annoyedbyfoolishness · 3 months
Get a Hold of Yourself, Man...!!!
So I haven't had sex since my ex which has been over a year ago, probably longer, I've lost track. I get so anxious sometimes that I feel like I'm gonna loose my shit... None of my old flames wanna go there with me, I can't much blame them; been there and done that type attitude or already on the down-low with somebody else and feel the need to divulge the reasoning why they can't be with me. Again, completely understandable because its none of my phaucking business... I feel really bad for virgins. They fantasize about something that they've never experienced, but for someone like myself that has been with a woman, its like being in prison doing without it. I'm strong though. I just needed an anonymous outlet like this to vent. On the other hand, at least my blood is clean and haven't been contaminated by some deceptive scant. I can be patient, and let me tell ya when I get the opportunity to be with quality woman, I am gonna drain the bitch of every ounce of estrogen. I'm gonna to make out with her vagina like its someone's face! I'm gonna suck the cut's clit like its a tiny cock! See how insane I sound, lol..!!! I mean when I get lucky enough to engage in intercourse, I am going let the tip of my cock massage her cervix like an OBGYN medical instrument! I am going to massage her body while I stroke her like a baker needing dough! I am gonna naughty nothings in her ear and not give a phauck if she refuses to leave my home for the next 2 weeks!!! I am gonna ask for the bitch's clothing size, go buy a few panties, some outfits, and look in the eye and say, "I don't want you to leave!!!!" Of course, I won't give a phauck if she leaves or stays, but I will savor every phaucking moment with her. Ahhhh (sigh).... I feel so much better now. I'm not sorry for posting this. Sometimes a motherfuka needs to vent. Sexual deprivation/frustration is what leads to a crimes. I don't have the statistic suppoorting this opinion, but I can relate; however, I refuse to act out because I COMPLETELY value my lifestyle. This shit is temporary. I am a handsome guy and have a lot of good things going for myself. Now, I am NO SPRING chicken, but when your half a century and still have nocturnal emissions, and not on any of the blue chew viagra BS, I think a body's blessed! Keep your shit together, bro!!!! Phauck those hoes.... You'll be aight, lol...!!!
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annoyedbyfoolishness · 7 months
Maybe It's Nothing....
I have noticed this indescribable feeling of sadness and loneliness here lately. Understandably so, it has been over a year since I have slept with anyone. I call it "being in a funk". In my defense, I have been able to shake it off, but here I am posting about it. I find this method to be very therapeutic though... By writing about my problems, it provides as an outlet to shout; Tears for Fears, "Shout. Shout. Let it all out... These are the things I can do without. Come on! I'm talking to you. Come on." I joined a singles group on Facebook and have discovered that it may not be the right fit for me. I practically got attacked by some random females shooting down my standard of female that I was looking for. I shut that noise down real quick. I have continued posting there and haven't had any problems since. I have only see two ethnic females (black or afro-latino) and rest all white. That's no problem for me as 80% of my relationships have been outside of my race. I have seen other black men post there too, and with little to any comments on their posts. The sad part is that when those "white" women post, you'd think that it applies to "you", but it doesn't. They are speaking to the white men without saying "white men only"... My ex's birthday was yesterday but I didn't wish her any well-wishes. One of my past lovers accepted a friend request from me on Facebook. We chatted today, but she pretty much told me in a nice way to get lost, lol... When a chick leaves you on "read" and doesn't respond to your comment, she ain't trying to mess around with you. On another note, my best friend and I are still tight, but he got a new job and our work schedules clash now. In all honesty, he is actually transitioning on to my level now: working nights, gaining weight, and cherishes his time off to get some much needed rest & relaxation. Like I said, I know how that feels, so I don't much bother him. I empathize with him and put myself in his shoes; I wouldn't want anyone interrupting my sleep or rest on my day off; I really wouldn't want anyone knocking on my door on my day off for that matter. I want new friends! I want a new girlfriend! I just have to be careful for what I wish for because these "new friends" could end up being narcissi tic assholes for all I know. I actually kind of need some people like that in my life that seem to care about but they must be balanced and not one-sided. Another thing that is bothering me is that I have become so lonely that when I see women, it upsets me that I can't have them. I love women! I love they way they are shaped. I love the way they talk, walk, and even the way they pick stuff up off the the floor with that squat method or bending over with their asses always facing me. It hurts... It hurts really bad... I have to get over this though and accept things for the way that they are because this is fact and not fiction. This real life and not an episode in a movie that has a happy ending. I know things will change for the better though because God and my ancestors are bearing witness to this post as well and want to see my happy. They don't want to see my unhappy... I feel a change coming, but I just have to be patient!
