#my man literally didn't sleep last night to keep playing the game
boss-poss · 8 months
My buddy who's gotten capital A Addicted to palworld gifted me and three other friends the game to play with him so I've managed to get a few hours in by now and my impression is thus:
The game is by no means groundbreaking, or even that great mechanically but it does scratch that monster collection itch even better than quite a few official pokemon entries. It also scratches some other itches as well, namely survival crafting and exploration. The world is kind of empty but there's resources littered everywhere to hoover up and pals wandering all over to catch and hunt but my favorite part by far has been the roster.
I don't think there's a single pokepal I've come across that I straight up hate. Every one I've seen so far has something to it that I like and I have to applaud that. There are so many goddamn pokemon that look stupid or have lazy designs and I think the point of difference here is that none of the pals are overdesigned. Even the basic dire wolf, simple as it is, is appealing because it looks like a wolf pokemon. No bells or whistles, no stupid colors or weird attachments, it looks like a cartoony creature monster thing representative of real animal. I also adore the combat integration of some of them, namely the fox you can pick and use a flamethrower. These special abilities give each creature an extra niche in addition to their typing which adds value to even the ones you replace later on. It's a kind of an ingenious system and one that I'm sure the big N is already planning to poach.
It's abundantly clear that the devs made the game they wanted to play and you can feel that desire holding it together at the (sometimes poorly stitched) seams of nearly every aspect. It feels like a pokemon game from a parallel universe where their Nintendo was slightly different and it's insane to me that "pokemon knockoff with guns" isn't some thrown together cash grab that garners attention only by way of its sheer audacity.
I've mostly played on someone else's game but I got a little solo time in and even then it still retains nearly all of its integrity. I get why so many people are playing it, I do. I hope that the success allows the devs to polish and add to the game because while it's pretty rough now, it could be one of the best creature collector games ever made with the right balances, changes, and additions. Nintendo should be worried, because a gimmicky early access ripoff just floored their last decade of entries like it was nothing. Imagine an actual triple-A attempt on the throne. I still think $30 is a bit steep for the game as it is now but the multiplayer definitely lessens the sting (as does getting it for free).
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harrysfolklore · 3 months
lando norris being down bad for his girlfriend: a compilation
summary: lando norris can’t help but talk about his girlfriend whenever he cans, fans make compilation videos about it
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Lando Norris could be described as someone who's not scared of saying whatever crossed his mind.
And that's why he never, ever, missed the opportunity to talk about his girlfriend whenever he had the chance.
He mentioned her during interviews, press conferences, social media post and even fan interactions. To the point where fans started making compilation videos with all the moments he publicly obsessed over his girlfriend.
The most popular one gathered millions of views on YouTube, showing multiple occasions Lando couldn't help but be down bad for her.
The video started with a clip from Q&A with fans, someone asked him about his favorite way to relax after a race. Without missing a beat, Lando replied, "Cuddling up with my girlfriend, of course. Nothing beats that."
"You're really whipped man, It's embarrassing," Oscar, his teammate, teased beside him, making the audience laugh.
"It's not, really." Lando shrugged proudly.
The next clip was taken from McLaren's Tiktok account, their content creator tried to do the "Can you watch my ___ for a second" prank on Lando.
"Oh my girlfriend already did this prank to me," Lando said, laughing at the camera, "Baby, If you're watching this, I miss you. Your pranks are way better than McLaren's"
The video moved to show Lando during a post-qualifying interview, his suit hanging by his waist and his fireproofs showing, when asked about his strategy for the race, he cheekily replied, "Well, first I'm going to call my girlfriend for some good luck wishes. Then, I'll focus on getting to the front."
"Zak Brown should hire your girlfriend as your strategist then," the interviewer joked.
"That would be great but I don't think we would be getting any job done. You know what they say about mixing business with pleasure."
The next clip showed Lando with his friend and fellow driver Max Fewtrell, playing a trivia game about how well did they knew each other. Max had to answer what was Lando's worst habit.
"I'm going to say leaving dirty plates around the house," he said, showing his board, "You do mate, admit it."
"My girlfriend would agree on that," he admitted, "She's always complaining about it."
"I don't know how she's still living with you."
"Because she loves me, and I would die if she leaves me."
On the same note, a video of Oscar teasing Lando followed right after.
"Who's most likely to snore?" Lando read the question, and Oscar quickly put ut the cutout with Lando's face, "How are you so sure? You didn't even hesitate."
"Mate, I've heard you, plus your girlfriend literally complained about not being able to sleep properly last night because you kept snoring."
"I did keep her up last night, but it wasn't just because of the snoring," Lando said, a cheeky grin on his face.
"Put the not safe for work disclaimer at the beginning of this video please."
The next segment was from Lando's own Youtube channel, he was doing a little vlog in Miami before the race weekend.
"Hi everyone," he said, filming himself in the mirror with his camera, "Today I'm back with another LandoLog, I'm going to be filming some behind the scenes of this Miami weekend, so without further ado, let's go," he moved the camera around, focusing on his girlfriend who was putting some mascara on her eyelashes, "Here's my beautiful girl, who takes ages to get ready. Say hi baby."
"Hi everyone," his girlfriend waved, laughing, "I'm not taking ages, I'm just making sure I look good."
"You always look good for me," Lando said, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek before turning the camera back to himself, "See, I told you she's the best."
The next clip showed Lando and Oscar together once again, this time they were giving a tour around the McLaren hub.
"This is my driver's room," Lando said as he opened the door, "It's cleaner than Oscar's, clearly, and looks like I have a bed."
Lando moved to put together the small bed that was behind the door, "This is an upgrade from last year, we didn't have this. I'll be definitely giving it some good use, to nap or with my girlfriend."
"Can we have a video where you're not a horndog please?" Oscar said, putting his hands on his hips.
"You're the horndog, I never said what we were going to use it for, we're just going to cuddle."
The video moved to show one of Lando's post race interviews after winning the Miami GP, he had been asked ho would be the most excited person about this win besides him.
"My girlfriend, definitely. I couldn't have done it without her," Lando said, his voice filled with emotion, "She's been my biggest supporter, my inspiration, and my motivation. This win is as much hers as it is mine."
The video then cut to a scene from Lando's gaming stream with Max Verstappen. The two drivers were deep into a game of Call of Duty, their banter and laughter filling the screen. Lando was focused, his eyes glued to the monitor as he coordinated with Max.
Just then, Lando's phone buzzed on the table beside him. He glanced at the screen and his expression softened, the comment section noticing, "Hey, mate, I need to go. My girl needs me for something," he said, setting down his controller.
"Lando! Are you serious right now?" Max said, his eyes still glued to the screen.
"I am, see ya," he turned to the camera, smiling not so apologetically "Sorry, guys, duty calls. See you next time."
The last scene was a snippet from an interview, Lando had been asked what he saw in his future.
He paused, a soft smile playing on his lips. "Honestly? I see a lot of racing, hopefully some championships," he laughed, "but most importantly, I see her. I can't imagine my life without her."
The screen faded to black, showing a text that read: Get you a man who is as down for you as Lando Norris is for his girlfriend.
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tinkabelle24 · 6 months
To Build a Home
Chapter 8: Bad Child
A/N: The altercation between Val and her mother depicted in this chapter is loosely based on an incident I had with my own mother, at sixteen.
This incident is what prompted me to write this story, four years later, to help me cope with the lingering trauma. It's been incredibly therapeutic.
TW! Physical and emotional abuse inflicted by parent onto adult child.
Masterlist / Chapter 7
"Hey, you. How's it going?"
"Hey, Val," Liv answered. "Yeah, fine, I guess. School's still shit-"
"Hang on, lemme put you on speaker so I can keep going with this... There. Can you hear me?"
"Yeah... What are you doing?"
"Making dinner."
"At 8 o'clock? Bit late for you, isn't it, grandma?"
"Hardy-har. I have a friend coming over; he couldn't get here any sooner."
"He?" She could hear her sister's grin through the phone.
"Hey, don't get any ideas - he's just a friend."
"You said it, not me."
Val playfully rolled her eyes. "...Any more incidents with that boy?"
"Nope. I think bein' knocked on his ass by a girl finally did the trick."
"Nothing. I just... I really wish you didn't need to go that far, that's all."
"Yeah, well..."
"I know, I know... I'm proud of you for sticking up for yourself, though."
"Thanks, Val."
"...Where's Noah?"
"In his room - playing his game."
"I wanna say hi."
"Yep... Hey... Hey, shithead! Don’t what me. Take your headphones off. Valerie's on the phone."
"Don't call your brother that, thank you."
"Yeah, don't call me that," Noah parroted. "Hey, short-ass. How's it goin'?"
"Don't call me that, either," Val let out an exasperated sigh. "I oughta wash both your mouths out with soap..."
"Can't do that if you aren't here," Liv retorted.
Was that a passive aggressive remark, or was she still messing around?
"...How's mom?"
"She's fine," her sister answered simply.
"Where is she?"
"In the living room, watching a movie - with Steve."
"Steeeve!" Noah exclaimed in a high-pitched voice.
A small smile pulled at the brunette's lips. "...Is he nice to you guys?"
"Yeah, he's fine," Liv replied. She was using the word 'fine' a lot... "Sleeps over almost every night..."
"Okay..." Val wasn't sure what else to say to that. Her first thought was to suggest her sister inform mom of her discomfort, but it'd likely do no good. She did this herself once, when they overheard mom doing... things, with another man she introduced them to literally that day. It did not go well...
"Hey, it's been forever since we've seen you. Are you coming home any time soon?"
Val could no longer hear her brother’s incessant mouse clicking in the background; Liv must've gone into another room.
"...No, I won't be coming back to the house... I can't. Not yet." She finally replied. "I've got my own place now, remember? But I'd love to see you guys sometime soon. Maybe we could meet up at Central Park after one of my shifts next week? The three of us? ...Or maybe you'd like to check out my new place? It isn't much to look at on the inside, but it has nice views."
"Are you ever gonna tell us what happened with you and mom? Mom still won't tell us anything..."
Mom keeping shit to herself? Must've thought it was pretty bad... Good.
"We had an argument."
"Well duh," Liv was growing impatient. "About what?"
"I'm sorry, Liv; I really can't say any more than that - it's adult stuff."
"Yeah, whatever..."
Val sighed wearily. "Don't be like that, please... You know I'd tell you if I could. But I can't."
"Yeah, you can; you just have to open your mouth and speak."
"I'm sorry, Liv," the eldest sister doubled down. "I'm not gonna do that-"
"Y-you can't just take off like that and not expect me to ask questions!" Liv snapped, voice breaking. "What could mom have done that was so bad that you won't talk to her, or even come to the house? I don't understand. I just want my sister back..."
That last part felt like a stab to the heart...
"Liv, I-I'm so sorry-"
"Whatever. Bye."
"Liv? Hey, Liv! ... Shit!"
Panicked, Val went to compose a message for her sister. It broke her heart to hear her cry... But what else could she say that hasn't already been said? She wasn't about to involve a thirteen-year-old in adult matters, no matter how much it upset Liv. She wanted to preserve what little innocence those kids had left...
A text notification popped up on her screen. Immediately assuming it was her sister, she opened it without checking the ID.
She really wished she had...
[So, you'll talk to the kids but not your own MOTHER??? I see how it is. You have NO IDEA how difficult our lives have become since you upped and ABANDONED us!!! I'm sorry that I hurt you but YOUR SELFISHNESS drove me to it. In case you forgot, family HELPS and SUPPORTS one another!!! All I needed was a packet of cigarettes because I hadn't had a SINGLE one in THREE DAYS and you couldn't even do that for your own MOTHER. I gave you life and raised you BY MYSELF with NO HELP from anyone!!! And this is how you repay me??? It's been TWO MONTHS and they haven't seen you. We don't even know where you're living!!! I WILL NOT put up with the silent treatment ANY LONGER!!! When you're ready to behave like an ADULT and have an actual conversation, let me know. You're VERY lucky they still want anything to do with you after what you've put them through, because this will be the last time you hear from ME!!!]
Val fought back tears as she read through the wall of text. She knew, as soon as she realised who it was, that she shouldn't have kept scrolling. But, as usual, curiosity got the better of her. Or was it hope? A hope that her mom may actually be offering an apology without a big fat 'BUT' attached to it...
Mom liked using that word. She said it a lot that night; the night Val fled...
"No. Stop it," the brunette chided herself, promptly silencing her phone and placing it face-down on the kitchen counter. She quickly wiped away her tears.
In...and out. That's it, Val.
It'll be okay...
She returned to slicing her cucumber.
A soft knocking drew Val's attention to the window - it was Raph, carrying a backpack. She expected to feel many things in that moment. Excitement, mostly. A bit of anxiety, for sure. But not this...
Not dread.
The urge to hide was overwhelming. If he asked, Val was certain she'd cry again. She didn't want to cry in front of him; not so soon after the first time...
It took everything in her to step away from the counter and approach the window.
It'll be okay, she repeated her mantra. It'll be okay...
In...and out. In...and out...
"Hey," Val greeted, stepping aside to let him in.
"Hey," Raph replied with a warm smile. She attempted imitating it. "Smells great in here. Curry?"
"Uh, yeah- no." She was already stumbling over her words. "It's, um... it's one-pot chicken and rice. I found the recipe on Tik Tok, of all places, heh. It's one of my favourites... I was just finishing up the salad..."
The terrapin quirked a brow ridge at her. Val recognised that look; it was the same one Molly levelled at her whenever her friend suspected she was hiding something.
Please, don't...
"You alright?" He asked, setting down his bag. "You seem... upset."
Keep it together.
"Yeah, I'm fine," the brunette reassured, nodding a little too enthusiastically. She could feel the tears threatening to fall, again...
"Val," he insisted gently.
Hoo boy...
"I-I was just, um..." Val croaked, her entire body trembling with adrenaline. "I, uh..." One tear became two, then suddenly they were streaming down her cheeks.
She could not keep it together...
Raph caught her wrists as she attempted hiding her face, bringing her into his arms. She practically melted into him. He held her firmly while she sobbed, about a minute or so, before she finally pulled away.
"S-sorry, let me get this shit off you..." Val sniffled as she wiped his shoulder with her sleeve. She felt calmer, more clear-headed. But now she was going to have to explain herself; it'd be unfair of her not to.
"My mom... She texted just before you arrived... It wasn't nice to read..."
Raph nodded, compressing his lips; he looked to be contemplating whether to enquire further. After some hesitation, he finally asked: “Wanna talk about it?”
"...Would you like some dinner first?”
They decided to eat on the roof. Val passed the food and blankets to Raph from the fire escape, then was helped up herself. Neither really spoke to the other during this time, though she could feel his concerned gaze on her throughout.
“I’d planned on staying home as long as I could, for my siblings,” Val began, once they were settled with a plate of food. “I’d been paying my part of the rent, utilities, whathaveyou, pretty much since I started working. I left school to go full-time, so I could help more... I felt I was doing everything I could for my family... But then...”
She paused to compose herself, before continuing. “...T-the morning I left, my mom asked for my card. I asked her: ‘what for?’ She told me: ‘does it matter?’ … She didn’t say anything else after that; she just left the room... I thought she’d dropped it. I left for work. When I arrived home that afternoon, she wouldn’t speak to me. Wouldn’t look at me. Just completely ignored my existence... I went into mine and my sister’s room, and..."
Val barely had the time to register what was coming before it literally hit her.
She shrieked as the large object struck her chest, causing her to topple backward. Fortunately, her bed broke her fall. Once the initial shock wore off, the brunette quickly realised she was holding a suitcase. Confused and alarmed, she looked up - oof.
Another smaller, lighter object flew into Val's face, momentarily blinding her. She swiped it away only to be immediately bombarded with several, similarly weighted items. Arms, legs, chest, face...
When she could finally see clearly, she saw her mother standing before her; red-faced with clothing spilling out of her white-knuckled grip.
