#Delin Amsel
Chapter 3: A Day of Peace without Seth, Kinda...
“You have soft hair," I look up at Delin as he smirks down at me. His face in my hair. "Smells nice too, I like it, mint fits you."
I continued to lean against him and look up at him with a cat stare as I process what he said to me, “Um…thank you…I think…” I answer finally and he chuckles and pushes me back up onto my feet. “Where…where are we going exactly?”
“To the roof,” He smirked up at me and pushed my back a little to get me to keep walking.
“Aren’t we not allowed to go up there?” I ask once I get to the top of the second flight of stairs.
“Only if you get caught,” He snickered and patted the of my head before walking past me with a smirk on his lips.
I give him a resting bitch face before following him. We stay quiet as he shows me the way up to the roof. I walk over to the edge of the roof and look out at the schoolyard. There's a fence around the edge of the roof so we can't just jump off. I stand there with my hands in my pockets quietly next to Delin, “So…” I mutter breaking the silence, “Why…did your parents go back to Germany?”
I looked over at him as he was lazily playing with the ends of his hair and then he stopped and looked at me, "Ah, well they wanted to go back and see family there and maybe have me finish school there and do my future that way. But I’m not like most of my family so I didn’t wanna settle down there, plus I like it here."
I can’t help but smile a little before looking back out at the schoolyard, "You want to do your own thing and have your mind set on something, then strive for it. Never stop, even when you achieve that goal. Keep aiming higher." I look back up at Delin. "That's what my mom always tells me."
He stared at me and squinted at me before a smile spread across his lips, "My mom tells me something like that too, just in German of course."
“What do you want to do? Like what’s your goal after school?” I ask him honestly curious about what his plans are.
He crossed his arms and put his hand under his chin as he hummed to himself and thought about it, "Mmm, don't really know yet, I wanna do a lot of things but I don’t wanna pick just one."
"That's fine, I was just wondering," I comment and look away from him once more, "It's a nice day out at least," I mumble and brush my bangs out of my face for just a moment before letting them fall back in front of my right eye once more.
It fell silent between the two of us once again and we waited to see the girls who were outside for gym class head into head back down into the school ourselves. We go our separate ways and I don’t see him for the rest of the day. Closing my locker for the day and taking a small breath I sigh and turn on my heels and head out of the school. The other freshmen, I can feel them stare at me. My ears flick as they whisper.
"Isn't that the kid that got into that fight with the senior and then was showing everyone up left and right in his gym class?" I don't look at the girl who said that and keeps walking.
“That kids got some fuckin’ balls doing that in a gym class with seniors in it,” Another says.
“He’s quiet, but he’s scary looking.”
“Who would have thought a kitten could be terrifying.”
“He probably had family issues and gets in fights to get attention.”
"Wouldn't doubt it, man."
“Isn’t that Lynn Salvia's little brother?”
“Yeah, but they seem so different. I wonder why.”
“Lynn is super nice, she’s a student aid in one of my classes.”
Placing a hand on the top of my head where Delin patted my head during lunch I hold my hand there for just a moment before looking up from the floor and walking straight ahead. I’m being suffocated, I need to leave. I close my hand into a fist for a moment before pushing the door open and leaving the building. I can’t go home right now because the block party for the clubs is today and on top of it Lynn is a part of the writing club. I could walk home, but I promised mom I would pick a club as much as I don’t want to at this point.
"Maybe I'll just go into town and get something to drink and something too much on since I have an hour," I mumble to myself and shift my bag so it was on both shoulders I walk towards the school exit and out of the school grounds. It feels like it only took me about five to ten minutes to walk to town and to one of the little pizza shops that in town. I get a slice of pizza and a slushy and then go outside to one of the tables and sit down. Pulling out my sketchbook that I like to carry around and a pencil I spin the pencil in my hands and try to think of something to draw.
I can’t think of anything to draw and I simply close my book and eat my pizza. Putting my sketchbook away and cleaning up I take my slushy with me as I walk back to the school. Seeing the clock on the main billboard when you first enter the school it’s about five minutes before the block party starts. It should be on the track…I think that’s what Lynn said. I slowly make my way across the now fairly empty parking lot. When I get across the grass that is a straight shot to the track there are other gijinkas that have also made it there and are looking at the booths. I go from booth to booth staying quiet as I do. I don’t stay long at any of the booths really. I stop at the writing club booth where Lynn is.
“Find anything that peaks your interest so far?” She asked me and I shake my head as I hold out my slushy for her. She takes it from me and takes a drink from it before giving it back to me. “I’m sure you’ll find something. I know that the art club’s table isn’t too far away if you don’t want to join a sport. Don't be surprised if the track and field club tries to snag you.”
“Why?” I ask simply.
“Because of your Pokemon side,” That explains it.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” I mumble and take another drink. “I’ll see you later. I’m probably going to walk home.”
“You sure? We’ll be done at 5:30.” She asks.
"I'm sure, I don't want to hang around for an hour and a half. Dad probably wants to have a talk to me about what happened today anyway," I answer bluntly.
“Alright, I’ll see you when I get home then,” She smiles at me.
“Sounds good,” I nod and then continue walking. About three tables down is the art club table. I sign up for it and they hand me a piece of paper and told me that they meet on Fridays after school in art room two. I thank them for their time and then finish my way around to the other tables. The Track and field club, along with the soccer club, and stride club try to recruit me for their club. I politely explain to them that people don’t really like me, but if they need help I’ll think about it.
Once I make it through I stick the few pieces of paper that I was given from the clubs into my bag. Toss out my empty cup and then head home. It takes me a half an hour to walk home from the school when it's normally a fifteen-minute drive. It's a nice day out so it made it easier to walk home in. walking up the driveway I take a few deep breaths as the door to the house gets ever closer. I open the door and dad is standing in the hall with his arms crossed and a very displeased look on his face. His ears are against his head and the tip of his tail is slowly flicking.
“Mind explaining to me what happened exactly at school today?” He asked in a very displeasing tone.
“I guy in my gym class had been picking on me all morning. He was probably pissed I put him on his butt in the hall before gym and we had gym together. I did I was supposed to do for the physical fitness tests we were given and set the bar high for myself so I could improve over the year. He apparently wasn’t a fan of it and kicked me in the back and my head slammed into the locker. Another senior stood up for me and they got into a fight,” I explain in a monotone voice after closing the door. I don’t bother taking my shoes off I simply stand there on the mat that’s in front of the door.
Dad sighed heavily and uncrossed his arms and placed them on his hips, "Conley told me that you were taking half of one of the boys who protected you detentions and serving it yourself. Explain."
“I wanted a way to thank him for protecting me. I know that it will go on my record, but I wanted to help. You told me that I’m not allowed to fight unless it’s necessary.”
“You are very lucky that Corvi and Conley work at the school. You best not slip up like that again,” Dad turned his back to me.
“Yes father,” I look down at my feet and take off my shoes.
“Training at six. Do not expect me to go easy on you,” He turned the corner and went into the living room.
“Yes sir,” I mumble setting my shoes in their usual spot and I walk through the house and upstairs to my room. Dropping my bag down on the floor of my room I drag my feet over to my bed grab my Denio plush and hugged it close to my chest as I fall to the bed and stare at the wall. I stay in that position as there’s a knock on the door. “Yep,” I mutter and I hear the door open.
“Hey honey,” Mom says and I listen to the door click shut.
