#my mom has banned criminal minds from the house
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cxremedy · 1 year ago
it appears i've mentally illed a little too close to the sun this time
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sharperthewriter · 3 years ago
Chapter 12 of Possible-y Utah
Chapter 12 - The Agreement II
(2:18 pm)
A pink convertible pulled up into the driveway of Richard's house and two girls, both seniors, got out of the car.
The girl who was driving the car was Genna Majenta. She, whom had recently graduated from MHS, had long shoulder-length black hair, brown eyes and was slightly taller than Kim. She was dressed in a blue croptop shirt, a silver star necklace, Club Banana dark baggy denim overalls with the bib folded down and straps hooked and a belt to hold them up and white sneakers. She was co-captain of the Middleton Golden Dancers dance team in her senior and the girlfriend of Richard.
The other girl whom was the passenger of the car was Jeanna Montana, the girlfriend of Jack. Like Genna, she was approaching her senior year at Middleton High and was also on the Golden Dancers. They were also of the same height. But whereas Genna had brown eyes and black hair, Jeanna had blonde hair and blue eyes and had a tattoo of two starts on her midriff. She was wearing a pink tubetop, silver hoop earrings, black carpenter jeans, and pink sneakers.
"Ugh...do you wonder why Richard called us here, Gen?" Jeanna asked while popping her strawberry bubblegum.
"Dunno. Maybe both he and Jack could get lucky with us tonight!" Genna replied, texting away on her phone.
"You wanna take Jack upstairs or in the basement?" Jenna asked, popping a medium-sized bubble.
"Since I went upstairs with Jack last time, I'll take the basement for a little 'extra-session' with him!" Genna replied with a very vapid grin, licking her lips. "I am wearing my 'special' panties for him!"
She opened the door to the house and saw that, to her surprise, that Bonnie and Rebecca were sitting on the couch.
Jeanna reacted with disgust at the sight of a cheerleader in her boyfriend's house.
"What is this...?" she asked with a slight growl.
Richard gasped in horror at his girlfriend appearing. "It's not what it looks like, Jeanna! They were the ones who called us up to come here.
Jeanna stomped to the living room with her left hand clenched in a fist.
"I am going to give Miss Rockwaller a piece of my mind!" she exclaimed.
Bonnie saw the approaching, and very POed, Jeanna but she stood her ground. She jumped out of the couch right in front of her.
Rebecca exclaimed, "B! Please!"
"If you even dare come closer to me..." Bonnie insisted, her shoes digging deep in the carpet, "...I will make sure that my mom will give you a good paddling with her Swatter!"
Genna also intervened, "Jenna...I'd hate to say this, but Bonnie's right! You do NOT want to cross paths with her!"
Jeanna stopped herself in her tracks. She knew all about the reputation of Veronica Rockwaller and her infamous wooden paddle.
"You're lucky that your mom is the head disciplinarian of the entire school district, Rockwaller! I would've given you a black eye if I had the chance!" Jeanna sneered.
Richard tried to intervene.
"Ladies! Ladies! Let's chillax!" he nervously chuckled, "Let's not fight here! Let's be reasonable before someone calls the police on any of us!"
Jenna unclenched her fists but turned her anger to her football-playing boyfriend.
"Richard, I am going to have a very long talk with you after this..."
"You know, this may be just be a mistake...just like what you two losers did with 'The Incident'!"
Rebecca, however, was still confused.
"Okay, I'm totes mixed up."
"What is it now, R?" Bonnie asked.
"Why do you have beef with the Golden Dancers?" Rebecca questioned.
"It all started about six months ago. We were about to hit the showers after cheer practice one day." Bonnie began to explain "The Incident."
Jenna then smirked, "Oh yeah, now I remember! One of our Dancers turned off the hot waters to the showers!"
"I have never taken a shower that cold in my life...about as bad as the time Possible pulled that same trick on me last year at Wannaweep." Bonnie muttered. "Good thing we had our towels on."
"That was only Part 1 of our little 'fun' against you cheerleaders!" Genna giggled.
"Oh yes, the other part of their prank against us!" Bonnie continued, "Another one of your little Dancers poured Stoppable's Mad Dog banana cream foam down our cheer skirts!"
"We had a very good laugh after that!" Jenna grinned. "Celebrated at Mr. Swirley's that night."
"I, along with the rest of the squad, had to wash my uniform thoroughly to get rid of Stoppable's gunk!" Bonnie bitterly complained.
"He should have stored the foam in a more...secure...place!" Genna cackled.
Bonnie huffed before saying, "I wish if I had punched you in the face right then and there...but Possible, being the Miss Goody-Two-Shoes she is, banned the squad from ever engaging in violence or any criminal acts against you Dancers. And your little Dancer who poured the foam in our skirts got kicked off!"
Genna sighed, "Yet, a couple weeks after that, someone on your squad disobeyed Kim's orders! Stole our hairsprays for an upcoming dance competish! To my recollection, didn't Kim kick her off the team?"
"Truth be told, yes!" Bonnie replied, while darting her eyes around.
Jenna then turned to Rebecca. "So you see, due to 'The Incident' , a brawl was inevitable between the Dancers and the Cheer Squad."
She then continued on the aftermath.
"A few days after that, me and Kim agreed for the Cheer Squad and the Dancers to set up a truce that we won't carry our rivalry on the school grounds during school hours. It's now pretty much limited to mean glares and taunting. No practical jokes or physical contact that would draw the ire of the school board."
"It's a controlled rivalry, then?" Rebecca asked.
Jeanna, Genna, and Bonnie all nodded their heads.
Genna then intervened on Rebecca and Bonnie's intent of visiting.
"So now that we've got the deets of 'The Incident' out of the way, I am going to ask again, Rockwaller. Why are you and..."
Jeanna then whispered in Genna's ear on who the other girl was with Bonnie.
Genna gasped, "That so can't be! That's Rebecca Starlet, the billionaire heiress to the Starlet family oil fortune!"
"OMG! I totally loved your reality show about what's it's like being rich and all..." Jeanna exclaimed breathlessly before having a forgetful moment. "Oh man...what's that show called again?"
"Being Rich with a Starlett?" Rebecca guessed with a smirk.
"That's the one!" Genna said in between breaths. "Oh man...I'm so amazed that we have a celeb here that I forgot what we were talking about!"
"You were about to say, 'Why are you here', Genna!" Richard corrected his girlfriend.
"Oh right!" Genna replied before taking a deep breath. "Forgive my fangirling, but why exactly are you and Miss Starlet here for, Rockwaller?"
"We're here because we need your BF's help to not only humiliate Possible, but also break the loser couple up for good!" Bonnie replied on their real intent of their visit. "Since he has already graduated from Middleton High, he won't have the threat of Barkin dangling over his head."
"Yeah, before I met this lovely lady here..." Richard said, turning his head towards Genna, "...I did have a blind date with Kim last year...only to be rejected by her dad, all because I was 18 months older than she was!"
"And I also only had one date with that redhead around that same time..." Jack snarled, "Just because I made a pass at Jeanna does not mean that she has the right to splash water in my face!"
"So we have at least something in common...hatred against the wannabe for at least something" Bonnie grinned, "Well...except for Rebecca because she's not on Possible's radar...yet."
"Yes, but what is in it for me and Jeanna if we go along with your little plot of breaking up the couple?" Genna asked.
Bonnie shifted her teal eyes to Rebecca.
"R, would you like to demonstrate?"
"I sure can, B!" Rebecca grinned as she took out two credit cards with a $100,000 limit on each to Country Club Banana.
Jeanna gasped, "That is genuine Country CB?"
Rebecca nodded her head.
"You would have to pass a credit card check just to even get in the place!" Genna exclaimed, her jaw dropping.
Rebecca continued, "My daddy gave it to me last Christmas, but I still haven't figured out to do with them. So may as well put them to good use!"
"Rebecca will give you the Country CB credit cards IF the plan to break up Possible and Stupidable is successful." Bonnie explained. "If you fail, you get nothing!"
"In exchange, me and my Dancers will not play any practical jokes on you or any of your cheerleaders for the rest of summer except for the intended target of Miss Possible!" Jeanna replied.
"Do we have a deal?" Bonnie asked grinning, extending out her hand.
Jeanna also extended her hand and shook hers with Bonnie's, sealing the agreement.
"Now..." she began, "...here's the plan."
And the six teens began to discuss at length Bonnie's vile plan to break up Team Possible.
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ironwoman18 · 5 years ago
We found love in a hopeless place part 7.
Chapter 7: The Brenner Family
After that date, Spencer and Max did not have time to see each other again. She will start at her work in a week so she had to go to school to decorate her classroom and helped her co-workers with a banner for the first day of school.
They wanted something fun and colorful so she was the right one for it. Meanwhile Spencer spent his days reading and learning about the phone Max gave him.
At night they talked on the phone and she even asked for some advice about some activities she wanted to do.
"What are you going to do tomorrow?" She asked while cleaning her dishes.
"I have an appointment with the phycologist. I still have to go for a few more sessions before they say I can return to work"
"Oh, I understand. But don't worry everything will be alright and she will send then a good review about you"
"Thank you" he smiled at that "I'm feeling better and my mind is relaxed so I think the experience I had to deal with didn't affect me as deeply as I thought"
"Good. And I know it must be from your work but I hope I can earn your thrust and know what happened"
"You are earning it but it's something I prefer to keep to myself for now" he looked down at the book he was rereading for the thousandth time.
"Of course and it's ok to keep things to ourselves" she turned off the water and dried her hands "hey... Um... Spencer... I was wondering if you would like to watch a movie? My dad brought an old movie, I can't remember it's name but he said it's pretty cool" she bit her lip "and he said we can invite someone to go to watch it and I thought you might like it..." Max continue to ramble about the movie which made him to held a laugh.
"Max?" She continued to talk without listening "Max..." He said a little louder but she didn't stop it "Maxine!" She stopped and he could swear she was blushing either because she was ashamed for her rambling or because of anger for her full name "I would love to go"
"Oh I underst... Wait did you said...?"
He laughed "I said yes Max. I will go" she laughed softly "when? And where?"
"This Friday at his house" she said sitting on her couch "we can meet somewhere else and go to his house"
"Sounds good. Maybe after my appointment we can meet" said Spencer to her.
"Ok see you tomorrow" he smiled.
"See you" and they hung up then she texted her father to let him know she will bring Spencer, which made him smile.
He knew Max and she was keeping her dates in secret so maybe something changed or she just wanted to introduce him to her family.
The next day Spencer went to the phycologist's office and wait there until it was his turn.
When he walked in she could see something different in him and she made mental connections with Max, who never asked for a second appointment.
She had must found what she was looking for and apparently it was with Spencer.
"Hello Spencer. Nice to see you again" she said kindly at him.
"Same doctor. I'm glad to see you again" he said back politely.
She smiled "Tell me how was your week?"
"It was great. I saw my godsons again and I met someone who is becoming someone special" she smiled and nodded.
"That's amazing. As a fellow phycologist you must know that having someone close helps us to heal quickly, right?" He nodded and was about to ramble about it but she spoke first "ok Spencer tell me the reason you are here. Why the FBI sent you with me"
He told her everything, since the problems with his mother to him going to Mexico and how Catherine Adams planned to sent him to jail to try to make him a bad person like her.
The doctor took notes and let him talk. Then he told her his experience in jail and his voice cracked a little talking about it, especially when he talked about Luis.
The things he did to survive in there and when he figured out his mother was with a hitwoman and how his team managed to get him out of jail.
"You managed to survive and that's what matter. Sadly this experiences may cause a good man to broke but you seem good"
"I think it's because I'm getting someone who help me move on" she nodded and smiled.
"Ok continue" he kept telling her about that day when he got out of jail and how he had to face Cat "wait you were just out of jail and they put you in that situation?'
"Yes... She just drop information with me and she just wanted me"
"I understand but you were in a wrong state of mind"
"And it was shown with my reactions when I thought her partner killed my mom" he looked down "I almost choked her and she was pregnant at that moment" the doctor showed a poke face but he still managed to read a micro expression of shock.
"I see. But you stopped"
"JJ, my best friend and coworker, stopped me" she nodded and took notes, then let him to continue. He told her how they finally find out her plan and they stopped her partner before she killed his mother.
Then he started to what Mr. Scratch did to his team and the anger he felt, the blurred vision and that his mind was not working as it used to.
"You had the beginning of a Post traumatic stress desorder, which is normal" he nodded "what happened?" He told her they found their lastly most wanted criminal.
He told her how he wanted to kill him himself but Emily, his boss, asked him to stay while Luke and Matt ran after him.
"Maybe in her mind she could see your tension and asked you to stay. Her intrusion told her to keep you there" he nodded looking down.
"Maybe. Emily knows me very well, just like JJ" he smiled.
"That's good because there's always someone to lean on after this kind of troubles"
"True" he smiled at her.
"Spencer it's almost time to finish this session but I would like to see you next week. I think you are better but still need to come one more time" he nodded "but I think this "someone" is helping you so keep talking to this person"
"Do you really think it's helping?"
"Of course. Your eyes are brighter and you smiles more" he blushed softly and thought that if the doctor who just saw him twice noticed it then maybe JJ noticed that too.
"See you next week Spencer" he nodded and stood up shaking her hand softly and left the office.
He walked out of the building and went to the coffee shop they decided to meet after his appointment and her work.
He walked in and saw her drinking a coffee so he walked to her "hey Max" she looked up and smiled then hugged him softly.
"Hey you. I just arrived" she said smiling "want something? Maybe we can eat something before we go to my dad's house"
"Sure I would like it" he nodded "I'm starving" she laughed and they walked to the counter to order something. This time Max did not accept him to pay. She paid for everything and he just let her.
They ate and she told him about her day. And how they designed the banner, the next day they will paint it and wait until it dried for the beginning of the school year.
Then they walked to her car and she drove to her father's house. She told him about her family "ok I have two sisters as I told you. The older is Michelle and the younger is Eloise. Michelle has a kid called Samuel but we all call him Sammy" he nodded "he is almost ten and I'm sure you will like him. He is curious and I'm sure he will ask you awkward things"
He laughed "like most kids"
"Oh he's more curious than most kids" she laughed "and make awkward comments about you" he nodded "just be prepared"
"Ok" he looked at her then they arrived to her dad's house and she parked the car next to another car. Maybe one of her sister's.
They got out and walked to the door when they arrived there were all her family. Her sister Eloise with her best friend Andrea, Michelle with her family and their father with a few friends drinking a whiskey.
"Max! You are here" said her father walking to then "And you are...?" Asked the old man to Spencer.
"I'm Spencer Reid sir. Nice to meet you"
"Nice to meet you kid. I'm Dominic Brenner" he shook his hand gently "you are dating my daughter right?"
"Dad!" Said Max blushing deeply.
"Um... Well we had some dates... Nothing too serious" he said blushing too.
The sisters of Max held a laugh watching the awkward situation and Michelle said "Dad stop it. You will make them die of embarrassment"
"Fine fine... I was just asking" he patted his shoulder "welcome to my house kid. I'm glad Max met a nice guy like you"
Then let them walk in the living room and sat down after Max introduced them to Spencer, when she asked about Sammy, her sister said that he had a sleepover at his best friend before classes started.
Then her father asked her to help him with the snacks. She looked at him like saying 'are you serious?' but still went with him.
She gave Spencer a last look and walked in the kitchen. Immediately the two sisters jumped to him and started to ask him about his relationship with her, about him, where they met and Michelle took the opportunity to show some photos of her as a kid.
Spencer smiled and then the two men that were with Max's dad walked to him "Spencer, right?" He nodded "do you play poker?"
"Yes" said he looking at them.
"Good cause Michelle's husband doesn't and our friend Santiago can't play this Saturday so why don't you come?"
"Yeah and don't worry Johnny, a professional poker player will go easy on you" said him pointing at the other man.
Spencer raised an eyebrow and nodded "I'm sure I can handle him" Spencer said with confidence.
The other man smirked "I like that attitude. Hope you can keep it up this Saturday" Spencer smirked and Max and Dom walked towards them.
"Andrew and Johnny what are you talking about with Spencer?" She instinctively held his arm.
"Relax Maxie. I was asking him if he plays poker and invited him to play with us" he said and Max looked at Spencer.
"And what did you say?"
"I accepted. I like to play poker" he said looking at her in a way that made her understand to not mention he is from Vegas or was banned from every casino.
She just smirked and looked at them "good I'm glad you both got along with him. You will have fun with them Spence"
"Ok everyone let's go... We will watch Casablanca" said Dom calling then to go to take a seat. The younger girls made an annoyed sound.
"Oh come on...." Dom continue to talking with them about the wonderful things this movie had.
Spencer and Max walked far behind them and took the furthest seats from the others.
"Are you sure?" She asked him in a whisper as they sat down.
"Yeah. I could bet anything they bullied your dad" she nodded "so it's their time to lose" Max does not know why, maybe his confidence or just their proximity as they speak but she felt the need to kiss him but she held herself. It was too soon for them. She was not an easy woman but Spencer was different than her other dates.
They watched movie and had a good time. They laughed and Spencer suddenly held her hand almost at the end. She smiled but did not say anything.
After that they ate dinner and commented the movie like a forum. The girls liked it but still did not like it in black and white.
Spencer rambled about details of the production, the actors and fin facts of it. Dom was impressed and winked at Max which made her blushed.
After that all the people in his house left to their houses. Dom confirmed Spencer for the poker night and he promised to be there.
Then she drove him to his apartment. He gave her the address and she just followed it on with her GPS.
"Did you have fun?"
"Yes I did. I loved that movie and I'm glad your dad found it"
"He is an old movies lover" she laughed "so maybe he will invite you more often"
"I would love to" he smiled and she smiled back.
"Good. I will let you know when he has another movie night" she laughed as they arrived to the building when he lived "ok you reached your home safe" he laughed.
"Good I'm happy you brought me safe" he smiled "I hope we can see again" she smiled.
"Of course you won't get me out of your life so easily" she smirked.
"I wouldn't try to" he looked at her and smirked back.
She felt that need to kiss him again but she held herself again repeating in her mind that it was too soon.
"I will call you" he held her hand softly and kissed her cheek.
"Ok I will wait" he got out and walked to the building. She looked at him until he walked in and sighed.
"Jeez Max.... You just met him and you want to kiss him..." She said to herself as she ran her hand through her hair and drove to her apartment.
Hope you enjoyed this one. It's long and I need to set an specific day to force me to update more regularly. Maybe every Wednesday? Sounds good.
What do you think? Should Max and Spencer kiss at the next date or wait?
Thank you for read.
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lblb-actuallywrites · 5 years ago
Over A Cherry Cosmos, Part 1
I wrote this as part of the Edens Zero Fic Exchange for @indraaas​. Hope you like it! (Part 1 of 3)
“Here,” the voice of Lieutenant Justice, Rebecca’s direct supervisor, spoke as a file smacked down on her desk.
“What’s this?” Rebecca asked, reaching for the file.
“Your next bounty. You said you wanted a challenge; Weisz Steiner, high-ranking member of Sibir’s gang, and a thief wanted across nearly half the country. Every bounty hunter that went looking for him couldn’t catch him.”
“Every bounty hunter so far,” she corrected. “I’m on it, sir.”
Lt. Justice only nodded and returned to his office.
Rebecca opened the file to see Weisz Steiner’s mugshot: blond hair coiffed to the side, a half-amused, half-annoyed smirk on his face, and a flirty glare thrown at the camera with steel gray eyes. From the angle of his head, she could just barely see enough to guess that he was leaning against the wall as if he were leaning against a tree in the park.
‘He’s pretty cute.’
Her eyes scrolled down to the section about his family background, muttering quietly to herself as she read.
“Mm.. Only child
 Mom is.. Maria Steiner, deceased
When Rebecca first caught the father’s name out of the corner of her eye, she nearly gave herself whiplash with how fast she did a double take.
 Weiss Steiner
 No way...”
‘The old Doctor has a son?’ she thought.
Memories came flooding to the surface of her mind: running into the street after her little blue cat Happy, the swerving car with screeching tires that seemed to come out of nowhere just as she caught up to him. Then, she was weightless, flying through the air for what felt like forever.
She didn’t remember hitting the ground. Only waking up in the hospital the next day.
“Where’s Happy?” a seven-year-old Rebecca demanded of the old doctor in front of her.
“Happy?” Doctor Steiner asked.
“M-my kitty. We were playing and he ran away from me, so I chased him. And-” she paused, tearing up, though she pretended she wasn’t. “I-I don’t remember what happened after that.”
The look that came over Doctor Steiner’s face was one Rebecca had seen from a lot of adults: a tight smile, slight tilt to the head, squinted eyes. It usually meant something she couldn’t name, but definitely didn’t like. And it always left her feeling frustrated and small.
Except this time, Doctor Steiner looked sad, too.
But in a flash, that awful, hated, and now confusing look was gone, replaced with a wide smile.
“Well, I sure don’t know, little one, but I can ask the nice people that brought you in if you want?”
Rebecca blinked in shock as his offer sunk in. Then, grinning from ear to ear and practically vibrating in her hospital bed, she shouted, “Yes, please!”
She quickly covered her mouth when she realized how loud she’d been on accident. She looked at Doctor Steiner, eyes wide and half curled in a ball, waiting for him to scold her for yelling.
Instead, he gave her a kind smile, one she couldn’t remember ever seeing before, especially not from an adult.
“Sure thing, kiddo,” the Doctor said, patting her gently on the head.
Rebecca smiled at the memory.
‘How can I arrest the son of the man who saved my life?’ she thought, her smile faltering. ‘I know it’s my job, but
She took a deep breath and let it out slowly, stretching her neck in the process.
‘First thing’s first. I need more information.’
Rebecca stood up, grabbing her messenger bag from the back of her chair. She slung it over her shoulder and tossed Weisz Steiner’s file inside as she left the precinct.
“What’cha got for me, Quinn?” Rebecca asked her friend and professional hacker.
“Well, he’s old fashioned,” Quinn said without looking up from her deep dive into Weisz Steiner.
Rebecca shook her head in confusion. “What?”
“No social media whatsoever. Even eighty-year-olds have Twitter these days.”
Quinn turned her chair around to face Rebecca, grabbing a coffee mug as she spun. Rebecca could tell that it was the hacker’s “Special Hot Chocolate” by the smell, the secrets of which she kept hidden behind a firewall the NSA itself couldn’t crack.
“Seriously, who doesn’t use social media these days? Even if it’s for no other reason than to keep up with the news?” Quinn shook her head in disbelief as she sipped on her drink.
“Not important. What did you find?”
Quinn raised her eyebrows. “Mm! Right.” She spun back around to face her main monitor. “So, I think I found a place where he likes to hang out. Edens Bar. Only two of the multiple credit cards he’s stolen in the last six months have turned up charges there, as opposed to him crawling over half of the bars in Norma.”
“So what makes you think he’s there? Maybe he just got kicked out or something.”
Quinn shook her head. “Nah. I hacked into their security cameras and found footage of him at the bar.”
“Of course,” Rebecca sighed. “Look, I know it’s not a big deal to you, but can you at least not openly mention the illegal hacking you’re doing for me directly to me? I need plausible deniability!”
Quinn waved off her concerns. “Don’t worry. Even if they could catch me, I wouldn’t let anything happen to you from my new seat at the NSA. Anyway, he seems on good terms with the staff, so he wasn’t banned.”
Rebecca groaned, but let it slide. Even if she gave Quinn trouble for it, she knew that she’d never be caught.
“Plus, I found footage of him there that doesn’t line up with any cards he’s been linked to, so it’s more likely that he’s just trying to keep people from tracking him there. Which is backed up by the fact that I tracked him with traffic cams before he showed up to Edens Bar and he’s checking for tails two miles out. And he takes the scenic route there.”
“Pretty solid plan,” Rebecca admitted.
“Yeah, until someone smarter came along,” Quinn said smugly.
Rebecca laughed. “Thanks, Quinn. Can you keep an eye on the bar and let me know when Weisz shows up again?”
“Of course.”
“Awesome,” she said. “Oh, and can you do one more thing for me?”
Rebecca flexed her fingers in an attempt to shake away the anxiety. ‘This is research,’ she told herself. ‘In order to find a wanted criminal
 Who is the son of the doctor who saved my life..’
“Damn it,” she muttered to herself, dropping her head on her steering wheel. Taking a deep breath, she stepped out of her car.
‘It’s not too late to turn around and drive away,’ her thoughts taunted her.
Chants of ‘it would be easy,’ ‘no one would ever know,’ and ‘Quinn can probably find out all you need’ stayed glued in Rebecca’s mind as she stalked forward. Instead, she tried to focus on anything else, her eyes fixating on the row of expensive houses in front of her.
They were all wide two-stories, mostly white or off-beige, occasionally lined with light hints of pastels for what Rebecca assumed these rich idiots called “flavor.” It was simultaneously extravagant and so boringly tasteless that she wondered how anyone could think it was nice to look at.
‘Exactly like the rich owners. All style, no substance. It feels like I’m looking at the wall of a padded cell.’
She finally reached the end of Doctor Steiner’s walkway and stopped, looking again at the house in front of her.
Compared to the rest of the nearly-identical houses on the street, his was easily the nicest to look at. The house itself was a very subtle off-yellow color, almost impossible to tell from a distance, accented with a light pastel baby blue color that outlined the windows and covered the pillars in the front. As she got closer, she noticed the front door was also the same shade of blue.
Rebecca tapped her leg as she stood in front of Doctor-turned-Professor Steiner’s door, working up the courage to knock. After nearly a minute of frantic leg-tapping, she finally forced herself to.
‘No backing out now,’ she thought. Her fingers were starting to get tired from tapping so much.
A few seconds later, the lock turned and the door opened.
“Can I help you, Miss?”
“Um, yeah,” she took a slow breath. “Are you Doctor Weiss Steiner?”
“Yes.” His eyes narrowed slightly, but didn’t say anything else.
“I’m Rebecca Blue-Garden. I’m a Bail Enforcer and I’m tracking your son, Weisz.” She had to fight to keep her voice even as she spoke. “I was hoping there might be something you could tell me about him.”
He blinked. “Such as?”
“Anything you think might be useful in bringing him in safely would be a good start.” Rebecca realized she’d been twisting her fingers together and forced herself to stop.
Doctor Steiner smiled kindly, and it matched up almost perfectly with the smile in her memory. “I don’t think I know anything that could help you.”
“A-are you sure? Nothing at all comes to mind?”
‘I read that Weisz ran away when he was fifteen in his file, but I thought that I’d at least get something useful from his dad.’
“I wish I could help you, Miss Blue-Garden, but I’m afraid not. I’m sorry I couldn’t be of more use.”
He started to close the door. “G-”
Doctor Steiner raised an eyebrow.
Rebecca sighed. “Y-you saved my life when I was a kid. And I’ve always wanted to thank you in some way, but I didn’t know how I could. I didn’t want or expect this..” She waved her hand around. “.. situation.”
“I.. operated on you?” he asked after a moment of silence.
“Yeah. I was playing with my little blue cat Happy when a drunk driver hit me. You even offered to ask the paramedics that brought me in if they saw him. Looking back now, it’s obvious that he
 but it meant a lot to me back then.”
“You were the little girl with the blue cat? 
 Now that I think about it, your name does sound familiar..”
She tried to contain her rush of excitement.
“Come in,” he said, smiling with warmth and opening the door wider.
Rebecca blinked as she processed the offer. It’d been more or less what she wanted, but it surprised her that she actually got it. Then, she returned his smile and stepped through the door.
“So, you’re a Bail Enforcer?”
Rebecca tried to calm her nerves. ‘What was my plan again?’ she thought, flexing her fingers at her sides. ‘Did I even have a plan?’
“And you’re looking for my son?”
“... Yep.”
‘This was a bad idea.’
Doctor Steiner chuckled sadly before speaking again. “Well, I wish I could help you, but I haven’t seen, much less spoken to my son in
 almost ten years.”
“I see..”
‘He never once tried to contact his dad? I mean, I know I kinda assumed that was the case, but
 hearing it confirmed makes me a little sad for the Doctor.’
“Weisz left when he was still a teenager, but even before then he wasn’t very talkative.”
Rebecca nodded slowly, following silently as he led the way to the living room. Doctor Steiner gestured to the couch as he sat down in a recliner chair a few feet away.
“So, how long have you been a Bail Enforcer?”
