#my mom is struggling bad since he got those pills it’s a lot for her small salary
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yoohyeon · 1 year ago
Saw that the Tumblr icon on my iPad changed so I went to see what’s up and WE FINALLY CAN REPLY WITH THE BLOG WE WANT !!! THANK YOU !!! Now staff make it so when you block someone it’s block on all sb too thanks I’m tired of blocking 3 times
#I’m tired of forgetting to add this is blah blah main when someone somment something on my sideblog 😭#my phone is sadly too full for the update but at least my iPad is ! I’ll answer on it when someone comment ckdnjdnd#now I’m leaving again !#oh I should update that my mom recognized she fucked up (will she learn a lesson though? only time we’ll tell us)#so she apologize my dad didn’t care but he went to get her at work today and they’ve been talking like nothing happen#since they had to go grocery shopping cause the fridge was empty#idk if they talked or they just decided it was better to not say anything and fight again#so I’m happy again don’t wanna d*e anymore until I look for job at least fkdndjdn#which is what I should do but I’m ignoring my problems reading ncjdndjnd#i waited at least today see if my parents were still on the verge of divorcing or not and they seem okay so I guess i’ll check 🙄#pray that I found something nice 😭#I’m tempted to find something that maybe I could work 4 days a week and not 5 but I’ll never find that#cause honestly I only pay for my phone and Sowon food + litter (and vet if needed) I don’t need that much#I did promise them I would pay for Puppy’s pills if I work though cause it’s like 200$ maybe less maybe more even I can’t remember a month#my mom is struggling bad since he got those pills it’s a lot for her small salary#I’m so lucky that my parents let me be even if they struggle but I feel so bad I need to get diagnose soon cause I’m difinetely anxious#and it’s ruining my life#also had to get check for ADHD and Autism words from my doctor for the ladder I’m personally not sure ? everyone tells me no#but those people knows nothing about autism they only person that says there’s ‘’high chance’#is bestie and she study in psychology a little for her field so I trust her judgement way more ! but maybe it’s just a mix of the other 2#that make it seem like I may who knows one day we’ll have the answers#okay I’m talking to much now I’ll go don’t know if I’ll come back soon but at least I wanted to tell you I felt better !#we are back at the normal worries only 🤪#alex.txt
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Hi. Can't think of trigger warnings, maybe for crappy therapy and a bad therapist and some mentions of physical illness. Looking for advice. Nickname purple
I'm just wondering if you have any advice on how to get over a fear of/reluctance to seek therapy (and to am extent medical care in general). More and more often I'm starting to think I'll never be able to function normally without some help but I'm so scared to get it. In part I think this came from my mom's own mental illness and how whatever pills she took (no idea what they were or even what they were for besides that there were a lot) left her so out of it all the time and sometimes made her destructive on top of neglectful, and from my dad's distrust of the medical system as a whole, to the point of ignoring his doctors after a heart attack, not seeing care for cancer until it had progressed too far too fix, and generally being reluctant to get me any medical care and being mad at my mom if she took me to the doctor for anything, because it was babying me and would make me think it was okay to be weak and I should be stronger and trust God before 'weird medicine'. Between that and most people in my life growing up basically thinking mental Illness isn't real and anyone who claims to have it is faking maliciously or, especially if they claim to have significant past trauma, flat out delusional (and yes, they applied this to me, even when I was actively suicidal or had visible marks from abuse).
I got sent to a therapist when I was twelve, against my will in a whole court ordered thing, and while I don't remember many specifics of the first session I know I was reluctant to talk and he ended up screaming at me until I shut down. The few additional sessions there were went better, though only because I coasted through and just tried to give the most 'normal' responses to anything he said so I'd be allowed out of it all sooner.
Now, well into adulthood, my issues have only gotten worse and worse. It feels my mind is falling apart and I'm so frequently scared, my emotional regulation and memory are practically non-existent. I can't get away from self harm or disordered eating (though I often doubt a therapist would think those things are significant), can barely keep myself from falling back into substances. I can barely get a job or keep it and sometimes the only thing keeping me here is being scared to die though sometimes that doesn't even work (I'm not actively suicidal right now just to clarify). More than ever it feels like I'm barely real or even alive.
But I'm still scared to even try to schedule a therapy or psychiatrist appointment. I'm scared I won't even be able to talk when asked what's wrong since more and more now I've been having verbal shutdowns, especially in frightening enchantments or under the slightest stress, which I respond to worse than ever lately. I've been thinking of writing down a summary of what's going on but I don't know if they'll accept that, if they'll want me to talk normally. I'm scared they'll want me to go into past trauma but I just can't, not to a stranger or sometimes to anyone at all. I'm scared they'll think I'm just making everything up and turn me away. I'm scared they'll think I'm just a whiny child that can't handle normal life, or I'm just looking for some excuse to not participate in society or get drugs or something (funny, since I'm afraid to take meds and I'd probably just refuse if prescribed something controlled). I'm just scared and I know I won't be able to take it if I get even a fraction of the treatment I did at that therapist back then or most other times I've tried to bring up anything wrong with me to people in my life. I just don't know what to do I'm sorry I'm sorry
Hi Purple, I am so sorry for your experiences, and would like to start by validating your mental health struggles, and trauma history, and commend you for the self awareness it takes to want to develop new coping skills for a healthy functioning base line. We all deserve the space and time to explore what that means for us, and I hope you find yours as well. It makes all the sense in the world to me, that with both your background, and experiences, that the thought of seeking out therapy would feel the way it does for you. I deeply empathize with it, and know it is something that unfortunately does happen within the medical community. I had the opportunity to reply to a previous ask about something similar that I'll link here as well, but essentially, I'd like to copy over two core parts of it: This link about red flags in therapists (not to discourage!) but to help validate your experiences and not potentially self-gas light yourself as you navigate new medical professionals along your healing journey.
But also this part:
"Of course it’s very understandable that without feeling safe, the appointment could feel so jarring that even if you meet a kind one, it could be hard to convey what you’re looking for.  
My first advice would be to ask if someone can go with you, someone you feel comfortable with, and who you might even be able to practice a dialogue with beforehand.  
Even if they can, or cannot come, my second piece of advice is to have your questions written down as well.  Worst come to worst, if you feel unable to verbally share your concerns, perhaps you could slide them over so they can reply.  
My third piece of advice is to ask for a print out of the after visit summary, with clear instructions and follow up to what the next steps might be - something you can refer to in the future as well." Regardless of what you choose moving forward, I hope you find someone who helps you feel seen, heard, and encourages you along your healing path.
Mod Kat
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mydayyy · 14 days ago
ok ok ok ok so here's whats been going on
there's so much lmao idk where to begin... so the last time i posted anything personal was when i had my bloodwork and the results were bad. i met with my new endo at the same practice i've been going to for the last 2 years and she was incredible. i had a number of things written down that i wanted to ask her about and she ended up bringing everything up that i wanted to ask her before i had a chance.
for one, she increased my dosage back to where it was last summer before my previous dr reduced it due to my weight loss. (sidenote: based on the symptoms i was having and not feeling much of a difference after the increase, i truly feel like the bottle of pills i picked up from the pharmacy had low potency or something. once i refilled with a new bottle, i felt a huge difference - mostly with my hair loss.) she also put me on a low dose of naltrexone, which is a big thing i wanted to ask her about. i'm so glad she mentioned it first because it made me feel like she really wants to help me. so the thing about LDN is that it is prescribed off-label in hopes that it will lower my thyroid antibodies since they won't budge even after 1 year of AIP. this past friday marks 4 weeks that i've started it and i have titrated up to the dosage that my dr wants me to be on. i was really scared about the potential side effects, but other than a couple of days of fatigue after each titration, i've been mostly unaffected. i just hope it is doing the work that i can't feel and that my antibodies are coming down. since i also have liver antibodies due to a time-release medication i was on briefly in 2017, i am always concerned about how meds/supplements will affect my liver. so i am very sensitive to how LDN may be affecting my liver, if at all.
so there's that lol. i'll get a vitamin panel done this week (which includes a liver panel to check on my enzymes) since my dr thinks my symptoms may also be from vitamin deficiency. this may hold true since moving from a warmer climate to a colder one last fall, i am definitely getting less sun, etc.
we put an offer in on a house few weeks ago and it got accepted. we are very excited about the idea of finally owning a house (just millennial things ya know), but it is soooo expensive and i'm scared about not having any money to do anything that we like to do. but before we can even worry about that, there are quite a few things wrong with the house which are not up to code so legally the house can't be sold to anyone unless those things are addressed. that is up to the sellers and whether they want to move forward with the sale. i just know that if this falls through, i will not feel motivated to start this whole process over again for a long time lol. the market is terrible right now and with the government probably collapsing like any day now, i don't know if it would be the best move to keep looking.
my household has been fractured since the end of january. it started with my parents going away for a few weeks, leaving us to house sit for them. i had to bring them to the airport, etc. my dad came back the 2nd week of feb and i had to go pick him up from the airport. my mom is still away and she won't be back until april sometime. the day before my dad came back, e left for a work trip. he'll be back tomorrow finally. i've been doing all of my LDN titration during this time so i've been lying low and keeping a close eye on how my body is reacting, so it has kind of worked out that i'm on my own mostly.
i've been making a lot progress in my korean class! i am doing much better than i thought i would, but i still struggle with memorization. i have been able to dedicate a lot of time studying the last few weeks since i've been by myself. i hope to find more time to study moving forward too. e has to study for his last licensing exam when he gets back so while he is studying for that, i will have time to study korean.
i think thats pretty much it! i haven't been taking many photos lately and my posts have been basically nonexistent and i really don't know why. i will try to be better! there are so many sns apps now since people want to get away from twitter and meta so maybe that is why i've been mia from here. but i hope to change that.
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darkmulti · 4 years ago
I see your request is open for hc yay!
Can i request A!JKxO!Reader where jK has a huge dick and reader is a virgin and also his mate. So JK marries her and forcefully deflowered her and forcing orgasms out of her (bleeding/blood play while deflowering her is up to you). She found out JK’s obsessions of forcing orgasms out of hers until she passed out every night. JK also has a breeding and breastfeeding kink so he wanna knock her up just so he can breastfeed on her. He locked her up, all the time he spends with her is used to breed her while forcing as many orgasms out of her. Ok thats too long of an ask, sorry.. 🥺 thanks! 💜
⚠️: NON CON, mention of blood, breeding kink, breast feeding kink, multiple orgasm, dacryphilia kink, angst, death, murder, slapping, somnophilia kink, rough sex
Pairing: Alpha!Jungkook x Omega!Virgin!reader
-> sorry for any mistakes
Your breed and Jungkook’s breed are not on good terms
The reason why is because your breed have better senses and are a lot stronger
Jungkook’s breed is the second strongest and let me tell you, they don’t like second place
Since they outdo your breed in numbers, they travel around in large packs and kill wolves your kind
If they eliminate all of you, they’ll be on top
Your parents raised you to stay away from them
They’re just trying to keep you safe because you’re their only child
They allowed you to explore the forest, but you couldn’t go too far
They still needed to be able to smell you out
You’re parents also told you howl if you felt like you were in danger
And you can only explore during the day time
Once it’s night, you must stay close to your parents so they can protect you
One day, you were sitting close to edge of a cliff
This was your favourite spot because it gave the perfect view of the sun setting
10 minutes later, you decided to go back to your pack only to be horrified by the scene
Your pack… everyone was dead
Blood everywhere
Bite marks all over their body
You walked into the crime scene more and saw your parents dead on the ground, next to each other
You immediately burst out into tears, not believing what you’re seeing
“Mom! Mom, please! Wake up!” You nudged her but it was too late
You sat down in between your parents and grieved the whole night
Why couldn’t they kill you too?
You were about to close your eyes but, caught an unfamiliar scent
Your natural instincts kicked in and you got up
You started looking around but that’s when something attacked you from behind
You fall to the ground and knock out after they give you one hard blow to the head
The next morning, you woke up in a bed
You frantically looked around, trying to put the pieces together, but that’s when he popped out of no where
His scent didn’t fail to reach you and once you inhaled it, you remembered all the traumatizing events of last night
Your heart rate increased and you immediately started to panic
“Where’s my mom?! Where am I?! Take me home!”
You started to freak out
“My mom told me to stay away from monsters like you! Leave me alone!”
You let out a piercing howl and made a run for it
However, Jungkook was faster and much, much stronger
He got a hold of your wrist and dragged you back to the room
He quickly pulled out his phone and shoved it in your face
You were squirming around at first but once you heard a familiar cry, you stopped
Jungkook was showing you live footage of wolves your breed, tied up god knows where and howling for help
Your heart crumbled into a million pieces
“W-why are you doing this to us?” You choked on your sobs while watching your breed beg for mercy
“Marry me, and I’ll let them go.”
You looked at him, appalled
“Marry? I won’t marry you. After you killed my family, you want to get married?!”
You pushed him away from you and slapped him
Jungkook poked his cheek with his tongue and quickly dialed a number
“Kill them all.”
You look up wide eyed and shouted “No!”
“You don’t wanna marry me so, now I have to kill them.”
“Wait! No! I’ll marry you! Please set them free!”
Jungkook smirked in victory and told his buddies to stop
“Wedding is tomorrow. Everything is planned, all you have to do is get all dolled up for me and say “I do.”
He left your room as you sat down on the edge of the bed, wiping your tears away
The next day was the worst day of your life
They woke you up early so, they could start getting you ready for the wedding
Once you said “I do” at the alter and signed the paper, Jungkook lips turned into a evil grin
After sealing your marriage with your first kiss, Jungkook drove you both back to your new house
Once you got inside you turned around and faced him
“I did what you asked. I got married to you and now, I’m your mate. You got what you wanted. Now show me live footage that you’re letting the wolves go.”
“You’re so cute, y’know? You really fell for it. The footage wasn’t live. Those wolves have been dead for a while. I could show you the footage of me killing them, if you’d like.”
Your heart dropped into your stomach
“What do you mean? It wasn’t real?!”
“You’re so naive, little one.”
You look at him, dumbfounded
“Why did you kill all of them? Why did you kill my pack? I just don’t understand. Why did you kill all of them just to marry me in the end?”
“Lower your voice, I don’t like being talked to in that way.”
“Go fuck yourself!” You yelled and turned around to leave
He pulled you back and carried you downstairs to the basement while you kept thrashing and yelling
“Let me go, you sick bastard! I don’t want to be near you. Your scent is disgusting!”
You made the worst mistake of your life that night
That was the first time you made him angry
He tried controlling himself but, after you insulted his scent, he wasn’t going to go easy on you
One hard slap after another shut you up pretty quickly
Now, you were terrified of him
Your cheeks were warm and stinging as hot tears glided down
All you could think was “why?”
Why was this happening to you?
Why was only your breed being targeted?
Why did he kill all those wolves?
It mentally tore you apart
You couldn’t wrap your head around anything going on
Before you could fight back, Jungkook got on top of you and pulled your dress down
“W-what’re you doing?!” You quickly grab your dress and struggled to keep it up
“No! No, please! I’m not ready! Please, I’m not ready! I hate you!”
You began to panic, so naturally you howled
“Please! I want my first to be someone I love! Please, don’t do this to me! I’ve never done anything bad in my life! You can kill me if you’d like!”
Crying and fighting wasn’t enough to stop Jungkook
He pushed his whole length in and started fucking you hard without letting you adjust
You frantically cover your breast and private part with your hands but he flipped you around and took you from behind
You felt disgusting and worthless
Your blood was streaming down your thigh and it covered his cock
Jungkook grabbed your ripped wedding dress and wiped up all the blood so, you’ll never forget this day
He threw it in front of you to make you feel even more bad about yourself
You looked away from the dress and focused on your breathing
The speed he was going at was unbearable therefore, it was quite hard to catch your breath
You started to cry for help, calling for anyone who was brave enough to save you
Jungkook’s size wasn’t easy to adjust to
It felt like you were being ripped apart
Especially because it was your first time
“P-please! S-slower! I can’t-”
Your voice cracked in between your sobs
You felt his cock grow inside of you and his tip began rubbing against your cervix
The pain was too much to handle so, you started to cry harder
“No! Too much! I can’t take it!” You wailed, trying to move away from him
He pulled you right back and went as deep as he possibly could
You came around him and thought it was over
Little did you know, it was just the beginning
Hours later, you were under him sobbing hysterically
You were filled with his cum to the point where it was leaking out of you
There was literally a puddle of cum in between your legs
You had bruises all over your arms and body because of his tight grip
And his strong scent made your head spin
You were a helpless, mess
Hickeys covered your neck, collarbone and jawline
Your lips were swollen from all the rough kisses
Your clit was burning from overstimulation
Your cheek was red and bruised
But, Jungkook didn’t plan on stopping
You felt like you were going to pass out when suddenly ripples of forced pleasure pushed through your body
You held your breath and tried fighting off the feeling but it was impossible
You started to cry more, not being able to handle the fierce orgasm
You sobbed uncontrollably, not know what was happening to your body
Before you could open your eyes again, you passed out
Jungkook hovered over you again and fucked you 10x harder after watching you spasm around him
He didn’t care that you were unconscious
You looked so hot in that moment, he couldn’t resist
This continued on for the rest of the year until he purposely impregnated you
If his offspring had a mix of his genes and a mix of your genes, it’d definitely be one of the strongest wolves to ever live
You were crying so hard, telling him to stop because you weren’t on anything
After you found out you were pregnant, he blamed it on you
“You have one fucking job and it was to take your pill.”
“I ran out of pills and I told you that night! I told you to stop. Jungkook, I tried my best to warn you but you didn’t listen-”
He pushed you back on the bed and forced another orgasm out of you, not caring about your pregnancy
You couldn’t fight him off so, you stayed still and hoped for the best
You didn’t want to stress out because it would be bad for your baby
Although you were pregnant, Jungkook demanded sex
Even when you were 8 months pregnant, he still fucked you as hard as he could
You were in so much pain but handled it for your child
The next month, you gave birth
You were obviously new to the mom life and it was quite difficult to adjust
Usually, women have to wait 4-6 weeks before engaging in sexual intercourse
The doctor explained it to both you and Jungkook, so it’s not like he doesn’t know
After you breast feed your newborn son, you tuck him into bed and go to your shared bedroom
You were still in a lot of pain and really wanted some rest
Jungkook was out hunting and when he came home, he was a bit intoxicated
You smelt the alcohol the moment he stepped in the house
He stumbled his way upstairs and slammed the door shut, scaring your newborn
Your son started to cry so you quickly got up to put him back to sleep but Jungkook didn’t allow you
“See what you’ve done? You wouldn’t have to deal with this shit if you had just taken your pill.”
You ignored him and went to your son’s room to put him back to sleep
Jungkook followed you to his room and pulled you out before you could pick up your son
“Did you listen to what I said? I’m fed up with this attitude of yours.”
“Let’s not fight in front of him. We’ll talk in the room.”
You escaped his grip and put your son back to sleep
When you enter your room, you see Jungkook sitting on the edge of the bed with his belt in hand 
Your heart dropped to your stomach
“N-not today. It hasn’t even been 24 hours yet.”
He scoffed, “do you really think I give a shit?”
He raised his voice a little and you gestured him to keep it down
“Don’t yell, he’s sleeping.”
“This is my house, I can talk however I’d like.”
There was no winning against him, especially if he’s intoxicated
You thought you could hold him off for the night until he’s sober again, but you were completely wrong
You were going to your side of the bed when he whipped his belt below your butt
He pulled you by the hair onto the bed and pulled down your night shorts
“I can’t, Jungkook! It hasn’t been 4 weeks! No!”
Jungkook always gets what he wants
His body weight kept you down as his cock plunged deep inside your cunt
You haven’t healed properly, so the pain was intolerable
You covered your mouth with your hand and sobbed
You still needed to be quiet but it hurts so bad
You pushed your face into your pillow and attempted to let out quiet whimpers
“It hurts! Please, slower!” You whispered
Jungkook purposely went faster and the skin slapping was so loud, you were afraid it’d wake up the baby
You were gasping for air, trying to get his body weight off of you so you could breathe normally
An hour after, you had another orgasm
You clutched onto the bedsheets and tried your hardest to remain silent
Jungkook came inside you again and collapsed on top of you, making you groan
He grabbed your right breast and began sucking as hard as he could until milk squirted onto his tongue
You tried squirming around to get him off, but the more resistant you are the more aggressive he gets
In the end, you passed out like always
You kept your distance from him and gave all your attention to your son
He hated that your attention wasn’t on him 24/7
So, he gave your son to his parents for a full month and kept you locked up in the basement
For that whole month, he fucke you senselessly
You were having orgasms every night; you couldn’t do it anymore
He’d bite down on your nipples and manhandle you all sorts of ways
You were exhausted but your son’s life was always on the line
Jungkook could easily hurt him
He doesn’t really care about your son
(I mean, he does but he acts like he doesn’t so he can use it against you.)
Jungkook only looks at your son as your weakness
He’ll make you have three orgasms in a row and if you tell him to stop or slow down, he mentions your son and it immediately shuts you up
He loved having so much power over you
He could literally fuck you for the rest of your life
You didn’t understand why this was happening to you, but there was nothing that you could do about it
There’s no one that could help you and even if there was, Jungkook will always one step ahead
No one dares to mess with him
I know this has lots of mistakes. I’m so sorry😭
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tryingmybestpls · 4 years ago
From the Dining Table
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader, Sam Wilson x Reader
Summary: Sam decided to visit the Reader and her daughter in the months following Steve’s death.
Word Count: 2k
Rating: T
Warnings: a child, mentions of infertility, mentions of a miscarriage, talks of pregnancy, mentions of loss, death, feelings of loneliness, depression, grief
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Y/N looked exhausted.
Sam watched from his seat at the kitchen island as she bounced the crying infant in her arms, trying to soothe little Sarah Rogers. The bundle of pink was screaming her, upset at everyone and everything. Y/N smiled at him apologetically, holding her child with one arm while the other went to work grabbing a bottle from the fridge.
"I don't know if you can tell, but I wasn't her favorite parent." Y/N tells Sam, only joking slightly as she pops the lid off the bottle with one hand. She cradles her daughter carefully before giving her the bottle, silencing her cries. A smile stretches across her face, happy that her child's cries had stopped.
Y/N had been dealt a bad hand by the universe.
