#my girls nooooo ;w;
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shuchu · 1 year ago
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you've got to be fucking kidding me... i love pomu so much nooooo ;w;
lazulight will forever be 3, the founding trio ueueue
gosh i can only imagine how finana and elira feel... pomu was definitely a pillar of support and a role model for so many people in EN
she was always organising these big collabs and getting everyone in EN to sing together... she was described by EN talents to be someone very supportive and nurturing despite how chaotic and gremlin-like she is sometimes
i was literally just watching her lethal company collab with selen, millie and vivi before i saw the announcement. she's just effortlessly funny, so so so talented and hardworking. i wish pomu the absolute best for whatever she chooses to do after her time in niji. it's going to suck so bad not seeing her pop up in my subscriptions anymore but after nina, mysta and mika i just am numb to it i guess
i may not be super into nijien atm but i still love and care about the talents dearly. they're all such amazing individuals and deserve the best. thank you pomu for all that you've done and congrats on all that you've accomplished <3
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pdfbabe · 1 year ago
unironically and as frustrating as it can sometimes be I love when the kids I work with start talking back to me a little and joking with me and saying "no" to me. like yes girl test the boundaries yes I am a safe adult!! slay. but for real that is your bedtime and it is Not changing love and light
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beesantennas · 6 months ago
finished wfc
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jinwoosbabyboo · 15 days ago
Daddy’s Home - Husband Rafayel II
Random posts on the TL w/ husband Rafayel and your twins ft the aunties pt. 1
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♥️ liked by seagod_raf_, simonesays, liiisa_ and 67k others
misshuntermc: He won't stop climbing into the drivers seat
tagged: seagod_raf_
seagod_raf_: Little mans chauffeur when?
↳ misshuntermc: Nooooo Im not ready for him to grow up
liiisa_: This little boy got more drip than me
↳ seagod_raf_: Im his dad of course he has style ↳ liiisa_: MC you picked out a cute outfit ↳ misshuntermc: Thank you ☺️ ↳ seagod_raf_: 🙃
thomas.thomas: His fathers menace tendencies are showing
↳ simonesays: Lord help us all if he ends up like his daddy ↳ seagod_raf_: 🤨🤨
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♥️ liked by misshuntermc, thomas.thomas, simonesays and 88k others
seagod_raf_: “I can’t see fucking shit outta this thang”
tagged: misshuntermc
misshuntermc: If she trips and falls I will drop kick you through the floor
↳ seagod_raf_: Actually trips and falls build character 🤓☝🏼 ↳ simonesays: girl do you need backup?? ↳ liiisa_: I’ll go to war over my niece ↳ talkthat_tara: We ride at dawn
thomas.thomas: Are those my sunglasses
↳ seagod_raf_: I can't see fuckin shit 🫣
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♥️ liked by seagod_raf_, imjenna, nene.nero and 79k others
misshuntermc: Nothing feels better than this
tagged: seagod_raf_
seagod_raf_: Your son stepped on my left nut when he tried getting back to you
↳ misshuntermc: OUR son ↳ seagod_raf_: Once I get the feeling back I'll claim him again
talkthat_tara: I’m sorry the pic is cute but Raf getting his nuts stomped is taking me out 🤣🤣
↳ liiisa_: SAME 😭 ↳ simonesays: No fr I can’t even focus on the picture 🤣 ↳ seagod_raf_: I’ve reported all your accounts for harassment
thomas.thomas: wasn’t he supposed to be sculpting today?
↳ misshuntermc: he said he needed “inspiration” ↳ thomas.thomas: I hope you can hear me sighing right now 😒
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♥️ liked by seagod_raf_, simonesays, imjenna and 77k others
misshuntermc: She’s showing her Lemurian colors
tagged: seagod_raf_
seagod_raf_: Her scales are starting to show I'm so proud
↳ misshuntermc: 😘
liiisa_: I promise I be forgetting you guys can breathe underwater I almost had a heart attack when babygirl didn’t come up for 3 minutes
↳ simonesays: “Aunty why can’t you stay underwater with me?” Baby Aunty is human 😕 ↳ talkthat_tara: No fr she wanted to have a tea party in the pool like honeybee I will die ↳ seagod_raf_: Must suck being only an air breather 🤭 ↳ misshuntermc: Don’t be rude to my friends ↳ seagod_raf_: Yes ma’am ._.
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threepandas · 4 months ago
Bad End: Century Demons
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The steam engine blasted vapor into the air. Cacophonous chatter from the crowds all around us, pressing like a physical weight. I truely did hate traveling. Granted, there was nothing for it, we were needed. Being their Majesty's Special Task Force and all. But STILL! Awful. Just, awful!
It was the pushing, really. The constant shoving. Flashs of insight into lives I wanted nothing to do with. That individual? Marriage was collapsing. This one? Had debts. The girl who just stepped on my foot, thought she was in love, but honestly? Any adult could tell you how badly it was going to end. He was using her.
Frankly, I wish we could walk. At this point? I would honestly take a flipping DONKEY! But nooooo! What has my husband decided to do? "Let's take the TRAIN, darling! It'll be an ADVENTURE! Save so much TIME!"
He's lucky I married him AT ALL. Fuck. I HAD options! Could have been a Baron's wife. Well-to-do! But NO, I wanted to HELP people. Like a FOOL. Gods, my mother was RIGHT! Cute air-heads WOULD be the death of-!
I finally spot Arthur, the sweet idiot, looking lost by our baggage. Map in hand. Like a confused puppy told to do arithmetic or be scolded, his anxiety is palpable. I gather my skirts and shove. Fuck being polite. Everyone ELSE seems to be fine, being stampeding herd animals. Why not I? Move!
"O-Oh thank goodness! Darling!" Arthur gasps, nearly dropping the map as he reaches for me as I get close. His eye are wide and his expression frazzled. Tone as though someone has been compressing his chest. "There are-! There are so many PATHS! I didn't-! And I-! Oh dear. W-what do we do? Darling, I can't-! It's so-!"
Damn it! I KNEW this would happen! This was an awful idea! Reaching for my husband's face, I cup his cheeks, propriety be damned. Pull him close to press his forhead against mine. Match my breath, dear. Focus, darling, just... focus. Close your eyes. You do not See. Curse crowded places and what they do to us. We should have moved to the countryside years ago.
But no, no Arthur would never leave his Sister. And I'll not leave him behind. Damn it all, why? WHY?
Why did she have to pick the Nobility Route?
It was bad enough, remembering this world "wasn't real". That it had a "plot" for Gods sake. Bad ENOUGH to realize that the monster under the bed very much WERE a real and present threat, that I SHOULD be concerned about. But fool that I am? Did I HAVE to fall in love with the Protagonist's brother? Sweet and foolish? A simple, if air headed man? Apparently!
All I could do, now, was try to protect him. Try and protect myself.
Ignore the nasty, judging looks, being sent our way. Piss off! The lot of you! I took no vows to YOU. Stood in no church! There us exactly ONE person in the train station I care about, and it is NONE of you, so keep your snide opinions to yourself! Breathe, Arthur. There we go, dear.
Pulling back slightly, I check his eyes. They flick and track things unseen. He is still unusually pale. He... he will be rather disappointed. He was excited to try the trains. To him? They are a bold new technology.
Maybe once we get farther from the city. Here, at least, he is drowning.
Then, a change. Sudden and swiftly building. Whatever Paths my husband traced were disappearing, narrowing, even as terror sweeped across his face. Only twice I had ever seen this before. Once, was an earthquake. The largest seen in over 400 years. The other? A bombing just before the royal wedding, we had been still engaged then. But the way he had frozen? Mid-sentence?
It is BURNED into my mind. Just like the horror that followed.
Bellowing, I command everyone to get out. Evacuate.
But already... it is too late. Down the line of the train, terrible symbols flash into being. Molten red metal, on the side of the train cars themselves, instants before the BLOW. Unspeakable shrapnel bombs. Made of people and metal and MAGIC. The train cars lifted from the tracks by the knock back, smashing into fleeing crowds, even as the next car goes off. And then the next. And the next.
A writhing chain of death.
Like the dying spasms if a great snake.
My husband is frozen. No. As I drag him down? I realize with horror, worse. Seizing. It has NEVER been this bad! What is HAPPENING?! What Path is he SEEING that could cause such OVERLOAD? Terrified, I watch as thin trails of blood, seep from his eyes, his nose. Oh Gods. Oh GODS! Arthur? ARTHUR!
Love! Stay with me! Please! D-Darling, Please! Focus on my voice! You have to let them GO! Close your EYES, Arthur! Don't look! Please, DON'T LOOK! It's KILLING YOU!
"That's rather the point."
