#my little opinion
coltul-sobolanilor · 1 month
Faust - a big Billford fanfic...
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minsungchronology · 11 months
My Personal Opinions on Minsung's Dynamic (2019)
Disclaimer: I am not trying to pass off my opinions as facts. This is my personal interpretation of what is laid out right in front of us. I could be completely off base because I don’t know these guys personally, so take this with a grain of salt and feel free to disagree!
If 2018 Minsung was “show”, then 2019 Minsung is definitely “tell”.
This year, we get a lot more in-depth information about their dynamic from their own mouths as well as a little bit from the other members.
This year, I feel like all the members (not just Lee Know and Han) have settled more into themselves. You can tell they are more comfortable (and less awkward?) on camera than they were the year prior. Lee Know’s outside-of-the-box personality is more discernible and he’s more inclined to show that side of himself to us, but I think that really peaks in 2020 (Gods Menu era) and onwards.
Han shows a side of himself that I’m pretty sure a lot of fans at that time were very surprised to hear, from someone as seemingly as outgoing as him. He’s the definition of a classic introvert: he doesn’t like crowds, he likes staying home, and he’s very quiet around people he doesn’t know well, even though he’s loud and outgoing around his closest friends and members.
This year, Lee Know and Han finally explain to us why they have so much in common. It explains why they naturally get along well and why they gravitate towards each other. They’re both (+Hyunjin) the “weird” ones of the group, both of them don’t prefer deep conversation, there’s no such thing as awkward silence (haha) between them, they like scary movies, they go to cafes a lot, they eat out a lot together in general, the list goes on.
Though, one thing that really stuck out to me was them saying in their Two Kids Room episode that they both “don’t care about what others think”.
Watching their interactions in subsequent years, I think that’s really interesting to take note of. To me, it explains a lot about their individual personalities, their friendship, the way they act around each other…and their very interesting dynamic that flourishes in 2022/2023.
And that they’re both “in their own world” together: Something that never changed about them.
There’s a bit of push and pull this year. We get to see more of their playful bickering, the slight changes in their friendship. You really get to see multiple sides to it (as shown in One Kids Room). I really enjoyed doing this year (and 2020 which I’m working on) because we get to see the foundation of their friendship (or at least a better glimpse into it).
And there's also a couple of instances where the members tease them. Chan casually telling them to have a good date even though they're in JYP's cafeteria of all places doing a Vlive with fans. And Changbin made it his mission to specify that LK knows Han's sleeping habits during One Kids Room. Man did him so dirty 😭😭
My personal opinion:
At this point, I still believe they are just friends. They literally behave like best friends if you watch them throughout this year.
Lee Know’s actions seem to be way more toned down this year than last year, perhaps putting those feelings on lock or just forcing them away in the back of his mind, as it’s just unrealistic for feelings like that to flourish at a time like this. They’re not as certain with their careers, they’re still rookies, they’re younger, being more careful/experienced on camera, other obvious reasons, etc.
Minus a few isolated incidents, things don’t get eyebrow raising with them until around 2022 IMO.
I’ve personally known and heard of best friend situations where one has a crush/feelings on the other for years, they don’t act on it for a plethora of reasons (i.e: the other does not feel the same way until much later in life or they don’t want to risk ruining their friendship). Sometimes they might even date other people before they figure things out…if they ever figure things out. In my case, the people I knew did end up dating each other after dating other people and are still together to this day.
But there are a few moments where Lee Know “slips”.
-The 1st Anniversary Vlive where they’re dressed up in their Miroh outfits, to the point where Han has to point him back to the camera.
-The "9th" episode with the Han fancam sendsssss me every time CAUSEEEEE…that guy thought he was slick ijbol
-Then the "I.N Hometown" Vlive near the end of the year (this one is so interesting). To my surprise, a lot of people didn’t notice it. At the end of the live when they all get ready to say their goodbye’s, LK places his hand on Han’s leg but immediately clenches his fist after realizing what he did. Han looks at him and LK almost grins at the last second. The group, as a whole, has skinship as their second language (some members to a lesser degree, like I.N). Touches like that to them are innocuous and no one blinks an eye. So LK’s behavior here makes me go 🤨?????
