#my lovely lovely wonderful friends took me out tonight and ughhh we had so much fun painting đŸ„°
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queenofbaws · 5 months ago
paint your own ceramics place staff: so you can make anything you want! mugs, plates, christmas decorations, trinket boxes...
me: until dawn butterfly
paint your own ceramics place staff: uh
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criminalhotch · 4 years ago
Porch Kisses~ Aaron Hotchner
Word Count:1.5k
Warnings: nothing it’s pretty fluffy. Hotch cusses once but that’s the craziest it gets.
A/N: I wrote this in second POV to mix it up so if it’s trash or there’s grammar mistakes I am sorry. I did try to proofread it. It is based off of this concept ask: Hotch taking jack to a birthday party for a friend from school and he meets the kid’s aunt and falls for her and it’s so fluffy ughhh
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This weekend was your nephew’s 7th birthday party. He was having a few friends over for his party and you came over early to help your sister with everything. She warned you that one of the dad’s was pretty hot and that he worked for the FBI. You’d be lying if you said that didn’t interest you at least a little bit.
You found out that it was Alex’s friend, Jack whose dad your sister was trying to hook you up with. You were busy refilling the punch when you heard Alex scream Jack’s name in excitement so you turned to see the small blonde boy and his dad. His dad was well over 6 feet tall and extremely attractive.
They had a gift bag for Alex that his dad walked over to the gift table then headed towards the drink bowl that you were still refilling with a potpourri of ingredients. “Can I get some or should I wait?” He asked. “I would wait, I haven't added everything so the proportions may be off. I’m almost done though” you explained. “Take your time” he said.
“Your Alex’s aunt right?” He asked as you finished mixing the punch. “Yeah, you’re Jack’s dad right?” You replied. “Yes, you can call me Aaron. It’s a little more specific than Jack’s dad” he laughed lightly. “Alright, Aaron. I’m Y/N” you told him. “I think I can remember that,” he smiled. “So my sister said you work for the FBI?” You offered.
“Yeah, the justice department. I love my job but I’m gone a lot so it’s difficult to be here for Jack as much as I would like to be” he explained. “Well I’m sure Jack’s mom takes good care of him when you’re gone” you said which you quickly realized was a big mistake. “His mom, my ex-wife passed away two years ago but her sister watches him when I’m gone. She’s usually the one to take him to these things. I feel so out of place” he admitted.
“I’m sorry for loss but I know what you mean. My sister asked me to help but I don’t know anyone but our family” you chuckled. “Well now you know me” Aaron smiled as he finally got a cup of punch. “I guess I do” you smiled back as your sister called out it was time for cake.
You and Aaron went your separate ways but you kept sneaking glances at one another and smiled or offered a small wave in the other person’s direction throughout the party. Jack was getting sleepy and Aaron had him tossed over his shoulder as he was getting ready to leave. It made you sad that you weren’t going to see this devilishly handsome man again but then he started walking towards you.
“So my schedule is kind of crazy but I was wondering if you wanted to go for dinner sometime?” Aaron asked. “I think I’d like that” you smiled eagerly. “I can call you when I’m not on a case”, he offered. “Okay, I can give you my number” you replied. Aaron reached his free hand down to his pocket and quickly realized Jack was sleeping on the side with his phone.
“Give me your hand, I have a pen and I can write it on your hand like we did in the 90’s before everyone had cell phones” you laughed as he gave you his large hand. You scribbled your number down then let his hand go. “I’ll talk to you later then” he said. “Sounds good” you responded.
After the party had died down you found your sister. “I saw you talking to Mr. Hotchner a lot today” she commented. “His name is Aaron and he asked me on a date, I gave him my number” you confessed. “Damn, sis. Way to go” she encouraged.
A couple weeks went by and Aaron had to cancel your date twice because of his job but you understood, telling him not to worry about it. You were starting to get nervous that he had changed his mind until he showed up at your door one night.
“Aaron what are you doing here?” You asked in confusion. “I decided that we were going to dinner while I was home so I didn’t have to reschedule again and scare you away” he replied. “It takes a little more than a couple rescheduled dates to scare me away” you told him. “I didn’t want to take the chance so we have reservations at eight” Aaron said.
“I’ll have to get ready”, you admitted. “You look beautiful but for where we are going you are a tad underdressed with the sweatpants” he chuckled. “You can come sit on the couch, help yourself to the tv. Give me 20 minutes” you offered. “Okay” he agreed.
You quickly twirled your hair into a cute little up-do that didn’t take too long, did a quick run through of a basic makeup routine, then found a beautiful black dress with some red heels. After looking in the mirror, you decided you were missing one thing. Lipstick. Rummaging through your makeup bag you applied the red lipstick that accented your makeup and your outfit perfectly.
You walked back out into the living and Aaron turned to look at you. “Excuse my French but you look fucking stunning” he complimented. “Thank you. Are you ready?” You asked. “Whenever you are”, he replied. We made our way out of the door as you locked it. Aaron was a couple steps ahead of you. Out of nowhere, you felt courageous, maybe it was the excitement or it could be the lipstick, who knows.
In a wave of confidence you called his name as he turned back to you. “Is everything alright?” He asked. You took a step closer, smashing your lips onto his. He was surprised at first, his body tensed but it quickly released as he melted into the kiss. You pulled away smiling. “What was that for?” He wondered. “I figured we could get it out of the way so it wouldn’t be awkward later” you smirked as you grabbed his hand pulling him towards the sidewalk.
You made it to dinner. It was an over priced restaurant that you had never heard of and you were shocked he was able to get a reservation so last minute but apparently one of his coworkers plays poker with the owner so they pulled some strings. You guys talked about your jobs, your favorite things, and even Jack and Alex.
It turns out Jack is a pretty funny kid. “So Jack asked me the morning after Alex’s party if I thought you were pretty” Aaron admits. “Oh yeah? And what was your response?” You teased. “I told him that I thought you were very pretty and then he asked if I was going to take you on a date and I told him that I planned to” He admitted. “What did he say about that?” You replied.
“He told me that if we got married that it would be really cool because him and Alex would be related. I told him not to get ahead of himself and we needed to see how dinner went before we started sending out any invitations” Aaron chuckled. “Kids are so funny aren’t they?” You laughed. “Yes, they are” he replied, smiling. “Well you can report back to Jack that the date went very well and if his dad is interested that I would love to go on another one when he’s not on a case” you confessed.
“I’ll be sure to let Jack and his dad know that”, Aaron smiled. “Sounds great” you agreed. Aaron insisted that he pay for the meal and then he drove you home. He walked you to the door as you both stood underneath the porch light. “You know I think the last time we were standing on this porch something exciting happened” you teased. Luckily, Aaron took the hint. “Yeah, if I remember correctly it went something like this” he said as he leaned down to connect your lips again.
His lips were soft and slow. His right hand was pressed up against your cheek as your lips melted together. Aaron pulled away first, “I hope you had fun tonight” he murmured. “I did, thank you. It was spontaneous and fun but simple” you told him. “Sounds tough to beat” he chuckled. “I’m sure you can manage”, you reassured.
“I’ll ask Jack what he thinks. We may end up going to a park and eating chicken nuggets” he joked. “Sounds like a good time to me” you laughed. “Goodnight, Y/N” he said. “Goodnight, Aaron” I said as I walked inside of my house and shut the door.
Tonight was a lot of fun and you had more in common than you expected. You looked forward to your next date whenever it may be. And as much fun as a park and chicken nuggets sound, you were sure Aaron would come up with something a little less kid friendly.
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celestialflamesme · 4 years ago
| KITTENS, SQUIRRELS AND MY HOT NEIGHBOUR | A Rorin One-shot | Fairy Tail Next Generation |
Ship: Rosemary Fernandez x Rin Fullbuster
Rosemary was mortified to say she had seen it all.
And by that, she meant ALL.
She thought moving to Magnolia away from her strict family would benefit her, expand her views on the world.
Expand her views, oh dear Lord.
Moving day was uneventful at the beginning. She finished arranging most of the furniture by noon on her own, adamant to hire help. Now all that remained was additional decor, the dishes and fitting her clothes in the closet. The pretty red-head decided to eat out for lunch and had only stepped out her porch when she gazed upon the finest specimen mankind had to offer.
His windswept blue hair made her swoon internally as he appeared to have returned from a jog. And those pectorals.... her eyes glazed over as she checked him out.
He just pursed his lips, gahhhh!
Gosh, run your hand over your hair one more time and I might jump you.
Her internal tirade was interrupted by her stomach. It growled. And by growled she meant growled like a whale in heat. And by that she meant hot guy just heard her stomach growling. And by that-
Okay, we get the point.
She straightened her posture and tried to look intimidating as she took long strides toward him and stood on her tiptoes (so much for intimidating). She reached out a hand toward him in lieu of a greeting.
And he grimaced at her as if she was the piece gum stuck on the sole of his shoe.
Wow, great first impression dude! I almost want to be your neighbour. Not.
"And staring at your neighbour like a creepy stalker is? A great first impression, that is, since you seem to know all about those." He pointed.
She'd said it out loud then. She kicked herself and winced, making the hot jerk wary of her sanity.
Like he had reason to be! Ridiculous! She was only talking to herself! It wasn't as if- WHAT IN THE
"WHERE ARE YOUR PANTS?!!!!" She yelled, horrorstruck.
His eyes widened as he looked at his- well, lack of covering- and cursed under his breath.
But it was too late.
Too late.
The whole day she spent bemoaning the loss of her innocence. (Who was she kidding, she secretly enjoyed it. Just because she was a Bio major. Nothing more. And now she stopped making sense. Again. Ughhh.)
Needless to say, their blossoming friendship (or relationship??) had been nipped at the bud. He now avoided her like the plague (it wasn't like she'd flashed him!!) but she swore sometimes she'd catch him staring at her.
But the truth remained that she'd mucked up her chance at making new friends at the first try.
Hey, at least she had Ricardo, the extremely stupid squirrel living on the acacia tree in her backyard.
Well, on second thought, she thought as she saw him try to woo the woodpecker on her tree for the 978th time this month (take a hint, Ricardo!) maybe he wasn't the best choice of companionship.
I'm gonna end up a cat lady, aren't I? Her shoulders drooped as she stared at the tree vacantly. Maybe moving out wasn't one of her best ideas...
Maybe it was the internal Erza in her berating her for wallowing in her self pity, or that she'd realised she and Ricardo had more in common than she thought. Either way, the next day she'd adopted a bunch of kittens.
Yes, you heard it right.
And she wondered why she hadn't done this sooner.
Mayonnaise, Guacamole and Nacho. The little balls of fur were adorkable, as was expected of cuddly little munchkins, and fawning over them did wonders to her self esteem.
The kicker however, happened a week after.
She groaned loudly as she struggled to get out of bed and stumble to the door, her fluffy slippers in hand. She put them on as she wobbled down the stairs and rubbed her eyes of any pending sleep. Who was the fucktard that dared disturb her sleep at bloody 8 in the morning on A WEEKEND?! She grabbed her baseball bat as she opened the door.
"WHAT?" She growled at- wait that's a chest... She glanced up and met the eyes of her very amused neighbour.
Now that she thought about it, she must've looked like quite the escaped convict with her neon orange pajamas-don't ask, a gift from her annoying friend Nashi- and bedhead. He must've finally noticed the fluffy bunny slippers because he suddenly doubled over, banging the doorframe with one hand as he let out one of the most adorable laughs she'd ever heard (he sounded like a dying llama actually, but sureee, whatever you say brain)
When he'd finally stopped laughing, (which was an embarrassingly long time later) he leaned against the doorframe-Oh good God -and shot her a gorgeous megawatt grin that had her squinting in suspicion.
"I heard you adopted kittens."
She blinked at him, "And you come here at frigging 8 on a weekend to state the obvious?"
"Well, not exactly," he chirped, the subtle quirk of his lips proving he knew how much he was irking her,"I want to meet 'em. Please?"
5 minutes later, Rosemary found herself making breakfast as her hot neighbour cooed (I kid you not, cooed) at her kittens as she also simultaneously managed to convince herself she allowed it only because he asked nicely. No doubt about that.
"What are their names?" He asked as he scratched Nacho behind his ear.
"Mayonnaise, Guacamole and Nacho."
"I'm sorry, what?" He spluttered, making Rosemary shuffle her feet partly out of embarrassment and partly out of defensiveness.
"What's wrong with those names?" She threatened with her red hot spatula pointed at his neck. He raised his hands and gulped.
"No complaints, ma'am!"
She turned to flip the pancakes. "That's better."
"Hey, I'm-uh Rin. Rin Fullbuster," he said as if he'd just remembered to introduce himself.
She smiled to herself as she flipped another pancake. "Rosemary FernĂĄndez."
"Hey, I LOVE ROSEMARY!" He cheered obliviously.
Rosemary choked as she whipped her head toward him so hard it cracked. She accidentally touched the hot pan and let out a yelp of pain. His eyes widened as he realised the implications of his statement.
"I meant the-Gah- the plant, I mean-Ah fuck, your hand!"
13 minutes and one burnt pancake later, Rosemary had learnt quite a bit about Rin.
For instance, he nonchalantly mentioned that he was studying medicine as he treated her hand without batting an eye. He also said that he lived with his twin sister Sylvia and had an elder brother.
His eyes flickered as he blurted, "Can I treat you to dinner? How does um-tonight sound? Yeah tonight," he looked her in the eyes with so much enthusiasm she might've melted if her palm hadn't been so severely burnt.
Her eyes crinkled as she nodded in agreement, "Sure, I'd love that!"
"So you're telling me that Ricardo should've be getting his hopes up over the woodpecker even when she lets him stay in her hole and even eats from the same tree as him?" Rin raised an eyebrow at the red-head who scrunched her forehead.
"That doesn't have to mean anything. Maybe she just wants to be friends!" She gestured unbelievingly.
"What? That doesn't make sense! Of course there's something else! You don't just share your food with friends! That's the equivalent of going out in the animal world!" Rin blinked at her as if she was the one sputtering nonsense.
"No it isn't! You can go out for dinner platonically too!"
He frowned. "I can prove it!"
Rosemary tilted her head to look at him, "How?"
"We've been going out to dinner for 2 months now. Does this mean that we're just friends?"
"Um yeah! We are? How is this proving the point?"
Rin stared at her like she'd grown two heads and yelped, "WAIT YOU'RE SERIOUS?!"
Rosemary flushed, "Well, yes. I didn't know you were interested in uh-You like me? That way?"
Rin looked like he'd been living a lie as he squeaked, "UH- YES! I DO! LIKE YOU! And here literally everyone was calling me whipped and telling me how obvious I was being, but haha!"
He suddenly whipped his head in her direction like a man possessed. " YOU LIKE ME TOO, RIGHT? SHIT, DO YOU? I MEAN I DON'T WANT TO FORCE YOU OR-"
"I DO! I DO! I mean I've never really thought you liked me Ughhh you know what? Fuck this."
She tugged on his shirt as her lips met his and all was forgotten.
Though, Rin never hesitated to tease her and her obliviousness at every given opportunity. She didn't mind.
She had her blue-haired squirrel of a neighbour in the end anyway.
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cherry-wine-supernova · 5 years ago
imagine maybe feeling a bit anxious and unsure of yourself and Haz coming up with a reason why you’re amazing or why he loves you for every kiss he places on your body to help you feel better đŸ„șđŸ˜« ughhh i’d be so blushy and smitten for him
Kris!!!! I’m sorry I’m writing this so late, BUT I’m here to provide bc I legit had a bout of relational anxiety earlier, so I can relate 🙃 it’s kinda long oops đŸ€·đŸœâ€â™€ïž enjoy it love!!
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You were on your way home from the grocery store when you saw the notification from Instagram pop up on your phone. It was from your best friend’s page, alerting you that a new post was up. It wasn’t uncommon for you to have your best friends and boyfriend on your notification list, especially considering social media profiles like Instagram were so daunting to be on now because of your boyfriend. When Harrison announced to the public he was dating you, your pages blew up, causing you to be picky with what notifications you had on, and for whom.
