#my music is who I am I don’t choose specific songs to have an aesthetic wrapped
dramaticpandabear · 10 months
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Of course The King himself came out on top! I wouldn’t have it any other way 💕
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Hi! I saw you were doing matchups and I would love to get one for Bg3 and Hazbin Hotel! <3 here’s the info about me:
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: I’m asexual biromantic, for the matchups I would prefer a male character, but any gender is fine if you think a girls fits me better!
Appearance: I have green eyes and dyed cherry red hair. I dress with vintage/fairy grunge clothes. Long skirts and corsets are my fav type of outfit. I wear lots of rings and crystal/pearl necklaces and love to exchange them with others. I also have tattoos, currently I have three but I’m planning to get more; and I recently got a vertical labret piercing. I love to wear makeup and come up with something creative and different everyday. Also if someone lets me do their makeup they’ll have my heart forever.
MBTI/Enneagram: I’m an ESFJ but I don’t know my enneagram.
Personality: I’m the mom friend of the group, always there for everyone and my friends say that I’m really good at comforting people. I’m also calm and responsible, I usually am the one that takes care of other people. I’m very optimistic, I always try to see the good in everything and I often put other’s needs before my own. I love making others laugh to lighten the situation. I’m not afraid to stand up for myself or for someone else but sometimes it’s hard for me to say no to things. I’m also very ambitious, I always try to achieve my goals.
Likes (at least 3 things): I absolutely love listening to music, it helps me relax and I really like reading (I love reading out loud to others, when I read dialogues I act them out a little to help picture the scene). I especially love fantasy and I recently got into greek mythology. I also love watching horror movies even though it’s impossible to scare me. I also play Dungeons and Dragons with my friends anytime I can. also, I absolutely love musicals and I’m definitely a theatre kid. Lastly, I adore art.
Dislikes (at least 3 things): I dislike when someone is too serious and really can’t take a joke as I tend to use humor as my coping mechanism. I also dislike people who need to judge others and comment on everything they do. Lastly, I dislike sports, they’re not really for me!
Extra fun fact: my favorite music genre is either musical songs, or like medieval folk songs/sea shanties, I found so many playlists on spotify!
Race: Tiefling, 100% my fav race
Class: Either a bard, or a sorcerer. If I can multi class both of them!
D&D alignment: lawful/neutral good.
I really hope I did this correctly, have a great day! 🫶🏻
~~~~~ MATCHUPS ~~~~~
When choosing these two characters for you, I took many things into account. First, the minute you said you act like a mom and everyone views you as a mom, I was immediately drawn to two very specific characters for both fandoms. Your aesthetic suits these two, and I chose them very well. Taking into account your hobbies, your passion, and the vibe I get from your message, I am confident in my two choices.
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~~~~~ HEADCANON ~~~~~
It's well known that Rolan has taken on the role of father with his two younger siblings.
Rolan wants to protect what he loves and cares about, which includes you. However, he doesn't necessarily see you as a child; he sees you as his equal.
Since you two met, his siblings would call you two mom and dad.
He can be harsh and overly serious, but once you crack his shell, he can be a big softy who loves to participate in playful banter.
He loves color-coordinating outfits with you.
He loves helping you learn and explore new topics you find interesting.
He is interested in the different properties of natural-born and learned magic.
He will ask you to show off your skills to him sometimes so he can admire you.
~~~~ BLURB ~~~~~
The tower had been running smoothly for the last few months since Loroikan had been killed. Rolan had begun to heal, and you two had made the tower better than ever before. Wizards and spell casters from near and far came to your establishment to gain knowledge new and old. While Rolan ran the purchasing and sorting portion of the tower, you ran the extra activities and teaching portion of the building. From time to time, his siblings would come and go, helping every now and then.
As the day ended, you cleaned up the bottom part of the shop, ensuring everything was where it should be. Once done, you headed to the door, ready to lock it for the night, when Rolan's siblings came in. Cal and Lia looked reasonably intoxicated, blubbing with laughter, falling over, and not making any sense. Sighing, you wrapped their arms around your shoulder and began going up to the portal leading to the tower's living quarters. As you appeared inside the drawing room, the siblings started to sound even more delirious. You can only assume hearing the commotion Rolan came out from your shared room, a look of shock on his face, "We let them move out and look at the trouble they cause." You laugh lightly, allowing Roan to take Cal off your shoulder while you continue with Lia.
Once you two had cleaned and cared for the siblings, you lay in bed staring at the ceiling with Rolan. "I am glad they decided to come here and not wander around some alleyway." Rolan sighed, rolling on his side to face you better. "I agree. Doesn't mean they are any less of a problem." You smile, moving on your side now to face Rolan. "Oh, like you weren't a problem child growing up, Rolan. I heard the stories." Rolan laughed softly, moving to place some hair behind your ear. Slowly Rolan leaned in ready to kiss you, just as the ghost of his lips touched yours the door to your room opened. You both turned to look at the intruder and saw Lia holding her stomach. "Mom, Dad, I grew up."
~~~~~ EXTRA ~~~~~
(You and Rolan had taken the day off, leaving the tower with his siblings. You two had found a lovely meadow near the town and began working on some new spells from a book you two were gifted)
Rolan: No, Y/N, I believe you have to do it like this (tried the spell and failed)
Y/N: No, Rolan, I am serious. This spell is meant for a blood-born magic user, and it's all about channeling your energy.
Rolan: Anything a Sorccer can do, a wizard can do too.
(Many hours of failing on both your parts happened. You took the book and sat down, looking over the words, noticing it sounded like a poem)
Y/N: Rolan, maybe it's meant for something other than the magic we are thinking of.
Rolan: huh?
(You begin to sing the poem, and the spell works, causing flowers to bloom all around you two)
Rolan: (sighing dreamily and staring at you) You are so talented and beautiful, my love. Now it's my turn.
Hazbin Hotel
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Lucifer Morningstar
~~~~~ HEADCANON ~~~~~
When I think of the cool, out-of-touch dad who wants to be present but is so far off, I think of this man.
He loves dad jokes and using humor to cope; the man has a rubber duck collection for crying out loud.
He would commission every fashion icon in Hell to make clothes for you two.
He is very protective of you when it comes to other demons, he has already lost so much that he's so afraid of losing you too.
He never limits your creativity or knowledge, though he wants to watch you excel in everything you want.
If you and Charlie hit it off, he's the happiest man on earth.
Even if you two don't hit it off immediately, he reassures you and helps you through it.
He loves to cuddle and just know you are there and haven't left him alone.
~~~~~ BLURB ~~~~~
You sat with Lucifer on a big red couch at the Hazbin Hotel. Though you and Charlie had a great relationship, you still felt out of place helping her make such large decisions as this since you didn't want to replace her mother. Lucifer had his arm wrapped around you, watching his daughter intently as she explained her plan for rehabilitating sinners once more. You were proud of Lucifer for stepping up and helping his daughter achieve not only her dreams but also his.
Charlie, striking a brilliant idea, pulled her dad up and walked him over to another part of the foyer to show him something. You sat there politely, watching the father-daughter duo having a good time together. As you watched from afar, the seat next to you dipped in. Turning to see who took your partner's place, you saw none other than Alastor. The relationship between you two was odd, see you came to hell due to killing those that harmed the ones you loved and Alastor respected that since he did that for his momma. He also gravitated towards you simply to piss Lucifer off. Knowing this, you spoke, "If you are looking to tease the man today, Alastor, you are out of luck. He and Charlie are enthralled in conversation." Alastor smiled that same smile every day, "Y/N, you see, he is always watching when it's the people he loves, and I just so happen to know he will come storming over here to push me away from you in the next few seconds."
As if on cue, Lucifer appeared heated; you could see the flames flying from him. You laughed into your hand while Lucifer sat down directly on Alastor till he moved. With a pout on his lips, Lucifer spoke, "You can not have Charlie, and you sure as hell can't have my future spouse, bud." Your laughing died down, gently caressing the back of Lucifer's head. Once Alastor and he had their verbal diss match, you leaned over and whispered in Lucifer's ear. "So, my love, when is the wedding?"
~~~~~ EXTRA ~~~~~
(Up in Lucifer's room in the hotel, you went to work on his face with your makeup. He willingly offered to help you achieve the new look you were going after. Just so happens your door was wide open, and every sinner couldn't help but take pictures of the vulnerable king)
Y/N: Alright, now close your eyes and wait to open them until I tell you the eyeshadow and liner are the essential parts.
Lucifer: My love, is this all necessary? You are beautiful without makeup, you know.
Y/N: yes, yes, you tell me every time, yet still let me do this once a week.
(A sudden bright flash blinded you, causing you to smudge your line)
Y/N: dammit
Lucifer: what's wrong, my love
Alastor: Nothing good, pal, just some mementos for future use
(Lucfier proceeded to chase Alastor around the hotel in an attempt to claim the pictures)
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coolandspicy · 9 months
1, 9, 11, 14, 16, 17 <333
Ily ❤️
1.) Song of the year?
Had to consider whether this should be a song that came out this year or just one significant to me this year and had to go with the latter because I really didn’t do much listening to brand new music this year so I don’t really have much to say about songs from this year. My song of the year is Kill The Lights by birthday massacre—not super surprising since it’s #2 on my wrapped but I spent so much time listening to this song specifically trying to visualize an animatic for it. I think the lyrics and melody would lend themselves really well to that kind of thing even if I didn’t manage to materialize one yet. I think it’s very tied to a lot of my nostalgic feelings and dramatization of everything from this year and I hope my song for next year looks to something a bit more tangible but this is a nice aesthetic anyway
9.) Best month for you this year?
It’s always hard to say at a distance but I would say April—Anime Boston was so fun for me and it’s a lot easier to love the point at which you’re fucking around rather than finding out. But that said? Many high highs and low lows in every month this year
11.) Something you want to do again next year?
Eat out at a restaurant dressed up weird. This is more or less bound to happen with the way I dress but I guess I more mean the sensation of being like in a group in some kind of costumes at a restaurant? Doesn’t necessarily have to be cosplay just out there enough for it to feel special. Also I just really look forward to drinking with you again even if it’s only a little haha 💕
14.) Favorite book you read this year?
If there was like stats you got at the end of year on your reading habits (that probably is a thing for people who gamify reading tbh) mine would be like “you completed 4.7 books this year—that’s an increase of 470%!”
Which is entirely thanks to you because I am illiterate on my own 💁‍♀️ but I help get you through grueling long form story based video games…so it’s totally a fair trade!
Anyway since we read the four Raven Cycle books and are currently part way through Call Down the Hawk it’s a bit hard to choose an overall favorite? I appreciate how much each one builds out from what came before so much and I’m really really enjoying what we’re currently reading it’s hard not to lean towards it. I think I might like Blue Lily Lily Blue the best of the original series because I really liked this part of all the mysteries coming together. But it’s hard to say since it just feels like they all align as part of the same story, even the dreamer series feels that way so far.
16.) Post a picture from the beginning of the year
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This was my new years fit! I guess it technically was Dec 31st but I’m counting it
17.) Post a picture from the end of the year
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I really worked hard to get sluttier this year and with your support I can do even better next year ❤️
Also my hair is blue now!!!
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aspoonofsugar · 3 years
RWBY Chain Of Faves
Who are your top 10 favorite RWBY characters and why?
Hello anon!
Thank you very much for this ask! I love talking about faves!
1) The murder kids aka Emerald and Mercury
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I have talked about them here and here and I’ve shared some minor thoughts here and here.
I think their story has yet to enter its climax, so the metas on them are not as finalized as those on other characters. Still, the set-up is all there and I love it. As I say in the metas linked, they are a unit (body and soul, weapon and semblance). They are also two of the characters who mostly explore the cycle of abuse (together with Cinder, who is both victim and perpetrator).
I like how they are given the chance to screw up very very badly (and are given consequences for their actions), but are also always framed as two kids who try to be toughter than they are.
What is more, I love their relationship and their dynamic with Cinder. I think both bonds are very complex and are shown rather than told. This is why Emerald and Mercury’s body language is very effective imo. Their closeness is mostly conveyed through them glancing at each other or how they move around each other. This makes sense because they are in a place where they can’t speak freely.
In particular, I like that their relationship is deep, but not idealized. They care about each other, but are too scared to save each other. This is why Emerald needs the help of an adult (Hazel) to leave her abusive environment. This is also why she is recovering in a healthier environment that also lets her understand the consequences of her actions better. At the same time, Mercury who is instead stuck with another abusive mentor can’t currently escape.
When it comes to each one of them individually...
Emerald’s design and semblance are among my personal favourites. Her semblance especially is at the very top of my list. It has so much potential thematically and flexibility in terms of use (invisibility, transformation, specific illusions fitting a character’s flaw). I hope they use it more and in diverse ways in the future to show Emerald’s growth. For example, how cool would it be if she used it to help another character overcome a panic attack? Or if she helped Ruby enter the mental state to use her eyes with it?
I also really like she has a specific fighting style that fits her thief motif and is very different from others. It is less scenographic, but  very pragmatic and I love it.
I also liked the focus she received this season and I think it needs to be finalized. I am curious on how it will happen.
Mercury’s background is the one which breaks my heart the most. The little we know is horrible :( I also think it is a story that heavily relies on symbolism to convey the idea of abuse...
Marcus took Mercury’s legs, so he can’t psychologically escape the cycle of abuse... Marcus told Mercury he needs no crutches and Mercury is refusing to aknowledge his hurt and to heal... Marcus’s violence messed up Mercury so much he is not sure what he wants and his semblance is missing to underline it.
I wonder if we will discover more about his background or if what we have so far is all. I can see it go both ways to be honest. Also, Tyrian’s interactions with Mercury are interesting and meaningful, but also terrifying. I both want more and I am scared of having more :’’)
I am also looking forward to see how his allusion will be used. As for now, he has the potential to have at least three different motifs going on. The one of Mercury the God, the one of Mercury the metal and the one of Mercury the planet. Curious to see what is done with them!
Finally, I’m the One is one of my favourite songs because it is full of foreshadowing and perfectly conveys what their characters are about. I would love to properly analyze it one day, even if I have used it in multiple metas already :), so I am not sure I have new things to say.
The same can be said about their fight against Coco and Yatsuhashi and their fight with Cinder against Amber. In a sense, those two fights are complementary, since the first one foreshadows their major assets that are properly shown and charged symbolically in the second.
In short, their fight with Coco and Yatsuhashi is how they want to appear:
I'm the one that your mama said 'Don't mess with them or you'll end up dead That type they don't follow any rules'
Their fight against Amber is who they are deep down:
I'm the one That was born in a nightmare a murderer's son
I'm the one Who rose out of filth and was loved by no-one
3) Penny
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She is the protagonist of the Atlas Volumes and has my favourite arc so far.
Her arc is contradictive, sad and powerful. In a sense, her whole character is written to hurt :’’’) She is given a happy and enthusiastic personality to hide how tragic her story is.
