#my fellow Virgo sister
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inavagrant · 2 years ago
Since August is such an important month to Genshin Impact as a game I shall try to be around here and about.
It is Mona Megistus’ birthday month so I must do my due diligence. I hope you’ve all been well awraxa.
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danibeanie · 11 months ago
astro observations 😙
-y’all this mercury retrograde is no joke.. I’ve already had 2 past flings come back. one thru social media another one at work… don’t even get me started with the solar eclipse😭
following ⬆️ I had mercury (communication) conjunct my chiron (past wounds) in my 11th house(friends) in my lunar return chart.
-the most important people in my life have scorpio risings. people don’t talk about how strong the bond is between sister sign ascendents.❤️‍🔥
for my fellow venus risings or if u just have a strong venus in general. Getting dolled up is SO IMPORTANT. look good feel good right?
-following up having no conflict with people and just good boundaries is good because trust me it’ll show on your face when u don’t.
-women that have cancer placements tend to be more curvy. my coworker the other day was like “your hips are so pretty”(cancer mars). I believe it’s the moon influence, sadly I didn’t get blessed in the chest area.. (cancer saturn)😭
-most mutable placements I know have an addiction to something (even me). I mostly see it in pisces and virgo placements. def the neptune influence
-I can tell when someone has a stellium it’s just a “in your face energy”. depending on the sign of course
-my fav synastry so far is 8th house as of RIGHT NOW. when it’s good it’s good and when it’s bad it’s bad but when it’s good the bond is unbreakable.
we know that earth rising (cap,virgo,taurus) are known to have rbf and I never realized mine until my grandma pointed it out..
ex- im not a morning person WHATSOEVER and I try to not show it on my face but the rbf is there and I don’t even notice it which sucks.. like I CANT CHANGE EVEN IF I TRYYYY😓😓
not even kidding.. y’all having saturn in 3rd house in my solar return sucks. I took a gap semester which wasn’t planned at all. I also have this natally and I always was behind when it comes to my peers , but ik I’ll get rewarded at the end 🙂
if someone’s main planets fall into your 3rd house chances are you met thru high school or middle school.
ex- my really good friend during my high school year had her venus and moon in my 3rd house too!
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famemonsterrr · 2 years ago
Astrology observations part 6. 🪽
- siblings were their signs are in the same element tend to be closer because of their same nature ( a friend of mine is a Sagittarius and her little sister is Aries and I haven’t seen these two arguing or being awful to each other EVER in fact they support and love each other sooo much)
- water placements do everything with music. Study, cleaning ect
- air placements need to watch something while they eat
- earth placements need a lot of silence.
- fire placements need a lot of excitement and adrenaline.
- speaking of music…go and see a playlist of pisces, Gemini, Aquarius and Sagittarius. They listen to EVERYTHING. ( my Spotify wrapped had my 5 top artist being different from each other because I can’t listen to one genre it’s sooo boring).
- again speaking of music…earth placements are the least experimental with their taste in music. They have found what works for them and they stick with it forever. (my Capricorn bestie listen to 3 genres my cancer sun bestie who has Virgo placements listens only to limited stuff and doesn’t know almost all of the iconic artists)
- Aries moon as kids they were getting angry for the most unnecessary reasons. It’s a fire moon thingy 💅🏻
- Sagittarius moon act like everything is fine and then cry behind close doors. Babes don’t be shy I promise u we will not laugh at u. 💀
Speaking of Sagittarius. They don’t open their hearts unless they know they will not be judged or make fun of. Deep down are really sensitive but they laugh it off because being honest and vulnerable is for the pussies right? (Women are more open with their emotions)
- Pisces has strong and weak memory at the same time. These bitches remember useless things or things that happened years ago but can’t remember a simple thing that was said 2 mins ago or even names that was said the very same moments.
- I have noticed cancer placements aren’t sentimental at all ( my cancer bestie throws away things and my mom who has cancer mercury doesn’t like to keep nothing unless it’s really important). On the other hand me as I Pisces love to keep everything to remember everything. ( i ain’t kidding but I have keeps every bottle of perfume I have bought or even broken stuff just because someone gave it to me. it really breaks my when I have to throw something away). Scorpio is the middle ground.
- I have seen cancers either having a lot of friends or just 2.
