#my gijinka of him makes me giggle
fez-pwned · 5 months
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he's so normal, hate him! /ref
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subarashiihibi · 8 months
my thing about izaya is that he's so strange and weird and i love that so much. i didn't want to ramble too much in the notes of that poor person's post but i find the way he speaks and the words he chooses so interesting so let me ramble a little bit. this may or may not even be coherent so bear with me here im just going to speak my thoughts.
ok this got really fucking long and all over the 0place so im putting this under a read more sorry.
so i have volume 9 of the novel in both english and japanese. i only have two novels in japanese and that is this one and yuuyake wo. so i'm pretty crazy about this izaya speech analysis shit. anyways i was rereading thru the jp ver the other day just to compare it to the eng and i kinda realized that like.
a lot of people you can separate their speech in either formal and informal speech right? someone like shizuo speaks really informally and uses a lot of rough, dragged-out versions of words and stuff (しゃーねえ vs しょうがない) and then someone like shinra who speaks in a ton of yojijukugo and generally sounds like a nerd emoji gijinka.
izaya on the other hand rly... doesn't fit in either? i mean sure he sounds like another nerd emoji gijinka but it's kinda different. it's not so much the words he speaks but rather the intonation and his tone...
and he has his moments where he speaks pretty seriously and whatnot of course, but in general he just... doesn't sound very human when he speaks? i don't know if that's a conscious effort or not. is it his attempts at distancing himself from his own individual humanity? or is it just because he's a weird guy? i dunno. but it's interesting nonetheless.
one thing i will note though is that despite his somewhat inhuman speech patterns, it's also pretty...dramatic? to the extent where it's really exaggerated but also very cute and charming. (this part is important.)
i think a lot of what makes izaya's speech so weirdly inhuman is because he doesn't really use a lot of slang or similar lingo that people his age would typically use. i know mikado said in the novels that he doesn't really try to fit in with his age group's fashion sense either so it makes sense but still. he's like an old hag it's so funny. and it's because of that that when he says stuff like 'i don't get all hot and heavy over headless women' or whatever he said to celty it's really amusing to me because like... why is the strange man saying this?💀
another example i kinda giggled about on my twitter when i read it it's not even crazy and i sound corny and cheesy and stupid but theres this scene in vol 9 where izaya messages celty for business and hold on let me just put it as a quote.
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he sounds so old saying 'video game' like 😭 idk it's just funny cause he barely even knows anything abt games like bro knows nothing im crying
in the jp hes like 「…ゲーム中なのかい?」 and then when celty tries to explain herself he says 「何を言ってるのか、良く解らないんだけど」 and im rly bad at tling parts of sentences and stuff but just know that the way he words it makes it sound like this gif to me
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i love both versions i think the original jp makes him sound like hes so lost and confused (hence why pw gif cause lord that man always looks lost LMFAOOOO) and then eng tl just blunt ass "I don't know what you're talking about." makes him sound like full on hag 😭😭😭
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first i think it's funny the translation has izaya say fuck here cause he very rarely swears and i did read this one thing about how he only swears when his mask slips so to me this is like genuine bewilderment that he cant even hide LOL. second why is he so excited to hear about 'whatever sexual fetish' shinra has im crying he's so damn nosy . okay but this is not the funniest part let me add that now.
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ehy the hell is izaya orihara talking about foot fetishes???😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 im crying bruh i was so flabbergasted when i read this i was like WHAT did he just say? he says it in the jp ver too which just makes it even funnier. this goes back to what i said earlier but i always get so amused when izaya has something to say about sex or whatever cause he's so fucking weird and unsettling why does he know that
(i mean i also get so hard i nearly pass out thinking about izaya tlaking about sex but thats probably just a thing with my heart condition and stuff)
oh also another scene i think is really cute and amusing and funny is back when shinra was first still trying to get izaya to form the bio club w him.
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1. shinra is funny as fuck in this scene but also izaya's "Hmm. Can I punch you?" made me havbe a good laugh. in the jp he says 「んー。殴ってもいいのかな?」 which is pretty much the same thing just with the intonation of like 'hmmmmmmmmm should i hit u or not...' sorry like i said im just bad w explaining this stuff. but i felt the need to point it out not cause im one of those annoying ppl who praise the original jp ver and reject translations and localizations i just think it's important for izaya specifically cause i love him and i want to analyze his speech patterns as best as i can.
i was going thru the novel just now for other stuff i wanted to mention and i forgot abt this part but it's so funny.
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'Let's not get hasty. Type calmly, please.' its not even funny or nothing i just find it so amusinf whenever he talks like that💀 i will say though the english translation kind of makes him sound more weird and inhuman than the original. that line in the original was basically just him telling her she needs to calm down enough to at least type properly LOL. idk if im just being nitpicky cause this is izaya tho so feel free to ignore that. fwiw i like the eng tl bc while it's a different intonation than the original japanese ver i think if he did speak english it would probably sound smth like that anyways.
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this too made me laugh like ??? seriously he is really nosy when it comes to people's intimate affairs. in the jp ver he calls them an 'intimate couple' which just is like .. ok bro💀
does anyone else see my vision of izaya getting cucked by celty (does it count as cucking when celtys the one dating shinra) while he looks sad and pathetic and miserable that he never decided to shoot his shot w shinra back in the day
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if i were commenting on the actual stuff going on in this scene rn this post would be a lot olonger and even more terribly all over the place so im just gonna focus on how i think it's funny izaya says 'easy, man...' this is like one of the only times his words are somewhat natural and sound like smth you would hear someone else say. in the jp ver it's 「おいおい…」 which is somewhat less out of left field in terms of coming from izaya but still it's pretty surprisingly normal. i have to wonder if in that moment he's too worried about shinra to care about keeping up appearances.
this is just random and me making fun of izaya as usual but why the hell does he weigh himself after his showers💀💀💀 it's cute and endearing and only adds to his strong gap moe but still... it's strange...
speaking of cute things this is from a volume i forget but he says this one phrase a couple of times and it is just both really cute and also kind of idk... saddening. one of the times i can remember he says it is when namie was making fun of him or something and he replies 'Don't tease me. I'm only human.' or something along those lines and it's like . hm. ok.
i think it's cute he says 'dont tease me' a few times cause eughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (trying to ward off severe brain damaged incoherent thoughts) but 'im only human' is like... are you really? even after you try so hard to escape your own humanity and individual self so much... im going to try and give my thoughts on it here but this is just based off my hc that izaya has bpd so yanno. im basing a lot oif this on my own experiences sorry. i do that a lot. (gestures over to all the posts i make abt fob/mychem fan izaya)
when it comes to just straight up acknowledging his humanity izaya has no problems with this because 'sure, i'm human. isn't that obvious?' is probably something along the lines of what he thinks. it's easy for him to just say that because it's just that. it's just words. it holds no real meaning and shows no true insight into how he actually perceives himself. but when it comes to actually having to come face to face with his own humanity and the fact that yes, he is only human, it's a lot more difficult because now it's out of his control. i wonder also if he has problems with perceiving his own self.
i say this a lot but i truly do believe izaya is so so so beautiful and i love him so much. also i just saw a funny post on twitter so i wanna say this here idk if yall know this but izayas actually a latina hes got chismosavirus❤ ok thats all i have to say sorry for rambling so much
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this is an early Mother’s day thing. 
I just did this recently and i’ve been wanting to for a long time. I hope you guys would like it! probably would do more in the future.
Characters: gijinka!Baki, gijinka!Mothra, gijinka!Rhagor (mentions of gijinka!Godzilla) warning: Screaming baby, hints of postpartum depression(?) (search it if you want to know the meaning), crying, Godzilla is not a bad dad i promise. this isnt fully proof-read that much btw. 
Nothing but the crackling sounds of fire are the only ambiance Baki has, Baki stares at the fire as its light and heat dance and burn against the wood She cut so it can keep on burning. Baki traces the gold marking that designed her robotic leg, its eerily similar gold marks shine from the fire's light. Baki's mind kept on repeating the same memory of the event. It won't stop and she wishes It could just go away. She closes her eyes as she breathes out slowly. Her dinner is getting colder by the second
Suddenly a piercing sound overlapped the fire's ambiance. The piercing sound is different, its wails are all too familiar. A baby. Did Mothra die again? She turns her head to the entrance of her cave, Not expecting to see a tired Mothra. Mothra as a whole did not look as elegant as she used to in public. Her hair is not elegantly styled like she used to be. Styled into a rushed but simple hair bun with only a single accessory probably meant to keep the somewhat bun up, Her clothes only consist of her robe and under it, her nightgown, and around her arm is a screaming child, Baki’s grandson. Baki saw Mothra’s face and knew what the problem was.