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annoyedbyfoolishness · 9 months
Get Over It...
I constantly find myself in a funk, when I have no real good reason to be... Yes, I have responsibilities: bills, debt, ect, but doesn't everybody? Yes, they do. You're not alone! I need to get out of my own head! I could make excuse after excuse about if there were someone in my life, that I'd forget but that's not true. I'm in self-denial and I admit that now... On contrary, I've got to find a way to balance out my emotions. I realize now that is the problem. Far too many times, I get caught up in my emotions. I expect for others to understand how I feel, but the truth is, how could they? There is someone on my level, but I have to be able to come to terms that they're not from around here... A lot of women in my life have thought they understood me, but the truth is that they only had an affinity towards me and simply empathized without even being conscientious of it. I can't blame them. They were hopeless romantics. I will get over this! I have to. If I care anything about myself, I will get over this funk feeling.
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annoyedbyfoolishness · 9 months
How Much Longer???
So its been like 11 months since I have been with a woman. I think this is the longest time ever! On one hand, I don't have to deal with all the bullshit that comes with relationships like having to meet someone's expectations or be responsible for someone else's fuck ups... Not that one has to be responsible, but as a man, women seem to be appreciate it or at least act like they do. However and on the other hand, I miss the companionship and just being in the presence of a woman that is with me. I miss just looking at woman in her natural course of being and going about their day to day stuff. I miss looking at woman and being amazed by how they look, act, and manner of conversation. Sounds like I'm objectifying females, but trust me, I'm not... If you know, then you know what I mean. I drove by my ex-girlfriend's place today while on the way to my friend's place. I fantasized about knocking on her door, her answering, asking me to come inside, talking, reconciling, and getting back together. Then, I thought about what type of person she is and how painstakingly high maintenance she is. I refuse to settle. I choose to remain single, yet remain patient until the right woman comes along. I just wonder though, how much longer?!?!?
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Springtime 2023 Update
Well, I finally got tired of the foolishness and broke up with my girlfriend of one year. Obviously, I have thought of her, but the thought of getting back with her has always been a hard “NO”, when I think of what my answer would be... I broke with her over text because I refused to waste anymore time and money on her. Plus, she her smart-aleck comments. It was too much foolishness after months of neglect.  I literally would feel drained when I would leave her place sometimes. Her low level energy was absolutely draining!!! Although I am really lonely right now, I will not take her back. I just wished I could connect with someone new and not have ex-cons be attracted to me. My problem is that I don’t see the worst in anyone until its too late. I love women so much that I tend to only see them for what they are --- “A woman”. What does that mean you may ask? For me, women were created for “man”, and once a man copulates with a women, he is forever changed. God did a “beyond exceptional” job with the creation of women. Women are beautiful! And without being graphic, everything in between. Now all I have to do is be patient and wait. Good things come to those who wait. This philosophical mantra is true. Every since the break up between my estranged wife and myself, God has blessed me with every meaningful female interaction thereafter. My recent ex-gf will forever has a special place in my heart. Although I never actually said “I love you” to her, I was really close to saying it. My advice to anyone like me going through similar relationship issues would be, “Listen to the Universe [God]”. Its not a literal voice that just comes out and tells you what to do. You’ll know it when it is comes. As for the relationship between my mother and myself, its still nonexistent. Believe it or not, that’s a good thing! Little to no drama and little to no foolishness is the aim for me. Until next time, be blessed and be safe!
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Springtime Update
So not much to say... Same old same old thing. Relationship issues: one with my mother and the other with my girlfriend. The relationship with my mother is obvious; we just don’t get a long. So my family wants to sell the family land and I was asked to help facilitate the process by posting it online. Things were going quite well. I was getting a lot of leads. My mother, on the other hand, found issue with me based off what other people (outside the family) thought of me being a major part of the project. Mom and me had a falling out so I removed myself from the project. It brought me a lot of peace because I preach here, I don’t have much tolerance for foolishness. As for my girlfriend, the issue is clearly on a subliminal level and not that obvious. To put things into perspective, we haven’t had intercourse in 4 months. I mean she’s blown me but to me that doesn’t count. I really don’t have any definitive answers and I have eluded to breaking up but that doesn’t appear its what she wants. So I remain patient and continue to work on my own goals. Oh well, that’s my springtime update!