Clothes were strewn all over the floor and beds. Behind her mom stood Val's narrow chest of drawers, which had been ransacked. Nearly everything she had hanging up had been pulled down - ripped down. one of her more delicate dresses dangled haphazardly from its hanger with a torn seam.
She was stunned.
The brunette flinched as her mom suddenly slammed a fistful of shirts onto the ground, before jabbing a finger in her face.
"You can get the fuck outta here if you're gonna continue being a selfish bitch!" She bellowed, trembling with anger. "Go live with your dad, wherever the fuck he is. I don't give a shit. Just get outta my sight!"
Val was sobbing by this point, cowering on her bed while her mom raged. Her mom's done some pretty scary shit in the past, but nothing like this. No matter how angry she became, not once had she intentionally caused any of her children physical harm...
"You know, all I wanted from you was some goddamn cigarettes! Do you know how long I've been without them? Three days! Three days and not a single one, Valerie! I'm going insane, here, and you don't give a shit! ..."
Val was no longer listening. Her mind had taken her somewhere else; somewhere infinitely more pleasant.
By the time she finally came to, she was alone.
Val realised then and there she had to leave. What little hope she had left for a somewhat peaceful cohabiting situation had just been obliterated.
Her own mother assaulted her, plain and simple. She no longer felt safe. This was not something she could easily forgive, if at all.
"So, she blew up your relationship over cigarettes?" Raph was incredulous. "Are you serious?"
The brunette averted her gaze, unsure how to respond. She didn't want to believe her mom would be this cruel over something so trivial. Surely, she wasn't that expendable...
The terrapin scoffed, shaking his head. "What a piece of-" he promptly stopped himself. Exhaling slowly to expel his anger, he eventually returned his gaze to hers. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't... She's still your mom."
"Were your siblings around durin' this?"
"No, thank God; they were still at school. I haven't told them exactly why I left, just that mom and I fell out. My sister's upset with me right now; she wants to know what's going on and I won't tell her..."
"Why's that?" Raph enquired, confused. "I mean, I'd wanna know if someone close to me was doin' that shit."
"They're kids, Raph," Val countered gently. "I get where you're coming from, I just... I can't. They already know they can't rely on their dad; I'm not about to pull the rug out from under them with their mom, as well..."
"So, you're lyin' by omission."
"I'm trying to protect them," Val shot back, levelling the terrapin with a hard stare. "The things I've seen, the things I was told, at their age... I wished for this. I prayed for someone in my corner, to say: 'hey, this isn't right. She shouldn't know these things. She's only little...'"
At that, Raph's expression softened considerably. He lowered his gaze.
"...Believe me, if something even remotely like what I experienced happens to them, the gloves come off... Until then, it's between mom and me. If that makes me the bad guy, then fine - I'll be the bad guy."
"Fair enough," the terrapin nodded with sad smile.
The pair finished eating in silence.
"So... what'd you decide on - for dessert?" Val finally enquired. She let out a soft chuckle. "I hope it didn't need to be refrigerated..."
"Nah, it didn't." Raph avoided her gaze. "It's nothin' special, just a bar'a chocolate... I tried makin' mousse with avocado in it; figured it'd be somethin' you'd like. Tasted like ass, though, so I chucked it."
Val didn't know whether to be flattered by the gesture or horrified by the fact he threw out perfectly good food. “Did you let it set?” She braced herself for the answer.
Raph stared blankly. “Was I supposed to?”
“Oh, God...” The brunette laughed incredulously, shaking her head. “You’re supposed to let it set; the avocado taste goes away once it’s set.”
“Oh, indeed... Oh well, plain old chocolate will do just fine. Chocolate's always good.”
Masterlist / Chapter 9
@miss-andromeda @android-cap-007 @happymoonangel
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afniel · 9 months
Didn't sleep last night and so far I have
Wrote a helpful list of all the cats' belongings that went to boarding with them, then left it on the table like a brain genius
Got donuts, that's just a solid plus and there's no gotcha here. Just donuts
Washed a rock in the laundry, whoops
Took the rock out, much better now
Stood around booty ass naked because I just put my current clothes in the washer without considering the consequences and I have no pants now
Packed to go see my family but didn't register that the things I was packing were clothes that I could have worn so the situation has not improved
In my defense none of the clothes were pants
Realized my phone will now autosuggest 'in Minecraft' because I keep making that joke and wondered what the hell I'm doing with my life and choices
...in Minecraft
Thought about actually playing Minecraft but didn't because I'll get bored in 10 minutes and then open and close it repeatedly like something new is really going to happen this time guys I can feel it (it won't)
Can't go get my final shirt I want from downstairs because the neighbors would see me (still booty ass naked) (still haven't figured out what to do about that)
(it's a Mega Man shirt because literally half of my clothes at this point are just Mega Man shirts and the other half are evenly split between Metroid, Zelda, Final Fantasy, and miscellaneous other games)
(why am I like this. Nobody answer that)
Got 'jump in the caac' stuck in my head like super glue, save me
Considered painting my nails about 25 times and then never followed through because it sounds like work but what if I had cool blue nails that matched my hair. What about that. I could do that. Sounds like work though
Make that about 26 times
Run my phone's entire battery out refreshing Tumblr for no reason I can discern, it's just what's happening to me now. I surrender
Somehow hyperfocused anyway for hours and finished some art with all this going on?
I don't know how that works, ADHD is a horrible mystery
Convinced myself that what I need to do is just stay awake and pack then go to bed really early. Like 1am maybe. Which is not early, try again, me. Maybe try like 11pm
Decided to shower and then not done that or anything remotely like it
I TOOK MY MEDS I SWEAR but they don't fix sleep deprivation. That's just not fixable. Except by the obvious means, but I'm not sleepy, I'm just *gestures vaguely* firing on exactly one cylinder and it's very grumpy and has a bad spark plug or something, I don't know where the metaphor is going.
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xb0rder-7inex · 5 months
I'm already exhausted because I took a pretty long walk today when he didn't show up and I took my last melatonin just now so I hope I have the best sleep of my fucking life and what a perfect night to use it because I am almost positive he's keeping me blocked for a while this time I can just feel it. Its almost like he unblocks me just so he can block me again lol.
I'm genuinely fucking over it and the longer he's gone the less I want him and one day he will stay gone just long enough for me to stop wanting him entirely and I'm honestly feeling kind of motivated to get there.
If he thinks I'm waiting for him for two months until after our trial he's literally insane 😂 I'm def not.
I gave up literally everything for this guy and he wants to keep doing the same shit over and over thinking I do nothing for him I'm useless and a loser blah blah fucking blah. Talking a lot of shit that he doesn't even mean and telling me he means it because he needs to hurt me more than I hurt him because that's the only way he can cope with his own emotions. 🙄
Pretty sure the loser is a man who throws his girlfriend down the stairs and gets 3 breeches by telling on himself like a fucking idiot. The loser is the man who has a history of domestic violence who is finally facing his day before a judge. The loser is the man on trial facing jail time for abusing his girlfriend.
I am the key witness. He has no idea how easy it'll be for me to incriminate him by telling the fucking truth about the shit that he's done. I'm not lying for him and saying that nothing happened if he's going to treat me this way? Something did happen. All of this happened because of what he chose to do lol. I will literally tell them that he plays blocking games too as an emotional abuse tactic and it isn't a fucking lie. He's making himself look so fucking bad and is relying on me to clear his name but I'm not going to be controlled into doing that. I would have just done it anyways for someone who genuinely loved me.
Ew sometimes I genuinely get the ick from him especially when he blocks me. When he's here I love him but I think it's just because I want to because when he acts like this I want nothing to fucking do with him.
I hope he does lose me. I deserve a lot better than him. If I'm not unblocked tomorrow dude I stfg. He always comes back just in time for me to be like "okay obviously we aren't broken up" but one day he's really going to fuck up and I'm honestly just waiting for it.
If he's insecure about how easily he lost me last time just wait until I actually choose the next one over him. That'll be when the real abuse starts probably.
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pbandjesse · 1 year
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I have a really intense head ache right now. I know it's because I'm very tired. I did a lot today and got really worn out but despite my best efforts I didn't actually take a nap and now I feel bad. I'll be okay but man. Ouch.
I also had trouble sleeping last night. I just wanted it to be morning. But I couldn't turn my brain off. I stayed up to say happy birthday to my brother at midnight. But then I couldn't fall asleep. I went and sat in the living room for a little while. And would play a puzzle game on my tablet. But would fall asleep around 230.
When o woke up at 830 I was pretty miserable. I tried to go back to sleep but it wasn't happening
I would just sort of lay there and scroll on my phone to slowly wake up. And that would work. And gave me enough energy to start getting stuff done.
I had done a pretty good job with getting everything away. So it was hard to decide where to start. I started slow. I stripped the bed and vacuumed. Made the bed nice. And then went to sort my large stuffed animals in the studio. I changed up their display. And the furby display a little. I put the couch squishmallows away and pulled out breadroll cat. Just a little change.
I would start in on the bathroom closet for the next few hours. This was very very overwhelming for me. I did not have fun for a while. The getting stuff out of the closet was hard. It's a very deep but very narrow closet and since it got sink water from the apartment above us it's kind of nasty.
So I got everything out. And I wiped things down. But I was hot and not entirely sure where to go.
I started cleaning the hammocks in the bathtub. This did not go great. They are disgusting. The soap bubbles were literally brown. I filled the tub twice before Will called James and said the apartment below us might be getting some water form the tub so I wouldn't do a third round. Well have to figure something else out I guess.
While the hammocks were soaking I started with piles. Hair stuff. Cleaning stuff. Soaps. First aid. Pharmacy. I would fill a whole trash bag. I found a lot ot expired stuff. I would have to take mini breaks to have a snack. I made some soda and munched on chips. James was teasing me for have apparently 6 bags of tortilla chips started. But I finished one today!! I don't have a problem!
I did a lot of combining. We had 4 first aid kits. Now we have two and one that is just bandaids. And I got all my hair stuff in my studio ottoman. Including hair dye and backup shampoo. I cleared out our medicine cabinet and filled a box with all fo James's things so they could decide where there things went. I tried to clean as I went. But around 1 I was exhausted and just couldn't climb on a ladder to put things away. I would assign the cleaning box, both the everyday and the backups, to James. As well as the extra towels box. They said they would when they got home and they did and I was thankful for the help, the teamwork.
I worked on the closet next. I put some stuff away I reorganized my hanging shelves. Since I wanted to keep all my shirts out. I also hung up a selection of sweaters in the studio with the jackets I'm keeping here. It will be nice to be able to see everything hanging up, which is my favorite way to store my clothes.
After I finished putting away some of the stuff I probably won't wear for a bit, I moved on to bags. I texted Annabelle a picture of the pile because I had told her about my bag collection. And it's bad. I did get rid of two but I still have so many. I chose a few to pull out and use the next week or so. I don't need to beat myself up. I'm not hurting anyone but I find so many ways to feel guilty.
I would also work on putting away shoes. I put all my "camp shoes" in one box and cleaned the shelf in the living room where I keep my daily rotation. I also moved my 4 pairs of heels into the closet with my snow boots. So much organizing.
I had so many little things in my bags, so I had to find places for that. But once that was done I would wash myself up before changing into a big Tshirt and laying down in the AC.
But I didn't sleep. I just watched videos. At least I was comfortable even if I couldn't sleep.
I got up and had a snack. Sat in the kitchen with sweetp. But soon returned to the AC
I would lay there for a long time. But before 4 I got dressed again and soon James was home. They found me on the couch. They would get the rest of the bathroom stuff put away. And I would paint my nails while they started sorting out nail polish collection. But soon enough it was time for us to go meet the Fulwilers for dinner.
We brought the figs I got for them. Anne seemed very excited. James and Tucker would actually find more on a fig tree in the alley so that was exciting. Though I was nervous about them hurting themselves.
And dinner was fun. Callie and Charlotte were there. Callie accidently knocked over a cup of soda and was very embarrassed but it was fine! No one was upset. We got it cleaned up and we had a nice dinner. My salad was a little weird but I enjoyed my sandwich. And James shared a little of the sauce from their Indian food with me.
I enjoyed hearing about their Ikea trip. And school and all that stuff. I was starting to not feel good. My head was starting to hurt real bad. But I tried very hard to still be present and engaged.
I was kind of glad when we were all done. Hugs all around. And then we walked back to the cars.
Anne and Tucker had saved some styrofoam for me for printmaking. So we took that. And then we went home.
My head was hurting a lot though and that was hard. I would lay down for a bit and tired to just rest. But eventually would go take an Epsom salt bath which helped my body andy head.
Now we are in bed and I am happy to hopefully fall asleep easier tonight. Tomorrow we have an IKEA adventure. I am looking forward to spending the day with my husband who I love so much.
I hope you all had a good day. And I want to made a special shout out to my brother who I love dearly and wish we talked more but I also just hope he knows how much I think about him. I am excited that you are 30!!
Goodnight everyone. Until next time!
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ratralsis · 3 months
I finished the third draft of my book a couple of days ago. The next class starts in nine days.
I'm going to try to proofread as much of it as I can in that time, polish it up a little bit more, make the descriptions make more sense, that kind of thing. I'm catching a lot of typos.
I kind of think of this as the "first draft of the third draft," though I know that doesn't make a lot of sense. Basically, I wrote the whole thing from start to finish, but I didn't go back to edit anything after I wrote it. I just wanted to write it. I did the same thing with the second draft.
It's about 100,000 words, so I don't think I can proofread it in such a short time.
Anyway… writing 100,000 words in eight or nine months isn't really anything all that special. Lots of people do it, and do it better than I do it.
I'm still not sleeping as much as I should. I'm working on it. I'm trying to at least be in bed by 10:00 most nights. I'm up at 5:00 every morning, without exception, so that means seven hours in bed each night. An attainable goal. A reasonable goal. It's not easy, though. It should be, but it isn't.
It's the kind of thing I get mad at other people about. It's like when people ask me how I managed to lose weight and keep it off when, statistically, that's literally impossible. As in, the number of people who manage it rounds to zero percent. But I did it. And all I can say is "diet and exercise," because that's the truth. And I've had people respond to that by saying it's just so hard, you know? Like when the family wants to have pizza for dinner, right? And I shrug and say "then only eat one slice of pizza and go to bed hungry, I don't know what else I can tell you," because I don't. That's how I did it.
It's very easy for me to apply that same logic to my sleep problem: "Just go to bed earlier, what the fuck, man. You gotta spend less time playing video games or something, I don't know, get the fuck off your computer and just go to bed."
It's just so hard, you know?
We all have problems, I guess.
I honestly can't recommend my diet method to anybody, for the record. I fucked up my ability to feel hunger. I can go all day without eating without noticing that I'm hungry. I can eat a huge amount of food without noticing that I'm not hungry. I have to be very careful, these days, about what I eat and how much I eat, because my body just doesn't give me the right signals anymore. I see the advice "listen to your body" a lot when it comes to people with eating disorders, but I genuinely don't know how to do that. I'm not sure I ever did.
…We all have problems, I guess.
I've spent the last couple of months, ever since I finished watching all of those Marvel live-action shows I mentioned shortly before my cat Tina died, trying to find new shows to watch while I work out in the morning. I rewatched "Gravity Falls." It holds up. I still like that show quite a lot. I've made it a thing, in the past, of finding lines from things that go far, far harder than they have any right to. I hope to steal them for my own usage someday. For example, in the novel I just wrote, there's this exchange:
“If we don’t surrender, we’re going to have to fight them. We’re going to have to kill them.”
“I didn’t come this far to lose.”
Those are two different quotes mashed together from two different sources, with the serial numbers filed off. So you can't just punch them into a search engine to find out where I got them. I guess you could still punch them into a search engine, but I did, and the original quotes didn't come up, so, good luck to you, I guess.
Anyway, the line "Turn around and look at me, you one-eyed demon," from the final episodes of "Gravity Falls," is one of those good lines. I'm not sure how I can steal it yet, but you can rest assured that, if I live long enough, I will.
