#my history teacher once told me
necromancy-savant · 2 months
That one poll reminded me of how one time in high school one Ms. Pease saw me quietly listening to my ipod in the hallway waiting for my next class and she just ripped it out of my hands. And I was staring in pure dumb shock for like 30 seconds and she was like "are you coming or not." She then proceeded to explain, once we walked the whole fucking school to her shitty little office she shared with 15 other people, that ipods aren't allowed in hallways. Which was news to me on account of everyone had them or cd players. She was known for being horrible for no reason but damn. I wish it was her who got arrested for cocaine
#it was a Spanish teacher. and not even the one I had whom everyone immediately suspected#let this be your sign that if you hate high school kids don't be a teacher#that was my one and only interaction with her miserable ass and I literally hope she died horribly years and years ago#a history teacher who caught me smoking once was sympathetic about my stolen ipod and helped me get it back and she was a literal angel#more of her and less of Pease in the world#people used to joke about the language department's food based names. Like Mr. Crabb and Ms Pease and Mr. Kofi#Mr. Kofi was a native French speaker from Cote D'ivoire. he was my French teacher and he was awesome. And they pronounced his name wrong#I was lucky I got him. We also had a teacher who taught French and Latin and spoke both with the strongest British accent ever#not to disrespect her or anything. She let us watch Gladiator in class. And I told her after like 3 weeks of class I finished the book#and she said ok here's the next one. if you get through that you can move up a whole year and go from Latin 1 to Latin 3/4#after winter break. and I did do just that and I got the best grades in Latin 3/4 too#at Latin day I was a junior so I didn't get picked for the kartamen team (sp?)#and they lost first round#meanwhile I took multiple choice exams all day. My favorite. and I got 1st 2nd or 3rd place for every single one#so I literally won 10 awards all my myself at Latin Day. Just by taking multiple choice tests. they must have felt so stupid#I received those awards onstage at school the same day I got like 3 or 4 medals for the National Latin exam and the state exam#and the mythology exam#so I went home with like 15 awards that day so fuck you everyone who didn't want a junior on the kartamen team. I destroyed your sorry asse
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pnuk-r0ck · 10 months
I almost threw up in school twice😻
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maraslesbian · 1 year
so i'm going to uni again for a year and i have art history classes for the first time and holy shit hannah gadsby wasn't lying when she said that the history of western art is just the history of men painting women like they're flesh vases for their dick flowers
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niningtori · 5 months
make you cry | part one
part two: beomgyu's ending | part three: hyuka's ending
pairing: beomgyu x you, huening kai x you in alternate ending
summary: beomgyu is your manwhore best friend who you've been secretly in love with for years. one night, he asks you to blur the lines between friendship and physical intimacy for his own convenience.
genre: ANGST, romance, smut (mdni), fwb
warnings: smut (mdni), unprotected sex, creampie, dom!gyu, eventual sub!gyu, fingering (vaginal), dacryphilia, dirty talk, praise, if i missed anything lmk!
word count: 4.2k
notes: hi friends! i'm not completely satisfied with this, but i'd rather it be done than sitting in my drafts. pls don't be mean ;_;
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being in love with your best friend is not for the faint of heart, you think. in some cases, it’s the easiest thing in the world, but beomgyu makes it difficult. he’s not a bad guy, at least not deep down, but as you watch him break the heart of another notch in his belt, you can’t help but shiver at the fact that he’d very easily do the same to you if you gave him that chance. not that you ever will, that is, but the thought still remains.
you met in grade school. for you, it was a classic case of love at first sight. you had just fallen off the swingset and the teacher had yet to notice you, so you were crying alone when he came up to you with a dinosaur bandaid in tow. he looked like an angel with the sun encircling him, and even as a child, you thought he was the most beautiful thing you’d ever seen as he held his little hand out for you to grasp. you had no chance to steel your heart when he asked you if you wanted to be friends, and after that, the rest is history. 
that was years ago, but the image of him holding out his hand is engraved in your bones. you think about it even now as you watch him make the poor, unfortunate girl in front of you bawl like a baby. she asks him why he's doing this, what she did wrong, how she can fix it to make him stay. but he's dead set on breaking her heart tonight. and you'll be the one who takes his tipsy ass home after he's done ruining this girl’s perception of love. you’re nothing more than a glorified lackey and enabler, but that's just how it is.
“god, i don’t know why they can never just let go. they always have to make it so hard,” he grumbles in the passenger’s seat of your car. he seems more annoyed than genuinely upset and you can’t help but to feel for the girl who he just unceremoniously dumped in the middle of a house party, so you speak up for once.
“it’s not her fault, beoms. she just really likes you,” you reason. not that it matters, anyway, but you feel better after speaking your mind.
“so it’s my fault? i just don’t get it. i told her no strings attached from the beginning. the fact that she took it seriously is her own problem.” well, nevermind about feeling better. you feel even worse for her now.
“it’s hard not to get attached to you,” you mumble.
“what?” he asks, not even really paying attention to what you’re saying, but still asking for the sake of being (what he thinks is) polite.
“no, it’s nothing,” you reply quickly.
“mmm,” he nods, completely preoccupied with his own issues to really give a fuck about what you have to say. then, as if by a stroke of genius, he says his next words without much thought.
“i just thought of something! you would never act like that with me, would you?” you can’t help but scowl. of course you’d act like that. you’re a normal human being with normal feelings. you’ve already fallen for beomgyu without the physical intimacy, so you can’t imagine how you’d act if you actually had sex with him. but you can’t tell him that, or else he’d start suspecting something.
“i guess not,” you sigh. 
“then why don’t we hook up instead?” he asks, genuinely earnest. 
“no,” you say simply.
“why not?” he frowns, somewhat offended.
“i’m not interested,” you shrug. you don’t realize that your indifference has the opposite effect on beomgyu. what he perceives as your disgust only interests him more.
“c’mon, i’d definitely show you a good time,” he argues.
“i’m fine, thanks.” 
“no, you’re not fine. you haven’t slept with anybody in months. not since what’s-his-name, right? it’s the perfect deal. i’ll give you the time of your life and i’ll get to fuck without any feelings involved.” you try your hardest not to say it’s too late for that. those words will never leave your mouth, though. or else he’d drop you like a hot potato.
“i said no and i mean no. besides, i kind of like somebody right now.” you’re not lying, really. you truly do like, even love, somebody right now, and he’s sitting right next to you.
“who is he?” he asks. “actually, your taste in men is so shit, i don't even wanna know.” usually, that would hurt your feelings, but this whole situation is so fucked up you can’t even find it in you to stifle your laugh. 
“true.” he cocks an eyebrow at your answer. you should, in theory, vehemently deny this. just how shitty is this guy for you to not even put up a fight? 
“okay, i lied. now i really wanna know. who is he? yeonjun?” he asks. you giggle even more.
“no. yeonjun is sweet, but no. and i’m not telling you, so you should give up.” 
“you think yeonjun is sweet in comparison? damn, this guy must be fucking scum,” he laughs. you can’t help but shake your head with an airy laugh of your own. yeah, he’s so awful he even makes yeonjun look sweet. at least it seems like yeonjun has a conscience when he fucks somebody over. beomgyu, for the most part, has none.
“he’s not all bad,” you say softly, still smiling and resting your head on the headrest of your car. 
“but still bad,” he argues. 
“mhmm,” you hum. “still bad.”
beomgyu doesn’t mention hooking up again after that, and for that you are thankful, you think. is there a part of you that regrets not saying yes? in a way, you do. who wouldn’t want to be even closer to the one they love? but you know the closeness would be a lie. even if you were in closer proximity physically, he’d still be far away emotionally. too far to ever catch him. and so you sit at the counter of this shitty bar and watch him try to woo one of the prettiest girls you’ve ever seen, and by the looks of it, it’s working. you smile bitterly and down another shot, making your stomach feel hotter and hotter. you know that by the end of the night, you’ll feel sick, but you’d rather be physically sick and drunk rather than emotionally sick and sober. 
“you okay?” kai asks, sliding into the seat next to yours and cutting into your daze with ease. 
“aren’t i always?” you answer with a wry smile.
“it’s that bad, huh?” he asks. beomgyu is your best friend, sure, but kai is the only person in the world who knows about your feelings for him. he also feels like the only person in the world who would understand them. 
“yeah, it is,” you mumble, downing yet another drink as you watch beomgyu grinding on the girl salaciously. 
“wanna get out of here?” he asks sympathetically. you should say no. beomgyu will be angry that you left  him, even if he’d ditch you in a heartbeat to get laid. but now, as you watch him shoving his tongue in the red-lipped mouth of the girl who will now be the impossible standard you’ll hold yourself to from hereon out, you can’t bring yourself to care.
“i do,” you smile, for real this time, and his grin matches yours.
you’re so drunk, you barely remember how you got home, but you’re here and so is hyuka. you don’t cry, even if he kind of wishes you would just so you could let it all out. you laugh, even, as he tells his dorky jokes and beats your ass in mario kart. things are going so well, you don’t even hear the pounding on your door until kai says something about it.
“i’ll get it,” he says soothingly when you unsteadily try to stand up.
“thanks, hyuka,” you smile. and that smile stays planted on your face until you see who’s at the door. beomgyu. and by the looks of it, he’s pissed.
“what the fuck is your problem?! how could you just leave me there alone?” he asks as soon as he’s let in. your face sinks and all prior happiness is washed away in an instant.
“you weren’t alone,” kai cuts in defensively. “she was alone until i came and got her.” beomgyu is actually a little embarrassed by this blatant callout, but he’d sooner die than admit it.
“well, she should’ve said something, at least,” he counters, face still hot and voice still as loud as ever.
“i thought you were going home with that girl,” you reply meekly. 
“and you couldn’t just ask?!” he snaps. 
“you’re being an asshole,” kai argues. “nobody wants to watch you tonguing down some random girl, and she’s not your babysitter.” the room is deathly quiet after this. beomgyu is fishing for words, but he’s too drunk to quite think of any at the moment. he wishes he were sober so he could put kai in his place, but the words never come. all he knows is he’s pissed beyond anything he can properly articulate and it’s driving him crazy. 
“you’re drunk,” kai adds sternly. “go home.” 
“hyuka, it's okay,” you say gently. “he's too drunk for that. he can crash on the couch.” beomgyu doesn't know why, but he scowls at the nickname.
“but —”
“it's okay,” you repeat. kai’s face looks torn. 
“alright, then i'll head out,” he relents after a few seconds. “the both of you just need some sleep,” he says with a sharp glance towards beomgyu, who is still fuming, by the way.
“thank you,” you say with a terse smile. he returns it with a smile of his own and shuts the door behind him. beomgyu watches the entire interaction and somehow feels even worse.
“what the fuck was that? is he the guy you’re hung up on or something?” 
“no!” you exclaim incredulously. “hyuka is a nice guy, and he’s just… helping me with some things right now.” you’re not the most eloquent person on a good day, much less while drunk, so that’s all you can really say at the moment.
“what ‘things’ could he possibly be helping you with?” he snaps before realization dawns on him. “you told him about that guy, didn’t you?! you can tell him but you can’t tell me?” 
“he… he just understands,” you say. you knew beomgyu wouldn’t just let this shit go and be done with it. he’s like a child finding out his dog likes somebody better than he likes him, and it’s exhausting.
“are you sleeping with him?” 
“what, no!”  you say firmly. 
“you are, aren’t you?” he sneers. “you won’t let me touch you, but you’re letting him?” 
“is it so hard to believe that a man just wants to be my friend without wanting to fuck me?” truthfully, yes. you’re good looking and his experience tells him that men always harbor those intentions. well, he does, at least. and for some reason, as he looks at you in your big t-shirt and sweatpants, those intentions are brewing even more. 
“beomgyu?” you ask tentatively. his eyes are so intense it seems like he’s even more pissed off,  somehow. your innocent look stokes the flames of what’s already been burning for you.
as if he’s possessed, he stalks his way over to you, grabs your face before you can even react, and plants a bruising kiss on your soft lips. you gasp when he meanly takes your bottom lip between his teeth and he can’t help but chuckle. the kiss is cruel for so many reasons, but you’d be lying if you said it didn’t knock you off of your feet. you’re usually so restrained around him for reasons only you and kai know, but you feel your inhibitions melt as his tongue enters your mouth. he tastes like alcohol, but then, so do you, and he doesn’t seem to mind. in fact, if his hungry kiss in any indication, he seems to love it. 
one of his hands travel under your big hoodie and he tweaks your already hardened nipple between his fingers. 
“does that feel good, baby?” he asks lowly, and you feel yourself becoming even more wet. you're too embarrassed to respond, but judging from his tone, he already knows your answer. 
his kisses are unrelenting and fierce, no gentleness or care to be seen, but you’re so sweet he can’t control himself. he’s been wanting to do this ever since he hit puberty, but you’ve never seemed interested in him for reasons he can’t understand. but now, you seem more than interested as you let him lead you to your bedroom. he lays you down on your bed and takes off your sweatpants. when he sees you, naked and glistening just from a few touches, he licks his lips in anticipation.
“all this from a few kisses?” he teases, rubbing his fingers up and down your slit. you can do nothing but gasp in response as he pushes one of his long, calloused fingers into your heat.
“s-so tight, it’s sucking me in,” he moans. “i can’t wait to see how you feel around my cock.” he adds a second finger and curls, hitting your sweet spot. all you can do is moan as he takes his thumb and rolls your clit. he watches your body rise and fall with the pleasure and it fascinates him like nothing he’s ever seen. your eyes are screwed shut, but he can’t help but prod and tease to see the different facial expressions you show him. before long, he’s pounding into you. the sound of squelches mixed with your moans only goads him further and further until you’re clenching down mercilessly on his fingers.
“aww, does that feel good, baby?” he coos. “wanna feel even better?” post-release clarity should hit you right about now, but you’re only more eager when he removes his clothes. his lengthy cock, angry and reddened, springs up and slaps his stomach. you whimper at the sight and he smirks at how needy you are.
he hovers over you and slowly, agonizingly slowly, he begins to rub his stiffened length up and down your slit. 
“gyu, you need a condom —” you begin to protest.
“why? i’m clean. and i don’t fuck just anyone raw,” he argues as the head of his cock comes dangerously close to hooking on your entrance. you’ve never been able to say no to him for any meaningful amount of time, so relenting isn’t out of the ordinary for you. but more than that, his words, though unromantic, spark a bit of hope in your heart. you’re special, you think. 
“do you trust me?” he asks. 
no. not at all.
“of course.” and he pushes in. his arrogance falters as you take him in, inch by throbbing inch. it’s a tight fit, and the way you clench around the tip of his cock only drives him further and further into madness. how can you feel so good? how can this feel so perfect? 
your poor pussy is equal parts trying to suck him in and trying to resist so the intrusion is forced out. to him, it feels like heaven. 
“t-tight!” he hisses. “relax, baby, or you’re gonna break me.” for some reason, his words comfort you, allowing him smooth entry until he’s completely sheathed in you. you both moan when he completely bottoms out, balls hitting your ass in the most lewd way. his precum mixed with the result of your release seep into the bedsheets. he stays there for just a moment, pushing your hair out of your face, and his next words are uncommonly tender.
“you look so pretty like this,” he muses, and you don’t even have time to blush before he’s unsteadily pulling out, pussy pulling him back in like it never wants him to leave, then thrusting back in again. 
“oh m-my god,” he says as he begins to ram into you. “so good, baby. you’re taking me so well.” 
“b-big!” is all you can manage to say as he continues to fuck you open.
“oh baby, are you going dumb on my cock? can’t even manage to get the words out, can you? it’s okay, don’t think. i’ll take care. of. you,” he says, punctuating each word with his mean thrusts. 
you’re crying now, the pleasure too great to stifle your tears. beomgyu thinks you look absolutely lovely like this, lovelier than anyone he’s ever seen, especially when he looks at where you two are joined and watches himself enter and exit your puffy pussy. each gasp, each breathy whine you emit makes him feel crazier and crazier. he aches so much, he has no choice but to continue pounding into you until he's relieved. so he does. he’s gripping the plush of your thighs like he might die if he doesn’t have something to hold onto. 
he leans over to give you a nasty kiss, all tongue and teeth. when he parts from you, a lewd string of saliva falls from your mouths and he can’t control the chuckle that escapes him when he sees your pupils are blown out as you flounder for his lips again. 
“look, baby. look at how good i’m fucking you.” you look down and see how his cock protrudes from your tummy as he rams in and out of you. “nobody else has fucked you right, but don’t worry, i’ll make sure to fix that.” your pussy involuntarily clenches at his filthy words and it’s enough to make you come.
“c-coming!” you manage to choke out as you spasm around him, back arching deliciously. he follows soon after, thrusts becoming uneven before you feel his cum shooting inside of you.
fucking beomgyu comes naturally, and often. he can’t seem to keep his hands off of you. hooking up becomes almost a daily affair, but you’re so hungry for him you can’t bring yourself to protest. you fuck in his car, on his couch, over the fucking kitchen counter, even. all plans to go out with anyone else are immediately dashed in favor of being with him, instead. you feel yourself falling deeper and deeper in love with him, and even if you know, know, know it’s fruitless, you can’t help but relent when he looks at you like a man starved. 
“this can’t be good for you,” kai tells you one evening in the comfort of your apartment. it’s a rare occurrence to have a free night from beomgyu’s clutches. kai hasn’t seen you in weeks because you’ve been too “busy” with beomgyu. 
“well, i know,” you sigh, too tired to argue with him. 
“if you know, then why do you do it?” he asks tentatively. you can’t help but give him a look. 
“you know why,” you say. 
“he's just messing with your head. you know this can't end well.” you flinch at the word “end”. you know it, he knows it, beomgyu surely fucking knows it, but you can’t help but give in every time. “what are you gonna do when he inevitably fucks you over? and he will, just like always.”
“i… i’ll deal with it when the time comes,” you protest. he sees your defeated expression and lightly tilts your head so it’s resting on his shoulder. your retribution for your actions was always well on its way, but you didn’t know it would come so soon. 
you hear a key turning in the door. there’s only one person in the world you’ve given a spare to, so you aren’t surprised in the slightest when beomgyu walks in with that signature smirk on his face. he scowls a bit when he’s greeted with the scene of you and kai sitting so intimately.
“am i interrupting something?” he scoffs as you raise your head from kai’s shoulder.
“no,” kai replies before you can even fix your lips to respond. to your mild surprise, he doesn't push any further.
“whatever,” he shrugs, plopping down next to the two of you and pulling out his phone.
“wanna see this girl whose number i got today?” he asks casually, swiping through his phone eagerly. so that's why he didn't wanna meet up. your heart feels like a hole’s been blown straight through it. you and kai share a deep look, which beomgyu completely misses as he pulls up a picture of a beautiful looking girl. 
“this is her,” he says with a triumphant smirk. you don’t — can’t — respond. you just have a blank look on your face.
“what?” he asks petulantly. “she’s really pretty, look!” he insists, pulling up another picture. “she’s one of the hottest girls i’ve seen in a minute.”
any last shred of hope or dignity you have is strangled in its crib at his careless words. your eyes are hot and your stomach hurts so much you feel like you’re going to vomit. kai notices your discomfort and decides to put a stop to this once and for all.
“alright, that’s enough,” kai snaps. “nobody wants to see that shit.”
“what’s your fucking problem?” beomgyu retorts.
“my problem is that you’re a fucking moron. grow up.” beomgyu’s not one to get physical, at least not in a violent sense, but he’s on the precipice of breaking that streak at kai’s harsh words.
“stop, hyuka. it’s okay,” you say softly. beomgyu is so furious, he almost forgot you’re here, but he's genuinely confused by kai’s words.
“what's okay? what is it that you're not telling me?” beomgyu asks. 
“it's not okay, actually. he’s fucking you but he comes around and pulls this shit right in front of you?! she won’t say it, but i will.” 
“kai, don’t —” 
“she doesn’t care! no strings attached, that’s always been the deal.”
“you may be stupid as fuck, but surely you’re not that stupid,” kai sneers. “so if you say you don’t already know, you’re just a fucking liar.” beomgyu pauses at this. is he saying what he thinks he’s saying? surely you didn’t catch feelings, right? but one look at your face, and he knows kai is telling the truth. 
but why? and when?
“since when did you…”
“since always,” you say quietly. 
“oh, fuck. look, i —”
“it’s okay. i already know,” you cut in. and you do already know, but you can’t bear to hear him say it. beomgyu, in all his glory, processes this and instead of regret, all he feels is anger.
