#my night weed kicked in whoops
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mildmayfoxe · 2 years ago
top 5 fav colours to use in prints
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everything2go · 12 days ago
Chapter Four: Flirt, Fight, or Both?
Poison Ivy crossed her arms and leaned against the bar, staring at Willa like she was a particularly annoying weed. “And who exactly are you supposed to be?”
Willa placed a hand over her heart. “Wow. You wound me, Ivy. I thought we had something special.”
Harley snorted. “Red, I think she’s hittin’ on ya.”
“Obviously,” Ivy said dryly. “Which is why I’m debating whether I should strangle her with vines or let her embarrass herself more.”
“Ohh, kink talk already? I like where this is going.”
Ivy sighed and looked at Harley. “Why do I attract lunatics?”
“Eh, takes one ta know one, Red.”
Before Ivy could respond, the club doors burst open. Willa spun around, hands instinctively reaching for her swords, as a gang of masked thugs stormed in, guns drawn.
There was a moment of silence. Then Willa, Harley, and Ivy all burst out laughing.
The lead thug blinked. “Uh… what?”
“Buddy,” Willa said, wiping a tear. “You do know who you’re robbing, right? This is literally a supervillain bar.”
Harley was already cracking her knuckles. “You boys picked the wrong joint.”
Ivy sighed. “I was going to enjoy my drink.”
“Well, let’s get this over with, ladies.” Willa twirled her katanas and grinned under her mask. “Last one to finish their bad guys buys the next round.”
Harley whooped. “I LIKE YOU.”
And with that, chaos erupted.
The aftermath of the bar fight looked like an R-rated Looney Tunes episode. Bodies groaned on the floor, the walls were covered in bullet holes, and somehow, there was a man dangling from the chandelier with his pants missing.
“Okay, so technically that was self-defense,” Willa said, kicking over a guy who was trying to crawl away. “Right?”
Harley pouted. “Aww, I was havin’ fun.”
Ivy dusted off her hands. “Well, that was a waste of time.”
And that’s when the skylight above shattered.
Because, of course, it did.
Batman landed in the center of the room with the dramatic energy of someone who practiced brooding in the mirror.
Willa clapped. “Ooooh, 10/10 superhero landing. You practice that one?”
Batman ignored her, his glare sweeping the room. “What happened here?”
Harley grinned. “Nothin’! Just a little bar brawl, no biggie.”
Batman’s eyes narrowed. “I see twenty unconscious men.”
Ivy smirked. “And?”
His gaze landed on Willa. “And you.”
Willa put a hand to her chest. “Moi? Why, Bats, I am but a humble tourist in your fine, crime-ridden city.”
Batman growled. “You don’t belong here.”
She gasped. “You keep saying that! What, do I need a visa to be an agent of chaos?”
Batman stepped forward. “I don’t like killers in Gotham.”
Willa leaned in. “And yet, Joker’s still running around. Huh. Funny how that works.”
For a split second, Batman’s jaw tightened.
Before he could respond, his comm beeped. “Nightwing to B. Big breakout at Arkham. It’s bad.”
Batman took one last look at Willa, then turned and grappled away.
“…Did he just Batman away again?” Willa threw up her hands. “Rude! We were bonding!”
Ivy sighed. “Come on, Harley. Let’s get out of here.”
Harley giggled. “I dunno, Red. I kinda like her.”
Willa smirked. “Oh, we are gonna get along so well.”
And with that, Gotham’s newest headache strolled into the night, ready for whatever madness came next.
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e-mmygrey · 4 months ago
History Must Repeat Itself - Chapter 3
Thank you for the love so far. I wrote this in 2022 as a break from writing my book. I haven't looked at it since then so please excuse the use of commas where it definitely should be a period. I've gone through this chapter.
Last two chapters were about 3k words each. This one is 6k whoops... anyways, enjoy! (Also I don't know how to link the series masterlist soooo just go to my page lol)
October 1984
        I was relieved my life fell into a comfortable and easy routine. After a brief conversation with the manager, who I left a really good impression on, I got the bookstore job. I got to stand around, organizing and reading as many books as I wanted. It was peaceful and smelled significantly better than the arcade. The lighting was better too. I felt right at home, surrounded by thousands of pages.
And for the first time that I could remember, I had friends who made me sad to think about leaving Hawkins.
Robin Buckley visited the bookstore when she wasn't working at her own job. When the store was absolutely empty, we'd grab sheet music and create impromptu drums, and have contests of who could sight read faster. Robin and I were too competitive, money quickly being put on the line. At school, most of my lunches were spent with her and the other artsy high schoolers. They were a group who mostly got left alone by the assholes, but when the popular kids would attempt to bully them, they usually embarrassed themselves. Robin was hilarious; so quirky and never stopped talking. It gave me a moment to relax during my day. She was easily my best friend in Hawkins.
My other best friend was Eddie Munson, the long haired boy with the locker next to Mr. Murphy's classroom. Though it was a friendship, I may have a small crush on him that I wouldn't be admitting to any time soon. The crush became solidified when Eddie surprised me at work one day. I'd mentioned working at Books Stop while at Eddie's locker one morning, but I didn't think he was paying attention. He was always people watching. I was proven wrong when he walked in with a salad from the restaurant next door. My cheeks flared pink when he approached the counter, putting down the paper bag with a grin on his face.
"Hey sweetheart. Figured you'd be hungry on this quiet Sunday afternoon."
My heart melted a little at the chocolate brown eyes and dimples in front of me. That day too, Eddie learned something about me that he didn't expect. Filling my mouth with lettuce, I glanced at Eddie, flipping through a Dungeons and Dragons rule book. He already owned it but, 'you never know'.
"Where do you get that weed from?" I asked between chews.
Eddie's eyes shot up to me, hand frozen mid-flip. I continued munching as he shut the thick book. Fear sparkled in his eyes. He pointed at me, opening his mouth then shutting it again. I smirked as he processed my question. A giggle slipped between my lips at the discomfort.
"The answer to your question is no, I'm not grossed out and yes, I smoke weed," I said, hand in front of my mouth. "It's been a while, but whatever you've got smells really good."
A smile broke across Eddie's face before he laughing out of relief. His reaction made me laugh too.
After that day, my adoration for Eddie Munson blossomed. We had very similar musical tastes, which surprised him. I needed to remind him I'd spent the last two years in Seattle. It was a musical hub, especially punk music.
The few times I needed to destress at night due to the frustration of being thrust into the adult role of the house, I called Eddie. He'd pick me up and we drove to one of the local parks. We didn't always smoke weed. Sometimes we laid around, staring at the stars and talked. Or we'd listen to music in my bedroom. I'd been to the trailer where Eddie lived with his uncle, but usually we're at my house since I was on babysitting duty. 
People harassed Eddie daily and I wanted to kick every single one of them. It made me so angry because he was an absolute miracle. They didn't see past his leathers.
          Tonight was a late night with Eddie. I was studying, and though he tried his best to get me out, he sit on my bedroom floor. He distracted me fairly quickly. Studying abandoned, Eddie insisted on stories about every item he found which eventually morphed into our regular conversations about our lives. Under my open bedroom window, I fell asleep across Eddie's lap. 
I jolted awake to a fist pounding on my closed door. Sitting up, I noticed Eddie was still here and asleep, leaning against the wall.
"Jess, let's go! We're going to be late. Do I have to call Billy? He's going to be pissed-" Madison pushed my door open, gasping at the strange boy on the floor who wasn't here when she went to bed. Eddie jumped when I pushed off the ground, knocking his legs. My eyes snapped to the clock on my side table. Madison was right, we were going to be late for school.
"Who the hell's that?" Madison snapped, hand on her hip.
"Madison, watch your mouth! Make me a tea and I'll meet you in the car," I shouted at her, running around my room and grabbing a change of clothes.
"If you don't mind, I'm going to leave by the front door. I think your sister knows I'm here," Eddie said, walking to my bedroom door.
I paused, looking at my friend. He was smirking at me, leaning against the frame.
"Do you want a ride to school?" I asked, throwing jeans onto my bed, knowing he'd walked here last night.
"Sure, thanks."
"Okay, go introduce yourself to my scarred sister and grab food. I'll be ready in three minutes."
I shut the door in his face before I stripped my pants off. I could hear Eddie laughing as he walked down the stairs. Glancing in the mirror, my hair was in the braids I put it in after my shower. I grabbed my bag, hoping everything I needed was inside. If not, Robin would have whatever I forgot. Making sure the clasps of my bra was done up, I grabbed the first long-sleeved shirt I saw in and rushed out of my room.
I snatched the full reusable water bottle out of the fridge. I was thankful to be over prepared. I'd made my sister's lunch the night before and I knew her homework was done. Walking out the front door, I saw Madison sitting in the front seat.
"Madison, get in the back! Eddie is not the one in middle school," I yelled.
When I got to the car, they'd switched. I was grateful Madison listened. She didn't always, but I'm glad she chose to this morning. I didn't know if it was a skill my mother or I had taught her. Eddie was smirking at me as I backed out of the driveway. I hated how funny he thought this was.
"Please tell me you don't need anything for school," I commented.
"If I did, I wouldn't tell you. I don't think you could mentally handle the detour."
I flipped him off and took a long drink of tea at one of the few red lights in Hawkins.
"Do you know your hair is still in braids?" Madison asked, her voice hesitant.
I nodded. "Can you take them out for me, please? Just toss the elastics in the cup holder."
My sister's fingers delicately moved across my head. It was a relaxing sensation and truthfully, what I needed. An apple suddenly blocked my view of the road. I glanced at Eddie, half a smile on his face.
"You want fruit?"
An absurd laugh sputtered at his question. The stress of waking up late evaporated just from his presence alone. Eddie chuckled, taking a bit of the apple and held it out again. Rolling my eyes, I took a bite. I raised my eyebrows in thanks and he winked.
"Are you two dating?"
I glanced at Madison through the rearview mirror. She was teasing. My sister had expectations of how to be introduced to my boyfriends. The fact I'd only ever mentioned Eddie as a friend was enough to her.
"No, I'm a magical hobo who tricked your sister into letting me into your house. I now live in your basement," Eddie explained around a mouthful of apple. Madison was silent then burst out in unfiltered laughter in the backseat.
"Well magical hobo, come through the front door next time. I don't need a heart attack. I have a fear of unsolicited nudity."
Tears were gathering at the corners of my eyes, unable to hold back at their banter.
"Though my diet is based on such fears, I accept your request," Eddie said. I forced myself to calm down, now surrounded by other moving cars near the school.
        As we pulled into the nearly full parking lot, Madison leaned forward and took a drink from my tea. I pulled to my regular spot beside the blue Camaro. Glancing at the clock, I was surprised the space was still available this close to the bell.
"I'm going over to Max's to study tonight. I'll be home for dinner though. Her step-dad was insistent that I couldn't stay," Madison said as we got out of the car.
"I remember. I'll be there at the usual time," I told her. Across the football field, the middle school's bell rang. "Go! Don't be late and tell your teacher it was my fault."
Madison waved and ran away. I glanced at Eddie over the car's roof. He looked at me with a soft expression. My eyebrows scrunched together as my silent response. Another car door opened and shut behind me,
"You're really good with your sister."
My face warmed, and I awkwardly shrugged. "Thank you. Years of experience."
A warm body stop at my shoulder. Eddie looked at the person, his smile disappeared and all friendliness was gone. I knew who it was. Glancing back and up, Billy was glaring with his jaw clenched. I hadn't noticed Billy sitting in his car when we pulled in. These days, he usually waited at my locker.
Eddie cleared his throat uncomfortably. "I'll talk to you later, Jess."
I turned to say bye, but Eddie was walking away. Sighing, I faced Billy. Opening my mouth to chastise him for scaring away my friend, I noticed the bruising on his cheek.
As I'd suspected, Billy hadn't changed his behaviour at school. He was still the flirty asshole to me and every other girl. To most people, he was just an asshole. Since September, he'd been involved with three fights including one where he tried to beat up Eddie for 'looking at him wrong'. I refused to speak with Billy for a week. He cornered me on the Friday after, muttering a shitty apology how he'd 'embarrassed the freak at school'. I didn't accept it, but he didn't care. 
Now a full two months into our 'friendship', the Billy I saw while picking Madison up was different. Our conversations almost always hit the hour long mark. At first, Billy made sure all conversations stayed surface level, never saying any information that actually revealed anything about ourselves. 
He slipped one day though, when I mentioned the abuse my mother inflicted on my father during my childhood. Billy subtly admitted that his father hit him along with other abuses. After that, he allowed our conversations to fall into more serious topics sometimes. Knowing he hated looking weak, I tried to keep our conversations were about something dumb or music. Surprisingly, we had similar tastes. I'd mentioned to him that Eddie listened to the same stuff. He wasn't impressed about that. I liked that Billy. I even reciprocated the flirting sometimes.
Seeing the black and blue spot on his cheekbone, my fingers began to reach up. I caught myself, pulling my hand to my chest. Looking into his eyes, I had a hard time understanding his emotions. He looked angry but not? He'd caught my movement though and knew what I was going to do.
"What was the freak doing in your car?" Billy asked, clenching his teeth.
I ran my fingers through my hair. "Eddie needed a ride. His van is acting up, I guess. We're friends, so he called me."
"Yeah, and he made you late."
"What does that matter to you?" I shook my head. "Anyways, it doesn't matter. I just want to remind you, don't bug Madison and Max too much after school. They've got a test tomorrow and they're ready, but I know they're still freaked out which means they'll be stress-studying."
Billy continued to stare, clenching his jaw. He stepped forward and moved his hands to my face. My head jolted back in surprise. He went from angry to trying to kiss me? His hands dropped and whatever emotion was in his eyes faded. I glanced at the few people standing outside the school. They were staring, leaning into each other and whispering.
I cleared my throat and gave him a small smile. "Can we talk later? I feel weird talking here."
Billy scoffed and dramatically rolled his eyes. 
"Whatever, skank," he called over his shoulder as he walked away.
"Billy, what the hell?" 
Everyone in the parking lot turned. Billy looked too, a predatory grin spread across his face. I felt the need to shrink back, but I did my best to stay straight.
"What, can't take the fact that I don't want you? You think I was actually friends with you? I'm only nice to you to get in your pants. I wanted to see if the rumours were as good as they sounded," Billy said in a booming voice. He wanted everyone to heard. "News flash, sweetheart. You've got big tits and that's the only thing appealing about you."
"Billy, please. I don't understand what's going on. Is this because of your eye or," I whispered, so even the closest student couldn't hear. It was the wrong thing to say. Billy's eyes flashed with fury.
Billy strutted towards me. I'd seen this side of Billy once before, but we'd been alone and he wasn't thriving off the energy of his nasty friends. The bruise was from his father and he was angry. At himself, at his father, at the world. Just like before, I was the easiest target. I looked at him, waiting for more words of assault. His anger wasn't simmering, and he continued forward. I kept my face neutral, taking deep breaths. It was gross to know I'd learned how to react to this behaviour throughout my life. Now Billy Hargrove, high school asshole, was looming over me. His eyes were flickering around my face, searching for a reaction.
"I assume you're only good for one thing, but since you're so much of a prude, I guess we'll never find out. The lead up hasn't been great either, just to let you know. But any warm mouth will do though."
The wheels were turning in Billy's head as the words stopped. He was running out of things to say. He was already lying. We'd never even kissed. The furthest we'd gone was watching a scary movie with the girls, I grabbed his hand during a jump scare and then fell asleep on his shoulder.
Billy raised his hand, pointing his finger in my face. As he opened his mouth to spew something else, a body stepped in front of me.
"Alright, Hargrove. Time to back off and take a breath. I'm sure you've bothered her enough."
It took me a moment to realise it was Steve Harrington in front of me. A menacing grin spread on Billy's face, throwing his arms in the air.
"Harrington! You have a little crush on this trailer trash? Or are her skills satisfactory for you? I usually like someone who knows what they're doing, but big tits might be enough to get you off."
I stepped out from behind Steve, to see Billy's face. His anger was entirely focused on Steve. My eyes searched the growing crowd. Nancy stood at the front of the gawking teenagers. She clutched the collar of her shirt, watching the confrontation with wide eyes. I mentally thanked my friend for sending her boyfriend over even if he wasn't very skilled with physical confrontation.
"Billy, just let it go. You're drawing more attention than you need," I said in a soft voice.
Billy glanced behind him, his smile twisting when he spotted his friends. Tommy's wicked grin itched for me to hit him. I'd risk the suspension.
"Don't want everyone to know about your skills? Or lack thereof?" Billy asked.
I placed my hand on Steve's bicep, glaring at Billy. "Thank you, Steve. I think we should go, the bell is about to ring."
Steve nodded, gently resting his hand on my lower back. With one last glance at Billy, now glaring at Steve, the crowd parted for us. The students muttered in annoyance, having stood around expecting a fight. When we reached her, Nancy put her arm around my shoulders.
"Are you okay?" she asked in a low voice, making our way through the quickly dispersing crowd as the first bell rang. I took a deep breath, blinking back the tears I hadn't expected to form. The whole situation built a lot faster than I thought. 
"Yeah, I'm okay. I've faced scarier people," I commented, passing through the doors. "You should see my sister in the morning."
Nancy and Steve chuckled, appreciating my humour. A few people looked in our direction as we walked by. I didn't know if what happened outside had already gone through the school or they were looking at King Steve.
Opening my locker, the couple stood and looked at me with concern.
I smiled at them. "Seriously, I'm okay. Billy just took me by surprise. I lived in Washington DC for a year. I've dealt with children of mobsters and politicians," I shrugged as I put my bag inside. "Besides, I have to stop by his house tonight. My sister is studying there."
"Do you want me to go with you?" Steve asked, his eyebrows curling up under his flopping bangs.
"Thank you, but no. I'll just stay in the car."
Steve nodded, glancing down at Nancy. "I've got to change for gym. See you later?"
She nodded, smiling. He pressed a kiss to her lips quickly before walking away. Nancy watched her boyfriend walk away before turning to me. I looked at her before checking my face in the mirror. I could've had eye goop and not know from how fast we left this morning.
"Are you sure you're okay to go by his house?"
I sighed. "I'm going to be okay." I looked around to check for others' listening. "Because of our sisters being friends, I've spent some alone time with him. He's got anger issues but I don't see him being violent. Towards women at least." I shrugged. "It was a little startling that he yelled, but seriously, I've lived through it before. He's easily frustrated."
Nancy's eyes widened. "Really? So, he isn't always a total douche?"
A chuckle slipped through my lips at Nancy's word choice. I ran my fingers through my hair, shaking out any small knots left over from the braids.
"Everything I've told you is in secret, okay? You can't tell anyone, especially Steve. They've got that weird dick size contest." Nancy nodded vigorously with a tight smirk. I knew Billy trusted me not to spread how nice he could be, but I had to give her something since I'd stood there and let him yell.
"I'll admit his flirting isn't always vulgar. It can be really sweet."
Nancy jutted out her lower lip, taking in what I said. She was completely entranced by my words, but something seemed to catch her attention.
"Before I forget, children of mobsters and politicians? How -"
The bell cut her off, and Nancy looked over her shoulder.
"Oh." She turned back and handed me a small piece of paper. "Come to the Halloween party tomorrow at Tina's. I'll be there, and Steve, and Jonathan too." I watched her eyes gleam at the latter's name but I ignored it. "Just let loose. You can bring your sister to my house if you want? I know she and Mike are friends."
I tapped the paper against my opposite hand, looking down at the bold lettering. "If I can't get my mum to stay home with her, I'll bring her over if she wants. Okay?"
Nancy smiled kindly. "Sounds good. I'll see you in class."
I waved as my friend disappeared into the crowd. I'm glad for Nancy. Unlike Eddie and Robin, she was like springtime. Just soft and kind. No one disliked her. It was refreshing.
          The rest of the day was mentally exhausting. People kept looking at me and whispering. It was like the first day of school all over again. Truthfully, I was only angry Billy disparaged my sexual abilities publicly. I had experience and I was told many times that I was above par. Yeah, it was a petty thing to be proud of but still. I was proud.
Robin refused to leave my side, insisting I eat lunch with her and her friends instead of with the Hellfire pack. She was concerned about Billy continuing his rampage if I was with Eddie again. I did my best to assure her that he wouldn't, but she was certain I'd been blinded by Billy's blue eyes and the kindness he showed me outside of school.
Eddie looked hesitant as I approached at the smokers' corner. Hands in the back pockets of my jeans, I gave him a weak smile. Eddie wrapped his arm over my shoulder, pulling me into a hug and away from the familiar faces.
"Are you okay?" I whispered, tugging on the edges of his jean jacket. 
"You're asking me? You're the one who got screamed at. I should be asking you."
I shrugged. "I guess. It was surprising, but Billy doesn't have the greatest calm streak."
Now that we faced each other, Eddie pushed some hair behind my ear. I glanced up from his jacket buttons. He looked concerned, resting his hand against my cheek.
"You don't have to spend time with him."
Eddie in a serious tone wasn't something that happened often. It did warm my heart, even if it was weird. I leaned into his palm.
"I know. I know nothing will happen. Billy will keep his hands to himself. I promise."
Eddie's jaw twitched as he sighed, continuing to stare at me. He didn't believe me. Leaning forward, Eddie placed a soft kiss on my forehead. My heart tightened and I tried to keep the look of surprise off my face. He smirked and released my face, walking back to his accomplices by the road.
          I didn't see Eddie for the rest of the day. The forehead kiss barely left my mind. After school, Robin walked with me to my car, heads together giggling over her dramatic retelling of some embarrassing thing the basketball captain had done in third period. Robin shook her hair back, catching her breath. She fell silent and grabbed my arm, pulling me to a stop. My gaze snapped up from the ground, expecting to see something horrible from how tightly she held onto me. Instead, all I saw was Billy leaning against his Camaro's driver's side, head down and arms crossed. Robin glanced over, tugging me back to the school.
"It's fine." I sighed. "he's waiting for Madison and his sister. And he can say whatever he wants. I'm in no mood for another confrontation in the parking lot."
She stared at him wearily, but nodded her head. Hearing our feet against the concrete, Billy peeked up. I kept myself from meeting his stare, but I could feel it. Tossing my bag into the backseat, I put my hands on my hips and looked at Robin.
"Do you want a ride home?"
Robin shook her head. "No thanks, band practice. I wanted to make sure you got to your car hassle free."
She glared towards the Camaro before looking at me sweetly. I knew she'd made eye contact with him as her glare had gotten darker for a moment.
I rolled my eyes. "Thank you, Robin. I know you're capable of a lot of damage."
Robin blew me a kiss, heading back to the school as I got into my car. I kept my focus on the steering wheel as I started the engine. Through the rearview mirror, I spotted Max and Madison walking towards the Camaro as I pulled out of the driveway.
I spent my free time in the most boring way. A bit of groceries and essentials shopping then homework. Eddie would be so disappointed when he found out. I glanced at the clock often, knowing I had to pick Madison up by five o'clock. Billy's father was strict on when dinner was served. The closer it got, the more my anxiety grew about seeing the Californian ladies' man.
          As the sun began to set, I stood outside the Hargrove/Mayfield house. I wanted to stay in the car, but I knew better than to honk the horn when Neil Hargrove's car sat in the driveway. Stiffly, I pressed the doorbell. Footsteps thundered inside the house and the door flew opened. I was hoping for my blonde thirteen year old sister, but alas, Billy stood in the open space. He released the door and shoved his hands into his jean pockets, glancing at the porch behind me.
It was an awkward greeting.
"Can you tell my sister I'm here? I'd like to go."
Walking down the porch steps, I heard Billy yell into the house for Madison. The door clicked shut, and footsteps thudded behind me. A hand wrapped around mine, spinning me around. Billy stood, towering over me. He was uncomfortable and it didn't sit well on his face. Almost like he didn't know how to show it.
"Will you please talk to me? I know I messed up."
Scoffing, I yanked my hand away. "I don't know if there's anything to talk about, Billy. You humiliated me and yourself today. Some of those dimwits might find you amusing, but others sure don't. I didn't ask to be your verbal punching bag. Not to mention I didn't do anything to deserve that."
There was a part of me that wanted to yell. But I knew better. Billy wouldn't handle it well. I was getting a brutal headache too.
"Please just let me explain. Come inside and talk."
I took a step backwards and Billy moved with me. He looked desperate for me to listen. The irritating soft spot inside me for Billy was tempted to listen but Madison walked out of the house, with Billy's father staring out the open door. A jolt of anger shot up my spine towards the older man. Did he not understand what he'd done to his son? The monster he'd created inside him?
Madison shifted her eyes between Billy and me as she approached, tentatively. I'm sure what happened this morning had made its way to the middle school. Probably by second period.
I smiled at my sister, handing her the car keys. "Give me a second."
I turned back to Billy as she passed silently. Neil still stood in the doorway. Through the anger I felt for Neil, my protective instincts rose. Billy watched me with his jaw shifting like he was holding back his true emotions and my soft spot won. It was pathetic.
"I have to take my sister home. If you really want to talk, and as I suspect," I glanced at his father for a moment, "don't want anyone to see, come by the house. You get one chance, Billy Hargrove."
I walked to the car, stopping Billy from continuing to flash his puppy dog eyes at me. Sliding in, I rested my head back against the seat. I took a deep breath while I turned the car on. I glanced at my sister.
"So, how was your day?"
My sister smirked, shaking her head. She definitely knew everything that happened. I drove away from the house with the handsome teenager standing outside, staring at me.
"Yes, he stayed on the driveway until we drove away," Madison confirmed, picking at her nails.
"How did you know that's what I was thinking?"
"You may be four years older, but I'm just as observant. Or more so, depending on the situation."
"And in what situations would you be smarter than me?" I glanced at her. A smile spread across her face.
"Okay, first, 'smarter' was your choice of words, not mine. Just making that clear. Second, I'm ridiculously smarter than you when it comes to boys. At least I know when a boy likes me." Smiling, I ignored my sister but she was on a roll. "You know, I'd realise the stoner who let me sleep on his lap was into me, or the player who only spoke to me with hearts in his eyes and with respect also likes me."
"You think Billy respects me? Then you must've heard the wrong story about today," I said, glancing at her. Seeing the interest sparkling in her eyes, I realised I shouldn't be telling her about this. She didn't need to know the details of Billy's insults. I cleared my throat, turning back to the road.
"Anyways, that doesn't matter. Are you ready for your test?"
         After preparing an easy dinner, Madison's Halloween costume was finished and she was in her room doing on homework. With time to myself, I flopped onto my bed. I had my own homework to start, but the orange paper Nancy gave me was weighting my mattress down beside me. I left my mother a note on her pillow before I came in here. Hopefully she'd gift me the night off. She wasn't working. She could actually stay home for once. It wasn't an inconvenience. 
From the move, I had two costumes. One of them, I made in a costuming class in Seattle. I wasn't sure if it was appropriate, but people were more likely to recognize it. Taking a deep sigh, I rubbed my eyes, trying to convince myself to get up. I'd need to iron it and this was the last free time I had before the party.
My body jumped at knocking against my window. Billy was on the other side, a half smile on his face.
"You can enter through the front door," I said, pushing up the window frame.
"I figured I'd give myself a challenge," he said, planting both his feet inside my bedroom. I snorted, sitting back against the pillows on my bed. Billy stood awkwardly, looking around before sitting on my desk chair.
