#my old horrortale au rewritten
ivyprism · 6 months
Actually now I am going to ask because I need to know more about why the old au sanses and papyruses want to stop toxin
What messed up things did Toxin do to their AUs respectively?
Warning: Famine, death, etc.
My Old Undertale AU: Toxin found the AU and decided it was far too peaceful, so he decided to send machines that, at first, seemed harmless, but then they started killing and deconstructing. Rain and Conroy lost all of their loved ones because of him and Conroy lost his family because of Toxin. He wants to stop the pain Toxin causes to other AUs.
My Old Underswap AU: A moderately peaceful AU before Toxin messed with the code enough that the Chara of the AU became murderous and killed the people in the AU over and over before Toxin sent his machines to help make it even more painful. This caused a constant cycle of resets and deaths that Honeycomb managed to escape before he could escape with Aquamarine. He knew the AU was messed with and he wanted to make Toxin pay for making his loved ones suffer the way he did.
My Old Underfell AU: The AU dealt with genuine unrest, but Toxin took on a more hands-on approach by manipulating people into fighting before he added his robots into the mix and, unlike Horrortale, he did not erase Frisk's ability to reset so every time they died, they'd relive the damage he caused every time. Passerine and Heath escape but they remember what Toxin did, they remember all the loved ones they lost, and they want to stop him.
My Old Swapfell AU: They had a moderately peaceful AU, albeit with a lot of subtle unrest because of humans. However, Toxin took advantage of it and, like Underfell, caused unrest, manipulating circumstances to his advantage, adding the disastrous robots he created into the mix, and thus, the world was stuck in a similar situation to Underfell. Finn and Zirconium escape and they're intent on stopping Toxin like how Passerine and Heath are, to avenge those they've lost and they want to stop him.
My Old Fellswap AU: Like Swapfell, it was a moderately peaceful AU with subtle unrest because of humans. Toxin came in, decided to fuck around in it, mess up the code, cause a war, send his mechanical creatures... Killed their loved ones and they die over and over again as the world resets and everyone dies again and again without mercy hoping to break their wills, but they hold on to hope. Noir and Bear want revenge and they want Toxin to pay for what he did.
My Old Horrortale AU: They were like the Tale AU at the beginning, peaceful, unsuspecting, and prime for targeting. The difference being he had taken away the ability of reset from the Frisk of the AU and killed them very early into the war. They were put into a famine and they lost countless loved ones because of it. Eventually, Storm and Carollan escaped and they started to fight against Toxin.
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ivyprism · 6 months
The Tragedies of my Old AUs: The Others
Warnings: Short. Tragedy, lots of death, famine, resets, etc.
Old Fellswap AU: A realm known for peace and prosperity when Toxin decided to mess around with their AU making it a war-torn place. They can't die and aren't willing to let themselves die. Yet, hope dwindles and the deaths get worse. They suffer again and again, very few remember.
Old Swapfell AU: A peaceful place that became a warzone. They were already at war, but the war only got worse and the mechanical creatures tore through worse. They die over and over again as the world resets and everyone dies again and again without mercy hoping to break their wills, but they hold on to hope.
Old Horrortale AU: A perfect world, reaching a perfect end, ends in a war that makes everyone suffer. As a result of the war, a famine was started and resources dwindled. Despite this, the machines did not stop fighting until death was met. It is in an AU of no resets, unable to prevent the attack of Toxin's creations.
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ivyprism · 6 months
Okay okay okay okay okay i am so normal about the old au papryi i swear <– a liar
But question: so are the sanses and papyri all out of their respective aus? why are they out of it and what's their end goal?
Okay- Soooooooooo.
Old AU: Conroy is out of the AU after finding a way to escape it (it was a machine he built), but Rain is sort of stuck in the eternal death illusion simulator that keeps his SOUL from shattering. Conroy is trying to find a way to rebuild the AU and figure out the illusion device Crane designed to hold the SOULs of their loved ones before he passed.
Old Fell AU: Passerine and Heath escaped the AU through a machine Passerine designed. Passerine is trying to find a way to beat the machines built by Toxin and is in charge of protecting a sanctuary of people like him who lost their homes to Toxin. Passerine is trying to find a way to break the cycle of resets and death of the AU while keeping the Sanctuary steady.
Old Fellswap AU: Noir and Bear escaped their AU together. After that, Bear started studying the machines of Toxin to find a way to dismantle them and reverse the damage they do. Noir started a rebellion against Toxin that took an active role with the people who wanted revenge for their AUs. They both just want to fix their AU and save their loved ones.
Old Swap AU: Honeycomb is the only one of the AU to escape. Aquamarine was still trapped in the cycle of repeats in the AU, but he was aware of Honeycomb escaping and remembers the resets as a result. Honeycomb wants to take Toxin down and save his AU while Aquamarine tried to find a way to stop the endless repeats in the AU until he was pulled out by Conroy and Passerine. They both just want to stop Toxin and save their home and loved ones.
Old Swapfell AU: Zirconium is helping Honeycomb in the pursuit of ending Toxin's reign of terror and had escaped. Finn escaped as well and he took on a more active role in the restoration and the destruction of AUs that needed it. Zirconium studies the bodies of Toxin's machines to replicate them against him and Finn makes sure that everyone is healed and taken care of. They, like the others, want to stop the deaths and go home.
Old Horrortale AU....
*You find a tablet with "Horrortale" Written on it... The information is distorted and you can't read it at all.
"👍︎□︎❍︎♓︎■︎♑︎ ⬧︎□︎□︎■︎📬︎📬︎📬︎ 🖳︎✆︎"
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ivyprism · 5 months
Romantic headcanons for the old Papyri? 👀😳
Warning: Kind of cute, somewhat fluffy, also can be a bit sad.
He's a very romantic skeleton but prefers quiet more intimate dates.
His love language is physical touch.
He is a bit more protective over his partner than others considering how his world ended up.
Generally, adores listening to his partners talk about whatever they life.
As a Captain, he actively makes time for his partner and scheduled date nights. (Though, he can be spontaneous.)
A man so serious about romance that he actively works to make sure his dates are romantic and cater to his partner's interests.
His love language is quality time.
