#my first ships were shadow and knuckles and sonic and eggman when I was that old
hugsandchaos · 3 months
Remember the episode “Two Good To Be True”? How there’s an alternate universe where Knuckles and Sonic are sort of switched, Dave’s a good, smart guy, and Eggman’s color is actually green? I decided to make some headcanons and ideas for it!
To be honest, this is partially for the 6 people who always like these kinds of posts of mine, which I appreciate. You guys are sweet!
•Sonic is dumb, sure, but he’s surprisingly knowledgeable about first aid, a bit of cooking, and the basics of wilderness survival. He mostly knows it because he looks after Tails.
•This Knuckles lives in a treehouse. I can’t explain why, I just think it’d be fitting.
•Both Sonic and Tails live in a house built inside a cave, and Sonic has a hammock inside and outside.
•Dave does his best to make sure Meh Burger’s food isn’t a health hazard and works on his inventions in his spare time.
•Dave’s mother disapproves of him being a hero instead of a villain and they’ve fought about it before. The fights are slowly getting more frequent. Dave is considering the possibility of moving out, and he’s told Knuckles and Amy about this. They both plan to support their friend every step of the way, whatever he chooses.
•Dave tries to insist that his friends don’t have to pay, but knowing how bad the pay sometimes is for him, the group will sometimes put money in the tip jar or on the table and run. Basically the good version of eating and leaving without paying. (Sonic: *whispering* Quick, Tails! While he’s not looking! / Tails: *puts a ten dollar bill in the tip jar* / Sonic: *picks him up and runs* Come on!) I like to think that they were both stifling some giggles, and when Sonic runs, Tails lets it out and it’s this really wholesome scene.
•Tails is obsessed with airplanes. He likes all of Dave’s inventions, but airplanes hold a special place in his heart. Sonic takes him to the library every week to either reread the books he’s already read about them or check out any new ones.
•Knuckles grew up on Bygone Island.
•Tails and Sonic both washed up on the shore one day. (It was a nightmare when they woke up because they both thought they were in danger and panicked.)
•Knuckles looks down on Sonic a little, and not in an ill-intended way?? He just makes comments sometimes. For example, what he said in the beginning of Two Good To Be True: “Now, if you’ll excuse me, the grownups have a job to do.”
•This Sonic simply has to keep at least some of his sass, okay? I really liked that part of his character.
•Tails sometimes figures out the flaws in Dave’s inventions. He’s crazy smart for his age, and Sonic’s proud of him for it.
•Sonic, like Original Boom Knuckles, does have his moments where he says something sensible and smart. Example— Knuckles: Wow, Sonic! I expected you to have more trouble with leg exercises. / Sonic: Knuckles, I run, hit, and kick at the speed of sound. If my legs weren’t strong, they’d be broken to the point where they might as well be amputated a long time ago. / Knuckles: …You make a fair point.
•Instead of Shadow, the “rival” in the story is Rouge. The reason is largely unknown, but my guess is because she keeps stealing stuff. (I wonder when they’ll notice the pattern of the things she’s stealing…)
•Yes, like in the episode, it seems pretty likely that Amy x Knuckles will be a thing. And honestly, I can see them being a pretty healthy relationship. Don’t get me wrong, Rouge and Knuckles being shipped in this AU would be interesting, but I think the main one is going to be Knuckles and Amy.
•Knuckles has Phasmophobia, and there’s definitely a Halloween episode or story of him trying to face this fear. Sonic dresses up as a ghost to try to help, but the costume wasn’t convincing enough to instill any true terror.
•Knuckles is unfortunately a “hit first, ask later” when someone’s causing trouble. Sonic is the opposite, he tries to reason and ask the trouble maker about their motives, usually by disguising it as a joke or jab at the enemy.
•As for Shadow… Well, I guess you guys would have to wait and see, huh?
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Idol AU?! Who all is involved?
okay so me and @max-iwtaco have been brainrotting about it yesterday but we're trying to include as many characters as we can think of XD
i wanted amy to be the main character bc like. look at her...
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but okay so let me summarize what we talked about
-sonic and shadow both debuted when they were very young under competing labels. sonic does a lot of solo singing and rapping stuff, plays guitar, and dances (he specialized in breakdancing which is poggers), meanwhile shadow sings (he can do screamo if he wants. as a treat) and dances (he specializes more in interpretive type dance). theyve always been rivals, releasing albums around the same time and fighting for all the awards and stuff. and dont get me started on idol sports champio ships-
-so amy's dream has been to be an idol, and she took a lot of inspiration from sonic!! so she uses her tarot cards like in canon and it tells her to audition for the same label as sonic is under (tho im debating what to call it) and she does and makes it in!!!
-eggman runs a company. the one that team dark is under. team dark is a band with shadow on vocals and bass, rouge on vocals and electric guitar, and omega on drums. lets just say they have to buy new drums every performance.
-sonic also has a band with knuckles and tails, where he plays guitar, tails is on synthesizer, and knuckles is on drums.
-amy becomes a soloist but cream comes to all of her shows. she has special permission backstage to see her and be her emotional support. also they sometimes let cream on stage to sing a little song and the audience loves it. cream also has a kazoo
-knuckles's dad used to be the head of their company but knuckles inherited it. or something
-tails is a HUGE music theory nerd. he loves math rock
-amy dabbles in music composition (bc im projecting)
-tails and sonic knew each other since they were little and sonic would play guitar for him and tails started learning bc of him and then he got REALLY into music theory and became a big nerd. sonic cant actually read sheet music lmao
-sonic joined the company under the condition that tails joins with him and tails was so cute that they couldnt say no
-since knuckles takes care of the whole company now he doesn't actually perform concerts that often but when he does the audience goes WILD. you never know when youre gonna see knuckles. it's a gamble every time. on the times knuckles cant come play drums big will come to play instead
-big doesnt ever actually show upto practice bc hes too busy fishing. he just shows up and plays the concert and then he's gone again. froggy plays the cymbal
-froggy gets put on the concert posters and big doesnt bc big just shows up. froggy is the star of the show
-sonic raps while knuckles beatboxes. tails tries to rap and its adorable
-cream is the first to listen to amy's demos and comes to support her at the recording studio
-this quote from Max: "ALLSO she would give advice like "everything sounded VERY COOL but it would be even cooler if you added like DUMM DU DUMMM YDHVVJ TXFHVJJV at the end""
-blaze does classical music and plays the violin. silver does techno style stuff. they collab a lot and sound amazing together
-silver is super into composing and posts his stuff on bandcamp. he's not under any labels or anything
anyway. i love them
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beevean · 1 year
I believe you are the resident Knuxamy fan on Tumblr, so if I may ask: what do you like about it/see in them? I'm curious!🍀
Oh, I'm really not fhdjfhdsjkfhsdkj I'm basically this meme
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I guess I can share these extracts from an abandoned WIP of mine, where I did try to explain what kind of chemistry they'd have?
“So… how’s Sonic? Haven’t seen him in a while.” “Oh, you know, somewhere, as he does.” “Huh?” “He decided to go on a run around the world after we cleaned up the mess of the war. I understand him, really, after six months of being held prisoner…” “You don’t sound very worried.” “Why should I?” she laughed. “He can handle himself just fine. I’ll be the first to greet him once he’s back!” “Usually you don’t really wait for him.” “Oh, you jerk!” she shoved him. “I don’t– I don’t do that anymore! I’m done with chasing him.” “Really?” he scoffed. “That’s too bad. I still remember how spooked Sonic was when we ran into you and your friends that one time. Not even Eggman can say he scares him as much!” “Yeah, yeah, I was a kid. I thought that he would just learn that he reciprocated my feelings if I insisted.” “Don’t get me wrong: he’s still my friend and I care for him very much. And I’m glad he cares about me too. He’s good, and fun to be around, and I can’t wait to go on another adventure with him!” Before Knuckles could roll his eyes, she added: “But… I don’t know. I can’t chase his shadow for the rest of my life. It made me feel like we weren’t on the same level. With all the craziness in my life, I’d like to have someone more… stable at my side. Reliable. One that I know that they will be there if I look for them, y’know?” “So you’ve finally realized that Sonic is [unreliable]? Yeah, you sure grew up.” "Jerk," she repeated with a smile. "I know he's your friend too. Don't worry, I won't tell~" 
“Oh, mind if I lift you up?” “Go ahead.” *Amy hammers Knuckles upwards* “Thanks! I nearly forgot this trick of yours.” *...* “Speaking of tricks!” *pulls out the Big Hammer* “Ta-dah!” “Wait! You still have that?” “Yep!” “It’s… very heavy, haha. I rarely need it. But sometimes, you just need that extra punch!” She swung her giant hammer downward, and the hit produced a loud, satisfying thud. The wall crumbled like it was made of cardboard. *...* His own hand-made hammer - a nice green and red hammer, with a spike on top and flames coming out of it at every swing - rested easy in the Hidden Palace, among his other little treasures. Truth to be told, he didn’t really like using tools; his punches were more than enough. But it was a present from a friend, and he’d always cherish it as such.
(you didn't think I'd pass the opportunity to remind people that Advance 3 is the GOAT and Knuckles and Amy paired together are powerhouses, did you? :P)
I wanted to avoid the cliché of Amy realizing that Sonic wasn't good for her after all, but I liked the idea of her getting closer to Knuckles because he's always there, he's a stable presence, and under his gruff exterior he really is a good friend to have.
(Amy is Amy. She's sunshine incarnate. I don't need to explain why Knuckles might come to like her:P especially if Amy understands that he's more of an introvert and they spend time simply chilling side by side)
Generally speaking, the two have a few traits in common, like being stubborn and hotheaded: so unlike many of my ships, which are either "opposite attract" or "the cutest babies ever 💖", they'd be birds of a feather: they'd banter because they have both strong personalities, but they can also understand each other. I like to think their dynamic could be "I can tease you and call you a knucklehead/kid, but no one else dare do the same!"
As for what they'd do, aside from meeting on Angel Island... well, that up there is a little idea that the two might hang out together by smashing old Eggman junk hfdjsfhsdkj
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darkjanet2 · 1 year
Sonic Adventure 2: Sonadow
Chapter 14: The Truth About Maria Robotnik
Inside the Space Colony ARK Sonic, Tails, and Amy roaming around the ship’s halls, they couldn’t seem to shake the feeling that something was off about their journey. It wasn’t as if they were forgetting something or someone important.
"This place is old and abandoned," said Amy.
"This place was shut down about 50 years ago because of a terrible accident," Tails said. "The first Bernoulli spherical space colony called ARK. When it was operational, it was filled with technology that could take us anywhere in the universe. I read a report that it was a perfect sphere."
"It sure seemed like it!" said Amy.
There's no time to waste before Eggman fires that weapon again," Sonic said. "We need to hurry! Let's destroy that cannon!"
"Right!" said Tails as he typed the keyboard on his computer. He typed several codes into an access terminal until the large computer screen showed one image of a massive gun mounted atop the ARK's main hull.
