#my mind has lost her name and many parts of that stay but i remember that exchange
kitsiyo · 9 days
Remembering my first mental hospital stay, wherein I was a freshly diagnosed schizophrenic with paranoid delusions. I had told a doctor I was convinced someone was following me, wanted to hurt me, and that I was afraid, and she just told me it wasn't real. Just in my head.
I wandered to the group room, tired and freaked out from not sleeping for a few days prior to admission. There was a native woman, maybe 55-70s in age sitting at a table and she could tell I was shaken and upset and invited me to sit with her where she had a big sprawling unfinished puzzle out.
She asked me what was wrong and I told her, someone is following me and I think they want to hurt me, and I'm scared. She listened and nodded without interrupting me before speaking, gently coaxing me to add a piece to the puzzle in front of us. "See those doors? There's only 2 to this entire wing, and they're both always locked. Only authorized people with the codes can come in or out, no one can come in thats not supposed to be in. You're safe, okay?" Her voice was so gentle and reassuring. I kept repeating her words to myself, you're safe, you're safe.
And I will always remember that. She didn't tell me it wasn't real, my fear was real and she didn't say it wasn't. She just reassured me that I was safe. I felt listened to, and as I searched for more pieces to that puzzle I actually did feel safe. The terror dissipated while we searched for the pieces together
I don't remember her name, don't even remember the puzzle we were making, but I remember that her words not only validated me, they comforted me when I needed it so badly. I will never forget that kindness, and it made the stay all the more manageable while I got proper medication and healed.
Whoever you were, thank you for treating me like a person. Thank you for giving me that comfort. I think of you still and always will
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just-aake · 5 months
Marry Me? Part 2
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Pairing : Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
Summary : Different times Natasha asks you to marry her, now if only you would believe that she was actually serious.
Part 1 | Love in Red
Warnings : fluff, light angst, hints of sexual themes
Words : 1455
“Marry me?”
Your feet stumble on the treadmill, startled by Natasha’s unexpected question.
It has been a few days since the doctors discharged you from the medical bay, and now that you’re feeling better, you decided to do some training to regain your strength.
Recovering your composure, you turn off the machine, slowing to a stop before looking to where Natasha was previously training against the punching bag. 
You had offered to hold the bag for her earlier, but she quickly declined and directed you towards the treadmill for a lighter training session instead, citing your still recovering condition.
At the sight of her in her black tank top with a sheen of sweat on her body, you go to take a drink for your suddenly dry throat and stall your response as you try to understand what she meant. 
“Oh, I get it. Is this because of what I said before, during the mission?” 
You remember how you had lightly hit Natasha’s hand and remarked about it during your last moments of consciousness, referencing her previous statement to you when you had uttered those two words to her before.
“Don’t worry about that, Natasha. I know you were just kidding.”
Giving her your usual convincing smile, you begin to gather your things, feeling a little worn out from the training and the painful reminder of the type of relationship you have with her.
You turn towards the exit with a small wave.
“I think I’m going to stop for today. I’ll see you later.”
With your back to her, you miss the way Natasha’s shoulders slump and her hands fall to her sides as she stares at your retreating back in disbelief.
~~~~~~~ ⧗ ~~~~~~~
“Marry me?” 
You let out a slight chuckle in between the bites you are taking.
“Hey, that's my line,” you say jokingly with a slight bittersweet tone, oblivious to the soft look Natasha is giving you.
Your focus is currently on the array of dishes in front of you. The candles and flowers at the center of the table bring a warm and pleasant atmosphere to the dimly lit space around you.
A hand wipes at the corner of your lips with a napkin and offers you a glass of wine, and you take it gratefully, turning to face the redhead.
“Seriously, Natasha, you didn’t have to do all of this and make all of my favorites. It’s not like we’re celebrating anything.”
Natasha shakes her head slightly and lets out a huff of disbelief, but still, her lips quirk up into a fond smile as she listens to you talk about your day.
~~~~~~~ ⧗ ~~~~~~~
“Marry me?”
The words were whispered so softly against your bare shoulder that you almost missed it, distracted by the gentle kisses that followed.
After the time she just spent making you scream her name, your mind is too blissfully dazed to process anything, much less what she just said to you. 
A brief moment of serene silence follows before you suddenly feel her hand move from innocently caressing your hips down across your stomach towards where you know she intends to begin another round.
You tap her lightly in exhaustion, letting her know that you don’t think you can keep going. For some reason, Natasha has been insatiable this night, bringing you to the point of pleasure so many times that you’ve lost track.
Understanding your action, Natasha returns her arm to wrap around you instead, pulling you close to her in a warm embrace.
This feels different. 
That was the last thought you had before you drifted off to a peaceful sleep.
When you wake up, you are surprised to see Natasha still beside you, instead of the usual empty space, and of course, she is already awake. Her head rests on her hand as she watches you slowly blink yourself awake and give her a confused look.  
“Don’t you have to get to your morning run?”
Natasha shakes her head.
“I’d rather stay here with you.” 
Your heart warms slightly at her words, but you quickly brush off the feeling, knowing better than to get your hopes up. Defaulting to your usual methods of coping during these kinds of situations, you tuck your face against the crook of her neck to hide your expression as you joke against her skin.
“Last night was that good, huh?”
You don’t see Natasha roll her eyes fondly at your teasing or throw her head back with a silent sigh, but you do feel her tighten her arms around you and place a soft kiss on your head.
~~~~~~~ ⧗ ~~~~~~~
“Marry me?”
Earlier, you received a sudden request for you to join her on the rooftop of the Avengers Compound.
That’s how you found yourself at this point, standing with Natasha under the night sky as she says those two words to you again.
Well, you are standing.
Natasha is on the ground in front of you.
On one knee.
With an elegant little box in her hands.
“Y/n, I’m serious,” she says genuinely.
Your mouth hangs open in disbelief as your eyes shift back and forth between Natasha’s earnest face and the beautifully crafted ring in her hand.
Behind you, by the rooftop doorway, you can hear the whispers of the other Avengers watching.
“I think Nat broke her,” Clint says.
“Shush, just give her a minute to respond,” Wanda whispers.
“You know, in Asgard, one must battle other suitors and show their strength before they can propose,” Thor points out.
“I told her. She should have just used my drones,” Tony remarks. 
“This is a private moment. Everybody, leave. Now,” Steve orders firmly, shutting the cracked opening of the door.
Hearing their words and now understanding what is happening, you return your attention to Natasha who is now rubbing her head exasperatedly at their behavior.
Shaking her head, Natasha bites her lips nervously before releasing a shaky breath and meeting your eyes.
“I know I’m not the easiest person to be with. I’ve put you in situations that have not been fair to you. But despite all of that, you still stayed by my side, and in return, I kept you at a distance.” 
Your arms instinctively wrap around yourself in comfort at the thoughts of all the times you've felt hurt, patiently waiting for her.
Natasha's hand moves slightly as if she were about to reach for you, but she holds herself back, giving you a sad expression.
“I don’t have a good track record with those who stay around me. They get hurt, always do,” Natasha admits, her eyes drifting down to where the bullet had pierced you. Her lips twist regretfully, “I can’t promise that you will have a safe life with me. And honestly, you deserve better.”
She meets your eyes again with a small, hopeful smile, her own gaze reflecting her vulnerability.
“But one thing I can do is promise that I will do everything I can to give you the happiness you deserve. I want to be with you, Y/n…if you’re still willing to have me?”
With those final words, Natasha waits with a bated breath for your response. You observe her carefully.
The wind blows her auburn hair softly behind her while the rooftop lights cast her face in a scarlet glow, and her ruby lips are caught between her teeth in anticipation.
You can't help but think you were right before.
Red is a beautiful shade of color on her.
~~~~~~~ ⧗ ~~~~~~~
“Hey, Natasha…” you call for her attention among the joyous voices of your friends celebrating.
She turns her head to you, just as you put some of the wedding cake frosting on her cheek.
“…you have something on your face,” you say teasingly.
Natasha raises an unamused brow at you, but you spot the glint of fondness and love in her eyes. 
As she goes to wipe it off, you catch her hand, stopping her, and lean in to kiss the frosting from her cheek.
Before you can pull away too far, Natasha takes your chin in her hand and presses her lips to yours. 
With your small gasp of surprise, she deepens the kiss, entering your mouth to taste the frosting that you had just removed from her.
Sounds of cheer from everyone erupt around the two of you, and Natasha pulls away with a small smirk at your flushed expression.
Wrapping your arms around her to hold her close, you brush your lips lightly against her again before deciding to ask her one last time.
“Marry me?” 
Natasha’s grin widens happily, leaning in closer to whisper her response proudly against you. 
“I finally did.”
~~~~~~~ ⧗ ~~~~~~~
a/n: thank you for reading!
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simpcityy · 1 year
I’m Not Her (Father Miguel O’Hara x Teen! Daughter Reader)
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Summary: Miguel O’Hara is your biological father but it’s not great being his daughter when he’s hooked in the past still.
Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel or any of its characters. This is very short as well! Just a little prompt I thought also, I know the song is about a girl who loves a boy etc., but I thought of it more as father and daughter way. *Ahem* Him thinking of Gabi rather than the present daughter he has…I’m sorry if I confused you.
Word Count: 500
Warnings: Use of female pronouns, Use of (Y/N), angst, Father Miguel, overall, it’s just sad. Uhhh I think that is all for now.
Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3 Pt.4 Pt.5 Pt.6
Being the biological daughter of Miguel O’Hara has its ups and downs but mostly downs according to you. Walking through the Spider Society, you held some reports from Jess, she was on her way to hand them over to your father but seeing the kind person you are, you decided to do it for her so she can rest. You're amazed how a woman so pregnant can still fight. Walking down the halls, you were alone with your thoughts. The time he left to be a father to another girl..a girl named Gabriella…were you not enough for him? What did Gabi have that you didn’t? So many thoughts running through your head only to be snapped from hearing Mayday giggling in the room. Taking a deep breath, you pushed in ready for the chaos. “Hey! (Y/N)!” Peter smiles holding an energetic child. “Hey” You responded before looking over at Miguel who was looking at the videos that hurt you the most. Videos of him and Gabriella. You only frown a bit before masking it. “I'll just drop this off” You dropped the files onto a flat surface before walking to the door. “Hey Boo! You going to ask him?” Lyla appears in front of you smiling. You look at her and back to Miguel before shaking your head. “No…he has better things to do” You whisper walking through her, leaving. Lyla watches you staying quiet before next to Miguel. “Files were dropped.” She brought him back to reality. “Hmm? Who?” He mutters looking at the AI. He goes down his platform and picks up the files you left. “(Y/N) did, she was here not long ago” Lyla looks at her phone scrolling through it. Miguel looks at the door where you left not long ago.
Sitting out on the roof of your dimension, your thoughts only seem to be filling you up with anger. Why did he leave you to be a father for another kid…yeah, she lost her father but so did you…he left you to be with her. You groan out in frustration before looking at the time. “There is not enough time left” You mutter before getting up and going back to the house. A home where you stopped waiting for him to come home. Upon reaching your room, you changed into your pjs before walking over to the kitchen. Opening the fridge, you pulled out a cake you ordered yourself from your favorite shop. Placing it on the table, you put the candles on and sat down in front of it. “Happy Birthday to me…happy birthday to me…” You began to sing before letting out a sob. Your candles were put out from your tears. Another year alone and many more to go.
“If I could be her…but I’m not her and she’s not me.”
Authors note: This was just little one-shot. An idea that always comes to mind whenever I listen to that amazing song! I am working on part 3 of the Biomedical Engineer x Miguel. Hopefully this weekend it comes out along with the last part of my first father figure Miguel x reader. Please check those out if you haven’t. I’m stuck if I should make this into a full series as well, but I don’t know if people would interest in it. Anyways, as always sorry for any grammar errors. Thank you all for the support! Remember to stay hydrated and to keep on simping! (Simp City Population: 62!) Thank you so much for the follows and please you are welcome to reblog my works for others to be aware of this new Miguel O’Hara simp writer!
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khuzena · 2 months
This bitter life.
pairing: Blade x g/n!reader
Part 1, Part 2.
Summary: Life is not fair, that is the truth every being must accept. Yet, there’s a part in Blade’s mara-struck mind, that he cannot accept this type of ending, he will not allow it, but he has no right to deny fate itself.
In other words, you die and he’s miserable.
Cw. It’s very fluffy trust me, Reader is absolutely fucked, you die, unrequited requited love, not proofread, really slowburn, character development, terminally ill, ansgt only bcoz fluff is for the weak, life is unfair.
A/n: You already know what it means when I upload a fanfic. If you don’t, my only warning is, shit’s going down.
(wrote this bc bladie won the poll for my other fic of which character u guys want a fic for next 🥳)
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For all of Blade’s life, life has always been and will always be truly and utterly miserable.
If he were asked to recount the many times he wished he just died, he would lose count. From a promising life with the high-cloud quintet, from being the renowned crafter of weapons, to being just Blade. His pain does not give him the liberty to dream of a future, he does not have the privilege to close his eyes and dream of his youth when he is only constantly plagued with the thousands of screams who scream his name.
For a man who does not have the right to love, the right to dream and wish for death, just this once, the Aeons were kind enough to give him you.
He met you in unforeseen circumstances, he was gravely injured after another fight with some soldiers on some planet. Blade knows that he won’t die now, but he feels like dying. His stomach slashed by a poison so advanced it eats him from inside out, but oh how kind of the gods to bless him you.
”Hey, stay awake!” It was the first time in his life he’s heard a desperate cry, not out of fear for your life, but for his.
You did not know him, neither did he know you but it was like second nature to protect him.
The destroyer of worlds, the monster from the Stellaron hunters, the exiled one, you only saw a dying man.
He felt a damp cloth pressing on his stomach, “Please hang on.” Just who were you to tell him what to do? You just had to be there at that exact moment. Through blurry eyes, he could not make out what your face looked like, not like he could ever remember.
Blade could remember your voice, it was loud yet soothing, then he felt bandages wrap around his torso as someone carried him. He lost consciousness that night.
His eyes flutter open, was he really that weak to fall under the influence of that poison?
“You’re awake.”
He groans and sits up, his spine hurts like hell. “Who the hell are you?”
”Hey buddy, no need for hostility, I’m the one who saved your life.” His eyes follow you when you roll your eyes at him, ignoring his shit and jotting down whatever on your clipboard.
He stays silent when you come closer to him, your face getting a little too close than his liking, “Can you say ahh?”
Blade hesitates but he obliges, for the first time in his life, to a stranger, something in him tells him to trust you. “Ahh…”
You turn on your penlight and point it at his throat before sliding it back into your pockets, “Good, good” Blade doesn’t know what you’re doing when you stare in his eyes for 2 minutes, must be you inspecting something.
”You’re all fine, I’m surprised that you heal fast. Anyone who takes in such poison and exceeds 4 doses would die in an instant.” He thinks you’re weird.
In just 3 days, Blade was out of the hospital, Kafka tracked down where he was and was relieved when she found out Blade was alright.
“You’re really reckless, Bladie.”
Blade only scoffs hearing her words, it may be the truth but who cares? Certainly not him.
Just as the two were leaving the hospital for good, you followed him.
”You…” He saw you panting and gripping your knees from the exhaustion of chasing him down, he left without even informing the nurses.
He doesn’t know why you followed him, “Can I atleast have your name?”
Kafka blinks in surprise before turning away, as if she wasn’t witnessing whatever bullshit was going down.
”Excuse me?”
”Your name.”
”Why do I have to tell you?”
”I saved your life for fucks sake!”
Blade rolls his eyes, narrowing his eyes at you but he just gives up, “Fine, Blade.”
”Do I have to repeat myself?”
He’s really mean, but he doesn’t scare you, which surprises him. You don't flinch at his words, but whatever. He thinks that he won’t have to see you again. (You almost crack up a laugh, who the fuck name's their child Blade?)
You don’t push him any further and let him leave, you want to learn more about him.
So for the following days, you ask people if they knew who that ‘Blade’ was, where did he work at, what he truly was because which idiot would end up wounded in a ditch at a place that’s practically considered a warzone in your planet. Not only that, but you were also intrigued and curious about his ability to heal fast and resist the poison.
You don’t find any information regarding that strange man, but one thing’s for sure, he’s dangerous.
Like clockwork, Blade comes again to the planet “Clove-V” to exterminate some pests because some idiot decided to mess with the Stellearon hunters. Gut a soldier, gain information, leave– is what he’s supposed to do.
Blade stares at the bloodied sword of his, “This goddamn poison again.”
He feels weak, clutching his stomach and he needs to leave before anyone catches up on him again. So he leaves the building only to drop unconscious.
Again, he is back to that familiar hospital room where he was just a few weeks ago.
”You’re back.” You scrunch your nose again, the squeaky writing on the clipboard hurting his ears.
He’s too tired to say something snarky, but he sighs in annoyance.
”You look worse than last time,” his gaze never leaves you when you come closer to inspect his throat and eyes like last time, “How do you keep getting in situations like these?”
He stays quiet, but you keep persisting with him to give you an answer.
Was he an assassin? A murderer?! One of the IPC slaves– no, no, he looks different from them, a little too proper (but bloodied), maybe from the Xianzhou luofu? So when you heal his wounds, you can’t help but ask, “Are you a murderer?”
Must you really force an answer out of him?
”Do I not look like one?” Were you such a fool to ask such an obvious answer?
You sat back down on the comfort of the cushion chair, “I didn’t want to assume”
”Now you know.”
He’s curious, when you find out that he’s a murderer, you’re not afraid, you do not run away or distance yourself, “Why do you kill people?”
He stays silent again, you don’t know the specifics, but you know the answer.
“I’ll get going now,” clearing your throat, “Just use the call button if you need help, one of the nurses will attend to you.”
And again, for 2 days, he is out of the hospital.
“You really keep ending up in that hospital, don’t you?” Kafka laughs, throwing away the Blade’s admission.
As they left, he could see you staring at him from your office. It was embarrassing enough that he caught you watching him leave so intently, Blade saw the curtains immediately close.
Again and again, he keeps getting wound up in that same hospital, might as well be stuck there forever.
”I’m no longer surprised you’re here again Blade.” It’s weird, when his name slips out from your lips, it sounds less scary (people often associate his name with fear and murder, but you call him like he’s any other man)
8 visits to your clinic, you might as well be his personal doctor.
“I know you’re a murderer but do you constantly have to be injured every month? I’m starting to think you’re getting injured just to see me.”
“You’re getting ahead of yourself.” He scoffs.
”I was merely jesting.”
He cocks his head to the side, he sees you more often than he meets with Sam. You turn on your penlight again, unlike his first visit, he obliges without putting up a fight.
“Nothing unusual, you’re good to go.” You speak in between coughs, which surprises Blade. Lately, you were sicker than usual, pale and run-down.
”Are you okay?”
”Excuse me?”
He should mind his own business, this is strictly a patient and doctor relationship. But he can’t help but wonder, if you looked that sick, shouldn’t you be on leave? You leave his hospital room without a word, he’s still curious.
He left, but this time, he didn’t see you looking out from your office window to watch where he was going.
Months pass by, by now he would’ve forgotten about you. But in the back of his head, he’s still wondering how are you? It isn’t for him to inquire about your personal life. He is still tempted to know more about you, so, he ends up wounded on that planet again (much to silverwolf’s dismay, he was supposed to be on a different mission)
He wakes up again in that hospital room, your coughs were loud enough to wake him up, “You keep coming back, I should just give you medicine so you don’t have to always end up here”
In truth, he just wanted to see you. It was unlike him to think about someone this much but he can’t help but be curious (worried, but he would never admit that.)
He felt the back of your palm press on his forehead, good thing he didn’t have a fever, “Your temperature’s okay.” He is worried, you speak in between coughs he could barely register your words. For a moment when you touched his skin, he felt his mara quelled, even for just a mere second.
“I want to ask, who are you really?” He’s taken by surprise by your question, something he expected but not one he expected now.
”I’m a stellaron hunter.” Oh.
A stellaron hunter, huh? “Why did you become one?”
He asks himself, why did he become one? Other than for when that day comes, he will be free, he will die. He can’t form a full answer, “I don’t know.” It’s better to give an answer, to lie, rather than be someone who cannot answer such a simple question.
“I see.” But you see through him, but you’re not close enough to him to question him about who he truly is. So you’ll know him through medicine, you’ll heal him to get to know who he is if he cannot give you a clear answer.
You gave him your name, because after 9 visits, he should know your name already. “What?”
”My name.”
He nods along, he’ll make sure to not forget it. You were sure he’s okay now, his vitals are back to normal, but before you leave, he calls out your name.
“You…” There was a look of confusion on your face, “Nevermind” He wanted to ask about your health, why were you still working? By seeing your current health, you’re close to death at this point. But he keeps his concerns to himself; after all, what does he know of you other than a doctor?
But even months pass by, he still wants to understand you. You do not look at him with contempt unlike his victims, and even if he had visited 12 times now, you did not seem annoyed; maybe even thrilled with the company.
He does not care for hobbies or games, he’s not like silverwolf whose life revolves around games and other things, he’s not like kafka who takes pleasure in playing with her food (her victims), he’s definitely not gentle and kind like Firefly.