- Aquarius woman are always sooo likeable. I haven’t found one that i don’t like. They are just here vibing and doing their thing. Also they look younger than they are. Especially risings. (My bestie has Aquarius rising and looks underage when she is adult)
- Sagittarius placements if they reallyyyyy loooove u they care about ur opinion. Usually they don’t give a shit about opinions. (My ex boyfriend was like that he was asking me for everything. He wanted to hear my thoughts and opinions. That’s was really sweet and also was doing anything I told him would look on him.)
- I want to know what’s makes a Leo man dressing so flashy? Okay we support girly pops 💅🏻
- Capricorn men have the energy " I have big dick " metaphorically and literally but they will not flex it like a Leo or Aries would.
- Libra women tend to like men who are "uglier" than them.
- Scorpio placements know how to respect boundaries because they don’t like people crossing theirs.
- the water sign who tends to share a lot is Pisces the least of Scorpio
- the earth sign who tends to share a lot is Virgo the least is Taurus
- the fire sign who tends to share a lot is Sagittarius the least is Leo
- the air sign who tends to share a lot is libra the least is Aquarius.
- it’s very funny but as a Pisces with 8th house placements I can stay strong in very difficult situations and see the positive in bad but if someone break my mug or throws away a small thing of mine this is where I cross the line and start crying. Pliz fellow fishes tell me I ain’t the one🫣
- we need to talk about the fact when Virgo placements are in distress they will start cleaning the whole house. Like okay miss clean girly…maybe cry and let the cleaning for later. This coping mechanism is stressful. I want to hug y’all 😭
- I have noticed that Gemini writing amazing essays. They are amazing writing thoughts and feelings down on paper.
- if a Pisces placements friend or Scorpio placements friend or anyone with 8th house/12th house placements tell you they don’t like someone or they think the vibes are weird. Always TRUST THEM. they know what they are talking about.
- speaking of water signs they are stronger that what we gave them credit for. They don’t escape like a lot of people say. They are strong and keep until the end. Unless someone has 12th house placements or Pisces rising. (Sorry but y’all so self destructive).
- Capricorn x Gemini friend duo is also really underrated. They vibe sooo well even tho they have different styles and approaches to life but what they manage to do is that they have a lot of intellectuality. Maybe they would not last long but definitely they will have a beautiful friendship.
- Leo’s care for the opinion of others even if they say they don’t. You know this attitude "I’m a baddie I don’t care what people think" it’s their fake it till you make it but they never make it.
- when u see a air placements and earth placements cry u know it’s very serious for them and they need support 🫶🏻 btw they aren’t touchy so just allow them to cry without judging them.
- libra moons have u healed the fear of being alone?
- put a Pisces or Sagittarius in chart and u will see a psychologist or a person who loves the human brain and behaviour.
- Aries people are the biggest cheerleaders and women have girls girl energy.
- what’s up with mutable signs getting stimulated by a thing and then get bored of it? Like girlyyy why? Where is ur dedication? probably not in the room.
- Virgo men are sooooo messyyy…and rarely take care of their looks or their personal spaces ( I have sooo many examples)
- Pisces is disorganised in everything and it’s almost hilarious until they lose their things and then blame others.
- i will tell this 100 times if it’s needed but if u need help with ANYTHING go to a Capricorn friend. Even just an advice is really helpful. I love y’all sooo muchhh 🫶🏻
- 5th house placements showcase someone who not only is creative but will definitely have a good relationship with kids or will have amazing relationships with their own kids.
