#godzilla fic
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star-going-supernova · 6 months ago
... so, an Anon talked about a what-if Rodan was controlled by Ghidorah.
And now I'm curious, what would be Godzilla's reaction after the Battle of Boston? Just... angst and hurt-comfort for our favourite fire bird
referencing this ask/ficlet!
Rodan is not surprised, per se, when the summons reaches him. He's only surprised it took so long, and that it doesn't carry the air of an order.
He would have mistaken it as a call for a friend by a friend, but he knows his crimes. He knows it cannot be a request. This will be his trial, and very likely, his punishment.
He goes willingly.
The mountainous region where he finds his King is shrouded in mist, leaving the jagged, finally healed spines of Godzilla poking above the fog not unlike when he swims along just beneath the ocean's surface. Rodan would have laughed if his throat hadn't been closed up tight.
He lands lightly as his King raises his head. His body follows the gentle curve of the valley he is all but wedged in, and Rodan only has a moment to wonder why he chose this place before he spots the egg Godzilla is shielding. It is still small, young. Mothra has a ways to go yet.
He bows his head, half expecting to rise and receive a faceful of star-fire.
Instead, his King rumbles and asks, "Are you well, Rodan?"
He stares blankly for a heartbeat or two. "I... am well, yes."
"Your wounds healed?"
"Yes, my King."
"Your mind is your own? No side effects or lingering aches? I know well what Ghidorah was capable of."
"His control was severed during the battle," Rodan answers, quiet. Severed when Mothra stabbed him straight through, but only after the damage had been done.
Godzilla sighs, relaxes, and drops his head back into the imprint he has formed in the trees. "Good. I worried; Scylla and Methuselah both have said you have not seemed yourself these past weeks."
"I nearly killed her," he blurts his guilt out. "I am—she might have survived if I had not hurt her so badly."
His King narrows his eyes. "You were unwilling." It is not a question.
"But I still—"
"Do you know what she would say if she were here?"
Rodan swallows heavily and shakes his head.
Godzilla twists until he can nudge his snout against his Queen's egg, the most gentle a creature like him will ever be. "She would say better her, who can come back, than one for whom death is permanent. I do not blame you, my friend. As I said, I know well the tortures Ghidorah was capable of."
Rodan trembles. He shakes his head, denial and self-loathing caught in his lungs like a disease. He forces himself to meet his King's discerning eyes. He feels more exposed than when Ghidorah was in his head.
The difference between his King and the false king: only one abused such a thing.
"Come here," Godzilla finally says. He settles back in, closing his eyes. "It's chilly in these mountains, and you are warm."
When his body moves in obedience, it is not because he is being controlled against his will. He tucks himself where he fits best, one wing stretched over Godzilla's back. He is careful not to touch Mothra's egg.
His King rumbles, the deep, quiet sort that is not quite a vocalization so much as it something inside him. It, as it always has, makes Rodan relax.
"I am sorry regardless," he says after a while.
"I know," his King replies. "I am sorry too. I was not fast enough to save you."
It is this, this wild notion that Rodan had been in danger and in need of rescue, that silences the cruel voice in his head that speaks ceaselessly of his guilt. It freezes him in place, trembles through his heart, and finally, finally, some dark shadow within him begins to fade.
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balanceoflightanddark · 2 days ago
what of Azula dreams of having wings like Mothra.
Azula and Mothra stare at each other Azula: ...you give me moth wings, I'm never talking to you again. I DON'T want to be a magical girl. Mothra: ... Azula: ... Mothra: ... Azula: ... Mothra: ... Mothra proceeds to boop Azula on the snoot Mothra: Boop! Azula sprouts moth wings Azula: AGNI DAMNIT! Mothra giggles knowing Azula is bad at lying to her new mom.
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mikesterreal · 9 months ago
A Godzilla thought just came to me and I can’t stop thinking about it
Monsterverse Godzilla is referred to as “the monster who ate a star.” People have taken this as foreshadowing MV Godzilla fighting Space Godzilla
HOWEVER, MV Godzilla has been evolving throughout the films to fight increasingly stronger opponents.
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tuzi0usagi0bunbon0bunny · 2 years ago
this is an early Mother’s day thing. 
I just did this recently and i’ve been wanting to for a long time. I hope you guys would like it! probably would do more in the future.
Characters: gijinka!Baki, gijinka!Mothra, gijinka!Rhagor (mentions of gijinka!Godzilla) warning: Screaming baby, hints of postpartum depression(?) (search it if you want to know the meaning), crying, Godzilla is not a bad dad i promise. this isnt fully proof-read that much btw. 