I'm not gonna give context or explain why it's a good line. Either watch the fucking show or don't, is all I can say. Then you'll either get it or you won't, and my explanation won't tilt the scales one way or the other.
I also got around to watching "Over the Garden Wall" at long last. I'd watched the first episode years ago, when it was much newer, and really didn't like it. I didn't like it this time, either. I didn't like the show. It wasn't fun or interesting to me. I think it relied far too heavily on the idea that I'd like the way it looked and sounded, and I didn't, so the shoe-string plot didn't impress me.
Still, the last couple of episodes did have some good lines. "I wasn't much good to him alive, either" got a grin out of me, and dual attempt at saying "Are you?" is pretty goddamn good.
But I fucking hated Greg from episode one to episode last, and I won't apologize for it. He really ruined the series for me.
Well. I'm pretty tired. Let's wrap it up.
I still want to write what I said would over a month ago about those Marvel shows, but the longer I wait on it, the less passion I have on the subject. So I'll say this: I think that all of them had a lot of potential, and that none of them deserved to get additional seasons after their cliffhanger endings, from Iron Fist ending with the idea that Danny had found a new way to channel his chi energy into a gun to Peggy Carter ending with some guy getting shot in his hotel room by some other guy. They were perfectly fine shows, solid 7s out of 10, but I sure as hell wasn't left wanting more.
Most recently, because Disney+ keeps telling me about all the Hulu shows I could be watching, I switched to Hulu and tried really hard to find one of the many anime shows they were promoting to watch. I really hate isekai stories, which limits me much more severely than I would have ever expected, but I made it through a couple of episodes of "Yozakura Family" before I decided to read the manga and WOW does that manga turn into magically-powered shounen craziness a lot faster than I would have expected. It's fucking nuts, man. But I'm also over a hundred chapters into it, so I must not hate it, I guess!
I made it all the way through Dragonar Academy, another show that I'm genuinely glad only had one season. It's the worst kind of anime cringe, and I couldn't help but laugh at how far it went out of its way to try to turn me on by having all its female characters get their clothes blown off or removed at every opportunity. It's the kind of show that my younger self would have been embarrassed to talk about, but now I'm an old man who can unironically say that I thought it was a great example of a good bad show. The kind you can only laugh at because it's trying so hard to be a good show and failing so fucking hard.
Currently, I'm almost at the end of the first season (of four) of the 2012 Ultimate Spider-Man series. The one that had Drake Bell play Spider-Man. I like Spider-Man, and, even knowing his recent legal problems and his genuinely tragic past, I really don't have anything against Drake Bell. I mean, I don’t like what happened to him or what he did, but it looks to me like he’s trying. I might be wrong. I’m in no place to judge, though, is the point.
And, you know, a dumb kid's show about teenage Spider-Man is really the kind of thing I like to have playing on TV when I work out.
Hopefully I'll find something else when this one runs out.
There we go. Wrapped it up.
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servin-up-surveys · 1 year
survey #128
Who was your first big crush? *Big* crush... I wanna say Sebastian? He was DEFINITELY my first "real" crush, but I'm not entirely sure if it reached the point of being "big," I really can't recall. If it wasn't him, it was DEFINITELY Jason.
Name someone you know who drives a green car: I don't believe I know anyone who does.
When was the last time someone drunk dialed/texted/left a voicemail? No one's ever done that, I think.
Has anyone ever told you that you talk in your sleep? More like scream. ALTHOUGH, my nightmares have gotten A LOT better lately; I haven't really been having them for maybe two-ish months, save for maybe an instance or two I don't remember. I have absolutely zero idea why they've suddenly fucked off after so many years of them just being normal and regular for me, but I will ABSOLUTELY take it.
Where did you last go out to eat at? Actually we were at Applebee's for dinner last night, because that's where Herb wanted to go. Mom and I aren't really fans/never go there otherwise, BUT the fries were actually really good.
Was your last breakup a bad one? No, honestly. Like yeah, it hurt, but whatever Sara and I had was NOT what I thought it was at the time, and I must've subconsciously known that with how quickly I was over it.
What was your favorite board game as a child? Haha dude I actually REALLY liked Mall Madness, even though I hated shopping irl. I don't quite know why I enjoyed it as much as I did. Also worth mentioning are various Cranium games, specifically Balloon Lagoon. Those games were legendary. Ashley's kids have been getting into them in recent times, primarily because Mom gifting them various ones; they have a lot of fun with Hullabaloo especially. By the way, those fuckers got INSANELY expensive, at least the ones from mine and my sisters' childhoods.
When are you going on vacation again? Don't know. I've been thinking for a while now though, IF I finally get a fucking job by this summer (because it's my idea and I wanna take care of it financially), I think I wanna go on a daycation or so with Girt to a hotel by the beach and just watch movies and play games together, stay there for a night. Neither of us actually like the beach itself, but I LOVE staying in hotels and seeing the view, at least. We really don't have "us" time enough or really go out much, and I think it'd be really good for both of us.
Who did you last have an alcoholic drink with? Sara. Or maybe Mom? Idk.
Who was the last person you were under the covers with? Girt. He didn't stay the night, but even when he doesn't he tries to stay with me until I fall asleep.
Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes? Yeah.
Name something great that happened today? My mom DIDN'T get fucking killed in a car crash very nearly caused by her technical stepfather who should in NO universe be on the road.
How many different people of the opposite sex have you really cried over? Two. Well, romantically anyway; I've definitely cried over my dad when he left. Hated his guts for years.
When was the last time you saw your father? Lol nice timing. Uh, I wanna say Emerson's bday party in February. Pretty sure.
Do you tend to make relationships complicated? I definitely don't think so.
Have you ever met any bands/band members before? in absolutely tragic news, no.
Who does most of the chores in your house? My mom.
Do you have an ensuite bathroom? Mom's bedroom does.
Have you ever been to a chiropractor? Did you like it? No, hopefully it stays that way.
Do you know how to set a formal table setting for a 3+ course dinner? No, and I absolutely could not give less of a shit. Just eat your food while keeping your surroundings clean, this "formal setting" shit is so unnecessary.
Are you in a good mood today? I have been SO up and down, idk man. I've been way more irritated than I am on a normal day, and at literally nothing.
Have you bought a bag of potato chips in the past week? No.
Do you know anyone who’s struggling with addiction? Yes. And people who have died because of it.
Did you ever go to daycare as a kid? For what I'm pretty sure I remember being a SINGLE day. One employee spanked me simply for going into the wrong room (I had no idea I wasn't supposed to go in there) and were just generally mean and super rude; I VERY barely remember the details, but I recall enough that I was extremely upset. The only thing I do remember other than that other detail is some woman holding me while I sobbed my heart out until Mom came in. She left fucking furious and I never went there again; I'm pretty sure this is when our neighbors started watching me and my sisters.
When you go to a restaurant, do you prefer to sit at a booth or a table? Absolutely booth.
Has your car ever been broken into? I've never had my own car, but I'm quite positive no family car ever has been.
How old is your oldest cousin? Hell if I know.
Who was the last person you congratulated or said “well done” to? What for? My acquaintance I used to kinda regularly take pictures for, Bethany; she had her daughter yeeeesterday I think, all the while having the flu. She'd felt like death prior, so her induction date was delayed, but the baby said Nope and was suddenly here lmfao
What was the last show you watched an episode of? Dark.
^And which character in that show do you relate to, or identify with most? MAN IDK everyone in this fuckin show cheats and lies and there's also a GINORMOUS character cast that I very barely keep track of (I would be lost in this show without Girt, like it's just too complicated for me alone), I'm not even TRYING to mentally go through everyone. I'm super into it, don't get me wrong, it's just absolutely absurd how complex and tightly knotted its plot is.
Do you have any medical appointments coming up anytime soon? I constantly do, I'ma be real. I know I'm getting labs done on Monday, then I'll be seeing the endocrinologist when those results come in. Therapy should be coming up soon, too. I would not be even remotely surprised if there's more within the next two-ish weeks. I also go to PT twice a week, but idk if you count those.
Do you say "I love you" to anyone daily? I know Girt and I do. If Mom ever leaves the house without me, she also says it, but that doesn't happen every day.
Do you know anyone named Vanessa? Tell me a little bit about this person. Yes. The vast majority of the "alt" kids in high school knew her because she was the one very obviously emo African American in our school, and I feel like I remember her being pretty outgoing?
When was the last time you felt unable or unwilling to speak your mind to someone? Today, actually, and I've realized I really need to bring this up in therapy; I plan to next visit. Just lately my mom has been absolutely fucking awful about getting so annoyed about me forgetting various things and also just answering genuine questions I ask her like I'm a complete fucking idiot and it's really affecting me. She's done this forever, but it's just been worse lately, I guess because my memory only ever seems to get worse, but also life has just been busy. It's mostly upsetting me just because I KNOW my ability to remember and also just process information in general changed greatly post-trauma, which is apparently a legit thing, and it makes me feel like total fucking garbage. I already think I'm dumb as shit, I don't need my mother contributing. It's not like I ever choose to forget appointments or where she has to go today etc. etc., but she constantly acts like I'm making a deliberate choice and it's become extremely hurtful by now. I don't want to bring it up outside of therapy because I know what happens when you disagree with my mother or point out something wrong she's doing: she gets defensive as shit and takes it as total disrespect.
Are you more likely to give advice or to ask for it? Ask for it.
Do you like Tootsie Rolls? They've never been a candy I've sought out. I can have like one if it's offered to me and it's whatever, but I don't like them, really.
What is your most expensive bill? I don't pay my own bills yet and it's fucking humiliating by now.
Do you sleep alone or with someone every night? Wish it was the latter, but alone on the vast majority of nights. Girt and I are both really ready to just live together but that fucking housing market though. He's been stressed lately about his mom and her wellbeing falling so unevenly onto him when he has an older sister, and it's completely fair for him to feel like it's just unfair sometimes, because the balance between him and Ashley keeping her afloat does seem alarmingly uneven. I'm not gonna delve deep into his family business here, the gist is just he wants to be able to live like a "real" adult with his own life. I've been more aggressively looking for work than I already was because of all this, I want to be able to help.
What are you favorite kind of chips? Typically hot ones, like hot crunchy Cheetos or Takis. I've actually been craving hot chips TERRIBLY for a lil while now, I want Takis so bad lmao. I also really love Cool Ranch Dorito's.
What color is your mousepad? It's black. Super old, though. I'd actually like to get a new one that I like, but that's very low on my list of priorities.
Has anyone you know been arrested recently? Uh not that I know of.
Where is your favorite person? He's home now, work's over for him for the weekend.
Are there any plants in your house? Mom has a couple, yeah. I think I'd like to get at least one for my room when I redecorate.
Have you seen the entire Harry Potter series? I'm very grateful I never got into that, JK Rowling can rot in hell with all the other TERFs.
Do you still have both of your parents? Yes. I don't see or talk to my dad a lot at all, but he's still there.
Do you enjoy cuddling? If you're Girt and I'm not hot, yes. Once I'm notably hot, I barely want to be touched.
Have you ever had a pregnancy scare? Not one that was even remotely realistic because I was literally a virgin lmao, look when you have a very legitimate pregnancy phobia the dumbest shit will make you scared.
Do you ever suspect your significant other of lying to you? I honestly don't. He's given me every reason to trust him.
Does anyone you know ever recommend books to you? No.
What made you feel cheerful today? Nothing. Really not into how my mood's been today.
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prideofcelestia · 2 years
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❝ replaced mc au ❞
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« characters - demon brothers »
« gender neutral reader »
« pairing - platonic »
« notes - repost from my old blog so there's a chance you might have read it »
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Nobody had replaced you. Not really. It was perhaps difficult to accept that the brothers had gotten busier. At the end of the day, you were only human and bitter feelings crept in even when you didn’t want those to. Anxiety and overthinking were the real demons you should have looked out for but that was no easy feat so you were left exhausted owing to the burden.
Rituals that had been running since you became friends with the brothers began to crumble while you felt left behind. When was the last time that their backs had seemed so far ahead, so out of reach?
Movie night with Mammon? He wanted to, but the new exchange student got into trouble again after they encountered a demon and ran away — which was a justifiable reason — only to lose their way. When Lucifer found them hours later, they were shaking like a leaf and refused to listen to him. Not knowing how to deal with it, he punished Mammon to relieve himself of the guilt of his incompetence. Now, you were talking to a strung up Mammon who couldn’t risk asking you for help. Your best man was looking out for you because Lucifer would be mad if you got involved in it, but his tsundere tendencies didn’t allow him to communicate properly. It felt like he was dismissing your help, that he would rather not be with you now that he had another ‘charge’ to take care of.
Gaming nights with Levi? The appearance of a new person and the tension in the air at H.O.L made the otaku shut himself up. He was under the impression that you would want to spend more time with a human than a yucky otaku demon who had quite literally attacked you. Who wouldn’t after all he had done? For you, it felt as if he preferred games to you even though he was trying to cope by playing the ones that reminded him of you.
Reading with Satan? Lucifer seemed extremely stressed these days due to the added workload and this demon was recruiting new members to the Anti Lucifer league to plan the annihilation of the Avatar of Pride. At long last, he would overthrow the tyrant! Hahahahahah. No, he wasn’t trying to get rid of you. His hyperfixations could be quite… scary and sometimes he forgot himself owing to his need to be acknowledged.
Spa sessions with Asmo? He had a shoot coming up! Sorry hon, but he needed a rain check. He intentionally didn't tell you how the first preference for the shoot was Mammon but because the Avatar of Greed already had other engagements, they hired Asmo. It stung and took a huge blow at his self confidence. So, he wanted to do some soul searching where he would try to remind himself that he's the best. MC, just wait for the shoot to finish. He would show you the results proudly and voice his complaints about Mammon! Waiting, however, felt like the only thing you were doing recently and that made you… distraught.
Beelzebub was supposed to be their new bodyguard because Mammon was incompetent. So, hanging out with him didn't seem like the best option. He would already be distracted by his hunger while having to keep an eye on the nervous exchange student to pay attention to you. Maybe it was better to live with the memories of being acknowledged than stay long enough to be forgotten and ignored? Your presence might make matters worse. So, you couldn’t fully enjoy sitting on his back while he did his exercise. Despite the skinship, there seemed to be a wide wall between the two of you.
Cuddle nights with Belphegor were a restless ordeal. He kept getting nightmares about what he had done to you in the past. It was unforgivable. A new defenceless human shouldn’t be allowed in his vicinity. His sleep was filled with horrors that he couldn’t put into words because you were in all of them. How was he supposed to admit it? The gap widened till he curled himself up in a little corner in the attic. It widened till you couldn’t bear to see him anymore.
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After some contemplation, you concluded that you were not needed. Perhaps there wasn’t any reason for you to feel that way but you were scared of being abandoned, forgotten. Rational thoughts had deserted you.
So, you did what felt best.
You ran away from H.O.L. Maybe they wouldn’t notice since they seemed busy these days.
But they did notice.
Everyday, they waited for meal times so that they could enjoy your company. Despite their busy schedules, they had always made it a point to spend some time together while eating. Seeing your smiling face or talking to you about your problems seemed to make the brother's food taste better.
When you didn’t show up, even Beel felt his appetite wane as he followed his brothers to go search for you. Lucifer almost threw his D.D.D away in frustration when you wouldn’t pick up. Mammon was on the verge of tears. Leviathan tried contacting you on every social media account you had. Satan tried communicating with cats to ask if they had seen you after some of his helpful acquaintances were notified. Asmo frowned and had to be restrained before he declared on Devilgram that you had been kidnapped. He reasoned that his fans might help! Beel followed Lucifer’s orders and started contacting the Purgatory boys while Belphie looked alert and ready to take charge.
