#my only trait was crying over my ex and waiting for him to come back because he promised me
palesoftangel · 2 years
january me if i told her that:
- I'm not waiting for him to come back anymore, he came back but i was already in a relationship, now I'm kinda over him
- yeah i got into a relationship with that guy that i was obsessed with and turned out to be the worst person i ever dealt with
- it got better, we're not fully healed infact i got my heart broken twice in one year but I'm doing it better this time
- my relationship with my father got a little better
- I don't talk to my brother anymore
- i have a friend who makes uni so much easier for me. a friend?
- I'm accepting myself and for the first time ever i feel loved by me
- i didn't lose weight i actually gained it back lol
- i shaved my head again but i hate it
- trichotillomania got a little better
- still broke asf
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Chapter 24
Another sad one but tomorrow's chapter is going to be brighter again, I promise you 😉
1st December 1994
"I don't want you to divorce! You promised me you're not going to divorce but now you are! You lied to me!" Seeing her poor little daughter standing at the edge of the staircase, desperately crying and screaming at them broke Camilla’s heart into a thousand pieces but also kind of summed up that absolute hell of a year they'd all been through. That goddamn interview Charles had given and everything it had brought about for her and her family, her mother's death and, now Andrew had announced that he wanted to divorce her. She had begged him to at least wait until Christmas was over, so that they wouldn't ruin the festive season for their little girl, but he had been relentless, he wanted to divorce her, as soon as possible, and wanted to marry Rose - as soon as possible. "It will break her heart.", Camilla had told him in regards to Thea, but he'd been sure she'd cope well - but it now turned out that he'd been wrong. He had, indeed, managed to ruin not only the festive season for her but basically crashed down everything she'd loved and believed in, everything that'd given her safety, within the wink of an eye. And she hated him for that. "Thea, darling, please, come here…", she said, rushing up the stairs to take her crying daughter in her arms, but Thea was so pissed off she couldn't bear that kind of closeness right now (a trait which she had definitely inherited from Charles…), turned around and stamped over to her room, slammed the door behind her, fell onto her bed and sobbed into her pillow. "Well done, Andrew! I hope you're proud of yourself!", Camilla hissed at her future ex-husband, looking at him so withering that it almost froze his blood. "See, Camilla, that's exactly why I want this divorce as soon as possible - because, in your world, it's always somebody else's fault, you're perfect and never do anything wrong, it's always somebody else!", he screamed at her and she couldn't believe the utter nonsense he was talking. "Oh just shut up and leave me alone! You know what? You can have your divorce, as soon as possible if it's so important for you, go and marry your lover and live happily ever after, I don't care anymore, I really don't!", she screamed back. "Just go! I can't have you here tonight, go to Rose or any of your other affairs but get out of my way!", she added, knowing exactly that there had been only Rose for him for at least the last five years and there was no "other affair" anymore, but there had been times where he probably couldn't recall all his lover's names himself, and after he'd made her baby so unhappy, she thought he deserved a little punishment tonight. Andrew grumbled something, grabbed his car keys from the sideboard and took his leave.
Once the door had slammed shut behind him, Camilla allowed herself to cry a few tears, before pulling herself together again, putting on a brave face and going to her daughter, who needed her love and comfort so badly. "Come here, darling.", she said, pulling Thea into her arms, tenderly rocking her back and forth, like she had done when she had been a baby. "Don't worry, my sweet little darling.", she whispered. "I know this is a hard time for you, but Daddy and I love you so much and we will always be there for you, both of us." "But everything's going to change!", Thea moaned. "And Daddy won't have time for me anymore. Will he get himself a new family, like my friend Gemma's Daddy? She only sees him like once a year nowadays… I don't want to see Daddy only once a year!" "Shush, darling. Of course you will still see Daddy. He can come and visit you anytime, or you can visit him whenever you want to.", Camilla promised her.
"Are we going to relocate?", Thea asked further, immediately adding: "I don't want to relocate. This is our home and I want to stay here!" Camilla sighed and lied down on the bed next to her, staring at the ceiling in excessive demand and desperation. "God help me…", she thought, pressing her daughter against her chest. "We haven't decided on that, yet.", she said, but that was a lie, they actually had, and it was clear that they'd have to sell the house but she didn't manage to reveal that, not today, not like that. Thea was already so heartbroken, she simply couldn't bear giving her more bad news. Instead, she said: "But no matter what's going to happen and where we might be a year from now, I will always be by your side, my darling, and we'll always have it nicely and cosy, as long as we have each other, I promise you." At this, Thea's sobbing decreased a bit and she buried her little face on her mother's chest. "When Daddy marries Rose, will you marry Sir now as well?", she asked, totally out of the blue and Camilla almost burst into laughter. "No, darling. That's not going to happen.", she said and Thea frowned her forehead. "But why not?", she asked, as if it was the silliest and most illogical thing she'd ever heard, explaining: "You're in love. You always kiss." Camilla couldn't suppress a smile. It had been a rough few months for them in summer and she had been really upset and mad with him, but he'd done such an effort to get her back, apologised a thousand times, not only to her but also to her children, to her father, and even to Andrew… he'd sent flowers, wrote letters and poems and hadn't she finally given in at some point, he'd probably have climbed on the roof of Buckingham Palace and performed "If I could turn back time" from Cher or something. So by the end of September, they were all in love and together again, though things remained difficult and they still had to be extremely cautious. He did indeed still hope to be able to marry her one day but she couldn't really see that happening. Apart from the fact that she surely wasn't, and wasn't ever to be, the sort of wife anyone with or without influence wanted for a future King, she herself didn't want to live that sort of life either. She loved him dearly, of course she did, and she, too, hoped that one day their relationship would at least be so much accepted that they wouldn't have to hide anymore and could maybe go out together again like a normal couple could but for nothing in this world would she ever voluntarily marry into that family and the sort of life it'd mean. In contrast to Diana, she had always been aware that nobody could ever marry "just Charles". She'd have married "just Charles" immediately back in 1972, but even then she had been aware that it wasn't "just Charles", but it was a public role, she'd have said yes to as well, a whole institution, with their own sometimes cruel rules, traditions, duties, forces and sacrifices, and that as something she had never wanted and still didn't want. She loved her freedom and was not willing to give up on it, not even for him. Also, she wanted her daughter to grow up as normal as possible, and it was already hard enough for her now with the divorce and everything. This was certainly going to be a very sad, last Christmas at Middlewick House for all of them…
*Side Note: Camilla and Andrew's marriage was officially divorced on 19th January 1995. After everything that had happened, they decided to release a joint press statement which reads as follows:
"The decision to seek an end to our marriage was taken jointly and is a private matter, but as we have no expectation that our privacy will be respected, we issue this statement in the hope that it will ensure that our family and friends are saved from harassment. Most especially, we ask that our children, who remain our principal concern and responsibility, are left alone to pursue their studies at what is clearly a difficult time for them. Throughout our marriage we have always tended to follow rather different interests, but in recent years we have led completely separate lives. We have grown apart to such an extent that, with the exception of our children and a lasting friendship, there is little of common interest between us, and we have therefore decided to seek divorce."
I've read these lines about a hundred times but it still breaks my heart. It all must have been so hard for her. Thinking of these dark days makes me appreciate everything we get to see of her as a happy and healthy Queen these days even more.
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b1ueoff1ine · 2 years
day 6 long prompt 6? with otto?
Healing - Part 1
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4
Otto Octavius FanFiction
Prompt/Summary: long #6 -Life is hard, especially for a single mother, but you've made the best of it and took a new job as the secretary for a billionaire. A terrible tragedy rocks his world and you're there as a shoulder to cry on as he heals. During the healing process, however, he finds you are more important to him than he originally thought.
Warnings: Age gap.(Let me know if I missed any!)
Word count: 627
A/N: another otto fic for day 6 WOO WOO also flashbacks are in italics and D/N is daughter's name and y/n is his personal assistant instead of secretary
Full 14 Days Of Valentine's Collection
Your husband left you not too long ago for another woman. While your over him now, every time you looked at your four year old daughter you couldn't help but remember him.
It brought tears to your eyes to even think about the way he left, so you didn't do it often.
Your previous job had fired you only that morning, and you started job hunting in frustration.
You had found a job as a personal assistant for Octavius Industries, and you applied. You read the email awaiting you and cried out in joy.
"D/N, I got the job! Are you as excited as I am?"
"Yeah, of course, mama!" Your daughter exclaimed. "Do we get to have a celebratory meal for it?" She asked.
"Of course, my little princess. Only for you." You smiled. But looking at her brought flash backs. You looked back at your phone so she wouldn't see the blank expression you had on.
Your brain played flashbacks of the times when you were happiest- when you were with your ex.
You smiled as you watched Henry eat his icecream, being done with your own. "Is it good?" You asked him.
"Delicious." He smiled back.
You turned of your phone and put your phone on the counter. You needed to forget him. But it was hard being a single parent, knowing he should have been there for his daughter when you weren't.
You made dinner, tucked D/N in bed, then hopped in your own bed and went to sleep.
The next morning, you got ready for work. It was your first day, and didn't want to mess up. But of course, something had to go wrong. As you entered at the front entrance to the Octavius Industries building, someone bumped into you and spilled their coffee all over your blouse.
"Shoot! I am so sorry. Let me go grab you a shirt." They said.
"No, no, it's fine. I brought an extra pair of clothes." Thank goodness you did. The coffee scent was still going to bother you all day, though.
"If you're sure."
"Oh, it's fine. I always come prepared." You smiled at them.
The returned your smile and continued out the door, steering clear of the coffee splatter on the floor.
You checked in with the secretary, then headed up the stairs towards Dr. Octavius's office.
You had to pass through the labs in order to get there, and saw you all sorts of projects. But you didnt pay attention to them, and kept walking.
When you reached Dr. Octavius's office, you knocked and waited.
Moments later, the door opened and Dr. Octavius stepped out.
"Morning, miss. You must be Ms. L/N, my new assistant."
"Yes, sir. I am." You offered your hand.
Dr. Octavius took your hand and shook it. Only then did you notice the actuators on his back.
But you payed no attention to them and asked, "What should I do first?"
"Eager to get to work, are you?" Dr. Octavius laughed.
You nodded.
"Well, just get to know everyone today. It's your first day, we dont want you to over work yourself on things you dont know yet." Dr. Octavius dismissed you.
The rest of the day was a breeze. You met and shook hands with every person you could, asking what they were working on and you told them your thoughts on it. You were honest with everyone, a trait that was rare to see these days.
But you were glad when you got off the bus near your apartment complex. You entered your apartment and went to the kitchen.
You heated leftovers and ate, then tucked D/N in again and went to sleep, hoping to actually do something the next day.
Imma make another part, anyone up for being tagged?
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amxranthiine · 3 years
imagine being the ex-friend of the slytherin crew. [she/her] (no voldy bc ew)
had this thought at 3am last night while fangirling with my friend last night. sorry for any errors <3
angst, mentions of parents disowning child, blood prejudice, mention of childhood/forbidden crush
- [ ] you had known draco, blaise, theo, pansy, astoria and daphne since you were very young.
- [ ] since you all were two to be exact. your parents were close and your birthdays weren't too far apart, so it was only natural that you all became a crew growing up, anxiously waiting for your eleventh birthdays.
- [ ] you all were inseparable. you learned to fly together, talk together, walk together... hell, you had all learned you were wizards together.
- [ ] you were always closer to blaise than the rest of the crew. you were younger than him, though not by much, and he seemed protective over you. as inseparable the rest of you were, blaise couldn't go anywhere without you, and the same goes for you to him.
- [ ] how ecstatic you were when you all got your hogwarts letters! you were going to be in the same year and hopefully, probably, the same house!
- [ ] it was expected of you all to be in slytherin, all coming from very long lines of prestigious pureblood serpents.
- [ ] the other six were more than confident that they would all be in slytherin together. you? not so much.
- [ ] you were very nervous, to say the least. you didn't portray the slytherin traits as much as the others.
- [ ] and when pansy or blaise would try to reassure you that it would be fine, you couldn't help but wonder if they were trying to convince you or themselves.
- [ ] and because you didn't portray the serpent traits, that made them all extremely protective of you. blaise especially, draco and theo coming close in second, and the girls just wanted to make sure you were okay.
- [ ] but the moment the sorting hat yelled out a name that wasn't slytherin, everything stopped.
- [ ] your friendships with your lifelong friends, your crush on blaise (okay, that didn't go away), everything you grew up with just... disappeared.
- [ ] your now ex-friends wanted nothing to do with you, even your parents didn't want to speak to you. your housemates were cruel, jesting about how you were a stain on their house, and a snake deep down.
- [ ] it was safe to say you had no one.
- [ ] the crew started being mean to you somewhere around christmas of first year. before then, they had just ignored you. just like everyone else.
- [ ] after christmas though... they seemed to have a new hatred for you.
- [ ] especially blaise, which hurt the most. you swore you were seeing things when you thought you saw sadness somewhere in his eyes whenever he was rude to you.
- [ ] you were alone for the remainder of first year, and for the first two months of second.
- [ ] that's when you met luna, neville and ginny. you guys were thick as thieves, and for the first time for two years, you were actually happy.
- [ ] of course, your childhood friends were still mean to you, nothing had really changed on that part. but you were... happier, and that hurt them. because you happier without them, and that wasn't how it was supposed to be.
- [ ] they supposed they should be glad that you were doing better. last year, they were going mad out of worry for you. apparently you had stayed at hogwarts for christmas out of request from your parents, and it was christmas day when the adults told the rest of them to stop associating with you.
- [ ] it remained fairly passive over the next few years, you remained close with luna, neville and ginny, and had even befriended the golden trio and the twins!
- [ ] the serpent squad didn't like that too much, but they supposed your current friends were better than no friends, and as long as you were happy, they were happy
- [ ] but they still continue their kind-of bullying. they weren't as cruel to you as they were to others, but words still hurt and boy do they have a snake's tongue on them.
- [ ] blaise could hardly stand being away from you but his mother had made him swear that he would not associate with you, the blood traitor.
- [ ] all he wanted to do was hold you, but he rather bullied you instead.
- [ ] it was the beginning of sixth year when draco and pansy had gone too far. the other four were just watching blankly, trying not to let their discomfort show as the two reprimanded you, mocked you, and insulted you in the middle of the great hall. calling you a blood traitor, a stain of your family name and house name, and even going as far as saying "no wonder your parents don't want you, just look at you!" while the all the slytherins around them laughed. or at least, pretended to.
- [ ] you had looked at them for a long time, teary eyed and red faced, just trying to understand what you did to deserve this. until you nodded your head, said "okay," and walked out of the great hall.
- [ ] they heard your friends call your name, your closest ones even running after you.
- [ ] theo and blaise looked like they were about to beat draco to death, astoria and daphne were just disappointed in pansy, they knew how much she missed you, and yet she ruined any chance of you forgiving them.
- [ ] blaise eventually decided against killing the blonde and ran after you, the rest following suit after a moment.
- [ ] it didn't take them long to find you, sobbing against a wall with your head in your hands, ginny, nev and luna all crowded around you. rubbing your back and whispering reassurances in your ear.
- [ ] "i don't know what i did to deserve that," you cried, sniffling as you wiped your nose on your sleeve and looked and ginny.
- [ ] "oh love, you didn't do anything," the ginger said, wrapping her arms around you.
- [ ] "don't listen to them, y/n! they're just prats!" assured nev, leaning against the wall awkwardly, with one hand on your back.
- [ ] luna played with your hair, "yeah, y/n, they don't deserve your love and kindness."
- [ ] "thank you guys. i mean it. without you three i don't know where i would be." you laughed, but no part of it was humorous.
- [ ] draco, being the blonde he was, decided it was a good time to intervene, "hopefully alive, haha."
- [ ] the six of them had come out from around the corner, feeling ashamed and wanting to hit themselves for making you cry.
- [ ] "what do you lot wanf? haven't you done enough?" asked ginny, placing herself in front of you.
- [ ] "yes but.."
- [ ] "no, you don't get to talk. now piss off before you do even more damage."
- [ ] "we just want to apologize," said blaise.
- [ ] you scoffed, "a bit late for that."
- [ ] pansy looked down, "we're really sorry, y/n, for what just happened and for everything the past six years. you know how our families are and they told us to stop talking to you... so we did."
- [ ] all feelings of sadness were gone now, pansy's words has ignited a flame within you, one you've been holding in for years.
- [ ] "stop talking to me? so that gave you permission to be bloody awful to me? merlin's beard, you six were worse than umbridge on her bad days! you could have just... i don't know, explained what happened in first year? and apologized for abandoning me? and maybe we could still be friends! but no, you lot ruined any chance of that ever happening again. so thank you for that." you paused to take a breath. your audience was wide eyed and shocked, not quite believing you had such anger in you... but oh man, you weren't done yet.
- [ ] "and let me just say, blaise, your insults hurt the most. merlin, i thought the world of you. i thought you were my everything. but that all just went away the moment you thought not associating with me, meant making my life a living hell."
- [ ] you were, once again, crying. you took a deep breath and sadness took over you once again, you mumbled an "excuse me" and took off down the corrider.
- [ ] the serpent squad was stunned. they hadn't realised what they did effected you that much. blaise was upset with himself, disappointed, even. he felt the same about you, even if you both were too young for it to be love, and now he knew he never get it pack.
- [ ] theo cleared his throat and tried looking anywhere but at the trio in front of them, who were looking at the six with anger and disappointment.
- [ ] "you guys couldn't even begin to understand what she's been through," neville said after moments of awkward silence. "not long after the sorting ceremory, her parents sent her a letter, practically disowning her. before that, you guys abandoned her. she was alone for nearly a year and a half before we met her. and by merlin she was a wreck."