So Blade does not understand why you’re fond of things like these, a monopoly board? Really? It’s stupid, very. But it’s the only way you two can understand each other, even if it means wasting time like this.
You rolled a 6 and landed on a community chest, “God damn it.”
He squints his eye when you got a card that said ‘Go to jail’, what the fuck was this game even about? “I don’t get this game”
He really doesn’t, but he rolls another and lands on some unclaimed property and buys it, “No shit, but you’re a lucky bastard.”
“I don’t get why we’re playing this stupid game, even checkers seem more appealing.” Finally getting out of jail, you rolled a 5 and landed on his property, going bankrupt. “You know what? Fuck this game.”
He doesn’t even understand how he won, he’d much prefer if you two read in silence or something. “That was a stupid game”
“You’re stupid.”
”Excuse me?”
Then you two go at it and fight again, but it was fun. The most fun he’s had in years (as if he ever knew what fun truly is)
But life is not kind, time is limited and you cannot trade gems or blood for 5 more minutes. He’s known that rule all his life, to never get attached ever again because he’ll be miserable, he’ll lose himself the way he lost who he truly was when he was still Yingxing. Yet, humans will always be humans; mortals, immortals, they are the same. And he is no exception.
After his 23rd visit for the past 2 years– going 3, he remembers small details about you. You studied at this university for a few extra years because you kept getting a failing grade, you like roping him up in stupid games (you tried to make him play twister once, it was you who got a twisted ankle), you like reading and everything else.
For all his cursed, miserable life, he slowly found reason, a part of him feels human again.
“You don’t look good.”
A stifled cough escaped you, “You think?”
You were on sick leave, he found out where you lived after asking forcing one of the nurses where you lived. Blade found you on the couch, sprawled with only a thin blanket covering you. He doesn’t care for anyone, just this once, though, just this once.
”Have you eaten yet?” It makes you laugh at how caring he is, the most unexpected side of him, after all.
You shook your head, “No.”
A cough seized you so suddenly, Blade’s worries did not go away. He doesn’t know how to cook, much less how to take care of a person.
”You have a fever,” he hands you a glass of water, but it was not enough to ease your pain.
You wish to close your eyes, but even the small contracting of your muscles ache, when you drink, it hurts, when you move, it hurts. It hurts to live at this point but you endure, “Why did you come?”
“I had to.”
”Why exactly?”
”Just shut up and let me take care of you.”
You could only faintly chuckle at his words when he gets a warm cloth to put it on your forehead, “What else do I do?”
Nighttime came but he has not left yet, he can’t leave just yet, “Tell me.”
There was no use, whatever he did would not help you get through with this illness of yours. “Just tell me.” You did not have the energy to argue or talk, but he did not get the hint so he continued to pester you for an answer.
”Can you please stop talking? I need to sleep.”
Tomorrow came, only Blade was right beside you, staring intently at you; a part of him afraid you won’t wake up again.
”You’re awake.” Blade always had that nonchalant expression, but his eyes were heavy with worry. Were you dreaming or was he really right beside you and worried for your well being? A part of you wished you still were, having company is the best when you’re ill.
You coughed softly, “Yes.”
Why didn’t he leave? Was he worried? You must be insane to think that way, he is just your old patient who just so happened to always end up in the hospital under your care.
The man in front of you sat beside you and stared at you for a while, not knowing what to do, “What do I do next?”
Ah. He rarely shows emotion on his face but his pupils dilate for a split second, you can’t die but you were so close to dying, he’s no doctor, he has no expertise in taking care of anyone but for just this moment he wished he did.
“Just keep me company.” He nods.
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Note: cries cries cries bc the full fic is so long i have to make it into 2 parts :((( im abt to post part 2 pls pls wait 😔😔😔
Written by @khuzena. Likes, reblogs and comments are always appreciated. ♡ 
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Pairings: father Miguel O’Hara x gn!teen!venom!reader, Venom x teen!reader
Imagine: what it would be like to be Miguel’s son and a spider-man along with venom, spider-venom? Idk guys
Warnings: mention of death, mention of parent death, mention of injuries, father Miguel O’Hara, idk what else, not proofread
A/N keep in mind the first part of this is before Gabriella died. Second I am aware that Miguel has a son somewhere out there in the comics, third don’t mind me referencing Moon Knight in some parts, lastly this is actually based on one of my ocs, but I made this fic x reader instead :)
Side note: I did imagine reader to be male (like my oc is) but I made it gn!reader so that everyone can read it
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You lived on earth-TRN1042 (is that the name, it was when I searched it up, might be wrong tho), with you father Miguel O’Hara and your sister Gabriella O’Hara
Your canon event as tragic as it is was to watch as your father died — which would eventually lead you to become Spider-Man
You’d been bitten a few days prior and was still adjusting to the whole power thing
But we are getting ahead of ourselves, Here’s the thing Miguel (earth-928) lost his family on his earth and when he found out a way to go into other earths he found your earth. The one where he still had a happy family
His original plan was to just watch from afar, but when your father died, Miguel made the rash decision to take your fathers place, which didn’t go as smoothly as he thought, after all you had watched your father die
At first you thought you were going crazy when you first saw Miguel, apparently he’d been with your sister all day. You didn’t trust him one but, you knew for a fact your father was dead so when you saw him playing with Gabriella and her dolls you were in shock, you’d told Gabriella to go to her room, once she did the interrogation started, you’d felt your father take his last breath so you sure as hell would find out who this imposter was.
“Who are you?”
“I’m your father”
“No, no, no, no, I watched my father die, who are you?”
Miguel knew you wouldn’t stop your interrogation until you knew what was going on, this led to him giving you a long explanation about different earths, his family and everything in between, how he got his powers and literally his whole life story, only to ensure that you would let him stay, he wouldn’t stay against your wishes
You let him stay, not only because you knew what loss felt like, but you hadn’t told Gabriella yet and you didn’t know how you could tell her that her actual father was dead, and it would prove to be good to have an adult raise your little sister with you, so you let Miguel stay, eventually you saw him as your father too, Gabrielle being none the wiser when it came to her fathers true identity.
The first time you called Miguel “dad” or something alike, he was overjoyed
Miguel didn’t really enjoy you going out to beat bad guys up but he never told you not to, he knew why you did it so he never stopped you, and he used to do it so it would be kinda hypocritical of him to force you to stop, instead he’d be at home, and every time you snuck in through your window you could find Miguel in the living room ready to patch you up, telling you of every time for being reckless and getting hurt so many times
Don’t be offended when he calls you an “reckless idiot” (he’d probably say it in Spanish though) when you get home nearly half dead (Miguel might of overreacted a bit)
It was around this time when you started to get memory gaps from time to time, some fights you didn’t even remember how you defeated the enemy, and some days you woke up in an alleyway, (kinda like Steven in episode one of moon knight)
Before it all went to shit I’d like to think that Miguel gave up on the spider-man part of him and was just a single dad with his two kids working a boring job — not at Alcehmax, he won’t do that mistake again
You all lived rather peacefully for the most part, you’d help Gabriella get better at football/soccer, going to an ice cream shop every time after one of Gabriella’s matches, loss or win didn’t matter there was always ice cream after a match.
And then in a single day it all got taken away from you, in just a couple of minutes all you had ever known was gone
Your whole earth started to disappear along with the people in it, you’d been out on your daily spider-man patrols when it happened, you saw your father/Miguel running with Gabriella and so instead of trying to stop whatever was happening — or more like knowing you couldn’t stop it as you had no clue what it was — you went into the direction of your family.
And when your sister disappeared you didn’t know what to do anymore, Miguel at least able to think somewhat took your hand and soon enough you were on earth-928, and from a screen you watched as your dimension disappeared into nothingness
This left many questions and problems but the question you were mostly focused on was the fact that you hadn’t disappeared
Turns out the spider that bit you had bonded (idk if this works but it does now) with a symbiote — Venom — who was from another earth, and when the spider bit you, you’d not only gained spider-powers but Venom transferred over to you and the two of you bonded, this changed your DNA and caused you to be able to coexist on your own earth along with the earth that Venom was from (does this make sense ain’t got a single clue)
Turns out Venom hadn’t made an appearance (to your knowledge and Miguel’s) because he protected you whenever you couldn’t yourself, and all those memory gaps that you had was the times that Venom had taken over (you know kinda like Jake with Steven and Marc in Moon Knight)
Fast forward a bit and you’d joined the spider-society
You had learned to coexist with Venom, it took some time but it worked out in the end, at first people would think you were crazy as you yelled at nothing (except for you you were talking to Venom who was speaking inside your mind), a lot of spider-people stayed away from you not wanting to be near Venom as he is supposed to be a villain, but when they realized you were one of the good guys they stopped avoiding you and Venom
Venom would deny it to his grave but he is extremely protective over you, if anyone hurt you he wouldn’t hesitate to hurt/kill/eat them
Miguel also became way more protective, after he lost Gabriella he only had you left and he would only send you out on the easy missions — that is until you snuck out on one of their worsts missions and got hurt because no one else new you were there — cue Miguel letting you go on dangerous missions so that you wouldn’t sneak out again and possibly die, at leas if he knew where you were he could make sure you didn’t die.
Not only did Miguel become more grumpy and strict with all the rules, you also become a lot more grumpy as you grieved your sister, and friends
And then all the shit with Miles happened but that’s for part 2,3 (part 2 siding with Miles, part 3 siding with Miguel idk which will come out first)
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ryusuisloveinterest · 7 months
Hello! I came back with another request!
I was wondering if you could please write something, with " I feel safer with you" kind of moment, please?
I would like to request this for Ryusui, kohaku ( girls need more love here) and ukyo, please?
Thank you!
welcome back anon! I think I went for what you’re asking for but if you don’t like it then feel free to let me know! Ngl they’re kinda long lol. I hope you enjoy 💕
I feel safer when I’m with you🩷
Ryusui: New America City Arc
“You’re staying here.” Ryusui demands you. You scowl. “Why?? I can help you sail the ship! I can keep Watch! There’s so many things I can do just let me come with y-“ This is the first time you’ve ever seen Ryusui so serious. Sure he was always focused and determined on something, but he never had such a solemn face. “(Y/n)…” he says as he drags you by the arm, leading you to the Perseus. “Please Ryusui…let me come with you.” “No…” This is when you lost it. “Why Ryusui?! This isn’t fair. We’ve been through everything together and now-“ “I want you to be safe ok?!!” Ryusui would never raise his voice at you. Ryusui’s voice has never trembled before. Ryusui’s eyes have never been filled with tears about to spill over. Ryusui has never desired something more in his whole life. “S-Stanley is going to come after us. He’s not gonna just slap our wrists and move on. No… he’s gonna come at us guns drawn and take every single one of us until he’s satisfied…” His eyes lock onto yours, desperation in them. “I can’t let you be put in that kind of danger. You have to be safe, I have to KNOW you have to be safe…” The water starts to fall out of his eyes. “We don’t have time for this, I have to get you to the Perseus before-“ He was shocked at the sudden soft lips onto his and the small hands that touched his face. He wraps his muscular arms around your waist and pull you closer to his body. As your lips slowly part, you softly smile at him. “Oh Ryusui, I’m never going to be safe unless I’m with you…” He’s stunned, confused on what you mean. “Remember, before the whole petrification, when you were at my place during a thunderstorm. The one that was on the news for weeks?” He nods. “I was doing the laundry, and you were building one of your model ships. I was almost done with the towels when the lights went out. Of course I started panicking, I’ve never not been scared of blackouts.” You chuckle, thinking of the memory. “I just sat on the couch, trembling, when I feel my favorite blanket wrapped around me.” Your mind travels back to that very day. You both remember every little detail from the cologne Ryusui was wearing to the conversations the both of you had to distract you. “As soon as you wrapped me in your arms, I felt a weight being lifted off my chest. I wasn’t afraid anymore, and it’s all because of you.” He reaches his hand out, tangling it in a few strands of your hair. “Please my love, if you want me to be safe then let me come with you…” He pauses, contemplating on what to do. “Fine, but let’s hurry.”
Kohaku: After Perseus is finished
The Perseus was finally done. Everyone celebrated for only a short while since Ryusui began calling names. One after the other, Ryusui calls name after name. “To help with ship maintenance, (y/n)!” You’re shocked at first that the Kingdom of Science wants you on their journey, but you except the offer with a small nod and walk onto the ship. Everyone greets you and welcomes you on board, well tried to. Kohaku snatched you up immediately, basically throwing you in the air because of how excited you are that you’re coming. “Thank goodness you’re here (y/n)! I thought I would have to separate from you!” You can’t help but blush and giggle at her reaction. After everyone boards and Ginro does his swimming to the boat thing you all head out to Treasure Island. 
Soon night falls and you and Kohaku are the first on night watch. You both stand hand and hand as you lean on the sides of Perseus. The smell of the ocean sets the romantic mood as the stars provide some light for the both of you. Kohaku rests her head on your shoulder, letting out a small sigh. “I’m really happy you’re here (y/n), really. To be completely honest I thought you would stay behind. You’ve never really be the one to venture out.” You let out a laugh. “Well, you could say I wanted to stay close to a certain someone.” This made Kohaku giggle. “Besides, I was curious. To see more than just the island we live on.” Kohaku smiled softly while holding your hand a little tighter. “But…aren’t you even a little scared? About leaving your home?” You were shocked at her sudden vulnerability. The strong lioness showing her fear and worry. You squeeze her hand back. “Hey, we’ll be fine. Everything is going to be fine. As long as we have each other, there’s nothing to worry about.” She smiles at you, then gives you a small kiss on the cheek. You laugh to yourself. “Plus, I don’t have to worry about being mauled by a bear or something, I have Ishigami Village’s strongest warrior with me, I never have to worry with you around Kohaku!” Kohaku laughs at this, and if you’d look hard enough then you could notice the small blush forming on her face. “Thanks (y/n), I’m glad I can always count on you…” She takes a small step towards you before sharing a delicate kiss.
Ukyo: Stone Wars
You were sitting outside of Tsukasa’s cave, waiting for the meeting between Tsukasa, Hyoga, and Ukyo to end. As you were about done picking the random flowers that found their way through the rock, you see Hyoga angrily stomp pass you. You look in the cave as Tsukasa and Ukyo walk out. “(Y/n).” Tsukasa says as he nods at you, walking to a quiet place to think. Ukyo sighs as he walks over to you, grabbing both your hands and kissing them. “Tough meeting?” You whisper. He nods. “Let’s get you some food then you can tell me all about it yeah?” “I’d love that.” He smiles as you both walk hand and hand to your shared hut.
Night eventually falls as you and Ukyo cuddled close together for warmth. “What’s on your mind Ukyo? You’ve been acting strange ever since your meeting with Tsukasa and Hyoga.” Ukyo barries his face in your neck, breathing softly. “Hyoga was telling Tsukasa that we should only revive the strongest while Tsukasa believes only the young should survive.” He buries his head deeper, taking in your scent. You rub his ear, making his face heat up. “And how do you feel about that? Do you agree with letting a few live and the rest die?” You already knew the answer, but you had to hear it from his mouth. Ukyo holds you tighter when you feel your neck become wet with his tears. “N-no one should die, w-why do we have to d-decide who lives or dies? It’s not right!” You cup his face and wipe his tears. “That’s not all you want to tell me, is it?” He stares up at you, hesitant. He touches your hand and kisses it. “I found a phone.” A phone? In the stone world? How? “On the other side was the Kingdom of science…” Yes, Tsukasa’s current enemy. “Their leader, Senku, said if I could help them, they’ll prevent anymore bloodshed and stop the destruction of the statues…” Hes scared to tell you more, but he holds you tighter. “What else Ukyo?” “I cant, the more you know, the more likely Tsukasa could harm you. I have to keep you safe..!” You grab his face making him look at you. “Listen to me, I’m here with you. No matter what we face we’ll do it together. And as for my safety, I know that I’m safe when I’m with you!” This causes Ukyo’s tears to fall out again. He looks down and takes a breath. “I agreed. I dont want anyone else to die…” You squeeze his hand and kiss his hand. “Then no one else will. We’ll make sure if it. Together…”
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yichuuonvenus · 4 months
Successes, Loyalties, and Laurel Leaves
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Coriolanus Snow x Reader
“Unfortunately the girl never responded to his love. It was not usual or possible for a nymph or a mortal woman in Greek mythology to resist the love of a god, but Daphne did so and in fact, she lost her life trying to escape this love.” - The Myth of Apollo and Daphne.
Rape/non-consent, loss of virginity, obsessive behavior, murder
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Part 1: The Search
Coriolanus Snow. 
Owner of the Plinth fortune. 
Future Head Gamemaker.
And most importantly future President of Panem. 
Coriolanus was finally home, studying under the wing of his professor Dr. Gaul. He had his ancestral home back in his custody. He had his family and power back. 
Snow lands on top as always… 
…But he needed one more thing. He didn’t desire it but he knew he would need one. 
A wife. 
One with good political standing. One that was dumb but not too insipid. He needed one that was interesting enough if he wanted to continue his career. 
He first thought of Livia Cardew. 
She and her pointed little face would make for a good First Lady. Even if she was a gloating little girl just like now. He watched as she smiled proudly probably at another “accomplishment” she made.  He continued to stare at her with a blank expression. Then he saw you and his expression, in the slightest, shifted. 
He has never seen you before. He tried to pry his mind but never came up. That’s when he figured out you were new. He would’ve known you because he kept tabs on anyone. He was for sure you’ve never appeared in the capital before. 
He made his way towards you, towards Livia who was already brushing you off like a toy she was done playing with. 
“Coriolanus Snow,” Livia sighed as he drew close to her. 
“Livia Cardew,” he said with a small bow and the most non-threatening smile he could come up with. It was quiet for a few seconds before Livia looked at you and finally remembered you were there. 
“Coriolanus, this is my cousin.”
You did a small bow with a shy smile. You obviously weren’t comfortable with the amount of people that were here which made Coriolanus think that you probably weren’t around many people from whatever dwelling you came from. 
He looked down at your dress. You wore a modest dress that could’ve been viewed as a hammy down if it was on anyone else. It was still pretty on you and hugged your figure in a good enough way he supposed. 
“Did you just come to the Capitol?” Coriolanus asked. 
You shook your head and then started talking, more mumbling and stuttering than talking.  
“My family has been here we have just been in hiding.” 
“You make yourself sound so ominous,” Livia laughed crudely. “Her father thought it would be safer if she stayed home. Away from the troubles of Panem.” 
“You must find yourself lucky then,” Coriolanus said with a stiff smile. 
“No, not quite. Mother thinks I needed to start meeting kids my own age. It’s been a lot harder than I expected.” You were staring down at your shoes. Barely holding eye contact. 
Coriolanus smiled. It was endearing the way you held yourself. Shy and quiet it was refreshing in a way. You were a quiet little bird waiting for something to make you sing. He would make you sing. 
“Well, I hoped to see more of you. You’ll have to meet my cousin Tigris. She would honestly love you,” he said. 
Finally, did you hold his stare. A smile bloomed on your lips. You were almost excited that someone invited you to something as simple as meeting a cousin. 
A woman with a wrinkled face called your name. She looked elegant as she walked towards you. She smiled as she saw Coriolanus. 
“Mother,” you said as you kissed both of her cheeks. 
“Coriolanus Snow,” the older woman bowed. “I see you’ve met my daughter. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” 
He saw the resemblance now. The same sweet smile and the same twinkle in your eyes. 
“The pleasure is all mine.”
“I fear we have to go now but please send us a letter. We would love to have you over,” Your mother chirped. 
“Of course, have a good night to you both.”
He watched you as you walked off. He bid Livia farewell as well but he couldn’t care to hold her stare. His eyes were on you. 
Only you. 
. . . 
Coriolanus stared at you as you picked up a small budding rose. It was pink with shades of magenta near the top of the petals. He walked closer. 
“That’s a nice one,” he said. You jumped at the suddenness of his voice. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“No… it’s fine. I do that a lot. What brings you here?” You asked as, what seemed like, a coy smile etched onto your face. 
“I like to walk around the gardens here. The roses are always so beautiful this time around…” Coriolanus leaned over a bush and grabbed a white one. No imperfections. It was simple, pure, and perfect. “Here, this one is a nicer one.” 
“I couldn’t… pa- my father doesn’t like roses much and you picked it it’s too pretty for me,” you spoke in such a soft tone Coriolanus couldn’t help but smile. 
“It’s as pretty as you.” He said quietly but you heard all the same. 
You shook your head. 
Coriolanus was close now. You could feel his hand take yours and then lay the rose on it. 
“A beauty deserves to be shared.” 
“Of course,” you whispered. 
Then he left without saying another word to you. 
Part 2: The Hunt
It’s been a couple of weeks since that encounter. Coriolanus couldn’t help but think about how flustered you got when he called you pretty. 
It was just too easy. You were going to be wrapped around his slender little finger. 
Coriolanus could imagine it now. You on his arm. No, there was no need for Livia Cardew when you were right there. Pristine and perfect. 
And Innocent. 
He would have to fix that. You were unknowing of what this cruel world has to offer. He would show you slowly. Made sure not to scare you at first. Then he would show you everything you needed to know.
He was abruptly forced out of his little daydream of you when Dr. Gaul asked her question again. 
“If we can’t control the districts what would need to be done?” 
