfac3 @st7rnioioss @isabellewhatt @sturnslutz @freshhhloveee @courta13 @sturns-mermaid @ivysturnss @slutformatt17 @emely9274 @princessesgarden @cykss @throatgoat4u @blahbel668 @ivyyyyyysposts @h0e4fictionalme-n @sofieeeeex @littlebookworm803 @allylovescody @ribread03 @cheesecakedolll @chrislova @ikyoudreamofme @jetaimevous @muwapsturniolo @sturnsrecord @13hoax @whore4mattsturniolo @sophsturns @chrissweetheart @cl1tlover3000 @applecidersturniolo @babytrapsosa @backwardshatnick @camzeecorner @leoslaboratory @princesspeach0-0 @sturniolosrtewsexy @mattswifeyy
divider creds to @bernardsbendystraws !
#⋆˙⟡snoopychris#⋆˙⟡TA!matt#⋆˙⟡matt!#matt sturniolo#matt sturniolo au#matt sturniolo fanfic#matt sturniolo fluff#matt sturniolo smut#sturniolo triplets#matt sturniolo series#matthew sturniolo fluff#matthew sturniolo fanfic#matthew sturniolo smut#matthew sturniolo#⋆˙⟡snoopychris writes#matthew sturniolo angst
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If you could, could you post Alan’s lines? I like him but he’s so stone cold at low affinity it’s hard to sus out his personality
SORRY THIS TOOK ME SO LONG ANON AND @otomelover23 so many things got in the way. . .mostly myself lol. . . .
Honestly that stone coldness is a big part of his personality. He's not great at expressing himself and he's very to the point. But as his affinity goes up, he's more. . .concerned for you. And he wants you around more, trusting himself to have you around more.
I posted all of them again this time! A lot of his have similar energy because of his stiffness, so I feel like being able to see them all helps to idk see the gradual change i think.
Hello: (the first time the game is opened after that character is set as home screen NPC. Only happens once per day, unless the character is switched out and back.)
"Get your things. We're going."
You've Got Mail: (whenever there's something in the inbox, usually Arena rewards)
"Some letters here for you."
Default: (requires no affinity, has no time constraints)
"...What do you want?"
"Don't get involved with me."
"I'm going out. You guys get back to work."
"Get back. It's dangerous."
"Slack off once, and you'll find out how hard it is to get back in the game."
Affinity 1: (between 5am and 11am)
"Oh, you're awake."
Affinity 2: (between 11am and 4pm)
"I don't eat in the cafeteria. Portions aren't big enough. That's the only reason."
don't feel awkward in there or like people find you too intimidating to be near or anything? aren't worried about seeing Dante? if you say so.
Affinity 3: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"My wallet? Yeah, it's pretty beat up. Can't bring myself to chuck it though. Got some good memories with it."
reminds me of my brother, who kept our dad's old wallet. It's basically in tatters, held together by rubber bands, but sometimes what you have is what you have. . . .
Affinity 4: (between 8pm and 5am)
"I'm going to the Pit. You should go back to your house, {PC}."
he doesn't want you to see him punch a man into oblivion.
Affinity 5: (between 8pm and 5am)
"That sounds like a bike engine, but it's not one I know. ...Be right back."
INTRUDER ALERT INTRUDER ALERT INTRUDER ALERT much like Tohma he's probably pretty security conscious. Maybe he's more security conscious because Tohma isn't around. Or maybe he's not used to how Bonnie sounds yet.
Affinity 6: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Was that class really revision...? I didn't think I missed that many..."
my boy is not book smart, he is fist smart and maybe street smart. please study with him. he needs flash cards. pretty sure the only reason he's passed any grade is because he goes on plenty of missions.
Affinity 7: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Lunch? Huh. I forgot to eat. Guess I'll just grill some meat and have it with rice and miso soup. That's my go-to."
y'know what i'm glad someone here eats proper meals. even if you forget at least you're eating eventually!!!
Affinity 8: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"One of the Vagastrom guys asked me to add him on WickChat... Do you know how to do that?"
Affinity 9: (between 8pm and 5am)
"I don't want to get anyone mixed up in my life."
He looks sad when he says this. . .he's really worried about how being close to him will affect others huh.
Affinity 10: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Better sleep. Got an early day tomorrow."
Affinity 11: (between 5am and 11am)
"497... 498... 499... 500... Phew..."
don't mind pc they're just gonna watch you do 500 sit-ups/push-ups/pull-ups/whatever. . .no no they don't mind the sweat at all please continue--
Affinity 12: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Bandana seems to disappear right around this time every day lately... What's he doing?"
Pretty sure Sho would be busy with the food truck around thhis time of day. . .does Alan not know Sho runs a business lmao. . .I mean I guess Alan doesn't go into the more populous parts of Darkwick much.
Affinity 13: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"The first-years've each got their own strengths. Both can do stuff I can't."
Affinity 14: (between 5am and 11am)
"Bandana's got potential. He's quick, and he's strong. Rest comes down to motivation."
I think Sho's motivated, just motivated to do his own thing. Although I'm sure he'll develop more interest in the world and actions of the Institute and anomalies eventually. . .maybe. Or maybe Hyde's interest will keep him away lol.
Affinity 15: (between 5am and 11am)
"I'm heading out. Mission. Make sure you go to class. ...I'll let you know when I'm back."
alright mom i'll go to class gosh. does this feel like a headpat or forehead kiss line to anyone else? he just doesn't want you to worry about him. He knows he's doing something dangerous. But he promises he'll come home. He won't be reckless because you're waiting. Maybe I'm reading too much into it lol.
Affinity 16: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Where am I...? Guess I should tell them I'm gonna be late. WickChat was this picture, wasn't it...?"
poor boy is so lost lmao please help him get where he needs to go. . .how does this man go on hikes in the mountains and shit. . . .
Affinity 17: (between 10pm and midnight)
"You're still awake? Don't stay up too late."
Affinity 18: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Oh, didn't see you there. I'm heading out for a run, but... Could you wait here for me?"
He wants to spend time with you, so please be waiting when he comes back. . . .
Affinity 19: (between 10pm and midnight)
"I pat people on the head a lot? Didn't notice. I'm doing it again? ...Sorry."
IT'S HARD NOT TO WHEN PEOPLE ARE SO MUCH SHORTER THAN YOU also that wasn't a complaint please give them lots of pats :'3
Affinity 20: (between 5am and 11am)
"I'm taking some of the Vagastrom guys to the mountains today. ...You want to come too?"
Affinity 21: (between 11am and 4pm)
"This one's all fixed up. I'm gonna take a shower. Wait there."
there like in the shower or--(he uses そこ which refers to someplace near the listener, so he just means 'where you're sitting' but still.)
Affinity 22: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"{PC}. Got time after this? A friend of mine gave me some fresh boar meat."
He wants to cook for you! He cooks in a very wilderness style, but still! He wants to share his bounty! He's showing you he can be a good provider. No, he didn't hunt it himself but good community connections are also important!
Affinity 23: (between 8pm and 5am)
"You're you, not someone else. You're doing a good job. Hold your head high."
he doesn't want you to fall into a cycle of self-loathing or of trying to be anyone but yourself. Maybe what others do feels more impressive to you, but you aren't them and you can't compare yourself to them. Even if you're 'weak' in one way or another, you have your own worth in other ways. So be proud of yourself, instead of trying to get the pride of somebody else. I think he really cares about your mental wellbeing and he doesn't want you to lose yourself. Because he's lost himself--and he doesn't want that for you. Don't wallow in self-pity, don't agonize over the past. Be proud of how far you've come and walk your own path.
Affinity 24: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Can't sleep? ...I'll take you for a drive. Quick run should help you reset."
Imagine falling asleep in his car and he has to figure out. . .does he wake you up, does he carry you somewhere. . .he could bring you back to your place but he doesn't know how to get there so. . .you wake up in his room, in his bed. . .does he have the understanding that "you probably shouldn't sleep in the same bed as somebody without them okaying it first" and he sets up his tent and sleeps in it or uses his sleeping bag or sleeps somewhere else in the dorm or maybe in his car. . .frankly even if he doesn't he'd be afraid of hurting you in his sleep. There's no way he'd sleep in the same bed as you. Maybe lie awake in there with you or something. But he'd be too scared of what harm he could cause to fall asleep.
Affinity 25(max): (no time constraints)
"I'm lucky I've got you, {PC}. As long as you're with me, I feel like I won't lose sight of who I am."
