#my friends randomly call me prince some times and they have no idea how happy it makes me
mothaqie · 10 months
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sourdough-morbread · 1 year
No pressure but could we get some excerpts/thoughts about master, king, star 😔🤲
OMG HI HELLO! yes OF COURSE you can have all the excerpts! thank you so much for letting me giving me a reason to anon i love you im going to cry. im. hyperfntilating seriously this ask made me so happy! i was having a very hectic week.
I don't really know how to organise this so I apologise in advance that this is going to be a bit all over the place. I think I should start with some stuff about the upcoming chapter because it has been a stupid amount of time since chapter 2. This is the header on my draft on ao3:
Chapter 3: Whose Loss Is It Anyway? (The Bet I) Summary:
Among the mages of Daeho, lost friendships are plentiful, and they all suck at talking to each other.
There's a lot that's going to happen. There's going to be some Seo Yul and more of Heo Yun-ok. And there isn't a lot of time I can breeze through like chapter 2 with the ten day time skip. I'm also setting up some stuff with Heo Yun-ok and how energy works for building out detail in what's going on with Jin Bu-yeon and Cho Yeong later. All of that has to go into the chapter somehow without making it a disjointed slog to read. Its going to be a long one. I'm guessing over 10k. Could be 12k. I don't know. It feels like it's too long but I also have no idea what to cut out.
But anyway! Here's some of what's coming:
"Your Highness," he greets after coming just close enough for the jade to stop nudging at his heart and puts it away. "Jang Uk," says the prince, and does the same with a severe look to his face, just like the one he had in Cheonbugwan. Then he spots the sword in Jang Uk's hand, "Why do you have that with you?" "You called me here at the dead of morning," he states the obvious, "I didn't know what I was going to be walking into." "Were you concerned I was in danger?" he asks, disbelief replacing his severity and scoffs a laugh, "Did you come here to defend me?" He looks so pleased with himself. Like a peacock admiring his own tail feathers. How obnoxious. "I just came prepared." The Crown Prince continues his evaluation, trailing his eyes up and down Jang Uk. Without the jade interfering with his emotions, he is quickly growing very upset about the flippant manner with which he is being made into entertainment. "You look so conspicuous," the prince says with a scoff of laughter. … He can't believe he let himself be concerned over the Crown Prince, of all people!
Go Won and his problems with socialising make me giggle so much. He just HAS to comment on Jang Uk's dishevelled clothes. Just like he HAS to say Mu-deok definitely will lose the race or fail the exam. He has no idea what encouragement is, just like Mu-deok, because they were both traumatised by the same person.
Honestly, the similarities between Mu-deok and Go Won are just… I am unwell about them. They both compensate for feeling affection and compassion by being mean or immediately criticising whatever is going on. And anything real has to have a hurtful side to it to them. If its not mean, it feels like its a lie. Because the only positive feedback they got was cruel and reinforced that they were disposable.
For Go Won it looks like him randomly insulting people when he's trying to make friends and feeling like he has to defend his position as the Crown Prince constantly. For Mu-deok it's her insanely blunt feedback and interpreting affection as a danger to herself. Her own well being is not even a factor in her decisions. Both of which makes them so easy to manipulate and use.
At the point Master, Star, King picks up the story, Mu-deok has moved away from this somewhat, but Go Won still has a long way to go. He will get there, but it's not going to be easy.
Speaking of Go Won and Mu-deok, here's a bit of them talking coming up in chapter 3:
"Have…" she scoots closer, with a dramatic glance at the door, then puts one knee on the floor and leans over the other towards him, "Have you noticed anything else strange like that, Your Highness?" she asks in a half whisper. It's just the right mix of nervous and fascinated, as if there is no ulterior motive to this at all. Just a silly question from a silly maid to serve her own morbid curiosity. He raises a knowing eyebrow at her, "Worried for your Young Master, are you?" Her eyes grow wide and she nods, "Oh, yes, I am, Your Highness! I knew would understand," she said and sighs in seeming relief, "That's why I am asking you. If anything amiss was going on, you would be sure to pick up on it." "Of course I would have," he says, his tone even and guarded, "I'm the Crown Prince." Her focus locks on him, eyes razor sharp. He can imagine them glint like a sword in the sunlight moving into position, but she masks it with her signature kowtowing, "So you did notice something weird!"
He's trying to out-conversation Mu-deok as if that can ever happen. This part is subject to change becasue there is somethig off about this scene in particular, but the dialogue will probably stay the same.
I have other parts from chapter 3, but they are subject to major editing, or huge plot spoilers. The general flow of this I've had worked out since posting the previous chapter but it takes a while for me to be happy with it. That's why it takes me so long to post anything. Also right now I have a lot of IRL stuff to keep up with, that has slowed me way down. But things are starting to settle and I'm speeding up, so fingers crossed.
I don't know what else to say really. This is already way too long of a post lkfjlsdf. If you want more or anything else specific please tell me.
But I have a bit from farther down the line, when Go Won is firmly on their side and all of their feelings start getting very confusing. I've been dying to post this ever since I wrote it like months ago. So I will finish this off with that.
Go Won notices Jang Uk staring at him again, with an expression he can only describe as wonder. A slight upturn to his eyebrows, cheeks flushed from how much they have had to drink and a pout. He keeps eye contact with Jang Uk for just a little too long before looking away. It's enough to make him feel disoriented. Mu-deok is across them, trying to shake out the last little bits of alcohol from the bottle into her mouth. He feels too uneasy to draw her attention. She doesn't like this new habit of Jang Uk's. Him watching Go Won. "What is it?" "You know what you remind me of?" He stays silent. From across the table, Mu-deok sets down the bottle, frowning. "What?" "A tiger." Only after the answer sinks in does Go Won realise he had been half expecting an insult. Why was he expecting an insult from Jang Uk? That's so stupid. "A tiger?"
According to my outline this is coming up in chapter 9 (Three Seasons Worth of Welcome). I know I post very slow but this fic has a fairly detailed outline, beyond to Jang Uk and Cho Yeong getting married. And it should get easier to write the further I get, because right now I'm setting up plot threads and figuring out their pay offs in like 7 or 8 chapters later. When I get to them I will have a lot less to figure out. I will finish this fic if it's the last thing I do.
Anyway, thank you so much for giving me a reason to ramble about this on tumblr! I hope you see this and and enjoy it!
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adorerdraco · 4 years
Good Enough ✧ Draco x Hufflepuff!Reader
Request: hiii i love your writing!! can you write about a sweet hufflepuff and how everyone thinks they aren’t a good pair together so one day Pansy bullies the reader into breaking it off with Draco because she feels like she’s not good enough for him then draco finds out and he’s really mad at Pansy?
Another seventh year AU where Voldermort never existed !
Warnings: bullying, slight angst, crying, cursing (barely), sad!draco, angry!draco, implied smut towards the end (also extra mean slytherins for the purpose of this imagine but i have nothing against them i <3 them as much as any other house)
Words: 4.5K
A/N: hiii thank youuuu 🥺💗 !!!!!! but ahhhh omg im a hufflepuff so i hope i delivered good hufflepuff energy in this oneee :’))) i think this might be my new favorite thing ive written omg but i do not own gif 
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There was truly no explanation how you, a kind Hufflepuff, managed to become friends, let alone a couple, with the proud and arrogant Slytherin Prince, Draco Malfoy. 
On the outside, your relationship to everyone seemed uncanny and plain wrong. Even your friends and housemates had looked down on it for a while but eventually came around and just let you be. You couldn’t say the same for the Slytherin’s, however, because if there was one house they disliked more than Gryffindor; it was Hufflepuff.
They berated you and Draco for weeks after they found out he had started a relationship with you. They scowled at you when you would walk by them sometimes calling you names depending on whether or not Draco was by your side. He always defended you and you did your best to ignore them, but they were relentless. You had only been dating for about a month now and the tantalizing comments from Slytherin’s and anyone else who wanted tear the two of you down were right now seeming endless.
“Why can’t people leave us alone,” you said sadly to him one night. You were lying with him in a patch of grass outside the castle, head against his chest as his hand lazily traced patterns onto your bicep.
“They’re only jealous,” he sneered quietly. “People get mad at what they can’t have or what they can't understand.”
Draco’s patience with people was worsening each and every day. His housemates, regularly, would corner him in the common room and interrogate him with questions that made him want to rip his hair out.
“Is this some sort of prank you haven’t told us about, Malfoy?”
“A Hufflepuff? Have you gone mad?”
“Is she blackmailing you with something, mate?”
“Haven’t you thought about how that makes us Slytherin’s look?”
“She’s a blood-traitor!”
The questioning would always lead to him yelling and threatening everyone aggressively before he locked himself in his Prefect dorm or would leave the common room altogether in a fury. Those were the days he would find you after he calmed down and would hug you tightly, pressing kisses all over your face as he praised you with everything he adored about you to how happy you made him and how perfect you were for him. 
You, on the other hand, were dealing with much worse. You never told Draco some of the awful things people would say to you when he wasn’t around. You would stand up for yourself very rarely, confrontation not really being your first approach to handling things but when the insults were bad enough, you were forced to.
You would always hear a variation of the same things said either directly to you or from obvious whispering, majority of them being from Slytherin and the occasional judgmental comment from others.
“Filthy Hufflepuff!”
“Can’t believe one of them is dating one of ours.”
“What does Malfoy even see in her?”
“You’d think someone who’s supposed to be kind wouldn’t want anything to do with such an arse.”
More than ever, Draco found himself giving you an excessive amount of compliments and reassurances that he thought would balance out the insults and criticisms you would tell him about or he would witness. Everything he would tell you was true, of course, but you always felt like he said them out of pity or like he had to.
“I appreciate you trying to make it better, but you don’t have to keep complimenting me, Dray.” You’ve said to him countless times.
And he would often respond with, “but I need you to know how I feel about you.”
Despite the constant uphill battle, your relationship with the platinum blond was everything you hoped for and more. Considering your friendship had started on rocky beginnings a year ago, you would have never thought you’d be with him now.  You couldn’t thank the stars more for when your aged and nearly blind owl had flown straight into the back of his head, pecking at him while he tried to swat it away which then led to him giving you a piece of his mind and trying to hex your owl - causing you to try to hex him just as McGonagall happened to be passing by the fiasco that landed both of you in a months-long detention for reckless magic usage. It was in detention when the two of you were forced to spend time together and realized that the other wasn’t as bad as they thought.
Draco, much like everyone else, always believed Hufflepuffs to be weak and cowardly, too kind for their own good - but he quickly learned how common of a misconception that was the longer he knew you. You always fought for what was morally right, defended those you love and are loyal to courageously, and were sweet and friendly with everyone you talked to whether you knew them or not.
He gravitated towards your kindness and empathetic approach to everything. He loved to see the smiles you put on people’s faces or the way animals would randomly come up to you and immediately trust you enough to give them gentle pets that they always leaned into. He even loved the way you talked to everyone as your equals, something he rarely saw in his environment. Everything you did was a vast difference to what he saw on the daily from his cold and aloof peers, but it was a difference he enjoyed. He wished so deeply that everyone could see and understand how amazing you were to him and he was determined to make it happen.
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” You asked shyly as he held your hand tightly in his, walking you slowly over to his large group of his closest Slytherin friends that were all gathered around a bench under a tree in the courtyard.
The Prince of Slytherin believed that if he could get his friends to at least tolerate you, then everyone else would follow in suit. He only associated himself with the best and most influential of his house so if there was anyone that could improve his current situation; it would be them. You were a little uneasy about his plan, but later agreed when he had convinced you that his idea couldn’t and wouldn’t fail.
“Of course it is!” He exclaimed encouragingly. “Plus, I’m Draco Malfoy, they’ll like anything I tell them to like.”
“Okay,” you sighed, rolling your eyes slightly at his boast.
The closer you got to them, the more you felt your hands begin to sweat and the heat crawling up your face. They all began to turn towards the two of you, their eyes focusing on you and you only with a pointed gaze. You started to realize how greatly you underestimated how intimidating they looked. Especially the one girl who made it her mission to bother you every chance she could get - always from afar while she pointed at you and whispered something into her friend’s ears while they laughed or when she would pass by you and say something rude under her breath.
“Look what Malfoy’s dragged in!” Pansy Parkinson called out with a malicious smirk on her face as she eyed you.
“Give it a rest, Pansy,” Blaise sighed, “If Malfoy wants us to meet his little friend then so be it.”
“Not my little friend, my girlfriend,” Draco corrected angrily as the two of you finally reached the group. “This is Y/N and I wanted you all to meet her since I plan on having her around for a long while, so you might as well get used to it.”
“Long while? Poor thing can’t even introduce herself,” Pansy laughed tauntingly.
“I think Draco introduced me just fine right now but if you want, I’ll do it again to make you feel better,” you smiled a big fake toothy grin at her. “Hi, I’m Y/N.”
Everyone snickered at your response, watching for the girl’s reaction as her nostrils flared in irritation. Draco smiled to himself and gave your hand a quick squeeze, feeling proud that you found a way to talk back to her in the nicest way possible.
“Right, well, I’m sure you know this is; Goyle, Crabbe, Zabini, Pike, Flint, Nott, and...” Draco pointed to everyone, trailing off when he reached the only girl in the group, “I don’t think that one needs an introduction, she rather do it herself, right Parkinson?”
She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, giving the blond a false squinty-eyed grin with attitude.
“So, you want us to be the nice to the Hufflepuff then?” Zabini questions, pointing a finger towards you.
“Yes, I want you to be nice to, Y/N,” Draco corrected again, his hand getting tighter in your grasp as he spoke. “That goes for all of you and everyone else in this bloody house. I don’t want to hear anything bad about her or us coming from anyone ever again or you’ll have me to answer to. I don’t care how friendly we are.”
“So he has to defend you too now?” Pansy spoke again, “Merlin, it’s a wonder how you Hufflepuff sort even survive in this world.”
Before anyone could say anything, you mustered up all the courage you had and stepped forward towards the irked girl in front of you.
“Listen, I don’t want any more trouble with you or anyone,” you rushed out. “I just want to go about my day without having to hear how disgusting and weak I am.”
She opened her mouth to retaliate but Blaise put a hand in front of her and pushed her back before she got any closer to you.
“Alright, we’ll try,” he answered for the group quickly in an annoyed tone, “but I can’t promise that for the rest of Slytherin. They really don’t like you guys together, thinks it makes them look bad. Eventually, they’ll get tired of it and move on to the next.”
“That’s as good as its gonna get,” Goyle guffawed, Crabbe and Pike snickering alongside him.
You sighed, looking up at Draco and slightly tugging at his hand while you silently begged him to take you out of there but he didn’t catch the hint and instead did the complete opposite when he had turned towards the only boy in the group who seemed to have brains.
“Zabini, can I talk to you really quick?” He asked gruffly. Blaise deeply sighed and nodded, the two boys breaking away from the group and stopping a few feet away before talking in angry hushed voices to each other.
You - all of a sudden felt very small and sick, your eyes frantically bouncing around the group as they watched you squirm. Pansy took this as her chance to step closer towards you, stopping a few inches away from you while a smirk made its way onto her face.
“Since you obviously don’t see the bigger picture, I’ll paint it for you,” she began contemptuously, “you and Draco really don’t belong together, at all. Sure, you might think everything’s fine right now, but what’ll happen when he gets tired of defending you and proving you to everyone. You think Hogwarts is your problem? Just wait until you meet the Malfoy’s. Do you really think his father would like or even tolerate a filthy blood traitor like you?”
You gaped at her, taking a few shaky steps away from her as her words hit you like a truck.
“Think about it, Y/L/N,” she gets in your face again, her hand reaching up to grip your shoulder tightly to hold you in place. “He needs to be with someone of his status, a pure-blooded Slytherin who comes from a good wealthy family who holds all the same beliefs as the Malfoy’s. If I were you, I’d end it before you ruin his life any more than you already have and end up leaving him without a family or his inheritance.”
“Are you trying to say that ‘someone’ should be you?” You question through gritted teeth, shrugging your shoulder hard out of her clawed grasp.
“I never said that,” she smiles, “but who am I to say it shouldn’t be?” 
Pansy tauntingly walked away from you, a smug look on her face as she noticed just how obviously she had hurt you. You wanted to run away and cry, but you held it together for the sake of your last remaining dignity and so that you wouldn’t please your assailant even more than you already have.
Draco turned to stroll back towards the group with Blaise, his eyes landing on your shuddering figure and the broken look in your eyes as they met his. He looked around at the rest of the group who were talking amongst themselves, unknowing to them that Parkinson had just ripped a new one on you. She stood around them, looking at her nails with an uninterested look in her eyes and when she felt Draco’s eyes on her, she looked up and smiled at him innocently. 
‘Bitch,’ you thought.
He slowly walked towards you, taking your hand and deeply frowning when you immediately slipped it out of his.
“What’s wrong?” His voice dripped with concern, his sad gray’s searching your face for any answer as to why you were suddenly acting so cold.
“I need to talk to you,” you breathed out. “Alone.”
He nodded, instinctively reaching out for your hand only for you to reject it again. He felt queasy at the response, his heart falling to his stomach as you turned around and began walking away. His legs were moving hastily behind you, a dooming tension had fallen between the two of you and he couldn’t for the life of him find a reason why.
Pansy’s words were like a game of pinball on a constant loop in your mind. Your thoughts were bumping and flying haphazardly as you tried to make sense of them and what you were about to do. And as much as you hated to admit it - the wench was right. You would never be able to offer Draco and his family anything that would ever be close to enough. You were just a sweet, regular Hufflepuff, someone far from who his family expected to date. And what if you did end up staying with him? You figured you would end up breaking up years later when he would be forced to marry someone else. Or in the slight chance, he fought against that, there was no way you’d forgive yourself if he lost his family and his future because of your own selfish needs.
You stopped at an empty corridor, sitting at one of the windowsills you regularly sat at with the platinum blond when the two of you snuck out at night to meet each other. Your head fell into your hands, your thoughts raging louder in your head and now through your body as you began to unwillingly shake. The held back tears had finally broken out in a waterfall of sadness, frustration, and grief.
Draco only watched, his heartbreaking at the sight as he kneeled in front of you, his hands resting on your knees while he tried to figure out what to say.
“Darling, please tell me what’s gotten you like this,” he pleads sadly. “If it’s about what Blaise said, I made a deal with him so he would try and help.”
“No, it’s not that,” you answered, choking back the lump in a feeble attempt to try and get yourself calmed down enough to talk to him.
He sat back on his heels, his hand running down his face in distress as he racked through his brain for anything else that might have gotten you like this. He let you cry for a bit, feeling useless as he watched you go through an internal battle he had no clue about.
“Then what is it? Tell me and I’ll fix it,” he says softly when he saw your tears had finally been reduced to stray droplets on your face.
“You can’t,” you sniffle. Your hand weakly brushed over his paled slender fingers that were holding your knee gently. He turned his palm upwards for you and you placed your shaking hand in his while you basked in the final moments of his warmth. You regrettably slipped out of his grip before you spoke the words you couldn’t take back. “We can’t be together anymore.”
Draco blinked, his stomach dropping as soon as the words left your mouth. “What?”
You stood up, backing away from him as you shook your head. “Everyone was right - I’ll never be good enough for you, for your friends, for your family. You deserve to be with someone who makes your life easier, not harder.”
“Where did all this come from?” He asks incredulously, standing up from his spot on the floor as he painfully watched your slowly retreating figure. “It’s all rubbish is what it is. You’ve never made my life harder.”
“Draco, look around you!” You exasperated, your arms flailing around you. “You had to make a deal with your own friends for them to even be nice to me. Your house can’t stand me and they take it out on the both of us! And what about your parents? You know for a fact they would hate me, don’t even try and deny it.”
Pale hands ran through his hair, his fingers pulling at the platinum strands in frustration.
“I thought you didn’t care about all that,” he said woefully. “I thought you’d know by now none of it matters.”
“Well, I care now,” you answer back gloomily. “And you should too.”
There was a spinning and nauseating feeling in the pit of the Slytherin’s stomach, his heart violently jumping around in his chest as he let you storm away from him. 
He let his back fall against a pillar, a deep and burning exhale falling from his trembling lips while he stared at a live painting across from him. It was of three women, the chalices in their hands supposed to be joined in a toast above them while they smiled gleefully in celebration, 3 of Chalices, it read in the caption below the frame. Instead of being in their usual position, they stared at him with pity in their softly painted eyes as they slowly raised their cups towards him in a way of showing their condolences.
He nodded curtly at them before he kicked himself off the wall and dragged himself towards the Great Hall where they were serving dinner and where he would undoubtedly find his so-called friends. He prepared himself to break the news to them, knowing they would be over the moon about it and as much as he wanted to join them in their delight, he couldn’t push away the large ache that had settled itself in his chest.
“We’re done,” he muttered dreadfully to himself, “it’s over.”
He was testing out different ways he could tell everyone the long-awaited news but they all left a bitter taste in his mouth.
“I think you’ll all be delighted to know, Y/N-” he tried again but he lost his train of thought when he spoke your name. It was like taking an invisible kick to his heart as if Peeves the Poltergeist had somehow crawled into his body and was wreaking his usual havoc on his insides. 
The second he stepped into the Great Hall and saw his group sitting there, eating and laughing amongst everyone else, he felt sick all over again. There was no way he could stomach the triumph they were about to unleash, but he sucked it up and drudged towards them anyway.
“You look ghastly,” Pansy snickers, already having a feeling as to why he looked so rough. He stopped at the bench, hesitating to sit down because he knew he’d want to dash the second everyone started to relentlessly bash you.
“Deal’s off, Zabini,” the blond spoke lowly. “I’m not with Y/L/N anymore so it doesn’t matter.”
“You’re better off without her, Malfoy,” Blaise said delightedly. “Can’t believe you nearly had us associating with a blood traitor. It’s better that she’s gone.”
“Yeah, we ought to thank Pansy for that,” Crabbe laughed loudly through a mouthful of food. Pansy kicked his shin under the table, and he recoiled too fast, the food in his mouth getting shot in the wrong direction as he started choking.
“Pansy?” Draco repeated, his eyes falling towards the shying girl. “What did Pansy do?”
“What?” Crabbe coughed roughly, “did no one else see her talking to the ickle Hufflepuff?”
Pansy kicked him again and he wailed out a “stop kicking me, you donkey!”
Any ounce of sadness Draco had in his body was immediately washed out in rage. He wanted to flip over the table and scream at everyone in his path, but he only turned towards Pansy again and asked her calmly.
“What did you say to her?”
“I only told her the truth!” She said coyly, holding her hands up in defense.
“What” his fist had slammed onto the table making everyone sitting near the contact jump in surprise, “did you say to her!”
“The truth! Or are you too blind to see it too?” She sneered at him. “Do you honestly think the two of you would last? Look at who you are, Draco!”
“Talk to me ever again and I swear I’ll hex you,” he spat, turning hot on his heel as he stormed out of the Great Hall, his friends staring at his retreating figure in shock at the outburst.
Draco found himself rushing through stairs and corridors, his heart racing as he searched for the place he just knew you’d be. Now that he knew the full story, he needed to talk to you. Even if you didn’t change your mind, he wanted to at least try to fix what had been broken. The tall and bronzed doors were ajar, a small light filtering through the dark corridor he was nearly running down. 
A mop of bright silver hair had peaked through the crack in the doors of the Hogwarts kitchen, worried gray eyes following in suit as they searched the room for its target. He found you hunched over a small dessert plate, a half-eaten cake being drenched in your tears that never seemed to stop. There was a house-elf next to you, looking up at you from the floor in concern while they patted your leg. 
“Mister!” a scraggly voice croaked out from below him. He looked down to find a rugged looking house-elf staring up at him with furrowed eyebrows and hands on its hips. “Students are prohibited in the kitchen.”
“There’s a student right there,” he pointed towards you.
“She’s an exception!” the elf exclaimed wildly.
Draco shook his head before walking past the small creature, power walking straight towards you while it ran behind him.
“Wait till Gonpy tells the Headmaster about this!” The elf calls, “Gonby asks your name, sir!””
“Vincent Crabbe,” Draco answers mindlessly as he continued walking towards the far end of the room that very closely resembled the Great Hall and its vastness.
The familiar accent rang through your ears, your glassy eyes shooting up in surprise when you see the reason for your tears hurrying towards you.
“Before you say anything, you need to listen to me,” he starts desperately once he reaches you. “I know it was Pansy who put those thoughts into your head. I know you think you’re not enough for me. And I know you think I was always complimenting you out of pity, but you couldn’t be more wrong about any of that. I say all those things to you because I mean it. You are everything to me. You are more than enough for me just by being you. You make me the happiest I’ve ever been and sometimes I wonder if I’m even good enough for you. But you need to understand how much I love you.”
“Draco,” you breathe, heart leaping in your chest at his rambling speech, “I love you too. But what about everyone else, how are we even supposed to be with each other in peace?”
“To hell with everyone else,” he responds quickly, walking around the edge of the table so that he was now only mere centimeters away from you. “Do you want to be with me?”
“Yes, of course,” you blink at him, “but do you really think your parents would let this happen?”
“We’ll deal with them when the time comes,” he mumbles, his hand finding its way to your puffy cheek where he let it rest. “Besides, my mother likes anything that makes me happy, so I know for a fact at least she will end up loving you just as much as I do.”
You nodded happily, a new hope bubbling in your stomach as you lurched towards him and hugged the stressed boy against you tightly. The both of you let out a breath of relief at the same time from the contact, finally feeling back in balance after the short-lived sorrow. 
