#my lady jane fanfic
bee-kathony · 3 months
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Out of the Woods | Jane & Guildford
An alternate first meeting of Jane Grey and Guildford Dudley. What would happen if Jane followed Guildford after the chaos in the tavern?
For the first time in Jane’s entire life, no one knows where she is. 
She is alone and free. She can finally escape, ride north, and create her destiny. 
After thwarting the guards, Jane escaped on horseback promising to return home. But home was the last place she wished to return. Her own mother, now her dear cousin Edward had promised her to a marriage she did not want. 
Jane wanted her freedom to do as she pleased. The last thing she wanted was to be tied to someone else for all eternity. So she fled!
As Jane rode on, she swore she could taste her freedom. But there was something in the woods. A light, and suddenly Jane saw them. Guards, a search party clearly sent by King Edward or her dratted mother. She needed somewhere to hide, somewhere no one would ever think to look. 
Dashing off to the right, Jane rode deeper into the woods and thanked the gods as she approached a small village. As she tied up her horse outside a tavern, Jane took one quick glance around her before rushing inside. 
It was unlike anything she’d ever seen before. People were playing dice games, drinking, and laughing. Jane relaxed, leaning against the stairwell as she took everything in. 
That’s when she spotted him from across the tavern. She couldn’t keep her eyes off of him. This dark-haired stranger. 
Jane couldn’t decipher what argument he was dissolving between his friends, but suddenly he had jumped onto the table.
“And now we’re gonna gut ya!” She heard the man’s friend (or perhaps they weren’t friends) say. 
“Gut me with what?” The dark-haired stranger asked as he reached behind him and grabbed what appeared to be the two squabbling drinkers’ knives. 
“Are you looking for these?” Expertly, he tossed a knife and it landed bullseye on the dart board. And the next right beside it. The entire bar cheered, and Jane found herself smiling as she watched this man. 
“And now I have your attention, shall I torture you with a poem?”
“No!” Shouted the rowdy tavern. 
“Too late,” the man said, shrugging. 
“I have decided to die in a tavern.” He was speaking in Latin. Well, he was attempting, but it impressed Jane. 
“Where the wine will be close to my dying…” he continued, searching for the words and the crowd finished for him. 
“Mouth!” They raised their glasses, drinking. 
Jane was entranced, utterly besotted by the display she’d just witnessed. As she’d never been in an establishment quite like this one before, she wasn’t sure what to do next. 
That was…
Until he laid eyes on her. 
Jane looked around, surely he must be mistaken. This dark-haired stranger that had so easily diffused a fight couldn’t be looking at her. 
She couldn’t remember her feet moving, but it was as if she was drawn to the man, and now she found herself standing directly in front of him. 
“So, do you… come here often?” Two seconds later, judging by his gaze, she instantly regretted that question. 
The man finished off his drink, turned back, and burped in her face.  
“Wow,” Jane said, her opinions quickly changing. 
“Oops.” The man covered his mouth. 
“That’s your response? So you can recite the Archpoet standing on a table in a dirt-floor tavern, but you can’t muster a simple apology?” 
The man shrugged, looking her up and down, “I said, ‘oops’”. 
“You mispronounced ‘vina,’ by the way. It’s ‘Vee-na’’, where’d you learn your Latin? In a ditch?” Jane questioned him. 
“Who would teach Latin in a ditch?” His body turned toward her, but Jane wouldn’t be persuaded. 
“Oh, you’re missing the point.”
“The point being?” He took a sip of his drink. 
Jane crossed her arms. “Your mediocre Latin and disappointing table manners.”
The man looked around, “Are we at a table? No.”
“Again, missing the point.” 
The frustrating man stared down her her, just a breath away, “Has anybody ever told you that you’re an insufferable pedant?”
“Oh, where I come from, pedantry is a virtue.” 
“Where I come from amiability trumps semantics.”
“Amiability is for the meek.”
“Amiability is for the amiable.”
They squared off, their words quick as they sized one another up. It was clear Jane had been mistaken about this man. Sure, he seemed charming enough, but he was grating on her nerves. 
