#my line manager said that her best estimate was 2 weeks
fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
Dear God please don’t let my period coincide with my first day at my new job…..
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periwinckles · 2 years
Our first stop is District Twelve. It's surprising that the train station was left unscathed, but then again I suppose the Capitol only meant to punish our people, they still wanted an easy way to assess the district. As we disembark, I ser Haymitch Abernathy waiting for ut at the platform. When I approach him, I notice he is already being questioned by several from our group of rebuilders.
"What? I'm not in charge of anything, I just came to get my liquor."
As the train attendants begin to unload several boxes from the cargo, Haymitch is handed a smaller one, the clinking sound revealing what is inside.
We all look around unsure of what to do next, as he storms off to Victor's village. Suddenly, the train whistles and starts to pull away, leaving forty seven of us behind.
"Looks like we've got some food rations in these boxes." Cyrus announces as he peers inside the newly unloaded cargo.
Following his lead, I start inspecting the other pallets. The second one contains tools and some safety equipment for the workers, while the third is stocked with camping gear.
"We should probably eat first and then do an inventory of what they left us with. Nobody works well on an empty stomach. "
"Good idea Thom, that's exactly what I was going to suggest!" Cyrus says, but his smile seems forced and his tone is laced with arrogance. "Once we've sorted the supplies, we should form teams and delegate tasks. It'll be important to establish clear leadership and responsibilities."
"That sounds like a plan." Sae says, clapping her hands together. "Everyone make a line to take your rations. This I know how to do."
No one dares to question Sae's authority as she takes charge and once more I'm grateful she's here. The rations are already pre packaged so she hands a bag to everyone. They're similar to the ones we received in the military, consisting of canned food, dry biscuits, bottled water, and a few packs of dry nuts. While most people have already begun eating, I take my time to assess the contents of my bag. I estimate that the amount of food inside will last me for about a week.
"The train attendant said the train will come every Thursday, around ten o'clock. We'll get new rations every week." Sae tells everyone as she sits with her granddaughter on the bench next to me.
"It's important that we organize ourselves. Let's try to have a system in place to manage everything by next Thursday."
She nods in agreement with me. "We should have someone in charge to act as a liaison to the government. We need to be careful with who ends up with that." She tells me quietly as she eyes Cyrus.
I observe him quietly, trying to recall any interactions we had on the train. He seemed pleasant enough, but I have no other basis for forming an opinion of him. I remind myself that I am not one to judge anyone without getting to know them first. However, Sae's remark about him makes me uneasy. She knew him from before the war, as peacekeepers were some of her best customers, and she also worked in the kitchen on District Thirteen, so she may have had previous interactions with him there, too. I will keep an open mind, but I won't dismiss Sae's comment lightly.
"Hi, there!"
My thoughts are interrupted by the soft chirpy voice, Saul's sister, one of the few girls that came back with us. She seems more at ease than she did a couple of hours ago, her soft curls bouncing from her shoulders as she approaches me. As I consider this, I realize that I too feel a sense of relief since stepping off the train. Coming home was definitely the right decision, and it seems like others share that sentiment, despite the fact that we are still lingering by the train station and eating canned food.
"Hi," I respond, furrowing my brows in confusion. She didn't seem particularly interested in striking up a conversation with me on the train.
"Hi, there!" She shakes her head in clear embarrassment. "Sorry, I said that already. I'm Delly, Delly Cartwright." She extends her hand and I shake it warily.
"Thom Campbell."
"Oh, I know your name, I had the entire list memorized before we left Thirteen. Your name was the first one there, right? I just didn't have a face to go with it, but I suppose I do now!"
She talks so fast I'm glad we're both from Twelve. If she had one of those weird accents from the Capitol, or the inner Districts, I would have missed half of what she said.
"I… my brother Saul, you met him. Short, blonde, terribly annoying? Well, he pestered me all the way here about how rude I was to you, when you were so nice to him. And I assure you I was never rude to anyone in my life, and I'm… " She takes a few seconds to breathe before continuing "... I'm really sorry." She exhales slowly, her eyes full of apologies. It's only now that I notice that she's offering me two packs of peanuts.
"We're allergic, Saul and I. Please take them. As a… a peace offering, of sorts."
I take them after a few seconds of consideration, but I place my two packs of raisins on her hand instead.
"I'll take them but only in exchange for these." She starts to refute but I insist. "The rations need to last for a week, trust me, you'll need them. You can come to me every week, and I'll trade your peanuts for raisins, I don't mind."
She smiles earnestly and looks even more regretful than she did before, her cheeks flushing pink.
"Thank you! Now I'm even more sorry about how rude I was to you."
"It's fine, really."
She looks around carefully, as if she's hesitating about what she's going to say next. "It's just that, things weren't easy while in District Thirteen. You never knew who you could really trust and…"
"Hey there, Dellilah!"
Cyrus approaches us and her demeanor changes instantly. Her smile fades from her face and her gaze starts to dart around, unable to settle on anything.
"Mr Johnson, hi.”
He flinches at her use of his last name, but doesn't comment on it.
“I should get back to Saul. Thanks again Thom.”
I nod silently and I’m rewarded with a soft smile. As I begin to eat my rations my gaze drifts over to her. She’s sitting close to her brother and Leevy’s family. I suppose she and Leevy are around the same age, perhaps school classmates. She seems relaxed now, chatting animatedly with Leevy, while Saul and Leevy’s younger sisters make a game out of the peanut shells.
In the meantime, Cyrus is engrossed in a pleasant conversation with Ray Thompson and his family nearby. It's clear that I wasn't the intended target of his approach earlier.
"I told you we should keep an eye on him," Sae whispers, glancing towards the direction of the young girls, suggesting that our interaction didn't go unnoticed. "Especially after all that talk about leadership."
Read the rest on Ao3
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Tuesday 4 July 1837
8 ¼
12 10
fine morning F65° at 9 10 – breakfast about 10 minutes or ¼ hour with A- before Mr. Gray came asked how she was  middling   I calmly said she could not be better going on in this way I was very sorry only wished her happiness would not wish her to stay here if she thought she could be happier anywhere but it was a serious thing  in leaving here she left independence and I thought almost every comfort  she cried but did not speak as she had evidently done her breakfast I begged she would not stay unless she liked it and she was just gone before Mr. Gray came – sat talking to Mr. Gray about furnishing the hotel – he very knowing about beds and furniture in general – particularly about feathers – should buy the tick and weigh it than put in as many feathers as required and weigh the bed and pay for the feathers per lb. 1/6 per lb. for the best Dantzic – well dressed by the feather merchant – will ¼ weight or 6lbs. out of 20 in dressing – feathers called 1st and 2nd
grays – 2nd grays as good as the 1st but the 1st a better colour, that is, white – feathers should be well stoved (in a large iron room (oven) with sulphur) on apt to smell putrid – sat talking till 10 1/3 when Holt came and Wood the engineer  Grays’ brother in law an upholster did not wish me to name this to Mr. Harper or the head designed for upholsterers some allow their designers ssix guineas a week – had H- in the little room with the great plan before us – it will be difficult for Messrs. Stocks and co. to carry off the Spiggs water – talked over Mr. Rawson’s low bed sough or loose, and staith at the bottom of the Bank – H- would rather give him a thousand pounds than miss it – Mr. Pollett came at last after 11 Mr. Harper came and finding H- with me I left them a little while together and while the 4 men were together I came upstairs – copied the plan of Lower brea by SW- dated 21 January and lent to me by Mr. George R- sometime back – Mr. Harper sent for me – gave him Bates’ estimates – Wood throws blame on Mr. Husband – sent off John Booth immediately for Mr. Husband and with a line or 2 in pencil to ‘Messrs. Parker and Adam solicitors H-x’ to ask either of them to be here at 8 this evening to meet Mr. Harper and told John to let Holt the engineer know Mr. Harper was here – went into the cellar – looking over papers of one sort or other and wrote the above of today till now 1 ½ - a little while ago the H-x paper came and a civil letter from Mr. Harper’s brother the solicitor at York to say his brother had not received my letter but he (Mr. Edward H- the solicitor) had written to inform him of there being such letter – H-x letter queer looking address to me or A- one or both informing me or her that Francis Carter had let his house for lodgings to a man who pottered the whole street and begging ‘pase’  peace, I suppose – went down to A- she said she had written to her sister and after telling the contents gave me the copy of her letter to read  little Mary and Hannah to go next Friday week A- said she had asked for Crownest  thought of going to Scotland for three weeks and asked me to let George go with her as far as Edinburgh  she should order furniture in Leeds in going  at Kendells’  of course I thought all arranged well then said I it is done I can only hope you will be happy  I supposed there was an explanation to her sister and said am glad you have written for if you had not I should  I am satisfied this is the best way you could have managed the matter I was not a little surprised to find the letter so expressed that that Mrs. S- would suppose A- wanted part of Crownest for some friend no hint at her going to Scotland nothing that as at explanatory or that could not easily be got over it might have been done to try me I saw this and laughed in my sleeve but said nothing and went to Mr. Harper a little while with Mr. Harper – he had sent for me vid. line 12 of this page to say Wood the engineer said he had never seen the plan of the wheel as amended by Mr. Husband and approved at York – I had sent off John Booth to H-x immediately for Mr. Husband and Messrs. Pollett and Wood were detained till he came – he proved that Mr. Wood had seen the plan and had it in his possession some weeks and it being referred to in the estimate Mr. Harper took Mr. Husbandds’ copy of the plan and signed it, and insisted on the contract being adhere to – he agreed to my agreement for the pen-trough etc and allowed extra £6 for the back shuttle omitted! in the last estimate – H- said he was glad to settle the matter on these terms – afraid of their setting aside the contract, and then he could not tell what I should have to pay (some hundred) for useless weight of iron – they would now lose £30 or £40 by it – He had bound them down to a month for having all done – but they were to make all possible exertion to get the pumps going in a fortnight from this time –Mr. Husband to be finally settled with tomorrow – a clerk of the works would be wanted for 2 months longer – I begged Blythe might have the place – H- had named it to him and he begged to consider about it – it was now about 21/4 – went back to A- who left me for ¼ hour while I saw Mr. Jubb in the north parlour and sat with her till she rode off to Cliff Hill about 3 ½ - began by hoping her going to Scotland would do her good she did not know that she should go said I had always thought she had better not go there without me and that she had better make a very different journey and go with me to Rotterdam etc etc I quizzed her a little and I think she was not sorry to get right again   when she said we had been unhappy of late no no said I not we I know nothing about it and you have been more unhappy in your stomach than in your heart – told A- I had asked Mr. Jubb (who called about 2 ¼) what he thought would be good for her; and I much wished she would be persuaded to take what he recommended (blue pill at night and effervescing draught in the morning)  out again about 3 ½ - about with Mawson at the hay barn road thro’ the wood – (A- took back to Lower brea this afternoon the plan of the Lower brea land I rough copied this morning) sometime with Mawson settling about the hay barn road – the 3 men he has now at the meer barrowing stuff (ornament stuff) to the by wash not enough for so long a run as from near the hut (on the other side) and to be taken off tomorrow to form the hay barn thro’ the wood at 4/. per rood – at the meer about 5 – full nearly within 2 or 3 in. up to the by wash so as to run over – stood musing and watching the 3 men till 6 – came in at 6 10 – dinner at 6 ¼ Mr. Harper (1st time) dined with us he having to stay till 8 to meet Mr. Parker respecting advertising and letting the Northgate hotel –sat at table about 1 ½ hour – Mr. Harper explained defect in Fowlers’ Hungford market roof (the tie-beams supported by iron rods the iron rods too slender to be of any use as spurs) and said that turning to his papers the other day reminded him of professor Morris of Cambridge shewing that the Menai bridge was wrong in principle the curve ab should = bc and equilibrium is the principle of a suspension bridge .:. ed should = cd which is not the case
but Telford was the inventor of the suspension principle and was thinking too much of the invention to work it out right – Professor Airie had observed at the 1st (in his lectures) that there was an error in the mathematical construction but left his pupils to find it out – had not courage to explain – Captain Brown saw the error and built Hammersmith bridge over the Thames right – Vauxhall bridge would tumble but for the smartness of the span of the arches – the famous bridge over the Doria at Turin (vid. last and 1st no. of the Transactions of the engineers) tumbling down – too little allowed by government for the school of drawing (architectural drawing) £250 per annum – one or 2 necessary works would cost the whole EG. Piranesis’ antiquities of Rome – could not be bought perfect for less than £100 in Rome – and duty 1d. per plate – it would cost from £100 to £150 – the celebrated German work (published at Berlin and just complete) on ornament = £30 guineas English money at Berlin – Mr. Parker came at 8 – left him with Mr. Harper about ½ hour – then had all in to tea and coffee at 8 ½ - A- had talked more than usual at dinner – joined in the conversation con spirit, and ditto ditto at tea – spoke very decidedly against Mr. Carrs’ having the hotel – to be advertised immediately – in the London Times and Morning Herald – 2 H-x papers Leeds mercury Liverpool ditto Manchester Guardian Yorkshire Gazette and Edinburgh North British advertiser = 9 papers – Mr. Harper said he had told Mr. Parker what it should let for to remunerate me  (which seemed to be £450) – H- thought 5pc. enough on building! and had evidently reckoned 5pc on £7000 + £3000 as value of the old house and land taken – yet he afterwards seemed to eat up his words a little so as to mean 5pc. clear and 2pc. to be laid by for repairs – but £450 rent = 5pc. on £1000 without anything to lay by for repairs – However he said I had better turn it to something else than little it for less than £300 a year – Mr. P- thought Carr should have it for less than anybody else – why said I, should he have Northgate for a hundred a year less than he now pays for the White Swan? the absurdity struck P- and he agreed that he ought not to pay less than £400 – but to ask £500 – he from the 1st moment mentioned furniture – I agreed that if required I would find all but plate, china, linen, and culinary things – I think there was a 5th exception but I forget what – what pc. to be paid on the furniture? put it to the vote all round A- and Mr. Harper said 10 Mr. Gray 15 Mr. P- 20pc.  and would not take less – H- thought £2000 would do all required of me – term to be 5 years – security for the rent from 1 September next – Blythe considered to accept the place of clerk of the works – P- took me aside into the little parlour and gave me back my bond of 1835 to Mr. William Wainhouse for £1000 – it was 10 ½ before Messrs. P- and H- went away – raining then
Mawson having the mowing and hay making and housing at 13/. per D.W. he finding all beer cut the grass growing on the intend Incline platform at the top of the bank – yesterday afternoon and mowed the wheat field today – he pays for 7D.W. mowing advised by J. Booth
Robert Mann + 5 at the new pool a little while in the morning then the rest of the day throwing up on the east side the soil of the back Lodge road near the top – 3 of Mawsons’ men at the meer barrowing stuff from near the hut to by-wash ornament – 2 masons at the new door into the kitchen – Edward at the laundry drying closet - [?] of the old garden wall near the west yew tree taken down for bricks for the laundry chimney – fine day raining at 10 ½ pm F55° at 11 10 pm
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imaginesmai · 5 years
Chris Evans - Banana’s new friend
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Requested by @captainchrisstan​, hope you like it! This is another part of the Banana’s series! You can read this without reading the previous one, since there isn’t a plot line, just our favourite plushie making another appearence 
Banana 2: Banana’s worries
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Plot: little Nathan is the new addition to the Evans-Y/L/N family, and Banana is having troubled feelings, along with Claire.
Warnings: I don’t know shit about little babies and births, give me a break.
“I don’t wike it”
In any other situation, it would have been funny, because Chris and you had a bet going on to see how many times she could say it in day. And since he had won the last one, you wanted it for yourself. But it wasn’t funny, because Claire wasn’t laughing neither was Chris, neither were you. No one was laughing in the Evans-Y/L/N family that night, because you were exhausted from more than twelve hours of labour and a whole day in the hospital.
Chris was exhausted too, if not more than you, because the poor man had been running from the hospital to your house all day, taking care of Claire while picking up the stuff you needed.
Both of you blinked your tired eyes at the little girl, who was pouting and had her arms crossed. Nathan gurgled something and drooled on the floor.
“What – what do you mean?” Chris attempted to laugh, but it came out too awkward. “He’s not an it, baby. He’s Nathan, your little brother”
“Well, I don’t wike him” Claire corrected herself and let her lower lip slip even farther from her mouth. “Take him back. I wan’ a differen’ brothe’”
Little Nathan didn’t react to his sister’s word, but kept making baby noises and drooling all over the same spot of the floor. He was wearing what you thought was the most cute onesie you could have found, with little Captain America’s shields all over the cloth, and Claire loved everything that had to do with it.
She had been so, so excited to meet him, that she hadn’t slept through the night, and had begged and begged to his uncle until he had taken her with Chris. After a week in the hospital, that was all she could talk about. And finally, when she got to meet him in the lobby of your home, she said that she ‘didn’t wike’ him.
“Claire, that’s not nice” you said, from your position behind Chris. He was crouching down in front of Claire, who was standing in the first step of the stairs and looking at the baby in her daddy’s arms. “We can’t change Nathan, he is your little brother and that’s final”
“But I don’t wike him!”
You gasped surprised at her sudden rage outburst, because apart from the occasional tantrum thrown from the toddler phase, she was a calm child. What surprised you the most, however, was when she threw the Banana plushie, who she had been dying to show to her little brother, to Nathan’s face.
Chris was fast enough to avoid it hitting the baby’s face, but still it collided with his tummy, and even if it was made of soft cotton, it disturbed the baby from the little daydream he was having. So the screaming started.
“Claire!” you and Chris shouted at the same time, while he raised up and cuddled Nathan to his chest. The small baby cried and sobbed so loud that you wanted to do the same. “You can’t do that!”
“Banana hates him!” she screamed back to you, and ran to pick up her plushie. “And I hate him too!”
You weren’t fast enough to catch the sobbing little girl that ran up the stairs to her room, and closed the door with a loud kick. The four year old girl screamed from her room so hard that you heard her over the sounds of Nathan wailing, and your eyes got glossy.