Coriolanus pondered on that question. 
His mind drifted towards you. If he couldn’t control the districts then he would need to keep them in line. In check. Show them that no disobedience would be tolerated. 
“Punishment,” it was all Coriolanus said. 
Dr. Gaul smiled before shaking her head. 
“A distraction. A moment of confusion. They need a sense of safety. When they feel safe. We pull it away. So they believe that they will need to earn it,” she said as she walked away from him. Her hands were politely behind her back, making her appear taller than she was. 
“If we punished them every time they acted out of line. We would have no choice back to exterminate their whole line. They need to be reliant on us for this to work.” 
Coriolanus thought about you again and then about what Dr. Gaul said. For this to work for him to own you. He would have to make you believe you were safe and then rip the safety out from under you. 
It was a perfect plan. 
. . .
You were pretty enough. 
Too pretty for any boy around the capitol that’s for sure. He thought as he stared at you. You all were in the garden. You were practicing how to braid on one of your little dolls. While Coriolanus was helping out with your mother tending to the new flowers she was putting in. 
Your favorite apparently. Coriolanus wasn’t really fond of sunflowers but it would have to do for the time being. 
He knew that it was only a matter of time before you were going to be poked and prodded like a toy. You made your societal debut at the little party he first saw you at. He knew that he wasn’t the only one that could’ve had his eyes on you. 
Luckily for him, it wasn’t hard for him to work his way into your family. They were grateful that a Snow was even graced in their presence. 
He figured out his plan for marriage which wasn’t a difficult one. Your mother practically saw him as a son and your father was adamant about him being at the house. He was already playing house with your family. All he needed to do was add you to the game as well. 
He knew that step would involve your father. 
Coriolanus stepped into the shade sweat was glistening on his back and his shirt was sticking to him. He could feel your eyes staring at him. You probably haven’t seen any men other than your father. He would be the one to change that. 
Because you were his. 
No one else’s just his. 
He needed you to know that. To understand that. You were going to be his First Lady. The mother to his kids. The perfect, pristine Snow family. 
The house of Snow would flourish with you as one of its heads. 
He didn’t need to know your personality, your dreams, or whatever aspirations you had because you were already destined to become his. 
Yes, he barely knew you now but he will with time of course. 
Coriolanus would bring you out. He would show you off to the world and then you wouldn’t have to be learning how to braid on silly little dolls.
He drew closer to you and you shuffled a bit in your chair before huffing. It was quiet but he still heard the little noise come out of your mouth. 
“What kind of braid are you practicing?”
You peered up at him. 
“I’m practicing a fishtail braid. Livy wanted me to so I could do her hair for one of her parties,” you said as you put your focus back on your braid. 
“How sweet. I’m sure she will like it. You’re already quite skilled from what I can tell.”
“Thank you, Mr. Snow.”
He chuckled at your formality. He was at your house often and you were still so formal with him. He smiled down at you before taking a seat in the chair next to you. 
“Mr. Snow-“
“Please call me Coriolanus.”
“Coriolanus… what do you want from my family? You’ve been truly helpful but I just… I don’t quite understand what we could even provide you for you want to help,” you said. 
You stopped braiding altogether and stared at him. You met his eyes and for the first time, he saw the light in your eyes. You had fire. He smiled at you. 
“What can I say? When I see people in need I feel inclined to help them,” that’s all he said and then he left. 
. . .
It wasn’t that hard to make your parents love him. He was the best thing that ever happened to your family. He made their lives better while slowly making yours miserable. It seemed like they poured most of their time into him. You were being slowly shoved into the background. 
All he needed now was you. To make you think you’re safe as well in his presence but for some reason. He could never find you alone. 
Anytime you were out. You would only be there for a few minutes before you went back into the seclusion that was your room. 
You kept yourself hidden. It made sense you were never in the presence of people your age, so you making yourself scarce was reasonable. What wasn’t reasonable was not talking to him ever. After your small conversation that day you never spoke to him again. 
He didn’t really know why it was that way. He was mad at first. Angry even that you kept yourself hidden away. He was in your home 24/7. He had his own room and his own seat at your dinner table. Practically part of your family because of your trusting parents. 
So he made an effort to find you. It was like a game of sorts. The hunt to find you throughout your own home. 
Most of the time you were in your room but on the days he was lucky he would find you in the library. In a secluded area. You never figured out how he always seemed to find you. The answer was he was a watcher and you were his favorite thing to watch. 
Anytime he did find you he would never speak just mimicked whatever you did until you left. He liked to see your reaction to it. How your face would drop at the sight of him. How your breathing would pick up when you were in the same room as him. 
You were like a little bunny, hopping around the forest hoping the big wolf wouldn’t find you. However, he always did because he never stopped the hunt. 
He spotted you swiftly going up to the attic. It was perfect because no one would ever think to look up there for you. 
He made his ascent to the attic. The place was old and dusty. It smelled of old books. 
You were sitting looking out of the window. A small sniffle caught his ears. He smiled before turning it to a frown. 
“What’s wrong?” 
You suddenly flinched and swiftly turned your head. 
“What- why… what do you need?” You got up swiftly. “I’ll leave.”
“Don’t go on my account. Please. I heard sniffling. I just wanted to see if you’re alright.”
You turned your head in a moment of thought. 
You shook your head. 
“No. I’m not.” You sat back down, pulling your shawl over yourself. You faced the window. It was colder now. The blistering heat was finally over. Snow made its way through the windy streets of Panem. 
“What’s bothering you?” He whispered stepping a bit closer in your direction but not too close to scare you away. 
“It’s just… I’ve been alone my entire life and then finally the world is opened up to me. I have family outside of this home. A cousin my age. Other people who are my age are now known to me. But I still can’t make friends. I’m still so lonely.”
He was about to speak up but then you opened your mouth again. 
“Then you showed up and kept showing up. You live here now. You’re practically a family member, a brother I can’t help but be… jealous, and angry even at the sight of you. My parents, they love me but not in the way they love you.”
He was quiet. You turned your head towards him. Tears were brimming in your eyes. You never notice how close he was now. He held his hand on your cheek causing you to flinch away. Still, he wiped your tears.
“You don’t have to feel like you’re alone now.”
A kiss was planted on your lips. He was kneeling and holding your face. Your lips were soft against his. Your cheeks were even softer as he held it. 
It was like that for a couple of seconds minutes maybe before he felt a sharp pain on his lower lip that caused him to hiss out. 
You were still as he stared at you. There was nothing on your face. No emotion. 
You stood up and walked away. Coriolanus was quick to grab your hand but you were even quicker at pulling it out of his grasp. 
He smiled as he touched his lips and stared at the blood that coated his fingers. You had a fire. 
A fire he would like to restrain. 
. . . 
If Coriolanus were surprised that your father called him into the office the next day he was proud to say he wasn’t. He expected it but what he didn’t expect was that your father ask him to marry you. 
“My daughter… she’s a sweet girl,” he mustered. “And she has such an interesting view of life.” 
Coriolanus remained silent as your father took a deep breath. Like he was about to ask something from him that was impossible. 
“You’ve shown so many acts of kindness to our family but my wife and I were wondering if you would marry our girl. You wouldn’t have to worry about her dowry.” 
And there it was. The groveling. He was going to marry you. You were going to be his. He was going to own you. Coriolanus didn’t smile. He made sure not to. He gave thought to what his next words were going to be. 
“Sir, are you sure? I mean it would be an honor but-“
“Please this is the only thing I can give you for being so generous to our family.” 
“Then, I graciously accept to wed your daughter she will know nothing but happiness,” Coriolanus smirked as your father brought him into a hug. It was as if the old fool was going to cry. 
. . . 
You stared at the floor or the attic. You came back for no reason other than to scream. Even then you couldn’t do it. 
You were angry that your parents foolishly believed this man who infiltrated your family. Your own home. Now he was coming for you. 
You had a small inkling but you didn’t want to believe it. It was a foolish thought, a dumb idea that you thought was self-absorbed. It wasn’t. You were right. Someone out there did want you but in a sense of owning you. 
You knew the kind of person Coriolanus Snow was. You didn’t know the world well enough to make sense of why people do the things they do. But even you could read Coriolanus Snow.  
You balled your hands into fists. You were leaving tonight. 
And no one was stopping you. 
You walked down to your room. You made sure to pack some the night before. The night they told you about your marriage to the man who snaked his way into your family. 
You started to cry and you got even more upset. You needed to pull yourself together but this was too much. Running away from home. You could possibly go to Livy’s. Hide in her bedroom for a few days then try to get onto a train that left for one of the districts maybe. It was a good plan in your mind. You still had a lot to learn about this new darker world you lived in. 
“What are you doing, wife?” 
You flinched at the sound of his voice. You wanted to laugh at the word wife but you couldn’t. You couldn’t even move. You turned around and saw the way his eyes stared down at you like you were a spoiled brat not getting her way. 
“I… I am leaving. We are not married yet.” 
“I mean we practically are married. I played house with your family and they see me as a son.”
“You’re the stranger.”
“But it’s almost like you’re more the stranger than me… barely coming out of your room. Hiding yourself away from your own family. Your own future husband. It’s sad.”
You stared at the ground clutching your sweater to your chest. Tears made their way down your cheeks. Coriolanus was nose to nose to you. 
“I thought you said you didn’t like being alone. Now you’re not alone. You have me.”
“No,” you said as you shook your head. “No!”
You pushed him off only for you to shove you down onto your bed. You gasped as he smacked your face when you tried to get up again. You blinked once twice several times before you gained your sight back. 
“I’ll scream.”
“Scream then but you may find that no one is home. Lucky for me. Unlucky for you, little bird.”
You started sobbing outright. You couldn’t stop. Coriolanus shoved you back down onto your back every time you made your way up. 
“I always wanted to tear you out of one of your dresses. They never quite find your style. We can fix that when we are wedded.” He smiled at you. The toothy grin spooked you. You had never seen this smile before and it terrified you. 
He did what he said he wanted to you and tore off your dress. You fought him the hardest you could. But it proved to be in vain. He was strong. Much stronger than you thought. 
Buttons flew off your dress as he tore the rest of it off. Your stockings along with your underwear were next. You screamed as he shoved his fingers into you without care. 
His fingers felt like sandpaper as they thrust into you. It was excruciating till finally, your entrance was slick enough for his fingers to smoothly slip in and out. 
When you saw his fingers you gasped at the small bits of blood that coated them. Fresh tears made their way down your cheeks. 
You called out for your mother and Coriolanus laughed. He brought his fingers that coated you to his mouth. He moaned at the taste and smiled. 
“Want a taste?”
You shook your head and he chuckled before shoving them into your mouth. His spit and your blood were what you tasted. When you started to choke on his fingers he finally pulled them out. 
“So sweet are you not?”
You felt him pull away from you and your body felt light. It didn’t register that he was off of you until you heard his clothes being thrown on the floor and the agonizing zip of his pants. You turned on your stomach and crawled to the other side of the room. He was quick to grab your ankle tightly. 
“Where did you think you’re going, little bird?”
“Please. Please I don’t want this,” you cried into your sheets.
“You’ll be okay. You need to get used to this anyway if you’re to be my wife,” he quietly said into your ear. 
“Then spare me until the wedding night. I can’t do this now.” 
He was quiet like he was considering it. 
The fight was back on you kicked at him and tried your best to push him off but to no avail. 
He was on you now. Legs were placed on either side of your naked thighs. You looked up at him as he held your wrists down. 
He smiled softly at you it looked as if it was genuine. You sobbed even harder at it. 
Coriolanus opened your thighs wide with his. He placed them on his waist. His eyes demanded that you looked into this as he licked his hand and rubbed the tip of his painful thick cock. 
The first thing you felt was a sharpness. It was like someone was stabbing you but it was only him shoving himself into you. 
He moaned loudly as he bottomed out in you. He licked the tears that made their way down your face. It made you feel weird. You felt the intrusion become smoother, and easier as he brought himself in and out of you. 
His moans were the only thing you could hear and your whimpering. Both of them combined made you want to stay silent. As if you weren’t here. 
“You’re being so perfect, little bird,” he said with a grin that you could never forget. 
You were in a daze but you found that both of your hands were free you immediately started to slap and scratch at him. He screamed out to you as you tried your hardest to get free. He slapped you hard this time and held his hands around your throat. 
You held his hands and tried to pull them off of you. You got too lightheaded and too weak. And as if whatever above was punishing you. You felt the coil turning throughout your stomach. It was setting you on fire. Your whole body got hot. You were overheating. Then in a flash, as he thrusted into you harshly you screamed so loudly you thought your voice cords would burst out of your throat. 
You fainted from the loss of air and from whatever you just experienced. 
You woke up to find yourself on the bed you looked down to see the mess in between your legs. Blood and sticky white coated your thighs. 
You could feel the bile rise in your throat. The next thing you knew was throwing up in the trash next to your bed bits of blood were in your spit. You couldn’t bring yourself to care. You got up you didn’t even know how your legs were holding you up but you were firmly on the ground. 
You stared around the room. He wasn’t in there but you felt as if he was still inside you.  You rushed over to your closet throwing on whatever you could find and then to your dresser. You grabbed the cash that you hid there long ago. 
Shoes were the next thing you put on. You carefully opened the door. You could hear the shower next door. That was your sign to run as fast as you could out of the house and you did just that. Running as fast as you could. As fast as your legs could carry you. When you finally got away from the vicinity of the house you counted the money that was on you. Nearly a thousand dollars was in your possession. You could get onto the next train to anywhere. You didn’t know how the trains worked but you were going to get out of there one way or another. 
You didn’t know where you were going you didn’t even know where you were. The place was confusing to you. It all looked the same and yet different. 
You felt a shove and you were on the road. 
Then a car came and you forgot the rest. 
Part 3: The Tree
Coriolanus didn’t mean to kill you. He just wanted to hurt you enough that you wouldn’t try this stupid attempt at escape again. He was angry and wanted you to hurt as much as he was. He was fond of you. Sure he could’ve been more gentle but he was as gentle as he could be. 
He stared at you as people made their way to help you. 
In a darker light… you look so much more beautiful like this. Dead and silent just as you were basically before. Your eyes had paled some. There was no longer that sad shine in your eyes anymore. 
You looked like you were sleeping with your eyes open. Still and unmoving. A part of him hoped you were still there. Still breathing but to be completely honest. It was better this way. Untouched by the harsh reality of Panem. They would’ve eaten you out there. 
And if he couldn’t have you then no one could’ve. It’s a wasteful thought yes. But You were just too perfect... 
This way only he would be the one to remember you as you were. The girl who refused to be loved. He stared down taking note of what you were wearing. 
You were in your mother’s white dress. The color reminded him of the white rose you gave you months ago. The dirt made it so brown and ugly. He wishes to give you a better dress as people pull you from the road. Maybe your parents would let him choose your dress. 
He walked back to your home. Getting rid of any evidence that was there. He gave it all to Pluribus. He told him that he would have it done with. 
When your parents figured out the news your mother sobbed like there was no tomorrow. Of course, Coriolanus needed to be the one who was the most grief-stricken. He was the one to marry you of course. He knew you for a good several months. Many people believe he loved you. He gained so much sympathy from the citizens of Panem. 
Livia Cardew was upset as well. She got closer to Coriolanus. She would be a fit for his wife after all. 
He laughed bitterly as he stared at the tree your parents decided to bury you under. A laurel tree. Your father decided on it because it was your supposed favorite tree. 
At least you didn’t die like Lucy Gray. Unknown and unloved.
You were loved, just not by Coriolanus Snow… 
He smiled as he touched the branches of your tree with Livia on his arm. Livia hugged him close and he could only grin as he stared at your laurel tree. It was snowing, a beautiful flurry, just like the night you ran away. 
Snow lands on top. Coriolanus thought.
It most certainly does.
Coriolanus Snow.
President of Panem. 
He stared down at the flag that he wanted to upgrade. The old one was too bland for his new regime. He needed one that showed power and called for obedience. 
The designer did well with the new version of the flag but it felt as though it was missing something important. 
Snow thought of the Laurel tree your father buried you under. 
The laurel leaves, your laurel leaves would be the symbol of Panem and a reminder of what you decided you didn’t want. 
He smiled as he thought of you and your leaves. 
You were going to look so beautiful on his new flag. 
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bbgnyx · 6 months
Hi babe it's me leigh ✌ Saw your song requests like 10 secs ago so 👀👀
song name: in the stars by benson boone
song lyric: and now you're in the stars and six-feet's never felt so far
pairing: minho x female reader
disc: the reader dies and minho is just devastated and he cries for the first time in front of everyone and stays ☹️ (I'm bad at descriptions save me-)
Anyway thx for reading!!!
a/n: omg babe this song has been running in my head recently so this request was like you read my mind 😭✋. This was so sad to write honestly, hope it matches what you had in mind!
my taglist is open btw, just message me if you wanna be part of it!!
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And now you're in the stars and six-feet's never felt so far~
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genre: angst
warnings: very sad, church and god are mentioned, mentions of blood and death, indirect mention of cancer, mention of a funeral. lmk if I miss anything
Sunday mornings used to hold so much joy for Minho. It was the one day he could spend with you, and it filled his heart with happiness. The two of you would go on adorable picnics, visit malls, and sometimes even attend church together. He couldn't help but think how beautiful you looked with your hair up and that radiant smile on your face. Minho was a softie, but only when it came to you.
He remembers the times when he would get jealous of you because Soonie Doongie and Dori seemed to love you more than him. He cherishes the memories of cuddling up in bed with you, watching movies together. Every little thing about you, he adored. You were his angel. But now, Sunday mornings are no longer his favorite. Not after everything that has happened.
When he was with you, Sunday mornings held a different meaning. Now that you're gone, Minho knows that nothing will ever be the same again. If he doesn't have concerts or practice, he simply sleeps in, avoiding going out because it only brings back painful memories. He has even lost his faith in God, burying it alongside you, deep beneath the earth.
Minho has lost count of how many times he has stood there, screaming at God, questioning why the love of his life was taken away from him. Why did God seem to hate him so much, leaving him to suffer like this? He is constantly lost in his thoughts, not knowing what else to do but cry himself to sleep, knowing that you will never be there to comfort him again.
Minho still remembers the day you were admitted into the hospital, they said you were okay, they said you only had to go through a small surgery. All of it were lies. That day, Minho’s band had won an award, but he couldn’t even relish the happiness as he soon got a call from your mother.
“She’s in a critical stage, she has lost a lot of blood, the doctors don’t know if they can save her”, your mom said sobbing through the phone. At that moment, it took Minho his everything not to leave the award show immediately and fly back home to you. He had been crying all day and all night, worried about you. He should be there with you, he thought.
On Sunday, he took the award and flew back to you as soon as possible. Only to be informed that you’re gone, you’re not with him anymore. You had passed away.
Minho remembers the day of your funeral. The weight of your absence crushed him, burying his heart alongside you, six feet under the ground. “It’s okay Minho, she loves you with all her life,” your mother said, trying to console him. He felt weak and helpless then.
All these pent-up emotions let loose at his most recent concert. You had always told him to show his emotions to others, not to close his heart away. So he cried, he cried like he had lost everything and he did. He lost you, and you were his everything, you were the earth and he was the moon and now he didn’t have anything to revolve around. On that stage, he crumbled, his fellow members offering solace, while fans shed tears alongside him, showering him with words of comfort.
It felt as though he had loved you for an eternity, but he realized that the time he spent with you was merely a fraction of his lifetime, while you had loved him throughout your entire existence. This realization shattered him to his core. How was it fair? You had promised to always be by his side, to never leave him alone. And you kept that promise, remaining faithful even in death. But what about him? He wasn't there when you underwent surgery, he wasn’t there through your suffering and he wasn't even there when you took your final breath.
He felt stupid not to realise that you were suffering. He hated that you hid your condition from him. He always wondered why you asked him what he would do if you weren’t there. He always replied, “I’ll protect you so nothing ever happens to you, my love”. But now he couldn’t protect you and that broke him, and it would break him till he took his last breath and he would be lying if he said he didn’t wish that day came soon so he could see you again. But all he knows now is that he loved you, loves you and will continue loving you.
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meraxesmoon · 3 months
Of Dragons and Oaths
Chapter Four: Dragonborn
Summary: Being the first child and only daughter of Rhaenyra Targaryen, Aemma Velaryon has to navigate being her mother's heir while also protecting her brothers and herself from the rumors of being bastards, as well as being a wife and mother.
part one | part two | part three | part four
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Throughout Aemma's pregnancy, her mother had left her in the care of her stepfather, Daemon. He was a stranger to Aemma, as she had only met him once before her mother had become queen, and she found it rather uncomfortable that he was always at her side. It became worse when she was ordered to stay in bed. Aemma was left in a bed, one she did not share with her husband, by order of her mother and the maesters. Rhaenyra was queen, and Alicent had been made the Hand, so there was no one left to look after her, at least no one that Rhaenyra trusted with her daughter. 
