#my heart aches for will and emmy so bad
landonsmuse · 1 month
alex just entered the plot chat, is this where it starts to go down
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sharkneto · 1 year
I’m convinced you’re the only person with a correct view on tua season 3. Even though it wasn’t as good as s1 some people have no reading comprehension and it drive s me crazy
Ah, Season 3. Like, I get it, I think, where people who don't like it are coming from. It's got some wack choices (...just like s2. And s1 but we didn't have anything to compare it to so it's my Beloved Golden Season). I'm not going to force anyone to change their minds on it - if you like it you like it, if you don't you don't. People like what they like.
But, because you're asking me so my opinion is most important in this instance - it's not bad! I do like it! It's got fantastic character moments (Five and Lila, Five and Klaus, Luther and Viktor, Diego and Lila, Allison and Viktor, Klaus and Sparrow Ben...). It's got Reggie being a lil weirdo. It's got Sparrow Ben. I love the wedding at the end of the world with my whole heart - it's such a human thing to do it makes me ache. I love that Five's song choice when facing the actual end of the world is to sing "I've Had the Time of My Life" because he's with his family! I actually really like Allison's spiral, I think it makes perfect sense for her as a character and where she was at and my only regret for it is the backlash Allison and Emmy got from it. The characters are what I'm here for, and I can be very forgiving as long as I get to hang out with my guys more. And I don't even think I need to be that forgiving to S3!
There are like... four specific things I don't like in S3 (Founder Five plot, Sloane, Lila pregnant, Oblivion Guardians). Aidan is so fucking good in the Founder plot that I'm happy to logic my way into an interpretation of it that I like better. Sloane is... there. She's rather two-dimensional so that makes it also easy to not be that bothered by her. She's there! Luther likes her! I don't need more! Which is good, because they don't really give more! The last two are just things I wish they hadn't done, or had done differently, but they did and so that's just how it is. I can focus on that and be mad or I can look at the stuff I liked and have fun.
I think my biggest strength coming into S3 was I didn't have too much for expectations, good or bad, which is a thing I'm trying to repeat for S4 by avoiding spoilers. I think the maddest I got about S3 coming in was finding out Diego was a dad - I hated that Stan was his kid. It didn't make any fucking sense. And! Look what good being mad about that did for me! Stan wasn't even his kid! I got mad over nothing! Like, still mad Lila is pregnant so Diego will be dad, but that at least will make sense - I don't dislike Dad!Diego, I dislike SuddenDad!Diego with a teen. But, what I'm trying to get at with that example, is I did that to myself. I made myself mad based on info promos gave me and I extrapolated to a conclusion rather than actually waiting to see what the show was going to do, and it did color my enjoyment watching until the Stan Reveal.
You cannot extrapolate what the fuck TUA is going to do. It's too bonkers, the writing isn't consistent enough. It's gonna do its own thing. I think trying to dig into the promos and BTS content for S4 to predict what it will be is setting yourself up for failure. If that's your jam, do not stop! You do you! I, however, am combating this by actively just Not Thinking About It. I love this show and its characters and I want to give myself the fairest chance to enjoy and love what its finale will be.
Like S3, S4 is going to be what it's going to be. I might love it, I might hate it. I'm probably going to love some of it and hate some of it. All I can hope is I love more than I hate and me coming in with concrete ideas of what it's going to be only gives me more things to hate when what actually happens inevitably doesn't align. Why do that to myself?
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sequinsmile-x · 2 years
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Stained Glass Windows - Chapter Thirteen
Life was complicated, but they wouldn't have it any other way.
Sorry it's been almost 2 weeks since I last updated this one, I hope you enjoy it <3
Words: 3.5k
A full list of warnings for the fic can be found on the Series Master List and will be updated as we go along
Read over on Ao3, or the below the cut
September 2008
Emily yawns as she looks at the clock on the nightstand, sighing as she looks at the time. They’d just been about to settle down for dinner when Strauss called, demanding Aaron went back to the office for some paperwork that apparently couldn’t wait until Monday. He’d turned down Emily’s offer to buy a burner phone and leave Strauss some very colourful voicemails and headed back to work. It was taking longer than they’d hoped and she decides to try to get some sleep. 
She’s just about to turn over, to switch off the lamp, when the door creaks open and she hears a tiny voice.
She sits up and looks over to the door and is met by the sight of Jack in his rumbled pyjamas, his hair a mess from where he’d been sleeping. He had his favourite stuffed animal, a bear she’d given him the first time they’d met, hanging from his hands and tear tracks on his face that make her heart twist. 
“Hi sweetie,” she says softly, “Daddy had to go back to work for a little bit.” 
“Why?” He asks, looking unsure as he gazes around the room, and she’s suddenly very aware this is the first time it’s been just the two of them alone together. 
“His boss needed his help with something.” 
He sniffs, wiping at his nose, “The dragon lady?” 
Emily covers a laugh with a cough and makes a mental note to make sure she was more careful about how she spoke when Jack was around. She decides to change the subject, hoping he doesn’t notice. 
“Are you ok, Jack?” 
He looks down at the ground as if he’s embarrassed, “I had a bad dream.” 
Her heart twists again, and she feels overwhelmed by the need to make it better for him. To cheer him up and fight off anything that wanted to hurt him, even if it was his own imagination. 
“Oh, I’m sorry honey,” she says, itching to reach out for him but knowing it had to be his call. He stands there staring at her as if he wasn’t sure what he wants, and she smiles at him, “Did Daddy ever tell you about my magic hugs?” 
He furrows his brows, looking so much like Aaron it makes her smile, “Magic hugs?” 
She hums in response, nodding at him as she sits up even further in bed, enthusiasm injected into her voice as she softly encourages him. 
“Remember when Daddy was sick a few weeks ago, he had a cold?” She says, and Jack nods, taking a tentative step closer to the bed, “What do you think made it better?” 
“A hug?” He asks, stepping closer again, and she nods in response even though she knew it was more likely the Tylenol she’d made him take. Although Aaron would argue it was the 12 hours he’d spent with his face buried against her collarbone.
“Of course.” 
Decision made, Jack finishes his journey across the room and climbs into bed with her. She pulls him into a hug and kisses the top of his head, the ache in her chest easing as he settles into her embrace. 
“Do you want to tell me about your dream?” She asks, and he shakes his head, burying his face into her neck, reaching out for her hair and wrapping his fingers into it, “You just want to cuddle?” He nods, and she kisses his head again, rocking him slightly in her arms. 
“Emmy?” He says eventually, and she looks down at him, smiling as their eyes meet. 
“Yes, sweetie?” 
“You pretty,” he says, still playing with her hair, “Like a princess.” 
She’s surprised by the way she blushes. How the compliment from the almost 3-year-old means more to her than most of the things any romantic partner had said to her over the years. She clears her throat, leaning down to kiss his forehead. 
“Thank you, Jack.” 
When Aaron gets home the apartment is quiet.
He makes quick work of making sure the door is locked before he abandons his briefcase over the back of the couch. Any frustration he felt towards Strauss for taking an evening with his family away from him is gone the moment he opens his bedroom door. 
Emily and Jack are fast asleep on her side of the bed. The toddler is curled up around her, one hand grasping her pyjama shirt and the other his favourite teddy bear. It makes him smile, love for both of them almost knocks him off of his feet. 
He does a quick version of his nighttime routine before climbing into bed with them. The dip of the mattress wakes up Emily, and she groans, blindly reaching out behind her for him.
“It’s me, sweetheart,” he replies quietly, “Go back to sleep. Sorry I was gone so long,” he says, pressing a soft kiss to her head, wanting to make sure he didn’t wake her up entirely. “Although, I’ve been gone a few hours and there is already another man in your bed.” 
She chuckles, the sound hoarse with sleep, and she shifts to look at him, her eyes barely open. 
“He had a nightmare,” she explains, sleeping reaching for him and patting his cheek when she sees his face fall, “He’s ok, I fixed it,” she says, not a trace of her earlier anxieties anywhere to be found. 
Aaron can’t help but smile at the way she’s phrased it, or the sleepy smile on her face. He gathers her into his arms, shifting them so they were closer to Jack, the little boy just within reach. 
“You fix a lot of things,” he replies, running his hand up and down her back to lull her back to sleep. 
“You say the cheesiest shit,” she mumbles, “Although you might have some competition Agent Hotchner, according to your son I’m pretty like a princess.” 
Aaron chuckles, shaking his head as he presses a kiss to the top of her head, “He’s not wrong, sweetheart. Go to sleep.”
“Love you.”
“I love you too,” he replies, and he feels her get heavier against him, her breath evening out against his neck, “More than you know.” 
“Is it bad that I’m hoping for a case?”
Emily chuckles and turns in her chair to look at Derek, smirking at the pile of paperwork on his desk. 
“Last time I said something like that to Aaron he threatened to make me go to a psych eval,” she quips, and he laughs too, leaning back in his chair as he shakes his head at her. 
“How did you get out of that one?”
She raises an eyebrow at him, biting her lower lip as she tries to contain her mischievous smile, “I don’t think you want to know the answer to that.” 
“Oh gross,” he says, grimacing when she simply laughs louder at him, “I don’t need to know about what you and Hotch get up to.” 
She rolls her eyes, swinging back and forth in her chair, “We’re both adults. And besides,” she winks at him, “You asked.” 
Derek narrows his eyes at her, and opens his mouth to respond, something she was sure would have been inappropriate on the tip of his tongue, but he’s cut off by Aaron. 
The use of her first name in the office makes concern spark in her belly, and when she turns to face him, her smile slips away entirely at the look on his face. 
“Aaron, what’s wrong?” She asks, already standing up, rounding her desk to stand next to him. She has to put her hands in her jacket pockets to stop herself from reaching out for him. 
“That was Jack’s school, he fell off the jungle gym,” he says, his jaw tight, his emotions ready to snap, “They think he broke his arm.” 
She feels a physical ache in her chest at the mere thought of Jack being hurt. It briefly makes her freeze, but she snaps out of it - knowing she had to be there for Aaron. She gives in to her instincts and reaches out for him, placing her hand on his arm and squeezing. 
“Did they take him to the hospital and call Haley too?” She asks, and he nods in response, “Then we’ll go meet her there. Go to your office and get your things.” She says, turning to look at Derek, “Morgan-”
“I’ll keep things running here, and if Strauss sticks her nose in I’ll say it was a family emergency.” 
She sighs gratefully, offering him a smile, “Thanks, Derek,” she says, reaching for her bag, “I owe you one.” 
“All I ask is that you stop telling me stuff about your sex life,” he deadpans, winking at her to let her know he was just trying to make her feel better. 
She laughs tightly, the brief flash of levity desperately needed, and she’s already walking away when she responds. “I will when you stop reacting.” 
She meets Aaron at the glass doors and walks to the elevator with him. She spots the keys to his car in his hand, and she takes them from him, before slipping her fingers between his. He looks at her, his eyebrows furrowed. 
“If you think you’re driving, you’ve got another thing coming,” she says, raising an eyebrow at him as the elevator doors open. 
He concedes with a sigh and a brief nod. Grateful that she was here, that she knew how to quietly look after him. 
“Come on,” she says gently, squeezing his hand as she leads him into the elevator, “The sooner we leave, the sooner we get there.”
The nurse makes her wait in the waiting room. 
They’d arrived at the same time as Haley and approached the desk together, all of them saying Jack’s name in unison at the slightly startled-looking nurse at the reception desk. Emily had been poised to use her badge if necessary, her hand already reaching for it when the nurse allowed Aaron and Haley to pass before stopping her. 
“Mom and Dad only I’m afraid.” 
The words kept going around in her head. As did the look on Aaron’s face as he narrowed his eyes, ready to yell at anyone who would listen that she needed to go through too. She’d simply squeezed his hand and told him to go, that she’d be fine. It had taken a second but he’d listened, following the nurse with his ex-wife next to him.
She wished she could have gone with them. That she could have seen Jack herself, the quick text Aaron had sent her to assure her the little boy was fine doing nothing to make her feel better. Instead, she sits in the hallway, her leg bouncing up and down as she twists her engagement ring around her finger. 
It doesn’t help that this was the same hospital Aaron had stayed in after Foyet’s attack. That this was the same waiting room she’d sat in, covered in his blood, as she struggled to come to terms with the fact she could lose him. 
She has no idea how much time has passed, seconds feeling like hours, by the time she hears her name being called out. 
She stands up at the sound of Jack’s voice, relief she doesn’t think she’s ever felt before flooding through her as he runs towards her, slowing down to a walk at Haley’s insistence, a broad grin on his face and a bright purple cast on his left arm. She looks just past him and Aaron and Haley are behind him, struggling to keep up with the little boy. 
“Hi, sweet boy,” she says, leaning down to scoop him up into a hug. She’s as careful with his arm as she can be as she settles him on her hip. She cringes as the hard cast connects with the side of her neck, but he doesn’t react, and it settles some of her anxiety. She kisses his cheek, “Were you brave for the doctor?” He nods enthusiastically, using his good hand to reach out for her hair, tangling his fingers in the dark locks as he so often did when he needed comfort. “Look at your cast.” 
“I got to choose the colour,” he says as Aaron and Haley catch up with them. He frowns slightly, “You weren’t there.” 
She tenses, his innocent observation enough to make her chest tight. An accusation she knows he doesn’t mean as she has taken it finding space to take residence near her heart. 
“You saw how busy it was back there Jack,” Aaron says, walking over to them, his hand gentle at the small of Emily’s back, “There wasn’t room for all of us, so Emily stayed here whilst me and Mommy went back with you.” 
“I wish Emmy was there. Emmy’s hugs make everything better,” Jack says, “Like magic!” 
Emily chuckles at that, kissing the side of his head, “I think my powers aren’t quite strong enough to fix broken bones.” 
Haley smiles as she watches the three of them, pushing down the pain she feels, how she feels on the outside of this moment. She knows that Jack doesn’t mean he wishes Emily had been in the treatment room with him instead of either her or Aaron, but with them. He didn’t understand the complications or see the broken pieces that were all slowly slipping back into place. He just saw his family. Three adults who loved him and made him feel safe. 
Jack had been infatuated with Emily as soon as Aaron introduced them, something that seemed to be mutual. Emily had a natural talent for making children feel comfortable around her and it turned out Jack was no different. It was something that Aaron had mentioned after Emily had joined the team, a half-hearted compliment as he complained about her presence when he still didn’t trust her. 
It wasn’t what Haley imagined when she finally found out she was pregnant with Jack. Months, years, of waiting for the test to come back positive leading up to that moment. When she looks back at it now, it was clear that things between her and Aaron were already starting to fracture even then. Cracks appearing across the landscape of their marriage until they could no longer ignore it. And then it broke entirely. 
It wasn’t what she’d imagined, but it’s what she had. She was glad Aaron had someone who loved him as much as Emily did. That he was with someone who understood him, who was able to draw out the parts of him Haley had once thought were lost. 
Maybe it was time she found someone who could do that for her too. 
She clears her throat, holding back a smile as Aaron and Emily look at her, seemingly only just remembering she was there.
“It’s the weekend,” she says, adjusting the strap of her purse over her shoulder, “So as long as you’re ok with it and leaving work early didn’t cause an issue, he can still go with you?” 
Aaron nods, tightening his hold briefly on Emily, “Yeah, that would be great Haley. We’ll let you know how he’s doing.” 
“Thank you,” she replies, walking over and kissing Jack on the cheek, not wanting to go to the effort of having to shift him into her arms for a hug and then back into Emily’s with the added complication of his arm cast, “You be good for Daddy and Emily, ok?” She says, cupping his cheek and kissing his forehead, “No falling off of anything else this weekend.”
“Yes, Mommy,” he says, nodding in agreement, as if he’d had plans to free dive off of their stairs and would simply rearrange, “Love you.”
“Love you too, baby,” she steps away, smiling at Aaron and Emily as she does, “You’ll drop him home at the usual time on Sunday?” They both nod in agreement and she takes one last look at her son before exchanging goodbyes and heading out of the emergency room. 
They stand in silence for a moment, broken by Jack sighing as he rests his head on Emily’s shoulder. 
“We should go home,” Aaron says, smiling down at them. He doesn’t miss how tightly Emily is holding herself, the tension that had formed when she’d had to stay behind at the nurse's insistence almost visible. “Get this one to bed after his long day.” 
She knows what he hasn’t said, that they’ll talk once Jack is asleep. Go through the things she isn’t sure she knows how to put into words but knows she has to. 
“Yeah,” she says, turning and letting him guide her towards the door, “Let’s go home.” 
Jack falls asleep before they get home, worn out by his injury and the drama of the afternoon. Aaron successfully gets him back into the apartment and up the stairs without waking him. He puts his son to bed, his broken arm resting on a pillow, before heading downstairs to find his fiancee. 
He doesn’t have to look far.
Emily is sitting at the kitchen counter, a glass of wine in her hand that she’s sipping, and another on the counter next to her that is clearly intended for him. 
He joins her, dropping a kiss on the top of her head before he sits on the stool next to her. 
“Are you ok, love?” He asks, picking up his glass of wine with one hand, and placing the other on her back.
She chuckles humourlessly, “Surely I should be asking you that question. Your son got hurt today.” 
“Em,” he sighs, “I saw your face when the nurse wouldn’t let you through with us.” 
She licks her lips, turning so she’s looking at her wine instead of him. “Being a step-parent is hard,” she chuckles again, shaking her head at herself, “Not that I’m even officially his step-mother yet,” Emily says, smiling sadly at him, her lower lip trembling with the force of the emotions she tries to hold back, “I love him.”
“I know you do sweetheart.” 
“I love him so much I know I couldn’t love him more even if he were mine,” she says, shaking her head at herself as a tear falls onto her cheek. She wipes it away furiously, “When we have our own kids, I won’t love him differently to them,” she adds, and he reaches out for her, wiping one of her tears away much more delicately than she had, “It’s all just so complicated. And for once I wish it wasn’t.” 
He runs his hand up her back and gently massages the back of her neck, “I’m sorry.” 
“What?” She turns to look at him, before sighing, reaching out to place her hand on his leg, “No, honey that’s not…you don’t have anything to be sorry for. I love you and Jack so much, and fuck by extension I love Haley too. But, there’s always going to be something to consider. I grew up having to consider everything. Every interaction I had, every word I said. Was it the right thing to do? Would my mom or dad get mad,” she chuckles slightly bitterly and shakes her head, “I wouldn’t trade our life, or you, for anything. Today was just a rough day.” 
He nods in agreement, “When we’re married, we’ll figure something out.” He promises, “It would be crazy if we went somewhere and you could do something for our kid but not him.”
She smiles at him and it shakes again, “And if Haley doesn’t agree?” 
“He’s my son too, Em,” he says firmer than he means to, closing his eyes to steady himself before he tries again, “We’ll talk about it. But I’m sure Haley would agree that Jack having more people that love him, who can look after him, isn’t a bad thing.” 
“I guess you’re right,” she says, sounding more sure than she feels. She still feels unsteady, the impact of the day, of Jack’s injury and then the firm reminder of her place in his life, enough to make her feel on edge. “This is going to sound juvenile,” she says, her lips set in a firm line, “But can I have a hug?” 
Every time he thinks he can’t fall more in love with her she proves him wrong. He smiles at her, standing up and turning her on the stool she’s sitting on so she’s facing him. 
“You never have to ask,” he replies, wrapping his arms around her, pulling her into his embrace. She loops her arms around him as do her legs, and she buries her face in his chest. “I love you, sweetheart,” he says, frowning slightly as she makes tight fists in the back of his shirt, “Everything will be ok.” 
She closes her eyes tightly, desperate not to cry any more than she already had that evening. 
“I know,” she replies, hoping he doesn’t hear the shake to her voice, “I love you too.” 
Tag list:
@ssa-sparks, @lukeclvez, @lyds102, @glockleveledatyourcrotch, @hotchnissenthusiast, @danadeservesadrink, @ssamorganhotchner, @emilyprentissisgod, @notagentprentiss, @freesiasandfics, @emilyshotchniss, @thecharmingart, @paulitalblond, @hancydrewfan, @camille093, @whitecrossgirl, @moonlight-2-6, @rawr-jess, @florenceremingtonthethird, @jareauswife, @ms-black-a, @beebeelank, @aubreyprc, @zipzapboingg, @psychopath-at-heart, @criminalmindsgonewrong, @fionaloover, @kinqslcys, @prentissinred, @ccmattis22, @denvivale317, @thrindis, @hotchsguccitie, @cmfouatslota77, @alexblakegf, @aliensaurusrex, @prentissxhotch, @emobabeyy, @victoiregranger, @stormyweatherth, @wanderingdreamer009, @ssablackbird, @luhconh, @lex13cm , @prentiss-theorem
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emmy-dekarios-bg3 · 6 months
Heart of the Weave - a Baldur’s Gate Fanfiction
I get dinner prepared and have it ready for Gale on the stove once he’s finished with his studies. Sweet potatoes, green beans, and some delicious steak I got from a nearby butcher. I ate just a little, but nausea found me again like a cold-blooded killer, so I lay back down on the sofa, feeling overwhelmed with these disgusting feelings. The body aches make themselves present as well, bringing an overwhelming extra sense of discomfort along with the struggle to breathe properly, as if a heavy stone is sitting on my lungs.
“Emmy, my dear, won’t you go to the city to see a doctor?” Tara asks, sitting on my legs. I sigh and begin scratching her tiny, soft head. She purrs as I stroke her soft fur with the tips of my fingers.
“Is there even a doctor here in Waterdeep? Surely there is, right?” I ask. Droplets of sweat pour down my forehead like waterfalls, but chills cover my entire body. Hot flashes certainly are not a good sign.
“Unfortunately, no. There was, but they left. Now, one must travel to Baldur’s Gate to get any sort of treatment. With the evil gone, it would be worth a try.”
“I’m a little paranoid of doctors anyway, thanks to the House of Healing.” The scalpels. The blood. The screeches of the nurses.
“The House of…what?” I forgot Tara wasn’t familiar with the disturbing events that happened in the Shadowlands, one of them being a fucked-up doctor who murdered patients and considered it curing them. In the name of Shar, of course. The images of a hollowed-out human head and the mutilation of the human torso isn’t exactly a pleasant memory I want to be reminded of.
“If you want to feel better, you will need to travel to Baldur’s Gate, I’m afraid.” Hearing the words ‘Baldur’s Gate’ is bringing back more trauma than I anticipated, and I was born there. How things have changed ever so drastically, but how badly I want to find answers. Maybe it won’t be so bad; maybe the entire city has changed since the death of Lord Enver Gortash and his obnoxious Steel Watch.
“What do you think could be wrong with me?” I ask, my voice raspy and weak. “I’ve never felt so awful. Well, not in a long time anyway. Not since the Bhaal Temple.” Ah, yes. The lingering odor of rotting corpses is definitely hard to forget. Then again, the adrenaline rush made it hard for me to stay sick and eventually the rancid odor was easily accustomed to. Sad, isn’t it?
“I don’t want to say, just because I don’t want Gale to overhear me.” Tara knows something, or at least has a strong suspicion, but why doesn’t she want Gale to know? “Plus, I could always be wrong.”
Gale comes down to the kitchen, grabbing his dinner but notices my dreary body on the sofa shortly after. He stares at my heavy eyes, bags sagging underneath them as if I’m a decaying corpse or rapidly aging somehow. My fatigue is making itself known, inside and out. Back when I was fighting and saving the day, no spells would make me feel this dreadful, so whatever this is must be serious.
“Baby, we need to take you to a doctor. As soon as possible.” His voice is filled with concern; he can’t stand to see me like this. I groan loudly, but take a moment to catch my breath. Walking to Baldur’s Gate will be a huge pain in my body, but surely I’m not dying. Whatever it takes, right?
“Can’t we just…call Shadowheart? Where’s that old man Withers?” Gale laughs lightly, admiring my humor but it quickly fades to a serious tone again.
“You’re so cute. Well, we can certainly try to summon the bone man, but I’m not quite sure neither him or Shadowheart will be able to assist in your vile and spontaneous predicament.”