Penny is an example of how to write a specific kind of tragedy, where the main conflict does not lie in the character’s flaw, but in the environment she is in. Penny wants to be a “real” girl, but others won’t let her. This conflict escalates until she tragically manages to affirm her personhood in death.
At the same time, she is given self-issues that can be seen as a flaw and tie to her environment. She is self-sacrificial and struggles to see herself as a true person. Still, this flaw does not really drive her plotline (others’ control of her does) and, as @hamliet​ has stated, it does not eat everything around Penny.
So, she dies tragically because she never gets the chance, not even to overcome these self-issues, but to properly face them. At the same time, her death is powerful and cathartic because she negates others’ control and manipulation. She negates the mechanisms that had her develop self-issues to begin with.
Is it a happy outcome? Not at all. It is sad and contradictive. It is gray, but this is precisely why it is powerful. It manages to convey and explore complex and contradictive ideas. It does not offer an answer, but only bittersweet questions.
I also really like how Penny’s allusion is used in the story. It is played straight in terms of plot since Penny becomes human as the story goes on. However, it is problematized in terms of themes. It conveys that humanity is about making choices and experiencing both happiness and pain. Finally, Penny’s final scene is an inversion of the original novel.
Penny is not the Blue Fairy’s creation, but the Blue Fairy’s creator:
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She goes from Creation (passive, a child) to Creator (active, an adult).
Incidentally, Penny too has one of my favourite songs. Friend is beautiful and it perfectly describes her arc. It conveys how much she loves humanity despite how complex and painful it is. The music starting slow and melancholic to gain more power as it goes on describes Penny’s life beautifully. It is a story that ends too soon (the music interrupts at its most vibrant), but it is still a melody full of love for life:
An answered prayer A chance to Share the world To be a girl Who fin'lly felt alive
4) Cinder
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Cinder is probably the most complex and best written character so far.
She manages to make me feel for her and to make me incredibly angry with her at the same time :’’’)
I have written several metas on her, so you can read my thoughts on her background, the focus she received this volume, how I think her arc will end and some minor symbolism.
Cinder is built on an equilibrium between victim and perpetrator. She is both and the narrative strikes perfectly with its framing of her. It is both sympathetic and strict and most of all tragic because no matter if Cinder wins or loses... she keeps spiralling either way and she can’t understand she is fighting a worthless fight.
She is also full of interesting motifs and symbolism. One I would like to explore more in the future (and for it to be explored more by the story itself) is her fall motif.
She chooses the surname “Fall” herself when it is decided her first target is the Fall Maiden. This makes for a nice juxtaposition between her and Winter.
Cinder is born with nothing. Her own name refers a substance almost completely burnt, something with almost no color. It is a very humble name, so she chooses a surname which is important. It is a surname that hints to her role as a vessel of the Maidens.
She is not chosen to be a Maiden... she is not supposed to be one. However, she decides she is going to take the power even if it is not hers. She is taking destiny in her own hands.
Winter is born with apparently everything. However, this is also why everything gets decided for her. She is given the name Winter before she was born. Similarly, Ironwood chooses her as the Maiden even before she discovers about them.
Cinder sees Winter as having everything Cinder deserves. However, she misses how Winter is facing very similar struggles. She might be given what Cinder is negated, but she too has to make that destiny hers. She has to take her story in her own hands, just like Cinder.
At the same time, Cinder’s fall motif is linked also to the idea of falling. She falls and makes others fall. Exactly like she burns and is burnt. The orange of her flames aesthetically calls back to the orange of the falling leaves.
This idea is also conveyed through Cinder constantly mistreating and even killing characters representative of sides of herself.
She abuses Emerald and Mercury aka her child selves.
She kills Watts aka her negative foil.
She kills Pyrrha and Penny aka her Maidens’ foils.
It is clear that all this hurting and killing parts of herself won’t end well for her. I mean, she, not Salem, is the one responsible of the two major deaths in the series (Penny and Pyrrha), so she is bound to receive consequences.
Another thing I love about her is how her intelligence is people focused. She is very good at reading and manipulating others and this is how she wins her major fights. This is both her flaw and her major asset. I like it because I think RWBY is good in showing different kinds of intelligence and Cinder’s one is very coherent with her personality.
Finally, I love how her Cinderella allusion is used. It is a deconstruction of the original fairy tale that is born from a question: “What if Cinderella were not the kind victim of the story, but a bad victim?”. It is also interesting how the key character in Cinder’s allusion is not the Prince or the Stepmother, but the Fairty Godmother who fails her twice (Rhodes and now Salem).
As a side note, I can’t wait for The Truth to be out in its complete version.
5) Oscar
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Aka the one who deserves nothing of what he gets :’’’)
I love him because he is an example of how to write a character who is a cinnamon roll, but that also is not boring and has complexity.
His struggle is about his sense of self. He starts the story by wishing to become more than what he is, but he does not like that this “more” turns out to be about fusing with another person. He wants to grow not to lose himself to another entity.
This is his major fear:
Who will you see? There in the darkness When no one is watching Who will you be? When you're afraid And everything changes Will you see a stranger? Feel proud or betrayed?
This is well conveyed also by his relationship with the rest of the group. He starts as the odd man out and others mostly rely on Ozpin rather than him. He sometimes even seems to disappear behind Ozpin. However, as time goes on, he forges genuine bonds and he becomes dependable on his own. He becomes even more so than Ozpin because he has something Oz lost out of cynism. The ability to trust.
In the Atlas volume he is the character that embodies the thematic statement about trust:
Oscar: You want him to trust us? Then trust me.
The point is that to be trusted you should trust first, even if there is no guarantee it will work.
It is interesting because the theme of trust is explored starting with Ozpin, Oscar’s foil, who does not trust others, so our protagonists feel betrayed. However, in Atlas they find themselves in Ozpin’s shoes and must choose if to trust Ironwood or not.
Here, we explore a form of conditional trust. This idea is presented by Ruby, who wants to be sure it is safe to trust Ironwood. So she keeps secrets and studies him until she decides she can trust him... only to discover that was not the case immediately after. This happens because trust can never be completely safe. Actually, in its most negative declination, this kind of trust becomes the control symbolized by Ironwood.
No matter what, trust is always a leap of faith. This is why trust is a risk. Oscar shows this concept well. He decides to still trust Ironwood at the end of volume 7, but it does not work. Still, he does not stop and decides to trust Emerald and Hazel. This time his trust and faith are repaid. He is fred and gains a new ally:
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I love Emerald and Oscar’s interactions btw :’’’) It is good that Oscar is the one who is growing closer to her. They escape Salem together and Oscar has not been hurt by Emerald the same way the others are.
Anyway, even if trust is worth it, the exploration of this theme in Atlas actually ends on a negative note. It ends with Cinder who is an enemy of trust because she uses others’ trust and feelings against them.
Anyway, Oscar is a key character and I can’t wait for his story to develop more!
6) Ironwood
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He breaks my heart.
He is a an excellent tragic Hero.
He thinks he is the Great Good, but this is precisely why he spirals out of control and falls with his own Kingdom, hated by his allies and forgotten by his enemies.
His downfall stems from his inability to trust, his refusal of emotions, his single-mindness and mostly his convinction he is better than others. This idea is structural of Atlas society and is seen in many of his inhabitants. No matter the social class, we see multiple people thinking they deserve better and that they are above others. This is why Atlas falls and his people becomes refugees in the poorest Kingdom of Remnant.
Anyway, Ironwood thinks he is better than others, so he should be the one deciding for others as well. This idea is flawed and perfectly conveyed through his ideology of sacrificing everything. He feels he has everything, so he can sacrifice what he wants. Still, this is not the case. Others’ lives and feelings are not his. He doesn’t own them.
7) Weiss
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I love Weiss. She has one of my favourite designs and one of my favourite semblances and fighting styles.
Her snowhite allusion being played to explore the idea of a dysfunctional family is very good.
In general, I love how much she has grown slowly, but steadily and how she has progressively become warmer. I enjoyed her interactions with her siblings this season. She also gets many moments where she shines for her humanity and intelligence.
She is both Snowhite and the Prince, but also the Huntress that changes and makes others change. She becomes an inspiration for her whole family and since the Schnees are all in Vacuo and she will eventually join them, I am curious if there is going to be more about their family dynamic.
Other than this, I am excited about her Nevermore summon, what is means symbolically and when she will use it.
8) Ruby
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I think Ruby’s arc must still enter its climax and that she will shine towards the end of the series.
That said, I love her as a protagonist. She has an interesting set of skills that makes her competent, but not invincible. Moreover, I like how she is important and a participant of the plot, but also does not single-handedly solves everything by herself. She has to learn just like the others. For example, this volume she learns that trust is a risk and the importance of taking risks.
Moreover, she is actually very rarely the protagonist of a volume climax. Speaking of the most climatic volumes, Pyrrha is the protagonist of the climax in volume 3, Yang and Raven are in volume 5, Penny in volume 8.
The climax where she is the most in focus as a character is volume 6 and that is the volume where her eyes are explored and her personal arc is set up. That said, she still manages to be important and to contribute to the action in many ways.
I think her role is to inspire others and I guess that by making that speech this volume she is gonna grow into a symbol even more. If that happens it will be interesting to see what this means for her.
Apart from this, I am curious about her subplot with her mother and if it will tie to her choice to save Cinder with her eyes (since I think this is where we are going). She is going to be both Hood and the Huntsman who kills the Wolf and saves the Victim.
9) Nora and Ren
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They are my favourite canon romance.
Their story starts with Ren getting focus (with Nora as a support) and is slowly shifting to Nora developing as her own person (with Ren as a support).
It fits for them to be one of the series main romances because as characters they both explore the concept of emotions and emotional intelligence.
I would say Nora is one of the most emotional intelligent characters in the cast. She is aware of her own feelings for Ren and tries to push their story forwars. She quickly picks up on Pyrrha’s crush and encourages her to make a move. Honestly, she sees herself as a dumb jock, but she is far from it. She is one of the wisest and most sensitive characters:
Nora: You shove people out so you don’t have to feel things that are hard!
Ren is ironically the one struggling with feelings, even if his semblance is all about emotions. In a sense, it is as if he develops it precisely because he struggles with this part of himself.
As a child he is easily overwhelmed by emotions like fear, which goes in the way of his actions. So, when he is under stress he deveops a magical power that lets him control this part of himself. However, as time goes on, it becomes more and more obvious that he should face his own feelings. And once he faces them:
Ren: No! No one is replaceable.
Then he becomes able to see both himself and others more clearly.
In general, both Ren and Nora must overcome their issues if they want to end up together.
Ren’s issue was his fear of being completely vulnerable and to open up with another person. Nora’s is her complete dependance on Ren and how she sees herself as only a part of him, while she is much more.
As a side note, Ren finally confessing his feelings for Nora only to be (temporally) rejected is a great note for his character arc. He was repressing his feelings out of fear, but now he has grown enough to take a risk (opening up, showing vulnerability). Well, this risk does not pay off immediatley. Nora asks him for some time and this is surely not how Ren would have hoped things to go. Still, he understands and supports her. He takes an emotional risk that does not pay off immediately, but he is able to live with it.
In terms of writing, I also think Raven is top notch. Moreover, Winter is a lowkey favourite as well.
I also like some minor characters like Ilia, whose background is built on a very interesting premise that fits her chameleon motif, and Whitley who manages to be helpful even if he is not a fighter. Velvet also has a cool weapon and semblance that tie with her photography motif.
I also love Yang, Blake and Jaune aka the other members of the main cast.
In terms of design, many of my favourites have also my favourite designs (Emerald, Weiss, Mercury, Cinder, Penny, Winter, Ruby, Ren and Ilia).
Other than them, I love Neo’s design, characterization and fighting style:
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Finally, I also like Tock’s design and concept, even if she only appears once.
Thank you for this ask! I had fun with it!
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jikooklesbian · 4 years
Hello! All of the GCFs are so beautiful. Do you have a particular favorite? What about it do like?
Expressions of sexual and gender identity emerge (or are constrained) differently depending on national, political, social, religious and/or historical context. Having said that, do you regard any of the GCFs as having intrinsically LGBTQ qualities?
Hope you have a lovely night! Borahae 💜
G.C.F in Tokyo is my personal favorite, for multiple reasons. It has a special place in my heart since it was the very first one, and the editing, song choice, setting, and general aesthetic are all so fascinating to me. But above all else, the message of G.C.F in Tokyo is my favorite. I will explain what I mean by that, but first, context is important.
In the "[FESTA 2017] BTS (방탄소년단) 꿀 FM 06.13 Happy BTS birthday!" broadcast, BTS talked a bit about giving birthday presents to one another. Apparently, gift-giving was not a regular thing they did for each other's birthdays, but several of the members were curious about why Jungkook chose to give a birthday present only to Jimin the prior year, in 2016. Supposedly, this was the first time he had given a birthday present to one of the members, and it was not done privately, but in front of some of the others. After Jimin's birthday in October 2016, Jin, Taehyung, Hobi, and Yoongi all had birthdays prior to the broadcast in June 2017, but they did not receive a birthday present from Jungkook. Jin said that he even requested something specifically but only got a "happy birthday" from Jungkook in 2016.
Now, they were all quick to reassure Jungkook that gifts aren't required or expected, gifts out of obligation are meaningless, and they only brought it up because they couldn't think of any other complaints. They went on to emphasize that Jungkook had become a very generous person as he had matured and didn't even press him to explain himself. In fact, there was no explanation given. They simply moved on. With this in mind, I also want to mention how Jimin had wanted to go on a trip with Jungkook since 2014, if not even earlier. He said so on the Idols' True Color Radio broadcast on June 14.
This brings us to the Tokyo trip itself. I do not know the exact dates, as it was a private trip, but it was sometime around Jimin's birthday, before G.C.F in Tokyo was posted on November 8. From what Jimin and Jungkook have shared in various interviews, fan meetings, and other anecdotes, what I understand is that Jungkook planned and paid for the majority of the trip, including his recording and editing equipment. This heavily implies that this trip was a gift for Jimin, in and of itself. And just by watching the video, it is clear that they had a great time traveling together, staying at the REMM Roppongi hotel, shopping, eating out, and going to Tokyo Disneyland.
Of course, they didn't just go on this trip and make good memories; it was also being recorded by Jungkook himself. So, what we see when we watch G.C.F in Tokyo is how Jungkook experienced this trip. More specifically, we see Jimin through Jungkook's point of view, with Tokyo as the setting. I am very curious about how Jungkook might have brought up wanting to record Jimin during their time there because it seems that Jimin was not fully aware that Jungkook would be editing and posting an official video, based on the tweet where he said he would have worn something nicer if he would have known.
At any rate, Jimin did not seem bothered by the camera's presence. He smiled and danced and made silly faces and turned around to check if he successfully made Jungkook laugh, all in a very natural way. In other words, the camera did not stop Jimin from enjoying the moment, like it might for some people, and this demonstrates a level of trust and comfortability between them.
As for the G.C.F in Tokyo video itself, I am not going to pretend that I'm a film critic. I cannot say much regarding the editing other than that I enjoyed the variety of transitions, the changes in speed, the coloring, and the timing with the music. However, there are some elements that I would like to discuss in more detail.