“I apologize for getting into fights mom. I didn’t mean to,” I said as my ears twitch listening to her light footsteps.
“I didn’t come in to talk about the fights. I wanted to ask if you choose a club or not and if you met any new friends,” I felt the bed move a little when mom sat down on it and a hand gently rest on my head next to my ear.
“I signed up for the art club. The track and soccer clubs also gave me an application to join the club if I want. I met a senior today who was willing to help me out and that I didn’t scare,” I answer quietly hugging my Denio closer.
“Oh? What’s his name?” I can hear the smile in my mom’s voice.
“Delin,” I answer simply.
“I’m glad that you met a friend.”
I sit up and look at her still holding my Denio, “Mom, he gets into fights to protect someone like me, he doesn’t know how to pack a lunch properly, and he lives alone on top of it,” I puff out my cheeks as I look at her.
She just starts giggling, “It looks like you like him to me. You’re very observant of the things that you like. Or have you not noticed that?” I look down at my Denio and push my nose and mouth into it. “So, make him some lunch tomorrow, and see if you can’t hang out with him more and get to know him.”
“Okay,” my voice muffled by the stuffed Pokemon.
“I’m sure you two have a fair bit in common,” I look at mom, “Besides telling him about your training. The more you talk and hang out, you’ll loosen up more I promise.” She pat’s my head between my ears before standing up. “Do you have any homework?”
I shake my head and pull my face away from the Denio, "No, just the normal syllabus from my classes and whatnot. Nothing major."
“Alright love, come down soon and get a snack if you’re hungry before you have to train.”
“Will do,” Mom smiles at me and then leaves my room letting the door click shut. I hold the Denio out in front of me and stare at it, "I'm not good with people and she wants me to open up more to him? How?" I flop back down with my denio still out now above me, “What should I do?” I stare at it like it’s going to respond, but only get silence in return. I sigh and pull it back into my body and lay there for a while longer. When it was about ten minutes before I had to be down in the basement I got up and changed. Then I went downstairs and grabbed my shoes and a water bottle then continued down into the basement and into the training area.
Dad did not go easy on me in the slightest. We kept going until I couldn't force myself to stand up anymore before he said that we were done for the night. I laid there on the floor as I listened to him walk back up the stairs. I continue to lay on the floor. After what feels like a half an hour I push my limits and force myself to get up off the floor. Making sure I have my empty water bottle I struggle making it back up the stairs. I have a massive headache and Lana has her music blasting from her room. I wobble into the kitchen and sink down into my chair at the table where my plate was still sitting. Mom made lemon and pepper chicken, with rice and peas. Mom precut the chicken for me and she was doing dishes.
“Pat sweetie,” Mom turns around and sees how exhausted I am and I just stare back at her, “LEO YOU KNOW BETTER THAN TO PUSH PATRICK TO THE BRINK WHERE HE CAN BARELY FUNCTION!” my mom screamed and stormed out of the kitchen. Mom continued to scold dad and they started yelling back and forth in Italian to each other. I pick up my fork and slowly eat about half of my dinner. Putting what was left away in a container I place that in the fridge and wash off my plate and fork.  I look in the living room and Lynn is sitting between mom and dad and getting them to talk it out.
"I'm going to bed," I start up the stairs and slowly make it to the top before going to my room and grabbing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. Somehow, managed to make it through taking a shower and then I fall onto my bed. Making sure my alarm was set I pull my denio plush into my and pass out from exhaustion and a painful headache.
My alarm clock goes off sooner than I want it to. But I get up with it and turn it off. Getting dressed in jeans and a different t-shirt that was smaller than my nightshirt. I slip on socks, make sure I have everything I need in my bag and then scoot into the bathroom before Lynn and Lana can and quickly brush my hair and teeth. Then I go downstairs and I make small omelet rolls, Spinach, cherry tomatoes, green pepper slices, and cut up an orange and separate the slices into the two boxes I made and the third one I kept the orange whole. Clicking all three tops onto the appropriate box I then put them in my backpack. Make sure I have my water bottle filled and place that in there as well.
“Oh! Can I have one!” Lana asks me and I look at her with a bored expression then zipped up my bag.
“You buy your lunch because you don’t like my cooking, so no,” I answer bluntly and hand Lynn her box.
"Oh, thank you, Pat," Lynn says.
“MOOOOM, PAT MADE THREE LUNCHES AND WON’T GIVE ONE TO ME,” Lana yells and I press my ears against my head.
“Sweetie you told all of us that you were buying your lunch this year. Besides he made the third box for a friend,” Mom came into the kitchen.
“But that’s not fair,” She huffed. I went to the fridge and got out an orange and walked over to her and placed it in her hand.
“I’ll make you something tomorrow. I don’t have time to make it. Lynn and I have to get going.” I start towards the door and get my shoes on.
“You’re the worst Pat, I hate you,” Lana puffs out her cheeks and I look at her.
“I know you do. Get in line,” I wave and head out the door and to Lynn’s car.
“Pat,” Lynn looks at me.
“What? I said I would make her one tomorrow and I will,” I get in the car.
Lynn gets in herself and drives us to school. We go our separate ways when we get to the doors of the school. I go to my locker put my stuff away. And pull out what I need for my first three classes. I go straight to my first-period class and sit down in the same seat that I was assigned to yesterday. Putting my books down on my desk I rest my head on my books. Keeping my face sideways because my forehead is killing me today and my bangs at thankfully covering the massive bruise. I should have taken something to help dull the pain, but I was too busy making lunches to remember to take anything.  
Other students come rolling into the classroom and sit in their assigned seats. My ears flick as I listen to them whisper about me and how they're surprised that I'm in class. When our teacher comes in She tells everyone to settle down and then does roll call. The class goes on and we take notes the entire class then are given our homework assignment, which is to pretty much read a chapter in our history books and find specific words that will fill in the blanks. Then it was onto my English class where we were giving the first book we were going to read. Our teacher read the first three chapters to us and then told us that he wants us to read chapter four.
Period three is math. Just basic algebra so it wasn’t so bad. We have to do four problems out of lesson 1.1, but we were also given time in class to work on our homework so I was able to get it done with the amount of time we were given. And then the fourth period came around and instead of gym today it's study hall. I walk in with my history book in my arm along with my book for English. I look around and it seems like most of the gijinka’s who are in the room are from gym. I go to the back of the room and take a seat at one of the two-person tables since this is a lab room. Setting my books down I start with my history homework first to get it out of the way. “Mind if I sit here?” I look up when I head Delin’s voice.
“Um…yeah, that’s fine. I don’t know why you’re asking,” I mumble and look back down at my book.
“You look exhausted,” He comments as the stool squeaks a bit.
I look back over at him and nod, “I had a rough night sleeping is all,” I lie, “How about you? You feeling okay?”
“Well, I was tryin’ to make dinner last night and the food won,” He shows me his hands and he has a bunch of bandages on them.
I look between his hands and to his eyes then repeat the same process a few times before locking eyes with him, “Do I need to make every meal for you so you don’t injure yourself?”
"I can hurt myself sleeping, so I'm bound to be covered in band-aids somehow," He chuckles and then digs in his backpack and pulls out a notebook.
