#swapfell glaucous
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ivyprism · 2 months ago
Hi, everyone. Time to plague you with evil brain worms.
Undertale: Buttercups and Sunflowers
Horrortale: Wilted Buttercups and Wilted Sunflowers
Underfell: Carnations
Underswap: Echoflowers and Primroses
Alluretale: Azaleas
Swapfell Amethyst: Hydrangeas
Swapfell Glaucous: Orchids
Fellswap Carnelian: Gardenias
Fellswap Amaranth: Amaranths and Tulips
Now, all of these AUs got something going on.... I leave it to you to guess what these flowers mean. >:)
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ivypelvis · 2 months ago
I must know: who is a dom, a sub and a switch?
For the sake of my sanity, for now, we're talking: The Main 18.
Though all of them are variably switches, they do have a preference.
Sub: Classic, Clove, Jet, Cortado, Ebony, Dolce, Dolcetto,
Dom: Hound, Vanilla, Cinnamon, Captain, Airen
Switch: Syrup, Caramel, Glamour, Navy, Cardinal, Brass,
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kiokodoodles · 2 years ago
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Part 1 of drawing all of @ivyprism‘s skeleton boys! All of them are really cool in their own ways and it was fun designing this bunch. Can’t wait to draw the rest <3
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ivyprism · 11 months ago
Underverse Opening Brain Creator Thoughts
Warning: Blood, death, devastation, violence, lots of it, not great written fight scenes, creator rambles.
"In the face of tension, pain and devastation... The connection that's between our hearts..." Cue the showcase of many skeleton boys as well as their respective sonas. "Is reaching through the time!" It then cuts to Ivy startling and then looking over as her eyes widen in horror as it cuts to the title card. "Through the time!" It showcases someone smirking at her as others surround them.
Then, as it continues, it shows a fight between Dusk and Bliss before it cuts to another fight. The fighting continues as someone seems to interrupt it and the twins look over in horror.
It shows a variety of scenes after:
It then shows Marguerite tensing and looking over.
Willow fixed her scarf and looked away.
Primrose holding a piece of fabric before she looks up.
It shows Nerium moving her hand from her cheek to under her chin.
Then it shows Flori pulling her hair free of a ponytail.
It shows Marigold dancing happily as she pauses to glance over and Primula stops dancing as water that was floating falls around her.
Azalea rests her hand on her chest as she startles and looks around.
It shows Hollyhock biting her lip as she then reaches out towards something glowing.
It shows Ivy gripping her necklace as her magic glows and then she closes her eyes as the camera pans.
"You, so tired and cold stand here, between the worlds..." It shows Tusche and Lenovo waking up with their brothers confused as children. They have some people reaching for them. "Each of them you saw get broken to the core..." It then shows the dust of the people and then their conflict as it grew. "Dark is creeping closer..." It shows someone writing and then smirking as a creature comes to life. "Spark in your heart's frozen..." It shows a ghost skeleton monster glance over, her eyes glowing before she turns to mist. The camera pans... "There's nothing left anymore." It shows an angel skeleton monster yelling and reaching before the AU falls apart around them.
"When a dream turns into a nightmare!" It shows Dusk and Bliss facing off but then time cuts to them as Myrsky soothes Bliss and Archemoros fights Dusk in a looming large form. "Truth is right there!" It shows Archemoros besting Dusk, but then it cuts... "Gotta stay determined! (Listen to your heart and let it be your guiding star!)" Ivy is stranded in the anti-void as mechanical creatures surround her and she stays frozen. Her eyes widen in horror as an attack, but before it hits a skeleton with a mask scoops her up.
"Fight to push back the night!" It shows Acrylic using paints as Virus uses his strings. Comet and Umbra tag team as the creatures attack with beams and a figure looms above them. "No matter the pain and this plain devastation!" It shows Dusk and Bliss working together as Tusche and Lenovo work to push back the creatures. Cecilia and Poison help fight back as well. "For all the creations' sake -" It shows the masked skeleton avoiding attacks and weaving through as the princess carries Ivy. "Do not be afraid!" Ivy blinks in surprise.
