#my others are still wary . which is understandable - two of them never met a new cat they werent raised with before this
asterroses · 9 days
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bastetwastaken · 1 year
Okay, um… for the writing requests if u‘d be interested in trying:
26. "I dreamt about you last night..."
Casteshipping, post canon (dm or DSOD, your pick) TBK + Atem came back AU, SFW and as fluffy as you can possibly make it :3
Pretty please? 💖
Ohhh very nice, what a way to start things off!
Thank you my friend for the wonderful prompt and a wonderful ship I have never had chance to write for before!
I went with post DSOD, but it may not be clear. I hope I made it sufficiently fluffy for their characters too, and that you enjoy <3
With a sigh, Atem finally admitted to himself that sleep wasn’t coming. It had been one of those nights…he knew them all too well. 
Nights where he tossed and turned and never seemed to be able to stay asleep for more than a handful of minutes before his overactive mind decided to throw another issue at him to consider. 
The soft breathing of Yugi in the other bed in the room began to irritate him. He was jealous that his partner seemed to be able to sleep so soundly when he himself couldn’t manage to get more than two hours at a time. 
Another soft sigh left his lips and he pushed himself up, swinging his legs out of the bed and looking across the room. Yugi's sleeping form was barely visible to him in the darkness of the room, but it was almost dawn and the sky was growing lighter outside the window. 
Yugi never minded being woken when he couldn’t sleep but…he’d caused enough trouble turning up here uninvited with another long dead Egyptian in tow and he really didn’t want to bother him any more. 
His partner had done enough by opening his home to them. 
He stood up and pulled on a shirt then left the room as quietly as he could. As he made his way tiredly toward the living room he passed by the other room in the small apartment Yugi owned, the door stood open and he chewed his lip as he continued silently on. 
In what some would call a cruel twist of fate, Bakura had returned along with him to the land of the living just over a month ago. Neither of them knew how or why they had been given a second chance, and for lack of any other alternative, both had clung to the other as the only living relic of their time. 
The fact that Yugi had offered them both a home with him was nothing short of miraculous, but his partner had confided in him that although he was wary of Bakura, he couldn’t turn away someone who so clearly needed help. 
So they both lived in Yugi's home with him whilst they tried to carve out a new life for themselves in a world which was all but alien to them. 
As he entered the living room he wasn’t surprised to find Bakura sitting on the sofa, staring blankly at the TV which wasn't even on.
This was also new to them, this…friendship? No, alliance was probably a better word…he wasn’t sure they’d ever been friends, that they’d forged between them. It had taken time, of course, and the first time Atem had found the other awake and unable to sleep like him, panic had led him to run from the situation. 
A short week and many conflicting thoughts later though and Atem had opened the door between them, he’d introduced conversation to the times where they both found themselves awake and thankfully, Bakura had accepted his offers thus far. 
"Are you alright?" He asked softly, crossing the room and hovering awkwardly by the sofa, not sure if he should sit or keep his distance…that was never quite clear to him, even though he desired to close the gap between them more than anything. 
"No." Bakura's answer was short and sharp. 
Atem paused in moving closer, held himself back because this was still odd to him, it was still something he needed to get his head around. 
They were both meant to be dead after all, each of them had met their end thousands of years ago on one day where the world appeared to be ending and they stood on opposing sides. Yet still, he found himself drawn to this man. 
He wanted to know him, wanted to understand him and maybe…just maybe, he wanted even more than that too- but later. 
"Oh…" He hesitated once more then shook himself, reminded himself that once upon a time he had been a Pharaoh, and rulers of entire kingdoms didn't tiptoe around issues. "We can talk about it if you like…" 
He carefully took a seat on the opposite end of the sofa, moving slowly as if he was in the presence of a dangerous animal…and perhaps in a way he was. 
Bakura's head turned to him ever so slightly, eyes flicked curiously in his direction and he waited patiently. 
"Do you always have to be so damned formal?" Bakura huffed, arms crossing over his chest. "Would it kill you to relax?"
"You tell me." He said, voice light. 
Those words earned him a smile from the other and he allowed himself that small victory. 
"I'm done hating you." Bakura said softly. "You know that." 
Bakura sighed heavily, looking away from him and toward the window where the new day was dawning, the sky now a light blue. 
"I couldn't sleep." Bakura said, his words cutting the heavy silence between them. 
"Nightmares?" He asked, suppressing a shudder at the word he was all too familiar with. 
They both suffered from broken sleep, that was painfully clear in how they'd each found the other awake and at a loose end many a night now. 
"Not exactly." Bakura said softly. "But don't get me wrong, it could have easily been one…may well turn out to be yet." 
He nodded even though the other wasn't looking at him. He allowed himself to relax a little more, settling into the cushions behind him and letting his hands fall to his lap. 
"I'm here if you'd like to talk about it." He said. "Maybe we can work out if it truly was a nightmare?" 
Bakura glanced at him and Atem gave him a gentle smile. He did want to improve the relationship between them, he wanted to know more about Bakura, who he was and what he really wanted. 
Although they had spoken a little since being granted this new life, he still wasn't sure he understood just why Bakura was here…with him…
He wasn't even sure of himself. Too many nights had confusing thoughts plagued his mind along with an attraction he couldn't deny. At first that attraction had scared him, but following advice from his partner he had learned to embrace the scary feelings he found himself faced with and lean into them a little. 
Just a little. 
"I…" Bakura sighed and turned to him, hands grasped tightly together in his lap and eyes not quite meeting his, instead they rested somewhere at his collar and for some reason Atem felt himself blush under the curious stare. "I dreamt about you last night." 
"Me?" He asked, unable to stop the excited flutter in his stomach. Bakura nodded. "Um, what did I do?" 
Bakura laughed, eyes finally meeting his as he shifted on the sofa, moving closer to him. 
“Something bad.” Bakura said, a smile on his face which Atem struggled to define the meaning to. “Terrible, absolutely abhorrent.” 
“I’m sorry.” He said, the words out of his mouth before he could even think of how to respond. It seemed that all he ever did was apologise to this man, for everything he’d allowed to happen, for everything those before him had allowed… “Whatever I did, I assure you it’s nothing I’d ever do to you now-” 
“That’s a shame.” Bakura cut him off, a small smile on his face. 
Bakura moved closer again and Atem was suddenly torn between readily accepting this new development between them or jumping away for fear of his life. 
“Well…In my dream, I didn’t exactly mind what you did and that is why I find it so terrible.” Bakura told him. 
He nodded, no idea where this conversation was taking them but when a hand moved to rest over his knee he decided he was content to wait and find out. 
Bakura had never broken that particular barrier between them, never once reached out to him yet here he was now, moving even closer to him and so confidently too. 
He guessed the others' boldness shouldn’t shock him so, he’d never been bound by the ties of tradition as Atem had, never been forced to subdue his feelings, to conform… but still, the touch, no matter how small felt all too intimate and he was so torn in how to react. 
After all, if he reacted too eagerly he’d never hear the end of it, but if he shied away then perhaps he’d ruin the chance which seemingly presented itself. 
So he settled for not moving at all, for simply staring back into eyes which had seen too much for their age, into a face scarred by atrocities which never should have happened…
“You kissed me.” Bakura said, shock clear in his words, even though a small smile remained on his face. “And I found that maybe…I wanted you to.” 
He opened his mouth then closed it again, unsure of how to respond in a sane manner.
“Imagine my surprise, to find I can leave a Pharaoh speechless with nothing more than a few words.” Bakura’s voice was smug, but his smile was gentle and Atem was feeling so many things in that moment he wasn’t entirely sure what to do. 
When Bakura's hand slid just a little higher he was shocked out of his thoughts. That touch brought a heat with it which he hadn’t felt for what seemed like way too long and he laughed breathlessly. 
“Take pride in your achievement then, it is one so few have managed.” He said, shifting back into old habits, masking his feelings with his words, trying for an eloquence fitting of his previous life. 
“Ah, there he is.” Bakura laughed. “There’s the royal brat I’m used to.” 
He grinned, glad to hear a joyous sound from the other for a change. 
“Oh, insults now?” He teased, deciding to lean into the scary feeling a little more. “I am flattered.” 
“You know me well enough by now, did you expect any different?” Bakura said with a smile and he shook his head. 
He felt as if something had shifted between them, another barrier had fallen and Bakura suddenly seemed just that much more…human to him. A frown creased his brow and Bakura hesitated, he felt the hand on his thigh tighten then slip away but he moved quickly, placing his own hand over the others. 
Bakura gave him a smile which was unlike any other he’d seen before on his face, and it made his stomach flutter with excitement again. 
“What troubles you?” Bakura asked, his voice quiet and uncertain.  
He wanted to make a joke about him showing concern but he thought better of it. Instead he smiled shyly, his hand moving to hold Bakuras, he moved slowly, slipping his fingers between the others and seeing how far he would allow him to take this. 
“Is it not strange to you?” He asked softly. 
“You mean suddenly finding myself attracted to my sworn enemy?” Bakura laughed quietly. “Perhaps.” 
Another breathless laugh left his lips as he looked down at their joined hands. He wasn’t sure what he expected from such a small touch, but for it to feel so right was a surprise. 
“I suppose love and hate stem from the same place…” He said. 
“Oh? Royalty and a scholar? Aren’t I lucky.” Bakura's voice was teasing but it was warm to hear. 
“Don’t you forget it. Now as for your dream…” He said softly. “Would you like it to become reality?” 
He relished the brief moment of stunned silence he received, but it passed quickly and he was once again left speechless by the man before him. The others eyes moved down to his lips slowly, a smirk crept onto his face and Atem sat frozen. 
“I have never been one to let an opportunity pass me by.” Bakura told him, the hand in his tightened its hold and the distance between them disappeared just a little more. 
It was a gradual thing, something which he didn’t truly register was happening until his eyes fell closed and lips pressed against his. Nothing about the kiss was gentle, but he hadn’t expected it to be such. Honestly, he might have even been disappointed if it was. 
The way Bakura kissed him though…it was everything he needed. It was short, but just as Bakura did with everything, he did it with passion and that left him wanting so much more, but then the short distance was back between them and he took a deep breath as he opened his eyes. 
“We should try to get back to sleep.” Bakura said, the slightest hint of regret in his voice and Atem smiled. 
“We could stay here and try.” He suggested. 
“Together?” Bakura's voice was filled with shock, and maybe even a little hope too…
“Um, only if you want to.” Atem said quickly. Pushing things would do him no good, he’d come so far, he didn’t want this to ruin all their progress. “I wouldn’t mind staying here with you anyway.” 
Bakura hummed, glancing back toward the room he’d been given then looking back at Atem, a small smile on his face. 
“Maybe it’d be easier to sleep with company.” Bakura said. 
“Can’t hurt to try.” He agreed. 
“Spoken like a true politician.” Bakura teased, then he pushed himself away, dropping Atems hand and laying back against the sofa, feet coming up to nudge against his legs. “Come here then. If we’re gonna try, we should try properly.” 
He hesitated for a moment, looking back at Bakura who gave him a smile, holding his arms out wide. 
Atem tried to move like he wasn’t so eager for the contact, like he didn’t want to be held so badly. He liked to think he succeeded. 
Bakura only laughed, arms coming to rest around him hesitantly. He could feel the other tense against him, the chest under his head hardly moved with breath and the arms around him were stiff. 
He’d never been one to back down from a challenge though, so he pressed closer, threw a leg over one of Bakuras and snaked an arm around his waist, tilting his head back so he could press a gentle and short kiss to the underside of the other's unshaven jaw. 
That particular move could have had him tossed from the sofa completely, but instead, it had an opposite effect. He felt the arms around him relax, the body against his fell a little more naturally into the cushions. 
He closed his eyes and sighed happily, content to lay there in the early hours of the morning with someone who in another time, he wouldn’t be with. In another time they would have avoided each other, perhaps even tried to kill one another, but now? 
Now they had a new life, and a new world to carve out a place in and maybe they needed each other to provide some stability in all of that. He felt himself drifting off to sleep, and distantly he registered fingers running through his hair, what could have been lips pressed to his temple, but he was too sleepy to explore that right now. 
Fancy sending me an ask and getting me to write you something silly and sweet? Here's the post with the prompts on- link
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evieismol · 2 years
A Small Visit To A Big Planet
A/n: I’m working on new chapters of my gt park ranger story but in the meantime wanted to upload a random ltitle one-shot I wrote based on Easton mentioning that he has human friends from New York and how he might have met them.
CW: References to humans being hurt/eaten, nothing comes of it. Human with a leg injury, not graphically described.
Word count: 2090 words
“You’re humans,” the giant said, his eyes widening. Larissa stumbled back, hitting into Ruby and Kyle in the process. She felt her blood grow cold as she stared up at the much, much larger creature. She recognized what he was almost immediately, though she’d never seen one before in person. An Aphirial.
A race of predatory, humanoid beings that reached upwards of 200’ in height. It was almost eerie how human he looked, with bright blue eyes and light blonde hair reaching his shoulders. There were still a few immediate tells - other than his size - that he was anything but human. Long, sickeningly sharp claws, for one thing, as well as teeth to match. The sight of them made her heart race even more than it already was. She may not have met an Aphirial before, but she doubted there was a realm that hadn’t heard of them. Perfect predators, was what was generally said of them. With heightened senses, super strength that went far beyond relative to their giant size, and an infamous taste for meat, Aphiria was pretty much the last place she was hoping that portal would take them.
She’d been half expecting the giant to grab them immediately, swallow them whole before they had a chance to even struggle. He was still just staring at them, though, his eyes almost as wide as hers felt. She exchanged a glance woth Kyle, hoping to gain some insight as to what he thought the best move was.
“I’m not going to hurt you,” the aphirial said, raising his hands slowly as he backed away from the rocky ledge they were presently on. When they didn’t respond, he continued.
“My name’s Easton. Can…do you understand me?”
Kyle shot Larissa a hesitant look, then gave a slow nod. “I’m Kyle,” he said after a moment, his gaze full of wariness.
“Your friend…she’s hurt?” Easton asked. Larissa looked back at Ruby. Blood was staining through the bandage around her leg again. Larissa cursed mentally, for two reasons. The first, Ruby needed medical attention, and quickly. That seemed like a near impossibility given that they were presently in a strange realm, on the side of a remote cliff. The second was once again everything Larissa had heard about Aphirials, including their ability to smell blood and their predatory impulses. She found herself taking a step in front of Ruby instinctually. Easton seemed to notice, and took a further step back in turn.
“I’m not going to hurt her,” Easton said. “What…what are you doing here?”
Larissa didn’t reply, instead trying to figure out whether or not she should believe him. And, more importantly, how to get away. The cliff face they’d climbed down left few possibilities for a quick escape, especially when Easton towered over the entire cliff.
“That’s fine, you don’t have to answer. I know you don’t have any reason to trust me, but I don’t mean you any harm, okay?” Easton said.
“She’s losing a lot of blood,” Kyle whispered to Larissa, and she immediately got her meaning. Maybe trusting Easton was their best option, if they wanted to help Ruby. He hadn’t done anything to harm them yet, and he certainly could have easily.
“Do you think you could help her?” Larissa asked finally.
“I can try. I have medical supplies back in my room,” Easton said.
“So we’d have to go with you,” Kyle said, doubt tinging his voice.
“What are you doing out here, anyways?” Larissa asked. She thought she saw hurt flash through the giant’s eyes at how suspicious they were, which seemed at odds with everything she knew about Aphirials. It was gone too quickly to be sure.
“Right. Um, do you know where you are?” Easton asked.
“Other than the side of a cliff, no,” Kyle said.
“It’s more of a rocky outcrop, really-and definitely a cliff to you. Sorry,” Easton said. “You’re in a national park in Aphiria. Jasper National Park. I’m a park ranger here. Generally, I mean, today was my day off.”
Larissa wasn’t sure whether to be put at ease or on edge by his rambling. He seemed far more awkward and nervous than any ‘perfect predator’ that she’d ever imagined, but that didn’t change the fact that he could probably crush them with a single finger.
“You’re a park ranger?” She heard Kyle ask.
“Yeah,” Easton said. “I’m not going to make you go with me, of course, but everything here is…pretty big in comparison to you. Including the spiders and hawks, so it’s probably not a great idea to be just…out in the open. I don’t have to tell anyone else you’re here, if you’re worried about that.”
Larissa looked over at Kyle and Ruby, then turned to them fully.
“What do you think?” She asked Ruby, lowering her voice. She wondered if there was any point to doing so - Easton didn’t seem to have any trouble hearing them at normal volume, despite the size difference, and she wasn’t sure exactly how good Aphirial hearing was.
“I don’t think I can make it off this cliff with my leg like this,” Ruby admitted.
“Fuck. Are we really going to do this?” Kyle asked.
“He hasn’t hurt us yet. Besides, he’s a park ranger, everyone trusts park rangers,” Larissa offered a weak joke, though she felt many of the same doubts. Taking a deep breath, she turned back to Easton.
“We would really appreciate it if you would help us,” she said. Easton nodded softly. He didn’t give any indication at to whether or not he’d been able to hear their conversation, somewhat to her dismay. It reminded her of how little she knew about Aphirials and the world they found themselves in.
Out of all the portals we could have fallen through, Larissa thought.
“Of course,” Easton said. He hesitated. “I’ve never actually met any humans before - I’m not sure what the best way to have you come back with me would be? Or most comfortable or uh, least scary.”
Larissa was at a loss for how to answer him, and judging by her companions silence, they were too. She frowned. Any option she could think of seemed at least a little terrifying, as she doubted there was any way they could keep up with him on their own. Or even get off of the rock, in Ruby’s case.
“You can pick me up,” Ruby said, surprising Larissa. She’d been mostly silent since she was injured - Larissa guessed she was saving energy. “Or, just put your hand out. We could climb onto it,” she added.
Easton glanced over at her and Kyle, as if waiting to see how they would respond to Ruby’s suggestion.
“Yeah,” Kyle agreed, trying to keep the tremor out of his voice and failing. Larissa gave a tight nod as well, telling herself that helping Ruby was the priority. And Easton was presently the best chance they had at that. Easton slowly lowered one hand to the edge of the cliff in front of them. Larissa took a deep breath, then a hesitant step forward.
“Promise you won’t hurt us?” She asked. It immediately hit her that it was probably pointless to ask him that if he did have any ulterior motives, as he could simply lie.
“I promise,” Easton said. She looked back at Ruby. The thigh of her jeans was growing ever darker. They didn’t have time to waste.
Here goes nothing, she thought, and stepped off the cliff. She landed on Easton’s hand, almost stumbling on the comparatively soft, uneven surface. She sat down.It hit her just how large he was as she looked over at his fingers, curling slightly up. Her life was literally in his hands, she realized. Or more, hand. Ruby was the second one to step on, helped by Kyle, who hesitated a moment before joining them.
“Are you good?” Easton asked. The three of them nodded, and he slowly stood up. Larissa made the mistakes of glancing over the edge of his hand. Her heart rate quickened as she saw the drop under them - easily a hundred feet. She scooted closer to the middle of his palm. The walk was surprisingly short - apparently they hadn’t been far off a popular trail. If Easton truly didn’t intend on hurting them, they were probably quite lucky he’d been the one to find them, she thought. They approached a large, two story wooden building. Two stories by Easton’s size - larger than most sky scrapers, by Larissa’s standards. He headed up a set of stairs on the side, pulling open a door to reveal a hallway with a dozen doors lining it. He stopped at the third door. He was pushing it open when a voice sounded from down the hall. Easton quickly covered them with his other hand. Larissa gasped at the sudden movement.