For so long, you had had the impression that everything had been going well. Claire had overgrown her fear of being forgotten because of the new addition to the family, and she actually helped to make the nursery and always bought something from the toy-store for him. And now, it seemed that everything had gone to hell.
“Oh my god” you cried out, and sat where seconds ago Claire had been. “That went so bad”
“Well” Chris sighed, and walked over to sit with you. “At least she threw Banana at him, not some other toy”
“Yeah, that makes it so much better” you rolled your eyes at him. “I feel so much better now. Thanks babe”
“Okay, I get it” he sat down besides you, and kept bouncing up and down the crying baby on his shoulder. “Do you want me to go and talk with her?”
Just the thought about having to face again a crying kid made you want to dig yourself in a hole and never come back, so you nodded and closed your eyes tightly. There was a constant pain on your lower regions because you hadn’t wanted to stay anymore at the hospital, and the doctor had allowed it as the birth hadn’t had complications.
“Go and rest for a while” Chris leaned down and kissed your forehead.
You looked up at him, and actually felt pity. He had dark black bags under his eyes, cracked lips and his head was a mess. There was stain of mayonnaise on his shirt, the same he had been wearing for a whole day, and he still had one sock from each colour. But you felt like dropping dead on the wooden floor, so you nodded.
“But wake me up in an hour or so” you smiled at him and kissed him. He didn’t taste like heavens and angels, but more like morning breath and coffee. “I have to breastfeed monster number two”
“Monster number two seems to be sleeping” Chris looked down to Nathan, who had his shirt fisted by the part of the stain and his little cute mouth open in a perfect O.
“Alright” you yawned and couldn’t get your hand to cover your mouth, just let Chris do his usual stuff and stuck his finger on your mouth. You stopped yawning and sent him the best bitch glare you could manage. “I hate you so much. Not even after pushing your son out of my vagina you give a break”
“What can I say” Chris shrugged. “Banana told me to do it”
Your ‘no more than an hour’ nap turned out in a five hours sleep, and by the judge of your breast hanging out of your pyjamas’ shirt, it seemed like you had slept through the feeding. You took a few long minutes to wake up, feeling much better than when you went to bed. Judging the sun up in the sky, you estimated it was around noon.
Loud snores were coming from the bathroom, and with just propping un on your elbows, you could see Chris’ slipper popping from there. You swallowed a laugh and smiled fondly. Putting on your own slippers, you rose from the bed and walked to the bathroom.
As you had anticipated, Chris was sleeping there. He had his pants and underwear down, sprawled down on the toilet seat and his legs open wide. You didn’t have the heart to wake him, because only God knew how many minutes of sleep he had had in the previous day. So you turned off the main light, picked up his phone from the floor, closing the tab 100 ways of living without sleep, and let the door a bit open so that he wouldn’t wake up in the dark.
Of course, all that after taking a picture that would haunt him in his sleep.
You tiptoed out of the room, closing the door behind you. You debated between locking yourself in the bathroom downstairs and drown in the bath until Nathan cried for you, and choking on food on the kitchen. But while you did so, you notice something else.
There was the initial cry of a baby begging for attention, that you knew too well because you had trained yourself with Claire, who had the lungs of an opera singer. Yet as soon as it started, it was over, and then there was a giggle. Something shuffling in the living room and a thud, and you were almost throwing yourself through the stairs to call the police or the firefighters.
What you found, wasn’t what you expected by any means.
“See, this is how you ‘old him” Claire talked in what she thought was a whisper. “I know Banana is too big, but it’s ‘kay. You’ll grow”
Claire was sitting in front of Nathan, who probably had been sleeping in his new crib. You didn’t want to think how she had gotten him out of the crib and in the sofa, and your wanted to think even less that it had been Chris who left him there.
Nathan looked at the banana plushie and then at his sister, making a small gurgling noise. He let Claire put the toy on his lap, and his eyes went wide against it. He moved his little arms and legs up and down, until Banana fell to the ground and Claire jumped behind it. You were ready to jump in and tear Claire away, because she was hell protective about her toy and wouldn’t let anyone touch it.
But she giggled again, put the plushie on the couch and jumped back, crawling to her brother. She pressed a kiss on the side of his head and smiled at him.
“I wike you, by the way” she muttered. “I’m sorry fo’ before. But you can’t tell mommy, because then she will put tha’ smile and I don’t wike it. You will understand, don’ worry Nathan”
What was left of your pride after letting a bunch of doctors look at your vagina dropped to the floor. Chris was always mocking you on how you were the most prideful person in the world, and how you had the ‘I won’ smirk that managed to get on everyone nerves. You hadn’t thought anything about it, but that Claire had noticed to made you mad, because he was right and you weren’t.
“I hope you aren’t allergic to bananas” she muttered as she took one of his little hands in his. Nathan was dozing off again. “Cause then I’ll have to get rid of you. Like in the TV”
You sat down by the stairs and leaned your head against the wall, smiling proudly. Claire kept talking to Nathan softly, as if she knew he was sleeping and couldn’t be disturb. Maybe, in the years to come, you would have to worry about Claire throwing Nathan off the high chair because he didn’t like Bananas, or about them not sharing his toys.
But you got the feeling, as you dozed off in the stairs, that everything would be alright.
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jeongyunhoed · 4 years
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8 Stories, 8 Movies from the Golden Age (1930s to 1960s).
It’s the golden age and 8 men are the most sought-after actors in Hollywood. Lights, camera, action!
A tale of love and suspense, Park Seonghwa is haunted by the memory of his deceased wife, a shadow looming over the halls of his mansion. When he marries again, his new wife now comes to realize that even in death, his wife still remains.
Warnings: Mentions of murder, death, suicide, and illness. Might have some innuendos, might not. But I’m putting these warnings out there regardless.
Other things to note: There are OCs. I might mention other idols (most likely NCT).
A/N: This has the same format as my Twilight Zone AU “The Other Dimension” where everyone in Ateez is here as well. So yeah, enjoy. Implied smut ahead...sort of, if you squint. But creepy San ahead. 
Part 2 
There she was, standing next to Seonghwa in front of a local justice in the nearest village by the sea later that day. A bouquet of small flowers in her hand, given to her by the children they passed by one moment, Seonghwa buying the rings that would make their relationship officially permanent in the local jewelry shop the next. She figured Seonghwa must have already been planning for this moment since he went to sleep days since their meeting, but she had never felt more certain. After exchanging I do’s with each other, the justice had made them official. She was now Mrs. Park Seonghwa. 
“How do you feel? Regret it yet?” Seonghwa asked her on their drive back to their hotel. 
“On the contrary, I feel like I’m on the clouds” She replied, reaching for his free hand and he kissed the back of hers. “Like I can do anything!” 
Seonghwa smiled, keeping his eyes on the road as he drove them back to the hotel where they now stayed together. They pulled up the driveway and hurried up to the suite where he brought her across the threshold, the two of them exchanging soft kisses that eventually turned into something more passionate. They consummated their marriage that evening and into the early hours of the morning. 
The following month, they were on their way to the Fontaine, the road curved and full of twists and turns that she had to grip the armrest of the car. The wind was hitting their faces and blowing in her hair, and she still felt like she was on cloud nine. They stopped in front of iron gates, with an arch over them that said “Fontaine” marking the path towards the house she had only seen on postcards. 
The path before them was lined with trees and shrubs that looked like they were in need cleaning up, and the blissful mood was met with a more somber one, a feeling of dread washing over her the closer they were getting. She could see the slight change in her husband’s expression the further they went. The loud rumbling of thunder echoed in the skies followed by rain and she put her jacket over her head to cover herself, Seonghwa unable to do the same as he stepped on the gas a little more. 
And there it was, the massive estate that she had only seen in pictures. The Fontaine was a large, white mansion that looked almost like a castle, and there were several other smaller houses that surrounded it. She figured it was the servants’ quarters as well as the garages that probably housed six or seven more cars like the one they were riding in. From the side, she could see that there was a swimming pool. This was Seonghwa’s home, the house he was born and raised in, and the home that the two of them were to live in. It was almost like an heirloom knowing how many generations of his family must’ve resided in the mansion. It was massive, it looked beautiful, straight out of a fairy tale, yet there was something about it that made her anxious. 
They pulled up into the driveway and entered the house, pushing open the doors that led them into the great hall. The lights were dimmed down, with the lamps and the fireplace being the only sources of light. There was a small crowd of the Fontaine’s staff gathered in front to receive them, all of whom looked very pleased, yet she was nervous to approach them. The closer they were, they saw one man, dressed a little differently from the rest of the staff, emerge from the crowd. He had upturned eyes, angular features, and hair that was just as black as Seonghwa’s. He had a stern look about his face and if she let her emotions get the better of her, she would’ve stepped back before approaching him. 
“Hello” She said quietly, dropping her glove, and he bent down to pick it up and gave it back to her. 
“This is Mr. Choi San, or San if you want to get down to more casual terms. He pretty much oversees everything here so you don’t have to,” Seonghwa introduced them. 
“Good evening,” She greeted him again. 
“Good evening, Madam,” He replied with a slight bow. “I have everything ready for you.” 
“Oh, well, that’s very good of you,” She said with a nod. His face betrayed nothing. 
“Will you be going to your room now? Or will you be having tea in the library?” He asked. 
She was still trying to find the words. He gave off a very intimidating aura. “I-well-” 
“The room first, San,” Seonghwa spoke. “Show her to her room so she can get out of her wet clothes, we ran into a storm on the way,” He said, and kissed her on the cheek. 
“This way, Madam,” He turned on his heel to lead the way and she followed him towards the two large marble staircases and up the right staircase and down to the only other door. There were portraits of Seonghwa’s family hung over the walls. San pushed the door open, revealing the room that she would be using from now on. “I hope you will approve of the new decorations in these rooms, Madam,” he said. 
She walked inside, in awe of what the room looked like. It had a large four-poster bed with a red velvet canopy. The ceiling was high and had a chandelier, and there were shelves full of books and a dresser in the corner as well as a large, white gold desk. Everything looked extremely opulent, yet she knew it was to be expected as it was the Fontaine and Seonghwa’s family was a very prominent one. “I-I didn’t know these were changed, what did it look like before?” She asked curiously. 
“It had different hangings, old paper,” San replied. “This room wasn’t used much, except for the occasional guests.” 
“So this wasn’t Mr. Park’s room, originally?” She asked this time. 
“No Madam,” San said. “He has never used the East Wing before. The West Wing has the only good view of the ocean.” 
She nodded, taking in the rest of her surroundings. “This room is very beautiful, and I’m sure I’ll be comfortable.” 
San gave a nod. “If there’s anything you want done, Madam, you only need to tell me.” 
“I guess you’ve been at the Fontaine for years now,” She said. 
“I came here when the first Mrs. Park was a bride,” San replied. 
She nodded again in understanding. “I hope we’ll get along, Mr. Choi, I just have to ask that you be patient with me, this kind of life is new to me and I want to do well here and make Mr. Park happy. At least I now know I can leave all the household arrangements to you,” She said. 
“I hope I shall do everything to your satisfaction Madam,” San said. “I’ve managed the house since Mrs. Park’s death, and Mr. Park has never complained.” 
“In that case,” She looked around. “I guess I could go downstairs now, maybe changing out of these clothes can wait, I want to see more of the Fontaine first.” 
“Of course, Madam,” San turned on his heel again, and she hurried to follow him. She could tell he didn’t exactly like her, but she figured it was because they had never met. Maybe he could warm up to her in time. “The room in the West Wing I was telling you about is on that side,” He gestured to the other room across them. “It’s not used now, it’s also the most beautiful room in the house - the only one that looks across the lawns to the sea. It was Mrs. Park’s room.” 
It became more apparent just how much San didn’t like her over the next few weeks. He never failed to mention how there had been another woman before her, the first Mrs. Park, the beautiful Daphne Yoo who was supposedly practically perfect in every way. It was clear how much of an influence Daphne had over the staff and understandably so, but even until now, until after her death, her influence remained. Her stationery on the main desk in the study, a letter “D” embellished on the linens, on the books, including the dog she used to own, a great dane named Lucky, who also slept outside her room. 
Even after her death, Daphne was all around the Fontaine, as if she had never left. 
She came down from her room for breakfast, knowing that San had already prepared everything in the dining hall until she skidded to a halt when she saw someone else in the study. It was a man, who looked a lot shorter than both San and Seonghwa, but unlike San, had a more approachable demeanor aside from an evidently handsome face. “Oh, good morning!” He greeted her, getting up from the chair. 
“Good morning” She said, bowing a little in response. 
“You’re Mrs. Park, aren’t you?” He said. 
“Yes, yes I am,” She nodded. 
“My name is Hongjoong, Kim Hongjoong, I manage the estate for Seonghwa. It’s very nice to meet you,” He smiled. 
“It’s nice to meet you too.” 
“A lot of stuff has piled up since Seonghwa was away, I had to get to them right away now,” Hongjoong said. 
“If you need help, you can tell me,” She suggested. 
“Help him?” Seonghwa suddenly appeared from behind her, wrapping an arm around her waist. “Hongjoong doesn’t allow anyone to help him,” He said, beaming as he held her close for a moment before pulling away. “But it’s good that you two have finally met, we should probably go over the estimates now, don’t we?” 
“I’ll get my papers then,” Hongjoong replied, walking over to a chair that had his briefcase. 
Seonghwa turned to her. “There’s a lot of food prepared in the dining room already. Eat a lot, hmm?” He said, pecking her lips with a smile. 
“I’ll do my best,” She said. 
“Later this afternoon, probably, why don’t we take a walk around here? Just you and me, there’s still a lot you have yet to see” Seonghwa smiled. 
She smiled back. “Okay, I’ll be ready.” 
“Good,” He pecked her lips again before joining Hongjoong over to the desk. 
She watched the two of them talk for a moment until she excused herself to leave and enter the dining room. As she had expected, the long table was now laden with a lot of food, from slices of toast to large, silver, pots of coffee that was served in cups that were likely passed down from one generation to another. This was her life now, living in an estate like the Fontaine by the sea, while her husband was often busy with work but promised to make time for her later. It was moments like these that assured her that she belonged here, in the Fontaine, with Seonghwa. 
As Seonghwa had promised, they were taking a walk around the Fontaine later that afternoon, with Lucky on a leash. He showed her the servants’ quarters that seemed to be as elaborate as the main house, as well as the garage that had his family’s collection of cars, some of which were especially rare models nowadays. A gust of cold wind from the sea hit them, and Seonghwa was almost losing control of Lucky’s leash, as the dog was beginning to get restless. 
“Keep warm, my darling,” Seonghwa said to her while he tried to maintain control of the dog’s leash. 
“I’m trying. It’s not going to rain now, is it?” She asked, trying to help him with the dog and taking the leash from him instead. 
“You can’t be too careful,” Seonghwa replied. 
“It’s really wonderful here,” She said. “I love every bit of this place.” 
The dog had gotten away, making her nearly fall over and Seonghwa catching her for support. “Lucky!” He called out with a whistle. “Lucky! Here! Not that way! Lucky, come back!” 
“He went down those steps by the cliff, where does that lead?” She asked, watching the dog move down. 
“It uh,” Seonghwa paused, trying to whistle again to get the dog’s attention. “It leads to a cove where we used to keep a boat.” 
“Then let’s go down there, Seonghwa,” She said, tugging on his arm. 
“Oh no, no, we don’t need to go down there, it’s not very interesting, just a stretch of sand.” 
“Seonghwa, please, we have to go down there,” She insisted. 
He shook his head slightly. “We’ll go down there next time, not today.” 
They heard a howling from where the dog came from. She tugged on his arm again. “Seonghwa, is that Lucky? There must be something wrong, he probably injured himself.” 
“No, he’s fine. Just leave him be,” He replied. 
“I really think I should go down there and check up on him,” She said, pulling away, carefully moving towards the steps to the sound of Lucky’s howling. 
“Come back! Don’t mind Lucky!” Seonghwa was calling out. “He’s just fine, he knows the way home!” 
Even then, she couldn’t leave the dog behind. What if Lucky really was in danger? At least she would be there to see if he was alright. “Lucky? Lucky?” She called out the closer she got, until she saw the dog in front of what looked like a small cottage. Lucky was scraping and pawing at the door. “Lucky? What are you doing here? Are you looking for something in there?” She said, grabbing the end of the leash again. “Come on, let’s go back, Lucky.” 
The door of the cottage slowly opened, and behind it was an old man, looking down at the dog. “He comes here looking for her,” He said. 
She stepped back in surprise at the sight of him. “Oh! I didn’t-I didn’t know this was occupied-” 
“I know that dog,” The old man said. “He comes from the house, he’s not yours.” 
“No,” She shook her head. “He’s Mr. Park’s dog.” 
“I know that dog, he comes here looking for her,” The old man said again. 
“Who? Whose cottage is this?” She asked. 
“Mrs. Park,” The old man replied. 
“Oh,” She said, and turned back to the dog, tugging on the leash. “Come on, Lucky, let’s go home,” and the dog whimpered a little. 
“You won’t tell anyone you saw me in here, will you?” The old man suddenly asked. 
“You mean you don’t belong here in the Fontaine?” She asked. 
“Yes, but I wasn’t doing anything bad, I was just putting away the shells I collected,” The man replied. “She’s gone in the sea, isn’t she? She’s not coming back.” 
“No,” She shook her head. “She’s never coming back. Come on, Lucky, let’s go home,” She tugged on the leash again, leading the way back to where Seonghwa was. The closer they got, the more she saw Seonghwa already on his way back to the house and she hurried up the steps and towards him. “Seonghwa! Seonghwa! Wait!” She said, the dog now following behind her. Seonghwa stopped to wait for her and she had already sensed that his mood had changed. “I’m so sorry it took a while.” 
“I told you not to go there, you knew I didn’t want you to go there, but you went anyway,” Seonghwa muttered. 
“But why not? There was only a cottage down there, and a strange man-” 
“Don’t go back there again, do you understand?” Seonghwa was stern this time. 
“Why not?” She asked. 
