#my mom has the other two grey ones and the black cat
hannahssimblr · 3 days
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In the kitchen, I make coffee. Two cups, though Evie has not yet stirred. It is twenty past four, and the clouds are tinged red. 
I make my way out to the garden and tip the dew from a patio chair. I leave one cup on the table and sip from the other as I sit back and watch the sky change. 
She’ll get up soon. 
Behind me, silence permeates the house. 
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At half past four, my mug is empty. It’s cold out, and the steam no longer rises from Evie’s cup. I leave it for her anyway as I go to make myself a bowl of cereal. 
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I eat and finish it. 
She doesn’t come. 
It is a quarter to five. 
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But at last, something stirs. The floorboards creak on the stairs, and I spin around, only to be met with the sight of my mother, her hair undone, and no makeup on her face. She comes to the patio door with a thin jumper thrown over her bony shoulders. 
“Are you ready to go?” She says. 
“Yeah. I was just waiting a minute.”
“For what?”
“One of my friends was supposed to get up.”
She checks her watch. “There could be traffic on the M50.”
“It’s not even five.”
“Port traffic, Jude. You don’t know how it’s going to be. I don’t want you to miss your flight, and you still have to pack the car.”
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“Fine,” I push past her and carry my cereal bowl to the sink. “I’ll pack. You can warm up the car if you’re in such a hurry.”
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Upstairs, I stand over my bags and listen. She doesn’t stir in the guest room, and my stomach sinks like lead. Should I go in? What if she isn’t wearing clothes?
I carry my bags to the car. 
It is five. 
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Mom hurries me on as I insist upon once more trip into the house.
“Jeez! I forgot something,” I tell her, and rush to the kitchen. Outside in the driveway, the engine roars to life.
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I find a black marker in a drawer, and tear the corner from the lip of the cereal box. I don’t know what to write. 
Sweet dreams, Evie.  See you later, alligator. 
Oh, wonderful. How stupid. There is no time to change it. 
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I hurry upstairs, and I slide it under the door. Again, I wait, with the last shred of hope for the sound of her, and again, there’s nothing. 
So I go. 
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“Come on, Jude!” Mom says. “You need time to check in.”
“Yeah, yeah, it’ll be fine.”
“Do you have your boarding pass?”
“Of course.”
“Phone? Wallet? Charger?” 
“Yes, yes, yes.”
I fling the passenger door of the Audi open and throw my backpack inside. 
Then, from the bushes, there is a rustling, and I pause. 
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On the gravel, I stand and I watch as a cat emerges from the laurel. He is small, with grey, slinky fur and a collar with a bell that tinkles with each step. His eyes are funny, like looking two directions at once. A strange, otherworldly face, like he is oblivious to his own existence. 
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He saunters over and rubs his furry cheek against my ankle, his body vibrating with a contented purr. I frown. 
He doesn’t know he is Goose. 
He remembers me.
“Oh, Jude, for God’s sake!” Mom hisses. “Get in the car!”
“I’m coming, I’m coming.”
“Leave that cat alone. Don’t encourage it. It’ll come by looking for food from me, tormenting me every time I leave the house.”
“Alright, fine.”
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As though he understands, Goose skips away and disappears back into the bushes like he was never even there. Like something I conjured from my imagination. I just scratch my head. 
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“There’s hand sanitizer in the glove compartment,” Mom says as I duck inside the vehicle. “Don’t touch anything until you’ve used it.”
“Can’t open the glove compartment if I can’t touch it.”
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“Oh, bloody hell,” She snaps it open for me as we pull out of the driveway, and I take one more look back at the house, and the guest room, the white curtains still drawn and still. 
And I keep looking back until it’s all the way out of sight. 
Beginning // Prev // Next
Corresponding LG Chapter
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quinn-ispurechaos · 7 days
I love tabby cats. They come in stupid orange, parkcour gray, and batman.
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pangur-and-grim · 14 days
Hello Greer!
I’m a long-time foster who recently came into possession of half a litter of nine kittens— at eight weeks old they’re EXTREMELY neonatal (the biggest ones are around 20 ounces) and I suspect there are multiple fathers given the wide array of colors. I was wondering if you could guess what their dads looked like! You don’t have to, of course, it’s just idle curiosity on my part.
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(Kittens from three weeks ago, with their mother.)
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(Kittens from yesterday when we took our half of the litter).
There are two Siamese (one seal point, one tabby point), one black, one spotted tabby, one mackerel tabby, a third grey tabby whose markings I don’t know, and three solid greys.
We think there was at least two fathers, one to explain the coloration of the black kitten and one to explain the Siamese. Is it possible there was only one? Or even three?
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(As a tax, here’s the smallest and most Belephegor-like kitten. At eight weeks old, I swear she felt like less than a pound! All the smallest ones are staying with their mom and the old foster.)
hmm.....there might just be the one father?
let's start with the mother: she's shorthaired, dilute black, agouti but carries the recessive for solid-coloured (since she has solid kittens), mackerel tabby but carries the recessive for classic tabby, non-pointed but carries point.
now if there's just the one father, he could be shorthaired, black but carries dilute, agouti but carries solid (OR just pure solid), ticked tabby but carries the recessive for classic tabby, non-pointed but carries pointing. in other words, a guy that looks like this:
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or this:
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HOWEVER there might also be the silver/inhibitor gene at play, given the unusual look of this kitten in the back.
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though that could also be a fever-coat, which would mean the kitten will eventually grow out of it and look solid-coloured.
if the kitten does have a silver undercoat and ghost striping that doesn't fade with age, then it's a smoke (which is what silver is called in sold-coloured cats), which would mean the father is a silver ticked tabby:
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or a black smoke, with a ticked ghost pattern:
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the litter could all be explained by one father, but that doesn't mean there aren't multiple. in any case, they're a batch of very cute and colourful kittens!
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thelamb1429 · 4 months
Eyeless Jack Headcanons
Alright I’ve put these off for long enough so here’s some of my headcanons (like always, if yall wanna request anything just let me know, i’ll have more time to get things done this week <3)
Appearance Headcanons —-}
Jack was around 5’10 before he was turned into a demon, but afterwards be ended up growing to 6’11
Because of this, finding clothes to fit him is very difficult with his newfound height
Not only that, but his legs have become digitigrade legs. So normal pants don’t exactly work for him. So he tears off his pants a little below the knees and unfortunately has to walk around barefoot due to his animalistic feet
Speaking of animalistic? He has both a long tail with a tuft of fur at the end and long, furry ears on the side of his head.
His skin is a darker grey, and he has his hair in a protective style when possible (due to his claws he struggles a bit, but if he asks Nina or Jane they usually help him) (also i deeply apologize if the terminology is wrong, let me know and i’ll be sure to change it)
Having his hair up helps with his… activities
Sure, he can’t see, but he’s much more sensitive to texture and can’t focus on hunting down his prey his job if his hair or clothes are in the way of his work
Similar to many others, i headcanon him as having three long, black tongues which can each move separately.
I like to think he got a tongue piercing in college, so one of the tongues is still pierced
I headcanon him as being pretty thin and lanky in addition to his insane height. He probably was a bit on the thinner side in college (because nobody in college can find enough time to eat more than a microwave dinner). I imagine his current diet doesn’t let him pack on a ton of weight either, but he’s fairly athletic regardless
His voice is probably a bit distorted, like a few different voices layered together. Some people think it’s cool, but normally to others it’s off putting
Diet and Behavior —-}
He does not eat kidneys in my headcanons. Biggest reason why is that not only are they a generally unhealthy area to eat from (because they hold waste), they wouldn’t be nutritious for the exact same reason. Instead, he probably eats other organs in the abdominal section
He probably could store his meal and have enough for about five days at a time (if he rations properly). The longest he can safely go without eating is only two weeks, but he’s responsible enough to make sure nobody ever has to deal with that insatiable hunger
Now for behavior/personality!
I think that by becoming a demon he gained many feline traits. Not just the physical ones in terms of appearance, but others too
For example, i think he purrs when he thinks nobody else can hear it. At least whenever he’s purring for a good reason. Cats also purr when stressed, so he probably wouldn’t be able to control that near as much as he can control his happy purring
When he’s cold, his left ear twitches pretty much uncontrollably and it annoys the living hell out of the poor guy
His overall personality is probably still similar to the one he had before the incident. I feel like he’d be reasonably talkative, but i dont think he’s overly social. Just kind of average social battery
He’s definitely more of a thinker than a feeler, and i see him as someone who always has to see to believe
He’s probably very sarcastic, and i feel like his sense of humor is a bit jokingly nihilistic. Like that one “nothing matters!” Pic with the dolphin and the kid giving a thumbs up
General Headcanons —-}
He knows how to play the piano because his mom made him do piano lessons when he was younger. Of course, he can’t see now, so he adapted and learned to play by ear
He navigates the world around him by sensing heat. In a way, he can see in the way you can use a thermal camera. He also prefers to be by people he senses are warmer because he’s naturally cold as hell
He used to wear glasses before the incident. Even though he can’t see now he’ll sometimes put them on out of force of habit. It just feels weird to him to not feel the frames on the bridge of his nose
When he gets startled, his tail fluffs up like a cat’s does
Just for fun let’s say he makes biscuits on his pillows when he goes to bed
Yeah some of these are super half baked and probably seem odd but hey if i come up with any more i’ll share them (i have so many headcanons for so many characters and too little time :/ )
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stevesbipanic · 2 years
Not quite a prompt but I feel like Wayne Munson is that guy who does that typical Dad thing of claiming he doesn't like the family pet and proceeding to love it the hardest. Like, Eddie will bring home a scruffy looking stray cat (and jokes that he's going to name it Wayne) and Wayne complains that it'll make a mess and its Eddie's responsibility - but buys it food when he goes grocery shopping and puts an old sweater of his in a box so it has a warm bed to sleep in anyway. Eddie comes home to see the cat curled up on Wayne's chest as he takes a nap. Idk Wayne is a caretaker at heart and so is Eddie. Eddie brings home the cat, and then the hellfire kids, and then Steve; and Wayne grumbles but is 100% all in on taking care of them if they need it. Idk I just love the Munson boys and their big hearts
Wayne Munson is no stranger to strays in his house. It started when a young Eddie with freshly buzzed hair and a tear stricken face ended up on his doorstep no parents in sight. Wayne of course took him in with no hesitation and it was just the two of them for a few years.