“Mother..” Mothra said her voice was already evidence of her tiredness. Baki barely heard it over the child’s wailing screams. 
Baki gives a sympathetic look as she extends her arm to her adopted daughter. Mothra sighs as she tiredly walks over to her mother as she bounces her screaming baby trying to calm him the least. Mothra gives an ‘oomph!’ as she sits next to Baki and leans her head on Baki’s shoulder as Baki caresses her shoulder for comfort. 
“Help me..” Mothra pleads, she winces at the baby's sudden loud wails.
Not a minute goes by as the cave goes silent. Baki cooed at her grandson sleeping in her arms, sucking on his thumb. Mothra looks at the both fascinated by the sudden calmness of her child. Mothra slumps herself to the wall as she gives a loud sigh of relief. 
Baki giggles at that. “He’s got your face, I can tell you that,” Baki said as she then faced Mothra.
 “Mother, Baki, Whatever magic you have. Give it to me now” Mothra said.
Baki chuckles, “I don't have magic unlike you. You know that.”
“No mother. I mean...I mean this magic!” Mothra said as she extended her arms at Baki, 
emphasizing her.
 “I have been trying to make Rhagor stop crying and fall asleep for Five hours and you did those two in only under a second!” 
“Five Hours?, didn’t Godzilla try to help?”
“No. He is currently away to do his duties.” 
Baki's eyes furrow. 
“His Majesty didn’t help you to calm the babe?”
“Mother please is not like that. I told him I could handle it and that he should do his work today. And man do I regret it. He did try to stay though I can tell you that. But we both know that he has work to attend to.” Mothra said as she looked at her baby. 
She smiled at her child. Sleeping peacefully. Mothra used the back of her finger to softly caress her child's cheek causing the babe to flinch. Mothra immediately pulled back but luckily the Baby continued to sleep. 
Baki watches Mothra’s expression quickly to a depressing look. “Somethings in your mind, What are you thinking child?”
Mothra closes her eyes as if trying to keep her expression in check. She opens her eyes once more as she solely focuses on the sleeping baby. Her sleeping baby.
“I’ve tried everything. I fed him, cleaned him, sang to him, and paced around the room until my legs hurt just for him to be calm. But still, he didn't. I tried flying hoping the feeling of flight would calm him but, no he just screamed louder as his little hands held tight to me. I scared him. I frightened my baby” Mothra said as her eyes started to leak tears. 
“A-and when I stopped and tried to calm him to let him know that he shouldn't be scared and t-that I'm here. But he just kept on crying and crying.” Mothra inhales deeply as her emotion overcomes her. “Then I saw your island and knew that I should go and ask for help and...” 
Mothra looked at her mother in tears and snot covered her face. She was never scared to be vulnerable around her mother.
Mothra then remembered the time where She and Godzilla were planning to start a family. And during this, she excitedly told Baki her plans. She remembers Baki giving her an excited look with a hint of sadness in them, She remembers Baki’s hands cupping both of her cheeks as her thumbs caressed her cheek.
You’re going to be a good mother, my Queen.
“Momma..I-I am not a good mother. Mommy all the simple things a mother could do I couldn't even do. I can't even-”
 Mothra didn't get to finish her sentence as Baki embraced her, crushing Mothra’s face into her shoulder, grounding her. Mothra returns the embrace as she holds onto Baki tightly.
Baki pulls away as she places her forehead against Mothra's forehead. 
“You are a good mother Mothra.”
“I am not..”
“Yes, you are.” Baki holds Mothra’s face as she makes Mothra look at her. 
“Look at your child Mothra. He is healthy, he is heavy and he is happy. you feed him, you give him the love that he needs and you care for him. He is a lucky baby.” 
“But I couldn't put him to sleep I-”
“Yes, you couldn’t. You needed my help, and needing my help doesn't make you less of a mother than you are now. You know by asking me for help you knew that could calm him down. You knew what was best. You are a good mother, Mayona.” Baki said as she placed a kiss between Mothra’s brow.
“Never think that because of this moment, you aren't a good mother.”
Mothra was stunned and emotional at her mother's words not noticing that Baki had passed the sleeping child over to her. Rhagor stirred but quickly went back to sleep when he felt it was his mother who was holding him. He grunts contently as his small hand comes to grip tightly on his mother's nightgown not wanting to be separated from her. 
“Even your babe knows it. You are good Mayon-a. You are good.”
Baki said as she embraced Mothra, placing another kiss on her temple as Mothra continued to cry, holding her son tightly as ever.
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sammywolfgirl · 2 years
Alright ramble time for my dark matter swordsman headcanon arc lore whatever the fuck
Wall under the cut!
So this guy gets Yeet from the hive mind right? And has no idea what to do. So he lives in a cave in dream land just trying to get by until gooey and friends find him.
Gooey immediately recognizes his brother and swordsman is just stunned this guy is alive! Somehow gooey convinced his caretakers (Rick Kine and Coo) to take him in too.
I haven’t got an exact timeline so this can take place before or after his character arc:tm: but someone makes the suggestion he can work as a bodyguard since the guy is a bit sturr crazy.
Some mad lad suggests he guards dedede’s castle and dedede is (very understandably) highly against this. Meta knight proposes a compromise. He works on the halberd for a time and If meta determines this guy really is no threat then he can work at the castle.
So we get dark matter swordsman arc 1: finding your purpose when you feel you’ve lost it.
Again don’t know the details but I know what plot beats I wanna hit. One is the crew slowly warming up to the beast, as well as swordsman doing so in tern, learning how to socialize and stuff because you know this guy has the social skills of a grape.
Another is him and meta knight having w conversation about purpose. Swordsman admits he isn’t sure what he should do, and also admits he feels unworthy of the kindness given to him. But is unsure how to fix these conflicting feelings. So meta suggests finding something he wants to do, a smaller goal to start out.
Dark matter swordsman admits he wants to become someone worthy of the kindness given to him, Someone proud to be called gooeys brother. Meta says that’s a start.
Also somewhere in there meta and swordsman duel and he’s crictened an honorary member of the Meta Knights. After that the crew calls him Matter Knight and he likes the name.
Some time after that is when we get the ‘sic arc’ aka dark matter gets sick because dark matter and positive emotional energy don’t mix very well and the guy has finally reached a limit. So he needs to rest while he adapts, kinda like what happened to gooey a long time ago. Dark meta knight is here btw I forgot to mention he’s friends with swordsman don’t worry bout it I’ll go over that another day.
Anyways after the guy recovers is when he gets the new form aka legs aka the gijinka I draw mostly. Gg.
Anyways after that is when he actually gets to work at castle dedede. The king sets him at his ‘spare castle’ that’s overlooking Cappy town (because of course the guy has two castles) and honestly the guys a little awkward at first but with the good word from meta knight and a few cappy friends who got to know him he’s kinda thriving.
Anyways long story short edgy goop sword boy gets a job and is now one of dedede’s bodyguards because the irony makes me giggle
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asavt · 2 years
🗣️♣️(any hollowhead) 👀
*giggles* so fast hehe~
🗣Whats a thing you can talk for hours without interruption?
The like, closeness of (what they call) the color gang is like, adorable??? And so nice to see??? The little details about each one of them and the way they act through the episodes??? The tiny things. First one that comes to mind like, during episode 14 Cave Spider Roller Coaster, when they are all first running off from the spiders and Yellow notices the minecart (that now that I think about it it could be taken as a call bakc to episode 3, it probably is) and then you see Green just zooming past them... the way he runs and the fact that he was the one distracting the spiders so Blue could take care of the others makes me think that he might have gained a new fear oh no LDJWKWJJQ I want to do a redraw of some scenes of that episode with my gijinkas hehehe~. Blue and Green being like, in sync in many episodes, also I'm noticing like, the way they do things like running and stuff is similar, has struck in me the thought "twins?????" it wont go away (I do not get angry at the shippers tho). Red fainting like three times during the fight against the King and still standing up (I hope he got a good rest after episode 30), and him being the one to always (or almost always) step forward first into stuff (oh boy). Him and Yellow being something of a chaos duo. Yellow's way of acting makes me think of like... Tsukishima from Haikyuu? Its funny I cannot let the image go lol. Orange's little thing with Crafting and that being linked to his creations skills in a way. RYGB not letting poor Orange sleep oh god please let the poor guy take a nap. The HUGS the GROUP HUGS TH-
♣️Angst Headcanons?
