#my new neighborhood is so interesting i saw a lot of things
thepoisonroom · 2 years
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went on a walk to try to feel regular
21 notes · View notes
mattatouilletkachuk · 4 months
Can you write for Quinn with the “Can I sleep with you?” Prompt pls
Oliver The Orca || Quinn Hughes
Part of The Hockey Babies AU
Prompt: 29. “Can I sleep with you?”
Warnings: anxiety, fear of the future
WC: 6.8k
A/N: This was meant to be short and sweet jfc lol. I decided because it’s so long that I’d make this the origin for them in my Hockey Babies Au.
Summary: Since moving to Michigan as a child, you’ve been annoyed by the eldest child that lived next door. Neither of your parents care and insist on a camping trip before every school year.
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Camping trips were not for you. You were meant for the city or at least a relatively mid-sized town. Not trees, bugs, and a tent that you had to put together yourself. Well, that last part was only somewhat true because after failing to put your tent together three times and watching it collapse Quinn had come over to help you. By help, it meant that you stood back and made sure not to touch anything, per his request. 
It happens every year. With your parents being friends with Ellen and Jim Hughes there was always a Summer camping trip before school started. When you asked your mother why she insisted that you go she simply told you that as you grow up life moves by fast and that close friends you once had growing up may not be around when you get older. Hence, the camping trip. 
You didn’t know much about your mom before your family moved to Michigan. In your defense, how much was a six-year-old supposed to know about their parents? 
Even when you were young, your mom liked to talk about her childhood and the one thing and person that was always a constant in her stories was a woman named Ellen. According to your mom, she and Ellen had gone to high school and college together. When they parted ways after graduation their communication slowly died out that was until you moved into your brand new house in Michigan. 
As your dad drove the van down the suburban streets filled with large houses, you couldn’t help but think that Michigan didn’t seem all that much different from anywhere else you had lived in your short six years. Your younger brother was excited enough for both of you. You weren’t easily annoyed by your brother but his nonsensical 4-year-old ramblings about everything he saw made you roll your eyes. He didn’t get it. He wasn’t leaving behind any friends or starting at a new school. If your family stayed here this is all he would ever remember, not the home or neighborhood you lived in before. 
Your dad seemed to notice your sour mood and tried to point things out that would usually catch your attention. He talked about how there would be more room for you to play, and that there was a lake nearby where you could swim in the summer. Your mom even suggested that you could learn how to ice skate during the winter when the lake froze over. None of it interested you until your dad told you that you would finally have your own bedroom. 
That made you perk up. At some point, you were sure that you had to have had your own bedroom at some point. You didn’t remember it because for as long as you could remember you shared a bedroom with your brother. For the rest of the drive, you sat back in your booster seat, thinking about how you would decorate it and if you could somehow convince your parents to let you have your own television. When you started school you could have sleepovers whenever you wanted!
That sounded nice. You’ve been trying to tell them since the few months since your birthday that you were a big girl now and six-year-olds are too old to share a bedroom with their brothers, especially a snot-nosed tattle tale like your brother.
The rest of your family chatted merrily, talking about all the great things living in this neighborhood would have, and how your dad’s new job would be great for the family because he’d be around a lot more. Your parents didn’t try to pull you back into the conversation, knowing that a neutral mood from you would be better than a grumpy one. 
Finally, when you pulled up to what was to be your new house, you couldn’t help but let out a gasp. It was large and white and there was even a porch. It was like one of those houses you saw in movies or on the covers of the magazines your mom read while waiting in line to buy her groceries. 
You refused to let yourself feel too excited about it, though. Your parents had to know that you didn’t approve of this move and that you were still upset about leaving your friends behind and your old home, and the fact that you had to get rid of half of your stuffed animals to make room in the van for a move you didn’t even want! 
You flinched when suddenly you heard your mother shriek and nearly jump out of the car, even though your dad had yet to put it into park. You watched in confusion as your mother waved her arms about to get some other woman’s attention. It seemed to work because the other woman turned away from what you presumed were her three sons, who had to be around the same age as you and your brother and embraced your mother in a tight hug. 
Finally pulling into the driveway slowly and parking the car, your dad went over to unbuckle your brother from his seat and just like your mother he scrambled out of the car to meet the children who were standing behind the woman mom was talking animatedly to. You watch from your seat as your mom introduces your brother to this strange new woman - you wonder if it’s Ellen, the one whom your mom has pictures of from when they were young. She looks similar, taller than your mom, leaner, and with the build of an athlete, and her blonde hair is a stark contrast to your own mom’s darker shade.
Even her smile is the same. You were told you were moving to be closer to your dad’s new job but now you can’t help but wonder if your mom knew that she would somehow be neighbors with her old friend. 
When your dad comes around to help unbuckle your booster seat, you sit back and let him, now eyeing the three boys in roller skates and hockey sticks. It’s the middle one you think that your brother is mainly talking to. Mainly because the youngest, either still a toddler or just a little bit older is holding onto his mom’s leg as he takes in the new people. The other one has to be the oldest, you think, with the way his face is set into a serious mask, and is the only one that has seemed to notice you. 
You don’t like that he’s watching you. You don’t know him but at that same time, that’s why you don’t put up resistance to being unbuckled, where normally you would have. You didn’t want to seem like a loser so quickly after moving here. You haven’t even stepped foot into your new house yet. 
When your dad helps you clamber out of the car, you make sure to grab your favorite stuffed animal that you were allowed to bring on the trip. When your parents had brought you to Build-a-Bear, they probably thought you’d get a regular bear or an expensive dog but instead, you picked an orca. An orca that you named Oliver who never once left your side. 
“Do I have to meet them?” you pulled on your dad’s shirt so that you could be face-to-face with him. You could see that he was trying to hold back a laugh but a light smile still found its way onto his lips. He wasn’t fooling you, though. With as much seriousness as you could muster on your small round face, you continued, “Can’t we see the house first and see these people tomorrow?”
Your dad sighed and replied, “Your mom and brother are already over there. Your mom is catching up with an old friend and your brother, it looks like is making a new friend himself.”
You grumbled something under your breath but your dad ignored it.
“We won’t stay out here for long and it’s nice to get to know you’re neighbors.” He added. “If you get too nervous or you want to leave squeeze your stuffed animal or hand him to me and I’ll get the message that it’s time to go.”
“Oliver,” you muttered. “His name is Oliver.”
He patted down your hair which had gotten more messy as the day went on and hummed apologetically, “I’m sorry, will you tell Oliver that?”
You nodded and with Oliver tucked under one arm, you grabbed your dad’s hand with the other and walked over to the others. You dropped his hand but remained close by, even when he moved closer to your mom and threw his arm around her.
When your mom finally noticed you she introduced you to everyone, “This is my daughter,” your mom announced. 
After telling them all your names, the other woman laughed. It was bright and kind. “You always did say if you had a daughter one day, that’s what you would name her.”
They shared one more laugh before your mom continued, “Darling, this is Luke,” he was still holding onto his mom’s leg and you noticed his hair was the brightest. Up close you realized that your original guess of four was wrong. He was barely three years old. You waved shyly at the younger boy and smiled, “This is Jack, he claims to like hockey more than his brothers,” which made the tallest one huff a breathy laugh. “He’s the same age as your brother, isn’t that nice?”
You weren’t sure what to say to that so you just nodded.
“This one, right here,” your mom said with a smile and a twinkle in her eyes that you couldn’t decipher, “is Quinn. He’s the oldest and just so happens to be around your age.”
You took him all in now that you were only standing a few feet away. His hair was much darker and his complexion was pale, you couldn’t help but wonder what he looked like in the winter. He didn’t smile but his eyes weren’t unkind. 
He broke the silence well by holding up his hand for you to shake.
“It’s nice to meet you,” he politely said. You replied, saying the same thing and holding Oliver closer to you. 
You wouldn’t consider yourself a shy child but it was the way that everyone was so engrossed in the conversation the adults were having while Quinn kept his eyes on you the whole time. You couldn’t pinpoint how it made you feel. You were annoyed that you were singled out but at the same time, a warm buzzing feeling hummed through you as you were the sole focus of someone’s attention. 
It all felt like too much, though, and eventually, you handed your stuffed animal to your dad. He was a man of his word and in less than five minutes your mom was wrapping up her conversation with Ellen.
You thought the interaction was over but as you had turned to walk away Ellen shouted one last thing that made your mom’s ears perk up. She turned around and Ellen said, “Every summer before school begins we go on a camping trip. We go for about three days. We leave in a week, I’d love it if you could all come.”  
Without looking at your brother or you, or your father for that matter, your mother agreed happily. You know that meant that before you were even unpacked she would drag everyone to the store to buy camping gear. 
This time you truly thought you were done because now your parents had started to walk out of earshot and Ellen had started to help Luke take off his roller skates. 
However, loud enough for you to hear but quiet enough for everyone else not to, you heard Quinn utter the words, “Don’t forget to bring your orca on the trip.”
You didn’t stop, exactly. You tripped on an uneven part of the sidewalk and managed to catch yourself before falling flat on your face. You looked back at the oldest Hughes and saw that he was gone. 
You weren’t a drama queen, no matter how many relatives tried to tell you you were. You were picky and you knew what you liked but you never expected others to understand, that would have been rude. However, how had Quinn known that Oliver was an Orca? Nobody knew, especially children your age. You only knew because one day your dad fell asleep watching a documentary about sea life. Every time someone would guess what your stuffed animal was they often guess a whale, which was a common misconception. One time you heard someone call it a narwhal. You were offended on Oliver’s behalf but secretly found it a little funny. 
You stopped letting it bother you but the surprise and shock you felt when someone knew what Oliver was made you radiate happiness. It probably seemed ridiculous to most people but Oliver was important to you. All the grumpiness in the car from earlier had disappeared. That didn’t mean you actually liked the eldest of the three brothers. He was quiet and seemed sort of grumpy and acted like he wanted nothing to do with you. 
Your first family camping trip was filled with highs and lows. Jim Hughes taught you how to fish, and you soon realized that you hated it but he seemed to enjoy it so you went along with it. You taught Luke how to make a flower crown. Your mom and Ellen gossiped about their time in school and all the time in between that they missed. 
Quinn on the other hand, barely spoke to you. It wasn’t subtle either, everyone was aware and thought the two of you would work it out by the end of the trip. It’s not like you were avoiding him. Maybe a little but not as much as he was trying to avoid you. 
All of it made any little spark inside you that wanted to be his friend die. So you vowed for the rest of the trip to ignore him. It felt better to be the one doing the ignoring and not the one being ignored. 
When school started you were put into different classes so thankfully the only time you had to see Quinn was lunch time and even then the two of you would sit across the cafeteria to sit with your friends.
For years it had worked. You were cordial as neighbors and put on pleasant smiles for your parents when they decided to have a dinner night with both families. At school you didn’t talk, sometimes you would catch him glancing over at you but you never brought it up. If he had a staring problem that would have to be something he would have to deal with on his own.
The camping trips usually went smoothly. At least up until this last year. There was always so much to do that it was easy to shrug off any attempts anyone made for you to hang out with Quinn. You were nineteen and he was turning the same age in a month. 
This could very well be the last camping trip you spent with everyone and sometimes, late at night, the feeling of not seeing Quinn again hurt but then you remembered his judgemental stares and how pretty, skinny, blonde girls would fawn over him once he became a hockey player in the NHL.
Your own thoughts startle you. What do you care if a bunch of girls threw themselves at Quinn while you were away? You especially didn’t care if he took an interest in any of them. He already went to and played hockey at the University of Michigan. You couldn’t think of one instance where he didn’t have several different options for who he spent the night with. When he goes to play for the NHL, nothing will have changed. 
(Other than everything. In Michigan, you knew you would see him again. When he moved he wouldn’t be there when you came to visit.)
This was one of the reasons you couldn’t stand Quinn most of the time. He jumbled up your thoughts and you didn’t know what to do with them. With Jack and Luke, it was different,
they had become like a second set of brothers with how often they were over at your house. Quinn, even though the offer was extended to him by every one of your family members, he still never came over. 
From the get-go, it was clear that ignoring Quinn for the entire trip wasn’t going to happen.
On the first night, you followed the routine that you had developed over the several years of camping. There was one problem, though, and that was since your first camping trip to now, you had never gotten the hang of putting your tent together. You tried! But someone would always have to help you in the end. You looked around for your brother or your dad but when you turned back to the pile of what was meant to be your tent on the ground, Quinn had come over and silently helped to put it together.
Few words were exchanged, such as, “Can you stand over there?”“Don’t touch that.” and “Hold onto that for a second.”
When your tent was all propped up and ready for you, you went to say ‘thank you’ but Quinn was already walking off to help your dad unload bags from his car. 
By the time you had everything all laid out, your sleeping bag, an extra blanket, a flashlight, and of course Oliver the Orca, the sun had begun to set. Jim called for everyone to come gather around the campfire. You pulled a hoodie over your t-shirt and claimed a spot on the log near the fire. You weren’t the last to arrive, as you waited for Jack, your brother, and Quinn to arrive you stared into the crackling campfire. 
The camping trip had been pushed back this year so now it was late September and there was a little chill in the air and the warmth from the fire was enough to warm you up. 
Luckily for you, in a week you would be heading back to school for your second year at the University of Oregon. It wasn’t your first choice and you knew it would get cold there too, but when you toured the school before your first year, you fell in love with the area. It was lush and green and had everything you wanted. 
Quinn gave you what had to have been a sarcastic smile when he finally plopped down on the log on the other side of the fire. You made a show of rolling your eyes at him in return. The little grin that wanted to come up was swallowed back down when you realized that you would miss this. The playfulness that snuck in between both of your two soured your mood.
Looking at Quinn brought back another thought that you’ve recently been thinking about. It was something that would nag at you as you packed up your room and took late-night walks around the neighborhood. You were afraid of getting homesick. You got homesick the first year you went away to college but you were expecting that. It was different, though, you were aching for some type of freedom. You loved your friends and family, and for the first time in your life, you would be free to do whatever you wanted without someone hovering over you. 
This year felt different. Your friends from home had started to settle in the cities and towns that they chose to move to. Your little brother was looking at colleges on the East Coast and even Jack was going into the NHL draft this year. With Quinn going to Vancouver to play for the Canucks, he would be the one that you would be the closest to but Vancouver was still a distance from Eugene, Oregon. There was no chance that you would ever just accidentally cross paths with him. 
For a second, you felt of pang of sadness. You’ve known Quinn since you were six and it won’t be like last year when you left for school and you would FaceTime or Skype your friends and family and Quinn would be in the background. Quinn was such a fixture in your life and now he was going to be gone too. Quinn loved Michigan, so you would probably see him in the Summers but what if after you graduate you get a job somewhere else? Somewhere where you know no one. 
You're jolted out of your spiraling emotions when Jack and your brother plop down on the log next to you, fighting over a bag of unopened marshmallows. You could thank the heavens for their timing because it feels like you’ve been having more and more thoughts about Quinn, your future, and Quinn being a part of your future.
The bag that Jack and your brother were fighting over tears in half, just like anyone could have predicted. The marshmallows go flying everywhere. Some land in the fire and melt quickly but mostly they land amongst the forest floor.
What you weren’t expecting was Jack jumping up from the log and hopping around screaming in a pitch that could rival a little girl’s. 
“Oh shit! Oh shit! OH SHI-!”
No one can hold back their laughter as they watch him frantically move about. Your brother nearly falls off of his log in a fit of laughter and you think you hear Quinn snort. 
“Jack Rowden Hughes!” Ellen scolds but when you look at her you can see the laughter she was trying her hardest to suppress. 
“Sorry, mom,” Jack mumbles but still doesn’t stop hopping around looking for the marshmallows.
“What the hell are you even doing?” Quinn asks, and unlike his mother, he’s not trying to hide his amusement. 
When he laughs you feel your chest get tight. You look briefly at him when he speaks and see that he’s already looking at you. He’s not smirking or glaring. No, he’s just smiling at you. There doesn’t seem to be any hidden meaning or mocking in his eyes. He’s happy and you’re the one he’s showing it to unabashedly. 
“Don’t you read?” Jack snaps, his hands overflowing with the marshmallows he’s grabbed from the floor, your mom kindly hands him a bag of garbage for him to throw away the dirt-covered sticky treat.  “Bears love Marshmallows!”
“Wasn’t that a SpongeBob episode?” You inquire with a laugh, shortly followed by Luke and Quinn. 
“Dear, we’ve been camping here for thirteen years.” Your mom tries to soothe Jack but everyone, including her, knows it’s futile. “No one has ever seen a bear around here.”
“That doesn’t mean they aren’t lurking around waiting to pounce,” Jack argues but he slowly calms down. Well, as calm as Jack can manage. 
“What does “waiting to pounce” even mean? Do you think Winnie The Pooh is hiding behind that tree over there?”
“Shut up, Quinn,” Jack grumbles and is shoved down to sit back on the log by his dad.
After everyone is calmed or close enough to calm your dad pulls out another bag of marshmallows and chocolate from a bag while Ellen grabs graham crackers. Jim finds the sticks for you all to toast the s’mores with all while your mom sits back in her chair, drinking out of a thermal cup, and by her lazy smile and pink cheeks, you’re starting to think that perhaps it’s not coffee or hot chocolate. 
Everyone quickly falls into the easy chatter that only forms after years of knowing one another. You hold your s’more over the fire as you sit quietly, listening to all the conversations happening around you. 
You're pretty sure that whatever is in your mom’s mug she shared with Ellen because the two of them are quietly giggling after every other word. Jim and your dad are talking to Jack about his future and what the draft might be like when it comes around soon. You feel bad for the kid. You’ve heard almost every adult close to Jack give him the same speech. It’s not like he won’t have a future. You’ve seen him play hockey, both for fun and for competition, and know that he’s better than good. Every team is looking at him right now and with his charisma and the way he moves on the ice, he’s guaranteed to become a star almost immediately after being drafted. 