“Unfortunately, we will need our other companions regardless. It seems the only option is to go to Baldur’s Gate for some sort of diagnosis or cure.” Gale sits down by my feet, rubbing them with his bare hands. He half-smiles as he delicately attends to my aching body, but I can see in his eyes a sense of fear.
“I assume Tara told you. Quite the intelligent tressym she is. Must have gotten it from her father,” Gale teases. I can’t help but laugh at his little comment. I often wonder how this man loves me as much as he does; I’m no sage.
“Well, of course she did! Now, wait…” Gale gives me a puzzled expression. “It’ll take us days to get there and you work at the Academy tomorrow.” He kissed my forehead, and at that very moment I realized the heat radiating off my body; I could feel it on his lips. A fever.
“It’s much appreciated that you consider my job in mind, but you mean the world to me and your life is valuable. I don’t want to risk losing you again. Plus, a fever is certainly not a good sign. What if you have some sort of internal infection? You never know how the world is nowadays.”
So, we decided to call upon Withers. We found him in a tomb and he, for some reason, has helped us ever since. He can help resurrect those who die (most of the time, anyway), and can assist us in various ways if we’re struggling. He’s been a godsend to us.
He gave us a spell for us to summon him in case we’re in danger or need of dire assistance: Mort Tal Witheris. At that very moment it was cast by Gale, he showed up in our living room. His decayed skeleton-like body and gentle mannerisms are hard to forget. I wonder what the old bone man has been up to these days.
“Ah, Withers. Thank the Gods the spell worked. Listen, we have a very urgent…uh…task that we need to handle,” Gale says, then looks over at me with sad eyes, realizing I’m becoming more weak by the minute. Withers makes eye contact with me, observing my body’s weakness and nods his head slowly. It’s as if he knows and Gale doesn’t even have to tell him. The question is, does he know what’s wrong with me? Surely the honest and blunt Withers would say what it is, right?
“Ah, thou art in need of services. It appears she is very weak and needs medical attention urgently. I advise the journey over to Baldur’s Gate but it appears there will need to be extra assistance on the way there. Does thou need the former companions to make the way there?” It’s as if Withers immediately knew the urgency of the situation and figured it would be hard for Gale to fight alone, in case anything were to happen along the way.
“Oh thank Withers… We need our companions to help assist us on yet another journey to Baldur’s Gate. Emmy is violently ill and I can’t have her fight if there is danger. Is this something you can help us with?” Gale and Withers both look at my dreadful eyes and weak posture.
“I shall call upon thy companions to guide you along this journey. May the weave protect her and the spawn as you make your way back to Baldur’s Gate. Wait here for a moment.” Withers vanishes into thin air, a cloud of vapor lingering around the room for a moment.
“Wait, what did he mean by ‘spawn’? I wonder if he was referring to Tara,” Gale teases.
“Gale! I’m offended!” I laugh at Tara’s remark with her sassy tone. Hopefulness is more present than doubt at this point, and I’m really looking forward to finding a solution to this illness. It doesn’t feel like a stomach bug, but rather much worse. Please don’t let it be some sort of infection or parasite. I could honestly live with anything else.
Just a few moments later, Withers appears in the room once more.
“Thy companions should be here by tomorrow. Please make sure she stays hydrated. It’s more vital than you acknowledge.”
“Thank you,” I say with a soft voice. He nods and vanishes once more. I wonder where he disappears in the meantime. Gale and I look at each other, both of us just a little nervous but thankful that Withers came through after all. I wonder what lies in store for us?
“Well, Withers is helping us, and I’m forever grateful for it. That’s a good sign,” I say.
“True. Despite the rather petrifying circumstances, it’s a good day. We’ll get to see our old friends once more, just like we talked about earlier.” Though feeling rather vile, I do have a small glimmer of excitement that’s keeping me going.
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emmy, my love. i can’t express to you how much i adored mmita. you are so unbelievably talented and need to go and write a book or something because your work is just that good. everything between the two of them felt so real and it made my heart hurt and ache so bad. i think what i loved most was the way you described the readers emotions post breakup were so painfully accurate. i loved how things wrapped up for the two of them and you should be so unbelievably proud of yourself.
autumn you’re too kind to me 🥹 thank you so, so much. for your lovely words and reading! compliments like that mean so much coming from a writer like yourself 🧡
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calenheart01 · 9 months
Wings by R + F
So Sorry for the late post been busy and kinda forgot about it but here is Chapter 6 as well as Chapter 7.
Chapter 6
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Dark clouds gather in my subconscious as I sleep. They clump together, pulling the light from my dreams. I look up within the dream, muttering a small comment of rain. The clouds roll over each other in a swirl of motion. They twist and turn in the sky like waves in a storm. The color drains from my surroundings and I forget whatever dream I had been in the middle of as everything turned gray.
It was going to storm soon. You could smell it in the air. However, this storm was different than just a cloud crossing the land. It was growing, gathering the winds and rains from the Earth. It was preparing, hiding somewhere deep in the skies. A bad omen.
A clap of thunder startles me awake.
“Good afternoon.”
Jumping to my feet, I face a girl. She was standing at my bedside when I woke and now, I was at arm’s length with her.
Blue. It was the first thing I thought, seeing her eyes. Her eyes reminded me of someone else I knew, but the girl was unfamiliar to me. Her blonde braid lays on her shoulder, loose strands falling out from it. She is shorter than me, a little above my shoulders, with a simple loose white long-sleeve blouse and a brown corset. Her matching brown boots added a couple inches of height. Commoner’s dress, really.
“Um, hello.” I look around the room, taking note of the stacked bookshelves that were neatly displaying the spines of stories from across the land. Above me, tapestries hung down. They sag slightly in the middle and weave together like a quilt, covering the ceiling above. “Where am I?” I ask, unable to recall how I got here.
“My house,” she responds, “Jasper brought you early this morning. Good thing too. These storms are the worst they have been in months. The Gods must be in some sort of turmoil, sending the storm bearers out.”
I look at her quizzically. Jasper. That’s right, that was the name of the odd young boy who I met last night. He was so ethereal that I was sure he was a dream. Something about him seemed almost inhuman.
The girl in front of me tilts her head. “Jasper told me you are the princess.”
I stiffen. “Oh, that’s correct.” I glance down at my nightwear. “I am sure I do not look the part. I apologize for being so impolite, had I known I would have been… out, I would have dressed appropriately.” I pick at the fabric of my long gown, it was muddy, damp to the touch and held a slight musty smell.
The scent contrasted with the smell of the room. I inhale. Sweet, bakery-like warmth fills the room. It smells of food- and tasty food at that. Involuntarily, my stomach growls. Of course, I would be hungry now, why wouldn’t I be? I had not eaten since last night.
“Are you hungry?” The girl questions and I nod.
As the girl wanders off, I sit back down on the bed. Staring outside of the window at the rain, I notice the kingdom far in the distance. I must be in the outlands. The Outlands homed all the grand estates of the noble families as well as the great farms of the kingdom’s farmers.
Emmy was born from farmers in this area. She was the main transporter of goods from her family’s farm to the castle. That was how I met her. She brought food and I would run out to greet her. We quickly became friends, so when her family farm failed during a drought, I invited her to work for me. My heart aches, thinking of the “what ifs.” What if she did not make it out? Where was she? Would I be able to find her if I go back to the castle?
Thunderclaps outside again and a heavy rain hits the windows of the room, causing me to jump.
“Princess? Food is on the table.” The blonde girl’s voice calls from somewhere else in the house.
I stand, regaining composure. There was no way that Emmy wouldn’t be safe. She is likely worried sick about me. I shake off the nervous thoughts and begin walking through the house towards the warmth and sweet smells. I hurry down the steps of the home, to the ground floor. How the girl and Jasper managed to get me upstairs to the bedroom last night is beyond me, but I was thankful for the shelter.
Peeking my head around the corner of the walled-off stairway, I see the kitchen. It is a humble setting with few shelves, herbaceous plants, and a stone brick stove. A fire was burning in the stove, warming the room to a comfortable temperature. In the corner of the room, a stout table sat. On the surface was a colorful spread of food. Fruits, vegetables, cakes, meats, and much more.
“Wow… Did you make all this food?” I ask, wandering further into the room.
The girl looks up from where she sat at the table. “No. My father did, he loves to cook.”
I look around for her father in the kitchen, but no one else was present.
The girl, noticing my search, pats the seat next to her. “He is off greeting some… other, unexpected arrivals.” She nods to the door on the far side of the kitchen.
I listen a moment. The fire crackles in the stove, nearly drowning out the voices on the other side of the door. “Other people are here?”
She nods, heavily sighing. “My cousin and his father.” She reached for a piece of fruit on the table and hands it to me. “They are insufferable. They always arrive without any warning or notice. Then, they just criticize and critique every bit of my father’s life.” She groans, folding her arms on the tabletop.
“They don’t sound like great people…” I sympathize with her, accepting the fruit and chewing on it. I look back to the girl. Blue. Her eyes were exceedingly familiar. “I never got your name,” I inquire, hoping that I may recognize her from a name.
The girl unfolds her arms and starts to speak. Then the door to the kitchen flings open, slamming against the interior of the room. “Casey Mabiella!” A man marches into the kitchen with us.
The voice alone sends vibrations into my soul, not to mention the freezing horror at the recognition of her last name. Mabiella.
I look behind the man, hoping Casey’s uncle and cousin were not trailing after. It is just my luck, however. Two forms enter the room, shaking the rain from their clothes. Their entrance invites the coldness of the storm into the warmth of the room. The men exchange few words and then one of them makes eye contact with me.
Blue. I am glued to my seat. Fear-stricken, embarrassed, and full of denial. No way.
“Princess?” Casey’s voice calls next to me like a sudden strike of lightning.
“You did not mention the princess was here.” Casey’s uncle curses her father. “I could have had my son looking more proper…” Then the man looks at me. “By the Gods girl, what happened to you?”
“Lord Killian, I- Have you not heard?” I interrupt myself, hiding away from view behind the table.
“Heard what? Whatever are you referring to?”
I open my mouth to speak but the gaze of Killian’s son distracts me. “I um…” How lucky it was for me to have stumbled into the one person I needed least: Cassian Mabiella, my betrothed.
“Well?” Killian waits for an answer, hanging his black cloak on the hangers by the door as Cassian removes his boots. Both of their eyes are on me.
Closing my eyes, I swallow my pride. Dressed in nothing but the nightgown I wore to bed last night, I explain the horrendous events that unfolded at the palace.
“My word.” Killian expresses in shock with his brother matching his expression closely behind. “Osiris, why haven’t you gotten the princess more proper attire? The princess should not be seen in public like this.” Killian eyes his son, who continues to stare at me.
Casey cuts off her uncle, noticing my discomfort. “Cassian, staring is rude.”
Cassian rolls his eyes at his cousin. “I apologize, princess. I just have never seen you so… dressed down.”
Cassian was always one for looks, something that Emmy despised him for- among many other things. I look down, embarrassed. It was not my fault I was in my sleepwear, with no make-up, and no hairbrush. Speaking of hairbrushes, I spare a quick thought to the one I threw at my pursuers back within my parent’s room. I smile at the ground, knowing I could hurt the man’s pride with something so small.
Killian shoves his son. “Be polite, Cassian.” He hisses. Then he speaks in a lower tone, “else you lose favor with her family, and more importantly the king.”
I look back to Killian, he had spoken so quietly, he must have thought I could not hear. No surprise here, of course. I always have known why Lord Killian was so set on Cassian and I’s marriage. It would be an excellent boost to the Mabiella house’s ego, which is unnecessary considering the considerable size of their current ego.
Osiris then processes what his brother had implied earlier and urges Casey to lend me one of the dresses from the workshop. I am then dragged away by Casey to an adjacent room.
                She stops me behind a rack of cloth. The room itself was colorful and lively. More plants grew at the bases of the windows and beneath them were tables. The tables lined the walls, covered in fabrics with every pattern imaginable. Equipment is scattered throughout the room, including several mannequins wearing different clothing styles.
            “You make dresses?” I inquire, surprised.
            “My father does, along with other clothes.”
            This adds to my surprise. “Interesting. I never knew this side of Cassian’s family.”
            Casey approaches me with a lightly colored dress. It was more casual than the dresses I was accustomed to, but it was a welcome change. She hands me the dress with an apologetic smile.
            “I should have warned you, but it somehow slipped my mind that you and Cassian were betrothed. I tend not to think of him, although my uncle does brag about his son’s betrothal to you quite often.” She moves to the other side of the room to find me some comfortable shoes and I begin to change behind the rack of cloth.
            “I can understand why you do not think of him. I wish I did not have to. However, because he will one day be my… lawfully wedded husband, it is not like I can avoid it.” I pause to ponder a moment.
“You and your cousin are nearly opposites; it is amazing you two are even related.”
            “Trust me, if I could help change your fate, I would.”
            I laugh a bit at her use of the word fate as I finish adjusting the brand-new dress onto me. How I wish customs could alter to include the second-born on the inheritance. Caelum could choose his own bride, control the kingdom, and keep the Mabiella’s greedy hands off the throne. Of course, I do not mean all the Mabiella family are greedy. Casey is proving against that thought by just lending me clothes and feeding me.
            I step out from behind the cloth rack and present myself in the workshop’s full-length mirror that leaned against the wall across the room. The dress was light pink with golden accents of flowers and leaves on the bodice. The skirt was down to my ankles, but light and airy. It was easy to move in and yet, elegant. It was far different than the dresses in my closet. I suppose Casey was going for something that I can be seen in when I’m in public, but nothing too noticeable.
            “This dress is lovely, thank you.” I mention as Casey plops a pair of white shoes beside my feet. She then hands me a hairbrush.
            “I should have done this earlier to avoid the scolding from Killian,” She murmurs.
            I fix my hair, finding that somehow the river water had rinsed away. I look at the brush, confused how my hair had turned so clean and soft.
            Casey giggles a bit. “Oh, my father uses that to brush the wigs we have for the store. It has some special properties to make the hair perfect. Don’t ask me how, I think he may have infused it with some of his own magic.”
            I nod, in awe of the magical item. My father never trusted any magic, said it could corrupt you. Consequently, I never had anything magical, aside from my own powers. I hand the brush back to Casey reluctantly and put on my new shoes.
            We meet everyone back out in the kitchen to eat. Osiris sits at the head of the table, Casey to his right and his brother to his left. Cassian and I sit across from each other at the other end of the table. It was Killian’s insistence that I sit close to Cassian since we are soon to be married in the coming years. Regrettably, this is something I will have to become accustomed to. Me and Cassian.
            Osiris fixes everyone’s plate and distributes the food among us as he tries to make conversation.
            “Casey, your uncle and I have matters to attend to tomorrow in town. Especially considering recent events.” I feel eyes on me at the last comment and I look up to meet Osiris’ eyes. His gaze holds concern, as if asking if I am well.
            I nod to him, and he continues. I look down at my food, not wanting to meet Cassian or Killian’s stares. What they must think of me… My thoughts dance between the gossip that could erupt within the noble circle if Cassian mentions having seen me in my nightdress. It should not be a huge problem, but, with the upper class, there has always been a sense of required purity between Cassian and me. I was always the center of attention, always the role model for the noble girls. It could hurt my image. Not that I care that much, but my family would have a fit.
            Killian would use it as fuel to the marriage fire. The princess in nightwear! Gasp! As if it was the end of the world to see me in anything but a thick, suffocating dress. Anyone else in their night clothes would be fine- but the princess? That gossip between the noble ladies may well overshadow the fact that I was kidnapped from my home.
            “Princess? Are you listening?” Killian asks a bit louder than needed to get my attention.
            I look up apologetically. “Apologies, I was deep in thought.”
            Killian huffs, adjusting the collar of his pure white noble wear. “I want you and Cassian to attend the next ball together after this affair with the kidnappers is over.”
            I must’ve shown the shock I felt on my face, because Killian gives me a weird look.
            Cassian coughs at the suggestion. “I don’t believe that is quite relevant yet.”
            I agree with Cassian for the first time ever, but I do not voice it.
            “Oh please. This business will blow over, what is the royal life with a little drama and empty threats.” Killian waves off his son.
            “Drama? Empty threats?” I scoff aloud. “I watched that man kick the dead bodies of the soldiers that guarded the palace. A majority of whom, he slayed himself. He is no joke, and he is definitely no empty threat. All of them are threats. If you continue to disrespect the dead by calling this traumatic
experience “drama,” then I am afraid I must go.” I stand to walk off, but Casey takes my hand.
            “Princess, have care to how you speak to me. One day I will be your father-in-law.” Killian retorts with an aggressive edge.
            “I see nothing wrong with what I said.” Anger boils within me. Who does he think he is? Blatantly disrespecting the dead, blowing my concerns off as mere drama? I am sure if my father were present, Lord Killian would not be so blunt with his intentions. Maybe if the king were here, Killian would show the slightest bit of sympathy for the situation. I had known most my life that his only goal was the throne, and now that Cassian and I are betrothed, it is as if Killian already sees himself king and therefore above me. I bite back the urge to tell him off further, to remind him that Cassian would be king, not him.
            I sit back down at the urging squeeze of Casey’s hand.
            I look away from Killian, unable to stand his greedy face any longer, and I make eye contact with Cassian. He looks a slight bit apologetic.
            “Father, the princess could well need some time to recover from this. It is not everyday someone kidnaps you.” Cassian sides with me.
            “Right.” Killian has a complicated look cross his face. “My apologies, princess. I am worried about the kingdom’s future and forgot to see the present.”
            I nod, not responding aloud. I meet Cassian’s eyes again. I mouth a thank you and he sighs, turning his attention elsewhere. Suddenly disinterested, he pokes at the last bite of food on his plate before excusing himself.
            Osiris does the same, wanting to spend the rest of the evening finishing a tailoring job for a wealthy woman in town.
            It was awkward. Sitting with my future father-in-law post-argument. I wanted to speak to Casey, but I feared Killian would take it as me ignoring him. Better to have him say the first words, anyway.
            Luckily, he does speak. “I will host the ball, princess. No expenses will be spared and there, we can announce to the other kingdoms that you and Cassian are to be wedded.” The air itself grows heavy at the words, weighing down my heart.
            I internally cringe. Marriage. It sounded too binding, too much of a shackle. The word itself felt more suffocating than the dresses I’m forced to wear to court with my father. “Thank you, Lord Killian.” I stand again. This time I was ready to go. “I am glad to have you host the ball.” Although I say this in the driest tone, he smiles.
            Killian stands as well. “I will start plans. Thank you for agreeing to this.”
            I nod again, curtsy, and leave to go back to the bedroom I had awoken in earlier. As I walk, I feel the rage build in me again. Typical of him to mention it again after Cassian left. It is as if he only will ever listen to men. Not to mention him flat-out thanking me for agreeing, I just wanted out of that room. Sometimes I wonder that if my father had been a woman, would Killian have tried to slide into the role as king sooner? I shiver. It was always clear that the only thing holding him back from trying to marry me was his family and my age. It was gross. What a sleazy man.
            I enter the bedroom again and find Cassian lounging on the bed. I instantly turn to leave, but he has already seen me.
            “Oh, sorry. I forgot that the guest room was in use by someone else. I can go sleep downstairs.” He stands, albeit begrudgingly.
            “No, you can stay, I’ll go. This must be where you sleep when you visit anyway. It’s what you’re used to.” I step backwards.
            “Nonsense, the princess should have the best room in the house.” He sounds mocking and I frown.
            “Trust me, I can sleep on the cot downstairs. You stay.”
            “No thanks.” He shrugs.
            “I wasn’t invited, the guest room should be for welcome guests.” I counter.
            “I wasn’t invited either.”
            “But you are family and there is only one guest room.”
            “So?!” I scoff. “You get the room.”
                Cassian walks over to me, stopping just in front of me. “You should stay. If you keep insisting that I sleep here, then why not we share the bed? That would be fair, right?” He smirks.
                My face grows hot. “You are insufferable.” I say, using Casey’s own words to insult him.
He shrugs.
                “Why did you side with me at dinner?” I ask, changing the subject.
             ��  He shrugs again. “For once, I disagreed with him. Plus, you are a terrible dancer, you need all the practice time you can get before the ball.”
I scoff at his nerve. “Maybe I won’t dance with you at all then.”
His expression is unchanging as he shrugs once more. “Fine by me.”
Casey then enters the room with narrowed eyes. “Cassian…” Her voice is warning as she draws out his name.
                “Casey.” Cassian says shortly.
                “Who in the world said you can just wander into my home whenever you want? You do not live here.” Her words are bitter as she moves further into the room to adjust the sheets. She ignores how close Cassian is standing to me.
                “My father was having a bit of a falling out with the Mrs. Mabiella.”
Casey huffs.
                “Always the case. He always treats people however he wants.”
Cassian steps away from me, his attention turning on his cousin. “That is not my fault.”
                “Oh no, but you have certainly inherited that trait from him.”
                “Hey-!” Cassian curses to his cousin. “You are as impolite as ever.”
“Oh, look who is talking: Mr. I’m-going-to-be-a-king-one-day.” Casey argues. “You are insufferable.”
                “Strange. That’s exactly how the princess described me earlier. Tell me, did you two gossip about me? Tell each other all of the ways in which I am “insufferable?”” Cassian’s expression hardens and his lips flatten into a tight line. Irritation slipped into his voice at the last of his words.
                “Hey, is it still storming? I think I can go outside and let you two fight it out.” I interrupt.
                Both cousins turn to me. Both of their blue eyes full of the fire of an argument. I fight the urge to slink back into the hallway. Cassian folds his arms.
                “Princess, there are cots downstairs, if you would like to grab one for Cassian.” Casey asks as nicely as possible, but still with enough venom towards Cassian to indicate their argument would be far from over.
                I nod and disappear to find a cot. When I get downstairs, Killian and Osiris are in the kitchen, discussing. I wait a bit, listening from behind the wall to the stairway.
                “The princess is under your roof. That is a great deal of responsibility, brother.”
                “Killian, I am only housing her until things get better and the criminals are caught by authorities. I understand the risks.” Osiris responds plainly.
                “Let me take her back to my estate. She will be provided for and protected there, I swear to you, brother.” Killian explains.
                “I know what you are trying to do, Killian.” Osiris says lowly. “Please leave the poor girl alone.”
                “I know not of what you are speaking. I have the best intentions for our young princess.” His words dance around the truth purposefully.
                “How are they to know she is here, anyway? Your estate may be a great next target. Afterall, you are soon to be father of the king and all.” Osiris’ words are serious and slow. They are bitter in the warm air.
                “I could take the burden from your back, brother. I can keep her alive.”
                “That is the very least you can do, Killian. She is no burden here; she is a guest. She arrived last night in need of help and that is what I promised. I have an especially important friend whose trust is wildly important in keeping. How will it appear if I just slack of the responsibility and promise to my elder brother?”
                “Fine. Fine. Bring it up tomorrow to the princess, then we will see who she favors: Her future father-in-law or his younger brother.” His voice lightens when saying brother as if using it to insult Osiris.
                “Tough choice…” Osiris says, and I decide to appear from around the corner.
                “What’s a tough choice?” I play innocent, as if I had not eavesdrop.
                “Oh, Princess! Sorry, we were just discussing about the cake flavors.” Killian lies and Osiris nods, an annoyed look still plain on his face.
                “I prefer the lemon one personally, I love citrus fruits.” I reply forcing a smile.
Killian nods. “Of course. Good choice.”
                In my mind I see him already add that to the wedding plans. “I was looking for a cot to bring to the guest room.”
                Osiris perks up. “Oh, of course!” He leads me to where they were stored, and I bring a couple up to the guest room.
                Casey and Cassian are not arguing anymore. A welcome silence fills the room as I lay the cots on the floor. Cassian frowns at the temporary bed.
                “What’s that look for?” I question, immediately sorry for asking.
He looks at me. “Just a shame that you do not wish to share the bed with me.”