- 0 degree placements are showing that you are like the sign it is on. ( I have mars in Taurus in 0 degrees and honestly I act like a Taurus sometimes. The way I care for aesthetics,smells and I’m soooo stubborn in my opinions. it’s sooooo annoying)
- the most hilarious thing is hearing Sagittarius saying they are logical and not control by emotions. ( yeah that was my ex like girly pop u were influenced by every emotion and boredom is one of them. He cried more than me in the span of 2 years. Like okay hahaha babe keep believing ur delusions)
That’s all 🪽
Guys thank u for reading so far and giving a lot of support. I’m soo greatful every single time 🥰 stay healthy and hydrate girly pops 💅🏻
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visenyaism · 10 months ago
Very intrigued as the fellow twin as to how birthday logistics went down. Did you do two wholly separate birthdays or combine them? We had to compromise about Everything (everyone in the house is a Libra, bar my older sister who is a Virgo) straight down the middle until we were teenagers doing our own thing
yeah being fraternal twins with different birthdays and gender identities and nonmatching names who look completely different really was the most pointless thing ever for me like it truly is just a wacky coincidence. anyways according to my mother the doctor thought it would be annoying to have separate birthdays on all of the paperwork even though we were born on different days so they just fudged the numbers on our birth certificates and gave my brother my birthday and as such we both celebrated on my birthday. kind of rude if you ask me (no one did)
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youremyheaven · 11 months ago
Omggg yess mercurial women slander (crazy coming from a mercurial woman but that’s how bad they be 😭). I also think k since Imm more Venusian than mercurial i really rub these girls the wrong way; like claire nakti said they’re competitive with other women.
I had the MOST DERANGED experience with a jyestha sun and revati moon chick at my old music program—I was starting to get to know this guy while I became friends with some girls, but then they met her and she created SO MUCH DRAMA and it hurt me to the core; I see women as my fellow sisters and she centered men SO MUCH. Everyone in the music program hated her but be t over backwards tolerating her and not causing trouble by checking the bitch—guess who did? 🤣
In real talk tho she is such a creep. She’s very predatory and at this point Imm not afraid to say abusive. She singled out the newcomers to the program, especially international students and younger folks like me. She would then lovebomb them, and then if she felt threatened she would treat them like shit. I didn’t stuck around fir the creepy sexual aspect because she had me pushed out before that point; I also did really mesh with the twisted mindset she had. I remember she made so many sexual comments AROUND the guy friends (one i liked but as I said before she got involved and it imploded beyond repair, she’s manipulated him to the point where he really thinks she’s mentally stable) and my former friends just followed suit. She’s also a purva phalguni asc (our synastry was fucking crazy since I’m revati sun, magha moon, purva phal jupiter conjunction said moon and jyestha 8th house—this chick was honestly obsessed with me in a baddd BAD way. I was everything she pretended to be to get approval and attention and it set off all her buttons. I scared her though because the first thing I did was talk to professors when she attacked me. I was also the only one to tell her to her face to whit causing problems because no one’s going to care about putting up with her after this place and she needs to get her issues in check now before she really fucks herself over; she was all tearing up and shit, very sad and dark person.
Also, the Venus cult cibe was totally there. She practically made a weird cult out over her friend group where she treated them like dirt; I know one girl who was also a tropical virgo moon like myself had a crush on a piano guy and this woman went out if her way to fuck him and then comforted the girl about her crush while actively hooking up with her, and that’s AFTER I was gone. She was extremely manipulative, tried to pretend she was “worried” about me because I was so “negative” and “saying things she hadn’t done to teachers”, bitch did not know I was raised by a mrigashira stellium man who I’ve already learned narcissistic abuse from. I left the music program because everyone was too much of a pussy to put her in her placd and I was outnumbered, abandoned and alone. It was very tiring. She was also a subpar singer yet had this attitude of being the best since she had the most experience—it was literally a program FILLED with beginners. At this point I want her to get her meds and I’m very worried for the people my age in her friend group—she literally makes the people around her WORSE. It’s horrific, I’ve certainly met people like her before but not so genuinely mentally unbalanced and desperate for control. Also the creepy sexual predator aspect—I almost want to report it to the college that she’s creeping on people my age (just turned 20) while she’s turning 25 this year and making out with all these kids while hanging out. I’m clearly more battle worn so not as naive and I naturally end up around older people since I’m honestly a bit more grizzled for my age (won’t say mature I’m literally just traumatized) but she really picks kids who don’t have a clue and pretty much traumabonds with them, abuses anyone who makes her feel slightly insecure, and puts her sexual energy all over the place. Literally while know when she is disrespecting boundaries. She makes me sick honestly but I pity her because she’s deeply broken.