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Patience, My Son... Patience.
For the past 3 months, I have been very patient with my new girlfriend. She’s a few years older than me, and although we are far from senior citizenship, she sure acts like it... We both have our issues, but hers requires a bit more patience. Dating younger women has its advantages, but the loyalty and experience that an older woman brings to the table is priceless. You know “they” say, “Girls mature faster than boys”. And while that may be true, a woman doesn’t mature and reason with men until they age past 40 years old. Even then, they are still fueled by emotion and it is that characteristic that will ever be the difference between men and women. My new girlfriend doesn’t like to cook. (Hahaha)... I had to chuckle there for a moment, sorry... I don’t mind cooking. At least I know it will taste good and won’t have to wonder, but I don’t like to cook all the time. The cooking experience might be different if we did it together, but she just sits in the other room watching TV, waiting like a child until its ready. I wait on her hand and foot: bringing her plate to her and returning it to the sink when she is done. I don’t necessarily expect anything in return, but it would be nice to be “blessed” sexually when the night comes to a close. It doesn’t always result in a happy ending. I mean we don’t go to bed mad at each other. She just gets sleepy and goes to bed. She works six days a week, so only gets one day off. I get it, “Your tired”. The sad thing about it is that I COMPLETELY feel a woman’s pain now... (Hahaha)... Sorry had to laugh again, sorry... What do you mean you might say? The roles have somewhat reversed. I say somewhat because its not completely the same because I work, too, but I feel a woman’s pain when they wait on their man hand and foot and don’t get any pleasure in the end... Just a snoring beast of an individual with a seemingly self-serving attitude. That’s when I tell myself, “Patience, My Son... Patience...”
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More Foolishness
I writing this post today in hopes that afterwards I will feel better about myself. As a matter of fact, I already do! So I took some time off of work to be closer to my Dad in last days on this earth. The same day I took off my girlfriend needed me to follow her to the mechanic’s to drop her car off. Her car has now been in the shop going on 14 days!!! That means that not only have I been running back and forth to my Dad’s, but I have been getting up 6:30am everyday to run her to work, pick her up, and take her home. There was some days that I spent the night to make it easy on me, but her bedding conditions are suited for two people as she sleeps in a full size bed. She has couch bed but it doesn’t sleep well because you can feel the springs. My girlfriend doesn’t do cooking so this means that I did the cooking. Although I was out of work on leave, I did more work while out of work than I did doing my full-time job! The day after Thanksgiving it caught up with and I caught some kind of stomach bug. I am over it now but for the first 48hrs it had me on the ropes! One would think that my girlfriend would have done some things to make it worth my while. She did express to me how much she appreciated me, but though out the entire time we never made love. She gave me head once but that was it. I need more than that, lol...!!! Yesterday she told she’d been horny and wish that I had been there but I was sick. Today I feel like my old self but didn’t I get any play? No. I wasn’t surprised though. I knew she wouldn’t be down to do anything. Sometimes I feel like she’s full of shit.  Moreover, her and I haven’t made love in over a month and that’s real talk. I know she’s testing me. It’s really sad, but I don’t give a fuck. My only fear is that when it comes time to make love, I won’t want to or show lack of interest...
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Still Bat-Shit Crazy...