I'm going for The Chosen One and The Dark Lord here they are the ones I put under a microscope OHOHOHOHO
I'm thinking like, Chosen being called "The Chosen One" but still failing in defeating TDL, the way TDL and TCO looked like during the Showdown, I know most peopld like, picture Dark being a bit (a lot) insane, I mean, he is, but nothing about the way the silly stick figure moved around during AvA - V told me he was acting like, for example, how he was showed during Chosen's flashbacks. It felt a lot like both of them were genuinely angry at eachother and from there my mind like, kept making stuff? Like damn Chosen had to fight his first and only friend and the way he was trying to stop Dark first from launching the Virus gave me the vibe of him not wanting to fight him at first, like, at all. And Dark's first attacks didn't feel like he wanted to fight Chosen at all either, their attacks only got really intense after Chosen fucking threw Dark into the Cliff during the first fight sequence in The Showdown . It hurts man (genderneutral). That in mind, I keep wondering what would happen if Dark was biten by one of the virabots...
Adding to the first ask... maybe the thing I could REALLY talk about for hours is how most of the character's thoughts are not told through dialogs, its all body language and actions and little details.
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decembermoonskz · 3 years
so I figured I’d just do a separate post to ramble about my ocs and @straykits said to ramble SO! here we go!! I’ll introduce you to my main four ocs!! ✨ (I’ll go under the cut to ramble so it won’t clog ppl’s dashes and pls don’t repost or save any of my art/sketches I made of my ocs to go along with things, thank you!)
✨Izzy’s OC rambles #1✨
the introductions and origins!!!
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So my boy came up from brainstorming with my best friend, he’s the younger brother of another oc that I made named Teika. Kohaku is literally my favorite boy~ 😭 He’s so good and ready to help others, he’s beautifully flawed and he tries to be his very best, if I’m being totally honest he inspires me so much. So Kohaku is from a wealthy family but honestly it doesn’t do anything to affect how he views and treats others, if anything you wouldn’t be able to tell he’s from a family like that unless he told you. In the story, people have a chance to be born with an ability, making them an esper. Kohaku’s ability is basically a version of pyrokinesis, he can create explosions from his hands, large or small, as well as use fire normally firebender ANYWAY while that’s all very cool, he honestly hated his ability for a long time; seeing it as nothing but a destructive and dangerous thing. It was only when he got to high school that he started letting go and tried not to hate it. Kohaku is positive, determined, confident and a natural leader, and that comes in handy when he starts off in the story having to find a long lost gang/mafia and bring it together to stop an underground war.
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I present to you: the literal embodiment of happiness!!
Tora actually started out as a gijinka of alolan raichu hehe the poké nerd in me 😂 She is Kohaku’s adopted sister and the youngest member of their family. Although honestly they took Tora in at such a young age that the whole “adopted” thing doesn’t matter in the slightest. Tora has never once considered the family as anything BUT her actual family. She doesn’t have any memories of her real family either, she just slipped right into their normal family life. Tora is the very epitome of optimism, her sunny personality brings people in easily and she’s quick to try and make people smile and/or feel better! “Sadness begone!” and Tora proceeds to giggle which makes me melt ;v; Tora has electricity as her ability, but it’s not the strongest. She can shock people or snap a lightning bolt here and there but she doesn’t have a full grasp on her abilities just yet. Tora calls Kohaku “Haku” for short and to her hes the best big brother in the world. The two of them are only half a year apart in age and they grew up together so a lot of the time they’re attached to the hip. Tora also loves Yuki and Kiryu immensely, particularly Kiryu who normally comes off as loud and mean, but she can see the good in him before most do (more on that in his section uwu) Oh! It may be a bit hard to see in the drawing but Tora actually has vitiligo as well! It’s actually one of my favorite things about her, it’s so beautiful and always fun to draw! 🙈✨ She’s just the best! uwucry
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the prettiest girl ✨✨
Yuki is a daughter I’ve had for a long time as well, she came about a little bit after Kohaku, and was always intended to be a friend for him. Although now they bicker a lot more I think, even if they did before as well. Yuki used to be a bit more cold, and would corral Kohaku but now she has that job times three because of Tora and Kohaku. She’s the chaperone friend lol 😂 Yuki, if you could guess from her name, has the ability to use ice. She can freeze what she touches and create large shards of ice as well, however she normally refrains from using her abilities if it isn’t a fight. Yuki is a class rep in the group’s high school and met Kohaku and Tora there. Kiryu was just that annoying transfer she had to bicker with to stop kicking his legs up on desks. Yuki, although seemingly perfect to everyone, has had a rough childhood, she’s also from a wealthy and well-known family, as her father is the ceo of a tech company, she’s the only daughter among six sons and after an unfortunate incident with her powers, was treated pretty coldly from then on by her brothers. Yuki has been alone for a long time but because of Kohaku, Tora, Kiryu and her cousin Mizu, she found ways to come into the light and make friends. Protect her 😭😭
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BIG RAGE!!! but also very soft uwu
Kiryu is actually the newest of the bunch having been designed just this year (the others I’ve had for at least 4 years now) but he quickly became one of my favorite boys! 🙈 He’s loud, rowdy, a bit crass and loves to fight and hone his skills. Kiryu actually first met Kohaku because he spontaneously started attacking him, demanding a battle 👀💦 Kiryu’s ability is basically manipulating earth, earthbender causing fissures and eruptions of rock, he also is well adept at fighting already without his ability, brutal punches and kicks from him can knock enemies out!! òwó9 Kiryu was very much a loner initially but after events that go on in the story, he sticks close to Kohaku and his group. He also has A MAJOR SOFT SPOT FOR TORA! He doesn’t like her in that way, but he just finds himself wanting to look out for her, while he is a noisemaker, if Tora was in trouble he’d be more collected and serious in trying to help her. Tora can tame the raging beast that is Kiryu 😂 (the dynamic of angry, loud person a being calm and soft only for person b is one of my favorite things). Kiryu has lived his whole life with only his mom, and getting into school was very important to him because he wants to help take care of his mother, unlike the other three in the group he comes from a normal middle class family, his mom works a lot to take care of them and so he wants to pay her back. He’s a good son. Kiryu, on the outside, just seems like a all-brawn-no-brains kind of guy but he’s very caring and wants to help, maybe if he just quieted down a bit people would see that hehe 😂
All Original Characters Belong to Me © Decembermoonskz
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Grey Area, Part 2
Description: How Fresh becomes the pink shape we all know and love. In other words, somebody has a history of Treeangle-related incidents.
Warnings for slight body horror, canon-typical violence, and a slight sprinkling of angst. Once again, this is an anthro/gijinka AU.
Don’t worry! Part 2 of Feeling Blue is in production. It’s a bit more plot-heavy than Grey Area, so it was a bit more difficult to write. Plus, it has more characters.
Fresh ran blindly, his eyes streaming with tears. He no longer cared where his path took him, too focused on escape than actual direction. He just wanted to flee from Mrs. Logic, away from the school, away from the Treeangle.
...Away from everyone.
Even after half an hour of running, he could still see the tree’s infernal light in the corner of his eye. This week it was at its brightest, after all, and even the sun itself was enamored with the majestic twinkle of the structure.
It seemed that all of Paradise had dropped everything to visit the site of the Treeangle at its finest, basking in its colorful glow. Fresh vaguely recalled Logic Gatekeeper telling of the monument’s ability to heal, which visitors sought during the annual event.
To a grey shape, such a sentiment was plain crazy!
Fresh came to a staggering stop at the edge of a bridge, collapsing without a beat in between. His head was pounding, his heart racing as he struggled to breathe, hugging himself.