"Are you feeling well?" Aegon asks, sitting across from the bed next to where Aemma lay, her back propped against several pillows as Laenor snoozed beside her. The toddler had become restless as of late, constantly crying for his mother and throwing tantrums. Laenor had never been that way, always docile and sweet. Now he was taking out his frustrations on everyone around him. Aegon holds onto her hand, rubbing his thumb over her palm before kissing the skin gently. "Everything is fine, I think my mother is just worried. She suffered the death of my grandmother due to these types of complications. Laenor came easy, this one is just different." She reaches over to smooth her fingers through the toddler's fluffy hair, then moves to trace the freckles that dotted his skin. "I cannot blame her for such worries, I lost my Laena to the same fate," Daemon appears in the doorway, leaning against it whilst crossing his arms. 
Althea, Aemma's handmaiden, walks into the room, handling a tray of food and drink. 
"The queen will join you for dinner shortly," Daemon says, watching closely as Althea sets the food down on a small table. Aegon helps his wife to her feet, moving her to sit at the table. He settles her gently before placing a hand on her swollen belly. "We'll come to see you first thing in the morning, I promise," Aegon says, kissing her lips as she smiles up at him. "Leave Laenor, he'll fuss if you move him." 
When Rhaenyra arrives, she nods at her husband to leave, and he shuts the door behind him. 
"My sweet girl..." Rhaenyra cups Aemma's face in her hands, kissing her forehead softly. "You look like you're in pain, why don't you eat something?" 
By the end of the night, Aemma is sleeping in bed, Laenor snuggled against her as her head rests atop Rhaenyra's chest. The princess slept soundly, not having the comfort of her mother for many years. Rhaenyra played with Aemma's braided hair as she lay propped against the headboard, her mind far away. She thinks of her mother, whom she named her daughter after, and the death of her little brother. Rhaenyra remembers how terrified she had been when Aemma and Aegon had confessed to the upcoming baby. She hadn't been there for Laenor's birth, so she had no idea what Aemma's pregnancies were like. This sickness worried her and reminded Rhaenyra of how her mother was bedridden before she had died along with Baelon. Rhaenyra has always feared her daughter being killed similarly. 
She glances over at the toddler, smiling as Laenor nestled himself against his mother's side, his little fingers curling around her nightgown. 
Rhaenyra sighs, straining her neck to blow out the burning candle on the night table. 
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The next several weeks went by without much fuss, and Rhaenyra was glad. She spent most of her days trying to form diplomatic plans with Alicent to combat the sudden resurrection from the Lannister's and other small houses. Leaving her daughter in the care of Rhaena and Helaena during her days, she didn't feel like she needed to worry too much, not when she was being taken care of by those Rhaenyra trusted. Aemma would usually join in on the small council meetings, but due to her restrictions, she had sent her husband in place of her. 
"I still say we burn them to ash now, while we have the upper hand," Daemon grumbles, scoffing at Alicent as she offers Rhaenyra the peace treaty she'd written the night before. "That would be unnecessary." Aegon suddenly speaks, looking at Daemon as the King Consort glares at him. Feeling the eyes of everyone in the room on him, Aegon becomes uncomfortable, fiddling with his fingers, pulling at the skin of his cuticles until they bled. "At least... that is what my Lady Wife believes. She doesn't think that war is necessary, given that we have dragons." Alicent nods. "That sounds like something she would say, Aemma is very intelligent. She knows that war is not in the best interest of the realm." Rhaenyra gazes at the auburn-haired woman, noticing the smile on her lips as she spoke of the princess. Smiling, Rhaenyra agreed. 
"We shall hold off. I will have the peace agreement delivered to them, and we will see where it goes from there." 
"Half of their forces are in Dorne," Alicent reminds, her eyes wide and worried. "I will send dragon riders, they're faster and more convincing," Rhaenyra says, suddenly turning towards her husband, giving him a stern look. "I will send you to Dorne to deliver the treaty, but I will also send Aemond if he agrees to go." "I'm sure he will, he always itches to get out of Kings Landing." 
Rhaenyra and Alicent share a smile before the doors to the council room slam open, Baela standing there with bloody hands as she shoves the guard to the ground, snarling at him. The sleeves of her dress are pulled up over her elbows as sweat drips down her forehead, her silvery hair pinned back hastily. Rhaenyra can feel her heart drop as she stares at the blood-staining Baela, and she swallows thickly. Aemma's term was not yet complete, this babe would be coming early, even earlier than her Visenya had. 
"Aemma has started her labors early, Your Grace," Baela gasps out, suddenly realizing how bloody she was. Aegon pushes past her at the sudden revelation, Alicent chasing after her son as he sped towards the room, she was being kept in. The closer they roamed to the door, the louder the cries of Aemma Velaryon became. Nothing could have prepared Aegon for what he would see once he opened that door. 
Aemma was on the floor, her hand gripping the bedpost as she hunched over herself, blood staining her nightclothes as she cried out in pain. Blood decorated the entire room, and both Helaena and Rhaena tried their best to comfort the princess as she twitched in pain. Her free hand comes to the bed, and she tries to push herself to her feet. With a pained cry and hands reaching underneath her nightdress, Aemma pushed one last time before the wail of a newborn filled the room. Helaena rushes to grab a sheet to wrap the baby in, and Aemma hands her new child to the other woman. The pained cries did not cease, however, and Rhaenyra was by her daughter's side in an instant. "I think... there might be another child coming." Rhaena says, holding onto her father as she watches the scene with watery eyes. 
Helaena hands the babe to Aegon, going back to help Aemma with the second child. 
Rhaenyra moves the stray hairs away from her daughter's sweaty forehead. 
"It is alright, My Love, you can get through this," she says shakily, looking down at the blood that pooled under Aemma as she tried her best to push her second child out into the world. The young princess was obviously distressed, her knuckles turning pale as she gripped onto the bedpost. Rhaenyra lifts the blood-soaked nightgown up over Aemma's hips, and she can see the crowning head of the babe. 
Something wasn't right. 
"Just a few more pushes, and then you will have two more children," Helaena says softly, cradling Aemma's neck as she cried out in pain for one last time. 
Unlike when the first child was born, no cry was heard. Dread fills the air and Aemma hastily lets go of the bedpost and reaches down to cradle her child. The warm blood coating the babe did nothing to hide the cold little body, and Aemma crashes down as she holds her child. She gently tries to clean the blood from the babe's body, softly trying to push away her mother who was trying to see the child. 
"She's a girl..." Aemma says, her voice barely there, coddling the limp body of her daughter. 
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The surviving twin had been named Baelon, and the Red Keep wasn't celebrating like it should have been. The stillbirth of their daughter had left Aemma devastated, and she refused to hand over her little body to the Silent Sisters. The little girl's body was wrapped up, and Aemma had the dragon masters prepare Nightdreamer for a ride. 
"Where are you going?" Rhaenyra had asked her daughter, looking just as forlorn as her daughter felt. 
Aemma, with her daughter, swaddled to her chest and mounted her dragon. 
"Her name is Rhaenys. I'm taking her to Driftmark, that is where she will rest." 
Watching the waves swallow little Rhaenys' coffin is what finally breaks Aemma, and for the first time since her daughter was born, she cries. Driftmark is desolate, deathly quiet as Corlys and Rhaenys stand nearby, watching their granddaughter mourn just as they had when they had to give their two children to the sea. Nightdreamer rests on the beach, her tail swishing anxiously, seemingly feeling the sadness of her rider. Corlys looks towards the dragon, the hand on her cane turning tight. 
"This family mourns too often," he says, watching as Aemma wipes her tears away with her sleeve, bidding a final goodbye to her daughter. "Still, we proceed, because that is what the realm expects us to do. Quite the sad affair..." Rhaenys said. 
"I wish I could stay longer, but I must return to my sons, and my responsibilities as heir..." Aemma musters a weak smile, despite the tear stains on her cheeks."You should come visit, and meet your great-grandson, I named him after my father." 
The ride back to Kings Landing had been quiet, and upon returning she is met by her mother's husband. Daemon greets her, nodding his head at the dragon master's to return Nightdreamer to the pit. The she-dragon hisses, swatting them away as she moves her long, large body towards the opening of the pit, intending on going herself. The blue dragon nudges Aemma with her long snout once more before disappearing into the dark corridor, almost whacking one of the dragon masters with her tail as she did so. Aemma turns to walk inside of the castle, intending to take a bath and sleep, but she is stopped by Daemon. 
"Your child was a Targaryen, why did you give it a Velaryon burial?" 
Aemma stares at him, taken aback at the question. 
"I am both Targaryen and Velaryon, my sons are expected to have Targaryen burials, but no one cares what I do with my daughters. I am both of fire and the sea," Aemma explains, her voice numbing and shaky. Daemon laughs, his eyebrows raising at her answer. "Yet you named your firstborn son in Velaryon fashion." "I named him after my father, or are you forgetting my mother's first husband?" 
"He was the brother of your late wife, Lady Laena, surely you did not forget," Aemma narrowed her eyes at the man in front of her, almost not realizing the approaching king's guard. "Princess, the queen wishes for you to join her in her quarters." Ser Cole approached them, and Daemon chuckled. Aemma nods, walking with Ser Cole as she explains what has happened since she's been gone. 
"Prince Baelon has been put into the former Queens care, and Prince Laenor has been inconsolable since you left," Aemma can feel dread start to fill her conscience. She knew Aegon wasn't the most attentive father, but the fact that Alicent had been the sole caretaker of her children made her feel guilty, despite Aemma knowing what she did wasn't wrong. Aegon wasn't her concern at the moment, though.
Her sons were. 
Walking through the doors of her mother's room, Aemma can feel the weight on her chest lift considerably once she sees Laenor being cradled in the arms of his grandmother. Criston pauses outside of the door, looking at the princess. "I will let your husband know that you have returned, Princess," he said, bowing before he turns to leave. Aemma turns her attention to Laenor, the toddler squirming out of Rhaenyra's arms as his little legs push him to run towards his mother. It was less of a run, more of a fast waddle. 
The queen smiles, coming up behind the boy to ruffle his fluffy hair. 
"He's missed his mother," Rhaenyra muses, watching as Laenor clings to Aemma once she scoops him up in her arms. Hugging him close, Aemma nods her head, pressing several kisses to his forehead and freckled cheeks. "How is your grandfather Corlys? I hope to hear news of his recovery?" Rhaenyra asks, leading Aemma to sit down. She runs her fingers through Laenor's curly hair, wiping the stray tears from his cheeks.
"He is up and walking again," Aemma responds, watching as her mother sips at a goblet full of wine. "Grandfather looks well, you should invite him to join your council." 
The exhausted look on her face is obvious, and Rhaenyra scoops up the sleeping toddler before motioning towards the bed. 
"Why don't you sleep? You look absolutely exhausted, Sweetling," Rhaenyra asks, patting Laenor to keep him asleep. "I'd like to check up on my new son before that... I heard he's with Alicent?" 
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After getting changed into proper nightclothes, Aemma walks the halls, coming to the door of the nursery. Her hand pushes the large door open. She was fully expecting to see Alicent there, and she does, but she also sees her newborn son in the arms of her brother-in-law, Aemond. 
"Aemma, you're back?" Alicent wraps the young mother in a hug, Aemond watching closely with his singular violet eye. "Welcome back, Good Sister," Aemond greets, still holding the sleeping babe in his arms as he stalks near. Seeming to notice the presence of his mother, little Baelon squirms, kicking his tiny feet from within the blanket that was wrapped around his body. Aemma goes to grab him, nestling the small boy in her arms. He was smaller than most babies were, due to his premature birth, yet he was breathing and well. The lingering fear that she wouldn't be able to bond with him after the trauma of the birth fell away and Aemma kissed his tiny head gently. "He's much quieter than Laenor was," Aemond mentioned, looking at his tiny nephew as he tried to suckle at the tips of his mothers fingers. "By all accounts he's healthy, the maesters call it a miracle, considering how early he arrived." 
Aemma had the nursery right next to the bedroom she shared with her husband, and so they could all hear the drunken blubbering of Aegon. Baelon was asleep again, and Aemma places him back in the cradle, making sure to position him so he wouldn't roll over on his belly. Alicent and Aemond can be seen grimacing, the loud thumping of a body hitting the floor causing them to cringe. 
"I will hopefully see both of you for breakfast, but now I need to sleep, lest I collapse." 
Upon entering her bedroom, Aemma sees her husband rolled up in a heap on the ground, unintelligible groans and cries leaving him as he squirmed against the cold floor. She sighs, going to pick him up, or at least trying to. Aegon presses kisses upon kisses to her face and lips, and Aemma continues to drag him to their shared bed. She hadn't slept in them in months, due to the harsh pregnancy, and seeing the messy blankets and pillows strewn around the bed comforted her in a strange way. 
Aegon drunkenly rests his head on her bosom once they're both settled under the covers, his wet cheek pressed against her gown. 
"Thought I was going to lose you..." 
Is the last thing Aemma hears before she drifts off to sleep, her fingers laced with his as she dreams of her little Rhaenys, and what could have been. 
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eleganzadellarosa · 9 months
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pairing: vampire!au, kyungsoo x fem!reader, dom!kyungsoo x sub!reader, kyungsoo x virgin!reader, Prince!Jongin x reader
genres: smut, angst
words: 14.8K
warnings: EXPLICIT SEXUAL CONTENT, MINORS DNI [masturbation, slight spit play, face sitting, squirting, unprotected sex (wrap it up fr), biting kink, pet names (darling, princess, love, baby),choking, oral (m and f receiving), fingering…etc.],cheating, blood (this should make sense)
author's note: I got tired of there not being enough Kyungsoo smut (to my knowledge anyway. If you have some recs, please do share) so I decided to write my own. Plus the teaser pics for cream soda did something to me and I needed to express it through writing lol. There's some plot but we're all here for the smut, and trust me it's smutty. So please enjoy, tell me what you think and thank you for reading <3
part 2 can be found here
Tomorrow was a special day, a day that you longed so earnestly for. Prince Jongin would be visiting again and with the amount of times he’s come over, a proposal was definitely underway. Jongin was a dream come true, the epitome of the “perfect husband". He possessed qualities that one could only ask for while on their knees. From his looks to his status, he was desired by many, yet his heart only yearned for you. It made you blush just to think about everything and how much of a blessing it truly was. The man was gorgeous, from his sun kissed tanned skin, to his tall frame and toned body.
But his physical appearance had nothing to do with why you fell head over heels for him. He was kind, sweet and gentle, something that most suitors only faked while courting their potential spouse. You’ve heard the stories and how many women lost the love for their husbands within the first couple months of marriage only to be stuck with bearing their children until death did them part. That wouldn’t be you though because that wasn’t Jongin--he was different. His personality was genuine and it was apparent from head to toe.
3 months in total counted for the amount of days that he’s visited which was considered standard courting practice for your time period. Your parents loved him and your heart skipped a beat whenever he was close. You wanted no one but him and you knew he felt the same about you. The time drifted by way too slowly and as you lay awake on your bed, your mind ran at 100 miles per minute. Scenario after scenario about how tomorrow would go kept you occupied until your mind finally relaxed enough for you to drift off to sleep.
“Wake up...wake up! It’s half past eleven!”
The sun shined brightly through the window across from you, violently pulling your heavy lids open. Your body tries to coast back into its peaceful slumber, but the person shaking you vetoed your plans. Your eyes once again opening to find said person extremely close to your face, making you immediately sit up as if you were already fully awake. It was Vivian, your servant, but you didn’t like to call her that because she was much closer to you than someone who would do whatever because of your superiority over them.
You were an only child, so she has been the only one around your age for as long as you could remember. She’s the daughter of a previous servant that once lived here but she died before you or Vivian were older than newborns and your parents were kind enough to let her stay instead of leaving her in the hands of an orphanage. You pitied her but she hated when you did so you tried not to show it, but you knew how hard it must have been without a mother. She never admitted it but your family is the only she’s ever really known so she didn’t know what to miss.
“Hurry, you have about 30 minutes before he gets here and you still haven’t bathed!” she says as she tugs at your arm, slightly pulling you off the bed. As much as you thought about him last night, you almost forgot who was coming today. You rushed off into the bathroom, where Vivian already had your bath set. She made sure to add some rose petals to your water, ensuring that your smell would linger every time you passed the prince by.
She left the bathroom after making sure everything was just right to give you some privacy. The bath relaxed you, maybe a little too much and the moment you stumbled into dreamland for the second time this morning, there was a knock at the door. Vivian came rushing in, towels in hand.
“He’s here! Get out right now, you still have to get dressed! And why are you so tired?!”
"I stayed up all night thinking about today, I couldn't help it!" you pouted as you reluctantly stepped out of the tub.
She shook her head while chuckling and pushed you out the bathroom door.
Your heart beat so fast it felt as though it would break through your rib cage at any moment. You both quickly rushed into your room, ready to choose the perfect outfit for today. Being aware of his love for soft colors, you opted for a powder blue peasant cut dress and white corset. You styled your long black tresses in a half up half down style with curtain bangs. The accessories were simple; dangling pearl earrings and a pearl hairpin to match. You weren’t one to wear makeup, but today being the special day that it is, powder set your face and a rose balm on your lips complimented your slightly tanned skin. You stood from your place at your marble vanity and did a small twirl for Vivian to assess the final look. Before she could speak, there was a knock on your door.
“Princess, please come down to the main hall and greet Prince Jongin, he has arrived.” The familiar voice of the butler spoke on the other end of the door. The anxiety began to swell when everything set in but you couldn’t let your emotions get the best of you. Feeling anxious was pointless anyway because you’ve met with Prince Jongin multiple times, but for some reason there was suddenly a heaviness in the air that made your stomach churn. She gives you a nod of approval and you both make your way out the door to head downstairs to greet your guest.
As you walk down the imperial staircase, you see two faces; one familiar and the other not so much. You curtsy in front of Jongin and he takes your hand in his, placing a small kiss on the back.
“It’s a pleasure to see you again Princess. You look gorgeous as always.” he says smiling.
You return his smile and compliments but can’t help letting your gaze fall on the unfamiliar man standing feet apart from him. There was something in the way he stood, something in the way he looked, something you couldn’t put your finger on, but there was something off about him.
“Oh yes, please excuse my manners. Allow me to introduce you to my servant, Kyungsoo. A man of few words, but loyal nonetheless. You shall be seeing him a lot more often I hope?” he says insinuating that you accept his proposal; one which you’d be stupid to refuse.
Kyungsoo bows and makes his way over. Studying the man in front of you, he’s clad in a white blouse, the first three buttons unsecured so a small amount of the skin on his chest shone like the moon peaking out from the clouds. Black slacks, black dress shoes and then three dainty gold necklaces don his neck. His hair was also black, tousled perfectly in an elegant manner. A handsome man indeed, you had to admit, and the sense of mystery surrounding him had you staring for a lot longer than you’d have liked.
He stared back awaiting your move so he may properly greet you, yet here you were stuck, trapped and falling into his deep black orbs. There was a feeling there, something different from when you looked at Jongin. Like the pair whose love was forbidden yet the two couldn’t stay apart. The love could not be portrayed in plain sight but the tension between the two created a impenetrable force field.
Vivian clears her throat next to you which snaps you out of your thoughts. You curtsy and offer your hand to him who gently takes your hand in his. He also places a small kiss on the back, yet he doesn’t break eye contact. The small action making your breath get caught in the back of your throat.
With him being so close, you could smell the fragrance that wafted your way. It was breathtaking, like nothing you’ve ever smelled before. It was so perfect that it seemed to come from his pores, pheromones clouding and intoxicating your judgement.
“The king said he would be waiting for us. We should not keep him any longer.”
The statement from Jongin makes you avert your eyes from Kyungsoo and he removes his lips from your hand. He made your knees like jelly and your heart race a marathon. Your guard was down and you allowed yourself to fall prey to the subtle seduction.
Lunch in the banquet went quite well. Laughs, clinking wine glasses and cutlery colliding with the china filled the large space. Every once in a while those sounds were replaced with sips, breaths and sighs. You caught Jongin stealing a few glances your way when you moved to tuck your bangs behind your ear, making you blush every time. In the meantime, this is what kept your head on straight and you had almost forgot he brought his servant along, until he came in with Vivian to announce that dessert would be served shortly.
Having Kyungsoo in your presence made your posture straighter, if that was even possible. Everything about him made the hairs on the back of your neck erect. You shakily reach for the wine glass in front of you and knock it over, the red liquid spilling onto your dress. You gasp and quickly stand up from your chair and dab the area with the spare cloth from the table. You look up to see all eyes on you and you mentally slap yourself for the embarrassing act.
"Are you okay Princess?" Jongin asks, walking up to you with a fresh cloth.
“Yes, thank you. I must excuse myself, I would hate for my suitor to see me in such a messy manner.”
“Please, do not worry about such trivial things. I will be here when you return so please take your time.”
You smiled and bowed your head before heading toward the exit, Kyungsoo’s eyes never leaving your form. It made your body shudder. For what reason did Jongin bring him along? He was usually by himself but this time he brought his plus one. Was he to act as a test for your loyalty? You would have to keep your eyes on any tricks that he may try to play, you would hate for the prince to back out on the proposal because you couldn’t contain your newfound lust for his servant.
By the time you finished changing into something that wasn’t stained with wine, it was announced that lunch would be ending early. It felt like your fault even though you knew there must have been another reason. Dessert was the only part of the meal that would be missed so it was not that big of a deal.