One day it's storming hard at the trailer park and Eddie is looking more worried than usual, he's always been a bit afraid of thunder. Suddenly, before Wayne can stop him, Eddie has bolted out of the trailer into the storm. By the time Wayne has found his coat, a soaked Eddie has come back cradling what looks like bits of fabric. Wayne holds out a towel to Eddie who reveals his holding a small, scruffy looking grey kitten.
"Now where do you find that, son?"
"He's been meowing around the trailer for the last couple weeks, I've been feeding him scraps and I couldn't leave him out there."
"Well, I guess he can stay, but just til the storms over, don't need another mouth to feed."
The rain lasts two days and by then little Toothpaste had settled in with his own little cardboard box and an old sweater of Wayne's that he reluctantly gave Eddie for the cat. Toothpaste never does leave the trailer and despite Wayne saying they'd only keep him until he was big enough to look after himself Wayne would be the cat food and treats at the grocery store and ask the grocer for any left over fish bones. Once Eddie had come back to the trailer after Hellfire to find Toothpaste curled up on Wayne's chest, the next day Eddie had joked that he should be renamed Wayne Jr..
Toothpaste would thankfully be the only feline stray that would join their little family but soon Wayne would meet the gaggle of young teens that Eddie had pseudoadopted. He took a particular liking to the young redhead girl that he knew lived across the park from them and would often offer to teach her about cars whenever her mom was away.
The last stray that Wayne Munson would find at his door would be the most surprising. It was another stormy night when the Munsons heard a knock at their trailer door. Eddie was finishing drying the dishes and so Wayne had answered the door. He had not expected to see a broken and bloody Steve Harrington on the other side. Now Wayne knew that Eddie had become friends with the Harrington boy despite Wayne being wary knowing the boy's father. But knowing the boy's father meant Wayne didn't have to be a genius to figure out who had given Steve the black eye and broken nose.
Wayne had ushered the wet and shivering boy inside, straight to the bathroom where he sat him on the toilet and took out their med kit. Eddie had trailed behind them, instantly worried seeing Steve's face. Wayne had started cleaning Steve's cuts by the time Eddie caught up to them.
"Sweetheart, what happened?"
"My-My parents came home and um, I think they kicked me out, Ed's." Steve's words had slurred together, he clearly had a concussion.
"Well you're welcome to stay here as long as you need, son."
And both Munsons knew that this stray would probably never leave either.
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kaiaden · 4 months
New Ninja Designs (with head cannons)
Okay, so I improved my art style and changed some of my techniques, so now they all have their own face shape instead of looking like carbon copies.
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My height HC’s:
Zane: 6’8”
Cole: 6’5”
Kai: 5’8”
Nya: 5’7”
Lloyd: 5’4”
Jay: 5’3”
Yes, I know that Lloyd and Jay are rlly short, it’s purposeful, okay? It’s my head cannons anyways, it’s not like I draw them like twinks, personally, my head cannon is that Jay might be lean, but he has muscle and can still kick ass, same with Lloyd.
I personally made Jay short and Nya tall because I like that dynamic, it’s not seen a lot, I just love it, I feel like Jay gets insecure over his height, and that he’s not taller than Nya, but Nya always reassures him, and makes him feel good about himself, they’re both emotional and mental support for each other.
For Lloyd, I just couldn’t help it, I laughed at the thought of Lloyd being shorter than Arin and Sora, and like, one day, Sora pokes fun of it, and Arin kind of just chuckles, and Lloyd’s like ‘oh yeah?’ And wins in a monitored fight with them easily.
Close ups:
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I changed his ears, I kind of just grew out of his old ones, and I like these ones way better, I also added scars on his face, and slight eye bags (bcuz of season 2 of DR), the chocker covers a scar on his neck that he gets slightly insecure of, him, Kai, and Nya have matching ones that the two sibling bought for Lloyd. I only gave him one horn cuz, I dunno 🤷🏻‍♀️ . I personally head cannon that Misako is fully Japanese, and of course, Garmadon is Oni and Dragon as far as we know.
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Kai didn’t really change much other than his choker tbh, my head cannon is that Ray is fully Hispanic, while Maya is half Polynesian and half Chinese, Kai looks Hispanic mixed with some slight Asain features, while Nya looks more Polynesian.
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The marks on her face are lighter than the rest of her skin.
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I changed Jay’s irises, his human looking eye is blue with a regular pupil, while his other is from season 1 when he nearly got turned into a serpentine, the color of it is yellow. His bio mom, Libber, is white, and his bio dad, Cliff, is Korean. He also gained a chin scar from a time where he fell and cut his chin of a sharp piece of metal when he was building something.
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Cole didn’t change much either, only his eye shapes. My HC is that his mom was black, while his dad is Japanese.
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Was originally going to draw him smiling, but it looked weird. He was designed to look human, but the race he looked more like ended up being Asain, which I kind of just toss Korean around when asked.
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Lloyd’s eyes are like a cat, he gets it from the Oni.
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Kai’s eyes are brown, but when he uses his powers, you can see hints of orange and red.
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Nya’s eyes are a grey, but can look very light blue while indoors, or in shade, if you look long enough. (Jay was the first person other than Kai to figure this out)
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Zane’s eyes are just an unnatural icy blue color.
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I kept the eyebrow slit, I couldn’t help it, also, when he uses his powers, you can see hints of what looks like lightning.
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Cole’s eyes are brown, but when using his powers, you can see hints of orange.
Hope you like it :D
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treedaddymcpuffpuff · 8 months
Beneath Miles of Stone - Part five - John Wick x Plus Size Fem Reader
Summary: John has been in prison for nine months. He’s content to stay if it means appeasing the high table and keeping peace between the owners of each continental. However, he meets someone who erases that willingness. Peace be dammed.
TW: Bullying
Michael has a lot of stuff. A lot of heavy stuff. Despite him assuring her that he can move it all in on his own, she still wants to help.
It would be kind of a dick move if she didn’t assist with all of this. An hour in, and the apartment is already transformed from bland and empty into a hoard of pastel rainbow decor and soft white staple pieces.
She takes a break to admire the painting of a fluffy white angel cat over watercolor Van Gogh scenery. Michael comes through the door, panting, with his White Cottage microwave in tow.
“Who painted this?” She asks him.
He smiles, blushes, puts the microwave down and then his hand on his hips. “I did.”
Her eyes grow wide. “This is amazing.”
He chuckles. “Thank you.”
She likes Michael a lot already, but she’s also very jealous of him and his many talents and cool possessions. He makes her want to decorate and be creative, both skills she’s never been able to possess correctly.
She hasn’t gotten the key made yet, so she goes out and does that while he starts unpacking his things. By the time she’s done, her apartment looks astonishing. Fairy lights twinkle over gauze white curtains and a big speaker plays soft hiphop music in one corner of the living room. Her couch is full of comfy white and grey fluffy throw pillows. An incense burner releases gourmand, smoky aroma into the air.
Michael is stretched out on the couch, taking a break, watching Legally Blonde on DVD. Her small TV is now in her room and his bigger flatscreen dwarfs the stand that it was on.
She sits down beside him with two glasses of water. Before she can set hers down on the coffee table, he stops her. “Wait! Coasters!”
He digs through two boxes of stuff before he finds new marble coasters for them to set their drinks on.
She laughs at him and he grins back. “I know, I know,” he tells her, “typical trust fund kid BS.”
“You’re fine,” she says. “I was laughing at the coasters because the table is already a mess.”
“Listen,” he says, “this table just needs some tee ell cee. A sander and some paint would do her wonders.” He pats the wooden top.
“Can I help?” She asks, excited and jumping at the opportunity a little too eagerly.
“Of course you can,” he assures.
She remembers him telling her that his mother is an artist. “Did your mom teach you to paint?”
He nods. “She also taught me how to make miniatures. You know, like dollhouses but for adults?”
“That’s amazing. Do you trade art with her?”
“I do,” he says, “we send things back and forth in the mail. Although my dad says it ‘clogs up their post office box’.”
“He’s not a fan of art?”
Michael snorts. “He hates everything except golf. Sometimes I think he hates me.”
She shakes her head. “Does he really hate you? You’re the perfect son.”
Michael sighs. “No, but he hates gay people, so it’s close enough. When I first came out to him, if my mother wouldn’t have been there, he would’ve probably shot me. He’s a real man’s man if you know what I mean...”
She nods, smiling ruefully. “Oh, I know exactly what you mean.”
Michael thinks for a moment. “We should get a dog.”
“I would love that, but it’s no pets here.”
He raises his eyebrows and sips at his water. “What they don’t know won’t hurt them.”
They decide it has to be a quiet dog, one who’s comfortable being alone at night, and there are an abundance of local shelters displaying perfect furry candidates online.