I’ve also noticed the pattern with jyestha where they accomplish things and then act a fool and their accomplishments insulate them…for now. I’m mainly talking on Nicki Minaj and Taylor Swift; I know you think venusian asc is the root of taylor’s cult—it’s definitely jyestha as well. Both of these women are pushing their luck and hold on their power and are fucking themselves over. Jyestha takes them to the peak and then they tear themselves down. Or perhaps just inflates their pride, or takes them to their perceived place of success (music program chick was never anything and sadly she isn’t talented enough to eclipse her hideous soul) and then let them either build themselves up or dig their own grave. They really think they’re so clever cause they “got away with it”; their karma is truly only compounding in force. I feel like as a revati native i see through jyestha behavior and like…you’re stupid??? What the fuck are you doing??? Literally this has no point and you’re only hurting yourself???? They’re certainly aware they’re fucking up but not enough to know the “attacks” are the consequences for their own evils. Balanced jyesthas are cunty though. I 😍 mother naomi campbell. Unbalanced mercury women are miserable vampiric freaks with no sense of shrewdness or foresight because they get away with things initially and fool themselves and more susceptible people. Idiots, honestly.
I think one of my childhood friends was ashlesha and she not only instigated sexual activity between all three of us but literally tried to steal from me and of course tried to make me feel small and unwanted (like dirt basically). They can’t take it when they’re met with balanced, genuine people. I showed nothing but love to these women initially and they dragged me through shit in thanks. They don’t know how to accept real love because of all the shit we tend to go through and it’s very sad but as a ketu native I AM a psychopath as we all know and I don’t care 😭 stop hurting people and embarrassing yourself you fucking freaks 💀 I’m speaking from the trenches girls you need to STAND UP and GET RIGHT WITH GOD. Fucking crazy 😭😭
mercurial women competing with other women is SOOOO TRU in my experience, my toxic abusive "friend" only ever felt good about herself when I wasn't doing well lol , ,, like she literally had the most sinister ass smile
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strawberrystepmom · 8 months ago
mrs umemiya i am finding so much enjoyment in reading thru all ur astrology posts — you sound so passionate about it + i am so happy to be able to learn more through them as someone who knows vrie littl about such topics hehe :3 ⭐️ i would love to hear about your favourite placements n what draws you to them if u feel like sharing ! ♡
you honor me once again with your kindness, little fawn. thank you so much for a thoughtful question <333
i love astrology in the way that i love anything that encourages self exploration. we live in a world where it's really acceptable to be totally disconnected with who you are and to disregard your own emotions and internal world. i've appreciated astrology for so long because it encourages the exact opposite - digging in, understanding, doing the work.
there are some deeper aspects of astrology i haven't discussed answering these asks because they require a lot more depth and discussion (houses, lilith placements, conjunctions and what they mean, etc.) but these can also be great for at the very least, trying to get yourself. i have always felt most unhappiness in life that isn't out of our control comes from being out of touch with ourselves. yes i am a pisces. no i won't be taking questions about it.
so i do have some favorite placements. i love everyone equally and appreciate all signs equally but tend to really vibe with fellow water signs (cancer and scorpio), virgo, leo, sagittarius, and capricorn.
no one gets water signs better than a fellow water sign bc we are all just constantly treading water (hahah). emotional depths are something all water placements get so it's no big deal when one of us is having a meltdown bc the others will come in and help.
virgo is my sister sign as a pisces and i have a very strong draw to women as friends and men as lovers. the issue is that virgo men can suit roles that are almost paternal with me bc they feel like the have to fix me meanwhile virgo women are like "i don't get a fucking thing about you. i love you. also don't ever move my soap bottle two inches to the right again." aljfaw;ljfa;lwkasjfjsdaf my sister is a virgo and we literally just had this discussion when i went to go see her
leo and sagittarius are not the same but i view them in the same way in relation to myself. they really amplify my cheerleader tendencies bc i will absolutely cheer these confident people on. they know who they are, what they want, how they're doing it and i'm like "yay!" and i love the playfulness of a sagittarius with the whimsy of pisces. one of my favorite duos but they can be too supportive of one another.
capricorn is actually my favorite sign overall and they get a bad rap for literally no reason. people just don't like practicality. im terribly impractical most of the time but a cap looking at me and going "what are you actual reasons for doing this?" is so like....idk healing. they already know what i'm doing and why i'm doing it but they are like okay well say it and hear how stupid u sound and pisces has this aspect in it too just gentler.
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harryspet · 6 months ago
Happy belated or early bday to you!