“Watcha got there?” Larissa heard a deep voice ask.
“A hurt mouse,” Easton replied, keeping them carefully covered. “I don’t want to scare it more, or I’d show you.”
“Mice can feel fear?” The voice asked.
“I think most living things can,” Easton replied.
“Hm. It’d probably make a good snack,” the voice said, as if pointing something out. Larissa felt a chill run down her spine, and she wondered if the suggestion would have been any different if whoever was speaking knew they were humans.
“Not really the plan,” Easton replied.
“Well, good luck with that,” the voice said, with a tone Larissa wasn’t entirely sure how to take. It sounded almost doubtful. In some way. Whether that was because they didn’t think Easton stood a particularly good chance at being able to help, or didn’t believe he wouldn’t eat the supposed mouse, she couldn’t tell. She wasn’t sure she liked either option. It was far too late now for such thoughts, though.
“Right. Well, have a good one,” Easton said, and Larissa heard a door click shut. As soon as they were alone, Easton took his hand off of them.
“Sorry. That was pretty sudden, I didn’t mean to scare you. Rob means well, he’s just kind of an asshole and-yeah. Here,” he lowered his hand to the table, letting them climb off. Larissa took a good look at their new surroundings. It looked similar to a college dorm room, though there was only one bed. There was a fridge and a microwave across from them, and some posters of flowers on the walls.
“I’ll see what I have to help with that,” Easton said, pulling open a cabinet next to them. As it turned out, he had plenty of first aid supplies, though most were Aphirial sized. Surprisingly, he did in fact have some smaller items, which he explained where for small animals there. Larissa almost wanted to ask why he had them, but decided against it.
“Can I see it?” Easton asked Ruby. She gave a tight nod, slipping her pants down her legs. Larissa grimaced as she saw the gash beneath them, a few inches up from her knee. She noticed Easton inhale sharply too.
“Well, I’ve seen worse?” He said. “We need to stop to the bleeding.”
A short while later, they’d actually managed to do just that, with the supplies Easton had and his direction. He’d been hesitant to try to help treat Ruby’s wound himself. Understandable, given that one claw was the size of her head. After they’d gotten the bleeding stopped, and bandaged Ruby’s leg, Larissa looked up at Easton.
“Thank you,” she said.
“Of course,” he replied. “I don’t know how you guys ended up here, but you’re welcome to stay as long as you need.”
Larissa was starting to feel less on edge about the giant. He seemed sincere enough in his kindness. Her wariness wasn’t totally gone, but she could also see night was falling out. They wouldn’t be able to make it back to the river or up it to the portal tonight. And Easton hadn’t made any move to hurt them yet, which meant their chances with him were probably better than their chances alone in a world countless times their size. Assuming going back through that portal was even a good choice, she thought.
“We might take you up on that, tonight,” Kyle said, seemingly thinking the same thing she was. “We’ll have to find some way to repay you-“
“Don’t worry about it. Helping people is kind of the job, anyways,” Easton said. “Besides, I’ve always wanted to meet humans. I’d love to hear about Earth, sometime.”
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metalfairygirl · 9 months
I present to your attention a sketch of my League of Legends OC.
Meet Alex, the Shadow Child.
She is a teenager of sixteen years old, and is also a member of the Shadow Order. Her main weapon is the Shadow Technique, which she got thanks to the Shadow Tears she drank when Master Zed started teaching her. Unlike other Yanlei, she never killed people, because she couldn't bear the thought of taking someone's life. Zed tried to convey to her that sooner or later she would have to resort to violence, and each time he failed. Alex was the very epitome of compassion and mercy. Because of her pacifistic views, some members of the Order treated her negatively and considered her weak, but it was not for long. Alex's main feature was that she could solve any problem with words, not brute force. She had no equal in this, and that's why Zed made her his negotiator.
When it's not about politics or any other problem that needs to be solved verbally, she's not very talkative. At most, she can say two or three phrases. The most frequent way of her communication is body language, which is understandable to everyone. For example, a nod of the head, a shake of the head, her facial expressions, a raised or lowered thumb, as well as sounds that almost everyone can pronounce. This applies to those with whom she does not communicate very often. But when she is with those with whom she is on very good terms, she can talk, but she watches her words and carefully selects them.
By nature, she is very calm and there is almost no way to make her lose her temper. She keeps a neutral expression on her face most of the time. But behind this impenetrability are incredible intelligence, determination, the ability to find the right solution, as well as kindness, compassion, pacifism, bravery and courage.
How did she get into the Shadow Order?
In fact, Alex did not always live in the Temple of Thanjuul. She was born on Koyehn Island, Hwei's hometown. Her father was a fisherman and her mother was a seamstress. Little Alex grew up surrounded by love and care from both parents. Every morning she went fishing with her father, and in the evening she sat on her bed and listened to her mother's fairy tales while she braided her braids. Every year she went to fairs and festivals with her parents. She also admired the artists who lived on her island, but she did not have a craving for art.
One rainy night, when Alex was nine years old, her family was attacked by a hungry and angry demon, who woke up the whole family with its piercing scream. That night, Alex's parents died from the fangs and claws of the monster, but the girl managed to escape. She managed to hide in the forest, and it was there that she fell asleep, not knowing where to run next. The next morning, the frozen, soaked, and chilled baby was found by Zed, who arrived at Koyehn on political business. Waking Alex up, he asked what she was doing alone in the forest, and the black-haired girl just burst into tears and rushed into his arms, saying that the demon had killed her parents. Showing pity and compassion, the Master of Shadows took Alex away and made her a new member of the Shadow Order.
Alex's relationship with other characters.
Akali, the Rogue Assassin.
One day, while walking, Alex met Akali. A former member of the Kinkou Order attacked the Shadow Child, but Alex said she didn't want to fight her. At first, Akali did not understand what was going on, and then she was surprised that this Yanlei turned out to be a pacifist. Akali hasn't attacked Alex since that day, but she's still wary of her.
Hwei, the Visionary.
Alex met Hwei when she returned to Koyehn one day to remember her childhood. When Alex's parents were alive, the Temple of Koyehn was still intact. But when a sixteen-year-old girl found herself among the ruins, she asked out loud what had happened here. A male voice answered her that this temple had been destroyed by Jhin. She discovered that she wasn't alone here. Not far from her stood a tall and thin man with long dark hair with a large brush in his hand. At first, Hwei was wary of Alex because of her membership in the Shadow Order (he recognized this from the tattoos on her face and arms). But then he calmed down after learning that she was a pacifist and she was from Koyehn. Soon they started talking a lot and so they formed a very good friendly relationship. Soon Alex began to visit Koyehn very often and communicate with Hwei. So a real friendship was formed between them, and Hwei got a best friend.
Kayn, the Shadow Reaper.
Alex treats Kayn like her older brother. He is her protector as well as her friend. Despite Alex's pacifist views, Kayn still treats her like his younger sister and loves her very much. Yes, for many, Kayn seems rude and proud, but next to Alex he is very sensitive and caring. It can be said that the Shadow Child is the main weakness of the Shadow Reaper. Kayn taught the young girl a lot. He trains with her very often. He loves to ride her on his back and also tickle her because he loves her laughter. If Alex is offended by someone, he will immediately fly into a rage and go looking for his sister's abuser in order to scare or even kill them. He also wants to make Alex his right-hand when he becomes the new Master of Shadows.
Shen, the Eye of Twilight.
Shen met Alex during political conversations and noted that she had a competent speech, and she also showed him great politeness. He also noted that she exuded a rather friendly energy. He treats her with respect. Perhaps even with some warmth. Alex treats him with respect.
Yone, the Unforgotten.
Alex met Yone when she was attacked by azakana. After that, they crossed paths with each other several times, but there was a neutral relationship between them.
Zed, the Master of the Shadows.
Alex is sincerely grateful to Zed for not leaving her alone when she was small and helpless. She shows him just a lot of respect, dedication and loyalty. Also, unbeknownst to him, she calls him her father, whom he replaced for her. Maybe someday she would tell him about it, but not now.
Some information about Alex.
Name: Alex
Age: 16
Gender: ♀️
Height: 155 cm
Weight: 45 kg
Species: Human (Magically Altered)
Pronoun(s): She/Her
Weapon(s): Shadow Technique
Status: Alive
Place of Origin: Koyehn, Ionia
Current Residence: Temple of Thanjuul, Ionia
Occupation: Shadow Order Negotiator
Family: Unnamed Father ✝️, Unnamed Mother ✝️, Zed (Adopted Father), Kayn (Adopted Brother)
Region: Ionia
Faction: Shadow Order
Nicknames: Kid, Sis (Kayn); Little friend (Hwei); Child, Little one, Kitten (Zed); Kiddo (Akali)
Aliases: The Shadow Child, The Shadow Seer (Future), Hyperdeath Priestess (Future)
Characters inspirations for Alex: Frisk (Undertale), Kris (Deltarune)
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pastelpaperplanes · 3 years
Big Ol Ask Post Pt. 3 I think
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I haven’t drawn anything other than cursed or plain technical stuff w him 😔😔 have these for now but expect more soon!
anon a way back asked what he’d look like next to Overlord being already so big compared to Megs, that’s why you see Lordie if you’re wondering why he’s thrown in that line up!
by the way I have a voice claim for the big purple simp— Jenner from NIMH, he’s so awful but that suave baritone oh it fits too well >:] it’s the ‘humble servant’ line that got to me
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Yep! Pharma is absolutely in this AU—as well as the CFau and Crack one too—and in all, he’s still an estranged medic long since booted from any legal work back on Cybertron.
He lost his credibility and more all those years ago when he found himself willing to do his fair share of cutting corners and hastily concealed malpractice to expedite his dream of getting his name down in the medical books—ultimately impressing his dear Mentor Ratchet, finally, in perfecting long-since banned risky experiments and surgeries—not to mention cruel and unusual temperament with the (supposedly) taboo practice of non-medicinal mnemosurgery.
His ambitions and aggression always got the bet of him, this hasn’t changed since he found himself working in freelance outposts. Light years away from Cybertron, he’s made a name for himself as a Good Doctor—but to his under-the-table black market part-dealing clients, he’s just about as bad as a Crooked Medic can get.
Bounty hunters and Arms Dealers like him for his business, a certain DJD member likes him for the occasional berth company and seemingly never ending supply of fresh T-Cogs—but no one actually likes him for his nasty temperamental personality, save for a young and naive Ratchet once upon a time.
Pharma is a roamer, as of recent he’s been a hard to reach mech—seems as if he’s found a little project to keep himself pretty occupied in the last few decades—something about a breakthrough for aiding the Decepticon Energon Crisis :] him and a small, horrifyingly cheerful surgeon are well on their way to completing their first trial batches, it’s safe to say that their little synthetic mixture will have it’s users sated and compliant.
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they’ve got that amazing ‘new car smell’ those first few weeks, and instead of chittering like an Insecticons or vibrating their wings like a seeker—they beep and squeak, sometimes even honk a horn depending on the baseline altmode coding, to get their Creators’ attention before their vocalizer truly starts to kick online
It’s cute, but loud
Much like a seeker sparkling, they have to reach a certain ‘age’ (upgrade) to be able to transform completely, in between then they’re still able to rev those engines as a warning should they need it, as well as spin their wheels should they need a getaway HEELIES IF THEYRE LUCKY WOOHOOOOO—for seekers they can hover on their thrusters!
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Crusade is actually pretty formal with Megatron. But yeah as a kid, Megs was always known as Carrier, but as Sadie got older and more aware of their surroundings—they definitely came to learn the true weight of that title and the fact that they were the progeny of the faction leader, a fact they should have really held onto with more pride. Not wanting to draw more attention to the already blatant favoritism (and nepotism) Crusade made a switch to addressing Megatron as Sir, My Lord, Lord Megatron, —ect. to better fit in with their fellow troops.
It bothers Megatron more than than he lets on. Crusade shouldn’t have to hide their high ranking as his child, the heir to the faction. Megs is their Carrier and can only order them around for so long, as their Leader however—pulling rank may just allow for their infuriatingly stubborn sparkling to listen to them should a day come where even a Carrier’s plea is dismissed.
Crusade does slip up every now and then and a ‘Carrier’ will slip—often hushed and annoyed though as Megs does like to tease every now and then, gotta remind them that they’re still his baby every once in a while :’)
Optimus however—whenever him and Crusade should truly reunite, will never be called Sire by Crusade, which they so heatedly established early on—Crusade never needed one and they don’t need one now, better to not let the title trigger those long-suppressed emotions. Sure enough though Optimus will get his moment.
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actually no lmfao so you’re good! Eh, I haven’t mentioned much plot w them outside of them and Megs, plus bits of potential interactions with Optimus—so the rest of Team Prime is free game :D
For what I (hopefully will have) planned, their interactions with team Prime will be eh,,,interesting to each their own to say the least. Some more stressful than others BUT let’s not get into that until I’ve worked it out—for now I’ll just mention what they’re dynamics would be like when the drama of Oh Shit Boss Bot You’ve Been Hiding a Kid For HOW LONG has died down.
A usually touch-wary Crusade actually is the one to initiate a hug with Bulkhead, he’s the biggest and warmest and somehow is always happy to see them. Plus he tells cool recaps of Earth films and gifts them strange blobish paintings every now and then, all of which Crusade doesn’t exactly understand, but at least the colors are pretty.
Bee is annoying,,,which is what Crusade would say if confronted if they actually liked all the shenanigans Bee suggest they pull together, prank wars to the max, sparring for fun, video games?, DOUGHNUTS and RACES in the fortress halls??? Ahem. they are a super serious soldier, not a hooligan. But honestly, Bee is the one they seek out the most should they need an adventure, they missed out on a lot of this ‘fun’ growing up on the Nemesis—Bee seems to know how to balance a day of soldiering and dumbassery. sometimes.
Ratchet reminds them a bit too much of their Carrier than they’d care to admit. The medic is an old soul to his very core, perpetually tired but quick to snap into work mode, and sweet if you reallllllly squint. Sadie has been taught from day one to always respect medics, Ratchet obviously takes the cake on I’ve Seen Some Shit and for that alone Crusade both fears and admires Ratchet. Again, growing up on the Nemesis they didn’t have too many bots willing to talk much with them—but Ratchet (after he’s gone through his own lot of therapy, him AND Arcee. good lord) has a never ending pile of stories to share with them. Ratchet may throw in a few more colorful curses than necessary—which is SURPRISING bc Crusade thought they’d heard them all back home, but he’s entertaining and tells Crusade how it is, no sugarcoating. For that Crusade is grateful, there’s been too many half-truths thrown about to them in their recent years :’)
Ghost Prowl freaks them out—why does he deliberately have to be so sneaky?? Crusade has only met Prowl a fleeting handful of times (visits from the Allspark come with meaning, you know) and each time Crusade has been given nothing but odd riddles and poetic nonsense. Kidding. Prowl does like his wordplay’s but his given advice is always well meaning—the most firm and direct message Crusade has been passed though was probably most definitely “ Get those two cowards for mecha you call your Creator’s to stop fooling around with each other and SPEAK—at this rate it’s physically paining me that they haven’t begun Ritus and they’re not getting any younger”
Team Prime adores Sadie, they ask Megatron to see their sparkling photos every chance they catch him. And Crusade. hates it.
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:) have
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We’ve been here before, haven’t we?
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clairecrive · 3 years
Heyy:) can you write Nikolai x tidemaker reader, while Nikolai is still Sturmhond and the reader is part of the crew. Nikolai fell in love at first sight but the reader is a little introvert, but she snaps one day and confesses her love to him.
Sorry English isn’t my first language:)
Stars in the night
a/n: Hi hun sorry for the long wait. it's a bit shitty but I hope you're still around and like this x
warnings: none, fluff
word count: 2.8K
tags: @jupiterandbutterflies, @agentsofsheilds , @for-bebbanburg , @randomoutsiders , @pansysgirlfriend, @hannaxmaria , @vintagebitc , @story-scribbler , @crowssixof , @odetostep , @lizzie-he4rts, @korol-lantsov, @subjecta13-thefangirl,@gallysonegoodlung, @a-c-lee, @mriddlemethis, @carnationworld, @thanossexual, @luvxginger, @sanna2020, @partiesandblurrypolaroids, @edithsvoice, @wafflesandschemingfaces, @snugleo, @sugarmelonwater (tag list form)
Nights were usually y/n’s favourite time of the day. Chaos and shouts left place to eerie silence and the comforting quietness of the stars. Being on a ship meant always having people around whether they were shouting or singing or playing or whatever.
Y/n didn’t mind their company per se, it’s just that sometimes, people’s presence can get too much. But whenever she felt overwhelmed, she knew she could count on the stars to anchor her and help her breathe.
After an exhausting day at sea, no one refused the possibility to sleep and recharge. So, more often than not, y/n didn’t have any trouble in taking the night shift. It actually made her even more popular with the rest of the crew.
The crew’s captain was another thing. Y/n hadn’t a precise idea on him simply because he was always up to something. Sitting still was not in his blood, even where there were no chores to attend to. If there wasn’t something to do, Sturmhond would create it.
He was such at antipodes with y/n’s personality that their interactions were limited to her assignments, her report after her shift or him updating her about his plans. Or rather- her role in them. Y/n wasn’t foolish enough to think that he really made her part of his plans. And to be fair, y/n never asked more than what directly concerned her. Maybe that was why Sturmhond was so interested in her.
There was nothing subtle about the man. From the way he walked like he owned the world, to his shiny red hair. So, when he unusually started to roam around her just because, y/n did notice. Hell, everyone on the ship noticed. It was hard not to in such a limited space.
However, y/n thought nothing of it. It was just him being his extravagant self. Nothing new, honestly. She did not mind it either. The man had a way of being there without being overbearing, which was more than y/n could say about any other men she had met. Well, all except Tolya, of course.
He had started by bidding her good morning and goodnight every day. Then he would come to find her throughout the day, to chitchat above all things. To y/n’s horror, the privateer didn’t desist. He kept coming and y/n honestly didn’t know how to react.
She had always found him quite handsome and charming, but there was something she was absolutely shit at: small talk. And the man wanted exactly that from her. Alas, it all ended up with Sturmond’s voice filling the awkward pauses and y/n barely answering his questions.
She knew in her heart that she was giving him the wrong impression and she feared that her awkwardness would be mistaken for coldness making him eventually desist. Despite her fears though, the man didn’t seem off-put by her behaviour. He kept coming and coming but that didn’t ease y/n in any capacity.
Then one night, he stopped beating around the bush. It didn’t exactly catch her by surprise, y/n knew him, it was only a matter of time before he came out with it. It wasn’t in his nature to be discreet. Or so she thought, based on what she saw.
“Why did you want to be part of my crew? You don’t seem to like me,” he wondered, his green eyes shining in the moonlight.
Despite the words that left his mouth, y/n knew what his question implied. What he was really asking. But however powerful she might be, y/n didn’t have the guts to be upfront with him. Not even with the comforting presence of the stars as their witnesses.
If only he knew.
She knew that this could potentially be a chance for her to test the waters, to see what his intentions were and to make her clear. But alas, she knew nothing about flirting. Deflecting it is, then.
“Tolya and Tamar trust you. I trust them with my life so,” she shrugged, tacitly implying that she somewhat trusted him too.
“I see. So not only do I owe them my life but also an incredible crew.”
“The big and mighty Sturmhond praising someone other than himself?”