“Because I hate the place!” Seonghwa snapped. “If you had my memories, you wouldn’t go there or talk about it or think about it!” 
“What’s wrong? Oh I’m so sorry, Seonghwa-” 
He sighed and looked down, apologetic as he calmed down and shook his head. “We should’ve stayed away from this place,” He said. “We should never have come back to the Fontaine, it was stupid of me to even think of coming back here.” 
She stepped closer. “Somehow I’ve made you upset, haven’t I?” She asked. “Oh, I can’t stand seeing you like this, I love you very much, Seonghwa, so, so much,” She said, her eyes welling with tears. 
He cupped her cheek. “I’ve made you cry, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” He said softly, wiping the tear that fell down her face. “I tend to snap unnecessarily, haven’t I?” Seonghwa sighed and kissed her. “Please forgive me, let’s go home, shall we? We’ll have tea and forget this happened.” 
She nodded. “Yes, I’d like nothing more.” 
They didn’t return down the path that led to the cottage, and she now knew how upset Seonghwa had gotten knowing that she went there. She had accidentally opened up the past to him, and even if he kept assuring her for a week on how things are fine, there now seemed to be a barrier between them. It was that barrier that made her a little uneasy whenever she brought up the sea. She entered the library to get a book to read, where Hongjoong was, going over piles of papers. 
“Please carry on, Mrs. Park, you’re not disturbing me,” He assured her with a smile. “Let me know if there’s something you’d like to know about the estate.” 
She turned around to face him. “Oh, well, I was-I was down at the cottage last week, and the place seems to be nearly in ruins, in need of repair or something,” She wondered if she could ask it. “Are all those things in there, Daphne’s things?” 
Hongjoong nodded. “Yes, yes those are all Daphne’s things inside that cottage.” 
“What did she use the cottage for?” She was becoming more curious, and Hongjoong was the only one she felt who could tell her. 
“The boat used to be parked there,” He replied. 
“The boat?” Her eyes widened slightly at the revelation. “Oh, that was the boat that she was sailing in when she drowned?” 
“Yes, it capsized and sank and she went overboard,” He answered. 
“Where did they find her?” She asked. 
“Around 60 kilometers away, washed up at another beach, they only found her two months later,” Hongjoong’s tone was a lot more somber now. “Seonghwa had to go to identify her, it was horrible for him.” 
She nodded. “I can imagine so,” She looked down at the book she took out from the shelf. “Hongjoong? Mr. Kim? Please forgive me for being a little too curious but, can you tell me just one more thing?” She asked carefully. 
“Of course, Mrs. Park,” He said with a slight nod. “If I can answer it, please let me know.” 
“Tell me,” She paused, unsure if she wanted to know, yet a part of her wanted to. “What was Daphne really like?” 
Hongjoong sat up, a small sigh escaping his lips as he tried to recall his memories of seeing her. “I guess she was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen,” He said. 
Hongjoong and Seonghwa went up to the capital to take care of business another week later, leaving her alone at the Fontaine. It made her realize how the estate still had much to show her the more she wandered around the halls, stopping to look at portraits and photos of Seonghwa and his family. Knowing that he wouldn’t be back until the next day, she took it upon herself to tour the mansion some more, but always stopping short when she reached Daphne’s room, but as day turned into night, she heard voices coming from the West Wing, near her room. One, she knew was San, and the other was of a stranger. 
“I don’t think it wise for you to be back here, Mr. Wooyoung,” He said. 
“Oh, nonsense, it’s just like coming back home,” The other voice said. “I have to say though, I feel like the poor relative, sneaking through back doors. Oh well, bye, Sannie.” 
“Goodbye, Wooyoung, and be careful,” San replied. 
“I will, don’t you worry about a thing,” He said. 
She opened the door, making them look at her. The man who was about to leave through the other door had a grin on his face, while San remained stoic. “Oh, hello,” He said, just as cheerily as she had overheard him. 
“Good evening,” She greeted back. 
“Sannie, your precautions seem to be futile now, the mistress of the house was hiding behind the door after all,” He said, patting San on the shoulder a little too hard. 
“I-I wasn’t really,’ She shook her head. “I just heard voices coming from this room-” 
“Sannie, how about you introduce me to the bride, hmm?” He patted San again. 
“Madam, this is Mr. Jung Wooyoung,” He introduced them, and they bowed to each other in response. 
“Won’t you stay and have some tea? San can probably bring in some for you,” She said. 
Wooyoung chuckled. “That’s a charming invitation. How about that, Sannie? I’ve been asked by the mistress of the house to have some tea.” 
“It’s rather late, Mr. Wooyoung,” He said. 
“Oh, well, you’re right, it is rather late,” Wooyoung said. “And we wouldn’t want to lead the bride astray, now would we? Well, bye now, Oh, Sannie seemed to leave out an important part of our introductions, I’m Daphne’s favorite cousin,” He revealed. “Bye!” He waved before leaving, and she watched him go down the stairs, San following him. 
She turned around as soon as Wooyoung was no longer in sight, and there it was. The door to Daphne’s room. She had long wondered if she should open it and see what was in there, yet a part of her didn’t want her to and only for her to leave it alone. But San wasn’t around, no one else was around, and her curiosity was becoming stronger the closer she got to the door of Daphne’s room. Without another thought, she turned the doorknob and pushed it open. 
She didn’t know what she was expecting, perhaps furniture all covered up in white sheets, dust gathering in the nooks and crannies, cobwebs splayed over some other furniture. Yet it was the opposite. There were fresh flowers in the vase on one table, a silk dressing gown on the chair all laid out along with slippers. She could hear the waves crashing in the sea, and smell the sea air coming in through the curtains. 
The door closed behind her all of a sudden, making her jump and turn around, feeling her heart almost jump out of her chest in surprise. It was San. “Would you like anything, Madam?” He asked. 
“No, no,” She was trying to shake off the feeling from earlier. “I was-I mean, I just came in-” 
San walked up towards her. “You’ve always been curious about this room, haven’t you? Why didn’t you ask me to show you? It’s a beautiful room, isn’t it? The most beautiful room in this house if I do say so myself,” There was something about the way he said it that made her feel so uneasy. “Everything is kept just the way Mrs. Park liked it, and nothing has been changed since that last night.” 
She was growing a little more uncomfortable the more he went on about Daphne, and he walked past the sheer curtains towards her dressing area and opened the door. “This is where I kept her clothes. You’d want to see them, wouldn’t you?” He said, taking out one piece of clothing. “Feel this wrap, it’s very soft, isn’t it? It was a Christmas present from Mr. Park. He was always giving her expensive gifts,” 
She reached out to feel the material. It was incredibly soft. “You wouldn’t think she’d have been gone for a long time, would you?” A chill ran down her spine at his words. “Sometimes when I walk along the corridors, I think I can hear her behind me, her footsteps quick and light, I could figure out that it was her. It’s not only in this room, it’s in all the rooms in this house,” San put away the wrap and closed the door, approaching her this time, but she backed away. 
“I can almost hear it now,” He said, in an almost-whisper as he closed his eyes. “Do you believe  the dead come back and watch the living?” 
She felt goosebumps at his question and backed away some more. “No, no, I don’t believe it, Mr. Choi.” 
“Sometimes, I wonder if she doesn’t come back to the Fontaine, and watch you and Mr. Park together,” San took another step forward, making her step back. “You look tired, Madam, why don’t you stay here and rest? Listen to the sea, it’s very soothing,” He sounded cold. 
“I won’t listen, I won’t, I won’t,” She shook her head, covering her ears in horror. 
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jaybe11 · 3 years
he music business is full of hard-luck stories, but no Austin band rose faster and fell harder than metal band Pariah in the 1990s. Like Guns N’ Roses three years earlier, they were signed to Geffen Records by golden boy talent scout Tom Zutaut. But there were no multiplatinum records or stadium tours for the former classmates at Clark High School in San Antonio.
“We were on the label for five years and have only one album to show for it,” said singer Dave Derrick. “It was a frustrating time, to say the least.”
After relocating to Austin in 1990, Pariah regularly sold out 1,000-capacity venues, but on their final show, soon after officially being dropped by Geffen in 1995, they played to less than 300 at their home club, the Back Room.
Two weeks later, the band’s bassist and driving force, Sims Ellison, put a shotgun to his face and pulled the trigger.
But in taking his own life, Ellison, who suffered from anxiety and depression for years, eventually helped save the lives of other musicians. His suicide was the inspiration for the SIMS Foundation, which provides low-cost mental health services to uninsured musicians who, because of irregular working hours, low pay, easy access to alcohol and drugs and often-volatile intraband relationships, have a unique set of psychological needs.
“Anytime SIMS sets up anywhere in the public, we have at least one person come up to us and say they wouldn’t be there if it wasn’t for SIMS,” said Tricia Forbes, executive director of the foundation.
Ellison didn’t drink or smoke, but the band was his life. When it crumbled and his mates, including younger brother Kyle Ellison, went their separate ways after nearly 10 years of constant camaraderie, it was apparently too much for 28-year-old Sims Ellison. On top of that, his girlfriend of nearly three years, then-unknown actress Renee Zellweger, had broken up with him six months earlier.
“I miss him every day,” says Pariah singer Dave Derrick, who will play a Pariah tribute set Saturday at the Austin Music Hall as part of the 15th anniversary SIMS Foundation Benefit Bash. “It bothers me that most people only remember Sims as the guy who killed himself, if they know him at all. He was the sweetest guy you could meet, with a goofy sense of humor. He spent every waking hour working on making Pariah as successful as possible.”Pariah drummer Shandon Sahm, who currently plays with the Meat Puppets, recalls Sims Ellison as full of nervous energy. “He used to say, ‘If you ain’t stressed, it ain’t happening,’” said Sahm, the youngest son of Texas music legend Doug Sahm.
“If he was in a place where people knew him as Sims, the bass player for Pariah, he was totally cool,” said Derrick. “But if he was in any other social situation, he couldn’t cope. He’d show up at a backyard barbecue and pace for 10 minutes and leave.” Derrick said he never saw Sims Ellison finish a plate of food. “He would constantly stir his food, but not eat it.”
Derrick wondered if two middle school incidents forged Sims Ellison’s social phobia. “When he was about in eighth grade he bought a Mötley Crüe T-shirt at a concert and was robbed of it at knife-point in the bathroom. Then a few months later, a bully went up to him at the mall in front of his friends and cold-cocked Sims for no reason. Knocked him out just to show off,” Derrick said. “He knew that, as a member of Pariah, he was protected — no one was going to hurt him.”
The three years with Zellweger, when the band was signed to Geffen, were Sims Ellison’s happiest, Sahm said. Zellweger’s best friend at the time, her “Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation” co-star Lisa Newmyer, dated Kyle Ellison, younger than Sims by three years, and the four practically lived together at the Railyard Apartments downtown.
In December 1994, Zellweger split with Sims Ellison and moved to LA, where “Jerry Maguire” would make her a star less than two years later.
Derrick said Sims Ellison bought himself a shotgun for Christmas that month.
Meanwhile, Geffen Records had decided to drop Pariah and pay the band $50,000 to dissolve the two-album deal. The band, rounded out by guitarist Jared Tuten, decided to take a hiatus after one last show at the Back Room.
“Sims was really bummed about everything,” said Derrick, “and I told him he really should get a dog. His eyes lit up and he said, ‘That’s a great idea!’” That was the last time Derrick saw Sims Ellison, who got a job at Urban Outfitters on the Drag two weeks before his death.
“Some people were theorizing that he killed himself because Renee left him or because the band was being dropped, but it was deeper than that,” Derrick said. “Being on Geffen was worse than being dropped by Geffen. That wasn’t it. There was something inside him that none of us could see. You play it back in your head, like ‘I should’ve done this or done that,’ but the truth is that we were all in shock when it happened.”
David Garza, who will serve as music director for Saturday’s benefit, is one of thousands of Austin musicians helped by the assistance program inspired by the Sims Ellison tragedy. “I was having a hard time a few years ago with a personal relationship and with my label,” said Garza, who released two critically acclaimed but soft-selling albums on Atlantic in 1998 and 2001. “I was raised Mexican American Catholic. We didn’t go to therapy — that was for weirdos. If you had a problem, you went to confession.” But Garza had musician friends who’d been helped by SIMS, which provides counseling and psychiatric services and refers clients to a network of 60 therapists and treatment centers that charge greatly reduced rates. With an operating budget of $600,000 a year (about 25 percent of which comes from KGSR’s “Broadcasts” CD), SIMS helps an estimated 600 Austin musicians a year.
Obviously, such musician-aimed services weren’t available to Pariah, whose disappointing career could be summed up by the night in early ’94 when the members gathered around the TV to watch their video for “Powerless” debut on MTV’s “Headbangers Ball.” They waited and waited for almost three hours until just before 2 a.m., when their video aired, the last one of the night.
Signed after a South by Southwest showcase in 1990, Pariah had to wait almost three years until the release of “To Mock a Killing Bird” in 1993. In between, Nirvana exploded and grunge made Pariah’s brand of glam metal obsolete.
“Pariah had the worst timing ever,” said the band’s co-manager Wayne Nagel, who founded the SIMS Foundation in June 1995 with his Austin Rehearsal Complex partner Don Harvey and Sims’ father, Houston oil engineer Don Ellison. “If the record had come out the year after they were signed, it would’ve been a whole different story.” Instead the band was forced to wait more than two years while Geffen threw all its clout and resources into the much-delayed Guns N’ Roses “Use Your Illusion” two-album project.
“Sims was saying, ‘What are we going to do? Metal’s not cool anymore,‘” Sahm said of one of Ellison’s obsessions. “We started off as a hard rock band like Guns N’ Roses and somewhere along the line we turned into Smashing Pumpkins. Still, I think we were getting better as a band by expanding our horizons.”
Geffen didn’t see it that way, according to Nagel. “Zutaut was the king of metal,” Nagel said of the A&R man who signed Mötley Crüe and Metallica before Guns N’ Roses. “He wanted the band to keep it metal.”
Treated like kings by Geffen before “To Mock a Killing Bird” came out, the band couldn’t get phone calls returned when the album didn’t take off.
Pariah met Zutaut, who did not answer an e-mail request for comment, backstage at SXSW 1990 after a scorching set at the Back Room. “He said he didn’t have time to sign another band, but that, just by him coming backstage, we were going to get signed,” Sahm said, with a laugh.
Nagel said Pariah received eight offers from labels after that SXSW appearance. It turns out that Zutaut did sign Pariah to Geffen, but he wasn’t kidding about being too busy. “It was all about Guns N’ Roses,” said Derrick. “We weren’t the only band put on hold.”
Sahm said, looking back, the band should’ve signed with Chrysalis, who Photoshopped a group photo of the band so they looked at home inside the label’s headquarters. “They loved our song ‘Shatter Me’ and were ready to put it out to radio right away. But instead we went with the big shot. Chrysalis couldn’t give us a $100,000 advance, but Geffen did.” The label also gave Pariah a $250,000 recording budget that soared to $500,000 by the time the album was finished at Madonna’s Maverick recording studio in LA. (Sims Ellison hit it off with Madonna and appeared in her “Deeper and Deeper” video.)
“We were young and stupid,” Derrick said of signing with Geffen for the upfront money. “But we were all in it together. If there was any motto with Pariah, it was ‘The band comes first.’”
The SIMS Foundation, named after a lovable, yet troubled Austin musician, was formed for what comes next.
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kathasgotyourtongue · 4 years
Unpredictable Jokers (A Hermitcraft Fanfiction)
See previous chapters: Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
Chapter 3
After that, hermits started to report more instances left and right. Things would go missing, turning up at random later. Someone might catch sight of somebody they didn't recognize before that person disappeared. Mobs would be seen following the movements of someone who wasn't there.
The server became paranoid. Nobody knew who would be next to catch a glimpse of the mysterious figure. Who would witness the next bizarre thing. Some started to believe they were going crazy...
X let out a yawn and leaned back to stretch in his chair. Being an admin of a server was exhausting, and now to top it off, he had multiple reports of hermits seeing someone that wasn't there.
He found it coincidental at first that both Grian and Bdubs seemed to have seen someone, but then he heard that Joe also spotted someone around. After that, multiple strange things had taken place that had left the hermits puzzled and freaked out. It didn't make sense.
They hadn't added anyone new to the server, and from what Xisuma heard, this person was extremely stealthy. Somehow managing to appear in places quicker than usual, disappearing and reappearing... it was puzzling to say the least. Not to mention, the times, places and people seemed to be picked at random as well. From a jungle, to open plains, to then the Shopping District? And those were just the first cases!
X let out a groan and rested his chin on his palm tiredly. He had no idea what to do about this.
"-Xisuma? X? Hey bro, I was wondering if you were going to be restocking your honey blocks soon- Oh! Hey X! Didn't see you there!" Iskall said as he came through the doorway. X leaned up to look at him.
" 'Afternoon, Iskall. You need something?" He asked, a tired tone apparent in his voice.
"Yes.. I was going to ask if you were gonna be restocking your honey blocks soon.. but never mind that now! Dude, you look terrible, what's got you so stressed?" He asked, coming closer. X glanced back at his messy desk and sighed.
"Well there's admin stuff regarding the new update soon, but aside from that..." He paused, unsure of how to explain his troubles. "Right, I'm sure it's gone around by now... A bunch of the hermits have been seeing somebody sneaking around lately. Not a hermit, either. It makes no sense, but all of the reports seem legit." He groaned, picking up papers and looking over them.
Iskall came up to his desk. "Oh yeah, I guess I do recall a few things here or there. I have been working on my Omega Base, so, I am a bit behind on the news..." He confessed and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.
X chuckled. "I noticed. It looks great man. And, from the amount of progress, I can almost guarantee that you haven't used the time to be messing with anybody. The whole thing just has me exhausted! There are no leads or significant clues to go off of either. Blimey, it's like the Jingler mystery all over again, now in'nit!?" X whined. Iskall chuckled at his outburst. Sure, you could easily tell the guy was British, but when X got angry it stuck out more.