When they learned of your whereabouts, they rushed to the destination. Lucifer stayed back, waiting impatiently for Simeon to take care of the exchange student while nobody else was at H.O.L. He paced the room impatiently and contacted Beel every ten (in reality it was two) minutes, asking after you. Not a moment passed when his mind was free of you.
They were worried sick. All of them.
They needed to make sure that you were safe.
Lucifer might have been the last one to arrive but he was the first one to hug you. The others followed suit and held you close.
Tears were shed, vulnerable thoughts were let out, apologies were exchanged.
You didn’t know whose chest you cried on or whose hand reassuringly ran down your head. You only knew affection in the moment.
Lucifer whispered in your ear. It sounded like a faraway euphony of one who wasn’t used to proclaiming his feelings freely but it echoed in your mind with truth and love.
“MC, you can never replace family and that’s what you mean to us.”
The others grunted in unison and tightened the bear hug.
It was a vow.
You will always be remembered.
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manjitookhertime · 2 years
Sou Hiyori/Midori and Shin Tskimi + Goth reader = <3
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Sou Hiyori/Midori + Shin tsukimi {Separated!!] Dating a Goth Female Reader headcanons
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Sou Hiyori/Midori
Don't expect that much attention from him cause he'll be to busy trying to get the people whos playing the death game. literally if you want any attention from him you'll have to bother him while working, Not matter how many times he tell you he's busy You'll just keep bothering him till he gives in.
This man.. Barleys gives you any affection. Cuddles? Not till he's done with his work, A simple peak on the lips? Not till he's done with his work, Video games? Not till he's not with work. I'm surprised your still with him at this point.
He finds your goth style unique, Sometimes He'll make little jokes calling you Sad little punk girl or just dumb nickname, Yeah sometimes you might get offended by his jokes then he'll tell you to take a joke then you'll tell to make an actual good joke.
He enjoys going out with you, Just seeing you happy and that happiness was caused by just makes him feel lucky to have but would never tell you that. but would buy you anything you want.
Every time he actual has time away from work it's the worst times cause he'll randomly just tell you he's taking a break from work and you have to tell him you already have plans with a friend, Makes you cancel all your plans at the last minute just to have you all to himself.
Sou really doesn't like your friends and think you should have friends cause soon or later you'll be in a death game with him and won't be able to contact your friends but you won't be playing just there watching and staying near Sou.
Shin tsukimi
This all takes place before the death game
So like You love him but like.. you kind of wish he wasn't a job-hopper. You have no problems with Job-hoppers you just wish Shin didn't change his job every 2 months even though he knows you don't like it and he prays you don't leave him cause he's a job-hopper even though you told him multiple times you won't leave. He just doesn't want to lose his first girlfriend.
Unlike Sou, Shin will give you all his affection! You want Kiss on the lips before he goes to work? He'll hesitant at first cause he's shy but will kiss you, You wanna cuddle after he gets back from his night shift? Sure he'll love to! Wanna play video games? He's already player one, You wanna go out shopping? ..Sorry but he'll rather stay inside then go out so you gonna have to call a friend if you wanna go shopping.
He really like your goth style. He's not trying to be a pervert or anything but he like short black skirts you wear, He finds them cool but won't tell you cause he doesn't want you to get the wrong idea. Sometimes when you come from shopping with a friend and you get home you'll make Shin look at the new outfits you buy and have his opinion.. Barleys pay attention and tells you look good in all of the clothes, he's just getting sleepily at this point.
When He has a day where he doesn't have work, He'll spend the whole day with you, Watching Movies, Play video games, Sleeping together, Cuddling, Making out A few soft kisses here and there basically just a lovey day at home with a amazing girlfriend<3
But When Shin is feeling like the day and the weather is good and has no work and a lot of money left over and he feeling good.. He'll actually go out and take you on date with him, Does everything you want to do even if you ask him if he wants to do something he'll just say anything you want to do but sooner or later he'll start saying he wants to go home.
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{ Please don't post my work anywhere else on tumblr and other Websites/Apps without my permission }
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bitchkay · 2 years
I wrote this last night/this morning and edited it when I woke up cus it was like gibberish cus I was half asleep
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its 3:54 am but I just thought of court of darkness headcanons and my brain won't let me think of anything else😁😁
I keep having thoughts of like modern au court of darkness for some reason but like I am not complaining what so ever so-
bartender Fenn.
I mean it's literally canon-
don't tell me it's not perfect for him
Fenn has megan knees.
you heard me
I feel like Rio would work at Burger King- but like he'd love it there
I mean employee discount purr
But like fr he'd love interacting with customers at the counter, Rio's a good cook he'd be good in the kitchen, everyone just loves him cus he's just a bundle of joy
If Rio's not working, the place is dead
Old ladies love him, young women ask for his number, and he gives it to them cus he doesn't know they wanna fuck him-
Fenn would love tinder LMFAOOO
I can see Roy being a model OUUUU😋😋
y'all can't deny bro's beautiful
bro's gorgeous
I feel like he has the charisma, definitely photogenic, has a good sense of style, a pretty face
Roy simply deserves to be on the cover of a magazine.
Dia sells weed, Lynt smokes weed, I don't know why but that makes sense in my head
weed dealer Dia and pot head Lynt scratches some kind of fucked up itch in my brain and I love it
Lance also smokes but I'm pretty sure that's also canon
Dia hates mushrooms on pizza.
Toa loves pixie stix.
Rio reminds me of Ryuzo somewhat, from dreamy days in west Tokyo, but only in terms of naivety (however Ryu is simply charmingly stupid), so for obvious reasons I can also see Rio working in a vegetable market
Guy bullies people on Tiktok.
I really can't see Lynt really having a job but yk bills need to be paid, so he probably has some on campus job at his college, not only for convenience but so he doesn't have to go two places in one day lol
Guy sleeps full nude in the summer but with socks on.
Knight and Thoma play video games together but they're way to fucking competitive, if something in the room doesn't break did they really play video games
Fenn drunkenly hooked up with his college professor but didn't know it was his college professor until he went to school the next day and was like "... wait a damn minute--"
Guy has THE BIGGEST ass, bbl who?? it's all natural baby😋😋
Rio goes to the gym.
that's it.
the thought of Rio working out makes me drool
why ain't this man in my draws yet-
I don't like caramel but Toa loves caramel, for that reason I say there is a video of us throwing hands on world star. Guy recorded cus I was winning.
Rio would love Waffle House.
Knight would literally LIVE in cat cafes HOLY SHIT-
If you went to a cat cafe you'll see Knight so often you'd think he worked there💀💀
Nah he just wont leave
"Sir, please go home.. we have to close" "5 more minutes... "
I wanna have a smoke sesh with Lance, I wanna get high with him and just chill, probably fuck, then order a pizza and watch old reruns on the TV.. yes
Lynt would also be nice to smoke with, we'd just vibe together, talk about random bullshit, pass the blunt back and forth while cuddling on my couch, also probably fuck, then sleep off the high
I mean its pretty canon Sherry can't fucking cook, so the existence of instant is her saving grace
Roy tried to teach her to make rice but it just wasn't working out so he ended up buying her a rice cooker
Roy spoils Sherry rotten with the kitchen appliances, but will not stop because the smile on her face when he got her a hot pink Keurig machine is the most priceless reward
Sherry got into modeling because of Roy, because shes short she started with clothing ads but sooner or later she was sharing magazines with her brother, literal sibling goals😤😤
The way I actually wanna make the magazine covers happen but my tablet is a task and a half to draw on being as it's old and the home button's fucked up, my laptop is also fucked up, I swear it's on its last legs 90% of the time, my laptops a literal dinosaur, and my phone has no storage so I can't even draw on here, which leaves paper but I hate drawing in my sketch book--
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I'm gonna cry.
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bokebelle · 3 years
connie springer + friends with benefits
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A/N: this is very very self-indulgent and ended up being longer than intended but please enjoy my Connie brainrot bc i love him a lot and he needs more content
WARNINGS: 16+; friends with benefits relationship; mentions of sex; modern au
PAIRINGS: connie springer x gn!reader
TAGS: fluff, a tiny tiny bit of angst.
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One of the best people to get into a friends with benefits type of relationship 💯
You guys would have to be good friends before this kind of relationship happens. Connie may be fun and goofy from time to time but he wants to make sure you trust him as a partner and vice versa
He probably wasn't even looking for a fwb type relationship tbh it probably just happened and you guys just went with it
it probably started with growing sexual tension whenever you two hung out. A little playful flirting here and there 👀
At a party, you two were a little flirter than usual and he just looked around to see if anyone was around, and whispered in your ear if you wanted to make out in his car LMAO of course you agreed
things just escalated over time til he offered to take you home one night and you best believe he did NOT go home that night
When the post nut clarity finally hit that you guys hooked up, he just asks if you would want to do it again
Connie turned to look at you, lips slightly swollen, with a light dusting of pink on his cheeks and a light sheen of sweat on his chest. "So...wanna do it again?"
"Right now?!" you sit up, instantly feeling the soreness in your lower half. you definitely weren't ready for another round
"Not now, dummy. But maybe...whenever we both wanna, y'know..." he avoided looking at you, suddenly feeling embarrassed at his own proposition. "but if you totally don't want to, it's fine I understand."
A small smile dances on you lips. He looked cute all flustered, suddenly looking nervous when he was anything but just moments ago. "I think I'd like that."
You two don't really tell anyone, but you don't keep it a secret either. He'd tell them what's up if people would ask (if you wanted them to know) but since you guys flirt all the time no one really suspected anything more was going on
the longer your relationship progresses, the bolder he gets lmao literally went from being shy about asking to hookup in his apartment to dragging your ass you his car during a date because his dick "suddenly missed his best buddy" you smacked him
He is also very open to experimenting and trying new things. He'll try it once and if it doesn't work then it's fine. He also respects your boundaries if ever you don't feel comfortable with the idea of trying something new. he won pressure you and won't bring it up
Probably uses a safeword like "taco"
He isn't THAT rough that you'd need one, but he wants to give you the option of stopping whenever you feel like you can handle it 😭 this baby doesn't wanna hurt you and wants you as safe as possible 🥺
This man is a great mix of playful and serious in the bedroom. He knows when to make you laugh during sex and to tone it down when you just need a physical release. your comfort is his priority so he wants to make sure he fits whatever you need
Connie is actually really good with aftercare despite not knowing it's actually a thing!!
He just knows it's on him to take care of his partner afterwards so he helps you clean up, gives you clean clothes especially if you're at his place, and offers you a snack or asks if you wanna watch a movie
If you want to cuddle and just talk, he's totally down! if you also need some personal space, he'll totally respect that and give you the time you need, whenever you need it.
He can be a total flirt but he's also very friendly and knows his limits so he doesn't end up sending mixed signals. He's flirty enough to keep things interesting but not enough to confuse either of you about your relationship unless he falls for you.
Great aftercare? Attentive in the bedroom? Funny, handsome, respectful king? overall one of the best people to have a FWB relationship hands down
If you ever decide you want to end that kind of setup, he'll totally respect it and would still treat you as a good friend! will occasionally make inside jokes about hooking up but it's all in good nature because he enjoyed his time with you and he wants you to remember that time with the same smile he has whenever he thinks about it pls i love him
BONUS: Falling in love with Connie during your FWB relationship (and him falling in love you with back)
honestly how can you not fall for him
Connie is always so sweet, funny, respectful, both in and out of the bedroom so it wasn't long before you started wanting to stay in his arms a bit more after a good session
Connie never treated you any differently, but there were times when things just felt different
The moment you knew you had feelings for him was when he fucked you differently compared to your previous sessions
Sure he would blow your back out every now and then, but there were also more mellow times with him when you both were feeling lazy and needy
But THIS was a new experience. He fucked you slowly, but intensely. His hands were all over you but his touches were more gentle and soft. His kisses were a little bit sweeter and the caresses on your face lingered just a bit longer.
You snuggled into his chest a little more after that and you swore he held you a bit tighter, pulling your body just a bit closer to his. When you became aware of his heart beating under your ear, and found yourself being lulled to sleep by it, you knew you were fucked both literally and figuratively
Your feelings for him weighed you down more and more until you decided you were playing a dangerous game and you had to get out before you reached the point of no return
it sucked having to break things off with Connie but it was the first rule of any fwb relationship and you broke it more and more everyday.
As you sat up and rolled out of bed, ready to get dressed and leave, you felt Connie's arms come up behind you and rested his chin against your shoulder.
"Hey, why don't you stay the night?" he asked, placing a quick kiss on the junction between your neck and shoulder.
You exhale heavily, dreading what was coming next. You didn't plan on breaking it off so soon, but you knew staying the night would only be the wrong choice to make - for your sake and your heart's.
"I don't think that's a good idea."
"C'mon, this isn't the first time you've stayed the night. Please?" You wanted to give in. You wanted to roll around, kiss his pretty face and spend the night in his arms. But knowing he didn't feel the same way as you did, knowing you'd leave with a heart that would break a little bit more if you stayed over, is what made you say no.
"It's not a good idea, Connie." you take a deep breath. "Actually, I think we aren't a good idea anymore."
You felt him withdraw his arms from your torso, the areas where he held you instantly feeling cold and empty. You hold on tighter to the sheets, partly to cover yourself up but mostly to keep you from breaking down in front of him.
"What?! Why not? Did I do something wrong? Was I too rough?"
Connie desperately racked his brain for what could have gone wrong from when you were saying his name like a prayer to now. He didn't want to mess it up with you, he really didn't. You slowly became someone he felt safe with. You became the one he wanted to see first thing in the morning, that's why he wanted you to stay over. He was falling for you, but he didn't want to admit it just yet. Maybe you caught on and didn't feel the same way? He knew he'd have to tell you eventually, but he wanted to be selfish a little bit longer. He wanted to enjoy what you guys had before going back to being just friends with no 'benefits'.
"I know we agreed to being just friends but I think I'm starting to feel something more than that and it's really stupid. But I don't think I can do this anymore without falling for you more than I already have." The tension in the air is palpable. In the time it takes for what you said to finally sink in Connie's mind, you decided his silence was his final answer.
When Connie saw your figure quietly get up from the edge of the bed, he knew this was his chance.
He quickly made his way over to your side, sitting on the edge. He reached out and gently wrapped his arms around your waist.
"Don't go, please." He whispered into the skin of your back.
You turn to look at him, keeping your tears at bay, trying to pry his arms off of you. God, with the way he was looking at you, that was almost all the convincing you need to stay just last night with him
"Connie, don't make this harder on me. You don't understa-"
"No, [y/n]" he cuts you off, now moving his hands to hold yours. "you don't understand." he delicately presses a kiss to your fingertips before kissing the back of your hand. "I want you. I want you to stay."
The meaning behind his words lit a spark in you that erupted into a passionate flame in your chest.
Connie wanted you. He wanted you just as much as you wanted him.
You cup his face, one of his hands coming up to rest over yours. You lean down and place the sweetest, softest kiss you can on his lips. It's not much but you hope he can feel all you've wanted to tell him in that one kiss.
"Okay, Connie, okay" you whisper as your lips pulled away from his own, a small smile forming when he whined at the loss of contact.
You committed the image of Connie Springer pouting at you because he wanted a kiss to your memory. You would tease him about it soon enough, you just wanted cherish the fact that he wanted kisses - your kisses.
You had more nights to share, more kisses to give him, but for now you just wanted to enjoy the feeling of having Connie in your arms, knowing you had each other as long as your hearts wanted.
You wanted to enjoy the feeling of Connie simply being there, finally being yours. He wasn't going anywhere, and neither were you.
"I'll stay."
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Whacky Gotham, Goofy New York, and Chaotic Paris.
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7)
Chapter 5: Then Let The Games Begin
Soooo, the Batfam is panicking, Gotham's confused as to why Iron Man is flying over Gotham like a madman, and Maria is with two of Gotham's Sirens (but only Ivy and Harley know this) having a wonderful time playing with Bud and Lou.
Let's start with the Sirens.
