#my first ask in this account yey
h2o-and-stuff · 1 year
i love your h2o mermaid adventures inspired art ☺ if you're happy to take requests i was wondering if you could draw the original trio in the mermaid adventures art style, but closer to how they appear in the live action? so cleo with brown hair, rikki with blonde hair instead of red etc. but no pressure either way 💖💕
hii, thank you so much :) im so happy to see people enjoyed something i made for fun and not meant to be taken seriously hehe
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anyway, it didnt cross my mind to change the anime appearence to be accurate to the live action, so thanks for the idea! here it is
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unolvrs · 16 days
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so, i'm alive, and this is honestly long overdue. here, i'll be answering some frequently asked questions (just five because i barely have time for this) along with some rundown of what had happened to me recently, and why exactly i was inactive. and some of the expectations/things i want to change when it comes to this account and my ao3 account because guysss, i'm 20 years old! that's crazy.
as always, this will be obnoxiously organized. if you know me and you've been following me for a while, i hate messily-organized things. (which is hypocritical of me because my tumblr is a mess. tbf, when i started this, i had no idea what was going on.) some trigger warnings to take note of: there will be mentions of SA, p/dophilia, harassment, ED, and so. you can use this as a warning for whatever college experience you'll have.
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— keeping up with uno
as many of you know, i'm currently in college and now, i'm a—yey. one of the many reasons why i was inactive is because i'm very grade conscious and my first semester in college didn't go over so well because i was adjusting. anyway, my liver is definitely fucked. unfortunately, i've taken to smoking too but not to excess because i don't like doing anything at all to an excess.
that's a brief what's going on in my life and health updates. now you guys know i'm becoming just like my father 😇 but it's fine because i have, in the gpa equivalent, a 3.8 to 3.9, something along that range. so my academics are doing amazing!
but, as some of you may know, i studied in the same school since i was in elementary to high school in a somewhat 'exclusive' school that handpicked students. college opened me to so many people in a horrible way because in a span of barely a year, men have ruined my friends and i's lives.
let's start with the rough part: i keep on seeing these two guys i was once involved with around the campus, each known to have SA'd someone/attempted to have SA'd someone after we were involved. which fucks me up every time because the other guy is apparently still asking about me. crazy. and i have no idea what to do about that so i will simply rest in peace. (to others who may ask about why someone who SA'd someone would still be in a prestigious college and roaming around, they were apparently forgiven by their victim. allegedly. i don't know much.)
and a lot of the men i became friends with in college are elitists, socially unaware, privileged, and lowkey sexists. i'm just astounded. in shock. of course, i met some of the best guy friends in college too, of which i'm very thankful for.
HOWEVER, the worst thing happened a few months ago. my close friend was dating this guy in her college in a rather questionable manner. but that's not the point. anyway, i became close friends with the guy too and we integrated him in our friend group, became really, really close.
but there were red flags, of course. i scolded him often for it. and then my friend began telling me stuff about their relationship and i insisted for her to break up because so many bad things are happening already involving his ex. but she stayed with him still (i won't go to details because they were awful) and then it was revealed right before he moved to another country (they planned to do LDR) that he liked kids. he SA'd his ex multiple times. his alleged 'crazy' ex was a victim. he and his friends are awful human beings. they exchanged cp when they were in high school. large amounts of cp. and you guys don't even wanna know what else happened and for that, i'll keep them to myself.
my friend stayed with him for a month or so, until they broke up; he said she was awful for not realizing he's changed...
anyway, that's the context of my deleted post concerning my friend being a ykw. i have cut him off, blocked him everywhere, and he said he hates me lol. we can't do anything about it as his parents are government and law enforcement-affiliated. another day, another win for the elites.
also, some time before that my ED kicked in again but i'm kind of okay now. i'm mentally healthy atm. i'm doing great in school. i'm going for orgs. i have good friends. 😇 i have cut off smoking and drinking since the 10th of august. i don't think i'm gonna go back to smoking some time soon because my mom has a hound's nose for that. but unfortunately, drinking is part of the experience.
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when are you updating frog in a well?
you should've heard the scream i let out just now. i have honestly grown tired of jjk and especially bnha, which i never really got into. jjk sucks now, guys... the constant mischaracterization of the characters by the fans, whatever is going on with sukuna, literally everything. at least nobara is alive.
but i want to finish froggie, honestly. it would be an achievement if i finished froggie and that's only my motivation for it. froggie will be updated whenever. that's basically the answer but i want to finish it, promise.
2. when are you updating rain on my parade?
look, i have 3 chapters on it already. completed. edited. ready to be posted but i just can't. i haven't been writing the past few months and i feel like anything i write is absolutely disgusting and just awful. so i can't post anything and i keep on re-editing everything: the commissions, the other things i've written and are just on stand-by.
3. any wips?
yes, a lot. i have posted a bit of details about them. they will be posted when i stop being insecure about my stuff.
4. what have you been doing recently?
watching lots of movies. i'm a film bro now, a letterboxd type of person. drinking, shopping, contemplating about my future.
5. others.
an advice for you guys in college or going to college, please PLEASE be careful with the people you meet, especially the men. i'm sorry to say but it's better to be careful and use as much connections you have to figure out what kind of person someone is. and just because a person seems nice, doesn't mean they're really nice, guys! the p/do guy called me a SISTER.
anyway, also, i want to change "unolvrs" or "uno". so if you suddenly see my username changing in all platforms, sorry. that's all i have to say. thank you.
i'm very excited to go back to writing. but i have these backlogs:
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but i have many completed drafts, including commissions, some done in private and will be posted in private as well. i will no longer be posting any comm on ao3, but will have a gdrive for all of them.
and i'm starting to move past the "i can't update any chapter of other fics unless i update froggie". i've been going through that, which some of you may have noticed as i post chapters in bulks. anyway, that's it, i think.
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i went through a lot last year and this year.
i will be changing my username from unolvrs and my penname uno to something else.
some chapters, including comms, will be posted on: SEPTEMBER 27.
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Indecent Proposal (An academic rivals to lovers fanfic) - Tim Drake x Latina!Fem!Reader.
Sinopsis: Being a scholarship student at Gotham's most expensive school is not easy, especially when your academic rival, your nemesis, who coincidentally is the owner's son, decides to make you a rather usual proposition.
Tropes: Academic rivals-to-lovers, contract/bet, he loved her all this time, everyone else sees it except them, opposites attract, etc.
Author's Note: As promised yesterday, here it is! For those of you that want to read some chapters ahead, feel free to acess my AO3 account here. TYSM for reading S2
Warnings: none,.
Wordcount: 1373.
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven: Chemistry in pink foam
Ignoring Tim Drake was harder than you thought it would be. He stared at you for most of the Geography class, you could feel his stare burning your neck. At least, he wasn’t as pretty today as he was the day before, since he looked tired, as if he hadn't slept the whole night. It was good, you wanted the guilt to consume him. 
The first three classes went peacefully. Maths was easy, Sociology was a bit harder but interesting anyways and, although his stare was a bit distracting, Geography was nice. At the break, you and Alysanne went to the outdoor camp to chat more privately. They were a bit concerned about their parents. Apparently, things haven’t been the same at the Lewis’ house for about a month now. Tim appeared, trying to catch your attention, but when he saw Alyanne crying as you comforted them, he vanished. Good, at least he knew to respect harsh moments. 
And then, after the break, there was Chemistry class. You were particularly anxious for this one, since because of an attack Bane had done in the first week, you haven’t used the lab and all of your classes were theoretical. However, last friday Bruce Wayne himself came to the Gotham Academy to the opening of the new lab. 
Miss Gillian was even happier. She hated theoretical classes. First she reunited the whole class and gave the speech about safety inside the lab and asked you guys to form pairings. Obviously, you and Aly stuck together, however, it didn’t last long. Timothy Jackson Drake Wayne gently touched Aly’s shoulder and asked them if they’d like to switch partners with him.
Aly, knowing that Duke Thomas always stuck with his brother, looked at you with puppy eyes. You nodded at them, smiling. This might be their chance to “grab” him. So now you were stuck with Tim, probably for the whole semester, if not for the whole year. Yey!
— Hi — He said, shyly, and you had to control yourself to not roll your eyes. 
— Hi — You answered, trying to not sound angry.
— Did you get the flowers?
— I did.
— Do you like them?
— I’ve cut them to the stems — You answered, wearing your lab coat, angrily. 
He gulped.
— Look, I’m sorry…
— Enough talking. I’ll grab the materials.
You managed to keep him quiet for most of the class, since the experiment Mrs. Gillian chose wasn’t complicated, but required your complete attention. However, halfway through it, he slid a paper note to you.