“I only sing praise when they’re due.”
“And, of course, no one deserves it more than yourself.”
“Well, you said it darling.” He flashed her a dazzling smile that made the moonlight pale.
Y/n rolled her eyes a bit to convey her annoyance and a bit to avoid him seeing the blush rising on her cheeks.
Truth be told, Tolya and Tamar weren’t the only ones that persuaded her from becoming a part of his crew albeit they were a big part of it. She wasn’t lying when she told him that she trusted them with her life. If it wasn’t for them, y/n would probably be a soulless machine right now. Her body on the outside but really nothing that made her y/n on the inside. That’s what happened to Grisha in Shu Han.
She owed the twin everything but that wasn’t why she made the decision to join them on the Volkovny. They didn’t force her to follow them or anything. And y/n couldn’t deny that Sturmhond’s handsome face didn’t make her sway a little in her decision. That was, however, something slippery about the privateer. It didn’t make him untrustworthy per se, but it certainly made her wary about trusting him.
The biggest push that prompted her to the Volkovny and life on the sea was her experience in Shu Han. Being Grisha meant not having a safe place outside of Ravka and sometimes in Ravka as well. Her home country was war-torn and as much as y/n had been trained to be a soldier all her life, she didn’t feel ready to take part in a fight that she didn’t feel her own.
Despite his unorthodox methods, General Kirigan’s sole purpose had always been making Grisha safe. And seeing as she had seen first-hand how the world treated Grisha, y/n could really get behind his plot, not caring about how bloody it was.
Life on the sea meant no more persecutors. Outside of her crew, no one in the ports they sailed to knew she was Grisha. Not that she was ashamed of who she was, but it’d be like having a mark on her skin if people knew. A mark that made her unsafe. She craved a life where she didn’t have to constantly watch her back. And being on the Volkovny granted her wish.
Not that it was a safe lifestyle, of course. But y/n was a survivor. If she had come out of the keirgud alive, she could well out best every threat that she will eventually cross on the sea. Besides, she knew that the twins had her back. And, in a small percentage, so did Sturmhond.
She and the captain didn’t exactly have a relationship, not like the twins have. She wasn’t his confidante or anything and she preferred to spend her time on her own -as much as life on deck allowed her- but since she was such in close quarters with the twins, that definitely made her closer to him than the rest of the crew. Not to mention that now the captain had started spending his nights with her too.
Well, not all night and not every night but it was a substantial increase in his time spent with her. Sure, it was all parts of him doing his rounds at night and being his amiable self.
So why the hell did her breath hitch whenever she caught his silhouette approaching? She hated herself for feeling like this. And him. Only that she didn’t, not really. It wasn’t his fault, was it? It was just her being silly. It’ll pass, sooner or later.
Only that, of course, it didn’t. In fact, it got even worse. If before she could manage their interaction by playing aloof and uninterested, it has now come to the point where she almost blubbered. Her heart hated her, it’d beat frantically whenever he’d approach, and his intoxicating smell made it impossible to form a coherent thought.
So, y/n decided to just stay clear of him to prevent any embarrassing situation.
After that, things didn’t get weird per se. Seeing y/n alone and drifting away from most group gatherings wasn’t weird. What was though, was her absence during the night shifts.
Before she monopolized those shifts, now she took turns like everyone else.
That was the big spy that made everyone worry about her. Non though went to talk to her about it. It would have been too personal for most of the crew to ask, and those who didn’t think better of it.
The twins knew her very well, she’d come to them whenever she was ready.
The captain… well, he didn’t react at all, which made y/n think that he hadn’t noticed anything.
He very well did, though. And the sign that he did was that he hadn’t come to her anymore. He noticed her withdrawal and while he didn’t understand why he respected her decision.
That didn’t mean that he gave up on her entirely though. His research moved elsewhere; his tactic shifted from approach to observe.
It took him almost a week to be feed with this new tactic. Not only did it prove unsuccessful, but he had almost broken a limb or two in his spying attempts.
One night, the one when he knew that you had taken the shift, he shifted again to ”approach”.
“Lovely night, eh?” He grimaced as the words left his mouth. Lamest approach ever.
“Oh, captain,” y/n exclaimed, startled by his unexpected presence, “yes, indeed.” She agreed, turning back to rest her arms over the bannister.
Nikolai’s eyes shine with amusement and y/n grimaced, cloaked in the darkness of the night, she was torn between wanting to punch herself or him. Maybe both.
“Sorry for startling you. I was surprised to see you here.”
“I’m on the night shift today,” she explained even though it wasn’t needed but saints. If they had given her social skills, she would have been too powerful.
“I see. It does not happen as often,” his eyes roamed over to her face, he could only see the side facing him thanks to the moonlight.
Y/n knew what he was doing, the man was hardly subtle, but she appreciated his attempt of breaching the subject lightly.
“We all took turns; it wasn’t fair for me to hijack this time shift.”
“I’m far too smart for you to lie to my face,”
“Excuse me?”
“What I mean to say,” he sighed, regret showing on his face, “is that I worry that you might have changed your habits because of me.”
“Why would you think that?”
“It has not escaped my notice that you’ve trying to avoid me.”
“Avoiding someone on a ship is an impossible feat.”
“I’m aware,” he smirked, and something told her that seeing her trying to do exactly that amused him to no end. Y/n turned back towards to sea and said nothing. Better silence than pointless words.
“So,” it was Sturmhond who broke the silence, “want to tell me what’s the problem?”
“There’s no problem, captain.”
“Again with lying,” he chided softly. Sturmond knew y/n like the back of his hand. Being on a ship will do that. He knew then that the best way to approach her wasn’t to put her under the spotlight or in a corner.
She sighed, knowing that lying to him would not get her out of this situation. Trying to muster her courage, she turned to him.
“Alright, you’re right,” she conceded and that alone was telling since Sturmonhd’s ego didn’t need any stroking. “You haven’t done anything wrong, though. It’s me.”
“I find that hard to believe.”
“You should because it’s true. Sometimes I get overwhelmed by my emotions and I don’t know how to deal with them.”
“So, you just run from the situation?”
“I wouldn’t exactly call it running,” she mumbled under her breath. His intense stare put her even more on edge.
“Isn’t that point of living, though?” he added softly, “Feeling?”
“Amazing,” he said with an edge to his voice.
“What?” Y/n’s eyes flickered to him and the expression on his face left her wondering if he was serious or making fun of her.
“I’ve seen you facing volcras and other enemies straight on with a courage that puts to shame many soldiers and yet this is what you’re afraid of?”
“Rejections is much scarier than combat.” Abandoning every attempt of pretence, y/n went with the truth. She was already in the game, now she had no choice but to play.
“Is it?” His brow raised and now there was no doubt that he was making fun of her.
“If something goes bad in a battle, I’m dead. And there’s nothing for me to worry about if that happens, right?”
“But putting myself out there and then getting rejected, means living with the shame and embarrassment of knowing that I’m not enough.”
“Well, that’s a rather tragic take on it.”
“Joke all you want. I don’t suppose you know what it feels like, giving your shining hair and dazzling smile.”
“While knowing you think that of me brings me immense joy, I would also like to point out that you’re wrong.”
Now it was her turn to raise her eyebrow in wonder.
“Rejection takes a whole other shade of intensity when it comes from your family.” The words were said lightly but they made her breath get caught in her throat anyway.
“Is it because of your lifestyle?”
“It’s because of their opinion of me that I’ve chosen this lifestyle.”
“I’m sorry that your family is unable to see how much you shine.” “Maybe it’s because you’ve blinded them?” She tried to ease the tension and she was rewarded with a tease of a smile.
“Oh, don’t point it at me! I will lose my eyes and then you’ll throw me from this ship,” she shrieked and went to shield her eyes as if she was under the midday sun. This foolish stunt earned her the captain’s laugh. One so full and rich that left no doubt of its authenticity. It made y/n smile too and wish that he’d do that more often.
“I would never throw you from this ship.”
“What use could I have with no eyes?”
“I’m sure we’ll be able to find you something else to do.”
“Like being the ship’s clown.”
“While you amuse me to no end, I was thinking about a far more private role.”
“Private as in?”
“Meant for my eyes only.”
“Selfish much?”
“When it comes to you? Shamelessly so.”
The privateer leaned down to her, agonizingly slow giving her all the time to pull away if she wanted to. A million things swirled through her mind in those few seconds. Every worry about what was going to happen, about all the ways this could go sour.
The wheels in her mind turned incredibly fast almost making her lightheaded. Before this could turn into a full session of overthinking though, y/n shook her head effectively stopping the thoughts from growing.
Despite her lacking in basic social skills in an incredibly sad way, conversation with him always flowed easily. She never worried about what she was supposed to do or say or whatever. She could just… be. Be y/n.
That was priceless if not rare. And right then and there she decided that she wasn’t willing to lose it. Not without fighting.
Borne from the spur of the moment the best decision she could ever make, she leaned into him as well. Closing her eyes, she was able to see the corner of his lips lifted a little before she felt his lips on him.
Did she say that she was afraid of feeling? Fuck that. This feeling, the feel of the touch of his lips on her, his fingers lightly stroking her face, his breath inside her, him becoming a part of her? She was pretty sure was going to die if she went too long without it.
Angling his head to the side, she pressed her lips on his with renowned fervour. Her hands found their way in his strands. A moan left him as y/n swallowed the sound. Using the grip on his hair, y/n pulled him to her. Sturmond gladly followed her lead, returning the intensity of the kiss before his hands gripped the back of her knees, lifting her up.
He lightly used the bannister as leverage, his grip shifting to her hips holding her so tightly so that losing her was not an option. Not now, not ever.
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Grey Area
Corpse Husband x Reader (She/They pronouns used)
Warnings: Jealousy, Swearing, Flirting
Genre: Fluff, Tiny bit of angst if you squint, Humor, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: When Y/Ex/N is invited to join a game of  Roblox, Squid Game edition, Corpse does not take it lightly, especially not when he’s flirting with his girlfriend Y/N.
Requested by Anon. Hi dear! Thank you so much for your request! I’m so sorry it’s taken me so long to complete your request but I still hope you come across this fic and enjoy the read! Love, Vy ❤
Note: Y/Ex/N - Your Ex’s Name
I stretch my up high, tilting my head to the side in an attempt to relieve the pressure that has been building up in my shoulders and neck for the past few hours. I’ve been working on a new animation project for a month now and, contrary to what I’ve been told, it doesn’t seem to get any easier. Worst part is that I can’t just get up and walk it off because I have a few more hours to sit through for a stream with my friends. Unlike the editing though, streaming brings me a lot more joy and is perfectly enough to distract from any pain that’s caused by the prolonged sitting at my desk with a below-par posture. Ok, that’s entirely my fault, but still!
The alarm I set on my phone goes off, signaling I should double-check the equipment and prepare to get on with the stream but not before saving the progress I’ve made with the project. I close the dozen tabs I’ve opened and the worksheets I didn’t even get the time to touch in the past forever but I promise myself I will.
While I’m doing so, I receive a text notification which is not too strange considering I can be quite an airhead to other things when I’m working on a project. And, to be fair, I have forgotten to tune into a stream in the past so my friends are just being wary and make sure to hold me accountable. 
Checking it, it’s just what I expected - a text from Y/N.
Speaking of Y/N....I don’t know what to say really. I mean, we’re in this odd sort of grey area between friends with benefits (NOT the kind you’re thinking of, get your mind out the gutter) and actually dating. She’d never introduce me as her boyfriend but I would call her my girlfriend in a literal heartbeat. I’m head-over-heels for them and yet they never seem to be any closer to me than when we started talking. That being said, when someone asks me whether I’m single or taken, I can rightfully say that ‘it’s complicated’. But that be offensive to Y/N - she doesn’t see anything ‘complicated’ about what we have going on. She sees it as harmless fun, having no idea how much harm it can bring upon me if I start spiraling. They don’t understand that I often times feel like the problem is in me, that I’m the reason they don’t want to fully commit.
When I’m not spiraling, however, I tend to enjoy nothing more than just Y/N’s company. She’s a wonderful person despite all the back and forth that’s not even her fault. She’s done nothing to make me feel like I do. Yeah we talk a lot and yeah we’ve met IRL and we may or may not have kissed but that natural for two people with mutual attraction for one another. That doesn’t mean they are in a relationship though. I really need to stop projecting my wishes on what’s actually happening between us.
They promised me no promises after all.
Y/N: Heyy, stream in ten.
Yeah, just what I thought - a reminder about the stream My audience owe her a great deal for all the times she’s reminded me of a stream when I’d completely forgotten.
Me: Dw, I remember.
She sends back a koala emoji which invites a smile to dawn on my face for the first time today. That emoji has no real meaning to any conversation she sends it to, she’s just told me it’s her favorite so I’ve allowed her to spam me with it every time we talk.
I don’t mind. What makes them happy makes me happy too.
I go grab a snack in the ten minutes I have to spare until I have to start my stream, I take my medication and fill up a bottle of water which I promised Y/N I’d keep on my desk every time I stream and not only that but also drink it which has proven to be a challenge I ended up getting used to. I no longer lose myself in a stream so much so to the point of forgetting to hydrate. I owe them big time for that.
I settle down and start the stream, greeting the people who’ve been waiting for that for almost an hour now. As I talk to my viewers I jump into the Discord call where my friends have accumulated including Rae, Y/N, Sykkuno, Emma, Tina, Karl, Dream, Toast and Sapnap and a username I don’t recognize. I brush it off though, it’s far from the first time we’ve had people invited to the streams, it makes the whole experience more fun and more amusing for our audience to enjoy. It also benefits me personally, helping me with my social skills which I’d say are still under construction.
“Hey everyone.“ I greet them, “I’m on time for once, I think I deserve a round of applause for that.“
“Yeah, as if.“ I can practically hear Emma’s eye roll as she says that, making me wheeze out a laugh.
“Hey Corpse! I’d like you to meet someone!“ Y/N’s cheery voice emanates from the crowd, bringing that all-too-familiar smile to my face and warmth in my chest. “Come on, Y/Ex/N, say something!“
“Ok, ok jeez!“ Says a male voice which I don’t recognize, “Um...hi? I’m Y/Ex/N, Y/N’s ex boyfriend. I take it you’re Corpse, she’s told me plenty about you.“
I don’t really know how to feel about this. On one hand, she’s been blabbering to him about me which would typically make me grin like an idiot, but on the other hand, he’s here. He’s their ex and yet he’s here which means there’s probably no bad blood between them which, if I’m being honest, doesn’t sit the rightest with me. “Uh, yeah that’s me. Nice to meet you.“
He reciprocates my faux enthusiasm surrounding his introduction to me but I play it off cool as we get over that bump and start chatting about what level we’ll be playing. Emma, who’s just finished watching Squid Game suggested we do the glass bridge mod and, due to the excitement she said that with, we all agreed we could do that as a start to the stream.
“Remember how stressed you were while watching this scene in the show?“ Asks Y/Ex/N with a chuckle that causes Y/N to scoff.
“What I don’t understand is how you could’ve been so calm! I genuinely thought my favorite character would die!“ She complains, making him laugh which makes my blood boil - I feel like such a dick now that I admit it. It shouldn’t bother me at all. This is all in the past, they split back in August as far as I know, so none of it matters anymore. It’s been five months, why is it still bugging me?
“I’m never watching a show with you again!“ They continue, still with the same defensive yet accusatory tone.
“You’ve said that so many times, it never sticks! We’ve watched Bridgerton and the entirety of YOU since then!“ The guy says matter-of-factly and a little too casually for my liking especially since what he thinks is normal makes me clench my jaw and want to fake a technical issue and ditch this dumpster fire.
“Mark my words! We. Are. Never. Watching. Anything. Together. Ever. Again!“ She puts emphasize on each word, playing the picture perfect role of frustration but anyone who knows her can tell she’s saying it all with a smile and a barely contained laughter.
“Aww, did I upset you, koala?“ He asks in a mocking tone, causing my stomach to drop.
Koala....is that why it’s her favorite emoji? Is it because he used to call them that when they were in a relationship? Or is it a chicken and the egg type of situation. Did he start calling them that because it’s their favorite animal and emoji? I need answers. I need them but I don’t really want them. I don’t wanna know if the chicken came first or the egg - one version is gonna kick my heart’s ass and the other is still gonna sting like a bitch regardless.
Maybe that’s why she doesn’t want to commit, cause she’s still hung up on him. Cause there’s still something between them even if they’re not in an official relationships. They are still hung up on one another.
Before I can carry out my dipping plan, Y/N is quick to speak up sassily as she usually does when confronted with fake mockery like that, “Indeed you did, which is why I’ll send my boyfriend to come kick your ass.”
The audibly confuses and shocks Y/Ex/N, “Uh, your boyfriend?” For the first time since knowing him, we’re on the same page about something - confusion.
“Yeah!“ They, on the other hand sound like this is a well-known trivial fact that he and probably the rest of us were supposed to know already, “Corpse.“
My stomach drops yet again but this time because of a whole different reason and caused by the complete opposite emotion. I mean, it’s still shock that’s at play but a different type of it.
“Corpse? Why didn’t you tell me you guys were dating, I would’ve congratulated you!“ Y/Ex/N sounds too genuine for me to be able to try and deny his honesty behind that statement, “Truth be told, you speak with such passion and adoration about him I could tell there were some feelings there but didn’t know you’d made it official! Congrats, I’m so happy for the two of you!“
He is, that’s the kicker - he actually sounds happy. And honestly I’m happy for us too.
“Don’t worry, Y/Ex/N, we were none the wiser up until this point either.“ Says Rae who too sounds astonished.
“Don’t worry any of you, I didn’t know either.“ I chip in, probably sounding convincing enough for them all to laugh, including Y/N.
I’m still caught up in the high, still overtaken by the aftershocks of that whiplash when my phone buzzes and scares the life out of me.
Y/N: :))
I can’t help but wheeze at the sight of that innocent text following the bomb she just dropped on the entire VC.
Me: I’d say putting someone in a relationship without their consent is highly inappropriate
My message is marked as ‘Seen’ immediately, the three bouncing dots appearing at the left bottom corner of my phone screen a second later.
Y/N: Well, if you had read the signs it wouldn’t have had to come to this, Corpse ;P
They’ve got a point there: if I had made my move the many times I had the chance to I would’ve saved us so much time and could’ve kept us out of that godforsaken grey area. I would’ve avoided so many sleepless nights and spirals in the shower. Instead, I could’ve spent so much time with her.
I’m a serious dumbass.
Me: Ok I guess that’s fair
Fuck you, grey area! I’m leaving you once and for all!
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peskygirl13 · 3 years
TWST Pokemon AU Part 4: Scarabia
It wasn’t until I started working on this that I realized that I used all three Unova starters 😅
The previous post (and my favorite post so far) can be found here
My masterlist with my other works can be found here
Also, it has come to my attention that some people have been unable to see my blog. I logged out of tumblr and searched up my account and it said I didn’t have any posts, which obviously isn’t true. 
If you can’t see my account or know someone who can’t see it, please let me know. Tumblr may just be glitching, but I just want to be on the safe side.
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“Oshawott!!~ I have some more food for you!”
You loved Kalim, you really did, but his tendency to spoil your already somewhat spoiled Pokémon drove you nuts.
Your Oshawott was rather quirky, often wandering off and doing things by itself.
Back in your world, you had grown so used to Oshawott exiting its Pokéball by itself and wandering off that you didn’t really bat an eye at it.
It was hard to break that habit after arriving to Twisted Wonderland, which caused some problems.
