#i just.. i dunno. maybe i overthink it
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squeiky · 1 year ago
This is going to get long. Sorry Op, but sometimes a post just happens to conincide whislt my writing/anlysis brain is on and well.. this happens:
I know this is sonadow posting but ignoring the shipping aspect- this actually encapulates a constant trait of Shadow the Hedgehog (and team dark as well) in which he often lacks the desire or need to constantly SAY or act (in the socially obvious sense atleast) as if he cares or is concerned about you (most people will consider his behavior "tsundere"-like in the fact that he openly has tendencies to deny any allegations of caring for someone, especially that of Sonic).
whats intresting to is that not only does Sonic seem aware of this factoid (that others, aside from team dark memebers as they all dervive from similar ways of expression, dont seem to actievly be aware of), but openly engages with it in a fun, lighthearted and teasing way. Though Sonic is known for his mockery and clowning, when its particularly aimed at Shadow, it always feels like a confirmation rather than a sign of "just messin with him" (though of course it can always be the case).
Its not the best example but- lets say sonic is in need of help and Shadow is on a mission and on the way he decides has to save him. So, on the outside he appears more focused on external things, simply "doing this cause buissness is buissness" or he may be annoyed and scold Sonic for being too reckless and forcing him to have to save him on a mission.
Sonic, brushes it off and is joking about the situation- showing the more braver and stronger front of his persona. This however, may cause Shadow to get angry or annoyed as the light banter contrasts with the emergency.
So basically, the whole thinh could be chalked up to "Shadow get annoyed at Sonic for being dumb and Sonic teases Shadow cause he likes to mess with people" and nothing more.
But then if you examined it a bit more, it could be something more akin to "Shadow is very worried and concerned with Sonic being in danger and actively dislikes it when he is put in troubling situations, he has doesnt express this in a "oh my gosh are you okay🥺?!" So intead he resorts to simple correction of action via light "scolding" or simply telling him not to do it again. (In colors DS, when shadow was worried about his saftey, its simply a "good, your back." Or something similar. Again. Its always implied with him and never stated upfront.) Whilst Sonic, whom understands that hes worried, but requires some amount of vocalized validation to this fact, prys it out of him via the teasing, through the light banter of "why? you worried😏? ", "i didnt know you were such a good hugger" or something like that.
I think this attitude is what makes him feel safer around the people he is with, as if they are able to handle the mocking tone of Sonics more present persona, it would be safe to say that he can trust them enough to feel comfortable lets say.. be carried in someones arms in the middle of space while hes practically dying, because if they can handle the "annoying" part of him and still care about him deeply, then thats a keeper.
I think theres a trust and validation in that aspect.
(I think this especially also plays into characters like team dark, or even knuckles and Blaze. I think hes much softer on characters like Amy and Tails.)
Especially when you realise that Sonic was so pissed off at shadow he actively antagonized and called him a "faker" (yeah thats Sonic's thing. He started that.) And somehow, not only was Shadow about to play off of that in a fun way, he used it to make himself look "better" than Sonic and might actually be one of the first characters in game (that i know of) other than eggman to actually have seriously gotten on his nerves (to the point he was pacing around in jail all like pissed off), which is hilarious.
But overall, it just shows that Shadow can effectively take the worst of Sonic and send it back in a fun way (which grabs at Sonic's addrenline junkie fun-time addicted brain). If anything, once Shadow understands that Sonic literally is "what you see is what you get" he accepts that.
I think there thats where that respect comes from. In both parties as Shadow respects Sonics autheticty and expression, and in i think he may even find an appreciation for it.
Furthermore, you also can see how Sonic is capable of reading people quite well, and is able to understand other peoples thought proccess (which makes him good at making quick jabs that piss them off).
So when swapping the tables and haing Shadow in danger and Sonic the savior, the two probably would function the same way as i discussed prior- except sonic is much more capable of expressing the easy-to-pick up on "oh my gosh are you okay🥺?!" Type stuff. He might even literally say "ohmygosh r u okay 🥺?!" If hes THAT worried.. So Shadow never needs to "pry" anything out of him. In this light, Shadow is well aware thay Sonic cares about him (hes just annoying about it). Which makes it so that what Shadows gains from Sonic is less of that "validation & trust/comfort" and more of.. acceptance and understanding.
Because Shadow is often a character that in-universe is either mythologized, demonized or inhumanized ( inhedgehogized???) But when introduced to Sonic (who remind you is the FIRST character to seriously call Shadow a "heroic hedgehog" or something akin to that)
He becomes well. "shadow the hedgehog" not "Shadow the sciene project" or "Shadow the Ultimate lifeform" or "Shadow the dangerous entity" or what not. Theres a sense of "i take you as you are" type of way that Sonic gives to him. And with that he accepts whatever form Shadoe comes to him with. Never forcing anything on or away from him (to the point where Shadow straight up gives him his own "title" which again, is something SO intergral to who he is that the fact Shadow even did that just shows how much importance Sonic reprenst in his life. It took one person to show him that authenticty and acceptance thats hes
been craving ever since well.. probably maria). I think thats where that particular respect comes from and in some ways? Especially during the very last parts of SA2 where Shadow yells out to him the "i think your the ultimate lifeform!" To sonic and in turn when Shadow "dies", Sonic says hes "Shadow. Shadow the hedgehog" theres a tradeoff there.
The fact of the matter is, i think its more than just "oh look at this shadow says he isnt going to save him but then actually does" because 1. Two difrenet contexts (obviously) but 2. I dont think its even unrealistic for shadow to say he "wont save him" but then actually does.
He cares about Sonic too much to actually let shitty things happen, but wont actively coddle him like team sonic would. If anything, i personally think its more of I "i wont save you, so dont do something stupid, because then thats your fault and im not responsible for cleaning up after you." And less of a "i wont save you, I would let you get hurt/injured and die" type ordeal?