"Are you going to Tina's Halloween party?" he asked, eyes on the orange paper.
"If I can get a babysitter, yeah. I assume you are," I commented, raising my eyebrows.
"Never miss an opportunity to get drunk," he answered with a smirk. I rolled my eyes at the ridiculously teenage response. He intertwined his fingers, tapping his thumbs. on his hands. He had no idea where to start with an apology.
"Look Billy, before you say anything too grandiose or a lie." My mouth dried. "I'm not sleeping with you. So, if you have that expectation or even hope for the end of this conversation, I'll make it easy for you."
He scratched the back of his head. "Yeah, I expected that. I'm confident in getting into a girl's pants, but after this morning I don't think even Michael Jackson would succeed."
I let out a snort. "If you think my type is Michael Jackson, then we really should never have sex."
He chuckled and the tense eased a little. As the smile fell from his face, his hands rubbed against his thighs. His face twisted and I knew he was getting ready to make things uncomfortable again.
"I don't know what to say other than I'm sorry. I shouldn't have taken it out on you. It was just a crappy twelve hours and you showing up with the freak looking rushed and flustered kinda broke the camel's back."
Honestly, it was a better apology than what I imagined. I don't think Billy apologised for anything in his life, especially his behaviour towards other people. I wasn't sure how to bring the next part up without the risk of making him annoyed.
"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked, pointing awkwardly to his cheekbone.
Billy continued to rub his thighs, shrugging. "Nothing special. Just the usual way I usually end up with a bruised face."
I nodded. "Is that the only bruised spot?"
"Yeah, he only took one swing. Got it all out, I guess."
"Can I ask what happened?" I shifted to the edge of my bed, letting my feet rest against the rug. He half shrugged, but his face lost a little stress.
"Max was out with those weird kids from school. I was supposed to be watching her, apparently."
I nodded, understanding the unsaid words. When Neil asked him where Max was and Billy didn't know, Mr. Hargrove always mentioned (for the first time) that Billy should be watching Max. And since Billy hadn't read his mind, his face was the result of Neil's anger. 
"Speaking of freaks, why was Munson with you?" Billy asked, his voice stronger and irritated.
"I'm pretty sure you said weird, not freak," I responded, smirking at him. Billy looked at me, rolling his eyes.
"Same thing."
I rolled my eyes half heartedly. "Like I said earlier, Eddie needed a ride to school and I gave it to him."
"You don't live anywhere near the trailer park," Billy stated.
"As you said. I almost made Madison late for school," I said, shrugging.
He was staring at me now. I stared back, biting on my tongue lightly. There was no way to say Eddie slept over without Billy turning into an asshole again. I stood, sticking my hands into my pockets.
"Thank you for the apology. I accept but, we're not hunky dory. I don't think that's going to make much of a difference at school anyways," I paused. "But thank you. I want to slash your tires a little less."
Billy chuckled, standing too. Even standing across the room from each other, he loomed over me. His eyes reflected honesty. He was handsome and the corners of his lips were turned up enough to soften his face. His lips were kissable. I squeezed my jaw, bringing myself back to the present. Not what I need to be thinking about right now.
"Is there anything else you wanted to talk about?"
His mouth turned into a half smile, and I knew he saw me looking at his lips. Thankfully, he only stuck his hand out to me.
"Acquaintances with little sisters who are friends?"
I chuckled, his words were ridiculous but accurate. I placed my hand against Billy's palm. His hand was huge, his fingers almost connecting around my hand. He shook our hands once with force. I laughed at the formality. A smile cracked across his face, a genuine smile. He tugged me towards him, catching me by my hips as my feet tangled. My hands instinctively grabbed Billy's forearms, and I looked up at him, eyebrows raised.
"I told you we aren't having sex, Billy."
"Yeah, I know," Billy muttered, brushing one hand down the side of my face. He pushed my wild hair back off my shoulder. He began to lean forwards and my eyes shut, expecting pressure against my lips. Instead, it was on my cheek. I looked at Billy with surprise as he stood straight, dropping his hands away from me.
"I couldn't tempt myself," Billy explained, winking. I felt a little dazed. What just happened?
As he threw his leg over the window frame, Billy looked back at me once more. "You do know you're going to sleep with me one day, right?"
I wrapped my arms across my chest, chuckling. "In your dreams, Hargrove."
"You know it," he said with another wink and disappeared onto the roof.
A shot of adrenaline ran through me, tempting me to call him back. My brain created images of what Billy Hargrove could do to my body. Tingles followed his imaginary hands. Instead, I shut the window. Pushing out the temptation. I could still feel the weight of Billy's lips on my cheek and his scent lingered. I flopped face first onto my bed. I was screwed.
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foliosriot · 2 years ago
green with envy (even as i'm blushing like a cherry) (5960 words)
eddie munson x steve harrington ao3 if that's what you prefer :)
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tonight’s the night. eddie finally invited steve to the hideout to see corroded coffin play after months of his friends/bandmates badgering the everloving fuck out of him and pressuring him to just give in.
in theory, eddie figured it wouldn’t be stressful by any means; he’s just playing another gig — a gig where his best friend raging fucking crush will be somewhere in the crowd, watching him. in practice, eddie was vibrating with nerves, more so than usual. he’s been anxiously nibbling at his fingernails for the past thirty minutes, but thankfully everything is set up on stage and ready to go.
eddie could not believe he somehow convinced steve "the hair" harrington to attend a metal show. well, a more-than-amateur metal show where the crowd consists of mostly drunks and stoners, but a metal show nonetheless. however, the thought of steve being in the crowd — being there for eddie — made eddie’s stomach do somersaults as he not-so-subtly peaked out through the curtains to gaze out over the growing crowd from backstage. his heart felt like a bass drum, double-foot pedals slamming into the vital muscle, threatening to obliterate the fragile membrane.
god, this couldn’t be fucking happening. he’s never been this nervous before a show. not even the first show corroded coffin actually got to play at the hideout. then, he’d been high on adrenaline and weed and utterly buzzing with anticipation. now, he’s stone cold sober and jittering with fear and anxiety.
he needs a fucking cigarette.
but that thought is immediately crushed when a hand lands gently on his shoulder, causing him to jump. eddie swings his head around to see gareth looking at him as he carefully withdraws his hand.
”dude, you good?” gareth asks, concern subtly gleaming in his eyes.
eddie blinks a few times then nods. “yeah. i’m fine,” he tells him, near breathlessly.
gareth scrunches up his eyebrows. “it’s just another show, eddie,” he reminds him. there was something in his voice that was making eddie’s skin itch.
yeah, a show where steve harrington will be watching my every fucking move.
”and just because steve is gonna be here doesn’t mean it’ll be any different,” gareth continues, as if he were able to read eddie’s thoughts. “we’re gonna kick ass either way.”
eddie bit down on his tongue and forced himself to agree with gareth. because gareth was right, after all, like he goddamn always is. it was just another show that steve just so happened to agree to attend. it’s not a big deal, and eddie internally scolds himself for making it seem like it was honestly and truly a bigger deal than it really was.
gareth stood by his side until it was time for corroded coffin to take the stage. eddie forced down a few deep lungfuls of stagnant air that smelt like alcohol and sweat, and stiffly followed after his bandmates.
like gareth had said: just another show. and that’s exactly what it was. eddie successfully got his mind off steve so he could focus on traipsing his nimble fingers up and down the neck of his beloved warlock and nailing each strumming pattern. he got lost in the music, and didn’t bother paying that much attention to the obvious groupies that were front and center of the crowd or frantically searching the faces before him for steve. (and thankfully, the lights were bright enough that they prevented eddie from looking further beyond the corroded coffin groupies.)
fortunately, their set ended with raucous cheering and whooping, and eddie was able to catch his breath. unfortunately, the lights came back on and eddie finally got to see everything in front of him, which meant he instantly began searching the sea of faces for steve.
the cymbals and bass and wailing guitar were all still shouting mercilessly in his chest when he finally spotted steve. he was sat at the bar, and he visibly brightened when he caught eddie’s eye. eddie was about to wave at him in greeting when steve’s attention was drawn elsewhere.
a man approached steve. eddie couldn’t make out any defining features from the stage so he didn’t know who it was. but he started talking to steve like they were old friends, snatching his gaze that had been lingering on eddie a bit too long.
eddie huffed as he began packing up his guitar as jeff, gareth, and grant were already hauling their shit off-stage. eddie helped them get everything into the back of his van before they all headed back inside. although, the cold night air felt refreshing on his sweaty skin, so he may have stayed outside a few minutes longer than necessary. definitely not so he could avoid steve just a bit longer.
as he was about to dive into the crowd, eddie’s eyes found steve with no trouble. steve and the mystery man were talking, their heads angled inward, too close for eddie’s taste. there was a twinge underneath his sternum, and the remaining adrenaline coursing throughout his body was coiling into an untidy knot in the pit of his stomach at the sight.
steve was smiling widely at the man and laughing at something he had said when eddie got in front of him. steve noticed him and essentially threw himself at eddie, his arms coiling around eddie’s neck and eddie’s wrapped around steve’s waist. the proximity was soothing and calmed eddie down, calmed his post-show nerves and eased that unnecessary weight from his shoulders.
steve pulled away too soon for eddie’s liking. but the beaming grin on his face was almost worth it.
”eddie! that was fucking amazing,” steve complimented him. “why have i never seen you perform until tonight?”
eddie shrugged. “didn’t think you’d want to come,” he admitted as he shoved his hands into the front pockets of his jeans. “y’know, i figured the metal scene wasn’t somewhere you’d feel comfortable or welcome, so i never asked.”
”well, you are an incredible guitar player, so i’m definitely coming more often.”
the way steve said that made eddie’s stomach twist and jolt with apprehension. but he would be lying if he said he didn’t like the feel.
and the way he was looking at eddie? if eddie didn’t have a firm grip on his self-control at the moment he would be pouncing on steve in an instant. finally get to see what the hype was all about when it came to kissing steve harrington. finally get to see what it was like to taste him as their tongues collided and—
“oh, eddie!” steve’s voice knocked him out of his head. “this is ash,” he said, gesturing to the man standing beside him.
now, eddie finally turned his attention to the mystery man. he hadn’t spared him a second glance since he first spotted steve right after their set.
ash was a few inches taller than steve, just like eddie. his wavy hair was dyed black — a shitty box dye at best, if eddie had to guess — and hung delicately around his face. he wore a dingy denim jacket that was decorated with some band patches and pins, with a bad religion t-shirt underneath. his jeans were tattered and torn, adorned with patches of different fabric patterns and accessorized with safety pins and a couple chains. he had on annoyingly chunky black combat boots, and eddie could just make out bland black socks sticking out. a small silver ring stuck out of each earlobe and a stud clung to one nostril.
a punk at a metal show.
a punk with steve harrington at a metal show, no less.
eddie must be fucking dreaming.
“ash, this is eddie, eddie, this is ash,” steve introduced them.
ash gave him a tight lipped smile and a brief nod before turning his attention back to steve. the gesture set something off inside of eddie, and he didn’t have the guts to give it a name. at least right now.
this guy wasn't rubbing eddie the right way, and he needed to get away. of course, he didn't want to leave steve, whose eyes kept returning to eddie every few seconds. that alone would keep eddie glued to where he was standing. but ash the punk was crowding into steve's space and giving eddie the cold shoulder.
"um . . . well, th-thanks for coming, stevie," eddie said to steve as enthusiastically and genuinely as he could muster. ash was now fully standing in between steve's legs, effectively stealing steve's attention entirely. the sight made eddie grit his teeth until it hurt.
without another word or attempt at getting steve to acknowledge him, eddie spun on his heel and walked away. he shoved his way through the crowd until he was backstage. none of the guys were idling back behind the curtain when he stepped into the secluded area. eddie groaned, grabbing his leather jacket and stomping for the back door.
thankfully, the guys were standing next to his van. they were definitely still hyper with adrenaline but very obviously coming down. gareth was twirling one of his drumsticks around his fingers as he leaned against the van. jeff was bouncing on the balls of his feet while grant was half-asleep next to him.
but as soon as they caught sight of eddie, all signs of exhaustion vanished and they were talking at him at a million miles an hour.
"what'd harrington think of his first corroded coffin performance?" grant asked.
"yeah, he had to have had some choice words for it," jeff added from where he was leaning against grant. "was he polite about hating it or what?"
grant and jeff kept badgering eddie with random questions from the left and the right. and honestly, eddie couldn't find it in himself to care. because frankly, he was exhausted, hungry, and maybe just a little bit pissed off. gareth happened to notice his strained expression and finally relieved eddie of the chatterboxes they call friends.
"you guys are assholes," gareth cut in, his tone bland. "we had a damn good show, right? how 'bout we just head home? eddie can tell us tomorrow.”
god bless gareth.
so eddie reluctantly climbed into the driver's seat and, once everyone was in, he swerved out of the hideout's parking lot. and if his throat was tight from the urge to cry then that's for him to know, and him only.
the next morning eddie felt like a corpse. his limbs were heavy and his head was numb as he shuffled to the kitchen for some breakfast.
as he sat and ate his sad cereal, dejectedly eating it on the couch, eddie found himself reminiscing about the night before. he remembered having an anxiety attack all day because steve had agreed to go see corroded coffin perform. which meant his mind reminded him of the fact that steve hadn't been alone. he had someone with him, a punk for fuck's sake.
it was more than obvious that the guy didn't want to be there. eddie could tell he had been slightly uncomfortable in a metal-dominated environment but was too proud to say so.
what was his name again? crash? rash? eh, eddie could care less.
the way he had been all over steve sent a paralyzing shiver up eddie's back. he had been deliberately stealing steve's attention, something eddie was 100% sure of.
but steve had been there to support a friend. just a friend. eddie and steve were nothing more, so eddie had no reason to feel like this. whatever this is.
and, it's not like eddie and steve flirt like there's no tomorrow. or that they are always pressed up against each other even when there's plenty of open space around them. or when steve will show up to the trailer whenever eddie calls, when eddie is bored or lonely, or just wants to see him (which he never outright says). and definitely not when steve will cuddle with him without complaint.
yeah. none of that means they're more than friends.
although, eddie can’t help it. he can’t push away the pulsing ache in his chest. he can’t clear away the lovesick fog from his brain. just the thought of steve hanging out with someone that wasn't him — save for anyone else in the party — made him sick.
he wants steve, and he wants steve to himself. he doesn’t want to share. and he sure as hell isn’t going to share with a bitchy fucking punk.
jesus christ, he needs help.
eddie finishes his cereal and sets aside his empty bowl. he sots back against the couch cushions, anxiously nibbling on his bottom lip.
maybe that is what he needs: help. maybe he should just go to steve and talk to him, tell him how he has the biggest fucking crush on him and how it makes him physically ill to think of him with anyone that isn't him.
eddie nearly laughed at himself for just thinking that.
what about robin? robin could help. yes, robin could help eddie!
and he knew for a fact robin was working at the family video today. he could get her alone, in case steve is working, and tell her what's going on.
unfortunately, when he shows up to the family video, eddie is met with the sight of steve's bmw parked out front. eddie is suddenly nervous, especially as he forces himself to go inside.
but someone basically rams into him when he walks through the door. eddie finds himself apologizing before recognizing who collided with him.
fucking trash.
the punk grimaced at the sight of him but changed his demeanor completely when there was a laugh from further in the store.
back behind the front counter was steve, who was hiding his smile underneath his hand. his shoulders were gently shaking from laughing, and it made eddie see stars.
"ash, you remember eddie, right?" steve said as his giggles were dying down.
ash — eddie liked trash more — gave steve a curt nod. he turned back to eddie, his eyes cold and dark.
"yeah, i remember him," he replied, but only loud enough for eddie to hear. "i'll catch ya later, steve," he called over his shoulder before pushing past eddie out the door.
eddie grumbled under his breath as he made his way over to steve. he forced a smile that quickly turned genuine at seeing steve already smiling gently at him.
”hi, eddie,” steve greeted him.
”hiya, stevie.” eddie grinned brightly at him as he planted his palms flat on the surface of the counter, leaning forward until he was nearly in steve’s space. “how’s it goin’?”
”it’s going okay,” steve says. his eyes are soft as he stares at eddie. “better now.”
”yeah? why’s that?”
steve shrugged with one shoulder. “i mean, you’re here, so,” he tells eddie.
this makes eddie smile even wider and brighter, his grin rivaling the summer sun outside.
”oh? little ol’ me?”
steve doesn’t respond. all he does is gnaw on his bottom lip, clearly biting back a smile, and avoids eddie’s eyes. it has eddie’s heart swooping down to his stomach.
”well, as much as i would love to stay and chat, i need to talk to robin,” eddie explains, once he is sure he has steve’s blushing face imprinted on his brain. “she here?”
the diverting conversation has steve finally meeting his eyes, but he looks a little disappointed. although, maybe eddie was imagining it, because the look is gone in the blink of an eye.
”i’m covering for rob today,” steve says. he has the ghost of a grin stretching his lips. “said she had a family thing.”
now eddie has to wait to talk to robin. he sure as hell isn’t driving over to her house after this. no way.
”shit, okay.” eddie couldn’t swallow the slight panic that had found its way into his voice.
”is everything okay, eds?” steve asks, his eyebrows scrunching up.
eds. eds. eds.
fucking hell, this boy was going to be the death of eddie.
”uh, y-yeah, everything’s fine, stevie,” eddie says in assurance. “just had a question for robin. it can wait, though.”
steve nods, though he doesn’t look completely convinced.
”but i’ve gotta go now. talk to ya later.”
eddie begins to walk back towards the exit when he finds himself stopping just as he is about to reach for the handle to the door. he bites down on his lip as hard as he can before turning back towards steve.
”y’wanna go see corroded coffin again next friday?”
steve’s eyes are wide as he nods enthusiastically.
”yeah, of course! i’d love to.”
”sick.” eddie smiles at steve once more. “i’ll see ya later, sweetheart.”
and with that, eddie finally pushes the door and leaves the family video. he harshly bites his lip as he’s getting in to his van, scolding himself for inviting steve to the hideout again. at this point he’s basically setting himself up for failure, especially if steve brings stash next week. the thought sends a jolt of discomfort down eddie’s spine as he starts the van and gets the hell out of that parking lot.
eddie didn’t see either steve or robin the rest of the week. he was terrified for friday night but he had to get over himself one way or another. so if that meant seeing his crush bring another guy to his band’s gig, then so fucking be it, right?
gareth had definitely noticed eddie’s change in behavior since he first invited steve to the hideout. eddie hadn’t disclosed anything him or the rest of the band, but gareth had seen steve and his plus-one during their performance last week. he knew eddie wouldn’t react well.
and react well eddie did not.
eddie ended up ranting to gareth profusely after going to family video for robin, where he saw steve instead. he had bitched on and on about ash, the annoying punk who had stolen steve’s attention like it were a pot of gold, something that could be bought and used for his own gain.
if eddie were being honest, he doesn’t have anything against punks. he thinks they’re great people and that they are a very welcoming community. but ash had rubbed him wrong, and he couldn’t place his finger on why. their brief interactions had a left a permanent sour taste in eddie’s mouth.
now, here he is, just like he was the week prior: standing in the shadows of the curtain, anxiously waiting for corroded coffin to go on stage while he scoured the growing crowd for a glimpse of steve.
eddie didn’t catch sight of steve before they had to take the stage. he lost himself in the music, just like always, and hoped to whatever deity that may be watching over him that steve was here. that steve was here, not steve and ash.
but the almighty deity or whatever the fuck is a cruel bastard. because as he was done loading all of corroded coffin’s instruments and gear into the back of his van, eddie saw steve sitting next to ash at a booth. and robin?
without thinking, eddie pushed his way through the crowd until he reached his friends’ table. steve was the first to spot him, who jumped to his feet and hugged eddie tightly. he didn’t seem to notice — or care — that eddie was still sweaty from performing, or how eddie clung to him longer than usual.
robin sure did, though!
robin cleared her throat from behind eddie. steve pulled away from eddie rather quickly at that, and sat back down next to ash, who was toying with one of his necklaces, obviously bored. but eddie couldn’t bring himself to care, especially as robin gave him a speedy hug before sliding into the booth.
”eddie, that was awesome!” robin compliments him once he is sat on the end of the booth across from steve. “you guys rock.”
”aw, thanks, rob,” eddie says with a genuine smile.
robin continues talking at eddie, but he’s just so tired that he begins spacing out. his head is swimming and his heart rate hasn’t calmed down much since the band finished their set. he doesn’t think he’ll stick around much longer before heading home.
before eddie can bring himself to politely cut robin off, steve speaks up.
”hey, i’m gonna go get some drinks,” he announces as he stands. he looks at ash. “c’mon. you can come help me.”
ash rolls his eyes but follows after steve anyways. eddie watches them walk away, not realizing he’s glaring at ash until robin nudges him. he whips his head around to look at her. all he sees is her looking at him, her eyebrows raised and a pointed gleam in her eyes.
”really?” robin scoffs. “that’s all you have to say?”
“i have no idea what you’re talking about,” eddie replies, confused.
robin groans. “oh, my god, eddie. steve. your crush on him is blatantly obvious, and it hurts to watch sometimes.”
“oh, fuck off,” eddie snaps, but there’s no bite to his voice. he crosses his arms over his chest. “my crush on him is not that obvious, okay? and even if it was, i doubt he feels the same. he’s got mash over there to keep him company.”
”his name is ash,” robin corrects him, although there is a hint of a snicker in her words. “and steve and ash just hang out. they met a few weeks ago when ash came in to the family video, and then they became friends. that’s it.”
”you weren’t here last week, rob. you didn’t see how they were with each other.”
”yeah? what were they doing? ash getting all up in steve’s face and giving him just a little bit of his attention? steve eating that shit up? was that what you saw?”
”well, yeah, but—“
“no, stop. steve—“ robin takes a moment to take a deep breath, as if she’s mulling something over. eddie looks over at her. “steve likes you, eddie. a lot. but i don’t think he knows how to deal with that. so i think he’s trying to distract himself with someone who gives him just an ounce of their time. but i know he wants your attention more than anyone else’s.”
he sighs. “fine. i was gonna talk to you about this anyways, but looks like you beat me to it, buckley.”
robin shoots him a small grin. “don’t wait too long, okay?” she tells him. her smile falters before it falls entirely. “he isn’t very nice about, y’know . . . to both me and steve.”
eddie doesn’t have to guess what she’s referring to so vaguely. he knows it all too well. somehow ash knows about robin or he was able to figure it out all on his own, which makes eddie see red.
eddie clenches his jaw. he hates that robin is right. ash isn’t someone eddie should be envious of. he’s honestly not that attractive, and his cold personality is also not attractive by any means. he’s off-putting and had made eddie uncomfortable when they first met. there’s nothing good about him that eddie has been able to see.
and he could tell what robin was trying to tell him: tell steve how he feels. he needs to, especially if this dickhead has been passive aggressive to two of his best friends. steve and robin mean a lot to eddie, and he’d be damned if he let someone get away with harassing them.
”you’ve gotta be fucking kidding me,” eddie mutters under his breath. he glances back over at the bar to see steve and ash heading towards them with glasses of alcohol in hand.
before steve can hand eddie a drink or sit down, eddie stands. he comes face to face with steve, whose eyes are wide as he looks at him.
”i’m gonna head home,” eddie tells him softly. “but thank you for coming, stevie. means a lot to me and the guys.”
even under the dark lighting of the hideout, eddie can clearly see steve’s face flush bright red. he blinks a couple times before he comes up with a reply.
”of course, eds,” steve says. “i love watching you play.”
eddie smiles gently at him.
”good to know.” eddie bites his tongue momentarily. “hey, do you wanna come over tomorrow? i need to tell you something.”
”uh, yeah, sure. are you okay?”
”y-yeah. i’m okay,” eddie assures him, though it’s a partial lie. “but uh, i’ll see at six o’clock tomorrow night? wayne will be at work.”
steve nods. “yeah. i’ll see you then.”
”cool. see ya, stevie.”
and with that, eddie dives back into the crowd until he makes it to the back door backstage. he doesn’t see the rest of the band, but then remembers jeff had driven his own car and took gareth and grant home right after the show.
eddie is shaking as he drives through the dark. he’s anxious and nervous and downright pissed off. learning that ash has been rude and nasty to robin and steve about things that they can’t change about themselves is quite possibly the worst thing that could have happened tonight.
when he gets home, eddie stumbles through the living room of the trailer half-blindly. his vision is blurry from exhaustion, but also from a bought of tears that wants to fall so badly. he chokes them back as he showers. he chokes them back as he puts on semi-clean pajamas. he chokes them back as he curls up in his blankets, wishing sleep would come to him faster.
eventually, eddie does slip into a feeble slumber. anxiety has been chewing away at him since he invited steve over. he wakes up groggy and grumpy around noon, even though he was already half awake by nine.
alas, his anxiety does not waver as the day passes. if anything, it gets worse. then when wayne is getting ready to leave to head to the plant he stops in eddie’s open door.
”hey, eddie,” he greets him. eddie snaps his head up to look at his uncle. “your boy comin’ over tonight?”
”he’s not my—“ eddie drags out a sigh, knowing it’s not worth arguing with wayne on the matter. at least right now. “um, yeah. yeah, steve’s coming over to hang out. hope that’s okay.”
”course it’s okay,” wayne says. there’s a mischievous twinkle in his eyes that eddie does not like seeing, especially when it comes to steve. “he go to your show last night, then? y’know, if he’s not your boy after all?”
”oh, my god. get out, old man!”
wayne chuckles softly before telling eddie goodbye and leaving the trailer for the night. that leaves eddie alone with his thoughts for the next little while.
and he can’t stop thinking about what he’s going to say to steve. what could he say? other than confessing his undying love for him, and how he cares about him more than anything else, what would he even say in the moment?
this is hopeless, eddie realizes. he is hopeless. he’s bound to make a fool of himself, thus making steve uncomfortable and ultimately leaving without eddie even getting a proper sentence out.
he is utterly doomed.
then there’s a knock on the front door, and eddie begins to wonder if it’s too late to escape through his window.
but he’s made it this far, hasn’t he? he can make it another hour or so.
eddie takes a deep breath as he goes to open the door. his pulse is thudding in his neck, and part of him wishes it would just burst spontaneously and kill him. he stamps down the brief thought once he’s face-to-face with steve. and steve . . .
he’ll never admit it, but eddie loves seeing steve in his silly little polos. they work for him, and he loves it. eddie would never be caught dead in one. but steve pull them off so well.
he could pull something else off.
eddie internally scolds himself for that as he steps aside to let steve in. steve smiles at him once the door is closed. but there’s an air of anticipation around them, and eddie finds himself choking on it.
“hi,” steve greets him. and god, eddie is already completely gone. how is he supposed to confess his crush on steve when the guy is looking at him like that? with that charming look on his handsome face, making eddie get all soft and gooey on the inside? it’s unfair.
”hi,” eddie breathes out.
steve stares at him for a few more seconds, then says, “i don’t mean to be forward or anything, but you said you had something to tell me?”