"Someone designed that weapon in a way that it is impervious to attacks from the outside. Its defense shields are super strong and will only be weakened once fired upon. The only way to defeat the shield is to hit it directly," said Tails as he opened the briefcase there was a topaz gem inside.
"Isn't that a Choas Emerald?" asked Amy.
"Yes, actually, it's a fake one that I created after researching the real Emerald. It has the same properties as the real emerald, but it has been enhanced with my ability to manipulate the energy from my Chaos Emeralds. So we're going to have to be very careful about this mission since Eggman will likely suspect something is amiss at the base. After all, that's where I first made this device," said Tails.
Tails gave the fake Emerald to Sonic, "Here. You go find the control room, and I'll find the power supply and destroy it, okay?"
Sonic nodded, "So the plan is, we'll switch the Choas Emeralds when the machine has stopped, yeah?"
Tails nodded as they both led the way leaving Amy behind.
"There they go again. They always have fun and leave me here all alone! I really never understand boys," she sighed as she headed toward the main hall.
After surviving the spaceship crash, Knuckles glided through the ARK, then landed on the building and the crash sequence was completed. He sighed in relief.
"That was a close call. I guess I got separated from the others for a little while…"He then heard the sound of footsteps approaching him. He quickly turned around and faced the enemy. The figure that approached him was a white bat that wore a pink chest plate shaped like a heart, black leather pants, white gloves with pink tips, and white boots with pink hearts on the toes. She wore blue shadows with long lashes and pink lipstick.
"Well, look who finally joined the party," said Rouge, "I was starting to wonder when you'd show up."
"You again," said Knuckles annoyed.
Rouge smiled, "Come on now, don't be such a sourpuss. After all, isn't it your fault we ended up in trouble?" she asked, holding up the shards of Master Emerald. "With these, I have collected the shards of Emeralds." Knuckles didn't say anything, so Rouge continued. "So what do you say? Want some?"
"Fine, if it's what you want," Knuckles replied. "But I won't give you what I'm holding unless you give the shards to me, bat girl."
Rouge smirked, "Oh, you wish!"
She charged at the echidna. He swiftly sidestepped her attack and used a kick to knock her onto her back. He held out his hand as he bent down towards her, but she quickly grabbed it and flipped herself over. She ran straight at the echidna. Knuckles stood up and kicked her across the floor. Then he caught her as she rolled to a stop next to him. As she got up, she tried to punch him in the face, but Knuckles blocked. He lifted her up by the neck and tossed her aside. He jumped high into the air and tried to punch her down, but she dodged by sticking her foot to the floor. She attempted to throw a punch, but Knuckles blocked that too. They continued to dodge each other's attempts to attack each other. At last, Rouge managed to catch Knuckles in an overhead uppercut. Knuckles crashed right into the wall. He growled.
Amy walked through the corridor, scanning every nook and cranny. She sighed, "I still can't believe this Sonic left me here. Why would he just abandon me?!" Amy muttered angrily as she continued forward.
Suddenly, she noticed the secret laboratory door in front of her. She opened the door and entered the lab, it was a high-tech lab. A workbench covered almost the entire length of the left side wall. An assortment of scientific tools and machinery littered the workspace. Amy looked around the room and found an array of monitors on various parts of the walls. There were screens showing the interior structure of the ARK.
"Wow, that's really neat!" Amy said. She approached the computer desk and stared at the large monitor screen as it displayed the exterior structure of the ship. She tapped the keyboard and the screen changed colors as a 3D hologram appeared. The image showed the ARK exterior and its inner structure. A series of lines connected the two ships. Each line terminated at the same point. One end of a line was connected with the mainframe, which was attached to the control panel. There was a password box on the screen.
"I gotta know what the password is, or else this'll never work!" said Amy aloud. She began searching around the desk until she found a piece of paper in the notebook. The password was Maria.
Amy raised her eyebrow, "Maria? That's a pretty common name, but who named the kid, anyway? Oh well. I have better things to think about anyway." She began typing the password into the computer system. The screen had unlocked and there was a wallpaper of Prof. Gerald Robotnik, Shadow, and a human girl named Maria.
"Who is this girl? Is her name Maria in the password?" wondered Amy as she examined the picture closer.
"She looks pretty. I wonder what happened to Maria 50 years ago?" thought Amy as she went to search through the information on Maria. Her eyes found the DVD under the paper on the desk. She then proceeded to the DVD into the optical disc drive. The video appeared on the screen and she began to watch.
Gerald was on the video footage as it played. The man was standing in front of an empty table that looked like it hadn't been used in a while.
"I'm Professor Gerald Robotnik, the greatest scientist ever to grace the earth," said the professor. He turned around and looked directly at the camera. "And this project that will change the world, is ready to begin. Now all that is left to do is gather the necessary data to complete our project, and we shall finally reach the ultimate form of reality!"
"I have created the Space Colony ARK. This vessel will contain the most advanced spacecraft technology available in the known cosmos. From the moment it leaves Earth's atmosphere, the crew will become the masters of the universe. The ARK is capable of traveling faster than light. In fact, the speed of light may even exceed light speed. We are capable of crossing the void without fear."
Just then the lab door slid open, and Amy gasped and turned to who it was. It was Tails who entered the lab, she sighed in relief.
"You scared the heck out of me, Tails," said Amy.
"Sorry. What did you find?" asked Tails.
"I found a video diary of Prof. Gerald Robotnik talking about how he created the ARK 50 years ago. And there was a story about a girl named Maria," said Amy.
"Maria?" asked Tails.
"Yeah, and you might want to watch it," she resumed the video.
Professor Gerald was speaking in front of the camera, "That day, my granddaughter Maria was diagnosed with NIDS. It is commonly known as Neuro-Immune Deficiency Syndrome. She has been battling the disease for months. But it seems that she has finally conquered the illness and is on her way to recovery. However, there is no doubt that the reason why I've developed the serum that can reverse these conditions is due to the research done by myself. Unfortunately, there is no cure for the disease. I only hope that one day, I can create Project Shadow as her treatment for her condition. Until then, she will need constant supervision over her health, and hopefully, soon she will be able to recover."
"So he created Shadow as her treatment? That doesn't make sense," said Amy.
"How does the NIDS help?" asked Tails.
"I don't know," she shrugged.
In the next part of the video, Prof. Gerald Robotnik was taken to Prison Island and was chained up in a chair, and there was a scribbling calculation on the wall. Amy and Tails gasped in horror.
"This is insane! How you could do something like that?!" yelled Prof. Gereald enraged. "Don't you realize what kind of destruction you're causing!?"
"Of course not. We know you created a dangerous weapon that threatens to wipe out humanity," replied Leader G.U.N. army. "We are going to make you pay for your crimes against mankind. We must destroy it."
"Destroy it?! You must be out of your mind! I am a scientist! Not a killer!" said the professor as he struggled against the chains holding him prisoner.
"What is the difference between a killer and a scientist?!" asked the G.U.N army, "Your kind has always been obsessed with science, with science alone."
"There is nothing wrong with being interested in science! You killed my granddaughter without mercy!" cried the professor.
Amy and Tails gasped in shock. "They killed his granddaughter?" whispered Tails.
"That's so cruel. She was just a kid!" Amy cried in protest.
"I plan to give you a taste of revenge. Once all seven Chaos Emeralds are collected, the colony will destroy the planet! All of you ungrateful humans, who took everything away from me will feel loss and despair!" yelled Gerald in rage on the screen.
"Is there anything else you want to say?" asked the leader.
Gerald hung his head down and spoke quietly, "No..."
The soldier cocked his rifle, "Ready!"
A gunshot rang out and Gerald fell to the ground with a bullet protruding through his head, causing Amy to cover her mouth while Tails shut his eyes tight. The screen went static after a few moments and the screen went black.
Amy slowly laid her hands down from her mouth. "I can't believe they did that... he was executed," she stated sadly as tears formed in her eyes.
"It was horrible...." said Tails softly.
"Should we tell Sonic about this?" asked Amy.
"I'm not sure, but--"
Eggman barged into the room shouting, "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU TWO THINK YOU'RE DOING IN HERE?!" he shouted causing Amy and Tails to scream. He stopped in his tracks and said, "What are you kids doing in here?"
*Meanwhile at the Control Room*
Sonic found the Choas Emeralds on the Eclipse Canon. He took out the fake Emerald and turned on the walkie-talkie.
"Tails, I found the Control Room and Choas Emeralds. Should I put the fake emerald on this now?" Sonic asked yet there was no reply.
"Tails, are you there?" asked Sonic worriedly.
'What's he doing right now?" thought Sonic.
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vivyen-qwq · 2 years
Today I've seen all of the 8 Sonic Prime season 1 episodes and I must say, I WAS STUNNED.
Watch out! Includes spoilers!
It was amazing! Every universe was a good idea and I felt like I read through fanfictions. Also I felt like every single character was acting like they would do (so no shadow edgelord or dump knuckles).
Everyone had a special part!
Amy had her moment when they were in this wild wood AU (=Another Universe) (btw I dunno what they were called again. I forgot. xD)
Tails had his moment when Sonic was in this world with the eggman empire thing. Same with rouge there.
What I think about the characters:
I really liked how Rouge joined the crew and in my opinion, she should be more active in team sonic. I like seeing her on that team. Even if I love seeing her act in Team Dark, this was a special moment! I liked it when she had her moments with Knuckles. I am not a Knuxouge shipper, but these moments made me smile, 'cause they were acting like good friends.
When I looked at Tails in this wood AU, I was not very pleased, bc he acted like a wild animal. But he was still cute. Nine was the one which reminded me of the fanfiction "where was my hero" and I was really surprised when I saw his spider-like invention on his back!
What can I say about Amy? She was amazing. Even if 2 versions of her were evil, she was still good. I was a little bit disturbed when I saw her as "Rusty Rose" but it was still cool.
Eggman or these other versions of eggman were not really impressive for me. I felt like they were all a part of the scientist. Like in this disney movie: "inside out" So yeah it was a funny idea to have a baby in this, but it kinda got on my nerves. xD
Sonic was unbelievably well written! He cared about his friends, he was like he is! It was so whoaaa! He still had his rivalry with Shadow and the fighting scene was so well animated. I really liked the plot twist, that this all was actually his fault and that he learned to appreciate the moments and memories with his friends in these other worlds.
Gladly Shadow was not really an edgelord like he was before in the games. I cannot describe why I felt like that. He spoke so softly and had not this sharp voice like in Team sonic racing for example. (Btw I am talking about the german voice actor, bc I watched it in German.) What I didn't like was when he had barely any scenes but I am sure that he will get more of it in the future (if there will be a second season).
I mostly had my eyes on Knuckles this entire time (bc he is my fav character in this entire franchise) and felt good while watching Sonic prime.