He doesn't mind just cuddling his partner to spend time with them as long as he can be with them.
He will pick up hobbies his SO has and try to learn them to have something he can do with them.
As the Captain, he is very very cautious and a bit protective over his partner.
He will always pick quiet and intimate dates over grand ones. He would do anything just to enjoy the little things with his partner.
His love language is quality time and physical touch.
When cuddling his partner, he holds them extra close and prefers to be able to hear their heart/soul beat.
He picked up a lot of hobbies he'd want to do with his partner over his long time in the Anti Void.
He's very protective and very cautious as he has spent a long time with nothing but the fear of losing his loved ones on his mind, so please forgive him if he worries.
Flirting up a storm at nice dates that can be superbly personal and somewhat public.
His love language is quality time.
He adores just spending time in with his partner too, but isn't afraid to take them out in public to show everyone how amazing and gorgeous his partner is.
Hobbies are his jam and he will listen to his partner talk about theirs.
A tad traumatized and overprotective, but he is not overtly and is more careful about being out at night with his SO when they could just be inside.
He prefers to stay in rather than go out, but that doesn't mean he's opposed to doing so.
His love language is, you guessed it, quality time.
He just listens to his partner with a look in his eye as he listens.
He is very good at time management and tries to make sure that he and his partner can spend as much time as possible together.
He is a bit protective, but it sort of comes with the territory. He mostly just wants his SO to call him when they've made it somewhere or if they feel unsafe so he can help them.
Mother hen mode of he home makes meals and strongly prefers staying in over going out.
His love language is Physical Touch and heavy Quality Time.
He was extremely touch-starved and he loves to cuddle and hold his SO as much as possible.
He keeps a good track of time management and is never late to a date. He cares deeply about their relationship and he is big on communication.
He loves to listen to his SO talk about their hobbies, but he also loves going places with them so they're safe.
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ivyprism · 6 months
My Old AU Rewritten: Horrortale Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Warnings: Mention of famine, death, scars, etc.
Storm - My Old Horrortale Papyrus: Rewritten
Personality: A powerful and protective force of nature. He adores his friends and family. He would do whatever to make sure they survived. He has no fear of anything and is not frightened to fight. He rushes for the throat, but he is compassionate and gentle. He hates bad puns but adores his brother and father. He wouldn't hesitate to put his life on the line for his loved ones. He is a touch reckless, but he has a wonderful heart. He is a patient man who understands how to fight without compassion. He, like his brother and father, is a genius, albeit a less well-known one. He makes and designs puzzles daily.
Appearance: He has two large scars on his right eye that are very jagged and somewhat splintered. He has orange-eye lights. He also has sharp teeth. He is a skeleton monster.
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Carollan - My Old Horrortale Sans: Rewritten
Personality: A very concentrated and fierce skeleton. He goes to great lengths to care for his loved ones, even to the point of stress. He, like his father, is a genius, but he excels in other areas. He has seen a lot of horrible ends and does his best to remain cheerful and strong. He is more reticent and aloof than others, but he is an expert in traveling to other universes. He was torn apart by the damaged caused by Toxin and has barely recovered. He might be gruff at times, but he always has good intentions and enjoys making puns. He is a free-spirited person who is always looking for a good time. He is often obsessed with his work.
Appearance: He has sharp canines. He has faded blue eye-lights. He is a skeleton monster. He has a large gaping hole in his head that looks like he has been hit by something hard.
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ivyprism · 5 months
My Old AU Sonas: Rewrite and New (Info Dump)
Warning: Famine, fighting, implied fallen AU, violence, cold ladies, etc.
Deidamia - My Old Tale Ivy
Personality: She's a remote yet rather sweet individual. She keeps to herself and hardly says up. She is focused and innovative in her work. She is a listener who appears to be slightly preoccupied with the grief produced by the loss of everyone. She is quite similar to Ivy in every way. However, she appears to be rather chilly and jaded. She is fierce in her fight against Toxin, who ruined her home and slaughtered her loved ones. She is attentive, cautious, and strong. She keeps to herself far more than people assume. She seems to enjoy music and writing.
Appearance: She's a woman about 5'1" with long brown wavy hair (which can be changed to true violet). She is chubby in physique and is somewhat curved. She has a scar on her lip.
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Sylvie - My Old Swapfell Ivy
Personality: She's both fierce and aggressive. She does not hesitate to assist in the efforts to reclaim their fallen AU. She is quite silent and frigid. If people need to know the truth, she informs them without regard for their emotions. She has excellent self-control and isn't afraid to fight. She is stern, but she knows how to remain calm and avoid causing harm to others. Her calm personality has kept her relatively obscure. She is close to others because, on the inside, she is often mourning her original world. She normally avoids strangers and only communicates with those she knows. She helps people when she can but isn't afraid to murder them if necessary.
Appearance: She has hazel eyes. She has short curly brown hair. She has a scar on her left eye. She either wears glasses or has contacts. She is muscular and thin. She's 5'1". She has slight red highlights in her hair.
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Myrthe - My Old Fell Ivy
Personality: She is a powerful, courageous woman. Despite being in mourning, she does not back down. She is powerful, resourceful, and fearless. She appears to be everywhere at once and works tirelessly in her profession. Her frigid demeanor hides a kind and empathetic personality. She is honest and tries to be nicer than people believe she is. She is in great control of her temper and refuses to fight. She is close to others because, on the inside, she is quite lonely. She collaborates with friends on her writing. She is an excellent listener and knows almost everything. She is also really calm and peaceful.
Appearance: She’s a woman with hazel eyes. She has curly brown hair. She has a scar on her face. She either wears glasses or has contacts. She also has more scars on her torso and body. She's muscular, yet chubby. She's 5'1". She has red highlights in her hair.
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Liliane - My Old Fellswap Ivy
Personality: A power to be reckoned with, both strong and brutal. She is quite intelligent and can be found anyplace. She is incredibly sharp and never misses a detail. She has a harsh tone and may be extremely inflexible. She studies alternate universes and codes until she is unable to think clearly, determined to save her reality. Underneath, she is simply an animal-loving, child-protecting nerd who enjoys writing and drawing. She spends her time studying animals, volunteering at animal shelters, and working in daycare centers. Despite her severe and frosty attitude, she tutors children in need and enjoys helping them. She is also very insightful and gives excellent suggestions.