“i’m the piece of shit guy you can’t get over? are you fucking serious?”
“hyuka, you should go,” you say instead of letting him watch the melodrama unfolding before him. kai looks uncertainly between the both of you before relenting. 
“call me later, okay?” he says, wiping tears from your eyes that you didn’t realize had fallen.
“okay,” you reply with a sad smile. he sends beomgyu one last scathing look before gathering his shit and slamming the door behind him. 
“you tricked me!” beomgyu exclaims as soon as the door shuts. “i would’ve never fucked you if i knew you’d be like this.” just like everyone else. he doesn’t need to voice the last part, but you already know he wants to say it, which just hurts you even more.
“did you really not know, or were you just pretending not to know ‘cause it’d be inconvenient for you?” that shuts him up. kai was right, he’d be stupid not to know. maybe not at first, but surely along the way. surely when you’d look at him so longingly after sleeping with him, or the way you’d look so sad when he didn't stay after sex.
“listen, i’m so sorry that you’re scared, or angry, or whatever it is you’re feeling. i really am. but are you so selfish that you really think nobody else is afraid to have their heart broken? and do you think that means you’re allowed to hurt everyone else instead?” you ask quietly. every new word pierces his heart like nothing he's ever felt before. he wants to say something, but for the life of him, he can’t think of anything quite fitting. 
“i think you should leave,” you say after what feels like an eternity of silence. he looks at you with watery eyes and you almost feel guilty, but you’re through with feeling things for him that he’d never have the courtesy to feel for you. “go,” you repeat defeatedly, striding to the door and holding it open for him and he feels more and more like a rat you want to chase out of your home.
he looks like he wants to say something, but one look at you tells him you’re done listening. with heavy feet and an even heavier heart, he heads through the doorway, pausing only before he’s about to cross the threshold. he has a sinking feeling in his gut that tells him this is probably the last time he’ll be here. 
“are we still friends after this?” he asks lowly, eyes wide and more desperate than you’ve ever seen them. 
“no,” you say simply, and shut the door.
notes: not a ton of smut in this part, but i think the next part will have more i fear.
taglist: @my313 @superbbananananana @lonelybutterflytae @cherrycolaberry @everythingvirgoes @beomnoullitheorem @sunny4cast
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mariacallous · 2 years
Last year, the lead singer of The 1975, Matt Healy, managed to offend a whole lot of Gaelgoirí (Irish speakers) when he appeared to mock a fan’s name – Dervla – at a meet-and-greet.
Healy isn’t alone, though, when it comes to anglophone bafflement at Irish names. A recent study based on an analysis of Google searches revealed the words that British people have the most difficulty pronouncing. The names Aoife, Saoirse, Niamh and Siobhán occupy places in the top 10.
And it’s not exclusively a British problem: I always cringe watching US talkshows where the host quizzes their Irish guest (usually Saoirse Ronan) on the pronunciation of their and other Irish names.
I’ve heard every possible variation of my own name from non-Irish people. It’s not uncommon in Ireland; in secondary school, there were four Niamhs in my class. But I rarely come across an English person who is familiar with it, despite the proximity of our two countries.
In case you don’t know, it’s pronounced “Neev” or “Nee-av”, either is perfectly acceptable. The prefix Ní means “daughter of”. My surname is trickier, and has even tripped up a few Irish people; it can be translated as Herbert, and is pronounced “her-a-vard”.
When I was living in London, I quickly learned that saying Niamh at the counter in a coffee shop or over the phone to make a booking simply wouldn’t fly. This led to the invention of what I call my “Starbucks name”. Anything easily pronounceable with a simple spelling would do. Mia, Sophie and Rose were among my common aliases.
Speaking to others reveals a litany of similar experiences. Aoibhe Ní Shúilleabháin, a designer and teacher, spent two years at college in England having her name mispronounced and disrespected. (Her first name is pronounced “Ay-vah”.) More than one lecturer resorted to calling her “blondie”.
She tells me: “I was asked to say, ‘Three hundred and thirty three trees’” – a tongue-twister that does the rounds on TikTok – “more often than I was asked to repeat my name.” She recalls the lack of interest when she attempted to explain that Irish and English are different languages with different pronunciation rules.
Clearly, the sensitivities at play here are rooted in history: Ireland was colonised by the English and our national language was all but wiped out. A language revival began in earnest in the 19th century, but it’s never quite recovered. Ireland’s most recent census shows that about 40% of Ireland’s population can speak Irish. The English destroyed our language once before, so every little throwaway comment and scoff at our names hurts a little bit more – and ultimately becomes just tiresome. A handful of people even remark, “Oh! I didn’t know Ireland had its own language,” when I tell them about my name.
Writer Darach Ó Séaghdha is all too familiar with these difficulties. (The “rach” in Darach is pronounced like “Bach”, he says.)He hosted a podcast called Motherfoclóir, a podcast about the Irish language and culture, and whenever there were guests on with Irish names, “inevitably the episode would turn into group therapy”. There was one bad experience, he recalls, when he was told that his surname “looked like a wifi password”. But he decided to give his children Irish names, too. It’s a common trend, he says, “because parents with Irish names have been battle-hardened”.
Like the others I spoke to for this piece, writer and director Rioghnach (think “Ree-nock”)Ní Ghrioghair believes that a sense of superiority among English speakers is to blame for the constant mistreatment of Irish names. But she’s defiant. “We are going to scrutinise the British for any transgression regarding the pronunciation of our names,” and other things, she tells me, like British media claiming Irish actors as their own during awards seasons.
There is no easy crash-course I can give to you on the pronunciation of Irish names, but you can always try out “how to pronounce”-style websites (which themselves can be contested). But the simplest and most reliable solution is perhaps just to politely ask an Irish person – and listen attentively to what they say. I may have accepted that English people are very rarely going to get my name right on the first go, but I appreciate a well-intentioned effort. Just don’t laugh at it, please.
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samsspambox · 2 years
if i randomly come out with an angst one shot,,, no one question it LMAO
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icarusredwings · 10 days
Be warned. I wrote this at midnight. I have no clue what im talking about. Do you get it?
"Why doesn't this wolverine teach history? Other wolverine did"
Well, because THAT Wolverine had a Charles. Let me remind you just how fragile Logan's mental state is and just how quickly his brain can throw him into a temporary amnesia due to shock and / or panic that is triggered by his CPTSD.
The thing is, this Wolverine has a Wade. Not a Charles. Sure, Jean could probably do something to him if things got too crazy but you know just how dangerous of territory that would be. Yes, Charles doesn't have a healing factor but it was his confidence and perfect reassuring words that helped him, plus If something did happen Im pretty sure he wouldn't blame him much anyway. He knows what hes dealing with. This isnt to say that jean doesn't but I can see her panicking too much and Logan would feed off of that fear and panic and become worse.
Wade, on the other hand, is neither calm nor says the right things, BUT he can't die :D Which is a massive YES when it comes to dealing with a panicking 3+ time war veteran with knife hands. And is known to attack first ask later.
Trying to teach the kids about 'Nam, a thing sets him off. He stares off into space for a bit, Backs up and his breath gets heavy. The hairs on his arms are raised up and his pupils dilate, they widden and its as if he doesn't even remember he's a teacher.
When he starts the whole "Who are you? Where am I!?" Thing, a student (probably the oldest or one that's been dubbed most responsible) slowly just gets up and leaves to tell a trusted adult.
"Mrs. Munroe?"
"Mr. Howlett is acting funny again."
"Okay darling. Go fetch Mr. Wilson for me? There's a dear."
She, calm as ever walks into the class room, standing away from the door so not to make him feel trapped, and very clearly shows her hands as she gestures the kids to leave.
Backing himself into a corner, he watches them one by one leave, Gripping at the chalk boards ledge and the windowsil, trying to balance and ground himself.
"Come now children. Quietly and slowly please. Good job. Go next door to Mrs. Summers please." Sending them to the next class room so to leave this one empty.
She stands off to the side of the room. Hands in front of her, smiling softly. "Hello Logan."
"What? Who are you?" He almost hisses but can't help but to feel not so threatened. He always did have a sweet spot for women. Maybe its their scent difference, but like most reactive animals, he's a little calmer for women. A little more trusting.
"Im a dear friend of yours. My name is Ororo. You are in no danger here." She states this practiced sentence with the same whisper of a voice.
"Where the fuck am I. How did I get here!? Did you bring me here!?" At this point he's growling.
"Logan, I assure you that no one forced you here. This is a school. You're a teacher."
"A teacher..?" Just a tad he softens, as if you had just told someone who wanted to be a vet when they grew up that they actually would become a very good vet, except the look in his eyes was as if questioning why they would ever him do that. Be a teacher I mean.
"Yes. If you would like to leave that is okay." She slowly sits in a spare chair, her leg crossing, not knowing how long she will need to play baby sitter but she hoped someone soon would alert the other staff of this. It IS a safety risk after all and Ororo knew that if he hurt anyone at all he'd immediately regret it terribly so when he woke.
"You.. you told her to go get someone. Why? Who are you getting? For what!?" Another snap, as if he thought she was trying to trick him into letting his gaurd down.
She smiles. "Your husband."
"What the fuck do you mean my 'husband'!? What are you sayin' lady!?" The venom in the way he says this makes her giggle a bit. Oh, goodness. He really did lose all of his memories, didn't he? How was the same man who once was so dastardly in love with scott to the point of shredding his heart into a gazillion pieces and is married to the silliest man alive, so internally homophobic? The irony of the thought made her laugh.
"And that kids is how you slice someone into sushi. Rice not included-" His weapons tatics and saftey class is interrupted.
"Mr. Wilson?"
"Oh hey, squirt! You wanna learn how to disconnect someone's joints without even leaving a puncture wound?"
"Maybe later.. uhm...Mr. Howlett's scared again..."
You just see Wade running out on these kids like "I'M COMING WOLVIE!"
"What, you think it's funny!? I ain't got a husband lady! Now, Im leaving! And there's nothing you can do to stop me!" He goes to walk out the door only to run into said husband, who immediately hugs him.
"Babe!! Hi! They told me- OUCH- okay yeah I deserved that- no tocuhy I forgot."
And is stabbed.
"What the fuck is wrong with you!? Get off me! Freak!"
"D'aawww!! Did you see that? He called me a freak! I hate to tell ya cupcake, but you're married to this freak. Now, what's wrOOW- Mad kitty are we? Woah there tiger! Easy boy!"
Logan looks at him, confused, stabs him again, and is trying to figure out why Wade's not dying. He goes to slash him in the head and wades like "WAITWAITWAIT NOT INFRONT OF THE KIDS-"
Mrs. Munroe, by now, has gotten up and left, closing the door and letting out a big sigh, wondering what shade of red they were going to paint the room this time.
She does a little clicky on her walkie and infroms all the staff about the situation and so for the next half hour or so, Logan's kids get to skip class and said classroom now needs a deep scrub.
And this ladies and gentlemen is why this Logan doesn't teach history anymore.
P.E. is SOOOO much easier on his mental status, and sometimes Wade joins, and he puts the whole class against him to make them work on their team building skills. Plus- it's funny to watch your husband get slapped in the head with 20 dodgeballs.
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thot4ellie · 2 months
new romantics
pairing: MODERN AU!college azriel x female reader
warnings: may be some triggering content including tampon is a douchbag at a party, mentions of drugs and alcohol, mentions of sexual activity but nothing major, smut books mentioned (hehehe) a fight occurs but can you blame him? he’s just defending your honor ugh, two idiots in love who want nothing but each other and can’t admit it, no use of y/n, imagine her as you, because it is YOU! half editted… ill get to it later i promise
word count: 4.5k
summary: your new study partner is better than you first realize… and now you can’t stop thinking about him, but he can’t stop thinking of you either.
authors note: hi first time writing for acotor! been a fan of these books for a while and my baby azriel does something to me!!! so here’s something i spent the night writing it was 10 different things before it was this lol! pls like, reblog and comment! thank you everyone for reading! photo credit to pinterest, and please i strive to do better so any thoughts pls free feel to let me know! thank you for the support! this is the first time i’ve had the energy to write in months so pls dont go too hard
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you met azriel in a greek mythology lecture that you both ended up in during the second semester of your sophomore year. getting partnered with an incredibly built and handsome man for a history report your teacher assigned was the least of your problems when you realized how fucking kind and beautiful azriel is on the inside and out.
the real problem came when you realized how hard you were falling for this man when you started hanging out casually, hitting the coffee stand before class or getting food after a long day. you learned so much about him in a matter of months and couldn’t get him out of your head.
you never spoke existence to your feelings for him, mainly because you didn’t want to ruin a very good potential friendship but partly because you didn’t think you were good enough for someone like him. you’ve heard little whispers about his other… activities and you couldn’t help the way it made you feel.
at the start of your junior year, you and azriel were practically best friends and it just felt so natural. the way you two were together. the way your conversations flowed and the way the silence was never deafening when you were together. you spent time cuddling on the couch in your living room watching movies and rating tv shows and going to visit parks around town and getting high as fuck. once time you had even gone crazy and took some acid and spent hours at the aquarium watching all the fish. you studied for classes together, the one you shared and the ones you both took on your own.
you and azriel were always testing out new recipes in his large kitchen. its wonderful that he lives alone. alone as in by himself but you cannot glance over the fact that the rhysand and feyre along with cassian and nesta live on the same floor of this apartment building close to campus. you luckly only live 2 floors down, a thing you realized when you managed to see him in the elevator about a week or two after you first started studying together.
you were debating all summer about confessing your feelings to him but could not gather the courage to bring yourself to admit it to him and face rejection. you couldn’t mess up the relationship between you already. he was your best friend and you really didn’t have too many besides him. you’ve met his family and have spend a lot of time with them, they’re all practically adopted you at the point, they welcomed you with smiles and open arms (besides amren but they told you she’s always like that.)
but a couple weeks into the semester, you and nesta were standing in a kitchen of a person you don’t know debating on what shitty cheap alcohol you’ll be indulging in tonight. it was the first big back to school party and it was still hot as hell out so you were dressed in dark denim shorts and nice tank top along with your black converse.
you and nesta instantly clicked when you met. bonding over smutty books and all the tv shows you managed to watch. she’s felt like your first real girl-friend ever, you guys got some comfortable together and every time you guys hung out, it felt like no time had passed. it was refreshing to have someone to talk to. she also happens to be the only one who knows about the feelings you harbor for your other best friend.
as you’re about to pour the tequila into your red solo cup, you hear someone call nesta’s name and she tells you she’ll be right back before scurrying off to whichever of her friends was calling her. leaving you there alone not knowing anyone at the party, nesta told you the rest of the group was going to meet you there but you have yet to see any of them as you turn your head around the room.
as you fill your cup and turn to put the bottle back down on the counter, you feel a hand glide around your waist and are suddenly aware of a man extremely too close your liking. “hey baby” he said as he slurred his words, clearly intoxicated, by the way he looked and smelled. it sent more warnings through your head even after he grabbed you like that. you had to leave, this couldn’t happen. thoughts are rushing through your head. you move your hand to push his arm off you as you turn around to be face to face with a tall blonde with long hair.
“what was that for?” he drags out as he tried to put his hand back on you. you instantly tried to move towards the way nesta went and told him, “please get off!” but he was too fast and held your upper arm in a death grip before he tugged you closer to his chest, his other hand back on your waist like the first time he did it. your eyes close in fear as he leans down to whisper something in your ear, but he’s gone in an instant.
it all happened so fast. all you see is a large, muscular, tattooed arm flying in front of you, hitting the man who was on you just seconds ago. you watched shocked as you finally lock in to the situation before you.
azriel beating the shit out of the man who had just laid his hands on you.
azriel swung his fist again towards him, hitting him square in the jaw, “what the fuck do you think you’re doing?” he screamed at him, having another punch already landing with his other fist.
the man doesn’t respond before he swings back at azriel and managed to get a decent swing in, the hit landed to his lip but azriel doesn’t move at all. he’s standing still in the spot, continuing to tower over him.
azriel shoved the man back into the counter and landed a powerful hook right to his nose simultaneously. he cried out as it made contact, “fuck dude c’mon,” he reached up to grab it, blood pouring from his broken nose and busted lip. he steps closer as he removes his hand looking at the red liquid that has held onto his skin, ready to defend himself against the beautiful man that your eyes cannot stray from.
but azriel is faster and before he could even blink, managed to grab a hold of his shirt and pull him up to where his toes barely touched the floor. his hands fall at his sides and his eyes widen in fear as azriel gets closer to his face, leaning down to whisper something in his ear that you can’t hear over the loud music, people partying and the screaming and crying in your heart as you watched this all unfold.
suddenly azriel is tossing the man back into the counter and he barely managed to grab it and hold on, azriel suddenly grows larger, as if he could get any bigger, and leans to spit out the blood that had collected in his mouth behind him. and suddenly your attention is focused on the warmth now englufing your wrist. your eyes immediately register the sight of him standing in front of you, this was warm and right, his hands on you. it just felt so right.
his other hand reached out and gently lifts your chin to meet his gaze. the way the sense of safety coursed through you with his simple touch just confirmed, yet again, that this was going to be so hard for you to tell him.
“hey baby…” he spoke softly, his eyes darted between both yours. his attention solely on you. he let his finger rub against your cheek as he finished, “are you okay?” you can’t help the feeling the shoots through you at the use of the pet name and the look of shock that painted your face. not knowing if it came from, whether it was from what unfolded in front of you at this party or the fact he still holding your face and talking to you like this, so sweetly.
you blinked a couple times and the realization hit you that you’ve just been standing there, staring into his beautiful eyes. not paying attention to the group of people that crowded around as the fight was happening or the looks you guys are getting from other party goers that still surrounded you. the only thing you can stand to focus on his gaze.
“i don’t know,” you almost whisper towards him, feeling his warmth covering you both. before you can talk again, he moves his scarred hand from your wrist, you feel almost… empty at the loss of contact but that doesn’t last long as he slipped his hand into yours and intertwined his fingers with yours as he guided you towards the front door.
you passed by so many people, you tried not to pay attention to all the looks you were getting. girls stared as they realized it wasn’t themselves in azriel’s grasp, but you. it was your hand he was holding. your heart beat at just the thought of it, your nerves were already shot as the events unfolded not even 10 minutes ago and this did not help one bit.
your eyes manage to catch nesta’s in the crowd, her eyes widen as she takes in the sight before her, azriel holding your hand and leading you out of the party. oblivious to what actually happened to cause this, she gave you a huge smile and two thumbs up. you cant help but silently chuckle at your friend despite the other overwhelming feelings you have. you’ll explain the situation later when you text her but you were sure eventually she’d hear what happened.
he leads you out the front door and looks back at you with a small smile as you trail behind him. he walked you over, without a word and hands still intertwined and you finally notice your next to his old beat up mustang on the side of the street, the one that smells like him and the faint smell of weed that always lingers regardless of the last time he smoked in there.
he opened the car door for you and you released your hand from his and got into the passengers seat. once you were in, he reached over and buckled your seatbelt for you, giving it a tug to make sure it was connected before smiling down at you from outside the car. he shut the door satisfied and walked around the back of the car to open his own door and sat inside.
the silence is comfortable. it always has been, you pray that sometimes it’s awkward or uncomfortable but it never is. you sit in your seat, eyes staring down towards the hand he had been holding, almost in disbelief, that he defended you like that. you’ve never seen azriel angry like that either. he turns to face you, wanting you to meet his eyes.
azriel walked in the front door of the party, after having a pretty day. the customers at the restaurant he works truly sucked today. small tips and even shittier people. all he wanted to do was smoke off some steam and get drunk with cassian and rhys. he knew you were going to be here. cassian mentioned it in passing while talking about nesta so he was also on the look out for you. the girl who managed to catch his heart after having been partnered together. azriel couldn’t help the way he felt about you even though it almost felt wrong to him.
he didn’t want to take advantage of you, he knew you were shy and never really been in a relationship. he found that out when he walked into the kitchen of cassian and nesta’s apartment, and overheard nesta telling cass all about you after her and you hung out for the first time outside the group. so he just tried to ignore his feelings but regardless of that fact you were his bestfriend. he just couldn’t escape you.
and when he walked into that kitchen to see tamlin standing over you, your arm tight in his grip, the way your eyes were slammed shut trying to back away from him. he didn’t even think. he was there pulling him off you before he could even recognize what he was doing. throwing punches left and right towards the man who dared touched you. he barely even registered the hit he managed on no one but him can put his hands on you. he’s had that thought before but never brought life to it, but here? now?
all thoughts of guilt for feeling that way vanished. there was no way he was letting anyone touch you. but him. that’s all he wanted. he wanted you in a way he didn’t think was reciprocated. love was a funny thing to him, something he was never accustomed to until after he met rhysand and cassian.
his family never showed it, he lives with the constant knowledge of that every time he looks down at his hands. he thought about the way you never judged him of them, like it was nothing at all to you but that was everything to him.
the one sided crush he harbored on mor for a couple years was nothing in comparison to the way he felt about you. his few flings he had over the past couple years (after he realized it was pointless liking mor, also… because she slept with cassian) were mildly of convince and of urge but once he met you, he knew he was a goner.
he stopped the girls. the stopped the meaningless flirting and hooks up and took to just pleasuring himself to the thought as you, as shitty as it made him felt after. sometimes he just couldn’t look you in the eye the next time he saw you but you never said anything. you never commented on it and he silently thanked you in his head.
but right now, after he pulled you out of the party, scarred hand in yours, he needed you to look him in the eyes. but you still hadn’t and he couldn’t just keep staring at the face of the beautiful woman in front of him while it was coated with anxiety and exhaustion.
azriel lifted his distorted hand to your face meeting the soft warm skin that was your own. he gently brought your face to meet his gaze and as you locked eyes, the spark hit you yet again.
gods he was breathtaking. dark hair that covered to above his ears, the eyes that seemed to stare into yours every single time they met, the tattoos that covered him and his golden brown skin that you swore shined outright during different points in the day. your heart cannot handle this man.