- [ ] ginny and luna chuckled, not out of humor, but out of irony. this situation was similar to the situation you were in when you met them.
- [ ] neville ignored them, and the curious stares the six were giving him, and continued, this time fueled by anger.
- [ ] "we were the ones who picked up the pieces. we were the ones who made sure she didn't die after losing everything she had ever known. we were the ones who made her smile again, happy again. we picked up the pieces because you weren't there, and you were exactly what had caused it in the first place." neville spit out the last sentence as if it were venom, hoping to hurt them as much as they hurt you.
- [ ] they were all on the verge of tears, daphne and astoria were holding each other and looked to be in the most pain, because they missed you the most.
- [ ] "i hope you lot are happy with yourselves, you're about five years to late to the pity party."
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bubbleteaimagines · 4 years
Hello!! Can you write something with thor please where he and reader get in a big fight and he storms out but then he misses her and goes back to her and makes up in a cute way🥺🥺♥️♥️ Ineedangstandfluff 💗🥺
come back to me
thor oneshot
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thor x reader
angst, fluff
i actually love this sm thor makes my heart go 🥰💞💞
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what had started out as a simple disagreement between you and thor had now become a screaming match. you didn’t even know what you were arguing about anymore, if you were being honest. but the tension between you two had become so thick that neither of you were willing to back down.
you were both stubborn in that way, a trait you admired and hated in each other.
“i’m just saying,” you threw your hands up, exasperated as your throat burned from screaming, “a relationship goes two ways. i make time for you, and you have to make time for me, too, thor.”
“and you believe i don’t?” his voice was low, threatening as he stared at you in disbelief. “you believe that i don’t give my best efforts to be here when i can, y/n?”
“when you can,” you mocked him sarcastically, “you mean when you’re not off trying to save the world or being a king on an entirely different planet?”
“my people mean the world to me, y/n,” thor snapped, “they have lost odin and now they need me. i thought that you of all people would understand that.”
thor was hurt that you didn’t understand that the lives of the asgardians were important to his wellbeing, too. but that was the thing — you did understand. he had said it best, you more than anyone understood that it was thor’s duty to be with them. it was his destiny to be their king.
but, as his wife, he could at least pretend to have a place for you in his life, too. he could at least pretend he knew that he was hurting you by leaving for months at a time.
time on earth and time on asgard were different. to thor, he was only gone for five weeks but for you, it was five months. five months of pure torture, five months of lonely nights spent crying over the absence of your husband. five months of staring at your wedding ring, wondering if it was even worth it to be with him anymore.
“don’t you dare,” you pointed an accusing finger at him. “you know that i understand. you know that i have always been aware that your people come first. so don’t sit there and pretend i’m crying to you over nothing, thor. because this — this has been happening for years! for years i’ve waited for you to tend to your people! for years i’ve been stuck here in absolute hell, wondering if i’ll even get to see you again! i’m not an asgardian, thor. i’m human! and every time you leave, every time you abandon me for months on end, my life span shrinks. the time i get to spend with you is so little anyways, but now — i feel like i’m gonna end up spending more years without you than with and i just—”
you couldn’t stop yourself from sobbing as you finished your little rant, the years of bottled up emotions spilling out.
thor looked at you in a mixture of shock, anger, and hurt. “i thought you knew that this was what you were signing up for, y/n,” he said.
“not like this,” you sobbed as you fiddled with the golden ring on your finger. “not anymore. thor i— i-can’t take this anymore. you being gone so much, i just—”
“no!” thor shook his head as you began to remove the expensive band, disbelief overtaking his features. “y/n, don’t you dare—”
“i’m sorry,” you broke down as you placed the object, a symbol of your now broken love, in his fists. “i just can’t. i can’t be married to a ghost anymore. i’m sorry.”
the hurt on his features was beyond comprehensible. thor looked like he was dying right in front of you, face twisted into agonizing pain.
“please,” he took a step forward but you stepped back. “please, don’t do this y/n.”
“i’m sorry,” you were like a broken record, repeating yourself over and over again. “but i think you should leave.”
you and thor both stared at each other for a moment, the pain behind both of your eyes enough to torture the entire earth.
he didn’t want to go. you didn’t want him to go.
but it was for the best.
“if i do this,” thor gripped the metal band tightly in his fists, “i’m not coming back.”
it was a threat. one last attempt to hear you make him stay.
and god, did it break your heart. you couldn’t even meet his eyes. you knew you’d break, and so you stayed silent while you stared at the wooden floor.
thor stormed away without another word.
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the party around you was in full swing.
another shindig thrown by the one and only tony stark, celebrating some holiday that you hadn’t bothered to remember because you had been too busy mourning the love of your life.
nothing had been the same ever since he left. it felt like there was a hole in your heart now, large enough to leave you with physical pain.
his absence hurt you night and day, it haunted you in your dreams. before, it had at least been bearable because you could at least count the days until he was coming back.
but now...
your heart squeezed painfully as you remembered his last words.
he wasn’t coming back.
suddenly, the red cocktail that you were holding became blurry as tears welled up in your eyes.
“what’s up, buttercup? why are you crying in your wine?” the voice of tony stark made you quickly look up.
you nearly rolled your eyes as he swaggered over and plopped next to you. there was a grin on his face and you didn’t like it. not because you were annoyed at him, specifically, but because it hurt seeing other people happy now that you were miserable.
“not now, tony,” you mumbled, turning away from your ex-husbands colleague. you chose to stare out of the expansive windows instead and tony raised an eyebrow.
“what’s up?” he suddenly became more serious as your sniffles could be heard over the loud music. “did something happen? are you hurt?”
“no, no, i just—” you dabbed at your eyes in embarrassment as you began to cry right at his party. you couldn’t believe it! you were supposed to be celebrating, not sobbing into a glass of expensive wine.
“hey, hey,” tony frowned as a sob escaped your lips and quickly wrapped his arms around you. “easy, easy,”
“tony,” you let all of your sorrow loose on his ten thousand dollar suit, his jacket becoming wet with your tears as you cried. “i can’t do it. i can’t do it anymore! i thought i could just ignore the fact that he’s gone but—”
“this is about thor?” tony asked, frowning while you nodded. “wow i didn’t know you guys broke up.”
“it was my fault,” you admitted, regret seeping into your veins. “i couldn’t cope with him being gone anymore. i...i told him to leave. even gave him back the ring. but now...i regret everything.”
“oh honey,” tony cooed while you wiped your eyes with his handkerchief. “i’m sure wherever he is, he misses you too.”
“that’s the thing,” you hiccuped, shaking your head. “i don’t know where he is. he hasn’t been on earth for months. i can...i can feel it.”
“have you tried contacting him?” tony asked.
“you and i both know how hard it is to get in contact with him,” you said.
“well have you tried yelling at the sky and screaming out his name?” he asked.
you chuckled, “i don’t think that’d work.”
“and what about praying? isn’t he like god or something?”
“alright, alright,” the older man held up his hands in surrender. “i just wanted to see that smile of yours return. can’t have people talking about how my parties are so depressing people cry into their wine glasses.”
“only the ones that have lost their intergalactic husbands,” you sighed.
“if there was some type of technology that allowed us to communicate...” tony sighed. “you know i’d do everything i can. but with stuff like this, i just don’t know, kiddo.”
“i know,” you gave him a small yet appreciative smile. “i appreciate the thought, anyways. and you coming over here to check on me. it was sweet.”
“i’m nothing if not a people pleaser,” tony winked.
you chuckled. “why don’t you get back to the party,” you suggested, knowing that plenty of people were here for him. “i’m sure there’s just hundreds of broads ready to sweep you away.”
“you gonna be okay?” tony looked like he wanted to take your suggestion, but he was hesitating.
you gave him a firm nod. “go. the show must go on!” you waved your arms dramatically and tony chuckled.
and then, with one last farewell, you were alone again with nothing else to accompany you except the night sky, exposed by the expansive windows that surrounded you.
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some air, you decided, would do you some good.
after all, you were beginning to grow tired of the stuffy atmosphere of the party so you came out here, to the field in front of the avengers compound, to get some fresh air.
you inhaled deeply as the bitter wind whipped at your face. in hindsight, you really should have brought a jacket. but you figured it was too late to go back now so you stayed, admiring the way the stars glimmered in the sky.
absentmindedly, you let your eyes flutter over to your favorite one.
“three stars north,” you heard thor’s voice in your head, “and one star to the right.”
it was where you could always find the ever watchful eyes of heimdall gazing over the earth, he had told you. it was where you could always find him.
another sob threatened to escape your lips but you quickly pushed it down.
maybe tony was right, you began to wonder, your eyes gazing at the star hopefully, maybe if i just call out to him...
it was a silly idea, you knew it. but you also knew that you wouldn’t be able to live with yourself if you didn’t at least try. you would never be able to rest if you left on bad terms with your husband forever.
and so, hesitantly parting your lips, you kept your eyes on the stars as you quietly called out,
your voice was nothing above a whisper but a whisper was all you needed, he had told you.
one word, and he would be there.
you were counting on that.
you bit your lip as you waited, slowly rocking on the balls of your feet.
you felt silly as you looked at the star, expecting it to speak back to you.
actually, you didn’t know what to expect. you had never done it before, as many times as you were tempted to.
and honestly, you weren’t even sure it would work this time.
would thor even want to come back and see you?
a horrible feeling began to form in your stomach.
what if this was a mistake? what if thor could hear you, but he didn’t want to see you?
after all, you had broken his heart. badly.
you found yourself letting out a whimper at the thought.
“please...” your eyes glistened with heartbroken tears, “come back to me, baby.”
you waited again.
and waited, and waited, and waited.
and finally, after a few second passed, you were ready to give up.
your shoulders sagged, and you glared at the star as a huff of frustration left your lips.
“dammit,” you cursed and then prepared to turn around, heading back into the tower before you legs collapsed and left you stranded outside.
but then, just as you began to turn your back, you were suddenly blinded by a bright and multicolored light.
you knew that light. in fact, you had spent years hoping you would see it, for it meant that the one person you wanted in the entire universe had returned to you.
your heart swelled as the light faded and sure enough, the god was standing there. he had his hammer clutched tightly in his hands and a wide smile on his face as he rushed over to you.
“you remembered,” he said breathlessly, a laugh escaping his throat.
“oh thor!”
you couldn’t help yourself as you launched yourself into his arms, meeting him halfway.
you didn’t care that you had a dress on — you wrapped your legs around him and clutched him tightly, sobbing as you buried your head in his neck.
“you came back,” you sobbed, utter relief flooding your veins.
“did you ever doubt that i would?” thor asked, his own voice thick with emotion.
“i— when you left that night, i thought that you were serious. i thought that you were never coming back to me, that i would never see you again.”
“i could never stay away from you, my love,” thor confessed, pressing his forehead against yours. “even if it was your dying wish, i don’t have the strength to be away from you.”
“and i don’t ever want you to,” you told him, “i’m sorry.”
“no, i’m sorry,” thor said quickly, shaking his head. “during our time apart, i realized how selfish and ignorant i have been to ignore your needs over my own. you are right, i want to cherish the time we have. i want you always and forever, just like we promised.”
“so you’ll stay?” you asked hopefully, a smile on your face.
“no,” your heart sunk, “you shall come with me to asgard. there, we will have all the time in world to spend our lives together. you’ll rule beside me, as my queen, until the universe decides otherwise.”
“you mean it?” you asked, gripping him tightly as tears glistened in your eyes.
thor nodded. “i wouldn’t have it any other way,” he promised, before leaning in and pressing his lips to yours.
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animatedarchives · 4 years
Can I request an imagine where midoriya cheats on the reader and bakugo finds her crying in the halls and is there for her and they grow a romantic relationship? Lots of angst and fluff pls! Thank u!
author’s note: hi dear, yes you absolutely can!! i love soft katsuki and i’m so sorry if this is not what you wanted but i hope you like it!! <3
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genre: angst at first, fluff at the end :>
warnings: mentions of cheating
word count: 1.2k words
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“Izuku… Why?”
“I’m sorry Y/N… I didn’t know how to tell you…”
“Am I not good enough? Is that it? Is that why you cheated on me? Is there someone better?”
“I… I’m sorry Y/N…”
“Wait, don’t leave! Izuku, wait! Please! Please…”
You’ve been replaying the conversation over and over in your head for the past hour, each time failing to find the answer to your question.
Why? Why did you leave me?
The poor condition of the abandoned hallway you were in mirrored your despair; paint peeling off the walls, windows coated with grime and the dusty ground on which you sat in melancholy.
You leaned your head back against the wall, desperately trying to pull yourself together. You felt and looked like an absolute wreck. Your hair that was perfectly styled this morning was now disheveled, acting as a curtain that attempted to shield you from the hurts of the world. The trails on your cheeks held traces of all the tears you had shed. Your throat was parched for water and your eyes burned from the overproduction of saline.
Well, at least no one is here to see you like thi-
“What the hell are you doing here, sitting on the floor like a damn idiot?”
You have got to be joking. The universe just had to give you someone you knew. You shifted your body so that your back was facing him and swiftly wiped your eyes in a pitiful attempt to hide your misery.
“Oi! Don’t ignore me when I’m talking to you, shitface!” he spat.
“Dammit, Bakugo! Can you just mind your own business and leave me the hell alone?” you yelled over your shoulder.
You’ve never been very close to Bakugo and usually just tried to avoid him. It wasn’t because you hated him - because you didn’t - but you weren’t exactly very fond of him either. You just never appreciated the way he treated your now ex-boyfriend. Being fiercely protective of him, you were always the first one to come to Izuku’s defence and never backed down from a fight - whether verbal or physical - even if it was against Bakugo, one of the strongest, most hot-headed people in class. After multiple scoldings from Iida and your teachers, you decided it would be best to just avoid him altogether.
Eventually, as time went on and your relationship with Izuku began to get more serious, Bakugo’s bullying began to cease and he also started to keep his distance from the two of you. You found it slightly unusual at first, given he had years to stop picking on Izuku but chose not to until now. You weren’t complaining though. Whenever you and Izuku were together, you would also catch him glaring daggers at the two of you, more so at Izuku, but he never approached. You knew it wasn’t because he was afraid of you - he was hardly afraid of anything. Could it be that he possibly respected you for standing up to him? Your curiosity reaped no answers. Not that you cared much, but it would be a lie to say you weren’t interested in knowing the reason for his change in behaviour.
After your outburst, Bakugo’s footsteps stopped about three metres away from your curled up body, letting a tense silence settle between you. Even with your back turned, you could feel his eyes locked on your frame, watching your every move.
“Look, I don’t know what your damn problem is but if you think you can tell me what to do, you’d better think again,” his voice dripping with annoyance.
Oh my god, why was he so persistent? Could he not just go away? Your blood started to boil and the heat rushed to your face.
“Stop acting so weak and pathetic-”
“YOU KNOW WHAT BAKUGO,” you snapped, standing up and finally facing him. Bakugo’s eyes widened slightly as he took in the sight of your tear-stained face, but he didn’t look away. “YOU’RE RIGHT. MAYBE THAT REALLY IS WHAT I AM. WEAK AND PATHETIC.”
Bakugo opened his mouth but you cut him off.
“I’m constantly there for others and I always try to give everyone my all but in the end, who’s there for me? No one! I’m always the one that’s suffering, but people don’t notice because no one actually stops to think about me!”
“But Deku-”
“IZUKU CHEATED ON ME!” your cries echoed down the empty hallway. Hearing yourself say it out loud finally cemented the reality you were denying for so long. A lump started to form in your throat and you could feel your eyes starting to well up with tears again.
Bakugo’s body became stiff, a million thoughts running through his mind. You could have sworn you saw his eyes flash with anger, but you couldn’t see clearly through the thin film impairing your vision.
You choked out a sob. “I thought that someone had finally accepted me, finally acknowledged that I was worthy of being loved. But in the end, even the person I gave my everything to thought I wasn’t good enough.” You inhaled deeply and let out a shaky breath. You couldn’t cry in front of him. You wouldn’t. A wave of exhaustion finally hit you and you slid back down against the wall, curling into a ball and resting your chin on your knees. You were just so tired of everything.
“I don’t even know why I’m telling you this,” you laughed bitterly. “It’s not like you even care anyway.” You watched as an ant crawled across the space between you and Bakugo. Even ants had a colony, others they could depend on. And you? You had nobody.
“I do.”
Your train of thought came to a screeching halt as his words reached your ears. Your eyebrows furrowed and you raised your head to look up at him through your wet lashes. You had been here for so long that the sun was beginning to set, bathing Bakugo in a soft peachy glow.
“What?” you asked.
He looked at you straight in the eye, unflinching.
“I said I do,” he repeated. “I do care. About you.”
You blinked at him once. Twice. Three times. You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. Bakugo Katsuki, the last person in the world you thought you would be pouring your heart out to, just said he cared about you.
“Don’t lie,” you scoffed.
“Tch, I’m not lying, you idiot. You just don’t want to accept it,” he replied flatly.
Well, how could you? Words were just words after all. Izuku consistently told you that he loved you and still he shattered your heart. Trusting people just wouldn’t be so easy anymore. Your disbelief became apparent when you broke his gaze and pulled your knees closer to your chest.
He let out an exasperated sigh. “You never let me finish, by the way,” he said. You made no move to respond, but you were listening to every word he was saying, weighing the sincerity of each one.
“I said stop acting so weak and pathetic, not because you are, but because it is everything you are not.”
You wanted to believe him. You wanted to believe him so bad but you couldn’t find the heart to.