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panoralis · 2 years ago
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❝  I  CAN’T  SEE  MYSELF  THROUGH  YOUR  EYES  ˒  𝐢.  astre’s  anatomy
STAGE  NAME  :  lanfen  ❪  란펜  ❫
BIRTH  NAME  :  zhou  lanfen  ❪  周兰芬  ❫
ENGLISH  NAME  :  adeline
BIRTHDAY  :  september  4  ,  1999  ❪  virgo  ❫
BIRTH  PLACE  :  shanghai  ,  china
ETHNICITY  :  chinese
KNOWN  FAMILY  :  parents  ,  maternal  grandmother  ,  younger  brother  &  jieqiong  ❪  older  sister  ❫
LANGUAGES  :  chinese  ,  korean  ,  japanese ,  english  &  french 
⸻  𝐚.  darling  ,  how  do  i  LOOK ?
FACE  CLAIM  :  ning  yizhuo  ❪  ningning  ❫  of  aespa
HEIGHT  :  one  hundred  seventy  point  eighteen centimetres  or  five  feet  seven  inches
BODY  MODIFICATION(S)  :  standard  lobes  ,  tragus  on  left  ear  &  tattoos  on  back  of  right  upper  elbow  and  left  side  of  lower  back  
⸻  𝐛.  watch  myself  bloom  through  the  DOWNPOUR .  
FLOWERS  :  not  the  type  to  be  torn  down  easily  —  she’s  probably  making  the  critic  cry  instead  .   if  she  was  in  hogwarts  ,  she’d  be  in  slytherin  due  to  her  ambitious  nature  .  once  she  sets  her  mind  on  a  goal  ,  she’ll  shed  blood  ,  sweat  ,  and  tears  to  achieve  it  .  quite  the  flirt  too  …  with  women  .  men  ?  her  eyes  do  not  see  .  
SHOWERS  :  so  stubborn  ,  she  might  end  up  breaking  whatever  she  hits  her  head  on  .  she  has  a  tendency  of  doing  before  thinking  ,  hence  why  she’s  under  her  members’  surveillance  .  finds  it  fun  getting  on  people’s  nerves  ,  especially  if  it’s  someone  she  genuinely  doesn’t  like  .  
⸻  𝐜.  you  will  always  be  my  CELEBRITY !
LABEL(S)  :  yuehua  entertainment  ❪  2012  -  2016  ❫  &  astre  entertainment  ❪  2016  -  present  ❫ 
PROFESSION  :  idol  &  model
GROUP  :  pandora
POSITION  :  vocalist  ,  dancer  &  face  of  the  group
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YET  YOU  NEVER  FAIL  TO  WEAR  MY  SMILE  ˒  𝐢𝐢.  and  her  history  ❞
 ❪  tw  :  n / a  ❫
VINTAGE.  it’s  not  that  lanfen  doesn’t  love  her  parents  and  siblings  ,  but  her  grandmother  was  on  the  next  level  .  she  was  practically  glued  to  the  woman’s  hip  ,  picking  up  hobbies  and  habits  from  her  .  then  again  ,  there  were  times  where  she  modelled  for  her  mother’s  boutique  ,  so  long  as  she  got  egg  tarts  with  her  older  sister  afterwards  .
clearly  someone  was  destined  to  stand  in  the  spotlight  …  as  long  as  her  end  of  the  bargain  was  fulfilled  of  course  .
CURRENT.  like  older  sister  ,  like  babie  sister  .  maybe  it  was  the  training  under  different  agencies  ,  away  from  their  family  ,  that  strengthened  the  bond  between  them  .  when  she  didn’t  make  it  on  the  lineup  for  wjsn  ,  her  older  sister  was  there  for  her  .  and  by  the  time  she  became  the  second  member  revealed  to the  public  ,  lanfen  was  already  being  a  loveable  menace  since  she  was  technically  going  to  be  jieqiong’s  senior  .  she  loves  to  draw  ,  but  on  bodies  .  to  her  ,  it’s  much  more  fun  to  create  art  on  a  fellow  masterpiece  (  a.k.a  her  friends  )  .
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spectrumsistersblog · 1 year ago
Spectrum Sister here (if you hadn’t already guessed) and I’m ready to open up my mind an put all things Autistic, ADHD, mental illness and chronic illness OUT THERE!