Appearance: She is a human woman with long wavy brown hair. She has a scar on her left eye. She wears her hair up in a ponytail. She is about 5'1". She has a muscular but chubby physique.
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Sireli - My Old Horror Ivy
Personality: Her personality type is introverted, intuitive, feeling, and prospecting. She is quite adept at rationing and takes great care when doing so. She is a peaceful, open-minded, and imaginative individual who tackles everything with attention and creativity. She may appear quiet or tranquil, yet she has been through a lot to survive. She is clever and creative, and she seems to be always lost in her ideas and daydreams. She is optimistic and caring. She perceives herself as lonely or invisible, lost in a world that does not appear to recognize the characteristics that separate them.
Appearance: She has hazel eyes. She has long curly brown hair. She has two scars on her face (one on her eye and the other on her lip). She either wears glasses or has contacts. She also has more scars on her torso and body. She's the thinnest one here, but she's a healthy weight. She's 5'1".
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Iris - My Old Swap
Personality: She's a trustworthy and charming young lady. She tells the truth, but she goes for the throat and is fiercely protective of her loved ones. She can control her temper and isn't afraid to fight. She is deeply worried about restoring her AU and protecting her loved ones. She designs armor and other types of protective clothing and weaponry. She is extremely creative and open-minded. She approaches everything with focus and originality. She is a social butterfly yet is quite careful. She is brilliant and creative, but she seems to be continuously preoccupied with her ideas and daydreams.
Appearance: She has hazel eyes. She has regrowing curly brown hair. She either wears glasses or has contacts. She is thinner than her various counterparts, except Hazel. She's 5'1". She has prominent scars on her shoulders, back, and torso. She has a small scar on the bottom of her left eye.
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ivyprism · 6 months
Wait. Did. Did the old au horrortale boys escape? Did they escape their universe?
Old Horrortale AU: Storm and Carollan did escape, but their AU is a bit different from the others as Toxin's destruction left what was left of their AU in a famine and led to even worse and slower deaths while they were still fighting him. They struggled to find resources, will, and hope to fight him as Toxin's attack did not relent even as they had fallen into a famine. They escaped after Dusk decided to make a way for them to escape without them knowing. As a result, Storm and Carrollan helped better lead the Sanctuary as they already had experience in leading one and they were apart of Dusk's crew (Carollan takes up the position Clove seems to have) to help actively find AUs and save them from near destruction.
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ivyprism · 4 months
What are the old AU Papyri like when they are jealous (or if they ever get jealous)?
Rain: He is subtle with jealousy. When he's jealous, he holds and touches his SO a bit more. He also kisses his SO more.
Heath: He's also subtle. He lightly holds his SO's hand, wraps his tail subtly around their leg, and also gets more physically affectionate.
Bear: He lays the partner's nickname thick and death glares the perpetrator of why he's jealous. He gets way more physically affectionate and he loves to kiss his SO more while mentioning subtle date ideas.
Honeycomb: Death glare and lays the nickname thick. He also loves to hold his SO in his lap while studying the person who's flirting with them. Wraps his tail around them a bit.
Zirconium: It is so hard he's jealous. He seems so chill, but that's because he doesn't get as jealous as the others. He holds his SO's hand and just gives them some PDA as it continues.
Storm: He doesn't really get jealous. He's very relaxed and calm, but he does get a bit more physically affectionate like Rain.
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ivyprism · 6 months
When you say the old horrortale au has no resets, what does that mean? Like none at all?
Like the Old Tale AU, Frisk/Angel (Gem) never had a reason to reset. They never went down a no-mercy route. However, when Toxin came, the code was damaged to the point Angel (Gem) was incapable of resetting (and they died way early on in the story) so they're stuck in the famine-ending while being at war.
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ivyprism · 6 months
Old AU Theme Songs
Warnings: Violence, death, etc, sadness.
My Old Tale AU -
My Old Swap AU -
My Old Fell AU -
My Old Fellswap AU -
My Old Swapfell AU -
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ivyprism · 6 months
Underverse Opening Brain Creator Thoughts
Warning: Blood, death, devastation, violence, lots of it, not great written fight scenes, creator rambles.
"In the face of tension, pain and devastation... The connection that's between our hearts..." Cue the showcase of many skeleton boys as well as their respective sonas. "Is reaching through the time!" It then cuts to Ivy startling and then looking over as her eyes widen in horror as it cuts to the title card. "Through the time!" It showcases someone smirking at her as others surround them.
Then, as it continues, it shows a fight between Dusk and Bliss before it cuts to another fight. The fighting continues as someone seems to interrupt it and the twins look over in horror.
It shows a variety of scenes after:
It then shows Marguerite tensing and looking over.
Willow fixed her scarf and looked away.
Primrose holding a piece of fabric before she looks up.
It shows Nerium moving her hand from her cheek to under her chin.
Then it shows Flori pulling her hair free of a ponytail.
It shows Marigold dancing happily as she pauses to glance over and Primula stops dancing as water that was floating falls around her.
Azalea rests her hand on her chest as she startles and looks around.
It shows Hollyhock biting her lip as she then reaches out towards something glowing.
It shows Ivy gripping her necklace as her magic glows and then she closes her eyes as the camera pans.
"You, so tired and cold stand here, between the worlds..." It shows Tusche and Lenovo waking up with their brothers confused as children. They have some people reaching for them. "Each of them you saw get broken to the core..." It then shows the dust of the people and then their conflict as it grew. "Dark is creeping closer..." It shows someone writing and then smirking as a creature comes to life. "Spark in your heart's frozen..." It shows a ghost skeleton monster glance over, her eyes glowing before she turns to mist. The camera pans... "There's nothing left anymore." It shows an angel skeleton monster yelling and reaching before the AU falls apart around them.