Mr. Corvi walks into the room and sits down at the desk, “Alright, for those of you who don’t know, I’m Mr. Corvi. I’ll be your study hall teacher. I’m going to call out your name if I don’t know you just to make sure you’re here, then I’ll explain the rules to you.” Mr. Corvi only called out three names from the list and after that, he was just looking from the screen to out in the class. "This is a study hall as all of you know. I don't care if you talk, just keep your voices down. If I hear any of you swearing you get three warnings and if you don't stop when you're being sent to the office. I'm a very laid back teacher, but the rules still apply, which means you need a pass to go to the library and all that fun jazz. So, if you need my help let me know if not, just keep your voices down.”
With that, Mr. Corvi pulled out a book and began reading. I look over at Delin and he has two notebooks out and he’s copying things from one notebook to another.
"What are you doing?" I asked raising an eyebrow.
"Copying my notes over in a nicer handwriting so I can read everything I wrote. There are times where I write too fast and even I can't read my handwriting," He whispers back to me.
“Ah,” I mutter and start skimming the history book to find the paragraph I’m looking for that holds the answers to three of the fill in the blanks. Writing them down I keep at a quick pace.
"You have nice handwriting Pat," I stop what I'm doing and look up at Delin again.
“Oh, thank you,” I look back down at my piece of paper.  
“Wanna write my notes for me?" I look back over at him then back at my paper and continue with what I was doing. "Ouch, man. Come to help a friend out."
“What do I get out of it if I rewrite your notes for you?” I raise an eyebrow and look at him.
“My eternal thanks and one of my sausages at lunch.” I give him a resting bitch face, “Okay, okay, two, I’ll give you two.”
“I don’t want the food. But, I’ll help you with rewriting your notes, but I want your help if I get stuck on something, deal?”
“It’s a deal, I’ll help to the best of my ability,” He agrees.
I finish my homework for history and then I take his notebooks and rewrite his notes. Asking from time to time what a certain word was I got them done for him in no time. We quietly talked here and there while I read to finish my English homework before the bell rang.
“See ya in a bit for lunch,” Delin waves, “Thanks again for rewriting my notes it’ll help a hella lot.”
“You’re welcome,” I smile a little and Delin chuckles and lightly punches my shoulder.
“You should smile more, you look good with a smile,” He smirked at me and then left.
"Later," I mumbled quietly collecting my things and taking it back to my locker. I grab my science notebook along with my backpack that has the two lunch boxes in it and takes them with me to my earth science class. Halfway through class is lunch. I take my bag with me to lunch and by the time I get there from stopping to grab a fork form one of the stations in the food court Delin is already sitting in the same spot that he sat in yesterday. I walk over to him, “May I sit here?” I ask.
“Of course, I don’t know why you’re asking,” He snickers using my own comment from earlier back at me. I sit down and dig out both lunch boxes. Placing one down in front of myself I then put the second one in front of Delin, “What’s this?”
"I told you I was making your lunch. It's also another thank you for sticking up for me," I mumble the last part as I pop the top of my lunch box and then pull out my water bottle.
Delin popped the top off his and sniffed it to make sure it was good. He then took his fork and stabbed one of the little omelets rolls and shoved the whole thing in his mouth, "Thanks, tastes really good,” He said with his mouth full.
“You’re welcome,” I answer quietly and start eating my lunch.
“How has your morning been so far?” Delin asked and I look over at him with a tomato that I was just about to pop into my mouth.
“It’s been quite,” I reply before taking the cherry tomato off my fork and eating, “I’m assuming Seth got his ISS today.”
“More than likely, I haven’t seen him around all day either,” Del commented switching over to the lunch that he brought with him and eating a sausage link.
"But your first detention also starts today," I mutter.
“And you have your detention so I’m not gonna be alone in the room,” He chuckled, “You still didn’t have to do that ya know.”
“I know, but I wanted to,” I look at him and we lock eyes for a moment before I break away and look back down at my food. “Bedside’s it keeps me out of the house longer anyways.”
“Huge blow up because of yesterday?”
“That and the fact that my little sister is starting puberty.”
“Damn, you have two sisters?”
I nod, “One older, one younger.”
“Middle child! I will love you!!” Delin exclaimed and I look over at him with a raised eyebrow. You seem like you’re going through the middle child syndrome. Ya know it's when you're older and younger siblings get all the attention and you're just left out."
“I mean, I’m not left out. I spend at least two hours with my father every night and we always eat together as a family. It’s just my little sister is being a bitch and thinking that the world owes her a favor. Doesn’t like me for some unknown reason, and is a snob to Lynn,” I explain to him, “But other than that, I don’t think I have middle child syndrome.”
“Ah, it’s probably just a phase then,” He shrugged, “She’ll probably get over it.”
“Hopefully, her mood swings are annoying,” I grumble and eat one of the omelet rolls.
“With how tired you look, I’m sure that you didn’t want to deal with it this morning. Your injuries bugging you that much?”
“No, no, just a headache, it didn’t go away from last night, and I was too busy making lunch this morning to take something for it.” Delin set his fork down and dug through his bag. Pulling out a small bottle he set it on the table. Migraine pills.
“Just take one of them, that should get rid of it for at least the rest of the school day,” He explained and I took the small bottle off the table.
“Thanks,” I mumble and pop the top off and take out one pill like Delin told me to do and popped it in my mouth and dry swallowed it.
“Dude,” I look over at him.
“How did you just dry swallow that, those pills taste nasty.”
“I just threw it into the back of my mouth and swallowed, so I didn’t really taste it,” I explain to him and he blinks at me a few times then starts laughing.
“That’s great. Oh geez, I never thought of doing that.”
“Oh,” I mumble and eat some spinach.
“You’re an interesting kitten, ya know.”
“Thank you,” I mumble.
"No problem dude. And you know, ya didn’t have to share what’s going on in your family with me. I would have completely understood.”
“I know, mom told me I need to open up more anyways,” I said quietly.
“Well, it’s a good start that’s for sure.”
“Eat your lunch. I need that back so I can pack lunch for you for tomorrow.”
“You don’t have t-,” I stop him dead sentence by glaring at him. He sighs, “Fine. Next time I’ll just drag you home with me and you can make dinner for me if you’re that worried I’m not eating right.”
“You’re not, I can tell by your lunch.”
“Hey now.”
“If you want to be a power pseudo to protect others then you should eat right.”
“Fiiiiinnnneeeee,” He groans and eats one of the tomatoes.
We continue our lunch talking back and forth until we had to leave. I went back to science class and we finished up for the rest of the period. The rest of the day seemed to drag on, yet it went by fast. Before I knew it the final bell rang while I was in my last class, which is a study hall for the day. Over the loudspeakers, they announce what room detention is going to be in and what school club meeting is going on this afternoon. Once those are over I pick up my stuff and head to my locker. I open it only to have it forced to shut on me.
"I hope you enjoyed your day of quiet pipsqueak because you're in for a world of hurt tomorrow," I didn't turn when I felt Seth's hot breath brush my ear. He pushed me into my locker and laughed, "Later Salvai.”
I sigh and pushed away from my locker, redid the combination and grabbed a notebook and my sketchbook since I had no homework left. Stuck what I needed in my bag and went to the room that I was told. Delin is already sitting in the room and he seems to be working on some homework.
"So, is this your two hour one, or the one hour one?" I asked him sitting down next to him.
“This is the long one. Want to get it out of the way.”
"Fair enough," I mumbled pulling out my notebook.
“Still have homework?”
I shake my head, “Not unless I want to think of sketches for the first art project, but that’s optional. I may get bored enough to do it.”
“No homework?” I shake my head, “Lucky shit.”
“I finished it.”
“How many fuckin’ study halls do you have?”
“I had two today, but I have one that rotates with my lab for science.”