He pulled away from you and leaned down into you, his lips capturing yours in a tender and passionate kiss. That was when the elves you had forgotten about had quickly stopped eavesdropping, scurrying themselves away from the table as they went to start cleaning up the kitchen. 
It was minutes before you had finally pulled away, looking dreamily into the happy gray’s that gazed back at you. You admired him for a couple seconds, feeling very content before you reached up towards him again, tangling your hands in his hair and pressing another kiss onto his now swollen lips. He moved needily against you, pushing your body flush the table as he held you tightly against him.
“Ahem,” a small voice uncomfortably called out from below. It was the same elf who had chased Draco down the kitchen when he walked in, a frown on his face as he stared at the two of you. “Gonpy and the house-elves make food here!”
“I’m sorry, Gonpy,” you hurriedly apologize, ripping yourself away from a ragged breathing Draco as you bent down to shake hands with the elf. “Thank you for making me cake and letting me cry here, you’re a Hogwarts hero.”
“Gonpy thanks you, Miss Y/L/N! The truest, kindest Hufflepuff!” 
Draco bit back a smile at the interaction. You stood up and reached your hand behind you for the Slytherin to take and as the two of you walked away, he yelled out a quick, “Thanks Gonpy!”
And once the two of you were near the exit, he wrapped his arms around you from behind and pressed his body against your back, lowering his mouth towards your ear and kissing the skin right below it before whispering, “do you want to go back to my dorm?”
You nodded eagerly, giggling loudly as the two of you stumbled out of the door underneath his hold and into the dimly lit corridor before pulling apart and racing towards the direction of the dungeons with his hand interlocked in yours.
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jadedxrealityw · 3 years
-Truth Or Dare- Pansy Parkinson x Female Reader
   Kody: Happy Lesbian Visibility Day!
   Movie/Show: Harry Potter 
   House and Year:  Slytherin / 7th year
   Request: Good morning/night! Hope you’re having a lovely day and make sure to drink water ! Can you write a Pansy x Fem!reader where they’re playing truth or dare and get dared to makeout in front of the people they’re playing with 
   Possible Triggers / Warnings: cursing, makeout, slytherin’s being dumbasses, if you don’t like girls kissing unfollow me please, 
   slytherin’s were considered the most poised and proper house since most came from wealthy pure-blood families who acted like they were born with a stick up there ass. To everyone else the house of Slytherin was also the rudest people alive.
   those people have never been in your friend group clearly. 
   it was true, most of you came from wealth, but you also had shitty, racist, probably homophobic parents. It was the main thing that brought you together, the fact no one else knew what you had to go through just so you weren’t written out of an will or disowned. 
   it sounded shallow to most outsiders, but you needed the money to start your own life and finally be free to do what you want without the constant reminder from your parents about how to act, what to wear, who to hang out with, how to be a proper lady and all that bullshit. It was suffocating.
   enough of the emotional shit. It was a godsend that school year’s at Hogwarts were as long as they were because it meant you had all the time in the world to hangout with your best friends. Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott, and Pansy Parkinson. 
   Draco was the biggest hot head you knew and easily offended, but he also had a big heart under all that angst. When he attached to someone it was impossible to get rid of him. He clung onto all of you like a lifeline and even if he’s a little overbearing you loved him all the same. 
   Blaise was a calm collected fellow, very sarcastic and condescending sometimes. He talked so proper you couldn’t tell if he was insulting you really. Like Draco he also had a big heart, but would never ever show it unless you was with with Theo and to Theo only.
   speaking of Nott. Theo was the ultimate loner avoided all of you for your first year of Hogwarts, then he met Blaise and they connected very well. You all thought it was funny when Theo would be all quiet around you and suddenly light up like a star when Blaise walked into the room.
   he was like that with all of you now though
   and Pansy. She was the embodiment of ‘fuck you and your mom’ kind of person. She took no ones shit and you admired her for that. She was also a giant flirt towards you and only you. Compliment your looks, body, anything really. You thought of it as a joke t first and casually flirted back.
   you suppose Pansy saw that as an invitation to try something more. She’d randomly place her hand somewhere on you and trace random shapes in agonizing slow patterns. A tease at it’s finest. There were also the sides of her you found comforting. 
   you were always prone to panic attacks, something that developed from your parents nonetheless. She would always cradle your face and make sure you were breathing just fine or slip you chocolate frogs randomly because she knew you liked sweets. 
   she was your best friend, but with time your feelings changed and every little thing she did set fire through you like no other. Your heart would start beating so fast you were afraid she would hear it if she got to close. Sometimes you wished she did
   unbeknownst to you Draco, Blaise, and Theo all knew both you and Pansy liked each other and were both pussyfooting around your feelings. Pansy always thought she wasn’t good enough for you and you on the other hand thought that she just didn’t like you like that at all.
   the boy’s were adamant to see you two together
   every other friday night all of you would crowd into Pansy’s room to have a sleepover- well you stopped calling it that after fourth year because Blaise said it was to immature for your guy’s age. He shut up real quick after Pansy said he wasn’t invited then. 
   each of you had your sacred tasks bestowed upon you if you wanted to be allowed entry to the dark cave that was Pansy Parkinson’s private dorm. Draco was in charge of getting butterbeer, Theo got sweets, Blaise had to collect extra pillows and blankets for you all to sleep on.
   and you and Pansy would watch idly as they ran round for said things. 
   “Finally, only took you three an hour” Pansy taunted as the three Slytherin boys walked through the door “Your not the one sneaking butterbeer into the dorms at two in the morning you lazy ass” Draco snapped back, holding the case of glass bottles in his hand. 
   Theo set the basket of sweets on Pansy’s trunk that was at the foot of her bed so he could help Blaise set up the blankets on the floor “Yeah shove off” she waves her hand before falling back onto the bed “Where’s Y/n? Is she not coming? She’s okay right?” BLaise asked, looking around the room.
   Pansy had to hold back a fit of laughter “She’s in the bathroom changing. Your dad is showing by the way” she snickers. Blaise scoffs and goes back to putting down the pillows.  “Why does she need to change?” Theo spoke up, taking a seat on a pillow.
   a grin made its way to Pansy’s face “Spilled some water on her clothes- she spilled water on her clothes” she quickly corrects herself. Draco narrows his eyes and looks at Blaise who gives him a knowing look. “Right” Draco says, knowing full well what happened. 
   the bathroom door opened and Pansy sat up quickly. You walked out, running a hand through your hair as the Slytherin girl eyed you up and down, unable to hide her grin at her shorts and matching black shirt on your body. “Hey Sexy” Pansy sends you a wink. 
   you have learned to tone down your emotions around her, but still- “Hey” you reply simply nad go over to sit at the foot of the bed “Sorry for the wait” you say and they shake their heads “It’s fine, want some butterbeer?” Draco asked and you nod rapidly. 
   Draco begins to distribute the butterbeer amongst you all and that's when the chatting started. Pansy sat behind you and wrapped her arms around your waste, one hand holding her bottle of butter beer and the other wrapped tightly around you. 
   at one point she slid her hand up your shirt, stopping at your belly button to rub the cold metal of her ring along your skin. It made you choke on your butterbeer a bit and cough up “Are you alright?” Blaise asked and you nodded quickly, pointing to your throat “Went down the wrong pipe”
   Blaise seemed to believe your answer or faked it well because he went back to talking to Theo.
   an hour later
   you all had pretty much devoured most of the sweets and were out of topics to talk about though Pansy could continue to insult Draco’s hair until her dying breath. “I’m fucking bored” Pansy whined, laying her head on your shoulder. Y/n.Exe has stopped working.
   “Not my damn problem” Draco retorts, popping a flavour bean into his mouth. You exhale, shaking your head. Weren’t your friends just the nicest people alive. “Good thing i didn’t fucking ask you then huh Malfoy!?” Pansy shouts. Blaise copies your previous actions and sighs.
   he reached up to rub his temples “May we not yell for the sake of my head and Theo’s” he says. Pansy was about to go in one Blaise when you spoke up “Yah, your yelling in my ears Pans” Draco shot her a smirk, knowing she wouldn’t yell after that. 
   Pansy flips him off with a grin “Sit and spin on it” she mouths to him and he just shoots her a glare “We could play truth to dare, heard a couple Hufflepuff girls talking about it. They said it was fun” Theo cut in, looking at his hands. Blaise’s face scrunched up a bit t the idea, but he didn’t say anything. 
   “Yes- your mine bitch” Pansy lets out a maniacal laugh as she points at Draco who looked more weirded out then scared “I’ll play since Theo is, what about you Y/n?” Blaise questioned. You shrug your shoulders “Sure, i’m always down to try things once”
   Pansy’s face lights up “Thank you babes. Now who goes first?” she asked. Blaise lifted his wand nd tapped the empty Butterbeer bottle, causing it to levitate “Pansy, spin it” he says. She shrugs and reaches over your shoulder to spin the bottle. 
   it took a couple seconds before it landed on the Slytherin prince himself. Draco scoffed, rolling his eyes “Fuck my life” he muttered as Pansy gave him a sickenly sweet smile “Draco, truth or dare prick” she said, keeping her wide smile. Draco looked like he was weighing his options in his mind. 
   “What house did you want to be in when you were ten?” She asked. What a weird question. Draco’s face darkened s if he had seen a boggart, before he scowled “You fucking bitch” he seethed making you snicker a bit as well as Theo. “Say it~” she says in a sing song voice. 
   “Fine!” he shouts and takes a deep breath, crossing his arms like an angry child “I wanted to be in Gryffindor, like Harry Potter” the room was silent for a moment as you all stared at him blankly “Loser” Pansy laughs and he throws his arms in the air. 
   “I hate you”
   “Okay cool it Gryffindor” BLaise interjected, making all of you snicker. Draco narrowed his eyes at his mate “Your laughing now Zabini, just wait until i get you and your fucked” he threatens, but Blaise doesn’t have an reaction “Right...good luck with that”
   Draco spins the bottle and you all watch as it spins around for a couple seconds until it stops on the one and only Blaise Zabini “Well shit” he says with a deadpan look. Pansy gasped and covered her mouth “I can’t believe dad just cursed in front of us” she mutters to you, making you smile. 
   “Truth or dare Zabini?” Draco asked, a evil smirk on his face. Sometimes you forgot you were surrounded by Slytherin’s and your friends were assholes. “Dare since i’m not a pussy unlike my fellow housemates” Blaise grins, making Draco shake his head. 
   “Tell Theo you love him...in front of us”
   now Blaise wasn’t one for PDA and neither was Theo, probably one of the reasons they fit so well together. Draco was a dick for this one “I choose truth” he said instantly. You look at Theo who’s half smile turned into a grin. What was he planning? His face drops to a frown and he looks at Blaise.
   “You don’t love me?” he asked, his lip quivering a bit. What in the? All of you looked at Theo as Blaise stared at his boyfriend in shock “What?! No of course i do!” Blaise protests, but Theo doesn’t break from his character “Then say it” he persits. 
   all of you were stunned into silence, even loud mouth Pansy. Blaise looked like he was going to breakdown, which was an interesting look on his face actually “I- uh- what? I-” ne sputters, not knowing how to answer. Theo looks down at his lap “It’s fine i get it” he replies.
   he starts to sniffle, to make Blaise think he was crying which seemed to push - him over the edge. He grabs Theo’s face and makes him look at him “Oh my- i love you Theo. I’m in love with you. What has gotten into you?” he asked rapidly. Theo finally breaks and gives him a tired smile. 
   “I love you too. Who’s next?” he says, breaking away from Blaise who looked like he just went through all five stages of grief and is deciding to go through it all a second time. “Damn- that's tough” Pansy says, breaking the tension “Fuck you” Blaise snaps instantly making you all go wide eyed.
   you guys needed a dad swear jar
   Blaise huffs and spins the bottle, his usual smile with bad intentions coming back to his face once it lands on Pansy, who just sighs, mumbling some curses under her breath “Pans, truth or dare?” he asked. Pansy eyed him with a glare before smiling “Dare” she says. 
   you knew it was a bad idea
   “I dare you to make out with Y/n” he said casually, causing you to choke on your butterbeer “Excuse me!?” you interject “I didn’t laugh at you!” he shrugs his shoulders “Your just collateral damage Y/n, very sorry” he says. but you knew he wasn’t.
   “This is bullshit” you mutter, though the thought was making your heartbeat against your chest. Pansy shrugs nonchalantly before using her hand to tilt your head up so you were looking t the ceiling. This way she could reach you since she was sat behind you.
   Pansy leans down and plants her lips onto yours, leaving you shocked. You lose your grip of your butterbeer, causing it to fall, but Theo catches it. Pansy Parkinson was kissing you, the girl you fell in love with. This wasn’t a teasing touch or flirty comment. It was the real thing.
   and you loved it
   you reach up to put your hand on the nape of her neck to pull her in for  deeper kiss, feeling her grin against your lips. As you both got more heated the boys slowly left the room, leaving you two alone to do whatever the hell really. Good thing too, because it was only going to go further. 
   Pany’s free hand reaches up to wrap round your neck, not squeezing, but just gripping firmly to keep you in place. Fuck. Her tongue ran along your bottom lip and you opened your mouth slightly for her to slip her tongue in and connect it with yours.
   you always forget she has tongue ring
   it was nice to latch onto, hearing Pansy moan into your mouth was an added plus as well. You guessed Pansy was fed up with the current position because she pulled away and pushed you roughly back onto the bed, pulling your legs so you were closer to her.
   she leaned down, hovering over you “I should probably tell you i’m in love with you before anything else happens” hse spoke, a wide smile spreading across her face “Why?” you asked. “because- answer the question Y/n, do you love me too?” she spoke, you could tell she was getting anxious. 
   “Of course i love you. I have for a long time” you say, matching her smile “You're telling me i could have been kissing you like this sooner?” she asked with a small pout. You reach up and loop your arms around her neck “Then let’s not waste anymore time then huh?”
   Pansy grins before kissing you again. 
   Click Here To Join My Taglist!
   @the--queen-of-hell @sonbelleame @dracosathenaeum @spaceconstellationss @marrymetheonott 
   Kody: How come every Pansy fic i write so far is just really horny? Anyways, i haven’t slept yet and peace!
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falsegoodnight · 3 years
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a new header??? it matches better <3 these are the fics I read or reread and enjoyed this month! like last time, i’m separating it into different sections: main list, wips, and non-1d. rereads will be included in the main list and marked with a star (*). 
*note: this list encompasses the fics i’ve read from the 1st to the 28th only
main list ~
✰ Don’t Wait Up by reliablyimperfect | NR | 1k
Without Harry’s warmth next to him, he felt the chill of the air creep over his skin. He tugged the blanket down from where Harry kept one draped over the back of the couch for him, grateful. With the blanket, he instantly felt warmer, but it backfired when his eyes began to droop again. Trying to keep his eyes open was impossible, and he was consciously aware of how long his blinks were becoming. They stay closed longer and longer until, eventually, they didn’t open again.
so soft and sweet and lovely! made my heart feel so warm <3 will return to this for some quick comfort in the future!
✰ my ugly mouth kept running by @hadestyles | E | 4k
Sometimes second chances are more important than the first.
rori’s lush writing + abo + exes to lovers = absolute perfection. my fic cameo gives it a bonus too :’) definitely one of my rori favs 
✰ i’ve loved you three summers now honey, i want them all by @softloubabie | M | 4k
The restaurant was small and bright, soft colors filled the walls and tables and fairy lights hung from everywhere. From what Harry had read, the food wasn’t overly expensive but it was still comparable to what you would get at one of the more expensive places. If Harry could he would take Louis to the biggest most expensive and extravagant restaurants to do what he planned to tonight, but this would do.
After being led to their table Harry nervously tapped his jacket pocket, sighing in relief when he felt the small box still there. Tonight was the night. He couldn’t wait till it was time to surprise Louis with all the gifts he got for him. Then finally the big surprise.
so cute and sweet! their kids were so adorable and the proposal so lovely!! they love each other so much <3
✰ love me in between the future and the past by navigator & quitter | E | 11k
Harry's scared of history repeating itself.
this honestly hurt to read but in such a raw and emotional way?? was mad at harry and then sad for him :( this writer duo’s fics never fail to amaze me!
✰ sunshine on my mind by @raspberryoatss | E | 13k
Louis visits Harry in Portland
this was so sweet and lovely! the perfect addition to this wonderful universe! pip’s characterizations and fluff never fails to make my heart feel warm <3
✰ rapture in the dark by @stylinsonsupporter | T | 13k
Harry Styles is a breakout musician who has shed his boyband label in favor of embracing his inner brooding rockstar. His PR team think that his rebrand is the perfect time for Harry to come out of the closet and have devised the perfect plan for doing so. Enter Louis Tomlinson, up and coming (and very openly homosexual) model whose public image as America's Sweetheart is the perfect foil for Harry's new edge. From a PR standpoint, it's a dream come true - a power couple that can slowly coax the public into accepting Harry's altered image. The only problem? They hate each other.
always love a good fake dating au and this is no exception! and model louis >> really enjoyed this!
✰ Maybe, Baby* by thoughtsickles | M | 16k | mpreg
It all feels too easy, too good to be true. It all feels like a scene from Louis' daydreams, the kind of life he'd always imagined he'd have when he was younger and bored at his momma's work, sneaking around the hallways of the maternity ward until the nurses let him in to hold the babies. He'd felt so important being allowed to touch them. He'd told them stories of the lives they were going to have, houses with nice wallpaper that wasn't peeling, yards filled with sunshine and flowers and grass that never went yellow. A hammock to nap in, cuddled up with his husband.
You can't stay here, he tells himself, but Baby doesn't want to listen.
have reread this one quite a bit of times now and it still makes me so happy <3 this Louis and Harry deserve the world <333
✰ Let Me Inside by reliablyimperfect | E | 18k
Louis is Harry’s boss, but Harry is the boss of Louis. 
loved this one! really enjoyed the balance between h&l and how they maintained their dynamic in subtle ways outside of the bedroom while also keeping it separate. very much enjoyed the jealousy as well <3
✰ a scintilla of predilection by @dehydratedpoolfics | T | 20k
There, in the far back of the room, next to the only available seat left, is none other than Harry Styles. Harry, who grew up next door to him, who knew all his secrets as a child and played FIFA with him on Saturday mornings after he would spend the night Friday evenings every week, whose curly hair would tickle his nose as they held each other during bitter cold nights that made his room glow a haunting blue.
love ex-childhood friends with misunderstandings!! louis was so cute and i loved his poetry <3 harry too was so stupid but so smitten and lovely :’) really enjoyed this!
✰ Keeping The Flame Alive by @crazyupsetter​ | E | 20k
Recording with One Direction never felt like this. There’s a couple reasons for that, Harry thinks. One is that they did most of their recording on the road, rushed and in busses and hotel rooms, never in one place long enough to really get an argument going. The other, larger and more important one, is that back then he had the sweetest, meanest little omega around to distract him from all of that frustration.
The first time around, when he’d been recording his debut solo album, it hit him pretty hard. He likes to think he’s better adjusted to it now, but frustration is warring under his skin nonetheless. He doesn’t want to be told what to do most of the time, and he especially doesn’t want to be told what to do when it comes to his music.
What he does want right now is that sweet, mean little omega right in front of him with his mouth on Harry’s cock. Unfortunately, the best he’s got is his own hand and a shared toilet. So. That’s really not going to work.
✰ like it’s a game* by @soldouthaz | E | 32k
There is little Harry hates more than truth or dare.
And Louis.
queen of enemies to lovers! it’s been a while since i’ve reread this but too absolutely no surprise, it’s just as amazing as always <3 sarah never misses!
✰ Too Young To Know by @2tiedships2 | M | 35k
Harry doesn’t present as an alpha… until he does.
really enjoyed this as per usual! exes to lovers is my jam and the added angst of Louis dating someone else at the beginning... love <3
✰ Some Things Take Root* by  navigator & quitter | E | 50k
Louis' ex doesn't get jealous of anyone besides Harry. Harry helps Louis use that to his advantage.
stumbled upon this randomly and decided to reread on a whim... ended up staying up to read it in one sitting! so good!
✰ Safe and Sound (You’ll Always Be) by @all-these-larrythings | E | 58k
When a failed case and a guilty conscience leaves Harry more than a little lost, his boss presents him with a new, less taxing assignment to help him cope. An escape from all the madness is just what Harry needs to get his life back on track. It's just too bad his new client has a grin like the devil, a pair of electric eyes that Harry simply can't get over, and no intention whatsoever of letting him catch a break.
i don’t know how i’ve never read this before??? it was absolutely amazing though! perfect blend of humor and fluff and tension and angst <3
✰ Mind Over Matter (You Under Me) by @youreyesonlarry | E | 74k
It’s dark outside when Harry finishes practice for the day. 
the slow burn in this fic killed me - which is to say, it was perfect! loved how they progressed from working together to being friends to something more and how much they genuinely cared for each other! the hockey was so fun too!
✰ Call Out My Name by frenchkiss | E | 102k
Apparently, it's bad PR to fall in love with the omega you hired to help you through your rut.
Harry Styles begs to differ.
ellen truly knocked it out of the park with this one!! had everything i could ever want: abo, famous/non-famous, fluff, humor, angst, drama, and more! i loved it from beginning to end!
wips ~
✰ ‘cause all our tomorrows lead the way by @loubellies | E | 64k | 7/11
So maybe Louis’ in over his head.
He had signed up for the Bachelor on a whim after his second bottle of wine and well, here he is. He’s just been announced as the twenty-sixth Bachelor and his ass is sweating. Like, literally sweating. He’s positive that if he was to turn around, the entirety of Bachelor Nation would get a nice peek of his ass sweat.
am thoroughly enjoying each chapter!! it’s been a wild ride so far and although things are currently calm, i am still on edge!! but i trust mar with my life <3
✰ Truth Behind Golden Eyes by @lwtisloved | E | 83k | 8/16 
Louis is a royal servant born with magic in a kingdom where his sole existence is outlawed with a war he has no idea he has a part in upon him. Harry is the prince on whom the burden of mending a broken kingdom falls upon and he might be willing to risk it all for a simple servant if only he admitted it to himself.
caught up last night! still really enjoying every chapter and can’t wait to see what happens next!! things are *happening* with h&l and answers are being given!! (love the jealousy too!)
non-1d ~
✰ Keep Me Close (I Need Your Faith) by @princelouisau | E | 23k
Somewhere along the way he had fallen in love and in doing so, had broken the one rule he knew he couldn’t come back from. As quickly as he realised, he decided that he must never dare speak it. He resigned himself to loving Draco in silence.
first foray into reading drarry... and, to no one’s surprise, i loved it! beautiful writing as always and beautiful atmosphere! it’s really not a shock that i fell for these characters and their story when danielle is behind it <3 it had me entranced from beginning to end!!
finally, i myself actually posted a fic this month:
my fics ~
✰ yesterday came suddenly by me | E | 49k | mpreg 
Harry the deadliest member of the NYC assassins’ guild, is forced to face a seemingly impossible task in hopes of finally leaving the underground behind for good, but when ghosts from the past come back to haunt him, escaping the darkness becomes that much harder.
If you read any of these beautiful works of art, remember to leave kudos and comment to show your appreciation!
*if i made any errors, please let me know :)
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agustdiv1ne · 4 years
thank you + milestone!!
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damn, never thought we'd get here, did we?
in all honesty, it's been a pretty shit year. march 'til now has felt like the same month on repeat with tiny tweaks to make it all so much worse. but i'm not here to complain about the worst parts of this year, i'm here to celebrate the best ones.
this was the year that i finally started writing, that i was finally spurred to open a google doc and just type away until a tiny work of fiction stared back at me. my first one was 1k words, a rant to get all of my emotions off of my chest with an idol as my muse. it felt...great, though it also felt a bit odd writing after being an avid reader for years. i always did prefer essays to creative writing, but this year definitely changed that perspective.
i wrote that first blurb along with another fic in late july, and in early august, i asked my friends if i should post them. om august 3rd, i changed this blog from a fic rec to a fic writing blog just like that. i regret none of it.
it's been nearly five months since i revamped this blog and i couldn't be more grateful for the support i have gotten from all of you, whether it be a kind comment, a like, a reblog, all of it. i never thought anyone would like my content, but i've been proven severely wrong by this community. from my irls that are on here, to my lovely mutuals and followers, to those i've talked to a lil bit on this hellsite, to the writers whose fics i absolutely adore, to those who have left a like or a comment on one of my fics, i want to say thank you from the very bottom of my heart ♡
have a happy and healthy new year! i love and appreciate every single one of you!!