Since I saw the Sonic Boom Series with "Boom Knuckles" in it, I wasn't sure if this series would make fun of him and turn him into a ... well I would say not a well written character again, but I was impressed that he had his badass moments. Of course there were a few scenes I didn't really enjoy but all in all. It was good as heck.
I really loved the part when he was captain and even if I thought he could never be a good comanda/ leader (bc in my opinion he really messed up in sonic forces) he did a very good job. Even if I hated the start at this Pirate-Universe where he hid when this other ship appeared, I like how it turned out at the end. It kinda scared me how he looked at the part of the paradox prism and I first thought he would turn evil or would betray his crew, but he didn't.
So, now I come to the animation part:
It was very detailed, like the ears were moving when Sonic and the others showed emotions or they walked. It was very cartoon-like animated but what can I say? It's a kids show. I found it kind of annoying when they repeated these whole scenes when Sonic fell down on his face or against the walls but yeah. It's still a show for kids.
Ohhhh and the references with tails code being 1992 or others were really cool.
What also caught my attention was these time skips. It was kind of confusing to understand but it was okay.
And some of the characters had FANGS! Ahhh! ><
I absolutely LOVED these pixel animation parts when they remembered a piece of the past.
Now to put it all into a summary:
It was a great series and I hope they are releasing a second season. ^w^
It was much better (IN MY OPINION) than I thought it would be.
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gritsandbrits · 2 years
001 for Sonic the Hedgehog, 003 for Chris Thorndyke, 002 for SonElise
001 Fandom Sonic
My favorite character is Tikal
My least favorite is Mephiles
5 Favorite ships: antoine x bunny, sallicole, khanally, Sonudis (sonic x @crusherthedoctor 's fancharacters Trudy) & Tom x Maddie
Character i find most attractive: Shadow
Character I would marry:
Character I would be best friends with: Rouge
A random thought: why aren't there any aquatic anthros :(
Unpopular Opinion: Marine > Sticks
Canon OTP: Khanally
Noncanon OTP: Sonic x Lani (my OC)
Most badass character: Too many to count but a quick shoutout to KNUCKLES
Most Epic Villain: EGGMAN OF COURSE I love how his inventions span from servants like Orbot to fucking GUNDAMS movie Eggman especially for actually having him be the main threat instead of getting Upstaged or written OOC "Eggdad"
Pairing I am not a fan of: Sonally, made them both OOC, too soap-opera for my tastes and personality clashes
Character i feel the writers screw up: Elise, could've gotten a badass equivalent to a disney princess (though they're already badass) instead we get a poorly thought out Self insert
Favorite friendship: Shadow and Rouge, Amy and that little bird. Also Blaze and Marine
Character i most identify with: Big the cat I just be minding my own business but get dragged into sum bullshit anyways 😫
Character I wish I could be: blaze because she's rich duh also fire is my birth element
002 Sonelise
When I started shipping them: a couple of years ago after seeing cute fanart. But coming across @solarhood 's blog really increased my liking for the pair.
My thoughts: Gets way too much hate, i see it has lots of potential in fanfics, it is not and never was bestiality, and it can be a good romance or a good friendship. Plus Amy isn't unfairly demonized.
What makes me happy about them: their interactions were so sweet, especially the scene in the meadows.
What makes me sad about them: that they had to give up their memories :(
Things done in fanfic that annoy me: when people try to improve Elise by making her a Blaze Clone. Or turning her into a hedgehog just to make her ship with sonic more "palatable" listen Elise can still be badass without being turned into another Blaze/Sally copy
Things I look for in fanfic: again better characterizing that isn't turning Elise into Xena, also amy not being demonized for melodrama. Sonic & Elise more time together (with in character Sonic)
My Wishlist: that elise comes back with a new design that (let 👏 her 👏 wear 👏 different clothes!!) & reuniting with Sonic
Who I'd be comfortable them ending up with if not each other: with Sonic I don't mind him with Amy or a new character. With Elise, Surprisingly KNUCKLES. Both were isolated and had to spend their childhood into roles they didn't ask for so the parallels are already there. Difference is Elise can help Knuckles be comfortable around girls without overstepping his boundaries, and he can help her learn to master her power and be more open with her emotions even especially the negative ones.
My happily ever after: Sonic and Elise somehow recovering their full memories and becoming friends again. Elise decides to travel the world with him not just for personal pleasure but to instill alliances and gain more life experience
003 alright last one and it's *uighh* chris....thorndyke 😒😒😒
How I feel about this character: TERRIBLE he's the reason why I made Noelani in the first place!! Unnecessary audience surrogate who didn't even do a good job in the role he was that hateable!
Any/all people i ship romantically with this character: the only person I ship him with is with a therapist!!
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Okay maybe his relationship with his servants were a little sweet then again not surprised if they forced to act like that because he signs their paychecks
My unpopular opinion about this character: he isn't the worse creator's pet I know he wasn't as awful as Kicker from Energon or Light Yagami
One thing I wished. Would happen/had happened with this character in canon: That he faced some actual damn consequences especially in the last episode of s2! Ground that boy! Don't just let him get away with dooming two planets!
Favorite friendship for this character: Surprisingly him and Tails, too bad it wasn't enough to salvage him
My crossover ship: him and Adrien would make great friends and that's not a compliment
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scruffyplayssonic · 1 year
Are the ArchieSonic comics actually an 80's/90's syndicated cartoon? Episode 48: Benign alien visitors 
Welcome back to my look at the ArchieSonic comic series, and how it shared a lot of the same story tropes as a typical ‘80s or ‘90s syndicated cartoon! My last two updates focused on the evil aliens who gave Sonic (and Shadow) grief, but now it’s time to turn our attention to the nicer ones.
Episode 48: Benign alien visitors 
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Well first of all let’s get the obvious ones out of the way. The Wisps had limited appearances in the ArchieSonic comics, unlike in IDWSonic where they’ve shown up quite frequently. Their first appearance in the comics was in ArchieSonic #219, which featured an adaptation of the opening of Sonic Colours. This story was classified as, “Another Time, Another Place,” meaning it wasn’t canon to the ongoing storyline of the comic. ArchieSonic did this from time to time when new Sonic games came out, essentially just making them glorified 5 page advertisements. It wasn’t as satisfying as getting a full adaptation like what was done with Sonic Adventure, but at least this way it didn’t completely disrupt the ongoing plot in the comics. Let us not forget that at the time they had to squeeze in the Sonic Adventure 2 adaptation that Knuckles was green and Tails was a doppleganger. 
…actually, in hindsight? Having those storylines interrupted for six months would have been quite welcome. 😛
Aside from the Dark Arms hybrids that Eclipse created, the Wisps didn’t really show up following the reboot of the comic either. However, Tails did mention that the events of Sonic Colours had already happened in the new timeline and that Silver had been involved, suggesting that it may have followed the DS version of the game that included appearances from many of Sonic’s friends.
But do the Wisps really count as benign alien visitors, considering that Dr. Eggman dragged them kicking and screaming into orbit around Sonic’s homeworld? Possibly not. So let’s at long last talk about an alien race who actually showed up of their own free will: the Bem.
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The first appearance of the Bem was in Sonic #118, not long after the nuking of Robotropolis by Station Square. Eggman and Snively, having made several attempts in previous issues to download themselves into new robotic bodies only to be foiled by Sonic, finally succeeded only to be confronted by the Freedom Fighters again. After confirming that Eggman was no longer able to roboticise people by touching them, Sonic and Tails immediately leapt into battle. But the four of them were rudely interrupted as an alien race called the Bem teleported them aboard their ship and into a prison pod.
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The Bem wanted to run an experiment to see if organic or robotic beings were superior, so to test this they roboticised Sonic and Tails and de-roboticised Eggman and Snively. Setting the two teams against each other, the Bem announced that the winning team of this duel would be reverted to their previous state, while the losing team would remain stuck as what the Bem had just changed them to. Setting the four of them loose in a holographically projected battlefield, the Bem watched their experiment play out.
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It was over pretty quickly, which is one of the things I hated the most about the stories from this era of the comics. They always felt so rushed because a chunk of the book was being taken up by stupid Ken Penders’ stupid green Knuckles story. But anyway, the Bem kept their word and returned the four of them to Mobius, all of them now flesh and blood again, and with Eggman ranting about how this just proved that robotic life was superior.
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Pin in that.
Not long after that in Sonic #123, a strange phenomenon occurred across the entire planet.
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All the people who had been roboticised, whether they’d had their free wills restored or were still mindless drones serving Eggman, disappeared without a trace. This included Antoine’s father, Mina’s mother, and Sonic’s entire family - his parents, Uncle Chuck, and pet dog Muttski.
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But several weeks later they all started reappearing again, now deroboticised and with no memory of how they’d been changed back to normal. The one exception was Sonic’s father Jules, who was eventually returned but still as a robot.
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Sonic thought that this must have been a cruel prank by Eggman, but Eggman denied having anything to do with the mass deroboticisation phenomenon, leaving Sonic and his family to wonder who was really behind it. I mean, surely it couldn’t have been that group of weirdos that had abducted Sonic recently and proved themselves able to roboticise and deroboticise people almost effortlessly, right? Right?!
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Well if readers at the time didn’t already suspect that the Bem were involved, the confirmation that their ship was in orbit around Mobius in the very next issue should have told them everything they needed to know. This was when the Xorda showed up to raze the planet, and the Bem dropped off Super Shadow to defend them while they escaped.
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…honestly, I think Shadow needs to get slapped in the face like this occasionally to keep him humble. 
The Bem’s involvement in the mass deroboticisation of Mobius was finally confirmed in Sonic #129, when Sonic arrived on the planet Argentium as the final stop on his Tossed in Space tour. Having been told that the key to his getting back home was on this planet, Sonic tried to land but was told he was only permitted to visit if he was attending the trial of Ceneca-9009.
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Sonic decided to play things straight and headed for the courthouse, where it turned out the trial (or if you prefer, exposition dump) taking place had a surprising amount of relevance to him. 
Thousands of years ago Ceneca-9009 had been part of a scientific exploration crew that discovered Biotex, a planet of robotic beings, and had petitioned the high council to allow them to create a machine that would transform the robots into organic creatures. They were given permission to do so, but they hadn’t realised that the species in question had become robots as an evolutionary defense mechanism to protect them from a toxic environment. So when the Bem deroboticised the Biotexans they all immediately died, and the Bem outlawed deroboticising technology from that day forward to prevent another disaster like that from happening. 
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Thousands of years later Ceneca-9009’s ship would discover Mobius and observe the beginning of Robotnik’s coup of the Acorn Kingdom, including the roboticisation of Tails’ father, General Amadeus Prower. When his wife Rosemary was also captured, Ceneca-9009 decided to intervene and teleported both Rosemary and Amadeus onto her ship, also deroboticising Amadeus. Having witnessed the devastation that Robotnik was wreaking on Mobius, Ceneca-9009 took the Prowers back to her homeworld of Argentium and once again went before the High Council, requesting permission to deroboticise all of Robotnik’s victims. However this time her request was denied, and she was thrown in prison for using the forbidden deroboticisation technology. Sonic was outraged at this revelation and called the court out on it, alerting the Prowers, who had also been witnessing the trial, to his unexpected presence on the planet.