“You are the rudest man I have ever met!” Jane rolled her eyes. 
The man raised his glass, “Well, the night is young. Mingle.” 
“Oh, I intend to. Goodnight.” Jane turned to leave, eager to leave him behind and never see him again. 
“Wait!” He reached out for her. “Who are you?”
Jane evaded his question by asking him the same. “Who are you?”
But they were interrupted before either could say a name. 
A soldier burst through the door. “Good evening!” 
Everyone in the tavern hushed, and a few men at the bar looked nervous. Jane only hoped the guards weren’t there for her. 
“Come with me,” the man whispered, taking her arm. 
“As if!” She brushed him away. 
“I said, good evening, my good people. We have it on excellent authority that a certain beast might be in here. Goes by the name of Archer. He’s wanted for robbery, arson, sedition.” 
Jane breathed a sigh of relief. They weren’t looking for her. But a beast? 
“Hand him over or we dunk every last one of you.” 
Suddenly a man close to Jane walked forward. “Why don’t you leave him alone, you bunch of thugs? I’m Archer.” 
The guards rushed towards him, “Then you’re coming with me.”
“Not likely!” Just then Archer transformed into a bear. 
“Ethian?” Jane’s eyes grew wide as she froze. 
Everyone began to scream and run, it was complete chaos. Jane felt herself being pulled towards the door. 
“Right. Let’s go!” The man grabbed her arm, pulling her away from the outbreak. 
They dashed through the crowd, Jane was so curious. As she’d never actually seen an Ethian transform before her eyes. That was until just the other day when her maid Susannah had transformed into a hawk.
“This door leads outside,” the man said as they ducked under the stairs. 
“This is madness. I never knew things were like this.”
“You’ve never seen a bear in a bar before?”
“Never,” Jane said softly. 
The dark-haired man pulled her close, his eyes boring into hers. “Last chance. Come with me.” 
“I can’t… I-“, someone smashed against the stairs. Jane screamed, and before she could protest further, the dark-haired man was dragging her outside into the cool night air. The chaos of the bar drifted behind them as they fled. 
“Wait!” Jane struggled against his grip. “I can’t go with you!” 
“I’m not stealing you,” the man laughed, leading them into the forest. “I’m simply making sure that a lady such as yourself doesn’t die. I can’t have that on my conscience you see.” 
“Ah yes,” Jane tore her hand away from his. “I do see. I’m just another pretty girl you lure into the woods. I think I’ll take my chances with the bear!” 
Jane turned to leave back towards the bar. After all, she had lost her sense of direction, and as much as she didn’t want to return home. She didn’t know where else to go at this exact moment. 
“Not so fast, little one,” the man grabbed her arm, twisting her into him. They were face to face, their chests heaving from the excitement. “I know a safe place we can wait.” 
“I’m not going anywhere with you,” Jane spoke softly. “Just let me go.” 
The man stared at her, his eyes making an assessment. 
“Seeing as how your conversational skills were so lacking-“ 
“I was not-“ Jane cut him off. 
He held up a finger against her lips. “I’d wager that you’ve never been to a place like that. Never seen something like that before.” 
“Well, perhaps,” the man let his hand slide down, taking her hand again. “You also don’t know that the King’s guards will be traversing this area all night until they find what they want.” 
Jane couldn’t have that. Maybe staying with this man and letting her lead her somewhere safe was the only way she could make it to tomorrow. 
“Fine,” Jane agreed, stamping her foot slightly. “Take me to wherever you are going. I’ll wait until dawn before I go my own way.” 
“Very well,” the man said, sighing. “Stay close.” 
He kept her hand in his as they walked quietly for another fifteen minutes. The sound of the crunching leaves under their feet was making Jane rather anxious. How did she get herself into this situation? Walking through the woods at midnight with a handsome stranger. 
Jane’s mind kept drifting back to the events of the day. Not only had her mother gone behind her back and arranged a marriage she did not want. Her dearly beloved cousin Edward, who just so happened to be the King of England, had approved of the marriage and given his consent. Feeling worn down, all Jane could do was hope that this mysterious suitor died suddenly of the affliction and she wouldn’t have to attend the wedding. 