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though i'm painfully bad at writing letters and getting all sappy, i wanted to write them anyways hahaha let's goooo
to @hwaddict:
my irl best friend!! my partner in crime!!!! i love you sm carly, and there are not enough words in this world for me to describe the extent of my love. you have been there for me during my lowest moments, you've seen me cry, and i don't cry in front of many ppl. i trust you with my life and i'm so glad that we became friends back in middle school bc you are one reasons that spur me to keep going. i can't wait to see where life takes us and know that while i might not always be able to be there physically (especially with college right around the corner), i will always be there for you in any way i can be. again i love you and i can't wait to conquer next year with you ♡♡
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to @hopejanaee:
hope!! hobi!!! one of my irls! though we just became friends earlier this year, it feels like we've been friends for ages. it's crazy how close we grew so quickly but i am so grateful to have you in my life. you never fail to make me laugh whenever we're together and you're so chaotic but in such a good way hahaha. you were the one who got me into writing with your own wonderful fics so thank yoi for that. i'm so happy that we became friends because you're so kind and caring and ahhhhhh i love u sm ♡
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to @oikawasmilkbread:
we talked for like 0.2 seconds but you are so kind and hella cool!! it was nice having random conversations with you and i'm so glad you randomly dmed me bc i am shy and i have 0 idea how to start conversations with anyone lmao. i always smile when i see you in my notifs! i hope you have a happy new year!!! ♡
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to @luthenia:
i know you're on hiatus but seeing you in my notifs always excites me hahaha. we never talk but you are so supportive of everyone in this community and i just wanted to shout you out for that! your memes are top tier LMAO and i can't wait for when you come back, happy new year ♡
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to @starsforten:
we also talked for approximately 1 second but it was so fun talking to you about astrology stuff (virgo sun libra rising gang hahahaha) and those teuta matoshi dresses! you are so nice and easy to talk to and i hope your new year is happy and fruitful! ♡
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i recommend every single one of these blogs for their amazing content!! i added some of my favorite fics as i'm a whore for great writing hahaaaa
waterloo — a masterpiece! taehyung is so bitter at the beginning and it's adorable seeing how y/n breaks his tough shell. loved this from beginning to the end ♡
hot rod — the 50s slang, the dynamic between hoseok and y/n...*chef's kiss*
welcome to seoul land — werewolf!namjoon really got me going, 100/10 would recommend
graceful gods — this is one of my all-time favorites, greek god!jungkook has my brain going brrrr
@shadowsremedy + @therealmintedmango
support system — adorable!! this is a hybrid!yoongi fic i really enjoy, and the series isn't over yet! check it out~
tear you apart — demon!taehyung...holy shit. i was speechless
the doms next door — THIS SERIES OMG, i've read each part at least five times already. taekook got me acting UP
scream (posted to @yandere-society) — a really cool take on the movie scream with jungkook, yandere fics don't always appeal to me but this one absolutely did
broken — the immense ache i felt in my chest while reading this, but i loved both parts with a burning passion. san is so sweet in this :')
dirty free for all — the ULTIMATE demon!san fic. the writing is absolutely immaculate and this is the first fic that had me blushing down my mf ARMS
rice milk lattes and bryophytes roads — another san fic admittedly because i'm whipped for san lol. anyways, this was cute and hot at the same time and best friend!yunho made my double biasing ass that much happier
pan — an adorable peter pan!hongjoong fic, it had my heart going achhfhsjfjsjf
sir kiss me — circus au with san holy hell i loved every twist and turn of this
bad romance — one of my favorite yunho fics ever, punk rock!yunho x nerd!reader has my entire heart
aurora garden center and desire ink — florist!mingi had me uwuing for the entire fic, this was adorable and i loved it sm
every single fic on this blog is an absolute masterpiece, i swear
the devil's little angel — THIS IS ONE OF MY ULTIMATE FAVORITES, demon!yeonjun had me screaming and it was just so fun to read and i loved every single second of it so much that i've read it nearly ten times now. so go read it, you won't regret it!
the boy with the horns — another of my ultimate favorites (i told you, their writing is just that amazing), woodland fey!soobin just had me going so soft :(( i literally sobbed at one point, that's how invested i was
bleeding heart — the tension between vampire!yeonjun and vampire slayer!reader had me screeching
curtain call — i have a sad crush vampire!soobin
i love you, always — this felt so..bittersweet? taehyun loves y/n so much, i lowkey cried while reading this
the art of (mis)communication — i am a whore for both reconciliation and yeonjun, 100000/10 pls read this i beg of you
growing pains — ahhh once again a yeonjun fic, my chest hurt a lil bit at some points but it was so sweet!!
bed of spiderwebs — spiderman!mark has my heart screeching, i loved every second of it ♡
eddie ate dynamite — johnny suh coming for my throat yet again
cupid victorious — cupid!jaehyun :'))) definitely one of my favorites!!
quarantine chronicles — ok if you haven't read this or the part two yet then you're missing out big time!! the tension, the buildup, every single part of this fic was just *chef's kiss* but multiply thay by a million
all these years — every single moment of this felt so nostalgic and the ending was so sweet :')
muse — i keep going back to this one constantly, the angst in this phenomenal and i love artist!taeyong sm here
loverboy — HOT, AMAZING, I SCREAMED. the blurbs that accompany this are also top-tier i recommend reading each and every one!!
pink + white — i'm so soft for mark i stg, this was the cutest thing ever
can't avoid this feeling — hockey player!mark is the best thing ever
all tied up — i just- screamed as i read this bc professor!jaehyun is too hot goodbye
incapable — this is one of the best yoongi fics i've ever read ngl, it's not completed quite yet but the parts that have been posted are top tier!!
breathless — THIS. I LOVED THIS. yuta is just so hfjshhfhshfnsn and i love this sm
melting point — big boy mingiiii, 100/10 would recommend
house next to mine — frat boy!yeonjun rly got me going, cute and hot at the same time ahhhhbfnsnnf
youth — ADORABLE, yeonjun's confession is peak i love it here
run away — how many yeonjun fics can i fit in this post? (answer: a lot) definitely one of my favorite harry potter aus!! it was awesome seeing how their relationship changed throughout the years and perhaps i teared up a little at the end :'))
baby steps — ONE OF ALL-TIME MY FAVORITE FICS ON THIS SITE, every single part is so well-written and ahhhhhfhdhhf chan makes me feel some type of way
my stupid — another yeonjun fic! angsty but v cute at the end :')
this youth of craziness — 40k words of pure gold, this fic is absolutely one of my favorite san fics ever!!
replacement — prince!ten makes my brain go brrrr, i love how the y/n just speaks her mind here
untitled project — i saw soulmate au with mark and i knew would already love it, and i did! pizza boy!mark at that, amazing and i adored it
more amazing blogs!!: @galaxteez, @poutybinz, @lustjoong, @bloominghigh
these are just a few of the fics and blogs i found this year, find more on my fic rec blog @agustdiv1ne-recs!! (my thumbs are starting to hurt i'm so sorry bfjshfhsh)
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wrapping up each month since august since that's when i actually started posting LMAO
☆ august
03: good enough — chan
03: bloodsucker — seonghwa
04: cutie — san
09: veloxrotaphobia — mingi
19: want — changbin
21: numb — yunho
100 follower special — i reached 100 followers towards the end of august, my first ever milestone :') also my first ever time taking requests, 'twas very fun ♡
☆ september
03: on camera — jungkook
☆ october
27: oh, worm? — namjoon
31: demon days — san
☆ november
10: a letter to my love — xiaojun
23: bad for u — jaehyun
27: home sweet home — yeonjun
☆ december
christmas bash 2020 — my brain went hey what if you did this- and i listened so here's 17 holiday fics hahahaa (not all of them are out yet but i'm working on it!!)
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things i plan to release in 2021!!
☆ sunflower — jimin
☆ cross — yeonjun
☆ landslide — seonghwa
☆ nice save — san
☆ red — hyunjin
☆ a secret series (that will be revealed once i plan everything) — ateez
☆ 4 unrelated secret fics oOoOoo — will i reveal them? you'll just have to wait and see ;)
there will definitely be more posted! these are the ones that are going to be my priority at first, but my imagination is always churning so expect a lot more :)) check out all of non-secret wips here!
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i hit 500 followers a couple days ago! i nearly screamed when i saw that LMAO. thank you so much for liking my content because i work hella hard on it :') sometimes i feel like i don't deserve y'all really, but @hwaddict will yell at me if i say that so ig i take it back hfhshhdhg
a post for celebrating this milestone will come as soon as i finish up the rest of my christmas fics!! sorry that i'm so slow :( (hint: my requests will be open, so look out for it!)
so yeah!! that's it, sorry for the painfully long post (i'm sorry to my thumbs for typing this whole thing out </3). thank you to everyone who read this far!! i hope everyone has a happy and healthy new year, and in the words of txt's cover, fuck 2020. may 2021 be a much better year for all of us!!!
much love,
ashlee ♡
51 notes · View notes
pinnochiro · 3 years
pinn reviews - final fantasy xv
a long ramble about final fantasy fifteen that sort of looks like a review, as written by someone who finished the game fifteen minutes ago and needs to get these words out of his head. spoilers inbound.
i'm a pretty big fan of video games. i don't know what my first was, but it was probably either banjo and kazooie or mario kart 64, at my cousin's house when i was very small. i think that video games as a medium are so interesting, since the fact that video games are inherently interactive changes the way that they tell any story. it's a shame that despite loving video games so much, i'm absolutely terrible at them.
i'm absolute dogshit at video games. whenever i boot up something new, i always play on easy mode because. i'm that bad. unfortunately, this means that a lot of video games are simply. impossible for me to beat. that's fine, as at the moment i live with my good friend lizz, who is certifiably Good at Video Games, and so we've been playing video games together for a little bit now. typically this means that she will actually play the majority of the game while i sit with her and watch, but occasionally i'll have a go, but she'll end up with the controller as soon as a boss fight or puzzle or a mechanic i just can't seem to grasp shows up. we recently played through the entirety of the kingdom hearts series together, and this was an absolute blast of a time. i'm glad to say that i adore kingdom hearts now, and it's become one of my hyperfixations, which you might be able to tell from my icon. but we'd finished the kingdom hearts series, and we were left to move onto something else. we'd also played final fantasy 7 remake, so in my wisdom, i suggested that we play another final fantasy game.
we looked through the ff games that were already purchased on our consoles thanks to lizz's uncle, and eventually, we decided that we should play. all of them. however to start, we were going to play final fantasy xv, 15, and work our way backwards through the mainline, single-player games.
i'd heard that xv wasn't very good, but honestly, i was still quite curious. one person who i'd been following on twitter for years was pretty obsessed with the main party members, to the point where i knew their names and what-not even though i didn't have much of an idea what the game itself was about. i remember watching a video by supereyepatchwolf a few years ago about how the game sucked, but i couldn't remember much of the details, and i knew, based on my obsession with kingdom hearts, that xv had started as a different game called final fantasy versus xiiv. i don't know all the details about versus thirteen, but i do know that it was originally helmed by the creator of my beloved kingdom hearts, mr tetsuya nomura, and that after many years, the vast majority of the game was thrown out, nomura wasn't in charge any more, and the whole thing was rewritten and reworked, which sounds like a fairly rough development cycle. but so what, i don't care about gameplay. i want to play the video game with those cute guys that i see fanart of on twitter, and lizz seemed happy enough to play through it with me.
and so we started final fantasy xv. i've been told that since the game was practically dead on arrival, they threw in a bunch of new content and reworked a lot of the early game before i got my hands on it. so my gameplay started with a scene of the four guys fighting some demon dude on fire and they're all old and grotty. whatever, that cutscene ends and we're put into a combat tutorial. that's over and we're on the road in what looks to be central america, pushing a car.
our four leading lads are noctis, the prince of the lucis empire, his best friend prompto, his bodyguard, gladio, and his chef and other things, ignis. i do quite like the main four members of the party in xv. prompto is quite easily my favourite, voiced by robbie daymond of goro akechi fame and with a bunch of fun little animations and quips that make him very likeable. he gets extremely excited at the idea of riding chocobos and has what i considered the best scene of the game, where he and noctis meet on a motel rooftop and discuss prompto's imposter syndrome, since he's only part of noctis' official retinue as his best friend. noctis is a fairly typical main protagonist, he's in love with a woman he hasn't seen in eight years and needs to go marry her or something, i don't care. gladio is a tough macho man with a mullet who wears leather jackets and wields a greatsword, and is apparently only 22, which is at least 10 years younger than i assumed. ignis is a strategist and chef, who takes on the most authoritative role and constantly tells noctis to not drive his car at night. i was not a fan of ignis at the start, but he grew on me, especially with how hard the game hit me with his personal arc. the four boys are off, driving to noctis' wedding in a different country across the desert when their car breaks down. we then run into the first issue of the game.
cindy is a mechanic. she also has her ass and tits out constantly, like your sleazy uncle's shirt with a naked woman was instead semi-alive as a video game person. she fixes your car and acts fairly sexual and it's just like. why do we have to do this. aren't we over overtly sexualised women in video games who have no reason for the way they dress other than the character designer was horny? whatever, i like women as much as the next guy, but cindy's design just. makes me feel so uncomfortable.
anyways you get to do a little driving around with the boys, until you stay the night before catching the boat to your fiance. overnight, you find out that noctis' kingdom has been basically destroyed by an invading empire called niflheim, and practically everyone noctis knows, including his father, are dead. you learn that noctis and his bride to be are also assumed dead, with noctis hearing his own death announcement on the radio. the game has a bunch of added cutscenes that are actually footage from the three-hour-long prequel movie that came out after the game, are extremely hard to follow and honestly i had no idea what i was looking at. anyways, noctis' family is dead, so it's time to do some hunting sidequests.
that brings us to the combat, i suppose. rather than the turn-based or even active turn-based combat that the series is known for, xv opts for more modern action rpg-styled combat. i was, naturally, terrible at this, but i managed to get around it with the fact that. it is almost impossible to die in this video game, provided you have enough items. the game allows you so much time to heal yourself that there's practically no way to have your entire party wipe unless you're doing absolutely terrible, and even then, your party members will probably try and heal you themselves before that happens. lizz tells me that the combat is boring, you just push the same button over and over and then you win. i do appreciate that, for someone like me who is terrible at reading enemy movements, there is a giant button that pops up on screen that tells you when to push the block button, but even then i was prone to fucking it up. whether that's the bad game design or my terrible gaming abilities is up to you to decide. anyways, the game is fairly easy but has annoying combat, your teammates limit breaks will only land about 50% of the time (or never, if you are gladio) and i was still bad at it, so i didn't have all that much fun.
instead of an active levelling system, the game will only tally your character's level ups when you either make camp or visit a hotel. camping is, in my opinion, the only saving grace of this game. each time you make camp, you get to see the characters doing fun little camping activities together and just hanging out, ignis will cook up a new meal in a dramatic fashion and everyone will compliment him and eat it off their coleman's branded plates, it's just very fun. you also get to see what pictures prompto has taken, which is one of my favourite gameplay features. prompto's passion is photography, and while i support him in this wholeheartedly, his picture taking skills are, quite frankly, awful. the game will randomly take shots while you're on the move, which leaves you with a delightful selection of awkward poses, characters hidden behind bushes, pictures taken while someone is half-dead in combat, and snaps where the natural lighting absolutely makes it impossible to tell what's going on. it's hilarious and going through prompto's collection of photos each night is honestly the best part of the game. we managed to wind up with a few shots that, even despite being scripted events, turned out absolutely terrible, and i will cherish those forever.
anyways, since noctis' father and fiance are dead, that leaves him the king of lucis. the only important person to make it out of the capital alive tells you to drive to the middle of nowhere, where he randomly springs on you. hey. go into a bunch of these dungeons and absorb a bunch of swords, this is your destiny as king and how you will defeat the empire. noctis goes, uh, alright i guess, and you're set loose again to wander around for a bit collecting the 'royal arms'. this plot point wasn't explained well but hey, whatever, we're collecting the glowy swords and that's fine.
you're introduced at some point to ardyn, the main antagonist. he's old, kind of groady and wears a fedora. he's a dick to you and talks about his automobeeel. apparently my friend miri thinks he's hot, she is wrong.
i can't remember what happens specifically but you're told that your fiance is still alive and in fantasy venice, and she's talking to the gods on your behalf to borrow their powers. there's a mission where you follow some purple trees that are electric, and you do that i guess. i enjoyed riding the chocobos around, but couldn't care much for the plot at this point. ardyn leads you to a volcano, where you fight a giant lava god. he tries to step on you and i, a denizen of the internet and with an active fear of foot fetishists, was extremely uncomfortable. noctis becomes friends with foot man and a lightning god who lived in those trees, and ardyn steals your car.
very upset by this, noctis and his gang risk everything to sneak into a military base and steal it back. because this is a video game, this works out fine.
there's a little mining city which is all about Girl Power, because all the Women run the Mining Industry like Girl Bosses, and you hang around there for a bit. because all the women are so Empowered, they wear bikinis all the time with overalls over the top. gladio decides he needs to fuck off for a bit, i have no idea what he does since i haven't played the dlc, and then he comes back with another scar. you hang out with his sixteen year old sister, who has a crush on the engaged and 20-year old noctis, and then you drive her to a lighthouse. when she's in your party, she can't really fight, but she gets a pink chocobo and i thought that was very cute. we turned out own chocobo white and lizz named him 'jones' after a mount she has in ffxiv.
eventually, you have a long boat ride over to fantasy venice. this is the part where the game stops being 'fun with a few issues in combat and a rushed and poorly told story.' the open world, which was a main feature with a bunch of little areas to find where noctis can fish, little hunting sidequests and random photo spots where prompto takes touristy photos, is now gone, and it will not return for the entire rest of the game. you can 'go back in time', but the open world was the most enjoyable part of the game, and it kind of really sucks that the main story doesn't let you have any more freedom like that.
after arriving in fantasy venice, you have a talk with fantasy hillary clinton and beg her to let your girlfriend summon a god into the middle of her city. hillary agrees, and you don't get to meet up with your fiance, because even if the game is constantly telling you how much noctis loves her, there is. barely any interactions between the two in the entire game. from what i can tell, they met when noctis was a child and they haven't seen each other in ten years but are still fantasy dog pen-pals. noctis marrying her was supposed to make an alliance or something like that, but her brother has betrayed her to the army. noctis' girlfriend is also an oracle, which means she can heal people, i guess? everyone talks about how important she is and she's constantly telling people that she needs to use her powers to help noctis but she's practically a non-entity.
as can be expected of most female love interests in a game primarily focused on men, noctis' fiance is killed while summoning a god for noctis to befriend. noct gets very mad about this, and turns super saiyan and kills the god back, but his girlfriend is dead and that's super sad you guys. there's a beautiful prerendered cutscene where she says goodbye to noctis but since we barely know her, and we've only been told over and over that they're in love without anything to actually well, show this, it didn't have much of an impact. fantasy venice is destroyed, and ignis is blinded while trying to help calm the giant raging god.
iggy's blindness and how the game makes you account for this and grow to care for him was one of the highlights, in my opinion, as well as crushingly depressing. while i'm not disabled and have no right to say if this was 'good disabled representation' or anything like that, i believe that the game handles it decently enough. the group falls apart as noctis is upset about his girlfriend, gladio is extremely mad that noctis won't care for ignis, and prompto just wants everyone to get along. there's a mission where gladio constantly yells at you passive aggressive things to noctis about how he's a cunt for running, which is obnoxious, but the character arc itself is fairly strong. when you make camp, ignis can't cook anymore, so everyone eats cup noodles in a depressing ass cutscene. ignis remains in your party for the rest of the game despite his disability, and he doesn't magically regain his sight like other fantasy media would do, which at the very least i think is good. i'm not sure what the opinion of actual disabled people is of the character, considering how often disabled characters are either turned into misery porn to make the abled audience be glad that isn't them and if ignis' arc falls into this trap, but i hope that it wasn't handled too poorly, as that would just be another terrible mark in this game's list of bad moves.
the characters eventually make it to the evil empire's capital, which is abandoned and filled with daemons. the characters learn that ardyn is super evil and taught the king of the empire how to turn humans into daemons, which has now happened to the entire city. the 'magitek suits', presumed to be enchanted armour that fights as the empire's infantry, actually house the souls of the human-turned daemons. honestly i like this as a plot point but the game handles it pretty terribly. there could have been more lead up to this, the explanation is pretty lacking, and prompto's Big Plot Twist is. terribly handled. turns out that prompto was born in the empire and was going to be one of those empty soldier daemons, but he was rescued by people belonging to noctis' empire. not that the game tells you that. instead, prompto goes 'turns out i'm one of ... them' and Does Not Elaborate. The game doesn't tell you shit, not about prompto's past, not about how he feels about this, not about how anyone else feels about this either because the other party members just go 'oh that sucks, good thing you're not evil' and the scene ends. robbie daymond tries so hard to sell these terrible, terrible lines, and it almost entirely fails, i'm so sorry prompto. fortunately because i'm a nosy ass, i read prompto's wikia page and knew the plot twist ahead of time, because i don't think i would have even registered it if i didn't.
anyways everyone in the evil empire is dead and ardyn starts talking about how he's immortal and an ancient king of noctis' country but the gods thought he sucked because he's too evil. i missed most of this because the cats got the zoomies and were dashing across the couch right in the middle of his speech so i can't tell you anything else. noctis tries to get a big magic crystal to fight him and instead. gets schlorped inside.
yes then ten years actually pass while noctis is asleep. the game shows this by switching the head on noctis' character model to have a beard, but that's it, no changes in animations or whatever. the sky is permanently night and only one human civilisation remains, the rest destroyed by daemons. as a plot point, this ends up feeling. extremely worthless. why was noctis asleep for ten whole goddamn years? so we can wake up and go 'damn it sucks out here'. but it's barely even a like, incentive to fix everything, because you have a long talk with a former child you were friends with where he talks about how humanity is still going fine and everyone's okay and the world has moved on without you. it feels. pointless. when you meet up with your party members, they are exactly as you left them, only with slightly different character models. there is no change in the voice performance, the character's movements or how they talk to show that they've been without you for ten years. they barely mention it. i'm just. so confused as to why they decided that a ten year timeskip was the way to go? since nothing really changes, couldn't you have made it like, two years? one year? six months?? have the characters react a little more? something??? at least if it was only a year or so i wouldn't have to deal with the fact that noctis looks like norman reedus with his shitty facial hair now.
anyways after that there's a bunch of long and boring boss fights. you fight some dead kings for some reason, your party members get a little bit to talk about how cool they are and how much they love noctis, and then you meet up with ardyn. there's another boring boss fight and god this was only a few hours ago but it's already gone from my head. you summon the gods and the old kings to beat the shit out of him after you both go super saiyan again? there's incredible music but it feels barely earned and just kind of eh. anyways, noctis dies, which was the price of using the crystal of light or whatever the fuck. his ghost marries his fiance's ghost finally, and they smile as they look at one of prompto's pictures. you can pick any picture you want to go here, and then the credits roll, showing all of the pictures you saved of prompto's shots. showing me all the pictures at the end is honestly lovely, but it really only served to remind me of how much more fun the game was in the first half. and that's the end, of final fantasy xv.
so what did i think of the story? it's terribly cobbled together and struggles to get you to feel anything and play out all the plot beats. you feel awful for the countless employees who spent years working on the beautiful cutscenes only to have them be in this game, which sucks and the story barely gets through. there were parts that i enjoyed, mostly the thing about the daemons being people, but honestly the rest of it is a mess. it's hard to follow at the best of times and just awkward and terribly written at the worst. the ending is cheap, and it doesn't feel like you've actually accomplished anything. i left that game feeling numb and empty, sad that i'd wasted so much time to end up with such a colossal failure of a conclusion.
i had fun with the game when it was my four little guys running around doing sidequests and camping together. after the midway point of the game, there's none of that, and you're bogged down into a plot that just pushes you from point a to point b and boring overlong bossfight to boring overlong bossfight. the character moments between your party are a lot of fun, but the second you hit fantasy venice, everything is pretty much on rails and you can't do anything except what the game tells you explicitly to do.
should you play this game? no lol. if anything i've mentioned about the story interests you, you'll be better off watching a lore video or reading the wiki. if you do want to play it after all that, just don't proceed after the myrthril refining quest, it's pretty much all downhill from there. will i play the dlc? unlikely, i think lizz and i will just watch a cutscene movie of those.
this game left me feeling empty and numb and not in a fun way. i wanted, so, so hard to like this game, and it all crashed around me in a beautifully overproduced and confusingly written cascade. i love you prompto, but even your cute little freckly face and terrible photography can't save this trainwreck of a game.
tl;dr - final fantasy xv sucks. i hope that 13, our next ff game, will be better.
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The Happiest Place on Earth
Summary: Epilogue to Angle with a Shotgun. Watch how Bakugo tried and tried again to ask you one simple question.
Word Count: 2443
A/N: thank @voicesoffiction for this, they inspired me to do something for AWS since I was already doing some for HBAN and they also suggested this idea to me. Thank you again!
“So Fujio has had his quirk the whole time?” You placed down a red seven on the tray in front of you. Katsuki and you were on a bullet train heading towards Disneyland to celebrate your one-year anniversary. To pass the time, the two of you played Uno as Bakugo told you the story of how a boys camping trip with Fujio led to them finding out Fujio already had his quirk.
Katsuki placed down a blue seven. Damn, no blue. “Apparently. Ei couldn’t remember him ever scraping his knee before or having to kiss any ‘boo-boos’.” He smirked as you had to draw a card; lucky for you, it was blue.  Katsuki scoffed as he looked over his cards. “Guess it also explains why he didn't get hurt when Dunce Face dropped him that one time as a baby.”
You gasped, smacking him in the arm as he laid down his card. “Bad Uncle Suki.”
Katsuki frowned at you, making you laugh. “The fuck. It wasn’t my fault. Shitty Hair is the one who trusted him to watch his infant alone.”
“Hmmm, I still can’t believe he jumped in the firepit and came out fine.” That was not a phone call you ever expected to receive from Katsuki. You could hear Kirishima’s panicked rambling in the background as you were told the camping trip was going to be cut short and they were on their way to take little Fujio to the hospital. Turned out that his pretend hero name he uses for games was pretty accurate; he really is the Unbreakable Fuji
“My first thought was, ‘Shit, the kid is seriously hurt, there goes my fucking bed and Ei’s balls.’ Remember, you can’t tell anyone about how we found out his quirk, especially his mother.” You snorted into your cards when Katsuki gave you a serious look, like your life depended on keeping this secret.