Eyes squeezing shut, the young shape threw his head back, shrieking to the skies, “What’s so great about a tree?!” To him, it was ridiculous. “It’s just a sparkly plant, and… ARGH!”
He shook with rage, balling his hands into fists as he stood, leaning against the edge of the bridge.
He had to keep moving...
He could see a small cave up ahead, able to spot an odd glimmer emanating from within.
His scowl twitched, and he took a shaky step forward, testing the bridge. The cavern before shone with a flickering, vaguely pink hue. It piqued his curiosity, momentarily banishing the young shape’s anger.
Something within him snapped just as the glow faltered again, and he broke into a run, his eyes widening.
“W-wait up! Hey!” he found himself yelling. “Don’t go!”
The light continued to glitch and flicker, and Fresh quickened his pace, nearly tripping as he dashed into the cave. From what he could see, it was rather deep, although the odd glimmer provided more than enough light to navigate.
The small blossoms and mushrooms along the walls also shone with a passive light, although their blue tone went unnoticed to Fresh in the face of his target.
That strange glow beckoned him forth, like a silent call. For some reason lost to the young shape, he wanted nothing more than to find its source, focusing his previously angered energy on walking.
The path through the cave was fairly well-worn and straight, although it seemed like no one had been down here in ages, a few old, broken lanterns lying around, having fallen from hooks in the walls.
Fresh picked up one of the shards of glass, turning it around in his hands. It sparkled in the glow of the cave, glinting softly. Despite himself, he smiled slightly, then placed the glass piece in his pocket. It could come in handy later, and he had to admit, he liked the shiny edge.
Turning a corner, the young shape’s eyes widened as he finally spotted the source of the light. Among the rocks and stalagmites, a lone Treeangle shard hovered, giving off an intense, pinkish glow.
It floated by its own power, emanating waves of tranquil energy. However, the peaceful stasis was shattered as Fresh came within range of its light, and the shard sparked to life, its lovely tune quickening in tempo, almost excited.
Excited… to see him.
Fresh found himself running to reach it, his gaze filled with wonder. He reached for the shard, watching, awestruck, as it floated to meet him. It hovered around him almost inquisitively, flickering with an increasingly intense glow.
A few times, it managed to brush against him in its orbit, although it didn’t hurt, only giving off a small, tingling sensation. It was nothing like the supposed sting that hazardous pink was supposed to give. And if he was being honest with himself, Fresh found the shard quite pretty.
Fresh breathed, “What… are you?” The piece seemed to gravitate to him as he did to it, although what caught his eye was its pinkish hue. “Mrs. Logic said that all pink stuff was bad… and it hurts.” He held out his hands for the shard to come closer, smiling. “But you…”
He was cut off by a sudden, terrified yell from the distance, “Fresh, what are you doing?!”
Fresh’s trance was shattered by the call, and he snapped his gaze towards the exit. The shard floating above his hands started to spark violently, and he glanced back at it, nearly dropping it as a pink jolt hit his hand.
Upon looking back, the grey shape saw a familiar figure stumbling towards him, obviously unused to climbing over obstacles. Said figure fumbled with loose, outdated glasses, which they stuffed in the pocket of their jacket as they scrambled to get to him.
“Zone?” His voice held an edge to it as he narrowed his eyes, his earlier scowl returning. “Why did you follow me?”
Zone finally managed to get their bearings, hopping over a rock and crossing their arms. Their tone held an aura of worry as they asked, “That’s my issue, bud.” They raised an eyebrow as they noticed the shard in Fresh’s hands. “What’cha got there?”
His grip on the Treeangle leaf tightened a bit. Zone seemed to notice, tilting their head to get a better view. Like a child trying to hoard candy, Fresh shied away, turning so that the shard was held tightly to his stomach, hidden from view.
He hissed, “None of your business.”
Zone’s expression twitched, and they stepped closer. Their voice wavered with concern as they reached out, only for Fresh to stagger backwards.
“Look… you seemed pretty upset. No one else wanted to help, so it just… seemed like the nice thing to do, friendo.” A hesitant, yet kind smile spread across their features, and they continued, “Come out and watch the Treeangle with me. They just set off the fireworks, and…”
They trailed off, noticing Fresh’s lack of interruption. From what they’d seen previously, he normally would’ve cut them off by now. But now, he was oddly silent, seemingly fixated on… whatever was in his grasp. Moving closer despite sense warning against it, they reached to tap the other shape on the shoulder, about to ask what was wrong.
Their hand had just brushed against his shoulder when he seemed to snap.
“Go away.” Fresh suddenly spat. His tone was venomous as he growled, “Leave me alone.”
He didn’t move, although Zone could feel him beginning to shudder at their touch. They couldn’t see his eyes at this angle, although they could practically sense the anger radiating from him.
“Wha… what?” Their smile began to falter. Something was horribly wrong. “Dude, I-”
“Just GO AWAY!”
Fresh jerked around, slapping Zone’s hand away with surprising force. The concerned circle staggered back, holding his hand, which suddenly stung with much more pain than a normal hit should’ve caused, especially at such an awkward angle.
It felt like… the burn of a pink attack.
Eyes wide, Zone looked down at the back of their hand, a startled squeak escaping them as they saw pieces of their very form beginning to flake away, like deteriorating code. Fresh seemed to notice as well, although whatever shock he had soon wore off as the shard in his other hand glitched with light.
As they processed the sight before them, Zone noticed the increasingly saturated pink hue that was beginning to shine throughout the cave, spreading its aura like a corruption.
Backing away, they gestured frantically at the piece, “Fresh, you need to…” They paused, choking on their words. The pain in their hand was spreading, intensifying, like a wildfire. “You need to throw that thing away!”
Fresh’s eyes darted between Zone’s arm and their face. His own gaze grew blurry with tears as he glanced down at the shard in his grip, swaying on his feet.
Something deep inside of him broke.
Tone breathily soft, he voiced, “I… don’t wanna.”
Zone deadpanned, “What?!” The circle seemed ready to bolt if things went bad. “That thing’s making you go wacky! Toss it before you lose your mind!”
Fresh’s eye twitched, and he growled, an almost primal anger overtaking him. Lashing out, he snarled, “No!”
He watched Zone’s expression carefully, sensing the absolute terror in their stance.
They held their injured arm close to themselves, protective, fearful even. Fresh felt his resolve falter as he realized that the fear was directed at him. This was quite possibly his only friend, and now… they were afraid of him.
He felt his hold on the Treeangle shard drop, the shard floating around him like a hungry mosquito. It buzzed with a passive energy, with its own tune that resonated with his own song, like it was meant for him. In fact, he was starting to feel that “energized” state that he’d heard other shapes speak of in reference to the Treeangle itself.
Indeed, the small fragment was drawn to him, and his so-called friend dared to tell him to let it go?
Despite himself, he laughed. It started out as a chuckle, a morbid, soft laughter that bubbled up from his core, slowly spreading through him like a plague. The chuckle soon erupted into a maddened giggle, and Fresh wasn’t sure when he began to cackle like a madman, throwing his head back in an insane state of delirium.
Snapping his gaze back to Zone, he grinned, holding his stomach. “You’re scared of me, aren’t you?” He took an experimental step closer, just to see how the circle would react. “And why is that?”
Just as expected, Zone recoiled. “Fresh, you’re really not acting right.”
“Never felt better, actually.”
“Fresh… Look out!”
It suddenly occurred to the maddened shape that Zone was pointing to something. Tilting his head in confusion, Fresh hesitantly stole a glance behind himself. He was met with a jarring sensation of stabbing pain, a scream echoing through the caverns.
The Treeangle shard shot forth, jamming itself into the recesses of Fresh’s head. He was instantly knocked back, his eyes flickering with a discolored glow as his world was plunged into darkness.
The shape hit the ground with a dull thud, magenta tears running from his eyes as his expression set itself into a rictus grin.
Flashes of pink burst beneath his eyelids, like threatening fireworks. He was dimly aware of Zone’s terrified scream as he lost consciousness.
Pain, his senses screamed back. In that moment, pain was all he was. His fellow students always said he was thick-skulled, yet the Treeangle shard managed to drill its way through. Some maddened part of him wanted to laugh at the situation, although he found that he couldn’t even breathe, his own lungs seeming to stutter and spasm.