”oh, yeah. right.” eddie swallows nervously. “follow me.”
he leads steve down the hall to his bedroom, where he stands by the door as steve gingerly sits on the edge of eddie’s bed. he looks mildly uncomfortable and eddie can’t have that.
eddie heads for the bed and sits down. he scoots back until he can sit crisscross with plenty of space between him and steve. this gets steve to turn towards him, thus pulling one leg up onto the mattress and folding it at the knee. he begins picking idly at his shoelace.
”so, um . . .”
he can’t do this. why did he think he could do this? this was so much worse than what he had initially anticipated from robin’s words last night. he was insane for thinking this would be easy.
but steve is looking at him, his fingers still playing with his shoelace. he’s staring intently and patiently as eddie searches for the right words.
it takes a while but eddie thinks he knows what he wants to say.
”never did i expect to be friends with steve harrington,” eddie begins hesitantly. “it was never something i particularly wanted, if i’m honest. but when henderson and the other gremlins joined hellfire and they were talking about this steve guy, i would have never guessed you were one in the same. ‘cause that steve gave them rides to school and wherever else out of the kindness of his heart. that steve was graduated and friends with freshmen. so this supposedly cool steve i didn’t know was an utter mystery to me.
”then henderson finally had us meet. and shit, man, you . . . you were so much better than what i expected. ‘cause i wasn’t expecting king steve harrington to be the one those gremlins would not shut up about. and yet, there you were. and i—“ eddie pauses, glancing briefly at steve. “i got to learn firsthand that you are truly a good dude. you changed for the better since high school, and that had me scrambling.”
eddie chances another glance to see steve still staring at him. but his eyebrows are knitting together and his eyes are shiny and wet.
”you threw me for a loop, stevie,” eddie goes on. “i was suddenly spinning out of control but i liked it. i still like it. and i like how caring you are. i like how selfless you are. i like the way you shamelessly flirt with everyone. i like your hugs, whenever you’re comfortable with touch. i like— i like you.”
he says the last part so quietly he barely hears it himself. though it’s clear that steve heard it. his eyes are wide and his cheeks are cherry red and eddie can’t drag his eyes away from him. his heart is racing but he’s too far gone.
”and when you finally came to see us play, i was so excited.” eddie sniffles, struggling to restrain the tears suddenly begging to fall. “but you had someone with you, and i figured that you were on a date or some shit, i dunno. i got jealous. i got angry. it was obvious to me that you like ash, so i decided to wallow in my self pity instead of saying something.”
eddie finally looks away from steve. he doesn’t see the tears slip down steve’s face or the way he’s staring at eddie with imaginary hearts popping out of his skull. but eddie said what he wanted to say. what more can he do?
as eddie’s gaze is glued to his pillows, steve shuffles over to him. eddie grinds his teeth in an attempt to ground himself and steve settles in next to him, their knees almost touching. the proximity is suddenly terrifying.
”i don’t like ash like that,” steve finally says, his voice quiet. “we just hang out sometimes. and he invited himself to the hideout, but i wasn’t gonna be a bitch and tell him no. i do, however, like you. i like you a lot, eds. like, it’s insane how much, really.”
a beat passes before there’s a gentle hand cradling eddie’s jaw. he tenses but allows steve to maneuver his head to look at him. steve is smiling gently.
”you okay?” steve asks.
eddie returns his smile, albeit a bit sad. “yeah. i’m okay.”
steve leans forward until his forehead is resting against eddie’s. eddie closes his eyes and basks in the warmth from steve, the relief he feels after the massive weight has been lifted from his shoulders.
eddie can feel steve brushing his thumb along his jawline, and eddie never wants him to stop.
steve’s voice is close to a whisper.
”yes, sweetheart?”
”can— can i kiss you?”
eddie’s nodding as steve finally closes the distance between them.
the feeling of his lips on steve’s is infinitely better than his initial theory. steve’s lips are soft and plush and eddie finds himself reaching for that silly little polo. eddie grabs onto the fabric and holds tight.
eddie has no idea how long they’re kissing. he ended up feeling adventurous once he felt steve brushing his tongue along his lips, and almost fell apart at the seams when steve was licking into his mouth like an expert.
steve crawled into eddie’s lap. eddie immediately wrapped one arm around steve’s waist and the other slipped into his hair, his fingertips scratching lightly at steve’s scalp. he experimentally pulls a bit, and is more than satisfied at the small whine it derives from steve. steve has both hands on either side of eddie’s face as they just kept kissing and kissing.
but steve eventually pulls away from eddie. his fingers slip into eddie’s hair as eddie is blinking open his eyes. he sees steve’s lips are red and swollen, and he is blushing like mad. his eyelids are at half-mast and the beautiful brown of his irises are nearly pitch black from his dilated pupils.
“i also like kissing you,” eddie says in a breathy voice. it earns a smile from steve.
”i like kissing you, too,” steve tells him.
they lean their foreheads together once more, and eddie has never felt so relaxed or so hyper in his life. but steve is massaging his head with the tips of his fingers and the calm begins to outweigh the nerves.
”stay the night?” eddie asks. his thumb is rubbing circles into steve’s hip, and a soft sigh comes as a reply.
”i’d love to.”
”good.” eddie bites his lip. “what does this mean for us?”
”i don’t know,” steve answers. “but personally, i like the idea of being your boyfriend.”
a chuckle escapes eddie’s throat. “i like that idea too,” he says with a smile. “you wanna be mine, stevie?”
“yeah, i’ll be yours, eds.”
with that, eddie wraps his arms around steve’s middle and steve wraps his around eddie’s neck. steve buries his face in eddie’s hair, his breathing tickling eddie’s ear. and if this wasn’t the best feeling ever.
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thecreelhouse · 1 year ago
⌞ it felt like love & drugs ⌝
Paring: Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
WC: 7.2k
Summary: After Steve helps you relax when your vibrator died, you want to return the favor, but it escalates, fast. // This is part 2 of it’s crazy what you’ll do for a friend ! part 3 - crystal clear 🥰
CW/Tags: language, roommates/FWB, Steve and reader getting stoned together, panic attacks, taunting/teasing banter, smut (duh), switch!steve/switch!reader, oral sex (m & f receiving), PiV rough/unprotected sex, light voyeurism/exhibitionism, ruined orgasm/denial, overstim, fluff
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A/N: this was supposed to be sub!steve, I swear, but whoops. my hand slipped. hope y’all enjoy ♡ title is from love & drugs - the maine
When Steve offered to help you … “relax”, after your vibrator died at the end of a horrid day, you thought you were dreaming. That was two weeks ago, and you’ve been a wreck ever since.
Yes, you were counting the days.
It was all you could think about, and you were silently hoping another opportunity would appear to return the favor to him, but no time felt right enough to bring it back up.
Despite Steve saying it wouldn’t make things weird, it did make things weird, for you. It was relatively easy to shrug it off on the outside, but you were losing it internally. On the other hand, he seemed fine, like nothing ever happened. Like he never went down on his best friend in the middle of the kitchen.
The sweet pet names he used casually weren’t helping much, either. 
“Hey, babe, how was your day?”
“What movie do you wanna watch next, sweetheart?”
“I grabbed the big pack of batteries, just to be safe. They’re all yours, honey.”
That last one had to be intentional.
It was beginning to drive you insane, and the tension was building enough to slowly bubble over. You’d only be able to keep this to yourself for so much longer before blurting to Steve some filthy comment about going down on him.
Self doubt settled in; maybe he didn’t want what you offered last time. Maybe Steve was just being polite. Maybe he wasn’t attracted to you like that. He was just being a good friend, helping you in the heat of the moment. 
Let it go. Just forget it. Don’t bother him with the idea.
So, you do. At least, as best as you can. Steve’s still on your mind when you play with yourself, quietly in your room. It’s obviously not as good as what he did with you, but you can’t just ask for him to eat you out again, just because. Choking on him is the first thought while you push your fingers into your own mouth.
Even when you’re not getting yourself off, you’ve had some moments of weakness where the thought crosses your mind while you have a lollipop in your mouth, or a popsicle. Licking ice cream off the spoon. None of it compares to what the real thing would be, but the concept of pleasuring your friend, your roommate, with your mouth, is becoming an unhealthy obsession.
On a rare night the two of you have off the next day, it’s spent getting stoned out of your mind with Steve.
It’s happened before, enough to be familiar with one another as you zone out, laugh at stupid shit, and raid the kitchen together. Tonight, though, you notice Steve’s not his usual relaxed, goofy self when high. He’s jittery. He’s quiet. He’s anxious, and you’re watching his weed-fueled spiraling unfold in real time.
You’ve only seen this happen once before, but it happened in a group of your friends; Robin was able to distract him, roping Steve into a nonsensical discussion of which female character from all of the movies released that year was the hottest. That worked, of course.
Except now, you’re alone with him, and scrambling to find the right words to keep him calm.
While you lay on the couch, he leans back onto it from the floor. You tried to get him to sit on the couch, but he insisted the floor was comfier.
Then, the spiraling starts, but it’s subtle. He kicks it off with the strange question of, “If both of us are single by our thirties, you wanna get married?” He seems okay, at first. Odd thing to ask, but he’s asked much weirder questions while high.
You choke on the hit you’re taking, coughing roughly as the smoke hangs in your lungs far too long. “I’m sorry, what?”
“Yeah… like, you’re not afraid you’ll die alone?” He reaches for the pipe and lighter in your hands, but you pull it back.
Brows knitting together in confusion and a bit of concern, you ask, “Steve, where the hell is this coming from?”
“What if I’m dying?” He sputters, shoulders slumping before he continues. “What if we’re both dying? And what if we both die alone? That’s so… sad.”
You purse your lips before responding, “I mean… don’t we all come into this world alone? And then we leave alone? Everyone does, right?” 
Steve groans, hands reaching up to snake his fingers through his hair, except he tugs on his locks halfway through as his eyes squeeze shut. “Don’t say that.”
“M’sorry, you wanna talk about something else?” He shakes his head as his hands fall back to his sides, head falling back against the couch cushion.
“Wanna not be high anymore,” He murmurs, looking over at you with a desperate, needy stare. “Make it stop.”
“Stevie, you’re okay, I promise. We both are.” This would almost be comical if he wasn’t slipping closer and closer to tears. You slide off the couch onto the floor next to him, reaching out to gently touch his shoulder. “Maybe you should drink some water. When’s the last time you had any?”
Steve sticks his tongue out to pinch it, and feel if it’s dry or not. It takes everything in you not to start giggling. He lets go for a moment to answer, trying to joke, “Eight years, at least.” He turns to you with a frown, eyes red and hooded. “Do we have some?”
That, unfortunately, lets a laugh slip from your lips. “Steve, we live here, and last I checked, we paid the water bill. We have running water.”
“Stop laughing,” He pouts, pulling his knees to his chest before resting his head on them, face still turned towards you. 
“M’sorry, honey,” The pet name slips easily, more than your laughter moments ago, catching Steve off guard as he blushes. “I’ll get you some, okay? Hang tight.” You set the pipe on the coffee table, out of his reach, but he doesn’t seem interested in the slightest anyway.
As you push yourself to stand, Steve reaches out and grabs your ankle, still pouting. It’d be cuter if he wasn’t panicking, but he’s got something weighing heavy on his mind, and you can tell through how sad his eyes look. “Are you leaving?”
“Gimme like… one minute, okay? I’ll be back, I promise.”
Steve sits up, readying himself to stand, but he moves an inch before falling back against the couch. He looks up in your direction, “I wanna come with you.”
“Stevie, just stay put, I don’t need you breaking your neck or something.”
“Breaking my ‎what?” Panic floods his face and you realize you said the wrong thing. You crouch back down to him, gently taking his face in your hands, trying your best to ignore how warm he feels.
“One minute. You’re fine. You’re safe. Give me one minute.” You run into the kitchen before he can grab for you again, sobering up a bit with a mission in mind. 
When you fill two glasses of water, one for each of you, but you’re sure he’ll need both, you stop at the freezer before calling out. “Hey, I’m grabbing a popsicle, want one?”
Steve’s head pokes up from the other side of the couch, only past his eyes, though. You giggle at the sight. “Uh-huh,” is all he can manage to respond with.
You return with each hand holding a popsicle and glass of water, sitting back in the spot you previously had. Steve wastes no time downing not only his glass, but yours, too, as expected. 
“That was yours, wasn’t it?” Steve bashfully asks, only feeling guilty for a moment before unwrapping his popsicle. “We should get, like…. Twenty more of these.”
You’re glad to see he’s already distracted, thoughts wandering away from anxiety about death, and into something mundane. Hopefully it continues.
“Twenty more popsicles?”
“No, no, boxes of popsicles. So like…. A lot.”
Laughing, you ask, “Where do we have the freezer space for twenty boxes?!”
Steve glances over to the fridge, then to you, eyes narrowing, “I’ll make it work.” You’re sucking on the tip of your popsicle when Steve looks back at you, still glancing at the freezer while your lips make a subtle smooch noise as you pull off to laugh.
Steve’s frozen in place, gaze glued to your mouth as your tongue slips out to lick along the side of the popsicle, then puckering around the tip again, before taking more of it into your mouth.  
You’re not even trying to rile him up, but Steve’s definitely distracted from his panic attack now, watching you satisfy your oral fixation with the red ice. As you turn back to him, melted cherry juice drips from your lips, onto your hand holding the popsicle, and some on your chest. Your eyes land on the bright red droplets first, missing his reaction to all of this.
“Shit, I hate getting sticky.” Truly, you’re innocent right now. Not a dirty thought in your mind that’s pushing you to act this way, or to say what you just said. “I should get a napk— ” Your words dissolve on your lips as Steve’s motions play out; he grabs your wrist, his tongue lapping along your fingers, slowly trailing to the source in your grip.
Even for Steve, this is bold, high or not.
“O- or that works too, I guess,” You breathe, eyes locked with his as he pulls back, grip still on your wrist. Trying to break the tension, you joke, “You’re somethin’ else when you’re high, y’know that?”
“You’re the one always trying to keep your mouth busy.” Your eyes widen, dropping the popsicle remnants onto the wrapper on the table. He smirks, “What, you think I didn’t notice?”
Pausing before you retort, you notice the pipe was moved from where you set it on the coffee table. “Where’s the— Jesus, Steve, please tell me you didn’t smoke again.”
Steve giggles with a shrug. “I dunno nothin’.” As he puts his hands up, you see it in his palm.
“Oh my g— Steve, you were just panicking! You’re done, okay?” Grabbing the pipe from his hands, you glare at him. “I’m finishing this bowl off and then we’re both done. Got it?”
While you inhale, he moves over to you, grabbing you by the chin as his lips hover over yours.  The close proximity makes you nervous, dizzy, almost exhaling too early as he gravelly demands, “Shotgun.” You shake your head as best as possible with his grip still on your face, lungs burning while you still hold your breath.
So he waits, like the conniving asshole he is, watching your eyes water with a wicked smirk. “C’mon, give it t’me.” His other hand slides up your thigh, fingers inching closer to where you want him most. It doesn’t take much, just a feathered touch of one finger, slowly dragging up your clothed core, and you’re a goner.
You exhale with a whine, trying your hardest not to cough in Steve’s face as his lips part to take the smoke in. When he releases you, you’re turning your face away to cough wildly, eyes watering even more. Catching your breath, you glare at him with glossy, red eyes, while wiping away the excess spit on your lips with the back of your hand.
“What the fuck is your problem, Harrington?” You rasp, chest still burning, from the smoke or annoyance, you’re not sure. 
Exhaling secondhand smoke, he smirks again, “You’re cute when you’re mad.”
Steve is infuriating like this, getting under your skin, slamming all the right buttons, and beneath it all, you love it.
Yet, you warn him, “Steve, you’re pushing it.” He’s not. He knows that, and you know that, but you’re both too high for this right now. Whatever… this is.  “And you’re gonna be really high any minute now, a- and…”
He’s got his hand back on your thigh, leaning in towards you, close enough to kiss you. “We shouldn’t… we’re both… we…” Your warnings fade out as your arms wrap around his neck, contrasting with your words. “Steve, this isn’t a good idea.”
Steve grabs you quickly, helping you straddle his lap. It takes a couple seconds for your mind to catch up with the rest of your body. His hands grip your waist as he flexes his hips up into you, ever so slightly. You gasp as you feel him, already hard beneath you.
He rolls himself up into your core, brushing against your clit ever so softly. “No? Why not?” You bite back a moan, shoving your hands onto his thighs to try holding him down. 
“I- I mean, it is, but we shouldn’t do this now, right?” You’re trying to be the voice of reason, but you’re losing, fast. How are you supposed to resist this when you’ve been thinking about even just touching Steve for weeks. “You- were you this hard the whole time?”
He loses his filter easily when he’s stoned, so he blurts, “Uh-huh, pretty much every time I looked at you the last two weeks.” Pushing his hips up, your efforts of holding him down were useless while he grinds against you again. This time, his head falls back onto the couch, eyelids weighed down with desire as he watches you give in, grinding down onto him.
 “Oh m- my god, so that’s why you kept hiding in your room, huh?” You smirk at the thought of flustering him so much, he has to resort to jerking off at the most inconvenient times. “What were you thinkin’ ‘bout?”
Steve’s tugging at your shirt, sinking deeper into his high, “Off. Now.”
“No, I asked you a question, honey.” You purr, kissing along his jawline. His breath hitches at the touch. “What do you think about when you’re worked up over me?”
Steve whines, hands exploring under your shirt, and you’re too far gone to order him to keep his hands to himself. “You.” Is all he can bring himself to say as he feels you nip along his neck, soothing the love bites with wet, open mouthed kisses. “Baby, please…”
“That answers nothing, Stevie. Lemme rephrase my question,” You pull back, hands on his face, stomach flipping over the way he stares back at you, desperate and needy with shallow breaths already. “What do you imagine us doing when you fuck your fist? What do you want me to do?”
He tries to throw his head back while squirming underneath you, but you keep him in place, and he whines, louder this time. “Dunno where to start,” He breathes, pouting at you in a cute yet pathetic way. 
“I might know… What’s off limits?” You ask just as he asked you two weeks ago. He swallows sharply, shaking his head.
 “N- nothing.”
“You’ll tell me if something changes though, right? Or if you don’t like something?”
Steve’s nodding enthusiastically, “Yeah, uh-huh. Nothing’s off limits with you.”
You do your best to ignore the way heat blooms throughout your body from that.
“Can you get up? Y’need help?” You slide off of him, watching as he tries his hardest to hide another pout at the loss of your body on his. You nod towards the couch behind him, “Want you up here, s’that okay?”
Without a verbal answer, Steve scrambles clumsily onto the couch, eyes growing wide as you stay on the floor and push his legs apart. You’re not sure where this confidence is coming from to take the lead, but you kind of like watching Steve become submissive.
“M’dizzy,” He murmurs, hands at his sides, gripping the couch’s fluff while looking pained. 
“You okay? We can stop, honey, it’s okay. What do you need?”
Like you anticipated, he whimpers, “Too high,” with a frown. You sigh, head falling forward and resting on his thigh, not really thinking much about the placement; he tenses up when he realizes how close you are to where he needs you the most.
“Stevie, I told you this was gonna happen,” You say this softly, not wanting to freak him out more. 
“I know, I- I got nervous,” He admits, panting from panic building. “You’re killin’ me the last two weeks, wanna touch you and hear those cute noises you make again…” Running his hands through his hair, he twists his eyes shut as he continues to ramble, “and I just- I thought maybe getting really high would help not think ‘bout it. I fucked up, baby.”
Despite this being the consequence of his own actions, you feel for Steve, knowing firsthand how awful it can be if you get too high, how fast your thoughts can snowball, or feel like they’re completely melting out of your ears. Your hands splay out as you rub your palms softly, slowly, up and down his thighs.
 “I can give you a distraction, you want that?” Steve frantically nods. “You trust me?” Again, he wordlessly replies with a nod. “Tell me if you wanna stop, or need something else, ‘kay?”
Steve watches you as he holds his breath; you reach for the waistband of his sweats, pulling them down slowly. You’re shocked when you’re immediately met with his throbbing length instead of a pair of boxers, freezing before you can pull his pants down fully.
“What’s wrong?” You don’t realize you’re staring until Steve asks this, worried. “Is it— is this okay?”
You feel your mouth water over the sight of him, naked from the waist below and up close. Tongue darting out to lick your lips, you force yourself to move and pull his pants off completely. 
“More than okay,” You breathe, watching his cock kick as precum pearls at the tip. “You…” You’re struggling with your thoughts, trying to find the balance between being carefree and fun, and accidentally blurting out your feelings now that you’re really fucking high.
Kissing up his thighs, alternating sides every so often, you take your time, reveling in his needy whimpers. The sweet, soft kisses continue up his body, taking your dear, sweet time in hopes it’s beginning to distract him. 
Steve can’t focus on being too high if he’s more worried about you moving too slowly, right?
“Angel, need you now,” His pleas of lust are music to your ears as you reach his shoulder, sucking softly along the sensitive crook of his neck. Your hand winds around to the nape of his neck, fingers weaving through his hair as you hold the back of his head, keeping him upright. “Needa’ kiss you.”
When you pull away, a glistening thread of spit follows you, attached to your lips for a moment. Steve bucks upward at the sight, eyes flickering between your eyes and lips.
“This is what good friends do for each other, right?” You whisper, breath hot against his own lips as you move closer. Maybe if you say it out loud enough, you’ll believe it. “Just fuckin’ around… helping each other out.”
Steve frowns, but doesn’t protest, just whimpers as your grip tugs on his hair. 
“Can you be good for me?” He breathes out quick ‘uh-huh”s, about to reach for your hips, but you pin his arms to his sides. “I’ll take care of you, but you gotta do one thing for me.”
You begin to sink back to the floor, with a detour of your lips hovering just above his tip, gaze locked with his as you spit slowly onto him. Not even spit, more like drool. Steve gasps sharply, chest heaving, “Anything, name it, I’ll do it.”  
“Hands to yourself. Everything stops if you touch me.”
Steve looks offended, “You’re kidding me.”
You giggle, “Dead serious.”
 “But I- I wanna— ” You know what he’s about to say, it’s the reason you’re making this rule to begin with.
“Fuck my face?” As you cut him off, his face drops. “Not ‘til I say so.”
“What the fuck, how’d you know?” Steve’s voice drops to a whisper. You smirk, shrugging as you feign innocence.
“Might’ve heard you a few nights ago, walking by your door.” While you wish you heard him moan your name, the sounds you stumbled upon were still too sweet to let go. “You’re also an idiot for watching porn out here, thinking I wouldn’t see,” Your teasing makes his face flush red with embarrassment. 
Mortified, Steve stammers, “I- I thought you were sleeping!”
To be fair, you were about to go to bed, but curiosity got the best of you that night. 
You slipped down the hall, peeking around the corner and past the kitchen, where the living room’s only source of light was the TV’s glow of filth. 
Steve was on the floor, sweats shoved down to his ankles, leaning back with his legs spread; he was fixated on the scene of some dude snapping his hips into a woman’s face, fucking down her throat. He thrust his hips up in time with the jerking motions he made, fist shining in the TV’s light from precum spilling over.
You were burning up as you watched, knowing it was wrong, you should give him space, stop being nosy… but it was also wrong for him to fuck his fist out in the shared space.
With a mind of their own, your hands rushed to where you needed them most, one between your thighs, the other under your shirt, grabbing at your chest; you tried your hardest to imitate Steve’s pace and pressure he had the day he offered to help you, but your own touch never came close to his. 
You bit your lip to hold back your own noises as he groaned lowly, murmuring things like “That’s it… my good girl can take it all, huh?” The moans from tacky porn he watched were drowned out by his own. Silently, you joined him in the filthy fantasy, hand slapped over your mouth as your fingers toyed with your clit, cunt soaking through your underwear already.
Steve had no clue the two of you came together.
“I tried, ‘til I heard you moaning,” You admit without shame. “I’m not mad, Stevie. You could’ve invited me, though.”
“You… you watched me?”
Fuck. Should’ve kept that to yourself.
Should’ve really not done it at all.
Slightly grimacing, your hands slide off of him, “I— yeah. I know I should’ve gone back to bed, but… but you sounded so hot, I- I couldn’t sleep without knowing what you were doing.”
He grabs your hands and pulls them back to his body with a dopey grin, holding a hint of smugness as he breaks your rule already.
Through his hazy high, he manages to admit clearly, “Only did it ‘cause I wanted you to watch me.” Your jaw drops, unsure if you’re mad he played you at your own game, or if you’re impressed.
Nodding silently with a petty smile, you ask, “Hey, Steve? How’s your high going? Guess you’re done panicking, so you don’t need this—” in one fluid motion, you lean in, sliding your tongue up his shaft, lips wrapping around the tip, and take him in without hesitation.
The noises that leave Steve as his hips jerk are sinful and raw; his hands twitch as he keeps his hands near his sides, dying to grab you and fuck your face. He stays… well, not still, but he’s not touching you, like you asked.
As quick as it started, it ends all the same; you barely have him at the back of your throat before pulling back, drool following your lips as his dick is left throbbing and sticky. He’s panting, arm thrown over his eyes with his head thrown back onto the cushion.
“Right? You’re good enough to finish on your own?” You stand, spitting over Steve’s cock one more time before walking away, “If you still need some help, you can borrow my vibrator.” Your taunting is helping him race to the edge, almost over it, almost losing control and cumming without your mouth still on him. He wants to start stroking himself, almost does, but grabs you as you round the back of the couch before walking out.
You whip around, glaring at Steve, then his hand gripping a fist full of fabric from the back of your shirt, keeping you here. At the same time, he kicks his pants off completely.
“Oh, that vibrator? The one I got batteries for?” His high must be wearing off, just enough where he’s able to stand up and swing his leg over the couch. He’s behind you, half naked, with one hand snaking around your hips to pull you against him; you can feel how hard he is as he holds you tightly, slowly rutting into your backside. “The one that died on you? The one that doesn’t make you moan as loud as I did?”
You’ve got your thighs pressed together over his words, while his other arm slides around to your chest, over your neck, holding you in the position of a chokehold without actually doing it. Watching his arm flex as it winds around you, your stomach flutters while your pussy throbs.
“C’mon, honey, you can tell me.” The hand on your hip slides past the waistband of your sleep shorts, sliding over your cunt before dipping his middle finger between your folds. Steve groans as he feels how wet you are, enjoying how easily he can tease your clit in small, slow circles. Your head throws back onto his shoulder, and he kisses your temple, lingering to hear your breathy moans in his ear.
“Barely touched you, and you’re already going dumb on me,” He can feel the way your clit throbs as he taunts you. “What happened to you being in control? You had it for a second there, babe.” 
There’s only two thoughts taking space in your mind right now:
You hate Steve right now.
You need Steve, right fucking now.
Shoving his hands away— he never had a tight, promising grip to begin with— you spin around to take his face in your hands, kissing him roughly. Steve stumbles back towards the wall, lips still attached to yours as he sighs through his nose; a muffled grunt vibrates into your mouth as his back hits the wall. You’re not even trying to take back control, you just couldn’t stand another second without kissing him.
As he pulls back, Steve catches your bottom lip in between his teeth, tugging a bit before letting go, breathless. His hand grips your chin roughly, “You wanna finish what you started?”
Steve releases your face, and you nod with a pout and lust-blown pupils; you start sinking back to the floor, but he holds you up by your hips, tugging at your shirt again. “Off.”