HE SMILES WHEN HE SAYS THIS. 99% of his lines have his usual expression, but this one he really smiles and that's how you know how much he appreciates you. I feel like he kind of gave up on himself--he's a big, dangerous brute, he's not someone worth getting close to, it's dangerous to even want to. . .but you make him feel like maybe he has a chance again. You make him look in the mirror and see someone he hasn't seen in a long time, and he realizes that person is himself and he would have never seen the version of him who isn't dirtied with blood again without you.
Spring: (March-May) (between 5am and 11am)
"Don't get lax just 'cause it's warm out. Stay focused."
(between 11am and 4pm)
"... Good camping weather."
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Oh, it's you. Must've dozed off. Better get back to work."
(between 8pm and 5am)
"The cherry blossom illuminations? ...That kind of thing's not for me."
Summer: (June-August) (between 5am and 11am)
"It's getting hot out. Make sure you stay hydrated."
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Looks like we've got another mission order. There's more anomalies out there in summer."
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"The Pit's getting noisy. Those guys better not be pulling stupid shit again..."
(between 8pm and 5am)
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you again... I was just going for a jog. Didn't think you'd be round this corner."
Alan turning a corner and slamming straight into you and being shocked aw--
Autumn: (September-November) (between 5am and 11am)
"Good season for a workout. Want to join me?"
(between 11am and 4pm)
"...Maybe I'll go check out the fall leaves."
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"The days are getting shorter. You should get home before it gets dark."
(between 8pm and 5am)
"...Long nights make me think about stuff I'd rather forget."
he killed dante in the autumn or winter. noted.
Winter: (December-February) (between 5am and 11am)
"Cold out in the mornings lately. Guess I'll warm up with a coffee."
(between 11am and 4pm)
"The first-years ditched... What do they mean, "too cold"?"
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"As long as you got some muscle, you can handle the cold."
i handle the cold well because i'm fat, myself. my brother, who's plenty muscular, gets cold much easier than i do U:
(between 8pm and 5am)
"It's freezing... Guess I'll break out the kerosene heater. Gotta make sure you ventilate if you use it indoors, but it works real fast. Can't do without it in winter."
His birthday: (April 25th)
"Whose birthday? ...Mine? Oh... Forgot all about it. ...Thanks."
Your birthday:
"Today's your birthday, yeah? ... Get your stuff. I'll take you for a drive."
New Years: (January 1st)
"You helped us out a lot last year. Hope you'll stick around."
Valentine's Day: (February 14th)
"This chocolate's for me? Do everything proper, don't you? Thanks. I appreciate it."
HE SMILED AGAIN. I wonder if he's ever been given valentine's chocolate before. Even if he thinks it's just out of obligation, I think he must be really happy. . . .
White Day: (March 14th)
"White Day's when you repay people for what they got you on Valentine's Day, right? Sorry if these aren't your thing... Didn't really know what you like..."
. . .my first thought was that i read that sometimes lingerie is given as a white day return present. . .and i just imagined that Alan asked what he was supposed to do if he liked the person he got a valentine's day gift from on valentine's and Leo saw an opportunity for chaos and said to get them some sexy white underwear and Alan just. . .believed him. And it's a very embarrassing moment for everyone involved. pc absolutely wears them when alan asks them out for things tho. waiting for the day alan finds out they're wearing it.
April Fool's Day: (April 1st)
"I'm actually a dog. Woof. ...Sorry, that was a lie. Forget I said anything."
he's a little confused but he's got the spirit.
Halloween: (October 31st)
"Saw an anomaly I'd never seen before just now. Ran away when I tried to stop it. That's when I realized it was a human."
i would not be surprised if his upbringing was sheltered and he just did not know about halloween to begin with haha
Christmas: (December 25th)
"...You should spend Christmas with family."
Well everyone's stuck at Darkwick so that's not likely to happen. Also don't tell that to Sho. . .but we can be family now! And spend Christmas together!
Idle: (about 20 seconds without interacting with the game) (below 13 affinity)
"...You okay?"
(13 affinity and above)
"...You seem busy. Let me know if you need anything."
Absent: (logging in for the first time in 2 or more days?)
"...You came back. You look all right. We're gonna need you for the next mission."
SO YOU SEE HE'S A LOT KINDER AND SWEETER WHEN HIS AFFINITY GETS UP THERE. . .BUT HE'S STILL COLD. BECAUSE HE'S AFRAID. . .but you make him feel more comfortable. You help him feel less like a destructive monster and more like a person. Where he pushed you away before, he keeps you closer now. Still a little at arm's distance but much closer than before. I HOPE THIS HELPED YOU SEE MORE OF HIS PERSONALITY, ANON o/
#alan mido#tokyo debunker#tokyo debunker spoilers#datamining cw#danie yells at tokyo debunker#danie yells answers#danie yells with anons#otomelover23#gotta take care of some irl stuff and then. . .i will be back.
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The tfp kids were some of the first things I created in GL2, and it's been a few months since then and I have gotten much better. So here's my updated version of their designs/story.
Also fyi before I forget this is not what I would actually have them be in the show if I had written it. This just self indulgent takes on the characters. Let me know if you want to see how I would have written the show.
Age: 17
Pronouns: Uses any.
Likes: Skateboarding, drawing, slash monkey, kemonomimi, horror movies, fighting, her friends, and monster trucks.
Dislikes: School, conformation, bullies, and authority.
Description: Miko is a full blooded Japanese exchange student that came for America’s music, art, and to free themselves from his overly strict parents. She's quite energetic and finds it hard to sit still. So to help rid herself of her extra energy he'll practice kickboxing or parkour around town. While she may not act it she is actually intelligent. Miko is also quite the music and language prodigy, easily being able to learn them. He just hates the rigid school system and doesn't care for homework. Miko doesn't have many friends as most are put off by their strange personality and or scared of her. If you do become their friend though Miko is very loyal and will be your ride or die to the end.
Miko is a force to be reckoned with so watch out Decepticons, they're coming for you!
Age: 12.5;
Pronouns: He/Him
Likes: Coding, his friends, studying, snakes, robots, math, science, cats, school, chocolate, and nature.
Dislikes: Yelling, pity, scary movies, being alone, hospitals, and dogs.
Description: Raf is a young techno genius that was born with quite a few health problems. He is the second youngest out of his many siblings, five to be exact. Since his parents are always busy with work and Raf’s other siblings, he tends to be forgotten a lot. He doesn't let that get him down though (most of the time) and is quite a cheery kid. He puts his smarts to good use and has skipped four grades already while also taking some college classes. While he likes science and math his real passion is coding along with robotics. He dreams of one day opening his own tech company.
He might be a sweet kid but don't underestimate him. Raf could hack circles around even among some of Cybertronian’s elite.
Age: 16
Pronouns: He/Him
Likes: Motorcycles, girls, family, social media, and his friends.
Dislikes: Risks, seeing his friends hurt, and bullying.
Description: Jack is quite an average guy all things considered; he's not overly smart or a great fighter but he is quite the strategist and knows how to deal with people. Jack helps bring out the strengths in Miko and Raf and how to make them use it the most effectively. If he is trained properly he could become quite the leader. He lives with only his Mom, Jack’s dad having passed away a long time ago. He does every he can to help support his mom. While yes he feels she can be too overprotective or a bit embarrassing at times he loves his mom and wants to lessen her burden as much as he can. The reason he even got a job in the first place was to help her out with the bills.
Watch out for our very own human prime! He won't hesitate to sick his friends on those deserving.
Explanation undercut
Miko is still my favorite out of the trio and I will continue to show blatant favoritism. I learned much much more into the punk aesthetic because I think it's perfect for her personality. While I did like how colourful her old design was from a character design perspective it wasn't really unified or fit there enough.
Anyways she has some big ol stomping boots now that are definitely steel tipped. (Ouch man) They give them around 4-5 inches and make her the same height as Jack when wearing them. She also has knee pads and a shoulder pad. Well because skating and I wanted her to have armor without it being armor. If that makes sense? Miko also has horns partly since she likes kemonomimi but mostly because he's a “daredevil.” Miko's skateboard is Bulkhead themed, of course no explanation needed there. I tried to do some messy makeup since they give off that vibe.
I'm a sucker for the black people with white hair design. Plus I thought Raf kinda being (fictional) albino would play into Raf being ill. When something is wrong with you you're more likely to have more problems. For him I kept it generally similar to the last design just made more cohesive. He still has that nerdy school boy vibe and stuff. He also has a wrist brace now since someone told me how bad canes are for it so I wanted him to have some extra support to help.
If you look closely, his bag has a bumblebee on it.