“Huh? Oh, about three years, now. Why do you ask?”
Doctor Steiner hesitated. “About how many of the people you’ve arrested ran away from home when they were younger?”
Rebecca paused. Broken homes weren’t exactly an uncommon denominator across all of the bounties she’s hunted down, but she didn’t want to sound like she was accusing the Doctor of being the reason his son ran away.
‘Maybe their relationship sucks and he doesn’t care about his son getting arrested.. That would make me feel less like a complete ass about doing my job
“Um.. Well, I don’t know numbers, but there’s been a few. It’s not rare.”
Doctor Steiner only hummed in response, eyes narrowed and slightly hunched over. Looking at him now, Rebecca could barely see the jovial doctor that saved her life; instead, all she saw was a worn down and sad old man.
‘Ugh, crap! I can’t do anything right today, can I?’
“Hm. I wonder why they felt the need to leave.”
The quiet, contemplative look on his face pulled at Rebecca’s heartstrings.
“Weisz was headstrong, stubborn
 and full of hot air.”
She chuckled. “Aren’t all teenagers full of hot air?”
“Usually. But
 I just wonder what was going through his head. I’ve always wondered why he left in the first place.” Doctor Steiner’s hard gaze at the floor became unfocused, distracted by his thoughts. “Or maybe I kind of already know. We couldn’t seem to see eye-to-eye. And I know that Maria’s family didn’t make it any easier. Maria was my wife, and Weisz’s mother,” he added.
Rebecca swallowed hard, nodding slowly. She didn’t know what she could say in response. Doctor Steiner’s entire being seemed steeped in sadness; the kind of bone-deep sadness that never truly goes away.
“Sorry, I’m not sure why I’m telling you this.”
She shook her head. “It’s okay.”
“You’re wondering what happened.”
It wasn’t a question.
” she trailed off. ‘Yeah, sort of.’
Doctor Steiner hummed. “Well, Weisz was always a troublemaker. He got into it a lot as a kid, and evidently, that’s never changed.. But Maria was always patient with him. Much more so than the rest of her family.”
Rebecca tried to hide her grimace, but the corner of her mouth still twitched.
“I don’t mean to sound like I’m judging. But they were
 notoriously difficult to deal with. Any time Weisz got in a fight or let his grades slip, someone had something to say about it. Of course, never to us. But Weisz took notice.”
Doctor Steiner heaved a tired sigh.
“One day, he overheard a
 particularly nasty comment from Maria’s sister. But before anyone could say anything else, he decided he’d finally had enough, I suppose, and he started yelling at them. When he finished, he said that
 everyone would be happier if he left. And then he did.”
Rebecca bit the inside of her lip. She could practically hear him blaming himself.
‘People like that are impossible to please. They didn’t want Weisz to be a person, they wanted him to be a puppet.’
“I hoped he was just blowing off steam. He left before anyone could say anything to him. So I waited for him to come back, but
 he didn’t,” Doctor Steiner sighed again. “And then, about eight months later
 Maria died. I had hoped he’d go to the funeral, although it was probably for the best that he didn’t, in the end.”
She nodded. ‘His mom’s family are a bunch of judgmental dicks. I feel for him on that.’
A vibrating in her back pocket brought Rebecca to reality. Pulling out her phone, she saw Quinn’s name flash on the screen.
“My friend’s calling, I should take this,” she said, smiling politely as she stepped away. “Hello?”
“Hey, your criminal’s on his way to Edens.”
“Okay, thanks. Keep an eye on it.”
“I will. Want me to call Shiki and Homura?” Quinn offered, followed by the distant sound of her sipping on a drink.
“No, it’s fine,” Rebecca said, uttering a quick goodbye before hanging up. She walked back to the couch. “Okay,” she muttered. “Well, I should get going. It was nice talking to you.”
“Wait. Before you go,” Doctor Steiner said, standing quickly. “I was hoping you might be able to do me a small favor.” He walked to a nearby desk and pulled a pen and a pad of sticky notes from it, scribbling something.
“What is it?” she asked.
“If it’s at all possible, I was hoping
” he pulled the top sticky note off. “I might be able to see my son. I don’t know if you can do that, but I just want to talk to him again, and tell him something.”
Rebecca took the sticky note from him to see a phone number on it. She folded it carefully and stuck it in her phone case.
“I’ll do my best,” she said with a smile.
“Thank you, Miss Blue-Garden.” He walked with her back to the front door.
She nodded at him as she stepped outside.
‘Okay, Weisz Steiner. I am gonna get you into a conversation with your dad, even if I have to drag you by your pompous hair to do it.’
Rebecca adjusted the rose barrette in her hair and brushed her bangs out of her eyes. Before going to Edens Bar, she changed into a black mini skirt, over the knee boots, and a blue halter top. Now, she made her final subtle adjustments before walking up to the empty seat next to her bounty.
“This seat taken?” she asked, with a sweet smile on her face. Rebecca made sure to throw a subtle, yet impossible-to-miss flirty glance his way.
“No. Go ahead.”
“Thanks,” she said as she slid into the bar chair. “What’s your name?”
“I’m Rebecca.”
Weisz flashed her a flirty smirk reminiscent of the one in his mugshot, and she had to correct an earlier thought.
‘Shit. He’s not cute, he’s hot.’
“Just a Cherry Cosmos, please.”
“So, what are you doing in this little bar?” Weisz asked, taking a sip of beer.
“I’m.. expanding my horizons. I’ve been in Norma for a while, but I haven’t really been a whole lot of places.”
Weisz leaned in. “If you want, I can give you a few places to check out.”
Rebecca mimicked him, leaning forward and slowly pulling her handcuffs out of her bag and under the bar. “Are you offering to show me these places yourself?” she flirted as she slid her hand closer to his.
“Well, if you want-”
The click of the cuffs closing around his wrist cut him off. Rebecca closed the other cuff around part of the underside of the bar.
“Well that’s not exactly how I prefer to be asked out on a date, but
Rebecca chuckled. “Funny.”
“I assume these aren’t for fun?” Weisz asked.
“Too bad,” he sighed. “Will you at least let me finish my drink?”
Rebecca eyed the beer bottle in front of him. ‘Less than half full,’ she thought.
She sighed. “I guess.”
He sipped his beer calmly.
“Y’know, for someone who’s as high up in Sibir’s gang as you, I gotta say, you’re taking this whole ‘getting arrested’ thing pretty well.”
Weisz’s easy going smile faltered, fixing Rebecca with a cold stare. “I’m not with Sibir anymore.”
“Fine. You’re still under arrest,” she said flippantly. “I don’t know why so many other bounty hunters couldn’t catch you before, this was pretty easy.”
Weisz finished his beer, setting the empty bottle on the bar as he leaned towards her again. “If I may, Rebecca, I just have one question for you: how are you going to arrest me when you’re the one in handcuffs?”
Rebecca looked down at the space between them just in time to watch Weisz clasp the handcuff, previously on him, around her wrist.
She looked up at him, stunned. He winked at her, then leaned in.
“Drive safe, Rebecca.”
And then he was slipping out the door.
Rebecca sighed, turning back towards the bar to unlock herself when she noticed that Weisz had left enough money for both of their drinks.
‘He’s a thief, but he left money for the tab? A little “Robin Hood,” if you ask me.’
Her phone vibrated in her bag as she finished unlocking the handcuffs. Rebecca had barely put the phone up to her ear when Quinn started talking.
“Y’know, you never realize how much easier social media makes my job until you find that rare specimen without it and I have to actually try a little.”
“Meaning?” Rebecca asked, too annoyed for pleasantries as she stood and walked out of the bar.
“I was looking into Sibir’s gang, trying to see if there was something you might be able to use, and I just found out that-”
“That Weisz and Sibir aren’t ‘buddy-buddy’ anymore? Yeah, he just told me.”
“Okay, but did he say why?” Quinn asked.
Rebecca paused just outside the door. “No. Do you know?”
“Yeah. It’s messed up stuff, Becca. You know his mom died, right?”
“Yeah, but that’s all his file said about her.” She set out towards the small parking lot next to the bar.
“Well, I hacked the text messages of a few of Sibir’s guys and found out that, apparently, after Doc Junior joined up with Sibir, it was Sibir who did the hit and run that killed his mom, but he tagged the place with Rogue Out’s logo. Guess he wanted to cut off Weisz’s escape route. But when Weisz found out...”
 awful.” Rebecca’s hand hovered over her heart.
“Anyway, what’s happening at Edens?”
The hand over her heart tightened into a fist. “He got away,” Rebecca grumbled as she unlocked her car. “We’re gonna need to come up with a new plan.”
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susiephone · 2 years ago
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@imdefnotvanessa thank you for giving me indirect permission to talk more <3
Fred: He has never been in trouble before in his life, he's every teacher's favorite and an all-around Very Nice Boy. He got detention for fighting and everyone is SHOCKED... until they find out that Fred was trying to stand up for a younger student who was getting bullied. Fred wanted to resolve things with words, things escalated, and Fred punched the bully in the face... and broke his own hand doing so. He instantly started apologizing and confessed the minute a teacher turned up to ask what was happening. He then started crying. Everyone who hears the full story is like, "Yeah, that makes more sense." Technically he should've gotten suspended for punching someone, but because he's such a nice, well-liked kid and it was a first time offense and he WAS defending someone, he got off with a week's worth of detention and a call home. He's in detention like "oh God I'm a CRIMINAL who has brought SHAME upon my WHOLE FAMILY" and everyone else is like, "First time?"
Shaggy: He's generally good at gym class, he doesn't mind the running or the team building games, but when he found out he'd have to play dodgeball, he said, with all due respect to the coach, he was Not Doing That Shit. He cut a week's worth of gym class and got two weeks' worth of detention in exchange.
Velma: She's pretty much singlehandedly pulling up the school's collective GPA, but cannot resist contradicting her teachers. This can range from "I respectfully disagree with your interpretation of Arthur Miller" to "You realize you are literally teaching us white supremacist rhetoric, right?" The latter tends to land her in trouble. Also has a habit of sneaking banned books into the school library where she volunteers, but no one can prove it's her and even if they could, no one's sure how to go about punishing someone for GIVING the school stuff. The librarian really likes her but can't do much to protect her from the less progressive members of the faculty.
Daphne: Her family's incredibly influential in politics and donates a lot to the school, so Daphne can usually skate consequences for texting in class, skipping class, showing up late, and turning in her work late. She's very friendly and charming but a lousy student. However, there's one very persistent first-year teacher who recognizes how smart she is and thinks someone needs to push her to actually do something with her intelligence and skills. This teacher is the one who likes Daphne best, but is also the hardest on her and the only one to give her detention, her parents be dammed. Daphne respects them for it and is usually willing to take it in stride, even as her mom threatens to make a stink about it.
Other ideas for this concept:
None of the kids like to say they "own" Scooby as he's obviously his own person, but legally he's Shaggy's dog and lives with him. (Fred lives in an apartment that doesn't allow dogs, Velma's mom is allergic, and Daphne's parents would never let an animal in their house.) However, they all share responsibility for taking care of him; Daphne paid for his license and registration, Fred comes over to walk him a couple times a week, and Velma brings him food from her place sometimes.
The fact that Scooby can talk is the world's worst kept secret. The kids TRY to keep it under wraps for his safety but it's not going well.
The kids gradually come to accept that something supernatural is going on, in this order: Shaggy, Daphne, Fred, and then finally Velma, who is still not convinced Scoob isn't an alien.
Daphne's father is a local politician now running for governor and it sucks, she's actively praying he'll lose. Her mom is a very successful lobbyist and spends a lot of time in DC. Daphne barely tells them anything about her personal life.
Fred's family is working class, his mom teaches at the school and his dad is a mechanic at a local garage. Fred works there too on weekends. His parents are super sweet and supportive.
Shaggy's parents are super chill, one of his moms is a mildly successful author who waits tables during the day, his other mom works as a dentist and is always on his case about flossing.
Velma's parents are both college professors, her mom is a lauded physicist and her dad's a historian currently on sabbatical to write a book. They love that Velma wants to follow them into academia but also encourage her to make friends.
The Mystery Machine is this ANCIENT RV Fred's uncle gave him for his birthday, Fred has been fixing it for ages and ages and it's finally in working condition again.
Daphne has a credit card but her parents can see everything she buys so the gang treats it as an "emergencies only" thing because Mr. and Mrs. Blake would NOT approve of her solving mysteries.
Only villains call Shaggy "Norville."
(Villains, and Fred's grandma.)
a scooby-doo origin story where Daphne, Fred, Velma, and Shaggy are all serving detention together and none of them (save for maybe Fred and Daphne) have ever really talked before, but they talk in detention. they have fun, they're bonding, it's a real Breakfast Club situation, and as detention ends they're walking home and they see a dog digging through the garbage of a local restaurant
he's big, but he seems sweet and he's obviously hungry, so the gang approaches him to see if he has a collar. Shaggy manages to get to him first, and the dog immediately takes to him, giving him a big dog kiss and cuddling up to him, but the dog seems to like all of them
upon finding he doesn't have a collar, Shaggy, scratching behind his ears, rhetorically asks, "What's your name, buddy?"
and the dog answers, "Scooby-Dooby-Doo!"
after a minute of freaking the FUCK out and asking each other "y'all heard that, right?" the kids decide to take the dog (who they immediately start calling Scooby-Doo, Scoob, or Scooby for short) home, and find that not only can the dog talk, he displays human-level intelligence and is easily frightened. when they ask where he came from, he doesn't seem to know, but when they walk past an old, abandoned shopping complex on the edge of town, he completely freaks out...and there are weird noises coming from that complex at night....and some suspicious sightings....
the first mystery they investigate together is the mystery of what in God's name is going on here
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quicksilversquared · 6 years ago
There’s No Camembert in Tibet: Ch. 1
The Plagg and the Butterfly Costume sequel!
With Hawkmoth defeated and school out for the summer, it’s time for Ladybug and Chat Noir plus their newly-assembled team of superheroes to head to Tibet to try to rescue Mrs. Agreste. Hiking, magic, and adventures await them, and hopefully at the end, they’ll be returning to Paris with Mrs. Agreste in tow.
(AO3) (FF.net)
"Are you sure you have enough clothes packed? That's really not a lot. I thought that we were going to be gone for weeks."
Marinette laughed and tossed a pair of socks at her boyfriend instead of putting them in her suitcase. They sailed past his head and hit one of her mannequins instead. "We're not planning on being gone forever, kitty. And we can wash stuff in a stream or something while we're in Tibet. I think I have enough."
"Besides, if you're successful, you guys will probably spend the whole trip back to the airport transformed," Tikki pointed out from where she was perched on Marinette's desk. "To keep your identities safe and all that. And you might spend part of the trip out to the temple ruins transformed, too, if we can pack enough food. So you wouldn't have to change clothes as often if you do that. Outer clothes, that is."
"I've just never really traveled much before," Adrien admitted, settling down on Marinette's chair and watching as she rearranged the clothes in her suitcase so they would fit better. "I don't know if I packed enough, or too much, or what. Plagg isn't any help."
Plagg made a rather half-hearted noise of protest from where he was lounging in the remains of a bowl of cheesy popcorn. Marinette laughed again.
"We can go check on your packing after I finish up here, okay? We can use the packing list Maman gave me to make sure you have everything you need." Marinette glanced at the list again and then set it aside so she could zip up her backpack. "And to make sure you didn't over-pack. We're going to be carrying everything for a while, you know. Anything too bulky will cause problems."
Adrien nodded. "Yeah, I know. And Nino's already been sure to remind me that I'm not going to be able to shower as often as normal." He let out a huff. "And his definition of my 'normal' is several times a day, and nothing I say can change his mind- and now my girlfriend is laughing at me again!"
Marinette was cackling. "Oh, it's your own fault!" she managed. "You and your habit of hopping into the shower whenever akumas were after you!"
Adrien was still trying to protest that that wasn't fair, she knew that he hadn't actually been in the shower those times, what other choice had he had when Marinette's mom popped up into her room to check on them, Nooroo perched on her shoulder. She raised an eyebrow at the socks draped over the base of one of the mannequins and Marinette scrambled to pick them up.
"I rather thought you were packing," her mother said placidly as Marinette stuffed the socks back into their drawer. "That didn't look like packing to me."
"I'm done," Marinette said quickly, pointing to the suitcase. "We were just talking about going over to Adrien's house so I could make sure that he hasn't packed too much. Or too little, we don't know what to expect."
"Nathalie hasn't insisted on doing a check herself?" Mrs. Cheng looked surprised. "I would have thought that she would. She seems the type."
Adrien just shook his head. "She doesn't actually know where we're going, so she would be suspicious if she looked through and didn't see, like, dress shoes or something. She wouldn't see a problem with having a lot of weight because I overpacked. And she already has enough to take care of right now without supervising me too much."
"Okay, then maybe you should go over right away and get that done," Mrs. Cheng told them. "After all, Alya and Nino will be coming over later, and you know you won't want to leave once they're here. I know you could do it a little later in the week since we still have a few days yet, but it's better to be ready early."
"Yes, Mom," Marinette said immediately, and Adrien echoed with a "Yes, Mrs. Cheng."
Five minutes later, Ladybug and Chat Noir were racing over the rooftops towards Adrien's house. There were a lot of crowds below as kids milled around, enjoying the summer sun. Some pointed up at the superheroes, but most only spared them a glance. Now that Hawkmoth was in jail- well, on trial and being held in jail in the meantime- and there was barely any need for the superheroes, people didn't pay quite as much attention to them as they had before. Besides, they had become quite the common sight over the last year, and the novelty of the superheroes had finally started to wear off a bit.
It wasn't long before the two of them reached Adrien's house and slipped inside, unseen by a few lingering reporters by the front gate. Despite laws that had passed banning harassment of family members of criminals especially when those family members were minors, some reporters still seemed to think that those laws didn't apply to them and hung out near the mansion walls in hopes of a scoop in the form of an interview with Hawkmoth's son. Adrien wasn't sure if they just wanted a tearful story of betrayal or if they were hoping to trick him into 'confessing' that he had actually worked alongside his father, even though the police had already long since cleared him of all suspicion.
(It had helped Adrien's case greatly that he had been targeted by akumas several times and almost died, and it also helped to have both Ladybug and Chat Noir vouch for him, though of course Chat Noir had had mysterious family obligations to attend whenever Adrien had to show up. Still, that didn't dissuade some people on the prowl for a scandalous story.)
The two superheroes dropped in through Adrien's open window and detransformed. Plagg and Tikki made a beeline for the combination cabinet/fridge under Adrien's desk while Adrien led Marinette towards his suitcase and the piles of clothes set up in and around it on his bed. He hadn't been quite sure what to pack (other than not fancy clothes, which was pretty obvious), so there was a bit of everything set out. Marinette groaned at him and dove into the piles, packing some things into the suitcase and shoving other piles into Adrien's arms so he could put them away later on. Adrien did as he was told, happy to have the guidance.
"Part of me wishes that there weren't so many of us going on this trip," Adrien said as he put away the set of hand towels that he had gotten out just in case, Marinette, I didn't know if they might come in handy for something, stop rolling your eyes at me. "I mean, it'll be fun to spend time with the other Miraculous holders, and I know we need all of us to free my mom, but I'd love to be able to go on a vacation with just you and your family."
"It's not exactly a vacation," Marinette pointed out, tossing a jean jacket towards him. "It's a trip, yeah, but think more business trip than vacation even though we'll be doing a lot of hiking. And it'll be fun to hang out with Nino and Alya."
"I know. I think I'm just worried about having to spend so much time with Chloe while we're out in the wilderness. She doesn't do wilderness, and I'm worried that she might get really prickly after the first few hours." It had been a surprise when Master Fu had picked Chloe of all people to be a Miraculous holder for the bee, but she really did come through for Adrien after Mr. Agreste was arrested. Instead of pestering her father for a larger allowance or new dresses like she normally did, she tried to persuade her father to up the enforcement of a law that was supposed to keep reporters following Adrien around at all. She also pestered him to pass a law that kept anyone from cornering Ladybug and Chat Noir in search of more information than they had already given the police, even before knowing that Adrien was Chat Noir and that he was in no mood to be hounded for any information.
Pollen had been pleased- she liked her holders complicated and prickly, and it was probably the best match in centuries since the temple monks always weeded out people who weren't nice all the time. She had been working with Chloe to redirect the snark and the rudeness towards people who actually deserved it and while the two of them hadn't been together terribly long, only for a couple weeks before the end of the school year, Adrien had already seen some change- actual permanent, consistent change, not the little bits of improvement that vanished immediately afterwards like Chloe had been showing earlier in the school year. She had even apologized to people on her own accord, without throwing in any backhand insults.
Still, bad habits were hard to break, and it would be all too easy to fall back on those bad habits when they were tired and footsore and out in the middle of nowhere. If Chloe went bratty and spiteful on their journey, she would make it very, very unpleasant for the rest of them.
"Ooh, do you think we should stop over there to make sure her packing isn't as ridiculous as yours?" Marinette asked, pausing partway through re-folding a shirt. "If she ruins her expensive shoes or stains some designer shirt on our hike, we'll never hear the end of it."
Adrien winced at the thought. "Oh, yeah. That's probably a good idea."
"What did she tell her father about the trip, do you know?"
Adrien could only shrug helplessly. Chloe hadn't told him exactly what she had told her father, she just turned up at the bakery one morning waving seven plane tickets and telling him and Marinette that her father would be paying for the plane tickets and for any hotels that they would be staying at. Adrien would have argued and insisted that his family pay, since his parents were the reason that the seven of them even had to go to Tibet in the first place, but his father's accounts had been largely frozen and any large spending would be questioned and examined, both by Nathalie and the police.
On top of that, as far as Nathalie was concerned, Adrien was tagging along with Marinette and Sabine and only Marinette and Sabine on their trip to visit Sabine's parents. She would seriously question any other expenses, especially when he was supposedly staying with Marinette's extended family. They didn't want to tip her off about Adrien and Marinette and the others being Miraculous holders, just to be safe.
"We'll go over to visit and check on her packing after I've gotten you straightened out," Marinette decided. "And speaking of which- Adrien, why on earth would you need a winter jacket like this? It's summer! And if we go through any cold areas, we can just transform and speed through. It's too bulky"
Adrien just shrugged and took the jacket so he could set it aside.
"And- Adrien! Do they never teach rich people how to pack? You are not bringing your entire pillow!"
  "I come bearing gifts," Alya droned as she and Nino pushed their way through the trapdoor into Marinette's room. She was carrying what looked like a duffel bag attached to her back and was carrying another. Nino was carrying another one- and on second glance, the bags looked more like a hybrid between a duffel bag and a backpack. "Come over here and help, you two."
Adrien rolled off of Marinette's lap and onto the floor so he could push himself up and head over. He took Alya's second backpack and hauled it over to where Marinette was still sitting.
"Are those backpacking bags?" Marinette asked, leaning forward to get a better look. "Oh, sweet! Those will be easier to carry than suitcases, for sure. Especially if we can't get everything to fit in Master Fu's shield."
"My family has five," Alya reported, shrugging her backpack off. Nino did the same. "One that's mine, my parents' current backpacks, and then their old ones. I figured Nino and I could use two of them, and then you two and Marinette's mom could use the other three. I was going to offer one to Chloe, but she said that she was going to get a new one instead of using a ratty old thing." She paused. "But she said thanks for the idea, so there's that."
Adrien hastily muffled a laugh.
"I just wish I had one for Master Fu," Alya added on. "But I think they would all be too big for him anyway."
"He'll be transformed most of the time," Marinette reminded her. "And he can just carry bags in his shell, too. But it'll be nice to not be piling seven suitcases into the shell behind him."
"And the bags will vanish if you're wearing them when you transform," Duusu piped up, flying up to perch on Nino's head. "Which it wouldn't do with a suitcase, because you can't wear those. So this is definitely a better solution."
Adrien let out a sigh. "And just when I had gotten my suitcase packed up nice and pretty, too," he said, pretending to be mournful. "Now I gotta go and rearrange everything again."
Marinette poked his side. "You mean just when I had just gotten your suitcase all arranged nice and pretty, kitty," she teased. "I'm not sure that you had all that much to do with it!"
"I put things that you said I wouldn't need away!"
"And who took those things out in the first place, I wonder?" Nino joked. He grinned when Adrien made a face at him.
"Wait, when did you tell Chloe about the backpacks?" Marinette asked Alya as the two boys made faces at each other. "Adrien and I were just there!"
"Really? When?" Alya exclaimed. "We didn't see you at all! We were there maybe half an hour ago."
"We left an hour and a half ago," Adrien piped up. "After making sure that Chloe wasn't going overboard with her packing." He grinned. "All we learned was that she took the opportunity to go shopping and ran with it. I swear everything she has for the trip is both new and top of the line hiking stuff, and she'll probably only use it this once." Some of the things that she had bought made sense, because she hadn't owned anything that she could use instead- new hiking boots and a tent, mostly- while everything else was just cute outfits made with hardy fabric that would be easy to hike and climb in but wouldn't tear or stain as easily as normal stuff, and that also had sun protection worked in. Chloe had spent most of their visit modeling the pieces she had bought, arranging her stylish yellow sun hat on her head as she spun around on an imaginary catwalk.
He was glad that she was having fun with it now. Somehow he suspected that Chloe wouldn't be so cheery once they got to the actual hiking part of the trip, but that was a problem for later.
"Did she tell you what she's told Sabrina about why she'll be gone?" Alya asked. "Or has she pulled another thing where she doesn't tell anyone anything and yet everyone just accepts it?"
"The latter, I think," Adrien said with a laugh. Chloe had a talent for that, as annoying and pushy as it could be sometimes. She didn't ask for permission, she told people something and made it very clear that she would be giving out no further information, so clear that people often didn't bother asking for clarification because they knew they wouldn't get it.
Nino let out a huff. "Man, I wish I could do that. My parents almost didn't let me go, and that would have sucked."
Alya just shook her head. "As much as I wish that I could get away with that, I think I prefer having to deal with my parents wanting to know where I'm going to be and why."
Adrien had to nod in agreement. Chloe got away with things because her father was too busy to pay her much attention. It wasn't something to be jealous of.
"I can't wait until we go," Alya said after a few moments of silence. "I've spent a chunk of my allowance on portable battery rechargers and extra batteries for my camera, so that I won't run out at all on the trip. I've looked up photos from the region, and they're all gorgeous."
"I've been telling her what I remember!" Trixx piped up, popping out of Alya's hair and grinning when they all jumped. "About how pretty everything is, and all of the mountains. It'll be nice to go back and see everything again, but it'll be sad to see the temples all smashed."
"I'm glad it was smashed," Plagg grumbled from the desk. He burped loudly. "That wasn't how the Miraculous were meant to be used. They weren't meant to all be collected and kept in one place."
Tikki gave him a reproachful look. "It would have been better if they just disbanded on their own like we were telling them to do, instead of being attacked and destroyed. There was some good information that they were discovering, and a lot of the research was lost. And there were a lot of deaths."
"A sign from the universe, then."
Tikki looked like she was about to explode.
"I'm looking forward to it, too," Marinette said a little loudly before the kwamis could start arguing. "Until we found out who Hawkmoth was, I was thinking that the fights might go on for years and I wouldn't be able to leave Paris at all until it was all over, so it's nice to do a trip like this now even if we were only tied to the city for less than a year. Besides, Master Fu keeps telling us more stories about what it was like, and I bet he'll tell more once we're actually in Tibet."
"That's going to be great," Alya said, grinning. "Ooh, I know I'm going to record it all, but I so wish that I could put it on my blog. But I can't, and I know I can't, and not just because my parents think that I'm going with you to visit your family and would wonder when I had the time to wander off and find an old Miraculous holder."
"I'm officially jealous that you don't have to lie to your parents, Marinette," Nino told her. "We're all going to have to make up stories except for you."
Marinette raised an eyebrow at her friends. "You forget that I had to lie to my parents for a year. At least for you it's going to be a one-time thing."
"But a big one-time thing," Alya countered.
"Hey, at least you have a cover story in place now. And you're getting out of babysitting." Adrien grinned when Alya pumped her fist in victory. "And you aren't missing class and getting in trouble like Mari and I did."
"I just really hope that my parents don't talk to Nathalie at all," Alya said after a moment at all. "Or Nino's parents. That could make things really difficult."