"Alright, quiet down. This is silent detention," The teacher walked in and set her books down on the table. "If I hear anything out of you-you're getting written up understood?" We both nod, "Good, your time starts now."
I got out my sketchbook and ended up drawing some different sketches and then I randomly wrote ideas down on the same pages. When the hour was up I was allowed to leave. I waved bye to Delin and left. Lynn had her meeting for her club today so, I had to walk home again. Which, I don’t mind. It was still a nice day out. At least he seemed to like my lunch. What should I make for tomorrow? Minus that fact that Seth only got one day of ISS. So, this will be fun in gym tomorrow. We're going outside too to finish our fitness tests. What kind of stuff is he going to try to pull during the running…no, I'll just keep ahead of him. I've already set the bar high for myself, there's no point in stopping now. If Seth can't keep up with me then he can't get to me. And it's not that hard to avoid a big guy like him. He's pretty much all brawns and no brains. Hopefully, things will go smoothly tomorrow. I'll avoid Seth as much as I can.
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Chapter 2: Gonna kick a kids ass for that
♢ Delin ♢
I was talking to Patrick and before i knew it, he was standing up facing me then instantly leaned forward and the sound of his head hitting the lockers rang through the whole locker room. I stared at him with wide eyes then instantly looked over at the kid who pushed Patrick. It was the krokorok kid from earlier, his name was seth and he was notorious for being the school asshole. He stood there with a smug look on his face, and he opened his mouth to say something cocky.
“So-” he started off and his smug smile on his face instant disappeared when i got my hands on him.
“Seth you fucking asshole!” I grabbed him by his shirt and walked him back so his back slammed into the back lockers. “The fuck is your fucking problem?!”
“Why are you getting so angry over, del?!” He put his hands on my wrists, “its just some freshmen who thinks hes hot shit.”
“I dont care about that!” I growled at him, “at least he isnt an asshole who wants to think he’s hot shit.” I dropped him back onto his feet, “Leave him the fuck alone.” i turned back around to check on patrick for a moment. Patrick opened his mouth to say something, but before he spoke i was turned around by force and punched right in the nose by Seth. I stumbled back onto a bench and sat on it, holding my nose and blinking a bit, pulling my hand away to see blood coming from my nose.
“You think you’re a tough guy, Del?!” Seth shouted, “youre still a fucking Deino!”
I growled and got up, grabbing seth by the shirt again and headbutting him right on his forehead and letting him go so he stumbled back. He groaned really loud and held his head before dropping his hand and coming back at me. We wrestled around a bit throwing punches at each other before i grabbed Seth by the shirt and threw him down on the floor. He grabbed my arm and pulled me down with him.
Mr.Myers came running in and shouting “Seth! Delin!” he grabbed me by my arms and pulled me off of Seth and dropped me on my back on the floor. “Who started this?!” he asked.
“Fucking seth!” i rubbed the back of my head, “oh shit. Pat you good?!” i turned around to look at patrick. He had a hand on his cheek and a bruise already forming on his head. I got up and went to him and pulled his hand from his cheek to see blood on his hand and face. “Seth!” I turned around and instantly went for Seth again, he scuttled on the ground away from me and Mr.Myers grabbed onto me again. “You weak ass son of a bitch!”
“Delin, if you punch him one more time you’re getting suspended!” Mr. Myers walked backwards still holding onto me. “You three are all going to the office.” he let go of me.
I grabbed my shirt from my locker, still wearing my gym shorts. Mr.Myers grabbed Seth of the ground and shoved him out of the locker room. Patrick and i walking out soon after them. Patrick went to the nurse’s office real quick and Mr.Myers dragged me and seth to Mr.Conley’s office.
“Can i help you?” Mr.Conley looked up from his computer at all of us. He let out a loud sigh when he saw Seth and I bruised and bloody. “Thank you Mr.Myers, I’ll take it from here.” He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed, myers left seth and i with Mr.Conley. “Do i want to know why you two are already fighting? Four periods into the first day.”
“Seth’s a fucking asshole, thats why.” I mumbled and glared at Seth.
“Language Mr.Amsel.” He looked up at me with a intense glare. “But since you spoke first, you explain. Seth, dont speak.”
“Seth’s in my gym class, a kid named patrick who might be here soon, is in my class too. Seth kicked him in the back and caused him to hit his head on the lockers.” I spoke clearly for mr.Conley to understand me.
He stared at me then looked at Seth, “is that right?”
“Aaaaah.” Seth stared with his mouth open.
“Yeah it is.” I smirked and the door opened behind us  and i looked back behind me and walked in patrick. “Thats Patrick by the way.”
Patrick looked up then down at his feet “Sorry, I was told to go to the nurse first.” he mumbled.
Mr.Conley let out a loud groan. “Patrick, why did it have to be you.” He covered his face and mumbled himself.
“You know each other?” I looked back between patrick and Mr.Conley.
“Not your concern Delin.” Mr.Conley mumnled.
“Pat are you friends with mr.Coba?!” I looked back at Patrick with wide eyes. “How?!”
“My father and Mr. Conley are friends,” he rubbed his arm and didnt look at Mr.Conley for very long if not at all some times “I’m sorry Mr. Conley, I know I promised…”
“Its not your fault, Patrick.” He rubbed his face and then looked up at seth and i. “Both of you, in school suspension. Go wait outside in the office so i can call you back one by one. Patrick you stay here.” Seth and i looked between each other then at Mr.Coba and back to patrick. “Both you out now, or i will actually suspend you both.”
We both walked out of his office so fast and sat outside of his office as we both sat there silently. The women at the front desk started gossiping about us and then the nurse got us individually to fix us up. Seth went first on seeing the nurse and then seeing Mr.Coba. Patrick came out when Seth came out and patrick came to sit by me in the waiting area.
“So..” I looked over at him and he held a hand to me.
He was silent for awhile then put his hand down, “Deino hua?” he looked up at me.
“Uuuuh, yeah, dont really look like it but i am.”  I stared down at him then played with my hair, “so how did it go with Mr.Coba?”
“It went okay, he was pretty understanding and listened to me.”  he leaned back in the chair. When he did Seth came storming out of the office and left the room not saying a thing. Patrick and I stared at him then slowly looked back towards Mr.Conley’s office.
“Mr.Amsel will you come here please.” He said calmly.
“Pray for me.” I mumbled and got up from my seat.
“You’ll be fine.” Patrick said when i walked past him and into mr.Conley’s office.
“Sit down please.” he leaned back in his chair causing it to squeak. I sat down and waited for him to speak again. “Explain to me your half of the fight.” he crossed his arms over his chest.
“So Seth was an ass earlier in the day, okay. Then he’s in our gym class nothing happened until we were dismissed to leave the gym and get changed. Out of nowhere he kicks pat in the back and he hit his head in the locker. Really pissed me off cuz Pat could have had worse then what he did. So i kinda just….kicked his ass.” I spoke clearly then slowly started to mumble when i got to the end of my explanation.
“And you are telling me the truth right?” He sat back up in his chair and leaned on his desk.
“Mr.Coba, ive been here a few times, have i ever lied to you?” I leaned forward and rested my arms on my legs.
“No you havent, and i believe you.” he smiled at me, “Patrick explained to me how you were just trying to protect him, but you did get in a fight. You have detention for three days.”
“Wait what?!” I stood up and put my hands on his desk. “Wasnt i suppose to get ISS?”