“Rocky. Pitbull mix. Potty trained, good with kids and other pets, sweet and loves everyone.” She shows Michael a picture of a medium sized black, stout dog with shiny grey eyes.
Michael shows her his own selection, a retired service beagle named Winnie. “Short for Winnifred,” he reads, “loves people and other pets, very polite, and hardly ever barks.”
“I love them both,” she groans, leaning back into the couch cushions.
“Same,” Michael sighs. “It’s one in the afternoon. Do you work tonight?”
“Yup.” She presses an arm over her face, blocking out the ceiling light.
“Don’t you have to sleep?” He asks.
She’s not tired at all because she slept through the night—wet dreams work wonders on insomnia—but she agrees because Michael sounds like he needs some alone time. Plus, her DVDs and TV are in her room now, and if she can’t sleep she can watch an old, comfortable flick.
The problem isn’t getting to sleep, it’s staying there—waking up sweating, gasping, whining John’s name. She slaps her mouth shut, presses her face into her pillow, and prays to any deity listening that her voice wasn’t loud enough for Michael to hear. First day in the new place and his roommate is a fiend. It would make any sane person want to revoke their rental agreement immediately.
She should be embarrassed and anxious that Michael potentially heard her, but instead she’s grinding against her sheets and thinking of tall men handcuffed to beds.
This won’t work. This isn’t working. She’s so pent up that it’s borderline painful. She sticks her hand into her sleep pants, past her underwear, and into a sloppy mess, tries to think about anything but John while she rubs herself raw, but in doing so her brain latches onto the thought of him and pretty soon he’s the only thing on her mind.
She tries to paint a decent fantasy of what she would like sex with him to be, but really she doesn’t give a shit as long as it’s him. And that’s what scares her. He could be absolutely celibate and she’d still crave whatever he wanted to give her whether it be a rough kick or a soft caress—she’d be his dog, and **this is the worst time for her to realize that because her alarm is going off for work.
She orgasms at the cost of being ten minutes late.
The locker room lights are off when she goes to put her things away, which is unusual. Since she started, they’ve been lit around the clock. In fact, she’s not even sure where the light switch is in here because she’s never had to use it. Fumbling around in the pitch black is making her even tardier. Finally, when she finds the switch and flips it, the room illuminates, and standing under the migraine-inducing glow is someone who makes headaches seem like a dream come true.
Benny grins from his seat on the bench, which he quickly abandons in favor of looming over her. Once again, the sweaty, edematous mass of him blocks her exit.
She’s too busy contemplating if anyone would hear her scream to see him hold his open palm out expectantly.
“Give it to me,” he says.
“What?” She asks, imagining in another universe she sounds angry and oppositional instead of whiny and terrified. In another universe, she can also kick his ass. Not in this one, though. In this universe, she does as Benny demands and hands him her phone so she doesn’t have to suffer through the touch of his greasy skin a second time.
He holds her phone in one hand while the other holds his own. She doesn’t bother trying to see what he’s doing because she can’t get her feet to move let alone stand on tiptoes and look over his shoulder.
This goes on for a while in which her only thought consists of asking herself if she could run to the door and make it into the populated infirmary before he can catch her. Again, this is a solution mainly dependent on her stubborn feet.
She’s not really worried about what he puts on her phone. It’s what he’s getting from it that sets her pulse careening.
He reaches out and tries to shove it into her jacket pocket, but luckily that’s when her feet decide to save her and step away from his hands. He scowls at her like she just insulted his mother.
“Fine.” Benny opens his hand and drops her phone on the stone floor. She winces when she hears the shatter, then looks back up at his pleased, disgusting expression.
“Remember our trip.” He pushes past her, not enough to hurt but to make her yelp and stumble, and slams the door shut on his way out.
Her phone isn’t broken. The screen has a tiny crack in one corner but other than that it’s still perfect.
She grabs her bag from her locker and brings it with her to the nurse’s station, labeling the locker room as an unsafe and off limits space, which are becoming more bountiful by the day.
John is not her patient tonight. On her day off they must have had an influx of admissions because she’s responsible for 10 of them and the infirmary is unusually and appropriately staffed.
Her hopes of his nurse trading him are slim to none because he’s a wonderful patient and over time everyone has seemed to agree that they want him on their assignment sheet.
The other nurse’s that take and give her report always talk about what a cool, easy going guy he is and how they’re surprised that he needs that many guards with him.
“What do you think he did?” Stan, one of the day shift nurses, asks her.
“My bet’s on released a circus full of wild animals and let them trample a small town, but I could be wrong.” She taps her pen against her report sheet and laughs at her own joke.
Stan snorts. “He probably killed some rich guys.”
The other nurses like him so much that most of their theories on why John is in four point restraints with four men guarding him at all times is because he’s done something valiant that pissed someone powerful off.
That’s probably the other reason his wound looks better; not just because of her, but because if you like a patient or connect with them you’re more than likely going to give them the best care you can provide.
If she’s honest, it kind of makes her feel sick. Not because everyone has grown to like John, but because that means she’ll have less chance of being his nurse from here on out. Also, she knows it’s kindergarten mentality, but she liked him and treated him well first while the other ones had to get to know him beforehand.
Her case load is heavy. A couple IV’s, wound changes, someone with a tracheostomy. She sits down to chart, finally, at 3 AM.
One of the other nurses, Bill, calls for her across the hall.
She fights the urge to groan while standing on sore feet and walking over to his medication cart.
Bill grins at her, looking like he’s really enjoying himself. “My patient in 9 wants to see you.”
“Me?” She asks.
Bill shrugs, still looking very amused. “He says he needs to tell you something.”
“I don’t know,” Bill tells her. “Seems that he likes your company, though.” He gives an eyebrow raise at the awkward expression crawling onto her face.
She reminds herself that this her workplace for the 80th time and that Bill’s suggestive expressions are just him messing around. Joking. That’s all. He’s joking.
John is watching the door, waiting for her. When she pops in like a mouse and scurries to his bed, he feels the urge to pat her on the head for showing up which would be the only thing he could do to stop himself from grabbing her up and kissing her.
His smile is wide and genuine. “How’s the roommate search?”
“Uh, I got one.” She smiles timidly, hoping he doesn’t think she’s erratic and air-headed for finding someone so fast
His eyes widen just the smallest bit. “That’s good, is she…nice?”
She nods too eagerly. “He’s great. And he has great decorations.”
The key word here—at least the one his ears attune to—is he. Not because a woman and a man living together automatically entails romance or connection, but because John knows men—John is a man—and most of them turn out to be less than good.
He tries not to look mean, to keep his smile, to focus on her being here with him in the present and alive and well; If he doesn’t, rage will start talking, nefarious, whispering sin in his ear, assuring him that it wouldn’t be hard to break out of these handcuffs and make sure her roommate becomes her loyal dog for the rest of the time he spends living with her and alive.
“If you wouldn’t have suggested it, I’d probably be homeless by next week.” She tries to sway the conversation toward optimism because she sees something in his expression that reads like he’s a little upset. He probably does think she’s a moron at this point.
Maybe it’s just good that she’s happy. He tries to shift focus onto that. The roommate can’t be malignant if she’s so upbeat.
It’s been very easy to talk to John most times, but then there are moments like this when something awkward and unsaid hangs between them and more often than not she doesn’t know what it is. Maybe he doesn’t either.
“Just be careful,” is what he decides to say.
She chuckles. “I will, don’t worry.”
He doesn’t understand what’s funny—again, but he appreciates the laugh. One of them can get him through a few hours, and they’re so easy to wring out of her pretty throat.
One of the security guards stands, stretches, yawns. He says he’s going to take a break. The other guards are asleep, so once he leaves they’ll be alone.
“I’m gonna go to vending, John you want anything?” He asks.
John shakes his head no. “Thanks.”
“I’m sorry if I bothered you while you were busy,” he says, too eager to talk as soon as the guard walks out. “I just wanted to make sure you were alright.”
She purses her lips, which he thinks means she’s trying not to leak an expression that will probably be embarrassing. Really, she’s trying to tame her lion heart back into its cage before it sinks its teeth into him and refuses to let go.
“I’m okay, John.” She attempts smiling. “You’re the one in the hospital bed.”
He shrugs like his stab wound and near death are just a hiccup.
She talks again. “And I’m glad you called me in. I like talking to you.”
His face is all smile now. “Likewise.”
He tells her to pull up a chair if she wants, and she steals one of the metal ones that the breaking guard left behind, sitting by his bedside. They start with a casual conversation about the weather that turns into a discussion on harsh winters in Belarus.
“Did you grow up there?” She asks him.
He nods. “I traveled a lot.”
“So, you’re Russian?” She puts her chin in her palm and stares at him like he is the most interesting person in the world. She’s adorable like this. He wants to brush the stray hairs from her cheeks.
“Yes. American, now.”
“Do you speak Russian?” Her eyebrows raise.
“да, красивая девушка” His tone automatically slides into a deeper baritone when he says this, and it makes her shudder.
He needs to be nerfed. Outlawed. He should not be handsome, nice, like-able, and be able to speak a different language in his perfect voice. It’s really not fair at all.
She’s too busy trying to tame her rogue thoughts to ask him what he even said. The desire to climb into his lap and straddle him crosses her mind twenty times in different ways. She blinks heavy. “You’re the coolest person I know.”
They talk until the guard comes back from his break, mainly about Belarus and what it was like there and where else he has traveled.
Although she has a ton of charting to catch up on, she doesn’t want to leave him. The taste of human connection is on her tongue after a couple years of abstinence and she’s becoming addicted.