                “Absolutely not!” Casey interjects. “You will not touch her, you weirdo.”
Cassian laughs. “I’m kidding. I was referencing a conversation from earlier.”
                Casey looks at me quizzically. “Do I even want to know.”
I roll my eyes. “He’s just mocking me and the role of courting me.”
Casey throws a blanket and pillow on the cot and makes Cassian take it. Then she insists on sleeping on the other cot as a chaperone. She does not trust her cousin. I take the only real bed, despite my protests that I should also have a cot. I am glad to sleep in the bed, however; it is much more comfortable. When we are all under blankets and ready for sleep, I cannot seem to muster any sleepiness. I felt eyes on my back. I turn over to see Cassian, his eyes are open, but I cannot see his expression in the dark.
“Can’t sleep?” I ask mockingly and he tells me to shut up.
            At some point I must have fallen asleep, because when I open my eyes, light is pouring in through the window. I sit up, Casey and Cassian are still sound asleep on their respective cots. I stare at Cassian a moment. For once, he seemed peaceful. No mocking. No loud arguments. His face was relaxed, blue eyes closed.
            I stand carefully, not wanting to wake them, as I head outside to get water. I pull a bucket up from the well and carry it into the wash room just as someone else wakes up. I hear footsteps approach the wash room but they stop outside the door.
            “Princess?” It’s Casey. I sigh in relief and pour the bucket into the sink.
            “Come in, I’m just washing my face.”
            Casey walks into the room and stretches. “Just checking on you. My father and uncle left early this morning.”
            “I’m fine, thanks.” I say shortly and begin rinsing my face and neck. I use a spare rag to scrub dirt from my legs and arms.
            Casey does the same and hums lightly while doing so. “I am sorry there was so much fighting.”
            I tell her its fine and we go back upstairs to the guest room. Cassian is awake and changed by the time we get back. His cream white outfit was one I had seen him wear many times. It was always a wonder how it was never stained. He wore it today, looking brand new.
            Casey and I had changed already into our outfits from yesterday. We were not new and shiny like Cassian. I preferred it that way.
            We had leftovers from the night before for breakfast and then Casey and I watered the plants in the house. The morning air was heavy with humidity as we finished and moved to go work on the garden just outside the house.
            I reach down, pulling a large squash from the vine, when I hear something in the woods that surrounded the house. I stand, alert. The squash in my hands was ready to defend.
            Whatever it was, Casey heard it too. She paused her picking and looked around.
            Just then, the sounds of footsteps make me jump, but it was just Cassian with a bucket of water. “Relax. Here.” He hands me the bucket and we water the plants that needed it. For now, the garden was in shade, but the sun was rising fast. We go inside after the chores and I sit at the table, laying my head on the wood of the tabletop.
            “Aw. Too much work for poor princess.” Cassian mocks and sits next to me.
            I resist the urge to shove him from the chair.
            Casey has the same urge in her eyes but ignores him. We go on about, cleaning up the house a bit more. I step outside to get water enough for a bath but am frozen in place at the sight of someone in a dark uniform, heading towards me. My heart surges into my throat with panic and I shove my way back into the house, yelling at everyone to lock the doors before I realize what is happening. Casey is on her feet in an instant. Cassian takes a bit to process my panic.
            “Please. They found me. I don’t know how but they did, and I need to run.”
            “Woah, woah. It’s fine. Maybe they didn’t see you.” Cassian says and I shake my head.
            “One of them was walking right to me from the wood line.” I push past Cassian and lock the door behind him.
            “How do you know?”
            “Because I have eyes, Cassian! Now let’s go!” I yell at him, and he looks a bit shocked.
            Casey appears around the corner and pulls me by the hand into the kitchen. “We need to make it outside and fly.”
            I nod and we head up the stairs to the bedroom. Cassian trails after us wordlessly. The windows are thrown open by Casey and she motions for me to jump. I nod to her, just as the sound of shattering aglass fills the house. Footsteps pour into the home, and I force Cassian and Casey out before me, ignoring their protests.
                The footsteps make it to the stairs, and I jump after the cousins, just as my wing is caught by something. I look back. It was someone. Gray eyes. Blue hood. I scream, kicking away from them. I force him to let me go and I fly up to Casey and Cassian.
                I give Cassian my best “I told you so” and we fly quickly away.
I cannot tell if they follow us as we dive beneath the cover of trees. We drop down onto the ground eventually and search for a path.
                “We should head to my estate, it should be safe there. There’re guards and-,” Cassian starts but Casey cuts him off.
                “We travel through the spirit woods and go to the nearest kingdom. Your estate is too obvious.”
I agree with her as we search for a path. I silently think to myself. I cannot believe I dragged Cassian Mabiella into this. By the Gods, I hope this adventure doesn’t mean I owe him anything. If only these people would stop chasing me.
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emmyhem · 4 years
always (l.r.h) part two
a/n: hi everybody! here is always part two, this is actually one of my favorite writings and one that I was looking forward to writing and posting a lot. it’s another angsty piece but with a sappy happy ending :) also it’s unedited but what else is new. i’ll probably post again tomorrow either a bestfriend!calum piece or a roomate!luke piece that are titled in my masterlist. i hope everyone enjoys and is having a wonderful day. i definitely am after that livestream today. (i would say that i didn’t cry because of how good and happy they all looked but that would be a lie) anyway i hope you enjoy and as always my messages are always open to chat or whatever and feedback and comments are always appreciated. thank you - emmy <33
pairing: luke hemmings x fem!reader 
summary: it’s time for you decide whether or not luke’s mistake is worth losing the love of your life. 
warning(s): mentions of alcohol, cursing, angst (but with a happy ending), self doubt, insecurity, mention of throwing up 
word count: 2.9k
pt. 1
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The longer you watched the window the more you were convinced mother nature was taunting you. The rain droplets that cascaded down the glass mirroring the tears that hadn’t stopped falling since you left Luke speechless in the driveway. It had to be for your benefit, I mean it was Los Angeles. California was in a drought for god’s sake. 
Despite the fact that nature was mocking you, you couldn’t dare pull your eyes away. The alternative was to face the endless voicemails waiting for you on your phone that glowed dimly beside you. You knew you would have to hear them eventually but right now you knew that even a breath, let alone full sentences from Luke would break you in every sense of the word. You feared the sound almost as much as the content behind it.
 You weren’t ready to be okay, you needed to wallow in your pain for a bit longer. As bad as that sounds you knew it was the only way you could convince yourself to let him back in, to forgive him. It was also the only way you could forgive yourself. Your body needed to feel how tortured you were without him, how much you needed his affection, his love, and him. Not his money. 
Part of you knew deep down that Luke didn’t mean what he said, the part that awakened the butterflies that had taken permanent residence in your stomach since he had entered your life. The part that caused all your senses to align when Luke kissed you the night you finally understood what it meant to love someone with everything you have. The same part that was clawing at your heart right now as your mind replayed the look of pure devastation that was painted on Luke’s pretty features as you drove away from him. That part was itching for you to run to him, to cuddle into his embrace and say “I forgive you. I’ll never leave you again. Love me?” 
But, it was the other part of you that was causing the problems right now, the part that snuck up on you each time you felt secure in yourself and tore it all down in seconds. The part that told you there was no way you were good enough for your boyfriend when you stared at your reflection in the mirror for even a second too long. The part that Luke was typically the one to silence when it overwhelmed you in a crowded room, with just a tender kiss to the forehead, or squeeze of your hand. The same part that constantly craved for Luke to be proud of you the way you were of him in anything he decided to pursue. That part was completely shattered last week when, whether intentionally or not he showed you that not only was he not proud, but also felt burdened by your lack of brilliance. 
“Y/n,” your friend called, breaking you from your self-loathing thoughts as she approached your brittle body, enveloped in every single fuzzy blanket you could get your hands on. 
“Hi.” you croaked, pulling your stinging eyes from where they had settled on a particularly large rain droplet that had stolen your interest as you wondered how much more water it could withstand before it burst from its flawless embodiment and shattered to the sill below. You wondered the same about Luke, how much more of your insecurity and emotional baggage would it take for him to burst. How much more of your mediocrity could he compensate for before you began to strip him of his excellence? 
“Have you talked to him yet?” she inquired, eyes going soft as she looked at you with sympathy. 
“No.” you groaned, pulling yourself up. “Do I have to?” 
She shook her head, dismissing you. “You know that you’re welcome here as long as you want, but anyone could tell that you’re completely miserable without him, even if he is being an epic prick.” 
You sniffled and wrapped your arms around your best friend.
“Am I an idiot for wanting to forgive him?” you spoke into her hair. 
She returned the embrace and settled next to you in the bed, “I think if he really is sorry then you’re incredibly strong for it. And you’re never an idiot, that would be your blonde haired beau.” 
You laughed softly at her innocent dig, the giggle catching slightly in your throat as it had only been releasing pathetic pleas, and broken sobs for the past few days. 
Y/f/n handed you your phone, the photo of Luke and Petunia sitting by the pool being almost completely covered by all the missed call notifications that had taken over your lock screen. 
“I think you should at least hear what he has to say babe, for your sake if not for his.” 
You let out a heavy sigh and accepted the phone, wrapping your favorite blanket around your shoulders and dragging your feet to the bathroom for some privacy. 
You took a seat in the empty bathtub throwing the blanket across your body. You reasoned it was the perfect place to listen to the messages because as soon as Luke’s voice flooded the room you would be completely submerged in him and you didn’t trust your legs to hold you up. 
You clicked the most recent voicemail, time stamped from 1:28 am last night. As you selected the speaker option you allowed your eyes to fall closed and without noticing or trying you held your breath. 
Only one word in you could immediately tell two things without a trace of doubt. One, he’d been crying, and two he was drunk. If you had to guess you would say tequila, it had always been his favorite and he had a bad habit of nursing his wounds in the liquor cabinet. It shattered your heart to think of him broken, and vulnerable and as he continued to speak you found yourself wrapping your arms around your body for comfort. 
“I miss you and I’m sorry. I-” his voice cut off as a sob played through your phone. You released a matching one while squeezing  your eyes tighter, a shaky hand bringing your phone closer as if it would bring him as well. 
As he continued, your mind began to paint a vivid picture. You saw him sitting on the kitchen floor, an old ratty sweatshirt struggling to keep him warm, damp tear stains spoiling the sleeves. There was a half empty bottle to his side and the tip of his nose was red as it peeked out from the hood. You shook your head in an attempt to rid yourself of the image that felt like your personal nightmare.
“I-I can’t live without you, really I don’t think I can. I need you and I love you. I love you so much. Just please come home to me, please baby.” he spoke through gasps of breath that caused worry to spread across your body.
You paused the message as a dull ache creeped up from the bottom of your stomach and to your throat which was tightening by the second. You tossed your phone onto the blanket which you had kicked off as your body heated up, and sprung out of the tub landing firmly in front of the toilet. Gathering your hair into a makeshift ponytail in your hand you hunched over and retched into the bowl. Y/f/n burst through the door as you gagged and coughed repeatedly, she took your hair from you and rubbed soothing circles on your back as you tried to focus your breathing through your nose. This wasn’t the first time you had cried yourself into throwing up during your stay so she knew what to do to calm you down and settle your stomach. 
As you finished the glass of water she had poured from the sink while you brushed your teeth she held your car keys out to you. 
“Please go see him. I can’t see you like this anymore.” 
You nodded accepting the keys reluctantly and made your way to your car.
 Once outside you noted that the rain had started coming down harder, it seemed fitting as your situation reached its climax. By the time you got into the car your hair was wet and stringy, dripping onto Luke’s shirt that you had been wearing since the night you left. You quickly tied it back and drove away, hoping the sound of the rain could calm your nerves before you got back to your house. 
When you got there the sun was setting and the rain was still falling steadily, you grabbed a jacket from the back seat and held it over your head as you ran to the house. The jacket didn’t give you much protection from the water and you were soaked by the time you reached the door. Taking one big breath, in through your nose, and out from your mouth as you had been repeating the whole ride there, you raised your quivering hand and knocked three times. 
Expecting it to take a few minutes for him to reach the door you were shocked when it swung open in just a few seconds. Your heart sunk as you took in Luke’s appearance, although you were sure you looked just as bad if not worse. Deep dark circles sat beneath his bloodshot eyes, his stubble had grown in a bit longer than he typically liked it and his lips were chapped and bitten down. Guilt panged in your chest, how awful of a girlfriend were you to let it get to this point? The thought made you question if he would even want you here. 
Apparently the time apart had completely fucked with your ability to read Luke’s face because even frozen in shock, his eyes began to fade into that special soft color of blue they only got to around you. He felt as if a giant weight had been lifted from his chest and just as it had been since the moment you left the only word running through his head was “y/n.” 
He didn’t see your messy, wet hair or the ratty tshirt that swallowed your figure. He didn’t see your eyes puffy from crying or your bitten down nails that you were bringing back up to your mouth in that moment as your nerves got the best of you. All he saw was y/n. His y/n. You came home to him and as far as he was concerned you looked like an angel. Warm, sweet, and perfect. So fucking perfect. 
Your eyes ran over his face anxiously, waiting for him to say something, or invite you in, or even slam the door in your face. Anything. After a minute of silence you gathered up the courage to speak first. 
“Sorry I never called you bac-'' your words were knocked from your mouth when Luke took a step forward and wrapped you up into the tightest hug you’d ever experienced. Your limbs fit together perfectly, and the second your bodies met you felt recharged, as if everything was in place once again. And Luke felt like for the first time in a week he could breathe. 
“I don’t deserve you.” he sighed as you pressed your nose into his chest deeply breathing in the smell you could only describe as home. “Thank you for coming back to me, I don’t work without you.” 
From your position in his arms you could see the mess splayed on the floor behind him. It was just as you had pictured it earlier, a thin blanket and scratchy throw pillow were scattered on the floor in front of the sink, a bottle lying on it’s side just next to them. Guilt inched up your spine when your eyes made contact with a framed picture of the two of you on top of the blanket. 
“I’m sorry.” you sobbed into his chest, your hands clawing at the material of his sweatshirt. 
He pulled back quickly, keeping his hands on either sides of your waist, “No baby, why’re you sorry. This is all my fault, I was awful. You...you’re perfect.” he pressed as you shook your head in distress, unable to stop your tears. 
“N-no I stayed away for so long, even when I knew I wa-wanted to forgive you. I was embarrassed and...and selfish.” you struggled to speak over your tears while Luke looked down at you sad and confused. 
“What’re you talking about, love?” 
You sniffed and dropped your hands from Luke’s chest, “I j-just wanted you to be proud of me.” the end of your sentence was nearly lost in your sobs but Luke understood. And in that moment he regretted going into music instead of engineering, or science, or whatever would’ve helped him to invent  a time machine so he could go back and beat the shit out of whoever or whatever had possessed him last week. 
His hands moved to cup your cheeks, his thumb tracing lightly over your bottom lip. 
“I am proud of you baby.” 
He leaned in slowly, and hesitantly, almost as if he was testing the waters, like this was new. As if he hadn’t kissed you thousands of times before. You looked up at him through your lashes littered with unshed tears and nodded your head slowly. He still had so much left to say, you still had so much left to say but you both had been needing this for as long as you’d lost it. He pressed his lips to yours gently, afraid that even one wrong move and you would decide that you had made the wrong choice in coming back. He wouldn’t survive that, he couldn’t lose you twice. 
As he went to pull away you snaked a hand around the back of his neck pulling him back towards you. This time when your lips collided his body sagged into it, both arms wrapping around your back and lifting you up to the tips of your toes. Your eyes drifted shut and you reveled in the feeling of him pressed up against you like this. When the kiss broke you kept your faces close enough that your noses were touching, and opened your eyes to see Luke’s still closed, his eyebrows furrowed as he pressed his forehead to you. 
“You’re what I’m most proud of.” he exhaled, his eyelids still shut lightly. “My greatest achievement is getting you to love me and I can’t believe I almost blew it.” 
You brought a hand to his face and stroked his cheek lightly, the feeling of his overgrown stubble foreign to your fingers. 
“It would take a lot more to get rid of me.” you assured. “I think m’too in love with you.” 
He opened his eyes, locking them with your own, and spoke firmly but with a softness that was and would always be reserved for only you. 
“I want to make it clear that you do not in any way leech.” he dragged the last word out, laced in disgust as if it were hard for him to say. “I lucked out. I actually just seem to keep lucking out, my job, my life, and you.” He placed a hand across your jaw and tilted your chin up before continuing. “I completely lucked out with you. I have lots of money, more than I need actually and it makes me feel fucking incredible that I can take care of you. That’s all I wanna do for the rest of my life.” 
Your mouth broke into a smile hearing him verbally commit to a lifetime with you. 
“But, with that being said I know you don’t need me-” 
“I do need you.” you interrupted. 
Luke threw his head back at your words, a toothy grin overtaking his face before he pressed a chaste peck to your forehead. 
“Y’know what? You’re too fucking cute. I meant financially baby, m’trying to apologize here.” 
You nodded for him to continue, struggling to contain your own beaming smile. 
“Anything you decide to do occupationally or otherwise could never, ever let me down. You’re physically incapable of it. I’d be a lucky guy if you let me stick around for it all and I promise to never forget that again. I’m sorry I did in the first place.” he took a deep breath before finishing his rant. “M’only able to give you the world if you let me. Let me?” 
You answered his question by attaching your lips once again, desire and need radiating off of the place where your lips met. As your taste buds reacquainted themselves with Luke’s mouth you wondered how you had gone even a day without him. 
Luke felt like he was flying and he couldn’t wrap his head around how anyone in the world could live without, seeing you, knowing you, and kissing you. He also knew that he would do anything to ensure that he never had to go a day without you for the rest of his life. 
“How long does it take to get an engagement ring sized?” he wondered to himself. 
If he could’ve read your mind he would’ve seen white gowns, tiered cakes, and little blue eyed, curly haired monsters running amuck. 
“I want everything with you, the whole world.” you affirmed when you pulled apart for air. 
“Yea?” he responded. 
You hummed against his lips, “Always.” 
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delaber · 4 years
Rafael Casal x Reader
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Note: I love when you send me prompts 😭 I asked for angst and you delivered! Thanks to all the lovely anons and to @theatrenerd86​ of course!
Words: 3K
Warnings: fist fight 🙃
Tagging: @exrthangel @theatrenerd86 @lonelydance @ohsoverykeri @summerofsnowflakes @ramp-it-up @alexander-hamilhoe @honeysucklechocolatedrippin @riiyy @mysearchforgratification @janthony-stan @sillyteecup @biafbunny @einfachniemand @cashskid (Imma keep tagging you unless you say something lol).
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The minute you stepped in the door, everything changed. Time seemed to slow down. The music became distorted. Rafa could've sworn that the lights dimmed considerably. The billiard ball rolling in slow motion in front of him suddenly wasn't as exciting anymore. All he could focus on was you and the heavy heartbeat in his chest.
You looked around the room, shot him a small wave from afar and headed straight for the bar as his senses seemed to return to normal, time speeding up again.
You'd shown up to the party late and even though Rafa had only seen you from a distance, it was obvious to him that something was wrong - again. Even though you had held your head up high, your confident body language was outshone by the fake smile and the sadness in your eyes. Rafa watched your squared shoulders as you poured yourself a drink while trying to look brave. And although you were doing a splendid job pretending everything was alright, he didn't believe a second of it. You had never been able to keep anything from him. He knew you too well.
"Are you seeing this too?" Diggs mumbled as he had also noticed the way you were carrying yourself.
"Yeah," Rafa breathed as he looked at you wipe away a small tear, the smile still broad on your lips. His heart was aching in his chest. It hurt seeing you hurt.
"What are we guessing?" Diggs continued in a quiet mumble, "Rob?"
"Definitely Rob," Rafa said darkly. Of course you were crying because of your asshole fuckboy of a boyfriend. The biggest fucking clown to ever walk the face of the earth. Mr Dickbag himself. Rafa's nemesis.
Rafa and Diggs had absolutely hated Rob from the minute you had introduced him to them - not only because the man was absolutely no good, but also because he had come out of nowhere, pulling you away from Rafa at the worst possible time. Before Rob, you and Rafa had - much to Rafa's satisfaction - flirted quite heavily. Hell, on special occasions, Rafa had even been granted access to your bed! But from the moment you had met Rob, everything had been about him, and Rafa had been degraded to being your old buddy again. ...And he absolutely fucking hated it! And he hated fucking Rob for stealing you away. Fucking Rob with his fucking stupid hipster haircut and his fucking badass Michael K Williams scar.
"We should go talk to her," Diggs said quietly, and put down the billiard cue without looking away from you.
"Yeah, I'll see what I can do," Rafa answered without really paying attention to Diggs.
"You? Alone?" Diggs arched an eyebrow at Rafa, "are you sure that's a good idea? Last time you nearly broke them up."
"That's still the plan," Rafa sent his friend a challenging look, "or do you want him to continue breaking her heart?"
"Of course not. You're just... partial," Diggs sent Rafa an equally challenging look. He was all for you and Rafa getting together, but he also knew that Rafa was in neck-deep water.
"Shut up, dude. I know what I'm doing," Rafa mumbled and started walking towards you with determined footsteps before Diggs could stop him.
"Don't stir shit up!" He heard Diggs yell behind him.
Rafa ignored his best friend and took a few brisk steps towards you before he was standing by your side. You were pouring yourself half a glass of tequila, downing it in one go.
"Hey..." he smiled when he caught your eye.
"Rafa!" You jumped a little at the surprise of suddenly having him in your face, "hey. How are you?" You poured yourself another tequila, your fake smile still broad on your lips. You hoped he hadn't noticed your rather weird mood.
"Better than you it seems..." Rafa eyed the contents of your plastic cup.
"Is it that obvious?" You shot him a look.
"You're drinking tequila as if it was water..." He leaned in close and spoke quietly so only you could hear, "Do you want to talk about it?"
"No," you lied, "I wouldn't want to ruin your night," you said quietly. The truth was that you actually did want to talk about it. Maybe with Jasmine or Emmy - but definitely not with Rafa of all people! You already knew how he would react; he hated Rob and would go absolutely ballistic.
"You could never ruin my night," Rafa smiled softly. "Come," he said and grabbed your hand, tugging you along. You followed him hesitantly but ended up sitting down next to him on a small bench outside the house, determined not to tell him a thing. However, as he immediately put his arm around you and pulled you close, the treacherous tears started welling up in your eyes the second you felt his hand caressing you.
"Hey, are you okay?" he asked softly.
"Yes. I'm just having a really shit night," you mumbled while wiping away an annoying tear.
"What happened?"
"Nothing, I'm okay," you croaked, trying to keep him away.
Of course Rafa didn't believe you, and in a matter of seconds, his expression changed dramatically, "Did Rob hurt you? If he hurt you, I swear to God I will kill him!"
You looked over at Rafa whose nostrils were flared, clearly already angry at the scene he had set in his own mind without even knowing if Rob was involved or not.
"He didn't hurt me, Rafa. Stop jumping to conclusions just because you don't like him..."
"So this has nothing to do with Rob?" Rafa arched an eyebrow at you.
There was no way back now. You knew that Rafa would do absolutely anything in his power to get you to tell him about what had happened. You shot him a sideways glance, trying to determine how angry he was before you admitted to Rob's deeds. "It's Rob, alright - but he didn't do anything on purpose."
Rafa clenched his jaws shut and curtly said, "just tell me what happened."
"Promise me you won't hate him..." you whispered while biting your lip.
"No. What did he do?!" Rafa demanded through gritted teeth.
"He - uhm -" you considered shooting Rafa a lie but knew that he would see right through you immediately. Eventually, you decided to tell him the truth even though you knew nothing good would come of it; "Rob - uh - accidentally kissed someone else last night," you mumbled quietly while carefully examining Rafa's face. He looked as if he could punch something so to diffuse the situation, you quickly added, "- but he feels really bad about it and he told me everything straight away!"