Unbeknownst to him, his entire form was seizing up, twitching like a dying insect. The Treeangle’s power wormed its way into his nerves, igniting them with agonizing energy. His body, unused to the sudden power rush, reacted violently, and soon, even his euphoric state was washed away in a haze of pain.
“Fresh… Fresh! Wake up!” Zone dropped to their knees, shaking Fresh like a ragdoll in a vain attempt to wake him. “Come on!”
They nearly jumped back as they spotted a sickly pink hue beginning to rush to his face, his complexion oddly flushed considering his naturally pallid tone. The rosy corruption, for lack of a better term, spread like a rash along the shape’s limbs and face, his eyes beginning to flutter open.
The fire in his nerves still raged on, yet he managed to wrestle back the feeling in his limbs. He blindly reached forward, barely able to see for the tears in his eyes.
Zone felt tears sting their eyes as Fresh seemed to regain a bit of consciousness. The grey-pink being’s voice came out breathily, “Zone?”
The circle wordlessly scrambled back, their breathing shallow and swift. They tried to remain “cool,” dropping their tone to what they perceived as calm. “Dude, you knocked yourself out.” Even so, they couldn’t stop the tears from welling up in their eyes. “Heh… took you long enough to wake up.”
Fresh smiled, despite his disoriented state, although Zone could sense something odd in his expression. “If you… if you say so.”
He then went silent, his labored breaths being the only thing to ruin the stillness. Zone stood, holding out a hand for the other shape to accept, to help him up. Fresh blinked owlishly in response, only to accept the gesture, standing with some difficulty.
He swayed a bit on his feet, eyes half-lidded.
Breaking the silence, Fresh asked, “Can you carry me back?” His words were slurred as he began to teeter. “I think… I’m gonna be sick.”
Zone glanced over at him, tilting his head. Their eyes widened as they saw Fresh’s pathetic stumbles.
Without another word, the other shape fell forward, the circle having to move swiftly to catch him. Stumbling slightly from the sudden weight, Zone tensed, listening for breathing.
Much to their relief, they heard a series of soft, rhythmic inhales and exhales, their fear lessening, if only slightly.
Setting Fresh’s limp form on a nearby rock, they reached into their pocket for their phone, dialing up the nearest ambulance. They’d memorized the emergency number, as was a constant of Paradise’s youth, only having to think for a moment about what to say as the phone dialed.
Sitting next to Fresh, Zone held the device to their heart, listening with baited breath for a reply.
“Please answer, please answer, please, please…”
“Paradise urgent care. What’s your emergency?” There was a small click as the receiver picked up, a calm woman’s voice sounding from the other line.
Without a moment’s hesitance, Zone just about screamed into the phone, “It’s my friend… he’s unconscious in the cave near the Azure Bridge. Got stabbed with a Treeangle piece, turning pink.”
The operator silenced as Zone rambled, a small gasp being the only thing to tell of her shock. Zone felt a twinge of hopelessness, glancing over at their friend as more of that blighted magenta raced up his body, like a rash.
As an afterthought, they added fervently, “Please tell me you can fix him. I’m a bit battered, too, but he won’t wake up, and I don’t know what to do.”
They stole a glance at their own hand, letting out a sigh as they saw their “broken pieces” already beginning to come back together. Whatever strange damage they’d endured was temporary, they presumed. They weren’t turning pink, and they wouldn’t shatter.
Fresh on the other hand… was a different story. In the short duration of the call, the angry rose shade had infected most of his face. They could have been imagining things, but Zone thought they saw claws on his hands, choosing not to dwell on it for the sake of their sanity.
Breaking the young shape from their thoughts, the woman on the other line assured, “We’ve pinpointed your location. We’re on our way.”
Zone assumed that the operator had to deal with another caller, as the line dropped soon after that. They gave a heavy sigh, chuckling bitterly as they glanced back at Fresh, tears dripping from their eyes.
The shard that had impaled his skull had just about vanished, and judging by the odd pink hue centered around that spot, Zone guessed that it had either been completely absorbed or had just drilled to his brain.
The latter option made Zone feel sick to their stomach, a frown spreading across their face just as fast as the pink blossoming on Fresh’s face.
Every so often, he mumbled in his “sleep,” only doing more to worry the circle. They hoped dearly that help would arrive soon...
“Alright, Fresh,” they whispered. They forced a smile, sighing. “I’ll stay here, ‘kay. You’re gonna be… gonna be okay.”
As the time passed, Zone felt their eyes grow heavy, and they curled up, holding their phone like a lifeline. Their eyes slid shut after an unclear amount of time, and they drifted into a restless, long sleep.
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diamondsableye · 6 years
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So to celebrate @xdragonloverx‘s big Gijinka reveal on their ask blog, @inquiring-the-stars-above, I decided to introduce mine as well, albeit in a much more silly format.  I haven’t mentioned my Gijinkas for the various McGuffins in @askswapsaga yet, and I’m not so sure If I ever would in the future, so now seemed like as good a time as ever to bring them into the light.
I’m going to go into more detail on these guys down below so feel free to read.
Welcome to The Void!  
Where nothing matters, interactions aren’t cannon, and the actual cannon is all made up anyways
So these first two belong to @xdragonloverx, the rest being all mine, let’s start off with
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This bitch
Anshi (Dark Star)
Is a bitch
Her hair has 5 points, cuz star
Irises turn to slits when feeling extreme emotion
Has a secret love for chocolate
Don’t leave her alone with children, and no, not in the “she’s really irresponsible” kind of way, more so in the “She’ll make them cry and then drink their tears” kind of way
Is a manipulative abusive fuck
Definition of a resting bitch face
Really fucking hates everyone (But especially Volo)
Wears 4″+ heels despite already being 7 feet tall (Insecure much?)
Still only the second tallest out of everyone
Her aesthetic is Gothic nightmares and sadness
Probably uses a flip phone
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A tennis ball
Starlow (Starlow)
Still a tutorial
Still overly chipper
Anshi is allergic to her
Is doing her best
Shaped like a friend
“Why is the only one here shorter than me an actual child?”
Magical gorl
Probably Binges Sailor moon with Flos on occasion
The only voice of reason
Runs admin on the server, but no one respects her authority
Always comes to arranged gatherings, mostly to keep tabs on things and make sure nothing gets out of hand
Despite this, everything always manages to get out of hand
Alright these next few belong to me In the Super Swap Saga AU/ @askswapsaga
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Skele Fuck
Volo (Shadow Star) [Swap of Dark Star]
Is skeleton/zombie/demon thing, basically undead since he’s a black hole, which is essentially a dead star
Is a reality bender and absolutely should not be
Doesn’t ever use his powers cuz sleep is more important
always has bags under his eyes (eye sockets?)
Oldest of the stars, existing for nearly x2 as long as Anshi
Is a mind reader and absolutely should not be
Probably a stoner
Does not give any fucks
Technically eats stars, but he’s chill with this gang
Harasses Anshi like it’s his hobby (it is)
Really fuckin T O L
All of his knowledge is cursed
Banned from the discord server
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“Is Myspace still a thing?”
Flos (Dark Bean) [Swap of Beanstar]
All his clothes are custom made by him which is why he looks... the way he does
Only awakens to the voice of a powerful warlord (Swap Bowser in this case) because he’s such a fucking metal head
Too emo/punk/goth for his own good
Has an edgy philosophical connection to mother nature and breeds piranha plants
practices alternative medicine (Like crystals and herbs and shit) and it actually works
Cries easily
Dresses up as anime chicks for cons cuz he’s a weeb, and probably has a body pillow too
has probably done acid before
Volo convinced him to grow Cosmic weed
Basically made Spero his little bro
Fell for Anshi once (Big Mistake)
Plays one of those Harmonica Pianos
Claims to understand “The true meaning of reality”
Uses Tic Toc unironically
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Lapis Lazuli recolor
Lucellum (Cobalt Stone) [Swap of Colbalt Star]
Lesbian goddess
The “Cool Aunt” of the group
Most responsible one of the group but that isn’t saying much
Everyone suspects her of secretly being a furry
Sometimes says “owo” out loud ironically
Liked heels until Anshi ruined them for her
Wears a new hairpin every day
Calls Flos out on his drama queen bullshit
Probably has ice powers or some shit, but she’s so hot tempered no one knows for sure
Can effortlessly wear 12″+ heels
Only one on the server with a custom tag
Arranges game nights for the gang
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Marshmallow Child
Spero (Dream Star) [Swap of Dreamstone]
Actually is around the same age as Flos, he just suffers from Ash Ketchum Syndrome
Do. Not. Touch. His. Hair.