The song: "There For You." Jungkook is a big fan of Troye Sivan, who is an openly gay artist from Australia. Choosing a song by a gay artist, especially one that has explicit use of the word "boy" by a male singer, inherently gives G.C.F in Tokyo gay undertones, even if Jungkook did not mean to imply that he or Jimin is LGBT. (More crudely put, if you use a gay song, you have a gay video lol.) Also, Jungkook has said himself that he always checks the lyrics of the songs he covers or uses in his videos, so he knew the meaning of the lyrics when he edited the video.
And the lyrics are very telling.
So when your tears roll down your pillow like a river / I'll be there for you / I'll be there for you / When you're screaming, but they only hear you whisper / I'll be loud for you / But you gotta be there for me too
The chorus by itself is not necessarily referring to a romantic relationship but focuses more on the reciprocal nature of love and support in any close relationship, be it romantic, platonic, or familial. The chorus highlights both the strength needed to be someone's support and the vulnerability in asking someone to return the favor. Obviously, Jimin and Jungkook have been through a lot together as part of BTS, and all of the interpersonal relationships in BTS rely on that mutual respect and understanding. So, as the lyrics pertain to G.C.F in Tokyo specifically, Jungkook appears to be verbalizing his commitment to supporting Jimin in their shared dream of being part of BTS, while simultaneously asking to be supported by him, too.
I got you, I promise / But let me be honest / Love is a road that goes both ways
The same theme continues here, but what I find interesting at this point is what Jungkook showed during the part "love is a road that goes both ways." They are on the road, and there is a rainbow ferris wheel in the background. Hopefully, I don't need to explain why this raised a flag for me, a flag that looks a lot like this one: 🏳️‍🌈.
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Boy, I'm holding on to something / Won't let go of you for nothing / I'm running, running just to keep my hands on you
This part is where the song takes a romantic turn, which I would say retroactively makes the entire song romantic in nature. From this point in the song on, we mostly see Jimin from behind, as if Jungkook is metaphorically running to keep his hands on Jimin. And in the brief scenes where Jimin is facing the camera after this point, it appears that he is turning around either to check Jungkook's reaction or to wait for him to catch up. I think the way Jungkook films Jimin from behind throughout the video shows his admiration and willingness to follow Jimin's lead.
Overall, I would call G.C.F in Tokyo a love letter, the message of which is: I'll be there for you, but you gotta be there for me too. How else can I interpret it? Jungkook, who was not in the habit of giving the other members birthday presents, knowing that Jimin has wanted to travel with him for years, planned and paid for an international trip for Jimin's birthday, documented their memories via film, spent painstaking amounts of time editing a video of their trip, included rainbow imagery, and chose a song by an openly gay artist that repeats over and over, "I'll be there for you, but you gotta be there for me too."
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machine-gun-casie · 5 years
Radio Interview
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you just love talking about your boyfriend, machine gun kelly, and zach sang is not complaining.
a/n: if yall havent seen zach sang’s stuff on youtube i definitely recommend you do so, he is so lovely and such a good interviewer. 
also thankyou so much to @harringtonstudios​ for reading it for me and @fandom-central27​ deserves some credit for helping me brainstorm and make this fic sooo much longer than it was going to be in the first place
wc: 4.6k
“Hello! Welcome to the Zach Sang show! Today I have with me the oh so lovely y/n l/n. Thank you for coming.” Zach introduced you, officially starting the radio broadcast. 
You smiled and leaned back on the couch. “Thank you for having me. You’ve got such a comfy studio, man. It’s so great. A bit chilly though, wish I brought a blanket.” You laughed, shivering a little. The place was so comfy, bean bags everywhere. They had you and your mic set up on a really nice gray couch.
“Yeah, the ac’s been going crazy. We’ll get you a blanket though.” Zach motioned to someone outside of the studio.
"No it’s alright.” As soon as the words left your mouth, an assistant entered with a fluffy white blanket. “You know what, I can’t really say no to that.” You laughed.
“Alright, now that we’re all wrapped up and cozy. Hey, how are you?” Zach smiled warmly, his bubbly personality shining through instantly.
“I’m really really good, thank you for asking. I’ve been in a really good place recently. How about you?”
Zach sighed and rolled his eyes. “You know, going through some stuff. But it’s all good. If things aren’t meant to be, they aren’t meant to be.”
“Oh no.” You frowned. “You got some relationship trouble, huh? Yeah, my philosophy is the same, to be honest. Can’t force something that isn’t in the cards for you.”
“I agree one hundred percent. But you gotta have some good relationship advice for me. I mean, your relationship seems to be flourishing.” Zach smiled. You felt the blood rushing to your cheeks. Everyone knew it was going to come to this. You wouldn’t even be surprised if the whole interview was going to be about this.
“Maybe.” You smiled, hands coming up to hide your blushing face.
“Oh come on now, you’re definitely not this shy on your socials.” Zach teased.
“Yeah, but that’s different, man. That’s not like, face to face. Do we really gotta talk about this?” Your nervous laughter made your comment light, letting the radio show host know you were kidding.
“You know we have to. You and Machine Gun Kelly. Who knew? Like, the biggest shock of the year so far.” Zach laughed. “You and him are so different. You’re like America’s pop sensation sweetheart right now. And he’s a rockstar!”
“I know! I thought no way would he even give me the time of the day!” You giggled.
“But I read that you were a big fan before even meeting him. Is that true?”
“Oh definitely! Most people look at me and my career and they immediately label me a pop fan, but it’s not true. I mean, I obviously love pop, but I can like other things too. I’ve been part of the EST family for a while now.” You clarified.
“And EST, that’s Kelly’s fan base, is that correct?”
“Yeah, it is.”
“Now, how the hell did y’all meet? It was so sudden for the rest of us. How could your paths have crossed?” Zach laughed.
“It’s kind of a long story...” You trailed off.
“And I am so very willing to listen.” Zach smiled. It wasn’t even like he was interviewing you, it was like he was your best friend and he wanted all the details.
“Well, a while ago, I was the musical guest on SNL.” You explained.
Zach’s eyes lit up. “Yes! I remember that, you were great. That was almost a year ago! Has this been going on for that long?”
“Kind of.” You shrugged, giggling. Zach rolled his eyes and continued. 
“Anyways, you did uhh two songs at SNL, right? You did ‘Hold Me’ and what was the other one?”
“I did ‘Hold me’ and I did ‘PDA’. It was so much fun. I even got to be in one of the sketches, but like only in the background. Honestly a dream come true.” You gleamed. Having been a fan of SNL since your childhood, the statement was definitely true. But you might have been trying to steer the subject away a little and Zach caught on.
“Yes, and I don’t doubt that. But I wanna hear more about the love story.”
“Alright, alright, I’m sorry.” You laughed. “So, the week before the live show, as a guest star, you have to go to the writers. You only really go if you’re in the sketches, and I wasn’t really, but I begged them to go. I wanted to see the whole process. And I knew of Pete Davidson working there obviously.”
“And Pete is friends with Kelly, right?” Zach asks, clarifying the storyline in his head and for the listeners.
“Yeah, they’re insanely close. So I go into Pete’s office, right? And I know he’s friends with him obviously. So I try to casually mention that I’m a fan, not only of Colson, but also of Pete himself.” You laugh and Zach knows where it's going.
“Did the casual approach work out for you?” He laughs.
“I’m not quite sure.” You giggle. “I was super nervous and sweaty. I’m pretty sure I stuttered throughout the whole thing. But Pete is the coolest person ever and such a good friend that he was just excited I was a fan of Colson’s. So we started planning. He says he can try to put me in the back of a sketch wearing some merch for the new album.” 
“And Hotel Diablo had just come out back then, right?”
“Yes, and I was super into it, but I didn’t have any merch. So Pete said he would hook me up.” 
“Did you expect to be able to meet Kelly after this whole plan?”
“I honestly expected to leave with some new merch and that’s it.” You laughed. “But to my surprise, Colson came on the Saturday of. Pete had told him about me being a fan and he wanted to surprise me.”
“How surprised were you, on a scale of one to ten?”
“Like, one billion.” You gushed. “I don’t remember much of the encounter, but I remember him hugging me and I was definitely crying.”
“Oh yeah, I saw the video. Full on blubbering.” Zach laughed. 
You gasped. “There’s a video? You have to send it to me. Anyways, his daughter was there too and she asked for a picture. I said okay, but I’m sure I looked so bad in it. Like, mascara all down my red cheeks. So I go home and Colson follows me back on Instagram the next day.”
“Did you slide into the dm’s?” Zach smirked.
“You know I did. I had to! But I was fully expecting to be ignored.”
“As one does.”
“Exactly. But he replied and we started chatting. It didn’t really feel real. Like texting him and stuff, I was chill. Because it felt so fake. At that point, I used to live in New York, so it was only really texting. We face-timed a few times, which also felt surreal. Then he came to New York to surprise me and I freaked. Seeing him in the flesh again brought back the same excitement.”
“At this point, was it official?”
“Not really, like we kept telling everyone we were just friends. And it hadn’t gotten to the press yet, and we wanted to keep it like that, so only close friends knew. But I was smitten. We both knew it was going somewhere, but we were being gentle with it.”
“Yeah, the concept of new relationships is so fragile. Sometimes you both want to dive in but you don’t know if you should.” Zach rationed, voicing his thoughts.
“That’s what it felt like, to be honest. But after that first stage, it just became so incredibly easy for us.”
“Not surprisingly, because you are known to be a complete romantic. I mean, all your songs and your whole aesthetic. Your album is literally called ‘Love Love’.” Zach chuckled. “Tell me about that, the process of naming the album and writing the songs and all that. How did you know it was going to focus directly on love?”
You let out a breath and tried to organize your thoughts to form proper words. “I’ve always been so in love with love, so I knew it just had to be centered around that. Like not just romantic love, even platonic love. Some of the songs, well most of the songs on the album, are about platonic love. I had never had a serious relationship until Colson really, so my understanding of romantic love was very minimal.”
“Really? I would have never guessed. The way you write about love seems like it comes from vast experience.”
“Yeah, it was experience in platonic love. In all of my friendships, I always put my all into it, which isn’t always right. But it’s just the way I am. So when a friendship ends, it truly feels like a heart break.”
“So your song ‘No Longer’ isn’t about a relationship?”
“No, it’s about a friend I had. A best friend, actually. We were so close, people actually thought we were dating. But something happened between us and it was so painful. I have so many songs written about that, but some are so specific that the person and what they did would no longer be secret. It wouldn’t be right, you know?”
“I completely understand, sometimes things are just for yourself.”
“Yeah, exactly.”
“The song that most resonated with fans was ‘I’m (Not) Crying For You’. Did you know it was going to be this well loved?”
“Yeah, they went crazy over that one. I didn’t think it would be this popular at all. Since ‘PDA’ and ‘Hold Me’ were like the singles with the music videos, I thought those would be the hits if there were any. But yeah, people really loved ‘I’m (Not) Crying For You’.”
“Can you explain the song and what it means to you?”
“I would love to. As a teenager, whenever I would lose a friend, I would always turn to break up songs. I always felt like the lyrics depicting the end of a relationship worked with friendships as well, but it was annoying to me.”
“Why annoying?”
“Because they aren’t about friendships. They’re about relationships. And I did relate, but not to every line. Cause some lyrics would mention like marriage and sex and those things aren’t related to friendships. I didn’t like the fact that I had to pick and choose the lyrics that spoke to me.”
“So this song is for everyone. I love that.”
“Yeah, I tried to keep it as vague as possible so that anyone going through the end of something could relate. And with the end of anything, you always want to seem like you’re doing fine to the other person. Like, make them think that them leaving hasn’t affected you. So you know, I don’t want them to see me cry. But if they do, they should know that the tears aren’t for them, when in reality they are.”
“Yeah, I noticed that. It’s a great hype song, though. Like it has sad lyrics, but the beat and everything really makes it feel like it’s meant to get over someone.”
“Yeah, it is! I love hype songs where it’s like ‘Fuck you, I don’t need you anymore!’ I drew a lot of inspiration from songs like that.”
“What’s your hype song? Everyone has that one song after someone screws them over.”
“Mine is actually ‘The Break Up’ by Kells. I have every lyric to that song seared into my brain.” You laughed. 
“Really?” Zach asked, raising his eyebrows and letting out a laugh.
“Yeah, I play it when I’m getting my makeup done before performances. Colson thought it was hilarious.”
“I think it’s adorable. Literally relationship goals.” Zach exclaimed. “Alright, another one of your songs that I love is ‘Tattoo’. That one just speaks to me.” Zach smiled, looking so incredibly genuine.
“Really?” You gleamed. “That’s one of my favorites. I just love tattoos, the idea of having something on your body forever is just so romantic to me. Not even matching tattoos or anything. Just the ink itself.”
“Me too! But you don’t have any, right?” 
“I just got my first one!” You smiled. You got your first tattoo with Colson about a week prior. “Well, I actually got 2. Very small, though. Not really noticeable. I love those small one needle tattoos, I find them to be so pretty.”
“When did you get them done?” Zach asked. “Because I remember you once said in an interview that you had none.”
“Yeah, I got them a week ago with Colson.” You rolled your eyes as you could almost see the headlines. “Now everyone’s gonna be like ‘Machine Gun Kelly ruined me’ or something.”
“Obviously not, but yeah I know what you mean. Headlines and tabloids are just awful. But he has to have influenced you somehow, right. Two incredibly different personalities coming together. Are your personalities super different or is it just superficial?”
“Yes and no. Outwardly, we both have very different personalities. But when it comes down to it, I feel like we aren’t the same but we work well together. He makes me laugh and he helps me heal. Overall, he just makes me a better person. And he’s so impulsive at times and I feel like I need that.”
“How-how is he impulsive in ways that you need? How can impulsivity help a relationship?” Zach asked.
You hummed, looking at your hands. “I second guess a lot and then I regret it. Last week we were talking at like 3 in the morning about my song ‘Tattoo’, actually.” You motioned your hands to Zach because you were previously discussing the same thing. “He asked me why I didn’t have any if I loved them so much, and I didn’t have an answer. So he called over his artist the next day, and I definitely don’t regret what I got so far.”
Zach looked over at you, as if he was trying to find them and you laughed. “No, you can’t see them. I mean, I can show you?”
“Yes, please do.”
“I got one on my ribs, like on the side. I’ll show you a picture of that. And I got one on my head.” You explained as you took out your phone and looked through your camera roll.
“Woah, you went hard for your first tattoos!” Zach exclaimed. “Isn’t the pain worse the closer you are to the bone?”
“Yeah, yeah it is. It’s what I’ve read anyways. But they were quick, because like I said, they're very small. No shading or anything.” You found the picture and turned your phone to Zach. “I got ‘Love Love’ on my ribs, in the same font as the album cover, but super small. And the other one is under my hair. I had to shave a square off.”
