#my head hurts so bad and also my teeth hurt and i taste blood
s-ccaam-era-crepe · 4 months
i hate tech week and theater so much gah
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agent-cupcake · 8 months
Chapter 1 - Puppet Loosely Strung
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Spotify Playlist / All Chapters / Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 /Chapter 7/ Chapter 8 / Chapter 9 pt.1 / Chapter 9 pt.2 / Chapter 10 / Chapter 11 / Chapter 12
Pairing: One Piece Live Action Buggy x f! Reader
Synopsis: Running away to join the circus doesn’t go exactly as you hoped it would.
Warnings: Mentions of past abuse, murder, generally dark content
Word Count: 13.9k
Disclaimer: I don’t read the manga or watch the anime. This is based solely on OPLA Buggy because Jeff Ward.
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Some quick notes before we start: This is what I've been working on this since October. Originally it was going to be one really big one-shot posted at the same time, but it's big enough that I can justify posting it as a series. I'll add warnings as I go, but this is not a happy story and there will be explicit content later on. The reader character might not be somebody you see yourself in, I had a very specific image of what character I had in mind while writing. To me, reader fic is more of a sort of play acting rather than "oh that's literally me" but I know that's not everybody's cup of tea. A lot of this is cope fic and it shows. When times get rough the porn gets rougher, right?
I had help writing this from an individual who is very dear to me. Flashbang wouldn't exist without her, especially since she was the one who gave me the clown brain rot. And then there has been the hours of brainstorming and spitballing and watching Jeff Ward shows/movies as she continued to feed my addiction. Thank you, my love, and also damn you because this wasn't what I needed.
New chapter every Sunday. Enjoy~
“Let me put myself in your shoes
As a puppet loosely strung
Around you, they were so confused
That a faulty man could have so much fun”
All it took was a little doubt. Through logic or confusion or wishful thinking, you could be convinced that the insignificant person who had parasitically driven you around for the past however many years was a stranger, and now they were gone. Everything that had ever happened fell into incomprehensible dust, and every thought you ever had belonged to somebody else. A cycle of a million memories you didn’t recognize spun through this foggy place, none of them real, none of them familiar. 
Logic, confusion, wishful thinking, or unconsciousness. An endless dream of nothing at all. But as soon as you became aware, it was awareness that those thoughts happened in the past tense, crushed inward by the unrelenting force of existence, and you were shoved back into a body. You—not the real you, the stranger you, the one made of heat and fury and pain, the one you couldn’t recognize—were gasping and thrashing in ignorant confusion, coughing out the sickening taste of blood in your throat. 
Everything, all of it, hurt. And that was all that existed. 
Until it wasn’t. 
Your panicked thrashing made you realize that you were upright, your body straining painfully against the various chains keeping you pinned against the wall in an X. The position put nearly all of your weight on your shoulders and left your head to sag heavily to the side, making the terrible, dizzying headache that much worse. Having suffered more than your fair share of them, you knew that this headache was from more than an uncomfortable position or your old injury. A hot throbbing pain radiated out from the back of your head, shooting little sparks down your spine. It hurt bad enough that nausea formed a tight, heavy ball in your stomach. Gritting your teeth, you forced your eye open, fighting the urge to cringe away from the light as it rolled this way and that. Colors and lights were nothing more than a nauseating smear, but at least you could see. 
Little by little, you became aware of yourself. From far away, you had a vague recollection of leaving, of nerves, excitement, and then of danger. But… no, why weren’t you at home? Doom settled in its rightful place as you realized exactly how little you remembered or knew, slotting into the spot of coherence and reason. Despite the pain, you fought against the shackles holding you in the uncomfortable position, irrationally desperate to be free of them. 
“There she is! Finally,” somebody said from your left. His voice hit like a hammer to the back of your aching head. You strained to look at the speaker, he sounded close, but you couldn’t turn your head far enough to make up for your limited vision. 
Luckily, he didn’t stay out of sight for long. The man’s boots were loud and deliberate as he slowly moved out of your literal blind spot. To your ill-adjusting eye, he was not much more than a blur of white and red and blue, his big smile smudged as you rapidly blinked to focus. A little shock of meaningless recognition in your brain saw the makeup and red nose and said ‘clown’, but the sheer ridiculousness of that made you even more sure that this wasn’t real. 
“Not a fun way to wake up, is it?” he asked. “Keep breathing, let it drain back and cough it out. Trust me, it’s over quicker that way.”
The question you tried to form was, “Who are you?” but all you could manage was a heavy groan followed by a fit of painful coughs, wheezing raggedly in between. Each desperate convulsion rattled the chains and caused the wood to creak, but did nothing to free your bound limbs. The man seemed bored by it, annoyed he had to wait for you to get ahold of yourself. 
Since he hadn’t immediately helped you down, you could only assume that he was the one who shackled you in the first place. Strung you up against a wooden board of some kind in a room you didn’t know. Cramped and windowless, it reeked of paint and sweat and sawdust and sweet salty rot—a unique smell that didn’t help your nausea. Clutter stacked up against the walls. Dense, humid air pressed against you like a heavy coat, paradoxically chilling. Probably because of the fever burning beneath your skin, slicking you up with sweat, soaking into your clothes and the bandana you kept wrapped around your head over the left eye.
Breathe. You focused on your breathing. Panic wouldn’t help you. 
“You done?” he asked. Without any other choices, you turned your head to shamefully wipe your face off on your sleeve before nodding. “Great. Well, now that you’re awake… Welcome!” He threw out his arms with the flamboyant manner of a showman with the greeting, but they wilted right after, his big smile dropping a bit. “Or, at least, that’s what I would say if you hadn’t let yourself in and stolen the opportunity from me.” 
That was bad. Very, very bad. You jerked in an awkward, uncoordinated burst, physically reacting to the danger he presented. 
“No, no, don’t leave on my account,” he said, waving his hands and getting closer as if to stop you. “Oh wait, you can’t! Hah! Yeah, ‘cause of the chains.” He smiled affably, like it was a harmless joke, standing close enough for his gloved fingers to skim along the chain wrapped around your neck. “I guess you’re not going anywhere, huh?” 
You didn’t respond, barely daring to breathe when he was so close. Smiles and melodrama aside, his blue eyes were oddly dead, fixed on you without the slightest bit of humor. And then it finally came back to you, the vital thing that you should have known, that you would have known if you weren’t strung up and suffering such a crippling headache. The makeup, the nose, the hat—
“You’re,” you began to say, but your voice was hoarse and weak, you could barely get it out when he was looking at you so closely, so intently. You cleared your throat, wincing at the metallic taste. “You’re the-that pirate captain Buggy, like on the-the poster?” Right! The clown guy, the red-nosed pirate. You were looking for him. So this was… good, wasn’t it? 
He gave you a flat look, clearly not sharing your weak enthusiasm. “Yes. I am that pirate captain. Buggy, the Genius Jester? The most feared pirate captain in all the East Blue?” He turned with a dramatic flick of his coat, messing with something that had to flash silver before you realized it was a knife. “The man destined to find the One Piece and become King of the Pirates. Yes. I am that pirate captain. And,” he paused, checking to make sure you were paying attention, “a very busy, very important man. I’ve got, oh, ten minutes or so for you to decide how this is gonna go. So let’s get straight to it.” He turned back, pointing the knife at you. “Who are you, and what are you after?”
The accusatory tone of his voice took you aback. “Nothing… I’m not anybody,” you stammered out. “And this… this isn’t what it looks like, I swear.”
Buggy, to your surprise, relented after a second of considering your appeal, nodding understandingly. 
There was no transition from his look of sympathy to raising the knife and aiming it at you. By the time you realized he meant to throw it, you barely had a chance to yelp. The blade took a loud, thumping bite into the wood beside you. On your left side, of course. Where you couldn’t see it. You could feel it, though. The air displacement ruffled the fine hairs around your ear. If you had flinched in that direction, it probably would be in your skull. With your dizzy head aching and confused, you had no regulation to your fear or discomfort, your breathing dangerously unsteady and tears pricking the corner of your eyes. 
“Let me try a different question,” Buggy said before you could collect yourself, pulling out another knife. “Who else knows about this place?”  
“Nobody! I swear, nobody else. I was just…” You didn’t know what to say. It was all you could do to breathe the thick, heavy air and fight down the tide of nausea.  
“Just what?” Buggy asked, leaning in with raised eyebrows to show that he was listening intently. You opened and closed your mouth, unable to come up with the right words. Thoughts churned through the thick sludge in your head, getting stuck or lost or confused. 
“I’m so sorry,” you said, the stumbling apology coming out more naturally than anything else, an attempt to buy time while you organized your thoughts. “Please doh-don’t…. I’m so ss-sorry.” 
Buggy sighed, standing up straight and raising his hand to aim. 
“Nonono, please d-” You yelped louder this time, flinching away as the knife streaked through the air and stuck not even an inch away from your right cheek. You exhaled a pathetic little sob, whatever you were bound to shaking with your body. 
“Listen, honey buns,” Buggy said. “Drop the act. Stop the whining. I caught you, red handed, sneaking into my lair.” He pulled something out of his pocket. Not another knife, but a piece of paper which he unfolded, holding it up for you to see. His wanted poster, creased into sixths from the way you folded it to keep it close, to keep it hidden. “I found this in your bag. You know who I am, and you know where you are. You have to, so let’s do away with all the theatrics, okay?” 
You swallowed hard, nodding quickly in the hope that it would appease him. 
“Right now, this is a conversation,” Buggy said, gesturing between the two of you. “A light interrogation, really. But if you keep being uncooperative and wasting my time, it’s gonna go from being interrogate-y to being torture-y real quick. You don’t want that, right?” Although he was unmistakably threatening you, Buggy’s tone was more natural than before. There was a bluntness to it, an honesty. Men like him didn’t idly use words like torture. 
You sniffed, trying very hard to calm yourself down. This was a misunderstanding, so you just had to convince him. Simple as that. He would understand. You would make him understand.
“Right,” you agreed. 
“Fantastic. So,” he loudly clapped his hands together, “who else knows about this place?”
“Nobody, I promise… I’m really sorry I broke in,” you told him, speaking slowly so your words didn’t catch. “I just wanted to meet with you.” 
Buggy’s eyes narrowed suspiciously, the hair hanging out from the sides of his hat swaying as his head tilted curiously. “You’re a fan?” he clarified. “That explains why you’re so pathetic. Well I hate to break it to you, but there’s a reason I only hold meet and greets after shows.” 
“No, that’s not why! I-I want to join your crew,” you said. “I came to ask you to let me join your crew.” 
He blinked twice, staring at you with obvious disbelief. “Excuse me, what?” 
“I want to be a pirate,” you told him, louder. “Please. Please let me join your crew.”
Buggy’s expression didn’t change, but you could see the rippling shift of incredulity, befuddlement, skepticism, and then amusement in his eyes. That emotion burst outward into a loud laugh, making you flinch. “That’s the best you can do?” he asked. “Ask to join my crew?” He looked at you again, laughing even harder. “I don’t know what’s funnier—that anybody would send you to spy on me, or that you’d think I would consider hiring you.” 
“I mean it!” you argued, humiliation and desperation seeping into the thousand other discomforts of your position. This wasn’t at all how you wanted this to go.
“Sweetheart,” Buggy said condescendingly, “even assuming I believe you, this is a pirate crew, not an afterschool club.”
“I know. I know what pirates do, I know what you do,” you told him. “I’ll do anything, whatever you want. Please, please, just give me a chance.”
He nodded, turning to pace as he thought about it. 
“Okay, let’s say that I buy this… this act of yours,” Buggy said. “Do you have any experience? Maintaining ships, reading maps, loading cannons. You know, basic stuff.”
There was a line you had prepared to answer this question, one that would paint you in the most charitable light. You remembered that, but you couldn’t remember the line. All you could give was the truth. “A little.”
He clicked his tongue disapprovingly. “Thought so. What about specialties? Unique skills? Any sort of talent that I can use in my show—anything at all. I mean other than,” he gestured vaguely in your direction, “that. We don’t need another one eyed midget. They’re surprisingly common.” 
“I’m not a midget,” you told him, nerves fading to incredulity. 
Buggy stepped back to size you up before seemingly conceding the point with a shrug. “And the eye?” He covered his left eye to illustrate. “Is that for a bit or something?” 
Your stomach twisted with a familiar lurch. Disgust. Shame. Phantom light in the dark. “It’s not.” 
“How’d you lose it?” 
“I didn’t… lose it.” 
“It’s still in there?” he asked excitedly, stepping forward and reaching to remove the bandana. “I have got to see this.” 
“No, please—please don’t,” you begged, trying to wriggle away from his hand. Pinned to the board with your hands bound above your head, there was nowhere to go. “Please don’t, please-” 
“Come on,” Buggy said, indifferent to your pleas as he pulled the sweat soaked fabric off of your left eye. “How bad could it be—AH!” He yelled in horror, jumping away as if you’d bitten him. 
The bandana hit the floor, leaving your ruined eye and its jagged scar exposed. You couldn’t hide. All you could do was flinch back, turning your head away. “I’m sorry,” you said, ready to continue apologizing before you realized that his shock had immediately dissolved into raucous laughter. “Why are you… why are you laughing?” you asked, pulling desperately against the chains. 
“I got you good,” Buggy said, his laughter subsiding. “The way you reacted, I thought that you’d be completely deformed. A real sideshow. But this…” He grabbed your chin, forcing it to the side so he could get a better look. “I couldn’t charge for this.”
“Please stop,” you begged, shaking off his grip and staring hard at his shoulder. 
“Ohhh. You’re really embarrassed about it.”
You didn’t say anything, focusing mostly on fighting the tears. 
“Okay, alright, yeah,” Buggy said, stepping back. “I think I’m starting to get why you would risk life and limb to beg me for a job. You grew up as a cute girl in a shithole town like this. A big fish in a little pond, as they say. Then, suddenly, BAM, you’re deformed, and, sure, they all say that it was tragic, but the truth is that they can’t stand to look at you. Even the people who loved you, the people you trusted, think you’re a freak. They abandoned you. So, without any other options, you come to me, pleading for me to give you a place amidst your fellow freaks. That about it?”
You didn’t say anything—what could you say to that?— which Buggy seemed to take as confirmation, nodding thoughtfully. 
“Well, go big or go home, right? As far as a starlet’s breakout role, you couldn’t go any bigger. Thing is, I’m not really looking for new acts. Not to mention your abysmal audition.” He sucked in a breath through his teeth, looking you up and down again. 
You could feel your chance slipping away. Just like that. Go big or go home, that’s what he said. 
“Please, Captain Buggy,” you begged, staring him in the eye despite how disquieting it was, despite how your skin crawled from exposing your left eye to somebody. Addressing him properly, at the very least, got his attention. “I promise that you won’t regret it. I’ll learn, I want to learn how to be a pirate, how to perform, all of it, everything. And if I can’t, I’ll do laundry and clean and cook, I have lots of experience with that. I don’t care what you ask me to do, if you let me join your crew, I’ll happily serve you for the rest of my life.”
Buggy didn’t respond right away. You thought—hoped—that it meant he understood how serious you were, but his expression gave you nothing. There wasn’t much light in the room in the first place, but somehow he found enough to shine unnervingly in his pale blue eyes. Somebody with a bright red clown nose shouldn’t have been able to look so intimidating, but the way he studied you burned with an uncomfortable intensity. It had been a while since anybody looked at you so frankly, so openly, without disgust or pity. 
“Why?” he finally asked. 
“Why…?” you repeated, confused.
“I get that you want to leave this place, and I even buy into your whole wanting to be a pirate thing, but, you know, aside from the obvious,” he gestured to himself, “why should I believe that you really want to serve me? You’re young and cute…ish, don’t you want freedom and empowerment and all those other things girls go on and on about?” 
Your eyebrows furrowed. “Why would I?” 
A moment of quiet that wasn’t quite silence but twice as heavy passed before a slow smile began to spread over Buggy’s face, and then—of all the bizarre, uncomfortable responses he could have—he laughed. “Oh, you’re broken, aren’t you?” he asked, clearly overjoyed by the revelation. “Well, I’m sold. I’ll have to start you on probation just in case you’re secretly up to no good. But, after that, you can audition for real. I’m sure I can find something you’ll be useful for.” 
His reaction gave you whiplash. The word ‘broken’ was obviously bad, but everything else was good. You had succeeded. Only, you didn’t know why. You were still trying to decide if being called cute-ish was a compliment or not. 
“Hey, just one more thing, okay?” Buggy asked, tapping your cheek. Standing mere inches away, he smiled a rictus grin. It wrinkled his eyes, but they were without life or pity or mercy. “If you’re lying to me about anything, I’ll carve some symmetry into your cute little face. You’ll thank me for it too. You won’t want to see what the guys will do to you after I toss you out there.”
“I’m not lying,” you said softly, shrinking back. “I promise.” 
“Great!” Buggy said, his demeanor immediately cheering up. “Let’s get you down.” He walked behind the board you were strung up on, and you let out a shaky exhale. “Brace yourself,” he called. You had no idea what that meant, or how you were supposed to brace yourself when there was nothing for you to brace yourself on. “Three… two…” 
He undid the lock, and the chains keeping you bound to the board went slack. You dropped hard, your limbs as heavy as lead. Luckily, your head was too light to feel anything when you hit the ground with a dull thump and the loud cacophony of rattling chains, spinning and blank and utterly empty. There was a suspended moment of floating, lighter than air itself. And then you were blinking rapidly and nauseous, pain shooting up your arms and knees. 
Buggy dropped a key in front of you, metal bouncing on the old concrete. 
“Unfortunately we didn’t bring any real props with us, so I had to improvise,” he said. With numb fingers, you grabbed the key and worked it into the locked cuff around your wrist. “You lucked out, if this were the real Wheel of Death, you’d be blowing chunks!” He paused, looking down at you. “Can you hurry this up?”
“Sorry,” you said. Your shaking hands kept missing the keyholes, but you finally got the last lock on your ankle open. The cuffs hadn’t broken skin, but your wrists and ankles were rubbed raw, ugly bruises already developing. You’d had worse.
“Alright, upsy daisy,” Buggy said, crouching down to take the key away and grab the only chain you hadn’t gotten out of—the one around your neck. 
It acted as a noose, giving you no other choice but to lurch upward with an unappealing choking sound, your head spinning all over again, the weightless itch tingling all the way down to the base of your spine. You stumbled forward, unintentionally falling against him. 
“Holy shit,” Buggy exclaimed, helping you stand up straight with a hand on your shoulder. “I didn’t know girls came in fun size. Legally, at least. Are you sure you’re not just like… the maxiest midget?” 
“‘m dizzy,” you muttered, swaying despite his support. 
“That’s not really… Ah, whatever. Hey, at least if you fall, you don’t have that far to go.”
“I’m… I’m okay,” you finally said, which was mostly true. Breathing slow, steady breaths helped, and then you shook your head a little. The bump on the back of it throbbed painfully, and you’d have bruises on your knees the size of apples, but you would survive. You were still trying to get control over your body. It was heavy and unwieldy, although part of that must have been the exhaustion. 
“If you need to vomit, make sure to aim away from me,” he said. That was about all the warning you got before he decided it was time to go, dragging you along behind him like a dog on a leash. 
You realized you were leaving your bandana behind, your left eye uncovered, and reared back, trying to stop him. “Wait, I have to grab my-” 
“No time,” he said, talking over you and tugging again at the chain. 
There was nothing you could do but stumble over your own feet to keep up with him as he led you through the cluttered and dark storage area. You felt a tiny bit of relief that you were still in the familiar decaying buildings northside. The old warehouses were dark, dank, and dingy. Easily defended and difficult to navigate, perfect for criminals to hide out in. You knew them very well, and that helped orient you.  
"As I’m sure you noticed, I’m running a bit of a skeleton crew here. The rest aren’t coming ‘til the grand finale,” Buggy said, leading you into the main warehouse space by the chain around your neck like it was completely normal. The awful smell of rot and decay was only compounded by a sickly sweet, chalky scent you didn’t recognize. Gray sunshine flooded in through the broken windows around the high ceilings, piercingly bright. “And after that, we’re gonna blow this town.”
You didn’t respond, growing even more skittish. The two of you drew the attention of the people scattered around. Some were lounging, others were training. All of them turned to look at you, watching with the dark, focused stare of hungry dogs. Colorfully dressed, very dangerous dogs. 
“Ladies and gentlemen, I have an introduction to make!” Buggy called in a loud enough voice to fill the large space. “Crew, new girl. New girl, crew. Make sure to give her a nice, warm welcome." None of them spoke or reacted, watching you with varying degrees of hostility. Buggy pulled you forward a few steps so he could whisper to you. “See that guy?” he asked, pointing to a bald man with square features and an especially dark glare. “That’s Ivo. He was the one who caught you. To be completely honest, I think he’s still a little angry that he didn't get to keep you. If I were you, I’d try to stay on his good side.”
“How?” you asked, your uneasy stomach sinking further, but Buggy was already preoccupied with something else. 
“Oh, hey-” he called, flagging down a woman who was leaning against one of the steel supports. You stumbled behind him, holding the chain around your neck to ease the pressure. “Crina, I have got a very important job for you.” 
The woman slowly looked from Buggy to you, giving you a weighty once-over with dark, kohl-lined eyes. Her clothes were different from the rest, draped with beads and loose and layered in shades of purple. Beneath the mystique, however, you felt the same hardness you recognized in all the pirate’s faces. “You want me to look after the little rat,” she said with an accent you didn’t recognize.
"God, it’s like you can read minds or something,” Buggy said, laughing. “Anyway, yes. Make sure she doesn’t get up to anything naughty while I’m gone. In fact, don’t let her out of your sight.” 
“With all due respect,” Crina said, “why not just kill her?” 
“Because I don’t want her dead,” Buggy snapped, suddenly irritated. If Crina was surprised or off put by the abrupt change of his mood, she didn’t show it. 
“Of course, captain.”  
“I thought I saw some cages over there,” Buggy said, gesturing vaguely and forcing the chain into Crina’s hand. “Stick her in one of those. In the back, away from any prying eyes.”  
“A cage?” you asked.
“As fun as it is to see you all chained up,” Buggy said. “I worry that it might send the wrong message. Out of sight, out of mind—I don’t need you distracting my crew. They’re planning a very big surprise party. If you behave, I might be able to find some time for you later. Sound good?” 
You nodded, almost surprised by how good that sounded. He ruffled your hair before turning away, barking orders to some of the men. 
“Let’s go,” Crina said, pulling your attention back to her. “We have our orders.”
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The cage Crina put you in, one out of several bolted to the floor in the corner out of the way from the main space, had just enough room for you to sit slouched, or lay curled on your side, meant for big dogs or small humans. There was a market for both, and you knew that this warehouse had likely housed both. 
The old, dilapidated buildings had been out of use for a long time, as long as you could remember. Barley Village had been originally built to be close to the mineral deposits, but as those dried up and industry trended towards the water, southward expansion left all of the old buildings empty and rotting. There was always talk about tearing them down, but it was only ever talk. One time you were told that some people wanted to keep the buildings available to people who wished for some privacy. But when you asked your dad if that was true, he got angry, telling you that was a lie, that he would never let that happen. He said it would just be too expensive to take them down, and that there was really no point in it.
But he also told you to never, ever spend time northside. Of all of the rules he gave you, that was the only one you ever truly disobeyed. You had no idea how many times you had gotten in trouble for playing here, climbing up rusted stairs and crossing the support beams up by the ceiling, using rocks to knock out the jagged edges of broken glass from the windows so you could go onto the rooftops. Your health problems made it difficult, and sometimes impossible, but you were patient. Plus, that had been before the accident, when your coordination was still good.
Back then, you didn’t worry about the many dangers that lurked here, and you certainly didn’t believe you could be hurt. You were too entranced by the world you created for yourself. The only thing you worried about was the beatings you earned when you got caught. Dad used to tell you that if you kept disobeying him by going northside, you’d wind up locked in one of these cages—or worse. It took you a while to think of the word, because it wasn’t funny, but it also was. Ironic. It was ironic.
You couldn’t even imagine what kind of reaction he would have to what you had done now, what punishment you would earn. It would be bad. You knew it would be very bad. 
Better not to think about it. Falling unconscious after being hit on the head was the most you had slept for the previous two days. It was the level of exhaustion that you could be staring down the business end of a sword with indifferent, sleepy eyes. Being locked up was bad, very bad, but you were content to lay listlessly on your side.
At some point, you must have fallen asleep because you weren’t entirely conscious when somebody kicked the front of your cage. “Hey, wake up.” Your physical response was to startle, jolting you awake enough to flinch away from the violence. But it was only Crina who crouched in front of the cage. “I have food for you. And medicine for the headache. I’m going let you out, and I suggest you don’t try to run. If the guys get a hold of you, I won’t stop them.”
“I won’t run,” you told her, your voice hoarse, your eyes fixed on what she had brought. A bowl of something that looked like stew and a bottle. More than food, you wanted water. Crina undid the lock and you shuffled out of the cage. Your head spun just as badly as it had when you dropped onto the floor earlier, your vision crawling with darkness and stomach heaving unhappily. She was right about the headache. It wasn’t a pain you ever got used to, no matter how many days you spent laid out from one. After an uneasy moment, you sat on the floor, grabbing the water and eagerly uncapping it. 
“Hand,” Crina said, holding out a glass bottle. You allowed her to shake two capsules into your palm, tossing them into your mouth before taking in a blessedly wet mouthful of water. It soothed your tongue and throat like a salve, although you knew your stomach wouldn’t be quite so happy to receive anything. The stew’s scent alone made your stomach clench and churn with equal parts hunger and nausea. Slow. You had to take it slow. 
“Thank you,” you told her, picking up the bowl. She’d brought a wrapped sailor’s biscuit to eat it with. Not very appetizing, but you hadn’t eaten much more than you slept. It could have been saw dust and you would have been grateful. 
“I have your bag,” she said to fill the silence as you ate, pushing the limp canvas towards you. “They took anything that looked valuable, but your clothes are all there. They need to be washed. I’ll lend you something to wear in the meantime.”
Since your mouth was full, you nodded your thanks.
“While you eat, I’m going to talk. You don’t have to say anything if you don’t want to,” Crina said. “You don’t strike me as the talkative type.”
She didn’t say that in an accusatory tone, but it still caused your heart to skip with anxiety. The fear had to be irrational, it wasn’t as if you had lied to Captain Buggy, so what did you have to worry about? Besides, only the guilty feared scrutiny, that was a favored line of your dad’s. 
“There’s a man in town asking if anyone has seen a girl. Petite. Missing an eye. Mentally unwell. He’s concerned that she might have gotten lost somewhere,” Crina told you. “From what I gather, her father is a pillar of the community. They’re all very worried.” 
You averted your gaze, anxiously pulling your hair to cover your left eye. Of course Randall would be looking for you, although you had hoped you would have more time before he noticed your absence. It didn’t matter that you left in such a way to raise as little suspicion as possible, or that you were an adult, or that you didn’t want to be found. Your dad asked him to be your keeper while he was gone, and Randall did as your father said. Everybody did. 
“Finish your food,” Crina prompted. “It’s worse when it’s cold.” 
Right. You started eating again, your movements mechanical. She said nothing, and you had nothing to say. 
“Everybody has their reasons for turning to piracy, and they’re not always pleasant,” Crina suddenly said. “Unless it interferes with my own business, I don’t care about who you were and why you ran away. It was a stupid choice, I think you know that. I won’t try and convince you to leave. Buggy seems to like you, so you wouldn’t be able to go anyway. But you need to understand that there will be consequences. The life you had before, no matter how terrible, did not prepare you for the life you’ve thrown yourself into.”
You stared hard at the bowl, thinking about that. It was true, you had to accept that you had blindly stumbled into a world you knew nothing about. But what choice did you have? The things that led you to this point were arranged like the rusty, creaky rungs of a ladder scaling the side of a building. Climbing up had always been the easy part, it was the inevitable descent that gave you trouble. You had to go slow, one rung at a time, blindly feeling with your toes, holding on with sweaty fingers, not looking up and not looking down because once you were on the ladder, you could only keep going. The first rung was spotting the Buggy Pirates, which you only did because you were sulking around the docks after seeing your father off on his trip. You only recognized the crew because your dad kept track of pirate captains with significant bounties. You only had the courage to sneak away from your house because dad was too far away to stop you. You only had the ability to scope out Buggy’s temporary hideout because of how much time you spent northside when you were younger. Those things all connected and followed so naturally and you didn’t know if fate existed, but you knew for a fact that you wouldn’t have wound up here on your own volition. It wasn’t a choice you made, it was the only way to get down from the roof that you had been stranded on for so long.
“I’ll give you some advice,” Crina continued, her tone lighter, “and I suggest you listen. You’re young and pretty, and you wouldn’t be the first to try and use that to get an advantage. It might work for a while, but men will get bored and your looks will fade. Before long you’ll be spat out into a cheap whorehouse with a couple of children you can’t afford and a hell of a rash.” 
The whiplash from your thoughts to the conclusion she had drawn made your stomach twist with disgust. “No,” you said. Was that what she thought of you? Even if the idea was utterly ridiculous, shame rolled uncomfortable through you. “I would never—I could never ever do that.” 
“Don’t be naive,” Crina said, rolling her eyes. “The boys you’re used to are disgusted by that scar, but the kind of men you’ll meet from now on won’t be. If your low self-esteem dictates who you let between your legs, you’ll find yourself in the gutter. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t sleep with men to get an advantage if that’s an option, only that you must be smart about it.” 
You pulled your hair forward again, shaking your head clear of what she was saying. She didn’t understand. It wasn’t the assumption that men would be repulsed by your scar—which they would be, you knew that—but that you didn’t have it in you to invite or manipulate male attention. In so many ways you were already ruined, but to stoop down to letting other men touch you would be too far, it would destroy you.
“Assuming you live past tomorrow night,” Crina continued, “get a knife and figure out how to use it. The men aren’t going to accept you as a member of the crew until you prove yourself. So if anybody gets too close, you prove yourself with blood.” 
“Do you think they’ll try to hurt me?” 
“I think you look like an easy target,” she said. “And I know you have no concept of self preservation or defense.”
“Yes, I do,” you said, frowning. You had made it this far, after all. That was more than anybody would have thought of you. 
“You don’t,” she said plainly. “The tablets I gave you are for treating pain, but imagine if they weren’t. You didn’t so much as ask me to clarify what they were.” 
You opened your mouth to argue, and closed it, shame squeezing your throat. You hadn’t even thought about that.
“It might not matter anyway,” she said, “depending on Buggy’s reasons for keeping you.”
“What do you mean?” 
Crina gave you a long, pitying look and you could tell there was something she wanted to say, something she was holding back. Eventually she shrugged. “That is between the two of you.”
You wanted to push for more, confused by the cryptic answer, but you didn’t. You could tell by the hard look on her face that she wouldn’t tell you anyway. 
“One more thing. The most important thing,” Crina told you, leaning close so she could whisper. “Never, ever mention the captain’s nose. In fact, never mention noses at all.” 
“His nose?” you repeated softly. “Is it… is it real?” 
“What did I just say?” she asked sharply. “He killed a few of the last new recruits for saying something that sounded like nose while he was in a bad mood.”
“He… killed them?” you asked. 
“Buggy is a very temperamental man,” she said, leaning back. “Try not to get on his bad side.”
“It sounds like you don’t like him.” 
“I do, actually. God knows why. Are you finished?” 
“Yes, thank you.” 
“Come on then,” Crina told you, getting to her feet and dusting herself off. “There’s running water on the other side. I’ll keep watch so you can clean up.”   
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Although birds called and the breeze carried all sorts of noises from Barley Village, none of it really reached the northside. A solemn graveyard hush settled heavy between the wreckage of ruined buildings, drafty even in broad daylight. No ghosts hid in the shadows, no historical tragedy marred its name, but there remained the haunted imprint of people who were no longer around. 
Before setting you on your task of the day, Crina had given you a dress of hers to wear while your own clothes dried in the sun. You swam in it, but a sash at the waist made the fit look somewhat intentional and the long sleeves hid the ugly bruises cuffing your wrists. That, combined with having slept the previous night and most of the day, left you feeling oddly refreshed. Sure, all of the sleep had been in a cage and the only ‘bath’ you had was a couple of minutes alone with a spout that spat freezing water and a washcloth, but it was better than yesterday. Better than the day before that too, save for the bruises and big goose egg bump on the back of your head.  
Despite the headache, you were glad to be given something to do. The task wasn’t difficult. Busywork that kept you out of the way. Checking to ensure that everything which would be loaded on the ship was documented, organized, and ready for transport. It wasn’t entirely unlike what you had done in the past and, you imagined, would be doing in the future. It was, however, the opposite way around. The goods were obviously looted, you were creating a list to know exactly what and how much of it had been stolen. 
Vinegar, oil, wax.
You used the end of the pen to scratch beneath your bandana, which Crina had kindly retrieved for you. Sometimes the scar got itchy, like it had when it was healing. 
Twine, needles, thread. 
There was a particular smell to supply crates like these. Something to do with the place they were stored, or where they were made. Even now, years since you had been on a ship, it was overwhelmingly familiar. It made your stomach ache and chest clench, although you weren’t sure which quality of the scent was so unsettling. 
You scratched the scar again.
Vinegar, oil- 
Wait, you had already done that. Annoyed, you crossed out those words and crouched down to get into the next crate. Rope. It was coiled in tight loops like a huge snake, coarse beneath your fingers. Anything that was strong enough to endure the fury of the sea had to be coarse. Good rope was vital on a ship, you knew that even with your limited experience. Touching it reminded you of the time your dad tried to show you how to tie knots, and then subsequently had to treat your rope burn.
What would he think when he returned? Retired Marine or not, he was deeply involved with northside business and law. Missing supplies, missing daughter. Sometimes you felt an acidic sort of pleasure when imagining his reaction to your absence, but usually it was just dread.
Or worse. Prickling paranoia. You could run, for a time. But that was all it was. Running. He used to be a Marine, it wouldn’t be difficult for him to find you. When you were younger, the thought gave you comfort. 
But you didn’t want to think about that. Not at all. Not ever again. You stared very hard at the rope, desperate to put those thoughts out of your mind. 
You stared and stared and stared and-
Somebody grabbed you around the bicep, dragging you to your feet and forcing you back to reality. Yelping in fear, you were nearly knocked back down from the bloodrush dizziness of standing up too fast, saved only by the crates. 
“Good god, girl,” the unfamiliar man said, taking a step back, clearly put off by your reaction. “Are you deaf or something? I hollered at you three or four times. Were you sleeping?” 
Putting a hand to your racing heart, you looked from him to the still open crate and the notepad you had abandoned mid-task. You had no idea how long you had been sitting there. Long enough for your foot to go numb, prickling with pins and needles now that you were standing up. 
“I’m sorry,” you told him.
“The captain wants to see you. It’s urgent,” he said. When you didn’t immediately respond, still orienting yourself, he sighed impatiently and grabbed your elbow, physically dragging you away. You stumbled to keep up, trying very hard to avoid falling. “If Buggy asks why you took so long, you better tell him it was your fault.”
“I will,” you said to appease him, attempting to shake off his hand before realizing that it was pointless. “Please slow down.” 
“Not my fault you’ve got stumpy legs,” he said. “Keep up.” 
The unfairness of that stung, but you didn’t have much choice. You had a feeling that he’d keep on pulling you along even if it meant dragging you across the ground. 
“Where are we going?” you asked, embarrassingly out of breath. 
“There,” he said, nodding to one of the waterfront buildings. At least it was close. You never strayed so close to the water, the buildings were too squat to make for fun exploration and too exposed to give cover. 
The pirate released you when you got to the door, leaving you winded and scared. You adjusted your bandana and tried to catch your breath. “Don’t forget to tell him it was your fault it took so long, not mine,” he said, opening the door.
“I won’t,” you promised, the words papery thin on your dry tongue.  
You were in trouble. You had no idea what you might have done, but there had to be something. Why would you be summoned like this otherwise? A very bad feeling pressed against your sternum, but you forced yourself to walk forward. The door shut behind you. Inside, the air was dark and cool and wet, sending a little shiver down your spine. 
Buggy stood in the middle of the room, the only place where the sun found its way between the mangled teeth of glass and steel that used to be windows, his own little spotlight amidst the ruins. There were three other men on the edges of the light, their backs to you. One of them was bound. You did not like this. 
“There she is!” Buggy exclaimed, inviting you forward with his arms spread wide. “Come on, don’t be shy. Especially not after keeping us waiting so long. Your friend over here could hardly handle the suspense. 
Rocks and broken glass crunched beneath your feet as you approached them. Once you got close enough, finally, you could see the faces of the other men. One was the square-featured, angry man Buggy called Ivo. Another, a man you didn’t know. And the third, the one bound with a busted lip and developing black eye—
Randall called your name, trying to escape and rush to your side. Ivo grabbed him, pressing the blade of his knife against his throat.
“See, I told you, they’re working together,” Ivo said, glaring at you. “She tipped him off. No doubt this place will be swarming with the law before long.”
You stood completely still, staring at Randall with the steadily rising tide of panic sloshing in your stomach. After everything you had done to misdirect him, the note you left to beg he didn’t follow, the trouble you had put yourself through to keep from being seen, he was still here. 
“Are you okay?” Randall asked, looking you up and down frantically, concerned in a way he never had looked before. “Did they hurt you?” 
“I told you, she’s fine,” Buggy said with a grin. “I mean, yeah, Ivo over there did give her a little knock on the ole noggin—a love tap, really—but the eye was already like that when we found her.” 
“I wasn’t asking you,” Randall said, glaring at Buggy. 
“Shut up,” Ivo said, pressing the knife close enough to Randall’s throat that it broke skin. 
“No, no, let him go,” Buggy ordered casually, waving his hand. “He’s not gonna do anything stupid.” He threw an arm around your shoulder. “Not when I’ve got her.” 
Ivo reluctantly complied, releasing Randall. He watched you intently, and you knew what he was thinking. How could he save you?  
“Ivo over there thinks that the two of you are working together,” Buggy told you, smiling. His arm was heavy around your shoulders, oppressively so. “He thinks that we should kill you both.” 
“I’m not—I wouldn’t,” you told him. 
“And see, I wanna believe you. I really do. But he’s not talking, and,” Buggy ran his finger over your right cheek, reminding you of his threat from yesterday, “I’m starting to worry you’ve been lying to me.”
“I’m not,” you said, ice cold dread dripping into your veins a drop at a time. You fought your discomfort and forced yourself to meet his eyes, hoping he could see your sincerity. “I promise I’m not.” 
“Then how did he find this place?” 
“I don’t… I don’t know…”
“She used to hide here when we were kids,” Randall answered. “I thought she ran away, not that you freaks had kidnapped her. If I had known I’d find pirates here, I would have come armed.”
“Is that true?” Buggy asked you, pulling you even closer. Close enough to be embarrassing, to give the wrong impression, especially when he was stroking your cheek with a sort of affection that didn’t mesh with the danger in his blue eyes.
“I told you it is. Let her go, clown!” Randall shouted. His voice was loud enough to echo, and harsh enough to make you wince. That sort of rage wasn’t one you expected from him, but it was familiar all the same. 
“Oh, wow,” Buggy said with a laugh, looking up at him. “Is that jealousy I hear? She didn’t tell me she was leaving behind a boyfriend.” 
“He’s not my boyfriend,” you said softly, your insides twisting at the thought. 
“Really?” Buggy asked. He shrugged, and looked at Randall. “If you’re not doing this because you want to have sex with her, why are you here?” 
“I am a dear friend—both to her and her dad,” Randall answered. “He asked me to look after her because she… She’s not in a sound state of mind. And she’s the only family he has left. Without her, he’ll have nothing.” He grit his teeth. “Take me, kill me if you’re that thirsty for blood, but let her go. Please.”
“You’re a real knight in shining armor. Well, I hate to burst your bubble, but she came here all on her own,” Buggy said, releasing you to approach him instead. “She begged to join my crew, got down on her knees and told me that she would be happy to serve me for the rest of her life. It was the most adorable thing.”
“No,” Randall said, his face twisting with disgust. “You’re lying. She wouldn’t do that.”
“Ask her yourself,” Buggy invited, stepping aside and sweeping out his arm. All eyes landed on you like a spotlight. Blood rushed in your ears, and you felt dizzy with it, ready to pass out on the spot. When you looked at Buggy, he smiled and nodded encouragingly. 
“It’s true,” you said.
“No. That is impossible,” Randall said. “This is insane. You are mad, you cannot make decisions like this for yourself.” You stared at his feet, your hands balled into fists. You were not crazy. You were not. That had to be true. “Whatever hysterics brought you here, give it up. These are pirates.”
“I’m a pirate too,” you declared, your hands forming fists at your sides. You weren’t crazy, or mad. You were thinking very clearly, more than you had in a while. 
“No, you are your father’s daughter,” Randall insisted, loud enough to make you flinch. “Can you imagine the agony he would feel hearing you say that?”
Your breathing was too fast, rapid enough to make your head spin. You kept shaking your head, tears flying off of your cheek, but you couldn’t recall when you had begun to cry. “I don’t care.” 
“Don’t care…? This bastard has already gotten into your head,” Randall said. “He has poisoned your broken mind with his lies and manipulations, please don’t let this go any further.”
You shook your head again, but there was nothing you could think of to say. You didn’t want to talk anymore, you just wanted this to be over. 
“Believe me, as much as I would love to claim otherwise, I had nothing to do with this,” Buggy said, raising his hands innocently. “You’ve got no one to blame but yourself. Think about what would drive a girl like this into the arms of a pirate. A broken heart, maybe? Was that your doing, lover boy? Did you break her heart? Make her feel like she wasn’t good enough?” 
“Keep your big goddamned nose out of our business, clown,” Randall said. 
The other pirates audibly gasped, and you could feel the sudden zap of tension in the air. Buggy’s taunting smile froze in place, his posture icing over like a statue. And then, a second later, he was rushing at Randall, burying his fist in the other man’s stomach. Randall crumpled onto his knees with a heavy grunt and you waited for something else, something worse. Crina said that Buggy had killed over jokes about his nose, and, right then, you believed it.
Nothing happened. You watched, frozen, as Buggy breathed in deeply, his shoulders rising and falling with it, and then he raised a hand.  
“New girl,” he called, snapping to beckon you closer. You obliged, rushing to his side. He didn’t look angry, not like you feared he would. Instead, he smiled. It was a mean smile, a frightening one. But a smile all the same. “Are you ready for your big moment?”   
“Your audition! I thought of the perfect act for you. Kill him.” 
You looked down at Randall, he was clearly still in pain, his eyes watering as he looked up at you. “I can’t,” you whispered, shaking your head again.  
“You can and will. Assuming you want to remain on my crew. Otherwise I’ll kill him and you’ll have to explain to daddy why prince charming was here in the first place.” He held out his hand towards Ivo. “Knife.” When he got it, Buggy flipped the knife handle first, holding it to you with a flourish. “You’re up, babydoll.”
“She won’t do it, clown,” Randall said through grit teeth. 
“Of course she will,” Buggy said. “For me.” 
As if moving through the dusky haze of a dream, you took the knife, wrapping your sweaty hand around the grip. The way Buggy smiled in response made your heart flutter, something to cling to amidst the horror and disgust. It didn’t feel real anymore. How could it be real? 
“I don’t know what to do.” Were those your words? Your voice?
Buggy laughed. “Of course you don’t,” he said, circling behind Randall. “C’mere, I’ll help you.” 
Randall was shouting and pleading, but Buggy had grabbed a fistfull of his hair to keep him from escaping. 
“You’ve gotta hold him still,” Buggy told you. “Like this, see?” ��
“-don’t do this, please. You can’t… I love you!” 
You got a fistful of Randall’s hair, making him cry out in pain. There was no pleasure in the sound, only a roiling sense of disgust. It would be better when he was dead, and then he wouldn’t be in pain. 
“God you’re short,” Buggy said as he adjusted you into place, right between him and Randall. “You’ll be better off going for their ankles.” He wrapped his hand around yours, getting a good grip on the knife and holding it still. 
“-when he gets bored of fucking you. That’s all pirates do, rape and murder. You’ll never be one of them, you’ll just-”
“Start on one side and move to the other, easy as that,” Buggy said comfortingly, resting his chin against the side of your head. 
“-he doesn’t kill you, your dad will. Do you really think you’ll ever be able to hide from him?” 
Moving slowly, through a dream, you put the knife on the left side of Randall’s neck. It was no different from what a butcher did, really. 