Nothing but the crackling sounds of fire are the only ambiance Baki has, Baki stares at the fire as its light and heat dance and burn against the wood She cut so it can keep on burning. Baki traces the gold marking that designed her robotic leg, its eerily similar gold marks shine from the fire's light. Baki's mind kept on repeating the same memory of the event. It won't stop and she wishes It could just go away. She closes her eyes as she breathes out slowly. Her dinner is getting colder by the second
Suddenly a piercing sound overlapped the fire's ambiance. The piercing sound is different, its wails are all too familiar. A baby. Did Mothra die again? She turns her head to the entrance of her cave, Not expecting to see a tired Mothra. Mothra as a whole did not look as elegant as she used to in public. Her hair is not elegantly styled like she used to be. Styled into a rushed but simple hair bun with only a single accessory probably meant to keep the somewhat bun up, Her clothes only consist of her robe and under it, her nightgown, and around her arm is a screaming child, Baki’s grandson. Baki saw Mothra’s face and knew what the problem was.
“Mother..” Mothra said her voice was already evidence of her tiredness. Baki barely heard it over the child’s wailing screams. 
Baki gives a sympathetic look as she extends her arm to her adopted daughter. Mothra sighs as she tiredly walks over to her mother as she bounces her screaming baby trying to calm him the least. Mothra gives an ‘oomph!’ as she sits next to Baki and leans her head on Baki’s shoulder as Baki caresses her shoulder for comfort. 
“Help me..” Mothra pleads, she winces at the baby's sudden loud wails.
Not a minute goes by as the cave goes silent. Baki cooed at her grandson sleeping in her arms, sucking on his thumb. Mothra looks at the both fascinated by the sudden calmness of her child. Mothra slumps herself to the wall as she gives a loud sigh of relief. 
Baki giggles at that. “He’s got your face, I can tell you that,” Baki said as she then faced Mothra.
 “Mother, Baki, Whatever magic you have. Give it to me now” Mothra said.
Baki chuckles, “I don't have magic unlike you. You know that.”
“No mother. I mean...I mean this magic!” Mothra said as she extended her arms at Baki, 
emphasizing her.
 “I have been trying to make Rhagor stop crying and fall asleep for Five hours and you did those two in only under a second!” 
“Five Hours?, didn’t Godzilla try to help?”
“No. He is currently away to do his duties.” 
Baki's eyes furrow. 
“His Majesty didn’t help you to calm the babe?”
“Mother please is not like that. I told him I could handle it and that he should do his work today. And man do I regret it. He did try to stay though I can tell you that. But we both know that he has work to attend to.” Mothra said as she looked at her baby. 
She smiled at her child. Sleeping peacefully. Mothra used the back of her finger to softly caress her child's cheek causing the babe to flinch. Mothra immediately pulled back but luckily the Baby continued to sleep. 
Baki watches Mothra’s expression quickly to a depressing look. “Somethings in your mind, What are you thinking child?”
Mothra closes her eyes as if trying to keep her expression in check. She opens her eyes once more as she solely focuses on the sleeping baby. Her sleeping baby.
“I’ve tried everything. I fed him, cleaned him, sang to him, and paced around the room until my legs hurt just for him to be calm. But still, he didn't. I tried flying hoping the feeling of flight would calm him but, no he just screamed louder as his little hands held tight to me. I scared him. I frightened my baby” Mothra said as her eyes started to leak tears. 
“A-and when I stopped and tried to calm him to let him know that he shouldn't be scared and t-that I'm here. But he just kept on crying and crying.” Mothra inhales deeply as her emotion overcomes her. “Then I saw your island and knew that I should go and ask for help and...” 
Mothra looked at her mother in tears and snot covered her face. She was never scared to be vulnerable around her mother.
Mothra then remembered the time where She and Godzilla were planning to start a family. And during this, she excitedly told Baki her plans. She remembers Baki giving her an excited look with a hint of sadness in them, She remembers Baki’s hands cupping both of her cheeks as her thumbs caressed her cheek.
You’re going to be a good mother, my Queen.
“Momma..I-I am not a good mother. Mommy all the simple things a mother could do I couldn't even do. I can't even-”
 Mothra didn't get to finish her sentence as Baki embraced her, crushing Mothra’s face into her shoulder, grounding her. Mothra returns the embrace as she holds onto Baki tightly.
Baki pulls away as she places her forehead against Mothra's forehead. 
“You are a good mother Mothra.”
“I am not..”
“Yes, you are.” Baki holds Mothra’s face as she makes Mothra look at her. 