 “Only fair if you do the same, Stevie,” Your shirt rolls over your body and crumples on the floor. You’re about to remove your shorts, but Steve’s faster, leaning down to your chest, biting along the swell of your breast. “F- fuck,” You’re gasping as he continues and flips you around, with your back against the wall now.
Immediately he’s sucking and swirling his tongue around your nipple; low, muffled groans add to the dizzying work his mouth does. His large hand reaches for the other nipple, pinching a bit before his palm is blanketing over your breast, groping roughly. You’re whining and bucking your hips towards nothing, so he takes pity on you, shoving a leg between your thighs.
 “St- Stevie, I was— oh, god,” You can’t focus with his hands and mouth on you, all while pressing his thigh against your core. You really are going dumb for him, and you wish you could have this all the time. “I was t-trying to take care of you, asshole.”
“Didn’t say you can’t, just wanna play with you for a bit.” He’s kissing back up your chest, up your neck, skipping your jaw and cheek to jump right back into a rough, messy kiss. It’s a lot of tongue and spit and teeth and nothing close to the softness of the first time you two kissed, but you need this right now. You need him like this right now.
Pulling back, you snap “I’m ‘bout to lose my mind if you don’t fuck my face or cunt in the next ten seconds.” Steve freezes, pulling his leg away, hands finding their new spots pressed against the wall, arms caging you in.
“Don’t tease me like that,” Steve warns, licking his lips as he looks down at you. “Because you have no idea how badly I want— need that,” He exhales roughly, forehead falling onto yours, ignoring how his cock twitches, desperate for attention. “And if anything makes our friendship weird, s’gonna be that.”
With wide, sweet eyes, you gaze back at him, pushing him back a bit, “So make it weird.” His eyes fall shut while he sighs loudly. “Steve, this has been weird since the damn vibrator died, it’s going to be weird forever, just accept it and fuck one of my holes already. I need— ”
Steve’s ripping your shorts down and off of your legs, pushing your legs apart when he pauses to look up at you from the floor. Hands grip your hips so roughly, you know he’ll leave handprints behind.
It happens so fast— his mouth is on you, hot and unforgiving, pace nowhere near the soft and sweet demeanor he had the first time he went down on you. Your hands fall to his head, fingers weaving through his locks to pull, hard. The shameless groan he lets out into your cunt makes your knees buckle, vibrations only adding to the intensity he sucks and laps at your clit with.
“Oh, fu- fuck,” You’re going to climax before he’s even inside you if he keeps it up, wishing you weren’t so easy to please. His pretty doe eyes, still red from his high, never leave yours while he continues burying his face between your thighs. “S- St— ohmygod— M’gonna cum t’soon, y’gotta stop.”
“That fast?” His fingers seamlessly switch with his tongue for a moment, murmuring, “Y’can just cum again.”
 “But I— ” Your body jolts as his tongue flicks at your clit while two fingers slide into you with ease. “I w- this was supposed to be ‘bout you…” Your words become lost as you notice the steady, repetitive motion of his arm, stroking himself as he eats you out. 
Steve doesn’t reply, he’s just working relentlessly to push you over the edge. You’re too far gone to make him stop, whining while grinding onto his face, so close, so very close—
He pulls back, hands still holding you up, watching as your body reacts to a ruined orgasm; twitching, legs shaking, walls fluttering, moaning, all while feeling so empty. The spark of your high had been snuffed out, leaving you with an ache still between your thighs despite being a breathless mess.
You’re walking a thin line between retaliation and desperation, eyes stuck on Steve as he stands, smirking as he leans in close.
“Guess we’re even now, huh?” He taunts you with that gravelly voice that sends blood rushing straight to your core. You’re speechless over his ill-intent, how close he brought you to an earth-shattering high, just to leave you in the dust.
You want to switch, take over, make him beg, but you’re so hung up on the lost bliss, you can only bring yourself to nod as you pout, ready to cry.
Steve notices the tears building before you even do. He’s holding your face softly, concerned, “Too much?”
Shaking your head, your bottom lip trembles; you’re overwhelmed from the way he just ruined you, and all you can respond with is, “Need you.”
“Honey, you need a break, it’s okay,” You’re shaking your head again, but his hands tighten just enough to hold you in place. “M’sorry, I— ”
You surge forward, kissing him roughly as your hands slide up his arms, holding him as he holds you. Your arousal is still sticky on his lips, tongue slipping between them to tease against his. Moving his hands slowly, you guide him down to your hips, moaning into his mouth. Your hands move to his face, forcing him to look at you as you pull back. A string of slick follows your lips while slipping slowly from his own.
Eyes locked with his, you’re certain in your demand, “I. Need. You.”
Steve’s frozen as he takes in your words, still registering the messy kiss, your emotions, everything that just happened. Thankfully, it’s only for a moment.
Breaking out of his daze, he’s helping you stay steady as he hitches your leg up and around his hip; Steve’s arm slides under your leg to keep you in place, quick to use his free hand to grab his cock, sliding the tip along your folds. You gasp and shudder as he teases your over-sensitive clit.
“Need what?” He gets it now, you like this, the humiliation, the overstimulation… What he thought was payback for the way you left him high and dry, only made you more of a submissive, pliable mess. “Need me to stuff that pretty little cunt with my cock?”
Your eyes roll back between the dirty talk and the feeling of his length sliding between your folds, cruelly brushing against your clit. It’s not enough. 
“Ye- yeah, Stevie, need that.” You’re whimpering as he teases your entrance, barely pushing through. You whisper shakily as he pulls back, “F-fuck.”
“Okay,” Steve simply replies. Then he stops right at your entrance, eyes flickering to yours with a wicked glint, “Beg. Go ‘head, like you do when you’re touching yourself.”
The desire to be dominated by him takes a backseat. Instead, you break from the haze you began slipping into,close to sub-space, glaring as you spit, “I hate you.” You don’t, but you sure hate the way he can work you up with ease.
“Hm… doesn’t sound much like begging at all.” He starts to pull back, but you tighten your leg around him, pushing him against you. 
The switch is rapid. “You wanna go back to fucking your fist?” You spit— literally, you spit down between the two of you, coating his length with extra slick and making him shiver. “Because you can go do that if you’re gonna play games.”
Neither of you ever know when to quit.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I thought this-” He thrusts into you, hard and fast, throwing your head back against the wall as you cry out. The stretch is instant, and he stays still, deep inside as you adjust, thankfully. It still doesn’t make the sting subside… but you kind of love it. It hurts, but it’s a good kind of hurt, nothing you’ve felt before with anyone you’ve ever fucked. “— Was what you wanted. I don’t think your useless toy can make you feel like this.” 
For how weak Steve feels at the knees over how you flutter around him, he’s doing a good job of hiding it. You, on the other hand, your leg still on the floor is shaking as you try to stay up. Steve notices, cradling your face by its side in one of his strong hands while his eyes search yours for any signs of distress. 
Instead, you just look completely fucked out from just one thrust already.
The hand still on your face slides behind your head, keeping you from slamming your head back. Arm still under your leg, he firms his grip. “I got you, won’t let y’fall, don’t worry,” His tone is soft and caring, a noticeable change from moments ago.
“Such a gentleman, even w- when you’re balls deep in your roommate, huh?” Your joke comes out shaky, still adjusting a bit, but that doesn’t matter anymore. What you care about right now is for him to actually fuck you. “Steve, need you t’move, please.”
Steve smirks, slowly rolling his hips back before slamming into you again. “There she is, that’s m’girl,” He rasps, repeating his motions, slowly reeling back to impale you on his cock again. Your heart flutters when he calls you that. 
His girl. It means nothing to him, but for now, you can keep it to yourself and play pretend.
All you can do is whimper and moan, shaky and incoherent. Steve’s voice is sweet, soft, with a taunting edge, “It’s okay, only asked you to beg once. Y’want me to take care of you, honey?”
“Uh-huh,” You pant, fingers digging into his back, scratching, marking him up. “Don’t trust you, though.”
The power dynamic drops from Steve while buried deep in you, admiring how angelic you look like this, lost in the consequence of your desires.
Angelic probably isn’t the word that fits your attitude in this moment, but the way you tilt your head back further into his palm, trusting him, how your hips roll into his while your eyes flutter shut, softly whining while resisting your eyes wanting to close, wanting more than anything to admire him in return— yeah, you’re as close to an angel as he’ll get.
“Promise you’ll get to finish, I mean it,” He breathes. “No more teasing, I mean it. I’m gonna take real good care of you.”
Your mouth falls open in a silent cry as his thrusts pick up ever so slightly, trying to nod to acknowledge his promise, but you’re already fucked-out, dumb and cock-drunk.
Steve twitches inside of you, “Bet no one’s ever made you feel this good n’ full before, huh?”
 “N- no,” You rasp as your arms wind around his neck, “Can’t have anyone else after this.”
That shoves Steve closer to his own high, making him groan, “No? Why’s that, honey?” Every time he calls you that, you tighten around him, earning a hiss through his gritted teeth. 
“Don’t think anyone— h’my god— can fuck me like you can,” You can’t hold back your thoughts or feelings. “Don’t w- want anyone else.”
Steve’s trying his best not to let his mind wander, not to let his thoughts and feelings consume him. You’re not saying what he thinks you are, what he wants you to confess. He continues railing you, grasp leaving your head to touch you, bring you to that blissed out high you deserved from the start.
Fingers on your clit, your head falls back, bumping against the wall, and he can’t help the snort that comes out while you giggle and groan over the ache. 
“Jesus christ, don’t fuckin’ do that,” He warns after feeling you tighten around him while laughing. He shoots a winded, lazy smile. “Next time we’re fucking in bed, promise.”
“N- next time?” You’re asking, and Steve just murmurs a quick “Uh-huh” as he snaps his hips roughly up into yours, rewarding him with the most sinful moan he’s heard from you yet. He’s fucking you fast and hard, only focused on getting you off, for real this time.
“Steve, you— you’re— ” You’re fighting yourself, kicking your feelings aside; you can’t ruin a good thing, even if neither of you never figured out what this ‘thing’ is.
“I got you, c’mon, lemme feel you soak my cock,” He’s mumbling, eyes darting from your expression to where the two of your bodies meet, mesmerized as your hips stutter while he feels you reach what you wanted all along. “That’s it, just like that.” 
His praise sends you over the edge, choking back a scream and failing miserably, “M’close, so cl— oh, fuck!” You begin to tremble and pulse around him, eyes twisting shut as you almost throw your head back, but Steve grabs you in time— that’s a habit you really need to break— tugging you towards him and kissing you roughly.
Moans are muffled to whimpers as he melds his lips with yours, feeling his own high just in reach. You pull back as he continues stuttering his hips, thrusts growing sloppy as his cock pulses deep inside you.
You’re still riding out your climax, yet somehow manage to ask him, “You close, baby?” Steve nods as a breathy, sweet sound shudders out of him. Barely finishing on him, you push him back, just enough to pull off and sink to the floor.
 “Wh— ” Steve watches through hooded eyes the way you slide your mouth back onto him, tasting yourself as he pulsates again against your tongue; he takes back over, thrusting fully into your mouth while holding your head in place. “H- oh— honey, m’gonna—“
Steve’s moans are the sweetest sounds you’ve ever heard, breathy and vocal as he shudders out a string of expletives while he comes undone buried in your throat. Greedily, you swallow what you can, but it becomes too much; you pull back and hold his shaft, letting him finish on your face.
For a moment, Steve is stunned. He wasn’t expecting you to let him finish like this; you might look angelic to him, but that’s no match to your sinful demeanor and unholy desires.
“Fuck… that’s my girl.” His praise tugs at your heartstrings when you know it’s not that deep.
You can’t help giggling as he comes down, aware of the mess on your features, licking your lips while gazing up at him. You’re going to kill him, no ‘ifs, ands, or buts’ about it.
Though you never asked, he’s certain he won’t find anyone who compares to you. 
Dropping to the floor, Steve leans in to kiss you, catching you off guard he tastes himself on your lips, moaning lazily into you. Pulling you into his lap, his hands wind around your waist, knowing how gross the two of you are right now, but he needs you. Ignoring how he’s still half hard, he just needs to be close to you, to be vulnerable with you.
He never said it, but he’s absolutely positive he won’t find another friend who trusts him this much, another roommate who puts up with his nonsense, high or not, another lover who can laugh at the real and awkward moments during sex and still stay intimate. 
Your soft, drained voice breaks his thoughts, “Did that help, Stevie? Or d’you need more distractions?” You’re joking, but secretly wishing he’d say yes. 
Steve wants to say he needs more distractions, needs to fuck you on every single surface in this apartment, needs you to put him in his place while he promises to be good for you, be so good for you that you’ll throw out that goddamn vibrator and use him whenever you need.
Instead, he only asks, “I thought you said you don’t have much experience?”
Again, you laugh, and all he can think of is the way he could feel you laugh while balls deep inside of you. “I don’t, I just read a lotta corny romance novels.” As you stand, you hold a hand out for him and ask, “Wanna share a shower? Heard it saves on water, or whatever. Y’know, the thing you thought we didn’t have in the apartment.”
Grabbing your hand, Steve just laughs softly with an eye roll. “Yeah, you’re right, you definitely read a lot of corny romance novels with lines like that.”
It’s so comfortable, so natural, to go from such intimate, filthy moments, to joking so casually with you.
So while you lead him into the bathroom, while the two of you kiss lazily under the hot, running water, while he’s riling you up again with your back pressed against the shower wall, Steve’s so sure of one more, tiny detail with his feelings towards you: he’s fucked.
So, so fucked.
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enchantinglyjade · 3 years ago
Milk & Honey - Ch. 18
Austin!Elvis x Black!OC
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Summary: Honey and Pearl finally have a chat
Warning: Swearing(?), racial issues, pregnancy,
Note: Okay, I know how many people HATE when babies are added into fanfics, but I am trying my ABSOLUTE BEST to make this actually enjoyable and kind of put a twist on how I typically see children being introduced in writing, so please trust the process. 
Also, I hope this chapter isn’t too confusing. It switches between present day and flashbacks
Song: Mary Don’t You Weep - Inez Andrews
Every day that passed only became harder. I went through all of Ma’s belongings, staring at them for hours while I reminisced on the past. Most days I was living in my memories just to get myself by.
“Well, ain’t she just precious, Loretta.” Gladys says admiring the young little girl in her new Sunday dress.
Loretta huffs adjusting in her spot to find a more comfortable position against the hard, wilted wood of the porch. “Been drivin me crazy these past few days, won’t let me get through her hair or nothin.”
“Hey, new girl! Nice dress.” A boy pesters from behind the fence. 
The girl turns, wide eyed until crossing her arms upon seeing the owner of the voice.
Gladys smiles at the sight. “Look at that, they’re tryna talk to you, Honey. Why don’t you go along and play with ‘em. And boys! Make sure you include Honey this time!”
“We don’t wanna play with a girl!” Thomas whines.
Loretta shoos away his complaining, kicking out her bare feet across the sand. “She’s the only girl you ever gone see if you keep that up. Just play one game with her, please.”
The three boys groan their way to the backyard, where a ball is left on the ground from their last session. Elvis begins kicking the ball around with Thomas, while Michael walks up to Honey. “Just stay over here while we play. Don’t get in the way.” He commands.
She crosses her arms. “What makes you think I wanna play with you anyway, ugly boy.”
Thomas and Elvis pause their game to hold in their laughter. “Psh, you couldn’t play even if you tried.” Michael sneers.
Honey smiles. “Scared you’ll get whooped by a girl?”
“OOO!” The two boys shout, laughing at Micheal’s upset and embarrassed face. “I want her on my team!” Thomas raises his hand. 
Michael groans. “Come on, foo’s. She can’t play with us.”
Elvis pats the shoulder of his friend. “Nah, she got you good. She can play.”
Pearl and I haven’t talked since that day. Originally I thought about moving away and never speaking to her again. I wanted so badly to just disappear from the world, I already had so much to figure out about the future, I couldn’t stand her attitude on top of it. But a few days after the funeral, I made dinner for the two of us. We sat at the table in silence. I had so much pain in me, but looking at her that night struck something. 
Her eyes were dull, hair unbrushed, sadly picking at her food. She looked worse than I had ever seen her. But what hurt the most was that I remembered she was barely 18. She’s just a kid that lost her daddy too. I was the only family member she had left, and same for me. I’m not much older than her, but enough that it felt like my responsibility to step up as the big sister and take care of her. Take care of her and…someone else in the future now too.
Honey and the boys sit outside under the hot sun, church bells ring in the near distance. She grazes her fingers through the grass, snapping up dandelions from the weeds and weaving the stems through her tangles of hair. She keeps a handful of dandelions in her hand to bury her face into every now and again to take in their sweet yet earthy aroma.
“Would’ya quit sniffin them things. You already know it don’t smell like nothin but grass and dirt.” Elvis teases her. She pouts, throwing one towards his face. He laughs at her attempt, catching it before it can hit his cheek. “Keep stickin your nose in them things and we’ll have to call you Bumble.”
Her eyebrows furrow. “Bumble?” She questions.
“Yeah, you know, like the bee. Those big fat ones that pollinate on them flowers. Hey! You’re even fluffy like one too!” He states excitedly, reaching out to rat her curls.
“Does it taste okay?” I ask Pearl.
Her head snaps up, shocked that I just spoke to her. She falters for a moment. “Yeah.”
I nod, swallowing down the lump in my throat. Oh god, what am I doing? I drop my fork onto my plate, resting my forehead in my hand. The loud clank startles her, causing her to stare in uncertainty. 
“I’m pregnant.” I blurt out. I stare deep into the grain of the table with a dry, sarcastic hum of a laugh. I didn’t have much else to lose, who cares if she knows? She’s bound to find out eventually anyways. My lip quivers as I gather the strength to continue. “Elvis. He doesn’t know.” Finally I look up at her, tears rolling down my numb face.
“Michael, stop. She ain’t all that bad.”
“Nah, she’s always tryna do what we’re doin and be like us, but she ain’t.” He says, before storming off in a fit.
Honey stands behind one of her porch’s pillars, hiding her glistening eyes. Elvis sees this and immediately walks up to her. “Honey, don’t cry.” But him taking notice only made the tears come out faster. “It don’t matter what he say. I think you’re fine just the way you are.”
She sniffles. “But you’re always making fun of me too.”
He smiles. “Aww, you know I’m just teasin. We all do it all the time. We don’t mean nothin by it. ‘Side, I really like you. I wouldn’t hurt you like that, I’d much rather be your superhero.”
Honey rubs her red eyes, a weak smile tugging at her lips. “Like Captain Marvel?”
His eyes brighten. “Exactly like Captain Marvel.”
She giggles. “What would that make me?”
He thinks for a moment, stroking the nonexist hairs on his soft chin. “A princess.”
She raises her eyebrow. “A princess? That’s not fair, I wanna be someone strong too!”
“You ain’t gotta be strong when you got someone like me.” He teases, kissing the muscles on his scrawny arms.
She rolls her eyes. “Well, even if I’m a princess, I wanna help save the world too.” She demands, arms folded sternly.
He flashes her a generous smile, giving her a promise to hold deep within her heart. “You and me against the world.”
It was from that day forward that their entire view of each other had changed.
Much to my surprise Pearl has an actual sympathetic look on her face. She reaches across the table, grabbing my hand. “I’m sorry.” She says, already choking up. “For everything. My grandparents- Our grandparents used to tell this story about a colored woman that tried to seduce Daddy with her ‘dark magic’, wanted me to think colored folk were all sorts of evil. But you and your Mama are some of the kindest people I have ever met and I feel horrible bout the things I did. I thought acting like grandmaw would help her live on or somethin, but I wasn’t thinkin with my own head.”
She sniffles, rubbing her nose into her sleeve. “I never even liked Elvis, it was all just to make you feel how I did everytime Daddy paid more attention to you. Every time I talked to Elvis all he’d go on about was you. I ain’t never had nobody that talked about me like that or looked at me that way. He really loved you Honey. I thought what y’all were doin was real brave and I can only hope to be as strong as you one day. But I promise you I didn’t call the cops that day!”
Suddenly, she stands up, getting on her knees in front of me. “I’m gonna help you take care of the baby, okay? U-Unless you don’t want me to…?” She pulls her hands away, looking for signs of anger or resentment in my eyes.
I bite my lip, holding back a sob before I pull her into a hug.
She smiles. “I’m gonna help you through this, Honey. We both need each other more than ever right now.”
Pearl and I became incredibly close after that. Pathetic it took something so tragic to finally bring us together, but I was so grateful to have someone with me on this terrifying journey.
Small bike wheels track through the dirt path, coming up to the neighborhood of their owners. The boys catch a glimpse of her at the end of the block. 
Honey sits on the porch between her mama’s legs, painfully getting her head yanked back each time her mother starts a new braid in her blonde hair.
The three boys smirk, hair still wet from swimming in the waterhole earlier that day. They quickly adjust their shirts, taking off a strap from their overalls and throwing it over their shoulder to give them a ‘cool’ and uncaring bad boy look. Then they fly by, pedaling fast and talking loud to ensure they caught Honey’s attention.
Elvis pops the wheel on his bike, lifting it in the air for half a second. He smiles, satisfied when he sees a small smirk appear on Honey’s face.
Eventually, I could no longer work and we had no choice but to sell the house and move into one of the poorer neighborhoods on the East side of Memphis. When I said I missed those shack houses in Mississippi, I didn’t know how much I actually meant it until moving here.
Most stores in the area were adorned with broken or boarded up windows and fallen signs. Streets were littered with garbage, rusted cars, and dead trees. And our house was complete with wilted wooden panels, peeling wallpaper, and a smell I could never put my finger on. It was no place to raise a child, but it’d have to do. It’s all we had.
Unfortunately walking and bus taking was something we still had to do since Dad’s car was in the accident. Obviously, I didn’t want Pearl walking alone, so I’d have to make grocery trips with her, baby bump and all.
‘You’re a strong woman, Honey. You’ll get through this.’ Mama’s words haunted me every single day, and every hour that passed it became even harder to believe.
It was hard, for the both of us, but it brought us closer until I finally felt like I had a real sister by my side.
I sit on the couch, rubbing at my sore and stretched belly.
“You got a name yet?” Pearl asks from the floor in front of me.
“Charles.” I say sadly.
She smiles weakly. “And a girl?”
I shrug, with a chuckle. “I don’t know. Maybe somethin original like Maple or Vanilla, like Mama did with me.”
Only a few days later, would I find myself crying and thrashing in the most pain I had ever felt in my life, wishing I had Ma by my side to help me through it. A few months after that, our newest addition to the family ran wildly through our home, ransaking everything in sight and bouncing around with his head full of big blonde curls.
“Charles, baby. Be careful. You’re gonna hurt yourself.” I grab him, picking him up to hold in my arms.
I stroke his soft, puffy cheek as he blows spit bubbles, which naturally pop all over me, but I was used to it by now. He’s got his daddy’s same bright blue eyes and a complexion that would’ve made Ma proud.
He was such a little angel, with an occasional tantrum here and there of course, but he was a smart boy, and a fast learner too. I was so grateful everything turned out easy and peaceful since I hadn’t caught a break for the past year.
Still, I had a big choice to make. Do I tell Charles who his father is? I can’t be like my Mama. I know how much it hurts to have something so personal be kept from you, but now I understand her struggle. Will he try to go after him one day? Will he be disappointed that Elvis is his father? Will he hate me if I never tell him?
Which brings me to the flip side of that issue; Do I tell Elvis? How do I tell him? Will he be disappointed with his son? Will he hate me for not telling him by now? What will happen between him and his new girl if I tell them?
My head hurt just thinking about everything.
On the bright side, I guess my wish of having kids with Elvis came true after all, but I didn’t have my Elvis to share it with.
“Come on, Bumble! Go up there with me!”
He tugs on her arm, but she panically plants her feet right into the ground. “Elvis, I don’t wanna go up there in front of everyone!”
“It’ll be fine. Come on!” With one hard tug, she falls forward, stumbling towards the stage with him.
The choir smiles at them, as well as their mothers. The reverend shouts a heavenly cry, preaching up to the sky.
“Come on, dance! Don’t you feel it?” He asks.
She did feel it. She felt power and dreams course through her veins from their singing. She looks around nervously, before Elvis makes an effort to bring her attention back over to him. His smile eases her little heart. Slowly, she lets his energy infect her, matching his rhythmic jumping and throwing her hands out to her sides.
‘Mmm Mary, don’t you weep
Ohh, Martha, don’t you moan
Pharoah’s army drowned in the Red Sea.’
Eventually all that I had saved up from working at Handy quickly dwindled away, and Pearl and I had no choice but to take up jobs again. Pearl was the first. She easily came by a nice job at one of our local groceries stores, I on the other hand had a few issues to work out. After days of searching I finally came across the church. I applied for their choir, which luckily I was hired for. I was nervous to start singing again, but at least I could build my voice back up without being heard too upfront, not to mention it was the only job that came with daycare.
I grew up on the music and loved it, but honestly, being back in the church was hard for me. I was anything but pure, and people knew it.
Night had fallen. They should have gone back home by now, but they were too entranced by the bar that was more lively than ever. Peeking into the window, the two find a scene that blessed their senses. This was something different, something they had never heard before, something they knew they shouldn’t be seeing.
“We should try that.” The boy says.
Honey jumps down from the window to face him. “I don’t know how to dance like that, Elvis”
“Neither do I. I just copy what they do.”
She falters for a moment, unsure if she should give in to the things she was feeling, but puts her hands on his shoulders no less. They sway back and forth to the music that muffled through the poor sealing of the window. She lifts her head to peek through the glass every now and again to make sure she’s imitating the adult woman correctly. 
Then she sees them do something she knew her mama wouldn’t like. The dancer twirls her hips, reaching up to leave a heated kiss against the man she was with.
Honey shrugs. Well, if it was what they were doing.
She moves closer to Elvis, reaching up until-
A gasp fills the air, loud above the blues music coming from inside the building. The two children part from each other in horror, seeing Ms. James towering above them. 
“Go on back home, boy, ‘fore I tell ya mama what you been up to.” She threatens. He swiftly scurries off, leaving Honey to her mother. She grabs her childs hand, marching back to their house. “Honey, if I ever catch you doin that again, I swear-. You ain’t listenin to anymore of that music!”
Oh, I got plenty looks when people saw Charles and I, ‘specially when I’d have to explain the whole father situation. My usual story was that his dad went into the army, but as time rolled by, everyone began to realize how unlikely of a story that was. For those that cared enough, rumors were passed around. Some say I slept with so many men that I didn’t actually know who the father was. Others think he was born from a one night stand. Obviously, I couldn’t tell them Elvis was the father, and I doubt that would HELP to ease all the rumors anyway. Regardless, I quickly became the epitome and walking consequence of lust.
Honey’s mother didn’t let her leave often after that, leaving her silenced in her room. Only occasionally would she be allowed out to play with the boys, including the day she finally got to share a special kiss with her especially favorite friend.
She was excited to see Elvis again, hoping to have another moment like that again as soon as possible, but when she sees him again she’s met with something that breaks her heart.
“I ain’t got no idea what you’re talkin bout.”
She crosses her arms, hoping and praying he was just pulling another prank on her. “Yesterday…when you kissed me…”
He chuckles in a sarcastic tone. “I don’t remember nothin. You musta been dreamin bout me.” He says with a smirk, the other boys snickering behind him.