I stop. From on the ground, where I crawl. Dragging my unresponsive husband to safety. My gaze finally whips around to ahead of us. Amongst the chaos... stands a conductor. Pressed uniform clean and hair entirely too long. His eyes... oh Gods, his EYES. I do not need to touch him to know. That? THAT is not a human.
Not anymore.
Shrapnel flies harmlessly over us, but comes no where near him. As though where he stands is Forbidden to touch. All around him, those fleeing? Suffering? Do not notice him. Do not SEE. Yet, on instinct alone... avoid him.
Because, of course they do. B-because that?
That Is A Demon.
We weren't even remotely prepared for this. And even if we WERE. Everything is packed away. Pressed to the floor, all I can do? Is drag my husband close. Feel tear begin to fill my eyes and choke my throat, as I curse the Gods. Damn it. D-Damn it! I drag Arthur under me. A-as though... as though we were just... just resting at home. Cuddling, as we so often do.
I-It will be okay, darling. Come back to me. Arthur... Please...
(We promised to go together...)
"He really is useless, isn't he? Can't protect you. Couldn't warn you. Can't even die, where he's supposed to be. Really, how hard is it? To just get on the damned train? Quite inconsiderate, your worthless lump of a first husband. It really won't be hard, no doubt, to surpass him in every way."
I drag Arthur closer. Cradling his head to me chest. You'll have to go through ME, you fucking monster! It's.. it's a laughable defense. I'm tissue paper. We both are. With out supplies and the proper anti-demonics? H-he's going to SHRED us. But... but! I took a VOW.
Married this man.
I... I love him.
Even if he's not awake. Even if he's trapped in his own gifts by this BASTARD of a Demon. That's.. That's okay. I'm still here. W-We're still together. And I love him. Silly, ridiculous, air-headed fool that he is. My quite scholar. M-My best friend. I glare at the damnable creature before us.
"You really do have such lovely eyes." It notes, tilting it's head. "Does he appreciate them? Somehow, I doubt it. He makes you live in squalor, after all. Dresses you in rags and works you like an animal. You were meant for so much... more. I can feel it."
With a boneless grace he squats, bringing him closer even as I try to drag us away, he reaches out. One hand both perfectly human yet tipped with claws. In the distance, I hear doors being forced open. Commanding voices. Prayers and the glimpses of shining light. The Paladins are here.
Too late... I... I fear it is too late.
Demon skin touchs my face and I scream, as I am cast beneath the waves. It is so dark. Oh Gods. OH GODS. IT IS SO DARK. HELP ME. HELP ME! IT HURTS! It HuRtS! HELP M-!
"Shhh, drink deep and sink down, Love. I will be there to catch you. Forget about him. Forget about everything. You are made for so much more. We were meant to be together. Just let go, sweet."
"Just let go..."
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sworeidnevercompromise · 3 months ago
𐙚 shameless: a drew starkey smau < part ten > series masterlist
AUTHOR'S NOTE: lots happening in this one!! no drama though...not yet, anyway. 🥸
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liked by youruser and others bffuser people...places...things
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youruser so happy to have you back in nyc bffuser @/youruser let me move into your apartment next
ayoedebiri that pho on the third slide...so good bffuser @/ayoedebiri phomazing
youruser come back already! bffuser @/youruser okay!
sw33t3stgirlin-town lana mention
mozzerellagrrl17 y/n's here but where's drew? did they break up or smth y/nmarryme @/mozzerellagrrl17 wtf r u talking about? she's just hanging out w her friends. she and drew aren't attached at the hip bro
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liked by drewstarkeyfan and others dstarkeyupdates via drew's insta story
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drewplsmarryme FUCKKKK NOOOOO! drewstarkeyfan @/drewplsmarryme girl he DOESN'T WANT YOU! let him and y/n be happy tf
ivylynndeservedbetter yo this is crazy 😵‍💫
user322 that should be me holding ur hand that should be me making u laugh
jumbleina hand placement omfg
y/nsource living vicariously through drew rn dstarkeyupdates @/y/nsource i want BOTH!
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liked by dstarkeyupdates and others starmagazine Drew Starkey spotted outside him & girlfriend Y/N Y/L/N's apartment building. When asked about the recent rumors that the couple is reportedly "moving too fast," Starkey replied "Of course we're moving too fast. I'm obsessed with her. She's amazing." Starkey was asked about the flowers he was holding, and he confirmed that they were for Y/L/N. More info at the link in bio.
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jadababy2006 I WAS THERE I TOOK THIS PICTURE! he also called y/n the "prettiest girl" and she came out of the building and she called him "angel" it was SO FUCKING CUTE i almost threw up
55raven55 ok is it a little weird that he said he's obsessed w her or am i tripping zombi3killa @/55raven55 ur tripping. shes so hot if i were her bf id be obsessed w her too
y/ngetbehindme need this for me so bad
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liked by drewstarkey and others youruser weekend getaway w my boys
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drewstarkey never letting the dog near a body of water again youruser @/drewstarkey no yeah he smelled awful
drewstarkey let's go again youruser @/drewstarkey you were JUST complaining abt the mosquitoes 🤨
madelyncline ok u guys are very cute and all but can the next post just be your dog please? youruser @/madelyncline spamming u w dog photos rn 🫡
y/ngetbehindme hoo boy the second pic
y/nsource both of u r my celeb crush
karencartwrighthater SECOND PIC IM LITERALLY SCREAMING WITHOUT THE S strkygrl @/karencartwrighthater mama your comments are public you know
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liked by esquire and others mollyjocelyn Walked around NYC with @/youruser for @/esquire. We chat about the best hot dogs in the city, being a dog mom, and a certain actor you might be hearing a lot about recently. Read at the link in my bio.
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youruser best interview ever. had so much fun with you molly ❤️ mollyjocelyn @/youruser Anytime girl.
julesdabest i- I'm the bike.
y/ngetbehindme ESQUIREEEE??? our girl's moving UP! vogue next pls
y/nsource this interview is so well written i LOVE it! kudos to you mama mollyjocelyn @/y/nsource Haha thank you! As long as the Y/N Y/L/N stan accounts are happy, I'm happy!
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liked by y/nsangels and others y/nsource Y/N in a recent post shared by playwright Jami Noyce. Maybe a new project?
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y/nsangels doesn't jami noyce write plays that go to broadway? is y/n finally getting her broadway debut?
randomhater jesus fucking christ this chick is everywhere y/nsource @/randomhater and yet you're always commenting on posts about her. looks like someone is a secret fan! drewstarkeyfan @/randomhater @/y/nsource CLOCK ITTTT!
spotconlonlover oh my god i hope this play goes to broadway !!! i'd love to see y/n on stage
br00klynbaby this play ended workshops a little while ago i think they're going to previews soon! so hopefully a casting announcement is posted soon. i think they're keeping the cast under wraps bc it's y/n's debut and they want it to be a surprise?
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liked by 656angelx and others esquire Y/N Y/L/N took a stroll around New York City with Esquire's very own @/mollyjocelyn. Read the article at the link in bio- and stay tuned for more videos & interviews with @/youruser!
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mollyjocelyn Such an awesome opportunity. Thank you @/esquire ♥️ by author
youruser run it uppp ♥️ by author
austinnorth55 the kid don't play
madelyncline i feel like a proud mother
drewstarkey 😍 ♥️ by author
y/nsource yes yes yes
y/nsangels !!!!! more interviews & vids coming soon? LFG!!!
drewstarkey 20m
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achaotichuman · 4 months ago
Dahlia (Tamlin's daughter)- "Dad! That boy hit me!"
Tamlin- "Throw a chair at hi- Nooooo..."
Dahlia- "..."
Tamlin- *In agony* "We are gonna go and..."
Dahlia- "......"
Tamlin- *Fighting the protective dad demons*
Tamlin- *Actively going against every single instinct he has* "Talk to his parents."
Dahlia- *Disappointed sigh*
Tamlin- "Hey, your son hit my daughter."
Asshat- "Haha! Well, you know the saying, boys will be boys."
Tamlin- "..."
Tamlin- *Turns to Dahlia*
Tamlin- "Dahlia, throw a chair at him."
Asshat- "W H A T"
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shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii · 3 months ago
What if Buddy had a sister?
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(I made an AU of if Buddy had a sister imma draw it online later cause they look a bit funky on paper and also so I can draw them with color too! Meet Tiny!)
Buddy was already in chains. The story is supposed to be finished by now. All Prunella has to do is send him of to jail. All she had to say is “Take him to jail”. Just a few simple words. But nooooo, Buddy and Chase were fighting and Prunella thinks this is entertaining. And you know what they were fighting about? They were bickering over if chips are the same things as crackers or not. How did the small insult Buddy gave off turn into a war of are chips and crackers the same? Deacon was done. Absolutely over it.