"He cheated on you?" Rafa tried to say as calmly as he possibly could although he was doing a horrendous job. Of all the terrible things Rob had ever done to you, this one definitely took the cake.
"He didn't do it on purpose!" You added quickly, "Please don't be mad at him!"
"Why are you defending him?" Rafa said desperately. His face was distorted, his eyes livid, "He cheated on you! Tell me you broke it off with him!"
"He didn't do it on purpose. He's been going through some stuff lately and he told me that he feels terrible about it..."
"Good!" Rafa said angrily and gritted his teeth, "fucking suits him right. Say the word and I'll deck him in his smug face!"
"Stop trying to save me, I can handle myself! This has absolutely nothing to do with you..."
"I'm the one who has to see you like this," he said softly.
You shot Rafa a look, "you pulled me aside!"
"Yes! Because I see right through your fake smile - and it hurts to see you like this!"
"Rafa, I didn't ask for you to take care of it."
"You'd do the same for any of your friends. I don't know why you can't see that he's bad for you!"
"It's just a rough patch! I know he loves me, he's just been stressed lately."
"Are you not listening to what you're saying right now?" Rafa desperately pulled at his hair, "The guy made out with another girl and you're excusing it? You should be livid!"
"I am livid," you shot Rafa a hard look, "why else do you think I'm sitting out here, talking to you about it? If I didn't care that he kissed someone else, I would obviously be inside right now, enjoying myself!"
"If you're truly upset about it, don't excuse his behaviour! Break up with him! He's toxic as fuck!"
"Would you stop that?!" You said sternly, "I know you aren't his biggest fan but he's my boyfriend."
"Why are you even with him? He's a fucking low life!"
"He's a low life?" You said in a shrill voice, not able to hold back anymore, "as opposed to whom, Rafa? To you?"
"As opposed to anyone!" Rafa spat, "why can't you see that there are so many guys out there who are a million times better than fucking Robert Havert?!"
Rafa's words hit a little too close to home and you got really angry with him, "you really want to go there?" You couldn't help yourself.
"Go where?" Rafa shot you an irritated look
"Riddle me this, Rafa; do you by any chance consider Rob competition?"
"No," Rafa said curtly, looking away from you.
You crossed your arms and tapped your foot, "really? Because you've been sending me some weird fucking signals lately while trying to break me and Rob up."
Rafa's feelings were bubbling inside him and before he could stop himself, he spat, "Of course I consider him competition! Isn't it obvious that I'm in love with you?! You and I had something special before he came along and corrupted you!"
"He didn't corrupt me!" You answered through gritted teeth.
"Why did you turn your back on me then?" Rafa said loudly, his voice breaking. He instantly looked ashamed of himself. He obviously hadn't meant to show you so much of his emotions.
"Because I fell in love with Rob! ...What you and I had was a mistake..." you desperately cried out, "sleeping together was obviously a mistake!"
"If it was a mistake, why did it happen three times?" Rafa spat angrily before his eyes became glossy. He was panting hard, his face all screwed up, "please don't regret me," he croaked, his chest aching horribly, "you can't be serious..."
"Of course I don't regret you, Rafa. But we would've never worked out."
"...Because of him?" He shot you a dark look, his chest heaving up and down.
"No, Rafa," you desperately put your hands on him trying to calm him down, "Because you're you and I'm me. We've been friends for ages."
"I don't want to be friends," Rafa whispered before he angrily looked away from you.
"Rafa, honey," you whispered while searching his face, "I love you - but not like that..." you put your forehead to his. Your hands were now on his chest and you could feel the heavy heartbeat through his shirt. "I'm sorry if I-" Your words were drowned by a car door slamming hard and a voice behind you yelling loudly; "Step away before I punch you in fucking the face, Casal!"
Rob was coming at you and Rafa at full speed, an aggressive look in his eyes. You let go of Rafa as if you'd been scorched by fire and ran to your boyfriend, trying to stop him from beating up your friend. You hadn't told Rob about you and Rafa's escapade but Rob had long ago figured out that Rafa was into you - and you knew that he had been looking for every excuse to fight it out with him.
"Everything's fine, baby," you tried, "Rafa didn't do anything. We were just talking. Everything's fine, I swear!"
Rob's eyes were huge, his nostrils flared as he gently pushed you aside and went head to head with Rafa, "what the fuck are you doing, Casal?! Are you trying to get with my girl?"
"I'm protecting her from you."
"And you plan on doing that by hooking up with her?"
Rafa stood up straight, trying to make himself a few inches taller, "I plan on doing that by actually showing her some emotional support!"
"Don't fucking touch what isn't yours!" Rob was snarling angrily.
"Rich coming from you," Rafa said calmly with a small growl, "do you feel like a big man when you cheat on your girl?"
Rafa's choice of words had Rob shooting him a sickening smile, "that's right, Casal," Rob smiled humourlessly "she's my girl. Not yours. And you know what? She never will be yours. You will never get to touch her, to kiss her, to fuck her. She will never want you. I know you've been dying to experience it but you will never get to see her with your cock in her mouth," he said devilishly.
"Rob!" You interjected, disgusted with how your boyfriend was talking.
Rafa couldn't help himself. He knew he would be disloyal to you and that it would escalate the situation immensely, but he was desperate to wipe away Rob's stupid grin so he too smiled before he calmly said, "oh, you don't think I know what she looks like with my cock in her mouth?"
"Rafa!" You hissed loudly from behind your boyfriend.
Rob's smug face fell considerably and although Rafa could hear the disappointment in your voice, he continued, "what? She didn't tell you?"
In a matter of seconds, Rob's face went from red to purple. He took a firm grip in the collar of Rafa's shirt and plunged his head forwards. Rob's forehead hit Rafa's face with a sickening crunch, and Rafa staggered backwards but was on his feet not long after, decking Rob in the face with his closed fist.
"Please stop!" you pleaded them and tried to pull them apart, but Rob punched Rafa in the stomach, causing him to fall to the ground with a thud when all the air was knocked out of his lungs.
Rob plunged forward, put a leg on either side of Rafa and started hitting him repeatedly.
Rafa was desperately trying to defend himself against the rain of fists that were coming at him, but was so busy trying to avert Rob, that he didn't have the ability to fight back. Luckily, Rob was grabbed from behind by two guys that hurled him backwards and off of Rafa. Rob unsuccessfully fought to wrestle himself free from Oak and Anthony'a grips while yelling, "I'm going to break your fucking skull!"
Meanwhile Rafa, who was now back on his feet, was trying to wrestle himself out of Diggs' grip, responding with a "I'd like to see you try, you fucking pussy!"
As Rob and Rafa were trying to fight the men off of them, you stepped in, "what the hell is the matter with you two?" you bellowed.
Rob looked as if he had almost forgotten you were there, the sound of your voice immediately making him stop squirming in Anthony and Oak's arms as he looked at you. Ant and Oak released their grip on him, and instead of flying towards Rafa, Rob took a few deep breaths, his eyes piercing through you as he tried to calm himself down.
"How about breaking my skull now?" Rafa yelled at him while squirming around in Diggs arms hoping to break free.
Rob's gaze flew towards Rafa, while Oak and Anthony took a step closer, ready to punch him to the ground if he tried anything. Rob felt the two men nearing him and looked as if he had only just realised that if he jumped Rafa again, he would have to deal with Oak, Ant, and Diggs too. He took an ultimate decision and with a last look at you, he huffed, turned on his heel and angrily walked away with balled up fists.
Diggs loosened his grip on Rafa who immediately ran to you, "are you okay?" He almost yelled, his voice laced with concern, "I'm so, so sorry you had to see that!"
You looked up at him with a dark expression, "how fucking dare you!" You started out in a whisper but your voice gradually became louder as your tone changed to anger, "how dare you talk about me like that! As if I'm some conquest that you brag about to your mates!"
"I know I'm sorry," Rafa panted, avoiding your gaze, "Heat of the moment."
"Rafa look at me," you searched his face, "this is over," you said slowly, painfully aware that you were breaking his heart in front of his friends.
"It's over?" He looked as if he didn't understand what you were saying.
"We can't see each other anymore. It's over!"
"What? You're choosing that clown over me? What does he have that I don't?"
"Rafa why can't you see that you're just as big of a clown as he is!"
"...what the fuck are you talking about?!" He panted desperately, "I'm just trying to make you realise that he's a dick! I'm helping you. He's treating you like shit!"
"I don't need or want your help. What I want is for you to stay the fuck away from me," you said angrily giving him a small shove. With one last look back at Rafa, you turned on your heel and desperately ran towards your boyfriend who had almost reached his car.
Rafa watched you chase after Rob. He watched you desperately explain the situation to him. Watched you apologise of all people. Watched Rob take you in his arms as if he was the one who had to forgive you. He watched you kiss Rob's cheek before you started crying. Rafa's heart was aching horribly. He almost couldn't stand still.
He watched you get in Rob's car, kiss the man passionately before he pumped the speeder, sending Rafa a smirk as you once again kissed his cheek. Rafa painfully watched you drive away and all he was left behind with was a black eye, a chipped tooth, and a broken heart.
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Stark Spangled Forever
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One Shot: More Cushin’ For the Pushin’
Summary: Steve is starting to see the effects of the serum depleting. Can Katie convince him that, well, she doesn’t give a shit?!
Warnings: Bad language and a heap of smut! (NSFW, no under 18s.)
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Rogers (Stark)
A/N- So you all got��@sweater-daddiesdumbdork​ to thank for this…. and yes, this is utter head cannon about the serum but, indulge me!! 
If you are currently reading Stark Spangled Banner for the first time as it reposts, then this contains MAJOR spoilers and you might want to wait until you’ve finished before you start Stark Spangled Forever.
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Stark Spangled Forever Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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“Sweetheart…” Steve sighed, gently catching Katie’s hand as it snaked over his belly under his Henley. She stilled and looked at him, her eyes narrowing slightly as he shook his head “I’m not feeling it tonight, I’m really tired.”
Katie sat up from where she’d been tucked under his arm as they sat on the sofa and flicked her pony tail back over her shoulder. “Alright. I’m gonna go up.”
“Honey…” he began to protest but she stopped him.
“Stevie, its fine. You said you’re tired so...” she gave him a smile that didn’t reach her eyes “I’ll see you upstairs.”
She curled her legs out from underneath her and stood up, padding from the room making sure to keep her face straight as she left. As she climbed the stairs, that horrible cold feeling washed over her from head to toe as she blinked back tears. Tears she felt pathetic for. This wasn’t a big issue…she got tired sometimes and pushed Steve away. Granted, that had happened like 4 times in the entire time she had been with him, but still…
Despite her self-reassurances, deep down she couldn’t help that little stab of insecurity in her brain. Steve had been acting off for the past 5 days. They’d had no fun of that nature whatsoever. Whilst his affection in general hadn’t particularly waned she’d noticed he wasn’t as handsy as he normally was and he hadn’t tried anything with her of that nature at all. He’d even taken to wearing a t-shirt in bed, which was basically unheard of, and it was almost as if he didn’t even want accidental skin contact with her.
Katie had brushed it off as him merely being tired. She knew he’d been reading through a lot of papers from his students, the first semester of the year was ramping up meaning Emmy was asking for his help too.  Jamie was also excelling at his baseball which was taking up Steve’s entire Saturdays as he took him to practice, assuming the proud dad role from the side-lines, Rori was attention demanding as ever and Harry was teething....
So yeah, this was totally down to Steve being tired. Nothing else.
At all.
Nothing to do with him going off her.
Katie took a quick glance in the mirror, her hands smoothing over her hips and stomach which had taken a battering from 3 children, before she shook her head and headed into the bathroom.
Downstairs Steve was cursing himself. There was no mistaking the flicker of hurt that he’d seen in Katie’s eyes when he had pushed her away. He hadn’t meant to be so abrupt but he had been grappling with something internally for a few days now that he didn’t particularly know how to deal with. He ran his hands over his face before he stood up and turned off the TV. He let Lucky out for a pee before he made sure the doors were locked and headed up the stairs. He looked in on all his kid in turn, knocking lightly on Emmy’s door as she was home for the weekend,  and when she told him to come in he poked his head round finding her led in the dark, her face illuminated by her phone.
“Going to bed Em.” he said gently “Don’t be on that all night.”
“Yes dad.” she rolled her eyes and he arched an eyebrow at her. 
“You might be 20 but less of the cheek.” he teased as she flashed him a smile.
“Love you pops.” she grinned cheekily.
He snorted “You too, sleep well.”
With that he shut the door and headed into the bedroom. Katie was in the en-suite, he could hear the tap running. Taking a deep breath he moved to stand in front of the mirror, gently casting his eyes over his reflection. At first glance he didn’t look that different but hitching his top up slightly he glanced at his torso, and there was no mistaking it. The definition in his abs had definitely decreased and the hard plane of muscle seemed to be giving way to something less toned.
The door to the bathroom opened and he let go of the hem of his top, just a little bit too late and Katie paused, looking at him.
“Everything ok?” she frowned.
“Yeah.” he nodded, brushing her concern off. “I’m going for a shower.”
He headed to door of their bathroom, and then she spoke softly, her voice cracking and her words made him stop in his tracks.
“Stevie, you’re scaring me.” she said gently and he turned to face her. The utter hurt on her face made him want to die, as she blinked and looked down at the floor .“Why are you pushing me away all of a sudden? We haven’t had sex in 5 days now. Don’t you…” she trailed off, not looking up, her words catching in her throat as she struggled to voice the question she was petrified of hearing the answer do “Do you not want to or something? I know I’m not what I used to be Steve, but…”
Steve felt his chest contract as he looked at his wife, his heart breaking that she could even think that he didn’t find her attractive. He hadn’t up until then given a second thought as to how his actions could be making her feel as insecure as he was and right now he hated himself for that.
“No, honey…it’s not that. God, it’s nothing, like that, at all.“
“Then is it someone else?” she cut him off quietly, raising her head to look at him, her eyes swimming with tears.
“What?” he looked at her, utterly stunned.
She swallowed, “I asked if there was someone else.” she held his gaze
“Jesus, fuck, no!” he shook his head, appalled at the mere mention of such a thing “Of course not.”
“So it is me.”
“Katie…stop…” He stepped forward and took both her hands in his “You’re beautiful. I swear this isn’t you-“
“Oh, don’t you dare give me the this isn’t you, it’s me line or I swear to God…” Katie glared up at him and he gave an exasperated groan.
“Honey, I swear…this has nothing to do with you.” he tried to assure her, pulling her in closer and wrapping his arms around him but it didn’t work.
“Then what is it?” Katie whispered into his chest and he pulled back to look at her, his hands cradling her face “Baby, talk to me.”
With a loud sigh he moved away, sinking onto the foot of the bed, He reached out, his hands on her hips and he pulled her in between his legs so she was stood looking down at him, her hand resting on his shoulders.
“I noticed a few things recently.” he said, his head looking down at the carpet. “About me…” he glanced up “You know how Bruce ran all those tests on me after I came back after those 15 years?”
“Well he said then that the serum wasn’t infallible. And that over time it would most likely work itself out of my system. But the older I got the faster that would happen.”
“I know Steve.” Katie frowned, “We went through all this.”
“Well I guess I just wasn’t prepared for how fast that was gonna happen, that’s all.”
“What do you mean?” she pressed “Are you sick?”
“No.” he shook his head “Nothing like that. Just…” he shook his head and snorted “God this sounds so vain but I guess I’ve gotten that used to looking in the mirror and seeing myself in such good shape, spotting that I’m changing…well, it was a bit of a shock and I was worried…”
“About what?” “That you might not…” “Oh, Stevie…” Katie blinked “That’s what this is about? Your stomach?”
“You noticed?”
“Well, yeah.” she shrugged, her hands rubbing his shoulders “I’m your wife…it hasn’t happened all of a sudden, it’s…” He groaned “I knew you’d seen…”
“Yeah, and I don’t care!” she sighed, shaking her head “Soldier,I know as much as anyone how hard it is coping with changes to your body.  And so do you, it must have been a shock when you actually had the serum in the first place…”
“It’s not just the muscles.” he sighed, waving a hand to his beard. “This is going grey, my hair is too. My knees were ever so slightly aching after my run the other day…”
“Ok, first off…this…” she reached down, her nails scraping through his beard “This is hot. There’s a reason Brooke calls you the silver fox… and why half your students write that they want to do very rude things to you on twitter, which by the way really grosses Emmy out…”  Steve chuckled a little, his hands sliding up the back of Katie’s thighs as she cocked her head and looked down at him. “And as for the rest of it, so what if you’re going a little...soft...around the edges.” “Soft?” he looked up at her, a small smile curling at the edge of his mouth.
“Well, it’s not like you’ve gone fat Steve.” Katie shrugged, “But whatever, the point is you’re hot and you still turn me the fuck on, maybe even more so now than when you were that pristine, fresh faced Brooklyn boy I first met in that Boxing Gym all those years ago.”
He looked at her, studying her expression as she cupped his face in her hands, keeping his gaze on her.
“And don’t tell me you don’t believe me because if you do that means you’ve been a big, fat liar about the fact you tell me that you find me even more sexy now than before we had kids.” she arched an eyebrow and he snorted a she moved to straddle him where he was perched on the end of the bed, her knees falling either side of his thighs.
“You’re the man I wake up to every morning, the man that kisses me fucking senseless, the man that’s helping me raise our children, the man who can still bring me straight to me knees with a single look my way.” she smiled.
“A single look?” he quipped.
“Yes, and you know it.”
He shook his head before he sighed, his hands resting on her hips. “I guess I’m just worried that one day…it’s all gonna be gone and…” “Remember what you said to me when I had Jamie?” Katie cut him off “When I was struggling with how I looked and to try and make me understand you asked me how I’d feel about you if we woke up one morning and the serum effects had all gone?”
She held his gaze before she continued “I told you then that it wouldn’t change a thing about how I felt about you. Did you believe me?”
Steve was silent for a second before he nodded “Of course I believed you, Doll..”
“So why on Earth would you suddenly think any of that has changed?” she looked at him “Serum effects or no serum effects… I don’t give a fuck Steve, you’re mine.”
Steve believed her, of course he did. He knew all this was in his head, but fuck if it wasn’t hard to let it take over, thinking back to being that little kid from Brooklyn that no one gave a second glance to.
“I got one word for you baby.” Katie said softly, her hands gripping at the hem of his Henley “Dumbasses.”
And jesus, suddenly he was catapulted back to that moment some 15 years or so ago on their first date,
“Well, personally, I think all those girls that picked Bucky over you were dubmasses. I’ve seen the photos of you before all this happened…” she raised her free hand and held out her index finger, and gestured up and down his torso “You were sweet”
He chuckled and took a drink of his beer “You know I heard that a lot…you’re really sweet and all but…“
“Like I said…”she leaned back in her chair slightly, “Dumbasses”
He shook his head as he peeked up at her, “Fucking hell I swear to God you can read my mind at times.”
“Nope…”she said, pulling his top up “I just know you. Now take this off.”
He arched an eyebrow but didn’t protest, instead he held his arms up so she could pull his henley over his head before she pushed him back, making him lay flat. He easily shifted them both, so they were a little further up the bed as her fingertips gently traced down his biceps.
“I love how you can wrap me in these, keep anything and everything from hurting me.” she looked at him, her eyes locked onto his as she started shifting slightly, her hands continued down his forearms before her fingers found his, lacing them together. “How your hands can be so gentle and soft yet also hard when I need them to be, how they’d kill for me, for any of us.”  she raised his left hand to her mouth and brushed her lips over his platinum wedding band “A soldier, a man made for fighting yet who’s  been nothing but gentle and loving with me and the kids…” she moved his hands to both her hips before she leaned down and pressed her lips to his, before she pulled back and smiled at him as she started sliding down his chest, peppering kisses down his sternum, the kisses punctuated by her words “my husband, my best friend, my lover, my baby daddy….”
Steve’s breath hitched a little as she moved downwards, lips gliding over his treasure trail and she peeked back up at him with those lust blown pupils and bit her bottom lip “You know how good this makes me feel, when you press against me over and over when you’re making me yours.”
She moved back so her hips were once more straddling his and Steve flexed underneath her. All that rubbing and brushing against him with every move she made had gotten him hard as fuck.  He was aching for her.
Feeling him she looked at him, grinning. “And there’s certainly nothing soft about that.”
Steve let out a little chuckle and he couldn’t help but relax and enjoy right where they were at that moment. “You might have had a hand in that.”
Katie grinned. She loved having that kind of power over him, it was a fucking turn on.
“I’ll have a hand in your pants in a minute Soldier.”
“A minute seems an awfully long time to wait…” he said, pushing up against her again as she let out a soft sigh at the feel of him.
“Another reason I love you.” she smirked “Because I know you’re gonna leave me seeing stars within the next half hour. 10 minutes if we’re skipping foreplay.”
“Is this not the foreplay Doll?” he asked, his hands gripping her hips, fingers brushing the strip of skin just above her sleep shorts where her top had ridden up slightly, and he groaned inwardly as he saw her nipples were hard, peeking at him though the soft material of her cami.
“We can call it that if you want…” she said, rolling her hips, grinding against him again.
“You’re killing me sweetheart.” he groaned.
She rolled her hips against his again, splaying her hands on his chest “Nope, I can’t feel a shred of weakness underneath me…” “Ok…” Steve said, and with a swift movement he flipped her over so he was underneath him drawing a startled gasp from her which merged into that adorable, dirty little giggle he knew and loved “I’m done talking now.”
“Good.” She said, fisting her hand in the chain round his neck she dragged him down for a fierce, demanding kiss before she pulled back and looked at him “Fuck me like you own me, Cap.”
Her words fired something in his belly and he let out the growl that had been bubbling in his throat. His lips pressed to hers as if his life depended on it, his hands reached down and grabbed the straps of her top, pulling down harshly, the sound of ripping fabric filling the room.
Katie pulled back and looked at him “Did you seriously just do that? Again?”
“Look, sweetheart.” he glanced at her “You told me to fuck you like I owned you. I’m trying. So shut up.”
Whatever quick response Katie had been thinking up died in her throat as with a quick movement Steve grabbed her hips and flipped her over, once more drawing that dirty little giggle that he loved so much from her throat. His fingers gently traced a line down from her neck to the base of her spine before he gripped at the flesh over her hipbones and pulled her upwards so she was presented in front of him. Taking more care this time, he slid her shorts down, before he shimmied out of his sweats, his fingers tracing the inside of her thigh, bending over, his lips following their path. As he got to the top of her inside thigh, his kisses became gentle bites and then without warning he inserted 2 fingers inside her.
“Fuck…” Katie stuttered, her hips bucking backwards. Steve’s fingers started to move, gently, then harder, his mouth kissing all around the top of her thighs as she moved back and forth, fucking herself on his hand. He watched her for a minute or so, his fingers curling and pushing…and then they stopped. Katie whimpered, and Steve smirked as he bent over, nipping at her neck.
“You know I love you, right?” he said softly, his mouth caressing her pulse point as she rolled her head back, his hand slid up to her throat holding her face still as he kissed her, hard.
“Yeah, I love you too Solider” Katie panted into his kiss.
His fingers danced over the soft skin of her outside thighs and both his hands pulled her backwards as he pushed straight into her, making her cry out softly at the depth.
His rhythm was slow at first, hands on her hips before he quickened, the depth of this angle driving Katie wild. She writhed and moaned as he filled her, brushing against that spot inside her and she couldn’t get enough of him, her face buried into the pillow, pelvis pushed back against him as he thrust in deeply, again and again.
“You’re all mine…” he said hoarsely as he leaned forward, his chest pressing into her back as his teeth grazed her ear, biting down softly, “There’ll never be anyone else, never baby girl.”
His voice was punctuated by his grunts as he thrust into his wife again and again, his fingers tightening on her skin, knowing full well he’d probably leave bruises but not giving a shred of care. And neither did she, the more people that saw those marks, the better, the signs she was his for the world to see…it drove her wild with passion and lust and she couldn’t help but rock back against him, begging him to push deeper, drive her to the edge and back again, which he was more than happy to do.