“Yeah, I know. And it’s our bed now, mister.” You slam down a yellow two. “Uno.”
Katsuki’s nose flared, glaring at his hand that held ten cards, while you were on your last one. “You are fucking cheating.” He changed the color to red, smirking, thinking he’d caught you. The poor fool.
You bat your eyelashes at him. “It’s all about luck sweetie. And I win.” You place a wild plus four down. He gaped at it before slamming his hand down and pushed the cards away, completely done after losing three times in a row.
He crossed his arms, staring out the window pouting. You smile and scoot closer to him, leaning your head on his shoulder. Katsuki’s body relaxed as you snuggled against him, one of his hands grabbing yours and weaving your fingers together. “Not competitive, my ass,” he grumbled as he rested his head against yours.
“Shhhh, I’m sleeping,” you giggled, closing your eyes to sleep the rest of the way to your destination. The two of you had left before the sun rose so you would get to the park early. Within minutes, you were out cold.
Katsuki was jealous of how you were able to relax so easily while he was trying not to show how panicked he was on the inside. A small box weighed heavily in his pocket.
Katsuki grumbled from the table, chewing on his straw as he watched you gush over the fucking park actor dressed like a duck in a sailor outfit. Second attempt at a proposal foiled. He’d first tried at the park entrance, wanting to pop the question in front of the sign that said “Welcome to the Happiest Place on Earth”, potentially making that one spot literally the happiest place on earth for the both of you. The plan was to have him go through the metal detector with the ring in his pocket, setting it off, and having the security guard in on it pull the two of you to the side by the sign and have him take out the ring. 
But nooooooo. You have to be so connected to your inner child that you ran ahead without him to grab an itinerary and a map before he even had a chance to scan his ticket. The security guard patted his shoulder, sympathetic. 
Then at lunch, he tried to do that cheesy, ‘Oh, what’s that in my dessert? A ring?’. Nope. Before he could even order the dessert and slip the waitress the ring, you saw that fucking duck waddle his ass over and suddenly your boyfriend didn’t fucking exist. 
“Is there anything else I can get you?” Katsuki slammed a few bills on the table and walked towards you, ignoring the bewildered waitress and not caring about his change.
You were waving goodbye to the stupid duck when he took hold of your wrist, pulling you away. “Come on, glow worm, we got more ground to cover.” 
Time to go to plan C: the giant ass princess castle, the most stereotypical place to propose at this particular park. He knows you’d enjoy it, so who fucking cares at this point. He just wants to put the damn thing on your finger already. 
“It doesn't matter how many times I see it, I’m still in awe,” you sigh, leaning against the railing as you admire the castle. Katsuki wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder. “You know you can go inside? If you are willing to pay the price, you can eat in the ballroom and even get married right where Cinderella met her Prince Charming. So romantic.”
“I like the original better. Especially the eye gouging part.” You elbow him in the gut, making him chuckle. He watched as you took a few more pictures of the castle. It was time. 
Katsuki cleared his throat as he dug into his pocket for the box. “You know, if you wanted, we could be one of those people willing to pay the—”
                                              BOOOM BOOOM
Over on Main Street, confetti cannons went off. A fucking parade with floats slowly moving down the road had randomly started up. Why is there a fucking parade!?!?! You launched yourself out of his arms, your body knocking into his hand holding the box and sending it to the ground. “Fuck!”
“It’s 2 p.m. already?! Come on, Katsuki.” Not even looking back, you ran off to get a good view. Katsuki groaned as he searched the ground for the box. 
He found it, but he’d completely lost you. “Are you fucking serious? Does the fucking universe hate me? What did I do to deserve this?!” Katsuki dragged his hands down his face. Taking deep breaths to calm himself, he started to look for you. Lucky for him, your quirk made you stick out. At least he knew you were happy.
After the parade, Bakugo let you drag him onto a miniature train that would take you to the other side of the park with a wildlife tour on the way there. One more attempt. While you stepped away to use the bathroom, he waited right by the entrance to the platform to get a chance to convince the conductor about helping him propose. He had the best chance on this train. No mascots for you to run off to, no extra loud distractions, and no way you could run off without him again. You were trapped to sit through his entire proposal whether you liked it or not….hopefully you did like it….
Katsuki was starting to grind his teeth, becoming more irritated. Where the hell was the conductor? His thoughts were interrupted by his phone ringing. He turned around and answered when he saw who was calling. “What do you want, dumbass?”
“Did you do it yet?! Did she say yes? Of course she did, I’m so proud.” Kirishima’s overly cheerful voice rambled on as Katsuki pinched the bridge of his nose.
Through gritted teeth, he groaned. “I didn’t ask yet.”
“What? You guys have been there for hours! Why the hell not? You get cold feet, bro?”
Katsuki gripped his hair in frustration. “NO! I tried three god damn times! Happiest place on earth, my ass. This fucking place is the worst; why did I think this place would be good? It’s fucking full of distractions and interruptions left and right. I’m lucky enough for her to be next to me for a solid five minutes. I take my eyes off her for a second and she’s fucking gone!”
“Did you even plan it out? Or are you winging it like when you fight?”
He rolled his eyes, turning away from the people who were shooting him looks. “I had a plan; I had three. All failed! I got one more idea but if this goes down the shitter too, I give up for today.” Katsuki was starting to think he should have planned something more isolated like his friend; that had been a smarter idea than what he’d been doing all day.
Kirishima hummed in understanding. “I’m sorry, bro.”
“Is that Uncle Suki? I want to talk to him!” Fujio’s little voice whined over the line.
“Not now, kiddo.” That wasn’t the right thing to say to a four-year-old who had been experiencing more mood swings.
A loud wail rang through the phone; Katsuki yanked it away from his ear in surprise. “Hey, put a cork in the fucking brat before he damages my ear drums.” Kirishima tried to shush Fujio and promised that he could talk to Katsuki later tonight but that wasn’t good enough.
“Are you talking to Fujio?” Katsuki jumped as you stepped up beside him. His head shot up towards the front of the train. The conductor was already there setting up. Fuck. “Hi Fujio! Why are you crying sweetie?”
“Shit.” Well maybe he could still do it on the train ride, it’s not that big of a deal to get the staff involved.
Yeah, he can do this. You’ll calm down the little shit fast and then you both will go on the train.
“Of course I can talk to you. I heard you got your quirk Fujio! That’s so cool, do you want to tell me about it?” 
“All aboard!” The conductor yelled as the gates opened. Okay, so you’ll talk for a bit on the phone. That’s fine. Everything is fine. The two of you sat in a booth as you kept talking to Fujio, listening to him talk about his newly discovered quirk.
The train started to move and you were still on the phone. “No, don't worry about it, Kirishima. I don't mind talking to him. We are only on the train ride getting to the other side of the park. I got time.”
Why….why did he have to fall for a decent person? Your kindness is completely screwing with him right now. You kept talking to Fujio, working out his emotions with him and making him feel better. It’s a good reminder of the qualities that had made him fall for you but why did it have to happen now?
The train was arriving at your stop when you finally said goodbye to Fujio. Katsuki was mentally and physically exhausted; he dragged his feet as he got off the train. You handed the phone back to him, not noticing the scowl on his face was not the same as his usual one. “I’m so sorry, bro.”
“You’re dead to me.” Kirishima whimpered into the phone causing him to sigh. “.... for the rest of the day….I’ll fucking talk to you later, Shitty Hair.”
After hanging up, Katsuki let you drag him wherever your heart desired. You fluttered around like an excited glowing butterfly, having to see every inch of everything. Seeing you glow so much did raise his spirit a bit. You being this happy from just being with him here was worth the amount of time and preparation to get here, even if he didn’t get to do what he came here for.
“No… anything but that,” that was the final straw that broke him. The ultimate torture. The ride straight from hell. It’s A Small World After All. Fuck whoever wrote that damn song; Katsuki would howitzer his has into space if he could right now.
You pulled on his arm, dragging him over to the ride. “Please, for me.” He groaned towards the sky as he was easily pulled into the little boat. He sat in the boat like a grump as you sang along to the song before you’d even entered the tunnel.
Katsuki could already feel a migraine coming on. He better get some therapy sex for the trauma you were putting him through on this ride. With his eyes shut, he tried to tune everything out. Finally everything was quiet….wait, the boat had stopped moving. 
He sat up straighter as his eyes opened to see only darkness. “What the fuck happened?”
“Attention, guests!” Someone who sounded like they were using a megahorn shouted down the tunnel. “There was a small powersurge and a few of the rides are currently without power. Please stay inside the ride until the problem has been resolved. Once everything has been fixed and you get off, everyone will be given a free meal token to any restaurant at our park. Sorry for the inconvenience.”
“Well that fucking sucks,” Katsuki grumbled. Fingers slid across his bare arms as you quickly latched yourself onto him as soon as you were able to find him. He could feel you trembling slightly. “Are you scared?”
“It’s a little creepy to be sitting in the dark with all those dolls staring at you,” you mumbled into his arm. 
He sighed, leaning back and letting you cling to him. “Relax, I’m here dumbass. I’ll always be here for you.” You smiled against his shoulder, humming happily as you held his arm closer to your slightly glowing body. Fuck it, he came here to do one thing and damn it, he’s going to do it. “You know that, right? I’ll do anything for you, even get on a stupid ass ride like this. Cause you love it and I love you.”
His free arm reached into his pocket as the room became even brighter. Now he can clearly see your smiling face right in front of him. “I love you too, Katsuki.” 
You leaned in for a kiss, but he stopped you as he whispered, “Prove it.”
“Prove it? How?” You pulled back and furrowed your brows.
“I've been waiting all day for this. You better fucking say yes.” Finally, Katsuki held up the open box to you. “Be my wife, ___.”
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sparklingichigo · 3 years
Human World Adventures
Part 4
Previously in Part 3
Satan: Sort off, but it'll be okay. You're here now^^
Beel: What-
Ichigo: Eh?
Asmo: EH?!
Ichigo: Well, I guess that's a good thing then. At least I can help to cheer you up^^
Satan: It does, much much thank you for that
Ichigo: No pro- [feels the hold getting tighter] ?? What's wrong hon?
Beel: It's fine.
Beel: Ah, the mark is fading [sees Ichigo's hickey starts to fade]
Ichigo: Well it's been days so I guess it did fade away slowly [nervous laugh]
Satan: Mark? What mark?
Ichigo: Oh it's nothing^^ well, Beel and I are getting drinks. Let's go, hon!
Beel: Yeah, let's go^^
Satan: can you get me some pineapple juice while you're at it?
Ichigo: Sure! My treat ^^
Satan: Thanks.
Once Ichigo and Beel leave, Asmo gets in and asks him about what happened.
Asmo: What was that?!
Satan: What was what?
Asmo: Are you seriously flirting with her? Of all people?
Satan: Me? Flirting? Absolutely not.
Asmo: Don't lie to me. Since when do you even like her?
Satan: I'm not! I don't like her like that, stop assuming things, Asmodeus!
Asmo: Heh, don't pull this game on me. I can smell love or lust from far away. Sure I understand your lust heightens because of her swimsuit, it even heightens Beel's, it's probably off-charts and they're probably banging but if I see you trying to steal her from Beel I won't standstill. Beel is our precious little brother, hurting him would mean you don't truly love him.
Satan: I'm not flirting with her!
Asmo: You better not. I'm watching you, Satan. [gets out of the pool] bEstIeS!! Wait for me!! [catches up with Ichigo and Beel]
Satan of course decides to just chill at the pool until he feels a presence of a suspicious sorcerer.
Solomon: I see you've taken a liking to her as well.
Satan: I'm not! Stop assuming I did!
Solomon: Hmm I see the way you look at her. It's as if you found your only one~
Satan: Tsk. Deal with your own business, Solomon!
Meanwhile, Asmo yet again witnesses the couple. Of course, he notices Beel is acting more possessive, it was quite obvious and this man isn't being subtle either.
Ichigo: Alright, so what do you want Asmo?
Asmo: Hmm, I'll just get the strawberry smoothie
Ichigo: As always huh, choosing everything pink^^
Asmo: Yeah, what about you, lil bro?
Beel: Oh, I've chosen my drink^^ I chose Melon juice
Asmo: Ooh, nice choice! What about you, darling? What did you choose?
Ichigo: Mango, as always^^
Ichigo: Oh, can you pack the pineapple one? We're taking those away [to the cashier]
Cashier: Of course^^
Ichigo: Thanks, miss!
Cashier: No problem. Are they your lovers? [randomly]
Ichigo: Uh well... [sweat drops] This one is my gay best friend and this one is my lover- ^^
Cashier: Ooh, no wonder he chose our pink drink. Here's your strawberry smoothie, sir. Melon juice for you and your mango juice, miss^^
Ichigo: Thank you. Here's the payment, have a nice day miss^^
With their drinks, they return to the pool. Suddenly they see Satan coming out of the pool looking unusually good. Ichigo blanks a bit because well damn, it's been a while since she gets such a view after Beel.
Beel: Sugar?
Ichigo: Y-yeah? ^^
Beel: You okay?
Ichigo: Absolutely! Hey Satan, here's your drink!!
Satan: Oh thanks, finally some good old pineapple juice!
Behind them, Asmo rolls his eyes in annoyance and so did Beel.
Asmo: Are you gonna do something against this?
Beel: Probably not anytime soon.
Asmo: Oh? You're unusually quiet today. Not that I'm surprised.
Beel: No one plans a murder out loud, Asmo.
Asmo: You're not killing him right?
Beel: Not literally at least.
Now back to Satan and Ichigo. The two end up talking about things. Satan told her that he succeeds in moving on which is good.
Ichigo: Well that's great then! You've finally moved on and things are going well for you, right?
Satan: It is. I probably have found my one.
Ichigo: Oh? After all this time you've finally found someone? That's great!
Satan: Yeah, I somehow find someone I truly love but unfortunately they're taken :(
Ichigo: Oh no...that's too bad :((
Satan: Yeah, it was unfortunate
Suddenly Ichigo feels Beel carrying her up causing her to squeal in shock.
Ichigo: Hon? What's wrong? Oh my goodness! My drink!
Asmo: I got you bestie- [holding her drink for her]
Ichigo: Thanks Asmo... But...Honey, where are we going?!
Beel: Somewhere.
Ichigo: Somewhere....? Oh my God! Beel no!! Can't we just wait for marriage before that!!
Beel: Oh not to worry, we're not doing that. I'm just getting you away from him.
Ichigo: What's wrong with him...?
Beel: He's suspicious.
Ichigo: Suspicious.... [glances at Satan confusedly] Is he one of the people you can't trust being around me?
Beel: Yeah, unfortunately not [finally lets Ichigo down on their bench]
Ichigo: Is it because I'm being nice to everyone?
Beel: I don't mind you being nice to everyone because you're always kind. It's just that, you need to remember that we're pure demons and sometimes... our desires can get ahead of us.
Ichigo: I see...
Beel: Being this kind and being this cute, no wonder many people want to steal you away from me [caresses her cheek]
Ichigo: You know I won't acknowledge them right? You know I only truly love you, right?
Beel: I know, but I doubt they'd give up, considering the third one happens to be Satan and he has an ace card against me.
Ichigo: Ace card?
Beel: Lucifer. He has Lucifer on his side.
Ichigo: Why would Lucifer be on his side? He knows we've been dating for almost 1 year and I'm sure he understands that Satan shouldn't steal me away from you.
Beel: I hope for that too.
Mammon: Hey you two! We're done with swimming, aren't you gonna change?
Ichigo: Oh? We're done?
Mammon: Yeah, we've been here for hours and it's almost lunch. Hurry up and change!
Ichigo: Got it!
So Ichigo changes out into her casual clothes and so did the others. Haruka of course is still confused as to why Satan is keeping a distance besides being always near her 90% of the time, now he's keeping a distance?
Haruka: Hey, Ichigo, do you have any idea why Satan keeps a distance from me?
Ichigo: I don't know. He did tell me he finally moved on though. You know how he gets when he dislikes someone or you're not that close to him.
Haruka: Ah back to Mr. ice prince huh? He's unusually friendly with you though.
Ichigo: Well, I think it's because we're friends^^
Haruka: That makes more sense. Did you bring your things? You're staying here tonight right?
Ichigo: Yeah, well I only brought pajamas dan more clothing, even toiletries. Other than that I don't see a reason I should bring one.
Haruka: True. Oh well, let's get lunch! [currently holding hands with Simeon]
Ichigo: You two seem to be happier than ever^^
Haruka: We are! He does make me happy
Simeon: Well, I'm sure you're happy with Beel as well^^
Ichigo: I am actually- [feels someone hold her from behind]
Simeon: Oh Beel! Didn't see you there^^
Ichigo: Aww hello honey^^ [pats Beel's head who's leaning on her shoulder] He's unusually clingy today, don't mind him^^
Simeon: considering your situation, I understand.
Beel: You notice as well?
Simeon: I do. Satan seems to change his target to her. I'm not sure how it happens but it just happened. I hope we're just seeing things.
Beel: I hope so too.
Suddenly they hear Michael and Lucifer calling for them.
Michael: Simeon! Come on, let's go!!
Simeon: Coming!!
Lucifer: Beel, everyone is already going! Let's go!
Beel: Right behind you! Let's go, Sugar^^
Ichigo: Yeah, let's go~
Finally, everyone has gathered to get their food. Throughout the ride, Ichigo is now in the most confusing situation in her whole life. Haruka is of course in the other car with the angels and some of the other brothers who can't fit. It was unfortunate for them to get separated but that's not why she's confused, it's because she's now between Satan and Beel.
Of course, Satan is busy with his e-book while Beel eats some kind of candy or gum to calm his hunger down. This leaves Ichigo in an awkward situation because she feels horrible tension. I'm sure you're wondering how this happens, don't you?
Diavolo: Well we have two cars because there are lots of us^^
Haruka: Wow! A van! Awesome! But how do we seat? Is there an arrangement for it?
Diavolo: I don't think there's an arrangement at least. Let's just divide the group into two. Eight people per car. Who's coming with me?
Barbatos: Of course, it goes without saying. I'll be by your side, M'lord.
Diavolo: Well we need six more.
Simeon: We'll go then. Haruka and I. Luke too!
Mammon: I'll go in your car then, Lord Diavolo!
Diavolo: We need two more, anyone else? ^^
Michael: Rosaria and Me ^^
Diavolo: Well, this leaves the others to be in Lucifer's van.
Lucifer: Hope you guys don't create chaos inside the car. I'm watching you. Especially you, Asmodeus.
Asmo: Me? Why me?
Lucifer: Who knows what you'd do in that car with Solomon. But oh well, everyone let's get in. Mammon, behave
Mammon: Of course, I will!
Now here we are back to Ichigo's awkward situation. She can feel the tension between Beel and Satan the moment she sat beside Beel then Satan joins in beside her.
Asmo: Oh wow, I feel so bad for Ichigo...
Solomon: Same... I'd never survived such an awkward situation like that.
Levi: Hey, Ichigo! Wanna borrow my switch? You seem really bored.
Ichigo: You're okay with that?
Levi: Yeah, I have my phone to game. Here^^
Ichigo: Aww thanks a lot, Levi^^
Now let's see how everything goes down in Diavolo's car. Since 90% of the members there are angels, it's all peaceful. Of course, Haruka is leaning peacefully to Simeon's shoulder as Simeon looks at the scenery.
Michael: So Diavolo, where are we going exactly?
Diavolo: Oh I'm actually thinking of going Japanese this time. What do you think of Sushi?
Michael: Ah sushi, what a coincidence! My wife loves them a lot^^
Haruka: Wait, we're getting sushi?!
Barbatos: We are^^ It's M'lord's decision to treat us sushi.
Haruka: Ooh! I love sushi!
Luke: Sushi...raw fish?
Simeon: What's wrong, Luke?
Luke: I don't know... I....just don't like it much
Rosaria: Aww not to worry, dear^^ There are sushis that are fried and some of the fish are cooked.
Luke: Ooh fried sushi sounds nice!
Haruka: They are! Especially the mentai one! Oh my God, I'm hungry now~ Simeooon what do we do~
Simeon: Just be patient okay. [pats Haruka] We're getting there soon, right?
Diavolo: We are^^ Probably around 15 minutes based on the GPS Barb set up for me
Haruka: Yay! it's been a while since I ate sushi!
Simeon: Well, today's your lucky day, little lamb^^
The same thing happens in Lucifer's car, everyone is asking where they're going to eat, considering they're following Diavolo's car.
Lucifer: Diavolo told me that he's going Japanese today, he didn't specify which food we're going for though.
Belphie: Sushi perhaps?
Asmo: Sushi? Ooh, you're quite lucky today, Belphie!
Belphie: Heh, it's been a while since I ate them despite it being my favorite food.
Ichigo: That's great then! You get to eat your favorite food
Satan: Sushi huh, quite a unique choice.
Ichigo: It's a common food in the human world. I'm sure Beel knows more since he has lots and lots of taste trips~
Beel: I do, I'm just not fond of it...
Ichigo: Oh, why so?
Beel: It's just not my taste but I'm fine with it^^
Belphie: It's actually good though. If you dislike raw fish you can get the cooked ones.
Beel: Oh yeah, I've tasted those as well. They do taste better.
Ichigo: Hey, Solomon, you're unusually quiet today~
Asmo: Sssh, he's asleep [laughs slightly]
Ichigo: Oooh, whoops- [tones down her voice]
Minutes later, they finally arrived at the sushi restaurant. Diavolo luckily already reserve the table for them so they don't need to wait in line.
Waitress: This way, sir
The waitress leads them to a VIP table with an awesome view. Everyone is impressed with the awesome view and enjoys the cool summer breeze coming from the open view.
Haruka: That is such a beautiful view!
Barbatos: M'lord does have a good taste in picking places.
Diavolo: Oh, Barb, you're just exaggerating!
Barbatos: Of course not, it was genuine.
Despite the place and the awesome view, Lucifer is now concern about Diavolo's wallet considering Beel is here and he has a big portion in eating but Diavolo, as if reading his mind calms him down.
Diavolo: It's okay, I can pay. I promise to treat you guys food so here we are^^
Lucifer: Are you sure, Diavolo?
Diavolo: Certainly, just choose what you like, I'm fine with anything.
Barbatos: Are you sure, M'lord?
Diavolo: Of course! Just choose what you like.
With that everyone chooses their sushi. Of course Haruka and Ichigo both discuss and they end up with Mentai sushi and lots and lots of other sushis. Of course, they also need to order the cooked sushi because Beel and Luke isn't that fond of raw fish.
Haruka: The tempura sushi looks good!
Luke: I think so too! Can we get that, Simeon?
Simeon: Of course, Luke!
Ichigo: Oh yeah, what about drinks?
Haruka: Perhaps settling with ocha? Since it's a sushi restaurant.
Luke: I'll settle with water...
Simeon: That's okay, Luke^^ You can have that.
With that everyone finally places their orders to the waitress. After a few minutes, the food finally arrived. There are lots of sushi but there's a catch, a certain stupid demon never learned his lesson.
Satan: What kind of crazy idea is this?
Mammon: What?
Levi: Are you seriously sipping milkshake....?
Haruka: [sigh] He'll never learn
Lucifer: Indeed.
Mammon: It's good, okay!!
Beel: I don't think that's wise....
Ichigo: Yeah... you're gonna puke again. Be careful.
Now that's not why we're here, we're here for some good ol romance. Haruka is trying to lovey-dovey with Simeon. She offers to feed Simeon but the angel rejects her.
Simeon: There's a lot of people though
Haruka: Ah...
Simeon: I'll feed you instead!
Haruka: O-oh! Okay!
Rosaria: Ah, young love~
Michael: Do you want me to do that as well?
Rosaria: Oh no no, it's fine. We're too old for this.
Michael: But I want to-
Rosaria: Just once^^
The others notice how sweet the two couples there. The singles are feeling more lonely.
Mammon: Man.... when am I gonna get a lover...
Levi: I have ruri... real people sucks.
Satan: Same, there are fictional girls from a book anyways-
Beel internally: Then why go for Ichigo??
Belphie: [chewing his sushi] ????
Ichigo: Here! The tempura sushi you ordered!
Beel: Yay! We finally got our sushi, Luke!
Luke: Finally;-; I almost finished my water.
Simeon: Don't worry, you brought your water bottle right?
Luke: Oh yeah!
Overall everyone is enjoying themselves during lunch until Ichigo feels someone staring at her. Ichigo looks back and sees Satan staring at her. Solomon and Asmo luckily come to rescue and just shields Ichigo away from him.
Solomon: Just focus on your sushi, don't mind him [turns Ichigo's head to the food]
Beel also notices this and sees what's happening. Asmo just gives him an "X" telling him not to do anything reckless. Lucky for him, Beel notices the code and decides to chew on more sushi. Ichigo really feels the tension, luckily Haruka helps her and ask for the waiter to come with a bell. Everyone's attention is back at Haruka who's ordering some sashimi for dessert.
Levi: You're ordering another one?
Haruka: Yeah^^
Mammon: I didn't notice we got a bell here-
Lucifer: That red button beside you
Mammon: Oh :o
Everyone: Mammon no!!
