#my new tag for mila btw
bloglop · 3 months
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What if we were both autistic german people who wear hats idk
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umbracirrus · 10 days
WIP Wednesday!!
A not-so-little snippet of Elyse spending time with Dagny for my WIP today, with a little bit of Balgruuf! Not much else to say, honestly-!!! I'm hoping to get this chapter finished soon, and make some more progress on the next chapter which is. Well. Going to have some very cute moments with The Idiots :3
Tagged by @hircines-hunter yesterday, and will tag back today! Also tagging @thequeenofthewinter, @skyrim-forever, @oblivions-dawn, and anyone else who wants to share a WIP (but no obligations to share anything-!!!) And btw - if anyone? mutuals??? wants me to tag them in WIP posts or not please let me know - trying to figure out who to tag is what takes the longest when I make these WIP posts 😭
“Can you hold onto your hair for a moment? Don’t move! I’m getting something quickly!” Dagny requested, dragging her out of her thoughts as she was made to take hold of her hair which was currently split into three strands and in the middle of being braided together. She watched as the girl ran over to a drawer, and pulled out what looked to be some flowers which had been dried out and preserved. “These will do!”
When Dagny returned, she took the strands of hair back from Elyse, but made her hold onto the small bundle of flowers. Every once in a while, as she resumed the braiding, she would ask for one of the flowers to weave into the braid, and she did it so quickly and so deftly it almost stunned Elyse.
“I... don’t often get time like this. To do things that I like,” Dagny eventually whispered once the final flower had been weaved in, before taking the hair tie from Elyse’s wrist and starting to wrap it around the end of the braid. “I don’t care about weapons like Frothar does. I don’t even know what Nelkir does for fun, but he always tells me to leave him alone. And Father is always busy... He’ll find time to get me some nice clothes, or nice food... But I can’t spend much time with him.” Her eyes fell to the ground, and she sighed. “I do like spending time with Mila and Braith... But they say that I’m ‘different’ to them. That... because father is the Jarl, I’ve got more money and privileges than them.”
Elyse was quite surprised to hear such an honest statement from Dagny. It was a surprisingly earnest self-reflection to come from her, given how she had been speaking and behaving until that point.
In a sudden change back to her usual behaviour, Dagny clapped her hands together and gestured for her to stand. “Come on, up on your feet! My mirror is heavy, and I don’t want to drag it over – I want to know what you think of my handiwork.”
Elyse was stunned as she stared at her reflection in Dagny’s mirror. She would almost never put her hair into a braid, it was always far too much hassle, yet seeing it like that, draped over her shoulder... Perhaps Dagny did have a point about her hair making her look older in its usual style. Not that it would deter her from her bun, it was functional and reliable, and much less likely to get in her way like that. But perhaps in her free time in the future... Perhaps she would try not to always have her hair like that.
She turned towards the girl, and smiled. “It’s lovely, Dagny. Thank you.”
Seemingly pleased with the reaction, Dagny brought her hand up to her chin. “I think that I’ll let you off with the clothes, because you’re obviously not going to fit into any of my dresses… So...” She quietly hummed. “I know! We’ll go to into the city and do some shopping! I could do with a new dress… and you definitely do.”
Once more, Elyse felt Dagny take hold of her arm to get her to move, though thankfully she only held on long enough to make sure that she was actually following. She honestly wasn’t the biggest fan of wearing dresses, they were more of a special occasion thing for her – but if it appeased her at the very least by tagging along, then she would play along. Besides… Dagny did seem to be delighted at having somebody to spend time with from Dragonsreach… she didn’t have anyone close to her who could have joined her to do these sorts of things with, beyond her few friends. It was a sacrifice she was willing to make, even if it wasn’t really her thing.
They began to make their way towards the main doors of Dragonsreach, but when they had just made their way past the fire pit in the middle of the main hall, Dagny gasped and turned around. “Wait a minute! I need to talk to father quickly!”
Elyse turned on her heel and followed the girl.
Not caring that Balgruuf appeared to be in the middle of a conversation with Farengar, Dagny rushed over to her father and cleared her throat to get his attention. He turned to face her briefly, to tell her to wait for a minute, though she appeared to not like that and started tapping her foot as she folded her arms over. Elyse let out a quiet sigh at the girl’s stubbornness.
After a few moments, Farengar pinched at his nose, and began to make his way back to his study. Balgruuf had barely been able to take a breath after that conversation before Dagny was stood in front of him. “Father, I’m going into the city with Elyse. Can I have some money?”
Balgruuf stared at her for a moment, raising his eyebrow at the request for money. “Dagny, you know that I can’t keep giving you money to spend – I told you that you needed to make the money that I gave you at the festival last. Did you spend it all on cakes and accessories?”
“I wouldn’t be asking for some if I had any left.”