"Yeah, with the whole sneaking thing going on and all. Plus, as you mentioned, haven't they been messing with people too? I heard Bdubs got pretty bent out of shape the other day." Iskall pointed out.
X hummed in confirmation.
"Yeah, mate. I was one of the only people active when it happened. He was going to meet up with Tango to check out a new machine for their shop, and a few minutes after Tango asked, Bdubs messaged us, telling us to stop messing with him. We all were in the Shopping District at the time, so I told him that. Few more minutes pass by, and suddenly he has just flown to us from his base, totally out of breath and messed up from a rough landing, claiming that someone was messing with him! Honestly, I felt bad. He had to do breathing exercises with Stress..." X recalled. Iskall gave him a concerned look.
"Wow, poor guy. Well, what else has happened?" Iskall asked, becoming curious. Of course being out of the loop, the most he knew was that weird things had been happening to people all over the server. Only him and a few others were left to have seen nothing yet thenselves.
X let out a sigh, and turned to some papers scattered amongst his desk. Except for a few admin documents, most of them were little notes and letters he had received to inform him of the weird occurrences. He picked up a few and scanned over them, already having read them all top to bottom.
"Well, Bdubs is the best example. Grian was the first to ask about it, but let me see... Here. Cleo, "noticed tools she had just put in a chest disappear and reappear in a totally different spot minutes to hours later." That could have been result of a buggy server, but she also mentioned that "one time she caught the object disappear right in front of her and be carried in some invisible person's hand. They had no indication of a potion effect, and the tool disappeared for an estimated three hours before returning with full durability." On that note she also stated, "the durability sometimes ends up lower or higher than before." He finished. Iskall leaned on the desk to look over his shoulder.
"That is totally insane, dude! Do you think it really isn't a hermit, but like some other worldly person? Or do you believe that the server is just down?" he asked skeptically. X shrugged.
"I'm not sure. I mean, we deal with a buggy server often. Plus, with the new update comin' up, I haven't had the time to manage all of the littler bugs around here. That being said... I'm not convinced it isn't a person. It's just rather off putting with the evidence to think that..." He paused, his eyes widening slightly at the confession he was about to make.
"...That perhaps it is a person... but they aren't a hermit."
Grian laughed at the sight in front of him. Scar was currently bugging out, and stuck in flight mode. He didn't even have anything on him, which made the sight even more hilarious. Scar jumped again, awkwardly floating back down into the floor, making Grian cackle once more. Scar chuckled himself. He had to admit, this was hilarious even from his point of view.
"Dude, I asked you here for help! As funny as this situation is, I can't do anything like this!" He whined jokingly. Grian contained himself, and walked over to try to assist his neighbor.
They tried taking damage, placing him under a trap door to use the mechanics to set him straight, and even tried to kill him. Nothing was working, and by now, the funniness of it had worn off. Well, for Scar at least. Grian still held back his giggling every time Scar flew back into the floor face first.
Grian pondered any new ideas to help, but ultimately came up with nothing. He was about to give in and message Xisuma, when he noticed movement over by the treeline. Naturally, he looked over. His heart skipped a beat as he saw someone shift back behind a tree.
He blinked. He knew he wasn't crazy anymore, from what he heard going around the server. Multiple sightings had led him to believe that something- no someone, was truly out there. And Grian knew in his gut that the person he had ran into in the jungle about a week and a half ago was the culprit. But the fact that this was his second sighting...
Scar noticed after a moment that Grian had stopped and gone silent. He looked up to see Grian concentrated on the jungle's edge. "Grian?" he asked. Grian snapped back to him, seemingly disturbed. Scar couldn't help but notice the almost frightened, likely startled look Grian gave him for a second.
"Oh, right. Sorry, just... thought I saw something..." he muttered, glancing back to the trees once more. Scar's brows furrowed in concern. Grian really seemed fixed on whatever he just saw.
"What'd you see out there? If it's a meanie bear then we are both in trouble, heh..." Scar joked, hoping to lighten the mood. Though, the zero change in expression from his friend led him to grow more serious. "You.. look uncomfortable." Scar commented. Grian noticeable swallowed. As nice as Scar's constant banter was, he was still feeling rather uneasy.
"Ah, well it could have been a mob, but.... It.. looked like a person. T-They shifted back behind a tree though...! I-It was probably nothing! I might just be on edge from all the gossip going around.." he concluded, but still watched the jungle edge wearily. Scar tried to follow his line of sight, but was inconvenienced by his situation.
"How about this, dude? We get my situation worked out, and then together we can go look for the person you and everyone else keeps seeing! I feel a bit left out to not be crazy! I mean, I am the crazy wizard of the server after all!" he chuckled. Grian looked to him hopefully.
"Really? I.. don't want to keep you from your work..." he said, feeling guilty. He honestly felt bad to inconvenience Scar in any way.
"I'm down to help! I mean, we are neighbors!" he pressed. Grian gave him a small smile.
"Right. Thanks, dude. Let me just message Xisuma and then we can get you sorted out." he said with a smile, going back to his usual self. Scar smiled awkwardly in return.
"Sounds good!... Man, this is starting to become uncomfortable..." Grian looked over at his floor-bound neighbor, and found himself giggling once again. Scar glared playfully, glad to at least have Grian back to usual- even if the usual meant Grian laughing at him.
"Right. Well, never mind that eerie thought. Anyway, this whole situation is quite bothersome. I mean, I don't have the time to be worrying over this! I still have plenty to do before the update, and I-" X was cut off of his complaining to Iskall by the buzz from their communicators. Simultaneously, the two pulled out their devices to read the new message in the community chat.
Grian: Hey, X? Scar and I could use your assistance over here. Scar is bugged out and we can't fix him lol
The two raise a brow, Iskall chuckling. "Looks like you have some business to attend to. Well, I'm headed that way myself since I already hit up the Shopping District before I came over. Mind if I join you, dude?" he asked. Xisuma gave him a smile.
"Yeah, we'd better go assist those two idiots before they make it worse." he grinned as he responded to the message with an "Omw." Iskall chuckled.
The two entered the nearest portal, taking the quick way through the nether. Locating the portal leading to Scar's base, both X and Iskall hop through.
Xisuma hadn't really visited the others' bases lately, so it took him back a bit to see Scar's magnificent village coming together so far. He shouldn't have been surprised, since this was the terraformer's specialty, afterall. But, he had to give credit where credit was due. This place truly looked and felt magical! And he put it all together remarkably quickly!
"Man, this place never ceases to amaze! Oh, I see Grian over by the center crystal!" Iskall pointed out. Grian, overhearing them, waved them over.
Upon seeing poor Scar, both X and Iskall broke out laughing. It wasn't everyday you saw a man in a wizard outfit stuck face first into the ground. Grian joined in on the laughter.
"When you guys are done, can you please help me?" Scar begged, only prompting the boys to laugh harder.
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monifrappe · 4 years
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[Part 1: The Sugar Club]
- I don’t even know where this is going if I’m honest so anything could happen at this point...Enjoy 😅
The song pumping in your ears was awful. You didn’t know who had written it, recorded it and decided to play it in that club but you wished with all you were that they hadn’t bothered.
Truly, it probably wasn’t the songs fault and any other time you would have been indifferent to its chaos and auto tuning but it was only adding to how fed up you were.
You’d promised your friend a fantastic night out after yet another break up and now there you were, the arm of a stranger around your shoulders and the feel of cheap leather beneath your thighs.
‘Babe!’ Your friend drunkenly screamed into your ear, a sound that you were sure had burst an ear drum. ‘I’m gunna go dance. Are you okay?’ She shot the man sitting next to you a warning look, before you’d even answered. You nodded and waved her off, knowing you could stick up for yourself if anything went down.
But as soon as she was out of sight his hand was a little too high up on your leg and his face was a little too close to yours. His breath stunk of far too much alcohol and stale cigarettes and it was all you could do to hold the wretch of your stomach at bay. He wasn’t a bad looking guy and you were sure with the absence of the cheap, legal poison running through his veins he was probably a perfectly lovely human.
He was trying to say something but his words were scrambled and his mouth was too close for you to even attempt to lip read. You’d picked up words like ‘sexy’ and ‘kiss’ and honestly, you weren’t sure you even wanted to know anymore. You moved away trying to put some distance in between you but the grip on your thigh only got tighter and your heart rate began to spike.
However the next words that reached your ears were laced with honey and fire and they hadn’t fallen from his lips.
‘Here’s your drink sweetie.’ You looked up to see a tall, handsome man stood at the edge of the booth you were sitting in. His arm was extended so that a pink drink was at your eye level. He squashed himself into the booth beside you and placed his arm across the back of it. ‘Whose your friend? He bothering you?’
In that moment you weren’t entirely sure if you had managed to get yourself in more trouble or not. Was this guy trying to help or was he just a far more coherent version of the other stranger.
‘He’s erm...’ You stuttered, too confused to speak.
‘Leaving.’ The first man groaned and quickly, clumsily left. You watched him go, taking a deep breath and finally managing to regulate your heart beat.
‘I wish I could ban guys like that from coming in here.’ The new stranger sighed, following your gaze with his own. ‘I’m Namjoon.’ He added, almost as an after thought before turning to face you better.
You looked down into the drink that you’d taken from him somewhere along the line. It appeared to be one of your favourite cocktails, a signature of this club.
‘Y/N.’ You mumbled, shy, embarrassed and still completely bewildered. ‘Thank you.’ You added, after a moment of mustering up the courage to look up and smile at him.
Your eyes caught his and immediately you realised you had under estimated how handsome he really was. You blinked hard, trying to figure out if you were dreaming. He grinned and looked down, suddenly seeming shy himself.
‘You come here a lot don’t you? I see you most weekends.’ He asked as he looked back up at you. You took a sip of your drink and a drip of confidence found its way into your system.
‘Yeah. I haven’t seen you around before though.’
‘That’s because I’m usually up there.’ He pointed to a spot just about the DJ booth, a reflective square was cut out of the wall. Rumour had it that this square was actually a one way window and behind that window was the club owners office. You followed his finger to it and then quickly shot your head back to him.
‘You’re...’ You didn’t even finish your sentence before he was nodding slowly. ‘So the rumours are true? That is actually your office?’
‘That it is. I can show you if you like? I have a little proposition for you anyway.’ He boldly bent forward and took a sip out of your drink.
Your heart plummeted into your stomach again. What was he expecting? And was it really a good idea to go into such a private place with a man you knew nothing about? Was he even telling the truth or was this all just some weird lie to get something out of you? ‘Just trust me.’ He added as he waved a man in a suit with an ear piece in over. ‘Tell her friend she’ll be back and to wait for her before she goes home.’
‘Yes sir.’ The man said before quickly wandering in the direction of the dance floor down stairs.
Before you knew it you were following him, your hand in his as he elegantly swept his way through the crowd to a set of private stairs. He still didn’t let go of your hand but rather led you up with his fingers still tightly encased around yours.
‘I should tell you I don’t make a habit of following strangers into dark stairwells.’ You joked, trying to relieve some of the pressure in the air.
‘And I should tell you I don’t make a habit of bringing girls into my office.’ He looked back at you, from one step above you. How was his jawline so chiselled and perfect even from such an angle?
Your breath hitched in your throat when you entered his office. It was the exact opposite of what you had been expecting.
One wall was completely covered with a large library and the others were decorated with art from across ages. His desk was thick oak wood and the sofa in front of it was a deep brown leather. You made yourself comfortable there after being asked to do so. As he poured a drink from a small table in the corner your eyes scanned over his book shelves, it did not go unnoticed that thrown amoung the classics and modern best sellers were some of your favourites.
As he sat at his desk in front of you, your eyes drank him in fully for the first time since meeting him. His eyes were sparkling, brown pools swimming with something akin to curiosity. His cheeks were deeply dimples in a way that gave off a much more childish side that his jaw line would have led you to believe. His hair was pushed back and slightly longer at the back, dyed a colour that was not quite purple but not quite silver either. His suit was the only thing throwing you off. It was old school, something worn at the turn of the 20th century. A pocket watch chain slung from his waist coat to jacket pocket. You briefly wondered about what may be attached to the end.
‘So, your proposition?’ You asked. The change of location had sobered you up but your sharp, liquid confidence had remained.
‘A group of my friends and I are looking for someone to....fill some of the emptiness in our lives. There’s 7 of us, all rich, powerful, famous or infamous in our own rights but each of us has something missing. I want you to fill that missing piece.’ You heart dropped into your stomach but something about his words forced you to carry on listening. ‘I picked you because from what I’ve seen you have a way with people, a calming nature that makes those near you come closer, a personality and intelligence that makes everyone want to be near you.’
‘So what exactly do I have to do?’ You managed to stutter, suddenly completely unsure of yourself.
‘Each of the seven of us will be allocated a day of the week, on that day we take you out, show you a little of our lives, spoil you, treat you like the princess you are. All you have to do is talk with us, show interest in our interests and as I said, fill the missing gap in our lives.’
‘So, your asking me to be a hooker...basically?’ You blurted our, anger starting to bubble a little in your veins.
‘No. Not at all. I never said a thing about anything sexual, I mean if it leads to that and you want to then fine but I can assure you that isn’t what any of us are looking for. We are simply looking for a beautiful soul to share our wealth and life with. All I’m asking is for you to let seven on the worlds most beautiful men wine and dine you.’
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[Part 2 - Coming Soon]
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Thursday 4 February 1836
7 40
11 20
No kiss ready in an hour - damp rather windy morning and F38 ½° at 8 40 - breakfast at 8 50 and sat reading Mérats botany till 11 ½ from p.98 to 137  then had Mrs. Pickells - P- wishes to keep the land - sent in a paper - declined reading when I saw what it was, saying I had put the matter entirely to Mr. Washington’s hands - could not let P- have the land - wanted some of it perhaps for myself - had not made up my mind what to do with it yet - but must have it - had also taken Mrs. Carr’s land - going to make a large dam - not quite determined what I might or might not want - had had a young man from Mr. George Bates just before wanting to know what was determined about the water wheel - said Mr. Harper had not yet been over to determine - but (whosever the estimate chosen) the person would be let know - then ½ hour with my father and Marian till 12 ½ - then a few minutes with A- and wrote the above of today - wrote and copied and sent this evening note (Letter) to Messrs. Henry Bates and son Millwright Washer-lane Halifax in answer to theirs received last night and wrote also and copied and sent this evening note to ‘the Misses S. and J. Hebden’ in answer to theirs received last night sorry the Messrs. HB- and son had waited for further particulars - the estimates asked already come in, and I expect Mr. Harper in
a few days to determine which estimate is best suited to the purpose - much obliged to the Misses Hebden and will thank them for the address of the lady with the young person recommended (Augusta Seward) lived last - (vid. Business letter book) - out at 1 40 with Robert Mann + 3 (Wood poorly with sore throat for the last week but will come tomorrow) and Frank with them levelling down between Wheat field and coal pit field - sent Frank for the cart and he took down into the piece corner of Godley land bought of Mr. Carr all the good moveable thorns hitherto got up in the hedge row between the 2 above named fields - stood by while all were planted - had John Booth helping us till near 5 - left the men at 5 10 - walked to the Lodge - Booth and his men there - sauntered about - came in at 5 ½ - wrote copy of note for A- - A- had note from Mr. John Bray asking for the mill 6 months or a year longer on the terms of the lease - A- wrote in answer that, in consequence of a change among the agents who had the management of Lady William Gordon’s property in Halifax, she (A-) could not come to a determination about the proposed reservoir at Water lane mill and had therefore no objection to let the Messrs. Bray have the mill a year longer on the terms of the existing lease - dressed - dinner at 6 - coffee - A- read her French - 20 minutes with my father and Marian till 8 ¼ - then A- went to my aunt and I wrote all but the 2 first lines of today - Read over tonight’s paper - with my aunt from 9 25 to 10 10 - Note this evening from the Misses Hebdens’ merely containing the address of the Lady ‘Mrs. White, Yardley, Northamptonshire’ with whom August Seward lived last - Damp morning with occasionally a little light rain till near noon - afterwards fair and finish afternoon and evening F37° now at 10 ¼ pm.
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niall-is-my-dream · 5 years
Lost Without You - Part Eight
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2695 words
Catch up below
Six weeks later
You had just finished sorting out your bag for work when the door buzzer went, it was early only 8am but you knew who it was. After buzzing the person up you went and opened your front door.
"Bonjour, Mademoiselle Emma Pearce?" Hello, Miss Emma Pearce?
"Oui, c'est moi." Yes, that's me.
"J'ai une livraison pour vous. Signez ici s'il vous plait."     I have a delivery for you. Please sign here.
"Bien sur." Of course.
You took the electronic device from the delivery girl, your eyes wandering over the huge bouquet of flowers in her arm as you signed your name.
"Ceux-ci sont pour vous." These are for you. She said with a smile.
"Merci." Thank you. You replied.
You took the bouquet from her and waved her a goodbye. After closing the door you made your way over to your kitchen. When Niall had first started sending you flowers on a weekly basis, you hadn't owned a vase. You'd had to make a trip to the local store a few blocks away to invest in a few. The arrangement was always the same, an exact replica of the flowers he had sent you the day after he met you.
Your city centre Paris apartment was small but perfectly formed. It kind of reminded you of your dorm room actually, a small area with your desk, a kitchenette, the living space had just a sofa and a tv in. Around the corner of the L shaped room was your bed. Off of that was the shower room with a basin and toliet. You were only here for 3 and a half months so the space didn't bother you. A big two bedroom flat was waiting for you at home in London and anyway you were in Paris it didn't matter about the size of the apartment! You were living the dream and using the degree you had spent three years slugging your guts out at University for.
While lying in bed with Niall the day that you almost lost him, you had agreed to FaceTime weekly on a Sunday and to text everyday. Even if either of you were busy, a simple heart was to be sent to show you were thinking about the other.
Hearts were sent frequently from both of you, especially when Niall was in the U.S. Time differences made it difficult for you to both be free to speak at the same time everyday. Work was busy for both of you and the messages over the last four days had been just full of hearts, some from you and some from him.