“Chase come on wrap it up the guards have been standing there for 10 minutes already and they are starting to look lifeless” Deacon tapped Chase’s on his shoulder
“NO IM NOT!!! SEARCH IT UP, CHIPS AND CRACKERS ARE THE SAME THING!!! SOME CRACKERS ARE CALLED CHIPS!!! YOUR THE IDIOT HERE!!!” With 2 guards on the sides of him holding Buddy’s arm he still had no fear to speak up to the newly married princesses.(Chase)
“Ugh Deacon it was getting to the good part but you interrupted it” Prunella said rolling her eyes
“Look. Chase. please. let’s just end the book later Prunella will get home later than usual and they will get suspic-“
“Yeah yeah save it dorkin I’m wrapping I’m wrapping!” Then Chase turned over to Buddy, “GO SUCK ON A TAILPIPE!!!”
Chase grabbed on Deacons arm and started to leave
“PERHAPS I WILL-“ Buddy was about to yell back
Suddenly a flash of light appeared.
“Wait Chase, we need Prunella to send off Buddy” Then Deacon looked at the flashing light. “Huh???”
“WOAH CHASE WAIT!!!” Prunella pointed at the light “I-it looks like another person?!”
“Huh” Chase turned around to see a small female figure. She looked about 14-16 years old. She seemed to almost about Chase’s height and looked thin. Her hair was a a deep black with strands or maroon extensions in it and she had the same pale skin as Buddy.
“BROTHER!!!” She yelled and scampered to hug Buddy but he jumped back leaving her to awkwardly hug herself. The guards then grabbed Buddy making him stay in place this time.
“W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE- Uh YOU???!!!” Buddy tried to grab her but the shackles and the guards grabbing his arms prevented him to.
“THATS YOUR SISTER??” Chase exclaimed with both of his hands on his head as he ran back to Buddy.
“Yes I a-“
“NO SHE IS NOT I- I DONT KNOW HER A-AT ALL!!!” Buddy then faced the smaller girl “why are you here?” He whispered in a forceful tone.
“O-oh Ahem,” the girl faced to Chase, “My brother speaks the truth I am not a sibling”
Buddy would smack his face if his hand weren’t in shackles currently.
Then the small figure looked towards Buddy and whispered back “I’m here to help! They lended me a key and said it was ok so-“
“Don’t” Buddy turned away, avoiding her face.
“You look like a tiny version of Buddy” Chase looked at her in admiration while Deacon looked at her shocked.
“Noooo, we don’t need a smaller version of Buddy!”
“Who is this “Buddy” person you’re talking about amongst yourself?” The girl asked
“Oh that’s “not your brother” over there” Prunella pointed at Buddy and you could see the embarrassment in his face. His eyes weren’t as narrow as usual and his face revealed a shade of pink. He couldn’t deny what prunella said though… it was true. THAT STUPID CHASE FOR GIVING HIS SUCH A RIDICULOUS NICKNAME!!!
The girl scoffed, “that can’t be true, brother is cruel and unforgiving, that’s a name you give to a fellow friend”
Buddy sorta tapped her with his elbow, “please, just… stop”
Oh. It was true. That’s the nickname he has been given. Well it just gives something to make fun of him for!
Then the girl looked the trio up and down giving a menacing and judgmental look. I mean teens already look very judgey but she looked like she put extra judgement into that look.
Deacon felt shivers down his spine and Prunella gave a stare at her back. Meanwhile Chase…
“Oh… oh she is adorable” Chase finally got out
“Wait. WHAT?” Chase had said the literal opposite of what Deacon was thinking.
“Oh please, I already know that- are… are you the one with the heroine key?” She responded, “Ah brother talks about you a lot!” She said as she grabbed Chase by his necklace.
Getting a closer look at her, Chase could see that she has wide narrow gray eyes. You could see a hint of blue within the deep gray.
“Buddy talks about me? WHAT DOES HE SAY????”
“NO NO NO PLEASE SHUT UP” Buddy said really fast
“NOOOO DONT LISTEN TO BUDDY JUST TELL ME TINY” Chase grabbed on to the girls shoulders
“Tiny? Well no I can’t anymore” she looked over to Buddy “brother has told me not to” she said with a little smirk on her face, “it’s really really good blackmail~”
The girl ignored Chase and looked over to the others “Who is the one with the helper key?” Then she looked at the keys wrapped around Prunella’s and Deacons neck. “Oh so you’re the helper and you’re the hero!” She looked at Deacon with a smirk on her face “You are perfect for the helper key”
“Wait what does that mean?”
“And you- well aren’t you a little too young to be a hero?”
“Gold coming from you” Buddy scoffed
“Ay watch it Tiny! I’m a survival expert and also I’m 8! I am old!” Prunella tried to argue back
“You know what! Take her away guard and uh- take that person too!” Prunella said
Buddy gave tiny a small laugh “Get used to it- Tiny~” while adding a a mock in his tone saying “Tiny”
They were finally taken away by the guards and the story can to an end.
“PRUNELLA!!! I WASNT DONE TALKING TO TINY YET!!” Chase groaned as he flopped to his bed
“Now we gotta deal with more “sassyness” Deacon said
“(Sigh) I guess so…” Prunella replied
“Wait does anyone remember what key she had?”
All three of them stared at each other clueless
(The stuff Buddy told Tiny about Chase, I feel like they would have gossip sessions time to time lol. So this is before this incident)
“UGH!! I-I HATE THAT GUY SO MUCH!” Buddy scrunched his hair
“Oh shoot your back early- are you talking about the one with the heroine key?” Tiny questioned. She was trying to find Buddy’s chocolate stash but when she finally did he came back. Luckily he was to busy with his head he didn’t notice her reaching there.
“Well yeah I hate him too but I was talking about the one with the helper key!! Why does he always come with Chase? Even the kid doesn’t go with Chase often!!!”
“They are probably siblings or something” Tiny slowly reached her hand to Buddy’s chocolate stash under his bed.
“No the can’t be sibling-“ Buddy started pacing around the room, “Chase has soft golden rich-blonde hair that looks warm in the storybook sunlight. It seems so honey-like and his eyes are a dark brown but they look milky. The closer you look into it it starts to look like chocolate. Not only that but his eyes compliment his tan smooth skin and-“
“Ok what about the guy with the the helper key?” Tiny saw in the corner of her eye the chocolate bar she finally got a hold of.
“Oh… Deacon…” Buddy said in a very judgmental tone “Well he has freckles all over his face and he doesn’t have a good sense of fashion. Like why would Chase like him?! I’m clearly better and he also has poo poo color hair! I’m sexier and more handsome. IM ALSO-“ Buddy went rambling on how much better he is than Deacon in every way
“Uh huh… uh huh…” Tiny was too focused on her own thing. Ok, now it’s time to slowly unwrap the chocolate bar, Buddy was yapping a lot so it might cover the sound of the crinkle. This was very dangerous and yet Tiny still took the risk.
“Ugh! You know what? Thinking of Chase’s eyes is making me hungry-“ Buddy turned over his chocolate stash “HEY!!!”
“NOOO” Tiny was so close to putting the chocolate to her mouth
Buddy dashed towards her and grabbed the chocolate out of her hand “AND YOU WONDER WHY I DONT TRUST YOU!!”
“NO THESE ARE MINES- and they are from Chase” Buddy mumbled the last half of that sentence
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deuxcherise · 4 months ago
The Hare and the Fox
C/w: Unhealthy behavior, yandere male, male!rabbit oc, female!fox reader (doesn't really have to be female, but "daughter" is used here), tsuntsun!reader (just arrogance, honestly speaking), interspecies relations (?), male dumbification, some horror element, a bit suggestive but nothing super explicit.
A/n: So the fox and the hare, tale as old as time. Listen… WE. NEED. MORE. RABBIT BOYS. We’ve got catboys, we’ve got dogboys- WHERE ARE THE BUNNY BOYS?? …And yes, I just really wanted to write about a bunny boy and fox girl. This story wasn’t exactly intended for today but it’s Halloween and it’s been a while since I’ve posted and I wanted to celebrate it with a story with a little horror element, so I might’ve rushed to finish this before today. Also imagine animals here are humanoid with animal elements (like fluffy ears and tail). Enjoy a yan bunny. :3
Once upon a time, there was a hungry, hungry fox who came across a very delectable-looking rabbit.
“Oh hi there! Nice to meet you!” greeted the rabbit. “How are you on this fine day?
The fox licked its lips as grumbling sounds can be heard from its belly. It replied, “I’m doing well. Quite… peckish, actually. Little rabbit, little rabbit, how do you do?”
Despite the fox's clearly ravenous intentions displayed on its mannerisms, the rabbit simply smiled brightly in return and answered, “Why thank you for asking! I'm also doing well. Care to join me for a promenade?”