“How much further?” Jane whispered. “It’s freezing!” 
“We’re almost there,” the man said. “In fact, here we are.” 
Jane had to squint to see what exactly she was looking at. It appeared to be a small cottage if one could call it that. Perhaps, a shack was a better term for it. 
“Come,” the man said and pulled her along behind him. “No one will find us here.” 
Inside the small shack, Jane was surprised to see it wasn’t entirely falling apart. In fact, there was a cozy fireplace on one wall, shelves of books, and a bed off in the corner. It looked like someone lived here. 
“Is this your home?” Jane asked as the stranger rid himself of his jacket and laid it across the chair by the fire. 
“Maybe,” the man shrugged. 
“It’s so…” 
“Small? Ugly? Strange?” The man offered. 
“No,” Jane looked around once again. “Cozy.” 
“Hmph,” the man looked at Jane quizzically before squatting down to the fire. “We can hide here for a few hours. But I must leave before the sun rises.”
“Oh yes, I had better return home as soon as I’m able,” Jane sighed and took a seat in the chair, watching at the man started a small fire. “If we are to stay here for the next several hours, then will you at least tell me your name?”
“Tell me yours,” he looked up at her through his falling hair. 
Jane rolled her eyes, expecting nothing less. She wanted to tell this man everything. Nothing but the truth, which was odd seeing as how he was a complete stranger. But there was something about him, the way he looked at her and made her feel seen and alive. 
“Elizabeth,” Jane lied. While yes, she felt she could trust him. One could never be too careful. 
“John,” the man put his hand on his chest. Little did Jane know that this man was also lying about his real name. 
They were silent as John finished the fire and sat in the chair opposite her. 
“Do you really live here?” Jane asked, curiosity sparking once again. 
“Sometimes,” John said. “My family…” he started, looking down at his crossed hands. “My family doesn’t provide much peace you see. So I built this place as a sort of refuge to get away every now and then.” 
Jane knew he wasn’t being completely truthful, but she hadn’t exactly been either. Seeing how harsh the soldiers had been on the Ethians in the bar, Jane understood that you couldn’t trust anyone these days. 
“Where did you come from Elizabeth? I’ve never seen you at that bar before tonight.” John questioned. 
Lie or truth?
“I ran away,” she said, deciding to tell the truth. 
“From who?”
“My family,” Jane sighed, sinking into the chair. “They want me to do something, and I absolutely will not! My mother,” Jane growled. “She thinks she can determine my future, but I won’t allow it.” 
John blinked before responding. “Well, they would be insane to go against you. Then why would you return home?”
Jane did not want to go home and admit defeat, but she didn’t see another option. Yes, she could ride off into the night and disappear, but she didn’t have any money, nor any idea of how to get some. It was a nice dream she’d had to determine her own destiny, but perhaps destiny wasn’t something one made for themselves after all. 
“I don’t know what else to do,” Jane shrugged. “I’m a woman, and since I am unmarried I cannot do anything for myself.” 
“A shame,” John shook his head. “I would love to see the man that could come up against you.” 
“I don’t believe there is any such man,” Jane laughed. Certainly not this man her mother wanted her to marry, Guildford Dudley. 
“You should rest,” John said, nodding to the bed in the corner. “I’ll sit watch by the fire here.”
The bed did look awfully cozy. Jane had had a tiring day. An exhausting day of having her hopes and dreams dashed. Betrayed by the very people she thought she could trust. 
“Perhaps just a little rest,” Jane agreed and stood up, only her feet caught under her dress and she stumbled. Right into the arms of John. He was sturdy, and he smelled good, oh did he ever! 
“Oh bollocks,” Jane tried to right herself, but her hand pushed against something hard, and John winced, crying out. It was only then as he screwed his face in pain that she realized she’d pushed against his member. 
“I’m sorry!” Jane blushed, her arms flailing out trying to push against anything else but his body. 
“Elizabeth,” John caught her arms, steadying her as he leaned forward in the chair. “Just relax.” 
Before she could process what was happening, Jane had been swept up into John’s strong arms and he carried her over to the bed, gently placing her down. His hands lingered, caressing her cheek, a thumb running over her lips. 