Too late everyone, Mammon presses the button to try it. Lucifer sigh as the waitress comes up to Mammon, asking what he needs.
Mammon: Uh... Can I see the menu?
Waitress: Of course, here you go^^
Mammon reads the menu and he seems to be too full so he ask the others if they want anything.
Beel: Are there any desserts?
Haruka: There's mochi and ice cream, which one do you want?
Mammon: Betting 50 Grimm for both.
Ichigo: 20 Grimm for him choosing one of them.
Lucifer: Can you not do bets in the middle of the table?!
The two of them quiet down until Satan decides to stupidly join in.
Satan: How about 30 Grimm that he chose both but with more portion.
Ichigo: That's oddly specific-
Beel: I'll take ice cream, sugar, do you want anything?
Ichigo: too full... no thanks
Beel: Well, get me one strawberry ice cream then^^
Mammon: Dang it-
Ichigo: Come on, you two~ 20 grimm~
The twins, yes Lucifer and Michael both facepalm at this. Wow, the audacity to do bets in the middle of lunch. Diavolo and Barbatos are enjoying every second of this. Rosaria just focuses on eating more sushi because it's been a while since she ate human food.
Rosaria: By the way, this is really odd-looking sushi.... What's this?
Haruka: ...who ordered that?
Levi: Don't look at me! I didn't order that!
Belphie: Me, that was supposed to be my sushi. But you can eat them if you want. It's octopus sushi ma'am, it's really good.
Rosaria: I see^^ well first time for everything
Her husband of course stares in confusion as Rosaria eats the octopus sushi with no problem.
Rosaria: You are right, Belphegor! It's really good!
Suddenly Luke asks for ice cream to Haruka causing confusion to her since Luke was this close to puke but here he is asking for ice cream.
Luke: Can I get ice cream too??
Beel: Which flavor do you want Luke? I'll order them for you.
Luke: Uh.... I don't know;-;
Ichigo: I think Vanilla works fine for you. The other flavors are too unique.
Luke: Oh! Okay then, order me the vanilla ice cream, Beel!!
Beel: Then I'll settle with the charcoal one, it seems interesting^^
Ichigo: Just don't forget to brush your teeth after^^
Beel: Of course I won't! :(
With that, the additional order finished and everyone enjoys the sashimi and their ice cream. Now it is time to go home, Ichigo instantly goes with Haruka without any of the demon brothers knowing. This causes havoc in the bus.
Lucifer: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven.... Seven?!
Levi: ....Where did Ichigo go?
Beel: She told me she's going to the toilet...
Satan: Then why don't we just wait for her.
Belphie: Well yeah, no sht! We can't leave her here! Use your 200 IQ!
Suddenly Lucifer's phone starts to ring, turns out Michael is calling him. Of course, Lucifer answers him,
Lucifer: Yes?
Michael: Ichigo is in our van. She's okay, don't worry. If you can hear her at least, talking loudly as always.
Lucifer: Ah I see... she did inform me she's staying with you angels. Did she bring her stuff with her?
Michael: Oh she did, it's in Haruka's room actually.
Lucifer: I see, that's good to hear. Thanks for informing me, Michael.
As soon as Lucifer hangs up, the brothers are shocked.
Satan: Why didn't she told us?!
Lucifer: Why would she?
Beel: ...Not even me...
Lucifer: Knowing you, you'd drag her back to our mansion. No wonder.
Solomon: and bang her for running away.
Asmo: That's not what he meant!! Wait... is it?
Lucifer: [sigh] Let's just go home. It's getting late.
Suddenly Diavolo's Van comes passing by them with Luke opening the window and mocking them.
Luke: Byeeeeee!!! See yall tomorrow!!!
Mammon: Haha sucks to be you guys!!! Ichigo's here!! Hahaha!!
Lucifer: Mammooon!!!
Belphie: Wtf-
Solomon: Why?
Beel: Ooh! Have a safe trip, you guys!!
Asmo: Can't yall just shut up? So noisy....
Levi: normies... ckckckc
As soon as Satan finishes shouting, they all stare at him confusedly.
Lucifer: Why are you...so...worked up?
Levi: You good? Period?
Satan: I'm a male-
Belphie: Okay... I'm starting to get a hint. Goodluck, twin brother [pats Beel's shoulder]
Levi: wait wait wait- are you telling me- What?! Why?!
Satan: What do you mean why?!
Lucifer: ...Oh my Lord. Just get in!
Asmo: This is gonna be a long day
Solomon: Same.... you need to be more subtle before anyone finds out anytime soon.
Levi: Watch Mammon finding out and scolding the sht out of you.
Asmo: Nah, no need to go that far. Watch his dad finds out.
Lucifer: Let's just go home.
Back at the van, Mammon and Luke somehow high-fived at their mocking towards the other brothers.
Mammon: That was fun!
Luke: Right?! You gotta see their faces!
Mammon: Heh, riling up Satan does has its perks.
Luke: Hm? I thought we're just teasing them...?
Mammon: Oh child, you'll never know.
Simeon: Luke, don't listen to him. You know how demons are.
Mammon: Hey! :(
Simeon: Let's not do anything more reckless. Doing this can just cause more chaos, Mammon.
One the driver's seat, Diavolo and Barbatos hear this. Barbatos just smirks and nods, noting it in his head.
Barbatos: So my predictions are correct.
Diavolo: Hm? What are you talking about, Barb?
Barbatos: It's nothing, M'lord^^ Oh! We're getting near
Diavolo: Ah, you are correct. We're here, Angels!
Rosaria: Honey, wake up!! We're here!!
Michael: Oh? We are? [wakes up]
Diavolo: Yes we are^^
Michael: Oh... thanks a lot for the ride, Diavolo^^
Diavolo: Don't mention it. I'm just being a good friend.
So the angels, Haruka and Ichigo get down. As soon as they did, Diavolo's vans drive away as Mammon waves them goodbye. Of course, this goes without saying that Ichigo is staying with the angels.
Now let's watch what happened in the mansion. Diavolo and Barbatos entered the mansion normally but suddenly he feels the tension between Beel and Satan.
Diavolo: ....What's going on?
Lucifer: Good question, I've been asking that since we got home. [facepalms]
Asmo: They've been having that aura ever since we got home.
Solomon: Help ;-; I'm scared for lyfe- [clings to Asmo]
Asmo: Let's just go to our room and let them settle this-
Solomon: Yeah let's go-
Barbatos: [sigh] As I expected. It's about Ichigo, isn't it?
Lucifer: Ichigo?
Barbatos: Yes, your son seems to take a liking towards her.
Lucifer: w h a t?!
Diavolo: He does?
Barbatos: I've expected this ever since we land in the human world. It's true Satan did stare at Haruka most of the time, but his feelings start to actually blossom when Ichigo took care of him on his heartbreak.
Levi:... Is this an anime?! What even are you two doing?! Just break it up!!! [trying to separate them]
Satan: Shut up, Levi! Deal with your own business!!
Levi: Beel, come on! You're the most mature out of all of us besides Lucifer! Can you just let this go?!
Beel: He has gone too far!
Levi: What do you mean?!
Mammon: Okay you two! Break it up! Levi, hold Beel, I'll hold Satan back!
Levi: On it!
But despite Levi and Mammon holding them back, they're still arguing.
Beel: Can't you just back off?! Ichigo is mine and we've been dating for one year!
Satan: Well why don't you back off?! I'm pretty sure she prefers me anyway!!
Levi: Beel! Don't get triggered! He's just saying that, I'm sure he doesn't mean it!!
Mammon: Come on, you two! There's no need for this! Satan, can't you just love yourself or something?! Staying single ain't gonna kill ya!
Satan: Deal with your own business, Mammon!!
Mammon: I can't! You're my brother and your feelings for her are hindering our brotherhood!
Lucifer has finally had enough and decides to step in, it's so much he even turns into his demon form.
Lucifer: ENOUGH!!
The two of them quiet down and stares at Lucifer in shock.
Lucifer: Are you two seriously arguing over a girl?! Right now?! And you, Satan, what's happening to you? Since when are you this reckless? Think about it! You're about to steal someone who's dating your brother! You know how it feels to get your lover got stolen but here you are trying to steal someone else's lover!
Satan: Deal with your own business, Lucifer! You know well feelings are natural and can't be forced.
Lucifer: But you can resist it. Are you sure you want to risk your brother for your feelings for a girl?
Satan: ....
Lucifer: And you, Beel. Calm down, okay. I'm sure there's a way out. You don't need to use violence against everything. Do you want me to call Ichigo back here?
Beel: ....please....
Lucifer: Alright, I'll call her here or we'll go there. Levi, Mammon, you are in charge.
Mammon: Wait right now?
Lucifer: Yes. Come on, Beel.
Diavolo: So...all of this because of feelings for someone....
Barbatos: Indeed m'lord. Love can either be beautiful or dangerous. There's no in-between.
4 notes · View notes
nicknellie · 4 years
That’s very relatable, I’m kind of in the same boat so I get what you mean lol. Also Good morning!
Box stuff:
1. I love that as well, and when Luke’s room is particularly bad. Emily will call Alex up (the Mercers had a household phone just because) and would hope that he was around to answer it so she could ask him to clean Luke’s room.
I love that Alex just casual knows where the cleaning supplies are. Maybe that’s something that Emily and Alex do together on a random Sunday or something, they just make food together and then clean up the house.
Oh yes, sometimes Reggie will join Alex in cleaning due to a particular bad fight. Maybe that’s how the boys know that Reggie’s parents had a bad fight because Reggie won’t tell them due to the fact that he doesn’t want to bother them. But due to him cleaning they just know (also the fact that he can’t lie to them). Exactly yes! Just as you said (I hadn’t finished reading the paragraph when I said my part lol)
Yes exactly as you put it, they just go up to his room just to think about when he was still alive and how him and the boys were safe there. Oh my goodness, yes they talk to him but just like with Bobby, they can’t get a sign so they don’t know that Luke has words he never said and that he regrets that he didn’t get a chance to say them.
Yes, and Emily will always regret that she didn’t put as much support into the band as she should’ve because now she can’t take back her yelling at him to do more work and or to quit the band because education is so much more important; that he will never be able to go far with the band. So I’m listening to music and right now the song is ‘Supermarket flowers by Ed Sheeran’ and if you change around some lyrics it could be something that is Emily to Luke. (Kind of how unsaid Emily is for Emily)
3. Exactly, it’s like I somehow reached the conclusion but I have no clue how to explain to you the processes but it’s edible so.
The boys are always in awe because Alex talks while he bakes so randomly he will say something like ‘fold the flour well what if I just don’t’ ‘how is this the recipe book it gives me no instructions I need like an in-depth explanation on what the heck this means’. And then the food tastes amazing, although they once thought that Alex was just not going to include the flour (also that he was going to give them salmonella by not cooking it)
Board games and jam
1. Alex is never running out of drumsticks is hilarious. Also just love the fact that this goes on for half an hour before he stops and then once Luke has been situated and isn’t expecting Alex to throw drumstick, he throws one more.
I love that, just Reggie being so competitive when it’s legitimately Alex sneezing because he needed to sneeze. Also the fact that Alex is ready to throw drumsticks at Reggie as well. Honestly at some point Alex has thrown drumsticks at everyone (even Caleb).
Among us
It definitely would, like Luke can’t do it for anyone else but the second Alex is imposter he’s just like I know who it is.
Basically this meme: (Luke is the one saying that he has connected the dots)
Tumblr media
Yes, however once Willie did kill Alex just to throw people off of his tail. And yes, Julie will always kill Luke first and if someone else is the imposter they will try to do the same just so people think the Julie is the imposter.
I love the accessories addition, definitely needed
Luke and Julie- yes
Willie- that is a power move and I love it
Alex- yes
Reggie- I do agree however at the same time I raise the cowboy hat
Flynn- honestly the fact that Flynn paid money to get a little character is everything and totally something that she would do.
Also if Carlos is playing then he has the paper bag
Honestly the boys thought that monopoly couldn’t get more chaotic and then they played it with Willie and Flynn and they were like this is new level. Because Flynn is competitive and she is definitely the one who would double check the rules and call out any of them if they got something wrong.
I love that Alex will just give Willie money. ‘I have no clue what you guys are talking about. Willie just has money because you guys are bad’
Despite the fact I have played Monopoly I legitimately cannot tell you what cards Flynn has that make her better than everyone else but you are completely correct. (Get out of jail for free? possibly) Also just has really good luck at picking out chance cards (maybe one of the ones in the middle idk)
Honestly I was kind of thinking that Luke would jump the table when Alex said that he wasn’t giving Willie money and that they were just bad. But I love your addition so much.
I love the fact that Reggie wouldn’t speak to Luke for a week when Luke just can’t avoid talking to them for about 2 hours. (Also Luke does the same to Reggie that they would do to Alex and Jess is in the background of everywhere with puppy dog eyes because Reggie won’t give him attention)
2. I love this so much. Alex looks hurt about the fact that Willie is laughing however at the same time he loves his laugh. So Alex is stuck between because upset that Willie is laughing at him and the fact that Willie is laughing.
I’m glad that it changes as the story goes on, honestly right now I’m just not the biggest fan of Arthur. (I will definitely keep you informed, I’m glad that you said this because I didn’t want to over impose) Currently haven’t watched another episode so I’m still on the first one for now.
Wait yes! That is total Alex energy, also just Alex being done with Luke all the time. Just can’t believe that this is the guy he has to protect.
6. I mean Alex didn’t function after the hair flip in the show so if Bobby had been there then maybe Alex would’ve been able to function better 😂. Also yes exactly, just slaps the back of Alex’s head just so Alex will have a normal conversation with Willie and not just them staring at each other.
I mean I know you have four requests but I’m in fully support if you do want to write that after 😂. Also love how they don’t explain anything just very straight to the point and say that he shouldn’t steal their music.
8. Honestly relatable, I can’t wait for your tangent when it’s not 1am.
10. Yes exactly. Reggie is a tiny bit upset but then he’s like ‘I’m not even the one who did the developing, Bobby is and seeing as which we are kind of mad at him that’s good’. Oh my goodness, just happy Reggie staring starstruck at pictures because of how defined they are.
Alex knows that’s what Reggie is doing but of course he’s going to humour him and make the food.
11. I can’t believe you just pulled out the fact that no adult believed Reggie as a kid and you compared it to Reggie meeting a lot of celebrities. Whoa, you’re completely correct but whoa that’s painful. Yes, he has met all of them (oo nice, which Billy Joel one?). Also Luke is hurt about the fact that Reggie met him but Luke wasn’t there. To add on, Reggie has met Prince, Elton John, and Michael Jackson.
17. No, You shouldn’t go back on that, Reggie definitely has Caleb‘s baby picture like legitimately he has everyone’s baby picture even Nick.
I love that addition like Caleb tried to steal their soul but Reggie just asked for him to give Reggie his baby pictures before they poof out to do stand tall. Then next time they see each other Caleb just hands them over.
Yes, that was exactly my thought process also your addition that Caleb is mean but he isn’t stupid, about the fact that Reggie is sweet is precisely that interaction. (I mean Caleb probably saw Reggie get upset over the fact that Han Solo died and was just like Reggie is a precious being must protect. I mean take his soul but protect.)
Nope she just handed them over, just as you said. Honestly Reggie could take over the world and no one would question it just because it’s Reggie. ‘probably priceless photos and they are in some ghost scrapbook’ is the greatest comment.
Exactly yes, honestly it doesn’t matter how the hot dog is involved in the picture but there has to be one baby photo of Willie that includes him in the presence of a hotdog.
19. Agreed, usually by the point that Willie and Alex’s alliance is over. Than Alex will start one with Luke, and they will just bombard Willie with snowballs. (Just because I want Julie and Willie to be friends maybe they start an alliance just to get back at Alex and Luke) (also for Reggie he has one with Carlos)
20. They are and we did get very luck with this cast. Because no matter who you look at, they all have such great chemistry with each other and work so well with each other. For example the band demonstrate such a wonderful friendship, as do Flynn and Julie. Just flawless performances all around.
Honestly I’ve seen those as well and it just makes me upset because the show legitimately shows and has Willie say that he had no idea that Caleb was going to give them the stamps. Like he wouldn’t say that, if it didn’t actually happen. Because, if he had done it in front of Alex then it possibly could be spun in the way that he was just trying to fake out Alex (lack of better word) but he did it alone with Caleb, demonstrating that he did not know what was going to happen.
Honestly same, I just want good Caleb who adopts Alex/takes Alex under his wing. Yes! I’ve also seen theories where Caleb is actually working for someone and it isn’t entirely him who is trying to take their souls (however I think that yours is much better and I actually feel like it’s a good way for the show to not have so many villains you know. Also in general your idea was well articulated and eloquently put)
Oh my goodness, Caleb only using his power for people who hurt Willie and Alex is everything. (Also adding Reggie to that mix because)
Understandable honestly Luke and Flynn would be such a power duo and anyone who made Julie upset would need to run for their life. (Also I am totally here for another tangent, I would love to see your thoughts). And yes them arguing over who loves Julie more and somehow this gets finished because Alex randomly appears and says that he and Reggie loves Julie the most.
21. So how Alex gets arrested, I was legitimately going to send to you in another ask but then forgot so here it is. Basically they are at pride and just a lot of bad things are said so Alex punches a cop and hence him being arrested.
Also I love that either Alex vandalizing some thing or arson is your first theory. Honestly I feel like it’s Luke and Reggie who would be the reason for arson and Alex and Bobby just getting dragged along. Also you’re completely right, going on with that, one day they did graffiti of the Sunset Curve logo. Also I love how after all of this the one thing he gets nervous about is a closed museum with no one there.
25. Honestly Alex and Carries friendship would be unbeatable. Also Carrie alongside Luke and Reggie would definitely give Willie a shovel talk, just have to say.
You’re absolutely correct, honestly I feel like they would have such a better friendship than a dating relationship. (honestly it would be hilarious if it was Carrie who found out that Nick was possessed)
26. Honestly anything Willie, I just need and another hair flip is top of the list. What if Willie knows that Alex is short-circuiting around him and purposely does these things just so he can see Alex flustered. Also swimmer Willie is needed. And Willie twirling Alex’s hair is everything and I want that for S2. (Also at some point Alex braiding Willie’s hair)
32. Honestly anyone giving them stickers is completely true. Also yes, The person who gave Reggie the stickers was the park ranger. Who helped him locate the rest of the band because Reggie had wandered off
35. That is sad, also yes. Just Ray calling them his angels would be everything, also just more Reggie and Ray general.
I’m glad, mostly because ghost taking pictures for other ghost to be seen. Kind of isn’t logical but I just want Reggie to be able to take pictures of Willie. (Also the rest of the band as well)
37. Oh my goodness, that is a rollercoaster to read. Also agreed, Reggie just had no clue how to work the washing machine. He just had lights and darks all together and to this day Luke and Alex are very concerned on how Reggie turn some thing that was black into a like horrible red colour. Also yes, everyone was freaking out about how Luke could possibly set something on fire and how this happened in the two minutes that someone wasn’t watching him.
39. Yea, Ray and Trevor being friends would be so cool. Also agreed, since Julie and Carrie were close then they were kind of close as well so once Julie and Carrie fell apart then they just stopped being friends as well.
Agreed, also seeing Reggie has the Queen‘s baby photos with no content is hilarious. (Also possibly could be how Julie reacts when she randomly see the pictures)
Good morning/afternoon/night for whatever time it is when you read this! :)))
Box stuff (which is somehow not about boxes anymore idk how we got here lmfao):
1. Yes I love that! Maybe when she and Luke argue he gets like. Really mad. So he storms off up to his room and if he’s in a really bad temper he does Classic Teenage Boy Angsty Stuff and knocks things over and messes up his room. So Emily calls Alex to A) sort Luke’s room out because there’s no way he’d let her in there to help right then and B) to calm him down
Omggg I love that so much, like mother-son-bonding time between Alex and Emily 🥺 I imagine it like you said, they make food and then clean, and they’re basically just talking the entire time as if they’re close friends or really mother and son - like Alex will tell Emily about school and any drama that’s going on at the time, or he’ll complain about someone being nasty to him, and Emily will tell him stories from when she was younger or “you’ll never believe what Helen from down the road has been up to!” And they’re super close and know pretty much everything about each other omg yes
Omg omg ok now you’ve said that - back to the AU where they could give Bobby a sign and then still join Julie, what if they had the choice of people to give a sign? Like they could have chosen Bobby, Luke’s parents, Alex’s parents, Reggie’s parents, or any other people they were close (or not close) to. But they could only choose one for whatever reason and they all had to pick the same one, so they’re between Bobby and Luke’s parents and they can’t make a decision because either way someone is going to miss out on hearing from the boys ever again and it breaks their hearts either way
Ok so I listened to the song and first of all ouch. I think I remembering hearing it like a few years ago but it hits different now. And I can totally see it being about that if the lyrics are switched around and it hurts. But also I couldn’t help thinking of how perfectly it fits Julie (won’t lie, I was/am literally sobbing while thinking about this) so that made me think that after Unsaid Emily happens Julie and actually goes back and she and Emily become really close (we might have already said this? Idk there’s been so many posts now 😂) and this song is playing on the radio one day and they listen and they share their grief with each other and it’s beautiful and emotional and then Julie learns the song and I’m gonna stop before I make myself cry again
3. Lmaoooo thats amazing I love it. Alex talking to himself while baking is everything. And he sometimes straight up ignores the recipe book kind of like you said he’ll be reading it then just go “that doesn’t make any sense and it won’t work so bye bye Mr Recipe Book I think I can do this myself” and he literally just chucks it across the room and Luke and Reggie just look at each other like Oh God.
Board games and jam:
1. Omg yes exactly. Luke finally isn’t on edge anymore and he relaxes but Alex is just like bitch you thought and throws one and it strikes him right in the middle of the forehead
Alex’s weapon of choice is his drumsticks. Reggie accuses him of being suspicious and Alex just readies the sticks slowly and Reggie hides behind Julie apologising over and over again bc he saw what happened to Luke and is slightly scared of Alex now. Him using them on Caleb has me screaming I love that so much - it’s just like Caleb being in the middle of an evil speech all like “I will have your souls if it’s the last thing I do” and then just gets hit in the face by a drumstick. The camera pans round and we just see Alex getting ready to throw another like a dart.
Among Us
Yes omg that’s perfect lmao, and if Luke says it’s Alex everyone votes for him without questioning it so Alex spends the rest of his time as a ghost just terrorising Luke and not bothering to sabotage anyone or anything else
YES the one time Willie did kill Alex, Alex got really offended and wouldn’t speak to him for an entire day so Willie vowed never to do it again. Also I love how that means that no matter who’s the imposter Luke is the first to die - he’s terrible at imposter because people know that if he isn’t the first out then he’s the one doing the killing
Accessories - I FORGOT THERE WAS A COWBOY HAT yes omg you’re right that’s Reggie’s. And Carlos would definitely have the paper bag - he thinks it makes him look sneaky and he loves it
Flynn being competitive is everything - she gets loud and angry if she thinks a rule has been broken, literally she’ll snatch the rules from Alex and point them out to show she’s right. If a decision is taking too long to be reached she’ll just roll her eyes and take the money and give it to whoever she thinks is right. Alex just looks around like “I’m pretty sure this is my job??” but Flynn’s just like “don’t care, let’s get on with this.”
And I love that absjdldl like
Alex: Willie won his ten thousand dollars fair and square.
Flynn: Prove it.
Alex: No.
Yeah same lmao it’s been years since I played monopoly because it just causes arguments between me and my sisters but I think you’re right about the cards?? I honestly don’t know, but Flynn does and she’s great at magically choosing good ones lol. She just has a stash of get out of jail free cards (Alex: Are you sure there’s really that many of those in the deck? Flynn: *hiding literally hundreds of get out of jail free cards behind her back* Excuse me, are you accusing me of cheating?)
Yessss lmao like Reggie is doing his best to avoid him but whenever he like opens a door or something Luke is on the other side like 🥺 and so Reggie just shuts the door in his face and walks away again
2. Awww wait that’s adorable, like Alex trying to stay furious but Willie laughing just makes him unable to stay angry so he tries to look angry but it’s obvious that he isn’t and the whole effect is ruined but he still makes Reggie and Luke get him a new hoodie or at least fix the old one
Yay, great!! I didn’t like Arthur to begin with either but he’s one of my favourites now. Maybe he’ll grow on you like he did for me :)
Exactly lmao like Luke is about to do something dumb and call himself a hero meanwhile Alex is in the background working his magic to save his life like “I couldn’t have got a less stupid prince to be forever connected to huh?”
6. I love that, just Alex so entranced and literally breaking inside because omg cute boy hair flip omg help but Bobby just nudges him and he’s like oh yeah I’m in front of my friends I’ve gotta seem cool (even though they definitely know he isn’t) or if he’s really stuck then yep the slap does the trick and Alex is a little more annoyed but at least he isn’t just gawking at Willie 😂
Literally they’re just like “bro we know what you’re thinking. Don’t you dare. Literally we’ll be back in 25 years don’t worry”. And honestly I really might write it after I’ve done everything else or maybe I’ll save it until I officially finish school so I can focus on it completely bc honestly if I do it I want it to be the best it can it deserves it 😂
8. Ok so this goddamn tangent omg. It also works perfectly for Julie and the Phantoms but I’m going to focus on Sunset Curve bc like you said Bobby being lost without them it’s just like yeah ok.
They are literally the perfect recipe for a band or even just a group of friends. You’re so right that their strengths compliment each other because they’re all good at different things and they all bring so much to each other.