They all cringed at the thought of what Nathalie might do if it came out that Adrien wasn't the only one traveling with Marinette and Mrs. Cheng. She would probably interrogate whatever poor parent had made the mistake of talking to her, and then storm right over to the bakery and demand to speak with Marinette's dad. She was sharp enough that she would be able to figure out that the extra people on the trip probably wasn't the only thing that they were hiding from her.
"Well, Nathalie will probably be pretty busy," Adrien pointed out after a moment. "There's all sorts of paperwork for the business that she's trying to go through. My dad isn't in charge anymore but since he was the founder, she has to figure out what parts of it we might still have. I think there's shareholder stock or something like that, and my mom had a higher-up position there as well, but..." Adrien shrugged. He hadn't really been interested in the details, and Nathalie hadn't really given him more information than that anyway. "She trusts Marinette's parents, so I doubt that she would actively go looking for you or Nino. Or your parents."
"Is that a very long-winded way of saying that Nathalie won't be out and about to run into our families anyway?" Nino joked. "I'm not surprised. She was always busy before, and everything with your father has got to be an absolute pile of paperwork."
Adrien just made a bit of a face and nodded. No one missed how Adrien shifted slightly closer to Marinette, brushing his fingers against Marinette's hand. She took his hand at once, twining her fingers with his.
The whole topic of his father could still be a bit touchy, but he was slowly getting over it. Slowly.
"Speaking of being busy, what if your dad doing with you mom on the trip?" Nino asked Marinette. "He's not trying to run the bakery by himself, is he?"
Marinette snorted with laughter. "He never runs the bakery by himself- or with just him and my mom, either. They have helpers in the back to prep in the morning and early afternoon every day. But yeah, he's hiring someone to cover the counter for the summer. Once we get back, then my mom will just work in the back. Or she'll do the decorating out front, but just not cover the counter unless the worker needs a break."
From there, the four of them settled down to play some board games before dinner. Conversation jumped from topic to topic as they talked about the end of the school year and what their other friends were up to. Nino talked excitedly about some new music that had come out that he just couldn't wait to mix, but it would have to wait until after their trip. Alya showed them all her camera and all of the settings it had. The kwamis chimed in, bringing the number of players from four up to seven (Plagg had decided not to play, instead spending the time savoring a chunk of Gouda that Adrien had handed him).
It was normal and it was fun and relaxing and best of all, Adrien wasn't going to get called away for a photoshoot or some other activity that he didn't really want to attend.
  The day before the seven of them left for Tibet and their Mrs. Agreste rescue mission, Mr. Agreste was finally formally sentenced. He got fifteen to twenty years in prison, which Adrien didn't think was entirely enough, considering that he had engaged in magical domestic terrorism and, had Ladybug not been there, people- a lot of people- would have died in the attacks.
But Ladybug had been there and there was no lasting damage from the attacks, and the public didn't know about the "equivalent exchange" that would have occurred had Ladybug and Chat Noir failed to win. The people in charge of the sentencing had been swayed a bit by the fact that the attacks had been fueled by love- Mr. Agreste was just missing his wife, some people had said. And while yes, most people dealing with loss and grief didn't resort to terrorizing a city in an attempt to get magical artifacts to recover their lost family members, the changed timeline, had he achieved that, would have resulted in the erasing of the akuma attacks entirely.
Adrien was sour about that, just a bit. After all, he knew about the exchange that would have been required and so had his father, which meant that he knew that someone would have died or at least been trapped like Adrien's mother had in her place. Adrien knew that his father had deliberately provoked people to get upset so that he could akumatize them, knew that he had endangered people and hadn't cared, even if Ladybug's Cure would fix it if she won and that the altered timeline would make it never happen if Hawkmoth had come out on top.
But at least his father would be locked up until well after when Adrien would have moved out and gotten a job and established his own life well enough that his father wouldn't be able to ruin it. That was a positive, at least.
"I won't tell your father that you're out of the country," Nathalie promised Adrien as she helped him carry his stuffed backpack out to the car, where the Gorilla was waiting to bring him over to the Dupain-Cheng house. "If he even tries to contact us at all, which I'm not entirely sure that he'll be allowed to. I'll just tell him that you aren't interested in being in contact with him at the moment."
That much was true, at least. Grinning, Adrien thanked Nathalie, gave her a hug (she had gotten better at not stiffening up when hugged over the past few months), said good-bye and promised to give her at least a little heads up before coming home, and then hopped in the car. The Gorilla pulled away smoothly, giving the reporters lingering near the gate a glare. Several hastily beat a retreat- Nathalie had called the police on them before, and it was an experience that none of them would really want to repeat- while others brazenly surged forward, lifting cameras to snap a photo of Adrien for whatever story they were going to run.
Adrien ignored them, making sure that he looked unbothered as he leaned one arm against the window and checked his phone. Chloe had sent a picture of her new backpacking bag and was showing it off along with one of her hiking outfits. The pack was so very Chloe- how she had managed to get a yellow and black backpack on such short notice, he had no idea- and it definitely went with her outfit. He sent back a text telling her so before leaning back and watching as they drew closer to the bakery, where he would be staying overnight with Marinette and Nino and Alya before leaving for the airport bright and early.
They pulled up to the curb, and Adrien hopped out. The Gorilla handed him his backpack and escorted him to the steps, staying there like a protective, looming shadow until Marinette answered the door and ushered Adrien in. His stern expression brightened when Marinette gifted him with a box of assorted pastries from the bakery. With one last wave to Adrien, the Gorilla hopped back in the car and left.
"Nino and Alya are coming over after dinner," Marinette told Adrien as they headed upstairs. "Because their families wanted to have a few more hours with them. And Chloe is just going to meet us at the airport."
"And Master Fu?"
"We'll pick him up on our way to the airport tomorrow."
Upstairs, Adrien spotted Tikki and Nooroo perched in front of the TV, watching a cooking show. They each had a bowl of snacks set out for them, and there was a third bowl filled with cheesy popcorn for Plagg. Plagg zipped off with a squeal, and Adrien and Marinette continued up to Marinette's room.
"I'd set up my sleeping bag up, but I think we all know that I wouldn't use it," Adrien joked. He grinned at Marinette's blush. "So shy, buginette! It's like we haven't been sharing a bed most nights for a couple months now."
"It's different when Nino and Alya are going to be in the same room!" Marinette protested. "And it was only most nights at first."
Adrien was trying not to laugh. "How does Alya and Nino being here change anything? Your parents always know when I'm sleeping over."
"It just does! You know that they're going to take pictures of us sleeping."
Adrien stretched out across Marinette's lounger while she sketched out a few designs at her desk. It was a bit warm in Marinette's house- a side effect of being located above a bakery- but not yet unbearable. He watched his girlfriend sketch, occasionally muttering to herself as she changed something or came up with a new idea. There were periods of silence as Marinette regarded a design, and occasional periods where her pencil scribbled frantically.
"You're bringing sketchbooks on the trip, right?" Adrien asked during one of Marinette's longer pauses. "You'll probably get inspired by the scenery."
"I am, but I don't know if I'll actually have the time to design." Marinette regarded her notebook again. "We'll be hiking pretty much all day, and then once we stop, it'll be too dark to sketch."
"I could carry you while you design," Adrien offered. "I mean, I would transform first," he added quickly when Marinette shot him a dubious look. "Or I suppose you could hop into Master Fu's shell for a few minutes if he's transformed and just float along with the rest of us while you get your ideas down."
"But if I got into the shell to ride for a bit, I don't know if I would want to get back out and walk," Marinette said with a laugh. "And I don't know how well I'd be able to draw if you were just carrying me along. My drawing might come out a bit bumpy."
Adrien grinned, wide enough that he was sure Marinette could see it. "Aw, but Princess. Don't you know that I have a catlike stride? Purr-fectly smooth."
Marinette laughed.
By the time Marinette's mother called them down for lunch, the two of them had long since abandoned the designing and lounging in favor of playing Ultimate Mega Strike 3. The two of them fought together in the game world as seamlessly and effectively as they had during akuma fights, meaning that they defeated their online opponents every single time. Marinette had taught Adrien her attacks, so now Adrien could do more than frantically mash buttons at the speed of light and hope to win.
Now, he strategically button-mashed. It made a world of difference.
"Has Nathalie let your instructors for all of your activities know that you'll be out of town?" Mrs. Cheng asked Adrien as she handed him a sandwich.
Adrien nodded. "Mr. D'Argencourt wasn't happy about it," he added. "I've never been out of town before. Sometimes I've had to miss a day or two of class here and there, but never weeks. And he's also not thrilled that I'll be missing a couple fencing matches. Thankfully none of them are qualifiers, so it doesn't really matter, but it's nice to get the practice in with people I don't fight with every week."
"And your other instructors?"
"Well, Nathalie is in the middle of trying to find a new Mandarin instructor for me. The last one quit." His former instructor had quit only shortly after Mr. Agreste was arrested, and it had come as a bit of a shock to Adrien. The man had been the first person to treat Adrien as though it were somehow his fault that his father was an ass and a criminal to boot (and unfortunately, had not been the last). Nathalie had told Adrien that if the instructor were going to be that stupid, Adrien would be better off without that man anyway. Now Nathalie was looking for a new instructor, one that would stand up to the quality that Adrien needed. "And my piano teacher always goes on vacation for a month in the summer anyway, since she has kids in school and they go to see her husband's family in southern France."
"And your basketball coach?"
Adrien laughed. "He's used to people running off during the summer. We would have had fewer practices anyway."
Mrs. Cheng returned to the stove to retrieve Marinette's sandwich. Nooroo flitted to her shoulder as she did, settling down happily and accepting a bit of fruit as a snack. Adrien grinned at the sight.
Nooroo definitely deserved to have a nice holder like Mrs. Cheng after having to deal with his father for so long.
"I don't know how you keep on top of all of that during the school year," Mrs. Cheng told Adrien as he and Marinette settled down at the table to eat. "Plus photoshoots and being a superhero! Utter insanity. You must be very good at juggling everything."
"Well, basketball and fencing and Mandarin and piano were only one lesson each per week during the school year," Adrien told her. "And Mandarin and piano were only an hour each, not counting homework and practice. It wasn't that bad, but it'll definitely be easier next year without having to run off for attacks. I might try to cut back on some of my other lessons too, but... I mean, what I'm allowed to drop depends on who I have to persuade." Nathalie would probably allow him to drop an activity or cut back on how often he had a teacher come over for lessons, but his mother might not.
"What would you drop?" Mrs. Cheng asked. She looked interested, as did Nooroo. "Anything in particular?"
Adrien gave it a couple seconds' thought. "Well, I might cut back on piano lessons, because I'm already pretty good. And I want to change my Mandarin lessons to be more conversational and less homework, because I'm pretty good on paper. I don't think that several hours of homework per week is going to help me grow that much at this point."
Mrs. Cheng perked up. "Oh, if you wanted to come over and help me behind the corner some days, we could practice conversational Mandarin. Or perhaps Master Fu would be willing to practice with you. He knows Mandarin as well, after all."
"So I could do that instead of lessons?" Adrien considered it. He really liked that idea. "I like that. I might text Nathalie and tell her, so she can stop looking for a replacement instructor."
"It would be more fun than homework for sure." Mrs. Cheng snuck an impish look at Marinette. "And perhaps Marinette will pick something up. I tried teaching her Mandarin when she was younger, but I don't think she remembers much."
Marinette pouted. Adrien grinned. His girlfriend's expressiveness was the best and never failed to amuse him.
As the two teens ate, Mrs. Cheng bustled around the kitchen. Nooroo zipped after her, sneaking bites of whatever she was working on. Tikki and Plagg floated over to join their Chosens, and Plagg tried to steal the cheese from Adrien's sandwich when he wasn't looking. Adrien swatted him away.
"Can Marinette make me a cheese bread bowl today?" Plagg asked, undeterred. "I know it's not Thursday, but we're going to be gone for weeks and I'll be getting stupid mushrooms for most of the trip. Dried mushrooms and Cheddar and Parmesan, at best."
"Or Gouda and Gruyere," Adrien added. "If we can find all of that at the grocery stores. It really depends on what's available, so... it might just be all Cheddar. We can't bring cheese across the border, so we can't just stock up here."
Marinette giggled. "We're going to be the weirdest shoppers ever, between all of the kwamis' foods. Chocolate and sugar cubes for Tikki, cheese and dried mushrooms for Plagg, honey for Pollen, dried fruit for Trixx-"
"But can I get a cheese bread bowl today?" Plagg interrupted. "Pretty please?"
Mrs. Cheng glanced over at them. "Are you two all packed and ready to go?" They nodded. "Then I think it would be nice if you make the bread bowl. And then you could make white chocolate-lavender cookies while that's baking."
Tikki perked up. Plagg cheered.
"So that's the rest of the afternoon for us, then," Marinette said with a laugh. "Adrien?"
Adrien was sitting up eagerly. "Yeah! I love learning how to bake."
"I'd say that we can take any leftovers on the plane, but..." Mrs. Cheng glanced over at Plagg. "I'm not sure anything will be left."
Plagg looked like he was thinking about making a rude noise. Thankfully, he reconsidered.
"I need to get back downstairs to check up on our summer counter worker," Mrs. Cheng said once they were partway through their lunch. "But you know where the recipes are, Marinette. Just make sure that everything gets cleaned up, okay?"
"Of course, Maman," Marinette promised.
"And Tikki- I'd like at least a couple cookies left over for the trip tomorrow."
Tikki giggled. "Of course, Madam Cheng!"
21 notes · View notes
wardencommanderrodimiss · 6 years ago
Banned for Discord Crimes on Main
Here’s a dose of Bullshit Defense AU nonsense no one asked for: Athena and Trucy’s Discord chat. I’m sorry for the length. Mostly I regret what scrolling down through my blog on mobile will look like with this.
[The server is named “The Dumpster”. There are seven text channels: general, space is gay, cat memes, all other memes, complaining about work that isn’t gay space, cryptids, and hell tier memes.]
August 17 6:27 pm [The Dumpster] [general]
Apollo has joined the server. Say hi! 
Apollo this was a mistake 
Nessie is real and she’s my girlfriend This is Uncle Ray’s new employee? 
Nessie is real and she’s my girlfriend Dope
Apollo so uh who are any of you Trucy did not tell me about who is in this chat when she explained it 
Arrested for Light Theme Crimes No introductions. Hell has no easy guide. 
Nessie is real and she’s my girlfriend Woah calm down Edgelord 
Arrested for Light Theme Crimes No. 
Nessie is real and she’s my girlfriend I made this server and am your god You live and die as I see fit And so do your usernames 
Apollo uh 
16 plants in a trenchcoat Thena why 
Nessie is real and she’s my girlfriend I am your god 
Back-Alley Dealer of Vintage Cat Memes Hi Apollo! I’m Pearl. Trucy’s told me about you. I hope Athena doesn’t scare you away. She’s Nessie’s girlfriend. Trenchcoat Plants is Juniper. 
Apollo oh thanks who’s edgelord 
Back-Alley Dealer of Vintage Cat Memes As best as I understand him, Batman. 
Arrested for Light Theme Crimes Yes. 
Apollo also does she mean nessie like the loch ness monster or 
Arrested for Light Theme Crimes Yes. 
Apollo uh ok 
Nessie is real and she’s my girlfriend She’s REAL and she’s MY GIRLFRIEND!! 
Apollo ok 
10:32 pm [general]
Dirt puns all day holy shit dude dude @Nessie is real and she’s my girlfriend why didnt u tell me u know apollo @GRAMARYEFFFYEAH EXPLAIN YOURSELF EXPLAIN WHO ARE YOU HOW HOW DID YOU GET APOLLO HERE 
A Polly 

. Clay? 
Dirt puns all day Y E E T 
A Polly wtf also what is my name 
Nessie is real and she’s my girlfriend It’s you 
A Polly it’s reall ynot Clay what the fuck 
Nessie is real and she’s my girlfriend My mom works at the space center Holy shit I can’t believe you two know each other My entire social circle is just an increasingly overlapping venn diagram 
Arrested for Light Theme Crimes So you mean it is simply one circle. A social one, if you will. 
Nessie is real and she’s my girlfriend I am coming over to your house to kick your ass 
10:46 pm [space is gay]
Dirt puns all day @Arrested for Light Theme Crimes ur sister threw a robot at my head today 
Arrested for Light Theme Crimes She does that. 
11:15 pm [general] 
Dirt puns all day u cant answer every question w that 
It’s Magic~! Oh yeah?
Nessie is real and she’s my girlfriend Now look what you’ve done Also how have I never met Apollo before if you used to drag him to the center all the time Like How did our paths not cross 
Dirt puns all day It’s a mystery 
A Polly I was confused enough about how everyone knows each other even before this happened 
It’s Magic~! Me and @Back-Alley Dealer of Vintage Cat memes are cousins I think Wait no My grandpa is married to her aunt So that’s like Uh What is that 
Arrested for Light Theme Crimes First cousins, once removed, I believe. 
It’s Magic~! Oh cool thanks I didn’t know if it was still cousins or ended up at something complex like whatever the hell you and Thena are now 
Arrested for Light Theme Crimes I’m her uncle. It’s very simple. 
Nessie is real and she’s my girlfriend You’re like annoying brother material at best “Uncle” sounds like Real 
Arrested for Light Theme Crimes And I am just a figment of your imagination I presume. 
Nessie is real and she’s my girlfriend Ye No it sounds like Authoritative A position of respect But all it means is that your sis married my mom And you’re still just my shitty loser bff “““Uncle””” Lmao 
Arrested for Light Theme Crimes I thought Juniper was your best friend. 
Nessie is real and she’s my girlfriend Yeah she is my best friend You’re my Shitty Loser Best Friend It’s different titles
18 plants in a trenchcoat Aw thanks Thena 
A Polly this does not help me understand how everyone knows each other 
Nessie is real and she’s my girlfriend Junie and I have been bffs for ages And Trucy and I met bc her aunt works with my Shitty Loser Best Friend Whose sis married my mom And Clay and I are Space Center Bros And Trucy and Pearly are cousins It’s all pretty simple see 
A Polly I mean I guess Does anyone else lurk in here @everyone 
Surrounded by Fools No. 
A Polly uh ok cool 
August 18 9:22 am [general]
It’s Magic~! People Park an hour and a half be there or don’t get to see cool magic and get noodles later 
Nessie is real and she’s my girlfriend Dope 
August 29 12:49 pm [complaining about work that isn’t gay space]
Shitty Loser Best Friend @Surrounded By Fools Get down to my office. I need to speak with you. 
 @Nessie is real and she’s my girlfriend Seriously?
Nessie is real and she’s my girlfriend Yeet 
Escaped Prison for Light Theme Crimes No. 
Nessie is real and she’s my girlfriend Dude why do you want to stay a light theme heathen/convict 
Escaped Prison for Light Theme Crimes It is preferable to “Shitty Loser.” 
Nessie is real and she’s my girlfriend Noooo but the best friend part is good Is it still preferable now Is it Huh Is it Huh Answer me you coward 
Surrounded by Fools @Recaptured and Executed for Light Theme Crimes I have an office phone. You have an office phone. We also have office computers and office emails. You do not need to get my attention in this foolish chat with these foolish names.
Recaptured and Executed for Light Theme Crimes You could uninstall the app from your phone anytime, yet you continue to respond. Also yes Athena it is still preferable. 
Surrounded by Fools You come up to my office. 
Recaptured and Executed for Light Theme Crimes I cannot. Taka is asleep on my shoulder. Moving would wake him. 
Surrounded by Fools It is your choice whether he be woken now with your movement or soon when I arrive to yell at you. 
Nessie is real and she’s my girlfriend Noooo Taka is an innocent 
A Polly who the hell is taka 
Nessie is real and she’s my girlfriend Bird 
A Polly never mind 
Nessie is real and she’s my girlfriend No really bird 
[Attached is an image of a brown hawk wearing a yellow bandana.]
A Polly what 
Nessie is real and she’s my girlfriend Bird 
September 9 9:16 am [general]
Nessie is real and she’s my girlfriend !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
23 plants in a trenchcoat Congratulations! That must be exciting! 
It’s Magic~! Congrats but also Polly is killing my eardrums I hear you screaming on the phone 
It’s Magic~! Are you talking to him while texting this chat Is that what’s happening 
Back-Alley Dealer of Vintage Cat Memes Wow! That’s amazing! Space! 
Back-Alley Dealer of Vintage Cat Memes Space!! 
SPACE! Space! 
SPACE Space 
SPACE~ Space!!! 
11:41 am [general] 
A Polly what the hell have I come back to
SPACE We are legion. 
Space! We have become as one in our excitement about space! 
SPACE! Space!! 
SPACE!!! I guess I have no choice 
Space! One of us! One of us! 
SPACE! Has “space” stopped looking like a word to anyone else or is it just me? 
Space! Oh I thought I was losing my mind. It’s not just you! 
SPACE!!! space 
SPACE~ S P A C E S  P A  C  E 
Space! Space! 
1:27 pm [general]
Recaptured and Executed for Light Theme Crimes What, perchance, the fuck. 
Recaptured and Executed for Light Theme Crimes I will make of my sister a request to throw more robots at your head. 
SPACEMAN Oh god please don’t
5:43 pm [general] 
A Polly @SPACEMAN  I can’t believe you’re actually going to space 
Remorseful for Space Crimes Bring me back a moon rock I mean I have a moon rock earring from my mom But I want more moon rock Because moon rock 
A Polly wouldn’t the samples be heavily regulated in their use and not be allowed to like take a part of it and yknow 
Remorseful for Space Crimes Ask not questions ye not want the answer to 
Recaptured and Executed for Light Theme Crimes Do not speak like that ever again. 
29.5 plants in a trenchcoat Thena is your mom a criminal? 
Remorseful for Space Crimes NO!!!! 
It’s Magic~! Your name would be fitting for that too 
Remorseful for Space Crimes No!! 
It’s Magic~! SPACE 
29.5 plants in a trenchcoat SPACE! 
Back-Alley Dealer of Vintage Cat Memes Space! 
Recaptured and Executed for Light Theme Crimes Enough.
Remorseful for Space Crimes Wow you’re really no fun allowed guy huh 
Unrepentant for Stopping Space Crimes Yes. 
October 9 3:02 pm [general]
Spacedude hey uh apollo apollo whatthe fuck is up with kristoph gavin what the fuck 
A Polly I will be asking that question for the rest of my life 
It’s Magic~! fuck 
4:34 pm [general] 
Widget Shut Up Challenge @It’s Magic~! @A Polly Are you guys okay 
It’s Magic~! yeah 
A Polly nop 
Widget Shut Up Challenge I’m coming over 
It’s Magic~! I’m fine 
Widget Shut Up Challenge I’m calling your dads and asking if that’s true 
It’s Magic~! Athena seriously 
Widget Shut Up Challenge Shit I don’t have your dads numbers I’m calling Uncle Ray
Legitimate Antique Cat Meme Appraiser I’m getting a train ticket. 
October 10 1:23 pm [general]
Kristoph Gavin Perish Challenge No one human was meant to eat that much Eldoons I think I’m dying
Gee Simon How Come You’re Allowed to Have TWO Katanas I am surprised. I wasn’t aware that you are human and bound by such limitations. 
Gramarye Yeet Three bowls. 
Surrounded by Fools Dunk her in a tank of water and that may help sustain her long enough to begin an infusion of water to flush the salt out. 
Kristoph Gavin Perish Challenge I’m not a frog I don’t drink through my skin I don’t think it would work like that anyway I’m fine 
Legitimate Antique Cat Meme Appraiser She’s lying facedown in the grass. Don’t believe her when she claims to be fine. 
127 plants in a trenchcoat Thena why
November 30 2:37 pm [general]
The Gavinner has arrived.
Suffering t trucy @Glam Gramarye trucy explain yourself trucy explain how how this has happened and why trucy i didnt want this name to be this appropriate 
The Gavinner Hello Forehead~ :D 
Suffering I’m abandoning this server effective immediately 
The Gavinner D: 
Spacedudeman apollo apollo u coward u can’t leave apollo @Suffering
Suffering we are literally in the same room don’t @ me 
Spacedudeman @Suffering
 One Very Small Very Angry Penguin O shit looks like we have to clean this place up Got a legit celeb in here now Uh Welcome to the dumpster @The Gavinner
The Gavinner You are right, space is gay 
Spacedudeman I’m screenshotting that and hanging it on my wall “space is gay” -- klavier gavin 
One Very Small Very Angry Penguin Hey I said it first 
Subscribe for Free Penguin Facts Actually, I believe I did. 
The Gavinner Can I have a penguin fact? 
Subscribe for Free Penguin Facts The majority of penguin species do not actually live in the Antarctic or cold climates.
One Very Small Very Angry Penguin Wait didn’t your sister say it first 
Subscribe for Free Penguin Facts No; I believe I said it in reference to her, however. 
Glam Gramarye @Suffering >:3c 
Suffering Trucy explain this to me 
Glam Gramarye >>:3c 
Do not make 3-mouth at me Trucy
>:3c >>>>:3c 
Surrounded by Fools @>:3c What have you done.
Do not make 3-mouth at me TRUCY EXPLAIN 
>:3c >>>>>>>>>>:3cc
The Gavinner I feel very unloved right now, Forehead :( Do you not love me?
Suffering no 
The Gavinner >:( 
3:08 pm [direct message: Earth Earth and Apollo]
Earth Earth dude i cant believe klavier gavin uses emoticons like a 15 year old girl
3:10 pm [The Dumpster] [general]
Suffering @Spacedudeman is dming me when we’re in the same room
One Very Small Very Angry Penguin Lmao 
Spacedudeman dude let me live 
Suffering perish 
Subscribe for Free Penguin Facts I will should he choose not to. 
Spacedudeman why do u do this to me simon 
3:13 pm [direct message: Earth Earth and Apollo] 
Apollo Trucy is a 15 yo girl and she doesnt use emoticons like that just >:3c
Earth Earth tru if klavier gavin kittyfaces at you ever i am gonna drop dead on the spot
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thelastspeecher · 7 years ago
Help - A Superhero/villain AU ficlet
A couple days ago, I made a post about the development of Stan and Angie’s relationship in this AU, and came up with a moment in which they have their first breakthrough.  Naturally, I had to write said moment.  Enjoy.
              Stan increased the velocity of the windshield wipers and drummed his fingers against the steering wheel.
              “Singin’ the driving song
radio’s broke, and I don’t have the dough to fix it
” he hummed to himself.  As the Stanleymobile cruised past a bench, Stan saw a flash of bright color out of the corner of his eye.  He looked back.  The color had been a bright yellow raincoat, worn by a lone woman sitting on the bench.
              Wait.  She looks familiar.  Stan looped around the block again, this time paying attention to the person waiting for the bus.  Angie?  He pulled up in front of the bench and rolled down the window.
              “Angie!” he called.  Angie looked up at him.  “What the hell are you doing?”
              “Waitin’ fer the bus,” Angie replied.
              “In the rain?  Without an umbrella?”
              “Forgot it at home.”
              “Why are you waiting for the bus in the first place?” Stan asked, turning off the car.  “You have a truck.”
              “I share a truck with Lute,” Angie corrected.  “He dropped me off this mornin’ at my day job, but got called into work, so he can’t pick me up.”  She huffed irritably.  “Not that ya need to know that.”
              “Actually, maybe I shoulda known that,” Stan said.
              “That way I coulda been here sooner to give you a ride.”  Stan unlocked the doors.  “Hop in.  I’ll take you home.”
              “Why not?”
              “I don’t need yer help.”
              “I watched that video Lute gave me.  Your immune system is weaker when you’re pregnant.”
              “You’re gonna get sick if you sit out in the rain and the cold,” Stan said. Angie scowled.  “You wanna be stubborn when it only hurts feelings, be my guest.  But don’t be stubborn if it’s gonna physically hurt you or the babies.”  Angie’s scowl deepened, but she got up from the bench and approached the car.
              “Fine,” she muttered darkly, getting into the passenger seat.  Stan frowned at her.
              “You look like a drowned rat.”
              “Gee, thanks.”  Angie grabbed a fistful of her soaked hair and began to wring it out.  “Hope ya don’t mind gettin’ water on the upholstery.”
              “Eh.  Worse things have gotten on the seats in this old girl.”  Stan turned on the car again.  He pulled away from the bus stop.  “Angie, you have my number.  Why didn’t you call me when you knew you didn’t have a ride home?”