When she exits his room, it’s with reluctance and impressive self control.
She tells him to sleep. He promises he’ll try.
It would be easier to do her job if she wasn’t catching Benny sneering at her whenever they’re in the same space, but she gets through it, reasoning that John has it worse than her because he has to suffer through six hours with the asshole guard in his room. And, it’s easier also because of…well, John himself.
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missing-sock-misto · 2 months
Jellicle Ask game: 1, 3, 7
Hi! (So I wrote a drabble for number 7, lol)
1. Favourite Swing
I honestly really like George, simply for the headcanon that he’s actually a dog? It’s incredibly silly but I do think it’s adorable.
3. Favourite Replica costume
I Love Misto’s outfit. It says so much about his character, he's neat, fancy, helps him stand out of a crowd,
(Moscow 2005 Misto)
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I love the little black splotch on his leg, it's reminicent of the markings you'll see on actual tuxedo cat legs.
I also love that he has a single missing sock. Hence my username. Three white limbs, one black arm. It's very cute, is distinctive and unusual for tuxedos. (Which is why I don't like the Broadway revival giving him two black socks, one on opposite limbs. No.)
I also have a particular fondness for the more modern show number tuxedo, especially Xavier Pellin. It's more reminiscent of a figure skater outfit. The black velvet makes it a deeper black than Tugger's grey-black. But I like how the white patch ends just below his chest, while his chorus outfit ends at his midriff. it's like he buttoned up his coat XD
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I like the idea that Misto can shapeshift slightly, going from all black to tuxedo depending on his mood XD
7. Favourite sibling headcanons
Tugger, Munk and Mac are brothers and the sons of old Deut, though Munk has a different mom. Mac is the easiest to not make a Deuteronomy, but it is my preference.
Also while I love the ‘Misto and Victoria are twins’ headcanon, I actually prefer it when Misto is fully an outsider to the Tribe, or even something supernatural in the skin of a cat. Sometimes, this is how I play around with the "Eldritch Misto" idea. So I actually like the idea that Misto and Victoria are foster siblings. Victoria found Misto as a kitten, and they adopted each other. They call each other twins because they don’t know when Misto was born so they just share a birth date.
One idea: When baby Victoria, (who is the daughter of Bustopher Jones's sister), played around the home, she felt the shadows watching her. It raised the fur on the back of her neck, like after rubbing a balloon. Her siblings hated the shadows, arching their backs and opening their mouths in snarls she couldn’t hear. But the shadows didn’t scare her. At first she thought it was the Everlasting Cat watching her. But then she realized it was different. This was not the comforting glow she felt when she stared up at the full moon. This was a quieter feeling, mist on a moonless night wrapping her gently in silver. It was the tingle on her tongue as she looked at the sky heavy with clouds, while lights flickered and flashed overhead. The lights scared her siblings too.
She started tossing toys or bits of her food into the shadow. The toys returned, the food disappeared. Her momma thought she had made an imaginary friend. It was not imaginary.
But it was a friend.
One by one, her siblings found new homes in large hands that caressed them. Hands touched her and held her, but never chose her. Her mother licked her fur with static strokes, her chest vibrating gently. The vibrations fascinated Victoria. So many things made them. The regular thumps as the humans feet hit the floor, the shaking as a truck pulled up to the house.
One day, strange men whose scents she did not recognize invaded her home. Their footsteps sent percussive shocks up her legs. She hid, watching as they put wooden tables into cardboard boxes before carrying them away. She had to move as one by one her favorite hiding spots were taken- the men upending cabinets and removing blankets. Finally, tucked away somewhere high in a nook with no furniture, she was safe. She wiggled her toes against the floor of her hiding place, enjoying the rhythmic vibrations as the strangers moved so far below. Safe, she curled into a ball, and fell asleep.
When she wakes up, the house is empty, and she is alone. No humans. No boxes. No momma. She runs through the house, mouth open, throat vibrating in a way that got momma’s attention, trying to find someone, anyone. After hours of searching the desolate house, she gives up, curling up on sore legs. She shivers, both from cold and tears.
She is awoken by something hitting her back. She unfurls quickly, so quickly she loses her footing and slips on the floor. But her heart soars. Maybe her momma is back! She is greeted by an empty room. At her feet is one of her toys, a little ball. Her hope dies all over again, grief welling up in her, even more choking than before. She buries her face in her arms. She feels a thump as another toy collides with her back. She straightens once again, more angry than sad now. Can't she be allowed to cry in peace? Out of the darkness, another toy, a little round mouse, flies towards her. She bats it aside angrily and opens her mouth. She feels her throat vibrate. She'd see her mother flinch and rub her ears when she did that. She thought it had been funny. The darkness retreats, allowing the evening sun to filter through the room once again. She hadn't realized the room had been so dark. But instead of feeling satisfied or relieved, she feels even more lonely than before. She curls back into a ball, burying her nose under her stubby tail.
After a few minutes, the shadows return, coalescing by her side, a small pool of void. When it departs, a bit of food remains. At first, she thinks about batting it away too. Instead, she manages to eat a mouthful. Then another. Soon the food is gone, wolfed down into her empty stomach. She hadn't realized how hungry she had been. She nods gratefully at the dark, before curling back into a ball.
Day turns to night. She shivers in her corner, the loneliness almost colder than the autumnal chill. Her lungs shudder with soundless tears. She wants her momma.
The air takes on an electric thrum, making all her fur stand up on its end. She sits up, confused. Before her, the shadows pool together, growing thicker and denser, until a patch of Void sit in the corner of the room. Colors flicker in the depths, oil slick rainbows swirling in the black. She stares in astonishment as the shadows tighten, and then open their eyes. Unnatural electric blue and lightning yellow eyes glow back at her. They blink, and when they open again, they are no longer glowing. A kitten steps out of the darkness. It is her age, her size. No, it is more than that. It is her mirror, her inverse rendered in shadow. The only difference is that one of the kitten's eyes is yellow instead of blue. She blinks. The kitten blinks back. It approaches her cautiously. It is clumsy, as if it has never walked before.
It approaches until it is only a few inches away. She should feel terrified. But the strange kitten is familiar, misty night air and lightning storm rain. Almost out of instinct, she holds out her paw. The kitten mirrors, holding out its left. They touch. It’s like sticking her paw in an icy creek. She flinches away, startled. The kitten tilts its head, confused. Then its eyes narrow with concentration. It holds out its paw again, inviting. This time, the paw is warm beneath her own.
They curl up together that night, her old friend and her. She is warm.
When her Uncle comes to retrieve her, he is confused by the new kitten. He knows the kittens his sister had, and this was not one of them. Victoria clings to the stranger, tails twined together. He gestures as the black kitten and shakes his head. He was only here for his niece, for his family. Victoria puffs up, and wraps herself over the kitten, eyes defiant. He is coming with us, her eyes say.
Bustopher hesitates for a moment, before he chuckles. "I guess this is my nephew," he says outloud to himself. At least the two looked similar. Uncannily similar, really. A Victoria dropped in ink.
Some tension in the girl eases, sensing the change in her Uncle's demeanor even if she can't hear his words. He smiles gently at her, and gestures towards the door. She hesitates, tightening her grip around her new brother questioningly. Bustopher nods, and gestures again to the door.
He leaves with two kittens in tow. When the black kitten's face and paws turn white, a reflection of his own tuxedo coat, he is not as surprised as he should be. There was something unearthly about the kitten, too fluid to be natural. But he decides that this action is one of acknowledgement. He chuckles. "Welcome to the family,” he tells the boy.
Thank you for the ask!
Lol, I did not mean for that to turn into a drabble, whoops 😅
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ghostismybbygorl · 2 years
Some silly cod headcannons
Ghosty ghost
Hes got the witch doctor squishable in a keychain version and then the medium size plushie (soap gave him the keychain one)
He sometimes forgets hes wearing his baklava and ends up, taking a shower with it on.  (insert im washing me and my clothes vine)
He's terrified of snakes
He loves abba and will blast dancing queen and sing to it when hes alone (soap caught him singing to it once and lets just say he ended up with a black eye and broken nose)
Hes 35
He loves the Steven king books the shining is one of his favorites
He loves romcoms but is also total psychological horror, fanatic. He absolutely hates the horror movies with jump scares because he can predict when it happens.
He owns a pair of skeleton feet socks, and wears them all the time.
 he owns a whole library of dad joke books
He secretly has a Pinterest
The only social media he has is Instagram (soap made him to download it) and TikTok
watches anime with soap and gaz
Hes kinda sorta vegetarian not for a choice, he just doesnt like meat but he'll eat it if he has to.
He loves abba because it reminds him of his mom (rip ghosts mom)
Blind af he wears contacts, has prescription sunglasses, hes got a pair of these glasses only price knows about it
Carries contact solution with him everywhere
It takes alot to make him laugh but when he does he has a BOOMING LOUD laugh. It like echos through the hallways
Hates getting his photo taken but when he does he either throws up a ✌🏻, 🖕🏼, or the British version of the middle finger
He smokes american spirits
Has slight autism but masks really well
Loves Kentucky bourbon
He has a black cat named Anubis and spoils him rotten
Still a virgin
Soapy soap
Used to be a stripper (had to pay the bills somehow)
He LOVES music festivals
Bros got adhd for days hes like a whole ass ball of energy
Does the leg twitch
Hes 27
He loves dogs
This man SNORES like a motherfucker
Can play the bagpipes but he only brings them out on special occasion
Hes got a tactical kilt that price gave him as a gag gift for Christmas (he secretly loves it and wore it to training once)
Hes roman catholic
Hes got a tattoo of saint michael on his chest for protection.