“Look at your child Mothra. He is healthy, he is heavy and he is happy. you feed him, you give him the love that he needs and you care for him. He is a lucky baby.” 
“But I couldn't put him to sleep I-”
“Yes, you couldn’t. You needed my help, and needing my help doesn't make you less of a mother than you are now. You know by asking me for help you knew that could calm him down. You knew what was best. You are a good mother, Mayona.” Baki said as she placed a kiss between Mothra’s brow.
“Never think that because of this moment, you aren't a good mother.”
Mothra was stunned and emotional at her mother's words not noticing that Baki had passed the sleeping child over to her. Rhagor stirred but quickly went back to sleep when he felt it was his mother who was holding him. He grunts contently as his small hand comes to grip tightly on his mother's nightgown not wanting to be separated from her. 
“Even your babe knows it. You are good Mayon-a. You are good.”
Baki said as she embraced Mothra, placing another kiss on her temple as Mothra continued to cry, holding her son tightly as ever.
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nerdypuddincup · 9 months ago
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In the beginning, there was peace. Deep beneath the waves of the Pacific Ocean, there was life untouched by man in the entirety of history itself. And within this vast and unknown world of biodiversity there lived creatures long thought extinct. A family of amphibious creatures lived in harmony. A male, a female, and two offspring. The last of a noble and ancient race.
But nothing truly lasts forever. In 1954 the first in a series of high-yield thermonuclear weapons was tested at the Bikini Atoll. Those islands happened to be above the resting place of this family of creatures. They slept, deep beneath the sea unaware of what was going on the surface. The surface world had not concerned them for a very long time.
Suddenly, their peace was broken in a single instant. A bright light shined where none had existed before. Burning pain ripped through the family, the force even underwater was unimaginable. The offspring were the first to go. The adults did not have time to protect their babies, and they were destroyed. Then. The female. Hers was slower due to her size, but by the time the light was gone there was nothing left. The single miniscule solace was the blinding light and searing pain ensured the male could not watch as its family was reduced to atoms.
Now, only one remained. In pain, such pain. Scarred, and alone. The first contact with the outside world in their lifetime and it came in the burning hot fury of man’s ignorance and desire for power. The cool waters of the ocean could do nothing to temper the pain of the only remaining the creature there laying upon the seabed. In an instant, it had become the last of its race and in a cruel twist of fate it had become the first of something entirely new. The radiation from the bomb had left the creature changed. The pain, much like the blood of the creature began to mutate into something new. Rage. A rage that would not be quelled.
It was humanity’s folly that had taken everything that this peaceful creature once had. It was humanity’s hubris that had left it alone, that had ripped its mate and offspring from it, and left it horribly disfigured and monstrous. When the beast rose to the surface, all that there was left was rage now. Rage that refused to be contained. Rage that would be shared onto the race that had taken everything.
The bright city lights at night brought back memories of the horrible blinding light that had in an instant, changed the creature’s life forever. In the creature’s mind it would equate the two. And so, this city would become the place where this beast would share its rage. Its torment, its sorrow.
The world at that moment would learn of the existence of monsters.
They would know its pain. It would feel the wrath which burned inside of it like fire. The world would know,
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rennsdeaddoves · 10 months ago
Laylia's home (floor plan)
ok, you can ignore this for the time being, its a floor plan of my oc's home in the fic i'm writing and imma like this post in the fic at the end of the chapter when i publish it so people can have a visual aid as to what the home looks like cause i am not good at explaining floor plans in writing lmao
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rabbit-writers · 4 months ago
chapter 2 has finally been finished of this story! I appreciate anyone who takes time to read it, thank you
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clandestine-rabbit · 8 months ago
I rewrote a fic I was writing because I thought some of it could've been different. So read this if you'd like!
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satansluckycigarette · 1 year ago
Chapters: 5/? Fandom: Gojira | Godzilla (1954), Godzilla Minus One, Jaws (Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Quint/Herbie Robinson Characters: Quint, Herbie Robinson, Charles McVay III Additional Tags: TW: Shark Attack Series: Part 1 of Godzilla: Project Jormungadr Summary:
A sequel to Minus One and the original Godzilla as well as a prequel to Jaws
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ckret2 · 5 days ago
having really cool writing playlists is dangerous because if you're working on one story and listen to another one's playlist you risk ripping yourself out of one hyperfixation straight into another.
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kaiju-krew · 2 months ago
In the mosugoji continuity, how long have mothra and gojira known eachother for?