Flos wears a glove on his hand for a reason (probably because he’s angsty but still)
Is the weakest of the bunch so everyone is super protective of him
Probably has secret demon powers or something, but if he does he’s too much of a smol to use them
Loves fluffy sweaters and soft scarves
Somehow was able to contain Swap Dreambert for several centuries despite his lack of magical strength
Over uses @Everyone in the Discord chat but no one wants to call him out for it
No one is allowed to leave him and Anshi alone unsupervised
Correction, Flos is never allowed to leave Spero and Anshi alone unsupervised
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*Giggles Demonically*
Mallum (Nightmare Star) [Swap of Nightmare Stone]
Just kinda jitters to himself in a corner
is technically Spero’s celestial sibling, but let’s not talk about that
Has five mouths, three on his face, two on his neck, the ones covered by his scarf are constantly whispering
Never sleeps and sometimes appears at the foot of your bed during sleep paralysis to feed you a pineapple or some other bullshit fruit
What the fuck even is this mess of a star
Never cuts his hair and always looks scruffy
Quirky as all hell in the disturbing way
Claims he can turn himself invisible through sheer mental will (He can’t)
What the fuck is technology
You have a 50/50 chance on weather or not what this guy is saying has any semblance of sanity to it
Vanishes frequently
Also appears out of nowhere frequently
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Chapter 3: A Day of Peace without Seth, Kinda...
“You have soft hair," I look up at Delin as he smirks down at me. His face in my hair. "Smells nice too, I like it, mint fits you."
I continued to lean against him and look up at him with a cat stare as I process what he said to me, “Um…thank you…I think…” I answer finally and he chuckles and pushes me back up onto my feet. “Where…where are we going exactly?”
“To the roof,” He smirked up at me and pushed my back a little to get me to keep walking.
“Aren’t we not allowed to go up there?” I ask once I get to the top of the second flight of stairs.
“Only if you get caught,” He snickered and patted the of my head before walking past me with a smirk on his lips.
I give him a resting bitch face before following him. We stay quiet as he shows me the way up to the roof. I walk over to the edge of the roof and look out at the schoolyard. There's a fence around the edge of the roof so we can't just jump off. I stand there with my hands in my pockets quietly next to Delin, “So…” I mutter breaking the silence, “Why…did your parents go back to Germany?”
I looked over at him as he was lazily playing with the ends of his hair and then he stopped and looked at me, "Ah, well they wanted to go back and see family there and maybe have me finish school there and do my future that way. But I’m not like most of my family so I didn’t wanna settle down there, plus I like it here."
I can’t help but smile a little before looking back out at the schoolyard, "You want to do your own thing and have your mind set on something, then strive for it. Never stop, even when you achieve that goal. Keep aiming higher." I look back up at Delin. "That's what my mom always tells me."
He stared at me and squinted at me before a smile spread across his lips, "My mom tells me something like that too, just in German of course."
“What do you want to do? Like what’s your goal after school?” I ask him honestly curious about what his plans are.
He crossed his arms and put his hand under his chin as he hummed to himself and thought about it, "Mmm, don't really know yet, I wanna do a lot of things but I don’t wanna pick just one."
"That's fine, I was just wondering," I comment and look away from him once more, "It's a nice day out at least," I mumble and brush my bangs out of my face for just a moment before letting them fall back in front of my right eye once more.
It fell silent between the two of us once again and we waited to see the girls who were outside for gym class head into head back down into the school ourselves. We go our separate ways and I don’t see him for the rest of the day. Closing my locker for the day and taking a small breath I sigh and turn on my heels and head out of the school. The other freshmen, I can feel them stare at me. My ears flick as they whisper.
"Isn't that the kid that got into that fight with the senior and then was showing everyone up left and right in his gym class?" I don't look at the girl who said that and keeps walking.
“That kids got some fuckin’ balls doing that in a gym class with seniors in it,” Another says.
“He’s quiet, but he’s scary looking.”
“Who would have thought a kitten could be terrifying.”
“He probably had family issues and gets in fights to get attention.”
"Wouldn't doubt it, man."
“Isn’t that Lynn Salvia's little brother?”
“Yeah, but they seem so different. I wonder why.”
“Lynn is super nice, she’s a student aid in one of my classes.”
Placing a hand on the top of my head where Delin patted my head during lunch I hold my hand there for just a moment before looking up from the floor and walking straight ahead. I’m being suffocated, I need to leave. I close my hand into a fist for a moment before pushing the door open and leaving the building. I can’t go home right now because the block party for the clubs is today and on top of it Lynn is a part of the writing club. I could walk home, but I promised mom I would pick a club as much as I don’t want to at this point.
"Maybe I'll just go into town and get something to drink and something too much on since I have an hour," I mumble to myself and shift my bag so it was on both shoulders I walk towards the school exit and out of the school grounds. It feels like it only took me about five to ten minutes to walk to town and to one of the little pizza shops that in town. I get a slice of pizza and a slushy and then go outside to one of the tables and sit down. Pulling out my sketchbook that I like to carry around and a pencil I spin the pencil in my hands and try to think of something to draw.
I can’t think of anything to draw and I simply close my book and eat my pizza. Putting my sketchbook away and cleaning up I take my slushy with me as I walk back to the school. Seeing the clock on the main billboard when you first enter the school it’s about five minutes before the block party starts. It should be on the track…I think that’s what Lynn said. I slowly make my way across the now fairly empty parking lot. When I get across the grass that is a straight shot to the track there are other gijinkas that have also made it there and are looking at the booths. I go from booth to booth staying quiet as I do. I don’t stay long at any of the booths really. I stop at the writing club booth where Lynn is.
“Find anything that peaks your interest so far?” She asked me and I shake my head as I hold out my slushy for her. She takes it from me and takes a drink from it before giving it back to me. “I’m sure you’ll find something. I know that the art club’s table isn’t too far away if you don’t want to join a sport. Don't be surprised if the track and field club tries to snag you.”
“Why?” I ask simply.
“Because of your Pokemon side,” That explains it.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” I mumble and take another drink. “I’ll see you later. I’m probably going to walk home.”
“You sure? We’ll be done at 5:30.” She asks.
"I'm sure, I don't want to hang around for an hour and a half. Dad probably wants to have a talk to me about what happened today anyway," I answer bluntly.
“Alright, I’ll see you when I get home then,” She smiles at me.
“Sounds good,” I nod and then continue walking. About three tables down is the art club table. I sign up for it and they hand me a piece of paper and told me that they meet on Fridays after school in art room two. I thank them for their time and then finish my way around to the other tables. The Track and field club, along with the soccer club, and stride club try to recruit me for their club. I politely explain to them that people don’t really like me, but if they need help I’ll think about it.
Once I make it through I stick the few pieces of paper that I was given from the clubs into my bag. Toss out my empty cup and then head home. It takes me a half an hour to walk home from the school when it's normally a fifteen-minute drive. It's a nice day out so it made it easier to walk home in. walking up the driveway I take a few deep breaths as the door to the house gets ever closer. I open the door and dad is standing in the hall with his arms crossed and a very displeased look on his face. His ears are against his head and the tip of his tail is slowly flicking.
“Mind explaining to me what happened exactly at school today?” He asked in a very displeasing tone.
“I guy in my gym class had been picking on me all morning. He was probably pissed I put him on his butt in the hall before gym and we had gym together. I did I was supposed to do for the physical fitness tests we were given and set the bar high for myself so I could improve over the year. He apparently wasn’t a fan of it and kicked me in the back and my head slammed into the locker. Another senior stood up for me and they got into a fight,” I explain in a monotone voice after closing the door. I don’t bother taking my shoes off I simply stand there on the mat that’s in front of the door.
Dad sighed heavily and uncrossed his arms and placed them on his hips, "Conley told me that you were taking half of one of the boys who protected you detentions and serving it yourself. Explain."
“I wanted a way to thank him for protecting me. I know that it will go on my record, but I wanted to help. You told me that I’m not allowed to fight unless it’s necessary.”