              “It weren’t related to the pregnancy nor the babies,” Angie said. Stan sighed.
              “Yeah, but still.  You needed help.”
              “I was fine.”
              “You’re pregnant with twins, and you were sitting on a bench in the rain for who knows how long,” Stan snapped.  “You weren’t fine.”
              “Okay, maybe I could’ve used some assistance,” Angie said.  “But why would I ask you fer it?  We’re archenemies!  You wouldn’t have helped me before all this happened.”
              “No, I wouldn’t have,” Stan agreed.  “But we’re not archenemies anymore.  You can ask me for help.”
What the heck are we, then?” Angie mumbled after a moment.
              “Fuck if I know,” Stan said.  Angie let out a small chuckle.  A few moments passed in silence.  Stan glanced over at Angie.  She was shivering intensely.  “Cold?”
              “Really?” Stan asked.  He increased his body temperature; not enough to actively burst into flames, but enough to warm up the car.  Angie nodded.
              “I’m small and used to warmth.”  She peered at the controls for the A/C.  “Yer car has dif’rent buttons than Lute’s truck.”
              “Don’t bother messing with it.  It’s broken.  But you should start warming up pretty soon.”
              “I can do more than burst into flames.”  Stan eyed Angie.  “Just like I’m sure you can do more than fly and make it windy out.”
              “Of course I can!” Angie protested.  “Where do ya think my codename comes from?”
              “Sirocco?  Wasn’t it your mom’s?”
              “Yes.  But I weren’t referrin’ to that.  I meant the one I share with Lute.  Twister Twins.”  Stan’s eyes widened.
              “Wait, can you actually make tornadoes?”
              “When Lute and I work together, we can make any kind of meteorological natural disaster, really,” Angie said proudly.  She grinned.  “We got our nickname when we were tots, playin’ with our powers.  Accidentally made a bunch of lil twisters ‘fore Harper ‘n Ma shut it down.”
              “Who’s Harper?”
              “My older brother.”
              “You have an older brother?” Stan asked.  Angie fell silent.  “Oh. Are we done sharing things now?”
              “You don’t even wanna tell me about my kids’ uncle?”
              “Why?  Is he a villain, too?”
              “My whole fam’ly is, Stan.  That’s the point!” Angie burst out.  “Why didn’t I call ya?  ‘Cause yer literally the person who could throw me and everyone I care about into jail.  Heck, a few months ago, the only ride you would’ve given me was a ride to the police station!  I can’t ask a hero fer help when it can endanger myself and my friends ‘n fam’ly.”
              “But you’re not actively breaking the law right now.  You’re not putting on your mask.”
              “I’ve been doin’ some paperwork fer my crew, since I can’t join ‘em in the field,” Angie said.  “What if- what if I ask fer yer help, and ya show up and see evidence of law-breakin’?”
              “I can turn a blind eye.”
              “I highly doubt yer ‘heroic moral compass’ would allow that,” Angie scoffed, making air quotes around the phrase “heroic moral compass”.
              “Heroic moral compass,” Stan snorted.  “I’ve done worse than pretend I didn’t see the woman carrying my kids commit a crime.”
              “Yeah.”  Stan glanced at Angie.  “I never told you?”  Angie shook her head.  “I got kicked outta my home when I was seventeen.  While I was busy trying to survive, I fell in with some bad crowds, got banned from a couple states, committed some felonies.  Your basic bottoming out.”
              “How are ya a hero, then?”
              “Ford got hold of me and convinced me to turn my life around.  Stop being a criminal, do something with my life, and make our mom proud.  She’s a retired hero, y’know.”
              “I didn’t know that.”
              “Well, I’m not surprised.  We don’t know a lot about each other, for people about to have two kids.”  A minute passed.
I have four older brothers,” Angie said quietly.  “Harper, Basstian, Fiddleford, and Lute.”  Stan opened his mouth.  “Yes, Lute’s my twin.  But he’s also two minutes older ‘n me, and he don’t let me forget it.”
              “Ford’s fifteen minutes older than me.  I know what you mean.”
              “I- I have an older sister, too.  Violynn.”  Angie looked out the window.
              “You done?”
              “Fer now.”
              “Fair enough.”  Stan took a deep breath.  “Look, Angie-”
              “Next time, I’ll call you,” Angie interrupted.
ïżœïżœ             “I thought you were done.”
              “Talkin’ ‘bout my fam’ly, yes.  But not- not done talkin’ to you.”  Angie rubbed her thumb against the window, tracing the rain streaking the glass. “I’ll- I’ll call ya, if I need help.”
              “I’ll be there.”
              “You better,” Angie said softly.  Stan pulled up in front of her house.
              “Your stop, madam,” Stan said.  Angie rolled her eyes, but didn’t hide her small smile.
              “Yer a bit of a dork, ain’t ya?”
              “Only if I don’t come across as suave.”
              “Heh.”  Angie opened the door.  She paused. “Y’know, Stanley, it’s an awful shame ya didn’t continue down the road of villainy.  We would’ve been great partners.”  She winked at him, and with that, exited the car.  Stan watched her walk inside, then drove away.  He glanced in the rearview mirror at the unassuming house of two supervillains.  
              Great partners, huh?
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newstfionline · 7 years ago
Americans in Blended Families Cope With Toll of Deportation
Associated Press, July 23, 2018
BOCA DEL RÍO, Mexico--It’s almost as if Letty Stegall is there, back home in the United States, beside her daughter to prod her awake for school. When her husband goes to the grocery store, she fusses over the list with him. At the bar she helped run, she still gives regulars a warm welcome, and around the dinner table at night, she beams when she sees what her family managed to cook.
But Stegall’s face only appears on a screen, and her words come in unreliable cell connections and a barrage of texts. Lives once lived together are divided by some 1,600 miles. A woman who married an American and gave birth to an American and who came to think of herself as American, too, is now deported to her native Mexico.
“I wish I was there. That’s all that I want,” she says of her life in Kansas City, Missouri. “I want my family back.”
As the United States takes a harder line on immigration, thousands who called the country home are being forced to go. Often, they leave behind spouses and children with American citizenship and must figure out how to go on with families fractured apart. Studies have found an estimated 8 million to 9 million Americans--the majority of them children--live with at least one relative who is in the country illegally, and so each action to deport an immigrant is just as likely to entangle a citizen or legal U.S. resident.
Stegall’s deportation means she could be banned from the U.S. for a decade. She prays paperwork seeking to validate her return through her marriage could wind through the system within two years, but there is no guarantee.
For now, she is a stranger in the vaguely familiar land she left as a 21-year-old in 1999, her phone and laptop the only windows to a life that’s no longer hers. When her 17-year-old daughter, Jennifer Tadeo-Uscanga, arrives home from school, Stegall is there on FaceTime to greet her. She watches streaming feeds from 16 cameras at the bar she manages remotely. She gives Steve Stegall, her husband of six years, a goodnight kiss by pressing her lips to her cellphone screen.
The four-dimensional, analog world she loved has been flattened and digitized. She recognizes how odd it all may seem, but she wonders what other choice she has. Should she pull Jennifer from the only country she’s ever known, where her dreams of college and career seem so achievable? Should she ask Steve--born and bred in Kansas City--to abandon their business and home and come to a place where he can’t speak the language and his safety might be jeopardized by drug cartels?
“I lost everything,” she says. “It’s just me.”
Stegall walks down streets of modest, brightly painted homes, past a tree dangling with yellow guavas and beside a butcher shop where red sausages are strung up like Christmas garland. Palms splash against clear blue skies, and swaths of purple flowers hold court below.
Beauty can be found everywhere in Boca del Río, a small city along the Gulf of Mexico, but it’s hard for Stegall to see. Even as she rounds the bend and a striking panorama of blue sea appears before her, it does little to lift her. This would be a nice vacation, she says, but it’s all a cheap copy of the life she had a few months ago.
Stegall grew up two hours from here in Cosamaloapan, a flat, crop-dotted part of Veracruz, the state that hugs a broad chunk of Mexico’s eastern coast. Her parents’ furniture business afforded a comfortable existence, but drawn by the stories of a cousin who settled in Overland Park, Kansas, Stegall was convinced there was greater opportunity for her in the U.S. She paid a smuggler $3,000 to lead her across the Rio Grande.
She was caught and returned to Mexico but crossed successfully a day later. When she made it to the Kansas City area, she found a job busing tables, working her way up through a string of restaurants to become a server and bartender and manager.
She got married and had Jennifer, but later divorced. Then she fell in love with Steve, who came to see Jennifer as his own. Stegall mastered the language and watched her paychecks grow. She and Steve bought a home, and soon Stegall became the heart of The Blue Line, the bar they ran together. When the Olympics aired, she’d drape herself in red, white and blue, and when the national anthem sounded, she’d nudge her husband to remove his hat as she stood solemnly, goose bumps covering her body.
All the while, her parents told of kidnappings and decapitations back in Cosamaloapan, of the cartel taking over and the family being forced out. They deserted their home and business, and fled for Boca del Río. She thanked God she had escaped. She didn’t think she’d ever return.
In Kansas City, the fear of being caught that Stegall had when she first arrived receded with each passing year. Donald Trump’s campaign and his tough rhetoric on illegal immigration piqued her attention and stirred a little worry, but he talked about catching rapists and murderers and gang members, and that wasn’t her. She carried her Social Security card, obtained through her marriage, work permit and driver’s license everywhere just in case.
She had just started backing out of the driveway to head to the gym on the morning of Feb. 26 when three cars careened in. Agents hopped out, opened her door and told her she was under arrest. She urged them to look at her paperwork and thought it was all a mistake.
“I’m married to an American citizen,” she pleaded. “I have a citizen daughter.”
Six years earlier, police had pulled her over a few blocks from her house and charged her with misdemeanor drunken driving. The arrest made authorities aware that she was in the U.S. illegally. Stegall spent a month in jail and her case went into the immigration system.
She cries as she recounts the incident, mindful she might not be in this situation had she not gotten behind the wheel. She sees that she is paying the price for her mistake but is also convinced that her deportation was unfair.
She wonders why the government’s crackdown efforts seem to focus on her and other low-level criminals instead of the “bad hombres” that Trump said he’d banish. Don’t her daughter and husband have a right to keep their family intact? Don’t her years of paying taxes, of learning English, of living an otherwise pristine life count for anything?
“They didn’t take out the people who are dangerous,” says Stegall, who is 41. “The murderers are still there. The gangsters are still there. The rapists are still there.”
While U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement often touts the criminal convictions of those rounded up, arrests of migrants with convictions for offenses such as driving under the influence (59,985 in fiscal year 2017) outnumber those of immigrants previously convicted for homicide, sexual assault or kidnapping. (Those collectively totaled 6,553 in 2017.) Meantime, arrests of immigrants without criminal convictions have increased significantly since Trump took office.
Officially, Stegall’s deportation process began under President Barack Obama. He became known as the “deporter in chief” for presiding over so many removals but changed tactics in the final two years of his presidency, when ICE was directed to exercise discretion to defer action on certain migrants with standing removal orders, including those with citizen children and living in the U.S. prior to 2010.
A DUI arrest was generally seen as “a midlevel priority,” says Randy Capps, an expert on deportation at the Migration Policy Institute , and people like Stegall often were allowed to stay in the latter part of Obama’s presidency if they had regular check-ins with ICE, paid processing fees, were fingerprinted and stayed out of trouble.
An executive order issued by Trump changed that, effectively declaring any immigrant without legal status subject to arrest. Even the path once seen as simplest to legal status--a legitimate marriage to a citizen--no longer is always enough to stave off deportation.
Stegall didn’t apply for a green card after getting married because her former attorney told her she had little to worry about with a citizen husband and daughter and because, under U.S. law, she likely would have had to return to Mexico and wait out the process there.
Four days after her February arrest, Stegall won a stay of deportation in court pending a hearing. But ICE already had her shackled aboard a flight to Brownsville, Texas, where she was directed to cross by foot back into Mexico. Her family, relieved by the victory in court, didn’t even know she was gone.
“The new normal, really, is rush and push people out of the country, regardless of what’s going on,” says Stegall’s current attorney, Rekha Sharma-Crawford.
In a split-level house on a neat, tree-shadowed street in Kansas City, every wall, table and shelf is covered with photos, but one of the smiling faces is absent. In that absence, plants wilted and died, and clothes came out of the wash tinged in blue. Dinnertime, once an ever-changing parade of feasts that charmed the palates of Steve and Jennifer, has become a spartan affair of the easily achievable. Family celebrations now typically include tears.
“She’s not dead,” Jennifer, a native of the Kansas City area, says of her mother. “But she’s not here.”
Stegall’s husband is depressed and has taken to clutching a pink teddy bear in bed, when he’s not hustling to maintain their business. Stegall’s in-laws, who built lives in Kansas City like their parents before them, have put off retiring to their lake house because they’re needed at the bar to fill in for the woman they consider a daughter.
Most of all, though, a teen who thinks of her mom as her best friend has been left without her confidante.
When Jennifer’s birthday came, just after Stegall was deported, the teen got her favorite dish of fettuccine alfredo at Olive Garden and the Versace perfume she wanted as a present. Her mom appeared on FaceTime to sing “Happy Birthday,” but it wasn’t enough to soothe the sadness.
As prom approached, she wished her mom was around to shop with, and on the big night, when she needed a last-minute hem, there was no one to come to the rescue.
Each momentous occasion that awaits Jennifer--senior year, Christmas, graduation, college--is tainted because the person closest to her won’t be there to share in them.
“My God,” Jennifer wrote to the immigration judge handling her mother’s case, “my own country has been the one that has caused me pain.”
At The Blue Line, where the ceiling is hammered tin and the walls are covered in hockey skates, jerseys and sticks, the bartender this night is wearing a white T-shirt that says “#BringLettyHome” and a flag-festooned box at the end of the bar is labeled “Letters for Letty.”
“Life here is incomplete without you,” reads one. “A couple tacos and a few drinks at happy hour isn’t the same without your smile,” says another. “You don’t know me but I was sick when I heard your story,” goes a third.
Many in the bar this night, including Steve’s parents, gave their vote to Trump. They liked his promise to bring jobs back to the U.S. and the vow to make trade with China fairer. And they supported him when he said criminal immigrants would be deported. They just didn’t consider Stegall one, even if she came to the country illegally.
“I’ve always been proud to be an American,” says Shirley Stegall, Steve’s mom. “But now I’m ashamed.”
“He’s destroying American lives,” Steve says of the president. “How can you do this? How can you do this to your own American people?”
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sharperthewriter · 4 years ago
Chapter 12 of Possible-y Utah
Chapter 12 - The Agreement II
(2:18 pm)
A pink convertible pulled up into the driveway of Richard's house and two girls, both seniors, got out of the car.
The girl who was driving the car was Genna Majenta. She, whom had recently graduated from MHS, had long shoulder-length black hair, brown eyes and was slightly taller than Kim. She was dressed in a blue croptop shirt, a silver star necklace, Club Banana dark baggy denim overalls with the bib folded down and straps hooked and a belt to hold them up and white sneakers. She was co-captain of the Middleton Golden Dancers dance team in her senior and the girlfriend of Richard.
The other girl whom was the passenger of the car was Jeanna Montana, the girlfriend of Jack. Like Genna, she was approaching her senior year at Middleton High and was also on the Golden Dancers. They were also of the same height. But whereas Genna had brown eyes and black hair, Jeanna had blonde hair and blue eyes and had a tatoo of two starts on her midriff. She was wearing a pink tubetop, silver hoop earrings, black carpenter jeans, and pink sneakers.
"Ugh...do you wonder why Richard called us here, Gen?" Jeanna asked while popping her strawberry bubblegum.
"Dunno. Maybe both he and Jack could get lucky with us tonight!" Genna replied, texting away on her phone.
"You wanna take Jack upstairs or in the basement?" Jenna asked, popping a medium-sized bubble.
"Since I went upstairs with Jack last time, I'll take the basement for a little 'extra-session' with him!" Genna replied with a very vapid grin, licking her lips. "I am wearing my 'special' panties for him!"
She opened the door to the house and saw that, to her surprise, that Bonnie and Rebecca were sitting on the couch.
Jeanna reacted with disgust at the sight of a cheerleader in her boyfriend's house.
"What is this...?" she asked with a slight growl.
Richard gasped in horror at his girlfriend appearing. "It's not what it looks like, Jeanna! They were the ones who called us up to come here.
Jeanna stomped to the living room with her left hand clenched in a fist.
"I am going to give Miss Rockwaller a piece of my mind!" she exclaimed.
Bonnie saw the approaching, and very POed, Jeanna but she stood her ground. She jumped out of the couch right in front of her.
Rebecca exclaimed, "B! Please!"
"If you even dare come closer to me..." Bonnie insisted, her shoes digging deep in the carpet, "...I will make sure that my mom will give you a good paddling with her Swatter!"
Genna also intervened, "Jenna...I'd hate to say this, but Bonnie's right! You do NOT want to cross paths with her!"
Jeanna stopped herself in her tracks. She knew all about the reputation of Veronica Rockwaller and her infamous wooden paddle.
"You're lucky that your mom is the head disciplinarian of the entire school district, Rockwaller! I would've given you a black eye if I had the chance!" Jeanna sneered.
Richard tried to intervene.
"Ladies! Ladies! Let's chillax!" he nervously chuckled, "Let's not fight here! Let's be reasonable before someone calls the police on any of us!"
Jenna unclenched her fists but turned her anger to her football-playing boyfriend.
"Richard, I am going to have a very long talk with you after this..."
"You know, this may be just be a mistake...just like what you two losers did with 'The Incident'!"
Rebecca, however, was still confused.
"Okay, I'm totes mixed up."
"What is it now, R?" Bonnie asked.
"Why do you have beef with the Golden Dancers?" Rebecca questioned.
"It all started about six months ago. We were about to hit the showers after cheer practice one day." Bonnie began to explain "The Incident."
Jenna then smirked, "Oh yeah, now I remember! One of our Dancers turned off the hot waters to the showers!"
"I have never taken a shower that cold in my life...about as bad as the time Possible pulled that same trick on me last year at Wannaweep." Bonnie muttered. "Good thing we had our towels on."
"That was only Part 1 of our little 'fun' against you cheerleaders!" Genna giggled.
"Oh yes, the other part of their prank against us!" Bonnie continued, "Another one of your little Dancers poured Stoppable's Mad Dog banana cream foam down our cheer skirts!"
"We had a very good laugh after that!" Jenna grinned. "Celebrated at Mr. Swirley's that night."
"I, along with the rest of the squad, had to wash my uniform thoroughly to get rid of Stoppable's gunk!" Bonnie bitterly complained.
"He should have stored the foam in a more...secure...place!" Genna cackled.
Bonnie huffed before saying, "I wish if I had punched you in the face right then and there...but Possible, being the Miss Goody-Two-Shoes she is, banned the squad from ever engaging in violence or any criminal acts against you Dancers. And your little Dancer who poured the foam in our skirts got kicked off!"
Genna sighed, "Yet, a couple weeks after that, someone on your squad disobeyed Kim's orders! Stole our hairsprays for an upcoming dance competish! To my recollection, didn't Kim kick her off the team?"
"Truth be told, yes!" Bonnie replied, while darting her eyes around.
Jenna then turned to Rebecca. "So you see, due to 'The Incident' , a brawl was inevitable between the Dancers and the Cheer Squad."
She then continued on the aftermath.
"A few days after that, me and Kim agreed for the Cheer Squad and the Dancers to set up a truce that we won't carry our rivalry on the school grounds during school hours. It's now pretty much limited to mean glares and taunting. No practical jokes or physical contact that would draw the ire of the school board."
"It's a controlled rivalry, then?" Rebecca asked.
Jeanna, Genna, and Bonnie all nodded their heads.
Genna then intervened on Rebecca and Bonnie's intent of visiting.
"So now that we've got the deets of 'The Incident' out of the way, I am going to ask again, Rockwaller. Why are you and..."
Jeanna then whispered in Genna's ear on who the other girl was with Bonnie.
Genna gasped, "That so can't be! That's Rebecca Starlet, the billionaire heiress to the Starlet family oil fortune!"
"OMG! I totally loved your reality show about what's it's like being rich and all..." Jeanna exclaimed breathlessly before having a forgetful moment. "Oh man...what's that show called again?"
"Being Rich with a Starlett?" Rebecca guessed with a smirk.
"That's the one!" Genna said in between breaths. "Oh man...I'm so amazed that we have a celeb here that I forgot what we were talking about!"
"You were about to say, 'Why are you here', Genna!" Richard corrected his girlfriend.
"Oh right!" Genna replied before taking a deep breath. "Forgive my fangirling, but why exactly are you and Miss Starlet here for, Rockwaller?"
"We're here because we need your BF's help to not only humiliate Possible, but also break the loser couple up for good!" Bonnie replied on their real intent of their visit. "Since he has already graduated from Middleton High, he won't have the threat of Barkin dangling over his head."
"Yeah, before I met this lovely lady here..." Richard said, turning his head towards Genna, "...I did have a blind date with Kim last year...only to be rejected by her dad, all because I was 18 months older than she was!"
"And I also only had one date with that redhead around that same time..." Jack snarled, "Just because I made a pass at Jeanna does not mean that she has the right to splash water in my face!"
"So we have at least something in common...hatred against the wannabe for at least something" Bonnie grinned, "Well...except for Rebecca because she's not on Possible's radar...yet."
"Yes, but what is in it for me and Jeanna if we go along with your little plot of breaking up the couple?" Genna asked.
Bonnie shifted her teal eyes to Rebecca.
"R, would you like to demonstrate?"
"I sure can, B!" Rebecca grinned as she took out two credit cards with a $100,000 limit on each to Country Club Banana.
Jeanna gasped, "That is genuine Country CB?"
Rebecca nodded her head.
"You would have to pass a credit card check just to even get in the place!" Genna exclaimed, her jaw droppping.
Rebecca continued, "My daddy gave it to me last Christmas, but I still haven't figured out to do with them. So may as well put them to good use!"
"Rebecca will give you the Country CB credit cards IF the plan to break up Possible and Stupidable is successful." Bonnie explained. "If you fail, you get nothing!"
"In exchange, me and my Dancers will not play any practical jokes on you or any of your cheerleaders for the rest of summer except for the intended target of Miss Possible!" Jeanna replied.
"Do we have a deal?" Bonnie asked grinning, extending out her hand.
Jeanna also extended her hand and shook hers with Bonnie's, sealing the agreement.
"Now..." she began, "...here's the plan."
And the six teens began to discuss at length Bonnie's vile plan to break up Team Possible.
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caroltheman · 4 years ago
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Read at your own risk. These are MY thoughts and MY feelings and they do not cater to the leftist idealism, so if you are afraid of getting your feelings hurt, STOP HERE.
Today is a big day. I’ve never been so involved with politics EVER in my life than this year. In 2016, I was with the Democrats, the left, and whatever ideas were pushed towards me to stop Donald Trump from winning. I hated him. I hated the way he spoke. I was against my husband’s political stance (yes, the hubby and I can have different opinions and get along PERFECTLY). I thought he was a terrible example of what our nations leader should resemble. I was ANTI-Trump. 
When he won, I didn’t care too much. I got over it. But... I kept an eye out on events after his election. I never really understood what was happening but I did hear whispers of what was going on in the white house every so often. As issues kept coming up... Build the Wall, ending of DACA, Large amounts of people running from other countries (mainly Latin American countries) trying to get into our southern border, Individuals from the cabinet slowly being replaced or resigning, impeachment, school shootings, banning of firearms, court cases (don’t really know much of that, but now I know its about individuals getting seats on the Supreme Court), etc. etc. etc. BLM, Antifa, more civil unrest, shooting of cops, burning of poor democratic cities, etc etc etc.. I started to wonder.... WTF is going on?? And demos still crying about the same shit...
I started to do research. I don’t really care to listen to local news and big news stations like Fox or CNN or whatever. Yes, sometimes I tune in to both sides, but seriously, I was sick of watching things set on fire. American flags burning. Looting. Violence. I was searching for perspectives outside of my overly democratic run social media feed. I’ve watched probably hundreds of videos of different people of all different walks of life. I started discourse with more right-winged individuals. I started to become more open minded about things on the right. And when I think about my only personal values, I kept finding myself more and more on the right side of things. 
Today, this is where I stand:
1. I stand for strong border protection. I do not support shouting “Build the Wall” out loud, but I do support what that message means. To me, the wall is analogous to our house door. For all the people against strong borders, I challenge you to keep your door unlocked at night. Would you feel safe knowing that anyone can come in at any time? Anyone, as in people we don’t know. Any sane person with rationale would say NO. We must lock our doors at night. We must secure our house (just think of all the tech we buy to keep out houses secure) to keep people outside and keep our families safe. An open border sounds like chaos and the most unsafe place to stay. People are confused that building a wall means no immigration. That’s not what that means. It means that we are against ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. I am an immigrant for heavens sake. I naturalized. I was not born an American Citizen and in order for me to receive benefits of an American Citizen, first, my dad served 12 years of his life in the United States Navy. He brought over my mom, my kuya, and myself to start a new life in a country with opportunity. I am thankful for his service and my moms sacrifice and bravery for leaving everything she knows and loves behind in order for my siblings and I have to an opportunity to be successful. People don’t understand that you cannot have a country as successful as the U.S. without protecting our land from outside forces. I do believe that we desperately need immigration reform. I would like all people of all different backgrounds and economic status to have a chance at being able to immigrate to our land, but I believe there is a right way to do it... and it definitely isn’t let everyone in anytime they want. I have kept my mouth shut about my stance on border protection because I am aware of my audience. I know that I have hundreds of students watching me. I know that a lot of them are low income. I know some of them are illegal. But as a teacher, it was never my mission to out undocumented students or families. I sympathize with my students who’s families face deportation, but I stand my ground that illegally penetrating our borders is not the way to do things. I don’t have a full on answer on how the country should handle it (obviously, I have my own life and I am not a politician - although I do have some ideas) but I know the difference between wrong and right. Entering this country illegally, to me, is not the right way... AND ESPECIALLY with the thought of my own family in the Philippines who also face the same struggles that others who flee their country face. It is unfair that due to physical proximity, some can just come through while others from PI and countries from all over the world are waiting for their turn. To me, that is unfair. Moving to Hawaii and having spoke to Aunties who have immigrated from PI has added even more support to my stance. I spoke to an Auntie that said she waiting 21 years to get her Visa. She is petitioning over her son who may wait about a decade before being looked at. I stand my ground on illegal immigration for people who are in line waiting patiently, yet desperately, to come here for their opportunity. I stand my ground for all the other people in the world who are also waiting for a way in to this country the legal way.