Harley is watching over Maria and Tikki as they sleep with Bud and Lou, Ivy walkes over to sit next to Harley, handing her a cup of tea.
"So, what's the diagnosis?" - Ivy
"She has some sort of trauma, has class issues... and handles more than she should, but still does everythin', on top of bein' a hero. She's been through some sh-t Pam." Yeah Harley may have found out Maria's a hero (if the tiny god and magic were anything to go by).
"Is she alone?" - Ivy
"No, thankfully, she has supportive parents, and friends that aren't little sh-ts. I think they're also heroes, she also has a lot, and I a mean A LOT of pent up emotions, she doesn't show anythin' negative, only positive things. She seems to shrink in on herself if she thinks she does somethin' wrong. Pam, we both know there's a limit to how much crap a person can take before they snap, and she's such a sweet kid. There has to be somethin' we can do to help her Ives." Ok she found out alot, but in Marias' defense, they have trustworthy souls, and they were the only other people (besides her friends) that she talked to about it, yes she had her Maman and Uncle to talk about hero stuff, but for the stuff her class does, she only ever vented (without being negative) to her friends.
"Her class is visiting the Botanical Gardens in three days, and it's a 2 part tour, so we can see just what's going on. If it's bad then we scare them a bit, if it's bad bad... they can handle a few slightly poisonous plants right?" - Ivy
"God I love the way ya think Ives, do ya think she can stay with us? I mean look at how cute she is with Bud and Lou... Oh my god, she's cuddlin' dem, and ya gave her a flower crown, how'd I miss that?! Where's the camera?"
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Harley took a picture to remind her of this wonderful moment. As Ivy and Harley looked at the picture, they both promised to keep Maria safe, and maybe become sorta kinda-ish parents to her while she's in Gotham.
•—–·Now back to the Bat-Chaos Bat-Cave·–—•
Tim took over the chair and was now searching the possible locations with Jarvis, Damian was sitting on a different chair, trying to act cool, but he wouldn't stop looking over at Tim, to see his progress. Bruce was talking over the comms with Tony. Dick and Jason, weren't helping (they kept feeding each other worse and worse ideas of what could have happened to Maria). Then they heard Jarvis speak.
"I have found the most likely area Ms. Dupain-Cheng would be in. Her phone died about 56 blocks away from her hotel, if we don't count kidnapping, or murder, she would have thought about asking for directions, but may have decided not to considering the city she is in. So that leaves us with a possible 15-25 mile radius from her last known location. I think it best to divide into groups of two, have Oracle stay and update you if anything on security, and or traffic cameras happens. Bruce will be with Tony, Dick will go with Tim, and Jason will go with Damain to search within the area. Stephanie and Cassandra will search around a 5 mile radius near Wayne hotel." as Jarvis continued to explain the other details, the Batfam began to suit up, Batman met up with Iron Man, and they took the North area, Nightwing and Red Robin took the East area, while Red Hood and Robin searched the South. Steph and Cass were on foot in civilian clothes, searching the West area they were assigned.
They searched for the whole day, and came up with nothing. Until Oracle saw a video from a traffic cam around 9pm, 15 blocks away from where her phone died. She called it in and everyone went back to the cave. Once everyone was at the Bat-Computer, Oracle pressed play, the cameras didn't have sound, and it wasn't close enough to see if she was ok.
They watched as she went to an overgrown parking lot and sat down. She was looking down at the ground, and that's when they spotted two figures round the corner and spot her. They watched as the two figures approach Maria, and saw the startled reaction she had. They realized it was Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy that were talking to her, then they saw Maria collapse. They watched as Harley made sure she was ok, looking over to Ivy before looking back to Maria and picking her up. The last thing they saw, was Maria being carried away by two of Gothams' most dangerous rouges, but now they knew where to look next.
•—–· Back to Ivy and Harley ·–—•
Harley continued to take adorable pictures of the children.
"God, they're so f-ckin' cute!" - Harley for the 20th time
As Ivy continued to watch while caring for her plants, Catwoman walked in.
"Hey girls, got the stuff for movie night, so what are we- Holy mother of cats! He adopted another f-cking child didn't he! Where the hell does he keep finding them?! 7 was ment to be the god DAMN LIMIT!!!" - Catwoman
Maria jumped at the sudden shouting and may have accidentally summoned a yo-yo (one made useing creation magic and protection magic) before saying.
"Tikki where's the akuma?! How long was I out?! Forget it Tikki spot-" she then realized she wasn't in Paris, and seeing a new face, she also realized she just spilled her secret to another person within the same day... kinda
"Fffffffffffudge sunday that fell on the pavement!" - Maria shouted in baker profanities
"That's not how ya curse sweetheart. It should go more like-" Harley was cut off by a vine Ivy had summoned.
"Harley, cursing makes the plants sad, you know this." - Ivy said removing the vine
Harley just walked over to Maria and whipsered it in her ear.
"You're supposed to say it more like this, ' ..... .... ... .. ....... .. ... .....' ok?" - Harley ended with a big smile
"... I will never see this world in the same frickin' light ever again." - Maria
"ehh close enough." - Harley
"Can someone please tell me, WTH is going on here, on our special girls day off?!" - Catwoman
"She is a new member of the Sirens as of today, and as a member, she's unda our protection, so effective immediately." - Harley
"Cool." - Maria
"Harley." - Ivy
"Wut... first things first, if she is going to join, she needs to be very flexible, know how to fight, and be incredibly intelligent." - Catwoman
"She beat Ed's @ss with a gun pointed at her, and solved every riddle with ease, so I'm positive she'll be an amazin' addition to the team." - Harley
'God she sounds like a new mother now' "But we don't know how good her flexibility is." - Catwoman
"I know, hey Maria, ya wanna do some tricks with me, of course we need to stretch first, but do ya wanna give it a go?" - Harley
"Sure." - Maria
Ivy and Catwoman sat down on a couch a few feet away from where Maria and Harley stood in the empty part of the building. They started out with stretches, and to Catwoman's surprise (and Harley's delight) Maria copied Harleys streches perfectly.
"Ok, now that that's done, we'll start with some cartwheels, then move on to flips, then handsprings and so on." - Harley
Maria gave Harley a nod... and they were off... literally, Harley did a cartwheel into a handspring, and a few backflips, Maria executed it flawlessly. Harley did some more complicated gymnastics tricks, and Maria did it, Harley did triple backflips going into a cartwheel, into a summersault, and Maria did that perfectly as well. This went on until both Harley and Maria were slightly out of breath, both having massive smiles on their faces.
"Ives, please let her join, she's like a mini me." - Harley then hugged Maria and they somehow both tripled in cuteness as they both did puppy (or Puss In Boots style) eyes at Catwoman and Ivy.
"Sure Harley." - Ivy said walking over to give Harley a small kiss on the cheek.
"Okay... but she doesn't have a costume yet, and she still has to think of a name for herself." - Catwoman
"Is a mouse good, like a mouse themed costume, that or a Turtle themed one. What do you think Harley?" - Maria
"Mmmm, I like that with the mouse you can always toy with Cat, ya know, cat an' mouse stuff, turtle seems... weird even fawh Gotham, so personally I would pick mouse, just because of the cheesy jokes you could do." - Harley
"Very funny, ok then, give me a moment."  Maria then reached out her hand, her eyes then started to glow an icy blue, and a small portal opened in front of her, she reached in and pulled out a small pendant necklace. After she put it on a small mouce appeared and greated itself, Marias' eyes going back to normal after closing the portal.
"Hello I'm Mullo, nice to meet you all."
"Omg omg omg, It's soooo f-ckin' CUTE!" - Harley
"Best to assume all of them are extremely cute Harls." - Ivy
"What the Hell did I miss in the week I was gone?!" - Catwoman
"Ehh, not much, oh but Iron Man did fly aroun' Gotham a few times earlier this mornin' like a madman." - Harley
"Oh sh-t." - Maria
"Maria are ya ok? That was ya first official proper curse in my presence." Harley said looking over to the girl.
"He's gonna kill me." - Maria
"Wait, what do you mean Marigold?" - Ivy
"... He's my Uncle, and I never got to text him I was ok, since my phone died before I met you." - Maria
"Hey, I'm sure he'll understand, now what are we watchin'?" - Harley
"I think we have more important matters other than movies at the moment!" - Catwoman
"Ok, Me Myself and Irene it is." - Harley
"No! You basically kidnapped Iron Mans' NIECE!!!" - Catwoman
"Technically, she fainted and us bein' the good Gothamites we are, decided to take her with us, to make sure she was a-okay." - Harley
"I'm ganna need more than just a six pack of soda to get me through this... Just put the movie on already." - Catwoman
Catwoman sat at the far left end of the couch, next to her sat Ivy, then Maria, and then Harley, Bud and Lou by their feet. All of them sharing one big blanket (Becuase if Iron Man did show up, or any of the birds, then Maria was in a protective burrito and they may not see her right away) and they started the movie.
"Oh god, the poor cow." - Maria
"Hahahaha, he stuck a whole f-ckin' chicken head in that guys @ss" - Harley
"The poor chicken." - Maria
"Maria you don't want to see this part." - Ivy then lightly covered her eyes for the ehem, chicken extraction.
"Anyone up for another movie?" - Harley
"That depends." - Ivy
"Any suggestions Cat?" - Harley looked across to the other end of the couch to see Catwoman already sleeping.
"She took her cat-nap already? Seriously?" - Harley
"... What about Pirates of The Caribbean?" - Maria
"I'm good with that." - Ivy
And they started the next movie, Maria was happy, it felt like when her maman and papa would sleep with her when she made a pillow fort. It was a loving atmosphere, it felt safe, and nothing could ruin it. Marias' eyes became heavy, and she leaned her head on Harleys' shoulder, falling asleep after a few minutes.
Ivy paused the move looking over to see both Harley and Maria sleeping, soon Ivy also fell asleep in the comfortable silence.
Around an hour later Maria woke up in a panic, she had a nightmare, and kept looking around frantically for someone with tears running down her face.
"What's the matter hun?" - Harley said looking around to see if someone had gotten in. When she looked back at Maria she saw that she was crying.
"What happened?" Harley asked in a kind voice that was filled with motherly love.
"I, just *hic* had a bad dream that's *hic* all, I'm fine." - Maira said trying to wipe the tears away.
"You're ok, I promise nothin's goin' to happen to ya as long as Ivy and I are here, ok hun?" - Harley hugged Maria, and she could feel the girl let out a few more sobs, and quick breathes.
"Thanks Maman." Maria didn't even realize what she had said, it just felt natural for her to say it.
"You're welcome hun." 'Omg I'm gonna cry, she called me maman!' Harley rubbed small circles over Marias' back, and began humming until she fell asleep, she continued to hug Maria until she also fell asleep.
•—–· Back to the Chaos Bat-Cave ·–—•
"What do you mean she's with two of Gotham City's Sirens?!" - Tony
"Tony, calm down, I'll call Selina, she can talk to them and get this all sorted out." - Bruce
"Your fiancee is a Gotham Siren too?! Why didn't you tell me?!" - Tony
"Why isn't she picking up? And unlike some people, this family doesn't like outing our secret identities... on live TV." - Bruce
"Oh well excuse me for not keeping my secret identity a SECRET!" - Tony
"I'll try calling her one more time." - Bruce
"Bruce, it's 3am. Who in their right mind ever stays up this late.... aside from this family." - Tim with a giant coffee mug in hand.
"... I'll just call her one more time." Bruce then connected it to the Bat-Computer so everyone could hear.
•—–· Back to the Sirens ·–—•
Catwoman's phone is ringing like crazy, waking everyone up, including a tired, annoyed, and confused Selina.
"Wth does he want at 3 in the morning?!" - Selina
"Just answer it so we can keep sleepin'." - Harley still hugging Maria
"I'm putting it on speaker, so you lot can testify against his @ss in court, for disturbing the peace."
•—–· Over to Batsy ·–—•
"Selina I need to ask-"
"Oooooh, she sounds pissed Bruce." - Jason
"I'm sorry to call you at this hour, but we need to find a girl that looks just like every single one of my other kids." - Bruce
"Bruce... I thought we agreed that 7 kids was. the. f-cking. limit." - Selina
•—–· Back to the Sirens ·–—•
Selina looked over to Maria before muting the speaker.
"Do you want them to know you're here Kitten?" - Selina
"... I'm tired, I haven't had coffee, I have no filter, so f-ck it, act like you never saw me today, and let them drown in chaos. " - Maria
"I think I like filter less Maria." - Harley
"Okay." Selina shrugged her shoulders and then un-muted her phone, putting it back on speaker mode.
"Where was she last seen?" - Selina
"She was last seen with Harley and Poison Ivy, I want you to see if she's still with them." - Bruce
Selina looked over to Maria and Harley, both of them shook their heads with mischievous grins.
"I've been with them all day, and I haven't once seen a girl that looks like your kids. Now can I go back to sleep, and forget this ever happened?" - Selina
"Oh, hey Tony, didn't know you were there, don't know who, or where your niece is, but good luck trying to find her. Oh and Bruce, I'm shutting my phone off so you don't keep calling till the butt crack of dawn. And congrats it's now 4am. you owe me a lunch date, uh-ba-bye." Selina then hung up her phone and turned it off.
"That went pretty well if you ask me, now I'm going back to sleep." - Selina
•—–· Back to Batsy ·–—•
The room was silent for a few minutes before Jason spoke up.
"Does that mean that Pixiepop ran away and is even more lost now?!" - Jason
"Oh god, what do we do, what if she got hurt?!" - Dick
"What if she got kidnapped?!" - Jason
"What if she's with a big time Gotham Villain?!" - Dick
"... What if she got more coffee?" - Tim
"Oh Hell No" - Jason/Dick
"... Lets all go to sleep, and when we wake up, we'll head over to their base and double check. She could've just said that because I called her at 3am." - Bruce
"But my niece is still out there!" - Tony
"You're going to sleep Tony." - Pepper then dragged Tony to his room.
•—–· Back to Maria ·–—•
Selina went to a different part of the building, where Maria assumed the bedrooms were. Ivy had gone to the greenhouse to be with the plants, and now it was just her and Harley left on the couch, and she couldn't sleep.
"... Harley?" - Maria
"Yeah hun?" - Harley
"I can't sleep." - Maria
"Well, watcha wanna do till ya get tired?" Harley asked sitting up a little straighter to get a better look at Maria.
Maria gave a sly smile, and looked Harley in the eyes "Want to go free-running on the rooftops?"
"... Alright, but lets get some coffee, and a snack in us first." - Harley gave her a side hug, before getting up to go make the coffee, and grab some snacks.
After they had their coffee, they climbed to the roof of the base. Harley was in her outfit, bat in hand and ready to do some bonding.
"So, how does ya outfit work?" - Harley
"Like so, ready Mullo?" - Maria
"Yes Maria" - Mullo
"Ok, Mullo, Get Squeaky!" A bright light flashes, and when Harley could see again, Maria was in a dark gray suit, wearing black knee high boots, with a strip of pink at the knee, and black elbow length gloves with the same pink strip at her elbow. Her mask was a slightly lighter gray on the top part, and pink on the bottom. Her hair was pulled into two buns with pink ribbons that faded to gray, and to black at the very tip. Her jump rope around her waist forming a tail going just below the back of her knees.
"Just when I think ya can't get any more adorable. So what should I call ya?" - Harley
"You can call me Multimouse." - Maria
Soon they were racing and doing tricks off different roofs, they were really enjoying themselves. From one of the roofs they heard a commotion in one of the alleys, when they looked down they saw a man holding a woman at gunpoint.
"Not good, seems like he's got issues, probably lost his lover, most likely has additions to drugs and alcohol, and seems to be a little tipsy." - Harley
"I've got a plan." - Multimouse
Multimouse droped a little way behind the guy, grabbing his attention while Harley got the lady to safety.
"You know there's a help center two blocks from here that would be more than willing to help you." - Multimouse
The crook just raised his gun to her trying to keep it steady as he spoke.