“I really am sorry. I got stuck in a unexpected event”
You wrote back to him.
“Really? I couldn’t have guessed”
“How many times do you want me to apologise? You really think I would let you wait?”
“It’s not about leaving me waiting, it’s about not sending a message saying that you couldn’t make it”
“I ran out of battery and when I finally could charge my phone, you had blocked me”
“I doubt with all my heart that no one had a charger to borrow”
He sighed, then he did the unexpected: He added something to the solution that made it explode pink foam at you and him. The whole class laughed and Miss Gillian came to your aid. 
— Oh, geez. How did you even do this? — She said, inspecting you both — It’s just foam, gladly. But I want you all to look at them. Two of my best students, covered in unicorn vomit because they didn’t pay attention to what they were doing. Take it like a warning. You two, go wash yourselves. 
You looked at him angrily as you removed your lab glasses, leaving them on top of the worktop. Now you were a joke. You left the lab, walking quickly towards the washroom. He followed you.
— Not now — You said, washing your hands, angry, when he opened his mouth. He sighed again and started to wash his hands too.
— You know what, fuck this — He said, closing the tap — I did not just made a joke out of myself in front of the whole classroom so i could have a moment alone with you for you to treat me like shit. Yes, i fucked up. I left you waiting, but I didn't do this on purpose. And yes, I ran out of battery, and no, I couldn’t find anyone to lend me a charger because there were no sockets on Waynetech’s roof, and I know this is ironic. All I wanted was to get out of there so I could spend the evening with you, but I couldn’t. 
— Oh, your father did as he liked when he was our age, and you really want to play the “I couldn’t” card against me?
— I am not Bruce, Y/N! — He exclaimed, taking off his lab coat so he could wash it, even though the pink marks probably wouldn’t vanish — He was very irresponsible when he was our age, yes, he was. He was a spoiled brat, a scoundrel, practically a whore who fucked half the socialites in town and didn't give them the satisfaction. He slept at events held in his honour and the most popular thing on the internet are headlines about the embarrassments he committed when he was drunk. But I am not like him! I wanted to be there with you, I really wanted to! And Bruce changed a lot since he became a father! He educated us so we didn't take him as an example, so that we became gentlemans! I would have messaged you if I could, but I couldn't! What will it take for you to believe me?
You simply couldn’t hold back. He seemed really sorry. Your hands reached your face and hungrily pulled him down for your lips to touch his. Like your last kiss, this one wasn’t gentle, sweet or pretty. This kiss was hungry and full of emotion. He pulled you by the waist so he could be closer to you. His grip on your skin was rough and passionate, his hands were warm and cling to you as if you were made of dust and could simply slip through his fingers. You couldn’t judge him. Your grip on him wasn’t sweeter. One of your hands reached to his hair and the other pulled him closer by his shirt. You were still both soiled in pink foam, but you couldn’t care less. Nothing else mattered now, just your lips and his. 
Then the door opened and you quickly split apart, both embarrassed and breathing heavily. Miss Gillian stood on the door with an unbothered look on her face. She took off her glasses and cleaned them on her skirt, then put them on again.
— Well, it seems that you both don’t suck in Chemistry after all, just needed a different environment — She said and you saw Tim get even more red.
— Miss Gillian, I can explain.
— Look, honestly, I don’t care — She said — Actually, I’m happy, this means I won the bet against the other professors, however, you two should really get clean and go fill up the lab accident report. 
— Bet?! — Tim asked.
— We are stuck with the class most of the year — Miss Gillian said, crossing her arms — Sometimes we want to see some drama. Mrs. Bliss and I bet you guys would get together at the beginning senior year, Mr. Tanner, a romantic, bet on the sophomore year. Miss Oliver bet on the Junior year and Mr. Ogwan bet on the Senior Prom.
— No one thought we wouldn’t?
— Mr Hansen, but he is Sociology professor, he knows nothing about chemistry or romance — She said as if it was something personal to her — Finish cleaning yourself. I want the report at my table by the end of the class.
Miss Gillian left the washroom, closing the door as she left. You and Tim stared at the metal door for some seconds, still completely shocked. Then he turned to you again.
— This kiss mean I’m forgiven? 
— Yes, you are — You said, after laughing and taking your lab coat off.
He smiled beautifully and you finished cleaning the coats and threw them into the drawer machine. You grabbed a laboratory accident report card for you to fill together at the library. 
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sillywolfgoat · 10 days
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It's my 1 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
Yey one year or surviving Tumblr.
Uhh happy first anniversary to me and my uhh.. account. To one year of having some audience who enjoy my art. And one year of my eternal laziness... Uhh.
So what I have in plan:
Probably will draw Punk'd pooch fan art.
On October 31th. I plan on making an art Collab whit my dear lover @kaneartz. Such a sweetie.
Creepypasta OCS.
And uhh if I get some likes I might drop. Some oc lore and introduce you to some unnamed OCS for example
Tobias Abel Ace(currently in progress of redesigning. Also my main oc. The ace doesn't make sense and it shouldn't)
And a fan art for my favourite ticci Toby cosplayer @foressfaction
I would like also do an art Collab whit @smashmallowsblog but I dunno what i would wanna draw whit them... Yet. Probably some of crossover or something -
And if I won't post any of this..it basically means I am on Hiatus or very bussy whit my personal life. In the mean time you can ask some questions - if u want.
Also on 14th of November it's my birthday:D. That's all
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Yey! My first ask! And don't worry for that
Whao! I didn't expect to find someone who read my fics from ao3! I glad you like it!
Well, i think they're can be a good couple as well. Grimoire is very loyal to Wisdom and seems to be willing to do anything for him
And Wisdom seems to take Grimoire into account more than his other subordinates, i mean come on, he is technically his secretary and right-hand man
If they give themselves a little time to click, I'm sure they'll be a great couple ^^
I hope you like the answer @yoiwannacry
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emmet-appreciation · 3 years
im gonna go to sleep real quick but first i have a feeling that if PLA released a DLC to reunite the twins, it’d go a bit like this:
a strange man is found in the crimson mirelands. he was brought straight into the diamond clan settlement where Adaman immediately recognizes him, and relays the information to the Galaxy Team
Kamado and Cyllene bring this to you and Ingo’s attention, and decide that it might be best to send you both to check it out (on account of also being strange people brought into Hisui)
anyway you arrive there and yeah. this is a strange man he speaks in abrupt sentences and also has strange attire that resembles Ingo’s... though it seems to be in mint condition. 
similarly to ingo he has no memory. none. only his name. they both kinda stare at each other like “woah. you have my face” and such. ingo thinks this guy is important to his backstory but isn’t sure how. Someone throws the idea of them being twins and he considers it, but is like “seems kinda unlikely.”
so yeah. they both stick together bc it just Feels Right and they are coordinated to the point that you HAVE to believe they practiced together for hours. 
then they’re like “hm. if we’re not from hisui, let’s find out how we got here” and here comes the sidequest of figuring out what the hell happened
the event flag should come after catching arceus so you just let it out of the pokeball and casually ask the god of this world if it kidnapped two new york men 
(alternatively you can just text god on your handy phone bc that idea is hilarious and let’s be honest, the entire fandom thought ab that when the arc phone was first introduced)
it’s like “idk man” and now you’re led on a goose chase to find the next suspect: Volo. Who is currently MIA. Ingo has doubts about it being Volo but he doesn’t have any memory so he brushes it aside. Emmet has no idea what’s happening but he follows along anyway
you end up going down some ruins and as you pass by murals Ingo and Emmet regain some more memories. perhaps by talking with each other or maybe ruin powers, idk. 
this part is entirely gen 5 fan bait. they start gushing ab the battle subway and battling and unova and hmmm what were the names of those particularly strong trainers and one of them became champion and also overthrew PETA? (through this we can also get a timeline of when exactly they were isekaied lol)
we get to volo. he is sealed away in some McGuffin and no one knows how to get him out. very suspicious. you take it and then the three of you get back to Jubilife village
there isn’t rly a way to get volo out but Emmet decides to stay with Ingo in the village in the meantime, hoping that they will get some answers once you figure out how to get the megalomaniac out of his prison
double battles and multi battles become a thing (about time), and the whole ordeal inspires Anthe to make some clothes based off of Ingo and Emmet’s uniform. hooray! 
yey :)
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yoomiii123 · 2 years
Ok, I’m on a bit of a Jasper/Alice binge and have just read your story Darkest Hours (I love the way you describe Jasper’s gift!)…in the story Jasper says something like Alice won’t leave his sight again, between NM and Eclipse do you think Jasper let’s Alice leave his side? Is he the overprotective fool that we see in the Eclipse battle the whole time? PS I will stop harassing your asks soon. I just love your ideas and your fics!