You searched around for Jongin only to find that he was with your father in his study. A guard blocked the door and informed you that their conversation was important and the king ordered they were to not be disturbed. You thanked him for the information and tried to contain the giddiness you felt rising in your chest. They could only be talking about one thing and you hoped you were right. As you turned on your heels to leave, the guard cleared his throat.
“You did not hear this from me, but Prince Jongin will be staying with us until Sunday.”
Although surprising, it was a logical decision since the journey back for him was quite long and the day was almost over. By the time dinner came around, he had excused himself and settled for a nap instead, further confirming the trip was taxing. You wanted to bring up their conversation over the meal but you knew your impatience would only irritate your father, so finding out would have to wait. If only waiting wasn't so hard.
After dinner, you made up your mind to get ready for bed early so you would have all your energy for a full day with Jongin tomorrow. You enter the bathroom and undress in front of the tub, throwing your worn clothes to the side not caring where they landed. The water was warm yet kissing the temperature of being too hot, but it relaxed your muscles which was much needed after feeling so tense for most of the day. You cup your hand to gather water and run it down your body, taking deep breaths and closing your eyes, the scent of lavender floating through your nostrils.
"Princess..." an unfamiliar voice making you jolt, your eyes shooting open. There was no knock on the door or sound of the door opening. You turn around and see Kyungsoo standing not far from where you were. You quickly sink further down into the tub in hopes that the water would cover your breasts.
"Sir Kyungsoo…what are you doing here?" He walks closer to the tub which ultimately causes you to try and back up, only resulting in your top half being exposed. You quickly cover your chest with your arms and your heart rate flies through the roof.
"Prince Jongin told me to come and check on you and to also see if you needed assistance with anything. Miss Vivian was very kind and told me where you were, although I suspect she didn't think I would be entering. And please, no need for formalities, I’m but a mere servant.” He ends his sentence as he sits on the edge of the large tub. He runs his fingers through your bath water and scoops some up in his hand, your eyes following his every movement.
“You don’t have to be so tense around me darling, I won’t hurt you. I give you my word.” As you look up at him ready to deny his claims, the water he stored in his hand cascades down your back making you gasp. He repeats the action, this time letting his hand run down the damp skin. “I thought your beauty had limits”, he gently grabs your chin with the same hand and leans in closer to your face, “but here you are proving me wrong”.
Not trusting your voice you stayed silent, mentally punishing yourself for letting him get away with this. If he hadn’t been holding onto your chin, your jaw would’ve fallen slack. Your arms were already at your sides when his gaze travels down your body and land on your chest and hard nipples. His tongue peeks out from inside his mouth to wet his lips, and it immediately sent tingles straight to your core. He looks back up at you and smirks before standing and exiting the bathroom.
On the outside of the door, his chest heaved. He suddenly felt restricted in his loose clothing. He leaned his head back against the door and ran a hand through his hair. “What in God’s name am I doing?” he thought. He was unlike his normal self, reserved and respectful. You were doing things to him, taking his control away from him. You were the puppeteer manipulating his movements. You were the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on and don't get him started on how lovely you smelled. He cursed his heightened sense, only making it harder to resist you. He knew of the intensity of your relationship with Jongin; yet he wanted to snatch the man's happiness away.
He didn’t believe you could be as perfect as Jongin described you in his many stories but seeing you today made him realize they did you no justice. He couldn’t keep his eyes off of you. The way you moved, the way you spoke, the way you dressed. Each and every thing about you had been perfectly molded by God himself, the only reasonable answer for such a beautiful being. He wanted you, and seeing you in your most vulnerable form in the bathtub made his pants a little tighter.
He knew what he was doing to you, how his actions had heavy consequences on your body. He wanted you enamored, wanted you within his grasp. He fell for you as soon as his eyes met yours and he knew he would do whatever it took to have you. However, he knew of the possibility of that never happening especially since he held onto a secret that only a small few had knowledge of, and that included Jongin.
You hadn’t noticed you were holding your breath until the door shut and the air filling your lungs makes you cough. This man was unpredictable, risky and for your own sake, it would be best to avoid him as much as you could. Your plan to stay grounded against any foul play went down the drain when he got close to you. You hoped everything you felt was all in your head and the consequences weren’t a heavy burden to bear.
For the rest of the evening, any thought of what happened earlier you tried to shove to the back of your mind. It was becoming hard to not think of the man the more you would occasionally pass Jongin in the halls. He still had your heart but whenever you crossed paths, your mind was never on the man in front of you. Instead you seemed to look through and around him wondering if his shadow would be following closely behind. This disappointed you as he was never to be found and you couldn’t help but wonder why. Alas, you were too nervous to ask and truthfully you had no reason to, especially when the man passing you by in the corridors would claim you as his any day now.
“I hope you sleep well Princess. I am grateful to be given the opportunity to see you again in the morning.” Jongin bows and walks past you, down the hall and into his room for the night.
You offered him a small and respectful smile and couldn't deny the warm and tingly feeling you felt when he spoke to you. You sighed deeply knowing that the next few days would be hell with both men in your home.
Midnight soon came and you went into your room to change into your pajamas. You opened the armoire, one that matched the marble pattern on your vanity. An ivory, satin nightgown would be perfect for tonight's weather and also with how warm your body felt. You flopped onto the bed and covered your face with your hands before letting them drop to the sides of your head. Today had put a lot of stress on your mind and rightfully so. Having this strange and beautiful man around had your mind doing mental olympics. "I thought your beauty had limits, but here you are proving me wrong" that line played in your mind over and over and never failed to confuse your heart more each time.
Memory of the way he touched you replayed on loop. The words to stop him were stuck on the tip of your tongue but deep down you wanted him to continue and that's what made it scary. You loved Prince Jongin and your answer to whatever question he had would always be an immediate yes, still you couldn't take your mind off of Kyungsoo. The way he licked his lips as he scanned your body, his touch making you gasp, just everything about his entire being was starting to make you feral even though you only met the man today. Your hormones were getting the best of you and you blamed it on your period possibly arriving soon. The more you thought about him the more the throb between your legs became increasingly obvious and it begged to be touched.
Jumping up and carefully locking the door, you returned to your bed to get comfortable under your blanket and remove your panties. This was so unlike you, but the thought of him sent fire through your veins and there was no other option to satisfy the agonizing thump. Starting with larger circles, they quickly turned into smaller, concentrated ones as you settled into the new feeling. You continued to rub your clit and the slick from in between your folds coated your finger. You wanted more, no, you needed more and the only way to ease your arousal was to insert a finger. The feeling was definitely foreign but it helped alleviate some of the pressure that didn't seem to go away with your earlier actions. The image of Kyungsoo licking his beautiful plump lips popped into your head once more and a small whimper slipped past your lips.
Slightly startled, you quickly sat up and looked around as if there would be an audience watching you touch yourself. You've never once worried about the sound travelling throughout the castle but even if you did it would be useless. The castle wasn't small and with the old stone walls, no sound would penetrate its forces. You settle back into your spot and finish what you started. Knowing no one would hear you, Kyungsoo's name rolled off your tongue as you moaned. You added another finger and began to thrust into yourself faster, back arching off the bed. It didn't take long before the knot building in your stomach snapped and you released your juices all over your fingers.
You lay there in awe of the new sensation, a sheen of sweat dancing across your chest and forehead. Whatever control you believed you had over yourself was snatched away from you in the last 15 minutes and it would be safe to think you'd never get it back. You reach for the handkerchief on your bedside table to clean the mess on your fingers and between your legs. The guilt washed over you when you finally laid your head on your pillow. Your loyalty knew no bounds but now you questioned if it was ever one of your qualities. The thought of Jongin finding out what you did tonight made you cover your face in embarrassment and curl your body into a ball. What if he didn't want you anymore, what if he could tell that your mind hasn't been on him since you laid eyes on Kyungsoo? What would he think of you?
Kyungsoo also had no luck with getting you off his mind. He stood with his hands gripping the sink, staring at his reflection in the bathroom mirror, wondering if the man on the other side was still him. It was becoming too difficult to keep his urge of releasing all the pent up feelings while he was all alone. He thought of how the droplets of water glimmered against your soft and supple skin. He imagined you moaning his name when you gasped at his touch. Every thought sent blood right to his lower organ. It was painful, the way it pressed against the fabric of his pants as if it would break through any second.
He reached down and palmed his erection through his clothes, grip on the sink getting tighter. His breath quickened as he moved his hand faster. It felt good but still wasn't enough to shake the thought of you. He pulled the zipper down along with the waistband of his briefs just enough so his dick popped free. Concentration deep within his brows as he focused stroking his length as if he was within your velvety walls. He felt it, the feeling of ecstasy building up waiting to explode. A few more pumps and he came in his hand, moans hidden behind the lip caught between his teeth. It wasn’t until his lip fell free that he noticed the drops of blood coming from it.
Another look in the mirror and he saw just how much of himself he let go. Piercing red eyes and fangs to match. This was dangerous, you were dangerous. He would never be able to keep his secret to himself with you around, but he craved you. He so badly wanted to have his dick buried deep inside you and his teeth sunk into your skin. It would be euphoric and if he didn't get it, he might just wish for death.
Breakfast the next morning was quite large given that there were extra guests but sometimes you thought it a waste since the abundance of food left over could feed a whole village. As you entered the great hall, you scanned the grand area in search of Jongin. He wasn’t here and you wanted to be courteous and wait for him before you touched your food. You spot Vivian on the other side talking to Kyungsoo and your curiosity got the best of you. Jealous wouldn’t be the right word to use but you felt the need to go over and cut their conversation short no matter how important.
You wave to Vivian as you close in on the pair and her eyes light up when she sees you, making Kyungsoo turn around. He bows and you extend a curtsy.
“Prince Jongin will be here shortly, he’s just having a slow morning so please do excuse him.” Kyungsoo looks at you as if to watch your face for any changes.
“That’s quite alright, you both must be tired from your long journey yesterday. I have no problem with waiting for him.”
He smiles softly and excuses himself, walking toward the exit.
Vivian nudges you and leans in when he's no longer in sight. "Is it just me or is something really weird about him? Or...maybe it's just because he fancies you." her voice being a mere whisper, inaudible if you hadn't been so close to her.
Your head whips in her direction, "Nonsense! He does not! But yes something is very different about him and I'm not sure how one would describe it."
"You may not think so, but I definitely do. He watches you every time you're around. He pays no mind to anything else going on around him and he looks at you like you're rations on harvest day."
You wanted to call her delusional but you knew of the interactions you had with him yesterday and you could never muster up enough courage to tell her about your conflict. As the hopeless romantic she is, the situation would excite her but she would tell you to think logically and remember how much you love and waited for Jongin. Maybe that's what you needed, someone to tell you that it was stupid to even think about someone else. Not now though, you would do everything in your power to deny the feelings budding for the new man and focus solely on your suitor.
Breakfast was served and your stomach grumbled the second the variety of aromas caressed your nose.
"Good morning Princess, I hope I did not make you wait too long. I would have rushed here sooner if I knew you were already present."
You turn to look in the direction of the voice. Jongin stands before you and you offer him your hand. He kisses it and you give his a light squeeze. "Please do not worry about such things my prince. I did not wait long but would have waited longer if you needed.
He smiled brightly hearing you call him "your prince" for the first time and admittedly it felt weird to you even though it left your mouth with ease.
After the meal, everyone returned to their rooms to await the next. You laid on your bed while indulging in your favorite book. There was a soft knock on your door.
"Please come in" you say, shifting your weight from your stomach to your elbows to gain leverage and look in the direction of the door.
To your pleasant surprise, Jongin enters with a bow. You quickly stand up from your bed and run your hands down your dress to straighten it out.
"Oh! Prince Jongin, what brings you here?"
"I was wondering if you'd like to take a walk in the garden with me? I love to take walks around noon, the sun is at its highest then."
Perfect timing. This is what you needed, some time completely alone with him so you had no other distractions. "I would love to, I will be right down."
A big smile paints his face and he releases a breath that was anxiously waiting in his chest. "Take your time, I will meet you outside when you are ready."
To say the garden was huge was an understatement but it was the perfect place to relax and unwind. Jongin offers you his arm to hold while you two take the stroll.
"Is the sun too bright? I can ask Kyungsoo to bring an umbrella if you'd li-"
You tighten your grip on his arm slightly startling him, "No no, it's perfectly fine! The rays from the sun are healthy in small amounts and it feels great on the skin." The excuse was corny but it was the best you could come up with.
He offers you a warm smile and extends his hand in front of you as a way to say "lead the way". The last thing you needed was for Kyungsoo to come and ruin this time with Jongin. If the man you had your arms locked with right now knew of the exchanges with his servant, he would probably look at you in disgust. You were going to pass this test one way or another.
Thankfully Kyungsoo was the last person on your mind the entire time. The prince lead most of the conversations but you didn't mind, his voice was just as attractive as the rest of him and seeing him laugh so freely was like a breath of fresh air.
He gave you butterflies and to think that he wanted to marry you and no one else, made you feel like you were on cloud 9. You didn't give much thought to what your husband would look or be like when you were younger, but if you did, you know he would fit the description perfectly.
"We must head back now, it will be time for lunch soon and we wouldn't want everyone looking for us. But before we go-" he pauses as he brings a hand from around his back to reveal a pink rose.
You gasp in delight and grab it, fingers brushing against his. Courageously, you stand on the tips of your toes and place a small kiss on his cheek. "I love it so much, it's beautiful! Thank you."
Although he tried to hide it, the obvious blush on his cheeks told you just how much the kiss excited him. If you wanted to keep the other one off your brain, things like this would have to be more frequent. You didn't want to come on too strongly but there was no denying how much he loved you and you had to do whatever it took to keep your feelings in order.
Now you were curious what he spoke about with your father since he still hadn't proposed. Was he rethinking his decision? The thought made you nervous and wondered if everything Kyungsoo did was simply a test and Jongin knew about it all. It would be futile to ask him now especially if it meant opening a can of worms; you definitely weren't ready for that conversation.
After lunch, Vivian dragged you to her room to interrogate you.
"How was your date with Jongin? Did you hold hands? Did you kiss him? Tell me everything!"
You chuckled at her straightforwardness. "It was amazing! He's such a lovely person, I could hear him talk all day. And...maybe I did kiss him." You had to quickly add more to your sentence before she screamed "But only on the cheek, nothing serious!"
"Oh how great it must feel to have two men longing for you at once." She clasped her hands at her chest and looked up as if she were imagining it.
Your smile dropped. "Vivian again with this? He doesn't like me, I'm just new to him."
"If you saw him today, you wouldn't be saying that." She tilted her head and looked off to the side.
Suddenly your interest was piqued. "W-what do you mean?"
"I mean, he looked like a dog who lost its master. The entire time you were out with Jongin, he walked around aimlessly like he counted down the minutes until you returned. I have seen my fair share of people in love and he's definitely one of them. He wishes he was Prince Jongin, I can see it in his eyes."
You had thought about it and on multiple occasions within the past two days. What would it be like to have Kyungsoo wanting to spend the rest of his life with you? Would you want the other instead? It felt selfish thinking about something like this when Jongin was so nice to you. It felt inconsiderate to think that the thought of Kyungsoo was the one to send you over the edge when you pleasured yourself at night.
You would talk to him tomorrow you decided. You needed to know the intent behind his actions and would politely ask him to keep the relationship platonic.
After bathing, you returned to your quarters. Tonight's attire was a white, sheer, long nightgown that was maybe a bit too sheer to even be considered clothing. You hop into bed and lay on your back, relishing the way the silk sheets felt against your skin. The feeling sent shivers down your spine and memories of your orgasm coaxed you into wanting another. You tried to compel the idea to the back of your mind, but unsuccessfully so when you remembered what Vivian said about Kyungsoo. You spending most of the day with Jongin equating to nothing in this moment. Remembering how disappointed he looked when you waited patiently for Jongin at breakfast. And his voice. It was so deep and sultry, every word laced with passion and you wondered what it’d be like to have him whisper in your ear. He was too intoxicating.
Succumbing to the growing feeling between your legs, you reach under your nightgown and start to rub your clit through the thin fabric of your panties. The initial feeling makes you squirm in place, closing your legs to add to the friction. One finger, then two gets inserted and it quickly turns into you riding the palm of your hand when you curl your fingers upwards to hit the gummy spot that shortens your breath. Whimpers turn into moans and before you know it, Kyungsoo's name is rolling off your tongue again like it's the only name you know. You speed up and right before you can reach your climax, there's a knock on your door. Quickly sitting up and adjusting your appearance, you rush over to the door to open it. You peek around the door, shielding your body as best as you can from whoever awaited on the other side.
It was him. The man whose name you were just moaning like crazy. Your face instantly turns a shade of red when you realize that he could have heard you before he knocked on the door. Angling your body further away from the door, you stare at the man a bit longer before he decides to speak up instead.
"May I come in?" He waits for your response which felt like an eternity. “You seem…busy? I promise it will be quick.” He says slightly pushing the door to allow himself in, becoming impatient with waiting for you to speak up and afraid someone would catch him.
It was the embarrassment and the way you had no strength to debate that made you back away and allow him to step past the barrier of your door. He closed it behind him and leaned against it. It was then that he took the time to realize your almost naked frame in front of him.
He’d be lying if he said he didn’t want to attack you then and there but there were more important things at hand. You noticed how his eyes traveled down your body and you finally became conscious of your scantily clad figure, quickly covering your chest with your arms, forgetting that left your bottom half exposed under the sheer gown.
"What is it that you need Kyungsoo? Perhaps we can discuss this in the morning?"
“No! No…it can’t wait. I have to tell you how I feel now before I go insane.” You look at him confused, heart racing the more he spoke. “You’ve been driving me mad since I’ve first laid eyes on you. You’re more perfect than words can describe. I hate myself for not believing Jongin when he would come home and brag about just how pretty you were. I know you understand how I’m feeling too because even now you look at me with an indescribable want in your eyes.”
He walks closer to you and lets his hands rest atop the arms that cover your breasts. He moves them away from your body and lets his hand travel down your right arm, stopping at your wrist. He brings the hand up to his mouth and sucks on the two middle fingers. His eyes close and he lets out a low sigh.
“And with the way you moaned my name while riding these fingers, there’s no denying my existence ignites you from within.”
He looks to you expecting you to prove him wrong, to tell him he had no business confessing his feelings for you when Jongin lay his head a few rooms away, but you couldn’t. You couldn’t acknowledge that his feelings were invalid and not mutual. So when he leaned in closer, you met him halfway and allowed him to connect his lips to yours.
The kiss was needy and filled with hunger. His tongue swiped your lips asking permission and you opened your mouth giving him access to explore you. He wraps a hand around your neck, squeezing the sides lightly and drags his teeth over your bottom lip making you whimper. He begins to pepper light and gentle kisses across your law line and down to your neck where he nips and sucks on the skin. Tongue sliding across your jugular, a moan escapes your lips. He continues his abuse on your neck and brings his hands up to cup your boobs. He massages the flesh, hands dancing across the skin in search for your nipples, pinching them when he finds them. He suddenly halts his movements, cupping your chin in his hand looking at you for what felt like a millennium.
“My love if you want me to stop now, tell me. Tell me you don’t want me and I’ll stop.”
You grabbed his hand and looked at him with hooded lids, eyes filled with lust.
“I don’t wish for you to stop and I don’t wish to regret this moment.”
His lips are back on yours, this time more passionate and filled with love. He kisses his way past your neck and down to your chest. He goes to suck on your nipple through the thin fabric, massaging the other between his fingers. There was nothing you could do to hold back your moans and he loved every second. Just as you were about to lock your fingers in his hair, he stops and pulls you in the direction of the bed. He sits down on the edge and pats his lap.
"Come here." he says pulling you forward to straddle him. His hands travel up your thighs and settle on your ass, massaging it as he looks back up at you. "Would it make me selfish if I said I was jealous of Jongin even though I have you here like this?" he says pecking your lips after every couple of words. "You were on my mind all day, I couldn't contain myself. I had to come taste you, I wouldn't be satisfied any other way." He moves your hips to grind on his lap and your head falls back as you moan.
You couldn't let him take over just yet, you wanted a clear mind but with the way he had you feeling, you would bet he cast a spell on you.
"If I said you were, then I'd have to call myself something much harsher." You say through broken and choked moans.
Leaning back, he pulls you up so that you now sit on his chest. "I want you to sit on my face, I need to taste you now before I lose my mind."
Hesitant at first, you couldn't shake the thought of suffocating him. He had gained your trust in the short amount of time though and everything else has felt great so far, so you expected he had already weighed the pros and cons.
As if reading your mind, he pulls you up higher on his chest, “I’ll be okay and you'll feel good if you listen, I promise."
You hover over his face for a few more seconds before you lower yourself onto his mouth, your thighs resting on either side of his head. His licks a long stripe from your entrance to your clit and your hips buck involuntarily. A low breathy moan comes from the both of you. He wraps his hands around your upper thighs to stop you from moving. He laps away at you like a parched dog, making your toes curl. You tangle your fingers in his hair to try and regain your control only to fail miserably when he dips his tongue inside. A loud moan escapes you and you can feel him smile against your heat.
"Kyungsoo p-please, it's too much!"
Of course he doesn't stop and instead rubs circles on your clit with the pad of his thumb. At this point your brain was fuzzy, no thoughts running through it. A few more licks and sucks on your clit and you become undone, cumming all over his tongue as you scream his name. He continues to lick to let you come down from your high and then quickly flips you so that your back is against the bed, his chin glistening with your juices.