"When a dream turns into a nightmare!" It shows Dusk and Bliss facing off but then time cuts to them as Myrsky soothes Bliss and Archemoros fights Dusk in a looming large form. "Truth is right there!" It shows Archemoros besting Dusk, but then it cuts... "Gotta stay determined! (Listen to your heart and let it be your guiding star!)" Ivy is stranded in the anti-void as mechanical creatures surround her and she stays frozen. Her eyes widen in horror as an attack, but before it hits a skeleton with a mask scoops her up.
"Fight to push back the night!" It shows Acrylic using paints as Virus uses his strings. Comet and Umbra tag team as the creatures attack with beams and a figure looms above them. "No matter the pain and this plain devastation!" It shows Dusk and Bliss working together as Tusche and Lenovo work to push back the creatures. Cecilia and Poison help fight back as well. "For all the creations' sake -" It shows the masked skeleton avoiding attacks and weaving through as the princess carries Ivy. "Do not be afraid!" Ivy blinks in surprise.
"Together, we'll save everything-!" It shows Marguerite and Willow back to back as Marguerite grows confident and Willow seems angry. Nerium guards Flori as Primula and Marigold dance circles around the enemies. Azalea is healing while clasping her hands together and looking up. Primrose is helping heal with Azalea. "and make a new alternation!" It then cuts to Hollyhock, barely holding on, bleeding as she reaches for the "Break the Barrier button" and she hits it as she falls.
Time resets... And Ivy wakes up.
"Has this all been planned by one infernal hand?" It shows the enemy talking to someone as he finishes his next bot. "Made to play their role, the universes fall..." It shows Senna sitting in the void as she writes something down. She clenches her teeth as flowers bloom on her neck. "Lies are spreading fast, and lives get turned to dust..." It shows Senna lowering her pen as she sees the constant fighting of the Outcode group and looks displeased. "Is this deserved by them all?"
"Gotta step in, stop the daydream." Senna looks even more displeased as the fighting grows worse. She looks at her hands, she has to do something. "Your hearts filling with determination!" She wants them to survive this time. She wants everyone to survive.... She'll deal with this. "(Cannot pick the bridge when it's already time to cross!)" She steps forward a lightning strike forms as she raises her hand.
"Fight to bring back the light!" It shows the Outcode fighting before Senna decides to finally intervene. She moves forward as she their attacks deflect off her and her mask holds strong. "There won't be a sign of divine intervention!" It then cuts to a nasty fight between the enemy and the group, but now they're in unison.
"To save this dimension -!" It shows Captain and Cardinal tag teaming enemies together. Brass and Jet smoothly avoid fighting as they take out enemies together. Clove is protecting Hydra as Cinnamon heals Hydrangea and Harper. Glamour and Caramel are caring the back as the Dance boys dance around their enemies. Vanilla is carrying his brother as he shows off, but then it shows.... "Go, let's rise from below!" It shows Navy and Ebony joining the fray as they attack. It shows Sentinel and the other Angels not backing off as they're backed by the demons. "We have to take it all in our hands and show our true determination!" It shows the skeletons all joined together, but as Ivy ran, she fell into a crack and the skeleton who grabbed her reached for her. He falls after her.
It shows the two free-falling as Ivy seems to recall something.
"In the face of tension, pain and devastation... The connection that's between our hearts..." It shows Ivy sitting in a group of blurry and distorted groups as she stands by a familiar masked skeleton.
"Ivy!" The voice of the skeleton breaks her out as he reaches for her father.
"Is reaching through the time!" Ivy's eyes are blurred as she remembers her friends, the war, the death... All the death... "What's this feeling in my heart?" Ivy slowly reaches back as her eyes slowly unblur and she recalls who's reaching for her. "We're connected, though apart..." She can see her soul as his reaches for her.
"In the face of tension, pain, and devastation..." Ivy opens her mouth, willing it to work. She recalls everything as her soul glows more and her magic engulfs his. "Now I know I am filled with determination!"
"Honeycomb!" Her voice finally worked as he grabbed her hand and they're back in the fray.
"Live! You gotta believe!" As Ivy comes to, Honeycomb is holding her as Aquamarine joins the fray with Rain and Heath. They're fighting together as a trio. "Whoever you are, feel your star shining brighter!" It shows Undyne fighting as Asgore and Toriel protect the kids. Athena and Beryl were tag teaming together. The group fights as one as Tara and Theodoric help heal. "To bring back the light of day!" Oriel runs in and throws her spear through a great number of machines. Della is helping as best she can as the fight continues. "We cannot delay!"
"It is all or nothing, my friend..." Ivy pulls away from Honeycomb as she gets up. She helps the other sonas stand up as her body glows in her mafic. "So, right to the end, together we'll stand and-!" Marguerite guards Ivy on both sides as Willow helps guard the back. They nod at her.
"Fight to push back the night!" It cuts to Floryn closing her book and then her hands glow as Ivy pushes through the group as she dodges attacks. She is running now as her fellow sonas fight and fall. "No matter the pain and this plain devastation!" Willow fights hard and never backs down, Marguerite fights and doesn't hold back, and Nerium guards Flori as Primula and Marigold dance circles around the enemies, but even they fall. Azalea is guarding them with her magic as Hollyhock supplies more magic. Primrose helps supply the magic before Ivy runs.
"For all the creations' sake -!" Acrylic and his brother are fighting, but they're getting outnumbered. Cecilia is holding her hands together as Senna helps guard Ivy from a distance. Ivy winces and holds her bleeding side as she runs.
"Do not be afraid." A voice pushes Ivy harder. She listens to the voice as she runs and bleeds. She reaches for the button, the button to save the group again.
"Together, we'll save everything and make a new alternation!" Ivy hits the button as she smiles at Honeycomb one last time before...
She wakes up.