“John,” she whispered, feeling that same intense pull as before in the bar. 
His lips crashed into hers, and Jane moaned, her arms winding around his neck. This was certainly not what Jane had envisioned when she’d come to this cabin. In fact, Jane had just sworn off all men earlier that day. But John felt so good. He tasted so good. 
“Elizabeth,” he sighed against her lips, pressing her to lay flat on her back. Her head rested against the pillows as John’s body covered hers. Just as her hand had felt him just a few moments earlier, she now felt his hard member against her thigh. 
Jane had no experience with men unless one counted kissing the stable boy when she was twelve. Which Jane did not. 
John slid his hand along her body, over the thick layers of her dress until his hand rested on her neck. His tongue opened her mouth, and she let him in. Jane wanted more of him, more of him everywhere. 
Their breathing escalated as they began to undress. John reached for the laces of her dress, and she reached for the buckle of his pants. As Jane sat back and watched him take his shirt off, she began to get nervous. 
“Wait,” she whispered, not knowing if he’d heard her. 
“What’s wrong?” John tossed his shirt aside, his hands coming to her face, gently. 
“I’ve never…” she said shyly. “I don’t…” 
“Ah,” John smiled, kissing the tip of her nose. “That makes sense.” 
“What makes sense?” Jane asked, only feeling somewhat offended. 
John smirked, his thumb rubbing across her lips and down her neck. 
“All that pent-up frustration,” John kissed her lightly. “That spark. No one’s taken it yet.” 
Jane melted against him as he twisted his body and laid down beside her. He kept one hand on her neck, the other in her hair. “I won’t bed you Elizabeth. That honor deserves to be for your husband.” 
“Well aren’t you suddenly a gentlemen,” Jane laughed, feeling relief but also a sense of sadness and regret. While she wasn’t prepared to have sex tonight with a near stranger, she also wanted to do it on her terms. 
“Don’t think I don’t want to,” John kissed her bare shoulder, pulling up the sheet around her. “Gods, I want to.” 
“Will you hold me?” Jane asked, unable to feel him let go. 
John gathered her close, pulling her to his chest as he rested his chin atop her head. Jane pulled the sheet over the both of them. 
“My family wants me to do something I don’t want to either,” John admitted in the silence. Jane couldn’t see his face now, but she listened, feeling his voice reverberate through her whole body. 
“It’s for my protection, and theirs,” he continued. “I only hope it works.” 
“What works?” Jane asked, wrapping her arm tighter around his middle. 
“The solution to all my problems,” he sighed and Jane didn’t want to press further. 
Silence fell on the small shack, the low rumble of the fire flickering as they both fell into a peaceful sleep. Jane had never slept as well as she had those few hours in John’s arms. As she opened her eyes to the cracks of the first light, she noticed she was alone. 
“How chivalrous,” Jane sighed, knowing it was too good to be true. At some point, she had felt John stir next to her in the night, but she’d quickly fallen back asleep. Now she knew he had been sneaking out to leave her. 
It wasn’t as if she knew him, or that they had even been intimate together. But there was something there, something she couldn’t quite place. 
Jane gathered up her few belongings and left the little shack, closing the door behind her. Attached to the front door was a piece of parchment with a nail drive through it. 
“Dearest Elizabeth, 
I hate to have left you alone, you seemed so peaceful. Those few hours in your arms were the most peace I have felt in so long. It was a pleasure making your acquaintance… however tumultuous our first meeting began.” 
Yours, John G.D. 
Jane felt what could only be described as butterflies in the pit of her stomach. Folding the note neatly, she slid it into the pocket of her cloak. The sun had risen now, and lit a path to a nearby road. Surely if her mother and Edward were looking for her, she could find them along the main path. 
As Jane began to make her way through the forest, thinking of her night spent with the mysterious John, she heard a sort of snuffle beside her. 
It was a horse!
A dark brown horse, with a black mane and tail. He was feet away to her left, and he was staring at her. Jane froze, a sense of familiarity striking. Jane began to walk towards the horse, but he shook his mane and ran off deeper into the woods. 