"Together, we'll save everything-!" It shows Marguerite and Willow back to back as Marguerite grows confident and Willow seems angry. Nerium guards Flori as Primula and Marigold dance circles around the enemies. Azalea is healing while clasping her hands together and looking up. Primrose is helping heal with Azalea. "and make a new alternation!" It then cuts to Hollyhock, barely holding on, bleeding as she reaches for the "Break the Barrier button" and she hits it as she falls.
Time resets... And Ivy wakes up.
"Has this all been planned by one infernal hand?" It shows the enemy talking to someone as he finishes his next bot. "Made to play their role, the universes fall..." It shows Senna sitting in the void as she writes something down. She clenches her teeth as flowers bloom on her neck. "Lies are spreading fast, and lives get turned to dust..." It shows Senna lowering her pen as she sees the constant fighting of the Outcode group and looks displeased. "Is this deserved by them all?"
"Gotta step in, stop the daydream." Senna looks even more displeased as the fighting grows worse. She looks at her hands, she has to do something. "Your hearts filling with determination!" She wants them to survive this time. She wants everyone to survive.... She'll deal with this. "(Cannot pick the bridge when it's already time to cross!)" She steps forward a lightning strike forms as she raises her hand.
"Fight to bring back the light!" It shows the Outcode fighting before Senna decides to finally intervene. She moves forward as she their attacks deflect off her and her mask holds strong. "There won't be a sign of divine intervention!" It then cuts to a nasty fight between the enemy and the group, but now they're in unison.
"To save this dimension -!" It shows Captain and Cardinal tag teaming enemies together. Brass and Jet smoothly avoid fighting as they take out enemies together. Clove is protecting Hydra as Cinnamon heals Hydrangea and Harper. Glamour and Caramel are caring the back as the Dance boys dance around their enemies. Vanilla is carrying his brother as he shows off, but then it shows.... "Go, let's rise from below!" It shows Navy and Ebony joining the fray as they attack. It shows Sentinel and the other Angels not backing off as they're backed by the demons. "We have to take it all in our hands and show our true determination!" It shows the skeletons all joined together, but as Ivy ran, she fell into a crack and the skeleton who grabbed her reached for her. He falls after her.
It shows the two free-falling as Ivy seems to recall something.
"In the face of tension, pain and devastation... The connection that's between our hearts..." It shows Ivy sitting in a group of blurry and distorted groups as she stands by a familiar masked skeleton.
"Ivy!" The voice of the skeleton breaks her out as he reaches for her father.
"Is reaching through the time!" Ivy's eyes are blurred as she remembers her friends, the war, the death... All the death... "What's this feeling in my heart?" Ivy slowly reaches back as her eyes slowly unblur and she recalls who's reaching for her. "We're connected, though apart..." She can see her soul as his reaches for her.
"In the face of tension, pain, and devastation..." Ivy opens her mouth, willing it to work. She recalls everything as her soul glows more and her magic engulfs his. "Now I know I am filled with determination!"
"Honeycomb!" Her voice finally worked as he grabbed her hand and they're back in the fray.
"Live! You gotta believe!" As Ivy comes to, Honeycomb is holding her as Aquamarine joins the fray with Rain and Heath. They're fighting together as a trio. "Whoever you are, feel your star shining brighter!" It shows Undyne fighting as Asgore and Toriel protect the kids. Athena and Beryl were tag teaming together. The group fights as one as Tara and Theodoric help heal. "To bring back the light of day!" Oriel runs in and throws her spear through a great number of machines. Della is helping as best she can as the fight continues. "We cannot delay!"
"It is all or nothing, my friend..." Ivy pulls away from Honeycomb as she gets up. She helps the other sonas stand up as her body glows in her mafic. "So, right to the end, together we'll stand and-!" Marguerite guards Ivy on both sides as Willow helps guard the back. They nod at her.