A loud sigh escaped Balgruuf as he folded his arms over and shook his head. “I can’t give you any, Dagny. At any other time I would, but right now I am not able to. I’m sorry,” he stated, before lowering his arms, ruffling Dagny’s hair as he did so. Dagny let out a huff as she ran her hand back through the strands to neaten it back out.
“Just because you don’t have money doesn’t mean that we can’t go and look at things, Dagny,” Elyse piped up at this point, drawing the attention of both father and daughter. “You could always just show me some of your favourite places in the city and we can go back there in the future.”
“I suppose we could do that…” Dagny mumbled, disappointment in her voice. She then turned her head back towards Balgruuf. “We will be back later, Father.” She then fully turned around to face him when he didn’t respond, and frowned. He hadn’t moved since they had turned to look at Elyse as she had spoken. “Father?” And after a few more moments with no response, she reached up and started snapping her fingers in front of his face. “Father! Did you hear me?! We will be back soon!”
Balgruuf blinked for a moment, then brought his hands to his face and ran them down it. “Y-Yes, apologies, Dagny. There’s just a lot on my mind right now, I heard you…” He exhaled quietly. “Stay safe out there, both of you.”
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angelsdean · 3 months
hi!! i've spent the better part of my morning browsing through some of your tags, and i just wanted to tell you how much i enjoy you posting about young dean / queer dean and how it makes me so genuinely happy to read your thoughts on the matter (that i generally completely agree with btw). dean being well aware of his sexuality from the start is one of the most important aspects of the show for me at the moment.
i don't want to write a whole poem in your inbox but i am having so many Thoughts! my personal interpretation is that dean had already pretty much come to terms with his sexuality pre stanford era, and was actively and deliberately seeking dudes in his late teens (esp when he was away from sam and john and maybe had a chance to feel more free and unrestrained). i completely understand why people look at him and think '🫵 repressed' (i did too) but to me its so much more interesting and compelling and it adds so much more to his character to imagine him growing into his queer identity so comfortably (i love to think that, despite eveything, there was a part of himself that he didn't completely hate or reject, does this make sense?). also as you said, being repressed is def not the only reason why a person might have to suppress/not be loud about their sexuality. we don't talk about this nearly enough!! i NEED to read headcanons and fics and metas and see art about young queer dean!
hi Mila! oh wow thank you so much 💖 young queer Dean is so important to me too!
I love Stanford Era so much because it's really this time where I see Dean being at his most free, but also most lonely. And I think he's trying to make connections, and trying new things, and really getting to be. And I also love the idea of teen Dean carving out these pockets for himself too, when John is away, or when Dean gets sent away :( :( :(
I think Dean started figuring out pretty early on that he was "different." I wrote this little fic a while back exploring some aspects of Dean's gender + sexuality throughout the years, I haven't revisited it in a while and I feel like some of my thoughts may have changed but it's still a really special fic to me.
Lately, I've also been working on another little fic set during the summer Dean is 14. He and Sam are staying at Bobby's and while the fic is centered around something else, there are small moments where we see Dean's budding awareness of his sexuality. (There's a cute boy at a produce stand and a hot lifeguard at the community pool and lots of magazine clippings of Harrison Ford and Patrick Swayze---he just wants to be like them, ok!) And it's like he's aware but he also can't really look at those feelings directly yet. (Also the art you made recently of young Dean "figuring it out" is so near and dear to my heart!!)
Then I have two Stanford Era time-travel WIPs (hiiii Cas!) And oh boy. This guy is SO GONE on Cas from the jump! And that's what I love so much about Stanford Era Dean (or well, my Stanford Era Dean), is that he's just in such a free point in his life, and so open to new experiences. He's not freaking out abt his immediate attraction and infatuation with Cas. In fact, where Older Dean (our Dean) is more...restrained, perhaps, in his feelings (not that he doesn't express them! i am team dean + his big feelings) but just that my personal interpretation re: the dean + his feelings for Cas timeline has him thinking / convincing himself that Cas doesn't feel the same way for him in the later seasons. So this Older Dean has kind of just, accepted that fact. And is trying not to wear his heart on his sleeve so much (and not really succeeding at all). But Stanford Era Dean? Oh no no no. He is a little shit stirrer and a smitten kitten and is both immediately clocking the situationship-and-mututal-feelings happening between Dean and Cas (it's so obvious to everyone on the outside looking in) AND he's actively flirting with Cas and just lighting up under any and all attention from him (because he's also so so lonely. and touch-starved. and craving affection).