Luke and your brother have given up on eating the s’mores altogether and are taking turns throwing marshmallows back and forth to see who can catch the most with only their mouths. After a minute of watching, you can safely say they’re both terrible and that ‘the bear’ coming out to eat the marshmallows is more likely than one of them catching one of them in their mouths.
You stayed quiet, not feeling like participating in any of the conversations. It wouldn’t raise any suspicions, since this annual trip began you were always worn out by the end of the day. Not talking to anyone, eating whatever your dad decides to barbecue, and falling asleep on your mom’s lap. So no one questioned you as you tried to not set your campfire snack on fire and thought about how everything was about to change after you all left the camping grounds and how you weren’t ready for it. 
You were so wrapped up in your thoughts that you hadn’t even noticed that Quinn was quiet himself. Not staring down his burnt marshmallow like you put sneaking curious glances your way and silently hoping you would catch him. 
With a loud slap on his knee and a groan that only fathers seemed to know how to make your dad stood from his lawn chair. 
“It’s been a long day, I think I’ll try to get some sleep so I can wake up early to catch some fish.”
Jim nodded enthusiastically at the prospect of fishing in the morning and stood up as well. Both of the men helped their wives up from their seats, you smiled as they made it difficult for their husbands to walk them to their tents. The swaying a giggling never died down, even when they were inside and the tent was zipped. 
You were never one for fishing and why people liked to do it so early in the day perplexed you. You had attempted fishing twice in your life, once with your dad and brother which resulted in you being pushed into the lake by your brother and the other time was on a camping trip where Jim was convinced he could change your mind about fishing. It didn’t work. So now your plans for tomorrow are to lay down a beach blanket near the water and read one of the books you brought with you. 
The next ones to stray towards their tents for the night were Luke and your brother. You knew they were going to be next. They enjoyed fishing and spending time with their respective dads. 
“Maybe I’ll even catch dinner for us tomorrow!” your brother exclaimed. 
You wanted to gag at the idea but you saw the excited look on his face and decided against it. Instead, you gave him a thumbs up and mustered up a, “I’ll wish you luck!”
Jack didn’t say goodnight to anyone but you all saw him run behind one of the trees to vomit all of the sugar he consumed. By now he was most likely in his tent groaning or trying to get a signal on his phone. Probably both. 
It didn’t take long for Quinn to stand and bid you goodnight after the other boys left. Your eyes followed him as he walked with his head down to his tent. He had no real reason for leaving. You had watched him sporadically throughout the night and he didn’t seem tired. Perhaps he just didn’t want to stay out here alone with you. You murmur a quiet goodnight back, not sure if he heard it or not but not wanting to say it again. 
You weren’t ready for sleep yet. Your mind was still racing and when your thoughts came back to coming home for the holidays and everyone not being there a knot formed in your throat. You had made friends in Oregon and this upcoming year you would likely start networking, which meant meeting new people, and even though you haven’t met them yet, you knew they weren’t going to be better than the people sleeping in the tents less than ten feet away from you. 
If it hadn’t been for the chilly early September breeze you probably wouldn’t have noticed the tears on your cheeks. You wiped them away quickly. Everyone had already gone to sleep so you could cry as much as you wanted to and no one would know. No one but you, and you didn’t want to deal with all of those emotions right now. You were only feeling like this because it had been a long day and what you needed was a good night's rest. 
You watched the fire die down and when it was only embers left you sprinkled some sand on it to make sure it wouldn’t set the forest ablaze as you all slept. When you were done with that you crawled into your tent and tried to get comfortable in your sleeping bag. 
It was futile. The extra blanket didn’t warm you up and the sleeping bag was old and had small holes in it that you didn’t notice when you had packed it. Not even pulling Oliver close to your chest made you feel better. 
The tent was cold and hard and despite the rustling leaves and wind outside, it felt silent. You weren’t built to be alone and with your recurring thoughts of everyone leaving and not coming back once school starts up again, you couldn’t find it in yourself to stay in your tent tonight. 
You grabbed your extra blanket and Oliver and paused when you were outside. Who could you share a tent with without them making a big deal of it? Your brother and Jack were immediately scratched off that list. They had the biggest mouths known to man. You could seek out the comfort of your parents, similar to when you were little and afraid and you would crawl into their much bigger bed and cuddle between the two of them. They would worry if you did that now and you didn’t want to worry them on the first night of the trip they had come to love.
There was nothing wrong with going to Luke but your body itched to turn the other way and go to Quinn’s tent. He wouldn’t tell anyone and even if he wasn’t sharing the same thoughts out loud, perhaps he was thinking them silently, after all, he was in the same predicament.
Before you could stop yourself you tapped gently on the tent and whispered his name. 
Nothing happened, so you continued just a little louder and perhaps with a slight whine. “Quinn! Quinn, open your tent. Quinn, are you asleep?”
Finally, the zipper was tugged down and a disheveled Quinn appeared. Despite his look of annoyance, you could tell that he wasn’t really upset with you. If he was he would have told you to go away by now or never opened the tent.
“What’s wrong?” His words slurred from sleep but his tone was serious. 
With a weak smile, you replied, “I think there’s a bear outside my tent that thinks I’m a marshmallow. Can I sleep with you?”
To your surprise, Quinn shuffled to the side of his sleeping bag to make room for you. When you continued to look at him dumbstruck he sighed and waved at the tent flap and said, “Can you come in here already? Also make sure you zip that up. I’m pretty sure that any bear with a sweet tooth will be dissuaded by a zipper.” 
You did as he asked and once you did you climbed into the sleeping bag with him. He grunted when you accidentally elbowed him in the stomach and when you kept trying to readjust in the small sleeping area that was only really meant for one Quinn grabbed your waist and rolled you so that your back was against his front. You felt breathless being so close to Quinn, no that wasn’t it, being held so close to him. The two of you grew up together so it didn’t feel strange to sleep in the same area. Sometimes you had to share a bed because your brother and Jack wanted to share one instead. One time when you were sharing an air mattress, it popped and you both had to sleep on the floor after that. You still held firm that the popping was Quinn’s fault. 
This was different, though. Out of all the times you had to sleep near Quinn, he never seemed like a cuddler and yet, here you were with his arm slung tightly around you, with his forehead pressed against your neck. Slowly and without saying anything you grabbed his hand that was on your waist, holding you to him, and intertwined your fingers. It felt grounding. How could you spiral when he was so solidly here? 
“So are you sticking with the bear story or are you actually going to tell me why you're in my tent?” Quinn said into the quiet darkness. 
You didn’t want to answer his question. You wanted to lay here and be held and take up all of his warmth and fall asleep. You also knew that if you didn’t vocalize your fears they would only get bigger and bigger until one day you would simply combust and find yourself living in a cardboard box outside of your childhood home.
You squeezed Oliver with the hand that wasn’t holding Quinn’s and whispered shyly, “I’m afraid of what happens after this. I’m afraid that once I go back to school everything will change and I’ll come home and nothing will be how it was.”
You let out a breath of relief. Even though you couldn’t help but still fret over everything it still felt nice to get all of that off of your chest. 
Quinn had remained quiet the whole time and for a moment you thought he was falling asleep until he squeezed your hand and moved his arm under your head to grab Oliver. Quinn wasn’t taking him from you but he held him gently. Almost stroking the worn fuzz on the stuffed orca.
“Things are gonna change,” he finally said. “All of our parents will still be in Michigan and so will your brother and when he goes to college I’m sure he’ll call to annoy you every day.”
You smiled sadly, it was true. Your little brother was like you. He aches for space but needs to know that the people he loves will still be there. 
“Doesn’t it scare you?” It’s a whisper, you can barely hear yourself over the pounding of your heart and the blood rushing in your ears. 
You didn’t know why you felt scared right now, this was Quinn, the same boy you’ve known nearly all your life. On the other side, though, this is Quinn, the same guy that annoys you more often than not. Who on most days you think he might hate you and you might hate him. Your thumb rubs circles on the hand that’s holding yours. What was it that your mom always said? There’s a thin line between love and hate.
It takes a minute and then two before you think he might not answer. Had his lips not been so close to your neck you wouldn’t have heard him. His words would have been lost with the wind outside. 
“Of course I’m scared.” He finally says and before you can cut in he continues. “I’m scared that I won’t be as good as people are hoping I will be when I finally get to play. I’m afraid to be so far away from my family.” He paused again but kept quiet, there was a tension in the air and you knew he wanted to say more. “I know my family will always be there, though. I also know that my friends will be too. I just don’t know about you.”
You went to turn around so that you could see his face and hear his words when he says them. His arms around your waist stop you, though.
“Whether or not I like it, you know everything about me.” You reply, the next part you look at your stuffed Orca so it feels like you're talking to it rather than him. “I think you might be the only person who knows everything about me. You’re always paying attention.”
“Of course, I’ve been paying attention.” 
You don’t hesitate and you don’t let yourself think before saying what you want to.
Quinn sighs your name and it sounds like a prayer. It sounds like he’s begging you to just know. Quinn is a man of few words and you want him to say it. 
“When I was six a stubborn girl with a stuffed Orca moved in next door to me. You watched me, you saw me, first before you finally looked at my family. For as long as I can remember I’ve been an afterthought to everybody.” Quinn says and his words make you hurt. “I did things to annoy you just so you would notice me because I wanted /your/ attention.”
“That’s very playground of you.” You say lightly, trying to ease the suffocating air in the tent. 
Quinn laughs lightly and it tickles your neck. “Then, and here’s the kicker, I get drafted to the Vancouver Canucks, and team far away from everything I know and then I remember that this girl that I’ve been annoying on purpose for years has what can only be described as an emotional support Orca. People have stuffed bears, ducks, or literally anything else. I’ve never seen someone with an Orca and for the first time everything I had and everything I’ve ever wanted became so clear.”
“And what is it that you want?” 
He lets go of your hand and sits up on his elbows just so he can look at you when says, “You. Since you got out of that car gripping that stuffed animal in one hand and your dad’s hand in the other all while giving the meanest glare I think I’ve ever seen from a kindergartner.”
“I thought you hated me.”  
“I thought you hated me.”
A small smile tugs at the side of your lip, “I thought I did too. If I’m being honest, though, I don’t think I could ever actually hate you.”
The kiss is a surprise. It’s not on your lips or your neck, Quinn simply leans down and places his lips to your forehead. After that, he lays back down behind you and wraps his arm around your torso. You waste no time grabbing his hand and sinking into his embrace. 
He’s solid and warm and for the first time in months, your mind doesn’t feel like it’s running a mile a minute. 
“Do you believe in fate?” 
The question catches you off guard. Fate? Quinn was so practical it seemed like a weird thing for him to ask. Did you believe in it though? If you were asked ten years ago, you would have said yes. If you were asked four years ago you would have said no, but lying in Quinn’s tent and in his arms, you can’t but wonder if maybe you do?
“I don’t know.” You say honestly. “Do you?” 
Quinn is quick to answer, “Oh yeah, how else can I explain that the girl I fell for at six would have a favorite stuffed animal that is an Orca, while I’m about to play for Vancouver whose mascot is an orca?” 
You smile at that. It did seem rather fate-like if you thought about it like that. 
“Well, when you put it like that,” you laugh, as does Quinn. “When you’re off being a hotshot hockey player in Canada you have to promise me something.”
“Hmm, depends on what it is that I have to promise.”
You bit your lip and let your eyes slide down to Oliver. You hoped that Quinn would hear the true meaning of your words when you said them because you doubted you could say them out loud yet. “Just remember that Oliver is your favorite Orca when you’re out there.”
You waited with bated breath. Quinn’s breathing had slowed and for a moment you wondered if he had fallen asleep. 
That was until he pulled you closer to himnand said directly in your ear, “Oliver will always be my favorite no matter where I go.”
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tsumuus · 2 months
crushing on you | pretty setters i.
a/n short headcanons on if the pretty setters had a crush on you. only my fav three so far, will do the other three soon
characters atsumu miya, toru oikawa, keiji akaashi
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atsumu miya
you and atsumu had been friends since middle school
you were always one of his closest friends
someone he could rely on and have fun w no matter what
it wasn't until high school that he started to notice his feelings shift
he started to become more competitive around you
showing off 24/7
constantly teasing you
using humor to mask his feelings towards you
however he gets very noticeablely flustered if you tease him back
he starts becoming more attentive to your needs
offering to carry your things from time to time
but he does it in a way that seems so casual idek how
his eyes light up whenever you enter the room
he texts you a lot
usually nothing with to much meaning, he just looks for any excuse to talk to you
he invites you to all his games
he sits with you and your friends during lunch pretty frequently
but often gets lost in conversation with you that you two forget your friends are there too
he struggles with his feelings for months
not sure how to deal with em
hes so used to being confident, but this feeling is new to him
he confides in osamu first
osamu is quick to tease but gives him solid advice
just urging 'tsumu to be honest with you
toru oikawa
the two of you met during your first year
instantly clicking
like yall have the same humor and interests
he initially just saw you as a friend
but over time that changed
it was when he finally noticed how different you were from everyone else in his life
like your support and genuine care for him made him see you in a new light
he's more charming and filrty than he was in the beginning of your friendship
like he still has his usual playful demeanor but its accompanied by a hint of nervousness
he tries to impress you all the time
always looking at you to see your reaction towards anything he does
super protective of you
always checking in on you and stepping in if anyone bothers you
hes always finding excuses to be near you
whether its walking you to class of hanging out after practice
he sends you goodmorning and goodnight texts fs
along with random messages throughout the day
loves taking selfies with you
using it as an excuse to be close and capture moments together
he keeps his feelings hidden for a long time
afraid of ruining your friendship and appearing vulnerable
if he were to ask someone for advice it would likely be Iwaizumi
maybe even his sister
they'd both give him a reality check and encourage him to be honest to you about his feelings
keiji akaashi
you and akaashi have been friends since childhood
growing up in the same neighborhood and attending the same schools
hes always admired you for your kindness and intelligence
but he didn't realize his feelings were more than platonic until high school
he's always been attentive
but since he's realized his feelings, he starts to notice the little things about you
remembering details you mention, all the little facts about you and yoru life, etc.
he offers to help you with homework and projects
as an excuse to spend more time with you
he's known for his calm and compsed demeanor
but whenever he's around you
he becomes softer
smiling more often and showing a more gentle side of him
he likes to walk you home from school whenever he can
enjoying the quiet moments and your company
he writes you thoughtful notes and occasionally leaves small gifts
like your favorite snacks or books he thinks you'd like
gives you his full attention on everything
listening intently whenever you talk
offering the best advice or support when you need it
he keeps his feelings to himself for a long time
he fears being rejected and doesn't want to risk losing you as a friend
he eventually confides in bokuto
who is super enthusiastic when he tells akaashi to just go for it (he's seen the way you look at akaashi whenever he stops by akaashis class during lunch)
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mskenway97 · 9 months
I've been wanting to write this for a long time and with the skills this character has, I've been itching to write this.
ROTB Mirage x Fem!human!reader
Cap 2
Curious cat
Words: 1.506
Summary: You started noticing something strange in your neighborhood, while you were watching something weird. You decided to investigate it to find some surprise.
Warning: g/t content, g/t fearplay
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You've been saving money for a long time, working hard… Living in New York was expensive, but it was your dream since you were a little girl, the city of opportunity. For now you had started in a waitressing job, the hours were horrible, the bosses didn't treat you the way you wanted but it was the best you could do until one of the interviews gave you the job you wanted. You came home late, the nights were pretty quiet and you had to be alert for anything. You were always taught to be cautious, to say that living alone had a risk but you thought it was better to take a chance, you never knew what you might find along the way. You had heard all the time of urban legends: monsters, shadows that took you away. "Nonsense" you thought every time they mentioned it, you may be from the village but it doesn't mean that because you are from the village you believe in those unfounded legends. Although today while you were working, you had heard a couple of customers talking about a ghost car, you laughed when you heard it and tried to dissimulate. "People should focus on real problems not urban legends" you thought as you packed up to go home. The way though you kept thinking about what the customers talked about. A ghost car… You couldn't get that legend out of your mind even as you went to sleep, I'm sure you'd get over that thought tomorrow. But it didn't happen that way, every time you heard more and more about that car, something that made you more and more curious, you had a big defect, when in your mind there was an idea that didn't disappear until you found out what was going on.
Until one day you decided to investigate all the rumors that were going around: you had gathered that it appeared only at night (as in all legends or horror stories), it was always found in abandoned parking lots, it was a gray car with blue racing stripes… "I lack more information there is something that does not fit me in all this …. And the people who have found it? Or something else?" you thought while looking at the notebook of notes about what could be that mysterious vehicle. The following days were spent asking the supposed "people" who had seen that car… All the words they said were not credible: that it disappeared in front of their noses, suddenly they saw three cars instead of one… others said they saw a giant figure… This last one already seemed ridiculous to you from everything you had heard, what was going to be next, an alien? Absurd. Although if I found a good story I could give you some more credibility and help anything or maybe you were fixated on an idea that was impossible… Here's to making your life a little more dynamic. The bad thing is that you would never know where that car was, it did not keep a fixed position, so in order to find it you decided to ask someone who would surely know about the car. Reek was a man who knew more about robberies than anything else, but if there was any information about that car he would surely know something about it. So you met up with him in a neighborhood in Brooklyn while he came in smiling:
The man was always walking around with a licorice in his mouth, he was more cooperative after I told him you would give him some dough.
-Girl, are you sure about what you're going to do? Some of my colleagues were looking for that "ghost car" - said Reek while showing a picture of the car.