"Open your mouth, see how fucking good you taste." Not caring about your image anymore, you open your mouth to allow him to dribble the mixture of his own saliva and your essence down your throat. "Swallow."
Not giving you time to process, he dips down to kiss you, the rest of your fluids spreading over your lips. He brings his hand back to your pussy and uses his fingers to tease your folds.
"You're so wet for me baby, is this how badly you wanted me?" You nod as he brings you back into a kiss, easing one of his fingers in. You felt so good around his fingers and he could only imagine how you would feel once he finally got his dick inside. For now, he wanted to take his time and feel every inch of you. "Come here. I want to feel your mouth on me, see how good your throat feels."
You sit up on your knees and see that he's already removed most of his clothing except for his shirt. You look down and see his dick hard, tip touching his belly button. He was big, bigger than you expected but you've also never been with a man like this so there was nothing to go off of as reference. He positions himself back at the edge of your bed and you sit on your knees in front of him.
He tapped on your left cheek, "Open. Tongue out."
Following instructions, he tapped his length on your tongue, precum leaking from the tip. Everything about this felt sinful and in truth it was, but it was exhilarating and you craved the adrenaline rush. Maybe it was the way he looked at you or the way he handled you, whatever it was, it was becoming poisonous. He sat back on the palms of his hands and you took it as a sign to do whatever you wanted. You've only seen things like this in the books that the maids kept hidden in their belongings; you and Vivian sneaking to read them when no one was looking. You had no idea what you were doing but you knew you wanted to make him feel good.
You lick from the base to the head, seemingly doing something right because he hisses and bites on his bottom lip. You kitten lick and place a light kiss on the head before taking his length in your mouth as far as you can go. He hits the back of your throat, making you gag.
"Good girl. Fuuuck...just like that." he reaches down to grab a handful of your hair but not to force you back down. He so badly wanted to buck up into your mouth but didn't want to hurt you or cum too quickly.
You bob your head and hollow your cheeks, sucking as much as you can before easing your way back down. His eyes are closed and his head is back, veins straining in his neck. You brought a hand up to stroke whatever didn't fit in your mouth and the grip in your hair got tighter. Seeing him like this boosted your confidence and also made you wetter. You were testing his self control and if you kept this up he wouldn't be able to stop himself from going too far.
The muscles in his thighs were starting to tighten and he knew he was close. "I don't want to come just yet, I want to be inside of you." You let go of his dick with a pop, eyes watering and saliva trickling out the side of your mouth.
He pulls you back into his lap and into another heated kiss. Without the barrier from the clothing, the skin to skin sent your mind into a frenzy and it made you throb in anticipation. You mimic what he did to you and dragged your teeth across his bottom lip, earning a deep groan from him. He breaks the kiss and once again lets his lips travel to your neck. He trails the kisses up your jaw and bites your earlobe.
"Would you like for me to fuck you so hard you forget your own name?", his breath is warm against your ear and you were sure you made a wet spot in his lap.
"Please, I need you. I can't take this anymore." You could feel him grow harder beneath you when your begging came out more like whines. He roughly pulls back on your hair, exposing your neck to him and he doesn't miss the chance to suck harshly and almost leave hickeys behind. You moan and grind your hips on him, making him curse under his breath. "Please Kyungsoo, I need you. You make me feel so good, I want you so badly."
He stops his attacks and lifts you off his lap to throw you back onto the bed. He hovers over you staring into your eyes deeply. "Are you sure you want to continue? We don't have to."
You were past the point of questioning if you wanted him anymore and you weren't going to pass up the opportunity after getting this far. You wanted your first time to be with someone you chose and right now that was him. "My heart would never forgive me if I said no and I'm not one to not give it what it wants."
He smiles and kisses you once more, "I'll go slow my love, I'll take care of you." He eases his way inch by inch, making sure to give you time to adjust to his size; constantly watching your face for any signs of discomfort.
He was stagnant, not minding that you took your time to get comfortable. You were thankful it didn’t hurt as much as everyone made it seem but knowing the circumstances in which you were doing it, only made it feel like the punishment would be stronger.
You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him in closer. "Kyungsoo...I want to feel you now."
His pace started slow and steady, ensuring you didn't feel any pain even though you gave him the okay. When you lifted your hips to meet his thrusts, that was all it took for him to speed up. His rhythm is relentless, but you didn't want it any other way. The feeling was beyond words and if there was a way to pause time in this moment you would have done so.
"Look at me while I fuck you. Close your eyes and I'll stop" he says, holding the back of your head so you could look at him. Keeping your eyes open was easier said than done when they closed every time he thrust back in. Every moan you tried to hold back, forced its way past your lips. "Let me hear them, let me hear how I make you feel."
He tried to keep it together, but the way you were clenching around him, he wasn't going to last much longer. It all felt like a dream and it started when he walked through your door. He didn't plan on this but hearing you moan his name before he knocked and seeing the way your fingers glistened when they wrapped around the door only corrupted his thoughts.
"This pussy is mine, tell me it's mine. Tell me you want me to fuck you like this forever."
The combination of him fucking you so deeply and the way he spoke to you made your head spin and you knew your orgasm was approaching for the second time tonight.
"It’s all yours Kyungsoo! Fuck me like this forever, make me yours forever!"
You didn't think it was possible, but his thrusts felt deeper and harder. His head went down to your chest and he sucked a red spot in a place that only he’d know. The blood rushing to that area had him thirsting for more and before he let his teeth break the threshold, your walls fluttered around him violently.
You were sure you saw stars, your legs shaking. It took a few more thrusts from him before he pulled out and finished on your stomach.
Are you okay? Did I hurt you?"
It was a close call at most or perhaps it was a sign that he was letting his guard down too much. You were pushing him to the edge of insanity so much so that the side of him he spent so much of his life trying to hide was easing its way to the forefront. If he wanted you to trust him, he could never let you know of the real him.
"That was the best feeling I’ve ever had in my life." It came out almost monotonously but you had no strength to put more feeling behind it.
He smiles and reaches to your bedside table for anything to clean the both of you off. In contrast to how he was a few minutes ago, he was extremely gentle as he wiped the mess you created. Watching him made your heart flutter, more than it did when you were with Jongin. Oh no, Jongin. He hadn't crossed your mind since your walk in the garden with him earlier. The guilt came flooding in and it made you feel sick to your stomach. You were supposed to be marrying Jongin, not Kyungsoo and now with what you've done, you feel like you've ruined your chances of that ever happening.
Kyungsoo notices the shift in your mood and pulls you into a hug. "What's wrong my love? What is weighing heavily on your mind?" he asks, placing a kiss to the crown of your head and small strokes to your back.
"What about Jongin? How will I ever marry him after what we've done tonight?"
He stops rubbing your back, making you look up at him. "I will not be informing him of what happened tonight. It doesn't matter who you marry, you're mine for as long as we live."
You push yourself off of him, "How would that even be possible? I cannot have these relationships coincide."
"He doesn't have to know, and he won't. I can't let you go now that I have you. I want you and I will always want you till the day I die." He cups your face in his hands. "Even if I have to wait 100 years, I will never stop loving you."
Spending this night with Kyungsoo made you unsure of what you wanted, but you definitely weren't sure if what you wanted was Jongin anymore. You wanted to marry him but thinking of being able to have Kyungsoo whenever you wanted him made your heart beat with excitement. The thought made you feel like a whore, but you never meant for any of this to happen. Kyungsoo was irresistible and thinking back on it, he was also very sweet and caring. There was no way you could marry Jongin and be with Kyungsoo, without him or anyone else in your castle finding out about it. All of it was too confusing but for now you wanted Kyungsoo as much as you wanted to marry Jongin, you just wish there was a way to make both things work.
The following day Jongin was stuck to you like velcro which you didn't hate but him being around meant that Kyungsoo was around too. You couldn't help but feel guilty and now there was no reversing it. You didn't regret your night with Kyungsoo but it only complicated things more. Every touch or glance in your direction from Jongin never went unnoticed by him, and he watched you like an animal would stalk its prey. The eye contact was another thing. Each time your eyes met his, it was like reliving your moments with him in your bedroom. You felt your face and body heat up and you prayed the blush didn't show on your cheeks.
It also didn’t help that he looked extra good today. Instead of a blouse, he wore a black vest over a white button down, a single chain accentuating the breast pocket. It fit him so nicely and complimented his wide shoulders.
Jongin sits up in his seat and leaned over the table, resting his head in his hand. "I'm going to go horseback riding, would you care to join me Princess?"
"Sure, I would love to. I haven't been riding in some time though so my skills may not be to your liking."
"Ah well, you can ride on my horse with me if that is best. I wouldn't want you to feel as though you're a burden, even though you truly wouldn't be."
You nod in agreement although you weren't really sure what you just agreed to with feeling Kyungsoo's eyes piercing the back of your skull. It drove him crazy to be this close to you and not be able to touch you. After last night he wasn't sure how he would live without you and tolerate seeing you with another man. Jongin didn't know how good he had it, he could walk around with you freely and not be judged. That's what Kyungsoo wanted, you all to himself. You were his, not the property of a prince. He reluctantly followed the both of you outside and awaited his next order.
“Kyungsoo, do you mind helping the Princess with her boots while I go get my things? I want her to be as comfortable as possible.”
He bows his head lightly and grabs the boots to put on your feet. You take a seat on the small bench between the tall, green hedges that lined most of the garden. He kneels on one knee in front of you and places your foot on top of his thigh. Jongin was barely out of eyesight when he lifts your dress high on your legs. You shoot him a shocked look when you feel him pepper kisses up your inner thigh.
“K-kyungsoo, w-what are you doing? Someone will see…” you try to push his head away before you lost yourself in the feeling. He didn’t take heed to your warning and nipped at the soft skin, letting a moan rip through you. He keeps his eyes on you the entire time. His dick can’t help but twitch watching the way you try to keep your composure and with knowing how easily you can both be caught at any second. He wastes no time to push your thighs further apart while dragging his nails down your other leg.
“P-please, not now. Not here.” was all you could manage to say while trying to stay coherent. You wanted to scold him for being so bold but every time you felt his mouth get closer and closer to your clothed heat, all thoughts of reprimanding him left your head.
You look down to see his eyes on you and seeing him so content between your legs did something to you. He hooks his fingers around the fabric of your panties and pulls them to the side to give himself better access. He licks long and achingly slow stripes through your folds. You had lost the battle of trying to keep yourself together and already had one hand tangled in his hair.
You bit down on your other fist to hush the sound of you moaning but the more he ate you out, the louder you became. As if he knew you wouldn’t be able to control your volume, he slips a finger inside and curls it upwards, hitting the spot that made you weak. At this point you were riding his mouth with the way your hips bucked up against his face. He added another finger and sped up the thrusts. He switched between sucking on your clit and fucking you with his fingers. You were so close now that you could taste it, however he suddenly halted his movements and quickly slipped on both of your boots. You open your mouth to protest but he gives you a look that kept your lips pressed together tightly. He fixed your dress and licked his lips to rid himself of any evidence that he just had his face nestled between your legs.
Jongin returns mere seconds later with a saddle nuzzled under his arm. “Are you okay Princess, you look a bit flushed? Are you feeling under the weather?”
Embarrassing was an understatement and knowing you were in a noticeably messy state, brightened the blush on your cheeks. “No no, I’m alright. Perhaps I should start wearing more sunscreen?”
Your answer seemed to satisfy him as he offered his hand to you to lead you toward the stables. You look back at Kyungsoo who bows as Jongin takes you further away.
Jongin had frequented the palace enough to have claimed one of the horses as his own. It was a beautiful black Friesian horse he named Trophy. When you entered the stable, the horse began to whinny seemingly knowing of Jongin’s presence. He offered it pats and rubs over its head and body before placing the saddle on its back. Making sure it’s secure before hopping on the horse and grabbing your hand, letting you sit in front of him so that he had complete control.
You were practically sitting in his lap with how close he was. You thought you would be behind him and find security in holding onto his waist, but the tables were turned and his arms rested on either side of you as he held onto the reins.
“Are you comfortable Princess?” he looks from around you, almost resting his head on your shoulder. It made your heart flutter and in the moment you wanted to turn your head and lock your lips with his.
“Yes, thank you. Are you comfortable as well?” You heard the smile in his voice when he agreed to your question.
“Please let me know if you need me to slow down or if you’re ready to return.” And with that he snapped the reins and the horse was off, slowly walking out of the stable.
For the remainder of the ride you couldn’t help but notice how good of a horseback rider Jongin was. Every move that he made was precise and calculated and it was like the horse was made just for him. The more the horse picked up speed the more Jongin would rut against you from the force of the gallop. The constant friction was starting to turn you on and you could only imagine what went through his mind behind you.
Although wanting to turn around and straddle him, you were having fun. Horseback riding used to be one of your favorite pastimes and now you wonder why you ever stopped. It was the adrenaline that came from the speed and the wind that blew through your hair that made you feel like you could do it all day. He made Trophy come to a halt and you took a look at your surroundings. It was an area that you’ve never seen before and you questioned whether you were still within the kingdom walls.
“Oh my, this is breathtaking! This doesn’t even feel like home.”
“But it is, it’s just very far away from the palace. I learned about this place while out on a ride and it’s been my favorite to visit ever since. I can bring you here often if you’d like?”
You nodded and he helped you off the horse. It was like a mini oasis within this small forest. The trees were all covered in fresh blooms, a waterfall flowed down into a midsized pond which held some of the clearest water you’ve ever seen.
“Do you like swimming Princess? We can take a quick dip before returning.”
You quickly nodded and a smile lit up his face. He took your hand and lead you closer to the edge of the pond. He began unbuttoning his sky blue blouse and pulled it over his head, revealing his toned abs. You knew he was fit but never knew just how sculpted his body was. Seeing him like this made your insides stir, not dismissing how you finished undressing him with your eyes. He guided you into the water slowly and never took his eyes off you. The water sloshed around you both as you moved further in, your dress already soaked from your waist down. He let go of your hand to give you more freedom and you immediately submerged yourself to drench your entire body.
When you came up, you playfully swatted some water on him causing him to chuckle and mimic the action. The splash fight continued for a few minutes before you both grew tired of clearing the dripping water from your faces. He swam closer to you and grabbed you by the waist. He looked down at you, a mixture of love and lust in his eyes. Looking at you for a few seconds more, he dipped down and placed his lips on yours. His lips were soft and he moved them in such a rhythmic manner, much more innocently than Kyungsoo. You bring your hands up to cup the back of his neck and deepen the kiss.
He pulled you into him some more and slid his tongue over yours, earning a moan from you. He kept one hand on the small of your back and the other rested on the back of your head as he kissed you hungrily. He broke the kiss, chest heaving and lips red.
“I love you” he says as if he couldn’t contain the words in his mouth. He looks at you scared as if he had made a mistake saying it to you.
“I-I love you too Jongin.” You didn’t lie when you said it back. You’ve known him for some time now and being on edge waiting for his proposal further proved just how much you cared for him. The problem now was you found yourself falling in love with Kyungsoo too which was for lack of better words, insensitive.
“You’re the best thing that ever happened to me and I can’t wait to make you my wife.”
It was like an arrow shot through your heart as he finished his sentence. Here he was pouring his heart out to you and last night you tangled bodies with his servant whom he trusts. Your conscience scolded you and you wanted to clutch your chest to stop the pain.
“We should start heading back now, the sun will set soon.” he says already adjusting the equipment on the stallion.
Thankfully you sat in front of him so he wouldn't question the tears that streamed down your cheeks. Guilt was hitting you hard, wishing you never made the mistake but not regretting your time with his right hand man.
Kyungsoo is already waiting when you and Jongin return from the stables, his face stoic but his eyes told a different story.
“Please grab the Princess a towel so she may dry herself off, we wouldn’t want her to catch a cold. I shall be inside doing the same.” Jongin walks up to you and kisses your forehead. “I had a great time today and I can’t wait to see you tomorrow.”
You exchange smiles before he walks away and turn your attention to Kyungsoo whose face is twisted.
“You smell like him. Too much like him.”
"What? How?" You looked down, grabbing the closest piece of your dress to see what he smelled on you, yet to your senses you only smelled wet.
Ignoring your question, he picks a towel up from the glass table and pulls you in by your waist. Your hands fall onto his chest and he begins by drying your hair. “Why are you so wet? What did you do with him? You can see right through your dress!”
He wasn’t lying, your dress stuck to you like paint so nothing was left to the imagination. Your nipples poked and prodded their way through the material.
“We went swimming…”
Visibly annoyed, he rolled his eyes and continued drying the rest of you. The sky was already beginning to get darker with the sun declining, but it seemed darker than it should have. Large drops of rain started to fall from above instantly darkening spots on the concrete path. You look up and open your hands to catch a few. You really should get inside before your immune system gave up on you.
“I’m going to go inside.” You go to walk away but he grabs your wrist and pulls you back toward him, catching you again by the waist.
“I'm sorry but I can't help being jealous. If you can’t handle being with me, at least don’t make it so hard for me to stay away from you. You’re driving me crazy, I can’t live without you.”
It was confusing. How could your heart love someone you’ve only known for less than a week? And it was starting to become more so than the person you’ve known for 3 months. How were you to solve this matter when there was no logical answer; always concluding with one or the other?
"I-I don't know what to say."
"Say you love me. Love me forever."
His lips brush gently against yours, once again weakening your knees. You gently shove him away.
"I want to...but you know I can't."
"Hm, I understand. It's best you go in now, you've been out here long enough." He bows slightly and walks away from you. His heart ached, all he wanted was to be able to love you without consequence. He's never hated his life so much than he did now.
"Oh to be reborn again as something other than a peasant" he thinks. Better yet, to be reborn as Jongin would satisfy him the most. All he wanted was you, all he needed was you and knowing he couldn't have you had him torn between anger and sadness. He was becoming desperate now, willing to do any and everything to split you two apart. He hated that he was so weak for you, for being so unlike himself. Tomorrow was the last day of their stay and he was aware of the plans Jongin had with you.
A proposal. A promise of a union between two parties. "In sickness and in health; till death do us part", he would have to hear you say those words and see you seal them with a kiss. It would be torture but he wasn't blessed with royalty nor in a different body and this would be his punishment for letting things get so far with you.
It was late and you have long since been dry. Having taken too many sips from the glass of water next to you, it was best to make a quick trip to the bathroom before you got too comfortable in bed. A single candle in its holder dimly lit your way, your feet slapping against the cold marble flooring. Someone clears their throat softly next to you making you almost drop the candle.
"I'm sorry if I startled you princess." Jongin walks up to you, face illuminating in the small light. "W-would you like to spend the night with me? Tomorrow is my last day with you and I would love if I at least got the chance to share my bed with my future wife."
Admittedly taken aback by his request, you would miss him when he was gone and didn't get much time with him with your mind so preoccupied.
"Everyone is asleep so they won't notice."
You followed him after using the bathroom. You had never been in his room before, let alone any of the guest rooms so seeing how different everything looked made you feel like you already lived together.
He grabbed your hand and guided you to the bed and let you climb in.
"Goodnight my love, tomorrow will be a great day" he says kissing your cheek before turning over with his back pressed against yours.
You laid awake too many thoughts going through your mind to settle into relaxation. Based off of what he said, he was sure to propose tomorrow. It excited you, the thought of being a wife but also his wife. You've waited long enough to get to this point and backing down because of some new feelings would not get in your way. This was a test, you thought, and although you've failed most of it, you were going to make the rest count.
There was a shift in weight behind you and now Jongin no longer had his back pressed against yours. There was something hard pressed against your ass, you knowing what it was almost immediately. He snakes an arm around your waist and pulls you closer making his hard on settle in the crevice of your behind. You grabbed his hand that draped over your midsection and gave it a squeeze, letting him know he could continue.
He kissed his way down from your ear to your shoulder. He rolled you onto your back and hovered above you. The moonlight lit the room just enough so he could see your expression. It felt different, being under him versus being under Kyungsoo. It was like darkness and light, Jongin being the latter.
His hand ran down the sides of your body, taking his time to admire every inch. The gentle touches leaving lingering tingles on your skin. He moved back up to caress your face and finally leaned down to put his lips on yours. After kissing you earlier, he knew he wanted another, not being able to wait for the wedding day. Your lips were soft and he loved how your nose would brush his ever so slightly.
You were like a painting in his eyes, each brushstroke carefully placed to form your very image. But something changed in the way you looked at him since his stay. He had his doubts but seeing his close companion look at you the way he did, he knew there was something there. Not something like he had with you, something so much more mature and unadulterated.
He wasn’t going to let his fear obstruct his goal, he was going to marry the love of his life even if your heart leaned more toward Kyungsoo. He took this opportunity to pour his feelings into his actions and he hoped they would properly relay the message.
His hand reached under your night dress and brushed between your folds through the fabric. You bit your lip as he watched your changing expressions.
“Feels good?” He pressed down a bit harder and quickly swiped over your clit.
You nodded and reached down to massage his dick. It felt thick and warm in your hand and his eyes threatened to close from your ministrations. He discarded you of your undergarments and playfully teased your pussy. He wanted to see just how far he could go before you begged him for more. You reached under his pajamas and released his achingly hard dick from its restraints. He hissed as the cold air kissed the tip making him leak more precum.