Steve and Y/N had tried for years to have a baby. Both of them had desperately wanted a family, wanted some slice of normalcy in their lives. At first, in that first year they were married, it had been fun, playing that guessing game each month. They weren't seriously trying then, just letting whatever happen to happen. Then as one year turned into two, they got a little more serious about the whole thing. Both of them did everything they needed to do-they got tested to make sure everything was working right, did everything the doctor told them to do. Dozens of false positive pregnancy tests had plagued them in those first two years, constantly getting their hopes up old to rip that all away. Trying in the third year was halted by the Sokovia Accords and the team fighting each other. Y/N and Steve both thought it would be a bad idea to try to have a child while they were on the run, so they stopped their efforts. The fourth year had brought heartbreak when Y/N had actually gotten pregnant for the first time, but lost the baby before she was twelve weeks along. They tried a few times in the fifth year, months after Thanos had snapped his fingers and wiped out half of the galaxy. It had felt wrong though, to be trying to bring life into the universe when so much loss had just occurred. In the span of the five years that everyone was gone, Y/N had been told she was infertile. She just had to grin and bear it, helping Pepper and Tony take care of Morgan whenever they asked. Steve and her just sort of gave up, not wanting to deal with all of the heartache for the rest of their lives.
It was towards the end of their ninth year of marriage, their ninth year of trying to have a baby, someone smiled down upon them. As an early Christmas gift, Steve and Y/N received a positive pregnancy test. They were incredibly cautious, doing everything to the 'T' to make sure that they child would be okay. And in August, Y/N gave birth to a beautiful baby girl- Sarah Rose Rogers, named Sarah after Steve's mother. Things were great until October, when they had to fight against Thanos one last time to make things right and Steve decided he would much rather go back in time to be with Peggy, coming back an elderly man.
He died a few months later, right after his daughter turned five months old.
"How are you doing?" Sam asks quietly, not wanting to disturb the hungry child. Y/N sighed softly, looking up. She had deep dark circles under her eyes, clearly showing that she hadn't been getting much sleep. Her cheeks didn't look as full, making Sam wonder if she wasn't eating.
"I'm surviving. It's definitely difficult, trying to balance everything." Y/N replies, her eyes glancing back down at her daughter, "It's-Everything is all new to me. Most of the time I think I'm doing everything wrong."
"When was the last time you slept?" He questions, shifting on the bar stool. Sam felt guilty. Steve had asked both him and Bucky to look after his wife and child, to make sure that they were doing okay without him. Sam hadn't. He had other things to deal with-such as trying to readjust to this new world and talking to his family-so checking on Y/N had slipped his mind. Yet as he looks at her, taking in every little detail, Sam knows that he should've been calling her more, should've talked to her more.
"I can't sleep." She answers honestly, leaving out the 'without him' that was sitting on the tip of her tongue. Y/N had been so used to sleeping next to Steve that she had found it almost impossible to sleep without him. She fights the urge to yawn as she continues, "Besides, it gives me time to take care of things around the house. There's always a ton of laundry to do and I have work -"
"Woah woah hold on, you're supposed to be on leave, Y/N." Sam announces, raising an eyebrow at her. Y/N continues to feed her daughter as she glances up at him, her lips pressed tightly together.
"I'm not going to sit here and twiddle my thumbs, Sammy. I-I need to keep myself busy." Y/N replies, her voice wavering. She withholds the words that want to follow. I don't want to think about him. Sam turns his head, his eyes landing on a box sitting in the table that sat in the kitchen. A layer had dust had gathered on top of it. It probably hasn't been touched since it had been placed on top of the table. Written across the side of the box in black ink was PICTURES + RIBBON BANNERS. Things from the funeral, he realizes, left in the box to collect dust.
"Are you going to therapy? Like we talked about?" Sam questions, his voice a lot softer, like he's talking to a child. Y/N's shoulders seemed to slump and her mood starts to sour. She looks down at her daughter, who is blissfully unaware of what's happening around her. When Sam asked if he could come over, she should have assumed that he was going to act like this but she didn't. Y/N had thought he was just coming over to visit, but then again that should've raised some alarm. Like everyone else after Steve was put in the ground, Sam had left to live his life. Y/N had to struggle with being a new mother and living without Steve all by herself. No one offered their help or checked in to see how she was doing. The only one who she talked to was Rhodey, but that's because they worked together.
"You thought about him didn't you? That's why you're here. Something reminded you of him and then you thought of me." Y/N replies, the emotions leaving her voice, "Because if you did care, you would've called or texted or something."
"Y/N-" He starts, but Y/N quickly cuts him off, pulling the now empty bottle away from her daughter's mouth. Sarah looks up at her mother, her little hands rubbing at her eyes. The baby shifted in her mother's arms, trying to get comfortable. Y/N carefully puts the bottle into the sink.
"No, no don't try to tell me that you came here on your own volition, Sam. You don't text me, you don't call, you don't try to talk to me for a few months and all of a sudden you want to drop in?" Y/N sighs, shaking her head, "I-I appreciate you coming here, I really do, but don't waltz in here suddenly concerned over me."
They stay silent for a moment. Sam knew she was right. He had kept himself busy and as the days passed by, Y/N and what she might be going through slipped from his mind. It wasn't until last week when he was asked by someone about how Y/N was doing. He knows that he should've been making sure she was okay. Y/N had been one of his closest friends before Thanos snapped his fingers. He had watched her and Steve's relationship blossom and bloom. Hell, he had been Steve's best man at their wedding. He should have been right there for Y/N, should have been her shoulder to cry on after Steve had been buried, should have helped her take care of Sarah, but he hadn't. He had decided to run away, leaving her behind, leaving her to reassemble the shattered pieces of her life by herself. Sam had gotten to move on with his life. Y/N couldn’t.
"I'm sorry. I know that should've called and made contact after the funeral. I know that I should've come by. I just..." Sam sighs, his eyes focused on her, "I didn't know what to say to you. I wanted to help, wanted to console you, but I-I just couldn't. I didn't know how to tell you that everything was going to be okay when I didn't know if it was going to be okay."
Y/N doesn't respond. Instead of looking at Sam, she casts her eyes on Sarah. The child yawns, stretching in her mother's arms. Sarah had her mother's eyes, but had her father's blonde hair. It shined softly in the light as the baby curled up against her mother. Sarah was all Y/N had left of Steve, her last reminder of how much she loved him. But as she looked at her sleepy daughter, she felt that familiar pang of heartache, the same one she would get every time she looked at Sarah because she was reminded that Steve had abandoned this sweet little baby, had abandoned Y/N to make a family with someone else, someone who probably didn't have to try for years to have a baby with him. Y/N wanted to direct all her anger towards Steve, but she had started to think about what things she might’ve done wrong, even though Y/N knew that there was nothing she could have changed to make Steve stay. He was the one who made that choice, he was the one who decided to leave, so he should be the one she was mad at, not herself.
"I-I've been doing everything I'm supposed to be doing. I go to therapy. I take my pills. I started working again so I have some sort of normalcy. I make sure Sarah is okay, I try to be the best mom I can be for her. I do everything I am supposed to do and still-I still feel bad. I feel so fucking bad all the time, Sammy." She suddenly announces, tears starting to pool in her eyes. Sam can feel his heart splinter in his chest as she continues, "I just-I don't understand why he left. He-He told me that he loved me every day and that he loved Sarah and I just....Why would he leave us?"
Sam didn't know how to respond to any of that. He didn't have an answer for her. He didn't know why Steve would leave his family. The whole situation confused him as well and left him with a bad taste in his mouth. The man who he had thought Steve was, that man wouldn't have just up and abandon his wife and infant daughter. No, that man would happy, over the fucking moon that he had a family. The Steve Sam knew wouldn't have left behind his wife and child to make a family with someone else, with someone who already lived a good life. Sam didn't understand what could have happened in those five years that would make Steve do that.
Instead of saying anything, he stood up and walked around the island. Sam carefully pulled her into his arms, making sure sweet little Sarah didn't get squished in between them. The infant looked up at him, probably wondering who the hell he was. Sam held the two of them in his arms as Y/N cried, her shoulders shaking with her sobs. Her child rested in her arms, completely unaware of what was going on.
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sunaswife · 4 years ago
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Summary: It’s been five years since you’ve seen your ex, Rin. He’s still not over you and you’re not over him. When he finds out you have children he thought he didn’t have a chance. Then he finds out they’re his? All of a sudden you’re teaching Suna how to be a single dad.
Warnings: Fluff, angst I guess, drama, and cuteness twin overload
Previously Up Next Masterlist
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Chapter Ten
“Don’t worry I will save the princess and the queen!” Rini yelled with a paper towel sword. “Rawr!!!” Rin sat on his knees and flared his arms. “Oh no save us!” Akira yelled and you both stayed huddled on the couch. “I’m going to eat the princess and the queen.” Rin growled and attack Rini. Rini fell on his back and Rin began tickling his son.
Rini immediately began laughing and thrashing around under his dad and you were trying to tell them to be careful so Rini wouldn’t pee on himself. “See mom, boys are useless.” Akira muttered and stood up on the couch. Before you can scold her she hopped on Rin’s back and began pulling his hair. “Bad dragon don’t tickle the knight!” She huffed and began smack. “Oww, what the fuck—“ Rin hissed and gripped Akiras shoulders. He flipped her and made her land on her back (gently) and began tickling her as well.
Akira’s laugh filled the living room and Rini was trying to catch his breath. “Mom save us!” Akira yelled. “Jesus Christ.” You sighed and did exactly what Akira did. You wrapped your arms around his neck and your chest rubbed his back. He froze and Akira caught her breath. She lifted her legs and with her feet pushed him back and Rin lost his balance. You fell back and Rin landed right on top of you. “Ow..” you mumbled and rubbed your head. “I’m sorry.” Rin groaned and turned, his face rested right between your breasts. He slowly lifted himself and he looked at your chest. He looked up at your face and saw the embarrassment. “Holy shit I’m sorry!” He said and immediately pulled away.
“It’s okay. Sorry for landing on your back.” You muttered and he held out his hand, you grabbed it and he pulled you up. “Mommy and daddy sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G!” Your kids sang and you scowled. “Come on, time for bed.” You immediately said and they began to whine. “No cuz then daddy’s gonna leave.” Akira whined. “No arguing. It’s late and momma and I need to have a talk.” He said and carried them both.
He walked them to their room and began tucking them in. They kept protesting that they didn’t want him to leave but he said that he had to and it was final. He was going to come back and see them anyways.
A crying fest began and it took almost an hour for them to calm down and eventually they knocked out due to exhaustion. Finally you and Rin sighed and closed the door to their room. “I can’t believe you did that for five years already.” Rin said and rubbed his shoulder. “I need to see a chiropractor.” You muttered, “me too.” He replied. You made your way to the kitchen and took out a wine cooler, “want one?” You asked, he nodded and you tossed it and he caught it.
“I’m gonna need like four of these.” You said and Rin snorted. “You bet.” He sighed and you both got comfortable on the couch. “Where do i start?” Rin hummed. “Post breakup...?” You suggested and he nodded. “Once upon a time—“ he started and you nudged him with your foot. “I’m your ex not your kid.” You said and he chuckled.
“Alright. So it started when—“
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“Sweetie please talk to us..” Rintarou’s mother knocked on her sons door. “I’m fine.” Rin spat out. “Just leave me alone.” He said as he held the pig plush in his arms. “Rintarou I’m worried. Please.” His mother begged. “What do you want me to say?!” He raised his voice causing his mother’s eyes to widened.
He’s never ever raised his voice at her. “The girl that I love left me. How am I supposed to feel?! I don’t have anyone anymore!” He cried. “Sweetie she’s your first love, of course it’ll hurt but—“ “She’s my only love! Don’t you get it! I don’t want to be with anyone but her. She was my rock, she was there when nobody else was. She supported me and inspired me to be better and now she’s gone.” He sobbed and squeeze the pig plush. 
He saw the photo of you and him smiling by his bed and his chest tightened. “You fucking idiot!” He yelled at himself. He threw the plush and grabbed his wallet from his desk. He opened the door and his mom was standing there looking at her son in shock.
“Rintarou—you’re out. Are you hungr—“ “I’ll be back in a few days.” He told her. “Wait what? Why—Rintarou I know you’re heartbroken but you’ll find someone who will truly love you and appreciate—“ “Don’t you get it you old hag?! She loved me and appreciated me! But I ruined it! I ruined everything!” He neared his mom causing her to take a step back.
His eyes widened and he saw the fear in his own mother’s eyes. “Mom I—“
“I’m sick and tired of you being stupid! She’s gone. She doesn’t want you. Just move on. It won’t be easy but you’ll get over her eventually.” She told her son and he wiped his face with his sleeve. “I’m going to Miyagi and I’m going to find her.” He had decided, “With what money Rintarou? That’s a day long trip.” His mother asked.
He looked at her and she shook her head, “I’m not giving you money to see your little ex girlfriend just for you to come back even more depressed.” She told him and he rolled his eyes and slammed his bedroom door.
His mother sighed.
That night she got into a fight with her husband. “Rintarou is severely depressed and he’s having mood swings over some girl!” She hissed and his dad sighed. “My love, he’ll get over her eventually. He just needs his space—“ Rintarou’s parents were both interrupted by banging on their front door. They looked at eachother confused and his dad went to answer.
When he opened the door he was met with the gray haired twin. “Osamu hi..what brings you here—“ “Where is Rin?” He immediately asked and pushed through them. “What do you mean, he’s in his room.” Rin’s father said. “Excuse me.” Osamu quickly panted as he ran up the stairs. It was incredible disrespectful to barge in unannounced and without taking off your shoes but he wanted to make sure that his best friend was okay.
He found Rin’s door and tried the door knob. “Leave me alone!” Rin’s voice cracked as he tried to open the new pain meds his mother bought. “Rin listen to me, open the door. Please.” Osamu begged. “Osamu whats the meaning of this?” Rin’s father automatically asked. “Rin open the door.” Osamu repeated. Everyone else was muted from his mind his watery eyes and shaking hand made it hard for him to open the pill bottle.
He didn’t answer and Osamu’s heart stopped. He took a few steps back, then rammed his shoulder in the door. Rin flinched and turned to see his door slightly cracked. Osamu winced at the pain and he stepped back once more instead of his shoulder he lifted his leg to kick and he tried breaking it once more.
“Fuck Fuck Fuck.” Suna muttered as he kept his struggle. Finally the pill bottle cap unscrewed and his eyes widened. He held the pills in his palm and he put his head back to swallow. Even if he chokes trying to swallow the dry pills it doesn’t matter. He grabbed his water bottle, the one you put stickers all over and he drank as much as his throat could take.
It hurt swallowing down those pills, his throat burned and it felt like he was being cut from the inside. From the corner of his eye the door bursted open and came in Osamu with Suna’s poor weeping mother being held by her husband, his father. “Are you a fucking idiot?!” The gray haired twin screamed and immediately pulled Suna to his side. “Call 119 NOW!” Osamu yelled. “Leave me alone Samu—“ “Like hell I will! What would Y/N think if she find out you did this?!” He yelled. Tears filled his eyes and he could barley see his best friend. Rin stayed quiet and his gaze shifted passed Osamu’s shoulder.
“Y/N...what are you doing here?” Suna whispered and Osamu saw Suna’s eyes next to him. “What do you mean I’m stupid? I just feel so lonely... I said I was sorry. But you didn’t want to listen.” Suna began to cry once more and Osamu hugged him. “It’s gonna be okay. Please stay with me Rin.”
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“Oh my god.” You cried, “I’m so sorry.” You apologized. “Hey hey it’s okay. I’m fine now.” Suna smiled softly and held you in his arms. “You could have been dead because of me.” You smacked his chest. Even in tears You looked so beautiful.
“In all honesty it was my fault to begin with. I shouldn’t have played with your heart. And when you left, it broke my heart. And I desperately wanted to get it back. I guess it showed how much I loved you.”
“How much I still love you.” He said softly.
“Rin you’re insane.” You wiped your eyes. “And what happened after?” You asked. “Well I had a dream about you and you seemed disappointed in the actions and state I was in. So I decided to try to be better than I was before. So that eventually you can take me back. I don’t know if you noticed but I’m a bit more social.” He joked and your heart swelled.
“In all honesty you were my motivation out of my depression. Sometimes I still get episodes and it sucks but I’ve been fine for a while now.” He admitted. “So you literally did a 180 just for..me?” You hiccuped. “Yeah. I love you. Always have and always will.” He looked into your eyes hopefully.
“Do you want to move in?” You asked and his eyes widened. “You want me to move in?” He asked. “Well how else are we gonna raise two kids? Our schedules are always changing. It makes sense to just live together.” You said and he nodded.
“Does that mean we can like share a room and cuddle like last night?”
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🔪: I know this was a lot but I wanted it to end a little positively
🏷: @therealwalmartjesus @differentballooncollection @aaesuki @atsunflower @dope-squish @prettysetterboiss @june-phantom @tomo-uwu @austriasmariazelle @xrnia @katsulia @aprettyfruit @shut-your-eyes-kiss-me-goodbye @tvbiio @sun-daddy-yoriichi @kamenoyaki @ppangiiroo @loeyprivvv @kmskj92 @lovinnoya @sarahvvictoria @tris-does-stuff @mokkeguts @sunaluvr6969 @bara-rose-would @sempiternal-amour @volleybloop @leykyuu @bokutoichigo @stfucanunot @iloveanime691 @tpwkatsumu @ohrintarou @shoutosimp @mqrinqcele @bokutosdivineass @anngelllla @toworuu @hidden-otaku-stuff @seijohiselite @caxsthetic @aquariarose @hhwanggu @bakuhoetoedoroki @yoozuku @osamus-onigiri @akaashi-todorki @donica95 @kakaokenma @airheadpillar
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worm-rwby · 4 years ago
Real Life Mom!Salem (2/5)
based on my fantasies about Salem raising Watts, Tyrian, and Cinder in our world, completely unfounded, self-indulgence for the win. Part One.
Cinder arrived sick, malnourished, still recovering from the last assault, and had many intellectual deficits. Salem took a week off from work to focus entirely on getting her settled, also to learn more about who the kid was and which need was more emergent. By the end of those seven days, she had learned that most of her needs were emergent and that her health had reached critical levels. The girl was in actual danger of dying. Her finances were rearranged for all the medical bills she would've come in her way, she also added a new therapist and reserved a selected amount for unforeseen expenses. There were a lot of exams and doctor visits for the rest of the month, which not only took a toll on her money but also on the kids who were getting stressed out. Cinder specifically was having a hard time having needles biting her arms constantly and strange adults, dressed in white, touching her sore body and keeping her in cold blue rooms.
Cinder's recovery was painfully slow. One of her main struggles was the pills she had a hard time swallowing. Salem came to a point she would mash the pills with a knife and mix it in the child's juice just to avoid the drama of getting her to choke that down.
Different from the boys, Cinder's diet had to be adapted to her poor nourishment. Almost everything Salem gave her during the first days ended up causing bad stomachaches and nausea, which caused bloodied vomiting and diarrhea. To get her more easily adapted to the new food, Salem would go out of her way to learn the best ways to make the food look appetizing and taste better. Little did she know Cinder would devour anything with joy, neverminding the appearance. Food was a luxury, anything she could get was good enough. Being fed three times a day was a dream come true.
Salem couldn't deny that among her three kids she seemed to be way more invested in Cinder. The way she furnished her bedroom and bought her clothes was unlike anything she had done before. The youngest got a canopy bed that looked like it came from a fairytale book, exclusive collections of porcelain dolls, tailor-made shoes, Barbie dolls of every kind, and accessories. It was a rags to riches classic story.
Watts didn't mind the toys or the bedroom so much, but he did miss his mom's attention. Tyrian on the other hand was having the time of his life playing with his sister and discovering his own love for dolls and "tea party". Cinder was happy to have him around and never hesitated on sharing her toys. This attitude helped to get Tyrian on her side since Watts wouldn't share anything with both of them. When Cinder grabbed his 3DS out of curiosity he freaked out and got both of his siblings kicked out of his room.
After Cinder was finally healthy again Salem had the time to pay attention to other things around the house. And she finally noticed Watts growing jealousy and resentment against his siblings, especially the youngest one. She took her time to work on that problem because he was soon going to college and she wished that they would not part ways with hard feelings.
Despite being happy to stay with Cinder, Tyrian was still a quite aggressive kid. When distracted and emotionally charged, the boy would lose consciousness of his own strength and behavior. Because of that, Salem had to keep an eye on them every time they were playing together, no matter what. The first time an accident happened she was trying to make dinner, finish a deal online, and watch the kids in the TV room. A pillow fight broke, she had to rush to save the food, and before getting back to the younglings, a miscommunication on the chat online stole her attention. It was Watts calling for her that got her out of the computer and into the TV room where her eldest son was dragging his limp sister from under the pillow where his brother had kept her for way too long, almost suffocating her. Up till that moment, Tyrian was laughing and teasing Cinder to fight him, completely unaware that she was barely conscious on the floor. Salem had to disarm herself of every stress-related work, stress-related food, and focus only on her children because she was about to lose it. Fortunately, Cinder recovered fast and well, Salem asked Watts to watch her while she talked to Tyrian who was beginning to realize something was wrong. She did not shout at him, she did not blame him, she first helped him calm down and hugged him into serenity so he could actually listen to her and understand what she had to say. In the end, Tyrian felt sorry for what he did and promised to be more careful next time. Cinder had no problems accepting his apologies and held no remorse against her brother. Salem was secretly shaking and never again allowed herself to be distracted when taking care of her children again.
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whumpmatsus · 4 years ago
Do they have to be whump related? Also Ichimatsu getting a shot pls
wasn't sure if you wanted a draw or a fic, so I did both!
and yeah, any draw or fic requests you send here should probably be whump-related since this is a whump-focused blog
though if you wanna send any draw or fic/scenario/reaction/etc. requests that AREN'T whump, you can send them to my general Osomatsu-san blog at @kisskissmatsu!
enjoooooy <3
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Usually Ichimatsu is the sextuplet who’s fine being left all by himself.
Being in the hospital without his family, though, is a much different story.
It started innocently enough ― with a persistent cough that was almost certainly the herald of a cold or sore throat on the horizon. As much as he hates being sick, he sort of resigned himself to it. He’s the one among his brothers who’s forever catching what happens to be going around, despite the fact that he doesn’t spend a lot of time around other people. That’s why he started wearing a face mask when he does leave the house.
It was about a week or so of sneezing, coughing, and sniffling his way through various attempts to rest. His throat felt worse than it usually did with a cold, and even more alarming was that his chest felt like it was on fire, especially when he started coughing. Even though he started having trouble breathing, he thought maybe this was just something that would linger for a bit, something that needed more sleep to recover from.
When things didn’t taper off after that, since a week was typically all it took for him to start feeling better, the others started commenting on it.
When Ichimatsu started to spend more time in the bathroom with a sink full of hot water in the hopes that the steam would help him breathe easier, and it didn’t seem to be having any effect, they all got worried.