"Give me all your money little girl, or else I'll hurt you."
"1. That's not how you hold a gun. 2. That is no way to treat any girl. and 3. Instead of money, I'll give you my jump rope." - Multimouse
"Why the hell would I want your jump rope, that thing looks worthless." the crook lowered his guard enough as Multimouse pretended to hand over her jump rope, only to use it in a quick motion to dismarm the man, as Harley promptly knocked him out with one swing.
"Lets neva have ya at gunpoint again, okay hun? I'm afraid my heart can't take it." - Harley said while tying the crook to a lamppost.
"Sorry, but it was the best idea I could come up with at the moment, besides, any guy with a gun would feel like they have the upper hand if they're facing a random little girl with a jump rope, rather than Gothams' Harley Quinn with a bat." - Multimouse
"Sadly I'm just too popular with the kiddos on the street." - Harley
They continued to stop a few more muggers on the way back to the base, and when they got back they peaked around the corner to see the whole Batfam plus Iron Man talking with Ivy and Selina.
"How much you want to bet we can get back out before they see us?" - Whispering Multimouse
"... Lets try hidin' in the kitchen." - Whispering Harley
As they tried to sneak by (still in their costumes) Selina just walks over and draggs them to the group.
"Here, now let me sleep!" - Selina
"Dang it Selina we wanted tah see just how long we could hide out in the kitchen!" - Harley
Selina did a double take now realizing they both went out.
"... You didn't." - Selina
"We wanted tah go free-runnin'! So what?" - Harley
"She could've gotten hurt Harls." - Ivy
"My suits magic, I am invulnerable to bullets, normal magic, swords, knifes, anything staby staby, and I can withstand any temperature in it." Multimouse said with a slight pout.
"Hold up, is she a magical girl?" - Red Hood in the background
When Selina let go both Harley and Multimouse went behind Ivy for protection.
"We can still make a run for it." - Harley whispered to Multimouse
"... Ok, I'll meet you on the roof." - Whispering Multimouse
Harley gave a nod as she slowly inched her wasy closer to the door that lead to the roof, as she saw Iron Man approach Multimouse.
"Please get out of your suit, we need to talk about why you're here-" - Iron Man
"Multitute!" - Multimouse
Harley then saw Multimouse shrink into dozens of tiny little versions of herself as her clones spread out in all directions, one of which was heading right for her.
"Wth, you never told us she could use magic!" - Red Robin
Harley picked her up, and slipped through the door without anyone noticing.
"That was great, but how do ya get back tuh normal size?" - Harley
"Simple, I just merge back with my clones." As she said this, all her clones came back, and she merged with herself, becoming normal sized again.
"Where to?" - Multimouse
………… So now The Batfam is trying to find many long gone Mini-Multimouses, and Harley seems to have disappeared with her. Harley and Multimouse are now running over the roofs, heading for Wayne Manor.
"So why are we going to Wayne Manor?" - Multimouse
"Because, Batsy will neva think of lookin' for us at his own home, at least not fawh a little while." - Harley
When they arrived at the Manor, Multimouse de-transformed as Harley knocked on the door.
"Ms. Quinn, Ms. Maria, pleasure to see you here, please come in." - Alfred
"Are any of the bat-birds here?" - Harley
"Ms. Barbara, Ms. Stephanie, and Ms. Cassandra are the only ones here at the moment." - Alfred
"Do ya think you can keep us bein' here a secret from Batsy?" - Harley
"Harley? What are you doing here with Maria?" - Barbara
"It seems that Ms. Harley and Ms. Maria are now playing hide and seek with the rest of the family." - Alfred
"Did someone say hide and seek?" - Steph
"Yes, so could we maybe try and keep this a secret from everyone else, please?" - Maria
"Sure, it was starting to get boring around here. We can all hide in the living room no one ever use. Barbara you show them the way, I'll get the food/drinks and boardgames." - Steph
"Is this alright with you Alfred?" Maria
"It's all right Ms. Maria, you can hide out in the old living room." - Alfred
"Thanks Alfie, ya the best." - Harley
"Thank you Alfred." - Maria
"Ok then, follow me." - Barbara
In the old living room, Harley, Maria, Barbara, Steph, and Cass began to formulate a plan.
"Ok, so the best way for them to never find you is to have your phone off, stay away from any and all cameras, and show your face to no one." - Steph
"So, do you have anything in mind that you might want to do?" - Barbara
"Can we put them on a wild goose chase?" - Maria
Cass nodded to Marias' suggestion approvingly.
"I can hack a few traffic cams to help with that." - Barbara
"We can also throw in some useless hints, to throw dem even further off our scent." - Harley
"Good idea Harley." - Barbara
"Thanks, but how long do ya think we should make it last?" - Harley
"As long as Maria wants it to." - Barbara
"Then let the games begin." - Maria.
Chapter 5 complete. Hope everyone is stayin' safe, Rockin' those Positive Vibes, and havin' an absolutely wonderful day. BUG-OUT 🐞💮🐞
〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜Tag List〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜
1st Place★: @animegirlweeb ☕ , 2nd Place★: @jumpingjoy82, 3rd Place★: @zalladane, 4th Place★: @jayjayspixiepop, 5th Place★: @arty-shadow-morningstar, 6th Place★: @smol-book-nerd, 7th Place★: @irontimetravelflower, 8th Place★: @fandom-trapped-03, 9th Place★: @meme991001, 10th Place★: @buginetye, 11th Place★: @blackroserelina, 12th Place★: @jessigurl-design, 13th Place★: @adrestar, 14th Place★: @moon5608, 15th Place★: @little-bluestar, 17th Place★: @myazael, 18th Place★: @our-preciousss, 19th Place★: @wolf2118, 20th Place★: @nyx-in-line, 21st Place★: @kking13, 22nd Place★: @lunerlover2024, 23rd Place★: @moonlightstar64, 24th Place★: @corporeal-terrestrial, 25th Place★: @kashlyn, 26th Place★: @tbehartoo, 27th Place★: @heart-charming, 28th Place★: @solangelo252, 29th Place★: @t1dwarrior-of-earth, 30th Place★: @lady-phoenix-of-tardis, @lupagrimm
277 notes · View notes
mintugiyuu · 3 years
> here’s the final part of your request @kyojoroo ! I’m so sorry it’s in two different parts, but I learned for the first time that these text boxes have a limit lmao, again I hope you enjoy and have a great day/night! <3
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༄ we have to stop meeting like this - continued
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sfw one-shot
➥ pairing || rengoku kyojurou x reader
➥ au || modern day; college
➥ warnings || cheesy, tooth-rotting fluff with extra cheese
➥ synopsis || the reader keeps bumping into the one and only rengoku kyojurou; only instead of just casually seeing him over and over again, they quite literally bump into him in the most inconvenient ways possible. (cont.)
➥ part one || click here!
༄ the mediterranean sea collection - masterlist
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Today had to be one of the worst days in your life. Freezing, drenched, and newly homeless, you tucked yourself onto the bus stop bench. Lucky you, this one didn't even have an awning to protect you from the elements.
The rain had no pity for your predicament as it pelted your body, the light clothing doing close to nothing for you. Summer had just come, yet the night rainfall seemed to have brought an unexpected chill.
Not to mention the suitcase and duffle bag you had with you were now also getting soaked.
You could only hope nothing was too waterlogged.
Your hand did little to protect your dying phone from getting wet as you tried to search for the nearest place to stay. Motel, hotel, air B'N'B; anything in range to get you off the streets for the night.
You had a feeling this would happen, and boy were kicking yourself for not seeing the red flags and preparing sooner.
Not having enough savings for a dorm, you had signed a contract with the residents of an apartment to rent out one of the rooms for cheap.
The agreement only lasted for two semesters, but they had promised that you'd be able to renew it once summer rolled around.
"Promise my ass." You grumbled, remembering how the original owner had gotten a partner. In return, they refused to let you sign another contract so they would have space for the "love of their life".
You saw the signs; you saw how their stuff slowly moved into the apartment and all the time they were spending there.
You just didn't think they'd be shitty enough people to kick you out the moment your contract ended.
A gust of icy wind rolled through, causing another shudder to rack your body. The closest place wasn't in walking distance, and it was far to late for the buses to be running. Sighing, you shut off your phone and closed your eyes.
You had resigned yourself to walk the several blocks to the nearest 24/7 fast food place to at least get out of the rain.
That was until the rain fall suddenly stopped beating down on you. The rain couldn't have stopped though, you could still hear it. You blinked your eyes open and looked up, surprised to what - or more accurately, who - you saw.
Standing there in all his warmth and glory, Kyojurou looked down at you with concern, holding a bright red umbrella over your soaked form.
He couldn't seem to help the small smile that graced his lips at the sound of his first name.
"I'd be happier that you finally used my name if you didn't look so sad and drenched."
A humorless snort escaped your lips as you hugged yourself, shivering slightly. "Timing always has my side doesn't it? I'm just about to head to the closest food place to get out of the rain, so don't worry about it."
"I got kicked out," you shrugged, looking to the ground.
"This late at night?"
"It surprised me too. They found a new roommate and wouldn't let me renew my contract for the next school year, and it just so happens it ended tonight." There was a hint of bitterness in your tone, one that was completely understandable.
Kyojurou's brows furrowed. "They didn't give you a heads up? A two week notice?"
"I'm just lucky they let me pack all of my stuff before I had to leave." You continued to look down at the ground, not seeing the way Kyojurou's face contorted ever so slightly.
He didn't get mad often, but whoever your old roommates are were now on his shit list
"Well that's a shitty thing to do," he stated bluntly, causing you to sputter and blink dumbly at him.
It's been almost a year since you've met the blonde, and in all that time you never once heard him say a single bad word.
"Did you just curse??"
He pretended not to hear, pulling out his own phone to see the time as you mulled over the fact that this sweet ray of sunshine just called someone shitty.
Expression neutralizing as he schemed, he turned back to you. "You don't have to stay in a fast food place for the night."
"Huh?? Are you suggesting I sleep in a box?"
The man smiled, resting a reassuring hand on top of your shoulder, frustration forgotten for now. "You can stay with me!"
"What now?"
Chuckling, he passed the umbrella off to you to hold, beginning to slip his arms out of the jacket he wore. "You can stay with me for the time being until you get back on your feet! Well, us. If you wanted to of course! Sanemi just moved out, so we're looking for a new one regardless."
Baffled at the sudden offer, you started to shake your head, forming the words to decline him. It was too big of a favor, how could you accept that?
He was one step ahead of you, as he always is.
"Before you say anything, no, it would not be any trouble, you're a joy to have around! We can settle the nitty gritty later, let's just get you out of the cold."
"Wait, Kyojurou," you were silenced by a heavy warmth that suddenly engulfed your upper body, including your sight. Moving the fabric from your eyes, you realized it was his jacket.
His once dry clothes was slowly becoming just as soaked as you were as he took back the umbrella, insistently keeping it solely above you.
The gentle way he smiled in combination with the light post that shined behind his head had you convinced he was your guardian angel in disguise.
You hesitantly pulled the jacket closer to your body, not being able to deny how relieving the warmth felt. "But, won't you be cold?"
"My insides are practically pocket heaters, it takes a lot for me to be cold. A little wind and rain won't do anything to me, I promise! Now come on, before you get sick," he insisted as he grabbed your bag, throwing them over his shoulder.
"Little" was an understatement, but you didn't have the energy to argue. It was the middle of the night and you could feel your eyes starting to droop.
Grabbing your luggage to role behind, you let the other wrap his free arm around your form, hand resting on your arm. "Thank you, truly I don't know where to start showing how grateful I am. I owe you big time."
"Never refer to me as Rengoku-san again and I'll call it even!"
A wobbly smile tugged at your lips as you leaned into his side, letting him guide you down the route to his apartment. "You have a deal then, Kyojurou."
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The weather broadcasters warned everyone about heavy snowfall, but you couldn’t help but think they could’ve prepared everyone a bit more as you stared out your window and could only see the shadow of snow.
Thank the gods above it was winter break or they’d have to cancel classes, which would just be tuition money flushed down the shitter.
Your train of thought was interrupted by a knock at the door of the bedroom you were in, which was odd because the door was open.
Low and behold, it was your sweetheart of a boyfriend, holding two mugs and using his foot to knock. “I brought hot coco!”
"You don't have to knock, this is your room you dork."
"Our room technically, my dear." He responded smoothly, shutting the door with his foot behind him as he made his way to you.
"Careful not to spill it," he winked, laughing slightly as he handed you your mug.
"Just for that I should," you scoffed playfully, sticking your tongue out at him as you took the drink. The smile on his face was nothing but adoring, finding you to be adorable. You had to look away to dismiss the butterflies that swarmed in your tummy. “Looks like we’re snowed in for a bit. The snow is above the windows.”
Kyojurou hummed in agreement. “I still don’t understand how tiny snowflakes can become so damaging so fast!”
“You’re funny,” you chuckled, taking a sip of the hot beverage. Kyojurou always made the best hot chocolate.
“... UME! I’m glad I can be amusing!” You couldn't hold down the snort at the realization that he wasn't joking, swallowing and shaking your head. You granted him mercy and switched the subject.
“What are the others up to?”
Kyojurou leaned against the sill next to you, shoulder bumping yours affectionately. “Tengen is in the living room playing video games with his girlfriends, Mitsuri is watching a movie in her room and Obanai is watching with her. I think she's also painting his nails from the conversation I overheard while passing by."
“I see.”
The both of you were leaning against the window sill, basking in the comfortable silence. It wasn't common in an apartment full of unique roommates.
Even now you both could hear the loud victory cheer of Suma as Tengen groaned in defeat.
Taking another sip of your drink, you hummed, lifting your head to face Kyojurou. You were going to say something, but that was forgotten as you covered your mouth with your fingers as to not laugh suddenly.
"Hm? Is something wrong?" Your poor oblivious lover had a whipped cream mustache. He tilted his head at you - not unlike an owl - seemingly confused to your sudden shift in expression. You swallowed your laughter down as you placed your drink onto the sill, stepping closer to the blonde.
"No, nothing's wrong. You just have a little something rigghtt..." you reached out to grip his chin gently, swiping your thumb across his top lip to collect the whipped cream. "-there, all gone!"
A pretty, bright red color spread across Kyojurou’s face, wide eyes blinking owlishly at you with his mouth slightly agape. Laughing quietly at his reaction, you licked the cream off your thumb, patting the side of his cheek teasingly.
"You'll catch flies, hun." A click of teeth could be heard as he closed his mouth.
"RIGHT!" He stopped himself to clear his throat, turning to face the window as his usual smile reappeared, though a bit wobbly. "Thank you!"
All you did was hum, a slight mischievous smirk settling onto your face. You were set to happily go back to your drink when you shivered, the chill of the room finally reaching you through your clothes.
Kyojurou caught it from the corner of his eye, turning back to you. “Are you cold?”
You waved him off, shaking your head. It wasn't an uncommon occurrence, you'll just get another sweatshirt.
“I’ll be ok. The hot coco will warm me up in- WOAH!” That plan was thrown out the window when he suddenly scooped you up into his broad arms, smiling determinedly.
"You're not allowed to just continue on being cold, not if I can help it!" The firey man plopped you down onto your shared bed, quickly gathering the collection of fluffy blankets you have accumulated over time.
In the blink of an eye, you were neatly swaddled in said blankets and being held gently to your boyfriend's warm chest. He settled underneath the main blanket, wrapping his strong arms around your body.
“Is that better?” He beamed at you, looking oh so proud of himself.
What did you do to deserve him?
"Much," you all but groaned, snuggling your face into the warmth of his chest. It was like cuddling a big warm marshmallow. “I still can’t understand how you’re so warm.”
“I’m a living-breathing heater, my dear. I’ve explained this before, I’m sure of it.”