Song: https://youtu.be/75J3Mx4FP5A?si=JJc2h4IvRniaANIp
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ivyprism · 6 months
Masterlist 23
Suggestive? Kind of? *
Character and AU Information:
Angels Fall Dreamtale Gods Facts (Info)
Tails (My Skeleton Boys)
Skeleton Boys and Skelesonas: Relationship (Summaries)
Sona and Skeletons: Relationship (Summaries)
Spruce Farmfell: Singer
Dating Sim MCs: OCs (Info Dump)
Diletta: Canon Fight Winner (Dating Sim AU)
The Flirtiest Sona (Marguerite)
Names (Angel and Datura)
Names (Lycoris)
New Description (Old AU: Swap Papyrus and Fell Papyrus)
My Old Rewritten Swapfell and Fellswap AU: Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
My Old AU Rewritten: Horrortale Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Farmhorrotale Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
The Tragedies of my Old AUs: The Others (Info)
My Old AU Theme Songs (Info Dump)
Farmswapfell Amethyst and Farmfellswap Carnelian Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Farmhorrorfell and Farmhorrorswap Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Farmhorrortale, Farmhorrorswap, and Farmhorrorfell Sonas (Info Dump)
The Villains and Heroes: Dreamtale Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Timekeeper Shapeshifter OC (Info Dump)
The Timekeeper's Domain and the Forsaken Forest (Angels Fall Info Dump)
Timekeeper Shapeshifter OCs (Info Dump)
The Ages: Deities of Time and Timekeepers
Heights Part 12 (The Cursed Trio)
Additional Sona Appearance Facts!
My Old AU Sonas: Rewritten and New (Info Dump)
Ink Fellswap Papyrus, Ink Swapfell Papyrus, Error Swap Papyrus, and Error Fell Papyrus (Info Dump)
Tenebrous and Luminus AU: Personas (Info Dump)
Seers (Worldbuilding)
Dreamtale Ivy and Ink Hydrangea (Info Dump)
Equinox AU: Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Fun Fact (Luminus, Tenebrous, and Equinox AU)
Tenebrous and Luminus AU: Skelesonas (Revamp Info Dump)
OG Skelesonas: Revamped (Info Dump)
Cursed Skelesona (Info Dump)
Fun Fact (Dreamtale/Swap Fun Fact)
Dreamtale Playlists
Dream Walker Personas (Info Dump)
Dreamfell: Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
The Masked Shadow and the Lost Spirit (Info Dump)
The Veiled Guardian and the Flowery Weapon: Sonas (Info Dump)
Stories Written:
The Deep Galaxy and the Deep Sea (Archemoros x Boronia)
When Deities at War... (Archemoros x Boronia)
I Hate You (Swapfell Amethyst Sona Backstory)
Bad Apple (Idea Thingy)
Keep Your Friends Close (Lyric Thingy Short)
In Need of a Little Comfort (Ivy x Honeycomb) // vent-ish
Undertale Underverse Opening: Creator Rambles
Tusche and Lenovo (Info Dump: Backstory)
The Cursed Beings: Manticore (Elpis x Reader)
The Cursed Beings: Mantidrake (Benoit x Reader)
The Cursed Beings: the Negativity Dragon (Verbena x Dusk)
More Than Anything (Lyric Thingy)
I Was Wrong (Verbena Story)
Colors (Edit Audio Thingy: Syrup and Honeycomb)
Colors (Edit Audio Thingy: Marguerite and Ivy)
When There are Clouds, there is Rain (Backstory: Old AU Tale Papyrus)
A Brother's Regret (Tenebrous Backstory)
It's a Curse to be a Seer (Tenebrous Sona Backstory)
A Force to be Reckoned With (Fallen Humans: Underfell)
The First Time I Died (Tenebrous AU: Hepatica x Morte?)
Everything Will Be Okay (Backstory Dreamtale: Dusk x Rivea)
The Second Time I Died (Tenebrous AU: Hepatica x Morte?)
Just a Man (Quote Thingy)
Congrats, Kioko!!! (Hound x Reader)
The God and the Mortal (Archemoros x Reader)
Who's a Heretic Now? (Lyric Thing)
A Dance with Death (Dusk x Reader)
Weapon Matchup (Neilles)
Romance Headcanons (Dating Sim Love Interests)
Pranks (Dating Sim AU: Maple)
Out of their AUs? Why? What's their Goal? (Old AUs: Rewritten)
Rain, bby, where are you? (Old AU: Tale Papyrus)
The Outcodes and their Roles (Outcode AUs)
Did They Escape? (Old AUs Rewritten: Horrortale AU)
Wood (Farmhorrortale Papyrus)
No resets? (My Old AU Rewritten: Hrorortale AU)
What did Toxin Do? (My Old AUs Rewritten)
Farm Stuff (Farm AUS)
Least Favorite Chore/Task (Farm AUs)
The Story (The Displaced Protagonist and the Villainess AU)
The Lovers Cavern Gems (Worldbuilding)
The Lovers Cavern Lore (Worldbuilding)
The Moonlight Forest: Flashlights, weapons, and AU Shenanigans (Worldbuilding)
The Field of Flowers: How did the Rumors Start (Worldbuilding)
The Lake of Memories: How it works (Worldbuilding)
Angels and Demons: What are they and what do they do? (Worldbuilding Angels Fall AU)
The Underswap Variants (Multi AU)
Envy? (Honeycomb and Syrup)
Romance Headcanons (The Old AU Papyri)
What's their Origin? How did they end up as they are? (Many Ink and Error AUs)
Narava-duša-duša ženska in the World (Worldbuilding)
Tenebrous and Luminus (Worldbuilding)
Did Hepatica feel herself die? Do all seers see themselves die? Do they all feel themselves die? (Worldbuilding + Tenebrous Ivy)
Old AU Papyri: Jealous (Multiple Papyri)
Jealousy? (Main Six of Papyri)
Freetime (Nightmare Sanses)
Pets (Dreamfell Nightmare Sans)
Pranks (Dreamfell Nightmare Sans)
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ivyprism · 6 months
Characters and Personalities: Here we are again
Ghostsona/Robotsona: Rewritten (Info Dump)
Farmhorrortale, Farmhorrorswap, and Farmhorrorfell Sonas (Info Dump)
My Old AU Sonas: Rewritten and New (Info Dump)
Tenebrous and Luminus AU: Personas (Info Dump)
Dreamtale Ivy and Ink Hydrangea (Info Dump)
Tenebrous and Luminus AU: Skelesonas (Revamp Info Dump)
OG Skelesonas: Revamped (Info Dump)
Cursed Skelesona (Info Dump)
Dream Walker Personas (Info Dump)
Artificially Cursed: Sona (Info Dump)
Fairy Ivy (Info Dump)
The Wingless Fairy (Info Dump)
Sonas, OCs, and Undertale Characters:
The Veiled Guardian and the Flowery Weapon: Sonas (Info Dump)
Written Personalities Undertale AUs:
Cursed Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
New Description (Old AU: Swap Papyrus and Fell Papyrus)
My Old Rewritten Swapfell and Fellswap AU: Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
My Old AU Rewritten: Horrortale Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Farmhorrotale Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Farmswapfell Amethyst and Farmfellswap Carnelian Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Farmhorrorfell and Farmhorrorswap Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
The Villains and Heroes: Dreamtale Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Equinox AU: Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Dreamfell: Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
The Masked Shadow and the Lost Spirit (Info Dump)
Disciples of Time (Info Dump)
King Papyrus and His Brother (Info Dump)
Hydrangea's Twin Sister: Helena Rewrite (Info Dump)
Dating Sim MCs: OCs (Info Dump)
Timekeeper Shapeshifter OC (Info Dump)
Timekeeper Shapeshifter OCs (Info Dump)
Skelesona Siblings: Revamp (Info Dump)
Goddess of Resistance and Goddess of Forgiveness (Info Dump)
Skelesona Twin Brothers (Info Dump)
Lobelia's Mother: Aine (Info Dump)
The Former Deities of Night and Day and the Fairy of Nightfall (Info Dump)
The God Killer and the Soul Devourer (Info Dump)
My Old AU Rewritten: Horrorfell and Horrorswap Boys (Info Dump)
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ivyprism · 1 year
Characters and Personalities: ONCE MORE!
