#my next door neighbor blasting music so loudly from their apartment i can hear it in my room and cant block it out: HELL HELL HELL HELL HEL
maddogmp3 · 5 months
i hate sounds and i hope everything that makes sound is permanently put on mute
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Bake ‘Em A Cake
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She couldn’t believe that she had to deal with yet another nosey neighbor. She had just got used to Bianca blasting music at all times of the night without a care in the world, and it was like God wanted to give her yet another challenge to deal with.
Bianca told her that the new neighbor they had came to her and told her to turn her music down. From the seems of it, he seemed to have enough sense to not be disruptive to the people in their small, very thin wall having, apartment building. She was wrong though. She could hear thump after thump above her as she tried to get some sleep for her next shift in 8 hours.
She didn’t care if she was being a bitch by banging so loudly on his door when she could’ve easily been a normal person and knocked regularly. She kept pounding as hard as she could until the door finally open, and revealed something she did not expect. Her eyes widened slightly as she looked up and down at the man in front of her that was sweaty and shirtless and fine as fuck. She could’ve sworn she felt her heart skip a few beats but she quickly composed herself when she realized what had made her get out of the comfort of her bed and make her way to the floor above her.
“Can I help you?” He asked her. A bit of an attitude she heard. Fuck did he have an attitude for?
Nyla scoffed as she pushed past him, walking into his very empty apartment. “Your loud ass thumping ass footsteps are keeping me awake.” She told him, tossing him a mean look over her shoulder.
“Come on in I guess.” He muttered.
Nyla looked around the apartment, only seeing a couch and a small tv. No pictures. No decorations. No accent furniture. God, it lacked so much furniture that it made Nyla want to puke. She turned around to look at the man, looking him to and down which allowed her to realize that the apartment did fit him. He didn’t seem like the type to go all out. Still made it an ugly apartment though. Or maybe she was just judging too much.
“This isn’t what people mean by minimalism, just so you know.” She stated, taking it upon herself to sit down on the couch.
He closed the door behind her, walking over to her on the couch. “Can I help you with something?” He wondered. He didn’t seem to mind that much that a complete stranger had walked into his home without a care in the world.
“I don’t know if you’re tap dancing, or doing the cha-cha slide, or just being a dickhead up here… but you’re being loud.” Nyla told him.
“Oh my fault, I didn’t realize.” He said.
“Yeah, everything’s thin in this apartment. Including my patience.” Nyla snarked, standing up from the couch.
He stared at her as she stared right back at him. Though, their stares seemed to be holding two different emotions. Hers being one of irritation and anger while his was more of… a lust filled stare. Then she realized why he had that stare as he looked at her. Nyla looked down in
horror when she realized that she had come up to this strange man’s apartment with nothing covering her upper body but a tight tank top that really did her boobs a favor. Like damn, they really looked good if she did say so herself. But that wasn’t the point. Nyla crossed her arms as she took a step forward.
“I’m Donnie.”
“Your real name?” Nyla scoffed.
“Donnie ain’t real enough for you?” He asked.
Nyla sighed as she stared at her nails out of boredom. “Donovan? Donald? Stop me when I’m getting closer.” She said.
“Way cuter than anything I said.” Nyla hummed. “I’m Nyla Gaines; your very generous neighbor.” She said.
“Generous?” Adonis asked, raising an eyebrow as he chuckled.
“I’m not cursing your ass out for waking me up. Twice. Take that as nothing but generosity.” Nyla told him.
“I’m grateful for it.” Adonis said.
“Wise choice.”
Nyla brushed past him, making eye contact the entire time, as she walked towards the door, stopping when he touched her arm. “You right below me?”
“Apartment B7. Which is exactly why I could hear your footsteps jumping around.” She told him
“I’ll keep that in mind.” Adonis nodded.
“Mhm. See you around Adonis.” Nyla said. “Welcome to Philly by the way.”
“How you know I’m not from here?” Adonis asked her.
Nyla snorted as she opened the door, giving him a look over her shoulder as she said, “I know everything boo.”
┊┊┊✧ ⁺ ⁺  °
“I was so mean last night, Bi. I don’t like myself when I’m tired.” Nyla said, shaking her head in disbelief.
Nyla had a mini self crisis as she stood in her best friend, Bianca’s, apartment. She had woken up, fully rested after Adonis listened to what she had told him, and felt bad for the way that she handled his nosiness. She didn’t like being mean. It made her feel all… icky. So as a way to apologize for being an asshole, she had rushed to make Adonis a cake so he could have something to eat for the next few nights. Because he surely didn’t have much besides cereal in that wack ass apartment— totally not her judging though.
“He woke you up twice and you had work. If anything, I’m sure you weren’t mean enough.” Bianca scoffed.
“I know, I know, but still, I feel bad. Being a bitch isn’t the best first impression.” Nyla stated, carefully scraping the excess icing off of the cake.
Bianca looked at her friend as she walked into the kitchen, amusement written all over her face. “So… you’re made him a cake?” She asked.
“Duh ho!” Nyla said. “You think he’s home?” She wondered.
“He ain’t got no life from what I can tell. Just to the gym and back.” Bianca shrugged.
“Great!” Nyla chirped. “Cause it’s done and I need to have him like me immediately.”
“Why do you even care?”
“Everyone in this building likes me, and I can’t risk losing that achievement.” Nyla said as if it was obvious.
“You worry too much, girl.” Bianca chuckled.
“And you don’t worry enough.” Nyla remarked. “Now wish me luck.”
“Wear a condom.” Bianca said, waving her hand dismissively as she walked back to her piano.
Nyla snorted as she scooped up the cake pan in her hands, shaking her head in amusement. “Oh my God, you’re sick in the head.”
Nyla walked out of Bianca’s apartment, heading up to the floor that Adonis lived on. She really did hope he was home. It would be a waste of her time if he wasn’t, and she hated wasting her time. Thankfully though, when she knocked on his door— very gently compared to how she did the night before— he opened it almost instantly. Clearly he wasn’t doing nothing much with his time. Not that she was judging him for not having a job or anything. Totally not.
Adonis smirked as he took in Nyla’s appearance. He didn’t expect to see her at his apartment door again, especially if he wasn’t making any noise, but he wasn’t upset by the pleasant surprise. She looked good. Extremely good. Better than she did when he first saw her. She looked way more put together in the middle of the day than she did at 1 am. He would’ve been fine admiring her forever, like he was planing to, if she didn’t clear her throat to get his attention saying. He smacked himself mentally when he realized that he was staring, realizing that he probably seemed like some creepy ass dude.
“Nyla Gaines.” Adonis said, nodding at her.
A sort of her felt special that he remembered her last name as well, but then again, it was only last night. “About last night—“
“You cool,” Adonis said. She could see a ghost of a smile creeping onto his face as he looked at her cake. “That for me?” He asked her.
“Hope you like chocolate.” Nyla grinned, holding it out for him to take.
“Who don’t like chocolate?” Adonis scoffed.
Nyla snorted as he took the pan from her. “I knew I liked something you.” She smirked.
She turned around, prepared to head back to her apartment now that she apologized for her wrongs. But his voice stopped her before she could even take a step.
“Where you think you going?” He asked her, beckoning her over to him when she turned to look at him. “Come on in.”
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mathyna · 11 months
I know - Oneshot story
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Word count: 5763
Note: Don´t mind the cursing, Maria grew up in a lower-middle-class family and is not unknown to the streets.
Note: This is a shorter story I wrote a while ago to cope with depression, I hope you enjoy it. You can also replace Marias' name with Y/N; it depends on you
Maria has taken a month off from her job at Valorant protocol to work on her flat, which is at the current moment in a horrendous state. The radio blasted through the half-empty flat as she renovated. 
,, Fucking shit, get loose damn it!” she cursed at the water pipe she was trying to loosen.
She was at the point of renovating her kitchen and after removing the old wiring, Maria moved on to the water system. She tried everything on the rusting suckers, but they were so corroded that nothing she tried helped. In the end, she threw the wrench into a corner, busting a few old tiles. She sighed in frustration and sat on the dirty table in the middle of the room, purposefully looking around its surface before reaching out for a pack of cigarettes. She lit one up and took a drag, closing her eyes and leaning back a bit. 
“So am I still waiting
For this world to stop hating?
Can't find a good reason
Can't find hope to believe in.” she sang along to one of her favorite songs.
Once she´s finished with the renovations, she won´t be able to smoke there anymore, but for now, it doesn´t matter. Maria looked at the pipes again and frowned.
,, Bastard..” she sighed. 
She took another drag from her cigarette and slowly exhaled the smoke. Behind the sound of her music echoing in the empty room was one busy city. If she were to turn the music off, she would have heard all the lively buzz outside in the concrete jungle. Suddenly, she heard something unusual. It didn´t come from outside, so she tried to focus on it.
,, Ms.Hoffmann?! Ms. Hoffmann!!” yelled Fred, her apartment manager, from below the stairwell. 
Her doors and windows were wide open as she needed some air to get in, so she could hear him, if it weren´t for the music, his voice would have been clear. She rolled her eyes, got up, and turned the volume down before coming up to the doorway. 
,, Yes, what is it? “ she yelled back down the long damp staircase. ,, Don´t tell me the music disturbs neighbors, nobody lives here besides us!” 
,, No, no, you have a visitor!” he howled, his voice echoing and bouncing off the moldy walls.
,, What did I tell you about telling people who I am!?” she raged while having to take the cigarette out of her mouth for her to not drop it.
,, He said he´s a cow worker! I thought it was okay!” his raspy voice echoed through the stairs.
,, A cow worker..? What the hell..?” she whispered to herself. ,, The fuck is that?! Did you let a random crackhead in again?! This time I´m gonna kick that sucker out myself!” 
,, Excuse me? I said a coworker.” sounded a deep male voice quietly from downstairs.
,, A coworker? Did you ask him THE question?!” Maria yelled down in frustration.
,, What code?!” Fred sounded confused.
She slapped the wall next to her and sighed loudly. 
,, Let him up! I swear on my mother if it´s another one of those poor suckers, I´m killing him on the spot!” Maria threatened and walked back into her apartment.
,, IF it´s another one, of course, I will have to find a new place to hide the body, again..” Maria growled and began looking for her firearm.
She picked up her pistol. It was just lying on one of the cabinets as she didn't have a place for it now. She calmly aimed at the doorway and patiently waited. Foot after foot the person closed the vertical distance before finally…
,, Oh? I see Sabine was right, you are paranoid.” chuckled Brimstone as he raised his arms, still cautious to not make any fast movements.
,, Sarge? What are you doing here? “ she lowered her gun, visibly confused. ,, Did something happen? The phone´s out for a while.”
,, No? I actually wanted to ask that as taking almost a month off out of nowhere is quite unusual.” he folded his arms as he spoke.
Maria frowned and looked him in the eyes, cigarette in mouth, squinting.
She scanned him a bit. He was dressed casually. White shirt, blue jeans, cheap watches.
,, You´re not a good liar.” she murmured.
,, Did you just..-” 
,, No, I don´t need to use the damn power to see your body language. You fidgeted a lot and rapidly blinked your eyes when you spoke. You actually closed them as you said that it is “unusual” for someone to take a month off. Then you defensively folded your arms so you´d subconsciously feel safer and more grounded.” Maria raised her eyebrow and took a drag.
Brimstone was silent for a while, looking around the flat from the doorway. His eyes were wide and his expression resembled a child who was caught eating cookies before dinner. 
,, Well.. Okay, maybe it is not unusual. Phoenix does it all the time.” he scratched the back of his neck.
Maria gave him the “continue” look.
,, Maybe I just wanted to know if everything is alright?” Brimstone didn´t look her in the eyes as he spoke, instead, he was constantly looking around for an object to fixate on.
,, Somebody had to read my file. “ turned Maria her back on him and began to walk towards the kitchen. ,, Come in, you´re not gonna stand there the whole time, are you?” 
,, No, of course not, thanks.” he blurted. ,, Should I close the door?” 
,, Nope, leave it like that, I need some fresh air in here.” she called from another room.
,,  I see you have a lot of stuff on your hands.” he said and tried to fan away the cigarette smoke with his hands.
,, Yeap, don´t expect anything fancy, it´s a mess in here.” she said unbothered, retrieved the wrench, and kneeled to the pipe once again. 
,, It´s fine, not like I´m any better. “ he winked at her, even though she had her back turned on him. ,, Whatcha got there?” he kneeled as well.
,, A goddamn rusty ass drain pipe that is for some reason connected to a water pipe. I have to separate them and put a new drain and water pipe in there. I don´t know why they were connected or which engineer thought of such a genius idea. You see when I poured water into a cup, there was some gunk from the drain pipe, which was disgusting so I had to buy my water. That was another expense and I couldn´t afford renovation before Protocol. Yeah and also it just didn´t want to flow away, it took hours to drain. AND IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO CLEAN! WHO THOUGHT OF IT!” she pushed with all her strength but to no avail, the nut did not budge.
,, Hell, that sucks. I can´t imagine tolerating something like that for that long” said Brim and gestured to hand him the wrench over.
,, Well, I cannot afford anything better, if I did those corporate mofos would notice and I would be doomed. “ she gritted her teeth and gave Brimstone a questioning look, distancing the wrench away from him. ,, You have a white shirt.” 
,, And? It´s just a shirt, don´t fuss around and give me that wrench.” 
,, As you wish Sarge, but I warned you.” she gave him the wrench with raised eyebrow still.
He took the wrench and put it on the huge nut that connected the pipes.
,, If something does not go with strength…” he said as he started to pull, ,, it will go with much greater strength.” 
As he finished the sentence the drain pipe snapped and all the gunk and water flew out of the pipage. Splashing both Maria and Brim.
,, What the hell? I smelled dirty drains before but this?” said now disgusted Brim, his white shirt completely dumped with suspicious liquid. 
Maria snorted hard, even though she got hit as well. 
,, What´s so funny?” he asked a bit annoyed.
,, Did I mention that the water pipes are connected to the septic from the flat above? That´s why I have the bucket there. “ she pointed at a cracked white bucket under the pipes.
,, How could this building even stand?” asked shocked Brim, trying to get off some pieces of gunk from him. ,, How can you live here?” 
,, I have to, but you would get used to it.” she shrugged.
,, I don't think I would. “ frowned Brim.
Maria took out another cigarette and offered Brim one too. 
,, Here Sarge, I think you need it now. “ she extended her hand toward him, amusement in her tone..
,, Hey, my name´s  Liam, call me that, and thank you.” he said and took a cigarette.
,, I´ve heard, “ she said and sat on top of the kitchen counter. ,, The name is Maria, so. “ she looked to the window and lit her cigarette, and handed the lighter to Brim. 
,, I know. “ he said with a smile.
They sat quietly for a while. The sounds of the city buzzed through the open windows, muffled music played from the radio. It would be calming if it wasn´t for the smell from the drain water and the weird itchy feeling on their skin. Brim quietly held the wrench and inspected it in his hand.
,, You still didn't tell me the reason.” broke Maria the silence.
,, What reason?” huffed Brim some smoke.
,, Why are you really here?” she looked at him with a smirk.
He thought for a while with a serious face. She could see his thoughts trying to create a sensible sentence. 
,, I just wanted to see you. To know how you´re doing. The last few months were rough and I know you´re not on the best note with some of the agents.” he said.
,, I will always keep it professional. If the kiddos have a problem with me, I´m fine with that, I wouldn´t like myself if I were them either.” she exhaled some smoke.
,, What are you saying right now?” he laughed.
,, No really. You weren´t there when I introduced myself? I was acting like a fool there. I introduced myself so distantly and with my nose so high that the sun would blind me.” she laughed too.
,, Why would you do that?” he asked in a semi-amused tone.
,, It´s a habit. I´m just like that. When you can see someone's thoughts, you know more than them usually. I´ve read so many minds that this approach stuck with me. Sometimes I forget that no one can read my mind, and they will not know how I mean things as I do with others.” 
,, That sucks, but maybe it just needs a bit of work.” he said and took a drag.
,, I guess these weird powers do degenerate your ability to be a normal human being, or maybe I am more human than I have ever been. I don´t know.” she sighed and listened to the music for a bit.
They sat quietly again before Brim started to scratch himself aggressively. 
,, Hey, don´t you have a way to clean yourself? This stuff makes me go crazy and we will probably get a rash if we keep it on our skin any longer.” he grunted as he tried to scratch his back.
,, Sadly, I don´t, but we can wait a bit for the sun to go down.” said Maria, slapping Brim's hand that tried to scratch his back and scratched him herself.
,, I don´t understand, why would we wait for the sun to go down?” he asked, confused.
,, First, “ Maria jumped down from the counter and put her finger up. ,, I wouldn´t go out if I smelled like this, not even in this crackhead district like mine, and second, have you ever seen someone climb fences during the day?” she said in a cheeky tone.
Brim just looked at her, even more confused.
,, Maria, no. What is this?” asked Brim when they arrived at their destination.
The light from the streetlight didn´t reach the spot where they were standing and Maria enthusiastically rushed to the wired fence.
,, Our “ I smell good again” ticket.” she said and skillfully climbed the fence, trying not to make much noise.
She jumped down and put her arms on her hips. 
,, C´mon Liam, don´t tell me that our sarge is afraid to climb a little fence.” she teased.
Brimstone rolled his eyes and started to climb the fence. He got to the top, but then something unexpected happened. The fence collapsed under him, sending Brim to the ground in front of Maria. 
,, Shit, you ok? Liam?” she asked, looking around frantically. 
,, Yeah yeah, I´m fine. Seems like I´m a bit too heavy for that.” he observed the broken thing.
,, Maybe. C´mon before the night guard comes around.” she grabbed his hand and led him around the building.
After a while of running in the dark, they came across a neatly stacked pile of boxes right under a small window.
,, Great, they didn´t dispose of it yet. I hope you´ll fit.” she looked at him, then started climbing the boxes. ,, When you climb inside, there is a toilet, try not to fall on it, 'cause that would surely bust us.” she said and slipped into the window.
Maria looked back at the window, hoping Brim would fit. Turns out she didn´t have to worry. 
,, Look, I´m not that big.” he frowned when he saw her amused yet puzzled face.
,, Okay okay, just be careful when you step down here.” she said as she helped him down from the ledge.
,, Alright, what now? “ he asked, looking around, trying to adjust to the dark.
,, Now we just have to get to the arrival room so that I can pick up some soap and we will be good to go.” she said happily.
,, What? Where the hell are we?” he looked at her, stretching his back.
,, You will see soon, just wait for me here and then you´ll see, I´ll be right back, don´t make noise.” she gestured with her hands as she backed out of the room.
Lucky for her the arrival room was right outside the door and it didn´t take long to get to the reception table. It was dark, but still visible enough to see into the drawers she had opened. She searched for one thing, the keys to the lost and found room, where all the treasure is stored.
,, Might as well pick up some clean clothes.” she whispered to herself.
Finally, she found what she searched for, a small yellow key with a tag. 
,, Yes!” she whispered loudly, before listening carefully if someone wasn´t around. 
Maria carefully unlocked the door and turned on the light from her phone.
,, Alright, what am I gonna pick.” she talked to herself again.
She searched around and found some floral bodywash that she ended up picking for herself. Some basic men's shower gel that was almost completely empty. She thought for a bit if it would be enough, but then brushed it off as it was time for some new clothes. They weren´t clean clothes at all, mostly stuff that people left in lockers somewhere in the area during summer.
,, Hey.” a hand landed on her shoulder.
Maria jumped and shone in the face of the intruder, ready to strike, but when she turned, she only saw Brimstone squinting eyes and shielding his face from the light.
,, Put it down, damn it!” he hissed while shielding his eyes.
,, I told you to wait! You call yourself a soldier when you can´t obey an order?” she said angrily, breathing in and out.
,,It had taken you quite a while. I just came to check on you if you are okay.” he said innocently.
She gave him an angry look, but couldn´t be mad for long as this was quite sweet of him.
,, Okay, I forgive you. At least you can pick your clothes.” she turned away from him and continued to dig through the boxes of clothes.
,, Clothes?” he asked confused.
,, Yes, you didn´t plan on wearing this after you clean yourself up, or ye?” she asked.
,, Of course not, but I didn´t expect this. What is this place?”
,, You will still have to wash them and you will see.” she said as she folded some wear in her arms.
Brim didn´t look for long as he just pulled out the first pants and top he had gotten in his hands.
,, Alright, now the hardest part. Getting around Lenny. “ she said, crouching before one of the doors.
,, Lenny? Is he the night guard here?” he crouched with her.
,, Yep, but he mostly has headphones so our biggest problem will be his vision.”
,, And his sense of smell, because I think I have lost mine.” said Brim, wrinkling his nose.
,, I can numb his senses for a few seconds, make it look like he got dizzy from sleepiness, but we have to be fast.” she rolled her eyes. ,, I´ll show you where to go.”
She opened the door and revealed a long corridor that had many doors. Whistling and walking echoed and bounced off the walls.
,, We need the second door on the right before the turn at the end. Stay close behind me.” 
They sneaked through the corridor and approached the aimed door.
,, Wait, let me check something.” she stopped him and peeked out from behind to wall to the next corridor.
Brim peaked with her.  There an African American man walked with his back to them, happily whistling and swinging his flashlight to the rhythm of the song. 
,, So that´s Lenny? “ he smirked at the man.
Maria sent a small purplish butterfly that quickly closed the distance between them and disappeared when it touched the back of his neck.
,, Yep” replied Maria.
,, What was that? “ asked Brim, retreating from his position to stand up.
,,I just checked if he was here already and if we have enough time.” she said, standing up as well.
,, And?” 
,, Well, he was just here and it´s gonna take him like thirty minutes before he makes another lap in the second building and an hour around the outside area, so we have around two hours before he gets here again, but I can set a trap at the entrance to the corridor for us to know if he´s near, and a small trap to make him think that he checked here already, buying us another two hours.” she explained as she made her way to the entrance again.
,, Wow, that little power of yours is quite handy.” grinned Brim, watching as Maria made a small cocoon-like orb and stuck it to the doorway.
,, That should do, now, come.” she grabbed his hand again and led the man to the desired doors. ,, Let´s get clean.” 
Maria opened the door and revealed a locker room. 
,, This is the man's locker room, which is the only one that is unlocked as the lock is broken. Like 5 years already. The showers are to the left, right there.” she pointed at the shower entrance. 
,, Neat, I can´t wait to get this off.”  said Brim happily and stepped inside while taking his shirt off.
He took the soap from Maria and took off the rest of his clothes. Maria of course peaked as, well, why wouldn´t she? She had taken her clothes off too and waited for a bit. The sound of running water could be heard and after some time, the humidity could be felt in the air. Then she called into the shower room:,, I hope you don´t mind me joining, if you do, turn your back to the entrance!”
No response, so she entered the showers, and boy oh boy. He looked at her as if she was to murder him.
,, Don´t be a sissy. You must have seen many women throughout the years, I´m no different from them plus, get used to it, 'cause tonight I have one more thing to show you.” she said with zero care in her voice.
Brim just slowly turned his head and continued to face the wall and wash his hair. Maria did the same, the scent of flowers and men's body wash filled the showers and steam began to rise from her body. 
,, How can you even stand that temperature?” she heard from behind her.
,, What do you mean? It´s perfect.” she brushed him off as she continued to wash her feet.
,, Uh, no? That´s some boiling water you are pouring onto yourself, that´s everything but perfect.” laughed Brim.
,, Okay, like you know what warm water is. Yours would give the Arctic Ocean a run for its money.” replied Maria.
,, Oh yeah?” said Brim with a cheeky tone.
Then some cold water landed on Marias back and she stiffened.
,, Yours on the other hand has hanky-pankys with global warming.” laughed Brim even harder.
Maria turned and threw a soaked sponge on him, hitting her target, his face.
,, Ew, where did you get that? Smells weird.” grimaced Brim and started washing the impact spot.
,, I don´t know, it was just lying here. “ she smirked at him, turned her back, and continued to wash her body.
Brim squinted his eyes at her and thought of a way to take revenge while he was getting some gunk out of his beard. Then an idea struck him. Quickly, he turned around and zoomed behind Maria and grabbed her around her waist, dragging her through her protests under his shower.
,, No no no! Let me go! I´m gonna freeze, holy shit!” she squealed, trying to get out of his grip.
Brim only laughed and focused on holding her slippery body in place. Maria managed to turn the water off and turned to face him, splatting his face with some foam. He still held her.
,, Okay, you Spaßfogel, let me show you something, we still have a lot of time.” she laughed and tried to get out of his grip. 
But Brim looked at her quietly, the foam slowly making its way through his wrinkles down to his beard. 
,, What?” asked Maria with a raised eyebrow, still amused. 
,, You´re nicer than you think you are.” he said gently, smiling a little.
Maria got quiet and looked to the side, so she didn´t have to see his face. 
,, C´mon, let´s go.” she said and let herself out of his hands.
Brim quietly followed. Then it all started making sense to him. They arrived in a huge hall with 3 swimming pools. Small lights flickered in and outside the pools. There were many decorative plants that had small lightbulbs hanging from them, illuminating the otherwise dark room.
,, They don´t turn these off for some reason.” said Maria calmly. ,, We can swim for a while. I know that one should not exercise at night, but I think we can make an exception.” she looked at him with hopeful eyes.
Brim just nodded with a slight smile and went to the first swimming pool. She just watched him and entered the other pool by herself.
They swam for quite a while, but the trap did not trigger yet, so she knew there was still time. Half an hour went by and they still did not speak. She started to worry that she had done something, but she didn´t want to get into his head. It gave her some comfort that she had no idea what he was thinking. She felt normal that way. By then she had exited the swimming pool and sat in the warm water of the waist-high pool. Normally, there would be pressured water sprouting out of the holes she sat on, but now it was calm as there was no one that would control it. The light bulbs hung over her head together with the greenery, creating a magical atmosphere that she would not expect in such a place. As she put her arms down into the water, she accidentally brushed over her scarred stomach. She would have forgotten about it if she didn´t see it in the mirror sometimes or did not brush her clothes over it when she was getting dressed. It was funny how her job left a bigger physical scar than the biggest pain of her life that left no scars and never seemed to heal. Her hand slowly glided over the scared skin, somewhat finding peace in it.
,, It healed pretty well.” sounded from behind her.
She turned her head to see Brimstone sitting on the floor behind her.
,, Yeah, but sometimes I can still feel the brocks under my skin.” replied Maria with a peal of slight laughter.
,, First missions are usually rough, but you took it to the next level by taking a shotgun to the stomach.” said Brim. ,, Can I join you?”
,, Sure, I don´t see why not.” she gave him a small smile and looked into the distance on the dark wall.
Brim carefully sat down next to her.
,, How long has it been? “ he thought out loud.
,, Almost two and a half years.” said Maria confidently.
,, Time flies.” he said quietly.
,, Yeah.” replied Maria softly, still staring into the distance. ,, And still, at my age, I have to do stuff like this.” she giggled.
,, At least you stay in shape.” laughed Brim back.
Then they got quiet again. Maria relaxed and looked around more. She noticed how the water got calm, the light bulbs reflected perfectly on the surface. Lights in the pool were dim enough to not light the water at all, but also enough to be visible. The dark blues of the pool mixed with the azure. She could hear occasional droplets of water on the roof as it might have been starting to rain. 
,, Maria? ” Brim broke the silence.
,, Yes? ” she turned to him.
,, Did I step over the line when I held you? I have to know because, well, it´s all a bit awkward as we are naked and..” he said dimly, not even finishing the sentence before going quiet.
She thought for a bit. Maria had never seen him so soft. He always performed as a boots-on-the-ground leader. A firm hand and serious face. The one who knows what he wants. Now he seemed like an inexperienced teenager, who had done something and felt so guilty that it seeped from his skin.
,, Of course not.” she said gently. ,, I´m not the type to make a fuss.” she smiled at him.
He smiles back and gets a little closer. Maria just rolls her eyes in her head. She knew by now, but maybe she´d just let him bathe in it a bit more.
,, Is someone there?!” sounded a call from the showers.
They both turned at each other with terror in their eyes.
,, What?! What is he doing here?” whispered Brim loudly.
,, I think I forgot to put my little trap on the locker entrance, he must have come from the other side.” she bit her nail.
,, What do we do now? I don´t want to be caught naked.” said Brim, unnerved.
,, Quick, let's go over to that corner, it's darker there, just dive underwater and if you can, hold me there, I will make him go away.” she said and began to swim to the corner.
,, Alright.” Brim nodded and joined her. ,, How long?” 
,, Give me 20 seconds.” she said and dived, followed by Brim.
Under the water, he gently pulled her closer to him so she wouldn´t rise up. Maria concentrated, her hair emitted a faint shimmer, glowy foam forming around her eyes and fingertips. A bunch of small butterflies that had a purplish shimmer to them started to form from the substance and at once, they flew out of the water, targeting the night guard who was enveloped in them now. Her hair shimmered even more, body twitched from oxygen deprivation. It was more than 20 seconds, but the guard was still present.
,, What the fuck? What is this? What? Wh..” Lenny tried to shoo the bugs away, but then his body went limp and fell to the ground.
Together with his body hitting the ground, both of them surfaced. Maria coughed out water as she had inhaled some when she was focusing.
,, You good? “ asked Brim, gently hitting her back. 
,, Yeah yeah, it took a bit longer. Thanks, Liam.  Hell..” she cursed and looked over to the limp body.
,, He´s not dead, is he? “ asked Brim. 
,, Nope, I just made him really sleepy, but this won't last long so, we should get out. He won´t remember any magic butterflies or something.”
,, Alright, let´s get out of here then.” nodded Brimstone and got out of the water first, offering Maria a hand.
Arriving at the locker room, they were both surprised that their clothes were still in their place. 
,, Hey, we forgot to wash them.” stated Brimstone.
Maria took a whiff of the clothes.
,, It isn´t that bad, it could be worse. C´mon, we don´t have time.” she grinned and began to dress up.
She chose simple, but quite colorful clothing. A salmon pink undershirt that seemed a bit too loose for her and pastel yellow loins that on the other hand were a bit too skinny.
,, I think the sweater is a bit too tight.” said Brim.
Maria turned at him and stood still as she observed him. He had taken dark green outdoor pants that seemed to fit, but the turtleneck he had chosen was maybe a little bit too tight. It perfectly traced his body, every muscle.
,, I think it fits you well.” she winked at him.
He looked at her with a raised eyebrow.
,, Alright, let´s go before that bozo wakes up.” she gestured to him.
They had exited the building from the way they came in. Jogging as they got through the hole in the fence so they wouldn´t get caught bare-handed. 
,, That was something.” exhaled Brimstone.
,, Yeap, one gets hungry after such action. Wanna grab something? On me.” poked Maria her finger in his chest.
,, I don´t know, it is quite late, I don´t think anything will be open by now.” he thought out loud.
,, I know just the place.” she smirked. ,, Follow me.” 
,, Alright, lead me then.” he smiled and took Maria by the hand.
She just went with it and walked down the filthy streets. Brimstone was extremely tense when seeing the creatures someone once called human.
,, Don´t worry, most of them are harmless. They are poor an excuse for a human.” said Maria in a serious tone.
,, Still, you never know.” he looked around.
There were a lot of people just standing around, laying on the ground, whores inviting cars that were oh so rare.
,, It´s not gonna take long, besides, if someone had ill intentions, you would notice, they are not really good at hiding it. And you´re with me.” said Maria proudly.
,, Now you sound funny.” said Brim.
,, I mean it, look.” whispered Maria and her hair began to shimmer.
Many small butterflies once again sprouted from her eyes and fingertips. Brimstone felt a funny tickling feeling when the butterflies made their way through the grip of his hand. The moment the people noticed that she could do this, the street was empty.
,, Monster!” 
,, Screw off!”
,, Get out!” 
,, Shut up! I don´t want to get hurt!”
,, Hide! ”
There were many reactions.
,, They are not really tolerant.” he looked around at the scampering figures.
,, Nope, they are scared. Ever since The First Light, streets have become more dangerous. Random power outbursts from inexperienced radiants kept happening, sometimes killing. They have learned to get out of the way. “ she explained.
,, What if there is a radiant among them?” asked Brimstone.
,, Like you don´t know. Kingdom is getting rid of them. I worked in this field. If you have an addiction or some mental/health problem as a radiant, posing a threat to normal people, we did not try to save them. We got rid of them.” she said quietly. 
Brimstone did not respond.
,, Seems like you´ve really worked in a different field.” she stated. ,, Look, we are here!” Maria lit up. ,, I hope you don´t mind Chinese food.” 
,, I´m not gonna say no to noodles.” relaxed Brimstone.
They both got their food to go and sat down on a small ledge close to the restaurant. While eating, Brim watched his surroundings as if nervosity still crept on him.
,, Calm down, Liam.” she nudged him with her elbow. 
,, Nah, it´s just.. Do you really want to know the reason why I came today?” he asked.
Maria turned to face him.
,, I.. Well.. The HQ is becoming more and more crowded. The new lot coming in, all the extra administrative work with it, and the constant bickering of others over small stuff are just starting to get over my head sometimes. And then there is you. No matter if it's small talk or professional matter, you never fail to make me feel a bit more at ease in all that chaos. Damn even when I just catch a glimpse of you, my day is suddenly better. And since you took a month off, I couldn´t. You know, I couldn´t just go a month without the ease. Without.. Well.. You.. I just wanted to tell you that I-.”