The fox snickered. “Gladly~”
And so the fox and rabbit joined together for a nice walk into the woods…
“You can’t leave me here! You can’t leave me here!” Arley cries,  grasping your hand with a grip unbecoming of a prey to a predator. His golden eyes are big and wide, watery with tears threatening to overflow, and his bunny ears are folded backwards. “Darliiing!”
As cunning as a fox you can be, you have admittedly fallen prey to this pathetic tactic many a time. This time, however, you simply cannot.
“Please. I haven’t visited my family in the longest time,” you say, attempting to wrench your hand out of his desperate grip. “They must be worried sick about me. You must have f-”
You stop yourself before saying the word “family”, for it would’ve been insensitive. Arley doesn’t care.
He gasps, his cute plump lips making an “o”. “But we’re family!”
You almost facepalm, instead squeezing out the words through gritted teeth, “We’re different.”
HOW? A fox and a rabbit. There’s no way, in all the blue above, that two completely different species can be related, dumb bunny. “I’m not even going to answer that.”
He shakes his head aggressively, his long ears flopping from side to side. “No! No no no no! Forget about them! I only have youuuuu!” He sadly looks to the side, ears drooping, as he holds your hand up to his cheek. “Oh, I’ll be so lonely,  so lonely without you…” He suddenly perks up with sparkles in his eyes. “Oh! Can’t I come with you?”
You sigh heavily. “You can’t.”
“What? Why?” He looks up with a look similar to an abandoned wolf pup’s eyes, pouting. “Please please please please please! Did I do something wrong, darling? I-if I did, please tell me! I’ll be good. I’ll do anything!” he pleads. “Please! Just let me come with you if you must leave! Tell me!”
Do something wrong, you ask? Oh, it’s not that you did anything wrong. It’s that this is all wrong! You are supposed to be digesting away in my stomach since days ago and yet, here you are. And here I am, a fox raising a damn rabbit. Have I lost my mind?
 You press a palm against Arley’s forehead to back him up. “No. Nothing at all, Arley. But I really must be going now.”
He perks up, before you add, “Without you.”
“NOOOOO!” he screeches, as if you have just told him straight up that you’re going to eat him alive.
… Which is going to be true— eventually. But he doesn’t need to know that right now.
You use your free hand to cover one of your ears as the ringing settles. Even with them folded down, his pitch was really too much. If you were also a prey, his voice would have alerted some hungry predator into this part of the woods and slaughtered the both of you. But luckily, who would dare be an idiot and cross into fox territory?
You sigh and flick him on the forehead as punishment, earning a small whine. “Besides,” you confess, “Truth be told, I need space.”
He tilts his head, a confused pout. “Space? You want more territory? I can help you get more territory!”
You mentally sweep away the cartoon image of an armored bunny waving a spear haphazardly. “No. I need space. From you,” you clarify, preparing yourself for his reaction.
As expected, his eyes go wide again and his face becomes unhinged. “B-B-But darling,” his voice cracks. “Space? … Ah! Darling must be joking! A ha ha ha ha…” he laughs before his eyes turn blank and his voice becomes scarily monotone. “It’s not funny.”
“...Um…” What’s wrong with him?
His face returns to its cute self. “Are you sure you can’t bring me along?” he suggests with a hopeful voice. If it weren’t for the rabbit ears and tiny tail attached to him, you would have assumed he was hiding an invisible wolf tail from how his eyes are sparkling.
“No. Absolutely not,” you answer. Unless you want to become the main entree for a skulk of foxes.
His sniffles. “Well, why not?? You're just visiting your family, aren't you? Are you- are you ashamed of me, darling?”
Why is he… You sigh again and look up through the wide clearing of the forest towards the sky. You have absolutely no idea why you’ve kept him around this long. You look at him. He’s pouting at you. You pinch his cheeks, remembering your original reason for keeping him.
When you had found him, he was nothing but a scrawny little thing dilly-dallying around a clearing in the middle of the woods. If you had eaten him as originally planned, he would have been nothing more than a tasty toothpick to suck on and clean the space between your fangs with. So pitiful… too pitiful, actually. Call it sympathy, but it just… it just would’ve been a shame if he died without meeting his full potential. So you decided to name him Arley since it was improper for a sentient creature to not have a name, dumb as rabbits are. A cute name for an admittedly cute pet.
You look at him up and down, gauging his current physical appearance.
You’ve been quite diligent, collecting and feeding him all kinds of fruits and vegetables, and you've even helped him build a proper den near your own place so that he can get all the sleep a rabbit should get. Quite important for growing bodies, wouldn't you say? All to at least allow the poor lad some dignity as a meal fit for an honorable fox such as yourself. And yet, somehow he is still on the skinny side. Pet bunnies are such hassles.
Hah… And they say all foxes are good for nothing but tricks… Hmph!
“Not at all, Arley. I'm not ashamed of you at all. Like I said, it's just too dangerous for you.”
Arley puffs up his cheeks, giving you his biggest pout before giving up when you wouldn't budge. He finally releases you, but not before he gives you the biggest hug he can muster. “Fiiiine. I hope you have fun, darling. I’ll be waiting for you…”
For some reason, he believes that to be your name. You have tried correcting him, but he insists on calling you that for some reason. Oh well, rabbits are quite dumb after all. No use trying so hard to educate your future meal.
And so the two of you parted ways, leaving him at his den before you rushed off to your family’s den. By the time you reached it, the sky was turning purple as the great light was setting.
You knock with a special jingle on the wooden door to your family's den, a place somewhere secluded in the great forest, where the nearest neighbor would probably be… well, you and your dear rabbit, Arley. A lone rabbit. Odd, but you figure Arley must've been abandoned for being a runt. Poor lad.
“Password~?” sings a young voice from behind the door.
You playfully roll your eyes. “The brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.”
One of your younger sisters opens it and her face glows up at the sight of you. “(Y/n)!” She turns around to go back to main, shouting, “(Y/n)’s here! And she brought a boy!”
Two arms snake their way around your waist and close the distance between your back and their front. With a distinctively delicious scent wafting about, you don't even need to turn around entirely as you cringe from how he's nuzzling the back of your neck.
“Arley!?” you harshly whisper underneath your breath. 
“Darling~” he whispers back, muffled by your neck.
“A boy!? You've finally brought home a husband, (Y/n)?” shouts your mother from inside the den.
“No!” you screech back, grabbing onto Arley's arms. You whisper between gritted teeth, “What are you doing here? Don't you know it's dangerous!?”
He shoots back with a sad look with droopy ears and big doe eyes. “Don't you know rabbits die easily from loneliness? I couldn’t bear the thought of you leaving me…”
What? What the heck is this dummy saying? Is that true? If it is true, does that even apply to rabbits and foxes? Rabbits shouldn't be sticking to foxes like this! Do you want to be eaten that badly!?
“Don't you-”
“What are you standing at the doorway for?” the voice of your father cuts in. “Come in and introduce your boy to us! And bring that rabbit. I can smell it on you. Don't hold up, now. We're starving.”
“You see?” you whisper to Arley, worried. “We're foxes. They're going to eat you alive! Go home!”
“No!” he refuses. “And no, they won’t. Once they know we’re together, they won’t lay a paw on me. Besides, I want to— need to meet your family for once. I have to thank your parents for giving birth to you and raising such a wonderful daughter.”
You try to find the words but after a moment or two, you give up with a groan. You place your hands together and send a quick prayer to the heavens.
Dear sun and moon, our great light and protector. I don't know why I'm in this situation but I humbly request that you protect this dumbass from my family. I've worked way too hard and too long for all my efforts to go up in dust just because he is an extremely stupid rabbit. We'll just have dinner (without rabbit) and then sleep, and then leave tomorrow. Forgive his naivety and lend me strength, good heavens. Blessed be the skies.
“Okay. Here we go.”
“WHOA!” “My goodness!” “AMAZING!”
You sit there in awe alongside your family members as Arley somehow pulls another palm-sized rabbit from his top hat.
“And finally, this one is for the pup over here,” he says as he hands over the rabbit to your youngest sibling, who playfully squishes it in his hands. Not enough to burst its insides, but enough to make you wonder if it’s uncomfortable for the tiny bunny. Its blank face doesn’t offer any commentary, which almost begs the question if it is any real in the first place, if not for the tiny twitches.
“And that’s all for tonight, folks!”
“Well done, my boy!” your father compliments, clapping heartedly. “I never thought I could ever be entertained by a rabbit, but here I am!”
“Indeed!” your mother agrees, hand placed on her chest delicately. “I don’t know when was the last time I’ve ever been to a Magic Rabbit Show.”
Magic Rabbit Show? That’s a thing? Since when was that a thing???