When you clicked the notification and her post popped up, you saw that it was a photo her and a few of your other best friends laughing over cosmos and steaks at some fancy restaurant downtown. You felt a small pang of jealousy hit because you realized they didn’t invite you. They knew you didn’t have anything to do tonight, and the fact that they went for drinks and food without you got those negative thoughts spinning in your head, your hands getting clammy and heartbeat racing.
They don’t like you, y/n.
They probably think you’re annoying.
They don’t love you anymore, that’s why they didn’t invite you.
These thoughts didn’t stop once you reached Harrison and his best friend Tom’s apartment, but it only got worse and worse. Before walking in, you took a deep breath, shook out your hands, and plastered on a fake smile. You knew you couldn’t let Harrison see you like this. Even though you two had been dating for several months and had grown quite close, you were not going to let him see you freaking out over a photo, because that’s dumb right?
Harrison would think you’re crazy if you showed him this side of yourself.
Harrison won’t love you anymore if you freak out y/n.
Harrison would ditch you-
“Hello?” You fake sing-songed as you stepped into the kitchen, not a soul in sight.
“Hi, darling,” Harrison peered out of his room at the sound of your voice, his hair a bit messy from laying in bed waiting for you.
“Hey! I’ve got all of the stuff for dinner, so let’s get cooking!” You spoke with fake enthusiasm as you began to unload the groceries, trying to keep your feelings at bay.
Don’t cry in front of him, y/n. That’s such a weak thing to do.
Harrison doesn’t like weak women, pull yourself together.
Harrison was about to walk over to you before stopping himself to take a good look at you. Your hair was a bit disheveled, hands slightly shaky as they unloaded groceries, and you kept your head down the entire time. He started to grow a bit worried at your demeanor. Normally whenever you got home, you would call out his name and greet him with a kiss, but you immediately went to unload, almost as if you were avoiding him.
“Angel, are you okay?” Harrison asked, a wave of concern flooding his eyes.
“Yeah, babe, why wouldn’t I be?” You replied, your voice going up an octave to keep the tears from spilling. You knew immediately that he noticed something was wrong.
“Hey, hey, look at me,” Harrison had stepped in front of you while you were in the middle of taking out a carton of eggs, his hand reaching up to gently take hold of your face.
When he looked into your eyes, he saw the tears welled in your eyes, and his heart broke at the sight. Harrison had known you to be strong and independent, a woman who always looked at the bright side of things when it went south. You never really cried in front of him, even though he knew you had the softest heart. So seeing you like this alarmed him, with all of the worst case scenarios coming to mind.
“What’s wrong, my love?”
When the words left Harrison’s mouth, you broke down. You felt your whole body collapse into his as your sobs wrecked your body, the weight of your negative thoughts finally getting the best of you. “Why am I not good enough, Haz? Why don’t people care about me as much as I do for them?”
If Harrison’s heart was breaking before, his heart was shattered at your words. “What do you mean, my love? Who said that to you?”
You took a deep breath to calm yourself down before you explained. “No one. It’s just... I saw a post of all of my best friends hanging out together without me, and... ugh this is gonna sound stupid, but I felt really left out, and it made me wonder who even really cares for me and what I did wrong and...”
“Angel,” Harrison interrupted, hands slowly reaching to cup your face again, this time tracing little circles on the hollows of your cheeks, “breathe. You are not sounding stupid at all. You did absolutely nothing wrong. You are a wonderfully amazing woman who has the world’s biggest heart, and guess what? I care for you, a whole lot. I love you so much, y/n, and a lot of people do too. Don’t you ever forget that.”
His caring words brought more tears in your eyes, this time because you knew he meant it. Harrison always had a way of saying precisely what you needed to hear - and even if it wasn’t exactly perfect, you knew that he always came from a place of love. “Harrison, I... I don’t know what to say,” you stuttered.
“You don’t have to, love. Let me speak for you,” Harrison whispered, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “You are wickedly smart, and you know how to fix a flat tire better than I can.”
You giggle at his words as he continues, pressing a kiss to your cheeks. “You have quite possibly the prettiest, cutest blush I have ever seen on a woman. I could watch your lovely cheeks flush all of the time and you’d still make my heart flutter.”
Harrison pushes the groceries aside as he lifts you on the counter, lips dancing over your neck. “You always put others first, always making sure others are well taken care of and loved before anything.”
He tugged at your cream sweater, and he lifted the garment over your head, lips grazing over your bare shoulder. “You are incredibly strong, not just physically - even though watching you lift is so damn hot - but internally too. Whenever things get rough in life, you always know exactly how to handle it, and I love that about you. But don’t think you can’t share your burdens with me, angel. I am here for you, and we need to be able to communicate what we feel. Isn’t that what you taught me?”
You look down at him, eyes soft as you remember the night Harrison had his own nervous breakdown and you calmed him down. “Yes, I remember. I told you that you never have to worry about carrying your burdens on your own anymore. That you could always tell me anything, no matter how pretty or ugly.”
“Yes,” Harrison smiled, slowly lifting his face back to meet yours, lips touching ever so slightly, “and that’s what I want you to remember for me. ‘M always gonna be here for you, y/n, no matter what.”
You felt your heart flutter as you pressed your lips to his, words expressing all that you couldn’t explain to him. Lips screaming I love you with an intense passion. Hands reaching to pull him closer to you, tugging on the soft sandy blonde curls.
Once you broke away, you snuggled into his neck as you wrapped your arms around his body in a hug, his own hands sliding around your waist. “Thank you,” you whispered in his ear, kissing his neck gently.
“You’re welcome, love. Now lemme show you how much I love you,” Harrison spoke softly as he lifted you off the counter, walking towards his room.
“Babe, what about the groceries?” You questioned as you nodded your head to the food displayed on the counter.
“Screw the groceries. I gotta make sure my girl is well taken care of,” Harrison muttered before capturing his lips with yours as he shut the bedroom door.
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ghostroclus · 5 years ago
Two beards are better than one: Chapter 1
Description: A crossover fic between Stranger Things and It, Two beards are better than one tells the story of Richie Tozier who has been living with his "girlfriend" Robin Buckley since he returned from Derry. They seem like the average couple, always bickering and gushing at eachother so you would never guess that they aren't actually dating. A favor that turns into a sexuality cover up for the both of them seems pretty easy until the Losers come down for one of Richie's shows.
Disclaimer: The timeline takes place so that Richie and the rest of the Losers were Robin and Steve's age when Season 3 of Stranger Things took place. They are older then The Campaign (Stranger Things main group) and met because Mike Hanlon told them about Hawkins and the conspiracies.
It was around 8:00 in the morning. The bright light peaked through the curtains which caused an irritating glow to sting Richie's face. He grumbled, hesitantly sitting up from bed before rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "Robin, I thought it was your turn to close the blinds." 
He felt the bed shift as someone to the other side of the mattress moved. There was a high pitched noise, one that sounded almost like a whine as the woman next to him woke up. "Forgot to, I was out with Steve all night" she said. Her words were slurrred and minimal, usually the case with Robin, she wasn't much of a morning person. 
"Oh right, how was it? Does he still refuse to cut the hair? I'm pretty sure he only keeps it because he knows it's the only reason he still gets ladies" Richie said, laughing lazily as he threw his legs over the side of the bed and tried got up. 
Robin yawned. "Yeah, you're one to talk. You still won't cut you're hair. It's like you're emotionally attached to it or something." 
"I'll cut my hair as soon as you start liking men" he grinned 
"Drop dead" 
"Only for you sweet heart" 
-    - - 
Since Richie was a famous comedian, which Robin always disagreed with, the public was often enthralled with his life, specifically his romantic life. The thing was, Richie didn't think he was ready to announce his sexuality. Years off repression and trauma made him build a wall that even he didn't know how to break. 
Although, there was one thing that kept the press out of his love life and kept his dirty secret hidden from the rest of the world and she just so happened to be nursing a coffee on the stool across from him. Robin was a lesbian herself and though she wasn't as afraid to come out as he was she still wasn't sure about how accepting the world would be. 
They had made a plan several years prior, they would "date" eachother to keep both of their sexuality's a secret. Robin was his beard and he was her's. It was a fair deal, he had owed her since the summer he went to their town and helped her and her friends take down a monster. It was no big deal, just your every day summer experience. 
"So, how are things going back in Hawkins?" Richie asked, trying to start conversation. 
Robin shrugged. "Well Steve said Will got a job." 
"Oh yeah? I was talking to the little punk the other day, apperently that's not the only thing he got" 
"Okay, alright. Will got a boyfriend. Man, I wish I was as brave as that kid" Robin sighed, running her hand through her hair. 
Richie nodded "Yeah, you will be. I'm sure eventually we won't have to hide anymore" It was false hope, he knew that. He wasn't even sure if he believed what he was saying.
Robin smiled, appreciating the support. "Oh, Steve wanted me to tell you that he's going to your show next week."
"Oh really? I'll make sure to throw in a bunch of jokes about him in my act." 
"Hey, don't be too mean. He just broke up with his girlfriend" 
"Again! God damn! That man goes through girlfriends like he goes through hair products" 
Robin almost spit out her coffee. "That- That was a good one" 
"Yeah, I know. That's why I become a comedian, boy wonder" Richie quipped. 
Robin shook her head vigorously. "How did your friends put up with you? Hey, speaking of your friends, when am I gonna meet them? I've heard so much about them, especially-" 
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Geez, they're gonna be at the show-"
It was Robin's turn to cut Richie off. "They are!? Tozier, Tozier, Tozier, I'm so excited. Why didn't you tell me sooner???? " 
"Bill just called me last night, said he was gonna fly down tommorow."
"Well is he bringing Audra?" 
"No, she got another acting gig but I sent her your regards" Richie smirked, mimicing a kissing face
"Richard Elizabeth Tozier, there is only one woman for me and you know that" Robin huffed, crossing her arms 
Richie scoffed "Oh yeah? Miss Thompson is it? The one who sings like a muppet-"
"Have you been spending time with Steve behind my back??"
"That's not the point, the point is she isn't good for you. Honey, if she really loved you she wouldn't be sleeping with the first guy she saw. She was head over heels for Harrington in High School and she's head over heels for him now."
"You didn't go to the same high school as me, what do you know about her?" She asked, getting a little offended on Tammy's behalf.
Richie raises his hands in surrender. "All I'm saying is you deserve better. Someone lovely woman who actually cares about you" 
Robin sighed "Yeah, well what about you? You shouldn't be giving me advice on pining over something that's never gonna happen" 
Richie rolled his eyes. "Pffft, yeah I think you had too many drinks last night." He said, brushing off what she had said before changing the subject. "So how about we go on a date night tonight? We can go to that bar you like" 
"Mmm, fine but we're calling an Uber because there is no way either of us are going to stay sober" 
-    -
The next day, the day before his show, Richie was woken up again at an "obscene" time but this time it was to a loud pounding at the door. 
"Ughhh, you get it-" Robin slurred as she covered her ears with the pillow. 
Richie grumbled but got up anyway, stretching as he walked to the front door. 
He opened the door "Yeah, who is it-"
"H-hey Richie!" Someone said. 
Richie rubbed his eyes a couple times to make sure he was seeing correctly. Maybe it was because he had left his glasses but he could have sworn he saw seven people standing in front of his door.
"What the- You guys do realize it's like 6:00 in the morning?" 
"It's almost noon, asshole" someone quipped from the back. 
"Yeah, well maybe your timezone is wrong" 
"W-we all got h-here a few h-hours ago. We d-d-d-" 
"We dropped our stuff off at the hotel and thought it would be nice to come visit you" Mike helped, walking towards the front of the group and putting a reassuring hand on Bill's shoulder 
"Richie, I swear if you're trying to scare away another door to door salesman you're gonna have to be really flamboy- Oh shit" Robin said, mumbling the last part. "Hey! You must be our new neighbors! Yeah, we were going to come over and-"
"Oh, no they aren't the neighbors" Richie laughed nervously. "These are my friends, the ones I was telling you about-" 
"Oh my gosh! This is them??? This is the Losers Club? Which one is-"
"Yes! These are the Losers, now you've met. Well, it's been great seeing you guys but me and Robin are a little busy right now-"
"Oh, nonsense. Why don't you invite your friends in? I haven't even formally introduced myself."
Richie smiled awkwardly "Could you just give me and Robin a minute?" He excused himself before walking back inside the house with Robin, closing the door before looking back at her.
"What are you doing?" He asked 
"Well I'm trying to be a good girlfriend and get to know your friends" Robin argued, seeming clearly annoyed. 
"Well it seems like you're trying to out me-"
"Hey! I know what Connor did to you when you were a kid but I'm not Connor, I wouldn't do that to you! You need to trust me, okay." 
Richie sighed "Yeah, yeah I guess. I'm sorry...I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions I-"
"Alright just shut up, your friends are gonna get tired from standing outside for so long." 
Richie smiled, reaching for the doorknob before Robin tapped him on the shoulder.
"I do have one question, about the red-head". 
"Straight, straight, straight" Richie whispered as he opened the door. 
Robin looked at him and smirked. "Yeah? So are-"
"Her husband is standing right next to her, dumbass. I wouldn't recommend making any moves" Richie continued before looking back at his friends. "Sorry, for the delay. Why don't you guys come inside? You can meet my lovely girlfriend" 
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bdeharrington · 6 years ago
đ•šđ•„đ•€ 𝕒 đ••đ•’đ•„đ•– - đ•€đ•„đ•–đ•§đ•– đ•™đ•’đ•Łđ•Łđ•šđ•Ÿđ•˜đ•„đ• đ•Ÿ
As Steve drove home he couldn’t stop thinking about what Dustin had said, he walked in his house and into his room where he plopped down on his bed.
He decided to call his friend Robin, you and Steve could always count on Robin to give you guys advice no matter what it was she knew what to say and what to do.
Steve picked up the phone and dialed her number,”Hey dingus whatcha up to?” she said, he chuckled. “I need your advice on something” he said.
“Advice about what?” Robin asked, “It’s about y/n, it’s so stupid but I want to ask her out but I just..” he said.
“You just what?”
“I mean we’ve been friends for such a long time and what if she doesn’t see me like that...”
“Steve, now look I haven’t know y/n as long as you have but I know that she likes you. I mean the way she looks at you and the way she talks about you.. I would be lying if I said it wasn’t cute because it is...Are you really that much of a dingus to see how much she’s in love with you?” she says.
Steve sits there for a minute as he thinks about you and how he’s tired of hiding these feelings from you and how he’s tired of watching guys hit on you and how he felt when you kissed him on the cheek.
“Hey Steve did you OD over there?” Robin asks as she interrupts Steve’s thoughts
Steve chuckles, “Your right Robin I am an oblivious dingus..but i’m going to do it I just want her no actually I need her...thanks I appreciate it”
“No problem Stevie and by the way im not going to be at work tomorrow soo you and y/n will have to share my shift” she says.
“Ughhh okay!! Thanks again Robin goodnight..” he says as he hangs up the phone.
Steve sighs and started to dial your number, as he held the phone to his ear he was hoping that you would answer.
“Hello?” you say
When Steve heard your voice all he could do was smile,”Hey y/n..” he said.
You giggle “Harrington!!!”
“So listen um.. Robin just called me and said she wasn’t coming to work tomorrow so we will have to spilt her shift” he said softly.
“Oh..Is she okay?” you ask, “Yeah she’s fine she just has some stuff to take care of..”
“Oh okay, hey guess what!!! I found our yearbook from junior year!!” you said,”Oh noooo don’t remind me of that year!!” he said as he chuckled. “Oh my god why did I look that this? I was so ugly!” you say as you look at yourself.
“Nooo you were beautiful!! You still are..” he said, you smiled as you blushed slightly.
It was silent for about a minute, you hear Steve clear his throat on the other side of the phone.
“Anyways..junior year probably my worst year..”Steve said, “Why’s that?” you ask softly.
“Well is was the year that you dated Tommy’s friend Jack..You spent so much time with him and I just felt like we were drifting apart...” Steve said
“Is it just me or did I just hear Steve “the hair”Harrington admit that he was jealous of Jack my boyfriend from junior year?!” you say.