"Fight to push back the night!" It cuts to Floryn closing her book and then her hands glow as Ivy pushes through the group as she dodges attacks. She is running now as her fellow sonas fight and fall. "No matter the pain and this plain devastation!" Willow fights hard and never backs down, Marguerite fights and doesn't hold back, and Nerium guards Flori as Primula and Marigold dance circles around the enemies, but even they fall. Azalea is guarding them with her magic as Hollyhock supplies more magic. Primrose helps supply the magic before Ivy runs.
"For all the creations' sake -!" Acrylic and his brother are fighting, but they're getting outnumbered. Cecilia is holding her hands together as Senna helps guard Ivy from a distance. Ivy winces and holds her bleeding side as she runs.
"Do not be afraid." A voice pushes Ivy harder. She listens to the voice as she runs and bleeds. She reaches for the button, the button to save the group again.
"Together, we'll save everything and make a new alternation!" Ivy hits the button as she smiles at Honeycomb one last time before...
She wakes up.
Song: https://youtu.be/75J3Mx4FP5A?si=JJc2h4IvRniaANIp
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ivyprism · 2 months ago
Merry Gyftmas, @miscneilleaneous!
Dolcetto sets down a cup of hot cocoa for you. He kisses your forehead before he walks off. He grabs something from his closet. He hums as he also sets down a meal for you. He sits next to you and cuddles you before he offers you a wrapped present. You ask him what it is and he squints at you.
"Well, it wouldn't be much of a gift if I told you." Dolcetto huffs playfully as you begin to unwrap the present. You find a beautifully crafted dagger with a green handle and on it is a green heart charm. You thank him and he huffs.
"I'm glad you like it. I was kinda scared you wouldn't like it." He gives you a kiss on the forehead. He cuddles closer to you as you put the dagger back into the box and give him a kiss. He sighs softly. "Merry Gyftmas, darling."
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ivyprism · 1 year ago
Hello, hi, my main 18.
Undertale: Classic (Sans) and Vanilla (Papyrus) Horrortale: Clove (Sans) and Cinnamon (Papyrus) Underswap: Navy (Sans) and Syrup (Papyrus) Underfell: Cardinal (Sans) and Captain (Papyrus) Alluretale: Glamour (Sans) and Caramel (Papyrus) Fellswap Carnelian: Ebony (Sans) and Hound (Papyrus) Fellswap Amaranth: Airen (Sans) and Dolce (Papyrus) Swapfell Amethyst: Jet (Sans) and Brass (Papyrus) Swapfell Glaucous: Dolcetto (Sans) and Cortado (Papyrus)
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ivypelvis · 29 days ago
Hey Hey! This ones for the emoji prompt! 💑 for UF,SF(both),FS(both) Papyrus's(Papyri??) If thats too many feel free to take some of them off! :) -☕
💑 What are my muse’s requirements for a potential partner?
I'm guessing you want the Papyri which I will oblige.
Syrup: He likes his partner to be able to both ground him, but also go with the flow with him. He values trust, and if his partner doesn't trust him, he doesn't want to be in a relationship with them. He would never feel at ease. He likes to be on equal footing with his partner. His partner can be chill or fun-loving.
Hound: He loves a partner who he can tease and flirt with. He also likes a partner with bite. He values loyalty and if he finds out his partner at the time did something to betray him, it'd be over. He loves being on equal footing with his partner. He doesn't have any particular preferences, but most of the time he can match his partner's flow.
Dolce: He wants a partner who is committed and able to understand his slight hesitance. He had his heart broken several times and is often wary of relationships. He values trust and commitment, if his partner doesn't trust him or can't commit, he doesn't really want to be with them (though, the commitment issue isn't a dealbreaker for him.) He doesn't have any real preference for romance.
Brass: He wants a partner who he can be very affectionate and close to. He is committed and loving. He doesn't want to lose his loved ones, and he doesn't want his partner to be nervous about him being with them. He values trust and loyalty and if either is broken, he could never get over it with his partner. He doesn't have any real preference for romance.
Cortado: He loves a partner who can keep with his flirtations and doesn't mind his slight teasing. He values communication and trust. He can't work with someone who doesn't communicate and break his trust. He doesn't have a real preference for romance.