When Karamatsu blurted out, “I secretly took Ichimatsu’s temperature with a forehead thermometer while he was sleeping and it read 39.4!”, Mom and Dad immediately carted their fourth son off to the hospital.
It figures Shittymatsu would get him into this mess, but Ichimatsu supposes that the sneaky gesture was only out of care, otherwise Karamatsu wouldn’t have spoken up about a number that concerned him.
That doesn’t mean he has to like it. After a distressing, panic-inducing few hours of waiting and a date with the X-ray machine, the doctor diagnosed him with bacterial pneumonia. That particular diagnosis ensured that he had to be admitted into the hospital under quarantine, because as the doctor explained, bacterial pneumonia is extremely contagious and potentially life-threatening, particularly to someone with a fragile immune system like Ichimatsu. They can’t send him home to infect his brothers or the rest of the community, and even though he isn’t technically immuno-compromised, his tendency to get sick easily means that it’s better for him to be here in the hospital in case things suddenly take a bad turn.
Being in here is like he’s trapped in hell and can’t get out. Because he’s in quarantine, he never sees anybody. Which would be fine normally. Feeling so poorly is a significant reason for wanting his family nearby, though… and he can’t have them.
The most they can do is visit outside his room and talk to him through the speaker system. That’s even worse, seeing them all and not being able to have any real contact with him. Right now more than anything, what he wants is a hug from his mom. God, he wants a hug from his brothers.
It’s hard to even get any rest like he’s supposed to be doing. Most of his time is spent sitting up, trying to get a sufficient breath in while he listens to various TV channels. The idol news reminds him of Choromatsu, sports statistics remind him of Jyushimatsu, game shows remind him of Osomatsu, American dramas remind him of Karamatsu, and fashion shows remind him of Totty.
Those are just distractions, because it’s still hard to breathe. He’s struggling for most of his breaths, but too deep a breath will trigger a coughing fit. Which, in turn, makes it more difficult to breathe.
It’s barely been a day since he was admitted and already he wants out of here.
His brothers visit sometime after lunch, and they spend a few hours. Eventually the nurse gently chases them out, telling them that Ichimatsu needs to try to get some rest. Shortly after that she comes into the room, rolling her little cart with the tray on it.
“How do you feel today, Ichimatsu?” she hums, pulling on a pair of gloves. “Any better than when we admitted you?”
He shakes his head and tries to answer when another series of coughs interrupts him. Although it’s hard to cover his mouth when his whole body is aching, he does his best. After all, he doesn’t want to get anyone else sick. He’s already in quarantine, so all the doctors and nurses are taking their own precautions; still, he shouldn’t just give up and spread his germs carelessly. “N-not really.”
She nods and picks up a wrapped packet from the tray. “Well, to be honest, that’s understandable. It hasn’t been very long.” The packet is ripped open, and the distinct smell of alcohol fills the air as she carefully pushes his sleeve up. “The lack of improvement does concern us, though. So I just have to give you an injection of some medicine, okay?”
Shit. He thought that might be what was going on here. He knows he’s too exhausted to fight it, and yet, his brain evidently isn’t too exhausted to not be fucking anxious about it. “I… I have to get a shot?”
The cold wipe is rubbed against the top part of his arm. “Yeahhh… I’m sorry. This is penicillin, and it’s one of our standard treatments for pneumonia. The doctor thinks you’ll have better luck sitting still for one shot than for a whole pill-and-water deal, since you’re coughing a lot. I kind of have to agree, since you might accidentally inhale some water if you cough while trying to take the pills.”
Immediately he starts to panic. Most of the time the idea of a shot doesn’t bother him more than it might the average person ― he gets the yearly flu vaccine without any problems. Right now, however… the idea of a shot while he’s already feeling so terrible, the initial pinch and the ache that might happen afterwards and being alone, it just feels scary.
The nurse must hear the way his breathing starts to quicken, or maybe the way his hands start shaking. She gives his shoulder a little pat. “Ah, I know on your chart it says you suffer from some anxiety. Are you a bit anxious right now?”
“Y… yeah…”
“Okay. That’s totally fine, you know? Different people get anxious about different things. Would it help if I distracted you, or if I gave you a countdown so you know when it’s coming? Sometimes that helps so it’s not a surprise… or, sometimes people prefer it to be a surprise. Which one do you think would be best for you?”
… Oh. He wasn’t expecting something like that. It almost feels like he has a little control over this, despite the fact that he has to get the injection either way. “C… can you… count down?”
“Sure, of course. No problem.” Then she reaches over with one hand, grabbing the syringe with the other. “Would you like to hold my hand?”
That’s kind of… babyish, isn’t it? “I-I’m not a kid… I don’t wanna…”
She chuckles. “Well, you know, earlier today I held the hand of an elderly lady who was getting a shot. It’s not just a kid thing. But if you don’t want to, that’s fine too.”
He takes a moment to consider that, then silently slips his hand into hers.
“Alright, just squeeze if you feel like you need to. I’m all set, are you?”
“I… I think so…”
“Okay, I’m gonna give you the countdown then. Here we go. Three ― two ― one.”
As soon as she says the last number, he feels the needle pierce his skin. It’s uncomfortable, a sharp kind of pinprick pain. There’s a slight feeling of tightness and soreness as the medicine is emptied into his muscle, and a brief jolt when the nurse pulls the needle out.
All in all, even though it isn’t a pleasant experience, it’s not as bad as it could have been. It’s certainly better than choking on a pill and a glass of water if he had to try to swallow the medication.
And, at least, it’s over now.
“There. You did great, Ichimatsu. Probably my best patient of the day!” With that, she sets the syringe back down on the tray and gingerly smooths a bandage with a cotton ball over the injection site. “That should keep you clean just in case any blood trickles out from the shot, and someone will come take it off later if the adhesive starts to make your skin itch.”
He nods and coughs into his arm again, giving a soft groan. He’s just so tired, from the fever, from the coughing, from not being home. “Is it gonna m… khh… make me tired?”
“Haha, it shouldn’t, no. You might feel a little nauseous, or you might have to go to the bathroom more, or you might get a small itchy rash… just press the call button if any of that happens or if you feel strange otherwise, okay?” Her cart is all packed up already, and she’s heading out of the room. “If you get tired, it’s probably because you’re sick and need rest. So, try to sleep as much as you can.”
“’Kay.” He just feels like this illness has drained everything out of him, and there’s a little throbbing where he got the injection. But, the more he sleeps, hopefully the sooner he can recover and go home.
On her way out, the nurse dims the lights. Practically as soon as she does, Ichimatsu’s eyes start to drift closed. God, he’s so tired.
He lies down, though the bed is still a little elevated since sleeping flat will just make him cough more. Sleep tugs at him, and he has to move a little bit so he’s not putting any pressure on the area where he got the shot.
Soon. Soon he can go home.
Just as soon as he gets better.
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krispydefendorpolice · 5 years ago
Miraculous Future (3)
Justice League England/Saturday Evening
Ok. Here is the next chapter of the kids from the Future AU. We’re closing up the chapter of their lives from Dupont and the class and starting to get into their lives together. At least that’s what I had in mind this chapter.
Enjoy the reading.
Beginning Previous Next Masterpost
Once they were at the London Division of the Justice League headquarters the Paris group was divided into smaller parties. Another three children and 5 young adults had joined their group for the trip to England from Marne-la-Vallee, France.
Marinette’s group, which included Sakura, Terry and Helena got a larger conference room as they waited for a medic to take the samples they needed.
With the medic came, a file clerk who went down a list of questions asking about the children, their affiliations, their parents future selves, and their affiliations. Terry, Helena, Emilie and Thomas all mentioned attending ‘The Academy for Future Heroes’ or ‘Hero Academy’ as it was affectionately called, for their schooling. They said that Damian and Jon continued their current affiliations with the League.
Before they left Marinette asked if they could get food for the kids and the rest of them. The last meal was around 1 when the children arrived and it was getting to be 8 and little Louis was beginning to fuss.
They were led to the cafeteria where many of the displaced children and families were getting meals as well. Marinette drafted Damian and Jon to help her get food for everyone while Adrian, Luka Terry and Helena were deputized to keep the Litterbugs together and calm.
Meals were served and children were eating when someone approached their table.
Marinette and the rest looked up to see a nervous Nino standing next to them. He glanced at Marinette and Adrian before looking down at the top of the table. “Would it be possible for me to have a word with the two of you?” He asked them.
Adrian looked at Marinette for her response. When she stood, he went with her to an empty table that was a bit farther from theirs but within eyeliner if needed. Marinette and Adrian took seats next to each other on one side as Nino sat across from them.
“I’ve been listening to Dahlia and the twins talk about the future. They’ve had some eye opening things to say about Lila and,” he grimaced, “even Alya. But it’s made me think about how the class has been for the last couple of years and I think they might be downplaying how bad it gets.”
Marinette waited for Nino to get to the point he was trying to make. Under the table Adrian had taken her hand because it was hard to see his old friend, his first friend in school, struggle with this. Marinette gave it a squeeze as Nino continued.
“I owe you both an apology. I let Alya and Lila tell me lies that if I thought about for myself for even a moment I would have known they weren’t true and believed them to be truth. I hurt the both of you with my words and my actions over the last couple of years and you didn’t deserve that.” He had tears in his eyes when he met their gaze head on and finished, “I’m sorry I wasn’t a good friend to you.”
Marinette looked down at the table as she found the words she’d wanted to say since the whole class schism had begun. “I accept your apology Nino,” she looked up at his eyes for the next part, “but I can’t forgive the hurts you’ve caused. You were one of my oldest friends and you know me. But you still chose to believe a stranger over me. You turned your back on me when the class was bullying me and your turned a blind eye when Alya and Lila themselves would harass me.”
She stood up and finished her speech, “I wish you have a good life Nino. Cherish those little girls that are waiting for you but I can’t have you as part of my life anymore. Goodbye.”
Marinette turned and walked away from the boys and back to the large table with her future at it. Where there was silence behind her there was laughter, noise and chatter in front of her. She found her pace quickening so that she could get back to that table faster.
Adrian looked at Nino who was freely crying in front of him. “You were my first friend you know? The first friend I made by myself and of my own choice.” He smiled at Nino when he looked at him. “Thank you for offering your friendship. You helped me to see the world beyond the walls my father built. But Marinette showed me what it meant to be family. She’s been there through every change since we were 15 and she’s stood with me when my Dad would have turned Lila into my keeper at school.”
“Have a good life Nino. You deserve it too,” Adrian left the young man at the table and joined his boyfriend, his best friends and their family at their table.
They returned back to their conference/waiting room when everyone finished eating. By this point Baby Louis was falling asleep and Jon was holding the baby since he had cried when anyone else had tried.
According to Terry and Helena he was like that in the future as well and insisted that either Mama or Dada, his name for Jon, hold him when he was sleepy.
Batman came into the room with J’onn J’ones. The Martian Manhunter himself went over the results of the kids tests.
“So the results of the LitterBugs,” he stumbled over the nickname but continued on, “was as you had said. Marinette is the biological mother for all with fathers as previously stated.”
He turned to Chloé, Kagami and Sakura, “Mademoiselle Bourgeois is the biological mother, no matches were found for a biological father.”
“And Miss Helena is who she says she is. Which leaves you young man,” he closed the files and looked at Terry who was sitting with Helena.
“Congrats. It’s a boys,” he smirked at Bruce in his costume.
Bruce removed the cowl since he was pretty well resigned to having the Parisians in his house until the children could be returned to the future and everyone else here already knew.
“How?” He asked. Since Damian came to them
Bruce had been as responsible as he could to ensure they didn’t have a similar situation occur.
“Relax,” Terry said leaning back into the wall, “I don’t think you had any say or control over my birth. There was a mad science group.”
“Is a mad science group?” He asked looking at Helena who shrugged back. “Anyways, they managed to get DNA from blood left at one fight or another. Used it to create a nano-virus which they gave to my Dad Warren. Changed his doodads into genetic replicates of yours. Mom and Dad got busy and nine months later a bouncing baby boy is born with your DNA”
“Didn’t make a difference to either of them while they were alive, but when my dad died, mom didn’t want me. The state did a DNA test to see if I had other family out there. Imagine the surprise when ‘Billionaire Family Man’ Bruce Wayne had a secret son.”
“It was a pretty bitter pill as a kid who just lost one parent, when I got shipped to my older brother Damian and Marinette’s place for a few years. But I get it now. After I found out the family secret,” he jabbed his chin at the bat symbol on Bruce’s chest, “you wanted to keep me out of it. Keep me safe if you could. And Damian, who was semi-retired to help care for the LitterBugs was a safe place for me to go.”
“I’m sorry,” Bruce said.
“Don’t be,” Terry replied. “I got to see a lot of you, Selina and Helena. You guys came pretty frequently, about a week or two every couple months to get to know me. And I spent time with you guys in Gotham or on Vacations. You were just trying to protect me from what you could.”
“And Helena was telling the truth, that was the year she turned seven and started spending long summers in France.”
Bruce sighed and gave his attention back to the group. “Damian has already asked but I wanted to offer again, our home is open to all of you for the duration of the kids stay. But if you would prefer we are arranging living quarters at the various League Headquarters and London has offered you rooms to stay with the kids or to find caretakers if needed.
“My maman and papa have already given me permission to stay with the kids Mr Wayne.” Marinette looked at Damian and the rest of her group. “We’d be open to accepting your offer.”
“Helena and I are technically your kids B so we’ll go where ever you think best,” Terry added and looked to the side.
He may have tried to dismiss it but being sent away as a kid did leave hurt feelings behind.
“You’ll be coming to the manor then,” Bruce said, “All of you.”
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Meanwhile I hope you enjoyed this
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daniyasocspace · 4 years ago
Summary: Jaeyoung's older brother has been spiraling downwards and the leader is put in a difficult position of balancing his duties as a leader, brother and boyfriend.
Warnings: Swearing, Drugs, Alcohol, Suicidal Ideation
Characters: Jaeyoung, Hana (Mentioned - @starlightoffical​)
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He thought everything had been sorted but once again, his father was calling with the urgent plea for Jaeyoung to help his older brother. Daewon had been spiraling downwards for the last year and a half since he caught his fiancée cheating with his - former - best friend. Two people he had trusted with his life, who he had been friends with since high school, who both stabbed him in the back in the worst way.
Jaeyoung had left Hana's apartment in a hurry, guilt pooling inside him; she was struggling too, and leaving her during a vulnerable moment had him feeling terrible.
As he started his car and pulled into the busy street, he dialed Daewon's cellphone number, cursing as it rang and rang. "God dammit, Dae!" He smacked his steering wheel in frustration. He then tried their younger sisters number, who answered immediately. "Naeun, have you been in contact with Dae recently?"
"Yes! He's a complete mess! I want to slap those two monsters for doing this to him! I can't take seeing him like this anymore, Oppa. Mother and Father are trying their best but he's so stubborn and distant now."
Jaeyoung took a deep breath, his grip on the steering wheel tightening. "I'm on my way to see him. I'll let you know how things go when I've left." Jaeyoung hangs up and pulls into the parking lot of Daewon's apartment minutes later.
"You! He is causing trouble again! He's disturbing the other tenants!" The landlord - a strict ahjumma who wasn't a fan of Daewon in the slightest, immediately confronted Jaeyoung as soon as he entered the lobby. With how disruptive his older brother could be, she still hadn't evicted him. Mostly due to the fact that their family was paying double the rent for him to continue living here, otherwise Daewon would have ended up in the streets by now.
"I am so sorry. I will go take care of him. I apologize for any troubles he's cost." Jaeyoung bows multiple times before rushing to the elevator, lunching the button for the fourth floor.
As soon as the door opens, he hears a loud crash of glass and angry voices. When he stepped out, Daewon was in the face of a slightly younger looking man, who looked terrified as he clutched a delivery bag to his chest.
"You fucking... jackass. I should... fucking cut your dick... off right here, right... now." Daewon's words were slurred, his face red and sweaty from all the alcohol he bad consumed. He could barely stand straight.
The delivery boy shrunk back, whimpering. "Please...Pease don't hurt me! I've only come to deliver food, sir." Jaeyoung rushed over, stepping between the two, apologizing profusely to the delivery man.
"Oh, little brother! You're...back again...Yah, cool...Fuck off now." Daewon reached a shaky arm out, attempting to shove Jaeyoung but instead ended up stumbling over himself. Jaeyoung caught him before he could fall, grunting as he draped the older boy over his shoulder and guided him down the hall and back into his apartment. 
"Sit down and take a deep breath," Jaeyoung pointed to the sofa. Daewon snorted, falling onto the couch with a grunt. "Y-you know I'm fine, littl b-brother." He insists, words slurred.
Jaeyoung goes to grab a bottle of water from the kitchen before joining him again, sitting next to the older boy. As he hands him the bottle, he notices a bottle of pulls dumped over onto the coffee table. "What are these, hyung? What were you going to do with these?" He asked, a frantic look on his face.
Daewon slurps up some water, laughing as he looks at the pills. "I was g-going to down them all, the u-usual game, you know?" He laughs again. "Naeun called just as i-i was about to swallow 'em all! Haha!"
Jaeyoung bites the inside of his cheek, shaking his head as he scoops up the pills and shoves them into his jacket pocket. The name on the name on the bottle wasn't his brothers, which concerned Jaeyoung even more.
Daewon was 28 years old, so no longer a young boy. He wasn’t a bad person by any means but he was struggling very badly - his break up had hit him hard, considering him and his ex-fiancée had been together sophomore year of college. As a hopeless romantic, she had been the one for him and he could not picture himself with anyone else. To catch who he thought was his one true love in bed with his (now former) best friend since childhood, it was too much for him to handle. Their family was trying their best to support and help him but it was getting harder and harder, each day.
"What is wrong today, Hyung? I thought you were getting better?" Jaeyoung had started to feel exasperated by his older brothers antics. He worried so much for him - much like the rest of their family - and it weighed heavily on him, making it difficult to balance his new life as a rookie idol and boyfriend, on top of family business related things. 
“That traitor got her pregnant now! Fucking twins, little brother! You know how much that hurts me? You know how bad I wanted children and she always turned it down, saying motherhood wasn’t for her and now she’s happily flaunting her fucking ultrasound pictures all over SNS! I loved her so much. I waited, thinking maybe some day she’d have a change of heart. I was always patient with her.” He looked much more alert and sounded more coherent as she spilled everything out, tears pouring from his eyes now.
“Jesus Christ, Dae.” Jaeyoung murmured, wrapping him in a hug. “I’m sorry, Hyung. You really don’t deserve any of this, but you cannot continue down this path. What about Mom and Dad? Little Mihi ? You’re her favorite brother out of the two of us. How do you think she would feel if she were to lose her favorite person in the whole world?”
Mihi was only twelve and had such a bright future ahead of her. Losing her favorite Oppa would certainly be an earth shattering moment for her. She was Daewon’s little gummy bear, as he always called her. She always looked up to him and he had practically raised her when their parents were far too busy with work.
Daewon froze, a flash of realization in his eyes as Jaeyoung’s words hit him. “How is she doing? I miss her so much, brother.”
“She’s great, from what Naeun and Haneul tell me. She’s excelling at science and math, as to be expected from the prodigy of the family.” Jaeyoung laughs softly, a fond smile on his face. He was proud of their baby sister and how smart she was for her age.
The two talked more and after forcing him to drink more water to help sober up, Daewon eventually started to nod off and Jaeyoung stayed by his side for a couple of hours, just to make sure he got enough rest and didn’t try anything silly.
(To Be Continued...)
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slashiest-slasher · 5 years ago
How about a male s/o who has chronic lower back and tailbone pain? To the point where they cant walk or sit most of the time uwu I love ur writing
uwuwuwuwu thanks, i love when you guys send stuff in! i don’t know who specifically you want so i’ll go with my default slashers. i struggle with back pain a lot so i feel this, there's a reason i only sleep on my front lmao wish i had a big beefy slasher to make it all better tho
warnings for some nsfw (sorry, can’t help myself, jerking off helps when my back’s hurting so *shrugs*)
Michael Myers
□ Lets be honest here, at first Michael isn’t going to really care. Yeah, you hurt, big whoop, everyone has back pain. You don’t see him laying around whining about it. (Michael blease, you get thrown around and shoved off building enough to know how much it hurts….)
□ But as he starts to care about you more, and sees how bad it is, when you can’t get out of bed and you’re crying so hard that you’re not making any noises or tears any more because your pain pills are all the way in the bathroom. That’s when he starts becoming more considerate and, dare I say, soft.
□ He always makes sure the pills are on your nightstand, and there’s a glass of water usually waiting for you. When you refuse to take your pills, but are obviously in a lot of pain, he’ll hold them to your lips until you take them. But the damn bastard isn’t likely to do anything else.
□ Except maybe lay in bed with you to keep you company, though this tends to line up with his own back pain since this dumbass has wrecked his back doing some pretty stupid shit over the years.
□ If your pain is particularly bad, and the pills aren’t doing anything to help, he does have one solution he learned over the years. It’s best not to ask where he picked it up from. And if you’re not already in a sexual relationship you better get real comfortable, real fast.
□ He lubes up his index finger and slips it in, and massages your tailbone between it and his thumb. At first it feels odd, especially if you and Michael haven’t crossed that line yet, but pain starts to lessen so you don’t say anything.
□ Once Michael notices that you aren't crying anymore, he switches over to ruthlessly fingering your prostate, catching you off guard, but making you cum all over his mask in record time (since he didn't exactly have the foresight to move away). And damn, as awkward as that might've been, it did work, at least for now.
□ Michael is going to make you be a whole hell of a lot more conscious about everything you're doing to help with your back pain, because if he can cope, so can you. Though you do smile at the advertisement for spinal injections for back pain slipped in with the mail.
Jason Voorhees
□ You normally sleep in pretty late compared to Jason so he’s not at all surprised to see you stay in bed late while he gets up and does all the early morning chores. What /does/ worry him is when he comes back home and still finds you in bed, hiding your face, and your pillow stained with tears.
□ He immediately starts to panic, thinking he might’ve done something to hurt, and starts trying to gently roll you over to face him, but stops as soon as he hears you whimper. He’s breathing pretty heavily and if could, he would start crying, but he hovers instead until you explain to him that you’ve been dealing with back pain for a while now, but you've run out of your pain pills and it hust hurts really bad.
□ Say no more! Jason rushes off to his little collection of loot he has saved from the campers over the years. Pain pills, close enough to your prescription, included. Once you take them and they've kicked in, Jason gets you sitting up so he can start helping you stretch your back muscles, and going for a walk.