She just put a finger over his lips and shushed him, putting her food aside to hold his face in her hands. Then she closed the distance for their foreheads to connect. He sighed with a chuckle, closing his eyes while mimicking her movement and cupping her face. 
,, Guess what,” she whispered, amused. ,, I know.”
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consumeconstantly · 4 years
Not a Saint or a Hero
Summary: To civilians, Ladybug is a hero. In the eyes of the law, Ladybug is a vigilante at best, and a villain at worst. 
Conquering the Parisian underworld is child’s play for Ladybug and her partner, Chat Noir. The ex-boss of the Parisian underworld, code name Hawkmoth, may have been good at pushing drugs and ruining people’s lives, but he was woefully incompetent at... basically everything else. Which meant that other than Hawkmoth and his direct underlings, there really wasn’t much of a structure at all that Ladybug had to be worried about. No cohesive unit, fighting as one, just easy pickings and an even easier way to convince the drug dealers, homeless, illegal fight rings, and various other under the radar activities to band together to topple Hawkmoth’s empire. 
Ladybug, after all, had experience with overthrowing established mafiosos. She did it once in Wenzhou at her mother’s side, another time in Beijing because somebody made the mistake of trying to push her into prostitution, and twice in Italy with her grandmother, code name Befana.
“Do you really have to leave, m’lady?”
Ladybug shrugs. “I trust you and the team to keep things up and running. We had a good run, but there’s a good structure in place now and Befana wants me to go with her to another country.”
Nobody says no to Befana, not unless they’re bullet proof. Ladybug may have high quality Kevlar sewn into every outfit she wears, but even she isn’t the biggest fan of the impact of a bullet. Depending on the gun, broken ribs are a kindness.
“I know you don’t get along with Queen Bee, and almost everyone else is out of the country, but you’re not going to say goodbye to Rena or Carapace?”
“It’s not like I’m going to be gone forever. Just a few months. A year at most.”
“Promise me you’ll come back, m’lady?”
Ladybug puts a hand on her partner's shoulder. “You know I can’t make promises like that.”
Chat pauses, dull thud of the rave music filling in their silence. 
He swirls the whiskey in his glass. “Stay safe, Bug. Play it smart.”
“I always do.”
It comes as no surprise that Befana dumps her in the middle of one of the most crime infested cities world wide without a backwards glance. Her granddaughter is grown up now, after all. 
“Have fun, darling. Black Mask is particularly nasty, make sure to watch out for his assistant, she’s very sharp.” Befana pulls away from the nonexistent curb— nonexistent because there’s no sidewalks in the slums of Gotham, at least, not many of them in good enough conditions to have curbs or whole piece of cement to walk on— and leaves Marinette all on her lonesome with a backpack, a key to a cheap apartment.
Marinette eyes the broken bottles leading to the entryway of her new building and the boarded up windows. Across the street, there’s two women smoking and conversing in hushed tones.
“Well,” Marinette mutters underneath her breath, shifting the straps of her only worldly possessions. “It’s definitely quieter than I expected.”
“Hey, new girl,” one of the women in the group calls out to her. “What’re you in for?”
“School. This is the cheapest apartment I could find.”
The woman exchanges a glance with one of her friends. 
“You’re better off finding a more expensive apartment elsewhere. This isn’t a place for someone like you.”
An excellent line for Marinette to begin to fish for information. “What do you mean by that?”
“This is disputed territory, now. If you can’t afford to stay somewhere else, you better stay with whoever just dropped you off.”
Marinette fidgets. Gina is long gone. Grandmother or not, even though Gina is undoubtedly loyal and will never hurt her, she believes that the best way to inspire growth is through adversity. Like now. The only information she got out of Befana was that she had to figure out a way to keep Gotham in line… whatever that meant. “She’s not going to come back. I guess I’ll just have to try my luck.”
“You really got nowhere else to go?”
“No. I’m from abroad.”
“That explains the accent,” says the one holding a beer bottle. “Then listen up, girlie. If you wanna survive, there’s three rules you’ve gotta learn. One. Don’t cross the Black Mask. Two. Don’t cross Red Hood. Three. Don’t sell to children.”
“Sell to children?”
“Well, I don’t suppose you’d be doing it anyways, given the whole,” she motions to Marinette’s body with a cigarette, “but Hood goes after anyone who sells drugs to kids real bad. Worse than if you fuck him over with anything the Black Mask’s doing, anyways.”
“Red Hood doesn’t sound like that bad of a guy, then.” Maybe she’ll look into a collaboration with him.
The woman with the beer bottle laughed. “Oh honey, you’re a saint. Don’t go fostering any dreams. You just stay away, hear?”
“I hear you,” Marinette says.
But they got something wrong. 
Marinette isn’t a saint, and never has been.
The walls of her crappy one bedroom apartment are thin enough to hear the baby upstairs scream at ungodly hours. If it’s not the baby waking her up, her neighbors in the apartment to her right are fucking very, very loudly. The apartment below her blasts rock music at all hours, the apartment to her right is likely selling drugs, given that she sees at least fifteen different people come in and out each day, and they always have a vaguely dazed look in their eye. She hasn’t heard anything from the apartment across, but she’s sure they’ll start up some noisy activity that Marinette doesn’t particularly want to hear soon enough.
She really got pampered in Paris, didn’t she?
Marinette lived a life of relative luxury whenever she stayed with her parents, instead of Gina. While in Beijing and Chongqing with Tom and Sabine, Maman did all of the heavy lifting for her. Well, Beijing had ended rather disastrously, and they had to make a quick getaway, but at least in Chongqing, Sabine managed to get rid of the prostitution ring. 
Back in Wenzhou, Catania, and Bologna, Gina took the reins, and it always turned out to be a sink or swim sort of situation. First off was her mother’s birth place, which had an astonishingly high crime rate and definitely explained why Sabine Cheng was so adept at self defense, and once they were there, of course they had to reform the fight rings. In Catania and Bologna, Gina practically threw her at two of the lowest rank mafia groups and told her to use them to bring order to the warring mafias. During those years, Gina didn’t make a front like Sabine and Tom did, purchasing a bakery and running a business to aid their more behind the scenes work. No, with Gina, it was either war of peace, and there was nowhere in between.
Which, of course, meant that Marinette rarely got to stay in nice rooms or pursue hobbies like sewing or drawing or anything, really.
Now that she is of age, Marinette could potentially try to wrest herself out of Befana’s influence, but that’s almost a laughable thought. Befana has eyes and ears everywhere. If she wants to escape the rat race of reformation, Marinette needs to gather power. 
The best thing she can do for now is try to figure out the situation in Gotham. If it’s not particularly bad, maybe she’ll have an easy time of it, and figure out how to disappear herself. She’s not totally opposed to the whole making-criminals-act-within-the-bounds-of-morality thing, but it’s gotten pretty tiring. Not repetitive, necessarily, but after experiencing an almost normal life in Paris, Marinette does want to have the privilege of not having to worry about her life every hour. Maybe she can even start up a little boutique. 
Marinette dumps most of the contents out of her bag, only leaving her wallet, a knife, and her trademark yo-yos. 
“Maybe I can go back to Paris, eventually.” She has become very fond of the city; the first place where she took fate into her own hands, where her mother and grandmother didn’t push her to reform the underworld. The first place where she chose to change the world around her. The first place where she saw things through from start to finish. The first place she formed her own team. 
The power of change is both incredibly addicting and terrifying. She sort of gets why Befana roams the world, looking for the next place she wants to shake things up in. But Marinette can’t get addicted. This is going to be her last city, then she’s going to return to Paris and settle down. She’ll leave city beautification to the so-called vigilantes that almost every city has acquired, save Paris.
Oh wait, she supposes that Ladybug and Chat Noir were-- and Chat still is-- a type of vigilante back home. But as it stands now, it will be more correct to refer to them as heads of the Parisian underworld; they definitely don’t work on the side of the law, but she and Chat made sure that drug deals were more… regulated. That deaths and the induction of children into such a dark world were curbed. That if people really wanted to get out, they could.
All of that doesn’t matter. Not in the eyes of the law at least. Parisian citizens love the duo for helping keep crimes off the streets and for banning the particularly strong strain of drug that Gabriel called AKUMA off the market, but the Parisian police? She and Chat both have targets on their head. Their whole team does.
She eyes the apartment across from her. There’s blood on the door handle. It’s a good thing that Sabine and Tom never tried to instill those odd customs of ‘house warming’ and ‘getting to know her neighbors’ that most other people teach their children. In good neighborhoods, it’s important to have a cordial relationship with whoever’s living next door. In neighborhoods like these? It’s even more important.
But rule number one of pissing people off? 
Coming over uninvited.
Marinette doesn’t bother locking the door behind her. 
“New to the neighborhood?”
Apparently, it really is bizarre for her to have moved into this apartment complex. She’s come across a grand total of five people during her week here, and every single one of them stopped whatever they were doing in order to take a closer look. 
Marinette knows that this is a disputed area. She looked into the two women’s words the day she arrived. But, for a disputed area, everything is remarkably quiet. No fights, nobody on the streets, most people keep indoors, unless they’re out for a smoke, to throw out the trash, or are going to or coming back from various activities outside of the block.
What’s even more odd is that all of her neighbors seem to know each other intimately. Or at least, intimately enough to know that she doesn’t belong there.
“Yeah,” Marinette says, ready to leave this conversation behind. She doesn’t bother getting information out of the people who are in her apartment complex or on this block. To be more accurate, she tried with one of the first people she came across, but it was apparent that someone encouraged them to be tight lipped with information. 
Given the current information she has, she thinks it’s more likely that the one who gave that order is Red Hood, rather than Black Mask.
“Been here a week.” The guy lights his joint and breathes out. “Not so new anymore.”
Over the years, she’s gotten used to the smell of marijuana, though she can’t say she likes the scent. She’ll take cigarettes over weed any day.
“You could say that.”
“Don’t suppose anybody’s laid out the rules for you yet, have they?”
Maybe this will make things easier for her. Mostly, she’s just settled into her apartment over the past seven days. There's no need for her to immediately get to work, and she does enjoy comfort. Taking down criminals is hard work. She wants to come back to an apartment that doesn’t look awful and lets her relax. So what if she spent most of her money on an expensive mattress and a coffee machine? She’s an adult now. Nobody can tell her what to do. (Except for Befana.) “No, not really.”
“Tina and Audrey give you a crash course?”
“Mostly just warned me not to sell to children.”
The man barks, smoke spitting into the stale air. “Some of the best advice around. Let me tell you, Black Mask might have more manpower, but Red Hood has rage. Cross Black Mask by gypping him, he’ll send a lackey after you. Fuck with children, Red Hood himself will come for you.”
He pauses, evaluating her appearance. 
“Though you look like a child yourself. Mighty pretty too. lucky girl. Hood will protect you if you stay around these parts, but if you go south on the diagonal, you’ll be in bad territory. Plenty of prostitution rings around there.”
“Thought this was disputed territory.”
“Not really. Anywhere Hood has claimed is said to be disputed because Mask hates his guts and keeps sending goons to these areas. But anyone who’s dealing under Mask aint gonna take the risk of their lives just to branch out to these spots.”
“Sounds like Red Hood is pretty well liked around these parts, then.”
Perhaps she’ll look into working with him. From what she’s heard of the guy and what she’s found trawling the dark web, his morals seem to align with her own. A little bit more temperamental than she’d like, a little too quick to kill, rather than apprehend, but Gotham prisons seem to have jailbreaks every other week, so she can understand why it may be easier just to make every encounter a one and done.
“Liked?” Blunt finished, he flicks the stub into the dirt, crushing the embers under foot. He wipes his mouth with the scarf around his neck. “Like isn't the question in Gotham, Frenchie.”
Marinette inwardly cringes. She’s tried to minimize her accent because it makes natives distrust her, or think they can take her for a loop. Most people she’s come across accept her as one of their own, but apparently she hasn’t been doing as well as she thought she was. Maybe this is why people seemed a little more reluctant with any information.
“When it comes down to it, liking means nothing. It’s who you trust to watch your back.” He fumbles in his pockets, pulling out another blunt. Marinette notices that his fingers are fairly heavily bandaged and that the man is shaking slightly. Medicinal marijuana, maybe. “Wouldn’t trust that Mask farther than I can throw him. And he used to be a wrestler, so he’s a fat bastard. At least you can trust Hood not to cross you as long as you don’t cross him first.”
Lighting the tip, his eyes sharpen. “You seem like the trustworthy sort. Active, too. I’ll leave you with one more piece of advice. If you ever run into Hood? Don’t mention two things: the Joker, and Batman.”
“I doubt I’ll ever run into him,” Marinette lies. 
The man laughs. “I’m a Gotham native, Frenchie. I can tell what kind of person you are. You’ll be meeting him soon, I know. Hood needs someone to watch his back, and you? You need someone to keep your head above water.”
He flicks the ash off the blunt and turns his back on her, and Marinette can’t tell whether he’s showing her respect or belittling her.
 Two weeks into her stay in Gotham and Marinette has finally collected enough information about her surroundings to feel confident about going out as Ladybug.
Guns are infinitely more available here in America than they were back in France, which means she needed more than one costume, and an upgrade to her current one. High quality kevlar is good and all, but it’s heavy, and not everyone in Gotham is high off their minds using AKUMA. Replacing kevlar with polythene, now that it’s available to her, is only a natural decision. She has to be more careful here in Gotham. Not only does she have no support network, she’s also highly inexperienced with the terrain. She’s at a disadvantage here.
With a combo polythene and kevlar bodysuit, a crop top with her signature ladybug embroidery on the backside, an all black domino mask, and a utility belt with two yo-yos , knife, and emergency medical supplies, she’s as ready as she ever will be to witness the nightlife first hand.
And just like in Paris, Wenzhou, Beijing, Chongqing, Catania and Bologna, she doesn’t have to go far to find the trouble.
Befana has told her multiple times that Marinette is like a lucky charm for problems. Judging by the amount of time she’s gotten herself into sticky situations unintentionally, she’s inclined to agree, though she’d call herself more of an unlucky charm.
She doesn’t bother speaking, instead hurling one yo-yo at the guy who’s trying to tie up a girl half her age and the other yo-yo at the wheels of his car, to make sure he can’t make a quick getaway.
Ladybug may not use guns, but she never said that her weaponry wasn’t tricked out; yo-yo knocks the guy up the head, sending him down for the count, and yo-yo two slashes through the rubber tire. The man waiting in the car rolls down the window to shoot. Ladybug rolls her eyes. Dumb and dumber. She’s not sure whether he’s trying to preserve his windows or doesn’t realize that rolling down his window leaves him open for her own attacks.
Reeling back in yo-yo one. She hurtles it through the window, presses a button, then ducks. The head of the yo-yo detached and shocks the driver.
“Need help getting home?” Ladybug asks the girl who’s currently edging away from her. 
“Who are you? Why did you help me?”
Ladybug shrugs. She’s never been particularly good at explaining herself; Chat took care of most of the conversions within Hawkmoths retinue. She’s good at making the occasionally public statement and making sure people she’s close to don’t stray, but strangers? Most people back in Paris just trusted her blindly, and she never had to think about how to present her reasoning.
She takes two sets of zip ties out of her pack, then restrains her first victim. After she slaps a patch on the tire-- if she is going to take this girl home, she certainly doesn’t want to walk her back in this neighborhood, and judging by the size of the van, there are probably a few people in the back she’ll need to free as well. Ladybug moves on to tie up the guy in the car, back towards the girl. “If you don’t want my help, that’s fine too.”
As soon as she turns, there’s a sharp intake of breath. “You’re with Hood, then.”
Not yet. “M not, actually. Never met the guy. What makes you say that?”
A bout of nervous, high pitched laughter. “The red, maybe. Or, I don’t know, the fact that he’s here and not knocking you out?”
Ladybug whirls, trying to see where the infamous vigilante is. True to the girls word, he is just a little ways down the alleyway they’re currently in, looking, for all intents and purposes, not about to kill her. How pleasant. Better than she was expecting; his temper precedes him, and she was expecting to have to fight with the guy before even dreaming about having a civil discussion with him.
He doesn’t have his hands on his guns, which she takes as a good sign. Taking a good look at him she’s almost surprised that he’s calming himself the Red Hood instead of the Red Helmet, but she supposes the former sounds better.
“Let me finish tying that one up,” Ladybug says.
Red Hood grunts in response.
“So you are working together,” the girl concludes.
Ladybug shrugs again, tapping another button to reattach the head of her yo-yo and grabbing the keys and phone from the driver’s pocket. She pops the back of the van. There are three girls tied up in the back. 
Her knife makes quick work of the bonds that restrain them. The girls take the duct tape off their mouths themselves; she feels a deep disgust of the men that are currently knocked unconscious. Not only are they traffickers, but they’re new traffickers. Inexperienced. Duct tape isn’t used most times because it damages the goods. Either that, or they’re organ dealers, because people don’t need the bodies to look pretty when they just want the innards. Judging by the fact that all of the people in the back are girls, she’ll put money on the first one.
“You going to let me drive these girls back before we have our talk?”
“Fine,” Red Hood bites out, moving to sit shotgun. “You move one finger out of line, and I’ll shoot.”
Ladybug tosses the unconscious body out of the driver’s seat.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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allsassnoclass · 4 years
how about “i know we hate each other but it’s christmas eve and your flight was cancelled please come inside” for muke? xx
Here you are my darling I hope you enjoy it!
Ficmas Day 6
Rating: teen and up
Read on AO3
Michael is woken up at ten in the morning by Mariah Carey passionately singing about what she wants for Christmas, accompanied by a voice that Michael has become unfortunately accustomed to within the past four months.  He groans and flops over, pulling his pillow over his head and hoping for the thousandth time that his neighbor might suddenly lose his voice, or at least lose the ability to blast music when Michael is still trying to sleep.  He’s coming off of the night shift and it’s Christmas Eve.  He should be allowed to actually sleep.
The pillow doesn’t help, so he slaps his hand against the wall as loudly as he can.  That doesn’t seem to help either, and Luke keeps hitting high notes that would be really impressive if Michael wasn’t currently plotting his murder.
Plotting Luke Hemming’s murder is something that Michael does frequently.  He’s never immediately disliked someone so quickly, but Luke is not only a professional at waking him up during what little sleep Michael is trying to get, but he has managed to set off the fire alarm with his cooking failures three times already, he sometimes keeps a bike in the hall that Michael almost always manages to run into no matter where it is, and when he watches TV it’s always bad reality programs at top volume.  His mail continuously somehow ends up in Michael’s slot, and he never says “thank you” when Michael gives it to him.  He has an endless trail of people tramping in and out of his apartment at all hours, but Calum said he got passive-aggressive about buzzing him up when Michael was still in the shower, despite them having met in the lobby multiple times and Luke knowing that Calum is Michael’s emergency contact.
When Michael ran into him during his move-in and said hi, Luke’s dog had growled at him.
Dogs love Michael.
Despite his cherubic blonde curls and dreamy blue eyes, Luke Hemmings might be the devil.  This was only confirmed when he started playing Christmas music and decorating his door the day after Halloween.
Michal isn’t a grinch.  He likes Christmas as much as the next person who grew up celebrating it, but he likes when it’s confined to the proper month.  There’s something to be said about the feel-good movies and lights twinkling against the snow at night, but he works overnights at a 24 hour grocery store, and at this point Christmas music makes him want to claw his ears off.  Luke doesn’t seem to listen to anything else, and he has a wreath and line of jingle bells on his door.  Michael doesn’t even want to see what the inside of his apartment looks like.
His one solace is that today Luke is catching a plane to go back to his parents’ house.  Their bedrooms share a wall, and Michael has heard him making plans to load up Petunia and spend Christmas at his childhood home.  Michael is not so lucky, confined to his apartment for the holiday.
He’s not sure what his plans are yet.  He’s trying not to be too sad about it, but it’s difficult when everyone under the sun is getting to spend it with family and he’s going in for a night shift.
The song on the other side of the wall switches to “Baby, It’s Cold Outside.”  Michael tries to block out Luke’s self-dueting and viciously stamps down the jealousy bubbling in his gut.
Luke finally leaves the apartment at 2 pm.  Michael hears him cooing to his dog and the jangle of keys as he locks up, and then the apartment is blessedly silent.  He lays in bed for an hour scrolling through his phone, but eventually seeing everyone’s messages about the holiday and seeing their families becomes too much and he gets up, making his way to the shower.  The apartment is colder than usual, and when he looks out the window he only sees a mass of white, swirling too fast to make out individual flakes.  Chicago seems to be living up to its nickname.  Maybe it’s a good thing that he doesn’t have to drive far to get to work tomorrow.  He bundles up in his coziest sweatshirt and sweatpants and his favorite pair of fuzzy socks, anyway.
Michael is getting something to eat when he hears Luke’s voice again, still talking to his dog.  It’s clearly coming from the hallway, and Michael frowns when something thumps, followed by Luke apologizing.  He leaves the plate with his half eaten toast on the counter and presses his ear to the door, trying to make the words take distinct shape.
“... know, girl, but we’re almost back,” Luke says.  “Then we’ll… I don’t know.  We’ll figure something else out, right?  Fuck, where are my fucking keys?”  Something else hits the floor.  Luke sniffs.
“Fuck,” he says, but it’s small and fragile.  Michael hasn’t heard Luke sound defeated before now, and he doesn’t think he ever wants to hear it again.  To know that someone who typically is annoyingly joyful is unable to keep up that demeanor outside the privacy of his own home makes Michael’s heart break a little.
Maybe that’s why he opens the door.  Michael doesn’t know; if he was asked, he’d have to say that he was reaching for the doorknob before his mind caught up with his limbs.
Luke scrambles at the sound, wiping at his eyes.  He’s crouched on the floor, mittens in his hand, a large duffle on the floor next to him and a backpack open in front.  Petunia’s dog crate is blocking part of the hallway.
“Luke,” Michael says.  He doesn't have anything else to say; he didn’t think this far ahead.
“I’ll be quieter,” Luke sniffs.  “Sorry.  Don’t want to ruin your perfect day.”
“That’s not why I’m out here,” Michael frowns.  “It’s just a normal day for me.  Did your flight get cancelled?”
“What do you think?” Luke snaps.  “It’s a blizzard out there.  All flights are grounded until at least tomorrow.”
“Sorry,” Michael says.  Luke’s face twists up, and he looks down and takes a breath.  He paws through something in his backpack, but it’s packed in pretty tight and he doesn’t find what he’s looking for, hands falling uselessly after a moment.
“I can’t find my keys,” he says, voice small again.
“Oh.  Do you… you can come and look for them in my apartment, if you want.  Just so you’re not spilling all your stuff in the hallway, you know?”
Luke frowns.
“I guess I could make hot chocolate, too?” Michael offers.  “I mean, it must be pretty cold out there, with the snow and wind and everything.”
“You hate me,” Luke says flatly.
“I know.  Well, I don’t--” he sighs.  Even when he’s trying to do something nice for him, talking to Luke is infuriating.  “Look.  I know that we don’t like each other, but it’s Christmas Eve and your flight was just cancelled.  Do you want hot chocolate or not?”
Luke looks at his backpack, then at the dog crate.
“Can I let Petunia out?”
“Sure, as long as she doesn't growl at me.”
Luke considers for another moment, long enough that Michael has to tamp down the urge to fidget with his sleeves.
“Okay,” he says.  Then, after a delay, “Thanks.”
Michael nods once, then retreats back into his apartment and holds the door open.
Luke gathers up his backpack and drags the dog crate behind him, immediately crouching to undo the clasp once Michael closes the door.
Petunia woofs in the crate while he fumbles with the latch, launching forward and nearly tackling Luke once he finally gets it open.  He hugs her to him, burying his face in her back, and Michael makes himself look away, reaching for the mugs instead and checking to ensure there's water in the kettle before putting it on the stove.
If Luke wants his cocoa made with milk, he can suck it.  Michael hopes he isn't expecting whipped cream, either.
"Can Petunia be on your furniture?" Luke asks, still hugging the wriggling beast.  She's a solid dog.  Michael isn't sure how Luke got her crate down the stairs.
"Sure," he says.  Luke gets her go and she wanders around the apartment sniffing every corner.  Michael hopes he didn't leave any snacks lying around.  He breaks eye contact with the kettle to peer around the corner and ensure that his bedroom door is closed, too.
"So," he says as he gets out two packets of cocoa mix, ripping them open and pouring them into the mugs.  "Where... um, where does your family live?"
He glances at Luke, standing in the middle of the room and looking around with a slight frown on his face.
He could try to seem less judgmental.  Michael's trying to help him out here.
"They're in California," Luke says.  "The northern part."
"Oh.  That'd be a long flight."
"Yeah," Luke says.  He doesn't say anything else and Michael has just about run out of his small talk, so he turns back to the kettle and wills it to heat up faster.  Petunia's dog collar jingles and Michael looks back long enough to see her hop up on the couch next to where Luke has finally sat down.
"You don't have any Christmas decorations up," Luke says.
"Oh," Michael replies.  "No, I guess not."
"Do you not celebrate?  Sorry, I don’t know your religion or anything."
"Not really," he says.  "I mean, I kind of do, but I'm an atheist, and since I can't go home doing Christmas by myself felt depressing.  Calum and I already exchanged gifts."
"Oh," Luke says.  "Where does your family live?"
"St. Louis.  I have a shift tomorrow night, so it didn't seem worth the drive."
"Sorry," Luke frowns.
"S'okay.  Better than trying to go home and having the flight be cancelled."
Luke purses his lips.  Michael hopes he doesn’t start crying.  Thankfully the kettle chooses that moment to squeal, giving Michael something to do besides stare dumbly at Luke.  For someone who spent what was probably a very frustrating and frazzling amount of time at the airport, his hair looks infuriatingly good right now.
"Do you want marshmallows?" he asks.  "They're a little stale."
"Sure," Luke says.  "Thanks."
Michael gets the marshmallows from his cupboard and plops a few into each of their drinks.  He gives Luke the mug his parents got him with his college logo, keeping the Marvel one that Calum bought for himself.  Luke takes the mug with both hands, their fingers touching, and Michael tries not to snatch his hand back.  Petunia leans forward to sniff, making Michael give her a wide berth on the way to his wicker armchair.
"Are you scared of my dog?" Luke asks.  "Look, I know she has some pit bull in her, but that doesn't mean she's a monster.  She's really sweet."
"She growled at me when we met."
"When was that?"
Typical.  Michael isn't even a big enough blip on Luke's radar for him to remember that they met when he moved in.  Sure, Luke probably met a lot of people that day, but Michael lives right next door, and they've obviously seen each other a lot since then.
"When you moved in.  I was leaving for a shift, you were moving boxes around, and she came out and growled at me."
"Huh."  Luke looks at her.  Petunia looks right back, completely unbothered.  "She's really not typically like that.  The stress of the move made her moody.  If you let her sniff you now, she'll let you pet her.  Come on."
He sets down his cocoa and gestures Michael forward.
"Dude, it's not a big deal."
"It is," Luke says.  He looks sincerely distressed.  Michael immediately wants to correct that, like Luke has some sort of weird superpower that makes everyone around him want to keep him happy.  "I want you to like my dog.  She wants to like you, too."
"Fine," Michael says, rolling his eyes.  "I'll meet your stupid dog."
Luke beams.  He has dimples.  Somehow, this is the worst thing that has happened to Michael today.  His insides feel funny, like he swallowed pop rocks.
"Be nice, Piggy," Luke says to the dog.  Michael cautiously holds out his hand, letting Petunia snuffle at it.  Soon enough she must decide that he isn't worth the trouble because she puts her head back down and lets Michael run a hand over her back.
"She really likes it when you scratch behind her ears."
He tries that out, watching the way her ears flick forward and back and how she keeps moving her eyes from him to Luke.  She sighs and smacks her lips twice, kicking out her back leg and stretching further on the couch.
"See?" Luke says.  "She likes you."
Michael smiles, sitting gingerly on the edge of the couch so he can continue to pet her.
"I miss dogs," he says.  "I keep wanting to get one, but I work too much right now."
"What is it you do?" Luke asks.  He drinks some of his hot chocolate, pulling a face but going back in for another sip.  MIchael’s not sure if that means his cocoa sucks or is acceptable.
"I work nights at a grocery store, but I babysit for some of the families here, too."
"Really?' Luke asks.
"Don't sound so surprised," Michael snorts.
"Sorry," Luke says.  "You just don't strike me as a kid person."
Michael shrugs.  Luke has a point.  Michael was an only child and he gets tired and grumpy easily.  Still, hanging out with his kids usually isn’t that bad.
"It pays well.  They're little demons, but at this point all of them like me, so it's not too bad.  The hardest thing is pretending to be bad at their video games so they don't get upset because I'm beating them."
“I guess,” Luke says.  “I’m a hairstylist, and our salon is pretty high-end.  We don’t get a lot of kids, thank goodness.  I’d be scared that they’d move and I’d cut off the wrong chunk of hair.”
Huh.  That must be why his hair always looks so good.
“You think my hair looks good?” Luke asks.
Shit.  Michael is too used to being alone in the apartment and allowed to speak all of his thoughts to the air.
He shrugs.
Luke makes a pleased noise and drinks more of his cocoa.  His cheeks look a little red, possibly a side effect of him still wearing his coat even though he’s inside with a warm drink.
Michael goes back to his chair and picks up his own cocoa.  Luke takes a few more sips, but it seems like he has used up most of his small talk, too, although he tries as he goes through his backpack, commenting on the book he tucked in there but probably wouldn’t have read and occasionally cooing at Petunia.  Michael is grateful when he finishes his own drink and can take it to the sink to rinse it, spying his half-eaten toast and taking a bite along the way.
Luke finds his keys quickly, zipped into an outside pocket.
“Thanks for the cocoa, and letting me let Petunia out,” Luke says, standing in the middle of the room again, backpack on and keys in hand.
“Yeah, sure,” Michael replies.  “Hope you have a good Christmas.”
“You too,” Luke says.  Michael looks at everything in the room other than him.  Luke grabs his things, calls to Petunia, and leaves for the apartment next door.
There’s a knock on Michael’s door a few hours later.  It’s still snowing pretty heavily outside, white flakes standing out against a black sky whenever they pass by a light, so it must be someone in the building.  Michael hopes it’s not someone needing a last-minute babysitter.  He’s still tired and trying to savor his one night off, even if he doesn’t have any plans beyond video games and movies.  He’s going to have to resist shouting at the tv into the early morning now that Luke is home again, but he was still looking forward to it.
Luke is standing outside his door.
“Hi,” Michael says slowly.
“Hey,” Luke says.  “Do you want to have dinner?”
“What?” Michael asks, sure that he heard something wrong or is misunderstanding something.
“I dunno.  You’re here, I’m here, neither of us are doing anything.  I don’t really want to eat alone on Christmas Eve.”
Oh.  Michael hopes for once his pale complexion isn’t betraying him, but he can feel his ears burn.  Luke is not asking him on a date; he’s just bored and lonely.  Luke also has automatically assumed that Michael doesn’t have a life and isn’t doing anything which--while true--is a little offensive.
“Okay,” he shrugs.  “What do you want to eat?”
“Well…” Luke looks down at his feet, ever so slightly pigeon-toed.  He has really nice legs, even when they’re covered in baggy sweatpants instead of the usual skin-tight pants Michael typically spies him in.  “I wasn’t planning on being here for a bit, so I have some pasta but no sauce, or I have pancake mix.  We might be able to walk to the Chinese place at the corner, but I don’t know if they’re open with the blizzard.”
“Pancakes sound good,” Michael says.  “I have some eggs, if you want those.”
“Thanks,” Luke says.  “I have some bread for toast and jam and butter.  That’s a full meal.  Want to come to mine?”
“Sure,” Michael says.  “I’ll get the eggs.”
Michael lets his door swing closed.  He toes on his shoes and grabs his phone, then almost forgets the eggs anyway and has to double back to the kitchen.
He doesn’t know if he’s supposed to walk right in to Luke’s apartment or knock out of politeness.  After a moment of deliberation he chooses the latter, navigating around the wreath to rap his knuckles against the wood, which sends Petunia barking and therefore might have been the wrong choice.  Luke doesn’t seem bothered when he opens the door, though.  He just smiles and steps aside, then tells Petunia to stop.  Petunia actually greets Michael at the door, too, snuffling at his feet before trotting after Luke to the kitchen area.
"Woah," he says involuntarily once he gets a clear look at the apartment.  There's a fake tree in the corner, which he expected, but what takes him aback is the tinsel hanging from the ceiling in green and red, the small Santas and snowmen standing proud on available surfaces like the TV stand, side table, and counter, and the numerous other fake evergreen springs scattered around.  There are Christmas pillows on the couch.  There's a wooden reindeer on the wall.
Michael knew that Luke loved Christmas given the numerous carol-sessions and decorations seen from outside the apartment, but somehow he still hadn't considered that the inside would look like this.
"I got started already," Luke calls from the kitchen.  Michael breaks himself out of his decoration shock and follows him into the small area, looking in the mixing bowl Luke gestures to.  The batter inside doesn't appear to be mixed very well, just milk sitting around a mound of powder.  "I don't know when you usually eat, since you work so late, but I hope you don't mind.  If you hate it you don't have to eat it or whatever; I'm not the best cook and I know that you're just humoring me."