Luke - within the band, he’s their lead singer, their frontman, kind of the main attraction. His strengths lie in writing, singing, and guitar and that’s what he’s got the most control over in the band. He makes sure they have great material so they can sound amazing. Within their friend group, his strengths are mainly with building the others up, encouraging them and believing in them (see the whole “we’re the only family we’re ever gonna need” and “Alex you’re a great drummer and a great guy” and “dude you’re like a human wrecking ball” etc). He knows how to make his boys happier and he only ever sees the best in them. He’s protective and kind and a lot of other things too, but he’s best at being positive.
Reggie - within the band, Reggie obviously plays bass and does backing vocals. I can’t stress how underrated he is - it’s hard to hear the bassline a lot of the time but it’s the sort of thing you’d still notice if it wasn’t there. He’s an integral part of the band and it wouldn’t be the same without him. Also I’ve made a post about this in the past but his vocal range is insane. The guy can sing. His backing vocals honestly are so amazing (especially Finally Free (and obviously Now or Never and Stand Tall solos)) and he deserves more credit. Not only that but his stage presence is phenomenal. In every performance he is so into it, way more than everyone else. He bounces around, he interacts with the audience, he spins and jumps and one minutes he’s on one side of the stage and the next he’s on the other. Reggie provides the show, he hypes up the audience, he ensures everyone is having a good time because HE is having a good time. In the friend group, he serves to make people happy in a different way to Luke. He’s a literal ray of sunshine, he cracks jokes, he smiles, he gets rid of bad feelings before his friends have a chance to feel them. He provides the joy and the distraction.
Alex - the drummer is such an important part of any band. He keeps time and they would literally fall apart without him. He’s at risk of being overlooked a lot because he’s at the back of the stage and can’t move, but he’s so passionate about it all that he still captivates peoples attention. Still he is more of a background part, but like with Reggie it would be obvious if he was missing. As part of the friend group, Alex is the most sensible. Yeah, he still lets them do dumb shit and he joins in, 100% but he stops them from going too far. He makes sure everyone is safe and is the one to stop bad decisions being made. Alex provides safety and comfort and is there for protection.
Bobby - as a rhythm guitarist he is also another really important part that goes overlooked as well. We don’t get to see him play much in the show so it’s hard to say too much about his role in the band as a whole, but he does add that extra little something - sure, they could probably have the band without him, but it wouldn’t be the same. There would be something missing or not quite right, a gap that would need filling because it wouldn’t have that complete, full sound. As we’ve discussed before, Bobby is like the group’s counsellor. He’s there to listen to their problems, to help them through it, to listen and understand what they’re going through. Bobby provides a listening ear and somebody to talk to when things are difficult.
So all their strengths match because they’re all different and they all pull together to make one functioning band.
But then when three of them are gone, Bobby is left all alone. He doesn’t have Luke there anymore he reassure him and tell him everything is going to be fine and that he’s strong enough to get through it; he doesn’t have Reggie there to say something - anything - and make him smile just for the sake of smiling; he doesn’t have Alex there to stop him from doing something stupid (like stealing their music or doing any number of reckless things he could have done over the years); and he can’t take his own advice and move on without all of them there to help him through it. It could have been any member of Sunset Curve who was left behind that night, but no matter what they would have fallen apart because all they ever needed was each other and without that they lose all ability to function.
11. Lmao yes he managed to meet a load of celebrities because he would go to a lot of concerts and meet them but he just wouldn’t think to explain that when he told people so they didn’t think he was telling the truth
(And the Billy Joel concert was at Shea Stadium which according to Google actually took place in 2008 but it was really really good)
17. Lmao he definitely has Nick’s baby pictures. When they eventually find out that Caleb is possessing Nick, Reggie dedicates a page to Nick in his Caleb scrapbook because technically they were the same person for a while and that’s where the baby photos go
Yessssss that’s brilliant. The real reason Reggie doesn’t get to Stand Tall until after Alex is because he tugged on Caleb’s sleeve first and was like “real quick I need your baby photos. You can give them to me whenever” then he poofs out. He has his priorities in order
lol yes “take his soul but protect” is perfect. And like kinda the same for all of them? I do desperately want Caleb to end up good because like you just know that he would do anything to keep Alex, Reggie, Luke, Willie, and probably Julie (he’d really respect her because of her power and also everyone loves Julie) happy
Literally, Reggie could walk into the White House and ask to be president and anyone except Trump would be out of their chair in an instant like yes sir you run the country now thank you. He could announce his plans for world domination and all the leaders of other countries would just be like “sounds like a good plan boss”
19. I love that, like the alliances start as Alex and Willie, Reggie and Luke, Julie and Carlos but over time Alex and Willie turn on each other and use any opportunity for attack, Reggie and Luke start arguing because one of them accidentally got the other, and right from the start Carlos is pelting Julie with snowballs over and over again so they very quickly divide into the absolutely perfect dream teams you said!!
20. Exactly!! Like I don’t watch all the behind the scenes and the only time I really find anything out about the cast is scrolling through Instagram every other day or on here, but still everything I’ve seen of them together shows that they’re basically a little family. And like you said they all have so much chemistry on screen, their dynamics are so beautifully built and the best part is that there are not bad actors! I won’t lie, like there’s time from all of them when the acting isn’t perfect but that’s the same with any actor or actress and overall they do incredibly
!!!!!!!! Exactly!!!!!! You’re so right, and anyone who is against Willie is A) probably racist and B) completely ignoring what happens on screen even though it’s all obvious and they’re literally just choosing to believe he’s a bad guy smh
Thank you!! I’ve seen those theories too and I do like them but I just don’t think Caleb would be so into the whole soul-stealing thing if it was for somebody else and not for him which is why I think it’d be better if he turned nice (or turned nice, completed his unfinished business, handed over the HGC to Willie and crossed over). And yeah like you said I think once you add Caleb’s boss that’s just too many evil people. Id rather give everyone whos meant to be an antagonist (Caleb, Carrie, Trevor) character development or redemption arcs than add yet another villain
Oh yes definitely add Reggie to that list!!!
Honestly the Luke and Flynn friendship might deserve a post of its own 😂 I’ve already done one long tangent and I think this could be longer so I might do the whole thing separately lmao. but YES lmao if you mess with Julie you’d better watch out bc Flynn and Luke would be on their way with weapons. Alex solving the argument like that is everything lmaooo
21. OMG yes you’re so right. Let Alex Mercer Punch Cops 2k21!!!!! 100% that is what happens, absolutely no argument there
Ajsbdkskd yeah I love that for me, Alex gets in trouble so it must be arson. But yeah I actually like yours better, Reggie and Luke would be the ones to casually set stuff on fire. I feel like Alex would try to put it out but accidentally make it worse and Bobby would just be watching and quietly enjoying himself thinking the entire thing is hilarious. Yessss omg Sunset Curve graffiti all over Hollywood with the caption “Tell Your Friends” and it ends up being how they get most of their recognition and sell tickets to gigs and stuff. And yeah lmao plus he’s invisible he literally can’t be caught 😂😂
25. Oh yeah Carrie would be the first to do it like even though she can’t see Willie she’d be all up in his face laying down the rules
Right??? Their friendship has so much potential and way better than romantic (and that’s not just because I think Carrie is a lesbian, although she definitely is and that’s definitely a part of it lmfao). Honestly Carrie figuring out Nick being Caleb would really be glorious. Like, she asks him again to get back together with her but he has said no so many times by now that’s she’s expecting him to say no again, but Caleb thinks it could be a way to get Julie jealous and aid his plan so he says yes and Carrie is immediately like nope something is off.
26. He so would. He’d have a mental list of everything that makes Alex lose his mind and he’d make sure to do everything on it at least once a day
32. Wait that’s so cute 🥺😂 Reggie just getting distracted and wandering away and the park ranger being like ok first here have a sticker and second let’s go find your friends. Reggie immediately befriends the park ranger and makes sure to come back with a batch of cookies Alex made as a thank you bc he would not have made it out of there if the ranger hadn’t found him
37. Yeah lmao Reggie tried his hardest but just. Failed miserably. Lmao I love that detail of him completely changing somethings colour and Alex and Luke just being like wtf how did you do that. In the two minutes someone wasn’t watching him Luke managed to put his arm in a candle. Candles are now banned from the studio. Lmao if it happened while they were ghosts then Julie and Alex and Reggie would have just been talking then they’d hear a panicked “JULIE HELP” and turn round to see Luke on fire
Lmao Julie sees the queen’s baby photos and is like “why do you have some random old baby in this scrapbook?” and Reggie is just like “oh that’s the queen” and Julie is the first person who’s ever believed him without an explanation
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minmotl · 4 years
Chapter 30: Sui Zhou is Upset That Tang Fan Wants Him to Marry
Context: Follows directly after Chapter 29. We left off at Sui Zhou bringing Tang Fan home to see his grandmother. Grandmother loves Tang Fan and after the dinner, Sui Zhou is unhappy that Tang Fan is pushing for him to get married. At the end of this chapter, Sui Zhou is called away for business and Tang Fan ends up being taken to the palace by Wang Zhi.
Introduction Post | Masterpost
Highlights under the cut
Sui Zhou says this in such a domineering manner that everyone is stunned speechless for a moment, glaring at Sui Zhou.
This is not Tang Fan’s place to say anything. In the first place, he does not have any right to speak out, but this does not hinder him from habitually using the eyes he usually applies on his cases to analyse the personalities of the people before him. Brushing his eyes past them, from the way they talk and act, plenty is revealed.
For example, Sui Zhou’s parents are both honest people, otherwise when Sui Zhou’s sister-in-law Lady Jiao spoke, Sui Zhou’s mother would have spoken out to stop her. And also, taking a look at Sui Zhou’s brother and the way he kept mum, this is actually quite similar to the way Sui Zhou is, but Sui Zhou doesn’t speak because he finds no need to. When he is analysing a case and is required to speak, he always says only as much as is necessary, while Sui Zhou’s brother seems to simply be a man of few words and is quiet out of character and habit.
Tang Fan shakes his head inwardly. He heard Sui Zhou say before that Sui An wanted to take the Imperial Examination, but with this kind of personality, even if he manages to get lucky and is selected, it’s likely that he would not last as an official for long. Which high-ranking official is fond of a subordinate who refuses to speak?
Compared to her husband, Lady Jiao is talkative and knows how to adapt to her situation, but she’s too eager to bring attention to herself. Her elders are both honest people and cannot keep her in check, so she probably does as she wants when she’s at home. No wonder Sui Zhou ended up moving out.
With Sui Zhou’s declaration, Tang Fan can no longer keep silent. Taking a step forward, he puts up both his hands in greeting to Madam Zhou, “I am Tang Fan, courtesy name Run Qing. Madam Zhou you can just call me Run Qing. I am a judge at Shun Tian Prefecture and a good friend of Guang Chuan’s. Today I’ve brought my younger sister Ah Dong to celebrate Madam Zhou’s birthday, I wish Madam Zhou an abundance of fortune and to live a long life.”
Ah Dong greets Madam Zhou obediently as well, “A thousand fortunes for Madam Zhou.”
Then, she brings the present they brought with them to Madam Zhou.
Madam Zhou laughs openly, “Good, good! Since you are close to our family, then there is no need to be too fussy. It’s so rare for my Ah Zhou to bring a friend home and wish me well for my birthday, I can tell that you must be a good child. The young lady looks beautiful and smart, this is good, this is good!”
It is a popular trend in recent years to open gifts in front of everyone as it doesn’t matter if the gift is cheap or expensive, as long as it is well-thought out, the person celebrating their birthday would be happy.
Lady Jiao takes the gift box and pulls at the string over the box, opening it. She sees a Longevity Peach carved out of jade. The colour of the jade is warm and the item is both intricate and cute. The size of a palm, it’s most suited to be played with in one’s hands.
For Madam Zhou’s birthday, the palace also sent some gifts over, but she has been frugal all her life and does not wish to announce it, so her birthday banquet simply involves her daughter’s family and a dinner. Seeing this gift, Madam Zhou is both stunned and flattered, “It’s good enough that you came, why did you splurge on such an expensive gift?”
Tang Fan smiles, “I didn’t spend any money on it. I don’t mind letting Madam Zhou know that my salary is low, if I really was to buy it I wouldn’t be able to afford it. This Longevity Peach is an heirloom passed down in my family, and since my parents and elders are no longer around, I took it out as a gift to give to you, I hope Madam Zhou does not refuse or dislike this gift!”
He may have said this humbly, but just from the colour composition of the jade, Sui Zhou knows that the price of this jade peach is not cheap and it looks like the jade has aged well. To be able to collect and keep something like this, it’s clear that the Tang family was well off.
From this gift, it is enough to see the Tang Fan’s thoughts and well wishes.
Madam Zhou is the Empress Dowager’s sister and the Sui family as seen plenty of powerful officials and wealthy individuals. The Ming dynasty also has a tradition of respecting the elderly, so instances of an old lady yelling at an official on the streets, lambasting them to the extent of carriages carrying officials having to move around the elderly are possible. When Sui Zhou first introduced Tang Fan as a judge from Shun Tian Prefecture, the Sui family was not the slightest bit shocked. After all, Sui Zhou’s father and brother both have titles within the ranks of the Embroidered Uniform Guards.
With this jade longevity peach however, Lady Jiao takes the hint and shuts up.
Madam Zhou is still shaking her head, “Don’t spend so much money the next time! It’s good enough that you are visiting. I’m really happy to see the both of you!”
Tang Fan grins, “That’s where you’re wrong, Madam Zhou. When it comes to your eightieth, ninetieth birthdays in the future, not only will I spend, but I will spend even more! When that time comes, I will find a bigger longevity peach for Madam Zhou!”
Madam Zhou is so tickled by that, that she burst out in laugher, “Such a glib tongue, Run Qing. You’re more than a hundred times sweeter than Ah Zhou and Ah An. It must have difficult for you to be able to be friends with Ah Zhou. If he bullies you, you must tell me, I will support you!”
Listening to this, why does Tang Fan feel as if he’s about to marry Sui Zhou? Then again, he supposes that Madam Zhou is already so old, sometimes she may speak without thinking, and so Tang Fan brushes the comment off with a smile.
Although it is a family banquet, but the dishes on the table were obviously intricately cooked. While the Sui family isn’t fond of words, with Tang Fan around, he manages to entertain Madam Zhou well. Sui Zhou’s sister Sui Bi is older than Ah Dong is by a few years, but the two young ladies become fast friends and shortly after begin to talk in low voices with one another.
In comparison, Sui Zhou’s parents and older brother look to be guests at the table instead. They don’t say much and concentrate on eating from the start to the end. Lady Jiao of course wants to interrupt and say something, but Madam Zhou seems to not be fond of speaking to her. Holding Tang Fan’s hand, she continues to talk to him. Once she hears that Tang Fan’s parents died early and his older sister is married off out of the city, and moreover, Tang Fan has yet to marry, she sighs, “What a poor thing. Being an official in Jing city all on your own, and you don’t even have a soulmate to accompany you at your side no matter what. Someone of your character, I’m guessing the matchmaking ladies must have been dying to step through your doors. What kind of women do you like? Come, tell me, I’ll help you look around!”
Once Tang Fan hears this, his skin goes numb and quickly, he uses Sui Zhou as his shield, “Madam Zhou, I remember that Guang Chuan seems to be older than me by a few years, I’m sure he’s more eager to get married than I am?”
He’s just finished speaking when he feels someone staring at him from the side, obviously unhappy with the way Tang Fan is creating trouble for him by diverting it from himself to Sui Zhou.
“Run Qing has high expectations, don’t randomly connect the red string for him,” Sui Zhou speaks, finally shifting the old woman’s attention from Tang Fan to him.
Madam Zhou is unhappy with what he said, “Nonsense, will you not marry if you have high expectations? It’s no trouble for me to go and find the Empress Dowager and let her pick some, if he doesn’t like a common woman, I’m sure a princess or a royal member will do?”
Tang Fan doesn’t know whether to cry or laugh and is about to stop her, but Lady Jiao sourly half jokes, “Madam Zhou you’re really biased. You haven’t known Run Qing for even half a day and you’re already helping him to find a match, if people didn’t know, they would think you took in another grandson!”
Madam Zhou chuckles, “Run Qing this child and I get along well, so what if I play matchmaker for him? Don’t tell me you want this too? I’m of course more than happy to get Ah An someone from the royal family, but then you’ll have to give up your position, no?”
At that, Lady Jiao becomes silent.
Tang Fan manages to convince Madam Zhou to dismiss the idea for now, and after the meal, Ah Dong and Sui Bi look to be getting along well as well, and so she’s invited to stay for the rest of the day. Tang Fan and Sui Zhou then bid Madam Zhou farewell with the promise of coming to visit her often, and it’s only then they are allowed to leave.
After exiting the house, Tang-daren wipes at his cold sweat, “Guang Chuan, the old lady in your family is really persistent. Luckily I did not give in, otherwise Madam Zhou would really have gone into the palace and asked for a princess from the Empress Dowager for me!”
“Is a princess no good?” asks Sui Zhou.
It sounds as if Sui Zhou is teasing him, but the man’s face is cold as ice, even the way he speaks is cold and without feeling. However, Tang Fan has long gotten used to this poker face of his and does not mind, only shaking his head with a laugh.
Is marrying a princess good or not? All women that exist are precious and treasured despite their status and are naturally good. However, becoming a Prince Consort by marrying a princess, this means he will not be able to participate in politics. Even those who were originally officials will have to quit their roles and go home, but this rule is aimed only at civil officials. For officials in the military, this rule is not enforced as strictly. For example, the Prince Consort Jing Yuan who died protecting the late Emperor during the Tu Mu Fortress Rebellion was also an official and was allowed to lead the army during wars.
However, for civil officials this is a death sentence! After marrying a woman from the royal family, their careers are as good as dead, so men with ambition see marrying women from the royal family as turning their backs on their careers. While Tang Fan does not obsess over his position, but he has after all studied so hard for more than a decade, all to continue on his life’s path to service the people and be able to do something for them.
After their meal, they steadily walk back home in the direction of their house to digest the food they just ate. Their steps are slow and steady, as if they are very relaxed and free.
Tang Fan then teases him, “But Madam Zhou said something right. You’re not young anymore, you should be getting married. Don’t wait a few more years and by then no one will want you.”
Sui Zhou glances at him, “You truly wish for me to get married?”
Without waiting for him to reply, Sui Zhou adds, “If I marry, you will have to move out.”
Tang Fan nods, “That makes sense, after all, we have to prevent tongues from wagging.”
“You’ll have to find a house on your own.”
“Houses in Jing city are really hard to find,” Tang Fan sighs.
“In a few years, when Ah Dong is old enough to marry, you’ll have to cook by yourself again.”
“That makes sense…” Then he considers that again and finds that the prediction is wrong, and adds, “Then I can go find one to marry too, no?”
“And let her find out that you’re writing erotica fiction, and that it’s selling pretty well?”
“Or maybe you’d like to explore further with her, let her write some, so that she can contribute to the family expenses as well.”
Tang Fan laughs, “It wouldn’t be so bad?”
“Judging from your current salary, aside from your massive food expenses whenever you run out to eat, when Ah Dong marries, you still have to put together a dowry for her and then after you get married, you will need to feed one more person. When you have children, that’s even more mouths to feed.”
The more Tang-daren hears, the greener his face becomes.
Sui Zhou continues to analyse it, “And it’s also likely that you will end up marrying someone like my sister-in-law, if our wife is not virtuous, that is disaster for the family that will end up harming your children and grandchildren.”
“Don’t say anymore,” Tang-daren says weakly, “Marrying a woman is so scary, I think I won’t marry any time soon.”
Sui-baihu makes a noise of assent, his expression stern and firm, obviously having the same thoughts as Tang Fan.
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paradise-creator · 4 years
Okayyyy. Seatbelt on, space cadet! I'm gonna take you on a loooong journey ✨
First of all hello again! I'm here to request for a Haikyuu romantic Haven Box if there's still a spot left. Take your time tho, I'm good at waiting 🙌🏻
here we gooo. so I'm an 159cm pansexual asian girl. I'm a little bit on the chubby side. I got long black wavy hair and I always let it down. People say I look rude and cold so they are afraid to befriend me at first (some even hate me for no reason.) I mean its not my fault that I borned with this resting bih face 😭💔 I love wearing dark colored clothes, high waisted jeans and Sneakers.
I do wear makeup, and my favorite lipstick color is red. Like a really bold red. That's like my trademark.
for personality, I'm an enfp, taurus, gryffindor (big yikes!); I think I'm a pretty openminded person. I'm not afraid to speak up and I will fight (both using words and fists) for what I believe in. People see me as someone confident and to look up to; Tho honestly I'm pretty insecure with myself. Like I find nothing good about me and got depressed easily. Its like I have this happy clown persona everytime I'm outside my house and once I go back to my bedroom by myself its all the sad clown hours haha. ooh- this is getting kinda heavy. 😵 But anyway I care about my family and friends a lot. Their happiness is actually more important than my own. So I'd do anything to help and protect all of them.
My hobbies are sleeping, singing and watching horror movies/true crime documentaries; and yes I got scared after watching those stuff so I ended up searching for some broadway musical 😂😂 I also love to play games; otome games, cause my love life sucks *coughs*
Some facts about me!!
I believe in soulmate. Just the thought that we all have someone created specifically for us is making me happy 🥺❤
I'm a touch starved person. So I like doing skinship and PDA. I just love being spoiled and showered with love I guess 👉🏻👈🏻
I hate spicy foods, cause it really burns my throat. and I also hate lizards. They are gross and weird 😭😭
I believe ghosts are real and I'd definitely want to speak to them someday. Just asking them how does it feel to be a ghost? Is there a way to help em stop being a ghost? (Only with the nice ghost of course) 👻💕
My favorite song is Helpless by Phillipa Soo and if that doesn't show how much of a Hopeless romantic I am then idk 😂😂
I love watching tarot cards reading.
I'm a sucker for enemies to lovers trope and I can't stop this addiction. Like aaaaa its cliche but I love em so much ashdjflgl
Okay thats it! I need to stop talking before my ask give you some real headache 😂 I wish all this information helps you write a little bit and not bother you in one way or another!! Have a great day and stay healthy in this pandemic situation 🙌🏻✨ see yaaaaa~☆
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Dream catcher loading...
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*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. *. •.°
Hello and Welcome my Starlight!
The Haven box includes:
- Match up
- Sun drop
- Old habits die hard
-  No matter what
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
I'd match you up with
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Oikawa Tooru, The Grand King
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Sun drops
- Okay, when I read your description Oikawa popped in my head. So on to the great king we go!
- I also had an Oikawa brain rot when I decided to do your request but either way, I still think you two would look cute!
- Oikawa is the most realistic character in Haikyuu and I believe you two would definitely match
- You feel insecure? No worries, Oikawa already saw it coming and is going to give you compliments and gifts
- He may not look like it, but he is really observant
- You can't hide your feelings from this man cause he has been through that
- You both were deemed the power couple of the school
- He would ALWAYS always remind you to take care of yourself
- Both of you seem confident and really out going but in reality, you both are really insecure
- You both would understand each other
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
Old habits die hard
- He almost NEVER calls you by common nicknames, except for Queen and princess
- Your nickname can be something weird like my little Alien or smth
- Whenever you watch a game, he alsyws gives you his extra jersey or his jacket
- He would randomly say I love you and if you don't respond, he'll pout
- You gave him a plushie and he named it after you
- Stargazing (Alien hunting) is his favorite type of date
- Study dates almost always ends up with one of you dead asleep before starting anything
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No matter what
Oikawa Tooru is the grand king of Seijoh. He was handsome, smart, and all that. He was very athletic and observant. He gets along with everyone and anyone. He could get any girl to swoon to him but he is only loyal to volleyball and Iwaizumi. And that’s what people thought, but this king has fallen off his throne. He, has fallen in love and doesn’t know what to do. It started with the little things like seeing how she loves skinship or how she hates spicy food. He thought it was normal, he was observant after all. But as time passes, he realized that he might be falling. He tried and tried to avoid it, knowing that it might just hurt him in the end anyway. He knew that he wasn’t going to be able to fulfil what was in her heart because he would always choose volleyball. Oikawa had a girlfriend once, she left him because he wasn’t good enough, and he didn’t give her enough of his time.
Oikawa did not want that to happen again. He didn’t want his heart torn into pieces yet again. But still, he fell deep into the rabbit hole called love. And he hated her for it, becoming her enemy for no reason at all. But, fate seemed to be in his side. Soon enough the “mortal nemesis” relationship faded away and love soon blossomed. It wasn’t as smooth as most people would say but it’s still a beautiful sight to behold. The way Oikawa looks at her with so much love and passion, it’s breathtaking. The way that she would cheer for him no matter what, it’s alluring. A love so pure that it seems surreal and impossible. From then on, the great king knew that she was thee one. He knew that even if he was too busy, she would understand. He knew that she would always be by his side no matter what the cost is.
And he knew that no matter what happens, he would always love her. Volleyball may be his priority, but he will soon get out of it. Slowly but surely, the walls he built was crumbling away. Slowly but surely, his distant exterior grows into an attached and close koala. Oikawa’s train of thought was then shattered as he heard someone calling out to him. “Oi Shittykawa, why the hell is your face like that?” Iwaizumi said as he cringed at the sight. “Geez Iwa-chan, can’t a guy think about his soulmate in peace?” He then responded as he glared at the shorter male. “We have a game to play, Stupidkawa. And if you miss her so bad, why don’t you go to her at the stands and talk to her?” Iwaizumi said as he glared intently at his best friend. “I have a better idea,” Oikawa said as he stood up. His eyes wandered around the bleachers to find his one and only. And soon enough, he was able to see her long black wavy hair and her beautiful eyes. “Princess!” He yelled.