Yey, another question! I love to answer these so you're absolutely not harrassing me. Feel free to continue asking, if you want to :-D Also, thank you for reading Darkest Hours, I'm glad you enjoyed it :-)
But now let's talk about the aftermath of Alice's New Moon trip to Volterra:
Yes, the events of New Moon in my head totally triggered the 'overprotective fool' in Jasper. He and Alice have a bond that would probably be considered an 'unhealthy form of attachment' in the real world; there is no Alice without Jasper and no Jasper without Alice. This is absolutely and shamelessly part of the reason why I love them so much, however, it also means that being faced with Alice's mortality is just as frightening for Jasper as confronting his own (or even worse).
On top of Jasper's newfound realisation that—after over five decades of relative security—loosing his mate is a very real possibility, we have the Volturi. While the other Cullens were introduced to them as "Carlisle's old vampire royalty friends that keep our world in order", Jasper started his second life with cautionary tales of the dark Volturi horsemen. Stories of how one newborn out of line or one too obvious kill could be enough to bring them back to 'clean up'. Maria ingrained the consequences of exposure into him from the very first moment on. Therefore, from Jasper's point of view, them just letting Edward and Bella go does not make much sense. I am convinced he considered the possibility that Edward, Bella and Alice were followed or that the Volturi would send someone after them later on to clean up their whole coven.
So, taking both of these factors into account, I headcanon that his behavior somewhat reverts back to where it was when they first joined the Cullens. He has a hard time letting Alice out of his sight, doesn't trust anyone else to keep her safe, and doubts her capabilities to protect herself. Yet, unlike back in 1950, 2006-Alice has a life she cannot wait to get back to. This makes keeping tabs on her more difficult. For example: In the book version of Eclipse, Alice goes to school while Jasper has already graduated. So what else can he do than follow her to school and securing the perimiter while she sits in class?
Alice tolerates his behavior even though she finds it entirely unnecessary because she feels bad for what she put him through. However, her annoyance starts to accumulate over the three months between New Moon and the newborn fight in Eclipse. In my opionion, the snippet we get of her calling him an 'overprotective fool' in the aftermath of the battle is just an example of her patience with him slipping. I also headcanon that his wasn't the end of the topic. Some time after the fight, Alice and Jasper probably had an argument about this, which ended with them setting some ground rules on how to move forward (like e.g. Jasper dialing back on his hovering but Alice conceding that she will immedaitely share any vision she gets of the Volturi with him).
So, to sum up, yes Jasper was in 'overprotective fool-mode' even before the battle in Eclipse and he hardly let Alice out of his sights. This eventually annoyed her which led to the snappy comment on the battle field as well as to an argument that we do not see in the books or movies.
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hhinsectmafias · 5 years
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(Although there is information similar to the previous description in Butterfly’s and Spider’s mafia, there are some points that are different. The three mafias get to have some equal characteristics; however they have different systems, it is recommended to read each point carefully, thankies :3)
The main leader is Urania, a free and independent woman, always ready before everything and surrendering is not in her vocabulary. Although his mafia is in the last position of the three, he does not doubt that his plan of success will manage to take it very high. Ready, agile, seductive and beautiful, she has proved brave to face the dangers of the sea. The ocean is large, but there are still certain points to cover, are you ready to be part of the fleet?
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In addition to strategic alliances with companies in the city. The mafia is responsible for the export of precious gems and minerals that can be used as jewels or that have great value to the large companies of decorations, modeling, etc., in addition to serving to manufacture lethal weapons with diamond edge, which are also traded . Being the owner of more than 80% of the marine territory rich in minerals found in islands and underwater mines, has allowed her to find wealth in the sea than on land, using that to her advantage.
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It is true that in a fleet there are many charges but in this mafia they are divided into four:
OFFICIAL: To this group belong high-ranking pirates, who despite having experience negotiating, are characterized by being explorers and adventurers. Being brave, they are dedicated to finding the rarest treasures or objects in the most dangerous places on the ocean islands, even finding more territory to use.
HARVESTOR: They are responsible for caring for and protecting underwater mines, as well as mineral exports. If you want to work either harvesting or monitoring the mines, it is mandatory that you have to be a marine creature, in order to breathe underwater. But if you want to export, you can be either a sea creature or another specie.
CRIMINAL: They are in charge of dirty work, either in the city for some adjustment of accounts or blowing up an enemy fleet. In this range include experts in any type of weapons, and the ability to navigate at speed and complete their work as soon as possible. They are the wildest and fiercest pirates.
PAWN: They are the ones in charge of the rest of the ship, they can include chefs, musicians, candle keeper, navigator, map drawer, treasure researcher, etc., without them the ships would not have an orderly function. They only go to the city to collect the money.
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Be loyal, love and respect the main leader, your captain Urania, as well as obey the mandates of the main leaders of each rank. In this way you demonstrate your absolute fidelity.
You need to have the tatoo.
Once you have been part of this mafia, there is no going back. No other of the three mafias will be able to receive you.
Do not make exchanges or close deals without Urania being aware, she will always have the last word on her links.
Do not reveal the secrets and strategies of the group.
Do not commit treason, or you will be expelled.
If you have a friend from a rival group, they should only be that … FRIENDS.
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Is practically considered treason if you disobey any of the mafia rules, but the worst betrayal is when you break rule number 7. Currently the three mafia groups are in a kind of cold war, proving to be better than others in certain aspects. Why not resort to sabotage, wars, murders, etc.? Simple, the answer is in the younger sisters of each leader of each mafia, who despite belonging to different mafias they are very close, like sisters, which led the leaders to be more considerate at that point. It is permissible to only have friendly, but not romantic, relationships, because there is a risk that secrets of each mafia will be revealed. If any member discovers your betrayal, you and your partner will not have a happy ending.
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“Hidden love is the prettiest of all,” said a sage.
No human being is perfect, and for that reason we are in hell. It is impossible to deny what your heart tells you, love that person very intensely and do not let it go. The representatives of each rank are the ones who are in charge of patrolling the city daily, verifying that each of its allies does not break any of the rules. But every person always sins of a failure. So don’t give up, there are ways to love in secret!
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To seal the fidelity and commitment to serve the Urania mafia, the ritual is that Urania will tear one of her feathers from her fur on her neck, then make it thick thanks to her magic and deliver it to the new member, in this way the new member gets something from her, a symbol of trust, and she/he must keep it carefully forever.
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With all this explained, are you ready to join?
If you want to include any oc within the mafia, you must make the following table of information, Urania needs to know everything about your oc to fully trust in it.
Your oc does not need to be a butterfly to be part of the mafia, it can be whatever you want! Maybe a butterfly, a spider or a moth! Or if you prefer a plant, an animal, a sea creature, maybe something more mythological. Use your imagination as much as you want! But remember! It has to have an adventurous appearance wearing pirate costumes, moderating the elegant of the wild. 
After all those points, you must complete the following table:
- Name:
- Age:
- Height:
- Gender:
- Sexual Orientation:
- Cause of Death:
- Mafia:
- Job: (If your oc is going to be an Official, a Harvestor, a Criminal or a Pawn, you need to put it here)
- Abilities:
- Personality:
- Likes:
- Dislikes:
- Other data of interest:
- Secret Love: (Optional) (If your oc has any secret relationship with any oc of any of the enemy mafias, you must mention it and label the creator)
As I said before all mermbers need to have the tatoo of the mafia. You can use it on a piece of clothing in full view of everyone or in any part of your body where everyone can see it.
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That would be all, You can start to create your ocs!
If you already have any oc that you want to join, you must also complete the table
Ask first in my ask box or in private message before join an oc to the mafia or if you want to solve any doubt. Don’t forget to mention me when you create your oc.
All mafia’s information finally were posted yey! >:D
PLS Support me with your like and reblog for more people to join in >:’D
Thanks for all your support QvQ 💛
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Life Lately
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Its the last Sunday for the month of February! And it only means one thing. Another entry post for my The Sunday Currently! Can you believe it? We’re on to Vol. 5! Yey!
So it kinda feel odd that 27 days have passed just like that. There are many things that happened, at least for me, in my life. And, I want to share my thoughts about current events worldwide. I think I forgot to write it out earlier when I do my morning pages. So yeah, here I am, I’ll be rambling on and on about whatever thoughts cross my mind. Bear with me!