Luke puts his hands on the counter and sighs.
"Sorry.  I'm rambling."
"It's okay," Michael says.  "I prefer rambling to awkward silence."
"I'm great at awkwardness," Luke says.  "I excel at being awkward.  If it's possible to make a situation more awkward, I can do it."
"Yeah, I'm getting that," Michael says, eyeing him.  This Luke is different than the Luke Michael so often sees in the hallway.  He's softened by the grey tracksuit he's wearing, hair now pulled half-up, slight embarrassment staining his movements.  This Luke is approachable and comfortable.  Michael thinks he can find his footing here.  The Luke that he interacted with before today is intimidating in his heeled ankle boots and silk shirts.  This one seems like... well, a little like a dork.
Michael reaches for the pancake mix box while Luke takes a fork and starts stirring.
"Hey, did you put an egg in?"
Luke freezes.
"This needs eggs?"
Huh.  This Luke is a dork who is hopeless in the kitchen.
"You weren't underestimating your cooking skills earlier," he says.  "Have you made pancakes before?"
"It was a while ago, okay?" Luke defends.  "I eat out a lot."
"Every self-respecting person should be able to make pancakes," Michael says.  He takes one of the eggs and cracks it over the bowl, Luke pausing in his mixing to give him room.  Thankfully, Luke seems to have a griddle plugged in and warming up.  Michael thinks it probably was a housewarming present that doesn't get much use.
"What kind of eggs do you want?" Michael asks.
"Uh, scrambled."
"How many?"
"You choose."
Michael has never cooked with Luke.  Michael has never seen Luke eat and therefore doesn't know his appetite.  Michael has no clue what to do with that answer.
"Can I have a pan?" he asks.
"Sure," Luke says distractedly, forcefully stabbing at the egg in his mixing bowl to break the yoke.  "They're right over there."
He kicks his leg out towards one of the lower cabinets, right behind where Petunia has taken up residence.
"Hey Petunia, want to move?" he asks her, crouching and slowly opening the drawer.  She stares at him.  He scratches behind her ears and continues to pull the drawer out as far as he can, but it's not far enough.  Eventually she must find the drawer pushing into her back more inconvenient than shifting her position, because she heaves herself up and leaves to sit by her food dish in the corner instead.
"Is this mixed enough?" Luke asks.  He tilts the bowl and Michael cranes his neck to see.  The fact that Luke is asking him at all is weird, because Michael himself isn't exactly in the running for a Michelin star, but there's something to be said about the easy way Luke has admitted his weakness here and turned to Michael for help.  Michael himself would probably just keep messing stuff up rather than admit he needed guidance.
"Um, it's a little lumpy still."
Luke sighs and begins mixing again.  Michael finds a suitable pan and begins cracking eggs.
True to his promises, Luke keeps rambling all throughout the dinner-making process.  He talks about his favorite foods and his friends and asks Michael if they can add chocolate chips to half the pancakes, as if Luke is the guest here instead of Michael.  When he remembers to catch his breath, he asks Michael about himself, seeking the information he had already ended up word-vomiting.  It's a lot more endearing than Michael thought it would be.  For how annoying he finds Luke, there's something endlessly charming about hearing him nervously spout facts about himself.  It's even more charming when he doesn't reprimand Michael for eating some chocolate chips straight out of the bag.
He manages to get batter on his nose halfway through the cooking process.  When Michael points it out, Luke's cheeks turn a pretty shade of pink, and Michael makes himself turn to start the toast.
The pancakes land themselves on a plate and Luke gets out another two for them to use.  Michael splits the eggs between them and Luke hands out the toast, then they take two of the stools at the counter to eat.
They're not exactly the best pancakes he's ever eaten, but they're not bad at all.  They're made even better by the fact that Michael isn't eating them alone.
Being on a different schedule than everyone else and living alone means that the vast majority of his meals are spent by himself, typically with the tv on just to give a bit of noise.  While Luke turns on the radio softly, Michael barely registers it, too busy listening to Luke's stories of the salon and countering with tales from the night shift at the grocery.  It's deceptively easy to keep conversation flowing between them.
Before Michael has taken his first bite of pancake, he's already decided that hating Luke was a stupid decision.
Of course, Luke is just lonely on Christmas Eve.  While he's smiling and laughing hard enough at things Michael says to sometimes duck forward, close enough to rest his head on Michael's shoulder if he wanted, there's no guarantee that something like this will ever happen with them again.
Michael chews his last few bites slowly.
“Hey,” Luke says as he’s putting the plates in the sink, where the mixing bowl and pan are already taking up residence, “do you want to stay for a bit?  If you don’t have work or anything?  I usually watch some movies on Christmas Eve, but if you don’t want to we can do something else, like…”  He looks around his apartment, biting his lip.  Michael does not stare.  “I have some decks of cards?  We can have more hot chocolate?”
“I’d be down for a movie,” Michael says.  Luke's shoulders slump in relief.  It makes Michael feel better that Luke would be relieved over him staying.  He's astoundingly easy to read up close, emotions flickering over his face and seeping into his body language to create an open book.  It makes it easier to believe that Luke was asking out of a genuine desire to keep his company, rather than misplaced politeness or simple loneliness.
"Great!" Luke says.  "Awesome."
"What do you usually watch?" Michael asks.
"Uh, the Lord of the Rings."
That wasn't what Michael was expecting.  Honestly, he was betting on Elf.
"Like, all three?  Isn't that twelve hours?"
"We usually have them going right after lunch.  I think my parents hoped that watching would tire us out so we wouldn't wake them up early to open presents before church."
"Did it work?" Michael asks.
"Nope," Luke grins.  "Jack--one of my brothers--always ensured we were awake when the sun rose."
"If I had a brother wake me up that early, I would kill him," Michael says.
"Not me.  I wanted him to," Luke says.  "I loved running to the living room and seeing all of the presents and our stockings lined up.  I didn't want to wait a moment more than I had to."
Michael tries to picture a younger Luke Hemmings running excitedly to look under his Christmas tree, early rays of dawn streaming in through a window and fresh snow on the ground.
He doesn't know what Luke looked like back then.  It puts a damper on things, but the image is soaked in nostalgia and happiness regardless.
"If you wake me up early tomorrow it'll be the last thing you do, but we can watch Lord of the Rings," he says.  Luke grins.
"Can we make a blanket fort, too?" he asks.
"What are you, six?"
Luke's face immediately crumples.
"No, not like that!  It's not a bad thing!" he backpedals.  "Like, I'm just teasing.  I do it with all of my friends.  If Calum had asked I'd have said the same thing even though I want to."
Luke eyes him critically.
"We're friends now?"
Michael rubs at his chest.  He hadn't even thought before he had said that.  He shouldn't have assumed.  If Luke hadn't warmed up to him in the entirety of their four months as neighbors, why should one night make any difference?
"I guess," he says.  "Why not?  I gave you eggs."
"Yeah, a true sign of friendship," Luke says dryly.
Fuck.  He fucked this up.
"I should go," he says, starting for the door.  Luke lurches into motion, catching his arm as he passes.  It sends goosebumps erupting across his skin, freezing him in his tracks.
"Wait, don't," Luke says.  "Sorry.  We're friends.  Don't go, please.  I didn't--we're friends.  I want us to be friends."
He releases Michael's arm, and Michael feels like he can breath again.
"We're really bad at this," he says.  It makes Luke laugh, lifting at least half the heaviness in the air.  "We're friends, we're going to make a fucking blanket fort, and we're going to watch Lord of the Rings.  Right?"
"Right," Luke says.
"Good.  Let's get started on that blanket fort."
Luke's definition of a blanket fort is more of a nest.  They don't have anything tall enough to prop up a ceiling unless they take the cushions they need to use as a floor, even with Michael going back to his own apartment to bring pillows and blankets.  In the end, Luke moves his small coffee table and they simply pile as much padding and blankets as they can find in front of the couch.  Luke pops a bag of popcorn and offers beverages.  Once he gets settled Petunia flops down next to him, leaving Michael to set up the movie with Luke giving directions, since neither of them could disturb Petunia in good conscience.
Luke ends up disturbing her anyway to take her outside for the bathroom so she doesn't interrupt the movie.
Being alone in Luke's apartment with no distraction is strange, so he takes out his phone and texts Calum.
To Calpal: im in lukes apartment we had pancakes and now we are watching lord of the rings
From Calpal: ???? hot mean neighbor luke?
To Calpal: yeah his flight was cancelled
From Calpal: ????????????? I thought you hated him
To Calpal: hes kinda a dork cant cook for shit his dog likes me now hes kinda funny too we are officially friends
From Calpal: ??????????????????????
Luke’s door opens, and Michael has to scramble for the popcorn so Petunia won’t be able to get at it while Luke takes off his boots and jacket.
To Calpal: g2g tell you later
“Hey, Petunia,” Michael says when she presses against him, stretching for the popcorn he’s holding out of reach.  He runs a hand over her back, fur cold and damp.  “Is it still snowing?”
“A little,” Luke calls.  “I think it’ll stop soon.”  He gets the main light, leaving a lamp on a side table lit, then flops down on the blankets and cushions, shoulder knocking Michael’s briefly.
Luke presses play, and the opening instrumental and Galadriel’s narration fills the small apartment.
Luke is chatty during movies.  Michael would be more annoyed by it if this wasn’t clearly a movie he had seen millions of times before with a million memories to accompany.  Besides, when Michael says he’d like to be a hobbit so he could snack all the time, Luke makes another bag of popcorn for him without asking.
“Do you think--” he asks, then stops.  On screen, the Fellowship arrives at Lothlorien.
“Do I think what?” Michael prompts.
“Do you think I’ll be able to go home tomorrow?”
Michael looks at him, lounging back on the cushions with one of the blankets pulled around him.  He let his hair down, curls shadowing his face a bit more in the low light.
“Yeah, if the snow stops,” he says.  “But if not… if you’re still lonely, you can hang out with me until I go to work.”
“Really?” Luke asks.
“Yeah, why not,” Michael says.  “If you’re not sick of me, I don’t have any plans.  I was just going to play video games.”
Luke smiles at him.
“I like video games.”
“Great.  We’ll play video games.”
Michael turns back to the movie, but Luke’s hand snakes over a snoring Petunia and grabs his own.
“Thank you,” he says.  “Really.  You’ve made what would’ve been a really shit time into a surprisingly nice Christmas.”
“It’s not even Christmas yet,” Michael says, feeling his cheeks heat up.  Thankfully Luke won’t be able to see it in the low light.
“You’ll make that nice, too.”
Michael squirms under his attention.  It feels too nice, and that’s something he can’t afford to consider right now.
“Um, I think there’s an important scene coming up,” he says.  Luke squeezes his hand again, but returns his attention back to the screen.  
Michael is the one to put the second movie in, because Luke is still sniffling over the ending of the first.  Michael’s not sure if he’s allowed to tease him for it, especially when his own eyes welled up.  He cries over movies pretty easily, and there’s something to be said about the loyalty and love packed into the last piece of the story, something that Michael occasionally wonders if he’ll ever find.
He comes close with Calum, but Calum also has a roommate and boyfriend.  Michael wouldn’t mind another person to love, too.
“I think this one is my least favorite,” Luke says drowsily when Michael presses play.  “Too much Gollum.  He used to give me nightmares as a kid.”
“Really?” Michael asks.  Luke nods.
“That, and the scene in the first one where they’re making the Uruk-hai and they appear from the mud.”
“When I was young, I had lots of nightmares about showing up to school in my underwear and everyone laughing at me.  It would happen once a week.  I started ditching school because it made me too nervous.”
Luke hums.
“I wouldn’t have laughed at you.”
“It was middle school.  Everyone would’ve laughed.”
“Not now,” Luke says.  “I know you now.  I’d wait until I knew you were okay to laugh.”
“Thanks,” Michael says.  Luke nods.   He keeps sinking lower and lower into the blankets, eyelids drooping more every time Michael checks on him.  Michael himself would still be in the middle of his shift at the grocery store on a typical day, and he could keep going for hours.  The relaxed atmosphere they’ve formed might let him clock out early, though.
They watch most of this movie in silence, Luke’s commentary diminishing more and more as the movie wears on.  There are a few times where Michael thinks he’s finally fallen asleep and he should take his leave, but then Luke will shift or say something else.
“Michael?” he asks eventually, voice small and eyes closed.  He’s curled on his side facing him, giving up any pretence of continuing to watch.
“Will you stay here tonight?”
“Sure,” he says.  Luke smiles and snuggles deeper into the blanket.  His breathing evens out more, slipping seamlessly into sleep.  Michael looks at the way his eyelashes brush his cheeks, savoring the unguarded expression on his face.  He’s almost ethereal like this, as fair and otherworldly as the elves on the tv but twice as captivating.
Michael puts the third movie in once it’s time.  He’s asleep within ten minutes.
Michael wakes disoriented, tangled in multiple blankets and propped on too many pillows.  There’s noise somewhere near him, someone else shuffling and the rustle of a jacket being put on, but it doesn’t feel out of place.  This person isn’t an enemy breaking in.
“Wha?” he asks, trying to turn towards the noise.
“Sorry, sorry,” Luke murmurs.  “I’m going to try to see if I can get to church.  Go back to sleep.”
Soft fingers brush his hair to the side, lingering.  He leans into the touch before it’s gone.
He rolls over and goes back to sleep.
The smell of coffee draws him fully out of sleep a while later.  Michael blinks and does his best to detangle himself, sitting up and looking around groggily until he processes Luke standing at the counter, mug in hand.  It’s a sight that Michael could get used to if he was allowed.  He’s in his typical jeans and fancy shirt, a juxtaposition to yesterday, and Michael isn’t sure what that means about the dorky guy who wanted to make a blanket fort rather than the one who always brushed by Michael in the hallway.
He clears his throat.  Luke’s answering grin is wide and familiar.
“Hi,” he says.
“Good morning,” Luke says.  “Afternoon.  Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas,” he hums.  “Coffee?”
Luke pours another mug, offering Michael cream and sugar.  He brings it over, and this time when their fingers brush over the mug Michael doesn’t feel the need to snatch his hand away.
“How was church?” he asks.
“It was good,” Luke says.  “The plows were out overnight, so I was only a little late.”  He looks down at his mug, fingertip tracing the rim.  “I wish I had been able to go with my family.  It’s fine though.  Mum will probably have us go on Sunday.”
Michael nods.
“I, uh, got a message from the airport, too.  My flight got rescheduled.  I’m going to have to leave in about an hour.”
“Oh,” Michael says.
“What?  No, this is a good thing.  I’m glad you get to go home,” he says, hoping he doesn’t sound too disappointed.  He had been looking forward to spending part of the day with Luke more than he thought, and to have that taken away from him feels like a punch to the gut.
“Guess we’re going to have to reschedule the video games,” Luke says.
“Or,” he says, “we could go on a date?”
Michael gives himself whiplash with how quickly he looks up.
“I, uh, don’t know if you even like guys,” Luke says, “but I’ve had a lot of fun with you, and I’ve always thought you were cute.”
“I thought you didn’t like me until yesterday.”
Luke shrugs.
“I can think you’re hot and be frustrated about it at the same time.”
Michael nods because yeah, that tracks.  Michael has never kidded himself about how nice Luke is to look at, even when he was cursing his name for waking him up with Christmas carols.
“Yeah,” he says.
“Yeah, you agree that you’re hot and frustrating?  Or--”
“Yeah, let’s go on a date.  Or stay in on a date.  Whatever you want.”
Luke grins.  Michael hides his smile behind his cup of coffee, but Luke can probably see it anyway.
“Want some pancakes?” Luke asks.  “We have the leftovers from yesterday.”
“If you can handle heating them up.”
Luke swats at him on the way past and Michael tries to trip him in retaliation.  It almost works, earning him a reproachful look that he responds to with a wink.  Luke ducks his head.
Michael is going to flirt with him so hard in the future.  He can’t wait to see Luke’s face turn different shades of pink.
They have to clean up the blanket fort after breakfast, and by then Luke barely has time to get Petunia ready before needing to leave.  Michael offers to drive him to the airport, but Luke says Petunia rides best in his car, and he’d rather park it at the airport so he doesn’t have to call for a ride home.
Luke walks him to his door, even though it’s only a few feet away.
“Hey,” he says.  “Thanks again for making me pancakes and watching movies with me, and for inviting me in for hot chocolate earlier.  I’m glad you did.”
“I’m glad you said yes,” Michael says.  “Let me know when you get back.”
“I will.”
“Have a good time,” Michael says.  “Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas, Michael.”
Luke leans forward and kisses his cheek.  When he steps back, he’s smiling again.  Michael mirrors it and stays standing in front of his door until Luke has disappeared into his.
His apartment feels small and empty after sharing Luke’s for the night.  There’s no pillow fort spread on the floor nor dog lounging on the couch.
Of course, Luke’s apartment will be empty soon, too.  He’ll be with his family, enjoying Christmas day with them, while Michael’s own parents will be without him for the first year since he was born.
He brings out his phone and dials his home number, listening to it ring a few times before someone picks up.
“Michael?  How are you?  Merry Christmas!”
“Merry Christmas Mum,” he says.
“Oh, we miss you, darling,” she says.  “We wish you could be here.  Are you still having an alright time?”
“I actually am,” he says.  “I, uh, was celebrating with someone this morning.  Have I mentioned my neighbor Luke?”
“No, I don’t think you have.  Why don’t you tell me about him?”
Michael gets comfortable on his couch and tells his mother all about spending Christmas with Luke Hemmings.
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personasintro · 5 years
Next Door | myg [oneshot]
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⏤𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬; Your neighbor doesn’t respect your complaints about him being loud, but you don’t let it slide so easily.
⏤𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: mentions of masturbation, strong language, dirty talk, oral sex [female and male receiving], spanking, slight ass play, rough sex, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, creampie, multiple orgasms, forced orgasm
⏤𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗿𝗲: fluff (?), smut
⏤𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱𝘀 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 10.3k
m.list / ko-fi
A/N: Yes cats can growl. Also, don’t forget to follow me for more ^.^ and let me know what you think about this one!
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A big groan leaves your lips as you cover your ears while shutting your eyes. The sound of loud music echoing throughout your bedroom even through your covered ears. Fucking asshole. You curse at your fucking rude neighbor who blasts his music every night and if not — you can hear some whiny girly moans as the headboard of his bed bangs against the thin wall. You already live here for two months — two months with constant disturbance caused by your neighbor. You check the clock on your phone. 
Another bass echoes throughout the thin walls. That’s it. You angrily put your slippers before tying up your fluffy pink robe. You storm out of your apartment, legs stopping in front of your neighbor’s front door. Knocking, you cross your arms over your chest as you wait for him to get his rude ass over there. As you wait a whole minute for him to open the freaking door — there’s nothing happening. You can still hear the music blasting through his apartment and that’s when you decide to angrily knock on his front door. Over and over again. You’re ready to kick the door when they suddenly open causing you to stop your movements.
The first thing you notice are his sharp eyes glancing down at you. You’ve seen him couple of times, but not so close. Black T-shirt is hugging his torso as gray sweatpants match his whole outfit. “Can I help you?” he quirks his eyebrows at you, looking at you with annoyed expression. That audacity.
You furrow your eyebrows, crossing your hands over your chest once again showing your annoyance towards him. “Yeah, can you turn the volume down?” you ask as he just stares at you.
“Does it bother you?” he asks, as his lips stretches to a little smirk. He sees the annoyance and anger on your face and it amuses him. You standing there in your fluffy robe and ridiculous slides. Who the hell dresses like that?
“Obviously. It’s already ten.” you inform him as he just shrugs his shoulders.
“And? Turn the volume down or I’m calling police!” you bark at him loosing your patience. But you only grow even angrier and annoyed when you see the amused expression he holds.
“No need to be so snappy, kitty.” He muses as he sees your face getting red. Red from anger. 
“Kitty?” you say through your gritted teeth as you see he has a one big show from this. 
“Okay, I’ll turn the volume down. Happy?” he rolls his eyes as your lips twitches in annoyance.
You don’t say anything back, scared you’d probably slap him across his handsome face. As you turn around, you hear his voice. The raspy and sweet voice but at the same time too annoying. 
“Oh, by the way... nice slippers, kitty.” he says with smirk before closing his front door. You look at the closed door dumbfounded before adverting your eyes to your slippers. To your very comfortable and fluffy slippers with cat’s plushie head. Kitty. That asshole. You angrily storm inside your apartment — silent apartment. 
Thank god.
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You smack your lips in delight from the amazing sleep you managed to got. The fresh sheets feels amazing on your body and skin as the scent of your fabric softener fills your nose. Blissful. You’re awake but your eyes stay closed while you're enjoy the sound of birds warbling outside. The soft sound of little ‘meow’ is heard — maybe too close for it to be outside. You open your eyes to see a white cat sitting on your bed looking straight at you. You jump in your bed causing the cat hiss at you as you’ve scared her.
“What the fuck?” you exclaim with your raspy slash morning voice as you stare at the small pet glaring at you. How did it get here? 
You knew you should’ve left your balcony door closed. You wouldn’t leave it opened, if this summer wouldn’t be too hot at nights to bare it without air conditioning. Which you don’t have, so the only option was to sleep with opened windows and balcony door. You step on your balcony, sun blinding you for a moment causing you to squint your eyes at the brightness. You’re trying to find where the cat could come from, since you’re living on the third floor it couldn’t jumped in from the tree. You look to your right seeing your neighbor’s — annoying neighbor’s — balcony door opened. Of course it’s his cat. You’ve seen him couple of times with a cat food in his hands as he came from the grocery shopping. Poor cat. Thanks to the balconies being really close to each other, it was no trouble for the cat to jump into yours. You walk in to your bedroom seeing the cat sitting on the same spot.
“Okay, you gotta go,” you tell her as you’re trying to forget the fact you’re talking to an actual cat. You try to pick her up only for her to hiss at you, her nose scrunching as she reveals her sharp teeth. “Fucking cat, even his cat is rude.” you mumble as you’ve jumped in fear. 
Reaching for your robe, putting on your kitty slippers your neighbor commented about — you barge out of your apartment. You knock violently against his front door, your morning ruined by him once again. And his freaking cat. Your stomach grumbles in desperate need of breakfast and coffee, but no, here you’re banging on his door once again.
“Jesus Christ, can you stop knocking so much?” he grumbles as he opens his front door seeing you. His hair is tousled as he squints his eyes at you. You woke him up. But you don’t even feel bad about it. Your eyes has mind on their own as you check out his pyjamas. Black T-shirt with some dark blue pyjamas shorts hugs his posture perfectly and you hate him for that. His simple pyjamas looks perfect on him even though he looks tired. Although, he smirks at you as he sees you checking him out.
You blush standing your ground as you quickly advert your eyes away from him. “Your fucking cat is in my apartment!” you bark at him. “It had to go through your balcony to mine.” you explain.
“She.” he speaks as you furrow your eyebrows in confusion. 
“Huh?” you look at him dumbfounded, already annoyed with his presence. 
“It’s she. Not it.” he informs you with annoyance causing you to roll your eyes.
“I don’t fucking care. Take it,” you demand and he raise his eyebrow at you. “Take it or I’m throwing it out of the balcony!” you say maybe too exaggerated but you don’t care.
“You wouldn’t dare!” he gasps as he angrily shoots you a nasty glare. Of course you wouldn’t. You love animals which includes cats as well — but he doesn’t know that. Plus it seems like that cat doesn’t like you.
“Oh, watch me,” you provoke him as you’re turning around already opening your front door. His loud steps are following you before he barges inside your home completely dismissing you. “Hey! You can’t just walk in!” you call out at him as he ignores you calling his cat’s name.
“Holly!” he calls out as he whistles the sound of loud 'meow' coming from your bedroom. She runs to her owner already rubbing her body against his legs. He picks her up as she purrs loudly. He turns around walking out of your home as you’re following him. 
“You’re welcome!” you yell at him but he ignores you as you angrily shut your front door.
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You’re in the middle of doing your grocery shopping as you notice familiar figure couple of meters away. He glances at the different cups of ramen as he tosses a few into his little basket. You turn around with annoyance already creeping its way out as you remember his rude trespassing to your home. You’re walking to a different direction, purposely, as you’re taking all of your groceries from the basket ready to pay for it. There’s a kind woman as a cashier, greeting you politely before scanning your items. You glance behind you seeing him standing right there already looking at you. None of you say ‘hi’ while both of you look annoyed as hell. You kindly smile at the cashier as you pay for your items putting it in your plastic bag. It takes you a while as he pays for his own stuff, mostly ramen and cat’s food. By the time you already hid your groceries, you’re both walking out of the store. You stop in your tracks as rain is pouring, the nitrous air fills your nose. And of course, you forgot to bring an umbrella. You didn’t even know it was supposed to rain! You quickly walk squinting your eyes as the rain hits your face wetting your clothes and hair.
“Do you want a ride?” you hear him as he opens his car with the car keys. The look of surprise doesn’t go unnoticed. You really need it but the way he’s looking at you with those sharp eyes like he’s already regretting asking you that. 
“No, thanks.” you mutter as you start walking away.
“Fine, then be drenched by rain.” he yells unbothered making you stop in your tracks. He’s right. It doesn’t look like it’s stopping any second and you still have at least ten minutes walk to your apartment building. And you’re already getting drenched up and the last thing you need is for you to get sick. 
“Fine.” you say quickly walking to his car, already sitting in it.
He doesn’t say anything simply turning the engine on. The way to your home is awkward, as the droplets of rain are hitting the car but it oddly feels calm. “So, I don’t get ‘thank you’ from you?” he speaks as he stops his car to let people pass by with their umbrellas at crossing.
“You mean the thank you I never got?” you quirk your brow at him as he doesn’t spare you a glance, looking at the road in front of him. You’re looking all annoyed at him but you secretly admire him as the black hoodie looks way good on him with his matching black cap. 
“Thank you for what?” he asks confused as you scoff.
“For getting your cat, of course.” you answer while shaking your head in disbelief. Did he already forget? 
“The last time I checked, I was the one who got her.” he says and you gape at his rudeness.
“Oh, that’s right. You’ve disrupt my home privacy by barging in like you own it.” you scoff as he chuckles.
“I was trying to get Holly back,” he simply says and you’re quite surprised. No rude response? You almost feel bad for being so rude to him. “And if I were you I wouldn’t go there since you’re the one barging on my doorstep every day.” he adds as he spits those words at you. You take it back. You definitely don’t feel bad about your attitude.
“W—what?” you gape at him in disbelief as you see satisfied smirk on his lips and if he wouldn’t be driving, you would barge at him. Luckily for him, your safety is on the first place. “If you would stop blasting that awful music so loud I wouldn’t be doing that! I’m not even talking about how you should shut up your girl’s mouth!” you bark at him, frustration clear in your voice.
“Maybe I should shut yours,” he says casually and you open your mouth as you gasp. What does he meant by that? Did he think— “That wasn’t what I was planning but I guess it worked.” he adds obviously amused by your frustration. He’s making fun of you and if it wouldn’t be raining, you’d rather be walking for an whole two hours than to ride with him.
Thankfully, he parks in front of your apartment building and you’re quickly stepping out of the car. You think you’ll be able to avoid him and snatch elevator so he’d have to wait for it or go by the stairs, but he easily catches to you and you huff in annoyance. “Where are your manners?” he speaks to you, obviously trying to get some reaction from you. And you wouldn’t give him that pleasure, although your sharp tongue just has to interfere.
“Where your politeness is.” you say as you step into the elevator, hitting the ‘3’ button as he slowly walks in.
 “Real classy, kitty.” he chimes as you groan.
“Stop calling me that!” you huff in annoyance. 
“Then what should I call you? I don’t know your name.” he shrugs his shoulders and you’re ready to tell him to fuck off — but then he’d be just calling you that all the time and that ridiculous nickname or pet name, whatever the fuck that is, irritates the hell out of you. 
“Y/N, my name’s Y/N.” you tell him as he stays silent. You look at him making sure he heard you, but of course he did. There’s no way he didn’t hear you.
You quirk your brows at him as he glances at you. Silent and grumpy ‘what?’ leaves his soft and small lips. His eyes somehow covered by his cap but you still manage to see them. “What’s yours?” you ask.
“I’m not telling you.” he shrugs and you gasp as the elevator door opens. You both walk out as you’re gaping at him with opened mouth.
“But I told you mine!” you trail after him, offended he tricked you. “That’s not fair.” you whine as he looks for his keys.
“Bye, kitty.” He gives you last smirk as he opens his door disappearing in his home. Fucking asshole.
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The whole week filled with silence in your home gave you at least some kind of peace — thinking he probably gave up making your life miserable. But then you hear the familiar banging against your bedroom wall. The headboard of his bed banging loudly, waking you up. You’re trying to fall asleep while trying to ignore the awful and very loud moans. Fuck. You sit on your bed violently banging on your wall with your fists. It hurts but you don’t care as long as he gets the message. But then you hear his voice pretty clearly. 
“Come on, louder.” he encourages the girl as you can practically hear the smirk in his voice. 
The girl suddenly whines loudly as she’s gasping for air. Soon enough you hear her reaching her climax as you can hear their skin slapping against each other. You don’t want it — but you imagine the way he must look as he tries to reach his climax. Soon enough you don’t feel anything. Did he cum? What the fuck? Why do you even care, Y/N? And then you shut your eyes trying to control your beating heart. He knew you heard him. He knew it all but he still continued. What a prick. It takes twenty freaking minutes for you to fall asleep once again. This time your dreams filled with your neighbor fucking you.
You’re about to take your trash out as you see your neighbor’s door being opened. A girl, no a woman, walks out of his door closing it after her. She isn’t definitely much younger or older than you, probably around the same age. Her hair somehow curled, which used to be probably nice curls but after her wild night it’s all messed up now. You sigh as you’re locking your front door. She stops looking at you before coughing awkwardly. 
“Sorry for being loud.” she says before quickly scurrying away not waiting for any of your response. At least she has some guts to apologize. When you’re returning back, after taking your trash out you see him. He walks out of his apartment in fitted jeans with white shirt, jeans hugging his ass perfectly.
He looks your way feeling your eyes on him. “Oh, it’s you.” he mumbles and you’re already fuming.
“Yeah, it’s me.” yoou bark at him annoyingly as he rolls his eyes not even trying to do it discreetly. “What the fuck was yesterday?” you exclaim as he thinks about for a moment.
“A Friday, I think.” he shrugs his shoulders as he shows his keys to his back pockets. 
“You know what I mean!” you say angrily as his lips twitches in amusement. Of course, he knows what you mean. But it’s too fun for him to stop irritating you.
“I don’t recall.” he acts like he tries to remember and you groan. “You fucking some chick! You know I could hear you! You did it purposely!”
He chuckles as he shows his fingers in his pockets. He looks hot, but you’d never say it out loud. “Oh, so you were listening? Did you enjoy it?” he asks amused as you’re ready to take off your shoes just to throw it at him.
“Fucking prick! What do you think about me? I don’t care who you’re fucking as long as your mouths are shut!” you tell him angrily as you see him looking at you unbothered — like this is not even about him.
“Look, it’s not my fault you’re not getting laid. Stop ruining my fun.” he says as you gape at him like some fish.
“W—what? What do you know about my sex life? Wait, it’s none of your business!” you ramble as he easily got you even more frustrated.
“Oh, come on,” he huffs, clearly not believing you. “Anyway, as much as I would like to talk to you about sex, I have better things to do. Bye kitty.” he waves at you as you give him your middle finger, making sure he sees it as he only smirks at you disappearing in elevator.
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You started to think his purpose on this world is to annoy you all the time. You’re watching your television trying to mute out the noises and laughter coming from his apartment. 11:08pm — it shows on your clock. Your eyes tiredly closes but you can’t sleep due to the noise. Are you the only one who hears that? Why isn’t anyone else complaining? Yeah, maybe it’s because there’s an old couple living on the next side of his apartment and they can barely hear. One time you had to scream at that old lady ‘good morning’ because she couldn’t hear you. You’re already tired of constantly knocking on his door like some bitch who’s constantly complaining. But on the other hand — why you should be a bitch? Because you’re trying to have some peace after your whole day in work? Of course, young people like to party and invite their friends over. Or even blast their music, who doesn’t do that? But not every-fucking-day. You sigh already walking to his door — it’s almost like some ritual. The door awfully familiar to you — even though you’ve the same — but his door mat of cat’s meme as it shows its middle finger is definitely different than from your basic beige one. You tiredly knock but still manage to knock louder in case he’d hear you. Soon enough there’s a blonde hair peeking out from the door. He opens the door wider smiling at you with his eye smile. 
“Hello, can I help you?” he asks kindly as you’re making sure you knocked on the right door. You look down at the rug — yup, it’s the right door.
“Mmm—“ “Walt? Are we being too loud?” he asks as you only nod. “Aish, I told them to be quiet but Yoongi said it’s fine.” Yoongi?
“It’s okay, I just—“ you wave at him, feeling like he’ll take care of the noise but he cuts you off. “Come in, you probably want to talk to him not to me.” Talk to who? Your neighbor? Hell no.
“No, that’s not really necessarily, I’m actually going to—“
“Nonsense, come in or they’ll continue in being loud,” he says already pulling you in into your neighbor’s home. Surprisingly enough, his home smells nice. The sweet scents of coconut, wood and something you can’t quite put your finger on fills your nose. “I’m Jimin, by the way.” he tells you before leading you further to your neighbor’s home. His interior is minimalistic, modern and very clean which surprises you. He definitely has some taste in house interior. You can already tell his apartment is bigger than yours and even that small fact annoys you somehow. You don’t even know why. There’s a group of guys sitting in spacious living room as big screen television is on the wall.