“Yeah you did..I hated that guy he treated you so bad y/n... you deserve so much better than that douche bag seriously..” he said.
You chuckled softly,”Y-yeah i know that’s why I ended it..and because I realized that I had feelings for someone else. Someone who actually treats me good and makes me laugh when im upset and tells me im beautiful when im feeling ugly..J-just an overall good guy” you say.
Steve smiled, it was silent again to where all you could hear is each others breathing.
“Steve-“ You say as you get cut off by your mom entering your room and telling you goodnight.
“Goodnight” you say not excepting Steve to hear but as you open your mouth to talk Steve says,”Yeah it’s getting late we should probably go to sleep”
“Oh..y-yeah you’re probably right we should..”
“goodnight y/n i’ll see you tomorrow”
“night Steve...” you say softly as you hang up the phone.
You sigh as you lay down on your pillow, “Gosh your so stupid...he doesn’t like you why would someone like him be into you??” you say to yourself.
You then look at Steve’s picture in the yearbook that you had beside you, you chuckle as you close it.
you lay back down on your bed and turned off your lamp as you drift asleep.
As your alarm clock rang you woke up to a wave of tiredness, all throughout the night you had tossed and turned considering all you were thinking about was what you had said to Steve.
You get up out of bed and took a shower, as the warm water hit your skin it definitely calmed down your nerves.
As you got out you quickly wrap a towel around you and went to put on your ‘scoops ahoy’ uniform, you absolutely hated it but Steve thought you looked adorable in it.
You then quickly did your hair and makeup and made your way downstairs where you were greeted by your mom, “Oh mom im going to be late tonight again so don’t wait up for me okay?” you say.
“Okay honey have a good day i love you!!” she yells as she cleans the kitchen,”Love you too!!” you say back.
You then walk to your car, as you start to drive to the mall the butterflies in your stomach started to flutter, “I really hope Steve doesn’t bring our conversation from last night” you say to yourself, with Robin gone also there is going to be no way to avoid Steve if he wants to talk about last night.
As you arrive at the mall you walk into scoops, you get everything situated for the customers. You expect Steve to walk in any minute now but he was late, like really late..like 2 hours late, you hoped that what you said to him last night wasn’t to much for him.
Your thoughts started to weigh in, “Did i really just ruin my friendship with my best friend?” you asked yourself.
Since business was actually pretty slow so you decided to tidy things up around the shop it also was an opportunity to take your mind off of the situation.
You started with the tables you wiped them down with a warm wet rag, then your scooper, since Steve nor Robin was not here there was no reason for you to clean them.
You then looked behind you the cups were so unorganized so you started to tidy those up, as you were fixing them you hear the bell ring.
You sigh and turn around to see Steve with a bouquet of flowers and a note, “Steve!! W-whats this?” you ask.
Steve chuckled and handed you the flowers and note, “Just read this..” he said softly.
As you carefully take the note off of the bouquet you start to read it.. ‘y/n ever since i met you i automatically fell in love with you, you made me into the man i am today and if it weren’t for you i would be totally lost. i just can’t believe that it took me this long to say admit this to you..i love you y/n and i promise i will never leave you’
You look up at Steve and smile, “Hiding my feelings from you was probably the hardest thing I have had to in my entire life, i love you y/n i always have and i always will” he says.
You come from behind the counter and walk up to Steve, you stand on your tippy toes and put your arms around his neck.
He bends down and you kiss him softly on his lips,”I love you too Harrington ..” you whisper. You feel Steve smile against your lips as he kisses you again, you pull away as he grabs your waist.
“So what do you say tomorrow we go see a movie and then dinner?” he asks looking down into your eyes, “It’s a date stevie!!” you say as you place another kiss on his lips.
You then hear the kids including Robin clap and cheer,”Finally!!!” Mike says, “He found his Suzie!!!” Dustin says as he smiles at Steve.
You and Steve look at them and laugh, “Well anyone want ice cream?!” you say. This kids say “me” in unison you laugh,Steve then kisses you on the cheek as you serve the kids their ice cream.
A/n: Heyy homies!! sorry this took forever but i was wondering if i should make a part 3 where max and el want help y/n get ready for her date with steve like with her outfit and stuff idk but let me know!!! i think it would be cute but anyways hoped you enjoyed ilyyy💗💗💗
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thewritewolf · 6 years ago
Rekindle Chapter 25: Puss in Boots
Adrien and Marinette discuss the Mayor’s celebration over breakfast.
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“A party, huh? About time we got some recognition.” Plagg swallowed the cheese wedge he had been working on whole, then floated towards the refrigerator.
“For once, I’m with Plagg on this,” Adrien said as he sat at the kitchen table. They hadn’t been awake for very long, but Marinette had already brought up Mayor Andre’s upcoming banquet at the city hall. “It’s nice to be rewarded for our good deeds, even if it is just an event in our honor.”
Marinette finished the eggs and toast she had made them for breakfast, sitting across from Adrien as they dug in. She gestured at him with a fork. “You make it sound like we’ve gone unappreciated all this time. We were barely a year into this when we got the first statue built for us, remember?” He conceded the point with a nod and they ate in silence for a few moments. “So
 do you want to go?”
Adrien smirked. “Why, my lady, are you asking me to be your partner at the ball?”
“Not if you’re going to be weird about it,” she said with a teasing lilt to her voice. “Besides, it won’t be like a super fancy ball
 right?” She’d done some sketches last night while waiting to become tired and none of them would work for a high class function.
Unfortunately, Adrien shook his head. “No, Andre has really gone all out for bigger, fancier parties in the last few years. I guess his businesses are doing pretty good or something? At least he has more money to flaunt. Anyway, he tends to prefer more high class gatherings these days. My
” He cleared his throat. “Gabriel and I were always invited.”
 everyone is invited to this one!” Even as she said that, her mind was thinking of new designs, the old ones effectively dead to her now.
“I’m sure he said that, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he turned away anyone not in a decent suit.” He took another bite and added without looking up. “It used to be that you had to have an Agreste wardrobe to enter, but something tells me that particular restriction isn’t going to be present this time around.”
Marinette absently stirred her coffee with a frown as she considered what Adrien had said. “So Gabriel and Andre were
 friends then?”
To her surprise, he scoffed. “I don’t think he had friends, exactly. But they certainly had connections with each other.” He stared into his coffee, both hands wrapped around his cup as he set it on the table. “Maybe that’s why Andre is making this such a public event. Trying to distance himself from Gabriel as much as possible.”
“Maybe.” She smiled brightly, prying one of his hands off the cup and to hold it. “But that doesn’t mean we can’t have a good time. Assuming you still want to go?”
In an instant, the gloom that had started to surround him vanished. He returned her smile. “If you’re there, I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
“There’s my sweet kitty,” she whispered while gently running a hand along his cheek. More loudly, she asked, “Do you need me to design your outfit? I’ll be making mine, so it might be nice to be matching.”
He shook his head. “You’re amazing, but I don’t think there is enough time for you to make us both something. Besides, I think I’ve already got an idea.” He leaned back in his chair and looked towards the refrigerator. “Right, Plagg?”
Annoyed, the black kwami floated out of the appliance. “What are you on about, kid?”
“We can make modifications to our suits, right?”
“Yeah, I guess
” Plagg replied grudgingly.
“Then it shouldn’t be a problem for me to look like a musketeer?”
“Ughhh, that sounds like a lot of work.” Not for the first time, Marinette wondered how diligent, efficient Tikki had managed to put up with Plagg for this long. Or how Adrien had, for that matter.
“There’s camembert in it for you.”
“What do you think I’m eating now?” Plagg waved a wedge of cheese about as large as he was in front of Adrien.
“About as much camembert as you’ll be getting for the next month if you don’t help me.”
With a dramatic gasp, Plagg replied, “You wouldn’t.”
“You’d be surprised how far I’d be willing to go for love.”
As Plagg floated away, grumbling, Marinette asked, “Musketeer?”
“Yeah! That way I can be my lady’s dashing knight.”
She put her dishes away and returned to kiss Adrien’s cheek. “Aw, kitty. You’ll always be my dashing knight, no matter what you’re wearing.” As he beamed under her compliment she grinned and added, “My own little puss in boots. You’ll be so cute!”
“...I think I’ll stick with dashing knight, if it’s all the same to you.”
He stood up to take his own dishes to the sink, only to have Marinette hug him around the waist and obnoxiously yell into his chest, “PUSS. IN. BOOTS.”
Chuckling, he tried to shove her off, but failed to shift her. She assumed because he didn’t want to hurt her. “You're a ridiculous woman!”
Chin on his chest and looking up into his eyes, she murmured, “I am your ridiculous woman.”
He returned the hug after setting down his plate. “And I’m grateful for you always.”
“There’s my dashing knight.” Leaning forward on her toes, she caught his lips with hers. The day had officially begun.
The two weeks passed uneventfully as the two of them made their preparations for the party. It had taken some negotiating and fine tuning, but he had managed to get the suit done in just the way he had been envisioning it. His wide brimmed hat had a light green feather tucked inside it, to match his full black musketeer uniform. The only part of his suit he’d been unable to alter were his ears, mask, and baton. At least Marinette hadn’t seemed to mind.
Now it was the night of the party and Adrien found himself pacing nervously in their living room. It was the first time in months that he’d be out in public and expected to be social. While it would be as Chat Noir rather than Adrien, he was still worried. Even if he knew he had no reason to be afraid. For now, he stuffed those thoughts aside as he waited for Marinette to emerge in her dress. Despite his curiosity, he’d deliberately avoided watching Marinette work on her gown specifically to give this reveal all the more impact. And as she stepped out of their shared bedroom, he was glad that he did.
She’d really outdone herself this time, the pinnacle of class with her strapless, sweetheart neckline dress. The bodice of her dress was black, but with red Swarovski Crystals scattered across it. As his eyes floated downward, he noted the many layered chiffon ball gown and saw her genius unfold. While the first layer was black, it was semi-transparent, showing off the red with black polka dots of the lower layers. It was subtle and refined, but gorgeous. His eyes snapped to hers as she giggled. He caught a glimpse of a familiar ruby necklace that had caught his attention during a patrol a few days ago, and a less familiar bejeweled ladybug clip in her hair.
“See something you like, minou?” She gave him a smirk and she stopped in front of him, her red strappy pumps clicking against the wood floor.
“Only everything,” he said as he kissed her hand. He held out his arm for her. Once she had taken it, they made their way out of the apartment. “Are you ready to arrive at this party in style?”
“If by ‘style’ you mean, ‘the arms of a superhero,’ then yes. Though you might have to give me a couple minutes after we land to fix anything.”
He chuckled as they stepped onto the streets and he scooped her into his arms and pulled out his baton. “As you wish, my lady.”
To Marinette’s immense relief, they managed to get in without any trouble and were having a good time in the middle of their fifth song of the night. And despite her fears of being overdressed, they weren’t too out of place. Honestly, the only thing that set them apart from the crowd was-
“Gaudy stuff here tonight, isn’t it?” Chat whispered into her ear as they slow danced on the open floor, his hands on her hips and her arms around his neck. She had her head against his chest, quietly enjoying the fact that despite the modifications, his suit still smelled like leather and Adrien. “Not at all like what you made.”
 Well...” She bit her lip, trying to be tactful. But he was right, most of the outfits were a spectacle, sure, but they weren’t good quality. Already the floor was starting to get a fine layer of red and black dust from what was flaking off the worst outfits present. She shook her head, lips curling slightly in disgust at the poor craftsmanship. “I get the feeling some shops made a killing these last couple weeks.”
Chat snorted. “No wonder. The mayor kinda threw that theme out at the last minute, didn’t he? And not everyone has a master seamstress on hand to custom make dresses at the drop of a hat.”
“I’m not a master yet, but
 thanks. And you’ve got a fair point. It all seems kinda last minute, doesn’t it?”
She was about to comment on a lack of Mayor Andre, but then the lights cut out except for a spotlight on the stage. The slow dance music was swapped out for something generic yet vaguely patriotic. Stepping into the light was the mayor himself. She didn’t feel like it had been that long since she had seen him in person last - as Ladybug, she often bumped shoulders with the man, whether she wanted to or not. Something about him always felt a little sleazy, even if he covered it up with his wealth and prestige.
The man now on the stage, however, felt like someone else entirely. He seemed to have aged twenty years in the span of a couple months and despite his wide smile, she could see the panic in his eyes, and the fear that he was barely able to conceal under a layer of false confidence, proved by the sweat dripping down his face.
Mayor Andre began his speech - something about rallying together and putting the past behind them. It quickly became clear that Marinette wasn’t alone in her observations. She picked up the words, ‘scandal’ and ‘corruption’ in the whispering around her. Maybe Adrien wasn’t too far off in his guess about why the festivities were being held in the first place.
A slight murmur washed across the room and Marinette pulled away from Chat, suddenly on alert as her eyes snapped back to the stage. Her eyes widened as she saw the mayor clutch at his chest and fall to his knees. Before anyone could do anything, the doors to the outside burst open, letting in five men covered head to toe in jagged, black plate armor, brandishing two handed swords. The crowd panicked as four of them began charging towards them, leaving the fifth to approach the mayor.
She glanced over at Chat Noir, who was watching her in turn. She nodded to him and a spark passed between them, a moment of perfect understanding.
They were still heroes, and these people needed their help.
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msanon19 · 6 years ago
Chances - Part I
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liliverse-ish · 6 years ago
Bʀᎇᎀᎋ Mʏ Hᎇᎀʀ᎛ 🌙
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~тaeĐœyυng х reader
~ pt 33/35
~ i missed you
~ prev ||  next
4.5k words.. its a long one!
a/n: i didn’t think i would write tonight bc im kinda ughhh. depression sucks but guys i really love how this turned out. I hope its not confusing and you get it.
posts everyday at 9pm est
requests are open!
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Your body felt tense and you couldn’t seem to relax. Seokjin always throws an end of the year party and its always the biggest party of the year. Which means double the sweaty college kids getting wasted, double the alcohol, and double the hype. Everyone had been talking about tonight for the last week since he announced when it’d be happening. If we’re being honest ever since your birthday you hadn’t partied on the weekends like you usually did. You assumed Taehyung still did but he had confirmed earlier today he was too focused on school.
Part of you was extremely proud of him for finally focusing on himself and taking care of the things he needed to. But the other part of you was still upset at him even if he was doing better. It was nice to know your best friend wasn’t going to fail his classes and he was able to pass. But it sucked to not know how the person who you had so many feelings for, had been for nearly a month. Secretly you hoped he was hurting, and that he was crying just like you had been the nights you missed him most. It may seem a bit dramatic to cry for him because you weren’t actually dating-- but he had your heart in his hands and he just smashed it to the ground without a care.
He was and still is a good guy. He always knew the right words to say to make you feel better and to let you know he cared. It was just- he was horrible in relationships, even before you guys were together. You knew he broke so many hearts, and he refused to really acknowledge that part of his little games; but you couldn’t help falling for him. He was beautiful, not just physically but mentally. His heart was so pure and it intrigued you that he wasn’t good with love. You always wondered why it was hard for him to fully fall in love and give all of himself to just one person. He seemed scared... but when he was with you those fears didn’t show up unlike the other times with different girls. Perhaps you were reading way too into it and it was just you assuming shit.
You shake your head trying to focus on the task at hand. A pile of necklaces tangled together lay on top of your kitchen island, you had no idea how they even got tangled in your jewelry box but you were trying to wear one of the necklaces involved in the mess. With every necklace you untangled you noticed one really thin, delicate necklace, it had been a gift Taehyung gave you the same year you met. The memory was so sweet and innocent, it was the day you realized you had feelings.
He had invited you out to the mall because to him you needed a break from the all stress school had brought you. At the mall you were walking around sharing a pretzel you had bought at the food court. There was stand in the middle of the mall pathways that was shining brighter than the others; it had bracelets, earrings, and beautiful necklaces. Ignoring whatever Tae had just said to you,  you walked right up to one of the glass cases and scanned it to see if anything caught your eye. In an instant this delicate white gold necklace with a tiny heart as a pendant caught your eye. The guy behind the counter asks you which one you like and you point to it, he takes it out and shows you the price tag. It wasn’t that expensive but it was more than what you had to spend for the month. Bills were to be paid that week and rent so you couldn’t spend more than $50.