Arley bows before your family, spinning his wrist, making the hat disappear into thin air. He then clasps his hands together, ears perked up. “My pleasure! Now… might I make the request to stay over tonight? I feel I will have better odds of seeing the great light if I stay inside than outside. And I’d like to stay close to Miss (Y/n), if possible?”
What the? Miss (Y/n)? Since when have you ever called me ‘Miss’? Or ‘(Y/n)’? You knew my name this entire time??
Your parents suspiciously share a look before smiling at Arley and announcing that he shall be taking residence in your bedroom for the night.
“Why!?” you squeak.
Your mother pulls you aside and shushes you. “Make sure the lad is comfortable, do you hear me? He’s come a long way, and we do not want to hear any complaints. Do you understand?”
“‘Come a long way’, you say, Mother? HE’S. A. RABBIT! FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, HE’S SUPPOSED TO BE A MEAL, WOMAN!” is what you would have said if one, you didn’t respect your parents, and two, Arley wasn’t right there, and three, you weren’t afraid of the woman who brought you into this world and could easily send you back at any time.
Instead, you give her a face of disbelief.
It is odd, you note, considering the behavior of your parents. Your father had always liked chasing the birds up into the trees, and your mother often enjoyed a bit of mischief showcasing her toothy smiles in front of the occasional passing travelers, who tended to be grazers. To show such consideration to a rabbit is… frankly, very odd.
“Besides,” your mother continues, eyes watching your siblings play with their respective rabbit and your father bringing Arley to the side to have a chat. “I don’t think there’s any finer rabbit to… well, you know?”
Your eyebrows raise as far up your forehead as they can go. Arley may still be a bit on the small side compared to the typical size of rabbits based on what the books say, but he is decent enough. Maybe it’s about time you put an end to this ridiculous farce…
Your mother raises her eyebrows. You relax your shoulders and sigh, nodding in surrender. She smiles in triumph behind you as you lead Arley towards your old bedroom.
Seldom do foxes receive guests, lest they set up a bed and breakfast kind of establishment for whatever reason. But even so, in these parts of the woods, travelers tend to not stay too long, either here or alive, so to speak.
The minute you swing open the door, you half expect dust to come flying out. Only the smell of nice wood, fresh grass, and well-kept books fill your nose, a testament to your father’s impeccable housekeeping skills.
You eye your large nest, with enough space for a couple and a child (which you had given up hoarding your favorite sticks in order to fit this bedding), and take a step back before lau-
“W-wow… This is a… big bed. I didn’t think…”
You immediately stop yourself from belly flopping into the inviting bed. Your head swerves towards Arley, who’s eying your bed with bulging eyes.
What? Never seen a big- Oh course he hasn’t seen a big bed, ya doofus. Tiny rabbit only got a tiny bed. “Let’s sleep,” you mutter, feeling the drowsy effects of full home-cooked dinner in your stomach. Forget dessert, I’ll just eat him for breakfast.
You crawl onto the soft grass and lay on your side, patting the empty space beside you.
Strangely, Arley looks quite flustered. “E-eh? You’re- I’m- H-huh?”
You let your heavy eyes close, eyebrows furrowing, getting miffed. “What? You wanted to stay over, right? Come over here already… Schleep…”
“O-oh… okay…”
And so the two of you lay side-by-side, warm and cuddly, nothing to be frightened about. Twas a peaceful midnight, all through the house. Not a creature was stirring, not even a…
“Y/nnnnn~? Are you awake?”
There is the famous saying everyone who’s anyone knows: how a wolf can hide itself among a flock of sheep by dressing up as its prey. It’s a funny tale, showcasing the stupidity of sheep against the cunningness of a wolf. How does it relate to a fox and rabbit, one might ask?
Your eyes open, having been suddenly thrown out of a dreamless sleep and brought back to reality. As they adjust to the darkness, they meet golden eyes followed by a wicked, wicked smile full of razor sharp teeth.
There may not be any wolves or sheep here… but perhaps, a less arrogant and less hungry creature might have wondered what a little rabbit was doing out in the woods by itself? Come to think of it, why would a rabbit invite a clearly hungry fox for a walk all by itself in the middle of the woods?
As the adrenaline pumps through your veins, you finally smell the scent of blood. It’s heavy. Far too close and heavy to be a mere cut. And… familiar? “A-Arley, is that you? W-what-”
He tilts his head mockingly, eyes and smile widening more than they already are. “Yes, darlinnnnng~ So glaaaaad you still… recognizzzzze Arleyyyyy after… well, nowwwww isn’t the tiiiiime.”
You gasp, feeling four spindly things drag upwards against the flesh of your stomach. You quickly wrap around your fingers the culprit before shoving it away and shooching your body up your bed. Only then, do your eyes feast on something horrid.
Arley- If it is Arley at all- tilts his head the other way stiltedly, his neck cracking with every angle. He towers over you with the height of a bear. The skin on his face looks stretched across his abnormally large skull, almost tearing at the seams of his mouth and eyes and nose. The ears on his head are stiffly standing above his head, shaped more triangularly than his typical round ones. Accompanying them are two massive antlers, ending in serrated stake-like ends. Where his eyes should have been are now dark black pools with little gold rings floating in them. The clothes on his body have shredded apart, revealing long skinless, muscleness limbs ending in similarly long claws sharper than the thorns of wild roses.
“Daaaaarling~ Why do youuuu look soooo scared?” he says, softly caressing one side of your jaw with a claw. His voice sounds like disjointed souls fighting to speak at the same time.
The smell of blood nearly overpowers the sound of your racing heart. “W-why do you s-smell like blood?”
“Hmm~ Arleyyyyy…” he hums, without opening his mouth, “... had to eaaaaat.”
“Don’t worryyyyy, darlinnnng. Arleyyyyy wouldn’t dare… eat youuuuu. Not… yeeeeet.”
A million things can enter your mind right now, things concerning your own safety and what happened to Arley and what could possibly go on, but the one thing that grips your heart is the thought: with all of this blood on him, where is your family?
“A-Arley… “ you smile nervously, gulping down your nerves as you slowly shift to the side at a snail’s pace. “I… Can I go… use… the bathroom?”
He sees what you are attempting to do and does not like it at all. He slams a hand down on the nest, tossing a few grass upwards, barely missing your hand. You breathe in sharply as he lowers his face over your shoulder, his chest rumbling as he takes in your scent.
“No… Stayyyyy.” Gentle, gentle is his voice, and yet it does nothing more than make the hair of your skin continue to stand straight up.
Arley’s just a rabbit. Arley’s just a rabbit. Arley’s just a rabbit. A dumb fucking rabbit.
Gathering all of your wits, you bark, “N-No! You! Let me go! I. Need to— GET OUT!”
Without a second thought, you quickly toss your body out of your nest and onto the cold wooden floor, paying no mind to your bruised knees as you get back up on your feet. You rip open your bedroom door to run down the hallway. It’s so dark you drag your hands across the walls to feel your way to the front, but it’s not dark enough to hide the dark inky stains dripping down the walls, staining your palms. It smells of death, rot, and everything and anything disgusting. Any more time in here, and you are sure you’d throw up.
An ungodly roar booms behind you. Right as your hand grasps onto a door handle, a hand wraps around on your legs and hauls you backwards, forcing your chin to hit the ground. Before you can recover from the impact, you feel the air around your head turn warm and in the edges of your view are rows of sharp white teeth.
The end.
Little rabbit, little rabbit, how do you do?
Keep to the light, or the dark hunts you.
Wander too far, stray from its view—
And in the night, it will come for you.
You wake up and gasp for air, dripping horrendously with heavy beads of sweat. You’re laid on your side, the opposite side of the original position you had laid down in before you knocked out. Which means you’re facing away from–
Upon registering a sharp pain on the back of your neck, you immediately whip the back of your hand behind you, making contact with something hard. You turn on a lamp light and whirl around to find Arley holding his nose, regular bunny-shaped and looking like himself, and absolutely nothing like that nightmarish creature.
“Owiiiie…” he whines. Tears gather on the edges of his eyes, which thankfully look normal as well with their white scleras.
Picking up a faint scent of blood and a moist feeling on the back of your neck, you gently feel the area, finding that Arley has in fact broken a bit of skin enough to produce red droplets. “Did you bite me? Why’d you bite me!?”
“Sowiiiie, dawwwing… Couldn’t help it…”
A bunny biting a fox for no reason? How insulting! What does this dumb rabbit take me for!?
You grit your teeth, still holding a grudge for Nightmare!Arley’s actions, as you wipe your blood-stained fingers on your bed clothes before grabbing onto Arley’s jaw and forcing his mouth open. You then stick two clean fingers between his lips to keep his mouth open and check out his teeth. All flat bunny teeth, nothing sharp at all. How did he manage to make you bleed? You groan and let him go, grumbling,  “I should’ve eaten you a long time ago…”
Shocked at your actions, Arley’s mouth is still slightly agape and his cute pink bunny tongue still tantalizing. The taste of your fingers are nothing to the taste of your blood, but strange thoughts that have been sealed away time and time again are now coming to the front, and it certainly doesn’t help that he’s in an enclosed room that smells entirely like you and him.