That’s right, I am an Autistic ADHD’er with mental health issues, Fibromyalgia and Joint hyper mobility syndrome. My disabilities are as invisible as they get, but I’m here to MAKE you see them for what they are. The good, the bad and the extremely uncomfortably UGLY!
Now firstly, Let me introduce myself a little bit more formally before I start, my name is JD, I’m 35yrs old, born and raised south Londoner who is also a single mother to a gorgeous 11yr old boy. I was late diagnosed ADHD at the age of 34 and Autistic at the age of 35 and due to the lateness of my diagnoses I’m sure you can imagine my life has been a bit of a BLEEPING mess, hence the development of mental health issues in my teens that I’ve carried with me ever since.
Saying all this, Im not one to throw a pity party, so let’s get that out the way. I’m here to tell it how it is, straight forward with honesty and facts. The doom and gloom, but also the funny and quirky side of life too, because you can’t get one without the other. To truly embrace and appreciate happiness, one must also know the feeling of true sadness. So I’m here to feed you it all, in true Virgo style ♍️
Just to get you up to speed I’ll explain a little about each condition I have been diagnosed with:
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Autism is a spectrum condition which effects people in different ways. It effects our social interaction and communication skills, can inflict repetitive and restrictive behaviours, cause over OR under sensitivity to light, sound, taste or touch, can cause extreme anxiety, melt downs and shutdowns and also highly focused interests and hobbies.
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ADHD is a disorder which affects peoples behaviour. People with ADHD have issues with executive functioning, concentration & focus, and also impulse control. There is ALOT more to it and I intend to go into more detail in future blogs.
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EUPD – Emotionally unstable personality disorder (formerly known as Borderline personality disorder) is a mental health condition that affects how you think, feel and interact with others. One major symptom the sufferer experiences is being emotionally unstable. Intense emotions, ranging from highs to lows, which can change rapidly throughout a single day.
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Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) – Fibromyalgia is a chronic (long term) condition that causes pain all over the body. As well as the widespread pain it also causes increased sensitivity to touch and pain, muscle stiffness, insomnia & Fatigue, issues with mental processing and concentration (fibro fog), irritable bowel syndrome, headaches and depression.
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Joint hypermobility syndrome – JHS is where your joints are extra flexible and move beyond the range that they are suppose to. This causes pain, stiffness and unstable joints. The joints and the tissue within in them are loose because they are weak. This also means increased danger of seriously injuring, spraining or dislocating your joints.
And there you have it, my wonderful array of chronic conditions and disabilities 😃
Now I do intend to go into a lot more detail in future posts and blogs, so look out for those if you want to learn more about each condition, purely for educational purposes or wether you may think you have one of them yourself.
For my fellow Spectrum family and Fibro Family, you may know an awful lot about these conditions already, so I definitely will have posts coming that I’m sure you will be able to relate to.
If you made this far then I greatly appreciate you…..also heres little embarrassing golden nugget of information for you, I was finishing this post off on the toilet, however my lower legs went numb and as I went to stand up I nearly face planted the door because I couldn’t feel my legs. I then had to grab my toilet frame (mobility aid) and drop myself back onto the toilet seat and wait here for a good 5 minutes until the feeling came back to my legs and feet 😩😂 Oh what a life eh! At least you weren’t all here to see it, that I am greatful for haha!
Anyways, got to love you and leave you (anyone else’s aunties use to say this every time they left your house?) and until next time, keep my legs in your prayers.
Air kisses
Your Spectrum Sister 🪩
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brunetteaura · 1 year ago
thank you my fellow virgo sister i love U
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twstchaos · 2 years ago
Original Character: The Spirit Tamer
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Introducing: The Spirit Tamer
Technical Information
Name: Tamannuk Arlooktoo
Japanese: タマナック・アールクトゥー
Romaji: Tamanakku Arukutou
Nickname(s): Polar Bear (Floyd), Monsieur Guérisseur (Rook)
Biographical Information
Gender: Male
Pronoun: He/Him
Age: 18
Birthday: September 21
Starsign: Virgo
Height: 164cm
Eye Color: Storm Gray
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Homeland: Nuti Tâvani
Family: Mother, Father, Sinnatomak (Younger sister)
Professional Status
Dorm: Savanaclaw
School Year: Third
Class: 3-E (No. 3)
Occupation: Student, Training to become an Angakkuq (Shaman)
Club: Mountain Lovers Club
Best Subject: Animal Linguistics
Fun Facts
Dominant Hand: Left
Favorite Food: Dried Meat/Jerky
Least Favorite Food: Anchovies
Dislikes: People touching his things without permission
Hobby: Meditation
Talents: Wood Carving
Tamannuk has dark hair pushed back with strands framing his face with a pair of braids tucked behind both ears. He has storm gray eyes with a dark complexion. Overall, his features present androgynously.