Breath in. Pull. You instinctively locked up at the sound of Randall’s screams and the resistance of his flesh, but Buggy forced your hand, pulling the blade deep into his neck and then fast to the side. The knife got caught part way through, stuck in something hard. You tried to saw through it and Randall made an inhuman noise of agony. Buggy had to help you unstick it, to follow through until the knife slashed that horrifying scream short and then there was just a sort of gurgling sound and you didn’t know if it was because he was still alive or if it was an automatic process. 
There was so much blood, and it was hot, burning you. For some reason, you hadn’t anticipated the messy scarlet spray. From the deep slice came more blood. More, and more still. Randall’s heavy, limp body dropped onto the floor into a puddle of it, although you weren’t sure when you let go of his hair. Buggy released your hand, but you didn’t drop the knife, holding it in a death grip as blood streamed like red veins down your hand and wrist, down the blade and all the way to its tip before dripping to the dirty floor. The tang of iron filled your lungs. You shook all over, all the way down inside, your bones and organs shivering. It was your heart. It pounded frantically, like butterfly wings. And your breathing. Wheezing, gasping, gurgling like Randall’s had before he fell.
Your mouth opened to exhale, but there was nothing there. No air, no words. Nothing. Your cold gaze turned to look at Buggy, confused as to what you were supposed to do next. He had led you this far, but now you were lost. He smiled, and laughed, and took the knife away from you, tossing it to the side where it clanged and slid away. 
And then he folded you into his arms, your head pressed against his chest. His heartbeat was firm and steady, and he was so warm. He smelled of gunpowder and salty sea air and greasepaint and the natural warm scent of his skin. You clung to that, breathing in deep to excise the scent of blood. 
“Congratulations, babydoll,” Buggy told you. “Looks like you just got the part.” 
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The first firecracker went off not long after the sun had gone down, kicking off the surprise party with an especially loud zip and then a bang and a bursting sizzle. “It’s a surprise party,” Buggy told you, his face illuminated by the flash of red. “As in, the people who live here are going to be so surprised by the party I’m throwing for my crew. Get it?” 
A chain of firecrackers followed the first, a show that the pirates set off amidst a barrage of explosions, lighting up the sky with brilliant colors and smoke, making the earth tremble beneath your feet. They acted as distraction and lure, drawing people further into the town and inviting the ship that had been lurking nearby to enter the harbor. 
And after that came the chaos. 
Many things happened that you were aware of, if only passively. Leaving the northside and then Barley Village, waiting at the dock, and then boarding the ship as men and women in colorful attire flooded the yard, overtaking the few armed guards. You were told to sit on the deck and wait, so you did. Aware of it all—noxious sulfur and smoke filling the air, thunderous claps of explosives, popping gunshots, screaming voices, roaring fires—but uninvolved. There was a sense of great quiet. Not outside where things were loud and violent and scary, but inside. You were very quiet on the inside. Far away from everything and everyone else. 
Blood flaked off of your skin, caking beneath the nails when you scratched your arm. It would have been nice to wash it off, but you didn’t know where you would go for that, and you didn’t want to get up.
“Yoo-hoo, is anybody in there?” 
A gloved hand waved in front of your face. 
You let out a hoarse scream, nearly tipping backwards from how violently you startled. It didn’t take long for you to realize how overblown the reaction was, Buggy’s laughter made the point quite clearly. 
“What was that?” he asked, almost laughing too hard to get the words out. He stood above you without his coat and hat, although he kept the striped headscarf, and a bottle tucked under his arm. 
“You scared me,” you told him, a hand on your racing heart.
“That noise you just made though,” he said, still laughing. “It sounded like one of those scream-y fireworks.”
“I didn’t know you were there.”
“Your fault, not mine. I was trying to talk to you, but you just sat there. I thought it was your eye that didn’t work, not your ears.”
“I guess I… zoned out a little.” 
“No shit. Ah, that was good,” Buggy said as his laughter subsided. “I had no idea human beings could even make sounds like that.” Letting out a big breath to settle himself, he sat down next to you. Very close, far closer than you would have, almost touching. “Kinda makes me wonder what other kinds of sounds you can make.” 
“I know, it’s annoying,” you said, staring hard at the deck. “I’m sorry.” 
Buggy laughed at that too, shaking his head. “You really have no clue, do you?” he asked. “Is it weird that I’m into it?” 
“Into what?” you asked. “I’m sorry, I… don’t understand.” 
“I know you don’t, and that’s okay,” he said with a mocking sort of indulgence, patting your head. “Anyway, I had a little business in town and snagged this from some rich guy’s house.” He held up a bottle by the neck and swished its contents a little for effect. “We’re going to celebrate.” 
“Wouldn’t you rather be out there?” you asked, the first coherent question that came to your mind as it scrambled to make sense of what he had just said. 
“Between you and me, this,” Buggy said with a confidential hush, gesturing to your burning town, “isn’t my thing. It’s a reward for my freaks, gives ‘em an outlet to express themselves artistically. I prefer a more… performative platform. True art deserves a spotlight and an audience.” He waved that away, smiling. “But this isn’t about me, it’s about you.” 
“You really impressed me earlier. I mean, yeah, your technique needs polish, and you’ve got no stage presence to speak of, but you displayed raw talent. I really think you have a shot at success, sweetheart. Stick with me, and I’ll make something out of you yet.” 
“Thank you,” you said softly, shying away from thinking about earlier. The praise though, that was heady. That made you feel warm. 
Buggy popped the cork off the bottle, taking a drink straight from it and smacking his lips appreciatively. “You like sweet things, right?” 
“You’ll love this then. Here, try it.” 
You eyed the bottle he was proffering to you warily. Alcohol was something you were familiar with, but you could count on your fingers the number of times you had actually tasted it. “I don’t know…” you said, trying to think of ways to reject drinking without seeming ungrateful.   
“You’re a pirate now, so you’ve gotta learn to drink like one,” Buggy told you, pushing it into your hand. “What’s the worst that could happen?” 
You sniffed the open lip, surprised by the sweetness. It didn’t smell as strongly of alcohol as you feared. Not like what your father drank. Maybe it would be okay. Trying to avoid embarrassing yourself, you tipped the bottle back just like he had. That was a mistake. It didn’t smell like alcohol, but you could taste it—feel it, even. Panicked by your body’s natural response to expel it, you swallowed as much as you could, coughing out the rest. Red liquid drooled down your chin, staining the dress that was already ruined with dried blood. Buggy laughed. A little at first, and then a lot. 
Flushing, you wiped your mouth.
“Oh, don’t be like that. That was hilarious,” Buggy told you. You looked away, even more embarrassed. “Your face was priceless. You threw that back with the confidence of a real fire-hazard, saggy skinned, dead eyed alcoholic. You were so serious about it too, and then… Good lord.”
“I didn’t know!” you said, trying and failing not to sound shrill. 
“It’s okay, you’ve got me to help you now. Try it again, but don’t be so greedy. Baby sips.” 
“No, thank you,” you said, holding the bottle back to him. 
“Drink. That’s an order,” he said, pushing it back to you. 
That gave you pause. “Do you mean that?” you asked. 
He nodded, urging you on. 
Your shoulders drooped in defeat. Trepidatiously, you took a small sip. At least you didn’t hack it back up this time. While the taste was sweet, the burn was not. It rose up like smoke into your head, you could feel it.  
“What if I get drunk?” you asked. 
“Oh, you’re going to get drunk, captain’s orders,” Buggy said with a grin. “I can’t stand watching you sit around moping about killing that guy. Besides, you’re a pirate now.”
The little ball of anxiety deep in your gut doubled. This was wrong, you knew it was. Or maybe you were wrong, and Buggy was right. You didn’t know. 
“I don’t want to embarrass myself,” you muttered.
“As long as you don’t jump into the water or shit yourself, you’ll be fine…” You looked at him, horrified. “Joking! C’mon, I’ve taken good care of you so far, haven’t I? You’ll be fine.”
The way he laughed made you want to believe him. He was your captain now. You nodded seriously and, steeling yourself, took another drink. And another. 
“See? It’s good, right?” Buggy asked, holding out his hand for the bottle. 
You licked your lips, cleaning up the lingering sweetness. “It is. Thank you,” you said, unable to keep yourself from admiring the way his throat worked as he swallowed, the view unfortunately obscured by his cravat. 
The perverse thought took you by surprise. Was it the alcohol? Already, your head was spinning, your thoughts a little more disorganized. It wasn’t like the quiet, empty feeling of before. It was warm and distant, it made your shoulders relax, the anxiety and uncertainty of before fading. This was a good idea, you already felt so much better. When he passed the bottle back, you didn’t have to be prompted to imbibe, chasing that feeling.   
“I don’t mean to pry, but when that guy back there mentioned your dad, it really seemed to get to you,” Buggy said. “What, did daddy not love you? Or maybe he loved you a little too much.”
You didn’t want to talk about that. You didn’t want to think about it. You took another big drink. 
On the horizon, the town was utterly ablaze. As the night grew darker, the flames rose higher. Which building was burning so brightly? It belched thick, black smoke into the night sky. Who was in it? Anybody you knew?
“Don’t wanna talk about it, hm? That’s fine,” Buggy said, stealing the bottle back. “With any luck, my freaks’ll kill him tonight, eh? Then you’ll really be free.” 
“He’s gone right now,” you said, your words soft and slurring together. “Out of town.” What would he think of the smoldering ashes? Would he believe you had perished in the flame? Somehow, you doubted that. He would know what you had done. There was no chance of freedom, not for you. 
“That’s even better,” Buggy said.  
Your eyebrows furrowed as you turned to him, both in confusion and disbelief. “How?” 
“Because, babydoll,” Buggy told you, shaking your shoulder to make sure you were paying attention. “It’s good to have somebody to hate—somebody to prove wrong. He tried to convince you that you’re crazy, he tried to keep you from ever being yourself. That pain and anger made you weak. But you’re not weak anymore. Tonight, I showed you how to be strong. It’s not enough to tell those assholes that they’re wrong, you have to prove it to them. That’s what tonight was about, right? You proved to your dad, to everybody, that you’re stronger than they thought. And, hey, you proved it to me, too. I wasn’t sure about you at first, but I changed my mind.” He threw an arm around you, pulling you close. “I like you, kiddo. A lot.” 
“I like you too,” you said, relaxing into the little side hug, very aware of every place his bare arm met your bare shoulders and neck. The alcohol had stoked a nice blaze in your stomach and chest, making your head spin in a way you didn’t mind that much. Smoothing the colors, softening the air, making you want to lean into his touch, made you crave more of it. 
Buggy pulled away, leaving the bottle in your hands. You felt a little cold without him.  
“You know,” he said, smiling at you. The far off flames glinted mischievously in his eyes. The flaring reds and oranges highlighted his cheekbones too, defined the sharpness of his jaw. You were caught off guard by how viscerally you reacted to the thought that he was handsome, your filterless mind caught in an endless loop of focusing on the fact. “Burning down this shithole is nothing compared to what I will do. The towns I’ll raze to the ground, the treasure I’ll steal, the shows I’ll put on. Now that I’ve got a crew, I’m gonna put on a show like nobody’s ever seen. The biggest, flashiest, greatest show ever. Everybody will be screaming my name, recognize my face. I’ll shine so bright that they’ll have no choice but to love me. ” 
Buggy’s intensity made you smile, you couldn’t help it. Alcohol had created a cloudy burst of affection within you, or maybe it was just the floodgates of tension finally collapsing, letting out something that would have otherwise been smothered. Either way, it was as intoxicating as the drink itself. 
“Are you laughing at me?” Buggy asked, his tone filled with steel. You looked to see his dark expression, his narrowed eyes. 
“I’m not,” you said, confused by his rapid shift in demeanor. “I’m… I’m happy. I’ll do anything to help you.” 
He relaxed. “Well, you’d better start working on your act.” 
That made you laugh, a dizzy, bubbly sound. “I can’t do an act. I wouldn’t know what to do.” 
“There has to be something. Let me think… Can you sing?”
“I used to, a little. But not for a really long time.” 
“Come on, let me hear it.”
You were drunk, you knew that for a fact because in no state of sobriety would you offer to sing in front of another person. But, right then, bubbling with alcohol and protected by the darkness of the smoky night sky, you felt invincible. 
“Oh, what do you do with a drunken sailor? What do you do with a drunken sailor? What do you do with a drunken sailor, early in the morning? Slash his…um… something, something, captain’s daughter. Toss him in… to… the dirty water…” Whatever coherence you held onto unraveled into a fit of drunken laughter at the awful rhyme. “I’m sorry, I think… I think I forgot some of the words.”  
“Seems like you forgot the tune too,” Buggy said, wincing dramatically. All that did was make you laugh harder. “Hold on a second, let me wipe the blood out of my ears.” 
You swatted his shoulder, although your attempted indignance probably wasn’t very convincing when you were still smiling. “Don’t be mean!”
“That’s a bold way to treat your captain,” he told you, but he was smiling too. 
“Please don’t be mean to me, Captain Buggy,” you said, speaking slowly to emphasize how serious you were. 
“Beg me again.” 
You blinked. “What?” 
“Nothing,” he said, waving it off in a way that made you think he was making fun of you. “Anyway, I’m being nice right now, especially after that performance. The critics would eat you alive for that one. So, singing is out. Clearly. What else have you got?”
“Oh! I know a, um, a rhyme. A joke.” 
He looked at you skeptically. “Really?” 
“What is that s’posed to mean?” you asked.
“You don’t strike me as somebody with… How should I put this… A sense of humor?” 
You frowned. 
“Alright, alright, quit pouting and tell me,” Buggy said impatiently, waving you to continue. 
You cleared your throat very theatrically, sitting up as straight as you could manage. 
“There was a young lass who thought
Very little but thought it a lot.
Then at long last she knew
What she wanted to do,
But before she could start, she forgot.”
Deflating, you laughed, surprised at how clearly you had delivered the words. Especially considering how long it had been since you heard them. 
Buggy didn’t look nearly as impressed. “You know, I don’t think I’ve ever heard a clean limerick before,” he said. “And now I know why. I mean, what’s the point of limerick without the ick.”
You blew a raspberry at him. “Fine, you do one.”
“Okay, but you have to prepare yourself,” Buggy said. You nodded encouragingly.
“There was a young plumber named Lee
Who was plumbing his girl by the sea.
She said, ‘Stop your plumbing,
There's somebody coming’
Said the plumber, still plumbing, ‘It's me.’"
Belatedly, you gasped, your hands covering your mouth. That shock dissolved into giggles. “That’s, oh, that’s… that’s dirty.”
“Aw, was it too much for your delicate sensibilities? Now that you’re a pirate, you’re gonna hear a lot worse than that. A looooooooot worse. I hope your unspoiled ears can handle it.”  
“I can!” you insisted, taking a big drink to steel yourself before setting the bottle aside. If you were going to be a pirate, you had to stop getting so flustered. “More. Please.” 
“Okay, okay…” Buggy cleared his throat. “A hooker roaming the East Blue, 
Once filled her vagina with glue, 
She said, with a grin, ‘Well, they paid to get in, 
And they’ll damn sure pay to get out, too.’”
You laughed loudly, as much at the joke as the taboo nature of it. You laughed, and then giggled in a bubbly, drunken way that you knew was too loud and embarrassing. “That is icky,” you told him. “Jeez, that’s…” Your faux seriousness dissolved into a fit of giggles again and you leaned against him for stability. “What would you even do?” 
“Yeah, I don’t know. It sounds like a sticky situation,” he said, nudging you with his elbow. That, of course, sent you into another fit of giggles. 
“I’m sorry, I’m…” you said. “I think I’m drunk.” You looked behind yourself at the town, the glittery haze of joy buzzing in your head fading at the sight. It was horrific, wasn’t it? And here you were, laughing like a fool. You couldn’t really comprehend the magnitude of it all, even if you could acknowledge that it was terrible. “Is it okay?” you asked, looking back at him imploringly. “Everything that happened tonight… I thought I would feel very different after, but I don’t. It almost feels like it’s not even real. You ever get that? When things happen but they feel so impossible that you get confused?”
“If you can think that clearly,” Buggy said, “then you’re not drunk enough. Bottoms up, babydoll.” You smiled at his use of the pet name and the fluttery feeling it gave you. What else could you do but oblige, tipping the bottle back like before. Only, unlike before, you kept it all down. There wasn’t any real burn, just more sweetness, more warmth. 
And then there was nothing left. 
“Woah,” you said, lowering the empty bottle and wiping your mouth. “‘s all gone.”
“And how do you feel?” he asked. 
You opened your mouth to respond, but all that came out was a dizzy sort of laugh. “I dunno…” you said, closing your eye, trying to collect your thoughts. “I’m…” Already things were getting even more fuzzy and foggy. Fabric stuck to your flushed skin, the salty air drying across your chest and cheeks. “I feel… very…”
Making an upset noise in the back of your throat, you pushed your hair back, catching the bandana and pulling it off so you could feel the breeze on your whole face. That helped. Drawing in a deep breath, you looked at him, trying to focus. Only, the second you saw him, all you could do was smile. His eyes were greedy about the light, sparkling with it. Even with the nose, Buggy was handsome. That was not something you could tell him though, not at all ever. Unfortunately you had forgotten what you were saying in the first place. 
“Very… what?” Buggy asked. “‘Cause if you keep trying to be a buzzkill, I’ll give you something to laugh about.”
Were you a buzzkill? You couldn’t remember what you had said or done to earn that title. It was hard enough to comprehend what was happening in the moment. “Like what?” you asked.
“Like… this!” Buggy said, using the sash around your waist to pull you closer so he could tickle your sides. You jumped and squealed, the bottle rolling out of your hands as you tried to fight him off. 
“No no no, don’t,” you cried, trying to escape. You were being too loud, moving too much, acting like an idiot, but you didn’t have enough control to stop. 
“Why not?” he asked. “You’re laughing, aren’t you?” 
It was true, you couldn’t stop yourself from laughing, letting it out in panicked little bursts. Time had a bizarre elasticity to it, everything hitting you at once and fading just as fast. Laughing, sobbing, begging him to stop. It was easy to catch and hold onto one of his hands, but that left the other one free. And if you tried to catch that one instead, you had to release the first. There must have been a better way to do it, but you felt as if, bit by bit, particle by particle, the world was separating, the hot and humid air splitting, your limbs becoming loose, your capacity for rational thought dissipating like mist. 
Lacking any sort of control and with a completely undeserved sense of invulnerability, you tackled him. Buggy let it happen, still laughing. At least he had stopped. 
“God, it’s like being attacked by a drunk, one-eyed toddler,” he said. “What are you gonna do, whine me into submission?” 
“Don’t be mean,” you said seriously, your words ruined by something wavering between a laugh and a sob, or maybe it was just the drunken slur. 
“You attacked me. If anything, I'm the victim here.” 
“No! You started it!” 
“Hold on, are you… crying?” Buggy asked incredulously. “Aw, you poor thing. I mean, you were laughing so much, how could I have known you didn’t like it?” 
“I don’t!” you insisted. 
“To be clear,” he said. “You don’t like this?” He attacked your sides, not tickling so much as just teasing, but to the same effect. You yelped and sat up squirm away, swatting at his hands. 
Rather than laugh like before, Buggy groaned, his hips bucking up against you. A loud, harsh gasp left your mouth, your entire body going rigid from the liquid heat of friction, your thighs squeezing around him. At some point, your skirt had ridden up, your panties being the only barrier left. You didn’t think you had ever been as acutely aware of how achingly empty, electrically tingly, as you were right then. 
Bad. Very bad.
“Oh, there’s another fun noise,” Buggy said, laughing as he propped himself upright with his arms. “I can’t believe that got you.” 
“No,” you said quickly, dizzy from the intensity of your reaction and how close the two of you were. You could smell him, the sweat, the musk, the salt, the greasepaint, the gunpowder. You could see the glitter in his makeup, the fire catching in his eyes. “It jus’... surprised me.” 
“Is that why you’re shaking?” Buggy asked, rubbing your exposed thigh, the fabric of his glove catching the sensitive skin. 
“I’m… um…” Your eyebrows furrowed as you tried to organize the drunken slush of your brain. Being so close to him, feeling his body against yours, sent deviously tantalizing tingling sparks through you. And guilt. It was wrong, he wasn’t doing anything to invite those feelings, you were just being weird and drunk and embarrassing and you couldn’t stop thinking about what it would be like to kiss him. You’d have to tilt your head a lot, although the stubble would be more hazardous than his nose. The last time you kissed someone, you were both young enough that you didn’t have to navigate facial hair. And then there was the matter of the makeup. You tried to imagine what you might look like after, the slash of red and imprint of white. Maybe they’d mix into pink. You tried to force yourself to focus on something else, but you couldn’t meet his eyes either. Nervous and confused and filled with a million different feelings you had no name for, you squirmed again, thoughtlessly adding to the anxious feedback loop of heat and need and intoxicated emptiness. 
“You know, sweetheart, this reminds me,” Buggy said, “there’s still the matter of your physical. It’s standard procedure for new crew. We could get that over and done with while you’re… lubricated.”
“What’re you… talking about?”  
“I’ve gotta make sure you’re fit, healthy… Clean of anything you could pass on to the forty or so people you’re gonna be stuck with in an enclosed space for weeks at a time.”
“How d’you do that?” 
“You’ve been to a doctor, right? It’s kinda like that. I know it can feel a little invasive, so it might be better to do it while you’re drunk.”
“What…” you started to ask, but then Buggy shifted, his hips pushing up against you. The fresh wash of warmth it sent into your core scattered your mind, and you lost the already tenuous thread of thought. Your eyelashes fluttered, although you weren’t sure when you had closed your eye. “Umm…”
“Well, first,” he said, answering the question you hadn’t asked, “you’d have to take off your clothes. Then relax while I have a little look-see. It’s important that you stay as still as possible. I’ll have a hard time finishing if you can’t stop squirming around the whole time.” 
“Do you really have to?” you asked, your brow furrowing. It sounded embarrassing. But maybe if it was him, you didn’t mind? Your dad did all of your past medical check-ups so it wasn’t inherently wrong. But the thought of Buggy seeing you without clothes wasn’t exactly nice, you could only imagine his disgust. That was bad. 
“Depends on if you’re serious about being a pirate or not,” Buggy said.   
“I am serious!” you exclaimed. Your hands went to the sash around your waist to pull the bow free. If you did it quickly, you wouldn’t be as embarrassed. 
“Woah, wait. Holy shit,” Buggy said, “are you seriously—” He cracked up laughing, making you freeze. “I didn’t think you’d actually fall for that.”
“You’re… laughing,” you said, your fingers falling with the slow sink of humiliation. 
“You really were going to strip for me, out in the open and everything.” Buggy laughed harder, rocking forward. “I didn’t expect you to be so eager. Hey, if you really wanna get naked, I’m not going to stop you.” 
“I don’t, I just… I thought…” you said, pulling away from him and trying to get onto your feet to get away, embarrassment lighting the worst sort of fire within you.  
“Woah, calm down, it was just a joke,” Buggy said, his laughter fading. “You’re absolutely plastered, if you stand up, you’re gonna fall right back down.” You didn’t stop, resolute to get onto your feet and put some distance between you and him. “I won’t catch you.” 
“’m fine,” you told him. 
You finally got your footing and braced against your knee to lurch upright. For a second, you were standing up and weightless. And then you were nothing.
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mavnagerie · 5 months
crimson skinned
* blood is sweeter than strawberry wine
vampire! roronoa zoro x reader
summary: zoro gets turned into a vampire and a small inconvenience turns into a needy man chained up in the bottom of the sunny
warnings: SMUT. blood sucking/blood play, semi public sex, zoro is packing as usual. dom ish zoro, he’s a little insatiable as a vampire. fingering and unprotected sex, cream pie. non consensual vampire biting. NO proofread. WE DIE LIKE MEN. sanji is a big flirter… the usual
authors note: requests are open
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Sailing the Grand Line has been nothing short of surprises. finding cultures you never even thought to possibly exist. species such as giants, hybrids, etc etc, it’s something new every week. but this week, this week was especially odd.
you and zoro had been an on and off couple for 3 years now, not so much a couple but a romantic convenience to each other. nothing was ever official but you never sought out pleasure in other people nor did you regularly buy flowers or go out to dinner together. but you slept together, kissed, held hands and he protected you like you were lovers.
so it was nothing odd when you realized that zoro had been bitten by something bad while the two of you were making out one night up in the crows nest. it wasn’t too late, the sun had just set, but while you were perched in his lap, licking his neck, he hissed at the feeling. you tasted it too, it tasted of a coppery essence.
you pulled away to see two large bite marks on the side of his neck, deep, and not dripping with blood but definitely dirty snd fresh.
“that hurt..” he grumbled, his head pressed back against the glass of the window.
“well i didn’t do anything, honey. you have something on your neck.” you let out a small laugh, grabbing his hand and placing his fingers on the two wounds. though he didn’t say anything, his eyes shot open.
“fuck i guess i got bit today, i thought i was dreaming it or i imagined it…” he sighed as he ran his fingers over the deep wounds.
“oh my god, on the island we were on?”
“yes it was by this giant bat.” he deadpanned, just thinking maybe chopper needed to clean his wound and he’d be okay… was he stupid?? had he not even looked in the mirror all day?
the room fell silent. your face dropped. knowing this island was dangerous, nami urged us to be careful, and to TELL CHOPPER if we had gotten bit by anything, ESPECIALLY a bat.
“zoro. you need to go downstairs and tell chopper and nami right now.” you grab his chin and pull him forward to meet your eyes.
“i don’t want to….” he grumbles.
“zoro!” you snap at him, not having to do anything else before you stand up, causing him to also give in, standing up to go down the ladder and see chopper.
“fine!” he groans as he opens the door and climbs down the ladder. you soon follow after him and run off to get nami while he finds chopper.
all of you were stuffed into choppers little doctors office, zoro laid on the bed while chopper cleaned the wound and put ointment on it. zoro talked to nami, describing the animal to her. she was looking through her book until she found something that matched the description, though this finding wasn’t comforting for her.
“vampire bat.” she read off the page. “the vampire bat distributes a venomous poison when biting its victims, although this poison doesn’t kill its human victims..” the others in the room let out a gentle sigh of relief before she continued to speak. “over the span of a week, it will begin giving humans vampire like features. sharp ears, teeth, golden eyes and sensitivity to light. it takes a full week for the victim to transform, an ointment can be easily made but materials are hard to find. without this ointment, after a week, the patient is untreatable.” she sighs as she turns the page.
“it talks about benefits to this problem but i’m not seeing many that help our swordsman protect us during our missions if it’s not at night.” namis eyes met you’re and you sighed.
“i understand.” you looked down at zoro on the bed, not budging as if the situation at hand didn’t scare him a little. acting all hard and emotionally inept always worked if he was scared.
“so how can we get that ointment made?” he pipes up, his voice low and gravelly.
“well, it says it’s all ingredients from the island we were just at. i assume we find them or buy them from the islands town, although if they caught on to us having a vampire on our ship, im not sure what they’d do.” she shrugs, looking at photos in the book.
“what does it say about needing to consume blood?” he asks a second question, becoming slightly more concerned about his future condition as time passes in the doctors office.
“it says it is not necessary for the entirety of your survival though, we may have the share the wealth if this proceeds in the week.” nami pushes her hair up behind her ear, looking down at the book. your eyes were staring down at zoros, watching his chest rise and fall as he processed the situation.
“i think the best course of action right now is just keeping an eye on you zoro. symptoms may worsen rapidly but it also just may be a very slow process. we can find out but i think we do need to make sure we keep someone looking out for you this week.” nami said as she stood up, looking over at you then to chopper.
“i can stay with him. i really don’t sleep that much anyways.” you said , going to sit on the edge of the bed, holding his hand.
“i’m sorry im putting our sailing on hold..” he throws his head back into the pillow.
“it’s okay zoro, you didn’t know.” chopper chimed in, smiling at the two of you.
“i’ll make sure to let the rest of the crew know.” nami said as she opened the door. “let me know if anything changes.”
you nod, holding his hand as she walks out. chopper looks at the two of you. “it’s best for him to stay down here tonight so we can keep an eye on him. i’ll make sanji set up a cot in the dining room.”
two days had passed since the original diagnosis. the crew had been busy trying to find the ingredients for the treatment on the island while you laid on top of zoro, sleeping in the shade of the tree. you had noticed him complaining about pains in his mouth and in his ears but you hadn’t really thought about it while you laid with your face in his chest.
the two of you rested peacefully but as the sun moved in the sky, zoro felt the sun on his foot and immediately shook awake, discomfort striking through him as the sun touched his tan skin. you awoke and asked him what was wrong.
“what is it?”
“the sun, it hurt me..” he whined. you knew that nami had said something about discomfort in the sun. you thought maybe it would burn him though all it did was seem to be a shock feeling that just proceeds while in the sun.
he sits up, pulling his feet in, pulling you up with him. you look up at him and push your fingers into his mouth, looking at his teeth. “oh no” you sighed. “your canines are getting sharper. no wonder you were feeling pain in your mouth.”
he sighed, annoyed at his situation and wished the crew could find a solution to his problem quicker, he knew if they didn’t today, it would just proceed to get worse. dramatic or not, zoro was feeling weird the entire week, getting more antsy and staying inside more. he also felt weak, not working out while he proceeded to change more and more. though, everything seemed normal up until one night.
everyone had been in their designated rest areas, him sleeping on the cot while you stood in the kitchen under a dim light reading a book, rather distracted by the reading, not paying attention to your resting boyfriend on the cot. staring at the pages you didn’t hear the very subtle and fast movements of the vampire until he was right behind you, grabbing you without warning, causing you to scream. already on edge from the lack of sleep but the sudden movement in the dark was terrifying.
your scream was guttural, crying out for sanji because in all of your time with the strawhats, sanji was always the fastest to save a girl in need. zoros arms tight around you, you could feel his breath against your neck before his hand clasped over your mouth. before he could do anything, sanji with a few others behind him come scrambling in, sanji getting zoro off of you and knocking him out cold, leaving you shaking, staring at the counter.
“you okay, mi amor?” sanji says, kneeling down on the floor to look at the swordsman with chopper while robin comforts you.
“i’m fine.” you sigh, knowing this was bound to happen.
“we’re almost done with the search for the items. i promise he’ll be back to normal soon.” chopper says, looking up at you with big eyes. you couldn’t be mad at his adorable face, you were just frustrated with the fact that they couldn’t fix him as fast as you wanted them to.
the next course of action was putting zoro in the bottom of the ship, away from the sun and everyone else, his hands chained to a post down in the bottom of Sunny. unconscious as usopp worked to chain him down. using some of the air dials to circulate fresh air through the dark room, awaiting him to wake up.
the straw hats took turns watching over him from afar while you got rest, though you could barely sleep over the idea of him waking up down there and either being worse than he was before or just scared like an animal. it made it difficult to sleep but robin tried to comfort you while you struggled to rest.
hours passed, he was still asleep as you finally woke up. it was close to ten AM and over half the crew was gone, trying to finish finding the items for zoro. it was just you, franky and zoro.
after waking up, your energy was finally replenished after a few almost sleepless days and you made you way around the ship, finding franky watching over zoro.
“is he still asleep?” you ask when appearing behind him. franky jumped before realizing it was you.
“i guess the both of you are rather sneaky.” he laughed. “yeah he’s woken up once or twice but only to just fall right back asleep…i think he’s waiting on you to fully come back to consciousness”
“ah i see. if you’d like, i’ll stay here and keep watch, you can go and do whatever franky things you need to do.” you glanced over at the moss headed vampire, slumped over on the floor.
“thank you, i’ll make sure to watch the ship while you’re down here. here’s the key for his locks so we don’t lose it. i promise.. we’ll get him better.” he smiled down at you before turning and leaving, leaving you alone in the dark hull, watching over your poor vampire.
as you got closer to him, missing his touch, you just wanted to be with him, you noticed the way his nose twitched and the way he stirred, knowing you were closer and shaking awake. he was fully conscious in seconds, realizing he was chained up and could barely move, thrashing around in his chains and cursing.
“what the fuck?!?” he shouts before he looks up to see you there, knowing that’s why he had woken up at all. he calmed down, shaking the anger from his limbs.
“why am i chained up?” he barks at you, annoyed. his words caused you to flip a switch, staring at him in disbelief.
“you tried to attack me last night?!” your arms were folded over your chest but flew to your side, raising your defenses.
“i did no such thing.” he glares at you, his sharp teeth poking at his lower lip. he was so cute…
“yes you did. you, roronoa zoro, snuck up behind me and tried to attacked me.”
he stared at you blankly, blinking silently. “hm.” he sighed looking away. “you just smelled really good…” he huffed.
“i’m sorry but you can’t drink my blood, baby.” you got down on the floor, balancing on your toes as you got closer to him. he leaned his head back against the post, looking up at you. he was filled with desperation.
“why not?” he pressed on, sitting up, wanting to be closer to you.
“mhh.. you could kill me..” you were folding. you were folding SO hard as you leaned down onto your knees, coming closer to him, placing your gentle hand against his chin.
“i would never do that to my princess” his smirk on his face revealed those menacing teeth. getting closer, your face was right near his, noses brushing against one another.
“zoro..” your voice came out hoarse before you pressed your lips against his. you could feel his chained hand up against the back of your thigh, urging you to come closer. before you knew it, your thigh was thrown over his waist, straddling his lap, deepening the kiss.
“cmon baby… unchain me..” he says against your soft skin. “you know you wanna…” he pressed his nose against your neck, inhaling sharply. “fuck you smell so good..” he groans, his hands grabbing at whatever skin he can touch.
“i can’t…” you sigh, your hips slowly grinding up against him.
“yes you can. i swear i won’t hurt you” his glowing eyes screamed danger but his voice soothed you into his body. before you knew it, you were pulling the keys out, fumbling to undo the chains. he groans loudly as he massages his wrists. acting as if he were normal again but you knew he was feral
“zoro” you mumbled against his lips , feeling his large hands against your stomach, grabbing at your sides. touching you as if he had never been able to put his hands on you before. he pressed his lips against yours, eating you up, wanting to tear you apart from the inside out. he guided your hips to grind against him again. he was so needy.
suddenly, you felt him moving, and with the sound of a growl, the wind is knocked out of you as you’re laying with the green haired vampire hovering over you. you heaved as he stared down at you with a need in his eyes. “you look so good…” he places his face in your neck, leaving you tense as you begged for him not to hurt you. he was so needy but you couldn’t tell if it was for your blood or for you… the way his nose was flush against your skin, you refused to believe it was just for you.
“zoro.. please..”
“please what, princess?” he moved his hands, intertwining his fingers with yours, holding them out, leaving you defenseless as his legs held down yours.
“don’t hurt me” your face was turnt up, eyes squinted shut.
“i would never do that to you, baby” he opened his mouth, his sharp teeth grazing over your delicate skin. “i just wanna taste you…”
before you could protest, acknowledge that he was about to lie straight to your face, he pierced his fangs into your soft skin, causing a loud cry to leave your lips. he moved a hand, planting it over your mouth as he began to drink your blood. tasting that bitterness of your perfume on your skin before the sweetness of your blood flooded his senses. as he began to suck at the new found wound, your cries turned into moans, arousal filling you as he placed his thick thigh between your two legs, pressed up against your cunt.
as your cries turned into moans, he removed his hand. he wanted to hear the beautiful noises coming from you as he felt you grinding against his thigh. he was sucking your blood until he was satisfied, leaving you a little lightheaded before he sat up so you could see his face. your blood coated his lips, his mouth was messy and his eyes glowed under the dim lighting of the room.
“you taste so good..” he sighed as he placed his lips against yours, forcing you to taste your own blood, though it didn’t take much for zoro to make you enjoy something as you placed your arms around his neck, pulling him in closer, licking his lips. your leg moved so that he could get a better angle, rubbing his thigh against you. you meekly moaned at the sensation, needing more.
almost missing the feeling of him sucking the blood from your neck. zoros hands snuck under your shirt, slowly pulling it up, urging you to move your arms so that he could pull it off of you, revealing your flushed skin. you couldn’t help but be lost, overstimulated, feeling brain fog as you let him pull your clothes off of your body.
“you lied to me..” you mumbled, watching him slowly pull your shorts off of your legs.
“no i didn’t..” he trailed off, slipping his hands under your back, clipping your bra undone and pulling it off, letting your breasts bounce free.
“yes you did.” you clenched your teeth at him, knowing the wetness between your legs disagreed with the anger you feigned.
“i didn’t because i know i heard those beautiful moans from your lips.” he pulled off his shirt, throwing it into the growing pile of clothes. his eyes were watching every part of you but your face, more focused on touching you and making you feel good rather than seeing that angry look on your face. you noticed that disinterested look on his face, but it wasn’t disinterest, it was him resisting.
he wanted to reward you for how good you were, how you didn’t squirm or anything away from him, you just let him take that sweet sweet blood. you watched his scar across his chest mold to the shape of his chest and abdomen. the way it dipped in the curves of his skin, while a sheen of sweat covered his skin. it was warm in the hull, that’s for sure.
zoro left his pants on for the moment, needing to touch you. his hands found your waist and pulled you close, placing his lips on your breasts, kissing you all over before sucking on your nipple, using his hand to please the other. the swordsman already had almost super human strength though being a vampire only helped him, as he used his other arm to tease your clit through your soft panties. abdominal strength for the win!
your lips parted, sighing at the touch, feeling your hands ball up with anger and unfurl as his lips attacked your skin. your hands found his back, nails dragging over his tanned skin as he teased you, his fingers expertly toying with your clit while he cured his oral fixation on your chest.
sharp teeth grazing over your sensitive nipples, leaving you gasping. pulling away, you see his sharp teeth catch the dim light in the dark room, shining under his lips. you had to admit, this zoro was attractive. you had always been attracted to him, but something was so different about him right now.
he leaned down to your mouth, taking you in a rough kiss, leaving you moaning against his lips as he pushed your panties to the side, touching your wet folds. your moans poured out against his lips.
“i love those noises” he speaks against your lips, pushing his middle finger into your cunt. “you sound so pretty. such a good girl” he pulls away so he can see your face, glossy lips parted while he slowly fingered you. something about his vampire persona was different, overall just a more dominant personality overcame him.
you prayed no one could hear you as you came undone on his fingers, moans filling the room while he pushed another finger into your cunt. his thumb pressed against your clit, rubbing circles in pace with his fingers pushing in and out of you. the sound was wet and loud of him fucking you with his fingers. he sat up while he fingered you, grabbing your hips and pulling you closer to him. he leaned back so he could see his fingers going in and out of you . “fuckk” he groaned. “look at that..”
“z-zoro… i’m close.. i’m gonna cum soon..” your head was thrown back, throat exposed. he could see the wound on your neck, feeling his dick twitch remembering your taste.
“cmon, you got it princess. cum on my fingers…” his tongue rests on his fangs, watching you hungrily as your hips buck into his hands, his name falling from your lips as an orgasm washes over you. the two of you hadn’t even really made out since he was bit, so needy didn’t explain how deprived you were of just his romantic touch. he was gratified to see you cumming on his fingers, watching you moan loudly while your walls squeezed his thick fingers.
watching you slowly come down from your high, he pulls his fingers out, bringing his hand to his mouth and licking his fingers clean before wiping them down his pants and pushing his arms underneath your back, pulling you up into his lap as he leans against the pole. you were recovering as your arms wrapped around his neck, kissing him deeply, tasting yourself on his tongue.
“i love you zoro..”
“i love you too, princess” he hums, lips soft against yours. his hands moved down to his pants, unzipping them and pushing them down. you moved so he could push them off, leaving you both staring at each other in just your boxers and panties. his cock was hard, throbbing under the thin fabric, a patch of wetness formed where his cock leaked precum. your hands found his cock and pulled it out of his boxers, stroking it while he hissed at the touch of your soft hands.
“oh baby..” he groans, his hands holding your hips, his thumb rubbing your clit through your panties while you stroked his cock.
“can i ride you?” you ask , your eyes looking longingly into his. your anger has long faded away, only really feeling needy for him.
“of course, princess.” he pushes his face into your neck, kissing your soft skin. taking your panties off would be too much of a hastle so he pulled the thin garment aside and helped you sit up in order to take his cock between your legs. the two of you uttered sounds of impatience as the throbbing tip rubbed between your wet folds. rubbing up against your swollen clit as you grinded up against him.
“princess, stop teasing me..” he sighs against your skin. “sit on it or i’ll do it for you.” his grip on your hips tightened a little. the threat didn’t scare you, it only excited you buy you were almost as impatient as him. he was so impatient but you pushed his cock between your folds, slowly sinking down onto it. his hands held you, his fingers pressing into your back in order to keep you stable while your hands held onto his shoulders.
curses spilled from your lips as you threw your head back, exposing that pretty place on your neck again. zoro licked his lips, eyes lidded, knowing that if he wasn’t careful he would lose control and take blood again. he just wanted to taste it one more time, although you sinking onto his cock helped distract from that need. your hands planted on him as you finally sank down on him, your clit rubbing against the minty green hair at his base.
“fuck..” he grumbles, watching as your weak moans pour from your lips as you adjust to the sheer size of his cock, it never gets old . he guides your hips, grinding them against him, leaving the two of you sighing at the feeling. “can you move baby?” he asked.
“mhm..” you nodded though your legs refused to let you move, leaving him needing to move you himself. “shit.. i can’t move.” you looked upset, annoyed that you couldn’t get your legs to push yourself.
“shh, it’s okay princess. i got it.” he speaks calmly as he wraps his thick arms around you, pulling you into his chest. his hands landed on the plain of your ass, holding your soft skin in his palms. your face was pressed into his shoulder while he began to slowly fuck you on his cock, pushing his hips into you while he lifted you up and down. your mouth was open, panting against his tanned skin, moans muffled as your teeth grazed his shoulder.
“i wanna hear you, princess. don’t hide your moans.” he speaks gently in your ear, using you to fuck his cock, moving you at a faster pace now. you placed your chin on his shoulder, tears built in your eyes at the overstimulation while he bounced you on his cock.
he could smell the wound deep in your shoulder, craving your blood. leaving his cock twitching inside of you as his calloused hands held your skin. he couldn’t help it when he placed his mouth on your shoulder, his lips wrapped around the wound again while his tongue licked the blood that had seeped out after he had punctured your skin. he moaned at the taste, pulling you even closer as he fucked you.
“f-fuck… zoro.. s-oo fast…” you babbled as he desperately fucked his cock into you, jaw slacked while he fucked you dumb. the tip of his cock battering your cervix while he dropped you down into it. “mhhh i’m gonna cum… zoro…” you whined, nails digging into his dark skin. he just moaned in acknowledgment, leaning forward, pushing you back.
“cum baby.. cum on my cock. i’m gonna fill you up but i need you to cum on my fucking cock..” he growled in your ear. his words sent you into a tizzy, immediately cumming on him without warning, your cunt squeezing around his cock, a loud sob leaving your lips as you came. he coaxed you through it.
“good girl..” he repeated as you babbled his name, still pummeling his cock into you. “fuck baby.. i’m so close..” he groans. “i’m gonna… i’m gonna cum inside-“ his voice is strangled as he pulls you down onto his cock, pumping you full of his cum. with you planted on his cock, his arms wrap around you, pulling you close to his skin. mumbling words in your ear. “princess” he sighs against you, his sharp teeth grazing against your flushed skin. you sat there, limp in his hold until he sat up, holding his hands on your waist.
he pulls back and stares at your pretty face and the way your hair clings to your sweaty skin.
“we need chopper to look at that bite.. im sorry if i hurt you..” it was almost like a switch was flipped, his behavior was reigned back to normal zoro behavior. no longer like he was acting like a vampire… it was the need of blood that really made him feral.
“hopefully they’ll have everything ready to turn you back..” you said , pulling him in to kiss him slowly. his lips are planted against yours as he carefully pulls you off his cock, cleaning your pussy with his fingers before licking them. he helps you stand as he does himself as the both of you collect yourselves.
he dresses you before dressing himself and kisses you once more, pushing your hair from your face.
“i’m not really sure if im allowed to let you out of here” you glance up at him, his dark eye looking down at you.
“you could chain me back up and pretend you never unchained me” he suggested, holding his hands out.
“the crew doesn’t trust your vampirish instincts right now. i think that’s the best call.” you sigh, watching him sit back down. as you chain him back up, you hear a knock at the door to the stairs. you look at him and plop yourself onto the ground, shouting for whoever to come in.
it was chopper and sanji!