“You have never backed down when it came to protecting Deku against me. You weren’t afraid to stand up and challenge me. In fact, you are always at the frontlines, defending people you care so deeply about. That doesn’t make you weak. It shows that you’re strong. Putting others before yourself is a trait that every great hero has. And I admired you for that. A lot.”
Your mind was whirring. Not only were the things he was saying difficult to believe, but the words coming out of Bakugo's own mouth being anything but foul was so terrifyingly uncharacteristic of him that you couldn’t possibly believe it was true.
“Which is why…” he muttered, so softly that you almost didn’t catch it. You waited for him to finish his sentence but he never did.
You glanced at him from the corner of your eye and saw him looking at the floor. You had never seen Bakugo this vulnerable before. Oh, how the tables had turned.
“Which is why…?” you urged him to continue. You weren’t sure if it was the radiant sun that gave a reddish tint to his cheeks or if you were actually witnessing the infamously brash Bakugo Katsuki blushing.
“Which is why I li…” he mumbled, the end of his sentence dissipating due to lack of articulation.
“Why what?” you asked again, mildly irritated that he wouldn’t just spit it out.
He groaned loudly.
“WHICH IS WHY I LIKE YOU, DAMMIT!” he finally admitted, raising his voice as he turned to look straight at you.
Your eyes widened so much you thought your eyeballs were going to pop out of their sockets. You didn’t even bother hiding the shock on your face. This was simply incomprehensible.
But the more you mulled it over, the more it started to make sense. The explanation for Bakugo’s behaviour towards you and Izuku could finally be explained: he was jealous. Seeing you with anyone but himself infuriated him, especially if it was the boy who was effortlessly gaining everything he had ever wanted. That was why Bakugo continued tormenting Izuku, only he never expected it would be you that he would end up fighting as you stepped in to defend your boyfriend. As your relationship became more serious, Bakugo was forced to step back out of respect, but he never stopped glowering whenever he saw you two together. The reason he stopped tormenting Izuku was not because he was afraid of you, nor was it because he respected your determination to defend the boy you loved. It was because it would break his heart to be the cause of your distress. Everything he did… was because of you.
“WELL? Don’t just give me that stupid look! Say something!” he shouted in frustration, desperate for an answer.
Part of you felt relieved to see Bakugo return to his familiar aggressive self, but another part somehow knew that he was only doing it to cover up the fact that he was deeply embarrassed. The thought made a small smile tug at the corner of your lips. You valued the fact that he trusted you enough to let his guard down.
And you wanted to trust him too. But with everything that had happened, you just weren’t sure if you were ready to put your heart on the line again. Your eyebrows knitted together in concentration as you tried to form a coherent string of words that could accurately express everything you thought and felt.
He watched intently as you bit your lower lip and fiddled nervously with the hem of your skirt. Although the suspense was eating him alive, he respected the fact that you needed to collect your thoughts and waited patiently for your answer. Besides, it meant that you were seriously considering his confession, which was all he could have hoped for. Finally, you got to your feet and made your way over to him, his crimson eyes never leaving yours.
“Bakugo…” you started gently. He might have seemed collected on the outside, but his heart was beating impeccably fast and his anxiety levels were off the charts.
“I really appreciate your honesty but… I’m just really unsure. It’s not that I don’t want to trust you but…” you exhaled shakily. “I’m just scared. I can’t just keep giving my heart to people I’m not sure would treasure it… I just can’t. I need to protect myself too. I don’t want my heart to get broken again. I-”
He grabbed your face and pressed his lips against yours, cutting you off. Caught by surprise, you weren’t sure how to respond. But as he kissed you, you could feel how much he meant every single thing he said. Suddenly, they weren’t just words anymore.
The kiss was soft and gentle as if he were afraid to hurt you, especially when you were already in so much pain. Yet, he never lacked passion, because he wanted to prove how true his feelings were for you. But above all, the kiss… his love…
It was sincere.
You melted into the kiss, hesitant at first but slowly willing to give love another try.
Bakugo broke the kiss and leaned back to admire the face he thought was so beautiful. His strong hands traced down your face to your shoulders and finally came to a rest at your arms, rubbing your skin soothingly.
“You’re right, you know. You can’t just give your heart to people. If you do, you’re bound to get heartbroken,” he said.
You frowned and stared forlornly at your feet, unsure of what to say. You knew he was right but you couldn’t help it. All you ever wanted was to be loved. To matter to someone.
“Which is why,” he took your chin between his thumb and index finger, tilting your head up to look at him. For the first time, you saw his eyes up close. They weren’t the blazing hot embers everyone associated with his rageful and dangerous behaviour. Right now, under the warmth of the setting sun, they were the soft comfort of red satin that whispered a love so pure, you couldn’t help but feel enraptured by them. His eyes burned, but it was far from malicious. They burned with desire for one thing alone.
“I will do whatever it takes to earn it.”
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© written and published by animatedarchives 2020. please do not steal or repost. thank you.
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mrs-heelshire · 3 years
Cheating Tsukishima second part another version ! Miya Atsumu bff !
warnings : Crying / Cheating case / Mentions of beating and blood
bad english go brrr sorry my friend wasn’t able to correct all the mistakes TvT Still, I hope you’ll like it !
Pairing : Atsumu x Y/N @qualitygiantshoepsychic​
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It's not one but three friends that came to you within an hour. The Miya twins and the lazy boyfriend of one of them rushed as soon as you called. Your parents were friends, so you always knew the twins. Atsumu, your best friend since you were a kid, could swear his heart squeezed when he heard you crying on the phone, ask him if he can come to get you and if he can allow you to crash on his couch for the night. He could swear he was ready for a murder. No one has the right to hurt his friend. 
"Y/N !" He screamed, immediately hugging you.
God seeing you crying on a bench in a park, shivering by the coldness of the night was heartbreaking. Patting your head with a soft smile, he put his murder desire to the side. You come first. 
"Princess what happened ? Tell me, we are here for you. I am here for you." He asked, taking off his jacket to put it on your shoulders. 
You were still in a t-shirt and god you were cold.This question made you sobbing even more as you let yourself go in his arms. For sure, the MSBY setter had tough arms and god he was even more protective with you that your own boyfriend was. Well.. ex-boyfriend.
“He.. he cheated..” You mumble, sniffling, rubbing your eyes.
Jolting when you close your hand to rub your own eyes, the professional setter instantly reacts to it. Grabbing your wrists, he froze as he saw your hands hurt. Looking all over to see if you were hurt anywhere else, he clutch his jaw. Tsukishima was now a dead man walking. Osamu put a hand on his twin shoulder as the blond one wasn’t moving, he finally spoke.
“Let’s start by taking her home. It’s cold and not safe here.” He bluntly said. But don’t mistake his silence by being uninterested. As well as his twin, Osamu was ready to beat up your ex, as well as his own boyfriend, Suna who were on his phone.
The lazy one, take the time to contact some of your friends, other players of the MSBY team like Bokuto, Sakusa and Hinata, and some who were outside the country like Ushijima, Tendou and Kageyama. Suna will be the one to destroy him by destroying his reputation. Kind of sadistic. 
Making you climb on his back, the blond twin takes you to his car while Osamu takes your suitcase. Within five minutes on the road, you fell asleep on Suna's shoulders on the backseat of the car. You were so drained of all your energy. Not eating and only crying wasn’t good at all for your body. 
It was only in the morning, when the sun was already up, that you woke up. Sleeping on Osamu and Suna’s bed, the scent of sweet biscuits made your belly grumble. God, you were so hungry. Waking up out the bed, you were surprised to see your small wound taken care of. Bandages on them, you knew it was Atsumu himself that took care of you. Of course, he would.
“Guys..” You whisper softly as you come out of the room, a hand on your belly like it would keep the hunger inside, finding the boys drinking coffee in the kitchen while Osamu was cooking..
“Y/N.. How are you feeling ?” The setter asked, coming to pat your head with care.  
“Hungry..” You mumble as he makes you sit while his brother gives you a whole plate full of pastries he cooked just for you. 
When the owner of the Onigiri Miya used to cook a lot when he was worried. That was a sweet personality trait he had. Trying to smile at him, whispering a “Thanks..” you took a cookie to slowly eat it. Even if you were hungry, you didn’t rush on the food.
“Tell us what happened Y/N.” Bluntly said Rintarou as he filled up his cup of coffee for the tenth time.    
Nodding, you told them everything. All. Without hiding anything. There would be no need to anyway, and you could swear that the atmosphere in the kitchen went colder and colder the more you spoke. People knocking at the front door just as you finished telling them the whole story, the people didn’t wait for any agreement to enter inside. Bokuto, Hinata and Sakusa entered the room, the twins rushed through the door, grabbing baseball bats. Suna immediately rushed after them, totally knowing what was going to happen, Bokuto and Hinata followed them. For beating the ass of someone who hurt their friend, even if this person was a friend of them too, they were ready. You were more important to them, and they didn’t need to know the whole story to beat him up. 
More calm, but yet super mad at the one who hurt you, Sakusa stayed with you. He knew other people would come for you, but he couldn’t leave you alone after all that happened and even if he didn’t know the whole story. Sitting next to you, he gently rubbed your back.      
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scarofthewind · 4 years
Call of the Moon || Werewolf!Jason x Reader
A/N: I’M ALIVE!!! Sorry I haven’t been around as of late, I got a new job and I am still in the process of moving but things should be getting better soon! Finally the second part of this mini series is up! I’m sorry I’ve been taking forever, life if just chaotic right now. Anyways, hope you enjoy!
Warnings: NSFW, R18+, blood, gore, biting, handjob, fem!reader, fingering, Jason cumming on your stomach
word count: 2.5k Tip Jar (every bit helps!)
Series Masterlist 
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You knew that nothing you did would throw him off your scent and you’d tried everything; swimming halfway across the lake, and even throwing your jacket far away from you. Your feet it the ground quickly as you continued to run, your lungs burning hot in your chest and your legs trembling beneath you. You shivered from the cold night air, your outfit having been drenched when you swam through the lake, not aiding you in keeping warm anymore. 
You hissed as you looked down at your arm which was covered with blood from a large scratch on your skin. So far, the beast had only gotten to tear you a little bit; you’re friends weren’t so lucky. Hot tears fell down your face as your mind still replayed their screams in your head; the sound of their flesh and bones being torn apart by something un-human. A loud howl sent you running in the direction of the area you had all been camping at; there were cabins surrounding your tent and the fire your best friend had made had been put out with her blood. 
You hurried past their bodies, not being able to stomach the massacre in front of you. Nearly tripping over the porch steps, you stepped into the first cabin you could get in to and put as much furniture in front of the door. Hiding in the corner behind a bunk bed, you waited with a hand covering your mouth. You jumped in your place when you heard another howl and then a pounding of feet on the ground as the beat neared the cabin, hot on your trail. More tears fell down your face when a soft sniffing and scratching came from outside the cabin doors. 
A low growl made you freeze in your place as the monster thumped against the doors, the furniture in front of them moving with each shake. You put your head between your legs as the door flew open, furniture and wood going everywhere. You didn’t move a single centimeter as you heard the claws of the beast scratch against the floor; you could feel it’s eyes on you and you tightened up more. Tears fell down your nose as you stayed there, the sound of footsteps coming near you; you held your breath and prayed that you would go quickly before flinching when a gentle hand came down on your head. 
You froze at the feeling of fingers stroking through your hair. A soft groan came from beside you nd you could feel a heat begin to wrap around you. You could’ve sworn that the thing chasing you had four legs and a very hairy body; however, when you slowly looked up, the thing in front of you was a large man with hardly any hair on his body. Your eyes took a quick sweep over his build, drifting down for a second before immediately looking at his face; he was very naked and you couldn’t lie and say he wasn’t well hung.
“A-Are you going to kill me?” You asked, looking deep into his blue eyes that stared down at you curiously. You shook under his hand and he looked towards the large wound on your arm, guilt eating him alive. 
Jason shook his head at your question, pointing to your arm and moving to grab it. His eyes scanned over the scratch and he made a noise of distress and started to back away from you. His eyes told you that he was scared despite being covered in blood; he turned away from you, standing up and moving towards the doors that were hanging off the hinges. “Wait,” Your voice was weak as you stumbled up, making him pause and look back at you. Your eyes scanned his body and landed on a giant scars on his side; they matched yours. The hair on the back of your neck stood as you slowly neared him, “Is that why you turn into a monster?” 
Jason’s eyes narrowed slightly at your words but he slowly nodded in response. He pointed to your arm and you sucked in a breath, your heart hammering in your chest as everything started to connect. You were going to turn into some giant blood thirsty animal and you couldn’t do anything to stop it. “Oh my god,” Your legs shook and you braced yourself against the post of the bunkbed. “What do I do? How do I stop it? I don’t know anything about werewolves, I didn’t even believe in them until a few hours ago!” You panicked, tugging at your hair as Jason tensed in front of you. 
“Does it hurt when you turn? It sounds like it does, I need to call my friend she would-” You stopped talking as you remembered that your friend was laying in five different pieces outside. Your eyes snapped up to Jason’s and he blinked at your realization, his shoulders straightening as if already knowing you were going to fight him. “You did this.”
Jason’s eyes darkened at your words and he turned his back to you, walking outside with you hot on his heels. “You killed my friends and then had the audacity to scratch me?!” You yelled, watching his back muscles move beneath his pale skin as he continued to walk away from you. “You prick! You need to fix this!” Your voice hurt from how much crying and yelling you had been doing and you reached out, grabbing his arm roughly only to be shoved down to the ground, Jason standing above you, chest heaving with a slow burn anger in his eyes. 
The wet, leafy ground almost gave you a sense of comfort as you sobbed, everything falling apart around you. This was all supposed to be a fun vacation away from the stress of family, ex-boyfriend’s and jobs; and now you were the only one left. “Please,” You cried with your head in your hands. “Help me.” Jason groaned at your words, kneeling in front of you and cupping your face gently, forcing you to look at him. 
“I don’t know what to do.” You sniffled, finding comfort in the killer in front of you. However, you understood that you had been in his territory when he attacked your group; it wasn’t his fault he couldn’t control the wolf. The man before you let out a deep sigh before helping you up and taking you to his cabin to teach you everything he knew over the next few months; although neither of you prepared to fall for each other in that time.
You didn’t turn until a month in and you knew it hurt from the sounds of if, but you never thought it was that bad. Jason had grown used to the pain and he helped you through it, before, during and after. You stayed with Jason most of the time, occasionally leaving to check up on your family and other friends, remembering the good times with those who had passed. You couldn’t hold a grudge against Jason for what he did when the moon called to the beast, so you’d forgiven him rather quickly. 
You thought to yourself about how you could’ve ended up in a different situation than the one you were in when you woke up in the warmth of Jason’s embrace. You didn’t remember falling asleep or even getting back to the cabin since you’d been turned the night before. The dried blood on Jason’s body and yours made you panic, hoping you didn’t kill a human; Jason opened is eyes at your movements and he groaned at the sunlight blinding him from the window. “You like to hug in your sleep,” You laughed sheepishly as he jerked his arm off your body and moved away from you, getting out of the bed. 
Your cheeks reddened in knowing that you had both been naked together, but this has happened before and he still has yet to touch you in any inappropriate ways. You wouldn’t mind if he did though, you thought to yourself as your eyes raked over his large back and perfectly round ass, followed by thick thighs and strong legs. A heat between your legs made you bite your lip in annoyance, “Jason,” You called to him and he paused as he was about to leave the room. 
“Thank you for taking care of me,” You smiled to him gently, seeing the corners of his mouth turn upwards slightly. “Can you come back to bed? Just for a little bit?” You pleaded, watching him roll his eyes before obliging and moving under the covers, facing you. From there it all began with soft touches; his hand on your arm, tracing over the scars from is scratch marks. You caressed his cheek, moving your hand down to his arm, feeling the strong muscles move under the skin. His calloused fingers drifted towards your hip under the covers, pulling you closer against him and enjoying the way you shivered from the heat that came off his body. That hand of his moved to your thigh, bringing your leg up over his waist before moving up and down it, groping the flesh on your calf and then your rear. 
You sucked in a breath when his fingertips ghosted over your bare cunt, his hand freezing in place and his eyes finding yours with a sharp look in them. He wanted this more than anything, did you? Your walls clenched around nothing when his thumb barely grazed your clit as he waited for you to tell him that this was okay. It was okay; no matter how much you wanted to believe it wasn’t, or still deep down wished you could be living a normal life with your friends. You wanted this so bad you could feel every fiber of your being twitch with need, a fire burning low in your stomach that you knew would combust the second he actually touched you. “I think I’m okay with this.” You mumbled softly, your eyes focusing on his lips. 
“I am...okay with this.” You let out a shaky breath when he pulled you flush against him and pressed his lips to yours. Everything was hot; maybe more than it should’ve been but you welcomed the warmth with open arms as the man before you gave you the best experience of your life. You had to guide his hand to your soaking cunt, pressing his fingers into your hole, in order to satisfy the burn inside you. His teeth nipped at your skin, littering it with marks that only proved you were his; possessiveness was a trait you found attractive in the male, it didn’t help that it was amplified during a full moon. Curling his fingers inside you, you gripped his wrist as he moved his hand faster, aiming at a spot that had you seeing stars. 
Jason had been rutting against your leg, the heaviness of his cock along your leg made you wonder how much it would hurt when he put it inside you. He could sense your concern, he knew he wasn’t little by any means in general, nevertheless his member. Adding another finger to your wet pussy, he let out a breath when he felt your fingers touch the tip of his cock, spreading his precum along the shaft as he bucked his hips against your hand. Using his free hand, he tilted your face to his and kissed you deeply, enjoying the sounds of your moans as his thumb circled your clit. 