He finally let a finger dip inside your cave and he quickly added another when he felt just how wet you were. His dick twitched in your hand. To think he would be able to fuck you whenever he wanted had him already making plans for babies.
You stroked him with both hands now, precum making it easier for your hands to glide over him. One hand reached down to cup his balls and gently roll them while the other fisted closer to the head. He was bucking into your hand, dick growing more sensitive by the second.
His fingers already started to speed up to get you closer to your climax as well. You were both breathing heavily and moaning, falling weak to the work you put into each other. His fingers curled up and hit your sweet spot making your back arch off the bed. Your hands sped up the more his did and your orgasms were approaching quickly.
“Fuck, I’m so close please don’t stop”, he pleaded with you adding his thumb on your clit to speed up the process.
Your words dissolved into the air above you as your vision started to close in. You writhed under his touch and chased your high.
“Oh fuck I’m gonna cum, please tell me you’re close” his fingers were thrusting sloppily but he felt your walls tighten, giving him the motivation he needed to push through.
Your stomach balled into a knot ready to snap and when he came down to suck on your collarbone, you moaned loudly as your climax spilled over. You squirted all over his already sensitive dick and he couldn’t hold back the cum that spurted out onto your chest and stomach.
You winced at the emptiness when he removed his fingers. His hair stuck to his forehead, face flushed red. He dropped down next to you, both of your chests heaving.
“Thank you for making this night special, I’m sorry if it didn’t live up to your expectations.”
You felt sad that he thought that way, not really knowing what made his self esteem so low. You look over at him excited to tell him how much you loved it but his eyes were already closed. You rolled over and pressed a kiss to his temple and rested your head on his chest, sleep coming to claim you as well.
You woke up in a daze, unable to tell how much time had passed. You had to get back to your room before morning came, not needing anyone to find you anywhere else. Jongin’s arm wrapped around your torso and his face nuzzled in your neck--you were stuck. You eased your way out of his grasp and tiptoed toward the door, looking back to make sure he didn't stir awake. You took a deep breath before twisting the knob as quietly as possible. The real mission would be getting to your room and not being spotted by anyone. The floor was cold and you wished you wore socks or at least something on your feet. You ran lightly and as quickly as possible with your arms being the only things that kept you warm.
You passed by a room and heard shuffling on the other side so you moved as fast as your feet would allow.
"What are you doing?"
You stopped in your tracks when you heard the voice. You knew who it belonged to and didn't have the confidence to face him. You slowly turned on your heels and saw Kyungsoo standing in the doorway of his room. He barely wore anything so his body was on full display.
"You frightened me, I'm just going back to my room."
He cocked an eyebrow upwards and stepped passed the threshold of the door.
"Going back?" He knew exactly what you meant but he didn't want to accept that Jongin would be ballsy enough to get you caught in the morning just because he wanted more time with you. Yet he knew he'd do the same especially since his heart was already starting to break into pieces knowing he wouldn't see you for a while after tomorrow. This was unacceptable and borderline unfair. “If you can enjoy getting wet with him, stay and get wet with me.”
Your mouth was dry and you truly had nothing to say. He had a way with his words that turned you into a puddle. You stared at him trying to think of something that would make him let you off the hook. He walked over and stared down at you. He leaned in to kiss you softly, conveying a different feeling than he usually does. His hand comes up to rest on the back of your head, tilting his to gain advantage. He pulls back and look at you.
"Don't leave me to deal with these feelings by myself. If I have to live with you being with him, then just for tonight let me be the only one you think of."
How could you say no? After tomorrow, you would have to act like your feelings for him didn't exist. As hard as that would be, unless you wanted to be executed for adultery, it was all you could do. He escorted you to his room and shut the door, being extra careful to lock it. You followed him to the edge of the bed, watching how he removed the rest of his clothing slowly, making sure your eyes never left him. Your eyes were everywhere, from his face, his chest, all the way down to his hardening length. He cupped your face and dragged his hands down to your neck, then to cup your breasts.
He slowly pulled the straps of your nightie down and left open mouthed kisses on any inch of skin that became exposed. Stopping at your nipples, he made sure to suck and massage them before continuing his journey down your body. Soon the gown reached your pelvic bones and he wasted no time in hooking a finger under the waistband of your panties to pull them down with the rest of the material. You were both now completely naked, skin basking in the candlelight. He pulled you onto the bed with him and sat against the headboard making you straddle his lap.
This time you didn't wait for him to make a move and kissed him with your hands linked behind his neck. His hands were all over you massaging circles into the flesh. Tongues wrapped around each other like a waltz, a work of team effort. Your body called for oxygen, the kiss becoming too intense but neither of you cared enough to let go. You took initiative to stop the kiss before it snatched the last breath in your lungs.
"Ride me." he pressed down on your hips as he ground up against your core.
You let out a shaky breath as you leaned forward on your knees and aligned your hole with the head of his dick. The stretch as you gradually eased your way down was magnificent and he bit his lip as he watched your face contort from the pleasure. The more you bounced on top of him the less he could control his sounds. The squelching noise that came from your bodies clashing only added to the vulgar sounds that filled the room. He ran a hand up your back and grabbed a handful of your hair. He tugged at it roughly and sucked and licked on the vulnerable skin on your neck. His other hand came around to grab your ass, digging his nails in and spreading it so your pussy opened more.
Your head was spinning, so much overstimulation, you knew you wouldn't last much longer. His strokes were getting sloppier indicating he was just as close.
"Fuck-I love you so much" he said through grunts. He knew what he wanted to do next based off of your response. If he were to get over you, he'd have to expose his true self even if that meant scaring you away.
"I love you too Kyungsoo~" your mouth hung open and you moaned his name, toes curling from your impending orgasm. You needed just a little more to push you over the edge.
He took that as a sign to carry out his plan. He let the lust consume him fully, baring his fangs, sinking them into your neck and not letting up on the animalistic pace he set. It was painful but it mixed so deliciously with how he rolled his hips into you. Your eyes rolled back and your body tensed up. It's what has your orgasm hitting you like a train, vision turning white. The feeling was incredible even though as you came down from your high, you can't tell what just happened.
Just the image of you in this moment could make him cum, but that combined with the taste of your blood was heaven sent. He had never had anything like it. So fresh, sweet and pure. He never thought living his fantasy would play out so soon but your reaction was even more surprising. He didn't count on you enjoying it and wanted to use it as an escape route, but here he was drowning in the sight of you cumming all over him which lead to his own orgasm. He sucked in a breath, abs contracting as he painted your walls white.
You looked down at him and couldn’t believe the astonishing sight. He looked beautiful, dashing red eyes and canines sharper than a knife. As the few drops of blood trickled from the side of his mouth, everything all made sense now. The strange man you've come to fall in love with these past few days was a vampire. It’s why he carried such a mysterious aura, why he smelled so ethereal, why his presence was so lethal.
He had you speechless and now he was even more scared awaiting your next words. He licked the remaining drops from his lips, eyes wide. “Please say something.” His eyes searched your face for anything but he couldn’t decipher your expression.
“Kyungsoo…you’re beautiful. I-I don’t know what else to say.”
Tears brimmed his eyes knowing you didn’t hate him for who he was. Though now, his ploy of using this to get over you fell through and he had nothing left to try. Truthfully he wasn’t going to try. He loved you deeply and if he had to live with you married to someone else, he would take whatever he could get. You were his forever, he would never allow himself to love anyone else. He hated that he fought for the top spot with Jongin but the heart wants what it wants and as you said to him before he wasn’t going to not give it what it wanted.
Lying to yourself wasn’t an option anymore. You thought you would be scared seeing him in his true form, but it added so much depth to his character that you couldn’t help but be attracted. You knew now that life without Kyungsoo would throw you into a deep depression. You needed him like your organs needed blood.
Morning came and you felt your eyes had only been closed for 5 minutes. When they finally opened you quickly processed that you weren’t where you were supposed to be. There was a loud knock on the door and you looked at Kyungsoo’s sleeping form next to you. Another knock woke him up and he quickly threw the blanket over you and told you to stay quiet and lay down. He put on whatever clothing he discarded last night and shuffled over to the door.
“Oh, sorry to wake you but I’m looking for the Princess, she’s not in her room and I wondered if you knew where she was but it looks like you haven’t left your room this morning.”
You heard Vivian’s voice from under the cover and cursed under your breath. You swore you would make it back to your room last night and ended up staying with the man you definitely shouldn’t be caught with.
“I will be out momentarily and I will help you look for her. Perhaps she is outside or in another area of the castle.” Kyungsoo made up an excuse as fast as his mind could conjure and shooed Vivian away. He returned to you after he closed the door and removed the blanket from your head. “They’re looking for you, you know what today is.”
You got up and gathered all your clothes before making your way to your bathroom unseen with Kyungsoo’s help. He left your room after kissing your forehead and going to tell Vivian that he “found you”.
What a way to start off your proposal day. You’re just glad that Jongin wasn’t the one running around the castle in search for you. Vivian came knocking on the bathroom door a few minutes later.
“Why didn’t I think to check here first?” She says tapping a finger to her lips when you opened the door. “Your father has requested you meet him downstairs in 10 minutes, so we need to hurry.”
After much preparation in so little time, you made your way down to the main hall to see both of your parents, Jongin and Kyungsoo standing there. You knew what this meant and it had your nerves jumping. After such a long wait, you were finally here at the end goal, something you thought to be so far away. Jongin and Kyungsoo bowed when you reached the bottom of the stairs, a big smile plastered over Jongin’s face.
“As you know, Prince Jongin has been coming to spend his hours with us over a long period of time in hopes that he would one day ask for your hand in marriage. Today he would like to go forward with that and make you his wife so long as you should accept.”
A lump formed in your throat as your father spoke. Tears fought to leave your eyes but you held them back as much as you could.
Jongin went and bowed slightly in front of your parents. “Your highness, if you would please allow me to take your daughter as my wife and protect her with my all as her husband.”
Your parents nodded their head, your mother also fighting the urge to cry. You quickly glance at Kyungsoo whose eyes were watching you. You both knew of what you had to do and would have to deal with it for the rest of your lives. So when Jongin stepped in front of you, you knew what came next.
“Princess…will you accept my proposal and spend the rest of your life with me as my wife?” He looks over at Kyungsoo before continuing. “You will have free reign to do whatever you please as long as you promise to never let your love fade.”
You gasped softly, no longer able to contain the tears. This whole time he knew of your feelings for Kyungsoo but wouldn’t let his feelings for you dissipate. You turned such a happy moment into something sorrowful unbeknownst to the onlookers.
“I accept your proposal Jongin and you have my word.”
Cheers erupted all around you and Jongin pulled you into a hug, him too letting tears fall onto his cheeks.
Your fate was sealed, destined to marry the man of your dreams while you got the dick wet of another. There was no turning back, especially not with the child brewing in your womb belonging to the man you snuck and spent your last night single with. You would have to face the burden of it all one day but as for now, you mentally crossed off today; the day you longed so earnestly for.
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AITA for sort of lying to my parents about why my pillow smells like cigarettes?
🚬🍝 so i can recognize
To start things off: No, i'm not the one smoking.
About less than two weeks ago, my parents went to this fancy Salsa concert in another city, it was an event that had alcohol, parties, a lot of that adult things that made it impossible for them to bring me. I (16, trans male) wasn't interested in going either, so they decided to let my (28-30, i don't remember, F) sister take care off me just for the week. Now, mom is already distrusting of my sister mainly because they had many fights before and she didn't want to leave her precious daughter in the care of someone like Kate (fake name). She only agreed because there was no other option.
Kate dropped college twice, lives alone in a small apartment she doesn't pay for (mom does), and smokes cigarettes, barely has any money on her own and stole money from Grandma's wallet to buy more cigarettes. She has had like 2 part time jobs before, one was working as a cashier at a market and the other one was working in one of her friend's restaurant selling Mexican food (we're not Mexican, but still Latinos, just not from there). But she left them shortly after. These aren't ALL the reasons mom dislikes Kate.
I didn't mind having Kate take care of me, but mom made it clear that i MUST come over to Kate's apartment to sleep every night, because she didn't want me to sleep alone at our own apartment.
For the first night it was okay, we left pretty late so by the time we arrived to Kate's apartment all i wanted to do was sleep. Kate told me to do that and meanwhile she'll be outside the bedroom having a cigarette, I didn't care.
Now to cut some things, Kate and I decided to let me sleep at my own apartment and instead she'd just come to my house to cook Lunch and Dinner, and then at night she'd go back. So for a week straight we'd be having lunch at like 4pm and dinner at 9pm or something.
We lied to our parents about it because in Kate's words if mom ever found out she'd just straight up become Kate's enemy. But honestly mom already got problems with my sister anyway.
My whole life she'd be going around, mad and disappointed at how Kate's life is just going nowhere, in her own words, she just lost faith. Instead that faith got placed on me, but that's something for my therapist to hear about (I don't have one).
Anyway, I left my pillow and some small inflatable bed at my sister's house. Days after my parents arrived Kate gave me my pillow, and that shit smelled like cigarettes. So i assume Kate just went crazy near my pillows because i wasn't staying with her anyway. Same thing for the inflatable bed, the whole thing just smelled like cigarettes, it was unbearable.
Mom started questioning me about it because she feared my sister would've start smoking right besides me and therefore second hand smoking.
I remember the lie we promised, so i just nodded.
So now mom believes Kate just doesn't care and smokes right besides her little sister. Their relationship is already bad but i think i just added a new layer.
I feel like i'm TA because the second hand smoking thing didn't happen, the only time Kate smoked near me she left the room and smoke in the kitchen instead (i know it cause the next morning i wanted to check if there was something in the fridge. There was nothing, just rotten fruit). But i also just didn't want Kate to be in a much worse problem by telling mom about our little plan, but this outcome wasn't good either, it was like she was doomed from the start.
AITA for keeping the lie? Should I just be honest about it now? The bed and pillow still smell like cigarettes and it's been days.
What are these acronyms?
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hrts4hanniehae · 6 months
clutch || one
there are written parts :)
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the good thing about being a game streamer was that when you were famous, your salary was kind of high. the bad thing was that the streaming platform wonwoo uses... started taking a huge cut of his earnings, leading him to this situation.
voice call
"okay to be honest, wonwoo, you were kind of stupid in the sense that you didn't buy your house but rented instead."- mingyu
"2 years ago, i was broke, mingyu. i just finished university and needed a place big enough for me and seollie. this place was very cheap for the amount of space." - wonwoo
"can't you buy this place outright? you have the money... right?" - mingyu
"my streaming platform started taking 30% of my earnings. and the building's owner changed, so there was a rent increase. it'll take me a long time to buy this apartment outright. by the time i can, i'll be in debt." - wonwoo
"so a roommate!" - mingyu
"why can't you be my roommate?" - wonwoo
"i already bought myself a place. plus your apartment is really far from my restaurant." - mingyu
"so how do you come by every morning to cook me food?" - wonwoo
"my restaurant is only open for dinner. i'm a celebrity chef, wonwoo. if it was open the whole day, i wouldn't get any rest. anyways, talk to the girl. she may be quite a good roommate for you." - mingyu
"sure..." - wonwoo
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she fixed her hair and checked her face in her camera again. this was her 5th try at apartment hunting. when her ex-boyfriend decided to cheat on her and steal her studio apartment, she lost many things. apparently, no one liked rooming with an artist because they were "messy" and may dirty the apartment.
"i swear if this guy rejects me i have no options left... please oh my god PLEASE let me stay here... don't screw up the interview..."
"yn ln?"
mind you, she had never seen her potential roommate's face before and she definitely did not expect someone of MODEL STANDARDS to be calling her name.
"jeon wunwoo?"
"wonwoo. jeon wonwoo."
ah... i've already screwed up.
"oh i'm so sorry..."
"it's fine. come on up."
she's funny... who the hell monologues out loud?
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"so these will be your rooms. they're connected by the closet." - wonwoo
"i get two rooms?" - yn
"don't you need space to do your art?" - wonwoo
"oh. oh yea. thank you." - yn
"oh yea. i also have a dog, seollie. she's my family dog. i hope your not allergic." - wonwoo
"i'm not. I love dogs!" - yn
"that's good. also, there's only one bathroom so please remember to knock before entering." - wonwoo
"ah okay. wait but i thought we were having an interview. you're showing me around as if you've already decided i'm moving in." - yn
"are you not?" - wonwoo
"oh i am?" - yn
"i prefer to deal with things quickly. this roommate idea was my friend's, not mine. so i would really rather the first "candidate" be the last." - wonwoo
"i have no complaints. when can i move in? i promise i'll be out of here by the end of next year." - yn
"we have a deal. you can move in starting tomorrow." - wonwoo
"any roommate rules or do we draft that out tomorrow?" - yn
"... tomorrow." - wonwoo
"great. thanks. I'll be back tomorrow with my stuff." - yn
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a/n - i screw up the tweet dates A LOT so please just ignore them most of the time okay... I don't like the dates either but my app doesn't let me remove them also i'm assuming seollie is a sheepadoodle and a female and i'm so sorry if i'm wrong but there's too little info on wonwoo's family dog to be accurate.
synopsis: wonwoo is a popular streamer known for his incredible gaming skills and good looks. He turned heads. but he hates the attention. he just wants to play games and earn money. one day he receives a letter. his apartment’s rent has almost doubled. no warnings at all. his current paycheck from streaming can’t shoulder those bills. he has no choice but to rent out his spare room. to who? a fresh art university graduate who has… 1. a stable job ✅ 2. talent for art and sculpting ✅ 3. many friends ❌ 4. social anxiety ✅ 5. no filter ✅ when his iconic cat logo gets copystriked, she comes to the rescue with a new logo for him. when his apartment’s walls start peeling, she fixes it. whatever he used to struggle with… the empty space... was now filled by her. so what does he *last player standing* do when her ex *enemy spotted* tries to take her back? heh. *clutch* he clutches.
inspired by wonwoo's gam3bo1 streams, falling into your smile & gogo squid (has hints of valorant)
pairing: streamer!jeon wonwoo x fem!artist!reader (ft. jeongcheol, soonhoon, junhao, seoksoo, verkwan)
genre: fluff, comfort, slowburn, comfort, pining, bestfriend!minghao
warnings: stalker ex, toxic ex, mentions of abuse, guns (game), cursing, hate comments, panic attacks
started: 28.12.23 ended: ?
taglist: join from my masterlist
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main masterlist
smau socials
previous I next
tags! @fairyofhour @megseungmin @sun-daddy-yoriichi @woozixo @euphoric-univers @christinewithluv @haowonbins @ocyeanicc @asyre @cynthiaaax13 @superhoshisvt @bangantokchy @chimmy-bts @angelarin @daisawa @writingbarnes @jeonghansshitester
@belladaises @wonwootakemyheart @wonwooz1 @luchiet @kookssecret @caratsland @peachescreamandcrumble @thepoopdokyeomtouched @isabellah29 @leah-rose03 @yandere-stories @coupshour
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c4llezz · 5 months
Requested: Yes. Hi hope you’re doing good! Can I request a college au scenario? Where reader is in the basketball team and reader’s friend brought her friend (chaewon from lesserafim) to your game. Reader falls in love with chaewon and chaewon starts going to every game! Something along that!
TW: none?
Genre: Fluff
Word count: 1K
A/N: this has been in my drafts for a year... i hope you like it
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Expect mistakes, happy reading :)
After a long and tedious lesson, the only thing Chaewon wanted to do was go to her dorm and relax on her bed. Her friend and roommate, Lia, had other plans though.
“Come on! It’ll be fun!”
“You know I don’t like sports, Lia. Why do you want to go anyway?” Chaewon asked. She was not in the mood to watch a basketball game for who knows how many hours when she could be sleeping.
The older girl sighed, “I promised my friend Y/N I was going, but I don’t want to be there alone.”
“Is Yeji not on the basketball team? You are not going to be alone!”
“Yes, but she is going to be playing.” Lia rolled her eyes “Plus you don’t have anything better to do, and since you lost your keys I’m the only one who can help you get into our dorm.”
Chaewon frowned had she really lost her keys? She looked into her bag trying to find them but she couldn’t, I guess I’m losing my memory because I don’t remember that happening. “Fine, I’ll go, just because I don’t want to go to the other side of campus to stay with Yunjin and Sakura-Unnie. When does the game start?”
Lia looked at the time on her phone before answering “In 40 minutes, we should get going” She took Chaewon’s wrist and started dragging her along, ignoring the complaints of the girl and her comments about how the court was just a few minutes away and they didn’t need to rush.
When they arrived Chaewon looked around, the stands were almost empty, she guessed it was because the game would start in 30 minutes, but at least she could take a seat wherever she wanted. “Y/N!” Lia called making Chaewon stop analyzing where was the better place to sit and look in the direction her friend was looking. She saw a tall girl start walking to them with a basketball in her hands. “This is my friend Chaewon, I hope you don’t mind I brought her” The long-haired girl introduced.
You turned to the girl beside your friend and smirked scanning her from head to toe “Don’t worry,” you said looking back at Lia “You know pretty girls are always welcome here” The comment made Chaewon’s cheeks turn a bright color red, thankfully you were too distracted talking to Lia to notice and to notice that she was inspecting every single part of you too.