Being in the Paris office of Foundation Interior Designs was amazing but challenging. Luckily you had taken A-Level French so could hold a decent conversation and read an email. Google translate was also your best friend. Everyone was sweet in the office and you had made friends with Francine and Gabriel. You went for coffee together and they had invited you to dinner with some of their friends.
You definitely missed Hannah and Jess, although they had already taken advantage of your living status and caught the Eurostar to Paris three weeks after you arrived. You had spent the weekend with them being a tourist and chatting about anything and everything.
When you're used to seeing someone everyday it is strange when all of a sudden they are no longer living right there in the same city as you. You missed hugs from Audrey and obviously her coffee and pastries. You missed joking with Jasper and Luke at the pub, but most of all you missed Niall.
And he was coming to stay the night in 2 sleeps time. In fact he was staying two nights.
He had been the one to count it down in sleeps. When he knew his plans for definite, he had text you a count down of when you'd get to be together.
Niall was in London at the moment, just a short flight or train ride away. He had interviews on some of the main UK radio stations and was then coming to Paris to appear on a Saturday morning broadcast. Then he was yours until he flew to Germany on Monday morning.
You had estimated him to have about 44 hours with you and you couldn't wait.
Being apart had been hard, but your slight wobble about it was past you. 
Ok major wobble.
You'd been so confident when you'd first met him. But as time went on and your feelings grew you had found yourself to be a complete mess. Having always been someone who didn't take risks, being with Niall was a big one. The constant travelling and being apart and his high profile status were just a few of the things that worried you. Getting hate because you were with him was a worry, but the main thing you were concerned about was getting your heart broken.
You put the flowers that had been delivered in a vase and placed them on your coffee table. The ones from last week were still blooming, those were sitting on your chest of drawers in the bedroom area. Taking the card between your fingers you opened it to find just a few words.
Just 2 more sleeps now Petal. Can't Wait! N x
When you arrived at the office an hour later you got yourself a coffee and set to work. You hadn't been sure what your internship role would entail, but you were pleased that it wasn't just making coffee or note taking. Jacqueline was the boss in the Paris office and her fiery red hair made her look feisty and fierce, but she was actually a really sweet woman. She wanted to make sure you learnt everything you could from her and her team while you were in Paris.
With a huge contract coming in just a week after you arrived, you found yourself in full on design mode. Everyone's ideas for a full refurbishment of a stunning hotel in a town not far from Paris were taken on board. 
You had just finished up some ideas for the main reception area a few hours later when Gabriel came by your desk.
"Coffee break?" He asked. Although your day to day meetings were in French a lot of the time, your colleagues were sympathetic to you and would often speak in English to you.
"Yes please."
The break room was empty when you arrived, and Gabriel went straight for the coffee machine. After being in the office for 7 weeks now, you had got to know him and a few of your other colleagues well.
"Do you have any plans for this weekend? Christopher and I are heading out for food and drinks Saturday night." He asked you as he made the coffees.
"I'm sorry I cant, I have my boyfriend coming in for the weekend."
"Oh I forgot, are you excited?!" He replied as he handed you your cup.
"Yes! I've missed him. Can't wait to spend the whole weekend with him."
"He hasn't been to visit yet has he?"
"No, he's been busy with work."
"It's sad that you've had to be apart for so long."
You nodded in agreement but didn't say anything, choosing to take a sip of your coffee instead. It wasn't that you were keeping Niall a secret or anything but you weren't ready to share that your boyfriend was Niall Horan. You had kept information of your relationship to yourself. Privacy was really important to Niall and you respected and understood that. All your work colleagues knew was that he travelled a lot with work and that his line of work was music. You hadn't elaborated anymore than that. In fact the only people who were aware that you were in a relationship were Hannah and Jess, your parents and your brother Rob.
Gabriel asked about your plans for the weekend and you weren't sure what you and Niall were planning to do. He wiggled his eyebrows and laughed telling you to at least venture outside to see some sights. You blushed at his words and he laughed even more.
When Saturday finally arrived you got up early to prepare for Niall's arrival. Usually on a Saturday morning you would have a lie in. The days at your internship were long and there was a lot to learn so by the time the end of the week came your mind was flooded with information. But with Niall due in just a few hours you were up, dressed and your small studio apartment was spotlessly clean.
Making your way down the stairs of your building you wrapped your coat around you as you braced the October morning. With no car you were happy to see it wasn't raining and would be able to make the 20 minute walk to the supermarche. With hardly any food left in your fridge, you had planned on stocking up on some things for your weekend with Niall. 
After buying too much stuff to carry home, you caught a taxi back and managed to get all the bags up the three flights of stairs and put away before Niall arrived. 
When the buzzer went off you to alert you that he had arrived, you couldn't help but feel the butterflies in your tummy. Finally after almost 7 weeks you'd get to see him again. Reaching for the button, you held it for a moment as you spoke.
"Hi, it's me." He said.
"I'll buzz you in, straight up the stairs, three flights unfortunately!" You replied smiling.
A quick check of your appearance in the mirror was of no use. Even if you weren't happy about it, Niall would be at the door in just a few minutes. A pair of plain black leggings and an oversized off the shoulder burgundy top was what you had chosen to wear this morning. You'd fretted about it for ages before deciding that keeping it cute and casual was the way to go.
Making your way to the door, you opened it just as Niall had reached the bottom of the last staircase. His eyes never left yours as he made his way up the steps. Your body suddenly felt flush under this gaze.
He had his large leather overnight bag on his shoulder and some similar sized paper shopping bags in one of his hands.
As he crossed over the threshold you couldn't help but breathe him in. Your fingers were shaking with anticipation as you closed the door and locked it. Niall had placed his things down on the floor by the side of the sofa and took the few steps towards you as soon as his hands were free of his belongings.
"Missed ya so fucking much." He whispered as he took your hands in his and wrapped them around his neck.
"Missed you too." You whispered back.
Resting his forehead against yours, he gently nudged your nose with his. You had only been apart once before, when Niall had spent three weeks in L.A. at the start of your relationship. At the time you weren't even sure of what the two of you were. All you knew was that you'd been so desperate for each other when he came to your dorm when he arrived back in the UK, that you both were still half dressed as he fucked you against your dorm room door.
This time however when he finally brought his lips to yours he was savouring every minute of the kiss, taking his time to reacquaint your lips with one another. The feeling of your body finally being held close to his was what caused you to melt against him. Allowing him to lead the kiss, when your body was high from the feeling that you'd been missing.
Who knows how long you'd stood by the door kissing each other. Time meant nothing at that moment.
Niall's lips moved from your lips and across your jaw, his teeth nibbling at your throat when a satisfied mewl came tumbling from your lips.
He brought his face up to yours at the sound.
"Been so lost without you, so fucking lost. Facetiming just once a week with a few messages in between has been shite."
"You agreed that was what would be best considering our difference time zones." You replied to him, your face buzzing with a smirk at his frustration.
"Well I was fucking stupid." He smirked back. "We need to FaceTime more!"
"Lets not argue about this now. How about I take you to bed and show you how much I missed you?" You said with a wink.
"Well, we are in the city of love." He joked.
You burst out laughing at his answer.
"Oh my god I can't believe you just said that to me!" You snorted.
You continued to laugh until he picked you up and you wrapped your legs around him with a squeal.
"Come on love let's get you naked."
How long is too long to lay and just stare at one another?
You had no idea how long it had been. His finger tips had been slowly drawing circles on your bare hips. The thick quilt you had on your bed was pulled up to your shoulders and you lay on your sides just looking at one another. 
As much as you loved your city centre apartment, it was an old building and a little drafty. It had bothered you when the weather has begun to turn colder, but right now your naked body was warm and cosy.
"Could lay and watch you all day." You whispered. 
"Mmmm." Niall replied moving closer to you. "Same to you."
His lips brushed softly against yours, tender and sweet.
"Shall we chill out here for a bit, then go do some sightseeing and dinner?" He asked you.
You looked behind him and noticed your alarm clock showed it to 2:34pm.
"Will it be ok for us to be out in the city? Aren't you worried about getting spotted together?" You replied, laying back down.
"It'll be fine. We can go out when it gets dark, I've heard the city is great to explore when everything is lit up. I can ask Basil to come with us if you'd prefer?"
"No, I'm fine about it if you are."
And you were. This was how much your relationship had developed over the last few months. Emma, the non risk taker was taking a big risk being in Paris, being away from home, being in a relationship with a celebrity and you were embracing the risk.
Call it getting older, maturing or just falling in love. You weren't going to shy away from things.
"Well I'm going to jump in the shower and then make us some late lunch. We can head out and grab dinner a bit later. We could go for a cruise along the river and go to this amazing bistro that Gabriel told me about."
"Yeah, my friend from work. I told you about him. He and Francine have been great, inviting me out with them and stuff since I arrived."
"Oh yeah, I remember." He replied, and you could instantly hear the jealous tone in his voice.
You couldn't wipe the smirk off your face at his reaction.
"Gabriel is married." You said slowly. "To someone named Christopher."
His eyebrows furrowed.
"Oh..... Hey I never said anything." He replied, trying to act innocent.
You laughed at his jealous nature.
"Niall you're the one who's a lusted after musician, shouldn't it be me that acts jealous?!"
"I wasn't acting jealous!" He protested.
"Yeah you were, but it's quite cute actually."
"Wasn't." He mumbled.
You sniggered at his reaction as he cuddled into your side. His face resting in the crook of your neck.
"Come on jealous boy, lets get showered and changed. I'll make us a late lunch."
"Stay and cuddle for five more minutes." He begged, his breath tickling your neck causing goose bumps to erupt on your skin. "I've missed you."
Part nine
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tokidokitrash · 5 years
I’ve never written a fic before (ok maybe when I was like 13) and I was just struggling a little mentally tonight. It’s a Long rambling off the Top of my head and it’s not gonna be any good but I tried. I would appreciate any constructive criticism you’d shoot my way.
It did help me feel better after writing this, so that’s a silver lining:D
I know the mysme fandom is kinda not as strong as it used to be, but reading other people’s fics really brightened my day, since I’m always on my own due to work.
I had this set as a longer timeline compared to the limited days in the game, and my MC clearly struggles with her own inner depression demons,
Sorry in advance about some stuff further down. I couldn’t help myself.
Italics are either MC’s thoughts or flashbacks.
The way we are - 01
Dreadful, depreciating thoughts slowly crept their way into your thoughts, almost like they bore down on the back of your tightly shut eyes.
‘Not this again...’ you mentally scold yourself.
It had been a few weeks since your last battle. The constant struggle you fought deep within you- one only you knew about.
No one knew. No one could ever know. No one would be able to accept you. No one would be able to help either ways.
You curled yourself into a little huddle on your bed. The air-conditioner wasn’t on, leading the air to a standstill. It was suffocating, the stagnancy. But honestly, you couldn’t be bothered with the discomfort.
‘Stagnant air... stagnant just like my life has been...’
You chastised yourself again, me talking rolling your eyes at yourself, this time for being such a dramatic little bitch in your own little mind.
You hated yourself.
Things were actually getting better these past few weeks. You had the RFA and managing their affairs kept you solidly occupied.
Truthfully, that fateful day you encountered them, and they laid out the opportunity to you to help them be their new coordinator, you mentally leapt with joy at the chance.
Yes, the whole thing was pretty fishy, bogus, weird.
But you’d craved and relished the idea that you could be of some help to a greater cause. Your heart soared at the thought of being of use to someone.
It did come as a plus that the members of this new group were all such...unique personalities.
The lively, dramatic, narcissistic but caring Zen.
The adorable, innocent, wide-eyed Yoosung.
The strong and (seriously) overworked Jaehee.
The stern, calculative business man with the strangest streak of humour, Jumin.
And the mysterious hacker with the flaming red hair, the one whom you’d always felt you could ‘click’ with best, the one you were most attracted to,707.
In their own way, they lit up your life, the way they seemed to always be concerned with your wellbeing, peppering your day with their funny arguments and conversations.
Then shit hit the fan, didn’t it?
It had already been a few days since the whole ordeal with ‘Unknown’. It’s events still played fresh in your mind, but yet right now, they seemed so very far away.
Seven had come to your rescue, but since that day, he’s been anything but a knight in shining armour.
Before the incident, you both had so much fun through the limited calls to each other and the chat.
You felt warm feelings towards Seven blossom in your chest every time you heard his voice. And with the way he seemed to flirt back with you, you had the slightest impression that maybe, just maybe, he was interested in you too.
It felt so nice to banter with him, to feel some sort of electric connection between you two.
But these days, it seems that the happy-go-lucky, capable 707 was gone.
The other day, he even lashed out at Yoosung, who called you, distraught and crying over the incident.
You’ve tried to be strong, you understood that whatever transpired that day must have triggered Seven towards reacting this way. Constantly pushing you away, harshly berating you for leaving his sight, then berating you once more for coming too close to him. You wanted to be here for him, to let him know you cared for him more deeply then he knew and you’d accept and like to hear his story. You’d like to think of yourself as capable of helping provide comfort and reassurance to this beautiful mess of a man, despite whatever attitude shocking revelations of danger he may throw at you.
The key word here, is that you ‘tried’.
And sometimes, life gives you so much lemons, you get really sick of fucking lemonade.
You haven’t really left the room for about...maybe 2 days now, you estimate. Only sneaking out for essentials when you didn’t hear typing and it seemed that maybe Seven was asleep. Wallowing in your self-hatred, you think about the things you’ve wanted to accomplish and how you’ve failed them all.
Dammit, even the man you were so into seems to hate you now- and why shouldn’t he?
Depression had sinked her filthy claws into your heart once again, and though you may have won that battle against her before, you knew, deep in the recess of your mind, she was always waiting to crawl back out.
You hated every fibre of your being. Some days you’d wonder why you were even alive. What did you exist for? Even replying the emails from potential guests seem a chore too monumental right now. Why should they care about your invites? You’d ponder over what to send them, then delete everything you’ve typed out of fear you were being out of line or plain stupid, giving the RFA a bad name. Then you’d start to hate yourself more for letting the guests wait on your reply, get more upset with your own inefficiency. It was a vicious cycle in your mind, and it was always tough to break out of it.
You’ve managed before, and kept a happy persona in your interactions with the members. And that’s what you tried to do for Seven, even as he was scowling away, brows scrunched up in frustration at either his computer, or your mere presence. Either way, he let you know you were an annoyance he couldn’t be bothered to entertain.
And you started believing him.
So you’ve locked yourself away in your room. This was your problem to deal with. Your demons to face. You found a small comfort in hearing Seven typing away in the living room. It was odd, but knowing he was there made you feel safe...but so unwanted.
‘Come on MC... you’re a tough girl, so tough this one out. Yes you’re pathetic and there’s nothing more you hate in this world but yourself, but snap out of it.... please... happythoughtshappythoughtshappythoughtskittenspuppies..seven’svoiceandjokesandthoughtsoftakingyoutothemoon...’
Growling in frustration, you pull the pillow over your head and tried to scream into it, only to end up sobbing uncontrollably. Why were you like this? It’s so illogical...so, so stupid.
If only you could force yourself to be happy and cheery.
But admittedly, Seven’s attitude and coldness towards you really shut that cheery side of you down, faster than you’d like to admit.
You recall the freshest wounds he had inflicted upon you... you had tried to talk to him, as he seemed a little nicer that morning, despite being extremely sleep deprived, giving you a nod when you brought him coffee, and didn’t tell you off when you went to sit near him. You had wanted to express a little gratitude for how hard he was working for your sake.
“Hey, Seven... thank you for working so hard fo-
‘“I’m just going to stop you there, you don’t have to say anything to me. You can just leave me alone.”’
“Aish~! I know that~! You’ve said that before, I just wanna thank you- you’re going to hurt my feelings you know” you pout, trying to stay light-hearted.
He takes off his glasses and rubs his temples upon hearing this. Sighing loudly, he adds;
“I don’t care about how you feel at all. I can’t be bothered if you’re hurt. I’m busy and don’t have time for this, so stop bothering me already!”’
“ I just-‘
‘“ just leave me alone.”’
You weren’t sure what made you decide to do this, but you whine quietly, feeling defeated, and perhaps this was actually a last ditch attempt to see if he cared.
“Seven...I’m going to start crying if you keep being so mean to me..”
He pauses, then he shifts in your direction,stony faced, cold liquid gold eyes bearing into your own brown eyes.
‘“Even if you cry, it doesn’t really matter to me.”’
Hearing that, you flashed him the best smile you could manage, hoping your pain wasn’t too obvious, muttered a few apologies and excused yourself to your room.
...you were scared too, after the whole incident. But it seems he truly did not care about how you felt, like he hardly gave it any thought. like you were only a problem he had to fix ASAP to get a move on his life.
Hours had probably passed when you jolt awake to a knock on your door.
“Oi, MC.” he starts in an annoyed tone “Are you okay? I tried calling you but your phone is dead. What are you doing in there for so long anyway?”
You weren’t sure what time it was, but you knew it must have been quite awhile if Mr cold-and-I-don’t-care-about-you was checking up on you. The room was dark, air still stale. Picking up your phone, you realise you haven’t checked it since the start of your mental battle. Yes, it was dead.
“MC?” You thought maybe you picked up a hint of worry though all that irritation this time. “.....I’m coming in.”
‘Wait what? Nonono did I lock the bloody door? He can’t see me like this I-‘
You bolt up from the bed, nearly tripping on your sheets as you rushed for the door, but you were a beat too slow, and the door was already ajar before your hand could touch the handle.
Golden irises pierce your gaze as your eyes adjusted to the invading light from outside your room, he pauses for a moment and his eyes seem to widen in shock at the sight of you...and your probably very disheveled appearance.
Hurriedly, you press your body against the back of the door, holding , preventing it from opening any further.
“MC?!” He called as he tried to peek his head past the door’s opening to get a better look at you.
You cleared your dry and raspy throat before finally replying the redhead-
“AHHHHh Seven! Geez, don’t you know that you’re supposed to give a lady more time to respond?! You can’t just open doors so suddenly you gave me such a start! Nearly let you see me all horrid looking after taking a nap ahaha ha”
Good lord you hope you sounded convincing, and not at all like you’ve been crying for the last godknowshowlong.