“Say you believe me…” Steve all but growled as he thrust into her fiercely, his hand tightening slightly around her throat causing her to grab at the sheets in her hand “Say you believe me that there’s no one who comes close…”
“I believe you…” Katie cried out loudly, her voice punctuated by desperate moans as she tilted her head back as he continued nipping at her neck, pounding into her. “No one else.”
She was lost, lost in the sensation of her soldier fucking her senseless, just like she had asked him to. Those hands that she loved, that were normally so soft and gentle with her were now gripping at her hips, curling into her soft skin, pulling her back with each thrust. His lips, the ones she was so used to whispering soft nothing into her ear, or placing gentle kisses to her neck were biting and sucking at her throat as if his life depended on it, praising her, telling her what a pretty girl, amazing momma and beautiful wife she was. Coupled with the consistent pounding between her legs she was lost in an utter whirl of love and lust and she could feel the coil in her belly beginning to tighten as Steve maintained his pace, not once relenting.
Steve could read the signs well enough by now to know she was close. Moving one hand he slid it down between her legs, stroking at her clit drawing a loud gasp from her lips as she bucked back onto him, her legs trembling.
“Stevie… I’m gonna…”
“Come on doll…” he said gently into her ear “Come for me…”
“Oh, God…”  her voice was low, soft, as her words became nothing but a babble of noises as she lost control, her body shaking as she cried out, the world tipping on its axis completely as she became completely unaware of anything other than the sensation between her legs as she came, hard, pulsing and tightening down around him.
Steve felt it, he always did, and he continued to drive into her, fucking her through it before he realised he wanted to see her, wanted those green eyes he knew and loved locked onto his, so with a quick pull back he moved out of her and flipped her over again onto her back before she could even think about what he was doing. With a grunt he buried himself into her again, propping himself up on his elbows, his hands cupping her face as his lips crashed onto hers for a dirty, sloppy kiss that was all mouth and tongue.
He reached down, grabbing at her knee, slinging it over her shoulder as he rutted into her, driving hard, over and over, the dirty noise of wetness filled the room, skin hitting skin as he picked up the pace driving and seeking his own release. Katie’s hands gripped at his back, her nails digging into his shoulders as he thrust again and again, her eyes locked onto his. His pupils were blown with desire, those baby blues she knew and loved had darkened to a steel grey and knowing that after 15 years and a lifetime of ups and downs that she could still elicit this effect on him was enough to blow her mind. She loved this man, with every single inch of her body, and always would.
Steve dropped his head, his hips not once faltering as his mouth nipped at her chest, sucking, biting, the bruises forming almost instantly but he couldn’t give a fuck. This woman was his, no one else’s, and in turn he wanted her to realise that. He needed her to understand that there wasn’t a single person on this fucking planet, hell, the universe that would ever make him feel like this. As his lips moved to that spot on her neck he dropped her leg down and felt her breath hitch again and she let out a soft wail, her hips bucking upwards as she wrapped her legs around him, heels digging into his ass.
“I got you baby…” he whispered, his voice punctuated by his own pants “Come on, give it to me…” With a gasp, her head titled back, eyes fluttered shut as her hands gripped at his strong arms and she came again which was enough to send him catapulting off the edge right behind her. Her legs grew tighter around his slim hips, gripping at him, pulling him closer as he stuttered, groaned and then pitched forward, his torso slick with sweat as he lay still, face pressed into her neck, surrendering to the utter bliss that consumed him.
Steve gently kissed Katie’s neck, breathing deeply. That had been intense and felt like it had risen from his very toes. His mind was still caught in that post-coital fog of bliss, and his body felt like it was light, floating even, but as Katie shifted underneath him, her lips gently pressing to his temple, he realised he wasn’t floating, nor was he light. He went to move, to roll off her but she caught him immediately, her hands flying to his arms as she looked at her.
“Don’t” she whispered.
“Honey I’ll crush…” “No, you won’t” she shook her head, “Relax, please soldier just…”
Steve licked his lips, and gently dropped back onto his elbow, pressing a little more of his weight on top of her. Katie sighed, her forehead resting on his collar bone, face nuzzling into his chest, her hands softly gliding up his back. Despite his worry, Steve felt himself relax into his wife as he held her in his arms. Katie sighed contently.
“Feels so nice, just lay here…” she said softly, pressing a kiss to his chest. “You always pull away far too fast.”
Steve took a deep breath “I don’t mean to Doll, I just know I’m way bigger and…” “Steve…” Katie moved her hand so she raised a single finger to his lips, shushing him “Stop.” After a moment or so of tensing up he allowed himself to relax completely, her hands dancing up his spine and he gave a soft hum of contentment as she pressed a kiss to his jawline and he felt her lips curl into a smile against his beard.
“What?” he asked softly, moving so he looked down at her.
“Nothing, just I love you.” she said honestly, her eyes locking onto his. “Forever.” Steve chuckled as he pressed his lips to hers “Good, because I’m not going anywhere.”
“Glad to hear it.” Katie smiled, brushing a hand through his hair “And for the record…I’m all about more cushin’ for the pushin’”
At that Steve let out a loud laugh as she giggled along with him, his mouth once more claiming hers
“Looks like I am too, baby girl.”
After another minute or so, Steve finally relented and moved, his softening cock pulling out as he rolled over onto his back, giving a sigh.
“You ok?” he asked.
“Yeah, course…I could use a drink though.” Katie smiled.
Steve leaned over, pressed a kiss to her mouth before he moved, located his boxers and after a promise of being back soon he headed out onto the landing.
Emmy emerged from her room at the same time, leaning on her doorframe as she shot him a look “You two are disgusting.”
“What?” he blinked, standing still as he looked at her.
“Seriously…you need to soundproof your room! I mean how would you feel if you heard me and Pete?” “I better not hear you and Pete.” he shot back, hands falling to his hips as he fixed his eldest with a glare.
She shrugged before she looked him up and down, and rolled her eyes “Fuck, I’m glad Brooke isn’t here…I’m sick of her telling me you’re a snack…”
With that she turned back into her room, shutting the door behind her. Steve stood still, looking at the now closed doorframe before he grinned to himself.
“Rogers, you still got it.” he laughed softly, before he bounded down the stairs to grab a bottle of water.
75 notes · View notes
Stark Spangled Kinks: More Cushin’ For The Pushin’
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Summary: Steve is starting to see the effects of the serum depleting. Can Katie convince him that, well, she doesn’t give a shit?!
Warnings: Bad language and a heap of smut! (NSFW, no under 18s.)
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Rogers (Stark)
A/N- So you all got @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​ to thank for this.... and yes, this is utter head cannon about the serum but, indulge me!!
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February 2028
“Sweetheart…” Steve sighed, gently catching Katie’s hand as it snaked over his belly under his Henley. She stilled and looked at him, her eyes narrowing slightly as he shook his head “I’m not feeling it tonight, I’m really tired.”
Katie sat up from where she’d been tucked under his arm as they sat on the sofa and flicked her pony tail back over her shoulder. “Alright. I’m gonna go up.”
“Honey…” he began to protest but she stopped him.
“Stevie, its fine. You said you’re tired so...” she gave him a smile that didn’t reach her eyes “I’ll see you upstairs.”
She curled her legs out from underneath her and stood up, padding from the room making sure to keep her face straight as she left. As she climbed the stairs, that horrible cold feeling washed over her from head to toe as she blinked back tears. Tears she felt pathetic for. This wasn’t a big issue…she got tired sometimes and pushed Steve away. Granted, that had happened like 4 times in the entire time she had been with him, but still…
Despite her self-reassurances, deep down she couldn’t help that little stab of insecurity in her brain. Steve had been acting off for the past 5 days. They’d had no fun of that nature whatsoever. Whilst his affection in general hadn’t particularly waned she’d noticed he wasn’t as handsy as he normally was and he hadn’t tried anything with her of that nature at all. He’d even taken to wearing a t-shirt in bed, which was basically unheard of, and it was almost as if he didn’t even want accidental skin contact with her.
Katie had brushed it off as him merely being tired. She knew he’d been reading through a lot of papers from his students, the first semester of the year was ramping up meaning Emmy was asking for his help too.  Jamie was also excelling at his baseball which was taking up Steve’s entire Saturdays as he took him to practice, assuming the proud dad role from the side-lines, Rori was attention demanding as ever and Harry was teething....
So yeah, this was totally down to Steve being tired. Nothing else.
At all.
Nothing to do with him going off her.
Katie took a quick glance in the mirror, her hands smoothing over her hips and stomach which had taken a battering from 3 children, before she shook her head and headed into the bathroom.
Downstairs Steve was cursing himself. There was no mistaking the flicker of hurt that he’d seen in Katie’s eyes when he had pushed her away. He hadn’t meant to be so abrupt but he had been grappling with something internally for a few days now that he didn’t particularly know how to deal with. He ran his hands over his face before he stood up and turned off the TV. He let Lucky out for a pee before he made sure the doors were locked and headed up the stairs. He looked in on all his kid in turn, knocking lightly on Emmy’s door as she was home for the weekend,  and when she told him to come in he poked his head round finding her led in the dark, her face illuminated by her phone.
“Going to bed Em.” he said gently “Don’t be on that all night.”
“Yes dad.” she rolled her eyes and he arched an eyebrow at her.
“You might be 20 but less of the cheek.” he teased as she flashed him a smile.
“Love you pops.” she grinned cheekily.
He snorted “You too, sleep well.”
With that he shut the door and headed into the bedroom. Katie was in the en-suite, he could hear the tap running. Taking a deep breath he moved to stand in front of the mirror, gently casting his eyes over his reflection. At first glance he didn’t look that different but hitching his top up slightly he glanced at his torso, and there was no mistaking it. The definition in his abs had definitely decreased and the hard plane of muscle seemed to be giving way to something less toned.
The door to the bathroom opened and he let go of the hem of his top, just a little bit too late and Katie paused, looking at him.
“Everything ok?” she frowned.
“Yeah.” he nodded, brushing her concern off. “I’m going for a shower.”
He headed to door of their bathroom, and then she spoke softly, her voice cracking and her words made him stop in his tracks.
“Stevie, you’re scaring me.” she said gently and he turned to face her. The utter hurt on her face made him want to die, as she blinked and looked down at the floor .“Why are you pushing me away all of a sudden? We haven’t had sex in 5 days now. Don’t you…” she trailed off, not looking up, her words catching in her throat as she struggled to voice the question she was petrified of hearing the answer do “Do you not want to or something? I know I’m not what I used to be Steve, but…”
Steve felt his chest contract as he looked at his wife, his heart breaking that she could even think that he didn’t find her attractive. He hadn’t up until then given a second thought as to how his actions could be making her feel as insecure as he was and right now he hated himself for that.
“No, honey…it’s not that. God, it’s nothing, like that, at all.“
“Then is it someone else?” she cut him off quietly, raising her head to look at him, her eyes swimming with tears.
“What?” he looked at her, utterly stunned.
She swallowed, “I asked if there was someone else.” she held his gaze
“Jesus, fuck, no!” he shook his head, appalled at the mere mention of such a thing “Of course not.”
“So it is me.”
“Katie…stop…” He stepped forward and took both her hands in his “You’re beautiful. I swear this isn’t you-“
“Oh, don’t you dare give me the this isn’t you, it’s me line or I swear to God…” Katie glared up at him and he gave an exasperated groan.
“Honey, I swear…this has nothing to do with you.” he tried to assure her, pulling her in closer and wrapping his arms around him but it didn’t work.
“Then what is it?” Katie whispered into his chest and he pulled back to look at her, his hands cradling her face “Baby, talk to me.”
With a loud sigh he moved away, sinking onto the foot of the bed, He reached out, his hands on her hips and he pulled her in between his legs so she was stood looking down at him, her hand resting on his shoulders.
“I noticed a few things recently.” he said, his head looking down at the carpet. “About me…” he glanced up “You know how Bruce ran all those tests on me after I came back after those 15 years?”
“Well he said then that the serum wasn’t infallible. And that over time it would most likely work itself out of my system. But the older I got the faster that would happen.”
“I know Steve.” Katie frowned, “We went through all this.”
“Well I guess I just wasn’t prepared for how fast that was gonna happen, that’s all.”
“What do you mean?” she pressed “Are you sick?”
“No.” he shook his head “Nothing like that. Just…” he shook his head and snorted “God this sounds so vain but I guess I’ve gotten that used to looking in the mirror and seeing myself in such good shape, spotting that I’m changing…well, it was a bit of a shock and I was worried…”
“About what?” “That you might not…” “Oh, Stevie…” Katie blinked “That’s what this is about? Your stomach?”
“You noticed?”
“Well, yeah.” she shrugged, her hands rubbing his shoulders “I’m your wife…it hasn’t happened all of a sudden, it’s…” He groaned “I knew you’d seen…”
“Yeah, and I don’t care!” she sighed, shaking her head “Soldier,I know as much as anyone how hard it is coping with changes to your body.  And so do you, it must have been a shock when you actually had the serum in the first place…”
“It’s not just the muscles.” he sighed, waving a hand to his beard. “This is going grey, my hair is too. My knees were ever so slightly aching after my run the other day…”
“Ok, first off…this…” she reached down, her nails scraping through his beard “This is hot. There’s a reason Brooke calls you the silver fox… and why half your students write that they want to do very rude things to you on twitter, which by the way really grosses Emmy out…”  Steve chuckled a little, his hands sliding up the back of Katie’s thighs as she cocked her head and looked down at him. “And as for the rest of it, so what if you’re going a little...soft...around the edges.” “Soft?” he looked up at her, a small smile curling at the edge of his mouth.
“Well, it’s not like you’ve gone fat Steve.” Katie shrugged, “But whatever, the point is you’re hot and you still turn me the fuck on, maybe even more so now than when you were that pristine, fresh faced Brooklyn boy I first met in that Boxing Gym all those years ago.”
He looked at her, studying her expression as she cupped his face in her hands, keeping his gaze on her.
“And don’t tell me you don’t believe me because if you do that means you’ve been a big, fat liar about the fact you tell me that you find me even more sexy now than before we had kids.” she arched an eyebrow and he snorted a she moved to straddle him where he was perched on the end of the bed, her knees falling either side of his thighs.
“You’re the man I wake up to every morning, the man that kisses me fucking senseless, the man that’s helping me raise our children, the man who can still bring me straight to me knees with a single look my way.” she smiled.
“A single look?” he quipped.
“Yes, and you know it.”
He shook his head before he sighed, his hands resting on her hips. “I guess I’m just worried that one day…it’s all gonna be gone and…” “Remember what you said to me when I had Jamie?” Katie cut him off “When I was struggling with how I looked and to try and make me understand you asked me how I’d feel about you if we woke up one morning and the serum effects had all gone?”
She held his gaze before she continued “I told you then that it wouldn’t change a thing about how I felt about you. Did you believe me?”
Steve was silent for a second before he nodded “Of course I believed you, Doll..”
“So why on Earth would you suddenly think any of that has changed?” she looked at him “Serum effects or no serum effects… I don’t give a fuck Steve, you’re mine.”
Steve believed her, of course he did. He knew all this was in his head, but fuck if it wasn’t hard to let it take over, thinking back to being that little kid from Brooklyn that no one gave a second glance to.
“I got one word for you baby.” Katie said softly, her hands gripping at the hem of his Henley “Dumbasses.”
And jesus, suddenly he was catapulted back to that moment some 15 years or so ago on their first date,
“Well, personally, I think all those girls that picked Bucky over you were dubmasses. I’ve seen the photos of you before all this happened…” she raised her free hand and held out her index finger, and gestured up and down his torso “You were sweet”
He chuckled and took a drink of his beer “You know I heard that a lot…you’re really sweet and all but…“
“Like I said…”she leaned back in her chair slightly, “Dumbasses”
He shook his head as he peeked up at her, “Fucking hell I swear to God you can read my mind at times.”
“Nope…”she said, pulling his top up “I just know you. Now take this off.”
He arched an eyebrow but didn’t protest, instead he held his arms up so she could pull his henley over his head before she pushed him back, making him lay flat. He easily shifted them both, so they were a little further up the bed as her fingertips gently traced down his biceps.
“I love how you can wrap me in these, keep anything and everything from hurting me.” she looked at him, her eyes locked onto his as she started shifting slightly, her hands continued down his forearms before her fingers found his, lacing them together. “How your hands can be so gentle and soft yet also hard when I need them to be, how they’d kill for me, for any of us.”  she raised his left hand to her mouth and brushed her lips over his platinum wedding band “A soldier, a man made for fighting yet who’s  been nothing but gentle and loving with me and the kids…” she moved his hands to both her hips before she leaned down and pressed her lips to his, before she pulled back and smiled at him as she started sliding down his chest, peppering kisses down his sternum, the kisses punctuated by her words “my husband, my best friend, my lover, my baby daddy….”
Steve’s breath hitched a little as she moved downwards, lips gliding over his treasure trail and she peeked back up at him with those lust blown pupils and bit her bottom lip “You know how good this makes me feel, when you press against me over and over when you’re making me yours.”
She moved back so her hips were once more straddling his and Steve flexed underneath her. All that rubbing and brushing against him with every move she made had gotten him hard as fuck.  He was aching for her.
Feeling him she looked at him, grinning. “And there’s certainly nothing soft about that.”
Steve let out a little chuckle and he couldn’t help but relax and enjoy right where they were at that moment. “You might have had a hand in that.”
Katie grinned. She loved having that kind of power over him, it was a fucking turn on.
“I’ll have a hand in your pants in a minute Soldier.”
“A minute seems an awfully long time to wait…” he said, pushing up against her again as she let out a soft sigh at the feel of him.
“Another reason I love you.” she smirked “Because I know you’re gonna leave me seeing stars within the next half hour. 10 minutes if we’re skipping foreplay.”
“Is this not the foreplay Doll?” he asked, his hands gripping her hips, fingers brushing the strip of skin just above her sleep shorts where her top had ridden up slightly, and he groaned inwardly as he saw her nipples were hard, peeking at him though the soft material of her cami.
“We can call it that if you want…” she said, rolling her hips, grinding against him again.
“You’re killing me sweetheart.” he groaned.
She rolled her hips against his again, splaying her hands on his chest “Nope, I can’t feel a shred of weakness underneath me…” “Ok…” Steve said, and with a swift movement he flipped her over so he was underneath him drawing a startled gasp from her which merged into that adorable, dirty little giggle he knew and loved “I’m done talking now.”
“Good.” She said, fisting her hand in the chain round his neck she dragged him down for a fierce, demanding kiss before she pulled back and looked at him “Fuck me like you own me, Cap.”
Her words fired something in his belly and he let out the growl that had been bubbling in his throat. His lips pressed to hers as if his life depended on it, his hands reached down and grabbed the straps of her top, pulling down harshly, the sound of ripping fabric filling the room.
Katie pulled back and looked at him “Did you seriously just do that? Again?”
“Look, sweetheart.” he glanced at her “You told me to fuck you like I owned you. I’m trying. So shut up.”
Whatever quick response Katie had been thinking up died in her throat as with a quick movement Steve grabbed her hips and flipped her over, once more drawing that dirty little giggle that he loved so much from her throat. His fingers gently traced a line down from her neck to the base of her spine before he gripped at the flesh over her hipbones and pulled her upwards so she was presented in front of him. Taking more care this time, he slid her shorts down, before he shimmied out of his sweats, his fingers tracing the inside of her thigh, bending over, his lips following their path. As he got to the top of her inside thigh, his kisses became gentle bites and then without warning he inserted 2 fingers inside her.
“Fuck…” Katie stuttered, her hips bucking backwards. Steve’s fingers started to move, gently, then harder, his mouth kissing all around the top of her thighs as she moved back and forth, fucking herself on his hand. He watched her for a minute or so, his fingers curling and pushing…and then they stopped. Katie whimpered, and Steve smirked as he bent over, nipping at her neck.
“You know I love you, right?” he said softly, his mouth caressing her pulse point as she rolled her head back, his hand slid up to her throat holding her face still as he kissed her, hard.
“Yeah, I love you too Solider” Katie panted into his kiss.
His fingers danced over the soft skin of her outside thighs and both his hands pulled her backwards as he pushed straight into her, making her cry out softly at the depth.
His rhythm was slow at first, hands on her hips before he quickened, the depth of this angle driving Katie wild. She writhed and moaned as he filled her, brushing against that spot inside her and she couldn’t get enough of him, her face buried into the pillow, pelvis pushed back against him as he thrust in deeply, again and again.
“You’re all mine…” he said hoarsely as he leaned forward, his chest pressing into her back as his teeth grazed her ear, biting down softly, “There’ll never be anyone else, never baby girl.”
His voice was punctuated by his grunts as he thrust into his wife again and again, his fingers tightening on her skin, knowing full well he’d probably leave bruises but not giving a shred of care. And neither did she, the more people that saw those marks, the better, the signs she was his for the world to see…it drove her wild with passion and lust and she couldn’t help but rock back against him, begging him to push deeper, drive her to the edge and back again, which he was more than happy to do.
“Say you believe me…” Steve all but growled as he thrust into her fiercely, his hand tightening slightly around her throat causing her to grab at the sheets in her hand “Say you believe me that there’s no one who comes close…”
“I believe you…” Katie cried out loudly, her voice punctuated by desperate moans as she tilted her head back as he continued nipping at her neck, pounding into her. “No one else.”
She was lost, lost in the sensation of her soldier fucking her senseless, just like she had asked him to. Those hands that she loved, that were normally so soft and gentle with her were now gripping at her hips, curling into her soft skin, pulling her back with each thrust. His lips, the ones she was so used to whispering soft nothing into her ear, or placing gentle kisses to her neck were biting and sucking at her throat as if his life depended on it, praising her, telling her what a pretty girl, amazing momma and beautiful wife she was. Coupled with the consistent pounding between her legs she was lost in an utter whirl of love and lust and she could feel the coil in her belly beginning to tighten as Steve maintained his pace, not once relenting.
Steve could read the signs well enough by now to know she was close. Moving one hand he slid it down between her legs, stroking at her clit drawing a loud gasp from her lips as she bucked back onto him, her legs trembling.
“Stevie… I’m gonna…”
“Come on doll…” he said gently into her ear “Come for me…”
“Oh, God…”  her voice was low, soft, as her words became nothing but a babble of noises as she lost control, her body shaking as she cried out, the world tipping on its axis completely as she became completely unaware of anything other than the sensation between her legs as she came, hard, pulsing and tightening down around him.
Steve felt it, he always did, and he continued to drive into her, fucking her through it before he realised he wanted to see her, wanted those green eyes he knew and loved locked onto his, so with a quick pull back he moved out of her and flipped her over again onto her back before she could even think about what he was doing. With a grunt he buried himself into her again, propping himself up on his elbows, his hands cupping her face as his lips crashed onto hers for a dirty, sloppy kiss that was all mouth and tongue.
He reached down, grabbing at her knee, slinging it over her shoulder as he rutted into her, driving hard, over and over, the dirty noise of wetness filled the room, skin hitting skin as he picked up the pace driving and seeking his own release. Katie’s hands gripped at his back, her nails digging into his shoulders as he thrust again and again, her eyes locked onto his. His pupils were blown with desire, those baby blues she knew and loved had darkened to a steel grey and knowing that after 15 years and a lifetime of ups and downs that she could still elicit this effect on him was enough to blow her mind. She loved this man, with every single inch of her body, and always would.
Steve dropped his head, his hips not once faltering as his mouth nipped at her chest, sucking, biting, the bruises forming almost instantly but he couldn’t give a fuck. This woman was his, no one else’s, and in turn he wanted her to realise that. He needed her to understand that there wasn’t a single person on this fucking planet, hell, the universe that would ever make him feel like this. As his lips moved to that spot on her neck he dropped her leg down and felt her breath hitch again and she let out a soft wail, her hips bucking upwards as she wrapped her legs around him, heels digging into his ass.