“Yeah, but it doesn’t show unless I pull my hair up at a specific place.” You turned and lifted your hair. “It’s ‘Hotel Diablo’ surrounded by a little border in Colson’s handwriting. He got the same one back when the album came out, in the same place too.”
“So they’re matching?”
“Yeah, he got ‘Love Love’, too. A lot of people online always say to never get matching tattoos, but I don’t really care. Even if it doesn’t work out, which I hope isn’t the case, ‘Hotel Diablo’ is one of my favorite albums and has helped me grow as a person. I just hope he doesn’t regret the one he got for me.” You laughed.
“Does he like your album? He doesn’t seem to be much of a pop guy.”
"He used to tease me when we first started talking about how he would never listen to it and all that. But he was actually like analyzing the songs.”
“No way! That is cute, relationship goals again! Man, you guys are unbelievable.”
“Yeah, he surprised me. But as a fellow artist and songwriter, he knew that he could probably find out a lot about me just through my songs.”
“And did he? Do you see him do something for you and you think ‘he did that because of this song or that song’?”
“Sometimes.” You ponder. “But he and I are just on the same wavelength, I feel. He takes one look at me and he knows what to do. It’s insane.” You chuckled. 
“On the topic of songs, have you written any about him? Has he written anything about you?”
“Oh, I’ve definitely written about him. I’ve got like dozens. Shit, he doesn’t know that.” You realized. “Fuck, I hope he’s not listening. Anyways, I don’t think he’s written anything about me. When he’s high as fuck though, he freestyles about everything. He’s written a song about asking me to do some... things that I will not say on camera. He’s just always spittin’ fire. The talent that that man possesses is mind blowing.”
“Watching him come up with it must be incredible.”
You nodded your head vigorously. “One hundred percent. He’s got a home studio, and some days we just never leave that place. I don’t even need to be writing or recording anything, I just sit and watch him. I’ve been around many a songwriter in my time on this earth, but I’ve never seen one work like this man does.”
“Let me just say, you are absolutely glowing when you talk about him and your album.” Zach smiled.
“Thank you! Like I said, I’m in a really good place right now. This album really made me feel like I took a lot off my shoulders. Like I put all those emotions out there and they’re no longer weighing on me. And Colson… Well, Colson’s just Colson.” You smiled.
“Speaking of your boyfriend, I’m getting a message that he’s coming into the studio.” Zach said as he looked at his phone.
“What?” You asked, sitting up on the couch and looking towards the door. A few seconds later, your tall, lanky boyfriend walked in.
“Hey! Hope I’m not crashing or anything.” Colson smiled, jumping over the back of the couch to sit next to you.
“Well you kind of are. This is my interview. You said you’d pick me up when I was done.” You pouted.
“Don’t give me that cute ass pout. Thought I’d come a little earlier, besides you’ve been mainly talking about me.” He smirked, sending you a wink.
“That is very true.” Zach said. “She can’t stop, but I am not complaining.”
“Ugh, don’t encourage him.” You groaned playfully. “I’m never gonna hear the end of this.”
“Nope.” Colson agreed, excited to tease you about it later. “I’m sorry, Zach, for just crashing like this.”
“No, it’s alright! Make yourself at home. I’m sure everyone who’s tuned in is incredibly surprised. How are you, Machine Gun Kelly?”
“Kells is fine. I know the whole thing can be a mouthful.” Colson chuckled. “I’m doing great. Got a really inflated ego after hearing you guys praising me all morning.”
“We have been, haven’t we? But I would say that’s mostly y/n’s fault, to be honest.” Zach pointed at you, throwing you under the bus.
“Hey, don’t put it all on me! You asked the questions!” You exclaimed, laughing along. You turned to Colson and pulled him in closer. “Don’t listen to him, he just wants to get on your good side.”
Colson laughed and draped his arm around your shoulders, tucking you into his side. You reached out and placed the blanket over his legs as you cuddled into him. “It’s alright, if you were interviewing me, I would’ve done the same thing.”
“Now you guys are just making me jealous.” Zach scoffed. “So Kells, please tell us your side of the story of how you two met.”
“Alright, only two people know about this story. So this is incredibly valuable information.” Colson started out. You expected to be one of the two people, so you were shocked when he didn’t say your name. “Pete and my daughter.”
“What?” You exclaimed. “I’m in the story, how do I not know?”
“It’s before the SNL show, like when Pete told me about you. I never told you how that went down.”
“Oh my God, I’m all ears. Go ahead.” You said, turning to face Colson as he told the story.
“Alright, so I was in New York with my daughter that weekend. I had some business and I was going back home on Sunday, so I brought her along. We were already going to the SNL show before Pete told me about y/n. I knew she was performing, though.”
“You did?” You asked, eyes wide. He kept up with you before meeting you? “Sorry, sorry, continue.”
“Yeah, I did. Casie is a big fan of y/n and her music, so she was really excited about going. I had heard y/n’s songs before, you know on the radio and whenever I would drive with my daughter and she would put on her own music. So I knew the name, but I had never seen a picture of her. When Pete told me he wanted me to come and meet her, I looked her up.”
“Oh no.” You gasped, knowing that your general aesthetic would have probably deterred him from meeting you.
Colson looked back at you when he said his next sentence. “I was like ‘How can this adorable Disney princess looking chick be into my music?’ I couldn’t believe it.”
“Oh my God.” You groaned, bringing your hand up to cover your blushing face.
“No, I’m serious. But I couldn’t stop looking at pictures of her. I wanted to follow her, but I didn’t wanna ruin the surprise. My daughter was teasing me, telling me that I had to get her number during the show. I didn’t of course, like the idiot that I am. But I did follow her on Instagram the next day. Pete was smug the whole time, though.”
“Of course he would be.” You rolled your eyes and snorted. “But I mean, we have to thank him for all of this. Without him, we probably wouldn’t have met.”
“No, we would have. I was still going to go to the show. We would have seen each other and Casie would have still asked for a picture.” Colson said.
“True, but you and I both know we wouldn’t have talked beyond that. I would’ve been too nervous to say anything.” You replied.
“Oh yeah, definitely. I would have been too taken aback by your beauty to say anything either.” Colson nodded.
“Oh shut up!” You laughed, hitting his chest.
“And how did your daughter react to the blooming relationship?” Zach asked Colson.
“She’s usually like, indifferent about my relationships. But this time, she wanted all the updates. When I told her I would be flying back to New York a few weeks later to surprise y/n, she begged me to come with. But I had to leave her, you know?”
“Yeah, of course. Quality time with your S/O is rare when you have a kid.” Zach replied.
“Tell me about it! And then this crazy busy job, too. You’ve got no free time. I finally had a free week and I knew I had to go see this one or it wouldn’t have gone anywhere.” Colson said, pulling you closer when mentioning you.
“And did you, Colson, think you two were gonna end up together?” Zach asked.
“I was hoping so!” Colson laughed. “I was gonna hit her up, but she beat me to it. I was gonna try to get with her, but I didn’t think she would like me. But I’m so glad she did. Don’t know how I lived without her.” Colson looked into your eyes as he spoke, smiling like the love sick doofus that he is.
“Aw, now how long have you been together for? The world’s only known for about a month now, right?” Zach asked.
“Yeah, we posted on Instagram on the 29th of last month. So a little less than a month.” You said, looking at Colson for confirmation.
“Yeah, we waited for a long time. But we’ve been together going on 9 months now.” Colson said and you nodded.
“Woah, that’s crazy! How did you manage to keep it a secret for so long?” Zach wondered, as the length of the relationship was surprising.
“It was hard, I can tell you that.” You chuckled. “ Colson would always post about his ‘secret girlfriend’ and all that. Like, pictures of us holding hands and stuff. It was easy for him, he could just crop my face out. But for me, it was much harder.” You sighed.
“Oh my God, it would have been so hard with all his tattoos!” Zach exclaimed when he understood your struggle.
“Yeah, I got so many tattoos. Anyone could just look it up and find out. But she would post sometimes like, really strategic pictures. I was amazed at how she could do it. But it made it easier that people knew we were in a relationship to keep it a secret. Like, they knew I had a girl, but they didn’t know who it was.”
“Yeah, exactly. Like I just had to keep his name a secret, not the fact that I had a boyfriend. It wouldn’t have been a secret for too long if it was like that ‘cause I never shut up about him.” You laughed.
“Yes, I remember those cryptic tweets all the time. All the tabloids were about y/n l/n’s secret boyfriend.” Zach laughed.
“It was so funny watching everyone scramble trying to find out who he was. But I’m so glad we’re done with that now.” You sighed, placing your hand on Colson’s chest.
“So am I, we wouldn’t have had this interview if you guys didn’t go public. That was truly a fairytale kind of love story.” Zach sighed. “I loved talking to you guys so much.”
“Aw, thank you Zach. I can’t believe our time together has come to an end. I hope I didn’t bore you, we barely talked about the album.” You laughed. “This interview was more about Machine Gun Kelly than it was about me.”
“No, definitely not. I learned so much about you guys today. And about love as a whole.” Zach laughed. “Now I know what a loving and healthy relationship looks like. I hope we can have you here another time, y/n. And maybe have Kells come for an interview of his own?”
“Definitely, man. We can sort that out, I’ll tell my manager.” Colson nodded at Zach.
“I would love crashing that interview.” You joked, causing everyone to laugh. “But in all seriousness, you are so good at interviewing people, Zach. Just felt like a conversation with a lifelong friend.”
“Oh yeah, for sure.” Colson agreed. “Some interviewers feel too pushy and just overall fake. Not you, though.”
“Aww, you’re too nice. You guys were just really easy to talk to. Thank you for coming, y/n. And thank you for joining us, Kells.”
“Thank you for having us, it’s been so fun.” You answered.
“It definitely was, but unfortunately, we only have so much time. Thank you to our wonderful audience for tuning in. This has been an interview with y/n l/n and Machine Gun Kelly, and here’s a word from our sponsor.”
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Author Interview: Victoryindeath2 (by Mythopoeia
Thank you @abadpoetwithdreams! I hope you don't regret the last question you asked :D
1. You are responsible for creating the characters of Frog and Sticks! What canon Silm event are you most excited to see from their child perspectives?
Soooo many things—but I am interested to see how they will feel when Mae is back on his feet, a warrior more deadly with his left than he even was with his right, the sort of man who can in canon create the Union of Maedhros. The children have seen Maedhros at his lowest, seen him tormented and crushed into the earth in the cruelest of ways. They also saw how he could be his best even when there was no hope or light for him—he protected them and was kind to them and loved them. I am just interested to see how other men’s and women’s opinions might change as Maedhros moves into the next phase of his life, and how the children will, in some ways, always see Maedhros as their Russandol.
Sticks: yeah I knew he was cool before you all realized it
Frog: *drops a rock in Mae’s left hand and curls up in his lap* tell me and my pet rock a story Mae
Mae: I actually have leadership things to do....
Sticks: you owe us for all the stories you didn’t tell us back in the Bad Place
Mae: *tells them a story and Fingon finds the kids sleeping under Mae’s arms twenty minutes later*
(There is also a non-canon event sometime in the future that I want so VERY badly but guess I can’t say because of spoilers *sighs*)
2. We often joke about how this AU is basically our own crazy version of a Silm tv series. What are some of favourite moments in the series so far that stand out to you as particularly cinematic?
There are so many moments, some of the wondrous and stunning variety, and some of the quiet and beautiful....but here are a few that leapt right to my mind:
a. Maedhros and Fingon parting the last time before Feanor divided the families almost forever! Maedhros with his hair in the sunlight on his horse and the line, “see you on the other side, cano!”
b. Gosh DARN it Mae on the cliff, with Morgoth offering him the chance to leap to his death, and he doesn’t take it *cries*
d. Maedhros riding into the thrall camp and basically falling into Gwindor and SLINGING AN ARM AROUND HIS NECK YES HUGS ALL AROUND YESSSS
e. Look Ceili fic I know we talk about it all the time but I am here to talk about it again, especially the moment where Mae pulls Caranthir out on the dance floor and then they all dance together and everyone ends up in a pile on the floor except for Mae who just stands over them all laughing I think doubled over and there is so much good energy in that scene I NEED IT ON SCREEN
f. Personally I like to think that Celegorm stalking his way into a club in New York City and beating the living daylights out of Eol was cinematic
g. Maedhros having successfully argued Huan’s way into the journey west, stumbling all tired like up to the stairs, and meeting Nerdanel there, and resting his head on his mom’s neck. The darling tol bby
i. Bby Mae lying on Feanor’s chest ;;;;;;;;;;; before Feanor became the worst
j. Can’t even remember what fic it was at this point but there is a dream? Mae has? Of like....the sea and red sun or something? It was a lot
k. There are many many more moments and I am mad that I can’t remember the one that stood out to me recently
l. ..........the whole fic Seven Card Stud
n. Every hug and brotp and found family moment ever. I have addictions and there is never enough of what I want on screen
3. Walk me through what an ideal day would look like for Caranthir?
The MOST ideal day would be Caranthir waking up in his little closet bedroom in Formenos and realizing he just had a horrible nightmare, and also realizing that he still has his mom and ALL of his brothers. And then at the breakfast table Feanor says something like “wow I’ve been stupid in a good many ways, and a rotten dad because of that, good thing I have recognized my flaws and shall now be a better person, also Mae you can stop going to live in the city if you want, just stay here with your brothers. Also you know, Caranthir, even though you’re still my least favorite child, I’m proud of you. And not just because these are the best pancakes I have ever tasted.”
Then Caranthir probably helps his mom in the garden, gets some quality one on one time with Mae when Mae helps him make a pie, Mae reminds him how special and good he thinks Caranthir is, and Celegorm and Curufin ask Caranthir to join them for fishing. Not that Caranthir necessarily wants to do that, but he does want to be asked. Then Amras and Amrod ask him to help them with sums, so that he feels like a helpful big brother, and without being asked, Maglor takes out his fiddle and plays the slow-moving, peaceful song that Caranthir loves and Maglor despises because it is not challenging enough
4. What is a character POV you have not written yet about but would like to?
I would like to write something from Maeglin’s POV—I feel a powerful urge to protect that lost boy. He’s had an odd and often terrifying life and he needs a break. Good grief imagine having a mom like his mom, imagine Morgoth commanding you to call him uncle. Ew. Anyway, he’s exactly the sort of character I usually adopt as my son. An angsty sad boy without much future, who needs LOVE
5. If you could recommend only one fic from each author (including yourself, of course) what would they be?
TolkienGirl: wayyyyy too many to really choose from but I have to go back to the beginning and say “news, breaking” because of the way it introduces my Feanorian boys, and also because of Mae wearing a flowered apron one minute and then a half open leather vest the next, with his glorious hair tied back!
Mythopoeia: I feel like I have to say “those gathered beneath” because it was so DEFINITIVE of our favorite Irish family, and also Turgon is a great narrator (but since I always talk about this fic I shall also add another, lesser known perhaps: “save ourselves unaided” because it introduces Haleth and more people need to appreciate Haleth and Mythopoeia’s Haleth is SO GOOD)
Victoryindeath2: “a certain slant of light (where the meanings are)” because it was my first Caranthir fic, and so it holds a special place in my heart
Bonus Q: The Feanorians are now a KPop group. What are their hair colors and roles?