After a few incidents with Oshawott walking unsupervised around the school, specifically a dorm full of wild beastmen, Crowley ordered you to never let Oshawott out of your sight.
It was hard enough trying to keep track of Grim, whom your beloved Pokémon didn’t get along with, but trying to keep track of Oshawott and Grim was near impossible. Especially since your quirky, carefree Pokémon just couldn’t seem to grasp the dangers of this new world and continued to wander off when you weren’t looking.
If you kept your eyes on Grim, Oshawott disappeared. If you kept your eyes on Oshawott, Grim disappeared. It was a ‘lose-lose’ situation.
During Crewel’s alchemy class, you were more focused on Grim (considering he was your lab partner) and Oshawott wandered off without you knowing.
The Pokémon made it to the mirror chamber and snuck through Scarabia’s mirror.
After classes, Kalim returned to the dorm by himself since Jamil had basketball practice. 
He was surprised to see an otter looking creature floating in Scarabia’s front fountain.
While you and Kalim hadn’t officially met yet, he recognized Oshawott from the entrance ceremony since you had ordered it to put out Grim’s flames.
Of course he got excited at the appearance of the otter Pokémon and quickly ran over to great the Pokémon.
Kalim’s shadow shaded Oshawott from Scarabia’s sun, making the Pokémon open its eyes to see who was interrupting its relaxation time, only to be met with Kalim’s sparkling ruby red eyes as he doted and cooed over Oshawott.
Now your Oshawott was cute, and the little bastard knew it. And, unfortunately for our resident sunshine boy, Oshawott could spot a sucker a mile away.
Jamil returned to the dorm later that he would have liked.
Basketball practice had been cut short when a frantic (Y/n) ran into the gym, asking Ace if he could help them and Deuce find Oshawott.
Floyd decided to join them since he was also fond of Oshawott and, somehow, Jamil got roped into helping them search too.
It was dinner time when Jamil returned to the dorm. They still hadn’t found Oshawott, but Jamil was more worried about the dorm.
He was already imagining the worst scenarios possible after leaving Kalim unsupervised for so long.
The only thing he hadn’t pictured was walking in on Kalim feeding Oshawott grapes, the little otter covered head to toe in jewelry.
One quick call later and a frustrated and annoyed (Y/n) arrived to Scarabia.
Picking up Oshawott, who futility tried to escape, you began shaking off all the jewelry it was decorated with. Afterwards, you irritably marched back to Ramshakle.
You kept a closer eye on Oshawott after that. But any time it managed to slip away, you would always find it in Scarabia with Kalim.
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“At least you aren’t a bug type.”
You needed someone to watch your Snivy.
You had a meeting with Crowley to discuss how things were going with getting you home and work he needed you to do around the campus.
Your Snivy never seemed to be that found of Crowley (which was pretty understandable), so you tried to keep the two separated as much as possible.
You didn’t know how long the meeting was going to last and the Adeuce combo was busy and if you left it alone at Ramshakle with Grim, you were certain you’d come back to a bonfire with the dorm used as kindling. 
So Kalim, being a sweetheart, said that you could leave Snivy at Scarabia.
You agreed gratefully agreed and handed your precious grass snake Pokémon to the Scaracbia Dorm leader
Unknown to you, Kalim did this without telling Jamil. The poor vice dorm leader was surprised and annoyed when Kalim returned to the Dorm with a green snake walking beside him.
A stern but short scolding later, Kalim tried to play with Snivy with little success. 
You had warned the boy that your Snivy wasn’t really a ‘People-Pokémon’ and preferred to be alone, but, of course, the boy didn’t listen.
He constantly tried to hug the Pokémon, only for it to pick him up with vine whip and set him a few feet away. 
While annoyed by the boy, it didn’t want to hurt him.
Jamil spent most of his day watching Kalim chase after a snake monster that so clearly wanted to be left alone.
After a while, Jamil decided to step in and see if he could save the poor Pokémon before it snapped and actually attacked Kalim with it’s Vine Whip.
“Kalim, shouldn’t you feed it?”
“Huh? Oh! You’re right! Let’s see, (Y/n) said that its main diet included vegetables--”
“Let me take care of it. I need to start dinner anyway.”
“That’s a great idea! Here!”
Kalim picked up a disgruntled and slightly irritable Snivy and plopped it in Jamil’s arms.
“Snivy, Jamil is going to take care of you for now, ‘kay?”
“Snivy.” Your Pokémon was pretty indifferent.
After Kalim left, Jamil set Snivy down and headed to the kitchen with the grass snake Pokémon at his feet. The grass Pokémon seemed a bit relived that Kalim was gone, something that Jamil could feel deep in his soul.
A few hours later, you returned to Scarabia to pick up Snivy and were pleasantly surprised to find Jamil and your Pokemon cooking together.
“Wow, Jamil. I’m impressed at how fast Snivy warmed up to you.”
You explained to him that Snivy had a trainer before you that it decided to leave and that since then, Snivy had been pretty wary of people.
“Truth be told, I was worried about leaving Snivy here because I believed that Kalim may have been a bit too much for Snivy, but it looks like I was worried for nothing. I’m glad that Snivy is comfortable around Jamil,” You smiled, “You’re truly incredible.”
Jamil felt his cheeks flush a bit as you began rolling up your sleeves. 
“Now, can I help?”
Before Jamil respond, Snivy used Vine Whip to lift you up and set you by the door before wagging its vines in front of your face like a lecturing finger.
“Snivy! Snivy-vy Sni Vy.”
Jamil couldn’t understand a word it said, but it sounding similar to how he lectures to Kalim. You seemed to understand perfectly, however.
“Ok! Alright!” You snapped, annoyed, beginning to exit the kitchen while grumbling under your breath. 
“One curry mishap and anytime your in the kitchen you become a hazard to society!”
And yet another similarity Jamil could find between him and the Pokémon.
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elsewhereuniversity · 3 years
Why You Should Wear Boots after Picking a Major You Didn’t Want
A university is a place where dreams are thrown away.
Such is the case far too often. It remains Real even between the railroad, highway and train tracks. Even there, people interrogate themselves: ‘This is your dream, but is it realistic? How much is the starting salary? Look at your classmates, elegantly breezing over what you clawed through, tooth and nail. Look at your competitors––’
So many choose to drown their dreams themselves… even though, at Elsewhere University, the dead do not rest quietly. The Wild Hunt is proof of that. Yes, that Wild Hunt, which rides across campus when the fog rolls in. We all know the versions in which they hunt for students unlucky (or unbelieving) enough to be outside when the hounds begin baying. Stay inside, stay quiet, and you’ll be all the better for it, if they ignore you.
What about the other versions, though? What about the versions in which it is best to open your windows and howl back? There are tales like that, too––
Sometimes, those brave enough to shout along with the Wild Hunt will be rewarded with a share of prey or gold. Those kind enough to repair a lost hunter’s sled soon discover this to be the right choice, for upon closer inspection, the hounds are not just hounds. Their bones are laden heavy with wrath.
And sometimes, villagers tell tales of a cloaked rider on a white horse. Horseshoes spark against the night breeze. He will ask you to play an impossible game of tug-of-war. If you are wise, you will tie the other end of the rope to a sturdy oak. The leader of the Hunt likes clever little things. He might even drop a reward in your boot.
Perhaps this is why you see students wearing boots for a while after they declare their majors. Even Magenta (who got her name from always wearing high-heeled loafers of that particular shade) and Ma-Boi-Blanche (who has 17 pairs of white sneakers) wore boots back then. Rumor has it, according to a friend of a roommate of a Forbidden Major, that this footwear will help you abandon your misery.
When the Wild Hunt rides as a group, they come to condemn. The RAs are not wrong in telling you to run for safety when the fog descends.
On the other hand, when the leader of the Hunt appears alone, he comes to test. In this more benign (but not safe, never safe) form, 4% meet a bedraggled man, 2% a king of old, 3% a specimen of demon (the Christian subspecies), 6% a harlequin, and 5% a sledder with a thick Mecklenburg accent.
84% of those who have survived the encounter say that the leader of the Hunt wears a cloak and a wide hat that partially hides his eyes (one of which is duller than the other). He gallops in on a splendid white horse.
95% of those who survived the encounter were wearing boots (one of them was wearing spatterdashes over court shoes, but eh, close enough).
100% of the survivors say that you must be ready to be tested. Be kind, clever, daring. If you are all that––and wary, wise, lucky too––the leader of the Hunt will let you go and stuff something in your boot. A post-it, on which is written the major that they chose, yet hated with every fibre of their being.
Now, put the boot back on and walk. It may be a bit awkward to walk around, what with the paper writhing under your feet, but do so anyway. Every student who has tried it reports that when they got back to their dorms, the paper had vanished from beneath their soles. In its place, they had gained a floating sensation, grafted in their bones.
By the end of the year, Ma-Boi-Blanche and Professor Redd were chattering away like old friends. The Professor had to admit that his student wasn’t very good at dissections, but there was an unmistakable passion for anatomy in his eyes, and he would improve soon. (Very soon, especially with Professor Redd’s talent of acquiring practice bodies, his jaunty hat growing redder with every new specimen.)
On the other side of campus, the law majors learned to listen for the click-clack of high-heeled loafers. Woe betide the unlucky people who faced off against Magenta, who suddenly threw herself into mock trials with gusto. Her opponents gained a Pavlovian fear response to seeing any shade of pink.
This did not go ignored. The Involved went up to the two, in order to warn them.
“The Gentry do not offer things for free,” they said. “And intelligence isn’t cheap. What in Morganwode did you pay?”
To which the ones who met the Huntsman merely laughed, because they weren’t any smarter. The only difference was that now, they were interested in the subjects they found so odious before.
In the old tales, a satisfied rider of the Wild Hunt will reward a human with meat. The person will walk back home in the dark, one shoe on and one shoe off, the boot growing heavier with every step. Once home, they will see that the raw, bloody meat has transformed into gold.
There are a few who still receive this, not always in the payment of gold, but in blessings. (Childe House’s oldest RA is one of them, which explains why the once-every-305-days evacuation has a 100% success rate, even when half a dozen residents don’t understand what a “mandatory house meeting” or a “fire drill” is.)
  Which begs the question: why does the leader of the Hunt help so many?
Rewards are meant to be given to the exceptional few. Yet the unhappy are not part of these few. Given the number of students with newfound rapture in their eyes, one does not need to be exceptionally kind, clever, or daring to transfer their passions. Just wary, wise, and lucky are enough.
When asked, the leader of the Wild Hunt proclaimed that such a spell is child’s play. We’ve already provided the ingredients: two subjects and a passion. The price is low because all he needs to do is to sever the interest from one subject, then attach it to another. Simple work, he said. He would never think of charging so much for something he could do before breakfast. It is not befitting a warrior. Think of it as a favour from a father to his children, he said, then laughs as if there is a joke here that no one else understands.
There are more people who understand than he might think, for the more competent members of the Forbidden Major have another theory. Anyone with passing knowledge of folklore would be able to recognize this person at a glance, they say (quietly, and never to the Huntsman’s face). He is the amalgamation of ghost, fae and old god.
The first rider of the Wild Hunt might be, depending on the amount of fertilizer on the campus lawn and the moon phase, the oldest warrior poet. There are less battlefields for him to watch over now, but still he is song and madness. Still, he is overcome with fury when he sees yet another soldier buckle before the fight has begun.
This child would have made a fine skald. That child could have become a brilliant shield-maiden. This one had the makings of a king, yet they chose to push these futures away, he said through clenched teeth. These children began to think there was nothing left. They started to look at the pond and that single eighth-floor window which could open all the way.
This is not a battlefield, but… to give up before the horn sounds, under his watch?
Unforgivable, he said, with an unblinking smile, all teeth and lone glittering eye. To despair is to slander my hundred names.
So the leader of the Hunt casts a few spells here, a little trickery there, and coaxes the bright frenzy back in their eyes, or so the Forbidden Majors whisper. The price is only low because of who and why he is. He helps them so they can die more valiantly, another day.
  Think of it as a favour from a father to his children, he says, then laughs as if there is a joke here that no one else understands. This is despite the fact that half the Forbidden Majors and a fifth of the Literature Majors know who he is.
(Not that they would reveal that, ever. The all-father’s wrath is a terrible thing.)
Statistics unavailable for those who encountered the Wild Hunt’s leader alone, while not wearing boots. Mythological references, as well as the Sword-House valet’s intuition, imply it is better not to know.
[Author’s Note]
I did not intend “Why You Should Wear Boots after Picking a Major You Didn’t Want” to be so long. Do pardon me.
There is much debate over the identity of the Wild Hunt’s leader. My personal favourite theory is that the leader is Odin, or some variant of him, which this submission is based on. Still, I couldn’t resist hinting at the others:
“Bedraggled man” = multiple stories, in which the Hunt’s leader is any hunter who preferred hunting to going to church, or else slandered a certain god
“King of old” = Arawn
“Harlequin” = in Vitalis’ Ecclesiastical History Vol. 2 (1140), Hellequin/Herlequin is the herald of a Wild- Hunt-esque procession of tortured souls. There is also King Herla.
“Sledder with a thick Mecklenburg accent” = Frau Gauden
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dycefic · 4 years
The Wanderer
No prompt. This is essentially what would happen if I wrote a Wolverine au, IE he would be the best there is at Something Else Entirely.
Once upon a time there was a man without sons or daughters who raised a hundred children.
He was a wanderer, this man, moving through the world untethered, making his way by his strength in arms and his skill in battle. And while he was still a young man, he found a street-child digging through garbage in the dim light before dawn. “Boy,” he said, and his voice was kind. “Come with me. I will buy you a meal.”
The boy was doubtful, but too hungry to be wary. He followed, and the wanderer gave him food, and an old tunic to wear. He taught the boy his skills, and when the boy was grown, the wanderer found him a good place in a castle garrison. 
“Father,” the boy said, “why are you leaving me?” 
“I am a wanderer,” the man said. “But I will come back. Live well, so that when I return I will be proud of you.” 
In another city, he found another child, and gave him food and clothing, and taught him what he knew. This boy became a soldier, given rank and power, and then the wanderer gathered up his belongings and left. 
“Father,” said the second boy, “why are you leaving me?” 
“I am a wanderer, and it is my nature,” the wanderer said. “But I will come back. Live well, so that when I return I will be proud of you.”
There were two children at his heels the next time he passed through the first boy’s town again, a boy and a girl. He introduced them to a man tall and strong, who greeted them warmly and named himself their brother. When the wanderer left, the boy stayed with his new brother, apprenticed to a blacksmith, his bond paid by the wanderer. But the girl, who had wandering feet too, stayed with him until she found love in a caravan of traders and stayed there, leaving the wanderer with a new child already at his heels. 
“Father,” she said, “I am sorry to leave you.” 
“Do not be,” he said, embracing her one more time. “We are wanderers, and it is our nature. We will meet again. Live well, so that I will be proud of you when we do.” 
Some children stayed with him into adulthood, others only until he found the place in the world that suited them. For a year he carried a one-legged girl in a sling on his broad back, teaching her all the skills of his hands and wits, until he found a place for her with a childless weaver-woman who would treat her well. For three years he travelled with two boys born without hearing, learning their language of signs and teaching them to fight. He wandered into new lands, learning to use new weapons and speak in new tongues, and everywhere he found orphaned or lost or forgotten children. To each one he gave food, and clothing, and all the teaching he had to offer. From each one he learned what they knew, and what they wanted, and he helped them to find it. 
Every child he left, sooner or later. But they were never forgotten. To every new child he named the brothers and sisters who had come before, scratched maps in the dirt of all the places they lived, and every new child met some of them on their wanderings. Some, not suited to the wandering life, settled with an older brother or sister. As time passed, those older brothers and sisters had children and grandchildren of their own, some by birth, others taking foundlings as the wanderer had done. Some died, and were mourned by the wanderer, who made offerings for them and remembered their names. A few fell into bad ways, and were reproached when he found out. But most lived well, as he had bade them, and made him proud. 
He was a strong man, hale and hearty, and for more than fifty years he wandered. He was high in the mountains with his youngest child, a boy almost grown, when the body that had been strong for so many years finally weakened. He died among pine trees, with the tang of snow on the air, and was content. “Bury me here,” he told his last son, before he died. “This is a good place. And before you go, make a stone fireplace in that clearing, and cut wood for travellers, so that when other wanderers pass they will rest here, and I will hear their stories.” 
The boy did as he asked, and then went on. They had been on their way to visit a sister, who lived by the sea. It was his duty now, he knew, to tell all his wide-flung family that their father had gone on his last journey.
The wanderer had wandered all his life, and so his road to the other world was a long one, for time has no meaning to the dead. When at last he crossed the long bridge and reached the lands of the dead, he was surprised to find that many officials and important-looking people had gathered to welcome him. They all knew his name, and bowed to him, and offered him new clothing and shoes to wear of fine linen and leather. “I do not understand,” the wanderer said to the tall woman who seemed to be in charge, and looked like a goddess from the wall of a temple he vaguely remembered, with golden earrings and long dark hair. “I am only a simple wanderer. Is everyone greeted in this way, when they reach the other land?” 
“No,” the goddess said, and she ordered the others to fall back, and walked with the wanderer along a beautiful road. “It is different for each person.” They passed a hovel, outside which an old woman sat disconsolate. “She was very rich,” the goddess said, indicating the old woman, “and could dissolve pearls in vinegar to drink if she chose. But she was a cruel woman, and when she died she was not mourned. She has a place on her family’s memorial, but only out of duty, and offerings are made for her only once a year.”  
“I see.” The wanderer went on, enjoying a pleasant breeze and the feel of a good road under his sandals, as he had in life. After a time, they passed a stand of trees, where a man sat in a little shelter made of branches and leaves, and scratched characters in the dirt before him and brushed them out, over and over. “And him?”
“He was a high official, powerful and important. But he used his power for his own benefit, not that of the people he served, and when he died they celebrated and cursed his name.” The goddess shook her head sadly. “Now only his family remember his name, and they make no offerings for him.”
The wanderer thought this was a sad thing, and was glad to remember that when his own children had died, he had made sure they were remembered, and made offerings for them. After walking for a while longer, they came to a large and handsome house, where an old man and woman sat in the garden drinking wine. “And them?”
“They were merchants. They raised their children with love, and treated all their dependents with kindness. Now they are remembered fondly, and their children and grandchildren and even their servants have made many offerings for them.” The goddess smiled. “They are happy here, waiting for their family to join them.”  
They looked like nice people, and the wanderer thought he would visit, and find out if they had any good stories to tell. Then they walked through an orchard, full of beautiful fruit trees of many kinds that he had never seen growing together before, and they came to a very beautiful house built around a large courtyard, with so many rooms that only a great lord could have built it in the living world. “And this house?” 
The goddess smiled. “This house,” she said, and her voice was very warm, “belongs to a man who had no son or daughter of his blood, but raised a hundred children. A man who loved each of them, and guided them, and gave to each of them everything he had, and yet still had it, for his treasures were in skill and learning and kindness. There are a thousand memorials to this man, for his children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren treasure his memory, and his name is known everywhere.” 
Then she opened a gate, and the children who had died before the wanderer were there, waiting to greet him and welcome him to his home. And the wanderer laid his staff by the door, and went into the home that love in the living world had built for him in heaven, and though he often wandered even in heaven - for that was his nature - he always returned to his home again, and often he brought the souls of children who had died forgotten or alone, to live there with him until they were ready to return to the world and live again.