Jack's design also didn't change that much; the main thing is his eyes are now blue. I thought it would be a nice nod to how since he's a human prime that his eyes should be autobot blue. Plus it fits the color scheme better. His gloves are leather and arcree themed. Yeah nothing to say much, as he also didn't change a lot. 🤷
Edit: Forgot to include the updated irl me design.
#gl2#gacha life 2#tfp#transformers prime#tf#maccadam#tfp miko#tfp jack#tfp raf#miko nakadai#jack darby#rafael esquivel#human trio#human prime
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i'm drunk enough to think about nick again (not that it like, hurts to think about him anymore i think that heartbreak is solved) and godDAMMN they really buried a man alive on network television and then went the extra mile to make him get EATEN ALIVE AND then almost k*ll himself and WHAT I WOULDN'T GIVE to watch this in an IMAX theater, being buried alive is the ultimate Horror Trope for me and it happened on the one character that takes the cake, that changed my life forever like there has been characters that have impacted my life that i think made me better as a person but nick stokes is on a whole nother fucking level and it all started with this episode where he gets kidnapped and buried and i distinctly remember what it was like watching it for the first time, knowing that he survives cause he obviously shows up in episodes after this one and i started watching csi with re-runs of season 4 on spike tv but also the live season 6 finale where nick was clearly okay and cracking jokes even at a scene about severed heads (god bless him) but one day spike tv showed this episode and i stomped into the living room after part 1 ended almost yelling at my dad like ARE YOU KIDDING ME HOW DOES HE SURVIVE THAT BUT HE'S NICK FUCKING STOKES SO OF COURSE HE DOES AND i've never been that close to the knife or bullet in my life but have had..............idealiziations myself and sometimes, just sometimes, i remember how he was at the end of his rope, he waited until the last fucking second like think of a fucking saw trap he would fucking dominate that because he's nick stokes and he doesn't give up, he doesn't believe in past lives cause he's just fucking trying to get through this one and he's been though so fucking much between the fucking babysitter and stalker and gunpoint and being buried alive? ok yeah just another day in the office for him, he fights like hell, he resists his own temptations, he has so much belief in his co-workers, his mentor aka former boss that they'll find him that he hangs on for almost 24 hours in this goddamn coffin designed to torture him, sure, he can stay alive with the provided fan (something that honestly this year, i've have instilled myself when i go to bed) but the fan's gonna die and can they find him before that fan runs out? not fucking likely but TV magic unbeknownst to him they DO cause otherwise lmao nick stokes woulda died in the season 5/15 finale and i probably would have stopped right there even though grissom was my fav at first NICK STOKES STOLE MY HEART and even in my darkest hours i'll think of him, as if a ghostly image of him shows up in the mirror, "i survived why can't you?" motherfucker this is mY BOY stronger than any character i've ever related to--obviously nick and i have had different lives and he's so much stronger and better than me in so many ways but i guess he's what i aspire to be (albeit with a bit less...ignorance but nick is def the type who like. learns his lesson, he matures out of old prejudices which i admire SO MUCH of him) and i don't think i could have had such a strong role model in my formative years cause i started watching csi in 7th grade cause a real forensic scientist came to our school and of course, mentioned how CSI was not real but it piqued my curiosity and it possibly sparked my interest in horror to a degree cause my first episode was a horrifically bloated body (4x02 to be exact, assume nothing nick) and as a 7th grader up until that point even though 9/11 had passed (i was in like. 4th/5th grade that point) i guess i didn't know how cruel people could be but nick showed and continues to show me that people have the capactity of enduring the worst horrors this world can inflict on a person and they can still come out on top, they can still be the hero, they can still save themselves as well as others and FUCK man i miss nick stokes
#mk.op#nick stokes#it's been a while but goddamn#i miss him#so fucking much#and all of csi really#call it corny and outdated but it's my comfort show#and although this week started tough i felt better as it went on and am (mostly) in an okay place now#but just like i mentioned earlier re: writing i know there's a piece of me missing#maybe buried in the weight i've gained this year
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kny modern au - characters: hashira
includes: gyomei, tengen, giyuu, sanemi, obanai, kanae, kyojuro, mitsuri, shinobu, muichiro
HUGE thanks and shout out to @giggly-squiggily and @trans-ace-lee for their contributions to this au and indulging my brainrots ♡
inspiration was taken from the german school system because that's what i grew up and am most familiar with:
ages 2-6 (flexible, not mandatory): kindergarten
ages 6-10 (grades 1-4): elementary school
ages 10/11-16/17 (grades 5-10): "secondary school", the diploma qualifies you for an education outside of university (craft sector, social sector etc)
ages 16/17-18/19 (grades 11-12): "upper school", the diploma qualifies you for university
Himejima Gyomei (27, theology major)
grew up in a buddhist orphanage after his parents gave him up because they were ableist idiots who didn't want to raise a blind child
had a very happy childhood, has never been adopted and isn't upset about it in the slightest
went on a spiritual journey for five years after school and wrote a bestseller book about it
started going to university at age 23, helps out at the orphanage whenever he can
has a seeing-eye dog named Curry (a four year old black labrador and the only being on earth he would kill for, he got her when he returned from his journey)
can afford his own flat and lives right next to the orphanage with Curry
advocate for a more inclusive university life and very active in groups fighting for disability rights, both on and off campus
Uzui Tengen (23, music major)
was somewhat of a public figure from a very young age because the Uzui clan is one the richest, most powerful families in the country and everyone in town knows who they are
always hated his parents and moved out at 18, got a small fortune (that's rich people slang for a ton of money, source: trust me) from a cool uncle and used it to open a night club which is very popular with the locals
has no contact to his siblings (even tho he'd like to) and avoids all of his dad's properties like the plague
started going to university at age 20 because he wanted to do something with his passion
plays a bunch of instruments (piano, harp, guitar, violin, shamizen, koto and like ten different types of flute)
lives with his girlfriends in an almost-a-mansion and throws the best partys anyone has ever been to
Tomioka Giyuu (21, philosophy major)
his parents died when he was three years old and him and his sister went through foster care until she came off age and became his legal guardian, they're super close
has been studying several martial arts at Urokodaki's dojo since he was in elementary school
picked philosophy as a major because he had no idea what else to do but it's actually fun??
he mostly just sits in the back and draws stick figures but once a week he'll say something that makes everyone rethink their entire life (no one really understands what's happening inside his head but his professors are convinced he's a genius)
teaches little kids in the dojo because Urokodaki thinks it'd be good for him, he's slowly warming up to it
the type of peanut allergy where his throat closes up at the sight of them, when they were in fifth grade Sanemi almost killed him because he didn't know about it and it delayed their friendship by roughly two years
Shinazugawa Sanemi (21, physics major)
abusive pos dad got stabbed when he was ten, helped his mom raise his younger siblings and is super close with all of them
moved out at 20 when his mom encouraged him to spend more time at university, roommates with Obanai, Giyuu and Sabito
colorblind from birth and dysgraphic when it comes to handwriting, uses recording devices and laptops in class
used to get into a lot of fights in school and still works on not doing that™, most people think he's scary and a delinquent (and also a murderer because it's kinda sus that none of the family members showed up at their dad's funeral)
biker, the motorcycle has wind art on it and he mostly uses it to pick up the tons of children that somehow snuck into his friend circle and take Kanae on drives, loves bringing his guitar to play her something in the moonlight
suffered through school for the most part, a new teacher (Kagaya) in tenth grade inspired him to finish "upper school" and study physics
loves Gyomei's dog like a daughter
Kocho Kanae (21, biology major)
lives with her family and has no plans of moving out until she finishes university, helps a ton in the household
the best big sister ever, drives all of her sisters and their friends around and picks them up at 3am when they're stranded somewhere (also doesn't pretend to hate it, unlike certain other older siblings with their own vehicles)
has always been into gardening and is really getting into permaculture, puts plants wherever she can and loves flowers
most of her cooking ingredients are from her own garden, vegetarian (everything she cooks or bakes will be the best thing you ever ate)
has the voice of an angel, Sumi, Kiyo and Naho refuse to go to bed without her singing them a lullaby
christmas is her favorite time of the year, she goes all out with planning the festivities and getting everyone gifts and needs three whole days to recharge afterwards
has to wear a biteguard when she's stressed because she'll start clenching her teeth in her sleep and works really hard to keep it a secret from everyone
Iguro Obanai (21, philosophy major)
somewhat of a local legend, not by his own doing but by people just making shit up about him
grew up in a cult of which all the members were killed in a fire with him being the only survivor and a huge news story all across the country at age 12
moved to another city as soon as he was old enough to start anew but the rumors follow him everywhere (and it doesn't help that he talks to his snake)
mostly annoyed by the rumors but also likes to use them to scare people of who are being super pushy or harassing his friends (that's the first time in his life he found friends, he can and will commit atrocious crimes on their behalf)
originally enrolled in zoology, then switched majors when the professors wanted to use Kaburamaru as a test subject
spends his time in philosophy class taking a stance against whatever Giyuu says and has an entire folder filled with essays criticizing his statements
always carries headphones with him, listens to lofi because he likes it, mcr because he feels it in his soul and doom metal solely to fuck with tengen ("Screaming is not music!")