You couldn’t stop the rolling of your hips against his hand as he thrusted his fingers into you at a faster pace, the coil burning inside you so close to snapping. But it wasn’t enough. You didn’t want it to end like this. 
“Jason please, put it in,” You begged against his mouth, his eyes watching you closely. “I need it.” The pitifulness in your voice made him groan as he pulled his hand away from your throbbing pussy and turned you on your stomach. Circling an arm under your hips, he hoisted your ass in the air before aligning the bulbous head of his cock to your spasming cunt. He didn’t give you a second to breath before he was fully inside you, stretching your cunt wide. The feeling of your gummy walls encasing his cock nearly made him lose it as he began thrusting inside you at an animalistic pace. His teeth found purchase on the back of your neck, marking you once more, permanently as he fucked you into the mattress. 
You couldn’t form a single word as he made a mess out of you, your pussy drooling from the pace he was going and a ring of translucent white coating the base of his cock every time he pulled out. Your puffy pussy lips were coated in your cream as well as he made sure to rub at your hardened clit, growling at the way you tightened around his cock even more. Your hands gripped the fitted bedsheet tightly to try to gain some sort of composure but every little tap of his finger against your clit or the way the tip of his cock rammed into you so fast it hurt had your walls suckling him deeper. 
You winced when his teeth left your neck, his free hand coming up to touch the marks he’d made before he moved you once again. His teeth buzzed in need to mark you more as he turned you to face him, his cock sinking back into you with ease as he resumed his heavy pace. His eyes watched the way your breasts bounced with each rut of his hips and another growl formed in his chest at the though of them being swollen with milk for his child he wanted you to carry oh-so-badly. 
Pulling you close, he applied his weight to you carefully, feeling your legs wrap around his waist and your arms encircle his neck. His eyes found the junction between your neck and shoulder and before he could stop himself, he bit there, another mark that would make you his for life. Your moans and cries were music to his ears and at this point, all he wanted was to feel you gush around him. His thumb went back to your clit as his lips found yours and he moved as fast as he could. The bed was far from just creaking as it shook below the both of you, the headboard slamming against the wall as you felt that coil within you snap, your cunt sucking on his cock hard enough to make him pull out. With a few fast strokes, he finished on your stomach; his cum thick and warm, in a puddle on your bare skin. 
You both went quiet for a few seconds, staring at each other and catching your breath before you realized that there was no way you’d be satisfied with just one orgasm. Sitting up, you pulled him close to you by the back of his neck, his hands finding their place on your hips. “More.” You panted against his lips, feeling him kiss back and plunge his cock into you once again. 
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dragynkeep · 3 years
I saw that you did top 5 best female & male characters in rwby and why, so i was wondering could you do the same but for 5 rwby worst female & male characters you dislike and why.
luke did this ask before along with the best one so i’mma steal this for me.
worst female characters.
robyn hill  —  hands down one of the most annoying additions to the show. she is meant to be robin hood yet fails in the character’s motivations & ideals in every instance, her outfit / general design are clunky & poorly thought out, her personality has the exact desirability of hot garbage juice & she herself is just as appealing. the only slightly fun thing about robyn is her voice actress, the amazing christina vee & the potential she could’ve had that i really enjoy seeing be brought out in fanfics instead. in canon? robyn can go rot.
blake belladonna  —  our resident all lives matter queen who was meant to be a champion for all minorities watching the show, a bisexual icon & a shining example of an abuse survivor ... only to fail on all three. blake’s influence on the racism storyline only makes her come off as a privileged brat who would lecture those who are just trying to survive & blame them for the actions of a terrorist organization she was part of, & it was dropped as soon as her abusive ex was killed. her actions as an abuse survive are nonsensical at times. & blake wasn’t even confirmed to be bisexual representation until eight years into the show & she / her female love interest still aren’t canonically together while the cishet writers hide behind a slow burn excuse that was never applied to their m / f couples.
ruby rose  —  it sounds nonsensical to say this about our main character & i wouldn’t have put her on this before v7 & 8, but her favouritism by the narrative in those two volumes to the point the story would break it’s back to justify her drove me crazy. i was watching this character who we were meant to root for make mistake after mistake after mistake & hide behind her age & inexperience like a coward; like she hadn’t shoved her way into this war & rejected everyone around her who had experience & wanted to help because they didn’t want to do it her way. ruby behaved like a petulant child & i have no doubt that this isn’t going to change.
cinder fall  —  listen she was always a middling type of character for me, i didn’t hate her but i didn’t love her either. cinder was just cinder, a kind of flat antagonist who didn’t go anywhere; until they tried to make her go somewhere & in doing so had her repeat the same character arc like three times. her “backstory” that was just cinderella lazily copy & pasted eight years after people had been asking for it was the final nail in the coffin for me. they waited too long & got too lazy.
nora valkyrie  —  again, not really a character i thought i would’ve put on here after i really started to like her in volume 4 when she & ren finally began to get character development. they were kind of in the background which annoyed me but they weren’t being obnoxious so it was fine. i want to go back to v4 - 6 so bad lmao; nora in these two volumes has been horrendous. not only did she ignore all of ren’s boundaries when he was trying to ask for space, she thought the appropriate action to him asking for that space & struggling to vocalize it was to kiss him without consent. and then, she co opts his entire arc anyways for v8 & now it’s nora who wants the space & ren is being unreasonable, ren is forcing her boundaries, ren is in the wrong. fuck her stupid ass one liner backstory too. nora dropped so far on my shitlist because of her actions the last two volumes smh.
worst male characters.
qrow branwen  —  again much like ruby & nora; i never thought i’d put qrow on here but his behaviour in these last volume especially has just dropped my fondness for him all the way to the grave lmao. he acts so much like ruby, a petulant child who was told no & lost his favourite toy, while acting like he didn’t specifically break that toy. he went from someone who was level headed, if an absolute asshole to a whiny manchild who spent the entire volume crying in a jail cell about how he was gonna kill his dead boyfriend’s boss because he doesn’t wanna admit he got him killed. & then he forgot about that in the last five minutes to cry about his potentially dead nieces, which only left me thinking, where was your concern about them the rest of this volume qrow? so yeah. on the shitty character list you go buddy.
ghira belladonna  —  i would change my mind & make this dumbass number one but he’s always annoyed me so i’m more settled with that emotion whereas qrow is a new development. but ghira is literally worse than annoying, he’s a useless character who takes up space & actively worsens the plot & the character  —  mainly blake  —  that he’s connected to. everything from his useless pacificism to the fact he’s a privileged faunus living in a mansion while his people are in huts to the fact that he’s now retaken the helm at the head of the white fang like?? what about his mentality has changed & how will that prevent another terroristic faction raising up in result of his negligence towards their people in favour of his own comfort driven pacifism?
hazel rainart  —  sir, your motivation is hokey & your hair is dumb & your braid ribs are giving me nightmares. originally i didn’t have as much of an issue with hazel infantilizing his grown twin sister because i thought we were at least going to get some rebuttal to this man using her death to metaphorically & then physically beat on ozpin. but no, he was validated & then had the gall to use her name in order to guilt trip ozpin in the “ no more gretchens ” line  —  like he hadn’t created dozens of gretchens in mistral with tyrian? sir you are a mass murderer  —  & then went out like an ass in one of the laziest redemption arcs i’ve ever seen. bravo, you suck.
adam taurus  —  he’s really not the highest on this list because i recognize that this is more because of milk & kornflake’s white comfort bleeding into their writing of a marginalized man & less of actually him as a character. adam is a bastard but he’s so much of a hate sink that i can’t take him seriously or hate him because of these traits; if mkek told me he killed puppies as a hobby, i wouldn’t hate adam for that, i’d hate them for continually making him edgier & edgier while ignoring their own racism around his writing.
scarlet david  —  this one’s a little bit of a joke one but also, i just hate this catty fay gay. get back in the closet sir because your face annoys me & your attitude stinks. i’m renting the down with cis bus just to run him over. ♥
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keanureevesisbae · 4 years
Mister Cavill, your dog is kinda fat - Chapter 6
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Summary: Veterinarian Olivia Tran has zero time for bullshit. After becoming a mom at age twenty three, the one thing she wants is a good life for her daughter Vanessa. Her ex didn’t want anything to do with her nor the baby and she decided that man are officially banned out of her life. But then she meets Henry Cavill at her clinic and her ban slowly starts to crumble apart. Henry on the other hand is looking for one thing: a family. And when he meets Olivia Tran, he finds just that.
Henry Cavill x Olivia Tran (ofc)
Warnings: None
Wordcount: 3.5k
Masterlist // Previous chapter // Next chapter
Henry is living on cloud nine. After that kiss Olivia and he shared, he had been over at her place for three days straight, as Vanessa was getting over her ear infection. He spend so much time with the little girl, that he misses her greatly when she is not with him.
The moment Olivia came home, were such happy moments, filled with joy. He’d watch Vanessa hug her mom and then that same mother, the same woman he is growing so attached to, walks over to him, to give him a kiss on top of his head.
This is what he wanted. He wanted a family and being with Olivia and Vanessa, makes him feel like he is part of their family. He realizes of course that he is so insanely privileged to be part of that. Part of what they had for six, almost seven years.
It’s been a week since that kiss and a lot has changed again. Vanessa is already going back to school (guess a gauze filled with onions really work) and he isn’t staying over anymore, not wanting to overstay his welcome.
Henry leans back against the drivers seat of his car, waiting for Olivia to walk out of the clinic. Kal whimpers, as if he understands that Olivia will be joining them shortly. Or he recognizes the clinic and weirdly enough really likes it there.
Olivia walks out of the door, while she pulls out her hair tie, letting her long luscious locks fall on her shoulders. She notices his car, smiles widely and rushes towards the car. When she opens the door, she peeks her head in and asks: ‘Excuse me, sir, who allowed you to be this handsome?’
Henry can’t help but laugh.
Olivia gets in and when the door shuts behind her, she leans over to give him a kiss. Kissing her has been one of the highlights of his day. He never imagined that he would fall in love with someone this hard and this fast, but with Olivia, he can’t help himself. It doesn’t even feel forced or awkward. It feels like they’ve known each other for so long.
Yesterday he called his mother, telling her about the greatest woman he had ever met, but his mother didn’t gave him the time to mention that Olivia came with a wonderful kid. Well, he’ll tell her later then.
Right now he is just happy that Olivia is here with him again. He places his hand on her cheek, his thumb caressing her soft skin as he deepens the kiss. ‘I missed you,’ he mumbles against her soft lips.
The days that she has to go to work and Vanessa is at school, pass by so intensely slow. He takes Kal on the longest walks, he plays some videogames, tries to perfect his cooking skills, but time never goes by as fast as it does when he is with them. Thankfully, after this week, Vanessa will be on her autumn break and even Olivia has some days off.
He can’t wait to spend it just with them.
‘I missed you too,’ she whispers. ‘And as much as I would love to kiss you more, we have to pick Vanessa up.’
‘Right,’ he smiles. He can’t help but steal one more kiss from the woman he can’t get enough from and while he drives off, Olivia can give her full attention to the loyal canine in the back of the car.
‘What is that?’ Olivia asks.
‘What do you mean?’
‘Is that a carseat?’
He blushes, but realizes that she would find out about it sooner or later. Henry clears his throat, before he admits: ‘Yes, I bought it this morning. Figured if we’re going to make a habit out of this, I should be able to take Vanessa safely with me.’
He knows that Olivia doesn’t have a car, simply because she can’t afford it. She told him earlier this week, that she only had a carseat when Vanessa was a baby, because Belle would drive them from time to time. But now Vanessa is older and is perfectly capable of walking and taking the bus with Olivia.
‘Henry, really?’ she asks and he doesn’t know if it’s from disbelieve, gratefulness or annoyance. ‘You bought her a carseat…’ She places a hand on his arm. ‘That is so sweet, you keep amazing me, you know that?’
His blush is intensifying at an alarming speed. ‘It’s nothing, really.’
‘Don’t say something like that,’ she tells him. ‘It’s not nothing, this is everything. You are honestly the greatest guy to come across my path. In these past week you’ve done more for her than her real dad or family for that matter. This is really quite something.’
Henry places a hand on her thigh and continues to drive to Vanessa’s school, but he can’t stop beaming after what she just told him.
He thought about them and how maybe it was faith that he gave Kal the kind of kibble that made him throw up and Henry panic. Maybe it was faith that Olivia was on call. Maybe it was faith that she brought Vanessa with him, because not only did Olivia steal his heart, Vanessa took it and ran away with it, never intending on giving it back.
It’s still beyond him how these two ladies are part of his life now.
He parks the car at the school and while Olivia is planning on getting out, he is staying seated. ‘What are you doing?’ she asks, visibly confused.
‘I’m waiting for you and Vanessa.’
‘No, no, no,’ she says to him, ‘you are coming with me.’
‘But what if someone recognizes me?’
Her eyes soften a bit. He told her all about his thoughts about a further career as an actor, as someone in the spotlights. She knows about how much he doesn’t like it to be recognized. He wants to be left alone from time to time, especially if he is with Vanessa and Olivia. ‘You’re wearing a cap,’ she says. ‘Just keep your head a bit low and stay close. Please, Vanessa would love it to see you there.’
‘Is it not a bit too soon?’ he asks. ‘We’ve been only dating for a week and this…’ What the hell is he talking about? ‘You know, forget I said that. I’m coming with you. Kal, buddy, we’ll be right back.’
‘That’s the spirit,’ Olivia laughs as she gets out and she closes the door behind her.
Henry adjusts his cap and walks next to Olivia to the school yard, waiting for the bell to ring. Because of Olivia’s personality, he always forgets how petite she is, especially when she stands next to him.
‘Olivia,’ he says and she looks up. ‘Why are these women staring at us?’
She glances over her shoulder and growls something under her breath. ‘Those are the perfect housewives, with their perfect kids and perfect husbands,’ she says, her brows furrowing. ‘They are probably in shock that I brought some male company with me.’
Henry can’t help but chuckle, as he looks at the feisty woman next to him. He gently places a hand on her shoulder, maybe because he feels like he needs to physically restrain her, maybe because he wants those women to be extra jealous of her.
The bell rings and it doesn’t take long before a very happy Vanessa rushes out of the school. She notices her mother and takes a sprint. ‘I missed you, mommy, I missed you,’ she says, when she jumps into Olivia’s arms.
‘Oh, sweetheart, I missed you too.’
Then Vanessa’s eyes land on Henry. She blinks a few times, before she extends her arms, while saying: ‘Superman, you’re here too!’
‘Of course, sunshine,’ he laughs, taking her from Olivia. ‘We were going to that new cafe, remember?’
Vanessa mentioned something about a cafe, where they serve pink drinks and red velvet cupcakes. She says that Olivia took her to that place two times on her fifth and sixth birthday, but that they haven’t been there since then. Henry has never been to that cafe and since dogs are allowed to go inside too, he was totally up for it.
Besides, he figured that it would make Vanessa very happy if they went.
He carries Vanessa to the car, while he has his hand on Olivia’s back. She leans against his broad frame and he noticed over the course of this week, how much she likes it when he physically touches her. She always leans in against his body, a trait he finds so endearing.
‘Okay sunshine,’ he says to her, when they are at his car, ‘I bought you a carseat, so you can drive along safely.’
He opens the door, tells Kal to stay put and Vanessa sits in the seat. ‘It has bears on it,’ she mentions, with a bright smile on her face.
‘Especially for you,’ he chuckles, as he helps her buckle up. The second she’s all set and done in the seat, Kal attacks her with licks, causing her to giggle.
Henry sits behind the wheel and Vanessa says: ‘I made two drawings today. One for you and one for Henry.’
Henry waits with starting the car and just like Olivia, he turns around in his seat, so he can look at Vanessa. She hands them both a drawing and when the two of them look at the pieces of paper, it’s evident that she drew the exact same thing:
All four of them, Henry, Olivia, Kal and Vanessa in one house. Olivia told him about the same drawings she has been making for such a long time and how after they met Henry, she drew Superman and Kal with them. Now he is not in Superman clothes, but in normal clothes.
Now he is Henry.
Vanessa even wrote everyones names on the drawing.
‘This is very beautiful, sweetheart,’ Olivia says. ‘Thank you.’
Henry clears his throat. This isn’t the time to cry or get emotional, though he feels many things right now. A kid made him a drawing and it’s not just any kid: it’s Vanessa Tran that made this for him.
‘Why isn’t Henry saying anything?’ he hears Vanessa ask.
‘He is taking in the drawing,’ Olivia answers. ‘Sometimes you look at something and it leaves you absolutely speechless. You can’t find the words to say something.’
‘Is Henry speechless?’
‘I think so.’
Henry chuckles. ‘This is beautiful, sunshine,’ he says. ‘I can’t wait to hang it up at my place.’
He drives off and while he is soaring the car over the roads, he feels Olivia’s hand on top of his, her thumb drawing circles on his skin. A small and silent sign of comfort. Weeks ago he thought he’d never have that family he wanted, he’d end up adopting four more dogs and once he died, his corpse would lay in the house for months, because no one cared about him.
But then he met Olivia and Vanessa and from that moment, something in him changed. He was pretty selfish, thinking about himself and Kal and that is it. Now everything he wants to buy, he wants to do, he thinks about Olivia and Vanessa. Will they like it? Will they agree?
‘Mommy,’ Vanessa says, pulling him out of his thoughts.
‘Yes sweetheart?’
‘In that cafe, can I sit with Henry?’
Olivia smiles. ‘Of course.’