“please,” he practically whispered you barely even registered that he said it before he continued, “are you okay, what can i do?” the sound in his voice felt desperate as his eyes bore into yours, the feel of his hand on her face, you couldn’t help but lean into his grasp and close your eyes, taking in the feel of him. you responded a moment later after letting out a sigh and looking at him again.
“can we just go home? i just want to sleep” you asked him with a pleading tone as you feel his thumb rub against your cheek for the second time that night. ugh the things this man does to you. all you wanted was for him to hold you, to feel the press of his body against yours. anything to get the feeling of someone else off you. “yeah baby, we can.” he said gently before he moved his hand down to yours and gave you a light squeeze before he turned the car on and shifted into gear, pulling off in the direction of home.
once you arrived back to the apartment building, he parked in the lot next to the front door and moved around the car to open your door, he gave you his hand as you stepped out. he went to put his hand at your lower back as he opened the door for you but decided against just in case that was a lot for you right now. he did not want to make it worse. he could see the fear in your eyes back there, no way would he subject you to that if you weren’t comfortable with it. so instead he just followed behind you, hitting the button to the elevator to take you up to your floor.
the elevator luckily isn’t taking forever today so when it opens, you and azriel step in and he goes to hit the floor for your apartment but your hand reaches out and stops him. “can we go to yours please?” your head moves up to meet his gaze but his eyes are focused on where your hand is on his wrist. a second later his eyes meet yours and he gives you a small nod and hits the button for the fifth floor. you remove your hand and lean against the wall right next to him, his hand reaches out and entangles his bumpy fingers with yours.
“is this okay?” he asks you. you can barely hold it in after that, the tears finally fall. he feels the sudden change in your body as he moves closer to you but removing his hand from yours in fear that you didn’t want to touch him. but in reality that’s all you want. you want him to touch you. you want him to love you. you want everything with him. its all just so overwhelming, everything that has happened.
he goes to speak but before he can get a word out, your body is on his engulfing him in a hug around his long torso, he instantly wraps his arms around your smaller frame. he can feel your body shake with tears and all he wants to do is make sure that no one ever makes you feel like this again. you deserve so much better, he only wishes he could be better for you too. you squeeze him tighter and he just holds you until the elevator door opens and you pull away from him. mascara and tears running down your face, you can see it on his shirt. he smiles at you before he pulls his hands to your face and wipes your cheeks off with his rough yet soft hands.
you cant help the laugh that escapes you as he wipes his hands on the t-shirt staining it even more with the leftover residue on your face. he gives you a chuckle before connected your hands yet again, walking with you out of the elevator to his one bedroom apartment. he fishes in his pocket with his other hand and pulls out his keys. he unlocked the door and held it open for you to walk in.
your senses are taken over by the smell of him. the smell of his candle lingered from the coffee table covered with textbooks in the large living room, he has a basket of blankets he keeps in the corner because he knows you get cold watching tv. he has a big L shaped couch which had a 60 inch tv across the room, with a boatload of dvds underneath. something you both agreed was a dying art. you and azriel swear physical media will make a comeback one day but you guys will never forget how they ruined it!
his space was a lot bigger since you have a two bedroom apartment. but it was perfect for him. azriel had loved the way he made his space his own, his bass guitars set up in the corner next to his collection of vinyl records and a record player that rhys and cassian got him when he turned 21… as well as a shit ton of booze. he had a bookshelf that held his favorites, as well as your own.
he bought a copy of almost every book you talked about so that he was in the loop with what you were reading. even the ones you didn’t talk about that he caught on your nightstand or in your reading nook. when he bought one of those and read it, his jaw dropped. he immediately thought of nesta and her smutty books but this sent something else though his body. he couldn’t help but keep reading… he wondered if you thought about him while reading these scenes of them ravishing each other, in every way imaginable. he sure did! his right hand hates him!
and you definitely did to… thought about him in ways that you shouldn’t. thinking about him doing all those things to you. the way you knew he would take care of you. the way you knew you could take care of him, despite how inexperienced you are. the thoughts drove you crazy. it was practically all day and every day at this point. thinking about the way his hands would feel running up your thighs or the way his lips would feel on yours.
now here you are, standing in his living room, just wanting all that and little did you know… he did too.
“hey az…” you uttered towards him. he was already next to you as you spoke, “can we lay down please?” your voice was barely a whisper.
he didn’t even need to speak, he just brought you to his room. he lead you to sit on the corner of the bed as he turned and riffled through his dresser, pulling out a large dark green shirt and handing it to you with a smile, “change into this, i’ll be right back.”
“can i take a shower?” you asked azriel shyly. “yes of course, one sec.” you watched as he walked out the room and shut the door behind him. you took your shoes off and placed them by the bedroom door next to azriel’s shoes. he came back in a second later with a fresh towel and a water bottle.
“here you go, you already know where the shower is,” he says with a small chuckle. you give him a grateful smile and a thank you as you took the items from his hands and gave him one last look before heading into his connecting bathroom.
you turned on the hot water and you stripped out of your clothes and threw them into the laundry hamper in the corner of the bathroom. you got in the shower and felt instantly better. the way the water followed hot you could feel the touch of the man from the party washing away, only to be replaced with thoughts of azriel touching you instead. you reviled in it.
you washed your hair and body with his shampoo, conditioner and body wash. silently thanking him for not using 3-in-1 (nesta found out that’s what cassian used and flipped shit) you finished your shower and dried off with the towel he gave you.
you put on his t-shirt that made its way down to your mid thigh when it was on completely. you loved when you were covered in him. you walked back out into the room and didn’t see azriel so you took your seat at the edge of the bed and waiting for him to come back. you sat there and picked at your nails, feeling so wore out you didn’t even want to cry anymore.
azriel came in two minutes later, dressed him long flannel pajama pants and you can see the band of his underwear peeking out as he gets closer to you. he changed after you went into the bathroom, and then went to the kitchen to make sure he was stocked up on the tea you liked and the snacks you guys enjoy together, just in case you got hungry.
he ran around his living room and cleaned random odds and ends. putting dishes in the sink, folding the blankets thrown on the couch and organizing his cd collection. anything to busy himself instead of thinking of you in his shower. anything to get his mind off the amazing woman just in the other room. he hears the shower turn off and waited a few more moments before heading back into the room.
he moved the covers down to make room for you as he said, “after you princess,” with a smile on his face. you returned it and stood up to make your way to the bed but not before turning to hug him again. his arms wrapped around you as you mumbled “thank you azriel,” into his chest. you hold on for a few moments before releasing him. he looks at you before motioning to the bed, “i would do anything for you, you know that.” you felt your cheeks grow red at the thought, at the knowledge that he would.
you climb into the bed and laid your head on the pillow, turning to look at azriel, you wondered why he was still standing. “az are you coming?” you said bashfully. he blinked and bent down to the bed to be eye level with you. “i’m gonna sleep on the couch tonight.” you could feel the way your face dropped in disappointment as you registered what he said. he saw it too and felt it deep in his chest.
he stood up and was about to say goodnight but you beat him to it, “azriel please i need you.”
you could feel how desperate you sounded but you didn’t care. you just needed him. next to you right now. he said nothing else as he moved the blankets again, but this time he was under them. he didn’t hesitate to pull you into his chest, your hand found it’s way over his fast beating heart and his tattooed arm wrapping around you. the warmth and scent of him took over everything in your body. you finally felt safe. your legs tangled together as you eventually fell asleep to the rise and fall of his chest.
“i need you too.” he said to a room with no one awake but him to hear.
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part 2??? i would love to write one! let me know what you think! i’d love to keep writing for acotor so yay! pls enjoy :) i’m on the edge of my seat writing this hehe
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writingsonsaturn · 6 months
Tim and Y/n are high school sweethearts but they go there separate ways not because they want to but for some reason, and y/n moves to LA (maybe sometime after the break up with Rachel) and meets tim again after she calls 9-1-1 for help and they reconnect - you're an amazing writer
rekindled love - tim bradford
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{ masterlist }
🪐: i’m so sorry it took me so long to write this, i made it a little longer to make up for it so pls forgive me lol :)
word count: 1.8k
Senior year was the beginning to the end, Tim had talked to you about joining the military and The moment your eyes met Tim’s freshmen year during first period you knew your heart was his.
Your secret crush developed as you continued to stare and daydream about his pretty face, your friends all laughed at you and practically screamed at you to finally make a move on him.
“He doesn’t even know who I am! Why would I make a move?” you had groaned over the phone.
“Y/n, babe, I need you to be serious. That man has the biggest crush on you! He barely even knows what class he’s in because he’s too busy gawking at you” your friend, Darla, argued with a roll of her eyes.
After the much needed push to finally get the ball rolling, you had sat next to Tim in class. Unbeknownst to you his heart had started racing, hands began to profusely sweat, and mouth became dry at the simple thought of you being next to him.
The class was long, and boring. That was until Tim asked “are you understanding any of this?” you were surprised, and slightly caught off guard.
“Honestly, no, but i personally enjoy a good game of pretend” your witt had caught his attention, he smiled and looked back at his paper seemingly writing something down.
Your gaze was curious, looking over his shoulder. “Ms. L/n, please keep your eyes towards me” your teacher had declared loudly, causing your cheeks to heat up.
Tim had looked at you once the teacher's prying eyes had left you two alone, he slyly slid over a note.
“Here’s my number, call me?” the note had read, you smiled and put the note in your backpack. 
Your eager body was nearly out of the seat before the bell could even make the first ring, hurriedly running out of the school halls, ignoring the confused calls of your name spoken by your friends.
The rest was history after that, late night calls began and he started picking you up in the mornings for school. Tim bragged about you to his friends, and you to yours.
you told him about a writing program you had been accepted into. You both were happy for each other, but deep down both of you knew that long distance wouldn’t be something that could work for you two at the moment.
Graduation night you and Tim went out to the coast, sitting on the sand and taking in the serene atmosphere. “I really don’t want to go” you broke the silence tearfully, the impact of the moment finally hitting you.
“Neither do I” he agreed, putting his arm around your shoulders.
You both sat there, tears streaming down your faces in quiet acceptance. 
You both had said your goodbyes, the hug lasting longer than usually knowing it would be the last one. “I’ll find you again” he whispered in your ear, and kissed your forehead, leaving you with his love.
You looked around your now empty apartment, the heavy brown boxes filled with your life already on its journey to Los Angeles. 
Your job had offered you a chance to move offices, you took the chance to finally move back to your hometown. Your life was seemingly perfect, you had a well paying job, a beautiful high rise apartment in the upper east side, you were living the dream.
Although your heart never seemed aligned with your head, it stayed where you left it. The ache never left your bones, the longing for the once in a lifetime love you had experienced. 
While you sat in the back of your cab, your mind wandered off, running away with different thoughts and daydreams. Tim was a recurring image in each of those daydreams and thoughts, you wondered if you’d see him again, if he still thought about you the way you thought about him.
The simple thought of seeing Tim again made your stomach flip and heart pump faster than you could have prepared for. That feeling only enlarged when the airport came into sight, you knew the idea of seeing Tim again was a mere fantasy as you hadn't heard from him or keep up with how his life had been. You both agreed it was better to make a clean cut, seeing each other live their respective lives without one another would just be another grueling stab to the heart. 
You didn’t even know if Tim still lived in California, all of these old, decrepit feelings were clawing their way out of their tomb. You simply just shook your head, hoping to scramble the memories, and quickly made your way inside the airport.
The flight was as nice as a flight could be, you would've gotten first class but you didn't feel like selling any organs. You were lucky enough to get a window seat and a nice older woman who gave you little sweets that she claimed would help pop your ears.
You were greeted by your mother, who was gracious enough to pick you up at 11:30pm on a weekday. “Mom!” you squealed, hugging her tightly with excitement, you only had your bare necessities with you so you didn't have to go to baggage claim. 
You and your mom walked out arm and arm, you talked about your long flight and she mentioned how excited your dad was to see you again. Your parents were letting you crash at their place for tonight while you waited for the moving trucks to arrive.
As soon as you got to your parents house and greeted your dad, you went right up to your old room and immediately went to sleep, not worrying about your skin care or taking a shower. 
Once you had woken up, you were met with the comforting smell of your mothers cooking. You got yourself off the bed and walked into your bathroom, hoping that a nice warm shower would rid you of the suffocating airplane stench. The warmth of the water melted into your sore muscles, while the steam rolled through your stuffed sinuses.
You took a couple of deep breaths before getting out, wiping the steam of the mirror before getting ready. 
“Oh how i've missed your cooking” you exhaled as you reached the kitchen, your dad spoke from the dining room table “you gonna need help moving in?” 
“No, the moving dudes will help with all of that pops” you patted his shoulder while grabbing a piece of bacon, “I’ll be able to stop by sometime next week after i've gotten settled in, and my work hours situated” you explained, your parents smiled at you “we’re glad you’re home, y/n.”
When the moving company had finished their job, you finally were able to take a moment and breath. You were once again exhausted but still needed to eat dinner, you weren't in the mood to cook, let alone were you willing to dig through all your boxes to find your kitchen utensils. You pulled out your phone and ordered take out, as you waited you unpacked the box with your bed sheets and made your bed sleepable. 
Your house was in a dainty little neighborhood, it was older architecture with beautiful accents and all around wonderful. When the room had been unpacked to your standards, your next battle was to unpack your bathroom. 
The doorbell rang, you quickly made your way towards the door. You tipped the driver and said your thanks closing the door. You were thankful they packed you plastic silverware and dug into the mouth watering food in front of you.
You decided to call it a night after a little more unpacking here and there, but you had tired yourself out and you were ready to go to bed.
You flinched awake at a loud clashing coming from downstairs, you sat up quickly thinking it might just be home alone jitters until the loud crash was heard again. You knew better than to try and investigate the noise so you quietly tiptoed to your bedroom door and locked it, then went into the conjoined bathroom also turning and locking it before hiding in your tub and dialing 911.
“911, what's your emergency?” the voice on the other line asked, “There’s someone in my house.” your shaking voice answered, fear present in your speech, “Okay, and what is your address?” she questioned “4758 garden road.” “Okay, and do you know where this person is located?” she asked for clarification “I think he's in the kitchen” you tried to stay calm but the adrenaline and fear were catching up to you.
The 911 operator stayed on the phone with you until the police arrived and arrested the intruder, you hung up the phone when you heard a knock and an announcement stating it was the police. You hurried to the door, unlocking it and ready to profusely thank the officer who had possibly just saved your life. “Oh thank god, i thought i was going to-” you abruptly paused when you noticed who you were thanking.
“Y/n?” you heard Tim’s voice call your name, you almost thought you were hallucinating out of fear. “Tim?” you replied, all the emotions you were holding in waiting for the cops to show up spewed out. 
“It’s okay, it's okay, you’re safe now” Tim comforted you, your shaking form easily fit into his body. He held onto you, also in shock at seeing your face after so much time had passed, he knew he needed to get a statement from you but he just can't seem to let you go. 
When he had gotten you to calm down, he took you to the precinct to get a statement from you. “So you became a cop” you tried to make small talk, your voice nasally and hoarse from crying. “Yeah, i did” Tim responded, putting paper on a clipboard “when did you come back to town?” he continued as he tried to make you comfortable.
You and Tim went over your written statement, and after that you caught up on life. You talked to him about your time in New York, and he told you about his time spent in the army and how he went on to become a cop.
It had felt natural, like the flame rekindled as if it had never been put out.
Before you left the station Tim slipped you a note and a quick smile before going back to his duties and having another officer drive you home, you read the note “Here’s my number, Call me?”
You felt the same excitement you had the first time you read those words, and still were just as eager to get home and call him.
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tsumuus · 2 months
crushing on you | aces
a/n short headcanons on if the haikyuu aces had a crush on you. not proofread.
characters kotaro bokuto, asahi azumane, hajime iwaizumi, kiyoomi sakusa
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kotaro bokuto
you and bokuto became friends at the start of high school
your similar personalities helped the two of you click
both having positive energys
but he also just loced how kind you were
he realized his feelings for you very quickly
once he did he became even more energetic and enthusiastic
constantly trying to make you laugh and smile
golden retriever boy energy
he gets butterflies whenever he hears your laugh
which is why he constantly tries to do so
he's quite open about his feelings
always including little quips like "youre so cute" "this is why i like you so much" "youre the best" into your conversations
but you can't really tell if thats just how he talks or if he genuinely feels that way about you
he loves to send you random ass reel and tiktoks that he knowns will make you laugh
constant texts that are just updates about his day or what he's seen
like "i was late to class, my teacher was so mad☹️☹️☹️" "saw a squirrel otw to practice today and it lowkey looked like you" "akashi asked why you weren't at practice today and now i'm wondering the same😫"
on the note about visiting him at practice
he always invites you to all his games
he tells you youre his goodluck charm
once he thinks ready to take the next step in your relationship
he first asks akaashi for his opinion
akaashi told him that if he believes that he's ready and that you feel the same, there really shouldn't be anything else in his way
asahi azumane
you and asahi have been friends since middle school
but he probably figured out his feelings for you around second year
he noticed how much he looked forward to your company
and how much his heart fluttered at your smile
he becomes more shy and reserved
which right away made you question what was going on with him
because he hasn't acted like this around you since middle school
but he just gets so flusteredwhen you are around
but he's still so protective over you
"looks like he could kill you, is a cinnamon roll" ew kill me barf gag gross im so sorry🤮
he walks you to school
he enjoys these kind of moments together before the teasing and torment he gets from sugawara and daichi
he just loves to listen to you talk
like just sits and stares at you with starstruck eyes
ugh hes absolutely smitten with you
he keeps his feelings to himself for so long though
like until halfway through your third year of high school
he's tired of the teasing from his friends
so he finally asks them for advice
and they just encourage him to toughen up, be brave, and be honest, and all will go well
hajime iwaizumi
you two have been friends since elementary school/childhood
met because of oikawa
you and oikawa were neighbors and happened to come over when iwaizumi was over
the rest history
he saw you as a friend for the longest time
but EVERYONE could see it was more than that
but he's just like
"is it not normal to get flustered around your friend?"
"to get butterflies when she holds your hand when crossing through a busy street?"
"to get jealous when oikawa or mattsun or makki are getting a little to handsy?"
"to get sad when youre not the first person she goes to after a volleyball game?""