□ After all, that what his mom always did when her back hurt from being up on her feet all day. But if walking around starts bothering you too much, he'll carry you back to the shack, and will instead lay down with you and will but either a really warm, or ice cold hand on where the worst of the pain (depending on if he's dead or not, since he's nice and chilly when dead, but unnaturally warm when alive).
□ Jason will be extremely careful with you from then on, and will ensure that you're taking care of yourself, sleeping the right way, and doing anything he can to lessen the strain on your back, which includes stretching your back and holding you through the worst of the pain.
Thomas Hewitt
□ The moment Thomas sees you struggling to get out of bed and making pained noises, he immediately knows what's up. Come on, boy grew up in rural Texas, where back pain is exceedingly common. He immediately goes downstairs to get an ice pack (usually reserved for Charlie) from the freezer and pushes you down on your front and makes it clear that you're not getting up any time soon.
□ He contemplates raiding Charlie or Monty's pain pill stash, but he knows that wont fly, so he asks Luda Mae to do it instead. And once she finds out you've got bad back pain, expect to be doted on by both her and Thomas.
□ On your bad days, if you can even get out of bed, Luda Mae has you on light household chore duty, just to keep you moving. Stagnation, after all, will only make things worse. Charlie will call you a lazy bastard, but it doesn't have the same mallice as usual.
□ And of course at night Thomas will sit there and rub where the worst of the pain is with those giant hands. He will also still want to have sex with you, since Charlie sat him down to give him the dirty on how to help with back pain. And that dirty old man couldn't help but tell him fucking your brains out would do the trick.
□ But he doesn't want to hurt you further, so he is extremely gentle. He has you on your back, several pillows underneath your hips to ensure you're comfortable, and fucks you nice and slow, making sure to jerk you off in time with his thrusts. There are times when Thomas will only chase his own pleasure and worry about you later, but when you back pain is real back, he makes sure it's all about you, and pampers you.
□ He takes the utmost care of cleaning you up, and rolling you onto your front, and cradling you in his arms when the two of you go to bed for the night.
Brahms Heelshire
□ You've had your back issues since before Brahms ever came out of the walls, but you had been ensuring that you were taking your pain pills, stretching, and sleeping right to cope, so he was never the wiser.
□ And even when he revealed himself to you and came out of the walls, he never picked up on how much your back bothered you. He always thought the stretching and pills were because you were a health nut or something. And Brahms is, after all, intensely curious.
□ So when Malcom brings in a fresh pill bottle around the same time your current one is running a little low, he snatches up the new bottle and hides it in his loft. A few days later, he skipped right ahead to sitting at the kitchen table and waiting eagerly for you to come down and make breakfast.
□ But you never do, and Brahms just thinks you overslept, but he's waiting there for an hour before he realises you aren't coming down. And you're being naughty and breaking the rules, and he isn't very happy about that, so he storms upstairs to wrangle you down, but he slows his roll as he gets closer to your room.
□ He hears you crying inside.
□ And he thinks the worst, that someone broke in and hurt you.
□ So he rushes, ready to beat someone up, but all he finds is you laying on your front, crying into your pillow. For a brief, split, second he thinks it's because of him, that you hate him and this is what you do in private because you can't stand him.
□ And he's about to start crying right where he stands, until he sees the empty pill bottle on the nightstand and he puts two and two together. Oh, it was just about your medicine. You were upset about that.
□ When he makes himself known, you're still crying but asking him where your other pill bottle is, that your back hurts so much and you need your medicine to deal with it.
□ Oh Christ! That's what the medicine is for? Without saying anything, he rushes off into the walls at mach speed to grab the bottle from his loft. He apologizes over and over again for inadvertently hurting you like this. He was just curious.
□ He's running all over the house that day trying to make it up to including, including trying to make breakfast for you, which is either going to be tea with slightly too burnt toast with marmite on it, or whatever leftovers he deems appropriate to heat up and serve to you.
□ Once he's settled down, he'll crawl into bed and try to massage your back. It's definitely amature, but it feels good at least, and you make sure to let him know. Once your muscles are all nice and loosened up, he'll roll you onto your back (making sure to cushion you), and slips between your legs.
□ Before you can ask him what he's doing, his mask is already off, and he's suckling on your dick. Christ, you never knew someone could look so shy while sucking dick, but Brahms manages it. If his mouth wasn't full, you know he'd be asking if he was doing a good job, if it felt good. So please be sure to pet his hair and tell him what a good boy he's being, and how he's doing so well.
□ By the time he's gotten you off, he's already cum in his pants, so please stand by while he sneaks off, face red and heavily embarrassed to go change his clothes, before coming back to cuddle with you until you're feeling good enough to get back to tending to him and the house.
□ Honestly if this is what it takes to get Brahms to be a well-behaved and submissive, it might just make up with how much your back hurts. Well, maybe not, because it does hurt pretty bad. But at least it softens the blow.
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surveys-at-your-service · 4 years ago
Survey #312
“robert’s got a quick hand  /  he’ll look around the room, he won’t tell you his plan.”
Do you kiss your pets? Yes. Have you thought about whether or not you're gay? I actually have briefly questioned if I'm just purely lesbian due to how incredibly averse to simply seeing penises I am, but considering I'm still perfectly capable of being attracted to everything else, I'm obviously not. It's just this weird disgust I naturally have. Have you ever had gay thoughts for your best friend? Well I dated her, so like- Have you ever had an STD? No. Would you say you are addicted to texting or to the person you are texting? Nah, definitely not. I always enjoy texting Sara, but I'm not addicted to doing so. Would you date someone who still lived with their parents? Yes; I still live with my mom, so it'd be very hypocritical not to. Would you have to sleep with someone before marrying them? Nah. Sexual "talent" just doesn't matter very much to me, and besides, before or after marriage, you discover what you like together. Would it bother you if your bf/gf flirted with someone else? ???????????? yes????????????? Would you enjoy a night of playing video games? Oh hell yeah. I honestly really miss doing that with Jason. We were both gamers and would do that frequently. How much does intelligence turn you on? Not like, immensely, but being very smart is definitely attractive. Do you search someone on the Internet before a first date? That shit's kinda creepy, imo. Then again, it could be smart for your safety, but idk, something about doing that seems invasive and just weird. I feel like you should learn things directly from their mouth. Could you date someone who had children from a previous relationship? I really don't think I could at this age, at least. I need to be more stable and a figure to look up to. I could probably be a stepmom to like, a teenager or something, but I'm not dating anyone with one of those at only 25. I would have to really, REALLY like the person to even consider dating them with a younger kid. Would you consider donating your body to science after you die? Yeah, go for it. Do you like to be friends with someone before dating them? Yes, definitely. I think waiting too long can make this hard and an awkward change, though; this was the exact situation with Girt. I had a pretty big crush on him my freshman year before Jason, but we were just friends too long. He became my "brother." Is it more fun to go out just with your date or on a group date? Both are fun. Do you enjoy risk? N O P E. How often do you go dancing/clubbing? Never. Not my jam. Do you meditate? No, but I'm considering trying it thanks to group therapy. Have you ever been fired from a job? No. Do you have a problem with racist jokes? Um, fuck yes I do. Is there anything you think science will never be able to explain? Yeah, like the soul. Do you cook fancy meals for dates? Lol no, I can't cook. Do you litter? No. Don't even fucking dare to in front of me. Do you have a career plan? Yes. Could you live with someone who was really messy? How messy? And would they listen if I asked them to clean up? Do you have any shameful fantasies? Yes. Is art important to you? Art is absoluely vital for my happiness in life. Do you believe in fate or destiny? Nope; you carve your own path. Have you ever called your friend a slut? Ha, jokingly. It's gone both ways. Doing nothing all day makes you feel...? That's me pretty much every day, and it makes me feel awful by the end of it. Do you shower everyday? No. It's bad for your skin and hair. Is work important to you? It clearly is when you consider how stressed I've been for years trying to find a job I can handle. Have you had cosmetic surgery? No, but I probably will have some things done if/hopefully when I lose the weight I want to. Do you only date people who have jobs or are full-time students? My past has proven that not always, no. What I really care about is whether or not they show the intention of getting somewhere, like working on themselves and having plans they're making baby steps towards. If the person is without any motivation to get somewhere in life, no, I can't date them. Could you date someone who does drugs? Absofuckinglutely not. Do you enjoy watching sports? Only dance. Are you a cat or a dog person? Cat, I think, but I love both. Should evolution be taught in schools? Yes, definitely. Separation of church and state, my friend. Are you kinky? I mean I can't say I'm unwilling to try some things that would be considered so, but my sexual experiences so far have been pretty vanilla, and I'm fine with that. Would you do a striptease for your partner? That'd be so fucking awkward lmao. Would you date someone who doesn't have a car? Yeah; again, I don't. It may be problematic if they never wanted to, especially with me being so afraid of driving, but idk. Do you enjoy dancing? If I wasn't so horribly out of shape. Do you think men should pay for everything on dates? Lol, wow. What year are we in again? Have you ever met someone in person you met online? Only Sara so far, but I do wanna meet a few others! Last person you kissed, are they into any type of sports? Which ones? No. Do you ever read your old surveys? No. They're really just a momentary distraction for me. What was the last series you finished watching? Do you have any plans to begin another? Ginga Densetsu Weed was fantastic. I'm now anxiously awaiting Meerkat Manor to come on air again this year!! :') When writing stories, do you have trouble coming up with character names or do they come to you easily? I struggle with coming up with completely original names; I used to be good at it back in the day, now I feel like almost anything I come up with sounds stupid. Real words coming up for OCs that somehow fit them come easy for me, though. Did you ever call any teachers by their first name? Who? Yes, because some preferred it. Have you ever shoplifted, even just once? What did you take? Nope. Have you ever witnessed someone else shoplifting? Did you say something? I don't recall. Is your hair thick, thin, or somewhere in between? it's thick as hell. Do you own a bean bag chair? No. Have you ever touched a caterpillar? Oh yes, I loved letting the harmless ones wander over my arms as a kid. Is there a YouTube channel whose videos you always watch? No. What a shocker when you think of Mark, I know, but I've kinda been drifting from enjoying let's plays, especially of random games I don't know or think will be good, so I don't force myself. Have you ever witnessed something burn down? Yes. Diagonal to my childhood house, down the road, there was a huge house fire once. Only the foundation of it is left today. Well, maybe they've rebuilt it, but they sure didn't for a long-ass time. Have you ever won a game of chess? Don't know how to play, so. Have you ever picked strawberries or apples? Strawberries, yes. Are you any good at Ping-Pong? No better than the average joe. Have you ever had to put an animal to sleep? Three dogs, and my rat Tezzeret. Where on your body did you/would you like to get your first tattoo? I got mine on my right wrist. What’re some movies you love that people wouldn’t expect you to like? The Notebook surprises a lot of people. I adore that movie. Does your shower have a glass screen or a curtain? It's a curtain. What was the last pill you swallowed? I don't remember; I take a lot of meds in the morning. Where’s your dad from? Ohio. Other than yourself, who was the last person that took a picture of you? Whoever took the picture of my sister Misty and me hugging. What are you usually doing if you're up late at night? On the rare occasion I'm up late, I'm probably really into doing something in World of Warcraft at the time. I go through spells. Right now I'm barely playing it at all. What do you get when you go to the movies? Popcorn and a drink, always. Do/did you enjoy living with your parents? Yeah. If you were to write a story right now, what would it be about? I'm not interested in starting a new story. The continuous stories in RP are enough for me. If you were to paint something right now, what would it be? I'm unsure. I have a lot of art ideas I want to do, but idk what I'd do first, and besides, I prefer drawing over painting. Do you believe you have a calling? I don't believe in "callings." I believe in natural talents, but I don't feel there's some supernatural or purposeful tactic to it. If you could sing a song before an audience today, what one would it be? Oh god. If I had a choice, I wouldn't. If I didn't, I'd have to think more about this. Do you enjoy public speaking? Fuck no. What pet do you want to have? The pet I want most right now is a plains/western hognose, probably of the lavender morph. I adore those lil piggies. Who do you want to be in your life that is currently not? I go back-and-forth about Jason, even though I know it wouldn't be healthy for me for him to have any part in it. PTSD is a motherfucker. Who do you want to be out of your life that currently is in it? Nobody. What do you have to do to achieve your dream? Most likely for someone(s) with considerable influence or popularity in art to highlight photograph(s) of mine. It's why I enter competitions once in a blue moon if Mom's okay with paying the small fee; it's very, very seldom I even ask, though. I hate asking for things, especially non-necessities with our financial position. Are you ambitious? I think so. I'm determined as a motherfucker to be successful with photography, for one. Do you sell things online? Extremely rarely. Speaking of which, I keep forgetting to take pictures of my flute and guitar since I wanna try to get rid of them. I never played the guitar much, and my sentimental affection for my flute has long since faded, so I might as well make a bit of cash off them to go towards Venus' terrarium upgrade. Do you look the way you want to look? Hell no. Do you pray daily? I never do. Have you been through anything traumatic? Oh yes. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? No. What is a medical condition you used to have but don't anymore? I had this very weird spell of frequent vertigo that kinda just... vanished. Do you look your age? I suppose I do. What has made you itch the most? Shaving my legs I guess, considering I would scratch them so badly it left me with permanent scars. Is there anything you're avoiding? If so, what? Probably. Well enough that I can't even think of it right now, haha. What quality do you admire most in others? Empathy. Do you believe that things will get better? Yes. I hope. Have you ever seen a double rainbow? I have. How old were you when you started swearing? I was in the 7th grade. I don't know the actual age group for that. Do you have any Indian in your blood? No. What is your favorite sunset color? Pink. Have you ever had dreadlocks? No. Have you ever wondered if your house was haunted? Two houses ago, yes. Does the idea of having servants bother you? Yes? Do you like crab? NOOOOOO NO NO. It's mushy and just ew. What song gives you chills? Hell, most music I listen to can. I get chills from music very, very easily, and I'd say either "Terrible Things" by Mayday Parade or Disturbed's "Sound of Silence" cover does it the best, but I could very well be forgetting one. Ah, Bad Wolves' cover of "Zombie" is another very high contender, especially knowing the story behind it with how the original singer was supposed to write it with them, but the day of scheduled recording, she died. What color is your favorite hoodie? It's mostly gray, just with a Pikachu graphic on it. Do you have a string of lights in your room? No, but I've always thought those were really pretty. If you were a writer, would you have a pen name or use your real name? My real name. What is your friend's cat's name? Sara has a cat named Winter. Did you ignore the last Facebook post that bothered you, or did you comment? Probably rolled my eyes and scrolled by just to avoid conflict. I normally have to be HEATED to start something. If you were a famous singer, what would you want your hit song to be about? Peace, most likely. Do you have a blog? No. Do you think you are good at writing poetry? I think so, but it takes more thinking than it used to. Do you take gummy vitamins? No, but I wish I took vitamins. Would probably do me some good. If you could do research right now for an essay, what topic would you choose to write about? Hm. I'm always up for arguing for LGBT rights. There's a good handful of topics I'd enjoy writing about, though. Have you ever been tempted to commit a crime? Well, I've pirated things before, so... I kinda crossed that threshold. Other than that, no, not to my memory. Have you ever started writing a suicide letter? I wrote one and am forever humiliated by it. ...and then realized you wanted to live? No, I OD'd afterwards. Well wait... I was kinda on the line I guess, considering once I did it, I panicked and told Mom. If you have a class ring, what color is the stone? I didn't get one. Do you like apple cider hot or cold? I can't remember the last time I had either. Do you use window clings (stickers for your window)? No. Have you ever found a secret compartment? I don't remember ever finding one anywhere. Do you read horror stories? Sometimes RP pretty much turns into horror stories, haha. Do you ever comfort eat? I am VERY bad at that. Do you have your wedding planned in your head already? No, only skeletal basics of it. Does sunlight make you happier? Yes. This is a scientific fact. Do you feel depressed in the winter? No. What's your favorite shade of green? Like a pastel mint color. What channel is your TV usually on? Mom always has Netflix or Hulu on, I think. Do you drive with the windows down or the air on? I strongly prefer AC. How many pairs of jeans do you have? Zero. Do you sleep with a comforter or quilt? A comforter. Who is your favorite American president? I don't know nearly enough about any of 'em to make a fair judgment. Do you jump right in a pool or do you get in slowly? Whew, my jumping in the pool days are long over. Do you use one swimsuit for the summer or do you have many? I just have a single black one-piece. Do you use the bumpers when you bowl? Nah. Sorta affects the fun for me since it's less reason to focus. Do you put eyeliner on the top, bottom, or all around your eyes? All around. Will you refuse to listen to music if you find the lyrics degrading? Depends on how degrading, but usually, it doesn't play a part in deciding if I like the song itself or not. Can you do a cartwheel? I never even tried; I was always too afraid of breaking my neck. Do you have tornadoes where you live? Occasionally, but they're not a big thing here. What's your favorite type of frosting? Chocolate. What's the most expensive crafts tool that you own? Miss Tobey got me a big pack of Prismacolor pencils one year that I really cherish. Have you ever woven baskets of any kind (wicker, paper, cardboard etc.)? No. What's the most exotic spice in your spice rack? I don't have the slightest clue. Do you have a favorite television host? Steve Harvey is The Shit. What's something you're opinionated and very vocal about? LGBTQ+ rights and the pro-choice ideology lead the bunch. The lack of morality in hunting for sport, too. What's something you regularly order online? Nothing regularly. Do you like elevators? No; quite the opposite, actually. When you're angry, does it ever get physical? Absolutely not. What's the weirdest video YouTube has suggested to you? I don't really know. I'm certain I've seen some wild suggestions, though, given just how much of a heavy user I am of YT. Do you like the smell of tar? Ugh, no. Never understood that. Do you have any flags on display? If so, what flag(s)? I'd like a rainbow flag for my room to hang somewhere.
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acelezz · 5 years ago
My Experience With Internalized Homophobia
I know that I haven’t been making that many posts lately, but I would like to announce that as of like a month ago, I officially came out to everyone in my life. It was a long journey and I’m glad that’s over and that nothing has changed. My coming out story is nothing special so I’d rather talk about something that is more interesting: my battle with internalized homophobia.
I first heard the word “gay” when I was 8-years-old. It was said on George Lopez and when I asked what the word meant, my mom told me. At first, I was very repulsed. I’ll admit it: I used to be a bit homophobic growing up and I’m very ashamed of it. I’ve always believed in being kind to others so it was never to a gay person’s face. I would just make comments when it was just all straight people and this went on for awhile but it wasn’t something that I did every day; just when the topic was mentioned. For instance, in 7th grade, two of my girl classmates were outed as a couple and although I had been suspecting that bc the one girl was obviously gay, I made a disgusted face when my one friend told me about it and did the same thing when she told me that another friend of hers was bi and was with a girl once. 
At first, I thought “Ok, maybe I used to be like this because I was young and didn’t know that I was gay yet and was just being introduced to gay people after not knowing about them for so long.” Nope. Completely incorrect because lets compare this to my reaction with finding out about trans people. I remember it very clearly: it was when Caitlyn Jenner had just come out. My cousin was staying with us for the weekend and her and my mom started talking about how her coming out documentary was airing that night. I remember asking what it meant to be transgender as my mom was driving us. She explained what it meant. I’ll admit, my reaction was not the best as some of my questions were ignorant but I was still young as I was still only in middle school. But my tone wasn’t nasty; I genuinely wanted to learn more about what it meant to be trans. My mom explained it the best she could as a cis woman and then that night, my parents let us watch the documentary.
Now, I do not know much about Caitlyn Jenner but what I do know is that she probably is not the best trans person to idolize as she has had some controversial moments, but I really do have to admit one thing: my initial understanding and acceptance of trans people came from what her coming out documentary taught me. Initially, I thought that people may wanna be trans if they are gay and are facing too much homophobia and wanna change their sex to avoid discrimination but boy, was middle school me painfully wrong in so many ways 😂. Caitlyn Jenner taught me that transgender people whose gender identity doesn’t match up with their biological sex. Also, that people who crossdress aren’t transgender necessarily. When she transitioned, I wonder if this meant that she liked men now but she answered that for me as well. She taught me that trans people can be any sexuality just like cis people. 
Obviously, my trans knowledge has since expanded but I learned a lot that day and took it in with acceptance. Now, keep in mind that I am gay and cis. When I first learned about being gay, I was a bit disgusted even though my family told me that it was okay. When I first learned about trans people, I was accepting and understanding from day one. Clearly, I was battling internalized homophobia. Obviously, this didn’t come from my family as they were accepting. I believe it was because I knew that not everyone accepted it and that deep down inside, I was scared that no one would accept me. 
Let’s trace back to when I said that when I was young, I had no idea that I’m gay. The only reason that I didn’t know was that because I was so deep in denial that I convinced myself that I wasn’t. Shortly after I found out what gay meant, coincidently, I started to have urges to kiss girls. At first, I thought that it was because I had just learned what it meant to be gay but little did I realize that I was starting puberty.
Now, this inner battle went on for YEARS. I remember that when I was twelve, I first learned what it meant to be bi because I was watching a “Whatdaya Want From Me” lyric video and as you all know, Adam Lambert is gay and someone in the comments was saying how they loved him and his music and said how they are bisexual. I thought that I had a crush on a boy before in 4th grade and one on my friend’s cousin in 7th-8th grade but those were no crushes 😂 If anything, I just really wanted to be friends with them and had never had a real crush on anyone before so I mistook platonic crushes for romantic ones. So in the back of my mind, I kept on saying to myself, “you’re bisexual.”
6th-7th grade was the most unhappy time of my life tied with October 2019-today(big thanks to my family problems and miss rona) because I was constantly argued with myself in my head and it didn't help that I had family problems at this time as well. It got so bad that in 7th grade, I just genuinely hated myself so much that I hated going to sleep at night bc I hated being alone  with my own thoughts (similar to this year but this year it was just all external forces and nothing with myself at all). I was just very miserable and felt really caged from silencing my gay thoughts that I hated that I had. Then I eventually found the song “Let Me Be Myself” by 3 Doors Down and it saved me. It’s as if it was directed towards my own conscious, telling me to be myself and let all of my thoughts flow without arguing with them. Whenever I found myself hating myself, I’d just scream this song in my head and it was so relieving. It made me feel like I was standing up to my own self and it made me feel more free.