You almost tell him to close his mouth when he interrupts you. “I… I wouldn’t mind if you ate me right now, darling.” He tilts his head downward and looks up with fluttering eyes, tapping the tips of his fingers together bashfully . “Only if darling is gentle in the beginning though…”
What the hell is he talking about? “Stupid,” you mutter. “Don’t be so weird.”
For some strange reason, his ears flops down and he gives his biggest pout as he looks away with scrunched eyebrows. You nearly roll your eyes, instead patting his head, hoping this action that he typically asks for will lessen his sad mood. It does, making him close his eyes and cheeks puff up with a blissful smile.
The way he melts under your touch softens your annoyance, making you appreciate the fact that he’s just a dumb rabbit who doesn’t know he’ll be eaten soon. You close your eyes and breathe yet another sigh of relief. At least, he isn’t like that creature at all. It was just a nightmare, nothing more… right?
“Darling is mine~” Arley hums to himself under your petting while your eyes are wincing from the pain on the back of your neck. He looks at you through the tiniest inconspicuous sliver of space between his eyelids, showcasing black scleras and glowing golden rings. “All mine~”
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tastesousweet · 8 months ago
⭒ the girl with the tattoo (the extras) -
chapter xi instagram blurb
mickey speaks : read chapter 11 first then come here!!! or not you do what u want fr
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liked by andreatorresss, nicolassturn, and 589 others
y/n three different outfits because it’s my birthday all week idc
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christophersturniolo happy bday friend 😁 !
y/n thank you chris 🤓
y/n prettiest?? oooo imma kiss uuuuu 🫦
nicolassturn you promise ? 😩
christophersturniolo brotha UUEEHHHHHHH
remibaby77 happy birthday my sweet sweet angel 🥹🥹!!!!!!
y/n remmiiiiiiiiii I LOVE YOU
remibaby77 oh i don’t get a kiss…? but the white man does 😂😂😂??????
nicolassturn girl why am i in it 😭😭😭😭
y/n NOOOOO rem come over im giving out free kisses tdy
remibaby77 staying far away from ur house actually! those drinks last night were ready to take me out 🕊️
matthew.sturniolo HBD ☀️
y/n thank u matthew
andreatorresss MY PRETTY BEST FRIEND :,(((!!!!!!! i love u happy 22nd bby
andreatorresss i love u more-er
y/n don’t start w me
andreatorresss we all know i love u the mostest
y/n nuh uh!
andreatorresss yes huh!
y/n shakes head no
andreatorresss crosses arms
christophersturniolo y’all are so not normal 😭
andreatorresss CHRIS MOVE
erinnluhh yayyyy birthday girl 😍😍😍
y/n i❤️❤️❤️you
read more . . .
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liked by erinlu, christophersturniolo, and 2,371 others
andreatorresss gf birthday dump ayyy
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christophersturniolo dammnnnnnnn 😮‍💨😮‍💨 i look good
andreatorresss boy where
christophersturniolo omg i didn’t even notice you’re there too. how pretty
andreatorresss get fucked ❤️
christophersturniolo if the implications are implying … well🙏🙏 (i need a jump for joy emoji)
y/n THE FIRST PIC ...i died
andreatorresss noooooo come back 2 me you can’t die ur too sexy
matthew.sturniolo 🔥🔥
andreatorresss 💦💦 put ts out
andreatorresss hiiiiii (twirling my hair)
nicolassturn gorgeous wow
andreatorresss ily my favorite 🥇
read more . . .
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taglist -★
@deadxrx @breeloveschris @saintsturn @honestlybab @starrysturniolo @st7rnioioss @cupidsword @nickmillersn1gf @sturnioloa @tcvazq @novasturniolo03 @sturnsintrouble @sturnrc @wovenribbons @watercolorskyy @imsosillygoofylol @sturnrc @wh0resstuff @peachmels @udonknowmeh12 @solaceinwritings @h3arts4harry @imaslutforwhitemen @lovingregulusblack @sturnsintrouble @rxeae
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aliaology · 1 year ago
hi!! it’s me again😁😁
could you please do a jack social media au post if you have the time?? the fc would be rachel zegler ( i’m SO in my tbosas era if you can’t tell) and where the movie just came out people are stalking her insta, and they always see this man in her posts but they don’t know who it is because she never posts his face. and then jack sorta hints at a line in tbosas in his insta caption where he’s soft launching her. AND then they hard launch and people find out that they’ve been dating since 2019-2020 (so since she was 17-18)(she’s 22 now)
and if you could use a picture of her in her maria dress from when she was in west side story that would be great!! (it just even more cements that they’ve been dating since that time period) IM SO SORRY THAT THIS WAS SO LONG😧😧 or like if you need to make this multiple parts that’s okay!! or if you can do it either that’s okay too!!
erm ofc babe anything for u!! i have yet to watch tbosas but woot woot!
for the dress part, i did a picture of her holding the book w her on it.. just to fit the ig more ig idk!!
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liked by user, user, _quinnhughes and 716,727 others
ynusername i really like nature, a lot 🌳
user WHO IS HE
user uhm… who!
user why did quinn hughes and ellen like this
yourbff my pretty babe 🤍
ynusername all u cutie pie ⭐️
user istg i can never have a time to shine
user uhm when is it MY TURN?
ynusername 11/23/2019
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liked by jackhughes, user, user, and 587,827 others
ynusername if i was your boyfriend, id never let you go 🎶
user no fucking way
yourbff this so unfair, tell him i want u back
ynusername u both can have me pooks
user holy…
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liked by ynusername, user, elblue06, and 816,827 others
jackhughes you’re mine and I’m yours. its written in the stars
user ur kidding
user ew
_quinnhughes finally 😒
jackhughes haters get blocked 🤬
ynusername omg whos that cute guy in those two pics??
jackhughes idk but that girl in those looks pretty fine…
user oh my god
trevorzegras took him long enough
jackhughes let’s talk about dixie
user lawd..
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194 notes · View notes
thirstingfortoxicmen · 1 year ago
OMG I LOVE IT! your wish shall be granted✨✨✨👍
Im skipping some plot.... just cause no reason🤭
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(not my photo credit to Pinterest for fueling my mental issues)✨✨✨
Jokes on You
Sub Sebastian x Dom male Reader
"Ok, tonight was a little crazy so go and get some rest. Ok Natty?"
"Yeah I still can believe we escaped on hippogriffs!" Natty whispered back. Her hands still shaking slightly. I embrace her for a quick hug before we part. Being quiet I move quickly down to the Slytherin rooms. Once I safely make it to the dungeons a sigh of relief washes over me. My head aches slightly from the stress of fleeing Harlow and his cronies. Slipping through the door into the common room I gasp slightly.
"So... you want to tell what you've been doing?" Sebastian questions, glancing at me from his book.
"Well you see I... uhhh... Natty needed help with somethingandIcouldntjustsaynoso-" My voice speeding up as I talk, eyes flicking around the room.
"You're lying. Tell me the truth." He demands, with a stern voice. I finally make eye contact with him and give him a sigh.
"I- fine... Natty and I were out... investigating someone and we got attacked BUT! before you freak out, we're fine nothing bad happened!" I explain, guilt lingering on my words. For lying to Sebastian and for betraying Natty even after I swore not to tell anyone about our... excursions.
"And you didn't think to just," pausing himself with a sigh, "I don't know tell me before you endanger yourself and making me think you were with someone else." rubbing his temples stress clear on his face.
"... what? you thought I was cheating on you? Sebastian I would nev-"
"yeah well when i barely see my own boyfriend for three whole days and when I do see him he's with some girl! I don't know what to think ok!" he almost yells, cutting me off. Remembering that it's past curfew and neither of us are meant to still be up quiets Sebastian. I take a cautious step to him, unknowing of his reaction. I rest my hand on his cheek, I pull his face to face my own. Our eyes connect, frustration weeping from him.
"I would Never. cheat on you Sebastian. I'm sorry I've been neglecting you. I didn't think it would hurt you so. I'll tell you next time," I speak low and soft, his attention on my eyes. Kissing him sweetly, closing my eyes resting our foreheads against each other when we part.
"Next time? How much trouble do you need in one year to be satisfied?" Sebastian moves his hand to mine, our hands resting together on his cheek. Grabbing my hand, intwining our fingers. He says, "come on." before trying to drag me into the corner of the common room.
"Where- what are we doing now?" i ask confusedly.