“You were, do you still want it?” He stared up at me with a smirk.
“NO sir no thank you!” I stood up straight and put my hands behind my back, “Can i leave?”
“Yes, you start tomorrow okay.” He waved me off, “get going.”
“Thank you sir!” I turned to leave and grabbed the doorknob.
“Wait one more moment.” Mr.Conely spoke and i turned around to look at him, “thank you for being a friend to patrick.” he smiled at him.
“Dont have to thank me, i like the kid.” I grinned at him then left and closed the door behind me, “Kitty!” Patrick’s ears perked up and he looked at me with wide eyes, “What did you do to get me out of ISS?”
“I mean um…detention isn’t much better, I can talk to him again and see if he’ll cut it down more if you want…”  Patrick mumbled and played with his gym shorts and looking back at me and then down at his shorts once more.
“I’ll do detention over ISS, I dont have much to do after school anyways.” I walked past him and tapped his arm. “Cmon lets go get our shit and head to our next classes.” i opened the door to leave the office completely and pat walked in front of me, “but,”i paused to close the door behind me “thanks for the help man.” I smiled down at him.
Patrick stared at me then dropped his head and nodded a bit. Following behind me silently as we walked down the hall back to the gym class. Mr.Myers let us into the locker room and we quickly changed out of our gym clothes and back into our regular clothing.  Patrick randomly spoke when we were about to leave the locker room, “You have one two hour detention and an one hour detention. As to how I did it. Mr. Conley is going to be having a conversation with my parents to explain what happened today and how I got injured. They would have asked questions anyways and my father can tell when I’m lying. I’m also taking half of what would have been your second two hour detention and I have an one hour detention that I’ll be doing tomorrow.”
I tensed up at hearing him speak for a second then looked down at him. “You know you didn’t have to help get me out of trouble. I dont live with anyone, so no one would know if i got in trouble or not. No one calls my parents.”
“It’s a thank you for standing up for me. I asked Mr. Conley if I could tell you what you were getting.” he mumbled and looked down picking up his things.
I put a hand on his head between his ears and ruffled up his hair. “Thanks little man, i appreciate it.” I smiled down at him when he looked up at me then took my hand off his head and grabbed my bag and tossing it over my shoulder, “but you need to head to class, its your first day, dont want you in more trouble.”
“Right,” he nodded his head and shifted his hold on his books, “Sorry to be a hassle. I’ll leave you alone.” he then quickly jogged out of the locker room before me.
I stood there and blinked for awhile before chuckling to myself. “That dude is weird.” I walked out of the locker room and left them gym. I made my way to my fifth period which for me was history and then half way through was lunch.
I walked in when the teacher was in mid discussion. She looked up at me from her laptop and frowned. “Delin Amsel?” She crossed her arms and shifted weight onto her left leg.
“Yes Mrs.Arenas?” I stopped in the doorway and stared back at her. Mrs.Arenas was a Archeops gijinka and she was probably the best history teacher you could have but she was also very serious about being a teacher.
“Why are you late?” She looked at me from over her glasses.
“I….” I paused and took a step inside the room and closed the door. “Was being a good student and protecting a freshman?” I squinted at her and stayed by the door.
“What do you mean by that?” She still stared at me and her stare was fairly intimidating.
“I got in a fight?” I shifted my backpack on my back and looked down at my feet.
“Oh my…” she sighed and put her hand on her forehead. “Sit down, i dont want to know. Dont be late next time.”
“Yes Ma’am will do ma’am.” I bounced over to a free chair and sat down and putting my bag down. I dont know how much i missed but the actual amount of time i spent in this room made it feel like hours. She was pretty much a teacher who read long ass lectures to us and asked the occasional questions and expected us to be able to write it all down. No i also did not write all of it down because i cant write that fast so i wrote down what i thought was important.
The bell for our lunch period rang and we all got up and grabbed anything we were taking with us. I grabbed my backpack, it pretty much didnt have anything in it besides my lunch, wallet, notebook and folder, and a mini sketchbook that i had on me at all times. I made my way to the cafeteria and snagged a small table by a window and dropped my bag on the table pulling out a plastic box that held a fork, several pieces of sausage chunks and potatoes along with links of a different type of sausage then a waterbottle. Taking my fork out i stabbed a link and put it too my mouth about to take a bite before i stiffened up at a sudden hand on my shoulder and a voice behind me.
“Mind if i sit with you?” he sounded familiar and when i turned around i saw Patrick standing behind me.
“Mm, mmh bo fer ib” i mumbled with a mouthful of sausage in my mouth and pulled the fork out of the sausage link and grabbed my bag and putting it on the floor by my feet.
“Thanks.” he nodded and sat down in front of me.
Taking a chunk off and tilting my head back to get all of the sausage i bit off into my mouth. Chewing and swallowing, i grabbed my water and took a drink, “Nice to see you here.”
“Like wise.” Pat nodded his head slightly and poked at the sandwich he packed.
“Patrick!” A female voice yelled and right after hands slammed down on the table beside me and a small figure’s body pressed right up against me as she leaned on the table face to face with patrick, and she was so close to their noses touching.
“I”m sorry, can I help you?” patrick said in a fairly flat voice and stared at this new woman. I was too scared to move and didnt look at this woman. I only saw her hand go up and she reached for Patrick’s ear and pulled a bit, probably pinching him. “Ow! Sorry sorry, im sorry Lynn.”
“What did mom and dad tell you about getting into fights? Do you know how lucky you are that you didn’t get even more hurt than you did?” She scolded patrick in a very serious almost mothering tone.
“I um…” I paused and got their attention back to me, “Hi. Im delin.” I looked up at the girl.
She stared down at me with wide cat eyes, now that i saw her, she looked very much like patrick and im assuming that she is a younger or older sister. “Oh, sono così dispiaciuto.” she let go of patrick’s ear and held her hand out to me, “im Lynn, patrick’s older sister.”
“Hi.” I took her hand, “im….the guy that beat the kid up for patrick.”
She held my hand in hers and her eyes softened and then widened again and her head slowly turned to look at patrick once more. She had a raised brow on a face that did not look very please and she twitched her brow like she was telepathically talking to patrick.
“And just so you know, Pat didnt start the fight.” I spoke and she turned her head to look at me with the same look and then back to patrick. “Dude, your sister is scaring me.” I looked over at patrick.
He sighed and dropped his head, “Lynn, stop. People just don’t like me so it happens. I don’t know why you’re being so butt hurt about it.”
“Because I don’t want to see you get hurt, a big sister is supposed to protect you. And there’s no telling what punishment that dad’s going to put you through for getting into two fights. Yes, I know about you putting the kid onto the floor. Not going to lie when Mr. Corvi told me I did laugh, but that’s besides the point." she let go of my hand finally and put one hand on her hip and the other on her forehead as she shook her head.
The two of them talked to each other, and i simply just watched silently as i munched on my lunch.  Lynn eventually sat beside me talking to pat and they switched between english and im assuming italian cuz thats what it sounded like. They seemed to ignore me until Pat looked over at me “I’ll deal with it when we get home. You can go back to your friends and have a good lunch. I’ll see you after school. Now, can Delin and I enjoy our lunch, please?” he turned his gaze back to his sister.
“Alright, fine. But I swear if you get into one more fight today, I’m going to kick your ass.” Lynn sighed and got up, pat making a snort like noise after she got up.
“Bye.” Pat said.
“See ya, nice meeting you.” I held my hand up to lynn.