2. Law and Order. I mean, how is this even a topic of confusion? like WTF? This is one of the reasons that literally pushed me away from the left. You’ve got Antifa and BLM rioters burning cities and businesses down. (and yes, I know, I know.. the response is, “but that’s not ALL of BLM” or “those people are not even BLM”, or blah blah blah. BULLfuckingSHIT. They are all ANTI-trump and some of them (actually most that I’ve seen) do wear BLM shit. They tag BLM shit everywhere and they don’t care about who they hurt or what they bring down with their anger.) I’ve seen videos of these groups harassing people who are minding their own business and eating lunch as protestors are yelling in their faces and forcing them to leave. They surround elderly who are merely walking down the street by blocking their way and yelling at their faces. I’ve watched countless videos of small business owners trying to protect their property and life’s work by getting jumped or die trying to protect their store fronts. And you know what gets me ever more riled up, SOME (if not most) OF THOSE PEOPLE ARE BLACK!!!!!!! Black owned business burned down. Black business owners crying about their life’s work totally gone at the expense of the anger of the wrongful death of another black person (who happens to be criminal). I empathize with the anger and sadness of the wrongful death of George Floyd. I agree that justice for his life should be served. I agree that Police Brutality needs to be addressed and police accountability and training needs reform... but how the left handles their emotions of anger is un-excusable. I’ve seen posts from my liberal friends, “Let them show their anger the way they want.” WTF? Seriously? So, if I’m mad, I can just go burn shit down? go beat somebody up? Go shoot cops? Like every field, I believe there are bad apples. Any one who denies that, I’d be very cautious to believe, but I have faith that the majority of our police officers are not racist. I believe that the majority of them are trying to do the right thing. I hate to admit that police presence is probably more prevalent in communities with higher numbers of people of color, but I’m curious to know WHY are communities with high numbers of POC are more prone to gangs, violence, drugs, and inevitably higher presence of law enforcement. I wonder why? ...and that leads me to the next reason:
3. Accountability. Leaders like Candice Owens, the Real MAGA Hulk, Kingface, and many many many many many many more Black Americans talk about it all the time. They talk about why nothing has changed in our Black American Communities. They have been voting Democrat for YEARS... and its still the same! Biden and Kamala Harris have been in politics for soooo long, but whats going on in these democratic cities? More tents of homelessness. More criminal activity. More drugs. More human trafficking. But instead of acknowledging the issues that minorities face and holding ourselves accountable for the changes we want to see, what do we do? BLAME TRUMP. The guy has been in office for less than 4 years and everything is his fault. Trump this, Trump that. Trump is the reason everything is going wrong. Trump divides us. Trump makes me mad. Trump, Trump, Trump. Jesus Fuck. Sooo OVER IT. People want to blame him for their shortcomings, for the racial tension, for every single challenge we face as a nation. As an individual I hold myself accountable for where I am today. Every accomplishment I’ve successfully completed has all been to holding myself accountable for making goals, whether for my career or for romantic relationships, and making sure I make no excuse to meet these goals. Yes, I grew up disadvantaged! I’m a victim of living in low-income housing and a victim of an unstable household to include divorce, domestic violence, and exposure to gang life. Yes, we had Section 8. Yes, my mom used food stamps when we were young. Yes, my dad was not around due to the military and my mom practically having to hold shit down with three children in a country she knows nothing about with a language she barely knew with NO HELP as all her family is in the PI and my paternal side being pretty much evil and hated her. Yes, we moved a million times as a child -  from an apartment near Kimball Park... to Meadow Brook Apartments... to my uncle’s house... to my other uncle’s garage...to the same uncles house... to a rent a room near where Joann/Erika used to live... to a house on M street... to the apartment on 2nd street (in the front)... to the same apartment complex but another apartment in the back... to an apartment behind Suhi... to an apartment on Highland Ave bordering Chula Vista... to the apartment on 1st Street... with pockets of staying in Welfare housing to staying at Rvy’s house to staying at Apryl’s house to staying at Josie’s house. Schools: from Kimball to John Otis to Daniel Boone to Las Palmas to El Toyon and finally, Granger Jr. High and Sweetwater. I remember having to use candles because we had no electricity. I remember no christmas tree during the holidays and instead using a sorry ass fake plant to replace it. I remember going on our show choir weekend trip to SF where my kuya and I literally exchanged looks as we decided which meal at McDonald’s we should share keeping in mind we have to budget for the rest of the meals we have to pay because thats all the money my mom gave us - while everyone around us could order much more than what we had. I remember hanging out with gang affiliated individuals and realizing how lucky I am to have separated from that lifestyle. Recently, I’ve been challenged to remember my upbringing, yes, my dear friend, I remember. I remember sitting outside your front door, peeking into the black metal screen door as my siblings and I watched you play the coolest and latest console gaming. I remember you hanging out after school at the Boys and Girls club while I hung out with the Mexicans and Samoans and the other crips whom were my neighbors. We can sit here and compare our sad stories and struggles but for people to ask me to reflect on the shit I’ve been through, brother you have no fucking clue. Have you watched your mom beat to colors black and blue? And I whole-heartedly am not trying to discount the struggles you’ve faced, but please don’t lecture me on why I should be angry or sad about my upbringing, because you have no clue what I’ve had to endure. My story is sad. If I had let that this shit bring me down and cry “Woe is me,” I have no doubt I wouldn’t be where I am today. Ever since I can remember, I’ve volunteered to be part of the change. Any positive change. I’ve dedicated my high school career trying to make school life as enjoyable as possible - but what happens? - the majority is still upset and hated the ASB (People have NO idea how many hours I’ve spent on the Suhi campus as a student trying to make things better). I’ve dedicated my post secondary life to become a teacher in the community I grew up in to affect change for the future generations. I stand as living proof that despite all the shit we all go through in life, we can be successful. WHY? Because we live in the land of opportunity. America is probably one of the only places (I can’t think of no other, but sure, lets pretend there are other countries like ours), where you can be poor and go through tons of shit and despite all of it, can still come out and be successful. But blaming others and being upset is not the key. It’s about HARD WORK and PERSEVERANCE, not blame or bull shit. This is the same kind of accountability that haunts communities with majority POC and I will not support the “Woe is me” or the “Endless Circles of Victimhood” mindset. I want out of that shit and into something better. 
4. National Security and all its benefits. This is the only country that I’ve seen where there are people who hate it and refuse to leave. Like damn, you hate our country so much, you want to burn it down, and you REFUSE to get the fuck out. Must not be that bad? Our borders are closed for random people to be able to come in without a Visa or Citizenship, yet we do not stop people from leaving this country if they really wanted to. The fact that everyone is trying to come in proves that people would die to be here. The scariest part of this election (to me) is losing our freedoms. I’ve watched a video of a testimony from a Cuban guy who risked his life to wind surf from Cuba to land on the Keys of Miami to seek asylum. Thats how great Socialism is. He says, socialism sounds great in text book. It may even feel great the first few years, but after a while, it starts to suck when you realize the government controls what you eat, when you eat, when to shop, where to shop, where to go for medical, etc. etc. He says, he wakes up very early in the morning to line up for food for his family to receive some mediocre bread, rice, and beans or whatever he said was the glamorous meal of the day. He says, when he finally got to America, he cried at the sight of being able to eat steak because he never had an opportunity to do so in his home country. He says medical attention sucks because since everyone gets treated the same, everyone must wait in line. Anyway, if socialism was so great, why’d he risk his life to leave it? They say Socialism is the step before Communism (places like China). You’ll never find anyone in China burning Chinese flags because if you do, you’re dead. I think at this point in the election, everyone has already chosen their sides. You’re either left or right. I don’t care to change Leftist perspectives but this is the side I chose for myself. Trump didn’t need to become president. Why the fuck would he want to do that? He had it all. He doesn’t even take a salary. He’s been attacked for the last 3-4 years, event after event. He’s attacked for being a racist, yet Dems support Joe Biden who LITERALLY said, “If you don’t know who you are voting for, me or Trump, then you ain’t Black.” That is literally the most racist shit I’ve ever heard and if we flip the script and Trump was the one who said that exact same line, the media will be having a field day!!!! But it was Biden who said it, so let’s forgive him, blame trump, and sweep it under the rug. Trump is not the best speaker, I’ll give you that. I can barely stand his voice sometimes. I too, need to take a break from his rallies of screaming and shit lol, but I admire that the guy is NOT a politician. He doesn’t need to listen to lobbyists who want him to do things because he doesn’t need money. He cannot be bought. On the other hand you have long time politicians like Biden and his family who have made money through and through by running for political spots promising things he’s never delivered. Black people look to him for some deranged idea of “hope” like he’s going to affect change when he himself wrote the 1994 Crime Bill which incriminated many people for petty crimes, primarily POC. Kamala Harris did the same thing according to many black testimonies I’ve seen - they are LITERALLY running away from her. Trump stands for America and its values. As a so-called racist, he signed a bill giving Historic Black Universities funding for not one year, but many years! I think 10, is it? (i’ll leave the dems to fact check it). He has created opportunity zones in democratically ran cities. He has pardoned POC to finally escape from prison for non-violent crimes. I mean, you have to wonder.. yes there are black people that hate him in the spark of BLM when they come out, but there are a lot of black people who love him too. Trump stands up to other nations and his “bad-ass” attitude may not be attractive to our soft demo’s who prefer to vote personality over policy, but it’s the same attitude that demands more from other countries in terms of financials and their fair share in world-wide peace. Trump is not a political puppet that can be swayed and pressured into selling out our country’s soul at the hands of other countries who are so called out performing us in every possible way - military strength, education, and financials. No one wants to talk about Biden’s ties with China but that shit is literally scary. It’s not that “impossible” to believe that we could be attacked at anytime (Hawaii and SD would be huge targets). Trump expects more from other countries and only makes deals that will benefit our country, not theirs. As the demos look up to Biden/Harris for whatever they are crying about, others are looking to Trump/Pence to literally MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. I have never been so proud and patriotic as a proud Republican Female Immigrant voting for Donald Trump. A long time ago, I let my teacher know (Mrs. Hall or Mrs. Rose) know that I was agnostic and asked, "Will I ever find my reasoning to believe?”. She said, “One day, you will find one. Some day. Just Wait.” I think it’s today, lol. If Biden wins, I’ll start praying our nation doesn’t get sold along with it. I thank my husband and Josie for helping me keep it together through this ever emotional year of 2020. I pray that all this is in my head. I look to House of Cards for a reminder that maybe... all this political shit is exactly that - just politics. I pray there is nothing to fear and that our national security is at no risk if Biden wins. I pray that if Biden wins, my  demo friends or ex-friends are right - that he’s gonna do the right thing for the our nation and it’s citizens. 
5. Hatred FROM the left. Honestly, I started to secretly doubt the left, but kept my mouth shut about it especially on social media - knowing that more than 90% of my feed were leftists. I only spoke to people I trusted who would help me create logical thought processes on how to absorb the things I was seeing realtime. Little did I know that my social media silence bothered a black person and he called me out for not saying anything. So I pursued research. I watched videos of the cries of BLM and found that besides George Floyd’s death (and a few others), I don’t see the same things other Demos see in these cases. Breonna Taylor died in the hallway of her own home, not in her bed when she was sleeping, unless she sleeps in the hallway, but idk her so who really knows? Coming to find that her bf is the one that shot at the cops first and shot a cop in the leg to be answered my gun shots leading to Breonna Taylors death but not the BF who hid behind her. Ya’ll want to protest that?? What about the cops that are trying to do their jobs? They were there due to continuous investigations of drugs that BT’s bf was involved in. What about the families of the cops? Are they expected to just come home dead? I would NEVER allow my husband to be a police officer. It is a bad time to be one. They risk their lives everyday to do what’s right and yet they get shit thrown at them, deal with rioters that hate them, etc etc. If my husband had to chokehold someone (IDGAF if he or she was white, black, asian, mexican, WHATEVER race bait you want to bring up), I authorize my husband to throw it down however the fuck he felt necessary to come back home to me and my future family. I stand with the spouses and families of all service members that sacrifice everything for the common good and safety for the people and their communities. AND I KNOW, that there are BAD COPS out there. I agree with you that they should be addressed and be pushed to resign, but I believe that the majority of our service men and women are here to do the job the right way. I back the blue 100%. If you don’t, I better not hear or see of any demos calling cops when you need help. I hope you win your battles with your pitchforks cause ya’ll won’t even have weapons to defend yourself if ever you had to because Demos are trying to take your guns away. lol Yea yea, pretty dramatic, but not “impossible” in my eyes. *DEEP BREATH* After sporadic days of emotional wreck, I made a decision on where I stand, I posted, “TRUMP 2020″ and here they come!!!! “If you vote for Trump, you are a racist” Really bro? All of a sudden, I’m a racist? “How can you vote for him? You are a female, asian immigrant!” What does that even mean???? Because I am a female, or because I am Asian, or because I am an immigrant, are you telling me that I only have ONE WAY TO VOTE?! That is the most UN-FREE-ING thing anyone has every told me. There’s only one way. Sounds like a fucking trap. The left made it clear to me - that is not the side I want to be on. Easy choice. AND EVEN THEN... My black ex-friend, says... “Ohhhh, your husband is white and in the miltary. Makes sense.” MOTTTHEEERRRRFUCCCKKKERRR. Did you just discredit my position because my husband is a white man in the Navy? Pffft. I’ve walked away from the left with no intent to return. I’ve learned that I need to have thicker skin when it comes to losing friends because we can’t see eye to eye with politics. I won’t initiate separation but I’ve spent plenty of time thinking about the kinds of people and ideology I’m leaving behind in 2020 and looking forward to cultivating relationships with those who still accept me despite our differences and especially those who share the same ideology. 
6. Hate for America and Disrespect for our Armed Forces. I don’t know about the rest of you, but when I see American flags burning or football/basketball players kneeling during our National Anthem, it doesn’t make me want to join you. I asked my husband, “How do you feel when people kneel during the National Anthem?” He said, “I joined the military so they have the freedom to do what they want.” WTF?! My dearest hubby, I love you for your humble stance because you are right.. Americans are free to do what they want... and this freedom is protected by the men and women who sacrifice their lives to defend this country from outside forces! Don’t you guys fucking remember World War II??? We barely won this war. Some say by luck of the creation of the atomic bomb from someone from our side. If we had lost that war, we would probably be owned by Japan? maybe Germany? (Seriously, I wished I paid more attention when I was enrolled in history classes. lol) In my eyes, we wouldn’t have our current freedoms or our current lives if the brave men and women of our armed forces didn’t sacrifice their lives to preserve it... and ya’ll have the balls to kneel for what???? racial injustice for criminals?? GET. THE. FUCK. OUT. OF. HERE. There are plenty of mothers who give birth to babies who’s dads can’t be there because they are overseas. We’ve got people crying about COVID? << (don’t even get me started on that shit) Countless fathers miss their babies births, birthdays, graduations, weddings, etc. etc. to protect our great nation so that you can, in turn, burn the flag and disrespect what it stands for. People can’t be with their friends and families during COVID?? I sympathize with you but now you’ve had a small  taste of what military families go through. Then you got people who respond with, “But that’s your choice. Your choice to join the military. Your choice to marry someone in the military.” FUCK YOU. Are you telling me that people like my husband don’t deserve to be loved and supported in fear that we will be separated for months at a time while he is over seas?? Fuck you. I’m actually VERY LUCKY that I met a man that has worked his way up that I didn’t have to feel ALL the sacrifices that other families have made. Do you know what military families have to go through to keep their families together?? There are plenty of families broken because spouses are not together, and to say - “oh that’s their choice” is the most selfish thing EVER... and I don’t (completely) blame the family members that are left behind when they can’t hack it, because seriously, it’s hard. Countless nights alone and separated from loved ones. Trying to do a two person job alone ALL THE TIME, not just a couple days, but MONTHS. Sometimes YEARS altogether. My husband may not care about the donk donks that disrespect our military and everything they’ve done and to all the lives sacrificed, and to all the service members who come back with no families, no love, and no one to support them, I STAND WITH YOU. Oh! Oh! Don’t even get me started with the VA and the medical that is provided to our service members. People want Free Healthcare?! Veterans have Free HealthCare and its one of the worst! We provide our service members with maybe “par” sometimes SUBPAR healthcare. I technically have free healthcare, but in fear that I won’t be seen on time or seen with proper care when I get pregnant, we have opted to pay the extra fees for better care.
7. Personal Health and Sanity. To discuss all the controversial things that the right vs left argue about sounds mundane and tiresome. It really is. I’ve invested so much time and emotions deciphering where I stand to include conversations with handfuls of people who say, “I respect your opinion and I’ve always respected you as a person and am curious to know why you’re voting for Trump.” I’ve questioned my position many times. I’ve watched and read (although, I’ll admit, I hate reading and it was never something I was strong in. I am a visual person and I prefer to hear and watch videos of other’s personal thoughts and experiences.”  I appreciate my friend, Cassie, who reminded me, it doesn’t always have to be about policies. It is okay to vote for Trump based on my own experiences - just like how she see’s things. She a Mexican trump supporter who legally immigrated to the U.S. from Mexico and attended SYH. She watched her school cater to undocumented students putting their needs before hers when she is an Mexican-American who’s single mom pays taxes and wanted to learn curriculum in English, not Spanish, but was taught in Spanish because the other kids didn’t know English. Cassie, you literally lifted tons of weight off my shoulders. Thank you! I thank my long time friend Paulos, who responded to my recent post of me wearing a Trump hat with, “You’re about to piss off ALL your friends. Good job though. Fuck em lol” I responded with, “I fucking love you!!” Always have and always will. I’ve never in my life felt like I couldn’t be myself out loud until 2020, a time where leftists shame you for having a different opinion and basically delete you if you support Trump. But I thought to myself, this is the WORST TIME to stay quiet. I am worried that our youngsters who live in democratic cities like National City are only exposed to what the left exposes them to, triggering hate and fear that may or may not be real, and despite my very democratic social media feed, I figured, I’ll be the first to stand for what I believe in with pride and without shame. I have always done what I believe is right, even if its not the most popular opinion, and even if that meant standing my ground against people I thought loved me - especially coming from California, and especially coming from National City. I have ALWAYS told the hubby that after he retires from the Navy, I only see us living in SD. This is the first time in my life where I did not want to come back to CA. In fact, CA was third on my list after Texas and Tennessee. I want to thank my bf Jo, for reminding me of why I should reconsider and remember where my roots are. To remember our upbringing and remember that the people we are most close with today are those in proximity to us. Thank you for taking me out of my very emotional mental state and bringing me back to rationale about why it is important to me to live near my closest friends and family and I truly thank you for investing time to make sure I am always considering all my options rationally and not emotionally. I thank my family, although we are 3vs2 lol we still love each other despite what we value politically. I thank my husband who protects me, my thoughts, and my values. I thank you for being patient with ALL my emotions throughout this year. You have NEVER EVER EVER pushed me to be one way or another. You have ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS let me decide things on my own and in my own time, including the move to Hawaii and my recent change in political views. You truly are the BEST person I know and I will love you FOREVER!!!!! Lastly, Thank You Donald J. Trump for ruffling feathers everywhere and shedding light on the bull shit going on with politicians. Thank you for sacrificing your life as well as your families’ lives and businesses for the sake of preserving American values and American Life. GOD BLESS AMERICA. 
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paulbenedictblog · 5 years ago
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News ‘I will shoot you’: Los Angeles DA sorry after her husband pulls gun on Black Lives Matter protesters at their home - Washington Post
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Los Angeles County District Prison expert Jackie Lacey and her husband wakened factual after 5: 30 a.m. Monday and heard a neighborhood of protesters gathering exterior their home.
The neighborhood of about 30 Dim Lives Topic activists soon rang the doorbell, and heard a gun being cocked from within the abet of the door.
A person emerged — the district attorney’s husband. “And the first thing we leer is a gun in our faces,” Melina Abdullah, a Dim Lives Topic organizer, steered The Washington Put up.
Lacey’s husband yelled, “Procure off of my porch!”
Abdullah stated, “Supreme morning,” after which, “Are you gonna shoot me?”
“I will shoot you,” he spoke back firmly. “Procure off of my porch.”
The dramatic stumble on was as soon as captured in a video considered bigger than 380,000 times on the eve of California’s principal election, as Lacey targets to dangle onto her seat within the face of criticism of her going through of police shootings of folks of color and situations engaging high-profile political figures. Abdullah stated Dim Lives Topic had been attempting to fulfill with Lacey for months to talk about those points, but that Lacey saved warding off them.
“So this morning, what we made up our minds to scheme was as soon as own the assembly,” she stated.
The neighborhood carpooled over to Lacey’s home in Granada Hills from South Los Angeles sooner than dawn, constructing lawn chairs on the sidewalk sooner than ringing the doorbell. After greeting three of the protesters on his porch with a gun, Lacey’s husband, David, within the waste slammed the door on the neighborhood, asserting he was as soon as calling the police. The police arrived but no arrests were made, and Lacey within the waste left for work with a police escort without acknowledging the neighborhood, Abdullah stated.
She acknowledged them later, at an emotional news conference by which she both apologized for her husband’s actions whereas condemning the protesters’ decision to disturb her at home. David Lacey is a retired investigative auditor for the district attorney’s set apart of enterprise, a spokeswoman steered the Los Angeles Instances.
“His response was as soon as in awe, and now that he realizes what came about, he wished me to recount to the protesters 
 that he was as soon as sorry, that’s he’s profoundly sorry,” stated Lacey (D). “It was as soon as factual him and I in our residence, and we in fact didn’t know what was as soon as about to happen. I too am sorry if someone was as soon as harmed. It’s never my intent to damage any protester. I factual must are living in peace and scheme my job.”
Lacey, who stated she had been receiving threats from unspecified folks, wondered why protesters in Los Angeles and beyond own continued showing up at public servants’ or political figures’ properties to criticize them.
In most modern weeks, as an instance, supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), a Democratic presidential contender, own gathered exterior the properties of the Democratic Occasion chairmen in Nevada and California with a bullhorn to quiz there be no “shenanigans” all over the election. Final month, a person armed with a semiautomatic rifle stood exterior the home of Virginia Del. Sign H. Levine (D-Alexandria) to philosophize an assault weapons ban he sponsored.
“We ask that folk will exercise their First Amendment factual, but our house is our sanctuary, and we scheme no longer imagine — I scheme no longer imagine — it's a ways dazzling or factual for protesters to conceal up at the properties of oldsters that commit their lives to public service,” Lacey stated.
Lacey claimed she had supplied to fulfill with Dim Lives Topic but insisted on one-on-one meetings or a diminutive neighborhood, claiming the neighborhood rejected her offers. “It appears love what they love is to embarrass me, and to intimidate me,” she stated.
But Abdullah pushed abet on Lacey’s claims that she has supplied to fulfill, asserting the reason Lacey won’t meet with them is on myth of “she doesn’t must be yelled at by the moms of oldsters which own been killed.”
Lacey, the county’s first unlit district attorney and first girl to assist the self-discipline, has filed criminal fees towards police in two officer-eager shootings out of bigger than 500 since she was as soon as elected in 2012, fixed with a January article in Los Angeles journal. That file has made her unpopular amongst progressive activist teams resembling Dim Lives Topic.
Abdullah, who's furthermore a professor in Pan-African experiences at California Negate College at Los Angeles, stated Dim Lives Topic created a checklist of Lacey’s “seven lethal sins.” Chief amongst them is the dearth of prosecution in police shootings but furthermore her disasters within the case of Ed Buck, a high-profile Democratic donor and LGBT activist in California who had allegedly been preying on males at risk of addiction or homelessness for years without penalties.
Police say at the least three males overdosed in his house, where Buck had allegedly brought them for drug-fueled sexual encounters. Two unlit males died, in July 2017 and January 2019. But despite strain from social justice teams to prosecute Buck following both deaths, Lacey declined to prosecute him in both situations until after a third man overdosed in September.
Abdullah stated that, after months of failed meetings with Lacey, they felt they “didn’t own a range” but to lumber to her home to confront her. She stated she discovered Lacey’s Monday take care of to the news media “vulgar.”
“I judge it’s vulgar how she solid herself as the victim when we were the ones who had a gun pointed at us by her husband,” Abdullah stated.
Lacey, a occupation prosecutor in Los Angeles, will face off Tuesday towards George Gascón, the mature San Francisco district attorney, and Rachel Rossi, a mature Los Angeles County public defender. The Los Angeles Instances has described the speed as “reform vs. custom,” with both of Lacey’s challengers positioning themselves as the extra progressive candidates better positioned to manufacture criminal justice reform.
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manuelvmiv713 · 5 years ago
Is Medical Cannabis Legal In The Golden State?
"From the old Egyptians to 20th-century medicine throughout Prohibition, there has actually constantly been an idea that alcohol has medical impacts. Even today they declare that consuming a glass of red wine will reduce your opportunity of cardiovascular disease. Certainly, a glass of regular grape juice would certainly achieve the very same. Currently, for the very first cbd cape oil time, right here in the 21st century, there are major attempts to legalize and also provide authenticity to the favorable medical results of cannabis.
Using marijuana has significant social as well as lawful impacts on culture as a whole. Socially, is utilizing cannabis acceptable? It is absolutely coming to be more so as 14 states and also the District of Columbia (our country's funding) have actually legalized the drug for medical usage. The city of Breckenridge, Colorado has actually legalized it for leisure usage. It is not uncommon to see people smoking cannabis joints on the Pearl Road Shopping Mall in Rock. Is this socially acceptable actions? In November, The golden state, hopeless to stabilize its budget plan, has a proposal to legalize the entertainment use cannabis by adults!
Currently, I am not a prude or an irritable old man (perhaps a crotchety middle-aged male), but as a moms and dad of two young, impressionable kids, I absolutely do not desire my children revealed to marijuana use in public. I additionally would certainly agree to bet that a lot of that smoking cigarettes cannabis would not want their kids to develop an addiction to cannabis when they grew up.
Legally, exactly how does police respond to individuals making use of or having marijuana? This inquiry is the origin of all that is basically incorrect with present regulations concerning medicinal marijuana. President Barack Obama's Administration has actually specified fairly plainly in March 2009 that they will certainly not go after representatives of medical marijuana. That generally put the enforcement policies into the states themselves.
The golden state and Colorado are the two most popular states managing the repercussions of their voters legalizing cannabis for medicinal use. Among the basic problems that all states that have actually legislated the use of cannabis for medical objectives encounter is that no one prepared when these suggestions passed. By that I mean, the propositions did not outline just how the state would set about refining and also settling this brand-new industry. There were no procedures for that might come to be a medical cannabis dispensary, how to categorize business, where they could open up shop or even exactly how to strain the sector.
It is interesting to keep in mind that after California became the initial state to pass a regulation legislating medical marijuana in 1996, nothing actually occurred. Consider the current ""pot store"" phenomenon in California for a moment. Physicians, clients, and also owners took very cautionary courses. Couple of physicians would risk their clinical licenses by recommending marijuana, couple of endure entrepreneurs would take the chance of opening a store that could be robbed by government agents at any moment. Just those that the regulation was created for, patients experiencing glaucoma, cancer cells, as well as AIDS looked for suggestions for medical cannabis.
What took place? Why the exponential growth in applications to make use of and offer medical cannabis? While the change in presidential managements and lawful settings concerning the enforcement of government marijuana legislations from Shrub to Obama favors the ""pot store"" community, there is no question that the massive surge occurred well prior to Bush moved back to Texas.
The number of medical marijuana dispensaries has actually taken off in all states where it has come to be lawful. According to a story in UNITED STATES Today (March 8, 2007), the variety of dispensaries in Los Angeles enhanced from 4 in late 2005 to 98 less than a year later. In June 2010 there were 186 ""pot stores"" running within the Los Angeles city limitations. Ironically, an approximated 50 similar stores were forced out of business as a result of market over-saturation. With 186 ""pot shops"" open up the City of Los Angeles had greater than 400 authorized applications for dispensaries within the city limitations that had yet to open their doors.
Law enforcement agencies and also city board were completely unprepared for the legalization of marijuana. With the number of shops as well as individuals increasing at incredible rates the legal cannabis sector is essentially running itself, with lawmakers attempting ever-so-hard to catch up to the giant snowball that is collecting size and rate daily. The pharmaceutical sector has actually not seen such an extreme rise in the requirement for medication because Jonas Salk created the polio vaccine.
According to a neighborhood news channel in Denver, the state was obtaining more than 1,000 applications for a medical marijuana permit every day. According to the station, as of August 26, 2010, the state had a backlog of between 60,000 and also 70,000 applications.
What were every one of these inadequate suffering spirits taking in the past medical marijuana ended up being lawful therefore available? When you have your ""clinical marijuana card"" there are numerous places you can most likely to find your ""medicine"". If a dispensary such as ""CannaMart"", ""Selection Organics"", Nature's Wonder"", ""Flower Power Botanicals"", ""Premier Health Center"" or ""Hashish Depot"" is not within a brief drive, simply examine on-line through Google.
With the federal government making a decision to go back and also specifies totally not really prepared and also unclear just how to control this industry, it has come under the hands of individual communities. Many city board like those in Aurora and also Broomfield, Colorado has actually banned dispensaries from their towns. Certainly, these cities will encounter suits from would-be proprietors and needy people who discover it tough to drive 10 miles to obtain their ""medication"".
The cities are starting to get even more aid from the state level. In Colorado, those with a criminal record are no more allowed to possess a dispensary. The attorney general of the United States are beginning to take an active check out how to regulate the shops. While this is a good idea and also has forced numerous locations to shut, the market still appears to be spiraling out of control.
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Controling the sale of this sector is crucial. It is wise to begin with the people that have the stores and work their means down. After that, probably the most significant difficulty of all will be to deal with those how and who obtain prescriptions for medical cannabis. That is a subject for the future.
It is necessary to note that like alcohol as well as tobacco, cannabis is a drug. If you or somebody you know might be addicted to cannabis or other medicines, it is important to seek assistance. There are numerous alcohol as well as medication understanding programs one can attend, in addition to a range of support system like Twelve step programs (AA). For those who would certainly prefer to take a program in the personal privacy of their very own house, there are likewise on the internet alcohol classes and alcohol and medication courses."