I ALSO GOT WAY TOO CAUGHT UP IN THIS SO IF YOU ARE AN AU READER WHO DOESN’T CARE ABOUT KPOP IN ANY WAY YOU CAN STOP HERE, I WON’T BE MAD. On the other hand I think I have really good answers so maybe you should continue lol
Maedhros: He has to be a coppery red-head, doesn’t he? Maybe something of the red color that you once told me you wanted Heeseung to try. He would make a great leader, but ALSO. Also I think that he has had enough stress in canon in and in our AU, so I really just want to give him the opportunity to be merely the eldest hyung, who everyone goes to for comfort, for hugs and advice, and who supports the leader quietly. He is a good vocalist and can maybe rap in a pinch? but we put so much emphasis on him as a dancer that he HAS to be the dance leader. Obviously. Is widely acknowledged as the visual of the group
Maglor: Longish black hair, maybe midnight blue or deep purple. Has tried several different hairstyles and regretted half of them. He claims a specific aesthetic in hair and dress is necessary for him to compose the group’s songs, and while he gets teased by everyone for this he also writes amazing music so? It works? Is definitely a vocalist. His vlives consist of him playing every instrument known to man, and half the time Mae is sitting in the background listening with an awed expression on his face—till he falls asleep. Maglor can’t decide if he is pleased by this or insulted
Celegorm: Usually rocks blond or silver hair, but one time some fool insulted Amrod’s pink hair and the next thing you know Celegorm had pink hair for three months. Probably disparaged Maglor’s mullet phase but tried it once himself as a penalty for a game in a Run Feanorian episode and kinda thought it wasn’t half bad.
Celegorm is the “I don’t follow what the company says” member, “screw the rules if they aren’t good for my fam.” He is also a sick rapper and his diss tracks and mixtapes are things of beauty. He also clearly frequents the gym and will toss an annoyed member—most likely Maglor, but sometimes Curufin—over his shoulder any chance he can get. Has definitely done pushups with Amrod or Amras on his back. He and Mae swept the ISAC games
Caranthir: Typically goes with brown/black hair, which only throws the fandom into more of an uproar when the rare occasion arises in which he actually dyes it some other color. Probably went mint for a music video and Curufin started calling him mint choco boy, which offends him deeply as he is (sadly) on the side of “mint chocolate ice cream tastes like toothpaste.” He’s a vocalist with a rougher voice that is surprisingly pleasing to listen too.
Speaking of surprises, Caranthir never quite understands his own popularity. He didn’t like to do vlives by himself for ages, until Mae encouraged him to do cooking and baking vlives, and now he does one once a month on a schedule. Fans are putting together a book of his recipes
Curufin: He does intense and striking hairstyles and colors, and is probably the most likely to do black hair streaked through with red, teal, green, gold, white, etc. He claims to be the visual of the group and Mae is the one member who always agrees with him. I’d say he is also a dancer, one almost as good as Mae but with a different style, and he has a quick and sharp rap. He is heavily involved in the production of their songs over time.
Here is the thing though—I think, in this better non-canon non-Gold Rush AU universe, that Curufin could be the leader. See, Feanor is not gonna be the company CEO loll. Fingolfin is. And Fingolfin mentors better than Feanor EVER could. And Curufin is a sharp lad, very smart and crafty, and if he could just be convinced to care about all his brothers/group members like he does about himself and Celegorm in the AU, and if he just has proper guidance, allowing Mae to assist him in struggles, going to him for support, I think he would be an excellent leader
Ambarussa: Amras and Amrod have tried every color and color combination under the SUN, and they often coordinate with each other either to match or complement. Amras sometimes gets tired of this, preferring to stick to the general group color scheme, and when that happens Amrod just says fine be like that and goes off and does his own thing. Sooner or later though, Amras always gives in and joins him once again.
The twins obviously have all their hyungs wrapped around their little fingers, even Maglor who is driven insane by them crashing into his room shrieking and giggling when he is trying to write music or run a very serious vlive. As far as their musical talents go, I love when maknaes are ridiculously well-rounded, and these are Feanorian maknaes, so I’m gonna say they can both dance, sing, and rap. People have placed bets on whether they will grow as tall as Mae (spoilers, they won’t, no one ever will, he’s the tallest in Kpop world)
Huan: is the team mascot, and lives in their large dorm with them because Celegorm said so
Anddd that’s all folks
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Survey #442
“the more you suffer, the more it shows you really care, right?”
Would you ever sell your soul? No. Do you believe that something is going to happen in 2012? Welp, clearly not. I never believed it. Have you ever been to the Grand Canyon? No, but I'd love to! When was the last time you slept in someone else’s bed? Uhhh not since I visited Sara, I think. Do you like your music loud or at a reasonable level? Loud, for sure. Louder than I should listen to. Did the last person you kiss have a tattoo? No. What’s the last song you heard? "The Bird and the Worm" by The Used. Has anyone told you they missed you lately? No. What are you most likely to do when you’re exhausted; take a nap, drink some coffee, or go for a run to get yourself pumped up again? Naps definitely win. What are you most likely to pick if you got to choose your topic on a research paper; drug abuse, mental illness, or the death penalty? Mental illness, for sure. What is your favorite month of the year and why? October, bc aesthetic. What’s your least favorite animal? Probably wasps. They're mean fuckers that kill bees. What was your class song when you graduated? Some super shitty country song. Have you ever had to spend the night outside (not camping)? No. What`s the scariest living animal that you`ve petted? A tarantula, I'd say. She was a sweet rose hair that I literally did pet, which you absolutely should not do to tarantulas, but I knew nothing about them at the time. The urticating hairs on their abdomens cause serious itching, and I tell ya, that sure happened. So did you play old school Nintendo or Atari or Sega? If so which one? We had an old Atari for a long time. When/where did you meet your first love? In the hallway, during my sophomore year of high school. Is there anyone you dislike, that you have to see/speak to regularly? Hm, what qualifies as "regularly," really? I don't like my sister's husband, who I see semi-regularly, but I don't really talk to him. Does your family eat any unique foods for Thanksgiving that aren’t the norm? If so, what are they? Nah, not that I can think of. If you eat oatmeal, do you add water or milk to it? What is your favorite flavor? Milk; I don't like it with water. I only eat the apples and cinnamon kind. Was the last video you watched on YouTube a music video? If not, what was it of? It's a let's play. Have you ever been brave enough to cut your hair in a very different way? If you have, did you regret your decision after? Yes, and I still love it. What was the last book you had to read for school? Did you enjoy it, or were you just trying to get through? The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood. I loved it. Has anyone you know personally ever won the lottery? If so, how much did they win? Would/have you ever play(ed) the lottery? No to both questions. I have a very addictive personality, so I don't really mess with dangerous things that might tempt that behavior. What band/celebrity/etc. do you know the most information about? Who would you like to learn more about? Markiplier, ha ha. As for who I'd like to know more about... hm. Have your friends met the last person you kissed? Girt has. Who has made the biggest difference in your life? Jason. You get a text from someone saying that they want to hang out - who would you most like it to be from? Also Jason. -_- What is the name on your birth certificate (feel free to withhold your last name for privacy reasons)? Brittany Marie is all you need to know. Even if shopping isn’t your favorite... every girl has a favorite store. What’s yours? My favorite physical store is Hot Topic, but my favorite store overall is Rebel's Market, which I'm pretty sure is just an online source. Which type of undies do you wear most: Thongs, bikini/briefs, bootyshorts, or granny panties? Don't you dare laugh, I prefer "granny panties" lmfao. They're what I'm comfortable in, okay. How many nail polishes do you have, if you were to take a guess? *I* have none. Idk about Mom, but I know not a lot. Are you on birth control? Do you use condoms? I use birth control to regulate my period and ease cramps. If I was sexually active though, both would be musts for me. When did you start your period? How did you react? Who did you tell first? When I got home from school sometime in middle school. I don't remember exactly how old I was, but I was EXTREMELY upset. Like, I cried, because I didn't feel like a kid anymore. My mom was the first to know. Have you ever had sex while on your period? If so, would you ever do it again? NO NO NO NO THAT SOUNDS SO GROSS LKASDFJ;AJW;LKERJA;WEJLRKQWLKE;JR. Which way do you swing (boys, girls, or both)? I'm bi. Or pan. I really don't know. Tell me ALL about your longest/most serious relationship. Are you still in that relationship? How about I don't, because doing that I'm sure will send me in a PTSD spiral. No, we're no longer together. Who is your ALL TIME best friend (don’t count your boyfriend, either, silly!)? Sara. I don't think I've been as close with any other best friend. Which one of your friends has the best singing voice? SARAAAAAAAAAAA. What shade are you in foundation or concealer? I don't have a clue. I don't wear either. Have you ever showered with someone? Boy or girl? Were you completely naked? "Were you completely naked." No, I shower with underwear on. I've showered with my little sister as well as my best friend as a kid. I've never shared a shower as an adult and don't want to. Do you think you’re good enough for the person you like? No. Are you a cuddler or no? If I'm really into you, YUP. And if it's not hot. Wouldn’t it be kinda annoying to have to share a bed every night? No. I miss it sometimes. Have you ever walked on a beach at night? Yes. It's beautiful. Could you go the rest of your life without drinking alcohol? Pretty easily, yeah. Would you marry someone you didn’t love if you were paid 10 thousand dollars? No. I just wouldn't be able to stomach doing that. I'm solely marrying for love. Have you had sex today? I haven't in many years. Do you still care about your last ex? Very very much! Do you own more then one bathing suit? Nope. Is there any alcohol in the fridge? Yeah, but none I like. Who have you recently made up with after fighting? Nobody. Who do you WANT to make up with? Jason. Megan. Do you get scared easily? Hm. It really depends on the situation. Have you seen UP? Never the full movie, actually. I need to. How many coats of mascara do you use? I use it so rarely that I barely know. Two, maybe? What’s your favorite bracelet? The one Sara gave me. I used to always wear it, but it's worn down with time and is too loose for me now, so it's just with my jewelry. What color hair does your mom have? It's naturally gray now, but she dyes it black. Favorite song to listen to when you are mad? "Headache" by Motionless In White does it. What restaurant would you want to work at? NONE. I ain't working with hungry people. I don't want to work with people - period. When people ask “how are you?” do you say “good” even if you aren’t? Depends on who's asking. If it's a stranger or someone I barely know, odds are I'm just going to reply with "fine" or something like that. Were you honestly a good kid? Yes. Is anything wrong with your eyes? I have to wear glasses, so. Have you kissed or hugged anyone today? No. What is your mom’s and dad’s favorite TV show? I don't really know for either. Mom watches loads of shows, and I don't live with Dad, so. I know he really likes The Big Bang Theory, though, which Mom also loves. Have you ever suspected your mom or dad of having an affair? No, but ~supposedly~, Dad did with his now-wife. I don't know what the fuck is true between my parents, though. Do you think buying second hand clothes is gross? It depends on the type of clothing (ex., used underwear is a huge fucking no), as well as the state it's in. Does it gross you out when your parents kiss? They're divorced. That would be incredibly weird, uncomfortable, and impossible with how I know at least Mom feels towards Dad. Do you have a playlist made on YouTube? Yeah, multiple. Do you like dollar stores? I mean, sure? They have good deals occasionally and are a good option to stop for a quick snack or something. Mom doesn't actually *shop* in them, though. What’s the last thing you bought from one? I think a honeybun. Do you think it’s weird how babies are made? Well, yeah. Science can be crazy, though. Have you ever lost a friend over the opposite sex? No. Are you comfortable in a short skirt? I wouldn't be comfortable in ANY skirt. Do you and your family go on a vacation ever year? We essentially never do. Vacations cost money. We don't have money to spare. When you were going out with your last ex and you had the chance to date your celebrity crush, would you have left your bf/gf for them? No, because it's not like I know him personally, while I know her very deeply. Who was your most romantic moment with? Jason. Do you sweat easily? Like you wouldn't BELIEVE. A side effect of one (or even multiple) of my meds is hyperhidrosis, so I can sweat an ocean in two minutes, it seems. It's disgusting, and I am so self-conscious about it. What’s one memory you wish would just vanish? Just a specific moment with Jason that is particularly agonizing to recall. Are you in love with someone? No. Partying or watching a movie? Partying isn't my thing. I'd have more fun watching a movie with friends. What pisses you off the most? Child molesters/rapists, probably. Where do you want to be at a year from now? I just want a job by then, dude. I also hope I've lost a lot of weight. Do you like pickles? Only dill pickles. If you saw someone broken down on the side of the road, would you stop to help? Honestly, no. I don't trust people. What do you do with your plastic grocery bags after you unload your things? We put our plastic bags into one big bag for later use. Have you ever slept in a water bed? Yes. How often do you use Flickr? I don't. I only ever check my friend's for meerkat photos, ha ha. Share three nice memories you have of the person you fell hardest for. No, unless you want me to cry. Have you ever made any of your friends cry? Not deliberately of course, but yes. Do you look decent in your most recent photograph? God no, I look high. Out of all the guys you know, who would you trust to not cheat on you? Girt. I know he never would, especially because HE'S been cheated on. How do you plan on disciplining your children? NOT by physical means, I can tell you that much. If I actually had kids, I'd teach them through (hopefully) primarily deeply talking things out. If need be, there'd be time out, grounding, things like that. I do NOT support methods like spanking your kid, so that's a big no. If you could live in another country, would you? What country? Yes; Canada. If you could change your name, what would you change it to? Quinn, probably. What’s one health problem you wish you didn’t have? It's a tie between depression and anxiety. What is your cure for hiccups? NOTHING works for me. It's the worst. Did you ever do anything in class that annoyed other students? I mean, I don't think so. Have you used a Ouija board and had a freaky experience with it? I've never messed with one, and I don't want to. I don't know if I believe in their supernatural abilities or not, but I ain't fuckin around and finding out. Do you stick with a political party, or vote for who you like best? I pick based on their policies and morals, not necessarily their party. Do you know anyone who is an albino? No. Word search or crossword puzzle? Word searches. When you watch a game show, do you like to see people win or lose? Aw, who wants to see them lose? It's great to see people win and be so excited. Do you have a pair of fake redneck, vampire, etc. teeth? No. What is your favorite Pixar film? Finding Nemo. Do you get really mad when you lose a game? Not at all. I'm not very competitive, and games are about having fun. When was the last time you used a pay phone? I actually don't think I ever have. Who did you have your most amazing kiss with? Jason. Do you go to church every Sunday? I never go to church as I'm not religious. If you had to get famous for one of the following, which would you choose: music, acting, writing, modeling? Writing. What do you think of girls with huge boobs that don’t wear bras in public? Who the fuck cares. If they're comfortable and at least have a shirt on, let 'em. Most women have breasts, big whoop. Do you even like politics? God no. What’s it like at raves? Oh god, I'd never go. Have you ever had a dream in which you were making out, or more, with someone? lol yes
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I ask you a question. You answer a question. Repeat.