Anyways, all this to say, I am always here to talk abt young queer Dean / Stanford Era Dean !!! I'd love to hear more of your headcanons too💞
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madpanda75 · 6 years
“Hostage” Part 3
Ending the weekend with the conclusion to the story! Thanks for all the comments, reblogs, and likes! I love you guys sooooo freaking much! 😍
Translations are at the bottom (My spanish sucks btw 😂)
Part One
Part Two
Tags: @amirightcounsellor ❤️
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Green eyes met green eyes as Rafael rocked his daughter in the nursery. After a thorough checkup, the doctors determined the baby was perfectly healthy. “Siempre estare aqui para ti sin importar lo. Te amo princesa.” Rafael kissed his daughter softly on her forehead, he had no idea it was possible to love a human being so much. All the fear and anxiety he had about becoming a father melted away as he held his baby in his arms. The EMTs were able to revive you in the ambulance and you were currently in surgery, Rafael refused to leave his child until he heard from your doctor. Looking through the window of the nursery, he saw Olivia waving at him. The ADA reluctantly put the baby back in her carrier and made his way out to meet his friend. Looking at the baby girl through the nursery window, Olivia smiled, “She’s beautiful, Rafael.” Rafael nodded, “Just like her mother.”
Olivia looked over at your husband, “Have you heard anything yet?” Rafael said nothing, only shaking his head no. The lieutenant put a hand on his shoulder, “I just heard that Mr. Rojas didn’t make it, there was too much damage. Carisi is ok, a couple stitches over his eye and a few bruises. He told me what happened, if it wasn’t for him, this could have ended a lot worse.” Rafael stared through the nursery window, looking at his daughter as she lay in her bassinet, he knew that Carisi saved his baby’s life and your’s, “I know.”
“Mr. Barba?” Rafael turned, running to the doctor calling his name. The doctor smiled at your husband, “Your wife lost a lot of blood. We were able to stop the bleeding and give her a transfusion. She should make a full recovery.” Rafael let out a long breath, almost as if he had been holding it in this entire time. “Thank you doctor. Can I see her now?”
“Absolutely, they’re getting her room ready right now, a nurse will come and take you to her.”
Olivia hugged her friend, “I’m going to tell Fin and Rollins the good news.”
Rafael felt as if the weight of the world was lifted from his shoulders, he stood in the hallway silently thanking God for keeping his family safe, not noticing the footsteps behind him. “Counselor? I just heard the good news about Y/N.” Rafael turned to see the detective standing beside him. He didn’t know how to thank Carisi. Sonny didn’t just save the lives of his wife and baby, he saved Rafael too. Barba looked at Carisi with tears in his eyes, a lump forming in his throat, “Thank you Carisi, for everything. I–,” Rafael stopped, the lump preventing him from speaking anymore. Sonny nodded and looked at the ADA, “Y/N is like my family. I would do anything to protect her.” Rafael hugged Carisi tightly, just then a nurse came to take your husband to your room.
White light peeked through the darkness as you tried to open your eyes, you heard a faint beeping sound in the background. The trace smell of the iodoform disinfectant filled your nostrils. Opening your eyes, you looked around the hospital room when you felt fingers brush against your knuckles. Turning your head, you saw your husband holding your hand and smiling at you, tears pooling in his eyes. “Hi mi amor.”
You tried to talk, but it felt like you had cotton in your mouth. Rafael propped up your pillows and helped you take a drink of water. Leaning back on the pillows, you cupped your husband’s face, stroking his cheek with your thumb, “Rafael, I thought I was never going to see you again.” Tears began streaming down your cheeks, “Oh Rafi, I am so sorry.” You choked out between your tears. Rafael ran a hand through your hair, “No mi amor, I’m the one who is sorry. I was so afraid at what type of father I would become that I ended up ignoring the two people who needed me the most. I will never do that again, I love you so much and I will always be here for you and our daughter. Te prometo.”
You grabbed his hand and kissed his knuckles, “I never should have said those things to you Rafi. You are an incredible husband and I know you will be an amazing father. You have such a big heart, don’t ever doubt for a second what type of man you are. Te amo, Rafael.” Rafael leaned over and gave you a gentle kiss, resting his forehead against yours. Both of your tears melding together, “I thought I’d lost you, Y/N. Promise you’ll never leave me.” You shook your head, “Never Rafi.” You both stayed like that for awhile until you realized something was missing. Putting a hand to your stomach you pulled away from Rafael, “Oh my God, Rafael. The baby? Where is she? Is she ok??!!” Your husband held your face in his hands, trying to calm you, “She’s perfect, Y/N. The doctor gave her a clean bill of health. Let me get a nurse to bring her in.”
The nurse wheeled in the bassinet and placed your daughter in your arms. Looking down at your baby, you were completely in love. You softly stroked her cheek with your index finger, trying to memorize every piece of your little girl, long dark eyelashes, green eyes, button nose, and rosy cheeks. “She’s so beautiful.” You whispered. Looking over at your husband, you shifted over and patted the space beside you, inviting your husband to lay next to you.
Rafael obliged and you both sat on the bed gazing down at the beautiful life you both created. You looked at your husband, “I was thinking, let’s name her “Milagros,” Mila for short. I know it’s unconventional but under the circumstances, I think it’s perfect.” Rafael smiled and nodded, “I couldn’t agree more, Milagros Catalina Barba, our little miracle.” Rafael kissed your cheek and then knelt down to kiss Mila’s forehead.