Rengoku Kyojuro (20, history major)
still lives at home with his dad and brother because he didn't want to leave Senjuro behind, spends most of his time out of the house tho and is looking for a flat right now
works parttime at a restaurant that's called Umainia and his friends have yet to figure out whether he says "Umai" all the time because he likes his food or to advertise his work place
slightly hearing impaired, has hearing aids prescribed that he just forgets to put in at all times
doesn't have a driver's license, goes by bike everywhere no matter the weather
gets close to people easily, is well beloved amongst Senjuro's friends and also makes an effort to get to know them so he can be sure Senjuro's in good hands
regularly forgets people's names but never their birthdays
collects old books and learned a bunch of old languages just to be able to read them
Kanroji Mitsuri (19, art major)
still lives at home because she wants to stay with her family and help take care of her siblings, also claims that she had invested too much time in her room to just leave it behind (her room looks like every cool fluffy fairy core room you have ever seen on pinterest, it's the coziest place on earth)
if there's a sanrio themed version of stuff she needs, she's getting it, no questions asked.
slightly allergic to dogs, she doesn't care though and cuddles with Curry all the time, she calls it confrontation therapy (it works)
animal lover in general, she even built a little terrarium in her room so Kaburamaru has a comfy spot for his naps when Obanai stays over
has kept every drawing she ever made and sometimes looks through them for inspiration, also likes to track her progress that way
there's a coffee shop across the street from her house where she has been customer of the month every month consistently for four years as well as an honorary mention ever since she was six
Kocho Shinobu (18, student)
in her last year of school and likely about to graduate with a perfect score
founder and president of the first aid club, also head of the student council and an active member on every committee the school has to offer
recently got her driver's license but keeps it a secret so she doesn't have to play chauffeur for her sisters
effectively avoids getting asked out for dates by being very scary™ (and taking jiu jitsu classes since elementary school), she's also your go to person when creepy weirdos won't leave you alone
loves cooking with her sisters and often shares her own recipes with Kanao, she also has her own little corner in Kanae's garden where she plants stuff that she uses to make her own medicine
has a lot on her plate with school and her clubs and some volunteer stuff she does here and there, so she goes to the local animal shelter once a week to cuddle and play with the cats and dogs there, it's her little safe zone to unwind and she doesn't tell anyone about it
the biggest fan of psychological thrillers you will ever meet
Tokito Muichiro (14, student)
in eighth grade and no one knows how he did it but everyone suspects that his brother took at least some of his exams in his place
he's not bad at school per se but he just can't memorize stuff, you're lucky if he knows your name after sitting next to each other for six months
is a member of the cooking club tho and absolutely thriving there, he never goes by recipe and creates the most delicious things but he won't tell anyone his secret ingredients because he can't remember them either
absolutely loves visiting his friends' houses, he's so happy seeing how their rooms reflect them
followed Yuichiro everywhere all throughout elementary school, then made his first friend in fifth grade (Tanjiro of course) and has been getting more and more independent ever since
constantly misses bus stops or takes trains in the wrong direction and is always late because of it, however he has also acquired an extensive knowledge of the town and can give you directions to pretty much everywhere
tries his very best to remember his friends' birthdays but forgets his own every year because it just kinda slips his mind that he has the same birthday as Yuichiro
#IT IS HERE#THE FIRST OF SEVERAL KNY MODERN AU POSTS#there'll be more don't worry#for now i present to you the hashira#demon slayer#kimetsu no yaiba#kny#demon slayer modern au#kny modern au#hashira#gyomei himejima#tengen uzui#giyuu tomioka#sanemi shinazugawa#obanai iguro#kanae kocho#kyojuro rengoku#mitsuri kanroji#shinobu kocho#muichiro tokito#headcanons#demon slayer headcanons#kny headcanons#rey writes
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Stan & Kenny South Park Headcanons ♡
Feeling a bit stuck so here are some headcanons about Stan and Kenny specially from my kyman fanfic "Be Nice to Me" ^^
🧡 Kenny's been working overtime while attending school since he turned 14. He gets paid under the table for most of it.
🧡 He saved up just enough to buy a really run down, beat up, used car. It's a stick shift and requires a ton of repairs.
🧡 He learned a lot about mechanics in order to save money and not have to take it anywhere to get fixed.
🧡 He learned how to drive stick shift and how to fix a car through YouTube.
🧡 He takes and picks up Karen from school. He also pays for all of her school supplies and encourages her to pick up extracurriculars.
🧡 Kenny doesn't have to study in order to get good grades in school. He barely has to do his homework either. As long as he listens to the lectures and skims through the material, he’ll pass. If he didn’t work overtime then he would be highly ranked in their year.
🧡 Kenny barely sleeps 4 hours a day. 5 on a good day.
🧡 He plans to keep working at the same pace and go to a trade school. Once he is more settled and his sister is an adult able to stand on her own, he might go back to school but he doesn't really stress about it and prefers living day by day then worrying about the future.
💙 Stan loves writing and listening to music. He's very big into metal, rock, and Midwest emo right now.
💙 His extracurriculars are football and he's co-captain of the board game club along with Nichole.
💙 He's an average student, usually getting C's, a B here and there, and a D if he doesn't study enough.
💙 He's terrible at multitasking. He's a very forgetful person.
💙 Wendy and Kyle constantly have to remind him about deadlines and big projects.
💙 On his 16th birthday, his dad gave him his hand me down pick up truck.
💙 Tolkien comes over often and they do homework together. He helps Stan with math a lot.
💙 Stan and Kyle still consider themselves best friends even if they don't live right next door.
💙 Crimson Dawn meets up often, practicing at Stan's since they can be as loud as they want there.
💙 Sometimes friends like Kyle, Wendy, Timmy, and Tolkien come over to just hang out with the others and watch the band practice.
💙 Stan and Wendy have been off and on since elementary school. It's obvious when they're not dating since Stan sometimes relapses back into his goth phase.
💙 Stan and Tolkien have hooked up on a few occasions when Stan and Wendy broke up.
💙 Tolkien has also dated Wendy on more than one occasion.
💙 Stan is the type of kid that casually gets along with every “clique” in school since he doesn't really have beef with anyone. He's a very chill guy who often reacts pretty indifferently to most things.
#stan marsh#kenny mccormick#kyman#bunny#stendy#stolkien#south park#south park headcanons#be nice to me#drowned in the lily pond rip#south park fanfiction#kyman fanfiction
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'plagiarism' issue
Not one for drama, yet I want to bring attention to this. I won’t elaborate on this issue more.
So it happened.
A while ago but it remains slowly nipping at my brain. For that case, I have decided to write it all down and collect my thoughts using this post.
My work like real people do (and the whole thought/idea behind it) has been taken, rewritten, tweaked and published as someone else's idea (that they apparently had since spring). I asked them to take it down privately. They did add my @ and for some time, I was content until they started creating the whole "universe" around it and taking praise for it even tho it's not their original idea.
The dark side of fanfiction is that there is not much I can do but at least I can make awareness about the issue.
Starting this with some definitions and clearance:
plagiarism: "Presenting work or ideas from another source as your own...by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgment.[1]"
I love this by Wattpad themself:
What if they give credit?
"It is still plagiarism even if you give credit. Even when someone uses an artist's base or picture they are expected to change it up to become something new, rather than just running it through a filter, or tweaking it with a few minor edits. There is a major difference between copying another person's storyline and making edits and actually writing a story.[2]"
Now to the point:
For LRPD, I have created a very specific premise that I haven't read/seen before:
Leon is a single dad of a young girl (didn't specify age but definitely a preteen, around fourth grade).
He is absent from his daughter's life, especially from her school activities. He becomes this "enigma" for the teachers.
The daughter doesn't have a mother.
Teacher!reader is concerned for the daughter's wellbeing so one day, when Leon picks her up, she requires to have a talk with him.
During the talk, he offers her a dinner instead of having to participate in school activities.
Teacher!reader and Leon sleep together during the first off-school meeting.
Teacher!reader wakes up before Leon and looks at his exposed [muscular] back.