“I got you baby…” he whispered, his voice punctuated by his own pants “Come on, give it to me…” With a gasp, her head titled back, eyes fluttered shut as her hands gripped at his strong arms and she came again which was enough to send him catapulting off the edge right behind her. Her legs grew tighter around his slim hips, gripping at him, pulling him closer as he stuttered, groaned and then pitched forward, his torso slick with sweat as he lay still, face pressed into her neck, surrendering to the utter bliss that consumed him.
Steve gently kissed Katie’s neck, breathing deeply. That had been intense and felt like it had risen from his very toes. His mind was still caught in that post-coital fog of bliss, and his body felt like it was light, floating even, but as Katie shifted underneath him, her lips gently pressing to his temple, he realised he wasn’t floating, nor was he light. He went to move, to roll off her but she caught him immediately, her hands flying to his arms as she looked at her.
“Don’t” she whispered.
“Honey I’ll crush…” “No, you won’t” she shook her head, “Relax, please soldier just…”
Steve licked his lips, and gently dropped back onto his elbow, pressing a little more of his weight on top of her. Katie sighed, her forehead resting on his collar bone, face nuzzling into his chest, her hands softly gliding up his back. Despite his worry, Steve felt himself relax into his wife as he held her in his arms. Katie sighed contently.
“Feels so nice, just lay here…” she said softly, pressing a kiss to his chest. “You always pull away far too fast.”
Steve took a deep breath “I don’t mean to Doll, I just know I’m way bigger and…” “Steve…” Katie moved her hand so she raised a single finger to his lips, shushing him “Stop.” After a moment or so of tensing up he allowed himself to relax completely, her hands dancing up his spine and he gave a soft hum of contentment as she pressed a kiss to his jawline and he felt her lips curl into a smile against his beard.
“What?” he asked softly, moving so he looked down at her.
“Nothing, just I love you.” she said honestly, her eyes locking onto his. “Forever.” Steve chuckled as he pressed his lips to hers “Good, because I’m not going anywhere.”
“Glad to hear it.” Katie smiled, brushing a hand through his hair “And for the record…I’m all about more cushin’ for the pushin’”
At that Steve let out a loud laugh as she giggled along with him, his mouth once more claiming hers
“Looks like I am too, baby girl.”
After another minute or so, Steve finally relented and moved, his softening cock pulling out as he rolled over onto his back, giving a sigh.
“You ok?” he asked.
“Yeah, course…I could use a drink though.” Katie smiled.
Steve leaned over, pressed a kiss to her mouth before he moved, located his boxers and after a promise of being back soon he headed out onto the landing.
Emmy emerged from her room at the same time, leaning on her doorframe as she shot him a look “You two are disgusting.”
“What?” he blinked, standing still as he looked at her.
“Seriously…you need to soundproof your room! I mean how would you feel if you heard me and Pete?” “I better not hear you and Pete.” he shot back, hands falling to his hips as he fixed his eldest with a glare.
She shrugged before she looked him up and down, and rolled her eyes “Fuck, I’m glad Brooke isn’t here…I’m sick of her telling me you’re a snack…”
With that she turned back into her room, shutting the door behind her. Steve stood still, looking at the now closed doorframe before he grinned to himself.
“Rogers, you still got it.” he laughed softly, before he bounded down the stairs to grab a bottle of water.
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d-criss-news · 4 years
What a wonderful word, brimming with possibility and hope.
The upcoming release of Superman: Man of Tomorrow has oodles of new—balanced with a healthy dose of the familiar.
For forty films over the past thirteen years, Warner Bros. Animation, DC and Warner Bros. Home Entertainment have rallied behind the stellar creative vision of producers Bruce Timm and James Tucker to bring forth tales of heroism and villainy in their own stylish manner.
Creating such a departure from past films gave the crew a new canvas on which to paint, and they reacted with the kind of enthusiasm normally reserved for children dashing to open presents on Christmas morning.
Emmy and Golden Globe Award winner Darren Criss is one of those amazing gifts. DC Universe Movies have had a wide array of talent giving voice to the Man of Steel, from Tim Daly, Jerry O’Connell and Mark Harmon to George Newbern, Kyle MacLachlan and Jason Isaacs, to name a few. But Criss is the most geek-centric actor to step behind the microphone to date, an absolute comic nerd who revels in the role. He was so excited, we thought he might show up wearing a cape.
There was even a very sweet moment during recording where you could see Criss get caught up in the iconic grandeur of it all. “It warmed my heart to even see it on the page,” he said. “And to know, at the moment, I was the one who got to say it. It was so classic, I felt unworthy. And all the line said was, ‘Are you alright, Miss Lane?’ It really gave me pause.”
Criss leads a cast that is perfectly suited for their roles. Zachary Quinto brings a cool, calculated, oozing-with-arrogant-intellect attitude to the role of Lex Luthor, a casting selection we’ve been aching to secure for years. Anyone who knows Alexandra Daddario’s unbridled enthusiasm, overt sense of curiosity, and knack for being direct will hear all of that in this young Lois Lane. Brett Dalton doesn’t let his nice-guy persona conflict with the transition from sweet janitor to power-hungry lifeforce, taking the Joker’s “one bad day” to another extreme in becoming one of Superman’s greatest foes.
And then there’s Ryan Hurst. That voice, so full of gravel and grit—he’s simply traded his Sons of Anarchy motorcycle for a space chopper as intergalactic bounty hunter Lobo. It’s an organic evolution, and one that Hurst eats with a fork and knife—chomping heartily on Lobo’s trademark cigars while dolling out advice and physical punishment to anyone in his path. Who doesn’t love Lobo? Or, as Darren Criss dubbed him, “Space Meat Loaf.”
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fanfoolishness · 5 years
Growing Pains thoughts
I’ll be frank... this episode destroyed me in ways I think I’m gonna still be processing for a while.
But hey! Dogcopter’s gay and in love and good for him!
Everyone’s getting married but me!
*drops carton of ice cream he was eating for lunch*
I feel like poop
honey, Steven, maybe that’s all the ice cream
Don’t you remember the creamed corn debacle???
Also all the cheesy puffs?
Also all the mess?
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This face is funny because it hurts ;_;
and he INSTANTLY cheers up when calling Greg. Oh, honey.
I’m glad Greg is still a band manager out on the road!  What a great thing for him.  
Though it’s another case of Steven nudging a guardian into self-care, it’s a much smaller nudge and a much more mentally stable guardian, and it’s in line with what could be a normal teen-parent interaction
Like when my brothers and I cheered on my mom for getting her teaching degree
But Steven’s anxiety eyes as Greg ribs him for things that should be part of being a normal teenager hurt my soul
I spy potato chips, cheesy poofs, and spilled ice cream just on the fucking floor in his room.  And a laundry hamper in easy reach but with clothes everywhere.  Steven is really, really hurting.
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Steven has Greg’s old picture in his phone.
Another sign of wanting to hold on to the past, perhaps. Connie’s picture is updated.
Steven... tears off the freezer door. Those expired Cookie Cats in the back are definitely gonna be inedible.
Steven: My body keeps randomly growing! It doesn’t hurt so it’s fine!
Connie’s faces are the exact correct response to the badness unfolding in front of her.
The way Steven persistently tries to deflect and shove down his own needs and fears with both Greg and Connie is heartbreaking.
OKAY, so realistically, I was worried that it would just be too weird having Steven’s best friend’s/kinda girlfriend’s mom be his doctor.
But Steven’s messed up enough that maybe boundaries don’t matter right now eeeeeh
anyway. I love Priyanka. I love how rational she is.  Let’s rule out human causes for the problem, shall we?
CONNIE you are so mature and reassuring to Steven and also respecting his privacy and ALSO being like HEY FELLOW HUMAN BEING GREG GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE thank god
I’m glad he is still such a round boi <3
I’m pleased Priyanka even thought to auscult it
Poor Priyanka about to start on a righteous path of “kid you should have been going to the doctor” and then Steven just BLOOORPOPS
Is... that one of those blue things that doesn’t cover your butt?
I love her. she is so fucking single-minded. You see where Connie gets her determination from.
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Just imagine Priyanka thinking about how little Steven seemed when she met him.  She and Connie both thought he was about 8 until his 14th birthday.  She thinks of that little boy being smashed, being broken, and she just... she aches.
That doesn’t change the fact that you experienced trauma.
But you were hurt! Badly hurt!
I... was badly hurt.
wow wow wow this all hurts me okay
Priyanka’s voice is so calm. So measured. She is trying to present this information in a way that won’t scare him.
You think there’s something wrong with my brain?
This scares him so much :(
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They did it... they really did it... everything I’ve been saying for months, everything I’ve been thinking would come back to haunt him, so many things over the years.... it’s here.  They really did it.  And I’m emotional, and I hurt for him, and I’m amazed at how many of these moments I pinned down and put in my animatic weeks ago. And I feel terrible for Steven, and I feel terrible for my childhood self, and for my baby brother who died of a drug overdose from an addiction that likely stemmed from the cumulative effects of his own accumulated adverse childhood experiences.  Our shared childhood.  Except I’m still here, and he’s gone.  And why was I lucky enough to be strong enough to come through that without a fatal coping mechanism when he wasn’t?  Why did he reach for something that would kill him?  Why did our childhood have to include my father’s suicide attempts and poorly medicated bipolar disorder and days where we were so scared to see his car come home?  Why did we have to be screamed at and have our things destroyed by our dad smashing them in a rage?  Why did we have to go through this? Why did Steven have to be so harmed in so many ways?   What fractures do I carry under my skin, invisible, like Steven?
Oh. Maybe this is why it took a full day to collect my thoughts on this episode.
Oh, Steven. Your heart is broken ;____;  I love that he’s mature enough to not be angry at Connie for her choice, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a terrible, terrible blow to him.
You haven’t told your mom?
oh Steven this is rich coming from you
Did you EVER tell Greg ANY OF THIS STUFF
Did you EVER tell the Gems what White Diamond did to you???
But maybe he hopes that since Connie HAS a real mom that they at least can be close
and maybe he fears that if Connie didn’t tell her mom, then that means she thinks it’s really bad :(
oh no oh no he’s a mostly naked pink giant boy and we DO NOT NEED ANY MORE SKULL FRACTURES 
“I... can’t... BE AROUND YOU RIGHT NOW!”
I can’t
I’m so sorry Steven
ZACH how the FUCK do you do this
If that man does not get an Emmy for this season the whole system can die in a fire
“Connie? .... thank you.”
somehow that’s even MORE devastating than the other line
just the acknowledgement of the pain and the fear and the confusion he’s going through
and that she knew what had to be done
“It’s fine, Dad.”
another amazing delivery
I just... fuuuuuuuuck
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“I proposed to Connie!”
Those TEARS, that FACE, there is so much AGONY in every line and syllable of this scene, he’s so ashamed and embarrassed and hurt and sad and there’s just so much, too much, he can’t --
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Sometimes, you look so much like her.
he’s the dad we should all aspire to be to any young people in our lives honestly
he still makes mistakes
but the fucking HEART he has
The house is all cleaned up by the time Steven gets to bed with the hot cocoa.
You know that Greg INSISTED Steven not lift a fucking FINGER to clean it.
You KNOW that man schlepped all the garbage downstairs, cleaned the ice cream off the floor, started the laundry, all of it.  You KNOW he cleaned his son’s house like his life fucking depended on it.
I’m writing it.  This fic is gonna happen.  
And it’s gonna hurt.
I need to go sit and be awhile.
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emily-strange · 4 years
Growing Pains...
Sooo I kicked off something that I’ve never written before haha I hope it’s okay!
Summary: Emmy has been with the gang since she was a little girl. Her mother moved on, leaving her to be raised by Dutch, Hosea and Susan. Arthur and John are her brothers (argue and she will fight you). Becoming a woman is hard when everyone still sees you as a child. Since the Blackwater mess she’s trying to find her feet while dealing with her new feelings for the gangs resident douchebag.
Tagging @strwxberrymilk @porkchop-ao3 @arthursgirl @angelsjudge and @scy77a but if you’d like to stop being tagged just let me know! :) Also if anyone else would like to be tagged just say the word xx
Pairing: Slow burn Micah x female OC.
Warnings: Swearing, comments alluding to abuse, sexual themes and a racial slur.
Chapter 15
“So as far as first shootout’s go, I’d say it went pretty well.” I declare to Arthur through gritted teeth.
“Yeaah went real well. Despite the fact yer now have’a new hole in yer leg.” Arthur replies without a modicum of humour.
“I can NOT believe you let this young lady run into a firefight, Mr Morgan. I expected this from the likes of Mr Bell but not you!” Miss Grimshaw chimes in while she wraps up my left thigh. The bullet was a through and through so I managed to avoid any sort of “surgery” and the slug was of a small caliber, so really, all in all, it could’ve been so much worse.
“I’m fine Sus-AN”I yelp after one very firm tug of the bandage, “Was that necessary!?”
Miss Grimshaw doesn’t answer me but gathers her supplies and with one last stern look, storms from the tent shaking her head and muttering under her breath.
Arthur laughs and shakes his head.
I maneuver my leg so it’s a bit more comfortable on my cot and Arthur sits on a crate next to me.
“You’re covered in blood by the way.” I state as I start to feel the effects of the whiskey coursing through my veins.
He huffs at me and replies, “Yea, well that happn’s when yer lugging people about with blood comin’ outta them.”
And then in my hazy state I remember.
“Lenny’ll be okay right?” I ask in a whisper.
“Ooh yeaa I was only jokin’ sweetheart. His wounds’a no worse than yers, just happens ta be in his shootin’ arm. He’ll live.” Arthur reassures with a hand on my cheek, “Now you sleep.”
“Tell everyone I owe them a drink okay?” I say back, feeling my eyes start to drop closed, “I did good dn’t I Art?” I slur.
All I register before I fall asleep is Arthur quietly chuckling and kissing my forehead.
We storm the ranch, guns blazing.
The rush running through me is unreal.
I’ve never been in a shootout and you know what, it’s not something I fancy doing again.
“Stay behind me.” Arthur growls as we push forward. There aren’t a lot of men but they appear to be well stocked with weapons, so we’re all planted in one spot pretty quickly. I’m with Arthur and Charles while the others are spread out alone.
From not too far away, as I duck down after firing a shot, I can see Micah smirking at me from behind a wagon. He winks at me and I find his ability to remain jovial at a time like this almost impressive.
The sound of a soft voice saying “Knock knock” jerks me awake.
“Hey, can I come in?” Sadie asks from tent entrance.
I struggle to sit up and rub at my eyes while saying “sure”. She comes in and takes Arthur’s spot on the crate next to my cot. It takes me a second to register where I am. Drinking half a bottle of whiskey in one go will do that to you. Even if it’s starting to wear off.
“You ‘kay?” she asks me quietly and it’s then I register the dull ache in my leg. Not too painful yet, but a horrible promise of what’s to come.
“Not bad….you alright?” I can see that she’s changed from her previous clothes and her hairs wet. She must’ve gotten blood on her as well. Either from me or Lenny.
“Oh, you know me.” Sadie replies but she seems a bit distant.
“Sadie. What’s wrong?” I ask quietly. Sadie looks at me but avoids direct eye-contact until I reach out for her arm asking a silent, “What’s wrong?”
“You know I ain’t good with feelin’s since Jakey….I….I’ve tried ta shut ‘em off as it were.” Sadie starts and I can see unshed tears in her eyes, “But I wan’ed ta say that….I wan’ed to tell ya….that I’m proud. Of you. Very proud.”
Suddenly the emotions of the night, along with the ache in my thigh, come crashing down upon me and my own unshed tears start to fall.
There’s a break in the gunfire and everyone takes the opportunity to rush forward towards the house. I see Micah bashing some guy in the face while Sadie uses her knife to slit another guys throat.
I’ve not sure I’ve ever seen something so brutal. But really what did I expect? I just need to remind myself that these “men” deserve everything they get.
“I want at least one Arthur” I say loudly to him as Charles breaks off from the two of us. We’re crouching and shuffling forward quickly, trying to stay out of anyone’s line of sight.
Then all of a sudden, we hear it. A scream and John’s shout.
“LENNY’S HIT!” he yells over to us.
“GET’IM OUTTA HERE MARSTON!” Arthur shouts back and as I look forward, I see the smoke and barrel of a gun pointing out of an upstairs window.
A barrel that now points at my brother.
“ARTHUR” I scream to gain his attention and then aim my gun. I pull the trigger and after a few seconds, a man comes tumbling down to splat onto the ground in front of us.
Arthur clears his throat and looks back at me smirking, “Well….I’d say ya got one.”
“Well if that weren’t just the sexiest thing.” Micah shouts over to us, causing every other man around to snarl. However, they have no time to dwell on him because soon guns start firing again.
“Sadie” I murmur while holding her hand with my spare one, “I didn’t even really do anything. I got one guy.” I laugh, trying to ease the tension, but Sadie shakes her head.
“That’s not….you got us there….imagine if you hadn’t….” She says quietly squeezing my hand. All I can manage is a nod.
After what feels like forever the guns stop and the sick bastards are dead.
My gang start looting bodies and rifling through draws and cupboards while I look around….and maybe kick the odd body now and then. The place is disgusting. Absolutely vile.
I walk through the open plan kitchen/livingroom but trip after I stand on a particularly springy floorboard (that my feet weren’t expecting) that’s covered by an old faded rug. Annoyingly I trip straight into Micah’s arms who revels in my clumsiness. As usual.
“Woah now Miss. This ain’t the time ta be gettin’ frisky…..I mean we can but big brother over there might take some offence.” He drawls into my ear playfully and I push him back, knowing he’s just trying to get a rise out of Arthur.
I start to move the rug and mumble under my breath so he can hear, “Why couldn’t it have been Charles.”, causing Micah to fake his hurt in an over reacted clench of his heart.
“You wound me.” He gasps and despite myself, I laugh.
“Help me with this will you?” I ask and he makes a snide remark about “getting Charles to help” but ultimately relents when seeing my unamused face.
We pull back the rug to reveal a trap door.
“Looky looky” Micah whistles to himself and tugs up the heavy wood, which opens to a basement.
“Okay you wait here.” I say while I take a step forward but Micah puts his hand out in front of me.
“I don’t think so Missy. You won’t see a damn thing down there.” He scoffs and I motion to a lamp that’s been, luckily, undisturbed by the gunfire.
“Hand me that then.” I ask and he rolls his eyes, but does as I ask.
“Just don’t break a nail or nuthin’” he scoffs to himself and I just flip him off.
I slowly make my way down into the basemen and when I touch the floor I yell,
“Micah!! Get my brothers!”
Sadie squeezes my hand before kissing it.
“You did good. Be proud. We are.” She says quietly to me and I smile. I really smile.
“Thank you, Sadie.” I whisper through my emotional haze and she gets up slowly, making her way to the entrance of the tent. She stops before she exits and looks at me for a moment.
“Look. When you’re ready. Come see me okay? We’ll talk.”
I nod, knowing exactly what she means. Arthur did want me to talk to someone.
After Sadie leaves, I settle back down onto the cot and close my eyes. Willing myself to sleep away the increasing pain in my thigh.
When I descend the final step, I shine the lantern around as the smell from the basement makes me gag. What I see makes me cry out for Micah.
“Micah!! Get my brothers!” I yell and watch as the three young girls in front of me cower away on the furthest wall, “Fucking hell.” I whisper to myself and move to approach them.
“You’re okay. You’re safe now.” I try telling them but they huddle impossibly closer together and push themselves further back onto the wall. I think for a second that I should yell for Sadie. My gut reaction was my brothers but that’s just out of habit. I think this will need a woman’s help.
However, before I can yell for anyone else, I feel the cold, hard barrel of a gun pressed behind my head.
“You killed my men” comes a revolting voice behind me.
“Technically, I only killed one…” I reply but completely shut up once the barrel pushes painfully into my temple, “….okay so not the time for being a smartass, got it.”
“Emmy?” Arthur yells down into the basement but stops his movement at the hatch once he catches sight of the gun against my head.
“Yeah, I’m here….and um, I’ve made a friend.” I joke humourlessly as the man guides me up the basement stairs. Once we’re at the top I see that Arthur and John have brought Lenny inside as the others look around. He’s sat on a shot up sofa while my brother’s stand with their hands up and away from their guns.
“Just shoot him!” I shout at them. I’ll be damned if one of these assholes get away.
“Emmy, shut the fuck up.” John growls quietly and the little sister in me wants to hit him so bad. But the gun to my head keeps me firmly in place.
“Now this’s how it’s gonna go down. Imma get to one’ve ma horses with ya little lady here. We’re gonna ride off and once I know ya ain’t followin’, I’ll letta go. ‘kay?” the man snarls and from his breath alone I can tell he’s vermin.
Everyone takes a breath and you just know they’re waiting for Arthur.
“Now, that ain’t gonna happen friend.” He says sternly while keeping his hands away from his holster.
Suddenly the door blasts open and Micah, along with Sadie and Charles come barging in asking what’s taking so long. They instantly freeze and for once I see pure confusion on his face. He also looks at Arthur for the solution. Even if he’d never admit it.
“Who’s dumb idea was this anyway?” I hiss rhetorically but Micah just has to answers.
“Yours” he replies and even though I have a gun to my head, I roll my eyes, “Yes thank you Micah.”
Micah shrugs and Arthur gives everyone in the room a death glare.
“Everyone shut the hell up! And hands where I cn see em’! You too darky.” The man shouts and motions to Lenny.
“Do I look like I can fire a gun right now!?” Lenny snaps back holding his bloody upper arm.
Knowing what this man is and hearing how he speaks to Lenny makes me feel physically sick. But not just that, it makes me stupid with rage. I see red.
I decide there and then that if I’m going to die, I’ll be taking this fucker with me.
I move the hand that’s still holding the lantern back a bit, positioning it over this guys foot. And then I simply…..let go.
As soon as I do, I duck as much as I can in his grip and watch as the lantern hits his foot.
His gun fires. But so does everyone else’s.
It was all a big blur. One moment I’m ducking and elbowing this pervert in the dick as flames quickly engulf his leg and then the next, I’m on the floor with a hole in my thigh.
Everyone fires so the man is quickly riddled with bullets and lies burning on the floor. Charles grabs the rug and smothers the flames before they can spread further. Everyone else just remains in place, stunned.
The shock wears off quickly and the pain in my leg starts.
“WHO. THE FUCK. SHOT ME!?” I shout as Arthur throws himself to the ground to wrap his bandana around the wound. It’s quiet for a few seconds (other than my pathetic “ow ow ow’s”) and then a small voice pipes up from the corner.
“Um…I think that was me….” Lenny says timidly from his position on the sofa, a smoking gun still hanging from his pained hand.
“Why the fuck did you shoot!?” Micah shouts at Lenny and Charles jumps to his defense, “Everyone shot! Could have been anyone….”
Unfortunately, Micah wasn’t having any of it and argues back. Then Arthur joins in…..and then John who was annoyed at Arthurs handling of the situation…..then Lenny sticks up for Arthur….who turns his anger onto Micah for bringing this whole thing upon us.
It was ridiculous.
The only people not making any noise are me and Sadie who catches my eye from across the room, causing us both to burst into laughter. Making all the men stop.
“My first gunshot and it was given to me…..by Lenny!?” I say wheezing through my laughter as Arthur helps me up. I stumble as I struggle not to put too much weight on my left leg.
“Could’ve been worse!” Arthur says sternly to me and I just pat his face like you would a child who’s too riled up.
“Yeah, yeah” I whisper looking away and remembering what caused all of this.
“They’re holding girls down there.” I say grimly looking from the basement to the others around me.
“Girls?” Sadie says taking a large step forward to me and I nod.
“Three of them….they look around 12/13 years old.” I whisper to her.
Sadie nods and orders the men out before turning to me softly, “Let’s go get them.”
“Hey…..hey!” Micah barks as he shakes me awake.
“God damn Micah!” I growl after I’ve gathered my bearings, “You could’ve woken me up nicely!”
“Oh yeah…how would you want me to wake you up then?” Micah drawls while wiggling his eyebrows at me.