Holding his family in his arms, an idea struck Rafael, “Cariño, how would you feel about Carisi being Mila’s godfather.” You looked up at your husband, you both knew that if it wasn’t for Sonny, you and Mila would not be here. He saved you and your daughter, it was only right that Sonny be your daughter’s godfather. “I think that’s a wonderful idea, Rafi.” As if on cue, there was a knock on the door, looking up you see your partner. “Hey, I wanted to check in on you guys.” You smiled and motioned for Carisi, “Sonny, come in. Would you like to meet your goddaughter, Mila?” Sonny was silent, trying to hold back the tears that were threatening his eyes. He smiled and nodded, “Yeah I do.” You placed the baby in Sonny’s arms, “Hi Mila, I’m your godfather.” Mila cooed at the detective, before yawning and falling asleep in his arms. Sonny looked up and met your eyes, “Thank you,” you mouthed to your partner. Sonny smiled and nodded his head. No other words needed in that moment.
“Siempre estare aqui para ti sin importar lo”- I will always be here for you no matter what.
“Te amo princesa”- I love you princess.
“Te prometo”- I promise you.
“Milagros”- Miracle
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whoareurl · 7 years
commissions! CLOSED 25/10/17
hello friends!! on the advice and encouragement of the lovely @headcold-canon i have decided to try my hand at commissions. i used to think only visual artists did commissions but @nnatto has opened up a whole new world of possibilities for me. (btw pls commission nnatto!! their writing is !!!)
My writing here is tagged acefic on here so you can see my past stuff but I’ve also been known to write long things on the blue hell site.
shit i will write for
yuri on ice, free, haikyuu, voltron, death note, harry potter, a darker shade of magic (but i haven’t read the third book yet so if you spoil it for me i’ll fuckin cut you), pride and prejudice, avengers, brooklyn 99, james bond etc.
this is just a list of stuff i like right now and is by no means conclusive. i’ve been into other things in the past (like sherlock, supernatural, doctor who etc.) and there are a lot of miscellaneous books/movies i’ll happily write for so if you want something specific just ask!
i’m happy to write canon or au stuff
if you have OCs, i’m happy to try my hand at them too but pls bear in mind you’re gonna have to give me quite a bit of info on them or they might end up being ooc and that would suck!!
fetish-related stuff
i can write full kink stuff or just general h/c or whump stuff. it’s up to you. but i can’t write smut. i can write sensual scenes and sex as long as you’re okay with the main focus being on the fetishy side rather than the smut side.
i’ll write illness or allergy stuff, whatever you want. i’ll write pretty much any symptom you want, including period cramps. i can also write most pairings BUT i won’t erase canon lgbt rep (e.g. i won’t write viktor/mila). if you want more serious illness let me know.
i don’t mind writing emeto, mess, or angst if that’s what you want but i generally won’t write those things unless you specify.
if there’s anything you don’t like/don’t want, please tell me!!
shit i won’t write
non con
underage stuff (aged up stuff is ok though)
homophobia/transphobia in the yoi universe
$10/1000 words with an additional $5 charge for every 5000 words. this is because planning a 5k fic takes more work than five separate 1k fics u feel?
other shit
i will always ask if i can post ur thing but if you want to keep it for yourself that’s totally valid since you did pay me for it omg. if you’re cool with me posting it, let me know if you’d rather i left your name out of it.
i’ll start writing once you pay me but i will say right now that i will NOT begin working on anything before May 19th because i have finals.
also i’d like to do ko-fi raffles like kit and nnatto if enough people are kind enough to support me so if you want to buy my a ko-fi that’d be gr8
EDIT: i removed my paypal because i’m gonna start using invoices (just to keep myself in check and everything legally protected and such) so please don’t sent me money if you still have the old email because I’ll send it back
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ellipsesarefun · 8 years
Otayuri Fic Recs #1
References: Summary, Thoughts, * (Complete)
1. * The Beauty of Dawn by Phoenix_Rising719 >> In which Dawn causes the Night's Guard to fawn over him like no other from one chance encounter. Aka: Yuri does his job in a way that catches Otabek's eye and makes him realize that he needs to get to know this child better. Or something like that... >> MY FAVORITE. ALL THE FLUFF, FLUFF, FLUFF. This is a fluff machine... These two are the most adorable! I love their dynamics and their first sight and first meet to the mutual pining to their get together is just brilliantly written.
2. * Summer Daze by lalazee >>Three Times Yuri Tried to Seduce His Camp Counselor and the Fourth Time It Worked.Written for Otayuri Week, Day 4: Long distance/visits.(This fic contains Yuri in love with Otabek from age eleven. It contains Otabek strongly noticing Yuri from age seventeen. There is no underage sexual activity, including kissing.) >> Yuri is adorable af! And the pining is just brewing and it lingers still after the years he hasn’t seen Otabek. I’m so in love with just how the pining was portrayed in this fic..