READING: A blog post. This is from my favorite kdrama blogger, @kfangurl. Let me share it with you. Here’s a link to the current post I’m reading. This is the perfect blog to go if you want to see some solid KDrama reviews, ask questions about fangirling and more. Hit the follow and subscribe button to send some loves!
WRITING: This TSC and also outlining my due article for The Finance Boost site.
LISTENING: The perfect music for when you’re typing on laptop and spewing random thoughts whilst oversharing what’s going on in your life: 
Easy by Camila Cabello 
I mean, the lyrics are so damn good! What an eargasm. It just hits you right into your heart! I love love love it, esp this one that goes:
All I know is you, heal me when I'm broken Heal me when I'm broken, oh All I know is you, saved me and you know it Saved me and you know it
THINKING: About what to write? LOL! Maybe I’ll start by sharing my account for the last three days.
SMELLING: Honestly, I can’t use my olfactory sense. Feelin’ I might have started a mild cold or something. Oh no!
WISHING: To make up for the lost time. Well, I’m 3 articles due and here I am stressing out about it because, I supposed to be in sync with my writing calendar schedule. 
I mean, for sure. There are many things that happened, just for this week alone. I trade time for money, but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t go out there and have some fun, right? I was just a bit worried because I don’t want unending piles of unfinished business. 
But then, great things take time, right? Hence, although I’m stressing over my due articles, well, I can’t blame the lack of time. These articles top up 3k+ words and more, depending on the complexity of topic. I’m also out of words, most of the time.
My pomodoro method is like 20 mins of work and typing 500+ words then 2 hours or more of watching, eating, and doing personal stuff. LOL.
HOPING: For the Ukraine vs. Russia’s conflict to resolved. Nobody wants war. It scares the shit out of me; with all these potential WWIII that circulating over the internet. It got me thinking about the borrowed and temporary life and peace we enjoy today. I mean, our country may be far away from these lands, but isn’t the first world war started at that region as well,? Just the thought of these war going on makes me depressed and overthink about what other potential things could happen. What if China go berserk and go against us? I mean, what are the odds? 
Praying for Ukraine. For the innocent people affected by this adversity. For the leaders to unite, and for Putin to wake up and realized his actions. Hoping for everything to go back to how it used to be.
What the hell did Putin even want? Only he knows. 
I hope and pray for world peace. It’s something I’ve taken for granted for awhile now. All those war theme and The Diary of Young Girl, Anne Frank- comes back to me. I just hope that this war ends and everything will go back to normal.
We can’t afford it right now, esp us living in the third world country. We’ve barely even survived the pandemic and just starting out to recover and this upcoming worldwide crisis? We are at a huge disadvantage. 
WEARING: PJ’s brown checkered partnered with green basic tee. 
NEEDING: Extra time. I need more time to do all my stuff esp to catch up on my writings. Btw, I think I have shared already that I FINALLY GOT MY DREAM JOB! (can’t wait to update my LinkedIn profile hahaha!) And now I’m on the process of accomplishing the pre-employment requirements. What a blessing in disguise that my official program won’t start until later than next month. This means, more time to prepare and do all my stuff.
Finally! I’ve secured the job and this March, I’m looking forward to my month long preparation and coming to terms into peace for all those hobbies I neglect, must fix, and ditch. 
For sure, I’m going to miss the freelance work-from-home life and I’ve learned so much. But it’s also time for me to go and see the outside world, I’m missing working onsite and I’m all ready for that.
Actually, I’m going to disappear for a month and I’ll plan my March with an intention of MINDFULNESS. Now I know what areas to improve and I must fix, I’m going to make it right once more. We were given another new chances in life everyday, and all we can do is make the most out of it.
FEELING: Sick. Remember how I didn’t have a sense of smell? Well, I can confirm that I now have a cold. I also feel tired for no reason at all. I took a nap for two hours this afternoon and I still feel sleepy. My body wants to lay down. I hope this is nothing sort of serious. Maybe the stress kicking in.
Did I mention that Zuko get lost for almost 24 hours last Thursday? As the curious cat that she is, she forgot her way home. I thought Mama and Papa were just kidding, but then when we got home that day, she really wasn’t there.
All sorts of negative feelings came rushing through. Now I understand and realized, this must be what parent’s feels like when their child get lost or go away without words at all.
I was worried sick the whole night, I barely get sleep. I was wondering where Zuko went and how is she. Did someone took her, abuse her, or whatever. How did she eat- all that stuff. My heart just started to break down into tiny little pieces.
Thankfully, the morning after, she came back. Thanks to Papa’s extra effort to climb the roof, shout her name, and search for her. Zuko was just at a faraway neighbor’s roof, just standing still. 
I wonder if cats feel afraid too if they get lost? One thing is for sure. We’re keeping tabs on Zuko and we won’t allow her to wander again just like that. Although, it’s really part of her, you know, in heat phase, I can’t risk losing her. I’m so attached with my furry friends and I just felt enormous love and care for them. They’re like my practice child? HAHAHAHHA. But, kidding aside, I do love and care for my feline pets.
Another noteworthy to share is that we ate Kimchi Fried Rice! The idea was mine and I made at least 25% of the effort while Wendell did all the cooking part. Hahahah! Nevertheless, it tasted so good, we ate much to our heart���s content.
We also went on a carnival date with our friends. It was just fine. I didn’t enjoy much as I thought I would be. Its because of all these stupid Final Destination jokes and all that ridiculous stuff. It scared the shit out of me again! Of course, who wouldn’t? Not long after when I watched the recent incident in a theme park that week. 
So I was really you know, trying to enjoy, have a good time, but also getting too worried sick and cautious about all that “what-if’s.”
Wendell and I got henna tattoos! Mine was heavenly bodies alignment and his were a tree with full on branches and leaves.
It was romantic, noisy, exhausting, fun, all at the same time. I can’t wait to have more dates with my Pi.
So that’s all for me for this week. I did have a great time and life’s good.
I hope you had a great week too! Just keep swimming!
Always remember that your labor is not in vain.
Have a beautiful week ahead my friends!
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iriesandie · 3 years
03 July 2021
Yes naman, nagka time din ako na i-put into writing mga thoughts and experiences ko this week haha! So eto na, may trabaho na ako and naka 1 week na ako. Dapat nung Monday pa ako magsusulat para intense emotions kaso mas intense yung pagod ko haha. So finally, may work na ako. Na hire ako sa competitor na naman ni Argus, ang aking alma mater haha char. Currently working as Key Account Manager na ako for CIBI yey! Hahaha sobrang happy ako kasi alam ko sa sarili ko na kahit nakapikit ako, alam ko kung ano gagawin ko. Sabi na nga ba at worth it yung pag alis ko sa qResults eh. Tama talaga yung intuition ko, nag immediate resignation ako kasi may padating na bago at mas better.