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ramzawrites · 4 years
Can I request a scenario of SMP members meeting reader who is a Warden hybrid? (I know the caves and cliffs update has yet to come but I like the Warden and I think they need more love.)
Warden!Reader meets the SMP
Pairings: none
Characters included: Fundy, Ranboo, Philza, Niki, (mentioned) Tommy, (mentioned) Tubbo, (mentioned) Dream
Warnings: N/A
Series: A drabble request :)
Summary: Fundy and Ranboo wanted to do some mining together, maybe even make it a competition, in a new cave that Fundy found only to meet a new person.
Word count: 2578
Authors Note: My ADHD kinda went wild at the end so this might seem a bit more disconnected and rushed and I apologize for that. I also hope you are happy with this, you may always give me feedback or tell me if I got it wrong :] I might get back to this someday to write something more involved but college is kicking my ass :|
„I swear to you no one has been here yet. It should be full with resources!” Fundy rambled as he checked his equipment out one last time. His trusty netherite pickaxe resting on his shoulder.
Ranboo was holding onto his pickaxe with both of his hands. His body language screamed nervous but his expression was that of doubt.
“This isn’t too far out from L’Manberg. I bet they already mined it dry also if you have been here already how can I be sure you haven’t scouted out the best place yet?”
Fundy just rolled his eyes and continued to walk inside the cave that seemed to be surprisingly big and led further down into the depths “I have not. Besides you’ll be mining right next to me so you can basically check up on me. The wager still stands?”
The Endermen Hybrid sighed “Yes, sure. Let’s just get this over with. I won last time anyhow so let’s just do it.”
For some reason Fundy approached Ranboo again for another mining competition. Was it revenge for last time? Who knew. Ranboo just knew he didn’t have anything better to do and hey, he might find some diamonds or other useful minerals.
As they walked deeper into the cave Ranboo soon noticed the rather weird fauna covering the floor, walls and ceiling. When he checked for a reaction from Fundy he too seemed enamored with the plants. If anything this was probably proof that he was indeed never inside here.
Fundy opened up his backpack and got a torch out which begun burning with a fast flick of his flint and steel. While both had semi good eyes when it came to the dark due to their hybrid side they were still surprised when they saw everything in a better light.
There were especially a lot of vines snaking around the walls that carried some sort of orange fruit.
“I have never seen anything like this” Ranboo mumbled in awe “Well, I think”
Fundy nodded “Mhm, me neither. This is amazing!”
As he yelled that out both heard a rustling coming from behind them. Before they could react properly Fundy was crying out and flew through their landing a few feet further into the cave.
“Fundy!” Ranboo yelled out surprised. He ran over to his friend and got his sword out. What in the world was that?
The fox Hybrid was coughing and clambering for breath, his eyes wide in shock from whatever just hit him. Not sure what to do in this situation Ranboo put one of his hands on his back as a sign that he had his back but still positioned himself with the sword in front of Fundy. That’s when he finally saw what hit him and threw him through the air.
It was a person. A hybrid by the looks of it.
They were standing in front of him, tense and ready to jump in for another attack. Their eyes were directed towards the ground. White orbs that seemed to look unfocused. On their head were beautiful greenish antlers that wove around in on themselves. It reminded Ranboo of twigs bound together while moss was growing on it. These antlers were more or less directed towards them.
Scared that this might be the sign for another attack Ranboo yelled out a soft “I’m sorry! I have no idea what we did but we are sorry!”
For some reason this seemed to work. The person seemed to be still in their attack mode but their shoulders relaxed a little bit “Then go. This is my home. Leave.”
“Oh my god you are a Warden Hybrid.” Fundy suddenly rasped out.
“A what?”
“You know of us?”
Fundy nodded and got back up, he was still a bit taken aback from the punch against his back “I only heard and read a bit about Wardens. They are strong, blind creatures that detect vibrations via their antlers. It’s said that Wardens are so strong they could kill a human in full netherite armor with just two punches at best. Now, I can see that you are blind, have antlers and you are certainly strong. I’ll give you that.”
The Warden Hybrid looked conflicted. They put their arms back down but looked still tense “Yes, that’s pretty much it. So, if you weren’t here for finding more about Wardens or even hunt us? What are you doing in my cave?”
This surprised Ranboo. They were still very wary of the two but they also seemed to be curious. Maybe it was just nature or they didn’t get the chance to talk to other people much and now used their chance. Whatever it was, Ranboo was glad for it. He didn’t look forward to being flung through the air like Fundy if he could avoid it.
“Uh” Ranbo nervously scratched the back of his head “We wanted to go mine and make it a competition. Didn’t know someone was living here which is surprising since this cave is actually pretty close to our main city.”
The stranger perked up at that “A city? With more of you?”
The two nodded in response only to realize that the Warden couldn’t see it so Fundy spoke up “Yeah. Do you- Do you wanna see, uh, visit it? We could introduce you to more people.”
They looked unsure but slowly nodded “Only if you promise me that if everything is too much for me, since I haven’t talked to people a lot, you will lead me back here.”
Ranboo let out a deep sigh. For some reason he was scared of their reaction “As a fellow socially awkward Hybrid I promise you we will do that.”
“You are a Hybrid?” They sounded so surprised, almost shocked at that.
That reminded him “Oh, yes. I guess we should properly introduce ourselves. I’m Ranboo, an Enderman Hybrid and my friend whom you punched is Fundy, a Fox Hybrid.”
“My name is Y/N” they introduced themself. “And I’m sorry for punching you. I just thought you were here to kill me.”
While Fundy was frowning, obviously not happy with this he sighed “Yeah, it’s alright. I understand.”
Together the group walked out the cave. Both Fundy and Ranboo had to get used to the light while Y/N was curiously spinning around, probably looking out for any vibrations their antlers picked up on.
It was actually surprising how difficult it was to lead Y/N back to the city. They would always get distracted by anything that moved or made sounds around them. It didn’t help that both were lowkey absolutely terrified of them.
Every now and again Fundy would rub his back. Honestly if there wasn’t a huge bruise that would be the most surprising thing about this situation.
At some point they finally reached L’Manberg and it seemed as busy as usual. Meaning it was a calm day with a few people around. Most just spent their time on their own somewhere outside the city dealing with their own projects.
The first person they came across was Niki who was busy carrying a few packets of seeds in her arms. As soon as she saw the two Hybrids she came walking over with a big smile and a wave.
“Oh! Hey guys! Who is that?”
Y/N tensed up as soon as they could tell that someone was running over to them and refused to move.
“Hey, Niki. We wanted to go mining but met Y/N here. We are showing them the city and wanted to introduce them to the people here.” Fundy explained.
Niki nodded, taking the information in “Well, it’s nice to meet you Y/N. My name is Niki. If the two are too troublesome you can always come to me for help. Also I’m sorry if this comes off as rude but I really love your antlers. They look really pretty. Can I ask what kind of Hybrid you are?”
“They do?” Y/N blurted out. An embarrassed blush appeared on their face “Oh, uh, I’m a Warden Hybid.”
Niki didn’t know what a Warden was so Ranboo gave her a short rundown, including mentioning how Y/N just threw Fundy through the air as if it was nothing. Not that he really saw it besides the flying part.
“That sounds amazing!” Niki marveled. Fundy gasped in anger at that.
Niki readjusted the seeds she was holding on to “Okay, I have to go since Puffy is waiting for me but I hope you have a good day here Y/N. I think Phil is in the middle of the city right now working on his house if you guys want to see him. Actually got these seeds from him!”
Everyone said their goodbyes and watched as Niki continued walking. A bit worried Ranboo took a good look at how Y/N was doing. While they looked nervous they still had a smile on their face. He assumed they were having fun.
“You good? Want to meet Phil? He is my grandfather, actually. He is usually a nice dude.”
Y/N massaged their own hands “Yes, this is good. I mean yeah, uh, yes. I’m nervous but I’m enjoying it.”
Fundy gave them one more look over before they continued walking, leading them into the heart of the city and indeed Phil was walking around his house deep in thought. Probably thinking about on how to improve his little abode.
“Grandpa!” Fundy yelled out happily which made Y/N flinch for a second.
Philza swiveled around only to stare at the group in shock “Oh my god.”
“We met someone new!” Fundy explained excitedly.
“Yeah, I can see that!” he yelled out.
Y/N wasn’t sure if that was good thing or not. This Philza seemed certainly surprised but they didn’t know if that was a good surprised or a bad, though if that was Fundy’s grandpa they were inclined to believe it was a good sign. They only held onto to this belief because otherwise they would be too scared to do anything.
Philza cautiously eyed Y/N “Who is that?”
For some reason Fundy seemed so proud of himself “This is Y/N and they are a Warden Hybrid.”
“Yeah, I know that! I’m just surprised that they are following you two so willingly. Wardens are usually wary if not downright hostile to other people! What did you guys do?” honestly Philza sounded more offended that Fundy dared to think he didn’t know what a Warden was. Which was fair to be honest. If anyone here knows anything about Wardens it’s probably Philza.
He didn’t wait for an answer from the two troublemaker but instead turned to Y/N “I’m really sorry if the two roped you into this. I’m Philza, by the way.”
Surprised Y/N shook their head and used their hands as well to gesticulate that they were alright “No, no, everything is alright. They offered to introduce me to some people. I don’t get the chance to talk to people often so I agreed.”
This seemed to calm Philza down and his worried expression got exchanged by that of awe “Wow. I have never seen a Warden Hybrid. I wonder what traits you have inherited.”
“Oh! They are strong!” Ranboo suddenly interjected. Fundy seemingly was still not over being flung around since he was glaring at Ranboo once he said that. To be fair he wouldn’t stop bringing it up to everyone.
Philza laughed “I feel like there is a story to it.”
“It was my fault. He scared me and I overreacted.” Y/N begun explaining what happened and how they now ended up here in the city talking to Phil. He seemed understanding but still lectured the others for being not cautious enough.
He asked a few more questions, mostly to make sure Y/N was doing alright and felt comfortable but after they sufficiently calmed him down he decided to continue with his project and leave you guys be.
Both Fundy and Ranboo showed Y/N around a bit in hopes of meeting other people but it seemed the city was empty. Apparently Tubbo was off doing something somewhere and when Ranboo offered to venture out to find them Y/N said that they were feeling a tiny bit overwhelmed and would prefer to go back to their little cave.
Ranboo didn’t hesitate and help them find their home again, Y/N even showed him the hidden little nook they were living in as thanks. It had a bed and a ton of little things and baubles they apparently made themself with the weird plants and vines of the cave. Even offered Ranboo to eat one of the weird orange fruits that hung off of the vines. It tasted a bit weird but good nonetheless. It was certainly different and Ranboo wasn’t sure if that is something he would eat a lot. Y/N seemed to enjoy it a lot though which he made sure to write down in his little memory book.
The next day Ranboo and Fundy met up again to look for Y/N. They would hang out with them for a bit but leave them alone after a short while.
This would become their routine for a while. Always checking in on Y/N at least once a day even just for a few minutes. Bringing them things that they think could be interesting for them and now and then Y/N would ask to visit the city again.
Over time the rest of the SMP learned of them as well. Most were surprised and baffled when they met them. A lot haven’t heard of Wardens and the few people that have like Philza, Dream, Fundy and Techno showed a healthy amount of respect towards them. Especially after hearing of their strength.
For quite some time whenever Y/N came to visit, which would happen more frequently and at points on their own accord, Dream would hang around them. Keeping his eyes on them. They didn’t know what to make of that but seeing as he owned these lands they felt not comfortable with telling him off for it. He tried to sneak around but Y/N’s antlers would pick it up most of the time.
Tommy loved to hang out with Y/N. He was absolutely amazed by their ability to sense almost everything around them as well as being amazed by their strength. Just to test this he asked them once to have a bit of a competition of how far the two could throw different things. It was no real competition. Y/N won easily.
Tubbo usually watched and joked with them and while he too was amazed with their abilities he was a bit more reserved, though once the shenanigans started he was very much involved with everything.
In the end they became so involved with everyone in some way that they offered them to build a home for themself in the city. Y/N didn’t immediately jump on that idea though it took them a few days before they agreed to build a house in L’Manberg. They did point out though they will probably still spent more time in their cave. Nonetheless a lot of people came together to help me them set up their own home.
It confused Y/N a bit at first that so many would come together for them. It made them feel good though and even safe. Maybe living inside of L’Manberg wouldn’t be so bad if the others are around.
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sukirichi · 3 years
Like, what happens to Mia? How does Gojo end up picking us? Naoya? How about Naoya? 😭😭😭🙏🏼😔
Omggg if you’re not going to continue reckless, can you please please please tell us how it ends? 😭😭😭 I don’t think I can bear living not knowing how it ends 😭 please? 😔😢🙏🏼😭
okay well here’s how it was gonna go, pls keep in mind my storytelling in asks and in writing are diff so this might be explained crappily HAHAHAHA but basically in reckless...
gojo gets shot in the head by his abusive dad bcos he finally stood up against him, but that backfired. his father is really adamant on control, and gojo loses his memories at the same time y/n gave birth. she decided to keep the baby after deciding that she wants a family after all, but when gojo woke up with mixed and lost memories, he only remembers mia and everything after her accident was gone. gojo becomes distorted and even becomes harsh sometimes, especially when y/n said they had a baby and she was his friend, bcos gojo’s mindset was from way back to six years ago, where he had lots of issues with his family and mia’s that he was wary who to trust.
so,,, they didn’t want gojo to hurt y/n bcos he’s such in an emotional mess that he has no control of himself. eventually, y/n decides to stay away but the baby is adopted by gojo and mia, who gets married for the sake of business and gojo’s current situation. truthfully, mia doesn’t want to marry him bcos it would hurt y/n and she’s not that awful. mia and y/n become friends after realizing they’re pretty similar and actually find genuine friendship with one another. she doesn’t have a choice tho and gojo, mia, along with gojo’s mom who divorced her husband for his abuse move to the states where they raised y/n and gojo’s daughter, sayori, leaving y/n all alone in tokyo who then becomes vice president of kamo enterprises. basically, it shows the repeated history of y/n’s father choosing to hide her from her real parents, and she begins to understand why he did that bcos she also has not really met her own daughter. y/n knows mia and gojo could take care of sayori better than she could, especially with the fact that gojo’s memories are mixed and transfixed on the timeline of him dating mia, mia giving birth to sayori, then them getting married. y/n is not present at all in his memories. gojo thinks he was the one in a car accident, not mia.
sayori is about four years old when gojo decides to come back to tokyo. now that he’s disowned and his mother has also left, gojo becomes a successful model in the states. he comes home bcos he remembers geto and wants to start their own agency (gojo as a model, geto as the photographer.) mia is wary at first for fear gojo might remember everything. she’s not being selfish; the doctors warned that anything that could potentially trigger gojo’s memories that his subconscious has erased could be detrimental to him. mia tries to hold it off but gojo insists, so the gojo/yamazaki family go back and that’s where gojo meets y/n, who he first thought was geto’s new wife.
in the reckless fanart, geto’s photo is like this.
Tumblr media
geto’s ring is silver - it’s his dead wife’s ring. the hand caressing him is gold - it’s y/n wearing the ring of gojo’s mother, who by then has already apologized before they all left.
geto and y/n become best friends on the course of four years. missing her daughter, y/n becomes attached to mei (geto’s daughter) and acts more like a mom than an aunt. geto basks in this faux family they’ve built, though he makes sure mei is not too dependent or expecting that y/n would be her mom. he falls in love with y/n and he notices how after gojo left, she becomes softer and a lot sweeter. all the anger and hatred disappeared, all thanks to y/n finding peace with her new life and making up with her mother, Valeria, who once overdosed on drugs after it was exposed to the public that Y/N is a child she abandoned. y/n saved Valeria by rushing her to the hospital, which is also the same time that Y/N saw gojo being wheeled in the emergency room with a bullet in his head.
now that gojo is back, he can’t help but notice that y/n is avoiding him. she feels familiar but he plays it off over her being a close friend and possible lover of geto. meanwhile, y/n’s dedication to pretending he doesn’t exist breaks slowly when she sees sayori, a beautiful little girl who’s growing up, call mia as her “mommy.” it hurts her that she missed her first words, first steps, or that she’s being excluded in the family that is truly hers, but everyone is happy and doing great that she chooses to be the only who isn’t for the sake of everyone else.
in ch2, gojo goes to a carnival/amusement park and takes a polaroid photo with y/n. he finds them in one of the stuff he left behind in the penthouse he used to live in; shocked bcos y/n had been adamant they never met before. that’s when he begins to confront her on who she really is what they really used to be. he feels guilty that he can’t remember, but most of all, gojo is torn inside that y/n had been all alone the whole time when he promised he would be there.
its complicated for them since gojo x mia are already married, and sayori got her mom’s stubborness so its difficult for her to believe someone she never met before is her real mom and mia is...well, mia. mia actually helps sayori accept that she is not the real mom, apologizing to the child for lying to them and it ends up with sayori running away and getting lost for a few hours. sayori is scared since tokyo is alien to her and she doesn’t speak japanese, but when y/n finds her, she comes running to her arms and that is when she begins to soften up around her real mom.
this is where the slowburn with gojo and y/n begins. for them, getting to know each other once more on a clean slate is both refreshing yet scary, especially since one has erased the past in their mind and the other is desperately trying to forget it. the thing about the mia x gojo as a married couple and parents is that gojo deep down feels he does not love mia that way. he can’t explain why there’s just something missing or confusing in his life. he loves mia out of respect and friendship, but he would never admit that he is not in love with his wife. however, he plays it over the fact that its “just the broken memories” and lies to himself that he is very much in love with her. when he meets y/n again, however, it makes sense. he does love y/n and him forgetting her was a defense mechanism of his system to erase the most painful times of his life, and that included his guilt for hurting y/n with the abuse of his parents who controlled the way he acted around her. as for mia, she also does not love gojo and she probably never did, but for the sake of his well being and for sayori’s future (which was entrusted to her by y/n) she stayed with him. now though, mia knows its time to let go.
geto...it is not easy for geto. he loves y/n so much because of her tenacity and kindness, but he also loves her enough to know she is happier with someone else. to him, he’s content knowing that she felt less lonely when he was around and that he helped make her smile. in the end, geto has closure with y/n who apologizes for not returning his feelings.
NAOYAAAAA though...ofc i gave him a good ending 💕 after he was brutally rejected by Mia, y/n cheers him up by setting Naoya up with a law professor around his age, who is Ayame. Ayame is supposed to be named Suki tbh 😋 but I thought the self insert is a little too much so I changed it to Ayame. Ayame is pretty funny and even respects that Naoya is uncomfortable on the first date, telling him that it doesn’t have to be that kind of date and she doesn’t expect anything from him. Ayame’s bubbly yet blunt nature is a breath of fresh air from Mia’s secretive and perfectionist nature and the two become good friends. Naoya and Ayame end up hanging out a lot bcos “thats what friends do” but it doesn’t take long before they go out together. And ofc, Naoya is a little ashamed that Ayame was the first to confess and she beat him to it, but they get married and are happy nonetheless 💕 Mia ends up as a successful doctor who helps her family with the business, divorces Gojo, but she still has no plans to marry and is perfectly happy and content to focus on her career.
Eventually, Gojo and Y/N get married once everything is sorted out. Gojo becomes a well known model in Tokyo as well, and Gojo Group is absorbed by Y/N herself after proving Gojo’s father guilty of attempted murder. Gojo doesn’t want anything more to do with the corporate world though, but Y/N stays and kicks ass as a vice president to all the merged companies.