“Guys, we’ve a visitor.” he speaks loudly so the rest of the group stops chattering before looking at you. Your eyes are already focused on Yoongi as he sits on his sofa staring at you confusingly. Before none of you can say the word, someone beats you to it.
“Y/N?” you hear curious voice as your eyes follow the sound finding your co-worker sitting on the floor staring at you surprisingly. “What are you doing here?”
“Jeongguk?” you ask as you see him already smiling at you revealing his bunny smile. 
“Wait, you two know each other?” Jimin asks dumbfounded and you notice his reddened cheeks while he keeps smiling all the time. He’s tipsy.
“Yeah, we’re co-workers.” Jeongguk answers happily as you feel your neighbor’s eyes on you. “But what are you doing here? I’m hanging out with my friends.”
“I live here.” you inform him as his eyes widen in shock. “Wait! Yoongi is your neighbor?” he asks loudly causing everyone in the group watching the scene in front of him. 
So that’s his name. You smirk at Yoongi with knowing look saying something like ‘ha! I know your name now!’. He glares at you while you feel satisfaction. 
“So he’s the neighbor you complained about?”
Damn, Jungguk and his mouth. But you nod nevertheless. “Yeah, the one and only.” you grumble giving Yoongi a fake smile and he shows you his middle finger.
“Guys, I told you we’ve to be quiet. We probably woke you up.” Jimin says pouring at you like he knows you for the longest time — except you’ve met like literally five minutes ago.
“No, you didn’t. Don’t worry, I just thought...” you trail off awkwardly. I just thought Yoongi is doing it on purpose — you wanted to say but you stopped yourself. “Never mind. I’m leaving.” you say as you quickly wave them off not noticing Yoongi standing up.
He walks you to his front door little smirk playing on his lips. “What?” you grumble as he leans against his door frame when you’re out of his home.
“I didn’t know you’re talking about me with your co-workers.” he muses as he cocks his head to side enjoying your annoyed face. 
“I’m not talking about you. I’m complaining about you.” you inform him.
“Yeah, you complain while you’re talking.” he shrugs and you annoyingly turn around. 
“Whatever, leave me alone.” you grumble again.
“You came to my home. I didn’t even invite you in.” he calls out to you, not loudly though.
“Yeah, like you did couple of weeks ago. We’re even, I guess.” you call out to him back as you’re opening your doors with keys.
“Goodnight, kitty.” he says with little smirk on his lips as he looks incredibly hot and like a douchebag at the same time.
But you smirk at him back, waving at him; “Bye, Yoongi.” His name rolls off your tongue smoothly as you don’t wait for his reaction. Simply closing the door with satisfied grin on your lips.
Yoongi storms into his apartment glaring at his friend as soon as he sees his blonde hair and innocent smile. “Did you have to seriously do that?” he grumbles as he sits back to his seat, reaching for a beer. 
“Do what?” Jimin asks cluelessly as Yoongi rolls his eyes at him.
“Invite her in.” he answers grumpily as he feels Jungguk’s eyes on him. 
“Why? You don’t like her or what?” This time his other friend asks, Hoseok, as he doesn’t understand Yoongi’s reaction. You seemed nice and polite, why does he looks so freaking annoyed and irritated?
“She’s that fucking annoying neighbor who complains all the time, the one I mentioned you.” he explains as he still remembers your little smirk as you said his name. He doesn’t even know why it pisses him off so much. It’s just a name. But it seems like a constant competition between you two. 
“Ah, I remember you mentioning her.” Hoseok hums as he clearly remembers Yoongi’s words ‘she’s so fucking annoying’.
“Hyung, I don’t want to be rude but... you’re the one who always blasts your music and is extremely loud.” Jeongguk comes to your rescue, as he sees his friend already glaring at him with those sharp eyes. 
“Oh, I forgot. You’re co-workers.” Yoongi says mockingly causing Jungguk to furrow his brows. Well, he definitely understands why you called his friend a ‘fucking rude prick’. Also Jungguk remembers the way he cursed at his friend without knowing he’s the one you two talked about saying; ‘Wow, he’s so fucking rude. You should call police.’
“We are. But I didn’t have any idea you’re the one she complains about.” he shrugs innocently as Yoongi rolls his eyes. Of course you had to complain to someone. Miss Uptight Prude.
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“Your place is nice, but don’t you want to have more flowers in here? It’s kind of dead here.” Your mom comments as you’re preparing plates on your dining table. 
“Love, this is her home. Let her be.” Your dad comes to your rescue as you smile at him which he gladly returns. 
As you’re waiting for your food to heat, there’s a huge conversation between your parents. A loud conversation. Your mom video calls to your older sister who’s on her vacation in America, causing her to speak very loudly because the connection is bad. You massage your temples as your mom yells ‘We miss you baby!’ to your older sister as she tries to hear what she’s saying. This causes your mom to say it, no more like yell couple of more times. You’re ready to tell her something, when there’s a knock on your front door.
“I’m gonna get door, someone’s knocking.” you inform your parents as they’re completely ignoring you trying to hear your sister’s words. You roll your eyes at them not understanding why don’t they just decline the call since the connection is pretty bad.
Opening your door you reveal one pair of sharp eyes looking at you grumpily as you widen your eyes in shock. What is he doing here? “Yoongi?” you ask as you see him irritably inhaling. You almost want to smirk at him but you stop yourself.
“You’re being fucking loud.” he complains as you lean onto your door frame. 
“Oh? So what?” you ask irritating him even more. But that’s what he deserves for constantly being so loud.
His eyebrow irritably twitches as he purses his lips. “Mute it down or I’m calling cops.” he says sternly and you loudly gasp ready to throw a numerous amount of curses at him, when you feel hands on your shoulders slightly pushing you away.
“Sweetheart, I didn’t know you’re expecting someone.” Your mom smiles at your evil neighbor. 
“I’m not—“ you try to say as your mom waves your hand at you cutting you off with her own voice. Plain rude. 
“Hello, I’m Y/N’s mom. It’s so nice to meet you!” she says happily. Yoongi looks for a second at her outstretched hand as he gives you a look. The one where he mischievously grins taking your mom’s hand.
“It’s so nice to meet you, ma’am. I’m Min Yoongi.” he introduces himself and that’s when you realize he said his full name. Min Yoongi. It sounds too nice for belonging to a devil with angel looking face.
“Are you Y/N’s friend?” she keeps getting more curious as she doesn’t see the warning eyes you have set on Yoongi. He clearly sees them as he smirks at you. 
“I am.” he nods and you gasp at him ready to call him out on his huge lie. But then of course, your mom interrupts whatever you’ve been planning as she opens your door wider. 
“Come in! We’re just about to have a dinner!” she says and Yoongi casually walks in. He walks in like he’s been there hundreds of time which he hasn’t. Expect that one time when he rudely came in to get his devil cat.
“Honey! We’ve a visitor!” Your mom calls to your dad as he puts his phone to his pocket. Thank god, they stopped calling. It’d be even more embarrassing. Wait, since when do you care about what Yoongi thinks? Your parents introduces to Yoongi as he kindly shakes your dad’s hand. He even freaking bows to your parents. You’re quite surprised to see him being so polite, but of course it’s just his fake side of him.
“Do you want to have a dinner with us? Y/N cooked for us.” Your mom says as you’re gripping the spatula in your hand. 
“Actually, I—“
But the devil himself cuts you off, as you hear his soft voice. “Of course.” he nods and is already sitting at your dining table. 
He doesn’t see your face, since you’re standing with his back to him, but he knows he just annoyed the shit out of you. And you also know he’s having a victorious grin without even looking at him. When you put food on everyone’s plate you’re silently eating as you feel completely awkward as you sit next to Yoongi. He silently eats the food you cooked and it seems like he likes it, since he doesn’t have some sarcastic remarks. Although, he probably wouldn’t have when your parents are here.
“So, how long have you been living here?” Your mom asks as she takes another bite of the food. He mentioned he’s your neighbor as they introduced themselves. Yoongi gulps as he looks at your mom who sits on the other side of you. 
“For a year.” he answers and your brows surprisingly shoots your eyebrows. He lives here for a year already?
“How do you like living here? Both of you?” she asks as she looks at the both of you, trying to make a conversation. Yoongi opens his mouth to answer her but you quickly chime in. 
“I mean, there’s this annoying neighbor who doesn’t know what silence is. He’s extremely loud with his music and different... stuff.” you answer your mouth pursing your lips at Yoongi as he glares at you.
“That must be so annoying!” Your mom exclaim as she puts her hand over her heart. 
“Then there’s this other neighbor who complains all the time knocking on his door every day.” he tells your mom and you glare at him. It’s very immature for the two of you doing this, but you simply don’t care.
“I don’t like people who complain a lot,” Your mom says as a smug grin appears on Yoongi’s lips. You can see him from your peripheral vision but you don’t give him that satisfaction of looking at him. “First of all, this is an apartment building, so it’s clear there would be some noise.” Yoongi nods to her, loud ‘exactly’ leaving his mouth as you roll your eyes.
“Well, first of all, even though this is an apartment building, there should be still some rules.” you speak loudly causing your mom to widen her eyes little bit. 
“Of course,” she nods as you sigh continuing eating because you won’t ruin your appetite because of Yoongi. “Well, at least the two of you get along.” she says happily as you and Yoongi exchange your looks. 
The rest of the dinner is spent in silence and as everyone finishes eating, your parents leave. They say goodbye to you and Yoongi also, as he doesn’t leave. You’re cleaning your kitchen as you see him standing there watching you.
“What are you still doing here?” you ask raising your brow at him. 
“I don’t even know. Bye, kitty.” he waves at you as he leaves. He didn’t even try to help!
“Asshole!” you yell hoping he heard you, continuing in scrubbing the grease off your pan.
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What is better way to wake up than waking up with amazing smell of pancakes filling your home. You open your eyes as sunlight blindes you for a moment. Your stomach grumbles at the amazing smell which definitely isn’t coming from your home. You walk to your balcony seeing Yoongi’s balcony door opened as well. The amazing smell is coming from his apartment. You sigh as you walk to your fridge to find it almost empty. Also, there is no ingredients to make pancakes which you’re craving thanks to your neighbor. But there’s an idea creating in your mind, as you’re already brushing your teeth and trying to make yourself look somehow more presentable. You’re already knocking on his door, the absurd door mat with middle finger making you feel unwelcomed but it doesn’t discourage you as you hear footsteps. There’s Yoongi standing with his hair disheveled, the silver color making him look even more interesting. He’s still wearing his pajamas, at least you suppose as white T-shirt and dark blue pajamas shorts are covering his body. 
“What?” he asks grumpily as he sees your face.
You don’t take it personally as you happily smile, ready for your revenge. “Good morning, neighbor.” you greet him pushing him out of way already walking inside. 
“Hey!” he yells after you quickly closing his front door before trailing after you. It doesn’t take a long to find a kitchen, amazing and delicious smell leads you. His kitchen is similar to yours, but still bigger and fancier. There’s a plate of pancakes with strawberries, banana and Nutella on the side. Your mouth is already watering as you’re ready to take a pancake. But Yoongi slaps your hand before it can touch delicious pancake.
“What do you think you’re doing?” he asks lowly as you look at the pancake. So close. 
“I want to eat, obviously.” You answer casually like it’s a obvious thing.
“Nobody invited you.” he informs you as he crosses his arms over his chest, making his biceps buldge out. He isn’t that broad but he still has some muscles on his body and it is proved now. 
“I didn’t invite you yesterday either so...” you trail off, wanting to get this argument over with and already eat. Delicious smell is enough to make your stomach grumble.
“I see what you’re doing, Y/N.” he says and the fact that he uses your real name instead that awful nickname he gave you, means he’s too serious. 
“What am I doing?” you ask acting clueless. 
“You’re trying to get back at me because of yesterday. And I didn’t exactly come uninvited, your mom invited me.” he says as he takes the plate with pancakes away from you.
“But my mom has no right to invite some stranger to my home!” you exclaim as he suddenly smirks at you. 
“Oh, are we strangers? I thought we’re already pass that stage, kitty,” he visibly smiles in triumph when he sees your red face. “I think you should leave then, stranger.” he says standing there with plate full of delicious looking pancakes as your stomach grumbles once again.
“Come on! I’m hungry.” you pout reaching for pancakes but he only dodges from your hands. 
“Not my business.” he mutters as he tries not to look at your little pout. 
“Come on, let’s eat. You’re skinny, you’ve to eat.” you say brightly as he looks at you before scoffing.
“I am skinny? What about you?” he chuckles at you while shaking his head. You look down at your stomach which has some fat in it but it’s covered by your large T-shirt. 
“I’m definitely not skinny. I should start working out and eat healthy, but I’m too lazy for that. But it’s okay, I’m comfortable with my body.” you shrug as he just stares at you. Does she really think she needs to work out? He asks himself as he stares at your curves which are placed in the right places. He feels like your large T-shirt is covering your true body and he somehow whishes he would see it better.
“Can we eat now?” you ask as your stomach growls loudly causing you to pat it. He doesn’t say anything as he simply turns around sitting at his dining table. That’s your cue to do the same as you eat in silence. You moan at your first bite, as the flavor of strawberries and Nutella reaches your tongue. Yoongi ignores you the whole time, eating in silent as he doesn’t glance at you — not even once. Holly decides to make an appearance when she jumps into Yoongi’s lap as he starts to pet her. He smiles at the pet as he scrubs her behind her ear causing her to purr.
“What?” he asks annoyed as he feels your eyes on him. You just shrug. 
“It’s just weird.” you mumble as he sighs. 
“What’s weird?” he asks anyway.
“You being nice.” you answer casually shrugging your shoulders as he gapes feeling slightly offended. 
“I’m nice!” he argues and you laugh.
“You’re definitely not!” you still laugh while arguing with him. He bites into his lips to prevent him to smile at the way you laugh at him with your chubby cheeks full of food. 
“You’re here, aren’t you?” he raises his brow and you calm down from your laughter.
“Hmm, I am.” you nod still grinning at him. You’re done with eating putting your plate in the sink as you’re ready to wash it. 
“What are you doing?” he asks as he puts his empty plate onto yours.
“I’m cleaning after myself.” you answer as he sighs. 
“I’ll wash it,” he mumbles as you gasp. “I told you I can be nice.”
Holly jumps onto his counter and you eye the animal as she stares at you. “I think she doesn’t like me.” you mumble as Yoongi continue to wash dishes. 
“Who? Holly? Nah, she’s a sweetheart.” he argues.
“Come on, go down. This is very unhygienic,” you tell the cat as you’re patting her butt to jump off. But instead she growls at you making you step back. “See? She doesn’t like me!” you exclaim looking at the devil cat who stares at you.
“Because you’re telling her what to do.” he tells you easily as you furrow your brows at her.
“Anyways, thank you for breakfast, I guess.” you say as you’re turning around. 
“Are you leaving?” he asks almost too quickly and you turn back around to look at him with smirk. 
“Aw, do you want me to stay?” you coo as he glares at you.
“Of course not, get out and don’t come back.” he says almost too rudely and you purse your lips. 
“Asshole.” you say as you send him a middle finger before leaving. Fucking asshole.
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To say things got better with Yoongi would be a complete lie. You feel like he started to ignore you even more, this time he wouldn’t even greet you — but you can’t say anything since you’ve never greet him as well. It was just a couple of days ago, when you heard the same banging of his headboard into the thin wall. You somehow felt even more angry than ever. Maybe it was a small amount of jealousy you felt about the woman he fucked. Yoongi sexually attracts you and there’s nothing you can do about it. Maybe his cold attitude should repel you, but it doesn’t. Instead you somehow want his attention. His smirk engraved in your mind as you’re wondering how would it feel to let him fuck you. The sounds you always here is enough to tell you he isn’t about that vanilla sex. He’s like a beast, but you never hear him. You only hear women’s moans and seeing a different woman every time is enough to tell you, that he isn’t in any relationship. Even that should repel you. You’ve always loved men who are caring, loving and are couple type. But then there’s a Yoongi — complete opposite who attracts you so much that you’ve thought about him when you had your fingers burried inside of you. You pretended it’s him inside of you, knowing he’s way bigger than your three slim fingers. But even your fingers inside of you and shower head on your clit weren’t enough for you to please you — something that never happened.
Couple of days passed without hearing any woman’s moans or banging on your wall. However his loud music is completely another story. You knock on his wall with your fist for like tenth time but he ignores you. So you decide to knock on his front door but he still ignores you. You give up feeling how much tired you’re but you can’t sleep because of the loudness he’s causing. That’s when you get angry at him and dial police number. Maybe it’s too immature but you don’t care. You need to sleep and you’re done with his rude attitude. He even started to ignore you completely and that somehow pisses you off even more than his constant disturbing. Soon enough you hear police men coming to Yoongi’s door knocking. He opens the door after a while and you wish you could see his face. But instead you only stand behind the door listening to their conversation silently. “We’re sorry to disturb you, sir but there’s been a complaint about a noise.” One of the police men says.
“Really?” Yoongi asks but his voice somehow amused already knowing who complained. You bite into your lips knowing he knows exactly who called police. 
“We have to ask you to keep it down, there are neighbors who wants to sleep at this hour.” they say politely as Yoongi answers with ‘sure’ before they leave. He turns the music completely off and you smile in victory. 
You’re happily walking to your bedroom when there is angry knocking on your front door. You already know who is behind it. You sigh as you open your door with annoyed expression. 
“Did you just fucking called a police on me?” he barks at you too loudly causing your face scrunch at his loud voice.
“I told you I would if you don’t keep it down.” you answer him as he fumes like some angry bull. Shit, he’s angry. You see him clenching his jaw as he barges inside your home. 
“Hey!” you yell at him as you close your door with big thump. “You can’t just—“ You’re cut off when he barges onto you, your back hitting your front door as he kisses you harshly. He holds you face in place as he hungrily kisses your mouth, your teeth clutching against his but you don’t care. He tugs his arms under your thighs, easily pulling you up. You naturally wrap your legs around his waist as you hold onto his shoulders. He continues kissing you hungrily as you moan into his mouth. You’re already feeling your underwear sticking to your heat, getting too much turned on by just simple act. He pulls away to catch his breath but he’s already sucking your neck. “What—“ He shuts you up with his lips once again.
“Shut the fuck up.” he says between the kisses. In other cases you’d tell him to fuck off or something but you feel yourself clench around nothing instead. It’s almost too embarrassing to admit how much does this turn you on. He grinds his crotch against yours — your crotch meeting the material of his sweatpants.
“Fuck.” you moan out as you feel his hardened cock against your thin material of your panties. 
“Do you want more?” he asks breathlessly as he keeps grinding into you. As much as it feels good, it’s not enough to quench your thirst.
“Yes!” you moan as he sucks on your collarbones. Thank god you’re wearing your thin nightdress and not your pajamas with unicorn on it. 
“Mm, I don’t think you deserve it.” he hums against your skin as he pulls the material of your nightdress, revealing your breast. He dips his head down licking your already hardened nipple.
“You want me to beg, don’t you?” you ask breathlessly. 
“You’re smart.” he chuckles as he grazes your nipple with his teeth. You bang your head against your front door causing it to hurt but you don’t care. “I won’t beg, Yoongi.” you chuckle at the thought of you begging. Who does he think he is? He grins into you harshly causing you to whimper.
“Beg, or I’m leaving.” he says too sternly and serious and you know he’s not fucking around. 
“I hate you.” you spit as he smirks at you. 
“Likewise.” he mumbles but kisses you.
“What do you want, kitty?” he asks as he sucks on your collarbones. 
“Seriously? This is the biggest turn off.” you mumble as he laughs, an actual laugh and you’re happy you’re looking at him right at that moment. A gummy smile appears on his smile and it’s the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen. He’s so beautiful and mesmerizing. 
“But you’re wet, aren’t you?” he asks with raised brow and you shut up.
“Please, just...” you try to speak as he grins gripping your naked ass harshly as your nightdress ride up when he picked you up. You feel his big hands on your ass as he grabs it harshly, causing you to bite your lip. You can’t wait longer. You’ve never wanted someone that bad. “Please, just fuck me,” you beg as he smirks. “I need you.” you continue not even realizing how pathetic you sound.
“You’re so needy.” je says almost mockingly detaching you from the front door, still holding you in his hands. His arms holds you securely as he kisses you roughly again. He already walks into your bedroom, putting you down as you stare at him. 
“How did you know where my bedroom is?” you ask him as he strips down his T-shirt and that’s the first time you see him topless. And boy, is that a good sight. His skin is pale as it shines and looks so smoothly. His whole body looks healthy as deep v-line is disappearing into his sweatpants. You clench just from the sight of him. 
“We share the same wall, you forgot?” he asks as he hovers over you.
“How could I forgot? I heard you having a sex countless time.” you mutter, the pang of jealously hitting your stomach and chest. Yoongi shuts you up with his lips. 
“I’m about to fuck you, aren’t I?” he says with little smile making it sound like he’s assuring you.
“Can I take this off?” he asks softly as his fingers glaze around the hem of your nightdress. 
“Yes.” you answer maybe too quickly which he smirks to but doesn’t say anything. 
You sit up as he’s already taking it off revealing your naked breasts. You see him lick his lips coating it with his saliva already pushing you to lay down. He’s taking your other nipple into his hands while he grabs the other one with his hand. You’re squirming in his hold as you’re enjoying the feel of his mouth and hands on you. He slowly trails down to your stomach pecking it little before he scoots down — his head between your legs. He parts them so he can fit more comfortably as he takes a inhale of your heat. You blush at him as he smirks up at you. You’re still wearing your panties and he kisses your clit through your fabric. He’s teasing you and you know it.
“Do you want me to eat you out?” he asks as he looks at you with those sharp eyes. The same one who constantly glares at you giving you a nasty look, but this time they’re filled with lust causing them to appear more dark and shiny than usual. 
“I... You can.” you say unsurely as he furrows his brows slightly.
“Has anyone ever eaten you out?” His question causing you to bite the inside of your cheek. He asks it casually and straightforward taking you off guard for a moment. 
“No.” you answer as you see his eyes widen. 
“How’s that possible?” he asks confusingly as you awkwardly cough.
“I don’t know... they never did.” you answer awkwardly thinking about your two and only exes. They were all about vanilla sex, something you like but you still missed some action. Some dominance, someone who would put you in your place and seeing Yoongi — he’s the perfect one for doing exactly that. 
“They’re missing out,” he mumbles as he’s pulling your underwear down, sliding it against your smooth legs. Thank god you shaved yourself this morning. He puffs some air onto your revealed heat as he watches you squirm. “So pink and beautiful.” you blush at his shameless words but still clench at his dirty words. 
He sees it but doesn’t comment on it as he dips his head kissing your clit. Your fingers naturally grab his silver hair grinding onto his face. He starts sucking on your clit fingers grazing over your hole. He’s only teasing you with his fingers and you’re ready to scold him. Luckily, he trails his lips down to your hole thrusting with his tongue slowly and you moan out loud. You get why those women are so vocal. He’s unbelievable. Meanwhile his fingers move to your clit pinching it as you arch your back thrusting into his face. He doesn’t say anything nor he can, when his whole face is stuffed between your legs. He doesn’t stop, only picking his pace causing you to whimper. You bite your lips trying not to scream at how good he fucks you. Your pussy tightens around his tongue as you feel yourself cumming. You grip his hair harder causing him to moan into your pussy while he helps you to ride out of your orgasm. As you feel your cum dripping down your hole you try to control your breath. But Yoongi isn’t done when he’s licking your cum of you and you whimper at the overstimulation. 
“Yoongi..” you beg causing him to pull away with winning smirk. His whole chin and lips are glistening by your cum and the sight is unbelievably pleasing and arousing. Even though you just came, you still feel yourself begging for more. Yoongi sits on his knees as he grabs your nightdress wiping his chin with it. You notice the outline of his cock in his sweatpants and you’re already sitting up.
“Lay down,” you say feeling yourself still wet from your cum and new arousal. You gently push him to lay down and he peacefully obeys. “Can I take these off?” you ask, your fingers already hooked around the hem of his sweatpants and boxer briefs. 
“Why didn’t you already?” Is all he says and that’s his approval as you’re already taking it off. His cock springs free and your mouth water at the sight of him. It stands straight from the arousal in desperate need for attention. There is a pre-cum glistening at his tip and you’re licking your lips at delightful sight. He’s thick causing you to feel somehow stressed if he’ll fit in.
“You don’t have to—“ he says after a moment of seeing you looking at his cock. He knows he’s been gifted in this particular area so he doesn’t feel self conscious about it, but he’s starting to think you regret it. He’s been asshole to you this whole time, he knows, but he doesn’t want you to feel pressured or something. You cut him off by gripping him in your hand giving him a teasing squeeze. He groans shutting off his mouth not wanting to be vocal. We’ll see about that. You think as you dip your head spitting on his tip before taking him into his mouth. You suck on him, the rest of his cock which isn’t in your mouth is held by your hand. But soon enough you grip his thighs with both of your hands as you try to take as much of him as possible. Your eyes are starting to water as you feel him getting deeper so you swallow. He moans quietly gripping your hair tightly in his fist as you’re lowering yourself on him. Your nose is touching his small pubic hair causing you to not believe you’ve taken all of him. He unexpectedly thrusts into your mouth as you don’t move causing you to gag and pull away. Your saliva is connected to his cock as you cough.
“Shit, you’re so fucking hot,” he says and that’s your cue taking him into your mouth again. This time you don’t pull away as you feel him hitting your throat. You tighten your throat around him by swallowing and he groans tightening his grip on your hair as you whimper. You squeeze your legs together trying to relieve at least some kind of tension between your legs. “Fucking hell, stop.” He growls as you look at him through your lashes, his cock still in your mouth. “Fuck, fuck!” he groans quickly slightly pushing you away from him as you sit down looking at him confusingly.
“Did I do something wrong?” you ask cluelessly as you’re trying to think about some mistakes. You gave couple of blowjobs to your exes and they never complained. 
“I nearly came.” he breathes out as he tries to control his breathing. You open your mouth as he looks at you through his hooded eyes.
“Y-you did?” you ask, surprised by his statement. Were you that good? You’ve never gave a blowjob to someone with big cock like his and it makes you proud somehow — in weird way. But his words makes you happy and proud nevertheless.
“I wanted that bratty mouth of yours wrapped around me ever since you knocked on my fucking door.” he admits shamelessly as you widen your eyes. Even though you stood there in those ridiculous slippers and fluffy robe, your angry eyes with fire in them was all he could think about. But his words are causing you to clench yourself around nothing and you whimper at that feeling. 
“Then what are you waiting for? Fuck me.” you tell him as he growls at you, switching your position. You’re looking straight into his eyes as he hooks his arms around your waist, roughly and in one swift move he turns you onto your stomach. Your face hits your soft pillows as you look sideways so you can breath.
“On your hands and knees. Ass up,” he commands you with dominant voice and you listen to him already arching your ass at him. He pulls your ass cheeks apart seeing your tight hole as he leans down and flicks his tongue around it. You moan not even caring that he’s having his tongue on your literal ass hole. “You’re dripping.” he comments as he drawls his finger across your heat, collecting some of your mixed cum and arousal. You look over your shoulder seeing him putting his finger into his mouth sucking on it.
“You’re nasty.” you comment loudly as he grins. 
“And you love it.” He quirks his brow and you bite your lip. 
“I do.” you admit shamelessly.
You turn your head laying it on your pillow as you wiggle your ass in anticipation. You hear Yoongi chuckle before he delivers a slap on your ass. You gasp at the painfully pleasing feeling as you feel him caressing it right after. He takes his cock into his hands slowly guiding it to your hole. He teases you with running his tip along your slit. “Yoongi,” you whine as he finds it amusing to see you so whiny. He slowly guides his tip in as you widen your eyes. “Stop!” you yell causing him to stop. You turn around seeing him holding his cock and god, the sight is even more pleasing. “Condom?” you ask as he annoyingly looks at you.
“I’m clean,” he says and you quirk your eyebrows at him. “I always fuck with condoms.” he informs you as the look of disbelief crosses your face.
“What about those women?” you ask even though you don’t want to even think about them. You don’t want to ruin this moment. 
“I didn’t fuck them raw.”
“Why?” you ask curiously and he wants to roll his eyes at your curiosity as his cock is starting to hurt. He just wants to fuck your brains out. 
“I don’t know, I never wanted to.” he shrugs as he waits for you to tell him to continue.
But it just has to be you to annoy him some more. “Why do you want to fuck with me raw?” you ask and he groans. 
“I just do, okay? I want to feel all of you and I don’t want that fucking condom between us. But if you’re not on pills I can—“
“No, I’m on birth control.” you cut him off as he feels relief. “And I’m clean.” you add as he looks in your eyes for question.
“Let me fuck you raw.” he says instead as you bite your lip. 
“Yeah, okay.” you add as he already guides his cock to your hole. He slowly enters you as he penetrates you. The burning sensation causing you to shut your eyes as you’re trying to relax.
“You’re taking me so well, fuck.” he growls as he slowly keeps entering you. He fills you to your brim as you gasp at the feeling of fullness. You’re so full. He penetrates your walls amazingly as you clench around him. He squeezes your ass letting you some time to adjust before you start to wiggle your ass at him. He chuckles slapping it before thrusting in and out. He doesn’t start slow, already thrusting in and out in animalistic pace. You grip your sheets tightly as his hands grips your waist to hold you in place.
“Fuck, Yoongi.” you moan out as he finds your g-spot hitting in repeatedly. 
“Fuck, you’re so tight. How long has it been since you’ve fucked with someone?” he asks through his gritted teeth but something is telling you he doesn’t really want to know the answer. So you shut your mouth as he keeps thrusting while growls are leaving his mouth. You’ve never heard him being vocal while having sex but fuck, the sounds are causing you to clench uncontrollably as you’re cumming around him.
“Fuck, are you already cumming?” he mocks you as he slows down letting you ride off your orgasm. He pulls out as he slaps his cock against your slit as you moan. He’s entering once again and you gasp, too sensitive.
“Yoongi, I can’t...” you whimper as he starts hitting all the right places once again. 
“You can and you will. You will take everything, you bitch. That’s what you get for calling police on me.” he snaps at you as his thighs are hitting your ass while his balls are hitting your clit. You feel the amazing arousal already, too close to cum again. His words should’ve made you angry that he’s talking to you with disrespect, although, it turns you on as he slaps you once again. He pats your ass in caring manner before gripping your waist once again. You thrust your ass against him meeting him in the middle causing him to moan. His moves are getting sloppy and you know he’s getting close as he starts to loose his rhythm.
“Come on Yoongi. Cum.” you purr breathlessly loosing your control, cumming for the second time.
“Ow, holy shit, fuck, can I— I’m cumming!” he growls loud as he’s spilling his load into you, coating your walls with his cum. You moan at the feeling of being full. He fucks into you his cum before pulls out slapping you ass with his cock. You lay down, your knees too weak to hold anymore. You turn onto your back seeing Yoongi sitting on his knees. His eyes follows the way his cum is spilling out of you and he licks his lips at the sight. Amazing.
“You’re so fucked out.” he chuckles as he looks at you while you’re grinning at him like some lunatic. You see some movement in the corner causing you to sit up in shock. 
“What the fuck?” you exclaim as you see his cat staring at the both of you.
“I must’ve left my balcony door opened.” Yoongi mutters as he sees his cat jumping onto your bed. 
“Put her down!” you say as the cat growls at you. Is she jealous?
“Come on, go down.” he says as he pats her butt as she jumps off your bed.
“You should really close your balcony door.” you mutter as Yoongi lays down beside you pulling you onto him. It surprises you but you gladly accept it putting your head on his chest. You watch his pale hands laid in his stomach, veins visible on his arms and you bite your lips.
“Mmm, I’ll consider it after this.” he hums as you jokingly slap his chest. 
“I’m serious.” you laugh as he chuckles.
“So am I, kitty.” And this time you slap him harder on his chest.
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turnupbrock · 4 years
Noise Complaint- Colby Brock
This is a request from one of my amazing readers on here. "Can you do one where the reader is Sam or Jakes neighbor and they are trying to sleep or edit so they go over and to tell them to quiet down and they meet Colby or something like that please. And anonymously please"
 Tired was an understatement. You were exhausted. After a long day, you were just finally coming home at 1:30 in the morning. Which was insanely annoying because you knew that you were going to wake up late the next morning. It was a stressful day, you woke up late for your hair appointment which in turn, made you late for your nail appointment, then of course you were late to your photoshoot which was supposed to be at 12 in the afternoon, but instead you made it there at 12:45 due to traffic. Plus you had to film a couple of videos with your friends plus your own video, then they wanted to go shopping which lead to hours of spending money, and then finally you all made it back to their shared house, where you lost track of time, hints why you came home so late. It wore you out.
You didn’t even care that you left all the bags full of your new clothes and jewelry laying on the floor of your living room. All you wanted to was go change out of your uncomfortable clothes, wash all the makeup off your face, and go to sleep. You were asleep on your feet- dead on your feet? Whatever the saying was. You sighed in satisfaction as you patted dry your freshly cleaned face. Looking up in the mirror you saw you now clean face accompanied with your puffy eyes, eyelids hanging low. Walking into your room you took satisfaction with the dark and coolness of the space. Slipping on an oversized shirt and some pajama shorts, you finally crawled into bed.