You were extremely good-looking, and your jersey let her have the perfect view of your toned arms. She observed as you showed Lia how you could spin the basketball in your index finger with a big smile on your face, cute…
“Me?” you asked pointing to yourself, your smile now even bigger.
The shorter girl’s eyes widened “Sorry.”
You chuckled “You are fine,” Then you added, “And you're cute too.” Lia watched the scene amused, she had been waiting a long time for you two to meet. She knew Chaewon was exactly your type, and she knew that even if Chaewon didn’t like sports she did like people who played them, you were basically a perfect match and if you ended up together she’d never shut up about how she was the best wing woman.
“So… you like basketball?” Chaewon asked, from the corner of her eye she could see her friend holding her laugh.
“I mean… I do practice it.” You answered amused “What about you? Do you like it?”
“Yes! Of course, I watch it all the time” She lied.
“Really? What’s your favorite NBA team?”
Chaewon blurted out the only name she could think of (and had heard once from a classmate) “The Dolphins...?”
“The Miami Dolphins?” you asked confused, she nodded slowly clearly unsure with her answer, and you nodded back making the girl believe she had said the correct thing “I think the Eagles are a better football team. The dolphins are ok, I guess.” Before you could say another thing and embarrass Chaewon even more, your coach called upon the team since the match was starting soon. You waved goodbye to the two girls before sprinting to where your teammates were.
That’s when Lia finally burst out laughing “The Miami Dolphins! You could’ve said so many names and you chose the one that is not even basketball-related. I'm sure you've heard of the Lakers or the Nets at least once.” The short-haired girl ignored her words and instead decided to look for a seat. The court was almost full now but she could spot some free seats in the front row, as soon as she sat down she took her phone out and googled basketball teams (there were new messages from a group chat where Lia was updating their friends of what she had just witnessed).
When the game started Chaewon found herself immersed in it, even if she didn’t understand how the score worked or what the referee was doing. She actually found it interesting, and as the game went on she started shouting and cheering along with the crowd, something that didn’t go unnoticed by you.
When the game ended your teammates went straight to the showers, you instead went to where Chaewon was sitting. “Hey, did you like the game?”
“Yes! I never thought watching people throwing a ball through a net could be fun. You were great, Lia said 24 points is really good.”
You smiled “As a shooting guard I think I could’ve done better, but thank you.”
“I don’t know what shooting guard means, but as a not shooting guard, you looked really good throwing the ball”
You smiled sheepishly at the comment. “Hey… uhm… I just wanted to know if you would like to get some ice cream?”
She bit her lip trying to suppress a smile “Right now?”
“Yes,” You said confidently “I mean after I change and all that stuff”
“Sure. Don’t make me wait too much”
Your smile widened “I won’t.”
Turns out Lia had fooled her friend because when she arrived at their dorm that night (wearing a new jacket) Chaewon remembered she needed a password instead of keys to unlock the door. She didn’t make any violent acts towards her roommate though, just because for once she felt something different from anger and it was thanks to Lia. (The next morning when Lia woke up she saw the short-haired girl sleeping on the couch and on the TV a paused video explaining every basketball position.)
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mako-neexu · 3 months
smth smth rambles that are entirely my opinion and i could be wrong (so dont attack me) you know this chapter made guda, fuijmaru ritsuka with already Many Issues worse is because of "mash" or rather kyrie's death but ultimately comes back to mash...that dantes did for them.
we even see a while back how guda was already shaken by not knowing whether mash is safe during lb6 after that fog like their priority is mash. mash.
they were already frantic as soon as they remembered mash almost questioning everyone about her whereabouts and immediately got reckless just trying to reach her at norwich. and when only when they were together did the "narrator" emphasize on the sheer relief guda felt like-- wow the obvious signs in OC chapter 2 makes you realize furthermore that guda's sanity hangs on a thin thread named 'mash' asdfgh
yes guda loves mash!! yes they care about her!!! but look and read at how guda tells absolutely nothing to mash- and that applied the same to kyrie!
(more below)
kyrie wanted to know and ask her senpai about the situation like we see her really wanting it but ultimately backtracking in the end because she trusts guda and she's even supportive. and guda was grateful/relieved that she stays innocent about the weird things going on in their tokyo.
they do compromise at one point that if kyrie really demands on explanations, guda would tell her but...
guda doesnt tell her anything, (kyrie believes in her senpai so even when faced with death, kyrie didnt break under pressure) keeps her in the dark so no one comes after her. for her to be ultimately safe. so she remains...innocent, normal who stands alongside "mama" and "little sister" as they arent involved in the first place about whats been happening. and guda wants to keep it that way for their family. not a real family, but a family nonetheless that cared about guda. an epitome of normal- which mash kyrielight has attained.
and now you see guda, who, upon waking up asks mash kyrielight if she was okay. if she was alright. guda doesnt stop their questions until mash answered. and so mash answered.
"I'm okay, Senpai. My vital signs are normal... so I'm completely okay."
all the while guda had just dismissed being in pain literally one minute ago and just hugged her tight. they "save mash the trouble" to tell her about the pains they went through in the singularity so as not to burden mash. so they stuff their pain inside the corner of their heart again, completely satisfied with mash's safety and disregarding their own health. (you also see in section 23 that theyre cherishing the normal and small moments with mash.)
mash is normal. mash looks pure to guda, her heart filled with "color" in comparison to guda whose heart has become "transparent". an inverse character development which will ultimately destroy them both.
for mash, who sees her Senpai as strong and unwavering, the image of kindness and strength when they held her hand during part 1 crushed by a coffin which she continues to believe them to be that way until now.
for guda, who sees mash as someone who's become normal. one last remnant that reminds them of a past life lost, mash with that purity and normalcy becoming an ideal to protect (as if she was glass) because they no longer have their own. (and mash is also literally the only one left close to guda, who remembers all the events of part 1. which... adds more to how losing mash would break guda even further.)
(also we see guda say 'tadaima' coming home to an empty house, the loss of kyrie and their family still in mind, and a little later, the Avenger mindset comes back and settles in as they're plagued by bloodlust. then when guda comes back to mash, their home, mash is their home. do you realize that? do you realize what im saying? mash says: "welcome home, senpai." and that was enough for guda. that eased everything in guda's tumultuous heart.)
i remembered guda avoiding on telling "mom" that they and kyrie were near the "gas leak site" / britoalter's battleground so like.....of course their lying to medical staff about getting back to the battlefield would carry over here.
deliberately making sure the "normal" components of their fake high school life remain untainted is what we see guda do. they shouldered everything, terrifying as it is, just to protect them but ended up inevitably losing them in the process.
there's also that contrast in seeing a dead body between kyrie and guda. kyrie still stood strong against dantes and remained rational and calm while telling "ojisama" that this wasnt good for guda. meanwhile guda, while still able to think about calling the ambulance after seeing the da vincis absolutely lost their mind when it came to kyrie which their mind thought of mash- and i think guda thought of both as 'one' person so they went absolutely insane right then and there
during the conversation with amatsuka, thats the part where guda became finally stable. because its implied guda's mental state really broke at kyrie's death which their mind automatically thought it to be "=mash is dead". but ukelele-senpai saved the day by reminding guda where they are, if mash and kyrie were the same person, and helping guda calm down and think of seeing that blue sky with mash during the part 1 epilogue.
and augh guda you shit!!! you need therapy!! dont put mash in a pedestal!! dont treat her as if she's fragile!! dont treat her like porcelain meant to be protected while you take on everything for the sake of keeping mash safe because she is the only remnant of your past left, because she is the only "normal" person you have left!!! guda you need to understand that if ever mash gets hurt someday or dies and its out of your control, you need to understand that it wont be your fault!! you need to understand that because someday you will part ways with her as well and you need to be able to be ready to lose again. if you lose mash once and for all, what will you do!?!?!? this is not healthy guda!! gudaaa you hear me!!?? gudaaaaaaa
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a-french-coconut · 2 months
Part 1 (Will Solace)
Will's dad, Apollo, is the god of a lot of things.
Music, archery, poetry, masculine beauty, knowledge, arts, medicine, sun, light, prophecy, logic and the list goes on.
He has mostly inherited the healing part with some musical and light abilities like his supersonic wisthle and light tricks. He's not good with bows and arrows, he is average with any instruments or singing, does not have prophetic dreams and does not have the same artistic sensibility as his siblings.
He deems himself a healer and only a healer (Aren't you cute ? Trying to deny my very existence ?). His role on the battlefield is not to shed blood but to prevent it from happening. His hands are made for knitting skin back together and glow golden when he sings hymns to his father (oh but they could do so much more...) .
"Shut up".
Will is really happy he's alone right now. Even for demigods, talking to no one is strange. Granted, being alone when he is deep in the woods with no weapon and maybe a little lost is not the best situation he's ever been in, but it is the one he prefers when she decides to invade his mind again.
"I don't understand why you keep trying to convince me."
(Well, there is not much to do except bothering you Will. And who knows ? One day your patience will be running thin and that day...)
"Not happening."
(Ugh, can you at least get me out of your mind ?)
He hesitates. As good as it sounds to have her out of him, he is still wary of letting her roam free. Last time he lost control...
(Oh Will, there is nothing of interest here.)
He is still hesitating, his control slips a little and he feels her getting out, materialising in front of him.
Should any dryad melt from their tree at this instant, they would see a tall blond boy looking sternly at a little girl.
"Gods I had forgotten my Lord's touch on my skin ! How much time did you keep me prisoner in your mind ?" asks the girl basking in the sun.
"Ten years, more or less." Will answers curtly, advancing deeper in the woods. It's not wise but he is not going to take the chance of meeting a camper and explaining why he is talking to a five years old girl.
"I remember when you were five ! Such a cute little child, bright blue eyes, golden locks... well you didn't change that much."
"Just go wander in the woods or something. I didn't let you out of my mind just for you to stay with me."
"As you command."
She disappears quickly, enjoying her short liberty.
Once again alone, Will sits behind a tree and close his eyes, enjoying this rare moment of silence. She had been with him ever since he created her when he was five. Every little child has his imaginary friend that vanish as they grow out of childhood. Except Will's friend who just wormed a place in his mind and became tangible. Her name is Raz. He still loves Rapunzel as much as when he was a kid.
But where Rapunzel heals with her hair, Raz wilts with a touch of her hand.
See, Apollo is the god of many good things but he is a pharmakon, both healer and destroyer. As he is the one who heals, he is also the one who strikes sickness and plague.
And maybe that Will isn't just a healer. Maybe he's a little more than that. Maybe he is as his father is, medicine in one hand and poison in the other.
He doesn't exactly know how it works but he thinks that Raz is the physical representation of his plague powers. When she walks the earth, Will doesn't feel that part of him anymore. Maybe he could do the same with his healing powers ? Manifest them in a human form or something else.
Well for that he'll have to remember how he created Raz in the first place. It surely has to do with what happened after she appeared for the first time but Will isn't very fond of remembering what happened that night.
Giving pneumonia to his very mortal uncle, almost killing him in the process, because he let Raz "have fun" is not something he thinks about with a smile on his face.
Especially when she won't explain why she did it. Since then, Kaz mostly stayed in Will's mind without too much complaints.
He always wondered if his uncle did something to him or those he cares about. It's the only explanation he has. That or he is a sociopath who lashed out under the form of a little girl a deadly sickness on his uncle for fun.
He is going to stick to the former hypothesis.
There have been times where Raz begged him to unleash her if not without restraints, at least through him and he refused, scared of what she would do, of what he would do.
When Lee's head was caved in.
When his siblings died one by one in Manhattan.
Could he have save them ?
Better not dwell on what ifs too long.
Point is, Raz is an everlasting reminder of the monster inside him, a wretched creature who could kill anyone with a simple touch.
He is afraid of her, he is afraid of himself .
Will hears branch snapping and the crunching sound of someone walking on leaves. Raz must have gotten bored.
He sighes, goodbye beloved peace, you will be missed, and gets up. The sun is setting and if he doesn't get back quickly, he'll have to run from the harpies again. He does not want to run right now.
Raz still haven't show her face.
"Come on I know you're there, I heard you."
More rustling but still no little girl.
"Please Raz, I have to get back-"
His words die when from the bushes emerge a hellhound as big as Mrs O'Leary but definitely not as cute as her.
Running doesn't so bad after all.
Branches slap him in the face as he runs in what he thinks is the general direction of Camp. He just have to reach the border and Peleus will protect him. He just need to outpace the hellhound until then, not attract any other monsters on the way back and find Raz.
He hears the growling beast getting closer and forces his legs to go even faster. He'll have to thank his father for beating the god of speed at racing and passing him those godly genes.
Raz, I don't where you are but you need to come back right now !
He never tried contacting her by telepathy before, never wanted to, but this a desperate situation that requires a desperate solution. It's not that he particularly want to hear her whispering in his head again but Will has come to learn that he can't ignore her for too long without feeling like there's a hole, a void waiting to be fill again. It's very hard to function when your very being is incomplete.
A branch hits him hard in the face, causing to fall on the ground. Demigods reflexes mixed with years of training save his life, Will shifting just in time for the hellhound to claw the ground he was laying on a second ago.
A well-aimed kick in the ribs allows him a few more seconds to get up but there isn't time to flee. Here he is, the woods getting darker and darker, battling a monster without weapon because he evidently inherited the logic side of his dad.
As Will readies himself to dodge, the hellhound stars to whimper and blood erupts from his eyes and nose until he is covered in the red liquid. The beast gives one last painful cry before exploding in golden dust.
Behind him stand a proud and smiling Raz, eyes glowing green and tendrils of dark smoke swirling around her.
The way the creature suffered... Will shivers.
He really really does not like that part of himself. He is meant to heal not to butcher.
(Raz's smile disappears, sadness glaze her eyes now a normal brown and with a flick of the wrist, the smoke evaporates.)
Without a word, she goes back to Will's mind, nesting herself in a corner and doesn't utter a word.
Will just shrugs and hastily return to his cabin.
(Do you hate me Will ?)
Her voice is small, insecure, not the arrogant and easygoing one he is used to. The question makes him freeze in his bed.
Does he hates himself ?
"No." he murmurs in the silence of Cabin 7.
There's a legend that says that no lie can be pronounced within walls of the one who does not lie.
Will used to believe it until now.
part 2, 3 and 4 posted !
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aanylah-101 · 1 year
Enjoy Angels! 🕊🤍
I don't have much to say about this but when Quaritch is watching the video of himself or his little memory card you can see a woman getting In of a link unit, here's the conversation, I got this off a website where I watch the movie so I will depict everything from what the subtitles say
Human Quaritch; "You're a recom now, Colonel..."
Human Quaritch; "Loaded with my memories and my charm"
Human Quaritch; "What you won't remember is my death...because It hasn't happened yet, and it aint gonna"
Lyle; "Damn right" 
Possibly Zdinarsk; "Hell yeah"
NOW I THINK this HAS to be Zdinarsk, why? Here's the second conversation, this is when Tysireya calls an ilu that's swimming by and swims away on it, and then the POV goes back up to Quaritch, Zdinarsk, Mansk, Kiri, & ofc Tuk.
Quaritch; "We can still get this done"
Zdinarsk; "Hell yeah" 
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So a while ago I saw something where there was a headcanon about how Zdinarsk chews gum as a way to calm herself down? And how she's an emotional eater, I actually love this one and credits to @roxynmae & @fictionsonmymind for this since they're like 10000% responsible for it. 
Here's an Idea! How about with her being an emotional eater she eats what she feels y'know? Maybe a sad food for her could be like something soft or simple to eat. Like soup or oatmeal, something like that! 
I looked this up afterward and look-
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Maybe a food for when she's angry could be maybe a hot food, not steaming but not warm either. 
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Maybe she chews her gum hard sometimes when she can't get to crunchy or tough foods,
Z being an emotional eater suits her, and her liking sweet things is cool too. She most likely chews her gum so that way she has a way to calm herself and maybe something to keep her busy. 
Also, her having anxiety could be a possibility, maybe she gets jittery so chewing gum maybe overwhelms the feeling that she has to move around.
ADHD maybe???
I can relate because when taking my state test or whatever It's called I couldn't stay still when sitting down for nearly 4-5 hours. Sure most wouldn't like that but trust me the person behind me was probably so p!ssed with me moving every 5 seconds lmao. 
Later on I did fall asleep and woke back up when testing was over,
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Once again this was inspired by a post I saw with headcanons/canons of the recom's names
I sadly lost the @ for this headcanon but If I find them I will update this and put their user! 
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 like her first name! It's cute and her name has a meaning in Arabic! 
Origin: Arabic. Meaning:Date palm; date. Tamara is a feminine Arabic name meaning "date palm" or "date." Derived from the Biblical name Tamar meaning "date" or "palm tree," this sweet moniker is symbolic of the beauty and fruitfulness associated with this tree.
She is definitely fruity alright lol, for nicknames she already has 2. 
Z-dog and just Z 
Z-dog is clearly heard when Lyle is telling reassuring him his squad by their names, 
Z is heard near the end of the movie, 
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Lyle tells Z to go to another part of the ship.
She looks so pretty In this scene to omfg 
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This one is confirmed completely so this is canon!
Zdinarsk has many colorful tattoos on her arms, neck, and chest. They include:
A chimera on her neck.
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An eagle on her back with the Latin motto "AUT VINCERE AUT MORI" which means "conquer or die". It also has the number 33 which is known as an "angel number" that calls for people to cleanse their life and mind of negativity.
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Her right arm has a skeleton reaper on the bottom and an angel on the top.
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Her left arm has a snake wrapped around a skull with "DEATHLESS" on it. The bottom portion is the most difficult to interpret as it looks very Hindu in nature with many strange symbols.
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On the ATWOW fandom website on Zdinarsks page there is an art gallery of her character design
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There is also another concept design, I believe It was called the art of avatar book. 
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Ok so from the OG design of Zdinarsk, her tattoos didn't change, but something very noticeable is that
She has cargo military pants but In her approved design she has shorts instead. She acuatually changed pants 3 times in the movie, when she is first seen you can see her in the mirror when Quaritch first wakes up she has on the same pants as everyone else, it has Project Phoneix on the side but shortened to Phnx I think.
Also with this design she has a hat, sunglasses, I LOVE how her sunglasses sit on top of her hat it's so cute.
In the second concept design photo her shirt is shorter than the first concept photo and her official design,
she has on gloves as well, And for some who didn't know Walker has gloves attached to her pants as equipment, cute detail right?
In the trivia section of her page, It says that James Cameron asked for her to look like this! 
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So there it is! Zdinarks hair is a mohawk!! I never minded her hair but something to know Is that the Na'vi DO NOT have those fades you have when getting a buzz cute or etc, but Quaritch does? 
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So It was silently agreed that Zdinarsk had anger issues, but when she is angry she will never take it out on people purposely. I'd like to imagine that when Quaritch started swinging after he woke up Z was worried about him. The conversation:
Lab lady; "Get security!"
Zdinarsk; "Grab him!" 
Zdinarsk; "Put him down!" OR "Hold him down!"
Zdinarsk; "Colonel! Calm down!"
She sounded so worried and scared when he started swinging, and how when Quaritch said he was alright she was the second to let him and before losing contact completely. 
A mini side-note is when Quaritch goes to punch his ikran, when he fell Spider, Lyle, Alexzander (or brown), & Zdinarsk were the first to run to the edge of the cliff
"Thats becuase everyone was farther back"
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Everyone knows Z HAS to be gay, I mean LOOK AT HER 
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Definitely Lesbain, I would say Masc but I don't see that part in her honestly. 
Maybe Alpha lesbain? heres the meaning -->
Top of the lesbian food chain and don't they know it! With their razor-sharp jawlines, and buckets of s$x appeal, alphas manage to turn heads wherever they go.
Of course, this is just ‼️another massive stereotype‼️. And while it might seem that alphas have been blessed with a gift from the gods, truth is, anybody can be an alpha.
The secret to being an alpha is confidence. There is nothing more attractive than someone who's comfortable in their own skin and knows what they want.
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I found images of Z's Ikran ITS RAINBOW!!!
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I LOVE this detail! You can't tell me she's straight now
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This has 2 sections so enjoy yourself 
If Z was ever In this situation I feel like depending on who the person was or how she felt about them she would either be p!ssed off and be like "Whatever btch" and just push that person away. Or she would maybe be sad about how the person becomes different and she gets sad. 
Zdinarsk would completely understand, she would maybe still ask If you two could be friends though or check up on the person. BUT If you are being difficult she won't care.
For example, If you are going through something and refuse to let her help you (and let others help you) she would get mad and try her best to help you but If you are pushing her away continuously she might just break up with you or grow distant. 
You better PRAY to ewya btch that she doesn't start talking to somebody else cuz If she does you can kiss her goodbye. If she even lets you lmao 
(Hope this isn't to toxic...)
Thats kinda it lol
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Last thing I wanna say about Zdinarsk is her body shape and the way she looks, she is so beautiful and pretty. Like look at her body view
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I want to touch her thighs respectfully
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Thank you for reading! And credit and sm love to the people I took Inspo from <333
This was so fun to make and I'm not even done talking about her
Friends; @dyingofcookies @multiversebaddie
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