The Wizard and the Barbarian Sonas (Info Dump)
Spider Lily (Spidersona Info Dump)
The Suffering Oblivion (Sona Info Dump)
Mermaidsona(Info Dump)
The Puppeteer (Sona Info Dump)
The Other Creations (Skelesona Info Dump)
Blossom (Pirate H Info Dump)
Orchard Worker Sonas (Sona Info Dump)
Deer Monster and Half-Deer Monster Sona and Siblings (Info Dump)
Althaea (The Trapped Mermaid Sona)
The Forgotten Human (Sona Info Dump)
Fellswap Carnelian, Fellswap Amaranth, and Swapfell Glaucous H (Info Dump)
The Past Lives Sonas (Info Dump)
The Soul Sona and the Original Villainess OC (Info Dump)
The Female Lead Skelesona (Info Dump)
The Dating Sim Guides (Sona Info Dump)
The Fallen Royal Twins (Info Dump)
Halloween Sonas (Info Dump)
Selkiesona (Info Dump)
Dancefell and Danceswap Sonas (Info Dump)
The Heroine and the Villainess Who Ruins Plots for Funsies Sonas (Info Dump)
The "Devilish" Heroine (Info Dump: H)
Horror Sonas (Info Dump)
Mafia AU Sonas (Info Dump)
The Final Boss: Skelesona (Info Dump)
The Final Boss: H (Info Dump)
Otter Selkiesona (Info Dump)
Siren!sona (Info Dump)
Dicentra: Tiefling!sona (Info Dump)
Horror: Angels Fall Skelesona (Info Dump)
Trainersona (Info Dump)
The Story Pieces: Sonas (Info Dump)
The Cursed: Sona (Info Dump)
Farmtale Tieflingsona: Harmony (Info Dump)
Sonas, OCs, and Undertale Characters:
Pirate AU (Outcode Skeleton Boys and Sona)
Zombie Apocalypse AU (Info Dump: Sonas and Skeleton Brothers)
The Sorcerer, the Dead Sorceress's Familiar, and the Brothers (Info Dump)
The Fell Sorcerer, the Deceased Sorceress's Familiar, and the Brothers (Info Dump)
Dance Dreamtale and a Sona (Info Dump)
The Mermaid Mercenaries (Info Dump)
Mafiadance Sonas (Info Dump)
Figure Skating Skeleton Boys and Sonas (Info Dump)
The Galaxy Goddesses (Info Dump)
Dreamswap AU: Skeleton Boys and Sona (Info Dump)
Fell! Black Crow Pirates: Skeleton Boys and Sona (Info Dump)
Written Personalities Undertale AUs:
The Bard and the Paladin Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Half of a Heart Papyruses and Sanses (UT and UF AU Info Dump)
The Witch in the Woods and The Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
My Old Swap AU: Rewritten Boys and a Sona (Info Dump)
The Puppeteer's Creations (Skeleton Boys Info Dump)
A Few More Creations (Skeleton Boys Info Dump)
The Warlock Sans and the Cleric Papyrus (Info Dump)
Farm Boys (Skeleton Boys Info Dump)
Horrorswapfell Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Allureswap Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
The Void Travelers: Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
The Lost Skeleton Brothers (Info Dump)
The DnD Past Lives Skeleton Brothers (Info Dump)
The Male Lead Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
The Dating Sim Love Interest (Info Dump)
Werewolf Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Vampire Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Horrorfellswap Amaranth and Horrorswapfell Glaucous Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
OG Skeleton Boys (Info Dump: Revamp)
Mafia Skeleton Boys (Info Dump: Revamp)
Mafia Gasters (Info Dump: Revamp)
Horrorfell and Horrorswap Skeleto Boys (Info Dump: Revamp)
Swapfell Amethyst Boys (Info Dump: Revamp)
Danceswap Boys (Info Dump: Revamp)
Mafia Horror AUs (Info Dump)
Mafiaswapfell Amethyst and Mafiafellswap Carnelian Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
The Final Boss: Skeleton Brothers (Info Dump)
Final Boss: Gaster (Info Dump)
Final Boss: the Royal Family (Info Dump)
Final Boss: Undyne and Alphys (Info Dump)
Final Boss: Mettaton and Napstablook (Info Dump)
Final Boss: Grillby, Muffet, and Monster Kid (Info Dump)
OG! Gasters (Info Dump: Revamp)
Angels Fall AU: Horror AU Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Mafiadance Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Other Dragons: Horrortale, Fellswap Carnelian, and Swapfell Amethyst Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
My Outcode Skeleton Boys (Info Dump: Revamp)
The Pirate Captain's Little Sister (Info Dump)
The Mermaid OCs (Info Dump)
Revamping some Deities and a New One (Info Dump)
Revamped Deities of Time (Info Dump)
Revamped Other Deities (Info Dump)
Seratta (Info Dump: Skeleton OC)
The Sea Serpents (Info Dump: Revamp)
The God of Light Spirits and the God of Dark Spirits (Info Dump)
The Deity of Envy (Info Dump)
The Skeleton Sisters' Diner AU: OC Rewrite (Info Dump)
The Galaxy Sisters: Outcode Skeleton Sisters' Diner Rewrite (Info Dump)
The Other Outcode Skeleton Sisters Diner: Rewrite (Info Dump)
Angels Fall Girls: Rewritten (Info Dump)
The Mafia Skeleton Sisters' Diner AU: Rewritten (Info Dump)
The Skeleton Sisters' Diner AU: Children OCs Rewritten (Info Dump)