Btw I love your art
I haven’t calculated it exactly, but it’s multiple millions for sure. that may be skewed by times they rested in hollow earth (time moving differently there, so they technically wouldn’t be as old as they’ve been around, due to that distortion) but it’s been a looong time.
i was playing with the idea that divine lepidoptera evolved in hollow earth while gojirans evolved on the surface, with the passages between those places only becoming readily available once most of goji’s species was wiped out, and just before ghido entered hollow earth and killed like 98% of the divine moths.
so they do meet when they think they’re the last of their respective species. both species were quite social (the moths moreso) so being alone wasn’t natural for either of them, and that caused them to gravitate towards one another. at that time goji was a mess of anger and resentment so they did get into multiple fights, but he never really tried to kill her. he was just unbearably angry, and got more angry at the idea of befriending something that wasn’t the family he lost. they figure it out eventually because mothra is That Girl and can in fact Fix Him
slow burn, strangers to enemies to friends to lovers, soulmates, mutual pining, etc. you know the drill
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star-going-supernova · 8 months ago
... hear me out
Battle of Boston, during the fight between Mothra and Rodan.
Imagine if Rodan was controlled by Ghidorah like all the other Titans (I'm not entirely sure of if it was like that, or he had just given up and willingly submitted himself to Ghidorah), and, when Mothra stabs him, he brefly regains control over himself and thanks Mothra, either vocally or with his expression, before falling down
When his fire sets her wings alight, Rodan is still aware enough to feel wretched. Guilt and self-loathing batter at the iron-strong control wrapped around his mind, but they don't so much as loosen Ghidorah's hold on him.
His Queen, who could not have been returned for more than a day or two, burns. She doesn't scream, and that says more about her strength than the strength of his fire.
She slashes down at him, and he pulls back, just enough to reorient himself. Ghidorah's slimy presence forces him forward again.
Mothra has only enough time to inch up the building she's practically pinned to. Her wings smolder, not unlike his. It's a cruel parody. He lands atop her, snaps his beak once, twice, at her head.
He wails within his mental prison. He strains with all he has, but he is not his King; he is not stronger than Ghidorah.
Rodan's body rears back to strike again. He wonders if Godzilla will punish him for killing Mothra.
Sharp pain lances through his chest like a lightning bolt, and for a delirious moment, he thinks Godzilla has arrived to save his Queen. But then Mothra trills her apology and shifts, wrenching her stinger from his body. He croaks weakly.
This, this, is at last enough to shatter Ghidorah's chains over his puppet.
Rodan wobbles in place and begins to lose his footing on the crumbling building. Instinct demands he spread his wings and fly to safety; he suppress it ruthlessly. To retreat and heal will invite Ghidorah back in.
"My Queen," he rasps, and he tips backward willingly, unflinchingly, and falls. He hopes that, between this claim and the relief he tries to show in his eyes, she knows he does not blame her or begrudge her for defending herself. He hopes she knows he is grateful that she prevented him from killing her. He hopes she knows he was not willing.
The plummet to the ruined ground is short. Rodan welcomes the darkness when it comes.
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balanceoflightanddark · 29 days ago
hi, I just want to say that before I read your ATLA/Godzilla crossover works, I've never even touched the Gozilla/kaiju franchise. Not that I thought that they were bad, but more like it wasn't my area of interest? I was always more of an ATLA and a magical girl animes kind of person. But now I'm devouring that shit like no tomorrow, I'm drinking it up like water's going out of fashion. I'm watching the official films, scouring for fan theories, looking for more of this deliciousness. Like, reading the way you described Godzilla as this otherworldly and oddly sympathetic character just imploded my mind. I never saw the parallels between him and Azula until you wrote it out in that gorgeous fanfic. Literally life changing.
Hey! Thanks for the message and I'm glad you're enjoying the story so far. I'm hoping to finish the next chapter this week, but I've got college to work on. Hopefully, it won't be as bad as last semester, but you get the idea.
Anyways, Godzilla/ATLA. Technically I'm not the first one to do this neither am I the only one who's working on an idea. Plus I think I'm aware of a couple Legend of Korra crossovers with Godzilla, but I wanted to give my own spin on the idea. I grew up on Godzilla and other various kaiju movies so I figured I could do the idea some justice. It's been an idea that's floated in the back of my head for years, but I haven't really gotten around to writing fanfics until a couple years ago.
So you can totally blame Shadow Lugia for this fic existing.