So just to bring everyone up to speed, there are a certain number of women in my immediate circle that are still bat-shit crazy!!! On Saturday, I take my girlfriend to work and I come home to my place and lay down to get some much needed sleep. I can hardly sleep at her place. If it is not her cats running wild in her apartment in the middle of the night knocking shit over or my girlfriend’s horrific snoring, it’s her upstairs neighbors stomping about. So I set my alarm for 11am because I needed to take my step-mom by the funeral home to finalize some paperwork that proceeded my Dad’s 11/18/22 passing. This was around 7am. However, I get a call at around 10am from my girlfriend that I needed to come get her. I looked back at my phone and read her text prior to calling and discovered her patient had go into the hospital so that’s why she wasn’t able to care for her at the patient’s home. Mind you, I am dog tired and half asleep. Good news was, my girlfriend was only about 3 blocks away. I pull up and see the front door of her patient’s apartment is cracked open, so I toot my horn. My girlfriend comes barreling out the apartment talking about, “Well, that was rude...” I was like no it wasn’t. We went back and forth over how it was and how it wasn’t to the point I finally just said, “Whatever...” This pisses my girlfriend off to no end! On they way back to her place, I could already tell that if I didn’t say anything she’d be silent and just get out of the car and walk into the apartment without a word so I told her that I was sorry and that I was half asleep. I tried to reconcile but she wasn’t up for much conversation. I went back home and had planned to watch a football game with her later on that evening. My girlfriend has been acting bat-shit crazy for the past couple of weeks so I make sure to call her to make sure on whether or not its cool if I come over. She was like yeah... I take a shower, stop for gas, and check my phone only to discover that she’s like, “Well, I guess you’re not coming so I’m locking my door and laying down.” Now this pisses me off so I’m like fuck a text, I am calling! She doesn’t answer so I send a text. She returns my call and clear up the confusion, but she wants me to pick her up something to eat. Here’s where it gets good... So I get there and we’re trying to find the game and discover that her Hulu package doesn’t carry the game even though she has ESPN+. i have the ESPN app on my TV back home so try to load it up on her TV. She questions my methods saying why would you try to load it up when it didn’t work before on your TV downstairs. I was like, “Well, I got it to work later on.” The ESPN app didn’t work on her TV so she gets pissed and doesn’t like my sighs and facial expressions calling it an “attitude” and later says, “Well, why don’t you just go home and watch the game at your house! How about that?” I was simply like, “Ok”, and left. And oh by the way, I left the food there and YES she ate it (((LOL))). She proceeds to send me texts judging me on my “attitude” so at that point I have to remind her that my poor old Dad hasn’t been dead for 24hrs yet and that I just might be still in mourning so you’ll have to excuse my attitude if it seems like I have one. I already warned her the day before his passing that I could feel a spirit of anger coming over me and feared that I would spazz out on someone if even slightly provoked. I also took it step further by reminding her on how grateful to God I was that I have a home to come home to because this had made like the 2nd time she had asked me to get out of her house. And I am eternally grateful to God because its cold outside and I would hate to be homeless on these cold streets. Needless to say, she felt bad about that and later apologized for her actions. To be honest after Saturday night, I was mentally prepared for the relationship to be over. Let’s just say that I subliminally took back after accepting her apology. Then we have my mother who is still in the mental hospital. She has called me just about every day with a sincere concerns about how I am feeling after my father’s death but then her conversation turn mental when she begins to talk about topics that have no relevance. All I can do is pray for her. I love my mother dearly. Its just hard for me to process her mental illness. It wasn’t hard at all to process my father’s illness, stage 4 pancreatic cancer, because you could put a finger on it. On the contrary, no one can seem to put a finger on Mom’s illness. Then we have my step-mother. So my Dad passes on a Friday and my step-mom wants to have his memorial services the day before Thanksgiving! I am like that might not be a good time as people are traveling and working during the holidays. She holds firm. Later on her pastor convinces her to push the memorial services to the first week in December. I am glad she agreed to do that way because my Dad deserves a good turn out and proper opportunity for family and friends to make plans to attend. I could go on and on about the incompetency's of other females either in customer service or like  but I won’t. I just get so annoyed with what seems like foolishness!
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Right On Time
I have had some pretty harsh things to say about the women within my social circle, but I would be remised if I didn’t express some gratitude as well. Earlier last week as I gazed at my bank account, I hypothesized on how I was going to make ends meet until I got paid again. I had a pretty good idea that I would be able to make it, but was somewhat depressed about my food situation. God works in mysterious ways. First, I want to give thanks to God and then to my girlfriend and my step-mom for what has accumulated to  almost $70 dollars in cash and gas. Don’t get me wrong, I earned it but they didn’t have to bless me with it either. As a result, I have been able to manage that money, eat, and have more peace of mind until I get paid. It’s just sad that the primary purpose is at the expense of watching my poor old Dad wither away to his inevitable death. He’s an extraordinarily strong man but we all see the end coming... Love ya, Dad!!!
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And the Beat Goes On...