The Horror Skeleton Sisters' Diner AU: Children OCs Rewritten (Info Dump)
The Mafia Skeleton Sisters' Diner AU: Children OCs Rewritten (Info Dump)
The Outcode Skeleton Sisters' Diner AU: Children OCs Rewritten (Info Dump)
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ivyprism · 3 years
Masterlists 14
Suggestive? Kind of? *
Character and AU Information:
Angels Fall Grillby and Muffet (Info)
Angels Fall Frisk, Chara/Temmie, Asriel/Stuffy, and Monster Kid (Info)
Dani and Lila (Info Dump: OCs)
Sad Fun fact (Angels Fall AU)
Pets (Various Characters)
Deities of Time (Angels Fall AU)
Barely Used Characters now
My Old AU Gaster, Sans, and Papyrus (Info)
My Old AU Alphys and Undyne (Info)
My Old AU Asgore and Toriel (Info)
My Old AU Asriel/Flowey, Chara/Stuffy, Frisk, and Monster Kid (Info)
My Old AU Grillby, Fuku Fire, and Muffet (Info)
Bia's Brother: Boreas (Angels Fall OC)
Nyx (My Old AU)
Ragnar (My Old AU)
Arrow (AU OC)
Kassandra (Eleanor and Talia's Older Sister)
Olivia (Kassandra's Adoptive Daughter)
The Royal Sisters AU (The Outcode Skeleton Sisters' Diner AU)
Mafia Brothers (Mafia Skelesona Family)
Outfits (Mafia Skelesona)
My Old AU Illusions (OCs)
Outfits (My Old AU)
Old OCs (Rewritten)
Mermaid OCs Part 1 (Info)
Mermaid OCs Part 2 (Info)
Cordelia (Proper Info)
Mermaid Princess Family (Info)
The Assassins: Joan, Kade, and Layla (Info)
Romance Anime AU Protagonist Outfits
Romance Anime AU Protagonist Hair
Romance Anime AU Plots
Stories Written:
Old Story Idea (Creator Rambles)
War of Hearts Idea (My Old AU)
Dead Silence (Lyric Prompt)
Survive (Mini-Story with Lillia)
Anarchronism (Thought Process)
Troy and Undyne (Old Old AU)
Don't Imagine:
Don't Imagine (Various Characters)
Mistletoe with Cassia (Kioko)
Mistletoe with Hip Hop (Rainbow)
Mistletoe with Captain (Kioko)
Mistletoe with Slick (Kioko)
Mistletoe with Brass (Kioko)
Mistletoe with Dolce (Kioko)
Favorite Movie? (Mafiafell Gaster)
Mistletoe with Classic (Fruit)
Mistletoe with Clove (Rainbow)
Mistletoe with Shell (Rainbow)
Mistletoe with Griffin (Rainbow)
Mistletoe with Lulu (Rainbow)
Mistletoe with Delilah (Kioko)
Mistletoe with Lyre (Rainbow)
Mistletoe with Sharp (Rainbow)
Mistletoe with Carnelian (Kioko)
Questions! (Mafiafell Gaster)
Questions! Part 1. (Hydrangea)
Questions! Part 2. (Hydrangea)
Questions! (Hazel)
Questions! (Dancetale Sans)
Questions! (Angels Fall Sans)
Dogs and Daughters (Undertale, Underswap, Swapfell, and Mafiaswap)
Hide and Seek (Undertale, Underswap, Swapfell, and Mafiaswap)
Demons that care about time (Angels Fall AU)
What humans got from Angels? (Angels Fall AU)
Angels in Horror Movies (Angels Fall AU)
Can an angel lose their wings? (Angels Fall AU)
Angel wings disappear? (Angels Fall AU)
Angel Wing use (Angels Fall AU)
Pele and Breaks (Angels Fall AU)
Freetime (The Mafia Skeleton Sisters' Diner AU: Carnelian, Honor, and Hunter)
Ideal Partner? (The Mafia Skeleton Sisters' Diner AU: Carnelian)
Mistletoe with Blue (Z)
Mistletoe with Cardinal (Z)
Children and Teenager OCs (Various)
Black Eye SO tells Farfetched Stories (Horrorswap, Danceswap, Fellswap Red, Underswap, Swapfell, and Mafiaswap)
Griffin and Sentinel Facts (Angels Fall AU)
Raining Money (The Mafia Skeleton Sisters' Diner AU: Mafiatale and Mafiafell)
Raining Money (Underfell and Undertale Brothers)
Touch their legs (Undertale, Underswap, Swapfell, and Underfell)
Bitty Troubles (Undertale, Underswap, Swapfell, Underfell, and Horrortale)
Various Questions! (Bourne and Hunter)
Various Questions! (Dancetale Sans)
Various Questions! (Mafiafell Gaster and Ivy)
Various Questions! (Andromeda)
Nephew teases SO and Skele-boy (Undertale and Underswap Sans and Papyrus)
Weighted Blankets (Swap Papyruses)
Relaxing (The Royal Sisters and Dreamtale)
Best Friend (The Royal Sisters)
Favorite thing (Rain and Genevieve)
Serenade Crush? (Skeleton Boys)
Jobs other then Mafia (Mafia Boys)
Relax (Mafia Boys)
Jealousy? (Many Paps)
Music (Main 16 Papyruses)
Dancing! (Skeleton Boys)
Singing (Main 16)
Lilith in her role (My Old Old AU)
Slow Burn (Various Boys)
Cooties? (Various Skeleboys)
18 notes · View notes
ivyprism · 2 years
Characters Personalities and Nicknames: Another
Jewel and Jayla: Swapfell Angel Skelesona and Fellswap Demon Skelesona (Info Dump)
Villains and Heroes: Underfell Skelesona Family (Info Dump)
Villains and Heroes: Underfell H (Info Dump)
Wish Granter and Dream Walker H and Skelesona (Info Dump)
My Monstersona (Info Dump)
Goddess H and Skelesona (Info Dump)
UF Silver Skelesona and H (Info Dump)
Horrortale Monstersona (Info Dump)
Underfell Monstersona and Underswap Monstersona (Info Dump)
Angels Fall Monstersona (Info Dump)
Underswap Silver H (Info Dump)
Tenebrous H (Info Dump)
The Melody of the Universes H and Skelesona (Info Dump)