Now, there is a reason why I didn’t accept myself as gay or bi in 8th grade. I don’t get crushes much and I literally only saw my friend’s cousin once and found out that he had a gf so, I thought I was asexual for a whole year although I was happily devouring Girl Meets World fanfics that were all just RileyxMaya(I’ll never forgive Disney for not making Rilaya happen and for cancelling the show so early on). This is when I stopped being so homophobic and more accepting. I honestly thought it was bc of all of my LGBTQ+ classmates and bc of their kindness, I learned that I needed to be more of an ally. I mean, I did learn a lot just from watching those classmates, but that wasn’t it, fam. I truly thought that I enjoyed wlw fanfics because I thought that the stories were cute and that the couples were nice together. While that was true, someone who’s just an ally wouldn’t enjoy that many gay stories and read as many and devour them like I did. Not to go off topic, I did start doing that in 7th grade so that is probably another reason why I labeled myself as bi in the back of my head then, but in 8th grade, saw myself as ace bc it’s not like I had a crush on Riley or Maya. I just really shipped them and REALLY enjoyed any wlw fanfic on Wattpad. For some reason, the fact that I didn’t have any crushes that year made me think that I was ace which is totally untrue bc I’m about to hit my one year anniversary of not having a crush (but I’m going to a new school so that’s probably gonna change next month lol)
When I stopped arguing with myself in my head for good and allowed my thoughts to flow freely, I was truly happier although I was still questioning myself. I learned that questioning is so much easier when you consider those thoughts in the back of your head instead of fight them because I did question myself for much longer, but it was pleasant and a self-discovering journey.
I remember my first crush on a girl clearly. I was 15 and at first, I didn’t know that it was a crush bc it was actually my first crush and I didn’t know what it was supposed to feel like. I was obsessed with her and constantly thought about her and constantly wanted to be with her. I remember getting really nervous whenever I knew that I was going to see her. I remember that I used to talk about her all the time. Let’s call her K. I remember my mom saying, “L, do you like K?” And I got all nervous and denied it. The moment I realized when it was indeed a crush was when it got to be too much so my mom had a talk with me and I told her about how K made me feel and so my mom was like, “L, that’s a crush.” and I just sat there and said, “oh, crap!” and that’s how I semi-came out.
I still struggled for awhile after that. I knew I wasn’t straight and that I had a crush on a girl, but it was a hard pill to swallow that people could hate me for something that I can’t help. Although that “oh, crap!” was probably a dead giveaway,  it wasn’t an official, “oh, I guess that means that I’m not straight”. I kept it to myself for awhile and didn’t hate myself for it, but still couldn’t quite process it. 
I probably have an unusual self-acceptance story. I didn’t truly accept myself until months later when I got bored and decided to see if the new Nickelodeon was any good and of course, stumbled upon the Loud House. I eventually found the episode “L is For Love” and fell in love with the show. I had never seen good bisexual representation before and it really did help that it was a girl my age at the time too. I felt like I could really relate to Luna with how she was nervous to confess her feelings to Sam and how everyone treated her like she was no different made me really accept myself. It made me realize that friends and family matter the most and all of mine were accepting of LGBT (at the time and I’ll explain what I mean in a second) and that I had nothing to worry about because they’ll always love me. 
It did take me a couple of months to come out to my parents after that because although I knew they’d accept me as they said they would always love me even if I was gay. Coming out is just a scary process even if you know they’ll accept you because you feel like you’re exposed because it’s something that you kept to yourself for so long. My parents telling me that did make it way easier to come out to them so props to them for doing that right. I feel like it’s so important to tell your kids from a young age that you’ll accept them if they’re LGBTQ+ because even if you were never homophobic, coming out is scary and they may worry that you are homophobic but just never brought up the topic. 
It took me so much longer to come out to my friends because for one, I promised myself that I’d tell my family first and also, when I was 16 and had just finally accepted myself as bisexual(even though I’d later realize that I’m just gay, but it was a good start), I became best friends with these girls who were kind of homophobic. We’ll call them GH and GS. GS had found my rilaya fanfics on wattpad from 8th grade and we had just become friends, so I lied and said that it had nothing to do with me, I was just supportive. GS didn’t care but she stopped reading the book and thought that since I was comfortable enough to share my opinions on the subject, that she’d share hers. Not the most homophobic comments, but she made it clear that she didn't like it too much but that she didn’t hate gay people and that she recognized that others don’t share her opinions. GH was more harsh about her opinions which scared me the most. I feel like I should mention that I have two other Christian friends. I wasn’t as worried about them since we never really talked about LGBTQ topics but they do go to the same church as GH and GS, which made me a bit worried. Imagine finally being ready to come out of the closet all of the way just to be scared into staying in there for a few more years. 
This made me feel conflicted bc these girls didn’t constantly preach their beliefs and never bashed on LGBTQ people, but I was afraid that if I came out to them, they wouldn’t accept me. I should mention that they’re very religious Christians and I noticed that homophobic Christians come from a place of love bc they are so brainwashed that they think that shoving their beliefs down people’s throats helps them bc they believe that what they believe is the only right way to live and there's nothing wrong with being religious, but they are very mislead about LGBTQ+ people. I literally saw this when I was 14 and I stood up to my Baptist cyber friend who cyberbullied a lesbian and he admitted that he thought that he was helping her and that he didn’t think that it was bullying. Bullying is never ok and so I blocked him and only learned that from an apology letter that somehow made its way to me through another cyber friend.
I am going to say something that some of you may not agree with. I honestly don’t care if people don’t like that I’m gay as long as they don’t vocalize it. Like I don’t like spiders but I recognize that my dislike is irrational as they play a huge part in our ecosystem and are important to this world, just as every single person is. I wish that people who are against LGBTQ bc of their religion just would recognize that it’s irrational as everyone has different beliefs and would just keep that to themselves. If they just kept that to themselves, I would have came out so much sooner and I bet a lot of people can relate to that. I’ll never understand the dislike as I’m catholic and was taught that it’s okay but respect and kindness is better than outward hatred and is a step towards more acceptance in this world. 
Anyways, after awhile of being in the closet with my friends, I decided I would tell them once we graduated and not in the middle of the school year since if anyone was mean, I could literally just block them and never have to see them again instead of having to switch friend groups and still having to see their faces every day in class and in the hallways. Also, I did go through a period of questioning myself and did not want to tell them until I had a clear label. When I was 17, I got another massive crush on another girl and I realized that I never really did have crushes on boys as those “crushes” do not even begin to compare to the ones that I had on girls. I then finally realized that I'm just lesbian and with school being shut down, I came out sooner than I intended which is good. 
I wish that I would have came out to my friends sooner. Everyone was so accepting, including my christian friends and the two girls that I had massive crushes on. It was a relief that they all accepted me because I feared that they wouldn’t. I really discussed my fears with my religious friends but with my crushes, I knew that they were both accepting of LGBTQ+ as they both had gay friends and only said nice things about gay people, but I was afraid that they would figure it out that I used to like them with how clingy I was with the both of them, especially the second one(let’s call her LM), and would become uncomfortable around me.  I have no idea if either of them figured it out but K showed her support when I came out on insta and left a nice comment and LM liked the post and didn’t make any comments about it but since has shown an a bit of an interest of becoming closer friends with me again since we stopped talking as much since we didn’t have any classes together this year.
I never told either about my feelings but if they figured it out, they must have realized that I was only such a clingy friend bc I was crushing on them and didn’t know how to show it properly bc I was closeted so it came out as that. Also, they probably have both realized that I am over them now as I am not clingy with them at all, making them realized that I have changed and have realized that I learned that I shouldn’t be so clingy as it can be really annoying as I’ve been on the receiving end of that before. Also, I have to say I don’t think that either of them ever liked me. I was just so deep into my fantasies that I created false realities. I mean, I think they both like boys. I’m not saying that they can’t be bisexual, but I feel like they have accepting friends so at least I would have found out by now especially after coming about bc I’ve had 2 ppl come out to me as bi after I came out. What I’m saying is that I’m happy bc I would rather crush on accepting girls who don’t like me back than homophobic girls. Now that I don’t like them anymore, I realized that K and I are good as just acquaintances and that I want to become better friends with LM bc when I talk to her now, I feel as if I’m talking to my best friend M and I’ve always seen M as a sister. 
About my christian friends, I was happy that we got to stay as friends. I was so scared that I would lose them bc they are wonderful people. I came out to them separately and they were all very accepting. It kind of made me realize something about them. Perhaps they too are struggling bc they are being brainwashed into thinking that it’s a sin to be gay but they don’t seem to believe it exactly. I feel like I always see the best of people when I’m alone with them bc ppl feel comfortable to be their true selves around me and I noticed that my christian friends talk differently when we are talking one-on-one. It’s almost as if they change themselves and what they talk about to look like “good christians” as if they seek their own church’s approval in front of one another and it’s sad.
Sorry that this turned out to be so long. I just have really changed over the past decade or so and I’m really proud of how I became a better person and what I learned about myself and the lessons that I learned along the way. I learned to be myself no matter what and I hope that everyone learns that at some point, especially my christian friends that I mentioned bc you should never put on an act to be accepted. You’ll be much happier when you realize that your true friends and family are the ones who love you for you because you’re amazing just the way you are.
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star-spangled-eyes · 5 years ago
Dirty Mind: Part 1: Simple Man
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This alternate universe fan fiction uses characters created and owned by Pixelberry Studios. Character names, descriptions and likenesses are owned by Pixelberry Studios. Some dialogue and events in Book 1 of TRR are property of Pixelberry Studios. The MC, Bragnae Bennett, and story is created and owned by this author.
Book: The Royal Romance (Alternate Universe)
Alternate Universe Theme: Drake’s perspective  
Pairing: Drake Walker x MC (Bragnae Bennett – *pronounced Brawn-yah)
Warnings for this miniseries: NSFW, Adult content, suggestive and strong language, angst, sex (including character’s thoughts and innuendos)
A/N: I wrote this miniseries in the first person perspective of Drake Walker. It follows events in Book 1 of TRR, but not everything is as you’d remember it from the story. Some things have been altered to better fit this fanfic.
I really enjoyed getting into the brain of Drake, and I hope you like it too. He’s a stud, and I love his sexual, angsty mind.
There are THREE parts to this miniseries. They will be released tomorrow and the following day. Enjoy!
Word Count for this chapter: 8707
Permatags: @burnsoslow @cora-nova @dcbbw @thorfosterlove @emceesynonymroll @edgiestwinter @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld @msjr0119 @notoriouscs @drakewalker04 @pedudley @desiree-0816 @choices-lurker @kingliam2019 @loveellamae @drakexnadira @flutistbyday2020 @indiana-jr​ @yukinagato2012​ @i-bloody-love-drake-walker​
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My name is Drake Walker and I have a dirty mind. I know what you’re thinking. Of course I have a dirty mind, I’m a guy, right? Well, I have to concede that one for that very fact, but it’s more than that. To me, a mind consists of three major influences that can make it dirty.
First, are the things you wish you could say to people, but it wouldn’t be proper including the wide variety of curse words known to the world. Next, are all the crappy experiences in your life that muddy up your outlook. I can admit, I’m snarky, angry a lot and a real pill sometimes, but it all comes with the territory. And last but certainly not least is sex.
What an incredible experience. So incredible that it’s constantly on my mind. Countless dirty questions fill my brain like when is the next time I’m going to fuck someone, where will it be, what position will she be in? Oh, the thoughts are endless. Throw in a particular woman? You’re fucked — mentally. That’s me right now, in case you were wondering. More on that in a bit.
The female body is the most beautiful work of art that God ever created — of course there are exceptions. Like when a woman has a smoking hot body but her personality is so hideous that her sex appeal is lost. At least to me it is. There’s plenty of those around, but thankfully, there are some that surprise you. The ones that have it all — endless talent, sense of humor, dazzling personality, and such stunning looks that you have to pinch yourself to make sure you’re not dreaming.
My brain has been working overtime ever since she walked into my life. Well, butted into my life is more like it. And it’s been hell. Everything was just fine before she came along. Not great, but fine.
I live in the royal palace in a small Mediterranean country called Cordonia. I know what you’re thinking and no, I’m not one of those stuck up noble pricks. My best friend might be the Crown Prince, but he’s not one of those pricks either. If he ever tried to be, I’d damn sure call him out on it. I wasn’t born into this life with a fancy title or hundreds of acres of land in my name.
I was born to wonderful parents, who despite their status as commoners in the kingdom, made me feel like I was the richest kid in the world. Not by money, of course, but with life experiences and lessons only those who work hard for a living can impart to their children.
My dad was a part of the King’s Guard in charge of protecting the two princes before he eventually moved up to Head Guard watching over the King and Queen. He’s Cordonian, born and bred.
My mom stayed at home with me and Savannah, my younger sister. She was born in a small town in Texas in the United States, but stayed in Cordonia after meeting my father during a European college trip she took with her friends.
They fell in love almost immediately and were each other’s best friends. I’ve always looked up to them. Always thought how great it’d be if I could find that too. I often dreamed of meeting a beautiful woman who I not only was in love with, but we were as close as two people could be. Friends, lovers, partners. What a fulfilled life I’d live.
Of course, that meant I’d have to actually find a woman who was willing to put up with my sarcasm, moodiness, and the permanent scowl on my face. And to be honest, it wasn’t looking that great.
Back to the dirty mind thing — don’t worry, I didn’t forget. As I was saying, a dirty mind can develop over time as a result of many things. And I’ve been through a lot in the 27 years I’ve lived on this earth. Okay, fine. It’s not as dramatic and horrible as some people have endured, but I’ve had my fair share of shit thrown at me.
My dirty mind, in particular, consists of many dirty words. You’re listening, so you might as well get used to it now. I cuss... a lot. You would too if you had to hang around the palace every day dealing with snobby, rich assholes who think their shit don’t stink, and that it’s perfectly okay to treat people beneath them like undignified trash. These people have no idea what life truly has to offer. All they care about is their political status in the kingdom, and how they can make more money doing as little for it as they can.
As you can imagine, I have to keep a lot of my thoughts to myself. Unfortunately, you’re going to have hear them all. Consider yourself warned.
My dirty mind also consists of all the shitty things that’s happened in my life that’s left a bad taste in my mouth.
Remember my dad? Head of the King’s Guard? Yeah, well, he was killed while attempting to save the king during an assassination attempt. That sure was nice growing up without a fucking father. I was 13. A brand new teenager with raging hormones and in desperate need of a strong, male role model to keep me on the straight and narrow. It fucking sucked. My dad was everything to me. He was a friend, a teacher, and the best father in the whole world.
When he died, I had to step up to be the man of the house. Sure, my mother was strong — she’d always been strong. But she was having a hard time coping with dad’s death. Savannah was only nine at the time, and was made fragile by the sudden and horrific change in her life.
I didn’t want my mom and sister to worry or feel unsafe with my dad being gone, so I immediately filled that role. And it was fucking hard at first. There was no time for me to cry or grieve because I had to be strong for my family. I had to show them it was all going to be alright even though I had no fucking clue if that was actually true.
My dad’s partner in the guard was Bastien Lykel. He was a great guy. About half my dad’s age, but just as competent. He learned a lot from my dad, but also brought natural talent of his own to the table. Anyway, after we lost dad, Bastien sort of stepped in for us. Not that he ever tried anything with my mom or pretended to be our father — he knew better than that.
On his off duty time, Bastien would spend most of it with my family. He’d tell us stories about working with our dad and help mom with any chores around the house. As time went on, Bastien kept up with what he could, but got increasingly busy with work as he moved up the chain in the King’s Guard.
Mom never really got over dad’s passing. I don’t blame her. I didn’t either. I still miss him every day. But she handled it differently. Money was a real struggle after he passed. It was something she constantly worried about.
Liam, my best friend and prince of Cordonia, talked his father into letting us move into the palace. The king was more than happy to oblige. He was grateful for my dad’s sacrifice so that he may live, and must have noticed how we were struggling. It was kind, and not what I expected as a commoner.
I was 16 by the time we had settled into our new digs at the palace. Savannah was over the moon about it. She always loved hanging around the noble girls her age. She was into all that crap. Fancy dresses, gaudy jewelry, fake smiles. Not that she assimilated to them. Thank God for that. Despite adoring that pretentious life, Savannah remained down-to-earth and never forgot her roots.
It wasn’t long after that when Mom left to move back to the United States. Yeah... wasn’t that swell? Not even a full-fledged adult yet and both parents were absent. Dad died protecting the king, but mom straight up left us. Don’t get me wrong. I love her and will always love her. I know she had to do what she needed in order to deal with losing dad. So did I. But it was hell on Savannah and me.
Mom must have noticed we were strong and independent enough to live on our own. We had stable living quarters at the palace, and were well taken care of in regards to basic needs: food, warmth, shelter. So... she split. Went back to her family ranch in Texas. We talk on occasion, but there’s definitely more than an ocean that comes between us. Hopefully, someday, we can repair that disconnect.
Okay, now that you know a little bit more about me, let me tell you about this girl. Her name is Bragnae Bennett. I first met her in New York when Maxwell, Tariq, and I took Liam to the States for a guy’s only trip — a bachelor party of sorts. Liam would soon have to choose a woman to marry that would eventually rule at his side as Queen of Cordonia. This trip was meant to forget about all of that and have fun – just us guys. At least that was my plan.
On the last night of the trip, we stopped in a crumby bar for a late dinner and drinks. And there she was wearing a white collared shirt, black pants and a maroon apron ready to take our order. Listen, the first time she strolled up to our table, my jaw nearly hit the floor. Luckily, she was looking at the other two as she introduced herself, which gave me a chance to wipe the figurative drool from my mouth.
Long, silky black hair pulled into a messy bun on top of her head, naturally tanned skin, sparkling amber eyes, and delicious curves that would elicit an arousing response in any man. And it did. Maxwell and Tariq were just as captivated as I was, not to mention Liam, who stepped into the bar a minute later. Now it was her turn to be captivated. Of course she was. They all were.
Liam stood six feet and two inches tall – two inches shorter than me, I might add – and he was nothing short of a blonde Adonis. The ladies already swooned for him because he was the prince, but take that title away, and he’d still have no problem adding notches to his bedpost. With his ocean blue eyes and well-proportioned body, Liam was every woman’s wet dream.
So, you can see why Bragnae would immediately turn her attention to him as he made his way to our table that night. We enjoyed our burgers, drank a ton of whiskey, and all stole glances at the goddess that was our waitress. Then, Liam boldly asked her to join us after her shift was over. A part of me was more than happy to have more time to look at her, but a bigger part was annoyed.
Obviously, she was taken with Liam, so there went my chance with her. I never stood a snowball’s chance in hell with women when Liam was around. Yes, I can admit that the good Lord blessed me with attractive features. Brown hair that looked good at any length with eyes to match, a strong jaw line, and the ability to chisel well-defined muscles on my body certainly helped me get laid. It damn sure wasn’t my personality. But with Liam there? It was no contest.
You’d think it’d be easy for me to hate the guy, but I can’t. He’s my best friend. My brother. We’ve been friends ever since we were kids, and we’ve always had each other’s backs. I’d do anything for him, and I have. Dropped out of college, a life I was keen on living away from Cordonia, and came back to keep Liam company after an attempt on his life. I wouldn’t give up my own happiness for just anyone. There’s few people I care about in this world, and Liam is one of them. The rest can all fuck off.
So, as you can see, I put up with all the bullshit for him. He needs me. He needs someone to give it to him straight, to keep him humble, and to keep him safe from all the selfish vultures that lurk around the palace wanting more for themselves than for their Crown Prince.
So, when Liam showed interest in Bragnae, I had no choice but to back off. It was stupid as hell for him to get her hopes up for the one night. Then again, maybe that’s all she wanted. A hook up. From what I understand, none of that occurred. At least a kiss and maybe some light fondling if I knew my friend. But whatever transpired between them that night after they snuck out of the club together was enough to prompt Bragnae to make a life changing decision to temporarily move to Cordonia for the chance to compete in the Social Season to win Liam’s hand.
Ugh. The Social Season. Don’t even get me started on that. As if Liam didn’t already have a parade of ladies vying for his attention, the kingdom made it a season for the prince to choose his future bride.
And Bragnae accepted Maxwell’s invitation to take part in it. I have to admit. I lost some respect for her when I saw her climb aboard our private jet back to Cordonia. I thought she was just another crown chaser, but believe me, I didn’t think that for long. She proved me wrong almost immediately.
I won’t bore you with everything that’s happened since she arrived in Cordonia, for your sake – unless you want me to tell you how many pathetic times I stroked my dick thinking of Bragnae, wishing I was inside her instead. Don’t worry, I’ll give you the highlights though.
Obviously, I wouldn’t be telling you any of this if the damned woman didn’t mean something to me. With her being a suitor for the prince, I knew she was off limits. Maybe that made me want her more. I don’t know. But she was more than just a pretty face and a sexy body. God, the dresses she wears. I get hard just thinking about it. The way she elegantly walks into a room, swaying her hips in an unknowingly sexy way grabs my attention every time. I’m not the only one.
Being the exotic foreigner, Bragnae had captured the attention of many men and even some women with her alluring ways. She truly was the complete package. She knew how to have a good time, spoke her mind, and was gracious, even to those who didn’t reciprocate. And oh boy, did she give me the business. Still does. It’s like I’m her number one target that she attempts to crack. She always wants me to have a good time. What did I do to invite that kind of attention from her?
I’m quite set in my ways, but damn if she hasn’t already broken down some of my walls. I hate her for it. Okay, more like, I hate that she was able to do it. She makes me smile, damn it, and I’ve worked on this scowl for years. How could she do this in such a short amount of time? I’ve come to the conclusion that she’s some sort of temptress. She has to be. Someone with mystical powers of enchanting men, and bending them to her will.
Yeah, I’ve got it bad, but there were specific occasions that led me to believe she might also be into me as well. I know, I know. As I’ve already established, no woman passes up Liam especially for someone like me. So, I’m sure I’m fantasizing about this.
Aside from a few looks and smiles she had cast in my direction at the Masquerade Ball and derby, there were some instances that felt deeper. Like when we went to Lythikos, and that witch Olivia mocked me and my sister for no reason whatsoever except to be cruel. Bragnae stood up to her for my sake, which I wasn’t expecting. I hauled ass out of there wanting some fresh air and a chance to see a meteor shower. Low and behold, Bragnae followed me out.
We ended up having a heartfelt talk that came out of nowhere. I think this was the first time I really started to like her. I was attracted to her from the beginning, but it was when we were lying in a snowbank looking up at the shooting stars above us when I felt a twinge in my heart. I badly wanted to reach out to her, but knew that wasn’t appropriate. As the snow started the fall and we walked back to Olivia’s estate, Bragnae surprised me by slipping her hand into mine.
I instantly felt electricity from her touch. I was almost too stunned to speak. She told me it was for safety, but I could see the truth in her eyes. We had connected in that moment, and holding her hand felt right. There was no way I was letting go. So, we held hands until we reached the manor. Everything changed for me after that night.