You hadn’t noticed Taehyung standing next to you until he moved your hand so he could see the price tag too. He didn’t have much of a reaction and encouraged you to buy it without knowing your situation. You pout and tell him that you can’t afford it right now. Without even thinking about it he lets the guy know you’re getting it and asks to look at the mens necklaces. The guy pulled out a tray that held about ten necklaces, most weren’t worth looking at. Then one really caught both of your eyes, it was a lightweight, also white gold chain, without a pendant. He quickly pointed it out and asked if there were any pendants that he could choose from. The guy brought out the pendants and they were all so beautiful, and sparkly.
“‘I’ll get this one.” He says picking up a the first letter of your name.
“Yah, don’t!” You giggle thinking its joke.
He just smiles and lets the guy know that it’s all together. You hadn’t really put it together that he was buying you the necklace until you saw him pull his wallet out and you quickly stopped him.
He looked at you and smiled, “You give me so much let me return the favor.”
It was small gesture but his eyes lit up when you put it on right away and your heart warmed up. His smile made you melt inside and just want to turn into a puddle on the floor. From then on you kept the necklace and wore it every single day until one day Yoongi teased you about it saying you were probably falling in love with your best friend. From that day you’d only wear it time to time; Tae wore his necklace proudly even when the guys teased him he would said “So what?” He rarely took it off the first year of having it but then slowly he too stopped wearing his until you guys began “dating”.
You held out the necklace and looked at all its beauty. Wow you thought. It had been months since you last wore it. You put it back down gently and pick up the one you originally had in mind to wear. For some reason it didn’t seem to fit the outfit you wearing anymore and the white gold seemed to fit better. He won’t notice it anyways you think and put it on. Even with the hurt in your heart the necklace made you happy and filled you with love; you missed him. You didn’t want to. The guys were so good at keeping you from missing him because they were always around to distract you but it wasn’t enough sometimes. They were great and are your best friends too, but Taehyung held such a big part of your heart and it just didn’t feel the same to be with them than being with him.
Suddenly a knock comes from your front door and a ding from your phone. Without looking at the text you know it’s Jimin already here to pick you up for Seokjin’s party, and probably leaving a overnight bag so he can sleepover. The door swings open before you get the chance to make it all the way there and his bright smile appears.
“You should lock your door more often what if I was a thief, Y/n-ie,” He walks up to you and kisses your cheek.
“If you were you’d be on the floor crying already. I’m always prepared,” You say pulling out a can of pepper spray from a corner in the hallway.
“Always one step ahead baby girl.” He winks and walks past you to your living room.
As you assumed he had an overnight bag with him and placed it right on your couch along with a toy story towel.
“Jiminie,” you chuckle, “A Toy Story towel, really?”
“Toy Story is the best. If you don’t like it, I don’t like you.”
“Oh I love it! I have the VCR and DVD version so get on my level, bitch.”
“No thanks. I rather stay my height then get bullied worst for being your height, shorty.”
“Hey.. we’re shorties together baby!”
You cute little banter continues on for a while as he gets comfortable at your house. It was still a little early to head to Seokjin’s so you both go into your room and watch Toy Story as night falls. You were both commenting at your favorite scenes in the movie and laughing at the jokes that sounded a little dirtier than you remembered as a child. As the movie comes to an end, you grab your phone to check the time, 10:47 p.m. .
“Oh that’s cute you’re wearing it again,” Jimin says looking at your neck.
“The necklace?”
“I just saw it in my jewelry box and I just couldn’t leave it behind,” you say holding the little heart on your fingers, “It was calling my name.”
Jimin and you chuckle at your choice of words.
“Taehyung always liked seeing you in it. He wouldn’t stop bragging about how much you loved it and how you must cherish it since you always wore it.”
“Yeah. He’s a big softie, you know that. He started wearing the one he got at the same time when you started
 thing. And we teased him about it but he said he didn’t care because it was his favorite. He hasn’t taken it off.”
You look at Jimin and he smiles slightly, a little sympathetic smile. You return his small smile, only yours is more sad and you feel an overwhelming feeling of sadness come over you. Tears puddle at the edge of your eyes and cloud your vision. You blink and the tears fall freely on your cheek; Jimin wipes them away and kisses your forehead.
“I’m sorry, I made you cry. I didn’t mean to.”
“No no it’s okay Chims. I just miss him, honestly. I was sad that he hurt me before but now I just wish that nothing had happened so I could talk to him like we used to. Ugh I know it’s dumb because he played me”
His hands cup your face and he lifts it to face his eyes. His smile is sweeter this time.
“No it’s not. It’s not dumb. You love him, not just in the romantic way but as your best friend. He was the one you always went to when you needed a push or you needed some extra lovin’. He was the one who made you smile the brightest. Even though I know you love all of us extremely, it’s very obvious he has a special place in your heart that can never be replaced. So it’s okay to miss him like hell, and cry tears for him. It’s also okay to be mad at him at the same time because as a,  potential something more, he fucked up.”
Your tears seemed to stop as Jimin finished his little speech, “I want to see him.”
“I think he’s coming tonight. If you feel ready, talk to him and see what happens.”
“But what if in the moment, I’m so caught up I forgive him for everything and let it go.”
“You won’t.”
“How do you know?”
“Because you’re not dumb,” he chuckles, “Y/n, you’ll probably both cry and then you’ll want to smack him after you’re done being sad.”
“I guess you’re right,” you say looking down at your hands, “He’ll probably let me smack him too.”
“Yes he would,” he gets out of your bed, “I love our heart to hearts but we got a party to get to. Everyone is probably already there but you know I love being fashionably late.”
“Okay let’s go!”
Seokjin’s place wasn’t far from yours, in fact none of you guys lived far from each other. You each somehow managed to lived within five to ten minutes from each other. The car ride was short and just a couple jokes were exchanged mainly coming from you, teasing Jimin’s sloppy moments when he’s drunk. He parks and you both walk up to the house. Already there are people on the porch and on the front yard making out. Walking through the front door a strong smell of vodka and tequila hit your nose, and you face Jimin. He just smiles and leads you to where he has already spotted your friends.
“Y/n-ie we’ve missed you!” Hobi engulfs you into a hug and kisses the top of your head.
You both pull away and you look around at your group. Taehyung was nowhere to be seen among them and you were a bit disappointed. After taking another glance you realize Jungkook isn’t there either so they must just be late as you and Jimin were. Your thoughts were confirmed when you felt arms wrap around your torso from behind and a chin lightly rested on your shoulder.
“You came!” Jungkook says pulling away.
You just nodded and let him greet his hyungs, that’s when you turned to your right and saw Taehyung standing there already looking at you with a shy smile. You return the smile and look down at the floor
 he looked so
 good. Jimin noticed your energy shift and nudged you, you lift your head up and see him smiling. His hand snakes down to grab yours and yoru finger intertwine.
“Let’s go dance!”
You eyes widened because the last time you “danced” with someone it was to make Taehyung jealous. You laugh and shake your head no.
“No no. I’m good I promise.” You whisper into his ear.
All the guys stood around in the circle by the dining room, talking about their plans for the summer. They were already planning for a vacation between the eight of you, to go to the beach or on a road trip. The whole time, you and Taehyung stole glances at each other, and every single time you’d catch each other. You guys ended up just having a mini staring contest but he ended up losing after you genuinely smiled at him and he returned it with a cute huge smile and he squinted his eyes closed.
“Ha! I won!” you say sticking your tongue out.
The guys all turned to look at the both of you, a bit surprised that you had actually said anything at all. Taehyung himself was a bit shocked you even looked at his direction so even those two words you spoke warmed his heart and his smile didn’t fade. Neither of you communicated after that, and the conversation between everyone ended up dying down. One by one they each went their separate ways, except Jimin, you, and of course Tae. You knew Jimin was only there because he knew you were still on edge about talking again to Taehyung and he didn’t want to abandon you to suffer alone.
“Go have fun. I’ll be fine. I think I’m ready.”
“Are you sure? I don’t want to leave you without any support.” he says looking at Tae’s direction.
“Yes, now go! Go get high and drunk and all that destructive stuff you do all the time.”
He laughs at your words and leaves. If it weren’t for the music, you’d be standing there in complete silence; if it weren’t for the drunken students walking by, you’d both be alone; if it weren’t for the sweaty atmosphere, the awkward tension would be more obvious to the public. You just nod your head up and down trying to figure out how to have decent conversation.
“Do you want to go outside and we can just chill out without all this mess?” He says walking up to you.
You signalled him to lead the way to wherever he wanted to go, and he went straight to the back deck. It was surprisingly empty and quiet, with only the bass being able to be heard through the walls. Seokjin had a small outdoor table and a couple chairs around it so you both decided to sit there. The moon was full tonight, the stars seemed a little brighter too; the atmosphere wasn’t as awkward as you imagined it would be if you took out all the party energy. It was quiet but not uncomfortable.
You felt calm though, maybe because you missed him, the anger wasn’t present tonight. You wanted to speak up and say something, something funny that would make you both laugh and smile. But nothing seemed to come to mind, you were more just wondering a lot and trying to stop yourself from asking any questions. He seemed to notice your sort of of behavior and looked up at the stars. He didn’t want to be the first one to speak in case it bothered you for any reason so he waited for you to say something. You finally look at him and really take a good look at him. He was wearing a very colorful patterned collared shirt, he had left three buttons unbuttoned so his chest and collarbones were out. Looking at his chest you see the letter of your first name shining brightly despite there being no other light besides the moonlight. The necklace lay so delicately around his neck, and accented it so beautifully. Your eyes scan down to view the rest of his outfit and of course he’s wearing trousers and dress shoes. At this point Taehyung was finally looking at you and as your eyes met his you saw tears in his eyes.
“You know I never wanted to hurt you the way that I did.” he says softly.
“Then why did you?” you reply just as soft.
“Because I’m an idiot. I knew your feelings, and I knew mine too, but they scared me. I was scared of getting into this,” he signals between the two of you, “and messing it up. But I did it anyways without it ever becoming more.”
“What scared you about your feelings?”
“Not being enough
 You’re so amazing and kind and loving, I didn’t think I’d deserve to have a girlfriend like you. I was always out fucking random girls, and it’s not like I can lie about that because you saw it happen and it’s not the biggest secret on campus.”
He pauses for a second to reach for your hand.
“Throughout the years of being friends and spending so much time together, I knew you were different from all those other girls. You saw me date and be with girls all the time but you never once judged me for it or called me names,”

“I mean other than Taefucc,, but I know that was more endearing than making fun of me. And I’d have these moments with those girls but when I finished, I’d be thinking about what you were doing. If you were busy so I could come over or if you could come over. At first I assumed it was because you were my best friend and you were ten times more fun than they ever were. Then one night everything changed, I noticed you were distant because you knew I came after my little meetups and still you never said anything. I started to feel guilty about it the more I did it, and then I stopped fucking around as often and only did it once in a while.”
You listen to his every word wanting to know his side and what he had been feeling. It was what you always wanted, to know his real feelings and his fears about it all.
“Then you started hanging out more with hyung and getting drunk with him, being more touchy. I got jealous and I didn’t get it at first, I thought it was because you were my best friend and I didn’t want anyone to steal my spot. It wasn’t until you kissed him that I knew, I was,” he stopped and interlocked our fingers together, “I was, well still am, in love with you. And so I ignored you for those couple days and ignored you even more when it went further, until I couldn’t just sit there and watch it happen. So I made my move and it worked. I had you but I knew I wasn’t good for you.”
“Why do you say that? You always say ‘I’m not enough’ or ‘I’m no good for you’. But you don’t know what’s good for me and what isn’t. If you were no good i’d be in there finding someone else to spend my time with but instead I’m out here listening to you. You know why? Because you are enough to me. I know you have a good heart and that you can be a good ass boyfriend and that you can love without messing up so badly.”
“I don’t understand how you can think that after what I did.”
“Because you aren’t defined by one, or multiple, mistakes you’ve made. You’re much more than your errors, and I see the you behind all that. I see the real you. I’ve seen you cry over cute animal videos and over Moana even though it wasn’t that sad of a movie. I’ve seen you be supportive to those you care so deeply about, like me. You were always there for me no matter the issue and never hesitated to drop everything to make me happy.”
“But you did the same.”
“Well yeah you big dumbo, because I’m in love with you too.”
His tears were falling freely as you both spoke to each other and had a heart to heart. It felt nice, even though you were still hurt about what happened you understood his point of view. You understood where his head was at when he did everything. You weren’t forgiving him by listening, you were allowing yourself to hear him out and think about giving him a second chance.
“I know this isn’t the time and place for this, but I’ve had this sitting on my nightstand for the last month. I only brought it tonight because I knew I’d see you, even though we agreed to meet up tomorrow morning. I was hoping to talk tonight, like this.”
He reaches down his pocket to grab whatever he was talking about. A small velvet black box comes out and is placed on the table. He gently slides it over in front of you and looks at you then back at the box.
“For your birthday, I had told you I had a better surprise waiting for you and I didn’t want to give it in front of everyone because it was too precious for me. I also had a whole speech ready and was going to ask you to be my girlfriend
 but as you saw and experienced that didn’t go as planned.”
You chuckle and reach out for the box, “What is it?”
“Open it and find out.”
Your hands gently open the box and a set of earrings in the shape of hearts lay inside, below it, there is a gold necklace just as thin as the one you were wearing. You pull the necklace out and see a small letter T hanging on it; the T had a small diamond on the center of it.
“T as in Troy?” you giggle, “Taehyungie how did you know?”
“Oh gosh, why didn’t I think that through..” he laughs at your HSM reference, “So do you like it?”
“Of course, Tae. They’re beautiful, I love it, you shouldn’t have spent so much money, baby.”
“I wanted to get something special for you that meant something more than a piece of clothing. I’m glad you love it princess.”
You place the necklace back in the box and close it.
“I see you have the old necklace I bought you. It’s cute but this one is better,” He says.
You chuckle at his comment but suddenly a wave of emotions hit you. Maybe this is what he thought would make you fully forgive him. This was his way of winning you over.
“I don’t want you to think this is me trying to win you over. I just wanted you to have it since it was supposed to be special.”
“Thank you. I appreciate it so much Tae.”
“Anything for you, princess.”
You look at your phone and see the time, it’s pretty late, later than you expected it to be. 2:23 a.m.. You both practically missed the entire party, but neither of you cared. This was better than spending two hours with drunk college students. The night was warm but the trees gave you a nice cool breeze which kept the humidity at a low. Now that you’ve both expressed your feeling it didn’t seem like there was much to talk about so you both look up to the sky and let the breeze brush up against your skin. You knew you wanted to give him another chance, he meant so much to you; and you believed in him, although your fears weren’t quite gone yet.
“I’ve said it so many times, it’s starting to lose it’s meaning but I’m sorry baby. I love you, I really do. Even if you can’t give me a second chance at us being together maybe we can try and be friends again. I would take anything, anything at all just to be with you.”
“Prove it.”
“I’m not saying I don’t believe you, because I do. But show me, show me you love me. Show me you’re willing to be different and open about love and give me your heart the way I’m willing to give you mine. It’s not easy, I know that. But if you love me it won’t be difficult. I know it’s scary giving someone your all but maybe it’s worth it. Maybe I’m worth it. I know you also have been working on yourself which I’m proud of, but now, work on us.”
“What if I can’t?”
“You don’t know unless you give it a try. You tried to make us work without really putting all your feelings in and communicating, why not try to win me over by being able to communicate your feelings, your fears, your heart, with me. I want you to show me the real you, the man I love with all of my heart. I want to give that man a second chance.”
“I’m scared.”
“That’s okay. I am too.” you reach for his hand, “but that’s part of working things out. Not knowing where things will take us but heading there together.”