So nung Monday, hinatid at sinundo ako ni mama kasi first day ko haha malay ko ba kasi kung anong pasikot sikot sa Makati, first time ko mag work dun. Na overwhelm ang Ada nung first day sa haba ng lalakarin para makasakay hahaha! From BDO Equitable Tower to Greenbelt 1 haha e syempre di ako pamilyar kaya parang ang layo haha! Pero happy ako nung day 1 hanggang day 5! Nung 2nd day, kabado ako kasi nag van na ako at mag isa na lang ako. Iba pala yung babaan ng van at bus hahahahaha kinabahan ako kasi isang maling liko ko lang sa The Enterprise alam kong maliligaw ako haha pero sinunod ko instict ko at tama naman. Super struggle lang talaga ako sa underpass kasi pabobo bobo ako sa analysis kung saan ako dapat umakyat na escalator haha pero ayun, successful naman papunta at pauwi. Yung Wednesday ang sobrang epic putangina namin ni Paulyn hahaha! Okay sa alright nung morning, sarap ng breakfast at kwentuhan namin sa Mcdo sa Paseo Center kasi halos katabi lang ng office buildings namin. Yung nakakagago, yung pag uwi namin hahaha. Kakaiwas namin sa mga underpass, nakakahiya, tumawid kami dun sa isang kalsada tapos pagdating namin sa gitna, naka lock yung gate/grills hahaha pota balik kami eh, tapos naisip namin na sa Ayala Triangle kumain, tangina sarado na mga kainan hahaha so balik na naman kami, finally nag decide kami na mag Army Navy na lang, sa may Dela Rosa kasi sa taas nun yung terminal na sinasakyan namin. So ayun na nga, sarap na naman ng kain at tawanan namin, nag bibiruan pa kami na pag akyat namin sa terminal sasabihin ng dispatcher na kakaalis lang ng last trip hahaha! So after namin kumain, may binili pa sya sa subway, tagal namin dun kasi dami niya request at questions. Eto na nga hahahahaha pag akyat namin sa Terminal, wala nang van at wala nang tao kahit isa HAHAHAHAHAHAHA tawa kami ng tawa putangina pero at the same time kabado na kami kasi wala kaming maisip na sakayan. Yung p2p sa tapat ng Greenbelt 1 hanggang 7 pm lang hahaha eh 7:30 na kami lumabas ng subway at wala na kaming maisip na sakayan na malapit lang sana. So wala kami choice, nag punta kami ng SM Makati, kahit byaheng Bacoor na lang G na hahaha makauwi lang. ang tagal namin nag hintay ng van, naglolokohan pa kami na aantayin pa namin yung umalis na van hahaha! Tawang tawa pa kami kasi dumaan yung van sa shortcut pa Molino, di na naman namin alam saan kami ibababa ng driver hahahaha pagod na pagod na kami that time pero laptrip kasi yung katabi kong lalaki sa van kinalabit ako, sabi “miss bente mo” so kinuha ko HAHAHAHAHA pero alam ko na wala akong bente hahahaha tapos tangina ni Paulyn nakikinig pala at alam din niya na wala akong bente HAHAHAHAHA pagbaba namin ng van sabi niya agad “tangina mo nagka bente ka pa, ipamasahe na natin sa jeep yan” hahahahahaha sorry aken talaga, wala na akong nagawa nung inabot sa akin yung bente kaya kinuha ko na hahaha! Tawa kami ng tawa habang naglalakad kami sa loob ng subdivision kasi ang saklap na nasa taas lang terminal, di pa kami nakasakay hahahaha! Yung Thursday ko, okay naman bukod sa medyo minulto ako ng kahapon. Paano kasi hahahahahaha pinapatulong ako sa Accenture putanginaaaa HAHAHAHAHAHA sobrang tindi daw ng backlogs nila kaya tulungan ko daw sila umahon hayup. So nung Friday, nag accenture ako maghapon. Kakatuwa lang na nakausap ko ulit si Jason sa phone kagaya ng dati haha ang cute lang! Bukod dun, sobrang sakit ng katawan ko kahapon hahaha kasi magkakaroon na pala ako. Alam ko talaga kapag di kaya ng katawan ko, pag baba ko ng van, nag grab ako and same pauwi. Sobrang nanghihina tuhod ko and feeling ko di ko kakayanin yung stairs ng underpass. Plus siguro nabigla katawan ko sa lakad namin ni Paulyn. HAHAHAHAHAHA mga bubu kasi eh.
So far, happy ako. Sure ako dun. Di ko ma explain, may kakaiba sa office. Bukod sa masyadong nice or either walang pakialamanan yung mga tao. Siguro sabik na sabik din ako sa office set up. Alam mo yung nakaka pagod yung means of getting there pero pag nasa loob ka na, sobrang sarap sa feeling. Alam kong happy ako kasi hindi ako magpapakahirap mag byahe dun kung di ako happy. Nakakatuwa din na alam ko na yung gagawin ko sa work, oo may konting adjustments but I already know how to play the game. Can’t wait na mag flourish ako sa CIBI. This time, pinangako ko sa sarili ko na I’ll have a comeback pagdating sa career ko. Eto na yon, I’ll do my very best. Happy ako kasi, nag take na naman ako ng risk and happy ako sa outcome. Naalala ko tuloy yung last question ni CIBI, ano daw ang willing akong i-give up para sa career ko. I said, my comfort zone. Never have I ever imagined na aalis ako ng Alabang. After kong ma experience yung comfort sa place and convenience sa byahe. Pero, ayun nga, nag take ako ng risk and I am more than happy sa outcome. Kaya promise ko talaga sa sarili ko na susubukan ko nang bawasan pagka routine person ko. Lalabas na ako lagi sa comfort zone ko kasi there’s so much offer outside, even better than what I’m asking.
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morego · 4 years
2020 - The year the world turned upside down
There’s not a lot I can say about 2020 that hasn’t been said yet. It’s the year we never saw coming, the year that disrupted indiscriminately, the year nobody wanted. But also it was a year that refocused many of us, gave us a chance to slow down and introspect. Let’s get into how I faired.
Goals Living on hope I say living on hope because I didn’t take any solid plans or goals coming into the year. In fact these two are the only real goals I remember I had real intentions to go for 2020: A comfortable Comrades: This was an easy goal to run with (excuse the pun) and I could never forget it. I was intent on running a race (any race) without any uncertainty or unease - I wanted no ‘Bafana Bafana playing in cup competition calculation’. Ironically my Comrades qualifier was uncertain to the point of receiving the race results. But I quickly got focused and became the fittest I have ever been in my lifetime by end of March, just before the lockdown. Needless to say it’s been a struggle to get back to that point since we were allowed to run freely again. I comfort myself by reciting the script ‘The latter glory of this house will be greater than the former glory’. It’s getting there. Flow: For the first time I prayed for vision for my family and not just for myself to carry into the year. This year we focused on FLOW. We were to consider and acknowledge our blessing, but unlike the dead sea, we would be the vessel that allows blessing to flow through us. It was to be a year of generosity and kindness. I haven’t been kind to myself and expected that we could have done better, but objectively, we did pretty well. I’ve seen even The Boy intentionally exercise flow. With some of the idle cash from services being cancelled due to Covid, we were able to make charitable donations. However the most meaningful for me was being able to help and support family members. For the first time the phrase ‘charity begins at home’ made sense to me. Spiritually healthy: This was more of an implicit goal than anything, and I’m glad the family managed to stay plugged in to church week in week out. It would have been so easy to fall off this year (and perfectly reasonable), but we’re still as committed. We pray, we engage and still 100% team Jesus.
Under lockdown Theoretically, I’m team 5am, team crush the day, team goaldiggers. So it goes without saying that the moment we got ‘down time’ in the form of a lockdown, instead of taking care of my mental health I became obsessed with taking advantage of the extra time and doing EVERYTHING I previously thought I couldn’t because time. But that’s all in theory. In reality I failed almost across the board - but I now know it is as I said above: no solid plans or goals, nothing written down, nothing committed to. But at least: New garden: Ever since living on my property, we’ve had a constant struggle with the grass patch in our front yard. It wouldn’t grow evenly across the front yard. I resolved to fix it once and for all so that my children can play comfortable on the grass at the end of the year. Mission accomplished. On Christmas day we had the kids playing on the grass with a portable pool. Fantastic. Fit and healthy: I also resolved to keep my family fit, healthy and Covid free. I also hoped to get a six pack (or at least a flat tummy) but that didn’t happen. All in all everybody is now settled into a fitness regime, we take vitamins and get some sun time regularly and know how to keep healthy. But also part of health was the mental aspect. I think we’ve done well in that respect, everybody is still alive and we’re still a loving family.
After lockdown So I never went back to the office since the first lockdown and have been working from home ever since. This does create a little extra time for me and so I’ve been able to try get my running back on track and start swimming. Sub-25: In September I started a running programme to try run a sub-25 minute 5k. I really think I was progressing well, at least until a heart matter brought everything to a grinding halt (see below). But yeah, I consider this an achievement. Swimming: I now also go for swim lessons during lunch. This is something that’s been outstanding all my life and just starting is that big of a deal. But also unfortunately it was also disrupted at some point by an ear issue (see below, hahaha). I’m back at it though and progressing really well. I now just need a bike and we’re on our way to Iron Man.
Another day at the hospital Following from my first one last year, I really hope this doesn’t become a pattern. A heart matter: Anyway, this was a crazy story. My insurance asked for new medicals (routine), but the checkup picked up my heart was irregular again. This finding would trigger an absurd chain of events that landed me in a hospital bed for an Angiogram operation. And after all of that they found... wait for it... nothing. So I’ve been diagnosed with what they call ‘athletes heart’. I’ve spoken about this heart issue a few times here so, I hope never to speak about it again. (This is the matter that stopped my speed running ambitions). Specialists even: Though this was not an admission, I also ended up in the rooms of a specialist because of an ear infection. Yey, this one was painful and even more so when the specialist recommended a theatre procedure. Fortunately the meds cleared my ear. LOL. (This is the issue that disrupted my swimming).