“Try not at all” I say sickly sweet back to him. He’s taken residence on the very popular crate by my bed.
Micah scoffs and turns away from me scratching the back of his neck. He’s not wearing his hat and he’s changed into his black shirt, the one I borrowed. He shakes his head while turning his gaze to the ground.
“You okay?” I ask quietly when he fails to look back at me, “Micah?”
I reach out and touch his arm, but doing so pulls at my leg, causing me to hiss. Micah snaps his attention back to me.
“Hey don’t go movin’ around! You gotta be more careful.” He barks again and moves further towards me, placing my hand on his arm where I was reaching for him. I smile.
“You sound like Arthur” I chuckle despite the pain in my thigh.
“Pfft. Guess he can’t always be wrong then.” Micah scoffs and looks at the bandage on my thigh. “I still can’t believe that idiot shot you!”
“It’s not like he meant to and anyways I’m lucky he wasn’t using his own gun. Just one he found on the ground. Might’ve been a lot worse otherwise.” I sigh looking down at where my skirt is ridden up. I no longer have my cut off union trousers under it so one thigh is completely bare while the other one is covered in bandages. I catch Micah looking.
“Hey”, I snap my fingers at him, “My eyes are up here buddy.”
I expect some witty retort but instead he picks up the hand that lies on his arm….and kisses it. His mustache tickles my knuckles and the feeling makes me sigh happily. For a short moment I close my eyes and forget about the hole under the bandages.
“You did good out there.” He eventually says in a whisper. If he wasn’t so close I’d of never heard him.
“Thank you” I reply giving him a sleepy smile. I shift a bit and wince at the pull in my thigh.
“You want some more whiskey?” Micah asks me and I shake my head.
“Nah, it’s making me feel a bit sick. I just need to sleep….which I was doing very well I’ll have you know.” I say narrowing my eyes are him. Micah laughs and shifts even closer.
“You know…I could make you feel a whole lot better without whiskey.” Micah whispers into my ear and I shiver at the sensation of his breath on my neck. Micah puts his large calloused palm on my good thigh and lets his thumb graze over my knee.
“Micah” I whisper, instantly feeling my underwear become wet, “I was shot like, three hours ago.”
Micah kisses from my ear down to the side of my neck and back up again. He delicately licks at my ear and nibbles on my lob before saying “Mmhm and I think that means you deserve somethin’ don’t you? For doin’ so good….savin’ those girls….you did real good.”
As much as I’d go to my grave denying it, Micah’s praise is doing something to me. I lie my head back and close my eyes, giving into the sensation of his large fingers skimming my inner thigh. The only problem is he’s said the word that I’ve heard one too many times to feel good.
“Thing is Micah,” I whisper opening my eyes. I run my hand up into his hair and pull his head back to look me in the eyes. I lick my lips and plunge forward connecting my lips to his in a brief, heated, dominating kiss. One that, if it had a winner, would be me. I nip his bottom lip as we detach, “I don’t like being told what I ‘deserve’.” I finish by licking along the seams of his lips and let go of his hair.
I settle back into my cot and gently take his hand from my inner thigh and press it to my soaked underwear.
“Fuck” Micah sighs under his breath and I can see the tell-tale signs of him growing hard in his trousers. His eyes snap to mine as I start to gently rut against his fingers which I’ve maneuvered to press against my aching clit.
“You see….” I whisper to Micah as I pick up the pace as much as I can with my injured leg, “…..telling me what I ‘deserve’ makes it feel like I’m being gifted something…..” I continue to rub his fingers against me and I can see Micah rub his erection through the fabric of his trousers. His eyes haven’t moved from where his hand has disappeared up my skirt.
“……when the reality is…..” I pause a moment while I slip my underwear to the side and allow one of Micah’s thick fingers to enter me, “…..I take what I want. Not what men think I ‘deserve’”
My tent is filled with the sounds of Micah quietly grunting as he palms himself and the wet, slick noise of his finger being moved in and out of my tight heat. When I feel that I’m ready, I move another of his fingers to push into me and once I feel adjusted, I snap my fingers at Micah to grab his attention.
Micah watches with his mouth hanging open as I lick my own essence from my fingers. I then lie back and hold the top of my cot before asking huskily, “You know what to do right?”
It takes a moment for Micah to come to his senses but when he does, he snaps his mouth closed and lunges for my lips. While he kisses me, a kiss that I allow him to control, his fingers begin to move inside me.
“Yer so fucking wet,” he growls in my ear and the sensation sends shockwaves all the way down to my core, “and tight. Jesus, so tight.” Micah’s other hand moves to his belt and I grab the wrist of his hand currently fucking me. He stops and looks at me.
“No….this is mine remember.” I say to him cockily, “I’m happy to finish alone. But I will admit I’d rather ride your fingers than mine.”
Micah removes the hand from his belt and moves to tower over me on the cot. His right-hand resumes fingering me while his left moves to clutch at the top of the cot near my head. He very, very carefully places his knee on the cot, making sure to avoid my injured thigh.
“You like being in charge?” he hisses at me while his fingers move faster and faster, “That’s fine…..for now.” Micah moves his thumb to my clit and starts applying just the right amount of pressure. I grab the sides of his face and pull his lips to mine to quieten my moans and then grab at his shirt to keep him in place.
“Faster” I gasp between kisses and Micah obliges, “Fuck, you feel so good.” I praise and I’m sure I see his eyes light up, “Don’t stop.” Micah shakes his head and kisses at my neck again while my free hand finds purchase in his long hair.
I feel myself climb higher and higher towards my peak as Micah kisses and nibbles along my neck. I know he wants to sink his teeth in but he also knows that wouldn’t end well. Micah wants more than his fingers inside me one day and if he pushes too far, he knows he’ll lose that opportunity. Micah’s an idiot, but he’s not stupid.
“You like my fingers darlin’?” Micah drawls as he pulls back to look at me. I nod eagerly and whimper the closer I get. Micah moves his free hand to my face and brushes his thumb down to my lips which I eagerly take into my mouth and suck. “Fuckin’ hell baby….keep doin’ that….” When I stop sucking, Micah adds a quick “please.”
Micah’s fingers, along with his hot breath on my face as he pants and his thumb moving in and out of my mouth, causes me to hit my high and I cum. Hard. I grab the wrist under my skirt and still his hand which I grind against to ride out the final waves of pleasure.
I bite down hard on Micah’s thumb to contain my cries and for a moment I worry that I’ve hurt him but when I open my eyes, I’m met with his signature smirk. I also notice he’s breathing very, very hard.
As he removes his fingers from me, I glance down to his lap and see a dark stain spreading around his crotch. I bite my lip as he brings his fingers to his lips and licks my wetness off of them.
“Well” he huffs once he’s finished, “That was somethin’.”
I can’t help but laugh and can only get out a quiet, “Yep.”
Micah smiles and leans down to capture my lips with his, giving me a taste of myself on his tongue. When he pulls back, he takes a moment to grasp my face and growl. I wink at him and giggle as he pulls his face away from me; the euphoria, whiskey and exhaustion from the day making me giddy.
“Goodnight darlin’” he drawls quietly and honestly the only thing I can manage is a nod. My body is tingling and I feel weightless. As Micah straightens up, fully ready to face anyone outside my tent with his wet crotch, I feel my body giving into sleep.
Before I doze off, I’m almost 100% sure I feel blankets being pulled up over me as the lantern is dimmed.
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brideofedoras · 4 years
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Disclaimer: the usual
Word count: 3100+
Rating: 18+
Warnings: maybe some terrible flirting, hints of anxiety and asthma
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
John walked into Maldonado’s office and shut the door.  “We’ve got more information on that synthetic,” he grabbed a chair and dropped into it.  “You’re not gonna like this.”
Sandra turned to give him her full attention, brow furrowing over her brown eyes.  “Why’s that?”
“Dorian was able to download the memory from that thing.  Someone was surveilling…”  He looked over his shoulder before leaning closer and dropping his voice.  “Someone had Emily under surveillance.  Had us all under surveillance.  At crime scenes.  At McQuade’s.  At dinner.  At the damned hospital.”  His jaw tightened.  “They hacked the security system at the hospital, footage of me, of Emily visiting me.”
Sandra’s eyes widened.  “Do you think it’s tied to inSyndicate?”
“That damn thing was planted at a crime scene,” he shrugged.  “But why Emily?  Why her?  She’s not a cop, she’s never been involved in any investigation for inSyndicate, she wasn’t even working for Rudy before the ambush!”
“She’s your soulmate,” Sandra reminded him.  “Whether you believe it or not, Emily is.”  
“You, Dorian and Rudy are the only ones who know that, aside from Emily and myself,” John sighed heavily.  
“You’ve accepted that Emily is your soulmate?”
John met her warm gaze.  “I know her voice, her touch, her perfume.  Her handwriting matches my words.  I’ve remembered bits and pieces of her conversations, but I don’t remember her saying my words.  Until I do…  It won’t be real.”  He ran his hands through his hair.  “Still doesn’t answer why inSyndicate had Emily under surveillance!”
Sandra tilted her head, brows furrowed as she tried to meet John’s averted frown.  “Anna.”
“Anna?  How the hell would she know about Emily?”  John’s expression darkened.  “I found out my first day back on the job, after I reactivated Dorian!”
“Your soulmark,” Maldonado sat back, folding her arms over her chest.  “Your words.  Anna could’ve easily deduced exactly who Emily was.”
“Did you know?”  John braced his forearms on his knees as he slumped forward, giving his friend a hard glare.  
She nodded.  
“How long have you known?”
“Long enough,” Sandra admitted.  “Does Emily know about the surveillance?”  She redirected the conversation back to the disturbing discovery and away from John’s probing questions.
“Just what she saw before Dorian stopped the playback,” he reached up to rub at his temples.  “She told us she felt like she’d been watched for a while, back when I was in the coma.”
“She told me about it when she first suspected she was being watched,” the captain straightened in her chair.  “She told me not to pull an officer from the streets to follow her, she would check in via text at certain times and came up with a code word to use if something happened.”
His head snapped up.  “She ever have to use it?”
“No,” she shook her head.  
“With inSyndicate still out there, with Anna still out there, I want Emily protected,” John told her.  
“She won’t go for that,” Sandra warned.  “She won’t admit it but I know she fears it will trigger her anxiety and her asthma.  I’ll talk to her--”
“She’ll be here sometime this afternoon with a list for me, and to sit down with you, me and Dorian to review that damned android’s video footage.”
“And she’s supposed to call me before she leaves the lab,” John pushed to his feet.  “Were you able to get me what I needed?”
Sandra scooted her chair back and reached under her desk.  “I don’t know where his notebook is, John.  When I cleaned out his desk and locker and separated personal stuff from city property, I might’ve dropped the notebook in the box to take to Emily,” she set a box on the desk.  “I’ll ask her when she gets here.” 
John stood up and grabbed the box.  “We have any other big cases right now?”
She shook her head.  “Nothing major, no.  I’ll get everyone on board and let them know you’re lead detective.”
“Thank you, Sandra,” he nodded before ducking out of the office.
His phone started ringing as he crossed the bullpen to his desk.  Shifting the box to his left arm he fished the phone out.  “Kennex.”
“Detective, it’s Emily Williams.”
John fumbled the box when he heard the tremble in her voice.  “Emily, are you okay?”
“You don’t sound okay,” he eased the box onto his desk and headed for an empty interrogation room so he could hear her better.  
“I’m fine, I had an asthma attack after you left,” she admitted after a bit.  “It was mild, but Rudy is beside himself.  I just need a drink and…”
“And what?”  He prompted when she fell silent.
“Nothing,” she sighed.  “I managed to finish the list.  I have the stores listed by district to make it easier.”
“Thank you,” he turned to face the bullpen.  “You’re still headed this way, right?”
“Yeah, I’m…  I’ll head that way in a few minutes.”
“Be careful.  When you get here, just head to Sandra’s office.  Dorian and I will meet you there.”
“Sounds good, Detective,” she agreed.
“John.  You can call me John.”
“All right… John.  See you in a bit.”
She clicked off before he could respond.
Something tickled at the edge of his memory.  He squeezed his eyes shut as he concentrated, not wanting to lose it.
“My lunch break is almost over,” her voice filled with regret.  “But I’ll be back after work.”  
He felt his blanket lift and resettle before her slender hands smoothed the wrinkles out.  His heart skipped a beat when she rested her hand over his chest.  I look forward to every visit, Emily, he longed to tell her, breathing in her warm scent as she leaned over him.
“I’ll see you later, John,” she whispered before her lips pressed to his cheek.  
Be safe out there, Sweetheart.  Come back to me.  His heart ached when Emily pulled away.  
His legs buckled.  John braced his hand on the table to steady himself as the intensity of the emotions, affection, worry, love, assaulted him.
Love stronger than what he had ever felt for Anna.
Blindly he reached for the nearest chair and pulled it out, falling heavily onto it.  He braced his elbows on his knees and buried his face in his hands.  He let out a ragged sigh.  Dammit.  Why the hell can’t I remember her?
He jumped when someone tapped on the door.  He looked up sharply with a glare firmly in place before seeing Dorian. 
He joined his partner.  “Emily’s on her way,” he kept his voice low.  “She’s got the list for us.”
“Is everything all right?”
“Yeah,” he barely nodded.  “I just…  I had another memory pop free, of Emily visiting me.”
Dorian shifted to give John his full attention.  “Did you remember her first…” he trailed off when Kennex shook his head.
“No,” he exhaled heavily.  “Just a memory of her saying good-bye when her lunch break was ending and promising to come back after work.”
Dorian folded his arms across his chest.  “You look like you’ve seen a ghost, John.  What are you not telling me?”
His jaw tightened as he shook his head again.  
“John, does it have anything to do with her being followed?”
“No.  Nothing like that.  I… Jesus, D, I don’t even understand it,” he started to walk toward the bullpen.  “Once I’ve figured it out, I’ll let you know.”
 Emily slung her messenger bag over her neck and shoulder and locked her car.  She drew in a deep breath and flinched when she wheezed.  No, she shut her eyes and dropped her head back.  Slow, easy breath in and out.  No reason to be anxious.  You’re just handing off information they need, and watching video surveillance with Sandy.  
She took another slow, easy breath, and another until the wheeze was barely a rattle.  She patted her pockets just to reassure herself where the inhaler was, fished her identification out of her pocket and headed into the building.
The bullpen was teeming with activity when she stepped off the elevator.  She circled the perimeter, heading toward Sandy’s office like John had told her.  
Sandra met her at the door with a warm hug.  “Hey, Kiddo,” she squeezed her.  
Emily melted into her godmother’s embrace.  “How bad is it?  The surveillance?”
Maldonado pulled back.  “I haven’t seen it yet.”
“But you know something,” the younger woman’s eyes narrowed.  “Sandy, you only hug me that tight when you’re worried.”
Sandra chuckled.  “You know me too well, Emmie,” she pulled back and gestured for Emily to follow.  “We’ll discuss that with Kennex and Dorian when they get back.  We’ll be meeting in the conference room, less claustrophobic.”
Emily kept pace with Sandra’s determined stride.  “They leave?”
“Coffee run,” the captain nodded before opening a door.  Once inside the room she turned her full attention on Emily.  “How are you holding up with this?”
The tech shrugged as she pulled her messenger bag’s strap over her head.  “I’m scared,” she admitted, setting her bag down..  “I thought when the feeling of being followed stopped, that it was over, that it was nothing serious.  But now…  I’m honestly terrified to see what all Dorian saw in that footage.”  She looked up at Sandra once more.  “Whatever he saw…  I know it’s bad, Sandy.  If Detective Kennex wants me to learn how to handle a gun it’s gotta be.  I wound up having an asthma attack after they left the lab.”
“John has a very good reason for wanting to teach you how to handle a gun, Emmie,” Sandra reached up to cup Emily’s jaw.  “I know you don’t want to, but you need to.”
She nodded.  “I know.  And I will.”  She managed a smile.  “I looked up a few different types of handguns, but I don’t know what would be best for me.”
“We’ll worry about that later,” Sandra brushed her thumb over Emily’s cheekbone before dropping her hands and stepping back.  “We’re going to do everything we can to make sure this doesn’t happen again, Emmie.”  
“I don’t want you pulling anyone from their job to shadow me,” Emily frowned at her.  “I’ll get a gun, I’ll learn how to handle it, I’ll check in frequently, but I don’t want anyone taken away from keeping the city safe just to make sure I’m safe.”  She turned back to the table and her bag.  “If I feel like I’m being watched, I will let you and Rudy know.”
“Okay,” Sandra agreed.  “I want you to be safe, Em, but I won’t push.”
“Thank you,” Emily pulled her notebook from her bag.  
Sandra’s eyes dropped to the spiral notebook.  “Emily…  The box I brought you of your dad’s personal belongings… was there a notebook in it?” “There were three,” she nodded.  “I put them in the footlocker in my bedroom.”
“Did you by chance look through them?”  Sandra’s brow furrowed.  
“No,” Emily shook her head.  “I…  Are they related to this case?”
“I hope they are, they weren’t with the evidence.  John asked for everything we had on Sam’s last case, including the notebook.”
“I can get it after we review the footage and go over my notes, I can bring it back here, or we can meet up somewhere…”
“That’s something you need to discuss with John,” Sandra trailed off when the door opened behind them.
“Discuss what with me?”
Emily looked over her shoulder, her breath hitching at the intensity of the look John was giving her.  “Um… the… uh…  Daddy’s notebooks,” she wheezed out.  “I have several at… at my apartment.”
“I’ll follow you home to get them,” he nodded, joining them at the table with a box and a drink carrier.  He looked at the three cups he held before handing one to Sandra.  “Dorian’s on a call with Rudy regarding the android and the surveillance, he’ll be up in a bit, I hope.”  He handed another cup to Emily.
“I don’t drink coffee,” she offered him a shy smile.  
“It’s not coffee,” he smiled back.  “I hope hot chocolate is all right.”
Her smile widened as she reached for the cup.  “I’ve been craving hot chocolate all afternoon,” she admitted.  
John dropped into the chair to her right.  “I hope I got it right.  The barista gave me a weird look when I ordered it.”
Emily blushed when she realized John was watching her.  “Kinda hard to mess up hot chocolate,” she pointed out.
“Actually, when someone likes it a specific way and the person ordering it has a spotty memory, it is,” he grimaced.  “I remembered your dad fixing hot chocolate a few times on stakeouts.  He always fixed it a certain way, said it was how you liked it.  Double the chocolate, double the foamy milk, double the whipped topping, and white chocolate shavings?”
“It was our special hot chocolate for when I was having a rough day,” she whispered.  “Sometimes Mom would make brownies if it was really bad.”
“Will cupcakes work?”  John pointed to the box on the table.  “They were setting out vanilla cupcakes when I got there.  I’m a donut guy myself but I’ve--”
“Sorry that took so long,” Dorian walked in.  “Rudy is on his way up from the forensics lab, he wants to see the footage as well.”  His head tilted at the glare Kennex aimed at him.  “I’m sorry, did I interrupt something?”
“No, your timing is perfect,” Sandra said at the same time John growled out a barely heard “yes”.
Emily looked over at John, her eyebrows inching up when she realized he glaring at his partner.  “Detective?”
“John, please,” the glare melted away as Kennex returned his attention to her.  “You, uh, brought your notebook,” he tipped his head toward the table.  
“Yes,” she grabbed it and handed it over.  When John’s callused fingertips brushed hers she barely suppressed a shiver.  “I still wish I’d had the time to type it all up and get it on celos for the investigation,” she gave him an apologetic smile.
“This is perfect, Emily,” he smiled back before dropping his eyes to the notebook.  He flipped it open and started thumbing through.  “This is… very detailed,” he cleared his throat as his face darkened.  
“Very impressive sketches, Emily.”  When had Dorian moved to look over John’s shoulder?  “You have an eye for detail,” he reached out to trace a fingertip over one sketch in particular.
John snapped the notebook shut and thrust it at his partner.  “Don’t do that, D,” he growled.  
“Do what?  Emily’s sketches is incredible, the bulging veins really stand out, and the labia--”
“Yeah, Dorian, they do,” John cut him off with a frustrated groan, scrubbing a hand over his face.  “Where the hell is Rudy?”
“I’m right here,” Lom walked into the room.  “What’d I miss?”
“Have you seen Emily’s sketches?”  Dorian started to open the notebook.
Emily snatched it from his hands, her face flushed.  “Later, Dorian, let’s… worry about this later, please?”  She sank down further in her chair, wishing the floor would open up and swallow her whole.  I knew sketching those toys was a bad idea!
John reached over and took the notebook from her.  “We’ll get these copied and distributed, with no further commentary on the sketches,” he shot another glare at Dorian.  “We ready to see that footage?”
Emily looked up to see the much softer look he was directing at her.  No.  “Let’s get it over with,” she forced a smile.  
“If it’s too much, tell me and I will stop projecting the surveillance,” Dorian walked around the table to sit opposite her and John.  
Sandra dimmed the lights in the room and activated the privacy to frost the windows.  As she took a seat at the end of the table, she nodded to Dorian.  
 “From what I could gather, the surveillance started long before the ambush,” Dorian told them.  “Everyone in this room was under surveillance, at crime scenes, at the bank, at school, out shopping, on a date, or out to dinner or at the bar to celebrate,” his brilliant blue eyes landed on Emily.  “Are you ready for me to start projecting the footage, Emily?”
“Yes,” she nodded.  
Her breath caught in her throat when the first video projected was of her father at a crime scene, pointing something out to John and Marty Pelham, his notebook in hand.  “Dorian,” she leaned forward.  “Can you pause and enhance on the notebook?”  She squinted.  “Those notebooks in the box you gave me, Sandy, they were pink,” she looked over at Maldonado.  
“I’ve gone through the itemized evidence logs for all of Sam’s other cases, none of them had pink notebooks,” Sandra nodded.  “John, do you remember what color notebook he used for his last case?”
“Pink,” he snorted.  “I gave him hell for using pink notebooks, and he said it was all the store had at the time Emily was buying some,” he shot her an amused grin.  “Marty and I thoroughly enjoyed teasing him about it.”
“He told me,” she settled back in her chair.  “He lied to you about the reason he had pink notebooks.  Pink was the only color available that he hadn’t used yet, and neon colors were making a comeback.”  She drew in a deep, slightly rattly breath, before nodding to Dorian to continue the playback.  “He swore he’d never ask me to buy notebooks for him again.”
The more she watched, the harder it was for her.  Seeing her dad again, even on old surveillance footage, left an aching hole in her heart.  
“Stop the playback,” John’s voice startled her.  “Emily, do you need to take a break from this?”  He swiveled his chair to face her.
She nodded.  “I’m sorry,” she whispered.  “I thought I could handle it, but…  I can’t.  Seeing the last time Daddy and I went to Mom’s grave for her birthday, or the last time he treated me to ice cream at the park…”  She reached up to wipe away a tear that slipped down her cheek.  “This isn’t about his last case, is it?  Whoever was behind this was following all of us.”  She noticed the look John and Sandra shared.  “What, do you know something?”
“No,” John’s eyes narrowed slightly at Sandra, as if he was silently warning her before turning to her.  
“Right, like the two of you didn’t have some kind of silent conversation just now,” Emily pushed to her feet.  “Your misguided idea of trying to protect me needs a lot of work, Detective.  If you’ll excuse me, I need some fresh air.”
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angelmichelangelo · 5 years
emmy i thought of you straight away when he mentioned his friends having kids
phil saying it was crazy that his friends already had children... reminded me of what he said in his dml2 video. about how everyone else around him was moving on with their lives... doing grown up things like buying a house and stuff makes you think, doesnt it? that kids was probably on that list as well 👀👀
but also, the idea of phil joking around with a tiny 7 year old, playing arcade games with her and getting her a gift makes my heart ache so bad. get this man a baby he was BORN to be a dad i swear 😭
44 notes · View notes
smkkbert · 4 years
Time for a story - Guilty
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“You have put a lot of work into this project.”