‘You won’t jealous then?’
He notices out of the corners of his eyes that Olivia frowns. ‘Why would I be jealous?’
‘Because he is your boyfriend.’
Boyfriend… Is he Olivia’s boyfriend? He never specifically asked if he could be.
‘Vanessa, sweetheart, I’m never going to be jealous of you, since you are my daughter and there are certain things that you will do and will never make me jealous. So you sitting next to my boyfriend,’—so, she is not appalled by the idea of him being her boyfriend—‘isn’t something that will ever make me jealous. But it’s really considerate of you to ask that.’
‘I am considerate,’ she says and Olivia agrees.
Henry parks the car and he helps Vanessa out her carseat. ‘You know, I always wanted a carseat,’ Vanessa tells him. ‘Especially one with bears on it. I love bears.’
‘I know you do, sunshine,’ he says to her, helping her out of the car, as Olivia opens the door for Kal to get out. ‘That’s why I picked this one out for you.’
‘Can I hold Kal?’
‘Of course,’ he says and Olivia hands her the leash.
The two of them watch Vanessa trot in front of them, Kal watching out for her and Olivia says: ‘Are you okay?’
‘I’m fine.’
‘It was the drawing, wasn’t it? Henry, if you don’t like her doing that sort of stuff, then it’s okay. I can just tell her.’
‘No, no, no,’ he quickly says. ‘It’s just that… It’s all a bit surreal, that you two are part of my life now. I can’t really believe it just yet.’
Vanessa sits on Henry’s lap, as he helps her with finishing up that red velvet cake. Of course he noticed Olivia taking pictures of them, but when he saw the look on her face, the happiness, relaxation, he simply smiled.
The overdose of sugar made Vanessa really tired, because while a few moments ago she was talking and talking and talking, she is now burying her face in Henry’s neck. ‘You’re adorable,’ Olivia says.
‘You of course. My daughter is always adorable.’ She scratches Kal behind her ear and says: ‘You have plans next week?’
‘To spend it with you,’ he says.
She chuckles, but he sees her blushing. ‘Vanessa, sweetheart, would you like to have a sleepover at Henry’s next week with mommy?’
Vanessa starts to nod, rubbing her eyes. ‘I would like that. Only if Henry wants that of course.’
He sometimes wonders how Olivia managed to create such a beautiful kid, how she raised Vanessa to be polite and wise. And that all by herself. He never underestimates her, but he is in utter awe when he sees how she interacts with her daughter, how the two of them know each other like the back of their hands and how well adjusted they are with one another.
‘I would love that, sunshine.’
Vanessa sits up straight again, wraps her arms around his neck and presses her nose against his cheek. She started doing that when she was sick, because she didn’t want to make him sick too, though an ear infection isn’t necessarily contagious. Pressing their noses against each others cheeks, is their way of saying how happy they are with one another and he wouldn’t wanted to have it any other way. ‘We have to wear matching pajamas,’ she tells him.
‘I’ll try my best,’ Henry laughs, already imagining them wearing the same pajamas and the amount of pictures he is going to take. ‘Maybe Kal can wear something too.’
Vanessa’s face lights up. ‘He should wear a pajama too,’ she says in all seriousness. ‘Otherwise it’s not a real sleepover.’
The four of them decide to leave after they spend nearly an hour and a half in that cafe. He watches as Vanessa holds onto her mothers hand. They wear the same boots, something that Vanessa absolutely adores. ‘One day she’s embarrassed to be the same as her mother, so I’m enjoying it while it lasts,’ Olivia once told him, but he highly doubts it.
‘Honey?’ he hears a very familiar voice and he turns around. With a caught look in his eyes, he sees not only his mother, but also his father. What are they doing here?
‘Mom, dad, what a surprise,’ Henry says, before giving both of them a hug.
‘Who is this?’ his father bluntly asks, when Olivia stands next to Henry. God, his father doesn’t have any manners.
‘You must be the woman Henry told me about,’ mom says to Olivia.
He didn’t tell Olivia that he told his mother about her, not because he is embarrassed, but it didn’t came up in the conversations. What is she going to think?
Not much apparently, because Olivia smiles. ‘Hi, my name is Olivia, it’s wonderful to meet you.’ She extends her hand, one that his mother takes immediately and she says: ‘Olivia, what a beautiful woman you are. My name is Marianne and this is my husband Colin.’
‘Nice to meet you, Colin,’ Olivia says to his dad, who smiles at Olivia.
‘Mommy, should I introduce myself to these people?’ Vanessa says, pushing herself in between Olivia and Henry.
Why is his heart pounding so painfully?
‘You should, sweetheart.’
Vanessa extends her hand to his mother. ‘Hello, my name is Vanessa Tran.’
Mom seems impressed by the manners Vanessa possesses and he can already see that she is in awe of the little girl, just like he was when he first met her. ‘Nice to meet you, Vanessa,’ mom says. ‘You are such a lovely young lady. You look just like your mother.’
‘Thank you.’ Vanessa looks over her shoulder at Olivia. ‘Mom, she didn’t introduce herself, should I tell her?’
‘Oh how rude of me,’ mom says. ‘My name is Marianne Cavill. I’m Henry’s mother.’
Vanessa tries to process it and nods, simply not knowing what she should say to her. It’s weird for her probably, since she never met Olivia’s parents. She does the same thing with his dad, politely introducing herself.
‘What are you two doing here?’ Henry asks.
‘We needed to buy some new shoes for your father,’ his mom says. ‘But I really like that we ran into you guys. Olivia, Vanessa, the two of you should come by the house. We would love it to get to know you more.’
Olivia nods. ‘Of course.’
‘You have baby pictures of Henry?’ Vanessa asks.
They all start to laugh. ‘We have,’ his father says. ‘But be prepared, Henry was an ugly kid.’
Vanessa pulls her mother a little down and whisper shouts: ‘Is this a joke or is he serious?’
Olivia chuckles. ‘It’s a joke, sweetheart.’
‘Good, because even if mister Colin is his dad, he shouldn’t be so mean to him, right?’
Henry pulls on one of her pigtails and she looks up at him. ‘Thank you, sunshine, for looking after me.’
She smiles. ‘No one should be mean to each other and if he does it more often, you should say something about him.’
He notices both of his parents are looking at the interaction between Henry and Vanessa and he wonders what they think. ‘Like what?’
‘That he indeed needs new shoes.’
Henry laughs, just like his parents and Olivia and lifts her up. ‘Well, we have to go,’ he says. ‘I should start making some dinner. How about pancakes, sunshine?’ Vanessa starts to nod and wraps her arms around his neck.
‘Of course,’ his mother says and she pulls him into a hug. ‘I meant it, Olivia, you two really need to stop by.’
‘We look forward to it,’ Olivia says. ‘Vanessa, say goodbye, okay?’
‘Goodbye mister Colin and mrs. Marianne,’ Vanessa says and the four of them walk towards his car. The first five minutes go by in silence, but Vanessa is always there to break the silence, because she says: ‘I really like your parents, Henry.’
‘That’s good,’ he say.
‘I wouldn’t mind if they became my grandparents,’ she continues. ‘I’ve always wanted a grandma and a grandpa and they seem nice enough.’
Olivia looks to the side and places her hand on his, intertwining her fingers with his. ‘They did seem nice,’ she says. ‘You want to visit them one day?’
‘I do, but only if Henry wants it.’
Henry looks in his rearview mirror, to catch a glimpse of Vanessa. ‘I would love for you to visit them.’
Vanessa tilts her head. ‘Mommy, I think you should give Henry a kiss.’
‘Why is that, sweetheart?’ Olivia asks.
‘He seems like he needs it. Your kisses always help.’
Olivia chuckles, before she leans in and presses a kiss on his cheek.
And Vanessa was right, he did need that.
Mom: Honey, your father and I absolutely loved Olivia and Vanessa. What a marvelous duo are those two.
Dad: And I can’t believe that young girl told me I indeed need new shoes, simply because I said you were ugly as a kid. Please let Vanessa know that it was a joke, because I want her to like me.
Simon: Excuse me, who are Olivia and Vanessa?
Piers: Is there something you’re not telling us?
Mom: Olivia is Henry’s new girlfriend
Charlie: Sweet!
Niki: But who is Vanessa then?
Henry: Vanessa is Olivia’s daughter
Piers: You are telling us that you have a girlfriend with a daughter?
Mom: A lovely daughter! Tell Olivia that she is doing such a wonderful job. I don’t think I ever met a kid her age that was that polite.
Charlie: When can we meet them?
Henry: Certainly not any time soon. I first want those two to meet mom and dad. You pricks will scare them off probably.
Charlie: I’m great with children!
Henry: Mom, dad, please do me a favor and don’t tell them when I’m bring Olivia and Vanessa over.
Taglist: @thelastsock​ // @flhorah​ // @sausagefest1996​ // @laufeysodinson​ // @xxxkatxo​ // @memoriesat30​ // @henrythickcavill​ // @crimsonrae​ // @henryobsessed // @madbaddic7ed​ // @summersong69​ // @lyrafraiser​ // @peakygroupie​ // @coldmuffinbanditshoe​ // @mary-ann84​ // @thereisa8ella​ //@crazyandanonymous4u // @xuxszx​ // @emmaofgreengabbles​ // @jimmypagesandbrianmayshair​ // @onlyhenrys // @omgkatinka​ // @oddsnendsfanfics​ // @speakerforthedead0 // @agniavateira​
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serendipityseulgi · 4 years
trust me, and i’ll stay.
— kim taehyung
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・*:༅。 the one where you meet your ex-boyfriend in a frat party bathroom, 90 days after your breakup, loving him just as much as the day he left you.
aka, the reconciliation.
 You sat in silence as you pulled your knees to your chest, burying your head in between your legs as you tried to control your racing mind.
How you landed yourself in this position, locked in the bathroom of a random frat party with your ex-boyfriend was beyond you. But somehow, in your semi-drunken state, as he begged you to talk to him for just a second, you followed suit as he guided you to one of the only quiet rooms he was able to deliver a sentimental apology in.
But right now, as you sit across from him, positions mirroring one another, you couldn’t help but feel your heart break all over again. You stared at him and noticed just how broken he looked. But you knew you looked far worse.
It had been almost three months since your break up, and although 90 days has passed since you last saw him, you couldn’t say you were over him in the slightest. You loved him deeply and he was the only person in this world you wished to have kept in your life forever. And the night that he left you turned your whole world apart in a second.
“I’m sorry you know.” He’s the first one to speak, nearly five minutes since you both entered the bathroom.
You hold your tears in. “I know, Taehyung.” your voice barely louder than a whisper. You felt a lump in your throat as you felt his eyes burning into you. “I’m sorry too.”
“You don’t have anything to be sorry about though.” he assured you.
You let out a pitiful laugh. “But I do.” you said. “I pushed you away until you couldn’t take it anymore and it’s my fault. I’ll take the blame for it.”
“No but I was a fucking asshole to you that night and you didn’t deserve it.” He said. 
“But you apologized right after so it’s okay.” you assured him.
“It wasn’t enough though.” he spoke softly. “I didn’t do enough to keep you.”
You shut your eyes as a tear falls from your eye, and once again, you bury your head between your knees. You can relay the night of your breakup so clearly that you still have nightmares about it to this very day.
“I’m sorry, I’m not accusing you of anything I-i was just worried!” you defend but your boyfriend is having none of it. 
“It’s always the fucking same shit every other month! Why do you always think I’m going behind your back? We’ve been together for two fucking years, y/n! You would think by this point my girlfriend would have even an ounce of trust in me!” he screamed at you, and you step back from him.
“I’m sorry Tae, I know it was stupid-”
“No, it wasn’t stupid, but it’s the fact that you always come to me with this shit. That I’m cheating on you, that I want to break up, that I’m unhappy! It’s always fucking something with you!” Taehyung is pulling at his hair now and you can tell you’ve stressed him out beyond measure.
“I know, fuck I know!” you cry out. “I’m sorry I keep doing this, I just can’t-”
“Help it! I know!” he interrupts you. “How many times have I heard this excuse before?! Look, I’m sorry you decided to date your fucking piece of shit ex and stay with him for three years while he treatedly you like utter garbage and slept with your best friend, but how long is it gonna take you to realize that I’m not him?! Y/n, I am so sick of your shit and feeling like I’m doing something wrong all the time when I’m not. You are so insecure in this relationship and I just can’t take it anymore! I wasn’t fucking cheating on you, I wasn’t anywhere last night that I didn’t already tell you about. But if you won’t believe me then I’m fucking done with you and this relationship. You make me fucking miserable.”
And just like that he left without another word.
So there you were, in the middle of your living room, unable to even move as you stood there incredulously, shocked at the words that had just left your boyfriend’s mouth. You’re not saying you don’t deserve it, frankly, you probably did. 
You knew this was your toxic trait. Being so insecure. Feeling like you couldn’t trust your own boyfriend even while he proved so many times how loyal he was to you. From all the trauma you endured and emotional abuse that went beyond his cheating in your past relationship, it caused you to feel like Taehyung would do the exact same things to you and hurt just as bad as your ex-boyfriend did. 
For hours you waited for Taehyung to come home, but he never did.
After the fourth hour you texted him.
you; delivered 3:23 am
i’m sorry tae.
i’ll work on my issues.
i won’t take it out on you anymore, you don’t deserve it and i’m sorry.
justplease come back.
You didn’t receive a reply till the next hour.
baby <3; received 4:22 am
y/n i really can’t do it anymore.
i love you and i want the best for you, and i really do hope you work things out for yourself
but i just can’t be with you anymore.
i’m sorry for the things i said to you, but there were some parts of that i meant. and ifeel like an asshole for saying it out loud, but i’m not happy with you anymore.
When you read those four texts you swore you never felt your heart break so bad before. It was genuine pain that you felt, far worse than when you caught your ex and your best friend in bed with one another, far worse than when you found out she wasn't the only one he’d been with, and far worse than when you finally left him.
you; delivered 4:25 am
i understand.
So here you were crying uncontrollably, knowing your insecurities ruined the only stable relationship you’ve ever had. And now you had to sit with the fact that you were what drove the love of your life away.
“Taehyung why did you bring me in here?” you ask, wiping the tears away from your eyes.
“Because I love you.” he chuckled sadly. “And I need to apologize properly. For just leaving you like that. I should’ve worked through it with you instead of bailing. And I’ve regretted it every single day since it happened.”
You rest your head against the bathroom door and sigh heavily, unable to look your ex-boyfriend in the eye. 
“But like you said, you meant what you said right? Some of it.” you confirmed. “And I don’t blame you at all for feeling that way. Which is why I don’t want to put you through all that again.”
Taehyung shakes his head, scooting closer to you and you stop him. “Don’t, Taehyung.”
“Y/n, please hear me out.” he sniffles, and you look up at him. He’s crying as much as you are and your heart completely shatters.
“I am-”
“I don’t want you to think you’re putting me through that again.” he interrupts. “Sana talked to me, and she told me you promised to work on yourself. And she said you have, and I believe her.”
“You talked to her?”
“I’ve been asking about you since the day we split.” Taehyung said. “As angry as I was with you that night and for a few weeks after that, I still loved you more than anything and I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
You sighed.
“Y/n, I wouldn’t be here right now asking to talk to you if I knew you didn’t love me anymore. Because I know you do, and you need to know that I still love you so fucking much that my heart constantly fucking hurts when you’re not with me.”
“Why didn’t you reach out sooner?” you asked him.
“I was ashamed. After what I said to you I didn’t know if you would forgive me at all and I don’t know if I even deserve it but Sana told me it was worth a try. So I had to try.”
“I can’t promise things will be perfect though.” you say.
“I don’t need them to be. I just need to know that you’ll trust me.” Taehyung pleads.
He’s so close to you now that you can feel his body heat radiating off of him, and it feels so familiar yet so foreign.
 “I understand why you can’t sometimes. And I shouldn’t have ever brought your ex-boyfriend up to make you feel bad. I know that it isn’t your fault why you have a hard time in relationships. I get why. Which is why all I ask is that you try and trust me the best you can because I love you so much and I could never hurt you the same way. And I won’t give up again like I did last time if you just give me another chance. Can we try again, baby, please?”
And the name you missed hearing so badly brought you to near tears all over again. 
All you can do is nod at him and it’s enough for him to bring you in his arms. “I love you, Tae.” you murmur against his chest, and you feel him hug you tighter against him. 
“We’ll make it work okay, baby?” he holds your face in his hands and you nod at him. “I love you so much, y/n.”
And he kisses you deeply, for the first time in forever and you let yourself appreciate the feeling of his lips on yours. You hold onto him, not caring about the fact that you both needed air to breath. You’re both crying as taste the bitterness of your tears, and the kiss is messy and heavy and intense — but you don’t care.
You’ll try for him. He deserves that much.
When you finally pull away he says nine words that you’ll always remember whenever you feel in doubt. Because one thing’s for sure, as long as you try, Taehyung will stay by you through it at all.
“Just trust me, and I’ll stay.” Taehyung says. “I’ll always stay.”
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smuttyanimeslut · 4 years
Lips of An Angel
Pairing: Tendo x gn!reader
Warnings: Cheating, cursing, angst
Description: You decide to call your ex boyfriend, the love of your life, a few nights before your wedding.
This was inspired by lips of an Angel, and totally unedited. Also I have an idea for a pt2 but idk if I’m gonna write it so lmk if you want one.
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Soft snores filled the much to cold room as buzzing from the streets outside the window kept you awake. Your fiancé laid asleep to your right as you stared up into the darkness of the room. You had dreamt of your ex again, for the fifth night in a row. Some would say it was a sign, others would chalk it up to nerves, but you knew why it was really happening. You just didn’t want to admit it. In three days time, you would be married to the man in your bed, but you would still be in love with the man from your dreams.