You snorted, leaning into his hand as he began to run his fingers through your hair. “I’m not complaining, you’re good to keep around for whenever my hands freeze.”
“I wouldn’t mind one bit," his voice came out softly, planting a warm kiss to onto your forehead. This in turn caused you to melt even further into him, burying your face into his shirt.
Kyojurou laughed with amusement as he turned on the television, looking for something for the two of you to watch for the rest of the evening. You eventually peaked your head out to look at him, wrapping your arms around his middle.
“Hey, Kyojurou?”
All of his attention was on you. Even in these small moments he looks at you as though you're the most precious human being in the world. And to him, you were.
You hummed, placing a kiss onto his chin. “I’m happy I spilled my drink all over you.”
The small peck had similar effects from the whipped cream incident earlier, though he seemed to snap out of it quicker this time. He smiled brighter, cupping your cheek with his large, warm hand.
“That's an odd way of saying I love you."
This made you pause, the 'L-word' not being used between the two of you yet. “Wait, what?"
He gave you no time to question further as he placed a kiss onto your lips in return, his other hand finding the small of your back to pull you closer.
The initial shock of being kissed faded quickly, your arms finding their way around his neck as you pulled yourself closer. The kiss was short and sweet, yet the passion that Kyojurou lived by was always present.
The kiss came to a pause with you laying on top of his chest, remote forgotten and blankets wrapped around you as you steadied your breathing.
Kyojurou's eyes crinkled slightly with his smile, brushing the back of his hand across your cheek.
"I love you too."
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doyumacy · 3 years
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ʏᴜᴛᴀ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ x ᴍᴀʀᴋ ʟᴇᴇ
ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: ꜱᴍᴜᴛ, ᴅʀᴀᴍᴀ, ᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴ
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: ꜱᴜɢɢᴇꜱᴛɪᴠᴇ ᴛᴀʟᴋ, ʟᴀɴɢᴜᴀɢᴇ, ꜱᴍᴜᴛ (ᴜɴᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ ꜱᴇx. ᴍ. ʀᴇᴄᴇɪᴠɪɴɢ), ᴜꜱᴇ ᴏꜰ ꜱʏʀɪɴɢᴇꜱ
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 3,8k
ᴛᴀɢʟɪꜱᴛ: @coffee-prince-kyungsoo@xcharlottemikaelsonx@marksquare@tomorrowxforever@yoongsicles @neococo7 @angels-from-california @ahgastayzen@hiraarri @uhyikesbro
it’s not a surprise to find mark’s arms around you almost every morning. after a few dates, you’d end up in his bed and waking up next to him. there’s not sex yet and even though you both were so horny, you decided it’s the best choice.
maybe it’s because you wanted to be sure about your feelings towards mark and that it’s not only physical. and it wasn’t.  
everytime you would wake up and see him peacefully sleeping, your heart would jump and melt right there. you like mark and your feelings for him grow more and more each day. and jisung’s ‘look at the signs, dumbass!” wouldn’t leave your mind.
mark's bed is much more warmer and comfortable than yours, you think. maybe it's because of his mere presence in it with you that makes you feel that way, you can't really tell. what you definitely know for sure is what a sucker you are for him.
you roll on the bed carefully to not to wake him up and rest your chin on his chest. mark scrunches his nose without waking up and takes a deep breath. you slightly tilt your head and smile. he’s so cute.
“look at the signs, dumbass!”
you find yourself frequently thinking back to your last interaction or plan your next date. you want to tell him about your experiences every day: the great, the awful, and the ordinary.
if he's having a hard time, you worry about it and brainstorm ways to help.
when you see him, you notice your tension relaxes, in much the same way as it does when you return home after a long day. you feel so safe with him.
you don't care much about what you do together, simply that you are together. and you love being around mark.
and the way your body reacted when you saw him talking to yves the other day. it was jealousy and although you didn't want to admit it in front of him, you were furious. you want her away from him.
you frown.
you just realise you’re in love with mark.
oh shit.
“you know it’s rude to stare, right babe?” mark's deep, sleepy voice interrupts your thoughts.
you roll your eyes and this time rest your head on his chest. “i wasn’t staring.”
mark smiles and he puts his hand in your loose hair, playing with it. “then what were you thinking?”
“i was thinking about what we could have for breakfast since your fridge is empty,” you reply, nonchalantly.
mark giggles. “you can always have me for breakfast, babe.”
“and i’d still be hungry,” you joke.
mark slightly pulls you by your hair, your face reaching his. you moan and mark smirks. “why are you moaning, baby? thought you said i wouldn't be enough breakfast for you.”
you laugh as you straddle him. “i’m joking, but you didn’t feed me last night.” you pout.
“my poor babe,” he grips at your hips. “what do you want to eat?”
“well, aside from your dick, maybe some waffles?” you smile as you move in circles on his clothed dick.
mark clenches his jaw and tightens his grip on your hips, preventing you from moving. “don’t tease, y/n. you have me sex deprived for almsot 3 weeks now.”
“maybe i’m reconsidering it now,” you lean forward, teasing his lips.
mark sighs. “if this is another of your sick games i swear to god, i will r-”
you shut mark kissing him deeply on the lips before you move your way down to his neck, biting it showing no mercy. mark hisses and in a sudden move, he’s hovering over your body wrapping his hand firmly around your throat in a tight grip as his other hand moves down your back landing on your ass and squeezing with a slight force. you bite your lip
"you're so mean, babe. i have to do something about it," he tells you in a firm and commanding tone. you just nod your head up and down, running your hands through his blonde locks. you don't hesitate and tug at his hair.
he hums and supports himself on the palms of his hands, looking down at you. you look at him smiling. “something’s wrong, lee?”
he sighs, shaking his head. it turns him so much when you call him by his last name.
he wastes no time ripping off your sleeping shirt -his- and then pants. you are down now to your black thong. "you're so feisty this morning, lee," you moan.
mark leans down and hisses into your ear "you won't be getting breakfast anytime soon, beautiful." his fingers find the hem of your thong and takes it off, throwing it to the edge of the bed.
"i was hoping you'd say that," you lift your hips to make some friction with his already hardened cock.
mark sits on his knees in front of you and takes off his shirt along with his sweatpants, fumbling with his black boxers underneath, bringing his hard cock out to start stroking it. his eyes never leaving your eyes while doing so. you lick your lips.
“let me suck you off,” you tell him.
“it’s all yours, gorgeous.” mark rests his back on the headboard and you place yourself between his legs.
you give the head a soft lick before licking a stripe from the base to the tip. you carefully take mark into your mouth, your eyes meeting his.
you bring your hands up and wrap them around the skin and repeat the movements he had been doing earlier while you begin bobbing your head up and down his length.
"ah shit, just like that.." mark throws his head back as his hands find your hair locks and bring them out of your face and hold it like a ponytail to make the task at hand easier for you to perform.
you take him in deeper and mark bucks his hips upward accidentally, and you gag around him.
"fuck, i'm sorry," mark groans, pulling you towards him so he can wipe the spit away from your mouth before kissing you deeply.
"i was doing okay," you murmur against his lips.
"yes, but i want to cum inside of you," he kisses you. "sit on my dick. ride me."
you nod and straddle him again. you take his dick with your hand and you line it down your entrance and slowly sink on it. you both moan and mark grips at your hips.
you are grinding down onto his dick just for any amount of friction. soon after you have just started to get a rhythm going, mark holds you still by the hips. mark moans when you begin fucking up into him, using the hold he has on your hips to pull you down with each thrust.
you're bouncing on his dick releasing small moans under your breath as your thighs begin to feel heavy. mark thinks he can't love the view more. it's amazingly beautiful. he cups your bouncing tits as you throw your head back, biting your lip.
mark lifts his body a bit and pulls you for a kiss, this time thrusting into you and you whine. "take over."
mark hovers your body again and in no time, he buries himself on you and starts to slowly thrust into you. you moan closing your eyes. then he starts pounding into you harder while his hands hold yours above your head as his silver necklace dangle to every pound in you.
you can hear him groaning and panting in every pound and he can tell you’re close. you moan his name when he rubs your clit with his thumb. “oh m-my g-“ you whimper, arching your back. “it feels so good, mark... fuck.”
“you like it when i pound you like this?” his voice goes deeper as he pounds into you. your skin clapping.
“y-yes,” you whine.
mark slows down his pace and you whine, almost groaning. his thrusts are slow and you can feel his heavy breath on your neck. he's torturing you.
he hums, kissing your neck keeping the same pace in his thrusts. "mark, please," you beg him.
"please what, baby?" mark nips at your lip.
"make me cum," you cry.
mark smirks as he looks at you, slowly thrusting into you, you wrap your legs around his waist and when you're about to protest, he starts pounding into you harder. he grips your hips tightly as he drives into you with vigor and pure lust.
you grip at his shoulders as you rock with each thrust he performs, both of you filling the four walls of his bedroom with loud moans and the sound of your skin slapping against his in absolute heat.
mark increases the speed of his thrusts and in no time you cum, crying out how much you love him, over and over again. "fuck fuck fuck. i love you, mark... ah-fuck."
mark cums, burying his face in your neck, making sounds that are music to your ears, the muscles of his ass clenching with each rapid thrust he delivers to you.
when you ride out your orgasm, mark withdraws himself from top of you, laying on his back. you both are panting.
"say it again," mark says, panting.
"what?" you turn your face to him, confused.
“say that you love me,” he looks at you.
you can’t deny it anymore. you adore him. you love him. you love mark.
“i love you.” you kiss him and he wraps his arms around you. “i love you.” you repeat.
mark smiles and cups your face kissing you. “i love you.”
that same night, you invite mark to stay over for dinner so you can officially introduce him as your boyfriend to your brothers.
mark nervously runs his fingers through his long hair and sighs. jisung frowns and cocks an eyebrow at him. "why are you nervous? you've been literally banging her since i met you."
you choke on your drink and johnny burst out laughing, placing a hand on his chest. "oh my god. i did raise this kid well."
mark wants to die. he can feel the sweat on his back and his forehead. jisung is right, why is he so damn nervous?
you want to die as well, but all of a sudden, you start to laugh uncontrollably. you look over at mark and not only is he super beet red, he has a horrified look on his face. that makes you laugh even harder. you can’t get over how cute he looks.
mark shakes his head and covers half his face with his hand. johnny and jisung join you in laughing. "dude! we're joking!" jisung laughs. "are you okay?"
"mark fucking lee blushing?" johnny whistles. "this is new, man."
"ah, i can now see where all the maliciousness  comes from," mark murmurs, rubbing the back of his neck.
“leave him alone, you idiots,” you laugh, sitting on mark’s lap.
“is it too late to break up?” mark looks at you.
you slowly nod. “yeah. you’re stuck here for life.”
“ma’am, you need to file for divorce first,” johnny reminds you.
mark rests one of his hands on your back as you sigh. “no pressure, babe.” he kisses your temple.
jisung and johnny look at each other repeating an “aw.” you roll your eyes and mark laughs. “well, you now know my boyfriend, you can leave.” you tell your brothers.
“this is our house too,” johnny frowns.
“i was watching tv before you two arrived,” jisung looks at you.
“alright, then we’re gonna start making out here,” you shrug and you kiss mark.
johnny and jisung roll their eyes. “dude, we’ve heard you having sex. this won’t scare us.” johnny waves you off.
“go to your bedroom?” jisung shakes his head.
mark chuckles and kisses your check. “i would love to stay, but i have to go.”
“see? you’re already scared him off because of your horniness,” johnny shakes his head in disapproval.
“eat my dick, johnny,” you show him your middle finger.
“rude,” johnny places a hand on his chest and looks at mark. “you sure about wanting to date her?”
mark twists his lips and looks at you. “not quite sure.”
“hey!” you slightly slap his shoulder.
“he’s being mean, which means he’s becoming part of this family,” jisung sighs.
mark smirks. “you all are so lucky to have me.”
“yeah yeah,” you get up from his lap. “you can go now.”
mark stands up from the couch and pulls you for a kiss, jisung and johnny rolling their eyes again.
“text me when you get to wherever you’re going,” you ask mark.
he nods. “i will.” he gives you another kiss. “goodnight, baby. goodnight, guys. thanks for having me.”
“bye, mark. come back soon!” johnny grins. “we still have to embarrass y/n. there’s so much content.”
“oh yeah, and the album pictures she thinks she hid,” jisung winks at him.
“oh, i will definitely come back to see that.”
“i will burn those pictures before you see them,” you smile.
mark leaves your house feeling the happiest he’s ever been in the past years. you love him and he loves you back, and the fact that you took your time and told your brothers you two were official, that made him even happier.
he drives to the warehouse where jeno and donghyuck are bickering over an unknown topic, as usual. mark walks to the mini black fridge and takes a beer out from it, as he opens it, he spots yves typing on her phone. mark tilts his head, studying her and he can tell she’s nervous because there’s only one reason she'd be biting her nails: something’s wrong.
mark slowly approaches her and cocks an eyebrow. “you good?”
“huh?” yves looks at him. “yes, why?”
“you seem… stressed.”
she scoffs. “it’s none of your business, mark.”
“maybe i can help,” he shrugs.
“doubt it. you’re too busy fucking that girl,” she rolls her eyes. “go bother someone else.”
yves locks herself in one of the rooms of the warehouse and mark frowns. jeno approaches him and places a hand on his shoulder. “we tried it, bro. but she’s acting weird.”
“what do you mean by ‘weird’?” mark looks at him.
“she suddenly goes out almost every night, she hides whenever someone calls her…” jeno tilts his head. “it’s just weird.”
“it is,” mark replies. “has she said anything?”
“nope.” jeno twits his mouth. “it’s either that she’s seeing someone or she’s onto something.”
“why would she be onto something?” mark inquiries.
“listen, i know you and her have history and that, but she’s not the kindest or nicest person in the world,” he shrugs. “she’s evil.”
mark nods. “she is, but do you think whatever she’s onto will affect us?”
“i don’t know,” jeno rubs his chin. “let’s follow her, i heard she’s going out tonight.”
mark throws him his car keys. “you’re driving.”
jeno smirks. “hell yes. hyuck! get your ass here!”
donghyuck gets up from the comfortable leather couch and walks towards them. “what?”
“we’re going on a mission, get ready.” jeno tells him.
donghyuck laughs at him. “what? are we 8?”
“you’re 6, but okay,” jeno shrugs.
mark shakes his head and rests his hands on his hips. “stop bickering you two and let’s go.”
mark, jeno and donghyuck wait for yves to leave the room and get into her car. she drives for around 20 minutes when she arrives in a luxurious neighbourhood. they see her parking in front of a building and a dark haired man approaches her. they can’t see the man’s face since it’s dark outside. the man wraps an arm around her waist and kisses her.
donghyuck snorts. “she’s just getting laid. can we go now?”
mark squints his eyes trying to get a better picture of the man and when he moves a little, a light reflects on his face and mark’s mouth falls open.
it’s doyoung.
“oh shit,” mark murmurs.
“what? you know him?” jeno frowns.
“yes.” mark clenches his jaw. “fuck. yves’ a traitor.”
“what do you mean?” scowls.
“i’ll explain later. we need to go before they see us.” mark says.
it is almost dawn when yves returns to the warehouse. jeno and donghyuck decided to go to their place thinking she wouldn’t return. mark sits still on the couch and when yves turns on the lights, she startles. “oh my god. you scared me, idiot.” she places a hand on her chest. “what are you doing here?”
mark slightly turns his head to her and stands up. “you’re a smart girl, yves.”
“we’re complimenting each other now?” she cocks an eyebrow.
“you’re a smart girl and if you know what’s good for you, you’re gonna tell me what the fuck were you doing with doyoung.” mark walks to her, his eyes never leaving hers.
yves scoffs. “what? you jealous now? please.” she rolls her eyes.
mark groans and wraps a hand around her neck. “stop fucking playing, yves. i’m not gonna ask you again, what the fuck were you doing with him?”
yves lifts her head up, mark’s hand still around her neck. she smiles looking down at him. “you should be taking your anger out on him because once you hear what he’s planning, you probably won’t get your happy en-”
mark tightens his grip on her neck and she whines, gasping for air. “tell me.”