The female then smiled and waved at the player adorning the cyan colors with the number one. “Yes, my prince?” She yelled back. “Oh! My darling Princess! I love you with all my heart and know that no matter what, I’ll still be in love with you,” He yelled. The stadium awed at the interaction. Oikawa now found his one and only, his soulmate. And he would never let go, no matter what.
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
Author's note
Hello there! I'm so sorry for doing this quite late. Since exams and school and all that.
I hope you enjoy this matchup nonetheless! And I also made sure that the drabble was a bit different and unique to make up for it. Since I decided to try out a new way of writing.
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barcaavengers · 4 years
Letting Go || John Ambrose McClaren || Part 2
Note: Its hereeeeee! Was going to only do two parts but then saw the chance for some angst so here we go! Thank you all for your patience! Don't forget to leave some feedback and see if I post part three whiiiich I'm working on! Heads up to @noxceleste and @dreamingspark !
The weekend went awfully fast and you haven't spoken to John after your little stunt confessing your feelings and you weren't looking forward to seeing him at school. So you decided to skip a few days with an apparent headache and strong pains of your shark week, that's how you called your lady days. You didn't bother texting him either because you remember he was organizing the Belleview dance with Lara Jean. It was probably too overwhelming for him. He wasn't done processing that Lara Jean was dating Peter and you were already blurting out that you liked him. Go you, right?
Today was that ball and you were contemplating on going. He had invited you before the whole mess and he didn't take it back...but would it be worth it? What would you do? Be awkwardly there with a dress...Oh God, you had to wear a dress...Did you even want to? Did he want to see you now? Would it be too awkward between you two? Probably. Most definitely, but it would be worth it to either fix things or see how it goes...
You decide to go out and at least make an attempt to find a good dress, but nothing that screamed you tried too much. You weren't much of a dress up person and it would see way too off for you. Same for makeup, you used the least you could and that was how it was going to be when you got ready.
As you drive by the stores, you decide to stop at a small diner and find Peter sitting by himself sipping on a soda with some fries on the side.
"Hey" you wave awkwardly at him to get his attention.
"Oh, hey! Y/N, right?"
"That would be me" you nod your head with a smile. "Waiting for Lara Jean?"
"Nah, her and I…we…." you arch an eyebrow and he shakes his head, "its complicated."
"You wanna talk about it? It looks like its bugging you" you were doing it with the best intentions, not for any other reason. Peter seemed like an active person, and seeing him by himself in the diner and not expecting anyone seemed weird to you even when you only knew him for maybe three or four hours.
"It is" he says and looks up at you before gesturing to the chair before him. "I don't want to annoy you though. It might be awkward since we barely know each other."
"Yet we have a lot in common" you say and shrug. "You don't have to if you don't want to. It just looked like you needed a friend" you offer him a sincere smile and he smirks.
"That helpless I look?"
"Well, to my eyes you do, considering that the first and last time I saw you you were very talkative and smiley and now you are not. I was expecting some sass at first hand."
"Nah" he chuckles and slides his glass to the side. "It's just…I messed up with Lara Jean and I didn't know how to handle things," he explains. "Gen is my ex girlfriend and ever since I started dating Lara Jean she kept looking for me and I was hung over her for a while until I fell for Lara Jean" he continues and you eye him, confused. "Sorry, important detail, Covey and I started fake dating to get to Gen and her to avoid one of her old crushes and it turned...real after a few months."
"How romantic" you tease.
"So I left things clear with Gen, but Covey found out that I was waiting for Gen at this ski trip instead of her after we had a fight, and now she knows I went to see Gen recently but it wasn't for any bad reason. She is going through some things that I went through and Covey thinks I'm cheating on her and I am not."
"So I'm guessing that she found out about this all together, right?" He nods. "She is probably overwhelmed, you know? So many things being found out at once about something you were suspicious about is not easy to handle even if it happened a while back" you assure him.
"Yeah, I know….but then there is McClaren around. I figured that he likes her and she seems to be loving the idea of it…I mean, I'm not a good boyfriend, clearly, and McClaren seems to give her the kind of relationship she may want…"
"Wait, what?" You frown. "What do you mean he is giving her the relationship?" Has John Ambrose not noticed your disappearance from his life because he was together with Lara Jean?
"He wrote her letters, like the letter she wrote to him, I'm sure you know about that. Um, planning the whole dance, going to this place to do the service. It's like...They have more things in common and she likes that" this time he frowns. "She just seems so happy…"
"And you will just let her go on with it? She chose you first, she fell for you when she didn't, I think...she is just confused…" you admit to him. "Feelings don't go away just like that you know? Trust me." Ah yes, how you wished to forget feelings just like that.
"McClaren got you too?" He asks and you nod your head. "He is charming" you both chuckle.
"Not to be that person, but he is dreamy. He is what most girls would want, but for what I've seen and heard, Lara Jean is no typical girl."
"She is not. I would know" he says smiling and the two of you stay silent for a moment, looking or playing with your drinks.
"You should try to explain things to her, not let anyone else do it or things will get even more complicated" you shrug. "I would be mad but I would rather have that person to explain to me what exactly happened, rather than someone else."
"You are probably right," he says and stands up. "You coming?"
Your hues look up at him, "What?"
"You gave me the pep talk to go to Lara Jean, so let's go so you can talk to McClaren."
"I-I don't think it's a good idea" you pause. "Plus I haven't even gotten a dress. John asked me to go before everything happened..."
"If he has any feelings for you I'm sure that he won't care how you show up."
"Can I at least make myself decent?"
"Come on, come on" he goes behind your chair and pulls it back making you squeal. As you stand, he leaves the money on top of the table before you two walk out. "I'll meet you here in twenty minutes because I have no idea how to get there."
"Deal. Um, just in case get my number" you say and he pulls his phone out and types it. You both part your ways to later meet up.
You put together a small effort in your clothing. Yeah Peter was right but at least you wanted to look nice. Lara Jean would probably be flawless and you couldn't fight that but at least try. You could already feel your heart increasing its beat, you were getting nervous, unsure of what you would find but at least Peter would be there. With how he reacted after you talked him into speaking with Lara Jean, you could tell a friendship was growing there. He acted so different and the beam that surged through him when he realized it was not late only made you smile. Peter was like you in a way, and it was nice.
When you got to the diner, Peter was already there leaning against his car, looking through his phone. His free hand was stacked inside the pocket of his jacket, some sort of dark grey and wore a dark shirt underneath. You had your own long jacket as it was announced it would snow and you could feel it. The tip of your fingers were starting to feel funny which meant such weather. You had some decent black jeans and a simple blue shirt underneath. "Ready?"
"She doesn't like driving in the snow" Peter says randomly as he looks up at the sky, noticing the flurries falling.
"Who likes to drive in the snow?" You say with a smirk. "Come on" you change your shift from parking and start to drive off to Belleview.
Your teeth catch the inside of your cheek as you chew nervously on it as you drive, Peter's Jeep right behind you. A thought occurred to you then, what were you going to say to John Ambrose? Peter was going to apologize and explain, but what were you going to do? You had nothing. The ball was in his court now. The snow was falling heavy now as you made your way up the hill where Belleview was, you parked your car in the closest open spot and so did Peter.
"Damn it's cold" you shiver as you put your coat on, the change from the heat of your car to the outside had you like that, but it wasn't that cold.
"Where should we go? This place is huge" Peter says as he looks at the building. It honestly looked like a palace. A palace where Lara Jean and John Ambrose were probably dancing and giggling. Meanwhile, Peter and you were there to steal them from each other. Saying it like that? It sounded so selfish.
"Go to the entrance, I'll go on the back side" you say and he nods before you both split.
Your sneakers left the prints on the now covered snow as you walked. You liked these days, they were perfect to enjoy with great company. John Ambrose and you would meet at a park or at a house for snowball fights and angels. Childish as it was, it made John smile and you loved it. He had the most beautiful smile and laugh...
The songs you can hear clearly as you walk down the small hill that took you over to the back. It was where the people should be right? Unless it was all indoor as it probably is because of the snow. Your footsteps stop as you rethink it yet your hues focus on a particular thing that it made your heart stop for a moment.
There they were. Lara Jean throwing snowballs at John and him laughing. Just like he used to do with you. The same laugh, the same smile. Lara Jean looked gorgeous, the blue dress and her hair done made her look like a princess, you couldn't deny it. Maybe that's why John and Peter liked her. Then there was John, the white tuxedo too big for him but it matched him perfectly. It made him look like a prince. A princess and a prince having their dance...Your heart drops at the thought. Peter was right, they seemed to be perfect for each other. But what about you two? Weren't you two a match? What about all those years spent together? Not even a few weeks ago he was being this certain way with you...Did you take the signs in a completely different way? Was it all in your head?
You feel like you should look away, to move from the spot where you were currently hiding behind a wall, almost at the top of the stairs, yet you don't know why, you can't. Then it happens, John Ambrose spins her and they are chest to chest, so close. Their lips so close and you know what comes next, everyone knows, you should definitely look away, but you see it. Disappointment, betrayal, jealousy, sadness, anger, all the emotions merged into one as a lump formed on your throat. How many times have you thought about John's soft lips against yours? Now they were being shared with someone who just came into the picture again, because she wasn't there!
As you are about to turn on your heel, you hear it.
"I can't-I can't do this...I'm sorry…" you hear Lara Jean's voice and you turn around to find her walking away, leaving a boy with his heart breaking as she did. His gaze was fixed on the snow, probably processing what just happened. The perfect ending for the night just….gone. And you want to go to him. Hug him. Tell him it wasn't meant to be. Hell, even kiss him even if it would make matters worse probably. You hadn't noticed that your feet had gone two steps lower, now in full sight and when he lifts his gaze, your eyes widen. Left? Right? Up? Up is where your car is.
"Y/N?" He asks. You stand still for a few seconds, hoping that his mind tells him he is seeing visions, and then you turn on your heel, stumble on the stairs because of the tears shimmering in your eyes and run for the hills before he sees you all torn apart. "Y/N, wait!"
You stop once close to your car, what was the point? Confronting him or not, things will be awkward, he will be awkward, you will be awkward. Things would not be the same after this. You wipe a tear from your eye, take a deep breath to stop your voice from quivering when you speak and turn around, arms rising and dropping in defeat. "Surprise?" You shrug.
"What are you doing here?" He asks as he eyes you. Yeah, sorry to disappoint him for not looking like a girl pulled straight out of a love story.
"You invited me…"
"And you didn't talk to me for days. I thought you wouldn't come because of your shark days" he says gesturing with his hand at your body. Oh yeah, he was so understanding of those days.
"Shark week, and…Um- Yeah, I guess I was feeling much better and wanted to give you a surprise" you lift one shoulder and pause as you can feel the lump in your throat growing. "I came with Peter" you gesture to the Jeep. "He wanted to get Lara Jean back…"
"Kavinsky is here?" His eyebrows rose as his eyes widened.
"Yep...Talked him into talking with Lara Jean...Get her back…" You pause as you get a sudden urge… "I wanted to confront you about what happened the other day. I thought you had enough time to think, you know? Here I was thinking that you would realize the moments we shared and all and it would make you see and appreciate them…"
"Y/N, come on, I do appreciate those moments. You know that" he reaches for you but you dodge. If he touched you you were sure to break.
"Not how I wanted it" your lower lip quivers and you bite on it. "I guess that I- I just thought that our moments would top anything with someone who just got into your life and, gosh! I was so wrong" you laugh at how you should be sounding. Helpless. "I guess that I was the one who was surprised, huh?" You give him a sad smile.
"Y/N, come on. I can't lose you too. You are my best friend-"
"Do you think things will be normal between us? Because it won't. I know it for sure. I'm here blurting out my feelings which are not corresponded and you think I can look past this?" You scoff. "Maybe. Maybe in a few months but I have to see you everyday, Ambrose."
He remains silent, brown hues dropping and his jaw clenches. "I don't know what to say...Maybe now is not our time…"
"Is there even a time for us? Was there ever? Did you even consider it?" You ask in disbelief. "I mean, while that time comes, what? I'll have to see you with her, hear you talking about her?"
"She left! And if she is with Kavins-" he trails off and your features are sure to show your confusion, so you follow his eyes and see it. Peter and Lara Jean kissing. The nerve! She just kissed John Ambrose and now….that!?
You turn to look at John, who looks even more heartbroken now. "I guess you know that feeling now" you say and lick your lips, your posture fixes. "She chose the one who was there before you" your fingers slide to your coat pocket and pull your keys, pressing the beeper to open it.
"I- I thought-"
"I know…" you offer him a smile, after all, you had to sympathize because he was going through the same thing as you. "I know you thought everything would fall into place…" you open the door to your car. "I thought about it too." He turns to glance at you, he looks like a lost puppy. Damn it! You would do anything to cheer him up, but who would cheer you up? You won't be able to pretend everything is fine for so long until he is back to not thinking about her. "I'll see you around in school, Ambrose" you reach forward and press a soft kiss against his cheek, that side that if he moved you'd finally feel his lips against yours. Maybe you were expecting him to move. Selfish? Yes. As you pull, he only looks at you and you smile softly at him, not showing teeth, your lips together and just curving them enough to make it look like a smile.
As you start the car, Peter and Lara Jean walk besides each other linked by their hands to his car. John had started walking away. You were happy for Peter, at least things worked his way.
You arrive home and close the door of your bedroom and flop on your bed. Tears streamed down your cheeks as quiet sobs made you shudder and you closed your eyes. A ring from your phone getting you out of your thoughts for a moment. At first, you thought it would be Ambrose, but the person who it was surprised you.
Peter:Thanks for the pep talk. I saw you talking with McClaren, everything alright?
Me: You are very welcomed. Happy it worked out for you. (:
Me: Didn't go as I thought it would, but I guess time will tell.
Peter:Wow. I'm sorry to hear that.
Peter: McClaren is blind if he doesn't see you like that.
Me: You barely know me xD
Peter: You did say we were alike. So I know :P
Peter:I owe you one. When do we meet up? Lunch is on me and so is the therapy.
You can't help but giggle. There it was, a great friendship coming up.
Me:I'll let you know. I need some alone therapy before going to the outside world.
Peter:Got it. Totally. If you need to talk, while McClaren is gone, I'll be here. Night.
You smile and place your phone down and as you do, another message comes up. You think of something sassy to say to Peter if he was teasing but it wasn't him.
Ambrose: Can we please talk? When you are comfortable. I don't want to lose what we have.
Your lips purse.
And that's all you write for the night. Your head goes to many places while sleep catches you. Maybe in three days you will be able to talk to him, yet not forget everything. Yes, you will try your best to make it normal but, would it ever be? Probably not. Three days would do to talk, but the rest was unknown and it all depended on what happened then. Maybe in three days you could try to forget...
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istgimamess · 4 years
Moodboard Ship(s): NCT and TXT...
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"...hiii my love !! how are you ? i hope you're well ashaja it is now my turn to threaten so yes you better be well or else 🔪 aahha.
may i get a moodboard ship with nct and txt please ? if not two then either of them is fine love !! thank you so muchh you're absolutely an angel and im so happy to have you as a friend. we need to talk more truly..."
In NCT I ship you with...
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Your moodboard:
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“Why do I get the feeling our relationship is backwards?” he asks as he wanders into your room, shrugs his jacket off, and hangs it over the back of your desk chair. You stare at his back, perplexed. Why was he here? “Isn’t it usually the girl who always wants to talk about feelings and the guy who bottles everything up inside?” he continues, his words finally catching up to you. Relationship? Feelings?
“I don’t bottle things up,” you shoot back, unable to clearly process the deeper meaning behind his words. Well, there is an imaginary box you like to hide things in, but that’s different—you think, in afterthought. “Right.” he responds, concurring. You can practically taste the sarcasm, his usual honey-like voice dripping with it. 
“Why—” you clear your throat, “Why are you here?” There’s a brief pause—not too long, but still long enough for your palms to begin to garner sweat. “Give me the setting sun, and I’ll be a richer man than most.” his voice is soft, almost as if he’s whispering. His hand reaches back in a swift motion, and he’s pulling off his shirt. As pure reflex you lower your gaze, but not before catching sight of his wings. They flutter momentarily, the sheer pink reflection catching in the setting sun. “For never have I seen gold like that which glows above the earth. Give me the night sky, and I’ll be the richest man for sure. For never have I seen diamonds like those that dance beside the moon.” he continues, back still facing you. You just barely recognize the scripture, fae are an ancient breed who take tradition very seriously. They have scriptures for everything—some more important than others. Your gut tells you this specific scripture is important. You begin to panic, wracking your brain for any clue as to what he’s saying to you—what he means.
And that’s when you see it, tucked beneath his left shoulder blade, almost hidden by his wing. A tattoo. Tattoos, to fae specifically, are much more than body art. They’re not meant for fun, they’re a declaration. A promise. A vow. You swallow your shock, narrowing your eyes to get a better look at the art. It’s small, delicate—but it also sticks out amongst his smooth, wide back.  You open your mouth to question him but your words die in place, your tongue suddenly feels thick, heavy in your mouth. It’s your name—the intricate design, the complex lines. This was more than a friend showing another friend some body art. This was a confession of the highest degree. A confession a fae of royalty should not be making to a simple human.
 “That’s incredible, Jaehyun. It is. But—" you swallow loudly in the quiet room, your heart jumping erratically in your chest.
“No." He turns around. "No buts. You think I'm going to hurt you? You think I'm going to get bored and run off with some undergrounder, some fairy, the first chance I get?” his eyes are piercing, dark with frustration. “You obviously have no idea how amazing you are. You are incredible, and I want you.” you take a step back, suddenly overwhelmed by his proximity, what he’s saying. “Every part of you. I want your stubbornness and your sarcasm and your competitive spirit. I want you challenging me and fighting beside me.” His large hands settle around your shoulders, pulling you closer. You resist—holding your hand on his chest—keeping him at a distance. What if one of the guards saw? “I want to hold you and kiss you and so much more because there's no one else in the world who knows me like you do. You have always been the one for me, even when we couldn't stand each other.” he lowers his voice, and suddenly everything becomes much more intimate. “You're beautiful, and you're more intelligent than any fairy I've met. It just feels right when you're beside me. It feel like I've been lost in the desert for years, and...I've finally come home.” he finishes, winded like he’s ran a marathon.
His dark eyes trace your features, gently removing your hand from his chest, closing the distance between you slowly. And, instead of fighting it like you should, you close your eyes and let yourself go. You feel the muscles of his shoulder beneath your hand. The frame his arms create is strong, secure, but you want those arms tighter around you. You want there to be no space at all between you.
As if reading your mind, he closes the distance. Tilting your chin up—his lips drawing you in—your breath becoming one. You want him so badly. You want to kiss him, laugh with him, cry with him, share every waking moment of your life with him because no matter how many awful things he's done in the past, you can't shake the undeniable feeling that when his arms are around you, you’re home.
In TXT I ship you with...
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Your moodboard:
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“I have stolen princesses back from sleeping barrow kings. I burned down the town of Trelon. I have spent the night with the Duke of Death and left with both my sanity and my life.” he’s ranting now, his wide eyes holding you in place, hands frantically waving about. “I was expelled from the University at a younger age than most people are allowed in. I tread paths by moonlight that others fear to speak of during the day. I have talked to gods, slept with sirens, and written songs that make the minstrels weep.” you cock your eyebrow, patiently waiting for him to get to the point. 
“You have to have heard of me.” he balks at your impassive expression. 
“Your highness,” you resist the urge to roll your eyes. “I know who you are, I just don’t care.” The absolute shock that momentarily paints his handsome features has you holding back a laugh. “But—” now you do roll your eyes, already bored with the conversation. 
“Your highness, I’m here to teach you—not indulge your ego. You’re going to be king soon—” he cuts you off, abruptly. “I do not wish to be king.” there’s an edge to his voice, a hard set to his jaw. You take a deep breath. “That doesn’t change the fact that you will be.” There’s a dark, forlorn and almost heartbreaking look in his eyes—it’s sudden and it’s gone as fast as it appeared—but it’s enough to stop you in your tracks. You swallow down the insult that was steadily making its way up your throat and you look at him, really look. Despite all of his accomplishments, if you wish to call sharing a chamber with a siren an accomplishment, he still just a kid. And suddenly your heart hurts for him,
“I once knew a troll who was heir to the throne of a great kingdom, he lived as a ranger and fought his destiny to sit on a throne but in his blood he was a king.” you say offhandedly, gazing out the large window to the east woodlands. You can feel the snap of his gaze on you. “I also knew a fae who was the king of a small kingdom, it was very small and his throne very humble.” you smile to yourself, remembering how delighted you were to meet such a respectable court. “He and his people were all brave and worthy conquerors.”
He takes a step towards you, you feel his eyes settle on your own—but you keep your gaze resolutely out the window. “And I knew a vampire who sat on a magnificent throne of a big and majestic kingdom, but he was not a king at all, he was only a cowardly steward.” you confessed quietly, suddenly overwhelmed by the memory of such a cruel ruler. Your eyes must reflect your feelings on the matter because the prince steps in front of you, cutting off your line of sight to the great woods.  “Why are you telling me this?” he questions, his tone lowered to match yours. 
You finally concede, looking up and catching his eyes. “Because I want you to know. You will be the king of a great kingdom, human or not—whether you want it or not—you will be the king, even if you live in naivety.”  His gaze darkens as you turn around and reach for a book on the 9 woodland kingdoms, the kingdoms you’re meant to teach the prince about, thoroughly; the book is old and worn, it smells like burnt leaves.  “My lady, I did not think you could answer it.” his voice cuts through the sudden silence. You tilt your head in his direction, for the first time, curious. “Answer what?” you voice, confusion etched in your features.
“Your calling, of course. When my father took you from your home without your leave—and set value only on your gift—I questioned your knowledge on the subject matter at hand.” he rounds the table, holding your gaze hostage. “But I am answered truly. You have given fair return for insult thrice over and set your worth: higher than my life and all my kingdom and all who live therein.”
He comes to a stop in front of you, yet again, this time much closer than before. “And though you can send my people to the fire, I can claim no debt to repay. It would be justly done.” his whispered words catch you off guard—the implication, the suggestion of a confession. You drop the book you’re holding, the noise echoing through the barren halls. 
@urirealvibekiller​ omggg you're sooo sweet 😍😭 I'm going to cryyy. But also? That knife threat sENT ME hahhahaa 😂
And no, YOUR an absolute angel! I can't get over how pretty you areeeee! Teach me your ways! 🥺
Lol I hope you like your moodboard ship(s) — It started out one way, and then I randomly got inspired by a fantasy cottage-core advertisement lmfaoooo sorry! 🥰
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shhhlikeme · 4 years
Nin’s Matchup!
Matchup Profile: Sfw+nsfw matchup pretty pls! (1/5) Name: Nin>Female>5’4>Film & sfx/theatrical makeup freelancer>V athletic in MS-HS: ballet, was in volley ball, soccer &Basketball teams>Miss my prime days>Scared to start workout again b/c I’ll get lightheaded>If sum1 helps push me through initial fear, I’ll keep growing from there> Likes chilling in ballet stretch poses>paints, photographs&draws as hobby>draws a pic a day (mostly portraits)>writing a comic atm >Always plan contingencies.🦄
(2/5) >embarrassed of my loud laugh(it’s like Kuroo’s)>introvert>not afraid to lead a team tho> V shy & quiet most times>8/10 times, feels awk in public,like idk what i’m saying, but others told me I seem social>Once I’m comfy w/ u, i joke a lot(occasional mum jokes 2 annoy+Sassy dirty ones w/ S/O)>hides behind ppl who likes 2 talk, but not when they’re 2 loud>laughs @ mistakes/when embarrassed>Will stop mistreatment, even if I get in trouble>values communication&genuine discussions🦄
(3/5) Sings when home alone>competes @ Street Fighter tournaments, trains everyday 4 it>Sings “Hit Me W/ Your Best Shot” when fighting bosses in game&swears melodically when i lose>eats chips w/ chopsticks >make hats out of my cat fur when bored>Workahokic night🦉>likes 2 teach >full convos w/ my 🐱>LIVES in oversized hoodies & flip flops, regardless of weather>no pants@home!>Feels incompetent sometimes, but keep practicing 2 improve>Analytical fast learner>idk why ppl think i look innocent🦄
(4/5)>Forgets 2 speak eng when tired (Thai 1st lang.)>Headrubs 4 s/o every night b4 bed>will miss u but is bad@texting>yelps like puppy when I’m surprised>Unconventionally resourceful: Wire hangers’s fixes everything! >stress bakes & will gets pouty if it didn’t turn out well.>overwhelmed to water my 50+ 🌱 >Doodles on smt (always have a pen on me)when i feel socially anxious> 2 dance sober @ clubs> Wants a stable relationship where we work tgt like a team to bring out the best in one another🦄
(5/5) I like a s/o who is lovable, kind, genuine, mature, independent and caring, but can also joke & be silly with like best friends. NSFW: open 2 try new things>❤️restraints, blindfolds & sensual tickle sex (as lee+ler) but had always been too shy to share it with any1>occasionally self conscious of food baby+stretchmarks>🥰edging/teasing >has a thing 4 height differences (likes to feel smol lol!) & primal play.>Is a switch. I’m so sorry if it’s too much info! Thank you for doing this!🦄
A/N: HI LOVE @crushzone !!!! I SMILE WHEN I SEE YOU IN MY NOTIFS GIRL I WORKED HARD ON YOURS OF COURSE💖 But no matter whaaaat I’m going to be very authentic in my matchups bc they’re based on compatibility and therefore, without further ado, lemme introduce you to your NEW BAE:
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so you’re a theatrical makeup artist.