Easy peasy lemon squeezy! Although lemons are sour and I'm sweet
What are three shows in your watchlist that you’ve been meaning to get to?
Surprisingly none! I stick with my favorites, well, I am catching up on The Good Doctor right now.
Describe your favorite pair of socks
Thick fuzzy ones, they're gray knit with soft fluffy insides and have polar bear faces sewed onto the front.
Do you like smoothies?
Mhm! I make a banana/strawberry/blueberry/spinach one everyday.
What do you wear when you have to dress nicely?
I have some nice pants + shirt/vest duo as well as a nice navy lace dress, just depends on what I want to wear.
How do you like your eggs?
Scrambled, fried, and hard boiled in that order.
What do you use to keep your place when you’re reading a book?
I fold the corner. Blasphemy I know.
What color dominates your closet?
Black or blue.
Do you collect anything? If so, what?
Hmm I used to collect funko pop's but I only collected the ones I liked and now I have them. I guess I don't collect much, sometimes shells from beaches and stuff.
What sounds or scents calm you down?
There's a specific frog audio that my mom played for me when I was very young that helped me sleep, it's turned into a comfort sound for me now. Lavender or the perfume my mom uses is also comforting.
What’s your favorite kind of uquiz question? (Lyric, color, aesthetic, etc)
I like aesthetic with pictures. I can't read to save my life.
Do you wear glasses or contacts?
Nope, although I have a feeling I might need some.
What’s something about your best friend that you love?
Even if we're hours apart I still get to spend more time with them than anyone else. They take the time to talk to me and I'm always eager to relax and hang out with them. They're so smart and even helped me with a subject I struggle in.
Do you prefer to write in pen or pencil?
Pen, if I'm writing in pencil I have to be using a mechanical one.
What are some places where you feel most at home?
My bed and room, anywhere soft and cozy. The beach too.
Do you have any houseplants? Do any of them have names?
I only have one and it's an aloe plant I keep in my room. It doesn't have a name.
Describe your favorite hoodie. How long have you had it? What makes it unique?
AH okay my favorite one currently! It's a light blue hoodie from Tilly's that says "Stay away please and thank you" and I absolutely live in it. Had it for a few months now.
What’s the last thing you ordered online?
Skyward Sword HD!
What’s one historical event that you would have liked to have witnessed?
Bit morbid but either the Salem Witch Trials, Black Plague, or the disappearing of one of the British Colonies.
What’s your favorite Halloween costume from when you were a kid?
I dressed as Ariel a lot, I want to say I dressed as Merida in elementary as well.
What kind of math are you best at?
Angles and Shapes.
What’s your favorite period in art history, your favorite famous work and/or your favorite style of art? If you don’t know any that’s ok!
Well, I don't know the period of art but anything that has to do with water color I adore.
Iced or hot drinks?
Hmm Iced.
Which songs do you like to sing in the shower?
Um not many sadly. Was teased for doing that so I quit years ago.
Are you a good driver?
LMAO NO, I'm learning soon but I have run over a tree on a golf cart among many other things.
Do you have any piercings or tattoos? Are there any that you want?
Only one lobe pierced, my right one. There's a handful of tattoo's I want if I wasn't a pussy, as well as piercings. Lip and tongue definitely, nipples, more on my ears, I don't like anything too drastic I'd probably just keep studs or small hoops.
Can you cook or bake? If so, what are some of your specialties?
Mhm! I bake super good brownies and my favorite thing to cook is either meat rice balls or omelets.
Do you have any keychains on your home or car keys? Describe them!
Oh I have MANY. I keep a green rupee chain on my key, I have a Legend snack keychain, a Four Sword, Minish Cap Link, and Vaati on my backpack. Purse has Midna and Wild as well as Toon Zelda.
Can you swim very well? Do you like swimming?
I can swim, not gracefully, but I certainly won't drown. I do like to swim!
Did you play with Legos as a kid? What was your favorite set?
HELL YEAH I DID! Ninjago my beloved! My favorite set I owned is probably, well it ties between, The Monastery and the Destiny's Bounty, and my original first season sets are Cole's Earth Drill from Season 2 and my Ratla Bike from Season 1!
Is your closet organized? If so, how?
At one house absolutely not. At the other I have my dresser in one half, shirts hung on other, folded sheets on the closet floor + a bin for old stuffed animals.
What’s the last music video you watched?
Umm I think Bottom of the Deep Blue by MISSIO? I'm not one for music videos but it was in a playlist.
If you could dye your hair any color, regardless of how you think it would look, what color would you choose?
Oh man I've done this so many times. I'd go for a purple again or a deep ocean blue.
Headphones or earbuds?
HEADPHONES, hands down, 100%
Can you read analog clocks?
Yup! Surprisingly I was one of two people who could read one in a class so I was dubbed the time keeper.
Describe your favorite stuffed animal, either now or from when you were a kid.
I have two. One is a sesame street character I've had for years. His fur is matted down and he has been patched up so many times. I also have a newer Toothless plush I love.
What’s an arcade or table game (air hockey, ping pong, etc) that you’re really good at?
Air Hockey, I kick ASS at that!
Do you mind if others are in the kitchen when you’re cooking or baking?
Not at all! So long as I don't accidentally bump them all will go smooth.
What’s one show you watch or musician you listen to that your friends know nothing about?
Hmm probably music by John Powell or Rozen.
What was the best part of your day today?
Getting to hang out with my favorite Toad, hands down. They bring so much joy!
What’s your favorite kind of tree?
Birch or Weeping Willow. Basic bitch I know.
What scent is your deodorant?
Fucking uhh pomegranate or something?
Do you have any games on your phone? If so, which one(s) is/are your favorite?
I do yup! I like Axalochi and Bubble Pop
Do you shower with the lights on or off?
ON?? PEOPLE SHOWER WITH LIGHTS OFF?? It could be broad daylight and I still turn the light on.
What do you do with spare change?
Save it in jars. I kid you not.
Do you have good handwriting?
Ehhh it's not the best but it's not the worst.
What’s the last thing a friend recommended to you that you looked into and actually liked?
Heheh, Zelda/Zelda ships. So fucking good.
Do you like to go on walks?
Yes! Depending on who I'm with I love to.
Do you have a favorite plate or bowl?
Hmm no I don't think so. I do have favorite silverware though.
What’s your favorite thing to do when it’s raining?
Stay inside, open a window to listen, and chat with my friends or draw.
Describe your perfect sleeping conditions
Cold, bundled in blankets, hood pulled up and sock on, cuddled up to a pillow or someone I love. Cat resting on my chest or curled up against my tummy if I'm laying on my side.
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url song titles game
Rules: spell out your url with song titles, then tag as many people as there are letters in your url
thanks for the tag, @i-am-just-a-kiddo! I am always ready to talk about music
Absolutely not tagging 22 people because I am a sensible person and that would be crazy, but @circumference-pie, @tofufei, @angelxhunter, @ahlanzhan, here’s a tag if you’d like to share!
Generally pulling from songs I’ve listened to recently, though a person only has so many v- and y- and u- songs. If something comes up from 2009 we get what we get ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Read on for commentary
N – Nothing is Safe by clipping. – forever thinking about the line “truth like death comes for everyone” in the context of LYB
O – Out Like a Light 2 by The Honeysticks and Ricky Montgomery – the original version of this song is a classic for me but this version, uh, changes the meaning of the lyrics a bit
T – Tactics by Japanese Breakfast – currently reading Michelle Zauner’s memoir (Crying in H Mart), so I’ve had the whole Jubilee album on repeat to get in the mood
S – Sinnerman by Nina Simone – a masterpiece, need I say more
A – Agnes by Glass Animals - not sure if I can articulate all I feel for this song in anything shorter than a novella, will not attempt
Y – You Wouldn’t Like Me cover by Sleeping At Last – every song is improved if it’s covered by Sleeping At Last, send tweet
I – Il male è grande e vasto by Na Sang Jin and Park Se Jun - asdfghkjl this is from the Vincenzo soundtrack... say what you will about the show itself, but the soundtrack fucking slaps and I will put that on my gravestone (I beg thee, how often must one make a playlist called ‘songs that make me want to join an international crime syndicate specifically so I can play them while doing bad deeds’?)
N – Nước chảy hoa trôi (Reborn) by Nguyễn Trần Trung Quân – I watched the music video so many times when it first came out that now I need only throw the song on to enjoy a little screening inside my brain! Love when that happens
G – Gang Gang Schiele by HYUKOH - I started listening to them idly while working a few days ago. It started out as “sounds like a good vibe” and then it became “a lot of these songs are actually really great” and now it is “I think I need to consume their entire discography”
R – Rainy Night in Georgia by Brook Benton – when I was much younger, I would put this song on during early morning workouts, which makes no sense because it is the definitional opposite of a workout song
E – Extrication by SHIO 郭修彧 – I quietly associate this song with The Ghost Bride for reasons that aren’t clear to me. Did I maybe see a video with this song for that show? Am I imagining things? Who knows, certainly not me
V – Vanderlyle Crybaby Geeks by The National – prime example of how I choose most songs based on vibes alone. I don’t even want to look at the lyrics because it would ruin the experience
O – Oh You Are Not Well by Chloe Foy – what it says on the tin! I particularly like the folk elements of this one
L – Le pré des corbeaux by Maxenss – this song feels like summer but is textually not very much about summer at all
U – Under My Skin by Jukebox The Ghost – I’ve been listening to them for quite a while and I keep thinking they’re going to break into mainstream pop and I won’t be cool anymore
T – Tujhe Dekha To by Lata Mangeshkar and Kumar Sanu – from Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge, which I have not watched in I don’t even know how long but remember liking
I – I Of The Storm by Of Monsters and Men – "Little Talks" was the anthem of my mid-teenage years. Since then, I’ve come to appreciate the rest of their work on multiple levels. Also, the music video for this song moves me to tears every time I watch it
O – Oh my god by (G)I-DLE – I heard this soon after it was released two Aprils ago and had a “wait... did I just hear a she pronoun???” kind of moment. I appreciate the aesthetics of the music video as well
N – Nar_C by Holland – my experience with Holland began with “the first openly gay k-pop idol? Yes let’s see what he has” and is now “I will listen to anything he creates and also I would die for him”
B – Bad Dreams (Stripped) by Faouzia – despite being obsessed with her voice, I actually haven’t listened to much of her work beyond this song? Gotta get on that. Nevertheless, the powerful vocals + piano makes an excellent combination in this version
U – Underdog by Mayaeni – another artist who I would like to explore more! I connect a lot to the lyrics of this one
T – The Way You Felt (你的目光) by Alec Benjamin – linking the Mandarin version because 1) I like it more than the English version and 2) I more often hear songs that are translated from their original language into English. This is one of the few (contemporary) English bops that I’ve seen a mainstream artist intentionally release in another language and I do respect Alec Benjamin for that
(this got real long, shoutout to anyone who read to the end <3)
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i-am-just-a-kiddo · 4 years
thanks for tagging me @vishcount, as always 💕
rules: answer 30 questions and tag however many blogs you want!
name: just kiddo on here 
gender: blob
star sign: leo
height: 164 cm
time: 15:26 o’clock as i am answering this question
birthday: 28th july 
favorite bands: okay here we go, it’s gonna be a huge list:
Epik High, BTS, The Smiths, My Chemical Romance, Son Lux, MUSE, The Cure, SHINee, QUEEN, HYUKOH, Placebo, Nell, Karpe Diem, Daughter, Low Roar, Arcade Fire, Japanese Breakfast, The Smashing Pumpkins, Brockhampton, Lucidvox
favorite solo artists: Code Kunst, Heize, Phum Viphurit, Vaundy, Meryem Aboulouafa, joji, keshi, Frank Ocean, Tamino, Gazelle, Nas, Enny Owl, Yseult, Suran and any other solo projects from above mentioned groups 
last movie: Over The Moon (2020), which was very sweet and unique, i had fun
last show: Alice In Borderland which i binged last weekend; though i have been watching the weekly updates for Druck, Manner Of Death, Follow My Sunshine and Color Rush. Also i rewatched the last episode of Strangers From Hell on tuesday.
when did i create this blog: summer of 2013
what i post: my fandoms, art, history stuff, aesthetics, occasional memes and just anything that comes up and i like? politics sometimes too
last thing i googled: worm on a string (my sister did not know what that was so i had to show her fghjkl) 
other blogs: a kpop blog, a writing blog that i don’t use anymore, another inspiration blog that is dead and recently i started a history blog but i have done nothing with it
do i get asks: not really no
why i chose my url: i was i 14-15, obsessed with the song I’m Just A Kid by Simple Plan and was going through rough times, so here i am. 
following: 492
followers: 466
instruments: phew, nothing tbh. i once tried the violin when i was little for 1,5 years but i gave it up. i also went to a course for the djembé, which was actually a lot of fun? but i never owned one so i just stopped at some point. other than that we had to learn the harmonica in school and i went to the music-branch in middleschool which was very silly because i am not talented in music and i still don’t know the musical scale fghjk. so i was just singing in the choir and now i know that i can’t live without music, but i don’t want to make it myself.
what i am wearing: black turtle neck under a woolen black pullover, high waisted blue-green plait skirt that reaches my shins, black stockings
dream job(s): author, researcher at some uni, working in uni in general? might even be professor for this
dream trip: phew. the whole world? definitely the whole of asia from west to east from north to south; specific mentions is Gyeongju in S. Korea, Kyoto in Japan,  Kathmandu in Nepal, Istanbul in Turkey  and I really really want to travel the Transsibirian Railway? I also really want to travel through Mongolia and Siberia. New Zealand and Australia for sure, that has been my dream for ages. Cairo in Egypt, Addis Abeba in Ethiopia. Canada and Alaska. the list goes on and on and on
favorite foods: and kind of salad, pasta, sushi, pizza, ratatouille, korean and chinese food (probably not authentic but it’s all i know), pad thai, my grandma’s cooking
nationality: irrelevant but ig european 
favorite song: the tree songs i currently listen to a lot is chlorine by twenty one pilots, the entierty of the strangers from hell soundtrack but especially room no. 303 by the vane, and everything by enny owl, but especially ribcaged.
last book i read: boy. i read only uni stuff. but i read The Clouds Float North - The Complete Poems of Yu Xuanji, translated by David Young and Jiann I. Lin. I can recommend it dearly, it’s a bilingual edition and her poems are so beautiful. 
Am gonna count  Recasting Antiquity: Ancient Bronzes and Ritual Hermeneutics in the Song Dynasty by Jeffrey Moser, eventhough it’s a dissertation. 
top 3 fictional universes i’d like to live in: 1.) Harry Potter, because that’s what I grew up with and I would still choose from all the worlds. It always feels like home. 2.) Avatar: The Last Airbender - another thing I grew up with and I would adore. I wouldn’t need to have any adventures, i wish i could just bend elements and chill my life. 3.) Eragon (Inheritance Cycle). This one is just goals. Dragons?! Dragons. Please gimme.
tagging: everyone i am tagging is of course not obligated but am just putting here who i love getting to know better: @the-cloud-whisperer, @sassyassassy, @cortue, @intyalote, @isabellaofparma
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moonlightjeno · 4 years
Also Luna, 8, 6, 31? Pretty please for Hyuck? 🥺🥺🤧
ahhh im sorry this took so long ! and that it isn’t as long as the other one 😔but i hope you enjoy it either way. 
𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬: [1. college!au] + [9. meet cute] + [22.  “you never saw me.”]
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: f l u f f and full on crackheads
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College since the day you walked through the gated doors had been a whirlwind of things you’d expected and new ideas and experiences that never seemed to fail to amaze you. 
You had always wondered if life did really change once one entered college or university people tended to have different names for the same thing all around the world. A slight inconvenience you thought, it didn’t really make much sense why one would name the same thing more than one way. But at the same time maybe people just wanted more options, to choose to be free of what they chose and what exactly they wanted to be to study. It made sense, just like you had managed to get into your top college, the majors and talents you would see around you never failed to amaze you.
What was the most surprising thing, well maybe not the most remarkable because it was something you had seen and read multiple times over and over again in movies and books. The overworked students, who would walk around zombie-like through campus that included you. you were waiting in line by the campus cafe, the all-nighter you’d had to pull to finish the paper on the history of music had worn you out. Which is how you found yourself at four am, in the cafe that was open at all hours of the day specifically for those students who would be in desperate need of an energy boost at late or early mornings.
The soft aesthetic of the place made you feel warm and comfortable, you visited and stayed in the cafe often enough that it had become a sort of second home.
The soft instrumental music that played in the background seemed to blend into your muddled thoughts as they replayed what Beethoven managed to do and compose at the age of... you couldn’t quite remember. you ordered your usually a hot chocolate with a shot of espresso; you weren’t one for straight black coffee, especially in the midst of winter. The barista looked like he was about to pass out, his dyed hair hanging low at his eyes, and you were almost sure that we would pass out while making your drink. the snap of your fingers in front of him seemed to wake him up from the light daze he appeared to be in as he hummed some melodic tune. it didn’t match the music that played in the cafe, which made you intrigued as to what song the boy was humming to himself, purple hair, and tan skin swaying from side to side.
“hot choco with an espresso shot,” the boy called from the counter, the two of you were the only ones in the cafe, and you walked over ready to pick up your drink.
“wait” the boy before you take the cup back, a look of confusion and slight disgust at your choice of beverage “why the fuck is their espresso in this?” you couldn’t help but laugh. you were pretty sure it was the sleep deprivation that was getting to you as you took the drink from his hands, “because some of us have got to finish essays at four am” you snapped back, humor scattered throughout your words. a little hmmph, and shake of your head is the response you get, but you don’t seem to want to leave just yet.
“but what about coke with syrup?” and now it’s your turn to look at him like he’s grown another head, “bro the fuck?”
“hey, if you can have chocolate with espresso then i can drink my coke and syrup if not” he pretends to go down the stairs behind the counter and you burst into laughter almost spilling your drink, “you never saw me”
you see, the purple hair appears a couple of seconds later in the middle of your fits of laughter, and now you really don’t want to go back to our dorm and continue working on whatever the fuck beethoven did.
"im y/n" your hand is outstretched.
"haechan" he wraps his own around yours, smile widening. 
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dude, idk what this is but it’s a mess. i still hope you liked it even a lil. hugs to you. 
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razanartuk · 3 years
about me tag game thing
i was tagged by the wonderful @nothingunrealistic! thank you very much ily <3
under read more bc i was not capable of keeping my answers brief this time around
why did you choose your url?
this...was supposed to be a short explanation but it turned into quite a tale so strap in i guess because we are going on a ride. back in 2017 i was just getting into musical theatre rp and i was still feeling too shy to really talk to anyone ooc so i would just wait for people i wanted to interact with to post starter calls so i could just do things in character with them the easy way. So i did this with my friend cam, who posted a starter for me using a lyric from If I Could Tell Her. she linked the song so i could listen to it, so i did and i went ‘wait a minute, is that Ben Platt from Pitch Perfect?? (and other things too, but i only recognized his voice at the time bc of the acappella girl movies)’ and yes it certainly was.
i had zero idea what the plot of Dear Evan Hansen was about at that point, and for some reason based off Just That One Song and the poster art of who i assumed was Some Guy in a Polo Shirt i started to think it was about some jock guy who broke his arm and had an emo/goth friend who had either died or gone missing under mysterious circumstances. also i intuited that Evan had a crush on his friend’s sister but he couldn’t tell her that directly or his emo friend would kick his ass. so i was like mostly wrong, but a little bit right.
oh and i knew jared and alana were characters from the show bc cam said that they were i think?? but i had no idea what their role was. so after listening to if i could tell her, i listened to good for you and all i really got out of that was that evan the apparently not-jock guy had done...something... that really hurt jared and alana. and at that point i finally decided to go look up a plot synopsis and i found out i was waaay off base. but honestly this is why cast recordings should include scene dialogue in the songs bc otherwise you just get soundtracks like dear evan hansen where the songs have like. zero context. we really just go from waving through a window to for forever to sincerely me without like. any reason as to what is happening huh. It’s honestly not a surprise anymore that all those people on twitter had no idea the plot isn’t about gay teenagers.
anyways. cam was writing jared and she made a post at one point about wishing somebody would write alana and i was like ‘oh i could do that!’ (after i had actually Seen a bootleg and finally knew what the whole story was, of course) so i made a multimuse rp blog featuring alana beck, nabulungi hatimbi, chloe valentine and some other characters, and cam started sharing her headcanons with me that alana is trans, jared and alana were close friends when they were little kids but they sort of drifted apart as they got older and their priorities in life changed, jared was the first person alana came out to when she realized she’s trans, etc.
one night i started talking about wanting to pick a more theatre-relevant url for my blog and trans-[character name] urls were getting pretty popular, and at least 3 of the friends i made through rp had changed theirs to coordinating trans-[character name] and i think it was cam suggested i should make mine be trans-alana so i did. eventually i realized the unhyphenated version was available so i changed it to transalana with no hyphen and i have lived here ever since. sometimes i think about changing it but i feel like transalana has become a part of My Brand and i am not so great with coming up with cool names for things.
any side blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them
in theory, i have sideblogs... i don’t really use them, but of the ones i do have, there is:
emsbookblog - this was supposed to be where i would post excerpts of the book that i’m working on, but i think i did that maybe one time roughly 2 years ago and then promptly forgot about it/got nervous about my writing and was scared to share anything else. the rest of the stuff that is there is assorted writing tips. i don’t really know what to do with it now. i probably should post all my little thoughts about em and anita and caleb there instead of infodumping on my main from time to time, but if i do that then i have to promo a sideblog and direct people over to it which is always annoying to me when i could just do it on this blog which is much easier
dearnovelhansen - this is basically no longer used, but was a sideblog i made specifically to talk/complain about the novel adaptation of Dear Evan Hansen which was about 3 years ago?? maybe? i can’t be trusted to understand the passage of time. but to summarize: i thought it was an honor just to have the story be made more accessible since many of us couldn’t see the stage performance, but i hated a lot of the creative liberties that were taken. my main grumbles are that everyone who isn’t evan or connor is done so dirty in the novel. connor’s still kind of done dirty in the book, but not as much as like. heidi, alana, jared, and zoe are.
horseisle3 - this one was meant to be a place where i could just enthusiastically post screenshots from hi3, but instead it turned into a blog where i occasionally reblog other players’ hi3 content and bitch about how bad the game admins are bc hi3 is the tumblr famous (infamous?) homophobic horse game. the game where it was once okay to call your club store the gulag bc according to their head of hr, ‘it’s just a russian word for prison’ but you can’t say ‘im gay’ without somebody accusing you of corrupting young children who play the game. unfortunately there aren’t very many good interactive horse games out there, so this one is still about as good as it gets. it’s either that or star stable and i don’t care about star stable.
mlaenie - i’ve had this url saved for i don’t even know how long. way way way back in the day when i wanted to escape from the clutches of the onceler fandom i abandoned my first blog where i basically had an alter ego i guess?? and i decided to just be myself on the new blog. i don’t fully remember who came up with it, but one of my sister’s mutuals suggested that if you scrambled the letters in your name you could come up with aesthetic-looking urls. so lauren’s url became lrauen, and to match with her mine became mlaenie, which i abandoned on tumblr after about a year or so? but have continued to use as my main username on twitter, reddit, youtube, xbox, steam, and discord. i barely ever use any of these accounts aside from twitter, steam, and xbox, but yeah. so i’ve decided to try and turn this empty sideblog into a place for video game thoughts maybe. we’ll see how long it lasts this time around.
how long have you been on tumblr?
i made my first tumblr account in december of 2010, but i didn’t understand how to use it at all or how to customize my theme to look cool and unique so i quickly abandoned it. i made a new account in september of 2011 after some kids at school and my sister told me i should and i have been trapped here with varying degrees of activity/inactivity ever since. i have witnessed the rise and fall of the lorax/onceler fandom, hyperfocused on lord of the rings, star wars and back to the future all at the same time, and for the past 4 years i’ve mostly been a musical theatre blog with assorted other fandom stuff mixed in. i feel i have seen everything and nothing, but mostly i’m just tired and bored.
do you have a queue tag?
no bc i don’t use a queue. i’ve tried using it in the past but i irrationally feel pressured to sustain a coherent theme to queued posts and my brain simply does not vibe with that so i just don’t use it at all anymore. Instead i instantly reblog or post several unrelated thoughts in succession and then don’t post again at all for 3 days. the way god intended
why did you start your blog in the first place?
my very first blog was intended to be a place for me to post all of my petz 5 animals’ profile info, but i didn’t have any understanding of how coding worked at all and i don’t think i really wanted to learn, either. so it just sat there, unused. my second attempt at blogging was as a classic rock fandom person, so as you can probably imagine i was pretty pretentious about ‘modern pop’ vs the beatles, the rolling stones, the who, the monkees, and so on. and then i slowly devolved into a lorax fandom blog and everything went to shit so i made a new blog for lord of the rings/the hobbit which later evolved to include star wars and back to the future blogging. and then for the past 4 years i’ve been mainly a musical theatre blog with other random stuff i like thrown haphazardly into the pot. wonderful.
why did you choose your icon/pfp?
because my url is transalana and two of my most prominent lgbt headcanons are that alana beck is trans and a lesbian. i gotta be shouting out @kinqmike though bc she’s the one i adopted the trans alana beck headcanon from in the first place!
why did you choose your header?
in 2017 i was hyperfixating on Dear Evan Hansen (and Be More Chill, but there weren’t many gif-able videos then considering it ran for a month in New Jersey in 2015 and there was only one yet-to-resurface 35 minute bootleg) so i just grabbed a random gif off of google. i really should get to replacing it with a new header of my own though. i just don’t know what i should do for it.
what’s your post with the most notes?
i have lost track of how many notes it has (i think it’s somewhere around 200 now?) but when Will Roland and George Salazar performed Two Player Game on Good Morning America, i posted a screencap of their Jeremy and Michael along with that one quiz answer meme that says stuff like ‘i want to see it grow up healthy’. i didn’t tag it with any ship names or anything because i was anxious about having it show up in the tags, but somebody who reblogged it from me did tag it as boyf riends and i firmly believe it took off because of that. i don’t think i make posts that are relevant enough to amass thousands of notes, even by accident. which is probably a good thing bc if i did i would have to block so many of them.
how many followers do you have?
on this blog? 175 according to the counter. how many of those are still real people and how many are bots and abandoned accounts? i have no idea.
how many people do you follow?
i try to keep it somewhere around 200. i think i’m sitting at 180 right now but i kind of need to go through and clear out the really inactive blogs.
have you made a shitpost?
let’s think about this for a second. i’ve been on tumblr for nearly 10 years. you might even be able to say i’ve made more than one. they’re just not what you would call...popular shitposts.
how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ post?
that stuff makes me so incredibly anxious that i have to fight the urge to want to yeet my laptop or mobile device through the closest window whenever i read it, so i try very hard to avoid any sort of ‘if you don’t reblog this, i’m judging you’ posts. i find them very manipulative and not particularly helpful
do you like tag games?
yeah babey!! i just frequently forget to do them, but please know that if you have ever tagged me in a tag game i felt incredibly touched by the gesture and the @mention even if i completely forgot to do the thing afterward
do you like ask games?
i do! but also rip to literally anyone who has ever sent me an ask meme bc it takes me so long to answer them. i’m still working on a micro fic prompt from a few weeks ago. also, horrified to realized that it has in fact been a few weeks and not 3 days anymore.
which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
i don’t know that any are tumblr famous as a whole. but probably @neverheardnothing
do you have a crush on a mutual?
in any sort of romantic connotation? no. not that i’m aware of. there are mutuals that i have friend crushes on where i want to be friends with them but i get so anxious when it comes to meeting new people that usually nothing ever comes of it. i’m really not good at small talk or other casual conversation either which, as you may or may not be able to imagine, sucks. i just wanna skip over all of the awkward introductions and ‘hey how are you, how is life, what are you doing with yourself?’ stuff. not because i don’t care about it. i do, but i think most of my friends/the people i want to be my friends are also depressed and anxious so asking these basic questions about life tends to uh. make us all nervous. and i don’t do much with my life so i always have the most boring answers anyways.
i’m not tagging anyone officially bc the @ thing has just completely given up on me at this point, but if you want to do it, go for it. and then say i tagged you so i can read it c:
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hunxi-guilai · 4 years
ask lightning round, the musical version
folks keep sending me song recs, and I always feel like I have to retaliate in kind, so here we go:
(aka all the song-themed asks in my inbox right now)
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This is it, boys, this is war
What are we waiting for?
Why don't we break the rules already?
I was never one to believe the hype
Save that for the black and white
Try twice as hard and I'm half as liked
But here they come again to jack my style...
And that's alright
I found a martyr in my bed tonight 
She stops my bones from wondering
Just who I, who, I, who I am
Oh, who am I?
...well-played, anon, well-played. I haven’t thought about this song in years but it’s such a bop.
In return, may I offer for your consideration, “Oblivion” by Bastille?
Are you going to age with grace?
Are you going to age without mistakes?
When oblivion is calling out your name
You always take it further
than I ever can
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...so my anons continue to have zero chill, because holy shit:
我看到爸爸妈妈就这么走远 / I see mom and dad, walking into the distance
留下我在这陌生的人世间 / leaving me alone in this strange world
不知道未来还会有什么风险 / not knowing what dangers the future brings
我想要紧紧抓住他的手 / I want to cling tightly to their hands
妈妈告诉我希望还会有 / my mother tells me that there will still be hope
看到太阳出来妈妈笑了天亮了/ seeing the sun come out -- my mother smiles -- the sky lightens
in return, I offer you 岑参, by 不才:
新人旧酒 / New people, old wine
何忍红烛光冷透 / How does one bear the cold that passes through red glow of candles
可盼我归来 魂兮徘徊 贺携手 / Awaiting my return -- O soul, pacing back and forth -- celebrating when we can hold each other’s hands
君归未归 / as for your return -- you’ve yet to return
不忍看辰宿列张  / I can’t bear looking at the arrayed constellations
谁念过 千字文章 秋收冬已藏  / who recited a thousand words and essays, collected in autumn, hidden in winter?