Y/N and Valeria also makes up after Valeria is indebted to Y/N who saved her life, and Valeria’s parents become more supportive and start to see Valeria more as a person than a child to inherit the business. Albeit being in her 40s, Valeria enjoys the youth she lost only now, but also enjoys being the grandmother to Sayori. Its a little awkward between Valeria and Y/N after everything that happened, but they’re trying and are even dubbed as the iconic motherly duo who is unbeatable in their games.
Gojo’s father is thrown into prison, and his main victim, his own wife, also shows recovery from the years of abuse. Although her obsessive control with Gojo and his sister (the eldest Gojo child) was not right, his mom was left with no choice but to keep them on close watch and control their lives because she was trying to keep them safe from their father’s wrath. In the end, Gojo’s mom makes up by being a better mother, and Gojo and his sister forgives her while also apologizing that both of them left home when they knew their mom always shouldered the abuse to protect her kids.
Overall, its a happy ending for most of the characters! the last chapter is Sayori’s wedding to Naoya and Ayame’s son, Naori, who is a few years younger than his bride. Gojo is grumbling to Y/N about how his little girl is all grown up now, and that their son, Shinichiro, who is 18 in that timeline is also maturing and would be leaving the nest soon. Y/N thinks its adorable and asks Gojo to just enjoy the union because its only one of the many great memories they would still have to make.
That’s how it would end! Gojo Best Dad and Gojo DILF. Everyone is happy!
Basically the theme of Reckless is that sometimes the most unexpected things we do out of character can end up as one of the greatest things to ever happen, which in their case was the suprise baby. They went through a lot and it has a lot of psychological themes, along with heavy family drama, but overall I wanted the series to be a heartwarming one by the end. I really would’ve loved to see it all happen but I am also happy to share it to you guys in this way.
So yeah, happy reading and thanks so much for supporting Reckless !! I was also thinking of doing maybe like a bonus chapter where the characters pretend it was all a movie and they’re actors that you can talk to, but that didn’t happen so :// anyways I hope you enjoyed this and thank you for reading up until here 💕
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A/N: Ohohohoho word vomit, Toshi was really nagging in the back of my brain. So here it is... along with Mr. Hey Hey Hey Kotaro. I don't really know whether I've gotten better at writing. Still, I hope you enjoy though.
Wakatoshi Ushijima
It’s rare for Ushijima to be silent whenever he really has something to say. He’s always been upfront. He always says what’s on his mind even if you may or may not like it. Of course, honesty and being genuine really helped you all through out your relationship. Yet, it’s different this time. He’s awfully quiet (like really, really, really quiet). He’s not even sparing you a glance across the living room. It looked like something’s brewing inside him and you can’t figure out what.
“Love, come on. Talk.”, you told him while standing on the doorway. You are wearing your work clothes except for the doctor’s coat that’s on your arm. Your shift’s about to start in two hours but you need to be at the hospital an hour before for the endorsements and other stuffs. “Babe…” you pleaded once more as you try to coax him to say something. But no avail. He just shifted on his seat, his eyes focusing on the tv screen. You sighed.
“Toshi, I’m really sorry about this. I didn’t know this would happen, that I would replace another doctor’s shift—” you mumbled on his neck as you hugged him in his seat. "Because you forgot to block your schedule for the next day." He said, cutting you off. It felt like cold water was splashed down on you. You can’t help but sigh in resignation. “I’m sorry.” That’s all you can say because it really is your fault this time.
Wakatoshi told you to clear your schedule a week ago before you shuffle shifts for the week. He knew that a doctor’s working schedule is erratic. That there some days and nights that you’re not going to be home and you’ll rarely see each other. There are some days that you and Toshi can spend more time together. He knew, that is why he asked you beforehand. “Yeah, sure babe.”, you agreed. You saw his rare boyish grin. However, you had a busy day at work and it slipped your mind.
“I’m really sorry, babe. I promise I’ll be there. I’ll really, really try hard to be there tomorrow. But I got to go. Love you.” You reassured him one last time then gave him a chaste kiss on his cheek. You rushed out the door. As much as you hate to leave your sulking husband, you have to. You pledge to do everything with chosen profession. Honestly, you felt terrible but you know better than to bring personal problems at work. Wakatoshi heard the door closed as you went out. He doesn’t know if he’s disappointed or frustrated. He’s really looking forward that Sunday brunch because your parents are going to be there.
You arrived at work but your mind seems to fling back to the look you last saw on Ushijima. You can’t help but internally berate yourself for absolutely forgetting. You shrugged the thoughts off as you finished reading/studying the patient’s chart. You’ll make your morning rounds in a few hours and you’re starting to get dizzy from all the hospital buzz. You found it unusual so you decided to get it checked.
Your shift ended 30 minutes before the brunch so you just texted Toshi that you’ll just meet him there and that the both of you have things to discuss. He just replied “ok”. O-K, two letters. As much as it frustrates you, you cannot do anything about it since you’re kind of at fault here. Now you got to make it up to him and you just know the perfect thing to do.
You arrived at the venue, both of your parents and Toshi are already there. You went to place a chaste kiss to your husband and greeted your parents after. In the middle of the small gathering, your parents pointed out that both you look awkward and seems to be having a problem. There is no point denying it since your parents already saw it through. They gave you guidance and advices, as you admit that it was your mistake. To make it up for everyone especially Toshi, you handed them white envelops.
Your lips pursed in anticipation and preventing a grin. You witnessed how their reactions changed from confusion to surprised to elation. Your mother was crying. Both of your dads are teary eyed. Your darling husband, oh the man’s got stuck on his seat, his left hand tightly holding the paper.
“Are you serious?” he asked you, still trying to wrap the information in his head. “Oh, so you know how to talk?” you teased him which earned you a grunt from him. “Of course! Laboratory tests results don’t lie. I was thinking of using peed on tests but I figured laboratory tests would be more reliable plus it’s free since I work there.” You quickly supplied as you gobble up the fruits on your plate.
Wakatoshi pulled you for a kiss and a hug along with the murmurs of ‘I love you’ and ‘I’m gonna be a dad.’.
Indeed, it was a great make up gift to your then disappointed husband.
Kotaru Bokuto
All through out your relationship with Bokuto is nothing but perfect. Perfect in a sense that you are equal in everything, he has been a reliable and responsible partner to you as you are to him. You balance out each other. Since the beginning of your relationship—when you first met and become acquainted—to the whole marriage and building a home with you, he has been a stable partner despite his ‘antics’. Bokuto has his tendency to mess up but he always gets back up. He has these weaknesses (per Akaashi) but he always comes around to make up for it. You know all these things about him and you love him no less.
There is no perfect relationship and couple fights are not uncommon especially to the two of you. The only catch is that the both of you are willing not to sleep on it until you’ve come up to a resolution. The biggest fight you had is when Bokuto tried to act up because your schedules didn’t permit you to see him before he left for a game—this way back before you had your first child. You almost call everything off. You were just so overwhelmed with the marriage, the pregnancy (which Kou didn’t know about yet), and work. So, it ended in a huge fight that was resolved three days later. Since then, the both of you are trying to not make disagreements into arguments. But not this time…
You just arrived from the business trip. You had a long day and receiving the news from the teacher that Bokuto didn’t show up for the meeting just makes you want to pull your hair out in frustration. Bokuto met up with you in the doorway and tried to kiss you but you moved away. You went to your bedroom and changed. Bokuto followed you with a pout.
“Not now, Kou. I’m not happy with you right now.” you said as you do your nightly routine. “Baby why? Did I do something? You just got back from work. I took care of the house and our son. What did I do wrong?” Bokuto was utterly confused.
“Really now, Kou?” you spat, crossing your hands on your chest. “No, baby, I really have no idea.” Bokuto insisted calmly.
“Kou! You told me you’d attend the teacher’s meeting today but you didn’t! I found because the teacher texted me and I have to freaking call her just to apologize and to be informed what went on with the meeting. Ugh…! You… I just can’t with you right now.” you groaned in frustration. You recalled the moment you read the teacher’s message as you drive your way home. It turns out that that meeting was for the parents of the kids that’s going to finish the school term with special distinction and your husband was no show. You also recalled how tight you gripped the steering wheel that your knuckles turned white.
Kou’s expression changed like he remembered something he forgot about which fueled your anger more.
“You forgot?! You freaking forgot?! What the crap!” your voice went an octave higher and scoffed in disbelief. “Kou, I can’t believe you!” you said before Kotarou could retort because at the moment he’s at loss for words. He indeed forgot.
You are fuming. Despite how busy you were, you reminded him and he still forgot. You just controlled your urge to throw the lotion bottle at him. You groaned in frustration, a bit calmer now. Your husband sat down on your bed, head bowed down like a little kid being reprimanded.
“The meeting was that important, Kou. The teacher said that the attendees of that meeting are the parents of the children who has a special distinction this end of the school term. Our son was one of them.” Bokuto looked at you, eyes shone with pride but that was only for a brief moment the second you glared at him. “And you missed it.” You continued. Bokuto knew he can never argue with you on this, clearly, he’s at fault. “Babe, I’m very sorry.” He mumbled. You sigh. It already happened. You already forgave him before he apologized but it doesn’t mean you’re gonna let him go that easily. “Whatever, Kou. I’m sleeping.”
This was the last conversation you have, days ago. Until today you still ignored Bokuto not because you’re still mad at him—you already forgave him the morning after when he made you breakfast, but you like to see him grovel. The thing is, you want Bokuto to understand that there are responsibilities that goes beyond than providing comfort and stuffs for the family and sometimes he forgets that.
“Baby owl, look at our son. I can’t believe he’s up going up there to receive his first award in kindergarten.” He whispered, still a little wary, because you still haven’t talked to him properly. You hummed in answer. Bokuto looked at you with pleading eyes, “Babe, please. You haven’t talked to me properly in days. I miss you.” You looked at him, one brow raised. “I promise to be better. I promise not to forget things anymore especially if it concerns our son, just forgive me and talk to me.” He continued, with a subtle pout. You want to laugh, his expressions never changed. “Yes, Kou. I already forgave you.” Just as you finished saying those words and before Kou could answer, your son appeared in front of you. “Mommy forgive dada? Mommy kiss dada now?” You and Bokuto looked at each other and then laughed. “Yes, yes, yes, little owl. Mommy forgave me. Dada can kiss her now.” Your husband answer while winking at your son. “Yes! Yes! Yes!” your son gleefully cheered.
Kou kissed the top of your head while whispering 'I love you'. Kou then whispered praises to your son as you walked out of the venue hand in hand, off to your home where you’re going to celebrate all the milestones in life.
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luminari-mc · 3 years
My Human, My Sunshine - Part 2
Pairing: GN!MC x Mammon
Genres: Angst, hurt/comfort.
Word count: 4642
Warnings: N/A
Summary: As a human and a demon get to enjoy the presence of one another again, Mammon knows deep down that behind this ephemeral bliss, hides a looming and powerful storm.
PART 1 - PART 2 -
A/N: it's almost Mammon's birthday! And as promised, here is part 2 of my little series! While part 1 was made to place several plot points here and there, this chapter really starts to set things in motion for future chapters, and especially part 3.
All I have to say here is... Enjoy the fluff while it lasts.
For the first time in a while... the human world felt much more colorful. Much more silent. It was as if life itself had been born anew, the suffocating darkness engulfing the world having been cast away for the light to reclaim its rightful ownership. The evil dragon of separation had finally been put to rest, and so, the chirping of the birds quickly replaced the self-deprecating thoughts of the people.
The only question left on the people's minds, as their bodies embraced so close to one another throughout the night, rejoicing to finally be back in the other's company, was... for how long, would that blissful respite last?
The night had been deep and short, but much welcoming. The weariness that had taken over the couple's bodies over the past two months had thoroughly vanished, as if all of this had been nothing but a bad dream. How much they wished it had been the case, and that the kisses they had shared the previous night didn't have to be ones filled with the need to feel the other's presence so desperately, for their minds to realize that they were here, and he was here, together in the same room at long last.
A human hand gently caressed a white-haired head, the demon to which it belonged still soundly asleep. Despite it being a few hours after dawn, MC had only recently opened their eyes to the first rays of sunlight, finding themself still in the same position as they had fallen asleep in. Mammon's arms were still firmly wrapped around their frame, their proximity allowing him to breathe in the scent of their skin as his nose brushed against their collarbone each time his chest rose up in his sleep.
Remaining laid down on their side, the human could only keep still and watch the face of their demon in adoration, still unsure whether they really had him in their bed with him, or if the loneliness of the past few weeks had truly made them lose their mind beyond salvation.
But as their fingers gently passed in his hair, their caresses never ending, MC couldn't help but wonder... what had Mammon done since the last time they saw him? How had he spent his time in the Devildom? How were the others? And most importantly, how had he found his way to them? Not that much conversation had been achieved the previous night, to answer all of their questions... The two of them had quickly realized, as MC came to drag Mammon inside the apartment, their clothes damp from the rain that had been dripping from his body, that what they wanted, as their lips met again and again, weren't answers, but to feel each other. And before any of them could notice, they had both fallen into a deep slumber that lasted the entire night.
MC raised their head slightly to look out of the bay window on the other side of the room. Outside, they could partially perceive the colors of the other buildings of the city in the horizon, the sunlight reflecting on their windows brightly and making them squint their eyes in response. They would have preferred to be able to see the green of the trees lined up in the street below, but that was one of the many flaws of this place... the floor that Solomon had chosen for MC to reside in was just way, way too high up.
If it hadn't been for a pair of arms pulling them slightly forward, MC wouldn't have noticed the half-closed pair of blue eyes staring at them in silence. MC immediately lowered their side back against the mattress, their head meeting with the pillow once more. Under the covers, they moved a leg instinctively against Mammon's.
"Good morning." They whispered through a smile, a sound so affectionate to one demon's ears that his hand slid from under the blanket to place itself on the human's cheek.
"Is this a dream?"
Mammon's words surprised them, but only for a short second. The demon's expression was nothing but serious, a slightly furrowed brow adorning his forehead as if he was expecting to receive a positive, yet disappointing answer to his question. Instead, MC's smiled turned only sweeter. They closed their eyes before pulling Mammon closer to them.
"It's not a dream." They felt him place his face in the crook of their neck. "You're with me, and I'm with you. It's for real."
Almost as if he was holding back tears, Mammon inhaled deeply, before closing the empty space between his body and MC's until there was nothing left. Their hand was brought back to the back of his head, drawing slow circles in the hopes of soothing him.
"I still can't believe it." His words seemed to be on the verge of breaking up as they slipped through his gritted teeth. "It feels like you've been gone for a thousand years, even worse... Why the hell did I only find ya now..."
"Mammon..." MC opened their eyes again to urgently place a gentle kiss on top of the demon's head. "What's important is that you found me. It is much better than if a thousand years had really passed, don't you think?"
Mammon's head leaned away from the warmth of their neck, his glassy eyes able to meeting theirs again. His mouth stayed agape for a few seconds, before both of his hands cupped MC's face in place.
"I know I asked last night, but you sure you're okay, right? Nobody has hurt you or experimented on you or anythin'?"
"I'm okay, Mammon." They placed their hands on top of his, a small chuckle escaping through their lips. "I swear, all I did was practice magic with Solomon and live a boring human life."
"But you sure it was normal magic? What if it was some weird spells and he was secretly messing with your body without you knowing?"
His worry made them sigh softly, their thumbs brushing the back of his hands. It was understandable for him to be so concerned for their safety, after receiving no news in such a long time. And the demons had always been wary of Solomon ever since they had known the wizard, to the point where MC themself, had even grown to wonder why Solomon had been acting the way he did, since they had gone back to the human world.
"I promise you." They responded, yet unsure themself of the veracity of their words. "Nothing has been done to me."
Silence fell between the both of them again, a staring contest where Mammon was expecting them to let go of a much harder truth, which never came. He was the first to break eye contact, rather preferring to stare into the space between MC's head and the pillow.
"Solomon... He's hidin' something too. I just know it"
His sudden pouting mouth and words made MC blink. "Too? What do you mean...?"
After marking a wordless pause, Mammon's hands slid off their cheeks, his upper body rising up as he sat himself into the bed. The sheets fell onto his hips, leaving his arm exposed for MC to grab in case he was trying to avoid their question and get up. But instead, all he did was pass a hand through his hair as a deep sigh left his lungs.
"Mammon?" MC called out, their voice starting to show concern due to the demon's sudden secrecy. But as they read his expression a bit more clearly from their laid position in the bed, and as they watched the creases between his eyebrows form, and his jaw clenching, they realized that... Mammon probably knew more about all this than themself.
"A... A lot of shit went down ever since you left, MC." The demon kept his palm in his hair, leaving his forehead exposed. "It's gone bad, and I just... I-I just dunno what to do anymore."
It wouldn't take a genius to see how perturbed Mammon was about this subject- you just had to see the way his fingers had wrapped around his own hair, almost as if he was about to pull a handful, the questions in his mind twirling in a never-ending whirlpool of torment. One thing MC was grateful for, however, was how much more open he had become with them ever since they had known each other.
As MC propped themself on their elbow, they allowed their hand to wander up and down Mammon's arm to remind him of their presence.
"... Do you want some breakfast? I'd rather you explain everything while stuffing yourself with waffles. I make them delicious, I promise."
Although he glanced at them from the corner of his eyes, his pout only seemed to double. MC stopped their hand from rubbing his skin before placing it above his own, their thumb gently brushing the back of it. Like a timid child, his cheeks darkened, letting his voice, now low, respond to their question.
"I... could go with some of your waffles."
After putting some clothes on, apart from Mammon who could only rely on one of MC's loose jogging pants due to his clothes from the previous night still dripping wet on a nearby chair-, MC made their way to the kitchen to prepare something for their demon.
Throughout the whole process, Mammon never left their side. Once his arms had been locked around their frame from behind as they began preparing the waffles, he hadn't let go. His chin remained on their shoulder, his body moving alongside them whenever they had to go to a cabinet to grab a bowl, a whip, or even when they went to pick the different ingredients for the batter. MC had asked in the beginning "are you sure you don't want to sit at the table?", wanting him not to be standing more than his tired legs could bear. But their question was only met with a shaking of his head, before his forehead met with the warmth of their skin. "I'm good there", he had answered. And so MC let him hold on to them, enjoying the feeling of his arms around their waist, and the few kisses he would place here and there alongside their neck and cheek. This calm, this peace, this comfortable silence... they had forgotten what it felt like.
Once all the batter had been changed into hot and steamy waffles, and the rest of the breakfast had been made, the couple sat around the kitchen table.
"So... is it that bad?" MC placed their hands around their hot cup of cocoa, taking a sip of the drink as Mammon filled his mouth with a waffle he had covered in strawberry jam. MC had insisted that he was to eat his batch first, with him having barely eaten anything the previous day. Even if he was a demon, he needed to have a proper morning meal.
"It's almost as if you had never been in the house in the first place." Mammon answered after swallowing his bite. "Satan went back on being super pissy with Lucifer for the smallest things, Levi eats his meals in his room and never comes out. I see Asmo buyin' even more beauty products than usual and he's constantly askin' us if "this and that" suits him, to the point where it's ridiculous. Beel almost stopped eating entirely because he was too worried for ya. If it weren't for Belphie, he would have turned into a literal stick. Now Belphie sleeps more often too. And Lucifer, he..."