"to be disappointed when youre not the first person you go to vent after a particularly bad day?"
like no iwaizumi, absolutely not
but once he finally does realize he likes you, ooooooh boy
super protective but gets nervous around you hecka now that he knows why those butterflies appear in his stomach
he lowkey gets a little distant
leave him alone he just needs to figure this stuff out on his own
but after a while
he brings up to the other third years after practice that he 'might' have feelings for you
and theyre like "yeah duh"
he's just scared because he's always seen you as just a friend until recently and what if you will just always see him a friend no matter what
kiyoomi sakusa
childhood friends to lovers all the wayyyyyy
dont @ me
he's always known you were more special to him than anyone else
he likes things the way he does, and why should he be ashamed of that?
youre included in that list of "things"
because no matter what you do
you could never push him away from you
fo lifersssss fr
idk why but glue song by beabadoobee is playing in my head as i'm thinking about this
"youve been hiding in plain sight"
anyways moving on
i don't like using the word simp
bit he's your biggest simp
and he doesn't get why everybody else isn't as obsessed with you as he is
he is completely and utterly infatuated with you
but even if he's always known of how he felt for you
he constantly lives in fear as to whether you feel the same or not
he's scared you see him as nothing more than a friend
which he's accepted
but that doesn't mean he doesn't want something more
so i believe no matter how much advice or encouragement he would recieve from others like komori
he wouldn't be the one to confess
so it'd be up to you to move the relationship foward lol
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callmeagardengnome · 14 days
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✉︎ lesson plans ✉︎ | JEONG YUNHO
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pairings ᝰ professor!yunho x teaching assistant! fem! reader
genre ᝰ college/teacher au, romance, SLOWW BURNNN
synopsis ᝰ yunho has been a professor for a decade, known to be strict towards his students. but when you got assigned to him, his professional world is turned upside down, making him break the rules that he set for himself.. maybe he’s getting more attached to you than he thought.
w.c ᝰ 8.7k
c.w ᝰ reader is in her early 20s and yunho is in his 30s, no smut but theres a pretty graphic kissing scene at the end so read at your own discretion
author’s note: idk why but yunho gives me history teacher vibez so don’t question my choices 😭 also make sure to repost!!
not proofread!
other fics
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yunho settled into his usual spot at the desk in his lecture hall, dropping the stack of papers and files to the side. he was early, as always, and he was savouring the peaceful silence before his first class began.
yunho enjoyed his mornings alone. they were quiet, calm, and with the gentle sounds of rain hitting the window, it just tied everything together.
so imagine the shock on his face when he saw you enter.
at first, he thought you were just a random student that was ridiculously early for an 8 a.m. class. but then, he realised that you were way too happy to be a college student.
yunho’s eyes narrowed slightly as he looked at you: two cups of coffee in hand, one iced, one hot, and you also had a lanyard hanging around your neck.
you weren’t a student, you were a staff - and you were heading towards him instead of the rows of empty seats across the room.
“good morning!” you chirped, your voice more joyful than anything he’s ever heard in his years working at the college. “professor jeong, right? i’m your new teaching assistant.”
yunho blinked, your words catching him off guard. “teaching assistant?” he repeated in disbelief.
“mhm,” you replied, still smiling widely. “i’m ‘____’, the dean assigned me to you. i’m here to help you with whatever you need.”
yunho stared at you in confusion. hongjoong didn’t mention anything about this to him - and yunho knew that hongjoong didn’t easily forget things, especially when it involved a seasoned teacher like himself.
“i brought you coffee,” you said, holding out the cups in your hand. “the dean told me what you liked, but i wasn’t sure if you wanted it iced or hot.”
yunho stared at the cups, hesitating. “you don’t need to do that,” he sighed, accepting the hot coffee anyway.
“i know,” you shrugged, taking a sip from the iced drink. “but i want to make a good impression.”
yunho chugged the coffee, ignoring the way it burned his tongue. this was definitely going to change things. he wasn’t used to working with others - and certainly not with someone so… cheery.
this was not how he imagined the semester starting.
he tossed the cup into the bin under his table before picking up his papers. “let’s see how this works out. the students will arrive soon.”
you nodded eagerly, stepping back to give him space but staying close enough to observe him.
you graduated college early, earning your degree in education. you wanted to become a teacher, but before you could lead a classroom of your own, you needed experience - which is how you ended up here, assigned to the famously strict professor jeong.
the students began to walk in, their whispers filling the hall as they glanced in your direction. you offered a polite smile to those you made eye contact with, trying to calm both their nerves and yours. you had heard stories about yunho’s ‘no-nonsense’ approach to teaching, and now, you were about to witness it first hand.
once the room was nearly full, he cleared his throat, grabbing the attention of the students.
“morning,” yunho began, his deep voice echoing through the hall. “before we start today’s lecture, meet miss ‘____’, our new teaching assistant.”
you stepped forward, giving a small wave. “hi everyone,” you greeted, trying to sound confident. “i’m here to assist professor jeong. if any of you have questions or need help, feel free to come to me-“
“-during office hours,” yunho emphasised, interrupting you. “treat her with the same respect you would show me.”
his words made a few students sit up straighter. you couldn’t help but feel impressed with how he managed the class. it was clear that many students respected him, and yunho knew that.
but as the lecture progressed, something.. unusual happened. normally, he would be the only one speaking in the hall. however, an unfamiliar voice spoke up, stopping yunho’s lecture.
“excuse me,” a student hesitantly raised their hand, catching the attention of both you and yunho.
he paused - this has never happened before.
“uh- miss ‘____’, could you clarify what professor jeong meant by that last point…?”
without thinking, you smiled and responded, “he’s referring to the impact that the treaty of versailles had. it actually led to-“
“-that’s enough,” yunho’s voice cutting your explanation short like a knife.
rule number one: only allow questions during office hours.
yunho had rules that he set for himself, one that he followed to a tee. he didn’t like it when people disrespected or judged his rules, he saw that behaviour as was ‘uncivilised’ and ‘caveman-like’. and yet, the student completely ignored this, addressing the question to you instead of their own professor.
you felt your heart beating rapidly as he glared at you, his eyes darkening with irritation. “class,” he continued, turning to his students with a face filled with frustration. “i’m the one teaching. if you have questions, direct them to me during office hours instead of disrupting the lecture.”
the room fell silent in a way you didn’t think was possible. yunho’s stern gaze swept across the room, ensuring that his point was made. when no one dared to challenge him, he returned back to his lecture as if nothing happened.
you tried to fade into the background, mentally kicking yourself for overstepping. you decided to keep your head down for the rest of the lecture, trying to focus on what he was teaching. the last thing you wanted was for yunho to be even more angry at you. so you waited patiently, glancing at the clock every few minutes to see when class would end.
when it finally did, the students quickly gathered their things and dashed out of the room as yunho stayed behind at his desk, organising his notes.
“miss ‘____’,” yunho spoke up. “a word.”
you took in a deep breath before walking over to his desk, your words falling out of your mouth. “professor jeong, i’m so sorry about earlier-”
“-you’re here to assist me, not take over my lecture,” yunho responded, keeping his eyes on the papers. “there’s a reason why i ask students to save questions for office hours. it keeps the class on track and ensures that everyone receives the same information.”
“i understand,” you said quickly. “it won’t happen again.”
yunho sighed, picking up his bag. he didn’t say anything else. he simply walked out of the hall, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
“hongjoong better have a good explanation for this,” he muttered under his breath.
✎ᝰ✐જ⁀➴ ✎ᝰ✐જ⁀➴
“what do you mean, ‘i need help’?” yunho scoffed, arms crossed as he sat in the dean’s office.
hongjoong leaned back in his chair. “yunho, your classes may have the highest grades, but they also have the highest dropout rate.”
“so? i have standards,” yunho shot back, feeling defensive. “my classes are not for the weak.”
“it’s the first day and four students already requested to drop your class,” hongjoong replied, sighing as he fidgeted with a pen. “you’re a brilliant man, yunho. but sometimes encouragement works better than a plain lecture. maybe your TA can help with that.”
rule number two: always be self-sufficient. never accept help from anyone, for anything.
“i work alone,” yunho retorted, his pride irked by the suggestion. “i have a system that works fine- you said it yourself, my students get good grades.”
hongjoong leaned forward, looming over yunho slightly as his voice became more serious. “this isn’t about you. this is about the students and teaching them. you’re not supposed to drain their love for the course because of your ego.”
hongjoong sighed, sitting back down on his chair. “‘____’ has a degree. she likes teaching and loves history as much as you do. all she needs is experience- which i hope she can get as long as you give her a chance.”
yunho remained silent, his jaw clenched as he processed hongjoong’s words. he wasn’t used to being criticised, especially on his teaching methods. though, deep down, he knew that there was some truths to what hongjoong was saying.
but admitting that was another thing.
“look,” hongjoong continued. “see what she brings to the table. if it doesn’t work out, we’ll assign her to someone else.”
yunho let out a deep breath, his shoulders relaxing slightly. as much as he didn’t want someone invading his space, he knew better than to argue with his boss. “fine,” he said through his teeth.
✎ᝰ✐જ⁀➴ ✎ᝰ✐જ⁀➴
the next day, you arrived at the lecture hall early. yunho was there, as you expected, and he was seated at his desk with his usual stack of papers.
“good morning, professor jeong,” you greeted him with a smile, placing a cup of hot coffee on his desk.
you noticed that his posture stiffened slightly before relaxing once he saw that you weren’t a student. “morning,” he said, clearing his throat as he drank the cup of coffee you got for him.
you took a seat near him, watching as he continued to shuffle through his papers, completely focused on his work. the sounds of paper crinkling and pen scribbling filled the room as you tried to gather your thoughts.
you knew that yunho was a phenomenal teacher, but when you talked to his students, they didn’t have the same opinion. initially, it shocked you - but after you sat in on his classes, you could see why.
sure, his lectures were informative, but they were also robotic. his classes felt more like a chore than something to look forward to.
both you and hongjoong wanted to change that, to make students more excited to attend his lectures. so, you decided to go for it, bracing yourself for any reaction he might have.
“professor jeong,” you spoke up, making him pause, his pen hovering over the paper.
“i’ve been thinking about ways to make the lectures more.. engaging for students,” you said slowly, trying to read his thoughts.
he scoffed, returning back to what he was doing before. “my lectures are fine.”
“they are,” you shifted closer to him. “but many students aren’t.. motivated to go for them. if we introduced group discussions or case studies.. they might be more interested in the class.”
yunho’s looked at you, his gaze sharp as the room growing quieter as you waited for his response. finally, he set his pen down and crossed his arms. “you think it’s helpful?”
you took a deep breath as you nodded. “it would make students more involved.”
yunho’s glare remained on you, and you could see the cogs turning in his head. he was skeptical, but at least he was listening to your words.
“we can start small,” you added on quickly, sensing his hesitation.
he sighed, running his fingers through his hair. he turned back to his desk, gathering the notes and stationary scattered across the table. “one lecture,” he agreed reluctantly. “but if it doesn’t go well, we drop it immediately. understood?”
in the next class, you could see students warming up to the discussions - with some that were usually asleep becoming more awake to contribute to the conversation. to your relief, they were more engaged, asking questions and even debating amongst themselves.
yunho, however, reacted rather.. weirdly. his eyes darted around the room and his foot began to tap against the floor repeatedly during discussion time. you could tell that he was uncomfortable with the change, even if the students were enjoyed it.
after the lecture ended, the students were still excitedly chatting about the lecture, sharing notes as they walked out. you stayed behind, packing your things when yunho finally spoke.
“the students were more.. lively today,” he said stiffly.
you nodded, trying to gauge his reaction. “yeah, i think the discussion helped them understand the material..”
yunho’s eyes narrowed slightly. “let’s see how long it lasts,” he muttered, clearly not pleased by the outcome.
days passed, and you made it a point to arrive early each morning with a hot cup of coffee for yunho. it became a small routine between the two of you - something that you hoped made him less upset than he already was.
the students were noticeably more attentive during the lectures, and you could see some students taking down notes with more focus.
but after a week, yunho’s reaction was far from what you expected. instead of feeling pleased with the student’s progress, he was irritated by it. he dismissed the class with a sharp tone as he slumped onto his seat, sighing deeply.
you approached him carefully. “professor jeong, are you okay? the students were very attentive..”
yunho didn’t look up, and you could see his jaw clenching tightly. “they were,” he said, voice low. “more than they’ve ever been before.”
you frowned, confused by his strange reaction. “isn’t that a good thing-“
“-it is,” yunho’s eyes locked onto yours with an intensity that made you step back. “but it shouldn’t have taken a change in my methods to get them there.”
for years, yunho’s approach had produced many excellent students. but after a while, his approach was seen as more ‘dictator-ish’ and it made students stray away from his classes as a whole.
your methods made yunho frustrated - it was basically an insult to his entire career. the fact that his teaching methods weren’t enough anymore left a weird feeling in his stomach.
“you’re a good professor,” you said, taking a seat next to him. “and your teaching style has worked for many students..”
you took a deep breath, trying to think of how to continue your sentence. “but education is evolving, and so are the ways students learn.”
he sighed, “i’m not changing.”
“you don’t have to, but your students are,” you said. “they need something different, not because your teaching is bad- but because they’re different.”
yunho’s fingers drummed on the desk in an unorganised beat. when he finally spoke, his voice was quieter, “we’ll continue with your methods.”
“…really?” you exclaimed, unable to hide the excitement and surprise you felt hearing his words.
“i’ll be open to considering some of your other ideas,” he said, packing up the notes on his desk. “but this is their final year. anything drastic is out of the picture.”
you stood up, jumping with joy. “of course, i understand. we can make small adjustments, nothing crazy.”
yunho pushed his chair back, keeping a firm grip on the files in his hands. “if things go wrong, our students grades are at risk.”
you shook your head, smiling uncontrollably, “don’t worry, i wouldn’t dream of that happening.”
✎ᝰ✐જ⁀➴ ✎ᝰ✐જ⁀➴
“so? who’s the hottie in your class?” wooyoung asked as he popped another chip into his mouth with a wide grin.
yunho looked at his fellow professor in disgust, trying to forget that he even asked the question.
at that point, you had been working with yunho for about a month, making tiny improvements to each lecture. because of how new you were, you didn’t know any other staff member, making your interactions limited to yunho and hongjoong.
so now, yunho found himself trapped in an awkward conversation with his other professors during his lunch break, and it was about you of all people.
“yeah.. i was wondering that too,” mingi said, his voice muffled by the mouthful of food he was chewing. “how’d you get a pretty girl to get you coffee every morning?”
“she’s my TA,” yunho sighed heavily, poking his lunch with a fork. “hongjoong assigned her to me because of my dropout rate.”
“i would say ‘that’s tough’, but i’m actually jealous,” wooyoung chuckled before he took a large chug from his soda. “he’s basically giving you a girlfriend.”
“knock it off, she’s young enough to be a student,” yunho warned, pointing the fork at his two friends.
mingi swallowed a large bite in his mouth, leaning back with a satisfied sigh. “so she’s in her twenties, right? that’s not far from us.”
“exactly, we’re not ancient like you, yunho.” wooyoung added.
yunho rolled his eyes, brushing off the ‘you’re old’ comment from wooyoung. “she’s here to do a job, not date.”
mingi raised an eyebrow. “i thought you were looking for someone?”
“someone that doesn’t work in my workplace,” yunho snapped before finally taking a bite out of his food.
“aren’t you at the very least interested?” wooyoung pressed with a hint of teasing in his voice. yunho shot him an immediate glare, the grip on his fork tightening ever so slightly.
“come on,” wooyoung continued, unbothered by yunho’s reaction. “she’s smart, she’s pretty and she’s friendly. i always see your students always hanging around her.”
yunho paused. “what do you mean, ‘hanging around her’?”
“oh yeahh i saw that,” mingi added with a nod. “they were all approaching her with notes and stuff.. they seem to like her- especially the guy students.”
“they’re just asking questions, even though it isn’t office hours yet,” yunho grumbled out the last part of his sentence.
“maybe,” wooyoung shrugged with a smirk. “but i’ve seen the way they look at her. can’t blame them though- hell, i might shoot my shot.”
yunho set his fork back down on the table, no longer interested in his food. how were you already more likeable than him?
in your one month working here, you already caught the attention of his friends and students alike. the thought of his own students paying more attention to you than his lectures worried him, greatly.
he spent years, many years, building a reputation of a strict but effective professor. and now, it felt like all the control he had was slipping away, one lecture at a time.
“dude- don’t you have a girlfriend?” mingi turned to wooyoung in concern.
“we’re on our tenth break up right now,” wooyoung snorted. “it’s barely a relationship.”
wooyoung reached for another chip. “but this isn’t about me,” he continued as he chewed. “it’s about the fossil over there who needs to get laid.”
yunho shot wooyoung a sharp look. “don’t joke about things like that,” he said. “she’s my TA.. that my students like more for some reason.”
mingi and wooyoung exchanged glances, realising that they may have hit a nerve. “sorry about that, we’re just messing with you..” wooyoung cleared his throat.
“but seriously yunho, you might be overthinking this,” mingi said as he shifted in his chair. “she’s new, and people are curious. it’s natural that they’re more interested in her.”
“interested?” yunho repeated, sounding more frustrated. “i’ve been teaching these kids for months, and suddenly they’re more interested in what she has to say?”
“it makes sense,” wooyoung shrugged as he dug through the potato chip bag for crumbs. “don’t get me wrong, you’re a great professor- but maybe they want something new.”
yunho sighed, twirling the plastic fork in his hand. “i’ve spent years perfecting my lectures, they don’t need anything else.”
“you know how students are- they’re always looking for the next shiny thing. but i’m sure they still respect you,” mingi said, wiping his hands on his pants.
wooyoung nodded, crumpling the empty chip bag. “she’s bringing more attention to your classes- for free. you’re getting more benefits than she is.”
yunho stayed silent. the idea of his students being more intrigued by someone younger and less experienced ate him alive. it wasn’t just about the lectures anymore, it was about his pride.
mingi leaned forward, his face more serious than before. “you’re still the one in charge, yunho. she’s just helping out. and so far, you’re students are doing better right?”
yunho sighed, picking up his fork again. “they are,” he nodded reluctantly. “but i feel like it’s because of her instead of anything i’ve ever done.”
“maybe it’s both,” wooyoung reassured him with a pat on the back. “she’s good at what she does and so are you.“
mingi stood up, picking up the trash that was left on the table. “you guys work well together. just accept it.”
✎ᝰ✐જ⁀➴ ✎ᝰ✐જ⁀➴
another month went by and the lectures yunho held felt more lively than usual. he simply watched the discussions from the sidelines, not participating in them, feeling uncomfortable yet satisfied with the change.
he wouldn’t consider you as a ‘friend’, but he had to admit that your presence was welcoming - especially with all the coffees that you bought for him.
yunho’s last lecture wrapped up later than usual. he was supposed to carpool with mingi and wooyoung, but they left after their classes ended hours ago, assuming that he had other ways to get home. so now, he stood outside the eerily quiet college building, trying to find an uber.
when he looked around, he saw you, walking briskly towards the motorcycle rack nearby. your helmet dangled freely from your hand and your face was still energised despite it being a long day.
you noticed him standing alone, and you made your way over to him, your face lighting up with a smile. “waiting for someone?” you asked as you fastened your helmet.
yunho pocketed his phone, sighing. “was supposed to carpool with my friends but they left. i’m calling for an uber.”
you nodded slowly, looking around at the building. you tilted your head towards your motorcycle. “i can give you a ride, you know?”
yunho blinked. he eyed the bike that was parked a few metres away from you.
rule number three: never get involved with anyone at your workplace.
“that’s.. not necessary.”
you shrugged. “i’ve got an extra helmet. it’s not a problem, really.”
yunho hesitated - he wasn’t sure he felt about going with you, let alone riding a motorcycle. he’s never done it before, but then again, when would he ever?
“alright,” yunho eventually gave in, nodding. “but only because i don’t feel like waiting for an uber.”
you grinned, walking him to your bike. “you’re going to love it.”
yunho clung awkwardly to the back of the motorcycle, his hands gripping the edge of the seats as you rode through the streets. the cool breeze rushed against his face, a feeling that he’s never experienced before.
he didn’t know how to feel about being this close to you, but there was something about the moment that felt oddly.. right.
while yunho was locked on maintaining a professional distance with you, he also had to acknowledge how patient you were with him.
from week one, you didn’t falter when he scolded you or when he seemed dismissive of his ideas. most people would have been upset, or even offended by his attitude - but you only took his critiques with a smile, eager to learn and eager to help.
he wasn’t used to that.
it didn’t make sense how someone like you could exist. how can you, knowing his personality, make an effort to get him coffee day after day, and willingly sit in on his classes lecture after lecture? he never asked for any of this, but he certainly wouldn’t ask you to stop.
you slowed as you reached a stoplight, glancing over your shoulder briefly. “doing alright back there, professor?”
yunho coughed, startled as your voice pulled him out of his thoughts. “yeah, i’m fine,” he replied, his voice rougher than usual.
“mind if we stop by a gas station? i need to fill up my bike,” you asked.