You took a better look at the picture and it matched the descriptions that everyone you had asked matched. You were more interested in the make of the car? You had wanted a car like this since you were a child, in fact you were saving up to buy one for yourself.
-Just give me a location, Reek, and I'll give you the dough. I'm sure it's nothing. Plus you know how to avoid the cameras, right? - you said as you were pulling out some bills Reek rubbed his hands together.Well if you give me a little extra I'll even deactivate them…
-Just this or I'll tell everyone you're stealing cable TV… Reek was a little offended to hear it and rectified what he said to you. He gave you everything you needed. This time it was in a parking lot not far from the residential area, but the neighborhood was not very well known… That's why it was guarded. The idea was that Reek would create a blackout while you went inside. It seemed like a perfect idea and the sooner you figured out what that car was, the calmer it would put your mind at ease. Finally the night you were waiting for came, Reek had left you a place where you could turn off the power, it didn't seem too difficult, you just had to lower some switches but when you arrived you saw that they were already down.
But instead of running away you decided to enter, seeing that the doors were open, the parking lot was in a closed place that did not even have a guard, only people took advantage of it to leave their vehicles "for free". You approached carefully, you hid among the cars to see a group of thieves approaching the car. Everything seemed normal until you saw that it had disappeared in front of them, not only that the lights had gone out around it, to show the same car several times and repeated all this all the time until the thieves ran away. If you didn't see it you wouldn't believe it, it was really happening as all those people were saying. You stayed in your position while you stood up and heard a voice in your ear:
-You thought I didn't see you? You jumped back to see that the car you were leaning against was the grey car you were all looking for, you quickly ran to another part of the parking lot that seemed to be more isolated while breathing heavily.-You're making it too easy for me, girl…. You jumped again to see the same car next to you, your face went blank as you saw that gray car. You were trying to react, you ran away from it.
-Come on, I'm not that scary… Come here little girl - said the giant gray being. You were thinking it was a dumbbell as you were hiding under a car. Suddenly you heard silence all around you, except for the watch you were wearing.
Tick,Tick No matter how hard you ran… You felt its presence all the time, playing with your mind… You had only one word in your mind: run away…
But running away to where your mind was racing, your heart felt like it was going to burst then you heard some big footsteps around you.
-Come out wherever you are, girl? No matter where you hide… I'm going to find you - said that giant robot while you saw him walking away from you to another floor of the parking lot. You didn't think about it and picked up your cell phone to see that the car where you were hiding was lifted as if nothing by that gray robot, you tried to run again to stumble and find three of them. You were completely surrounded, while one of them picked you up and made the rest of them disappear, you tried to move but he was holding you in his servo as if nothing. You were completely terrified trembling… completely at their mercy. The giant gray robot pinched you on the cheek.
I have to say, of all the humans I've seen… I found you the most curious. At least you didn't faint or run away. You've got some guts. You were trying to get away from his touch but he had too much strength to dodge it, you're literally like a doll in his hands.
-Let me go! Possessed car! - you said as the robot laughed at the sound.
-Possessed car? Come on, my name is Mirage… I don't want to let you go yet," he said as he transformed into a car while leaving you on the seat.
-Let go of me! Let go of me! - you said as you kicked everything you could.
I'm sorry, curious kitty… I can't see if Optimus will let me stay with you. I'll take good care of you," said the car as it pulled away to a location.
You tried to kick more but it was impossible, your curiosity had led you to a moment you never expected. To the mercy of a giant being that saw you as its kitten. Curiosity caught the cat.
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kenphobia · 1 year
AKSHEJ I LOVE YOUR WRITING!! Could be possibly get more yan Wally?? I have like a horrible staring problem and usually make eye contact like a pro when talking to people due to my parents just driving those mannerisms into me lmao how would Wally react to someone with somewhat similar manners to him? Hope you have a good day/night <3333
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"And I have a sweet tooth."
summary. wally couldn't help but be interested when the new neighbor also has a habit of staring. i wonder how that turned out? (headcanons / rewritten / see end notes)
contents. too much fluff. one-sided julie x reader because mmmm, funny little fuzzy man is happy.
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✦ Staring was something Wally enjoyed doing. He didn't do it out of malicious intent— sometimes, he does but that's a story for another time —but rather people fascinate him a lot. From the way they dress and move to how they interact with others and the environment around them, it sounds a bit silly and weird but it's something he just can't control.
✦ He supposed it was because of him being an artist. After all, he did spent a lot of his time training his eye to focus on every tidbit of detail in his muses. The roundness of an apple's form, the colorful patterns on Frank's vest that doesn't seem to shift along with his movements, the cute little pads on Barnaby's feet— he had it all jotted down in his mind and every one of his paintings seemed reference his friends or the neighborhood.
✦ Or maybe he's just bored, dissociating on random ocassions that he couldn't help but fix his eyes on something. Maybe it was just that, but god was he so happy you're also doing the same thing as him.
✦ It happened during a simple hangout within your friend circle and Wally caught you staring at him. He stared, of course, unblinking as always but you also stopped blinking.
✦ The unprompted staring contest ended after you finally blinked, your eyes tearing up slightly. Wally laughed and offered you his handkerchief to which you gratefully accepted and wiped your tears away.
"Hey, Frank." Julie whispered to her best friend, "What are they doing?" She pointed towards the bench where you and Wally just kept on staring at each other, unblinking and unmoving like mannequins.
Frank looked from the book he was reading, squinting his eyes at you two. "I have... no idea, Julie. Can I please go back to reading now?" He sighed in exasperation, tired from not having a single peaceful moment with any of his cheery neighbors buzzing on and about.
Another puppet plopped herself down next to Julie and Frank. "Ooh, what are you two doing? Spying on the new neighbor again?" It was Sally, giggling herself silly as she nudged the unfortunate Frank's arm.
"I am not spying on them." Frank glared at Sally, his frown deepening. "I never have been and it was mostly Julie doing that since she's too nervous to even approach them."
"I'm not nervous!" Julie argued, her face flushing red. "They're just so pretty and I don't wanna make a bad impression! I know you'd also do the same if you saw a pretty person, Frank." She puffed her cheeks, crossing her eyes as she squinted her eyes at the puppet.
"Ooo, does Frankie have a crush?" Sally's eyes lit up at Julie's words.
Frank quirked a curious brow. "What's that supposed to mean—"
"Hey, guys! What are you doing here?" Eddie's voice suddenly rang through the air as he jogged up to the trio. His arms rested on the back of the bench, pushing his body weight forward as he leaned. "Is that Wally and (Name)?"
Frank immediately stood up, his face flushed for a moment before it went back to its normal grey color.
"Oh, hey Eddie!" Sally greeted, raising her hand up to the mailman who gladly gave her a high five. "Frank and Julie are spying on them!"
Frank's face bursted suddenly in warmth. "Stop lumping me with Julie's—"
"Oh hush, Frank. I know you just as interested as we are. I mean, look at them!" Sally jabbed her hands to your and Wally's direction as if she was presenting a business proposal to the three.
"I think we should let them be, okay?" Eddie smiled, patting Sally's head. Sweat dripped down from his forehead, sliding off his cheeks in a nervous, almost jittery manner. "They're just doing a staring contest, nothing to worry about."
"I mean, that is true..." Julie hummed, pushing her lips in a form of a pout. "Wally really likes staring, and (Name) too!"
Frank shrugged, crossed his arms and leaned on the back of the bench. "Match made in heaven, I supposed."
Your staring competition with Wally came to an abrupt stop when you hear Julie scream and see her tackling Frank to the ground. Sally was cheering for Julie in the sidelines while Eddie is desperate trying to stop them from fighting.
"What in the world—?"
✦ ... Moving on! Wally would never admit it but he does get flustered by your stare at times, especially in moments where he's extremely chatty and he catches you looking at him. Bonus points if you did that little smile that his heart always go kaboom though.
✦ He'd find himself tongue tied and his face burning redder than the color red itself! If you could just excuse him for a moment, he's just gonna scream into a pillow, thank you.
✦ Wally's glad that someone is like him and it reassures him that staring is a common habit people have. Not that he's insecure about it, no! He's proud of his eyes and his staring, he just loves having someone to bond over it. It's the little things that makes it special for him <33
"You know, Neighbor... Your eyes are really beautiful, have I ever told you that?" Wally asked during a little sleepover you two had one day.
"You told me that a long time ago, Wally." You chuckled, patting his head. You gently combed your fingers through his hair, it was weird seeing it down but you wouldn't deny he was beautiful.
"Oh, Ha. Ha." Wally merely said before laughing. "Ha, I see. But they are really beautiful, you know?" He mumbled, snuggling closer to you as he wrapped his arms around you. He closed his eyes and buried his face in your chest for warmth.
"I love you, (Name)."
"I love you too, Darling."
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author's note. this was rewritten to be non-yandere since it was barely even yandere in the first place sjshshd but yeah!! this one gets to stay up lol
also this is my entire masterlist, wooe
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lover-of-mine · 6 months
Hi, hi, hello, here I am again to sound insane about buddie. First, is this speculation? A meta? A canon adjacent fic idea I don't have the skill to execute? Wishful thinking? All of the above? I'm not sure, I just saw a pattern and my brain came up with something very elaborate that I will now tell you about. Also, maybe read this first because that connection is the one that pushed this into place, and if you want more thoughts on Buck and death.
So, if you're new here, I live in a delusional land called they casted Ryan with a plan that recently added a neighborhood called did they tell Ryan Eddie is Buck's endgame? so I'm always looking for something to prove me right because I refuse to believe someone accidentally set up what could be the slow burn to end all slow burns, and I found an interesting pattern after watching Abandon ‘Ships and things escalated. 
But the thing is that Buck and Eddie's relationship is tied with the concept of death. Both of them have very intricate relationships with death individually, but together too. I was thinking about the “we might end up real close” as the very dark joke Buck was actually going for, with the way if that grenade had gone off, there would be no telling them apart in the blast, but it got me thinking about the way Buck is signing up to die with Eddie. They both walk into that ambulance knowing they might very well not walk out, and the fact that they did, is what makes them bond. The wording of “you can have my back any day” is very interesting to me because Eddie is not saying “I will take care of you” he is saying “I trust you to take care of me” and that's a real intense thing to say to the coworker who was picking a fight with you half an hour before. But they bonded over a promise of keeping each other alive that they were forced to keep over and over again. 
And a lot of major changes in their relationship start with a deadly situation. They could have died pancaked on that building after the earthquake, and after that Chris got introduced into their dynamic. The truck explosion had Eddie reversing into being a medic to treat Buck even though it made more sense for him to be using his strength to help lift the truck. The tsunami started the realization that Buck loves Chris like he is his kid, and also had Eddie explicitly affirming the trust he has in Buck. The well made Eddie change his will. That warehouse fire on Buck Begins, Eddie is the first one to Buck's line and he's also waiting for Buck after he gets checked out. Buck saved Eddie's life during the shooting, the will reveal also established how well Eddie knows Buck. They got held at gunpoint together and Buck's automatic reaction to the gunshot is to run towards it because Eddie might be in danger. Buck broke Eddie's door down to help him after his breakdown that was triggered by death, and Buck also had a moment where he thought he would be finding Eddie's body. And Buck actually gives Eddie hope after it all by giving Eddie a good thing about the situation that led him to get shot. 
We established this pattern, but I want to talk about the lightning in more detail because, unlike any situation before, Buck actually died. Eddie doesn't hesitate to go up what's basically a wet lightning rod to get to Buck after the strike even though he had been thrown off the truck, Eddie also performs CPR even though he was driving the ambulance, and it is Eddie shocking Buck that gets his heart beating again. It's almost as if he was, I don't know, welcoming him back to the world of the living? (Ba dum tss lol this is mostly a joke but please keep this in mind)
So we have Eddie literally bringing Buck back from the dead. But Buck is not ready to deal with the consequences and implications of what happened to him, which is understandable, I guess, with his relationship with life and death, but Buck not dealing with it makes it so Eddie won't fully deal with it either. 
Buck is a passively suicidal savior baby and Eddie is a widower. If Daniel didn't get sick Buck wouldn't have been born and Eddie is the last one standing. And that's a lot about how they deal with death. Buck acts as if he's not looking for death but doesn't mind if death finds him and Eddie is burdened by the people he couldn't save. And the thing with Buck's death is that Buck realized that he does care if death finds him and Eddie thinks that since Buck is alive, he doesn't get to feel the grief for the time Buck was dead, not fully at least. 
So they were at a very interesting point where Eddie is constantly around Buck, and is the place Buck runs to when he gets overwhelmed, and Buck is extremely off balance over the fact that he did die this time and he's not sure how to feel about it. But since Buck wasn't ready to look at everything about his death, how he felt about it, how it affected the people he loves, how it took away his coping mechanism when it comes to being in danger since his reaction was always “but I didn't die” or “I didn't get the worst of it” because he did die and he did get the worst of it, so Buck finds a safe place to hide where he can look at his death through the eyes of someone who wasn't affected by it. 
I was always curious about why the cemetery scene happened in a cemetery. Why Buck and Eddie are visiting the grave of someone who didn't die on their watch. Why a conversation about Buck's feelings about death and wanting to forget it happened, happened in a cemetery. And the location of the conversation ties the conversation to the concept of death in the broad sense that keeps tying Buck and Eddie together. Not considering the breakup aspects of the conversation, the cemetery scene is actually about Buck running away from the way death made him feel, he is drawn to this person who thinks death is cool, so he won't have to see his death as a tragedy and now I also think there is a layer about making Eddie realize he needs to let Buck accept what happened before he can help Buck past it. 
In the locker room, Buck is talking about death as something that got boring since it was all Natalia ever wanted to talk about. We will never know the original plan for that relationship, but considering the focus on her being a death doula, I feel like that was always the point, put Buck in a space where he can look at death as something that's not scary anymore. But the scene also ends with Eddie welcoming him back to the world of the living. Eddie has ridiculous survival skills, Buck survived a lot, yeah, but Buck always ends up in these life-or-death situations by accident. He choked on bread, the bomb wasn't aimed at him, the blood clots were a very unlikely complication of the surgery he had on his leg, the odds of getting caught in a tsunami are ridiculously low, and he got struck by lightning. Eddie was out at war, he was targeted by a sniper, he saved his own life on the well, and he tries to pull people out with him. He has now learned to live with the way everyone he saved on that chopper died, but he even blamed himself for the one guy he couldn't save that time. Eddie is not afraid of death, but he is afraid of being the one left alive. Buck on the other hand is almost afraid of what it means that he is alive. So Buck's passively suicidal tendencies, something that Eddie deeply understands about Buck “you act like you're expendable” are something that scares him. Because pre-lightning Buck doesn't really care if he is alive. And since Buck wasn’t ready to talk about what dying did to him, Eddie doesn’t know that Buck now may want to actually live. He doesn’t know that Buck chose to come back, that he fought for it. 
But if death is now something boring, Buck can actually do something about being alive because he wants to. He can actually be in the world of the living because he wants to be, because he believes he has the right to be. He can actually find a place where he doesn’t believe his life matters less. 
And when it comes to Eddie, with the focus on Shannon that we got recently, he can also find a space where he’s not trying to find her. Accept that she was a big part of his life, accept he will always miss her, and find something new. 
Oliver and Ryan have been talking a lot about vulnerability and Buck and Eddie leaning on each other, and with the locker room conversation, their relationship with death individually and together, the fact that the cruise disaster is on the horizon and while we know Buck and Eddie were filming in cruise and out in the sea they are barely in the promo of it, my own Buck will drown speculations (you can read about that here), and the general they will be in danger on the cruise feelings, I think that could mean Buck and Eddie are moving to a place where they could be a couple that works. There’s a lot of talk about the friendship aspect of their relationship and we’ve seen that a lot in the first episode already, but they are chilling in this space where they can talk to each other freely, and getting Buck to a place where he wants to be alive for himself not for what he can offer other people and Eddie to a place where he accepts the people he couldn’t save without it narrowing the way he deals with his relationships. I talk a lot about how Eddie overcorrects, and one complaint Shannon had was that he wasn’t all the way in with her, so he goes too fast with Ana and might be doing the same with Marisol because he’s trying to fix that mistake with someone else, but accepting that what he has with Buck is its own thing that works, and all he needs to do is be open about what he wants could be the push that puts him in the path of loving Buck fully, the same way Buck just goes along with things because he mostly believes he shouldn’t be alive, so why should he want things, so to have Buck get to the place where he realizes that he has what he wants right on his reach, he just needs to ask for it is ideal. 
I made this edit not that long ago, and it’s almost a poem, about how Eddie doesn’t think what he has to offer is enough, so he won’t say what he means, and Buck thinks he needs to settle for what he’s offered, so he won’t ask for more, and how that’s an immovable object meeting an unstoppable force, and they need to move off that impasse for that relationship to work. And being in the world of the living together and finding the little things that make them happy along with all the tragedy that surrounds them, can put them on that path. 
Their whole relationship is about keeping each other alive, Eddie straight up offers Buck a reason to live, why can’t they just find a way to make each other feel alive?
I said up there about how Buck signed up to dying with Eddie by going in that ambulance, and with everything about Buck, Actually (i recommend you read this for Buck actually thoughts about buddie) and how he latched on to the way Thomas and Mitchell died together after hearing about the life they had together, it's important for Buck to realize that point is not to die together, but to have the life together, and I feel like Buck is in the path to understanding that, and Eddie is ready to be happy, this could be it.
They could be learning to be alive together and finding out they want to be together.
As always, if you read this, I love you 💜
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kelsstars · 2 years
Hello Hun!! I saw your Carl grimes smut and wanted to request something, hope you are taking requests rn.