3. * he’s beauty, he’s grace, he’ll punch you in the face by scribblemetimbers >>Yuri doesn't know why his little student is in this boxing gym -- he's seen no less than five people getting bashed in the face -- but he has a Bad Feeling about it.OR: While Yuri Plisetsky HAS grown enough to be marginally less angry when someone insults and harasses him - "The wisdom of age," Viktor would nod sagely, and Yuri would punch him in the leg - he will totally Throw The Fuck Down when it's directed at someone else. Especially when he has a soft spot HE WILL NEVER ADMIT TO for them and they're, like, barely past his hip. >> BOXER OTABEK IS MY LIFE! The fight between Yuri and that douche was well described and the first meet between Beka and Yuri was so beautiful and hilarious all the time. This is definitely something to read over and over again.
4. * what are we by otabek >> Yuri is bad with words and Otabek smells good. >> Just from the summary I already fell in love with this fic. Their relationship just goes in a soup full of ambiguity and the ending just added a new flavor to officiate their romantic relationship.
5. * admiration in falling asleep by calliopinaround >>Rooming with Otabek is fine. It really is—they’re best friends, Otabek is the perfect roommate, and there’s nothing about each other that they don’t already know to make it weird.(Except Yuri hadn’t known that Otabek walks around only in his pajama bottoms in the morning, or what he smells like right out of the shower, or that he likes his coffee with two sugars and nothing else, or that he has a knack for losing the television remote regardless of where he puts it, or that he keeps his keys on his nightstand and nowhere else, or that he opens the blinds half-way first thing in the morning to let the sunrise in…)So it’s fine. It really is. Yuri likes this arrangement, and no matter how many looks Mila gives him, that’s the truth.He just wishes it sounded like all of the truth. >> Roommates AU. What more can I say than hop on and read it till you memorize the lines and the dialogue and everything good about this fic.
6. * you were the song stuck in my head by  minorseventh  >>“Not a good day,” he says simply. “Play me something.”Otabek says nothing, doesn't acknowledge that he recognizes the nameless voice on the other end of the line, just chooses a track and lets the music fill the late-night radiowaves.Yuri recognizes the tune and smiles like a fool in love. Which, by the way, he totally, totally isn’t. >> THIS. THIS. PINING. AND PINING. AND SONGS. A drop of pining, a dash of music and a pinch of DJ!Otabek is the best combination. READ THIS.
7. * you are my favorite ‘what if’ by  minorseventh  >>By now, Otabek has learned to never let his hopes up: he’s been let down too many times. But he can’t help but imagine that this may be the face to the lovely anonymous dancer who’s been calling the station nearly every night now.There is no way, Otabek convinces himself. No way it’s him.(Spoiler alert: it’s him.) >> This is the sequel to #6 and it’s Beka’s side of the story!! Features candy canes of PINING AND MUSIC. The series isn’t finish, btw and I can’t wait for more to come!!
8. * One for the Road by Lumieres  >> “Please, take me away —“ Yuri’s text had been so abrupt that Otabek had to glance at his phone once more to make sure he wasn’t dreaming.(Or: Yuri is so focused on his career, he doesn’t notice Otabek slowly falling in love with him.) >> If there’s Pining Yuri, then there’s Pining Otabek and an Oblivious Yuri. All in Otabek’s POV. Motorbike rides and building climbing are the best date nights. Go check this out and succumb to the pining.
9. * Fanfic Fairy Tale by Zetal (Rodinia) >> One day Otabek gets a package. He opens it and when he's done staring at the book trying to make this make any kind of sense, he decides to wait for Yuri's call before figuring it out. They read the book together, commenting on the ridiculousness of it.Or the one where one of Yuri's fangirls sends Otabek her fanfic in the form of a fancy book. >> There’s nothing more hilarious than reading a fanfic of a pairing reading a fanfic. *queue inceptionnn* I love every bit of this fic and I love the otayuri comments here and there. (There’s a hint of mutual pining from the two of them tbh)
10. * Skater Doll by Zetal (Rodinia) >> Yuri finds something that highly disturbs him in Otabek's hotel room.Underage warning: Yuri is 16 and Otabek 18. Nothing explicit happens. Rating for Yuri's relationship to language. >> Adorable af. Maybe Yuri should acquire a huge Beka doll in return. (better yet, a dakimura of Otabek)
11. In The Rain by  zoebun  >> Yuri was just walking down the street in the rain.He never expected a dark-haired stranger to share his umbrella with him, despite Yuri telling him to go fuck himself.He never expected him to live in the same apartment building as him.And he never expected a stranger he met on the street to become so much more than that. >> Beka’s a smooth as flirter and a sweetheart and a gentleman and the whole package that Yuri’s gotta keep. I’m loving every chapter and every word of this fic, I can’t get enough of this Modern AU. It’s fresh and this take on Beka’s character is exquisite. 