She had never felt so embarrassed in her life. Betrayed by someone she thought was her friend.
I ran into B.B. King a few times at the church, who became a frequent visitor after that, when he wasn’t on tour anyways.
He came up to me on my way out one day. “Honey, long time no see.” He says, hugging me.
I squeeze him back, so very happy to see a familiar face after so long. “It’s so nice to see you, King.”
One of the girls brings Charles into the room, playfully chasing after him and his sloppy, bow legged steps.
He pulls away with a sad look. “I saw about E.P.” He awkwardly tucks his hands into his pocket. I respond with a defeated sign. “Now, it ain’t none of my business, but if you don’t mind me askin, what happened between you two? You both seemed real happy together, besides the whole jail thing, which I assume played a role in all of this.”
I let out a weak chuckle. “What? He never told you what happened himself?”
He shakes his head. “Nah, we lost touch a while ago.”
Charles stomps his way over to grab onto my leg with a toy in his mouth, his wet hands instantly getting slobber on my shin. I pick him up, awkwardly turning back to King.
“Honey, I’m sorry about all the things I said to you before.”
“It’s okay, Michael. I know you were just jealous you weren’t as good at playing ball as I was.” She states confidently.
He laughs, neither denying nor confirming the accuracy of her words, but instead fumbling with his fingers. “It’s just that- Honey, I-”
“What are you two doin?” Elvis interrupts.
They both look up at him, neither pleased by his presence. Honey crosses her arms, turning back to Michael. “You were saying.”
“Well, I, uh…” He swallows, nervously.
Honey waits for him to answer, but Elvis catches on fast, pushing Michael off of the bench before he can spill his next words. Elvis throws punches at him, but Michael throws them right back. Honey jumps up, attempting to push them away from each other, but it does no good.
“You never even liked her!” Elvis shouts.
“Man, you don’t either, remember!”
“Boys! What the hell’s going on here?!”
It takes their mothers to finally pry them away from each other. They breath heavily, eyeing each other while they get dragged away.
King raises a confused eyebrow. “That baby yours?”
I nod. “Yeah… His name’s Charles.”
He takes a closer look at him, taking in his lighter complexion, blonde hair, and baby blue eyes. He cranes his neck back in thought, before hesitating out, “E.P.’s?”
I stay quiet, biting at my lip and bouncing the baby on my hip. He takes this as a yes.
“He know?”
I shake my head, still not trusting my strength to admit anything out loud just yet.
He pulls me into another hug. “Look, anytime you need anything you tell me. You know us Handy kids will always be a family.” He pulls away, smiling at the baby. “Besides, you’re too talented to lose.”
“Oh whatever.” I laugh out, before taking on a sympathetic tone. “But thank you.”
“We’re moving away.” He says, glooming under the warm, sunny day.
“Okay, Elvis.” She states doubtfully.
He’s always saying him and his family are gonna travel the world and do this and that, but he never does, nothing but little lies and big dreams. The boy who cried wolf. It’s not until she looks outside her window the next morning that she realizes for once he was telling the truth. 
Elvis sits in the back of his family’s car, his father packing the final bag in the trunk. 
Her heart quickens. She speedily races outside, standing on her lawn as the family drives past her. Elvis watches his friend from the window, waving. She was in too much shock to wave back, but she’d regret for years that she didn’t. Her friend was gone. And she’d never see him again.
Or so she thought.
The days became an endless game of survival, trying to keep Pearl safe and Charles happily fed. Always felt like there wasn’t enough of something. 
Life felt like nothing but a yellow brick road, except there was no good witch, no singing or dancing, no powerful wizard to fix all my problems, just an endless road that once led to my dreams, but after years of walking, I had long given up hope of ever finding my way home again.
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cruelxfantasies · 3 years ago
All I Want
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!reader
Word Count: 6.5k
18+, minors DNI
You’re the drummer of corroded coffin and you can't get your best friend who's in the band out of your head.
The nervousness came first, bubbling in the pit of your stomach before washing over your entire body as the band was introduced – Corroded Coffin’s first house show. When Gareth’s parents decided it was time for them to move out of Hawkins, whisking away the former drummer down to sunny Florida, the band was left with a gaping hole that, for some reason, you were persuaded into filling.
You hadn’t played since you were younger, your parents selling the kit they had bought you for a mortgage payment that needed to be made. Without it, you simply felt lost – until you ran into Eddie Munson at the record store. A quick conversation about the vinyl you were holding, a copy of Slayer’s first album, and the next day, you were in the Hideout watching the boys practice. While all of them were good musicians, you couldn’t help that your eyes tended to focus on Eddie as he strummed his Warlock NJ, his hardened voice opening the door for your thoughts to go a place they probably shouldn’t. There was nothing like it.
As soon you sat down in front of your drum kit, sticks in hand – nothing else mattered. The nervous feeling dissipated, adrenaline beginning to course through your veins as Eddie turned towards you slightly, catching your gaze and awarding you a wink before counting you down to kick off Corroded Coffin’s part of the show.
“Holy shit, that was fucking amazing!” you yelled, running out of the house and into the summer air. “I’ve never felt anything like that in my entire goddamn life!” The other boys whooped and hollered, high-fiving one another while Eddie couldn’t help but grin in your direction, pulling a joint from his pocket.
“There’s nothing quite like it, is there, y/n?” he asked, lighting the joint. You couldn’t wipe the smile off of your own face, feeling as though you were floating.
“I mean, I thought beforehand, it would go okay and hopefully we wouldn’t get our asses booed off the stage, but holy shit, they actually wanted us to keep going.” You breathed heavily, still needing to catch your breath after all of the excitement. “For the record – I wasn’t sure if playing Paranoid was the best idea, I thought Children of the Grave all the way. You were right, Eddie.”
“Of course I was right, baby,” he shook his head at you. “I give the people what they want.”
‘Baby’ made you bite your lip softly, a satisfied sigh leaving you louder than you’d realized.
“You alright?” he asked with a raised eyebrow, inhaling the joint and passing it over to you. You nodded at him, taking the weed and sucking in a good amount – you wanted to ride this high from the show as long as you could, and you coughed, Eddie chuckling at you. He moved to sit on the grass, patting the spot next to him and you accepted the invitation, spreading out slightly and hanging your head back, looking up at the night sky littered with stars.
“I could get used to this,” you commented. Eddie hummed in response, the two of you passing the blunt back and forth in silence – reveling in the feelings that accompanied the show. You supposed you had Eddie to thank for this. Turning to face Eddie, you crossed your legs and picked at the grass. “I wanted to let you know how much this all means to me – you know, trusting me enough to take Gareth’s spot, it couldn’t have been easy for any of you. Especially, you.” You sighed. “I know that I’m probably the best you could get on such short notice and it won’t hurt my feelings when you actually put an ad out for a new drummer. I just… thank you, Eddie.” You finally looked up, met with a face full of confusion. “What?” you laughed, intrigued.
“Do you really think that low of yourself?” he wondered, not even waiting for you to reply. “You were my first and only choice for this spot, y/n. Gareth’s one of my closest friends and all, but I’m not sure he would have been able to keep the crowd’s attention going like that. And I know, a part of it has to do with me being lead and all,” you looked at him wryly, of course he couldn’t help but give himself a compliment, “but you were fucking connecting with them in there.”
Eddie reached out, taking one of your hands in his, the blunt in his other. His thumb stroked the back of your hand softly and you found comfort in the action, enjoying the feeling of his slightly calloused fingers upon your skin. “Don’t sell yourself short, yeah?”
“I won’t,” you stated quietly, surprised by what he’d said. You had no idea that he had thought so much of your abilities. You weren’t as confident as you once used to be when it came to playing music, and you weren’t sure you could ever feel that way again. However, when Eddie talked about you like this, it made you feel as though one day you could see yourself in a stadium.
Eddie didn’t release your hand, opting to keep possession, while your other continued to just feel the grass, soft and cool. The one thing on your mind was how much you wanted to kiss the man in front of you. To feel his lips on yours. You wondered what they would taste like, what they would feel like. Chapped? Eddie was always carrying chapstick around in his jeans, strawberry flavored. You wouldn’t mind. His lips would then move to your neck, feeling your pulse as it raced, eager for him to keep moving, to feel him everywhere and to feel his mouth on your –
It wasn’t until then you realized Eddie was saying your name repeatedly and you were staring at his lips, his tongue wetting the flesh. Your cheeks burned with heat and you ducked your head.
“Oh God, Eddie, I’m sorry – I zoned out for a minute and I’m really high –”
“What were you thinking?” His voice was low – you couldn’t get a read on the situation.
“Nothing, I wasn’t – “
“Tell me what it was you were thinking.” Eddie commanded. The authority in his voice sent a shiver through you.
“Promise you won’t be upset or anything?” You were still apprehensive, but a voice within you told you that telling the truth was the best thing you could do.
“I promise, y/n.”
You sighed, making eye contact with Eddie. “I was thinking about how much I want to kiss you.”
“And? Is that all?”
“Yes.” You averted your eyes, and he caught on to your lie.
“Don’t lie to me.”
You removed your hand from his grasp, moving to pick at the small space of grass between the two of you. “Fine, but don’t make fun of me either. Like I said, you can’t be upset and now you can’t laugh.” He nodded in agreement. “Okay. A thought passed through my mind of you doing more than kissing me, but it was only momentarily.”
When you met his eyes again, they were a darker shade – filled with a feeling you couldn’t quite place. You’d never seen it before. “What was I doing?”
You gulped, nervous to continue, but you were already too far in to go back now. “You were moving your lips down my neck, finding my sweet spot easily. As if you already knew.”
Eddie looked like he might respond, lips parting slightly, when a voice boomed from your left. “Guys, come on! The next set is starting.” Disappointment hit you like a train, wanting to know if there was any tiny possibility of your closest friend feeling the same way about you. But whatever moment had very there – it was gone as quick as it had arrived. Eddie stood up with his arm outstretched, hand out, to help pull you up and you grabbed it, standing upright. The four of you headed back into the house.
Eddie’s words about your musical abilities ignited something within you, your confidence growing over the next few weeks; so much that even your other band mates noticed and it showed in the performances. Corroded Coffin’s schedule was getting busier as you were invited to even more house shows. It finally hit you that the band’s popularity was spreading, Corroded Coffin booking a show in a city half an hour away and considerably bigger than Hawkins . While nothing could make you happier, you couldn't shove aside the anxiety you felt towards Eddie. There had been nothing said about that night of the first show. It was as though he'd never asked you what you thought about, as if you never answered him. You sat at your drum kit, twirling the stick in your hand and bopping your head to the cassette tape playing Dead or Alive’s You Spin Me Right Round (Like a Record) as Jeff and Eddie worked through an argument about which song to play tomorrow.
“We’re playing Run to the Hills,” you heard Eddie say, and your eyes found him, as he tuned his guitar. “And I swear to god, y/n, if you play this song one more time, I’m banning you from Corroded Coffin.” You knew the threat was harmless, but you leaned over, turning the volume down to a low hum.
“Jump is better suited for this one, Eddie,” Jeff argued. “We need to play to the crowd, not just a few people who might like a band that you have a hard on for.” You winced at that, knowing that was the wrong thing to say as soon as you saw the flash of offense cross Eddie’s features. And you were right as Eddie started back with, “You think I don't know what -”
“Stop it!” you yelled, putting your drum stick down, standing up indignantly. “The both of you just shut up. Arguing isn't going to fucking do anything.” They looked at you, seemingly surprised at your outburst. You had no idea what you were even going to say, walking over to your friends slowly and thinking quickly for a resolution. “Since Dan is over 15 minutes late for practice, we’re just going to cut his cover this time around and do both Run to the Hills and Jump. Deal?”
They stared at you for another moment longer before looking at each other and nodding. “Alright, fine,” Eddie agreed, reaching out to shake Jeff’s hand. “At least you have another use today instead of replaying that song into the ground.” You put your hand over your heart, as if he said something meaningful. Eddie chuckled, shaking his head at you.
It was another five minutes before you saw Dan crossing the street, heading for the garage. The sun was layers of burnt orange, purplish sky against the horizon at this point and you stared him down as he finally made it in. You weren't the only one.
“What?” he asked innocently.
“Last practice before the show and you're late,” Eddie told him. “Get here on time or I’m going to kick your ass.” Both you and Jeff made “Oooo” sounds, as if he was being sent to the principal���s office.
Daniel rolled his eyes, grabbing his bass from the stand. “Come on, let’s start playing before Eddie murders me and you're all stuck here trying to hide a body.” That was enough for Eddie as he looked at you, counting for you to come in and start the practice with Run for the Hills.
You weren’t running behind, but you couldn’t help feeling as though you needed to rush while you were getting ready – Charlotte Sometimes by The Cure playing quietly on the record player in the background. You sat on your bed, preparing to put on your Docs when there was a knock on your door. Glancing at the clock, Eddie was 15 minutes early, which you found slightly irritating. Answering the door, you put your hand on your hip as Eddie came into view. “What gives, Munson? You’re early and I’m not done. You must be really eager to see me,” you joked, turning away and heading back to your bedroom to finish getting ready for the show. Eddie didn’t immediately follow you, probably heading to the kitchen for a quick drink before you left. The band came over all of the time and knew they were welcome to anything in the kitchen, as long as they didn’t eat the entirety of it.
When he came around the corner, you saw that you were right – Coke in hand. You turned back towards the mirror, saying, “I’ll be done in a minute… I have to finish putting this liner on and then my shoes.” You saw him nod in the mirror’s reflection, sitting down on the edge of your bed and sipping on the Coke. You could feel him watching you. It didn’t make you nervous. You drew heavy lines on your top lids, taking the pencil lightly against the bottom of your eye, nearly poking yourself when he said, “I don’t know how you do that shit, honestly,” he observed.
You turned fully away from the mirror, pencil in hand, a mischievous twinkle in your eye. “Want to find out?” You bit your lip, the image of Eddie wearing eyeliner making you warm.
“Oh, hell no, you’re not getting near me with that thing.”
“Come on, I promise I won’t maim you. If I do… You can have my kit and teach yourself to play something that’s actually hard.”
His eyes widened at your jab, a whistle leaving his mouth. “Fine. But hurry, we gotta get going.”
“Lay back, then,” you stated, motioning him to scoot up on the bed. He sat the drink on the table next to your bed, doing as you told him. You didn’t even think about the fact that your shoes would be on your bed, which normally would gross you out, as you got on top of Eddie, somewhat straddling him with your pencil at the ready. You were very aware of everything going on right now, including the slight arousal rushing to your core at the reality of the situation. You noticed his eyes flit towards your breasts, feeling your cheeks get warm.
“Okay, now close your eyes,” you instructed. You started with this left eye, putting the black liner to his skin. You were sure he could feel your breath on him, your nervous breathing at that. “This is quite cozy, isn’t it?” he smirked, opening the eye that you weren’t applying makeup to yet. You paused, leaning back to look indignantly at him. “Edward Munson, you really will be without an eye if you don’t keep your mouth shut while I do this.” He put his hands up in an ‘I surrender’ motion and you couldn’t help but smile, moving back to your previous position as his hands came to rest lightly on your thighs. Focus. You needed to focus on the task at hand and not become distracted by the way his fingers felt against your thigh, his fingertips moving in slow circles against the fishnets. God, it was distracting.
“Have you put makeup on anyone else before?” he wondered, keeping at the circles.
Your breath was shaky as you moved to the other eye, noticing how pretty his eyelashes were.
“Just for a friend – for a dance at school.”
“Like this?”
You chuckled. “No, not like this. It just seemed easier to do it this way this time around.” It was partially true. You leaned away from him once you were done, surveying your work. His eyelashes were longer, more luscious than you’d ever realized. He was beautiful. He opened his eyes, meeting your own. There was a long moment – his mouth opened slightly, as if he wanted to say something exactly like the night of the first show, and you couldn’t help but wonder if you would ever get a taste of the man in front of you.
It was you who broke the eye contact, getting up off of him and straightening your outfit. “Go look in the bathroom mirror and tell me what you think.”
“If I look like I just left bed, I want a goddamn refund,” he threatened, pointing his finger at you. You placed the eyeliner back with the rest of your makeup, fixing your hair at your desk. “I look fucking good,” he yelled, running back into your bedroom. You couldn’t argue with him – Eddie in eyeliner was something different, but entirely tempting. The arousal that was still present within you multiplied. God, you wanted him to fucking devour you, wearing that liner. You nearly moaned as your eyes raked over him one last time before you gathered your things and left, not caring if he noticed your behavior.
The crowd yelled as the emcee announced Corroded Coffin, the energy from the floor making its way to you. You weren’t nervous this time. The mixture of smells – of beer, B.O, burgers and fries, didn’t bother you. While Eddie talked to the crowd, introducing each of you, your focus was on the sixteenth notes of Run to the Hills that you were about to play. Your raised your drumstick in the air when he got to you, getting a few hoots and hollers as you looked out with a grin on your face – you were ready. You moved to hit the hi-hat double handed, – right then left, right then left, hitting the floor tom and the medium tom together, then moving back to the hi hat, Eddie coming in on the lead guitar and microphone.
"White man across the sea,
He brought us pain and misery,
He killed our tribes, he killed our creed,
He took our game for his own need
We fought him hard, we fought him well
Out on the plains we gave him hell
But many came, too much for Cree
Oh, will we ever be set free?"
The song picked up immediately, and you were glad you’d decided to take your leather jacket off before the song started.
"Riding through dust clouds and barren wastes
Galloping hard on the plains
Chasing the redskins back to their holes
Fighting them at their own game
Murder for freedom the stab in the back
Women and children are cowards, attack
Run to the hills
Run for your lives
Run to the hills
Run for your lives"
You all decided to close out on a song that you and Eddie had written together months ago, Stars for a Lifetime. Your first time playing it live in front of a crowd and you couldn’t believe the reception it had. It wasn’t exactly metal, caught between that and rock, a mixture of both of your personalities. Hours of time together at your apartment, crumpled pieces of paper thrown at each other, long naps on the couch and plenty of takeout. They were memories you held onto. As you finished out the song with a crash of the cymbals, Eddie looked over at you with the most adoring gaze you’d ever seen – you could see the pride in his eyes and the satisfaction you felt at knowing how proud he was of you was unmatched. Heading off of side stage, you put up the standard rock n roll salute towards the crowd. You felt alive and you could tell Eddie did too as he highfived Jeff and Dan, running over to you and picking you up, spinning you around in excitement over the events of the night. “Can you believe that just fucking happened?” he asked, and you knew it was rhetorical but you answered anyway. “I know, I know. You did so amazing up there, Eddie. The crowd loved you.” You weren’t just saying it to flatter him. He knew exactly how to work them when he was up on the stage. He placed you back down and he took a deep breath. “The crowd loved us, y/n. All of the hours paid off.” You nodded, unable to wipe the smile off of your face even if you wanted to. You were close enough to him that you could see the streaks of eyeliner beginning to run down his face and you wanted to reach out, wanted to wipe away the black. You couldn’t. As you walked back towards the small room where the four of you had gotten ready, you didn’t notice the fact that Eddie couldn’t find it within him to take his eyes off of you.
The next day, you woke up to a loud knock at your door and cursed whoever the fuck it was that they were dragging you out of the best sleep you’d had in weeks. “I swear to god, if this isn’t important, you might find your most precious valuables thrown in a fire,” you announced, threatening whoever was at the door. You opened it, surprised to find Eddie there.
“And a good morning to you, too, y/n,” Eddie greeted, shaking his head as he pushed past a startled you.
You closed the door behind him, turning around. “Why the hell are you here? I thought we weren’t meeting up until day after tomorrow, to give us all a small break.”
“We aren’t, but I… I needed to see you?” he phrased it as a question.
“What about? Is something going on?” you quickly turned worried that something had gone wrong, that something had happened between last night and now. “Are you in trouble? Did you do something?”
Eddie licked his lips, beginning to laugh. “That’s your first thought? That I might be in trouble with the cops?”
You rolled your eyes. “I know how rebellious you are so who knows what you do when I’m not around to watch you.”
Eddie sat down on the couch, looking strained. His eyebrows were furrowed and you could see that there was something bothering him, although you couldn’t be sure what it was. You walked around the coffee table, taking a seat next to him and placing a hand on his arm.
“You can talk to me, Eds. Please tell me what’s going on.”
He sighed, standing back up again and beginning to pace. “You. You are what’s going on. You’re everywhere. You’re at band practice, you’re always hanging out, you’re –”
“Well,” you interjected, “that’s what happens when you invite someone to join a band.”
He stopped pacing, looking at you, brushing his hair out of his face. “And that mouth – you always have something to say, doesn’t matter who’s talking, and sometimes I want to just shut you up – and then yesterday, you put that goddamned eyeliner on me and you’re on top of me in those fishnets and it took every ounce of self control I have not to fuck you right then and there or we would’ve been late to the show.” He paused. “Do you see what you do to me? You drive me insane and I can’t get enough of you even when I haven’t even had any of you.”
You were sure the look you were giving him showcased absolute shock as he chuckled. “Eddie, I…” God, he was perfect even now. Even as you could see how nervous he was under the cool exterior he portrayed to the public, to you sometimes. “ I told you what I thought about so long ago, after that first show and you did nothing. Why didn’t you? Instead, you let me go on as though nothing happened and I started to believe it never actually happened, that I was crazy.”
Your eyes met, his filled with apology. “I wanted you and I wanted to tell you that, y/n. And Jeff came over and I thought what was best to forget about it. And I tried. But god, I can’t ignore it. And you drive me up a wall when you play that damn Spin Me Right Round song because what even is that song doing even playing at a practice because now you’ve got me liking some pop song that I wouldn’t have been caught dead listening to.”
You stood up, indignant. “Hey, that is a good fucking song and I won’t let you shit talk my eclectic music taste.”
He hung his head, a booming laugh escaping him. “You are something else, you know that?”
“I know.” You bit your lip hard, your next words surprising you both. “But will you please just kiss me?”
Eddie took a step toward you, no apprehension in his stance as his hands grabbed your face, lips crashing against yours with a sense of urgency. The force of it caused you to ache with want. His teeth tugged at your lower lip, tongue sweeping past your lips – you could taste the breath you shared. Your hands found his biceps, squeezing the flesh and you moaned into his mouth as your tongues tangled together. Eddie’s hands left your face as he pulled away, foreheads touching momentarily before he lifted his index finger to your mouth – you sucked on it slowly, drawing a groan out of Eddie, the sound going straight to your pussy. You wanted to hear more.
“Regret not saying anything to me until now?” you smiled, your voice filled with arrogance but also sickly sweet.
“As much as I hate to feed that growing ego of yours – yeah, I do.” You yelped surprisingly as he lifted you up and you wrapped your legs around his waist instinctually, already feeling his erection through his jeans and you moaned at the feeling of him against you, already wanting him inside you. But you knew you had to wait. You’d waited for so long already, what could a little while longer hurt?
Your mouths found each other once again, your hands in his hair now as he walked the both of you to your bedroom – Eddie had you on the unmade bed immediately and god, you’re already bucking your hips up towards him to feel something, to feel anything. He chuckles darkly, and you know that he knows how eager you are to get a piece of him.
“Slow down, baby, I’ll give you what you want soon,” he whispered against your lips and you couldn’t help the whine that escaped you. Your pussy was throbbing now and you were ravenous for him, after all this time. Eddie thrived on how desperate you were.
With one leg wrapped around him, you pull him in closer and the kiss was deep, hungry. You felt as though you barely had enough air left in your lungs but you didn’t care – Eddie’s mouth moved down to your neck, peppering light kisses against your throat before it turned to sucking and biting, the noises obscene and it felt so good, all of it continuing to grow the raging fire within you. You felt one of his hands began to dance down the side of your body, reaching your underwear and he pulled away from your neck. “Is that okay?” he asked for permission and you nearly melted right then and there.
“More than okay,” you breathed heavily. “Please keep going.”
His hand continued to move south, feeling your already soaked underwear and you couldn’t find it to care about how your body reacted to him. Eddie swore. “God, you’re so wet for me already, baby,” he said, licking his lips. Eddie teased you, rubbing two fingers along thefabric and your hips started to move, needing more, legs clamping around him.
“Please,” you whimpered, face feeling hot. “I kind of hate that I’m in the position of needing to beg, but I need you to do something before I lose my shit.”
Eddie laughed and he paused, switching into a different position where he was completely between your legs now.
“Can you do me a favor, babe?” and you nodded quickly. You would do whatever as long as it meant Eddie would be touching in mere second. “I need you,” Eddie began removing his multitude of rings from his fingers, “to keep these safe for me.” You put your hand out, collecting the jewelry and quickly putting them on the table next to you. If there was a next time, you wanted him to fuck you with the rings on.
“Now get a move on, Munson or –” you gasped deeply as you felt his fingers trace along your slit, one finger delving into your folds painstakingly slow and you nearly screamed at the contact. Your hands grasped at the bed sheets, Eddie pushing his finger deeper into you.
He watched your features contort as the pleasure started making its way through your body. It was then you watched as he removed his finger from your pussy, placing it in his mouth and your eyes nearly rolled back into your head. Fuck, that was hot.
“How do I taste?” you chuckled weakly.
“So fucking good,” he replied, voice deep with arousal. His hands pushed your legs apart even further as he moved to press light kisses to your thighs. He was teasing you and you were sure he was getting off on it, marking you with his teeth and sucking large purple brusies onto your tender flesh.
“Get on with it,” you pleaded, hoping your intrusion didn’t get you in any sort of trouble.
His mouth was somewhat pressed against the skin as he replied, muffled. “But I love hearing your voice when you beg for me, it’s hot.”
“We’ll have plenty of time in the future for you to get more out of me,” you sighed, wetting your lips with your tongue. It was then that two hands made quick work of completely removing your underwear, your pussy hitting the cold air and you shivered slightly.
“You’re beautiful like this, on display for me,” he said, voice thick as he kept his eyes on your core. “Hand me a pillow.” Not even looking anywhere but down at Eddie, your hand reached for one and presented it to him, prompting him to ask you to lift your hips up to place the pillow underneath.
You weren’t sure you understood, but it made you more comfortable which you didn’t mind at all.
Eddie looked up at you through his lashes, eyes dark, as two of his fingers delved back inside you and you threw your head back, a moan passing through your lips. You stopped yourself from moving your hips as his fingers started pounding you, his other hands atop your abdomen, pressing down. You couldn’t contain your noises once his mouth was on you, licking from his fingers to the top of pussy, mouth closing around your clit and you swear nothing could ever feel like this, nothing ever had.
“R-right there,” you choked out, having to remind yourself to breath as his fingers found the perfect spot to hit inside you and with his mouth on you, it was all so much. “Eddie, please, it feels so good.”
He groaned against you and the vibrations caused you to spasm slightly, your body not your own anymore. The pace of his fingers picked up, and you were nearly crying now, a tear slowly rolling down your pleasured face.
“Come on, baby, give me what you’ve got,” Eddie demanded, lips finding your clit once again and nothing ever felt like this. No one had made you feel this bliss, this ecstasy – not even yourself. Sure, you knew the right moves to get you across the finish life, but fuck, this was something different.
“Eddie, I’m so close,” you gasped.