前尘已忘 / A previous life, already forgotten
问山问水未还乡 / I ask the mountains, ask the waters, why you have yet to return home
秋已过 冬来小雪 落在谁发上 / autumn passes -- whose hair do the winter snows land upon?
黄泉路上 / Is the road down to underworld
是否独行路漫长 / long and endless when travelled alone?
恨只恨 我来不及 陪你走这趟 / I only resent that I was too late to accompany you on this journey
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Glory and gore go hand in hand 
That's why we're making headlines 
You could try and take us 
But victory's contagious 
Delicate in every way but one (the swordplay) 
God knows we like archaic kinds of fun (the old way) 
Chance is the only game I play with, baby 
We let our battles choose us
...if that ain’t a goddaMN SUNSHOT WANGXIAN MOOD WOW ANON
In retaliation, I’m going to hit you with "Believer” by Imagine Dragons, but the acoustic version, because I can, and because the entire song manages to work perfectly for battle couple wangxian as well:
First things first 
I'mma say all the words inside my head 
I'm fired up and tired of the way that things have been, oh ooh
The way that things have been, oh ooh 
 Second things second 
Don't you tell me what you think that I could be 
I'm the one at the sail, I'm the master of my sea, oh ooh 
The master of my sea, oh ooh 
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Okay, okay, so I know the lyrics that usually smack people in the face with songxiao feels are:
I couldn't utter my love when it counted 
Ah, but I'm singing like a bird 'bout it now
And I couldn't whisper when you needed it shouted 
Ah, but I'm singing like a bird 'bout it now
but please take a moment to consider:
I fled to the city with so much discounted 
Ah, but I'm flying like a bird to you now
Back to the hedgerows where bodies are mounted 
Ah, but I'm flying like a bird to you now
(distant yelling about Yi City while listening to “Shrike”)
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hi there! I don’t know of any specific references or established literary metaphors associated with a boat in mist, aside from the fact that it’s Highly Aesthetic. I think part of it is the prevalence of water/rivers as both imagery and metaphor in Chinese literature (滚滚长江东逝水,恰是一江春水向东流, etc etc), as well as the fact that Wei Wuxian is affiliated with Yunmeng Jiang, which has got plenty of rivers and boats and mists curling gently off of the waters in the morning.
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dykeceit · 4 years
janus' playlist not-really-analysis just me screaming
so first of all this whole playlist absolutely SLAPS, its the first side playlist that's just my taste and it doesnt surprise me that it's janus' bc of course it is i am absolutely 100% more attracted to him now somehow,
im absolutely not okay and this isn't gonna be articulate in any way but i. have to.
1. black hole sun
???hes sad?? apparently its about depression with some sexy snake metaphors....maybe hes just sad in general or he misses virgil. also postmodern jukebox hell yeah
2. it seemed the better way
this feels like it could be about patton or like thinking one thing and then realizing its not true ig could be that w society in general or people...him developing his trust issues possibly "i better hold my tongue, i better take my place" or like oh the other sides hate me ig ill be a villain then...
3. anywhere
janus sanders says fuck capitalism!
4. talking at the same time
eat the rich,,,virgil left me:(
5. all the good girls go to hell
he's needed and the others are starting to realize it. hes quite smug abt it "my turn to ignore ya, don't say i didn't warn ya" damn right boy
6. denial
he blasted this song after svs while crying "please don't turn the light out, i don't think the conversation's over" he had to wait almost a year but he finally got to continue that conversation,, "i know where you'd wanna go, oh i do, but do you?"
7. trust in me
i mean yeah sexxy snake moment right here
8. razzle dazzle
so obviously its just his aesthetic tm but the lyrics...are the jabs at roman or himself, perhaps both? i never took him to be very insecure but that's a possibility
9. when the chips are down
basically his speech about society in svs and how he doesn't want thomas to be disadvantaged in it
10. mandy goes to med school
uhhh yeah who knows there's a bit of a i know what im doing jk vibe going on and Doing Harm but the thing itself is necessary to Have yknow right to abortions its just theyre not legal so hes doing them illegally and apparently two ppl died from them so not great,,"my partner brian" at the end made me think of remus tbh "hes a nice man, thoroughly reliable, he's in a rock band" kinda gives off the vibe of eh yeah hes totally reliable lmao dw tho, so basically what im taking from this is dukeceit is canon thanks for coming to my ted talk
11. i put a spell on you
i mean its definetely his Vibes but idk if its @ anyone specifically...could be virgil, could be roman, maybe thomas himself...its a vengeful kinda song, hes like fuck you you're listening to me now im done you treating me like shit
12. evil night together
so aside from this being an extremely hot song its def dukeceit vibes as in they'd both like it but the hero part as others have pointed out is giving out major roceit vibes and thomas and co know this those bastards
13. cabaret: don't tell mama
im assuming this is more of a..this is what he likes to listen to plus its about secrecy which is his thing but i guess "mama" could be someone in particular as well, and/or he could be singing it to someone in particular...
14. you're a cad
bruh. first of i loved this song already secondly iM SORRY THOMAS WHAT ARE YOY IMPLYING HERE like first i was like this isn't abt Him right that wouldn't make sense so is it about...virgil...well ofc it is bruh what the fuck bro....im loving this bc its casting virgil in an unsympathetic light and i love that shit but also its revealing janus still Feels quite a lot for him and idk how to feel abt this i. the part of me that still loves anxceit is screaming and the part of me that hates virgil is also screaming they haven't stopped for a minute-
15. as far as i can see
so dukeceit vibes possibly virgil reference since he "went down the staircase" to his spot,,so basically he and remus maybe virgil and orange too like pushing ppl down the stairs bc they feel unheard
16. criminal
this is where the angst train rly starts choo choo....so. who is he singing about here. my god i want it to be roman so bad but it Could be virgil...which would imply he thinks he's wronged him somehow which would mean virgil has a more valid reason to dislike him and I Don't Like That. but whoever hes singing about is clearly important to him... "he's all i knew of love" bro....that's just screaming virgil right i dont like it op...basically he feels guilty for smth and to be "redeemed". he clearly doesn't need redemption from his canon actions so far, and he hasn't acted like he regrets any of them, which is making me think its abt smth in his past buut maybe he does feel bad for manipulating roman now bc he realized how hurt roman was and thats what i wanna believe it's about ok roceit rights except roman youre a bitch apologise
17. change
this made me fucking lose it bro im still losing it ive lost it. he's not okay and neither am i....bro i didnt think he'd be so....insecure but....i mean all of them seem to be so...but yeah this song is very,,,i have trust issues and im learning to love again vibes and i am crying while my wig is being ripped cruelly from my head....i choose to interpret this as less like ive been bad uwu i can change and be good now and more as ive been too afraid to care bc im so aware of the harm it can do to me but i realized its worth it so im trying now....and i think that's beautiful
18. devil in the details
hes telling thomas to Just Do It. he "made amends in the general sense" but "the devil's in the details" and he "knows the cause" and "wants to stop" but he "just can't do it". this seems kinda like more virgil angsty times for me or maybe the cause is just him being...him and just being well i cant stop being my function so...but he sees it as The Reason theres still animosity even if hes "made amends".
19. come little children
first i was like bruh its a bop but y is it here. but the lyrics are basically repeating how horrible the world is, "murdering beauty and passion", and the singer doesnt have to be killing or kidnapping the kids maybe its just a friendly fae helping some abused kids yknow you never know...basically fae!janus confirmed i know you have connections with them thomas i know you do
20. into the unknown
i like that this is short it kinda feels like hes coming to say okay im done bye after this whole musical that is his playlist. i am ashamed to say im not familiar w the plot of over the garden wall but someone said smth abt killing kids. well yknow how it is sometimes...but yeah very sexy, very fae, i will stan forever etc.
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gamewise · 4 years
Osomatsu-kun Hachamecha Gekijou Review
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(Author’s warning: the following game contains racially insensitive stereotypes. They are not present in these screencaps, and are not the effect of the game’s relatively low score. The game is a product of its time not just on a technical level, but on a cultural level. If you choose to read this review, massive spoiler alert: this is just not a good game, no matter how you slice it.)
In Japan, the Mega Drive debuted in October of 1988 with a whopping two titles available at launch; Space Harrier 2, and Super Thunder Blade. It wouldn’t take long for the humble 16-bit console to get its third title, a licensed game based on the Osomatsu-Kun manga which was about to get a new anime adaptation thanks to its popularity coming back. So you’re probably thinking this is a cheap cash-in title designed to promote the new anime, and I would like to say you’re right, but... actually, no, you’re right. Osomatsu-Kun Hachamecha Gekijou (Little Osomatsu: Nonsensical Theater) is a cheap cash-in that does more harm than good for the Mega Drive.
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Before we dive into this game, let’s talk about Osomatsu-Kun itself. Osomatsu-Kun was a hugely popular manga about a group of trouble making sextuplets, who just so happen to all look the same. The manga ran for a whopping seven years back in the 60′s, receiving an anime adaptation at the peak of its popularity in 1966. In 1988, Studio Pierrot would bring forth a new anime adaptation that would see the sextuplets as side characters, with characters Iyami and Chibita, and their misadventures becoming more of the main focus. So seeing the side characters get thrust into the spotlight because they become popular is definitely nothing new, especially when the original manga did the same! So now that we have a new anime adaptation on the way, what are we getting for our video game cash in?
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Well... just look at it. I know Japan is notorious for making some pretty surreal stuff, but Osomatsu-Kun Hachamecha Gekijou takes the fucking cake. You play as the oldest of the six brothers, and go on a quest to... uh, you know, I don’t think this game really has much of a story to it. You go through three different stages trying to get from point A to point B while you, armed with a slingshot, take out enemies based on other characters in Osomatsu-Kun, a lot of them being Chibita. And yes, you heard right, this game is only 3 stages long, so it should be quick and easy, right? Well... sit down, this game pads itself out in the worst possible way, and it managed to piss me off.
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As you progress through a level, you may think it’s as simple as reaching the end of a stage... it’s not. Remember the infamous maze level in the Japanese Super Mario Bros. 2, or the one in Transformers Comvoy no Nazo? Well, there is a specific route you’re expected to take in this game, and it’s not clear. You’ll play this game going from point A to point B, but once you reach a certain point, the screen will just stop allowing you to move forward. You’ll see yourself before a pit, and think it’s instant death. In this game, it’s not death, it just leads you to a different part of the level. However, the path you need to take is cryptic as hell, and you’ll never know if you’re going the right way. The only way to find out is to take out the correct sub boss. When you do, you’ll see an intermission bumper like you would for anime, and you’ll ask yourself “Wait, am I just going through the first level again?” The answer is partially yes, because remember that point where the screen wouldn’t let you advance? Well, now you will see a platform show up that can take you to a new part of the level, but now you need to find a new path to get to point B. All of this is designed to pad the game’s extraordinarily short length. By short, I mean that if you know your way through all three levels, you can finish this game in about 15 minutes.
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(Thank you to the person who put this shit together)
I’d be able to forgive the maze-like structure if the game was any fun to play, but as it stands, this is a painfully generic floaty platformer. By floaty I mean Osomatsu himself defies gravity by being able to float in the air for an extended period of time with his jump. It’s nice to be able to control his jump mid-air, but the weightlessness will more than likely mess up your precision platforming, or you’ll get interrupted by the mere touch of your enemies. Yes, when you take damage, you get stun-locked, and instead of just falling to the ground, you are stun locked mid-air. I could forgive it, but this game is once again, a 30 frames per second game, and almost feels like it’s been slowed-down intentionally. Another issue I take with this game is the difficulty, it’s way too easy. All enemy projectiles can be destroyed with your slingshot, and there’s enough distance between you and the enemy to have a pattern figured out easily. I guess the idea was because your slingshot has such a short range of attack, it would balance things out, but it really doesn’t. You’ll have plenty of lives and health to go up against the boss and sub boss as the game gets fairly generous with health powerups. There are also shops where you can buy some items to guide you with the ribbons you’re collecting along the way, but before you can access that you get the option of playing mini-games to gamble them away. I’d just skip these and go straight to the shop, it’s not like you need these power-ups that much anyway, you can beat this game without them.
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On the visual side... this was the worst the Mega Drive had in 1988. Sure, it’s colorful, and the sprites evoke the spirit of the original manga, but this looks like a hold over from the Master System/Mark III, it just doesn’t impress me. Aesthetically, the game is fine for the most part, but eventually you’ll run into a few racial stereotypes for your enemies, and boy are they horribly insensitive. Even knowing this, I pressed on with the game, because I wanted to see if I could take something positive out of it and look past those enemy sprites, and about the only thing I find entertaining is Iyami being all the bosses. So aside from a few bad sprites, I find the graphics were more focused on aesthetics and functionality than pushing technical limitations early. Audio wise this game is just plain awful. There’s an old saying among video game music fans that only Japan could use the Mega Drive’s unique sound setup correctly, but if that’s the case, they’ve never listened to this game’s music. It’s obnoxiously loud, the sound effects are super scratchy, it feels too much like an assault on my ears compared to the sound effects on something like Curse, or even Taz-Mania. Nothing against the compositions themselves, I found two songs to be catchy, but otherwise, nothing stood out for the right reasons. Definitely not a keeper.
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At the end of the day, Osomatsu-Kun Hachamecha Gekijou is shovelware of the highest honor. Even if you can endure the game’s painfully easy difficulty, and frustrating level layouts, you are left with a feeling of emptiness by the time you reach the end. This game will not so much break you, but it will leave you feeling empty and depressed as you say to yourself, “that’s it?” I certainly felt empty after playing this. Like I just lost about 20 minutes of my life, and I’ll never get it back. Is there much worse on the Mega Drive? Yes, but considering it was 1988, the console had nowhere to go from here but UP. I wouldn’t even think of recommending this today, even as a curiosity. This is one of those cases where I can say avoid at all costs
+ Aesthetics mimic the source material perfectly
+ Controls respond
+ The game’s translated subtitle “Nonsensical Theater” perfectly describes everything
- Unnecessarily pads its length thanks to a cryptic maze structure
- Unacceptably short
- Insults your skill by being piss easy
- Racial stereotyping may be enough to turn you away
- Designed to cash in on Osomatsu-Kun’s returning popularity in the 80′s
- The game’s translated subtitle “Nonsensical theater” perfectly describes everything
- Audio will hurt your ears
- Unless you need to complete an actual Mega Drive collection... skip it.
- While taking screenshots, I somehow managed to unlock the game’s framerate, indicating that this game was deliberately programmed in assembly to play at 30 frames per second. The floaty mechanics actually handled better under 60 fps, no fucking joke. Do you believe this shit? 
Overall: 2/10
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