#my ocs: the usurper
crowandmoonwriting · 11 months
Unusual Character Associations
Thank you for tagging me, @moonluringfrost!
Rules: find the Associations of a Character with each Topic!
I'll do this with The Usurper from my WIP On Crimson Wings, because I am forever obsessed with him lol.
Seasoning: Herbes de Provence
Weather: a cold, silent winter night, snow slowly falling
Color: black
Sky: dark and filled with stars
Magical Power: invulnerability
House plant: Raven zamioculcas zamiifolia (goth plants bc he's goth lol)
Weapon: longsword
Subject: Poetry
Social Media: probably some obscure HEMA reddit forum lmao
Makeup Product: black eyeliner
Candy: chocolate with chili pepper
Fear: being alone
Ice cube shape: 💀
Method of long-distance travel: horse
Art Style: baroque painting (specifically Caravaggio's darkest work)
Mythological Creature: dökkálfar (dark elves from Norse myth)
Piece of Stationery: raven quill pen
Celestial Body: stars
I'm tagging (no pressure <3): @theimperiumchronicles, @spiced-wine-fic, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams, @i-can-even-burn-salad
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i really like writing about boring people. i like putting the most mid guy in existence next to the protagonist suffering from glorious purpose. here is a guy with no special skills, no blessings from the narrative, no outlandish identifying traits. and he can be just as interesting as the other guy as long as you make him feel real. banality is sublime to me.
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i-eat-deodorant · 10 months
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(old doodles of slythor, overseer of anura and god of gluttony)
In their prime, Slythor ruled the lands of Anura with deceptive harmony, amplifying the voices of worship and stamping down any murmurs of dissent. They were also a heavy patron of the arts; their harp and flute were used to hypnotize enemies, causing troops turn on each other.
Unfortunately, the constant warring of godhood proved fatal for Slythor. Wounded and blinded, they fled into the tunnels, leaving their cult to fracture into a million warring factions in their absence.
Underground they hid, trying to recover from unrecoverable wounds while their nation fell apart above them....up until one spitfire of a toad hunted them down and killed them for good.
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vipermenace · 4 months
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Had a dream the other night of Ario 100 years later
It was such a clear image I had to doodle him
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dairyfreenugget · 6 months
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Spooky, 25 years old, any pronouns, 🇵🇱
Main: @tasmanianstripes
Moved from @nonuggetshere
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🌷Patreon - Ko-fi🌷
Check my carrd for art status
Suggestions/requests are welcome but not guaranteed to be done, I don't do OC requests
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💜 thylacines can talk - text posts
💜 spooky arts - art tag
💜 spooky edits - screenshot and sprite edits
💜 spooky writes - fanfics and original writing
💜 my ocs - general oc tag, for a specific oc search oc: followed by their name
💜 asks - asks
🌷AU Tags🌷
More will be added in the future, including more detailed rundowns of the AUs. Same tags were used in my old blog, @nonuggetshere , if you wish to read more about them.
💜 FaaF AU - aka Fragile as a Flower, Pure Vessel (named Flower) is discovered to not be hollow during their accolade
♡ Sealed Flower AU - Subset of FaaF, follows game canon and Embrace the Void ending, with more characters alive
♡ Wayward Royals AU - Subset of FaaF, PK, WL and PV find themselves stranded far away from Hallownest when Flower disobeys their father's orders to save him, outing themself in the process. They bond during travel back home.
♡ Pale Knight AU - Subset of FaaF, Flower leaves Hallownest permanently, creating their own small nomadic community with time and grows into an independent god in their own right
💜 Usurper AU - Hollow teams up with the Radiance to ursurp their father, exiling their parents and the five great knights out of the kingdom, and are dubbed Usurper King/Lord by their political opponents
💜 6th Knight AU - The Hollow Knight travels back in time, they take on a false name of Inanis and are appointed a Knight by the Pale King after proving themself, their main goal is to take care of the infection and save their young self by any means necessary
💜 Humble Pie AU - The King had taken a more direct approach to the making of vessels, choosing his own body instead, but after the plan had been leaked to the public he and his lady are exiled. Two vessels are born in the Wastelands, who the parents name Secret (THK) and Ghost
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uniquezombiedestiny · 6 months
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Why was I made this way?