“hey guys!” you smile up at them, glancing at zoro briefly before looking back at the two boys. chopper has something in his hand, appearing to be a bowl.
“i have the treatment!” he smiles, running over to the both of you. sanji following close behind him. chopper runs up to zoro, standing between his legs and holding the bowl out to him. zoro takes it from his tiny little paws and smiles at you over him before drinking it.
“it should start working within the next few hours, you’ll be fully healed in a day or two” chopper chimed in. “just let me know if anything worsens.”
zoro threw his head back, drinking down the sweet liquid. he could already feel his head clearing up as he put the bowl back into choppers paws.
“we’re gonna keep you down here until we fully know you’re healed.” sanji says to him, kicking his chains on the ground. zoro nods, a little frustrated.
sanji holds his hand out to you and allows you to stand up. “what’s that on your neck, princess?”
“hey-“ zoro gripes at him. “don’t call her that!”
you waved him off and moved your hand to cover your neck. “uh.. it’s nothing.”
“i bit her.” zoro says blankly, leaving the both chopper and sanji of them with their jaws dropped. sanji curses him loudly before chopper pushes at your legs, urging you upstairs, without many words just needing to get you into his doctors office to look at you. “sorry!” zoro shouts to you with a smile “i love you princess!!” he laughs as you turned your head back to him.
“i love you too zoro..” you sigh as all of you pile out of the hull, leaving zoro there, satisfied and sighing with a feeling of relief that he was no longer infected… pray to god that he didn’t also get you infected…
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yeyinde · 2 years
ATROPHY | Joel Miller x F!Reader
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》 SUMMARY: It's her, him, and the beats in between. A slow simmer of sex to something more. Something he isn't quite ready for, yet knows he can't let go of.  》 WARNINGS: 18+ SMUT (mild); allusions to death, assault; female gendered reader, female gendered anatomy; minor game spoilers; Joel isn't bad at feelings – he just doesn't want them. Joel is tired™ 》 WORD COUNT: 10,9k
His grief, sorrow, the ones that he tries to shove into a box marked apathy, are worn in the crevasses that line his weathered face. Deep canyons make him look ages older than he is. He wonders if she can see them. If she can peel the divots back and uncover the festering sickness, the rot, that sits in the folds. 
It's his own fault, he thinks, for stuffing his grief in the same place he keeps his worry.
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》 NOTES: I did something different with my writing. It's still a Reader insert, but. I tried third person instead of the usual second. also, how this ballooned up to nearly 10k is lost to me since it was just supposed to be smut?? I had this clear image of older Joel laying in bed, his guitar leaning against the wall, catching the light of the sun as you slowly rode him, and now? I don't even know. ⤑The gif is mine. Please don't take or repost without permission
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Complacency is a death sentence in a world like this. 
Lazy Sundays spent between the warm, damp sheets. Boredom. Afternoons strumming his guitar on the front porch. Sleeping in. Drinking at a saloon in town. Music. Laughter. 
It doesn't exist. 
And yet—
His guitar sits, abandoned, in the corner of the bedroom. The wood still carries the heat from his thumb this morning when he played a song alone on the porch. Eyes bleary, full of sleep, of rest, as he took in the varicoloured dawn cresting through the indigo sky.
Those same weathered, beaten hands that strummed the chords to Hurt are now occupied again. One perched on her hip, skin sateen soft and plush, full and warm and clean from the shower last night as she bears down on top of him in a quiet cadence, a muted, languid dance. The other cups the swell of her breast in his palm, nipple still damp from his hungry mouth, and flushed red from his teeth. 
This should just be a fantasy. 
A dirty thing in the recess of his mind when he has a moment to himself breathe. A thought, a whim. Something to needle away at the last vestiges of his consciousness when he sees her in the wild—vibrant, young, and free—and then sullied in the back of his head when he leans against a tree, and thinks of the dirt on her skin, the blood on her delicate hands, and how they'd taste under his tongue.
But this isn't a dream.
When he sleeps, he dreams in black and white. The only colour that bleeds through is red. Blood red. Pulpy and vicious. Ugly. Garish. It splatters across the pavement where he laid Sarah down, where he lost Tess, and everyone else he never promised to save and still couldn't. 
He knows this isn't a dream when he blinks his eyes open, and she's there. Sitting atop him in a kaleidoscope of colour, drenched in ochre from the still rising sun. The only red is her blistered lips, the rough burn between her thighs from the scrape of his beard, and that sinful little tongue that slips between her teeth when he slides in deep. 
And then—his eyes drop to her side—that ugly wound that cuts her flesh, ripped over the seam of her ribs. 
He's awake. Lucid. 
She's much too heavy to be something carved from fantasy. 
He doesn't say this, of course—Joel isn't stupid, and for someone so considerably smaller than he is, she packs a hefty punch in those slender fingers that curl into a fist barely the size of an apple. The sharp jab of a rusted, blunt knife. Knows where to hit him, too. 
He tucks it away, and lets his hands explore, feeling the tangibility of her weight, her presence, under the tips of his bloodied fingers. 
(Broken on the same teeth that caused her to hurt.)
The knob of her hip bone juts out through her flesh, and he grazes it with his thumb, feeling the soft curve. 
Real, he thinks. Flesh and bone. 
He can feel the flutter of her racing pulse under his hand when he kneads her breast in his hand, and lets her nipple graze teasingly over the rough skin of his weathered palm.
The tight clench of her around him—pussy a perfect knot around the base of his cock, all pretty and tied tight like a bow—is another stroke of realism his dreams, nightmares, fantasies, could never imbue. 
It's a present he's sullied more times than he can count, each touch another tally to the neverending number of sins that pile higher than the hollow skyscrapers in Boston. 
Joel feels each breath that leaves her heaving chest. Each gasping hiccup of his name when she raises her full hips up, and then slide back down the length of him in a slow, languorous roll until he nudges against the seal of her womb, and steals the air in her lungs. 
It's real. 
A paradox, then. 
One of those things that shouldn't happen, but is. Like her, and him, and everything else in between.
He knows what the others in town say when they see her—pretty and soft with a ginger touch and a sweet curl of a voice when she whispers his name. It doesn't make sense for her to be all wrapped up in him, following along behind like a shadow to a man who's cut from ashlar, and reeking of rot. Ruin. 
He's calamity in ageing grey, and she's the ripe, forbidden fruit he's not allowed to bite. Poisoned apple. Cherry sweet. 
(He wonders if they'd recoil once they saw that her insides were gnarled; acrid and sour; bitter melon. Lemon drops.
That she is far more like him than they could ever dream.)
They glare at him from the corner of their eyes when she swells like a lighthouse in the midnight gloam at the sight of him wandering back from patrol, eyes all bright and beaming, and beautiful—Christ. 
She's a picture, he thinks. 
One of those pinup girls he'd find in dirty magazines as a kid. When he and Tommy would sneak a peek behind the barn, away from prying eyes. A portrait of lust. Desire in high gloss. 
A classical beauty—the type that would make men drown themselves at sea. A starlet in the golden age back when it mattered. 
Writers' muse, maybe: she would have been the girl everyone talked about—the one that eluded the tortured artist, made him pine. 
Hemingway would call her brutal. 
Cat in the Rain. 
(She liked his old, heavy face and big hands.)
He doesn't know much about poetry but he knows she's the type who could make a man want to stain his fingers in ink just to capture the curve of her lips when she smiled. 
A vixen. Hellion. Lilith. 
Her voice is a song when she says his name. A hymn. 
He doesn't know when this started. 
Maybe, when they brought her in with the rest of the group she was travelling with. Beaten down, hungry. Clinging to life with frostbitten fingers. 
Her eyes were flat; a stagnant pond. Lips a grim, blue line. Placid. Gone. She'd been out there for too long to ever find comfort behind walls, and he knows the feeling of trying to crawl out of your own skin when people stand too close. 
She scoffed at the idea of this place, of sanctuary. Resentful and derisive. He could see the distrust in her clenched jaw, balled fists. This world was a whim—evanescent—and what they gathered from the rest of the group, survival hadn't been easy outside of safe zones.
Wall after wall fell, she said, tone flat. Blank. Haunted by ghosts still lingering in the canyons of her eyes. Stopped believing in stuff like this after a while. 
Her eyes were stained—jaundiced and red, filled with burst blood vessels—and raw from how hard the edges of her knuckles had dug into the flesh of her eyelids. They spoke of sleepless nights. Ones interrupted by her own sense of survival, hyperarousal. 
He knows the feeling of jerking awake whenever his brain starts to lull, to slip into that dangerous facsimile of security. 
Pipe dreams. She wears her fatigue like its armour, wielding the brunt of her exhaustion like a shield. 
(Sleep often feels like a bad habit for people like her, like him.)
But like him, it waned slowly. 
The chips in her veneer cracked, split, and he saw the incipient filament start to seep in. Complacency. Comfort. 
A few months in, she stopped being so defensive when they invited her out for drinks, and when they talked about dinner parties, and birthday celebrations. Derision was still a heavy weight in her distant gaze, clutched in bleached knuckles like a claymore, when she looked at them, a touch incredulous. 
Joel understands the feeling. 
The itch in your guts, the discomfort in your chest. It festers, doesn't it? 
Children play close to the fences, making up games of tag, and hide and seek, as if those things with broken, pustulous faces weren't skulking within arm's reach just a breath away. 
This whole place is a vacuum. The interior is covered in thick molasses; stuck in stasis. They pretend that birthdays and holidays matter. Dance around the saloon at night with drinks in hand. Pale ale. Old booze. 
It's rigid in its structure: patrols that span the entirety of a day—from dusk to dusk in three shift increments—and daily checks of the fences, the gates. Trading with other communities. Rules. Regulations. 
It gives the idea of safety. Of security. 
(But the bruises on his hands and the gash in her side are proof that it's sometimes not enough.)
Slowly, though, as the days wore on and the fences stood proud and tall and secure, she softened. Tucked it away with a smile, and started saying, I'll think about it instead of clipped jerks of her chin, or nothing at all. 
Joel doesn't know if she ever really did think about it like she said she would. 
Broken promises carry a distinct sound. One he knows all too well. 
She never showed up despite the invitations. Never came to celebrate. 
She stood by the fence, and looked out, eyes wide, mouth flat. The coil in her shoulders, the tremble in her hands, reminded him of a trapped animal. Cornered, and tense. 
She'll bite someone eventually. 
(He just never expected it to be him.)
The tension didn't flee the crease of her eyes, but she tried to integrate herself into the fold, the community. Slowly. Slowly. 
He took stock of her in the same measure he does everyone new who wanders in. Assessing. Watching. Cautious. 
He could tell right away that she was a wildcard. A lit match slowly burning down the wick in a sea of gasoline.
Pretty, he finds, despite himself. Drawn in by her allure; a coruscating light in the middle of endless, unfathomable grey. 
He catches sight of the weathered face that blinks back at him from the frosted windows, hazy and thick with condensation that make the grey in his hair, his beard, look startlingly whiter than it was ten seconds ago. It's a jarring reminder of who he is. What he's done. 
It's not insecurity that keeps him from seeking her out, but self-preservation. Some people, he finds, just have this magnetism about them. A beacon. A light. A gravitational pull that drags you closer and closer. 
And hers is purely primal. Animalistic. She smells of sex and sin and makes him think of object permanence when everything around him had been clouded in the sharp shade of ephemeral grey. 
She's a fractured mirror. Medusa in the making. 
Joel's always avoided broken glass. 
(Ladders. Black cats. Cracks in the pavement. Pretty girls who swallow everything like a black hole—)
Too sweet, he finds. Forbidden fruit. Tart, ripe, and sugar dipped. 
(He never had much of a sweet tooth, anyway.)
Through his observations—necessary, he tells Tommy when he catches the way Joel's gaze follows her around when she moves; limbs ballerina lithe, swan songs after dark: just because we let them in, doesn't mean we can trust them—he finds out everything he needs to know. 
A rusted sign on the side of the road says, stay away. Danger in dulcet. Soft and sweet. A perfunctory bow in battle before the deadly blows come. 
He oscillates between finding her both too soft and too hard, and it's the unknown that makes him wary. 
She's a caged animal. Everyone is just kidding themselves if they think she's domesticated. 
Somewhere in the throng of people milling about, drinking and dancing like the world wasn't in shambles, she finds his gaze, matches his stare. 
Most people looked away. 
But she's not most people, is she? 
No, she's dangerous. Pretty in a way that's entirely too ethereal for the broken remnants of what remains. Left behind. Mouldering until death claims its victims. Until the spores released from the earth itself burrow in the rucked lines of your head, sprouting up like flowering buds. 
She makes men want. 
And while the pickings might have been slim, Joel knows there are several (and maybe a little more) above him in terms of desirability. He's older. Gruff. Rough around the edges without any whim of changing, or scouring himself down so that his jagged pieces don't pop something as tender and sweet as her. 
He doesn't put himself in the same bracket. Despite Maria's insistence, Tommy's needling, he isn't a bachelor. 
Hasn't made himself available.
And he isn't. 
Not since Tess. Not since—
None of that matters. He's too old to think about romance, about skin and sex, and warmth. And more.
The thought of it all leaves something sour twisting in the gnarled rot of what remains inside his chest. 
Despite that, or maybe in spite of it, she comes to him. 
(Somehow. Somehow.)
She asks him to dance, and the breathy tone of her voice tastes like a lit cigarette; it plumes nicotine in the air. Second-hand smoke. A contact high. 
He finds it disarming when she laughs after he says no. Firm. Hard. Dismissive. 
Not in your lifetime, sweetheart. 
The unspoken stay away rang clearer than the echo of her laughter. 
And that was that. 
But she came back. 
("If not a dance, then how about a drink?"
"Wastin' your time, sweetheart."
She grins, then, soft and coy. "Not much else to do with it these days besides chatting up a handsome stranger."
He pretends she didn't make him choke on his drink, and eyes her warily instead. Dangerous, he thinks. The type that just doesn't quit. One who is just small and malleable enough to slip inside the tiniest splinter.
Just like a raspberry, she'd rot fast. Festering. Clouded white and infectious. Worse, in many ways, than the parasites outside of the walls. 
"Just don't get your hopes up." He settles on after a moment, a lull, that makes her blood-red lips curl up like the curve of those stupid hearts dangling overhead. 
And hates that he doesn't really know if he's still just talking to her or the wandering eyes in his own skull when he says it.)
He doesn't know why she takes a liking to him of all people. Of all men. He might be out of touch with the reality they live in now, always on the fringes of waiting for things to buckle at the knee, and collapse into ash, but he isn't stupid. Oblivious. 
Joel sees the way she stares at him. Open, wanting. Curious. 
She shouldn't be. There's nothing in him—nothing left. His insides are polluted, gnarled. Ugly. A gurgling cesspit that doesn't know how to fix, only dissolve. Consume. He's acidic. Caustic. 
Bad for anyone's health. 
He can't keep anyone safe, and all he knows how to do anymore is push people away, and lie (and, lately, make Ellie so incensed with anger, she cuts him to the core and spills his choleric blood out onto the pavement where it hisses and sounds just like Tess). 
He's a patchwork mess of a man sewn together with a churlish hand. The broken pieces are borrowed and maligned, but they sometimes feel like they fit when he shifts, and spits enough contempt to keep everyone else from getting too close, and—
It's enough. 
(He likes it that way.)
But she—
His hands grip her tight sometimes—too tight—and the stains he leaves on her skin set his teeth on edge. It's too much like ownership. Possession. 
(And he finds the colour that blooms on her flesh to be too fucking pretty to ever sit comfortably in the gnarled pit of his guts.)
"Don't worry, Joel," she whispers when she catches him staring at the marks he left behind. Dark and ugly. Contrition tastes of old nickels. "You won't break me that easily." 
It's a bad decision. 
But he was never known for his good choices, and when she fluttered her eyes at him, hand pressed to his chest like she were allowed to touch him, he crumbled. 
She didn't give him much of a choice to fight back when all she asked for nothing but the warmth of his skin, and the taste of him on her tongue. 
Pleasures of the flesh. It's easy. Simple. He fucks her behind the saloon, rough and dirty, and swallows the sounds she makes against the brick like they're just for him. He takes her home, and knows that when he's nestled between her thighs, it's as close to heaven as a man like him will ever get. 
And then—it's over. She leaves. He pretends to sleep. 
Rinse. Repeat.
It carries on this way for nearly two years. Distant, cold. He can't remember the last time he had anyone warm his bed, but it takes the edge off, the stress and pain of Ellie's distance, her mistrust, and hatred, and she asks for nothing. 
She lets him grab her when he wants. Lets him bend her body into whichever shape suits him best, and says nothing about the fingerprints that he leaves behind, the astringent tang of rot when she slides out of his bed, his hands, and out the door. 
He lays back, the same hand he used to grip the back of her neck when he fucked her into the mattress now resting under his head, and he pretends doesn't feel colder now than he did before. 
There is no promise of forever. There's no promise of exclusivity, or monogamy, but he knows that she hasn't fucked anyone else since she got here, that those pretty thighs only ever parted for him, and he's too worn down to entice anyone else who wasn't looking for a sleazy fuck against a tree into his bed, anyway. 
Complacency begets comfort, security, wants.
They settle down in their borrowed homes, in their borrowed beds, and think about making the most of their borrowed time.
In that, they yearn. Family. Togetherness. Everything they had before they tried to drag into the now. Forcing a square through a round hole. A mismatched puzzle piece into the slot it wasn't made for.
Sometimes, they get lucky and it slips through. It distorts itself into something different, and new, just to fit through the preconstructed crack.
Joel doesn't think about then. He thinks about now. A broken world no closer to resolution, absolution, than it was thirteen, fourteen years ago. There is no roseate veil over his eyes; everyone else can see it. 
He isn't the type of man someone brings home. The one you push and push until he fits through the front door, and back into normalcy. Stagnancy. 
And she's not the type of woman who'd ever try. 
He likes that about her.
Poisoned candy apple. Pretty on the outside and rotted within. 
There is no future outside of the way he fits inside of her, and this is as permanent as the blemishes he leaves on her pretty skin. 
Then he dreams, and it's of her.
Lifeless, blue. The way her head splits open is beautiful in that macabre sort of way horrible things sometimes are. Flowers burst behind her eyes, petals budding out of the hollowed space that once made his chest stutter when the sun caught the crevasse of black that split from her pupil and bled into her iris. A small stream of ink. 
The canyons of gradient colours are now filled with blooms of enoki. Red amanita curls out from her ears. 
Where he once laid his palm over her chest is now a gaping hole flowering with a pulsing mass of candlesnuff and staghorn. 
Death cap where her heart once beat. 
Beautiful, he thinks, even as he howls her name.
He wakes up drenched in a cold sweat, and the curve of her name heavy on his tongue. His knuckles pop when he fists the damp sheets between his trembling fingers, but the ache feels good. The sting reminds him he's alive. Whole. 
He's awake, but the nightmare doesn't end. The sight of her body lingers in the back of his head when he strums his guitar and plays a song for the demons within. He thinks of her when he forks over the expired box of condoms he found on a run, and listens to Jesse ramble about how Ellie is doing in exchange for the loot. 
It's her he sees. 
She blinks at him, eyes that same shade that sometimes makes his breath hiss between his teeth, and then her crown caves in. Forehead splits down the middle. One half stands where it was as the other falls over on her shoulder. 
Fractals spill from the plumule that was once her brain stem until the two halves are bleached white like dead corals on a ruined reef. 
The flowering toadstool quivers. What was once her—wit, charm; that uncanny ability to make him feel like the ground beneath his feet was crumbling—is a mass of spores. Polluted. Rotted. 
Where she once stood is a puppet. Dead. Gone. 
Her head tips. Ink spills from the putrefying blood vessels, congealing in the air. It spools into a circle. A black hole. 
He lifts the gun, and feels nothing at all. 
Everything he could have felt, feels, is syphoned into the needlepoint of no return, the place where she once looked at him, and said, I don't want anything from you, Joel. I just want you.
He wakes before he can see the aftermath of pulling the trigger. 
A fluke, maybe. But it happens each night after that. 
He knows, then, that there's no turning back. 
Permanence doesn't belong in this borrowed home, but she somehow drags it through the foyer and into his bed, anyway. 
She stayed over last night. 
Joel doesn't think he tried to let go when he collapsed into the bed beside her, arms woven around her sweat-slicked back, locked tight like a pair of shackles that mean about as much as a prison or the law these days.
It was cold. Late. He didn't want her to walk back in the snow all alone. 
That's all. 
But Joel isn't a gentleman, and despite how much he wishes he wasn't, he's egregiously self-aware. 
He knows he's in trouble when it just makes sense to keep her close. When it's easier to have her within arm's reach than it is to meet at the front door, and let her in. 
(When he sleeps better if he can feel her burning skin on his.)
"You're thinking too much," she gasps, eyes lidded and heavy. Drinking him in. 
Joel doesn't know what a pretty thing like her sees in a man like him. 
He can't offer her anything except the cold comfort of a warm body, but even that is null. He knows there are younger men prowling outside her door, just itching for an opportunity to make her look their way. 
(She never does.)
"Yeah," he rasps, the word sticking to his teeth. "Never been much of a thinker."
"Really? Ain't that a surprise."
His hand slips from her hip, palm swatting at the soft flesh of her ass. The sting makes her tighten around him like a vice. 
"Watch your mouth."
The way she gasps his name, breathy and aching, makes him stifle a groan between clenched teeth, her voice rolling over him like warm sea breeze. 
She's a lot, he thinks, and yet—she asks for nothing. 
(Nothing but him. One of the things he can't give her. Won't.)
Her nails press into his damp chest, catching on the smoked dusted patch of coarse charcoal hair. Bracing herself against the swell of his ribs, and slowly rocked back into him, taking him deeper and deeper into her soaked, tight cunt. 
The pulse in his neck throbs out of his skin, a tick she likes to press the flat of her tongue against and drink up the briny droplets of his sweat. He can see the want in her eyes when he catches her staring at the column of his throat, the way she bites her lip like it's a substitute for how badly she wants to sink those same teeth into his flesh. Mark him as her own. 
Possession. Ownership. 
Sometimes, he catches the glossy, rotund image of himself in the inky puddles of her pupils, blown wide with feverish desire, and he can see the same expression, the mien, captured in her startling hue. 
Mutual want. 
It's easier to give in sometimes. To let go. 
He can't, though, and selfishly, he knows she'll never ask. She will bite your lip, the inside of her cheeks, and your tongue until it's raw and bloody before she lets the words slip through the gap of her teeth. 
(He feels the rough, chewed ridges on velveteen flesh when he rolls his tongue between her ivory teeth, swiping over the insides of her cheeks; broken skin split and metallic—a testament to her own selfless desires.
He tastes it on his tongue long after she's gone. Wet pennies. Dandelion sour.)
It knots inside of him. She'd ruin herself before she asked him for more. 
Maybe somewhere in his avoidance, his distance, she knows he's ruining himself by just giving her this much. Nothing, and yet—
Everything to him. 
An impasse, then. Uncrossable when he's already two feet out the door. 
"I know, sweetheart," he murmurs, low. Rucked gravel. Falling rocks. It jars him how easily he responds to her. She says his name, and he'll drop anything in his hands to get to her quickly enough. "I know." 
The wound on her side pulls taut when she moves. It draws his eye like a beacon. Makes him grind his teeth together until it sparks pain down his jaw, the enamel sawed to the raw nerve. 
His hand slides over her molten flesh, trailing over the soft curve of her waist, until his thumb brushes the seam that keeps her insides from spilling out. The swollen, bruised skin is warmer than the rest of her body. Glossy where it tugs against the black threads keeping her whole. 
Joel didn't go with her on this particular trade. She went with some new kid they'd picked up, all varsity grins and clean hands. He seemed so damned eager to get her attention in the pub. Her age, too. 
Made a pretty couple, Ron said. Fucking loud mouth Ron. 
He was supposed to go, but when the kid caught him in the corner, nursing a beer that sat in his guts like a stomach ache, and said, hey, man, can I take your spot? he didn't know how he was supposed to say no and still cling to the degrees of separation he wedged between himself and the world. 
So, he raised his mug to his mouth, and forced himself to drink, to nod. 
Knock yourself out. 
The flash of sadness that flickered over her face meant nothing at all—nothing—but he felt something churn inside of his rotted guts. Atrophy, he thinks. He isn't meant for this. Doesn't want it. Need it. 
She's a bigger liability the closer she gets. A slow-moving black hole consuming all of the counterscarps he dug until nothing is left but crossable rubble. 
It's better, then, to cut it at the root before it infects the rest. 
So, he does. 
Maybe, he expected something different. For her to call this thing what it was, and then demand more of him, yell and scream and beg for the things he wouldn't give her—if only so he could break her heart into pieces, and force her to let go. To stop. 
Force himself to do the same. 
But she doesn't 
It's a quiet acquiesce; a little more than a nod, and a grim line of her pretty mouth. Okay, it says. If that's what you want. 
And that's what she always says, isn't it? If that's what you want, Joel. Whatever you say, Joel. Sure, Joel. Okay, Joel. 
A spitfire in ochre. A bright lighthouse in the middle of the grey sea. 
(The only person she dims for is him.)
Joel doesn't see her off. Doesn't say be careful or come back safe because words like those don't fit between his teeth. They aren't meant for the nothing between them. The chasm of everything she can't pry from his gnarled fingers. 
She leaves with him. 
He drinks alone. 
Despite whatever nonsense Tommy says, spouted over rationed potatoes and deer meat stew, he isn't sulking. 
"Let your girl go out alone? Unlike you, brother."
The way the words sat in his chest felt like an anvil. 
"Ain't my girl," he muttered. He wanted to be angry but all he felt was numbness. "Ain't my anything."
It's Maria who gets under his skin when she scoffs.
"Joel Miller, you're the biggest dumbass I ever met, save for your damned brother. Gonna push a good thing away and die alone." 
"No one asked you." 
Maria tries to fill in the blanks of something that doesn't exist. 
It peels back the gossamer from his eyes, and he sees, then, the way they skirt around him and her like it's something. As if his name is permanently attached to hers. 
He pretends he doesn't feel the burn in Maria's glare when he doesn't see her off at the gate.
It doesn't matter. It doesn't. 
He isn't there when she comes back, and hates, even more, that he feels something prickle inside his chest when Maria catches him near the stables, and says, I expected more from you, Joel.
It doesn't feel good when he bites back, that's your problem, Maria. Shouldn't have gotten your hopes up. 
Joel lives in his vindication, in his pettily forced indifference. She hasn't come to see him, anyway, and he's sure that she and Varsity jacket are meeting at the pub for that date he'll never give her. 
Doesn't matter, he thinks. And then, if only to burn himself in the flames, he adds: better this way. 
She'll know when he's not there. She's smart like that. Know him in ways he doesn't think anyone else ever could. Ever wanted to. 
(He hates it, and her, sometimes, for it.)
She'll understand. She might corner him one day with that dry ire dripping from the corners of her mouth, patronising and grim, and she'll do what she does best when she strips him bare and leaves him to rot. 
Her eyes are cobra pits. Her teeth leak venom. 
But she won't push. 
It'll simmer out when she blinks, knowing that this is it, and she'll say: okay, Joel. 
He braces for it—hates that has to because that means something, something he isn't ready to acknowledge—and—
And it's all moot. 
She never shows up at the gate. 
It punctures something in his lungs when Tommy looks up at him, face ashen and worried, and says: "she didn't come back. They didn't come back."
It takes an hour to find her, left for dead and beaten within an inch of her life by the side of the road. A wound in her side—a gaping hole he swears he can see through. Milky bones poke through, drenched in red, and—
His heart doesn't stop, but a piece of it breaks off and lodges itself in his throat. He can't swallow. Can't breathe.
Something curls out from the moon-white line of her rib. 
A bud, he thinks. Distant. Warbled. A saprophyte. 
He has the image of her in his head. The same one he sees when he closes his eyes and falls into a fitful sleep. 
Beautiful even as the cordyceps split her skull into blooming monkshood in hideous grey and plum. Pale and lifeless; a marionette on toadstool strings. A puppet in fluorescence. 
Tommy's hand reaches down, fingers curling around the sprout. 
Don't— not Tommy, too—
He pulls back, and Joel catches the tremble in his joints, the whites of his knuckles, when he spreads his fingers. 
In the palm of his hand sits a leaf. 
A leaf. 
The bark that leaves his chest tears right through the clot in his throat. Rips him open from the inside out. 
"A fucking leaf—"
He carries her back, and doesn't let go until the doctor is there, urging him out of the room. 
"You'll get in the way." 
He sees the looks they give him when he passes, but Joel never cared what people think. 
Doesn't plan on starting now, either. 
He's on the wrong side of fifty, and has more blood on his hands than the looted bars of soap could ever scour clean. He knows who he is, and maybe, maybe, knows what he wants, and Ron's loud mouth never meant much to him, anyway. 
Joel gets a name when she's sleeping after surgery—lucky, he overhears, got there in the knick of time, any later and—and brings nothing with him when he leaves. He won't need it. Doesn't want it.
He finds them chatting over an open fire, and beats them to death with nothing but his bare hands. 
He doesn't burn them. Doesn't bury them. 
When he's finished, covered in blood and aching, and satisfied, he drives an ice pick through their skulls (the same thing, he finds, that caused the hole in her side), and leaves them to rot. 
They say nothing about the blood on his shirt, or the broken, mangled fingers of his hand. He's content to leave them. To feel the agony as his broken bones split through cracked skin.
(He thinks of her—broken, blue—and clenches his hands so tight, the pain makes him blackout.)
He only lets Maria patch him up when she hisses about infection, and blood poisoning. 
Says nothing at all about what he'd done, where he'd gone. 
She doesn't ask. 
When she's finished, she says: "woke up yesterday."
He knows. Still: "that right?" 
"Gonna go see her?"
"Don't need me crowding around her bed."
"Maybe she, for some reason, wants to see your ugly mug."
"She tell you that?" 
"Didn't ask about you, if that's what you're asking." She snorts. Shakes her head. "Both a'you are really perfect for each other, you know?"
"We ain't." 
Her brow raises. Something prickles across her expression. "Huh."
"Nothing," she shakes her head with a small smirk. "Just… didn't know you knew the word we, is all." 
"We done here?"
He doesn't go to her. 
Stubborn as an ox, she comes to him. 
She says nothing about the bandages on his black and blue hands. Nothing about the way he can't make a fist through all the swelling. Her hands are soft, and warm, when they wrap around his. Small, delicate. A baby deer cupping the paws of a grizzly bear. 
His eyes flash with something that tastes of the same rotten satisfaction he felt gnarled inside of his chest when the man who left her for dead on the side of a road wheezed as Joel broke his nose, and then battered the broken bulb into a messy, mushy pulp. 
He didn't stop until grey matter leaked through the holes. 
She knows what he did. He feels it in the way she stares at the black, swollen mess of his fingers. Bones broke on teeth, on a fractured skull. 
He doesn't regret it. He doesn't even think he enjoyed it much, really. 
It had to be done. Had to. 
They took a life. Varsity Jack, she tells him. Stabbed in the heart when he tried to defend her with the same ice pick that ripped through her flesh. 
Her tone is flat. Empty. 
He sees bruises on her knuckles, those little fists were her only defence against them, and the red welt on the man's face makes sense now. 
He feels proud. 
She's not broken—battered, beaten, torn to pieces—but she still stands, whole, intact. Resilient. Strong. 
(A survivalist. The only time she ever alluded to more was to tell him that he was worrying for nothing. That, above all, she would survive. Outlive him, even.
"What are you so afraid of, old man?" A cheeky wink. Her tongue dips out, and touches the upper corner of her lip. "I'm gonna outlive you, anyway."
God, he thought, he really hopes she fucking does.)
It doesn't surprise him to see her eyes cloud with anger, arsenic white, when she brings his hands to her lips, pressing a soft kiss to his knuckles. Anyone else might have asked why. Said thank you, even. 
She just murmurs, "I hope they suffered." 
Saccharine sweet. 
Rotten to the core. 
He saw the same shade of calamity in her eyes when she wandered in, grim and distant, as the one that stared back at him in the mirror. Her complicity in this doesn't surprise him. If anything, he wonders if she's angry he left nothing behind for her. 
The thought makes his lips quirk in a needle of something he hasn't felt in a long time. 
"They did."
The words are uttered like a promise. His busted pinky twitches, and it makes her smile. A bloom of petal pink flowering across her face. Soft and tender. The swell of a sea mark burgeoning out in the gloom of grey. 
And all for him.
Joel pulled her in close. Closer still. 
(Too close, maybe, because now he doesn't know how he'll sleep without her by his side)
His thumb slips over the tumid skin poking out from tight, black sutures. The threads are the only thing keeping her together. 
Beneath it is a bruise. Black. The tip of his thumb presses against the cresting peak. Knuckle to skin, it's a perfect fit. 
(In all the same ways he and she aren't.)
"I'm okay, Joel," she whispers, and the thick, dulcified tone of her voice shakes him from the labyrinth of his mind. 
His grief, sorrow, the ones that he tries to shove into a box marked apathy, are worn in the crevasses that line his weathered face. Deep canyons make him look ages older than he is. He wonders if she can see them. If she can peel the divots back and uncover the festering sickness, the rot, that sits in the folds. 
It's his own fault, he thinks, for stuffing his grief in the same place he keeps his worry. 
"Yeah," he intones, and he isn't sure if he's speaking to her, himself, or a god he hasn't spoken to since he was eighteen and Sarah got sick for the first time. Maybe everyone, all of them, all at once.
It makes her huff. "Am I losing you already, old man?"
"Ain't that old," he bites back, hips lifting when she slides down. It makes him nudge something that has her eyes fluttering, mouth dropping, slack. Her nails catch skin when they rake over his chest. 
Sex has always been an outlet. A comfort. It blankets that part of his head that never quiets—failures, failings—and offers a respite from it all. Her weight on his hips, chest, thighs doesn't dull it all but buffers it. 
White noise in his ears when her nails rake over his skin. The scent of her clings in the air around them—sex, kerosene, cinder, ash: the scent of a wet forest after a wildfire scorched the earth—and clots out the fetor of decay, of mildew, and moss, the earthy tang that reminds them of death. Of them. 
It's a distraction. Distance in skin, sweat, and heat. 
It's just sex, just—
"God, Joel," she gasps loud, sharp, when he pitches his hips into her, blunt and unforgiving, and hits deep. Carves out the shape of him in her soft, fluttering flesh, and tries not to get lost in the thick scent of her. 
It dusts over everything until he still smells her even when she isn't here. 
Temporary made permanent. 
It's the very thing he runs from finally catching up. He feels the graze of fingers ghosting over the nape of his neck when he looks at her, poised and centred above him. Aphrodite in flesh and bone. Her fingers prickle his skin with their sharp tips, and the indents left behind are soothed over when she gasps his name like it's something special. Meaningful. An orison murmured in the quiet box of a confessional booth. 
The curtain rustles. 
"Yeah," he grunts, low and filthy; the noise sticks in the back of his throat when he feels her tighten up around him. A little apple-sized fist of pleasure. He flexes his thighs, hands grasping her tight, and knows he's going to keep her here again tonight. "Fuck, sweetheart—"
The way she moves is liquid. Mercury. He watches, eagle-eyed and enraptured, as she squares her shoulders, and takes him to the root. The base. 
Her presence in his life atrophied his defences until they lay scattered on the sheets that reek of her. In the folds of his pillow where he rests his head at night. The featherlight wood of his guitar when she leans over his shoulder, and says, play me another one, Joel. 
He's a dog without an owner. A stray mutt on the outskirts of town, wandering through the city in search of sustenance. 
She's the one who keeps feeding him. Lays out a dish just for him, and scratches her nails behind his ears until the curl of his lips subsides. A slow broiled trust. He stops showing her his canines, his claws, when she shows him the vulnerable curve of her neck, and lets him mark her skin with his touch. 
Joel will mourn her the same way he does everyone else—achingly empty, and tearless—but he thinks, now, that he might think of her once, and then never again. He's selfish. Always has been. 
(Can't afford not to be when she looks better bearing his mark. When he sleeps easier with her breath in his ear.)
Just sex. The words are weak in the back of his head, and he feels the shaky resolve begin to crumble, chossy wobbling under unsteady feet, when her head falls back in a mockery of prayer, the utterance of his name heavier than the sins on his shoulders. Just sex. Just—
The grille falls, and shatters into smelted pig iron at their feet.
—it's just her, him, and the beats in between. A slow simmer of sex to something more. Something he isn't quite ready for, yet knows he can't let go of. Won't. Not now, not ever. He won't give her anything, nothing but the touch of his hands, and the weight of his body, but it's juxtaposed to the worry heavy in his chest, the anger still lacing the broken bones in his fingers when his thumb brushes the curve of her wound. 
It splits in her ardour. The bottom scab tugged too much, lifting from broken flesh. 
Ichor pebbles on the seam. It pools an angry merlot against the indigo scab, but when it slides down her flesh, it's Phlegethon red. 
His thumb catches it. It's warm, and sticky. He smears it over her quivering belly, and fights the urge to try and lick it clean. Knows, somehow, it would taste of Lethe. 
Joel's teeth ache when he grinds them together, tongue lashing across the ivory seal. He's thinking too much—abstracts, concretes; they blur together in a cacophony of want, take, run, hide—
"It's okay," she says again, as if all his secrets laid bare. As if the talons digging into his flesh somehow tapped a vein, an artery, that leads directly to his stem, and she's syphoning the thoughts in his head with the same ease that she steals the breath from his lungs. "It's okay, Joel. It's—"
She doesn't finish. Her words are shorn, bitten at the grain when he reaches up, holding her around the waist, and brutally fucks into her weeping cunt with the finesse of a starving man invited to a feast fit for a King. 
It jostles her. Breasts swaying, head bobbing back and forth as he nearly lifts her off the bed with the force of his thrusts. 
The brutality of it screams one shrill echo of it isn't. None of this is okay. None of it. 
She's chiselling him open until he's a raw wound exposed to the unforgiving air. Until he bleeds and thinks of her. Until the only sound that drowns out the terror raking across his synapses is her voice when she murmurs his name. 
"We're fine, Joel—," it carries the flavour of axiom. Aphorism when she says: "we'll be okay."
She trembles over him, muscles straining to keep up. This isn't her taking; despite being perched above him like a queen astride her throne, she gives. Lowers herself the way he likes. Circles her hips until he sees white behind his eyelids. 
The weight of her feels like an anvil. The heat is enough to liquefy his bones. 
"Keep goin'," he rasps the words out—a strange limbo of being both an encouragement and a demand. It lacks the bite it had before, when he'd bend her over and fuck her until he was satisfied, until the howling in his head, and the ache in his bones was eased with the soporific gossamer only sex could give him. "Just like that, pretty thing—"
It's a slip. An accident. 
Her rhythm stutters. Her ribs expand wide under his palms; ballooning up so much he wonders if she's trying to burst them at the seams or float away. Irrational, of course. Sex makes him stupid. Makes him hungry and needy, and has him feeling like he's almost, almost human, and—
He holds on a little tighter. 
Pretty thing. Her lips form the words in a soundless exhale. Pretty thing. She's used to him calling her all sorts of sobriquets smeared in a palpable stroke of derision. It's not contemptuous, but he makes his mockery of it clear with the flout in his tone. Sarcastic, caustic. 
Sure thing, beautiful. If that's what you want, sweetheart. Go on then, gorgeous. 
She always wore the same sour twist to her lips, the exaggerated eye roll. The heavy huff. 
It was never flirtatious, never complimentary. 
This—pretty thing—is the softest he'd ever regarded her. 
He watches her throat bob when she swallows, eyes tracing the nervous flutter as she struggles to grasp the concurrency of his words, the way he said them. Their meaning. It flickers through those depths that threaten consumption whenever they dust over the length of him. Thinking. Thinking. 
They were always abstract, but his words are concrete, and she isn't sure how to carry the heavy cinder he drops on her. Her fingers are used to the ephemeral weight of his scorn; the delineation of distance—unspoken but unignorable. Unequivocal in its separation. 
"Wow," she breathes, tremulous. She grasps at normalcy but he can see how much those two words have rattled her. She swallows again. Eyes narrowing. Viper pits. "Getting soft in your old age, huh?"
Joel isn't ready to acquiesce. 
He pitches his hips up, letting her feel the solid length of him—blunt, burning iron—and feels his chest flutter when she whines, head dropping back as he bludgeons into her core. 
"Fuck, Joel—"
He isn't soft. Isn't malleable. He's made of carbonised grief, anguish, despair. Reinforced with volcanic clinkers running rivets of apoplectic fury. 
He isn't soft. Isn't what she deserves, or needs, or should even want—
But the way she says his name is pyrolysing. 
Cinder. Soot. Ash. 
He spent so much time holding firm against the walls to keep her out, he never bothered to filter the air he breathed. She clots in his lungs. The scent of her builds. A mass forms. Metastasises inside of him. 
Her hands fall there, palms drawn to the steady thump of his beating heart. It drums under her skin, a stuttering rhythm that makes her own chest swell with her shaky inhale. 
His slide, rough skin scraping over her soft flesh. She burns hotter than the acorn stove in the corner of the room, and he feels the heat simmering in his veins. Scents the sulphur and volcanic ash in the air when she leans down, bending at the elbows to press her lips against his. It's chaste, as far as their usual kisses go. Biting and vitriolic. As if being sweet, tender, was forbidden. 
Maybe it was. He doesn't know what he'd have done if she kissed him like this back then. Honeyed rich, and molasses slow. It tastes like smoke but reminds him of the rock candy he'd make at home with Tommy when he was young. 
She moans into his mouth when his hands slip around her waist, her thigh. He holds her steady, and rocks up into her to the same tremulous beat as her clumsy, fragile kisses. The vibrations buzz on his bruised lips, and the tingle of her voice washing over him makes his cock twitch inside of her. 
The press of him, unyielding and firm, against her soft, soft walls makes him grunt. Another noise pulled into the cacophony of them. It's lower than anything he's ever made before. New. Novice. 
Fucking her now feels marginally different than it had only yesterday. It's raw. Vulnerable. 
He thinks of a slow burn. A candle wick. 
Wonders, then, if she feels it, too. This rawness that sits in his thundering chest; a scraped-out, hollow feeling that draws in more and more of her until the crater is filled with the essence of her sweat, the heavy breaths she tries to stifle in her throat to keep kissing him like she'll never get the chance to again. 
And that must be it. 
This isn't what he normally gives her—bruises and bites, beard burns over the delicate softness of her flesh; he leaves her kiss-bruised and drunk off of the taste of him, malt-heavy and whisky sour. 
Intimacy is saved for moments when she cums around him, tightening up like a strung bow in his archer's hold; when she squeezes herself into the nook of his shoulder, whimpering as he fucks her through her high, and chases his release in the spasming clutch of her willing body. When he cums, painting her stomach, her thighs, her ass, with the stain of his spend, the only physical proof he'd been inside of her, and smears the wet mixture of them on her heated flesh, still buzzing with the aftershocks of her orgasmic haze. 
It's reserved for the microcosm carved from their shared release, drenched in the glow of the chemical slurry that saturates their brains, releasing endorphins until they feel nothing but the buzz of each other. Skin to sweaty skin. Each breath a gasp. 
He lets her linger in these soft moments. This singular dissonance sits incongruously with everything else between them. But then she shifts. The microcosm that filmed around them bursts. 
She slips away after he does, slowly leaning over to pull on her discarded clothes, and wipe the stain of him from her body. 
His fingers itch for a cigarette when he watches her through lidded eyes as she stumbles around on fawn legs. 
She always hesitates for a moment. Joel often wonders if she's waiting for him to ask her to stay. 
He never does. She leaves. 
(Rinse. Repeat.)
But now—
"Easy, now," he murmurs, tongue slipping through the gap of her teeth to chase her taste. "Don't rush this, sweetheart."
Everything about this is unlike him, and she moans her disquietude into the scant space between them, brow knotting together when her stitches pull, and he leaves a bloodied trail across her waist, knuckles split and bleeding anew. 
They're both bloodied, he finds. Drenched in each other's sweat, spittle, and blood. 
It makes dizzy. Makes his fingers dig into her flesh, holding her closer to his heaving chest as he takes. His hips raise off the bed—a clumsy slant into her welcoming sex, and he feels her shudder when he hits deep, cock nudging that soft place inside of her that always makes her forehead crease. 
He can't see it when she leans down, peppering wet kisses across his grey beard, and painting hard through her nose when he presses the flat of his palm against the base of her spine and fucks into her with sharp, unrhythmical thrusts. 