There were no dreams playing in your head, just blackness, pure peace. That was until loud music invaded your peaceful sleep. You groaned and turned over in bed, you threw your leg over the large space, looking for a cold spot. Once you found one you smiled softly and snuggled your face into your pillow. The music continued to play loudly through the walls making you groan and lift your head to look at the wall. You knew your neighbor, it was Sam with his girlfriend Katrina. She didn’t live with him but she was over a lot. You met them a couple of days after they moved in last year. You guys weren’t close but you were friends. With being neighbors and being friends you came up with a knocking code. Two is to say that you’re being too loud, three is that one of you needs something, and four is just to say hi. Raising your wrist you knocked on the wall twice. After a minute of not getting a response, you knocked again but this time a little louder. Again no response.The music still blasted, keeping you awake. “Fuck” you groaned while getting out of bed.
You bother to fix your messy bun, you just slipped on your vans that were laying on the floor next to your bed. Wrapping your arms around your body, you walked out of your apartment and straight to the door next to yours. Lifting your hand you finally banged loud on the door, not caring if you sound like an ass. You were tired and they were keeping you up. You kept in mind that it was a friday and that it was the weekend, time to party. Finally the door swung open to reveal a tall man with platinum hair and red solo cup in his hand. He offered you a soft smile before smirking, “Saaam you’re in trouuuble” he yelled into the full apartment. You smiled and shook your head at the boy who just shot you a wink and walked away. Sam approached the door but before he could get a word out, Katrina barreled towards you, almost knocking you over. “Oh my god,” Kat gasped in your ear. “I missed you girl.” Releasing her from the hug you reply, “Missed you too babes”
Sam chuckled and pull Kat to his side, “So what’s up?” he asked, his eyebrows drawing in together. You sigh, “ I’m really sorry Sam, you know I love a good party and I bet that this is an amazing kickback and I hate to interrupt-” Sam cut of your rambles with a cute chuckle and shake of his head, “Yes Y/n, I’ll turn down the music” You let out a breathy laugh and shook your head. “Sorry and thank you.” “Of course.” You turned to leave but Sam stopped you, “Wait I have some new merch that will be released in the next few days but as you know, me and a couple of my friends are starting to move tomorrow so let me give you some pieces now.” he explained. “Oh, okay. Great. Thank you sam.” “No problem dude, come in.” Sam stepped back, letting you in. You stepped in and you became very aware of the fact that you were in pajamas and the large shirt made it look like you had no pants on. Katrina saw the hesitation on your face so she slipped her arm around your waist and started to lead you into the living room where all of their friends were in. “It’s okay girl, you look fine.” she reassured you. You slightly nodded your head and gave her a smile.
“Guys this is Y/n, Sam’s neighbor.” she announced to the group. “Y/n that is Corey, Jake, Reggie, Ariya, Kevin, Griffin, Mike,” she pointed to each person as she said their names. “That is Tara, Devyn, Xepher, and Cassie. Tara is Jake’s girlfriend, Cassie is Reggie’s, and Xepher is with Griffin.” “Who used to be my girlfriend,” the one named Mike pointed out. You folded your lips in your mouth, “Welcome to the family meeting” Kevin said, smiling a brilliant smile. You smiled back, “It’s nice to meet you all.” They all seemed nice and you loved their style, it was just like yours. But one guy caught your eye more than the rest, the one with the striking blue eyes and blue hair to match. You eyed if for a moment before looking away because you didn’t want to get caught staring like some creep. Just then Sam came out of his bedroom holding a black hoodie that said xplr written on the strings that tighten the hoodie, a light pink hoodie that said never normal on it, a black shirt that also said never normal, and a white shirt that said I think she wants to be me on it. “Here you go,” he said when handing them off to you. You loved them and how soft they were. “ Thank you so much Sam but you didn’t have to do this,” you said taking them from his hands and laying them in your arms.
Sam wove his hand in the air, “No problem really, I just want some of your merch when it comes out,” he said, winking at you. You giggled and nodded your head, “Sure thing.” You turned back to the group and gave them one last smile and wave before making your way to the door again. “Goodnight guys, thanks again.” “Goodnight Y/n.” Sam said giving a soft smile before closing the door just to open it a second later, “I promise to keep it down mom,” “oh fuck you!” You laughed before walking into your apartment. You could hear their mixed laughter, making you laugh to yourself before closing your door. You walked back into your room and laid down, your mind still having the blue haired boy in your mind, you didn’t hear his name when Kat said it but you swore it started with a C or something around there. You smiled to yourself when you heard the music turn down. Laying back on the bed, you fell right back asleep.
“So who was that?” Mike asked Sam once him and Kat sat back down on the couch. “Oh that’s our neighbor. She does Youtube just like us, met her a couple of days after moving in here. She’s super nice.” “And pretty.” Kat chimed in. The girls nodded in agreement, “Yeah she was gorgeous.” Tara said. “How come she never came over for pizza night? You’ve known her for what? Almost a year at this point?” Reggie questioned. Sam shook his head and reached for his red solo cup, “I have in the past but she said that she didn’t want to intrude on a friend thing. I told her that she wasn’t but she insisted.” “That sucks, I would love to get to know her.” Devyn pouted, slumping into the couch. “Maybe I’ll convince her to come to the next one,” Kat suggested. Which everyone agreed to. Colby couldn’t stop thinking about how beautiful you were. Clean face, no makeup and you still were beautiful. You seemed nice. “Hello. Earth to Colbyyy,” Kevin said waving his hand in front of his face. He shook his head to try and clear his thoughts, “What- sorry. What’s up?” Kevin smirked, “Whatcha thinkin about?” Kevin teased his friend. His cheeks flushed and he felt them heat up, “ Nothing.” “Mmhm. So you weren’t thinking about the hot neighbor?” Ariya asked, tilting his head. Colby’s cheeks heat up more, “OOOO he’s blushing!!” Tara yelled pointing her finger at Colby’s red face.
“Shut up,” he grumbled. Everyone shared a laugh before all conversations resumed and the night went on for another hour and a half before everyone left. Colby threw his keys on the counter before tiredly waddling into his room before crashing on his soft bed. The next morning he woke and reached over to try and grab his phone. But when his hand landed on his nightstand, his phone was nowhere to be found. He lifted his head and groaned when he couldn’t see his phone. Colby sat up and threw on a hoodie that he had lying on the foot of his bed before walking towards the apartment door. Looking at the clock on the over he saw that it was 11, he knew that Sam would be up. Once he reached Sam’s door, he raised his fist to knock, soon after Sam’s voice rang out, “IT’S OPEN!” Colby opened the door and walked in, “Hey brother, I left my phone here last night. Have you seen it?” he asked. When he looked up he saw Kat and you on the coach, “Oh yea, it’s on the table brother.” Sam called from his kitchen where he was packing his silverware. “ Thank you.” Sam hummed in response.
Colby walked into the living room where you and Kat were. “Hey, Y/n right?” Colby asked. You looked up from the tiktok that Katrina was showing you. “Yup. I’m sorry I missed your name last night.” you said your smile morphing into a slight frown. Colby internally melted from how cute you looked in that moment. “Colby,” he replied. You smiled wide at that, “I love that name.” you complimented. Colby smirked, “I would love to have your number.” Your eyes widened, “That was smooth as fuck. I’ll give you points.” You laughed. Katrina and Sam laughed at your remark, “Give me your phone,” Colby smiled and threw you his phone, you pressed your number into it then threw it back. Colby smiled at the name, you put your name in with a black heart at the end with a winky face. You stood up from the couch and yawned, “I’m going to take a nap but I’ll see you guys tonight?” You asked about fixing your pants and looked over at Sam. He nodded, “Yup.” Colby’s eye’s widened along with his smile, “You’re coming over tonight? To hang out with us?” You laughed at Colby’s dumbfounded expression and nodded, “Yeah, figured I’d give it a whirl.” You teased. Colby playfully rolled his eyes, “haha very funny. We’re very funny and nice.” You winked at him, “I’m sure you are. See you later neighbors.” Kat stood up and followed you to the door.
“I wanna take a nap with you!”
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libsterslobsters · 4 years
Since I've Been Loving You...
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Part four of The Song Remains the Same series
Summary: The Reader hadn't had many friends in her lifetime before a chance encounter in Romania brought Bucky Barnes into her life. That's all he is. Just a friend... that she may be slowly falling for. As for Bucky, dating may have changed since the 1940s, but he's pretty sure that's what he and the Reader have been doing for the past four months, and he assumes she's on the same page.. When a night in results in deep fears revealed, both parties involved learn more about themselves and each other than they bargained for.
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x fem! enhanced! Reader
(Reader can see little bits of the future and understands every language)
Warnings: language, mild angst, slow burn (See fic "Communication Breakdown" on my page for resolution), mentions of minor character death, fluff, misunderstandings
Author's note: In this ficlet series, I've referenced the one time Bucky and the reader caught a mouse in her apartment multiple times, so I figured I'd better go ahead and write it 😉. As always, the reader is unnamed, but since these characters live in my head rent free, I call her Violet Aimes.
The radio is on full blast as she dances around her apartment, rearranging a cabinet here, brushing away a cobweb there. Despite the fact that the season is months away, she’s set about the task of Spring Cleaning… in the middle of Autumn.
Since she lives on her own, she rarely has the motivation to clean her apartment. She keeps it functional and hygienic, but other than that, she usually doesn’t do much. That is, until recently, when the most extraordinary thing has happened: she’s made a friend.
As a child, a huge premium is put on your ability to make people’s aquaintances. Every time you go anywhere knew, you’re asked, “Did you make any friends today?” As an adult, friends are seen as nice, but not a priority. That is, unless they can help you get ahead. Since she rarely lets anyone get close to her (it’s too damn dangerous when you see the future, not to mention speak every language automatically, and because of that, the U.S. government would very much like to get it’s hands on you), her list of friends in adulthood has remained quite short. But, it turns out what they say is true: it’s not the quantity that counts, but the quality, and Bucky Barnes is indeed a quality friend to have. He’s kind, he’s loyal, brave, and- she shakes her head- attractive, yes. He’d make someone someday a fine partner. Not her, of course. If there was ever a chance that something like that could happen between them, experience has shown her that once someone learns her secret, they immediately decide it’s best to keep their distance romantically. What was the phrase she heard a while back? Don’t stick your dick in crazy? Well, she can’t blame anyone for thinking that way, dick sticking or not, because while she’ s not crazy, her life definitely is.
Pushing all of those thoughts to the side, she grabs her broom and begins to sweep her kitchen. It’s a small space. In fact, she can only walk three paces in either direction. Still, by the time she’s finished, she has a respectable pile of trash at her feet waiting for the dustpan. Only three more rooms to go in… she glances down at her phone… forty-five minutes. Yikes. Well, if she’s going to spend the afternoon cleaning, she needs an appropriate album to listen to.
Thank goodness for streaming services, because although she has a hefty CD collection (it’s no longer the ‘cool’ way to enjoy music, but what can she say, a girl’s gotta have hobbies), if she started looking through it, she’d be here all day, trying to make a damn decision. So, instead she searches for the first thing that comes to mind: Amy Grant, Heart In Motion. It’s cheesy, but it’s bright and poppy. A perfect combination for getting her though the arduous task of cleaning. So, duster in hand, she slips her earbuds in and, once again, gets to the task at hand.
Bucky’s a few minutes early, so he’s not expecting the door to be open, or even for her to be home. In hindsight, he should’ve texted and asked if it was okay, him showing up before the agreed time, but he didn’t think of it, and now that he’s in her building, well… he’ll just hang around in the hallway until it’s closer to five o’clock.
Not for the first time in the past three months, he thinks to himself that he has absolutely no idea what the protocal is for dating these days. He’s read multiple articles (Reddit is a wellspring of information that he wasn’t necessarily looking for, but there it was) and watched several Youtube videos, but one person seems to contradict another. Wait twenty-four hours after a date to call, no don’t do that, it makes her nervous, but if you call before then, you’ll scare her off with your desperation. Let her determine who makes the first move, but don’t be afraid to take control. Go with casual dates, but make them special. All in all, he can’t help thinking this was much simpler seventy years ago when there were basically three choices on what you’d do on any given night: the movie theater, a diner, or dancing. Maybe a combination of the three, and if you were lucky, possibly parking afterwards. Now… good grief. The best he can figure is to just go with his gut. In essence, get to know her, enjoy their time together. Other than that… well, he’s still figuring it out. So far, things are going slowly, and he’s okay with that. It’s really nice, actually. No pressure for either of them.
He’s still emmersed in his thoughts when he steps out of the elevator and onto the sixth floor. It’s always vaguely noisy. The walls are thin ( the building was constructed before the collapse of the Soviet Union, which he only recently learned about), and there’s several couples cohabiting on this floor who… well, frankly, he’s surprised the ones next door to her haven’t killed each other yet. However, as he gets nearer to the door, one sound grabs his attention. That of someone singing. Singing loudly, and completely off-key. He’s heard some tone-deaf people before, but wow. This is bad.
He’s just outside her door when realization dawns on him. The singer (who is either blissfully unaware of how bad they sound, or simply does not care) is her. He stifles a laugh. The voice is so comically mismatched with the girl he’s come to have quite the crush on. But hey, at least she’s having fun, if the sheer enthusiasm is anything to judge from. In fact, he kind of hates to break up the impromptu concert (although the neighbors might thank him), but he should let her know he’s here.
Thirty seconds after he shoots a quick text in her direction, there’s still no reply, and the singing hasn’t stopped. She’s just moved on to a new song. Phone’s on silent, then. Alright knocking. Just as he raises his hand to do so, his phone dings. “Come on up! It’s open!” Clearly she didn’t take, “I’m here” to mean “I’m right here, ten feet away from where you’re more than likely standing.” Alright then, since he has permission…
He can see straight through the kitchen and living room into her bedroom from the front door, so he usually averts his eyes (everyone deserves some privacy, after all), but today, before he can manage that feat, he catches sight of… is she dancing? It’s not a fox trot, that’s for sure… and is that a feather duster? None of that matters, because, still oblivious that he’s done exactly what she suggested and let himself in, she starts belting out the next verse.
“Classic case of boy meets girl, moving in the same direction.” Oh, now he can see. Her headphones are in. That explains it. “You’re not asking for the world; I’m not asking for perfection.” What’s the best way to go about alerting a person that involved in what they’re doing to your presence without making them jump out of their skin?
“Just a love that’s well designed for passing the test of time-” Knocking is always a classic. Maybe, since he’s closer this time, she’ll hear him. “I’m here to tell you, I’m here to stay. Every hour, every day.” Here it goes.
The good part is, his knocking does get her attention. The bad news-
“Holy fucking-” She jumps, startled, and if her earphones weren’t in, her phone would fall to the floor. “Dammit, Barnes!”
He tries hard, but he’s not entirely certain he’s convincingly covered his laugh with a cough.
“Laugh it up, fuzzball.” She’s trying to seem annoyed, but her own smile gives her away.
“Star Wars, right?”
“Good to know your memory still works. Didn’t your mother ever tell you not to sneak up on people?”
“You told me to let myself in.” Her forehead wrinkles.
“Yeah, but that was when I thought “here” meant “down the street, so you don’t have to stop singing for another two minutes.” She pushes a few escaped hairs back from her forehead. “Are your ears okay? I usually save the live music for when no one else is around.”
He chuckles. “Somehow, I think I’ll make a full recovery.”
“Thank goodness.” Stowing the feather duster, she pushes past him out of the door. “I hope my fine vocal performance haven’t put you completely off, because tonight’s selection is a musical.” Huh. It’s been a while since he watched one of those. Well, apart from whichever Disney flick they’ve caught up on recently (they never watch anything too intense; he still hasn’t figured out if it’s out of concern for his well being or because that’s what she prefers, and he hasn’t worked up the nerve to ask).
He must stay silent for too long, because, cheeks slightly flushed, she explains-
“Don’t knock it just yet. This one’s a classic. Plus, it takes place sometime you’re already familiar with, so you can tell me if there’s any historical inaccuracies.”
“Wait-” He crosses his arms. “-is that an old man joke? Because if it is, I’m gonna have to start on how I woke up only to find out music has been completely ruined by the kids these days.” That’s it. Her smile is back, embarassment erased.
“We’re just gonna have to agree to disagree on that one.” Settling into place on the couch, she boots up her laptop. “Now sit down and watch Singin’ in the Rain with me. It’s the least you could do after taking five years off my life by sneaking around.”
He snickers and with a nod, sits next to her.
“Here’s a historical inaccuracy for you.” She was sort of joking about that part, but it seems like he’s taken it to heart and is good-naturedly pointing out everything Hollywood got wrong about the 1920s. “Hemlines were NOT that short back then. At least, not where I was from.”
“What?” She pretends to be shocked (although truthfully, she is a little). “Don’t tell me the roaring twenties weren’t as wild as The Great Gatsby would have us believe!”
His forehead wrinkles. “I think I read that one. Didn’t think much of it.”
“Don’t tell anyone, but neither did I.” She was bored to death and hated pretty much every single character, but that’s not what’s most important right now. “How long were the dresses back then if they weren’t Debby Reynolds short?”
He seems to think about it a moment, then- “Around here, if I’m remembering right.” His hand brushes just above her knee. “That’s about as wild as it got in our part of Brooklyn, and even that was just the flappers. Of course, my Ma had them all the way down to her ankles until I was grown.” They’ve never spoken about their parents before. She appreciates the trust he’s putting in her, bringing up the distant past. Still, she hesitates before returning the gesture.
“My Mom and I didn’t have a great relationship. She was a little-” She makes a vague motion. “-not all there. She told me that my Dad came from outer space, if you can believe that.” Now that she thinks about it, that’s probably not the weirdest thing she’s ever heard, even if she doubts it’s true. “Anyway, she died when I was sixteen.”
“I’m sorry.” His hand closes over hers, and she forgets how to breath. “Do you have any other family?”
“No.” She shakes her head, attempting to laugh it off. “Just me.”
They’re silent for a few minutes, and she’s about to make a joke to lighten the mood, when-
“I had a sister. Rebecca.” He sighs. “She’s dead now. Looked it up. I thought about looking up her kids, but it’s probably better if I didn’t.”
In a sudden moment of boldness, she gives his hand a squeeze. “Maybe one day, when things aren’t as complicated.”
“Yeah.” He nods. “Maybe one day.”
Despite his opinions of what music has become since he was young (and the fact that this movie really is full of historical innacuracies, but then again, he was under the age of ten when all of this was happening, so his view of the world might’ve been on the narrow side), Bucky can’t help but enjoy it. The male lead has a serious set of pipes. It kind of reminds him of Frank Sinatra. Plus, it’s bright and light and funny. Most of all, it makes her smile.
Around the halfway point, they hit pause to make some popcorn (“Not like the movie theaters, because I’m cheap, but we can doctor it.” ; he didn’t have the heart to tell her it’s been so long since the last time he had popcorn, she probably could’ve offered him packing peanuts to munch on and he wouldn’t have been able to tell the difference), but now they’re back on the couch, the bowl resting somewhere between them. He’s not sure when or how it happened exactly, but at some point, they both migrated so far towards the middle of the sofa that now she’s leaning against him, pressed against his shoulder, and his arm is draped over the back of the couch. It’s nice. If only he could work up the nerve to kiss her.
They’re both laughing just a little too loudly over the scene where the voiceover goes out of sync with the picture part of the movie when a flurry of motion catches his eye. He turns his head to get a better look, and it’s just in time to see a mouse run directly over both of their feet.
“What the-” Her eyes go wide as she sees the creature and registers what it is.
“I think you might have a roommate.”
In a flash, she’s pulled her legs onto the couch, knocking the bowl of popcorn onto the floor. “Oh god! Please tell me that wasn’t what I thought it was.”
“It wasn’t. Unless you thought it was a mouse.” She shudders.
“Bucky, I really don’t like mice.” Considering he found one in his pipes a few months ago, he’s not the biggest fan either.
“I’m not too fond of them myself.”
“No.” She shakes her head. “No, I mean, I really don’t like them. As in, I’m irrationally afraid of them.” Wait-
“You’re afraid of-” She nods, and he feels bad for it, but he has to stifle a laugh. “Doll, you realize they’re a lot smaller than you are.” He immediately regrets the pet name, but she doesn’t react.
“So are atoms. Split one and you’ve got an atomic bomb.” She’s got a point, but still…
“They won’t hurt you. Most of them are pretty shy-”
“The one I woke up to eating my hair when I was a kid wasn’t.” Well, now it makes more since.
“Maybe we can find some traps tomorrow-”
“No. I need it out of my apartment. Tonight.” Tonight… just to refresh his memory, he glances out the window. Uh-huh. Just as he thought. It’s pitch black, and he doubts it’s gotten any warmer since his arrival two hours ago. “I’ll catch it somehow. I just can’t sleep knowing it’s there.”
He starts to tell her that she’ll have better luck winning the lottery without a ticket than catching that rodent, but as he peers down at her face, he sees that she’s gone a shade paler and her eyes are wide. She really is terrified of this… mouse. Alright. Decision made.
“Okay.” Careful to avoid grinding the popcorn into the truly ugly shag carpetting covering the living room, he stands. “Can you tell me where to find a broom? Maybe a spare rag if you have it?”
“Broom’s behind the door. Wash rags are under the sink.” He’s already bent over, searching for the objects in quesiton when she asks, “What are you planning to do?” That assumes he has a plan rather than just a random guess.
“Go poking around. Check behind the fridge, in the cabinets. They like to hide out where they won’t be seen.”
“You don’t have to-” She stops short as he straightens, dish rag in hand. “-but if you do, I owe you big time.”
“Tell me the next time you have a vision of me forgetting to take the clothes out of the washer and put them in the dryer, and we’ll call it even.”
Despite his best efforts, the kitchen and bathroom lend no results. He’s really hoping to avoid poking around her bedroom (that still seems a little too personal, especially since mice like to hide in places like underwear drawers), so that leaves….
It’s completely thoughtless, him pulling the couch out from the wall while she’s still sitting there. It doesn’t strike him as odd until she says,
“You could’ve asked me to get up, you know.”
“No need.” Looks like they’re in luck. “There’s your roommate.” Wrong thing to say, because she shoots off the couch like it’s on fire and, without her feet so much as touching the ground, jumps on top of the coffee table.
“Shit! It was under there the entire time?”
“Looks that way. There’s a hole in the wall, so-” He raises the broom, but before he can bring it down-
“No! Don’t kill it!” What the- He glances at the woman still standing on the coffee table. “It has as much right to live as we do. Just wanted to get out of the cold.” Okay, but-
“What do you want to do with it then?”
She grimaces.
“Just… can you get rid of it?” Can he… oh boy. But, he’s not about to say no. That is until he realizes-
“I could if it were still here.”
“You’ve gotta be shitting me.” He couldn’t have put it better himself. “Okay, um.” She frowns, then with a sigh, squeezes her eyes shut.
“What are you-”
“Sometimes I can see something if I’m not paying attention to anything else.” A few seconds pass, and then she cringes. “Ew! Okay, bottom cabinet, right hand side in the kitchen. I’m gonna have to rewash all of those dishes.” Good enough.
Now that his mission is to catch and carry instead of kill the furry fiend, he moves more quietly, grabbing the now-empty popcorn bowl from the floor as an afterthought. He really hopes that this vision isn’t too far in the future, because although it’s preferable to the way he’s spent a lot of his time in the past seventy years, he’d rather not crouch by a cabinet for the rest of the night. He’ll do it, but if there’s another option…. Pulling open the door as slowly as he can, he catches sight of it. Hope she wasn’t too attached to that box of cornflakes, because Mickey here has helped himself. If he can just get his hand in… the mouse registers that he’s got company and starts to dart out of the way, but this time, Bucky’s prepared for it and catches it between the towel and the bowl.
“Got him!” She cheers from her place on the table, but still takes a step back when he comes nearer.
“Thank god!”
“Never been called that before.” She rolls her eyes, but chuckles.
“Thank you, Buck. Now can we get him the fuck out of here?”
“Sure, but where exactly?” He’s not opposed to letting Mickey Mouse loose in the hallway so he can go bug the neighbors, but then Mr. Mouse might make his way back here, and this seems like the kind of adventure you only have once.
“Um-” She starts to climb down, but hesitates. “Are you sure you’ve got him?”
“I’m sure.” It physically hurts him not to laugh.
“Then out in the courtyard, do you think?” She jumps from the coffee table and picks up her coat, pulling it on.
“That’ll work.” He starts towards the door.
“Don’t you want your coat? I can drape it over your shoulders?”
“Nah, I’ll be alright.” He’s about to mention she doesn’t have to come with him, but before he can, she’s by his side, one arm hesitantly wrapped around his back.
“I’ll stay close then. Can’t have you freezing to death on a mission of mercy.”
As luck would have it, everyone else is already tucked away this time of night, so they have the elevator and the dingy lobby all to themselves. Still walking side by side, she pushes open the door and they step through.
“Just set him down, or-”
“No. Let’s go to the bushes. Give him some quick and easy cover so he won’t be too cold.” Shaking his head, he makes his way towards the shrubbery. Him and his human coat.
“This seem like a good place for a mouse house?” Chuckling, she nods. “Alright then, little man. You’re officially being evicted.” As soon as he releases the mouse, she jumps back with a yelp, still grasping his arm.
“Sorry!” It’s a lost cause. He can’t hold it back. At long last he lets out the laugh he was holding back.
“I’m sorry, Doll-” Why does it feel so natural to call her that? He’ll think about it later, but right now he needs to do damage control. Even when he was coming up, it was rude to laugh at a person.
But, if she’s offended, it doesn’t show, and instead she beams at him.
“Is that the stupidest thing you’ve ever done or what?” It’s one of the strangest, but he’s been known to do stupid things, especially if it’s someone he… oh. Oh. Well, that’s not one he was ever expecting to say again. But it’s true. Somehow, although it’s under the most unlikely of circumstances, he has come to love this woman. More than that, he’s pretty sure he’s starting to fall-
“I’ll take the stunned silence as a yes.” It’s a joke and it snaps him out of his revelry. He loves her, but now’s not the time to say it. For now-
“No, Doll.” Taking her hand, he begins to walk back towards the building. “Not even close.”
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canceled dates
summary: when you have a blind date planned Brett decides it’s time for him to finally make a move.
warnings: n/a
word count: 2.1k
requests are currently open!
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It had been nearly three months since you had taken a job for the New York Rangers as their social media representative, basically meaning you advised them on what to post on the team page. Since you had moved to the city basically on your own, you didn't really know anyone and spent the first couple of weeks solo. Thankfully, since you went on road trips with the teams, they seemingly adopted you into their group and it wasn't long before they were your closest friends.
But today was your day off, and you had planned to do nothing more than sit around your cramped apartment and watch television. Well, that was the plan until your neighbor and closest friend—who wasn't the team—told you that you would be going on a blind date. You had originally protested the idea until she made you give her one good reason why you couldn't go. Since you weren't even willing to address your own feelings towards one of the team members, you were left with no option but to agree to meet the mystery boy at the restaurant.
You were in the process of making a sandwich for lunch when the music blasting from your phone's speaker stopped and the sound of it ringing took its place. Your heart skipped a beat when you read the caller ID, biting your lip as you answered and put him on speaker so you could continue to make your food.
"Hey, Brett." You grinned, despite the fact that he couldn't see you. You couldn't help it, he was possibly the most attractive boy you had ever laid your eyes on, and you swore his smile could light up any room. Out of all the players on the team, he was the one you hung out with the most outside of the rink. You couldn't help grow feelings for him, he was too much of a sweetheart for you to handle at times.
"Hey, what're you doing right now?" His smooth voice was heard through the phone and you couldn't stop the feeling of your chest warming at his question. It was so simple and he probably asked his friends that a dozen times a week, but to you it meant that he was thinking about you—and that meant you started to get your hopes up once more.
"Just hanging out at my apartment, what else would I be doing on my day off?" You joked. You swore you could hear the smile in his voice as he chuckled. You turned, leaning your back against the counter as you stared at the phone sitting atop the island across from where you stood.
"Wanna come to the rink? Some of the boys and I are having a scrimmage and we need a cheerleader." You may have been mentally complaining about having to leave the apartment for the ridiculous blind date, but you were already heading to your room to change seemingly before the offer could leave Brett's mouth. You bit your lip, realizing just how bad you had it for this boy.
"Of course, who's going?" You tossed your phone onto the bed as you moved to the closet, pulling out a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt.
"Kreider, Mika, Fil, Strome, Panarin, Skjei, Fox, and Tony." He listed and you nodded, the movement restricted from the hoodie being pulled over your head even though you realized he couldn't see you. "Tony has some friends who offered to go in goal for us."
"M'kay, I'll meet you guys there soon, bye Brett." You bid your goodbyes, words coming out a little strangled as you struggled to pull up your skinny jeans. Usually, when you went to the rink it was for games or meetings, and you were always in pencil skirts and button up blouses to stay professional. Now, you were just meeting some friends for a casual scrimmage. Though, knowing how competitive some of the boys were, you wondered just how long it would actually stay casual. Brett hung up after telling you to text him when you were close so he could let you in, and you quickly put on a bit of makeup and brushed your hair before tossing on your winter coat and heading out the door.
The cab ride was quick and as soon as you were in sight of Madison Square Garden you sent Brett a text. Before you could even open the door to the cab you spotted the tall boy waiting for you with his hands shoved in his pockets and his typical smile. When he saw you exiting the cab, he opened his arms for a hug. Your heart was beating faster and you hadn't even talked to him yet—he was going to be the death of you.
"Hey, let's get inside." You spoke hurriedly, not letting the embrace last as long as it usually did as a result of freezing New York winter temperatures. You felt his hand on your lower back as he guided you through the typical crowd on the sidewalk, trying extra hard to not trip on your own feet as most of your focus was on his hand making your back more warm than it probably should have been.
Easy conversation passed between you and Brett once you both had gotten inside and he dropped his hand back to his pockets and you were able to think clearly once more. You hated how he had that effect on you, how you could barely think straight when you felt his gaze. Your discussion about the Rangers next away game was interrupted by Mika Zibanejad—who was practically your brother—bursting through the door of the locker room and tossing you over his shoulder. You screamed, catching Brett's amused smile from your newly found position.
"Put me down!" You laughed loudly, seeing that Mika had brought you into the locker room and none of the boys seemed keen on helping. Your long haired friend did a few laps around the room as the boys cheered, and when he finally set you down you had to brace yourself against Brett, trying to regain your footing. That was not the first time Mika had down something like that, but it never failed to disorientate you.
"You're finally out of your apartment when you're not working!" Chris cheered, doing the most to chirp you. You rolled your eyes, not willing to concede that there was some truth behind his words.
"I'll have you know, I have a date tonight." You stated, not entirely sure why you were feeling a surge of needing to prove yourself. Mika gasped loudly, placing his hand over his heart and you spotted Brady glance towards Brett questioningly. Or maybe that was just your mind playing tricks on you, because why would he need to look for Brett's reaction? "Why do you all look like you don't believe I could have a date?"
"You're just a baby." Ryan teased, and you rolled your eyes at him. You eyed him carefully, making sure he kept his distance. Last time he had called you a baby was when you mentioned you couldn't cook to save your life, and he had cooed and pinched your cheeks.
"Who're you going with?" Brady asked and you took a seat in the booth bedside Brett's, who had started to get ready for the scrimmage.
"Don't really know, my neighbor set me up on a blind date. I didn't even know I was going until this morning." You shrugged, taking Brett's skates and untying the laces as he worked on his pads. The other boys were waiting for him to get ready so you decided to help him out.
"Do you want to go?" Brett asked, his gaze not leaving his pads but his voice was firm. You could feel the stares from the others boys, all adding to the growing pit of nerves in your stomach. His question was a simple one, yet it felt so loaded you were struggling with coming up with a response.
"We're going to go head out to the ice and warm up, when you're ready you can join us." Mika stated, ushering the boys out of the room and leaving you and Brett in an awkward silence. You were wondering what chain of events lead to this, it wasn't like Brett didn't go on dates so you weren't sure why he was so tense about you going on one.
"Well?" He asked after it seemed like you weren't going to answer him. Finally, he looked over to you, taking his skates out of your grasp and placing them on the ground beside his feet. He didn't move to put them on, instead he placed a hand on your knee. "Do you want to go?"
His touch was like fire but unlike earlier, your senses heightened instead of fogging up at the contact. You could feel every pounding beat of your heart, smell his cologne, hear the ticking of the clock in the corner. Your mind raced as you thought back to every moment you’ve spent with him over the past few months. How he always knew what to say to get you to laugh, how even his smile made a stressful day dealing with the media and the boys had you relaxing. Late nights at his apartment watching movies turning into sleepovers once you had fallen asleep on his couch and he was too much of a gentleman to wake you up and send you home. How he, without fail, would bring you a coffee on the mornings of away games where you had no idea where to get your own cup. You knew your answer, but it was just a problem of actually conveying it.