His patron saint is saint michael
He crinkle his eyes when he smiles he also has a crooked smile
He used to have braces when he was younger
Hes got two little sisters ones 17 and the other is 26 that he absolutely loves and he's PROTECTIVE over them. When his youngest sister brought home her first boyfriend he was sitting on the table sharpening his knifes and told him "if you hurt my baby sister ill fuck you up"
Gym rat
Hes got ALL the social media. Him and gaz have a 300 day streak going on in snapchat. His instagrams are just pictures of him flexing at the gym and occasionally silly photos of him and his sisters. Hes got a tiktok and posts stupid videos of everyone
Hes got a photo of him in full blown drag makeup that his sister did on him
He's bisexual
He lost his virginity at 15
The scar on his chin was from his sister when they where kids. They where 11 and she pushed him causing him to fall on a rock and cut his chin open. He had to get 20 stitches
He watches romcoms with ghost
He loves to draw and he keeps a little doodle book with him at all times
Hes dyslexic
Hes Pretty messy his room is scattered with clothes
He can pop every bone in his body
He punches the air when he gets excited
Loves lizzo, doja cat, and cardi b
papa price
He has a whole collection of cigars that he buys when he travels to different countries
Has a german shepard name leo
Him and laswell are best friends and go on friend dates all the time
He got his first grey hair when he was 17 and was able to grow a beard at the age too
Everyone thinks hes in his 40's but in reality hes 37
He love to hunt and his house has taxidermy animals everywhere
He has a little brother and a older brother. His little brother is 27 and his older brother is 41
He has 2 nieces and 4 nephews (his younger brother has a girl and a boy and his older brother has 2 boys and a girl.
Hes the best damn uncle ever and he spoils the kids rotten.
He reads all the time. His favorite genre is nonfiction auto biographies
He likes to watch sci-fi movies and history documentaries
Says the most random facts ever and no one knows how get learns them
He grunts when he sits down
He has chronic knee pain and they pop when he sits or squats
He dresses like a dad in his civilian clothes gaz and soap make fun of him and joke around calling him papa price
Hes the god father of laswell's kid (she and her wife have a daughter together )
He laughs like santa clause
He shaved his bearded once and everyone thought he was a different person
He's got a baby face under the beard of his
He has a whole collection of hats
Hes gay but everyone thinks he's straight until he mentions his boyfriend
He owns a bearded dragon named roger
He gets carsick so he always has to sit in the front seat
He LOVES ted lasso and dressed up as him one Halloween
Gazzy gaz
Loves anime
Hes very shy when he first meets someone but eventually opens up and is super talkative
Smokes that schweed to help his anxiety (price caught him once but understood when he explained it to him) he only smokes when hes not on a mission
soap smokes with him
He loves the percy jackson books and binge reads them (hes read the series 6 times)
He 26
Hes a only child
His dad is from atlanta and his mom is from london
He used to do ballet when he was a kid and hes still super flexible
He travels from London to atlanta alot
He can dance really well
He Loves country music and is a huge orville peck fan. price suprised him with tickets to see him and he FLIPPED his shit.
Hes gay
He has a grey cat named totoro and a black cat named percy (his full name purrcy jackson the 2nd)
He hates broccoli with a passion
He accidentally called price dad before but, now he does it ironically
He has a collection of baseball caps
He loves baseball and american football
He often quotes vines and tiktok memes. Price will look at him like hes fucking crazy when he does a tiktok dance or quotes something
His tiktok is of him doing dances and soap likes to do it with him too
He will send the most random photos to soap on snapchat.
He loves phycological horror so he'll watch them with ghost. Soap will try to watch it with them but gets too scared.
His favorite movie is silence if the lambs and he will quote "it rubs the lotion on its skin" when he sees someone putting on lotion. That was one of the times ghost laughed. Soap was putting lotion on his skin and kyle snuck up behind him and said that quote causing soap to scream like a girl.
Thats all i got rn i'll do Alejandra rudy next if this gets likes
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via-the-ghoul · 7 months
So I’ve decided to join Monster High March, but plot twist, I’m gonna make all but two drawings related to my “infection” AU! Days 1 and 2 are below the cut, I’m posting day 2 today since I’m participating in March 2nd’s full shutdown for Palestine. Anyways TW for blood, gore, implied death, and characters from a children’s franchise in a horror scenario.
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[Image ID 1: two individuals sitting in front of a light blue wall, on a dark brown floor with a pink rug. There is a dark brown door beside them on the right, while a dark brown self with a flower vase and a clock is on their left. They both have wolf ears, yellow eyes, fangs, and freckles. The one on the left has dusky skin, short but wild orange and pink hair, and multiple golden face piercings. They wear a blue hoodie, black pants with multiple patches, pink fingerless gloves, and blue shoes. They look worried. The one on the right is much smaller, with frizzy dark brown hair kept in two buns and darker skin, and their mouth is opened. They wear a blue striped shirt, a purple skirt, and no shoes. A purple cat is on the right side of the smaller one. Yellow text at the body reads “Pawla: Do you think Clawd and mom will be ok?” End ID.]
First up, we have day 1, Howl, where we reveal what happened to Clawdeen’s family!
Howleen and Clawd went to their parents house for some family event, Clawdeen had to stay at school for Fearleading reasons, and then the infection hit. It started in the catacombs, which go practically everywhere in the Monster world if you wander around mindlessly enough!
Also, since I’m using my redesigns anyway, I decided to let myself use characters from other gens, so that’s why Pawla is there. I will say, these three aren’t the only survivors at the wolf household…
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*Image ID: one figure has cornered the other at a stone wall in a dark night. Blood stains the grey ground. The cornered figure is sobbing, hands in the air. They are fat, have pale pink skin, black-and-pink hair cut short, pink-purple eyes, and a black heart symbol next to their mouth. They have a bite mark in their right arm, and blood on their left hand. They wear a white sweater, a black vest, pink pants, and pink-purple boots. The cornering figure has pale blue skin covered in wrinkles and short messy turquoise hair. They wear a red shirt and have bloodstained fingers. End ID.]
And here’s day 2, fangtastic! Except no one’s doing fangtastic, I, I interpreted this one as “draw a vampire” and drew two. Fun fact that infected is based on one of the Belfy Prep backgrounders.
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quinloki · 7 months
Inspired to share via this post/ask I’mma talk about the two times I encountered ghosts in my life to such a degree I cannot argue against them ^_^ (tagging @razzledazzleelderberry since you asked specifically).
Story one, cause it’s less scary and kind of endearing in my opinion. My mom’s house when I was younger was an older house for the area, one of the first built in the park.
I didn’t live there, I lived with my dad, but I stayed there often. And I would wake up to a little old lady at the end of my bed. Heavy set, modestly dressed, old grey hair up in a bun. She’d just
Stand there.
Something about her was really calming, enough that even the first time I saw her I didn’t jump out of bed or anything. She never said anything, but she’d just stay there and smile this sort of “it’s okay” kind of smile and I’d just go back to sleep.
I asked my mom about her and she looked at her partner at the time and was just like “I told you I wasn’t dreaming it!” And we talked about the old lady. Shook the hell out of mom’s S/O.
Second instance was really a lot of instances all revolves around my boyfriend, eventual husband, and quickly my ex - for reasons unrelated.
So my ex was haunted. I laughed it off when his bestie told me about it, but then the list of things started to pile up.
Someone was standing at the edge of my bed again but it wasn’t some little old lady. It was a 7’ tall shit brick house of a man in a duster and hat. I guess they dubbed him Gunther.
He wasn’t s threat - or he didn’t do anything scary. He’d just stand there. Unlike the old lady he didn’t exactly relax me back to sleep, but I saw him at least a dozen times over a year.
If I didn’t see him I’d have a recurring dream - a man with greasy teeth and waxy skin under a street light who would smile at me with a smile so wide his lips cracked. He wouldn’t do anything either, but I couldn’t like, walk away from him, aside from the one street light everything else was pitch black.
The ex and his buddy talked about him too - described him to me because I was mad at that point that they were fucking with me, and I wasn’t going to stand for it.
There are few things creepier than having someone describe a dream you had to you in exacting detail before you could tell them about it.
There was small stuff too. Creaking floors. Heavy boots on a floor no one was on. We had like five other roommates, everyone was freaked out after eight or so months.
The worst was waking up one day - awake enough to pet my cat and know I was awake, just to have a face scream at me from the wall.
I shrieked. I was completely alone, everyone was either at work or on a trip, and it was one of the rare times the ex was employed.
Shortly after that he and I got divorced (never should’ve gotten married honestly.) and he moved back in with his mom.
No more nothing. No recurring dream. No duster at the end of my bed, no boot steps or creaks and cracks. Not a fucking peep for the two months longer I was there before I moved.
A few months later (divorce takes a Long Time) he needs a lift to his moms. Has money, I’m not busy, sure whatever. I give him a ride to his home (he tries to convince me to give him another chance), my brakes go out.
I’m on back roads, so I’m coasting to one stop sign and the next. Gonna drop him off and limp it home (dad’s a car mechanic he’ll help me and he’s nearby).
This fucker gets out of my car and I leave and when I pull out of the driveway, my brakes work. Never have an issue with them again.
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she-karev · 26 days
The Girlfriend and The Dog Meet (Andrew DeLuca x Alex Karev’s Sister Imagine)
Age Rating: 12+
Chapters: One of One
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy
Ship: Andrew DeLuca x Amber Karev (Alex Karev’s Sister)
AN: So, I know it’s late but August 26th was international dog day and I wanted to write a story surrounding dogs because they are god’s gift I speak as a dog mom. Like and reblog below and let me know what you think.