"That's it, take it just like that—," he grinds the words off, and tastes the condescension in his tone. 
In response, she bites down on his pulse point. 
Another break in the routine. The rules lay scattered around them, smouldering embers of this incipient beginning to something neither of them is ready for. 
Her hands wiggle out from between their chests, bringing them closer together than before, and when she tangles her fingers in the damp curls behind his ears, he swears he can feel her heartbeat echoing through his ribs. 
He spears himself into her faster, seeking that place he knows will make her melt—
"Joel, oh—ah, fuck—"
—and once found, he cruelly angles the head of his cock into it, rasping out words of patronisation into her ear. 
Good girl, he says, and groans when her cunt tightens around him like a nautical bow. Taking me so good. Gonna cum for me? Gonna cum around my cock—
He can feel his release brimming up like a fever in his veins. White-hot and arctic cold. It sets his nerves on fire, and the pressure of her around him makes him see pure white. 
He thinks of church on Sundays when she chants his name like a hymnal—Joel, Joel, Joel—and finds nirvana when she sinks her teeth deeper into his flesh, unmarked and unclaimed until now. He'll have the perfect impression of her teeth embedded in his skin, and thought alone makes that gnarled spool inside of him loosen. 
Joel is taken by surprise when she cums—voice a shaky, shrill howl of his name, and the sound of it, the blood that stains his beard when she turns, baring her teeth and pressing them flat to his jaw, makes him grunt. It's raw. An oozing wound.
She flutters around him like the beat that echoes through his bones, and feels a hunger inside of him grow. 
The uncoiled knot inside of him rears, once dormant and dead to the world, now gnashing its jowls at the hands that prodded it from its slumber. Rapacious. A black hole when it yawns. 
The town knows she's his. Has since she sidled up to him, all soft smiles and viper eyes, and asked him to dance, for a drink, and what's a handsome man like you doing in a place like this? Got anyone I should worry about, Joel? Wanna dance? Wanna fuck—
And they know, now, that he's hers when he carries her in his arms, and knocked his forearm into the necks of anyone who tried to pry her from his clutch. 
They know. They know, but it's not enough. 
He wants to mark her, stain her. Leave her with the permanent smear of him on her pretty skin. 
This wasn't supposed to happen, but the keen awareness comes much too late. 
He fucks the frustration into the tight clutch of her willing, forgiving, body, and tries not to come apart at the seams when she mewls his name like he's just as much of a burden to her as she is to him. Bankrupt. Bereft of the walls and the rationale that kept him lightyears away from everyone else around him (until Ellie, the hospital—this place that reeks of stagnancy and burrowed into his marrow), he crumbles in her hold once more. 
His release hits him like a sucker punch to his gut, and the force of it makes him ache.
He doesn't pull out like he always, always, does despite the contraceptive she has, and spilling inside of her spasming cunt feels too much like heaven for him not to come apart at the seams. For him not to shatter into pieces when she pulls him closer, and murmurs, that's it, Joel. That's it—cum for me. Just let go, I got you—
And for the first time in a long time, he does.
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It's an awkward assemblage of limbs that don't fit together, bodies that are too incompatible, but he tugs her down onto the mattress beside him, and makes it work. She rests the flat of her palm over his sweat-slicked chest, nails raking through the dusted grey smatter of hair on his chest. The inside of her thigh is wet with him, with her, them, when she slides it over his hip. 
Her head rests on soft tissue where his arm and shoulder meet, ear nestled into his armpit. His arm around her back, fingers resting on the curve of her elbow. It's then, when he finds his thumb brushing small circles into her dewy skin, that he realises what this is. 
Cuddling, he thinks, a touch derisively, in the apocalypse.
It was never a burning release, the aftermath of that intoxicating chemical bath of endorphins, oxytocin, and then a quick until next time. 
Being trade partners for most of the scheduled shifts—his brutality, and her knowledge of survival made them a perfect match outside of this clumsy moment of intimacy—meant that she often stayed for a few hours afterwards discussing plans, and who to barter with next or the places they haven't yet scavenged. Lying naked beside each other, shoulders sometimes brushing as they spoke—that was the extent of their post-sex ritual. 
This, he knows, is new. Different. 
It has the same cadence as last night when his massive hand swallowed her wrist in his palm, and he said, just sleep here, but it's a syncopation. Lighter, somehow, than the gruff way he demanded her company, the brutal divot between his brow. 
She moves, slow and languid, and for a moment he thinks about letting her leave. Repairing the chasm that crumbled between them into heaps of broken ruination and anguish, her hand brushes his when she pulls away, and he knows he won't. 
For such a massive presence, she's surprisingly small in his grasp. The bump of her wrist bone fits snug against the broken, swollen knuckle of his middle finger when he folds his hand around hers. 
The hitch in her breath, the rapid flutter of her pulse beating against his too rough, too worn palm are the only measure of her hesitation, her confusion. 
They're not themselves in this moment. 
The moor around him collapses. A sinkhole forms. 
He clings to her and drags her under with him.
The words won't form on his lips. His throat is bereft of what he feels in his marrow, unable to utter them aloud, to make them real. As if speaking his burgeoning desires is somehow worse than a death sentence. 
Wanting in this world is dangerous, and ruinous, but when Joel sees the dawning realisation buoying to the surface in those unfathomable black holes, he knows there's nothing more worrisome, more deadly, to him than her insatiable appetite. Her desire for more. 
And just him. 
Something in her gaze splinters. Cracks. Her shoulder slump in something that tastes of the same defeat that taints the pinch in his brow. 
"You are getting softer, Joel Miller," she takes a stab at a joke but her hands shake too much for it to land properly. "Who'd have thought all it would take is old age and mortality—"
"Shut up," he grumbles, and fights the thrum of satisfaction that spumes in his veins when she lays back down beside him. "Didn't hear you complainin' this much five minutes ago."
"Yeah, well—" her hands settle on his chest, fingers carting through the damp, matted hair. "There's a reason I'm always on top, you know. Worried you might throw your back out." 
"You say that like I haven't already." 
Her chin scraps over the soft flesh where his bicep meets the curve of his shoulder, eyes bright in the morning sun that smears rays of ochre across the bridge of her nose.
She's pretty, he thinks, and feels that same gnawing in his guts, that same hunger, when she dips, and presses a kiss to his skin. 
"Poor baby," she coos, brows drawing together in mock sympathy. "I can't believe a little missionary ruined you so badly. Guess I should take better care of the elderly."
"Wasn't the missionary," he huffs. Her skin is soft, tacky, when he runs his fingers over her shoulder. "It was carrying your heavy ass home."
"Did my heavy ass snap your hips, too—"
"Christ," he bites out, but it lacks any heat. "You just never shut up, do you?" 
He hears the click in her throat when she swallows. 
"Guess you'll just have to shut me up, won't you, old—"
He presses his lips to hers, and steals the goading words from her quivering mouth. 
"Call me an old man again, and I'll spank your ass, little girl."
The condescending tone is thick, but where he expects her indignation over the same words spoken to her by everyone else when she said she wanted to go with him on runs—stay here where it's safe, little girl—it instead makes her suck in a sharp breath between her teeth. He feels the vacuum of it against his lips, and blinks up at her. 
"Did you like that—"
"No," she snaps, and drops her head to his chest. "God, Joel, you really know how to ruin a moment."
"Is that what this was? A moment?"
"Yes," she volleys back. "You don't think it was?"
He swallows down the tang of panic that salts his tongue, and presses his lips to her crown instead. 
"Ain't much of one, was it?"
"We'll make a better one," she murmurs, the lilt of a promise heavy in her words. 
When she settles in his fold, cheek laying flat against his chest—hiding her embarrassment he tones with a particular thrum of fondness so sweet it makes his teeth ache—he folds his arm over her shoulder, keeping her tucked into the bracket of his body. 
She's too small for him to ever be a perfect fit. Too hard inside that pretty little head for him to ever wiggle through. Too soft for him not to ruin her completely when he holds her too tight in his hands that overlap in a way that sometimes makes him dizzy, feverish with want, with fear. 
She doesn't click in the same way Tess does—did. 
A silent agreement of unspoken distance. Never ask for more, it hissed because you'll be brutally disappointed. Never hunger because you won't ever be satiated. Don't yearn. Don't want. Don't, don't, don't—
No, she doesn't click. She doesn't fit. Not with him. Not at all. 
(Tess left him whole. 
She devours.)
Her eyes are black holes, and ever since she looked at him through the fanned ring of her lashes, and said: you won't break me that easily, he's been standing on the edge of her event horizon waiting for that perfect singularity to swallow him whole. 
(He thought her pull would happen quickly. Instantaneous. 
But she's been ripping him apart the entire time; morsel after morsel until all that remains is raw nerve. Scraps.)
A slow descent into comfort, kinship. 
She's on the same plane of existence as Tommy, Ellie. Maria, too, he supposes, a touch begrudgingly. His circle widens, expands. The bubble encompassing her, too, and he knows that he'd mourn her in the same hushed breath as the rest. 
I'll outlive you, old man. 
(He's never wanted something more in his life right now than for those words to come to fruition.)
For the first time since the walls reared, since the gunshot that still echoes in his ears like a reminder of his sins, his failures, Joel thinks of tomorrow. And the one after that. And after that. 
He thinks of her, and them, this, in the afternoon. Over old stew. Tommy's laughter. Maria's knowing glances. Ellie's anger. Her scorn. Distrust. 
Wasting the night away in the bar that's always several octaves too loud not to make him tense, antsy. Watching her dance around the room, ballerina nimble with a sprinter's pace. Listen to her joke and laugh with the men who look at her a touch too long, and a shade too intense, and—
Bringing her home after. Back here in this small house where he rots. Where he plays his guitar as if the chords of Hurt would ever be enough to drown out the bullets and the bloodshed. The clicks, the groans. The scent of moss, and fungus. 
Taking her to bed in the sheets that hasn't stopped smelling like her since he fucked her three times over Christmas until she sobbed into his pillow, and begged him for respite. When she brushed the grey hair from his temple with fingers that wouldn't stop trembling despite the ease in her grin, and the polynya in her eyes as she regarded him with more than just desire. More than just sex and sweat and the comfort that comes with losing yourself to the chemical high of another body tucked into the crevasse of your own. 
She doesn't fit. She doesn't belong. 
But fuck—
He knows he's gone when he can't imagine her anywhere else. 
"Sure," he says, and wonders when she let herself into his life, into the gnarled remanants of his chest. "Whatever you say, sweetheart."
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(He only dreams in black and white, but when he closes his eyes and dreams of her, it's in a startling palette of browns, reds, and blues.)
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clubdionysus · 4 months
[BAD DECISION #37] Faking It
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warnings: pleased be seated for THE JANITORS CLOSET hehe, and iconic chapter in the bd universe. seokjin! pregnancy scares! tittie worship, thigh riding, semi-public, a lil self-pleasure, multiple orgasms, kissing <33, cum in panties??, idk, one of my fave bd smut scenes and they don't even shag! there's a lot of plot in there. all the fave characters!! and the biggest villains!!
a/n: i figured out the wrong headers!! this header was actually the og 36 header and the og 37 header is what I used for 36 lol
also also also i knew i said there would be more updates tonight buuuut I finished write #60 today so I'm editing that instead hehe. there's a direct reference to something said in this chapter in #60!
wc: 18k
bd total wc: 540k (ongoing)
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In the quiet bustle of Jeongguk's favourite downtown cafe, Yoongi frowns.
"Are you even listening to me, Gguk?"
On the table sits a half-drunk coffee, the bitter taste a little too much for Jeongguk at this time in the morning. Notebooks open, pens scattered on the driftwood table, Jeongguk has spent the morning earnestly scrawling down revisions to his business plan.
The centrepiece of the table - a single white rose in a thin vase has been put on an empty seat. Just would have been in the way.
Also kind of made Jeongguk's blood boil, but he knows he shouldn't be irrationally angry at a fucking flower. A nice one at that. An expensive one.
Just like Seokjin had made sure to remind you on his calling card.
Happy Birthday, Darling. Exquisite roses for an exquisite girl. You can pretend they're from your new guy if you like - I'm sure he agrees you deserve the best that money can buy. All my love x
Stupid prick hadn't signed his name, but he has set a precedent. There's only one person who'd send you white roses. Not just a dozen. Not two dozen. Three fucking dozen. Thirty-six.
36 identical, soulless roses destined to die within a week or so, already embarking on their demise.
Danbi had snorted. "What's that? A rose for each time he cheated?"
You had smiled. Shook your head. "Think four dozen would be needed for that."
Jeongguk had been with you when you'd redistributed the roses to your CU ajumma aunties, and had to deal with their scrutinising eyes. Had smiled, and played nicely, even when they called Seokjin the 'handsome one'. As much as he might hate that tall mother fucker, he's got a pair of eyes. Knows he's a bloody god.
And so Jeongguk had moved the rose on his table out of sight before he even realised that he would need to.
The display of his iPad, which is still covered in your small fingerprints from lazy days wasted in his bedroom, has dimmed. It obscures the last revision of the plan. Hides it away from prying eyes.
A work in progress for years, now, he started planning for the samgyeopsal restaurant during his first semester of university. Had been a hypothetical project that he just hasn't been able to let go of. Like a first love, it kept coming back to the forefront of his mind.
For a little while - he's not sure how long; three, maybe four minutes - Jeongguk has been watching the beads of condensation sweat down the side of his glass. The straw, given to him by a barista with a warm smile and nothing else remotely interesting about her, lays beside the glass, still encased in its plastic wrapper.
He hears your voice and its tone of concern each and every time he raises the now-wet glass to his lips.
Careful, Koo. It'll hurt your teeth.
With every fabricated iteration of your concern, his mile-a-minute heart temporarily eases. For those scarce moments, it doesn't feel as if it'll burst straight out of his chest from the sheer exhausting stress of the unknown; His future. Yours. The one that you may or may not have together.
Funny how you're the main source of his stresses right now, and yet are the only thing able to ease them.
And so the straw remains as it is - still, untouched - just so he can pretend you care.
Dazed and most definitely confused when he looks up, Jeongguk's vacant eyes land on Yoongi. There's a frown on the older mans face, but a softness to his eyes.
"Hm?" Jeongguk hums. "Sorry?"
Sighing, Yoongi reaches for the straw that Jeongguk has so purposefully left discarded. Snaps the thin plastic wrapper apart. Reaches over and pushes the straw through a cluster of stubborn ice that just refuses to melt. Helps his friend in a way that makes total sense, and yet Jeongguk's mind is so jumbled up that it almost feels an attack.
It's him who frowns, now. Dimples form in the creases between his lips and cheeks, a thick line making itself known in the ridge between his eyes. Yoongi pays it no notice. Simply says, "Coffee'll stain your teeth. You'll thank me when you're older."
Perhaps he will. For now, Jeongguk's teeth are still pearly white. He's no need to worry about them.
"What wrong with you, huh?" Yoongi presses. "Spent all of last week badgering me to help you out, and now that I am, you've been a world away all morning. What gives?"
For all of the words that he could use to rabbit on about you for hours upon hours, they all seem to be stuck in his throat, dryly swallowed down like bitter pills sticking against his oesophagus.
To mention you now would be to admit that you occupy all vacancies inside his brain, in each and every waking moment. You're there in the moments he doesn't spend awake, too. A constant. Just as permanent as the glitter that's trapped between the woven threads of his cotton comforter, and as deeply embedded into him as the tattoos on his skin.
Pressing his lips together, piercing flipping in the corner of his mouth like it so often does, Jeongguk shrugs. "Sorry. Think my brain is shutting down."
If Yoongi suspects anything other than this as a viable excuse, he doesn't mention it. Just nods. Accept the white lie, and Jeongguk hopes he knows there's a white flag tied around it, too.
It's not that he wants to lie to Yoongi. He just doesn't want to be honest with himself.
Phone face down on the table, Jeongguk's device holds a whole host of contradictory search terms in his browser history. Questions he could probably ask Yoongi, but won't. Questions he should ask you, but most definitely won't.
Girlfriend - cause he figures it will bring back more results than fwb, or whatever else he could equate you to - missed her period, what should I do? Do girls miss periods often? Missed period, meaning, what? Having a baby with fwb, what now? Abortions? What if an abortion doesn't work? Is adoption good for the baby? How to be a single dad? What if only one person wants to keep it? What the fuck oenejoiegohhfo e.
The final result is still open in his browser. Was about three in the morning. Jeongguk had been sweating beneath his duvet, skin just as clammy as the condensation rings that have soaked into the wooden table from his iced coffee glass.
Nothing is confirmed. No test has been done - and yet he's thinking about where a playmat would fit in the living room, but also knows the name of the clinic downtown that would quickly and effectively prevent that from ever being his reality.
"We've made good progress," Yoongi tells Jeongguk. "Can take a break, if you like? Got a couple weeks till your meeting with the bank. Still got time."
There's no place in Jeongguk's business plan for a baby. He half wonders if maybe he should ask Yoongi where to factor it in. Knows better.
So instead, Jeongguk nods. "Yeah. Think that might be good. Sorry."
Yoongi just dismisses it. Tells Jeongguk it's fine, and really means it. Knows that trying to straighten out the fine details of a hypothetical business is harder than it would first appear. They've been troubleshooting; thinking of problems just for the sake of it. Making sure that Jeongguk's application for a business loan is airtight.
Of all of his friends, Yoongi is the only one who's ever been through anything similar. Is a fountain of knowledge with a wealth of experience that he's lucky enough to have access to.
Jeongguk half-thinks he must be mad for jumping in head first with this restaurant idea of his. Isn't sure he's got what it takes. Just knows he has to at least try, so he can say he can. So that even if he suffers the lows of failure, he will have experienced the highs of hope. Maybe even the uncharted territory of success.
"Could be a good idea to talk some things through with other people," Yoongi offers. "Someone in hospitality. Maybe DB. Get different scenarios neither of us have thought of yet."
Jeongguk doesn't need any more make-believe scenarios where you're involved. Has already thought of far too many all by himself.
But Yoongi doesn't know that, and Jeongguk would like to keep it that way. "Yeah. Maybe you're right."
It's this encouragement from Yoongi that has a text from Jeongguk pinging through to your phone a quarter of an hour later. Phone in your back pocket, you'll check the notification that buzzed quietly in a moment or so.
For now, you're locked in conversation with a woman who is both everything you fear and everything you want to be. Peachy-cheeked, with a crystal white smile and lips that are somehow perpetually glossed, Jina has been talking you through the upcoming event that Taehyung is showcasing for at the Ryu.
"I was really impressed - hold on," she huff a little through the strain of reaching across the desk for her file. You immediately get to your feet to help her out. Her peach cheeks are now pretty pink apples. She exhales a deep-rooted breath and plonks back into her own chair. Laughs at herself, and her inability to do even the simplest of tasks, then rests her hand adoringly over the incredibly large bump that protrudes from her stomach. Is appreciative as she says, "Thank you." Looks down to her bump, and laughs again. "Hurry up, now. Mummy has jobs to do."
The way Jina speaks to the little life that's growing inside of her makes you want to violently vomit. Not for disgust, or anything negative, but for the fact that you're terrified of a similar fate.
Well-put together, still in designer garments, Jina has her life together. Is the Lead Gallery Coordinator at the Ryu. Spent her twenties working her way up, only to land her spot at the top two weeks before she welcomed in her thirties. She's distinguished. Had worked damn hard to stay at the top, even when her assistant is consistently trying to fill the shoes she hasn't even taken off yet.
It's why she's still working, even when her due date is within touching distance. Will be damned if some jumped up twat that studied illustration at the expense of his wealthy parents, and has never actually produced an illustration worthy of any praise, ends up behind her desk. Perhaps she's jaded, and perhaps she's bitter that she never got an easy ride, but she did at least have passion - which is more than can be said for her assistant. The only reason she keeps him on is because his parents are benefactors of the gallery. Can't fire him, even if she wants to.
"Sorry," she smiles back up at you, then hums. Ponders. Pregnancy brain is not being kind to her these days. "Where was I?"
With a kind smile, you happily remind her. "You were saying you were impressed?"
"Ah, yes! I was. I am. With the both of you, actually. Kim Taehyung is producing art that actually entices people, which is a rarity these days. I'm surprised his portfolio wasn't passed onto me sooner."
Although when she considers her assistant, the surprise wanes.
"And you," she continues, then looks down to flick through the proposed show in the file you put together earlier that day. "You say you're just doing this part-time? As a favour?"
Nodding, you explain, "Taehyung's a friend, and this is my area of interest. Should have gone down this route straight after university, but you know what the industry is like."
With a pitiful smile, Jina nods. "No money in it unless you already have money."
It's no secret that the arts are a luxury for those who can afford them - not just the masterpieces themselves, but the time to indulge in them. Apprenticeships and internships pay poorly, so in order to get your foot on the ladder, you have to come from money. Have to be able to rely on parents, or aunts, or uncles to fund your living expenses while you live out your dreams.
Wasn't an option you'd had, so a compromise had been made in the form of the art cafe. It's minimum wage, but you do at least enjoy it and can pay the bills.
At such a point in her career where the money is good enough for her to never worry about finances, Jina's heart bleeds for you. From one creative to another, she wishes there was a way she could help.
"You've got everything I'd look for in an assistant," she tells you, and the compliment just serves to make you feel disappointed. Success has always been a goal of yours, and you regret not working harder towards it. The past year has taught you many things, but mainly it's reinforced the idea that you shouldn't spend time on things or people who don't enrich your heart.
And so you throw caution to the wind; chance a suggestion that you know is beyond your capabilities.
"Well, perhaps I could help out when you're on maternity leave?" You chance. Know that you don't have enough experience nor credentials to take on her role, but fuck it. What's the worst she could do? Say no? "Help keep things running smoothly?"
When Jina smiles, you know that rejection is coming your way - but at least you tried.
"No money in the job," she sighs. "The gallery director hasn't opened up a vacancy. My assistant is stepping up."
Even saying it out loud makes her blood boil - but she knows it's bad for the baby, so tries to cool it.
"I have a sneaky suspicion that they'll open up a vacancy in April. Maybe May. When it does, you'd be top of my list for recommendations," she offers. Knows that things are gonna fall apart without her there. The higher-ups won't realise what a fundamental error of judgement they've made until it's too late. "That if you'd be interested?"
You don't think you've ever been asked such a stupid question.
This is a lie.
You've spent time with the Dionysus boys. Have been asked a million questions than this one.
"Of course!" You enthuse. "I mean, I don't get me wrong, I love my job - but an opportunity like this would be... I don't even know," you laugh, unable to articulate yourself properly, so try simplicity. "Yes. Please. If that happens, please pass along my details."
She nods. Understands your excitement. Was in a very similar position, once upon a time. All it took was someone taking a chance on her. She'd like to do the same for you. Has seen your work ethic for an unpaid favour to a friend. Knows you wouldn't let her down.
"Now," she smiles, moving along the conversation as to not dwell on a situation that might never happen. "We're about a week out from the next show - has Taehyung finished the new piece? Any causes for concern?"
"Yes, and no," you assure her, even if it is a little lie.
Taehyung scrapped his piece last minute and has been in the studio ever since your birthday. Had a new wave of inspiration, apparently. Declared as such about twenty minutes after the knocking from Danbi's bedroom had eventually come to an end, so you dread to think of what this new piece could be like.
Still, you trust his creative process, so know that whatever he produces will be more than enough to satisfy the gallery execs.
The meeting runs smoothly; no hiccups to iron out. The subway ride back to the middle of town has to contemplate what life could be like had you met Taehyung earlier; if you could have a career to be proud of by now.
But there was no Taehyung without Jeongguk, and no Jeongguk without the devastating impact of Seokjin. Funny, how the entire time you were with Seokjin, he'd wished you had a better job. Lamented the minimum wage, and your irregular working hours. Would steer the direction away from what the pays the bills whenever you'd meet one of his friends, and they'd ask, 'what do you do for work?'. He'd never been proud, and so in turn, nor had you.
You wonder if he'd be proud now. It's bittersweet.
And as you arrive at Jeongguk's favourite cafe and spot him immediately - chin in his palm, a soft pout on his lips, papers scattered all over his table - you're the one who feels proud.
Seeing the ones you love chase their dreams is a special sort of pride. One that makes your heart swell. So much potential. So much hope.
Ordering up fresh drinks before you head over, there's a thick tension in the air. Jeongguk doesn't even realise you're here yet. Is too consumed with thoughts of you, like the idiot he is. Thoughts you, and his future, and how he doesn't know how to plan anything when he doesn't know what life will look like a year from now.
He clocks you as you're confirming the order with the barista. A hot flash of panic disrupts his body, but it cools just as quickly. Fucks with his body temperature regulation. Makes him feel all clammy and horrible despite the aircon in the cafe.
There's a smile on your lips, and Jeongguk finds one on his, too. There's a shine to his eyes that only glitters whenever you're nearby, and it's noticeable all the way from across the cafe.
Coffees in hand, clothes remarkably formal for a day off, Jeongguk narrows his eyes as you approach.
"What have you been up to?" he queries instead of greeting you properly, not caring for small-talk. Wants to know the big stuff. His brain has been cruel to him today. Hopes you can help remedy it slightly.
"Gallery," you simply say, taking the seat beside him.
There are four chairs at the table. Yoongi had been sitting opposite Jeongguk. You could have chosen to sit there, too.
He doesn't mention it.
"Everything going alright?" He asks, reaching over for his coffee with a small, appreciative smile. "Thanks."
"All good, I think," you say, sucking a little air between your teeth.
He cocks a brow. "You don't sound convinced."
With a bit of a defeated shrug, you purse your lips together. "I just..."
The way you trail off is all too familiar. Jeongguk's used to it. Has been a while since you struggled to find your words so badly.
"Big girl words," he teases softly, which earns him a small laugh from you.
"Fuck off," you smile, then shake your head to realign your thoughts. "No, I just... Sorry. Did it again. I just don't know how sustainable this all is, yanno?"
Jeongguk doesn't say a word. Knows that you aren't done formulating just yet - and when you sigh, before launching into a little ramble, he's proven right.
"I mean, I'm already a shift down this week to help with prep, and next week I've had to book two days off work. And like, honestly, it's fine," you stress. "I enjoy it so much, but long term? When Tae's shows get bigger and bigger? I just dunno, Gguk. Dunno."
You want it to be long-term. Never knew it was something you wanted until you realised maybe you can't have it. Seem unattainable now in a way that you knew before you started helping Taehyung out. The thing so wonderful about dreams is that you fool yourself into thinking they can come true. You neglect rational thinking.
Confronted with the restraints of the industry, it's hard to ignore. Hard to pretend like you could still have it, if you really want it. Things like that don't happen for people like you.
"Well just wait until I get the restaurant going," he smiles, knowing he doesn't have a solution for you - but that he does have the ability to talk about the future with you in a way that doesn't feel all that terrifying. "When I'm super successful and have queues out the door, I'll hire you. Will pay you above minimum wage and let you work with Tae on the side."
"Oh yeah?" You grin, enthused by the childlike excitement in his sparkly eyes. "Gonna be a big hot shot restaurant owner?"
"I'll have you know, I'll be the CEO," he nods his head smugly.
"Oh, that's sexy," you tell him.
"I know."
You hum a little and then decide that a little flirt is okay. "Would be kinda hot, fucking the boss, wouldn't it?"
He raises a brow. Swipes his tongue along his bottom lip, wetting his lip ring as he toys with it. "Would be a HR nightmare."
"Would give me a reason to call you Sir."
"Don't," he smiles, eyes closing, teeth showing. Sweetness encapsulates him despite the stickiness of the scenario that's playing out inside his head right now. Shakes his head. Slowly opens his eyes to find you again. Laughs. "You're fuckin' trouble, Byeol."
"S'why you like me."
"True," he admits rather shamelessly. Doesn't fancy denying it today. Not to himself. Not to you. Not to the world around him.
The air between you gets thinner. Feels like you can only keep breathing if you keep your eyes on one another. Up, and up you go into the atmosphere. Any higher, and you'll be in the fucking stars.
"I hate to ask..." Jeongguk murmurs and you immediately feel your floating soul crash back down to earth. The stars are off-limits today. Your feet must remain firmly on the ground.
"Then don't," you say sharply, not wanting the conversation to go in the direction you know he's steering it in.
"Byeol," he simply reprimands, knowing that it's a conversation that needs to be had. "You've not given me any updates."
"'Cause there's been nothing to report back," you say, as if it's no big deal; as if you haven't spent every waking moment thinking about it. As if your daydreams aren't getting more and more concerning. "I've skipped a month. That's all. It's not that uncommon."
"Well, according to WebMD, apparently some women get periods even when they are pregnant - like, certified, tested, proven true pregnant," Jeongguk states, his late-night research coming to the forefront of his mind. "That's not supposed to happen. Just like you're not supposed to miss your periods when you're not pregnant-"
"Gguk," you plead. "It's not that linear. All sorts of things affect periods."
"I know," he replies, and bless his heart, he really does think he knows. "Stress, eating habits, exercise, medical issues - I've read, like, 6 articles about PCOS in the last 24 hours. Didn't even know what it was last week."
You're fond as you smile over at him. "Why have you been reading PCOS articles?"
" Because ," he stresses, but gives no immediate follow up. Looks over to you with pleading eyes, like a puppy dog waiting for scraps. "Look B, I don't know what's going on. You won't tell me what's going on. The best I can do is try and understand."
"I've told you, Gguk. It's fine. Please. Just trust me."
It's a naive ask, for him to trust you, when you don't even trust yourself.
"Will you please just take a test?" He asks. "The longer it takes, the less options you'll have. We'll have."
You know he's right. Know that there's a test waiting in your bedroom, and that you've spent hours looking at because you're terrified of a result. A positive result, that is.
You won't admit to the way that the idea of a negative result makes you feel. Not to Jeongguk, nor to yourself. It's not what you want. You know that it wouldn't fit into your life. You know that the idea of being in Jina's position would wreck any goals or plans for your life.
And then you're feeling defensive. Pressured. Overwhelmed.
"Look, I said it's fine," you insist, trying to reassure not only him, but yourself too. "I know my body. It just does this sometimes. If anything, I'm probably less fertile than I should be."
"Yeah, but you don't know that-"
"And you don't know that I'm not."
"B, this affects us both," Jeongguk says, his patience waning, tone firming. He's right.
"I know that!" You snap back, 'cause it feels like he's backing you into a corner. "You think I'm not aware? Gguk, if I am-" you refuse to say the word, then quieten your voice. Look around. Get a little closer. "If I am , then I'm the one who has to deal with it. I'm the one who has to live with it. I'm the one who has to experience it."
"Oh what, so suddenly I play no part in this?" He argues right back, but keeps his voice quiet. Mirrors you. Is right there in the corner with you. If this is a boxing match, then he's not your opponent; he's the coach giving you water in the break and patching you up. There's no need to see him as the enemy. "I'm not just some random fucking guy, B. I'm not about to jump ship."
"Okay, hypothetical," you say, encouraging him to use his imagination a little. Try and see things how you see them. "It's positive. I don't want it, you do. Then what? What do we do?"
He's silent for a moment. Looks a little defeated as he shrugs. Doesn't look at you. "We'd get rid."
And even though it's what you think is the correct answer - putting priority on the carrier of the child - it still makes you a little sad. There are layers to such a decision. It's not straightforward. The complexities are beyond what you're capable of considering. There is no 'correct' answer. There are just choices; the one that you take, and the ones that you don't.
It's a curse how vivid your imagination can be; how you can imagine the rough skin by the tips of his fingers as he'd hold your hand in the waiting room, the look in his eyes as you turn to steal a glance at him before going through a pair of double doors that would ultimately change the outcome of your future, and the sterile scent of a medical facility that you'd really rather never visit.
You can picture his smile; pretty but ever so weak. Gorgeous little lies of 'it's okay' wrapped up with bows that could have maybe one day been tied in a child's hair instead.
Pull yourself together, you scold yourself. You don't even want a kid!
"If I were to get rid of it, while you wanted it... Gguk, you would resent me for what I took from you until the day you died," you say solemnly.
The gravity of it all is setting in. A positive result would ruin your lives regardless of whichever option you choose.
The pair of you have been gambling, and it seems like your luck is out.
"I wouldn't," Jeongguk frowns.
"How do you know?"
"Well how can you be certain that I would?" he counters. Is desperately trying see your point of view, but it's obscured by his own opinion on the matter. "Look, none of this is worth us getting worked up about until we know what the fuck we're dealing with. You might not even be pregnant."
He's right. You know he's right. The word makes your stomach lurch regardless.
So you nod, but plead, "Just give me a little time. Please."
He agrees. Knows that you do at least have a little more time before any certain decisions would need to be made. Walks you home. Tells you to keep him updated.
But then one day turns into two, then three, then four - and before you know it, you're ignoring one another, trying to pretend like all of this isn't happening; as if nothing has changed, and as if you haven't potentially fucked it all up just 'cause you couldn't stop messing about.
It's laughable, really. Your insatiable need to fuck one another has become its own form of birth control. Jeongguk isn't even waking up hard these days. Too stressed. No worry of fucking, now. Dick seems to be broken.
In all reality, he knows that it's nothing to do with his cock. He's not waking up hard, 'cause there's a lack of blood flow. Heart isn't pumping it like it normally does. Goes with the territory of not having you around.
But if he acknowledges that, he acknowledges everything he stands to lose before he's even had a chance to have it. Have you .
It's what he's thinking of now - cock limp, scowl hard - the night before Taehyung's art show. It's been five days. You've not kept him updated. He's not asked for updates.
You've both been pathetic - but he's attributing it to you. Thinks you're deliberately being childish so that he won't think having a kid is a good idea - as if he even wants them right now.
Sitting on the couches of Taehyung's studio space, the usual suspects are up to nothing much. Just having a few drinks the night before the show. It's a bit of ritual - nothing set in stone, just kind of what happens. The easing of Taehyung's nerves means he always wants to indulge.
Stewing in the corner like a little parasite, Jeongguk's face of thunder hasn't eased all evening. He never gives a straight answer when he's asked about these little moods of his, so no one has bothered to press too hard. He is at least in attendance - which is more than can be said for you.
"It really doesn't matter," Taehyung smiles, unphased by Jeongguk, stroking Danbi's back as she scrolls through her phone, looking for outfit inspiration.
"Yeah, no offence Danbi, but everyone's gonna be looking at the art," Jimin mumbles through a mouthful of overpriced breadsticks. "No one is gonna care what you wear."
Rolling her eyes, Danbi doesn't care for his opinion. "So? I want people to look at me, which is why my outfit needs to good."
Still stroking her back, Taehyung is so incredibly fond of her unwavering self-assured place in the world. "People will be looking at you," he supports her. "What's DB wearing?"
Flicking through to your message thread, which had ended earlier that afternoon with a very blatant bullshit excuse for your lack of attendance, Danbi scrolls up to find the picture you'd sent her earlier that day.
"Oh, it's nice," Taehyung downplays it. Knows exactly why Danbi is desperate to find something showstopping. Will never let her be aware of this, though. What he does do, is make sure it reaches the right people. "She shown you, Gguk?"
The grunt that Jeongguk makes is barely audible. If there's one thing he doesn't want to see right now, it's you. Especially you looking all fancy and shit.
He's still annoyed. You haven't spoken to him since your fight other than to send him dumb instagram reels. Rabbits hopping about. Shit like that. He smiles every damn time and it only serves to piss him off even more.
But, like the true nuisance she is, Danbi forwards the picture through to Jeongguk. She hasn't heard directly from you that you're fighting with Jeongguk, but anyone who has spent time with the both of you in the last few days will be able to figure it out.
Jeongguk knows better than to click through on the notification. Knows that if you wanted him to know what you're wearing, you would have shown him.
But he misses you.
Wants to see you, even if he knows it will only serve to annoy him even more.
He's proven right.
Standing in front of your mirror - the one used for your first selfie with the bird necklace on Christmas Eve, and also used for your own sadistic pleasure on that very first evening Jeongguk learned what it felt like to be yours - you're in a black dress.
Satin, he thinks. Something silky. It's short, like your dresses so often are, cutting off midway down your thighs. Fitted. Sweetheart neckline that blooms over the top of your chest, with sleeves that follow this same structured line. Shoulders fully exposed, there is a small tickle of satisfaction when Jeongguk notices your bird sitting prettily in place, right where it should be.
Even if you are annoyed, like he knows you are, you're keeping him close. It's more than can be said for last time. You've no intention of pushing him away or so it would seem. He takes comfort in this, a self-indulgent smile on his lips - until he realises and flattens them once more.
"S'fine," he just says as he locks his phone, as if his heart isn't beating all irregularly. "I'm sure she'll look nice."
Danbi glances over to Taehyung, who just rolls his eyes, and encourages her to show him more of her own options.
Jeongguk pretends to scroll through his phone. Is really just looking at that picture of you again. Hates the way it makes him feel. All fuzzy and out of sync. Perfectly safe and yet terrified all in the same fleeting moment.
Has him thinking about what he should wear, too, even if the other boys are telling Danbi that it really doesn't matter.
You look so well put together, he thinks. So intentionally gorgeous. He would say unintentionally , and knows you'd look just as gorgeous in one of his old shirts, but is well aware that you've put effort in. It should be appreciated.
It's decided - at two-thirty in the morning, all alone by himself, contents of his wardrobe piled onto the floor - that Jeongguk will also be wearing all black.
He will match you. It will be intentional. He will hope you notice.
'Cause even if he is a little pissed off with you, it doesn't matter. Had grown up with parents who'd bicker, but would always say 'there's no one else I'd rather argue with.'
He thinks the same could be said for the pair of you.
If your worst fears are confirmed, and you're forever tied to him, then it's something you'll need to learn to navigate. Neither of you are perfect, but neither of you are pretending to be. You're showing him exactly who you are by showing him nothing at all, right now.
And he adores you all the fucking same.
Jeongguk decides on black slacks, and will pair them with a thick belt. A satin shirt will be tucked in, unbuttoned just enough for a little bit of his chest to show. Nothing too indecent. Just wants to match your neckline.
The jacket he's chosen is red. Hopes it'll dare you to look at him, and prevent you from ever looking away. He's being bold, 'cause he stupidly thinks he needs to be, as if you won't be searching for solace in the form of him all night.
He also thinks he needs to consider the kind of man you want . The kind you need . You seem to go for the prim types. The proper. Well-dressed, well-groomed. He's got the outfit sorted. Knows he's being a little risky with the lack of a top button and tie, but he also knows he looks good - so fuck it.
Which is also what he says to his barber on the morning of the show.
"You've been growing it out for a while," she hums. Only re-permed it a couple of weeks ago. Hadn't been expecting him to come for a walk-in appointment so soon.
He shrugs. "Fuck it. It's just hair. It'll grow back."
She laughs, and tells him that he's right - but double-checks before she goes in with the clippers. He's not had anything so close to the scalp in about a year. Started growing it out around the same time you started showing up to the bar.
He braces himself. Grits his teeth. Don't let fear get the better of you.
"I'm sure."
Time stands still within the walls of the Ryu. Moments of life - fleeting expressions of biased emotions - are preserved for voyeuristic viewing pleasure. You're a guilty participant. Salivate over the mixed media, and equally mixed messages. Have a desire to understand. To decipher. To know.
The walls are dark. Slate grey when the floodlights are on, they look black under the diffused bulbs that focus solely on the works.
'Unplugged: The Lonely Hearts of the Digital Age' reads the exhibition branding on the front of the paper guide in your hand. There's an evocative nature to the pieces; an exploration of intimacy and isolation in the modern landscape of smartphones and high-speed internet.
"Oh, entirely," you smile pleasantly at the gentleman twice your age, who had come to stand beside you while you had been observing some of the work. He's been asking your thoughts, and you've been bullshitting spectacularly. "In a world where we're more connected than ever before, there somehow seems to be this... disconnect . A real lack of interpersonal relationships that stand the test of time."
He nods, half-moon glasses resting across the bridge of his short nose. "Too easy these days. Dating apps, and whatnot."
You cast your eyes down to the fingers he has wrapped around a champagne flute. He's without a ring. You wonder if he's a victim to them, too.
"The grass is greener mentality," you agree. Know all too well what it's like to be on the receiving end of such a dilemma. "Always searching for something... more."
A small chuckle emits from his thin lips as he continues to agree.
One of the serving staff, no older than a high school senior, offers their tray of champagne in your direction, but you decline. It's unusual of you - but it's no secret you've not been feeling exactly 'usual' lately.
From across the room, Jeongguk glances in your direction as you shake your hand and head, a polite smile on your lips as you refuse a drink. Your eyes don't flash to his, but he doesn't need them to.
When your gaze falls back to the artwork in front of you, he can easily see your perplexion.
He also notices how your skin doesn't sparkle like it usually does beneath gallery lights. A tight frown forms on his face to match yours.
The paintings you're looking at aren't Taehyung's. Jeongguk doesn't know the artist. Oil, he assumes from this distance. Hyperrealism. Enlarged. A matching pair with stark differences.
The first, to the left, is dark. Navy blues and deep purples depict the foils of condom wrappers, each with a name and date scrawled into them. They're scattered atop what looks like a legal document.
He can't work out the words from where he is. Doesn't realise they're divorce papers.
None of the wrappers match the name of the document, yet all of the wrappers are dated during the duration of the marriage.
On the right hand side, the other painting is clearly part of the same collection. A packet of oral contraception. 28 days worth. Includes the placebo days. Like the condoms, each empty window of the contraception has a name. Some repeating. Some not. There are no names written during the placebo week.
It begs the question; is the taker of the contraception just using the men when it's convenient for her? Or are they just using her when it's convenient for them, and leaving her in the dust when her body is unavailable?
You're not sure which scenario makes you sadder. Reminds you of this time last year. Reminds you of Seokjin. Reminds you of the people that you used to forget about him on the lonely nights.
If you were to think about your own pills, and the names that would inscribed, you know you'd have packet after packet with only one name. Everyday of the week. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, every night. Over the placebo days, too.
Not because Jeongguk has been fucking you all day every day - although sometimes it does feel like that. No. It's not that all.
Instead, it would be because he gives you the intimacy you need to make those pills worth it. He doesn't have to constantly be in bed with you. Quite often isn't. It's just that you'll keep taking those pills 'cause you always want to be available for him in any capacity you can be. Those pills are his just as much as they are yours.
And you hate it.
Hate that you feel this way. Hate that indulging in such intimacy with the person you hold closest has resulted in such a clusterfuck of emotions. Hate that he isn't beside you right now, deciphering the names and making up ridiculous stories about the fictional people in front of you. Hate that when you glance over to his direction, you find him engaged in conversation with a group of people you consider friends, only to notice that Hayun is there, too.
Your arms fold a little tighter into your chest as your eyes fall back on the painting. You're alone, now, the man who had been chatting with you also now distracted by associates.
"Hey," a soft, feminine voice sounds next to you. Seoyeon. Hair loose, but with pretty little plaits running through it, she's wearing white trousers and a fitted blazer. Looks demure as ever. "You okay?"
A simple question that calls for a simple answer - yet it feels all rather complex.
You nod. Say you are. Return the question. She returns your answer.
"Gosh, that's depressing," she says of the artwork, and it makes you laugh. She's not wrong.
"Makes you feel something, at least," you offer, to which she hums in agreement.
"I suppose - but I was feeling perfectly happy before I saw it," she giggles, nudging your shoulder, seemingly aware of your less-than-stellar mood. "Watcha doing over here all alone?"
It's a great question. Fantastic question. Devastating answer.
Oh, so I've been fucking Jeongguk for months and he's convinced himself that I'm carrying his spawn and now he's mad at me because I haven't done the test to confirm nor deny. Oh why? Why I haven't done it? 'Cause it'll change the trajectory of my whole entire life and I'm fucking terrified. And I skip periods all the time. No biggie.
Now isn't the time for such honesties, though.
"Just wanted to read all the names," you say, nodding towards the art.
"See any you recognise?"
"Well, there is a Jimin on the first Wednesday," you grin.
"Why am I not surprised," Seoyeon laughs. "Our very own Casanova. Oh - speak of the devil!"
"Devil?" Jimin questions as he approaches you both with fresh champagne flutes in either hand. "Me? Please. You both know I'm an angel."
The way you incredulously both raise your eyebrows at him, bemused smirks on your faces, would suggest that no, you don't 'know' he's an angel.
"Oh, piss off," he laughs, standing between you both, offering you the champagne flutes. When you decline, he's curious. "Oh? Dry night?"