"No." You said simply, Brett nodding before returning back to his skates. You tapped your fingers against your thigh, feeling a surge of unusual confidence as you thought about what to say. In all honesty, you really just wanted his touch once more. A million and one thoughts were racing through your head but you couldn't force any out of your mouth. "I don't want to go. Not with him."
Brett's fingers stilled over his laces, abandoning them once more as he sat up to face you. You could hear your heartbeat in your ears, the sound mixed with the almost hopeful look in his eyes made your nerves double—and at this point, you didn't think that was even possible.
"Who would you want to go with, then?" Brett's voice was almost a whisper, as if he was afraid of breaking the bubble that seemed to develop around the two of you if he talked too loudly. You took your bottom lip between your teeth, your hand moving up to cup his jaw. You almost died on the spot when he leaned slightly into your touch, your thumb dragging over his cheekbone.
"Who would you want to go with?" You repeated his question, watching as his lips quirked up ever so slightly. You took note of your close proximity, the way his leg bumped against yours and how his head dipped slightly towards you. His eyes never broke their stare into mine and you nodded, giving him silent permission to close the rest of the distance between the two of you. And he did, not letting another moment pass.
If you thought your heart was racing before, you were certain Brett could feel it thumping as your lips pressed together. So many unspoken emotions were conveyed in the simple kiss, and it ended all too soon for your liking. Brett was the one to pull away first, his bright smile present on his face and you decided that it was your second favorite thing about him. His kisses definitely topped the list.
"I think you better call your neighbor and cancel that date, you've already got plans." Brett said, making you laugh and drop your head onto his shoulder to smother your smile as he finished tying up his skates. You helped him put on his shoulder pads and sweater, stealing kisses every time you even came close to his face. When he eventually made it onto the ice, he pressed one last kiss to the top of your head before going to take a few warmup shots.
"Finally!" Brady shouted, having spotted the small act of affection between the two of you. You blushed deeply, taking a seat on the home players bench as the team circled around you. They started chirping Brett, something you figured was inevitable, but it was all smiles from everyone. "I thought I was going to have to crash your date and tell him you already have a boyfriend." Brett laughed, shoving his teammate playfully, though his gaze never wavered from yours. Your smile widened as the next sweet words left his lips.
"You would've had to beat me to it, Skjei."
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lovingkaneko · 4 years
Speakers (Colt x MC)
Summary: Colt has had enough of his neighbor blasting the worst music in the middle of the night.
Author Note: Just something I thought of in the shower. I got carried away with the story and the characters, there’s so much I could write about this. But I’ll keep it a one part thing :,) This is my favorite story I’ve got so far
Book: Ride or Die: A Bad Boy Romance | Choices: Stories You Play (AU)
Pairing: Colt Kaneko x MC | Ellie Wheeler
Word Count: ~2.7k
Rating: Mature (swearing) this is mostly fluff.
I pressed my pillow into my face, trying to drown out the torturous music coming from next door. I physically couldn’t bare to listen to it anymore. This was my first night in my new apartment and I regretted moving away from my dad already. He obviously didn’t want me to be with his crew, for a reason I didn’t understand, so I decided to leave. I won’t stay where I’m unwanted. But if this keeps going, I’m going to lose my mind. 
“Is that-- One Direction? Are you fucking serious?” I groaned loudly, not wanting to get up to face my neighbor. She’s probably a stupid teenage girl obsessed with Harry Styles or something. It’s not 2013 anymore, why is she still listening to them? The music stopped abruptly and I sighed with relief, placing the pillow back under my head. I closed my eyes and slowly drifted off in the silence. It felt like sleep was an inch away and in my grasp, but I was awoken suddenly.
“Oh my fucking GOD!” I shouted, sitting up and banging on the wall, “Shut up!”
The music stopped once more and I calmed down. Finally, I was able to sleep comfortably without having to be tortured by the sound of British boys. I woke up the next morning feeling exhausted and irritable as usual, I checked my phone to find a message from Ximena. She had simply asked if I was coming over to the garage, an innocent yes or no question. Why would she even bother to text me? I put my phone in my pocket without answering.
Closing my apartment door, I stepped out into the hallway. The floor creaked, reminding me of how cheap my rent is. I made my way down shaky stairs, thinking about seeing the crew. If I’m being honest, they were fun to hang out with. They were tolerable, besides Logan. That guy presses all my buttons and the urge to punch him is almost irresistible.
I got to the parking lot, reaching into the pockets of my leather jacket for my keys. After searching in every spot on my body, I groaned. I had left them inside my room, how the fuck did I forget?
I turned back around and made my way back up the stairs, cursing under my breath. As I approached my door, I noticed a girl locking her door next to mine. 
Oh, so this is the annoying Directioner. 
Except, she didn’t look like just any teenage girl. Her hair was put into a tight braid off to the side of her shoulder and my eyes did indeed trail down her body. She was stunning, but that didn’t excuse the fact that she took away from my precious rest. 
“Hey, you,” I called out to her and she turned to look at me in shock, her eyes widening innocently. I suddenly felt a twinge of guilt, I was on the verge of complaining about her music but I decided against it.
I closely examined her features, suddenly discouraged. I had to think of something else to say. 
“Can I borrow your bobby pin?” I asked in a bored voice, she still looked like a deer in the headlights but she took a few seconds before relaxing.
“A bobby pin? For what?” Her voice was sweet and pretty, matching her exterior. Yet, I was still shocked at how innocent she sounded.
“It’s none of your business,” I said and she furrowed her eyebrows.
“Well then why should I let you borrow it?” She was suddenly angry, I was taken aback by her new attitude.
“You know what? Forget it,” I scoffed before turning away from her. She laughed and I looked at her again in frustration.
“I was joking,” She took the bobby pin out of her hair, making her bangs fall over her face, “Here.”
She handed it to me and my jaw clenched, not wanting to pay attention to her. As innocent as she seemed, I knew she was trying to get into my pants, which wasn’t going to happen.
“Thanks,” I went back to my door and began to pick the lock.
“Woah hold up, are you breaking into that room?”
“Uh, yeah?”
“Isn’t that like... Illegal?” She asked as she subtly freaked out, I chuckled. If only she knew the rest of it.
“Sure,” I continued.
“Should I be calling the cops or--”
“It’s my room,” I cut her off with a sigh.
“Ohhh,” She realized and cleared her throat, “Don’t bother giving it back. I’ve got millions more, um... Have a good day?” It sounded like a question.
“Okay,” I answered as I heard the lock click. I went inside, not saying goodbye to her. My keys were on my bed, of course. I picked them up before continuing with the rest of my day, not even thinking of her for a split second.
It wasn’t until that night, when the torture began again. 
“Fuck, not this again,” I whispered to myself, standing up. More than anything, I wanted to go banging on her door to complain. But as I was opening my door, I remembered that she had done me a favor earlier. The anger in my body subsided and I breathed slowly. Ellie was pissing me off.
“Can she at least pick good songs?” I slammed my door shut and went back to bed. Somehow, I managed to sleep with Hannah Montana playing next door.
I woke up later than usual the next day, getting ready in a better mood than usual. As I stepped out of my apartment, I noticed a note left on my doorstep. I was suddenly alarmed, was this a message from someone out to kill me and my father? I pulled my phone out, ready to dial the crew. I picked up the note and immediately, I lost all my excitement.
“Any song recommendations?”
Is she serious?
I went back into my room and grabbed a pen. Angrily, I scribbled a note back to her, “Just stop playing your fucking music at three in the morning.”
I pushed it under her door and continued with my day. The crew didn’t have much coming up lately and I was beyond bored. I laid in my bed, slamming my door to piss off my neighbor.
Immediately as I pulled out my phone, the music began.
I chuckled, since she purposely picked that part of the song to start with. She was taunting me. As much as I hated pop songs like this one, I found myself tapping the side of my phone with the beat.
The music stopped and I figured she went to sleep, it was late anyway. I had no reason to stay up anymore, so I drifted off.
The music continued for days and it went back to being annoying. I had actually gone to tell her to shut it off after coming home from the garage, Logan had started a fight with me and I wasn’t taking any shit. Her music had been turned lower, it was all she had changed. 
I was thankful that she wasn’t blasting her speakers anymore.
However, one night was different. She had her music crazily low, but I still heard it, of course. I pressed my ear to the wall, curious as to what she was listening to, wondering why the daily routine had changed.
“I heard that you're settled down That you found a girl and you're married now”
"Adele? She’s never played that,” I whispered to myself, acknowledging the change of music. She was always listening to peppy love songs, but I guess she wasn’t feeling it tonight. 
This continued for a month, she played heartbreak songs at least once a week. There were days in which she didn’t listen to music at all, sometimes I’d hear her sing along. She wasn’t good, definitely not, but it was something different.
One night, I heard her playing The One That Got Away by Katy Perry. I had enough of it, I was dying of curiosity. I got up and left my room. I knocked on her door softly, as opposed to the aggressive knocks I’d do when I was telling her to shut up. The music stopped and the door clicked open. She peeked her head over the corner and her tear filled eyes widened as she saw me.
“Colt?” She asked before hiding behind the door, sniffling and I guessed wiping the tears away. She motioned for me to come in and I stepped inside. I felt suddenly uncomfortable, I liked knowing things and that was the ONLY reason that I was there. Obviously, something had happened with her and it was crucial for me to find out.
“What’s with the emo music lately? What happened to Justin Bieber?” I questioned as she looked at me with her bloodshot eyes. 
“Why do you care? I thought you hated it anyway,” She chuckled sadly, sniffling again. That was the thing, I didn’t care, so I don’t even know why I was there.
“I don’t care, I’m just... Curious,” I explained cautiously to make sure she doesn’t sob even more. I hated seeing people cry, it pissed me off.
“I’ve had nobody to talk about it to, Riya hated Joseph and is glad that he dumped me,” She said, as if I knew who that person was, “So I guess I can tell you.”
Before I knew it, I was sitting on her bed with her and she was ranting to me about her break up. Honestly, I was far too intrigued in her story. I even felt anger at some points, hearing about how that guy treated her. 
It simply reminded me that I would never get into a relationship, that stuff sounded overly complicated and stressful. 
She had a whole box of tissues beside her and she constantly wiped her tears away. How the fuck did someone cry so much? Is that even physically possible?
She finished telling me all about their relationship and I was left wanting to know more. She checked the time on her phone.
“Oh my gosh, it’s five in the morning!” She exclaimed, “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to keep you up this late, I got carried away. It’s nice having someone to talk to,” She smiled sadly.
True, she had talked so much. But I didn’t mind it for some reason, she was an interesting person. She was genuinely innocent, there was no dirt on her. Hell, she was a virgin before she dated that prick.
We said goodbye to each other, not planning to see each other after this. 
But the meetings continued, every single night for a month. The first few weeks consisted of her telling me stories about him and how much she liked him. She was healing, it was apparent in her attitude when speaking of him.
One night, we were sitting in front of her TV eating popcorn and watching Criminal Minds. This was usual for us at this point, I considered her a friend. Being with her was like inhaling fresh air, she was so much different from me, it was fascinating to see life in a different perspective. 
There was a knock on her door and she quickly got up to open it, I turned around to check who was there. But by the way she froze, I knew immediately who it was. I made my way to her side instantly, pulling her behind me protectively. 
“Joseph,” I snarled at the man at the door. He looked offended by my appearance. He seemed hostile.
“Do I know you?” He asked and his breath reeked of alcohol, I would’ve gagged if I wasn’t used to it, the men at the sideshows smelled so bad. Don’t get me started on Salvador.
“No, but I know you. Get out of here,” I jerked my head for him to leave. I felt Ellie’s hand beside mine and linked our fingers together, feeling her trembling.
“What are you? Her new boyfriend?” Joseph scoffed and I felt my jaw clench with irritation.
“Yeah, now beat it,” I lied, not caring about what she would have to say. The skinny blonde boy’s mouth gaped open and he scowled. He must’ve felt that I was going to knock him out, because he furrowed his eyebrows and left without another word. I closed the door and turned to a shocked Ellie.
“It’s nothing,” She said, wide eyed. I really didn’t know what she was on about, I shrugged, realizing that our hands had separated. I made my way back to the couch, rewinding the episode. She sat beside me, she was distant this time.
“How was it? Seeing him after so long, I mean.”
“I’m just... Unsettled. I didn’t expect him to come here, I wasn’t ready,” She whispered and I heard her voice crack as she started crying.
As I’d mentioned before, watching people cry pissed me off. But I was angry for other reasons, I hated seeing how that bastard hurt her.
I never knew what to do, nobody had ever comforted me. So, I just settled for putting my hand on her knee and rubbing my thumb on it soothingly. Except, this time, she did something differently. She wrapped her arms around me.
I was stiff at first, my eyes widening as shock made its way through my body. I awkwardly hugged her back, this wasn’t something I was used to...But I liked it.
I relaxed slightly and buried my face in her neck, she smelled like strawberry shampoo. Her weeping slowed and she pulled away, I felt embarrassment flush through me. I never hugged people, I hated being touched, I wouldn’t even let my mom do it. Yet, Ellie Wheeler was nice to hold.
I noticed her mood was ruined by his sudden appearance and I came up with the perfect plan to make her stop being mopey. 
I took her phone and connected it to the cursed speaker she had next to her television. My fingerprint was already registered, since she thought it would be good for emergencies. I opened up Spotify and searched up something I never thought I would do, but I was desperate to see her stop crying.
“Colt,” She gasped, a smile coming onto her face, “Are you playing 2009 Justin Bieber?” I rolled my eyes and went up to her, putting her hand in mine and pulling her up on her feet. 
“What are we doing?” She asked as she examined my face, I wasn’t smiling.
“We’re blasting music at three in the morning,” I answered, accidentally grinning at her. Her mood had changed in an instant, she dragged me into the open space of her living room. Before I knew it, she was jumping up and down and singing at the top of her lungs.
She was lost in the music and I was just watching her admiringly.
“Come on,” She took my hand and before I could protest, she pouted. My mouth gaped open, in disbelief that she thought that would convince me to dance with her. I wish I wasn’t so easily controlled by her.
Everything else in my mind had disappeared, my hate for dancing had been thrown out the window. It was just us right now. The song ended way too soon an we were left laughing and out of breath from jumping up and down. The neighbors below us were probably pissed off, but we could care less.
She looked so beautiful, her usual braid was messy and her eyes were still red from crying over that asshole. But I couldn’t help myself, I was staring at her lips and she smiled as she noticed.
“Go for it,” She said as her cheeks turned pink, “You’re my boyfriend, after all.”
I rolled my eyes at her joke, but I didn’t lose the chance. I kissed her.
Tags: @mskaneko @desireepow-1986
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softjeon · 5 years
Hmm for your guys' drabble -- What about Vhope + quiet tenant gets a really loud next door neighbor "enemies" to lovers?
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— GENRE; fluff | — PAIRING; Hoseok x Taehyung | — DISCLAIMER; none — Wordcount; 1,1k | — written with @cassiavioletblue
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Taehyung had enough. He could really endure a lot, that wasn’t it. But this was just too much. It was almost midnight and whoever this new guy was - he was blasting his music loudly in his room and making it so much harder for him to sleep. 
He groaned loudly, pushing a cushion over his ears, but it only ebbed down the sounds but it was still there and the longer he concentrated on it the more did it make him go crazy. 
“Okay, enough is fucking enough!” Taehyung growled and got up from bed. He took his bathrobe from where he had carelessly thrown it over a chair and his keys from the kitchen counter before stomping over to his neighbours door. He didn’t hesitate, when he pushed down the doorbell and knocked a few times. He was furious. Mad. Really fucking mad. He needed sleep and nothing could make him convince that…
The music stopped and the door was opened only seconds after, when Taehyung took a deep breath. “It’s fucking after midnight and you…” His eyes fell onto naked skin; honey dipped sun-kissed skin as he blinked at his neighbours naked chest. His mouth stood open as he gaped at him like a fish.
“Uhm, yes? What is it?” Hoseok blinked at the other, still in a daze. His neighbor had blubbered something while he had opened the door but the other had talked so fast and angry and Hoseok had still been in midst choreographing thoughts that their meaning had completely went over his head. It must be something terrible though because the other looked like he could combust on the spot from anger. 
Hoseok furrowed his brows, trying to remember if he had parked his car in a way that could block someone else’s but he wasn’t sure. When he noticed how the other stared at his naked chest he smiled at him broadly. “I can give you a picture, that’ll hold longer.”
Taehyung shook himself out of his stupor, trying to ignore Hoseok’s comment, focus back on Hoseok’s eyes instead, as he straightened out his back. “It’s already way past after midnight…some people are trying to sleep.” Taehyung pointed at himself, “Me…your neighbor, for example. Do you realize how loud you are?”
“It’s..what?” At first he was sure the other was fucking with him so Hoseok quickly turned his head taking a look at the clock on his wall. He had to take a double because - his neighbour was actually right! 
“Oh fuck!” Hadn’t it just been ten pm? How did he lose track of time like that? He always had a habit of getting lost in choreography when he was preparing for the classes, trying out steps and parts and ow to fit them together just right but losing two hours within the blink of an eye was something, even for him. “Damn, I’m sorry! I didn’t realize. The time. And that you can hear me that loudly. I’m just moved in and my last apartment complex was filled with workaholics and elderly people so I could turn up the music as loud as I needed.” He sighed deeply. He needed the music at a certain level to fully feel the rhythm. Apparently he would need to invest in some great headphones. “I’m really sorry.” Hoseok bit his lip, contemplating how much he could push his luck. “You don’t happen to have any headphones that you could lent me? I have a friend who’s a walking catastrophe who sat on mine last week.”
“Well, as you can see I am not old, nor really a workaholic at least not in the middle of the night.” Taehyung looked down at himself and his pajamas, suddenly feeling a little weird standing like this out in the hallway. “And no, I don’t. But maybe…you can just turn the music down a little or isn’t it working like…you need to be super in it, I guess?” He shivered, wrapping his arms around himself as he felt the cold creeping in through his bare feet from the cold floor.  
“Yeah, that’s.. it’s not for background music. I’m working on a choreography and I need to feel the music..” As he noticed Taehyung’s face turning into frown he quickly put his hands up to show him he surrendered and added, “…but not at night, of course, I got that.“
“Thank god, you’re at least cute.” Taehyung sighed, followed by a small chuckle, “Makes up for it a little bit.” He rubbed his hands over his face, “It’s just too loud and a bit annoying when you repeat a part over and over again as I’m trying to get my beauty sleep.” He cocked up an eyebrow at his neighbor, “But well…I guess I’m awake now.” Taehyung motioned inside of his apartment, “Do you want me to show you what you’re stuck on? Maybe then you can let your mind rest and go to sleep yourself and we both get something out of it?”
Hoseok had been called a lot of things (scary, fierce, joyful, a bundle of energy…) but he hadn’t heard ‘cute’ since he’d dropped out of school. Before he could retort with some flirty remark about how Taehyung definitely didn’t need ‘beauty’ sleep the other surprised him again. “You want to.. watch me dance? Now? After I pissed you off?” He furrowed his brows. “You’re not gonna try and break my player, are you?”
“No, I won’t I promise.” He held up his hand to show his honesty, “I just want you to get whatever you’ve been repeating right, so we can both get to sleep. And I know a few things about dance myself…just a bit.” Taehyung shrugged his shoulders, “You can pay me back with making me a hot chocolate or something.”
Hoseok couldn’t help but feel his heart jump at the thought of his handsome neighbour watching him and stepped back to let the other in. “Please put on a shirt though,” Taehyung pointed up and down his muscular chest, “It’s pretty…but pretty distracting.” He bit his lip walking past him with a flirty wink, following the dancer inside, who quickly picked up a shirt on his way. And if he pulled it off later that night again, then Taehyung wouldn’t mind. Nor did Hoseok mind, when Taehyung had fallen asleep on the floor while he had been busy correcting his movement, snuggled into a cushion, ignoring how his heart was acting crazy when he carried the other into the living room to place him onto the more comfortable couch. And maybe, just maybe he would ask him out for breakfast the next morning.
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bangtan-gal · 6 years
Hello There (M)
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Kim Taehyung Short Story By: Liffy
Warnings: Smut, fluff, angst, super fucking cliche, explicit sexual content (I would say 18+, but I can’t stop you horny seventeen-year-olds, can I?) There’s also Jin x Reader
Synopsis: a gorgeous, drunk stranger shows up on your doorstep one night and invites himself in.
Bad boy!au neighbors!au
Word Count: 12k
Rain hit the windows of the car as you pulled into the driveway. It was such a terrible day to move, rain was pouring down non-stop, your emotions were on a wild roller coaster, and you had no one to help you move in. Hell, you were completely alone—you moved to a city three hours away and your friends were all busy with work and school. You probably wouldn’t see them until the next holiday.
Of course, maybe it was better you completely cut yourself off.
You sigh, hitting the steering wheel as you stared at the small yellow townhome before you. It didn’t look bad, but you couldn’t really judge until you were inside. You had been so desperate to move, to escape, that you disregarded doing walk-throughs. And it was all because of that asshole who broke your he-
You forced your thoughts away from him and from all that. You barely felt the rain when you stepped outside, letting the water soak into your sweater. The boxes weren’t heavy and you didn’t have many, according to the pamphlet the house was completely furnished, so you opted for leaving bigger appliances with your roommate. You had made an agreement that if it turned out there was no furniture, you could come back and get it, but something in the back of your head told you that you wouldn’t have have the guts or energy to go get it.
You rushed to the door, the rain finally starting to get to you. Your hands shook as you fumbled with the keys. Cold burned through your body and you barely managed to unlock the door. When you shoved the door open, a loud squeak came from the hinges. You winced, knowing that if you didn’t get that fixed immediately, this place would become a nightmare.
It wasn’t a lie—the living room and dining room was completely furnished. Of course, some essentials were missing; like a microwave, a dishwasher, and some ceiling lamps. You set the box down with a sigh and looked around.
Looked like this was going to be your new home.
It’d been two weeks since you moved. The first three days you had interviews non-stop, until you got a confirmed job as a medical assistant at a small nearby hospital. You quickly learned that Jinju was much different from Seoul. It wasn’t small, but after five years of living in Seoul, you had gotten used to constantly crowded streets, hard-to-get jobs, and a never-ending work day.
You wished you could say that it was easy to adjust, but it wasn’t.
You found it impossible to sleep without the sounds of cars rolling past your window, sirens wailing, and music blasting from one of the nearby apartments. It was silent, but in a deafening way. Work was mostly boring, you didn’t have very many patients, and since you were still knew to that hospital, the nurse you worked under didn’t let you help out very much. It was awful, not being able to drown yourself in your work so you wouldn’t suffocate from your feelings.
Everyone was nice—which some might take as a good thing—but in your mind they were all too nice. Your car had broke down one day, resulting in you being two hours late to works, and you didn’t even get questioned. You worked the day normally, without even one dirty look sent your way. It was unnerving. It was boring. You hoped for something exciting to happen.
You were currently driving home from the grocery store, drenched in sweat and other bodily fluids from the work day. It was a late Friday night, but the roads were empty. You couldn’t help but think of Seoul—how the city would be lit up with music and people—not a deathly silent hollow. There were a few clubs open, but they screamed empty. Memories of countless nights of partying invaded your mind and you couldn’t stop the small scream that escaped you.
“This town is awful!”
Throughout the weeks, you’d regretted not doing your research before moving here. You regretted moving to a town where you had zero friends, a town that was nothing like Seoul. Busan would’ve been great—you had plenty of friends there that hadn’t been involved in your life and it was just as rowdy as Seoul. Tonight, you found yourself regretting moving here even more than ever. A Friday where you didn’t work the night shift and where the city was empty.
In your mind, Jinju had seemed to be the perfect place to start over, but you seemed to forget about your personality, your habits. Although you were a generally shy person, you weren’t introverted. You loved the outdoors, you loved the feeling of music vibrating through your anatomy as you bounced on the dance floor.
Once you arrived home, you sat in the kitchen for a while, picking at your nails. It was getting close to ten o’clock, but you weren’t even feeling remotely tired. You grabbed your phone and broke your promise to yourself. You opened up Instagram, scrolling through your feed. Your old roommate, Ji-Ae, already found a new one and from the  looks of it they were getting along just great. You detested the bitterness that swept through you as you stared at the happy faces of all your old friends.
Then your heart throbbed when you stopped at one picture. You bit your lip, quickly shutting off the phone and throwing it down. Your heart starts pounding and your eyes start to sting as tears threaten to spill. You get yourself a glass of water and lean against the counter as you slowly sip at it. The thoughts slowly dissipate as you watch the street.
Thirty minutes later you’re dozing on the couch when a noise has you perking up. You frown when you hear the sound of a car pulling up and loud laughter. You shouldn’t be surprised—it’s a townhome and of course you’d have a neighbor right next door—but you honestly thought you didn’t have one. The past two weeks you haven’t seen or heard anyone or anything. No car, no person, no activity.
“Whatever, it’s not like it’s my problem,” you mutter and your head falls back onto the couch.
But it quickly became your problem.
Keys jingled outside your door and you heard a frustrated groan when whoever it was tried to open the doorknob. Then they started knocking, a low laugh coming from them and then a loud hiccup. They grumbled a name and continued to knock loudly. You frown and stand up, slowly creeping over to the door.
When you open the door, you find yourself face to face with the most gorgeous boy you’ve ever seen. His skin is smooth, his eyes are bright, and his hair is a deep brown. He doesn’t even seem to notice you as he stumbles past you, muttering something about keys under his breath. You open your mouth is question when the boy collapses onto your sofa with a groan.
You shook your head, forcing yourself out of your stupor. Your feet scurried across the carpet as you rushed over to shake the boy but it was too late. He was completely wasted, snoring lightly on your couch. You blinked and tried to shake him awake, but he waved you off, accidentally hitting you in the face.
He sneezed loudly and then went back to softly snoring. Disbelief rushed through you—did a super hot, drunk guy just barge into your home and collapse on your couch? What was going on? Who was he? Your lips whitened as you pursed your lips and leaned over him, trying to get a good look and maybe recognize him. Was he from work?
You were met with long lashes, pink lips, and a light spray of freckles. His ears were pierced and you could see tattoos creeping along his collarbone and wrist. His hair was messed up, but in a weird way, it was cute. He let out a little snort and rubbed at his nose and then tried to bury himself even deeper into your couch. You cringed at yourself when you realized you were smiling.
“He’s a random guy—a handsome one—but  still some random, drunk boy! What are you doing?” You hissed at yourself as you backed away into the kitchen. You watched him from there, confusion flooding you. What in the world was going on?
A bitter feeling swept through you, if you were in Seoul you could’ve just texted one of your friends and they would’ve come and helped out. Hell, you had a roommate in Seoul, she could’ve helped.  
You pinched the bridge of your nose and sighed. He seemed harmless and if you wake up before him in the morning, it’ll be fine. You grab a blanket and drape it over him and this time when you mutter goodnight to the home, there’s someone to receive it. Kind of.
You wake up in the morning with a groan and look at the time. It’s close to nine thirty and you groan again. After several failed attempts to go back to bed and sleep most of the day away, you flop out of bed. You trudge across the carpet and to the kitchen, your mind set on a cup of coffee. It takes almost all your energy to figure out whether you want a latte or just regular brew. A smile blooms on your face as the steam rises from the machine and you can smell the coffee. The pajama shirt you wear is accurate: coffee is your addiction.
You hum to yourself as you stir in the caramel and creamer. It seems to be a good day, the sun is out and only a few clouds dot the blue sky. The tree outside your kitchen window is still, signaling that there’s no wind. Maybe you could go for a walk.
“Hello there,” a deep voice murmurs.
A scream falls from you and you jump, accidentally swiping the mug off the counter. Dismay sweeps through you as you watch it hit the kitchen ground, ceramic spraying everywhere and coffee spreading over the blue and white kitchen tile. You whirl around, eyes widening when you see a messy-haired boy standing in the entrance of your kitchen. His eyes are half closed, dark circles resting under them. His face is pale—in a sickly, tired way.
You open your mouth and then close it. He continues to just stare at the destroyed mug that lays at your feet. A blush rushes over your cheeks and you fight the urge to start smacking your head. You had been so desperate for coffee that you forgot about the wasted young man that seemed to think your couch was his bed.
“Er-hi,” you squeak out, grabbing a rag to quickly wipe up your mess. You loved that mug, it was a gift from your best friend, but maybe it was best you started destroying memories of your past. You dumb the glass in the trash and rinse your hands, trying to stall time long enough to think of an actual conversation.
“I’m assuming we didn’t?” His voice is so deep and it sends shivers through your body. You turn and watch as he awkwardly motions between the two of you. Heat spreads over your ears and along your cheeks and you quickly shake your head. He nods in understanding and fixes his jacket as he looks around. You can see the confusion shimmering on his face but for some reason you can’t find the words to open your mouth and explain what happened last night. “You don’t have any pain killers, by any chance?”
You blink and then nod, if he was drunk enough to pass out in your house like he owns it, he must be in excruciating pain. You fumble through your cabinets until you find it and toss him the bottle. You hand him a glass of water and then shift from foot to foot. You’d had a couple of one-night stands in your life, but this well… it might’ve felt like one, but it wasn’t. Do you offer him breakfast? Coffee? Or do you just kick him out and hope he finds his way home?
“So, how did I end up here?” He asked, making himself at home as he sits down at your dining table. You frown slightly at the gesture, but choose to shove away your annoyance. He was here because of his irresponsibleness, but you’d been in his place before so you figured you should at least try to be nice.
“You kind of just… showed up drunk at my doorstep,” you explained with a shrug as you started another cup of coffee. “You seemed to think I was someone else and then… decided that this was your house? You passed out on my couch and I didn’t have the heart to kick you out.”
Nor did you have the help to kick him out, but he didn’t need to know that.
He frowned and stared at his water. His eyebrows furrowed and you couldn’t help but admire how the sunlight danced across his face. Dammit, he was gorgeous. Too bad you met under such weird circumstances. He pursed his lips and looked around, recognition flickering through his dark eyes.
“Uh, coffee?” You asked. He blinked at you and nodded. You quickly walked over with another mug and set it down it front of him.
“Thanks. I’m Taehyung by the way,” he said, sending you a small smile. You hate the way your heart flutters at the gesture—fuck he’s adorable.
“Y/N,” you reply softly, grabbing your own mug. You don’t join him at the table, instead you lean against the counter and watch him over your cup as you sip at the warm beverage. By the way his lips quirk up into a smirk, you can tell he knows your watching him, but chooses to ignore you. He sips at his coffee, his eyes fluttering close in pleasure at the taste. You find yourself strongly relating to that feeling.
The two of you finish your drinks in silence and no matter how hard you try to, you can’t take your eyes off him. You wish you could convince yourself that it’s not because of his looks, but you know that’s the main reason. You’re still confused about this boy and how in the world he ended up at your doorstep. You assumed he wasn’t driving and if his friends dropped him off, wouldn’t they know where he lived?
Was this just an awkward chip in your life that you could later laugh about as reminisce about it to friends?
“Well, I oughta get going,” he says as he stands up. “Thanks for the medication and coffee… and for not just rejecting my ass last night and letting me freeze.”
You nod and bite your lip as you lead him towards the door. He licked his lips, revealing a tongue piercing, and then smiled. You watched as he walked down your porch. Taehyung does a small double take, a laugh of disbelief escaping him. He turns around and waves at you, before walking along the driveway and up the porch on the other side. Your mouth gapes open as you stare in shock.
The drunk stranger was your neighbor.
Maybe you shouldn’t have asked for something exciting to happen.
It seems that Jinju was just happily offering you mishap after mishap. Your car had broken down a week ago and today it decided to pull the same crap. This time though, when someone pulled over to try and help you start your car, it sputtered and then gave out. You saved your loud scream for when the man left and then called the tow truck. There was no reason for your car to be doing this, it was still fairly new and it had gotten a basic repair right before you moved. The town just wanted to watch you suffer, as if you hadn’t already suffered enough.
By the time the tow truck showed up, you had called in work and told them that you wouldn’t be able to come in today. They were understanding—as always—and you weren’t even assigned extra hours. The ride to the shop was awkward, the driver attempting to start conversation, only to be shot down each time by you. You were furious. You were sitting in your yellow scrubs, in a grimy tow truck, and driving to go get your a car a repair that it shouldn’t need.
Maybe the town was trying to get you to leave.
When you arrived, the garage was mostly empty, but men milled about, overalls and t-shirts covered in oil. It was something straight out of a move: bulging biceps, broad chests, and tattoos left and right. They were working on cars and bikes, loud music blaring. A blush spread over your cheeks when you saw the sweat that dripped along their arms and chests and darkened their shirts. Shit, they were all good looking and it wasn’t oka
The man who drove you over called over a man. He was broad shouldered, with black hair that swept over his forehead. He was very handsome, despite the exhaustion that pulled at his face and the sweat that stained his neck and hair, it shined through. He smiled at you and you almost became a pile of puddy right at that moment.
“Your car broke down?” He asked once he was close enough for you to hear. You nodded, not trusting yourself with words at the moment. He walked towards your car and immediately popped up the hood. He bit his lip as he looked through, moving random pipes and unscrewing caps to check the insides. You didn’t know a thing about cars and as he started to spout off things that could be wrong, you just listened in awe.
“Of course,” he said, turning to you with a heart stealing grin, “I can’t find a for-sure diagnosis unless you agree to go on a date with me.”
You blink, tilting your head in confusion. “But uh…?”