“I know, sweet girl, come for me,” he said, his assault on your pussy quickening and becoming stronger. Another press on your abdomen and you were unraveling for him, giving him what he had been chasing. You couldn’t control your moans, your cries – you were floating, seeing stars. You heard Eddie’s voice and it slowly brought you back to reality, eyes focusing on the handsome face in front of you.
“Hi,” you whispered.
He smiled at you. “Hi. You alright?”
You nodded, feeling more like yourself now and the care he was showing you now was unfamiliar to you – no one had ever treated you like this. For some reason, this caused a whole new wave of arousal to crash into you. You were still hungry for Eddie.
“Need you inside me now,” you said, reaching for him and pulling him into another deep kiss. You could taste the remnants of your orgasm on his lips but it didn’t bother you – you just wanted him as close as possible. Eddie lifted your shirt off you first before removing his own clothes and you caught yourself staring at it all and while you would’ve been embarrassed a week ago for him to see you look at him hungrily – he’d just eaten you out. There was nothing to hide from.
“You’re prettier than me,” you pouted and he laughed, crawling back onto the bed and on top of you, your hands moving to weave into his long hair but he stopped you, gripping your wrists above your head and you whimpered.
“This is a bit different from yesterday, isn’t it?” he asked, his cockiness making you bite your lip. Why did he get to be in charge this entire time, have you underneath him?
You broke free from his grasp, rolling the both of you so you were on top of him.
“Maybe you should be more aware of who you’re up against,” you smirked, placing a hand upon his chest while your other hand found his cock, lining yourself up and slowly sinking onto him. You both moaned loudly at the same time and it was a melody – Eddie’s cock stretched you out as your pussy grew accustomed to the intrusion. “Fucking shit,” he rasped, and you started moving your hips, the hand that was on his chest, now lightly wrapped around his throat as you found your rhythm. “So much better than all of the times I imagined –” he groaned, trying to continue, “all the times I imagined you on my dick.” If it was possible, his admission of thinking of you like this before made you even wetter.
“Y-You’re not the only o-one, fuck this feels amazing” you breathed out, your work and pleasure taking most of your breath out of you. You slowed down the gyration of your hips so you would be able to speak clearly. “Before I went to sleep last night, I thought of you fucking me while wearing the eyeliner and shit, it was the strongest orgasm I’d had before now.”
Your words seemed to have turned a switch on in Eddie as he quickly moved your arm out of the way, hands gripping your hips roughly as he started pounding into you and you were unable to say anything more – only moans mixed with cries of “Eddie” leaving your mouth.
“Say my name again,” he ordered you and you complied, his name almost like a prayer to you now, asking for him to give you everything and anything.
“Fuck, I’m close again, I can’t,” you struggled for breath. His pace was carnal and brutal and he was fucking you like a doll at this point, you were letting him do whatever he wanted to you. Your hands moved to grab at your breasts, squeezing your nipples and he watched.
“You can come, pretty girl, come for me a second time,” he encouraged and Eddie calling you a pretty girl was all you needed as your walls squeezed him, your orgasm rolling over you, Eddie spilling into you only seconds later with a growl as you milked every last drop from his cock. You fell straight onto his chest, absolutely exhausted and still breathing heavily. “Still okay?” he asked and you nodded, kissing his collarbone. “Gotta get cleaned up,” he said, slipping out of you and you winced at the emptiness as you moved off of him, Eddie standing up. “I’ll be right back.”
You watched him throw on his jeans, walk out of the bedroom and it was then that the gravity of the situation hit you.
The band. Your friendship. Could your friendship survive this if something went wrong? Would Jeff and Dan be able to handle a relationship that was in the midst of their band? Would Eddie even be worried about any of that?
You stood up, heading over to your drawers and locating a new pair of underwear but throwing on the same shirt you had on before. When he came back, you were sitting cross legged on the bed facing him. It was reminiscent of the night after the first show. Eddie sat across from you, putting a finger under you chin so you would look up at him.
“Don’t go getting weird on me now, babe. That was some of my best work.”
Eddie’s goal was achieved as you chuckled, smiling at him. You pulled at your fingers – a nervous tic that he knew about you all too well. “What’s going on in that brain of yours?” he wondered.
You took a moment to respond, hoping to get your point across. “I don’t want to ruin anything between the band or us. You’re my best friend and my bandmate – both that matter to me very much. We work together well when it comes to the band, especially when writing music together. I mean, Stars for a Lifetime is a fucking masterpiece. And I don’t want to lose that because we decided to tear one off this morning.”
You hated that this was even an issue. It had all happened so quickly, but there wasn’t a trace of regret in your features as you looked at him. It was the complete opposite.
Eddie lifted a finger to his lips, in thought, and you raised your eyebrows at him after a few seconds indicating that you very much needed a response.
He sighed. “I care about you – more than anyone else, yeah? Those nights writing were some of the best I’ve ever had and we created something I don’t think I could with anyone else. Me coming over here wasn’t to get you in bed, although it was a nice addition, don’t get me wrong.” You couldn’t help but chuckle at that. “We won’t mess up the band. Jeff and Dan won’t give a shit unless we no longer know how to play our instruments. Trust me on that.”
There was a lengthy pause before he spoke again. “If I’m going to be over here more than usual, does that mean I’ll have to hear that Dead or Alive song all the time?”
You nodded, a grin working its way onto your face. “And you don’t get to complain about it or I’ll kick you out on your ass.”
“Like I said earlier, I’m starting to like it.”
You shook your head, telling Eddie you were going to grab some juice when he called your name as you were at the bedroom door. You turned around.
“And don’t think I forgot about the eyeliner scenario you mentioned.”
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jackrrabbit · 4 years ago
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cooking at 3am /// Osamu x f!Reader
Request: Imagine cooking together with Osamu at 3am because neither of you could sleep (or because ‘Samu got the midnight munchies lol). You don’t have anything specific in mind; you’re just playing around and feeding each other little bits of what you make.
A/N: bruh you said munchies and my mind said [[ h i g h o s a m u ]] sorry this went in a kinda different direction? but still fun 3am cooking project vibes :P
Tag/warnings: fluff, light drug use (weed), you and Atsumu are lowkey Bros™️, Osamu's kinda baby 🤧
Osamu’s not good at smoking.
He doesn’t really know how to inhale—you know, hold it in his lungs so it can soak in or whatever—and when he does, he coughs. Except he tries to repress the coughs. Even if he wants to hide it, he’s always close enough to you that you can feel his chest moving from trying not to cough when he takes a hit.
And also, like every baby smoker, he can’t really tell when it’s kicking in until he’s off the deep end.
“Can you feel it yet?”
You shoot Osamu a glance where he’s sitting on the ground in front of the couch, watching a nature documentary on Atsumu’s TV with a glazed-over look on his face. “You sure? Your eyes are super red.”
“I can’t feel it. Give it—“ He holds out his hand and honestly you’re pretty sure he’s had plenty, but it’s Atsumu’s vape so who cares. You hand it over and Osamu holds it up to his mouth and sucks, eyes fluttering closed as the light on the side of the Pax glows yellow.
God, he looks hot when he does that. Something about a hot guy smoking, yeah? Actually, no. Something about your hot boyfriend smoking.
Except 'Samu holds his breath a second too long and you can see the urge to cough hit him… Wait for it, you think to yourself, and a second later he hacks and wheezes the vapor out in a wispy cloud that reflects silver against the semi-dark. You coo in sympathy and pat his back. “Want some water?”
Osamu shakes his head, hand over his mouth to stop the coughing. On the tv, David Attenborough talks about penguin courtship rituals and Atsumu (who’s been draped on the couch next to you for the past few hours) gives a light little sigh in his sleep. You check the time. 3am. Bedtime. Too bad you and 'Samu are both too high to drive home…whoops. Guess you’re spending the night at Atsumu’s place.
Osamu rubs his bloodshot eyes like they’re itchy, which they probably are. “Hey, can we— uhh… Do we have pancakes.”
“Pancakes, babe? You mean the ones you made for breakfast?”
“Yeah, there’s leftovers…I made you extra and you didn’t want them.” He twists around and gives you an incredibly dirty look, like this is something you did on purpose to hurt his feelings. “If you don’t want them I’m going to eat them.”
“Wait, 'Samu—“ But Osamu's already getting up off the floor to wander over to the next room. You debate pausing the show—it’s a really good scene—but you leave it going for Atsumu's sake because you’re pretty sure the narration is the only thing keeping him asleep. He’s kinda drooling on your shoulder and you have to push him off to go follow your boyfriend to the kitchen.
“What is all this stuff? Ugh…” Osamu's pawing through the fridge. There’s a lot of crinkling, plastic sounds—you catch a glimpse inside and all of the shelves are stacked up with plastic bags and styrofoam containers.
You yawn and hop up to sit on the kitchen island. “Takeout? I don’t think he cooks.” Atsumu's going to get a lecture tomorrow for keeping 2-week-old Indian food in his fridge. God knows you heard it way too many times before you and Osamu moved in together. You don’t envy 'Tsumu.
Osamu sits down in front of the fridge, fumbles with a drawer, and pulls out a bag of moldy grapes. “Gross…who lives like this…”
You snicker into your hand.
“I can’t find the pancakes.” 'Samu's pulling the plastic drawers all the way out now, setting them down on the floor as he inspects the contents of the fridge.
“They’re not here.”
“You ate them?”
“No, I— Hey, put those back in,” you tell him helplessly as he shuts the door of the fridge, ignoring all the leftover food he took out. Yeah, half of it was probably off anyway, but Atsumu's gonna be pissed if he wakes up and there’s takeout going bad all over his kitchen floor.
“You threw away my pancakes?” Now the look on Osamu's face is utter betrayal. He stands up off the floor and glares sulkily at you. “I made those for you…”
“I didn’t throw them away, they’re—“ You hold back a laugh and wish you had your phone on you (where did it go?) so you could take a picture. He’s so cute when he smokes. “—they’re at home.”
“At home?”
“Yep, at home. The place where you and me live, remember?”
“Oh.” Osamu pauses, reaches out absently to grab the edge of your sleeve. You’re wearing one of his hoodies. “We’re not at home?”
“Nope. We’re at Atsumu's place,” you tell him through a giggle.
He plays with your sleeve, contemplating. “Why?”
“Because we’re out of weed and he said he’d smoke us out. And we like hanging out with him.”
“Oh. We do?”
“…’Kay.” It takes Osamu a second to accept this, but then he nods seriously. “(Y/N), I'm hungry.”
“I know. What do you want to eat? You could probably have any of that stuff, I don’t think he’ll miss it.”
'Samu thinks about it for a moment, scanning the array of takeout containers spread out across the kitchen floor. “I want pancakes.”
“The pancakes are at home, remember?”
“Yeah…” Osamu flips over his grip on your sleeve and traces his thumb down the lines in your palm. “I could make some?”
More pancakes? “I don’t think 'Tsumu has eggs, babe. Or flour. Or…baking soda?” You’re not really sure what ingredients go into pancakes. Whatever cooking skills you possessed pre-Osamu have deteriorated significantly since you moved in together and he took over any and all food preparation for your household.
He pouts at this, and his hair is a little messed up, and he’s so pretty that you can’t stand how much you like him in that second. Mine mine mine, something in the back of your brain says. He’s mine.
You reach up and Osamu obediently ducks his head down so you can smooth his hair back into place and fix the bits that are flipping over his part. “Is there anything else you want to eat?”
“Oh…” Well, at least Atsumu probably has rice. “Sure. Ok. That’s your specialty.”
“I want ya to make it for me.”
“What?” You frown and pull your hand out of his. “You know my cooking sucks.”
“No it doesn’t. (Y/N)’s food’s the best.”
“You own an onigiri shop, come on—“
One of his bangs falls back in his eyes and without thinking you reach up to put it in place. “Okay, fine. But you can’t complain about it if it’s not good.”
He smiles and you want to blush. “Yes! I promise.”
So you do it for him. Even though you’re high too. You measure some rice and water into the rice cooker (Osamu has to give you pointers on how much of each to put in) and you scrounge around Atsumu's depressingly bare kitchen for a few sheets of seaweed and some easy fillings. Osamu pulls a stool up to the island counter and rests his chin on his hands so he can watch you with a bleary look of adoration on his face.
It takes you…maybe half an hour to be done? It’s hard to gauge time when you’re high. You and 'Samu both jump when the rice cooker finishes and plays the little rice cooker song, which will remain stuck in your head for the foreseeable future. 'Samu hums it in a loop while you shape the rice into lopsided triangles and wrap the nori around it.
“Here,” you tell him when you set the plate down in front of him. He looks entirely too happy to be eating your mediocre food for someone who literally does this for a living, but who cares.
He picks one, takes a bite, swallows. And blinks.
“What do you think?” you ask in spite of yourself.
“Umm…salty,” Osamu says.
You grab one to try yourself and it’s salty. Like, ocean salty. Yuck. “I told you it would be bad,” you complain, trying to tug the plate away but Osamu grabs it and pulls it back.
“Noooo…it’s good,” he lies, although his face is giving him away. Still, he takes another bite and chews enthusiastically.
“Shut up.” You tug a little harder but Osamu doesn’t let go.
He swallows, pulls a face, and takes another one. “So good. I love it.”
“Shut up. You sound so fake. You’re going to get sick if you eat that.” You keep pulling, but he insists on pretending it’s edible so you admit defeat and help him finish the onigiri off. God, they’re awful. But he keeps eating and so you do too.
When you’re done, your mouth feels dry as fuck and you want to sleep almost as much as you want to drink about a gallon of water. “Is it bedtime yet?” 'Samu asks, wiping his mouth and then rubbing his eyes again.
The clock over the oven says it’s past 4. “Yes. It’s bedtime.”
“Wait—we’re…we’re not at home, right? We’re at 'Tsumu's?”
“I prolly drove here…I dunno if I can drive now,” Osamu tells you slowly, like he’s apologizing. “I think I'm kinda high.”
“Oh yeah?” You hold your laugh back and put your hands up on his cheeks. “How do you feel?”
“Dizzy. Blurry? Like…you’re in slow-motion.” His hands come up to layer over yours. “You’re pretty in slow-mo.”
“Prettier than usual?”
Osamu closes his eyes, scrunching them up to think and then looking over your face intently. “Same amount, just slower. So it’s easier to see.”
“That so?” You slip your hands around to drape over his shoulders and get up on your tiptoes to give him a little kiss on the cheek, because he’s earned it. “You know what, I think I'm kinda high too. I think we’re going to have to have a sleepover.”
“On the couch? S’not big enough for us both.”
“You can sleep with 'Tsumu in his bed…or I guess you could sleep on the ground?”
'Samu's mouth twists and his brows draw together. You can practically hear the gears in his mind turning while he considers alternatives. “Can we share the bed?”
“I think Atsumu's gonna want it. It’s his house.”
“But he’s already sleeping.”
True, you can hear Atsumu snoring lightly from the living room underneath David Attenborough’s description of endangered falcons in the Philippine rainforest. You should really wake him up—matter of fact, you should really clean up the kitchen because it’s a huge mess—but 'Samu's already pulling you away. And you’re so sleepy.
“He’s going to be pissed tomorrow,” you tell Osamu through a yawn, but you let him steer you in the direction of Atsumu's bedroom, holding your hand.
“Don’t care…I hate sleeping without you.”
“Yeah,” you say, and you squeeze his hand and he looks back at you like you’re the literal best thing in the entire universe—and you decide you should get him high more often. “Same.”
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bangtanloverboys · 4 years ago
baked // myg
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summary - it should be known that whenever you smoke, you tend to get a little extra needy for yoongi
pairing - stoner boyfriend!yoongi x girlfriend!reader
genre - smut, fluff; stoner au, established relationship au, good bad choices au
word count - 1.6k
warning - drug usage/smoking weed, shot gunning, lots of kisses, making out, oral sex, semi-public-sex (it’s at a party), sex while high, a singular bite, rip seokjin tho
author’s note - happy 420 my dudes! this is connected to my smau good bad choices it’s not relevant that you read it to understand the couple/dynamic. but if you’re interested in them, feel free to check it out. yes i accidentally posted this last week 
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The date was April 20th, meaning it was Seokjin’s annual 420 party. Apparently every year, he’d host a party at his place for him and his friends to just hang out, smoke weed, and chill out. Curled up next to your boyfriend on the couch, you watched as a joint was passed around, which was currently being handed off to Yoongi. You stared as he placed the filter between his lips, breathing in the smoke. As he pulled the joint away from him, Yoongi made eye contact with you and patted his lap. You scrunched your eyebrows, not quite understanding what he meant. 
“He wants to shotgun it to you!” Seokjin called from the other end of the circle.
Your face began to burn, you looked back to Yoongi who had since breathed out his first toke. Biting your lip, you swung a leg over his lap. A smile grew on his face as you settled onto his thighs, straddling him now. “You don’t have to, if you don’t want to.” His voice was low as he clarified with you. 
“I want to.” You responded.
Not breaking eye contact, he brought the joint back to his lips, inhaling deeply. When he pulled it away again, you moved to have your mouth hover over his. You closed your eyes as he exhaled, breathing in the smoke. His free hand sneaked it’s way up to the back of your neck, holding you still. Holding it for a few seconds, you breathed it back out. Immediately, Yoongi crashed his lips against yours, pulling you into a breathtaking kiss. There was a mix of groans and whoops as you kissed your boyfriend. Not wanting to give them too much of a show, you broke the kiss. With one last peck to his cheek, you flopped off his lap and let him pass the joint to the next person. 
It wasn’t long until you began to feel the effects, your brain slowly melting as you cuddled closer to your boyfriend. The party continued on, Seokjin brought out food from the kitchen and turned on a movie. With an arm wrapped around you, Yoongi began to lean back further into the couch, taking you down with him. Now laying flush against him, you trained your eyes forward to watch the movie.
Unfortunately for you though, the movie did little to keep your attention. Instead, all you could focus on was the light drag of Yoongi’s hand as he gently rubbed your back. The touch, however innocent, sent chills down your spine. It should come as no surprise to you that when you got high, you ended up being more touchy feely with Yoongi (the few times you had smoked with him usually ended up with sloppy make out sessions and lazy touching). You turned your head up to look at Yoongi, who’s eyes were glued to the TV screen. Feeling you shift, he turned to meet your gaze. 
“You alright, angel?” He questioned softly. 
“Mmhmm,” you responded as you leaned closer to his face. Yoongi stiffened, but made no effort to stop you. You kissed his cheek, then his jaw, slowly peppering him with soft kisses. 
His grip on you tightened. “What are you doing?”
“Nothing,” you whispered as your mouth found its way to his earlobe, giving it a slight tug between your teeth. Seemingly, that was all it took to wind Yoongi up as you felt his growing erection pressed against your thigh. Pulling away from him, despite the darkness of the room, you were still able to see a familiar dark look in his eyes as you looked into them. 
“Go down the hall and to the left.” His voice was low, trying not to alert your friends that still surrounded you, watching the movie. Nodding, you peeled yourself from Yoongi’s body. Muttering a quick excuse about using the bathroom, you maneuvered your way around the people as you exited the living room. Following Yoongi’s instructions, you were met with a door. Just as you were opening it, you felt warmth behind you. A set of arms snaked around your waist. “You got needy, baby?”
Turning around in his hold, you faced him. Only answering him by pressing a kiss to his lips. He seemed to be satisfied with your answer, feeling him smile. One of his hands left your side, opening the door. The two of you stumbled into the room, never breaking the kiss. Kicking the door close behind him, he walked you backwards across the room until the back of your knees hit the edge of the bed. 
You both tumbled down onto the bed, finally breaking the kiss to laugh. Gently, Yoongi scooted you up until your head rested on the pillows, the heavy scent of weed and incense filled your senses. Now hovering over you, Yoongi met your eyes, feeling all his overwhelming love and adoration. Your hand moved to cup his cheek, to which he kissed the side of your palm in return. A small gesture you’ve become acquainted with him, his own little way of telling you that he loved you. 
Lowing his head, he captured your lips in another kiss. Your hand slipping from his cheek to the back of his head, you quickly threaded your fingers into his dark hair. Yoongi’s kisses always left you dizzy and you couldn’t get enough of it. Your world consisted of Yoongi and the feeling of his lips on you. Heat started pooling in your stomach, your body wanted more. 
“Yoongi,” you whined, “more!”
“Hmm? What do you want more of?” He asked, his lips traveling down your neck, finding your sweet spot with no problem. 
“You. Mouth. More.” You pouted. The weed in your system made your brain feel all fuzzy, the only thing you knew was clear was your want for Yoongi. 
“You want me to go down on you, baby?” His breath was hot against your ear. The mere suggestion had you clenching around nothing. You nodded profusefly, but Yoongi tutted at you. “Remember, use your words.”
“Yes please. I want it.” The words flooded past your lips without any hesitation. 
The next thing you know, Yoongi was pressing fleeting kisses over your clothed torso. On your collar bones, the swell of your breast, over your nipple, down your stomach. Once he reached your lower half, he slowly tugged down your leggings and your underwear. Tossing them away, Yoongi lowered his head to your fully exposed pussy, licking a fat stripe across your folds, his tongue flicking over your clit. 
“Fuck!” You hissed, hands instantly flying to Yoongi’s hair. He chuckled against your folds before diving into you again. Your fingers knotted into his dark lots as he practically made out with your pussy. Your eyes rolled back into your skull as he alternated from fucking you with his tongue to sucking on your clit. The sensation had your head spinning, driving you insane. It was too much. “You’re eating me!” The words fell past your lips without any thought, as you tugged on his hair, pulling him away from you. 
His lips were coated with your juices as he smirked at you. “Yeah, that’s kind of the point, babe.” His comment had the tips of your ears growing hot, he merely chuckled at your light embarrassment. “May I continue?”
With a wink, he began again, going a bit slower with his ministrations. You let out small moans and whines as he continued, occasionally bucking your hips up into his mouth. A coil in your gut began to tighten, you knew it was gonna snap soon. 
“Fuck, I’m-I’m gonna cum.” Your hips bucked up, but a large hand splayed over your stomach, ceasing any further movement from you. “Yoongi, please! Fuck!” Waves of pleasure washed over your body as the coil snapped, throwing you over the edge. Yoongi kept going, not stopping until your legs were twitching, unable to take anymore. 
Pulling away from you, he rested his head against your thigh, licking his lips clean of you. “Feel better?” 
With heavy eyelids, you hummed in response, too tired to speak. Which only prompted him to bite into the flesh of your inner thigh. “Hey!” You frowned as Yoongi crawled back up over you. 
“I give you an orgasm, and you only give me a ‘hmm’ in response? I’m hurt, angel.” He teased as he nuzzled into your cheek with his nose. 
“Yes, I feel better.” You muttered, wrapping your arms around his neck, bringing him closer. “Tired.”
“You wanna sleep, baby?” He asked, although he really didn’t need to, seeing as you were already halfway in dreamland. 
“Mmhmm,” you nodded, burying your face into the crook of his neck. You could feel the vibrations of his light chuckles. The two of you laid there for a while, before he tugged your arms away, freeing himself of your grasp. “Come back.” You pouted, missing his warmth already.
“Just taking off my pants. Get under the covers.” With a yawn, you pawed for the edge of the blanket before pulling it down and climbing in. Only a few moments later did you feel the mattress shift. Flipping on your side, you leaned into Yoongi, cuddling up to his warmth. “Night, angel.”
“G’night, Yoongi. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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The following morning, your eyelids felt so heavy; you could barely open them, despite the sunlight bleeding through the open window. Groaning, you turned on your side. Well turned over as much as you could with Yoongi’s arms wrapped around you, keeping you close to him as possible. 
Just as you were about to fall back into sleep, the sound of the door swung open, and Seokjin’s voice called out. “Listen, I don’t mind y’all falling asleep in my room, but next time you fuck in my bed, I’ll kick you out.” With that, the door shut. 
You were quiet for a few moments. “Did you really go down on me in Jin’s bed.” You mumbled, not bothering to open your eyes. 
You could hear the proud smirk on his face. “Yeah, I did.”
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deathlikelead · 4 years ago
Contact Buzz
Summary: Fiona and Iggy get buzzed at the neighborhood bonfire.
Ship: Fiona Gallagher/Iggy Milkovich
Warnings: Drug use, alcohol, depictions of foreplay, not sfw
Word Count: 2.7k
Read on AO3
The noise should be the first thing that draws Iggy’s attention since it sounds like an end-of-the-world party is taking place a few blocks away from where he’s walking home after his beer run.
It’s not the noise though, it’s the smell. Whoever it is has to have the strongest weed imaginable, and Iggy wants in on that. He only notices the noise once he gets closer, dozens of people whooping and hollering, the dark sky illuminated by the giant plume of flames in the center of them all.
Mickey's boyfriend - the first redheaded Gallagher kid, Iggy can’t remember his name. Evan, Aaron, something monosyllabic like that - is carrying one of his little brothers on his back near the flames. One of their neighbors is waving his shirt into the smoke above the flames then pulling it back to inhale. It looks like the whole of Wallace Street is here, dancing around and shouting along to the song that’s playing loudly over someone’s speakers.
It’s chaotic, and where there’s chaos, there should be Milkoviches. Though he has to admit he doesn’t look very hard, in the quick glance he does give, Iggy notices a distinct lack of anyone from his family.
When he gets close enough, he wades into the crowd. He sets his pack of beer down on the first tailgate he comes to, and a joint appears in his hand as if by magic. He doesn’t know who it was that gave it to him, and they’ve already disappeared by the time he looks up to watch the fire after taking his first hit.
If he could smell it from three blocks away, Iggy’s surprised the cops aren’t here already. Then again, he heard that Fiona Gallagher maybe had a thing with one, so maybe she pulled some strings or some dick that allowed the whole neighborhood to come out and get a contact buzz together.
Iggy’s lived in the Southside his whole life, but he can’t spot a whole lot of people he thinks he knows. Even less he would consider friends.
He takes his magic joint with him and goes to hop up to sit next to his beer in the bed of whoever’s pick-up. He rips the box open and tugs a can out to pop the top on, drinks about half of it before the other side of the truck is dipping down under the weight of someone hopping up to join him on the other side. Iggy looks up, curious, around his beer, lowering it and belching as he makes eye contact with Fiona Gallagher.
The action makes her laugh for some reason, and then before Iggy can process, she’s leaning over and snagging the half-empty can out of his hand to down the rest of it. Iggy isn’t sure what to do with that, but he smirks at her as he goes for another one, asks, “Why you guys burning a giant pile of weed?”
Fiona helps herself to one of his beers, taking several swallows before shrugging. “Had too much. Needed to get rid of it.”
That answer makes Iggy roll his eyes, the gesture almost exaggerated in its obviousness. “Well shit, could have just brought it over to our house. Could have gotten rid of it for you no problem. And would have wasted a lot less.”
Fiona makes a face that Iggy thinks is half disbelief, half amusement. “Meaning what? That you and your brothers would have smoked it all?” And well… yeah, okay, that’s exactly what Iggy meant. But he can’t let her have the last word.
“No, my sister too, don’t be sexist. You should know her. Mandy, about 5’8”, totally banging your brother. Ringing a bell?” Iggy may know a little more than he’d like about Ian and Mickey’s indiscretions, but he isn’t about to make it public knowledge. Too many ears around that might remember overhearing it in the morning. Besides, he didn’t know if Fiona knew. Not his business.