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ivypelvis · 2 months ago
My Main 18
Undertale: Classic (Sans) and Vanilla (Papyrus) Horrortale: Clove (Sans) and Cinnamon (Papyrus) Underswap: Navy (Sans) and Syrup (Papyrus) Underfell: Cardinal (Sans) and Captain (Papyrus) Alluretale: Glamour (Sans) and Caramel (Papyrus) Fellswap Carnelian: Ebony (Sans) and Hound (Papyrus) Fellswap Amaranth: Airen (Sans) and Dolce (Papyrus) Swapfell Amethyst: Jet (Sans) and Brass (Papyrus) Swapfell Glaucous: Dolcetto (Sans) and Cortado (Papyrus)
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ivyprism · 2 years ago
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My boys! Part 1! Height charts!
@kioko-noodles / @kiokodoodles @miscneilleaneous @und3rwat3r-a5tr0naut @hearty-dose-of-ranch @didderd @caycanteven
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ivyprism · 10 months ago
Renaming some Skelesonas
Underswap Skelesona: Jamesia
Underfell Skelesona: Halesia
Swapfell Amethyst Skelesona: Jovellana
Swapfell Glaucous Skelesona: Justicia
Fellswap Amaranth Skelesona: Kerria
Luminus AU Skelesona: Halleria
Mafiatale AU Skelesona: Hedera
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ivyprism · 11 months ago
Bad Apple Brain thoughts...
Warning: Fighting, descriptions, etc.
The idea starts with Ivy as the starter. She's writing when she hears something and turns, before she knows it, she falls into the void and the song starts.
"Ever on and on, I continue circling... With nothing but my hate and the carousel of agony!" It cuts to Marguerite laughing while drinking tea with Hollyhock when her cup drops and the scene cuts. "Till slowly I forget and my heart starts vanishing and suddenly I see that I can't break free, I'm..." It shows Lilium holding her chest as her soul glows and she holds it out but then it cracks and chains grasp her wings and soul.
"Slipping through the cracks of a dark eternity... With nothing but my pain and the paralyzing agony." Belladonna shows up as she spins and frees her hair out of a ponytail. "To tell me who I am! Who I was! Uncertainty enveloping my mind." It shows Eucalyptus crossing her arms when she looks at the camera and turns and she fixes her mask and walks. "Till I can't break free and..."
"Maybe it's a dream, maybe nothing else is real... But it wouldn't mean a thing if I told you how I feel." It shows Willow admiring a sword and cleaning it. "So I'm tired of all the pain, all the misery inside and I wish I could live feeling nothing but the night..." The camera pans over to Primrose who is mending some clothes, she perks up and smiles.
"You could tell me what to say, you could tell me where to go... But I doubt that I would care, and my heart would never know." It shows Blossom and Heliconia on their ship ordering their respective crews before talking. "If I make another move, there'll be no more turning back... Because everything would change, and it all would fade to black!" Celadine sighs as she looks at Clemensia. Clemensia smiles as they join hands and then points off somewhere.
"Will tomorrow ever come? Will I make it through the night? Will there ever be a place for the broken in the light?" It shows Floryn humming as she opens one book, and uses her magic to open another, her fingers graze over the pages before she turns as the scene cuts. "Am I hurting? Am I sad? Should I stay or should I go? I've forgotten how to tell, did I ever even know?" It shows Ione and Fleur being freed from their shackles and joining hands before they smile at the camera.
"Can I take another step? I've done everything I can... All the people that I see, they will never understand." It shows Abelia reaching for Spirea before she hesitates and pulls her hand back. "If I find a way to change, if I step into the light then I'll never be the same and it all will fade to white..." It shows Spirea sighing before she turns back to Abelia and walks over to her as the scene fades.
It then cuts to Carnation, Mimosa, and Primula dancing together as she beat goes on. Marigold smiles and gestures away from her. Hepatica and Calanth look over as their forms change a bit and then they gesture towards another place.