He presses your foreheads together and looks into your eyes, “I’ll show you princess. I’ll fight for us, I know you’re fighting for us already and  need to catch up.”
You close the gap between your lips and kiss him softly. He’s a bit surprised by your actions on expecting you to kiss him. But he returns the kiss and smiles as it comes to an end.
“I missed you.” he says.
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gripefroot · 4 years ago
Scene You Later
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Bucky’s scream echoed through at least three floors of Avengers Tower. 
Had he known it elicited only chuckles and sniggers from his so-called friends lounging around elsewhere, his embarrassment would have been a thousand times more burning - or is that the pain throbbing in his ear? But regardless, his teary-eyed sniffles are contained behind the closed door of his girlfriend’s bathroom, where her eyes glint with glee as she wipes a courtesy antiseptic wipe around the new piercing, despite there being no chance whatsoever of Bucky getting an infection. 
“It’s been a while since I’ve done this,” 28 says with a fond pat of his cheek, turning away to refill the piercing gun lying on the bathroom counter - and it gives him a deeper shudder than any rifle or shotgun. “Thank you for letting me practice on you.”  
“Did I have a choice?” Bucky's eyes are still watering, and his voice comes out more strained and cracking than he’d like - it’s a good thing he’d been able to glower Sam and 41 away from watching at the door before this had started.  
“Sure!” A beaming smile as she turns, wielding that gun in a way that would make him laugh any other day, but as the nerves continue to cry with pain - this is as bad as a gunshot! - he just cringes, and clenches his fingers into fists on his knees. And though the sight of her pretty, though mildly terrifying face, would lend some comfort - Bucky squeezes his eyes shut, too, and holds his breath as he feels the piercing gun align with the next marked position in the top cartilage of his ear.  
She’s trying to be sympathetic - really, she is - he can see the tremoring sympathy in her eyes through blinked back tears. But he can hear her suppressed snicker, too, as she quickly whisks a tissue towards him, which he takes to dab at his watering eyes.  
“I’d rather be stabbed,” Bucky says woefully.  
“Technically, you are being stabbed,” 28 chirps. “But on purpose.”  
“Maybe that’s what makes it worse.”  
“We can study that sometime. I’m sure that’s the scientific data Stark would love to see.”  
Bucky wants to laugh. Really, he does - he even tries, but the noise strangles in his throat before he blows his nose, and lobs the crumbled tissue right into the garbage can. A clean shot. But he’s too miserable to gloat. His ears feel as though they’re on fire.  
“Last one,” 28 tells him, and her smile is a little rueful. “Won’t be so bad. Just in the lobe.”  
No, it’s not so bad. He doesn’t yell. Just gritted teeth and a grunt, and a scowl at the shining silver stud, and she hums happily to herself as she cleans that with a smile, and backs up.  
“They look good,” she muses. “Turn towards me.” 
He does. Tries to smile, but grimaces.  
“It’s not enough,” she decides, nose wrinkled and brows knitted. Arms crossed as she studies him - and he studies her back, for distraction - those glowingly bare legs from a pair of shorts, a slip of black lace against her shoulders peeping from a loose shirt. He forgets the pain.  
“Are we sure these are going to heal?” Bucky asks.  
“Steve’s did, a few years back,” 28 says brusquely. “Took less than a day, if I remember correctly.” 
“Really? How many did he get?”  
She shrugs, indicating a forgotten number. “We did his nipples. That was fun.”  
“You did what - ” 
“But don’t worry.” A winning, feral smile. “That’s not for you. Not tonight, anyway. Yours will be covered. Mostly.”  
A small comfort - especially when she turns to rummage through a small box of piercings in various sizes. Some are genuinely frightening, though Bucky isn’t about to voice that fear. Though he does gulp, when she picks out two matching studs, and starts to put one in the gun.  
“How bad is it going to be?” he asks in a squeak.  
“Bad. Gird up your loins, buddy.”  
Her gentle fingers using a pen to mark two even spaces beneath his bottom lip isn’t so bad. Feels good, actually. But he knows what’s coming, and so he swallows hard. No more shouting, Barnes. This is nothing compared to what you’ve been through, you coward. No shouting. No -  
Not a shout. Just a groan that echoes in the bathroom, and he tastes blood.  
“One more,” 28 tells him bracingly, and he peeps open a glaring eye to see her smile. “One more, and we’re done for tonight.” 
“For tonight?”  
“Just one more!”  
Bucky hopes, in his heart of hearts, that Sam hadn’t suggested to the others that they listen at the door.  
“Done,” 28 announces, and he breathes through his mouth as she starts to clean up the mess on the counter. “Hopefully they’ll heal enough to look like they’ve been there a while by the weekend. And tomorrow we can do your tattoos and hair!” 
“My hair?” Bucky chokes. “Tattoos? Babe! What kind of mission is this?”  
“A sensitive one.” But she’s grinning over her shoulder, eyes raking over his face and lingering on his new...holes. “And you’re the only one that can take the lead. Steve’s done the grunge undercover before, but I’m telling you - it was not good.”  
“I’m not sure if that’s very complimentary,” he grumbles. Then stands, blood rushing to his head, and he bites his tongue as he folds up the chair to put away.  
“You’ll do great,” 28 promises, and arms full of things to take back to the underground costuming department, her hip bumps into his back end, and he forgets the pain again as the jolt brushes warmly against him through the thin fabric of his gym shorts. Now that the threat is over (for now) he can remember the sultry promise she’d whispered in his ear after the team meeting that morning, after he’d been assigned to this mission with only Agent 41 as backup (and maybe that’s part of his apprehension) - and he has a feeling that promise might be coming to pass sooner rather than later. 
Yes, he can get over the stinging pain of his new ear and lip decorations. He wonders if the lip piercings will affect...ah, his performance in certain activities.  
“I’ll be back.” And the door is left swung open as she wanders for the elevator, humming her song.  
Be back. She’ll be back. Bucky stares after her for a minute more, and then rushes down the hall to put the folding chair away in a well-known (and thoroughly desecrated) storage closet. He’s even cheery enough to whistle, on his way, thinking of lighting some candles and maybe a spray of that cologne she likes so much
But his whistling falls flat, and his tongue finds the inside stud of the piercings below his lips. With a grimace he shoulders the door shut, and brings up his fingers to touch the cool metal.  
He can already imagine Sam’s laughing face. Now you’re even more tin, Tin-man!  
To distract himself, he brushes his teeth (gingerly), and without looking in the mirror. Then finds the few candles 28 keeps in a dresser drawer to spread out and light to flicker gently around the room. She’s still not back by then, so Bucky doffs his shirt to throw into the laundry for good measure. Stretching out on the bed, he stifles a yawn, weaving his hands behind his head. Then he flops onto his side to face the door, hoping he looks as seductive as she does when she lays out like this.  
A knock at the door crawls pleasantly over his skin - wondering why she’s bothering with this unnecessary formality, Bucky calls out a warm, “Come in!” before threading his fingers through the loose ends of his hair in some attempt at casual sexiness, like he’s seen movie stars do.  
But it’s not 28 that peeks through the door, and his gut plummets to his feet.  
“Whee!” Sam is howling, his wrist snaking through the crack, phone in hand, and Bucky’s heart nearly stops in horror as he hears a tell-tale click! Beneath Sam’s face is 41, staring with her eyes wide and mouth open, and then Clint in the lowest position of this totem from hell, looking gleeful in a way that Bucky knows he’s going to have his work cut out for him regaining his reputation.  
“Get out!” he shouts, but it’s too little too late. The damage is done, and the door already snapped shut as the pillow he launches from the bed bounces harmlessly off the wall, a sad trophy of his indignity. Unfortunately the enormous scowl on his face has pulled painfully against the new piercings, and his mouth throbs - tenderly he touches them again as he falls back against the pillows, all hope of sexiness gone.  
It’s to that pathetic scene 28 returns: sliding through the door with a whiff of perfume, and after locking the door she pauses to pick up the fallen pillow, fluffing it with a solid punch.  
“I brought supplies for tomorrow,” she tells him, and Bucky grunts as the pillow is thrown into his gut. Meanwhile, the sound of boxes and other things being dumped in the bathroom, and how on earth can she still be so happy when he feels so miserable?  
Silhouetted in the candlelight, she draws his attention: arms crossed, that same studying expression that she’d worn earlier - but now it’s softened and sweetly sly, and her lips are twitching.  
“Go on,” he sighs. “Go ahead and laugh.”  
“I can’t laugh at you,” 28 tells him. Maybe a little rueful. “Oh, Buck - you look so miserable!” 
“Sam got a picture,” Bucky admits grudgingly.  
“Oh, dear. Should we hack into his phone tonight to erase it instead of
That piques his interest. Propping himself on an elbow, a flutter of life in his chest, he stares at his lover with growing eagerness. “You know...” he drawls at last, and he feels a grin coming on. “Bet we have time for both.”  
“What should we do first?” 28 asks, and her question is coy and taunting.  
“Hmm,”  Bucky pretends to think. “Sam could save it or send it before we get to it.” 
is he really as important as this?” Waggling fingers between them, with a suggestive wiggle of his brows. 28 bursts out laughing, and the sound is music, and her movements are music, too, as she saunters over with those eyes reflecting the light of a dozen candles.  
“Glad you think we’re important,” she coos, and leans over like a shadow. But her eyes are on his lips, and then her thumb is there, tracing the curve - and her eyes narrow. “I wonder what it’ll be like to kiss you.” 
“Only one way to find out. C’mere, babe - let me pay you back for the stand-up job you did on my face, crazy girl.” 
All the buoyant happiness and confidence, on lend from his other half, disappear within ten minutes of the mission.  
It’s the itchy fishnet sleeves of his shirt - if it can even be called that - and the sweltering, too-tight strain of his leather pants. It’s the stink of perfumes and bodies and alcohol and fried food. It’s the music playing so loud and with bass so deep that Bucky’s sure his bones are going to be rattled out of his body. And it’s not knowing the reflection he catches sight of above the bar - teal hair and thick eyeliner, absurd clothes, but at least his scowl is in character - or so 28 had said, laughing her pretty head off before he’d stalked out of the Tower.  
At least 41 is having the time of her life. Then again, with her cotton-candy-swirl hair and bouncing along to the music on the dancefloor, eyes closed in bliss despite that she’s likely deaf already - she seems to be fitting in perfectly.  
“Target just entered the building,” says a voice in his ear - Bucky isn’t sure he’d heard right at first - so he taps the comm device for clarification, and with a sigh Clint says, more loudly, “The target, Barnes! Your four o’clock. Get her.”  
Get her, Bucky grumbles to himself, but swivels on his barstool to glare out moodily (but casually!) in the direction he can see the target approaching the bar - red and black hair, heels that look like they could kill someone (and according to reports, they have), and a nose ring that reminds him of a Spanish bull. Go on and get her, Barnes. I’ll just stay out here in the Quinjet with my ears still in working order and tell you what to do. Hey, don’t go through a metal detector! 
And just his luck - the target sits in the stool next to him, with an interested once-over, and trying not to sigh aloud, Bucky turns back, casting her a smile as sly as he can manage.  
She returns the smile with another appraising flicker of the eyes, and then looks away to wave over the bartender.  
“Can I get you something, Beast Boy?” 
“Something to drink.” Then to the bartender, more loudly to be heard over the pulsing music, “Cosmo.” And the target’s eyes go back to Bucky, waiting.  
“Uh, whiskey, neat.”  
The bartender nods, and goes.  
“Is that how you picked up 28?” Clint asks in Bucky’s ear, and his hair stands on end as he licks his lips, the target turning slightly to face him with a smile that radiates ferality, but not in a good way. “Dude. I thought she had higher standards than that.” 
Bucky files away a determination to give Clint a good, old-fashioned bloody nose. But later.  
“I saw the way you were looking at me.” The target leans close, ruby-red lips too close to his ear for comfort - oh, that’s his personal space - but he doesn’t recoil, and forces himself to smile back.  
“Didn’t realize I was being so obvious,” he rasps back.  
“Oh, you were.” Her eyes glitter. They look black, but not a cozy black. And not the kind of glitter that he knows from you - this woman is all the lethality that 28 has, but all wrong. Out of time. Crooked. Dark. Corrupt.  
“Wow, she’s playing you like a fiddle,” Clint observes. “Let her keep playing. The FBI is on their way.”  
Idly Bucky wonders if 41 had even noticed the target. He doubts it. 
Scarlet-painted fingernails curl over his knee. He doesn’t flinch, but it’s a close call. Instead lets his own gaze drift over the target’s face (without shuddering, because her rap sheet is easy to recall when he’s within arms-reach), and her lips curl into a deeper, more frightening smile.  
“Here are your drinks!” chirps a voice.  
Bucky nearly falls out of his chair, vice-like grip on his knee or no. Because sliding two drinks on black napkins across the bar, absolutely beaming with plum-purple lipstick and a nose ring - is the only woman he wants to let touch him.  
The target slides a bill to 28, who takes it with a wink and a snap of bubble gum before disappearing around another bartender.  
“So,” the target says, and lifts her drink to her lips for a sip, and Bucky remembers that he has a whiskey. “A bright fella like you got a name?”
“Tom,” Bucky tells her.  
“Tom.” Her eyebrow quirks. “I like it.”  
“Thanks, it’s from my mom.”  
“You’ve been spending too much time with 28,” Clint complains. “Target’s not gonna take you seriously if you keep - ” 
“My name is Nova,” the target leans close again, with fruity breath. “My daddy gave it to me.”  
Bucky hears Clint gagging, and wishes he could do the same.  
“He’s over there,” she continues, nodding her head towards the door - Bucky turns, a knot of apprehension in his stomach, to see a massive, balding man staring stonily in their direction. As soon as he sees he has Bucky’s attention, he lifts the corner of his blazer to give a peek of a gun holster.  
Just one gun? He’d laugh if he could feel a shred of humor in the circumstances. 
“He won’t hurt you,” Nova purrs, and Bucky shivers - but thankfully, she mistakes his revulsion for interest. “Let me go to the little girls’ room for a minute, and I’ll take you home. I want to play.”  
He manages to nod, sipping his whiskey but his throat is already dry - and some instinct in his head is screaming at the top of its lungs: Get out of there!  
“ETA ten minutes,” Clint reports, as Nova winds her way through the crowd. Bucky doesn’t miss that she appraises several other clubbers - it’s a wonder that he’d gotten her attention, really.  
“Not soon enough,” Bucky grunts for Clint’s benefit.  
“Tough night?”  
Oh, that’s a pretty sound - and a welcome one. Tension dissipates from his shoulders as he hunches over the bar, catching sight of 28, just a step away, cleaning out glasses with pursed lips and laugh lines. But her gaze is tinged with sympathy, at least. And what is she wearing - more fishnets? A choker necklace? And a violently-violet wig that suits her better than he would have expected... 
“It’ll be over soon,” Bucky sighs. “Who let you come here, anyway?” 
“Steve and I had a chat,” she smiles, and sets a clean glass back in a neat row behind the bar. “He felt sorry for you. I was bored. We struck a deal.” 
“I come to keep an eye on you and Tiny Dancer,” 28 nods towards 41, but appears more amused by that situation than anything. “And...Steve gets to take all four of us on a run tomorrow morning.” 
“What!” Clint’s outburst over the comm makes it squeal, and Bucky flinches at the noise. “Why am I part of the deal?” 
“Because you, Robin Hood, have been watching 41 instead of the exits,” 28 tells him sweetly, tilting her head to address him in her own comm device. “The FBI won’t be getting in here alive.” 
Bucky’s stomach sinks. And he glances over towards the bathrooms - no sign of Nova. No sign of - of her daddy, either. He cringes.  
“But,” 28 adds, with a bright smile, and the next time she leans over to pick up a glass Bucky can see - there’s a fake tattoo beneath that choker necklace. Far below. Wait, is she just wearing a bra -  
Temptress, the tattoo says in bold script. How apt.  
“I will be heading out for the pregame,” she tells them. “As soon as your girlfriend is back from the potty. Just be aware, in case I don’t come back alive.” 
“I think it would take more than a couple backdoor thugs to take you out,” Clint says dully. 