“go ahead.”
after a few minutes, you pulled into a gas station, parking the bike by the pump.
you hopped off first, smoothly removing your helmet as you shook your hair. yunho remained seated, not fully trusting himself to get off the bike yet.
as you began to fill up the tank, yunho’s mind was running in circles. you had every right to be angry at him, to ignore him, to complain about his behaviour and yet - you still decided to treat him with kindness. why?
“i’m going to grab a drink,” you said as you pointed towards the convenience store. “you want anything?”
yunho shook his head, not wanting to burden you. you finally finished topping up the gas and made your way over to the store, allowing yunho to let out a small sigh. this was all so new to him. not just the motorcycle, but the way you handled everything with grace, including him.
a few minutes later, you returned, holding a small bag of potato chips and a drink. “sorry for the wait,” you said, smiling as you handed him the chips. “here, i got you these- they’re my favourite.”
yunho blinked at the gesture, looking down at the bag of chips you handed him. to his surprise, they were one of his favourites too. he hadn’t had them in a long time and he was way too busy to get them, but seeing them now felt somewhat nostalgic.
“you didn’t have too..” he said softly.
“i wanted to,” you replied with a grin. “i figured you’d be hungry after a long day.”
yunho opened the bag, reaching in and chewed on the chips slowly, savouring the familiar taste. it was something he never realised he missed, and there you were, sipping on your drink, oblivious to the impact your actions had on him.
“thanks,” yunho said as he glanced down at the snack.
“no problem,” you said, wiping your hands on your pants before hopping back onto your bike. “ready to go?”
yunho nodded, and this time, he held on a little less awkwardly. instead of keeping his eyes on the street, he found himself staring at you, unable to look away.
little did he know, that wouldn’t be the last time.
when you pulled up in front of his building, yunho reluctantly let go of the seat, feeling somewhat strange. you pulled back your visor and smiled at him.
“thanks for the ride,” yunho said as he stood next to the bike. “and the snack.”
“no problem at all,” you said with a wink. “see you on monday, professor jeong!” and with that, you sped off into the night, leaving yunho alone, watching you disappear down the street.
as yunho entered his apartment, he couldn’t help but think that things were about to change a lot more than he realised.
and he didn’t mind it as much as he thought.
✎ᝰ✐જ⁀➴ ✎ᝰ✐જ⁀➴
monday morning arrived sooner than he expected. the lecture hall was filling up with students, their voices and footsteps bouncing of the walls. but something was off.
you’ve never been late.
yunho tapped his pen against the stack of papers in front of him, trying to focus on the lesson plan, but his mind kept wandering back to your lack of presence. where were you?
he didn’t know why it bothered him so much. after all, you were an adult - independent and responsible. you didn’t need to be early every single day, but still, it left a weird feeling in his stomach.
when the lecture hall was nearly full, the door creaked open. yunho looked up, relief washing over him once he saw that you were okay - but then he realised who you were with.
you walked in, laughing, with wooyoung to your side, who was just as amused by whatever you two were talking about. the sight of wooyoung standing so close to you with that cocky grin on his face made yunho’s chest tighten.
you hurried over to yunho’s desk, handing him his usual coffee. “sorry i’m late, professor,” you said, still laughing from your conversation with wooyoung. “i just met professor jung at the coffee shop, we ended up talking longer than we thought.”
wooyoung leaned casually against the wall, raising an eyebrow. “hey, yunho. we were having such a great time that i decided to walk her here.”
yunho forced a smile, accepting the coffee from you. “i see,” he replied, turning to you. “thank you for the coffee.”
you shook your head. “you should be thanking him,” you said as you pointed at wooyoung. “he paid for both of our drinks.”
“that’s..” yunho’s eyes shifted to the other professor, who seemed to be enjoying the interaction a little too much. “that’s very generous, wooyoung.”
wooyoung shrugged. “what can i say, i’m a nice guy,” he winked at you, making yunho fight the urge to roll his eyes.
yunho placed his coffee cup on his desk, shifting his items so that you could organise yours. “you know,” he began, trying to sound casual. “if you like getting coffee in the morning, we can go together. that way, you wouldn’t have to go alone.”
wooyoung’s eyes widened, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. he said nothing, but yunho knew that he was holding in a teasing remark.
you, however, looked pleasantly surprised. “oh- that’s really sweet,” you said with a smile on your face. “i’d like that, i didn’t realise how fun it was to talk to someone in the morning.”
yunho nodded. “yes, and it’d also be more convenient for the both of us.”
“convenient?” wooyoung raised an eyebrow, trying to hold in a laugh. “you’re just full of surprises, professor jeong.”
yunho glared at him, but before he could say anything, he noticed that most of his students were settling down, signalling the start of class.
“i guess i should go,” wooyoung said before leaning closer to yunho, whispering into his ear. “have fun on your coffee date.”
✎ᝰ✐જ⁀➴ ✎ᝰ✐જ⁀➴
mornings now started with you and yunho meeting at the campus cafe before heading to class together. at first, it felt odd - after all, he was technically your boss. but as the days passed, you found yourself looking forward to the moments you shared while waiting for your coffee.
you smiled to yourself as you stood next to yunho, the scent of coffee wafting in the air. you genuinely liked his company - he was always listening to you, focused on what you had to say, no matter how small it was.
“so, have you finished grading last week’s paper?” you asked, glancing at him as you waited for your order.
yunho shook his head. “almost. some of the essays were good, but a few of them were..” he trailed off, letting out a sigh. “not up to standard.”
you laughed softly. “maybe i can help you get through the rest. i’ve been getting better at grading, right?”
he turned to you, a small smile tugging at his lips. “you’ve been doing well,” he said. “but you’re a little generous with marks.”
the barista called out your order, and you instinctively reached for your bag, ready to pay - but yunho beat you to it, handing over his card before you could say anything.
“hey,” you raised an eyebrow. “i was supposed to pay this time.”
“not today,” he replied, tapping his card on the card reader, waiting for it to process.
you crossed your arms as you leaned against the counter. “you don’t have to keep paying every morning.”
“it’s only fair, you used to pay for most of my drinks,” yunho glanced at you, holding out your coffee cup. “and you’re assigned to me. just consider it a part of my duties.”
“mhm, sure,” you muttered as you took a sip from your drink. “but i’m paying next time.”
much to yunho’s embarrassment, wooyoung or mingi would ‘accidentally’ bump into the two of you during some of your coffee runs. they would usually just tag along for the free coffee, but not without making fun of you and yunho’s ‘coffee dates’.
the both of you brushed off their comments, though, you could see yunho’s subtle discomfort whenever they dropped the word ‘date’ - and it didn’t help that wooyoung always had a grin on his face whenever he showed up at the cafe.
one morning, you and yunho were on your usual coffee run when wooyoung strolled in, a big smile on his face.
“it’s my favourite power couple,” he teased as he slid next to you at the counter. “don’t mind if i join.”
yunho sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. “you need to stop taking the coffees that i pay for.”
“but i want to hang out with you guys,” wooyoung grinned, ignoring what yunho said. wooyoung then leaned into the professor, whispering loud enough for yunho to hear.
“and i also can’t help but notice that you’ve been glowing nowadays. is it the coffee or the company?”
rule number four: never go for someone out of your league.
there was a significant gap between the two of you. not just in age, but in life experience.
you were in your twenties, full of energy and still figuring things out. meanwhile, yunho was well into his thirties, in a career he’d basically dedicated his life to.
you had so much life ahead of you, and yunho couldn’t be the one to hold you back.
he was constantly thinking about this, even though you didn’t seem to care. you never once treated him differently because of his age - you talked to him normally, laughing at his lame, dry jokes and sometimes, you leaned in a little closer than one would when you asked him questions about a paper.
while he knew he shouldn’t let it get to him, every glance and moment between the two of you only reminded him of how easy you were to be around.
was it even professional anymore? yunho was starting to painfully realise of how much he enjoyed your company, in and outside of classes. gosh.. how lonely is he?
“you’ve got really good handwriting,” you spoke, breaking him out of his thoughts. “it’s neat and precise, i bet your students are glad when they see your comments.”
yunho blinked, remembering where he was. you and yunho were in his office, grading mock papers like you had been for the past few weeks. yunho sat at his desk as you occupied the chair in front of him, glancing over the essays.
“really?” yunho cleared his throat. “most students think i’m too harsh.”
you grinned, leaning forward slightly as you picked up another stack of papers. “that’s because they don’t know how much worse it could be,” you said, your eyes briefly meeting his. “you’re more lenient than they think.”
“can’t have them dropping out, can i?” yunho replied with a sigh. “but you seem to be getting the hang of it.”
you shrugged, picking up your pen as you scanned the paper. “i try, but working with you made me realise how much more i need to work on. you’re really good at this.”
yunho’s grip on his pen loosened as he took in your words. he’s heard countless of praises from his friends, coworkers and even his boss - but hearing it from you felt…different.
“thanks..” he muttered, pretending to focus on the next paper.
to be completely honest, yunho was starting to get distracted by you, noticing the random things you did - how you sat, how you tucked your hair behind your ear whenever you read an essay that was poorly done, and how your fingers tapped the edge of the table after you finished marking a paper.
and how could he forget the most important thing - your smile. yunho hated how he liked it, and how such a simple action made his day ten times better.
you soon realised that he was watching you, but you didn’t say anything, trying to stop yourself from smiling. you may not have known it yet, but you were slowly finding the one and only professor jeong attractive - and not just physically.
for most of your life, you were always the one carrying the conversation, always the one asking questions just so that things wouldn’t be awkward. but with yunho? he actually made an effort.
every morning, he’d ask about your day, how the other professors have been treating you and what movies you’ve been watching recently. and when you talked, he listened - really listened.
“how’s your bike? didn’t you pop a tire recently?” yunho asked, flipping through an essay.
you blinked, caught off guard. “oh- you remembered that?”
yunho twirled the pen in his fingers, looking slightly confused. “of course, you were stressed about it.”
“i was,” you chuckled softly, shifting in your seat. “but i’m getting it fixed now. thanks for asking.”
yunho nodded, his attention returning to the paper in front of him. as the evening went on, the two of you continued to mark papers, the office filled with the sounds of writing and the occasional talk about a student’s essay. it wasn’t until you glanced out of the window that you realised how late it got.
“oh shoot- it’s already dark,” you muttered, gathering your things. “i should probably head out.”
“do you need a ride?” yunho asked as he looked at the clock. “your bike is in the shop, right? you shouldn’t be going home alone at this time.”
you hesitated for a moment. your bike had been stuck in the repair shop for longer than you’d like, and you had gotten used to going home by yourself. but the thought of taking the bus home alone this late made yunho’s offer pretty appealing.
“actually- that would be really helpful,” you said, giving him a grateful smile. “thanks.”
the ride home started like any other - with you settling into the plush seats and yunho giving you free reign of the music. he glanced over at you, looking at how you watched the streets pass by.
“how long has your bike been repairing?” yunho asked as he pulled up to a red light.
you sighed heavily, running your fingers through your hair. “for about a week. i don’t know what’s taking them so long.”
“you’ve been taking the bus for a week?” yunho looked at you with wide eyes. “you should have asked me for help..”
“i didn’t want to wait for your office hours,” you smirked, tilting your head. “plus, taking the bus isn’t bad, it’s just less convenient than having my own bike.”
“you know what i meant,” yunho gave you a look before flicking the turn signal. “next time, don’t be shy to ask for help. my door is always open for you.”
you ignored the butterflies in your stomach when you heard the words ‘for you’, choosing to focus on the music playing instead of being delusional.
“good to know..” you mumbled as you started to pick at the fabric of your pants.
as the car drove to the front of your building, you took a deep breath, glad to be home. yunho parked the car, passing you your bag from the back seat.
“good night, professor jeong,” you said with a warm smile as you stepped out of the car. “thanks for driving me back.”
“no problem,” he replied, though, his face looked like he wanted to say more. he paused, giving you a final wave before finally saying, “call me yunho.”
✎ᝰ✐જ⁀➴ ✎ᝰ✐જ⁀➴
“alright, is everyone here?” hongjoong asked as he looked around the room, clipboard in hand.
it had been almost a year since you’ve joined, and in that time, you’ve become somewhat of a staff favourite, with everyone wanting to include you in everything - from staff hangouts to work dinners.
and now, you’ve been involved in important staff meetings such as the one you were waiting for. yunho entered the room, sitting down next to you as he flipped through his notebook.
“there’s a big event coming up,” hongjoong began once he saw that everyone had settled down. “the annual college fundraiser. as always, your presence is encouraged. this is a great opportunity to bring students and faculty together while supporting a cause.”
there were a few groans from around the room, and you noticed yunho sighing quietly beside you. he leaned over, his voice low so only you could hear, “i don’t see the point of these events. they never change anything.”
you looked at him, raising an eyebrow. “you don’t want to go?”
yunho shook his head. “it’s the same thing every year. students show up and we awkwardly talk as if we don’t want to go home. the only thing it does is take up a saturday.”
“i don’t know..” you said, leaning back into the chair. “i think it sounds fun. it’s a nice break from the lectures we’ve been having.”
yunho gave you a glance, a small smile pulling on his lips. “of course you would say that. you’re always so optimistic.”
“and you’re always so negative,” you chuckled softly. “besides, it’s a good cause, i’m sure some students enjoy it. maybe this year is different.”
yunho scoffed. “i’ve been to plenty of these, they’re all the same.”
you looked around the room, seeing how the other professors and staff were talking about the fundraiser, some more excited than others. “well, i’m definitely going,” you said, crossing your arms.
yunho paused, his eyes meeting yours. he really wanted to skip this year’s fundraiser - he’s been attending way too many times, and with the chance of mingi and wooyoung not attending, he would have no one to talk to. but now that you were going, you were seriously making him reconsider his opinion on participating.
“if you’re really want to go,” yunho muttered, turning away. “i guess i’ll give it another shot.”
hongjoong continued to talk about the fundraiser details, but your attention was now focused on yunho, who had shifted closer to you.
maybe the event wouldn’t be so bad after all.
✎ᝰ✐જ⁀➴ ✎ᝰ✐જ⁀➴
you rummaged through your closet, trying to find something that was ‘formal’ for the fundraiser, but nothing felt right.
sure, you wanted to look nice for the fundraiser, but you also wanted to feel confident, making you more picky than you usually were. you tossed aside a few dresses that weren’t cutting it, which eventually started to pile up in the corner of your room.
but then, a miracle happened. you pulled out a silk black gown, one that you completely forgot about. the dress was simple, but incredibly flattering - hugging your curves in all the right places. as you slipped into it, you looked at yourself in the mirror, admiring how it showed your figure, the neckline highlighting your collarbone.
this could work. you twirled, the fabric waving and shining under the light. it fit perfect.
you decided to pair it with subtle accessories, not wanting to overwhelm the dress. you put on makeup that brought out your eyes and a perfume that made you smell heavenly. once you were ready, you glanced at the clock, rushing out of the house when you realised that the fundraiser was starting soon.
by the time you arrived at the venue, the room was filled with soft classical music. students, professors and staff were spread across the room, everyone dressed in their best. the hall was beautifully decorated, with chandeliers hanging from the ceiling.
you stepped inside, your heels clicking softly against the marble floor as you looked around the room for a familiar face.
and then, you spotted yunho.
he was standing alone near a pillar, looking ridiculously handsome as he wore a black tuxedo that fit him like a glove. his hair was neatly styled, and his usual glasses that sat on his face tied the whole outfit together. for a moment, you couldn’t help but stare. he looked good, really good.
yunho put his phone away, glancing around. when his eyes finally landed on you, his breath got caught in his throat. the dress you wore was stunning, accentuating your figure in a way that made his heart skip a beat.
you looked drop-dead gorgeous, and yunho found himself at a loss of words. he always knew that you were beautiful, but seeing you in that dress made it impossible for him to focus on anything else.
when you approached him, yunho cleared his throat, feeling a little dazed. “you..” he coughed out, his eyes studying you, taking in every detail. “you look incredible.”
you chuckled, feeling your cheeks turning pink as you heard his compliment. “thank you,” you replied, feeling a flutter in your chest as your eyes traced the sharp lines of his tux. “you look handsome yourself.”
the fundraiser carried on. small groups of people talked and laughed by the elegant tables that were draped with white linen. student volunteers went between tables, offering food and drinks to guests.
as the night grew, you mingled with other professors and students, talking about event and other things that happened around campus - with yunho sticking to you the entire time.
of course, he wasn’t in the mood for small talk, so he remained silent for most of the night, but not without sneaking many glances at you.
eventually, the event came to an end. guests started to leave, the sounds of music playing turned into sounds of people gathering their things and heading out.
yunho exhaled deeply, checking his watch. “finally, it’s over,” he said, clearly ready to go home. “we should get moving.”
you shook your head, looking around at the volunteers that were beginning to clean up. “actually, i was thinking of staying to help clean up a bit. they could use an extra hand.”
yunho paused, then frowned slightly. “really..?”
“mhm, it’ll only take a while,” you replied. “you don’t have to stay though. i know you’re tired.”
yunho hesitated, his eyes softening as he looked at you. he let out a short sigh then shrugged. “no, i’ll stay.”
your eyes widened in surprise as you shook your head. “don’t push yourself.. you shouldn’t do something you don’t want to do. you can go home, i won’t be mad.”
“i want to help,” yunho reassured you, picking up a few plates. “and you said that it’ll only take a while. it wouldn’t hurt to help out.”
you blinked a couple of times before moving to help him. “thanks..” you said softly.
together, you helped the volunteers stack chairs and clear tables. it didn’t take long, and soon enough, the large hall was nearly empty, with a few guests and staff left behind.
as you carried the last of the chairs to the side of the room, you noticed a small, secluded garden area just beyond the glass doors of the hall. the moonlight shined gently on the flowers and vines that framed a cozy bench.
you nudged yunho, tilting your head towards the doors. “want to check it out before we leave?”
yunho looked through the doors, just as interested as you. “sure,” he nodded.
the two of you stepped outside, the cool evening air wrapping you as you strolled around the garden. you sat down on the bench, yunho joining you a second later, and the two of you took in the smell of flowers.
it was quiet out here - the gentle sounds of leaves rustling and distant cars driving made it feel like the world slowed down for the two of you.
for a while, neither of you spoke. yunho leaned back, resting his arm along the back of the bench.
“thanks for staying,” you said softly as you turned to look at him. “i know that these events aren’t your thing.”
“it’s wasn’t so bad,” yunho gave a small smile, his eyes never leaving yours. “it got better with you.”
a wide smile spread across your face, a feeling of warmth creeping up from your neck.
yunho’s hand, slowly moved closer to you, his fingers grazing the back of your shoulder. he hesitated for a moment, his eyes shifting to your lips as he debated the thoughts in his head.
“are you okay, professor?” you asked, tilting your head.
rule number five: if you ever encounter a dilemma, run away; never face it.
yunho nodded, swallowing the lump in his throat. “…i’m alright.”
you turned your body to face him completely. “are you sure?”
yunho took a deep breath, unable to look away from you. “i don’t know if i should tell you,” he said quietly.
“…if it’s bothering you so much, i think you should tell me.”
“i..” yunho ran a hand through his hair. he started to fidget with the sleeves of his tux, trying his best to arrange his words.
“..i like you, a lot. for a while now, actually,” he paused, his gaze moving to the ground. “but i didn’t want to tell you because.. you deserve someone better- someone younger.”
your heart clenched as you heard his words. you placed your hand on his. “you don’t really think that, do you..?”
“why wouldn’t i?” yunho asked, his voice rougher than usual. “i’m a lot older than you, ‘____’. you shouldn’t settle for me- you deserve to live out your twenties and date whoever you want.”
you blinked, leaning closer to him. “but what if i want you?” you asked. “i don’t care about things like that.”
his eyes widened, clearly taken aback by your words. “are.. are you serious?” he stuttered in surprise, the scent of your perfume taking over his senses.
“of course,” you nodded firmly, leaning in a little closer. “i’m very serious,” you reached up and grabbed his tie, gently pulling him towards you. “i want you, and you shouldn’t think otherwise.”
yunho’s eyes stayed on your lips as you closed the distance, the space between the two of you disappearing until your lips met in a soft, tender kiss.
it was careful at first, with the both of you testing the waters. but when he felt your lips respond to his - something snapped.
yunho’s hand slid to the back of your neck with his other hand finding its way to your waist, pulling you closer to him. his grip on you tightened, his lips becoming rougher as if he had been holding himself back for far too long.
your fingers tangled in his tie, loosening it as the kiss becoming more and more desperate. the world around you began to disappear as you lost yourselves in each other.