"Ever on and on, I continue circling.... With nothing but my hate and the carousel of agony!" It shows Bluebell sitting in a field while Orchid and Daffodil clean up around together. She looks up from her book as a petal falls into her book. "Till slowly I forget and my heart starts vanishing... And suddenly I see that I can't break free, I'm!" Marigold dances as a transition as Lisianthus is walking when Achilla bumps her shoulder with hers and they smile.
"Slipping through the cracks of a dark eternity... With nothing but my pain and the paralyzing agony!" It shows Wisteria humming as she slowly closes her umbrella and spins it on her hand as it transitions to someone else. "To tell me who I am! Who I was! Uncertainty enveloping my mind... Till I can't break free and-" It shows Bellona walking as Olearia grabs onto her arm and they walk together. The scene cuts.
"Maybe it's a dream, maybe nothing else is real... But it wouldn't mean a thing if I told you how I feel!" It shows Ivy again writing something when she drops her pen and she reaches for it but then she stumbles and falls into water and then... So I'm tired of all the pain, all the misery inside and I wish I could live feeling nothing but the night..." It shows Hibiscus appearing and she carefully begins to push Ivy back up towards the surface.
"You could tell me what to say, you could tell me where to go... But I doubt that I would care, and my heart would never know!" It shows Hibiscus getting Ivy to the surface before it fades. "If I make another move, there'll be no more turning back Because everything would change, and it all would fade to black..." It shows Ivy falling as the AUs flow past her like water and then everything turns black.
"If I make another move, if I take another step... Then it all would fall apart there'd be nothing of me left..." It shows Chamomile and Freesia sighing as they close their eyes and put on their masks. "If I'm crying in the wind, if I'm crying in the night...Will there ever be a way? Will my heart return to white?" It shows Crocus and Nerium fighting as they move quickly and meticulously. "Can you tell me who you are? Can you tell me where I am? I've forgotten how to see...I've forgotten if I can..." It shows Ivy reaching towards a pair of skeletons as they fade into the dark. She feels her vision blur.
"If I opened up my eyes, there'd be no more going back..." It shows Ivy shooting up out of bed in blearly confusion.
"'Cause I'd throw it all away and it all would fade to black..."
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ivyprism · 1 year ago
Skelesona Jobs: Revamped and New Part 1
Warnings: Mafia, violence, etc.
Hydrangea is the quiet writer and librarian of a local library.
Jade is a bookstore owner.
Juliette is a bar tender.
Hyacinth is a dance teacher.
Calluna is a choreographer.
Hattie is a social media influencer and dancer.
Harper is a mechanic, writer, and actress. She is also the Heiress of the Hollow Theatre.
Harleen owns a bar and is an actress.
Honor is a mafia leader.
Rowana is a mafia leader.
Bellum is a mafia leader.
Jane is a social media influencer.
Jemma is a social media influencer.
Jillian is a social media influencer.
Hadria is a dance teacher.
Aspera is a final boss.
Hydra is a small time writer and she works at a library.
Alchemilla designs prosthetics, is an actress, and is a mechanic.
Protea is a daycare teacher.
Lathyrus is an English professor.
Hayley is a hero.
Hemlock is a villain.
Esme is a guard and handmaiden for Dione.
Ambretta is a well known painter.
Celandine is a boxer and fighter.
Holliane and Harmony are both queens.
Poinsettia is a pirate captain.
Silene is a guardian dragon of several villages and kingdoms.
Bergenia guards kingdoms and villages.
Angelonia is an infleuncer and a protector of kingdoms.
Edelweiss is the female lead of a book.
Larkspur is a writer and painter.
Helvine owns a wine company.
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ivyprism · 1 year ago
Merry Late Gyftmas, @miscneilleaneous!
"Brr… It's so cold!" While Dolcetto hums, you whine.
"Hold on a second, love…" As he grabs your hands in his, Dolcetto huffs. As he warmed your hands with his own, the snow was falling heavily. "How about you stay the night and I make you some hot cocoa? After all, it is Gyftmas…" Dolcetto looks at you as you nod tentatively. He takes you to his home. You two settle in, and he hands you a mug of hot cocoa while pulling out a surprise.