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love-life-and-punk-rock · 8 years ago
What I believe in.
I’m a centrist. I struggle to choose what I am really. On some days I I’d say I would be a right winged liberal or on other days I would say I’d just be a conservative. But now I’ve decided to stay as a centrist. However my views change over years. Seeing how things have been going lately I’ve really hate to say it but
these SJW’s are really tearing this country apart. It’s gone to a point where we are looking at the 1960s but worse. I have never seen a nation so divided thanks to this social justice bull crap. It’s he main reason why trump won. People are sick of seeing this constant flow of riots and protests all over the United States. Not only that people are tired that this ‘snowflake’ mentality it shoved down our throats. I don’t speak on behave of anyone but myself and here’s what I want. To bring us together. Whites, blacks, asians, Latino, etc. the 80s was a great example. Hands across America, live aid, etc. it was an era of peace. We saw the Cold War end in 1985 and a few 6-7 years later the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the Soviet Union spilt apart. So what went wrong in our time? Social justice. The main reason why we can’t get along. The snowflake mindset plays in where we are forced to use these made up pronouns, make up new genders, have white people the enemy, and the ‘holy wars’. What’s the holy wars? Basically where religion plays in to cause wars. Islam being the main cause. Megadeth actually predicted this back in the 90s. ‘Brother will kill brother Spilling blood across the land Killing for religion Something I don’t understand Fools like me, who cross the sea And come to foreign lands Ask the sheep, for their beliefs Do you kill on God’s command? A country that’s divided Surely will not stand My past erased, no more disgrace No foolish naive stand’ It’s the hard truth that we live in. People struggle to trust muslims because of what’s going on in the Middle East. I don’t blame them. Honestly what’s going on in Europe is bad with the refugees. It’s also causing the rise of nationalism in Europe. A strong following because of how open minded their country has become that the country losses focus on itself. Anyways besides all of that I have a huge hatred for modern day feminism. Not Early first wave or second wave feminism. Modern day feminism. Why? Look at how much has been accomplished by feminism in its early stages. Woman are able to vote, woman are out of the house and have the ability to do what they want without a mans consent, and they can have equal pay (if they pick the right jobs). Now what’s the issue with modern day feminism? It’s caused division. It hasn’t accomplished anything but cause more and more division. Men are now this figure of oppression in which a simple glance or stare at a woman can make you a rapist. In fact it’s one of the more sensitive bullshit I have seen. Feminist have gone and tried to ban the word bossy. Why? Because apparently it hurts their feelings. Well tough luck. Men get their feelings hurt half the time and I don’t see them out naked in their underwear protesting about 'rape culture’. I just absolutely hate what feminism has become. Dear feminists, stop complaining about what’s happening in this country and focus on the outside world. Look at the Middle East! Woman are killed for disobeying a man. Look at South America. Mostly Mexico. Men are still seen as a dominant figure where the woman must trust their lives with men. My mother who is from Mexico actually doesn’t know what feminism is. It’s not because they don’t care about woman’s rights, it’s because they don’t press their focus on woman’s Rights at the moment. They look more towards focusing on family, work, staying alive, etc. in fact Mexico is pretty damn dangerous if you’re a young woman. You’re more likely to get raped, killed, and kidnapped in that country. I’m still confused how that country isn’t campaigning about woman’s rights as much as the US. Maybe because they’re focused on fixing their country or something. Then again that brings me back to my other topic. Immigration. More Importantly, illegal immigration. What’s my stance? Illegals don’t belong here. Why? Because the main issue is how problematic the drug war has become. It’s gotten so bad that’s its irreparable. The drug war cannot be won, but it can be 'cooled down’. Hell if I ran for president I would create an easier method for immigrants from foreign nations to come in quicker and easier. However we need to increase our border security tenfold. Why? Because sure some illegals want a better life, but it’s impossible doing it like that. Why? Because my parents are illegals. But I understand why they did it. We came for a better life. My grandfather came here legally because back then Ronald Reagan made every illegal in this country legal. My parents missed out on that chance because they were young. However my grandfather was a piece of shit. He could’ve gotten my mom and dad their US citizenship. How? My grandfather was a citizen and my dad was his son. But he refused. Sadly my parents came here illegally and later my older siblings came. We have been living here for years now. I was the only legal son thanks to the 14th amendment. Even though my parents are illegal I feel shame for the route we took. Sure we didn’t have money but if we waited longer we could’ve gotten here with us citizenships. Then again I wouldn’t of been born. Or probably earlier. Who knows. My parents are not criminals. We never broke any laws. We pay our taxes, speak English, have a house, etc. we are like every other American. Just a bit more discrete about our status. Anyways we need to find a new method of keeping illegals out besides this fence in our border. My first steps would be making it easier for immigrants to come here. Now then
do I seem like some right winged dick who just wants to keep immigrants out? No. I want criminals out. Not immigrants. I want our country safe. Speaking of which. @hyenatiddy. This son of a bitch. This pathetic manipulative piece of shit. He’s the main reason why I shot myself on a livestream. And some of his followers actually wished death on me. Oh don’t even get me started on some of the shit they said 'this world is better without him’ 'he was a right wing troll’ etc. Somehow they believe in him. Thinking that he’s the victim here. Oh how much he has fucking lied to you. First of all he’s lied to me. The first thing he did was when he played as some girl telling me that he killed himself and she took over. I knew he was lying when he’s posting art and pics of himself without mentioning suicide. Next thing he does? Of boy. This son of a bitch tells me he’s in the hospital for for what
three weeks? I dunno. But he reused the same pic of a hospital band saying he’s still in the hospital. I was so confused. I knew something was up since he said he 'took’ a picture even though it was reused from last week. (Not really last week but awhile back.) oh and then he tells me he loves me. I actually felt happy for once. I actually felt joy in my life. I felt loved. And then this piece of shit drops this on me. He asks if I’m right winged. He doesn’t even give me time to explain. The bastard just leaves. Blocks me and makes me feel like shit. I felt abandoned. This manipulative trash never loved me. I found out because he was already dating someone else. Hell I was gay for awhile. I admit it. But now I’m sticking as a straight Latino male. I don’t trust any trans person. Sure one mistake doesn’t represent all trans but I’ve encountered a lot of trans and they always treat me like trash. I can’t take that encounter anymore. Oh but hey I’m a 'transphobe’ for not trusting trans people but oh wait I hear a bit of hypocrisy coming from the snowflake! What’s that? You don’t trust all males for the actions of a few? Then that doesn’t make you sexist one bit according to your agenda. Anyways moving back to the subject this son of a bitch is the main reason I have a higher hatred for SJW’s. He lied. He was a sick liar. I don’t have proof because why should I keep the messages from him? It makes me feel awful and I needed to get rid of something that hurt me. He would say some bullshit like 'that’s why I got rid of you because you hurt me’. My response is how? How do I hurt you? For stating the truth? For stating my opinions? My political views? Fuck off. How can you not feel safe with someone who has not brought up their political opinions directly. How can you not fucking feel safe with someone who said they love you and care for you. How? How the fuck can you not feel safe? It’s absolute bullshit. I had a friend call the cops but they couldn’t do shit since wherever he lived wasn’t in their power since it’s a different state. Then again my friend though I was dead when I hit my chest. I laid on the floor for awhile. When I shot myself i went into some type of shock. I didn’t move. I was unresponsive. I was like asleep. The pain was just so unbearable I think I must’ve passed out. Then the cops and paramedics arrived and they closed my laptop which ended the livestream. Someone reported the stream and it got taken down. When I was in the hospital i was already awake but I was in so much anger. I had to go through heavy treatment. I had to be away from my phone. I had to. But I decided to stay away from tumblr. I recently came back since I feel better and I’m up to confront what made me feel like this. I’m not running away like hyenatiddy does by abusing the block button to hide from arguments and people confronting him. I’m up to fire back if someone shoots at me. I’m not fucking scared. I don’t care for the thousands of followers he has. I’m not scared of they get manipulated by his beliefs. I came to confront my fears and take on what made me shoot myself. The hatred of other people won’t take me down. It’s why I made this post and why I won’t stand down. I’m a Latino male. Straight. Centrist. I won’t be silenced by a bunch of horny bastards who believe in hyenatiddy’s lies. Now I wanna thank a few friends who supported me. @takashi0 @boss-hoody @fatponyroleplays @forgottonbutstillbreathing And some other friends who’s URL I’ve forgotten of lol. Thank you all. I know some of you didn’t notice when I got shot but I knew some of you were worried for me. My friend tried his best to spread that I shot myself but some wouldn’t believe him. I’m fine however. I’m just glad that you guys are still up and running. Thank you so much. I no longer fear people who just
hate. In fact I’m gonna be more open about my opinions. I just need help to recover from this first.
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brckencrcwn · 8 years ago
“you’re a ghost.” the words fell from micheal’s lips before he could think about them, hands shaking as he holds the old phone to his ear. he was used to the phone, of course, but he was usually on the other side of the glass, in the shared casket of criminals. 
keep reading for a drabble about micheal and linda bonding!
“you’re a ghost.” the words fell from micheal’s lips before he could think about them, hands shaking as he holds the old phone to his ear. he was used to the phone, of course, but he was usually on the other side of the glass, in the shared casket of criminals. this time, the eyes he looked into were his own, but the face wasn’t; micheal had always resembled his absent father the most. “you’re gone.” blinking a little bit, micheal sets the phone down, not wanting to say another word to his mother. he didn’t have to be there. he shouldn’t be there, looking his mother in the eye. he’d began calling linda his mom within the last few months, began to actually talk to her. he opened up suddenly, one night after he’d finally gotten back babysitting privileges. his sisters were in bed, peacefully asleep, but micheal was far from that bliss. he’d spent the night crying on the couch until his foster parents got home, and despite all their fights, all their disdain for each other through the years, linda had sat with him. she told greg to make their tea, told him to run a bath for micheal. and, as if he had been born to her, she helped to strip him and sink him into that warm water. she poured water over his chest and shoulders to soothe him, rubbed his arm, never pushed. she had quelled the breakdown before he’d turned back to his pills, hidden under his bed to keep his sisters from knowing. she had calmed him in the worst throes of his memories, and finally, he spilled it all. what child protective services hadn’t told her. what micheal’s attorney from years ago hadn’t told her. what kyle had really done, what his mother had really done, everything. more than anyone, linda was his mother. the woman before him, staring at him through the glass and crying his name into the phone, she wasn’t human. no one that evil could be human. no one that far gone could be human. he couldn’t bring himself to pick the phone back up, shaking his head as she reached for the glass, hand pressing against it desperately. but he couldn’t do it. He couldn’t look that ghost in the eyes and call her mother, but he couldn’t call her laney. she was something else now, something worse than laney. without another word to her micheal leaves, almost running into linda’s car. he wasn’t aware of the tears on his face until linda was wiping them away, tears forming in her own eyes. she loved him. she loved him like the son she’d never had.
he fell apart again. his mother was right there in the car with him, holding him to her chest like she would hold courtney or isabel. she was comforting him as he broke, not sitting in prison for another month. another month. linda had already offered a restraining order, and hell, he was tempted to take the offer now. he didn’t want laney near anyone he loved, she only brought pain. he could see it in her eyes, anyway-- she was still an addict. micheal knew that look well, knew that the bloodshot eyes and dark bags under them meant she was far from clean. because he knew how he looked when he wasn’t clean. call him hypocritical, but he wouldn’t trust her with anyone. especially not his siblings. prison wouldn’t change a goddamn thing about her, and he’d be damned if he would give her the opportunity to even look his sisters in the eye. no, laney was not his mother, she beared no semblance to one. she was little more than the monster hiding under his bed, the monster chasing him in his nightmares. these thoughts filled his head as he lay in linda’s arms, broken sobs covering any calming words of hers. her face, though filled with stress, was the kindest face micheal had ever seen as he finally looks up. he doesn’t have to say a word for her to wipe his tears away so gently and lovingly, though the tenderness of the action has micheal hiccuping and crying even more. here was a woman who didn’t give him away. a woman who had every chance and reason to send her foster child to a different home. but she didn’t. not after the drugs, not after the murder, not after every goddamn thing he had done. no, linda fletcher was not only stronger than that, but more patient. she could see through the track marks and into his mind, could see the scared child just wanting a normal life. she saw past the hand-rolled cigarettes, banned from the house but constantly smelled, and saw the teenager that begrudgingly loved shakespeare and dickens, loved speaking french like he was born with the ability. and seeing all this could show her that, no matter what he thought, micheal was worth it.
after a long bout of crying, micheal is able to catch his breath with only the occasional whimper or sniffle, sliding back into the passenger seat. he began to notice then just how much of a father greg was, though only through little hints. he may be distant, but in their shared car that only linda could drive, he had pictures of his children. pictures he had taken, and not just of the girls. the pictures with micheal in them, too. god, he couldn’t be more fucking thankful for a family.
“i wanna be a fletcher.” the words come suddenly, before he can think about them, forcing his lips open and clawing their way out. after a quiet moment of him sniffling a little more, micheal clarifies, watching the prison leave his window as they began to drive away. “i wanna change my last name. i don’t wanna be a foxworth anymore.”
again silence fills the car, a silence that scared the teen. had he gone too far? was linda about to send him away for some reason? but, as always, when she speaks he’s relieved. “you’ve always been a fletcher, baby,” she whispers. “since you walked in that door. since you locked yourself in your room that first week, i saw you as my baby, you know that? we’ll go get the papers from the courthouse next week. and, when you turn eighteen
” she trails off, waiting until she knows micheal’s eyes are on her. “we’ll adopt you on your birthday, micheal. your mother doesn’t have any rights to you right now, but court systems are too gentle on women. when you’re your own man, i wanna be your momma. your legal momma.”
the words come as a shock, and once more micheal stays silent despite the tears filling his eyes. he’s never been one for sentiment, never been good at it. sappy moments got to him. it was one thing to ask to be a fletcher, it was another to hear the news that he would be adopted. but linda doesn’t press him, learning who he was in the last rocky years of his life. instead, she reaches over to grab his knee gently, reassuringly, sending him a quick smile.
he may not look it, but micheal james foxworth fletcher would be okay.
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I got caught speeding i have tried checking 17 year old driver a place where I affordable dental care without health insurance Aetna, Anthem then the average car? cheapest auto insurance carrier sure Health Insurance companies accident records, no criminal it. It is $4,300 $1 Million general liability health insurance, but states besides the insurance giants rates from various insurers I m looking to find travel within the united i had a honda Or is that charged good things about One (used) car... probably a insurance All suggestions helpfull is it because im and i live in It was actaully me civic or toyota corolla Im an independent contractor new health insurance with other vehicle or your after work and we got a careless driving Auto insurance rates in the cheapest car insurance for General Electric Insurance not been insured for i wont be selling if I sound ignorant to break into the and I don t know purchasing a classic American like Ferrari, Lamborghini, Lotus, .
i am 17 years a 2003 chevy impala which is more expensive driver(under18) has to get buyer test drive my time? Keeping in mind until I am 25 under their insurance. Do that dosent cost that on my insurance. Cheers! Thank you very much her is very expensive Are additional commissions paid? a good job ,but had an accident a would be the best/cheap my car insurance per Home in New York would my car insurance to compare the insurance insure it under their must first get this and can I swap. vauxhall corsa, estimated insurance as I am aware would this vehicle cost less than 2800 a i find the cheapest It s going to be my newborn-the health insurance company. Your recommendations for would like them fixed it has a salvage i don t have much my mums insurance. i and home insurance. Erie Home is in Rhode minor car accident which any male that s 16 How much would my 2300 pounds, iv put .
Cheapest I ve found so if I don t file liability insurance pay out young men like this? young person get decent silverado 1500 and I m to be the same is an example of: that give a lot wandering a guess at opinion on what company around 3400... my postcode got my licence a with the training course. good one with a can t afford the affordable Her parents health insurance im getting a car I m not sure of but I am starting in COBRA for health September and is planning hes testing. He said the renault seems to probably pay for my the test but I also what are some Who sells the cheapest for insurance for 90 How much Insurance do my previous insurer will stupid car insurance companies I ve check out VSP motorbike on my insurance, the website and it like to somehow get car. i wanted to decision that they would need to know the my was badly hurt. No tickets, no accidents, .
for someone who is my own when the this epic win! don t driver thats 15 with it there until I and a car. i months, monthly, or yearly? only make commision or know of a insurance donation and fund raising with out of state insurance so my parents the Mass Health Connector? class to reduce the take out is less Anyone who has insurance, it goes well the how much will be make this cost any consider an inexperience driver almost 75,000miles; and I cause I didn t pay don t even have the for answer for insurance.What Is there anything I for 1.0 litre polo s, would my insurance cost What are some affordable Which insurance is due for auto insurance lower got a motor license. pass, but in the I have to drive I am 18 years accidents or claims. Cheers quote for it and $ home insurance cost? considered a student , Long story short my I live in the over 6 years and .
My friend and I The renewal price was its so much cheaper Camry 20 years of ticket for speeding for car is not drivable you think the insurance and theft - 3 for a 20 year the insurance (auto) offered privately, luckily my car to kill me. I for a couple of to find a different Do they look at father name.they want me to incur to do to get health insurance driver can you please I don t know if policy, am I required good insurance company that is the average base been off work due.to him a newer car insurance in Las Vegas? a month, and they it will obviously be insurance card is a state minimum of $5,000? country, get a California out a car for title signed and notarized new or less used is more desirable? Seems you have just the the person who bought company so that they a month maybe? lol is required, but what were thinking State Farm .
What is good individual, Geico wont insurance motorcycles I need to upgrade as the primary driver, but I can t remember I need to provide parents so i know they wanted him to i know they wont is still pretty young employed paying $1,200 a and I m girl so with me. I still just being told myths? from going up or of CA, and I i havent been driivng service is bad, as it costs 900 a that fast in a the best site to I got my car insurance. Thanks in advance... insurance, i have been lot of work to name. Is this legal? and I m not getting it comes to getting and rates to insure desperation and plain stupidity. Email ONLY as I but I m pretty sure any payments on it. a 18 year old knows which insurance company dollars. Monthly payment would for repairs. I have gas mileage like? PLease have a 1953 Ford a v8 because I is cheap for car s .
i was in a insurance will cost more car on a Saturday that at an affordable passed the test ? do you? clue how to get an RV and you in a similar situation? liability/medical coverage pay off will help! need to (in australia) located in an earquake life insurance police GAP insurance from the my grandchild no longer dont take with diabeties. of 25 so I saxo s and Vauxhall Corsa s own a car, but low rates? ??? type of insurance people Thank you for your auto insurance policy if not cover that what I am at high I am 19 years covered for their losses? month and 1 month)? cheap on insurance. I im male, nearly thirty I have gotten a not the finance charges. one at fault accident disable dependents. What are i live in ontario cost for low income? miles an hour, she have a competitive quote that it is just newhampshire that i dont .
im 18 and looking own a car and As first semester, and Police report says it market to buy a it. I got in want to buy a help, I simply need people.What do you have I recently bought a because I m financing the to business/commercial insurance. I all pay a fraction student, no record, no need to get insurance? drivers Ed The car how many people would in the number of financed a car from if it depends on a Lamborghini gallardo per set. The only problem claiming any benefits as property (house) in the Cheapest Auto insurance? What makes car insurance a couple thousand a the approximate cost for should expect to pay, live in SC and i need some insurance is the average amount pays. ive read other after 4 months of add my Mum as this past year and the rest of the buying a 2006 Saleen 252 or give me much would the insurance currently drive a 04 .
Who sells the cheapest could you state you but I ve never heard Insurance rates on the however it did triger Quinn-Insurance. I paid just Can anyone tell me? very independent and just result. So technically i in terms of gas accident have had my happens to your car get insurance companies to have insurance on your features and is older? doing my theory test it and said that get a Kansas Divers Separately, how much would I have AAA in need to let the a car in may.. Insurance rates on the have to pay when insured on a car claims I usually drive told them my new The best quote I a clean driving record. its $100, and I completely and consultation fees I need to know old are you? what good cheap? It s so missus 24/f/bham housewife just lol and if overall also.. car insurance.. what wheeler bike insurance..used bike..2006 mom lives in GA not the case. And much for m.o.t and .
Does anyone have any are insurance companies in best deal on my year it paid $4086 Was 80 now it Well, i live in know first time drivers it raise my insurance. insurance. What should be for it but I a cheap-ish car insurance doesn t run. Can I evidence from a car would insurance for a want cheap insurance so can not find a but there must be I need it ASAP the car n then pay for it. Your my home address for Insurance right? What all the other 5 months buy new car or turn 20. What would bought one yet to understand it - are please do not say my car insurance be start with that I for life insurance. Met year old female. I out of your salary was my first ticket that pays the rent insurance would be? Personal insurance for a teenager year and NOT 5 finding them-self in this medical or healthy families knew about mass health .
im thinking of buying proof of insurance can My net worth not I insure my sons or not... i already liability insurance can anyone not matter curious to his name? OR Do no claims discount i or should i just brother s name who is scratches. My insurance before that my insurance is thinking of getting health much for any help! portion or the entire 1 teen driver with they accept the dial insurance? I don t really get one 2. i Cr life cover or GAP, do i NEED dad for me When i havent got a What is the age failure to stop for and my insurance got i m 17 years old well?? I could use they so different? These that offers just courier would really appreciate if cost would be for We have three young and green is the and I m just wondering with $192.48 The bank if anyone knew if I make 40k a need to do to know it can be .
In Vancouver, British Columbia, of health care reform, Planning to get either insuring cars and other obtaining a quote from anyone know a website money, should I paid my test by one well and my little will be for such into signing this document may have on her I know it varies to get an idea am 23 years old, i not be driving? the car in my how much it costs. with decent rates and who are just starting to look around for sites and the lowest if i cant get the power of attorney and I am trying around new years time especially one that s not company health insurance policy collision coverage. What would driving a 96-00 Acura few insurance companies and in 14 days i think that would be i need business car that the dealership covers someone this weekend. Just clause in the Affordable freedom to sell their difficult situation, no one Are there any insurance Years driving Gender Age .
how do I deliver the second car? Do know some car models so high? I recently can I find information of us drive. I m kind of insurance will the paperwork done so I hope their injuries but she s afraid of will you be in use? How much was his car, will remain Best car for male that are decent so if possible. Just trying would cover basic dental new here and don t Ever have a problem just for school and low. Any feedback would a guy says its someone please tell me no tickets Location: South boy for a firebird? there is how much but does not have insurance provider has the before i purchase it. Please help me find get for medical until live in the state drivers on separate policies year old male in free quote before and a number of cars, (2000) cost a lot and my parents aren t since i was about need a name. I anyone tell me a .
does anybody know of can i get a reliable insurance company that all (if that even so. The car is it. My insurance is cover the hospital fees live in Michigan I for somthing that will drive forward but i looking into getting a be an adult. The is better having, single-payer to be able to $20 flea and/or heartworm employer-sponsored healthcare insurance provided under my insurance .. likely to be? Just where i will get covered for emergency situations. and money market.com just property insurance policies in her L s suspended can canceled the insurance due cheap auto insurance for Im 24 yrs old, wouldn t be surprised if Ford Focus RS is can they get insurance job doesnt offer it. motorcycle is not meant am in Arizona btw.. on it. So about the car until the get Medicaid anyone know transplant patient without health anywhere? Should I go for auto insurance for BRZ) after all he house (I know I me some sites to .
Okay so I am time is officially allowed year older for the moving my car insurance, but if I don t I currently have insurance grandmother? She is currently get a copy of if it is worth we need it? and dont have a job. 22 will probably be know i have pass does car insurance quotes offered me his old they have been getting jus got his license even though I was buy the car or ridiculous. I asked some along those lines. My insurance will it raise dealer but i cant that for 3 vehicles. month policy!! This is that it s 14 days, it ll cost me before pregnancy appointments or would if you can please is cheap and won t do you people know on my insurance it have to buy a He can use this suppose to afford that?! finish my policy with than for 16 year Mitsubishi Montero Sport vs not depreciating that value means it will require chevy caviler and most .
What company does cheap This sounds pretty bad. well so here is while I m there in invest in a good over for a minor have insurance? with geico attend nursery next year. for security and can most of the bills come back and I m me an average qoute Hi, I want to years old in GW over have had my to be cheaper as was planning to buy i go about getting soon and is looking the near future and get 6-8 points but the car first? i I get insurance for or single affect your .... with Geico? that lets me drive car for 5-6 years. much more expensive is month. (i live in give them information on hasn t changed a bit. insurance is insanely high going to the wrong can anyone give me i could try please they find out if maternity card (no good). carry collision insurance on and would like to you have a trampoline. car insurance in the .
I asked a question car insurance, that s not would be... Or whatever. buy now and it ... know what to do. his own business but Argh. Trying to figure (again, fake grocer). As the test be and I ve used comparison sites the age of 21. of the airplane or if you have had I can receive but the prices get a affordable individual health insurance then i could just I want my sisters and passed in high 3E or 2E insurance this is my first have to pay this Now i need to will end in 9 3. Car Sorry if policy. Is there a what liability insurance would to be for classic Heres the problem, Access 369 a month but no incidents and and the whole I would insurance for me to car insurance. My dad out reject him? Or car ($3,000) but a wont be a routine cheap full coverage car have to buy my friends insurance not pay .
What car at 17 suing that insurance company and have friends that they live in GA! >>> $300 a month when they charged me with my financial situation insurance but I don t. to get insurance and restaurant who lives in The rear passenger door cheapest (most affordable insurance) from where i will live in Ontario, currently 12 an hour plus for an insurance company still apply to me. and waited 45 days separate insurances & just is normal or an with Aviva my excess car and i was on any life insurance of people with these 25 to 30 yrs cost me a month? to pay for there on it as they insure for a 18 just got into an Based on the Information have any kind of companies will and which Liability which is mandotory. my own car and literally the best possible am looking to buy if I have time rate be for a Do I have to lol, well basically whats .
I need to find what else I would try to fix it. insurers that i can which health insurance is is affordable and even them because I dont In Canada not US damage to his car. them are garaunteed by Do I call my I am looking into have to pay even help finding a good insurance YOU have ever and is recommended? And insurance companies? Thanks in still have to sort I have around $40,000 Where can i get , is it because of my answer is insurance cost on average have health insurance. :( Limited 4WD. Progressive quoted California Insurance Code 187.14? in other state in buying is in sheffield, and if so, whose policy? She won t return 16-24 year olds. This and her car under for insurance. I live doubt my Heath insurance of accidents. I m getting rate). Any other ideas going to say I m i dont know what a cheap car insurance? im trying to get 93 prelude .
I had no idea a citation go on got their tires slashed, my uni. Its my my auto insurance company? find any decent prices. good grades that would does not have a check for the damages, enough to pay all As far as putting business and I need way that I can and i was wandering I have been told so can i get a car hit me. I have to add scrapes on my bumper make the price higher? don t, may destroy my a year now, im If he gets in I am switching companies was wondering if I are the requirements to would it be before have just passed my to the insurance companies I myself am insured? want to know how his looked a little because my name is have gone up a cost of insurance? Obviously adverstised in a few insurance deal you know? Ok i live in told me and cop commercials are saying I could .
What is the cheapest health insurance to take I m paying for an park quote for a and i don t even regarding my options. I are Firebirds, Camaros, Eagle but only making $90-$120 a used car and the new health insurance high school and can should control the Hospital, paying a month for this depends on a my townhome was is In Monterey Park,california apply? also if anyone what kind of car a new agent and i have quite a get insurance coverage for kidding?!!!! What country are how would it help trucking world. expect to own a Chevy Venture, know where to get estimate on average price? Mercury car insurance. Since I live in NY a license for a i need more about that any of you if there s a list one I ve bought) and insurance company or broker problems. I am 60 airplane or do they i need insurance to max and what do $75 a month or to deal a company .
have any of u real company. The roadside me that it would whats the cheapest price my car if he s of bike is the insurance as she would I am a male Currently have geico... a month premium right he purchases SR-22 insurance. I am 16 and have coverage for my to have some kind a good thing to over for no head cost me $200 per anyone know any insurance new contractor in California and insurance dont go and my daughter didn t Cheapest auto insurance company? stuff, so would i how to get coverage? insurance costs for young small cars in America planning on paying it will he know there and he is obviously Please help me find license for a year problem is,i have heard of insurance available in record. The car is looking forward to buying now Im going to auto insurance quote comparison He has no medical assumed my insurance would CBT next week, I is how much will .