Nodding, you decide that you'll give as few answers as possible when it comes to your lack of drinking - not that it matters, given how much you've abused your body with star fuckers in recent weeks. Any damage is already, inevitably done.
"One of us needs to be the sensible one," you joke, and ignore the burning gaze you can feel from across the room.
His stare is sweltering, like early May heat after a freezing spring, regardless of the cool air that's currently circulating around the room.
It's stuffy, the way his eyes follow you. Suffocating.
And yet you love the warmth. Want evidence of him on your skin like the burn of a summer sun.
Turning your head as Seoyeon and Jimin natter, you're surprised to find his shamelessly dark eyes still on you.
Hair pushed back, he's wearing it shorter than usual. It takes you a moment to realise it's been cut. You think a part of you dies from such a devastating loss - but it's revitalised within the same millisecond. It's criminal how handsome he looks. How mature he seems. Jaw tense, bone structure highlighted, he's a vision. Heaven. Ethereal.
Matching your all black attire, there's one keen difference. One that throws you off entirely: his jacket. It's one you've never seen before. Red. A kaleidoscope of different tones. Dappled, they bleed into one another. You can tell it's expensive. Tell it's being worn with a purpose.
It's unusual for him, and yet he holds a beauty that can only be compared to that of Venus herself. The jacket was made for him.
But you don't like the idea that maybe actually it was made for him, by the only seamstress you know. See no other reason for him to own such an item.
Stupidly, it upsets you how good red looks on him. Pisses you off.
Across the circle of people he stands with is the seamstress herself.
Just as you match him with your silky black dress, she matches him with her scarlet nails and deep ruby cocktail number. Gorgeous in the way that her hair effortlessly waves over her shoulders, she pays your judgemental eyes no notice.
They look good together. Like they belong. A good girl. Upper class. Bad boy. Her bit of 'rough'. Jeongguk likes a good Romeo and Juliet type story. You're sure he loves the romanticisation of their coupling.
So caught up in your own head, you almost miss the way Jimin deliberately chooses to include you in on the conversation once more. Just asks your opinion on the piece, then asks if you know the artist. He wants to check that he's not the Jimin scrawled into the pill packet.
"I'll find out," you promise him - but you're certain he's not. Park Jimin isn't exactly the most unique of names, but you don't want to hurt his ego.
"Legend," he grins, before roping Namjoon in for his opinion on whether or not it's his name.
"It's nothing to be proud of," Namjoon assure him. "If it's you, you're being branded as a hit it and quit it kinda guy. You're only on there once. Most of them are on their a few times. You not good enough for round two?"
Scoffing, Jimin looks to you for defence.
You just smile. Make your excuses and leave. Bless him.
As beautiful as the show is, there's a sadness to it. It revives unpleasant memories. Provokes parts of your brain that have been well trained to not make a noise.
Schmoozing with some of the higher ups from Shilla finances, you're going for the hard sell. Telling them all about Taehyung, and how he's hotly tipped to be one of the most successful artists of this generation.
It's all bullshit, of course, but someone has to have that title. Why shouldn't it be him?
"He certainly does have a gift," one of the older men acknowledges. His name evades you now, but you remember him from networking events with Seokjin. Would always treat the serving staff with kindness, which is more than could be said for most of them. It's the only reason you're entertaining the conversation - the other men you recognise from those events have been avoided by you at all costs.
You're about to call Taehyung over, when the looming intrusion of a bowing gentleman makes itself known in your personal space. It's his presence you notice first. Aftershave second. Stoic, burly voice third.
"Director Choi," he interjects from behind you. "It's good to see you here."
Smiling, with just as much kindness as he shows to everyone, Choi nods back. "Kim Seokjin! I didn't realise you'd be here tonight."
"Ah, well," Seokjin smiles. You can hear it in his tone, even if you daren't turn to face him. Your skin suddenly chills as his large hands rest over the tops of your bare shoulders. "Was back in town, and couldn't miss it. You're speaking with the city's best curator."
The way he squeezes your shoulders, skin on skin, makes you want to be sick. It's as if you've had far too much of the champagne you've been turning down all evening - but your stomach is empty. All you'd be able to do is gag.
Yet your body is entirely frozen.
And neither of the men care enough to notice.
"It's quite the collection," Choi nods, but doesn't keep his focus on you. Like the serving staff, he's always polite to you, but will always see you as a second-class citizen. You're not a man. He doesn't respect you. As human? Yes, he does. But as a person? Why would he waste his time if he can't profit off of you? "Tell me Seokjin, how have you been? I hear your department is up by 3.7% this week?"
The conversation around you is stuffy, like that sticky summer heat clinging to your skin once more. It's unpleasant, but inescapable. There's nothing you can do, except let it ruin you.
One breath in; through the nose. One breath out; through the mouth.
One breath in; through the nose. One breath out; through the mouth.
There's a squeeze of Seokjin's hands; a silent instruction to not move your shoulders so much.
Half a breath in. Half a breath out.
You've an inability to focus on anything other than basic survival.
In the times you've seen Seokjin since the breakup, he's always been so good at acting as if it never happened. He touches you just the same. Speaks with just as much fondness that always made you think you actually meant something to him.
For so long, you wished he would be like that with you in public. Would proudly claim you as his own.
But now that he is, all you want is for him to look at you with remorse. Regret.
Sort of like Jeongguk is doing, as he spots you from across the room. Was just doing his quarter-of-an-hourly checks to make sure you're still okay - even if he is annoyed with you. Thinks that anyone who has ever spent even a smidgeon of time with you should know that the look in your eyes is far from okay.
They're downcast. To the floor. Your nostrils flare ever so gently as you inhale. Mouth forms a delicate pout as you exhale. Breathing exercises. He recognises them instantly. They're the same ones Jeongguk does when he's frustrated and trying his damn hardest to not break another display case.
It's been working lately. Not a permanent fix, no, but it's been going okay. Has finally been reading one of Namjoon's self-help books that's been on his bedside table for months. Fills the time that should be spent on you doing that, instead.
But Jeongguk thinks all of his hard work might just go down the fucking drain when he realises what's happening. When he notices exactly who has a possessive grip on you. When, from across the room, he hears Seokjin laughing at some vapid joke that he knows mustn't be even remotely funny.
"Hey, Dan," he calls over to your best friend, breaking her from her conversation with Taehyung. When she looks at Jeongguk, she follows the direction in which he nods.
She gasps. Drops her hold on Taehyung's forearm, and doesn't hesitate to beeline straight for you.
Jeongguk knows it should have been him - but he also knows you're stubborn. Knows you might have chosen to stay put just to spite him. Also knows that stress if bad for the body. Says so in another one of those webMD tabs open on his phone. You're stressed enough as it is. Don't need him causing a scene. Danbi is what you need right now.
Not him.
But he needs air - so heads out towards the stairwell and just keeps on going up. Up and up, until there's nowhere left to go. Closer and closer to the stars. Further and further away from his very own.
Elbows resting on the wall of the rooftop, Jeongguk lets a deep-rooted sigh exhale from his body. Lungs heavy in his chest, he's in need of respite - yet even that seems like an unattainable goal these days.
He wishes to be back in Busan; where the sun shines and so do you.
The darkness of the city envelopes him, now, much like it obscures his heart. Confuses it. Tells him all sorts of lies. She loves you. She loves you not. She loves you. She loves you not. He's not sure what's the truth, anymore.
He's not plucked at daisy petals since he was a kid, but he does occasionally pull glitter from his skin. That's when the rhyme repeats. That's how he knows he only has space in his heart for you.
And so when the bustling sound of the city is interrupted by a voice that isn't yours, he frowns.
"Watcha doing up here, buddy?"
The roll of Jeongguk's eyes is so damn weighted he's surprised it doesn't sound like stones are being turned. Of all the people he wants to be alone with right now, Hayun would be towards the bottom of the list. Likely beaten only by your shitbag of an ex.
"Needed some air," he lies. Doesn't look at her as she takes the space beside him, then shuffles over a little. Doesn't wanna touch her. The intrusion of her perfume is enough to make him feel sick. Has done ever since she approached him in the courtyard of Dionysus.
"Could have gone for a smoke with Tae," she says all rather pleasantly.
Jeongguk is well aware of this. Truth be told, he could do with a cigarette. Could do with many things right now.
Could do with a few shots, or even a high. MDMA, maybe. Something that'll have him thinking death is inevitable before he manages to reach his come up. Could spend the whole night pinging. Wouldn't have to think about you, or your ex, or the fact his heart already feels like it's got a little ecstasy running through it these days.
But you're not drinking, and so Jeongguk isn't smoking. Is finally actually trying to make some good decisions for a change, to atone for all of his questionable ones.
He shakes his head. Bunches his face up ever so slightly. Is dismissive as he simply says, "Didn't fancy it."
Just like he doesn't fancy engaging in this conversation.
She nods, pretending to care. Fabricating a persona that matches how awfully pretty she is. "You don't seem like yourself."
Mentally, Jeongguk sneers. Physically, he remains unchanged. Statuesque.
"You've been saying that ever since you came back," he eventually sighs. Looks over to her. Doesn't mean to be so cold, but frankly no longer has the patience. "You can't fuck people over and expect them to welcome you back with open arms. Doesn't work like that, Yun."
Hayun's laugh is parasitic. Gets under his skin. Crawls about. Makes him feel sick. His body rejects it.
"She's inside your head," is all she says. "Never used to be like this before she came around."
In the far distance, a police siren sounds. It's swallowed up by the fumes of rattling exhaust pipes and the posing arrival of planes from foreign lands. In a city that never rests, Jeongguk thinks it mad that Hayun expected him to remain exactly as he was.
Doesn't even register what she says about you. Pays it no attention.
"I don't wanna keep doing this, Hayun," Jeongguk says quietly.
It's strange, because he knows it's the 'right' thing to do, but it still doesn't feel entirely correct.
Years of knowing her - of loving her - have been reduced to nothing but resentment and wasted time. Everything he experienced with her equates to emptiness. The good - of which there was plenty - and the bad - of which there was marginally more.
"What do you mean?" she asks, as if she doesn't already know.
"I don't wanna pretend like we're still friends," he simply states. "It's doing nobody any favours."
It's something he should have said a long time ago. Something he's known for far longer than he's wanted to admit. Something Jimin has been telling him for years.
"Gguk," she tries, and reaches out for his hand - but Jeongguk tears it away from her.
"No," he reaffirms. Is setting boundaries. Is being as firm with her as he wishes you'd be with Seokjin. He keeps his voice measured. Sensible. Wastes no more energy than is needed. "I'll be perfectly cordial with you, but I'm not gonna act like we're anything more than strangers. Said it yourself, you don't know who I am these days. Please stop trying to find whoever you think I used to be."
"So I guess the marriage pact is vetoed?" She tries to joke. Thinks that making light of the situation will ease things. Make them less awkward.
He doesn't dignify her with a direct response to that. Instead, he stands a little straighter. Taps his ringed fingers against the wall so that a clunky pat sounds against the urethane coating that covers the entire roof area. Turns to face her. Looks down upon her. "I'm asking you nicely, Hayun - but if I have to ask again, I won't be."
There's nothing she can say to reel him back in. Not anymore. Not like she used to. She knows this. Hates this.
But one thing Hayun refuses to ever do is embarrass herself. Not for a man. Especially not for one she didn't even want that badly in the first place.
That's exactly the issue at hand, though. He was always the one chasing her. Always. Must have worn through a hundred pairs of shoes in pursuit of her - but he's stopped running now, and she can't quite wrap her head around it.
"Okay," she simply says. Smiles. It's insincere. Jeongguk doesn't realise this, 'cause it looks like every other fuckin' smile she's ever cast his way. "Look, emotions are high. I won't take this to heart. Whenever you're ready, you know where to find me."
Glancing over to the door, Hayun's ruby-red lips falter. Her smile almost cracks, but she holds herself well.
"Oh, goodie," Hayun hums. "Suppose I should leave you to it."
Jeongguk doesn't follow her gaze. Knows that there's only one person who could evoke such a reaction - and right now, he's annoyed with you, too.
He does, at least, say, "I suppose you should."
It's not until Hayun begins to strut away that Jeongguk turns to the door. Not to watch her walk away, no.
To watch you walk towards him, instead - but you don't.
You stay leant against the door frame. There's a sultry smile on your lips, and he's surprised to see they move a little as Hayun approaches. He can't hear you, but he knows your lips almost better than he knows his own. Can work out exactly what you're saying.
Lipstick's a little smudged.
Jeongguk knows that it absolutely is not - but the way Hayun's hand lifts to her lips suggests that she doesn't know this.
It's evident you're trying to evoke some sort of insecurity in her. Seems to have worked. Also seems to be incredibly mean-spirited - but he's not gonna hold it against you. Knows that it's the least Hayun deserves. It's not like he was exactly kind to Seokjin upon meeting him, either.
The sounds of the city echo out around you as a small breeze carries the scent of the trees that are finally starting to rebloom after a harsh winter. There's hope to be found in the darkness of this night. The promise of rebirth.
Or at least there is, until you begin to make excuses to leave.
"Just came up for some air," you explain, not looking to engage in conversation with him. If anything, you just feel like you're losing your breath.
He nods. Purses his lips. Turns away from you. Hopes you'll come to join him.
There's a you-sized spot right beside him. Hayun had tried forcing her way in, but the fit just wasn't right.
His broad shoulders widen as his elbows rest back upon the wall, body silhouetted in the skyline. Something about him today feels so new. So different. Maybe it's just the hair - but hair holds history. You feel like he's cut you out of his. Is starting afresh, maybe.
Whatever the case, he's clearly not concerned in inviting you into his current narrative. Is quite literally blocking you out.
You had arrived to find him locked in conversation with Hayun. Engaged. He'd watched her walk away, and the moment she was gone, couldn't stand the sight of you, or so it seems.
And so as Jeongguk waits - wishes - for you to walk towards him and slink your arm around his waist, you decide to cut your losses. Hadn't even come up to the roof to see him. Had been hoping to be alone after the whole Seokjin debacle.
It's not like you hadn't known Seokjin would be in attendance tonight.
He had messaged you to confirm the date. You just hadn't expected him to waltz in like a proud partner, parading you around in front of his colleagues.
So yeah, you had been shocked. Had been unable to respond in a way that accurately conveyed how you felt. Had panicked. Had cried in the storage room that Danbi had dragged you into while she gave you a pep talk and wiped away your stray tears, before suggesting you get some air.
You wonder if perhaps she knew Jeongguk would be here. Seems likely, knowing her.
Your lip trembles as you go to speak, unspoken words vibrating between them. There's no sound. Just the city. The cars, and the revellers from a bar a few blocks down. Jazz music echoing up the stairs to the rooftop, too.
And then there's Jeongguk's voice. Quiet. Controlled. Commanding.
"The first bird," he says. Looks down as he does so. Builds his confidence, then turns around to look at you. Is displeased to see your body facing away from him now, about to walk away - as if you hadn't instantly turned your head to look at him. "The first one. We went to the water park. Some guy looked at you in a way you didn't like, and you went straight on over and told him to stop being a perv. Remember?"
Of course you do.
But you say nothing. Do nothing. Just turn your body. Let him know you're listening. He continues.
"You know your limits, B. You know your boundaries."
You nod, now. Still stay silent.
Jeongguk's jaw grates, tongue pressing against the inside of his cheek. You're avoiding his confrontation, just like you've been avoiding all talks of anything serious since that day at the cafe.
And it's pissing him off.
"So why do you let him overstep them?" Jeongguk continues - and finally, this accusation gets a rise from you.
"I don't let him do anything," you scoff - and then you accuse. "You're the one I've just found hiding up on the rooftop with your ex. What about those boundaries, huh?"
Jeongguk rolls his eyes. Turns away from you. Looks out over the city, and wishes it would swallow him whole. "You've got no fuckin' idea, B. No idea."
"So then tell me!" You say, as if it's as easy as reciting your ABC's. "I'm not a mind reader-"
"And nor am I!" He says sternly, but doesn't raise his voice any higher than yours. "You've spent half the week ignoring me, only for you to barely even look at me now. You're not even wearing any glitter -"
"Why does that even matter?" You interrupt, unsure exactly of what he's trying to say.
Is the lack of glitter intentional? Yes.
Is it for the reasons he assumes? Probably not.
"'Cause we both know he fuckin' hates it," he snaps, decidedly far more pissed off now that he's speaking his thoughts into existence. "We both know you didn't wear it because of him in the past. So for you to show up with no glitter? Let him leech all over you? After he sent you all those fucking roses, and you won't fucking talk to me? Tell me what I'm supposed to think, huh?"
"Why does it even matter to you?" You fight back. It takes two to tango, and he seems to know the steps pretty fucking well. "You've been ignoring me too-"
"It matters to me because you might be fucking pregnant, B!"
Silence shatters around you both. Steals any words that could be said in the wake of such a declaration.
You roll your eyes. Do a fantastic job at pretending as if you don't feel like your world is caving in on itself.
"No, you don't get to treat me like I'm being irrational when you've been drinking cranberry juice all evening," he scathes, the frustrated gestures of his hands letting you know just how upset he is - and rightly so. "You don't get to act like you've not been thinking about it too."
"We don't even know if I'm pregnant-"
"And who's fault is that?!
"No, you're being such an asshole about this, B. This doesn't affect just you. This affects me too, okay?
Shaking his head, Jeongguk turns away from you. The way you're behaving is so unlike you, or so he thought. Maybe he didn't know you as well as he thought. Maybe he did get wrapped up in fallacies of you; in the what if.
"I fucking defended you," he says quietly. Isn't even sure if you can hear him. Doesn't care. Shakes his head and lets it dip between his disappointed shoulders. You'd be forgiven for think he was giving his next words careful thought. In all reality, he just starts ranting. "When he was at the tennis club, and was chatting shit, I defended you. Me . And yet you're more concerned with keeping up appearances for him ."
"You did what ?"
Now that he's started, Jeongguk can't stop. Not when he turns around. Not when he looks at you. Not when he starts to walk towards you.
"I insinuated we were together to get him to shut the fuck up," Jeongguk scoffs, thinking about his former self. Is embarrassed, now. Is letting his frustrations show because fuck it . He's hurting . Feels like a deer bleeding out on the side of a road, left to rot by some asshole driver who rammed straight into him at a hundred miles per hour. "So he's out here, showing up to your event, putting moves on you - even though he thinks you're with someone else - and you're fucking giving him the green light. Real fuckin' nice of him. A stand up guy. Respect must be his middle name. You really know how to pick 'em, B."
"Literally, how was I supposed to know any of that?!" You ask, eyes wide, brows furrowed. These new revelations are just as devastating as they are infuriating. All you can do is repeat a previous sentiment. "I'm not a fucking mind reader!"
But Jeongguk's irate now. Comical, almost, in how he downplays his anger.
"Oh, well, forgive me for assuming that you wouldn't bend to your exes every fucking whim!" He exclaims, a sarcastic smile on his face that snaps to a scowl within an instant. "I didn't think it was important because I thought you were beyond that point-"
"You're being cruel," you interrupt him, because he is. He knows how hard you've worked. Has been with you every step of the way - but this is how he views you?
"Me?" He laughs. It's cold.
"Yes," you say. "You."
"Nah." He shakes his head. Casts his eyes to the floor, 'cause looking at you like this only makes him feel even more frustrated with the current state of affairs. "Cruel is what Seokjin's doing right now - but you're giving him a free pass."
"I'm not. I don't want him leeching all over me," you say quietly, ashamed, turning away from him as you walk across the roof. Crouching, you bundle yourself up protectively, as if it'll make a difference. As if you can shield yourself from your friendship with Jeongguk as it comes crashing down on you both.
The only thing that makes any fucking sense to either of you right now is that you'd do it all again.
He'd ruin the friendship a million times over.
Not because he doesn't care, or because he's okay with losing you. Quite the opposite.
He'd ruin the friendship because - fuck it - that isn't what this is. The friendship flew out the window months ago. Maybe he was too late to realise it. Maybe he should have tried to claw it back in - but what use would that have been? It would have been wounded. Scratched to smithereens. Damaged.
Standing up straight, you curse at the sky. Are saddened by how few stars are out. Feels like they're shying away. Maybe they're ashamed, too.
"I have to head back," you say. Are defeated as you turn to face Jeongguk. "Tae's doing his speech, soon."
Jeongguk nods. Looks to the floor. Doesn't want you to go. Knows he hasn't exactly done anything to make it worth staying.
Both struggling with the current state of affairs, there's no one to blame. Joint bad decisions have led you here.
But he wants you close. Wants things to feel normal. Is willing to do anything.
"Look, your ex is down there being a prick," Jeongguk sighs. He waits for a moment. Lets you work out what he's gonna say in your own head. Wants to see your reaction before any of his bias comes into play. "He thinks we're together.... The best way to get him off your back?"
Your lips part ever so slightly. A crease forms between your brows, but your eyes remain kind. "Gguk..."
Shrugging, he plays off the weight of a suggestion he hasn't even vocalised yet. "He thinks we're together. Makes sense for us to act like we are."
For reasons you can't explain, the idea of other people seeing you and Jeongguk act intimately towards one another fills you with fear. It's not like it's an abhorrent thing - but to see the way your friends look at you as you present yourselves as a couple is to see their genuine reaction to it. If they're disgusted, you'll know that you're not suited. If they're elated, it will only play into these weird feelings that you've been having and are so desperately trying to avoid.
Eyes scanning him, you try and work out what he thinks of it all. If he's disgusted, you could probably live with that.
If he's elated?
Makes you feel queasy. Scared.
He holds out his hand. Knocks his head to the side. "C'mon. Face those fears of yours. Hold my hand."
It's bizarre, how Jeongguk has quite literally licked your arse, and yet this feels like the most obscene thing he's ever asked of you.
When you arrive back in the main room, Jeongguk stands behind you, ever so slightly to the side. Loops his arm around your waist. It's unintentional, the way his hand comes to rest over your stomach. Fingers splayed, he pulls your back to his chest, and you pretend like you're able to stand up straight without his support. Pretend as if the world around you isn't caving in on itself.
It wouldn't matter, even if it was. You're safe here. Safe with him.
And yet you insist on pushing him away.
"I wouldn't stand like this with a boyfriend," you say. "Too overbearing."
"Well, I would stand with a girlfriend like this," he assures you. The fingers that aren't firmly keeping your stomach protected come to your chin. Encourage it to the side. Get you looking at him. "I'd stand with her like this," he whispers, glances behind you so briefly that you almost miss it. "And when her ex boyfriend is looking in our direction - of which he is now - I'd kiss her."
"That wouldn't be very professional," you whisper.
"No," he acknowledges. "I don't suppose it would be."
He pulls away.
"I'll let you get on," he says. "The second he even so much as breathes in your direction, you come to me."
"You make your excuses and you come to me."
"I can handle it."
"Fine then," he shrugs. Begins to turn away, but makes sure to say, "I'll come to you."
And despite the deep-rooted need for you to prove yourself, there's a stranger sitting next to your determination. She goes by the name of Desire. And all she does is fucking laugh.
As Jeongguk rejoins his usual crowd, he's met with silence.
"Hmm?" He hums, reaching over for the glass Jimin is holding. Doesn't know what he's drinking. Doesn't ask. Downs it. Hands it back. "What are we talking about?"
Mouths a little ajar, neither Taehyung nor Danbi quite know what to make of what's happening, nor the foul mood that so clearly has a grip on their friend.
"Riveting," Jeongguk says sarcastically, when the silence lasts for a little too long. "No, really. Please go on."
But then, right on cue, Seokjin is heading in your direction, and Jeongguk may as well be bleeding through his tear ducts, given how red his sight is.
Bolting for you, Jeongguk almost knocks into one of the waiting staff. Spends a short moment apologising, then makes sure to interact with the people standing behind you. Has never seen them before in his life. Has no idea who they are - yet he greets them like old friends. Wants Seokjin to question his place. Wants him to think that Jeongguk is so much more important than he actually is.
And when he arrives to find Seokjin already speaking with you?
Yeah. Ain't no way he's letting him win.
Jeongguk does not give a fuck. Does not care about the opinions of anyone else. The world around him is burning red, flames that refuse to flicker out - and you crash through them like a beam of white light. A shooting star that offers the promise of something better. Something new.
Imposing in his stance, Jeongguk comes to stand beside you. Offers his hand out to Seokjin.
"Ah! Seojoon," he says, deliberately getting the wrong name, and not caring that maybe it's indicative of the fact your former fling has also been on his mind. Fine! Maybe he's obsessed with the fact other people have more of a claim on your romantic history than he does. Sue him. "We met at the golf course, remember?"
Seokjin doesn't correct Jeongguk on the incorrect name, nor the incorrect location. Knows exactly what he's doing. Shakes his hand.
"Jeongguk, yes. You had to run off pretty quick, no? Didn't get a chance to rally."
Oh, but we did, Jeongguk thinks. Knows it's a good job he didn't stick around. Would have probably thrown a racquet at Seokjin's face. Accidentally.
"Mm," Jeongguk nods. Protectively grips the nape of your neck. "Had plans. Maybe next time."
Seokjin nods. "Maybe."
The tension between the men is getting thicker.
Soon, you won't be able to breathe.
So you smile towards your ex, and say, "Excuse us."
Which only serves to piss Jeongguk off. This is your shot. Your chance to show Seokjin how little you care - and instead, you want to run away. Un-fucking-believable.
Still he smiles at Seokjin, as if he knows something that he doesn't. Wants him questioning this interaction for weeks. Regretting. Lamenting.
"See you around," Jeongguk says pleasantly, as you lead him down the hallway, your pace getting angrier with each step. He rolls his eyes. Knows you're gonna wanna fight, and thinks fuck it. Will just let it happen this time. Can't be fucked with keeping the peace.
The janitor's closet you had visited with Danbi is down this hallway, and it's where you're headed. Want privacy. Need it.
Especially 'cause Jeongguk's spouting off like a facetious twat before you're even inside. "Worst fake girlfriend I've ever had."
"I don't know how I'm supposed to pretend to be your fucking girlfriend!" You hiss quietly once you're inside, as Jeongguk knocks across the latch on the door, as if anyone else would even think to be in a janitor's closet right now.
You only know the door passcode from when you had been setting up, and even that was a lucky guess. Had just tried the code that works for another door in the gallery when Danbi had dragged you here, too.
"Well, it's not that fucking hard!" He hisses back, trying the handle just to make sure it doesn't open.
"Apparently it is!" You reply childishly.
Turning to face you, Jeongguk is obscured by the lack of light coming in through the small window on the back wall. You can barely see one another, 'cause neither of you have flicked the light on - and quite frankly, you don't want to. It's easier to fight when you can't see how delicate he looks, or how handsome his jaw is when it flexes out of frustration.
"Oh fuck off," he laughs, but it isn't humorous. "Even the caricature artist in Busan had to ask if we were a couple. We are perfectly capable of looking like one."
"I'm sure she asks everyone that!"
"Oh, piss off-"
"Fine!" You say defiantly, barging past him. If he wants you to piss off, then you will. He's the one who got you into this mess. Frankly, you don't give a shit at this point - but the door won't budge. Lock won't move. You yank on the door, as if that will help.
For all of Jeongguk's internalised frustration, he smirks, now. Folds his arm. Perches his ass on the counter by the sink.
Trying to prize the latch open, you're stupidly worried about breaking a nail - but you refuse to ask for help. Look to the side for something you can use for leverage. Can only see mops. Half think about throwing one at Jeongguk.
He doesn't interrupt your struggle. Doesn't tell you that there's a second latch towards the top of the door.
"If you don't let me out, then God help me, Jeongguk, I will scream," you threaten. "I will scream so fucking loudly that everyone hears, and then I'll let you explain why you wouldn't let me out."
Jeongguk laughs. "Go on then."
But you don't. You won't. This is somewhere you hope to work, one day. You can't risk embarrassing yourself over something as pathetic as this.
If you do, then it means Seokjin has won.
Jeongguk is many things. He's frustrating, and confusing, and yet simple and straightforward. He's an oxymoron, and on occasion, just a moron. At the crux of his identity though, is a good human. There is one thing he is not, and that is cruel.
So he stands. Sighs. Walks towards you and leans up to the latch you've neglected to touch. Puts a hand on your waist to steady himself, not that he really needs to. Pulls the lock free. Doesn't let go of your waist, but he isn't keeping you trapped. You're free to fly.
And yet you stay put, breath hitched in your throat, time standing still for a moment.
"Go," Jeongguk says quietly, his raspy voice affecting you in ways that it shouldn't be right now.
But to go would be to give him what he wants - and you absolutely do not want to do that.
Most importantly, you don't want to leave. Would gladly fight with him right now, 'cause at least you're actually talking.
"You go," you reply childishly.
"Me?" He laughs. Comes a little closer. Practically whispers in your ear. "B, you're the one who wanted to go. So, go."
"Maybe I've changed my mind."
He scoffs. "Fine."
It's a childish back and forth. One of you needs to grow up, and take control of the situation - and as Jeongguk's hand grips your waist a little tighter and spins you round, it's evident who is taking that role.
There's a dominant assertion to the way he moves you. You've seen this side of him a few times, but it never fails to take your breath away.
Hands pinned above your head all rather suddenly, a single one of his palms can keep both of your wrists suspended. It's always driven you a little wild before - but he's pissing you off. Every little thing he does will annoy you, now. Even the sexy shit.
In fact, especially the sexy shit.
The hand of his that isn't clamped around your wrists comes to the base of your throat, and you can't help but gasp a little in surprise.
His voice is deep and low as he tells you to 'say chess.'
But you shake your head. Won't do a damn thing he tells you. "No."
He grips tighter. "Tell me to stop."
"Fine then," he husks. Presses his knee between your thighs. Spreads them. Drops the hand from your throat to your hips. Get you positioned just right. Pulls you further up his thigh. Encroaches on your personal space.
"Stop acting like you don't know how to fake things." His voice is dulcet. "Your ex should be pretty used to it."
"Hardly the same thing, is it?" You hiss back, but Jeongguk laughs, and presses a kiss to the side of your ear. Then the lobe. Then beneath your ear. Down your throat. Stops only once he reaches your collarbone. Raises his eyes. Looks directly at you.
"I'm gonna make you cum," he tells you with arrogant certainty. "For real. You're not gonna fake that. Gonna make you cum, and then you're gonna hold my hand in front of your ex-boyfriend and fake that like a good girl."
The energy he's radiating is electric; the right amount of jealousy and desire making you the only thing his brain can focus on for longer than a second at a time.
"Gguk-" you gasp as he pushes your hips down. The leverage is crappy, the angle not quite right, but the intention is there.
Jeongguk glances over his shoulder, to check he wasn't imagining the chair he swore he noticed earlier, and almost thanks the God he doesn't believe in when his eyes land on it.
He turns back to face you. Lets your hands drop from above your head. Cups your jaw. Brushes his lips against yours.
"You're gonna be a good girl for me, aren't you, B?" He says, pressing a delicate kiss to your lips. Doesn't it let it linger. You don't get a chance to kiss him back, for he's moving you both to the chair. He sits, legs parted, and gets you straddled across his thigh. You're right where he wants you. "You're gonna ride my thigh and cum like a good fuckin' girl."
The satin of your panties rubs against his slacks without him even trying.
Hands beneath your dress, he squeezes at the flesh of your ass, spreading you. Pulls you up his thigh. Lets you build a motion. Encourages it.
He doesn't complain when your hands tangle in his hair. It surprises you at first, just how short it is. You've never experienced it like this. It almost distracts you from what's actually happening.
But then one of his hands comes to toy with your chest as you continue to ride his thigh. The neckline makes it so fucking easy for him. He gets you exposed, but doesn't keep it that way for long. Latches onto your nipple as soon as he fucking can. Groans against you, and then the sensation of his vibrating tongue forces the wetness to seep from your cunt.
Your rhythm against his thigh is well-established, now. Both of his hands are free to tug down on the top of your dress.
It's a pretty dress. Gorgeous, in fact, and you look incredible in it - but all he wants to do is take it off. Wants you naked.
For now, he'll settle with your satin-covered cunt rubbing up against him, and your tits nice and exposed for him to toy with. He's using you for his own gratification, and you're doing just the same.
His tongue flicks against your nipples, hands squeezing your tits firmly together. He sucks. Squeezes. Grazes his teeth. Makes you feel so fucking good. Part of you thinks he'll get you cumming just from the contact of his lips with your hardened nipples - but the way his strong thigh is acting as the perfect ridge? Fuck .
"I'm close," you promise as the pleasure trickles through your bloodstream like warm honey. Sweet, and delicate, there's something about orgasms earned by Jeongguk that always makes you feel like you've ascended. Heaven really is a place on earth. Remarkably, it appears to be in a janitor's closet with all of your closest friends just down the hallway.
Jeongguk nods. Slowly pulls away from your nipples, the suction so pleasurable you can't help but whine. "I won't stop you."
He means it. Keeps your nipples wet with his spit, tongue lapping against them, as your hips buck against him. Your whines get a little deeper. Friction stronger. Breaths needier.
And then, as soon as your body begins to shudder that tell-tale way, he lets his tongue loose.
"That's it, beautiful," he husks. Looks at you with stark adorned eyes. "Come on me like the pretty slut you are. What would they think, huh? If everyone here knew what you were doing? Be louder, baby. Let them know. Let them know how much you like to cum for me."
You whimper his name as your grind begins to ease - but Jeongguk doesn't let it. Uses both of his hands. Grabs your ass. Is intentional with the way he bounces his thigh up against you, forcing the sensation to jolt through you once more. Elbows on his shoulders, head buried in the crook of his neck, you're whining as he overstimulates you.
"God, I'll cum again," you tell him, teeth grazing his neck. He kinda likes the pain. Likes that he'll be waking up with a hickie, no doubt.
"Good," he grits. Is rough with your body. Wants that second orgasm, and he wants it now.
"Gguk-" you whimper, but can't manage to say anything more, the wave of pleasure taking over you so much faster. Chest heaving, you're unable to do anything other than languidly grind until your body stops. Hearts beating in sync, Jeongguk is so overwhelmed by how good it is to feel you come undone for him, he almost doesn't notice the way you begin to palm his incredibly hard crotch.
"Shit," he hisses. This was supposed to be about you. He shouldn't be letting you do this - and yet he's reaching for his belt. Is frantic as he unbuckles. Opens up his pants. Takes over from you. Dips his hands into his underwear. Wraps his hand around his hard, leaky cock. Smears the precum from his tip all over his head. Wants it in your mouth - but has other, more pressing ideas. "Can you stand for me, baby?"
Barely. Shaky on your legs, you do your best. Let him guide you - thankfully, to the door. Back pressed against it, Jeongguk gets you to hold the skirt of your dress up. Pushes your panties down, but only just enough to expose a small amount of your cunt. They're still around the top of your thighs, slick with evidence of your orgasm.
Jeongguk lines himself up. Rests the head of his cock against the edge of your underwear. Tells you, "I'm gonna cum in them. Gonna cum in your panties, and then you're gonna wear them all fuckin' evening."
"Please," is all you pathetically whimper.
It doesn't take long for him to get there. He's been worked up all week. He wanks himself off for you. Whines. Whispers shit about how hot you are. How much he likes doing shit like this.
Jeongguk grips onto your arm as his climax hits. Body doubling, he has no choice but to let his forehead rest on your shoulder.
"I'm cumming. Fuck. Fuck," Jeongguk curses. Tilts his head. Presses a wet kiss to the base of your neck as his body jolts and the first rope of cum spurts into your underwear. "Fuck, baby."
"That's it," you encourage, obsessed with the way he's whimpering, body all weak and feeble as it shakes for you.
He groans now. Grips his cock even tighter. Milks himself for all he's worth. Fucking ruins your underwear. Lets the top of his cock rub up against your clit. Massages your slick and his cum together. "Fuck."
When he finally pulls away, he says nothing. Immediately pulls his pants up as if he can't believe what he's just done, then pulls your panties up, too. Hooks the sides over your hips, pulling the mess he's made tightly to your soaked cunt. Cups his hand over your heat. Presses. Rubs. Teases little circles over your clit. Presses down more firmly. Builds speed.
"Gguk," you whine, grabbing onto his shoulders.
"Again, baby," he says softly, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "Cum again for me."
"I can't," you whine, the overstimulation about to kick in - but he dismisses it. Knows that if you wanted him to stop, you'd say 'chess'.
"You can, baby," he promises. Uses the hand that isn't massaging your clit to angle your jaw. Doesn't even think as he steals a pretty little kiss from your lips. Doesn't realise it begins to send you over the edge. "You're gonna cum like you're mine."
And how can you do anything else but succumb to his demands?
Lips on his, brows furrowed together, he swallows all of your pretty little whines, as your body shudders for him. He keeps you steady. Keeps you supported. Keeps his tongue in your mouth, and his hand rubbing your panties. Doesn't ease up until you pull away from his lips.
"Gguk," you pant. "Please."
Nodding, he eases slowly. Doesn't wanna let go too quickly. Keeps kissing you. Won't stop that. Never wants to stop that. Is still annoyed with you, yes, but knows he has a duty of care, now. Also knows he'd never forgive himself if he didn't take every chance he gets to kiss you.
When he finally pulls away, forehead resting against yours, he's spent. You're both panting, both struggling to formulate any words in the wake of such a devastating orgasm.
Brushing a few strands of hair back from your face, Jeongguk closes his eyes. Nudges his nose against yours. Shows a little restraint. Whispers, "You've got a show to return to."
Nodding, you shake a little from his grip. Say nothing as you adjust your dress. Try your best to ignore the thick pool of his cum that's gathered in your panties. The tops of your thighs will end up smeared in the evidence of him, and, quite disgustingly, it only serves to make you even more turned on.
"I'll follow behind you," he promises as he begins to sort himself out, too.
Nodding, you're a little unsure of exactly what to do. You're scared that someone will know. That you'll leak.
"I'm scared," you admit. Explain your worry. He rolls his eyes, but smiles as he does, so.
He tugs on your hands, and props you up against the counter towards the back of the small room. Spreads your legs. Assesses fuckin' nothing, 'cause it's so dark in the room - but knows your pussy almost as well as he knows his own name. Licks to the left of your lips. To the right. Ends in one thick stripe up the centre. Sucks ever so gently once he reaches your clit. Knows that your cunt - your leaky, needy, hole that he loves to stretch out so much - must be going insane from the lack of attention it's getting.
"You'll be okay," he assures you. Stands, and gives your pussy a playful spank. "C'mon. You've got horny old dudes to schmooze."
"Is that gonna get you off?" you tease slightly, your annoyance with him a little subdued.
"Maybe," he shrugs, already knowing it mostly likely will. "You're gonna walk around that gallery covered in my cum, and no one else but us is gonna know it," he smirks, the gravity of what he's just done finally kicking in. Cups your jaw. Presses a kiss to your lips. Husks, "You're gonna go out there and act like you're mine - 'cause right now, you are."
You don't argue against it.
The pair of you meander down the corridor in near silence. His hand is on your back, but your arms are tentatively folded across your chest. Each step is accompanied by your keen ears checking for audible evidence of your sin.
So caught up in your own worries, you don't notice how quiet the gallery itself is. How few people seem to be milling about. How the main lights are on now, and how it only seems to be those wearing 'staff' lanyards within the main space.
Pursing his lips as he realises, Jeongguk tries not to laugh.
"Oh, shit," you whisper, pulling on his wrist so you can check the time on his watch. 10:13. The show was scheduled to finish at 10, but you're sure most people will have filtered out before then. Have no idea what the time was when Jeongguk had dragged you away from the main room.
"S'fine," he mumbles. Grips a little tighter on your waist. Doesn't let you pull away, like he fears you will now that appearances don't need to be kept up.
You don't. Instead, your arms drop from their position over your chest, and reach for his hand, guiding him the direction of the (now unmanned) cloak room.
There's little chatter as you grab your coats - the only ones left there.
"Need to show you something," you mumble, digging into your pockets, and pulling out half a dozen empty tubes.
Jeongguk looks at you with a sense of frayed confusion - but if he were to thread the strings together, he'd see the bigger picture.
Dusted in fine glitter of different colours, the tubes don't seem out of the ordinary for you. Is totally the kind of thing he'd expect to see in your pockets.
Quietly, you grit your teeth together. Suck in a little air. Are embarrassed to admit what you've done.
But the person in front of you is your best friend. Even with judgement will come acceptance. There always is. Honesty is the least you owe him.
"I know I'm not wearing any glitter," you start slowly. Hold the empty tubes up, then toss them into the bin beside the concierge table. Knock your head to the side and encourage him to start walking with you. He does.
He also reaches into his own pocket, and pulls out his car keys. Passes them over to you. "Might be above the limit. Can you drive?"
Glancing over to him, shocked by the request, you double check. "Are you sure?"
He nods. "You can crash at mine. It's fine."
Despite it all, there's still no one else he wants to end the night with. No girl he'd rather take home. Platonic or romantic.
"Sleep, I mean," he adds. "Not physically crash the car. Please don't crash my car."
You just smile. Nod. After the hideousness of the week spent barely talking to him, there's nothing you want more than to just feel like things are still normal.
"So the tubes?" he asks as you reach the car. He lets you unlock it, but adjusts the seat for you before letting you get in. Also puts his jacket down on the cushion, just in case your underwear gives up on protecting your decency.
"Thanks," you say, stroking the side of his waist tenderly as he makes way for you and waits for him to get in before you start the car up. You get onto the main road, and make sure you've got your bearings before finally explaining yourself. "It was plausible deniability. The lack of glitter, I mean. Was deliberate."
"What do you mean?" He asks, reaching for the gearstick. Doesn't care if your hand is on it. Wants to hold it. You ignore his actions. Just let him intertwine his fingers with yours.
"I mean, the less glitter on me, the less credibility Jin would have when it comes to arguing that I'm the person who's emptied half a dozen tubes of glitter into his incredibly expensive formal winter coat."
Jeongguk says nothing for a moment. Plays out the idea of you stealthily depositing millions of glitter specks into a jacket that costs more than his yearly rent. Is slow to ask, "...which pockets?"
And you're slow to reply, "... All the ones I could find. Outside, inside. Secret pocket in the lining."
And then Jeongguk is laughing. Really fucking laughing. Looks over to you, and your bunched up little face, and is overcome a sense of pride he usually only feels for these gallery shows, or when a bird of yours is completed. The kinda pride that is reserved for you, and for your accomplishments.
"Shut up," you giggle now, too. "I know it's childish but-"
"No," he shakes his head. Can't stop smiling. "It's brilliant. Dunno if you've heard, but apparently glitter is a bitch to get out."
"Yeah," you grin. "I've been told that a few times."
And suddenly the events of the evening seem to feel less burdensome. Warmer. More pleasant.
You don't bother with small talk, and nor does he. Are just happy to exist together, and this state of ease lasts right up until you're in his apartment, shoes off, standing a little awkwardly in his living room.
Jimin is out. Everyone is. There are a million messages in your group chat asking where you are. You'll just reply in the morning. Too busy, now.
"I need to shower," you say, a little timid.
Jeongguk nods. "Same."
"Join me?"
To your surprise, he hesitates.
"You're the reason I need one in the first place," you remind him. "Please."
He looks down. Shakes his head. "I don't trust us."
"Nor do I," you tell him. "But this whole thing has been hell on earth, Gguk. I've hated it."
"Me too."
"I don't think..." you sigh. Don't want to share your conclusion, but know you need to. "I don't think careless fucking around is worth it. It's definitely not worth losing you."
"So what are you saying?"
Gesturing towards yourself, you grimace a little. "I'm saying we sort out the current... mess. Get showered. Whatever. Head to the pharmacy in the morning for the emergency pill, just in case - and then a few days from now, I'll take an actual test. Just wanna make sure my system is settled, first. And then, providing it all goes well, we sort ourselves out. Stop fucking around."
Jeongguk says nothing. Just sort of looks at you as if you've just hung up a new star in the sky, or something absurd like that. Nods. "Alright."
You're well aware that you shouldn't look at Jeongguk in the way that you do; that you shouldn't stand in his living room, and let the dress that you've been hoping would keep him focused on you all night drop to the floor.
He's well aware that he shouldn't look at you in the way that he does; like you're some kind of star to wish upon.
And yet you both do. He wishes. You grant his wishes.
There's a mess to clean up in the morning. Jeongguk can't shake the look on the faces of his friends from his mind. Knows that you need to cover your tracks.
But for now, he doesn't care.
Your dress is on the floor, and his heart is yours.
Though he'll always define you as his best friend, he knows that the way he wants you goes beyond the scope of that. Knows that there's no going back.