Han I think is not as (reluctant?) as he was last year. He even reciprocates Lee Know’s flirting during the “Stay’s Tell Us What To Do” Vlive and seems almost flustered by it. Then there’s a segment during Weekly Idol where Han freestyle raps and asks LK to be his boyfriend (Freudian slip?) as a way to get LK to choose him over the other members. Again, he’s more difficult to read, but I don’t think he really wants to acknowledge it or even realizes.
In 2020, you’ll see a very interesting change with Han’s behavior. You’ll really start to notice his appreciation of LK’s looks. 😉
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kenapiece-main · 1 month
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Can you believe I'm having to make this meme even after successfully finishing up taxes and applying to job
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hollis-art · 4 months
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i keep seeing redesigns of them as humans so i decided to throw my hat into the ring
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theabigailthorn · 2 months
"Good" Acting
i have a theory that a lot of people say acting is "good" when they're emotionally moved by it, and a lot of cishet white people have a lifelong habit of not listening or empathising when minoritised people speak, so minority actors get called "bad" even when they display some pretty fucking amazing technical skill
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braixen · 8 months
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banjo-bugs · 2 years
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I truly genuinely believe they would get along so well
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novembermorgon · 5 months
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backjustforberena · 9 months
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Corlys and Rhaenys at their daughter's wake, with their grandchildren. DO NOT REPOST.
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obsob · 2 years
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making and weaving and loving! like we have done for millennia!!
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mummer · 2 years
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minsungchronology · 1 year
My Personal Opinions on Minsung's Dynamic (2018)
Disclaimer: I am not trying to pass off my opinions as facts. This is my personal interpretation of what is laid out right in front of us. I could be completely off base because I don’t know these guys personally, so take this with a grain of salt and feel free to disagree!
Lee Know is very interesting to me.
That’s literally the first thought I had when compiling all of these moments together.
Members and fans equally describe him as the “Tsundere” of the group (even though he’s a multifaceted person with a very caring side towards his closest ones). We see throughout the years he has a dry/deadpan sense of humor, is sarcastic at times, has a more introverted personality, etc. etc.
When I was a newer fan, I quickly assumed that out of him and Han, he was the one that was more inclined to “keep it together” on camera, thus making it super difficult to read him.
That is definitely not the case for me when making this video…cause holy sh*t??? There are times where the guy is shockingly transparent. (the fansigns and the early vlives, especially)
While putting together clips for this year, I found a clip of him (in a later year) where the other members describe him as someone who’s honest with his emotions, which…kind of tracks if you’ve watched him over the years. It's refreshing to see that in an idol.
I’m of the opinion that he developed a little crush on Han early-ish this year. 
I probably would have chalked down LK’s behavior towards Han as platonic fondness like he has for I.N (he really dotes on the youngest like a baby brother during this year. I felt like these two were also pretty close since you see them together frequently, but their friendship isn’t talked about too much. Jeongho is actually so underrated 😭.), if it wasn’t for Changbin’s subtle yet unsubtle remarks towards those two. Changbin is someone who knows them personally, lives with them, and is with them almost 24/7. He knows them better than any of us ever will. So it’s quite telling to me when that is coming from someone who ACTUALLY KNOWS THEM, which really puts things into perspective. 
He literally acts like someone who teases their friend for having a crush.
You have moments where Changbin points and laughs at Lee Know for staring at Han ~that way~ during the dance segment in the KBS World Idol show, then there’s him giving LK the 😏 look when he gets smiley from Han who was doing…almost nothing…during a Vlive they have before a fansign, AND THEN the 3.NO.RA.CHA car Vlive where he’s like “Lee Know why are you so happy? Why are you so happy?” after LK and Han do something that catches Chan off guard (I’m pretty sure they did the one plus one is cute thing that they end up doing during the two kids room episode). Which goes onto another point…THAT episode:
I find it interesting how LK was the one who requested Han to do the aegyo class with him because…like,,,, what?? 🧍‍♀️
For some reason I thought Han was the one who suggested it.
Then comes the part where LK mentions feelings and Han looks into the camera like he’s in the office and LK just nervously giggles and says “I don’t know” after realizing the implications of what he just said. This is also interesting to me b/c normally someone would react like “Oh no!! Don’t misunderstand!” to diffuse any awkwardness. 
And the fansigns, they are so flipping cute in those. 😭 There’s so much content out there so I was stressing out about how much to include and/or exclude. From these alone, you can tell LK adores the hell out of Han. It’s so painfully obvious to watch. It really puts the “LK can’t live without Han” saying by Seungmin into perspective. 