“yunho-“ you whimpered as he cupped the side of your face.
yunho’s breath hitched as the sound of his name fell from your lips. his thumb brushed against your cheek, and you felt his body pressing closer, the kiss turning into something hungrier and urgent.
“tell me to stop,” he whispered against your lips, his voice filled with desire but you could hear something else - concern for your comfort.
but stopping was the last thing you wanted.
you shook your head, your hand sliding up his chest, feeling his heartbeat beneath your palm. “i don’t want you to,” you muttered back.
and that was all yunho needed.
in a swift motion, his lips crashed into yours. his hands roamed your body, one slipping down your back as the other remained on your jaw, guiding your head as his lips devoured yours.
your fingers gripped onto his tie tighter as his lips left yours, leaving small kisses down your neck, his warm breath against your skin.
the world around you continued to fade, nothing existing except for the two of you. your heart pounded in your chest, your head dizzy with how quickly things escalated.
you gasped softly, his name leaving your lips again in a whisper as he pressed kisses near your ear, sending chills down your spine.
slowly, he pulled away, his thumb brushing against your cheek. “sorry, i got a little carried away,” yunho admitted quietly, afraid to break the silence that was surrounding you.
you smiled softly, your heart racing. “don’t apologise,” you chucked as you fixed his collar. “i liked it.”
yunho leaned forward, brushing your hair away from your face as he pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead. his touch was warm and safe, something that you really needed after all of that.
yunho sat back down, his hand resting against yours. you looked up at him, smirking. “so does this mean you’re stuck with me now?”
yunho chuckled, squeezing your hand gently. “i think you’re stuck with me,” he said before pausing for a moment, his eyes turning more genuine. “but seriously.. i need you to be sure. about me- about this.”
without hesitation, you nodded. “i’m sure, yunho. i don’t want anything else.”
he sighed softly, relief written on his face. “alright,” he smiled, getting up as he reached his hand out. “now let’s get you home before i break any more of my own rules.”
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any and all feedback appreciated <3
yunho was picked for this theme!
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soupinaboot · 7 months
Fuck it. Every Steve Harrington headcannon I have because I've been rotating that boy in my head like a pig on a stick Part 2 this is a little more in depth than the first one but only by a smug
- Epileptic, either since he was young or developed it over time due to all those concussions he keeps getting
- Favorite fruit is blackberries I have no reason
- Kinda sad but he never really had friends, yeah he hung out with Tommy and Carol but that was about it. Like after the fall out with them he was by himself, alone. I feel like if he was as popular as we think he is, he would have at least one other friend right?
- Does not have a filter at all. That one scene where he just casually says, "Oh yeah my parents are out of town because my mom doesn't trust him to not cheat on her any who!" and I feel like he just kinda does that
- Star Trek fan but he just does not comprehend that it's supposed to be nerdy (this is not my own I saw someone else headcannon this please tell me if you find them I can not)
- Absolutely sucked at ELA, could be cause of dyslexia or not whatever you want buttercup
- But on the topic of dyslexia, this headcannon is one of the main reasons why I love math nerd Stevie so much. Like, ELA test and History test are mostly long paragraphs that he needs more time to read through and his teachers don't care enough to give him extra time like he needs. But math tests tend to have a small paragraph that he can read faster or just focus on the numbers and finish on time, so he just got really good at math so he would have at least one class he passed
- Survives off of coffee, lord knows he needs it
- My most random headcannon is that since his parents were never really around or cared much for his safety, he used to hang out outside a lot and explore the wildlife around, got really into nature and animals, bought nature books etc. But his dad told him nature and animals were girly and forced him to stop even though he really loved it
- If he does ever go to college (which he doesn't have to, though if Robin went he would probably go with her), he would either get in education major and become a math teacher or some form of environmental degree
- His love language is quality time
- Among the three of them, Steve and Carol were the closest. Yes, Steve and Tommy met first, and yes they tend to call each other their best friends, but in actuality Carol and Steve were best friends. They have mean girl energy.
- He used to also play hockey when he was younger but stopped playing due to scheduling and shit. But he really liked it cause whenever he would practice there were these older figure skaters who would teach him figure skating (he kinda liked it more than hockey but he never told anyone)
- Speaking of scheduling, he is always tired due to his packed schedule. Since he was young, his dad forced him into a lot of sports and didn't really give him a break. Add that to his piano lessons, his jobs, studying that his dad forced him to do, friends, etc... he is just perpetually tired. And it fucked up his sleep schedule developing into insomnia as he got older
- Most of his and Eddie's dates are just them taking naps
- Once he meets Corroded Coffin they all become best friends. Like best fucking friends
- Specifically Steve and Jeff
407 notes · View notes
vetteltea · 18 days
To Be Free | CL16
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Summary: You had always dreamed that your creativity would take you further than you could ever imagine. You never in your wildest dreams imagine it would take you to Monaco [5.8K, A]
Warnings: Implied Smut, Charles Leclerc being a Red Flag
Note: Hi. I’m not dead, far from it. Thank you all for being so patient as I post my first piece in over a year. I hope you all enjoy it. Thank you to @a-distantdreamer for always being my cheerleader, to @vinvantae for getting my out of the mid-writing funk and @percervall for giving me the balls to post. I love you all.
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In order for art to tell a story, it has to be free.
At least, that is what your creative design professor told you the week before your final project was due. It was hard to be creative in a mundane town full of the same people, conversations and routines. Every day you would wake up while your mother told a story about how ‘Jenny at the gym seems to have filled out again!’ Your father would grunt, tell you he would be home late from work, and slip out the door, half-drunk coffee on the table.
Maybe simply being creative was difficult because you were crammed into a squadron of children—three brothers, two sisters. You were never referred to as an individual; it was always ‘She’s one of their kids.’ Your friends at school only became that because of their established relationship with your family. Nothing irritated you more than when a teacher would call you by a sibling's name. You were your own person, or at least, trying to be. It didn’t matter what colour you dyed your hair or how loud the clothes were you wore; your identity was tied to them.
Art was an escape; everybody had insisted you would be the same as everybody else in that town. In the fullness of time, you would fit into a job where you were paid to sit at a desk and answer the same two questions: No, I don’t want a coffee. Yes, I sent that report over. Your story would end traditionally, with a wedding and children.
The thought of being just another figure in suburbia terrified you. It may have been the dream for so many, but it was not yours. Each piece of art you created seemed to come back to the beginning. A frown from your teacher. She had told you once to drive outside of the town, go to the lake behind the Old Manor House, and see how it makes you feel.
Being five miles away from your hometown had created the piece of art that had skyrocketed your grades. You could only wonder what being five thousand miles away from home would feel like. It was the push you needed, the metaphorical map to make you leave.
Overnight, you packed away your life in a suitcase, kissed your mother’s cheek farewell, and set out to be free.
It turns out that being free was a lot more expensive when you didn’t have a degree behind you like the rest of your family.
Something had led to Toulouse, the classified city of art and history. With the money you had saved, you had been able to manage a week in Paris. (It was terribly overrated in your opinion, and the only highlight had been the overpriced pair of ears and waffles at Disneyland, but you couldn’t live like an artist when you couldn’t sell art.)
You have to succumb, moving away from the capital and towards the south, wondering why you didn’t come here in the first place. There was something romantic, peaceful. Neighbours said hello, and something seemed to be happening on every corner, not just middle-aged women doing pilates or another school bake sale. (Bake sales were fine, just not when the one English-speaking cafe you now had a job in seemed to have one every three days.)
There were perks to working there: Tuesday and Sunday off, where you could sit by the Garonne with a set of pastel-half sticks that had been crammed into your suitcase. It was a view you could draw over and over, the deep blue twinkling in the afternoon sun. The contrast of the great greenery on each bank of the river made for a beautiful sight—maybe, in your opinion, a beautiful piece, too. Once or twice the locals had raised their eyebrows at the girl in a fluorescent jacket and mismatched trainers, arched over a sketchbook, but even they had stopped, paused to take in her artworks, and nodded approvingly. One woman had even placed a twenty-euro note at your left-hand side in exchange for one of the copious drawings in your book.
You didn’t understand all of their words, still picking up snatches of French each day (and Duolingo had been a welcome companion on your phone), but their smiles and points between the paper and the view were enough to confirm you of their satisfaction.
On the fourth Tuesday of your arrival, your position had adjusted slightly, setting up shop on the bridge rather than the greenery. You almost drop your pencil into the river when somebody stops behind you, humming in admiration. This piece was different; inspired by Lindsay Fox; softer colours, harsher lines in an almost marble effect.
The man says something in French, but you have to shake your head; it’s way beyond a 34-Day Streak for Duolingo. He smiles, understandingly, changing to speak in English.
“That’s a beautiful piece.” He pauses. “Is it your own style?” His accent is clearly from this area but seems almost more reformed and classier.
“It’s inspired by another artist.” You explain, never bothering to go into further detail; nobody ever understands beyond that. “But it’s my own take. I never get bored of this view.”
“Can I see more?” He asks.
You still find it strange; hearing people around the area speak English isn’t uncommon, but their few words are usually to tell you they like what you’re working on or to order a coffee. There’s a hint of worry in your body language when you pass over the sketchbook, but he’s careful, fingers gently turning the pages, pausing every few moments to take in one piece, gently following his fingers across the sketch lines.
“It’s incredible.” He insists, handing the book back. “Tell me, do you take commissions?”
You have to pause. Commissions had come so few and far between; since being here, you had managed to expand your portfolio. Sometimes, locals would ask you to do a sketch of them or their loved ones, returning later in the day to pick up the piece and marvel at the design. You can’t offer a straightforward answer, so you have to just nod.
For the first time, you look at him properly, too. Dark hair, tousled, and clearly in need of a cut. His eyes are the same colour as the river you draw almost every day, with mismatched dimples on each cheek. He’s beautiful.
“Perfect.” He nods, feeling in the pocket of his loose jeans for a pen. You raise your eyebrows, watching as he holds out his hand, nodding for you to give yours over. Hesitantly, you do, eyes fixed as he scribbles a number down on the back of your palm.
“Do you know how to get to Monaco from here?” He asks casually. You have to pause.
“Is Monaco nearby?” You ask, dumbfounded. It’s worth it, you decide. For the smile on his face that appears.
“A few hours away.” He clarifies. “Can you... do that? I can just show you a photo and come back myself, but... the place. It’s special to me. I’d like to see how you would interpret it in your style.”
A frown appears on his face when you don’t answer immediately.
“I can pay you an advance now.” The man insists. “Eighty? Ninety?”
You have to pause then. Eighty or ninety euros may seem minimal in some precautions, but that could buy your groceries for a week; it was practically a day’s work at the coffee shop for a piece of art.
“That would be perfect.” You smile. “I’m off next Sunday. Would that work for you?” You ask. He’s smiling now, nodding in confirmation.
“It would work for me.” He clarifies. “Text me over your bank details." He nods, watching as I reach for my phone, typing in his phone number. “I’ll send you the advance and we can arrange a meeting time.” He finishes, looking down to his watch; his footsteps draw away from you, giving a final nod, but then holds out his hand.
“Charles.” The man introduces himself with his name. You don’t hesitate in taking his hand, shaking it back, and giving your own name to him. “Nice jacket, by the way.” He adds.
You raise your eyebrows, looking at the deep brown leather jacket around your shoulders. It oddly complimented your black and white plaid dress and deep green boots, or so you thought. A grin appears on your face when you pull off the garment, taking in the prancing horse on the back.
“It's a Ferrari.” You explain. “Pretty unique, but people don’t seem to realise it. Found it in a second-hand store.”
“Honestly.” Charles grins. “Some people wouldn’t recognise a Ferrari if it came and shouted in their face.”
Sometimes you need to clarify details before agreeing to something with a complete stranger.
To begin, he hadn’t told you that he meant Monte Carlo; you were being asked to commission in the most expensive city in one of the most expensive countries in the world. You had taken a train out of Toulouse on Saturday evening after your shift, bustling through the crowded town of people on their way out to enjoy the weekend. Suitcase in hand, you had curled up in the corner of a carriage, watching as the ocean and scenery passed you by, practically falling into bed when you arrived at the last-minute hostal bed you had booked, bypassing the sounds of the noisy couple above you.
Secondly, ninety turned out to be an incredibly misleading number.
You had let out the oddest mix between a scream and a gasp when you checked your bank later on that evening, seeing that ninety-thousand euros had been sent over under C.LECLERC. It not only gave you a heart attack, knowing that money could keep you afloat for a lot longer than it would take saving from working in the cafe, but it also gave you a name.
Typing the name into your Google search later that evening had been like discovering a state secret. Charles Leclerc, Formula One driver for Scuderia Ferrari. His face was plastered over your home screen, adorned in red fireproofs, atop a podium, in a car with aerodynamics you couldn’t even begin to understand.
Your stomach had twisted. A truly evil part of yourself had the idea of disappearing and never returning, ninety thousand euros richer. That money could lead to your freedom. But in your heart, you knew what you were. An artist, trying to path their way, and how would it look if you had disappeared after taking money from such a well-known being?
The train from Nice to Monte-Carlo is only forty minutes; before you know it, you’re stepping onto the train platform, mismatched converses in red and black complimenting the cherry red clip pinning back your hair. You had shoved the scrap of paper you had scribbled the meeting point on in your dungaree pocket, pulling it out and shuffling to the side of the platform. It’s only a short walk, but it’s made longer by the constant pauses, taking in the sight of the city. Extravagant, classy, old buildings piling up either side of the winding roads, peeks of an overcrowded harbour, boats that were worth more than you would ever make in your life on view. It was like walking around a movie scene; there was no other way to describe it.
The main character of the city is sitting at the bridge on the address, hands in his pockets, lips turning into a grin when he sees your figure, identical from the day back in Toulouse. Immediately, Charles has left his spot, smiling at your presence.
“You made it." He grins, starting to speak before your tone interrupts him.
“And you didn’t tell me who you were!” You exclaim, your moral compass falling over you. “Charles, I can’t accept that much.”
“I’m sorry?” He pauses. “I thought we discussed; that was just a pre-”
“It’s a pre-nothing!” You shake your head. “I’m not a proper artist—I can’t charge that much!”
“Really?” Charles pauses, nonchalantly. “You seem like a...proper artist to me. Your work is incredible.”
He doesn't give you time to argue further, offering his arm out and motioning to follow him. You can’t help but raise an eyebrow, falling into step alongside him. It suddenly makes sense; why is he keeping his head lower than when you originally met, keeping the sunglasses across his eyes? You want to try and make conversation; you want to feel less awkward than walking alongside a literal billionaire.
You don’t need to; he makes the conversation for you.
“Why Toulouse?” He asks, slowing down his pace, wanting to hear your answer. “Not many artists stay around the South of France for too long.”
“Paris was overrated.” You shrug, giving a completely honest answer. It doesn't hit you until you’ve said it that you had practically insulted the country where you were currently residing and your hand comes over your mouth in realization. “Oh my god, you’re not from Paris, are you?”
Charles is laughing. Something about your expressions made him grin. “You searched me up, but didn’t think to check where I was from?”
“I didn’t get to it.” You quip back. “I was kind of distracted by the fact you’re a multi-race winner in the biggest Motorsport in the world.”
“And you still didn’t recognise me on the bridge.” He pauses. “I’m from Monaco. I’m not French. Just…a lot of drivers live here.”
“A Tax-Haven, right?” Your personality comes through at long last, any sense of awkwardness washing away. “You set up camp here, but you’re not here most of the year, so... more money.” You can tell from the way Charles stays silent you’re banging on, correct in your guess.
“Monaco is my home, too. I am actually from here.”
Our pace slows as we reach a hill. The road is more prominent there, curving in a hairpin. Everything in its surroundings seems to complement it: the high buildings, the shrubbery, the bright red and white stripes outlining the road. Charles has frozen in his spot, and you can tell that this is the spot he was talking about. His commission. You can practically see the memories from track in his vision, almost as if he’s taking in every turn he’s ever made, every time he’s walked along this road since a toddler holding onto his mother's skirts.
“This is it.” You narrate for him. “This is your spot.”
He turns to you, eyes lifted, bright. “What do you think?” He asks, your own eyes still focused on the place.
“It’s beautiful.” You say it with sincerity. It is the way the entirety of Monaco, of its racing pedigree, seems to be captured in one shot. It almost feels too surreal; it almost feels as if you wouldn’t be able to do justice to this place with a mere canvas. “What kind of style?”
“That’s completely up to you.” Charles pauses. “Your creative style. How do you see this place? Because I think you see it the same way that I do, yes?”
A lot can change in two weeks.
Your bedsit in Toulouse had been the biggest change; in the centre of the room was a large canvas, a curved road in the middle of the page clearly outlined. The sofa is littered with various paints, chalk, and pencils—a collage of rich reds, deep greens, and charcoal black.
The cafe hadn’t been forgotten; you had taken a sabbatical, insisting you needed two weeks—just two weeks—then you would be back to making overpowered coffee and refolding a newspaper four times in twenty minutes to place back on the front table.
Charles stays in contact; it’s a little difficult, within the midst of time zone differences and media releases. Sometimes it’s a text, and other times it's a video sent of where he is, insisting it would be good inspiration for your next portfolio piece. You don’t know how many times you have to explain it’s different; you need to feel it. Understand it further than a picture on the screen of your run-down phone. Sometimes it’s difficult to deny the flutter in your stomach when you receive one of these messages.
You get a FaceTime call on the Saturday night of his current race weekend in Barcelona. The weather is cloudy and there’s already been engine issues on his teammates home turf; Charles was frowning when he originally joined the call. Clearly a weak qualifying was looming in his head.
“Hey.” You’re starting the conversation, a paintbrush tucked behind your ear, a colourful shirt misbuttoned. “Is everything alright?”
“I just wanted to see how it was going.” Charles explains. “I mean, the painting—and well, you obviously. Did you find a chocolate pastry in the end this morning? I know you were craving one.”
A smile falls to your lips; in the midst of a race weekend with no luck, no speed, and no chance of getting into Q3, he has still found time to check in, lying back in the stupidly expensive sheets of his hotel bed, stubble and hair both overgrown, the buttons of his Ferrari Polo discarded, golden chest peeking outwards.
“It’s…going.” You shrug, “I want to do it justice—to find the colours and style that just...” One hand moves in a dramatic gesture. Charles nods understandingly as you continue your rant. “I’ve gone back there three times since the original visit, you know?”
A smirk appears on the driver’s face. “And you didn’t bother to let me know?”
“You were in Canada. You’re also my client; I want to make sure it’s what I promised.” You insist, walking back over to the array of shade pallets on your couch, fingers reaching down to select your third red chalk of the afternoon. Charles is content to watch your eyes focus, the nudge of the camera indicating you were rotating through your next tool.
“Hey.” His tone causes you to turn your attention back to the camera. “Do you want to see something cool?”
“I always want to see something cool.” You grin, watching as Charles sits himself up from his bed, the sound of his bare feet padding against the tiles of his Mediterranean hotel room. There’s telltale signs of his presence in the background: the phone charger by the mirror, the watch he had worn the first time you met him in Toulouse, a bundle of friendship bracelets, lovingly made by the Tifosi.
None of it, however, compares to when he lifts his phone, skin glowing in the soft sun, and flips the camera around to portray his balcony view.
The sight of Barcelona in the deep sun from Charles’ phone makes your heart stop. The sky a deep blue you crayoned as a child, roads twisting into an abstract stroke of tar and coloured dots of various sporting cars. There’s bright greens, specks of colour from the greenery. In the distance, you can still hear the ocean and the lapping of the waves.
You’ve always been clear that before you commit to creating art, you want to see the place and feel the place first. There’s almost certainty in your mind that the rule can be relaxed for the view you’re currently experiencing.
“It’s beautiful.” You finally whisper, after a full five minutes of transfixing through the phone screen.
“I’ll take you here one day.” Charles insists. “Paints and all.”
He doesn't miss the way your eyes flicker to the side, the pink that decorates your cheeks and matches the ribbon tying back your fringe whilst you work.
Monte-Carlo on the Saturday evening before the Monaco Grand Prix is an experience like no other.
Charles had pleaded to send a car to collect you from France, despite the fact the journey would have been faster by train—a whole two hours faster. In the end, the compromise is a ticket that would keep you safe and well-looked after in the First Class carriage. While you reclined in the leather seat, a high-end soda on your table, a canvas wrapped in brown paper, secured with nimble string, was nestled at your side.