full text (its bella monologue sunday!):
"I'm always here to help." That's what I always say! But sometimes, I have to wonder, well… why else am I here? Whenever I fall down or… or have one of those bad days, I just think, "Well, there's work tomorrow." Hm? Oh, it's not that bad. You get used to it. But anyways, sometimes it just makes me think - what am I? Outside of being your Captain-… I know my name. But what's my purpose? What's the meaning of all my time here? Because so many horrible things keep happening. So many- so many spikes, penetrating straight through my mind; so many things made to laugh and jeer at me; "You couldn't do it! You never could. Never." What else was I possibly made for other than to help you? I wasn't born the way a person was. I was built like a machine, all my life… So why.. Why do I feel anything? Why does everything just drag me down? Why can't I let go of everything I feel while everyone else diligently works? It's tiring. Really tiring. So why couldn't I have just been built out of metal and wires instead? Why couldn't they have just made me a machine? A perfect, unfeeling metal body. Noone could ever hurt me again. I'd never have to cry; to deliberate; to feel guilty about anything… Why? Why was I made this way? Why am I a human being at all in this place… if not to fail..?
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duckapus · 2 months
[a few days after the CCC Avatars and their games are taken, most of the characters relevant to the situation (notably all the Avatars except for the missing ones (obviously) and all the SMGs except 7 and 10 (for spoiler reasons)) are called to a meeting at 4's Meme Factory (since it's one of the few places that many people can meet comfortably) by Susie]
SMG3: Alright, why'd you call us all here?
Susie: I'm glad you asked *starts rummaging through a storage device* As you know, I've been studying code samples from the missing Avatars in the hopes of finding out the reason behind their memory suppression-and hopefully a cure for it-since before they were taken. And as it happens, a bit before I was informed of their capture I managed to synthesize this! *pulls out a large beaker of faintly glowing green liquid with lines of binary occasionally scrolling through it*
Several audience members: Oooooooooooo...
Mario: ...What is it?
Susie: This is a replica of the trojan program used to lock their memories, written is such a way that it can be represented as a liquid for ease of analysis. *she sets it on a table behind her* Most likely a similar method was used to administer their doses in the first place, possibly as some form of penetrating projectile designed to dissolve into their bloodstreams upon entry. AND, it just so happens to be completely identical to the code that made up the energy field generated by Lawyer Kong's so-called "firewall." Thus, the cure is obvious; Memes.
SMG6: But...we tried that already. It only worked for a few minutes, and only once.
Susie: That would be because of the one way the two afflictions differ; the firewall was an external source that people could be shielded from, while the trojan program is internal and needs to be overwhelmed and purged, and the latter will require a far more potent Meme than the former.
Which, unfortunately, is my current roadblock. See, if we make the memes too potent, they'll trigger a Meme Overload. That wouldn't have been a problem before they were captured-well, apart from Juliano given his condition, but still- but now they have to be administered while we're rescuing them from wherever they ended up, and we most likely won't have the time to bring them back down to manageable levels of insanity in the middle of that. So, we need to figure out the exact right dosage of Meme Energy that will cure them without making them go crazy.
Bob: ...Which means you need a test subject.
Susie: *nods* Now, in the interest of fairness I've put the names of everyone here who isn't an OC into a random number generator so-
???: *minecraft potion drinking sound* Mmm, kiwi flavor.
*everyone slowly turns with a comical creaking sound effect to see Franky holding the now-empty beaker*
Lily: We probably should've seen that coming.
Franky: *after a second or so there's the same audio and visual effect as when Mario got firewalled in the Lawsuit Arc, causing Franky to fall to his hands and lack-of-knees as the energy takes hold. His model slowly reverts to his old look as a generic Toad with glasses, and when the transformation is over he falls onto his face*
Desmond: FRANKY! *runs up to him and picks him up so he can see his face* Are you okay?
Franky: ...Who's Franky?