Mind if I offer you a word of advice? :
Startled by someone’s loud booming voice, you smudged the eyeliner you were applying to your actor’s face all over their forehead. Whipping around to see who had disrupted your work you were faced with a beautiful black and grey haired owl. A rather tall... and very attractive ‘beautiful black and grey haired owl.’
He started walking around the dressing room like he owned the place, touching everything.
“Excuse me, you don’t have a badge. You can’t be backstage—!”
“Pretty obvious don’t you think, Miss ________?”
You didn’t take his bait, refusing to give this stranger your name. Bokuto shrugged.
“Well since I don’t know your name I shall label thee—Miss HOT GIRL of the 9 Kingdoms!” He nudged the knight actor who was sitting in your makeup chair with his elbow. “Did I sound 15th century ish or what??” The owl turned to you expecting to be praised. “I had to meet the person who made the medieval vampire look so scary in the last act. But that guy with the lights didn’t tell me anything about you being so hot.”
You were speechless because he was hot too
But he shouldn’t be back here so you tried to shoo him out anyway
He allowed you to try to shove him out but he was way bigger than you so nice try sis
When he yawned while you panted because you weren’t able to budge him an inch....
Bokuto wagered that he would leave if you agreed to make him look like the Hulk with your makeup skills for a Halloween party he had to go to
You didn’t really want to because you were a professional and you had no idea who this owl was but because you had 15 minutes until the second act and you needed peace and quiet if you were going to finish your job!!! ....
( This boy was not peace NOR quiet )
You agreed.... but because you answered so fast Bokuto kicked it up one notch
Prince of pushing his luck (king is reserved for Shōyo‘s extra ass)
He pretended to allow you to push him out of the makeup room a few steps but before you closed the door he stuck his foot between the door so it couldn’t close.
Smiling, he peered back in, looking down at you:
“AND...... you have to agree to go on a date with me. Tomorrow night?”
“Ugh FINE!”
Bo removed his foot and let himself out with a bounce in his step.
Needless to say, after a few dates, mans won you over like he wins EVERYONE over
It surprised you how comfortable you became with him but he just has that affect on people
In terms of your athletic relationship Bokuto does many things:
He pushes you to go to the gym with him for one
He signs the two of you up for impromptu Beginner 30-day challenges that you both must stick to
So every morning for 30-days straight he jumps on you in bed to wake you up:
“Kōtarō, please shut up.”
he doesn’t
He drags you there and eventually you get back into the swing of things.. killing it in the weight room with your supportive man cheering on your every rep!
You don’t even need him to wake you up during the second challenge!
Your volleyball player boyfriend also signs you up (without permission) for the neighborhood soccer team that Akaashi’s girlfriend is already on
You hated it at first because it was uncomfortable going back after not playing for so long but you soon realized that all the girls there were ex-athletes too and not stars
You formed amazing new girl friendships (especially with Akaashi’s gf) and double dates with them were one of your favourite nights of the week!
You owed that happiness in your life all to your Owl 🦉🥰
He and Akaashi came to every soccer game y’all had and you and the three of you went to all of Bokuto’s games, obviously
Btw you all were FITTTTTT OML
In addition...
You already know that your man finds your artistic talents insanely fascinating
On your first anniversary together Bokuto gifted you with a new paint set and new French stand:
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Because he admires you Bokuto also tries to draw and paint seriously just like you
You stand over his shoulder and give him corrections and baby owl learns so fast it’s amazing
You two make ‘paint night’ a thing when you move in together and it’s always the most fun event!!!!
Bokuto CONSTANTLY and I mean CONSTANTLY asks for you to add him to the comic you’re writing but you say no because he wouldn’t fit in
He sulks but one day you surprise him by showing him that you drew a cute soaring black and gray owl in the background of almost every outdoor scene in your comic,
you pointed out that it was him
He called Akaashi right away and almost cried tears of joy hahahahaha
Your contingent based lifestyle has saved your reckless boyfriend’s life and career many-a-times
It’s one of the things he loves most about you.
Also, it is important to mention that he is in LOVE with your laugh
Bby owl does anything to hear it and showers your face with kisses when you laugh to draw it out
He loves you so freaking much
When you don’t make sense and speak gibberish in public because your awkward side randomly comes out......your boyfriend loves to make fun of you:
“Huh? Nin, that wasn’t Japanese, that wasn’t Thai and that definitely wasn’t English. What planet is my adorable baby girl from, again? And how do I return her in exchange for a floating space car instead?!”
suh cute
All of Bokuto’s teammates really like you because you work in conjunction with Akaashi which means you actually have the magic ability to get Bokuto out of emo mode even faster than his best friend 🤯🤯🤯
When he’s at an away game in emo mode his teammates will literally FaceTime you and point their phone in his general direction
“Hey, Kōtarō!!!! Look, Nin’s on the phoneeee!”
Bby owl turns around slowly when he was sulking in the corner and when he sees you on the screen he’s running and jumping on whoever is holding your phone.”
“Kōtarō baby. You’re going to stop this emo mode right now. If not I won’t let you paint me nude like we discussed.”
mans was like: 😨😨😨😨🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
YEP the next second you see him hitting his best practice spikes and his teammate thanks you profusely
You do this several times until Kōtarō just knows to not go into emo mode anymore because you won’t be happy
A year into his professional volleyball career The Black Jackal’s coach sent a surprise fruit bouquet to your work one time:
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With a note that read:
To Nin,
Thanks a lot.
The Team
I know you don’t really like people who are considered “too loud” and Bokuto is like...... “MEGA LOUD 🎙 “ but you and Akaashi work together to quiet your boy down as he gets older
He’s perfect
And you love him
You know how you like standing up for people (even strangers) and stuff?
Well one day, you and Bokuto get caught on a show called WHAT WOULD YOU DO?
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Where the two of you cussed out this cat-abusing actor on the show in a convincing scenario!
Bokuto literally tells everyone that y’all are movie stars because of it 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
More in the relationship:
Bo is always singing with you 💞 when y’all make breakfast it becomes a national sport to sing at the top of your lungs!!
And when he sees you eat chips with chopsticks he’s pulling a Hinata “🤩🤩🤩” face .
He begs you to teach him how
So you try
......and try
..................and try
He can’t do it bruv 😞
You see bby Owl’s emo mode return for the first time in like a year when the chip shatters between his sticks again
This time, you have to enlist Akaashi as the FaceTime saviour and Keiji just tells him:
“Bokuto. You should prefer eating chips with your hands anyway. It gets to your mouth faster.”
cue Bo’s 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩 face
........And all is well again
There’s more:
So you’re a workaholic?
Bokuto is fine with that. He just makes you promise that he gets to take you out on your lunch breaks a few times a week or whenever he can
He’s so sweet and your coworkers are BIG jealous of your relationship
Your man BEGSSSSS you to teach him Thai but you find it too hard so when he’s travelling on a long flight he spends the time learning the language on YouTube (and actually get decent at it) so that he can understand you when you’re sleepy😴🥺💕
When Bokuto surprises you by wishing you goodnight in Thai before he falls asleep (while you’re giving him head rubs), your heart explodes BECAUSE why is he the cutest thing in the world ?!?!?!
You don’t text/you’re bad at texting? That’s fine, mainly because bby owl is so busy with volleyball anyway, but if you don’t text him back when he is feeling needy the boy will call you 20 times in a row
When you finally pick up, your heart is beating like thinking it’s an emergency
But he will answer saying:
“Oh, no emergency. I just want booty pics. Please, Nin babyyyyy?”
you’re like: 😑
It’s cringey but.......
When you’re at work all day doing makeup and he’s home he will send you pics throughout the day of him taking care of your plants like they are y’alls newborn children:
Tumblr media
His text:
Baby look!!! Ollie the Orchid grew to 7 inches today!!! Yesterday he was 6.8 inches!!!!! They grow up so fast 😭😭😭”
Your reply:
Not quite as long as your dick, Bo
His reply:
I hate when you get me horny when I’m trying to take care of the kiiiids 😭😭😭😭
Of all the factors you look for in a man, Bokuto has all of them
Like I said he becomes much more mature when you and Akaashi are his closest compadres
What people don’t know is that Kōtarō is actually very mature he is just a hardcore optomist (besides emo mode lmao) so people often mistake him as immature or dumb
But He’s far from it and you see that everyday
It’s why you fell for him
When dealing with serious issues that life has to handle, you see a different side of Bokuto, a real side, the side he shows in every tough volleyball game when he makes you metaphorically step behind him so he can deal with any problem that comes your way
He would literally withstand all your battles if that meant you’d remain happy forever
We stan a relationship like yours💞
okay so you know how you chill in ballet 🩰 stretches sometimes?
It turns him on so much and he is constantly testing how flexible you are in the bedroom
When you keep meeting his expectations he is POUNDING you cause he is so turned on
He fucking loves it
It also turns him on when you’ll be acting shy and stuff but then randomly you’ll lead your neighbourhood soccer team like a BAD BITCH
When he sees that he’s already asking Akaashi how long until the game ends because he’s horny:
Akaashi deadpans. “Too much information. And the game just started 3 minutes ago. Get a water and calm yourself.”
Bo is sad but it makes for one hell of a I’m-proud-of-you sexscape when you get home from your game!!
Your dirty jokes also turn Bokuto on.
A lot.
A lot a lot:
“Bo.....I was joking.”
“I know but if I hear the word ‘dick’ coming out of your mouth I automatically think of you blowing me so now I want us to go home.” He whines.
You sigh. He’s lucky he’s so fucking hot.
When you’re playing street fighter every night this boy will not leave you alone until you cockwarm him
“Nin can you pleaseeeeee warm my cock while you train? I miss you.”
Your concentration turns him on so he has to ask nicely 😊
You love his dick so of course you oblige
Bby owl is so happy just sitting there being in your company and in your warmth but sometimes or every time he ends up thrusting into you
Sometimes while he’s giving you deep slow thrusts he orders you to keep playing or he won’t get you off
Damn 🤤
Let’s not forget also that you drive your man wild by walking around the house in hoodies all the time and nothing else
Every day, another hoodie will be found in various RANDOM places in the house because Bo flings it off you before he makes love to you wherever, and they go missing
Finally, when you get all sad and pouty because one of your baker trials goes to shit (ruined chocolate brownies this time, boo 💔), your boyfriend is taking your hand gently in an instant, leading you to the bedroom:
“Don’t be sad my beautiful girl, you know how much I hate seeing you sad. It makes me sad.! Here, come in the room and sit on my face—I promise I’ll make you feel better.”
Maybe you should screw up brownie recipes more often.
A/N: do you know the show what would you do??? Watch it on YouTube if you haven’t haha I couldn’t stop thinking about you and Bokuto being on it after reading your matchup profile!!!! I hope you liked it bb! Give me all your reactions, I want all the smoke 💞💞💞
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secretsantasides · 5 years
Gift #12: Happy Holidays!
Gift for @xpouii
Each of the sides had their personal favorite part of Christmas. Patton loved baking, Roman loved the Christmas movies, Logan had a secret love for the geometric beauty in cutting out paper snowflakes, Virgil loved having an excuse to escape the madness and indulge in The Nightmare Before Christmas, Deceit loved how acceptable it was to keep his room as hot as he wanted it, and Remus absolutely loved the way blood beaded up on snow. Sure, not everyone understood each others ways of enjoying the holiday season, but there was one thing that they could all enjoy together.
"Secret Santa time!" Patton announced as he ran into the room, Logan's old cogitating cap in his hands. Deceit's bowler hat would've been better, but one side already got scolded for stealing his things and it was a side that, to be frank, Deceit actually kind of liked. So, Patton played it safe with the blue cap, six folded pieces of paper resting inside.
The other three of his best friends, all sitting around the table for breakfast, took turns pulling out a name. Logan and Virgil seemed fairly satisfied with their choices, but-
Roman slammed his hands on the table and stood up. “I need another name.”
Patton smiled apologetically. “No can do, kiddo.. It’s against the rules of Secret Santa.”
“But you don’t understand,” Roman cried out overdramatically, draping himself over the table. “Please, Patton, I have no idea what I’m going to do and if I’m stuck like this, I might just die.”
“Aww..” Patton smiled sympathetically. Sure, it may have been bending the rules a bit, but what fun was Secret Santa if giving the gift made Roman so miserable? “Well... Okay, just this once.”
Roman seemed to snap right back into his normal self, practically leaping over the table as he tossed the name he’d chosen back in and picked another, his smile quickly falling. “You know what, my first choice wasn’t so bad.” He reached to switch back, but was stopped by Patton snatching the hat away. 
“Now, Roman, I’ve already broken the rules of Secret Santa once for you. I think you’re going to do great.” 
Roman groaned and slowly dragged himself back across the table. 
“Are you done or shall I enjoy my breakfast with my plate in my lap?” Logan asked, holding his plate out of Roman’s path of destruction. 
The princely side simply dragged himself back up into a sitting position. “Alright, I’m done. You have no taste for theatrics.” 
“No, I don’t, I thought we established that,” Logan responded. “I especially don’t appreciate having to wonder whether or not my meal is safe on the dining table.” 
Patton chuckled and left, going to the doors that he preferred to stay away from. He took a deep breath and knocked on the first one, counting the scales that decorated the door as he waited. 
The second that the door opened, he was hit with a burst of warm air and greeted with a less than friendly expression, Deceit looking at him with a cocked eyebrow as if to ask what he wanted. 
But, as much as he disagreed with his methods, Deceit was one of Thomas’s sides. So, Patton got rid of his rude thoughts and smiled, thrusting the cap forward. “You have to pick a name for Secret Santa.”
“Secret Santa?” Deceit muttered to himself as he drew a name. 
“Yep! You pick a side randomly and get them a gift and we’ll exchange them on Christmas!” 
“Thank you, Patton, I’ve never heard of such an event,” Deceit muttered, clearly sarcastic. He opened the slip and immediately shut it again, putting it back in the hat and pulling out one of the two that remained. 
Patton chuckled awkwardly as Deceit read his new name. “Deceit, that’s not really-”
“This will work fine. Thank you,” Deceit interrupted, shutting the door and retreating into the warmth of his room. 
Patton just sighed and smiled to himself. At least Deceit was participating. And that only left Remus... 
Patton was still a little freaked out by him and the things he said, but he was still a side and how could Patton justify leaving him out? Just because he had a some icky ideas? No, sir! Patton went right over and knocked on the door, almost regretting it as Remus opened the door. 
Patton blushed brightly and looked away. Remus must’ve just woken up.. 
“Oh, we all have the same body, no need to be so shy, daddy dearest,” Remus hummed as he leaned against the doorframe. “What’s the hat for?”
Remus tutted and shut the door before opening it a second later, now at least in a shirt and shorts. “Better?”
“Yes, thank you..” Patton sighed. He held out the hat. “It’s Secret Santa.”
“Ooh, fun!” Remus grinned widely as he drew a name, laughing to himself. “Oh, no, he would not appreciate a present from me!” He put it back and drew the only other one left. 
At that point, Patton stopped arguing. It was the spirit that counted. Besides, if they were more comfortable with a certain side, then that would only lead to a better night for everyone, right? 
“Alright, this will be fun! Thanks, Patton!” Remus shut his door and Patton smiled to himself. He walked back towards the main area and picked out the last name, giving the hat to Logan as he passed him. 
When he opened it, Remus’s reaction made a lot more sense. And, if Patton was right, so did Deceit’s. He could wish that everyone would get along all he wanted, but ultimately, things were never that easy. Imaginary forces or not. 
When Christmas day finally came around, it seemed way too soon and yet, not soon enough! All six sides gathered around the Christmas tree, their gifts in hand and ready to exchange. 
“Alright, who wants to go first?” Patton asked, his smile shining almost brighter than the tree. 
Virgil reluctantly raised a hand, holding a medium sized box in the other. “I just want to get this out of the way. Here, Princey..” He shoved the box into Roman’s arms before scooting back into his corner. 
Roman smiled and carefully set the gift he’d be giving before tearing open Virgil’s gift. “Oh, how cute!” He reached in and pulled out a well-decorated paper crown. With a satisfied hum, he placed it on top of his head, careful to keep it balanced as he picked his gift back up. “Thank you, Virgil!” 
Virgil fought a smile and rolled his eyes. “Yeah, whatever.. It’s just stupid how you call yourself a prince and never even wear a crown or whatever.” Virgil was never a huge gift giver - Halloween was much bigger than Christmas ever was when he was with the others - so he wasn’t sure how to really conjure up anything. Just like with Patton’s card, he clearly preferred giving handmade gifts. They showed some sort of effort, no matter how stupid they might have turned out. And nobody was really expected to wear anything handmade, so he wouldn’t be surprised when Roman didn’t like it. Besides, the coloring kind of helped him calm down when he needed it. 
But, contrary to Virgil’s gloomy thoughts, Roman absolutely adored the crown! He hummed happily as he placed it delicately on his head. Obviously, he was a proper prince before, but the crown was a nice reminder for everyone else. 
Patton smiled and bounced on the balls of his feet. “Oh, I can’t wait any longer! Virgil, this is for you!” He handed him his own box, smiling as he took it. 
In all honesty, Virgil nearly dropped it. He was far from weak, but the way Patton was bouncing with it, Virgil wasn’t expecting it to be so heavy. He sat down on the stairs and opened the box, letting himself show the smallest smile as he saw the weighted blanket inside. “Thanks, Patton..” 
“Of course, kiddo! But that’s not even the best part. Take it out of the box!” Patton cheered, clapping his hands as Virgil did just that, revealing a Jack Skellington design on it. 
Virgil’s smile unconsciously widened. “Patton, this is-” He heard the excitement in his own voice and cut himself off, clearing his throat to mask it. “Yeah, this is pretty cool. Thank you.” 
Patton merely hummed happily in response, sending a silent thankful glance Logan’s way. He’d known since he drew his name that he wanted to get Virgil something that would help him ground himself more easily, it was just figuring out what exactly that meant that was the problem. Logan technically suggested the blanket, but Patton did think of the design on it. 
Virgil wrapped the blanket around his shoulders, letting himself enjoy its weight as the next person took their turn. 
Deceit sighed. “Well, if we’re going in reverse order, I suppose that means I’m up. I mean, I clearly know everything about you, Patton, but that doesn’t mean I really know what to get for you, so here. I tried, or whatever.” He practically shoved his gift against Patton’s chest, quick to go back to his spot against the wall and pretend not to care. Of course, it was hard not to completely care. Everyone, even a completely evil person such as himself needed some form of human contact and, as much as he loved Remus, Remus wasn’t always the best company. And he did try his best, but it was hard to know anything about anyone when they kept such a heavy guard up the second he came around. 
Patton wasn’t really sure what to expect as he opened the box. It was cold and pretty light. Still, Deceit got that present just for him and it would be rude not to at least open it. So, he did, pulling the top off and smiling at what he saw. “Aw, Deceit, they’re lovely. I love roses, no matter what time of year it is. But why are they in a box?..”
Deceit shrugged and looked down at his gloved nails. “Try pulling one out.” 
Patton did just that and found that it definitely was not a regular flower. Was that foil wrapped around it?.. He unwrapped it and gasped, fighting every urge to run and jump into Deceit in a huge bear hug. “Chocolate! Oh my goodness, chocolate roses!” He took a huge bite out of the one in his hand and moaned in pure delight at the taste. “Thank you so much!” 
Deceit nodded. “Whatever.. They’re a variety, by the way. It’s not like I knew what you’d prefer. There’s some dark chocolate, some white chocolate, some with fruits..” Not that it’d be out of character or anything, but Deceit would be lying if he said he didn’t feel a little relieved at Patton’s positive reaction. 
Logan cleared his throat. “Well, I do believe that it’s my turn. Deceit?” He handed him his gift, unwrapped to save paper. “After our last encounter, I figured that you would enjoy this show. It’s a legal drama.”
“‘How To Get Away With Murder’,” Deceit hummed. “I have heard of the show, but I always assumed it would be something more suited for Remus’s tastes.” He looked through the DVD cases, pleasantly surprised to find that Logan had gotten him each season, plus... A blank case? Deceit opened it and fought back a smile as he saw a copy of Legally Blonde staring up at him. It was always a guilty pleasure of his, seeing someone like Elle Woods beat the social standards that stood in her way, as well as the corrupt court system that almost cost her her first trial and another woman her freedom. “Thank you, Logan, I appreciate this.”
“Of course,” Logan nodded, knowing that Deceit had seen the extra gift that he’d snuck in there. Logan wasn’t sure about how strictly Deceit wanted to keep his morally grey persona, so he wasn’t sure how handing him a movie in a bright blue and pink case would go over. Especially since Logan had his own share of guilty pleasures, such as the unicorn onesie that he’d be wrapped in the second that he was allowed to go back into his room. 
Remus let out a joyous laugh as the two finished their little interaction. “Well, that was cute, but be prepared to be blown away!” He threw his box at Logan, who just barely caught it, but not without the present stumbling through his arms. 
“Remus, you should be well aware that none of us are particularly good at catching. I would appreciate it if you would refrain from doing that ag-” Logan stopped himself as he opened the box and saw what was inside. “Remus, is this-”
“You know it! What kind of nerd are you without one of these babies decorating your room?” 
“Well, you shouldn’t have thrown it at me like that if it was something this fragile,” Logan chastised as he pulled out the potted plant. Specifically, the Venus Fly Trap, complete with a bit of mistletoe tied around its stem. 
“Oop! Mistletoe! You know what that means!” 
Logan rolled his eyes. “I do not feel comfortable kissing any of the other sides. Therefore, I won’t.” 
Remus tutted. “Oh, you’re absolutely no fun.” 
“It would seem that our definitions of fun are very different, then,” Logan responded. “But I do appreciate the gift.” Of course, Logan was going to have to figure out some way to feed it, considering that there were absolutely no bugs in his spotless room, but it would still make a very nice thing to observe whenever he was stuck on a theory or whenever he simply had nothing else to do. 
It was an absolute no-brainer that it was the perfect gift for Logan, too! Remus knew that his brand of weird wasn’t for everyone, but when it was mixed with science - one of Logan’s many nerdy obsessions - there were only so many things that came to mind as a gift! But human organs seemed more like a Valentine’s day gift to give, so that chopped down the list like a pig in a slaughterhouse! 
Remus spun on his feet to face his brother, shimmying in his direction. “If my math is right, I think you owe me the final gift.” 
Roman bit the inside of his cheek. Remus was more than difficult to pick out a gift for, even as his brother - especially as his brother. But it wasn’t impossible. “Oh, alright, here.” Roman handed his gift to Remus in its thick layer of wrapping paper, just like Remus liked. 
Remus giggled and ripped through the paper like a predator through the guts of its unfortunate prey, squealing at what waited inside for him. “Aw, Ro, it’s adorable!” He held up the stuffed octo-lion - a creature that the two had made up consisting of an octopus with a mane and a tail - before hugging it tightly. “I’m going to name him Remrom, after the two of us!” Remus would be lying if he said he didn’t miss his brother, but that was Deceit’s job. Sure, the two had a tendency to butt heads, but they were brothers! What else did everyone expect? 
“Actually,” Roman began, almost sheepishly, “I thought of a name myself.. Creatnativity.”
“Aww, because we’re creativity and he’s a Christmas present, how sweet!” Remus hummed, hugging his friend once more before noticing something. “Did you put bones in him? There’s something all hard in here.” 
Roman smiled. “Actually... There’s a zipper on his back. It’s stupid, but I put a bunch of our old stories in there.. You know, from when we were.. One.” Roman was the good one, of course he was the one who was allowed to keep their works. Besides, it gave him a lot to think about on how not to become too dark. 
Remus practically exploded with joy, tackling Roman to the ground in a bone-crushing hug. “This is the best present ever! I love you, Princey!” 
Roman let out a small laugh and hugged back. “I love you too, Duke.. Merry Christmas..” 
Patton smiled and figured that it’d be best to let the brothers spend some brother time together. “Maybe we should take a break before spending some family time.” He glanced over at Virgil. “Why don’t we go watch some Nightmare Before Christmas?” 
Of course, Virgil would never turn down such an offer, but this time especially, he knew why Patton was trying to get them away. “Yeah.. Sounds good.” The two disappeared up the stairs, Virgil letting them both walked wrapped in his new blanket. 
Deceit nudged Logan and held up the blank case. “Why don’t we go watch this in my room? You can even bring that unicorn onesie you love so much and I’ll wear my own snake onesie.” 
Logan nodded. “That sounds ideal.” The pair left to do just that, leaving the creativity twins on their own. 
“We have got to hang out more, Ro..”
“I know. Let’s go watch a Disney movie.” 
“Lion King!” 
Roman chuckled and sat up, scooting out from beneath Remus. “Alright, Lion King.” 
Patton and Virgil, Logan and Deceit, Roman and Remus. Christmas was time to be spent with family and be surrounded by loved ones, sure. But sometimes, a little quiet time made everything just that much more perfect.
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