How odd.
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tailsbeth-writes · 26 days
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Welcome back! Thanks for bearing with me while I had a chaotic month, I'm excited to get back into the swing of things 🥳
The Rules: Copy the following prompts or make your own, post what fandoms you write for & your followers can request one of the prompts with a ship, character or fandom for a ficlet. Have fun! 
This week's prompts are a bit different. You can check them out prior to requesting or keep it a mystery until it's posted! I had a friend's help so I don't even know what I'll get. All of them are images:
⬜ #1
🟦 #2
🟧 #3
🟪 #4
🟥 #5
🟨 #6
🟩 #7
⬛ #8
My fandoms: Red, White and Royal Blue, Bridgerton, Dead Boy Detectives, Heartstopper, Young Royals and new addition, My Lady Jane (cause it's quite frankly a travesty it was cancelled so time to keep it alive with fanfic!)
Tag You're It: @taste-thewaste @caterpills @suseagull04 @porcelainmortal @emmalostinwonderland @onthewaytosomewhere @adreamareads @tinyarmedtrex @typicalopposite @priincebutt @firstprincehornyramblings @run-for-chamo-miles & as always open tag! I love seeing more & more writers and fandoms get involved so please do go for it 🥰
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This is 100% @burning-daylight fault! Addi, you bitch. You're going to poke someone's eye out with your Janeford gifs and you should be ashamed of yourself! Basically, Addi decided to gif their entire first time and my hand slipped as bad as Guildford's. There are no excuses for my actions. Just smutty death.
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schokoleibniz · 17 days
fic preview
@evenhisfacewasanalias gave me the best idea ever: modern day vampire!Guildford! I'm hoping to have it finished before the end of September so I can start posting in October, but here's a sneak peak:) (mature rating)
Jane spits in his face. Guildford can feel his cock harden. “Don’t use my name, bloodsucker. Tell me why I shouldn’t just stake you right now.”
He can tell that she senses the other vampire in the area at the same time he does. Guildford stays as still as he can, which is actually quite easy.
Who’s there? she mouths at him. Jane’s well-versed on vampires, he’ll give her that. His kind’s super hearing allows them to hear all but the quietest of whispers.
He lifts his shoulders slightly, trying to tell her without words that he has no idea who’s there. Then, an amused voice comes from the other end of the alley. “I see I’m interrupting something here.”
Jane stiffens, her eyes wide. Owen, she mouths again. He’s the one going after Susannah.
Guildford nods. Do you trust me? He mouths back, staring into her eyes. Please, please trust me, he thinks to himself. 
Jane’s mouth sets in a grim line. She nods back. 
With supernatural speed, Guildford spins the two of them around, presses Jane against the wall, and buries his face in her neck, his left hand cradling her head. Jane’s heartbeat rapidly increases. He can tell she’s trying to stay calm, but having a hard time doing so. 
“Do you need anything, Owen? Or will you let me return to my snack?” He pitches his voice lower, feels his fangs lower again. It’d just take one quick movement, one little bite. He’d make her feel so good–
“I’d hate to keep you from your meal,” Owen replies. “But I do have to wonder why you’ve rejected all of my other offers in favor of her.”
“I prefer to hunt alone,” he says. “It’s no fun if you’ve done all the work for me.” Guildford can’t help but sniff her neck, secretly relishing the little gasp she makes. “Besides, they taste better sober.” If she stakes him for this little performance, then at least he got to do this.
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hoplittlecrocodile1 · 2 months
First smut attempt so I hope it doesn't completely suck. I just love them and I can't stop writing about them so here you go. A million thanks to @holdingoutforapiratehero who is the most wonderful human on Earth and helped me so much!!!!
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sassylilnoodle · 3 months
been watching My Lady Jane and I gotta say, this show is my kind of ridiculous
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mahoganyrust · 3 months
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K so like…Fanfic update coming I swear. It’s so nearly ready. Here’s some art for it. Take a guess who’s appearing for the first time lmaoooo.
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Guildford and Jane's kids: what was yalls wedding like I bet it was wonderful!