You were certain you had spent an entire hour just…staring when it was completed. In your hearts, it was certainly your most intricate and perfect piece. A part of you could have spent the rest of eternity just staring at the landscape, the rest of your bedsit out of focus while you were transported back to that road in Monaco. It helps the mental stimulation that had overpowered you for the weeks; how you had spent an evening comparing your books on Sylvia Hikins’ minute but powerful detail and the reflection work of Dmity Oleyn.
It’s not a huge walk to Charles’ apartment from the train station; what makes it longer is the amount of racing fans, clad in bright red, papaya orange, or deep blue. A cacophony of colours lines the streets of Monte-Carlo, attention diverted to the paddock nestled alongside the arbor. Your heart rate increases as the crowds become thicker, desperately trying to keep your packaged painting away from nudges and knocks.
It’s only when you reach the edge of the city that the crowds loosen a little and there’s a chance for you to slide out your phone, thumb-tapping in the address on Google Maps, a reminder of your first encounter with Charles almost three weeks ago.
There was in fact no need for this in the end. You’re not sure which event takes place first: your map location updating to announce you were less than a one-minute walk from your destination or the shout from above you. Instinctively, your head turns upwards, feeling the long braid of hair fall down your back and locating the source of the noise as a smile beams from your mouth.
There’s two figures on the balcony, both leaning over the glass barriers. One is shorter, a mass of dark hair and thick-rimmed glasses, waving wildly to gain your attention. The other is blessed with brown hair and instantly turns from the balcony when he sees your figure.
A minute later, the door to the complex in front of you is opening, your client grinning as he steps out from the foyer, feet covered in just socks as he hops down the path to you. Maybe it’s the soft sunset, or the way his oversized tee shirt makes the muscles peeking from his arms look even more defined. You’re certain Charles Leclerc could look beautiful by any means necessary.
He doesn't give you time to process these thoughts any further as he wraps an arm around your shoulder, clearly in high spirits from his home race weekend.
“Is that for me?” He grins, eyes widening at the parcel as you shake your head.
“No.” You hum. “I just tend to carry around a giant square wherever I go.” You grin, looking down to your own outfit, then to his own. “Are you sure I’m in the right city? I feel very overdressed compared to the people in sports shirts.”
“You look perfect.” He insists, his arm falling from your shoulder to your bicep. “Come on. Come up and meet everybody.”
“I’m sorry?” You falter. “You want me to come and meet-“
“Please?” His hand falls lower, fingers tracing around your wrist as he slowly connects your palms together. “I want to introduce them to you. Put a name to a face.”
The insistence is good, and you refuse to move your hand away when he entwines your fingers together, praying that you aren’t going to drop the painting or your jaw from the unexpected intimacy.
The smile only grows on this face when you nod, letting him slip your threaded backpack from your shoulder, guiding you into the foyer.
The painting reveal goes…incredibly well.
Four hours ago, you had been led up to his apartment, introduced as ‘The next Van Gogh.’ He gives you a few moments to introduce yourself, noting to you that this wasn’t the entity of his group; you would meet some more faces tomorrow, should they be celebrating. When somebody had opened their mouth to argue that if you were really that good, you should have been nicknamed after Leonardo DaVinchi. Charles only grins when he gives his response.
“But DaVinchi was never a landscape painter like my girl, was he?”
You’re lucky enough to get to watch the reaction of several Monegasques seeing one of the most iconic portraits of their country come to life. There’s applause, cheers, and for the first time in your life, you feel like an artist. Not just somebody who places pencil and pastel to paper, hoping for the best. Your eyes can’t even focus on the work; the colours and strokes entwine into one. No, they fall to Charles; blinking back the tears, he's... overcome. You saw his vision. You got his understanding. You understood him.
He doesn't hold back from walking over to you, arms wrapping and squeezing you oh-so-tightly, applauding and thanking you over and over for your work.
In the remaining three hours and thirty-eight minutes since the reveal, there had been celebrations, soft drinks, and music. Your attention has been completely stolen by a golden dachshund—Leo, somebody tells you—who licks your ankle and insists on being lifted. Do you spend the rest of the gathering with the puppy in your arms? Quite possibly.
When the group dies down, Leo is placed in his sofa spot, chewing on one of his toys, occupied whilst you take the opportunity to look over the lights of the city—lights of buildings twinkling along the shoreline, a clear sky enveloped in black, how the deep blue of the ocean in the harbour is illuminated by the streetlamps.
You’re so engrossed that you jolt when you feel a hand on your back, before a string of apologies and a soft laugh fall from Charles’ lips. A comfortable silence settles for a moment before he speaks again, looking back over the skyline.
“I used to look out over the harbour when I was young.” He explains. “After I had a bad race or lost on something... I knew my home would always welcome me back.”
“It is quite beautiful.” You hum, shuffling from the open-aired area and back into the lounge. Your art piece now hangs in pride on the wall, next to a silver trophy. His first win, one of his friends had told you when they had caught you staring.
Both of you stare at the trophy and then the art piece, and the smile crawls back onto Charles’ face. Before he can fall into an endless spiral of gratitude again, you have to speak.
“Did you always want to be a racing driver?” You ask. Charles nods.
“It’s a part of me, no? Like I believe that being an artist is a part of you.” His expression softens as his vision finally meets the side of your cheek. “I want to know the other parts of you, too.”
It’s enough to make you turn your head from the view, and for the first time all evening, you see Charles. The same one you had seen at the hairpin turn all those weeks ago. Slowly, his hand comes back out, gently circling your wrist. You swear the entirety of Europe could feel your heartbeat, most certainly the man in front of you.
“I want to know about these paintings you love.” He murmurs. “About the necklace you always wear and why your eyes sparkle when you see open water.” His forehead skims across your own, noses bumping, lips dangerously close as his hand moves from your wrist, dancing up your arm, holding your chin.
“Will you come to the race tomorrow?” He asks softly.
Words seem almost incomprehensible until you softly breathe out. “Yes.”
That’s all it takes; the butterflies in your stomach swarm as he surges forward, finally pressing his lips to yours. The world seems almost right; everything finally makes sense; you don’t need to be free to create art; you just need to be found. Found by a man who understood art on the banks of France. Who understood the tri-colour shirts you wore on a phone call? Who understood you?
You had never felt more found then when your lips pressed back into his and he softly guided you back into his bedroom.
Being found washed over you for the next fifteen hours.
You had rolled out of the Navy Blue bed sheets that morning after a deep slumber, wrapped up against Charles’ bare body. Any detailing of his room had been completely bypassed when you had sauntered through his apartment, the top he had been wearing the previous night covering your frame.
Part of you is disappointed to see his golden torso now covered by a scarlet shirt as he bends down to give Leo his water bowl, humming in contentment as his puppy excitedly laps at the water. The happiness only grows further when he reaches back up, arms opening to envelope you into his chest, a hand threading into the back of your head as he tucks you into his neck.
“I didn’t expect you to be up so soon.” He murmurs. “Did I wake you?”
“Leo did.” You grin. “But I could never be mad at that face.” You insist, feeling Charles’ chest vibrate with laughter. Eventually, the hands on your hips have to pull away, a soft kiss being pressed to your hairline.
“Joris is going to be here in a couple of hours to bring you and Leo to the track.” He hums. “I left your Paddock Pass next on top of the mantelpiece. Otherwise the raptor would have chewed it.” He grins, his smile dropping when he sees you look out of the window, towards the track layout. “I’ll… You’re still coming?” He asks curiously.
“I am.” You smile. “I said I would.”
True to your word, you do so. True to his word, Joris appears at Charles’ apartment door one hour and a bit later. He greets you pleasantly enough, asking how you found Monaco and congratulating you again on your art piece. When he goes to collect Leo into his arms, the puppy backs away, sniffing at your legs as he practically demands to nestle back into your arms. You can’t help but laugh, letting him nuzzle into your chest.
Joris says nothing, but when he leads you to his car and you’re reunited with the group of friends who would be attending the race in the Paddock, he makes sure that he takes Leo so that you can enjoy the conversation with the remaining people in the group.
The conversation flows freely and happily, only interrupted when the puppy begins to bark, pulling on his lead towards a figure in front of the group. A beautiful, slender figure dressed in soft pink, dark hair glossy and neat, a smile worth a million stars as she steps in time with Charles.
Joris laughs as he lets go of the lead, and Leo goes bouncing over to the figure, clearly recognising her. When she stands back up, the puppy in her grasp, and steps closer to Charles, pressing a soft kiss to his lips, your stomach immediately drops.
Charles’ own eyes flicker to you for a split second. He’ll never erase the look that was washed over your face when the girl nudges him softly, telling the group that her Charles must have slept well the previous night, which he never usually does before a race day.
Part of you—a strong, passionate part of you as deep and as powerful as the paints in your works—wants to scream out and tell this woman that her Charles had been wrapped up in your hot touch less than twenty-something hours ago. That he had whispered in your ear as his hips rolled against yours, that he had told you soft stories of a promised future together as you had found rest in his arms.
In such a short amount of time, you had allowed yourself to be chained, to be latched into a rope of feeling from the beautiful man who had approached you in a city that was almost perfect. If it had been perfect, the man would have walked to you, squeezed your hand, and gently kissed you again. Instead, his hand finds the woman’s hip, walking with the rest of the group whilst you falter behind, barely giving a second glance, slipping away from the gaggle of conversation, unseen.
As Charles climbs into his car that afternoon, you slide the keys to your bedsit into a small envelope, leaving a wad of cash and an apology note for leaving your contract so early.
In order for art to tell its story, it has to be free.
Charles returns to Toulouse on Monday morning, low on the P8 result he had received the afternoon before and the way his girlfriend had kissed his cheek and told him not to worry, that his luck would change. All whilst she whispered praises into his lips, caught in a kiss at the back of some overpriced club, his mind is overpowered by the thoughts of you, as bright as the landscapes in your sketchbook.
He has to explain. He longs to pull you into his arms and tell you he meant what he said. When he arrives, he looks everywhere. In every art shop, every park, every museum. He remembers you mentioning a part-time job in a cafe. On his ninth attempt, he freezes when he steps through the entrance, the chime of a bell hitting the front foot in mid-ring when he sees a landscape displayed proudly on the wall.
He doesn't need to ask. Feet come over to the counter as he looks over. Two girls. Neither of them are you. One of them turns around and smiles nicely enough, asking what the man would like to order.
“The woman who painted that.” He nods to the picture of the Garrone. “Where did she go?” It’s clear the girl behind the counter knows something and bites down on her lip to stay silent. It only takes one more pleading look from Charles before the words spill from her lips.
“She’s gone. Left the city on Sunday.” She pauses. “She’s gone to be free. I don’t think she’ll be back."
Charles feels his heart crack as harshly as the damages in Manet sculpture on your phone screen wallpaper. Your story insisted on you being free. After all, you had been the art. The piece where no matter what he saw for the rest of his existence, he would never be able to forget.
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loving-barnes · 7 months
A/N: Here I am, once again, with another chapter. Chapter 8, my friends, is here and it is still sweet. I will not spoil anything, just read and enjoy.
Pairing: Logan Howlett x mutant female reader
Warning: explicit thoughts?
Summary: The students get to know Y/N a little more.
Please, do not read if you are under 18. This story is suitable for mature audience.
Words: 3700+
Important note: Again, Logan is a tall MF, because they fucked up in the movies. Also, Hugh Jackman!Wolverine. This is set in AU.
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Nothing interesting had happened since that night at the bar. Logan helped Y/N get back to the school and to her room. He laughed at her silliness, which caught him by surprise. Logan wasn’t the guy to laugh around. He was usually stoic and grumpy. But there were some lingering touches here and there. And yet, their bodies were like two opposite magnetic poles, pushing away. The moment she closed the door, he sighed - relieved he didn’t do anything stupid but also sad that the night was officially over. 
The days went by. Logan and Bobby joined the Professor in Washington for another conference. The President wanted to meet Charles during a banquet. They were gone for a few days. Jean and Scott were still away with Remy and Hank. The school got quieter when some students went home for the weekend. There were only some kids that had a supportive system back home. Many of them were alone in this cruel world.
On Sunday, the day before Y/N became a teacher, she and JJ were sitting outside on a bench near the pond. She took him out to spend some time with him. He snuggled closer to her side. The weather got colder. Heavy clouds appeared in the sky. Halloween was approaching, and the students were excited about the celebration. 
“It’s going to be so much fun,” Jerome said with a wide smile. “I’ve heard you have to make your own mask. It’s a contest, you know?” he was ecstatic. “Everyone does it. The best masks will get some rewards. It’s mostly candy. That counts as a prize.” 
“Wow,” Y/N said with a chuckle. She was glad that the boy was happy at the school. “Have you been thinking about what you want to become? Or would you like some suggestions?”
He shook his head. “No, I think I know what I want to be. I’m not telling you. It will be a surprise.” 
“A surprise, you say? Alright, don’t tell me anything. I want to see what you will make,” she patted his head. “Otherwise, are you happy here? Do you have everything? Do you need anything?” 
He thought about it for a second. “I have everything. They gave me clothes and school supplies. Jean told me to ask for anything. But I can always come to you, right?” 
“You can always come to me, Storm, Kitty, or Logan,” she said. “You can even see the Professor and talk to him. He’s the one who created this school. He’s a good man.” 
JJ nodded. “Listen,” he turned his head to look at her face. “A few nights ago, I think I heard you giggle in the hallways in the middle of the night.” 
Y/N blinked, and she bit the inside of her lip. “Yeah,” she nodded and cleared her throat. “I went out with some of the teachers. We had a lot of fun that night.” It was half true. She omitted the part where she got drunk. 
He poked Y/N into her shoulder. “I’m eleven, I’m not stupid,” he said. “You were with Professor Logan. I heard you talk. Well, you laughed more than you talked.” That was true. Logan walked her back to her room. They talked, she giggled, and then the night was over. “By the way, he’s awesome.” 
“Yeah,” she smiled, nodding. “Does Logan teach you something?” 
“We have one history lesson a week with him. I like the subject a lot. History is fascinating. Plus, he knows so much about the First and Second World Wars. He gives us so much information and details. As if he was there. He’s strict, and we cannot misbehave, but I enjoy the lesson.” 
“I’m glad to hear that,” she said with a smile. A shiver ran down her spine. The wind got colder. “Let’s head inside and have a cup of tea. I think it’s going to rain. Or Storm is having a bad day, and she changed the weather to fit her mood.” 
JJ laughed. He stood up first, grabbed Y/N’s hand and helped her up on feet. He held her by the forearm as they walked inside the school. When she scanned his face again, she noticed the bruises were healed and almost invincible. He looked healthier. It made her heart warm. 
As they walked down the hallway, Y/N heard a whimpering sound. It was soft, girl-like. She frowned. Instead of going to the kitchen, she followed the sound. The boy was confused. He opened his mouth to ask where she was going, until he heard it too. 
Y/N walked to the lounge room, where she found a young girl sitting on the window still, silently crying. She was JJ’s age. She had curly hair and glasses on her nose. Her skin was light brown. 
Carefully, Y/N approached her. She didn’t want to scare her. “Hi,” she used a gentle voice. “Are you alright?” The girl's puffy brown eyes looked up. She shook her head and continued to cry. “Oh, come here, sweet angel,” she said. Her arms spread, and she waited for the girl to accept her hug. 
Surprisingly, the girl was immediately hidden in her arms, weeping into Y/N’s leather jacket. Y/N stroked her curly hair lovingly, letting her take her time. JJ took a seat on the couch and silently watched. 
“You can talk to me if you want?” Y/N said after another minute. “Did something happen? Has anyone been mean to you?” 
The girl's tiny fingers brushed away the hot tears. “My parents haven’t visited me for three months now,” she confessed. That broke Y/N’s heart. “They brought me here, and I never saw them again.” Her voice was low, sad. “They hate me for what I am.”
That statement broke Y/N’s heart. She understood the girl’s pain. Her loved ones gave up on her because she was a mutant. “What’s your name?” 
“Nova,” she said. Her arms were tightly wrapped around Y/N’s torso, holding her close. 
“Nice to meet you, Nova,” Y/N said with a smile. She rested her head on top of the girl’s. “Tell me, what is your mutation?” 
“I, uh,” she hesitated. “I can scream very loudly,” she said. “It can damage your hearing.”
Y/N tilted her head to the side, thinking. “Sonic screaming,” she said out loud. “That is an interesting mutation, Nova. You have powerful vocal cords, and I’ve never met a mutant with this ability.” It wasn’t a lie.  
Nova lifted her head and finally looked at Y/N. “You think so?” 
“Yes,” she said with a brighter smile than before. “Every mutation is unique, and so is yours. With learning and more information, you will master your ability and know how to properly use it. All you need is time, patience and practice.” 
Y/N’s goal was to shift the girl’s attention to something else. It was evident that Nova was agonising over her parents’ neglect. That’s why Y/N wanted to gain her trust, and maybe she’d feel more comfortable around her. 
“What is your mutation?” she asked. 
“I can create protective forcefields,” Y/N explained. “I am still trying to learn more about my mutation. I’ve heard the term Flyrokinesis, but some call it Flyrogenesis.”
“Is there a difference?” 
“Yes,” Y/N nodded. “Flyrokinesis means you can only control force fields. When you can create them, it’s called Flyrogenesis. I can do both.” 
“That’s so cool,” Nova sighed. “You can do so much good with your mutation. I only hurt people,” she said. Nova pushed away from Y/N but remained sitting by her side.
Y/N chuckled a little. “Well, it’s not as it seems. I hurt with my ability, too. It was unintentional, but it happened. That is why we need to practise and learn about our mutations. So we won’t hurt people again. We can use our abilities to do good.” 
“My mutation is elasticity,” JJ joined the conversation. He picked the right time. Nova’s eyes turned to him. “The people that fostered me thought it was disgusting,” he said. “Now I think my mutation is unique.” 
Y/N’s eyes moved to the boy. This was new information. He had never said anything about his parents before. Now she knew why. He didn’t have parents. He was in foster care. Even there, he wasn’t loved. Y/N wanted to run to him and hide him in a tight, loving hug.
“My parents have sent me here and never came to see me or take me home for the weekend,” said Nova. “I deafened my father in one ear,” she confessed. “He never looked me in the eyes again.” And she started to cry again.
“Nova?” another soft voice said from the entrance to the room. “Are you okay?” 
Y/N found three other girls standing at the door, watching them. The oldest girl could be thirteen. All three were different. One of them had cat-like irises. The mutation must have caused it.
“Yeah, I’m just talking to…” she turned to Y/N, not knowing her name. 
“My name is Y/N. This is JJ,” she pointed at the only boy in the living room. “Would you like to join us?” she showed at the empty couch. 
The girls walked inside and sat together. They introduced themselves, too. Jamie, Olivia and Kyra were friends with Nova. They all shared a room on the second level. At least these girls were the support Nova needed. 
Y/N and Nova moved to sit next to JJ. “You are the new professor?” Olivia asked Y/N. 
“Oh,” it caught her by surprise. Did the Professor announce it already? “Yes. I’ll be teaching English and Literature starting tomorrow. I got a few classes a week.” 
“Really?” JJ’s eyes brightened. “That is so awesome!” 
Y/N nudged his shoulder. “Thanks, buddy. I’ll be teaching you too, you know? We’ll have literature together on Tuesday and English on Thursday.”
“You haven’t been here long, have you?” Olivia asked. Her long blond hair was braided from the top of her head. She had colourful bracelets on her wrists. “I’ve been here for a year and noticed you a couple of times these past few weeks.” 
Two teenage boys walked into the lounge room. They stopped in their tracks when they found the place occupied. “Sorry,” one of them said. “We thought we’d be alone here at this hour.” Before he could finish it, another two boys walked in. 
Y/N raised a brow. Already ten people in the room. “What time is it?” she asked no one in particular. It took another five minutes, and another six children entered the room. 
“You’re the new teach’,” one of the older boys pointed a finger at her. “Cool,” he smirked. 
“I guess the word is spreading faster than you know,” Y/N mumbled under her nose. 
“No, she’s the one who saved Jerome,” a girl said as she sat in an armchair. She was at least fifteen years old. 
“I guess you have a reputation, Y/N,” JJ laughed when the kids around them started to talk about Y/N as if she was not there. 
The woman raised her hands into the air to stop the debate. “If you want to know more, you need to ask the source - that’s me. Please, stop discussing me as if I was not here, okay?” One after one, they nodded their head. “Great. Let’s start again. My name is Y/N. Do you have any questions?” 