Teacher!reader searches for the bathroom, notices Leon’s poorly decorated apartment except for his daughter’s stuff.
Teacher!reader is reffered to as "Miss teacher" in this universe.
They copied almost THE WHOLE premise. It'd be okay to write your own version of single dad Leon and his kid's teacher - I don't own the trope - but following the SAME ORIGINAL STORYLINE is not okay [with me]...
The parts after "Keep reading" consists of photo 'evidence' of the similarities (some are less obvious but I'll mention them regardless). It is LONG because I have a lot to say.
LRPD was published May 2, 2023, their story was published August 14, 2023.

Fun fact: Few days ago, I created a separate masterlist for the series and few days later, they did the same thing.

: ̗̀➛ Example 1 - Leon sits on the chair
My story (LRPD):
: ̗̀➛ Example 2 - Could've been a...
My story (LRPD):
: ̗̀➛ Example 3 - Leon's absent from his daughter's life, especially from her school activities, and teacher!reader saying that he should be more present...
My story (LRPD):
: ̗̀➛ Example 4 - Leon snaps because the kid's mother is mentioned (also mention of him having his arms folded during the meeting which the other person mentioned earlier in their work)...
My story (LRPD):
: ̗̀➛ Example 5 - Leon invites you to dinner instead of attenting the school event…
My story (LRPD):
: ̗̀➛ Example 6 - Aunt Claire makes an appereance (mentioned only)
My story (LRPD):
: ̗̀➛ Example 7 (NSFW) - Teacher!reader worried where is Leon's kid during heavy make-out session that leads to s*x (they did wrote a full original smut scene, which I skipped so idk if there are any familiarities; I have decided that a full smut scene doesn't do it for me in this story)
My story (LRPD):
: ̗̀➛ Example 8 - Morning after
My story (LRPD):
: ̗̀➛ Example 9 - Leon's apartment description (they basically just simplified my abstact, "show, don't tell" description)
My story (LRPD):
: ̗̀➛ Example 10 - Aunt Claire calls to tell Leon to pick his daughter in the morning after
My story (LRPD):
: ̗̀➛ Example 11 - AND Miss Teacher's significant petname has an alternative but also makes an appereance (in the same formating on top of that)
My story (LRPD):
Theirs - NSFW (alternative + miss teacher):

They were smart by rewritting it in their own words but it still lays heavy on my chest that a story I have crafted for WEEKS has been taken from me like that. It's more glaring if you read both stories instead of me splitting it into excerpts (and I didn't insert all of them as there is a limit to pictures per post).
Taking inspiration or straight-up rewritting someone's detailed idea is a difference.
[1] https://www.ox.ac.uk/students/academic/guidance/skills/plagiarism
[2] https://www.wattpad.com/128409012-how-to-write-fanfiction-plagiarism-vs-inspiration
#plagiarism#leon kenndy x reader#leon kennedy#resident evil#this is a one time thing#i don't want drama on my blog#this is just for awareness#leon kennedy smut
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Finding out from my mom that I spoke full sentences at 10 months old and then adding that to all my other memories of being young just feels like a punch to the gut
When I first self dxd autism I knew that my experiences from age 10 up were consistent with autism diagnostic criteria but I only had a very vague understanding of how my early childhood was affected. Like I knew that I behaved the same way but I didn't have any specific examples and at first my mom didn't believe me either, so she wasn't much help. I honestly believed that I must not have presented autism in an obvious way, since it was missed in my childhood.
But since then I've realized/learned several things:
I was speaking in full sentences at 10 months old. Typically that isn't supposed to happen until age 3 or 4.
I spoke incessantly. All the time. To the point where my mom still jokes that they had to "train me to stop talking" (what exactly that entailed I have no idea???)
Throughout my life including early childhood people have asked me to slow down when talking or remarked on how fast I spoke
In my childhood and pretty much through out my life pre-depresion, people would remark on how good my memory was. Especially in my early childhood (4-8 years old) I would get comments like this ALL THE TIME, I just remembered literally everything?
I taught myself to read at age 4. Because I wanted to read the same storybook over and over again for a period of over a week at least, and my caregivers were sick of reading it to me and started saying no when I asked. So I said "fine, I'll just read it to myself." I was reading at a 3rd grade level at least. by the time i was 5. When I was 5 or 6, I read The Secret Garden, unabridged. I remember this because I was really into tinkerbell at the time, it had just come out. TSG was my mom's copy of the book from her childhood and I had to confess to her that I had fallen asleep while reading and the paperback cover had fallen off in my bed.
Despite making my way through the book pretty quickly, I did not understand a lick of the meaning. I just took down the sequence of events.
I often sat down and arranged stones or blocks or my dollhouse elements by category, size, or color. I would also spend times trying to make sure the chains on the swinger were perfectly aligned.
I watched Finding Nemo maybe 30 times when I was 1-3 years old. Like I would beg my parents to start it over again immediately after it finished. At the time my parents owned a wall projector instead of a TV, so big picture. I suspect now that I was seeking out a visual stim because I still find that movie delightful.
Also forgot to mention, we lived in Japan when I was 1-2.5 and I started learning Japanese?? I don't remember it but according to my parents I was already using some Japanese words by the time we returned to the US. And I had learned to use chopsticks.
Dinosaur. Arms.
Picky eating that was explicitly known to be a texture issue. Nobody thought to analyze this further.
When I was 6 or so I was exposed to plush blankets for the first time. It became my dream to own one. I bought my first one when I was 19 and now I own like 10 of them because plush is one of my favorite textures in the world. But girls I would literally sit in bed and dream about owning a plush blanket. For years. Every time I went to summer camp and someone brought one for themselves I would stare at it, forlorn. Yearning.
I would read the science homeschool books excessively. I went into 5th grade Earth Science already knowing everything that we were being taught, because I had pored over geology and physical science books since I was 5. Probably about 5 years old is when I was able to explain how volcanoes worked and the layers of the earth. Also the water cycle.
These science books also included my dad's 100 year complete collection of national geographic magazines. At 2 years old I was able to explain the star life cycle and how black holes formed. As well as what would happen if you fell into one.
Once I gained access to the internet at 14 my knowledge of the cosmos expanded explosively. I became able to thoroughly explain multiverse theory, multiple theories for the origin of the universe, a good deal of the geological history of Mars, Mars's atmospheric composition, and could fully explain how solar flares worked, how Earth's magnetic field protected us, and how Mars magnetic field had disappeared taking the atmosphere with it. I was failing biology.
Transfered schools twice and a year later had to start biology over again, this time aced it. DNA replication was simple as pie.
SUCKED at math. Always.
Sucked at socialization.
Hyperfixated on the Maze Runner movies to the point where I had the 2nd one memorized and would read the credits for fun. Got so into the BTS that 5 years later I went to film school.
LOUD music was my faborite coping mechanism. Just about destroyed my hearing because I would, on a nightly basis, play heavydirtysoul on loop through the Brookstone ear buds I had gotten for Christmas at Max volume until I felt calm enough to sleep. Would also squirm with the music which i now know to be an uninformed attempt at stimming.
Just... how did I NOT get screened for autism as a kid? I was literally a textbook case for what likely would have been diagnosed as aspergers at the time.
My parents were somewhat neglectful at that time because of a lot of reasons, but I don't really fault them for it. Sometimes I forget that they even were but then I remember things like this.
Asked my mom about it yesterday "how did you not think me speaking full sentences at 10 months was weird?!!" And her response was "we didn't know!"
They didn't know my dad was autistic.
They didn't know that hitting your milestones 2-3 years early is NOT normal and likely a sign of a disorder.
They didn't know that repetitive behavior and obsessive organizing is not normal.
If they had known...... my childhood would have been so different. I wouldn't have nearly flunked out of college. I wouldn't have grown to hate myself because of my social skills. I wouldn't have had countless episodes of feeling like I was going to explode out of my skin but shoving it down and chewing on my cheek just to get through the social situation. So much would have been different.
This is why it's so important to spread general awareness of autism symptoms and behaviors. Real and varied examples, not just solely sdtereotypes and nonverbal autistic alone. And not just autism either but pretty much any disorder.
Or at least an awareness about what child development is SUPPOSED to look like, so that parents can flag when things aren't normal.