“Nice meeting you too.” she smiled and waved at me, turning and walking off to a different part of the cafeteria.
“So….She seems nice.” I looked over at patrick and he had his food in his mouth.
Chewed quickly and swallowed, “Depends on what side of the bed she wakes up on or if it’s that time of the month. Don’t be near her during that time. She’s very clingy. Sorry you had to sit through that.”
“Its all good, it was kinda entertaining actually.
We sat and talked lightly during our lunch. Pat didnt really like the idea of how poorly i eat given i make my own meals and im lazy as hell about it. He offered to bring me lunches that would give me everything that sausage doesnt give me and was not up for argument. We mainly talked about our classes and little things about us like what we did as hobbies and so forth if we werent doing school work.
“Cmon, we’re leaving lunch early.” I stuffed my belongings in my bag and stood up.
“Huh, wont we get in trouble?” He looked up at me.
“Nah, not at all, ive been doing this for awhile.” I smiled down at him, “Cmon get up.” I eventually got patrick up and we left the cafeteria where no teachers saw us and went outside to back inside to avoid them. “You’d think they’d care more, but given that i live alone, i kinda get slack from teachers getting onto me, knowing i dont get disciplined at home for it.” i chuckled lightly.
“You live alone? Where are your parents? If you don’t mind me asking that is. you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.” he looked up at me then proceeded to take the stairs up to the second floor.
Following behind him, “my parents are from germany, so hi im german too, but i didnt wanna move away with them on my senior year. So we agreed on that im old enough to decide my future and live alone. So they let me live here alone and do my thing.”
“Oh, that makes sense.” Patrick turned around a bit to look at me. His leg coming up to the next step as he turned. His foot slipped and he began to fall backwards and his hands werent near the railing.
I freaked out and moved up a step behind him with a step or two between us and he fell backwards a bit, his shoulders and head leaning back against my chest as my hands held him by his waist. Patrick’s hands gripped my forearm and he blinked slowly. “You okay pat?” I asked looking down at him, my chin on his head.
“I would have caught myself.” he said after he processed the situation and he tilted his head back to look at me.
“Because of cat like reflexes?” I asked.
“Yes of course.” He quickly responded.
“You have soft hair.” i smirked down at him, “Smells nice too, I like it, mint fits you.”
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Chapter 1: First Day of High School, Oh Boy...
“Aren’t you excited Pat!! Tomorrow’s your first day of high school!!” My older sister Lynn exclaimed as we sat at the dinner table.
“Says the person who’s going into her junior year of high school,” I grumble stabbing a meatball.
“Don’t be rude Patrick,” Dad sighs with a disappointing frown on his lips.
“You shouldn’t be so down on yourself. It’s a new school and you’ll meet people and make friends!” Mom smiles sweetly at me.
“If Pat would smile then he would have friends,” Lana, my little sister snickered.
“Lana,” mom hissed at my little sister and I glared at her.
I couldn’t bring myself to say anything to her because she doesn’t have to go through what I do. I’m not special or anything, just your typical purloin gijinka that’s a middle child of three, the only boy out of the three, and oh yeah, my dad was a part of the Italian mafia and then moved here to be a part of the Unova mafia. My dad didn’t pressure my sisters to follow in his footsteps because they never showed much interest in it. Me on the other hand, showed a lot of potential to be able to do both of my parent's past professions before they found each other and settled down. So, my father puts me through training every day.
“I just have a hard time with people alright,” I mumble setting my fork down and stand up. “Può essere scusato pre favore?”
“Yes,” Dad says and I walk away from the table.
“Grazie,” I go up to my room and sit down at my desk and look out the window.
Someone knocks on my door and my ears flick, “It’s open,” I don’t bother looking to see who it is.
“Hey honey,” Mom says as I hear my door click shut, “You okay?”
“I know, I’m running late for training with dad. I’ll get dressed and head down to the basement,” I stand up.
“Your father can wait and if not he has me to deal with. I want to know if you’re okay,” I can’t look at her as I go over to my dresser and pull out one of my under armor long sleeve shirts and pulling off my t-shirt.
“I guess,” I mumble, “I just wish Lana wasn’t such a brat.”
“She doesn’t understand love.”
“I know she doesn’t,” I sigh and take off my jeans and change into leggings in front of mom. “She’s practically wrapped up in her own little world ninety percent of the time and it just irks me that she doesn’t seem to give an ounce of wanting to at least acknowledge what’s going on in our family history and that it’s important that at least one of us carries on the skills.”
“You know what,” I look at mom as I put a head band in my hair to hold back my bangs.
“I want you to join a club at the school. And don’t join the writers club that your older sister runs got it?” I stare at mom and slowly blink at her. My ears droop and shoulders slump. “And yes, you have to.” She says before I can even open my mouth to ask, “I think it’ll be good for you to get to know new people and do something that you think is a lot of fun.”
“Fiiiinnnneeee,” I groan and she comes over to me and kisses my forehead.
“Good, now hop to it, you can’t keep your father waiting all day~” Mom smiles sweetly at me and pushes me towards the door. I walk out of my room with mom right behind me. She follows me down the stairs, “Oh, I put your dinner in the microwave for you to finish after training. I’m sure you’ll be hungry considering you didn’t eat much.”
“Thanks, mom,” I smile a little.
“Eww, gross, put some clothes on Pat,” Lana scoffed as she walked past me and mom.
“Mooooooom,” I look at her with a looking begging her to let me put her in her place.
Mom sighs and shakes her head, “I’ll have a talk with her, go.” I open the door to the basement and head down. Our basement looks like any normal man cave type of thing that anyone’s dad would have that collects their hobbies and dads is knives. There are different types of blades everywhere. Then there’s a TV and a futon down here as well. But after getting off the stairs if you swing around and go to the door that is right under the stairs, it’s not a closet like one would think. It opens to another set of stairs that goes down further and this is where I train with dad. It’s a room that’s the same size as the house if the first floor had no walls breaking it into the master bedroom, kitchen, living room, and dining room. The ceiling to the giant room was ten feet so plenty of room to be able to work and make obstacle courses with. Dad has a new one each week it seems because he only gives me about a week to learn and master a course. It’s the same stuff just set up differently each week and then one day of the six days of training is where I’m here with mom and I’m learning lock picking. Then every Sunday I get to do nothing all day unless I have school work.
This week though, he doesn’t have anything set up. This week has been a complete sparing week with him. Sparing matching with dad happen once a month, “You’re late.”
“I know,” I mumble, “I’m sorry.”
“Se tua mader non ha un colloquio serio con Lana, lo faro,” Dad spoke in mostly Italian to me while we were down here. Considering it’s his native tongue it makes sense.
“Grazie…” I look down at my feet, “I know, but she never wants to listen to me.”
My dad put a hand on my head and rubs my head between my ears as I look up at him, “She will learn to respect others.”
I nod and don’t say another word. Dad explains to me when the type of sparring we were going to be doing and then we got down to it. We went against each other for what a standard practice for any sports team would be, three hours of being beaten by my father, with the occasional water break and stretching break. At the end, he always makes me run four laps around the room and then do deep stretching before I can drag myself back upstairs. I’m sweaty and gross feeling. But I’m starving so I go to the kitchen and grab my plate out of the microwave and get a glass of water. Chugging the glass of water first I then finish off my plate before washing it and putting it away. Then I walk through the living room and see a sulking Lana as she plays on her DS. I don’t say a word to her as I go upstairs and grab clothes to take a shower.