Idk, what do you, dear reader, have to say about this?
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crabsnpersimmons · 1 year ago
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"Hair dyes or perms or just a quick snip, you can always count on your ol' pal Clip!"
it's about time i officially shared my design for Clip from my hairdresser au! here's the silly boi himself!
a.k.a. the most complicated character i've ever designed...
close ups and additional comments under the cut!
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that's my boi, despite his crazy design, i love him. his silly top knot hat, the horn-like points around his faceplate, his speckled colours, his four arms, and his funky pants. he's just soooooo fun.
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Clip likes to play games and knit! he even made the patchwork pants he wears (he made Sun and Moon a pair too, but they're too precious for them to wear... also a little gaudy to wear in public—doesn't stop Clip tho!). He actually makes everything the boys wear, since there's not a lot of things in their size/shape.
instead of resting at night, he can be found in their living room, playing Kirby 64 for the nth time and/or knitting something. he's just too restless to stay still, he's always gotta be doing something and if it isn't gaming, knitting, or hairdressing, then he's up to No GoodTM.
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Clip... likes popping balloons. he says "Goodnight!" with each popped balloon and once he's done, he tosses up the scraps like confetti all while giggling joyfully.
needless to say, he is not fun at parties. Sun and Moon don't let him near balloons for this reason.
and yes, he has sewing needles on hand at all times. for fashion emergencies... and for unsuspecting balloons.
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Clip's not allowed to have a phone (just imagine all the in-app purchases Sun and Moon would have to deal with), but he likes to keep up with his customers and their games, even if he doesn't get their fixation over bluenets he'll never openly admit it but he prefers curly-haired blond hunks that look sweet in soft pastels but could also squash him like the spider he is
also, he's great at microbraiding! though i imagine if Sun and Moon are free, they'd come help to shorten the wait but also to compete and see who braids the most (Clip always wins of course—make anything into a game, and he's winning)
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aaaaand there's this! i wanted to make sure Clip would be able to freely rotate his waist so his arms could have their full range of motion, and this was the solution i came up with: a crop top on top and a wrap around his waist. and Clip here is being a sneaky little scamp about it.
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dailycladem · 4 months ago
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dyesprout0ysphoria · 1 year ago
Maybe I was the only one who didn't notice this and i'm stupid but does Mari have Earrings??
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Every other Fanart is without her having Earrings,,
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Where he has the same case scenario of Having Earrings sometimes BUT NOT ALL THE TIME
He has it a little more often in fanart but otherwise it's meh
Now I've realized Something
I'm just headcanoning but Were Mari and Hero Post canon gonna get earrings together,,??
The only time Mari has her Earrings is in the artwork of the whole Omori Band thing for the Omori concert and in that Drawing she's part human part ghost
And uuhh you never find Hero with Earrings on in canon
Maybe I'm overthinking this too much LMAO I just find this silly
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twentyfivemiceinatrenchcoat · 9 months ago
sigh . i hate the writer curse of feeling like your writing has decreased quality-wise because you can never know for sure if it’s an actual observation your brain is making or if it’s just the Voices
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twospiritstooprideful · 9 months ago
uh, a li'l vent dw
I asked a person to add a tw tag for a post that was a little triggering to me (this same person knows that this thing is triggering to me) and they haven't added that tw and I don't know if they genuinely didn't see me asking or if they're ignoring me and this is a really stupid thing to be upset over but I am and I dunno what to do
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marclef · 1 year ago
fellas is it weird to wanna draw your OC hanging out with other peoples' interpretations of Fake Peppino?
because hear me out. like my brainrot has gripped me by the ear and SHOUTING at me to draw Eyhm hanging out with as many Frogs as possible. but like. should i ask first?? would it be too weird to come outta the blue and be like "hey yeah i drew my silly little kitten hanging out with your Fakey boy hope that's okay 👍"
or it could be the usual extreme anxiety talking. i dunno.
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quietlyblooms · 7 months ago
gonna shower before i try to be here but hmm… should i reblog a lil meme…
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quibbs126 · 2 years ago
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Maybe it’s just because of her hairpins, but I swear, Princess feels more like she’s candy themed to me than she is berry
I mean yeah, I know part of that disconnect may come from how she was designed way before the other Hollyberrians (well other than her parents and sister, but eh. Her parents got some amount of redesign and her sister isn’t supposed to be part of the kingdom, at least not in the way the other three are), but I dunno, I don’t look at her and think she’s berry flavored, despite the fact that logically according to her family, she should be
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pacifistcowboy · 1 year ago
tried a new strategy of going through posts by just going to the people i follow’s account n just scrolling, but i realise that just leads to me spamming people so i won’t do that again!
sorry to those who were subjected to my experiment <3 i didn’t mean to be annoying
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nyandela-catalogue · 1 year ago
hmm we may be potentially pulling an icarus again. i hope not
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steampunkedparm · 1 year ago
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bluh bluh bluh sketch I started that im hoping i can make into a full peice for a friend :P saying this though has definitely cursed me into doing exactly not that blarrgh!!!
only posting in here because she fellows my art acc on insta but she doesn't have a Tumblr ;P hehe
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 1 year ago
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I....dunno what to do with this info. lasjfdklj
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chocolate-cream-soldier · 1 year ago
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skhardwarevers1 · 1 year ago
I need the secret third thing between sleep and death right fucking now
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certifiedtrashmouth · 2 years ago
trying to decipher what triggered this round of sadness because why the hell am i curled up in my bed sobbing 🧍🏻‍♀️ i told myself it’s just from nostalgia but it definitely isn’t i need a lobotomy
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