Jane: Don't you dare! *gives guildford a mad look*
Guildford:... well you see kids
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a-hoe-for-marvel · 25 days
Took a short detour into My Lady Jane oops
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lucy-the-cat · 2 months
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I don't know when it takes place I picked Regency at random but I don't know maybe a vaguely Jane Austin AU if I knew how to do it
Edit: I was at least a century off BUT MY POINT STILL STANDS
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willshookaspear · 2 months
NOT BY BLOOD | RAFE - 24: grow up.
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Snippet of Chapter 24:
"You're insane," Josie spat, taking a step closer to Rafe. Those were triggering words, she could tell. Rafe's nostrils flared and muscles ticked in his jaw as he stared her down, his pupils pitch black and dilated.
"Say that again," he dared, his voice a rough and vibrating resonance. He took a step closer to her, so she could feel his hot breath on her face as he looked down on her. But Josie wasn't fazed. She took a small step closer to him, and looked up at him with narrowed eyes. He furrowed his brows as he looked at her. Hot electricity pulsated between their almost flushed -together bodies. Rafe's Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed. His raised his hand and put it around her jaw. His grip was gentle, but the voice that spoke the words that came next wasn't, "Say. That. Again."
He reached his thumb up to her mouth and pulled her bottom lip down, revealing her pink gums and white teeth. Josie stayed silent, intently observing what he would do, his eyes drunk with something other than rage, his jaw clenched in an attempt to control himself. What, she wasn't sure of. So she waited. Rafe's eyes drifted to her mouth, to her plump bottom lip he was still pinning down with his thumb. Josie opened her lips and slightly leaned forward, taking Rafe's thumb into her mouth, not breaking away from his gaze.
As his finger felt her soft tongue, he inhaled sharply and retracted his hand, instead putting it on her neck. He slammed his mouth against hers.
AO3: NOT BY BLOOD | RAFE CAMERON by willshookaspear
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ajbullet · 3 months
Writing my book? Absolutely not
Writing a 4,060 word fanfic in two days about a queen and her husband who becomes a horse during the day? Absolutely
Also, go watch My Lady Jane on Prime so I can get a second season pls
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tailsbeth-writes · 5 days
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Happy Friday lovelies! I hope the week has treated you well, if not I'll kick its butt for you. Last weekend's hen do (bachelorette party) shenanigans & the 2 weddings I've got next month have inspired this week's prompts 💖
The Rules: Copy the following prompts or make your own, post what fandoms you write for & your followers can request one of the prompts with a ship, character or fandom for a ficlet. Have fun! 
This week's prompts are wedding/bachelor/bachelorette party themed:
🥲 Crying at the vows
💃🏻 Couple's first dance
🗺️ Getting lost on the bachelor/bachelorette party
💐 Catching the bouquet
🤬 Arguing with a family member
👀 Genital shaped paraphernalia (e.g. penis straws)
🎤 Emotional speech
🔥 Flirting with staff (stripper, bartender etc)
My fandoms: Red, White and Royal Blue, Bridgerton, Dead Boy Detectives, Heartstopper, Young Royals & My Lady Jane.
Tag You're It: @thighzp @suseagull04 @thesleepyskipper @sophie1973 @emmalostinwonderland @onthewaytosomewhere @taste-thewaste @littlemisskittentoes @run-for-chamo-miles @porcelainmortal @priincebutt @henryspearl @firstprincehornyramblings open tag as always 💛
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Here you go you horny Janeford lovers.
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schokoleibniz · 13 days
Chapter five is live!
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juuliaa-gooliaa · 2 months
you cannot tell me Too Sweet isn’t the perfect song for Guilford and Jane—pre-Jane’s ascension
(if i was blessed i would right a fic for this but i’m not and I’m sorry but send help because i can’t stop thinking about this god damn it)
Baby, I can never tell
How do you sleep so well?
You keep telling me to live right
To go to bed before the daylight
But then you wake up for the sunrise
You know you don't gotta pretend, baby, now and then
Don't you just wanna wake up, dark as a lake?
Smelling like a bonfire, lost in a haze?
If you're drunk on life, babe, I think it's great
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