“Why thank you, Clint, that’s very sweet of you.”  
“Five minutes ‘til the Feds show.”  
“And here’s our main star now,” 28 says brightly. “Wish me luck, fellas.”  
Bucky tries not to watch her go - drags his eyes back to the nefarious Nova, instead, but the retreating back of his actual girlfriend, and the love of his life, is like a magnet. But, because he wants to go home, he forces himself to play the part, and doesn’t shiver too badly when Nova wraps herself around him upon return with a grin that frightens him.  
“Wanna dance first?” Her breath is hot in his ear, fingernails raking dangerously across the back of his neck beneath his teal hair, and he swallows. 
“Yeah. Definitely.” 
That’ll give 28 time to clear the exit, at least... 
As bad as forced flirting at the bar had been, dancing is worse. Evidently Nova is quite the handsy type, as Bucky suppresses his every instinct to run away to help 28 with her objective - and he can smell alcohol on the target’s breath, and how does she do anything with fingernails this long? And how is she still interested in him after beholding firsthand how he can’t even move his hips to the music correctly, as Clint gleefully points out (multiple times) over the comm. At least, that’s what he thinks Clint said - with the music thumping, it’s hard to be sure.  
“Clear!” comes 28’s panting voice, not nearly as soon as Bucky would have liked. “FBI just turned up, too. Wanna bring her out, Buck?”
Bucky leans forward with as sultry a smile as he can manage, and half-shouts into Nova’s ear, “Let’s head out.”  
“Don’t have to ask me twice.”  
“I hope Bucky isn’t too sad that his date is about to be arrested,” 28 goes on mournfully - probably for Clint’s benefit, as Clint starts to cackle, but Bucky just slings an arm around Nova’s shoulders to steer her towards the back, where he explains to her he has a motorcycle waiting. She seems to like that, with her hand pawing at the front of his chest as she lets him lead.  
“Seems to be plenty of other fish in the sea, as it were,” Clint says, wheezing slightly. “Bucky can just head back inside and find a new date. Did you see the girl in head-to-toe nylon?”  
“I did!” 28 chirps. “I stopped to ask her where she bought it. Very nice lady.”  
Bucky disguises a choke. Past the bar, past the bathrooms - the dingy, rust-colored door to the back alley is quiet, blooming under red lights with smears of paint on the walls. Tries to appear as though he’s enjoying the target’s teeth sinking into his ear, but he’s already planning a long, hot, and soapy shower.  
“Your place or mine?” Nova’s voice cloys in his ear.  
“Um - ” Bucky shoulders through the door, dragging her along by her waist -  
And into a waiting circle of FBI agents, flashing lights, and an unmarked van. Beside the van, Bucky’s happy to see, is the man termed Nova’s so-termed “daddy,” kneeling, cuffed, and bleeding slightly from a head wound. 28 stands smugly above him, arms crossed - and Bucky goes limp, staring at those fishnet stockings and - and - are those garters?  
Nova screeches, but she doesn’t stand a chance. Swarmed with officers, and coming out as tightly cuffed as the other man, and led away (despite that her screaming gets louder and louder) to the van, which is promptly opened, and she’s taken inside.  
“Not bad.”  
Now that’s a saunter Bucky will always love - he smiles at his girlfriend, who beams back before winding her arm through his - a much gentler, much more desired touch, as she leans her head against his shoulder, and the FBI agents start to mill away into their trucks and cars to head out of the alley.  
“I’ll never be the bait again,” Bucky vows.  
“You did good, though.” Eyes peer up at him, reflecting the flashing red and blue, but her smile is all sweet serenity, and he can’t help chortling, just a little bit.  
“We were lucky she took it.”  
“Well, I enjoyed the show,” Clint chimes in. “Now, which of you is going to go back inside and get 41 for me? She’s about to jump into a kiddie pool of glow stick juice.” 
0 notes
dr0wning-in-hell · 8 years ago
That Girl - Tom Holland
summary : Y/N has been infatuated with her Co-Star and friend Tom Holland for quite some time now, but can’t admit her feelings for him because of his girlfriend
word count : 1.9k
warnings : angst, sad reader, sad Tom, mentions of cheating, cursing.
pairing / characters : Tom Holland x reader, Harrison Osterfield x reader, Zendaya, OC, Jacob Batalon
prompt : “Can you make an angst fic with Tom Holland where the reader likes Tom but he has a gf or vice versa???” - anon
A/N : angst is my life. ughhh.
master list | requests | prompt list
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Y/N Y/L/N. She had been working with Tom Holland since the beginning of Spider-Man : Homecoming. She had a small character, one of the characters friends who spoke every now and again. But as they got deeper into filming, Y/N began to grow close to Tom and eventually developed feelings for him. When they had finished filming the first of many Spider-Man movies, Y/N had finally wound up the courage to go and ask Tom to go to the premiere with her. Little did she know that he already had a date.
The sight of Tom with a beautiful, elegant girl made her heart shatter. She wanted to be the one holding his hand. She wanted to be the one kissing him. She wanted to be that girl.
Y/N had left set that day with teary eyes and a broken heart. Now, her other co-star, Zendaya, had seen the whole thing and rushed after Y/N. She found her out in her car, sobbing into her steering wheel. Zendaya knocked on the door, hoping that Y/N would look up and see her. Thankfully she did. Y/N looked up, mascara filled tears running down her stained cheeks. Y/N opened up the car door and sniffled as she looked at her friend.
“I- I thought he like me.” Y/N mumbled. “But he was just being nice.” Y/N cried a little more and Zendaya was there to comfort her. “I’m so stupid.” Y/N choked out.
Zendaya shook her head, rubbing Y/N’s arms softly. “You are not stupid for falling for a boy. You can’t control your feelings. It’s just a part of life.” The actress sighed. “Instead of going to the premier with Tom, why don’t you come with me? We’ll pick out the best looking dresses to show him just what he’s missing. How does that sound?” She asked Y/N. The girl in the car sighed.
“I guess.” Zendaya smiled and stood up.
“Good. I’ll go grab out things and then we’ll go dress shopping.” Zendaya left to get her things and Y/N’s things before heading out to the car. The two drove down to a few shops, looking for dresses but ending up with nothing. Deciding to go to one more place the stopped in front a prom, wedding, and premiere dress shop. The two girls walked in and immidetly started to walk around and look for dresses. Zendaya was mainly looking for Y/N since she already had her own dress. She found a few and made Y/N try them on, none of them really catching either of their eyes. Until she found one.
It was a long sleeved white dress with the back fanning out behind her, with gold embroidery on the shoulders, sleeves and throughout the rest of the dress. When Y/N had put it on she felt pretty, but she felt like it was a bit to much.
“I think it’s to much, I can’t wear this to a premiere.” Y/N said as she still stood in the dressing room.
On the other side of the door Zendaya rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. “Just come out! I want to see what it looks like on you!” She exclaimed. Sighing, Y/N walked out of the dressing room and in sight of Zendaya. The girl’s mouth fell open as she looked at her friend. “I don't care what you say, you are getting that dress.” Deciding not to argue with her, Y/N nodded and then headed back into the dressing room to change.
The day of the premiere came all to quickly, and Y/N was not ready to see Tom with that girl. She wanted to be that girl so badly, but she was to late and now he’s gone. His heart belongs to another.
Y/N and Zendaya were waiting patiently in their limousine, waiting for someone to open their door and tell them that they cold walk out now. When the heavy door finally opened Zendaya was the first one to walk out. Fans screamed her name, screamed ‘ I love you’ to their idol. Y/N thought she would never have that. She played a small character that no one would pay attention to on the big screen. Sighing, Y/N carefully stepped out of the limo and held onto her friend for support. People gasped and gawked at her dress and how it flowed behind her.
“I told you this was to extra, they’re staring at me like I’m a freak.” Y/N grumbled to Zendaya.
Zendaya rolled her eyes. “That is such a lie. They’re staring at you because you look fucking gorgeous.” Y/N couldn’t help but laugh at that. The two stopped by some fans as they walked down the premiere carpet, taking pictures and signing posters. As they continued to walk Y/N saw Tom, and of course his girlfriend. Her stopped at the sight of them so happy together. Not only that, but Tom looked great in the suit he was wearing. Zendaya caught Y/N’s gaze and shook her head.
“Don’t think about them, tonight. This is our night, don’t think about them okay?” Zendaya said, grabbing hold of Y/N’s arm. Y/N nodded and followed her friend as they walked down to where Tom was with his girlfriend, Jacob, and Tom’s friend Harrison. Harrison was the first to see the two girls walking over to them. He nudged Tom, making his head turn in his direction. Tom’s brown eyes widened as he saw how beautiful Y/N and Zendaya looked. His eyes were mostly on Y/N, but she tried to keep her eyes off of him as much as possible. Jacob smiled at his two friends.
Harrison made his way over to Y/N and Zendaya, standing on Y/N’s right while her other friend was on her left. “You look absolutely stunning, Y/N/N.” Harrison said, British accent thick and evident in his voice.
Y/N smiled at the boy. “Thank you, you don't look to bad yourself.” Harrison nodded and followed Y/N as they walked further down the carful not to step on her dress.
“So, no date to the premiere?” Harrison asked.
Y/N sighed, her eyes wondering over to Tom and his beautiful girlfriend. “No.” She mumbled. “I see you don't have a date either? Now how does the great Harrison Osterfield not have a beautiful girl on his arm tonight?”
Harrison chuckled. “Couldn’t find the right girl I guess.” Y?N laughed softly but smiled. “I could have a beautiful girl on my arm, but only if you wanted to be that girl.”
“W-what?” Y/N stumbled out. Once again her eyes landed on Tom, who was now eyeing Y/N and his friend Harrison. Turning away, Y/N nodded. “I’d be more than happy to be that girl for you tonight.” Harrison smiled wide and wrapped his arm in hers. Y/N could see Tom frown at the sight of them together, but Y/N had spent enough time wallowing in her sorrows. It was time for her to be happy.
The entire night at the premiere Y/N could feel Tom’s eyes on her and Harrison. He didn’t seem to be enjoying himself like she thought he would be. His girlfriend had somehow managed to wonder off and any time anyone wane saw her she was flirting with other men. Y/N wished she could see she felt sorry for Tom, but she just didn’t. Her heart had broken when she saw him with her that day on set. And on that day she made a promise to try and be happy, even if it was without Tom, and now she was happy.
By the end of the premiere Y/N and Harrison had grown closer to each other than they ever had been on set. As Harrison walked Y/N back to her shared limo with Zendaya he stopped walking and turned Y/N around to face him.
“Y/N/N. I know that you’ve liked Tom for a while now, and I know that you were upset to see him with that girl earlier, but I still want to ask you this question.” He took in a sharp breathe, “Will you go out with me? Just one date, and if you don’t feel the same way that I feel about you then we’ll stop there. But if you do feel the same, I- I would like to go further.” Y/N contemplated it in her head, and after several silent minutes she nodded.
“I would like that.” Y/N smiled. Harrison broke out into an adorable, dorky grin. He leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to her cheek and then walked over to his own limo that Tom was waiting next to.
Tom’s face was full of mixed expressions. Sadness, anger, regret. Y/N turned on her heels and stepped back into the car, a smile glowing on her face.
It had been months since Y/N and Harrison went out on their first date, and after that first date they became a thing. They’d regularly go out for coffee or tea, they’d go to the park and just sit in the grass, or they’d go by the beach and shove each other into the cold water.
Now Y/N was back on set for a while, just for little parts on the sequel to Spider-Man : Homecoming. Her and Harrison couldn’t be separated. It was so bad that Y/N had to be dragged away from him by Zendaya.  Tom hadn’t talked to Harrison or Y/N since they had come out as a couple. He had broken up with his girlfriend due to the fact that she had been cheating on him, and he realized something. He loved Y/N.
When the director had called a break for a few minutes Y/N had wondered over to the food table and started searching for anything that might catch her eye. What did catch her eye was Tom standing on the opposite side of the table, hands stuffed into his pockets and a frown on his face. Y/N sighed and slowly looked up.
“Hey, Tom.” She mumbled.
Tom tried to muster up a smile. “Hey, Y/N/N.” HE said in the same tone as she ha. “Do you mind if I speak with you for a second.” He asked.
Y/N shrugged and discarded the food table. The two walked out of the set. “What did you want to talk about?” Y/N asked and she fiddled with the necklace around her neck. Harrison had gotten it for her on their six month anniversary.
“I wanted to say I’m sorry for not realizing how much you had liked me, back when we filmed the first Spider-Man. I- I realized lately, after my girlfriend and I split, that I liked you Y/N. Hell, I love you. ”The girl’s heart stopped. She didn’t want to hear this, but Tom kept going. “I’m sorry I never realized sooner, but I fucking love you Y/N.”
“I- Tom, I’m happy now. I waited for you for months! I’m sorry but I just don’t feel the same way.” Y/N moved back slowly and then soon left Tom where he was.
He now could understand what pain Y/N had gone through when she knew that she would never be that girl for him. And she never would be now.
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heartbreakweathervinyl · 7 years ago
Thanks To The Cat
Prompt: Can you help me sneak my cat into my dorm?
Trigger Warnings: None
Words: about 1,900
Read on Wattpad (English)
"Ughhh, I hate Uni so much", Louis moaned. He was laying on his bed in the dorm he was living in with his best friend Harry. Said boy was also in the room, laying on his bed on the other side of he room. Their other two friends, Zayn and Liam, were sitting on their grey carpet. While Harry and Louis were sharing a room on the first floor of the building, Zayn and Liam's shared one was on the second. Not that they cared, they were spending most of their free time in this room anyway.
"How can you already hate Uni? It's only started two weeks ago", Harry mumbled with his slow voice. He was eating cookies and there were crumbs everywhere. It would hurt to sleep in his bed tonight, Louis thought but he also knew that Harry would just come over to him and sleep next to him. It was nothing unnatural. They were sleeping in one bed more often than not.
It was true – Uni started two weeks ago but it was their second year already, that's why Louis didn't unterstand how Harry could say such a thing. "Oh, as if, Harry. Just because we were on break, doesn't mean Uni got magically better. It's still this stupid nuisance it was a year ago."
Harry glared at him. It was just how he was. Harry liked going to Uni, he was always attending and studied almost all of the time.
Zayn and Liam laughed. They couldn't think of a day when Harry and Louis wouldn't say something offending towards the other or a day, where they weren't arguing. The four boys were best friends for years now. It began in primary school. Having no friends, they soon found each other and since then they were inseparable. It went as far as for them to go to the same Uni, although they weren't all studying the same thing.
It was great. They loved spending so much time together.
Liam asked Harry for a cookie and the little argument was forgotten. Soft sounds were coming from the stereo and they were humming a tune together. That was another thing they liked to do. They were all good singers and their voices were like the ones from an angel. Yes, they thought about making a musical career but they also knew it was important to have some kind of graduation because who knows if you'll get famous with your music and live with what you will earn from it.
The singing got interrupted by a quiet, almost inaudible knock on their door.
It was very unexpected and they almost jumped to the ceiling but Harry shook his head and crawled off his bed. Thanks to his long legs, he only had to take a few steps to get to the door.
He opened it slowly, scared that someone didn't like their singing and be mean to them because Harry secretly didn't like screaming. Only his friends knew though.
He raised his eyebrows when he saw a boy, who was at least a foot smaller than him, standing infront of him. His blonde hair hid his forehead and he was looking at the ground right next to Harry's feet. The pastel purple sweater he was wearing, was like two sizes to big which was actually very adorable and Harry could feel a smile growing on his face. The boy had sweater paws and was nervously playing with his hands.
"Can I help you?", Harry asked when he realised the boy wouldn't be the one to start the conversation. He opened his door a bit more so his three best friends could see what was going on. If Harry wasn't mistaken, he heard Louis cooing from the other side of the room.
After hearing Harry's words, the boy looked up and Harry shyly in the eyes. The small boy had ocean blue eyes and they were so big, Harry thought they would fall out.