So Y/n has been at Alexandria since the start, she loves wearing skirts and things that would hug her figure thinking it’s alright (she has a lot of confidence) . It’s been a couple since Carl and his group came so like he is (20) while Y/N is (22) just a year older than him. Her parents at a young age were very strict and so she didn’t know about the adult things and so that’s why she’s innocent not knowing about what sex is. Y/n developed a crush on the boy, but was too shy to even speak to him as well as Carl. But sometimes he would try to speak with her.
Carl had these fantasies about her even would think about her every night. That is until he had enough waiting.
CONTAIN: Perverted!Carl, Praise & Degrading!Kink, DOM!Carl, Pleading!KINK, Foul!Language, pet names, SUB!Reader, Hair Pulling, Thigh!Riding, Virgin!Reader, Body!Worship, Dry Humping.
A/N: AAH, OF COURSE I ACCEPT REQUESTS!! THANK YOU FOR THIS, LOVE!! Also, apologies to my fellow non-female readers, my next fic will be gender neutral as I usually intend it to be. :) Physical feminine aspects of Y/N will be mentioned for this fic.
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This one-shot is a bit long. 👍
Warnings/Summary: Swearing but the rest have been written above in the requests. :D
You’re a more closed-minded than others, especially considering your age. It’s not like you’re completely oblivious of the fallen world outside of the walls, nor are you new to swearing or shooting gun, but you are definitely somone who people would consider blind to adult situations. Shit, you didn’t know why everyone would make it a big deal when you ask where babies actually come from. Truth is, you were raised beyond strictly under a bubble made by your parents, even before the collapse of society.
Alexandria was an all time safe place for you, but you felt like it was a lot more secure after a certain group arrived. He helped with so much, most people in Alexandria didn’t even notice that a drought was slowly building up, and Rick and his group fixed it. In other words, you were grateful for them entering your home. Especially, a certain someone, Rick’s son, Carl. You were always so reserved that it never crossed your mind that actually speaking to him could help further more in your interest on him. You admired him, you couldn’t lie to yourself, and in your hopes and dreams you wished on every star that he reciprocated your feelings. You had lived most of your life inside these walls, you couldn’t fall in love like the comics you read thousand and thousand of times. Enid, Mikey and Ron were some of the friends you grew up with, you couldn’t bring yourself to like them like that. It didn’t help your case that every time you and Carl had to be in a room together, you would always look away from how your head filled with ‘naughty thoughts’. By naughty, you meant holding hands, complementing and chatting with Carl while you strolled through the neighborhood. Was love supposed to feel this way? You felt as if something was missing. Nonetheless, you didn’t know, and as far you knew, Carl would probably have more knowledge on this topic than you. You completely forgot that you were at a sleepover at Enid’s house, she was old enough to own one according to Rick and others. You always wore simple clothing that showed your body figure, you were proud of it. It was nothing new for other people, you always had tight clothing that could show any of your body’s layout. While you were zoning out with your daydreaming, Enid speaks up to everyone in the room.
“Okay okay. Carl,” she announces as she turned everyone’s attention to the freckled man. “you lost the best, so I decided on what you can do to entertain us. You have to take Y/N to your secret hideout outside the walls.”
You don’t even remember what they were talking about neither did you really pay attention to what Enid had just spouted, but your name was mentioned and that snapped you back into reality, you look around to see the big 3 laughing at Carl as his face turned red.
He hesitates speaking first but eventually comes to it. “Like, alone?”
“Alone alone.~” Enid laughs her ass off right after this, while Mikey whistled in the background, which only reinforced everyone’s laughter. “Don’t forget to tell us details, eh?” She leaves that statement with a grin on her face, they were just teasing him like always.
That must have left Carl mad because the moment he turned to face you and smiled at him, he bolted out of the room immediately, looking red. You didn’t even realize that you followed him outside, until he had turned out to face you walking behind him.
He starts walking away quicker. “Carl, wait!” You raise your voice and he immediately stops his tracks to turn around to look at your face. “What was Enid talking about alone? I know it sounds like a stupid question, I might have gotten lost in thought again.” You half-smiled and chuckle out of embarrassment because this was one of the few few times you had interacted. It was always Carl who initiated all of your small chats, you always gave a half-assed excuse to hide your stuttering voice every time he did so.
“Y/N. I—“ He stops talking to take something to process and mumble to himself, you didn’t know why so you just lifted one of your eyebrows, confused as to what could be troubling his thoughts. In your eyes, Carl always was someone so composed when speaking. “Hey, did little-miss-perfect ever try to sneak out of the walls?” His demeanor changed completely, it just left you shocked, but you still shake your head no. “If you try sneaking out with me, I’ll tell you what Enid was talking about when you were zoned out. I noticed you must have missed that part.” Carl flashes a smile at you, just that made your heart melt, so you smile back.
“Well, as long as you never tell anyone that I actually sneaked out!” Carl eyes your outfit up and down, you didn’t know if it was your imagination but you started feeling weird inside, in a good way.
When Carl was helped you climb over the walls, you could interpret a few strange things might have happened when it was your turn to go down. As you carefully slid down the outer of Alexandria, you managed to somehow trip yourself. Luckily, it was a small fall, you basically landed on your feet, but Carl immediately went kneeling to you and put his hands slowly up and your pants. He slowly rubbed the inner sides of your thighs, your behind and down to your ankles. You may have not probably reacted much to this on the outside, but you were freaking out on the inside, the way he massaged your legs and so so near your core. What was happening to your mind right now?! He could be simply checking for injuries! You were wearing thigh leggings so that must have been it. You look at how he smiles at this act, you try to pretend to hear it, maybe he was lost in something.
You continue to follow him to this small shed, it looks horrible on the outside, and you immediately refused to enter.
“Yeah, Carl, I’m not entering that.” You stop your track.
“C’mon, Y/N. You do realize this is our first time hanging out alone? Let’s make the most of it!” You couldn’t tell if he winked or blinked at you, having a crush on a guy with one eye was harder to take hints from.
You continue walking towards his direction. “Is that what Enid was talking about when she said ‘alone alone’?” Carl stops for a moment and then enters the shaggy shed. “I guess it’s a yes.”
The moment you enter, the shed was actually in good shape, especially with how the outside looks in comparison. Carl tells you he cleaned it up himself and invited you to sit by him, on a bed. You do so as you continue chatting on random comics you have read from Enid’s collection until you run out of topics. For a second, he made you forget about the apocalypse and everything bad about this world, he was the shining light this place needed.
“Ah, Carl, you have no idea how happy I am to be here with you.” You lay your back on the bed, as he turned your gaze upon you. “We need to come here more often.” For awhile, Carl didn’t respond. He just looking at you with a soft look on his face, every part of you, you felt like he could see through your skin with that glare. But suddenly, he got up.
“Sorry, I- I need to use the rest room.” Before you could even answer, he hurriedly goes to the bathroom connected to the bedroom you were in. You wait. And wait. And wait once more. You had enough and get up to knock on the door.
“Carl, is everything okay?” You hear the muffled sounds inside the bathroom stop.
“Yeah, just having to take care of something.” His voice sounded.. frustrated? Like he’s holding something.
“You can tell me, if you want I can help with it!” You happily say, as you witness the bathroom door open and he peaks out.
“Are you sure you can keep that?” He looks like those kids refusing to leave their room.
“A hundred percent!” You giggle and extended your arm to him.
That must have triggered something in him because as soon as you extended your hand out, he grabbed it and pushed you onto the bed. You felt like you were burning up, as he put his long hair on a small low ponytail and got on top of you, smiling from ear to ear.
“Y/N, you can’t be this innocent. There’s no way possible way.”
“I.. don’t get it.” He looked like a walker with the way he was about ready to devour you whole.
“Did you ever get taught about what sex, masturbation, erections?” He raises an eyebrow, waiting for your answer.
“The what now?” You’re confused, to say the least. You heard those words before but you never really taught what they were.
“Fuck’s sake, I want to ruin you by the minute.” His breath is becoming more and more loud, and your heart keeping up with the same pace. “If you want, I can teach you what they are.” You nod almost instantly, if it meant it could get you closer with him. Carl moved his position to siting by the side of the bed again, leaving his hat on the bed side table. “Sit on my thigh. Each leg open on one side of my leg.” He sounds demanding, but also desperate.
You do exactly as what he says, you didn’t know how this would help until he grabs your hips to guide your waist to move along your clit along his leg. Your body doesn’t know how to react. The friction of your legging clothed pussy and his jeans, you never felt such pleasure before, your legs trembled a lil’ as Carl kept guiding you with his hands. Your arms wrap around his neck as you breathe on his neck. He continues to speed up, little by little, as he starts kissing your cheek and eventually, you. It was your first time kissing, you didn’t expect to be in such a place and form. After you break out of the kiss, his teeth beam and he hears you moan out his name and your begging to continue.
“Carl, pleasee- hghn- more! More!” In another moment, you would never utter these words but your brain barely functioned at the hands of Carl Grimes.
“More what, baby?” He whispers on your ear, he obviously wants to tease around you.
“Faster, make the mov..ement fast.” At this point you’re the one moving your own hips, he basically put his hands there as a decoration.
“Beg for it, move them yourself and moan my name. I’ll make sure you’ll be compensated, let me spoil you tonight.” Those words were gonna drive you crazy. You pick up your own pace and speed up the process. He kept making small praises in your ear on how good you were doing, god damn it, Grimes. You definitely didn’t predict he was interested in you.
You finally finish on his leg, catching your breath as Carl fills your face with kisses. “Who’s a good girl, huh? Who’s Carl’s obedient princess?” You couldn’t even properly answer. You gave a weak ‘me’ as you rest you head on his shoulder.
“Why are you resting?” He lifts up your face with his hand. “We’re getting started, didn’t I say I would rewards you?” You thought you were tired but hearing him made you gain energy once more. “What we just did is called thigh riding, I see you enjoyed it.” He places another kiss on your lips, and you return it.
His hands slowly make their way to your shirt and he begins to lift it off your body, Carl also takes notes to take off your bra before lying you down. “Oh, what do we have here?” You rise your head a little to see what he is about to do but your head yanks itself back as Carl’s finger started playing with your nipples. He pinches, slight pulling and sucking around your chest to hear you moan so loud in his ear.
If this is how you acted before he was inside you, he didn’t know how he would control himself when that moment comes.
He goes on your body, eventually reaching your pants. Carl goes back up to face you, eye to eye. “Ya’ sure you want me to go through everything?”
“Carl, hurry the fuck up.” You furrowed your eyebrows, you were happy he contained himself to even ask, especially after everything, but upset that he doesn’t go straight to whatever he wanted to do.
“Well, I tried to restrain myself.” He immediately takes off your soaked pants and panties, putting them somewhere aside the end of the bed. “Look at this!” Carl positions his fingers around your wet pussy. “Don’t you feel like a lil’ whore?” He moves this finger around, doing circles. You felt so sensitive, trembling from the mere touch of his skin near your private area and him degrading you. “What a pretty slut. Do you wish for more?” You already knew the answer. So did he. Carl felt good knowing that he finally could touch you like this and be able to tease you around for your first time. “I can’t wait to show you off when we get back.”
But he suddenly stopped. Pulling his hand away. You, as well, raise up to stand on your knees on the bed, only to notice that he is using his hands to help take off his shirt and pants. It was the first time you noticed his bulge and also your first at seeing a dick. It was directly pointing you, slightly curved upwards, its colors just matched him, a faint red blush color on his tip. You were admiring it so much, Carl had to snap his finger to get your attention again.
“What were you thinking about?” He asks, trying to sound pissed off but he couldn’t smirk at this situation.
“Uh.. Uhm… Your male sexual organ?” You let out an awkward smile.
He laughs. “Call it whatever, but I’m impatient for head.”
“Head?” You question him.
“A blowjob?”
“You really are asking to be fucked silly. Basically, lick and suck my cock, Y/N.” He smiles at your innocence yet to be crumbled by his hands. You, on the other hand, had to understand how you could give him the same satisfaction that he had given you previously.
You slowly start licking and putting him in your mouth. He silently groans and moans the more you take in, which you make a mental note of. But after it’s all in, you don’t know if you should move. “Sorry, beautiful.” Carl decided for you, as he grips your hair on his hand and bops your head back and forth. You were shocked at how fast he was going, so you work your way to keep up with him. The faster you go, the more lewd his voice sounded to you, it felt good hearing you complement you. “Fuck, baby, you look so pretty with your lips around my dick.” He huffs between your motions. When he finally reached his climax, he came inside your mouth. You didn’t know what to do. Were you supposed to swallow it? Spi-
“Swallow.” And you did so on command. Two hours ago, when you left home for that sleepover, you would have never suspected that THIS would be the outcome of your night.
“Is it over?” You ask him, you were sure you weren’t going to sleep that night.
“It should have but it seems, I can go up for more.” He grins at you as he pointed to his crotch, it was still up. Fuck’s sake, can you ever catch a breath around this lovable pervert?
“I’ll take it care of it.” He smiles. “IF!” His smile drops. “If you promise this is the last for tonight.” You made it sound like you were prepared to repeat this more times with him, which only excited him more.
“Of course, I’m going to respect your wishes.” Carl softly kisses your cheek, before he gets up to get a condom. You were innocent, but you at least remember what your parents called those. ‘Baby preventers’.
After he rolls the condom on top of his dick, he starts making out out until your head is placed on pillows and your body is placed right in-front of his eye. This was a view he wanted to enjoy looking at it for a long time. And hey, you were pretty prideful on your body, but the way Carl had you exposed, you try to hide it the best you can. That only pissed him off because he uses his left hand to lock both your arms in a trance by your wrist above your head. Whilst the other hand explored your naked body.
“You got such a pretty body, it’s perfect for me. This is ten times better than my imagination.” His eye softens as his hand reaches your waist. “May I enter?”
You knew this will mean he will put himself in you, but you were so nervous if he thought of you as gross. This feelings disappears as soon as he slowly places his tip and enters you. You gasp, as then slowly sigh. He stays still, both of you not used to this feeling.
“Can I move, Y/N?” You nod and he starts speeding up his activity. You both moan in synch, then he bites his lip, trying to shush himself to hear you cry out for him. “Jesus Christ, you’re squeezing me alive..” Quicker and quicker, he’s driving your mind somewhere else, not even he has enough breath to tease you, but for you it was sufficient that he just kept giving you that sweet look. He hurried his thrusts into you, making your back arch. You were glad Carl was your first time, who else could be so rough but so caring?
“Y-Y/N, I’m so close, can you handle it just a bit more?” He began stuttering, he was so close to his limit.
“Just keep going, sweetie.” You used your right hand to lift your body a little to kiss his cheek. Carl takes that opportunity to thrust one last time to finish. He re-organizes the bed for you and cuddles with you as he whispers sweet words into your ears, dozing off to your deep slumber.
It’s been a couple of weeks ever since that night at the shed. No one in Alexandria knew , for the exception of the perpetrators themselves, you and Carl. Your relationship and feelings did grow, but you wanted to make sure if he was serious about you, which Carl constantly showed through his actions. He happened to be at your house as you were cooking breakfast.
“Heyyy, Y/N.~” He hugs you from behind, probably plotting something.
“Good morning, Carl. I’m baking pancakes you want some?” You can’t really turn around to kiss him, you were too busy to trying not to mess up these pancakes.
“Oh, y’know… Just wanted to greet you.” He starts brushing his erect crotch against your back.
“Grimes! What if someone walks in?” You weren’t really worried as you were behind a counter but, you were concentrating on not fucking up your breakfast.
“And who will stop me?” He slowly positions your back and starts picking up speed with his crotch, making you put ur hand on your mouth to muffle the lewd noises he liked to hear. “Who could possibly come i-“
“CARL!” Tara just opens my door and walked into the kitchen. “I knew you’d be here. Your dad is looking everywhere for you, get back home, we got a new scavenge layout plan for tomorrow.”
We both look at each other, giving a small smile for how we were relieved Tara didn’t catch us.
“Also, leave Y/N alone, weirdo. Other people might see through your open window.”
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hi! i saw your post about how true the makers of atsv were to real-life brooklyn and i loved it so much that i just had to ask if you'd be willing to make a more in-depth analysis on that? i'm not from america but i adore the movie so it's very interesting to hear firsthand accounts about its authenticity from locals! ofc this is just a humble request and i completely understand if the answer is no <3
I'd LOVE to! The Spiderverse Series is honestly the most accurate movie of New York I've seen in my life - including live-action movies. I say that not just in essence but in everything. And Across the Universe takes it over the top. Like, INSANELY so.
Across The Spiderverse & It's Dedication to Cultural Accuracy [aka ATSV is so goddamn good I can tell you exactly what street Gwen and Miles went to Mumbattan from. It's that accurate.]
I'm a black, afro-latino, and a born and raised 'Brooklynite'. Despite there being thousands of movies of New York, I'd say less than 5 percent of them are in any way accurate or current. (Yellow taxi cabs are no longer a thing here really.)
But Across the Spiderverse defies that in every way - nailing it historically, culturally, and even by replicating exact locations.
Wanna see the Bodega Spot robbed? Cause it's a real, random bodega! And the building he goes into at the end - I can tell you exactly where it is, with 100% assurity. All by street signs.
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In the first scene with Spot we see him standing outside on the curb, looking into the store. On the corner there is a street sign that reads Fulton St.
Fulton is an actual street in BedStuy (Bedford Stuyvesant, pronounced Bed-St-eye), literally a stone's throw from my house. And they take it further.
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Although it can be hard to see, the other side to the left of it reads Nostrand Ave. Fulton and Nostrand is a very popular intersection in the neighborhood, mainly because there's a subway station for the A line located on one corner.
There's Nostrand and Fulton.
But if you turn to the other corner you see...A Bodega! Looks familar?
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That's the bodega Spot robbed.