Social adventures Because of the strict regulations, we were required to be socially distant this year. I want to say this suited me just fine but it’s something I’ve been trying to break out of for years, so much so that I’ve listed my social exploits as achievements on this platform. Throughout the year we’ve done the best we can to keep the WhatsApp, Zoom and Houseparty meetups going. But the moment we got the chance to socialise in person, we actually socialised, so much so I consider these outings ‘adventures’. Kuruman: By far the best thing I have done in a few years. Wife and I were on our way on a Friday night to a Sunday funeral in Bloemfontein, but at an uncharacteristically last minute we changed direction to go see my little brother in Kuruman who was having a birthday weekend bash. Man Kurara was lit and it was so great to spend time with family who came out to support him. We eventually went back to Bloem on Sunday morning and all was fine. Even after the funeral we klapped some drinks with the husbands of the Wife’s friends, was a cool hang out, at the funeral. Pati’s grad: In the spirit of intentionally badly calculated decisions, we went to Pati’s house for her graduation party and ended up staying overnight having the time of our lives. Yay! Wolfpack annual getaway: Once again this seemed like it would never happen, but fortunately me and the Wolfies managed to get out town (albeit to Haarties) for a weekend to go drink and once again attempt to play poker. I can’t say it was the best one yet, but it’s up there.
Work I really thought I was having a brilliant year at work. I really did. I put in the hours, I put in the sacrifices and gave everything I had towards it. But it was not to be seen. To say I’m disappointed would be an understatement. But because this has been the year of introspection, I see that much of the effort given was misdirected. But over and above that I think it has opened my eyes to what is important, and work is not important. My family is important. My spiritual, mental and physical health are important. Work is important, but not more than these.
The rest It’s really hard to account for this year, especially between April and September as that time, although felt like the longest time in the history of time, went by quickly in retrospect. I’m left here left with shoulda coulda woulda’s. But: Wife’s birthday: was awesome as we went bungee jumping in Soweto and for massages at some exclusive rich people boutique.  I grew a beard: As in I had a beard the whole year. Festive was great: with all my kids. I made every effort to make sure everybody feels included, loved and appreciated. Depression: is becoming a thing with me and my seasons are becoming longer and more frequent. Sure depression was inevitably a 2020 thing, I had hoped not to have it so hard. The issues in the Wolfpack are making things difficult to help figure and address issues. I suppose I need a new group of people to walk me through this.
Ok. So first of all I’m writing this on the 14th of January 2021 instead of the usual 31st of December. I’ve been struggling to commit to sit down and write my thoughts, goals and plans and because of that I’m totally convinced this is part of the reason why things didn’t go really well for me in 2020. If one thing I do in 2021, is get back to the habit of taking time to write, express, review and expect - the rest will follow.
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mcg-the-outlier · 4 years
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I'm at the stage of my life where I spent most of my time learning about coffee and photography on the side.😅 P.s. This is one of the photo that I took yesterday as part of our client's requirement. And before, I posted a few of them I asked permission from my manager if I can share them on my accounts online. At first I was hesitant to asked to post some of the raw photos because it was intended for the project but she said "sige go". And I was like "Yey". 😃 (at Las Piñas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CB1hRyHA57PiNsT6rIDrVqmXIgK3ySi4LEMBks0/?igshid=1memghtjmo5wg
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soonuwoos · 7 years
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This fan account, which I made 7 months ago, is originally from my main blog (my 7 yr. old blog). I reposted it just because I feel like it belongs here and because Wings Tour ended already :) 
17.05.07 The Wings Tour 2017 BTS Live Trilogy Episode III in Manila Day 2
SM Mall of Asia Arena, Pasay City
VIP C 205
The last concert I attended was Super Show 5 four years ago. It was like I went on an indefinite hiatus when in reality I was just being practical (or simply broke). Well, I was supposed to watch Epilogue last year, but I got sick. This time, I finally decided to watch Bangtan’s concert with the help of peer-pressure (my friends). Kidding aside, I told myself that if I couldn’t watch Kyuhyun’s solo concert in Thailand then I’d definitely watch Wings, and I just did!
Since I was not really familiar with how Bangtan’s concert works, I just let things happen. I tried not to watch fancams, and although I saw their setlist, I did not keep the order of the songs in mind. I fancy surprises, and I got jungshook for real!
Honestly, because I was used to lengthy concerts like Super Junior’s, Wings was a bit short. However, it was really memorable. It was the first time I saw Bangtan in flesh (my friend’s description last night), the first time I tried watching from the lowerbox section of the Arena, the first time I watched a non-SJ solo con, and more firsts that I’d like to keep to myself! There’s nothing to regret. I had fun after all!
Oh, months before the concert, I kept having this dream that I was already watching their concert. In some of my dreams, I could not finish watching Stigma (Taehyung’s solo). For some reasons, I would wake up before it ends, but last night, my dream came true and much more than that because I got to watch it live and finished it with shaky hands and a pounding heart.
Throughout the concert, I was so confused and torn on where to look. The stage was quite close, but we could not clearly see their faces. Therefore, I recorded what they displayed on the LED screen and looked at the stage during some parts of the concert. But… but… it was hard to focus on everyone. My eyes kept on following a certain someone that even when some members were very near our section my eyes were elsewhere. Bias eyes, ladies and gents! Anyway, I enjoyed every performance, and that’s the most important thing.
Props to Bangtan for using Filipino during the ments. Hoseok’s use of our language was the best for me. His last ment was also very entertaining with his “PAKPAK” (wings) episode that suddenly turned into something else that only Filipinos will understand. I also liked what Jin did. The paper he pulled out with “Mahal Kita” (I Love You) written on it got everyone hyped and screaming. For the rest of the members, I barely understood what they said. In that moment, I felt like I was not from the Philippines.
One more thing, I tried my best to spot TaeGi in action, but they were very subtle. I did catch Yoongi smiling/laughing at Taehyung when he made derp faces in front of the camera for too long. On the other hand, Taehyung followed Yoongi at the back during one of their ments. It satisfied my shipping heart nonetheless.
All in all, I survived the concert with a little episode because everything that happened yesterday was too exhausting for my body that my chest hurt a bit due to fatigue (add the excessive work my heart did with its pounding twice the normal rate). But yey for me!
Although I am not a self-proclaimed ARMY (yet… /well sorry, but I am not deemed as ‘in denial queen’ by my friends for nothing), I adore and respect every member and the fruit of their hard work (their songs and performances to name a few).
If you’ll ask me if I will attend their future concerts, I want to, but I need to work and budget my money for that. Let’s see what will happen. I might also try watching abroad if everything goes well.
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s-teinumstein · 5 years
Well hello, a tag has appeared...
Many thanks to @anotherotherfan​ for the tag. ^-^
Nickname: Myu is my family nickname but I’m mostly referred to by my first name. My friends however refer to me by my last name.
Real Name: Emma o/
Zodiac: Cancer >.> Sadly a bit triggering these days & a genuine use of the word triggering btw.  Also hard to vibe with it since you never see it about with all the new wave astrology love, #JustCancerThings #CancerSeason isn’t the most appealing on cute homeware, instagram posts and the likes... o.0
Favorite Musicians/Bands: Aside from the obvious, at the moment I’m digging:  Ghost, Tool, Deftones, KMFDM, Frontline Assembly, mind.in.a.box, Mew, A Perfect Circle, Deichkind, Cro, anything in the Post-Rock & Post-Metal genres (Deaf haven, Explosions in the Sky, Grails, Maybeshewill,  God is an Astronaut, Russian Circles etc.) , Mgla, System of a Down, Magna Carta Cartel, And One, Funker Vogt, Patenbrigade: Wolff, She, Carpenter Brut, anything Psychill/Psybient (Carbon Based Lifeforms, Entheogenic, Solar Fields etc). , Crosses, TiD, Dilly Dally, Dance with the Dead, Misþyrming, Batushka, ... to name a very small few o.0
Favorite Sports Teams: I don’t care for sports :< For a laugh I occasionally get behind teams that would piss British Xenophobes off during tournaments ;)
Other Blogs: main: @emmarealis - ghost blog: @nostro-dis-pater  - might start up an Animal Crossing blog again... Aaaand two anonymous ones ;>
Do I Get Asks: Seldom o.0
How Many Blogs do I Follow: 670 on this account. Had several culls over the years as people have become inactive :(
Lucky Numbers: I don’t associate luck with numbers :(
Dream Vacation: MANY. I’d LOVE to start a vanlife journey and tour most of mainland Europe. I’m aching to tour through Denmark, Sweden, & on towards the Lofoten area of Norway specifically.  I’d love to visit Hawaii, Japan, Seoul, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Thailand also.
Dream Car: I uh, no idea actually. Well, a big ass converted van for the tag above wouldn’t down a miss? :D
Favorite Food: Pizza. Always. Even going plant based, pizza remains my love. Also like to get on down with ramen & a good chocolate cake, again, plant based please. Yum.