"Ehm, h-hi. I'm Niall, my room is the one next to yours." While talking he continued fumbling with his sweater and pointed to the door to the right. Harry knew it was a room for only one person, which was way more expensive but Harry actually liked sharing his room with his best friend – or all of them to be honest.
"Hey Niall, do you want to come in? I hope we didn't annoy you with our singing or whatever", Harry said. He didn't know why he invited the boy into their room, it just seemed to be the right thing to do. He took a step back and opened the door all the way.
Niall seemed a bit reluctant at first but after only a few seconds he smiled a shy smile and took a few steps into the room. He stopped right next to Harry and looked at the other people in the room.
After Harry closed the door he stood next to Niall and pointed out their names. "I'm Harry by the way and these are Louis, Liam and Zayn. Say hello, guys." They did and Niall looked down, never stopping the fumbling with his sleeves. It was actually very cute. "Why don't you sit down? Here, you can take my bed", Harry offered but Niall only shook his head.
"Thank you very much but I don't want to be a bother", he explained and took his eyes off the ground to be able to look Harry into his green ones. "I actually wanted to ask something." His voice was really quiet but they had no problem understanding him. They almost cooed as he was like a little, lost puppy looking for help, which he apparently needed.
"What is it?", Zayn asked and Niall turned around, facing the other boys.
"Well... I-I don't really know how to say it", he answered and after a short silence he quietly added: "It's something forbidden."
The boys exchanged worried glances. What could an innocent looking boy, like Niall do, that was forbidden? Should they be worried? Was it something they had to tell a tutor?
"Well, how about you tell us what you need our help with and we will then tell you if we can help you?" Louis asked.
Niall nodded but instead of answering, he rummaged in the small bag that was on his back and took a small piece of paper out of it. Harry didn't realise what was happening when there was suddenly something infront of his eyes and he couldn't see anymore.
"This is my kitty", Niall explained and Harry realised that the piece of paper, that Niall was holding, was actually a picture that he had no in his face – literally. He slowly held Niall's arm in his hand and shoved it a bit away from him so he could actually see what Niall was showing him.
It was indeed a kitty – a small, white fluff of ball with eyes as blue as Niall's. It was obviously very young and Harry was about to ask why Niall had a picture of his kitten in his pocket but Niall ran around the room to show the other three boys the picture. Then he sat down on the edge of Harry's bed and looked down at his lap. "Her name is Snowball and I love her very much."
Not really knowing what they had to do, Louis, Liam, Zayn and Harry were looking at each other in complete confusion.
Liam coughed, stood up and went over to Niall where he sat down and laid a reassuring hand on the smaller boy's shoulder. Niall looked so lost and sad that they wanted to lay a blanket over him and cuddle him to death, even though they didn't know him at all. "Did something happen to her?", Liam asked softly.
Niall sniffled. He leant against Liam's shoulder and continued to talk. "No, she's fine but it's getting coulder outside and she's just in this carton, you know?"
"Wait", Zayn said, "your cat's in a carton? Where? Isn't she home with your family?"
A small laugh escaped Niall's mouth. "No, they never liked her. That's why I took her with me but the Uni doesn't allow any pets in the dorms, as you probably know and that's why I hid her outside in a bush. But I need you help because it's getting too cold outside and I have to bring her inside."
After a short silence, in which everybody seemed to try to understand Niall's words, Harry spoke up again. "So, you need us to bring your cat inside? That's all? Because that is definitely something I can do. Just hide her underneath my shirt or something."
Niall gasped. "No! She would suffocate! And yes, I need you to help me bring her inside but there is something else..." He trailed off and looked down again, trying to avoid the other's suspicious looks.
"...yeah?", Louis asked.
"Well, ehm... You're the- the only people I know at Uni because I'm knew and- and everybody else already has friends but I heard you singing and I thought that you were really nice and friendly-looking that's why I knocked." He broke off, bringing his thoughts into the right order. "I have a lot of courses and I also need to catch up to the other students because I missed two weeks- I don't have enough time to care for Snowball and she needs someone..." With those words he looked up and there were actual tears shimmering in his eyes.
The boys knew what Niall was about to ask and yeah, they had a lot of work to do as well but they were four people and somebody would find the time to care for this stupid cat. They weren't mean people. Or – that's what they tried to tell themselves. It was definitely not the fact that Niall already had them wrapped around his little fingers and was as cute as a small teddy bear in a toy shop. The tears only played to it.
Niall was about to ask but the Liam cut him off. "Yes, we will", he said and Niall looked up at him surprised.
"What? You don't even know what I wanted to say, do you?"
This time, it was Harry who answered the small boy. "We know that you want to ask us if we can help you look after her. And we probably will, when I look at the other lads." They nodded.
"Really?", Niall exclaimed and jumped five feet into the air. That alone was enough for the boys to know that they wouldn't regret their decision.
"Well, come on then. I need you to see her. She will be very happy to have somebody as cool as you are. She's so lovely and fluffy, you wouldn't believe me if you haven't seen or touched her. Come on." Niall was actually dragging Liam off of Harry's bed and towards the door. Liam was struggeling to catch up and he wondered where this boy got all his energy from. It was really endearing though and the lads knew, they would love a new friend in their friend group.
Even though they didn't know and actually didn't want somebody else in their little group but they were sure it was okay to have a small, cat-obsessed boy and a small cat in their group.
It would be worth it, they were sure.
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mermawisdo · 8 years ago
Opposites Attract - Ch.2(pt.1)
The castle was different than Lutz’s home – it was brightly lit with the many windows and the smell of ocean air filled the halls. It wasn’t cold either. In fact, the castle of Yirin was too warm for the man who was used to cooler weather. Once he arrived at his room, Lutz pulled off his cloak and armor to air out his clothing. “How can people stand this heat?” And just my luck, I am here midsummer, the hottest time of the damn year here, he thought.  “At least the nights are cooler
I’ll have to manage my training in the early morning before getting used to this weather.” Thinking about the cooler mountain air made him hopeful that these three months will go by fast so he can return home before the leaves turn.
Rolling onto the bed, which Lutz had to admit was very comfortable, he pondered about his new fiancĂ©. “The kid’s got some spunk. I never seen anyone try that hard to give me his dirtiest glare hehe
.” He’s going to enjoy taunting Oliver to see what the pink prince will do.
The first few days were annoying and blatantly showed how out of place he was. Lutz got lost three times, couldn’t find the kitchen, and his general size made some of the maids a b it scared to approach him. Luckily, Lutz was a fast learner and found a quick way to make it to the stables without any trouble. That was the main area he stayed at because it was near the training field where his men were most of the time. Lutz felt comfortable around the horses and even the young stable boy was asking 101 questions about his large stallion. The mountain man wouldn’t admit out loud it made him feel homesick but he wasn’t going to cry about it. His favorite part of the stables, were the hunting dogs – they were a large group of fox hounds that were loud when they were excited.  They were smaller than the larger breeds he had back home it didn’t matter – Lutz will take dogs over people any day. There one dog that caught his attention; it wasn’t a fox hound but a short basset hound. It was odd to see it but Lutz figured since it was still a hunting dog, the basset was part of the group. It still came to him, with those floppy ears and wanted belly rubs.
Dogs always made Lutz happy and he was almost close to heaven with the pack of hounds. When he had to go, the dogs were called back on command and he couldn’t help but chuckle at the basset hound trailing behind. He asked someone about the dogs and found out they’re shared by the king and eldest prince, but the basset was specifically Oliver’s dog which was named Dottie. “Dottie
cute name
Speaking of Oliver, he noticed the prince was out of site until dinner time even then, the two hardly spoke to each other.  Like tonight – it was the end of his first week there and Oliver ignored Lutz until Allister took notice.
“Oliver, have you shown our guest around yet? I’m sure he’s curious about the castle and town.”
The prince wiped his mouth then spoke, “No, I haven’t. I am busy with my work to be a tour guide right now
besides, I’m sure Lutz is smart enough to get around by himself.”
Lutz sipped his wine and smirked, “Oh, you’re quite right, Your highness. I’m smart enough to know when people are bad company.”  Oliver scrunched his nose at that; striking a nerve with this one is too easy, he thought.  
Arthur looked at them then spoke up, “Perhaps it’s wise that both of you spend time together since it will make things easier for you both. Maybe you’ll find you have something in common
” It was an encouraging sentence but sounded like an annoyed older brother.
“No way!” Both Lutz and Oliver replied at the same time, looked at each other in surprised then went back to glaring at each other.  Oliver stood up, “Excuse me. I’m going to retire early tonight
father, brother
Lutz. Good night.” He hightailed it out of there before anyone can say another word to him, grumbling as he headed to his room.
Once there, the prince plopped on his bed and groaned, “Ughhh he’s such an ass!” Dottie, who was laying on the bed, came whining at him and licked his face, “Oi, don’t try to butter me up! I know you betrayed me and loved on the man.” The dog just wagged her take and tried to lick Oliver again, making him giggle, “Dottie! Stop!” Thank god for a dog to take the young man’s attention away from is irritations – even when that dog has already claimed Lutz as hers too.
The following week, Oliver began to watch Lutz like a hawk. If he avoided the man too much, he won’t hear the end of it from his father. One afternoon, the prince was out in the garden area with some of the wives of the men fighting, under a canopy with some lemonade and finger foods. Lutz was nearby with a few of his men and Yirin soldiers, training with each other. The women were casually talking about their men and Lutz, giggling over something he wasn’t paying attention to. “One thing that’s bothering me about that Sanyth man
he’s looking a bit red in the face and neck
does he know he’s getting a sunburn?”
Oliver raised an eyebrow at that and looked, noticing the moving warrior’s reddened face. Idiot! Doesn’t he know that his pale skin is going to burn easily?
The women whispering about it now and as they spoke, it was noticeable Lutz wobbling as he blocked attacks. Lutz was heavily breathing but ignored it to fight off his opponents – but as he moved, his sight was blurring. Why does my head feel dizzy? I know I ate and drinking when I can
, he began think, dammit
I can’t see very clearly
 Wobbling more, the man took a step forward, but as soon as he did, Lutz collapsed and blacked out on the ground.
Everyone around immediately stopped what they were doing and the men ran to the passed-out Lutz. Oliver watched the whole thing and perked up, walking over to see what happened. “Take him to his room and call for the doctor!” He ordered, receiving nods from the men who picked up the larger male. The prince still didn’t care for Lutz but it would be stupid to just sit there and let one of your guests lay on the ground passed out.  
After the doctor came and checked Lutz, he returned to the king’s study where the family was waiting. “Is he alright, doctor?” The king asked, raising his eyebrows in worry.
“Oh yes. Lord Beilschmidt will be fine. He just had a heat stroke – probably from moving around too much in this heat without proper water intake. I have my nurse keeping his temperature down and after some sleep, Lutz will be fine. Though I suggest someone advice our mountain friend that training in this heat requires much more water. Perhaps some thinner clothing as well so they won’t be so heavy on him. “The doctor replied, nodding as Allister thanked him for his help before the older man left, escorting him out of the study.
Oliver sighed in relief at the news and made a note to check on the man before going to bed. Now I regret calling him an idiot
I guess the man wasn’t expecting this heat I suppose

The sound of Arthur’s scoff pulled the young Kirkland out of his thoughts. “What a fool! How does one not know that you don’t train in the heat without properly taking care of yourself? The man is such a fish out of water
“He probably didn’t know, Arthur. I mean, you didn’t know that it rains a lot in the Spring when you were south of Davalos. We just have to remind Lutz later about what the doctor said and he’ll be fine.”
“Hmph! You sound like you care about the man when you’ve done nothing but ignore him.”
Oliver slightly glared, “So? He’s still our guest and should be treated well when it comes to his health.”
His brother just mumbled something under his breath and left the study, with Oliver soon following afterwards. Before he went to dinner, the prince went to check Lutz, but when he saw a few of the men around his fiancé’s door, he turned away. Lutz’ men honestly scared him a bit with how wild they were and he was pretty sure they don’t want any one bothering them.  “He’ll be fine
” With that, Oliver headed back to the dinner hall to join his family.
Lutz slept all evening and night, waking up before lunch time with his stomach growling. He slowly got up, fleeing a slight headache coming on. With his top shirt, off and barely any blankets on him, the man wondered happened to him yesterday. A knock at the door made him wake up more, “Enter.”
A middle-aged woman with her hair pinned up and a nurse’s dress on, as well one of the maid girls came in with food. “Oh, good. You’re awake, my lord! We were getting worried. Now you can eat something.” At the mention of ‘eating’, his purple eyes went straight to the tray of food that the blushing maid set on his bed.
“What happened to me?”
The nurse was writing in a small book she had, “Heat stroke, my lord. Many people who visit Yirin in the summer often get it and don’t realize it till they black out. The doctor wants you to take it easy and drink more water if you’re going to train in the afternoon.”
Lutz grunted as he devoured the food he was given. “I guess I should have relaxed till it got cooler...thank the doctor for me and I promise him I’ll be more careful.”  The woman smiled and nodded, “I’ll deliver the message. Please excuse me, my lord.” She turned and left the room with the maid about to leave a well. The Sanyth man looked at his tray and saw a bottle with his name written elegantly on a card. “Excuse me, but what is this?”
The girl perked up and saw Lutz pointing at the bottle, “Oh! That is a salve made to soothe sunburns. Prince Oliver suggested that you needed it since he noticed how red you were getting. So, we made enough for you as well as your men so none of you damage your skin.”
Raising an eyebrow, Lutz was intrigued – a gift from Oliver? So, does this mean he’s being nice now? Or is this just a peace offering?  Whatever the gift meant, it was useful and he’ll be sure to keep with him, “Well then, tell him that I appreciate his gift and I’m sure do my men.” The girl nodded and left the room, letting Lutz be alone with his thoughts. “Prince Oliver
you’re starting to get interesting..”
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sakisakasaikou · 8 years ago
Omoi Omoware Furi Furare Ch 26 Translation
Scans here
p1 Love makes progress during the cultural festival! It's finally time to head to the night party--
I'm filled with nerves, but still want to reach out this hand.
p2 Message: I have something I need to tell you, Akari.
Akari: .......
Akari: Yuna--? Are you here?
p3 Yuna: Akari-chan...
Akari: Yuna---! There you are! Yuna: Akari-chan!!
Yuna: Akari-chan!! Akari: Whoa Yuna: Akari-chan!! Akari: What-- what happened?
Yuna: I-- Agatsuma-kun..... confessed to me...
p4 Shiba: Oh!
Shiba: I got a message from Agatsuma. Rio: Eh?
Message: Sorry! I had the key. I managed to get off the handcuffs. I'm heading back to class now.
Shiba: "I'm heading back to class now," he says.
Shiba: What's with that! He had the key all along! We searched for it so hard. Well, so long as it was found, right?
p5 Rio: .... Yeah.
Yuna: I... I....!
Yuna: This is the first time in my life I've ever had someone confess to me!
Yuna: And I... was so surprised... And... um... and then...
Akari: Don't worry, don't worry. Take a breath. Here.
p6 Yuna: :breathes out:
Yuna: Agatsuma-kun said...
Yuna: Let's go together to the night party...
Akari: (Kyaaa! I thought so! I thought he liked her!!)
Yuna: I was concerned about Rio... I was feeling kind of down because of it... And Agatsuma-kun noticed how I felt.
p7 Yuna: I always knew he was a nice guy, but that made me think it even more.
Yuna: To have someone like that confess to you is honestly a really wonderful feeling. Akari: Yes, yes! Of course it is! Anyone would be happy!
Akari: So... are you saying... What did you answer him?
Yuna: .......
p8 Yuna: I turned him down.
Yuna: I know he's a really great guy.
Yuna: But, I really do love Rio.
Yuna: But... it seems as though Rio is going to tell someone he likes them, at the night party.
p9 Yuna: I'm such an idiot and so stubborn about it.
Akari: That's not true at all! Akari: The fact that you know yourself so well right now is really, really amazing, Yuna!
Yuna: You always say such nice things about me.
Yuna: I had a feeling you'd say something like that.
p10 Yuna: I probably told you because I wanted to hear it.
Yuna: You're my safe space.