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Dave Lizewski X Reader - Social Suicide (Part 2)

summary - you’re were failing calculus so your teacher gives you a tutor, dave lizewski.
warnings - 18!dave, 18!reader, bitch!reader, mentions of injury, implied violence
Main Masterlist Dave Lizewski Masterlist Series Masterlist
a/n - hiya girlies! im on a writing rampage at the moment, so here’s part 2! hope u enjoy! ta ta my lovelies xx
dave lizewski x popular!reader
part 1 part 3 part 4
It has been about a month since Dave started tutoring you. He always comes to your house twice a week, every Friday and Sunday at 5 o’clock on the dot. Your grades were improving, all because of his help. You were grateful for him.
You now made sure you were always free on Fridays and Sundays. You’ve grown to love the time you spend with him. Possibly a little bit of a crush on him as well. But you don’t tell anyone.
Tonight, he’s late. One hour and thirty five minutes late to be exact. You’re worried. You’ve messaged him three times but to no avail.
You have been pacing around your room for the whole time he’s been late. How had you grown so fond of him in only a month?
Just a month ago you wouldn’t even look his way, let alone spend time with him. But now, you can’t go a day without messaging him. Or thinking about him. Maybe it wasn’t such a little crush after all.
You hear your phone ding. You practically run to your phone and open the notification as fast as you could. It was Dave.
hey y/n, im rlly sorry for being late but i can’t come at all tonight, my dad wants me to stay home with all the crime going on. sorry :(
Your heart sank. You were really looking forward to seeing him tonight. You quickly sent a message back.
that’s okay dave dw, just tell me sooner next time pls
The next week or two consisted of the same thing. Him being late and texting fucking AGES after 5 with a shitty excuse. You were growing tired. What the fuck could he be doing that’s more important than me? You always asked yourself.
Now it’s been three weeks. Excuse after excuse. You were growing tired. You need to talk to him. Ask him why he’s been avoiding you and lying. You know the excuses he uses aren’t true whatsoever.
You were taking laps around the school. Looking forward Dave. You were losing hope. You had taken about 6 laps of the whole entire school.
Until you saw him.
He was at his locker, probably grabbing books. You began to walk to him, picking up the pace when you saw him close his locker.
“Dave!” You shout to him. He turns, sees it’s you then makes a run for it. You begin running yourself, luckily you run every day so it was nothing for you. But Dave was pretty fast.
You were catching up to him, you grabbed his backpack, pulled it backwards then slammed him into the wall. You quickly looked around and saw you were behind the school.
“Why the fuck have you been avoiding me?” At first you were sad, but now you were pissed. Because in the time you and Dave have spent together, you opened up to him. You had no clue why but you had told him things not even Haley knew and she was your best friend.
Dave didn’t know what to say, his mouth opens and closes like a fish yearning to be put back into water. You grew more pissed with his silence.
“Answer me!” You hadn’t even spoken to him like this. But you have never been so upset. After you open up to him the way you did and then he just completely blanks you?
“I-I can’t tell you!” He blurts out. The fuck? What does he mean by that? “If I could tell you, I would. P-please believe me. All I can say is it’s for your own safety.”
You don’t even say a word and storm off. If he couldn’t tell you then there’s no point pushing. You just decided to give up. On him too. Although you wouldn’t be able to get over the crush on him.
。 ˚ ︶︶✩︶︶ ₊ ˚ ︶︶✩︶︶ 。˚
It’s been three weeks since you last spoke to Dave. Your grades were slipping back to where they used to be. You refused to talk to Dave but he was the only one that could help you improve.
It’s Saturday. You were going to go to another party with Haley. But this thing with Dave has affected you more than you thought it would. You really like him. But he hurt you.
Currently, you’re trying to get back up to speed with calculus. But boy was it hard. You don’t understand it whatsoever. You feel like you’re reading a foreign language when you look at it.
As you were about to give up, you heard a knock on your window. You look up and see Dave. You ignore him, and the fact he’s at your window of all places. But he knocks at your window again.
“Y/N, please! I really need you right now…” you hear his muffled voice through the window. He sounds desperate. You groan and roll your eyes as you get up and open your window.
“What do you want David?” Your voice is laced with venom, you don’t even look him in the eyes.
“I just need a place to stay. Not for long.” He winces as he talks. “Please, you’re the only person I trust right now.” The look in his eyes makes you want to wrap your arms around comfort him, but he hurt you. So all you do is open the window more and go back to your bed.
As he climbs in, you see he’s wearing a green and yellow suit. What the fuck? It kinda looks like the suit Kick-Ass wears. But that’s gotta be a coincidence.
“Why are you wearing that?” He doesn’t answer, you look closer at the suit and it’s covered in blood. You eyes widen and worry takes over your body. He was Kick-Ass. But that didn’t matter right now, Dave was hurt. Badly.
“Oh my god Dave! What happened to you?” You kneel down in front of him and cup his cheeks in your hands.
“C-can you just help me? I’ll tell you, a-at some point.” You nod your head and hurry into your bathroom attached to your room and retrieve the first-aid kit from the cupboard under your sink and rush back to Dave.
“Can you get up? It’ll be easier for me to help if you’re on my bed.” He nods, he tries to get up but winces in pain and falls back to the floor. He tries again and this time you help him up and walk him over to your bed.
You open up your first-aid kit and take out the rubbing alcohol and cotton pads.
“I’m gonna need you to take the top half off Dave. To see how bad it is and to actually help.” He nods and unzips the back of his suit and pulls it down.
My god he was ripped. You couldn’t look away. He looked like a Greek god. Carved from angels tears by God himself. The heavens took their time with him. You thought to yourself.
You shake your head, getting yourself out of the thoughts you were having. You doused the cotton pad in your hand with the rubbing alcohol and begin to clean the cuts all over his torso. He sucks in a breath through his teeth every time the cotton pad touches his cuts.
After you cleaned and bandaged all the cuts and scrapes, you put your first-aid kit away and sit in front of Dave.
“Can you please tell me why the fuck you’re wearing that? Or what happened to you at least?” You look at him with worry and desperation in your eyes.
He goes to start speaking but stops himself. He tries again but stops. He was trying to find the words. He wanted to tell you absolutely everything. But he couldn’t. Not yet.
“Y/N…” He looks at you with longing. You see that he wants to tell you but can’t. Won’t.
“It’s okay Dave… I know you can’t tell me. Please just whatever you do, be careful. You’re my friend. I don’t like seeing my friends get hurt.” It hurt you to say friend. You wanted to be more than just friends. But if he can’t open up to you like you’ve opened up to him, then it won’t happen. You don’t want to be in a relationship without honesty.
Not again.
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DS9 Season 3 Thoughts
On to Season 3! Last time, the crew made contact with members of the Dominion who told them to stay off their lawn in the Gamma Quadrant. Will Sisko comply?
Probably not, so here we go.
1-2. The Search: Sisko gets a new ship to play with that's better than those wimpy runabouts. All simulations show them losing if the Dominion attacks them, so Sisko figures they can't fare any worse if he just takes the entire senior staff with him to go face the Dominion on their own turf. They all promptly get captured, while Odo has some slime time with his own people, only to discover that they're the Dominion's founders.
3. The House of Quark: Quark kills a guy, is sentenced to marriage.
4. Equilibrium: Dax gets a song stuck in her head, but unfortunately the Shazam servers in the future take a week to return a result. Also, when did they get the Defiant back? Two episodes ago it was trashed and adrift in the Gamma Quadrant. Did the Dominion really let them go back to get it?
5. Second Skin: Kira gets gaslit like a pilot light, ends up with a Car-dad-ssian.
6. The Abandoned: Odo adopts a baby Jem'Hadar, who quickly becomes a violent, angsty teenage Jem'Hadar with an enzyme addiction who runs off to join a gang. Also, is the series trying to set up an Odo/Kira relationship? Almost every episode this season has given them a "moment", and now she's bringing him flowers. Like, it's cute, but I'm still all for Ace Odo and the ability for a female and male-identifying character to have a platonic friendship (I don't count Sisko/Dax because Sisko has made clear that Dax being Curzon is all that's keeping him from hitting on her).
7. Civil Defense: O'Brien decides he wants to try out that "killing everyone by accidentally tripping a hidden deadly security protocol" bit from "Armageddon Game" for real. Gul Dukat tries to gloat, but ends up getting stuck there with them. We still cool, guys?
8. Meridian: An extremely creepy guy pursues Kira in order to make the moderately creepy guy pursuing Dax come across as less creepy by comparison.
9. Defiant: Holy crap, it's Riker! But not that Riker, the cheap transporter accident knockoff Riker from TNG. He's still got a complex about that and thinks stealing the Defiant and blowing up some Cardassians will make everything better.
10. Fascination: This season's bout of crazypox breaks out around the station, this time making everyone fall madly in love with each other. Odo is once again immune, but they seem to be setting up a love triangle between Odo, Kira, and Bareil, which is a damn shame because love triangle stories tend to be terrible and make me hate every character involved, which is extra sucky because Odo and Kira are my two favorites (just not together).