12. Café Latte by  SpecterQueen  >> Inspired by this kink prompt: "Character A works a minimum wage job at Starbucks and is trying to get a second job to help pay rent, but nothing is working out. Strapped for cash, Character A tries to find themselves a Sugar Daddy to pay the bills."Basically, barista Yuri is bad at budgeting and is forced to find alternative methods to make rent. He works at a coffee shop owned by Viktor. Otabek comes from a wealthy family, and is willing to help in exchange for a questionable agreement.This is incredibly self-indulgent. Please mind the tags. Yuri is 20 going on 21 and Otabek is 25. >> It’s just two chapters in and I’m already hot for more of this fic. Beka in this fic is as mysterious as it goes but he’s a cordial fellow and respectful with Yuri’s wishes. Nice to have a guy like Beka.
13. * stray cats dream in techno by  m (pistachiomadeleines)  >>  When Otabek shows up to St Petersburg for the weekend, Yuri tries to show him around - only to discover that Otabek knows his city better than he does. >> Wherein Yuri somehow embarrasses himself but it’s not too bad because Beka’s jamming songs and Yuri’s enjoying his time with a cat named Mango while Beka watches from afar with a fond gaze. GREAT READ. 
14. * if this night is not forever, at least we are together by  pllsetskyonice (hma1313)  >> It starts with a doodle in the margin of his art history notes that, when he looks at it from the right angle, looks like Otabek. Then there’s the midnight scrawls in his journals when he pours his heart out onto the page in smudgy ink, and when he rereads them the next day, it’s clear in his mind that the rambles that fill page after page are only about one person. Slowly, bits of Otabek start creeping into his art, snippets of things he’s written in journals, half remembered conversations immortalised in paint, some of the writing covered in angry strokes of red acrylic or made barely legible by the ink running down the page. He’s under his skin, and Yuri doesn’t really know why, or how to make it stop, how to make it go away, or anything that could possibly make the situation any better.And whilst that might well be the start, it’s not technically the beginning. >> PINING ALERT, PINING ALERT. There’s pining and two idiots messing around and whispering sweet nothings in parties and pouring all the heartache through painting. 
15. All the Right Notes by  pastelplisetsky >>  Yuri Plisetsky (18, just because) is an incredibly gifted piano player, known for his passionate and somewhat violent playing/compositions. But in order to compete in the famous Eurasia United competition (i completely made this up lol), he needs a violin accompanist. Although he’s dreamed about this competition for years, he’s always worked better alone. Otabek is little-known, solemn, and a lovely violinist. Based off of Yuri’s Allegro Appassionato in B Minor, his free skate song. Also somewhat inspired by Your Lie in April (the anime) but not really because I’ve only seen the first episode. >> Frankly, I have not seen Your Lie in April but I’ve watched other music anime (like La Cordia doro and Nodame Cantabile) so I have some experience in reading fics like this. Pulled me in from the first chapter and I’m still hoping for more chapters to come!!!! 
16. * Some Twenty and Tea by  ctine_lea27  >> - “So I can trust you as well right?”“Of course. Definitely. Abso-fucking-lutely.” - Yuri turns sixteen then seventeen and he likes to mess around to get rid of that feeling that’s confused and hurt him once then another. Rewind, Yuri is confused and scared. Forward, he sees him and it scares him.They find out, get hurt, cry and sexual tension. Coping mechanism? Twenty questions- and Otabek is terrible at it. There's tea here too.Three days. Three chapters. One whole package. >> I’ve saved the best for last and this is it. This fic is a wonderful monster. I’ve had waterworks whenever I read this, and I’ve gazed at this several times that the waterworks just come pouring down again. This fic is one hell of a rollercoaster and I highly recommend this one. 
72 notes · View notes
pllsetskyonice · 8 years
for auld lang syne, my dear
Otayuri Week Day 2:  Social Media or Celebrations
Words: 1.7K
Featuring: a group chat, an inconsolable instagram fandom, and a new year’s engagement
AO3 link
Skating Gays
--10 Dec, 14:32--
Christophe: So what’s everyone doing for new year?
Katsudon: …why?
Christophe: I’m going to London and wondered if any of you wanted to join me
Katsudon: We will?
Victor: I’m booking plane tickets now so yes, pack a bag
Phichit: This is going to make for some great Instagrams I can see it now
Phichit: I’m in
Kazakhstan’s Hero: I’ll go if Yuri goes
JJ Style: Unfortunately I’ve already got plans for new year
Russian Fairy: Such a shame
Sara: London sounds like fun, I’m coming
Mila: I’ll make sure you do ;)
[Russian Fairy changed Mila’s nickname to Making Sure She Comes ;)]
Making Sure She Comes ;): You coming or not yuri or do you need beka’s help?? ;)
Russian Fairy: Ffs mila
Russian Fairy: And yes I’ll go to London
Kazakhstan’s Hero: Me too then
Michele: I’ll have to go to make sure Sara is okay
Sara: For the last time I can look after myself
[Sara removed Michele from the group]
Russian Fairy: Savage
Christophe: We’re at eight so far, anyone else want to come?