Perhaps it was just me and my wishful thinking, but ever since we left Lythikos, I felt that Bragnae was intentionally getting closer to me – physically. It seemed she would find ways to touch my arm during a conversation or sit by me when the opportunity presented itself.
After the Royal Regatta, we went to the beach for a little fun in the sun. She insisted on rubbing sunscreen over my back. I protested only for appearances. Thank God only the ocean could see my face because I was having a hard time keeping my sanity as she rubbed her soft hands up and down my shoulders and back. It sent a shiver down my spine.
Then, she let me return the favor. God, it was amazing. I had a legitimate excuse to touch her… in public… and she was wearing a swimsuit. Up until that day, I hadn’t see more than flirty cleavage when she wore her dresses. She was so close to being naked that day that my heart nearly stopped. As I worked my hands over her back, my eyes traveled down to her glorious ass. Her cheeks slipped out a bit. As soon as I felt my dick twitch, I knew it was time to bail.
We jumped in the ocean soon after that. Seeing Bragnae dripping wet from head to toe quickly moved to the number one slot in my spank bank. The release I had later that day after remembering our shared touches, and seeing her so deliciously drenched by the ocean was amazing.  
And just a few days ago, after we arrived in Applewood, it was my birthday. Liam told Bragnae even though I asked him to not make a big deal about it, damn him. So, Bragnae took it upon herself to organize a night out at a country-western bar in town in honor of my birthday.
If it was anyone else’s suggestion, I would have heartily declined, but I was curious what she had planned, and definitely wanted to see her in a bar setting with a cold drink in her hand. When we arrived, she took me up to the bar and got me a free drink. She chose whiskey – my favorite. She didn’t make me suffer with some embarrassing girly drink. No, she ordered my most favorite libation on the planet.
I let it slip that I thought she was hot, and of course she called me out on it. There was nothing this woman missed. Later on, we found ourselves on the dance floor, and of all people, she shimmied over to me. Even though I told her I was a rotten dancer, she delicately placed her hands on my hips and told me it was as easy as swaying to the beat. She smiled up at me with a glimmer in her eye.
I could chalk it up to it being my birthday, and that’s why I received so much of her attention that night, but the vibes I was receiving from her was more than a friendly gesture. And as if that night wasn’t already better than I anticipated, I willingly shared a sappy story about my childhood birthdays with her, which prompted an unexpected embrace from Bragnae. She pulled me in tightly, her breasts smashed against my chest and her arms clutching my back as she stood on her toes to hug me.
I was stunned for a split second before my brain told me to wrap my arms around her soft, warm body too. She smelled like a fucking angel – citrusy and sweet. It’s my new favorite scent.
You’re all caught up now. Maybe you see what I do, and maybe you don’t. Either way, I’ve got Bragnae on my mind constantly, and it’s becoming a problem. I even began calling her by her last name in an attempt to seem nonchalant and casual on the outside, when I’m really about to hulk out of my own skin because I want her so badly. Hopefully, she couldn’t tell.
I’ve been trying to hide it for the past month now, and it’s becoming more difficult by the day. I don’t want to tell her how I feel, even though I really do want her to know, it’s not right. She’s here for Liam, and that’s that.
It was the morning after the Apple Blossom Festival. Thank Christ that bullshit is over. Bragnae looked cute in her authentic peasant costume, but that was the extent of the excitement for that day. Now, it was time to blow off a little steam.
Liam was actually available this morning for a little work out before he had to attend a few meetings later on in the afternoon. It was nice to have this time with him. Liam had been my work out buddy since we were old enough to start using the gym equipment, which is why both of us are exceptionally toned and buff. I spend a little more of my time in the gym than he does – sometimes three times a day when I’m really bored.
“So, is your dad putting pressure on you to pick a particular suitor?” I couldn’t help but wish they were pushing him away from Bragnae.
“Yes, of course, he is. He and Regina both keep talking up Madeleine.” Liam continued his set of bicep curls.
“And what do you think about her?” I knew what he thought because I thought it too. Again, just hoping for his attention to be swayed to anyone but Bragnae. I focused on pumping up my own biceps as I waited for his response.
Liam gave me a knowing look through the mirror. “She wasn’t good enough for my brother, and she’s definitely not good enough for me. I hate that they’re pushing her onto me like this. I feel bad for her in a way,” he said as he returned the weights to the rack. “She was so close to becoming queen before Leo abdicated the thrown, and now she’s back to try again. It’s pathetic.”
I loved when he was candid with me. He knew he can trust that I wouldn’t repeat his words. That’s what best friends are for. Support and total discretion. “She’s passionate at least,” I laughed thinking about her desperate need for the political spotlight.
Liam wiped his face with a towel. “Passionate for the crown, maybe. But me? It’s all a fucking show. If she’s chosen, I doubt we’ll even fuck. She hasn’t once tried to kiss me when we’ve had moments alone. All the others have. I don’t even think she likes men.”
All the others have. I shuddered at the thought of him being with Bragnae. I hoped to God they hadn’t had sex yet. I haven’t quite figured out what type of woman she was in that regard. What I do know is that she’s smart and adventurous. She dresses provocatively, but with a certain elegance. Who knows if she’s promiscuous or not?
I’m torn on the topic. I love a bold woman who knows what she wants and takes it. It’s nice when a girl comes with experience, but she’s also not just giving it away to anyone who asks for it. If that’s how Bragnae was, I would be happy to know that. Still, I couldn’t bring myself to ask Liam if they’ve gone that far. We’ve talked about sex plenty of times, but this was different. It might be too hard to listen to Liam tell me about how she was in bed. It’s something I’d rather find out for myself.
“Yeah, Madeleine stands out to the masses, but definitely not your style.”
Liam took a swig of water. “I’ll tell you, though, I really like Bragnae.”
Fuck. “Oh, yeah?”
“Drake, she’s amazing. She’s not only beautiful, but she’s insightful too. I feel like I can tell her anything. The people seem to like her, the press too. I’m really hoping my father and Regina give her a chance.”
Damn it. He really likes her. Am I fucking surprised? No. She is amazing. No doubt about that.
“What do you think of her?” Liam asked.
How do I answer this without making it sound like I really like her too? “I think she’s great. She doesn’t seem to have her head in the clouds like most of these women, and she’s genuine. You know that’s always something I can appreciate.” Okay, that was good. Very Drake of me to say. I think that was good enough and wouldn’t blow my cover.
 “I’m glad you agree.” He said, taking a seat on one of the benches. He looked down at the floor with a smile on his face. “That body. She’s so fucking hot. I wish I could spend more time alone with her. I hate the fucking tight schedule they keep me on.”
I blew out a slow breath of relief. Sounded like he hasn’t gone all the way with her. Normally, at this point, he’d be boasting about his opportunity to be with her, but instead he was pining over it. But how long would it last?
“Yeah, I can imagine how rough it is.” They pull him in every direction they can. I wish he’d just tell them to shove it up their ass once in a while. “You’re the prince, man. Do what you want.” Why the fuck am I encouraging this? I hate myself.
Loud music was suddenly audible through the walls alerting us both. As we left the gym, Liam and I walked down the hall to a room where the door was cracked open a bit. Liam pulled it open the rest of the way, and halted in his tracks.
I noticed a stunned look on his face before I saw what was happening inside the room. I stepped up to the doorway, next to Liam, and saw Maxwell leading a choreographed dance flanked by Hana and Bragnae. My mouth fell open in shock as my eyes poured over Bragnae’s body.
She wore a hot pink sports bra top and black spandex leggings that were glued to her skin. Kevin Rudolf’s Let it Rock blared over the speakers as they danced in sync with each other. The beat was fast paced and lively. I actually liked the song – even more so now that I watched Bragnae dance to it.
She moved with ease, spinning, dipping, twirling in rhythm with the song, and it was mesmerizing. The way her hands explored her own body so seductively made my dick jump. Oh, fuck. She just bent over. Now, she and Hana were slowing it down, mirroring each other as they slowly dropped to their knees on the floor. Pumping their bodies on the ground and thrashing their long hair from side to side. Within seconds, the ladies slowly rose again.
I glanced at Liam briefly to see his reaction. He was enthralled, just like me. I was rarely jealous of Liam, but this was definitely one of those times. Not because he was the prince, and not because Bragnae was one of his suitors, but because he could watch her now – unguarded. He could look at her without suspicion as to why he’s fucking her with his eyes.
If anyone saw the way I was watching her with insane hunger and need, they’d think I was a creep or an asshole for gawking at one of the prince’s suitors. How I wished I could look at her openly the way I wanted to. So much of my life nowadays was kept in secret because so much of my life was consumed by Bragnae.  
I had no idea she could dance like this. It was like watching a strip tease, without the stripping of course. God, I wish she was taking off her clothes, too. Damn it. She was confident in her body as she thrusted her pelvis to the beat three times. And there went my dick again. I had to readjust because the pesky thing wouldn’t stay down. I was wearing athletic shorts. Thank God they’re black. My hard-on won’t be as prominent.
The song came to a close as the girls ended in a pose with their backs arched and an arm stretched above their heads. Maxwell did his own pose, not that I gave a shit about how he looked. My eyes were trained on Bragnae. My heart raced and I was breathing quickly all of a sudden. I hadn’t realized it until now. I wanted an encore… bad.
Liam started clapping, which got their attention. Fuck. I wasn’t ready to be exposed as an onlooker yet. My dick was still hard.
“That was phenomenal,” Liam said as he made his way over to them. The room they were dancing in was quite large. It was a multipurpose room used for collective work out routines such as their dance and whatever else the royal family wanted to use it for.
I watched Bragnae as she spun around to face Liam with a surprised expression. Apparently, despite the few times she turned around in our direction, she hadn’t noticed she had an audience. Then, her eyes focused on me. A brief smile crossed over her lips before she looked away. She was embarrassed? Why? That was unbelievably hot. If I could hit replay somewhere, I would.
My dick finally gave me a break, so I walked into the room to where they were standing.
“Are you three practicing for a show that I’m unaware of?” Liam asked with a sparkling smile.
Maxwell laughed. “Nah. The girls just wanted to work out in a fun way, so we put together a flirty routine. You know me. I’m always up for dancing.”
“Yes, and it was incredibly exhilarating!” Hana said with enthusiasm, albeit a bit breathless. “I’ve never danced like that in my life. My mother would have a heart attack if she saw that.”
Yeah, I bet she would. That dance was pure sex.
“And you, Lady Bragnae? Do you dance like that often?” Liam asked politely, but I knew he wanted to see if there’d be a repeat performance in the future.
We were both thinking with our dicks in that moment. And I couldn’t blame him. I was still in awe of what I just witnessed, so I was perfectly fine letting Liam speak to satisfy both of our curiosities. I did my best reconnaissance when I observed with my eyes rather than inquired with my mouth anyway – usually because my words would get me into trouble.
Bragnae nodded as she finished taking a long drink from a water bottle. Her chest glistened from the work out, and her quick and heavy breaths pushed her breasts out every time she inhaled. Goddamn. I raised my gaze to her eyes again in an effort to keep my dick out of the matter. No need to awaken him again. Not until I could at least be alone.
“I dance recreationally like this from time to time, but I’m not a part of a crew or anything. Just for fun.” Bragnae offered up a dazzling smile as she regained control of her breath again.
“I asked the other ladies if they wanted in on this, but Kiara declined saying she was too good for it. Penelope always mimics Kiara’s responses, so she was out. Madeleine acted like she didn’t even hear me when I asked, and Olivia said, and I quote ‘dream on, home boy’.” Maxwell shook his head and chuckled.
Liam extended his arm to the three of them. “Well, why don’t we all walk next door and grab a protein shake. Drake and I just finished working out as well.”
Hana’s face lit up with excitement at the suggestion, and Maxwell put some equipment away before he started for the door. I waited until Bragnae agreed before I turned to leave the room. I was sure Liam was waiting to walk next to Bragnae as they left the makeshift dance studio, so I wasn’t even going to try.
It was convenient for me that Liam also enjoyed working out, and considered it as much of a hobby as I did. That meant that as we got older, the gym equipment got better and there was a small protein stand built into the estate. Here at Applewood and back at the palace.
I made it to the counter first. With chocolate and vanilla protein powders as options, they also offered a few other flavors as add-ins. I would shake it up from time to time, but my favorite was chocolate-cherry. I placed my order with Jean, the middle-aged woman that worked the counter, and stepped back for the others.
Maxwell ordered a chocolate-banana, Hana got chocolate-strawberry. Like I guessed, Liam and Bragnae strolled up a minute later in a slow paced walk. He offered for her to order ahead of him, but she declined so she could look at the options. Liam asked for vanilla-strawberry, his favorite.
Bragnae stepped up to the counter. “May I have a chocolate-cherry, please?” Jean nodded, and turned away to fix the drinks.
I looked down to conceal my smile. She ordered the same thing as me. I knew she had good taste.
“Drake? Here you go, honey.” Jean placed my shake on the counter.
I walked up to retrieve it. Bragnae was still standing there when she looked over at my drink. I removed the wrapper to the straw Jean had set next to the cup, and pierced the plastic lid.
Bragnae’s eyes met mine as I smirked. “You ordered the same thing as me, by the way.”
She beamed. “I did? Well, we have good taste.”
“That’s exactly what I was thinking.” Before I could think of what to say next, Jean had placed the other orders on the counter. I got out of their way and walked to a nearby table. The others joined me along with their shakes.
“You know, ladies, you’re welcome to work out in the gym, too, if you want. Here and back at the palace. I’d be happy to show you a thing or two if you need assistance.” Liam, the ever-willing prince. I chuckled at his invitation. This was guy code for, I’d love to see more of you in your tight clothes while working up a sweat. And then maybe we could take a shower together afterwards.
I knew my best friend, and I knew myself. We were both thinking the same thing. However, I doubt that comment was intended for Hana even though she was also beautiful and beyond talented in almost every capacity.
“That’s nice of you to offer, Your Highness,” Hana said before taking a drink.
“We got quite the work out in today. Full-body. Do you guys do that every time you’re in the gym?” Bragnae asked. She looked to Liam and then to me.
Liam had just taken a swig of his shake, so I answered. “Nah. We break it up. Today was just arms and abs.”
I kept my gaze on Bragnae as her eyes shifted down the length of my arm. She had her elbows on the table holding her shake up just below her chin. Her fingers absentmindedly moved the straw in and out of the lid as her eyes locked on my bicep.
I know I shouldn’t have, but I knew she was impressed, so I clenched my fist and flexed my bicep for a split second to gauge her reaction. I smiled inside as I saw her lightly gasp before taking a drink and looking away.
“Ooh, Bragnae, we better get going if we want to shower before the next event,” Hana said looking at her watch.
Oh, nice. A shower. Are they going to shower together? That’s what Hana made it sound like, or maybe that’s what my dirty mind wanted me to hear. Either way, picturing Bragnae naked in a hot and steamy shower was definitely an image I wanted to fill my mind with. If Hana happened to be showering near her, that’d be okay too. But I’d prefer to be in there with Bragnae instead.
“And what is the next event for you ladies?” Liam asked.
Bragnae and Hana stood from the table, prompting the rest of us gentlemen to do the same. “We are having tea with the queen. All the ladies are expected to be there and on time.” Bragnae emphasized the last part with a different inflection in her voice and widened eyes.
Liam laughed. “Yes. It’s best not to keep her waiting.”
“Oh, I know. If I’m late for another event, Bertrand will give me a very stern talking to for ‘besmirching House Beaumont’.” Bragnae spoke emphatically, and teased Maxwell by pinching his cheek.
“You and me both,” Maxwell told her. “Now, get going, so Bertrand stays off both of our asses.”
Bragnae laughed and waved before turning to walk away. My eyes traveled down to her magnificently presented ass. There should be a standing rule that Bragnae always be in tight, spandex leggings when she wasn’t wearing a dress. Jesus Christ, she could stop traffic. And I’m getting hard again. Time to go.
“Alright, I’m going to get cleaned up as well. I’ll see you fellas later.”
The next day was the traditional fox hunt for the royal party. Our ancestors used to hunt fox for sport, but today, the event only retains its name. Good thing too because I bet over half of these so-called nobles had never even held a gun, let alone knew how to use it.
This was actually an event I was happy to be a part of. We had to ride horses across a three mile trail through the woods and a bit of the mountains. This was my forte. Growing up with a mother who lived on a ranch in her youth, I was practically raised on a horse. I got up early and headed to the stables to pick out my horse for the day before the fussing nobles ruined the experience.
Since Lonestar, my mother’s horse, was at the stables near the palace, I had to find a different steed. Natalia was always my choice when we came to Applewood. We got along well, and she was better for more experienced riders anyway. She liked to run, so I thought I’d take her out to the field before the fox hunt to stretch her legs a bit.
After she was saddled up, I hopped on, and led her out to the field to trot, being sure not to tire her out too much before the trail ride.
Before long, the nobles had assembled and the fox hunt had begun. I was at the end of the procession, but I led Natalia to the sidelines, so we could pass a few people. There was no way I was going to be stuck behind Penelope while she was telling her hundredth story about her poodles that morning. Plus, I wanted to find Bragnae.
After seeing how she ogled the muscles in my arm, and not Liam’s, I figured it was time to stop playing this game. I needed to start being nicer to her, and explain myself. She deserved that. And out of all the people I wanted to be a prick to, she wasn’t even on the list. So, it would end today.
As I made my way through the trail, the crisp air was refreshing. The woods surrounded the manmade path. It was beautiful, save for the bickering nobles. I shook my head in disgust at them. It was a shame they couldn’t appreciate what was around them. Just shut the fuck up, and enjoy the ride.
I finally saw Bragnae up ahead. She was on a black horse – oh, wait, that was the horse who won the derby. Huh. I wondered how she happened to possess her. Bragnae was riding alongside Hana who was showing her some sort of dressage move. I smirked thinking about Hana’s plethora of talent.
I wasn’t going to intrude on their moment, so I kept my pace and position in hopes that Hana would ride off eventually. My patience had paid off as Hana rode ahead a minute later. Now was my chance.
I squeezed my legs around Natalia and gave her a slight kick with my heels to give her the sign to trot ahead. When she approached Bragnae and her horse, I pulled back on Natalia’s reins to keep up with Bragnae’s horse.
“Hey, Bennett. You look nice.” She did, too. She managed to find a rider’s outfit. A maroon jacket and tight, brown pants with knee-high boots.
Bragnae pulled back in surprise. “Wow. Opening with a compliment, huh? You feeling okay?”
I chuckled. “Yep. Just fine.”
“I’m surprised to see you out here today. I would have figured all the nobles would have repelled your desire to join us.”
“This is actually something I love doing. Riding horses, I mean. And it’s entertaining to watch the stuffy nobles fuss over their blazers. It amazes me how much they’re missing what’s around them, though.”
“Is that why you’re smiling more today?”
I couldn’t help but smile again as I looked at her. “It has more to do with who I’m riding next to.”
She feigned a surprised gasp, complete with a hand over her heart. “A second compliment!”
“If you’re lucky, you might get a third.” I loved bantering with her. It was always fun.
“Oh, then let me find a four-leaf clover really quick.” She winked at me with that dazzling smile I liked so much.
I sighed giving Natalia a couple pats on her neck. It was time to be honest with her. I needed to explain why I’d been such an ass to her. “You know, when we first met, I wanted to dislike you so badly.”
Genuine surprise highlighted her face. “Why?”
“Well, you were crashing Liam’s bachelor party. That was supposed to be our last night out together before all this nonsense. I don’t get to spend much time with him, and now, I’m lucky if I get to spend five minutes with him before a noble girl throws herself in front of him.” I also didn’t want to like you because I knew I couldn’t have you. Wish I could tell her that.
I looked over at her to see a somewhat pained expression. “Sorry. I didn’t mean…”
“I knew what you meant.” There was compassion in her eyes. Thank God. The last thing I wanted was her thinking I was insulting her in any way.
“Anyway, I know we got off to a bad start, but somewhere along the way,” I paused to gather my courage, “…things changed.” I hope she could read between the lines.
“I wanted to dislike you too,” she replied.
Now it was my turn to be surprised. “You did?”
“Well, yeah! I mean, you were a total dick to me.” She turned toward her horse, stroking its mane. I was a complete dick to her, and I hated that I did that. “But now…”
“Now?” My nerves were making my hands shake. I gripped the reins tighter as I waited for her response.
“It took time, but I figured out that you’re actually human under all those scowls.”
I shook my head as a smile crept over my lips. She wove a joke into her reply, and it was the cutest damn thing. Now the air was cleared, and it felt good. “Well, this has all been touching, but I need to rescue Liam from his family for a couple minutes. I’ll see you later.”
“I hope so,” she grinned.
Damn, that went well. I heeled Natalia again to get her to trot towards the front of the procession.
Soon, the trail led everyone to an old village where we would all have dinner. I was starving and very much looking forward to eating the giant feast. As everyone got in line to be served, I saw Tariq and Bragnae talking just ahead of me. His body language suggested that he was into her. I knew from the bachelor party in New York that Tariq was attracted to her, but he hadn’t done much more than mention it at the time. Not that I saw anyway.
As I moved forward in the line, I watched Liam trade places with Tariq. His body language was even more obvious. Liam had it bad. I could easily recognize when he was really into a woman, and there was no mistaking it here. But the stakes were even higher this time around. Liam was looking to pick a bride, a future queen. I didn’t know if he was in love with her, but he’d been much more preoccupied with her than any other girl I’d seen him with.
Later that evening after we got back from the ride, I helped the stable hands corral the horses and take their saddles off before I headed to my room. It had been a long day, but despite the length of the ride and being outdoors all day, I wasn’t ready to call it a night.
I needed to see Bragnae again. For some reason, I felt that I didn’t get my fill of her today. Then again, I felt like that every day even when I was with her. Maybe she’d like to go to the gym with me for a late night work out. Would that be too obvious that I wanted to spend time with her?
I decided I didn’t give a shit about that. Some of her signals made it seem like she was into me, so maybe she’d be happy to come along. I changed into a razorback tank top and athletic shorts and made my way to her room. I hoped she wasn’t asleep yet or otherwise busy. Her room wasn’t too far from mine. Liam made sure of that. At the beginning of the Social Season he had asked me to keep an eye on her. At first, I was unsure about it, but that quickly changed. If anything, I was grateful that I had an excuse to be hanging around her.
I came up to her room, and the door was wide open. Does the woman not enjoy privacy? I peeked my head in the door frame searching the room with my eyes before spotting Bragnae straddling the floor, resting on her knees. Her hands pressed against the floor in front of her as she slowly moved up and down.
My eyes nearly bulged out of my head. What the hell was she doing? She was still wearing her riding pants, but had removed her blazer and took her hair out of the bun it was in, and cascaded it over one shoulder. I was frozen. Only my eyes could move.