“What is your mutation?”
“Is it true you will be our new teacher?” 
“Did you throw Professor Summers out of the window a few days ago?” 
That last question made her laugh. Obviously, they knew something happened. This was the perfect opportunity to talk to the students and know them better. She lived there for some time now. It would be nice to be part of their lives, be there for them. As she kept looking at it, she realised all these children stayed at school for the weekend. Some of the faces were familiar to her. They never left the school the whole time she lived there. 
They all had one thing in common - their families gave up on them the moment they discovered how different their children were. 
A frown appeared on her face. “Do you ever go home?” she asked gently. She wanted to know how many of them still had their parents.
They all shook their heads. “No,” said one of the oldest boys present. “Some of us have families on the other side of the states. Most of us are here all the time. They gave up on us.” 
“I’m so sorry,” Y/N sighed. “I know how it feels to be pushed away from your family. Mine got rid of me, too.” 
“Sure,” one of the girls scoffed. 
Y/N’s eyes found hers. “They locked me in an insane asylum because I… I killed my own little sister with my mutation,” she admitted out loud. “It was the first time I used the ability. Until that moment, I didn’t know I was a mutant. My mutation is forcefield manipulation. Even though it is a protective ability, I managed to kill my sister with it.” 
It was hard to admit it in front of a group of children. Y/N concluded it was better to tell the truth than to lie. What if Scott would open his big dumb mouth, and the kids would fear her? No more lying.  
“My parents put me into an insane asylum because of it, and they never came for me. Well, I believe they’d rather see me dead. I escaped the asylum and joined a group of terrible people. My decisions were not the best. I’m not proud of that part of my life.”
“Y/N was locked with me in a lab where they experimented on us,” JJ chimed in. The kids turned their gazes at him. He sounded like a grown man. “She was already there when they brought me in. I helped her escape. Later, Profesor Logan and her came for me and saved my life.” 
The silence that surrounded everyone was heavy. Some kids lowered their eyes to the ground, others closed them. They didn’t know what to say or if to say anything at all. The topic was heavy. Some could relate, and others were lucky to not experience anything tragic. 
“I get how you all feel,” Y/N said. “I know what it is like when the people you love get rid of you like you’re an old, used toy. I understand you feel betrayal and pain, even anger.” Her hand found Nova’s hand, and she squeezed it reassuringly. “But look where you are now. You all ended up in a school for mutants, where you’ve been given a second chance for a better life. This place is your home. People here care and want the best for you. I dare to say that this is your new family.” 
More silence followed. “I know I’m still a stranger to you, and you don’t trust me. That’s okay. Teachers like Storm, Jean or Kitty will be there for you. Please, just know you can talk to me, too. I want to help in any way that I can and know.”
Once Y/N finished talking, Nova wrapped her arms around Y/N’s waist and hugged her tightly. When JJ saw it, he did the same from the other side. The woman wrapped both arms around each child and smiled. The love she felt was immense. Before she knew it, more children approached her. They all huddled together in a big, warm hug. It was a beautiful gesture. 
Storm walked around the school, checking on the students. She stepped into the lounge room. Her eyes landed on the scene before her. She had to smile. Storm was lucky enough to witness the group hug. 
“What’s going on?” she asked softly.
Slowly, the children moved from the huddle. They went back to their sitting spots again. JJ kept his arms around Y/N while Nova grabbed Y/N’s hand and held it tightly. 
“Just bonding,” Y/N said with a smile. 
Storm’s lips reflected the smile. “That’s nice. I’m glad you are finding a way to their hearts.” 
Later that day, The Professor returned with Logan and Bobby from the banquet. They were back after a few days away, and both men couldn’t be happier about their return. Bobby missed Kitty. They’d been texting here and there throughout the time. Logan didn’t have the guts to call or text Y/N. He rarely used his phone. Also, he thought it would be weird. Charles could feel Logan’s faint anxiety crawling around him. He knew the reasoning behind it. The man’s thoughts weren’t quiet.
They drove to the school, glad this ‘mission’ was over. They didn’t expect to hear loud music roaring from the building. Logan tilted his head to the side, frowning. “Is that coming from the school?” Then they heard singing. It was like a live concert. “What’s going on?” 
Logan parked the car in the garage. They helped Charles out of the car and into his wheelchair. The singing got louder. It echoed around the garage. The students were singing a familiar song. Charles smiled and chuckled. When was the last time something like this happened?
All three went from the garage and got to the main level. The song changed. After a brief silence, the singing began again. The students were crammed in the lounge room, dancing around and singing as loud as their voices let them. When some kids noticed the Professor, they made a passageway for him and the other two teachers. 
Logan’s eyes widened in surprise. He found Storm, Y/N and Kitty in the middle of the room, surrounded by students, jumping and screaming words to the song playing. 
If you could see that I’m the one who understands you. Been here all along, so why can’t you see? You belong with me.
It seemed everyone knew the words to that song. All three women swayed their hips to the music, jumping around like all the students. They were happy, enjoying the moment. Y/N grabbed JJ’s hands when she started twisting him around. Her face was bright and cheerful. Even the boy was thrilled. 
She wears high heels. I wear sneakers. She’s cheer captain. I’m on the bleachers. 
This part was powerful. As if everyone wanted to scream the chorus as loud as possible. No one cared that the headmaster was present. But Charles had a big smile on his face. Yes, they organised events for the students, but this happened out of nowhere. It was special. It was a bonding moment for everyone.
“I love this song!” Bobby shouted, bobbing his head to the song. He started to sing the lyrics. 
Storm draped an arm around Y/N’s shoulders while Y/N wrapped an arm around her waist as they sang the song. One of her hands remained on JJ. They laughed at their silliness. Kitty found Bobby walking to her. She got excited and ran into his arms, and they swayed together to the song. 
Storm discovered Bobby a few seconds later. She stopped dancing, and her eyes found Charles and Logan. Her arm fell from Y/N’s shoulders, and she made her stop dancing. 
Y/N gasped. Her face heated up, and she quickly turned around to turn off the music. She had a remote control to the stereo. When the song was abruptly stopped, the students whined. It was evident they were displeased by the interruption.
“Professor,” Storm said his name nervously. “I’m sorry for this. We got carried away.” 
Charles laughed. “Oh, Storm, no need to apologise. I like that you all have so much fun on a Sunday afternoon. You should continue to have more fun.” 
Y/N was breathing heavily. Her chest was rising and falling visibly. It was quite a cardio. Her eyes met Logan’s, who had a grin on his face. He leaned against the nearest wall, crossed his arms over his chest and kept staring. When he licked his lips, Y/N’s eyes followed his every movement. 
“Well, the magic of the moment is kind of gone,” Y/N said. “But we had good two hours of this fun, right?” she turned to see the kids. They shouted affirmations. Some of them whistled.
“Okay, everyone, it’s time for us to end this session,” Storm raised her voice so everyone could hear her. “Thank you for being here and having fun. It’s time to get to your rooms and prepare for tomorrow.” 
Logan watched as Y/N hugged a few younger kids. First, it was JJ, which wasn’t surprising. Then, it was two other girls. That sight made his insides tingle. He felt love radiating out of her. It made him smile. When they separated, Y/N’s eyes were back on him.
He took a few steps forward while greeting some of the kids. “Are you trying to bribe them to like you?” he mocked her. 
“Are you jealous I’m giving my attention to them and not you?” she poked his bicep when Logan was close enough. “Or should I bribe you too?” 
“I’m not that easy, princess.” 
“What if I tell you I sneaked in some beer?” she raised her brows. 
He was impressed. “You got me. Wait, you want to get drunk again?” he asked. “I won’t be taking care of your ass next time.” 
Y/N squinted. Her body was ready to jump at him. Not because she was angry at him. She wanted to kiss that smug smile off his face. Last night, she imagined what his hands would feel on her body, how he would taste and feel. She pictured his hands exploring her naked body, his lips between her legs. 
“I’m a big girl. I can take care of myself,” she said. There was a teasing smile on her face. She walked past him and found JJ talking to one boy. She wrapped an arm around his shoulders. 
Logan watched her leave the lounge room with the boy. His mind was spinning. His eyes lowered and remained on her ass, watching it move with each step she took. 
A hand tapped his shoulder. Bobby grinned at Logan. “You got it bad, my friend.”
“Shut up.” 
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axelakim · 24 days
Broken Pieces
Pairing: Logan Howlett x F!reader (20 ish something)
Genre: angst and angst 
Warning: age gap, not proofread, use of Y/N
Summary: You got a crush on Logan while he is still overshadowed by Jean's death. The love journey between you two gets on a bumpy path.
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Xavier school has been busy because of the new entrances. Young, hopeless mutant which Professor X found out through Cerebro. The teachers feel a bit overwhelmed by them. It is kinda hard to control the youngsters to face their fear. Fear of losing control. Ororo, Raven, Hank, Logan, and Professor put so much effort changing the youngsters mindset. Saturday night feels a bit lay low now, the students are partying in Xavier's backyard, including you. The only class five mutant student in the school. telekinesis, energy manipulation, and some form of neuroelectronic interfacing power
all united in the body of an 18 year old girl. 4 years ago Professor accompanied by storm came to your house offering a safe place, you'd call your second home now. What about the parents? they still visit you once in a while. At the beginning you thought they were the one who called Professor to take you out but turned out wrong. Charles who's the one tracked you. They never abandoned their little girl, the reason why your mom and dad let you go is for the reason that you will be able to accept your gifts and harness it for the better use like X-Men did. So here you are now. Being an exemplary student after 4 years of practicing in this gifted school.
Logan is one of your favorite teachers. He teaches history. You two share quite strong bonding whether in usual or defense class. Always has his eye on you, protecting you even though he knows it's just a practice. That's how you develop a crush on him since last year. After Jean's death, Logan has been a different man, he mourns for almost 6 months fully. But when he was told to teach history to fill his days by the professor he got better. That's the moment he met you.
The party is almost done, several of your friends went back to the dorm already. You and Gina and Hector are left behind. Enjoying each other's company till almost midnight. 
When you got back to your room, you saw logan and Ororo chatting in the living room. They didn't hear you coming, you were about to say hi but it stopped your intention when you heard Miss Grey's name in the conversation.
“So how you feeling logan?” ororo asked
“Great, the kids are quite a handful but i always manage it i always do”
“No, not the kids. I mean jean. Still dreamed of her?”
“O-oh yeah still the same. It's always about the wars and her, every night”
“You have to move on logan. That was not your fault. Try to make peace with it. I hate to see my friend suffer” she sighed
“It is what it is storm. At least I get occupied with the kids. Leave me struggling just at night” he answered while sipping the beer
You were still there, knowing it was wrong to eavesdrop on your teacher's conversation. That's all because of Logan, your curiosity increases when it comes to him.
“I see you close with Y/N. You two seem to share a special moment in every class you taught. Would you tell me about that?” 
“Y/N?” he chuckle, “Nah she's a sweet kid but I just care for her as a student”
“Maybe caring for someone can mean something logan. You act differently around her I can see that. Smile more often. She able to dissipate your scowl face instantly and the school is not against it let me tell you”
Little did you know,you smile hearing her chatter
“No storm, she wasn't even near to Jean” logan almost snapped and bowed his head in frustration.
You've heard it all. Heart breaks into pieces knowing he doesn't feel anything for you after all he does the whole damn year. Feeling you shouldn't be there since the beginning, you stupidly stepped back, hand hitting the vase on the table near you. The vase breaks into pieces resembling how your heart feels right now. Logan and Storm are taken aback with what happened. You ran fast but carefully to your room, hoping they would not see you in the first place. 
“What was that?” logan asked
“I don't know. No one's here. The hall is empty too” while looking around
“Maybe the pets did it” she adds
“Yeah maybe. Let's just clear this up” was the last thing you heard from your room.
Crying silently, you want to stop but you just can't. There's agony and rage inside of you.
“Why you feel hurt Y/N? Why? he's just try to be a good teacher, nothing more. Accept it, accept it you stupid pathetic girl. You're not Miss Jean Grey” talking to yourself like a lunatic. 
The crying is getting uncontrollable. You become bad at controlling your power if you were filled with so much negative energy but forcing the dark power inside to not come out is hard. You don't want to wake everyone up. So, you decide to go to the backyard in a hurry. Near the lake u keep trying to hold it all but your body can't lie. Your face is numb, can't feel anything. Body floating in the air and is circled by the red light which is your power. You were struggling, and couldn't catch a breath.
Professor woken up by the energy of yours. He awakened all the teachers and told them to go to your room but you're not there. All of them went directly to the backyard but they found nothing, you were drowning in the lake at that moment. Logan saw a vague red light from the water. He knew it was you, he jumped into the water to save you.
You are all wet and unconscious. Storm doing CPR so that the water you swallowed spat out. You woke up for a moment and saw everyone.
“Jesus kid, are you okay?” he asked, full of worry in his voice. 
“I'm s-sorry i…” said you faintly
Before you could continue you ran out of energy and blacked out. They finally bring you to the lab. Logan was the one carrying you there without you realizing it.
I will make several part of this story. I've rarely seen angst for Logan, so I try to write it myself. Let me know your thoughts about this. Hope you guys enjoy it!
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sonotkari · 5 days
Hanni Pham x Fem reader
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[ Synopsis ]
When, Where, and How did you and Hanni become so close? What was the start of the yapping duo's relationship?
[ Word Count ]
[ a/n ]
I'm struggling with my other fics so in the meantime I'm dropping this off to feed my children (I'm sorry I just need MORE TIME) This was just something I wrote without my two brain cells actually functioning so heads up for that info! /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\
My dearest and my loved ones dis for u bae <3
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Somewhere in your mind, you'd wonder how everything started but never recall the moment. Maybe it was that one time way back in March when she sent you a picture of pudding flavor ice cream because apparently, it reminded her of you. Or maybe it was when you ranted about how you had volleyball practice almost every day with no breaks making you lose your shit soon. The question of how you became so close with Hanni had come up in your mind from time to time but it would always end up with no answer. It's really not that big of a deal, where an answer was needed asap, no, it was like those shower thoughts or maybe those random questions coming up in your head at 3 am while listening to music on your headphones, something like that. Regardless, whatever or however the conversation started, you were very grateful for it because now you have someone on your side who would listen to your random yappings whether it was about that hallway crush or that annoying History teacher who mostly talks about his life rather than teaching the class. 
The memory recalls when that one time she asked about your MBTI which was trending off at that time for who knows why. You did it once before it became popular and didn't think much of it since you never really understood a thing. You just did it anyway because TikTok told you so. So why not? But to think of it now, you made a good life choice of taking a 15-minute survey with just two of your brain cells working. Because now you both were texting each other nonstop knowing you were matching MBTI's with her. "I knew it. You sound like an INFP" "What's that even supposed to mean" And in the very end, Hanni fell asleep in the middle of texting, debating whether fairies are real or not. 
Most of the time the text messages and everything else were random. Except for that one time when she got into a (not so) fight with her best friend, giving her the cold shoulder. It was about something that triggered her which made her feel uneasy. You remember clearly how Hanni had asked you to come to school earlier than you usually did because she wanted company. And how she confessed she wanted to get things back to how it used to be with her best friend while crying on your shoulder in the bathroom. Encouraging her to speak her feelings to her best friend, after some days she was smiling excitedly rushing her way to you, grabbing your arms, saying she finally "did it" telling her best friend how she felt, and now they're back on track. 
In class, she would be seated beside you and always giggle about small little things making you hold on for your dear life to not suddenly burst out laughing in the middle of the session because, for some reason, you were so easily affected by her. Her smile makes you smile, her laugh makes you laugh, and her cheeky grin addressed to you makes you roll your eyes and look at her in a sidelong look with a small smirk on your lips. Others would point out or look at you both with dumbfounded expressions because you both wouldn't stop giggling every 5 minutes and everyone in class already knew whose voices the giggles belonged to because of how frequently it would happen. 
It was before summer break had started and you were ranting at Hanni about how you won't be seeing each other once the break starts. "You'll miss me, right?" became a habit of yours to say in your everyday convos, and her replying with a "Will I tho?" made you smack the girl's arm as a set, and that also became another one of your (bad?) habits. You wanted to squeal and jump around hearing her respond "Of course" to your ask if you could randomly call her because of how you'd probably miss her a lot and feel sad out of the blue due to the lack of her presence. Talking on a call wasn't your thing because you only have two brain cells that don't function well and you left your vocabulary somewhere making you end up in a stuttering mess but, you'd rather be a stuttering mess to Hanni than spend 2 months without hearing her voice. 
One memory from another, you recall another happy moment with her. She was in the cheerleading team and you promised you'd see her cheer on the day of the game but sadly you got a high fever the night before and had to inform her you couldn't get to see her first cheer on her first game. You couldn't help but think about the disappointment in the girl's face especially when she was eager for you to come and watch. The temperature got a bit better the next day and you were debating to yourself. Yes, your head was panging in pain, yes your body was a bit hot, and yes you feel numb moving and basically doing anything. But will it be worth it to bear everything just so you could see Hanni's surprised happy expression when you go and watch her? Oh yes. You know damn well everything's worth it when it's about Hanni. 
There you were in a rushing mess, running around your room while trying to get dressed, finding the other lost pair of socks while holding a cooling gel sheet for your forehead in your hand. Running wasn't good for you since it'll make your temperature go high again but all the rushed efforts will go to waste if you missed it. Is there any other choice? Of course not, silly. By the time you got to the gates of the school, all you could hear was the rhythmical beat of your heart with your panting, trying to calm yourself before you entered the gym. Of course, she was the one who noticed you first. There it was. The face. The expression. The dimples that would show every time she smiled. Excitedly rushing to you and showering you with questions about your fever state. "Weren't you not feeling well? What are you doing here― are you okay? Are you about to pass out?" "I just couldn't miss your cheer. I for sure would've regretted it if I stayed home" Your (maybe not so bad) habit had definitely influenced her as you felt a gentle smack on your arm along with a soft giggle from the girl.
The leaves began to lose their vibrant colors, crisping up and slowly falling down with the cold breeze flowing by in November. You asked Hanni to go out and hang out in this cafe your friend told you that had the best pudding in town, which she happily agreed to, and now both of you were walking in circles at the same place lost. Having no sense of direction and the Google map not being useful at all, you decided to give up going to the place. But someone doesn't seem to be happy about it. "What do you mean, let's go to a different shop?" "No, it's fine we can just go in another time. Besides it's cold and you're not very good with the cold" You looked at the flushed red tip of Hanni's ears and nose as you mumbled. "I'm not giving up. You were so excited about the pudding, so we're going to eat that goddamn pudding" And now you were walking again with Hanni by your side but this time, you were holding hands to "keep me warm if you're that worried" 
"What are you smiling so giddily about?" You snap out of the memories and look at the girl looking at you with concerned looks. "You look creepy to be honest babe..." "Oh shut up" Replying with a playful snicker you stood up from your seat and walked your way to your girlfriend hugging her from the side, resting your chin on her shoulder. "Hey, do you remember how we became friends?" Shifting your gaze to her, slightly tilting your head as you asked so. "Uhh... I don't... think so..." She now looked at you with a puzzled look. "I think we just went with the flow" "Haha, wow I went with the flow and got a girlfriend? Must be a mastermind then" Smackng your arm, Hanni outed a chuckle. "Hey, remember when I used to smack you like that a lot but now we switched positions" "Oh I'm definitely influenced by you. Bad and good" You mocked an offended expression, holding your chest dramatically. "What's that supposed to mean...!?" Hanni laughed again and went back to making her coffee. "I definitely remember that one time you came to see me cheer with a fever" It was your turn to out a chuckle hearing her recall the memory. "Hey how about that one time we went out but then got lost midway?" "Yeah, and you insisted on finding the place, even making excuses to hold my hand" "Aaahhh shush! Shut up! I was 16 leave me alone!!" Hanni sheepishly laughed which made you laugh again as well. 
"We had meaningless conversations all the time, talking about random stuff" Sighing softly as you linger your thoughts about your past friendship with Hanni. "What do you mean, meaningless?" Hanni was now stirring her coffee, blowing it occasionally as she fixed her gaze at you. "All the conversations we had, meant everything to me" She took a sip of her coffee along with a sigh and stared at you again. You could feel the affection from her gaze and can't help but feel your chest get warmer every second with the small smile and the little dimples on her cheeks showing.
Every moment we spent together means more than anything to me than you'll ever know. 
Hanni secretly, quietly thought to her mind, while smiling at the woman she loved most.
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yappers falling inlove r so cute
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