For a second, Fiona looks like she’s about to say something, but after a moment of introspection, she instead finishes her beer and makes a grab for the joint Iggy’s still holding between his fingers. He’s already got a nice buzz going, and his reaction time’s a little slow, so she’s already got in her grip by the time he tries to grab it back. The world tilts off its axis a little bit when he tries to lean over for it, so he gives up and just lets her have it. “Grabby bitch, aren’t you?” he asks, though there’s not any heat behind the words. He sounds as happy and fuzzy as he feels.
Fiona coughs out a smokey laugh around the joint between her lips. “Not sure a Milkovich has any room to talk about ‘grabby’.”
Iggy hums at the dig, but well it’s true. Iggy wonders if he’s really obvious, or if Fiona has mind-reading superpowers. Both seem equally likely.
“Whatever. You may got a yuppie boyfriend buying you whatever you want now, but seems like you’ve got a little southside klepto left in you.”
Fiona takes another hit, nodding to him along with the beat of the music as she blows the smoke away from him - like it would make any difference if she blew smoke in his face at this point. The action makes him laugh. - “Don’t got a boyfriend. Not that it’s your business, fuck you very much.”
Iggy raises an eyebrow at that but leaves it to her to elaborate as he holds out his fingers, making a lazy gesture for the joint. He doesn’t care that much, but he’s pretty sure that girls love to talk, and he doesn’t have anywhere better to be than here - beer, free weed, hot girl as company, and all. Fiona doesn’t elaborate though, just watches him finish off the joint as she’s working on another beer he didn’t notice her stealing.
Once the joint burns down enough that it’s burning his fingers, Iggy squashes it out on the tailgate next to his thigh. There’s a hand around his wrist. Iggy blinks, trying to push through the weed haze settling over his brain, and he realizes that the hand belongs to Fiona, who has hopped down off their shared seat. “Come on, come dance with me.”
Fiona tugs Iggy up close to the blaze that’s going strong, stinking up the empty lot and all the surrounding neighborhoods. There's a lot of bodies thrumming to the beat of the radio around them, but it’s unreasonably hard to focus on more than one thing at once.
Whoever grew this weed knew what the fuck they were doing.
And right in front of everyone, Fiona presses her back against Iggy’s chest and starts rolling her hips against his. Iggy chooses that sensation as his one thing to focus on, resting one hand against her left hip and trying to roll along with her. It takes a moment, but he thinks he gets the hang of it. At least Fiona is laughing, twisting around to wrap an arm around his neck and continuing to grind against him, belly to belly.
Iggy thinks they must spend the entire night dancing pressed against each other like that, but when Fiona pulls away, pulls on his wrist, and tugs him through the fog, he’s surprised to find it’s still dark around them. They’re further away from the fire now, the noise and the heat fading into the distance, the memory of them already faded under the buzzing in his brain.
Fuck, whoever grew this - Kevin, someone said Kevin - really did know what he was doing.
Fiona drags Iggy back to the truck, grabs another beer for each of them, and then again grabs his wrist and tugs him further away from the party, and starts down the block.
Iggy is pretty sure that the house she pulls him into isn’t hers, but he’s never been to hers either, so he can’t exactly swear to it. Fiona kicks her shoes off and flops down on the couch comfortably, grinning up at the ceiling.
He must look confused because, after a moment, she tugs herself into a sitting position and turns to face him. “Are you just gonna stand there all night?”
Iggy blinks. Takes a moment to collect his balance, then makes his way around the couch to sit down next to her. “This your house?” he asks because he’s thinking about it.
“Kev and V’s. too many people at mine.”
Too many people for what, Iggy isn’t sure. He fidgets with the tab on his can of beer and relaxes back into the couch. The two of them sit in fuzzy silence for long enough that it startles Iggy when Fiona is back in his field of vision, up off the couch to turn up a stereo across the room. He’d forgotten he wasn’t alone. “You were more fun when we were dancing,” She declares as she crosses the room and snags his beer, only to set it on the end table and pull him to his feet again.
There's no hesitation from Fiona, wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing up against him again, swaying to the end of the slow song playing on the radio. There are fewer things to be distracted by in the pitch black of a stranger’s house than there is at a weed bonfire block party, so while dancing with Fiona is still what he focuses on, Iggy can pause for a moment and think Holy shit.
Fiona Gallagher is dancing with him.
A few hours ago, a few minutes ago, he's not sure, but not long ago, she’d been grinding on him.
The memory of it is hot, and Iggy finds that he’s sliding his hands up under her shirt now. Fiona leans into it, a carefree smile on her face. When the song ends, she pulls away from him and tugs the shirt off. Iggy’s brain short circuits and Fiona has the nerve to press back against him, asking, “This cool with you?” with a smirk on her face.
He manages to stop staring at her chest and pick his eyes up to meet hers long enough to confirm, “Yeah.” It makes her laugh for some reason, and that sound excites him, as does the tone of her following demand of, “Okay, then take yours off, too.”
Having happily gone back to his staring, he doesn’t quite pick up on the actual words, so Fiona decides to help him out, hands coming to either of his hips and tugging upwards on his shirt until all Iggy has to do is lift his arms. He doesn’t see where it is that Fiona throws his shirt too, but he’s not sure that he cares anyway.
He had been expecting her to press into him and start dancing to the beat again, but instead, she’s standing in front of him, undoing her shorts. She struggles a little, buzzed and uncoordinated, but looks up at him once she’s freed of the button, the zipper falling open so that he can see her panties. “You really are just gonna stand there and stare all night, aren’t you?” she asks, laughing when it takes him an inappropriate amount of time to drag his gaze back up to hers.
“No.” He decides, though he still makes no move to do anything but stare.
It's becoming increasingly obvious to Fiona that she’s going to have to guide him through every step she wants to take here, and though the thought makes her roll her eyes, she’s not entirely opposed to it. “Right,” she answers, playful sarcasm dripping from her tone as she steps over to him, repeating the unbuttoning and unzipping with his jeans. Again, she grabs his wrist, this time guiding his hand to her waist and finally resuming their grinding to the middle of a new song playing on the radio.
She thinks he’s starting to get the hint by the time the song ends, so she steps back and shimmies out of her shorts. She stays quiet, looks contemplative at something behind Iggy for a moment.
Kev and V have a ridiculous spiral staircase, and Fiona is not a hundred percent sure that Iggy wouldn’t lose his balance and break his neck on it if she tried to lure him up it. Hell, She’s not a hundred percent sure that she wouldn’t break her neck if she tried to go up it. But after a moment of consideration, she looks back at Iggy and decides she likes the idea of being chased. Kev and Veronica do have a really comfortable bed…
She taps Iggy's chest to get his attention, a suggestive look spreading across her face when his eyes meet hers. “I’m gonna go upstairs. Last door on the right at the end of the hall.” Fiona doesn’t wait for a response, but she does reach up behind herself to unclasp her bra and shrug out of it so she can drop it on the floor at the bottom of the stairs. It takes more willpower than she would be happy to admit to force herself not to look back to see if Iggy has caught on that he’s supposed to follow her. When she’s halfway up, she hears the staircase creek behind her and grins.
Iggy still feels remarkably fuzzy when he wakes up. Not high, but not exactly not high. It’s mixing wonderfully with the hangover from his beers - Where exactly had he left those? - and making his mouth taste like his head feels, like cotton and fuzz and pressure.
There’s sunlight streaming into the room he’s in, and it smells like flowers, leaving him a little unsure of where he is. He pries his eyes open and looks around, but from where he lays on the bed, he still can’t distinguish where he is. All he can see is an unfamiliar wall, with an unfamiliar window and an unfamiliar dresser pushed against it.
Downstairs, there’s yelling, but there’s also the scent of food, the promise of which is enough to get Iggy to drag his ass out of the comfortable bed. He looks around helplessly for a minute, but unable to locate his boxers, he decides to dig in the dresser for a pair instead.
“In my bed? In my fucking bed, Fiona? Actually,” the yelling gets louder as Iggy approaches the stairs and starts to make his very slow way down them. “Actually, in my house at all? You couldn’t have picked anywhere else in Chicago to take your dirty white boy to hook up?”
Fiona is sitting at the counter with her head in her hands and her back to him, while a very animated woman moves around the kitchen. The woman - Victoria? Has to be something with a V, since everyone calls her that. - hip bumps the great weed curator out of the way of the stove so she can plate a couple of eggs and some toast to bring over to Fiona. “We’re gonna have to burn the sheets now, you know that, right? And for fuck’s sake, Iggy Milkovich-”
Whatever secondary rant she’d been preparing to launch into is cut off momentarily by the question her husband asks after turning around and catching sight of Iggy. “Are those my boxers?”
Iggy looks down at them, shrugs, then looks back up with a dopey grin. “Yeah. Sorry, man. Eggs?” He comes to join Fiona on her side of the little breakfast nook, grinning and digging in when a confused, hesitant-looking Kev sets a plate of eggs down in front of him.
Beside him, Fiona and V have started up again, so he looks up to Kev and asks through his mouthful of eggs, “Are they always this loud when they gossip?”
Neither one of the offending gossips quiet. Either they didn’t hear him, or they just didn’t care.
Kev looks exasperated. “You have no idea, man.” He sets his spatula down next to the stove and reaches behind his ear as he comes to lean across from Iggy. “Joint?”
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sadclowngorl · 4 years ago
The lost boys across generations.
This is all just my headcanon, that could honestly change at any minute. 👀. My headcanons are based off the prequel script! Pls read it.
This also includes my headcanon of Werewolves in the lost boys universe!
I'm a big history lover but don't be surprised if I got some stuff wrong, I'm not from California or any of these decades, but did a lot of research on it. So that was fun!
Comment your own headcanons i need more!!!!!
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Having still getting used to the whole vampire gig, they have troubles adjusting to their new powers. Marko breaks a lot of things accidently, Paul accidently floats off when he jumps and doesn't know how to get down.
Dwayne was disappointed in the no sun ever thing, he really did enjoy visiting the beach and the warmth of the sun. So :(.
David was more morally affected of the murder part, he has facing against eating the innocent and eating the guilty. Though he realized how hard it is to tell the difference between good and evil. And after talking to Max about it he figured just not eating family's or children would soothe his morals.
The boys really didn't want to depend on Max for money at first, and seeing as California really depended on Fishing, they'd help sailors and fishermen through the night. Gathering coin from their work and possibly from the others pockets.
Though eventually the workers were sick of their antics and kicked the boys from the fishing docks. By that time they realized how much money Max has and said well why not.
Baseball was introduced to America during this decade and while I hate saying this, they enjoy it. Playing some ball to pass some time and to feel at least a little human.
I hate saying it bc of twilight. Fuck u twilight.
The influenza made the boys learn that they are unaffected by disease and from that they realized how short of a life span man has. So the next decade they lived through it fully.
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Hollywood shined through California, bringing in plenty of blood and fun.
Marko had small gigs as a singer in some speakeasys, he enjoyed the attention and showing off.
Paul learned how to play guitar during this decade and loves it to this day.
Dwayne at one point was scouted by an acting agent but Dwayne quickly declined and oh no..ate the guy. Whoops.
The boys did push back the threat of other gangs marching through Santa Carla, by obviously. Eating them.
Through many decades, Max was very introverted. And stuck to his home in the busy nightlife of Santa Carla.
From gangs and people coming into California. Came werewolves.
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They gained the name 'The Lost Boys' in this decade from the locals.
The stock market crashed, causing many to go into poverty. The boys understood facing the problem of poverty and in this decade decided to leave the needy be.
Instead they tried to feed from the humans who have no worries, and stole from them. Giving the goods to the locals who needed it more.
Much of this decade they decided to stay in the shadows, trying to be even unseen as night.
Along with the fact that Dracula (1931) just came out, they really don't need that kind of publicity. Plus Max prevented them from doing any rash decisions.
Though murder was still very high in Santa Carla because the werewolves were running rapid. While they mainly stuck to the woods, some did travel to the docks, poverty stricken neighborhoods, just to feast.
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Then came the war, the internment camps, the fear.
The boys thrived from this fear.
They easily avoided getting drafted, by claiming to be gay. Which they weren't lying 👀.
By the 40s, they've had vampire foursomes. No doubt in my mind.
When the war ended in 1945, hitchhiking became very popular.
This was the year they got their own bikes, by got i mean stolen.
With their bikes they picked up lonesome hitchhikers, and played as hitchhikers in the night.
Though by the 40s the tension between the vampires and werewolves were high. The groups would constantly test each other which would end in bloody fights. The boys were outnumbered by the werewolves as they breed fast but, they had the skill over the wolves to keep them at bay.
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The tension between werewolves and Vampires are on thin ice. The boys take full advantage of the greaser aesthetic and with it attract more victims.
Though they do attract the rivalry of the werewolves.
After decades of tension, the two's leaders have decided to come to a draw.
Meeting at the lighthouse, Max and the wolves leader decides the territory issues
The vampires take the boardwalk and the beach. The werewolves take the forest, and the mountains.
The only neutral part is the walton lighthouse and ofc like peoples houses.
After that issue is solved the boys decide to leave the wolves alone and focus back on their own feasts.
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While the tension between wolf and vampires has eased, a new tension rises.
Communism, homophobia, raegan, the assassination of Kennedy.
While the political subjects the boys normally stay away from, when polictics decides to stick its nose in the boys way of life. Its a bit teeth grating.
The boys learned to live with hatred but didn't hesitate to eat their enemies, they need to keep the kill count in Santa Carla high after all.
Though they do become the victims of some hate crimes specifically gay hate crimes, along with threats of being arrested for association with communism. Ya know the red scare shit.
Moon landing happen. Or did it?
The boys are contemplating if the moon landing really did happen.
Marko and Paul do try to fly to the moon, get bored not even half way and go back home. Also the sun is always out in space, so not a good idea.
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The boys are introduced to. Weed.
Ofc they love it, along with mari jane comes rock and a different type of crowd to feast on.
Paul seems to fit right in with the crowd of hippies, Dwayne enjoys their very calming nature but David and Marko are indifferent to the crowd.
Marko would rather run in the city than sit and smoke in the woods. While David enjoys smoking, he doesn't enjoy doing it with humans.
Marko takes a lot of advantage of the busting clubs with disco and fresh blood, David does the same but let's the victims come to him.
The group seem to bypass the movement of the Vietnam War, its just another war. War to them, its useless. Just killing each other? No no, thats theirs job to kill humans.
Max during this decade seemed to be looking for another member to join. Though he stays quiet of it and doesn't mention it to the boys.
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Their peak
But also their downfall canonically
They love the art, the music, the people.
Everything about the 80s, they soaked right in.
Well..you guys know how they took to the 80s lol.
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gambissanctum · 4 years ago
Nostalgia Ultra: Jenn X Khalil/Strawberry Swing (Fanfic part 3)
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"When we were kids, we hand-painted strawberries on a swing . Every moment was so precious then, I'm still kicking it, I'm daydreaming on a strawberry swing."
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Over the next year, Philky and I got really close. I learned he was a former ASA member that fell on hard times and that clearly had a drinking problem. Painkiller and I got more accustomed to each other. He was still an asshole but a hell of a lot more tolerable. Philky and I struck a deal that if I broke into this abandoned ASA bunker that he would help me get a handle on PainKiller.We ended up using the money to create our lab and bar. In addition to Philky I also met Donald and Priscilia. Donald who at the time was in a similar state that I had met Philky in, was an ex-military guy with a lot of medical knowledge. He has a duality about himself too. I think that's how we bonded so quickly. He's always a voice of reason amongst the chaos and good at keeping us all in line.
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Priscilla is originally from New Orleans. She is a firecracker with southern charm. She moved to Gothan for few years and use to strip. While in Gotham she got into it with people you don't want problems with so she like me decided it was time to find a new place. She came into the bar one day looking for a bartending job. She's been here ever since. She's also a meta with the power of telepathy, shapeshifting and she's even skilled in Martial arts. Needless to say, she's been an asset since she walked in those doors 6 months ago.
"Hey Khalil, you good?" Priscilla snapped her fingers in front of my face at the bar. I snap myself back into the present. "Painkiller" I shrug. "He giving you trouble again? You know I can go in there and whoop his ass" she suggested. She was always volunteering to fight with PainKiller. To be honest I think both of them enjoyed the fights. "Nah, you're good, he says hello though" I replied. "I bet he had more to say than that" she laughed. Since Priscilia is telepathic she can get into the head of just about anybody. She calls it a blessing and a curse because sometimes she can control it, sometimes she can't. Sometimes she hears multiple conversations at once, which can be overwhelming for her. That's where Philky comes in. He's helped her control things a bit better. I think collectively we're all just works in progress here in Akashic Valley.
We were closed up for the night so I headed to my room. I was having one of those nights again. Not bad just reminiscing. I hadn't sketched in a while so I dusted off my sketchbook and pencils and got to work. There was a sketch I was working on I hadn't finished yet. A little time had passed and there was a knock on the door.
I looked up to see Priscilia standing there. " You drawing Jenn?" she teased. Priscilla was like a big sister in a lot of ways. " How'd you know?" I asked. "Khalil I can read minds...." she laughed.
"Aye stop doing that " I threw a pillow at her. " This time it was on accident, I swear" she raised her hands. "Pain Killer is gonna catch you off guard one of these days" I joked."Mane, PK don't want none of this" she started punching the air. Pris had been through a lot too but she was always making things lighter for everyone around her. "Speaking of reading minds, you wanna know what she's thinking right now?" She folded her arms raising a brow. "You can do that?" I was curious. I didn't want to invade Jennifer's privacy but I did want to know.
"I told you Philkys been helping me" she reminded me. She started to concentrate. When she's tapping in so to speak she looks like she's in a trance. Her eyes gloss over and turn a glowing white."She's on a roof...smoking weed". I chuckled a bit. "Sounds like Jenn". " Someone just joined her on the roof, looks like a guy". "Probably TC" I replied."No, actually this guy looks a lot like you....". She was confused at first but she tried to concentrate more.
"This is almost uncanny, this guy looks more like you than PK does". I started to get concerned."What?"
"Philky taught me how to hop to another person's consciousness outside of my original target....let me hop on to this guy. I don't trust this". She tapped over into the guy's brain. Her eyes widened. "What! What do you see Pris?!" I inquired. " This guy does not have good intentions at all. It's a shapeshifter. I think Jennifer is in trouble."What is he thinking Pris?" Her eyes reverted back and she looked me directly in the eyes. "Nothing good, I think he's going to kidnap her". I felt like time stopped for a moment. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Who would want to kidnap Jen?
I grab my phone and call TC. "Hey Khalil? Are you alright? It's kinda late" he answered.
"Yeah, I know.I think something bad is about to happen to Jenn. I need you or Anissa to go over to the house like now." My anxiety was high.I knew time was of the essence.
"How do you know? What's going on?" TC sounded like he was half awake so this call and request was coming out of left field.
"There's a guy who looks like me on the roof with Jennifer right now. It's a shapeshifter and we think he's going to try to harm Jenn, you have to go now." I pleaded.
I look over a Priscilla she's back in the trance. That was until she started shaking. I rushed off the phone with TC as he agreed to go to the house. "Pris!" I yelled out running over to her convulsing body. Just then Donald and Philky ran in. "What's going on? Philky ran over to aid Priscilia. "Let's get her to the lab".
TC attempts to call Jenn but there's no answer. He contacts Anissa and she tells him she's on the way there too. TC gets to the house first but Jenn was already gone. There didn't seem to be any signs of struggle but there was a letter on her vanity.
It read:
" Hey J,
I know it's been a while. I've been trying to stay out the way. Forgive me if this is too much. I could understand if you still want nothing to do with me but I needed to get his off my chest. You've been a light in my life even when everyone else gave up on me.
I cherish the memory of the strawberry swing, where we first met. The moment I saw you, I knew you were going to be an important part of my life.
When I look at you, I just want to protect you even though I know you don't need my protection.
Over the past year, I've made some friends and they have helped with my control of PainKiller. The good news is I don't have the kill order anymore. I really want to see you. If you are okay with it please meet me on the roof for old times sake Saturday night.
All my love,
Anissa comes in. "What's going on? Where's Jenn?" she asked."That's what I'm trying to figure out, look at this." TC hands Anissa the letter. She reads it. "Khalil?" "Yes and No, so from what Khalil told me there's a shapeshifter impersonating him and I think it got to Jenn."
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kiara-carrera · 4 years ago
“I'm a mess” + Leah and JJ!
95: i'm a mess + mayson
thank you for continuously aiding my obsession with them. i'm actually really happy with how this came out omfg. very much not canon compliant to the actual fic and clueless (slightly jealous) babies. also weed, if you're not down with that (the smoking stuff is also probably v poorly written because i've never smoked in my life lmao).
"Is that my shirt?"
Leah nearly fell out of the hammock. She practically jumped out of her skin, one hand grabbing onto the side and the other clutching the joint she'd rolled a few minutes earlier. Her head whipped around to see JJ walking up to the trees outside the Chateau, an amused grin on his face.
"Jesus fuck, J. Don't sneak up on people like that," Leah whined, flipping him off as he came to a stop in front of her. He grabbed the side of the hammock, stopping it from swinging aggressively as she regained her balance.
"My shirt," he repeated, tugging at the sleeve of it.
She glanced down at the Pelican Marina shirt as if she just remembered she was wearing it. She'd randomly grabbed it from his room when she got back to the Chateau with John B, having ditched the party — and technically JJ? — at the boneyard. "Oh yeah, I got beer all over mine."
He raised an eyebrow, confused.
"Long story," she dismissed with a wave of her hand. Specifically, the one with her lit joint, which didn't go unnoticed by JJ.
"And you took my weed, too?" he exclaimed, eyeing the joint in her hand. Even buzzed, JJ had about thirteen issues with the way it was assembled, but rolling was never Leah's strong suit.
"No." She gave him a mischievous grin, shooting a conspiratorial wink. "It's John B's."
JJ chuckled at her expression, gasping with pride as he slapped a hand over his chest. “My little klepto! I've trained you well."
She shrugged. "I spotted him money for the last keg, he owes me. Wanna smoke it with me?"
JJ eyed her poor craftsmanship, but ultimately accepted with a shrug. Leah tried her best to keep still as JJ climbed into the hammock, sitting back against the other end to be across from her. The swayed a bit before he finally settled in, slotting one of his legs between hers.
She held out the joint to him, waving it tauntingly in front of him. JJ chuckled, plucking it from her fingers.
He took a quick hit, cringing when he let the smoke free. "This is shit weed."
"That's because John B bought it."
" ... Fair enough."
They sat in comfortable silent for a few minutes, passing the joint back and forth as the very beginnings of a nice mellow feeling started to creep into Leah's veins. She tried her best to blow a smoke ring, but it came out more like a disjointed blob.
JJ snorted. “Weak."
"Dick," she grumbled, kicking her foot into his calf.
He rolled her eyes at the childish action, before posing a question. "Wanna tell me why I had to walk my ass back here tonight?"
Right. They'd ditched him. Whoops?
Okay, look, they had a reason. One of them being an absolutely trashed John B. He rarely got piss drunk but on the occasions that he did, there was a high chance he'd either do something really stupid or fall dead asleep and Leah had preferred to have him fall asleep at home then on the beach for her and the other's to drag him to the van.
Plus, JJ's attention had been firmly elsewhere at the time.
"Yeah, John B got a little too drunk and I was covered in beer and Kie and Pope have to work tomorrow so we decided to call it," she answered, feeling slightly guilty that they'd bailed on him. She gave him a regretful smile. "We were gonna get you, but you seemed ... preoccupied."
From the start of the party, some girl had practically latched herself onto JJ, and as usual, he lapped up all the attention. Leah didn't blame the girl. JJ was probably the hottest guy on the island, but Leah didn't really want to see him making out with some girl right in front of her.
But, uh, not that she cared. Obviously.
She changed the subject, trying not to sound like some bitter little baby. "So we just, uh, left. Pope said he texted you to let you know."
Pope definitely did not text JJ, but the blond wasn't going to fault him for it. No harm, no foul, especially since he most likely drove home with Kie tonight. God knows Pope was ass over elbows for their friend.
JJ nodded slowly a few times, like he was bobbing his head to an invisible beat. He could already tell he wasn't going to get a good high from John B's shit stash, but at least the keg at the boneyard had gotten him buzzed enough.
The keg, which reminded him of something. "Speaking of beer — "
"We weren't speaking of beer."
"Speaking, thinking, same difference," JJ dismissed, giving a nudge to her leg. "Why were you covered in beer again?"
Leah groaned, letting her head toss back in annoyance. "Fucking Kooks, that's why."
JJ frowned. "I mean, sure, but how ... ?"
Leah sighed, taking one last hit before leaning forward to hand him the joint. When she let the smoke go, she said, "Well, there was this guy I was with for most of the night. I don't know if you saw me after we ditched keg duty."
Oh, JJ had noticed. He definitely fucking noticed.
"He looked like a preppy asshole," he commented, trying to seem nonchalant. It was a wonder Leah bought it, because really he just sounded like a petty little bitch. He brought the joint to his lips, asking, "What happened to your no Kook rule?"
"He was a Touron," Leah replied. "A rich-y rich one, but a Touron all the same."
"But I thought you said — "
"Kook comes in later," she told him. She adjusted her position in the hammock, playing with the hem of JJ's shirt. "Although the Touron was actually a preppy asshole, so you're not really wrong. I mean, he seemed nice at first? But he was also ridiculously boring and full of himself. Ended up being a total dick."
"So basically he was a Kook without the Figure Eight address?"
"Pretty much. So anyways, we're talking and he's mostly going on about himself, which, like, fine, whatever, I was just waiting for him to wanna make out with me anyways — " She didn't notice the way JJ's eyes narrowed just a bit. " — And some fucking Kook drunk off his ass knocks into us and his beer spills all over me."
JJ let out a low whistle. "That blows."
"Oh, definitely. So my shirt's fucking drenched, like, I'm a mess, right? And you'd think any halfway decent person would like, I don't know, be good about the situation? Nope, the fucker decided it would be a great time to make a wet t-shirt contest joke about my boobs. Or, according to him, lack thereof."
Leah rolled her eyes as she laughed at the stupidity of it all, leaning over to snatch the joint back, taking another hit off it. She'd been pissed at first, but the look on his face when she dumped her drink on him was enough to ease her mind.
JJ on the other hand didn't seem as amused. "You're kidding me, right?"
"Like I said, total dick."
"You should've come and got me, would've had him on his ass."
The angry look in JJ's eyes was enough to make a soft smile break across Leah's face. That alone seemed to dim some of the irritation in his expression.
"Easy there, killer," she told him, leaning up to pat him on his leg. "I already threw the rest of my drink at him."
JJ conceded with a grumble, a part of him slightly amused at the thought, but he still muttered, "Still could use his ass kicked though."
"He could've, but I also don't need you fighting every guy who so much as looks at me the wrong way," she snorted. "Besides, I think you're forgetting I have a very nice right hook of my own."
The mental image of Leah socking Rafe Cameron in the face was enough to make them both burst out laughing.
It was a few minutes before all the laughter was out of their systems and they were back to a mellow quiet, the sounds of crickets chirping filling the air.
"So why were you even hanging out with him if he was such a boring dick?"
Because you had your tongue down that girl's throat.
She didn't really know how to answer his question without verging on embarrassing, friendship destroying, Pogue rule number one breaking honesty.