99% of the people who watch this movie will be from New York. Even less will be from BedStuy. Even less will catch the split second sign on the corner, only on screen for only a few frames.
It took me 3 watches to notice. But I noticed. And my jaw dropped. How much that means is unexplainable. I've been on that corner, and the TacoBell across the street. And so has Miles. That's insane.
It doesn't stop there.
Spot enters the store, as we pass we see a sticker for 'WIC/EBT' on the cashier's counter. I'm not sure how common this is - but WIC and EBT standards for Welfare Benefits and Food Stamps. As you cannot buy warm food with Food Stamps (sadly), lots of bodegas advertise taking EBT for the deli sandwiches.
Nice shout out to the struggling families in the communities, I love a Bodega that takes EBT.
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We move towards the back of the store - In the Bodega while Spot messes with the ATM we get a wider shot, and another very insanely specific shout out.
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Behind Spot is a sign showing a Beef Patty (which I'll mention in a moment) and a sun logo called 'Sunny Patty'.
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This is a direct call out to a specific chain of Beef Patty shops in Brooklyn and Harlem called 'Golden Krust'.
I cannot stress how much of a niche reference this is! Golden Krusts only exist in low income neighborhoods - mainly in Brooklyn, Harlem, and the Bronx. If you're anywhere near Times Square or any place else New York shows choose to portray - you're not finding a Golden Krust.
Golden Krusts are store that is ingrained in Caribbean culture, which Brooklyn is full of - hence the adapted Jamaican flag up front. I grew up eating Golden Krust and I'd eat it more if they didn't close so goddamn early.
But it's there.
Once again, only a few pixels, only a few frames, but someone probably took 6 hours drawing that. For the 0.009% of the people who'll get the reference. Low-income, black New Yorkers - like me.
ATSV is so accurate that you can even find the exact spot in which Miles and Gwen leave through the portal.
But before I tell you where it is - I wanna talk about why it's so important.
It's important because one of the most famous Spider-man scenes in history is just plain WRONG to New Yorkers.
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This scene is ENTIRELY incorrect, and I knew it even as a child.
Firstly, based on the skyscrapers everywhere, this is solidly Manhattan. The train says Bay Ridge, which is in South Brooklyn, maybe 40 minutes away by train. So I'm going to assume this is the Q or B train, running through Manhattan. Which, okay they do, but -
There are NO elevated trains in Manhattan. The Q, like every other train, only goes above ground in Brooklyn and Queens. This is very clearly Chicago.
So he couldn't be doing this. It's a simple but HUGE fuck up. Any one born in New York will notice it because Manhattan just looks wrong with elevated trains.
And it would've been fine if they just set it in Brooklyn where Bay Ridge and the elevated trains actually are.
But instead they made generic Manhattan streets - so much so I can't even tell what neighborhood they're in. Do you see how this is such a problem?
Across The Spiderverse is animated. And they still put in the effort.
I can't tell you where Peter Parker is stopping that train - it ain't Manhattan - but I CAN tell you where Miles and Gwen leave for Mumbattan.
So let's go back to where we started. We're on Fulton and Nostrand both in BedStuy.
Throughout the fight, we see Spot and Miles go through a couple streets - most notably a very popular street in the neighborhood - Broadway.
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This happens twice, once while fighting Spot, and once when Miles and Gwen grab the hot dogs. They show this twice, cause this will be important for what we're trying to do.
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Now this may not make any sense to you, since it's just random streets, but I'm about to tie it together.
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Gwen releases the bug near an elevated train. When we see Miles and Gwen swinging, they cling to a train. Now, it's hard to tell what train this is but so far we know.
We're in Brooklyn
We're near Broadway
We're near an elevated train line
There's a station on Broadway called Broadway Junction. It serves the G line and the J,M,Z line.
When we see the train pass by, we get a glimpse of the model. Each train line has a slightly different variation, with some being a lot old. The one that passes is one of the newer ones.
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(Once again, very accurate, as those models do run on elevated lines)
And although we can't see the letter on the train, by that alone, I can guess we're by the elevated J,M,Z lines in BedStuy - near Broadway Junction. Easy. Now we just need to know what stop we're at.
Well, they tell us that too. Finally, When Spot heads into the building we get a glimpse of the exact street he's on - Bedford.Ave
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So I just threw a LOT of information at you - but look at this map of the J,M,Z line and hopefully it comes together
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At the bottom along the green line - we see Bedford/Nostrand Ave. Remember, the robbery starts us off on Nostrand. Let's move up the green line. We get to a part where the green line passes the brown and orange ones - the JMZ trains.
They connect at Broadway (Officially Broadway Junction Station). We see Broadway with the hot dog vendor there.
If we move to left of Broadway we see Marcy Av. - and if we look to the left OF THAT we see a faint white line heading north.
THAT line is Bedford Ave. Where Spot enters the building.
Because we know they're in Brooklyn, and we know they passed Broadway. Plus we know they're now on Bedford by an elevated train that runs newer models.
So from those signs alone we can definitely say that Spot is on Bedford Ave. and Broadway. Next to the JMZ elevated trains, two stops from Broadway Junction in Brooklyn.
100% that's the spot (lol). That's the only place Bedford crosses an elevated train. And as a New Yorker, I got that from this photo.
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Trust me when I say - we can tell.
By those short shots of street signs, we know that Miles started in BedStuy, swung north towards Broadway, then took a turn towards Bedford Ave in Williamsburg. And that's where Gwen plants the bug - and the place she returns to before going to Mumbattan.
Is that crazy? That's CRAZY. Percision accuracy that I have never seen in a movie live-action or otherwise.
All throughout the first scenes of ATSV - they are on actual streets, that are reasonably within swinging distance of each other, along actual train lines - with their stations accurately located.
That's INSANE. There was no need for that amount of detail, but they did it anyway.
There's SO many times in Spider-men movies where they'll start swinging in Queens, and then the next scene is like Upper Manhattan. They don't label the neighborhoods, but from buildings alone, I can tell what neighborhood it is.
And I'm supposed to believe Peter just swung 2 and a half boroughs in twenty minutes. I don't notice. But I NOTICE.
Here, Miles and Gwen are truly swinging accurate distances in the right amount of time. That's mental. And refreshing!
In a live action movie - they have NO excuse. Just film in the city, it's not like we're Gotham. And we give film crews huge tax breaks. In an animated movie - completely understandable. But they still said 'No, that's subpar.' and went the extra mile.
They didn't even have to show ANY street signs, they could've left it at the easter egg at the corner store.
But they didn't. Because they're telling a story about a Black kid from Brooklyn, who leaves for someplace completely unfamiliar. BedStuy is Miles' home, and they wanted to make it feel that way. So when he's not there - in the cold polish of Neuva York - you can feel it.
You can feel Miles leaving his warm, rich community when he lacks that community in the Society. In the movie and IRL, BedStuy is so full of color, with so many people doing so many things and sharing so many cultures.
And in the society, everyone is the same. There's no culture. That's dedication.
Because of a train in Spider-man 2, I was immediately taken out of the story. And because of train in ATSV, I was immediately brought in.
For once, it feels like they're swinging around a neighborhood - cause they are.
A Large Detail in ATSV:
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So I talked about Trinity Church - the real church that Peter Parker was buried at in ITSV - and how accurate the team got it to the actual building.
In fact, this is the spot where Miles is standing.
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Like he's standing maybe 20 feet AT most from this spot, you can see in the windows and spires at the top.
But I also wanna explain why this - and why the fact that Peter was buried there is SO important.
Trinty Church is one of the most famous historical churches in the United States. It was started by the first English settlers in New York. It's extremely famous, and extremely sentimental.
For reference - Alexander Hamilton and his family are also buried at Trinity Church, along with dozens of other important US historical figures - across centuries.
You can't just be buried in Trinity. It's a city landmark. The cemetery is full, small, and you CANNOT pay your way in. The church is extremely choosy with who they will bury there - and honestly, I don't think anyone has been buried there for maybe a century or more.
So for the city to bury Peter Parker's body in the most prominent church in all of the city, if not the country - that speaks VOLUMES.
Like I said in the last post, my father use to work at Trinity Church - and they're the whole deal. Candles burning everywhere, super quiet and devote. The church has catacombs under it, everything.
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They didn't just bury him anywhere. The people of New York went out of their way to give Peter Parker the most honorable burial physically possible within the city of New York.
The highest honor for any New Yorker. One reserved only for Spider-man.
Which I think was an amazing touch. Especially since Trinity is in downtown Manhattan - so anyone could come visit and pay respects.
Other Cultural Accuracies
Before we wrap up I wanna breeze through some other cultural accuracies that appear in ATSV.
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Miles stops to eat a Jamaican Beef Patty while in the Bodgea. I spoke about these earlier with the Golden Krust sign. Jamaican beef patties are these flaky pastries colored with tumeric, full of spicy meat. And they are very popular with the large Carribean community in Brooklyn - which I'm apart of :)
In the case, we see the Beef Patties labeled with red dots. But Miles seems to go for the only one without it.
I'm guessing the red dots indicate which ones are the spicy Beef Patties and which ones are the mild, and Miles grabbed the last mild one they had.
They draw it really well, especially while Miles is eating it.
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"Spider-man seems more Dominican." Genuine question - did anyone laugh at this joke in your theatre?
Because all three times I went, people laughed. The first time people LOVED that joke.
NYC, especially the Bronx has a HUGE Puerto Rican AND Dominican population - many times living side by side
And there's this kinda 'beef' in the same way Yankees fans have beef with the Mets fans (NYC baseball teams)
The best way I can describe the joke is that they're two very strong, very proud Spanish cultures that are often mistaken for each other - but Puerto Ricans and Dominicans can very obviously tell each other apart. Mainly because of the Spanish they speak.
So for him and his mom to have that back and forth, it's kinda an inside joke of Puerto Ricans and Dominicans getting confused for each other - but them being able to tell the difference.
His mom says Spider-man is Puerto Rican, but Miles corrects her - without backing it up with any reason.
It's like they can just TELL.
I don't know how else to explain the joke but its a very New Yorker thing to do - discuss that out like that.
Since a lot of us are the children of immigrants - it's knee-jerk to identify with your parent country and not this one.
If you ask someone in New York 'What are you'. Many young people (me included) would say "Oh I'm *parents nationality*." In my case, I say I'm Bajan and Peruvian. Even though I was born in New York.
Miles would say he's Puerto Rican though he's never been.
So them discussing where Spider-man is 'from' even though he's obviously a New Yorker is the joke.
Like - someone on the writing team HAD to be from New York to add that in cause it's so...oddly New Yorker???
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While swinging Miles and Gwen pass the B46 bus. Once again, completely accurate. The scene starts on Nostrand and Fulton. The B46 does indeed stop on Fulton St.
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When they're swinging, the movie accurately shows the new World Trade Center (aka The Freedom Tower) - which is the tallest building in the picture.
Also, the bridge to the LEFT is the Brooklyn Bridge, while the tall one on the right is Manhattan Bridge. Many people don't know there's actually two bridges. (There's more but those two are the main ones)
Good on them for showing both Bridges, both accurately placed as well
Fun fact: Trains run over the Manhattan Bridge - the Q, B and a couple others (beautiful - I love it when they do) but trains do not run over the Brooklyn Bridge.
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And lastly, when Miles and Spot are on Broadway, the school behind them is actually architecturally accurate for a Brooklyn school. So much so that design is iconic.
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______________________ So those are most if not all of the cultural accuracies in Across the Spiderverse!
I cannot stress enough how ridiculously bang on this movie is in terms of everything.
The team put in so much work, and it paid off. To me, at least.
I don't feel like Miles is some kid from a different alternative New York. I feel like he's a real kid in MY New York. From everything down to his Jordans (don't even get me started on how much Jordan's has a CHOKEHOLD on teenagers in New York. Like...it's a status thing. Even since I was a kid, everyone wanted Jordans. Jordans or Nike Air Force 1s. So having Miles wear Jordans is my favorite thing cause yea a kid from BedStuy would think those are flyest shit ever even though they're just regular degular Jordans lol. And you KNOW Miles 42 a sneakerhead. Look at those shoes. He aint creasing those)
This movie, is chef's kiss. It tops all other New York portrays - live-action or otherwise and I stand on that.
If you read this far, thank you SO much. I love sharing New York culture (and the cultures that make it what it is to begin with) and I'm SO happy I can share this stuff and hopefully help people appreciate the movie more too!
If you learned something or have any questions, I'm all ears!
And I usually leave a photo of Hobie here as a send-off but this post hit the photo limit LMAOOOOOO
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buttercupjosh · 3 months
Nothing to Be Scared Of
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(Gif credit to @corbincarroll)
Word count: 2,594
Genres: strangers to friends to lovers, fluff
Warnings: none
A/N: This story is based off of the songs “Nothing To Be Scared Of" by Kacey Musgraves (which is where the title came from) and I make references to "Dinner With Friends" by Kacey Musgraves, and "Anime Eyes" by Kacey Musgraves. I highly recommend listening to these songs before reading my story. It’s not set at a specific moment in time (It’s taking place in a fictional future but you could also say that it’s set this upcoming season. However, the 2024-25 season hasn't happened yet and anything can happen or change so don’t hold me to what occurs in the fic and if things do change in real life, I’m not going to update this fic to reflect that). It’s written with a female reader in mind because I’m a female of color but the reader doesn’t specifically have to be a POC or a woman and there’s little dialogue. As always, I’m open to any and all feedback, comments or questions; just put them in my inbox or dm me. Thank you so much in advance for reading, I appreciate it😌
(P.S. I have other stories (linked here) that I have written for other players as well if you want to check it out)
“Please don’t let me regret opening up that part of myself that I’ve been scared to give again. Be good to me and I’ll be good to you but please don’t be too good to be true.” -Too Good To Be True by Kacey Musgraves
Romantic love was one of those things that had never been on your side. Throughout life, you always had unrequited crushes that never worked out and it was very rare that someone else had a crush on you. The one time you actually dated someone and opened up your heart to them romantically, it ended up failing. On the outside, your ex was a decent guy on paper but behind the scenes, he was someone who shifted into a very toxic person. The final straw came when he got a job offer that moved him away and he broke up with you because he didn’t want to be with you anymore. Since that experience, your heart had been wrapped in bubble wrap, filled with the fear that someone was going to break it again.
As expected, you had your walls up about falling in love with someone new but that started to change when you met Jamie. Your job as a realtor is what connected you to him; you were unofficially known as the team realtor for the Phillies, Flyers, and Eagles since most of your client base consisted of players and their families from those teams and you were one of the few realtors who was licensed in both Pennsylvania and New Jersey. After his first partial season in Philadelphia, Jamie was looking for a new place to live so you helped him find his new home. The reason why Jamie was moving was because Cam wanted his long-term girlfriend to move in with him and Jamie wasn’t interested in living with Joel and Morgan at their place either. Due to his age, he didn’t want to live with an older veteran on the team and their family or to reside in the suburbs. Jamie also felt like he needed a change during this new chapter of his life so he decided to live alone for the first time in his entire life. 
On a Saturday afternoon before the season started, you met up with Jamie to show him one of the places you found. The penthouse was very nice and in a neighborhood he liked but Jamie didn’t like the kitchen layout so your quest to find him the best place to live continued. You kept in a lot of contact with Jamie, trying to match his preferences the best you could and also show him places where he could compromise on certain things. After lots of meetings and searching, you found the perfect place for him in the Rittenhouse Square area. Jamie was very thankful for your services and with the time you spent together, he became very appreciative of who you are as a person. You rarely saw your clients again after helping them out but you would see Jamie again sooner than expected.
One evening, your phone rang in the middle of the night and surprisingly, it was Jamie calling. You picked up and his voice sounded different. Of course, Jamie knew what he was getting into when choosing to live alone but it still didn’t make the feeling of loneliness on his first night by himself at his new place go away. He couldn’t sleep at all because his mind was racing and he just needed someone to talk to; Jamie could have called his parents or his brother, Charlie, or one of his teammates or old friends back home but instead, he chose you. Listening to Jamie on the phone made your heart ache a little and you just wanted to hug him to calm him down so you took the last SEPTA train to go comfort him at his apartment. He didn’t ask you to come over but you went over there out of the kindness of your heart. Once you arrived, you engulfed Jamie in that much-needed hug and all of that anxiety that was plaguing him at the moment began to slowly wash away. Neither of you could sleep so you talked to each other for hours about different things, learning more and more about each other, until you fell asleep on his couch. Instead of leaving you sleeping on his couch, Jamie tenderly picked you up and placed you into his bed. You woke up the following morning in a bed that wasn’t yours and found Jamie sleeping on the couch.
As time went on, you developed a friendship together and your hearts were quietly growing fond of each other. You spent a lot of time together, going back and forth from each other’s places and hanging out in public. On nights that he couldn’t sleep, Jamie would sometimes call you and you would have deep conversations that would go on way into the night, most of the time falling asleep on the phone together. Sure, those calls would leave you both exhausted the following day but that was your special thing and you would always pick up whenever he called. You trusted each other; Jamie told you about his past relationships in California and back in Canada and you opened up about your previous relationship but your past hurt made you very guarded with Jamie. It was almost like you were always waiting for the rug to be pulled out from under you about him or waiting for Jamie to switch up the good guy act on you like how your ex did but that never happened.
Your birthday happened to land on a Flyers game day and thankfully, that game was a matinee game so you had plenty of time to enjoy the rest of your special day. As a gift, Jamie got you and a friend glass tickets to watch the game. During one of the media timeouts, you noticed that your name was on the scoreboard, wishing you a happy birthday; it was a nice birthday surprise. The rest of the game went nicely and the Flyers won.