It wasn’t a hard decision to make. Your fiancé loved you. He showered you in every way he knew how. There was no reason to doubt his love for you from the second it was given. Every need you had was met with understanding and love. Every dream you crafted was fulfilled. This man was everything you ever asked for and more, except he wasn’t him.
His fire red hair haunted your dreams for years after you broke up, but had stopped when you met your fiancé. You always thought it was a sign. All the drinks and drugs in the world hadn’t been able to rid Tendou from your mind, but your sleeping companion had. It was a simple choice really, everyone said so. Why would you ever pick the life of a spouse to a chocolatier over the life of a spouse to a CEO? It was simple. So simple, in theory.
You hadn’t seen Tendo since he opened his shop, the relationship failing shortly after. France had been hard on the two of you, the break up even harder. You had always tried to treat your relationship with care, but it still seemed to melt in your hands. So you put it on freeze, choosing to throw yourself into school and later work. Having spent three years in France you learned the language, and eventually many more making a career out of it. That’s how you met your fiancé.
A work place romance wasn’t what you intended, but after spending a week with the American in Tokyo, it’s what happened. You loved your fiancé, don’t misunderstand. If you didn’t you wouldn’t have agreed to marry him. The only problem you continued to face was the section of your heart that had been carved out and given to Tendo.
Sighing you slipped from beneath the covers and headed into the living room. The street lights of New York City cast shadows on the floor length window, making the room seem much more dreary than it actually was. The rain had started in sometime between the time you had gone to bed and when you had woken up. A dreadful feeling had fallen into the hole in your chest as you watched the rain drops trail down the window.
“I should call him,” you thought for a fleeting second before confirming just how stupid that would be.
“He probably isn’t even at the same number anymore,,” you said as your fingers typed in his number anyways.
The ringing in your ear frightened you more than you were prepared for. What would you do if he actually picked up?
“Hello?” A voice choked out, obviously groggy from sleep, “this is Tendo speaking.”
Tears pricked at your eyes as your heart stopped. “Tendo,” you whispered, “it’s y/n.”
A slight rustling could be heard over the phone as well as a moment of silence before his voice rang out again.
“Paradise...why are you calling me so late?”
Your throat tightened at the use of your old pet name. After all this time, was that name still just reserved for you?
“It’s kinda hard to talk right now,” he continued.
The tears you had been holding back began to fall as you softly sobbed into the receiver.
“Paradise, baby, why are you crying right now? Is everything okay?”
“I miss you so much my heart can’t take it anymore. All I do is dream about you, and what we could have been.” You sobbed.
The shadows danced on the walls of your apartment as your vision blurred from the tears. Violent shakes took hold of your body caused by both the cold, and emotions crashing down like waves.
“I’ve missed you too,” he whispered, with a sort of strain in his voice.
“You’re so quiet,” you commented, “please let me hear your voice it’s been so long. I can’t keep hearing it in only my dreams.”
Your pleads fell on deaf ears as the line went quiet. To you, it seemed as if he was contemplating something.
“I gotta whisper because I can’t be to loud.”
Sighing you began to say his name only to be cut off, “ You see, my girls in the next room but sometimes I wish she was you. I guess we never really moved on did we Paradise?” Your breath caught in your throat at his words.
Stumbling over what to say you spoke in a rushed breath, “It’s really good to hear your voice saying my name. It sounds so sweet... My dreams don’t do it justice.”
“Coming from your lips angel, that makes me weak.”
You took this time to close your eyes and lay your head back against the sofa. You knew this was wrong, so why did it feel so right?
“I never want to have to say goodbye,” you muttered out, you heart finally slowing into a much more stable rhythm.
“Damn it,” he cursed, “you make it so hard to be faithful.”
The words triggered a dangerous thought in your head as you sunk further into the sofa.
“Is that so?” You asked the flirt apparent in your voice.
“It’s funny that you’re calling me tonight,” he said side stepping your tone, “I’ve dreamt of you too. They started when I found out you were getting married.”
You deeply sucked in air as the room stilled around you. The rain outside stopped pitter pattering on the window, and the clock hands stopped ticking. The entire world fell silent until Tendou spoke up again.
“Dose he know your talking to me?”
“Will it start a fight?” The worry in his tone almost made you sick.
“Yes,” you answered, “dose she know you climbed out of bed to talk to me?”
“No, I don’t think she has a clue.” Tendo sighed.
One of the many issues the two of you faced in your relationship was communication. Instead of working through problems the both of you just bottled them up and channeled that energy into work, school, or volleyball. And it seemed that the both of you had carried that trait into your next relationship as well.
“Paradise,” Tendo whispered, “why did you call me so late. Your getting married in three days.” The pain was evident in his voice as he spoke.
Why had you called him? What did this solve? All you were doing was causing problems for the both of you.
“Tell me you love me just as much as I still love you and I won’t. I won’t marry him.” You blurted out slightly to loud. “I just need to hear you say it.”
“Paradise...” he said trailing off for a moment, “What will that solve? Your life is in America and mine is here in France.”
“Mais je t'aime,” you said. “But I love you. I’ll say it in any language you need me to. I can build a new life anywhere, because my current one already takes me there. Just say it back please. Tell me you still love me too.”
A silent room has never scared you. The lack of noise has always been seen more as a comfort than a fear until this moment.
“I love you. Ich liebe dich. Ti voglio bene. 愛してる. English, German, Italian, Japanese whatever the language, country, or continent it’s always been you. Please just tell me that I’m still your paradise.” You begged.
Once again a thick quiet settled over the line as you waited for an answer.
“Honey,” a female voice said on Tendo’s side of the call breaking the silence, “who are you talking to so late?”
Before you could hear a reply the distinct sound of the call being ended filled your ear leaving you in anguish.
Never in your life had you felt so inconsolable. Sobs racked your body so ferocious you thought you might pass out, and at some point you did.
As the sun stoned brightly through the window the next morning you were met with tear swollen eyes and a still sleeping fiancé. Ignoring the rapidly building break down you decide to climb back into bed and left the nights events wash back over you.
This time hurt far worse than the first, and you felt deep down in your soul that the dreams were just the beginning.
Pt. 2
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doharas · 3 years
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                                 “She was a dangerous, dangerous girl. A plague.”
Name: Do Hara Age: 30 D.O.B: november 6, 1990 Gender: cis female Pronouns: she/her Sexuality: bisexual Hometown: seoul, south korea Affiliation: Law enforcement, not corrupt Job position: forensic pathologist Education: BA in biology, M.D Relationship status: divorced Children: none Positive traits: punctual, maverick, dutiful, empathetic Negative traits: abrasive, enigmatic, demanding, brazen
TW: sibling death, alcoholism, psychological abuse
               for her start was very much calm, not having cried a single tear until the baby found herself on the arms of her mother. Together, both cried for the new life that arose in the world. Too proud to even show up, her father excused himself for a meeting just a few minutes before her arrival “Will this take too long?” He was heard asking the nurses more than once. But Hara and her mother were never alone, for her mom’s ‘big boy’ was right there next to them, crying with them both.
              It became a habbit for her older brother, being the one always taking care for her. Bora was a busy woman, and while she always tried to be there for her kids, there were times when she was just a little too late. Haseok was just six when his sister came into his life, and even if they were never left alone, he took the hard task of taking care of her and protecting her from any harm,
              And so the siblings grew up hand in hand, Hara always folling her brother’s footsteps.
              as she understood soon enough. In the movies, father’s took their chldren to ball games, and every time the father was too focused on his work, an extraordinary event happened to bring him back to his family. That never happened to Hara’s father. The girl used to sit on the front stairs to watch him go, and each time he came back he would find her waiting patiently for him. “Of course he loves you, baby, how could he not?” Her mother used to try and calm her each time it got a little to close to Hara’s heart.
              She knew her father wasn’t bad, he was just too cold, too proud, and always too far from home. But that had been her only concern in life, until one night the screams came to her.
              They all rushed to the hospital without saying much to the twelve year old. She stood still all night, seated at a chair on the waiting room while her parents discussed with doctors and nurses. She didn’t understand what was happening until the next morning, when she went up to meet her brother, who was laying on the hospital bed with a weak smile, “Hey monster, damn, even Godzilla would be afraid of you.” And they both laughed as if they were back home.
              Haseok took care of his sister even on his last moments. Hara does not remember watching him cry, nor complain. She remembers him smiling, the same way he smiled at her each morning. If it were a movie, her brother would’ve never left.
              how could it be without her best friend? She has always had him by her side, showing him the right path and encouraging her on the rough parts. Now, not even her mother seemed to be enough. “Mom?” She had gone to her parent’s room one night, almost a year after her brother’s death. “I had a nightmare...” But her mother was too busy taking care of her fund raising event. She smelt funny, but Hara had no time to comment before she was rushed away by her father.
              Suddenly, she became nothing but another piece of furniture for her parents, and funny enough, her father was there for those events always on time, always besides her wife. She even once lied and said her driver was her father, and even if the man scolded her for it, she only looked at him through the mirror with an apologetic smile.
              The people who worked at her parent’s house never left her alone. Each time her mother threw up after her events, they were there for the girl, doing their best in order to take her mind off the sounds coming from the bathroom. Hara couldn’t be tricked for much longer, for soon enough it was her who send her mother away. She has not heard of her parent’s ever since.
since there was no reason for her to stay. She left for New York to study, she wanted to be a doctor like the ones who had tried so hard to save her brother. It was also there were she met the love of her life. After all, life seemed to be a fairy tale, and she was living each second of it as if it were the last.
Perhaps someone with more experience would’ve warned her, and perhaps someone did, she was just in love and she refused to listen. But that type of love made her only hurt slowly, and her friends soon noticed the change in her eyes. “I’m sorry.” Her lips were used to those words, for it was all her fault and all she did was bother the rest. Her parents hated her for going against them, for leaving them behind to study something that would not help the family business. They hated her because she wasn’t her brother. Naturally, it was everything her fault.
So it wasn’t hard to make her believe it.
She got engeged, she got married, and suddenly all she felt was fear. Perhaps what made her wake up was walking in on her husband naked in bed with one of her best friends. 
or that was the last words she told herself before finally walking out of the apartment she had shared with her now ex husband. Finally, she feels like she has found her path, maybe a little later in life than either her or her brother would’ve wanted, but she finally felt like she was doing something right.
THE OTHER SIDE. Hara is someone who has always tried to follow the rules. She has a very strong moral, or so she thinks. After finally divorcing her husband she realized that she had not done much with her life, she had just worked, studied, gotten married and nothing else. She might be young for her profession, but she is good at what she does, and I think it would be interesting to see someone trying to bring her to the dark side (we can make it angsty too, looove angst).
YOU GOT A FRIEND IN ME. After she left her husband she really didn’t want to stay on their apartment, so she is now living with a roomate, most certainly just for a little while. I think this friend would’ve been with her through almost all of the process and she would hold them close to her heart.
MISC. I am honestly open to whatever!! She needs work friends, fwb, she literally is starting to live her life as she wants to, not caring about anything, so probably some bad influences too, some good influences, some drinking buddies. I am up for everything and anything!!
hello everyone! my name is moonie and I have been roleplaying for a lot longer than I should’ve. I began my rping journy on Spanish forums, then moved to tumblr, then tried my luck on twitter and now I am back!! I love plotting, I love being able to write a character and push them to places I didn’t think they could go to, and my favorite moment is when people send me random messages with plot ideas, or something that reminded them of our characters. random facts about me is that I have a new found obsession with maneskin and young royals . I’m so excited to write with all of you!B
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Red Tallies || Peter Parker x Reader
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Summary: This AU is based on an idea from an old prompt in which people have tally marks to represent how many times they have fallen in love. Peter has fallen in love a couple times, but never been loved back. Peter is college age, would say around 21-23, and so is reader and company.
Author’s Note: This has honestly been something that I’ve been wanting to write for a while, and finally found the time to sit down and write it. Though still testing the waters, so please let me know. Would most likely try to be a slow burn, like definitely be more than four parts.
Word Count: 2K
“Ned, I told you, she isn’t in love with me,” Peter repeated for the eighth time in this same phone conversation, but that didn’t mean that it hurt any less.
“Are you sure? I mean it could just take a while for hers to show up soon?”
“Ned, I really don’t want to say this but she did have a red mark, but it wasn’t for me,” he finally caved and explained the one fact he has kept thus far, “I didn’t think she would pull something like this, that’s why she can’t love me…because she loves someone else,” he sighed almost feeling the tally mark was burning his skin.
“Oh, I’m sorry dude,” he said after a long pause.
“I know but it’s not something you should apologize for,” he sighed, trying not to remember the events that occurred that morning.
“You can always come with me and Betty to the movies tonight, we can invite a few more people so you don’t feel like third wheel,” wanting to switch topics to hopefully cheer his friend up.
Peter knew that his friend was really trying to help but he really couldn’t think of leaving his apartment. He really needed to process the whole situation rather than distract himself from it, because he knew when he was alone, he would feel this low again. He looked down at his wrist seeing nothing but black tallies on his wrist, and let out a long sigh.
“Pete, you still there?” pulling him out from his thoughts.
“Yea just thinking about the offer,” even though he already knew that he had the answer.
“How about you think about it and let me know. I don’t want you to feel pressured,” always the supportive friend. “I would cancel on Betty but…“
“Thanks Ned,  don’t think Betty deserves that,” smiling knowing that Ned will always be his ride or die. “Think I’m a sit this one out,” his eyes still focused on his wrist.
“Offer will stands till seven, but if not, I’ll stop by tomorrow with food and can talk about it,” wanting Peter to know that he’ll be there through thick and thin.
“Yea tomorrow would be nice, I’ll text you if anything happens,” affirming that he wasn’t going out tonight, “have a great date Ned.”
“Thanks Pete. Hope to see you soon then,” he said.
Both said their goodbyes, leaving Peter  to let out a long groan of frustration. The palms of his hands pressed against his eyes hoping to keep the tears in that he kept in the whole day. Another black tally mark etched on his skin, great another failed attempted at love.
It was at times like these that wished he never learned about the tally marks, but it’s something unavoidable. He remembers days in which his Aunt May would sit down and talk to him about the tally marks that would one day appear across his wrist and tried to do her best to explain it.
“Alright Peter, so one when you find someone you really love, you’ll one day see a black tally appear right here,” pointing out her own single red tally on her wrist.
“But yours is red,” child Peter pointing out the obvious.
“I know, but if the person you love, loves you back, then it will turn red. Just like mine, yours can start off black, only depending who falls for who first. I can tell you first hand that mine showed up a month before your Aunt May’s did,” puling Peter’s attention from his aunt to his see his uncle setting down his stuff. Ben walked over to the two ruffling Peter’s hair to distract him from giving May a quick kiss.
“Hey it’s not my fault that you fell in love sooner than I did,” she joked.
“Uh, yea it is, you didn’t make it easy for me,” he smiled, “So what is this tally mark talk about?”
“Just curious,” Peter responded, “besides our teacher was going to go over it soon and wanted a head start.”
Peter smiled his tears gaining a bittersweet taste to them but figured that he may as well let out any tears at this moment. He looked at his wrist, nothing but black tallies and he would be lying to himself if he said that it didn’t hurt him. He really didn’t get the idea of what was so difficult about loving him, but then again, it’s not like he can force someone to love him. But still he just felt like a below the belt when he saw his now ex-girlfriend, if she even considered herself that, sport a red tally that clearly wasn’t his. Peter let out a loud sigh, thinking it was just to just scour his social media and start to unfollow her but couldn’t force himself to delete old pictures of themselves.
Just a few moments later and Peter heard a large crash outside his door. Peter quickly got up and walked over to the door hearing already someone cussing from the other end.
You didn’t know whether to be mad at the carpet lining the floor or yourself for thinking it was a good idea to carry more than you actually could  because you really took a dive just now.  You were glad that the boxes you decided to carry were filled with things that wouldn’t break, but you couldn’t help the burn on your cheeks from embarrassment and hope that no one saw your fall.
You started to stack a few things to try to somewhat organize things, and decided now was a good time as any to open your door. You decided to take a few things with you hoping to prevent anyone from seeing your mishap. By the time you went back to your stuff, someone was already organizing your fallen mess.
“Hey, sorry about the mess in front of your door, just give me a couple minutes and it’ll be totally clear,” walking over to said mess.
“it’s no worry at all,” seeing the stranger get up and face you.
Your heart jumped to your chest seeing the face that although you have forgotten about over time, you could never truly forget. “Peter?” knowing full well that there was no doubt about it.
“uh do I know you?” his face really confused because he really couldn’t place your face to a name.
“It’s been a while, but remember me from middle school,” trying not to act like you weren’t even more embarrassed then just a moment before.
You could visually see his mind thinking back to middle school, and finally put the pieces together, “(Y/N)! Oh god, I’m sorry I didn’t remember, trust me have a few things on my mind,” and although you haven’t seen peter in years, you figured he still was the same bashful boy you hadn’t seen in years.
“no worries, I mean what are the odds, that your old middle school friend moves down the hall much less spill most of her stuff in front of your door,” trying not to  make anything more uncomfortable.
“yea guess so,” already sensing things slowly ease, “So you took over the empty loft, I think I heard about someone filling that room,” quickly picking up a few boxes, “ how about I help you out.”
Judging by him carrying boxes you knew that he wouldn’t take no for an answer, “sure guess we can catch up, plus definitely need the extra set of hands,” you said.