"Byeol," he whispers.
"Koo," you whisper right back.
He smiles. Shakes his head. "I love it when you call me that."
You nod. smile, too. "I love the way you smile when I call you that."
He's right not to trust the pair of you together. Right to assume that a shower is a bad decision. Right to think that the second he has you naked, he won't care about the consequences.
Quite frankly, he couldn't give a fuck. Skin on skin, he indulges in you. The way you feel, the way you sound. Pretends like it's normal, holding your waist as he peppers kisses up your neck. Tells himself it's not unusual for friends to let their hands roam. It's all about trust. Mutual adoration. Desire. Want. Careful carelessness.
You don't kiss him, at least. Not in the shower.
No, you don't kiss him... until you're in his sheets.
Neither of you got dressed after the shower. Went to bed naked with the promise of sleep - and yet somehow you're straddled across his lap at two in the morning, hips slowly grinding to get the feeling of fullness you love so much from Jeongguk.
"After this-" you husk into his lips, but he breaks your sentence with yet another kiss. You don't mind. "After this, we've gotta start taking shit carefully."
He nods. "Mhmm. Whatever you say."
"Byeol, please," he smiles. "I'm literally inside you. Can you at least wait until we're done to give me ultimatums?"
Laughing, you cup his jaw. Kiss him again, just because you want to. Because you can. "Yeah. My bad."
Sitting back up, Jeongguk watches on in a state of adoration as your body moves for him. So often the one to take the lead, he's letting you have control, now. Letting you ride him. Letting himself succumb to everything you are.
"Shit," he whines, back arching, head pressing into his pillows. Fingers gripping your hips, he thrashes his own upwards. Thrusts up into you like a man possessed. Gets your body all weak and feeble from the overwhelming pleasure he's delivering - and when your hand dips to toy with your clit? Oh, it doubles. Trebles.
"You're so fucking hot," he tells you. "Yeah. Play with yourself for me. That's it, baby."
Panting, you tap on his chest with your spare hand. "Hips. Slow."
He does what he's told even if he absolutely doesn't want to. Let you bounce slowly. Reaches up to hold one of your tits as you do so. Wants them in his mouth. Finds himself grinning when he thinks of how much he's changed since you first started fucking around together.
"God, I fuckin' love this," he whines a little mindlessly. Doesn't bother clarifying what 'this' is.
The hand of yours that's wrapped around his wrist begins to tighten. Nails dig in. Tiny pretty whines of satisfaction escape your lips. Eyes close. Speed of the hand rubbing circles on your clit increases. Sitting on his cock, he's keeping you stretched. Full. Lets you do whatever the fuck you like, 'cause he knows you're working your way up. Loves to watch it more than anything. Gets himself off sometimes thinking about it.
Leaning forward a little, you reach for his phone. Slide it open to his camera.
He narrows his eyes. "Whatcha doing there?"
Whiney as you manage to speak, Jeongguk thinks you must be a direct descendant of Aphrodite. "Giving you permission," you hum, passing his phone back to him, already recording.
He looks to the screen, a little red button in the middle and a time running through on the top. Raises his brow. "Sure?"
You're putting on a show for him, yes, but none of it is faked. This is as real as it gets.
"Oh, fuck yeah," he husks as he can feel your walls tighten. "Like that. Like that. Fuck ." Pulses his hips ever so slightly. Sneaks his hand to join yours. Takes over. "Cum all over my cock, baby. Yeah. Yeah, that's it, babe."
"Gguk, I'm so close."
"I know," he coos. "Let yourself. I'm here."
"You're so big," you tell him, just so he has evidence of it. Know it will do his ego wonders. "Makes me feel so good."
"Show me how good it feels. Cum for me. Please. I need this. Need you ."
And when you finally do?
Oh, it's glorious.
"There she is," Jeongguk praises. Doesn't bother to stop recording. Tosses his phone to the side. Pulls you in for a million kisses. "God, you're so pretty when you cum. So fuckin' pretty."
His hips continue to gently rock, his orgasm far less violent than yours. You only really know it's happening cause he grunts. Gets a little breathless. Hugs around your back as his legs begin to shake, and eventually he manages to shakily whisper, "it's yours. All yours."
You just assume he means his cock, or cum, or something vulgar like that - and while it would be correct, it's not what he means. Not at all.
He holds you as you sleep that night. Has no interest in pretending like he wants to be less than what you are right now.
But come the morning, you're cracking jokes together like you've never nearly made declarations you'd never be able to take back. Hang out, as if he wouldn't rather eat you out. Make a to-do list. Laugh, as it's titled 'Fixing the Star-Fuckers Fuck-Up'.
You make a trip out of the list. Go to a pharmacy a few towns over. Grab a drive-thru Maccies breakfast. Get absolutely slated when you order a Shanghai Snack Wrap instead of a classic egg McMuffin.
"Can't believe we're friends," Jeongguk says, disgusted by the fact you're choosing to have something from the all-day menu. "Can't believe we fuck ."
"Fucked," you remind him, and remember that you've a pill you need to take. Pop it out of the foil, and swallow it down with a chug of Jeongguk's drink. "Past tense."
"Yeah, sorry," Jeongguk grins. It's easier to pretend like the idea of not fucking doesn't phase him. "My bad."
His pretty grin swiftly disappears three days later as he paces around your apartment living room, waiting on the result from a little pink stick that's sitting on top of your toilet. You're in the living room, too. Don't wanna check it. Nor does he.
So you play rock paper scissors.
Jeongguk loses.
And as you nervously await your fate, all you hear from your bathroom is a single word.
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3rd anni FINALE: brothers / paws n claws
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note: based loosely on the pop quiz of the same name, though with the requested change of levi being a snake rather than a giraffe - and since that was different, i decided to do something new with ik as well (this is what that random animal poll was for). this one's a proper long one, so i'm deeply sorry if the keep reading bar ever breaks
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You'd normally think that an event that makes Luke flee the House of Lamentation, tearfully shouting, “I’ll go get help!” must be some kind of catastrophe. Well, it still might shape up to be - but I'm hopeful that it won't. Right now, it's a situation at most.
Said situation can be summarised with one sentence: there was something wrong with the cake. This is vague enough to be misleading, though, so I’ll elaborate: there was a potion in the cake, and it made Beel grow fluffy ears and a tail, then shortly thereafter started doing the same thing to everyone else.
‘Fluffy ears and a tail’ might not sound too bad, but Luke wouldn’t have run like that if that was all. Beel has rapidly developed a mouthful of sharp teeth, a bone-shakingly powerful roar, and a sudden, even more pronounced taste for meat. Raw meat, specifically, because that is what lions eat. It'd be cool if it wasn’t for the fact that we had been the nearest sources of raw meat when the hunger first hit.
The only thing to do, really, was run and hide. And that probably wouldn’t even have worked (Beel is also now even faster and stronger than usual) if Mammon hadn’t suddenly sprouted new striped features of his own and pounced on him in return. Things just sort of went crazy after that.
I haven’t been able to keep track of them all, but knowing their track record, everyone else has probably been hit with the curse, too. Asmo definitely has, at least - I know that because it happened while he was rushing me to the safety of his room's two locks.
“It’s weird that the potion changed your clothes as well,” I say, trying to figure out whether that’s a dress or a really long blouse as he pushes me in. “Isn’t it?”
Asmo doesn’t answer for a moment - he turns the key, then peers fretfully through the peephole. After a moment, he hisses, “That doesn’t matter, does it? You know Mammon’s a tiger? There—”
There’s a knock on the door, and Asmo skitters backwards. After a moment, there’s another, mellower knock, then a plaintive, “Hello?”
Though it sounds closer to a ‘he-wo?’. Asmo frowns. “Levi? Why do you sound like that?”
There’s a shuffle. “I goh— got fangth. It’th… wha’ever, can I come in?”
Asmo doesn’t move for a moment, but relents quickly. Levi sidles in, head turning from side to side, tail dragging in behind him. It’s longer and thinner than in demon form, and iridescent green instead of deep grey - his pupils look narrower, too, and there are dark markings along his cheeks.
“Whoa!” I hadn’t gotten a good look at him when he first started transforming. “You’re a snake!”
“I notithed,” He says unhappily. He has fangs now - long, curved ones that keep catching on his bottom lip. “It’th a nigh’mare. Theeth teeth…”
“Are they retractable?”
“I’unno…” He scrunches his face in concentration. The fangs suddenly swing up into the back of his mouth. “...oh! Yes! Finally!”
“When did you switch?” I ask as he opens and closes his mouth several times with relish. “Asmo went a few minutes ago, I think he’s a panda… it looked like it hurt.”
He makes a popping sound, then releases a long sigh. “Eh - not really? It’s more like everything gets really hot and itchy for a bit. Isn’t anything happening to you?”
I look down at myself. “Doesn’t look like it.”
“Guess the potion only works on demons. Lucky…” Levi rubs his arms, then abruptly dives into Asmo’s bed. “Brr! Why’s it so cold in here?”
“Snakes are cold-blooded, right? So you need to get heat from somewhere else.” I lean over and plant my hands on his cheeks. “Is that nice?”
“Ooh… yeah…” He blinks at me. “Hrm. Everything looks so weird. It’s, like… fuzzy.”
I squint at his face. Wait - those aren’t markings after all. “Oh! You’ve got heat pits! You’re, like, seeing temperature. That’s so cool.”
Asmo looks as well, then recoils, hands flying to his mouth. “Eww! There’s holes in your face!”
“As if you don’t have a nose,” Levi snaps, but reaches self-consciously to cover his cheeks anyway. “...ugh. I’m still cold.”
I’m not large enough to be an effective heater - what we really need is either a heat lamp, or the sun, neither of which Asmo has in his room. He resorts to dragging Levi to his bathtub instead, and lighting candles in a circle around him. It looks like we’re using him for a nefarious ritual, but it seems to provide Levi with a little relief.
“It’s like I can see them way clearer than everything else,” Levi says, squinting, then covers his nose. “And they smell super strong. You know I’ve got venom now, too? I got some on the carpet and it started, like, dissolving.”
So the potion definitely isn’t just a cosmetic thing. I glance at Asmo. “Do you feel any different?”
“Hmm. Maybe?” He stretches, and for the first time his sleeves fall down enough for me to see his hands. The pads of his fingers look thicker, and his nails look more like claws. “Like, I kinda wanna go to sleep, I guess.”
He leans forward on the edge of the bathtub, then fumbles and slips down into a heap. “Ooh. Gosh, this whole thing is weird. How do you think everyone’s doing?”
“It might not have even worked on Lucifer.” Those candles really do smell strong. It’s making my nose tickle. “What animal do you th— achoo!”
I can tell something’s changed as soon as I open my eyes again, but Levi’s yelp and jerk backwards (dangerously close to the candles) confirms it. I look down. Those definitely aren’t the clothes I was wearing a minute ago.
“Oh,” I say, defeated. “So the potion did work on me.”
“You’ve got a tail!” Asmo squeals, trying several times to scramble to his feet before succeeding, and immediately reaching for me. “And your ears!”
“Whoa whoa whoa—” I think I can empathise with Hyde when Aunt Lisa rushes him now. “Wait, wait, wait— put me down for a sec—”
Asmo (somewhat unwillingly) releases me, and I hurry to the mirror. White ears, a bushy red tail, distinct markings across my cheeks… am I wearing gloves? No - that’s straight-up a paw. It’s alien trying to move my fingers and watching the claws flex instead.
…my right hand is still normal, though. That one is just wearing a sort of glove. It’s like the potion got mad about not being able to do anything to the prosthetic and doubled its effects on the intact one.
I lift my paw as if to swipe at the mirror, then bare my teeth at it. “Rarrgh!”
Behind me, Levi’s reflection soundlessly pretends to get shot in the heart and collapses backwards into the tub. Asmo isn’t nearly so quiet - he squeals again, twice as loud this time.
I give him a moment to compose himself, then turn and announce, “I think I’m a red panda.”
“Ooh! So we’re matching?!” He slides over and sets his head on the crown of my head, then brandishes his own claws at the mirror as well. “Oh, we need to get pictures. Or film some videos! We can’t let this go to waste!”
“Hey, hey, slow down.” Levi emerges from the tub again. “What about everyone else? If the potion even works on humans, then Lucifer’s probably…”
“Oh, yeah! We totally need pictures of him, too.”
“That’s not the point—”
Levi pauses to yawn, but it’s nothing like anything I’ve ever seen before. He just keeps going, wider than should really be possible. His fangs click out, and the entire roof of his mouth seems to turn inside out for a moment - then everything realigns, and his jaw swings shut again.
“What?” He asks after a moment. Asmo is staring at him in horror - and I with fascination.
“What happened to your bones?” Asmo asks in a hush.
“That was so cool,” I say with the same intonation. “And gross.”
“...you don’t sound like that’s a bad thing.”
“It’s not.”
“That potion really is crazy,” Asmo whispers. He looks haunted. “Should that stuff really be allowed? What’s Solomon doing in that lab? Am I gonna start doing that?”
“You’re fine, Asmo,” I reassure, patting him on the arm - he latches onto me like a stress blanket. “Pandas don’t do that.”
“You promise?” He asks tearfully.
“Promise.” I think of all the videos I’ve seen over the years. “And everyone loves pandas, anyway. They’re super cute.”
Levi crosses his arms over the edge of the bathtub and rests his chin atop them, then heaves a melancholic sigh. “And everyone’s scared of snakes ‘cause they think they’re gross.”
“Oh, don’t be a spoilsport,” Asmo scolds - though, to be fair, that’s easy for him to say. “We don’t think snakes are gross.”
“Uh, yes you do. You went ew about my heat pits.”
“That’s not the same thing!”
“I love snakes,” I declare. “Anyway, every animal’s kind of gross sometimes. You should watch Planet Earth.”
All while we’re saying this, I’m beginning to worry a little about the others. Levi’s the only reptile so far - if we’re lucky, that’s the furthest up the evolutionary tree anyone else has gone, but if we’re unlucky, one of them could be a fish. If the potion’s capable of giving Levi heat pits and the bone structure to actually unhinge his jaw, there’s no reason it couldn’t give someone gills.
I wonder how the potion decides what it’s going to turn us into. Levi being a snake makes sense… but Beel being a lion and Asmo a giant panda feel more arbitrary. (Though I couldn’t imagine what it’d look like if they turned into a fly and a scorpion.) And I don’t know why I’m a red panda, either.
“I think I’m gonna go look for Beel,” I decide after a while. He’s probably sated himself at least a little by now - he knows where the fridge is. “You guys stay here.”
“You think we’re gonna send you to the lions?” Levi asks in disbelief, and starts attempting to get out of the tub. “No dice! You’re staying here, where it’s safe. I’ll go check on Beel.”
“You have to stay here, though - you’re cold-blooded now, remember?” I push him back down, which takes surprisingly little effort. “So you have to keep warm.”
“Come on, d’you really think these candles are doing anything for me? They’re tiny.”
Now that he mentions it… “Hmm. Maybe we should run you a hot bath.”
“You want me to take a bath while you go talk to a lion?”
“He’s right, hon.” Asmo interjects. “We’re not the ones who need protecting.”
“Come on, we do this every time something—” I sigh loudly and try to compose myself. “—okay, look, you know you never win this fight. Nothing’s happened to me before. And it's just Beel, anyway.”
They exchange a look. After a moment, Levi huffs. “Fine - but you’d better not do anything stupid, alright?! I’ve seen this go wrong in way too many shows!”
“And if it looks like trouble, you’re coming straight back here,” Asmo adds. “Or I’ll cry. I mean it.”
I sigh, but smile at him anyway. “Sure, Asmo. Take a nap or something.”
It’s finally business as usual. We have an impromptu team handshake - which is nice, that’s never happened before - and then I let myself out into the hall, and into the figurative jungle.
It’s eerily quiet out here. Or it is for a moment, at least, because then something crashes in the kitchen.
I can take a guess at who it is. I hurry downstairs - I feel more agile, somehow. I don’t think my feet are paws as well, but these boots definitely look like them. I’d thought having a tail would feel stranger, but the sensation seems to have settled in seamlessly. It feels as if it’s been there the whole time.
Beel, just as I’d thought, has his head in the fridge when I get there. I can hear glass clinking and plastic crinkling. Several containers are already lying empty on the table. The only real difference between this and his usual fridge raids is that he’s gone exclusively for the raw meat.
I’ve never seen him get food poisoning, but that doesn’t mean he can’t. Well, maybe the potion gave him a lion’s stomach too... “Uh - Beel?”
He makes a sound of surprise that isn’t that different from a cat’s ‘mrrp’ - just a lot deeper - and pulls back from the fridge with startling swiftness. There’s a scrap of something pink hanging out of his mouth.
“...are you having fun?” I ask after a moment. Ignoring all new features, his demeanour looks about the same. Maybe his eyes are more dilated than usual.
He makes a rumbling sound at the base of his throat and swallows the rest of the scrap in his mouth, slamming the fridge shut with his elbow and moving to the sink. He cups his hands under the faucet and drinks deeply - every move is poised and purposeful. Then he closes his eyes and shakes himself all over, like a wet dog.
When he opens his eyes, they look normal again. I can’t say the same for the rest of him - his hair is longer and poofier, as if in imitation of a mane, and there’s fur around his neck that makes him look almost twice as large as usual.
“You switched, too?” He asks after a moment. I catch a glimpse of sharp, bloodstained canines, and recoil before I can stop myself. “...hm? Are you okay?”
“Y-yeah, peachy.” Do red pandas’ tails fall between their legs when they’re nervous, too? I feel like mine’s trying to do that. “What about you? Do you like being a lion?”
“I don’t like… liking all this,” He says after a moment, gesturing at all the empty boxes. I try not to think too hard about the image they conjure. “I mean, it’s way better when it’s cooked. You can put all sorts of different stuff on it to make it tasty. But it’s the only thing I feel like eating right now.”
“Well, that’s how a lion eats.”
Beel looks at me for a moment. Then, unprompted, he reaches up and scratches my fluffy new ears. I feel my shoulders fall. “Hey. It’s alright. I’m not going to hurt you.”
I hadn’t even noticed myself tensing up. It’s not like I thought he ever would, but… actually, I can’t tell if those were the red panda’s survival instincts, or my own. I’m fairly sure the latter hasn’t been working for a while.
“Yeah, I know,” I sigh after a moment, sitting down with him. Using my tail as a cushion, I can’t feel the chill of the kitchen tiles at all. “I just… I dunno. Do you know what happened to everyone else?
He thinks for a moment, then looks a little alarmed. “Uh— I think I was chasing Satan for a while. He was moving all fast and funny, and I just— I don’t know. It felt like I had to grab him. I don’t think I caught him, but…”
“We’d better see, just in case,” I conclude, getting up. “I need to check on everyone, anyway. Asmo’s with Levi already…”
“Belphie went to the observatory,” Beel says thoughtfully, following me out of the kitchen. “And I haven’t seen Lucifer since we split up. He looked like he was gonna follow you and Asmo, but then…”
“Did it look like he transformed?”
“Uhh…” He looks mildly guilty. “I don’t know. I stopped thinking straight. Mammon bit me, and then I was chasing him instead…”
“He bit you?” I saw Mammon jumping at him, but I didn’t think he’d gone that far.
“Yeah. Pretty hard, actually. It only hurt for a bit, though.” Beel points to his shoulder. “I think he thought I’d go after you first, so he was trying to chase me off. I don’t know where he went after that…”
I sigh. “Well, he’s got to be somewhere in the house. Let’s go find Belphie first.”
“Mmm? Sure.” He pauses to yawn. It isn’t quite as spectacular as Levi’s, but it’s impressive all the same. The teeth are still a little unsettling. “Be careful. I don’t know what he turned into.”
He rubs my ears again, then moves away with long, languid steps, tail trailing lazily behind him. My own tail swishes anxiously for a moment before I steel myself and follow him.
It turns out Belphie didn’t even make it into the observatory - he got into the music room, then apparently couldn’t be bothered to walk any further past the divider and just curled up under the piano. Beel very nearly stands on an extended arm before he seems to smell his presence.
“Belphie?” He crouches down and reaches for the thick brown tail he’s using as a blanket. “Wake u—”
As soon as his hand closes around the fur, Belphie’s entire body goes rigid - the underside of the piano presses his ears flat against his head as he rolls out from under it and flips upright in an instant, poised as if to pounce. It’s all so quick, all so alarmingly sudden, that my entire body tenses, jerks backwards, and I find myself with both hands raised high in the air.
I don’t know what I expected to do, only that I had to make myself look as large as possible. Belphie - eyes wide open in a way that they almost never are immediately after waking - looks at me for a moment, then laughs so loudly that Beel jumps back this time.
“Where’ve you been?” He asks, grinning. His teeth aren’t nearly as pointy as Beel’s, but his smile is a lot more devious. “Hey, I’m just messing with you.”
“Uh huh,” I say, trying not to look too scared. For some reason, I can’t bring myself to bring my hands down. I just look like I’ve long since surrendered. “I knew that.”
Belphie snickers. His tail curves up behind him, ears swivelling to the side of his head. “C’mon, relax. Let’s play a game.”
On the last word, he hops just a bit forward, and I take a great big step back. Beel glances between us, then commands, looking mildly concerned, “Be nice, Belphie.”
“I am being nice,” Belphie says with a sniff, baring his teeth at me again. The longer I look at his grin, though, the more it begins to look playful. “Hey. Hey!”
He darts forward again, but this time I’m ready for him - I pounce straight at his chest, knocking him within an inch of smacking his head on the piano, then quickly get up and scurry to the other side of the room. Belphie springs straight back to his feet and rushes so swiftly at me that there’s little I can do before he scoops me up with deceivingly gentle hands and tosses me a fair distance across the room.
A ‘fair distance’, however, is not long enough to prevent me from running straight back at him (for some reason, my hands end up in the air again) and bowling into his knees to knock him over. He lets out a sound between a yelp, a yip and a laugh, tumbling back onto his stomach and forgoing even getting back to his feet before he charges again.
“Wait—” Beel’s head swings back and forth until he’s blinking from the whiplash. “You two, come on—”
Belphie swipes at my feet at the same time that I seize his hood, sending us both back to the ground in a tangled heap. I recover first and unpin myself from beneath his unexpectedly heavy limbs, and register Beel standing over us - without stopping to wonder if it’s a good idea, I reach up, hook my claws into the fur around his shoulders, and scramble up him like a tree.
He only wobbles for a moment before balancing himself again. I adjust myself onto his back, then peer triumphantly down at Belphie through his mane.
“That’s cheating,” He complains, sitting up. “C’mon, are you really doing this?”
“You started it.” I muffle through Beel’s mane.
“What? You literally jumped at me first.”
“You’re bigger than me, so it doesn’t count.”
Beel makes a deep, rumbling sound that I’ll take as one of amusement. Hmm. I’m a lot closer to his ears from here.
Belphie yawns and flicks his tail about, then wraps his arms around it like it’s a toy. “Whatever. Bet you’re only getting away with it ‘cause you’re cute. Right, Beel?”
Beel lifts his hands innocently. Meanwhile, keeping my right hand latched to his mane, I reach up with my left to touch his ears. “I’m just standing. I can’t control what IK does.”
“Uh, yes you can. You can literally just pick her up. Any time.”
Beel’s fur is softer than I was expecting, but still coarser than any dog I’ve ever pet. I turn around to look at his tail. It’s sort of similar to Belphie’s usual demon tail - sleek along most of its length, but with a big fluffy bit at the end. He’s holding it too far down for me to reach from here, but if I twist a little more…
“Whoops—” Turns out I twisted too far. My claws detach, and I rapidly start slipping down his back.
Belphie’s eyes flash up. As smoothly as if he’d anticipated it, he ducks forward and cushions the landing with his tail - then draws in a breath through his teeth and scrunches his face up. “Oww. That hurt.”
“No one told you to do that,” I counter, but hurriedly shuffle off anyway.
“And let you break your tail? I don’t think so.” He reaches over before I can get far enough away and squishes my cheeks inward, then puts on a voice that he reserves for his most infuriating bits. “You gotta be careful, you’re just a little baby. Look at your cute little ears. What are you meant to be?”
“Not telling you!” I try to wrestle my face out of his hands, but he’s a lot better at this game than either Beel or I am. “Hey! I’m gonna bite you if you don’t stop!”
“Fine,” He sighs with unnecessarily gloom, and acquiesces. “You’re so mean to me. Well, do you know what I’m meant to be?”
I fold my arms and regard him for a moment. It’s not as obvious as the others have been so far. “I dunno. A weasel?”
He gives me a look. “Be nice.”
“I am being nice. What’s your problem with weasels?” I lean forward and pick up his tail at the tip. It’s heavier than it looks. “...well, your ears are the wrong shape, anyway. Um… you could be a hyena. Do a laugh?”
“Ha ha ha.”
“A proper one.”
“That is my proper one.”
“What do you think, Beel?”
He starts. He doesn't seem to have been paying attention - just watching us with a warm look on his face. “Uh— a cow?”
“A cow?” Belphie repeats incredulously. “Have you ever seen a cow? You just want steak, don’t you?”
Beel’s face says ‘guilty as charged’. I prop myself up on my knees and start ruffling Belphie’s ears without permission. They feel like they could be extra-big cat ears.
“I think you’re some kind of desert fox,” I announce. “Try barking.”
He looks offended. “No way.”
“I command you to—”
“I think it’s time for Beel to have a snack,” He says loudly, and gets to his feet. “We’re going now.”
“It’d be easier if you just do it on your own,” I say persuasively, following behind as Beel gets unceremoniously pushed out of the room. “It’s less embarrassing. It’s on your terms.”
“I’m not barking!” He insists, moving a little faster, as if that will stop me from speaking. “Make Lucifer do it. Wolves are way closer to dogs.”
“I d— oh, so the potion did work on him?” My attention is successfully shifted. “Where did he go?”
“I dunno, I wasn’t looking— where are you going?”
I’m already in the other room when I realise I was meant to answer that question, but it doesn’t matter that much. There are only so many places to be in the House of Lamentation, and Lucifer’s pretty predictable. He might well have gone back to his office to do his work for the day.
I look into the common room just in case, which is empty - but, rather suspiciously, there’s a lot of grey fur stuck to the cushions in Lucifer’s usual spot. The common room has a pretty distinct mix of scents to it, and Lucifer’s is strong enough that he can’t have left too long ago.
I’m not sure I enjoy having such strong senses. It’s easier not to pay attention to it all when I’m in the middle of something else, but it’s overwhelming as soon as I stop and try to dissect everything.
I sit down for a moment, close my eyes, and listen carefully to the silence. There’s some distant clanking and conversation from the kitchen, but other than that it’s just quiet…
…the weird thing is that we all still have our normal ears, on top of the new animal ones. I can’t tell which ones are doing the work.
Garden, a voice in the back of my head suddenly supplies, and I open my eyes again. I don’t think I even heard anything - not consciously, anyway - but it feels like the right thing to do.
And apparently it is. Lucifer is sitting out on the grass and doing absolutely nothing.
Which is quite suspicious, really. But all I can think about is how he doesn’t seem to have heard the door open, and that it would be really funny if I snuck up on him.
I take a slow, careful step onto the lawn. He doesn’t give any indication that he’s noticed anything. Maybe he can’t hear me over the rustling of his own tail swiping idly through the grass. I think this is about as close as I can get away with. Can I jump that far? Only one way to find out.
I crouch back and adjust myself. Then, using the soft grass as a springboard, I launch myself ever-so-gently at his shoulders and grab him by the head.
Lucifer doesn’t scream - I wouldn’t have expected him to, and if he had, I’d have been very alarmed. But he does let out a loud, gruff ‘heurgh!’ and nearly topple straight over, which is about as good as you get with him.
“Hey,” I announce, into his regular ear, then lean up and do the same into the wolf ones, just in case. “Hey!”
“Yes, I can hear you,” He sighs, catching himself on a hand and trying to act stern. (His tail is wagging.) “And what do you think you’re doing?”
“Dunno.” I lean forward until I’m just about hanging over his shoulder. Lucifer has to switch from hunching forward to tilting back to keep balance. “What’re you doing?”
He’s quiet for a moment. I get the feeling that he doesn’t know, either. “Keeping watch.”
“Watch on what?” The only thing in front of us is a big hedge and some flowers. “There’s nothing here.”
“Hmm,” He says, which isn’t an answer. “Shouldn’t you be inside?”
“Well, I was looking for you—” I tip further forward still, and at this point Lucifer seems to decide that it’d be more prudent to just lie back, so that I’m lying on my front instead of attempting to fall head-first into the grass. “—oof— ‘cause I didn’t think the potion would work on you. And I wanted to see what you were like.”
“You wanted to see me do something embarrassing,” He concludes, and waves off my defensive ‘nooo’. “I didn’t think it would work on you, either. What are you, exactly?”
“Red panda.” I reach across his chest and poke at one of the straps running down his shirt. “Wow. Your suspenders are kind of ugly.”
There’s a short, sharp exhale, and then he remembers to be offended. “I didn’t choose them.”
“Well, I was saying - it’s weird that the potion knows how to make clothes, isn’t it? I mean, it’s adding bones and everything…”
“Which is exactly why I’d like to question Solomon about what he put in it,” He says, and now he does sound genuinely severe. “He’s lucky it hasn’t done any damage. I don’t know how Luke managed to bake it into a cake.”
The tip of his tail - the rest of it is trapped under his back - has started lashing angrily at the grass. I wonder if scratching his ears would help calm him down, or just make him madder.
“It��s not his fault,” I say in what I hope is a persuasive voice. Maybe it’d help if I sounded more pitiful. “And I helped him bake it, too.”
He gives me a look. “You’re the one I’m most worried about. A human body shouldn’t be able to handle the same kind of magical stress as a demon, and it wasn’t exactly comfortable when I transformed. Is there something you aren’t telling me?”
“Funny story, actually. I just sneezed and then it happened.”
“You just sneezed,” He repeats.
“Didn’t feel a thing,” I confirm. “Anyway, it’s cool, isn’t it? Like - Levi has heat pits now.”
“We still don’t know how long this is going to last,” He says, but he does look less tense. “...well, you might as well have fun with it.”
“Do you feel like howling at all?” I ask, looking up at the moon. I mean, I know it’s not actually a thing, but even so… “Actually, do you feel any different? Like… is the wolf within talking?”
“You make it sound more dramatic than it is,” Lucifer says with another little exhale. “But yes.”
“What’s it saying?”
“To hunt, mostly. Feed the family, or something along those lines. But we’ve been grocery-shopping this week already - and I’m not sure what I’d hunt even if I listened. What about your… ‘panda within’, then?”
It’s nice that he’s playing along. “Mmm… I think I really wanna climb up something.”
“Something up high?” He gently pushes my head off his shoulder and gestures to the end of the garden. “Will that do?”
It’s not the tallest tree in the Devildom, but to someone of my stature it’s an intimidating enough height that I’d probably feel a little dizzy at the top - which is perfect. I hadn’t realised how much I wanted to do this until Lucifer pointed it out, but I’m moving before I can even stop to think about it.
There’s something liberating about this new agility. Scaling the trunk comes about as second nature as taking stairs - so smoothly that it feels like the air is parting around rather than rushing against me. It’s only once I’m crouched contentedly on the highest sturdy branch I can find that I notice Lucifer standing at the base of the tree, ears pricked and eagle-eyed in apparent trepidation.
The bark is rough, but for some reason it doesn’t bother me at all. I lie forward with a leisurely sweep of my tail and give him a winning smile.
He huffs. “Proud of yourself, are you?”
“Yup.” It’d be better if this was an apple tree - then I could pick one and toss it down to him, and it’d be extra cool.
Alas, the tree just has regular leaves. Which… look kind of tasty, actually. It’s not like I have access to bamboo down here, so this might be the next best thing.
“Don’t,” Lucifer warns. I can only assume that I was wearing a Beel expression. “You’ll make yourself sick.”
“I’m not doing anything,” I insist, then pause. Something’s just sped past one of the windows upstairs. “...huh? Was that Mammon?”
I can hear Lucifer’s tail swishing agitatedly as I edge closer to the end of the branch to get a closer look. A moment later, another blur goes by.
“He’s just running. Okay—” I quickly unlatch from the branch and drop down, landing neatly in Lucifer’s arms. “—I’m gonna go check on him.”
“Was a warning too much to ask for?” He asks, as if he hadn’t reached up as soon as I let go. “Alright, but be careful. He’s… energetic.”
“You aren’t coming?”
“In a moment,” He says, and an odd look comes over his face. “I might have a walk. I need to…”
I feel like ‘patrol’ might be the word he’s looking for, but Lucifer seems pretty adamant that he’s the boss of the wolf and not the other way around, so I won’t tease him. He sends me back to the house with a nod, then sets off - turning his head first, then the rest of his body, tail pointing out behind him.
I’m expecting to hear the thunder of feet as soon as I get inside, but apparently tigers are lighter-footed than I’d thought. I barely even sense Mammon approaching until he suddenly springs out from around the corner, coming within less than an inch of slamming tie-first into my face before yelping and jerking away.
At the same time, as if struck by invisible lightning, I half-twist and half-leap backwards, hands flying above my head again, and it’s only a moment after the weird, chattering sound that I realise I was the one making it. Mammon skitters several feet away, eyes wide with alarm, then catches himself on the wall and realises what’s going on.
“Whoa whoa whoa!” He holds out his hands in supplication. “Chill, it’s just me!”
I blink at him, mildly out of breath, then say, “I knew that.”
“...are ya gonna put your hands down, then?”
He waits. It takes a little effort, but I manage to regain control of my limbs and bring my arms back down to my side.
Mammon cocks his head to the side. His tail goes from pointing down to up, and begins to move idly from side-to-side as he sets his hands on his hips.
“Didn’t scare ya that bad, did I?” He steps closer, then motions for me to look up. “C’mere, lemme get a look at ya.”
“Why were you doing upstairs?” I ask as he pokes at the new markings on my cheeks, then leans back and tilts his head from side to side, squinting at me. “I saw you in the window.”
“Runnin’,” He says after a moment’s thought, squashing both my ears flat against my head. “I kinda… bit Beel. I was sorta worried I’d start bitin’ everyone else, so I was tryin’ to blow off steam. Actually, I was takin’ laps around the garden first, but Lucifer said it was makin’ his head hurt.”
“So you came back in?”
“Well, I did wanna start runnin’ faster,” He admits. “Like, I was there first. But then he growled at me. Figured it wasn’t worth pissing him off after that.”
He swipes a hand across his face, then sighs. “Man. I’m beat. Let’s just find somewhere to chill.”
“Aren’t you hungry at all?” I ask, following him back to the common room. “You were running for ages. Tigers eat a lot even when they’re just sleeping all day.”
“Eh, I’ll manage,” He yawns, slumping onto the sofa cushions and turning onto his side, like a leisurely cat. “‘Sides, I’m pretty sure Beel cleaned out the fridge. And it ain’t like there’s anything to hunt around here.”
“Ooh— actually, do you want a fun fact? Tigers kill their prey by biting onto their throats until they suffocate.”
Mammon lifts his head and gives me a look. “That’s a fun fact?”
“A lot of people think they maul them to death. Well, they can, but the throat thing’s easier. ‘Cause it saves energy.” He looks uneasy, so I try to comfort him by adding, “It’s just what they do. Tiger’s gotta eat.”
“Tiger’s gotta eat,” He repeats, but his face stays creased. “Okay, now tell me something nice.”
“Alright.” I sit down on the carpet in front of him. “Every tiger has a unique pattern. So these are your special Mammon stripes! They’re the same under the fur, too, so you’d still have them even if you were completely bald.”
“Ha! Reckon I could pull it off?”
“Uh... I dunno, your head’s pretty big.”
He smacks me on the arm. “I told ya to tell me somethin’ nice.”
“I’m not going to lie - that’s the nice part. If you did go bald, Levi wouldn’t stop calling you an egghead for a week.”
“Ain’t that mean someone’s smart, too? Hey, I could live with that.”
“But your head would be so shiny. And an eagle might think it was a rock and drop a tortoise on it.”
He snorts incredulously. “Yeah, ‘cause that happens all the time to bald people.”
“It’s happened at least once,” I assert. “Historically. According to one guy two thousand years ago. The bald guy died, by the way.”
“Be a hell of a way to go.” He twists up, so that his chest faces the ceiling, and folds his arms with a deep sigh. “Fine. Guess I’ll hold back, just for you.”
His tail lolls over the edge of the sofa as he closes his eyes. I watch it for a while, glancing periodically up at his ostensibly absent expression, then reach out to catch it.
Like a spider on a string, it flicks backwards, and goes to lying barely an inch away. I try again, then again, then again, and yet it keeps bouncing away, as if it can sense the movement. No matter how fast I move, it’s always just a little faster.
I refuse to give up. I keep batting at it with mounting frustration, switching from quick jabs to slow, careful ambushes before finally turning a glare to Mammon’s face - and belatedly notice that his eyes are fully open again.
We look at each other for a moment. Then I realise that he’s not paying attention, and instinct takes over. Before he can react, I seize his tail and - for some reason I can’t fathom - bite it.
But I suppose I can’t have bitten it very hard, because Mammon usually makes it very loudly known if someone so much as pinches him. This time, he just stares at me. Then he starts laughing.
“Hahaha, oh man—” He reaches forward and gives both my ears an aggressive, adoring rumple, declaring, “Aren’t ya sweet? You havin’ fun with that? Hahahaha!”
“Quit it,” I mumble, pushing his tail away from me with perhaps an unnecessary amount of force, then decide on a whim to climb up onto the sofa with him. “Move up.”
“Oof!” He ends up squished against the back, but I’m too embarrassed to care. “Sheesh, give a guy some breathing room.”
“No,” I muffle into a cushion. “Die.”
“Fine, then. Have it your way.” He burrows one arm under me, then uses that as leverage to make himself some more room. I bury my face in my hands and pretend not to hear his pleased chuffing. “Wanna tell us a bedtime story?”
I peek up at him through a gap in my fingers. “...all the stories Dad told me about tigers end in the tiger dying.”
“Oh, don’t tell me, lemme guess—” He snickers. “—some little red thing tries to eat its tail and—”
Before he can finish, my hands shoot up and tug both of his tiger ears down. This time he does yelp. “Oi! Okay, okay, you win—”
“I don’t even know why I did that,” I grumble, letting go and shielding my face once more.
He chuffs again, pinching my nose with just enough force to be annoying. “Yeah, well, it was funny. Don’t even worry about it. Y’know Levi used to bite my arm whenever he got excited? Man, that was ages ago…”
“You shouldn’t let him bite you now - he’s got snake venom. You’ll get necrosis and your arm’ll fall off.”
“That bad? Yikes.” He yawns, then abruptly tucks me under his chin like a glorified teddy bear. “Good thing you’re gonna guard me, right?”
“I can’t do anything when I’m stuck here,” I complain - knocking my head affectionately into his at the same time, like a hypocrite. “I can’t die valiantly in battle if you don’t let me go.”
“Against a snake? Nah, leave it. That’s not even a cool thing to fight.”
“How dare you say that about Saint Patrick…”
The conversation continues in that vein for a little longer - until Mammon finally runs out of energy to keep coming up with responses, and instead starts responding with a series of low, growling hums. He dozes off soon after that. Considering how long he was sprinting around for, I’m impressed he managed to stay awake for that long.
I’d like to stay with him for a while, but I don’t feel sleepy at all, and it’s also getting kind of warm. I carefully wriggle my way out, then stand up and survey the scene. I reckon I’ll build a few cushions around him, like a fort, and that way he’ll be extra safe…
Once I’m done with that, I decide to go wandering again. Satan’s the only one I haven’t seen so far, and I can’t tell if the ongoing silence from him forebodes well or poorly.
The first place to check is, as usual, the library, which is empty at first glance. Then I catch a pair of vivid green eyes staring at me - a large demon-shaped cat tucked neatly into a high-up gap in the bookshelf.
“...why are you in there?” I ask, even though I know the answer from Hyde, and it’s just that he can, and wants to be.
Satan stays there for a moment, then slips out, landing softly on all fours, and sits gracefully back on his haunches. I’d be worried about the lack of response if it wasn’t for his tail pointed straight up behind him, waving slowly like a happy flag.
“Hello,” He says, perfectly serene.
“Hey.” I give him a knowing look, which he ignores. He’s not fooling anyone who knows him even a little - let alone me. “Are you having fun being a cat?”
“You would not believe,” He replies, and at this point the giddiness starts to seep into his voice. He leans forward a little. “Come here. Scratch my ears.”
There’s a weirdly intense look on his face. I wrinkle my nose at him. “What?”
“Scratch my ears,” He says again, as if it was the instruction that was the problem.
��Just do it.”
“Not if you’re gonna be weird about it—”
“I can purr now,” He says impatiently. “Come on, come on, I’ll show you.”
“Okay, okay—” I bend down a little and give the base of his ears a rub. They’re sleeker than Hyde’s - more intact, too. “Is that good?”
He shuts his eyes, ducking his head so that I get the angle correctly. A familiar sound starts up, even louder and deeper than I’m used to, like a little motor in his chest.
It’s hypnotic. I kneel down beside him, and in turn he starts dipping his head even lower, until it looks like he’s contorted in a funny yoga pose. Eventually he just gives up on supporting himself and flops over onto his side with a content little smile.
A voice in the back of my head comments that this must all look incredibly strange. The voice in the front of my head replies that it’s really cute, so it doesn’t matter.
I mess around with one of his ears and turn it inside out. He doesn’t seem to notice, but the ear itself starts twitching restlessly, as if trying to reverse itself. “What’ve you been up to? What else can you do?”
(It’s kind of hard not to start baby-talking him, but I’m not sure he’d forgive me if I did.)
“Well, Lucifer left his office unlocked, so I went in and got some fur on his chair,” He says triumphantly, opening his eyes for long enough to offer a slow, happy blink. “Then I just took a nap. Sleeping as a cat is much nicer than sleeping as a demon. No wonder they always look so happy.”
There’s no way Satan didn’t spend at least a little time just basking in the bliss of his feline transformation, but I won't force him to admit that. I pick up one of his hands and turn it over. Like Asmo, they look mostly the same, but with little pads on the ends of his long fingers.
Satan yawns, then slowly sits up again. “What are you looking at?”
“Trying to see if your hands do the…” I press down between his knuckles, and his nails do indeed seem to protract. “Whoa! I wonder how that works?”
He looks down, then lets out a shallow gasp and wrenches his hand out of mine, reversing the positions so that he’s holding my left hand instead. His ears are pointed straight up - I imagine a pair of whiskers fanning out from his cheeks.
“You’ve got paws,” He whispers in awe.
“Paw,” I correct, showing him the right one. “This is just a glove. I don’t think the potion works on prosthetic stuff.”
“Interesting..." He frowns. “I wonder if we have any textbooks about this kind of thing.”
I know he prefers spellwork over brewing, which I’ve heard Professor Baal vocally complaining about in the staff room before, so this is a good sign for them. After a moment, though, the scholarly look on Satan’s face vanishes again, and now he’s wearing the same expression he watches kitten videos with.
He tweaks my nose, then starts combing his fingers methodically through the hair I messed up on the sofa earlier, beginning to purr again. I’m suddenly put in mind of those videos of cats grooming each other.
He shifts to better reach the back of my head, and I hear a quiet chime. I look down. There’s a bell tied around his tail.
Weird choice of accessory. It’s not attached very securely - just loosely looped around with a strong string. Satan pauses as I detach the bell, then lift it up and give it a jingle.
I open my mouth to say something, then realise that, based on his expression, he won’t hear a word of it. Satan’s completely frozen in place, eyes fixed on the bell. His now-unadorned tail swishes restlessly behind him.
Holding my breath, I jingle the bell again. The pupils of his eyes expand until there’s barely any green left in them, and he crouches back unconsciously. I think he’s actually trembling a little in anticipation.
I give it one last shake, then toss it away. Satan follows it with a sharp turn of his head - then, wiggling as if to calibrate, pounces at it like— well, like a cat at a mouse.
As soon as he lands beside it, his hand strikes the edge at just the right angle to send it spinning away, and this time he doesn’t even try to adjust before leaping at it again, then again - head held close to the ground, digging his claws into the carpet to keep himself from skidding and then getting them stuck when he tries to keep going. Each time, the bell seems to evade his grasp, right up until he lunges for it a little too rapidly and runs head-first into the wall.
“Oh no—” I’d been covering my mouth to stop myself from laughing, but now it’s more out of shock - I hurry to prop him back up as Satan stares at the ceiling, dazed. “—are you okay?”