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But their reunion had to be delayed so that the trial could continue.
Travel to Mobius had been forbidden following Ceneca-9009’s imprisonment, and so the Prowers had been unable to return home. They were however offered asylum on Argentium. Twelve years later Ceneca-9009 had been released from prison after serving her sentence, and she had once again asked the council for permission to deroboticise the victims of Robotnik’s takeover of Mobius. As she had actually asked permission this time the council were more open to her request, but wanted to ensure another disaster like what had happened to Biotex wouldn’t happen again. Unfortunately their idea of doing the best thing for the planet was to arrange an experimental duel to see if robots would overpower organics or vice versa, hence what happened to Sonic, Tails, Eggman and Snively in issue #118. The end result of this experiment had been the council agreeing with Eggman’s complaint that robotic life had been proven superior, and so they had ordered Ceneca-9009 to roboticise the entire population immediately.
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Ceneca-9009 had gone against their wishes though and instead deroboticised everyone (with one rather glaring exception), as shown in issue #123. 
Having gone over all the facts, the council found Ceneca-9009 guilty and sentenced her to be executed at dawn the following day. Sonic refused to accept this and planned to break Ceneca-9009 out of prison, but found himself without a means of escape when his spaceship was ordered to be dismantled due to the ongoing war between Mobius and the Xorda, which the Bem wanted no part in.
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However the head magistrate also disagreed with Ceneca-9009’s sentence and approached Sonic with an offer to provide another spacecraft for him and the Prowers to escape in with Ceneca-9009, if he could bust her out of prison. Sonic easily accomplished this task, but unfortunately on such short notice the only ship that the magistrate had been able to obtain was so small that only one person could fit in it.
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Considering that Ceneca-9009 was marked for death Sonic told her she should be the one to take the ship, but she insisted that one of them should take it instead, rationalising that as long as her pursuers thought she was onboard the escaping ship that they would not look for her on Argentium. Sonic also offered the ship to the Prowers, but they refused to leave each other and sent Sonic on his way with a gift for their son. 
When Sonic finally crashed back down on Mobius, the first thing he did was…
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okay, well the first thing he actually did was get pulled back into the fight against Eggman immediately. Seriously, he’d touched down for maybe ten seconds when he spotted trouble and raced to the rescue. But after he’d stopped Eggman from launching a pair of nuclear warheads and gotten settled back at home...
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...and come to terms with the fact that he could now understand canine speech patterns, Sonic was finally able to answer a question that had been hounding his family for a year.
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After that, he linked back up with Tails to tell him some news that would shock him to his core:
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Tails wouldn’t be able to do anything with this information for awhile, but eventually his uncle Merlin helped him get to Argentium to rescue his parents.
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Just in the nick of time too, because they probably wouldn’t have lasted much longer with the Black Arms and the Xorda waging war in the skies above.
The Bem did not appear in the comics again after that, but their impact was felt for a long time afterwards. When Ceneca-9009 had deroboticised all the victims of the roboticiser, she had also been able to nullify roboticiser technology across the entire planet. Eggman could no longer turn anyone into robots after that, and he had to make do with equipping his living forces with cybernetic body parts instead, a process he called “Legionising,” in honour of the Dark Legion, who were among the first of his forces to undergo this process. However he was eventually able to at least partially work around that when he got his hands on a Chaos Emerald and used it to rewrite reality with the Genesis Wave.
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Those who had been deroboticised personally by the Bem, such as Sonic and even Eggman himself, were still immune to the effects of the roboticiser. Everyone else though…
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So here’s a thought. If Eggman created the Genesis Wave in response to his robotic slaves being permanently transformed back to normal, then that means that everything that happened afterwards, such as Sally’s roboticisation, the disbanding of the Freedom Fighters, the second Genesis Wave rewriting reality again (creating the reboot era of the comic), and the shattering of the planet - that can all be traced back to Ceneca-9009’s actions in the back-up story of a single issue. Who could have possibly known that the effects of that single story would still be felt when the comic ended, over 165 issues later?
That’s all from me for today. Were there any other benign alien races that visited Sonic’s homeworld in the Archie comics that I missed? Be sure to let me know in the comments! Next time will be another instance where I struggle to come up with good examples from ArchieSonic: “Hero becomes blind. Magoo jokes aplenty. Ableism ages episode horribly.” How will I tackle this head-scratcher? Tune in next time to find out!
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scorpiolight-madd · 1 year
share like 10 random facts you don't know when you'll share about your paras or paracosms
can be more or less have fun
Ooh okay!
1. In SB:R, the triplets have two biological moms, Queen Aleena and Bernadette. Aleena is trans!
2. Sonia and Manic exist in Reloaded, but they and Sonic have never met. Sonic and Manic don’t even know they have biological siblings. Sonia on the other hand…
3. Reloaded and Supporting Me are actually part of the same paracosm, just happening in different dimensions. I just need to figure out when it falls on the timeline.
4. Reloaded follows a strict timeline, and the characters age as time passes. Amy just had her sweet 16 during my paracosm’s version of TMoStH, and Knuckles had to spend his 20th birthday trapped in Cyberspace on Starfall Islands. Sonic also spent a birthday in prison during Sonic Forces, but I can’t remember what age he turned.
5. Similar to the above, Sonic starts growing scruff (like facial hair but it’s just the fur of his muzzle growing out) when he’s around 16. He usually trims it down to look how it was before, but once he and his friends get trapped on Starfall Islands he can’t anymore. Once they get back, he finally decides to keep it scruffy.
6. There’s an evil version of Blossom, similar to how Sonic has Metal Sonic and Shadow has the Shadow Androids. However, Phantom Blossom was made by Infinite, not Eggman. After Infinite gets sucked into the Phantom Ruby and thrown into another dimension, Phantom Blossom desperately finds a way to bring him back.
7. There’s a few subplots in SB:R about some of the mercenaries hired to take down the main characters. The first is obviously Espio, who is revealed to have become a mercenary to feed and house himself and Charmy. Vector is the one to discover this fact, and convinces him to join the good guys, offering him a job and a home. The other is Echo, who, unlike in Reloaded, is a highly competent kunoichi, and is Espio’s rival. She goes after him once he switches sides, but is later revealed to be one of the last kitsune, with her small village guarding one of the Master Emerald shards. Tails is also revealed to be a kitsune in this arc, but he decides that his species doesn’t matter, and knowing why he has two tails isn’t going to change who he is.
8. The main villain of Ruined World was originally named Natas. It’s Satan spelled backwards. I haven’t thought of a new one for Her yet, even though She’s changed to a more eldritch, unknowable being. Maybe She has no name. (Which is why I usually just refer to Her as Her. Also, Her pronouns MUST be capitalized.)
9. Ruined World is currently being reworked, going from one big city to a bunch of different locations, all connected by one train (because I love trains). These trains are nearly impossible to get to unless you’re a member of Her cult, who She obviously favors.
10. I have a few minor paracosms where I just shove Sonic characters into other stuff I like. There’s the Minecraft ones I was talking about earlier today, I also have a Miitopia one (which pretty much follows the original story) and a Firefly one, where human versions of the Sonic cast fly around the ‘Verse in their own ship. The Chaotix were the original owners of Serenity, but the upkeep got too expensive, so they sold her and joined Sonic’s crew. Maria is also still alive in that one, and she was the one to help Simon rescue River, all so she could break Shadow out of the same facility.
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findyourflame · 8 months
okay nobody cares about my opinions specifically but im going to go into them anyways. warning, im going to critique Sonic Prime bc its a piece of media by a huge company. this is going to be a biiiiig post too, under the cut.
TL;DR: Sonic Prime was a disappointing experience, but not the worst. It was enjoyable enough, mostly the first two seasons, rather than the last one. I have many thoughts and feelings on the characterization of the gang, some good, some bad, but overall it was a middling experience, just like most Sonic media is. and the kicker, it was not a sonadow show, I'm sorry sonadow shippers but you're just starved for Sonic and Shadow interacting, it's okay to ship them but some of the things y'all are saying is just silly.
okay now for the real post
For the sake of understanding, I will call each 'season' a season, even tho we all know that Netflix fucked with those episodes and when they were released even though some of them should have been bundled together.
So season one? I looooved it. Setting up the premise, the comedy, the flashy graphics and camera work, it was very fun! Overall, the characters and plot lines of each shatterspace were great....but.
Big and Rouge were shafted extremely hard. Both were given very little variety in their alternate versions archetypes. Big just felt like they went 'he's big and dumb and scared.' And with Rouge it felt like all of them had to be mature and in control and pretty. Boscage Rouge was a little teensy bit feral but overall still more similar to the others rather than different. Big just felt very...inconsequential? Which sucks! I adore Big! But in Prime he just wasn't given enough justice, and what was up with No Place Big just?? Turning British??? What was up with that. Never addressed again, purely existed for comedic value to try and keep your attention during over an hour of fighting the same robots.
Season two was pretty fun, applying more stakes by the urge to collect the prism shards, hinting that with them all back together, the rest of the shatterverses may cease to exist. The beginning conflict of interests and miscommunication between Sonic and Tails (which I'm going to talk about more later)
My main gripe with S2 was that Prismatic Sonic wasn't...interesting enough design wise. Giving a guy some chromatic aberration is always going to make my eyes go wide, but just airbrushing pink on and making his eyes pink doesn't make me think he's Prismatic. Especially considering the lore we know that Sonic has the remaining Prism energy? Like he should be more fucked up looking. More gems, more sparkle. What happened to the days of Sonic getting new insane looking forms just for funsies, which happened even back during the classic era because of Hyper Sonic. Prismatic Sonic deserved to look cooler even if it was a fight against an extremely silly looking Eggman, it would have felt right for Sonic the Hedgehog. Yes this gripe got a lot of explanation I'm an artist I'm not sorry
Season three. Good lord where do I begin. I guess with the things I liked like how I did the others. Once again most of the characters were on point, I liked seeing a reality where Tails is a villain (I know Nine isn't Tails, but lbr it's an exploration on what if Tails was alone, what if he had nobody, and the world was just awful). I liked the very ending sequence where Sonic changes his actions, even if it's in a sentimental manner, so that he avoids breaking the crystal again, he avoids restarting the whole process. I liked Sonic and Shadow's interactions through the entire show, it's nice to see them interacting again after so long of just...not, due to Sega ignoring anyone who wasn't Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, and Eggman.