11-12. Past Tense: Sisko, Bashir, and Dax accidentally get transported to... (checks calendar) ... three weeks ago, and are forced to participate in a homeless riot in order to maintain the timeline. Unfortunately, someone had already messed up the timeline, which resulted in there being bulky CRT monitor computers, giant bricks of flip-phones, and shotguns being the terrorist weapon of choice in 2024 (though, to be fair, if they can just keep that last change and stop the proliferation of military-grade semi-automatic rifles to civilians, that would be great).
13. Life Support: Winn wanted to be Kai for the perks, not the responsibility, and literally works a mortally wounded Bareil to death in order to get a peace treaty she can take credit for. Otherwise a fairly poignant episode about when to stop treatment and just let someone go.
14. Heart of Stone: After the death of the hypotenuse of their love triangle last episode, Odo and Kira confess their feelings for each other. But, of course, since Odo is never allowed to have nice things, Kira turns out to be a Changeling who's just here to troll him. #JusticeForOdo.
15. Destiny: Goddamn I hate "prophecy" stories that end with, "Well, if you redefine the meaning of literally every word in that word salad, it ends up vaguely resembling what happened, therefore there must be something to it." No, it was not as the prophecy foretold. Shit just happens and you just twist your vague predictions to accommodate it and then give yourself a pat on the back and demand people take you seriously. Go away.
16. Prophet Motive: The wormhole entities turn the Grand Nagus into a communist, so Quark threatens to annoy them for eternity unless they turn him back.
17. Visionary: O'Brien starts jumping through time, and they figure out every component of his time-skips to the point they can trigger them at will and see the future. And then will likely never utilize this knowledge again. Though the episode really should have ended on O'Brien going to bed, yet another O'Brien popping up, and him just lamenting, "Oh god, NOW what?"
18. Distant Voices: Deep Space Nine presents Inside Out, starring Bashir as Sadness, Dax as Joy, O'Brien as Fear, Kira as Anger, Odo as Disgust, and Garak as Bing-Bong.
19. Through the Looking Glass: Mirror!O'Brien shows up and kidnaps Sisko and takes him back to the universe where everyone is horny all the time. Really hope this doesn't become a recurring thing, since "multiverse" stories that are merely "it's the same people, but they're different!" are rarely compelling.
20. Improbable Cause: Bashir's boyfriend is in trouble again, and this time it's Odo to the rescue. They track down Garak's old boss who offers to let them join a war against the Dominion, and Garak... accepts?
21. The Die is Cast: The Cardassians and Romulans launch an attack on the Dominion, but it was all a trap thanks to a Changeling replacing the Romulan commander. Makes me wonder how many other characters have or will become replaced by Changelings, or if they're going to even bother trying to come up with a way to detect it, since even Odo can't tell and has been fooled twice now.
22. Explorers: A pleasantly low-stakes episode in which Sisko can somehow build an entire functioning spaceship by hand in only three weeks, the flies it to Cardassia just to prove that he can.
23. Family Business: Quark goes home to teach us that the only thing a Ferengi values more than profit is oppressing women, even if doing so causes a massive loss of profit. Also, glad they finally gave a shout-out to how many runabouts they've trashed and the need to get new ones.
24: Shakaar: Winn continues to fail upwards by becoming the presumptive next president due to having no viable opponents and the Bajoran populace getting all their information from BOX News and not realizing she's a piece of shit. So Kira nominates a popular upstart last minute to run against her and actually make her work for it, and Winn cries "coup" and "rigged election" and good fucking god this episode is too prescient. They may have gotten the state of affairs of 2024 wrong in the episode that was literally about 2024, but then accurately predicted them in pretty much all of their Winn episodes.
25. Facets: Dax asks the people closest to her to host her previous lives so that she can talk to them. Including... random girl who had two lines a couple episodes ago who's now acting like she's part of the inner circle. And Odo, who has historically been immune to psychic shenanigans. But the episode continues to exemplify that Curzon was a piece of shit, and that Dax-centric episodes still manage to have nothing to do with Dax herself, but rather her previous incarnations or Trill customs, leaving Dax with still no solid personality or motives three seasons in.
26: The Adversary: Sisko gets promoted to Captain and decides to celebrate by almost starting a war and blowing up the entire senior staff due to bad intel from a Changeling imposter.
Three seasons down, four to go! Bashir is doing a lot better this season, since his womanizing and bragging have been toned way down and he can actually focus on being a doctor. Dax is still just a cardboard cutout there to remind people of the opinions and actions of her previous incarnations, but still have no identity of her own.
And then towards the end of the season they just awkwardly brought in a couple of women simply to be love interests to our crew members who are still lacking a heterosexual partner. At least, I'm assuming what's-her-face who had two lines and hit on Bashir at the beginning of one episode and then was suddenly chummy enough with the senior staff to participate in Dax's memory roulette ritual a few episodes later is supposed to be a love interest for Bashir. Go away, random lady, he already has Garak.
The choice of crew of the Defiant also reminds me of a really, really old Star Trek joke I read as a kid about the "Kirk Maneuver", which is "Kirk knows this is the most dangerous planet in the universe so takes his entire senior staff with him when he beams down". Like, shouldn't there be a separate operations crew for the Defiant so that you don't suddenly lose your entire station leadership if something were to go wrong? But, nope, The Main Characters Do Everything.
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For the Get In My Business ask game:
4, 8(top five moments insignificant but pleasantly memorable to you), 63, 99
But if you're willing to indulge me, then also 25, 29, 83 and 100.
Or any combination of the above :D
P.S. I currently follow 11 blogs and my dash is rather easily scrolled. If you reblog any ask games, I will likely ask you (and that is a threat) *cough* jk xD ...but also not really hahaha
4. Last time I cried and why:
November 6, 2024. I woke up to the news that Trump cheated his way into office again was re-elected, and while I didn't cry right then, later at work, I was just so anxious about it and upset, but I had to do my job and stay professional and relatively upbeat, and a woman came in who found out that she'd have to put her dog down, and she was crying, and when she left the clinic, I sat down and gave myself two minutes just to cry a little before I caught my breath, determined that this was not going to defeat me (Trump and his bullshit), and then I hauled myself back to my work.
8. Top 5 (insert subject):
When I was 4 years old, and my oldest brother was going to ship off for the Air Force the next day, and he took me to see The Jungle Book (Disney cartoon) at the theatre.
When my brother Robert came home from the Army, and (this was while our mom was still alive, too) we'd be eating dinner, and he and I would take bites of food and then stick out our tongues (food still in our mouths) at each other.
The time when I went with my childhood BFF and her dad to go fishing under the JFK Causeway in the little boat that he made himself (her dad). It was the first (and only) time I've ever been fishing, and it was just a pleasant day all around.
When Hurricane Bret was headed for Corpus Christi, Texas (my hometown and where I was still living), and my sister's BFF insisted that we (my ex, my sister, and myself - and our dog and cat) go with her and her husband to her sister's and BIL's big house that had storm shutters for the duration of the hurricane where it'd be safe. So we put my computer in the closet, propped the mattresses against the sliding glass door and bedroom windows and headed to their place - ultimately there were I think four dogs (maybe five?), one cat (mine but she stayed in the bedroom my ex and I were getting to stay in), and one parrot who, when all the dogs were riled up and barking from the various kennels they were in, would call out, "Shut up, Dogs! Shut up, Dogs!"
The day when I got out of school (elementary school - can't remember which grade it was - maybe second?) when I walked out expecting to meet my mom at her car but it was my brother Robert and his BFF and my childhood BFF who picked me up because they were taking us (BFF and me) to the circus.
25. Someone you miss: I answered this one here.
29. One insecurity:
That, after spending 17 years with my gaslighting ex as the consolation prize/second choice, that's all I'll ever be to anyone I date/fall for.
63. Have you ever touched a snake?
Several. I've had a few friends with snakes as pets, and I got to hold them (both corn snakes) and then once at the South Texas Botanical Gardens and Nature Center, they had a rat snake that they found that they were sure was a pet that had been released out there instead of rehomed.
83. Have you ever glued your hand to something?
Usually not my whole hand but my fingers/thumbs to each other when I've been working with glue and wound up with it on my fingers/thumbs.