Seven goes quiet for a moment, and the tension in the air still hangs over you two. You notice one of his hands shift and holds onto the door frame as he steadily starts to push the door towards you. Trying your utmost best but failing to be lighthearted, you yelped and tried to swat his hand away, still fervently trying to push the door back against his force.
“Holddddup what are you doing Seveny stop trying to open the door! Didn’t you hear what I said???”
“I heard you. But I said I’m.coming.in.”
He pushes the door harder and you know you’re no match for his strength, and in a last ditch attempt to hide your appearance from him you grab a large towel you had hanging behind your door, wrap it over your head, letting it drape down your shoulders and dash for the corner of the room behind the door. You squat down, huddled in your new corner, and you hear Seven cuss when the door gives way easily at your absence, causing him to stumble into the room. Hearing him cuss a bit more, you sense his gaze sweeping the room, before feeling them land upon your huddled up frame at the corner. There’s a long pause before he quietly asks, incredulously
“..........MC, wh-what are you doing over there”
“I told you I was indecent looking now.... so I’m just going to stay in this corner since you so rudely barged in.” You quipped. Your choice of words may sound harsh but you say them in a sing-song manner. Seven just stays quiet after your reply, which leads you to ramble on, hoping to fill the silence
“So, uh, what’s up? Did you miss me? Come here cuz you’re missing little old me? Ahahhaha or did you manage to find something about this whole....shenanigan? Anyways a-aren’t you busy and all? I won’t bother you anymore so y-you don’t have to worry about me either ahhahaha...hahahah”
I sound insane.
You hear him sigh loudly, again, and it kind of reminds you of how your parents used to sigh at you when you were a disappointment. He mutters under his breath sometimes that’s sounds like ‘fucks sake’ and it cuts you off from your ramblings. You can’t stop the tears from springing to your eyes. You were still hurting, still wallowing. Trying to hide whatever negativity by being weird and using your own brand of humour. And now he was real, in your room and invading your space, you could feel your mind trying to come up with something, anything to avoid possible questions and maybe get him to leave.
“What’s all this? You’re being real weird now, hiding in that corner. I’ve seen you after your naps and you don’t usually look like....that. Turn around and face me, MC.”
You take a deep breathe through your nose, your way of stifling your sniffs from new tears,
“Ahhh you’re so indelicate, I can’t turn to face you, so uh why don’t you just wait outside and I’ll come out when I’m ready?”
“And when will that be? Talk to me MC. Something is wrong, isn’t it?”
No shit, Sherlock.
“Yaaaa Please God Seven, have mercy and give this lady a chance to *sniff* prep herself first”
You could almost hear him rolling his eyes at you, when he says
“Get out of the corner before I drag you out. Seriously, what are you even doing? “
Given his snappiness, you wouldn’t be surprised if he acted out his threat. But his question gave you a chance to exhibit your messed up coping mechanism.
“What am I doing? Fine, I’ll tell you. I’m not hiding myself, I’m prepping for my next cosplay.”
“HAH??” In a very, very annoyed tone.
“Here, look. “
In that moment, you slowly turned your body to face him, and put your hands down on the floor, still in a squatting position but with your hands between your knees. Towel still draped across your head and shoulder, you whisper in a low, slow voice,
Seven’s loud, booming shout really startles you, as you realise he’s left the room. You started to worry you’ve made him real angry this time, and wait for more cussing and shouting.....only to hear cussing and...laughter? His laughter grows, and soon he’s bellowing, and the raucous peals of laughter is music to your ears actually. Even though you’re still hurt from his words and demeanour, you’ve come to realise the effect this gorgeous man has on you, and it warms your heart a little that you’ve managed to make him laugh for the first time in a Long, Long time. He’s still cackling when you waddle towards the door, still covered mainly by the room’s darkness, peek out at him but with your body still in the same position.
“Hey man” you catch his attention and he stares at you, wiping tears away from his eyes “that’s not cool- that scene wasn’t funny at all in the anime-god you shouldn’t be laughing at this.”
Seven has his hands on his knees as you send him into another mini laughing fit.
You stay like this for awhile, feeling a little better after making 707 laugh, despite it not being your original plan at all. You hoped he’d have forgotten all about how you looked and how you ardently tried to hide from him the fact you’ve been a mess these last 2 days.
Now it just feels a little bittersweet. This whole thing is quite similar to how you’ve always dealt with hiding your hurt and pain from others, and a teeny, tiny part of you was sad that you felt the need to hide your feelings and emotions from the guy you adored.
Deep down, you wanted his comfort, but yet, was too afraid to seek it out.
You were now convinced that Seven perhaps truly had no feelings for you other than just as a ‘member of RFA’.
“Anyways...god Seven?”You whispered quietly once his laughter completely dies down. He looks up, having taken off his glasses to wipe his tears again.
“Ah?” He mutters breathlessly, looking at you through his fringe.
You realise you have it real bad, as this sight of him makes your breathe hitch a little and your heart beat faster. You will thoughts of him away as you continue
“I’m going to go and wash up, then um, head to bed now....“ you shift your hands to grip the towel’s ends, making it cover more of your face. Seven seems to notice how tightly you’re gripping the towel, and patiently waits for you to speak as your struggle to find the words.
“..I’m sorry about the other day, today. Well. Everyday. I hope you feel a little better... good night, okay? Take care of yourself, Remember to eat and sleep and I’ll just be here I Guess an—“
you stop yourself. You were rambling again. Pointless rambles. You forced a small smile, internally dying as you were now telling yourself to give up these feelings, bid him good night once more, and gently shut the door.
I’m sorry about the joke again. I had the idea and I couldn’t put it down.
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authorofdanger · 5 years
Miroh 2
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Genre: Angst
Skz zombie apocalypse AU
It's very sad and violent in some parts, sorry.
"Balance! Balance is key Shuyang," Jeongin sighed while coming behind the boy and helping him plant his feet. Shuyang looked at him in slight confusion before one of the other young boys translated in chinese. Jeongin was given the difficult task of teaching these boys no older than fifteen and no younger than twelve how to shoot a bow and arrow. Smiling to myself I was beyond proud of Jeongin for not only strengthening his shooting skills but for being able to teach as well.
"Hyung have you not noticed how clumsy he is? I'm surprised we didnt put him in farming with Yeji," Hanyu chuckled as he shot and nearly hit the bullseye. "Stop being mean," Zihao groaned in english. Pulling myself to my feet I took over Jeongin's place behind Shuyang and placed my hands over his. "Slow your breathing," I said in his home language, "it's okay to miss. You are learning so breathe. Now balance and focus on your breathing."
"You know chinese," Jeongin gasped. "And english," I said while looking over at Zihao, "dad moved us around alot since he was a company translator. Does it really shock you? I lived in Taiyuan for five years, Texas for six, and Busan for eight years now. Korean is relatively my newest language."
"Hey I'm from Taiyuan," Xinlong said excitedly. Giving him a wide smile I turned my attention back to Shuyang and whispered for him to release the arrow, watching as his arrow finally landed on the rim of the target. "There you go," I encouraged, "now keep practicing."
As time went on, and corrections decreased, I had decided to leave the boys for a moment to survey the base. It wasn't as broken down as the infected towns but it surely needed repairs. The houses were run down and in a few years probably dilapidated but for now it was livable and somewhat warm. The shops we kept around were always busy with people making food, clothes, weapons, and more. Children were running around the property with no parents to corral them inside, only a few of us teenagers and early adults taking over the parental life.
"Y/N I thought you were with Jeongin," Seungmin asked while running up to me from the pig barn. He was wiping the dirt from his hands with a rag in his pocket and tried to clear his face but with little result. "I thought you were supposed to control the pigs. Looks like it was the other way around." Giving me an off smile he lowered his face and groaned, "younger sow has been testing Jisung and I's patience. It's too hyper to be cooped up in the barn but too lazy to burn energy when in the field and it's hard to catch it when I need it. Somehow it managed to learn to open it's own pen so I had to get Changbin to help me rebuild the door to move the latch."
His small smile made my heart swell, I rarely saw him smile during our time together so it's refreshing to see happiness in the same boys I worried about months ago. "I'm obviously not a builder," he added after holding out his cut up hands, "gonna have to borrow some of Hyunjin's bandages." "Need help?"
"I missed the way you patched us up. Its alot more comfortable than Hyung's tight and rigid tactic." Finishing up the last wrap I gave his hand a soft squeeze before putting the medical supplies back to its spots. "Had to learn somehow with Namjoon always managing to injure himself. I still cant figure out how he would do it but he always had new injuries each week! Mom was always finding small jobs to do so she was gone alot while dad was always at the companies he was doing work for. He tried to patch himself up but would always hurt himself more," I laughed, "I wonder if he found someone to replace my handiwork."
The room was silent for a moment but my smile never faltered. "I'm sure he's fine," I added, "I'm sure he is running around with Jungkook or Seokjin. They had a big group of friends apparently. I didnt get to see them often since he was scared I would fall for Jungkook but I think he was overreacting. Big brother stuff you know?" "I understand completely. My older sister was the same way with her friends. But she was more worried because I was a bit of a wild child in her eyes. She thought I would corrupt her friends." The room filled with laughter as we thought back to our pasts. Thinking about it now I never would have believed someone like Seungmin would be my friend. In high school I was always shy and a bit of a book nerd but wasn't afraid to stand up for myself. I guess that's how I meshed well with Jeongin when I moved to Korea, attending high school with him. Apparently Hyunjin went there too but I never really got to know him and didnt even know of his existence!
As we sat here I realized just how lucky I am to have met my boys. They helped me learn to grow a backbone and how important it was to not judge a book by his cover. "Well I better get back to the pins. I heard that Chan is going to take some of the men and younger males for hunting practice. You going," Seungmin sighed as he got up. "No I'm going to stay here and let my shoulder rest some more." "Right. But hey, thanks for patching me up."
**** Three years ago****
A loud crash erupted from the living room followed by an "Oh shit!" Glancing over at Jin who came and helped me make dinner tonight I wiped my hands on the apron he gave to me and followed the sound to see my brother trying to pick up the pieces of the now broken vase.
"Why does mom demand we keep glass items in this house," he growled before he cut open his hand yet again. "No Joon get the broom," I laughed. I quickly pulled him up to his feet and examined his hand to see a few thin lines here and there but nothing a few bandages couldnt cover. "You're a god of destruction," I giggled to myself before letting go of him and moving to get the broom,"dont move Joon! You'll break something else with your luck!"
"How is it that he is the older brother but you are the one who takes care of him," Seokjin laughed. "I swear the birth year on my birth and adoption certificates are wrong. I have to be older than him." "What will he do without you in a few years?" "I'll be fine!"
I always wondered where he went. Did he make it out of our town alive? Did he find the boys? I might never get answers.
A few hours later and I was huddled in my room by the fireplace, waiting for the boys to get back. Chan and Jeongin were out teaching the younger boys to hunt which was freaky in it's own sense but it was also scary that it was starting to get dark. "Y/N," Shuyang called while rushing in. "I thought you were hunting! What's wrong," I asked. Going over to him and rubbing his heaving back I could barely hear him huffed out "need translator. Felix cant understand. A man is here!"
"救命啊," I heard a young man scream as I raced up the staircase. "I dont speak chinese! Do you speak anything else? What group are you from," Felix yelled. "Hyung yelling isnt going to help. It's like when we did that when you were learning korean," Seungmin sighed. "Shut up! I dont see you helping! And where the hell is Shuyang?" Shoving the door open I walked in front of Shuyang and took a look at the situation. Seungmin was sitting in the back corner with his hands in his face, Felix was standing firm but with panic laced on his, and the boy who must have been the man screaming in chinese moments ago was pacing the room.
"My name is Y/N. I speak chinese well. Are you okay," I asked while slowly approaching the frantic man. " His eyes grew wide and he let out a "oh my god! I can speak a little korean but the words arent coming to me right now! My base has been invaded and we need help! I'm from Amber's section!" "Amber? Amber Liu," Felix asked after finally catching on. "They're invaded."
We filled the trucks with as many members as we could as we raced to the compound. In my truck we had Felix, Changbin, Minho, Jisung, Lucas, and I. The ride was quiet aside from the engine roaring as Minho raced us through the winding roads. "Please let there be survivors," Lucas whispered to himself, "let my friends be okay." Placing my hand ontop of his I tried to comfort him in any way I could but with little results. "How did this happen," Felix asked which I ended up having to translate. In the best korean he could manage in the moment he said "people were coming back from hunting and one was bitten while he was out. He didnt tell anyone and turned. It spread from there. Oh God Winwin!" Tears rolled down his face and he pulled his sleeves to his eyes to try to stop them.
"Its okay to cry," I hushed, "we are going to help the best we can I promise." Jisung eyed me as I comforted the stranger, knowing my heart was breaking for him. Placing his hand on his back, I could tell Jisung was trying to help too. We both knew what it was like to lose someone to this situation. When we first found eachother he had his older brother with him who got bit saving Jisung. I on the other hand had to shoot my mother when she turned and soon after my father. It's a pain that many in this world are forced to go through but it never gets easier. We all hope for a day this will end but at this point we know the odds are out of our favor.
"We're here," Minho interrupted before we all rushed out of the trucks and others pulled in. With a team of an estimated thirty we raced into the compound and began to shoot every Walker in sight. I stuck close to Lucas and Felix as we tried to find and gather survivors but only managed to find a small group hiding in a closed off room in the leadership tower. "Ten! Amber," Lucas cried as he rushed into the room. Doing a headcount I was able to see five survivors and then Lucas, my heart dropping at the alarming number. "We couldnt stop them," Amber shook, "I just had to find survivors and barricade ourselves until help arrived."
"We're here," Felix comforted, "now come on. We need to get you guys to a vehicle while we search for more." "I'll keep looking. I have great aim and can protect myself," I suggested. Nodding his head, Felix ushered everyone out while I raced around the entire compound. The bodies laying on the floor added to my fear and I prayed for atleast one more survivor. "Please! Anyone!" On the ground was a young male with a Walker ontop of him, snapping at his face. Pulling my arrow back I was able to nail him right in the back of his head and ran to help the young man.
He had to be close to Jeongin's age but definitely a giant in comparison. His eyes were soft but full of fear but I had to push my own aside to try to soothe him in this moment. "Are you infected," I asked. Shaking his head I immediately pulled him to his feet and handed him a gun from my bag and continued through the compound. After nearly an hour though and no other survivors in sight I knew it was time to leave.
"But Chenle! I cant leave him!" "Someone else might have found him. We have to go," I ordered before pulling him by his arm to the trucks that were already packed and preparing to leave. "Is that all of our team," Felix yelled through the crowd. "We are all clear sir," another called out. Helping the boy into the bed of the truck I crawled in to sit by him and the new members of our base, listening to the cries of pain as they went through their list of friends who were either infected or killed.
"Johnny," one asked. "Got bit. I watched someone shoot him soon after. Same for Mark." "Chenle?" "Infected." My heart went out to this group. These were their friends, their family, and they had to watch some of them die today. "I'm sorry I didnt get help soon enough," Lucas apologized. Amber placed her hand on his face and made him look at her, "you saved us Lucas. You cant save everyone but you saved someone! You did great." "Its not your fault," another girl added, "this wasn't something we could have stopped. Its life now."
Life sucks.
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newstfionline · 4 years
Dueling versions of reality define 1st week of fall campaign (AP) On the campaign trail with President Donald Trump, the pandemic is largely over, the economy is roaring back, and murderous mobs are infiltrating America’s suburbs. With Democrat Joe Biden, the pandemic is raging, the economy isn’t lifting the working class, and systemic racism threatens Black lives across America. The first week of the fall sprint to Election Day crystallized dizzyingly different versions of reality as the Republican incumbent and his Democratic challenger trekked from Washington and Delaware to Wisconsin and Pennsylvania and back, each man on an urgent mission to sell his particular message to anxious voters. All the conflicting messages carry at least a sliver of truth, some much more than others, as the candidates fight to navigate one of the most turbulent election seasons in modern history.
Love or hate them, pandemic learning pods are here to stay (Washington Post) Some love them. Some hate them. But nobody working in education today can escape pandemic learning pods: the increasingly popular phenomenon in which families band together and hire a private tutor to offer in-person learning to a small group of children. Teachers throughout the nation are sketching out schedules and pondering whether they can squeeze in pod tutoring after virtual school. They are weighing health risks, deciding on ground rules—should all pod students wear masks?—and asking parents how much they will pay. (A lot, it turns out.) Sometimes, they are quitting their jobs to lead pods instead. That is what Kendra Newton is doing: The 24-year-old first-grade teacher resigned from her job with Orange County Public Schools in Florida after learning she would have to teach in-person this fall. She is moving across the country to Oregon, where she will lead a pod of eight students—for a higher salary than she earned in Florida. “It gave me a way to feel safe working,” Newton said. “I will have guaranteed money coming in and a stable idea of what my life will be like because there won’t be a school district changing its mind every two seconds. For my mental health, it’s just a better option.”
Americans see skepticism of news media as healthy, say public trust in the institution can improve (Pew Research Center) Many Americans remain skeptical toward the news media, questioning not only the quality of journalists’ work but the intentions behind it. For instance, no more than half of U.S. adults have confidence in journalists to act in the best interests of the public, and Americans are more likely than not to say that news organizations do not care about the people they report on. Yet three-quarters also are open to the possibility that Americans’ trust in the media could improve.