You didn’t know what it was about Peter but he really had a way to become instant friends with just about anyone that he met. You really were glad that he still was the same as the Peter you left behind at the end of middle school. It was almost easy being with Peter that it almost made it seem like you guys hadn’t seen each other in years but can already tell that moving in here was a great choice. You found out that he was still friends with Ned and kept in touch with Michelle, which he was already mentioning that he couldn’t wait to tell the others.  you really were glad that he already wanted to plan things out with you.
You would be lying to yourself if you couldn’t deny that although you could recognize Peter, he really had matured into someone very attractive, especially by your standards. The once round cheeks chiseled out into strong edges, small chucky arms and hands became defined and strong by the easiness that he carried large boxes. however, some traits didn’t change at all, his doe brown eyes still had the same glee and his smile still captured the room, at least it did in your opinion. But now with this stance and physique, he really could capture the room.
“So, you moving in all by yourself?” Peter asked bringing in heavier objects. You
“ Yea, just me though if its gets too pricey may ask one of my friends to move in with me,” you replied already seeing that more than half of your stuff was already moved in thanks to Peter’s help, “pretty sure she will like the space as well.”
You looked over at Peter seeing that he was staring at his phone, his default cheery attitude replaced by a saddened look.
“Peter, you alright buddy?”.
“Uh yea, just some,” not knowing the right words to say, or better yet not know the right words that didn’t make him want to cry again.
“Girl trouble,” you finished, doubting someone like him couldn’t be with anyone or have someone he’s interest in.
“Um, something like that,” figured that he didn’t know how to phrase it.
“You don’t have to talk about it, I mean we technically just met,” not wanting to push his limits, because you figured that he would tell you just to be nice.
“It’s not that, I just don’t want one of our few first conversations to be about how my girlfriend got a red tally,”  the words sounding so sour, “my bad I think I don’t think she was my girlfriend to begin with.”
“Red tally, then isn’t that a good thing?” not really understanding the problem.
“Yeah her and whoever she’s interested in, but definitely not for me,” lifting the side of his wrist and showing his black tallies., “just figured she’d be the first you know,” he said melancholy as he shrugged his shoulders.
“Hey her loss and their loss too, because I can already tell you that you have already been one of my better random male encounters in a while,” trying to cheer him up, though you figured you were failing at it.
Peter let out a small chuckle, “very funny but think I’m going to head out. Ned's meeting me tomorrow for food, you’re more than welcomed to come,” he said trying to switch to lighter topics, “I’ll knock, see if you’re free ok”
“yea, sounds like a plan and really thanks for the help couldn’t do it without you.”
Peter said a small goodbye and walked out leaving you to finally press your hand against your chest. Your heart was racing, you knew that of course spending time with someone attractive like Peter was going to make you react but it was more. You knew that although you were glad to have met up with peter, but you weren’t sure if it was such a good idea in the long run. You finally decided to look down on your wrist, your eyes locking on your first tally mark. Your fingers traced over the black tally, knowing full well that the person who this tally represents is none other than your new neighbor, Peter Parker.
End Author’s Note: So that was part 1, please let me know how it is. Still in debate if i should include peter being Spiderman, that is the other main opinion I would want, since I am really on the fence. Once again this is planned out to be a somewhat slowburn.
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kiribaku-queen · 4 years
Home [6/10]
Pairing: Bakugou x reader, Kirishima x reader
Fluff, angst, werewolf!au
Word count: 3.8k
A/N: Whoops, another long chapter! Sorry TeamBaku fans, it’s a Kiri fluff chapter this time. Let have our hearts relax from no more heartbreak and rest our eyes from crying and enjoy the fluff and cuteness that is this chapter. Let me know if you want to be tagged in upcoming chapters!
Summary: Being called the beauty of the clan isn’t as nice as it sounds. The beauty of the clan is supposed to exude confidence, power, and well, beauty. You were quite the opposite, only possessing one of those traits. Yet, the older you got, the more you fit into the role you were given. After your brother and all the boys of age come back from their training period, it was time to find a mate. But who will steal your heart? Is it Bakugou, the rising leader of the pack, or is it Kirishima, the personal guard and the strongest in the pack?
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
You scoffed as a single tear drops. He really said it. After all this time, all these years, it was over. You bit your lip and looked at him with eyes full of rage and betrayal.
“Fine. It’s probably better this way. I don’t want to be with someone who doesn’t even fight for what he wants anyway,” you spat at him angrily and with that, you left without another word. As you left, Bakugou watched your retreating figure.
“FUCK!” he yelled, throwing everything and anything out of his way. Chairs, furniture, books, anything that he could have a hold on. He was so angry at the situation and at himself for letting this happen that he had to let his anger out by throwing or hitting something. Speaking of hitting, having no more things to throw resulted him punching the wall, repeatedly until his hands started bleeding. As if it wasn’t enough that his hand was hurt from his fight with Kirishima, but now it was even more beaten up. Almost to the point where his knuckles could be broken. As Bakugou was letting out his anger on the poor furniture in his room, a certain brunette was watching from afar, a smirk forming on her lips.
You were shaking as you returned home. Never in your life have you been so angry, hurt, sad and betrayed all at the same time. You were feeling so many emotions at the moment that you didn’t know how to react. Should you be crying? Yelling? Throwing things? Running away? You’d do all at the same time if it wasn’t for being in public and everyone watching you. The sight of your house could be seen and a still beaten-faced red head was waiting for you outside. Kirishima looked up to see you running right towards him. Before he could say anything, you already jumped in his arms, face buried in his neck.
“It’s over. Shit… it’s really over,” you sobbed into his neck, still not believing your reality. Kirishima hands balled into fists at his side. He wanted to go back to Bakugou to teach him another lesson but with you, vulnerable in his arms like this, he couldn’t. Instead, he embraced you. That made you hug him even tighter. You didn’t have to tell Kirishima what happened. Sometimes you don’t need words to express your emotions. Everything was said by the ambiance in the room. Kirishima knew how you were feeling, how hurt you are by your now ex-boyfriend. And to him, ex-best friend. He might not exactly relate, but he knew you were so deeply hurt. All he could really do was be there for you. And that’s what he did. He never left your side. For days and weeks on end, Kirishima was always there. When you were eating, when you were just staring at the ceiling, when you were watching TV, even when you were crying randomly at night, he was there holding you tight. He was there for you to vent, to take your frustrations out on. He didn’t mind. Not one bit. If it made you feel better inside, he was willing to do anything for you.
Slowly but surely, you were getting back to your regular routine. Only this time, Kirishima was by your side. After your break up with Bakugou, Kirishima had explained that he was no longer Bakugou’s personal guard or right-hand man. He was released from his position. That might be because he went out of his boundaries and hit the next alpha in the face, but that’s beside the point. Since Kirishima was the personal guard of Bakugou, he had to be by his side the entire time. So Bakugou’s family took him in as their own and provided him with a room at their house. Now that he was released from his position, he had no home. With lots of pleading and guilt tripping, your parents allowed Kirishima to stay at your house for the time being.
Having Kirishima staying at your house helped you in the long run. Afterall, Kirishima was your support system and he always knew how to make you feel better. And he was involved in your everyday life, making you forget about a certain somebody. When you felt down, he was there ready to hold you. When your quirk acted up, he was there to console you. When you felt like crying, he would wipe away your tears. You got so used to him holding you that when you two were at home, you would cuddle up with him on the couch. Or when you would be lying in bed, Kirishima would be lying right next to you. His touch was an everyday occurrence and now it was normal for you two to be glued to the hip. Your parents thought it was cute but Sero, on the other hand, was keeping a good eye on you guys.
A few months had gone by since the boys have been back from their training. And as much as you loved spending time with them, you had to go back to your job: teaching. While Sero and Kirishima were away, you found joy in teaching the little cubs the way of the clan. You taught them basic skills like math and history but you also taught them how to respect others and how the hierarchy works within the clan. Today, you had to return to your job. You missed the little ones just as much as they missed you. As you were ready to head out the door, Kirishima insisted that he wanted to tag along.
“C’mon (y/n), I’m bored at home. I just wanna watch,” he pouted. But you continuously refused.
“Eijirou, you can’t just tag along. This is my job! Stay home and… clean the house!” you tried to give him some chores so he wouldn’t be bored and to keep him occupied until you got home. Kirishima groaned in response.
“I clean every. Single. Day! Pleeeease. I’ll just like one of the cubs. I’ll be quiet, I promise,” man, he really wanted to see you teach. If you argued with him any longer, you would be late. Very hesitantly and almost regretting your decision, you let him join your class. On the way to your class, Kirishima was so excited that he couldn’t stop talking about how excited he was. You chuckled at his excitement. He really was acting like a cub.
It’s kind of cute.
What the? Why were you thinking that right now?! You mentally cursed at yourself for thinking that. Kirishima? Your best friend? Cute? No, he wasn’t cute. His personality is! Yeah! His behavior is cute, not him. Not him… You peeked over at Kirishima one more time and the way his smile brightens his face and how he was exaggerating his words by using body language brought a smile to your face. Your eyes traveled down to his arms. He had cut off the sleeves of his t-shirt, exposing his ripped arms. It was kind of incredible how much his body had transformed in 2 years and how much more attractive he became.
“Miss (y/n)!” several children’s voices snapped you out of your thoughts. You cleared your throat and thanked the lord that those kids stopped you from having more inappropriate thoughts.
“Hello my lovelies, I missed you so much,” you stopped in your tracks to sit on your knees, opening your arms wide to welcome your students back. The children ran into your arms, giving you the tightest hug they possibly could give. You all laughed in and a warm feeling engulfed you. This was your safe space. This is where you could forget about all your troubles and just focus on the kids. One of the kids looked up at Kirishima with questioning eyes.
“Miss (y/n), who is this?”
“Is it miss (y/n)’s boyfriend?” that created a lot of ‘ooh’s’ and ‘ahh’s’. Both you and Kirishima blushed at the comment but you were quick to deny.
“Ok kids! We need to give our guest our special welcome howl. On a count of 3: 1, 2, 3…” and every single cub there gave their best werewolf howl for Kirishima. You gushed at how cute they were. Kirishima was in awe at your class and your welcome was definitely something he could get used to.
“Thanks for your mighty welcome kiddos. Name’s Kirishima. I’ll sit in on your class so don’t mind me, okay?” Kiri introduced himself. Seeing how tall and muscular he was, from a child’s point of view, he looked intimidating but strong. That gained the attention of a lot of the boys. You gathered your class and began the lesson of the day.
“Okay class. Let’s start class off by something you’ve all been wanting to do for a while. We are going to be learning how to transform into our wolf forms!” you exclaimed and the class erupted in cheers. Excited chattering filled the air because this was pretty advanced but you knew that they were ready. And it’s better to start early than later, so why not? Plus, Kirishima was here to help you so I guess it wasn’t a bother that he was here afterall. You were about to explain how to transform when Kirishima takes your place instead.
“And I will be showing you how to do it with ease!” that caused the class to cheer even louder. So much for staying quiet. But you weren’t complaining. You let him have the spot light. As he was explaining how to transform, he transformed to and from his human form and werewolf form several times. You could tell it was exhausting him but he didn’t let that affect his energy or the smile on his face. Both you and Kirishima were helping each child to concentrate on their form. When you were helping one child, you looked up to see how Kirishima was doing. He was helping a little girl who was having trouble transforming but Kirishima was there for her, encouraging her each step of the way. You admired how dedicated he was and much attention he gave to just one cub.
“Listen up kids!” you gathered your class’ attention. “Let’s partner up and keep practicing okay?”
“YES MISS (Y/N)!” the kids yelled at the top of their lungs. “THANK YOU FOR THE ENTHUSIASM!” you screamed right back, smiling softly at everybody. You sat on a rock that allowed you to look over your entire class and monitor how they were doing. Kirishima walked up and sat right next to you. Silently, you both watched them practice and was ready to jump in if they needed help.
“You’re good with kids,” you said, suddenly, still having your gaze on the kids. Kirishima turns to look at you.
“Not like you. You’re the teacher here,” he says. You just shrug and look back to the kids. But Kirishima doesn’t stop staring at you. You try so hard not to look at him but you can feel his stare.
“You’re staring you know?” you tell him. You expected him to blush but he doesn’t. He just smirks and looks away.
Wow, that was kind of sexy.
You bite your lip and this time, it was your turn to stare at him. His red hair was tied in a low ponytail, his spikey bangs framing his face just right. His eyes were intense yet gentle when looking at the cubs practice. Like a father watching over his own children. His lips were gently parted which showed his spikey canines. Your eyes traveled even lower, back to his muscular arms. They were flexed a bit from how he was sitting. You’d be lying if you said Kirishima wasn’t attractive. He had a glow up and he was good with kids? He really was the dream guy every girl is drooling over.
“Look who’s staring now,” he says, catching you off guard. God, you didn’t mean to stare at him for so long. You were embarrassed that you got caught admiring his looks. You covered your face with your hands, hiding your flushed face. “Why are you hiding?” he teased and grabbed a hold on both your wrists. He tugged gently to make you face him but you were determined to keep your hands on your face. You absolutely refused to let him see your flushed face. But Kirishima also kept trying to get you to face him. With one hard tug, your hands were removed your face and your body was now facing Kirishima. With his hands on your wrist, your body was pulled a little towards him, your face inches away from each other. He was smiling and laughing when you pulled you hands away but when he saw how close you were, his smile fell to a shocked face. He stared into your eyes and you saw them fall on your lips, then back at your eyes again. Your heart skipped at his action. But before anything could happen, you shot up, standing now.
“Okay, class is over. Let’s pack up and get ready to leave. Don’t forget to thank our special guest on your way out!” you called out to you class in a panic. But kids don’t pick up on that sort of thing. They were just happy class was over and couldn’t wait to go back home. Man, going home with Kirishima was going to be awkward. You jumped when Kirishima snuck up behind you.
“Ready to go home?” he asks. You nod and hum in response, letting Kirishima lead the way.
 As soon as you arrived home, Sero was heading out.
“Oh, where are you going?” you asked when you guys got closer. Sero sighed and rubbed the back of his neck.
“One of the guys called in sick so now I have to cover their shift. I’ll be out patrolling for a few hours. Mom and dad are out so you’re going to have to cook dinner tonight,” he informed out. “See ya later. Bye man.” Sero quickly kissed out on the forehead and tapped Kirishima on the chest before heading out. You groaned internally because you really didn’t want to make dinner tonight. Moreover, there was nothing in the house to make dinner so you’d have to do into town to get ingredients. With no other choice and not wanting to starve to death, you went to the shopping area of town. Of course, bringing Kirishima with you.
You definitely didn’t like making dinner, but you loved going grocery shopping. All the stores were outside with the freshest ingredients. Just rows and rows of different stalls, selling different kinds of fruits, vegetables, meats, seafood. Even clothes and flowers are being sold.
You were walking on the right side of the stalls, in awe by the sight in front of you, along with many other people who were doing their shopping. Kirishima was following close behind you, admiring how you get excited over the littlest things. You looked like a kid in a candy store: wide eyed and mouth watering. He took this time to just watch you. You were so distracted so he didn’t have to worry about being caught by you. He could say so many things about you, about why he was so infatuated with you. But one thought was constantly on his mind when he saw you: you were beautiful. It didn’t matter what you were doing. You could be sleeping or pulling the silliest faces and to him, you would always be beautiful. Not only that, you were the sweetest person he knew. You weren’t treated right in your childhood, but you were still nice to people around you. Everyone in the clan respected you for that. You give to those who need it the most. And when you were teaching those kids not even a few hours ago? You tended to every single child, giving them the attention they needed while still bringing the whole class together. No one can tell him that you weren’t the most loving and most kind woman in clan history.
You were looking through and sorting out which apples to buy when Kirishima smelled a scent that was all too familiar. When he knew you were distracted by the apples in front of you, Kirishima glanced to the side to where the scent was coming from. And look who it is: Bakugou with his fiancée, roaming around like its nobody’s business. Way to ruin the mood. The smile on Kirishima’s face while thinking of you were replaced with a frown. Bakugou hadn’t seen them yet but Kirishima was already staring him down.
Uraraka wanted to get to know the people of the clan and by doing so, she needed to be with the people. What better way to do that than to go down to the local market where everybody was? Bakugou was forced to go with her by the order from his father. He really wasn’t interested in the slightest. He was only there to keep her company and to keep her safe if danger were to ever arise. So Bakugou let Uraraka do her thing while he lazily tagged along behind her.
You still hadn’t noticed yet. And Kirishima was planning on making it stay that way. As you were still picking which apple to get, Kirishima went up to you, backing hugging you in the process. His head laying on your shoulder which blocked the view of Bakugou and Uraraka. You jumped at the contact but immediately blushed when you figured out what Kirishima was doing.
“W-w-what are you-” you kept stuttering, surprised and confused with his sudden actions. His embrace was comforting and his scent was overwhelming your senses. Forget the apples. Your heart was picking up its pace and you didn’t know where to look. Should you be looking at him or not at him? Would it be awkward if you did? Of course it would be! His face was so close, his cheek was basically touching yours. So you stood still, stiff as a board, looking straight ahead. Kirishima takes the apple that was in your hand and examines it.
“This looks like a good one. We’ll get it,” he says to the seller and they immediately bag it. Kirishima hands him a few bills and takes the bag. He starts heading in the opposite direction of Bakugou, taking your hand in his on the way. This way, you can focus on him and not accidentally see the person who broke your heart. He was also doing it for his own enjoyment but no one had to know that.