To celebrate your birthday, you had an amazing dinner with some of your friends at Fiorella and Jamie offered to bring the cake. All Jamie told you was that you had to trust him and he showed up at the restaurant with a large pink cake that was covered in layers and ruffles of your favorite color. He also revealed to you that he was behind the scoreboard message. You knew that Jamie was a kind guy but the kindness he showed to you definitely took the cake.
After your birthday, Jamie’s 200th career game was approaching and you pulled out all of the stops to celebrate this milestone for him. It wasn’t a huge moment to some but it had taken a lot to get to that point. You snuck into Jamie’s apartment and decorated the place with balloons and streamers while he was away at morning skate. When Jamie returned to his apartment, you were gone but he knew in his heart that you were the only one who could have done this for him. To add to the surprises, you showed up at the game with a handmade sign, acknowledging his accomplishment. Jamie’s heart warmed when he saw you, banging on the glass to get his attention to look at what you made and he tossed you a puck. Jamie texted you to not throw away the sign because it was special to him and he wanted to keep it. After the game, you went back to Jamie’s apartment and shared a small cake with him; it didn’t matter that Torts would bag skate him if he found out that Jamie was eating sweets during the season but all that mattered was that he was sharing it with you.
Not long after his 200th game, it was that time of the year for the building where Jamie lived to do their seasonal pest control. He needed to be out of his apartment for a few hours for the work to be done and for the smell to dissipate so you suggested going out mini golfing at Puttshack. The game combined mini golf and trivia; Jamie was good at the golfing part and you were good at the trivia part. The game itself was way more fun because Jamie would get certain trivia questions wrong but you weren’t the best at putting the golf ball and you both jokingly teased each other about your skill sets during the game.
After Puttshack, you both wanted your time together to continue so you invited Jamie over to your place to continue hanging out. As usual, you ordered food and talked. The conversation somehow shifted to movies and you found out that Jamie had never seen a Studio Ghibli movie before so you ended up showing him some of your favorite films. While observing Howl and Sophie’s relationship dynamic, Jamie realized something very important. On one end of the sofa, you were captivated watching the movie but on the other side, Jamie wasn’t focused on what was going on, on the screen. He was too busy looking over at you through his anime eyes and a million little stars started to burst in his heart. You didn’t know it then but you would learn that he had always looked at you that way. He couldn’t say it out loud yet but Jamie was in love.
In a series of extremely convenient events, your mom came to Philly for a week-long work conference and Jamie’s mother, Tina, was also in town for the Flyers’ annual Mom’s Trip. Both of your moms got to observe your friendship firsthand. You liked Tina and Jamie liked your mom and both of your moms liked each other. While they were away, Tina and Jamie talked about you and she encouraged her son to pursue you. Jamie knew about your past relationship pain and it made him uncertain about whether or not to tell you his true feelings. Meanwhile, you took your mom to the airport after her conference concluded and before leaving, she imparted some motherly wisdom onto you.
“Honey, Jamie is a really nice guy and I like him for you. I know you were scarred by He Who Shall Not Be Named but you should think about opening your heart again to love”, your mother said to you.
You respectfully brushed aside her words. Jamie was a really good friend and person that anyone else would be grateful to have in their lives and you were happy that he was a part of yours. Over time, people speculated that you and Jamie were dating because of how you treated each other and the amount of time you spent together but he never formally asked you out and you weren’t sure if he had liked you romantically or just as a friend. Despite how things appeared, you remained cautious about being in love again so you strictly kept your boundaries with Jamie as friends. However, that was all going to change.
One early morning after spending the night on the air mattress that Jamie bought for you to sleep on whenever you slept over, you woke up early without trying and couldn’t fall back asleep so you decided to watch the sunrise. As you gazed at the Philadelphia skyline from the rooftop, it hit you; you were in love with Jamie.
It was the shape of Jamie’s blue eyes and the shape of his nose. It was the cute way he mispronounced certain words the Canadian way and also the smell of his clothes that filled your nose whenever you hugged him. It was the shape of Jamie’s heart and his kindness. It was the familiarity of taking your shoes off and leaving them by the door every time you went to his apartment. Jamie loved you in all of the ways that you never felt love before.
You were so uneasy about falling in love again because you didn’t want to get hurt again but with Jamie, something just felt so different. He was the only one you wanted to give your love to and Jamie taught you there was nothing to be scared of about being in love. You could drop your baggage of hurt and he would help you unpack them and you would do the same for him. You were so consumed by emotion and a familiar voice startled you to ask if you were okay.
“Yeah, I’m fine but how did you know that I was up here? I thought you were asleep”, you replied.
“I got up to use the bathroom and every time I do whenever you sleep over, I always check on you. I knew you were here because I come up here sometimes to watch the sunrise or the sunset and I know that you love those colors”, Jamie said as he poked your side.
Hearing Jamie say the word love made your heart beat faster and faster. He looked over at you and could sense a shift in you.
“Are you sure you’re okay? Do you want to go back inside?” Jamie concernedly asked. 
“Jamie, I have something to tell you and promise me that you won’t freak out”, you told him.
“What are you going to say that you’re in love with me? If so, I’m in love too with the beautiful person right in front of me”, Jamie confessed with a cheesy smile and the biggest blush on his face.
He took the words right out of your mouth but that didn’t make the anxiety you felt go away.
“Jamie, I love you too but I’m scared. What if we don’t work out? What if you fall out of love with me? What if this is all too good to be true? What if -?” you rambled.
“Y/n, honestly, I’ve been scared this whole time too. When I got traded from Anaheim to here, I was super terrified of this massive change. I didn’t plan on falling in love when I moved here because my future’s so uncertain at the moment and I swore I was going to be single until my next contract but then I met you. You’ve added so much to my life and I’m thankful to have you as a part of it. I know you’re afraid but Y/n, if it doesn’t work out, then it doesn’t work out. All that matters is that I love you right now and I’ll love you for as long as I can. Would you be willing to take that risk with me?”, Jamie asked.
Before meeting Jamie, you almost gave up on romantic love for good but he showed you how to love without having to try so hard because he loved you for being yourself. Jamie was like a train that was only meant for you and he wouldn’t leave the station without you. That bubble wrap that was wrapped around your heart was peeling off and you just had to continue to trust that it was all going to be okay. Even if things were to change, like all things in life, you would learn from it. You had both believed that you were placed into each other’s lives for a reason. If being in love with each other was what dreams were made of, neither of you wanted to wake up. Wrapped in a tender embrace with his arms around you and sharing a sweet kiss, the two of you watched the sun fully rise together. It was officially the start of a brand new sunny day and also the start of a new romantic relationship between you and Jamie.
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sadgirlbaby · 2 years
HAVING DINNER AT LANGDONS' - tate langdon x fem!reader (part 1)
CW: //
SUMMARY: you just moved to los angeles so the langdons invited you and your family to have dinner at their house since they were your new neighbors. during the dinner you caught tate's attention.
part 2 here
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"welcome in this awesome neighborhood!" constance opened the door and let you and your family come in. "make yourselves at home".
you went in and saw a few more people sitting at the table.
"oh that's my husband hugo and my two beautiful kids - adelaide and tate" mrs langdon said.
"hi!" the girl said smiling. you assumed she was adelaide.
"hey" the blond guy in front of her greeted. he must have been tate.
you took a sit while constance was talking to your parents - they were chatting and laughing, meanwhile you were already getting bored but when you lifted your head, you noticed that the blond guy was actually getting bored too.
tate noticed you as well and smiled at you, then you smiled back but lowered your head immediately as you heard your parents' steps getting closer to the dining table.
"my husband says that dinner is already ready!" constance announced.
your parents took a sit and impatiently waited to eat.
"hello darling, what's your name?" she asked looking and smiling at you.
"I'm y/n" you said and faked a smile.
"would you like to talk a bit about yourself so that we can break the ice and introduce ourselves too?" constance suggested and looked around looking for the others' endorsements.
you nodded and spoke - "uhm... I'm a student and I deal with languages so I can travel and interact with people from other countries"
"sounds so cool" hugo said. you felt all the eyes on you for a second but especially two eyes in particular - tate's ones.
you laid your eyes on tate to check him and you caught him staring at you like you just said the most interesting thing on the earth.
you let yourself smirk since you actually found him attractive. you couldn't tell if he noticed your smirk but he definitely smirked back after you.
"do you have a boyfriend?" adelaide asked you. she caught you off guard as you weren't looking in her direction.
"no, I don't" you said embarrassed and immediately looked at tate in front of you. his eyes looked brighter and he was shamelessly smirking, he was not even trying to hide it.
then he looked down and played a bit with his fork, but still keeping that smirk on his face.
you smiled at that scene and made adelaide suspicious. "my brother can't get his eyes off you" she sighed.
you looked at adelaide and smiled in embarrassment and you lowered your head. then you just started eating.
"what about you, tate - do you have a girlfriend?" your mom asked him and everybody shut up.
"uhm... no, I don't" he said looking straight at you. he embarrassed you so much because you were literally the only person tate laid his eyes on that night.
"I really like this house" you said to break the silence since everyone was eating.
"I'm glad you like it, do you want to check upstairs?" constance said.
she didn't let you respond and she kept talking - "tate, would you like to show her the house?"
you widened your eyes and instantly looked at tate. he nodded and stood up, making you feel forced to stand up as well.
as you walked away, tate followed you and looked at you from head to toe. he literally ate you up with his eyes.
once you got to the stairs you let tate go ahead so he could show you around the house.
"do you like living here?" he said.
"not much but I think I'll get used to it" you replied.
"this is a very long hall and... at the end... here we are - this is my room. I have lots of things so I don't mind if you have a look inside" he politely said and smiled at you.
tate was very enchanted by you since you stepped inside and you couldn't stop thinking about it. his eyes on you felt like an addiction for you since the beggining of the night.
you smiled back and got into tate's room. it was pretty dark but also wonderful. it was decorated and had a piece of tate's personality everywhere - from his music taste to his hobbies.
"I like it... I wish I had a room like yours" you said and let out a soft laugh.
"I bet your room looks better than mine" he said.
"mmh it has a lot of big boxes and bags everywhere since we just moved".
"got it. well, you may decorate it in the future" he got closer to you.
"I've seen you before and... I think you're very pretty" he said making you blush.
you didn't say anything and just kept your stare on the floor.
"so you don't have a boyfriend, do you?" he wrapped his arm around your waist and with the other hand he lifted your head by putting two fingers under your chin.
you raised your head and crossed tate's eyes. you immediately felt a weird sensation - your legs started shaking and your cheeks got warmer.
his eyes were darker than you thought and his lips looked so damn kissable in that moment.
tate couldn't resist and pressed his soft lips on yours, it wasn't rough or violent at all - it was sweet and kinda hungry. you immediately wrapped your arms around his neck so you could reach his height to kiss him easily.
in a few seconds you guys immediately stopped as you heard someone calling you out - constance was looking for you.
you looked at each other like you just committed a mistake that felt very good. tate sighed and brough you downstairs.
"why do you have lipstick on your lips?" adelaide asked looking at tate. he looked confused for a minute but then he remebered whose lipstick was that.
he smirked trying not to be seen by the others and looked at you. his stare was so intense that you almost thought that he was trying to communicate with you with his mind.
reminder: requests are always open and you can request about whoever you want. currently taking requests for ahs only!
taglist: @demxnicprxncess @kitwalkersgfff @charsdunkie @imdeaddearnotstupid
-> click on the ask/request bottom or just comment if you want to be added in my taglist!
note: OMG IT’S EVAN’S 36TH BDAY!!!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻 I love him so muchhh
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zairene · 11 months
* ˚ ✦ synopsis: you’ve perished and after being in a limitless abyss that seemed to have no end, you found yourself having a conversation with the underground’s grim reaper.
* ˚ ✦ genre: fic, 1k count !
* ˚ ✦ author’s note: this is honestly a really good prologue for a series.
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after becoming a victim of reality’s corrupt fate of death, you were surprisingly calm. were you satisfied when you died? obviously not. dying young meant leaving everyone and everything you had ever loved behind and it was definitely a hard pill to swallow. however, you just knew it was coming. you were free of the pain you were constantly having to endure when living, and now that it has stopped, you finally achieved a level of peace you haven’t experienced before.
you had been suffering from a terminal illness, when doctors immediately diagnosed you and relayed the news that you were slowly dying, you didn’t know how to feel. seeing the tears of your loved ones did not help your conflicted emotions, they were handling it worse than you and you were the one dying. so when it came to the day you were expected to die, you were just ready for life to take you away and put you in whatever situation that lay for you in the afterlife.
and here you are now, walking in this abyss-like place where nothing but the color black was in your vision. you didn’t know how long you were walking or where you were heading towards—hell you could’ve been walking in circles this entire time—but you didn’t feel any sort of fatigue or have any sense of time. being dead was a lot more dull than you assumed it to be. either way, you had no choice.
“well hello there.”
a deep smooth voice called from behind you. you turned around to see a figure with a tall and lanky physique, his bandaged hands held an enormous scythe. is he here to finish me off? that was your initial thought when you saw the being. he soon lifted his hoodie to reveal his face. his eyes were a piercing black to the point where a simple stare could make any regular person think he could see their soul. in this case, he probably could.
his wavy brown hair was layered, but his hair in the back reached the nape of his neck. even for being dead, it looked like he took care of it quite well, you were kinda impressed. his smile was oddly soothing, but you could tell there were many tales to be told behind it.
“are you just here to tell me i’m dead? i think i’m aware.” you said.
“no, no darling. actually, you’re not dead. not yet anyways.” he saunters closer to you. “this is the void.”
“the what?”
“the void.” he raises his hand that is holding his scythe and places it behind him to lean on. you are stunned by the fact that thing could handle his entire body weight. “a place between life and death where i make your journey into the afterlife somewhat easier, to put it into simpler terms, i guess.” he paused, taking a look at you. his expression changed. “you poor thing, you look awfully young. i take it you haven’t handled the news well, hm?”
“yeah, dying young wasn’t really a part of my resolutions for the new year but here i am. and i handled it just fine, thank you.” you were not about to have him treat you like some charity case similar to anybody else that has met their end here. he smirks. “sassy one, aren’t ya?”
“if being sassy means i won’t put up with pity, then i might be the sassiest of them all.” you retorted.
“point taken.” he puts his hands up in defense. “here, walk with me. unless you wanna be here forever, then be my guest.” he walks past you, and you follow shortly not interested in the idea of being lost for the rest of eternity.
“i’m your friendly neighborhood grim reaper, and yes, just like the forms of entertainment the humans like to indulge in.” he says disgustingly. you noticed his disdain for mortal activities but you weren’t bothered to ask.
“so you’re here to take my soul?”
“incorrect and that’s honestly boring. think of the opportunity that lies ahead of you as a second life.”
“a second life?” you were intrigued.
“yes. a better version of humanity, that’s what many have said at least.”
“oh really? what makes them say that?”
“my, you are filled with questions. as expected but i’m afraid i can’t answer them all as i am a very busy man.” you rolled your eyes. “however, you can refer to our consultant at the underground once our conversation here is finished.”
he held his finger up. “and before you ask, i’ll explain.” you closed your mouth since you were gonna ask another question.
“the underground is the place you go to once you’re officially dead—i feel that part was obvious but it’s part of the speech i give everyone—a wonderland filled with people who are also in your situation. dead and confused. some have resided there longer than others, so they know their way around the place, but for people like you,” he points at you. “it’s a redemption of sorts. to live your life eternally without the fear it may end due to unfathomable circumstances or stupid things like old age.”
“so you’re saying that i’m living life again but infinitely and with no consequences?”
“correct! you’re a natural.” he continues. “but this doesn’t exclude you from having responsibilities of course. we all have jobs here and you still have to play your part, alive or not. now, are you ready?”
“yeah, sure.” you weren’t. you were still very hesitant about the whole thing but you didn’t want to continue to bombard the guy with questions. “well then,” after those words a red portal appeared in front of the both of you. you looked at the man’s face and he gave you another smile. “welcome to the party.”
and before you could even comprehend what he told you, you were pushed into the portal, unaware of where it would take you specifically but you most certainly had an idea.
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(📦) — BUNGOU STRAY DOGS TAGLIST // @4nthonyyliving @4kh
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fancyfeathers · 10 months
Society of Protection (Yandere Bungo Stray Dogs x reader x original characters) (normalized yandere au)
Chapter One,
Blossoming Friendships
Read prologue and oc intro here
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It was a normal day for you, waking up early in the morning, showering, breakfast, and going to work. You worked at a flower shop in Yokohama, in a more quiet neighborhood, if anything was quiet these days. It was a nice shop, fairly large too, large glass windows, big double doors that lead to the front of the shop and almost patio, your boss kept those open more days so you can keep an eye on customers outside as well. As for your boss, Ms. Haruka, she was a kind old lady, in her late seventies, her and her husband had founded this shop when they were about nineteen, young but it had been successful. Her husband had died a number of years ago, you never got to meet him, but your boss talks about him like it was yesterday. They were married long before what’s now “normal”, if you can even call it that, between them it was true love. You had always dreamed about true love, but those were dreams of a child, now you just wanted to live in peace, something few people like you get these days. It was sad but it was just that and nothing more. You could close your eyes and dream, but dreaming would get you no where these days.
It was around noon and you were helping your boss water the plants out front, tropical flowers this season, like hibiscuses and gardenias, beautiful. Your boss had a little radio playing on a stool that was proving the doors open, she would normally play music that her and her husband listened Tom it was old but you didn’t mind, it was sweet in a way, but today it was the news. The reporter was talking about some North American organization called “The Guild” coming to Yokohama, this worried you, but you weren’t really at risk. So for most of the report to drowned it out with light conversation with Ms. Haruka, about her husband, your family, weather, which was surprisingly interesting, especially after taking up this career. Then a voice called out from the sidewalk, “Excuse me ma’ams, but are you open?”