Summary: DeLuca is discharged from the hospital with Amber who is asked a very important question by him that he claims will impact their relationship.
Words: 2244
May 14th, 2020
After the past two weeks of having tests and physical therapy and being sent thank you cards and flowers Andrew DeLuca is more than ready to go home. He has been inside the hospital for 10 days and it feels like an eternity has passed.
He has felt discomfort now and then, especially when the tube was exerted from his throat. Also, it was hard to move around without stretching the surgical scars. Bailey has run the tests on him and he can tell she’s doing this out of shame as she apologized for not believing him the day he first accused Opal. He forgave her as he understood he was presenting himself as manic and unstable and not handling the situation as he normally would. The only thing that made his stay bearable was the company of Carina and Amber.
Carina has been a big help with getting him to walk around for PT and getting him food that he was craving. She also got her girlfriend Maya to get Andrew’s dog Jazz out of his empty apartment and into theirs so he can be taken care of while his owner is at the hospital. He received texts with videos of Jazz enjoying his temporary home being cuddled by their roommate Andy Herrera who jokes she is his new owner now.
Andrew packs his duffel bag as his memories of jazz play through his mind and he realizes there is one person in his life that has not met the furry tripod who stole his heart, his girlfriend, Amber Karev.
He groans at this in regret and wonders how Amber will feel about his doggy roommate. For as long as he’s known her, she hasn’t given any indication if she likes cats or dogs. He never brought it up because he thought like her that he would be so busy with work that a pet wouldn’t be in the picture.
But now since he adopted Jazz, he can’t imagine having another dog in his place. He just hopes Amber can feel the same way because he doesn’t want to choose between the two of them. He hears a knock on his door and he turns to find Amber opening the door wearing her casual clothes and black mask. He smiles at the sight of her because if there was one good thing about this year is Amber finally giving them another chance.
At first, he thought it was out of pity because he was stabbed but he listened to the voicemail she left the night before his attack and knows she’s here because she wants to be. And it’s an opportunity he is determined not to screw up again. But first he needs to have a conversation with her that is overdue.
“Are you ready to go home?” Amber asks closing the door behind her, “After two weeks of quarantine at a hotel room I mean.”
Andrew grins, “Well room service should be better than the food they have here, and they also have premium cable. I think I’ll survive.”
Amber smiles before walking so they can stand six feet from each other, “Well if you ever need someone to talk to through the door or drop off chicken soup for you for once I’m your girl.”
“Careful I’m definitely gonna take you up on that.” Andrew teases causing Amber to grin before he clicks his tongue and gets to his question, “Amber…you’ve been great I mean really you have been this past year has been rough and a lot has happened but one of the few things that have kept my feet on the ground is you walking in and giving me another chance. I mean seeing you and touching you as much as I can it’s a welcome relief after everything.”
Amber frowns at this, “What’s the bad news?”
Andrew furrows his eyebrows at that slightly scared she figured him out so quick, “What do you mean?”
“I wasn’t born yesterday, DeLuca.” Amber states bluntly, “You always compliment me before you give me a piece of information that you think is bound to upset me.”
Andrew chuckles at this before Amber lays out examples, “You told me I was the sexiest woman alive before telling me you spilled my expensive eye cream all over the floor. You said I was the smartest resident in my class before telling me you assigned me scut for the next few weeks under Bailey’s orders. Also, you tried to ply me with a lavish Italian dinner before I found out you bought a motorcycle without consulting me.”
Andrew frowns at that last one remembering how peeved she was before she pointed out all the braindead patients, they get monthly due to motorcycle accidents. It was safe to say at that point that the dinner he made didn’t diminish her worry for his safety and her fury for what she thinks was a stupid decision on his part.
“I know your tactics and I know you Andrew DeLuca so out with it just give it to me straight it’s how I like my bad news.”
Andrew starts, “Okay it’s not bad news or even news its more like…a question. It’s a question that I have to ask out of concern for you and for our relationship and where we go from here. It’s an important question and your response is vital on what happens to us moving forward.”
Amber’s eyes widen at that, but she inhales and stands her ground, “Okay, what’s the question?”
“Amber…how do you feel about dogs?”
Amber is startled by this question before she laughs and snorts, “That’s it? That’s the question?”
Andrew keeps a serious face, “You laugh now bella but this is an important question either way.”
Amber clears her throat but still has an amused smile, “Sorry yes, deadly serious um…I don’t know I’ve never had a dog or given it much thought. I guess it depends on the dog, is that a good response?”
“It’s good cause I got a dog I want you to meet.” Andrew tells Amber, who widens her eyes at this as the smile falls from her face.
“You have a dog?” Amber asks out of pure curiosity.
Andrew nods, “Yeah, Jazz.”
Amber’s mouth gapes open and for a moment she’s silent before shaking her head out of it, “You have a dog named Jazz?”
“I do.”
“You’ve never mentioned this.”
Andrew shrugs, “It never came up.”
“Where is he? I mean you didn’t leave him alone in your apartment while you were recovering, did you? Because I think I’m gonna have to dump you for doing something that negligent and cruel.”
Andrew chuckles, “He’s with my sister and her girlfriend. I like to think of him as my fur baby and I don’t neglect my baby’s needs.”
“Good.” Amber says approvingly, “Wow three months apart and you get a dog go figure.”
“Well, I didn’t plan on it believe me but when he came to the hospital after his asshole owners fed him drugs, I had to take him in. It took a while and a few destroyed pillows, but we warmed up to each other and became inseparable.”
Amber looks shocked at this backstory before chuckling, “Wow he sounds like me, persevering tragic background and finding an Italian to curl up to at night.”
Andrew snorts at her comparison, “What can I say? I have a healing touch.”
“Oh god.” Amber groans in amusement, “Well I can’t wait to meet him…in 14 days. Now let’s get you packed for your quarantine.” Andrew groans but follows suit with Amber helping him. He looks up with a pleased grin at her reaction and hopes Jazz gives her a chance as well.
May 28th, 2020
“I know I’ve hit you with a lot of information, but I need some sense that we’re on the same page.” Andrew asks Jazz who is sitting in front of him panting up at his owner who picked him up and brought him to the apartment last night, “No biting Amber got it? I’m not gonna lose the best relationship I have again because of your hostility towards strangers. And if your good to her I will give you salmon and eggs but only after you treat Amber nicely.”
Andrew finishes the breakfast on his pan that he made as an incentive for Jazz to encourage him to get along with Amber. He finds that cooked meals are a great treat for his dog to train him as he learned from teaching him to pee outside and not destroy the pillows.
Jazz whines clearly wanting the meal now and looks up at Andrew with pleading eyes, “Oh you can whine all you want but I’m not giving you this high protein breakfast unless I see you try to tolerate the woman I love. Think of it as a reward.” A knock on the door alerts Andrew as he puts the eggs in a plate, “Now’s your chance stay put.”
Andrew walks to the door making sure Jazz stays in his spot before he opens the door to find Amber on the other side holding up her phone.
“Negative covid test, I’m clean.”
“Well in that case come on in.” Andrew holds the door open for Amber who comes in and takes her mask off before she finds Jazz sitting on the couch watching Amber, “Amber this is Jazz, Jazz this is Amber.”
Amber grins at the dog before cautiously approaching him holding her hand out for him to sniff, “He’s cute is he friendly?”
“Uh mostly he takes a while to get used to strangers though so don’t be offended if he’s skittish at first. He’s very independent and we haven’t had guests beyond Carina and Maya so it can take a while before he-”
To Andrew’s shock Jazz licks Amber’s hand after sniffing her for a few moments causing her to aww. She then stands in front of the black tripod scratching behind his ears that he clearly likes as he smiles while panting. It takes Andrew by surprise as it took two days for Jazz to let him pet him while he let Amber do it after meeting her for two seconds. He decides not to point it out because he wanted them to get along and he got his wish.
“Or he’s been waiting his whole life for you to show up.”
Amber chuckles at that as she continues to pet Jazz, “Well the feeling is mutual, I guess. Is that salmon I smell?”
Andrew remembers Jazz’s reward, “And eggs which reminds me.”
Amber steps back and follows Andrew to the kitchen, “I already ate before I came but I appreciate it though.”
“Oh no it’s for Jazz.” Andrew moves to put the scrambled salmon and eggs in the dog bowl that Jazz greedily eats to his owner’s pleasure who kneels down and strokes the dog, “Yes, who’s a good dog? Who’s the best dog? You are.”
Amber is surprised by this sight, but she chuckles lightly with a smile, “Wow this is a side of you I haven’t seen.”
“Is that a good thing?”
“It’s a new thing.” Amber says before grabbing a water bottle from the fridge, “But hey at least I know what to get you for your birthday.”
Andrew furrows his eyebrows, “It’s not a puppy is it? Because this guy is enough thank you very much.”
Amber chuckles, “No see I was thinking a t shirt that says WORLDS BEST DOG DAD in bright red letters with a bitmoji of you and your new BFF.”
Andrew chuckles before standing up, “Oh you would just love to have me wear that to the gym, where all the bodybuilders can see it wouldn’t you?”
“After I put a lot of thought into it yeah.”
Andrew smiles at this before leaning down to kiss Amber who responds. She runs her fingers through his hair that she almost forgot the velvety feel of it. After weeks of tests and quarantine this moment between them as an official couple once again feels like fireworks are going off.