With office life dormant, white-collar Washington is adrift (Washington Post) Greg Crist is a D.C. lobbyist who used to wear suits, and go to lunch, and spend his days taking meetings on the Hill, or in his nicely appointed office at 701 Pennsylvania Ave. Now that his office is closed because of the pandemic, Crist is a man who commutes a few hundred feet from his Alexandria, Va., home to his silver Audi, where he spends much of the day taking calls in the only place where the important people on the other end of the line cannot hear his toddler son scream. Much of white-collar Washington has accepted the reality that it may be a long time before it returns to the office, or the office-adjacent customs of the city’s glad-handing classes: the power lunches, the networking receptions, the comped sports tickets and day trips to New York on the Acela. “Initially I thought, ‘Well, I’ll be back at work by Easter,’ ” says Crist, the chief advocacy officer and head of external affairs at AdvaMed, a medical technology trade association. Easter turned into June, which turned into Labor Day, which turned into a big question mark. The politicos and super-connecters are achy, stuck at home, stranded on the other side of the work-life divide. The lobbyists are without their lobbies. The conference denizens haven’t donned a lanyard in months. That infamous D.C. conversation-starter, “What do you do?,” has a new answer: I sit at home, stare at my screen, fend off my kids, try to keep it together. You?
Mexico states run out of death certificates (AP) The coronavirus pandemic has hit Mexico so hard that the governments of several states ran out of death certificates. Officials said Friday the federal forms started running out about 15 to 20 days ago in at least three states—Baja California, the State of Mexico and Mexico City. Authorities say a million new forms have been printed and are being distributed. The certificates are printed with special characteristics because falsification has been a problem in the past. Mexico has suffered the fourth-highest level of COVID-19 deaths in the world.
Washington firm ran fake Facebook accounts in Venezuela, Bolivia and Mexico, report finds (Washington Post) When Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido declared himself the nation’s legitimate president in January 2019, an Instagram account, @FrenteLibreVzla, posted a video declaring him a “new leader” who would bring freedom to the embattled nation, according to a research report published Friday. Those watching the video had no way of knowing the account was based not in Venezuela’s capital, Caracas, but downtown Washington, managed by a strategic communications firm with clients across Latin America. The firm, CLS Strategies, this week became the latest communications company to be chastised by Facebook for using fake accounts—including on Instagram, a Facebook subsidiary—to secretly manipulate politics in another country, in violation of Facebook’s prohibition on foreign interference. Facebook announced Tuesday it had closed 55 accounts, 42 pages and 36 Instagram accounts linked to CLS Strategies that targeted politics in Venezuela, Bolivia and Mexico. The effort spent $3.6 million in advertising across all three countries, a sum that Facebook executives said was notable for its size and reflective of what happens when actors with deep pockets mount a disinformation operation. The pages had amassed more than 500,000 followers. The operation by the public relations company is an example, the report says, of how Americans sow disinformation in foreign countries.
Coronavirus Crisis Shatters India’s Big Dreams (NYT) The hit that India’s dreams have taken from the coronavirus pandemic can be found in the hushed streets of Surat’s industrial zone. You can see it in textile mills that took generations to build but are now sputtering, eking out about a tenth of the fabric they used to make. You can see it in the lean faces of the families who used to sew the finishing touches on saris but, with so little business, are now cutting back on vegetables and milk. Not so long ago, India’s future looked entirely different. It boasted a sizzling economy that was lifting millions out of poverty, building modern megacities and amassing serious geopolitical firepower. It aimed to give its people a middle-class lifestyle, update its woefully vintage military and become a regional political and economic superpower that could someday rival China, Asia’s biggest success story. But the economic devastation in Surat and across the country is imperiling many of India’s aspirations. The Indian economy has shrunk faster than any other major nation’s. As many as 200 million people could slip back into poverty, according to some estimates. Many of its normally vibrant streets are empty, with people too frightened of the outbreak to venture far.
India and China agree to ease tension on border (Reuters) India and China said on Saturday they had agreed to work towards reducing tensions along their contested border, following a meeting of the defense ministers of the nuclear-armed Asian giants. Both sides deployed additional forces along the frontier running through the western Himalayas after a clash in June, during which 20 Indian soldiers were killed in hand-to-hand fighting. China has not released casualty figures for its troops. In the highest level face-to-face political contact between India and China since tensions first flared along the border in May, defense ministers Rajnath Singh of India and General Wei Fenghe of China met late on Friday on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation meeting in Moscow. Both countries agreed that “neither side should take any further action that could either complicate the situation or escalate matters in the border areas,” India’s defense ministry said in a statement.
Super Typhoon Haishen aims for calamitous strike on Japan, S. Korea (Washington Post) Super Typhoon Haishen is roiling the unusually warm waters of the Western Pacific Ocean. The storm rapidly intensified on Thursday Eastern time, vaulting from Category 2 to super typhoon status with sustained winds of 150 mph or greater in about 24 hours. Super Typhoon Haishen is poised to strike the same areas as Typhoon Maysak, which hit South Korea early Thursday local time, to become the second typhoon to make landfall there and in southwestern Japan in just one week. The back-to-back typhoon strikes may worsen the damage, since infrastructure has been weakened by strong winds, heavy rains and storm-surge flooding, only to be hit again.
Ultra-Orthodox Jews clash with secular Israeli officials over coronavirus measures (Washington Post) Israel’s rapidly escalating coronavirus crisis is aggravating a religious divide in the Jewish state, with ultra-Orthodox leaders accusing mostly secular health officials of discrimination and fostering anti-Semitism by focusing on outbreaks in highly observant communities. As the government struggles to contain the outbreak, ultra-Orthodox Jewish rabbis, cabinet ministers and parliament members have resisted attempts to curtail activities in ultra-Orthodox areas, including many that have emerged as covid-19 hot spots. Facing particular ire has been Ronni Gamzu, the pugnacious former hospital administrator appointed last month as the government’s “corona czar.” Gamzu has clashed with religious leaders over his efforts to impose targeted lockdowns on neighborhoods with high infection rates, block a yearly pilgrimage to the grave of a revered Hasidic rabbi in Ukraine and compel virus testing for thousands of foreign students who have recently arrived to attend religious schools, or yeshivas. Gamzu said last week that 80 percent of the most recent coronavirus cases occurred in ultra-Orthodox neighborhoods. The government expects to enact targeted restrictions Monday in 10 hot spot communities, many of them ultra-Orthodox. The tensions have riven Israel’s coronavirus cabinet, the government body that sets policy. On Friday, one day after Israel recorded 3,141 new cases—the largest single day per capita increase in any country since the pandemic began—cabinet discussions grew heated over proposed lockdowns during the Jewish holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur later this month.
Sudan declares state of emergency over deadly floods (AP) Sudanese authorities declared their country a natural disaster area and imposed a three-month state of emergency across the country after rising floodwaters and heavy rainfall killed around 100 people and inundated over 100,000 houses since late July. Flooding caused by seasonal heavy rainfall, mostly in neighboring Ethiopia, led the Nile River to rise about 17.5 meters late in August, the highest level it has reached in about a century according to the Sudanese Irrigation Ministry.
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It’s Late (Ch 1)
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A/N: This is a work of fiction! It takes place in an altered universe where certain member's partners don’t exist. Should line up with the Sheer Heart Attack tour. No one requested this. @rogers-wristbands was kind enough to proof read for me (thank you, love). I’ve been told that I’m no longer allowed to come for anyone’s whole life just because I’m sad (bc I definitely did. I came for my own favorite.) Enjoy!
Warnings: Angst (like you wouldn’t believe), Cheating (very bad. I do not condone this), Pregnancy (Unplanned), Mention of Abortion, Swearing
Word Count: 1.6k
The boys had been on tour for about a month now. It felt much longer than that thanks to waking up to a routinely empty bed. You’d had phone calls nightly, but a disembodied voice did nothing to soothe the ache that was beginning to burn through your soul.
Brian usually called you at the same time every night. Just before you went to bed, which was before the show started but after soundcheck. Tonight, the call was running late. John had managed to sneak a call in to check on his favorite un-biological sibling. Yes, he really insisted on using that term, just to get under your skin and drive you a little crazy. After years of pretending to hate it, you’d grown quite fond of it and missed hearing it while he was away.
“What do you mean he hasn’t called?” You’d swear you could see his eyebrows furrowing through the line, his mouth managing to flatten and pout at the same time. “He left 30 minutes ago to go back to his room and change before the show. He’s had plenty of time.”
“I guess I’ll just have to be the one to call tonight.” You said a little wistfully, Something wasn’t sitting right with you. “Can I have the number for your hotel?”
“Sure. Ask for room 615.”
“Dr. M’s room. How can I help you?” It came through the line too giggly, too feminine, and absolutely wrong.
“If you could put Mr. May on, I’d appreciate it.” You managed to hide the venom in your voice surprisingly well, but you were sure your facial expression told a very different story. Thank the powers that be for telephones not having a video option.
“Briiii ~ phone for you.” The mystery woman called out.
“Who is it Junie?” You heard call back.
“They didn’t say, but they did ask for you by name.” She must have forgotten to cover the receiver because the amount of giggling you heard next was enough to make you forget all the coolness you had purposefully injected into your tone.
“Hello?” This voice you knew. You’d heard it every night for the last 12 months either in person or over the phone.
“Hello, Bri.” The malice in your voice was clear. You could hear the blood draining from his face over the line. “Lose my number and don’t bother coming to see me when you get back. Tell Junie I said hello.” The last thing he heard was a click then a dial tone.
The show that night was a disaster. John had told you as much the next morning when he called to chew you out for messing with the guitarist’s head. The conversation quickly turned around when you told him what had happened.
You still got nightly phone calls, but now it was your oldest friend and confidant instead of the man you thought you loved.
About 2 weeks after the switch, you noticed you were feeling sick all the time. You’d mentioned it to John and promised to see a doctor if it stayed that way for more than a week.
“Johnnie,” you breathed out in a sigh of relief when the phone rang that night. True to your word, you’d gone to the doctor after feeling like crap for a week. “I’m so happy to hear your voice right now.” It was starting to come out in sobs, all your forced composure slipping from your grip.
“Hey, hey, Y/N. Breathe.” He whispered to you and hoped that his words would provide the comfort that his arms could not. “What happened? What did the doctor say?”
“John . . . I’m pregnant.”
The silence that followed was not what you were hoping for, but you knew it was a distinct possibility. John quietly followed it with death threats to the only person he knew could be the father and promises to support you with any decision you made.
The band would be home in 2 weeks for a short break. Brian seemed to have lost your number and you had no intention of looking up one for him to tell him this news. You told John that you still had time to make your decisions and wanted to see him in person before making anything real.
The day had finally come. You were estimated to be about 8 weeks pregnant. John had promised to come see you before running off to Veronica’s. As a man of his word, he knocked on your door early that afternoon and scooped you into a hug. You weren’t ready for that hug to send you spiraling into a mass of tears, but it did. Having John back meant decisions had to be made, people had to be told, things had to be done.
The one thing you knew for sure was that ‘having some sort of an accident’ was completely out of the question. The little bean growing inside you was partly you. They had been your most constant companion through all the heartbreak and anger you’d endured. Your little bean was going to live, you just weren’t sure you were the best option for a parent.
John once again kept his promises and supported your decision. He hadn’t told a single soul of your situation, but now it wouldn’t be a secret for much longer. The break was only for a week to regroup with loved ones before continuing the tour. If you were going to keep bean, there was someone you’d have to tell and a signature you’d have to collect.
“Are you sure this is what you want?” You had heard those words too often in the last few weeks. First from John, then your parents, and now from Brian.
“And what would you propose as an alternative, Mr. May?” You had said his name with such contempt that it would be difficult for a passerby to believe you’d been in a loving relationship at any point in time.
Brian just looked at you sadly. He’d never gotten the chance to apologize and it looked like he wasn’t going to. You had come over, accompanied by John, to inform him of your new situation and get him to sign away his parental rights. If you were going to have your little bean, Brian would have no say in the matter.
“It’s just that this is my child too, Y/N,” he had always wanted to be a dad one day. It broke his heart that his eldest child wouldn’t get to know him.
“Are you joking?” Something about your quickly shifting hormones pushed you to anger quite often. At this moment you could feel it pulsing through your veins and pooling in your stomach, as if to make a protective cover for your little bean that was growing there. “You wouldn’t even know if I didn’t need you to sign this. As far as I’m concerned, you lost all privileges to have a say in how I conduct my life the moment that woman entered your room.”  
Brian wanted to bite back at you. He wanted to be angry, but the only person he could find at fault was himself. He slowly signed the document and passed it to you.
John had been characteristically quiet throughout the whole exchange. He just watched for the moment things went to far and he would need to intervene, but it never came.
“Good bye, Mr. May, and good luck with your future endeavors.” You removed some of the anger from your voice as you said your good-bye, opting for a cool if almost business like tone. You could feel John watching you, waiting for the next outburst.
“Good bye, Y/N. John.” Brian let you leave without trying to convince you of anything further.
You were lucky to make it through the majority of your pregnancy with minimal complications. Morning sickness was a bitch, but it ended early in your second trimester. John delivered a bit of good news the same day your morning sickness ended.
Veronica was pregnant, too. You had someone to formally bond with while you made it through your journey. Also, your little bean would have a lifelong friend, just like you did.
With the band wrapping up a tour and planning to record every day, you and Veronica grew very close. So much so that John started to feel like he was being replaced by his own wife. You reassured him of his importance in your life by asking the two of them to be godparents. They gladly accepted.
Days came and went as time passed you by. You’d been so busy preparing for the little one to finally make their appearance, that you were almost shocked when your water broke. Luckily, a phone call to the Deacon residence (and to your parents) gathered all the necessary people to meet you at the hospital.
Several hours later, you were greeted by two smiling faces holding a small white bundle. Labor for you had been intense and after the initial skin contact, you more or less passed out.
“Good morning, mumma.” You heard Ronnie’s sweet voice greet you as you turned your head to look at her.
“Good morning.” You smiled gently, still extremely tired from delivery, but absolutely delighted that John and Veronica had waited to see you.
“I hope you don’t mind, darling, but we couldn’t stop ourselves from seeing our godchild.” John spoke this time. He only called you darling when he really wanted something from you, or when he was feeling extremely vulnerable.
“Of course not.” You smiled at the pair of them, feeling something loosen in your chest. In just a few short weeks, you’d be back for their little nugget’s delivery. “However, I do think that it’s breakfast time for the two of us.”
“Quite right, Y/N.” Veronica passed you the bundle she’d been holding.
Looking at your little girl made you so incredibly happy. Thank heavens you had decided to keep her, your little bean. She made everything worth it.
A/N: I hope you enjoyed this and I’m sorry. Leave me some feedback! I’d love to come for someone else’s fave. 
Ch 2 - Ch 3
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Role of social media in the Fashion Industry
It is always a pleasure to thank all who have been a part of my capstone project journey. This project was a part of my specialization course which gave me a wonderful opportunity to interact with the people of the fashion industry and other experts.
Firstly, I would like to express my gratitude to my parents who always encouraged me to take risks in life and are the pillars of my strength. Without their encouragement I may not have been able to complete this project.
Secondly, I would like to convey my deepest thanks to Bennett University and my mentor Prof. Sumita Vaid Dixit for providing invaluable guidance, suggestions throughout the project, and by helping me in putting this project together.
Thirdly, a big thank you to fashion experts Mr.Rahul Toppo from Chennai, Ms. Kriti Chawla fashion stylist from Popexo, NIFT graduate Prof Pratik Kumar Singh, Prof. Neelam and Kashish from Ranchi who is an aspiring fashion designer. Their opinions and insights helped me get a better perspective of the fashion industry.
In the end, I would like to thank all those who I have not been able to name in the acknowledgement but they have played an important role in my project. Personally, the opportunity to write this capstone project is a big milestone in my career development. I hope I'm able to get another opportunity to interact with all of you again.
Rishika Singh
 India's fashion industry is currently estimated at $70 billion, of which up to $9 billion is already digitally influenced, as in, shoppers are searching, browsing, and buying stuff online. Globally, and in India, fashion is the third most-followed topic among Instagram users after (movies and music).
Kashish from Ranchi who is aspiring in Fashion designing has said that being in the fashion industry and neglecting social media can be a great loss for anyone's career. "Social media plays a very important role, helps in learning the new trends, and motivates us to create good content, " she said. 
Over the past few years, social media and digital media have drastically changed how people consume the content or any sort of news, especially in the fashion industry. Both fashion blogs and social media have recently made an elitist industry more available and relatable to regular customers. Social media has created an open channel of communication between organizations and citizens. Nowadays, content is expended online and individuals are not only reading content, but they are giving their inputs through comments and social media. Numerous sorts of fashion blogs overseen by regular people are giving customers an interior look into what utilized to be an elite, fashion-experts-only industry.
Rahul Toppo, a fashion designer from Chennai said, “Social media platforms play an important role in fashion today, we can showcase our collection, content, designs and we can connect and reach to many people”. Some of the young designers like Amit Aggarwal, Dhruv Kapoor, and many more are tapping on social media mainly active on Instagram.
Why are the fashion designers tapping in the world of social media?
In 2012, Facebook spent $1 billion to acquire what was then just a photo-sharing app. Over the years, however, Instagram has not only added a slew of features that attracts more users but also become a marketing and selling platform for business.
Everyone has been obsessing over the old designers like Manish Malhotra, Sanjay Garg, Rohit Bal, and Sabya Sacchi for forever now. Even though they’re evergreen designers in India who all the people in the country wish to wear and admire. The designs and work of these legendaries have always inspired others to work more and more and know the audience wants. The Indian customers are now becoming modernized and more open to the labels from such upcoming Indian fashion designers.
Preeti Verma, founder of an Indie label Runaway Bicycle, managed to go courtesy Instagram. Verna says keeping her Instagram buzzy and updated is more work than managing the website of fashion.“We put a great deal of thinking into our Instagram feed. We have a writer and an art director who manage the quality of content. We shoot our products specifically for the app. We push out one post every day, and it certainly is a more live medium to maintain, unlike our website,” she said.
Pratik Kumar, a professor of Fashion Designing has stated, “I’m in this fashion industry for around 10 years now and can say that in the early time, designers lacked the internet, the age of information technology but now everything is digitized and even the industry is turning into robotics.”
Manish Malhotra talks of fashion in the age of Instagram, “Brand experience today is just a click away. Digital media has revolutionized a hyper form of window shopping. Earlier, the only people privy to what I was showcasing were those who attended the show or came across it in the newspapers the next day. Today, everyone has a front-row seat to my shows via Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Livestream.”