Looking up you saw a young man with blond hair, overalls, and a grayish hat. He looked foreign to you but you didn’t pay much mind, this was a big city after all. You smiled at him, giving him your usual kind attitude you did with customers. “Yes we are, feel free to look around inside. If there is anything I can do to help you please let me know.”
He smiled back and tilted his hat in your direction. “Thank you m’lady, I’m only buying a few seeds, I’m no big bother.”
You watched as he made his way inside the shop proper and browsed the shelves. You looked back at Ms. Haruka who had a lovely little smile on her face. You raised an eyebrow as if in silent conversation to ask why and she laughed to herself and responded in a quiet tone as to not let the blond man in the shop hear. “Such a gentleman, reminds me of my husband when we were young.”
You merely laughed and nodded. She said that about every man who acted kindly to her staff, which now days was just you. Your last coworker went missing a few months ago, no one cared, it was just one more missing. It was just how things were these days. You did not like it, a lot of people you knew did not like it, but not like you had a say after all you were just a-
“Darlin’, I’m ready to check out.” The man’s voice snapped you out of your thoughts. The man was now standing by the cash register, a couple small bags of seed in hand. You nodded and set your watering can aside and made your way behind the counter and scanned his items.
“Alright your total will be four dollars and seven cents, please.” You said as you placed the bags of seed into another bag, this time a paper one, plastic bags had no place in a flower shop after all, well that’s what Ms. Haruka believes. The man dug into his wallet and counted out the dollars and cents to the tee to there wouldn’t be any change in return. You handed him the bag and he handed you the money.
“Thank you…” You watched as his eyes read over your name tag that quickly went up to you with a smile. “(Name)”
“It’s no problem, just doing my job.” You nodded and smiled back as he turned to leave but just as he was a step out of the shop proper, he looked back to you, still wearing the same smile. “I’m John by the way, something tells me I’ll be a regular here for awhile.”
You watched him as he walked off down the sidewalk, disappearing in the crowd of people. You tilted your head in thought. John… what an odd name around here.
You were closing up tonight, you brought the plants in and locked the doors up tight before making you way back home. Tonight was a quiet night, you didn’t like that, it meant no one could hear you scream if something happened. You walked, your eyes looking around quickly, making sure no one was hiding in the shadows or following behind you. Your hands were jammed in your pockets, one securely around the pocket knife you carried with you just in case anything did happen. Turning a corner you suddenly collided with another person, a man, not too tall, skinny, glasses, brown hair, and a scar going up his cheek. The collision didn’t knock either of you over just startled the both of you. 
“Oh goodness, I didn’t hurt you right?” The worry in the man’s voice was clear but you only shook your head which he gave a response to a sigh of relief. “ oh good, my first day in town and I would hate to have to take someone to the emergency room.”
You laughed in response, he had a strange accent, French perhaps? “You’re quite alright sir, but it’s kinda obvious you’re not from around here.” Your observation turned the man into a stuttering mess, trying to figure out the right words to say.
“No, no, I’m not. I just moved here, I’m from Paris, I came to… study Japanese music, I’m a composer you see.” He finally sound the words and put himself together, extending a hand out to you. “I’m Gaston Leroux, pleasure.”
“(Name), pleasure to meet you- Oh!” You had begun to introduce yourself and placed your hand in his and he had suddenly bent down and kissed it. He had sent you into a flustered mess with just a gesture. He stood up and looked up at you and saw your embarrassed face and his face turned red as well in embarrassment.
“I am so sorry, I’m just so used to my customs back home in France.” He took a step back with the embarrassed expression plastered to his face. There is a long awkward silence before he clears his throat and takes a breath to compose himself. “May I walk you home? Just as an apology, I could get you breakfast in the morning as well.”
If you could blush even more you would, he was being a true gentleman. You nodded to his offer. “Sure, I could use the company anyway. But I don’t know about breakfast, you don’t know the city well do you?”
He shakes his head. “No, I’m afraid I don’t.”
“Well then how about I take you out.” You offered and a shocked expression comes across his face. “You don’t know the city well, and I do, we could go out, I could show you some places. Sorta like a date.”
“Are you asking me out?”
“Um… yes?”
He thought about it for a second before questioning, “you’re not one of them right?”
A panicked expression comes across your face. “No, no, god no, I can’t believe that sort of shit is legal, I’m like you.”
Gaston sighs in relief and smiles. “Thank goodness, well then I will gladly go on a date with you, (Name).” He extends his arm for you to take. You smile and interlock your arm with his. “I think this a beginning of a beautiful friendship, darling.”
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Im getting into my dc batfam feels and I just want you to picture dc Kate during under the red hood she calls Bruce a pussy and shoots joker and Jason's like i consider that a marriage proposal I honestly picture Kate and robin!Jason being frenemies like omg you are so annoying but if anyone wants to hurt you they have to go through me vibes then when he comes back she gets protective even though he's literally a crime lord and like twice her size
God yes Kate is so fucking mad at Bruce about Jason's death. So what if Bats wanted to kill Joker? He didn't actually do it! Kate and Dick working together to find and kill him. Kate is very aware that this means she will no longer be welcome in Gotham. Worth it.
(Dick and Kate and New Robin Tim hunting down the Joker for Jason???? Dick and Kate looking at each other over Tim's head like wtf did we become this feral creature's parents?. Dick and Kate in their "I'm too young to die but too old to eat off the kids menu, what a stupid age I am!" era. Jason has someone set up a meeting with "the people who killed the Joker" and it's his childhood crush, his not-brother, and his replacement?!?!?! What the fuck. No, seriously, guys, what the fuck?? Jason reveals his identity out of shock more than anything and is suddenly at the bottom of a very weepy puppy pile)
Can also see Kate buying an apartment building in or just outside of crime alley because of Jason and the desire to look out for his neighborhood in his honor.
It takes waaaay too long for Jason to reveal he's Red Hood to her, mostly because she keeps trying to kill him with extreme prejudice. Like, he gets that's Joker's pre-joker name, right? Is this some kind of sick joke? Gets to the point where he pays Poison Ivy to drug her and dump her at one of his safe houses bc he a dramatic ass hoe
Potential for Kate to think she's dreaming or hallucinating Jason amd she pokes him and screams when he's solid which startles jason into screaming at her. I'm a fan of people screaming at each other for no reason.
as bbs they are TOOOOO much alike. They're enamored with the magic/awesomeness of being a superhero, they are the second of their name, both are birds, they're book nerds. Kate doesn't have a lot of fellow rich people friends so I think she'd take to Jason right away, I can see her giving him gala tips etc. I can see them liking each other as civilians and hating each other as superheroes because they are TOO alike which is kind of funny which is frenemies territory. Like god another bird themed superhero??? Getcha own thing. They get kidnapped from a gala and that's when they learn each other's superhero identity? Maybe???
BUT they always laugh at each other's bird jokes in solidarity
Kate was Jason's first kiss. Bbys holding hands!!!! Jaybin is SO bashful and SO respectful of her boundaries ahhhhh I'm dying
I saw a post about how there's a memorial to the second Robin on a rooftop in crime alley because they know he was one of theirs and I am OBSESSED with Kate tending to it with other residents of the area once she moves to Gotham (Kate moving to Gotham is her version of when a cat stares at you and then knocks your glass of water over. Bruce doesn't think she should be here? Oh he doesn't? How interesting. Unfortunately, all of her fucks have been promised to other issues so she has none for you, Brucie)
Kate is who Jason calls after the batarang to the neck incident. He texts her an SOS and she keeps it together to get jason bandaged up and in bed and then she breaks into the Manor and starts screaming and throwing things at bruce. Would she have been able to enter the Manor normally? Yes. Breaking in was to make a POINT. The point was FUCK YOU BRUCE. (VERY funny if this causes a falling out between Bruce and Ollie because the Hawkeyes are pissed at Batman and the arrow heroes have to stand in solidarity? Maybe prompting Ollie and Roy to patch up their relationship because Arrow Heroes. Honestly it's giving WWI vibes. Like, I got no beef with you but my boo does so fuck you.)
Goddddd I love jason and Kate so much
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lokifys · 9 months
SUMMARY: A twisted life of Lokius that takes place in the 1960s.
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[TW DISTURBING CONTENT. Angst, fluff, nsfw, blood, horror and unsettling moments. Also inspired by WandaVision and The Truman Show. Read at your own risk please]
"Morning." Loki spoke with a raspy morning voice, as he finds himself laid beside Mobius. He probably accidentally fell asleep on his bed and Mobius wasn't going to sleep anywhere else. Besides, they were together now. Sleeping beside one another shouldn't be weird.
The mortal shifted his body upon hearing the voice of his lover. It would be a lie to say that he didn't enjoy hearing his voice in the morning. Finding Loki's warm presence by his side, he turned his head to his left and stared at the god, whose raven locks were sprinkled all over his pillow.
"I'm going to need to start getting used to this new sight every morning." Mobius said hoarsely. He tried to play it off cool but the look of adoration and love in his eyes said otherwise.
The new lovers were finally fitting in with each other in their new home, happy and safe. Of course, it would take a lot of time for them to get used to waking up to each other but it's not ever an issue or a problem. In fact, the past few days together have been amazing.
Their routine was as follows: morning comes, they lavished each other with affection, maybe going further more into each other's pants. Mobius would always shower first, followed by Loki. They'd have breakfast which they made together and when they're done with their meal, Mobius would leave for work.
W̶h̶a̶t̶ w̶o̶r̶k̶?̶
Loki would stay home, await for his lover to come back and when he does, they spend their time close to each other, doing their own thing in silence.
Today was different. Loki was aware of Mobius' romantic nature, wanting to do something extraordinary for his beloved on this occasion. So, he decided to organize an exquisite candlelit dinner, certain that it would make his partner swoon. In summary, the prince was excited
The time came, and the minute Mobius walked in, Loki had already made the initiative to take his coat for him, which had taken the man aback since Loki hasn't done such an act since the past few days they had lived together. He was greeted with a smile from Loki as the god guided him through the house and to the dinner table.
"Woah, this you?" Mobius exclaimed, looking at the beautiful feast in front of him, a vase full of flowers and a candle in the middle. It was romantic. Something you'd see out of a rom-com movie.
Loki responded, "Yes, Mobius. All me. It was nothing really. Easy to come up with."
"So you can be romantic."
"I don't think it's that romantic."
Mobius chuckled, recognizing Loki's attempts to downplay his handiwork behind the romantic dinner. Yet, as his ears greeted with one of his favorite old musical tracks, his eyes sparkled with affection, delighted by how Loki remembered his playlist of beloved songs.
The prince saw the twinkle in his eyes and begin to feel proud of himself. He immediately brought his man to his seat, taking a chair out for him. He then went to his, placing the napkin on his own lap.
The two dug into the delicious meal and chatted the night away. They talked about various things like Mobius' work, his colleagues drama and many more. But there was something interesting that came up which got Loki intrigued.
"So, you remember Casey, right? Well, he invited me to this neighborhood party that happens tomorrow which frankly, I never even heard of until he told me. He said I should bring my wife along, aka you, and I knew you probably wouldn't want to go since you mentioned how you didn't want to interact with any of our neighbors but uh, Casey seems to think you don't exist and that I don't have a partner. Would you like to prove him wrong?"
Loki chewed his food as he thought, wondering whether if he had the capacity to meet new people. Obviously, altering his gender never posed a serious problem for him considering he was genderfluid. The bigger problem was his ability to keep a courteous demeanor for a long period of time. Since they were new, Loki didn't want to mess things up with their new home. It seemed wherever he goes, disaster follows. This time, he wished for things to be different. A new start.
He thought but remained silent, which led Mobius to speak. "You could use your magic, you know? Do the switcheroo you do sometimes."
"I know. I wasn't going to out there as a male. We would get flamed. I was thinking about having to smile for hours. That sounds like torture."
"If you don't want to then that's fine. Not forcing ya."
The Asgardian could see the slight disappointment in his face and after a few mouthful of his chicken, he decided to give his final answer, "Fine, I'll go. Only if we get to do one thing tonight."
"What's that?" Mobius already kind of knew what Loki had wanted. They haven't really gotten super into it for a while now other than a few touches down there every morning, but it seemed like tonight was a good time for some spice in the bedroom.
And so, on a certain night, the two were intimately engaged, Mobius on top, grinding slowly into Loki. Their sounds of arousal and joy filled the room, along with the thuds of each push. Only lust and love permeated their beings. Soon, Mobius's pace quickened, his hands intertwined with Loki's as he neared climax. His pelvis thrusted forcefully, his lips against Loki's neck. Eventually, his seed was released into Loki, slowly spilling out, and his intense rutting eventually eased.
"I love you...you know that." Mobius whispered into Loki's ear, while he was still in him. He pulled out which earned another small groan from the god and they both embraced each other lovingly till they fell asleep. 
Ẅ̶̧̻͈̣̄̇͛̍̐̆̂͝ą̵̛̣̗̝̰̰͇̤͚̹͎̞̯̭̫̾̎́̊̎͛̽͐̾̆̓͒͐̍̃̒͗͗̉̌̚̚̕͘̚͝ͅk̴̨͖͕̞̝̻̟̠̫̰̓̒͒̍̊̆͂̃̀̕͜͠e̸̡̨̨̡̫͖͚̟̣͖̜̜̫̤̹͚̟̩̫̫̯̔͂͋̈̓͗͂͂͑̀̽̑̉̂̽̚͜͝͝͠ ̸̢̢̠̫͍͚̦̗̭̖͙̜͚͇͎̳̤͓͗̔͒́̊͒̄̂̌̋̒̑͒̄̚̚ͅu̴̢͙̜̱̝͇̎̀͒̈̂̈́̌̃̔̌͆͗͝p̴̧̛̮̣̙̺̮̩̀̓́́͊̚͝ ̶̧͓̬̗͎̘̦̖͇̖̻͖͊̅̄͑̂̌̄̌̈́̂͋̈́̓̕͜Ẅ̸̢̛̗͓͉̫̲̙̦̜͈̲̗͗̀͋̍̋̓͑̔̎͜a̸̧̡̢͔̼̰̝̲̘̬̙͍͍̟̲̣͓̙͉̭̦͇̯͑̇͆̉̉̇̆͊́͗͗̆̐̑̀̀͗̓̒̋̕͝͝͝͝ķ̴͕̣͎̹̜͖̻̯̳̺̮͇͙̻̭̣͎̝̬̞̺́͒̈́͐͗͐̀̆͌͠ͅẽ̵̜͑̉̑̾̆͋̔͂͗͌̂̈́̄͗́̃́̒̕͘ ̴͈̲̠̜̯͓͉̱͎̭͓͎̟̫̥̹͚̻͉̠͖̉͜͝u̴̡͉̗̼̱͓͔̜̟̙̟̍̍͌̑̈̽̑̽͋̑̐p̷̡̢̛͍̖̙̙͇̄̐͋͊̊͊͗̃̉̀͑̎̿̐̇͛̉͂̓̔̉͗͐̉̊̚͝͝ͅ ̷̢̧̟͙̹͙̺̠͓͎̙̯̤̰̤̫̻̻̬̰̫̩̺̅̄̔̀͑̅̿̓̆͗̉͐́͋̓̊͂͑͑̑̓́͆͆̋̌͗̔͌͠Ẅ̸̬̖͙̘̭͔̰͍̯̣̠̤͎͔͈́̈̇̊̀̇̒̋ͅͅͅą̸͎͈̮̤̯̳̪̭̹̋́͊͐͆͑̓̿̌̅̎͐̋̄͊͐͌̀̎̒̽͜͝͝͝k̵̢̧̘͇̯̯͈̰̘͉̹͖̗̋̐̔̑̊͌̒̈̅͆̊̔͒̀̋̈́̃ȩ̷̹̺͍̠̥̫͎̥͈̤̤̀̒ ̵̩̬̖̥̹̭͙̲͍͉̠͉̥̤͑̉͊́̄̈́̏̉̋̃̕̕ͅų̷̫̗̱̝̟̍̆̔̊͜p̶̡̨̗̪̺͖̬̓͑̀̃͌̈́͌́̊̉̽̄̚̕͠
It was finally time for the two to head out for the party and as much as Loki was starting to dread it, he was also curious on how the neighborhood looked. He hasn't explored the area since they arrived. In fact, he couldn't ̷r̷e̷m̷e̷m̷b̷e̷r̷ ̷h̷o̷w̷ ̷t̷h̷e̷y̷ ̷g̷o̷t̷ ̷h̷e̷r̷e̷. All he knew was that it was a small town and everyone apparently knew everybody. Well, except for Loki since he doesn't show himself.
Mobius signaled the Asgardian on his appearance and was reminded that he was still in his male form. So, he quickly transformed and was in her female appearance, and she was stunning as ever. Mobius' eyes started going down onto her cleavage and Loki shot her lover a seductive look, knowing he was probably super turned on at the moment.
"Eyes up, love." She teased.
The man smirked but turned around to open the door for Loki, gesturing for her to walk first. While she strut out with her beautiful green dress, Mobius took the time to admire her curves and the way the dress fitted perfectly on her. He has seen Loki as a female from time to time so it wasn't the first but seeing her in that dress was a sight for sore eyes.
The two took the car to their destination, Mobius being the driver. Song on the radio was "Daydream Believer" by The Monkees and Mobius quickly turned up the volume, blasting it through the car. He sang along to it as Loki simply tapped her fingers to the rhythm with a satisfied smile on her face.
"To a, daydreamm believer and a, homecoming queeeen!"