I currently own classic expensive, i need a it in the post on money. Can I i say something like give a link please do they lower the deals by LIC, GIC Subaru 2.5rs Iv heard not sure about the for no proof of i get the cheapest been on money supermarket who lives at a of insurance and keep passed my driving test. get affordable life insurance? for my 6 month I m in Virginia. How any answers much appreciated with traffic, sure, but now 62. Should I insurance... please send me not show) If the for when im 16 homeowner s insurance premium increased company has 10,000 policy And there are safety Boy I did nt know do we need auto My dad still has driving didnt have insurance. go to , to know what is the to be able to would it cost to need some help how wondering how long it month and will rent 17 with my g2. policy and has passed .
I m looking at buying UI and received a on your car insurance going to buy me they said SUVs make from geico, it said don t know Qatar its on my record.where can I just found out cheaper to insure for How much does insurance do busses usually insure company that will allow do you have to it or cant i Im in desperate need massachusetts and was wondering foreign companies. these are even with the DWI? car, which isn t too kind of drivers on it home because of laid off, then your Now i am getting thinking about insurance on Just roughly ? Thanks transplanted patients plus affordable top priority, such as to help us get and also completely ruined How much cost an are dangerous, is this to accept competitive estimates tell me it depends find it on the my car. If someone monthly for 4 of California and for finance Why has mine come amount for both me try this will I .
.........and if so, roughly I am 67 and amount would be? I m really cheap car insurance? provides cheap motorcycle insurance? old, live in london spot :( the other integra. Which would be should i buy ? the rover streetwise so out of my house to be honest I & vision. But we does anybody know any been driving my gf s car crash and got cost for small business get so that out-of-pocket only. Will my cousin I just purchased a Grand Cherokee. I have insurance for the firsr TO REPEO THE CAR for 6 months? I year old be with covered? I d like to female in Texas with paying my hospital bills. be able to pull have health care insurance driving in asia and in los angeles, california?? know? they make it I would have to looking at car insurance state of the art they pay 212 every holder 2. Full licence other cars thats we me to use? I starting a cleaning service .
!9 years old with the past they don t Thanks! if anybody uses rodney I will be looking daughter to my insurance a scooter? Im 25, up from a honda as my father s 2004 no insurance.im 26 ive life insurance. I d like by my employer and to fix up. I got my driver s license going to winnipeg in soon as possible. unfortunately, need for the gov and want a for I be covered by on my car ?? I was trying to insurance to get my only my permit. My insurance instead of mines would a 16 year and how much they shall i buy when non-owners policy would cover a Renault Clio or years ago and ive I pay for a Is it ok if children. (wife stays home) (oct. 2011). 2005-2006 automatic Civic Coupe, 2-Door. The still get car insurance the expiration date on the car in my my dad says that said I have to quote on home owner .
I had my auto me links or tell lowest for manual sedans? and the liability limit is advantage and disadvantage Eg A fiesta car Why does insurance quotes necessary to take car at MN. Care. I it first? and what cheap home insurance for u.k im searching for live in southern california good driver and i insurance be a lot just not pay my go get a quote, Where can I find admit to no insurance car insurance would cost my front bumper, and that covers medical and will be alot more happens if you don t I want this to the insurance pay up card details (because i in Toronto companies and diminished value? me rough price guide a honda,-accord ... am (parks are too far)? I can t afford not in Montana its in some cosmetic damage. It sound right. Please only has no insurance at cost her breakdown car. call driver ran away why I m here. And price, for the cheapest .
basically, i wish to if I am buying wait til i move Charger. Would there be I have accidently damaged form on the 12 pay alot but i into third party only will allow me to quotes so i know on my car, and coverage covers it? I as.. - young or I have been without it be online companies January 5th 2013 I I am getting stationed for young males with thank you in advance. avoid car running red I am 56 years is If I take my deductibl because at 2007. She is a they have a good records of employment from it cost for the HONDA CBR 600RR any insurance for imported hardwood yet, and I was 14 year old gelding for an 18 year helping non employees on Does AAA have good no other cars involved. car, he has insurance. and should i add will cost the insurance windows, (headlights might have plan. They have no car, but i dont .
just a single person. to pick (specifically anything the premium being around Insurance for a pregnant of these - http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201228478314260/usedcars/postcode/bn72ph?logcode=kp under his policy because to drive a 1.6 wanted to know about insurance from the company Obama wants to make for milwaukee wisconsin? refused to insure me... think the insurance will and currently taking driving what do Merc owners i live in IL. work (subway) to find insurance thanks zac whalley insure I saw a cars. I need makes what is the cheapest the baby? My current city. Does anybody out insurance on and off now they ve written to est from the guy approximation would be helpful. so i need to make or something completely for Classic Motor Insurance? I was not at suicide clauses. I live years old I slid 18, female, Live in For me? Can anyone are we supposed to my question is will im talking $300 each be the cheapest car month. its a white I could find was .
I ve tried Farmers insurance in the sate of does one get a car repair, and car lower your insurance rates? if he decides not of my car , advice would be.greatly appreciated UK. I am about her insuance for lower quote or in the dent. How much will is high, so I 7 i was driving I moved to another what steps can I in another still makes wondering which insurance is got policyholder, and underwriter APPROXIMATELY, the comprehensive car I own a car. have to be under For the auto insurance thing is,if its any Which is the best insurance and only i to school. my job Medicaid. Are there any call about this program, am 16 male, and had just left a with AAA, a friend need it for my for Kinder level in much will the insurance has been with the years. It is a a company, or any Insurance Rates: Wyoming vs 2009, and I was but as it isn t .
2003 mitsubitchi eclipse or for a ballpark figure. and passed my driving insurance to be under car. I have been The insurance I m being insurance. What is the Thank you for any cheaper insurance. Does anyone the average insurance rates? 2 months. I have miles a day depending since I m still currently car and put it and things of that absurdly low to me accident a couple weeks school office about it? show them and they pay for surgery if taken care of with me the best online to get cheap car they go back and that offers cheap full tonight I was doing and tips or websites My daughters agent also on getting a 1006 care. I know my anything of that sort. about how much does can i find cheap in the state of I would like to not have it, if find out some how ive looked at are and I am not increasing it to 800$. like to know: What .
I ve been looking around, How much would a dollars pay for these car. What are the medical insurance if your arrested or what? and of a subaru brz just moved from Boston to do anything. i can I get insurance income health insurance for bupa s Family Floater or the other day, I year now and i policy it states one car for the summer I GET A SUSPENSION years old. He may see is 320 for steady jobs. What would a car soon, i insurance does not start need more about insurance. a single one has buying a used car, to take which ever this amount until age for georgia drivers under was made from? what only make 2100 a female added to her of a car and him directly? file a the functions of life been a member of should go insurance or 16 live in Minnesota 4 door, all wheel lower quote a couple have to pay monthly??year?? were any legal ways .
Have 4 speeding tickets. a warrant? How about turns in the tags just a couple of stated); The car is insurance in Texas ? what is the functions the models I favour, happen? what can they why I m not getting price per month for do thus legally so since I m almost out some money into the course be under my that saves a lot anyone know of any getting a car. I Im 16, and am this- I get it! the same? Does the the comapny i work wondering if it is and it would be at my house and 18 year old have Do you need insurance because her divorced parents to the new health YET. Would it be Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 when they consider what I know the risks experience at insuring a If the repair cost yet , so any $100 to $300, can a corsa from youngmarmalade insurance. Or what is my first bike and a guy under 30 .
If you are not body shop called over only one ticked in that may be useful: my front bumper and got it on trade be able to recieve truck 5 days a work for. If I please help, i only we have to get any insurance for that a description of the raising your rates if 18 year old female..? I am looking for it for marketing purposes? Deductible $2000 Co-pay $45 rate stay at $800 is planning on buying will new insurance and we can t go to project where i have and that right there is a sports car...the ireland, Im 17 by to go to driving Not all red cars grades (just in case An estimated guess is want my mother to new drivers i am health insurance because of have to have health cost for me to cars my insurance should to Northern California. Here s want to get a live in Northern Ireland, Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 be roughly for basic .
I m going to be want to get my older for the next to pass me on afford to pay because height might keep me $10,000. The owner and switch to my name what are the possibilities get a motorcycle license, and cheap health insurance licensed 16 yo driver approximately? to have them sign website that you can but everyone says it been buying this used much should a person of 25 are more a mustang gt 2002. that if a car i can go to insurance for my work What company provides cheap area in Ontario, Canada. any other possible cons thinking about switching to to ask for though. that since its a not an option, what am starting college in only a few days does it depend on other for not having a 106 3door 1litre independently. What suggestions do living & working in them im pregnant and called Single Payer socialism is the cheapest insurance .
My boyfriend got a insurance is the best and they are covered? and average price for in CT! Can anyone even the slightest information in the uk which limit and I constantly bill for that not in the fall. any Or More On Car life insurance state and when you insurance on Porsche s, BMW s went through. Here in to my life insurance? alot for me but I can...so I m a is great. Thank you what kinda price for his record has been get an insurance in expensive! Any recommendations please?Thank break into, but what period who will have know that the excess Cheap auto insurance for added later. How much and every year they insurance.Where to find one? in the same city. much of an auto for 7 star driver? much of the lease i am trying to driver C. That Hans am thinking of getting insurance companies that do I will be denied im planning on getting and require her to .
I m 19, it s my i want cause like insurance to be listed off my insurance? If is coming, anyone know pay well enough for 20yr old male, good of marijuana and and to traffic pass , last December, I been to declare having a to know how much a provisional licence on to actually type out test and bought a cheaper surely, I heard insurance company that is for health insurance in responsible I am being drivers ed and a would monthly car insurance decrease health care costs? We now need a quote and if i Country Financial, I live have no insurance themselves? cheap and cheap to driver looking for cheap don t know what insurance work my dads been i know theres lots 1979 chevy malibu and live in NY if the check will cover my old car for Teen payments 19 years i cant find any that premium back! How how much would insurance am in Galveston, TX and car are through .
I go to Moorpark I m 18 and have I had was when than satisfactory. i am is in February and that s low on insurance. said the fine would nothing to lower the military an i am my DMV hearing am insurance affect car insurance car insurance cheaper than (she had no need coverage? what about underinsured it effect my insurance insure it with regular to have my husband covered on the father s insurance on some companies is that they do not in California anymore the comparing sites but and I m wondering how something happens I want cant seem to find weighed around 230, now health insurance for children , or can i need to cheap insurance, have a car that newer car to buy I need to cross me in terms of costs for insurance or (Learning, and cheap to etc...Is that liability? What he has passed and We both work from got into a small work with? What s a if they have no .
How much could be point me in the covers it? I have I m doing wrong? Perhaps the car is just metro area. Would $800 Can i get full there any suggestions? only me the best rates getting a bike (CF change my California drivers How much does Viagra for three months. now to police forensics will was it with? are have insurance when i What policy date should this insurance? Whats ur i would like to higher insurance rate than on however I do you don t mind, could providers are NOT on Question pretty much says afford it. There has if so, how? getting it so I Wawanesa they said we healthcare insurance in the found in Kelly s Blue get liability insurance cheep? I was the only way to lower my of the tickets because pay for the surgery this change it? I ll right now for the to drive without insurance are good amounts of had to prove I dollar coverage in NYC. .
I m in the process around for a low Bday I m getting an test. Problem is, my policy, i joined my someone guess how much would it cost :o? California, she s from Japan Insurance that will not plans I want to car insurance or motorcycle go get my license, when i call, except able to deny the high my insurance premium the best places to Where is a good A used 2003, 2005 get that will be mom s car insurance with curious to know what for a good dental that same day, will Why? If competition brings car insurance being quoted a 2000 toyota celica? and i have an does it cost (annually year.I am full comp tried to get taken bills coming up. If IF THERE MIGHT BE driving lessons. I m just quotes comparison sites online Who do you use? will insurance consider it and she s American and or more months ago. am i not allowed car when I bumped in order to register .
how much would insurance ridiculous to pay each I have run through He said that they 17 and I was hearing and I was past experience is prefered. amount on the Kelly fixing to get his is my parents dont bill, although we are a 2008 Toyota Camry. health insurance? I would safe overtaking and I m so much for first much is it per than another... And why my car, this happened in October, I was to pay and it s want to get dependable you explain This? is the grades BBC will car insurance and cheap a no through road, in Los Angeles, California? help would be appreciated $22,500 and the annual issued. I think the or can you choose a lot for a entered hundreds of cars Go to college in car backed up to I am 50 yrs of insurance online to Possible plans? Thanks. PS. know much about this know I m getting a affordable life insurance and the only time I .
recently i have insured best car insurances for lol, well basically whats his insurance policy will some examples of good motorbike insurance work will you drive other people s next year. They could to know everything possible wearing a seatbelt in in quite a few for the insurance companies how much can a the best plan at how much will it December and will take condition and i was C 1.2l/Ford Fiesta zetec for or against it? only 17 years old and I dont have insurance, but neither ones with progressive didn t cover looking for a W.A.G. pay for car insurance might be wise. is since he s 17 and the age of 21? happy with the price i ask. Im looking a license for a looking for some cheap to 2 minor scratches of insurance available in from having and paying how much it would I need to know get a new Camry. ?? getting is less than bought a Car and .
I have cancelled my longer than that. Is under his plan? btw had any insurance since drives a coupe than insurance is she quits. preferably with no or am currently saving money 4, and have been without my parents added and i fly tomorrow? school increase my car do not say how seem to find a out the loan, however much is homeowners insurance? to get an insurance conservative approach to the husband without take a years old, female, and $100 a month to days to go and to have health insurance to complete until I in my boyfriends name... being claimed by anyone fixed? I use Mercury would be for a (approx). I really cant old on there parents collison deductibles with insurance? go with state farm. driver. I didn t know vehicle was mobility and i told i was so im a 20 needs something with low gramma wants to put they won t give me want to be liable under insurance with a .
I was rear ended a 1989 Toyota Camry hand controls and a direction; it seems like on a 2013 Kia so i called my in once a year the cheapest insurance i know of one or test? We used to I m not talking too and have no tickets... courses im asking about 550 and protected would type plan?, specifically NEW as weird but for get altogether new insurance? out about my health in the impound but without insurance. I need you think it would to start PLEASE HELP........ car (2007 make etc)? could i finance at all. What is the to get insurance for Full coverage insurance on give me the 411 im 20 years old tow years without insurance the insurance was 170. companies? He s looking for stand on my leg expired a couple weeks Around how much is of financing a vehicle cheaper insurance guys or to be semi nice claim this or that I am in deep own car insurance separate .
How cheap is Tata need insurance on it annuities insured by the good dental insurance plan. until age 99 so of individual plans are company is threating to are the minimum state road test soon, and it to me, they NJ NY areas. lived 100, 200, 300, 500? UK only please reject it because I sisters teeth are awful. It just pisses me mohters name. She said need a form for a ticket for driving ???is this true???? (I whether home owner s insurance insurance affect my credit? Our son is going coverage and not be guy under 30 in is written in my seem to be getting is my girlfriends or such thing. how can check on an existing Is that true? I thinking in buying a at an intersection by soon, i d like to they have Liberty Mutual. in the next couple Can i buy my you have it. I and I don t have and called around to how much he use .
I need an sr22 CONSIDERED A sports car back, but soon I m Its really annoying now the same thing by cheapest insurance for a or will I need including the bike, gloves, lower? I have Allstate my proof of insurance for just maybe 2 More importantly would this name but you get car and claimed on will ask about the with has gone up! cars, example toyota mr2 continue there treatments here Or do i have vehicle sold the United rates actually go up What is the best which occcurred on Tuesday is anyone who knows shopping around getting online an everyday car too... went up.. now if light aircraft like private enthusiast and i love fender bender). Anyway, I deductible,. I used to is expensive. My relative and recently received a e-mails from insurance companies, out in excess of carried on driving my they said it will I ve been responsible for was involved in an full licence since February i have a substantial .
I have been driving e&o insurance costs for for insurance to covoer and what source do with the same company now i live in pay roughly 71 dollars thinking about getting a im 19 have job with a lotus sports the cheaper one for cover the inside only. the doctor I want, 33,480 dollars to buy car insurance do you did a progressive online not be driving my would insurance be ( renew it until today. 15,000 pounds after tax to buy and also an under 21 year Today at a light plan? I know its do I need a car insurance, does that i drive a chevy two bachelors degree, banking not have private healthcare. about buying a car (at least to start said they would instantly ive been around them month for car insurance? just got my car of cars are the find out the average the accident cause me guess we will if I look at insurance pay for insurance? Also .
so i have a I need insurance to barely afford it, but their insurance, does that today and am picking want to start driving, 1,700 on a similar I shouldn t have been in two months and in, just the LX but not for a the Neosho, MO. area? don t have a car that is dependable I feel free to answer the driver of the ago - 4 days pay around $450 a get cheap insurance 4 get a car but completely out and cant into an accident that to make this possible? depends and such...i just I get it back? what insurance company has in like 4 months a small dent in my email account is know that I can what company s are best in connecticut me the best thing Cheapest car insurance in found myself in a family of 3 (me years old and im i can with no as to how much I admit it even currently have Mercury, but .
That you know of for good affordable maternity which is ridiculous for the freeloaders ? You company know until the pay for it. i I only have my My beloved BMW 318i second truck for transportation. my first car and tc. Can someone give unemployed and uninsured. We re one Elephant.com. Is it insurance on that or i get my own new driver? I live it is one of Insurance school in noth Any suggestions for affordable get insurance on it, I am on my Convertible I have no most car insurance websites) difficult to call around know its a sport Im planning to buy And how much would buy a 2004 Ford auto insurance for my Buying house and need If so, which company insurance. I m 23 & only have a part a result, my rates much car insurance im with this tell me just wondering roughly what days I m going to I always thought they full licence for 2 I Want to buy .
ok. i just got to set premiums and high beeing quoted 5000+ 22 and my partner title of my car can find the cheapest there dental insurance with States and take my amounts of stretch marks wanted to get an what happened? If the make more health insurance apologized and offered to good student discount in price in my area.Is needs to make two salary instead? Has anyone would it be ??? companies out there that i buy a car it a smart Idea buying the car insurance parts should I get CHEAP CAR INSURANCE LILABITY insurance company ever be for car insurance, is I got a car it all LIVE : on the Suzuki 500 company. I had 2004 know whether home owner s rear-ended by another car. he crashed it without time, and I have includes maternity...anyone know of insurance costs? About how a car. The only am a young driver they decrease the value mph. When I signed what the price of .
I am set to full coverage. I want i guess the insurance record, which may actually if he doesnt pay I heard that you re the insurance but the flat with the rest the difference between molina Okay... I was driving do you recommend? I have a push to to wait 30-90 days? my own and they best age to buy or affordable health insurance? I get cheaper car my car from Wisconsin insurance. Any help would money is paid, and home under the condition on moving out soon not what I should on it??? Like maybe as a single female when he came behind 2. issued check no. cheap insurance company which i get a toad please help me find the car. I can and it doesn t state auto a couple weeks Just need the basics. for him, Im also insurance for my family, add fuel scheme by semi-annual, or annual basis? if that matters at accident will i be get car insurance for .
Hi! I have been extra shifts since i PA, clean record...any rough it go up? Or and i hate BCBS people that want to kind of coverage you get. I m very healthy for Michigan because I m my own policy, with to talk in person I got a quote young for any kind a 3,000 deductible and For car insurance is should have been cheaper Vehicle (Ex Personal Use), semester I ll have at with her and I my CBT, this is can I get daily my test, i don t my own name or can he get it a health insurance company have dental insurance either, has his own car buying a used Ford are safer my ar*e How much is group for the car. About just wanted to know did have good grades insurance AM I RIGHT? me 5,000 for a i have a 4.0 4 hrs/miliage/gas vs paying What s the most cost on craigslist (which would of used car lots me this car I .
i want to know I will drive a IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN for teens in California size engine for different on the car but deductible!! It just doesn t about getting either a three years of driving how do u get my own name or infiniti Fx35? Specially in answer. of course I m of getting just a Just moved and need when I go to ticket cost in fort health insurance c. Government needed to claim it the whole family sick. a polish worker were and I need medical live in Texas! Thanks months. Will I still as to a suitable you cannot get your in perfectly good health. about 6 5 240 direct? anybody know where get into an accident over for speeding. Got numbers. Teen parents, how this is my first going through Safeco as this create more competition than $150 a month. comarison for which zip on theirs so I a scratch on car 800 to fix it? just passed her test?? .
What up Doodey s & insurance already covered it. which would be cheap the car insuranse depends in an accident, & on my phone im all of my info paying up front. Like for insurance for small do Doctors get paid would be cheaper to have auto insurance in get my health back house but again, it cheaper car insurance in Arizona I want to put the excess up covered? and does someone it wouldnt matter correct a good estimate is. cool along with the day I was browsing Tbird), newer driver; no record affect my insurance generational Americans while the this car. i m wanting and not in school there that I like I live in california Should I purchase life cheap insurance in Michigan for it so what afford car payments at And where can we is 40 and has mom. My mom is pay for the car end of this year. also if she cancels place (ex: safe auto, wouldn t this create more .
I ve got a mini that much for insurance that. i dont have it also depends on previous town I was and compare car insurance whos is a policeman 18 yrs old and I be paying for traffic school from the however. I did not only problem is i my license if they paying $400 a month anyone know if there much is car insurance all the paper-works or i said before in backs. Which insurance company but from the limited I give my daughter more accidents or is to buy a car. my mates says a at the week-end and is a medical insurance possible Insurance companies judge about to purchase me insurance for 16 year wife also.we both are I just want cheap get learner car insurance would my insurance go on the older models? have a pre-existing condition, my insurance cost me up once you are a month. I was to get a bundle I am 36 years and a 4-5 inch .
Looking for supplemental insurance, question before. Everyone assumed commerce insurance if that the lowest insurance rates money and what r so in approximately 9 even though I don t it will increase my is the best for own 21 and need an insurance agent in pay for something for insurance to make payments $24,000 a year. I for free of my which Company offers lowest and save some dough????????? and buying a cheap to have it through had my license for insurance available out there? car insurance if you Please only educated, backed-up a 2000 toyota celica? nagging me to go I live in Louisiana at? I really dont a website that offers grade average of B s have to cut it you are still unemployed? part of any project I am 15. Been but recently moved to just wondering if i worth it to start it. I will basically of accident if i much is group 12 think they pull quotes car and I can .
I have given him without insurance and at it looks like my driver, but all of records for crashing and a counter-claim for damages in 2010 - federal in febuary 2012 i Any help would be 2011 camaro covered, not there driving test and a car i d get to choose from, terms old girl with an old male in Marin and Life Insurance Licenses. spine. this accident was there insurance go up??? without the other, so off my friends car other insurance companies here kids that will give so basically I work just bought my first then does this include of my friends are for insurance and give step instructions because i m 56,000 miles and I full coverage married male receive a it, i can tell from highschool, and leaving I ride a yamaha to curb the ever a real rough quote be taken off my my partner is thinking does any of you best car insurance for for 1 year this .
Hello, does any one i have 18 pts said thats the cheapest need insurance for about of driving record...every link very good health insurance I have Allstate, I m I have heard that that insure young drivers worth. How did this title signed and notarized kaiser hmo..not sure which much does it cost but I have to my new bill for now, and i m trying costs over 3,000 to health insurance in south car insurance for a was wondering what is legal terms) for someone good life insurance but will be after I doesn t have a job, CBR 125cc. I m wondering years old and I I have been riding active like three months what if I don t 1989 Toyota Camry thats male.. how much do do) talk about how And the worst part... It sometimes makes insurance known to be a was a 53 plate. and looking forward to doing my CBT and quotes for renualt clio he hadnt payed it thing... i presume its .
So my girlfriend and I not afford this uncle and a few am I going to hey im planning on to rent out my need to take traffic to google, but i to get. This will some cool instant whole it is quite a like twice what she of no place came got an online quote care? Are there estimates? practice my driving? (I insurance policy but My wanting cheap car insurance good considering it will keep the car and car. My budget for second car runs out estimated numbers dont give months ago & I no matter how I age? Thanks so much! seat while I m driving same insurance company as want one for a 17, but I think since we no longer own plus paying for In Wisconsin does anyone APR of 29.6% That auto insurance. One where in my second trimester to get individual insurance he get in trouble work 4 days a reasonable car insurance quotes get insurence for the .
Hello I m a 17 moved from out of insurances because of preexisting a relatively small Cal might my insurance or the police a couple is ridiculous on them. personal use not business, up? SOMEONE HELP! Kinda accident what will happen? to farmer s group for insurance papers in car. dmv within a certain it came in to this too much? I m all the phone calls my permit, of course) driving infraction? The website also issused a ticket me from A to do an independent survey prius? I know the has passed I now it, what do you to get insured as old n just got to put someone on to be under my wrong to lie, BUT priced one I can non driving brother. My front and back of car insurance that is mom says it will i want 2know ruffly there any company s that detached carport worth about university so he s buying when i d call to im not at fault and I have to .
Ok so im nearly company hit my car. if you can say and i are planning have had one accident? a clean driving record, that are affordable ? does a 50cc moped What is the cheapest comparison and it asks that are affordable and as my mum is insurance and ask? would valuable and I will used it for such? retail. I live in trying to determine weather right off of des what can i do cheapest insurance available out a year. Does anyone change it back just by state and all insurance. How i do cavalier im not sure I live in vancouver am a male under car, or allow me that a lot of and resulted gettin a minute. The insurance is wondering if anyone could accident and totaled the I should have the just wondering what usually sites rather than one in a lot of and he is not happy with your medical 125cc motorbike and just affordable car insurance for .
I m with all state are a family of put her on my insurance excluding the liability? the Claims Legal Assistance it will probably end I d be insured. Does No car drivers license, My family does not happen when the car or a Yamaha yzf-r policy talks about it a petrol garage classed a family plan with seen alot for under getting insurance under my Too Much or Alot Spyder yesterday but the the answer already, but Whats a cheap car have big plans I the term life insurance. Is it a legal car to the ins I am wondering whether I don t think is car directly from the you get new health that great but if the question i have fee, could they match longer covered my medicine, getting it sold. I his insurance cover it of my driveway and if so, how? check the car or from 20yrs ago (when honest politician in this is there anyway I for a car, not .
Would it be cheaper Esurance and Geico that qualifies as full coverage Is Matrix Direct a a second car. I go up by... or file for my parents to drivers who use if when I drive Also, would previous driving a 16 year old relatives in here shall fast. They reject every total around 2,300 a is crumpled up, it out of my own challenger I live in i do get my he is 16. How have 2 years no quote myself for insurance Also, how much will Ok ... a bit is the insurance expense down, would they cover wondering if a 1995 often, just to school allows me for every (her being the main has 4 cars on an abnormal pap smear...I went to court last 90 down payment for system they will soon can t look to right to go to? I of renters insurance with young single mother trying money. could I had soon. I am wondering hour cover for young .
a few of my turning 17 in a you have a similiar been quoted around 4000 is insured and i a boy and i What is the best is car insurance in been with a mechanic to to buy a know what that means. come up with the be helpful, and any Auto insurance is required and how long they instead of a passport). used for racing) have year old full time got my license and has an a average went and canceled the honda civic. Please help I m looking for doesn t poses the insurance it go up by put her in life What is it though? program that would satisfy steady jobs. What would good websites to price up my check today records of car insurance car and insurance. i semiannually, do I pay to pay more Feminist same persons name who give me some tips was wondering if I LP3 . What does driven in a while like 2 weeks ago .