Sara: Michele will probably come btw just so you know
Christophe: Alright
Christophe: Anyone else?
Georgi: Can my girlfriend come too?
Christophe: Sure
Georgi: Then we’ll be there
Christophe: Any advance on 11?
Seung-gil: Make it 12
Gaung Hong: 13
Emil: Think I can come too
Christophe: That’s 14 going, are we ready for this?
Making Sure She Comes ;): Is London ready for us?
Leo: Any room for a fifteenth?
Minami’s Boogie: Can I come too?
Christophe: Yes and yes! See you all in London!
[Image of a selfie in Heathrow Arrivals with everyone]
Tagged: christophe-gc, yuurikatsuki, v-nikiforov, yuri-plisetsky, otabek-altin, mila-b, sara-crispino, seung-gillee, +guanghongji+, emilnekola, mickey-crispino, georgi_p, leo_iglesia, minami
phichit+chu So happy to be spending New Year’s with so many great people!
View all 103 comments
ukskaters @Yuri+angels10 right here and we’re NOT OKAY
otabae So wish I was in London right now :(
[Image of selfie with Otabek where they have their arms round each other]
Tagged: otabek-altin
yuri-plisetsky Reunited ♥
View all 135 comments
v-nikiforov @yuurikatsuki AWW LOOK AT THEM
Yuri+angels10 honestly can’t get over the fact that they’re actually together
phichit+chu #relationshipgoals
[Video of Yuuri doing shots]
Tagged: yuurikatsuki
View all 95 comments
mila-b Did you pack the stripper pole because I think we’re going to need it
v-nikiforov @mila-b I’M SO READY
mila-b @v-nikiforov of course you are ;)
[Image of playing cards and shot glasses]
View all 87 comments
yuri-plisetsky Destroying everyone at blackjack right now
otabek-altin Play drinking games, they said. It’ll be fun, they said.
mila-b @otabek-altin what are you complaining for he’s letting you win
v-nikiforov @otabek-altin @mila-b EXACTLY, I THINK I’M DYING OVER HERE
[Image of a selfie of everyone sitting in a circle with an empty bottle in the middle]
Tagged: christophe-gc, yuurikatsuki, v-nikiforov, yuri-plisetsky, otabek-altin, mila-b, sara-crispino, seung-gillee, +guanghongji+, emilnekola, mickey-crispino, georgi_p, leo_iglesia, minami
phichit+chu Adults on New Year’s Eve or a high school party? Scientists can’t tell
View all 106 comments
sara-crispino Who thought this was a good idea
v-nikiforov @saracrispino if it means I get to kiss @yuurikatsuki then I say it’s a good idea
[Video of topless Yuuri and Victor making out]
Tagged: yuurikatsuki, v-nikiforov
christophe-gc Odds on them actually making it to midnight without fucking?
View all 145 comments
yuri-plisetsky Slim.
seung-gillee This is going to get flagged
[Image of selfie that shows Guang Hong and Leo kissing in the background]
Tagged: +guanghongji+, leo_iglesia
phichit+chu Figure skating’s newest couple?
View all 203 comments
+guanghongji+ I knew I shouldn’t have agreed to this
leo_iglesia @+guanghongji+ what you saying?? :O
yuri-plisetsky @leo_iglesia @+guanghongji+ trouble in paradise??
[Image of Mila and Sara kissing]
Taggd: sara-crispino
mila-b n i c e (PC: @phichit+chu)
View all 57 comments
sara-crispino ♥♥♥
mickey-crispino :O :O :O
yuri-plisetsky @mickey-crispino why are you shocked it’s not like it was a secret
[Video of Yuri and Otabek singing Start of Something New from High School Musical]
Tagged: otabek-altin, yuri-plisetsky
christophe-gc AND NOW, LOOKING IN YOUR EYES, I FEEL IN MY HEART… #highschoolmusical #yuriplisetsky #otabekaltin
View all 67 comments
Yuri+angels10 This is all I’ve ever wanted in life
otabae Now all I want is for them to skate to hsm songs next season
altinfanclub @otabae high school musical on ice with otabek as troy and yuri as gabriella now that is something I’d pay to see
[Video of crowd counting down to New Year]
yuri-plisetsky *inserts generic new year message here*
View all 321 comments
Yuri+angels10 Happy new year!
otabek-altin Happy new year ♥
xplisetskyx Happy new year! · Translated from Russian
[Video of Big Ben chiming and the fireworks going off]
yuurikatsuki Happy new year!
View all 306 comments
katsukidaily Happy new year!
mirakatsuki Happy new year Yuuri! · Translated from Japanese
sukeota3sisters Happy new year! · Translated from Japanese
[Video of the fireworks]
sara-crispino London knows how to throw a party. Hope everyone has a wonderful new year wherever you are in the world!
View all 184 comments
mila-b Happy new year! ♥♥
xxcrispinoxx Happy new year! · Translated from Italian
emilnekola Happy new year!