So once again, I am surrounded by incompetent females. My younger sister comes in from out of town and gets lost in how to come back to her hometown... Well in her defense, her boyfriend was driving. All of what is about to be conveyed happened yesterday. I live in a nearby county that everybody from our hometown is all to familiar with so it should be no surprise in how to get to. I was to rendezvous with her in my town and then drive her to my Dad’s to be with him during his last few days before passing. She called me at 3:45am to inform me she was departing her home 300 miles away and on her way. I ask her about what time does she anticipate her arrival in my town and advise her to meet me a nationally known restaurant parking lot once she pulls into town. She calls me and tells me she should be there by 7am. I leave the house about 10 minutes until arrival time and park in the parking lot of the fast food place. She calls again and I discover she is in the wrong borough of the county that I reside in so I politely provide her directions which would directly lead her to a pharmacy by which I would meet them there. Mind you, she already had it mapped out her destination with the university that happens to be in the town that I reside in but totally lands outside of that realm. So I finally get her to Dad’s, but next my girlfriend calls me and alerts me that she’s having automobile trouble and needs me to follow her to the mechanic’s and bring her back home. In addition, that I would need to spend the night with her so I can take to work in that next morning. Needless to say, I performed a lot of driving yesterday. I am glad I proactively scheduled the day off from work because I would have never been able to execute what was required of me. The day at Dad’s was sad and filled with physically managing his bed arrangement and assisting my step-mother in changing his diapers. My step-mother can’t cook worth shit...She offered to make me scrambled eggs but I had to put them in the microwave to cook a bit longer as they were still runny. All I ate at Dad’s was a scrambled egg sandwich and 2 protein bars. Then as I already stated, had to leave from there and pick up my girlfriend and do what was required; leave her place, back to Dad’s to spend more time with him, and then leave for the night. By the time I left Dad’s I was in a pre-zombie state. I was sleep deprived and was desperate need of shower and food. Came home, took a shower, tended to my dogs, and headed to my girlfriend’s place. As soon as I got there, I fixed me something to eat and laid down. I have a great girlfriend! Let’s just say, “she blessed me” before I went to sleep. Next, had to turn around and wake up at 5:45am to get up and take her to work. The most awesome thing about it [God is soo good] is that her job is only 2 blocks away from my house! Tired and sore, I came home after dropping her off and laid down again. I slept good. The plan for today was to go to work, schedule my lunch early so I could pick up my girlfriend from, and bring her back to my place. As I got up to prepare for my work day, I get a voice message from my mother informing me she was in the hospital. I thought to myself, “You’re still in the ER and they haven’t figured out what’s wrong with you yet?” Come to find out after making some investigative phone calls to the hospital that my mother is in a mental health facility... This is no surprise because she has mental health issues, but the kicker was what she said in the voice message. She mentioned that she made my estranged wife and myself power of attorney over her! This is not good because I haven’t been with my estranged wife for over 2 years and she doesn’t need to be included in any of my family’s dealings. Now I know you all are going to be like, “Why aren’t you divorced?” Let’s just say, financial hardship. I cannot afford a divorce right now. However, I have found an alternate means of getting a divorce which is much cheaper than hiring a lawyer, Clerk Master, so that is in the works. As I said before, my girlfriend is great and she has offered to make a substantial contribution to getting this process started with the understanding that I pay her back. I am in agreement with this deal. My nerves are a wreck right now because all I can think about is my poor father suffering during his last days on this planet. I brought my “flashlight” and submitted a family medical leave of absence for a family member and am awaiting approval. The aim is sacrifice pay for the sake of being with family during the difficult time. I know Dad would do the same for me. One might ask, flashlight? what are you trying to say?” Well as a natural leader, one has to rely on self to find solutions. My boss (female) knows my situation but not once suggested FMLA (Care for a family member). I remember seeing it when I submitted a claim prior to my last surgery. So I informed my boss of my future intentions and she worked out my PTO to take the rest of the day off to be with my family and await my claims results. The only thing that is bothering me now is notifying out of state family members who’s numbers have changed or unable to locate to inform of Dad’s inevitable passing. I love you Dad, always and forever...