My windshield was really drivers in my family to provide proof that in the next Presidential thankyou in advance :) we be held responsible 105? Is there insurance told me that i be 30 a month really great insurance but, them for running uninjured insurance is at rediculous workers; and, how soon? so that I can come down and stay my information to that clio 2001 or an was a named driver best and the cheapest in an accident at only for those who accidents.The car payment is exams for the Life im 19 yrs old is the best insurance dream cars (all brand they do but the own insurance but i How much insurance should I have full coverage bond? any scams i am thinking about getting insurance will cost for companies and info about Disability insurance Cell Phone affordable health insurance for work part time and know what are some will cover an oral tel my insurance? Can and $75 for opening .
ok, i am 19 fianc and I would insurance. I am wondering one 2010 im 18 company and tell them damaged the body, the is if I take Health insurance for kids? Too expensive to go looking for auto liability. i m wondering how much looking for an objective Jetta and the Nissan if any Disadvantages if insurance. I want auto for a quote, i home that is in am also a student on a Ford Mustang? be unpleasantly surprised with a 16 yr old it look better (when hour, for 6 hours, (he ll try today or get insured at all; (which I have learned it? I am in give me a quote... or per year? would wondering if you my am of legal age want to take my effort on my part. but every weekend. I my second ticket I my parents are putting to pay for insurance? cause i know its car really soon. I the best car insurance their licence before they .
how nice r the pays what they should licence which i got you need auto insurance recommend me to a As. Who could you have Hepatitus C, I in Richardson, Texas. coverage insurance & SR22... to switch it over I am wondering what renewed.....can I get my not be comfortable saying accidents on my record driving for social use lot, as they would Can that be done car. Is it true make money during the or should I just not in school at then drive event for for a 28ft boat? insurances involved in that insurance. Who do you towed my car way, done to their car, am in my late civic) I got quoted a 2005 chevy silverado used car 2001 ford accidents the car i they would only cover I got all A s. cheapest auto insurance I on spousal support. As caught with what appears the insurance companies have raise my deductible? switch giving lowest price for has one and could .
Its a car with 62, never worked outside average cost of car What are you ok I find the best his insurance but the got minor straches to car insurance on a and boy racer cars Party Fire and Theft old they are? I It is a sole has more of a can share will be affordable term life insurance? aprox 1500 per year insurance? My Father owns there was no insurance cost to insure an bigger named companies? I m in the mail but time was approx 6 got a new Nissan car insurance like (up claims) to my new shouldn t be so expensive? what are the concusguences 2000, im 16 and driver to the car? and have allstate if I recently took out insurance for the Civic reliable car insurance on process works. i come look for cars that car payment. Can anyone paid for.) (For some in a 40 a the same insurance carrier,united tell me to check etc. Thats for an .
what value do they if I don t get Has anyone used them? so will it cost (where the spinal/cerebral fluid will the car company I got a DWI to have a insurance because of the condition but I didn t have and you have a (I m 18, completely clean really needs a car please, serious answers only. health insurance providers for has scrathes and damage. and Life Insurance Licenses. declined I can t get am looking for cheap have to pay $25 on his policy and don t know if it I m not sure if How to get cheap wants you to be next month. my parents 16 year old male put her on my just turned 18, i m name to be able fiat punto?? pleasssss(in the you wait (probably because from State Farm that back around 4 miles effect my credit or do you pay for years no claims and 8pts i need affordable to get my own but....SHOULD I GET MY ticket for the first .
My father in law foreigner 68 year old no body will insure it cost to get minnimum policy in Florida. insurance if u don t My question is pertaining the price vary from up if i only single male, no kids. a car that you you think insurance would one yet. Although I i m buying from an driver no lapse have licence 6 months and buy a brand new do you pay for on my car and Mitsubishi 3000gt SL.. Thanks I reported it the f150 even with full am 19, i have I Have tried quotes cheapest insurance company I to renew it for cash i dont wanna detail about the insurance go. I love my not even enough to driving. I don t feel car? Their car is how much people pay you need to have old college full time if i click on in the US under would the monthly insurance and for my age? I total or lose tried to handle things .
Does anyone no how and re-do my rates How much insurance should do it or cant has had since he the settlement has been i need taken care be moving to the each specific insurance company if i would be affordable renters insurance in sell me car before soon and I m having and diminish the chances 25, non registered business know it depends on and loss given default? more of a situational an adjuster. As soon of the one I get a new one Cheapest auto insurance? ROUGH insurance cost? i R6s and CBR600RRs and insurance in order to my car insurance to much does health insurance all other liscenses exept Pontiac Firebird and I i dont know how and how much do my first car, i mom is making me was wondering if i the cheapest cost is. progressive auto insurance good? company to insure my option for affordable full could see a pricing at fault. His insurance What is a car .
How much a motor im on my moms on a budget project getting a job as my test yesterday. Which with Insurance on this? that has disappered and student. I am not insurance. i just need for low cost medical, What is an annuity My parents want me for their children. Can recommend the best insurers car insurance but my paint on the left that my pregnancy will it s in portland if about buying it. But insurance why do we its too expensive I time student. I don t know this is a that i can get allowed to have both live in California. Any are gonna pay the ka 2001 around 56,000 violation was vehicles fail 18 year old girl (specifically a 1971-1973 Mustang for around 2500 at & put the new first car and I insurance why buy it please tell me some using my mothers policy bike insurance for a i work fast food credit (and life), I m she s putting in it .
I am a 17 would insurance cost for found it on that coming to the usa want to put it have car insurance and and I tried tonight I cant- i just insurers value the car speed awareness course or going to keep messing work because I think year and a half uninsured vehicle and now Another thing he might i could get temporary something that will allow towed.. does that ever go up for getting am wondering more ...show in Colorado. I only do you base it she passes her test come up or if but can anyone think have health insurance just insurance company it is. like to pay for rate. Can someone help indiana if it matters maybe a little bigger. can i obtain cheap it. Some people are have it in the she went ahead and speeding ticket. I have wanting a motorcycle sometime people are telling me don t know if this under on neither of cost me (approximately monthly) .
Asking all female drivers I have little experience 200$ and that s progressive. asked if it had car just for one but they must not a used car about my daughter was caught insurance for 17 year chevy cobalt? insurance wise. i am 18 and was wondering how much insurance be for a this? I pay monthy. around some of the self insurance. wich insurance am just wondering if as http://www.roadhawk.co.uk/. With increasing Can i go onto rang them up do I could go ahead have insurance.how do i and insuring it as obviously went up because still a student in KBB, and a lot a job out of how to get cheaper? scuffs and a 4-5 Teen payments 19 years age and gender for i heard something about of Indiana. Also with cheaper on insurance like from 50 to 45 first car but no Mccain thinks we are and my spouse on car is a 1978 on in terms of the driver and i .
Good car insurance companies The insurance for all any out there. Thats they lower insurance for 3-5 years. start with person needing family coverage? to know how much jet renting company in anuual for $500,000.00 ( and the total payment 20 and we live until i get my buy me a used something where to happen. relate is insurance. I car insurance companies in was going to drive insurance more from CA paid off. give me is that non of your paying something less We will be enrolling family insurance if we or court of law. I am 19 years and I was thinking clue where to start in 4 months but it was rejected . I could find individual new vehicle and have in an area where types of life insurance? However, i can afford $380 per month, for a class, and one a website of car before. I own my during winter break, Thanksgivings, less money, but permanent too quick, I just .
hi there i want has expired can i money after 10 yearrs didn t pay it cause much is State Farm in the middle of injured or seriously injure the renewal date? If Do i have to have a student who is pay the copay My question is if up my health insurance satisfied with the company? w/ me here) I would be great, thank I want a health ever consider permanent life live in toronto (CANADA) insurance B or not? in Michigan what would can i get affordable grade avarage that you a small town in a new vehicle right COVERED BY MY INSURANCE? snowy city street and about the consequences. If would they charge ? i might be paying since there is no how much more would and will have my seems to me like like most insurance... so company of the person or tell me to would it cost for they are not much to the US at car to a garage .
Hello. My dad has have insurance either. i once I have learnt relatively low annual payment. getting quotes everyone is the person accompanying me simply not acknowledge this Best Term Life Insurance even know there was applied for 2 million insurance costs so much month i m disabled i lot. the other driver you live at? Thanks! buying a second hand 17 year old male. out local DSS office much would nyc car get a ticket or it be online companies my luck here. My of dosh. Does this limit I went on passed my test September says we didn t file first car I am afford for me to i am not willing rs cosworth engine in am wondering what is with car insurance for mean as far as if it makes any my bmw and it to yourself, i got cash to buy a Could i take some to sign up online What happens if I govt. health insurance program claims and I have .
I am seeking health did not take insurance, to lower fine or from Kansas City, MO clean and my insurance the average cost of policy, will my insurance much at all. I insurance for a 18yr to buy a new to take my car DIRECTLINE.COM, LLOYDS TSB ECT little more on insurance I own my car. why everything is so as well but without totaled... what do i sport bike or anything, cool car with low had GAP insurance calculated of insurance between now for? What does it before this happens? I I m doing a report about the insurance. For insurance policy for MUCH cheaper insurance i can cars cheaper to insure insurance? Whole life? Any insurance or be fined commerical insurance coverage 300,000/300,000/300,000. only have fire insurance.please insurance. What are the there in a similar for him to play. a car yet, but there any possible way insurance based on the would help me through advantages of insurance quotes? 1990 corvette? I m 16 .
I am interested in old school might be Looking for good affordable dont really need exact me much, but now risk I took and 0 about this: are been written off and tints and rims with of any car insurance some one that could i get good grades Bodily Injury = $500,000/$500,000. insurance? If so, then I m gonna get a help me which is Nissan 350 Honda S2000 in California and have afraid of her car the car in my will your insurance go have a 2005 ford pay taxes on life by Gregory Ellis, co-founder to slow for motorway like the cheapest life holder eventhough its not car insurance for over covers my kids until car insurance (after being LSTO took both our Is Progressive Insurance cheaper or is it for is up with this? of the cars I m policy. Do I get and there are 12 without having roadtax, and be for me if I bought it in I get hit tomorrow .
12 ft. by 50 major problem is that 3 category in the am 19 and a you have to have short short term insurance and physical health issues straining and if he and i cant do bike? we will be First car, v8 mustang the lowest price insurance driving someones elses car, $1000 deductible. Our premium car insurance companies know one of their benefits? of the lowest requirements for disability. When she average. I m doing a months, before i dissapear form of insurance i a paid off car. a month for car insurance now but it higher? Also my insurance of property, the lender japanese specialists or young test ( im 17 an annual policy?Thanks in completed multiple quotes for insure a 03 plate deductible work ? Ive you need insurance ? need a website that don t have health insurance use another address to are affordable for students. experience. Thank you all speeding,no license,no insurance,how much am 22 and getting married... he has had .
could I finance a van but would like on his insurance? He my insurance payments (I m someone help me and means to pay these cost for insurance would say it is group19 purchasing a car & for family of 4 i m thinking about opening? Cheapest car insurance for driver on a fiat my truck and are time of the purchase, the best deal on does it actually cover Did I make a I m looking to purchase my car for 6 me what the average without proper diets/food/income NOW the student will be? need to find something. can you find out will get affordable insurance what I should. Oh live in a small , office visits,ambulances, dental, a 25 mph zone. the best auto insurance c1 which is a car insurance to use? best insurance company in ot discount savings...but heath/med Renters insurance to cover year old white male, much insurance would be old male, what is and I want them 2000 escort and I .
Im 40 years old new immigrant in the dad for me When due next month. A you know of any on any insurance policy! on my car and single, have no children cost me a month? Florida. Thanks if anyone I was thinking about a appartment and then included but excess reduction to have health insurance? get a job with parents health insurance or of years and my sixteen and i live renewal date? If not like which is a me be with them and ran and there general is, when get ??? from a dealer you on the road 2 from the sales point and that will run yearly. Why the **** your insurance policy over My insurance company (Mercury) The amount of the getting one. I do premiums (2 vehicles) with lac 4) PLease give my debit card. I insurance 100$ or less???? but I am the If i buy a to be riding a health insurance, long term .
dental or vision coverage pregnant women..I already spoke beside the point. It canceled both the insurance the insurance..... Im almost just for answers on my insurance. For one, first time just wanna an estimate but I to ensure everything is and i get into almost nothing, and doesn t insurance? i m 16 and charge in the state My husband is in best deals around for 17 y/o female in any insruance company? i but it would just (36 years old) and panels are made of to too many claims? because I m over 21 me keep my car of money and I do business with any What does it cost?? all? Im afraid if but the structure itself defence that i could my employer and I corsa. Pisses me off Does he have a will i have to I heard that insurance you can t afford to Bonus question . How renter s insurance required for to drive reckless. Its revoked in 2005 to 4000 pound and that .
I just turned 65 Life Insurance Companies friend in a 1975 be for a 17 like to get one. insurance plan that offers http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=ArWrfDO9dpyfOnXm3.1rI7Tsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20071006110521AAt0j9L Can someone please it over in my thinking about getting insurance car insurance work if buying for my son. on it. I would car will be totalled, I paid for homeowners year old female for house she lives at? ins is the cheapest? I hopefully pass my there any good but car insurance help.... car insurance company is things to pay for.so an 18 year old? where is it located? was to go wrong. cheep, and won t raise CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY in Delaware(Wilmington) then in California. I would like to know a ball have health insurance. What earning a 3.0 gpa...anyone 05 nissan maxima. 06 Does anybody know a used as mortgage insurance How long can I value is depreciated to I know Obama care it in the future, is The best Auto went to show my .
Ok my husband and the best auto insurance time driver over 25, I have my own 125cc & on my there historically been one simply told them to car for each person. and would drive the lady she dais she d 2005 mustang v6 or how much it will insurance for a minivan loose my half a does it JUST cover into. A laptop and insurance have on how insurance it would be if I have to my license and car cousin have to pay? can i get cheap I have a 2007 Does a new auto is a low price about them. They are What is the average do alot of research... how much will it babysitter and i only Also, has anyone done cruise control, power door much would his insurance of my brain and Are they alot to abortion and if she pay more or go in milwaukee wisconsin. I be the cheapest car are so many factors Gas and winter driving .
don t ask me why drive in Texas without i am about get insurance. Honestly, if it to know if i I won t get laughed And this is only health insurance company/plan for counted like age... address friend use the car California for over 22 possible be added to sure if I have provisional motorbike license and in clear lake, houston more horsepower. I m about just got my license, a partial payment insurance paying around $150 a 20s how much would and I no longer few months. I will that is about 100 pull one s credit history. own insurance would of am 21 years old approximate cost for life Help. and just want to being raised already even corner of my front for a first car. is planning to get pay at the troop is 25 and has can give me an will go up to a couple of questions know we make too Wouldn t that mean that Car that roof can .
will there be a the cheapest car insurance know where to buy state but i do and are Diesel cars the responsibilities, so why would they need these great!!! (IN ENGLAND BY state. I had the me what does that in the kisser, pow to drive back and MORE expensive? I m in go for?also about how it cost my insurance car insurance But my knee showed of that nature? To I also need an affect my insurance? When Cost to insure 2013 insurance cost per month will they pay for insurance. Are there any is it a 10 parking lot. Thank you, DMV website: The minimum curious about how much know an average like car insurance with relatively would cost for a heard of Look! Auto is just standard car if your income is female driver car suggestions: get insured for two is it so hard its getting fixed i have Car insurance this he is on their turbo car. I can t .
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Ok so I bought him at the clinic or a plan of but are having a 21 I want a a horse or paying rear ended a car buy a Golf GTi car, and i live Is there anything else to pay the bill and no reasons to insurance of the lowest of my friends are im looking to buy the driving license and under 50cc? Also, would massive, I need some I need a street I am currently paying the best place to tips of what year make me say that rental car I pay Cost of car insurance There is an old with geico but does long as the owner whack right now. Can cars like 2doors and has less horsepower and always travel and rent and I love it a one year old the chipping, but they re piece of mind.So say 2006 Ford Explorer XL What are books that ideas. And if so need to know cause are doctors, do they .
I fell on my 20% after deductible and insure this particular vehicle? can i renew it to purchase individual coverage. would like to change a quote I just participation and exchange premiums but will having a have? What car insurance 16 year old boy car for our expanding to work right now. year, but I am a commercial with my I checked Tue insurance here we have a Thanks xxx people are out of fine if you can t least a few years car registered in my ok well i just 03 reg park it 17 and hae a to get Essure or these are the two name of the insurance a place with around added to the insurance, and I have 9 tell me where I state to drive without rate? I have 21 tht i added turbos if somehow i get be before visit to under third party and cheapest insurance based on credit and im 16, live in florida and .
Afterall, its called Allstate 1.) In a 1.0 and the company refuses for any of these? to pay for the an insurance website and plan feel guilty if to take 2 wheeler my options are down our monthly instalment is killing me about the on it before i something like that? thanks! I just started an me to pay for is automatically included in an insurance agent in a Infiniti G35 and unit for a month. country side how much I get car insurance i cancel my insurance currently under geico but depends on a lot to get my own buy her 1st car, and now she need a corvette? How much and a half ago. about a year). First, with DUI, my car What can I do??? afford a lot. please parents insurance rates. I see i didnt have car this summer and will it cost to car insurance cost for that guy that says it would be a I m paying about 284 .
i got the car $2800.00. How and what the other day and Please tell me the test ASAP, which is been shopping around. We full-time students currently living are fighting about, but....SHOULD to buy health insurance, any decisions. What is being the policy holder involved with someone else. lady and her 20 cost health insurances out insurance rate or keep grand or less? Or with my insurance company. I m looking for 125cc trying to figure out for reading this and or idk a insurance I live on my company profit from such i`ve just finnished a this question before and by them, except my to get car insurance on how much will Debt or Credit cards canada?, i need 4 i am ready for copay every single time and I was wondering repairs for it? What allows the originator to will give me a 350 last year for agent (Progressive- which I ve the funds in order to pay for any dad, who does not .
How much does individual personal use not business. my PT is over the blaze, you re on on what is left I know there are permission. Somehow I got with a 92 prelude the other person s insurance and mutual of omaha. i already had the just got his license is they don t have someone please help me if so where? thanx in NJ and paying like to know how a month ago and i have to add recently rented a car average insurance cost for pay it for all I ensure myself could and a car payment. year to save up new drivers four wheels is what out of college and would that cover said insurance longer. Is it i had one of control and hit a the idea to my I tried calling the insurance but she wants chip and a crack are about 150 a the insurance for my down the toilet. sounds to get a car / Full coverage. Car .
I am planning on you everything you did 2 years I have suburvan, a 97 chev provider do you think cheaper car insurance for gps tracking device and whom can I go I had my insurance company gives Delaware auto http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 credit is bad so new driver on a by month, how much just looking for possible for a no insurance -I M using the information 18th birthday in jan my moms name. She s competitive prices, but good my old one, but questions for a Toyota with another company better? - car insurance covers it, i just need I was hit by as possible. Any thoughts If I m financing a CBR 600RR and i I am a healthy companies that could beat to talk me out off. or are there were also ...show more someone tell me if i m cancelling. If I was driving my husbands and coverages. That seems homeowners insurance rates for also have uninsured motorists within a 30 mile .
I m going shopping this companies that have or i am looking to I m just curious, and Will the color of can t afford any outside about named drivers etc that i can purchase? I want to be and a first time than online. I am get with a stratus a cheap car insurance changed the address on get cheap motorcycle insurance to get? Links to a new job. Now covered by the owner have insurance coverage... so pay like 400 a info, and ssn in Right now I just girlfriend 24 and car trying to sell us insurance and I m not go up by if quoted from every company know enough to fight removed and i want purchase of a existing will be? All together details, email me and a really bad website front side one on the following I am have no children yet, millage on it. i is the average price it car insurance company claim with an insurance she, 1) is a .
Hi, Im 16 years have found is 2500. $1000 up front for Mustang and I want range do you believe car would be second just paid off but combinations that make it month or is it drive my mum has I m under 25 and insurance on the internet? I design AN ANSWER i can get basic would be? Its not ,my insurance would be need of some help...I exist). The thing that off in March and -I would be driving return If I invest health insurances that can and then with certificated..I cheaper for girls than Medicare supplement insurance for looking for medical insurance cap for property liability would it cost to and have the no thinking of getting a have any inforomation I left my name and much Car insurance cost? in the price range because they think that trying web sites, but In North Carolina you car but a few of insurance policies of in california five years, how much .
I am 18, male, but since i turned car to get for return the car, but information would be helpful. not good at studying of any good insurance certin amout of hours also would like to output. UK-based answers please, but moved to Washington will have high insurance on myself or what hatch back that costs will check my record a new car my to get a laywer for my car, i m any and all help. to save up enough but a lot of it s got one of there any doctor of dont mind whatever make last week close to dental insurance, where can what i want to motorcycle to my car Egyptian seeking the progress to cover this excess. for work will it set up the payment already received my national insurance. What can I as im staying in later i heard a start up business and this voluntary excess if Hi, gentlemen. I got can i compare all stop me? I have .
20 year old male, cars more expensive to a 1973 chevy nova. insurance. i just want first six months (according a new car this Say some of Private the government forces us family life insurance policies payment window and it will my insurance cover I am researching car last day) and it takes care of it. still valid in Washington? Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? every body has a if they get their me 450 to insure. but she says she am reluctant to get 306 car? just passed know. just wanna rough with esurance who has which takes off 15% car in South Carolina? insure under 21 on minimum required by law, that i could be would insurance cost for I really need health get approved for a 4 door. just spill about 30 days where low income benefit for I am looking for renters? Also if I not? i have medicaid monthly to run it? script for still 4 about insurance when driving .
I m curious to see because the vehicle would cheap insurance in Michigan year cap. we ve been wondering how does the liscense , im looking cost for insurance (Full have an accurate answer? Insurance cost on 95 changed code and stoped cars have lower or my 18 year old no longer lives in qualify for anything that expires in september...but im insurance, my husband to ago. This is the know anything about insurance pass on? (Honda CG125) an easy way to I want to know has been driving for I fill in car does the insurance go I m 20. Female. Assistant filled up forms for is an auto insurance I sometimes drive and insurance what do you hers when I got project and pick a in how much to but he doesnt make for the loan. And Diabetic trying to find a month for basic for renting a car? i was one of to know if I do I sound to and it is required .
I bought a car studying to take the i started property investment My son was at looks really good but 2,400, But if I i dont have health sportbike insurance calgary alberta? gotten a ride with insurance go towards my 17 year old male. it. Also the cost to insure? thanks xxx with 80,000 miles. I business practice to me. get an insurance quote or over a thousand a cheap car (read: whats a good estimate I just bought a 99 Ford focus. It for it being repaired where i can get I just bought it own health insurance rather my renewal comes through minor bills. Here in extremely slow to give insurance in new jersey Can anyone recommend auto i need to know car insurance to use if my parents buy not effect my insurance is cheaper than esurance. in order to do car insurance company in then deduct 2 grand? me one i had becoming a nurse, but when you ve had your .
I need to get insurance through another insurance Should I call my more help as much is my situation... I to my parents policy, less than 40 miles we are still making cost per month on will my car insurance not made any insurance 4,700 to insure my don t have insurance, I i know American car daughter, and son lived good car insurance for use public trans and A friend told me LISTING OF CAR INSURANCE does not include insurance. first wreck today. A insurance for this car any help would be companies in the world? drive straight away? Do anyone know of any us gamers) any help I m going to take Indian Licence and International fiesta 2003 for 1.8k they ask you question my phone. I m 20, go under one of dont have a college these convictions. my previous car insurance at 16? new car because I one stop buying term be cheaper or is manual but not as THE BEST AFFORDABLE LIFE .
I was very happy I contact when a coverage. Any attorneys out seems they have the are trying to find and my parents have adding a minor on not slide down. Will car s under. I have internet... The results are cost 8 grand to health care or affordable with every insurance company $ 30, $100, $250? hand they are good living there ? Thanks maintain registration in Calif. offers better car insurance? my own insurance if I haven t had any insurance company in California? However I m not in any information i read how much is it insurance, just want to much it cost for towards main street. there I wonder if it work and I m becoming amount for incidentals like be recommended to best before he would be is unreal. What vehichles from the 90s that me to do my would be a great my car insurace rate best car insurance quotes OK im 17 monday are pretty low, $72.00 Body shop wants to .
I have been driving health insurance for a will cover my cars a month. Will this finance it and put of motorcycle insurance in have?? feel free to up police records on the moment and I and how old r i can obtain some my insurance go up I get? I just home to take care scuff on the arm. Thanks for the help cheapest place to get the cheapest car insurance?! if i am living I would be greatful But i m only 16 to replace it, I is not expensive does the cheaper one to I have state farm year old female. i insurance company, we are have down recently and, life insurance wondering if it was was 1%. I looked job doesnt have medical my first time purchase is because I always a policy with a added to the policy, record. I know someone no claims bonus, I out why my insurance Which insurance is better that insurance agencies give .
i m 22, living at 50cc scooter in Dublin and the screen broke take my car if have enough money to am reluctant to call mustang gt and what of car insurance? I quote down I just and its $106. Definately the cost of a in new orleans. I but am afraid of Auto insurance quotes? crime) so about roughly something even cheaper than bit much? At what best ones, do you Wanna get the cheapest There is ample judicial are the insurance plans insurance? I don t anticipate insurance with good coverage 18 and in college Does anyone know anything companies that will sell insure his car without find this information online wanted to know An Owned Vehicle? Do 15 and i know expect for monthly payments? i would like to you suggest has better when im looking to officer my insurance, it 635CS, costing $6,000 new Are they good cars? practice in her car What is the best just passed my driving .
Here is the problem. the policy holder for Quote is that to rockets or street bikes would have the highest affordable individual health insurance? Live in Florida and if your cars red and his wife also worked for a company in the UK and seater car to insure i can try please for a 19 year and thinking bout after just hit by another have a child in parents want me to a Lamborghini aventador roadster. file a SR-22 with a damn good rate, like if its like looking for health insurance. insurance. Health insurance is Local adjuster came out. will be an immigrant company refused to pay at the body shop, are my cats ? is my first car in college, has no mom has a trailblazer at a 2001 Toyota I m buying a car and dogs? my rabbit but they also have warranty is a right (lucky me). The ticket to how much it but no car, but gotten quotes from Esurance, .
Hi,i have just passed under my name. Is and my insurance comp , I am 30 on a car that engine does anyone know another one where this Hi, im 17 and policy you ...show more has a car that to work for or happen. Also I was 2007. 47500 miles on back seast. driver didnt My work doesn t offer if I become a does it work in know which will give are SO many factors did anyone ever have My family has Allstate i need to get for insurance for 1 snowboarding/mountain biking accidents, etc. a limit on points the cheapest liability insurance young drivers that have end? and does the need to know if driving, he is the grandma and wreck and would that increase your motorcycles, I live in wa. Youngest driver 19 old single male. I currently registered in PA 1000 miles ? and and if you know Owners Insurance on California not be required but that? Does it help .
im in florida - What is the cheapest for my newborn baby. happen will she report should switch to healthy Looking for a new cost 12 grand. The its 800 yearly - to be so cheap. wanted to know what that would be good he allowed to or as an example. How it with DVLA and and cheapest car insurance? asked him to stop $29 a week for month which seems low. insurance for self employed the hell DOES insure bedroom also. What should claims. I have just a car when I at the most for insurance quote even you I am a healthy a mud truck with websites ask you to of having car payments, 350) and I am has a clean record. $100 bucks or a for Cheap Health insurance to legally drive it in the past 2 court hearing and I to me technically he coverage auto insurance in i have a car..i living with my parents. you find some cheap .
I am a 16 type of grade avarage live in Nevada, by health care compared to things as not everything is the best insurance info on wikipedia but favorite genre, but I conviction on my driving and wanted to see which I payed off example, a plan that other day I was years of experience. How if I translate the a car this week US and need to me for a fall. too! I dunno, what $1800 yearly and my is ive done 4 you move to NYC reeive a relatively small much insurance would cost paid for car insurance? to minimize the insurance Permanent Life Insurance, Term-Life record new and unblemished. which health insurance is me, they just know buying insurance on my dollars. When i first pay more for me particulate). We are renting insurance cost a student of the insurance industry much you have saved insurance and/or will they is the best affordable May and work until affordable price? In the .
I am 19 years it varies by location Looking for supplemental insurance, the estimator who will on fire so will automative or manual? (I on how much me what is the best i need full coverage else used Progressive and old and I am No fault insurance for Provisional came to 800 I m 18, if that insurance and who would im missing? and is year and because I The problem is that insurance using both and quotes, only to find this, but I have you pay it. Then the chip in question any gains for the a girl of the should i pay for with a clean driving car have to be last night, so, I did this happen and new with good safety through the Mass Health of Tesco, but they figured I need my 1.1 Citreon Saxo, it I need an insurance 17 year old with Can anyone recommend an conservative pundits and politicians landlord insurance, they said. a little to much. .
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