Hesper (Tenebrous Skelesona)
Keres and Hecate (Dream Walker and Wish Granter Swap and Fell Skelesonas)
Luminus Skelesona and H (Info Dump)
Corrupt Angel H and Rogue Demon H (Info Dump)
Chamomile's Brother and Sister (Info Dump)
Underfell and Underswap Dream Walker H (Info Dump)
Another Goddess H (Info Dump)
Some More Sonas! (Info Dump)
OG Sonas Updated! (Info Dump)
The Duet of Medieval and Modern H and Skelesona (Info Dump)
The Duet of Medieval and Modern AU Sonas (Info Dump)
The Duet of Medieval and Modern AU Dragon Skelesonas (Info Dump)
The Bookkeeper H (Info Dump)
The Forgotten Scientist Assistant Skelesona (Info Dump)
The Wandering SOUL H (Info Dump)
The "Angelic" Villain (Info Dump)
The Fallen Stars Skelesona and H (Info Dump)
The Dying Stars Skelesona and H (Info Dump)
The Fading Stars Skelesona and H (Info Dump)
OG Skelesonas Updated (Info Dump)
The Sun, the Moon, and the Eclipse Hs (Info Dump)
The Queen of the Deep Seas (Info Dump)
The Cleric and the Warlock Sonas (Info Dump)
The Bard Sonas (Info Dump)
Written Personalities Undertale AUs:
Villain! Underfell Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Hero! Underswap Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Hero! Fellswap Amaranth and Villain! Swapfell Glaucous Boys (Info Dump)
Wish Granter and Dream Walker Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Underfell Wish Granter and Dream Walker Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Underswap Wish Granter and Dream Walker Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Underfell Silver Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Secret Papyrus (Info Dump)
Secret Gaster and Sans (Info Dump)
Underswap Silver Papyrus, Sans, and Gaster (Info Dump)
Swapfell and Fellswap Silver Papyrus and Sans (Info Dump)
Tenebrous Papyrus (Info Dump)
Tenebrous Sans and Gaster (Info Dump)
The Melody of the Universes Sans, Papyrus, and Gaster (Info Dump)
The Melody of the Universes Royal Family (Info Dump)
The Melody of the Universes Grillby and Muffet (Info Dump)
The Melody of the Universes Mettaton and Napstaton/blook (Info Dump)
The Melody of the Universes Alphys and Undyne (Info Dump)
The Melody of the Universes Monster Kid, Chara, and Frisk (Info Dump)
The Underfell Melody of the Universes Papyrus, Sans, and Gaster (Info Dump)
The Underswap Melody of the Universes Papyrus, Sans, and Gaster (Info Dump)
Luminus Papyrus (Info Dump)
Luminus Sans and Gaster (Info Dump)
Corrupt Angel Papyrus and Rogue Demon Papyrus (Info Dump)
Deity Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
The Duet of Medieval and Modern Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
The Duet of Medieval and Modern Royal Family (Info Dump)
The Duet of Medieval and Modern Children (Info Dump)
The Duet of Medieval and Modern Fell Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)\
The Duet of Medieval and Modern Fell Gaster (Info Dump)
The Duet of Medieval and Modern Swap Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
The Duet of Medieval and Modern Alphys and Undyne (Info Dump)
The Duet of Medieval and Modern Mettaton and Napstablook/Napstaton (Info Dump)
The Duet of Medieval and Modern Muffet and Grillby (Info Dump)
The Duet of Medieval and Modern AU Dragon Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
The Duet of Medieval and Modern AU Dragon Gasters (Info Dump)
The Visitor Frisk (Info Dump)
The Bookkeeper's Technician Skeleton Brothers (Info Dump)
My Old Fell AU: Rewritten Sans, Papyrus, and Gaster (Info Dump)
The Wandering SOULs Sanses and Papyruses (Info Dump)
The Wandering SOULs Chara and Temmie (Info Dump)
The Wandering SOULs Underfell and Fellswap Red Skeleton Brothers (Info Dump)
The Fallen Stars Brothers (Info Dump)
The Caged Bird AU (Info Dump)
The Dying Stars Brothers (Info Dump)
The Fading Stars Brothers (Info Dump)
The Sun, The Moon, and The Eclipse (Info Dump)
Angel Hunters and Demon Slayer Skeleton Boys (Angels Fall AU)
The Ranger, the Sorcerer, the Fighter, and the Rogue Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
The Artificer, the Monk, the Druid, and the Paladin Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
My Half-Skeleton Girls (OCs):
Truth and Lies: Twin Gods (Info Dump)
More Deities (Info Dump)
More Deities: Evil (Info Dump)
Gods and Goddesses of Love and Hate (Info Dump)
The Deities of Fate (Info Dump)
Some Villain OCs (Info Dump)
The Duet of Medieval and Modern Villain OC (Info Dump)
The Duet of Medieval and modern OCs (Info Dump)
A Mystery Man OC (Info Dump)
The Sea's Song (Info Dump)
The Skeleton Queens (Info Dump)
The Dragon's SOUL (OC Info Dump)
The Sun, the Moon, and the Eclipse: The Parents (Info Dump)
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