“It’s a promising idea,” Felicity replied and perked up her eyebrows, “so why do you sound surprised?”
Chuckling, Bruce leaned back in his chair. He rested his right ankle on his left knee and folded his hands over of his abs. Without saying a word, he watched her for a moment. He was shaking his head slightly, barely visible even for her although she knew Bruce quite well by now.
Looking back at him without batting an eyelid, Felicity straightened up in her armchair a little. She wasn’t sure what exactly to do with his reaction. It actually made her long back to the days when he would have reacted to her presented idea by saying that it was a promising idea though he did think that the idea of their naked bodies rolling between the sheets.
Felicity appreciated the kind of friendship she had with Bruce now too much to want those days back, but she was almost sure that it would make things easier today.
“I am not surprised,” Bruce said with a low sigh, “because I know how much thought you put into everything you do. You wouldn’t suggest something like this lightly.”
This was true all the way. Felicity loved her work. She put as much thought and energy into bringing this company forward as she did into raising her kids or saving this city. She didn’t do any of this lightly.
Felicity narrowed her eyes at Bruce slightly. “I sense a but coming.”
“But,” Bruce said indeed, smiling at how well she knew him by now, “don’t you think it’s a little bit too much?”
Felicity frowned. “Have you met me?”
Bruce chuckled at that, telling Felicity that he knew exactly what she meant. She was known for juggling with several tasks at a time. Managing Queen Incorporated while raising five kids was not a small thing, even in a branch that was dominated by men. Bruce, as her friend, knew even better how many things she really had on her plate.
“All I am saying is-“
When Felicity’s phone rang, Bruce stopped.
Felicity hurried to take her phone and see that someone was calling from home. She frowned at that because, usually, when she got a call from home in the middle of the day, something had happened. The last time she had gotten a call at this time of the day, Raisa had called to tell her that she had picked up Emmy from school early since she had some terrible stomachache which had eventually resulted in all the kids falling sick one after the other.
Of course Felicity knew that she never had to take a call from home if she was in any important meetings. With Raisa, her kids had the best nanny at home. She was more than a nanny. She was like a grandma to them actually, the way she had always been some kind of mom to Oliver too. If she alone couldn’t handle something – which rarely ever happened – she knew that Donna and now Quentin were always up to take care of their grandkids.
Still, since Felicity had started working again and Oliver had turned his role as a stay-at-home dad for his position as the mayor, she had never not taken a call from home. Even though she knew that her kids were being taken care of the best they could, she just wanted to make sure that she was available for them after all. She was a mother by heart, and it was the most important ones of her jobs because it was the one she had decided to take even if she wouldn’t get an out for more than eighteen years, even if she tried to.
“I gotta hang up, Bruce,” she told him, already thinking about what was going on now, “so please just think about my idea. Maybe you are in, and we can convince Lena Luthor to join into this project too. Otherwise, I will find some other partners and-“
“I will think about it,” Bruce interrupted her, “and my answer will be yes. Just promise me that you won’t overwork yourself. You already look exhausted, and I just want you to take care of yourself and take some rests. Those are important.”
Felicity smiled. Bruce, who she knew never took a break himself because he loved his work as much as she did, advised her to lean back and relax a little. It just showed how much he cared about her and how his view on what was good for her was so much clearer than his view on himself.
“I have trouble lying back and relax.”
“I know it’s not your strength,” Bruce whispered, “and it’s not mine either. I need to be reminded of it again and again too. I am just doing that for you. As your work husband.”
Felicity chuckled. “Work husband. I like that.”
He winked at her. “Take care of yourself.”
“And you take care of you.”
Bruce nodded his head briefly before he ended the video call. Felicity looked at the black monitor for a moment longer. Soon she took her still ringing and vibrating phone and took the call.
“Hi, mommy.”
Felicity couldn’t help but smile at the sound of Tommy’s voice. She knew now that nothing bad had happened. Tommy, who had always been closer to her than to Oliver as he was a true mama’s boy, had probably just missed her.
Hearing his voice, Felicity finally realized how much she had missed hearing the voices of he kids too. This last week since Oliver had come back from Hong Kong, she had tried to catch up on all the work that had been left on her desk during the time he had been gone and she had made sure that the kids had at least one parent at home. Because of that, she had barely seen her kids all week. She had basically only seen them while they had ben asleep, kissing them goodnight after they had already found into sleep.
Those days, Felicity hated being a working mom. As much as she tired to deny it, she had to admit that she was feeling guilty for how little time she got to spend with her kids at times. She guessed it was what every working parents felt like, at least if they really wanted to be a good parents.
“Hey, Buddy,” she replied lightly, “how are you doing?”
“I miss you, mommy.”
Felicity knew that she should have been ready for Tommy to just babble out the truth like that, but she really hadn’t been. His words caused her heart to ache. They took her breath and made all that guilt she had tried to swallow down these last couple of days come back to the surface.
“I miss you too, Tommy.”
She really missed all of her children. The decision to have a big family had not been a decision that she had made lightly. Emmy had come as some kind of surprise to her and Oliver. Tommy had been planned for a little bit later, but sooner or later hadn’t mattered at the very end. Millie had been fully planned, even despite the misunderstanding surrounding her conception. Addie had been another surprise, just like Emmy or even more than Emmy actually, but Felicity and Oliver had made the decision to have her even despite the depression she had hit. Felicity barely remembered that conversation, but she knew that Oliver would have agreed to an abortion if she had thought that it was necessary for her to be happy.
All of her kids, even if the pregnancies hadn’t always been easy on her, were undeniably a part of her life now, and she couldn’t imagine life without any of them. Planned or not, prenatal depression or not, Felicity didn’t regret having any of her children. She loved every single one of them, and she loved them all the same.
“I need more time with you.”
Tommy’s words reached right into her heart it seemed. Bruce had told her to lie back and relax which usually meant spending quality time with her kids, but she hadn’t really let that too close to her. At least not until now.
When it came to her kids, Felicity knew that she was more than blessed. All of her kids were healthy and happy. They had talents and great hearts. The latter was also the very reason why they barely ever complained about how much they had to share their parents with other people or the city. They knew that they were doing necessary and important work. It was the only way Felicity could live with spending so much time at work instead of by their side.
“I know, Buddy,” Felicity replied with a low sigh, “I really need more time with you too.”
“Tonight, okay?” Tommy suggested. “Tonight you come home and you will read a bedtime story for me.”
Felicity smiled. Even though they hadn’t had a lot of time together lately, Tommy didn’t demand that she’d drop everything and work and come home right now. He knew that it would be an impossible demand because Felicity would want to do him that favor, but she wouldn’t be able to. At least she wouldn’t be able to without feeling distracted by all the work she would have to catch up on the next day. That was why all Tommy asked for was for her to come home at a reasonable time and put her to bed.
How could Felicity possibly say no to that?
“I will be there,” Felicity said, her voice as firm as possible, “I promise.”
Although Felicity couldn’t see it, she knew that Tommy was smiling all over his face. She could basically feel it deep in her bones because that was how well she knew her son.
“Okay.” Tommy’s voice proved that Felicity had been right. “See you later, mommy.”
“See you tonight, Tommy.”
With a smile on her lips, Felicity hung up the phone and ended the call. In moments like these, she felt like she had no words to describe how much being a mom meant to her. She rarely ever had the words for it which was weird since she always had something to say. Being a mom just meant so much more to her than any words could possibly fathom.
A low knock at the door made Felicity lift her gaze. Emily stood right outside the office, sticking her head in through the door though. She smiled at her.
“Felicity, Oliver’s press conference is starting in a minute,” she told her, “you wanted me to remind you.”
Felicity glanced at her watch to see that Emily was right. Oliver’s press conference did indeed start in a couple of seconds, well, or minutes since Oliver was rarely ever in time. Not even his position as mayor had changed anything about that.
“Thank you, Emily.”
“Of course.”
Felicity grabbed her tablet and opened the streaming service Channel Seven offered. The anchorwoman of the news show was still talking about some traffic struggles that had occurred downtown these last couple of days, causing several accidents. It wasn’t really a secret that Oliver was barely in time.
While it could be annoying sometimes, Felicity was thankful for Oliver’s lateness today. That way, she had time to grab her lunch now and eat it while she was watching the press conference.
Felicity reached into her purse and took out the small lunchbox that Oliver had thrusted into her hand right before she had left to go to work. She opened the box, hopeful to maybe find some chicken sandwiches or maybe that mozzarella pasta she loved so much. Instead, she found something that consisted of lots of vegetables.
Scrunching up her nose slightly, Felicity wondered why she had to be married to a man that loved healthy food so much. She deserved French Fries and burgers instead of whatever this was.
Groaning, Felicity picked some of the food with her fork and lifted it to her nose. She smelled at it, unable to deny that it did smell kind of delicious, before she pushed it into her mouth. Getting married to that man was definitely the best choice she had ever made. Even vegetables tasted like heaven when he was the one making them.
The scenery of the news changed towards City Hall where the brunette reporter that was usually sent to report about local politics was standing at the bottom of the stairs. A lectern was placed on the staircase, just waiting for the mayor to step behind it and talk about whatever there was new at City Hall.
While she was talking, Felicity took some more bites of her lunch. With the fork on the way to her lips, Felicity stilled at what she saw at the top right corner of her monitor.
Oliver was already standing at the gallery upstairs. He was somewhat hidden behind a corner. Most reporters probably didn’t see him, and whoever was standing behind the camera of Channel Seven didn’t notice or simply didn’t care. It didn’t matter anyway.
Felicity noticed though and she really did care.
Unlike most times when Oliver was giving any statement, he wasn’t upstairs, taking some deep breaths, alone. He wasn’t in John’s company either. Quentin, who had used to be there for a lot of occasions hadn’t been available for quite some weeks now because he had decided that it was time to quit his job and retire instead.
A tall brunette was with him. Although her back was turned towards the camera, Felicity knew exactly who it was. Those slim long legs in the tight black pants were easily recognizable. The slim waist was something that Felicity could easily recognize too. Last but not least, Felicity always recognized the hands of women that were touching parts of his body they should rather not be touching.
Apparently, McKenna Hall, the still somewhat new Captain of the SCPD, was trying to adjust Oliver’s tie. She was fumbling with the knot of it, trying to make it look perfect and put it perfectly into place too.
Felicity slid back and forth on her chair almost a little uncomfortably. She was feeling a weird stitching in her chest, a terribly sore and uncomfortable feeling. Her throat had grown tight, a thick clump feeling like it was choking her from inside out.
It had been a long time since Felicity had felt like this the last time. It had been so long that she barely recognized the feeling. She knew it was there, and she knew what it was though.
With an almost hysterical chuckle, Felicity pushed another fork of her lunch into her mouth and shook her head. It was ridiculous. It really was so ridiculous that a new word had to be found for it. It was more than ridiculous. It was hilarious probably.
Once more, Felicity stared at the monitor. Still, nobody seemed to have caught what was happening just a few feet away from all the cameras. All the cameras that Felicity could see were still directed at the reporters that had been sent to report from the press conference. They filmed their reporters while they were probably just recalling some barely important information to kill time instead of gathering some footage of how the Captain of the SCPD was now trying to smooth the wrinkles from his shirt.
As Felicity felt her eyes drawn to it, unable to look away, she quickly closed the window of the streaming service. Staring at the black monitor, she lifted her fork to her lips once more. Before it touched her tongue, she scrunched up her nose and put the fork back into the small bowl though. She didn’t really feel hungry anymore.
Taking in a deep breath, Felicity moved her fingertips over the top of her desk. She straightened her spine, pushing her shoulders back a little. She closed her eyes for a brief moment, and felt somewhat calmer when she opened her eyes again.
This was so ridiculous, and she wouldn’t let that allow her to lose her footing. Barely anything ever made her lose her footing. This wouldn’t do it either.
 → → → → →
 Looking at how his kids were helping him with the dishes, Oliver couldn’t help but smile. After they had finished dinner, the kids had all wanted to head in front of TV or upstairs into their rooms, so they could read or play. When Oliver had told them that the one of them who would help the most while doing the dishes would get a hundred free kisses, they had become competitive though.
His kids loved each other, but they were quite competitive. They just weren’t competitive enough to not be fair to each other. It was why Emmy was always taking glances at her younger siblings, making sure that she wasn’t too fast. She even put some of the dishes and cutlery she had dried, to the piles of her siblings, so she wasn’t too far ahead of them. She was actually a little bit behind and-
Oliver’s thoughts came to a stop when he heard the front door being unlocked.
“I think mommy is home.”
That little contest about doing the dishes was completely forgotten now. All kids put the dishes they had been busy with aside, not even caring if they put it to the piles of their siblings. They just dropped everything as quickly as they could, so they could welcome their mommy back home.
Oliver couldn’t hold it against them. Even if there would still be a mountain of dishes to take care of instead of the few things that were, he wouldn’t hold it against them. They had barely seen their mother all week as Felicity had needed to catch up on all the things, she had missed out on at work during the week that he had been in Hong Kong. They had missed her terrible although they understood why she had needed to be at Queen Incorporated instead of their home.
Honestly, Oliver had missed her too. The home just didn’t feel the same without Felicity here. There was just something missing, something that made this house his home.
While the kids were all running towards the door already, Oliver stayed back in the kitchen for some moments. He wanted to give his kids the time to welcome their mommy home before he joined them.
Eventually, Oliver followed them. Stepping into the foyer, he found Emmy, Tommy, Millie and Addie surrounding their mother as they hugged her tightly. Felicity’s arms were barely long enough to hold the four of them close to her, but she did her best to do so nonetheless.
“I think daddy is jealous,” Emmy said with a chuckle, noticing Oliver’s gaze, “because he missed mommy too.”
“Just a little.”
Oliver lifted his hand, showing a small distance between his thumb and forefinger. Felicity lifted her eyebrows at that. She didn’t have to say the words for him to know if that was really what he was going with. After a week of not getting sex, he might want to correct his answer a little.
“Maybe a little more.”
Chuckling, Felicity tightened her arms around her kids for a moment before she let go of them to cross the distance towards Oliver. Her hands cupped his cheeks as she stepped towards him. Oliver put his hands to his hips, pulling her closer until her chest was pressed against his. Their lips met in a gentle kiss.
It was crazy how, even after all the years they had shared as husband and wife now, Oliver still felt his stomach fluttering when he was kissing Felicity the way it did now. No other woman had ever made him feel like that, not even during the kinkiest sex. Love just created more emotions than arousal could.
When Felicity eventually pulled back, Oliver licked his tongue over his lip, chasing her taste. He opened his eyes a moment later to find Felicity’s eyes already on him. With slightly narrowed eyes, she was watching him. It was impossible to say what was going on in her mind, so he just perked up his eyebrows, asking about it wordlessly. He just knew that she would understand.
Felicity already opened her mouth to reply, when she suddenly stopped. There was a beat of hesitation before she shook her head with a chuckle that Oliver wasn’t sure what to think of. The next moment, she was already turning away, back towards the kids.
“Can we stay awake a little longer tonight, mommy?” Emmy asked, looking at Felicity with the same big, blue eyes that Felicity always called puppy eyes whenever Oliver was using them on her. “It’s the first time this week that you are back home before we are in bed already.”
Of course Emmy knew exactly what buttons to push to get what she wanted. Reminding Felicity that they hadn’t had a lot of time this week served as a guarantee to get her what she wanted. Felicity couldn’t possibly say no to it, just like Oliver hadn’t been able to say no to it when he had come back from Hong Kong last week. It was just how they rolled as parents.
“I am all in for watching a movie with you guys tonight,” Felicity said, “and we will start it as soon as you are all ready for bed. Whoever is ready – which means in their pajamas and having brushed their teeth – first will get to decide what movie we are going to watch.”
The kids didn’t have to be told twice. Emmy, Millie and Addie all ran upstairs. They were screeching, telling each other that they would win. Oliver looked after them, shaking his head with a soft chuckle. He was sure that all of them would pick the same movie anyway. He knew his daughters well enough for that.
While the three had run upstairs, Tommy was still standing here. He had stepped closer to his mother, pulling at her dress to gain his attention.
“What’s up, Buddy?” Felicity asked, framing his face. “You look tired.”
“I am tired.”
Oliver perked up his eyebrows. They didn’t get to hear that from any of their children very often. Like most children, theirs likes to fight for every minute they got to spend awake longer, only to fall asleep on the couch two minutes later.
“Can I have my bedtime story now?”
Felicity chuckled quietly and kissed his forehead. “Of course. Go upstairs and make yourself ready for bed. I will be there in two minutes.”
With that, Tommy hurried upstairs too. Oliver listened to how his son’s steps were growing quieter. At the same time, he watched the back of Felicity’s neck, still unable to shake the feeling that something was going on with him.
As soon as he heard the door to Tommy’s room closing upstairs, Oliver took Felicity’s hand and turned her back around to him. He watched her face, and, although she was perking up her eyebrows again, Oliver didn’t buy it this time. She knew exactly what he was thinking which only proved to him that he was right.
“What is going on?”
Felicity almost pulled back a little at his word. They didn’t lie to each other often, and, at least most times, those were only those small, little lies you told for whatever reason. It was nothing bad. They neve lied when it was important. They were as open to each other as it was good for a married couple.
Oliver waited patiently for Felicity to tell him what was going on. He had time. He knew that she’d tell him eventually anyway. That was just how they always did it.
Puckering her lips, Felicity stepped a little closer to him. Her hand started stroking up and down his chest while she was watching his face. For a second, he thought that she was trying to distract him from the fact that he knew something was wrong.
A moment later, it clicked with him though.
“You saw the news.”
“Yes, I did.”
Felicity’s answer sounded matter-of-factly. The way her right eyebrow had perked up slightly made him know that Felicity wasn’t as uncaring about it as she tired to make it seem though.
“You’re jealous.”
The words escaped his lips before Oliver really thought about them. He hadn’t even really understood them. He had just seen that glint in her eyes and had known that she was right.
“I’m not jealous.”
Felicity tried to take a step away from him. When he wouldn’t let her do that, she just crossed her arms in front of her chest. Her jaws tightened as she bit down on her tongue. Her lips puckered, making her look feisty.
“I’m not.”
Oh, yes, she was. Felicity Megan Queen, his beloved wife, who had helped him to move on from all jealousy he had felt whenever she had been with Ray or Bruce or any other man, he had thought could make her happier than he could have, was jealous now.
 She was so jealous. Oliver could barely bite back a chuckle. He wasn’t used to see her like that, and he couldn’t help but feel all the more enamored with Felicity.
Felicity seemed to noticed how delighted he really was about her reaction to seeing that news. She pushed her bottom lip forward a little, looking like Emmy when she was unsure if reasoning or pouting was the best way to get what she wanted.
“I have daddy issues,” she said eventually, defiant being her choice it seemed, “so I am allowed to be a little… pissed.”
“Jealous,” Oliver insisted, tapping the tip of his finger against her nose, “jealous is the word.”
With a groan, Felicity tried to turn away from him, but Oliver wouldn’t let her. He kissed her lips again and again and again, proceeding to pepper kisses all over her face.
Felicity had always said that jealousy wasn’t anything good. It wasn’t helpful. It didn’t do anything but creating chaos and pain. She had always done her best not to be jealous, staying true to her words. Sometimes, she had teased him, knowing that it did weirdly turn him on when she was jealous. Right now, it seemed like the first time that she was really, honestly jealous.
God, he just loved her so much!
Oliver continued to pepper kisses over her face, almost thanking her for being jealous. Weirdly, as many girls he had been with – even at the same time he had hated to admit even to himself now – he doubted that a lot of them had been jealous because of him. Laurel, who had loved him so much once upon a time, had known that he had been with other girls, but she had simply closed her eyes about that. Sara, who had known that he had been with Laurel, hadn’t seemed to care either as she had never asked him to leave Laurel or anything like that. With Helena, it had all ended before it had really begun.
Weirdly, the only person who had really seemed jealous had been Isabel Rochev. She had sensed that his heart had already been Felicity’s by the time they had been hooking up, and she had hated it so unbelievably much.
Chuckling, Felicity pushed him away eventually. She tried to look angry, but amusement was sparkling in her eyes.
“I have to go upstairs to our son.”
With that, she turned around and headed towards the stairs. Oliver pushed his hands into the pockets of his pants, watching her. By the time Felicity was already halfway upstairs, she shot a look back over her shoulder to where he was still standing. He winked at her, and, although she was shaking her head, she couldn’t bite back the wide smile on her face.
Oliver waited until Felicity had disappeared upstairs before he turned towards the kitchen and continued the dishes that he had the kids had been working at before.
He still couldn’t really believe that this had happened. Felicity, his Felicity, was jealous. After everything they had been through, she hated knowing that a woman, he had once been with, had adjusted his tie and smoothed some wrinkles from his shirt.
Fact was that the only reason this had happened was that he had been terribly nervous. The press conference today had had nothing to do with the vigilantism, but it had been the first since he had announced working with the vigilantes. That Felicity hadn’t been able to join him there hadn’t helped either. McKenna had caught up to it and had tried to distract him, not because she was interested in him, but because she was an alley when it came to his political decisions.
Emmy, Millie and Addie coming back downstairs pulled him from his thoughts. He dried his hands with one of the towels before he went to the living room. The three girls had already gathered there.
“Where is mommy?” Millie asked immediately.
“She is reading a bedtime story for Tommy,” Oliver explained with a smile, “so you have time to choose a movie together. You all came back downstairs at the same time, right?”
Emmy winked at him, and it was all Oliver needed to know that Emmy had willingly lost and convinced Millie to not win either, so Addie had a chance at winning too.
While the girls started debating which movie to watch, Oliver sat down on the armrest of the couch and watched them. He loved being a dad, but he was sure that his kids really made it easy for him. They were so perfectly caring about each other as well as people in general.
Eventually, Oliver wasn’t sure how much time had passed, Tommy came back downstairs. He was wearing his pajamas and no socks. He was holding Emmy’s pink giraffe, the one she had owned since birth and was borrowing to Tommy sometimes, in his arms. He didn’t look as tired as he had probably been before. The little mommy-time he had had, had probably served him enough energy.
“Tommy,” Oliver said, “where is mama?”
“Upstairs.” Tommy smiled. “She passed out during reading.”
Oliver chuckled. “I don’t doubt that.”
“I read the rest of the story to her.”
“That makes me very proud,” Oliver told him, “so do you want to watch the movie with the others now?”
Tommy shook his head. “I want to sleep, but mama is taking too much space from the bed.”
Oliver chuckled. Felicity loved to take at least three quarters of the bed. It was part of the reason why he loved to sleep on top of her, keeping her from urging him to the edge of the bed where he couldn’t sleep without fear of falling out. The other, more important one, was that he loved to listen to the beat of her heart as he was asleep. It told him that he wasn’t alone in the world.
“Okay, I will make sure that you will have your bed all to yourself,” Oliver said, “but you have to give me some minutes.”
Tommy didn’t even question Oliver’s request. He crouched down in one of the armchairs, clutching the pink giraffe to his chest and watching his sisters continuing to debate what movie to watch.
Oliver hurried upstairs towards Tommy’s bedroom. He leaned into the frame of the door and just watched the view he was offered. Felicity, still wearing the rosé dress she had worn to work today, was sprawled across the mattress. Her glasses were sitting on top of her nose askew, looking like they were about to break any second.
Smiling, Oliver stepped closer to Felicity. No matter how many times he had watched her sleeping, it would never not feel special to him.
Oliver approached the bed and stroked his fingertips over Felicity’s cheek. She sighed sleepily, grabbing his hand and lacing her fingers through his. Oliver’s smile widened. Even when she was asleep, Felicity was searching his closeness. He loved that.
Pushing his left arm under her knees and his right arm behind her back, Oliver lifted Felicity from Tommy’s bed. She snuggled closer towards him, seeking his warmth it seemed. Oliver’s smile widened once more, and he pressed his lips against her temple.
Tonight, Felicity would need some time to recover from her long week of work. She would get that in their bed. Right before he would exhaust her again the next morning.
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