Akari: (But I really think that.)
Akari: (The things I don't have enough of, you have so completely. I think that's so amazing.]
Yuna: Akari-chan.
Akari: ? Yes!
p11 Yuna: I've decided I have to tell Rio one more time how I feel.
Yuna: Before he confesses to someone else, I need to convey my feelings.
Akari: Eh? Today? Right now?
Yuna: [nods]
p12 Yuna: I just turned down Agatsuma, and his confession influenced me... It makes me want to tell Rio.
Yuna: Is that terrible?
Akari: ......
Akari: You probably know what I'm going to say, don't you?
p13 Akari: Of course I'm on your side. So go do your best!
Yuna: .....
Yuna: Okay! Thank you!
[LINE msg sounds]
Akari: Oh, it's from kano.
p14 Kazu: Oh, Yamamoto-san's here.
Akari: Heyy!
Kazu: Huh? Wasn't Yuna with you? Akari: Oh yeah. She has something to do. She said she isn't coming back to class, just heading straight to the night party.
Kano: Sorry to call you back, Akari.
Kano: We're about to head home, so we wanted to say bye. Akari: No problem! I should say sorry for being so all over the place. Where's Ryousuke?
Kano: He's already out at the front gate.
p15 Akari: Thanks for coming today. I'll call! Kano: Sure! Come out our way sometimes, too. Akari: Bye!
Announcement: The cultural festival is now closing.
p16 Kazu (?): Let's clean up a little before the party tonight. Akari (?): Suuure. Someone: Are these okay to take down?
Akari: ........
Akari: Oh.
Kazu: That didn't get a prize. It's too bad. I thought it was a first place entry.
Akari: Yeah... me too.
p17 Akari: Inui-kun. Kazu: Hm?
Akari: Will you give me a push?
Kazu: Eh? Like this? Eyy. Akari: This is such an old joke.
Akari: When I realized I would have to move, and I'd be split from my friends...
p18 Akari: How I really felt about it...
Kana: I don't really want to go! I want to be with you guys forever! Why is this happening?
Akari: Even though I want to be like that, and I want to be able to say things openly...
Akari: I'm so scared someone will say, "What's with you all of a sudden?"
Kazu: [PUSH] Akari: Wha-!
p19 Akari: Um, you know... Kazu: [PUSH]
Akari: Eh? Eh... Kazu: [PUSH, PUSH, PUSH]
Akari: What in the world. Is this a thing now? I don't get it.
Kazu: So what if someone says that? I mean, you want to say it, don't you? So go do it.
p20 Akari: ....... One more time.... please.
[A request for more support.]
Kazu: No matter what anyone says to you, you've got me.
Akari: Eh?
p21 Kazu: Ah... um...
Kazu: Me... and Yuna and Rio are here for you, so what do you have to be afraid of?
Kazu: Nothing should scare you.
Akari: [I have it too.]
Yuna: You're my safe space.
Akari: [A place that will accept me unconditionally.]
p22 Akari: [It's right here.]
Akari: I'll be back!
p23 Shiba: Ah! Agastuma---!
Agatsuma: I'm back!
Rio: !
Shiba: You took a long time, considering you said you'd be right back. Agatsuma: Oh, sorry, sorry. I ran into some little kids and played with them a little.
Agatsuma: Is everyone out of their costumes already? Shiba: Like a long time ago.
Agatsuma: And...
p24 Agatsuma: Looks like you have something you wanna ask me, Rio.
Agatsuma: And I have something I have to tell you, too.
Agatsuma: So.......... yeah. I told her how I feel.
Agatsuma: I have a feeling you already kinda knew.
Rio: [suspense]
Rio: ...... Yeah.
p25 Agatsuma: So, I was turned down.
Rio: Eh?
Agatsuma: She says she has someone she likes. Rio: !! Eh! Who?
Agatsuma: She didn't tell me. But Ichihara-san...
p26 Agatsuma: Intends to tell him during the night party. Rio: HA?!
Agatsuma: Somehow I gave her the courage. She thanked me. Rio: (Yuna-chan)
Rio: (Has someone she likes.)
Rio: (And she's even going to confess soon.) Rio: No way.
p27 Agatsuma: Aaaaaaah. Both our chances close tonight along with the festival.
Yuna: (What should I do?)
Yuna: (I'm so nervous I can't move.)
p28 Yuna: (I have to go find Rio now, before he goes and tells someone else his feelings.)
Yuna: (I've been saying this to myself since Akari left!)
Yuna: (Wahhh... my nerves keep building...)
Yuna: [grip]
Yuna: (I was so fired up just a little bit ago! Get that back, me!)
p29 Yuna: (Ughhh but it's so scary.)
Yuna: (I mean, if I think this through, he has the intention of confessing to someone, so a confession from me would just be a bother. And he's already turned me down once.)
Yuna: (Aren't I awful?)
Yuna: (Ahhh... There's the sound of my courage deflating... Wait-- don't leave me--)
p30 Yuna: Forget this! I'm going!
Yuna: (Before my courage is gone completely....!)
Yuna: !!
[SPLASH] Yuna: It... it's cold...
p31 Yuna: Haha... It's... cold...
Yuna: (Even though I'd just made the decision to wrangle up my courage... This is horrible.)
Yuna: (How could I confess to Rio-kun, who sparkles so much, in a messed up outfit like this?)
p32 Yuna: (Is this an omen that I shouldn't do it?)
Yuna: (Maybe it is. If I don't do it, I could stay his friend forever. Yes, yes.)
Yuna: (Ah... That's made me feel so much calmer.) Yuna: .... And...
Yuna: I'm pathetic.
p33 Yuna: So pathetic. I hate myself.
Yuna: Akari even told me I was amazing, and here I am.
p34 Rio: No, I can't.
Agatsuma: Eh?
Rio: I'm not done yet.
Rio: I haven't said anything yet.
Rio: It doesn't matter who she likes. But before her confession
p35 Rio: I have to at least let her know how I feel.
Agatsuma: Eh?
Agatsuma: Rio!
Agatsuma: ........
p36 Kazu: Rio?
Kazu: Are you looking for someone? Rio: Oh Kazu!
Rio: Is-- Is Yuna-chan here?
Kazu: No, she's not in the class. Rio: What, for real?
p37 Rio: (Where could she be? There's no time. I'll ask her through LINE where she--) !!
Rio: (Damn, I left my phone in my locker.)
Rio: (At a time like this? Should I go get it? But...) Kazu: What's wrong? Are you okay?
Rio: (Right! If I get Kazu to send her a message--) Rio: KAZU! Kazu: Yeees?
Rio: Could you Announcement: The night party will commence shortly. Rio: WA-- Rio: UWA Kazu: ? Announcement: All students please report to the grounds.
p38 Announcement: I repeat. The night party will commence shortly. Yuna: I have to hurry.
Announcement: All students--
Rio: Damn, I have to hurry.
Both: (Once the party starts---)
p39 Kazu: Oh come to think of it, Yuna had something to do.
Rio: (Something....) Kazu: She's going straight to the party without stopping by the classroom, I heard. She might already be down at the grounds.
Rio: Got it! Thanks!
Rio: (I messed up-- for her to not be in the classroom--)
p40 Rio: (It's not that I want to get in her way. It's okay if she doesn't accept me.)
Rio: (I just want her to know.)
p41 Yuna: (I want to say it again.
Yuna: (I'm so much better than I was back then. And a feeling as strong as this--)
p42 Both: (I can't let it end without saying it out loud.)
EXTRA PAGES Shiba: (Two of my friends have fallen for the same girl.)
Shiba: (Yamamoto Rio. He's completely aware of his good looks so he's kind of a show off. He's the kind that some people would get annoyed at. But he's a totally great guy.)
Shiba: (Agatsuma Haruto. He's a gentle type that packs a punch. The kind of guy that girls look straight through. But he's a totally great guy.)
p2 Shiba: (If I were Ichihara-san---!) Shiba: WHICH SHOULD I CHOOSE? I like both! Shiba: (They're both my friends!)
Agatsuma & Rio: So have both?
Shiba: Eh? There's no way that could work...
Shiba: (Huh?) Shiba: A double cone! Shiba: (There was something I was worrying over... Well, whatever!)
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survivormarmoreal · 6 years ago
Episode #2: “I have no material for a confessional” - John
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Cole got voted out? Who is Cole? Oh the one who proclaimed that "the real bitch has arrived"...bye.
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Ok so now that Cole is gone, my next target if we lose I think Bryce should be next. The tribe shoulda known what would happen when me and Nick got put together :) only the inevitable tribe swap can screw this up.
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So I have no idea who that first boot guy was, but rip the first of many people!  I hope to not follow him out the door anytime soon lmfao...
This challenge looks like it'll be fun and brain blasting, but I'm so bad at everything, so we shall have to see how I perform!  I really want to thrive in this pre-merge portion and not only form alliances but also show that I can do a challenge for my tribe and do it well!
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Hi! I’m Nicole! I’ve been doing so terrible in this game so far, I already got a strike for not submitting a confessional and also abstained from last immunity. I absolutely HAVE TO pull my weight this round or my tribe is gonna hate my guts. I love Alice in Wonderland so I’m sad that I am doing so pooorly but hopefully I still have time to turn it around.
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I did the challenge and i hope i did well enough to give us points to win immunity. Dont really want to go to tribal. I really like my tribe. It is time tho to have somewhat game talk. Right now Im feeling like I want to align with sharky, dennis, and charlie. But need to see who they would want to work with. I also really like Brian. So by default if we do lose, my target might be Nicole which sucks but we havent really talked. Those are my thoughts so far.
I started my game talk with Dennis and he wants to work together which is great. (Hopefully he is telling the truth). Next we talked about who we should bring in and he said charlie and Im down with that because Charlie is awesome. I brought up Sharky and Dennis said that he was chill and would work with him. He’s asking Charlie and I’ll be asking Sharky. Hopefully this four person alliance works. I really like to work with them three.
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Okay challenge performance: Not my best? Outfit I wore while I did my challenge: cute.
Okay the game has officially BEGUN. Maynor just came to me pitching an alliance. I feel great about working with because we get on really well. The only hiccup is that he followed it with pitching us working with Dennis and Charlie as a 4 person alliance. I really want to work with Brian though so I'm going to try and get him to keep his options open...but I have an alliance at least.
Does Nicole have a personality? I'm really not sure because our conversation has consisted of NOTHING. I want to work with women...but not Nicole

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Charlie and Sharky both agreed to be part of the 4 person alliance. This is great because we will have majority on our tribe. Hopefully its true tho. Sharky is down to be my duo partner in this game and im 100% truthful about that. I would totally go to the end with him. Lets just hope we win immunity today so we can avoid tribal again.
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Okay so this alliance is in motion and Brian is getting left behind...I have to figure out a way to warn him without freaking him out
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Wowee, tribal. Not a fan. I should be Gucci but like maybe a new Gucci gang will usurp me. Though I do severely doubt it lol. wooo! Did someone mention that I have an exam tomorrow as well? Love this. Brb gonna have a mental breakdown.
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WE WON. Thank god. The longer we stay on this winning streak the longer I can keep from having to make real choices in who I align with.
From here on out Maynor and I will be a power couple known only as The Scream Team.
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All I know is Keaton BETTTER STAY. If he leaves, ima kick his ass
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Alliance of 4 is great. Going to make a chat later with host. Need to come up with an alliance name first. We won immunity which is awesome. We are now only tribe to have all memebers still. Which is good and bad since we could be targets during a swap for having everyone still in the game. Lets đŸ€ž that doesn’t happen.
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ok so jayden stays ignoring but finally started talking to me for like 4 minutes so love that!! he really cares. and like still ppl force me to have convos with them like i just want a social game sorry to inconvenience u!! love naomi smalls. uh i have a f2 now! me and nathan WILL win this game know that we scored the highest in the challenge too.. WHICH WE WON! WOOOOH
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Keaton has decided he wants to be buddies with me and BC now so *surprise* that’s an alliance now. Woohoo. Keaton’s growing on me a lot actually - it took him a while to get started but now he’s arguably one of my favorites. Keep it up Keaton!
At this point it’s getting increasingly obvious that BC wants to be everyone’s best friend. The alliance with Matt happened because BC had a chat with both of us the night before about allying separately. And Keaton initiated the alliance yesterday because of a conversation he had with BC. And then apparently BC gets on really well with Marie as well? From my perspective, he’s spreading himself too thin and it could bite him in the ass if he’s not careful.
As for the vote, it’s between Marie and John. BC and I are leaning John. The guy hasn’t talked to me once since the first night. He’s putting in super low effort, and I’d rather have someone like Marie who actually tries to be a part of the team. Matt and Keaton seem to be leaning Marie though. I’m going to try to push BC into committing against John without being too vocal either way myself. If Marie winds up going, it’s not the end of the world, but I’d really like to see John gone.
Also, a swap would be great right about now pls and ty
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Sooooo I have an idol... a legacy advantage... a majority alliance... and our tribe won immunity... I think I’m the most powerful player in the game right now... let’s just stay that way!
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I just sent in to create the Four of a Kind alliance which is me, Dennis, Charlie, and Sharky. Sharky and I named our duo alliance. I feel that Sharky is genuine to were I trust that he does want to work together. I still want to bond with Brian because I really like him. Nicole is mostly offline so idk. Our conversation like stopped.
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So apparently the hosts want me to make one of these so I will. Not much to talk about since im in the majority and we aren't going to tribal. Bryce is presumably going next although he is good at challenges and appreciates Travis Scott. But according to Nathan he tried to target me so ya know.
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So my phone is gone... this is sad and for now I have no way of getting it back so I am not quitting until I get voted out but I am not giving up.
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So I’m shook I survived the first vote and we won thank god. I’m so happy for Nathan he really stood up for me last round and I’ve got his back no matter what now! I’m just hoping that Bryce isn’t angry with me for the cole vote oops
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I thought I was clever. I was going to let other people take charge of this vote, let someone who cared more about who got voted out decide who goes. No need to get blood on my hands this early, right?
well APPARENTLY we're all so fucking bright that we all had the same great idea. none of us are going to dare suggest we have a preference here, and we're going to sit around until late tonight going "ya idk im fine with whatever". because that's what survivor's all about.
at least Keaton's hinting aggressively that he prefers to vote Marie here. if he were a little more active he'd be a lock for my favorite on the tribe.
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Why I get paranoid: I thought why not share why I’m paranoid when I play games... Survivor is a very cut throat killer game and when thinking about how to control that part to me to where I can be cut throat with no regrets. I turn that on at merge and cut away the paranoia because I simply know that once merge hits there is some respect to everyone left in so I feel a bit more comfortable making the plays I do but before merge it’s kind of stressful... fun fact about me is I never have gotten premerge in an official group game. So in a sense I guess I’m paranoid because the pressure is on premerge and merge is where I really start to pull it together because if I go out there’s simply no reason to really care what place I get.
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So, some developments. First of all me and Dennis feel like we've cracked a part of the puzzle on the search thing, as the wording was the same in two different things we found. Praying that Dennis gets and advantage. Imagine if we held all the powers by day 5 hahahaha.
Also, Dennis told me Maynor wants to make an alliance with me him and Sharky. I do feel good about this but would rather have Brian involved tbh. Despite this, me and Brian talked and I feel good about my relationship with him. He's a really nice guy!
Dennis didn't get anything on the hunt.. boooo. I am kinda wondering whether he's lying to me, cos I don't really understand why he tried to talk 4 times when there was another option... idk I trust him but I hope he's not hiding any advantage from me.
The alliance also got made. Good to feel comfortable in a group tbh
So happy we won the challenge!! I was a high scorer in this challenge, maybe I need to tone it down, don't want to seem a threat lol!!
I am a little bit worried about having told Sharky about the idol. Idk if I can trust him yet. It felt kinda awkward when I promised him I'd share the idol with him, I am genuine about that but I hope he sees that.
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I have no idea what’s happening this vote so I’m gonna vote Keaton because he’s the one I’ve talked to the least and hopefully I don’t get voted out ughhh
John is voted out 4-1-1.
0 notes