The dislikes however are very egregious. The pacing was horrendous, why was there over an hour of near constant fighting with cycles of Sonic just stopping petty arguments between the Chaos Council and the shatterverse counterparts. The visuals became less flashy and interesting, it definitely looked rushed and it really shouldn't have been for something overseen by Sega. That sprite sequence was literally the most affronting thing to my eyes as a former Sonic sprite artist, they didn't even try to make it make sense to anything and again, the quality was horrible for something overseen by Sega. The layoffs, the strikes, the direction Netflix has been taking, the direction Man of Action has been taking, it was very clear that the final season was rushed and just shoveled out to us.
Overall, I was disappointed with how they finished off Sonic Prime.
Now onto something very specific about Sonic Prime that I wanna talk about: The characterization of Sonic in specific in this show.
For the most part, he's played pretty well, the voice acting is phenomenal, he's animated with so much expression, he's goofy, he's casual, he's affectionate which is something I believe is an inherent trait of Sonic based on many things in past media...and he's manipulative.
Let me explain what I mean by that
Sonic has always had a very good way of using words to sway people's thoughts and feelings. He's very good at getting under his enemy's skin, at making them pause, at making opportunities to strike as a result or to shift the fight into them just...not fighting anymore. I like this aspect of Sonic's personality because it's an extremely interesting thing to have a heroic character be able to do, and helps with banter, with teaching people.
Because he's a hero, this way of using his words isn't best described as manipulative, because of the connotations of that word being very negative. An exploration of Sonic where he's not a hero, not even an antihero, would be very interesting because of this skill of his.
Sonic Prime doesn't make Sonic evil. But he's certainly not a hero. He's very wishy washy, very stand offish....which is very unlike Sonic compared to most iterations of him where he will fight someone physically even if he doesn't want to, simply because he knows it will at the very least stop them from doing something more dangerous. The worst part of this wishy washy attitude from Prime Sonic is with regards to Nine in specific.
Now I mention the manipulative tactics Sonic uses in other media because he uses them with Nine too. To the point of consistently talking to Nine as if he is Tails, ignoring that Nine is his own person, that he's a real person, and it hurts Sonic to hear Nine defy him because of how much of an individual he is and how he's NOT Tails. He chased the kid into his home, which he broke into, yelled at him, got him arrested by the Chaos Council, and over and over ignored what Nine wanted in favor of what Sonic himself wants. And then when faced with a power hungry Nine he stood back and fought robots instead of rushing up there, with his super sonic speed, to stop the kid. He didn't let Shadow do anything either. Renegade Knuckles punching Nine in the face literally was the best thing that happened on that damn tower bc it showed that at least SOMEONE was willing to try to put a stop to this by any means necessary.
Nine was allowed to keep pushing the prism over and over, further breaking realities, and what did Sonic do?
Continue to try to reason with him.
Just spin dash the fox instead of gaslighting him, Sonic.
Someone probably drew the "I think we're going to have to kill this guy" meme with Sonic and Shadow but it's actually painful how real that shitpost is for the show, and how annoying it is that it's what the show is.
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why are fans apparently not allowed to age up characters at all under any circumstance when official sources have done so themselves without hardly altering the appearance of the characters
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nebula-award · 2 years
(Caps and Cursing warning)
Look this is the most RANDOM post I’ve made BUT I just watched Sonic 2,, and god I’m hype I just had a Super Sonic Lemonade and I need to get my thoughts out into the internet as well as my prediction
Honestly this was better than the first (Mostly bc of the knux and tails adittion)
The B Plot w/ the sister was hilerously stupid and I loved every second of it
Rachel’s a girlvoss slay queen
+ Will never be over Tom saying basically Sonic should get a bunch of beefy (boy)friends
Im also happy for the Olive Garden guy (go you king)
(the human additions will always be bizarr to me)
GOD this movie was so fruity,, Like Stone and eggman were ALWAYS fruity but THIS IS SOMETHING ELSE (Stone is head over FUCKING heels). I did want a lil more content with him but whatever I’ll take what I can get. (I ship them but Stone honestly could do better, but go him ig (go get that robo dick and cash bb))
When Knux saved Sonic from drowning,, hold still my beating SonKnux heart ❤️ 💙
NOW the post credit scene,, SHADOW IS A MATERIAL GIRL DID YOU SEE HIS EYE SHADOW AND MASCARA AND ARM CUFFS (oh how I’ve missed the edge lord)
(plus my mom turned to me after and asked what the shadow project was and Icwent “oh boy strap in, cause this bad boy here can fit so MUCH lore”)
Sonic 3 trailer better pull that stunt w/ the second one. That being reveal one character in the post credits (Tails; Shadow) and then reveal the other one in the trailer (Knuckles; Amy (?)) whaT IM SAYING IS THAT I WANT MY QUEEN AMY ROSE IN SANIC 3 BEING A GIRLY BADASS
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l-sincline · 3 years
Cybernetics Chapter 18
Amy Rose is a mechanic, plain and simple. But aside from that, she feels utterly alone in a cruel world where she makes just enough to scrape by. One night she’s visited by a mysterious Cyborg that needs his arm fixed, little does she know this repair will change her life.
Flung from the confines of her normal life, Amy finds herself working with Anarchists set on creating a new life for themselves and the poor people of Mobius. The only downside? Seeing who she thought was her best friend fight against her.
AO3 Tags:  Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Amy Rose/Shadow the Hedgehog, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Amy Rose (Sonic the Hedgehog), Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog, Miles “Tails” Prower, Dr. Eggman | Dr. Robotnik, Rouge the Bat, Whisper the Wolf, Cream the Rabbit, Knuckles the Echidna, Badnik (Sonic the Hedgehog), E-123 Omega, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Cyberpunk, Angst, Slow Burn, Partners in Crime
AO3 Link
Rouge had landed them… somewhere. It was in the ruined Outer Ring, that much she could tell, but other than that there was no familiarity to it.
“It’d be nice to keep this ship.” Rouge commented, they stood outside of it.
“If we could get in contact with Shadow then we’d-“ Amy grunted as her head throbbed again, “- have an easy way back to it.”
“Robotnik fried my communicator.” Rouge stated. Amy pressed her ear, feeling for hers.
“Mines gone, must’ve gotten knocked out.”
Rouge groaned, scanning their surroundings again.
“We could use the ship.” Amy offered.
“Our communication line is closed, how would we get that to work?” Rouge questioned.
Amy sighed, racking her muddled brain for an answer.
“If I took your communicator out I might be able to connect it to the ship and transfer its data- we’d all have to get new communication links when it’s done though.”
“We would’ve had to do that anyways since your’s is missing…” Rouge hmm’ed thoughtfully, “Let’s give it a go.”
It hurt to think about it too hard, so Amy simply went through the motions. The ship turned back on- thankfully- though there were some sputters and sparks from it, it was otherwise fine. She patted her hand around the main panel carefully, relying more on touch than her wavering eyesight. She eventually found something that felt like it could be a communication button and she leaned in close to it- the symbol on it indicated that it was indeed a comm opener and closer. She dragged her hand down to the edge of the panel before digger her nails into the small crack and prying the panel off. She beckoned Rouge over to do the same to her head panel. The Android complied, though she didn’t seem particularly comfortable about it. Amy pressed on regardless, even if she felt bad they had to get in contact with Shadow as soon as possible. Amy carefully stuck her hand in and leaned in close to the open panel. It would be easier if she had a flashlight, but the dim light of the ship would have to do. Eventually she found the very tiny piece plugged in to Rouge’s center device and unplugged it gently. The Android stiffened.
“Did that hurt?” Amy questioned as she popped the panel back on.
“No there was just… a loud noise when you took it out.”
Amy simply hmm’ed in response before leaning over the ship’s communication panel once more. Connecting the communicator wasn’t as hard as taking it out was, and before long she’d plugged it in where it needed to go and popped the panel back on, pressing and holding the button.
The speakers in the ship lit up with static, it was loud at first but eventually it evened out to a dull sound with some occasional loud popping.
“Shadow?” Rouge called- Amy winced, Rouge was loud.
“Rouge? Is that you?” A surprised but tense voice replied.
“Yes!” The bat sounded extremely relieved.
“Is Amy with you?”
“Yes- injured. We don’t know where we are, somewhere in the outermost ring.”
“I’m still in the inner ring- one of Blaze’s people might be able to track you through this comm link. How injured is Amy?”
Rouge glanced to the hedgehog who was mostly focused on just holding down the button to keep the link open, eyes tired and jaw tight.
“Seems like a bad concussion, get here as soon as possible. She’s loosing energy.”
“I’m right here y’know…” Amy retorted hoarsely.
“I’m on it- keep this link powered on until I tell you otherwise, got it?”
And then it was silent. Just the occasional popping and crackling came from the speakers. Rouge looked around before settling on a rock just outside the door, swapping Amy’s finger for the heavy rock to hold down the button. She hobbled the hedgehog to sit on the floor by the door.
“Focus on smelling the air around here, it’ll give you something to think about so you don’t pass out. I can’t help you anymore until we’re back home.” Rouge directed sternly. Amy groaned, it seemed like she was always getting badly hurt being the only normal one on the team, she really wanted to practice her fighting. She inhaled deeply though her nose.
“It smells… moist… like wet grass.” She began tiredly, “there’s some pollen, wild flowers, dirt, and…” Amy craned her head forward to look directly out the door, Rouge looked down at her in confusion. “… and there’s someone else here.”
Short chapter today! Had to add an authors note onto the end to let all my tumblr readers know that I’m going back on hiatus! Looking at coming back around January. I’m a creative writing minor so I have a novel and a screenplay due in December that are just generally taking all my writing time, so unfortunately cybernetics has to go on the backburner. I hope you all have a good Halloween, send me your cool Halloween pictures! I’d love to see décor, costumes, general vibes. I love Halloween. 
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crusherthedoctor · 3 years
Hey crusher, I haven’t read your fanfic with Trudy in it, but I wanted to ask how did you make sonic and trudy’s relationship work, since sonic isn’t that big on romance?
inb4 someone says “he didn't lol”
Since tackling a ship is always very risky, especially when it's an OC/canon ship, I've abided by a few pointers in order to execute Sonudis to the best of my ability:
- Beyond the Stars is not Archie. Beyond the Stars is a traditional adventure that simply happens to include an OC/canon ship. It is not a glorified soap opera starring Sonic characters, like Archie often was prior to the reboot.
- The “official” flavor. Sonic falling for anyone would obviously never actually happen in the games (which is for the better, cause you can imagine the fandom meltdowns on all sides). And on the off chance that it did happen, it would probably be with Amy, because it's pretty much contractually obligated to be Amy. But what if he fell for someone, and what if it was... *chokes on words*... a newcomer? We've seen this cliche in many fics, yes, but if it were ever tackled “officially”, how would it be done? How would it actually work? How would Sonic actually react?