He puts his hands on her hips missing the feel of her before loud panting interrupts them. Amber opens her eyes to see Jazz sitting in front of them watching this scene. She pulls back from Andrew who turns and notices to his amusement.
Andrew chuckles, “Relax, he’s a dog he doesn’t know what’s going on.”
Amber nods in agreement before going back to kissing him. She tries to get lost in the make out session, but she opens her eyes to find Jazz is still there and panting at them.
Amber pulls back, “I can’t do it, nope not right in front of him. It’s like having your child watch his dad make out with the new girlfriend and I know the unsettling feeling with the men my mother dated so I will spare your fur baby the same.”
Andrew groans as Amber pulls out a few things from her purse before walking toward his bathroom, “Where are you going?”
“To take a bath.” Andrew sighs in defeat at this until Amber adds, “And you’re joining me. It’s the one room in your place with a door. Come on before Jazz ruins the moment again lets go.”
Andrew grins mischievously, “Yes ma’am.” Andrew follows Amber inside the bathroom promptly closing the door to give them privacy.
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queen-of-the-avengers · 9 months
Captain Marvel: Part Ten
Pairing: Carol Danvers x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.4k
Warnings: canon violence and angst
Author’s Note: For the sake of the rewrite, Howard and Maria Stark dies on December 16, 1997 instead of 1991. Tony is 23 when they die.
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Maria knows she has to do this with her best friend, so she calls her parents over to take care of her daughter. Maria tries to come up with an excuse as to why she's asking this, and you and Carol are off to the side with Monica.
"Your Mom's lucky. When they were handing out kids, they gave her the toughest one. Lieutenant Trouble," Carol smiles.
"You remembered!"
Carol had a whole life here without you, and seeing her with her other family gives you joy, but it also brings you pain when you think of how she was taken and the fact that she was taken in the first place.
"Is that mine?" Carol asks, noticing the jacket sitting on Monica's lap. The little girl starts to hand it over, but your girlfriend protests. "Oh, no. You hang onto it until I come back. There is something that I need your help with. I can't wear these Kree colors anymore, and since you're obviously the only person around here with any sense of style, why don't you give me a makeover?"
Carol stands and presses a few buttons on her wrist device that changes the colors of her outfit. Monica reaches over to try and goes through possible combinations such as bright red and grey stripes, orange, blue and yellow, black with neon stripes, and white with green stripes. None of them are the one until Carol sees the outfit Monica is wearing.
Red, blue, and gold.
"Well, since we're on the same team, why not those colors?" 
Monica messes with the device once more, and Carol's suit changes to red and blue with a gold star on the front. This is it. This is the suit and colors that best suit her. She kind of reminds you of Steve when he got his suit, but you push back those painful memories of your best friend.
"How do I look?"
"Fresh," Monica smiles.
"We need to get going. Yon-Rogg will be here soon," you say.
Carol and Monica say their final goodbyes before everyone boards the big aircraft. Talos' science guy stays behind to pretend to be Carol to stall Yon-Rogg for however long. He knows he's going to die when he figures it out, but he's willing to risk his life if it means Talos gets home safe.
Since you're such a terrible pilot, Maria and Carol are at the front while you, Fury, Talos, and Goose are in the back. Fury is petting and comforting the animal while Talos stares at him with horror in his eyes.
"You know, you really shouldn't have that thing on your lap."
"Our little alliance with you is tenuous at best. As long as she continues to freak you out," Fury picks up the cat and shoves her in Talos' face, and the Skrull jerks back in fear, "like that, I'm gonna keep giving her all the love and hugs she needs, right?"
"Can I ask you two something?" Maria asks the two shapeshifters on board. "Do you just turn into anything you want?"
"I have to see it first."
"Those are my rules as well."
"Can you all do it?"
"Physiologically, yeah, but it takes practice and dare I say it, talent to do it well."
"Maria, I wasn't born like this. I was given a serum that gave me these powers, so there is only one of me."
"Can you turn into a cat?" Fury asks Talos.
"What's a cat?"
"That's a cat," you point to Goose. 
"That's not a cat."
"What about a filing cabinet?" Maria asks. 
"Why would I turn into a filing cabinet?"
"I don't know about the Skrulls, but I can only turn into living creatures no matter how small or the kind of species. If it's alive, I can turn into them."
"What else can you do?"
"Well, apart from shapeshifting, I am able to control the four main elements. Whatever you want to call it, I can do a lot of pretty awesome stuff."
"A venus fly trap!" Fury exclaims, still on the topic of shifting into things. "I'll give you $50 right now if you turn into a Venus fly trap."
"Switching engines from Scramjet to fusion. Buckle up, folks," Carol advises.
Everyone buckles up in case something goes wrong, and Carol lurches forward at high speeds. Due to the severe altitude, everyone is pushed back into their seats. The plane jerks like how a commercial airplane would.
"Is this normal? Like space turbulence?" Fury asks.
"Pretty much," Carol answers.
Talos grabs Fury's attention and shakes his head to say that this isn't normal. The plane continues to fly upward, and as soon as the plane reaches just outside Earth's atmosphere, the plane stops producing the flames needed in order to fly. Everything inside the plane starts floating due to the lack of gravity. Yours, Carol's, and Maria's hair float along with a few pens that weren't locked down. If you hadn't buckled in when you did, you too, would be floating in mid-air. Similarly, Goose is floating upside down until Fury extends his arm, which Goose eagerly grabs onto. Then, Maria flicks a switch and gravity suddenly turns on inside the plane.
"Locking in the coordinate grid," Carol announces.
However, the only thing in front of you is an empty pad of space. Maybe the coordinates are wrong or maybe the lab moved because it's not here anymore. 
"Where is it?"
"It's here. It's gotta be here," Talos panics. 
"Is it in front of all that nothing or behind it?" Fury asks sarcastically.
There has to be some reason why the coordinates led you to this empty space. Carol presses some buttons on her wrist device, and the process of decloaking begins. If this is where the coordinates are, and there is nothing here, then it must be invisible.
"Decloaking activated," the computer chirps.
Suddenly, a bright light appears from the empty space, and a massive laboratory becomes visible. The title "Mar-Vell's Laboratory, Kree Imperial Cruiser" appears on the screen inside the spaceship. Carol flies closer to the laboratory only to realize there's a loading dock for incoming ships. Once secured inside, you five leave the ship in curiosity.
"Are we alone?" you ask when you walk into the main room. Across the room is the Tesseract connected to a big machine, and you walk closer to it with tears in your eyes. This is what you've been waiting for for almost one hundred centuries. "I can't believe after all this time, it's been here. I thought this was in the ocean."
"Is that it? The core?" Maria asks. 
"In her notes, she called it the Tesseract."
"This thing made me who I am today. This thing gave me my powers. This thing has been a pain in my ass this whole time!" you yell.
"It's okay," Carol whisper and puts her hand on your shoulder for comfort. 
"No, it's not okay, Carol. This thing needs to be destroyed. All this thing is going to cause is pain."
Carol understands where you were coming from, but in order to understand its power, it needed to be saved. She grabs the cube and throws it in the air only to catch it like it was a fucking baseball and not a killing machine. This thing killed your best friend and boyfriend. 
"Whoa. What was Lawson doing with all this kid stuff?" Maria asks and picks up a metal lunchbox.
Carol takes it from her, places the Tesseract inside, and locks it. You look around and take in your surroundings. There is something about this place, something off. On the glass table near the corner of the room is a mug with steaming hot tea in it.
You aren't alone.
"We're not alone."
Talos begins to sing loudly in his native tongue, and a swarm of scared Skrulls appears from their hiding places. An older one into the arms of Talos. If you had to assume, you'd guess that she is his wife, girlfriend, or sibling. 
"Soren," he sighs and hugs her tightly. 
"He didn't come for the Tesseract." Soren calls forth a child, probably her own, and the child makes herself known willingly. Talos leans down to get a better look at the child with a huge smile on his face. "This is his family."
"We didn't know what to do. Mar-Vell warned us not to send a signal for any reason or the Kree would find us," Soren explains painfully.
"You did the right thing," Talos whispers.
When the excitement of the family reunion wears off, Soren notices the group Talos came in with. She grabs her child and holds her protectively, even when Talos calms her down.
"It's okay, it's okay. She's alright. She's a friend. They all are."
"I'm not gonna hurt you. We're not going to hurt you," Carol says.
"They led me to you."
"I'm so sorry. I didn't know."
"If only I had known," you sniffle.
"Carol, Y/N, this is war. My hands are filthy from it, too, but we're here now. You two found my family. This is just the beginning. There are thousands of us separated from each other. Scattered throughout the galaxy."
Another Skrull child approaches Carol once she knows it's safe and took her hand. She directs her over to a pinball machine in the corner. The child points to the high score in glowing lights and points to herself to say she won that many points.
"If I played the same pinball machine for six years I'd have some high scores too," Fury comments.
Suddenly, the doors to the lab open and Yon-Rogg and his team march through with determination. Upon seeing the Kree, Fury draws his gun but Minn-Erva already had hers directed at him. She gestures to him to drop it and he has no choice but to listen. Talos put his family behind him but Yon-Rogg couldn't care less about them right now. No, he's only interested in you and Carol. Seeing his bitch-ass face makes you see red, and your eyes shine red like fire as your hands glow the same color.
"Fraternizing with the enemy? Don't be stupid, Y/N, you'll kill everyone here," he points out. It's true. If you used your powers, you'll blow this entire ship to pieces. "What did you do to your uniform?"
"They got in her head. Just like we thought," Minn-Erica says. 
"Oh, shut it, bitch," you growl.