“don’t you remember when you enjoyed choking me?” yves licks her lips. “where did that mark go?”
mark yanks her free violently and she rubs her neck. yves then fixes her hair and looks at him. “he knows who jwi is and i bet you know it too.” she smiles. “nice family you got. too bad it won’t last.”
“and neither will you, asshole.” you say, standing behind her.
yves frowns and she turns on her heels. you tilt your head smiling at her. “whoever try to mess with my family ends up begging for their life.”
yves laughs. “oh my god, from what movie did you take that? it’s pathetic.”
you approach her, your faces close enough. “don’t fuck me with me, yves. you don’t know what i’m capable of.”
“please, you’re just a whore with a criminal fam-”
yves gets interrupted when you slap her in the face. she turns to you and raises a hand to slap you as well but you grab his arm. you look at mark and he slowly nods, taking a syringe out from her jeans pockets. mark approaches yves and injects her in the neck. yves starts to see your face twice and when she is about to fall, mark holds her up.
“are you sure this is not illegal?” mark looks at you.
you shrug. “it’s not legal at all.”
“so what’s your plan?”
“let’s keep her in here so she doesn’t have any contact with doyoung,” you propose.
mark slowly nods. “i’ll tell jeno to watch her while we’re at the race next friday.”
“i’d rather if you don’t go,” you look at him. “in case doyoung finds out and something happens…”
mark shakes his head and cups your face. “i’ll be there and if things get ugly, i’ll have your back, okay?”
you nod and mark pulls your for a hug, you wrap your arms around his waist and he kisses your temple. “i love you.” he whispers to your ear.
“i love you,” you reply and mark’s lips find yours.
a few minutes later, jeno arrives at the warehouse and panics when he sees yves passed out. you explain everything to him and he agrees to watch her so she doesn't leave the warehouse.
mark takes you home and stays over. when you wake up, he’s not in bed with you and you find a note where he says he had to go. you go out of your bedroom and go downstairs finding yuta and johnny. yuta stares at you. “are you out of your mind or stupid?”
“excuse me?” you frown, confused.
johnny presses his lips together. “i’ll be in the kitchen.”
“why did you involve mark on this?” he walks to you.
“because he can help, too,” you look at him.
“do you realise how dangerous is this, y/n?” he keeps glaring at you. “do you have any awareness of the seriousness of this?”
“of course i do, yuta.” you clench your jaw. “and what’s the worst that could happen? that he fakes his death and returns after a year?”
yuta sighs. “and we’re back to that again. this is not about what i did, y/n. it’s about you and your brother.”
yuta stands in front of you and jerks your chin to meet his eyes. “i don’t want anything bad to happen to you or him. and i won’t allow it.”
you take a deep breath and look down, for some reason you can’t keep your eyes on him. he strokes your cheek and slowly tilts his head. “do i make you nervous?”
“no.” you answer promptly.
you feel yuta’s hand on your chest and you look up at him. “then why is your heart beating so fast?”
you pray that your knees will keep you standing and not turning into jello. you slowly gulp and place your hands on his chest to push him away. yuta grabs your wrists and pulls you closer. “answer me, y/n.”
“i-i don’t know,” you mutter.
“your body still reacts to me,” he rubs your bottom lip with his thumb. “you still react to me.”
his arms loops around your waist, your palms meeting his chest as he engulfs you in his embrace.
"god, i miss you so much, y/n," his eyes locking with yours, filled with emotion as he looks over your facial features. “
you open your mouth to at least make a single sound but whatever you want to say dies in your throat when you feel his hand going down your lower back.
then a single hum makes you jolt and you push him away. he looks at you confused. "no. i can't do this mark. i love him, yuta."
yuta stays there, right in front of you staring at you. he then slowly nods. "i should go then."
without saying another word, he takes his jacket and leaves your house. you take a deep breath and let yourself fall on the couch. you feel someone's hands on your shoulders and when you look up, you see johnny. he grins. "you're welcome."
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thatsgay-writes · 3 years
Day 15
A/N: This was literally 1 word off from being 2.6k words and is very much unedited, like all my other work. I will read through it again tomorrow and fix any mistakes I find.
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"Martha! Y/n!" Toni yells as she rushes to wake the both of you up. You sit up slowly, accidentally breathing in some water causing you to cough and sit up fast. "What's going on?" You ask as you try and stand. "The tide came in like a fucking beast!" Dot yells as she runs around in the water trying to grab whatever she could. "Y/n, come here, let me help." Shelby says as she runs over towards Marth, Toni, and Y/n. "I got them, I've got them!" Toni responds as she tries to help Marth and Y/n up at the same time. You're awake enough now to roll your eyes at Toni and let Shelby pull you to your feet while Toni helps Martha up. "Shit, my leg." "What?" Shelby asks as she helps you walk farther onto the beach. "My leg, I take it off when I sleep." Shelby pauses and tries to look over her shoulder to see if she could see your prosthetic leg at all but it was too dark out too see much of anything. "I'm sorry y/n, I can't see it anywhere." You squeeze her shoulder and just tell her to get you to dry land. You still weren't fully comfortable with Shelby after the whole muscle debacle a few days ago but you knew she was trying hard to get back onto everybody's good side and most of the girls had been taking advantage of that.
You had all been sitting around your now destroyed camp, playing the blame game. "We're fucking moving!" Dot announces as the girls move closer to each other. "But I thought you said the cave was a bust?" Rachel asked as you all looked to Dot for direction. "No, not the cave. We move to Gold Cliff Beach around the bend. It doesn't seem to be the tide's bitch, so maybe this won't happen again." "It's also less windy." Toni chimes in, trying to be helpful. "Yeah which will come in handy, seeing as we no longer have a fire to keep us fucking warm." Dot responds without missing a beat. "I didn't think of that." Toni mumbles and you rest your hand on her shoulder. "Who was on fire duty last night?"
That one question led to a whole argument about who's fault it was and many other arguments. "Okay, well, blame game aside, I think it's safe to say that we can blame the dead fire on our problematic Jesus freak..." Fatin says but slowly trails off as Shelby walks up to the group. "Look at what washed up!" She says as she holds up a bag that causes Martha to run up. "My bag!" Marth squeals in excitement, Toni stands up and moves towards Martha, leaving you to lean against the drift wood alone. "Alright, well that's one down. Who's does this belong too?" All the girls stay silent as they wait for someone to claim the bag. When no one does they all come to the realization that it was Jeanette's bag. Rachel walks up to Shelby and takes the bag before going through it's contents. "Damn! Didn't expect this from Jeanette." Rachel states as she pulls out a large bottle of vodka." You had stood up from where you sat a little ways away and stood by Toni, curious to what was in the dead girl's bag. "Oh my god, she has a fucking lighter. Jeanette is a fucking miracle!" Dot exclaims as she pulls out the lighter. 'Man, I mean, like, I took her for a straight edge, but it turns out she drank and smokes." Toni notes as all the other girls nod their heads in agreement. "She brought like 20 benzos to a weekend getaway." You comment as you pull out a small bag. "Jeanette was actually living that Amy Winehouse life?" "RIP." "To Amy or Jeanette?" "Both. Obviously."
"Shelby thank you so much." Martha says to Shelby after Dot prompts her to, hoping to rebuild the gap between Shelby and the rest of the group. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Doesn't anyone else find this, like, utterly and completely unbelievable that Shelby just, like, found this bag?" Leah states as she gets this sort of crazy look in her eyes. "Leah..." Fatin trails off, not wanting Leah to make a big deal out of this like she had done before. "It's like a Deus Ex Machina. It is, like, this perfect little thing that somehow has everything that we need, and I... I find it really fucking creepy that you found this just like you did before." Leah continues her rant. "What are you trying to say?" Rachel asks as she leans back and looks at Leah concerned. "I think something pretty fucked is going on here and I think somebody knows all about it."
Leah walks towards Jeanette's bag and starts going through it again, "Seriously? Water purification tablets? There's enough protein bars to last us forever. There's warm clothes, more meds. Why the fuck would Jeanette bring this shit to a casual retreat in Hawaii." Leah rants on and you can't help but agree with her. Some of the contents in Jeanette's bag didn't make since for a simple retreat in Hawaii. You weren't expecting Leah to jump up suddenly and get in Shelby's face. "Who the fuck gave you this bag, and what the fuck do you know?" You jump up immediately and get in between Shelby and Leah, "Leah calm the fuck down."
"I... I just want everybody to think about this for, like, two seconds. Think about what Shelby has done. She has found not one but two magical, lifesaving bags. She is persistently optimistic, almost as if she knows that we are not in actual danger. She uses icebreaker after icebreaker to pump us for information like some sort of slumber party spy, and not to mention, she didn't eat any of the fucking mussels." Leah continues to rant and you watch as gears in the other girls heads start to turn, it was a little suspicious. But before any of them could continue to think about it, Leah grabs the lighter out of Dot's hands.
"Tell us who you're working for, tell us what you know." "Leah what are you doing?" "Nora, it's fine, really. If I throw this one out, another one's just gonna pop up. Right, Shelby?" It's quiet for a few moments as everyone is trying to think of what to do to calm Leah down, when Nora tackles her to the ground. "Get a grip Leah." You all wait with a bated breath as Leah looks like she's going to calm down but instead rolls Nora over and head straight at Shelby. Before you can even react, she grabs Shelby by her jackets and grips Shelby's face in one of her hands. "Where are you going, Shelby? Where do you sneak off to every morning and every night, and what the fuck is happening on this island? You're hiding something. I fucking know it."
"I'm a fake bitch with dentures. Just one more reason to hate me. Not that you needed anymore." Shelby says as she makes eye contact with you and Toni, more so Toni, before taking off down the beach and away from the group, clearly embarrassed and ashamed by the secret she told. Against Toni's wishes, you followed after her. Hopping on one leg down the beach, making sure to shoulder check Leah as you went by her. "Good fucking job." You tell her sarcastically and don't look back.
You find Shelby sitting at the edge of the ocean just staring out into the water. "I came here to be alone." She states as she hears you walk up. "Well, I'm already here and I'm too tired to walk back." You respond as you sit down next to her. Shelby turns to look at you with concern in her eyes, "You shouldn't have walked all this way, we still need to find a replacement for your leg." You just shrug in response. "I'm more sad about losing my guitar over my leg." It's silent for a moment and it's clear that Shelby wanted you to elaborate on your reasoning. "It was my brother's... the only thing I had left of him after he died..." You shake your head and remember the reason you followed after her. "I didn't come here to talk about that. I wanted to make sure you were okay." You turn to Shelby and ignore the tears stains that were still on her face. "Why are you concerned about me? Everyone pretty much hates me after what happened." You shake your head and put a hand on Shelby's shoulder. "While what you said was... wrong. You can't help but say and follow what you know and have been taught. It's clear that where you're from, isn't the most accepting with people who don't fit a certain mold." Shelby nods her head and hangs it in sadness. "It's not a bad thing but now you have a chance to learn different. See that it's okay to not fit that mold." You slowly pull Shelby into a hug, and your heart skips a beat when you feel her relax into you.
"We're on a deserted island in the middle of nowhere. No rules, no laws, no parents, no nothing. I couldn't think of a better place to learn how to be yourself. Minus the fact that we are stranded and struggling to survive... but you get my point." Shelby laughs at your sentence and removes herself from the hug. "You're right... No rules and no expectations." The both of you share large smiles and you feel yourself start to lean in. Your brain is slowly but surely freaking out, trying to figure out what in the hell you were doing but it all just felt so right in the moment. You stopped before you could fully lean in, wanting Shelby to be the one to instigate the kiss, knowing that if you did, it could mess everything up. You were honestly surprised when Shelby did in fact lean in and connect your lips together. You felt her rough hands caress your cheeks and you slid your arms around her mid section, ignoring the awkwardness of the position.
The kiss ends abruptly when Shelby pulls away, eyes wide as she realized what she had just done. "I shouldn't have done that." She says as she quickly pulls herself out of your embrace. "I... you... Toni... I shouldn't have done that." Shelby tries to say before she takes off into the woods. "Shelby!" You yell as you try to stand to fast and fall over. "Dumb fucking leg!" You yell out in frustration as you lose sight of Shelby as she runs deeper into the forest. You let yourself fall into the sand as you think about what just happened. "I kissed Shelby, Shelby kissed me... We kissed... Holy shit we kissed." You sit up and put your face in your hands. "What the hell am I going to tell Toni... I don't actually have to tell, do I? Why did I like it so much though... Argh!" You say as your grab a handful of sand and throw it out into the water. This all just got so fucking confusing.
When you finally return to the camp that was now being run by Rachel, it was an absolute shit show. It had been a few hours since Shelby ran off and the walk back to the others took longer because you were missing a leg and the camp had been moved to another location. "Where's Toni?" You asked Martha as you walked up between her and Fatin. "Somewhere in the woods." She mumbles as she passes you the bottle of vodka. You definitely needed it right now. "Where's Shelby?" Fatin asked, toothbrush hanging out of her mouth. "Somewhere in the woods." You copy Martha's answer as you take a drink from the bottle. "Damn, it's been a minute." You say as you cough a little. "Why are they fighting?" "Turns out Rachel didn't actually get into Stanford and then it all kind of spiraled out of control from there." You nodded your head, took another drink of the vodka and sat down. Today was just such a mess.
You had honestly fallen asleep somehow in the span of 10 minutes and woke up when things hit their climax. Toni and Shelby ran out of the woods, Fatin's toothbrush died and she punched Dot, and Dot yelled at everyone. "Stop! Stop! Just everybody, stop! This right here, this ain't happening. If we go out, and I'm not so sure that we won't, it's not gonna be at each other's throats, because there is zero fucking dignity in that." You wake yourself up more as you hear Dot yell. "What do you mean go out?" You called out.
"I've been thinking. First few days of this, we were on every paper, every channel, news vans in front of your houses, sticking microphones in front of your moms and your dads and your dogs. A couple more days go by and maybe it's only the local news. A few more days and... Country A invades country B. Elijah Wood dies, Sasha Obama rips a bong, and then... we're no longer in the conversation. The world's moved on. And I mean, maybe we've got some diehards out there, people who love you enough to keep making noise and pounding the pavement, but it's been... It's been days and searches don't last forever, not without leads and not without cash. We are stuck here. The least we could do is not kill each other, 'cause trust me, this place can take care of that just fine on its own. Jeanette might've been the lucky one. The one who went out quick." You were all quiet at Dot's explanation, it made sense. You knew that there was no one back home that was waiting for you.
"Boiled and cooled water if you're thirsty." Toni says as she held out the bottle to Shelby. You watched with a raised eyebrow at the interaction. Toni's whole anger around Shelby seemed to have faded fast. You and Toni made eye contact and she quickly looked away. "I'm fine." Shelby responded, making sure not to make eye contact with either of you. She had kissed both of you in the same day and had never been so confused about her feelings before. Dot tried to get Shelby to start up a game of Never Have I Ever but the idea was shot down immediately. "Does anybody else hear that?" Fatin asked randomly. The girls looked at her confused, "Hear what?" Whatever noise Fatin had heard, slowly got louder and you all watched with wide eyes as a plane flew towards the island. All the girls got up and started waving their hands and moving around on the beach, minus you. "He sees us! He fucking sees us!" Dot yells out in excitement as the plane does another fly by before continuing on it's way. You watched with a smile as everyone around you started to jump up and down excitedly and started hugging each other. You stood up to go join the hug with Martha and Toni but stopped when you saw Shelby looking down. "Hey..." You grabbed her hand, causing Shelby to tense up for a few seconds before relaxing. "You okay?" Shelby looked down at your intertwined hands before looking at you and giving you a fake smile. "Yeah why wouldn't I be?"
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