"I'm a teen boy who hasn't seen his boyfriend for three days. Take a guess." Blushing at the realization. Sebastian pushes me against the wall next to the lake, our lips clashing. Sweet turns to heavy, our tongues fighting. Biting his lip takes him off guard, I flip us pushing him to the stone wall. The chill of the stone coursing through him, a shiver runs down his body. Leaning down I continue making out with my boyfriend, pressing my leg against his groin. A groan from Sebastian letting my tongue gain dominance. His hips stuttering into my leg. "Please... I need you," he says, the slight whine of his voice going straight to my growing member. Grasping his thighs I lift him up, pressing him against the wall. Sliding his sleep pants down, just enough I spit onto my fingers. Stretching him and teasing him at the same time. I kiss his neck, his face blushing from his sensitivity. Soft groans leaking from his lips like a faucet. "I need you- now please..." his words drawing out slowly. Shuttering from his words, I complied. Hastily removing my belt and unbuttoning my pants before spitting in my hand once more rubbing it up and down my length, till I deemed good enough. Lowering him softly onto my hard cock. He jolts with a moan. Precum leaking from his cock. I start thrusting, I groan softly into Sebastians ear. His face now beat red, I bite into his shoulder. Once I do that he clenches hard and moans rather loudly. Still holding Sebastian I move from the wall to a nearby couch. Sebastian, now the one who has to lean down, resumes our making out from earlier. I grab his throat gently, squeezing intermittently. Sebastians eyes fluttering softly his cock hitting against his stomach with every thrust up. His red tip throbbing with anticipation. I hit his prostate, "I- need to- ahh please- can i," his voice pleading me. I start reaching my limit.
"Come for me Sebastian," I whispered into his ear. I bite down once more, Sebastians cum hitting our chests. His groaning tip me over the edge I cum into Sebastian. Both of us breathing heavy, we wait for a moment before separating. Cum falling from Sebastian when he lifts off my member.
"I've missed you."
"Jokes on you. Now you can't get rid of me," a chuckle escaping from Sebastian.
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cherrynflowergarden · 10 months ago
stranger? yes. danger? no. || shubman gill
summary; yn sturniolo is in italy and so is shubman gill.
@love-belle pookie wookie cookie this is for you🎀💋🫀‼️
an; hiiiiiii soooooo sorry for disappearing just like that my results for this very important exams were declared few days ago and i'm so disappointed w it :( anyways i'm back pls pls pls someone tell me how to login on tumblr web 🙏🙏🙏 picture quality in the app is horrible idk if you'll be able to read it properly 😓
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tagged: mattew.sturniolo
liked by tarayummy, shubmangill, nicholassturniolo and 679,907 others
yourusername italy through my eyes🌷
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username shubman you're not slick
username 🤨⁉️
username i want your jewellery so bad
username literally the best sturniolo!!
username i met her today!!💞💞💞
username omg how does it feel to live my dream 😓
username LOVELY!! SHE'S LOVELY!!!
username omggg where did you meet her
username i saw her in a local bakery, she was there w a man idk who but he was nice enough to click my picture w her!
yourusername maybeeeee😝
username GIRL WHAT
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tagged: shubmannotfound, chrislovepepsi
liked by mattybraps, birdhater, ynswife and 43 others
urbffswife italy pt 2 (heh)
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birdhater who tf
urbffswife my husband your brother in law😍💋
taraunyummy gc update when
ynswife rue when was this 🤨
urbffswife teehee🤭
taraunyummy i will smack you yn😀
ynswife you scare me sometimes
urbffswife 😇🙏
shubmannotfound helloooooooo
mattybraps 🤨
shubmannotfound 👋
chrislovepepsi no
shubmannotfound 💔
birdhater 👺
shubmannotfound 😓
urbffswife get tf out of my comments
shubmannotfound who's that handsome man in the second slide 😹
urbffswife not you😇
shubmannotfound 💔😓
shubmannotfound last slide?????!!!!!!;;;;;;;;/////???
urbffswife 😝
pagalwagalhaikya he was mine first
urbffswife 🎵🎶 he's mine you might have him now but i have him all the time 🎵🎶
urbffswife stay mad, kishan😹
mattybraps you actually are insane.
urbffswife 😈😈😈
chrislovepepsi go back to psyc ward yn🙏
yourusername via instagram stories
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view all replies
username GIRL WHAT
username did you find our father, mother?
mattewsturniolo 🤨
urbffusername OH????
username yn bby come back home the kids miss you😿👩‍❤️‍👩
username EXCUSE ME?????????
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♫ mitski • my love mine all mine
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tagged shubmangill
liked by abhisheksharma_4, tarayummy, nicholassturniolo and 989,589 others
yourusername cause my love is mine all mine💌
view comments
username EXCUSE ME MA'AM?????
username yeh wali toh sundar bhi hai aur funny bhi ab hater kaise bannu 😔😔 translation; she's pretty and funny, how can i be a hater
username i hate couples❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
username MOTHER??? FATHER???
yourusername CHILD????
username OMGGG
username wife noooo not a man💔💔💔
username why he kinda
yourusername 🤨⁉️
username sorry mother😔
yourusername i get it bc same😊‼️
username omg
username cricketer x yn???? wow i was not ready for this crossover
username he's yummy
yourusername 'cuse me🤨
username did i lie
yourusername no tbh😝
username not yn fighting for her man and also thirsting over him all together in the comments
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vampirevatican · 2 months ago
just finished slash fic... so now i have to wait til next saturday and set aside 200$... or keep logging in til i have 16k shards. for now let me just ramble and rant
EP 1-5:
so we're with our bestie, a theatre gay, an alt boy and a white, blue-eyed, blonde cancelled tiktok star... yeah this is a modern day horror.
riley really pissed me off... every time she was on screen she irritated me
she reads the incantation? "dumbass... WAIT WHY TF YOU PULLING ME INTO THIS?"
she calls me frumpy? "bitch i'm the only thing keeping you alive, you better bow tf down."
damien? god i love him. it's the aesthetic and his blush and as the game goes on i continue to love him.
the slashers?
mike saying "mine." hard. leather lifting me like a sack of potatoes? hard.
jay being adorable? "who's a sweet boy!!" ghost... was annoying to me he did not have me in the first half
actually no. ghost continued to piss me off... til the projector room. and it wasn't the smut. it was him taking down bitchy sorority girls hazing their latest member
that was the begining of the shift to lovers in enemies to lovers
leather... i... the way he relies on us and getting to spend time in his farm? no yeah i definitely fell in love. that's my husband.
oh jay. i just wanted to hold him and tell him he deserves so much more and so much better
damien can get hurt!? nooooo!!! i went back and saved him tho and... there's a small moment you share abt him crushing around here in the next batch of episodes and i... bb pls i love you
mike. he scares me. he... horraouses me. being and eldritch's plaything is... idk.
EP 6-10
as soon as the talk of subverting tropes entered the chat i just knew it was that basic ass popular bitch
be damned if she's got a witch bloodline. her ass doesn't deserve that title!! and hell i don't think her mother (or jay's... different story, later) deserve witch status either!!
this section is also where my brain connected dots and started to like ghost more
ghost is stu macher... i like stu... so now, i like ghost.
protection, belonging, bashful, control... it's how i knew which of these belonged to which, yet what i mixed up was ghost and jay but after seeing it... yeah no i started to pity ghost and like him even more
EP 11-15
i hate her. and there's NOTHING this story can do to make me want her or pity her
"you witches play with darkness then act surprised when it plays back" uh huh papa, that's exactly what this dumb bitch does
love the team work boys, really... but not now
"am i just a protector? just muscle to stand between you and a blade?" no!! you're so much more...
ngl the halloween special with jay walking out the fire... is where my concept of a mc counselor that loves fire comes from... and the darkness taking over
darkness taking over?! getting to do wild shit? being mean, nasty, murderous??? sign me up tht shit is just brewing beneath the surface. oh... mc isn't, damn.
"this isn't you" jokes on you! it kinda is. ngl if the darkness hit me and i was fighting it off id have my ways on my own but i guarantee it'd be the catalyst to me becoming a killer
i got a glitch and got to see mike... do things and just gotta say cnc, knife play smut fic will happen.
EP 16-20
more ghost! and oh... oh he can get mad and it's hot...
and oh no... he's sad... he's cute when he's sad
the hearts start to piss me off from here on out. i could handle missing out on smut. but comforting my boys?? missing out on lore??? fuck you (i say, becoming the fuck you girl)
i was able to get everyone's unmasking (reluctantly getting mike's with a spend of hearts that i was trying to glitch) but ghosts and then i get it later but can't even go back and watch it w/o fucking up my progress... fuck you (i am the fuck you girl)
ANYWAY on to leather
i love you bubba, i love you papa, leather is so important to me after this one
his family is shit and he shouldn't have been lied to by his bs siblings
there's a spice scene w/ ofc heart option but it leads like free spice til you get the option ("fuck you", im telling you guys i hate the pay walls)
anyhow the lead up spice actually varies the way you say you wanna get down with the guys!! and turns out leather and jay get along rly good
fuck pilgrims btw.