Drink of Choice: Cherry coke. I do not care for alcohol, I genuinely get more enjoyment from food.
Instruments: OH. I have a huge soft spot for mid-bass range instruments: love euphoniums, bassoons, alto/tenor/baritone saxophones, bass guitar. oof. Out of those, I only play Alto Saxophone. Also learning the ukulele, guitalele and guitar.
Languages: Yey, shitty British educated here... I learnt French and Spanish at school, sadly not to a fluent level and now my knowledge of them has severely dwindled over the years. Also self taught German while in high school, again suffered the same fate and know little of it nowadays. :< Celebrity Crushes: Our dearest Reesh & Sigourney Weaver were amongst my first and biggest crushes ;) ... I have too many others to list away.
Random Fact: I’m like, 30 this year and have NO LIFE. Don’t be me kids. <3
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aja154ever · 7 years
GRANRODEO LIVE TOUR 2017 Pierrot Dancin’ Zepp DiverCity Tokyo - 08/11/2017 (谷山の日)
Set List
Pierrot Dancin’
Glorious days
君に one way love
Fake lover’s true heart
Shake the Fake
Can Do
modern strange cowboy
Once & Forever
move on! イバラミチ
Punky Funky Love
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So here it is again, my GRANRODEO live fan report. This is again coming from someone who is so into Taniyama Kishou but is relatively new to the GR fandom so my feelings are just overflowing. Ok, you’ve been warned. This is again based on my memories and people’s tweets. Long post under the cut!
In the last PieDan live, I was on the 2nd floor but this time I got to be on the 1st floor. Overall, as an audience it was honestly better to watch from the 2nd floor because you can see everything. No matter where Kiiyan goes around the stage, I can see every move and that was favorably pleasing. But this time, I landed in the 4th row in the center, and yes I was freaking out the moment I got there because damn, this is the nearest I’ve ever been to in all the events (GR and not) I have attended in my whole life. And this is Taniyama Kishou so this is 100% hazardous to my own being.
Pierrot Dancin’ - It was the third time I heard this live and this was the best vocal performance so far. Just near-perfect.
Kiiyan always does ナミダバナ really well. 
Again, Glorious Days and BIG SUN are best heard live. Idk why but these two songs really stand out to me as a CD and live listener.
Kiiyan was nearest to me during 君に one way love so I was like, “この愛に気付いてくれ! (Please notice my love)” LOL
日常ホライゾン  - Good vocals not only for Kiiyan, but for e-zuka-san! Yey! Really good “dududududu.” He actually sang some intro lines before they performed the song like, “Today is the last day” “Are you having fun?” “Next will be Budokan” “Will be waiting”
Kiiyan went off-tune at some parts of Fake lover’s true heart. Just mentioning because almost all songs were near-perfect. Btw, Fire Horns joined the performance from here.
バラライ OMG バラライ. This is one of my favorite GR songs ever and this is the first time I heard this live so I was soooooo happy AAAAAHHHHH. He was talking about life as intro then he asked what’s the color of life then I lost it
Shin-kun’s drum solo was quite short this time but he performed tricks as in throwing the drum sticks and having his eyes covered with the towel while playing.
Takita-san’s solo - OMG he went so near the center and I was just staring at his fingers that I think I can see his callouses lol. How can bass sound this good???!!! Uhhh
e-zuka-san’s solo - He performed tricks like playing the guitar on the back of his head, and “biting” the strings. I also fixed my eyes on his fingers while crying internally because these hands have produced such good music for years.
Can Do - Kiiyan came out with a weapon used for throwing wristbands (lol idk how to call it) but I remembered Kurobas Cup 2015 because SuwaJun did the same there and Can Do is basically KuroBas’ iconic theme. 
月に抱かれて眠りたい  - Surprisingly, I didn’t cry. It was my first time to hear this live, and I already expected that it would sound so beautiful. But no, Kiiyan once again surpassed my expectation because it was so, very, uhh, really, sorry, just out of words  ❤ 
Darlin’ - NO PLACE LIKE A STAGE - ROSE HIP BULLET - modern strange cowboy - Ok so GRANRODEO was trying to kill us with this energy-sucking line-up. And again, this was my first time in the very front where people are expectedly the wildest. You didn’t need to jump because the crowd is bringing you with them. Head bangs, body bangs. Don’t mind the feet stepping on you because you also do step on others’ without your intention. I cannot say it enough but for me, NO PLACE LIKE A STAGE WAS DEFINITELY THE BEST SONG OF THE NIGHT.
Kiiyan thanks the crowd for GR is only able to accomplish all these things because of the fans, who he calls their sun and darling. And he can only wish to see more beautiful sights with the fans, under this sky. And cue, UNDER THE SKY.
Once & Forever - Y.W.F. - The crowd was obviously ecstatic with this two in the encore. Kiiyan’s singing skill was superb.
The crowd did better engaging in move on! イバラミチ today than the first time (in Mezamashi Live).
Punky Funky Love - I’d always be biased towards Can Do for encore but PFL was also lively and great as hell esp with Fire Horns.
MC and Other Points
Ok wait let me just say this sorry, back from the first break, Kiiyan appeared looking so fresh that I got captivated again. He was all sweaty earlier, not that I didn’t want that. You know I’ve seen a lot of people look best wearing red, black, or white and Kiiyan is one. But how dare you look so good in blue why just how
Idk what song this happened and I don’t even care anymore, but Kiiyan was on the center rubbing his wristband on his thighs, groin, on himself. Uhhhh how am I still alive
Kishomi appeared at some point after 月に抱かれて眠りたい.
e-zuka was glad with the tour and in the last day, he can see the crowd’s faces as beer. He also felt like wanting to do G12 the following week.
When Kiiyan asked Shin-kun for his thoughts regarding the tour, “How was it with GRANRODEO? Isn’t everybody good? Especially me?” And Shin-kun just awkwardly smiles and nods in agreement. Shin-kun claimed that today especially left an impression on him. He shared that backstage, when he went to GR’s dressing room, Kiiyan was really loud today; he even imitated Kiiyan’s laughter. As it turned out Kiiyan was watching a baseball match on TV.
At first, Kiiyan was having a hard time segueing from MC to UNDER THE SKY so he called out “e-zuka-san, tasukete! (save me).” e-zuka-san then goes like, “Live shows are different every time. The people who come, the songs, the weather, the color of the sky, the mood.” Then he proceeds to sing 慟哭ノ雨 instead!
Kiiyan said that out of all the 18 performances for the PieDan live tour, today was the most fun. 
Kiiyan called out the crowd to say “kawaii”
“Kiiyan is?”
“The Kiiyan who just became 42 years old is??”
“That Kiiyan is??”
“You guys are more kawaii!”
Calling them back for encore took some time like my throat was already dried up from the exhausting line-up but there I was still shouting “RODEO” for how many minutes already. Now this is the reason why. When they came back, Kiiyan was blindfolded, with e-zuka-san holding his two hands guiding him as they walk. (That was really cute!)
A birthday cake was presented and then everyone sang him a happy birthday. And Kiiyan’s smile was precious. 
e-zuka-san and the rest wore white shirts with a doodle of Kiiyan’s face which turned out to be drawn by e-zuka-san. The words 「紀章愛」「きーやんラブ」(Kishou love, Kiiyan love) were also printed on the shirt. When the staff also went out wearing the shirt, Kiiyan exclaimed, “That’s creepy!” When the crowd shouted that they also want to have the shirt, e-zuka-san responded, “Okay that’s 20,000 yen!”
Kiiyan ofc expected that something would come up since it’s his birthday. When he removed his blindfold, he somehow thought that his parents would actually be brought there in front of him. “I was prepared to cry. I, who has never cried in front of people even once.” LOL Kiiyan who are you kidding
Kiiyan describes how his feelings of gratitude couldn’t be put into words. That really, love isn’t something expressed through words.
He ate one strawberry saying it was sour but delicious. He wanted to throw strawberries to the audience but ofc that couldn’t be done lol.
They also wanted to cut and give out the cake to everyone in the crowd. Lol there were 2000+ people
When they returned for the last encore, they went out jumping (not walking) in line towards the stage. This time Kiiyan was also wearing the Kiiyan shirt. He said, “A shirt with your own face on it, just how much do you love yourself?”
Kiiyan shared that when his mother found out that Punky Funky Love was by GRANRODEO, she said that it was their best.