“What time do you want to wake up tomorrow?” Lynn asks me and I stop and look at her as I have a foot in the bathroom.
“I don’t know, it only takes me like ten minutes to get completely dressed and brush my teeth. So, whenever you want to wake up is fine,” I shrug.
“I’ll just make sure you’re up a half an hour before we have to leave,” She smiles softly at me, “I can tell your exhausted, so go take your shower and get a good night sleep.”
“Alright,” I nod and go into the bathroom and shut the door behind me. Stripping out of my under armor and boxers I take a long shower to relax my muscles. After getting out and drying off it feels like I just get hit with a wall and I feel exhausted. Grabbing my clothes and towel I take them back to my room and closed my door. I throw my clothes into my hamper set out a pair of blue jeans and a black shirt with a black and red sports jacket on my desk I then turn off my light make sure my alarm is set and then I flop down on my bed and crawl under my blankets before passing out for the night.
My alarm goes off sooner than I want it to and I groan loudly as I get up and shut it off. “I don’t wanna go to school,” I grumble as I rub my face. My bangs fall slightly over my right eye as I move my hands away. Regretting every second of it I swing my legs over my bed and drag myself over to my desk, I get dressed in the clothes that I set out the night before grabbed a pair of ankle socks, throw those on and then leave my room.
I wait for Lana and Lynn to be done in the bathroom before I brush my teeth and kinda brush my hair. When I go back to my room making sure everything’s in my bag and I head out with Lynn to go to school.
“I don’t wanna do this,” I mumble as I get out of Lynn’s car and look up at the two-story building that had the schools name Granite Hill High in large letter on the front.
“You’ll be fine,” Lynn slaps my back.
“Says you. You’re good with people,” I hiss at her and my ears press against my head.
“You’ll do fine!! Now, come on!” She walks ahead of me and I let my shoulders slump as I walk behind her. I’m not ready for high school.
We got here early enough that there aren’t a lot of people here yet. It’s an all gijinka school. And the human school is across the street. I pull out my folder that we were given at our orientation a week ago and find my way to my locker. I do my combination and then put my bag in my locker along with all my notebooks and binders. I grab my small sketchbook and a notebook with a pen and a pencil before closing my locker. Looking down at my paper I try to find my first-period class and as I turn a corner I accidentally run into someone and end up dropping my notebook and sketchbook. And it sounds like some of their books down the same.
“Sorry,” I mutter and squat down and grab my books before starting to stack there’s.
“Na, I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going, you’re good,” I look up when I hear his voice and my ears flick on top of my head. He has shoulder length raven black hair with two chunks of his bangs dyed, one chunk was blue and the other was purple. His bright purple eyes stood out against his hair.
“Still, it’s my fault,” I mumble and pick up his books and hand them back to him, “So, sorry again.” He’s wearing a simple white tank top and faded blue jeans with black and white sneakers. With his build, he looks like he does work out, but not like a sports person. He has toned arms but just enough to just see his muscles and you can clearly see his collarbones.
“Don’t be sorry, we’re both at fault, neither of us were paying attention,” He smirked a lop sided smirk as the small points of his ears poke out of his hair.
“Okay,” I nod kinda pushing his books back into his arms and grabbing mine. I stand back up and make sure that I have everything.
“You new here? I haven’t seen you around school before,” the guy asked.
I walk around him holding my books close, “Sorry, I’m not good with others,” I stop when my backs to him, “But yeah, I’m a freshman.” And with that, I continue walking and eventually find my first class which is English.
It’s all freshman in this class and it runs smoothly. We introduce ourselves and go over the syllabus before the bell rings and we have to head to our next class. Throughout the first four periods, the seniors would slam me into the lockers or the wall and snicker if I dropped my stuff. Heading to the fourth period I get pushed again and end up slamming into someone else.
“S-Sorry,” I instantly apologize as I push away from the person to realize it’s the kid that I accidentally bumped into this morning.
“Watch where you’re goin’ klutz,” The guy who obviously pushed me snickered as I glared up at him. Just one minute, that’s all it’ll take to put him in his place. But, dad told me not to hurt anyone. But if I keep up with this and it’s only the first day… I gripped onto my books harder as I bit my lower lip. The guy that I ran into moved around me and tapped on the guy's shoulder that had pushed me into him. He got the krokorok gijinka to turn around and then he pulled his fist back and socked the guy square in the face causing him to stumble back. My ears perk up and I stare at the guys back in shock. Why is he protecting me?
“Fuck with the freshmen’s and I fuck with you,” The guy then pointed back at me and I stood stiff, “Tis my purple kitty, don’t touch.” Wait what? What does he mean by that?
“Ya wanna fight Del?” The other guy took a step towards this man who he calls Del who protected me. Letting my body react on its own I drop my books and get between them. “Get outta the way pipsqueak.” The korkorok gijinka goes to put a hand on my head and I grab his hand and twist his arm then slam my elbow into his abdomen then proceed to swing my leg up and around and slam it down onto his bicep and knock him down to the ground.
“Don’t judge other’s by their height,” I glare down at him as I throw his arm down so it slammed onto the floor. I see him shiver a bit under how intense I make my glare before I turn away from him. Then I walk around Del, pick up my books and stand back up, “Thanks for the help.” And then I start walking away.
“You better watch your back kid. You’re on my shit list,” He yelled after me.
My ears flick when I start to walk away and here Del walk to the guy I just put on the ground, "So you just got fucked on, how do you feel? Sorry I stopped caring. WAIT UP PURPLE CAT!!!!!" I stop walking and turn around to see him come running over to me as a teacher comes into my view. Before I can say anything, he grabs a hold of my arm and quickly takes me out of the hall and into another one.
“W-what are you doing?” I ask as I’m dragged.
"Saving you from getting detention on your first day. Wait here," He pushed me against a wall and then headed back towards where the commotion was. “Hey, Mr. Corvi, what’s up?” I heard Del laugh, but it wasn’t a strong laugh.
“Mr. Amsel, causing trouble already this year I see,” my ear’s flick when I hear the mans voice.
I know that voice. That’s dad’s friend, isn’t it? I can’t let Del do this. He wasn’t the one that put the kid on the ground. I come out from around the corner and run over to them. The Korkorok gijinka had an even bigger smirk on his face when he saw me. “Mr. Corvi,” I speak up as I look up at him. His raven blue-black hair was slicked back and he wore a black suit that shoes his white button up shirt under neither. A black belt with a gold buckle, black dress pants, and black dress shoes. I’ve never seen this man dressed down before. Even when he would come to visit mom and dad he would be in pretty formal attire.
“Ah, Patrick, how are you, my boy?” He smiled down at me and I point at the korkorok.
“Del didn’t do it. I was the one that knocked him onto the floor. He’s been pushing me around since the first period and I was tired of it. So, Del has nothing to do with it,” I explain in a point blank matter.
Mr. Corvi took a deep breath and sighed heavily as he pinched the bridge of his nose. I stood there staring at him with a bored expression as I could feel the snickers coming from the korkorok and the friends he’s been with, “Come with me Salvai we’re going to have a talk.”
“Yes sir,” I nod and begin to follow him. I turn back and look at Del and mouth the words thanks for trying before looking forward again and catching up to Mr. Corvi. I follow him to a class room and he walks to his desk. There are no kids in the room so I’m assuming that this is his free period as a teacher.
“Close the door, Pat,” He said and I did what I was told then went back over to his desk. “Pat…” He sighs.