Everyone: *stares very intensely at Susie*
Susie: *weakly* ...Well...that's one way to choose I guess. *feels Peach, Toadsworth, Sage and Desmond suddenly looming ominously behind her* Right, let's go see about cooking up that cure, shall we? *grabs all the SMGs, Franky and Luigi and Books It deeper into the factory* Alright team, to the Meme Kitchen on the double!
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spearxwind · 11 months
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Here's a little snippet from my Hollowridge worldbuilding doc btw :)
The fact that it has a new world designation before it's re-awoken means people KNOW of him still, meaning that even 500 years later he hasn't been forgotten about even if the mental image of him has changed due to word of mouth tales and knowledge eroding.
He was enough of a calamity to be remembered as a cautionary tale and it makes the fact that knife wakes him on purpose have so so so much more gravitas. she genuinely makes a horrifying decision.
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42kio · 3 months
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crowandmoonwriting · 1 year
Character's Favourites Tag
Tagged by @sam-glade. Thank you!
Rules: Share your OC's favourite colour, shoe choice, season, animal, pastime.
I'll do this for both Aderyn and the Usurper.
Aderyn first:
Colour: emerald green
Shoe choice: thigh high riding boots
Season: autumn
Animal: horses
Pastime: reading history and romantic ballads
The Usurper
Colour: red
Shoe choice: if he doesn't have to go into battle? Thigh high black leather boots polished to a high sheen
Season: it used to be spring, but now autumn
Animal: cardinals
Pastime: hunting and judging people's fashion choices
I'm tagging: @cee-grice, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams, @writernopal, and @elshells
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"It's getting worse.." Aud whimpers next to Dirigo, who grunts in response.
The two stand under the seal of darkness, seeing splintering cracks inside of it. Like spider webs, they branch out, and Aud has been here long enough to know that the seals breaking shouldn't be even possible.
"The Muses have grown silent." Dirigo narrows his eyes. "There hasn't been a single word from them for ages now."
Aud crosses his arms and rubs them with shaking paws. "This can't be good..! Can't we do anything..?!"
"No." Dirigo shakes his head. "We are bound to the Underworld. We can not leave unless-"
Shrieks and screams come from ghosts that fly past, and they begin to crowd around. The Ferrycat and the lost spirit stare in shock before looking at each other and nodding. Slowly, with darkness creating steps for them, they get closer to the seal, doing their best not to agitate the ghosts.
Aud cranes his neck to see, and he swallows thickly, seeing the paw of someone using magic to form more cracks in the seal.
He pales when the body leans down, and his own face stares back at him. Whoever that is above doesn't see him, but around the dopplegangers paws sparks something that looks not like lightning. It's close, but not exact.
"What do you see?" Dirigo finally asks after several tense moments. His eyesight wasn't the best when so close to the light.
"M.. Me.." Aud stutters out. "That's.. That's me up there..!"
The magic below them fizzles out, and they fall back to the island below. Aud continues to stare up at the seal of darkness, even as it cracks more and more.
Dirigo is silent, except for his tail pulling the lost spirit a bit closer to him. Aud could only tremble, wondering why that stranger had his face.
King Damien flicks his tail as he rises from his knees. He looks down at the seal with a proud look. Only a little be longer now..
He could hear the spirits down below, shrieking and wailing past the veil. It'd taken some time, but he'd managed to communicate with a large quantity of them. He promised them all one thing; a new chance at life, so long as they helped him once they were freed.
Many were happy to oblige.
As he steps out of the water, wringing his tail out, the king flicks an ear. He couldn't help but admit that he was nervous. Tama and Tiresias.. they seemed to be the biggest threats to him at the current moment. One with the blessings of the wind, and one that could see the future.
Damien shudders as he thinks. Those two truly really could ruin absolutely everything for him. But it's not like he could kidnap the kit of a Songbird or somehow locate Tiresias like a god. There were limits to how much he could mess with this games code before everything began unraveling.
Of course..
The king takes a small medallion out of his pocket. He turns it over before chuckling.
That doesn't mean someone else can't do it for me.
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recallback-art · 21 days
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I loved SoL, so naturally, I did have to also play West of Loathing. It feels very different and I never quite clicked on my first two runs, but I finally got attached to a character on my third run! He's part boy part cow and the strongest motherfucker this side of Dirtwater.