You and Kirishima had already left the marketplace, but Uraraka still wasn’t done looking around so that meant Bakugou was still there. Uraraka spotted an old lady selling large, delicious, red apples and her mouth immediately started watering. She had to get some. Tugging on Bakugou’s arms, she pulled him towards the apple stand. As soon as he entered the general area, a rush of a familiar scent rushed into his senses. Two actually, but there was one that mattered to him more. Your scent danced around his nose, pulling him into a trance. Fuck, he missed you so much. Wait, if your scent was this strong then you must be around somewhere. Franticly, he started looking around, trying to see if he can spot you. Any part of you. He was getting frustrated when you weren’t in sight at all but your scent was still lingering in the air.
“Fuck,” he hissed to himself. He had missed you by just a hair.
 The whole way home, Kirishima was holding your hand and for some reason, you weren’t opposed to it. You actually kind of liked it. It didn’t last for long because you finally reached your house. He let go looking unfazed but you had a disappointed look on your face. Hoping that cooking would distract you from the lingering feeling that was left behind from Kiri’s hands, you got to cooking. You were chopping some vegetables when you felt someone staring at you. You didn’t have to even guess who it was.
“Yes?” you asked, breaking the ice while continuing to do what you were doing. The sound of the chair squeaking against the floor could be heard loud and clear and footsteps were approaching you. Kirishima leaned on the countertop next you, leaning sideways, elbow resting on the counter.
“Let’s talk,” he says. You cock your eyebrow.
“What happened earlier,” your heart leaped.
“What happened earlier?” you asked. You already knew where this was going but refused to believe it. Did he really have to talk about it now? Why is he even bringing this up? He didn’t respond. Huh, weird. Did he not hear you? “What happened, huh?” you asked again. You were met with more silence. Were you just imagining things or was he purposely not answering you? Or maybe you were deaf? Was he trying to embarrass you by making you say it? Whatever the reason, you were getting annoyed.
“Ya, Eiji-” you turned to him, ready to confront him. But he was faster. As soon as you turned to face him, he moved over to trap you in between him and the counter. His muscular arms were encaging you, preventing you from leaving. His face dangerously close to yours once again. How many times was he going to do that? And how many times is your heart going to react to that move?
“I like you, (y/n),” Kirishima confessed. You raised your eyebrows a bit in shock but you couldn’t react much, let alone move much because of the position you were in. Your heart starting racing at the sudden confession. All you could do was stare into his deep, red eyes. His eyes told all. He was deeply in love with you. So much that if he expressed any more love with his eyes, they would pop off his head. “I like you, so much that it’s getting really, really hard to control myself,” and with each word, his voice was getting deeper and his eyes were getting lower. Looking into your eyes, slowly making its way down and settling on your lips. He was leaning. The closer he leaned, the lower your eye lids got. Your eyes were completely closed now, ready for a soft pair, but powerful lips to land on yours, but they never came. Kirishima smirked, his hot breath tickled your lips and he pulled away. For some reason, you were sad when he did. Still learning on the counter with you in between his arms, he looks back up at your eyes.
“But I won’t touch you or do anything without your permission,” he declared. That made you blush more than his confession. That was also the manliest thing he has ever said to you. “I’ll be in the living room if you need me,” With that declaration made, he finally gets up and walks away, leaving you a little hot and bothered.
Tagged: @goodpop9 @superblyspeedydragon @tspice283 @marvelobsessedteen @rosetheshapeshifter @cabbagesquadfam
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mahsamarauder · 4 years
16 years
It had been years since Lily had seen James. 16 years to be precise. 17 years ago Voldemort came into their house and killed Harry, which killed himself as well. A year after that Lily and James finally gave up. That year was the most painful time they had felt in their entire lives. At first they comforted each other, they were the only ones who truly understood. But after a while they started fighting. The Potter household was not a happy place anymore. Vases flew around the house and plates were thrown on a daily basis. They had become so unhappy that they had gotten a divorce. Now, nearly 16 years later they both here, at Rumus’ wedding to Sirius’ cousin. Lily had gone off to France after the divorce. She couldn’t bear to be in England. It felt empty and sad. With the people who knew how her son’s death had ruined her marriage in every corner, she felt so desperate that she went to France. She supposed she always wanted to go there but then again, not like this.
James Potter had not seen his ex-wife for 16 years. He thought she wouldn’t come. He was sure that she hated him enough not to come the same country as him. Isn’t that why she left? He went to the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. He didn’t know why but he wanted to look good. He supposed it was a habit, wanting to look good for her. He had strands of grey in his hair. The hair he loved and admired so much when he was young. Now it was lying flat on his head because of the sleazy hair potion but it used to be messy and standing up in every direction. Surprisingly he had had the grey hair since he was 22. Harry’s death hit him hard. And then the divorce…..Well it was enough to age him a few years in advance. His eyes were tired and sad, the glint of mischief completely gone. He had dark circles under his eyes. He hadn’t been able to sleep much. The nightmares kept awake at night. The nightmares weren’t just about that night when…..They were usually Harry all grown up and handsome, telling him that he didn’t do his best to save him. That it was James’ fault that Harry was dead. Besides the nightmares, he didn’t leave much time for sleep either. He was head auror and kept himself so busy sometimes he would be at work for more than 48 hours. He drowned himself in his work after Lily left. He lived at Potter manor alone. He did not have the heart to live in the house he was supposed to live in with his wife and son. Sirius lived in his own flat. He kept visiting James but he didn’t live with him. After the divorce, James had made very clear that if Remus and Sirius take pity on him and come to live with him he will kill them. So that’s why no one could make James eat more than three bites or make him come back from work or even make him go to sleep. He didn’t have wrinkles yet but he knew that soon they would join in. James was living his worst nightmare for the last 17 years and he knew wrinkles were the least of his worries. A man of 37 would look so much younger than he did but when you have little to live for you don’t really stay young and cheerful and perky. His purpose of living was to make sure Sirius doesn’t kill himself because of depression. He was told the beat the way to get better was to marry and have kids again. But every time he tried to talk to a girl he would hear Lily’s voice: “James, by Merlin, if you ever cheat on me I will cut off your testicles. I promise.”
Even though they were divorced, he felt like he was cheating on her. He knew when he still loved her he couldn’t go out with any other girl. He knew until he was over her, even flirting felt like cheating and wrong. And on some level he knew that Lily was the only one, that no matter what he did, it will never be over. And it wasn’t fair to any girl to be his rebound girl. So he gave up. Then he considered adoption and he still regretted the fact that he had EVEN considered it. He had wanted to go and see little andy one day, but the night before going, he had had a dream. It was Harry. He was all grown up. He looked at James with a face like his own but with Lily’s eyes. He looked at him and said:
“Are you replacing me?? How can you? After I die, you try to replace with another boy???”
And that was the end of it. The reason he never moved on. He ruffled his hair but it stayed flat. The potion was really good apparently. And then he smiled sadly at himself.
Lily went to the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror. She knew James was doing the same thing. She saw him go the bathroom and she knew him well enough to know what he was doing. Her hair was thin, so very thin. It wasn’t the thick, wavy beautiful Auburn hair she once had. It was now thin, almost straight and not very beautiful and it looked more brown then red now. It was like that even her hair dreaded being alive. Her eyes did not shine or smile anymore, they were dead and sad. And she looked 43 instead of 37. So that was that. She had tried to move on but no man could be James. James who doted on her every move, James who chased her for 7 years, James who would gladly walk the gates of hell with her, James who loved her even before he knew what love was, James who made her laugh when she was crying, James who she loved with all her heart. Of course no one could be him. She had tried, she really did but no matter how dates she went on, there was never a second date.
James was her standard. Men were nothing compared to him. Lily had tried to adopt a baby or use a sperm donor but she couldn’t. Every time she came close to doing so, she felt like she was betraying Harry’s memory. After her divorce, she had moved to France and had started working in a hospital. She was a head healer now. But she wasn’t happy. How could she be? But she had survived, somehow.
One last look in the mirror and he thought why did he agree to the divorce when he knew how miserable he would be? On elook in the mirror was enough for Lily to ask herself why had she suggested the divorce when she knew she was never going to be happy without him?
Because we kept fighting. They both thought at the same time.
But why? They asked themselves.
Because we missed Harry and anger was the easiest emotion to let out.
They both headed outside, deciding that they shall be nice to each other.
They went to the ceremony and sat in first row, seeing as Remus had no family and James, Sirius and Lily were closest thing had to one. James sat at the beginning of the bench than Sirius than Lily. There was space between Lily and Sirius and they didn’t talk. After that, they all went to the reception. Remus and Tonks came and Lily went to talk them after the first dance.
“Oh Remus, Dora, it was a lovely service. Congratulations.” She kissed Remus’ cheek and gave Tonks a tight hug.
“Thank you. Where is your plus one?” Remus asked.
“Well, I didn’t bring one.”
“Oh. Is there a reason?”
“No. It’s just no one seemed……..you know what? This is your wedding. Let’s stop talking about my love life. It feels as if all we’ve ever talked about was that!”
After that she sat down at the table, looking at the couples dancing and smiling. She smiled sadly and remembered her own wedding. She was thinking when she a hand extended in front of her.
“May I have this dance?”
Lily looked at the man in front of her. She smiled warmly at Sirius.
“I thought you’d never ask!”
As they danced, Sirius started talking.
“How is France?”
“Not so bad. It’s lonely but I’m used to it.”
“Lonely? You’ve been there for 16 years! How is it lonely? Haven’t you made any friends?” He twirled her.
“I have but they are not really close and I don’t mind. I don’t trust anyone enough to have them as my close friend. Trusting is proving much more difficult than I expected.”
“From what you say about trusting, I assume there is not a man in your life either, correct?”
“Well yes, but not for that reason. You see I tried dating but none of them made it to a second date.”
“Why not?”
Lily smiled but the sadness was visible in both her smile and her eyes. “James. The bloody prat practically ruined everyone for me. No matter who they were or what their traits was, they were always nothing compared to him. There was something they lacked that he had. He has become my standard, a standard no one can ever reach.”
“Merlin knows he would kill to hear those words.” Sirius laughed.
“There was time he would have done so, yes, but not now.”
“Oh Lily, you never change, do you?”
“What do you mean?”
“You sound like seventh year.”
He started imitating her voice.
“Oh Sirius, give up. James doesn’t like me like that anymore. He just wants to be friends.”
“Well that’s rude. What gives you the right to imitate me this poorly?”
“I did it fantastically and since I was trying to prove a point, I had a right.”
“And what point is that, pray?”
“That no matter what you do, where you are or what you say, James Potter will always be in love with you and that will never change. Not in seventh and definitely not now.”
“Don’t be stupid, Sirius. It’s been 16 years.”
“And you think that’s enough time to get over you?” He smirked at her and started clapping because the dance had ended.
“I should think it is.” Lily shouted as she saw Sirius moving away without even listening to her. She scoffed. The bastard was exactly the way she left him: rude, considerate, kind, loyal, sometimes mean and brotherly. She sat down. She was rather confused after that conversation. Did James really….? No. She shouldn’t. She would destroy herself thinking about that. He had moved on. He had brought a plus one. He must have a wife and a few black haired devils.
She was walking when she heard a girl talking to her friend loudly.
“See James Potter? He is still as hot as he was in Hogwarts, isn’t he?”
“Well he has gotten a little bit old. He was a few strands if grey but yeah still hot.”
“I cannot belive he is still single. No wife no kids.”
“Well maybe he’s waiting for 21 year old girl like Remus did.”
“Maybe. Hey! maybe we can get a one night stand out of him tonight.”
“Oh no I work with him and believe me you won’t.”
“Oh damn it.”
No wife? No kids? He hadn’t moved on either? Now that was something she hadn’t expected. She couldn’t believe that James was single. After all this time? She went outside and looked at the beautiful summer sky. It was so beautiful. All the stars were visible. As she was looking up a man’s hand went up to the sky to point to something next her head. She didn’t need to turn her head around to know who’s hand was beside her.
“That’s Sirius.”
“Merlin. I’ve been looking at the stars all night trying to find it.”
“You always did.”
An awkward silence filled the space between them.
“How are you?” James asked.
“I’m alright. You?”
“Yeah. I’m alright too.”
“Wouldn’t your date worry about where you are?”
“I’ve got no date. Wouldn’t your date worry about the fact that you’re talking to ex-husband?”
“No. Since he doesn’t exist, I don’t think he minds.” She smirked.
“Always so bloody cheeky.”
“I thought you liked it.
I did. But that doesn’t mean.....Lily what are you doing?”
She had her hands in his hair so suddenly he was completely and utterly shocked.
“It’s true then.”
“What’s true love?” Damn it. He hadn’t meant to call her love. It was out of habit. She would kill him.
“Your hair, it has grey in it.”
He smiled sadly. “With a dead son, a divorced wife and a very busy auror office can yoo blame me?”
“No. No I can’t.” She ran her hands through his hair and it slowly lost its stiffness and become messy. She suddenly realized what she was doing and dropped her hands. They started walking side by side.
“So how’s Sirius?”
“Well he’s alright I gusse.”
“You gusse?”
“Yeah well we’re not as close as we were.”
“Why not???” It was true that Lily Potter was surprised. These boys were always together. What had happened?
“Well after you left I kind of kept distance with everyone. I do go to the full moons and stuff but......we’re just not ss close as before.”
“I see.”
“So any friends in France????”
“Yes. Only one. We’re not really close. She likes her last name and has asked me to call her miss Bunnting so you can see how close we are.” She laughed lightly. “She calls me Mrs. Potter”
“Mrs. Potter????”
“Yeah I didn’t change my last name.”
James stopped in his tracks. He turned to his side and looked at Lily. Lily slowly turned he head in his direction so that they were facing each other.
“Why not?”
“I think you know why.”
“James, I’m so sorry for all the trouble I caused you, the sadness, everything. I’m so terribly sorry. I......”
“It’s my own fault too. I was so drowned in my own sadness that I didn’t realize that I’m not angry at you and you’re not angry at me. We were just frustrated and sad and the easiest way to free ourselves was to yell and shout and scream and throw stuff. I should’ve fought for you instead of just letting you go.”
“I should’ve thought harder before I asked you for the divorce.”
“I gusse we both made mistakes then.”
Lily was silent for a moment. She looked into James’ hazel eyes but she didn’t see the spark that used to be there.
“When did you regret it James?”
“The moment I signed. You?”
“Life’s funny huh????”
“Really funny!” She sighed deeply.
When they got back inside, it was the last dance. The song was the “Sleeping Beauty Waltz”. As Lily and James danced around the ballroom to the song the hit married with, they kissed. The kiss was tender, sweet and short. As Lily looked into James’ eyes she found she was the happiest she had felt in a long. James’ eyes shined with a glint of mischief and love. His sad and tired eyes looked happier. His hallow cheeks that begged for more food were gone and the dark circles had suddenly disappeared. He was grinning. The 37 year old tired man was gone and the 21 year old James Potter was back. He looked liked he was he was on the moon.
James’ eyes found Lily’s and he was overjoyed. Her green orbs were smiling. Her face looked younger and her hair was somehow shining. Lily hugged James and slowly danced with him.
It took work and patience because no couple can get back together for the sake of only one night. It took one year and many cries, laughs, screams and kisses but after a year Lily and James went to the ministry and got married. They only asked Sirius, Remus and Tonks to be there. They didn’t need anything else. Six months after that they discovered that Lily was pregnant. They both wanted this. They both decided that having a child was not betraying Harry’s memory so they had decided to get pregnant right away because Lily was not getting any younger. Lily gave birth to twins. Emma Lily Potter and Ethan Sirius Potter.
They were both a mixture of James and Lily. Emma had Lily’s flaming hair and nose and James’ deep hazel eyes and horrible eyesight. Ethan on the other hand had the same messy black hair and the same eyes as his father. Only thing he had that was like his mother was his manner of speaking.
Five years after that Lily was surprisingly pregnant once again with a baby girl. She was named Felicity Rose Potter.
The Potter household would always send their childer away on Halloween. Lily and James mourned the loss of their first child every year. They would go into Harry’s nursery and cry for the little boy they had lost. It was ritual. It went on for many years. Until one day, Lily Potter found herself stumbling towards that room without her husband.
The kids were all grown up and had jobs now. Ethan and Felicity were married and both worked for the ministry. Emma was a professional quidditch player and was engaged. Ethan had had a four year old son named James and Felicity was pregnant.
However, even though Felicity had told her the good news that morning, Lily was not happy. This was the first Halloween she was spending alone as James had passed away seven months ago. She started humming “good old-fashioned lover boy” by Queen band. James loved this song. He always said that song was about him and Lily always laughed when he said that.
Lily thought about all those years of fun and happiness. It was 2036 and Lily Potter was tired yet she still mourned her son after 55 years. She was 76 now and so tired.
Sirius was dead. He had died on a mission about ten years ago. It almost finished James.
Remus was also dead. He died about twelve years ago. He was seriously hurt during one of his transformations and when he was found it was too late.
Tonks was aloof and distant and only talked to Teddy.
Lily had no one left. She sat down by the crib and let her tears come as she hummed the melody. She kissed the crib and closed her eyes and fell asleep.
After 76 years of hard work Lily Potter finally fell asleep. After 55 years that night as she closed her eyes and drew her last breath peacefully while asleep, she saw her son.
Lily Potter finally saw her son!
She saw her best friends and brothers after twelve and ten years. She saw her husband after seven months. She saw them and knew that she was finally at peace.
I'll give you everything I have
I'll teach you everything I know
I promise I'll do better
I will always hold you close
But I will learn to let you go
I promise I'll do better
I will soften every edge
I'll hold the world to its best
And I'll do better
With every heartbeat I have left
I will defend your every breath
And I'll do better
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