[Image of Otabek getting down on one knee in front of Yuri]
Tagged: otabek-altin, yuri-plisetsky
View all 193 comments
Yuri+angels10 OMG OMG OMG
Yuri+angels10 @otabae I THINK SO
[Image of Yuri and Otabek kissing]
Tagged: otabek-altin, yuri-plisetsky
v-nikiforov Congratulations to @otabek-atlin and @yuri-plisetsky on their engagement!
View all 291 comments
yuurikatsuki I’m so happy for you two! @otabek-altin @yuri-plisetsky
sukeota3sisters We can’t believe this is actually happening! We hope you have many years of happiness together @yuri-plisetsky and @otabek-altin! · Translated from Japanese
georgi_p Congratulations to both of you! @otabek-atlin @yuri-plisetsky
[Image of the ring on Yuri’s ring finger]
Tagged: otabek-altin
yuri-plisetsky New year could not be off to a better start #Isaidyes
View all 286 comments
Yuri+angels10 *frantically googles how to breathe*
phichit+chu Congratulations!!
Jjleroy!15 @otabek-altin @yuri-plisetsky congrats guys!
[Image of selfie of Yuri and Otabek together, with the ring visible]
Tagged: yuri-plisetsky
otabek-altin He said yes!
View all 247 comments
yuri-plisetsky Of course I did ♥
otabae I’M IN TEARS
seung-gillee Congratulations!!
[Video of everyone singing Auld Lang Syne]
Tagged: yuurikatsuki, v-nikiforov, yuri-plisetsky, otabek-altin, phichit+chu, mila-b, sara-crispino, seung-gillee, +guanghongji+, emilnekola, mickey-crispino, georgi_p, leo_iglesia, minami
christophe-gc Happy new year everyone!! And congrats to @yuri-plisetsky and @otabek-altin on their engagement!!
View all 293 comments
Jjleroy!15 Happy new year!
giacometti Happy new year! · Translated from German
mickey-crispino Happy new year everyone!
Skating Gays
--1 Jan, 15:34--
Christophe: Did everyone have a good time last night?
Phichit: The best! London was definitely a good idea!
Phichit: And I captured Otabek proposing to Yuri on camera I couldn’t have asked for much more
Sara: What about the part where they sang high school musical songs together that was cute
Katsudon: They just look so happy together, I couldn’t be more pleased for them
Christophe: The wedding’s going to be one for the books I can feel it now
JJ Style: Sad I missed the whole thing tbh
Russian Fairy: That’s what you get for staying in Canada
[Christophe changed Russian Fairy’s nickname to Russian Fiancé]
[Christophe changed Kazakhstan Hero’s nickname to Kazakh Husband-To-Be]
Russian Fiancé: And Victor what the fuck’s with all the flowers you sent to me and Otabek this morning
Russian Fiancé: [Image of several bouquets of flowers on a table in hotel room]
Russian Fiancé: SERIOUSLY WHY
Victor: I just wanted to congratulate you!
Russian Fiancé: You said your congratulations last night we didn’t need hundreds of roses and lilies and whatever the hell else to say it for you
JJ Style: So apart from an engagement, pretending it’s 2006 and many flowers, what else did I miss?
Russian Fiancé: Guang Hong and Leo drunkenly kissing in the lift when we got back to the hotel
Leo: Surprised you noticed that with how I’m 90% sure Otabek already had his hands down your pants at that point
Russian Fiancé: ,,,,not really relevant though is it
Russian Fiancé: Also Yuuri and Victor disappeared for a while before we went out and everyone knew they’d gone to have sex but no one talked about it and pretended like nothing happened
Christophe: Yuri obliterated everyone at blackjack and got everyone fucked
Making Sure She Comes ;): *apart from him and Otabek because he kept fixing the games
Katsudon: …he did?
Georgi: You were already drunk by that point because of all the shots Christophe made you do Yuuri
Making Sure She Comes ;): I was surprised you made it out ngl
Victor: You should know it takes more than a few shots to make sure Yuuri doesn’t get past predrinks
Christophe: Lmao we all know that
JJ Style: Sounds like a good night
Phichit: It was! We should do the same next year!
Christophe: Definitely
JJ Style: I might even make it next year who knows
Kazakh Husband-To-Be: Well I’d advise clearing your diaries now because that’s the date of the wedding
Phichit: WAIT WHAT
Russian Fiancé: The wedding. You know, the thing that happens after you get engaged?
Kazakh Husband-To-Be: I’ve been planning this for months
Russian Fiancé: I had no idea until he proposed
Phichit: Aww, that’s so romantic ♥
Kazakh Husband-To-Be: That was the general idea
Russian Fiance: ♥♥♥
Skating Gays
--31 Dec, 14:55--
[Christophe changed Russian Fiancé’s nickname to Russian Husband]
[Christophe changed Kazakh Husband-To-Be’s nickname to Kazakh Husband]
rest of the series on AO3 / tumblr
78 notes · View notes