"Boredom? I don't know. Just looking for someone to hook up with, I guess," she replied, not really noticing how he bristled at her answer. Instead, she took an opportunity to try her hand at another smoke right, squealing in delight when a wonky, yet undeniably round ring blew from her lips. "Look!"
JJ grinned at the childlike wonder in her eyes, swaying slightly as she made the hammock swing a little with her excited bounces. He shook his head at her, watching her slip back to rest more comfortably in the hammock, her legs nudging his every so often. His gaze was absentmindedly fixed on the sight of his shirt on her when she cut into his thoughts.
"So, uh, how come you're not with ... " Leah trailed off. She didn't know the girl's name nor did she really want to. She was also worried if she kept going, a twinge of jealousy would leak into her words.
She was totally not jealous, though, by the way. Just to make that clear.
"Just wasn't really vibing," JJ said casually.
In all honesty, he'd only really stopped vibing when he saw that stupid fucking tourist all over Leah. The guy had looked like a dick and her story pretty much proved it, but the sight of them had tanked his mood incredibly. So when his own Touron had invited him back to the place she was staying, JJ bailed.
There were only so many times you could hook up with other people while thinking of the same goddamn person, especially when you shouldn't — no, couldn't be thinking about that person.
Because they were your best friend and you were a fucking idiot.
He leaned over, plucking the joint from her fingers. He took a hit, letting the smoke seep out of his mouth after a moment. He tried to play the situation off, grinning at her. "Eh, not a big deal. Besides, why would I want to be there when I can chill with my best friend?"
The words best friend hung in the air between them.
Neither one of them liked the way it sounded.
Neither one of them had the guts to do anything about it.
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pleasejustfuckinghugme · 5 years ago
episode one pt. two (word count: 2,333)
jacobs!oc x fezco
warnings: mentions of abuse and attempted rape, crude language, drugs, alcohol, sexual themes
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Nancy and I had been best friends since freshman year after her brother tried to finger me at the freshman formal. After she saw me running to the ladies room and heard her brother dick around with his friends, she knew something was wrong. She ran to the bathroom and refused to leave me alone for the rest of the night, eyeing her twin at all times. Later that night, she confronted him about it when they got back home, and he slapped her across the face. They didn’t acknowledge each other for an entire month after that. Nate eventually apologized. It was a shitty apology, but Nancy was nice. And way too forgiving. 
Then Nancy met Maddy after she and Nate started dating, and they became best friends. They pretty much told each other everything, so when Maddy found out about Nate hitting Nancy, she was furious. Nancy refused to let her do anything; she knew that if Maddy confronted him he would do the same thing to her. They promised they would always be there for each other instead, and so far, they had managed to keep that promise.
“Bitch, you’re coming,” Maddy scolded her from across the room. Nancy was sitting on her bed, watching as Maddy applied glitter to her eyelids. 
The girl flinched as Maddy stood up, throwing her eyeliner at her.
“Nate won’t be happy.”
“He’s not your fucking dad, so it doesn’t matter,” Maddy argued. “And this way you’ll meet the rest of the cheer team before school starts.”
“Fine,” Nancy sighed as she began to apply her eyeliner.
“Honestly, I think Nancy’s gonna catch the most dick tonight. She look hot as fuck,” BB snorted, taking a breath of her vape. 
“Yeah right,” Nancy scoffed. “If I did, it would only because Maddy’s letting me borrow her dress.” She winked at her friend through the mirror, but Maddy didn’t see as she was too preoccupied looking at her boobs.
“Do you think my areolas look weird?” she asked, turning to look at Kat and Nancy.
“No,” Kat returned, scrolling on her phone. Nancy said nothing as she chewed her bottom lip, concentrating on winging her liner.
“But, like, the edges though,” Maddy pressed.
Kat finally looked up at the girl, “Maddy, they’re fine.”
Maddy narrowed her eyes at the girl, “Fine like they’re kind of weird, or fine like nobody would ever notice what I notice?”
“Fine like shut the fuck up, Maddy,” BB called from the bathroom.
“Your boobs are wonderful,” Nancy reassured. She stood up from the bed and started slipping on her black a-line dress.
“I’m disgusting. I literally look disgusting,” Maddy rambled, looking at herself in the mirror.”
“Maddy, you need to snap the fuck out of this. You’re hot as fuck. Nate’s a loser! Who cares?” Kat whined.
Nancy plopped down next to her on the bed, grunting in agreement. “Exactly, that’s why we should just skip the whole thing.”
Maddy rolled her eyes and faced them, “No, Nancy. Besides he’s not a loser, he’s a dick.”
Nancy scoffed as Kat mumbled, “All dicks are losers, duh.”
“Look, bottom line. Y’all need to walk into this party like your pussy costs a million dollars,” BB slurred walking to Maddy’s closet.
Nancy shifted awkwardly on the bed as Maddy replied, “I’d probably settle for, like, fifty grand.”
“Fifty grand is a million dollars.”
“I’d settle for, like, four Corona Lites and some non-rapey affection,” Kat muttered. Nancy pushed her shoulder playfully as BB cringed, “That’s kind of depressing.”
“Nate just, like, totally ruins my confidence,” Maddy huffed. “You know when somebody just constantly criticizes, like, everything about you?” 
This prompted Nancy to go over to the girl, giving her a small, comforting hug and a peck on the cheek.
“Yep, that’s like every guy,” BB assured.
“You just need to catch a dick and forget about your troubles,” Kat affirmed, causing Maddy to whip around as Nancy giggled.
“Girl, you just need to catch a dick,” she accused. She lightly smacked Nancy on her cheeks. “And you’re no better either, bitch.”
Nancy rolled her eyes and flicked Maddy’s forehead. “Shut up,” she scoffed, laughing.
“Seriously, Maddy. The best thing to do after a break up is to fuck someone new and then move on.”
“Please, Kat, remind me again how many guys you fucked, and um, oh yeah, catfishing, that don’t count,” BB accused, waving the girl off. Hurt flashed in Kat’s eyes as she returned to applying her mascara.
“BB,” Nancy warned.
Maddy faced BB, scowling. “Can you not be a cunt for like fifteen seconds?” she shot, defending the girl.
A knock interrupted their conversation. The door to Maddy’s room opened and her dad began to speak.
“Dad! Stop being a pervert! We’re literally, like, all naked!” Maddy squealed. The door promptly shut again, and the four girls looked at each other before breaking out into laughter.
The small town seemed to come alive at night. Red, green, and pasty yellow lights reflected through Maddy’s car as the four girls rode to McKay’s. Nancy laid her head on the window, watching neon lights streak past as the car glided down the road. Further ahead of the car, the reflection of a golden jacket caught her eyes. Squinting, she looked at the figure walking down the road. It was a girl with long, frizzy brown hair, her caramel skin glowed under the street lights. Suddenly, realization struck her.
“Holy shit,” she breathed, jerking her head up.
“Is that?” Maddy trailed off, slowing her car down to a stop.
“Oh shit! That’s Rue!” BB gasped, taking a hit of her vape.
“Didn’t Rue, like, die?” Maddy quizzed, causing Nancy to lightly punch her shoulders, scolding her, “Don’t say that shit, Maddy.”
BB leaned back in her seat, “Oh my god, I hate ghosts.”
When the car was close enough to the girl, Nancy and Kat both stuck their heads out the window.
Nancy called out her name as Kat hollered, “Ayo, Casper!”
Rue turned towards the car.
“Wanna ride?” Kat winked.
Rue sauntered over to the car and leaned in close to Kat. A smile crept across her lips as she nodded, “Why, thank you.”
Nancy whooped in approval and swung her door open. “Bitch!” she proclaimed wrapping her arms around the tipsy teenager. Rue smiled sloppily and scooted into the car next to Nancy.
As they continued their trek to the party, Nancy thought about everything she wanted to ask Rue. How was she? How was rehab? Was her family okay? Was she okay? But she didn’t ask any of these things. Rue was already drunk; her stumbling down the road and glassy eyes made that obvious. And Nancy knew Rue well enough that if Rue was drunk and headed to a party that meant two things: rehab was not working and Rue was definitely going down a spiral. Nancy looked at her old friend, who sat staring out the window, rolling her eyes at the conversation between Kat and Maddy in front of her.
She reached her arm over and brought Rue into another embrace, “I missed you, you know?”
Rue squeezed her shoulders and gave her a tight smile, “I missed you too.”
“Maybe we can hang out sometime this week? Catch up?”
Rue’s eyes grew at the question. A hint of happiness shown through her orbs. “Yeah, I’d like that,” she grinned.
When they pulled up to the party, the whole front yard was already filled with drunk students. Red solo cups flew around the air, and the stench of alcohol and weed was almost suffocating as they walked into the house. Nancy made her way to the kitchen with her girls, and they all grabbed some beer before making their way to the living room.
Now, we all know that this night got fucking weird. So now that the four girls were all completely wasted, it was time for them to take their newfound, drunken confidence and use it to unwillingly embarrass themselves. However, luckily for Nancy, her drunk alter ego did her some favors, and while Maddy was busying herself with getting back at Nate, Kat was losing her virginity, and BB was out doing God knows what, Nancy found herself strutting towards the cute boy from that same morning. You know, the one who sold her drugs.
“Fancy seeing you again,” she jested, plopping down beside him on the couch. She kicked her feet up onto the table in front of them, showing off her Doc Martens.
“Hey, kid,” Fezco spoke, sitting up on the couch. “Shit, you come to these parties? I ain’t ever seen ya around before.”
“My first real party,” Nancy snorted, putting up jazz hands, making the man chuckle quietly.
“Word,” he affirmed. “That’s what’s up. How’s it been so far?” His eyes never left hers.
She smiled at his question, her eyes sparkling. “Fucking great,” she gushed. “I had like five shots and some beers and danced for hours.”
He laughed, shaking his head, “Good for you, kid. Jus’ stay away from those drugs, right?”
She saluted and echoed his words, “Aye, staying away from drugs.”
She watched as he took a drag of the roll tucked between his fingers. He closed his eyes and leaned back as he puffed the smoke out. Slowly, he turned back to look at her, and she met his eyes, a small smile growing on her face.
However, the serenity between the two at that moment was shortcoming as Nancy began to feel her insides twist inside her. The alcohol was starting to catch up, and the hazy, relaxed feeling in her head began to turn into a throbbing sensation. She jerked up from the couch, startling the man as she ran to find the closest bathroom. She ducked around people, running into some before she finally reached the toilet, whipping the door open. Chunky liquid left her system, and the awkward feeling of throwing up, along with the horrid stench, caused her eyes to prickle with tears.
She was startled when she felt someone pull her hair back for her, placing their other hand on her back. The palm rubbed circles as the person spoke, “Shit, kid. You drank way too much.”
When she was finally finished ridding the toxins from her body, she leaned back from the toilet. Fezco handed her some toilet paper, and she wiped off her mouth. Her makeup was totally ruined, black streaks running down her cheeks and lipstick smudged.
“Fuck,” she muttered. “I’m sorry.”
“Nah, don’t worry ‘bout me. You good?” he rubbed her back, watching her closely. She refused to look at him, too embarrassed.
“I will be. Thank you,” she whispered.
He smiled warmly at her. “Never caught ya name.”
“Nancy,” she answered, finally meeting his gaze. He was smiling at her, but it wasn’t an amused smile. It was something else.
“Right. I think I heard Nate mention you before.”
“Shit,” she muttered. “He’s gonna fucking murder me if he sees me like this.”
She began to stand up, but lost her balance. Fezco chuckled, steadying her. “You betta’ slow down. I think he’ll survive. He ain’t ya dad.”
She thinly smiled, nodding. “Right.” She laughed dryly and he gave her a questioning look. “Fuck, this is, like, really embarrassing,” she confessed.
He shook his head, “Kid, I’m so fuckin’ high who knows if I’ll remember this.”
She laughed, shaking her head. “Thank you, really.” They looked at each other quietly for a moment, eyes locked together. Nancy could feel her stomach starting to turn again, but something was different about it this time. There was more of a fluttering rather than her organs getting flipped around. She looked away, stuttering, “I should probably go home.”
Fezco nodded, “Alright. I’ll see ya around, kid.”
She let out a soft okay before turning to find Maddy in the crowd. But she ran into her brother first.
“The fuck you doing here? What happened?” Nate bellowed, looking down at her. Her hair was a frizzy mess and one of her spaghetti straps had fallen off her shoulder. Her eyes were puffy when she looked up at him. 
“Shut up,” she scowled at him. “Have you seen Maddy?”
He turned around, looking past the back window into the pool. Nancy leaned over to see around him and saw Maddy in the pool with another boy. She turned back to her twin, hesitantly grabbing his forearm to get his attention. 
“Can we just go home?” she croaked. He looked down at her, not saying anything for a moment, before slowly nodding his head.
“Come on,” he grunted, leading her out the house and to his car.
When they got home, Nate walked around the truck and opened the door for her, helping her as she stumbled out of the car.
“Can you at least look like you can fucking walk before dad sees you? Jesus,” he grumbled, helping her walk to the door.
When they got inside she pulled away, stumbling up the stairs. She whispered a goodnight to him before staggering into her room and on her bed. She groggily kicked off her shoes before pulling her comforter up. Her head was throbbing, and her eyes felt heavy as she laid on her bed, sending a quick text to Maddy letting her know she went back home.
She heard her door creak open.
“Goodnight, kiddo. You need anything?” she heard her dad whisper from across the room. She looked over at him. He was peeking his head through her door, looking at her with kind eyes. 
“Can I get some water?” she yawned. “And some Tylenol?”
She heard him chuckle, “Sure thing, kid.”
When he came back and handed her the pills she swallowed them and chugged the bottled water before plopping her head back on her pillows. She felt her father gave her a quick peck on the forehead, whispering goodnight, before sleep engulfed her.
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brideofcthulhu10 · 5 years ago
Okie doke so I have a lot of asks piled up but I’m gonna need to take my time with them. So in the meantime I’m gonna give you guys a few of my own personal writings while i weed through my writers block. I hope you can understand, I have fourteen prompts to get to but I am a little muddied on getting through each one. 
David Headcanons
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Italian food used to be his favorite when he was alive. Santa Carla was flooded with immigrants from all over, especially a high concentration of Europeans so he had experienced real Italian cuisine from the few family owned joints that would come and go. When he was turned he tried to defy his vampire roots after learning that garlic didn’t hurt him- only to find out it didn’t hurt him EXTERNALLY. The tragic tango of pasta primavera in his stomach had him sick as a dog for days! Since he’s opted for other cuisines, but secretly he misses when he could freely ingest copious amounts of garlic
Outside of rock, David really loves classical music. Particularly foreign opera. Why? Because it is some of the most intense sounds you will ever hear. The melancholic arias of tortured souls left on the brink of tragedy soothe his untamed internal rage. However, he often doesn’t get to because as soon as he does Paul pitches a fit. 
“Aw whaaat? Classical? Who invited the old lady to the party?! “
“Will you shut up and let me listen to my music, asshole?”
“Ooooh excuse me! Yes of course, Lord Snooty von Dickweed. Would you care for your pet poodle and a plate of caviar? Hey! Maybe we can find your balls, dude”
Of course he could just kick him out but it’s far too much of a hassle. He’s genuinely pleased, albeit subtly so, when he managed to snatch up a walkman off a victim so he can listen to his music in peace. 
We’ve seen him smoke, but no one really gathers just what a chimney this guy is. David smokes practically every hour, when one burns out he just snags another. Any reason is a good reason to pull out a cigarette. Stressed? Smoke. Hungry? Smoke. Tired? Smoke. Happy? Smoke. But worst of all are his nicotine withdrawals. Seriously, do not approach him when he’s run out of cigarettes. It doesn’t matter who you are. Last time Paul tried to tease him while he was waiting for nightfall, David nearly threw him out into the sun. Withdrawal is far worse as a vampire than it was for him as a human.  His restless legs get far more jittery, his back can cramp, it’ll give him an agonizing headache, and his hunger is somehow amplified. 
Surprisingly, he can’t stand the 1931 film of Dracula with Bela Lugosi. Not that Lugosi doesn’t do a good job. In fact, it’s far too good. While not appearing visually the same as Vlad Dracul, the bastard who just so happened to be responsible for turning him and his friends back in 1906, his personality is extremely close. Just watching him slink in the shadows, waltzing about in that chilling Hungarian-Romanian accent boils David’s undead blood. If he’s going on the Universal monsters, he prefers Boris Karloff in Frankenstein. 
Over the years David has picked up Russian and French. When you’ve been unchanged in an abandoned wreckage of a hotel  for over eighty-one years, you learn to pick up a few things. Currently he’s learning German which he finds rather easy so far although he finds himself speaking a tad choppy at times. Sometimes he’ll use the wrong language and end up asking Paul to bring him the wine bottle of blood in Russian. Needless to say he was utterly confused and had to be retold in English.
Despite what one might assume, David does not enjoy having sex with multiple partners. Not polyamory, just sex in general. He finds that hollow humping up against some seasoned tart behind a bar before bidding adieu does nothing for him. If there’s no intense intimacy there’s less really keeping him invested. Now love isn’t exactly what is required, but there has to be some sort of connection to give him the desire to pursue a lover. Quality over quantity. Getting to know his partner is an exciting endeavor that allows him to take control, dominating him or her until they are utterly helpless to his will. A quick fuck is nothing but a way to kill time, which frankly he can find so many more productive things to do when he’s bored that require much more brain power and a lot less sticking himself in something, sorry, someone that he honestly doesn’t know where they’ve been. 
Halloween, of course, is his favorite time of year. However he also has a soft spot for Christmas. Frankly the whole peace on Earth and goodwill towards men crap makes him sick simply because no one had ever given a crap about him, but the entire feeling of it all did give him a sense of calm. The lights are a stunning sight for sure, and he'd even have a few less shitty humans mistaking him for one of the teen runaways living on the Santa Carla streets. Well, he wasn't , but he wasn't about to tell that to some sweet old lady handing out rusty tins of fresh brownies. Who the hell could waste brownies? Not him. His favorite memory goes back to 1904 when he and the boys managed to scrape up enough dough between pick pocketing gigs to share a room at a decent hotel. The managers wife even brought them up the leftovers from their own Christmas dinner, half a roast bird, a plate of rolls, a fat bowl of mashed potatoes and some gravy. They of course were grateful, and Paul couldn't help but flirt just to kiss ass. Dwayne got Paul a new knife, Marko got David this pretty swanky looking cigarette case he snatched off some rich dick who mistook him for a shoe shiner, David found some old iron ring they couldn't sell and gave it to Dwayne, and Paul got a few bottles of rum for them to get Yuletide hammered. Sure it didn’t sound like much of a big deal, but sitting on a real bed for once by a fireplace slamming back booze and roast chicken while whooping Marko’s ass in black jack was the first time in a long time he had genuinely laughed. Since then its been particularly blase, but Marko and Paul will often make a tradition out of a few bottles of booze, throwing some cheap decorations around the hotel, and they all spend the night playing card games over some take out roast chicken and a few quick sides. 
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1917-boys · 5 years ago
Coming Home (Will Schofield Fluff)
Requested: Yes / No
Word count: 1,819
Author’s Note: This is all over the place, I apologize
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The sun’s rays warmed your back as you kneeled before the garden in the front of your home. The sky was a pale shade of blue, and the temperature was warm, but not hot. Your flowers were beginning to bloom and the nature around your home was beautiful. The only downside was that your husband, Will, wasn’t here to bask in the beauty alongside you.
When Will had returned from town, hand clutching a draft card, you were struck with worry. The townspeople had been calling this war the Great War, and you had heard why. The loss of life was ghastly, and now your husband was about to be thrown into the fray.
He had walked briskly up the path to your home, reaching for your hand. After that, he pressed a kiss to your forehead before wrapping you up in his embrace.
You would learn soon enough that his embrace was what you missed the most.
That night at dinner, he had asked your daughters, “You’ve heard about the war at school?” They were both so young, then. Merely 7 and 5, they had no reason for knowing the horrors of the war. They both had nodded, though, unaware that their father was soon to break the unfortunate news to them.
When they heard their father was leaving, countless tears were shed. Not only from your daughters, but from you and Will as well. Nobody wanted to be separated, but the country required it.
All you could do was hope he would come back.
Three years had passed, and the spring of 1918 was in full bloom. You continued to work in the garden, pulling weeds and watering the new blossoms.
Finishing up in the garden, you began the short walk into town to take your daughters home after school. The often-travelled dirt road to town was empty, a sight that used to be unusual, but since the start of the war, had become normal. With all the young men off to fight, everything seemed to be different.
‘Would things ever get back to normal?’ You asked yourself, approaching the town.
The schoolhouse was a beautiful building, built from solid red brick and oak. As the children began to file out the door, you caught sight of your younger daughter. “Mama!” She cried happily, running from the doorway into your arms. You knelt down to greet her, hugging her. “Is Daddy coming home?” She asks excitedly, still in your arms.
You pick your head up to meet her gaze, smiling sadly. “I don’t know yet, darling,” you began, “a lot of things are still uncertain.” Her brows furrowing, she stepped back to look up at you. “My teacher says that the Army is starting to send people home. Her brother is coming home tomorrow, and she said that we need to ask and see if anyone we know is coming home,” she said, happiness slowly draining from her face at your blank expression.
“I didn’t hear that, darling,” you reply. Upset, your daughter sighs before turning to face the schoolhouse entrance, awaiting her older sister’s exit.
A few minutes pass, and your eldest daughter walks out of the schoolhouse. As her eyes fall on you, she walks up to you before smiling and hugging you. “We need to go to the post office, right away!” She says, in place of her usual greeting.
You couldn’t help but give in to them. The girls had been through so much these past years without their father, but they were always strong and carried through.
As the three of you walk to the post office, hand in hand, the young paper delivery boy exits the building. He rushes over to you, gladness painted on his youthful face.
“He’s coming home, Mrs. Schofield!” The boy cries. Spirits flying, you are eager to read the letter stating your husband was coming home. The young boy continues, “I can’t wait to see my father again!” As the realization dawns on you that it isn’t Will that’s coming home, you are once again filled with worry and sorrow.
“That’s fantastic!” You say to the boy, smiling happily for him in spite of yourself.
You only wished that it was you and the girls celebrating like that.
As the paper boy skipped away happily, you turn to your daughters, squeezing their hands. “He’ll come back, I know it,” you murmur to them quietly. Nodding eagerly in response, they pull you along to the front door of the post office.
As you enter, the familiar aroma of paper and ink envelopes you. Inhaling slowly, you relish in the comforting scent before approaching the front desk.
“Good afternoon, Marge. Is there any mail for us?” You inquire to the lady working. Smiling back at you, Marge reaches down to pick up a short stack of mail.
“This one’s from Army Command,” Marge tells you, excitement bubbling within her for you. As she hands the stack over to you, Marge turns to your daughters, waving at them before reaching into a drawer and retrieving a toffee for each of them.
You grin at Marge, thanking her for the candy and the mail. She waves a friendly goodbye to the three of you before returning to her work. Exiting the post office, your daughters look up at you, hope practically seeping through their faces.
“We’ll read it when we get home,” you told them, although you were just as eager as them to read the letter. “How about we race home, then?” Your younger daughter suggests, a smirk playing on her lips. Both you and your other daughter look at her before glancing at each other, each of you grinning.
“Okay. On your mark, get set, go!” You exclaim. The three of you rush home, kicking up dirt as you run. The spring breeze is warm against your face and the grass and flowers you run past are only a blur of color. ‘It’s beautiful,’ you think.
The run to your home was relatively short, but when you arrived back you were all panting. Out of breath, you enter the house and place the mail on the dining room table. Your daughters begin to giggle, their contagious laughter ringing throughout the house. You laugh as well, basking in the time you get to spend with them.
“Come on, then! Let’s read it!” Your younger daughter urges you, grabbing the letter from the table and seating herself. Her sister nods enthusiastically, anticipation clawing at her.
You sit down at the table, and reach for the letter from your daughter’s hand. Opening the letter, your eyes scanned the paper. Reaching the end, you gasp loudly and happily, your hand reaching up to cover your mouth in shock.
A large smile breaks out on your face, a breathless laugh leaving your mouth. “He’s coming home,” you murmured to yourself, looking up to meet the expectant gazes of your daughters. It seemed unreal, but you held in your hand the proof that it was indeed reality.
“He’s coming home,” you repeated, a bit louder. The idea seemed so foreign to you that you couldn’t contain the excitement but also confusion that came with the fantastic news that yes, your husband was alive and was going to come home.
Your daughters pick up on your anxious, yet excited, response and quickly sit up to read the letter themselves. Whooping with joy, they leap from their seats with wild smiles on their faces. “Daddy’s coming home!” They cried together.
After all, this was the moment they had been waiting for, just as much as you.
Two weeks pass, and you walk to the train station, hand in hand with your daughters. Approaching the station, you’re giddy with anticipation. Your daughters’ hands shake in your own, unbelievably eager to see their father.
A scarlet steam engine pulls into the station, and young men gleefully jump from the train onto the platform, rushing to hug their loved ones. Your eyes scan the crowd hopefully, praying for a glimpse of Will’s sandy blond hair. Seeing nothing, you glance down at your daughters, smiling softly. “I’m sure he’s on the next one,” you say to them, hoping that the words were true.
‘He can’t be dead, right?’ You asked yourself.
As the station platform slowly clears, your eyes drift to the sky. The soft, gentle breeze of the morning has picked up its pace. The sky darkens and you smell a whiff of rain.
Leading your daughters to an empty bench, you take a seat between them, breathing in the fresh air. Flowers were planted along edge of the platform, and you could smell their sweet aroma from your seat. You close your eyes, waiting for the next train.
The train that would hopefully carry your husband.
‘Hopefully,’ you thought.
But there’s only one way to find out.
Your daughters stand up to play in the small grass field near the platform as you move to observe the flowers. You kneel to get a good smell of a beautiful daisy, and that’s when you hear it.
It’s faint . . . but it’s a train whistle nonetheless.
“Girls,” you call out to them. Ceasing their game, they rush to you and cling to each leg. The platform had begun to fill up once again, as the next wave of families yearned to see their soldiers return home.
Another train, this time black and gray in color, pulls into the station and soldiers begin to exit the train. You search the crowd until you see a head of ruffled, sandy blond hair. Smiling, you stand up taller to try and get a glimpse of the man’s face. Your excitement rubs off on your daughters, who begin to smile as well.
The sandy blond-haired man approaches your group slowly, unbeknownst to you. As the man steps into your line of sight, you let out a strangled gasp.
Standing before you is Will. He looks tired and hungry and unkempt, but he’s still Will.
You rush forward, throwing your arms around him. His arms snake around your waist, pulling you flush against him. Will buries his head in your neck, inhaling your sweet scent. Your daughters hurry forward, each hugging their father around the waist. Will pulls away, his arms still around your waist before he kisses your forehead.
The kiss is gentle, but holds years worth of passion and love. “I missed you all, so much,” Will says, his voice rough with emotion. Kneeling down to face his daughters, he hugs them both before standing again to face you.
“It was horrible, love. Honestly,” he begins, “But knowing that you were waiting here patiently for me to come home means everything to me. If fighting in France is what keeps you safe, know that I’d do it a thousand times over if it means getting to come home and see your bright smile again.”
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