He stabbed one of the waffles with his fork, before tearing a piece of it with his teeth. MC's brow instantly furrowed with concern.
"He just has to know why we couldn't reach you. He's been lyin' through his teeth for weeks on end, but he thinks he's being so sly and that we're too dumb to see it." Another teared piece of the waffle disappeared into his mouth. "Like, sure, he's been way more on edge ever since you left the Devildom and even more after we've all started askin' why we couldn't talk to you, but that just shows that he knows somethin' and we don't."
With a slower movement, his fork planted into the remaining bits of the waffle. "But it's just... I don't understand, you get it? Why would he try to hide something about you from us? All of a sudden we can't send you texts or call you like we used to everytime you had to come back to the human world, and out of nowhere he starts actin' all weird about it. It's just..."
MC noticed Mammon's jaw clenching, his hand and fork immobile as it stayed firmly planted into the waffle. The demon swallowed harshly, letting the human know how the situation back at home must have been for him. Without their presence, the brothers had turned back into their previous selves, if not worse.
"What about you?" They asked, making the second-born jerk his head upward at them. "How are you feeling?"
"M-Me? It's... not important." He looked away shamefully, the pressure on the fork increasing and his nail starting to dig into his palm.
"Mammon." Their hand reached forward to wrap itself around the one that was holding the fork. "If my absence has been affecting everyone like this... I want to know how you dealt with it, too."
They patiently waited until Mammon finally dared cross his gaze with their own once again.
"I... dammit, don't laugh, okay?" He muttered. "But, I guess when we learned you didn't have your D.D.D. with ya back in the human world, I was the one with took it the worst... I grew tired of Lucifer tellin' me to be patient and wait for a replacement to get to ya, and I kinda ran to Lord Diavolo and ended up throwing a hissy fit in the middle of the throne room. Barbatos didn't like it, and neither did Lucifer. I still don't know why, but Lucifer didn't strung me from the ceiling on that day. Actually, he's mostly been yelling at us more than punishing. But I guess it doesn't really matter, since the others went all back on ganging up on me for any mistake I make."
Just as Mammon finally brought the rest of the waffle into his mouth in the hopes of not breaking up into a groaning mess, MC could swear they felt their heart sink within them. It sounded exactly like what Mammon had said. The brothers had all gone back to their old ways, with Mammon ending up as the punching bag once again. And all because they weren't around anymore?
"I'm... I'm sorry." Their throat tightened, a sense of guilt starting to wash over them. "If I knew you guys were having it this bad, I'd- I should have been way more insistent with Solomon, I should have kept asking to see you more than I did when-"
"Wha- No no, hey, it's not your fault!" Mammon exclaimed, panic settling in as MC started taking the blame on themself. "I mean, no one coulda thought that you'd be gone for this long... And that we'd be all negative for not being able to call you and stuff..."
Mammon passed a hand over his neck, the other covering MC's fist with its warmth. His eyes drifted to the side.
"We just... ya know. Grew used to havin' ya around. Guess it messed up our heads pretty good, and in the end, hatin' on each other seemed like the only solution to keep us busy.... I think."
MC's stomach churned uncomfortably as they sat there silently, slowly processing Mammon's words. What they wouldn't give to have sensed sooner that the brothers were also out of the loop in this situation, and ask Solomon for answers in the first few weeks after being back in the human world with him. How could they have been so passive about this? How could they have been so blind?
Mammon's voice pulled them out of their thoughts, as they raised their eyes back onto him. "Huh?"
"What did Solomon say? About you not being able to see us?"
"Hum..." Their brain replayed the fuzzy memories of what happened two months earlier.
"Well, you remember how we all said our goodbyes to each other before I left the Devildom? It was in the student's council meeting room, like usual. But Diavolo had said that I would need to fill some papers before entering the portal, so I guess since we all were used to saying goodbye like this by now, we didn't really see the harm in having you brothers all leave the room before I entered the portal."
They instinctively bit the corner of their bottom lip. "Which left me, Barbatos and Diavolo in the room. Diavolo said something about needing my D.D.D. to replace it with an upgraded version, which I thought was weird at the time since Karasu had always warned me when it needed repairs or to update an app. But I trusted Diavolo, so I gave it to him, and he said I should receive the new one shortly through Solomon. After that, I got into the portal, but never received the phone, and Solomon started saying all these excuses..."
"What excuses?" Mammon asked, pressing on the matter out of curiosity, but mostly because of the bubbling rage that was beginning to form in the pit of his stomach.
"At first he explained that the new D.D.D. took some time to be shipped to Lord Diavolo, but-- it's Lord Diavolo, the literal demon prince. He knows how much I like to communicate with all of you while I'm up there, so I couldn't understand why he simply couldn't ask for the shipping to go a bit faster?" MC started moving their free hand around as they continued to explain their version of the story. "Then Solomon suddenly switched from the phone taking time to be shipped to... saying that the Devildom was dealing with some dangerous threat that came out of nowhere, and that I needed to stay away until the matter was dealt with. But in the end it just... made me want to know if you guys were okay even more..."
Neither Mammon nor MC had realized, nor heard, that a crack had begun to form under Mammon's firm grip on the edge of the table. The more he learned how many lies had been thrown in their face by the wizard, the more pressure Mammon was putting on his closed teeth. He couldn't believe Solomon had told them that they were in danger, when absolutely nothing eventful had happened during their absence. What was wrong with this guy, Lord Diavolo and Lucifer? The demon searched in his mind again and again, why his older brother would make up such an alliance with Solomon, especially to keep MC at bay- wasn't he supposed to care for them, too?
"I've heard enough." He hissed, the wood cracking even more under his palm. "Once I know what the fuck is going on with those two, I'm bringing you back home."
"Wait-" MC exclaimed, panic in their voice. "I-It has to be for a reason, right? That your story and mine aren't the same? I just- I don't understand why Diavolo and Lucifer would lie to me so that I stay in the human world, especially when they were acting like usual before I left."
"Reason or not, I don't fucking care. Shouldn't they have at least let us know if something was up?" Mammon's hands retrieved from both the table and MC's, the demon grasping the fabric of his pants harshly as he shook his head in disbelief. "Think about it, MC. If they all made up a bunch of lies so that we wouldn't be able to contact you, then it means that you're involved in this. Whatever problem it is they're hiding, they should tell you what it is, and not straight up throw you away in the human world as if neither you or ME would care about it."
The demon let out a frustrated groan as his eyes closed firmly, Mammon not understanding anything of the situation. If he and MC wanted answers, it would require to go back to either Solomon or Lucifer, but either of those options weren't at the top of his priorities right now. All he wanted at the moment, was to make sure that MC would remain safe, if they indeed were at the center of all this. He didn't want to lose them again. Two months of radio silence had already been hard enough. No, now, he would remain with them at all times. No matter if the obstacles ended up being a wizard, the demon prince, or his literal older brother.
MC's arms wrapping around his shoulders pulled him out of his dark thoughts. He opened his eyes, feeling them sitting on his lap as they hid their face into his neck. Their embrace was strong, but at the same time, gentle and comforting. He instantly felt himself melt in his seat. Slowly, his shoulders dropped, and his arms circled the human he loved the most.
"I swear it." He muttered, looking into the empty space behind them. "I'll bring you back to the house. Everyone's missing you, and... I miss you, too."
MC nodded against his neck. "I'd love that. I miss the others. I miss my room there. And you always barging in without notice."
"O-Oh, yeah, about that-" Mammon pulled them slightly away by the shoulders so he could face them. "I kinda forgot to tell ya, but... when you weren't here, I sorta felt really alone, having to sleep in my room without you around, so... uh, what I mean is that- I kinda brought most of my stuff in your-"
The demon's sentence was cut short by the melody of a ringtone at the other end of the table. Mammon looked instantly at MC's phone, arching an eyebrow both for being interrupted, but also wondering who could be calling them on their human phone at this hour.
"Ah- it's probably Solomon. He was supposed to come visit yesterday, but postponed it to today instead." MC said, not without a hint of disappointment in their voice as they got up from Mammon's lap to go grab their phone.
Mammon growled, already preparing himself mentally for possibly having the occasion to yell at the wizard for all the mess he caused, but his plan was immediately stopped by MC, who had put a finger on their lips. While Mammon started pouting, MC pressed the sleep button on the side of the phone, but opened their eyes wide as the name of the caller was written in what seemed like... the Devildom's language.
"It's- not Solomon?"
Their thumb swapped over the Accept button, and just as they placed the phone over their ear and were about to ask who it was, a voice, way too familiar to them, answered first.
"M-MC.. ?" The broken sobs mixed with the voice of none other than Leviathan, almost made MC forget how to breathe. "Aahh, I'm so glad... I-I wasn't sure if- sniffle..."
"Levi?" MC clasped their other hand over the phone, alerted by the state of the demon on the other side of the line. Behind them, Mammon practically jumped out of his seat.
"Levi?! Put him on speaker!"
MC obeyed him, quickly turning the speaker on and putting the phone in-between the two of them. The third-born's voice could now be heard in the entire room, as his desperate cries continued.
"Yo, Levi, why are you crying?! And how did you figure out how to call MC's phone?!" Mammon shouted, before approaching the phone to listen more closely. "Hey, is that Asmo I'm hearin'? Is he with you? What's happening??"
"Mammon... we were so worried- that you wouldn't find them..." Levi continued, as several people could be heard in the background, seemingly arguing with each other. "I tried really hard you know... I'm so, so sorry MC... I really tried... Please, please forgive me, I tried..."
"T-Tried? Wha- What did you try, Levi?" MC asked nervously, a knot starting to form in their throat. But the only answer they received from Leviathan, was a louder sob, soon followed by muffled cries as if the demon had stuffed his face into a pillow.
"Here- Levi, I'll talk to them." Another voice replaced Levi's, this one more composed in its tone. It increased in volume as the owner brought the phone closer to their face. "MC, Mammon? Are you still there?"
"Satan..." MC whispered, a hand placed over their chest. It had been so long since they had heard either of the other demons' voices.
"Hey, Satan, what's wrong with Levi?! I keep hearin' the others talking behind you too! I leave you guys for one day and already one of you is bawling his eyes out?!" Mammon asked urgently, obvious worry in his voice for his brother. As if the whole trip to the human world hadn't already been anxiety inducing, now something had happened within the House of Lamentation, and he wasn't there to check up on them.
On the other side of the phone, Satan clicked his tongue.
"After helping you find MC's location, Levi spent hours learning how to call a human phone with a demon one... literal hours. I'm glad it worked." He paused. "Everything would have turned out alright, if only it hadn't been for him."
While MC blinked in confusion, Mammon's breath was caught in his throat. His face turned pale, and his brow furrowed even more as the realization of what the fourth-born was trying to tell him washed over him.
"Wait... Don't tell me-"
"He's gone way too far this time." Satan hissed. Behind him, the voices of the other brothers turned quieter, the blonde demon moving away from them. "You have to leave wherever you are. While you didn't know where MC was, Mammon, I'm not doubting that he does. I don't know why he's acting the way he is but... I'm worried about MC. Mammon, you have to get them away from him."
"Wait, Satan, are you talking about-"
Two dry knocks came from the entrance door, and MC immediately shut themself up, quickly pressing the speaker off. Flipping their head alongside Mammon's towards the sound, the two's breaths turned slow and their bodies immobile, like deers caught in headlights. Neither of them dared make a sound, nor move a muscle, their eyes glued to the wood of the door as they waited for additional knocks, which never came.
Instead, after a silence that seemed to last forever, with only the now small voice of Satan hurriedly asking them from the phone if they were alright, a hue began emanating on the door. A red circle, shining a light that resembled a laser's glow, drew in the center. Several patterns followed and appeared within it, and before MC could take a step towards it, as they finally understood who was on the other side, Mammon's body immediately blocked them from advancing.
The demon raised an arm out, preventing MC from moving further away from the table. The human didn't have to see his face to know that he was preparing himself for anything- his tensed body in front of them spoke for himself.
His inner thoughts from a few minutes ago resurfaced in a flash upon sensing MC's hand on his back. No more separation. He had to protect them- stay with them. No matter the obstacle.
Even if this obstacle, turned out to be his own older brother.
"He's here."
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authoressofdarkness · 3 years
I saw that you're taking prompts, from the dialogue list. Can I get number 20? “I’ve never had someone taking care of me before.” for starker obviously. I'm excited, I love reading your works. Thank you in advance!
Hi anon! That means so much to me and I’m v glad to be taking this as my first prompt. Thank you 💙
I kinda want to try some new things with some of these prompts, so I’m gonna go at this with omega Tony and alpha Peter and see where it goes. I hope that’s okay with you anon and that everyone likes it 😘
Same age college AU, omegaverse, alpha Peter Parker, omega Tony Stark, some angst and some fluff at the end.
It’s a well known fact that Tony Stark has a shitty family.
Well, at least to anyone who knows him, it is. They know how he’ll do anything to not be at home when his father is around, to get out of the endless pressures of social events and promotional things and questions of mating and management and all of the things that he hated about being born an omega and being attached to the last name Stark to top it all off—
For years, it was just him. Some flings, mainly to piss his father off, but he never had his attention for longer than the time it took to scold him or order him around, and his mother was never much help, either. He had precious few friends growing up, never really made any real ones until college when he met Rhodey and Pepper — an alpha and a beta respectively that helped him manage things there and that were the first people to truly understand the depths of struggles he had going on at home.
And they were great friends, still are, but there was never anything more there between them. They helped him float through the first year of school, and then—
And then came Peter Parker.
Tony doesn’t hate all alphas on principle, although he is often rather tempted to try to, what with how they were shoved in his face most of his life. They were great for a good fling but most of them were meatheads. As horny as Tony was, he couldn’t allow just anyone to be close to him, nothing too get to serious, because he’s got a lot of responsibility coming down to him and he needs the right partner — alpha or otherwise — to be willing to deal with that. Not that he’s particularly interested in mating right now but he also isn’t going to allow someone close enough to potentially mark him knowing the repercussions of that.
He’s the heir to Stark Industries, sure, but he’s still an omega. An alpha will have significant legal power over him once they’re mated. And he wants to be the one to run SI, to take on his legacy, to build, to create, and to run his business, and he’s not going to let anyone stop him, even if that means flings forever.
(Not that that’s legally going to fly because he can’t take over until he’s considered qualified which implies a certain amount of stability that translates into having an alpha that’s more than just a fuck buddy but—)
It doesn’t matter. None of it matters after he meets Peter.
Peter is a year younger than him in school, technically, but biologically they’re the same age. Peter just started a bit later than most — and for good reasons, as Tony comes to find out.
He’s in one of Tony’s engineering classes and his organic chemistry class and the omega would be lying if he said he wasn’t immediately taken with him.
He can’t help it. Peter is cute, with his overgrown curls and slim form and silky skin and shy little smile and—
The other man is all alpha, there’s no doubt about it. He exudes it without even trying, but there’s a shyness to him, too. He’s not a meathead; he’s a sweetheart. From day one he’s respectful of Tony in class, kind when he sees him around campus, and that makes them the perfect lab partners in chemistry, and after knowing that, it’s just the natural choice for them to partner for the project in engineering and then—
Then things spiral, and Tony doesn’t even care.
He’s seeking the alpha’s attention, and Peter, the innocent, shy thing he is, is happy to give, to dote on Tony in ways that he would resist if they were coming from anyone else.
They’re not even fucking, but it’s intimate, so intimate that he can’t even explain it, and he loves it, scarily so. It both soothes and sets all his instincts on edge at the same time.
By mid semester they both have keys to come and go freely from each other’s rooms. It’s more common to see them together than it is to ever spot one of them out alone. The whole school probably thinks they’re a couple, and even though they’ve never made it official — and he’s never allowed himself to even come close to considering it before — Tony can’t bring himself to mind.
As midterms approach, though, Tony locks himself in to focus on his work. He doesn’t mean to, really; it’s just that hours studying slip into full nights and then he hasn’t eaten and he hasn’t left the room, even missing one of his classes because he doesn’t realize the time.
Peter hasn’t come by in days and except for the occasional check in text, Tony hasn’t heard from him, either. But they’re both busy with midterms so he really isn’t surprised. In fact he barely has time to eat, let alone check his phone, so even if he was texting him regularly Tony probably wouldn’t be answering.
Except mid terms or no, of course Peter notices when Tony misses class. And when his texts go unanswered by the absorbed omega, he doesn’t hesitate to show up and let himself in.
Tony doesn’t even realize anyone is there until he feels a hand on his shoulder. He jumps so hard he nearly knocks the chair back, and when he turns around he sees Peter, stepping back and holding his hands up in the universal “I surrender” gesture, clearly not having meant to startle him.
“I’m sorry, I knocked but you didn’t answer so I let myself in. I just— you weren’t in class, and I was worried… are you okay? When was the last time you ate?” It takes all of two seconds for Peter’s sheepishness to melt into concern, and he steps forward again, closing the distance between them to tilt Tony’s chin up, looking at the shadow stretching across his jaw where he hasn’t shaved in a few days. “You’ve lost weight,” he murmurs, thumb brushing over Tony’s cheekbone tenderly — which, yeah, is definitely more prominent than it was at the beginning of the week.
Tony’s eyes flutter and he leans into the touch for a moment before refocusing and shaking it off. “I’m fine. This is normal, Peter. I know what I’m doing.”
“Do you?” Peter raises an eyebrow. “Do you even know what day it is?”
“It’s Saturday—“
“It’s Monday, Tony. 1pm on Monday, at that. You missed engineering this morning and you haven’t answered my texts all weekend.” Surprise flits across Tony’s face at that, because — yeah, last time he checked it was Saturday, and he had no new texts from Peter, so— “When was the last time you ate?” Peter continues to prod, voice gentle but insistent.
Both aspects only serve to spark irritation in him, though. Tony bats Peter’s hand away from his face, frowning. He doesn’t need to be treated with kid gloves. “I ate a little while ago. I’m fine.”
“You don’t even know what day it is—“
“It all kind of blurs together when you’re not doing anything besides working, okay—“
“Two days is a lot of blur, Tony—“
“And just because I need a shave doesn’t mean I haven’t left my desk or that this isn’t totally normal for midterms—“
“You’re the one saying you haven’t left your desk, not me—“
“That’s not what I meant! I’m just saying—“
“I’m just saying you need to take a short break, it’s not that big of a deal—“
“I don’t need a break, I know my limits—“
“Tony, I really don’t think—“
“Jesus fucking— You’re not my alpha, Parker, would you fuck off?”
The words come out before he can stop them, and he flinched himself at the hurt on Peter’s face, the way the alpha physically recoils, shoving his hands in his pockets.
“I’m not— god, I know that, okay? I’m just trying to help you, Tony. Please, this isn’t sustainable. You need to eat. Just— let me find you something, and then I’ll leave, okay?”
Leave? No, he doesn’t want him to leave. But the only thing that comes out is a quiet “whatever,” and he watches Peter escape to the kitchen with a ball of guilt growing in his chest.
Peter is just trying to help. He likes Peter and he doesn’t want him to leave, he just— he panics, and then he snaps.
Because what if Peter wants more? What if he really likes him? And Tony is a fuck up that does shit like this when he feels emotions and has so much baggage attached to being with him and—
And Peter knows that, at least some of it. It’s been a few months of seeing each other nearly every day, now, and his family situation was never a secret.
So why is he still here? Oh god, did Tony just ruin it?
The thought, for reasons that he’s refusing to immediately think about, is almost too much to bear. He stands up, fumbling his way out of the chair and into the kitchen.