- Neither Sonic or Trudy had to be modified. Trudy was never designed to be the “perfect lady” for Sonic, it just so happened that she had traits that Sonic would find an appeal in, despite me never having started Beyond the Stars with the intention of making Sonudis a thing. This is how @benignmilitancy got into Sonudis in the first place... and why she dragged me down into the abyss with her. D:
- Sonic is Sonic. Sonic is often warped into something he's not with a lot of ships, usually by turning him into a submissive simp, or forcing him to sacrifice something that goes against what makes him who he is. This is why Sonally tends to fall flat, since the writing made it so that Sonic had to sacrifice his own freedom for Sally's sake, which is something Sonic would simply never do. And although Sonamy admittedly tends to be a little better in that regard (since Amy isn't as demanding with Sonic's freedom), it too is no stranger to falling into that trap regardless. So I made sure to avoid that pitfall by keeping Sonic true to himself, with the end result instead being based partly on the realisation that he DOESN’T have to give up his needs in order for it to work. This also means that he doesn't need to be actively lovey-dovey with Trudy, he can just carry on being his natural self, since being himself is why Trudy fell for him in the first place. :3
- The right amount of similar. Trudy may outwardly seem like the polar opposite of Sonic (gentle voice, slow and steady, lives in a fancy castle), but she has key personality traits that match up a lot more, such as having an adventurous streak and a similar playful side. This means that although she's not an outright carbon copy of Sonic's personality, ergo she can still give Sonic a second opinion on something (and vice-versa), she has enough in common with him that it's understandable as to how there could be a believable connection between them.
- Build up. Trudy is an OC, which means this is the first time they've met. Sonic isn't going to fall for Trudy right away, and Trudy isn't going to develop her own feelings for Sonic right away. But of course, you don't want to drag it out either. The pacing needs to be balanced just right.
- Logical reasons for appeal. Though Sonic may not be hooking up with anyone anytime soon, we do know there are some characteristics that canonically appeal to him. For just one example, it's been said that he may be willing to take Amy's feelings for him more seriously if she were a little more mature. Trudy, as it happens, is fairly mature (though not without the aforementioned playful side).
- Everyone else remains in-character too. If Amy acknowledges or comments on it, then of course she will initially be disappointed to know that her lifelong crush is interested in someone else, but she gradually learns to come to terms with it, and at no point does she act like a murderous yandere to Sonic, or a vindictive bitch to Trudy. Likewise, if Eggman acknowledges or comments on it, he's not going to ship them ala Boom Eggman shipping Boom Sonamy. No, he's going to laugh at it, mock the shit out of it, use it to his advantage, etc.
- There's a difference between taking the execution of Sonudis seriously, and taking Sonudis itself seriously. In other words, it's just harmless fun for me and a few others, and I treat it accordingly, but I am serious about trying to make it work in respect to Sonic's established character. If one doesn't like it, that's absolutely fine, but if nothing else, I want to be able to say that I put all my effort into making it a step above “Sonic goes full mindless simp for Shadow's identical sister who is faster then Sonic, stronger than Knuckles, smarter than Tails and Eggman conbined, etc”.
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darkjanet2 · 1 year
Sonic Adventure 2: Sonadow
Chapter 13: Sonic's Feelings 
Amy was mending Sonic’s wound after fighting with the golem. He had broken ribs, not very fatal, but it would take a while to heal. 
“There, all done!” Amy said, smiling at him. “Better?”
“Yeah. Thanks, Ames.” Sonic grinned at her. 
“Anytime. Now you should rest. I have lots of cookies and stuff in the kitchen, you know. I don't even want to think about what happened back there because I have no desire to ever hear anything like that again. It was horrible! That stupid golem nearly destroyed us.” said Amy. 
“Yeah, I know what you mean. But hey, how many times have we been through this already? We're stronger than before, and so much stronger now, we can totally kick some golem's butt!” said Sonic, flexing his bicep. 
Amy rolled her eyes and sighed. “You really are too cocky, aren't you? I'm telling you, you can't just fight them head-on! You need to be smarter! How did you ever beat rock monster before? You didn't even know how to use your powers yet.” She shook her head.
“I’ve awakened my power earlier since I've learned to control it. And I guess I got lucky that Rockhead attacked me when he didn't see me using them! Plus, I can fly, so I don't need to worry as much about being ambushed!” replied Sonic, grinning smugly.
Sonic got up from the bed and walked to the main control room where Knuckles relaxed in his seat and Tails was steering the ship through the space. 
“So, Tails, how far are we going to the ARK?” asked Sonic. 
“Not too far, Sonic! I’m sure we’ll arrive soon enough,” answered Tails, still concentrating hard on flying. Sonic was impressed. 
“Well, that’s great, cuz I can’t wait to see the inside of that place! And Eggman is gonna be there. I hope I get to punch the guy in the face. Or kick his ass.” said Sonic. 
“Well, if he gets anywhere near you, Sonic, I’ll make sure he doesn’t live long enough to get close to us,” Tails said. “Plus, Shadow’s probably going to show up too, along with Dr. Robotnik.”
“Oh yeah, that reminds me, those guys were working together on this plan, right?” asked Sonic, trying to hide his blush.
“That’s right. They are planning something big…something huge.” Said Tails. “It makes me wonder why they chose to work with Eggman in the first place. I mean, I don’t understand why they worked with him when he tried to kill you.”
Sonic crossed his arms over his chest and gave Tails a serious look. “I know. It was weird, especially when Shadow suddenly turned against us. Like, for a second there, I thought he actually wanted to join Eggman.” He looked away from Tails and thought about it for a bit. Suddenly his mind flashed Shadow kissed Sonic on the lips. His whole face heated up and his heart raced faster. It hadn’t even lasted for more than a split second. It wasn’t that he was unimpressed by the kiss or that he had an interest in someone else. But it felt so nice to be touched so softly, so gently… Sonic shook his head and went back to reality. This was not the time to think about Shadow, he needed to focus on getting out of here safely. 
“You okay, man?” asked Knuckles. 
“Hmm? Oh, yeah, I’m fine.” Sonic said, scratching behind his head while he tried to hide his blush. ‘Stop being stupid, Sonic!’ he thought reprimanding himself. 
“We’re about to arrive at the ARK for about less than 20 minutes,” said Tails. “So get ready, I’m going to land soon, then we should start looking for a way to get in.” 
Knuckles pumped his fist into the air. “Alright! I can't wait to get in there!” He chuckled. “Just thinking about punching Eggman in the face makes my blood boil, you know that?” he grinned mischievously. Sonic snorted, “Don't tell me you’re going to try something stupid again! Last time, we almost died, you know!” he scolded Knuckles.
Knuckles rolled his eyes, “Yeah, yeah. Don't remind me. I almost got you both killed! If it weren’t for Amy stopping us, you two would be dead meat!” he said sternly.
“Hey, that's what friends are for! I wouldn’t want to be a robot forever, either,” said Sonic.
“And that’s exactly why you’re our friend, idiot!” said Knuckles, hitting Sonic in the shoulder lightly. Sonic winced at Knuckles’ force, then grinned sheepishly. Knuckles laughed. “Sorry, man. I didn’t mean to hit you that hard," he apologized. 
"Heh, it's fine, Knux," said Sonic rubbing his shoulder. Sonic felt uneasy, but couldn't say what the feeling was exactly. Maybe he was afraid of Shadow or not. ‘This is ridiculous! I’m just having trouble thinking straight, that’s all! And he kissed me back in the jungle. What’s wrong with me? Why am I thinking about Shadow? Am I getting sick or something?’ he thought.
 “What’s wrong?” asked Knuckles. 
“Nothing, Knux, everything’s good. Just a little tired, I guess. Uh, I should go clear my head for a bit. You know, before Tails lands,” Sonic said, standing up. He quickly left the control room, leaving Knuckles alone with Tails. Knuckles and Tails stared at each other for a few seconds, neither one knowing what to say or do next. 
Sonic went inside the bathroom, ran over to the sink, and splashed cold water on his face. 'I gotta relax. I have things to do.' Sonic sighed deeply and took a few breaths. After some calming meditation, he looked into the mirror. He could see his face flushed red, which was not usual. 'Am I really blushing?' wondered Sonic. With the sound of the heartbeat coming from his chest, he placed his hand on his chest as well. The pulsating was strong. 'Is that normal? Do people feel this way? Is that possible?' Sonic looked down at his hands. 'My heart's pounding like crazy. Is it because I like Shadow? No, he's the enemy. But does that mean he also likes me?' Sonic looked back at his reflection, his eyes wide open. 'I must be going insane!' he said to himself. ‘Why am I so confused?!' 
Sonic moved his hand to his member and began to stroke it. He moaned. 'No, that's not right. I shouldn't do this.' Sonic frowned. 'Fuck! Why am I doing this? I hate him! I don't like him! He's evil! He wants to destroy everyone!' he exclaimed, raising his voice. His mind flashed again when Shadow kissed him on the lips and wrapped his arm around Sonic’s waist. 
'Shit! I'm losing it! This isn't happening! I hate him! I want him to stay away! God damn, I don't wanna think about this! Ugh, it's driving me crazy! I'm gonna lose it! I can't...!" His hand pumping his cock fast became harder. His breathing sped up as well.
'I... I want him... I want him so badly...' Sonic let out a soft moan, unable to take anymore pressure. "Ugh, fuck..." he muttered as he came. A couple of tears escaped his closed eyes as he laid his head against the cool surface of the sink.
A few moments later, Amy came to the control room carrying a tray with tea, cookies, juice, and biscuits. "Hey, guys. Where's Sonic?" she asked.
"He said he had to go clear his head," Knuckles replied. "I wonder what's wrong with him? Is he alright?"
“I don't know. He’s been acting kinda strange since he woke up today. He didn’t sleep very well last night, either.” Amy replied, handing the tray to Knuckles and sitting on the chair opposite him. “But I have no idea what's wrong with him."
"That's weird. Do you think he's afraid of Shadow?" asked Tails.
"Of course not! He's never afraid of anyone!" scoffed Amy. "Besides, who said he would be afraid of the guy? He's the bravest guy I've ever known. Always willing to risk his own life to save others. That's what he's always done, and I bet that's what he'll continue to do until the day he dies!"
“That might be true, but I'm concerned about Sonic,” said Knuckles.
"Me too," agreed Tails. "Maybe we should go check on him. And we're almost there at the ARK," he suggested.
"I'll go check on Sonic if he's okay," Amy went out of the control room to find Sonic and knocked on the bathroom door. "Sonic, are you okay?" she asked.
Sonic jolted at the sound of Amy’s voice from the door outside. "Uh, yeah I'm fine. Why do you ask?" he answered, sounding nervous.
Amy narrowed her eyes at him. She knew there was something that had happened there. Something that made him look flustered. "Because you've been in the bathroom for any minutes. Are you sure you're alright?" she asked.
"Yeah, totally fine. I’ll come out now, okay?” Sonic replied. He didn’t sound completely convincing though.
“Okay. Tails said we're almost at the ARK. So we should leave soon,” said Amy. 