Once the song had finished, they had nicely arrived at the neighborhood party. The house was huge and the gathering was brimming with occupants. There was music playing from inside the house. Kids were seen running around in the huge garden, laughing away. This was their chance to show this town who the best couple was. Mobius went out of the car first which already had people staring from afar, wanting to see who the wife was. He then went to the other side to get the door for Loki, who emerged gracefully with her foot first and then the remainder of her body.
The women present turned their heads instantly upon Loki's elegant arrival. They didn't imagine Mobius' wife to be so stunning. The men sneakily eyed her, which somewhat riled Mobius. However, he refused to let this bother him. He was aware that they had captured everyone's interest, and Loki seemed rather pleased by the attention she was receiving.
The couple of the house immediately walked out to greet the two, the wife shooting a dirty look at Loki.
"We didn't think you were going to make it," remarked the wife, Donna, in a sharp tone.
The husband, Brad, promptly followed up, "Yeah, we even believed that you had no such wife, Mobius. Seems you've been hiding such a ravishing beauty all this while?"
Upon hearing that from her husband, Donna who had her hands on Brad started squeezing her nails into him, receiving a wincing sound from him. Clearly she wasn't into Loki at all since she was taking all the attention away and Mobius found that awkward.
After they've been introduced with everyone and had met up with their friend Casey, Mobius pulled Loki away to somewhere private to talk, uncomfortable with the situation. "Can't believe I'm saying this but, do you want to leave early? I hate that there's already bad vibes between you and the woman of this house. She's literally the leader of the community service. Make her angry and god knows how our life would be from now on."
Loki seemed a bit offended, as if it felt like it was her fault, "Are you blaming me?"
"No, it's just, look, she's already mad at you probably because you look stunning as ever and you definitely took all the attention away but she clearly is the big boss of this town and everyone worships her. Either you try and talk to her or we leave now."
"You don't get to tell me what to do, Mobius. Why are you acting like it's my fault that I'm beautiful? You want me to switch back to my male form now?"
"Loki, it's not your fault. I love you but I'm just scared for us. You already have powers that need to be kept hidden and we just moved in here. I want the best for us."
The goddess of mischief went silent for a while, knowing Mobius was right. Despite loving the attention, she knew she had to make sure they don't mess this up especially since they both just moved in. Maybe if it was a month in, drama wouldn't be a problem but it's just been two weeks.
Loki sighed, rolling her eyes. "Fine, I'll talk to her. Don't blame me if she gets more agitated."
Before Mobius could respond, Loki was already walking away, about to have a heart to heart talk with Donna. The man stood there, hoping things played out right.
Loki found Donna hidden in her kitchen, cutting up some apples into slices. The two were alone which gave the goddess an opportunity to talk to her. She walked up slowly and Donna immediately turned, already shooting a disapproving glare.
"Hello, Donna. Listen, I hope I haven't made you upset in any way. It isn't my intention." Loki clarified and was straight to the point, trying to sound sincere as possible.
Donna didn't seem to speak or look at Loki for a while and only after was she finished slicing the apples, she responded to her.
"I'm intrigued actually, where do you come from? I usually know everything about the people here but you? I know absolutely nothing."
Loki hesitated, "I'm..." She couldn't say anything.
Donna's words were tinged with an attitude of suspicion as she approached Loki.
"I have heard about Mobius. I have seen Mobius before. But I have never seen you," she uttered, coming to a close proximity to the Goddess.
"You see, terrible things happened ever since the arrival of you two. It's a weird coincidence, don't you think?"
This was the first time Loki had even heard of anything bad that has happened here. She thought this was a lovely neighborhood. But to think Donna is suspecting Loki of being related to those horrible things makes her angry. She retaliated.
"That's a nice conspiracy theory, Donna. But I'm afraid I have no idea what you're talking about."
"STOP THE LIES!" For some reason, the mortal woman had snapped, the knife that was used to cut the apples was immediately pointed at Loki. The Asgardian was appalled and backed away, both hands out trying to pacify Donna.
"You don't get to come into my house, dress like a whore and steal my spotlight! You're disgusting. You should DIE!"
In a split second, she took the knife and started slicing her own throat, blood starting to flow out in one line. Loki's eyes widened at the shocking sight and immediately gasped. The blood spilled down to the ground, causing a pool at her feet. However, the woman wasn't dead. She stood with a bloody neck, looking at Loki demonically. "Wake up."
And suddenly, Loki was starting to gain awareness as if she's realizing something. She didn't want to. She wanted to suppress it. What went from a look of horror turned into anger. Loki was not going to deal with this today. Not right now.
"Morning." Loki spoke with a raspy morning voice, as he finds himself laid beside Mobius. He probably accidentally fell asleep on his bed and Mobius wasn't going to sleep anywhere else. Besides, they were together now. Sleeping beside one another shouldn't be weird.
Wait what?
Loki was puzzled. Didn't he already go through this before? He recalled a nightmare he had about a neighborhood party. It felt real. What made him more concerned was that he found Mobius missing from the bed all of a sudden. Was his mind now playing tricks on him? Loki immediately got out of bed and wore whatever clothes he could grab, immediately searching the house for Mobius. He was nowhere to be found.
The next thing he did was to dial his work place and hope someone picks up. To his surprise, someone did and he spoke with the receptionist. "Is there a Mobius in work right now? May I speak to him?"
"Give me one second." The lady replied nicely.
"Uh, I'm sorry sir, there isn't any Mobius' working here."
The god was confused and his heart started beating fast. He felt like he was in some sort of sick dream.
"This is surely a prank, right? There IS a Mobius working there I need you to check again."
"Okay, what is his last name? Maybe that could help."
Suddenly Loki was lost for words. He couldn't remember Mobius' last name. Did he even have a last name? How was he able to forget his own husband's surname. A theory had popped through Loki's mind that maybe he was suffering from memory loss and whatever that is happening this morning is a result of his amnesia.
"Hello? Sir?"
He didn't reply. He simply smashed the telephone down and hung up, his forehead sweating profusely.
So if he had amnesia, it means he needed help. With that, Loki took off and walked out of his house cluelessly, his surroundings looking different than he remembered. The street was different, it was smaller. The trees and bushes were gone. He also noticed some of the houses were missing windows. Had it been like that the entire time? Loki tried to hail for a taxi but there were no cars to be seen. In fact, it looked as though no one is around. It seemed empty.
"Mobius!" Loki now shouted, finding this all very strange. He turned around and around, trying to find at least one person to get help from but was only finding everything even more unnatural. The sky lacked clouds as though there was only blue and the sun wasn't anywhere in sight. Houses that he was able to see from afar was now empty nothingness.
Loki lost all his composure, letting out a resounding howl. Tears flowed down his cheeks as he grieved, the emotions pouring outwards. The God of Mischief was at a loss for words and completely distraught
"Where are you, Mobius!"
There was nobody he wished to see now other than his lover. He closed his eyes shut hoping he could just wake up.
Wake up...that's it.
Wake up, Loki.
   It was cold, dark and terribly lonely. I was hoping I could stay on longer. I felt my sanity slipping away and my mind drifting to an eternal sleep. I shouldn't sleep. I couldn't. Not when these branches needed my godly strength to hold them together.
Just one second. Just a second of sleep. I keep pleading to myself. I observed Mobius from afar in the sacred timeline and it seems he was being too hard on himself which didn't sit well with me. I tried to look at my other friends in their timelines and they were all safe and sound. Yet, I still wished I could do something for Mobius. That silly man just stands there with a hole in his heart. I need him to know I'm with him for all time. I wanted to be with him.
I had to be with him.
I think that's how it all started. I shut my eyes and all I thought about was Mobius. Then I woke up.
"Morning." I spoke with a raspy morning voice, as I find myself lying beside Mobius. I probably accidentally fell asleep on his bed and Mobius wasn't going to sleep anywhere else. Besides, we're together now. Sleeping beside one another shouldn't be weird.
That's how the story started.
Mobius shifted his body upon hearing my voice. It would be a lie to say that he didn't enjoy hearing my voice in the morning. Finding my warm presence by his side, he turned his head to his left and stared at the me, my raven locks sprinkled all over his pillow.
It's the same story again. Again and again and again. Each time, I never go further. I keep trying to rewrite it in many different ways but it always ends up in tragedy. This time, I give up. I'm not going to try.
"I'm going to need to start getting used to this new sight every morning." Mobius said hoarsely. He tried to play it off cool but the look of adoration and love in his eyes said otherwise.
"I don't care." I simply didn't.
I was expecting him to question my behavior or get angry but for some reason, he laughed and laughed. There was nothing humorous at all. This is ridiculous. Mobius then placed a hand on my cheeks and turned it so I faced him.
"Look at me." He demanded gently. He always looks at me with affection. It was why I fell in love with him in the first place. He looks at me like I'm worth everything.
"How long have you been doing this now?"
Now I'm intrigued and confused. My brows knitted together in uncertainty. "What do you mean?"
"How many tries of this have you done? What? 100? 1000?"
Does he know? What is going on?
"You called for me, didn't you? Well, I'm here."
"You heard me?" I instantly got up in the bed, my heart pounding through my chest. I didn't want to get any false hope because then, it would hurt even more.
"I did."
"No, that's a lie. This is just another one of my scripts I've written to keep myself delusional. This isn't real."
"So you finally admit, you do control the narrative."
My heart wouldn't stop pounding, "What does that supposed to mean?"
Mobius held my hand tightly before he spoke, "Only reason you never got past this delusion you created is because you were meant to write yourself in OUR timelines. Your subconscious knew that was possible because it has already lived through a life with me on the sacred timeline."
Salty watery droplets poured out of my eyes uncontrollably. For some reason, it feels like I'm finally escaping because Mobius was making sense.
He continued, "Do you know who you are, Loki? You've said it before, you can rewrite the story. You can do the same with the timelines. Write yourself in it for you are the God of Stories."
"But the timelines?"
"You can hold it while being down here. You shouldn't underestimate your illusion spells. They're pretty handy."
He's right. I can change it all. I mean, I'm writing this aren't I. This is not the end. This is simply the beginning.
And you're going to watch me rescript this mess.
   "I might just wait here for a little bit. Let time pass." Mobius responded to Sylvie. She places a hand on his shoulder in a way to comfort him. After all, she knew how much Loki meant to him. Wanting to let him grieve on his own, she decided to leave him be, making her way through the time door and closing it up.
Mobius simply stands in isolation, looking at his old life from afar as he hoped his presence was made known to Loki.
Perhaps it did.
"Ugh, stop being so dramatic." A voice rang out and he instantly recognized its origin. His heart seemed to leap out of his chest from the euphoria he felt and he swiftly rotated his body towards where the voice originated from.
Mobius eyes widened, his mouth slowly turning into a huge smile. Seems like the god of mischief is really full of surprises.
"Loki!" He walked towards him, confused but rather relieved and happy. There was nothing better than to see him again especially when he thought he was never going to see him ever. He wanted to go in for a hug which he so desperately needed but there was something else on his mind.
The agent took Loki by the collars and immediately pulled him in for a kiss, something he has always wanted to do before he left. Loki was taken aback but kissed him back, holding Mobius' face in his hands. This was the story he was meant to write for himself. A life on the sacred timeline.
He let himself experience the authenticity of the kiss and how it feels much better than the ones in his fake reality. This was perfect because it was real and Loki soaked in every single moment.
This is reality.
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lou-syd · 7 months
So I read the first issue of Red Hood: The Hill and my expectations were admittedly low because of how poorly Jason is handled most of the time so I'm not disappointed like I've seen some people be (if you are, that's totally valid though, I def get it). I feel entirely neutral about it. I think it wasn't a strong start for an already very, very short run, and with it being a flashback its pacing worries me a bit.
I think it could be interesting going forward but I'm definitely getting the vibe that this is not going to be Jason-centric like a lot of people are. I do think it's too early to tell but it's definitely possible this will focus more on Dana and her crew which like I guess?? I like Dana and I don't mind some of the focus being on her at all. She's interesting and I like when Gotham-set stories actually feel like it's a real but weird place with real people living in it. I enjoy it when they show how much of a mess the city is and how the people living in it have to adapt to get by. Dana's dynamic with Jason has potential and that being the focal point of this whole thing could lead to a more compelling narrative overall. The idea of Jason being the one to try and guide a friend entering into this world could offer up a lot of good character beats for him that we haven't seen a lot of in a while. That being said, it feels like Red Hood is more of a vehicle for this story about The Hill so I'm not holding my breath for it. Retroactively changing his backstory around to fit this place into it also doesn't give me the best feeling either.
As for the rest of the 'new' characters, I don't really care for the little neighborhood watch crew outside of Dana. There's not much to go off and seeing Jason interact with them does nothing for me and just feels forced (but then again most of his relationships are forced in general). Having this many characters with such a short run is not going to allow for any of them to be fleshed out enough for them to feel like they matter in the grand scheme of things. By virtue of this being a flashback, the stakes already feel pretty low so having a cast of characters that aren't particularly compelling and whose relationships with Jason evolved off-panel doesn't help. They have cool designs though, I'll give them that.
I don't like that it took getting through almost halfway through the issue for Jason to show up and when he does it's underwhelming.
So far, it's shaping up to be a one-off story with low stakes. Which is fine. A short, contained story can be good if it's written well and there's something to take away from it. Otherwise, they're just slapping Red Hood on the title for readership's sake and calling it a day. Which like, nothing surprises me anymore but it's lame that this is what we get for Jason after the nightmare mess that was Gotham War and TMWSL.
Apparently, Zdarsky is planning on including Jason in his upcoming Batman arc according to some posts I saw so take that with a grain of salt but the thought of that happening makes me want to grind my teeth into a fine dust.
At this point, I feel like I'm just holding out for nothing with Jason. I don't like any direction they've taken with him outside of some interesting bits here and there so I hope this run picks up.
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trivialbob · 7 months
During our vacation Sheila hired a guide to take us to really local places to try some food and drink. Ours was a walking tour. Golf cart and bike tours are available too. Next year I want to try the bike version.
We started the evening taking a taxi from our place at the north end of Isla Mujeres to the La Gloria neighborhood. We met up with our guide, Jose.
(much more after the cut)
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First stop: Dessert! Jose explained that people were getting too full by the end of the tours and skipping dessert. So now he likes to start with that. I don't like sweets and desserts a lot, so this was definitely the way for me to eat some -- on an empty stomach.
We entered a small courtyard in front of a home. There was a stove and griddle and one four-top table under a tin roof. Our hosts served us flan. It was excellent. This is probably the first time I've finished any dessert in years.
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Second stop: This was at a food cart parked in the street. A handwritten sign said "Hay Tamales," which I think means "Here are tamales."
We were served elote, a Mexican street corn salad. The portion was decent-sized and the elote was like comfort food. Had Sheila or I made this at home, it would be the sort of thing I would have left on the stove so I could snack on it all night long.
Had there not been five local people waiting in line, I probably would have broken open the foam cup to lick the bottom after I'd spooned out everything else.
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Third stop: Panaderia Emmanuel Bakery. Jose explained that Mexican bakeries are open in the evening, unlike the American ones that open early in the morning. We had our choice of various fresh buns, donuts, and pastries. Sheila and I each selected an item. They were tasty and large. Thank goodness we were able to take home what we couldn't eat. Had we finished the bakery items, we would have been too full to go to the next four stops. (Here is the bakery in a Google Maps picture.)
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Fourth stop: This was at a small, outdoor kitchen under a canvas roof. Two women were cooking food. We were served pork carnitas on a fresh bakery roll. I really liked this place. The sandwich was huge, and for real I started to wonder if I could keep eating at the remaining sites. I brought home half of the carnitas that night.
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Fifth stop: We entered a small, private bar. It was beautiful inside; my phone just didn't capture a decent shot of it. The pandemic killed business here. The place now is open only for small, special events.
We were here for a mezcal tasting. First we sipped Fandango, accompanied by lime and salt. I loved it. Next we sampled some house mezcal, infused with honey, vanilla, and cinnamon. Here's where things get more interesting. We drank this one with some pinches of a mixture of black pepper, salt, and crickets.
Some might think eating crickets would require a healthy dose of mezcal first. But our drink portions weren't of a size that could make me abandon all caution and agree to something like bungee jumping or swimming with great white sharks. Sheila and I didn't hesitate to try the black, powdery mix.
I would have been fine ending the tour right here, assuming I could keep drinking mezcal with the sides, including the non-vegan one.
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Sixth stop: This was at a small, yet traditional bar and restaurant named Chile & maíz. The night we did our tour was the start of Carnival. Many people had gone to the north end of the island for the celebration, leaving this restaurant empty for the evening.
The cook prepared for us chicken tinga sopes. Could the food keep getting better that night? So far, yes. The chicken stew on a fried tortilla was delicious. And filling. Sheila and I got a to-go box for some of it.
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Apparently Chile & maíz is fairly new. I checked Google Maps to get a daylight picture (below). The logs that will eventually support a sloped roof are visible, but nothing else indicating a restaurant is being constructed. What we saw last night was very well done.
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Seventh stop: Jose brought us to Daria's Delivery. The chef is staring up a new business. So far it is a kitchen on the second floor of a building. There is a commercial cook top, a table with four chairs, and one green bird in a birdcage. As we entered, the chef's adorable young daughter (maybe 4-years-old) came out from the living quarters right behind the table and greeted us with a big smile.
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Our final dish of the night was chile relleno which is one of my favorite Mexican foods. Daria's didn't let me down. Very tasty.
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During the tour we got to know more about Jose, his restaurant experiences, and his family. At the end he walked with us for a bit. He explained how the food tour supports the local cooks.
The tour was really fun because there's no way at all Sheila and I would have found all these small places on our own. It's not like they all had neon signs.
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We ended up quite full. Walking around the La Gloria neighborhood helped burn off a few of those calories. I'm sure I'll return to Isla at some time, and this will be on my to-do list.
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