Han, on the other hand, like I said in a previous post, is harder to read. I honestly don’t think he liked LK “like that” at this point, unless he’s incredibly good at hiding it and didn’t want to acknowledge those types of feelings at all for obvious reasons. If you compare him in 2018 to 2023, it's worlds apart. (lmfao the concerts this year are something else; I seriously can’t wait to get to 2023 b/c whatever happened in Australia Sydney day 1 is VERY INTERESTING, like the fancams from that concert are incredibly eye opening for reasons I don’t want to explain right now 😬😬).  LK has remained fairly consistent imo. I think you’ll start to see some reciprocation from Han in later years.
But they are consistently close this year. They bicker and play-fight like close friends do, they comfortably joke around with each other, and they’re always finding some way to interact with the other. The two of them always seem to be on board with eo's ~weird~ antics too. (Much like you see in subsequent years and this year; they haven’t changed at all in that aspect). They’re the definition of soulmates. 
Seeing their evolution as idols from the beginning is very interesting too when you get to go back and watch almost every single content out there. Like plenty has changed within a 5-6 year span, but a lot of things have also remained the same.
Lee know was noticeably more camera shy back then. Han seemed more outgoing and out there compared to him (the guy is a ball of energy) while LK was quieter and more in the background. You can also see snippets of his characteristic sense of humor and “4d” personality, although, again, he was more camera shy so he didn’t show it as much. 
2019 is still a work in progress, but I think Han's behavior much later that year and in 2020 is an interesting change from what we see in 2018.
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hellsitegenetics · 4 months
String identified: SCP-3999 Object Class: Apollyon Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3999 cannot be contained stop be contained
String identified: Item #:
String identified: Researcher Talloran:
Closest match: Trametes ferrium Common name: Metal eating fungus.
Researcher Talloran is to be identified using the BLAST database modeled using AlphaFold kept in a standard terrarium suitable for moths.
Common name: finding tumblr's genome one post at a time.
String identified: The following file contains a virulent infohazard. Due to this, it is imperative that all personnel accessing this file be certified as having a Cognitive Resistance Value (CRV) of no less than 14.5. Should you fail an automated CRV verification, please remain calm and do not move. A member of your site's medical staff Researcher Talloran will be with you shortly.
Special Containment Procedures: Researcher Talloran is to have his genome aligned with its 12 closest genetic matches using MEGA. Navigate to the "table" section and select phylogenetic tree. Click "yes." Use sub-branches to note connections between each branch, such as families or kingdoms.
Item #: Cydia strobilella genome assembly, chromosome: Z Object Class: Spruce seed moth
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(Researcher Talloran must link the image source.) This can be the only conclusive fact.
So stop asking.
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eccentricsugar · 5 months
Honestly, it was the countdown for me. Everything else I can laugh off, but the countdown???? They actually thought this news would be a god sent to us. That it was SO EXCITING to prompt a countdown to the announcement of their subscription thing. That's so out of touch like damn.
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5hrignold · 6 months
i meant to put this together days ago but here’s pim gifs from the new episode let’s all pretend it still just came out lalalala
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Jason's approach to Nico is actually SO tactful and empathetic. He is super emotionally and strategically intellectual + he is canonically an expert at reading body language because of lupa + he also observes people a lot, so I'm not surprised.
He called Nico out and told him to stop hiding in the shadows and pushing people away, but simultaneously reassured him that he was willing to be nicos friend. He gave nico a blunt reality check on what he's doing, but wasn't rude about it.
He never told anyone nicos secret, not even his girlfriend, and was very patient with him even after he lashed out. And after their friendship evolved, he was STILL very tactful and sought consent before he hugged Nico. He never forced or guilt tripped nico into staying at camp, and respected his decision if he wanted to leave but told him he'd always be welcome in both camps.
He also went to Nico's cabin simply to check on how he was doing and reassure him that he'd always be there for him no matter what (kind of like how he went to piper's room on the argo ii to check on how she was doing even though HE was the one who got stabbed by a sword like 5 mins ago lol-)
And that little scene where Jason got excited after nico said he's staying and just overflowed nico with plans on what they could do (like sing in campfires) but immediately apologized for overwhelming nico so much , while assuring him that they didn't have to do all that if nico didn't want to, and that he's just glad nico was staying.
Ugh jason grace the man you are
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