"Sure thing, Ames!" Sonic smiled, trying to act natural. He heard her footsteps and walked away from the door. Sonic looked at his hand which was covered with his own cum. He groaned in disgust. He rushed to the shower and quickly washed himself off.
'Damn it! Why did I do that?!' he cried in thought. 'Why'd I have to touch myself? Why did I have to think about Shadow while I was touching myself? Fuck!' he growled. 'If I keep doing that, I'm going to end up in trouble again.' He shook his head.
'I have to get my mind off of Shadow or else it's gonna be worse. I have to focus on finding a way to get in and stop Eggman.' He got out of the shower and dried himself and exited the bathroom and headed toward the control room.
After checking on Tails, Knuckles, and Amy sat at the control panel while Sonic stood beside him, staring blankly ahead. 
"You okay?" asked Knuckles. 
"Yeah, I'm fine. What's going on?" asked Sonic.
"We're here at the ARK! And look at this." Tails gestured to the large hemispherical meteorite that rested at the bottom of the laser cannon underneath. The team wowed at the sight. It was quite breathtaking, especially the view from the top of the ship. They had only seen pictures from above before, and they were certainly not prepared for anything like this.
"Wow, it must be Gerald Robotnik who built this ARK 50 years ago," commented Sonic. "It looks like some kind of huge spacecraft."
"Okay, I'm going to find the entrance and--" Suddenly the spaceship was hit by something, causing them to collapse. The sound of the alarm blaring filled the air and red light started flashing.
"What's going on?!" screamed Amy. 
"I think we hit something!" yelled Tails, trying to control the console.
"How are we supposed to get out of this situation?!" asked Sonic frantically.
"We're about to crash! Just hang on something!" yelled Tails, trying to pull the joystick back to its original position.
The ship started to shake violently, sending the crew all around, screaming in shock. The lights flickered on and off repeatedly as the sound of the alarms kept echoing all around them, growing louder every time. The sound of the alarms echoed loudly through the walls of the ship and created deafening sounds throughout the whole ship.
A meteor smashed the rocket in half, Knuckled was separated from the team. His screams could be heard loud and clear. 
"Knuckles!!" screamed Sonic desperately while holding onto the seat. 
"Shit, I can't control it! Brace yourselves!" yelled Tails.
The crew screamed in terror, grabbing onto anything they could as the shaking continued and the floor started to fall under them. Everything around them started cracking as pieces of debris flew toward them. Tails pulled hard on the joystick to try and regain control. However, it was useless. The ship was crashing and Tails couldn't do anything to save them. He noticed an emergency button on the panel, so he quickly pressed it. 
 The ship stopped falling as the force pushed them upward. The ship stopped falling after a moment, but they remained suspended several meters in the air. The ship landly crashed into the entrance of the ARK. When it was all over, Tails exhaled in relief and looked over his shoulder to see his friends were okay.
"Is everyone okay?" asked Tails.
"I think so, but Knuckles..." said Amy worriedly.
Sonic comforted Amy, "Don't worry. He'll be okay." He turned his attention back to the controls. They slowly descended toward the floor, landing safely.
"Hoo, what a rough landing. We're lucky to be alive," chuckled Sonic.
Tails gave a sigh of relief. "Yes, we are. This ship was damaged pretty badly. We have to get going though," he stood up. 
Sonic and Amy nodded as they went through the ARK to the room at the end of the tunnel. 
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ninjakasuga · 3 years
Sonsally Celebration Week, Year 3, Day Four!
Sonally Celebration Week, Year 3, Day Four!
Another day of Sonsally Week, unlike the last few entries, this is where I break linearity and go travel back to a prior period in the timeline. When the prompt of ‘Power’ was shown my mind of course went to the Super-Forms, the Deep Power Stones, and the like. Yet also my mind went back to some fanart from last year about a certain someone I would have loved to have seen share a Super Form with Sonic… Y’all can see where this is going.~
Forward: Timeline wise, this is 9-10yrs before Crossroads; the last battle of the war with Dr. Eggman. I admit I’m once again sprinkling tidbits from my still WIP Archie-Sonic-Verse that has yet to be published, but I think the easter eggs and hints of things yet to be seen will be fun for the reader.
“Sal, are you flipping insane?!” Cried Sonic as he stared Sally down at her suggestion. “You want to use the Deep Power Stones to amplify our Super Forms? What about all that ‘overload potential’ nonsense?!”
Standing beside Sonic, one eye on the half of the Deep Power Stone in her hand, the other on the approaching Egg Armada. A legion of robots, ships, and what other mechanical horrors Eggman had left to try and quash them all for good. With the world-wide alliances winning victory, after victory, Eggman grew desperate and now was throwing everything he had at them in a ‘If I can’t have it no one will!’ tantrum of a scorched world move. Basically it was done to the wire, and now they were as desperate as Eggman.
Her grip tightened on the stone, that madman would not have the last laugh. He wouldn’t end their world as he did the Mobius he came from! “It’s something I was thinking about for awhile, Sonic. We’ve seen what the stones can do just augmenting the individuals who bring the stones together. If we bring that kind of augmentation to the Super Forms? We have the Master Emerald already channeling to empower the Seven Chaos Emeralds, imagine channeling the Stones through it to the Emeralds and the Power Rings. All of you could not just have a greater power boost, but potentially the forms will last longer, long enough to wreck most if not all of the Egg Armada and put an end to this war for good!”
“It might work…” Murmured Tails, standing on the other side to Sally. “Channeling the Stones' power through the Master Emerald, which itself is a beacon and conduit for the Seven Servers…” He began to murmur as his brain went over the numbers and possible calculations. As the two-tailed fox finished his thoughts, he turned to the Guardian of Angel Island, wanting his thoughts. “The Master Emerald is your expertise Knuckles, you think it will work?”
The red-furred Guardian furrowed his brow as he contemplated this. “Maybe, I admit while my communion with Tikal or my Great Grandfather has given me greater insight to the mystical aspects of the Master Emerald, I’m still a novice truth be told.” He sighed, looking apologetic. “Sadly I know more of the scientific side of things given the Brotherhood’s data mostly focuses around that. Even my Father’s old notes are more historical musings than proven theory.” He sighed again, mentally cursing his forebears for yet another aspect of oversight the Brotherhood neglected during their long tenure of guarding Angel Island. Then again, save for the Lost Tribe, it would seem most of the old mystic arts were lost to the Echidna of today, what few were left. “Given we’ve found many connections to the old mystical artifacts of the world, there’s a good chance they’ll work together as Sally thinks.”
A low growl-like ‘hmm’ punctuated the air, before a stern voice interjected aloud. “Or it will overload the Emerald, destroy it, and fry all of us, or potentially create a super-bomb.” Shadow stated with arms crossed, and looking pensive. As all looked his way, he spoke on. “I’m not saying we ditch the idea, but it’s something to consider. I have a vow to protect this world to uphold, as well as too many I care about to let them die.” His thoughts dwelled on Rouge, Omega, and Hope especially. His other comrades within G.U.N. and the Thorndyke Labs. Even of those here, despite any past animosity, he wanted them and their loved ones to equally live. They all had family, and friends to protect. 
The last member of the group, his expression uneasy, yet a deep resolve in his eyes looked about his comrades, and then the horizon as their enemy continued to fly toward them. “We don’t really have a choice do we? This is the last chance, for all of you, as well as the Future I want to prevent from coming to pass.” Clenching his fists, Silver felt his powers hum through his being. It had been a long journey, and one not without many hurdles. From his bungling to interpret data from then Future, and its founding in the past, to dealing with the truths of his own ‘Master’ and the struggle of wondering if he was truly a pawn to bring about ‘his’ world versus a world for everyone to be happy. In the end he was wiser, more experienced and ever resolute to ensure the dark future never came to pass. All other obstacles save Eggman had been dealt with. This was the final hour. “So, save for Sonic we’re all in agreement?”
Hands on his hips, Sonic frowned deeply, looking rather indignant. “Hey, hey! I never said scrap the plan, I was just pointing out how before everyone kept yammering about doing something stupid with the Stones. Given either configuration usage done wrong could lead to KAB-BOOM! Jus’ pointing that out!” Eyeing everyone, his gaze rested on Sally, those deep blue pools that always sucked him in. Reaching for her hand, he wrapped his hand over hers, their wedding rings shining in the sun together. “You think this is our best bet, Sal? If you’re really onboard, so’m I.”
In truth, Sally did share the same concerns as Sonic and everyone else. She knew even using just the ‘boost’ augment which so far had been the safest, could lead to disaster as much as the other configuration which always ended destructively. Plus this would be the last time they could use them. As per Merlin Prower’s warning, the Deep Power Stones could be used a handful of times, and the mystic had given them warning they were on their last usage. This was due to a special magical limiter the Neo-Walkers put on the Stones, halving their ability so the Freedom Fighters and their allies could have an edge. However with the last use, the limiter was off, and so it was full power, and potentially the best opportunity for the worst case scenario. After this the Stones would vanish for another millennia until they were recharged and reappear randomly about the planet again.
Yet as Silver pointed out, what choice did they really have? Eggman was going all out; and thus, their hands were tied. “It’s the best shot we have. G.U.N.’s mechanized forces are exhausted and what isn’t in the repair bay is out fighting the forces encroaching their borders. None of the rest of the allied nations have any armies big enough to fight this horde. We can’t call for help from Blaze or any other friends from other dimensions because the Zone Cops sealed all dimension travel to Mobius Prime to prevent Eggman from escaping. This, this, is all we can do.” Her resolve sounded unshakable, despite her internal doubt, she had to sound resolute. Matching her gaze with Sonic, she managed a grin as she laced her fingers with his. “Let’s do-it-to-it, gang!”
Smiles formed about at the catch-phrase that was so infectious even Shadow was sucked in. One by one, Tails, Knuckles, Shadow and Silver joined in placing their hands over each other, forming a lock. “Let’s do-it-to-it! They all cried, before breaking to get into place. While Sally stood by the Master Emerald with Knuckles, the others began to loop around the Master Emerald, each linking their hands together. From Shadow to Silver, to Tails, to Sonic. Instead of holding Knuckles’ hand, Sonic placed his own on the Echidna’s shoulder. Knuckles did the same with Sally, while his free hand touched the Master Emerald. Sally held the Deep Power Stones in each hand, waiting for the right moment to place them together. Craning her head to Knuckles she nodded, and he nodded back, his gaze shifting to the large emerald his bloodline made their mission to protect along with Angel Island itself (well Echidna population for them, Knuckles was out to protect everyone).
“The servers are the Seven Chaos… Chaos is power, enriched by the heart… The controller exists to unify the chaos!” As he started the chant, he briefly saw a flash of Tikal within the Master Emerald, smiling at them all. This allowed Knuckles to smile, but he didn’t let this distract him. “We who are blessed by the Chaos, beseech to wield your power and wisdom, to save the planet and the innocent lives that dwell upon it. Let us be the Guardians of Mobius, of the Chaos, and the Light of Gaia!”