"What's this?" You ask as you take the present. He leans on his legs as you slowly open it. You blink in surprise to see a beautiful green heart necklace with a light yellow star in the center. You see him softly blush as he chuckles.
"I hope you like it… I made it myself…" Dolcetto takes your present and carefully puts it on for you.
"I love it…" As he softly chuckles, you whisper. He moves a little.
"I thought it would be appropriate for you… But I don't think it compares to yours in terms of beauty." Dolcetto wraps his arms around you and buries his face in your neck. He takes a long, deep breath.
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ivyprism · 2 years ago
Swapfell, Fellswap, and Underswap AU Lore (Worldbuilding)
Ahehehehe, felt like writing this down.
The undergrounds of Swapfell, Underswap, and Fellswap are frequently inverted from Undertale and Underfell, with Snowdin becoming Hotland and the Ruins becoming Waterfall. The New Home and the Core are the same as in canon, although the environs have more evident degradation.
Isn't this quite standard? No, not exactly. The climates of each AU are radically altered in Swapfell and Fellswap. Instead of lava lakes and a scorching environment, it becomes like Snowdin, but you can fall into the frozen lava lakes and end up with fall damage from strong snowstorms; as a result, many people were forced to travel between the two locations, displacing a large number of people. The Swapped Hotland resembles a hotland but is filled with water and mud which you can slip on it and if you're not careful, you could also end up drowning if you slip on a batch of mud.
New Home and the Core are collapsing, barely clinging together by the seams, and echo flowers appear to be blooming in New Home. The switched Ruins is still the switched version, complete with echo flowers and water, but the echo flowers are quickly dying and the water is turning virtually corrosive. Swapped Waterfall is rapidly becoming its canon counterpart, with trees and Echoflowers sprouting from the pavement.
Thank you for coming to my infodump.
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ivyprism · 1 year ago
Hairstyles for my Sonas (Main Sonas)
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Willow (W):
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Belladonna (Bell):
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ivyprism · 2 years ago
The Rest of the OG Boys: Redone (Outfits)
Long! Hardly updated, but. :)
Brass: Brass has two gold teeth and a scar on his right eye. It’s an extremely cracked scar. He wears a lot of purple.
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Jet: Jet has a scar on his mouth that looks jagged.
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Cortado: He has a large nasty scar on his left eye that looks like an ax came down on his face. He has one silver fang on his left. With more Glaucous colors!
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Dolcetto: He has a noticeable crack on his right eye that isn't nearly as ugly as his brother's, but is still nasty looking. With more Glaucous colors.
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Dolce: Dolce has a scar on his cheek that is a simple cut. Dolce also has a scar on his right eye, it’s jagged and looked like it was painful. With more Amaranth accents!
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Airen: Airen has three large jagged scars on his left eye. With more amaranth accents!
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Ceylon: Ceylon looks like Stretch and he has a scar from the top of his skull through his left eye socket and down his cheekbone. Ceylon also has a white eye light on the right and an orange one on the left. He also had sharper-than-average canines.
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Chai: Chai has a scar on his left eye that is jagged and looks very painful. He also has sharper canines than average.
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Chive: Chive has a large crack in his skull that runs across his skull leaving a nasty crack from the top of his skull to his right cheek. It is incredibly jagged. He has two red-eye flights.
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Cassia: Cassia has sharper canines compared to his already sharp teeth. He also has four scars on his right eye and each is jagged.
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DJ: DJ has a tattoo on his neck that is of a rose.
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OG Swapfell by Kkhoppang
Swapfell Amethyst is my AU!
Horrorswap and Horrorfell were made by unknown people.
Dancefell + Danceswap belong to unknown
Fellswap Amaranth and Swapfell Glaucous are my AUs.
@kioko-noodles / @kiokodoodles @miscneilleaneous @und3rwat3r-a5tr0naut @hearty-dose-of-ranch @underfell-crystal @buff-borf-bork @the1920sisntaphasemom
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