"The Supreme Intelligence will set her straight," Korath says. 
"You can see they're not soldiers, let them go. You can have me," Talos tries negotiating.
"And the core?"
"You lied to me," Carol glares. 
"I made you a better version of yourself. What's given can be taken away," Yon-Rogg grins.
Carol tries as hard as she can to light up her fists, but they shortened out as if someone is controlling her powers from a distance. You notice something on her neck, something like a small device that is suppressing her powers. She doesn't know it's there or else she'd have taken it off a long time ago.
You turn to the other Kree and give them a malicious grin.
"I may not be able to use my fire power, but I have other ones."
The air around all of the Kree's heads begins to thin out while the air in the room stays the same. If they can't breathe, they can't fight. All of them gasp for air and fall to the ground, and you have to hold back your laughter. You're too busy focusing on them that you don't see Yon-Rogg sneak up behind you. He stabs something in the back of your neck, eliminating your powers for the moment.
"I've been waiting for this moment since I first saw you," he whispers.
He turns the device on and sends shockwaves down your body. With both you and Carol out of commission, the Kree can finally get what they came here to get.
When you wake up, you're not in Mar-Vell's ship anymore. No, you're in an all too familiar room with endless glossy floors and lights that descend from above. The man with jet-black hair stands in the middle of the room. Why does he look so familiar? When you think back to where you might know him, your head gets fuzzy and you get the worst headache ever.
Someone or something removed those memories from your head.
"There she is. I've got to say, I'm quite disappointed in you," the Supreme Intelligence says.
"There is no honor. The promise you made to me about honor and responsibilities is all a lie."
"Despite that, you performed well. You got us to the enemy. Thanks to you and jazz hands, those insidious shapeshifters will threaten our borders no more."
"I can't believe I ever thought the Kree would have the ability to change their ways. You're just as bad as Ronan. The Skrulls are just fighting for a home. You want to destroy them for what? Not submitting to your rules? Well, Carol and I won't do it."
You run at the man to attack him, but you go flying into the wall behind you with a flick of his wrist. You stick to the wall like glue so you're not going anywhere.
"It's cute how hard you try," he chuckles. "We needed you on this mission so you could lead us to the Tesseract. The power inside your veins wouldn't allow you to stay away. Plus, it is what you were looking for, yeah? You want to learn more about who you are and what Markus put into your body."
"How do you know about Markus?"
You slide through the sticky wall and come out on the other side where you can watch your memories play back in front of you.
"We know more than you think."
Each memory is of when Markus put you through each element trial. Through it all, the evil look on Markus' face never went away.
"You're no better than him," you turn to face the Supreme Intelligence.
"Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn."
Okay, you're done with this shit. You need to escape or else he will keep you here for as long as he wants. You need to escape if you want to help the Skrulls win this war.
"Do you know what the difference between me and Carol is?" The fire within you heats up slowly, and your skin glows with the embers of a thousand fires. "You've been able to control her through the device you slapped on her neck, am I right? Well, news flash, bitch, you can't control me."
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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cowboyjen68 · 2 years
Bi women and lesbians are both gay, so why can't they both use butch? That makes no sense
(A different anon)
Lesbians have the right to our own language.
Apply this logic to anything else and it makes no sense. Just because we are lesbians does not mean we have to share every thing with anyone who crosses into our Venn diagram at some point.
I have a black cat, you have a grey cat, Black cats are often in danger around Halloween from assholes who think they are evil or possessed. Both the grey cat and the white cat are cats so therefore the grey cat can also claim to be in danger from those same superstitious people. Even though we all know they are not.
Hay and Straw both come in bales. Horses eat hay therefore they like straw because they both look similar and come in twined tied bales (HINT:straw is inediable for horse and carries to nutritional value).
I own a quilt that my mom and dad made together, I also have a Wal Mart quilt. Both are quilts but one was made with love and as a way for two people to share time. Both are beautiful. Both keep me warm, both, both are well made and sturdy. The Wal Mart quilt also wants to say it is just like the one handmade and has the same history and meaning to me. But we all know that is just not true.
Two thing can hold equal value but not share history or language. I can keep going and going on things that have cross over but are different and therefore are described using different language and words.
Lesbians do not owe anyone. We are not obligated, nor should we be, to share something that belongs to us.
Certainly many of us love and form lasting relationships, both friendships and romactic ones with bi women. Bi women are allowed and have the right to their own history, language and experience that differ from lesbians no matter who they love. Give lesbians that same respect.
Being a bisexual woman is a wonderful thing on its own.A superpower enabling you to see the unique beauty in both men and women,  I encourage you to  embrace your sexuality and honor it and all the wonderful things that encompasses and your sexualities unique history and struggles. Lesbians and Bi women share some common experiences, , but that does not mean lesbians have to share everything with you.
A heartfelt thank you to all the bi women I know and care about, IRL and on this app and others, who understand and love and respect the difference between them and lesbians. It is a thing of beauty where that exists.
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Life Update! No, I'm not on hiatus.
Sorry for not writing for a while, but like I posted a while ago I suddenly became the mom of two 4 week old kittens. I don't plan on going on hiatus. Also, there's some bad news but I'm gonna leave that under the cut.
Any who, meet Pookie and Piggy! My family found them under my shed last weekend and we've been caring for them ever since. That's why I haven't created much lately. Not only are they young, but they also have a virus and are currently being quarantined in my bathroom.
They're a lot of work, and it's like I have two full-time jobs right now. I have to feed them every three hours (This is why I'm so sleep deprived.), give them their meds, play with them because they're kittens with TONS of energy, treat their eyes every night, give them flea baths, etc. It's a lot of work but it's worth it.
I haven't had a cat since 2020, and I haven't had kittens since I was in elementary school. This is a learning experience for me, and it's the most fun I've had in a while. Before we found them I was literally thinking," Man, everyone I know is having babies and getting married. I wish something interesting would happen to me." and then BOOM kittens.
I'm still trying to write and draw, and I'll probably be more active when they become more independent. For right now my productivity might slow down, but I don't plan on completely stopping any time soon. Here's some kitten pictures as an apology for being so inactive.
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The black one is Pookie (my baby) and the grey one is Piggy (my mom's baby). Pookie's name used to be Fiesty, but they're too sweet for that! They were just "fiesty" because they were scared IMO. Either that or I'm just Pookie's favorite human, because they've always been sweet to me. Piggy's name is self-explanatory and is the softest and most chaotic of the two.
They used to have fleas, but we've given them flea baths and I'm pretty sure they're all dead. The grey one had so much flea dirt that its bath water turned brown. I just know Piggy felt ten times better after we killed all those pesky fleas. As for their virus, it's a congestion thing. They're too young to test them and see exactly what it is, but they're taking antibiotics right now. They're on day 3 of 10 of their quarantine, and I'm excited for it to be over so I can properly introduce them to my dog and take them to the pet store.
But yeah that's what I've been up to for the past week. Don't ask me about my pets unless you want an essay on them. I am that annoying pet parent who won't shut up about their pets.
Okay here's the sad part. TW for pet death.
I've also been silent because two kittens used to be three. The runt was in terrible condition when we found it with Piggy. Its eyes were matted shut thanks to the congestion, it was malnourished, had the worst case of fleas, etc. We cleaned it up, fed it, and its condition had improved a lot, but mother nature is a cruel bitch and it became a victim of sudden kitten death. I think it was the virus the other two had and a respiratory illness, but the vet said it could've been multiple things since it was already in terrible condition when we found it.
I spent the most time taking care of it and bonded with it. It was starting to open its eyes a few days before it died and I was probably the last thing it saw. I cried for a solid hour and lost my appetite for a while. Another shitty thing is that it died the morning before their vet appointment. Sudden kitten death is the worst.
But yeah I've also been unproductive because I've been really sad. Thankfully, the other two have a much higher chance to live. They're currently being treated for their virus and according to the vet I've been taking care of them correctly. I'm really glad that we found Pookie because Piggy was attached to the runt (we found Piggy and the runt together, but Pookie was found a day later), and I think Pookie has helped both of us get through this.
This is the last time I'm gonna talk about the runt on here so please don't send asks about it. I'm trying to heal from this experience, but thinking about it still makes me lose my appetite.
Any who, thanks so much for being patient with me despite my inactivity. Love you guys. <3
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rjalker · 1 year
Gamers, 2.0
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[ID: A lineless digital painting with a grey-tan background, showing two kittens lounging at the end of a black keyboard from a red laptop, looking up at the camera. One of the kittens has her back feet kicked up on top of the keyboard. Both kittens are mostly black, with white paws, some white marks on their faces, and yellow eyes. Text has been added at the top and bottom of the image, with blank font and a white outline, made to look like graffitid spray paint that reads, "O M G can't you see we're gaming?" End ID.]
Featuring Eclipse and Sapphire, two formerly feral kittens we caught along with their other two siblings and mom in July.
We're fostering them until we can find someone who'll adopt them and more importantly keep them as indoor only cats. Which is next to impossible.
So we really need help paying to keep them because we also have our own cats.
To help out, you can buy this design from my threadless store, or buy us cat litter from our Amazon wishlist.
We always need more cat litter because we've got like eight litterboxes that each get scooped every day.
You can also donate directly via cashapp, paypal, or venmo, all under the name "Rjalker". They should have the same icon as a flower I have here on tumblr.
We need to be able to save up at least $60 per kitten + their mom so that we can get them fixed and vaccinated, but we can't save money until we have all the short term supplies like cat litter and cat food first. We signed up for a program that'll let us get them fixed for free, but haven't heard back yet at all...
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