He blinks deliriously for a moment, then gives himself a shake and flushes. “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine—”
He hurriedly gets back to his feet and, for want of something to do, starts flattening the fur on his ears. The bell lies, discarded, a few feet away. His eyes keep darting back to it again.
After a moment, deciding that he doesn’t seem like he has a concussion, I get up to retrieve it. Satan watches me in close anticipation as I toss it in my hand for a moment, then roll it over to him.
His hand shoots out and slams it to the ground. Then he smacks it my way again, and without thinking I dive to the side to catch it.
With each pass, he gets a little more boisterous, and the bell starts moving in wilder, faster directions, criss-crossing all over the library, passed back and forth with barely enough respite to actually jingle. I bounce this way, Satan bounds that way - knocking into furniture so frequently and loudly that it’s not really a surprise when someone comes to see what’s going on.
The door opens, and Satan stops himself short. He sits up straight, replacing his playful expression with a completely serious one, and Levi eyes us both suspiciously.
“What were you doing?” He asks after a moment.
“Nothing,” lies Satan, getting up. His eyes dart down to the bell again, and he discreetly kicks it away. “What’re you doing here?”
He scratches his head. “Well, Asmo got hungry. And I didn’t wanna just sit around in his room.”
“Are you still cold?” I ask. He shrugs.
“I think I’m getting used to it,” He says, coming further into the room. “I mean, it’s still chilly, but it’s like… outside chilly.”
“That’s good. Oh, have you tried eating anything yet? Do you reckon you could swallow stuff whole like Gerald does?”
He grimaces. “Do I have to? That sounds gross. Do we even have anything big enough?”
“Uhh… a big loaf of bread, maybe…?”
Satan, listening to this with interest, glances to the side and spots Levi’s long snake tail, and abruptly shoots into the air - so high that it looks as if a helicopter took off with a rope tied around him. Levi yelps and dives to hide; a moment later, Satan lands on his feet, a good ten feet away from where he started.
Levi peeks warily out from behind the armchair. “What was that?”
Satan clears his throat and refuses to make contact. “Ahem - do you hear people in the common room? Let’s go to the common room.”
The common room is a lot busier than it was since I left it. The twins have arrived, and the scene looks like Mammon’s swapped personalities with Belphie - while the latter is playing a chase game with Beel around the sofa, he has his head propped up on a cushion, blinking reproachfully at them for disturbing him.
Asmo shows up soon after we do, throwing himself into the seat next to me with a metric armful of some leafy vegetable that I can only assume is the Devildom equivalent of celery. He offers me a stick and keeps crunching loudly throughout Levi and Satan’s bickering, cheeks perpetually full like a hamster.
With everyone else gathered here, it’s not long before Lucifer slips in as well, and immediately gets dragged into Belphie’s game with Beel. Lucifer waits until he’s tuckered himself out (which doesn’t take long, because it’s Belphie), to finally call a family meeting of some kind so that everyone can get their bearings.
Though there isn’t much to say - we're all more or less settled into ourselves now, so it’s just a matter of getting used to everyone else. That doesn’t take long, either, and soon enough, certain demons start getting bored. Within the hour, they’re all running around the house again like excited puppies.
…I say ‘they’, but that includes me. Levi’s the one who opts to stay sitting calmly by the fireplace. Belphie keeps collapsing in the middle of the hallway for a five minute nap before he gets up to join in again, and Lucifer has to try to keep up with us to make sure we don’t start breaking everything.
Such is the commotion that no one hears the knock on the door, which Luke left unlocked when he fled. That also means that no one thinks to stop Mammon when he makes to use it as a launchpad - Solomon steps inside and immediately gets bowled over, sending the carefully corked bottle in his hand flying. Behind him, Luke lets out a short squeak and covers his eyes, but it lands safely on the carpet, its momentum carrying it down the hall.
And then it comes to a stop by Satan’s feet.
He stares at the bottle, eyes dilated. His tail flicks restlessly.
“Satan,” Lucifer starts, ears pricked in caution - none of us are close enough to grab the bottle to safety. “Don’t—”
Satan reaches down and bats the bottle cleanly into the wall. It smashes it into about a million smithereens. The rest of us watch the violet potion inside drain into the carpet.
“You know,” Solomon says, cross, “Sometimes you bring this on yourselves.”
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her-power · 7 months
Fixation on the Darkness (Part Two: Dark Romance! e.m. x fem! reader)
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Trigger/Content Warning: Dark! Somewhat Souless! Eddie! Strong sexual content, blood play, unprotected p+v, choking, hair pulling, rough intercourse, fingering (f receiving), masturbation, oral (f receiving *for now*), fight or flight responses, grief, thoughts of unaliving self & others, manipulation, violence, smut, some fluff, angst.
Summary: Full Summary on Part One
Word Count: 3.4k
A/N: There will be mentions of Vecna and El throughout the series, but I'm also going to be putting my own little spin on things where a lot of the ideas will be original. Thank you all for reading!
“I didn’t run away this time, right?” The pain was unbearable, his teeth clenched. 
“No. No. No. You didn’t run.” Dustin sobs. 
“You’re gonna have to look after those little shits for me, okay?” He was fading…he could feel it. 
“No, you’re gonna do that yourself!” 
“Nah, man. Say I’m gonna look after them, say it.” It hurts so bad. 
“I’m gonna…I’m gonna look…after them.” 
“Good.” He tastes blood. “I need…I need you to tell her…tell her that I’m sorry. And that I’ll always love her, and to…” He choked on his tears and blood. “Tell her to just live her life…she was the best…part of mine.” 
“I will…” Dustin sobs, Eddie lets out a choked breath. 
“I love you, man.” 
“I love you too.” 
He didn’t feel the pain anymore, he was fading away…the darkness was swallowing him whole. 
Thunder booms, an electric shock rumbles the ground. The bats that were still alive circle around him, watching, waiting. They would’ve feasted on the rest of his dead flesh, but something was happening. His hands twitch, the red sky glinting off his metal rings. His body jerks violently, his limbs twisting at odd angles before setting back to normal, a painful groan escapes his lips, and he inhales deeply, his lungs expanding. He stares up at the dark red sky, tilting his head as his vision adjusts and he was seeing things…differently. 
The sky was beautiful, he thought. Before, this was a place of his nightmares, a place that was the cause of the death of an innocent girl. A place that inhabited creatures of the unknown, a monster that controlled those creatures. 
He felt at home here. 
He sits up straight, craning his neck to the side, he grunts when he feels his neck readjust and the bones make a loud sickening crack. He gazes at his hands, unusually pale, bloody. Lifting his shirt, he sees that the fatal wounds that took his life were now scarring, and his skin healing. 
He chuckles, and he’s surprised at the mania behind it. He died in Dustin’s arms, crying like a little girl, making him promise to tell you all those stupid fucking things that made him want to puke. He pulls the bandana off of his head, tossing it to the side. His throat burned, and his ears rang. He gracefully gets to his feet, his eyes gazing up at the sky. 
Those fucking bats. 
One makes a nosedive towards him; he snatches the thing out of the air by the throat, he grins widely at his quick reflexes. The bat screeches in his hand, he tightens his hold on its neck, hearing a crunch and something animalistic escapes his throat. He feels a rumble in his chest, the ringing in his ears getting louder. He growls, ripping into the flesh of the bat with his teeth, feeling the black blood drip down his chin, flowing to the back of his throat. He drops the limp creature to the ground, sighing loudly. A pain hits the depth of his stomach, and he falls to his knees; his whole-body jerks, he feels like he’s been branded by a hot iron. He screams loudly, his fingers digging into the solid ground underneath him. It feels like his heart is beating out of his chest but he’s pretty sure he doesn’t have a heartbeat. He groans again, feeling a shooting pain go through his veins now and he collapses to his back, screaming loud. Something was happening to him, was he dying all over again? He grits his teeth, trembling in pain as another wave slams into his entire body. 
As quickly as it started, it stops. His skin becomes smoother, his muscles become tighter, and he feels stronger. He sits up straight, gazing at his hands. They were his hands, but pale, and…
He laughs, his fingernails grow into claws, black as night. He wills them away and they disappear, back were his normal fingernails. He flexes his fingers, and the claws extend again. He grins, feeling something sharp nip at his bottom lip. His incisors were longer, but they weren’t just a second ago…or were they? He drags his tongue over his teeth, feeling the remnants of the blood from the bat and those sharp points disappear. Mmm. Who would’ve thought they’d taste so good? 
He was hungry for more; not for the bats but something else, something he could nurse…something he could…savor. Your face appears in his mind, and he grins. 
Oh, the poor thing. He laughs. I’m dead and now she’s lost forever. Poor…poor thing. I wonder if she still dreams of me, I wonder if I fuck her blind in her dreams, or she rides me until she can’t feel her legs. Mmm, she was a good fuck. That I remember. I know whatever is left of the old Eddie inside me is desperate to return to her, to hold her, love her. Ugh. 
I wonder what her grief tastes like. 
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One year before the Upside Down…
“Wake up, sleepyhead.” You feel warm lips on your cheek, and you groan, burying your face deeper in the pillow. You feel his hands caress your hair, gently kissing the soft spot on your neck. 
“Go away.” You mutter. 
Eddie laughs. “You invited me to stay, sweetheart. Come on, I promised you breakfast.” 
You open one eye to look at him, his head is tilted at you, his dimples prominent with his smile. “Blueberry pancakes?” 
“Gross but yes.” He leans down to kiss your lips. “Anything for you.” 
You move onto your back and stretch, your shirt rising up your stomach. He grins at you, kissing your stomach and you laugh as his hair tickles you. He rests his chin on your belly, staring up at you, and you curl your fingers through his hair. “If you want us to get breakfast so bad, you probably should stop staring at me.” 
“Nah, I can bask for a few minutes.” He grins, reaching his hands up to caress down your arms gently, entwining your fingers. You close your eyes, savoring his warmth, his gentle kisses on your navel. He slides up your form, catching your lips in a passionate kiss. He holds your waist, his hand glides down to your thigh and squeezes the meaty flesh tightly. You moan and giggle against his lips. 
“What about breakfast?” 
He pins your free hand on the side of your head, gently squeezing, his mouth going to your lips, and you sigh. “Mmm, we can still make brunch.” 
Your eyes snap open, tears were in your eyes as you dreamt a memory. A memory that seemed so long ago now. It was dark, you slept longer than you intended, although you needed it. You sit up in your bed, your hair a wild mess, your body sore. 
Pleasantly sore. 
You had no idea what you were dealing with. You had no idea what he was…what he wasn’t. All he did was touch you, taste you, in places you were used to with him, but there was a different feeling behind it. Like he was feeding off you, feeding off your essence, your happiness, your euphoria. Your body shudders at the memory, you feel yourself clench, pleasant tingles dance in your belly. What he did; what you let him do…
You couldn’t take his teasing anymore while he fingered you against your front door. He was taunting you, every kiss of his cold lips, every thrust of his fingers. You had gotten sick of it, twirling yourself in his grasp, pushing your body against his, molding your mouth with his. You could feel him stiffen at the change, but he only groaned, his tongue entered your mouth with such urgency that it took you a minute to catch your breath. His cold hands tug painfully at your hair, but you welcomed it, you couldn’t stop touching him. In one swift movement, he has you pinned on the floor next to the fireplace. The flames reflected off his discolored eyes, making them more vibrant, more beautiful. He leaned back on his heels, staring down at you with that same sinister smile. He peeled off his shirt and jacket, his muscles so much more defined, his skin pale. He squeezes your thighs, roughly pulling off your jeans, leaving you half naked in your underwear. A growl rumbles in his throat; and your breath hitches as you stare at him. 
He looked so sinister. 
So evil. 
But you couldn’t look away. 
Not from him. 
Not when he curls his fingers through the band of your underwear, pulling it between your sex, adding pressure to your clit with the fabric, and your back arches. He laughs, tearing the thick fabric away from you painfully, and you wince. His cold hands massage your thighs, pushing your legs wider apart. 
“Look at that.” He says, his voice low, his finger strokes the wetness at your cunt; you were so wet. He brings his finger to his mouth, sucking it gently and groaning. “Fuck.” 
He scoots back on his stomach, roughly pulling you towards his face by your thighs. 
“Eddie…Eddie…wait…” You don’t finish. Instead, a loud moan escapes you as he sucks onto your clit, pulling it between his teeth, the sensation painful but oh so fucking…wonderful. “Oh god…”
You lean up on your elbows to watch him, and he spreads your legs wider, his tongue flicking out to that sensitive area. He fucking devoured you. He meets your eyes, a smile on his face as he licks you from your hole, taking your clit into his mouth again. Your head falls back against the rug on the floor, the heat from the fire causing you to sweat, your nipples peak through your shirt and it suddenly felt so much tighter on you. You awkwardly pull it off of you, and his hand automatically reaches up to tug your nipple and you gasp loudly. He continues his feast, his grip tightening on your thigh as his tongue moves faster. He groans again, pulling his face away with a grunt and he moves up you like a snake. He grips the side of your face, while the other hand dances with your clit. His mouth was so close to yours, and he grins. 
“I wanna taste you.” 
“You already are.” You breathe out. 
He smiles wide, shaking his head, his eyes wide with lust, his cold fingers moving to your lips. “No, sweetheart. There’s something else I want to taste.” 
Your heart rate picks up, and you stare at him confused. He grins wider, pressing his ear to your chest, and something clicks. The other night…he had bit you. Bit you hard enough to draw blood, but when you had told him to stop, he seemed scared that he had hurt you, his entire demeanor changed, but before you could do anything else he had disappeared. The words are locked in your throat, the questions, you don’t know why you couldn’t tell him no, you don’t know why you didn’t want to tell him no. 
“I won’t hurt you.” He meets your eyes, and you swear you see a flash of the real Eddie for a second. “Just a little taste…right…here.” His fingers move down to your inner thigh, gripping you in his hands, and you tremble underneath him. “Please, baby. I’m craving you.” 
Your chest heaves as you stare at him wide eyed. You still couldn’t form words, but you nod, your body shaking. His cold fingers rake down your skin, he runs his tongue a long your inner thigh and you whimper. He gently nips the skin and your back arches; you meet his eyes; and you almost scream. His discolored eyes turn a shade redder, his circles under his eyes darkening like webs and you see the points of his teeth. 
You moan, feeling his teeth bite into your flesh, but…it didn’t hurt. It was a bizarre sensation. It stung a little, you felt your cunt become wetter as his tongue laps up around the bite. He moans, and a hot growl escapes him. 
Warmth from your blood drips down your thighs, and you swear you felt like you were floating. His tongue traces circles over your mound, before dragging his teeth along your clit. You didn’t feel the sharp points as he sucks the bundle in between his teeth. Your orgasm was approaching, the warmth from your blood, the coldness of his lips, was enough to send you spiraling into a puddle of pure ecstasy. 
“Oh…oh my…f-fuck…” Your body jerks, feeling the peak of your orgasm hit your belly and he coos against you, his licks getting faster as your back arches, and you explode with a scream into his mouth. His hands hold down your thighs tightly, you felt a little more of your blood spill from his fingers as he continues to suck you dry, you desperately try to close your legs around his head, but he keeps them open. The orgasm was too much, but it was so damn good, you kept screaming in pleasure until he finally pulls his face up with a gasp. His lips and chin were covered in your blood, your juices, and his saliva. He licks up your navel, you watch as a trail of blood snakes up your stomach and cover your breast as he sucks your sensitive nipple. You groan, pulling his face up to yours, crashing your lips against his. Not caring about the blood, not caring about anything really. You could taste the iron from his mouth, the sweetness of you. So intoxicating. He cups the side of your face, pushing his body against yours as his tongue fucks your mouth and you devour every second of it. He pulls away with a lick to your lips, and your chest heaves as you stare up at him. He grins, like the Cheshire Cat ready to fool you with a riddle. His cool finger goes to your chin, gently wiping away something from your chin. He pulls his finger away, and you tremble seeing a little pool of your blood on his finger, he licks it clean and chuckles. His eyes still a shade of red; full of lust and a hungriness you’ve never seen before. His lips move to your ear, his breath cold as he says lowly, “Now and forever, you belong to me.” 
He made you feel things you’ve never felt before. Even when he was…himself. You swore you could feel his love for you with every kiss of his lips, the way his cold hands touch your cheeks, but you’re probably just wishful thinking it. And at this point, you don’t believe it’s love, but hunger. You were trying to convince yourself that the sharp points of his incisors that bit into your flesh weren’t real, that you’re just imagining this whole thing. You didn’t know where he went when he disappeared. Before he left, he had taken a shower, and you heard him hum Moonlight Sonata. Something about the way he was humming it had sent shivers down your spine; it sounds so haunting, and it was almost like he knew it was a scaring you. His clothes were different when he came out, he was in all black. The contrast of his skin with the darkness made him look so much more beautiful you didn’t know how to look away. You felt an energetic pull towards him whenever you met his eyes; it brought you back to a time where you could just stare into those chocolate brown eyes and get lost in them. 
It scared you that he said that you were his, now and forever. 
But it also made you crave him and desperate for answers and what exactly he was. What exactly he meant by that. The following day at work was a drag, you spent most of the day organizing the records alphabetically. Your boss could tell something was off with you, but he didn’t ask questions, you knew he probably figured you were going through a weird grief thing and kept his distance. 
You gasp, almost toppling over, but Steve Harrington grabs you by your forearm. You held your hand to your chest as you gaze at him. 
“Whoa, I’m sorry. Didn’t mean to scare ya.” He says gently and you shake your head, trying your best to smile. 
“It’s fine. Just been jumpy lately.” You chuckle. “I’m surprised to see you. You’re either slaving away at Family Video or holed up in your house.” You didn’t mean for it come off the way it did, hurt flashes in his eyes and you sigh. “I’m sorry. Are you doing okay?” 
He shrugs, running his hands through his hair. “Hanging in there, I guess. I saw Dustin the other day; he said he saw you.” 
You nod, filing through the records to place Pat Benatar in her respected spot. “Yeah, I try to see him as much as I can.” 
You could feel his eyes burning into you. He used to be your best friend, someone that was like a brother to you, now he felt like a stranger. You hated that feeling, hated how alone you felt, and how he probably felt that way too. “Are you okay?” He asks you gently. 
You smirk, looking up at him. “No.” 
“I’m sorry…I know I should be there for you more…it’s just…there’s things…”
You raise your eyebrow at him. “What things?” 
He shakes his head, sighing. “Nothing.” 
You almost laugh. “I swear you and Dustin are notorious for keeping things from me. I didn’t find out you guys were protecting Eddie from the cops until a month after his death. I didn’t know he literally died in Dustin’s arms until Wayne told me about the necklace and even though he died in his arms, there was still no body…”
“The earthquake happened…Dustin was hurt…”
“Yeah. I get that.” You snap. “What I don’t get is why he or you or anyone else couldn’t have told me any of this. Why he didn’t come to me when the murders happened, why he went and got himself killed for a town that still hates him.” 
That Eddie is still dead. Your heart aches at the thought, because you had him back in some sense, but not all of him. He wasn’t whole. He was just an evil entity inside a body that looked like the man you were in love with. 
Steve sighs, gently taking your hand, you try to pull away, but he tightens his hold. “Listen to me. He didn’t want you involved. The way Jason was acting after the murders, he was afraid he was gonna find you and hurt you. He was willing to hurt 14 year olds. He couldn’t stomach the thought of something happening to you.” 
“He should’ve just told me.” Tears fill your eyes, and you rip your hand away. “I would’ve gladly given my life to save him. I still would.” 
Steve groans. “That’s why he didn’t tell you! Because he knew exactly what you would do.” 
“Well, too bad it wasn’t me. He’s dead. And I’m here, living, breathing, while he’s rotting somewhere.” 
Steve flinches, and he sighs. “He really loved you.” 
“If he loved me, he wouldn’t have risked his life for this shitty town.” 
You turn away from him but freeze when you overhear the reporter on the small television speakers:
…unfortunately there is not enough information to label this as an animal attack or an attack by a human. What we do know is that two bodies were found by Lover’s Lake, in brutal condition. Crime scene investigators are doing a thorough search of the area as well as getting updates from the medical examiner. No names have been released on the identities of the two bodies…
Steve was stiff behind you as he stares at the screen. You felt the hair raise on the back of your neck and bile rise in your throat. Was he capable of this? Was he capable of murder? 
Not back then, but now you had no idea what he was capable of. 
Steve seemed to be shaken up as well as you turn to look at him. “Steve?” 
“I…I have to go.” He turns away from you but stops at the door as you stare at his back, you watch his shoulders slump. “Give me a call in a few days. Please? I want to catch up.” 
You nod but you couldn’t shake the feeling something was scaring. “Steve…what’s wrong?” 
“Nothing, it’s good. It’s all fucking good.” He leaves you standing there; you’re not entirely sure what just happened. What spooked him, why he seemed so cryptic. Either way, you planned on finding out, even if the information you got was from an undead version of Eddie. 
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latibvles · 1 month
bad boy, big fight.
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who’s up for some character-introspectiony anger-fueled vivian savorre prose? everybody? great. some content warnings for viv talking about her dad being well . a general Piece of Human Garbage, also if pretty frank / vivid descriptions of blood aren’t your thing then u may wanna skip over this one (no clue if that counts as a “tw: WAR!! 🤓” tag but . this is heavy on the sensory stuff in consideration to how I write). Tagging @upontherisers & @hesbuckcompton-baby , who are victims of my frequent ramblings about viv’s daddy issues
She’s blinking black spots from her vision when she comes to.
There’s blood on her knuckles. Blood in her mouth, too. Hot, sticky, vermillion stuff that sticks to her tongue and beads on her torn skin. Her face stings and she doesn’t need to pick her likely shattered compact from the ground to know she has scratches along her cheeks from the other girl’s well-manicured hand. The girl in question, who’s name she can’t remember, is laid out on the parking lot pavement.
Rarely does Vivian ever really feel like much more than prey. The feeling doesn’t ebb away even as she looms over the other girl. Blood’s pulsing in her ears too now, they’re ringing bad and even though the girl didn’t take a cheap shot at Vivian’s head, it feels like she did.
Her skirt is torn. Her stockings, too. And replacing the skirt is easy, with all the ones Ruth keeps in their shared closet. The stockings, not so much. Ruth’s four inches shorter than her, and heavier too, and these are the only pair Vivian’s got at the moment. She hopes her professor will forgive the runs, and if not she’ll just tell him she got into a bad scrap with a feral cat over the weekend.
Which, for all intents and purposes, isn’t a lie.
“Vivian,” a shake to her shoulder as the world comes back into color around her. “Viv, c’mon. We gotta go.” The other girl’s friends are going to help her up now and Vivian only now realizes how hard she’s breathing, the pain of her heart slamming against her fragile ribcage.
Still, there’s the urge there, to stamp her foot like a petulant child and remain in this empty lot. She started it. She started it! She kind of wonders when she’ll stop feeling like a little kid begging for someone to be her defender and today apparently isn’t that day. Vivian spits to the left, and the irony taste just reminds her that the blood from getting hit in the teeth and from biting her tongue tastes the same.
She furls and unfurls her fist to assess the damages there, winces at the slight sting, but some scabbing would be the worst of it. The only thing that old man was ever good for was showing her how to make a fist.
“Let’s go.” And the girl next to her, Grace, is tugging insistently as the other girl’s friends go to help her stand. When she turns her head to acknowledge her classmate, Grace’s lips are tugged into a frown. Brows furrowed. Muttering about Vivian’s scholarship and the trouble they’ll be in if this gets out. Maybe Grace’s hand tugging her doesn’t hurt much, but the words sting. She ducks her head slightly, keeps her gaze fixed on the tirade as she’s tugged off, feet dragging on the exit.
He started it. Not me. Believe me. Believe me.
She lets Grace drag her to her car. Lets her go on a tirade that’s both a condemnation of the other girl’s call but also of Vivian’s response — about how she needs to get a grip on it and can’t just “fly off the handle” like she does. And Vivian feels tiny and wrong in all the ways that matter, the draft from the rip in her skirt and stockings sending a shiver through her in spite of her boiling blood.
She swallows a lump in her throat, saying nothing.
Defending herself was an exhausting endeavor and more so defending herself from people who should’ve known her, should’ve been on her side. And maybe it’s her fault that she’s better at hiding who she is than her father is but the horror at watching the mask come off only serves to prove what Vivian already knows.
She’s her father’s kid. And she’s never been on his side either.
Her head hurts as she shifts her gaze towards the window, watching streetlights go by, trying to stamp out that kicked-dog feeling settling in the crevices of her aching chest before it can worsen and become something more intolerable. She hates feeling small but it’s all she’s ever been.
It’s past curfew when they get back, but it’s not Vivian’s first time sneaking back into the dorm. They part ways in the hallway, Grace’s eyes still trained on the scratches on her face that Viv will have to explain away in the morning. Feral cat. Angry dog. It stings but it’s not bleeding. Shame doesn’t subside so easily as pain does.
Ruth waited up for her, because of course she did.
She’s kind like that; kind in a way Vivian can really only pretend to be. She immediately goes to fret over the scrapes on Vivian’s knees, the scratches on her cheek, the runs in her stockings. Ruth doesn’t ask questions; she just reaches for the first aid kit they keep beneath her bed and Vivian does her best not to recoil from the sting as her roommate goes through the business of cleaning every scrape and cut in a way that she’s only now getting used to.
“Jesus, Viv, what are we gonna do with you?” Ruth’s voice is warm, teasing as she says it.
Vivian laughs and swallows down the brutally honest answer, the ‘get rid of me’ that would’ve otherwise slipped out without hesitation. Because asking to be believed is, evidently, too much to ask for. Maybe if she begged — but begging was one of maybe a handful of things that are beneath her. She’d tried begging before, and that just led to feeling humiliated on top of all the other feelings of shame her father was able to expertly reap from her for a time.
Get rid of me. It’s not much of a solution, but it’s the only one she’s got.
The blood in her mouth tastes the same in England as it did in Ann Arbor.
Which is to say, sticky and ironlike, albeit less strong; it came from biting her cheek this time. He didn’t get the chance to hit her before she’d socked him in the jaw. Maybe it was reluctance to hit her that kept it from being her fate; maybe he was scared about one of the other officers scurrying out here and catching her with a bruise to her cheek. She doesn’t recognize her own voice — which feels more like a snarl coming from her throat than a palpable, verbal threat.
“Try that again. I fucking dare you.”
The hand on her shoulder is a heavy weight, keeping her from taking the step. What she wants to do is start kicking him and maybe if red still clouded her vision, she might’ve. But it’s ice water on her burning hot skin; the squeeze there, the reminder that she’s not alone with one kind-of-friend in a parking lot.
Viv swallows hard, gaze snapping to her right. It’s Willie’s hand, because of course it is, and her expression is unreadable. And then from her peripherals she sees Carrie tucked into Jo’s side like a pup seeking out its mother. June’s glaring at the RAF officer like she might take a swing next and— oh God, fuck me.
It’s a clamor that Viv can’t register as her crew trickles out, and then the others. She can feel it already: the reprimand, the sting, the yank of her collar as she’s tied to the fence post because they just don’t know what to do with her. She rips her gaze from that open door, back to Willie, who’s still looking at her. Who heard and saw everything: the shot taken at their flying, the way he’d reached for Carrie and the comment about American girls being easier.
But is that ever enough? When has that ever mattered before? These are his fists and you’ve never once stood by them, have you?
There’s a lump in her throat that she forces herself to swallow, holding Willie’s gaze. Willie, who’s rational in a way Viv can only pretend to be. It’s what she’s best at: pretending. A conman raises a conwoman, an angry father makes an angry daughter. Willie knowing the extent of it doesn’t mean that Viv’s absolved of the indiscriminate shame that’s been rearing its ugly head since she was ten. The shame was her mother’s, well-worn and fitted to her exact proportions, growing with her as she aged. And yet, still—
He started it. Believe me. Believe me.
Her hand drops to Viv’s arm, squeezes it, then falls as the questions start pouring in. The what’d I misses and the what happens — and of course they’re posed at herself. Viv, who’s hand is still balled into its instinctual fist, who’s tongue feels like lead, who’s bracing herself for the scolding as the two Bucks look easily past her to the man being pulled onto his wobbling feet and then back to her and Willie.
“He wanted a taste of American girls,” Willie puts flatly with a clear of her throat. “So Viv gave him the free sample.”
Viv tries not to whip her head violently when she looks to Willie again, who’s staring at the two Majors. Bucky’s looking at her fist. It takes an exorbitant effort just to unclench that trembling thing, to look at her reddened knuckles with her usual casualness as though she’s not preparing to be turned away from. She nods in agreement to her co-pilot’s statement, jaw clenching and unclenching.
“He made a grab for Carrie. Couldn’t let that slide,” she manages. Carrie, who’s extent of boundaries being pushed by men  probably reached ponytail-tugging and maybe a flipped skirt. Bucky’s lip curls and Buck’s jaw clenches. But Viv looks to Willie still, whose hand has curled around her wrist where it hangs at her side. She squeezes it, gentle. Not tugging. Not scruffing her like a disobedient rescue. Believe me, believe me.
And then, another pleading voice clawing it’s way through her no-doubt pitiful expression.
Don’t make me beg.
“If it wasn’t Viv then it was gonna be me,” Willie finishes off, with an almost imperceptible nod of her head. Viv feels her heart leap into her throat. Willie looks at her, lips curling into a barely-there smile.
I do. I do.
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 1 year
Vampire Eddie Munson x Reader 🦇
Lil fic I wrote last night, will maybe turn this I to a full fic, idk.
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Eddie adjusts to being a vampire, he also finds a rarity in the supernatural world. His soulmate. You.
Minors dni. 18+, implied smut. Soulmate au
I don't give anyone permission to copy, reuse or repost my work
Eddie tries to adjust to being a vampire as well as he can. The ability to turn into a bat isn't something he is jumping for joy about.
The little fuckers were the reason he was a vampire in the first place.
The fact he can't go out during the day takes effort in getting used to, no Hellfire or Band practice, sitting in a darkened room until the sun went down wasn't something he could just snap into.
The worst part of all was the cravings for blood, the first few weeks when he woke in that private government hospital, his throat parched and his insides aching with hunger he nearly tore the room apart to satisfy his cravings for blood.
The fact he was a vampire terrified him, at first he couldn't wrap his head around it. This was stuff of stories right?
Bad enough fucking one-dimensional monsters exist but vampires? It blew his mind.
Slowly through the help of blood bags he gained control over his cravings. Well, the use of blood bags and the ability to take blood from humans occasionally.
He'd use his power to make the humans dazed during the feeding, then forget straight after.
It wasn't exactly easy to explain to his friends and Uncle Wayne or Jim Hopper how he curbed his cravings.
They were having time adjusting to him being like this too. Not so much his little sheeples but Jeff and Gareth, they didn't understand why he could only see them at night.
One of the people who did understand was you and on a particular night, a rare night when his cravings were a little intense you had offered some of your blood to keep the bloodlust down.
Eddie had heard about vampires finding blood that tasted unlike any other, of vampires bonding with those they fed from.
It was a rarity but it happened. Eddie had been a vampire for a while now and hadent felt any of that yet.
Until he tasted your blood, until your hands tangled in his hair and little moans left your mouth.
It felt like he was in Nirvana or some shit, everything felt heightened, your body flush against him sent waves of pleasure coursing through him.
It was erotic and intense and Eddie found himself craving not only your blood but you.
He wanted to kiss and taste every inch of you
The first time your desire for each other over whelmed the both of you, Eddie had never came so hard his life, the way you clenched around him, sending spasms of pleasure through his cock.
The first time Eddie came, his eyes turned black and he sunk his teeth into your throat. You almost blacked out from how good the orgasm felt, how he was buried inside you balls deep and high on the taste of you.
It was just sex you both told yourself, sex and blood for Eddie... Yet Eddie grew protective over you, your feelings grew deeper.
The bond between you two deepened in a lot of ways, you could communicate telepathically.
Your emotions became intuned with each other, Eddie hated anybody hurting you or causing you upset.
Hated when others looked at you like you were a piece of meat, like they deserved to be in your presence. You were his and he had no problem with using his intimidating reputation to scare assholes away from you.
Well that and a flash of his fangs helped too ;)
You were his and he didn't like to share.
A vampire in love, it was poetic or some shit wasn't it? A rare twist of fate according to the research that Nancy did.
You were his mate, his soulmate and he was yours and he had no intention of ever letting you go.
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captain-mj · 1 year
Vampire AU Pt 2
Answered some questions I got but no SoapGhost biting just yet
Interviewer: Why do you not like when Gaz feeds on Soap?
Ghost: It makes him smell… bland. It’s also rude. No one in the house feeds off Soap. Only I can but even there, I don’t. 
The Interviewer checked this information and it turns out to strangely enough be true. No one had ever itten Soap. 
Interviewer: So how do you feel about Soap?
Ghost: He’s my familiar.
Interviewer: And what does that mean to you?
Ghost: He does all of the chores around the house that I don’t want to do and gets me food. 
Interviewer pauses, clearly thinking he’ll continue. He doesn’t.
Interviewer: Do you like him?
Ghost: Like him? No. Absolutely not. He’s just a human. I don’t like… stay awake thinking about him. 
Ghost was once again staying awake thinking about Soap. He stared at the top of his coffin and just… thought of him. 
Soap smelled good. Most of the time. He was only human and he did deal with dead bodies occasionally, so Ghost gave him grace about that. But most of the time, he smelled… delicious. Ghost had a feeling if he tasted him, he’d be savory. Not sweet, Ghost didn’t really like the sweeter bloods like Alejandro did. He’d probably taste buttery too. Warm and so human under his hands. His heartbeat was so loud at times. Always even, never afraid of Ghost even when he should be. Sometimes Ghost would pick him up to get him out of the way of things and Soap would just smile. Ghost occasionally picked him up just so he could hear his heartbeat. It was a melody that he wanted to get lost in. 
This morning, it was clear he wouldn’t be sleeping, so he listened to everyone moving below. Gaz went upstairs to the attic where his bedroom was. 
Soap moved down below a little longer, most likely cleaning. He liked to get it all done before heading to bed so when Ghost woke up, he didn’t have to deal with it. 
The house started quieting down and he slowly stepped out of his coffin. Luckily his curtains had been pulled tight so it was safe for him to escape. He stretched and peaked out of his door. 
Soap had blew out all of the candles and pulled all the curtains so Ghost walked around in the darkness. He crept downstairs to Soap’s room. It was the smallest room in the house, but it was still pretty nice. Soap had bought his own bed and had decorated it himself. Ghost saw books littering the desk and looked at them for a moment. Soap usually put them away, but he must’ve been tired. Price had bene asking him for things all night so it probably wore him out. He’d tell Price to leave him alone a bit more. While Soap acted as the house familiar, he was really Ghost’s familiar and Ghost didn’t want him to be worn out or neglect himself. 
Maybe he also selfishly wanted more of Soap’s attention on him. He wasn’t used to sharing him and watching him pay more attention to the others… 
Something feral and angry pressed against his fangs and Soap would be defenseless right now. He looked gorgeous, strewn among the pillows and blankets on his bed. Ghost didn’t feel bad staring since Soap had a shirt and boxers on. The house had started to get cold but in the summer, Soap sometimes didn’t wear anything. Ghost had learned quickly to knock in the summer if Soap had accidentally slept in. 
But right now, he looked peaceful and luckily modest. 
Soap turned over and Ghost silently stepped back, watching him stretch and get comfier. If he bit him, how would he do it? Would he sink his teeth in and rip a piece out of him? Or would he be gentle? 
Would Soap let him? Not to turn him. A selfish part never, ever wanted to turn him. But if it was just to taste him, would Soap let him? The idea of the two of them tangled together as he took from him. Ghost’s fangs hurt. They ached so bad. 
“So do you do this often?” Price spoke very softly and Ghost almost jumped out of his skin. 
“You were always the only one that could sneak up on me.” Ghost sighed. “Just when I can’t sleep.”
Price nodded and stood next to him. It made Ghost feel weird. It was one thing for Ghost to watch his familiar, but as much as Price was his sire, he didn’t want to let him watch Soap as well. “Let’s get out of here, John.”
“I think he left someone in the basement if you’re hungry.” Price smiled at him. He looked alive in a way Ghost refused to believe he possibly could. Even back then, Price must’ve been at least 200 years old when they met. Simon had been dazzled by him. A healthy amount of respect, appreciation and probably attraction meant he didn’t notice what everyone else did. 
The night he laid on that battlefield, body broken far beyond repair and ready to accept death, Price had told him he couldn’t let him die yet. It was a horrible transformation made much worse by the existing injuries. He had felt so pathetic, having Price care for him for so long. The memories were still quite a sore spot for him. 
Ghost nodded and followed him to the basement. There was in fact a person down there that was only half drained. Price didn’t eat very much as he mostly just caught glances at Ghost. 
“Why do you wear the mask?” 
Ghost groaned immediately and sank down to the floor. “Because I want to.”
“You’re such a handsome man though! You don’t need to cover up!”
“It’s not about that though.” Ghost sighed.
“What is it about then? Those days are so long behind us. No need to hide your identity. You could be anyone now!” Price grinned. “You could just be Si-”
Ghost got up and walked away from him, shoulders tensing. He walked straight up the stairs and through the living room and he could hear Price’s anxiety like it was a force.
“Simon! It’s still fucking daylight!” Price snapped so loud it vibrated the walls. 
Soap was up in moments and rushing over, clearly still sleep deprived, but more worried about Ghost than getting to sleep. “Sir, are you okay? Did something happen? Did I miss a curtain?” He looked up at Ghost who paused. 
Ghost stared at him for a moment and watched as Soap’s eyes went down to his mouth and he became painfully aware of the fact that his mouth was uncovered. Soap’s eyes widened and his heartbeat sped up. 
Ghost wanted to look in a mirror to know what he looked like, but there was never a reflection. He imagined the scars. Deep lines across his mouth in a harsh mock smile. Big fangs. One of his previous lovers had described him once. They said his lips always looked bloodstained, even if they didn’t have blood on them.
Did he still have blood on his face now? He hadn’t exactly cleaned his face off. Soap was scared. Surely he knew Ghost would never hurt him. 
Interviewer: Man, he looked pretty scary with the blood. He also is the first one I’ve seen that’s actually that pale. 
Soap: He’s so hot. I was so nervous he’d read my mind
Interviewer: Can they do that?
Soap: No, but like… you never know
Interviewer: What were you thinking?
Soap blushed: Very uncatholic thoughts thats for sure. 
Ghost schooled his expression and reached up, pulling down his mask. “No. You did a fine job, Johnny. Are you okay? We didn’t mean to wake you.” 
Soap’s heart sped up instead of slowing down like Ghost wanted. He also flushed a little. “Thank you, sir. I’m fine. Was worried I’d come up and you’d be… anyway. Do you want me to help you back in your coffin?”
Ghost looked behind him and Price was gone. “Yeah. I’d like that.”
Soap walked with him, the two falling into the same pattern they always did. When they first met, Ghost had walked faster and Soap had always jogged to keep up with him. Although it was funny, Ghost had slowed down. Rodolfo had noticed and teased him about it. Just a little. 
Ghost would never ever tell Soap. Ever. But he wasn’t in the best of places when he came along. Alejandro had pointed out when he stopped sleeping for nights on end. Ghost liked to believe it was just having to make sure they didn’t eat Soap, but he knew that wasn’t really true. He just liked… hanging out with the human. 
Soap offered his hand and Ghost used it to get back in his coffin. 
“If you wake up again, just get my attention okay?”
“I don’t need your permission.” Ghost grumbled.
Soap only smiled. “Course not. But I get nervous. I make one mistake and… I couldn’t live with myself if something happened to you on my watch, sir.” 
Ghost stared up at him. He saw a glimpse of blond hair and green eyes that did not match Soap’s brown and blue. 
“Alright, Johnny.” Ghost reached up and Soap paused, watching him. He gently traced the scar over Soap’s eye, gloved fingers just barely, barely brushing it. “Have I ever asked where that came from?”
“No, sir.”
“Tell me when I wake up?”
“Of course, Ghost.” Soap smiled at him and Ghost must’ve been much more tired than he thought, because he thought of what his lips would feel like against his. 
Would his fangs cut him?
Soap watched Ghost’s eyes close and how he stopped breathing. It was something that had freaked him out at first. When they slept, whatever made them breathe just stopped. They were also effectively dead to the world, almost nothing woke them up. 
Soap closed the coffin and went back to his room. He put all of the books on his desk away and then went back to bed. 
Soap woke up the next day and saw a giant dog in the living room. He stared at him for a few minutes before deciding that was fine and also not his business. The wolf looked at him for a few minutes before putting his head back on his paws. 
Soap thought he looked kinda weird too, but again, not his business. He walked right past it and went to Ghost, fully intending to tell him about his scar and ask him what he wanted to do today. But as soon as Ghost’s eyes open, he looked angry. 
Alejandro started yelling before he got a chance to really ask him about it. “SOAP WHY IS THERE A MUTT IN MY HOUSE???”
Soap swung around and frowned. “What?”
Ghost was up and at ‘em immediately. “Ale, calm down. We’ll just kick him out.”
Soap winced. “Werewolf?” 
Ghost rolled his eyes and went downstairs to see Gaz between Alejandro and the wolf. “Kyle, get your pet out of here.”
Soap frowned. “He is still a person?? No need to be so mean?”
“I don’t care! I hope it hurts his feelings!” Ghost scoffed and crossed his arms. 
Rodolfo sighed. “Can you make him take a bath at least? He reeks.” 
Soap sniffed the air, only catching the faintest scent of cologne. 
Gaz hummed. “I like the smell.”
“You’re disgusting.” Rodolfo wrinkled his nose. “It smells like dog!”
Soap looked at the… werewolf. It was weird. He stared at him for a second before seeing it… change. 
Soap pulled away to throw up as its body bent and twisted. That was the most disgusting thing he had ever seen. 
“Sorry about that. I know its kinda gross the first time ya see it.” 
“HE’S AMERICAN??” Price sounded scandalized. 
“My name is Alex.” Alex was naked. Completely. Not a hint of shame about this either. Soap averted his eyes but noticed that Rodolfo and Ghost both looked him over. Alejandro waited until Alex glanced at Gaz to look him up and down, but he certainly did. 
“Get him out.” 
Gaz shook his head. “If you guys can be super gross with each other, I can have my werewolf boyfriend.”
Alejandro gasped. “Our love is not comparable to you coupling with that… that…”
Alex growled. “Don’t say it.”
“That dog!”
“That is so bigoted! I don’t call you guys bats.”
Alejandro growled and they started snapping at each other.
Price frowned at Gaz. “Why don’t you settle down with a nice older vampire? You can pick a rich one.”
Soap gasped and looked at Ghost who sighed. “He’s not… He’s not flirting.”
Gaz grimaced. “Price…”
Price smiled at him. “Don’t you think you need someone who understand you? He’s a werewolf. Also he’ll die in 80 years.”
Gaz nodded. “It’ll be a glorious 80 years and then I’ll find him again when he reincarnates.”
Price frowned. “But he’ll be a baby!” 
“I’ll obviously wait until he’s in his 20s!”
Soap hummed. “Oh, grooming.” 
Gaz gasped. “No! Not grooming! Because I won’t be talking to him!”
“You’re still going to wait until he’s legal. Groomer behavior.”
“You say as if there’s not over 700 years between you and Ghost.”
Ghost tilted his head. “What? We’re not dating.”
Gaz: They act like that and they’re not even fucking.
Interviewer: I’m so glad someone else sees it
Gaz: That’s a little pathetic honestly. Like… seriously? They even smooch?
Interviewer: Not that I’m aware of
Gaz: Wow. Wow. No wonder Ghost is always so unhappy. He hasn’t gotten laid since….
Interviewer: Since?
Gaz glances around: Too many ears. Can’t say. But yeah, I don’t think he’s done anything since then. 
Interviewer: And how long was that?
Gaz: 40 years ago? I mean. Unless he’s slept with Alejandro or Rodolfo and I just didn’t know
Interviewer: Why wouldn’t they tell you?
Gaz: Because I’d want to join. Obviously. 
Gaz smiled at Price. “Look, he treats me well, okay? I like him.” He looks at Alex who was now growling at Alejandro who was aggressively hissing back. “He’s so dreamy.”
Interviewer: What the fuck. 
Alex huffed but decided to leave. Apparently it was a pack meeting or something. He kissed Gaz goodbye and he left. 