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Caption: The instagram account of Manish Malhotra (Source: Instagram)
What advantages do Social media have?
Fashion brands on social media, it is a modern platform for interaction between brand and customer. Before the arrival of the internet, all the programs for launching any design or any clothes or any brands were done through glossy magazines, TV, etc. And social media is ruling many facets of businesses and their impact on their lives is enormous.
It gives low to zero overhead cost
There’ll be no need for expensive expenditures any more in the digital area. Creating and implementing top social media campaigns and strategies are free and cost-effective. Signing up and making a profile on popular social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, etc is completely free.
It increases customer engagement and loyalty
 People spend a lot of time on social media, it's not a tough task to attract new consumers through social media. Social media allows us to interact with recent customers and old customers, but what keeps them loyal? It is the content that the user posts on their social media platforms. 
It reinforces brand awareness and credibility
Social media is the best platform to showcase the fashion studio and it acts as the best medium for brand recognition. Enhance the brand’s awareness and increase the following in all social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Pinterest by presenting all the designer collections.
Social networks impact buying decisions
The vast majority of the individuals look for designing trends and latest fashions and are aware of them through social networks only. It acts as a word of mouth so any matter can spread in no time. The business pages' preferences, shares, remarks, and so forth will impact and be an immense effect on the clients' buying choices.
Demographic targeting
Millennia is the targeted customer for the fashion industry and social media could be a customized stage where fashion retailers can target the audience demographics wise such as sex, age, area, hashtags, etc. Other than, it is exceptionally simple to track client behavior patterns online.
It is an effective marketing tool
Whether anyone wants to get high traffic, brand loyalty; provide better customer service; increase sales volume, social media acts as a marketing tool for the fashion and apparel industry.
In the survey of 110 consumers, 82.7% agree that social media is the biggest medium from which they get influenced.
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Kashish from Ranchi who is aspiring in Fashion designing stated, “I have just started my journey and Instagram is really helpful because it helps me in reaching more and more people and I can create a good gallery by posting pictures and videos. I am also learning from other designers as well as knowing  the latest trends.”
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Caption: Kashish trying to engage with the audience by posting her designs on Instagram (source: Instagram)
The best media to target people for promoting various designs and labels on this Pratik Kumar has mentioned, “We can use any media whether its Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest or twitter but it all depends on the targeted consumers. For example, if we target the age group of 15-25 then they’ll be mostly on Instagram but if we target the age group of 35- 50 they’ll be mostly on Facebook. So the use of media depends on the targeted consumer. ”
Neelam Patel from Ghaziabad who is a client in fashion designing and also a professor. She says, “I won’t prefer to promote as I am not a designer but being a client I would prefer Pinterest as they cater a large segment under one roof. I don’t have to like and follow the pages for what I want but by just one keyword I will type and find lots of options related.”
Caption: Kriti Chawla currently working in Popexo as Fashion stylist has expressed her views on the importance of social media in Fashion industry.
Social media has transformed the shopping process. From research to brand interaction to promoting the designs to actual purchasing processes, the entire situation has seen significant changes.
The Impact of fashion industry on people and on market
Success story of Kresha Bajaj Zaverias a famous fashion designer
Kresha Bajaj Zaveri, an Indian Fashion designer was born in Mumbai, India on March 7, 1988. Kresha has studied fashion from London College of Fashion, Parsons New York, Parsons Paris, FIDM Los Angeles, and now try to bring all that knowledge to the streets of India. Fashion designer, influencer, and hairess whose clothing line Koesch and Haute taste have won her commercial success and a huge following on social media. She has over 168,000 followers on Instagram, and her stories on Instagram and her posts encouraged and gathered the attention of fashion publications like Elle Magazine. Her designs have been showcased in the Lakme Fashion Week 2014.
Koesch originally started as a website in 2013 and specializes in bespoke western and bridal women wear. She’s famous for what is called her “LOVE STORY LEHENGAS” where they map out the couple’s journey on the garment bringing alive their love story.
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Caption: Kresha Bajaj Zaveri (source: Instagram)
In her blog, Kresha has shared her experience with social media for her career and she thinks that luxury and social don’t go hand in hand. “Social media platforms, and in my case Instagram specifically, being an extremely visual platform is the perfect tool to create an online presence for Krésha Bajaj, the brand”, says Kresha. Kresha believes to post the original content, ensuring that it is attractive enough for people to gush over it.
On social media, the feel, the look, the textures of the fabric will be missing. Not only on social media but no online shopping websites or apps can give that feel or the emotion of the fabric or the material of the cloth which is given in the stores or the showroom of these clothes. As Kresha’s store is only in Mumbai and she says, “it is important for us to help an online viewer feel that they are in actual space while browsing through our online posts.”
Kresha wants her consumer to believe in their imaginary world of dresses of their choices and on this she said, “For us, we want to use Instagram as a look book of a wonderland that people enter through their phone, but feel the need to come to explore in person. ”
Only posting good content, and promoting designs are not enough. According to Kresha, to gain more and more consumers and their attention the important thing is to engage with the audience, answering their questions and giving them as much information as necessary. Having a beautiful page is irrelevant if it doesn’t garner the right kind of attention and encourages conversation.
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Caption: Kresha Bajaj promoting her brand by posting her designs and modals on social media (source: Instagram)
Marketing of fashion in the market in this decade
In this modern era of cut-throat competition, it is important to take care of every aspect related to marketing in the fashion world. The word media indicates the meaning of the main source of communication, these can be in the form of writing, images, visuals with narrations, or clips. Now, talking about the media there are many mediums from which the message of the designer or any influencer can be sent to their consumers and can attract more and more audiences. 
Mediums like radio, television, newspaper, banners, billboards, websites, magazines, social media, or fashion show events like these. In this passage of time fashion has made its place in the culture, slowly and steadily people are accepting and following the latest trends and want to know the updates and latest upcoming fashion which is mostly provided by various mediums.
Television has a wide influence on its viewers.it affects not only, the knowledge of the audience but also the attitude towards many things. For example, the desire for the products and their brand preferences have been changed. In general, TV has higher credibility than newspapers, People are most likely to believe in what they see, not what they read. TV as a medium influences the dressing of youths. Audience members tended to make changes in their appearances, value, attitudes, and other characteristics to become more like the admired celebrities.
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This data suggests, most of the consumers find their latest trends of fashion which is going on the market from social media then comes to fashion blogs and friends' families and then goes on.
In magazines, more than any other medium, advertisements and editorial content flows together to create an experience. 
Magazines, being the media that attracts the most specialized audience can have a powerful impact on its niche audiences. Vogue, Lucky, W and many more are the most readable fashion magazines. Women are the most targeted for this medium of fashion. For women especially, reading magazines is related to the internalization of societal ideals and self-objectification.
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Caption: Priyanka Chopra being featured for the cover page of Vogue India Magazine (Source: Pinterest)
In the Fashion show, in the first era of the fashion industry, designers had to show their new designs to the client through sketches. At that time, fashion designers used fashion dolls which are also known as dummy; this was the only medium to illustrate the new upcoming designs. In the second era of the fashion industry, the fashion dolls or the dummies were replaced by the living mannequin and then the models gave an entry in the fashion industry.
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Captions: Soha Ali Khan walking gracefully on the rampwalk (source: pinterest)
Celebrity has backed the fashion industry 
Taking cues from international celebrities, Indian film actors and cricketers are increasingly launching their own clothing and accessories brands to cash in on a category  that industry executives and analytics believe has remained untapped so far in the country. Social media like Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter  and more all the inextricable parts of being famous in today’s world.
In the survey of 110 consumers, 85.5% believed that the consumers are influenced by their favorite celebrity. In this survey, most of the consumers were attracted towards lead actors like Shahid Kapoor, Hritik Roshan, Sonam Kapoor, Alia Bhatt and many more.
Chapter 3
Future of the fashion industry 
The year ahead is likely to be challenging. Winds of change are sweeping the fashion industry, and many markets are set to see slower growth and declines in consumer confidence. Indian consumers and their apparel preferences are gradually changing, which in turn is altering the shape and size of the apparel business.
Indian customers and their apparel choices are gradually changing, which in turn is altering the shape and size of the apparel business. The changing demographics and psychographic profile of he Indian customers is today, supported by the apparel market which is moving away from tailor-made clothes to ready-made clothing. In India, people are shifting from rural to urban areas in search of jobs and some to find better education at a continually increasing rate. By 2025, the middle class consumers which will form 48.5 percent of the total targetable consumer base will contribute about 55-60 percent share of the apparel market size.
The increasing access to digital devices and internet is enabling the masses to have online shopping experience irrespective of whether they are living in urban or rural areas. The market growth and continuous shift towards brands will support new ventures, given the strength of the product and a clear growth strategy based on real consumer insights. 
How do the fashion industry is coping with COVID-19 pandemic?
Several apparel makers and fast-moving consumer goods companies had stepped up to produce medical-grade masks as philanthropic acts when Covid-19 struck but now it is apparent that the pandemic is set to alter lifestyles at least some time to come.
“Masks are expected to become a habit over the next few months. We are also working on neem and tulsi treated fabrics for Peter England for a greater degree of wellness,” said Vishak Kumar, CEO of Madura Fashion & Lifestyle. The covid-19 pandemic has created a crisis across all the business barring those of essential commodities. India’s largest fashion body, theFashion Design Council of India (FDCI) cancelled its bi-annual ready to wear fashion week in early March 2020.
Shopaholics, on their part, are keeping their shopping carts ready for delivery once the lockdown for Covid-19 gets over.
Delhi-based fashion designer Manish Tripathi designs khadi face masks to fight with this covid-19 pandemic.“I am preparing these masks for the people who can’t afford to buy masks. Then I will try selling them online and whatever amount is collected will be contributed to the PM-CARES Fund to fight the coronavirus,” he said. In his social media (twitter) account he promoted his idea and social work.
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Caption: Manish Tripathi contributing in this covid-19 pandemic (source: Twitter)
“Make your social media more creative. This is the perfect opportunity to redesign your Instagram or declutter your desktop. Tidy up your photo gallery and, most importantly, unburden your Whatsapp media”, says Fashion designer Abhishek Dutta. 
Popular fashion designer Manish Malhotra is known to share his eccentric work across social media platforms and this time he used his social media account to engage his fan following by showing them a throwback of one of the famous fashion shows. In this amid Covid-19 lockdown, the ace fashion designer has shared an unseen picture from his early days in the industry which has taken social media by storm.
In Instagram, he posted a throwback picture of back in the days when he was a model. He also dropped  the sweetest picture featuring Aishwarya Rai Bachchan in the fashion show and is setting friendship goals.
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Caption: Manish Malhotra with Aishwarya Rai Bachchan in the fashion show #throwback (Source: Instagram)
Since India went into lockdown on 24 March, it seems more and more of the people are turning to social media to consume news and communicate with their friends or to see what is trending whether it is fashion or any other source of entertainment.The first week of the lockdown saw citizens spend more than four hours a day on social media — an 87 percent increase compared to the previous week, as per a poll conducted by Hammerkopf Consumer Survey.he poll conducted on 28 March with 1,300 respondents in New Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru and Chennai found that 75 percent of people spent more time on Facebook, WhatsApp and Twitter compared to the previous week, largely to consume news and remain in touch, and that social media usage jumped from 150 minutes per day prior to the lockdown to 280 minutes a day during that first week.
“As everyone knows due to COVID -19 most of the businesses are in the worst situation. The fashion industry is one of those. Stores are closed and all agreements are stopped”, says Rahul Toppo a fashion designer. He also stated, “It will take time to recover  But there is a good advantage for social media as due to lockdown everyone is spending more time in social media like Instagram, Facebook & YouTube, many brand and designer are connected to their followers they are using this time to promote their present &  previous work, as we are also connected to our followers showing illustration, design process all behind the scenes and promoting previous work”.
Conclusion of the project
The world is becoming digital and with the advent of information technology, the ways of communication and work have been revolutionized completely. over the last decade, social media has become an effective marketing tool, it has not only created a new dimension of marketing but also provided many opportunities to the marketers to create brand awareness among consumers. 
Social media is a compilation of online platforms and communication channels that are used to share information, profiles, promotion of any sort of event or designs, or any exhibition.
The fashion industry will get great help through social media to reach a height and can attract more and more consumers.
This project has been written with the help of multiple articles that have been proven as a credible source. And with the help of survey of 110 consumers which was conducted by the writer.
Chapter 1
Economic Times
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Economic times
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Saturday 17 September 1836
7 50
12 ¾
No kiss very rainy morning - downstairs to Mr. Husband at 8 40 - he brought the plan and estimate of new house and barn at Hilltop £250 - out ¼ hour in the stable - James altering the flagging - breakfast at 9 ¼ - A- did her French - Mr. Harper cam at 9 ¾ for 10 minutes then went with Mr. Husband to the wheel-race to return in ½ hour - damp and small rain - and F52 ½° at 10 - In my study making memoranda till 10 35 Mr. Horner came to A- at 10 10 - from 10 35 to about 11 ½ out about - at the Lodge - Abraham setting the fire grate upstairs - James finished the front stable and did the cow house (to get the water off better) - 2 hewers undercover - Robert + 4 as yesterday (Wood better and at his work) and the 2 one-horse carts, and the gardener - John Booth went to H-x and cleaned the brown carriage for tomorrow - Robert Schofield and Joseph Sharpe walling up gaps at Listerwick - the 2 plasterers as yesterday - the 2 York joiners doing the front stable - Mr. Harper set out the hall stair case and cellar - Mr. Harper with me from a little before 12 to 4 - he had luncheon at 12 but I did not leave the room - settled about everything - the water in the wheel-race to be carried off directly opposite to the wheel instead of at either corner the corners of the wheel-race (low-end) being bevelled off into the goit - consented immediately, saying I thought this the best plan - Long time settling about the butler’s pantry (buttery) fire-place - could not be done (saving the present appearance outside) with being turned into the drab room flue, and damp set to prevent smoke in the drab-room when no fire there - I did not like this and  proposed the plan (adopted) of putting corbels (like those outside) over the drab-room fire-place and carrying the new flue up so as to rest on them - Mr. Harper owned he should not dislike the appearance of this - it would require in the doing but Mr. Husband might manage it - 2 more joiners to be sent from York - explained about the East tower - the permanent tower (according to Mr. Harper’s drawings) to be done - he thought we could not get the temporary convenience wanted (Scullery and men-servants room) - I proposed entresoling it - the tower is 3 stairs high - would get the scullery 6 to 7ft. high a little sunk (2ft.) and lightened by the lower ½ of the  round-floor window –(1 row of light, above another as in the hall) and the menservants’ room lightened the upper ½ of the same ground floor room window -  Mr. Harper caught the idea immediately and said it could easily be done - then I planned the kitchen door opening into the tower, a sort of porch left in it - could easily be filled up afterwards - yes! Mr. H- said it could be done - told him to make working drawings - and set the tower out so that nothing might be done to interfere with it - the plan above the scullery and menservants room exactly as in the drawings - sitting room for A- an 2nde and library for me an 3me lightened from the flat battlemented roof besides other windows - a watercloset too could be got - the inside of the square (of the tower) about 7 yards x 6 yards, so that plenty of room - the kitchen to remain as it is at present till the east tower is done - said I would put up a screen before the present kitchen door leaving a 6ft. wide passage to get round into the new court for the present and lower the ground before the house the 2ft. always proposed and thro’ all down in the present court but the brew house to remain temporary for a shed for the workmen - said I could make the present old walls as substitute for Mrs. Harper’ terrace wall for the present - with all which Mr. Harper seemed satisfied - Nelson could do the East tower in 2 months - but could not be let off from Northgate till January - Mr. H- would rather have N- do the corn-mill and left Booth do the east tower as well as the west - the back Lodge much wanted but nothing more to be said about it just now - impossible for Booth to get on with it now - had already more to do than he could well manage - Mr. Harper not for a brick oven - thought it an expensive sort of thing took so much heating - I said not much - but he owned that coal was plentiful - I shall have a brick oven - Mr. H- would see Greenwood about seeing A. Green about the mill - Mr. H- satisfied about the parquet - to send drawings - shewed me the design very simple of the gallery - parquet at Haddon hall - said I should like this design - he was quite satisfied about the purchase of oak-stoves - Parqueterie; marqueterie; i.e. different sorts of wood inlaid, but buhl inlaying with brass - Mr. H- (Booth present) gave directions about the flagging round the house (north front) - Housemaids’ closet may very well be where I proposed in the quondam entrance to the hall chamber
will get the duplicate keys - I said for 6 door locks cellar, kitchen, servants hall etc and a set of (12?) cupboard door-locks (all the same key) - Lodge to be painted oak - Grim of no value to Mr. Harper -I may get rid of him as I like - (will hang him for his uselessness and mischief - rain away the other way the duck we were to have for dinner -  no tidings of Mr. Gray - his family began to be rather alarmed - have only from him once since his leaving them - Mr. Harper went at 4 - then a few minutes out - then walked with A- to the hut and one turn and then back - then had Mark Hepworth paid him his farming bills for the 9DW fallow at Hilltop, labour and carting line (18doz. 8 sacks) - £20.17.2 but Mark wished me to keep the money for the rent of the 3 grass fields let till 1 November next for £20 be paid at Xmas - did keep the £20 on this a/c and paid Mark the balance 17/2 - then paid Robert Mann - Joseph Mann - the sawyer (Hainsworth’s for this week up to last night) and Robert Schofield - then out ½ hour in the old paddock and about till 6 55 - a minute or 2 with my aunt - dinner at 7 10 - coffee upstairs A- read a little French and sat with her looking into her Genealogical atlas till 9 ¾ then 25 minutes with my aunt - very poorly - I see no amendment - she cannot bear to speak for fear of sickness and what she does say is so indistinct, I can scarce understand - then till 11 10 wrote all the above of today - Rainy till between 11 and 12 - (about 11 ¼) - afterwards fair, but dampish yet finish afternoon and evening - F47° now at 11 10 pm
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