99. Have you ever met someone who didn’t seem real?
I kind of feel sometimes that the teams I work with at both vet clinics I work for (same vet, two different clinics, and thank the Norns I don't have to go to the third clinic he owns because that's in South Austin) aren't real because they're just so awesome. Best coworkers I've ever had (save one person I worked with at the boutique part time), and that just seems unreal to me - to have such awesome coworkers. I've been there coming up on 5 months, and it feels like I've been there longer but in a good way.
100. Give us one thing about you that no one knows.
I can't think of anything that absolutely no one knows. I tend to be an open book. I mean, my family (brother and sister - they're all that's left of my family that I care about) don't know that I tried poly for a couple of years, but it definitely did not work out for me. I'm not wired for that, and thinking of trying it again in the future just gives me anxiety as well as mental, emotional, and physical exhaustion. (Note: I'm supportive of poly for other people who it works out for - I'm happy for y'all, but it just doesn't agree with me.) Some of my friends and work friends don't know how my brother Robert died, so there's that (and no, I'm not going to put it right out here). But yeah, there's not much I've ever hidden or kept to myself.
Thanks for the asks!
Get In My Business Ask Game.
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🦉Positivity owl reporting for duty! This was sent by a friend who wants you to smile as much as your posts make them smile. Please list five things that make you unique, four things you are super passionate about and why, OR three of your favorite memories. Feel free to send the owl to those who you feel deserve to smile🦉
Multiple kind people in my inbox tonight?! What is this??? 🥹🥹🥹
Uhhhhh 5 things that make me unique....
1) I'm an artist with aphantasia, which means I don't really "visualize" what I want to draw the way most people do? I most get vibes, impressions, and concepts and then I'm left to flounder when actually putting it on the page!
2) I'm an astronomer by day, artist by night! Errrr... Astronomer by night, artist by day? 😅 Basically, my day job is being a science communicator and I specialize in astronomy, physics, etc. Art is what I do for fun.
3) I've been drawing since I had enough motor skills to hold a pencil. My dad taught me to draw basic shapes on a magna-doodle. I spent hours in front of a 1st Gen Pokemon roster poster, drawing each of my favorite pokemon. I drew horses exclusively between the ages of 5 and 12, except for a brief period around 8 and 9 in which I branched out to Animorph characters and designing my own aliens. Didn't start drawing people until I was 13 / in 7th grade!
4) When I'm not drawing, I'm writing, crocheting, embroidering, miniature figure painting, or sleeping
5) Writing and drawing for the Murderbot fandom over the last year has been a life saver. And I mean that in a very literal sense. This year has been hard and I've been at my wit's end for months but being able to create for this fandom and share it with you and see your reactions in the tags has brought me a lot of joy. As have the friendships I've made in the fandom 💛
Bonus, under the cut: 4 things I'm super passionate about, speed edition
1) Planetary Science/astrobiology. Ask me about Europa, Enceladus, or Titan (gods, especially Titan) and I won't shut up
2) science communication. And just. Communication in general?
3) Murderbot 💛
4) Discussing the nuances of the aro/ace spectrum. Like, pls? Can we stop it with the false dichotomy??
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Need some college advice, one of the classes I'm taking is Political science but it's synchronous me I do at home on my own. and I am STRUGGLING . I feel like I learned nothing and we're on week 5. it's not the subject but the way it's taught, thing is I KNEW this would happen I was home-schooled from 4th-12th and it was structured same way and I just couldn't get with it. But I figured that was then, this is now besides good to have a back up as a spoonie and my dad's (my main transportation) ailing health. However recent quiz I got 4/10. ...I just don't know, I have a meeting with advisor tomorrow but wonder should I just withdraw from this class and retake in person next semester? But I feel like a quitter
Listen, first and foremost: no academic endeavor is worth your mental and/or physical health. If this class is tying you up in knots, if you're not learning anything because of the way it's structured, and it could potentially mess up your GPA (provided that's something you care about it)... ditch the class. Also, you deserve to get the most out of your learning experience.
Sure, there's nuance. What percentage of your grade is made up of quizzes vs things like papers or assignments, which are sometimes harder to fail? Does the professor allow retakes? Extra credit? At week 5 things are probably still salvageable, even if you might not necessarily get an A.
But honestly? It sounds like you're not getting much out of this class, and that's the most important thing. If it helps, don't think of it as quitting, think of it as making an evidence-based decision. You did an experiment with this kind of learning in a new setting, you have some preliminary results, and based on that data you are going to alter future parameters.
There are some time constraints you want to think about. Most schools have an add/drop window where there's no penalty for leaving a class, but that usually ends around the second week. Past that point there's another window where you can formally withdraw from a class, but it will show as a W on your transcript. Sometimes, depending on the situation, you can still get your money back with a W.
Ws are not the end of the world; many people wind up taking them for many different reasons. Most post-college opportunities don't actually care about the details of your transcript, and those that do often give you the opportunity to explain things like this. You have a totally valid reason, which is that the course was not being taught in a way that was conducive to your learning needs.
(I personally have 4 Ws on my transcript because I had to drop out of school when my health was at its worst, and look—they let me into grad school anyway! Pretty much any other job I could go for will only care that I graduated college, and many won't even ask for a GPA.)
IMPORTANT CAVEAT: I am, ultimately, just a guy on the internet. Everything that I say should be taken with a grain of salt. I do not know you, your unique situation, or the nuances of the educational institution you attend. I also cannot make decisions for you. What I can do is provide context in the form of an opinion, but see the above remark about grains of salt.
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I’m trying to channel my inner 16yo who went up in front of a bunch of other kids and a handful of adults at a Catholic church retreat and argued for like 10min about why abortion should be legal for the next 4 years. And for the rest of my life.
Our confirmations happened at 17, so I was in “Sunday school” from like age 5-17. My mom wanted it for more “moral development” reasons but my dad outright said it was only because he had to do the same thing to get confirmed as a kid. My mom’s mom actually taught at this church’s 2nd grade private school BUT she’s the most liberal of my relatives. Thats to say, I call myself and family culturally Catholic more than properly religious.
All the teenagers were partnered up for a variety of topics to “town hall” debate. When my partner and I were prepping arguments my partner went “should we be doing the Catholic Church’s opinion or our opinion?” The response was waffled around but ultimately ended up being along the lines of “your opinion should probably be the same as the Church’s opinion.” My partner went “oh…” I turned to her and asked “pro choice?” and she said “yeah.”’ I went “no, we’re still doing it. I know a few Bible verses that actually support it let’s Google them to get exact quotes.”
Abortion was the first topic up and there was like 8-10 girls, all but two of which immediately said pro choice. Most of them stipulated some level of “before the heartbeat” to soften it, but then immediately backed down when told “the Bible says CONCEPTION” because they were a bunch of teenagers facing off against adults they don’t know that well plus a ton of other teenagers, all of which have the chance to be disagreeing with you. It would feel like you’re going against what you should be saying, too. As a high school teacher now? No fucking wonder they were nervous and didn’t push.
I pushed. I went “yeah, well, the Bible actually says you HAVE to have an abortion if the baby was conceived extramaritally and also this passage here is kinda about it too” (I didn’t EVEN get into all the baby murdering in the Bible, because I wasn’t a particularly educated or political teenager). I was told to shut up about the Bible, so I went “bet” and batted back every single question with real life application.
It wasn’t particularly elegant. I was just refusing to back down or show hesitation. The most concession I gave was “I don’t think I could ever do it, but I’m not talking about just me.” I mainly talked about shitty foster care systems and abuse rates and how generally poor a child’s life would be if their parents didn’t want them.
This was at least partially because my dad’s cousin (who actually lived next to my mom’s parents when I was younger) ran the program. (She also was a hypocrite who spilled all her adult kid’s problems without mentioning her own divorce following her cheating with a priests, but that’s another story.) She ended our “debate” because it was really only her and I going back and forth by saying, “Well, maybe one day you’ll have children and change your mind.” Like, okay but fuck you 🙄.
The next group was talking about the death penalty and she asked ME at the end what my opinion was on it. I didn’t even know shit and still didn’t fall for the “gotcha.” It boiled down to “haha I’m actually prepped on this decently too” and went on a whole little thing about “I don’t care if people who did really bad crimes die, it’s just not always possible to know who did what like what if there’s a mistake? And even then it might be better to just let them suffer the rest of their life in jail idk.” I must again emphasis I again had no actual political knowledge on the subject, and my logic and understanding has 100% evolved. I’m fully anti death penalty but I do still think some people deserve to die. I just don’t trust the government to tell us who.
One of the girls who was pro choice up that day with me told me how crazy and amazing that shit was like a year later when we were working at the same place. She said that she wanted to do the same but didn’t have the words or confidence. Knowing I successfully DID leave a lasting impression was fantastic.
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