The smell hits him almost as soon as he enters, and he sucks in a deep breath. His traitorous stomach growls, loud and demanding.
Soup bubbles on the stove as Peter works at the counter, chopping up some fruits and vegetables. He’s already managed to put a few little storage containers of food together for him, and something in Tony’s gut feels warm at the sight. But it also drops — preparing premade meals most certainly means that Peter isn’t intending to come back.
He looks up when Tony enters, expression wary. “The soup was the quickest thing you had, and since I had to be here for as long as it takes to boil anyway I thought I would just—“
“Peter.” His own voice sounds remarkable calm for how shaky he suddenly feels, lurching towards the alpha at the countertop. “It’s okay. I… thank you, for this. I’m sorry.”
Peter looks taken aback by the apology. “Tony, you don’t have to apologize. You’re right; I’m not your alpha and it’s not my place to give you orders. I just… I care about you, okay? I just want to help. I know you don’t think about me that way, and I’m sorry I overstepped, but—“
“You’re wrong.”
“What?” The words draw Peter up short.
Tony takes a breath, looking down. He focuses on the alpha’s hands, watching him chop instead of looking at his face. It’s easier. “You’re wrong. It’s not that I don’t think of you that way. The problem is… that I do. And I… I’m not used to this. I’ve never had someone take care of me before. Not really, not in any way that mattered. And what I feel for you… it scares me.” He takes a little breath again, looking down at his own hands. “I want you to be my alpha, Peter. But I’m not really a good omega, and I just have so much shit that comes along with being with me. The thought of asking you to do that… what that could do to us… I just don’t think I could handle that.”
He hears the knife ting against the countertop as Peter sets it down, and the pitter patter of footsteps as the alpha crosses the room. He’s suddenly being drawn into a pair of lanky but surprisingly strong arms, surrounded by the musky, relaxing scent of alpha, and he practically melts into it, nestling his nose into the spot between the collar of Peter’s sweatshirt and his throat almost automatically.
Peter’s hand running up and down his back is soothing, relaxing him the rest of the way, and the press of the alpha’s chin against his head is just the perfect weight to be comfortable, reassuring.
“Tony… I’m not an idiot,” he says gently. “I know who you are. What you’ve done, where you came from, what’s expected of you — and yeah, I’m sure there’s more that you haven’t told me and that’s not public, but— I get why this is a struggle for you, and why you feel the need to put so much pressure on yourself. There’s nothing wrong with you for that and it is most definitely not your own fault that you’re not used to being taken care of. And you’ve no idea how badly or how long I’ve wanted to be your alpha.” He pulls back a little to look down at him, fingers scratching Tony’s scalp gently as he works his fingers through his hair. “But that doesn’t mean that this kind of behavior — towards yourself or others — is good or acceptable. It’s okay to let me take care of you — at least in small ways. I know you’re scared of losing your independence, but that’s not what I want for you, either. I just want to help.”
“Help,” Tony echoes, eyes drifting to the pan on the stove and then back to Peter. “I… I think I’d like that.” He bites his lip, looking up at him. They’re about the same size and height, but this close, wrapped in the alpha’s arms and scent, with his steady gaze on him, he can’t help but feel small by comparison. “You really want to be my alpha?”
“Only if you want me to be, but…” Peter looks down at him and cracks his shy little smile. “I’d like to try, if you’d let me.”
“I’d like that,” Tony admits. He shifts to press up against him, putting a hand on his chest. “I’d also really like it if you’d kiss me.”
Peter looks a little surprised, but not unpleasantly. Still, he shakes his head, giving him a little push back. “Tony, you didn’t even know what day it was. God knows when the last time you brushed your teeth is. No offense, but… ew.”
Tony just laughs a little, unable to help himself. “If I brush my teeth…?”
“Maybe. If you eat your food as well.” Peter moves back to the counter, finishing up the container he was working on. “We can’t be doing anything that’s going to burn you extra calories when you don’t have enough to begin with, hm?”
Tony finds himself grinning. “That’s an argument I can get behind. Literally and metaphorically.”
Peter flashes a grin in return, voice back to that gentle but insistent tone that he knows so well when he says, “Go, Tony.”
And for once, Tony is all too happy to obey.
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i-need-air · 4 years
Oh-- I really really -really- liked your wolf hybrid Bakugou and-- if you don't mind, can you do one on Kirishima? Just the general headcanons, if this is too bothersome then you can ignore this once again- thank you
Just general headcanons you say? Okay, I had this written 2k words in before I got this ask and now it's at... ehem, let me take a deep breath for this;
Word count: 3.5k 💀 [of HCs 💀💀💀]
Why do I keep doing this to myself aksdjkd I love Kiri so much, my god! Thanks for the ask!! 💗
[ Masterlist ]
Hybrid!AU Kirishima Eijirou HCs
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× i mentioned him as a dog hybrid and we're sticking with it because it just feels right, yano? anyway!
× you found out about how the new hybrid shelter in your city helped bust a fighting ring
× which was horrifying to think about
× one of your friends explained the process to you and you were definitely interested in helping someone out
× shelters were still underfunded and didn't provide much to help the hybrids adapt to society
× so you found yourself in front of the shelter without a plan
× just a dream and a spare couch that could thankfully convert into a bed
× before you could chicken out you stormed through the doors like a mad person, catching the attention of the guards and the front desk man
× it surprised you how disinterested they were though; were they seriously the people that dismantled a whole illegal fighting ring?
× they called a sweet old lady to accompany you
× when you explained your situation her eyes sparkled, looking you up and down and nodding her head
× she took you through some hallways, showing you around the precinct, questioning you about what type of hybrid you'd want
× to which you honestly didn't know how to respond, like anyone you could help????
× it kinda pissed you off how she spoke about the hybrids like they were pets, suggesting you'd get a kitty or a bunny, since [her words] they were low maintenance
× is this really a good shelter?
× you looked around, finding prison like cells left and right, some with people that looked at you curiously, some covering from your glance
× they were locked in...
× some growling could be heard far away but the woman shook her head at you, disapproving gaze turned to the side as she took you further into the building
× another room, this time cells were bigger, a few occupied, yet covered from you, indiferent and uninterested
× a man was sitting on the edge of the bed, hands in his hair
× "Kirishima, boy, get up to greet someone"
× his red eyes snapped up, whatever he was thinking about slowly forgotten
× he blinked curiously as you hugged your frame, feeling uncomfortable, even ashamed to be there
× but a sweet smile took over his features
× "Hey! I'm Kirishima Eijirou!"
× it's really all it took for you to grow fond of him; he got up and came closer to the entrance of the cell and introduced himself in such easy-going manner you forgot about everything and anything
× he calmed you with his presence, even if it was very disheveled, with old ripped clothes and hair messy, painted red with obvious dark roots showing
× he had a black fluffy tail waving slowly behind him too
× you introduce yourself with his encouragement and mumbled how you wanted to help someone out today
× he just smiled at you, taking you in
× let me tell you something about dog hybrids: they can sense emotions and intentions so Kiri would be a very good judge of character and he really, genuinely took a liking on you
× the problem is how the fuck do you say out loud that you wanted to help him out
× because you sure as hell weren't going to say you'd adopt him; he's not a child? we're talking about a grown ass man here? literally looked like 6'4ft/1.95m?????
× it was so shameful, your gut turned as you cursed society and he sensed it, expression changing, falling a little as he saw you look very out of place
× "Hey, hey, everything's gonna be fine!" he said
× he told YOU that
× instead of YOU telling HIM those words;;; you almost burst into ugly crying, forgetting about everything else, your minuscule problems or shame or whatever and just nodded at him
× "Would you like to come home with me, Kirishima?" you said, ignoring the happy clapping the old lady was doing, watching carefully how his expression, clear as water, switched from easy-going and reassuring to shocked then hopeful
× "I'd like that" he breathed out "—a lot."
× as you went out the lady was telling him it was a shame they separated his group of friends, something about being sent to different shelters, how he had to be a good boy, to behave, yada-yada and seriously;;; he was taking it so lightheartedly, as if he was so used to this behavior or even was thankful for it?
× it was starting to get annoying, specially when they gave you a collar for him, like no fucking thanks, but you'd take care of it later
× since it was very random and unplanned, you were making mental gymnastics to figure out what to get and what to do first, like clothes, food—
× journey home was pleasant as he walked close to you, asking you questions about yourself with a gentle smile on his features
× meanwhile people got out of both your ways because he was intimidating and big and large but his smile screamed sunshine
× all while he never really mentioned anything about himself
× you made a point to ask him if he was hungry, to grab a quick bite at any restaurant you could get at then go buy some clothes and necessities
× you were so casual and this guy was so shocked
× i swear, looks at you blinking stupidly then ✨beams✨
× spoiler alert; big boy was hungry
× it didn't matter honestly, just seeing him eat without a worry [even if everyone at the restaurant was wary of him but got a stink eye from you] was a relief
× since you answered his questions about you, you decided to ask some about him; you were going to be roomies soon so might as well get to know each other
× shocked again
× stops mid-bite when you ask him something and stares wide-eyed
× doesn't answer but you can see he wants to and you're confused??
× "did I—... did I say something wrong?" you'd press, scared you'd spook him away or something
× he just gulps down and looks ashamed
× casually tells you they've been told at the shelter owners don't care about them
× ��� say what now bby?
× he kinda starts apologizing because he understands why you wouldn't wanna know and you put your hand on his; kinda mutes him for a second
× "Kirishima, we're gonna live together and hopefully be friends in the process, right? I'd like to know about you, as much as you're willing to tell me"
× [ falls in love right then and there ]
× he's met humans before, many actually—
× even in the short weeks he's been at the shelter he's seen people come and go and none talked to him like you did
× stares with stars in his eyes and chuckles awkwardly, blush on his face
× "You're really nice, [Y/N]" he said before eagerly answering your questions; course, it leaves you confused lmfao but you brush past it
× okay! shopping next, long story short it was very hard to find hybrid clothes for his size so you pick to change human clothes and adjust them for him
× as you again mention this stuff casually he's just awestruck
× when you got home, bags in hand, you were explaining to him how you really didn't have much; you were working to get a promotion soon but for now you had a couch that could open up into a very comfy bed, which he assured you it was enough
× you were lowkey unsure if he fit it because like i mentioned, big boi is big
× he does! so that's a relief but you started considering giving him your bed; you mostly fell asleep on the couch anyway and to be fair, it was really comfortable and you mention it as he looks around
× his head snaps at you, wide eyed, yet does not talk
× so you ramble bc that's something fun to do! "I mean I went to the shelter without a plan and uh, I want you to feel as comfortable as possible and maybe the bed is a better fit and—"
× Kirishima Eijirou sees: 💕💞💕💞💕💞💕
× has never been treated like this, like he's an... equal... something he'll take months to share with you, but we're getting ahead of ourselves
× the thing is this boy will fall pretty hard pretty fast, but will definitely take time to make a move
× bc he is respectful
× so he thanks you for the offer and tells you it's probably the best place he slept in all his life
× can your heart stop breaking for him? i mean it's a good couch but it's no luxury hotel bed???
× [ we need to pause, OP made herself sad ]
× ok, so he's really helpful around the house, and he knows how to cook!
× takes no time to talk about his friends, special his best friend that cooked for everyone at the fighting ring and forced them all to help and that's how he was pretty decent at cooking himself
× wasn't the best though, but followed instructions like a boss
× he lives for your compliments
× literally his tail wiggles with no shame
× seriously;; tell him he did a good job even at the dumbest thing and—
× puffs chest
× wiggle-wiggle
× "Thanks!"
× 🥺💕💞 make him stop, he's so cute
× did i mention he has like floppy black ears? Omg his earsssssssssshnnngggggggggg
× because they move whenever he walks and they're mesmerizing
× and one day that you're observing them for science [not because your heart was like 💘pom-pom💘] you noticed his roots
× remember when your heart broke for him? hah, have some more because as you asked him, he started telling you that he was pushed into dying his hair red for the spectacle, diversity and what-not
× reassured you he grew to love it now, being part of who he is
× also gets a little bit shy when adding he wouldn't want to change the color in hopes of finding his friends someday and for him to be easily recognizable
× you bought him hair dye that same day
× WHICH! apart from gaining extra 🥺💕💞 from him, it created a nice routine between you two!!
× you offered to dye his hair and it was such a great time; he made you laugh, conversation going just as easy whenever you talked, you got to know each other a little bit more and—
× heh
× at the end, after applying all the red hair dye, you massaged his scalp gently
× guess who melts in your hands? yes, giant ass dog-man melts into a puddle under your hands and it's the cutest fucking thing you've ever seen
× I'm serious, he sighs and leans into your gloved hands with zero [0] shame, eyes closed and peaceful expression on his features apart from a small smile
× you tease him and he laughs it off, but promise him you'd give him head scratches when he was finished with the dye, washed off and hair dry
× and you better deliver
× "Don't think I forgot!" he'd say as he'd hop on his make-shift bed in the living room by your side, tail moving from side to side
× as you start playing with his locks, he falls into your lap and starts snoring
× move an inch and he opens his eyes to look at you confused
× puppy eyes questioning you if you're leaving 🥺
× yep, you fall asleep together
× you point out to yourself that those puppy eyes will be the death of you
× he's a touchy guy, okay? since he's been touchy with you from the very start you never questioned it, even read on the internet that many hybrids descended from house pets need physical affection, like hugs, pats, scratches, all the bag, so it wasn't a big deal for you
× except it was a big deal because he's been around for a month and you're already catching feelings and that's bad because you did not bring him there to fall for him but to help him start a new life and—
× oh my god, what if he thought you were one of those people from the horror stories about hybrid adoption that only wanted them for one thing—
× no, no, no, nO, NO.
× anxiety was getting to you as the guilt of catching feelings for him, plus the fact that he was financially dependant on you for the time which would've made it even worse if he found out, PLUS he comes from such a rough life, he definitely needs a break and doesn't need his first human friend in forever to be a piece of;;;
× Kiri catches on this really constant and increasing feeling of anxiety; he starts to send you worried glances but doesn't know how to proceed
× in such a soft voice he asks if you're okay, if something is on your mind
× and since you weren't sharing anything but acted as if everything was alright even when he felt you lied, Kiri started to get worried too
× why were you anxious? why weren't you talking to him about it?
× oh, god, was he a burden? because he felt like one;;; did you want him out? he felt like an extra weight for you and wanted to do something about it but maybe you got sick of him? he felt unmanly...
× the fact that he knew he cared about you as more than just a friend made him even more anxious and it didn't help that whenever he touched you he heard your breath hitch or your heart beating louder; he got his hopes up then down because
× you smelled like people; people he didn't know, people he wanted to know because he needed to know why did you smell like them? were they a treat? were they potential partners? he really did not want to ask bc Kirishima felt like it wasn't his place to know
× as tension grew in the house you decided to gift him a new phone, ready to give him some news that reached your ears
× it seems Kiri himself liked to do sports and mainly jog to keep himself active and he's started to pass by the local dog-park to play with the dogs
× imagine your surprise when a few neighbors asked you if he'd be willing to train their dogs bc he's been teaching them stuff like once a week and the dogs listened
× big time dog whisperer; he says "Sit" to one dog and all dogs in the neighborhood sit too, you get me?
× so you said it would be nice for him to have his own money; not like you didn't help him without care, but you saw his face every time you bought something for him and really felt like he needed some real independence
× he's in ✨awe✨ because you came up with clients already that were very eager for dog training sessions, which he loved??? and suggested hours, wages??????
× and you gave him this new phone to help him with it if he's interested too?
× "Well, the normal price on the internet around the area is—"
× "[Y/N]."
× "Hmm?"
× "You're really amazing, you know that, right?" he'd have his lips curled into a sweet smile
× which makes your heart go crazy and this man notices how you get flustered
× loves it
× get ready for compliments; a lot of compliments just expecting your sweet flustered reactions
× he's slow at realizing your feelings for him because he beats himself down and seems himself as less of a man but tests the waters nonetheless and a d o r e s every time you struggle to thank him for said compliments and don't know how to continue functioning
× catches on and gets his hopes up
× and so you do
× listen, this is hilarious because you're both dumb idiots and want to be respectful towards the other meanwhile he hugs you tighter and for a little bit too long, loving how you melt into him, kisses you on the cheek and sees you get all flustered, looks at you like you're the only one to ever matter until you stop talking, turning everything into a giant mess of silence until you both grin at each other???? I'm getting second-hand embarrassment, just kiss???????
× and it happened with an accidental kiss
× you greeted him as he walked through the door, excited to tell him about your promotion, rambling about the take-out you ordered while he smiled at you
× and it started to be usual for you to greet him with a kiss on the cheek, right? just what normal roomies do, you know [mhmm~]
× he's taking his shoes off and knows the kiss is coming, but just before you press it on his cheek you whisper/squeal "I got the promotion!" to which he turns his head in surprise at you making your lips press together by accident [mhhhmmmmm~~~]
× cue both of you apologizing, looking like a mess
× he's blushing
× you both loved it
× why are you standing so close to each other?
× why did he lick his lips in daze while staring at yours?
× which one of you was leaning in for another kiss?
× it didn't really matter because he's kissing you slowly, taking you into his arms like you were made of porcelain
× glues his body to yours and breathes you in, lips locked, neither believing it was real
× lifts you up in his arms with no difficulty and smiles, both inches separated from another; "Congratulations..." his breath would fan over your face;;;;
× yeah, okay, he takes no time to confess, resulting in a mess of manly words skdjekldj you guys talked that whole night while cuddling and stealing kisses, you on his lap
× [ his nose brushing your neck; he loves your scent omg ]
× it becomes official pretty much instantly and then all your worries wash away
× all the anxiety, all the stress and overthinking, they've all been sorted out in one night and trust me, afterwards this man is pure honesty and loyalty
× he won't hesitate to talk to you about anything and will be such a patient sweetheart with you, listening to every word you say without judgment
× loves cheesy stuff? as in the most cliché stuff seen in movies? that's his shit right there; whenever you two see each other after some time apart [sometimes 5 minutes apart] he'd pick you in his arms and spin you around, then expect you to kiss him
× if you don't, i will skfjdkfk step aside 👀
× skin contact; please, touch him
× if you're not he sends you those famous puppy eyes and we all know they're killer
× sighs, happy to hold you tight against him, engulfing you into his big frame; yeah, you're where you belong, in his arms.
× everyone in the neighborhood loves him; it's ridiculous, seriously, because you find out he helped around all the time when you were at work and gained everyone's love
× makes an instagram account to teach people how to train their dog and becomes an internet sensation, a small celebrity
× also bc he's hot and sometimes posts working out pics
× skdksjs imagine this: makes dinner for both of you, lits up some candles, goes all in, then fucking posts it on ig saying "waiting for my baby to come home #surprise" forgetting you can see it lmfao
× you see the story on your way home and 🥺💞 "ye i love his oblivious ass"
× soft gasps when you tell him after dinner
× has the audacity to be surprised, like babe????
× Kaminari finds him through social media and this baby cries in relief for a good half an hour
× both team up to find all the gang
× guess who talks praises about you all the time? mhm, this guy right here is proud to have you
× and Denki has to deal with it;
× anywho! want to break him for good? tell him you love him for the first time
× but forgets how to speak
× finds his words to say it back after staring at you entranced, grinning like an idiot, taking you in his arms and giving you a bone crushing hug while shaking in place
× he's never felt this loved and adores every second of it
× you're like a drug and he's deep gone, man
× tells you he loves you every single day
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