Soap was relieved, just so his vampires would stop freaking out. 
Price was sitting at the back porch, which was a bit odd, but Soap decided it wasn’t his business. 
Ghost however went to check on him. He thought he had freaked him out earlier. Yeah, walking around during the daylight wasn’t his smartest move thinking back on it. 
But Price didn’t look upset. He looked… enthralled. 
Ghost frowned and followed his gaze to where their next door neighbor was. Their neighbor was… a person. Ghost hadn’t really talked to him. According to Soap, he was pretty nice. He happened to have a nocturnal schedule as well. 
“You good?”
“He’s gorgeous.”
“We don’t eat the neighbors. Brings too much suspicion.” The neighbor was human and Price usually wanted to eat those. As did all of them really. Earlier hadn’t Ghost thought of devouring Soap? 
“He reminds me of my third wife.” 
Ghost blinked slowly and tried to shuffle through Price’s wives. Not all of them were women. Some were male wives and some were female wives. The third one…
“Oh my god. He does look like your wife.” 
Taglist anyone?
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atcarpenter · 3 months
“Tastes Like Ass”
vampire joey complaining about reader's blood for doubtful reasons. gender neutral
Joey had her teeth in your neck, your blood coating her tongue, dripping down her lips, and running down your neck. It wasn’t the first time, and you were, perhaps, overly eager to help your partner out with her vampire problem. It didn’t hurt as much as some stories would let you believe.
Her teeth were sharp enough that if she was careful and did it right, it barely stung, and you had gotten used to it at this point. It was, as you might dare say, even enjoyable – a slightly painful kiss to the neck and a no-longer-hungry partner, not a bad trade at all in your mind. But she always took too little, said it tasted bad. By now you were inclined to believe her.
Joey had not been a vampire for very long, but for long enough to have bitten a fair share of different people, all of whom had had their own unique taste. They all had tasted different, ranging from stale, over acceptable, to decent, but your blood – yours was different. Your blood tasted like heaven to her. It was so easy to get lost in it, so fucking easy. She had been an addict for long enough to know exactly what this feeling was and how dangerous it was to let it go on. You tasted like the promise of something better, of forgetting, of not caring, of feeling complete. Below that promise lay the truth that if she took too much, she would do more harm than good, and at some point, it would not be up to her anymore how much she took. So, she stopped before it got to that point, like always, to your disappointment. You could still see the hunger in her eyes when she pulled back.
“Already enough?” you asked.
“Yeah,” she croaked, her voice hoarse and her eyes still trained onto your bleeding neck. Why did it look so good? It was a wound. You were bleeding. And yet, it was mesmerising to her, to watch your blood pool out, slowly running down your skin and soaking into your shirt. Inviting. She snapped her eyes to yours and took a step back. “It’s enough,” she said more firmly.
You hesitated. You always tried to believe her, but you also knew that lying came easy to her, and you hadn’t imagined the way she had been looking at your neck. Ogling it, more like it.
“But you barely took anything. Again.”
She scowled at you from the corners of her eyes. “So?”
“I’m still fine. You can take more. I know you’re still hungry,” you protested.
Her response was curt. “I’m good.”
“I’m really fine if you take more,” you tried again.
“I don’t want more of your blood.”
“Why not?”
“Because it tastes like ass,” she snapped at you, glaring. It wasn’t the first time she had said something like that, just not quite as crassly.
“Oh. Okay.” That hurt a little, and it showed on your features. She scoffed at your wounded pride. You swallowed that wounded pride and shook your head. She had brushed you aside like this several times before, but you were not going to take it, not today. “No, I don’t believe that. You enjoyed it. You did. You can’t keep lying about that.”
Joey bit down on her tongue and stared you down while you waited for an answer, waiting for her to brush you off again. “It’s what blood does. We want it, even blood like yours. It doesn’t matter what it tastes like.”
“Doesn’t it?” Your voice sharpened as you got irritated. “You seemed a little more than into it to me.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” Her posture stiffened, and her features hardened.
“The way you’ve been glancing at my neck the past thirty seconds says otherwise.”
“Why are you so hung up on this?”
“Because I know you’re lying, and it would be nice to hear something else other than that I’m barely edible and your last resort because I’m available!”
“Why does it even matter what your blood tastes like?”
“Because it does!”
She paused, eyeing you. “Okay, fine, your blood tastes good.” She didn’t seem happy about the admission, her jaw set in an angry line and her fingers clenched into fists.
“Then why the fuck do you keep lying all the time?!” You hadn’t meant to yell that.
Your back hit the ground and her face hovered barely an inch above yours with her fangs bared at you before you even had a chance to realise that she had moved.
“Because I want you so bad I could kill you! You taste better than my favourite whisky, you numb my senses better than morphine, you make me feel like nothing else matters, and I can’t fucking get enough, so when you get up in my business and tell me it’s okay, I want nothing more than to fucking rip your head off and drink until there’s nothing left of you and I’ve consumed every last shred of you, so I will carry whatever it is that makes you so fucking alluring with me for forever! You don’t know how fucking hard it is to resist you when you do that shit! I don’t want to kill you! I don’t want to lose you! I want you by my side!”
“Oh.” You felt dumb in both senses of the word. It was hard to get Joey to crack and raise her voice like this. You had seen it barely once in your time with her, and it didn’t compare to what she was saying now. She was a professional and chronically composed, and seeing her lose it was scarier than watching her calmly end someone’s life. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realise. So, you were being an ass to me ... because you want me? I’m a little flattered.” A smile spread across your features involuntarily.
She huffed but relaxed and sat back, straddling your waist and pushing her fingers through her hair. “Yes. Don’t let it go to your head.”
“A little too late.” She rolled her eyes at your response. “Okay, fine, I will stop flaunting my neck in front of you, but you have to admit, being craved this much is kind of flattering. You don’t crave others like this, do you?”
Joey worked her jaw. “No. I don’t.” You visibly preened beneath her, pleased with yourself. “You are actually impossible.”
“I know.” You dropped your cheeky smile to a softer one. “So, you were holding back the entire time because you didn’t want to hurt me.” Her features softened as well.
“You matter a great deal to me. I don’t want to hurt you just because I’m like this now.” Plus, you had known about her history with addiction. Perhaps you should have known better and put the pieces together sooner. It might have made it easier on her.
“I love you too.”
Her smile got warmer, and then she shifted, relaxing and looking more like her usual self. “I should take care of that,” she said and pointed at your neck, helping you to your feet.
“Doesn’t that make it harder?” you asked hesitantly. “I can do it myself, you know.”
“It’s fine, so long as you don’t tell me it’s okay to drink it.”
“Got it,” you nodded, and she sat you down and, as usual, started to gently clean the bite wound and tape gauze over it, your eyes lingering on hers as she worked. You really should have known better, you thought. She could be an ass, but never without reason. Under her veneer of being a lone wolf who needed no help and was always in control, she was a gentle soul, who perhaps needed to learn to let other people in and to also ask for help when she was struggling. But you knew now what had been troubling her about this strange dynamic of give and take that you two found yourselves in since that night in the mansion when she had been turned, and now you could help her manage it better. You were nothing if not eager to help your partner with her struggles, perhaps a little bit stupid and reckless with your own life at the moment, but no one could fault you for that.
When she was finished bandaging your neck, still kneeling in front of you, you ran your fingers through her hair and kissed the top of her head.
“I love you.”
“I love you too,” she murmured before she pulled you down to herself by the back of your neck and kissed you.
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A Moment of Distraction
Gale x OC!Tav
Genre: hurt/comfort with just a dash of angst
CW: bodily harm, injury, blood, gore
A/N Here's June of Doom, Day 5! This time with the "It's not as bad as it looks." prompt paired with the "Bite" and "Swelling" prompts. Just some delicious battle aftermath for Gale and Summer this time around (there's plenty of time for more heart-wrenching angst). @juneofdoom . Also don't call out my absolutely wrong use of the Infernal language, I kinda have my own tweaked version of it so if it doesn't check out that's why.
The stench of blood and guts hangs heavy in the air. Summer once heard someone say that one never really grows accustomed to this scent but she is starting to doubt the truth of that statement. By now this smell accompanies their little ragtag group's everyday endeavors. The sticky, slimy sensation on their skins, the taste of copper in their mouths, the red staining their vision...
Luckily, they seem to be competent enough to ensure that most of it doesn't belong to them. In the beginning, Arwen had expressed with Summer her worries over taking in so many strangers. She was fully convinced the two of them would have to pull all of the weight and babysit a bunch of stumbling, incompetent fools, before being stabbed in the back by at least one of them (to be completely fair Astarion didn't make such a good first impression)... but she was wrong.
Sure, some of them aren't really physically strong, but not one of their new companions is a damsel in distress, that's for sure. It's been a while since Summer's last felt like this. Confident in her allies' ability, not having to constantly keep an eye on them for fear of having to rescue them while she tries to fend off the enemies. The fight is getting to her head, she is entering that particular mind space where everything blends together in one seamless dance. The crushing of bones, the slicing of skin, the stabbing of bodies and the clashing of metal all together in one blurry cacophony. Summer would like to think of herself as a good person, but it's at times like this when she has doubts. No matter how many people call her a hero, a friend, a good fucking person... she likes all this. Likes the fighting, the warm splash of blood on her face, her claws ripping through flesh and the smell of burning skin... her enemies falling at her feet as she triumphs. She wonders if this is Doskan's doing, or if she is just a fucked up person deep underneath. The heat of the fire and the raging inferno inside of her soul makes her hope the former explanation is more accurate than the latter.
Maybe it's this freedom to slash and bash without fear, or her ever-present internal crisis that dulls her perception, but the core of the matter is that all of a sudden something heavy smashes into her, throwing her to the ground with a fierce, deranged growl. A sharp pain explodes in her left shoulder, spreading through her arm and chest, and more warm and sticky blood pours onto her red skin. Her blood. Goddamn gnolls.
She finds herself wrestling with the beast, gripping at its muzzle to try and pry its maws from her poor shoulder. She manages, and the rest of her efforts are spent trying to push the snarling creature off of her, but the pain shooting through her shoulder makes it impossible for her to put her whole strength into it. She sees herself getting a faceful of sharp teeth, but before her grotesque imagination can become a reality, a bright, blue and purple light flashes from somewhere at her right, followed by a loud boom, and the ferocious gnoll is blasted away with a yelp. It crashes into a nearby rock wall and then limply falls to the ground. Dead.
"Summer!!" Gale's frightened voice reaches her ears even through the ringing in her head. Fuck, that was loud. She sits up with a groan, grimacing at the painful sensation now spreading through the entire left side of her body. "Ffitch", she curses when she sees the gaping wound in her flesh that's dripping blood and soaking her clothes. Great.
"By Mystra's mantle, what happened back there??" he exclaims as he wraps an arm around Summer's back in order to keep her propped up. "Ah, I guess I slipped up" she says sheepishly, grinning at him through the pain. "It's not funny!" he bites back with a surprising amount of anger, catching her off guard.
"Woah, Gale, I'm fine. See? Still breathing, still here among mortals-". He shakes his head in disapproval at her words, urging Wyll over so he may help him lift her up to her feet. The last gnoll has just been slayed, and now everyone is gathering around with varying degrees of worry plastered on their faces.
"Oh come on guys, don't look at me like that..." she looks around with a dash of confusion and perhaps even a little bit of annoyance. She's not annoyed at them, in truth, but at herself for being such a klutz in the middle of a battle.
"Okay, don't just stand there like a bunch of idiots. Let's find a place to camp and get Summer the help she needs." Arwen's harsh voice is the first to cut through the awkward silence and the uncertain shuffling of hands and feet. After that they all act swiftly, camp is set up rather quick and Summer finds herself laying down in her tent with Gale and Shadowheart sitting at her side. The cleric is in dire need of rest and that becomes apparent when her attempt at healing Summer's wound fails miserably. Unfortunately all the group has left is a small potion of healing so... traditional medicine it is!
"Go and take a rest Shadowheart, I can perfectly manage to tend to Summer's wound on my own this time around." Says the wizard as he grabs the healing kit from Shadowheart's hands. She'd insist on helping, but right now she feels like she'd best leave these two alone or Gale will have a nervous meltdown. "Very well, but Arwen will punch you in the face if you mess it up. No pressure." She says with her snarky smile before getting up to leave the tent. Her little quip would usually pull at least an amused smile from him, but not this time.
Silence falls between Summer and Gale, and it's definitely not the usual, comfortable quiet that comes between them whenever words are no longer necessary.
"I need you to take your shirt off" he say with a sigh, his hands tightening into fists in his lap. She'd normally crack a flirty joke at him for saying something like that, but for some reason she feels like that might not be the best idea right now, so she does as she is told, unfastening her corset and pulling her blood-stained shirt off of herself. At least it didn't get stuck in her horns, she thinks. That would be embarrassing.
It's subtle, but she hears Gale's breath hitching in his throat as soon as her wound is uncovered. She notices the tension in his body and how his agitated expression turns into one of pure worry. Summer is quick to look down at her shoulder and then back up at him again.
"It's not as bad as it looks" she says softly, propping herself up on her elbows. Gale's eyes snap to her face at her words and he opens his mouth in what she can only assume to be bewilderment.
"Not as bad as it looks?? Look at it!" he gestures to her shoulder with wide eyes, flabbergasted by her behaviour. A full bite mark is embedded in the flesh of her shoulder. Even though the blood has stopped flowing, the wound is of a dark crimson color that somehow looks even more sickening on her naturally red skin. Had the gnoll gotten a better grip on her, a good chunk of her flesh would be missing right now. As if that wasn't enough, the skin around the wound is swelling and getting irritated. It ain't pretty.
She huffs a little in exasperation, but doesn't find it in herself to actually be annoyed at him. Actually she is quite endeared, but she'd better not say it out loud right now.
"I mean to say that I am okay. I mean, it hurts like a bitch, but I've definitely had worse before. This is nothing compared to other things that happened to me." She tries to smile reassuringly at him, but he definitely misses it as he's already fully focused on treating her wound.
"You're not okay. You're hurt. And I, for one, fail to see why you would be so reckless in front of a pack of gnolls! I expected better from you Summer! It was right there, you couldn't have possibly missed it! Honestly! What if you- you...! What if you didn't-" he stumbles over his words, suddenly failing to find what he wants to say to her, and Summer feels his hands tremble while he patches her up. Before Gale knows it, she is grabbing one of his hands and bringing it up to her lips, then down to press against her chest. Right there, her heart beats strongly in her ribcage. "I am okay." She repeats with more sincerity in her voice, staring right into his eyes. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize what it must have looked like to you when it happened. I didn't mean to scare you".
A trembly sigh falls from his lips and he slowly relaxes, suddenly feeling incredibly tired. "Just... please be more careful next time. I saw you, you were... absent." This time it's her turn to sigh, perhaps to gather the courage to acknowledge his correct observation. "I was. I'm sorry. I promise I'm not trying to be so reckless while we fight." She smiles at him, and this time he returns the smile, even if wearily.
"Gods, don't do that to me..." He leans his forehead against hers. "My heart can't take losing you. Hells, even seeing you hurt proves to be too much sometimes." She answers with a small, breathy laugh, her eyes shut in contentment at the contact with him. "I know. But I hope you know that the only thing stronger than my will to live is my will to come back to you at the end of the day, no matter how gruesome the battles become. You won't get rid of me so easily, Gale of Waterdeep." She grins at him with that sparkle in her eyes that simply makes him melt like butter in the sun.
"I couldn't ask for anything better." His smile turns warmer as he cups her cheek in his large hand. She leans her face against the warmth of his palm, sighing softly. Then, her eyes crinkle again and another grin curls her black lips. "That was an impressive rescue by the way... got me all hot and bothered." She jokingly wiggles her eyebrows at him and he huffs in amusement, leaning back as his eyes roll in exasperation. "Of course."
Her contagious laughter can be heard even from outside the tent, much to the group's relief.
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coreofmyfruits · 6 months
Man's best friend is a dog.
★ Stu Macher x Billy Loomis
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Warnings: manipulation, degradation, self doubt, homicidal ideation, homicide, power dynamic, blood pact, blood, blood consumption, freak behavior, implied smut
Summary: If Billy Loomis told Stu Macher to gut his own parents Stu Macher would, because Stu Macher loves Billy Loomis like a dog.
Note: I bet on loosing dogs or uh something...
Guts guts guts! Stu loves guts too bad he doesn't have any. At least that's what it felt like when Billy had tore the palm of his own hand open handing over the same piece of glass he had used to Stu. "Do it." What Stu had no desire to slice his palm open.
Billy furrows his eyebrows and rolls his eyes at the settled confusion on Stu's face. "Cut your hand open." Billy doesn't add anything else instead taking Stu's right hand, his non dominant hand, with his own non bloody one flipping it palm side up.
Stu doesn't mind the scene of blood pooling at the edges of other's wounds but Stu is selfish and he hates the sight of blood pooling at his own. Still Stu doesn't flinch doesn't even look away from his hand in Billy's he likes Billy and the cold he brings, Stu is always very warm.
So when Billy picks back up the broken glass from his now blood splotched blue jeans and places it in Stu's open palm Stu has no choice but to comply. Stu doesn't even know why Billy wants him to cut his palm open but he doesn't care because he'll do it anyways.
The pain is dull and only aches for a moment but Stu doesn't feel it anymore when Billy takes his own sliced hand and brings it to meet Stu's. Their clotted blood mixes like syrup and Stu can't help but want a taste.
Their hands stay there for as long as Billy deems it necessary and when they break apart it almost hurts because the blood has slightly started to harden. That doesn't stop Stu from bringing his right hand up to where their wounds have met and danced and kissing it devouring it like it was his first and last meal. Stu doesn't dare look at Billy when he does this because he knows he looks disgusting like a wild animal, a starving animal. He only stops when he feels Billy touch his chin and yanks his head to face his own.
"Your disgusting." Stu knows this and he loves to hear it be confirmed by Billy. He doesn't get to spread a knowing smile or say something stupid because Billy kisses him hard and their teeth meet shutting up anything Stu had in mind.
There's no hiding it Stu Macher is a freak but Billy Loomis is no better. Stu knows this because as Billy is kissing him he can feel Billy lick the blood from his teeth and when Billy pulls back he doesn't pull back to breath he pulls back to lick the remaining blood that has accumulated in the corners of Stu's mouth and cheeks. Billy is a freak who loves the taste of Stu.
Stu is left dopey and drunk from Billy and he feels like he's dirty and in the best way possible he especially feels all these things when he watches Billy wipe his face off with the neck if his shirt. Fuck Stu wants Billy to-
"Shit it's almost six my dad's going to be home." Billy gets up doesn't mind to dust his pants off or help Stu up and turns to leave back through the trees and twords his house.
"Do not fallow me, Stu. You know how my dad is." Stu doesn't get up he never gets up until he knows Billy's gone. He sits there for a while his and Billy's mixed blood on his hand starts to oxidize making the wound itself slightly sticky, he doesn't mind. He also doesn't mind the drying of what's left of the blood and saliva on his cheeks and chin.
Stu waits until he can no longer see/hear Billy trudging through the trees anymore before he stands back up to stalk back through the foliage himself. He feels sick so sick so lovingly sick.
When he gets home later that evening it's dark out he doesn't bother to be quiet as his parents are out on a trip anyways. When he slips into his pajamas he goes to wash his face and clean his new wound, but he doesn't. Instead he stares at the scab that has formed and hopes it scars. He then trails his eyes up to his face, the corners of his lips and the skin around them (base of his cheeks and under his bottom lip) are more than what he wanted then what he hoped for.
For a moment he contemplates leaving the dried and smeared blood there liking the the look, the idea of having something of Billy left on him. Even if that something is as gross as saliva. In the end he decides against it for he knows what it'd be like to pop up at school the next morning blood smeared all over his mouth and face dried between his teeth, it wouldn't be good. So reluctantly he cleans the wound and his face making sure to brush extra hard to get any and every last bit of crusted blood off of his teeth.
Finally he's done after what seems like forever, he took his time on purpose, and he feels drained not from being tired but from feeling lonely like because the blood is gone so has Billy. Shit fuck. He needs to get a grip on himself.
So he does.
On their third killing Casey Becker, Stu's first killing by his own hands, Stu grips the handle of the hunters knife like it's his heart the blade his veins and when he cuts into Casey Becker he cuts into his own grip on reality. He likes seeing her blood pull from her chest cavity he wants to taste it and savor it, like he did Billy and his own blood a couple of days prior. But he can't Casey doesn't deserve it, she doesn't deserve to be tasted let alone savored that's why he killed her. The only ones that are going to be tasting her are the magots that will feed from her dying flesh.
So Stu gets up feeling like he's not so alone anymore, under the mask he smiles a terrible smile a comfortable smile. When he hangs Casey from the tree he doesn't care to look back or hear her parents cries he's full, he's here and he's not alone. He is quickly reminded of this when Billy piles into Stu's car that's parked under some trees down the road.
Billy is busy shredding the remains of the costume off and when he's turning back to face the windshield he's promptly thrown off guard by the pull of his shirt.
Stu can't help himself he needs Billy any confirmation that Billy is there they just killed two people and they are both here together in his car slightly damp with blood a sweat but here. So he grabs Billy by the front of his shirt not giving neither him or Billy a second to collect themselves from the bloodshed they had just accumulated and kisses him. Stu kisses Billy hard oh so hard to the point where he's not sure if he's tasting saliva or blood coming from Billy's mouth, he doesn't care and Billy doesn't seem to either for he let's out moans of pleasure. The only confirmation that Stu needs to know that Billy is pressed between his teeth kissing him no, bleeding for him and shit does he want more of that.
Stu and Billy stay like that for hours moving twisting, pulling and mixing until they ache together. Pressed up against one another in the back seat of Stu's old BMW Stu can't help but feel at ease comfortable underneath the weight of Billy's bare stomach. Billy has drifted off into what Stu hopes is sleep, he knows Billy needs it, he doesn't dare move in danger of waking Billy up and besides he likes seeing him in such a comfortable state. On top of him naked feeling his back rise and fall under the palms of his hands.
Stu cards his fingers through Billy's hair repeatedly for a couple of minutes because it brings Stu comfort. Stu knows he loves Billy and he knows Billy loves him thats why they kill for each other, that's why they bleed for each other.
Stu Macher loves Billy Loomis like a dog, yes. It's hard to say if Billy loves him in that same way and that's why they work. So Stu will continue to heave and pant like a starving animal and only eat when he's fed do things only when he's told to because that's how Stu loves, that's Stu Macher and Billy Loomis loves Stu Macher.
This was errrrm alot but I enjoyed writing it. I thought the blood pact thing was smart and would make sense. I'm probably going to write a Billy's POV version of this so have yer eyes peeled! Or just opened (peeling them would probably hurt!) but yeah hope you liked the read just as much as I enjoyed writing the read. Uhh anyways I guess I'll see you later, idk how your supposed to end these things... Ok bye!
- 🫁
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scarlettriot · 2 years
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✦ Kiri X f!Reader
✦ Warnings: Smut • Minors & Blank Blogs DNI, Biting, Blood, Drinking, Public Sex, Cum Eating (I guess). Nicknames Used: Baby, Sweets, Red (for Kiri).
✦ This wasn’t the ficlet I intended on writing but horny brain took over and this is what came out… my bad. It’s super short but my kinks decided they needed to be written tonight. I also didn’t proof this one bit ♡ enjoy!
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Kirishima who’s always been careful about his teeth. He knows how sharp they are, often cutting the insides of his cheeks or nicking his lip.
But he’s never once let them hurt you, not in all the years you’ve been together. No, just the thought has him slowing down your heated make out sessions, and you can always tell when he gets in his head about it. The way he tenses under your touch and becomes more timid with his movements.
He’s brought his quirk out on occasion, after you asked many a time. He’d rip through your pretty clothes any time you asked. But, even then, he was careful never to graze your skin.
So, when the night came that he had your back pinned against the cool bricks of the bar you’d been celebrating a friends birthday at, a knee pressed right up to your core, you felt hot kisses trail down your neck and then he stopped under the pale moon glow. Those garnet eyes fixated on where his jacket slide off your shoulder and his tongue wet his lower lip without him realizing it, heat rising in his cheeks, gods, what would it be like?
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It wasn’t the first time he caught himself wondering. Imagining each sharp point puncturing your delicate skin.
“Eiji,” Your voice called him back, “go ahead.” His brows furrowed, silently asking you to explain. Your fingers held the back of his head and guided him right to the spot he’d been transfixed on. “I wanna know what it’s like too. Please?”
His heart hammered away. “You’re sure?” You nodded and rolled your hips again over his thigh. Making your head tip to the side and expose more for him.
He cradled your cheek in his hand, “hold still f’me, sweets. I mean it.” And you felt his thumb slide under your jaw to make sure you stayed in place. His breath fanned out across your skin, tongue darting out and honing in on the thick vein that he needed to avoid. His jaw opened and he set the points carefully in place, waiting for you to change your mind.
You didn’t though. You whined instead, a pitiful little sound, desperate for it. And he delivered.
Ticking his jaw closed little by little, testing limits and not yet breaking skin. He listened as your whines turned to moans, “more, Red, need more—!”
He couldn’t hold back then. Your skin effortless gave in to him. You couldn’t see how blown his pupils became. Pushing his teeth down until little beads of blood started collecting on his tongue. He couldn’t keep the muscle from seeking out more. Already addicted to the taste.
“More. ‘S okay, baby, I can take it.”
That was the best thing he heard all night because he wasn’t sure he’d be able to stop now. Rutting his hips against yours as crimson slipped from the corners of his mouth. Trickling down your skin while you worked his belt free.
He had you up in his arms before you knew it. Panties barely hanging around your ankle, his cock stuffed so deep in you, as he made a brand new mark to match the first on the opposite side of your neck.
Your cries echoed off the alley walls. People probably heard but neither of you cared. Too lost in each other to consider anything else.
Neither of you last too long. New sensations pushing you both into ecstasy quicker than you ever expected.
He pulled both his teeth and cock out of you at the same moment along with a pretty little whimper from your lips that he silenced with a copper laced kiss.
Of course, he helped you step back into your panties, admiring the way his cum was dripping down your thighs and your blood down your chest. “Gorgeous…” he murmured and used his tongue to clean both messes with the sweetest smile on his stained lips. “Let’s get you home. Gotta take care of you properly.”
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random-mizu-fan · 9 months
A blue eye samurai fanfiction by yours truly
TW: Violence!! 
(kinda slightly Mizu x Fowler but not necessarily,, js read to find out 😭) 
(Set in England, where Fowler helps Mizu track down the 2 remaining white men - Skeffington and Routley)
(PS. I'm not familiar with sparring, combat fighting, war, history, weapons or any of the sort so I apologize in advance if this is OOC, or not aligned to the actual show! And this was kindda rushed)
"Let's see what ya got, little miss." Fowler says, in a dangerously low voice. His lips curved in a taunting smile as his emerald orbs stared intensely into Mizu's sapphire ones. Mizu grits her teeth in irritation, glaring at the man with hatred. "Oh my, I can see your eyes filled with hatred.." he rasps, voice filled with venom. "I like that, you better not hold back.." he pauses before he clicks his tongue. "Little miss." 
Mizu growls, charging right towards Fowler, but right before they were too close, she draws her sword, dragging the blade across the earth then pushing it deep before shifting her body weight to the weapon, then jumping in the air, drawing out a dagger knife as she slashes it towards Fowler who managed to dodge but with a scratch. "Hm, not bad." He comments, watching the cut the dagger knife left on his shoulder. But just before he could get more than a few seconds to catch his breath, Mizu attacked again, trying to hit him relentlessly but Fowler kept dodging, his grin growing wider with each attempt. He laughs, shaking his head. “You'll have to try harder.. Little miss.” He says, charging towards Mizu, falling on top of her. There was a sadistic glint in his eyes as he pulled out a gun, aiming it at Mizu. But luckily for Mizu, she was quick on her feet and managed to kick Fowler in the groin, pushing him off and making him growl in pain.
“I thought we weren't using a gun.” She scowls at the sight of the weapon. “Now whoever said I would agree to those conditions?” He spits out, before palming his nether region as he eyed the samurai before he points the gun at her direction yet again. 
That was when he pulled the trigger. 
Fortunately for Mizu, she was quick to dodge the bullet, slipping into the ground and sliding towards Fowler, grabbing her sword and kicking his feet making the white man lose his balance and fall into the ground with the gun in his hand. She stomps her feet onto the gun, preventing Fowler from using it as she presses her blade against his neck. She grits her teeth, the blade drawing blood from his neck. She glares at him, their faces so close. “You're crazy.” He whispers, staring into her blue orbs. “Yet your eyes are so pretty.” He rasps, voice edging with venom but there was a tiny drop of sincerity in it. Mizu scowls, grabbing the gun in Fowler's hand and throwing it away. “Don't try to flatter your way out of this.” She whispers as she gets off of him, fixing her clothes. 
“I mean it, little miss.”
She watched as they restrained him, while also being restrained by the white men surrounding her. Fear flashed in her eyes of the impending doom about to be bestowed upon Fowler. "ABIJAH!!!" She screams as for the first time, she sees genuine fear in the man's eyes. Fear, pain, which she thought was impossible to see from a man like him. He was a brute, an absolute devil who traded guns, opium and flesh. A man who you can tell has tasted flesh raw. A sadist who you could tell is very familiar with the iron taste of blood. Who has killed and sold hundreds - if not, thousands of innocent people. But yet.. Here he was, his emerald eyes shining in fear, looking at Mizu with hurt. “Mizu.. ” He tries to scream back, fighting against his restraints. "Mizu..!!"
"ABIJAH!!!" She screams again, trying to escape the white men. She didn't even notice the shogun that was there, Taigen, Akemi, Takayoshi.. They were there. But all Mizu could see was Fowler, in his restraints.
Mizu yelled and growled, watching as the men tried to put a clothed bag over Fowler's eyes while he tried to escape. And he did, for a moment. He was able to free one of his hands, reaching out to Mizu desperately. 
Mizu furrowed her brows, eyes wide as she tried to reach out for Fowler's hand as well, but was unable to with the distance that separated them. Mizu watched as the white men laughed, dragging a knife against Fowler's neck while the other pointed a gun to his head. “Why do you care so much? Didn't you want to kill him anyways?” the man pointing a gun to Fowler questions. “And yet you're here, screaming for him.”
Mizu growls, watching the men smile at both of them with pure evil before they turn to Fowler who was on his knees, restrained. "You deserve this, Fowler. You traitor." Routely grumbles to him. Skeffington only laughs, pressing the blade against Fowler's neck, making the man grit his teeth. "Goodbye." He said, just before pulling the trigger.
It was all black, and time in slow motion as Mizu watched the man being executed for being a traitor. For giving illegal information to Mizu, and for trying to help her find Skeffington and Routley.
Mizu's eyes were filled with horror, hurt, anger, anguish, as her heart dropped. Everyone was quiet except for the two that were now beside the bleeding Fowler. “Farewell.. Little miss." He said in a low, soft voice, his lips curving into a small soft smile. "I… hope you manage to.. kill.. them."
That was when Mizu could feel herself change. There was something more than what she felt.. Something was brewing in her, something was coming out of her. She growled loudly, screaming as she recklessly fought against her restraints, biting off the flesh of the ones who held her captive so she could be free. She screamed with all of her might, as she charged towards Routley and Scaffington who were in shock. She drew out a gun. A European pistol. One Fowler gave to her. She screams as she smacks Routely’s face repeatedly with the pistol before grabbing his hair and kicking his face over and over again in full rafe. Skeffington glared, about to stab her with the dagger but Mizu was quick to shoot him with the gun she held. The army around her saw this and was ready to aim fire at Mizu but they immediately fell to the ground, blood pooling out from their bodies. But Mizu didn't even notice it. After Scaffington had been shot, she was still kicking Routley over and over again until there was a big pool of blood surrounding her. That was when she continued to hear the slashes of swords against the flesh, slicing them into two and the sound of gunshots but she was too lost to fully notice it. The sound of death and slaughter around her was a barely audible sound. She could only focus on one thing and that was kicking Routely’s face over and over and over again. It went on for how long until she let go of Routely who was now bleeding profusely. She gasps for air, taking in the oxygen, panting as she falls to her knees in front of Fowler who was now dead. Her eyes filled with hurt, her chest feeling like it had been stabbed multiple times as she brought his upper torso to her lap. She grits her teeth, looking at his bleeding dead body. 
That was when she heard footsteps approaching her, she looked up, pointing the gun towards whomever dared came close to her. That was when her sapphire blue eyes met the brown eyes of her people. The Shogun. Taigen. Akemi. 
“You… You did this.” She growls, still pointing the gun towards them. “Now, now Mizu, calm down.” They put their weapons down as they came close to Mizu. “You did amazing..!” Taigen says a bit proudly. “You saved us. You saved us all.” The elder son of the Shogun says, smiling. “You're a hero to Japan. Without you we could have been doomed.”. 
“Perhaps you will be appointed as a new lord! Wouldn't you like that? “
“You.. Fuckers.. A hero?! A lord?!” She snaps, glaring at them. “You were here the entire time! You watched!! You all watched as they killed Fowler!!” She screams, her voice faltering the more she talked as she glanced at the man. Everyone looked at her in complete confusion. “Didn't you want to kill him? You wanted him dead. You let yourself on the brink of death just to kill him.”
“And now you're upset that he's dead..?”
Mizu widens her eyes as she looks at them. She took a look around everyone and then at Fowler. Indeed.. She did want him dead. And the other two as well. But why..? Why is she so hurt about it now? It was like an internal dilemma boiling inside her. She felt so conflicted. It was stupid.
“You were so eager to kill them.”
Indeed she was. But it.. Hurt. 
Nobody showed up except her. Nobody but the half Japanese half white woman dressed in all black with a hat and yellow tinted glasses. She was holding a bouquet of blood red chrysanthemums. They looked, gorgeous. And pretty. She sighed, gulping in the lump in her throat. “I did.. I killed them.” She then raises her sleeves, revealing her cross tattoo that had dots on each side except for one side. 
“I killed the men I was sworn to kill. For my revenge.” She says, looking at the name that was engraved into the gravestone. “I killed them, except for one that I failed to kill.” Her voice goes lower, and softee. “I failed to kill you..” She whispers. “You didn't die by my blade or hand.” She sniffles to what seemed to be a sob. But you couldn't really tell. She places the bouquet gently on his grave. “They killed you.” She whispers. 
“Maybe because I couldn't..“
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saintmurd0ck · 1 year
shatter me
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pairing: michael kinsella x f!reader
summary: when michael has a rough night on the job, he looks to you as a source of relief
warnings: lowkey DARK dominant michael, submissive reader, amanda slander, choking, face fucking / m!receiving oral, fingering, p in v, orgasm denial, cockteasing, creampie, etc who the fuck knows
a/n: this is dedicated to my wonderful, beautiful @marvelswh0re -- to whom this was owed from back in october last year 😭💗 also CAN WE FUCKING TALK ABOUT THE BANNER?
song pairings: michael kinsella (an anthology)
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The front door shuts with a soft click, bringing with it cool tendrils of night air that snake around your arms. The words in your throat sit thickly as the zipper of his jacket hisses open, thick leather crinkling as it’s draped over the banister.
“It’s late, Michael,” you call softly, setting your book down next to you. Your eyes search for the man who’s kept you up all night. 
Despite him being a shadow in your periphery, you feel him stiffen. Calm fury washes over the house for all of two seconds before Michael sets his gun on the console table, metal meeting wood with a heavy hand.  
On near-silent feet, he emerges from the hallway a minute later, his hardened gaze meeting yours. 
You’re the first to extend an olive branch, casting aside the urge to grimace at the blood speckling his face, or the haunted look in his eyes. “You okay, Mikey?” 
He stares blankly ahead, lips pressing into a thin line. It’s not his blood. 
That’s as much emotion as he’ll ever show on nights like these. 
You leap from your spot on the couch, to intercept him before he reaches the kitchen, but he holds out a hand. “Need t’ do it myself.”
Chewing on your lip, you watch with strained eyes as he wets a cloth before lifting it to his bloodied face. The water runs crimson as he wrings it out, droplets sliding over the reddish-purple splotches marring his knuckles.
“That bad, huh, Mikey?” you say, ignoring the uneven rise and fall of your chest. His shoulders slump as he throws the cloth in the sink. 
“Michael,” you insist, restlessness colouring your tone. “Talk to me.”
He shakes his head, bristling as he pushes off the countertop. He doesn’t talk, no. Instead, he makes his way over to you, his steps deliberate enough you almost assume he’s heading back outside. 
Michael blows out a shaky breath as he towers over you, hazel eyes boring into your own. Unable to look away, the hairs on your arms stand up, on par with the want beginning to pool deep within. He swallows, tracking the way your gaze flits to the muscle feathering in his cheek, to the trace of hair peeking out from underneath the edge of his sweater. He toys with the hem of your shirt, bunching the fabric in his hand, before dragging the tip of his finger up the column of your throat. 
His name is a trembling prayer on your lips as he lifts your chin up, faces bare millimetres apart.
“Don’t wanna talk, pet,” he murmurs, catching your bottom lip in his teeth.
A shudder fires down your spine as you slip your tongue into his mouth, savouring his warmth, the taste of smoke and whiskey that’s always been Michael. “Then show me what you want.”
It isn’t the lack of urgency in your voice that fractures his restraint. As he wraps his hand around your throat, a faint growl resonating in his chest, it’s what you leave unspoken that makes him explode. 
Shatter me. 
He drives you down onto the couch, stifling your moan as he squeezes your neck tighter. “I don’t want you hurt, pet,” he whispers, leaving open-mouthed kisses over your jaw, “so you tell me if you can’t handle it, yeah?”
You smirk, bucking your hips into his erection. “You know I can.”
The melody of his groans spur you to hook your legs around his middle, giving him full access to grind into your core. He wrests back his control, determined to replenish the well, to rebuild the walls of his resolve. 
For Michael, this isn’t about blowing off steam. It’s more of an intimate fact that no-one in the family is or ever will be privy to. Not even Amanda. 
Never Amanda. 
So you’re entrusted with the understanding that when words fail him, when all he’s left with is the knowledge of how to take… 
You’re his profane virtue, the hellfire to his gasoline—slashing-and-burning time and time again if only to keep these demons at bay.  
Bearing his weight down on you, Michael slides one hand into your hair, gripping the strands tight while the other lifts your shirt, exposing your already-peaked breasts to the chill of the room. The frosty air stings your bare skin, but Michael closes his mouth over the pebbled flesh, claiming you with his teeth and tongue. 
And as you surge forwards, the thrill of his ministrations fuelling your molten centre, you trace your kisses around his tattoos; the delicate arrow on his collarbone, the swirls on his outstretched wrist. His skin tastes of gunpowder, pine and sweat, a testament to his previous whereabouts, and the resolute, internal force Michael tries so desperately hard to conceal. 
I see you, your eyes blaze. I see you. 
When he kisses you again, fire wreathing in every breath, he yanks your dampened underwear to the side, fabric ripping somewhere, anywhere. 
“Who do you belong to?” he snarls, plunging two fingers deep inside you, wetting his lips as your pussy stretches around him. 
You squeak your answer as he thumbs your clit, slipping over it with absolute ease. “You, Mikey.”
His other hand drifts to your waist, gripping hard enough to bruise. “Tha’s fuckin’ right.”
You keen into his touch, eyes squeezing shut as he curls into that spot, bringing you to the edge almost instantly. 
“Tha’s fuckin’ right,” he hisses, pausing to spit onto your gleaming cunt.  
Release barrels through your body as you clench around him, your breathing turning ragged with the tide of your orgasm. He withdraws his hand, springing back onto his knees to take his clothes off. 
Clarity blankets his face for a second as he remembers the cum coating his knuckles, and so he acts. Lifting his soaked fingers to the seam of your lips, Michael’s voice turns vehemently low. “Suck.”
You oblige him, reveling in the taste of yourself and his domineering command, watching as he pulls away to remove his sweater. 
He catches your stare, lip curling in amusement. “You too, pet.”
Nodding furiously, you slide your panties off, frowning at the sizeable rip near the seam. Michael says nothing as you throw them to the side, palming his straining cock through his boxers instead. Your tongue presses against your cheek as he nears, brooding hunger radiating from every inch of his body.
He kicks his boxers away, cementing your position on the couch by straddling your chest, eyebrows furrowing into a piercing glare. Bracketing his knees on either side of you, he pins your arms above your head, his beading precum salty on your awaiting tongue.
“Gonna take it?” he whispers, every word clipped.
“Yes,” you breathe, angling his cock into your mouth, moaning around him as his length reaches the back of your throat.
He grits his jaw, pushing downwards so he can look at his picture of sin: your lips, wrapping around his cock with every deep, rolling stroke, the honeyed anguish of your fingernails digging into the tops of his thighs, and your ardent expression as he fucks your face, as deep as he can go. 
At the sensation of his torment ebbing away, with gratification remaining as the only kindling for his sparking nerves, Michael curls a hand in your hair, fisting the strands at the nape of your neck. Hot tears spill down your cheeks as his pace quickens, Michael’s hushed grunts of ‘take this cock like you mean it’ almost pushing you over the edge.
He skirts the precipice, but that’s as far as he’ll go. For now.
He flashes you a furtive smile as he climbs off you, only to assume a position between your legs. He licks his palm before dragging it across your folds, pausing for a moment to spit where his hand meets your pussy. 
The moan in your throat falters as he pumps himself, moving slightly to tap the head of his cock against your clit. You inhale sharply as he nudges himself into you, but he withdraws before you can even think to claw at him, to beg him for even an inch. 
It’s the sweetest kind of agony, knowing that you’re moments away from being satiated, yet you’re hopelessly trapped underneath him; the mercy being his and his alone. 
He coats himself in your slick, flexing his hips to rub his length against your folds. You glance upwards, at the wild look of determination spilling across his face. 
It turns out that that’s all he needs for the inferno to come to life.
Michael slides home in one smooth stroke, wasting no time in hauling one of your legs onto his shoulder, pounding into you as deep as he can manage. With every snap of his hips against yours, his restrained groans blend into the crook of your neck—a fevered combination of your pulse, caught between his teeth, and a fervoured haze that he can’t help but lose himself to. 
You match his pace, thrust for thrust, biting down on whatever part of him your mouth skims over first. You’re close—so goddamn close that your pussy becomes a vice, the dam about to break with the force of a tidal wave. 
“No,” he rasps, shaking his head forcefully. “Not until I say you can.”
You lurch forwards, a plan unfolding in your head to simply do it and face the consequences, but that tiny, almost insignificant, obedient fragment of you moves to get your leg off his shoulder, resolving instead to curse him a thousand ways in your mind.
Your vision fringes in white as he drives himself forward, grunting his approval at your subservience. He cages you in, almost entranced at his effortless ability to angle his thrusts to hit all the right places, to arm you with a satisfaction no toy could ever hope to achieve.
A corner of his mouth quirks upwards as you start to whimper, close to tears because he feels too fucking good not to let go. He draws back to squeeze his hand around your throat before sealing your lips with his own.
“Soon,” he whispers, pulling away to lift your hips up.
Nothing is delicate about the way he fucks you; not with his hands spreading you apart, or the mixture of your sweat and arousal dripping down his body. 
Michael knows, just from the way you’re panting his name, that you’ll take him with you when you explode. 
His eyes flutter closed as he leans over you, bracing his forearm around your waist and grasping the arm of the couch for balance. A kind of delirium washes over him as he moves quicker, not intending to stop until he gets what he wants.
On any ordinary occasion, his answer would be your pleasure, but not tonight. 
Tonight belongs to him.
He looks to you, tersely repeating the command he’s been yearning to give. “M’gonna fill ‘ya up.”
And he clamps his hand over your mouth as your knees dig into his sides, his fingernails marking you all the same with the force of your tandem orgasms. He bows his head as he spills into you, his entire body taut with the kind of hedonism derived from being your equal, the mirror image of your resplendent apostasy. 
You don’t keep track of how long you stay like that, or the time it takes for you to muster the energy to roll away.
What you do notice is that for once, Michael lays there with no hints towards his previous stressors, no recollection to the very thing that had plagued him to begin with. 
You find that your voice is steadier than it was before. “Better, Michael?”
“Better,” he affirms, reaching for your hand to intertwine it in his own.
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tags {x} for some of my mikey girlies (yes, even if you haven't seen the show) @bellaxgiornata @peterman-spideyparker @marvelswh0re @mindidjarin @murdock-and-the-sea @reborn-rekall
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