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Just Another Day in Paradise
The women that I have allowed to come into my life continue to disappoint me. There’s no one to blame but myself. I am just too good hearted. I allow people a chance to be good and make change for the better, but I seem to always find out a short time thereafter that, although people can see the good, they refuse to change. It’s really not that hard to do, but I guess if its not in you then its never gonna happen. Like tonight for example, my so-called girlfriend overheard a conversation with my step-mother asking me to pick up some meds for my Dad. I had already planned on visiting them later on that evening anyway but had planned on making that my last stop before leaving my girlfriend’s place. I told my girlfriend that I’d be back. Now she knows that my poor old Dad is dying and doesn’t have that much time left. I was at my Dad’s for like 2.5hrs round trip. I came back to her place, knocked on the door, rang her phone, but no answer at either. She has no idea how embarrassing it is to be knocking at someone’s door like an idiot only to have to turn back around go to your vehicle and leave again. I’m sure her neighbors witnessed the whole thing. The only good thing that came out of the incident is that I didn’t overreact and act like a complete fool by banging on the door like the police or raising my voice like a lunatic. She’s a few years older than me and goes to bed earlier than my late grandmother... This makes two weekends in a row where I have spent the night at her place and had like zero intimacy. I have asked her if she’s still into to me and she says she is, but I think she’s in her feelings because I admitted to her that while we were broke up I was with someone else. She asked so there was no need to lie. I’m not coward. She didn’t have to take me back, yet she did even in knowing this fact. I feel she’s intentionally behaving the way she is because of this, but I cannot be for certain. The good news is that I am not legally bound to this woman so that’s my biggest take away right now and allows me to mentally carry on in the event her bat-shit crazy ass makes the decision that we need to go our separate ways. I care for her but at this point I am not going to be heartbroken if it doesn’t work out because my primary focus is on my parents right now. Both of them are elderly, my Dad could pass any day now, and my mother is in and out of the hospital. Just another day in Paradise...
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I See You...
As an older gentleman, one gets used to certain things; becomes numb to the bullshit. What annoys me the most is the image that social media females portray. I see right through you. Don't get me wrong, I adore women. God's gift to men! Its the genuine and authentic woman for me. You're out there and can't wait to spend some quality time together.
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I’m Over the Toxicity
The world was toxic long before I came along, and I am sure it will be just as toxic after I am long gone. You’d think as a species we would have learned from our mistakes by now. I mean you’d think by this time 2022 there’d at least one utopian society that doesn’t operate the same way the world functions today.  Oh, don’t get me wrong, there were some good moments along the way but just as soon as the getting’s getting good - tragedy and disappointment comes along. No matter how hard “we” try, the system brings us right back down to heartache and despair; just when you had a great marriage, you’re getting a divorce. There’s many examples and analogies that we could care less about, and other examples that deserve more focus but at the end of the day, it’s really all bullshit... Isn’t it? The capitalism, the narcissism, the deception, the secrets, and the toxicity.  All bullshit and I’m over it.  Good night!
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Recap & Closure
I miss my friend. It has been 8 months since she passed away. I miss the connection that we had. I miss her laugh and how open minded she was as a person because I talk about anything to her. She was a great listener and had great feedback. For the most part, I live a pretty lonely life and that we're all faced with the "new normal" its even more lonely. At this point, I don't trust women. My deceased friend was the only woman that I have truly trusted in a long time; more than my estranged wife. That's saying a lot for me. That old cliche is an absolute bitch, "You can't live with them and you can't live without them." I adore the company of a woman but I absolutely despise their deceitful and deceptive ways. As I have aged, I have deep appreciation for women and I envy them in some ways. Although most women are physically weaker, they are resilient than men give them credit for; regardless of how endowed a man may think he is, how could he compete with 9hrs of labor and giving birth to 9lb. 10oz baby or even a "premy" for that matter. Obviously consensual sex and child birth two different totally things. I guess the bottom line is that I wish I had someone that cared about me unconditionally like my friend instead of me almost getting caught up with this women that aren't right for me. Why do they go for me? Why do they stay with me? Why do I keep settling for them and allow them to come into my life only to attempt sabotage and ruin? Maybe God will allow me to cross paths with someone like my late friend? I won't hold my breath but I ain't too good to wait...
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I Phaucking Love It
Some people couldn’t survive being alone.  Just the notion of it and you’re guaranteed to get a frown. I will be the first one to tell ya that I absolutely love it! It’s absolutely amazing and liberating to come to the realization that “you” meaning “me” purpose has nothing to do with multiplying and populating the planet! If you’re not as free as me, I don’t feel sorry for you. On contrary, I wouldn’t wish it on anybody because most people couldn’t handle it.  God Bless and good night...
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Random Thought
Why am I so attracted to redheads? I mean I pure redheaded woman. I find myself madly attracted to redheaded women of all nationalities and races. Just a random thought. Good night! #I_love_redheads
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