“You are very lucky that Corvi and Conley work at the school. You best not slip up like that again,” Dad turned his back to me.
“Yes father,” I look down at my feet and take off my shoes.
“Training at six. Do not expect me to go easy on you,” He turned the corner and went into the living room.
“Yes sir,” I mumble setting my shoes in their usual spot and I walk through the house and upstairs to my room. Dropping my bag down on the floor of my room I drag my feet over to my bed grab my Denio plush and hugged it close to my chest as I fall to the bed and stare at the wall. I stay in that position as there’s a knock on the door. “Yep,” I mutter and I hear the door open.
“Hey honey,” Mom says and I listen to the door click shut.
“I apologize for getting into fights mom. I didn’t mean to,” I said as my ears twitch listening to her light footsteps.
“I didn’t come in to talk about the fights. I wanted to ask if you choose a club or not and if you met any new friends,” I felt the bed move a little when mom sat down on it and a hand gently rest on my head next to my ear.
“I signed up for the art club. The track and soccer clubs also gave me an application to join the club if I want. I met a senior today who was willing to help me out and that I didn’t scare,” I answer quietly hugging my Denio closer.
“Oh? What’s his name?” I can hear the smile in my mom’s voice.
“Delin,” I answer simply.
“I’m glad that you met a friend.”
I sit up and look at her still holding my Denio, “Mom, he gets into fights to protect someone like me, he doesn’t know how to pack a lunch properly, and he lives alone on top of it,” I puff out my cheeks as I look at her.
She just starts giggling, “It looks like you like him to me. You’re very observant of the things that you like. Or have you not noticed that?” I look down at my Denio and push my nose and mouth into it. “So, make him some lunch tomorrow, and see if you can’t hang out with him more and get to know him.”
“Okay,” my voice muffled by the stuffed Pokemon.
“I’m sure you two have a fair bit in common,” I look at mom, “Besides telling him about your training. The more you talk and hang out, you’ll loosen up more I promise.” She pat’s my head between my ears before standing up. “Do you have any homework?”
I shake my head and pull my face away from the Denio, "No, just the normal syllabus from my classes and whatnot. Nothing major."
“Alright love, come down soon and get a snack if you’re hungry before you have to train.”
“Will do,” Mom smiles at me and then leaves my room letting the door click shut. I hold the Denio out in front of me and stare at it, "I'm not good with people and she wants me to open up more to him? How?" I flop back down with my denio still out now above me, “What should I do?” I stare at it like it’s going to respond, but only get silence in return. I sigh and pull it back into my body and lay there for a while longer. When it was about ten minutes before I had to be down in the basement I got up and changed. Then I went downstairs and grabbed my shoes and a water bottle then continued down into the basement and into the training area.
Dad did not go easy on me in the slightest. We kept going until I couldn't force myself to stand up anymore before he said that we were done for the night. I laid there on the floor as I listened to him walk back up the stairs. I continue to lay on the floor. After what feels like a half an hour I push my limits and force myself to get up off the floor. Making sure I have my empty water bottle I struggle making it back up the stairs. I have a massive headache and Lana has her music blasting from her room. I wobble into the kitchen and sink down into my chair at the table where my plate was still sitting. Mom made lemon and pepper chicken, with rice and peas. Mom precut the chicken for me and she was doing dishes.
“Pat sweetie,” Mom turns around and sees how exhausted I am and I just stare back at her, “LEO YOU KNOW BETTER THAN TO PUSH PATRICK TO THE BRINK WHERE HE CAN BARELY FUNCTION!” my mom screamed and stormed out of the kitchen. Mom continued to scold dad and they started yelling back and forth in Italian to each other. I pick up my fork and slowly eat about half of my dinner. Putting what was left away in a container I place that in the fridge and wash off my plate and fork.  I look in the living room and Lynn is sitting between mom and dad and getting them to talk it out.
"I'm going to bed," I start up the stairs and slowly make it to the top before going to my room and grabbing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. Somehow, managed to make it through taking a shower and then I fall onto my bed. Making sure my alarm was set I pull my denio plush into my and pass out from exhaustion and a painful headache.
My alarm clock goes off sooner than I want it to. But I get up with it and turn it off. Getting dressed in jeans and a different t-shirt that was smaller than my nightshirt. I slip on socks, make sure I have everything I need in my bag and then scoot into the bathroom before Lynn and Lana can and quickly brush my hair and teeth. Then I go downstairs and I make small omelet rolls, Spinach, cherry tomatoes, green pepper slices, and cut up an orange and separate the slices into the two boxes I made and the third one I kept the orange whole. Clicking all three tops onto the appropriate box I then put them in my backpack. Make sure I have my water bottle filled and place that in there as well.
“Oh! Can I have one!” Lana asks me and I look at her with a bored expression then zipped up my bag.
“You buy your lunch because you don’t like my cooking, so no,” I answer bluntly and hand Lynn her box.
"Oh, thank you, Pat," Lynn says.
“MOOOOM, PAT MADE THREE LUNCHES AND WON’T GIVE ONE TO ME,” Lana yells and I press my ears against my head.
“Sweetie you told all of us that you were buying your lunch this year. Besides he made the third box for a friend,” Mom came into the kitchen.
“But that’s not fair,” She huffed. I went to the fridge and got out an orange and walked over to her and placed it in her hand.
“I’ll make you something tomorrow. I don’t have time to make it. Lynn and I have to get going.” I start towards the door and get my shoes on.
“You’re the worst Pat, I hate you,” Lana puffs out her cheeks and I look at her.
“I know you do. Get in line,” I wave and head out the door and to Lynn’s car.
“Pat,” Lynn looks at me.
“What? I said I would make her one tomorrow and I will,” I get in the car.
Lynn gets in herself and drives us to school. We go our separate ways when we get to the doors of the school. I go to my locker put my stuff away. And pull out what I need for my first three classes. I go straight to my first-period class and sit down in the same seat that I was assigned to yesterday. Putting my books down on my desk I rest my head on my books. Keeping my face sideways because my forehead is killing me today and my bangs at thankfully covering the massive bruise. I should have taken something to help dull the pain, but I was too busy making lunches to remember to take anything.  
Other students come rolling into the classroom and sit in their assigned seats. My ears flick as I listen to them whisper about me and how they're surprised that I'm in class. When our teacher comes in She tells everyone to settle down and then does roll call. The class goes on and we take notes the entire class then are given our homework assignment, which is to pretty much read a chapter in our history books and find specific words that will fill in the blanks. Then it was onto my English class where we were giving the first book we were going to read. Our teacher read the first three chapters to us and then told us that he wants us to read chapter four.
Period three is math. Just basic algebra so it wasn’t so bad. We have to do four problems out of lesson 1.1, but we were also given time in class to work on our homework so I was able to get it done with the amount of time we were given. And then the fourth period came around and instead of gym today it's study hall. I walk in with my history book in my arm along with my book for English. I look around and it seems like most of the gijinka’s who are in the room are from gym. I go to the back of the room and take a seat at one of the two-person tables since this is a lab room. Setting my books down I start with my history homework first to get it out of the way. “Mind if I sit here?” I look up when I head Delin’s voice.
“Um…yeah, that’s fine. I don’t know why you’re asking,” I mumble and look back down at my book.
“You look exhausted,” He comments as the stool squeaks a bit.
I look back over at him and nod, “I had a rough night sleeping is all,” I lie, “How about you? You feeling okay?”
“Well, I was tryin’ to make dinner last night and the food won,” He shows me his hands and he has a bunch of bandages on them.
I look between his hands and to his eyes then repeat the same process a few times before locking eyes with him, “Do I need to make every meal for you so you don’t injure yourself?”
"I can hurt myself sleeping, so I'm bound to be covered in band-aids somehow," He chuckles and then digs in his backpack and pulls out a notebook.
Mr. Corvi walks into the room and sits down at the desk, “Alright, for those of you who don’t know, I’m Mr. Corvi. I’ll be your study hall teacher. I’m going to call out your name if I don’t know you just to make sure you’re here, then I’ll explain the rules to you.” Mr. Corvi only called out three names from the list and after that, he was just looking from the screen to out in the class. "This is a study hall as all of you know. I don't care if you talk, just keep your voices down. If I hear any of you swearing you get three warnings and if you don't stop when you're being sent to the office. I'm a very laid back teacher, but the rules still apply, which means you need a pass to go to the library and all that fun jazz. So, if you need my help let me know if not, just keep your voices down.”