“I know, I’m sorry. Del was standing up for me and did punch the guy, but I couldn’t let him stand up for me. I know I’m not supposed to fight. Dad warned me about it constantly,” I look down at my feet, “I’ll take whatever punishment that I have to.”
“It’s the first day of school, I’m not going to give you a detention. This is a warning, though got it?” I look back up at him shocked. “I will be notifying your parents that you got into a fight. I can’t save you there.”
I shake my head, “Telling dad about it now will allow him to think about it. I know that I’ll pay for it tonight during practice.”
“So, he’s going through with it,” Mr. Corvi sighed, “You’re a very talented individual Pat,” My ears flick when I hear something by the door. I turn around and look I see black hair flash past the door. You shouldn’t have run to the door if you were trying to be sneaky. Especially if you’re going to run flat footed.
“You have a lot of talent. Use it in different ways here. And you know,” Mr. Corvi looks at me as I turn back around and lock eyes with him. “You have the stare of your father. That intense stare is going to make a lot of enemies here.”
“I know. I’ll try my best to behave myself,” I say bluntly as I clutch onto my books.
“Good, now, if I’m not mistaken you have a class you have to go to correct?” He raises an eyebrow at me.
I nod, “Gym class.”
“Ah, they started mixing all the grades for gym class this year, good luck,” He smirked at me as there was a knock on the door.
“Thank you, Mr. Corvi,” I nod and turn on my heels and walk towards the door. The person that was opening the door was a dewott gijinka. “Excuse me,” I said flatly as I took the door from him and held it. The girl looked at me shocked and we locked eyes for a moment. She couldn’t hold my gaze for very long before she looked away from me and walked quickly away.
My ears flick on my head as I walk down the hall. People are already whispering about me. This should be a fun year, especially when Lynn catches wind of it. I’m going to get my ear chewed off from a lecture from her. I run back to my locker, get yelled at for running in the hall, I do my combination, grab my shorts and shirt out of my locker and then quickly make my way to the locker room. “You’re late,” the gym teacher says as I come in. My ears flick when I heard snickering.
“I’m sorry, I got a little lost,” I lie.
“It’s fine, it’s the first day so I’ll let it slide. What’s your name?” The gym teacher is a mienshao gijinka. He’s dressed in lavender and white sweats and a white tank top. His two-toned hair is pulled back in a headband as he looks up at me.
“Patrick Salvai,” I answer and he goes back to his computer and makes a couple of clicks. Then he pushes himself in his wheel chair across his small office and pulls out a lock and writes out the combination on the back and then hands it to me.
“Go ahead and pick a locker.” I take the lock from him and nod. Walking away to go find an empty locker when my ears flick and tail twitches. I tense up when I feel someone’s hand on my shoulder and get pulled.
I look up and it’s that kid Del from earlier. So, we have gym together? What grade is he in? Mr. Corvi said again so he’s at least a sophomore. But, why would he help me like he is? Don’t I scare him? “Take this one kay?” He pats an empty locker that’s open already. I nod without protesting and place my clothes on the bench in front of the locker before working on the lock and popping it open so I can place it on the locker and leave it open so I can get changed. Once I get changed I pull the piece of tape that’s on the back of the lock and fold it in half and put it in my pants pocket before placing my clothes in my locker and shutting the door and locking it.
“Um…don't ya still need that?” I looked over at Del and slowly shook my head.
“No,” I answer flatly before sitting down on the bench and waiting to go out.
“Good at memorizing things then?” He asked and I looked over and up at him and nodded again, “That’s pretty cool, makes things easier for you I’m sure,” He chuckled and then held out his hand, “My names Delin Amsel, what’s yours?”
“Patrick Salvai,” I reply taking his hand and giving it a light squeeze, “Nice to meet you too.”
“Alright boys, let’s get goin’ we got a lot to do and not a lot of time to do it,” the gym teacher yelled to stop the conversations. Delin is a lot taller than I am. He’s gotta be close to dad’s height. I wonder what Pokemon he is.
We follow the gym teacher out of the gym and instantly to the weight room. “Alright, we’re going to get this out of the way first and if we have time we’ll go outside to the track and do the running. Since this is a mixed class, sorry upper classmen, but I gotta explain what we’re going to be doing to the freshmen.” The upper classmen in the class groaned. There’s a total for about sixteen guys on the boy's side of the gym class. We didn’t stay in the gym long enough for me to be able to see how many girls there are.
We got the quick explanation as to what we were going to be doing, which is the bar hang. Fairly simple, you just hold yourself up with your palms facing out and hold your chin above the bar as long as you can.
“Delin, since you’re the tallest you’re going first,” the gym teacher comments. They adjust the bar so that Delin will actually hang and then he gets up on the bars and positions his hands. “Your time late year was thirty seconds, go.”
My ears flick at the sound of the timer and Delin lets his legs drop and he holds himself there. He holds himself there for about thirty seconds and then drops himself down. “And, thirty seconds, why to stay consistent. So, who’s next?”
It stays silent between everyone then I raise my hand, “I’ll go,” I step out.
“Ah freshmen, what’s your name again?”
“Patrick Salvai.”
“Want us to lower the bar for ya?” my tail flicks at the sound of upper classmen snickering.
“Nope,” I grab a hold of the vertical bar as I put my left on the horizontal bar. I then turn my body and jump to the bar and pull myself up. Already hanging I adjust my hands so they’re facing out and I keep my chin above the bar.
“Kids got spunk, I like it.” Our gym teacher comments as I find something to stare at as I hang there.  I end up looking at Delin. His bored expression instantly changed when he realized that I was staring at him. I kept a straight face as his eyes widened and a smirk spread across his lips as he stared right back at me.
“Holy fuck, what is holding this kid up? I mean come on.”
“It’s because he’s a twig and small at that, there’s nothin to him,” A couple of upper classmen comment as the teacher tells me that the two-minute mark as passed.
“He’s not even shaking. I would have given up already,” I don’t look at any of the kids who are talking I just continue to stare at Delin and slowly blink as I keep my straight face.
“Three minutes,” I sigh and pull myself up more. Should I stop? The upper classmen don’t seem to be too thrilled that I’ve lasted this long. I’m sure they just want to get their turn done and over with…I’ll just let go. I swing my legs and let myself drop to the floor. “Three and a half minutes. Which one of yall wanna beat that? Or are ya gonna let a freshman show you up?”
I walk back to my spot that’s next to Delin as I feel the glares from everyone else in the class. He’s dead silent in the room and then Delin starts to snicker and then his snicker turns into a cackle, “Go on, go be big boys and do what you have to!”  
The rest of the class started glaring at him and mumbling. My ears continue to twitch as I stand next to Delin. Finally, the next kid goes up and they lower the bar so the others could easily get to it. After everyone goes we move onto the curl ups and modified pull up. Again, I had the upper classmen frustrated with the fact that I was doing more than they thought I could. After all that it was back out into the gym and we move onto the next test. We partner up for the sit ups and pushups. Then we do the sit and reach stationary jump and finally the shoulder stretch. “Alright, next class we’ll so the outside bit of the test. Take showers if you want or get changed and head out.”
“You gonna shower?” Delin asked me as he took off his shirt.
“I don’t know…” I mumble taking off my own shirt. Then I feel a shoe press against my back and thrust me forward so fast I can’t catch myself and my face nicks the corner of my open locker door and then slams into the closed lockers next to it.
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