Now the thing about growing up around kaiju films is that you start to notice some of the most common themes and ideas. It's here I really started to put the connections between Godzilla and Azula. Granted he's not the ONLY character that Azula has a lot of similarities with (Adora, Stitch, Toothless, Mewtwo, Cassandra Cain), but he's the one I've grown attached to just as much as I grew attached to Azula. But, yeah. The similarities are all there. Being framed as a monster. Essentially being a product of a brutal, imperialistic society. Metaphors for being a weapon. You get to know both long enough, you start to connect the dots. Helps that Godzilla does have several human characters that are right up Azula's alley.
looks at Akane from Godzilla Against Mechagodzilla
And no, I am not sorry for the obsession with kaiju films. In fact, I am going to go ahead and FEED said obsession with a few of my recommendations:
-Heisei Gamera Trilogy: Basically three of the best non-Godzilla films out there, really pushing what kaiju films are capable of. They start out good with Guardian of the Universe, before defying the trilogy decay rule and peaking with Revenge of Irys. Which is what one of Godzilla's oldest rivals deserves.
-Daimajin: This one's unique in that it's actually a samurai film for the most of the movie before the giant statue gets up, starts walking, and proceeds to massacre the main villain. Then it turns into the kaiju equivalent of a slasher film. I haven't seen the other two films in the Daimajin trilogy yet, but apparently they're just as good.
-War of the Garguantas: A Toho film with kaiju not starring the Big G. The two monsters Sanda and Gaira are developed to the point they feel less like forces of nature and more like characters in their own right. Helps they sort of have a Zuko and Azula sibling rivalry dynamic going on. And yes, it's just as tragic.
-King Kong 1933: The great granddaddy of kaiju films along with The Lost World. It's kind of questionable in a few areas, but it helped establish the overall themes of the genre while delivering a lot of iconic scenes. I'd also recommend the 2005 remake, Mighty Joe Young (basically a successor to King Kong with some of the same story beats but an overall different tone and characters) along its 1998 remake from Disney if you want more giant ape shenanigans.
-Cloverfield: A found footage film where the perspective is from a bunch of civilians just trying to survive a kaiju attack. It's really terrifying with a focus on what people would do in the middle of a giant monster raid.
-Pacific Rim: A film where alien kaiju invade Earth and humanity build giant robots to fight them. Directed by Guillermo del Toro who used classical paintings of giants for inspiration. And where the fight scenes can best be described as works of art.
-Monster Island Buddies: This is an adult online series featuring Godzilla and his friends. It's stupid but features a LOT of kaiju cast from basically the entire genre and can actually be surprisingly meta and cleverly written.
Anyways, thank you again so much for reading. I hope to get back to it soon when I get the chance. Feel free to message me if you've got any more questions or just want to chat. And glad I could introduce you to Godzilla.
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atticusdoesthings · 9 months ago
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adm-starblitzsteel-4305 · 1 year ago
“Godzilla usually cuddles her every time, inhaling her lovely scent.”
He’s so real for that
"You've got to be kidding me, aren't you Goji?" The Queen asked, her voice muffled by her fluffy fur.
Of course, why would it be? Thought Godzilla, his face squashed on her delicate fur, the loveliest scent of rare flowers are addicted, for a King to his Queen.
Both were tired dealing with almost a month of checking the humans and Titans. So much that the King of the Monsters yearned her scent. When the two finally met each other, they settled down on a huge cozy cave.
That didn't wipe his goofy smile upon landing his golden orange eyes at Mothra's lovely sapphire blue ones.
Something that he really, really meant to cuddle her for a long time.
The King bring his tongue out to lick her fur, nipping it tenderly. She squirmed a bit, almost feared if he squished the moth too much, but he was a gentle King.
"Feeling better?" Godzilla asked, earning a nod to Mothra.
Adjusting one more time of their position, the moth finally fall asleep.
He took one last inhale of her scent, feeling his mind become lightheaded, dreaming of their never ending love and loyatly to one another...
"Good night, My Queen."
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kingyo7273 · 8 months ago
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Already against the ground, the crushed dinosaur was able to distinguish a pair of claws, one located on each side of its head, suggesting that they were its fingers. They were a fact, that beast was crushing him with one paw and surely what would follow would be his imminent death. Blinded by terror and panic, he gathered what little oxygen he had left in his lungs to cry out for mercy.
“P-please let go of me!” he announced with all his might, trying to suck out as much oxygen as possible. “Forgive me for entering your cave, your home! I was lost!" he lied with all possible innocence. It was humiliating to have to beg for mercy.
Draw inspired by this fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/57011764/chapters/144985369
I had a lot of fun doing it! hope u all enjoy it too
the next ones, are the ones before of the final result, so u have more clarity...
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