“Oh come on, Jin, stop flirting with the customers, would ya?” A familiar voice interrupted. You looked over your shoulder, eyes widening when Taehyung approached. He was staring at the man before you, but when he met your gaze, his face mirrored yours.
The two of you just stared at each other, both shocked to see each other again. You hadn’t seen Taehyung since that day, despite the fact you looked at their door every time you came home and had developed a weird habit to look out the window every few minutes. Now, here he stood before you, a tight black tank top hugging his figure, with glistening biceps and the same messy hair.
He wasn’t completely covered in tattoos like you’d assumed—he had a ring of roses on one wrist and a ring of thorns on the other. There was black and red ink running along his collarbone and disappeared beneath the collar. You looked away and instead met Jin’s inquisitive stare. You blushed under the heat of both their gazes and opted for staring at your sneakers.
“Hyung, I need help!” Another voice interrupted the silence. A boy with black hair came bounding over, whining at Taehyung. Black stud earrings shone in the sun as he tossed his head around. You studied him and couldn’t help but feel that he was too innocent to be working in such an environment.
“Hmmm, okay Kookie,” he muttered and then glanced at you, throwing a quick wink. “See you around Y/N.”
You didn’t reply as he was dragged off by the younger boy. You turned to Jin, your smile tight as you awaited a diagnosis for your car.  The confusion dissipated from his face and the same smirk from before covered his face. He crossed his arms and leaned back, tilting an eyebrow up. You chuckled, actually shocked that he was serious about that date.
“Seriously?” You giggled, searching his face.
“I don’t want a pretty girl like you to escape so quickly,” he said softly and you didn’t realize how close he was until he tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. If you weren’t red before, you were definitely now.
You agreed to the date and tried to fight the butterflies that erupted at his smile. Afterwards he explained what was wrong with your car—or at least tried to. He could obviously tell that you had no idea what he was saying, but he seemed to find it amusing and a low chuckle would fall from his pink lips every time you would just blink in answer.
You spent the rest of the morning at the garage, sitting in the waiting room, flipping carelessly through magazines until Jin came storming in. He was covered in even more grease, but the bright smile on his face would make you think that he was covered in chocolate. He told you he was finished and ushered you out towards your car.
“So, I’d ask you for a date tonight, but I’ve already made plans with friends…” he said with a sad sigh, shaking his head over-dramatically. You couldn’t help but laugh.
“Why don’t you just invite her along?” Taehyung popped into view, toweling out his hair. Both you and Jin blinked, before the man turned to you with a pout. You weren’t really sure if you wanted to—it felt awkward to be around the other boy, considering the circumstances you met.
“It’s at my place, so you’ll sort of be there whether you want to or not,” he pointed out with a shrug and with Jin’s pout growing, you couldn’t say no. You reluctantly nodded, but a smile pulled at your lips when you saw the man’s childish joy that burst forth.
You couldn’t help it, he was too cute.
You weren’t sure what to bring or what time to show up actually. The boys had just told you it was Taehyung’s and that Jin would be there. Hell, you wouldn’t know anyone else that showed up. Suddenly, you felt stupid and wondered if you should just find an excuse to not come. Jin had left his number in your car, so you could easily give him an excuse.
Except for the fact that the man who was holding the social lived right next door. You didn’t know Taehyung that well, but if what you saw the morning after his drunk episode was anything like his real personality, there would be nothing stopping him from coming over and dragging you to the party. So, that’s how you ended up trying on over hundreds of outfits to figure out what worked.
You went for jeans and a simple t-shirt and fixed up your makeup and pulled your hair up. You didn’t want to wear something too fancy and if you somehow ended up underdressed, you lived right next door. You grabbed a bottle of wine from your cabinet and then hurried out.
Almost the second you knocked on the door, it opened. It wasn’t Taehyung who answered, but another man you’d never seen before. He was grinning and his grin only grew when he saw you. His hair was dyed red and just like every other guy that Taehyung knew, he was gorgeous. You opened your mouth, unsure of what to say and then just opted for offering him the wine bottle as he ushered you inside.
“You must be Y/N? I’m Hoseok, Tae’s roommate,” he explained and then giggled. “I heard about Tae’s drunk shenanigans in your home. I do profusely apologize for that, I should’ve gone looking for him when he didn’t come home after his friends texted me.”
You thought you imagined it, but a dark shadow seemed pass over the boy’s face when he mentioned his roommate’s friends. Then his face immediately brightened up and he showed you to the kitchen and set down your bottle. Their house was set up similarly to yours.
“So, why did you move to Jinju?” Hoseok queried as he got several bowls down from the shelves. He placed them along the counter, filling them with various snacks. You bit your lip, wondering what to tell him. When he saw your hesitation, he told you that you didn’t have to share and instead told you about why he was living in Jinju.
“I work in pharmaceutical sales and originally was in Incheon, but then the clinic I worked for got another branch here and decided to have me move here. That was when I met Tae actually—I seemed to be having some really bad misfortunes, my car had broke down and the house I was supposed to move ended up getting pulled from the market.
“Tae fixed up my car and that was when I found out that his roommate at the time would be moving out in a couple months so I asked if I could move in. Worked out and the three of us lived here for a while and Yoongi was actually gonna stay… but his job called him elsewhere,” he murmured, sadness rolling through his voice at the last sentence. You could feel the sound of loss in it. You brushed your fingers along his knuckles and smiled sympathetically. He returned the smile and then pulled away to continue laying out snacks and drinks.
“Could you get some of the glasses?”
You tried to reach for the cups, but they were on the highest shelf and you weren’t exactly tall. You were up on your toes, your shirt stretching up as your arm reached above your head. Then you felt it, something slightly damp pressing against your back. A warm breath brushed down your neck and you froze.
Taehyung’s face came into view as he reached over you to get the glasses. His hair was wet and he smelled clean and fresh and… leathery. You didn’t realize that you were leaning in to smell him until he pulled away and you almost toppled over. You cleared your throat and tried to pretend that you weren’t just sniffing up the boy. A smirk had spread over the boy’s face, but you were too distracted by your thoughts to notice.
The sound of people entering had you looking up in excitement. Two other boys entered, neither of whom you recognized. Both had blonde hair, but one was much taller with most of it shaved off, and the other was short and his hair was curly. Both were gorgeous and you started wondering if this whole friend group was made up of model-worthy people.
“Please Joon, she was definitely into me,” the shorter one huffed as he flicked the man’s chest. Neither one noticed you as they dumped bags of snacks and games on the counter. The taller one, Joon, snorted and rolled his eyes.
“Get over yourself Jimin, she was practically falling in my lap when I was trying to get her to pay, but if you want her, she’s all yours,” he huffed and started emptying the bags. Both boys were covered in tattoos and piercings, just like Taehyung. You weren’t sure whether to say hi or just try to pretend like you weren’t there until someone introduced you.
You turned around, deciding to just start setting up the other things. Only then did you realize there was nothing for you to do. Hoseok was like a work machine and Taehyung had taken away your one job. So instead, you just stared at the empty countertops, feeling like an actual idiot.
“Oh shit, I didn’t realize we were inviting girls.”
You whirled around, meeting both the boys’ curious stares. A hand lifted on natural instinct and you just waved. You mentally face-palmed yourself when both boys just waved back, the shorter one trying not to laugh while the other’s eyebrows furrowed. With an internal sigh, you prepared to introduce yourself, but were saved by the sound of the door opening and someone storming in.
Jin rounded the corner, carrying a pack of beer with a big smile on his face. He grinned at both boys and then saw you. A squeal—something similar to a little girl—escaped him and he practically pranced over to you. He wrapped you up in a hug and you didn’t return it because you were too shocked. You weren’t expecting that.
Hell, he hadn’t even taken you on that date yet.
“Y/N!” He chirped and then turned to the boys. “Have you met Y/N?”
“Nope,” Jimin said with a grin and held out a hand for you to shake. You quickly accepted it and then shook the other’s. You were certain you looked like the epitome of awkward as you pursed your lips. You stuck your hands in your pockets and rocked back and forth on your feet.
“So, are you new here?” Joon asked, running a hand through the mohawk. “Um yeah, I just moved here several weeks ago,” you murmured, trying not to hide behind Jin as they focused their attention on you. Hoseok also entered the kitchen, smiling at the boys.
“She’s actually our neighbor. She’s the one whose door Tae showed up at,” the man said with a laugh. Jimin burst out laughing and Taehyung chose to enter the kitchen at that time, the younger boy from the garage following him. Jimin glanced at the brown-haired boy and his laughter just grew louder.
“Wow, you invited the girl that you scared the crap out of, Tae? You must have no shame!” The short boy squeaked, wiping away fake tears. Tae blushed and glanced at you. He shrugged and didn’t try to explain himself as he quickly grabbed a beer and opened it.
“Oh,” the boy, Kookie, spoke up, “and it gets better because Jin’s asked her out.”
You didn’t think it was possible, but Jimin’s laughter got louder and shriller. He held his stomach and when he started to fall onto Joon, the man just stepped out of the way and let the blonde sprawl on floor and finish his laughing fit. You couldn’t help but chuckle.  It was a weird situation, wasn’t it?
The rest of the night went similarly to that; the boys making fun of one another and there was a constant stream of laughter. You quickly found most of them to be over-dramatic and full of attitude. When you were playing UNO, Jimin repeatedly threatened everyone with murder if they tried to stop him from winning.
He lost every time.
At the last game, the blonde finally lost it and tackled Jungkook to the floor, attempting to strangle the younger boy. Everyone ignored the two as they fumbled around on the floor, Jimin screeching about how he should have won and it was Jungkook’s fault for throwing plus fours at him like they were dollar bills.
It was getting close to eleven and you sighed, exhaustion starting to catch up to you. You ended up calling it and night and wishing the boy’s goodnight. You had an early shift in the morning and didn’t want your late night to rub off onto your patients. Jin offered to walk you to your door and you happily accepted.
The two of you paused in front of your door and you felt like a young teen for a second as you could feel your heart speed up. Would he kiss you goodnight? You blushed when he studied your face intensely and then a small smiled pulled at his lips. He reached down, cupping your cheeks. You closed your eyes, preparing yourself for the feeling of his lips on yours, only for his warmth to softly press against your forehead.
“Goodnight Y/N.”
As the weeks passed, you and Jin went on dates as often as you could. You and Hobi grew closer and you were practically living at the man’s house. One of the things you immediately noticed was the lack of Taehyung. He was occasionally there, but it felt like you were in his house more than he was. Hoseok obviously enjoyed your company, he worked his job from home most of the time, but he didn’t get many calls, nor did he have to do paperwork, and since Tae was never home, he was always bored.
You tried to make some female friends outside of the boys, but found it hard. There were sometimes girls at their social nights, but none of them were particularly nice towards you. It felt weird having more guy friends than girls.
You soon learned why Hobi didn’t like Tae’s friends. Jin had come over one night and three of you had been watching a movie, when a group of semi-drunk people stumbled into the home. They reeked of weed and none of them seemed to understand what manners were. Taehyung wasn’t as much of an asshole as them, but he was ruder than normal. He ignored Hoseok when he tried to talk to him in private and openly gagged at the sight of you and Jin cuddled up together. In the end, you said goodnight to Hoseok and you and Jin finished watching the movie at your house before he left.
Work was still slow, but you didn’t mind too much. It was better than your old job in Seoul, constantly running back and forth, doctors screaming demands at you and patients in hysterics around you. Sometimes you missed the rush, but you started to get used to the calmer vibes of Jinju.
“So you do have a boyfriend, Miss Y/L/N?” The little girl asked. You chuckled and nodded as you checked her vitals. “Is he cute?”
“Very cute, do you have a boyfriend?” You tease, quickly typing the results into the computer. You watched out of the corner of your eye as the little girl perked up. She shrugged and then frowned. “I dunno, there’s this cute boy in my class… but he’s always so mean to me. My mom says that it means he likes me, but that doesn’t make sense,” she pouted and then like a drama-queen, threw her hands in the air and collapsed back on the bed. “Maybe he’ll be nicer to me when I go back to school. Is your boyfriend nice to you?” You laugh, thinking about yours and Jin’s last date. You hadn’t brought proper shoes for a hike, so the man had forced you to ride on his back the whole time so you wouldn’t hurt yourself. Your cheeks heated up and you ducked your head.
“Yes, Jiwoo,” you say. The girl pouts and goes on a rant about how the boy obviously doesn’t like her. You listen intently, you’re lunch break was soon and you wanted to avoid any doctors so you could have the whole break to yourself.
When the time came, you bid goodbye to the girl and let her parents know that she’d be clear to leave soon. You stumbled over to the front desk to tell the receptionist that you were taking your break. The woman, Yuna, looked up and grinned and then blinked, asking you to wait for a second.
“Ah yes, you have a visitor. In the ah—well, right over there.”
You blinked and turned around, searching the seats  for someone familiar. A smile spread over your face when you saw Jin sitting there, looking awkward in the tiny seat. A tiny smile was on his face and when he saw you, he bounced to his feet and tripped when he tried to rush over. You chuckled when he finally made it over and the two of you shared a quick kiss.
“Hmmm, what are you doing here?” You murmured, watching him under your lashes.
“I brought you lunch, I was gonna stay and eat with you, but they need me back at the garage,” he explained, handing you a small box. You accepted it with a grin and thanked him softly. You loved Jin’s cooking and your mouth started to water from the scent that wafted from the box.
“Are you coming tonight? Hoseok is throwing another game night,” he asked, wrapping an arm around your waist. You nodded. He kissed you goodbye and kept waving until he exiting the building.
You arrived late to the party, unable to shower, but you had time to change into clothes. You stepped into Hoseok’s, bursting into laughter when Jungkook ran up to you, trying to hide behind you as Jin shook a spatula at him. When the boy tried to run around you and escape, there was a loud smack as the spatula quickly made contact with the boy’s ass. He yelped, screaming for Hoseok to save him.
You hugged Jin, thanking him once again for the lunch. You met Tae’s gaze from across the room and were slightly surprised to see him. You hadn’t seen him since that night with his friends and that had been two weeks ago. He didn’t look different or anything, but maybe you were shocked that he wasn’t drunk. He offered you a weary smile, but you could see annoyance flickering across his face.
“How was work today, Y/N?” Hoseok asked when he saw you. He was setting up a game and you couldn’t help but notice that his smile was brighter than normal.
“Well, I got to talk to a little girl about my boyfriend,” you said with a giggle, pinching Jin’s arm. The man grinned and slung an arm over your shoulder. “You seem really happy, Hobi, what’s up?”
“Yoongi’s coming tonight,” Jungkook piped up for him.
Yoongi was the only one of the friend group that you hadn’t met. You knew a little bit about him, from what you could pick up in conversations. Apparently, he was a well-known, underground rapper. He used to be Tae and Hobi’s roommate, until his job forced him to move Incheon. You couldn’t quite figure out his and Hobi’s relationship; whether they were lovers or best friends. It didn’t matter, he made Hoseok happy.
“And thank god, Jimin isn’t coming!” The maknae piped up again, fist bumping the air. You snorted as Taehyung smacked his head and told him to stop lying about his hate for Jimin.
Namjoon and Jimin owned a tattoo and piercing barn together. You had originally thought they were a couple, but just turned out they were close co-workers who were, in Namjoon’s words, “stuck together for eternity and it’s tearing apart my ability to live.” You found out that Joon did Tae’s tattoos and you were amazed—the tattoos always looked amazing, but knowing that Joon was the artist was weird in a sense.
You played a couple of rounds of Go-fish and Sword Girls. Hoseok kept looking at the door and the clock, his teeth working his lip as he waited for the rapper to arrive. Jin was extra touchy, cuddling up to you and pressing kisses to your shoulder and head repeatedly. Tae looked more annoyed than normal and he kept making faces at you and Jin. Jungkook was the same—a ball of energy that was being unnecessarily vicious in the games.
When the doorbell rang it was like a bomb went off. Hoseok let out a scream and shoved Taehyung out of his way so he could get to the door. Tae also popped up, looking the happiest he had the whole night. You turned and watched as the door opened. A man with light blue hair entered and you looked away when the two hugged; it felt like you were seeing a private moment.
Hoseok dragged the man into the living room, bouncing on his toes. Tae hugged him and Jin waved. Hobi introduced you and then breezed over it, talking non-stop about everything. The game was forgotten as the pair sat on the couch and conversed. The rest of you got up and migrated to the kitchen, trying to pretend like you weren’t watching out of their corner of your eyes and eavesdropping.
“Well, as much as I’d like to say this night will continue, it’s already ended,” Taehyung said and you felt uncomfortable as his gaze was fixed on you. He dragged his gaze away to look at Kook. “You wanna stay here tonight or do you have the early shift?” The boy said he had to leave and then bid everyone goodbye. You tucked yourself into Jin and tickled his sides. It was still an early night and you didn’t want him to leave yet. Taehyung looked away from the two of you, clearing his throat and mindlessly sipping at the beer he held.
“Wanna go back to my place?” You asked, figuring the two of you could just watch a movie. The man nodded and went go grab his coat. You said goodbye to Taehyung and quickly left that you didn’t see the way the boy slammed down his bottle and the frown that took over his face. He clenched his hands into fists and grit his teeth.
You and Jin watched a romcom, but at some point the two of you became less interested in the movie and more interested in each other. You moaned into his mouth as you grinded down on the obvious erection he was sporting. You pulled back with a gasp, your heart hammering as the man’s hands slowly ran up your sides. He pulled you back down, pressing a rough kiss to your lips. He rutted his hips up into yours and you grasped his shoulders.
He hefted you up and the two of you struggled to your room. You let out a breathy laugh when you fell back onto the bed. He tore off his shirt and you admired the expanse of milky skin under the material. He climbed a top you and you whimpered into his mouth when he positioned his knee between your legs.
“Fuck,” you hissed.
You woke up the next morning with a smile on your face and a blissful ache between your legs. You could hear Jin whistling in the kitchen and utilities clanging around as he prepared breakfast. You stretched, letting out a mewl as your muscles pulled. You got up and threw on a shirt and shorts.
You walked out to the kitchen and pressed a kiss to the boy’s cheek. He gave you a side hug and then went back to focusing on the food. You stumbled over to the couch and sat down, but the second you did there was a knock at your door. You grumbled and got up, going over to the door and wondering who the hell would be here this early in the morning. When you opened the door, you were shocked to see Tae standing there, looking exhausted and his hair a slight mess.
“Ta… what are you doing here?” You queried, not stepping back to let him into the house. He glanced around you, almost like he was trying to see into the house, and then his eyes ran over your legs. You suddenly realized how underdressed you were and became aware of the several hickies that covered your neck and shoulders.
“Um… we’re out of coffee and I don’t mean to be annoying… but I’m desperate and I don’t think I’ll be able to function without it,” he stammered, scratching the back of his neck. You blinked in disbelief—this boy was really here just for a cup of coffee?
Of course, you couldn’t judge him. You were addicted to coffee as well and had three cups every morning. With a sigh, you opened the door further and let him in, forgetting that Jin was in the kitchen. You didn’t see his expression when he saw the boy; his eyes widened and then narrowed and a dark look took over his features. He practically threw himself at your dining table, a sour feeling roiling through his stomach.
If Jin was shocked to see Taehyung, he didn’t voice it or show it. He just glanced over his shoulder and then went back to working on the food. You quickly made a cup of coffee, desperate to get the boy out of your house. You could feel tension in the air and you hoped it was just your over-imaginative mind that was putting it there.
Unlike the first morning Tae had been in your house, he chugged down the coffee, so fast he almost choked on it. He quickly thanked you and then raced from your home. You watched in confusion and then shrugged, turning back to Jin. He didn’t seem to care that the boy was gone and finished preparing the breakfast.
After a nice breakfast, the man bid you goodbye and left for work. You couldn’t rid the smile from your face; the moment felt so surreal. Waking up to him making you breakfast and spending the early hours together and then leaving for work. You blushed when the thought of him returning home after work struck your mind and scolded yourself for getting too far ahead of yourself. You’d barely been dating for a month—you shouldn’t be thinking of that.
In the later morning, Hobi asked you to come over so you could actually meet Yoongi this time. But the way the boy texted you, it sounded like more of a SOS. Apparently things had changed so much since they saw each other and it was more than a little awkward. You felt it in the air the second you stepped into the threshold, Hoseok over-excitedly greeting you at the door and the stranger standing silently in the kitchen with a cup of coffee.
You did a double take.
They had coffee. So why had Taehyung come barging into your house just for the sake of coffee? You frowned, studying the counter to see that, in fact, their coffee machine was definitely stocked up. It was weird and there was an odd feeling in the back of your mind, but you couldn’t seem to form a coherent thought around it.
“So, Y/N, this is Min Yoongi. Yoongi, this is Y/L/N Y/N,” Hoseok chirped, forcing you from your thoughts. You smiled at the man and waved. He offered you a small smile back and then the room fell into silence. You opened your mouth and then closed it, looking away.
“You work at the hospital, correct?” The man said, leaning back against the counter as he studied you.
“Yeah. I’m a RNA. I didn’t graduate college, so I couldn’t get a degree to become a registered nurse,” you explained, “although I don’t regret it. I do get paid less, but the work isn’t as gruelling and I typically get easier patients. You… uh, you’re a rapper, right?”
He studied you for a second, almost like he was trying to gauge your exact thoughts on his job. You squirmed warily under his stare, but it was cut off when Hobi pinched the man’s elbow. Yoongi winced, throwing a quick glare at his friend, before smiling at you with a real smile.
“Yeah. Although that’s more of a part-time thing for me. I write and produce music most of the time,” he murmured. Then he turned to Hobi, a nervous look twitching over his face. “Could we go see Namjoon and Jimin?”
“I’m down, I’ve been wanting to get one of my tattoos fixed up for a while.”
You froze and for some reason your heart started racing. You wanted to turn around and meet his gaze, to challenge him about the coffee, but for some reason you couldn’t. You weren’t sure if he noticed you, but you heard Yoongi ask him if he had a good shower and a low chuckle coming from Hoseok.
“Well, this is good—Yoongi can say hi to those two, you can do your tattoo, and Y/N can finally see the tattoo barn.”
You turned around, refusing to meet Tae’s gaze and opening your mouth to argue with Hobi, but something in the man’s gaze stopped you. You swallowed and nodded, following the three boys out of the house. Yoongi looked tense and Hoseok had a mischievous smile on his face, but the way his fingers were fidgeting proved that he was also nervous.   
You and Taehyung sat in the back of Yoongi’s car, the both of you avoiding each other. The car was bitterly silent and no one dared to breathe a word. The ride was awful, almost suffocating. There was tension between Hobi and Yoongi and the way the two get glancing at each other, with Hobi’s eyebrows furrowing and the ladder’s lips pursing, you knew something was up. You wondered if it was because of the two boys you were going to see. Did Yoongi not get along with one of them? Or was it something else? When the four of you arrived, you all got out. As you approached the door right behind Hobi, Tae grabbed your wrist and pulled you back. You wriggled against him and then whirled around. “What?” You snapped.
“You’re gonna wanna give them a few minutes,” he muttered, eyes slowly moving to look through the glass door.
You blinked and followed his gaze. You couldn’t see through the glass, but you could see silhouettes moving.
“Why?” You whispered back and then the door opened and Namjoon stepped out. The tall blonde looked stressed, but he didn’t say anything to either of you guys as he stepped off to the side.
“Some things happened between the three of them right before Yoongi left—none of us know exactly what—but I think it had something to do with Jimin and Yoongi’s relationship,” he explained under his breath, side-eyeing Joon. “Sometimes I wonder if it was the real reason he left and just used music as an excuse.”
You pursed your lips, taking in that information. Jimin and Yoongi were in a relationship before he moved and Hobi was involved. A dark feeling rolled through your stomach and you had a vague idea of what had happened. The three of you stood out there for ten minutes, before you slowly entered.
You entered last, trying to meet Hobi’s stare, but it was focused on the ground. Yoongi stood beside him, arms crossed with a pissed expression on his face. Jimin greeted you guys with a smile, pulling you in for a side hug, but there wasn’t the usual bounce in his step.
“You know where to go Tae,” Joon said, barely sending a glance his way as he quickly went to stand beside Jimin. “I’ll be over in a few.”
You didn’t want to go with Tae, but the boy grabbed your wrist and dragged you along behind him. You wanted to go comfort Hoseok, but maybe he was right to let them work it out for awhile. Tae flopped down in a chair and when you went to sit in the stool, he pulled you into his lap. You went rigid, trying to fight your way out, the boy was adamant.
“Joon’s gonna sit there,” he muttered, his mouth unnecessarily close to your ear.  
“Then I’ll just stand,” you tried to argue, but he wasn’t having it. You felt stupid as you sat on his lap—not because of the awkwardness, but because you weren’t completely opposed to the idea. You knew you should’ve been, but it just felt right to be right there.
When Joon walked in, he didn’t mention anything about where you were sitting. If he found it weird or disrespectful, he said nothing. He took Tae’s arm, wiped it down, and the two had a quick conversation of what had to be fixed. You watched as he set up the ink and then got a tight hold on Tae’s wrist before bringing the pen down. The second the needle was pressed into his skin, the boy’s other hand tightened around your waist. You don’t know why you did, but you wrapped your hand around his. You weren’t creeped out by the needle—you worked with them everyday—you were more intrigued by the liquid-like movement as Joon fixed the rose design.
It took about fifteen minutes to do the tattoo and at some point you weren’t even aware of the fact that you were on Tae’s lap. You had relaxed into him and just watched the needle move. The look of concentration on Joon’s face was gorgeous. You really made a mistake when you looked back at Tae to see his teeth digging into his bottom lip and his head thrown back, eyes pinched shut. Your cheeks flushed red and you looked away, trying to rid the image of your mind. It wasn’t a M rated situation, but by the look on his face you’d think he was getting a bl-
“All finished,” Joon murmured, “you don’t have to pay for this one, since I was the reason it got messed up in the first place. Wait for the ink to dry.”
“That was cool,” you muttered, finally glancing back at Taehyung when the tattoo artist left.
He chuckled at the twinkle in your eyes.
“Have you never seen that before?” He asked teasingly.
“I never went with my friends when they got one and I never got one,” you muttered and shifted on his lap. Now that it was over, you didn’t feel the need to stay in his lap anymore. You tried to get up, but he kept a steady arm on you. You wiggled, trying to escape. “Come on, Tae.”
“Don- don’t do that sweets,” he hissed.
You froze, but it was too late. You could feel him, pressed up against you. His arm had loosened on you and you knew that you could’ve leapt out of his arms, but you were just frozen. Too many thoughts were racing in your head and you hated the fact that you enjoyed that you were the reason he was this way. The feeling of him pressed against you was too good and you felt heat spread along your cheeks and down to your stomach.
You glanced at him over your shoulder. He met your gaze, nerves evident in his stare as he searched your gaze. Your thoughts were going too fast for you to keep up and the ideas that came to your mind were terrible, but you wanted to do them. A crazy adrenaline high rushed through you and you found yourself leaning in and pressing a kiss against his lips. He stiffened up, but within seconds was returning it.
His hand tangled itself in your hair and he pulled you closer. Your hands fell on his chest and you turned around so you were straddling his waist. A whimper fell from you when he bit your lips and you could feel the cool metal of his tongue piercing sliding along. You opened your mouth and the feeling was just too good, there was something about him. You grinded down on him unintentionally and he threw his head back, letting out a soft groan.
“Fuck sweets,” he hissed, glancing at you.
You blinked and then quickly got off his lap, rushing towards the car.
“So the two of you kissed?” Hoseok asked in disbelief. Taehyung groaned and nodded, burying his face in his hands. Why did he let that happen? Y/N was dating one of his friends! The girl had opted for getting a ride home from Jimin who had decided the escape the second he could.
It was awful—he’d managed to hide his boner with his jacket, but it refused to go away—he ended up having to jack off when he got home. It didn’t make sense, no girl ever had that much control over him before. It was like he was tightly wrapped around her finger—hell, he’d probably clean her bathroom floor with his tongue if she asked.
“Shouldn’t you be mad at me or something?” Tae huffed, glancing at his hyung. The man shrugged, running a hand through his hair.
“I’ve been the side-chick before Tae,” he murmured softly, “maybe I should be mad… but I understand what it feels like.”
He opened his mouth but shut it when Yoongi entered the living room. The man had been distressed, but now he seemed to have relaxed slightly. He grinned at Hoseok and sat down beside him. Tae watched the two interact, suddenly starting to understand the circumstances of their relationship.
He couldn’t help but wish that someday him and Y/N could be that close.
“And then in the morning the only reason you went over was to see if Jin was still there?” Hobi queried and Taehyung nodded, throwing his head back.
“I just… gosh this is stupid,” he muttered.
“Well,” Yoongi huffed, “mind you, Jin is still Jin. If what I’ve heard is correct, this has been his longest relationship, but he’s normally with girls for a couple weeks. What’s to stop him from cutting her off soon?”
Taehyung wished his heart hadn’t sped up at that idea. It was true, Jin wasn’t exactly known for… permanency. Of course, none of them really were, were they? Jungkook had never been in a relationship and it was a total shock that the boy wasn’t a virgin. Hoseok occasionally went on dates, Jimin hadn’t had an actual relationship since Yoongi left, Namjoon was private about that part of his life, and Taehyung… hell, he only slept around. What was to say he was any better? “Of course, that doesn’t mean it’s a good idea to date her afterwards,” Yoongi interjected again. Tae glanced up and couldn’t help the frown that came to his face. The blue-haired man just shrugged and when the brunette looked to Hobi, the man refused to meet his gaze. He sighed.
“Well, shit,” he grumbled. He got up, grabbing a coat and heading for the door. When Hobi asked where he was going, he didn’t reply. He’d rather drink his feelings away and get high than deal with it.
He started up the car, heading towards the broken down part of town.
You hated the night shift. It was empty and lifeless the whole time, no one has ever been wheeled in here, blood gushing from multiple wounds. You couldn’t help but miss the emergency nights you’d had in Seoul. Yes—they were stressful and sometimes caused you to wonder why you ever decided to take this job—but there was always a rush of adrenaline that came with it. Here, you just sat at the receptionist desk, sipping at coffee, and staring at a blank screen.
“Fucking hell,” you groaned, leaning back in you chair. You had taken an extra shift in hopes of forgetting about what had happened at the Tattoo Barn and to, ashamedly admit, avoid Jin. You tried to tell yourself it was because you were too guilty to look him in the eye, but you knew better.
You just didn’t want to see him because after what happened with Tae… you started debating the way your heart raced.
But since the hospital was empty and you had no personal patients, you were left alone with your thoughts and the reception desk. Yuna’s son was sick, so you offered to take her spot instead. You figured it’d be better than just sitting in the hospital, but considering that nobody checked in or out, you were just staring into space. You groaned again and let your head fall onto the counter.
You glanced at your phone and pressed your finger to the home button. You sighed when you saw the message from Jin, telling you good luck. He’d always texted you on your other late night shifts, but this time your heart just didn’t flutter. “It’s just because he’s done it so much now that I’ve gotten used to it,” you thought aloud. You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose. Wrong. You had a feeling that if Taehyung texted you, your heart would probably explode. “Emotions shouldn’t change that fast though! I really liked Jin, how can I so easily switch to Tae! Hell, I think at some points I hated that boy.”
You frowned again, there was a thin line between love and hate, wasn’t there?   
“But I don’t love him… do I?”
You went to take a sip of your coffee, but as you brought the cup to your lips you spilled it as a loud shriek split the silence. You jumped up from your chair, almost toppling out of it. A girl covered in tattoos stumbled in, an arm slung over her shoulder as she dragged someone in beside her. You hurried over, wrinkling your nose at the strong scent of weed and alcohol.
“What happened?” You asked when you saw blood and saliva drip from the boy’s mouth.
“I-I don’t know! One second we were all fine and then somebody said something and a fight broke out and I… oh god, there’s so much blood,” she sobbed and you glanced at her and then over your shoulder. You didn’t have your pager on you so you couldn’t call a doctor or a nurse, but you figured you were experienced enough to take care of him for five minutes.
“Help me take him to a room,” you said quickly and grabbed his other arm. The two of you dragged him to the nearest room and dumped him onto the bed. The girl continued to sob and then disappeared into the bathroom, the sounds of retching echoing through the room.
You pulled back the boy’s hood, blinking when you saw a half-passed out Taehyung. You held in your gasp, staring at the open cut that ran over his eyebrow and cheek. His lips were busted and a bruise was starting to form on one of his eyes. Blood was dripping from his lips, dark red sliding down his chin and along his neck, staining the gray t-shirt he wore. He reeked of weed and beer and there were blood spots along his shirt.
“Okay, Tae, I can do this,” you mumbled.
You rustled through the cabinets, pulling out the gauze, antiseptic, needles, and stitches. You may have not graduated, but you’d spent hours learning how to clean wounds and stitch when you dated your ex. He’d done underground boxing and was part of the reason you majored in nursing.
You pressed the gauze into the cut on his forehead, watching as he winced and his eyes flew open, deep eyes meeting yours. He didn’t recognize you, his eyes were still completely dilated, but you were glad to see he was awake. You washed off the blood, cleaning out the wound, and then sanitized the needle. Your teeth tore into your bottom lip as you leaned over him, trying to ignore the way your hands shook.