They all hugged each other in the end. And apparently, OMG (I just saw this on Twitter I wasn’t able to see this live bec I got pushed back wth), Kiiyan actually removed his shirt and threw it to the crowd. AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH
Photos/Posts from Official Accounts:
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The GR classic line-up was the best but frustratingly, this was also the time when I started getting pushed back from my satisfactory view from the front row. So half of the live, I got to see well but then half of it, I was mainly seeing the hands and head of RGRB (and I was almost eating the hair of the RG in front of me). Which was really sad, because I came here to watch Kiiyan, GR, so PLEASE. I’ve never hated my height this much. I should've come wearing the highest heels. And this is why I’m not sure anymore if I would prefer to be on the 1st floor in the next live shows. I am now torn between seeing Kiiyan up close for a few times then totally not seeing him for a couple of songs from the 1st floor, or seeing him all the time from a far from the 2nd floor.
ANYWAY, of course overall, it was again a very, very fun and gratifying night. It was the last day of the tour, and more than anything else, it was Taniyama Kishou’s birthday. I got to personally sing Happy birthday to this year’s most important person to me. I was constantly yelling cheers, but I shouted my loudest when I said “Omedetou!” and “Arigatou!” even if those words will never be enough to express how happy and grateful I am to have met Kiiyan.  ❤ ❤
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Next comes G12!! 
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studyvari · 7 years
Masterpost how to start learning Chinese
Since i'm just starting to learn Chinese, and I'm looking for ways of how to actually start and generate some material, like vocab lists, grammar rules and stuff hat's gonna be useful for progress, I just thought that I'd share whatever i'll find. So here's my TOP 10 sites, apps and ways of learning Mandarin by yourself. Mostly, this is just to motivate myself, but i hope, some of you guys can add their own things to this list and also find interesting stuff on the sites mentioned! 
As for the system on how to actually start learning the language, I decided to go with the very basics first. So, for the vocabulary part, I decided that i'd learn the first 200 so called 'radicals', which actually are essential to find any Chinese word in the dictionary. Also, I am going to learn the basic conversations, meaning how to say your name, how are you and to say good bye and stuff like that. With GrammarWiki, I'll be catching up on grammar rules that convent with the A1 level. Since I'm only just starting, this is the one that i'm going for first. I'm going to get you an update about my improvements quite regularly, hopefully.
Chinese Social Web
WeChat (basically like chinese facebook, also used to talk to strangers, update your bank account, order food, taxis, or literally anything)
Youku (chinese youtube)
QQ (Chinese instant messaging program)
Taobao (chinese ebay/site for online shopping)
Sina (Chinese yahoo)
chinese culture
I decided to watch docus and read websites about chinese culture in order to understand Chinese people, their way of thinking and the culture in general. Since I found myself to be pretty interested in this kind of stuff (which is weird, because i've never really been interested in China before I got to know some Chinese people), I think it's going to help me stay motivated to keep learning the language.
apps to learn the basics of mandarin
I'm pretty sure there's a lot more, and if you have any recommendation, please feel free to add it to the list – these are just a few that I found whilst scrolling through the app store when I first decided to learn Chinese!
sadly, it is only a very few words available on the free version, however I guess that the method they use is pretty good to memorise the words and characters
pleco (dictionnaire mandarin – english)
yi er san
I really like this one because it has flashcards and learning sets, such as the weather, numbers, months and weekdays, colours, food, …
this app also only has the very basics to start a conversation in Chinese, but also contains listening and recording options, which is, as already mentioned, really important to get into chinese.
songs/playlists on Spotify
I absolutely love the fact that you can actually learn Chinese on Spotify thanks to some awesome playlists with basic grammar and vocabulary lessons. Maybe it's not the best way for the writing system, but it sure makes you talk and listen to the language, which is an important part of being able to understand and read Mandarin. I'm finding it easier to learn languages when listenening a lot to it, that's why I also want to learn Chinese by listening to songs and these themed spotify playlists mentioned above. Also, it's great when being on the bus, this way I can use the time and listen to some Chinese. Also, listening the words first makes it easier for me to remember the specific character later because I have an idea of what the character sounds like and what it means. So yep, guess you could say I was pretty excited when I found the free spotify playlists.
BBC Languages – mandarin mini guide
the site is just linking you towards different systems on how to study chinese, specific vocabulary sets and basically tells you systems on how to get fluent in Mandarin, which can be pretty helpful. I hope it will be useless for my journey!
This site has pretty much everything that you need to practice Chinese. It includes a list containing all of the 214 Chinese radicals – both in pinyin and English, which is pretty much perfect. Also, it has worksheets, vocabulary lists, a tool to create your own flashcards, tools to practice your handwriting, and contains listening examples. All for free! Yey!
This one is probably going to save my life. It literally has everything in it, basically, you could just learn from the Wikipedia site and you're all good. It has grammar rules for the different levels, links you to forums, has vocabulary lists, keywords, printables, etc. etc. etc. It's basically just heaven for generating your study material!
Use quizlet!
Honestly, just do it! It is just so easy to either way create your own set of flashcards or just look for one that suits your needs, then start learning! This way, I realise that i'm having the most fun whilst actually learning something because of endless repetition. It doesn't even feel like learning when i'm on quizlet. Also, flashcards are in general a very good method to memorise the characters and the pinyin. A friend of mine who lived in Peking for 4 years and learned Chinese during that time told me that you basically have to memorise the characters with flashcards to pinyin and then to your mother tongue. Which would be german for me, but I guess it also works with English since Chinese is closer and i'm fluent in both languages.
General tips:
learn vocabulary. Honestly Vocabulary is pretty much the most important thing if you wanna be fluent in a language, especially when this language is Chinese. I always loved languages but I am so bad at remembering vocabulary, that's why I almost forgot everything I learn in school for French (and I'd say in Luxembourg, we learn lots of French because you need it everyday.), I only just remember the basic conversations, which is quite sad. I don't want to make that mistake again whilst learning Chinese. So one of my main goals is to just remember loads and loads of characters and words, so that I'll be good in speaking Chinese with my friends one day.
Have a reason to start learning the language. For me, that was meeting people who are Chinese and spending a lot of time with these guys (Since I helped at a festival, where Chinese school orchestras and choirs came to Vienna, most of the organisation team was Chinese, I was surrounded by the language every day, and it confused me a lot at the beginning, but it made me understand that actually, Chinese is a pretty important language, because basically there are so many Chinese people who can't speak English – and if you can speak Chinese and English, you can literally speak to most people on this planet. Isn't that fascinating? Also, I kind of want to meet the people I've worked with in Vienna again, maybe even work there later on, which is why I decided to learn Chinese. Plus, it's just additional soft skills for my VC – languages are never a bad thing to know.
Watch youtube videos, listen to Chinese music and Podcasts, get into the Culture. This is probably the most important thing to fully understand the language and the people – and also to just have fun studying the language. Whilst listening to songs and translating the lyrics, you're learning new vocabulary, new sentences, ways of how Chinese think, etc.
buy textbooks. I haven't bought a proper textbook yet because i'm in Berlin right now which means I don't wanna take it home with me, when I can also just start with material that I find online, however I'm pretty much either way gonna buy Chinese books in the library or at first just rent it from the University library.
Look up for courses/tandem partners. If you're a student, check your university's courses. Most of the time, they do offer additional lessons where you can just learn something, without paying as much as people from the outside, sometimes even for free. If you wanna learn the language, just try to get in touch with it as much as you can. Courses with actual teacher can help you improve your pronunciation which I guess is pretty hard in Chinese. I will be struggling with that a lot, but I can always send text messages to my friends on WeChat and ask them if it's correct. However, courses are also good to get more material, maybe get a system into your whole learning thing.
Organise yourself. I find it pretty much overwhelming right now to get thrown into this new language. I'm looking for material all over the internet and I'm finding so many different sites. Find one that suits you, then just stick to the system. As I said before, I'm going to start with learning the radicals, basic A1 vocabulary and Grammar by themed learning sets. It's the easiest way to learn I guess.
Also, it is important to accept that learning Chinese is a very hard process and is probably gonna take a lot of nerves. I'm actually kind of debating with myself wether i'm gonna stick to learning Chinese or not, whether it's gonna be useful or not – but right now, I'm still content in what I'm doing, because I have this goal. I know that Chinese is hard and that I'll forget words a lot of times before I actually am gonna be able to chat with someone in Chinese, but I wanna impress some people – and this keeps me going.
Last but not least: Have fun! Learning a new language is an amazing process, it changes your ways of thinking, it changes your perception on human nature, on culture, you get to have other insides on people's history, which is all just really interesting. Learning is a fun process, learning makes you happy, makes you great, learning makes you you! So please, just enjoy yourself with the language – it really is a game, you know! Failure is human, failure is part of it, but if you still have fun learning new things, then you're good! Keep it up!
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