With that, Mr. Corvi pulled out a book and began reading. I look over at Delin and he has two notebooks out and he’s copying things from one notebook to another.
"What are you doing?" I asked raising an eyebrow.
"Copying my notes over in a nicer handwriting so I can read everything I wrote. There are times where I write too fast and even I can't read my handwriting," He whispers back to me.
“Ah,” I mutter and start skimming the history book to find the paragraph I’m looking for that holds the answers to three of the fill in the blanks. Writing them down I keep at a quick pace.
"You have nice handwriting Pat," I stop what I'm doing and look up at Delin again.
“Oh, thank you,” I look back down at my piece of paper.  
“Wanna write my notes for me?" I look back over at him then back at my paper and continue with what I was doing. "Ouch, man. Come to help a friend out."
“What do I get out of it if I rewrite your notes for you?” I raise an eyebrow and look at him.
“My eternal thanks and one of my sausages at lunch.” I give him a resting bitch face, “Okay, okay, two, I’ll give you two.”
“I don’t want the food. But, I’ll help you with rewriting your notes, but I want your help if I get stuck on something, deal?”
“It’s a deal, I’ll help to the best of my ability,” He agrees.
I finish my homework for history and then I take his notebooks and rewrite his notes. Asking from time to time what a certain word was I got them done for him in no time. We quietly talked here and there while I read to finish my English homework before the bell rang.
“See ya in a bit for lunch,” Delin waves, “Thanks again for rewriting my notes it’ll help a hella lot.”
“You’re welcome,” I smile a little and Delin chuckles and lightly punches my shoulder.
“You should smile more, you look good with a smile,” He smirked at me and then left.
"Later," I mumbled quietly collecting my things and taking it back to my locker. I grab my science notebook along with my backpack that has the two lunch boxes in it and takes them with me to my earth science class. Halfway through class is lunch. I take my bag with me to lunch and by the time I get there from stopping to grab a fork form one of the stations in the food court Delin is already sitting in the same spot that he sat in yesterday. I walk over to him, “May I sit here?” I ask.
“Of course, I don’t know why you’re asking,” He snickers using my own comment from earlier back at me. I sit down and dig out both lunch boxes. Placing one down in front of myself I then put the second one in front of Delin, “What���s this?”
"I told you I was making your lunch. It's also another thank you for sticking up for me," I mumble the last part as I pop the top of my lunch box and then pull out my water bottle.
Delin popped the top off his and sniffed it to make sure it was good. He then took his fork and stabbed one of the little omelets rolls and shoved the whole thing in his mouth, "Thanks, tastes really good,” He said with his mouth full.
“You’re welcome,” I answer quietly and start eating my lunch.
“How has your morning been so far?” Delin asked and I look over at him with a tomato that I was just about to pop into my mouth.
“It’s been quite,” I reply before taking the cherry tomato off my fork and eating, “I’m assuming Seth got his ISS today.”
“More than likely, I haven’t seen him around all day either,” Del commented switching over to the lunch that he brought with him and eating a sausage link.
"But your first detention also starts today," I mutter.
“And you have your detention so I’m not gonna be alone in the room,” He chuckled, “You still didn’t have to do that ya know.”
“I know, but I wanted to,” I look at him and we lock eyes for a moment before I break away and look back down at my food. “Bedside’s it keeps me out of the house longer anyways.”
“Huge blow up because of yesterday?”
“That and the fact that my little sister is starting puberty.”
“Damn, you have two sisters?”
I nod, “One older, one younger.”
“Middle child! I will love you!!” Delin exclaimed and I look over at him with a raised eyebrow. You seem like you’re going through the middle child syndrome. Ya know it's when you're older and younger siblings get all the attention and you're just left out."
“I mean, I’m not left out. I spend at least two hours with my father every night and we always eat together as a family. It’s just my little sister is being a bitch and thinking that the world owes her a favor. Doesn’t like me for some unknown reason, and is a snob to Lynn,” I explain to him, “But other than that, I don’t think I have middle child syndrome.”
“Ah, it’s probably just a phase then,” He shrugged, “She’ll probably get over it.”
“Hopefully, her mood swings are annoying,” I grumble and eat one of the omelet rolls.
“With how tired you look, I’m sure that you didn’t want to deal with it this morning. Your injuries bugging you that much?”
“No, no, just a headache, it didn’t go away from last night, and I was too busy making lunch this morning to take something for it.” Delin set his fork down and dug through his bag. Pulling out a small bottle he set it on the table. Migraine pills.
“Just take one of them, that should get rid of it for at least the rest of the school day,” He explained and I took the small bottle off the table.
“Thanks,” I mumble and pop the top off and take out one pill like Delin told me to do and popped it in my mouth and dry swallowed it.
“Dude,” I look over at him.
“How did you just dry swallow that, those pills taste nasty.”
“I just threw it into the back of my mouth and swallowed, so I didn’t really taste it,” I explain to him and he blinks at me a few times then starts laughing.
“That’s great. Oh geez, I never thought of doing that.”
“Oh,” I mumble and eat some spinach.
“You’re an interesting kitten, ya know.”
“Thank you,” I mumble.
"No problem dude. And you know, ya didn’t have to share what’s going on in your family with me. I would have completely understood.”
“I know, mom told me I need to open up more anyways,” I said quietly.
“Well, it’s a good start that’s for sure.”
“Eat your lunch. I need that back so I can pack lunch for you for tomorrow.”
“You don’t have t-,” I stop him dead sentence by glaring at him. He sighs, “Fine. Next time I’ll just drag you home with me and you can make dinner for me if you’re that worried I’m not eating right.”
“You’re not, I can tell by your lunch.”
“Hey now.”
“If you want to be a power pseudo to protect others then you should eat right.”
“Fiiiiinnnneeeee,” He groans and eats one of the tomatoes.
We continue our lunch talking back and forth until we had to leave. I went back to science class and we finished up for the rest of the period. The rest of the day seemed to drag on, yet it went by fast. Before I knew it the final bell rang while I was in my last class, which is a study hall for the day. Over the loudspeakers, they announce what room detention is going to be in and what school club meeting is going on this afternoon. Once those are over I pick up my stuff and head to my locker. I open it only to have it forced to shut on me.
"I hope you enjoyed your day of quiet pipsqueak because you're in for a world of hurt tomorrow," I didn't turn when I felt Seth's hot breath brush my ear. He pushed me into my locker and laughed, "Later Salvai.”
I sigh and pushed away from my locker, redid the combination and grabbed a notebook and my sketchbook since I had no homework left. Stuck what I needed in my bag and went to the room that I was told. Delin is already sitting in the room and he seems to be working on some homework.
"So, is this your two hour one, or the one hour one?" I asked him sitting down next to him.
“This is the long one. Want to get it out of the way.”
"Fair enough," I mumbled pulling out my notebook.
“Still have homework?”
I shake my head, “Not unless I want to think of sketches for the first art project, but that’s optional. I may get bored enough to do it.”
“No homework?” I shake my head, “Lucky shit.”
“I finished it.”
“How many fuckin’ study halls do you have?”
“I had two today, but I have one that rotates with my lab for science.”
"Alright, quiet down. This is silent detention," The teacher walked in and set her books down on the table. "If I hear anything out of you-you're getting written up understood?" We both nod, "Good, your time starts now."
I got out my sketchbook and ended up drawing some different sketches and then I randomly wrote ideas down on the same pages. When the hour was up I was allowed to leave. I waved bye to Delin and left. Lynn had her meeting for her club today so, I had to walk home again. Which, I don’t mind. It was still a nice day out. At least he seemed to like my lunch. What should I make for tomorrow? Minus that fact that Seth only got one day of ISS. So, this will be fun in gym tomorrow. We're going outside too to finish our fitness tests. What kind of stuff is he going to try to pull during the running…no, I'll just keep ahead of him. I've already set the bar high for myself, there's no point in stopping now. If Seth can't keep up with me then he can't get to me. And it's not that hard to avoid a big guy like him. He's pretty much all brawns and no brains. Hopefully, things will go smoothly tomorrow. I'll avoid Seth as much as I can.
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