Bragnae’s eyes were closed, and I watched as her full lips transformed in what looked like agony to relief. It was incredibly erotic to watch her in this way. My dirty mind pictured myself underneath her. I wouldn’t mind at all if she wanted to ride me like that. Seeing her now made it easy to imagine her legs squeezing my hips as she felt every inch of my dick inside her.
My hardened and impatient cock brought me out of my trance. I needed to make my presence known before someone noticed I was just standing in her doorway watching her like some fucking pervert.
“Need a hand there?” Fuck. That was my dick talking. Why did I say that? Fuck.
Bragnae’s eyes snapped open, and an embarrassed smile crossed over her lips. “Hey, Drake.”
“Whatcha doin’?” I was genuinely curious.
Bragnae slowly stood up. “I was just stretching. It’s been a while since I last rode a horse.”
Hmmm. Could that also mean it’s been a while since she’s ridden a man that way? I know if she rode a stallion like me, she’d be sore. No getting around that. Her inner thighs would strain to hold onto me as I would thrust into her over and over again making her come so hard she’d struggle to breathe after her screams of pleasure finally subsided.
I cleared my throat to push the thought out of my mind. “I ride pretty regularly, so I’m used to it by now.”
“What are you doing for the rest of the night?”
I’d love for the answer to be you. “I was actually going to head down to the gym, and I was going to ask you if you’d like to join me, but I guess you probably don’t feel up to it being sore from the ride.”
“No, I can still go,” she said immediately with a smile. “Just give me a minute to change.”
Wow. Cool. So, she doesn’t mind working out even as sore as she is. I didn’t want to get too excited, but I was pretty sure it was because of me. At least I hoped so.
I nodded after processing her response. “Yeah, sure. I’ll just be outside.” I closed her door behind me, and leaned against the wall.
My heart was starting to race again, and butterflies fluttered in my stomach. I took a couple deep breaths to calm my nerves. After another minute, her door opened and Bragnae emerged wearing an electric blue sports bra top, similar to the one she danced in, and black spandex leggings to match. Her stomach and lower back were completely bare.
My dick took over again. It was making my eyes get lost in her body that was standing so close to me that I could feel the heat between us. I had a sudden urge to tuck the tip of my finger just beneath her waistband, and roll it across her pelvis, undoubtedly making her tremble. My gaze traveled up to her top where the most spectacular cleavage I’d ever seen peeked out.
The tightness of her outfit pushed her breasts up and together. If I wasn’t mistaken, I was pretty sure she had pulled that zipper in the front of her top down even more than it had been the other day. She was flirting with her clothes, and I was completely onboard with that. If she only knew what her outfit was doing to me.
Thank Christ my brain woke up in time to save me from myself as my eyes returned to hers. “Shall we?”
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xxisxxisxxis · 5 years ago
Gateway Drug | Part Forty-Five
Table of Content or Part Forty-Four
Read HERE on Wattpad
Words: 3.1K
Warning(s): Explicit language, sexual situations, mentions of drug abuse
Tag List: @unknownoblivion @sinningsixx @edwardtriggerhandzz @lemmyjelly @haileynicoleseavey17 @cierrasixx19 @oskea93 @mgkobsessed @vamprlestat @sharon6713 @itsametaphorbriansblog @miriampraez @allie-mcginn @rebeccaphillips14 @nicholeh7 @fandomshit6000 @lilmou5ie @tamedhearts @divaanya @kingbouji3 @evrsncnewyork @6ixx6ixx @ratedrkohardychick91 @floregrohlssard @oldschoolimagineblog @thanks2pete @abaldboi @swoopygorl @justjodeye @liith-ium @caos18blog @ytwahsog @shamlessobsessions @scarecrowmax @toadspleen @random-internet-user-4471 @solohqrry @loveofmyloif @sparxx27 @kaitieskidmore1 @xpoisonousrosesx @cruecifymesixx @ijustwanttokiss70srogertaylor @emmaelizabeth2014 @meetthesixxter @sixxsixxsexx @sublimeprincesswasteland @arianareirg @girlnight-terror @mcnibberachi
@fancywasmyname1 @teller258316 @ggorehorror @blowinmeupwithherlove
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Five days detoxing at Doc's house+rehab+therapy=road to recovery=out of the woods. It's the magical equation I swore up and down wouldn't end in "Error."
The few dishes on the counter shatter into the floor once Nikki roughly sits me on it, his fingers digging into my thighs that wrap securely around him, our tongues twisting as we tug and pull at each other's clothes.
I get his pants undone as he pulls the towel from around my body, taking a handful of my soaking wet hair in his hand and tugging my head back to leave bites and bruises up and down my neck, causing me to hum in pleasure while my core pulses with anticipation to be filled by him.
Moving myself to the edge of the counter, spreading my legs as he runs his fist up and down his length a few times, I take heavy breaths, a wash of shame coming over me for a moment because this is the complete opposite of what we were instructed to do. 
But fuck the "no contact" rule. 
I've barely had any contact with him the past few months because he's been stoned or drunk. Telling me to practically ignore and avoid him for 30 days straight is like waving a loaded syringe in an addict's face before sitting it down in front of them and leaving them alone after telling them "okay I know it's right there and it's the one thing you struggle most to control yourself around, but don't even look at it."
Fuck that, and Nikki. And I refuse to walk around my own house anymore and not do the latter of those two.
The indescribable feeling of him pushing into me has my head tipping back , and my eyes closing as the both of us let out content sighs. 
I put my weight on one of my hands that rests on the counter beside me, the other hand wrapped around the back of Nikki's neck, as he moves in and out of me ferociously and I meet him thrust for thrust.
Let's take a step back and catch up on how he and I had gotten to that point.
Eight Days Earlier
"You two can detox at my place, check into rehab, come out when you're better and we'll go from there." Doc explains to Nikki and Tansy as they both sit on our couch.
"W-What about the press? Or my mom?" Tansy asks him nervously, fumbling with the tag on the throw blanket she's enveloped in.
"You let me deal with your mom and the media, alright?" Doc assures her. 
"Surely your mom won't be pissed at you for getting help, Tans." I try to tell her and she rubs her lips together.
"People will know I have a problem if I got to rehab." She points out. "It'll make me look bad."
"Having to cover your entire body with makeup to hide the discoloration of your skin and the track marks, looks bad, Tansy. Screw what people think. At least you're admitting you need help." I say and she doesn't reply, just looking at Nikki to gauge his reaction to all of this.
He looks pissed, but too tired and defeated to give a shit enough to argue with me anymore about it.
"What's the point of rehab if I'm just gonna end up kicking it at Doc's place?" Nikki asks me and I let out a breath.
"Because rehab will teach you coping mechanisms that Doc can't, Nikki. It won't take that long for you to get out if you just try your best at it." I reply and he scoffs. 
"So, what, you're babysitting me at Doc's until I'm done throwing up, shitting myself, and having hot and cold flashes and then shipping me off for a few weeks?" He cuts his dead eyes at me and Doc and I exchange looks.
"Well, it depends on how quickly you adjust to rehab and make a turn around, as to how soon you can get out...so it might be more than a few weeks." Doc informs him. "And Bob has already scheduled you and Viv an appointment with a marriage therapist."
"Well if I'm spending more than three weeks in rehab there's no point in working on our marriage." 
"The program you'll be in includes this particular therapist who's currently working on creating a schedule for Vivian to come visit you often and you two have your sessions bi-weekly." Doc states and Nikki rolls his jaw, looking at me.
"Is this what you really want? Your husband gone for weeks on end until some quack gives me a certificate and a gold star because I went 'X' amount of time without shooting up?" He harshly questions me and I rub my lips together.
I think of the reasons Nikki didn't spend more than three days in rehab the first time he went, was because A.) He refused to believe in a higher power, and B.) He didn't go to rehab because he knew he had a problem and wanted to get better, he went to rehab to appease the people around him because he felt we were twisting his arm until he gave up and cried "mercy" a.k.a "fine I'll go, just as long as you shut the fuck up and get off my back about it."
I look at him for a moment, studying his knotted hair, his yellow skin, his shot eyes, his weak appearance, before saying:
"I'd rather you hate me for a little while for getting you help, instead of waking up and trying to convince myself to continue to live in a world with no Nikki Sixx in it."
"We're not indestructible, Nikki." Tansy adds softly, knowing very well she and he both need help.
He doesn't say anything else.
She had Doc and I convinced she wanted help...but truth be told Nikki actually went to rehab while Tansy had Duff come get her from Doc's house.
She knew she had a severe problem, but the only time Tansy would "clean up" was when she gave her veins a break, out of fear of completely losing them, and was muscling smack. She would fall back on pills and lots of booze, then when some of her veins would start reviving themselves back from their smaller size, she would start up again.
I can't even say how much money she and her mother were paying people to keep quiet to the media. 
Nobody could know perfect Tansy Lyn, Playboy's Barbie Doll, was so broken inside that she repeatedly destroyed her body, let it rebuild, and wrecked it again. 
It must have been a punch in the face to her mom when Tansy came clean in '88 and admitted she had struggled with addiction and was going into rehab...and an even harder punch in the face when she came back in into the spotlight in 1989, dropping her stage name "Tansy Lyn" and dawning "Tansalyn Rose" after marrying Axl, and practically confessed every grimy detail of her obsession with hard drugs and alcohol since 1981, and why she started them to cope with what was happening behind the scenes of the brutal modeling industry. 
In 1990, her vision-come-to-life, "I Won't Just Smile", was born. It started as a campaign to raise awareness against sexual abuse, exploitation, and coercion in all corners of the modelling industry, then stemmed into an organization that offered free services to victims of addiction and abuse, from rehab to post-assault counseling and everything in between.
Years of Diane's hard work to create her daughter's untouchable persona, completely shattered.
I was just thrilled Tansy had turned her struggles around and used them to help others, but first, she would have to face a handful of overdoses, one of which nearly killed her, have a section of her liver cut out, and have a temporary pace-maker.
All of it just made Axl more strict about drugs. Not just for the sake of the band and the fans, but he was afraid some members of Guns in particular would pull Tansy back into the merry-go-round of addiction after she got clean.
"You're telling me I can't stay with him and Tansy?" I ask Doc harshly in a whisper once the four of us get to his house.
"You won't want to stay, Viv. I'm telling you, they're gonna pull out all the stops to get you to cave and get them some smack because they'll be in so much pain. I don't want you to see them like that and I don't want you to compromise their recovery." He explains.
"You think I would do that?!"
"I know you would if it came down to it." He states and I roll my jaw. "This isn't just little flu symptoms and some body aches. They will feel like they are going to die, they will look like they are going to die and I cannot trust you not to give in." His brutal honesty. "You'll be able to see them in about a week, they'll be better by then and then we can look at the next step. Got it?"
I just glare at him.
"Go kiss 'em 'bye' and fuck off." He says next, waving his hand at me dismissively as he goes to my car to grab Nikki's bag and his car to grab Tansy's.
I step back into the living room to tell them 'bye' but stop myself, deciding it's better to let Doc deal with Nikki's pissed off temper when he discovers I won't be staying with them.
Grabbing my car keys from the table by the door, I head the house.
When I get back to our house, I check the machine that's blinking a light to signal a missed call.
I go to the kitchen and get a glass of water as Slash's voice slurs through the speaker.
"H-Hey, Viv, um...uh...we..." I chuckle at his incoherent mumbling and step to the phone to call him back as another message starts playing where his left off.
"Viv," It's Duff. "Call us back as soon as you can."
I furrow my brows a little, about to dial them back until yet another message comes on.
"Viv, we got signed!" Steven's screaming has me dropping my water and the phone, joy coursing through the soles of my feet up to my hair, and I'm running around and screaming along with his recorded message loudly blaring his own excitement.
I run back to the phone and pick it up, dialing their apartment.
"We got signed!" Steven's voice is shouting at me before the phone even rings a single ring.
"When?! How?! By who?!" I say back.
"We'll tell you over dinner because guess who got $7,500 cash advances?! The same mother fuckers who've been stealing from strippers to get by, that's who!" He exclaims.
"Yeah, don't ever tell people you guys did that!" I say in the same tone. "Lemme change and I'll be over there, okay?"
"Okay." He replies, and I can just hear his smile through the phone.
I hang up and give one last scream of happiness before sprinting to get changed and leave.
Tom Zutaut, the same man responsible for giving Mötley Crüe their shot, had given the same shot to Guns N' Roses.
They had signed to Geffen Records, and although that was their second goal--the first was getting a band together--they knew the main goal was to release their first album, and hopefully, have it a success.
Before I can even knock on the door, it's swinging open and Steven's like a puppy, jumping around, waiting on me by the door.
I hug him tightly, trying to keep myself from crying with immense relief that they're one step closer--a giant step closer--to their dream.
When we pull away from each other, Duff holds his hand up for me to give him a high-five and I do, his fingers locking with my hand to pull me into a hug and I'm sandwiched between him and Steven momentarily.
A flash catches my eye and we pull away from each other to see a girl with short, blonde hair, that I've never seen before, holding a camera.
"That's gonna be a good one." She tells us, smiling at Duff as the Polaroid deposits.
Mandy Brixx, member of the punk band, Lotus Lame and The Lame Flames, was a cute girl with bleach blonde hair, beautiful brown eyes and a captivating smile...and was also Duff's first wife.
Mandy wasn't perfect, but she didn't disown Duff after he told her he had gotten me pregnant.
Even though he didn't cheat on her with me, and they had been broken up for about six months when he and I got involved, I know it hurt her knowing he had hooked up with the woman she was sure she didn't have to worry about when they dated. They ended up getting back together in 1988 and got married the same year.
They divorced two years later because something just "changed" and neither of them were happy, but I've always respected her because she was really good to Monroe.
His second wife, however, was crazier than a run over dog because she was always on something.
The last time I saw her in 1993, she had said something crass and rude to Tansy and before Tansy could reply, I was asking Linda, "were you born a cunt or does the crack just bring it out of you?"
She swung on me and I swung back. Except when I throw a punch, I make sure it lands.
Maybe she would've actually hit me if her equilibrium weren't as fried as her brain.
I would've kicked her ass if Duff and Matt Sorum hadn't pulled me off of her.
I hope she got her shit together after they divorced in 1995.
I guess bass players and crack-head models go hand-in-hand...
"Viv, this is my girlfriend, Mandy." Duff introduces me. "Mandy, this is my best friend, Viv."
"Hi, it's good to finally meet you." Mandy tells me with a gentle smile and I extend my hand to her.
"You, too." I reply as she takes my hand in her's, my eyes subtly flickering to Duff now that he's standing beside her, silently asking him when the hell he was going to tell me about his girlfriend.
"I'll tell you later." He mouths to me where she can't see and I just keep smiling as she strikes up conversation with me.
Once we get to the Rainbow, Steven and I are a few steps in front of Duff and Mandy, the blonde drummer letting out a little sigh.
"What is it?" I ask, nudging him.
"Just worried about Tansy." He admits, and I raise my brows. "It's not like that, Viv, I swear." He promises. "She's a cool person, is all. I wish she was here to celebrate this with us."
"I'm sure she'll be thrilled to hear about it when you're allowed to go visit her in rehab." I remind him. "Where's the guys?" I ask next as we step into the Rainbow.
"Slash is hanging out with this chick he met a couple weeks ago, Izzy's with his girl friend and I don't know where Axl is." He tells me and I nod. "So it's just a double date for us tonight." He grins widely, winking at me slickly.
After hours of just goofing off, talking, eating and demonstrating our celebration of Guns' stepping stone, Mandy's calling it a night.
"I'll call you later, Duff." She says to him as she grabs her jacket and he stands up to let her scoot out of the booth.
"Sounds good, babe." He replies, kissing her cheek.
"It was really nice to meet you." She tells me.
"It was nice to meet you, too." I reply.
"Bye." She smiles one last time at Duff, waving to Steven before leaving.
"When did you me--"
"Viv, lemme out." Steven interrupts me and I furrow my brows.
"Lemme out, there's a hot girl at the bar and she just waved me over. I wanna get laid. Lemme out." He pleads and I roll my eyes and scoot out so he can stand up.
He does so, heading straight to the bar to try his luck with a beautiful brunette.
And then there were two.
"You were saying?" Duff chuckles out when Steven's gone and I smile a little.
"When did you and Mandy meet?" I ask him and he lets out a breath of cigarette smoke.
"Uh, a month ago, maybe? She gave me her number and I went back and forth with myself until I convinced myself to call her." He explains. "We spent the weekend together so I guess we get along pretty good. She's a great girl."
"She seems nice." I tell him, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear.
"Yeah, she is." He agrees, taking another drag of his cigarette.
I take a sip of my water and sit in the silence that falls over us before noticing he's staring at me.
"What?" I ask him.
"You wanna go somewhere with me?" He offers, putting his cigarette out.
"C'mon." He stands up, nodding to the door.
"But Steven--"
"--Is about to go mess around with that girl in the bathroom. He's not gonna be mad if we leave him." He adds. "C'mon, you'll like where we go."
"If you say so." I shrug.
He pays the bill and the two of us head back to their apartment so he can get his car.
I know I should have been at home by the phone, waiting for a call from Doc or Nikki or Tansy, but it was pointless to sit at home and worry when I couldn't do anything about it anyway.
When we get to where we're going, Duff is parking his car in the lot of an abandoned building, and I glance around to see there's not much traffic around us.
"Is this the part where you murder me?" I ask him and he busts out in laughter, shaking his head.
"This is where Mandy and her band rehearses." He explains.
"Why're we here?"
"I picked her up here the other day and noticed something you might like." He gets out the car and opens his trunk, pulling out a shopping bag.
"Duff..." I say, uneasy as we approach the rusted door.
"Shh, I got it." He digs in his jacket pocket and plucks out a worn key, unlocking the dead bolt and the door knob.
I follow him inside, and he switches on a light switch, only one light beam in the ceiling comes on, and in the large, dim room, I see a large mirrored wall, sleek but worn out wood floors, and I turn to see Duff holding out a brand new pair of pointe shoes to me.
I wasn't going to tell him I'd gone so long without dancing that I'd have to work my way back up to dancing on pointe, because he'd spent money for the shoes and they looked to be around my size and I didn't want to know how observant he had to be to estimate my shoe size in terms of ballet...so I did something I was really good at doing at that time in my life.
I kept myself from crying.
I knew Duff was going to be a constant encourager in my life when he held those shoes out to me and so easily, so confidently, said:
"You've supported and helped me get into my groove of things to start accomplishing my dream. Now, I'm helping you get back into your's."
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chickensarentcheap · 5 years ago
Best Part of Me -Chapter 9
Warnings: none
Tagging: @innerpaperexpertcloud​, @c-a-v-a-l-r-y​, @alievans007​, @thunderintheshadows​
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They don’t speak on the drive into town; the tension that hovers over them thick and suffocating. Tyler can’t remember the last time he’s felt this agitated with Ovi.  If he’s ever felt this way. Where every little movement the kid makes or even the slightest clearing of the throat or a small cough is enough to sever that last shred of sanity. And when out of the corner of his eye he sees Ovi’s fingers begin to tap against his knees, he snaps at him to ‘knock it the fuck off’.  It’s never bothered him that badly; even in Dhaka it had only been a minor annoyance. But Ovi hasn’t done it in years; stopping almost immediately after that’d taken him to Colorado. Where his life had been simpler and less stressful, and he wasn’t looking over his shoulder ninety nine percent of the time and his nerves were no longer as raw and fragile. And it’s more irritating that he’s slipping back into old habits than the actual habit itself.
“It just annoys me,” he explains, his tone softer. Apologetic. And he knows he isn’t on edge just because of the fallout from the night before. It’s been three days since he’s taken the Valium, always cutting them out when he feels as if he’s doing better and no longer needs them. Then having to suffer the consequences not only when he’s off the med, but when he starts back up and has to deal with the brutal side effects all over again. “What are you so nervous about anyway?” he asks.
“You,” Ovi readily admits.
“What do you think I’m going to do to you?”
He shrugs.
“If I was going to lose my shit on you, I would have done it while we were still in the driveway.”
“I know you’ll still pissed,” Ovi says. “I can tell.”
“Yeah? How?”
“You’ve been doing twenty over the speed limit since we left the house. Your knuckles keep cracking because you’re holding the steer wheel so tight. Just like your jaw keeps popping because you’ve got it clenched so hard. And have you ever looked in the mirror when you’re mad? At your eyes?”
“Not exactly.”
“You don’t even have to say anything. It’s all on your face. It’s all in your eyes.”
He’s been told that before. Many times. That he doesn’t even have to utter a word; that one look is enough to let someone know to either tread lightly or just avoid him altogether.  It isn’t something he’s exactly proud of.  It may have come in handy while on the job, but in his personal life it’s been pure and utter hell. His own wife having to often walk on eggshells because she can just tell when it’s been a bad day, or those demons are getting ready to surface.  Of all the people who shouldn’t have to feel that way, it’s her.  The person who’s been by his side through the lowest of all the goddamn lowest and has seen him at the darkest points in his life.   Who’d put her own ass on the line back on that bridge in Dhaka, sticking by him and keeping him alive even though there was a very real chance that both of them could end up dead.  
“I get it. You’re mad,” Ovi sighs. “And you’ve got every right to be. I shouldn’t have caused problems last night. After dinner. With Esme.”
“You think that’s what I’m most pissed about?” Tyler scoffs. “The fact that you upset her?”
“I know how protective you are. I know you don’t like people overstepping when it comes to her. That you don’t like to see her upset.”
“I don’t. I fucking hate seeing her upset. Especially when she cries. But we worked through all that last night and put it behind us. She’s dealing with some stuff. Stuff her and I are going to work on together and make sure she gets through. Trust me, it wasn’t just Chloe opening her big goddamn mouth that caused issues.”
“That isn’t the way I wanted it come out,” Ovi sighs. “I wanted to tell her myself. I didn’t want her to find out like that.”
“I didn’t want her to find out at all. There was no reason for her to find out about it.  Once I told you that I wasn’t interested, that should have been it. And you should have told Chloe to keep her mouth shut. Now Esme’s ready to throat punch her and I don’t think that’s the hill Chloe wants to die on. You know how Esme gets.”
Ovi’s eyes widen as he nods. It takes a lot to get Esme to the point of losing it, but he’s been there when it’s happened, and it isn’t a pretty sight.  How a little thing like her can have that much rage and vengeance inside of her is both impressive and terrifying.