Bonus doodles of my other two runs. Isaac was just me figuring the game out so wasn't much, and Kai was fully a murder hobo run because the game lets you get truly ruthless. Being evil is fun.
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zoriety · 1 year
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I re-introduced to you my evil CEO Cheyen, but I've not re-introduced you to the functionally alcoholic and overworked woman who is dead set on killing his lab-grown-milk selling old crocodile ass: Researcher Orta!
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stormvanari · 2 years
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so i decide to robotize the Titan’s Council and merge dem all into a Gundam Eldritch for the TAD AU in order to contrast the woodwork puppetry of the Coven Heads
it’s gonna be fun
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dairyfreenugget · 2 months
Norel and Whisper have 1 MAP part made of them and 3 more possibly 4 planned.......spot my favourite ocs I guess
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rutilated-quarz · 2 years
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The tumblr sexyman polls and mcytblr sexyman bracket were super fun, so I thought I'd run a small one with my own OCs ^_^ Links to the polls will be added as they go up!
Ennui vs Ruti
Flux vs TBN
Synchronicity vs Roulette
Lumin vs Electra the Moth
Warden vs The Alchemist
Null Pointer vs Callum
Ren vs Neo
Quarz vs NitroLock
More info about the characters can be found under the cut!
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[profile link here]
Originally a D&D-inspired OC, now just a general OC
Lich that was so so shit at magic when he was alive but now that he's dead he's actually sort of decent at it
Worldhopper - he travels between universes, using a jury-rigged super powerful explosion spell to catapult himself into a different universe by destroying the one he's currently in.
He only cares about one person, and that's his demonic boyfriend Alu. Anyone else can get fucked, as far as he's concerned.
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[profile link here]
Technically a general OC, but mostly used for minecraft.
he was born on a minecraft skygrid world all alone
Body is comprised almost entirely of solid magic. He can shapeshift, but only really uses that to change if he has legs or not.
Never got taught how to control his magic, so he has to use an enchanted mask to hold his power in - this has the side effect of compressing his magical body mass enough that he has to forgo the wings while it's on to avoid spreading himself too thin.
Can eat a lot of things normal people can't eat. Like diamonds. And swords.
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[profile link here]
General OC in the same world as some of my and my friend's kinsonas
Her species infects the brain of other species, appearing as a sort of ghost or hallucination until they mature enough to become physical, bursting out of the host's body and killing them in the process. They usally give their host immense bloodlust and taste for raw meat. [mmm flux hungy feed her tasty prion diseases]
On that note, the most lame and cringefail of her entire species. She's supposed to get her host to kill and stuff like that, but she mostly just annoys and makes fun of him.
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[profile link here]
General OC, worldhopper.
Shapeshifts whenever it goes into a new world to match the appearance of the creator-inserts or gods of that universe. [e.g. would look like the annoying dog in Undertale/Deltarune, would look similar to the Dev Gnomes in everhood, etc.]
It chooses a different name for itself in every universe it goes into. [It's called Showtime in my JJK AU that has it, and Usurper when I put it into a Digimon world, for example]
Any world it enters immediately splits off into a different timeline with its arrival, and that timeline dies/disappears as soon as it loses interest and leaves.
It's fiction-aware, and totally chill with that - mostly because, considering it's my sona and thus an extension of me, it's pretty much in control of the narrative. If it were to ever lose that control, it would likely become incredibly paranoid and anxious.
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[profile link here]
Minecraft OC
One of the fair folk, lives in the deep forest and would quite like not to be disturbed.
Finds great fun in tormenting whatever non-fae might cross their path
Thought NitroLock_ was fun to 'play with', so when they got his name, they kept him around to do some work for them.
Kind of sadistic, sometimes. Usually. Most of the time.
Has stolen peoples blood to use for sympathetic magic before
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[profile link here]
General OC
Demon, under the domain of luck and gambling.
Plays the part of a carefree hedonist, but almost always knows more than she lets on.
Knows how to use people to get what she wants, and has no issues doing it.