“We will gladly give our lives if you can let us protect all we love, please help us.” Murmured Sally, interjecting her own addition once Knuckles’ incantation chant was finished. Staring at the two halves of the stones, Sally placed them together, the halves flashed as they became one. An intense glow emanating from the black object that soon blinded them all. A bright, green glow from the Master Emerald broke through the white, with the gathered Power Rings (including Sonic’s Billionth Special Ring) all giving off a golden glow as the colors mingled together. A pillar of the mingled colors erupts from the Master Emerald’s resting place, shooting up, and up into space as the island is bathed in its warm glow.
Tails was the first to regain his sight, and once the relief they did not explode passed through him, a wide grin formed on his face as he felt it, the power of his Super Form. Not only that but he could ‘feel’ the power was increased. “Alright I think it worked!” He hollered, pumping his arms as he felt the power of Turbo Tails peak and flare briefly. “Hooo it’s been a long spell!”
Shadow merely made a ‘heh’ sound, yet smiled as he stared at his own glowing hands. “Yes, I can feel it, now those machines can feel Super Shadow’s fists and Chaos Spears.”
“This still blows me away with how powerful it makes me feel.” Murmured Silver as he marveled at his Super Silver transformation.
“Oh holy crap…” They heard Knuckles utter, followed by Sonic stammering “S-S-Sal?”. Everyone turned their heads and gasped in awe.
“Oh, my God…” Was all Sally could murmur. Her fur was a pink-orange tinge, and her hair a golden glow, flowing freely from the sheer power itself. “H-how? I thought only those with a tie to the Chaos Force could achieve super form?!”
“Maybe the powers that be felt you were worthy.” Knuckles mused, giving a nodding approval to this development. The light-pink glow of his Hyper Knuckles form, arcing with energy like everyone else. “In any case it looks like it worked.”
“I’m not a fan of the colors, they remind me of when I spent hours scrubbing chemicals out of my fur.” Muttered Sally, recalling the chemical splash that caused her fur and hair to change colors twice, before finally returning to her proper brown and auburn tones. She shuddered at the memory; she was lucky Rotor and Quack were able to make a fur-shampoo solution to cleanse the stuff from her fur, and luckier she wasn’t exposed long enough to cause any health issues.
Rubbing his chin, Sonic flashed a wide smile as he drew in his wife’s Super Form. “I dunno Sal, you rock the colors, and do’. It’s giving me ideas-.”
Tails held up one hand, and the other he put a finger to his mouth. Making a faux-gagging sound. “Sonic, I’m right here, don’t wanna hear that stuff!”
Snorting, Sonic rolled his eyes, “Hey, hey Li’Bro who said my mind was going to the gutter?”
Knuckles shot Sonic an incredulous look. “And I quote, “I’m always horny for Sal.”, end quote.”
Both Sonic and Sally managed to blush through the color of their super forms. Each coughing, and averting their gazes from their friends for a time.
“How about we can the small talk, and focus on saving the world?” Shadow stated, breaking up the moment as he turned and pointed towards the approaching Armada. “I’m sure Eggman saw that light show and is going to get even more antsy to try and finish us off.”
Clearing her throat, Sally stepped forward from the Master Emerald, letting Shadow’s comment further help to put that momentary embarrassment behind them. FAR behind them hopefully! “Shadow’s right, we got the power, now let’s use it.”
Pounding his fists together, Sonic began to jog and jump in place to pump himself up. “Juice and jam time folks, let’s show ol’ Eggy he should’ve stayed on that satellite in his home dimension.”
“If not just shriveled up and died.” Growled Knuckles as he flexed his fists before slamming them together.
“For everyone here, and those yet to come, we must win.” Silver uttered as he began to float, flexing his psychokinetic powers in anticipation.
Spinning his twin-tails, Tails began to hover as well. “Sally, give the word, we’re ready!”
“Everyone, it’s been an honor… LET’S GO!!”
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cutegirlmayra · 4 years
Who will read?
Stories I have planned to write:
1. Sonic and the Chaos Seas (Sky and sea Pirate AU) - Much like the amazing prompts I did, I have an idea for a Sonic Pirates AU, much like my Medieval AU- where Sonic is the captain of the Bablyon Jewel, which houses the Master Emerald stolen from Angel Island... buuuut since it’s Guardian can’t part with the Master Emerald, and can’t seem to convince Sonic to turn the ship around, Knuckles joins piracy... unwillingly. Tails is his first mate, who is a genius with the ship’s ancient technology, except that Jet and Storm refuse to leave their family heirloom, as Jet is the rightful owner of the commandeered ship. They need the Master Emerald to locate, which Tails’s machines, the 7 emeralds to prevent the terrible ‘Tsunami of Skies’ event depicted in Silver’s future scrolls... the day the sky became the sea... and wiped everything off the planet! Shadow was stolen along with the feared Pirate Gerald’s research... and his granddaughter’s wereabouts remain a mystery... after Sonic accidentally wakes up Shadow, he agrees to let Shadow have his revenge on the Royal G.U.N armada who are secretly working for Eggman, who has convinced Queen Elise that he’s gathering the Emeralds for the world’s sake... Captain Rose and her all female-crew have an old score to settle with Captain Sonic, and Team Chaotix have a specific client looking for their rabbit daughter... who they believe was kidnapped by Captain Rose. It’s a journey that races against time..! But Sonic..? a Sea captain..? Nay! A sky-flying pirate who hates the sea but believes in the justice of the free winds! Shall we all head aboard? (Chaptered story, Pirate AU, Some Sonic couples like Sonamy.)
2. Sonic Storybook Series - Consisting of Oneshots of different stories. Travel to the desert land of traded goods and magical artifacts to discover The Desert Jewel (Aladdin), or perhaps travel the woods and find ancient curses with howling results? (Little Red Riding Hood), maybe you’re more a kingdom missing it’s royalty, kinda guy? (Twisted Cinderella) Which ever you preuse in your readings, care to still take the perilous dive into the Books Of Wonder!? Sorry, Sonic... you don’t have a choice. You’re evil doubleganger, born of your friends insecurities, is going to make sure you’re never the hero again! (Series of Oneshots - so multiple story-chapters - some Sonamy lol)
3. Sonic Family - Set in the distance future... Discover a secret deal, arranged out of love, before the nefarious Eggman infuses half his mind with a metallic computer to keep himself from falling to Alzheimer's. However, the machine turns him in-human, and takes over his fleshy-side. Older Sonic has to give up the oath he made so many years ago, and abandon his friends in pursuit of Eggman. It’s a deadly fight, but with the evil-counterpart ripped from Eggman’s head, Eggman finally shows his age... And Sonic is forced to place him in a home for the elderly. “Oh look! A talking hedgehog!” as Eggman is wheeled into the nursing home, Sonic, after so many years away, returns to his family... Only to find it’s a complete mess! His eldest is trying to get his mentor, Shadow, with Sonic’s wife! Amy wants another baby, and if not, then Sonic needs to be a decent father for a change... His second oldest is having fights at school, his third youngest is Tails’s apprentice and doesn’t really know much or care to learn about his father, only racing and science! His littlest is barely on her first word... can Sonic reunite with his friends and form the connection with his family he gave up long ago? And when Eggman’s mind returns to him, placing the last bingo piece into place,... does this mean Sonic’s family isn’t safely hidden anymore!? Find out! In Sonic Family~ (Sonamy and other Sonic Couples story, future AU, chaptered.)
4. Amy Rose Origin Story: The Piko Warrior - Ever wonder where Amy came from? Sonic never bothered to ask... until that is, her past catches up with her. Warriors from an culturally-rich and brutal era have sworn to find The Rose’s Last Line before a dangerous evil finds it first and wipes out the last of the Piko Warrior’s bloodline! But... the Rose’s bloodline is a traitor? Amy Rose was raised by wandering Gypsies that taught her fortunes and tarot cards, right? But you’re wrong... Will Amy tell the secret of her Piko Piko Hammer and finally tell her team of friends the truth about her brutal past? Stay tuned for this, Amy Rose’s Origin Story! (Sonamy chaptered story + Amy Origin)
5. Amy's Judgement (Judgement spirit and King Spirit. FIGHT! lol) - Unaware of her orphan past, Amy simply wants to spend the rest of her life chasing Sonic and being apart of his world... but the Gods deem otherwise. When the team discover an ancient spirit haunting the world with his undead army, it’s only up to Sonic to connect with the Spirit King, the most powerful soul in all the afterlife, in order to acquire the legendary power to fight with Spirits! (In the flesh, it’s no good!) However... The Spirit King seems to hate Sonic,... but why? And why does he look so sorrowful when seeing Amy Rose? Will the team discover their families they’ve never really known in the spirit world? Find out, in this devastating war of the living and the dead! (Chaptered story, everyone’s origins revealed, moderate Sonamy.)
6. Yugioh OC story (Will give official name later) - While Atem is enjoying his afterlife, Mana admits that there is something missing, but perhaps without it, he could continue on in blissful ignorance, but it’s not enough for Atem. Learning that there are Cursed Millennium Items that were thrown from the first batch, the Ring being cursed in secret, he rises from his rest through the Millennium Puzzle, returning to his Partner to seek his aid. Yugi is elated to see his old friend, but deeply concerned. Atem has many enemies now... and old rivals who will take advantage of this situation. Atem must recover the parts of his memory that were sealed away in the cursed items... Then they hear singing? Join this remarkable quest as the old gang gets back together to find the missing items, stop an evil Egyptian witch, and discover the missing power of the Millennium Heart, which can bring monsters and spirits... to life! “The Falcon shall find the split Dove again...And carry it’s heart to the seeking Anubis. Only then can eternity be completed, and the Pharaoh at last, rest with all his lost souls.” (Yugioh characters x Many OCs and just epic dueling lol chaptered story, it’s also just a story not all about romance XP)
7. Amy Rose's Fanfiction (Headband and puppet universe.) - When Canon Amy Rose begins to wonder if she’s satisficed in her universe, a unique opportunity presents itself... grab Chaos’s brain and create her own universe! Without knowing how she did this, the gang is informed from Tikal that Amy has created a separate universe, and they must unite with the many other universe’s to find her and get her back! However, Amy Rose creates a Fanfiction Universe with ‘puppet’ forms of her friends. Enjoy the story of Amy Rose trying to live out her dreams and fantasies through Puppet Amy Rose who begins to see suffering and fights the control of her Canon-counterpart. Can they convince Amy to return to the Canon that needs and misses her? Only by jumping from Comic, Boom, Anime, Classic, and Game universes can Tikal stretch out her power through Chaos Control and find Amy... somehow bringing her back or convincing her to return to where she belongs! (Chaptered story with adaptations of Sonamy: dark sonamy, sonamy au, modern sonamy.)
8. Softer Shades (shadamy) - Yall already know lol. Chaptered Shadamy story.
                                          Which would you read?
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