They find an empty parking spot across the street from Ovi’s restaurant of choice; a newly opened sports bar that features traditional pub fare and twenty different domestic and foreign beers in tap.  Tyler can smell it the second they step through the door, the powerful mixture of various types of alcohol.  And it makes him nauseous and triggers the craving. It’s been intense the last four days, and Ovi’s announcement of wanting to try his hand at the job had kicked things into high gear; he can practically taste it on his lips.   But it’s more than Ovi and the job. So much more.  The cutting of the Valium cold turkey, the rapid approach of Millie’s six birthday and the dreams he’s been having of her and Austin, the pain that never seem to cease despite taking those meds religiously.  
They’re offered a seat at the bar that Tyler declines and suggests the sparsely populated outdoor patio. There are two reasons: he can avoid breathing in the scent of booze and seeing people enjoying their drinks, and his back won’t be to the door. He can’t break himself of the habit. For years...decades even...he’s had to sit facing any entrance or exit. It’s safer that way; no one can speak up on you and try to put a bullet in your head or slit your throat.  It’s happened to a few mercenaries that have stepped on the wrong toes: letting their guard down and meeting an untimely and gruesome end.  He wonders if he’ll ever get over it. The need to always have his guard up. If one day he’ll get up in the morning and the hyper-vigilance won’t exist anymore.  If he’ll sleep through the night without even the lightest of noises immediately wake him. If he won’t constantly be on the lookout for even the slightest hint of danger or find something suspicious in even the smallest of action. If he’ll stop viewing everything he sees...everyone he comes across....as a potential threat.  
The waitress seems disappointed when they both opt for ice water as opposed to beer. Booze makes the bill higher, which in turn makes her for a bigger tip.  
“Yeah, well my sobriety is a little more important than helping you out,” he informs her, and she gives him a sympathetic, understanding smile and has the gall to lay her hand on the top of his bicep and actually give it a slight squeeze.  And he frowns as he watches her head back into the restaurant, shaking his head when she gives him a long glance over her shoulder before disappearing inside.    
“Everywhere we go,” Ovi laments. “Everywhere."
“You think you have it bad. I’ve got strangers trying to feel me up all the time.”
“Then maybe you shouldn’t look like that,” Ovi suggests.  
“Or maybe you should step up and take one for the team and get your game on.  I’ve got a wife to keep happy. She likes the way I look. You’ve just got Chloe and anything’s a step up from that. So....”
Ovi ignores the cheap shot and flips open the menu in front of him.  “So what’s going on?” he asks. “With Esme? Is she okay?”
“Not really,” Tyler admits. “But she will be.”
“Is she sick or...”
“Look mate, I know you’re worried. I know how close the two of you are. How much you love her. But I love her more. And I respect her. Which means I can’t tell you. It’s personal. And we’re dealing with it.”
“But she’ll be okay, right? Like she’s not going to die or anything like that?”
“It’s nothing like that. I promise. It’s just personal and she’s struggling and it’s something we need to deal with. That I have to help her with. She’ll be okay. I won’t let anything happen to her.”
Ovi sighs and begins drumming his fingers against the tabletop. Stopping and giving an apologetic smile when Tyler glares at him. “Sorry,” he moves his hand to his thigh. Out of sight, out of mind.  “I just worry,” he says. “I don’t want anything bad happening to her. She didn’t give birth to me, but she’s still my mom. She’s the only mom I remember having. I don’t want to lose that.”
“She’s going to be fine,” Tyler assures him.  “You just have to trust me. That I’ll help her through things.”
“I do,” Ovi says.  “Trust you.”
“Yeah?” he sips his water. “So why didn’t you trust me enough to come to me sooner. About the job. That’s why we’re here, right? You want to talk about it in a public place because you know I won’t lose my shit on you.”
“Maybe,” Ovi sheepishly admits.
“I don’t know what more you want me to say. You know how I feel about it. You think it’s a terrible idea. That I think you’re way too good for that life. That you deserve a lot better than that.”
“So did you,” Ovi points out. “You deserved a lot better than that. But you still went into it.”
“I deserved shit. I was a fucking mess. Addicted to booze, addicted to pills, I’d abandoned my own kid when he was dying. I was a horrible fucking person and I deserved everything fucked up that the job entailed. I didn’t give a shit if I lived or died. I just didn’t have the balls to pull the trigger myself. Figured if someone did it for me, it was an easy way out. And if I did survive, I’d get paid for doing it. Win win, don’t you think?”
“I think that’s the most fucked up thing I’ve ever heard,” Ovi says. “You made some mistakes. You were in a bad place. Especially when your son was sick. Doesn’t mean you had to pay for those decisions with your life.  That’s just...I don’t know...wrong."
“It’s where I was at the time. It’s what I felt I deserved. And if I’d died in Dhaka...” he shrugs. “...I died.”
“That’s messed up. You’ve paid for your mistakes. For your bad decisions. When you got me across the bridge. One good thing erases all the bad. You didn’t have to do it, but you did. You could have just left me in the street. When you knew there was no money.  But you didn’t. You still put yourself on the line to get me out of there. A bad person doesn’t do something like that. And you can’t convince me otherwise.”
He’d been looking for an absolution. Redemption, even. To wipe his slate clean.  Some days he feels as if he’s found it. That he’d been given a second chance to be a good person; blessed with a wife and five amazing kids and a peaceful, comfortable life. Other days he feels as if he’s still stuck in the same nightmare. Guilt that plagues him, dreams that haunt his sleep, a brain that won’t let him truly rest.  
“I just want to try it,” Ovi says. “The job. Just to see if it’s my thing.”
“It isn’t something you just ‘try’. You either go in balls to wall or you don’t go in it all. You want to try something? You want excitement? You want to test your adrenaline? Go bungee jumping or cliff diving or sky diving or shit like that. Don’t go into the job. Because it isn’t excitement you’re going to find. It’s death. And lots of it.”
“I like the idea of the risk. The danger.”
“All of a sudden you get off on having a gun held to your head? Or having to fight off a group of guys in a dark alley? Or constantly wondering if there’s a sniper getting ready to put a bullet in your brain? Fuck that. You’re smarter than this. Way too smart to think any of this is a good idea. And if it’s Chloe putting this bullshit in your head...”
“It’s not Chloe,” Ovi interjects. “It’s not. It’s me.”
“Bullshit. Because you’ve never once talked about any of this since she came along. Tell her if she has a death wish, she can go out and do the job. Get her to commit. Don’t let her throw you to the wolves, mate. Don’t let her make you think you’ve got something to prove or that this is the only thing that will ‘make you a man’. Because that’s shit and we both know it. That’s not what makes a man a man. Killing people. And it doesn’t matter if they deserve it or not.”
“You don’t think I can handle it, do you.”
“I know you can’t. And that’s not a slight on you. Some people are made to do the job, and some people aren’t. Some people are made for bigger and better things. And you’re one of these people.  You’re made for bigger and better things. Why would you want to settle for anything less?”
Ovi shrugs. “I want to do some good. After what you did for me in Dhaka....”
“I did what I had to do, mate. What I wanted to do. You don’t have to prove anything to me. I don’t expect thanks. And I don’t expect you to spend the rest of your life showing how grateful you are. I just want you to happy and live a good life. A good, long life. And that won’t happen if you get into the job.  There’s rarely a good ending, trust me.”
“You’ve been given a good ending,” Ovi points out.
“And I’ve probably used up all of the good luck that can come to one family. So about we not test it, yeah? How about you just forget about all of this and find something else to do with your life. Go back to school. Get an education. Get into a real career. I’ll pay for it. No hesitation. Just don’t do the job. That’s all I’m asking. That you do not get into that life.”
Ovi nods slowly as he considers Tyler’s words; eyes riveted on his menu, chewing nervously on his bottom lip.  “I have a confession to make,” he speaks after several minutes.
“I don’t think I like the sounds of this.”
“I’ve been talking to someone. About all of this. For a while now. Someone that’s still in the business and could answer all my questions and lead me in the right direction. Someone that wouldn’t freak out and threaten to beat my ass.”
“Someone who would encourage you to do stupid shit you mean,” Tyler concludes.  
“I needed to talk about it. With someone who wouldn’t get upset about it.  Who doesn’t have the history like you do. So...” his voice trails off.
Tyler’s eyes narrow.  “What the hell did you do?”
That's when he feels it; a presence lingering off to his right. A familiar scent. A firm hand that falls on his shoulder.  And he doesn’t even need to look back. He just knows.
“Hey Nik.”
“You look good,” she says in way of greeting, her hands massaging his shoulders.  “The retired life suits you.”  He’s considerably bigger now; wider, stronger, a brick wall of muscle.  The time he’s both devoted to the gym and living cleaner makes him feel healthier. And happier.
He smirks. “I’d say it’s good to see you, but...”
“I wasn’t expecting a warm welcome. At least not from you. But it’s good to see you, Tyler I’m glad life has been treating you well.  Of all the people who want a happy ending, you're the one who actually deserved it.”
“What are you doing here, Nik? I know it’s not just to stroke my ego.”
“Ovi invited me,” she gives his shoulders a final squeeze before sliding around to the other side of the table, waving down the waitress before slipping into the empty seat alongside of the younger man. “So we could talk.  We haven’t seen or talked to each other in six months. I was starting to worry about you.”
“You mean you were starting to get nosy,” Tyler retorts. “Wanted to see if my life had fallen apart. If maybe my wife had taken off with my kids yet. Kyle doesn’t keep you up to date on this stuff? I am married to his sister.”
“Kyle’s been very adamant about keeping his loyalties to his sister. The last time Esme and I spoke, things didn’t end very well.  She was stressed, you were on your way home, and she was worried about how to help you. Things were a little...harsh...between us.”
“For a reason,” Tyler points out. “I know exactly what you talked about and what she said to you. We don’t keep secrets. So cut the bullshit, Nik. What are you doing here?”
“Would you believe me if I said I missed you?”
“I’d believe you if you told me you missed the things I can do for you. And I’m not talking behind closed doors, either. So don’t get your hopes up.”
Ovi shifts uncomfortably in his seat; thankful when the waitress comes to take Nik’s drink order. It lifts the tension and the hostility, at least temporarily.
“Last time we talked, things didn’t go so well,” she address Tyler.  “You told me to never contact you. Never to just show up out of the blue, never to text you, never email you.”
“Yet here you are so for some reason. Tracking me down where I live. Which I’m pretty sure I told Kyle to never mention to you. So you couldn’t just show up.”
A smirk tugs at the corner of her mouth. “You of all should know if I have ways of finding things out. You’re harder than most, I have to admit. You know how to cover your tracks. You barely leave a footprint.  Still holding onto certain things, I see. Trying to exist but seem like a ghost at the same time. Old habits die hard, don’t they, Tyler.”
“You have no right being here, Nik. I asked you to stay away from me. No. I told you to stay away from me. I finally have a life. Somewhere quiet and peaceful where I don’t have to constantly look over my shoulder and I know my kids are safe.  And you...” he stares pointedly at Ovi.  “...what the fuck, mate? You knew I’d cut ties with her. With everyone involved in the job. Yet you go and do this?”
“Ovi thought it was a good idea that you and I talk,” Nik speaks for him.   “We haven’t touched base in a long time. It’s a good idea, don’t you think? If we get used to one another again? I am marrying your brother in law.”
They’d gotten the invitation a month ago; thick ivory card stock with gold leafing on the inside of the envelope and the invitation itself covered in dried, pressed flowers and ornate calligraphy done in rich cooper colored ink. It hadn’t been much of a surprise; Kyle had already created an entire Facebook page just to document their journey as an engaged couple.   And while they’d tried to be happy for Kyle’s sake, there was a lingering bitterness towards Nik that neither of them could let go of. She’d worked too long and too hard trying to destroy their marriage, why would they want to have anything to do with hers?  So the invitation sat on the top of the fridge collecting dust and they never spoke of it again.
“And you’ll be living in Colorado or wherever the hell you’ll drag his ass too and I won’t have to do have anything to do with either of you.  I don’t care if you’re marrying him or not. As long as you stay away from me, stay away from my wife, and stay away from my kids.”
“That’s not the way to treat a relative is it,” she coyly remarks, then gives a nod of appreciation to the waitress as she returns with her martini.   “The baby’s beautiful by the way. Congratulations.  Kyle’s shown me the pictures. She looks just like Esme. I’m looking forward to meeting my niece.”
“You’re not going to get close enough to meet her face to face, so...”
“Can’t you two just stop?” Ovi pleads. “Enough. Enough with this going back and forth. That’s not what we’re here for.”
“What are we here for?” Tyler asks, as he leans back in his chair and places his clasped hands on his stomach. “And don’t give me some bullshit, Nik. Just say what you want and get out of here.”
“Ovi asked me to come and talk some sense into you.”
“More like he wanted me to just cave in and agree with what he wants to do. Not going to happen. So if that’s what you’re going to try and do, you’re wasting your time and you should just get on the next flight out of here and...”
“I’ve been recruiting him,” she says. “I’ve been recruiting him for about a month now. After he contacted me wanting information about the job.”
Tyler’s eyes narrow. “What the hell are you doing, Nik? And why are you doing it? We both know that he’s not job material. That he wouldn’t last a day out there.”
“He’s tenacious, has a lot of energy, he’s smart.”
“Too smart to get involved with this. There are a million and one better things he could be doing with his life.  And being tenacious and having a lot of energy doesn’t mean shit when you’re out there.  When you’ve got to make the quick decisions in order to keep yourself alive. He doesn’t have what it takes.  He doesn’t have it in him to hurt people. He killed Gaspar and that fucked him up for years.”
“He was a kid then,” she reminds him.  “And if I remember correctly, I’m the one that said calling Gaspar wasn’t a good idea. I tried to talk you out of it, but you were so determined that he’d help you out because you’d saved his life. How did that go for you, Tyler? Trusting him? It didn’t take long for his loyalty to you to disappear, did it. As soon as there was ten million put on the table. Ten million for him and Esme, right? That was the deal.  Most men would have taken it.”
“What can I say, Nik?” he smirks. “I’m not most men.”
“He would have killed you to get to them. He wouldn’t have stopped until you were dead. And if Ovi hadn’t have picked up that gun...”
“He was fourteen years old and it fucked him up,” Tyler angrily interrupts. “It doesn’t mean if has what it takes to go out there and kill people. You’re smarter than this. Both of you are. So I don’t know who is brainwashing who, but...”
“You made me a promise, Tyler,” she says. “We made a deal. That I’d start a second branch and you’d run things.”
“That’s before things ended the way they did. Once I walked away from New Zealand, that was it. Fuck our deal. It meant shit after that.”
“I’ve offered Ovi a job.  A position with my team. As a mercenary.”
“You’re out of your fucking mind, Nik. You’re both out of your minds. This is a bad goddamn idea and you know it.  I gotta get out of here before I say or do something I really regret. I’ve got places I’d rather be than sitting here listening to this bullshit ”
Ovi throws his hands up in a mix of disappointment and exasperation and Nik instructs him to stay where he is as she hurries after Tyler, who easily escapes the patio just by swinging one leg over the makeshift fence, then the other.  She has to leave through the restaurant itself, and he’s already across the street and using the keyless remote to unlock his truck.
“You owe me this,” Nik growls, and lays a hand on the driver’s side window, forcing the door closed when Tyler tries to open it.
“I owe you shit. I’ve given you enough. I almost gave you my fucking life. Isn’t that good enough for you? You were perfectly fine with leaving me on that bridge to die.”
“That’s not what happened, and you know it.”
“It took you twenty minutes to come back. And you only did it because Yaz said he was going with or without you. You weren’t just going to leave me there; you were going to leave Esme there. Do you know what would have happened? Once Asif sent more people down there and saw that she was alive? Do you know what they would have done to her? I wouldn’t have been as quick and painless as a bullet in the head. They would have made her suffer and you knew it and you still left her there.”
“It all worked out in the end, didn’t it? The two of you. Marriage, five kids. You got your happy ending, didn’t you?”
“Because that’s what makes it all okay, yeah? That things didn’t get worse. We were expendable. Once you got Ovi, you didn’t give a shit about either of us.  You could keep whatever money you got. Two less people to have to share it with. Or were you that pissed about what went down? Those five days in the hotel. You knew what was going on. Did it piss you off that bad? That you’d just leave us there to die? Did we need to be punished, Nik? You needed to get even because it wasn’t you I was fucking.”
“Fuck you, Tyler!” she snaps, and he catches her by the wrist before the slap can even connect with his face. His fingers biting straight through the flesh and pressing painful against the bone.
“What do you want?” he hisses. “Why are you here? You won’t be happy until you completely fuck up my life? Until my wife leaves me and takes my kids?”
“That’s not it. At all.”
“Then what is it?” he snarls. “Quit wasting my fucking time and tell me.”
“I want your help,” she struggles against his grasp “With Ovi.”
“I’m not giving you shit.”
“I want you to just listen to me....and ow!” she lays her forearm against his chest and tries to shove him away. It’s as successful as trying to move a brick wall with your bare hands. “You’re hurting me!”
“Try to hit me again and I won’t hesitate putting you on your ass, understand me?”
She nods, then takes two steps back once he releases. “I just want you to listen to me. Five minutes. That’s all I’m asking for.  I don’t to bring you back into the job. I just want you to help me with Ovi. I’ve given him a spot but on condition.  He needs training. Lots of it. I can’t send him into a situation without him knowing how to handle different weapons, hand to hand to combat, how to assess situations and problems before they arise.”
“I’m about five seconds away from washing my hands of this. Of you, of him, of this goddamn bullshit mess.  This is a mistake. A huge mistake. And I’m not going to just sit back and watch you fuck his life up. He doesn’t have it, Nik. And I know you see that. I know you see what I do. Why the hell push it? Why encourage when you could be helping him make his life better, not worse.”
She places her hands on her hips, regarding him with her head cocked to the side. “Why are you so against him doing this?”
“You’re actually asking me that? After everything he’s been through. After everything he saw in Dhaka. After living with us for five years and seeing my marriage nearly fucking destroyed because of the job. You have the nerve to ask me that? He’s better than this. And he deserves better and I’m not going just sit here and watch you screw up his entire life.”
“You can’t stop him, Tyler. He’s a grown man. He can make is own decisions.”
“He can’t even talk for himself and you think he can go into a place like Dhaka and handle shit? Enough with the bullshit, Nik. This ends. Right here. Right now.  This is a mistake and you know it. And the fact you would even prey on him like this...”
“I didn’t prey on him,” she interjects. “He contacted me.”
“And you could have told him that you weren’t interested and to never call you again.”
“And then what? Him find someone else? Someone that doesn’t have nearly the same experience? That would have ended badly, and you know it.”
“This is going to end badly!” Tyler snarls.  “Because he doesn’t have it and you know it and I know it. For fuck sakes, Nik. Enough.”
She remains steadfast. “You can train him.”
“Like hell I can!”
“You’re the best mercenary I’ve ever had. There’s no one that can train him the way you can. I know you think you’re probably rusty and you...”
“That’s not what I think. That has nothing to do with it. I’m not saying I can’t do it. I’m saying I won’t do it. I’m not getting involved with this. I’m done.”
“You don’t actually have to go on a job,” she informs him. “It can all be done right here. There are gyms, there’s firing ranges, there’s an entire beach at your disposal you can use to your advantage. I’m not trying to bring you back. I just want you to help.”
“I’m not helping you, Nik. I was done helping you six months ago. And I love the kid like he’s my own, but I wouldn’t let any of my boys get into the job so I'm sure as fuck not going to let him.  What the hell is wrong with you? That you’d even have the nerve to come to me with this?”
“He’s your son, Tyler. Maybe not by blood. But...”
“Yeah. He is. Which is why I’m not helping you. I told his old man I’d take care of him. Not throw him to the fucking wolves!”
“So you’d rather I just send him out there with no training?” she challenges.
“I’d rather you give your head a fucking shake and realize what a huge mistake you’re making.”
“This is what he wants, Tyler. He wants a chance to prove himself.”
“To who? You? To his girlfriend? Who is just as delusional as you, by the way. The two of you should meet. You’d make a great pair.”
“You ever stop to think he’s trying to prove something to you?”
“What the hell does that mean? What does he have to prove to me? When have I ever made him think he has to?”
“You may not have made him feel that way, but he does. He thinks he has to fill your shoes. Take up where you left off.”
“That’s bullshit. I’ve never made him feel that way. And I never would.”
“It’s how he feels. He feels he needs to live up to something. That he needs to prove to you that he’s good enough. That he’s worthy of being your son.”
“Jesus Christ, Nik,” Tyler laughs. “That is really reaching. Are you just making this shit up as you go along?”
“I can send you the text messages. The emails. That he sent me when I asked him why he wanted to do this.  That way you can see for yourself that what I’m saying is the truth.  He feels he owes you something. For saving them. And for nearly dying while doing it.”
“He doesn’t owe me anything. It was my job.”
“It was more than that you and you know it, Tyler. It stopped being about the job the second Mahajan screwed us over. It was all about Ovi from that point on. Because somehow saving him meant you were saving yourself. That you’d find forgiveness for the mistakes you’d made. He saw what you went through. Not just during Dhaka, but after it. And he feels guilty for that. He wants to make it up to you.”
“He has nothing to make up for. I did what I had to do. Nothing more, nothing less. We both know that he can’t hack it. The job. There’s no way.”
“He deserves a chance.”
“A chance for what? Getting shot in the fucking head?”
“He’s going to do this whether you like it or not, Tyler. Don’t you think he deserves a chance to make a real go of it? To survive his first day.”
He sighs. “Of course, I do.”
“If you train him...”
“I can’t. I can’t encourage him to do this. I told Esme I’d do everything I had to to stop him, not help him.”
She smirks. “That’s what it comes down to right? His safety and his life isn’t worth more than her trying to control you? She hasn’t done that enough? When she made you walk away?”
“We’re done, Nik,” he yanks the driver’s side door open.  
“We’re done when I say we’re done,” she shuts the door once again. “You’re going to let her call the shots? Still? It wasn’t enough for you to just walk away? She has to control everything else too?”
“I made the decision. I’m the one who left. She was the one who told me go back to New Zealand and when I got there, I realized I couldn’t do it anymore. I left willingly. Because my wife and my kids are the most important things in my life, and it was time I showed that to them.”
“And Ovi isn’t important to you? He's not important enough to save his life?”
“I’ve already done that once. And I wouldn’t have to do it a second time if you weren’t encouraging him to do this shit.”
“And if you weren’t encouraging him to prove to you that he’s worthy of your love. Of being one of your kids.”
He shakes his head and gives a dry laugh. “I’m going home, Nik. To my wife.  I’m done. I’m not letting you drag me back into this. You find someone else. I’ve shed enough blood for you.”
She relents, holding her hands up in surrender as she backs away from the truck. “You’ll regret this Tyler.”
“Yeah?” he tosses the door open and climbs into the truck. “Add it the list”
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