EP 21-25
jay... oh jay... (losing dogs by miski plays while i start crying)
fuck jay's mom, fuck the dunlaps (prt 1), fuck cultists
jay deserves better and im glad that we get to help him in the end but FOR FUCKS SAKE IM MISSING OUT ON MOMENTS!!!
i wanted to comfort him, hell i wanted to comfort leather and ghost in the previous chapters too and yet PAYWALL
anyway speaking of my second irritation with the paywall, i accept smut pay wall but you can't no- shouldn't have the story read like we about to get freaky and it's in his hands and then strip it away!!! especially not jay!! give the option before hand!!!
anyway... the way he's like “i want you to run. run as fast as you can, and im gonna catch you. and when i do... your cookie is mine.”
the way i folded?? rock hard. down horrendous. i want him. no i need him.
anyway then he protects you and you stand up for him (reverse order) and if you get points you see his face and... i...
my baby. my baby...
he's so damn cute!!! he's such a sweetheart. he didn't deserve none of what happened to him!!!
okay now mike.... (loosing dogs starts playing again, specifically the 'oooooo')
i... he didn't deserve what happened with him either and im so glad he can actually really speak more after this.
turns out he wasn't an eldritch evil, but rather possessed by it, forced to do its bidding, born alongside it
wait a minute... DAMIEN IS THAT YOU?? if so... i uh... you can join the harem w/o playing slasher pookie.
and who tf is this counselor?!
EP 26 and 27
so turns out the dilf/milf counselor got possessed to be krampus...
yeah no shit is getting hilarious levels of ridiculous but if this is what it takes for a special sure.
honestly the halloween and christmas could've been separated, like side stories?? spin offs?? ah well.
the guys fuck each other... I REPEAT
damien getting jelly? oh bb all you gotta do is say the word, i promise ilu. you're in the harem too!! if i had 1❤️ option or a freebie id take it every time.
“they hate each other. but they also f🐬CK each other!!”
apparently mike will watch jay, and ghost and leather get freaky sometimes... it may be bc unbearable darkness horny but idc, they fuck each other in the void!!!
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jenniferjareauwife · 10 months ago
But You're Drunk
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pairing: jennifer jareau x fem reader
category: fluff
warnings: none
word count: 753
summary: you're drunk and wanna have sex but jj says no bc you're too drunk to give consent
request by @pidgeispunk: what about after a night out w the team, r gets pretty drunk and jj has to take care of them, get them home and ready for bed etc. r keeps trying to get jj into if ykwim😏 but jj won’t do anything since r is drunk and doesn’t want to take advantage. r is all whiny and begging, but jj just gets her into bed and to sleep
I pinched JJ's cheeks, wiggling then around with my fingers. "Cutie patootie." I giggled, hiccuping before leaning forward to hug her as tight as I could.
"You think I'm a cutie patootie?"
"Mhm. Cute. You cute. Boobs." I looked down at her boobs and licked my lips.
"Ok baby let's get you home."
"You're drunk."
"What? Nooooo." I laughed and stumbled back a bit.
"I've got her." I heard a familiar voice and turned around. It was Penelope!
"Penelope! Don't you think she's cute?" I pinched JJ's cheeks again and she grabbed my hands, pulling them off of her face.
"Ok baby we're gonna go home."
"She's so funny like this."
"JJ...don't wanna go home." I wrapped my arms around her neck and leaned my full body weight against her.
"But we have to babe." I groaned and the rest was a blur but I think Penelope got me to take one more shot.
When we got home JJ insisted that she undressed me. "Noooo just wanna kiss you."
"Baby I'll kiss you but only after you take off your dress, ok?"
"I can't reach." She sighed and unzipped my dress for me. I made no move to go and grab my pajamas.
"What pajamas do you want."
"You wanna sleep naked?"
"No." I giggled and hopped over to her. "Wanna be naked with you. In bed."
"Baby no." She caught onto what I was saying and quickly shot it down.
"Pleaseeeee. I can be quick. I promise." I jumped on the balls of my feet and almost fell over.
"Pleaseee." She put a finger on my lips and kissed my forehead.
"You're drunk honey. I'm not gonna have sex with you when you're drunk."
"But whyyyy? I want it."
"You're not in the right mind to give me real consent."
"But I said yes though."
"But you're drunk. It's a no honey. And I'm not going to apologize for it." I whined and jumped up and down stubbornly like a toddler. JJ picked me up and put me in bed. "Stay here honey, I'll be back."
"You said you'd give me kisses though."
"I'll give you kisses after you drink some water." I whined but nodded, waiting impatiently on the bed.
When she came back with water I chugged the whole thing just so I could have kisses. JJ kissed my forehead first, cradling my face in her hands. I whined and pouted, squeezing my legs together. "Pretty please? I'll be good."
"I know you'd be good. You're always good for me baby I know that." I blushed. "You're such a good girl baby. But right now I just need you to go to sleep, ok?" I whined but nodded. I wanted to be good for her.
"I want cuddles though."
"You'll always get cuddles my love." I scooted back until JJ could fit on her side of the bed and then hugged her like a koala. I nuzzled my head into her neck and smiled.
"I love you."
"I love you too." I wiggled around as I tried to find a comfortable position, gently kissing and nipping at her neck to keep myself busy. She giggled and ran her fingers through my hair. "Whatcha doing baby?"
"Not comfortable."
"Want me to spoon you instead?"
"Too hot." She sighed and took the covers off of me. I gave her my best puppy eyes and she shook her head.
"Baby I said no. You have to listen to me, ok?" My bottom lip trembled but I didn't want to cry over this. I hid my face in her neck. My emotions were even harder to regulate when I was drunk. "Hey...hey baby? Are you crying?"
"Mhm." I sniffled against her neck.
"What's wrong? Am I making you feel unwanted right now?" I shrugged.
"Just wanna be close to you."
"You are close to me."
"But in a different way." I whined.
"If I took my clothes off would it make you feel better?" I nodded eagerly and moved off of her a bit so she could strip. Once she was naked I crawled on top of her and used her as my mattress.
"Thank you." I mumbled against her skin.
"Of course." She stroked my back and my hair. "Just tell me if you need anything. There's some Advil on your nightstand for the morning, ok?" I nodded and looked up at her with soft eyes.
"I love you." I mumbled. "I love you so much."
"I love you more."
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frenchieee · 2 months ago
assigning the stardew 12 a just dance map ✨
shane - sail (jd 2024)
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okay at first i think he’d be like ‘this is dumb’ but then he’d see sail for the first time and like He’d Get It
gets VERY into it by the end. the power of captain crimson ✨
alex - locked out of heaven (jd 2023)
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we love a man with parental issues who defines himself by the one thing he thinks he has any worth in ✨
locked out of heaven is very cathartic for him
sam - danger! high voltage! (jd 2023)
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he’s always ruben! change my mind. he makes vincent or sebastian be polo
has def broken multiple pieces of furniture playing this
sebastian - in the shadows (jd 2025)
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given his whole Vibe and DnD thing, i think in the shadows is right up sebastian’s alley
honestly, the song itself is also right on the money w how he tends to feel
harvey - dynamite (jd 2023)
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listen. despite the stresses of being a doctor, harvey’s just a silly lil guy at heart and dynamite is a silly lil map ✨
i think gray would be his faveeee
elliott - witch (jd 2023)
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krovi krovi krovi krovi
slays this to a bit of a terrifying degree. run for ur life ‼️
maru - beggin’ (jd 2023)
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mad scientist respects mad scientist ‼️
absolutely SLAYS this ✨
penny - you should see me in a crown (jd 2024)
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exclusively plays as sara she’s a sara stan and night sara is her fave (she’s def not projecting nooooo)
makes maru do night swan’s part it’s a gf duet ✨
abigail - a queda (jd 2024)
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the whole creepy clown thing is RIGHT up her alley ‼️
the fact that it freaks her mom out? that’s just a bonus ✨
haley - more (jd 2023)
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always plays as evelynn and ALWAYS slays she’s just that girl 💅🏻
will recruit alex, emily, and leah for the others. leah’s not the biggest fan, but you do for your gf ✨
leah - tainted love (jd 2024)
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oh she has this song on REPEAT, even when she’s not playing the map. it just fits her vibe !!
she always plays as swander and gets haley to play as night sara, bc again, you do for your gf ✨
emily - magic (jd 2023)
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look at herrrrr she’s pelican town’s very own ann g. lina ✨
somehow makes glitter pop out of her hands on the bridge (she was not previously holding glitter) ✨
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