It took several minutes, but you managed to tightly close up the cut. You cleaned up his lip and then lifted up his, wincing at what you saw. You’d seen awful injuries on your ex, but maybe it was the fact that this boy didn’t choose to get himself hurt. Bruises lined his ribs and stomach and whoever he was going at must’ve been wearings rings. Tiny cuts—nothing too bad—were spread over over the expanse of white and blue skin.
You cleaned up the cuts and then backed away. You didn’t bother to see if the girl was still there or if she’d left. He had to have internal bleeding, especially if he’d been coughing up blood. You’d need a doctor for that.
“Stay awake for me,” you whispered, brushing a thumb over his cheek and before you could overthink, pressed a quick kiss to his cold lips.
When you returned with a doctor and a nurse, you were shoved out of the way as they wheeled him out and to the surgery ward. You sat alone at the desk, arms crossed over yourself. You sighed, fingering your scrubs and then reached for your phone. You debated calling Jin, but then decided against it.
“Hobi? Hey, um… there’s been an accident with Tae,” you mumbled into the phone, trying not to let the sound of your tears through. The man replied in a flurry of cusses and random words and you could hear him fumbling around in the background. The only thing you got from it that he would be there soon.
And sure enough, he was. The red-haired man came running in, Yoongi hot on his heels. He asked you if he could see his roommate, but when you shook your head, he opted for nearly leaping over the desk to hug you. He wasn’t crying, but he was shaking like crazy. You bit your lip and then decided against fighting your emotions. You sobbed into his chest, pulling at his jacket.
You knew why you were so scared, you knew why it hurt to even see him like that, but you kept it inside and didn’t say anything. Several minutes later the other boys arrived. The seven of you sat in silence as you waited for the surgery to finish and for Tae to come up from under the anesthesia.
Morning came and you woke up, your neck sore and head pounding. You fell asleep against Jin in the uncomfortable waiting chairs. Hoseok shook you awake, saying that Tae was finally up and the nurse said he could see him as long as a staff member was present. You groaned and then led the man towards his room. You stepped in, avoiding the brunette’s stare.
Silence filled the room for only a moment before Hoseok exploded.
“You dumbass! God, you should be super fucking glad that you’re already injured or else I would actually beat you. How many times have I told you that those people are terrible influences and that you shouldn’t hang out with them? It’s an actual ass miracle that one of them had the brains to not let you bleed out all over the floor. What would you have done… what would I have done if you died?” He snapped, his voice breaking once he finished his rant. He marched over to the side of Tae’s bed and you prepared yourself to step in, but the older man just stared down at his friend. Hoseok sighed and then fell into the chair beside the bed. “I’m so fucking glad you’re alive. We all are.”
You nodded and finally found the guts to approach the bed. The boy glanced up at you and you smiled weakly at him. He blinked and then glanced down at your hands that fidgeted with the bed sheets. His hand reached out for yours, but when he stopped halfway you reached forward and grasped his cut up hand. You stroked your thumb over his knuckles, feeling the broken skin with a shudder.
“You gonna say anything?” He asked with a broken laugh. You shrugged and then sat down on the edge of the bed.
“I don’t think I need to reprimand you…” you said softly and then met his gaze. “But I swear, if you ever bleed on my scrubs again I’ll fight you at 3 AM.”
Tae smiled and then looked down at your intertwined hands. Part of you knew that you should pull your hand away, you were still dating Jin, but you couldn’t find the strength to do it. Then you sighed and glanced out the window. The sun was out and there wasn’t a cloud in sight. You smiled.
3 weeks later…
“Hello there.”
You sighed and glanced over your shoulder as Taehyung approached you. You were struggling to take your groceries into your house. The boy grinned at you when you dropped your keys for the umpteenth time and when you just pouted at them. He slowly walked over, picked up the keys for you, and opened the door. You hated the way that he stood so close.
You waltzed into your house, the boy following you. It was a late Friday night. You’d been trying to avoid Tae since his accident, but you were nice to him when you saw each other. Of course, you’d also been avoiding Jin, and you hated the relief that had swept through you when your boyfriend told you he was going home to visit his parents for a week.
“What do you want, Tae?” You murmured quietly, glancing at him over your shoulder. Your eyes gravitated towards his lips, but you forced yourself to meet his burning stare.
“Can’t a friend say hello once in a while? I mean, you did save my life… that sort of makes us buddies for life, right?” He said with a grin, sitting down at your kitchen table like he owned the fucking place. You frowned at him and fought the urge to flip him off.
“Don’t talk like that,” you snapped, practically throwing your groceries on the counter. A low chuckle came from him and you despised the shivers it sent down your spine.
“Right, I forgot that we could never really be friends… because of that incident,” his voice dropped an octave when he reminded you of that night. You pursed your lips, pinching your eyes shut.
His roughs hand gripped at your waist, the two of you tumbling back onto the hospital bed. He hovered over you, his lips ghosting yours with a coy smirk. You glared at him, locking your hands in his hair and pulling him close. Your lips crashed together in a blaze of teeth and tongues.
“Is it just that hard to look at me and not remember that?”
He practically ripped off your pants, his fingers immediately pressing into your folds through your panties. You whimpered, your hips bucking up into his touch. He groaned, pressing kisses down your neck. He moved your panties to the side, one thick finger dipping into your core. You both groaned at the feeling and he pushed in, curling his fingers right into the perfect spot. You mewled beneath him, begging for more.
“Don’t play this game with me, Tae.”
He stretched you out, wasting not time adding two more fingers and scissoring them inside you. Your hands tangled themselves in his hair and you watched his face as he focused his sole attention on the way his fingers pumped in and out of your pussy. He grinned at the sight of your juices leaking out around his thick digits, staining the sheets and your panties.
“What game do you think I’m playing, sweets?”
He pressed the head of his cock against you, glancing at you one more time. His teeth dug into his lip and he pushed in swiftly. You gasped at the feeling and he let out a deep breath. You arched your back, trying to someone take him deeper even though it didn’t feel possible.
“God sweets, you’re so tight.”
He started thrusting slowly but as you continued to whimper underneath him, begging him over and over to go faster, he complied. His thrusts became rough and he was so fucking precise with his movement. Almost all the way out and then right into your cervix, yours hips smashing together.
“I’m dating your friend, Taehyung!”
“Oh, ruin me Tae!” He grinned, nipping at your neck. His thrusts became more erratic as your walls tightened around him and the both of you were approaching your highs. He gasped, whispering a praise under his breath. You squirmed, tightening around him and white exploding in your vision as you came undone beneath him. He jerked his head back, release filling you up.
“You didn’t seem to care about that then.”
The two of you laid side by side in bed. His arm was wrapped around your waist and your head rested on his shoulder. You’d attempted at cleaning up, but you were still covered in sweat and the both of you reeked of sex. You sighed, glancing up at him.
“This can’t happen again, Tae,” you murmured, tracing patterns on his chest.
“But why—”
“You know why,” you huffed, sitting up in bed. You pulled your scrubs back on, glancing at him over your shoulder. “We won’t talk about this, ever.
“It’d be best if we try not to see each other often after this.”
He opened his mouth again, but you beat him to it.
“Dammit, Tae, get out!” You snapped, your hand slamming down on the table. His eyes widened as you glared at him. You so desperately wanted to be with him, constantly, but you couldn’t. He would ruin you.
Hell, he already had.
“Just leave Tae… I don’t want…” you trailed off, fighting back the tears that built up. “I don’t want anything you have to offer.”
He sighed and you turned away as he left.
Hello there.
A/N: lmao, I’m sorry, I know this isn’t the ending you wanted
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Like music? We’ll you’re gonna love my operatic puppy
Alright, so this is my first post but I find it a victory so here goes.
I’m a college student that lives in a college town like the town would be horrible if the college wasn’t there. Anyways there are lot of students who live in apartments and I have these wonderful neighbors that live above me. It’s a guy who rents but often lets his girlfriend stay over often. Which is fine.
Also I should note that I’ve been here in the place since last May so quite awhile, and I got a puppy in June. And as puppies do they bark and do their puppy things, not an excuse but I am training him to not bark at everything and my landlords are aware of that and fine with it.
Now that the background is out of the way the real story. So when I first got my puppy and he discovered his bark he would bark like crazy (I’ve since trained him out of that and now he only barks when strangers knock at the door.) But these neighbors (they live right above me) put a noise compliant on me. Okay fine whatever I get it I talk to my landlords they’re find with it because I paid my pet fee. But fast forward like a couple months later and they start to play their music. LOUDLY. Like this is an apartment and walls are paper thin so you can hear everything. I’m a chill neighbor if you throw a party occasionally and are loud every so often go for it have fun I’ll get over myself. I invite friends over for drinks and games and I know we get loud, but that’s not what this was.
This guy would start playing his music at 3pm and would not shut if off till well after midnight. The first couple of days I was like okay fine whatever maybe he’s cleaning or doing whatever. But then it went on for a week. Would stop for a day. And then he kept going. I had started working early morning shifts at like 6am so I want to be asleep at a reasonable hour. I think it’s a Saturday night one night and I have work at 8am. I’m like okay if he wants to play his music a little later let him it’s the weekend. So my boyfriend and I fall asleep in my bed or whatever. It becomes 4am. I’m furious. I have work. I’m trying to sleep. My boyfriend is trying to sleep. My puppy is trying to sleep. This is insane. He had his music on since 3pm and now it’s 4am. It’s also like shitty radio station music.
Anyways, I’m not confrontational but I go up and knock because this is crazy. I’m pounding in their door for like 5 minutes no response. I call the cops. They come and pound on the door for another 15 minutes and it finally shuts off. So then the music stopped for like a couple of weeks playing loudly into the middle of the night. But then one night it plays again. I go up and pound on the door and they stop. It’s like 2:30am. They stop for like an hour. Then I call the cops on them. And they stop for like another hour it’s like 4:30 and it’s starts again and I have to be into work at 5:45 so not like I can get much sleep at this point.
So I’m up and I’m pissed. Here’s was my plan. My puppy he loves to sing. Like if I put on music he’ll howl like crazy and go to town. And I decided if he’s gonna put his bad music on super late at night I’ll put on mine and my speakers are even better because it’s not coming from a radio it’s coming from a sound system.
So it stopped for like a couple of days. But then it started again the shitty Aerosmith radio station that plays the same song every hour. And I was done. I play my music. And you know what I turn on? Jesus Christ Superstar. Oh yess. I played it so loud and on repeat. I got through on chorus of the song and he ended. I was elated because I could here him huffing and puffing about not being able to hear his music.
But that didn’t stop him. Only temporarily. So the next time he did it I found the highest pitched opera I could and blasted it. And he’s since stopped playing his music at unreasonable times on the night.
TL:DR disrespectful neighbor after multiple noise complaints still plays his shitty music really loud. I play Jesus Christ Superstar and high pitched opera music to make him stop because my puppy also like to howl like crazy to it.
(source) story by (/u/Wampus20)
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krreader · 6 years
so close, and still so far | chapter 1.
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pairing: jung hoseok x reader fandom: bts warnings: non idol!au ; fuckboy!hoseok ; neighbors!au ; mentions of sex ; mentions of masturbation ; language genre: angst ; fluff ; smut
summary: hoseok was that annoying neighbor that brought home a new girl every week, which was bad enough as it was, but what was even worse was the fact that you had fallen in love with the guy that always showed up at your doorstep after a tumble with an apologetic smile and pizza, despite you knowing that all you were to him was a neighbor.. right?
a/n: I’ve got original stories for almost all members, but not jimin and hoseok, so I need to change that. this is going to be hoseok’s story, one that I’m really excited about, because it’s mostly going to be super angsty and I love angst :’) if you’re wondering about the title, it’s from the enchanted movie  and if you haven’t watched enchanted, do it. you won’t regret it. for now, enjoy this introduction ♥ (masterlist is in my description box)
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People who live in apartments know the struggle of annoying neighbors. Sure, if you live in a house, you can have annoying neighbors too, but at least they'll be further away from you. If you live in an apartment though, especially one that wasn't one the first floor, you had three, sometimes even four neighboring apartments and that meant three to four annoying neighbors.
Take the neighbor underneath you, for example. In theory, a really nice family, a young family, actually. Namjoon, that was his name, but you had never met the wife. They had a son around seven years old and while Namjoon was nice, his son was the worst brat you can even imagine. That boy screamed 24/7 about every single thing. And if he wasn't screaming, then he was crying. Honestly, you always asked yourself how Namjoon managed to stay so cheerful when you met him in the hallways with a son like that. You probably would have become a triggered mess if you were him.
Then there was the neighbor above you, Yoongi. Yoongi was actually really quiet and you rarely heard him, but if you did, then you really heard him. As far as you knew, he was a music producer, or at least trying to be one, who clearly didn't have a soundproof studio, because sometimes he was blasting his music so loud, that you felt like the floor was going to give in from the bass and drop onto your head. But that didn't happen too often, so you could deal with him. And quite honestly, his music wasn’t too bad, so you enjoyed listening to it every once in a while.
Then there was the neighbor in the apartment to your left, a guy named Jeongguk who recently moved in with his girlfriend, but from the screaming matches these two had, it probably wouldn't last. The walls were so thin, that you could always hear the arguments and it always seemed to be about the same thing. Her being jealous and her not trusting him. Poor guy, actually. He seemed like he really loved her, but he surely wouldn't stay with her if she accused him of cheating almost daily.
And then.. then there was the worst of them all.
The neighbor in the apartment to your right.
Jung Hoseok.
Jung Hoseok was the neighbor you were closest to. He was the one that helped you move in when you did and he was the one that made the first nights less lonely by watching movies with you on your cold floor - since your couch hadn’t been delivered yet - and brought you Chinese takeaway because you didn’t have kitchen equipment yet. He turned into a friend and then he turned into something more, which is bad enough as it is, because he didn't feel the same way about you.
But the worst thing about it is that Jung Hoseok was a womanizer. Someone who brought home new girls almost every three days and as said before, your walls were so thin that you heard everything. And unfortunately, his bedroom was right next to your bedroom. So almost every third night, you had to try to fall asleep to various women – sometimes even more than one – moaning his name, begging him to go faster, calling him all sorts of names and Hoseok moaning just as loudly in return.
It drove you crazy.
Not just because it broke your heart little by little each and every time, because you wished he thought you were attractive enough to sleep with you, but also because each time you became a wet mess in your bed. You couldn't even remember the amount of times you’ve masturbated while he was having sex, imagining him moaning your name and lying on top of you, saying all those things he was saying to these girls to you and not them.
Kind of pathetic, probably.. but you couldn’t help it.
Hoseok knew that he was loud and he also knew that his partners were loud. So as an apology, he has made it his ritual to ring your doorbell each and every time he had sex, with some food in his hands and an apologetic smile on his face as you opened the door, spending the rest of the night with you, food and a Netflix movie.
So yeah, all in all, the entire situation sucked and if you weren't so hopelessly in love with his goofy personality and his beautiful smile, you would tell him to leave you alone. But you couldn't.. you invited him in each time and you tried your hardest not to let him see how upset you were that he only ever came here to apologize.
Today was probably one of those days. Friday night. So that meant that he was surely having someone over.
And because you didn't feel like hearing it all today, you had decided to stay longer than usual at work, sinking into your chair as the clock on your desk showed 10 PM.
'Maybe I should stop and get food on the way? That'll take me another thirty minutes, then another thirty minutes home.. 11 PM.'
“Why are you still here?” Jin, your boss, furrowed his eyebrows as he walked past you with a cup of coffee in his hands.
“It's Friday night.”
“Exactly. Young people like you should go out and party.”
“You're not that old yourself, you know?” you chuckled and turned off your computer, “My neighbor probably has his new girlfriend over. And I'm not in the mood to hear which kinks she has tonight.”
“Ah, yeah. I know what you mean. Make sure to write down your overtime, though. No matter what reason you're staying longer, you should get paid for it.”
Your living situation may suck at the moment, but at least your job didn't. Jin was literally the best boss you could have asked for.
“Thanks, boss,” you smiled and got up, shouldering your bag, “I'll see you on Monday.”
“See you. And good luck with your neighbor.”
Yeah. You're going to need that.
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11:18 PM.
You stood in front of your apartment complex, craning your neck to see your apartment and that of Hoseok. Yours was completely dark, while his was illuminated only slightly.
'Maybe he fell asleep?'
With hopeful steps, you made your way up to your apartment, the bag of takeaway dangling from your fingers as you finally reached your floor and saw..
“You'll call.. right?” the girl whispered, kissing Hoseok's jaw.
“Of course, I'll call,” he whispered back, one of his hands on her lower back, while the other arm was casually against the door frame, “Get home safely, alright?”
If only these girls knew that he never called. Ever.
With a final kiss, the girl turned around and nearly ran into you, smiling shyly and then winking at Hoseok one last time before leaving. You watched her run down the stairs, then turned your head to look at him.
“What happened to that other girl?”
“What other girl?” he asked, tying his bathrobe tighter together.
“The one you called your girlfriend a week ago?”
“Oh, Soojun. Yeah, we broke up. This was Jinae. I met her on Tinder.”
“Tinder? Really?” you laughed and walked over to your door to unlock it, Hoseok closing his own door, making sure he had the key though, before following you into your apartment without even asking if he could, “I never would have took you for someone that uses Tinder.”
“Why not? It's the easiest way to get sex,” he laughed and grabbed the plastic bag out of your hand, before making his way into your kitchen to take out dinner, “You brought extra food again!”
“Because I knew you were going to stop by eventually,” you yelled through the apartment as you changed into more comfortable clothes.
A small smile formed on Hoseok's face as he saw you had bought his favorite dish from that restaurant, putting both plates into the microwave for a moment, before he placed them on the coffee table, you joining him again only a moment later, now in sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt.
“How was work?” he asked, already beginning to eat, “You were working late again.”
“Yeah.. I can use the money. And it was alright. Nothing exciting. How was your day?”
“Well, she was..-”
“No, I meant your day, Hoseok. Not the sex.”
“Oh.. well, that was boring,” he shrugged, “Jinae, though? I might call her again, to be honest. She was fantastic in bed.”
Yeah, see, that's the issue.
Hoseok always bragged about his girls. It didn’t matter whether you wanted to hear about it or not, you would hear it if he wanted you to hear it.
“Have you ever thought about.. I don't know.. settling down?” you asked over the rim of your glass.
“Settle down? With who?” he snorted.
‘With me’
“I don't know.. someone you actually like. Sex is nice and stuff, but don't you want.. more? Someone you can love? Someone that loves you?”
“Maybe, if the right girl ever comes along,” he said, his voice a little more quiet, but then he grinned and looked up at you, “So far, the only girls I met were either only fucking material or like you..”
“Like.. me?” you asked hesitantly, actually not wanting to hear the answer, but also yeah, kind of wanting to hear it.
“You know.. buddy material,” he grinned, clapping you on the back.
Friend zone.
Forever in the fucking friend zone.
“Right,” you mumbled into your glass, taking another big sip of your water.
Maybe you should have gotten some alcohol. Maybe that would help.
“But don't worry. I'm sure you're going to find the right guy soon. Someone you love. That's what you want, isn't it?”
“Yeah.. that'd be nice,” you said with a sad smile as you watched him eat, him being completely oblivious to the fact that you already were in love.
With him.
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Alec’s First Halloween
A/N: Whelp, Flufftober is finally over for me. It was fun and a lot of work and I decided to go out with a bang with a malec fanfic! This malec is from the books and the graphic novel! Just letting everyone know so there’s no confusion on why Alec has blue eyes in here. I hope everyone enjoys the fanfic and for now, I will be taking a small break until I begin writing again! Thanks so much for all the nice things you guys said here and on ao3 during my time working on Flufftober! Enjoy the fanfic! :D <3
Summary: When Alec goes to Magnus’ loft during Halloween, he comes in contact with the celebrating Warlock, who teaches him some valuable things for celebrating Halloween. 
Word Count: 1932
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It was Halloween night. To Mundanes, it was supposed to be a night full of fun. People dressing up as the monsters the Shadowhunters would most likely hunt while getting candy from going to houses for trick or treating. Others threw supposingly fun parties but it all seemed a bit much to Alec...until he met Magnus. The Warlock was known for his extravagant parties and it being Halloween, Alec just knew that the Warlock was most likely planning something for the special night. Or...so he thought. Letting out a sigh as he passed more young Mundanes, Alec strolled into Magnus’ loft and raised his eyebrows at all the decorations his boyfriend had put on his door. It included flashing orange and purple lights along with what looked like zombies and mummies plastered on the word door. Rolling his eyes fondly, Alec took out his key and opened the apartment, reeling back in shock as he got blasted in the face with a cloud of fog from a fog machine.
“Magnus? What the hell?” Alec grumbled, waving the fog out of his face before he entered the loft, closing the door behind him tightly. The last thing they needed was to have the smoke get into the hallway and cause a panic among the Warlock’s neighbors. Glancing around the heavily decorated loft, Alec rubbed the back of his neck as the song, ‘Monster Mash’ was loudly playing around the room, literally vibrating the floor. He really hoped that Magnus put up a silencing spell or else...yeah. Stepping further into the loft, Alec called out for Magnus again until a voice called for him from the kitchen. “Magnus, is this much fog really necessary? It seriously looks like there’s a fire in your loft.”
“Aw, Alexander. Of course it’s necessary! It’s Halloween, ya know?” Magnus cheered, finishing up the last of the ingredients he needed for his special spooky punch. Stirring the liquid with a ladle, Magnus snapped up a little spoon and took a sample of it, humming as the sweet beverage coated his taste buds.  Letting out a fond sigh at this, Alec moved closer to his boyfriend and pressed into his side, staring into the plastic black cauldron as he examined the orange and fizzy concoction. Holding out the ladle, Magnus raised his brows as he waited for Alec to give the punch a taste. “Go on, it won’t bite!”
Staring at Magnus, Alec knew that his boyfriend wouldn’t give up unless he did what he said, so with a grumble, Alec allowed Mangus to give him some of the punch before he swallowed and closed his eyes, letting the sweet flavor come over him. It wasn’t that bad! Opening his eyes, Alec huffed when he noticed the smirk on Magnus’ face before he shyly leaned in and pressed a kiss to the Warlock’s face. Placing the ladle back in the cauldron, Magnus placed his hands on Alec’s waist while Alec wrapped his arms around his neck, bringing them closer while deepening the kiss. Pulling away with a pat to his boyfriend’s waist, Magnus pressed another kiss to Alec’s nose before he smiled at the flush that filling Alec’s cheeks.
“Come on, let’s have a little fun. Just you and me, okay?” Magnus asked, rubbing his thumb across Alec’s hips, hoping that his boyfriend would say yes. He knew that Shadowhunters  typically didn’t really celebrate many holidays and Halloween was including one of those holidays. Pulling Alec closer, Magnus pressed their foreheads together and gave his boyfriend a puppy eyed look, not feeling sorry for basically begging him. Rolling his eyes at the look he was getting, Alec sighed before he nodded, stepping back in shock as Magnus cheered and gave him a grin. “You won’t regret it! I have so much planned! But first, let’s decorate a little more okay? I have some fake spiders I’d love to hang around!”
“Okay...but if one fake spider ends up in my hair while we’re decorating, I swear I will punch you,” Alec muttered, shooting his boyfriend a warning glare that made the Warlock chuckle. Alec was a Shadowhunter and he fought many terrifying things, but spiders? Shaking the thought away, Magnus nodded and reassured him that he wouldn’t let him handle the spiders. Keeping his word, Magnus took all the spiders out of the bin while Alec handled the rest of the things. Using magic to have the spider hang from the ceiling, Magnus turned around once he was finished and noticed that Alec was tapping his foot to his spooky playlist while he finished up putting the jack o lanterns on the tables and plugging them in. “I think I’m done...what do you have planned next?”
Clapping his hands excitedly, Magnus cleared his throat before he summoned two pumpkins from who knows where, along with some pumpkin carving tools and a large bowl for the seeds. Arching a brow at this, Alec stood still as Magnus scattered some newspapers on the wood floor before he plopped down next to a pumpkin, looking up at Alec with a sparkle in his eyes. Blinking, Alec glanced around before he slowly moved towards Magnus, sitting down next to him as he pulled the free pumpkin towards himself. Handing Alec a marker, Magnus got one for himself before he got to work, making a cute design on the pumpkin’s bumpy skin. Peering to his side, Magnus frowned as he noticed that Alec hadn’t started and was only staring at him as he worked. 
“Aren’t you going to carve it? Unless...do you know what we’re doing?” Magnus asked, capping his marker for a moment so he could give his boyfriend his undivided attention. Flushing slightly as he was caught, Alec bit his lip and shook his head, staring at the marker in his hands as he fiddled with it. Frowning, Magnus hummed before he scooted closer to Alec, placing his chin on his shoulder as he thought about how he should explain it. Pressing a kiss to said shoulder, Magnus smiled and reached for Alec’s hand that was holding the marker, stopping the fidgeting. “Well, we’re going to carve these pumpkins. We’re going to separate the seeds from the guts and after we’re done making designs on the pumpkins, we’re going to clean and bake the seeds.”
“Oh...okay, I can do that,” Alec mumbled, shooting Magnus a thankful smile before he pressed a kiss to his lips, picking up the marker as the two of them finally got to work. Not really knowing what kind of face to make on his pumpkin, Alex furrowed his brows as he worked before he came up with an okay looking face. Turning his eyes to his boyfriend, Alec observed as Magnus grabbed the big carving tool and started cutting around the stem. Doing the same, Alec let the ends meet before he pulled the stem, watching as the top came out and the gooey orange cuts dangled from it. Cracking up at the disgusted look Alec let slip, Magnus grabbed the carving spoon before he got to work. “Do we really have to put our hand in that...stuff?”
Chuckling, Magnus shot Alec an amused look before he nodded, turning his attention back to his pumpkin as he spooned the guts out, separating the seeds with his own hands before he tossed them in the bowl. Shuddering slightly at the thought, Alec swallowed the lump in his throat before he grabbed the spoon, slowly slipping his hand in the pumpkin. Biting his lip to hide his laughter, Magnus watched as Alec scooped the guts and seeds out, hesitantly touching the slimy guts so he could get the seeds. It wasn’t long before the guts finally didn’t phase the Shadowhunter as he dropped the spoon and scooped the rest of the seeds out with his hand, sliding them into the bowl just as Magnus finished up cleaning out his pumpkin.
“Okay...now what do we do?” Alec asked, flicking the guts that stuck to his fingers onto the newspaper as Magnus stood up and picked up the bowl. Waving Alec into the kitchen, Magnus told him to quickly wash his hands while he took care of the seeds, letting cold water rinse over them, getting rid of any of the pumpkin guts that were stubbornly still sticking to them. Once he was sure the guts were cleared from the seeds, Magnus placed the seeds aside and washed his own hands, shooting Alec a smile once he noticed his boyfriend was waiting for him. Lacing their hands together, Magnus pulled Alec back into the living room and allowed him to lift the pumpkins off the dirty newspaper, snapping them away and into the garbage. “Do we start to carve now?”
“Yep, we start carving. Now be careful, and make sure to stick to the lines of the design you made,” Magnus instructed, putting more newspaper down before they sat back down, pulling their pumpkins close as they grabbed their tools. Letting out a hum as he listened to Magnus, Alec grabbed the small carving knife and began to slice around the design he drew on earlier. Doing the same with his own, Magnus squinted his eyes in concentration, letting the only sound around them be the music and the sawing noises from the tools they were using. It took a bit, but after he finished, Magnus put the tool down and wiped the sweat from his brow, pushing the pumpkin back to examine his work. “Not bad if I do say so myself! What do you think, Alexander?”
“Woah...that’s amazing, Magnus! While mine is um…” Alec mumbled, scratching his cheek as he compared his pumpkin to Magnus’. Cocking his head to the side, Magnus scooted towards Alec and got a good look at the design Alec had carved out. Looking away from the pumpkin as Magnus looked over it, Alec expected to hear his boyfriend laugh at him but when nothing came out of him, Alec slowly turned to face him again. Seeing the soft smile on his face, Alec sighed in relief before hands cupped his face, gaining his attention. “M-Magnus?”
“Your pumpkin carving skills are kinda low, but don’t worry it was your first time, okay?” Magnus whispered, shooting his boyfriend another smile as he pressed a kiss to his lips, blue eyes meeting yellow cat-like ones. Pulling away after a moment, Alec grinned shyly and nodded, turning his attention back to their pumpkins. If he was being honest, he was actually quite proud at how his pumpkin turned out. Letting go of Alec, Magnus stood up and nodded, snapping away the newspaper again before he picked up his own pumpkin. “And if I’m being honest, your pumpkin’s face is such a mood. Now come on, let’s place these out in the hallway near the door.”
Chuckling softly, Alec nodded and stood up, picking up his pumpkin as he followed Magnus. Putting their jack o lanterns outside the door on each side, the two stepped back and chuckled as they examined Alec’s pumpkin. Wrapping his arms around Alec’s neck, Magnus pressed a kiss to his boyfriend cheeks before he pulled him back inside the fogged up room. It was time to have some punch and get the seeds ready to be put in the oven. Letting Magnus pull him, Alec couldn’t help the soft smile that rose on his face. If he was really being honest, Alec knew that he wouldn’t mind celebrating Halloween as long as Magnus was with him.
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the-canary · 6 years
Good Timing - S.R (1/10)
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Summary:  The music always starts at 5 am every morning since your new neighbor moved in leading to your dog promptly as soon as he wakes up. What will you do with that time spent with him? (Modern!Reader/Steve Rogers) 
Prompt: The guy living below me has a really loud alarm clock that always wakes me up at the crack of dawn. 
A/N: This is for @sebashtiansatan ‘s writing challenge. i’m sorry that it took awhile, but hopefully you’ll enjoy it! 
Feedback is always welcomed.
Now, you loved Sugar. You loved her with all your heart since your had found her back in the shelter as a sick two-year that had just come out of a bad situation, but there were times that she was just too much.
Now was one of those time, as she jumped on your too lonesome bed in excitement over starting the new day, even though the clock read 5am and the sun had yet to shine through your curtains just yet. But, there she was barking as happily as could be and as you slowly come out of your sleepy haze you come to realize what might have woken her up.
The familiar blast of Led Zeppelin is thumping at your floor, as your groan in annoyance.
Why out of all of the days in the weekend did your new neighbor start blasting that?
“I’m gonna kill Pierto,” you remark with a groan, as you slowly get up. Sugar thumping around in excitement as you curse one of your best friends and former roommates for instilling such a habit into Sugar when she was a puppy, “Hold your horses, Sug.”
You put your hand in a down motion as she whines just a little, though she follows through with stilling down on the carpet rug. You let out a resigned sigh, as you realize that you’re going to be the one that takes her out when Sugar wanted a run, well she got it one way or another and you didn’t want to deal with her trying to destroy half the living room again like that one time.
For an older dog, Sugar --with her golden brown coat and wide eyes-- still acted like a puppy when she didn’t get her way.   
Thus, for the love of your dog, you go through the motions of getting bathed and dressed as Led Zeppelin turns into Ozzy Osbourne followed by some Linkin Park -- and for a brief moment you wonder if your neighbor has a son that is going through that unkind stage of their adolescent years. With a weak laugh, you make sure you have your jacket, keys, phone, and everything you need when you take Sugar out for a walk.
The wooden panels of your wooden apartment creak loudly as you decide to skip out on breakfast to get something to eat closer to the dog park. You pause near the door, leash at hand as you realize that the music has finally stopped, though you had gotten you used to it rather quickly --once again Pietro’s doing-- so you just shrug and proceed to head out.
“Okay, Sugar,” you start off like always, “Eyes forward and straight ahead.”
Sugar barks happily as she starts walking in front of you, taking the stairs that she knows by now will take her to freedom. And while you are still tired from your eight-hour shift that only ended a few hours ago, you were happy to make your sweet baby girl happy. However, in all your delight, you fail to notice Sugar look at certain blond man who is standing next to the apartment complex wearily. The sleep deprivation must still be affecting you as you hear her bark only for the man to go down to her level and give her a soft smile.
“Hey girl,” it’s then when everything finally starts to kick in, as you look down to see Sugar smelling hand, “Haven’t seen you around here before?”
“We haven’t either,” you answer back as Sugar lets the mysterious man pet her head, as he redirects his smile at you and you swear you lose your breath for a second.
“I’m Steve,” he states in an polite manner, “I just finished moving into apartment 201.”
“Oh,” is really the only intelligent thing that you can say as you realize that he might be going on a run with the tight Armour shirt and sweatpants he is wearing -- completely different from your jacket and jeans, “I’m in apartment 301.”
“Well, it’s nice to meet you, neighbor,” Steve states with that same, polite smile as he gives Sugar one last head rub before getting up. He nods before heading out and you’re left dumbfounded for a moment --unsure what to make of Steve-- until Sugar barks for your attention, declaring that you should be heading out as well.  
It isn’t until much later, when you already have your latte and pastry at hand, while sitting and watching Sugar play with the other dogs that you realize while something seemed to familiar about the blond man.
You could hear Ozzy out of his detached earbuds, from his phone connected to his ripping bicep with some strap thing, before he headed out.
“Oh my god,” you whisper harshly to yourself in realization and panic,” He’s gonna kill me.”
You groan though you weren’t sure if you meant in his utter beauty or in the combo of him and Sugar walking you up at 5am. You could only hope it wasn’t every single day.
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