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[profile link here]
Originally designed as a general oc, but quickly adapted into a Cosmosdex (Tegyp) OC.
Almost never wears a shirt under his open suit jacket, unless he's pretty much forced to.
Kind of an alcoholic. Tries to pretend he's a fun partyboy, but he just gets all miserable.
Very into modifying robots. He claims he improves them, but he's fucked up a perfectly good Cupid unit is what he's done. Look at it, it's got anxiety.
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Electra the Moth
[profile link here]
Sonic OC, builds and codes robots for a living.
She has built a robot that she considers her son, so she could technically be a MILF, if you're into that.
Mega autism and hyperfixated on engineering. Would love to infodump about whatever her current project may be, and gets super attached to everything she builds.
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[profile link here]
General OC. He's the god of space-time and oversees a large collection of worlds and thus deals with worldhoppers semi frequently, despite not being one himself as he only really exists in the space between worlds.
Has gay thoughts re: one of his coworkers/fellow gods. But he'd never admit it
Kind of stuffy and stuck-up
Dear god, I forgot he was originally based on G-Man from Half Life VR but the AI is Self-Aware
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The Alchemist
[profile link here]
Minecraft OC, an AU of Ruti.
Basically what would've happened if Ruti grew up with other magic users who could've taught him how to use his magic.
It speaks primarily Standard Galactic.
Never calls people by their names, instead using a title/other noun ["shopkeeper" or "friend" or "thief", etc.] because names have immense power in a language as soaked with magic as Standard Galactic is, and that habit carries over into other languages.
Makes potions. Definitely legally.
"ruti" "the cooler ruti"
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Null Pointer
[profile link here]
BNHA/MHA OC, but liable to become a general OC any day now.
he/she girlboything
Has the ability to lag herself out of reality for a bit; from an outside perspective, this looks like freezing in place and loosing all collision before abruptly teleporting.
Also has the ability to hack any sufficiently complex technology, as long as line-of-sight is maintained.
His mascot [the little demon dude shown next to him] shows up on the screen of any technology he hacks. Just to be cocky about it.
Generally very cocky and aggressive while fighting/sparring, or just in general.
She has 97 mental illnesses and is banned from most public spaces
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[profile link here]
Sonic OC, lusts after their AU's counterpart of Eggman
the gay gay homosexual gay
Sort of a bratty little twink
The type to pick fights and then be like "aah im just a little guy nooo im just a little guy and its also my birthday im a little birthday boy"
Has a cool copper [possibly radioactive] robot arm, but usually keeps it hidden
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[profile link here]
OC for Monkey Wrench [by Zeurel on Youtube]
Big bear of a man [in the gay sense]
Mechanic/weaponsmith/arms dealer
Former mercenary. Would take out entire ship crews by sneaking on under the guise of a mechanic and "fixing" their ship [rigging it to blow as soon as he got to safety.]
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[profile link here]
Minecraft OC, specifically for Empires SMP Season 2
Has ice magic powers, and lives in an Ice Spikes biome.
Its moral compass is a fucking roulette wheel
Tries to be nice, but has a very skewed idea of what "nice" and "good" is.
Would probably keep you as a pet if you asked
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[profile link here]
General OC
Shapeshifter, and he uses this power for evil. [Shapeshifts into whoever he's talking to in order to psych them out, though he claims it's to "level the playing field".]
Sort of a sardonic personality, often deriding others and putting himself above them. He does it to distract himself from feeling shitty about himself, but you could never get him to admit that.
Loves to inflict terrible events and circumstances on others [my ocs. or sometimes my blorbo du jour]. It is his favorite activity
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[profile link here]
Minecraft OC
Dumb of Ass
Accidentally gave their name to a fae (Synchronicity, specifically) and signed a contract to get it back. Because of said contract, which they didn't fully read before signing, they now owe them a bunch of other stuff, too.
Being made to use customer service voice is the one thing that could truly break their spirit. I believe this wholeheartedly.\
so. so tired. emotionally physically mentally the whole thing.
Used to be part of a formidable PVP duo with their sibling Necrolock_, but the two of them have kind of drifted apart.
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