Tamannuk wears the white dress shirt under the standard Savanaclaw school vest with the gold-lined black pants. Instead of the school-issued black blazer, he prefers to pair his uniform with his white-furred gray parka, still choosing to wear it in the heat as well. Do not ask him where his dorm armband is, he lost that many semesters ago. Tamannuk’s dorm uniform consists of the standard dark-yellow shirt and worn-out jeans. Again, he prefers to wear his furred parka instead of the dorm’s vest. Much like the rest of his dorm, he wears the bandanna wrapped around his waist. For both his school uniform and dorm uniform, Tamannuk wears black steel-toe boots.
Tamannuk is a fellow of few words, preferring silence over noise. He tends to stick by himself, but for the few people he is close with, Tamannuk has a never wavering loyalty, unless they have wronged him to the point of no forgiveness.
From the moment of his birth, the elders of Tamannuk’s tribe saw that he was destined to become the next angakkuq, spiritual guide. The moment he turned of age, Tamannuk was taught the spiritual ways of their people. At the age of ten, his mother gave birth to another child, a girl, whom they named Sinnatomak. Several years later, he received a letter of admission from Night Raven College to attend their prestigious academy, and he has attended for the past two years, going into his third.
Abilities and Unique Magic:
Because of his lifelong education, Tamannuk is very educated about both spirits and animals.
Tamannuk’s Unique Magic is called “Great Spirits”. His magic, aided by his knowledge of spirits and animals, allows him to mimic the abilities of an animal spirit he has befriended. In order to gain the abilities of an animal, he must hold a ritual. During this ritual, Tamannuk is able to contain the spirit of the chosen animal into his amulet for a single day. To change the contained spirit, he must release it before completing another ritual to call upon another spirit.
Incantation: “I ask now for guidance. Take my hand and lead me. Give me wisdom and give me strength. Great Spirits.”
He is twisted from Denahi from Disney’s Brother Bear.
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More information will come out in the future~
Disclaimer: I am not of Inuit descent, so if you are and notice anything wrong, please tell me!!!
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freelyenvolving · 16 days ago
My fellow Virgo Rising sister 🤍
The Dreamy Donna Summer
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soulwounded · 3 years ago
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“   actually, anything in the universe can be up to 104% perfect. that’s how we got beyonce.   ”     &.     @anoetics​
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diorjtrk · 2 months ago
aqua rising: yes I do love wearing black clothes <3
pisces sun: somehow I feel motivated by n make long-term financial plans w cancer suns (meaning my cancer sun mother). smth about scorpio energy is comforting to me (im a scorpio mars). I tend to befriend another fellow earth sign aka my sister sign: virgo (but I feel like they have significant Taurus placements)
aries in 3th house: yup it is my love language (mine are soft but characteristically (?), they can be rough)
scorpio placements: I don't have a long downturned nose (it makes me sad that people get nose jobs to get theirs upturned :(( like no its so cute)
sag placements: yeah, I can quite moody in love (maybe my aries venus is influenced there too)
Astrology observations
🪿 Aquarius risings love wearing black clothes
🪿 Am a Pisces sun, I’ve noticed the sign that motivates me or I make long-term financial plans with are cancer sun, the one sign that likes to order me around are Scorpios ,the sign that I share similarities with is Aries, and the one sign that I befriend is Taurus
🪿 Lilith in the 7th house get cheated on/abused by their partners
🪿 Mars/Aries in the 3rd house will insult you whenever they feel like it even if you guys are on good terms, they also have rough hands
🪿 Being a Pluto dominant doesn’t always guarantee that you’ll instantly read people
🪿 many celebrities that have Aquarius Venus are claimed to be bisexual/gay, But I believe that Aquarius as a sign has a lot to do with the homosexuality
🪿 many Scorpio placements people that I know have long downturned nose
🪿 Gemini placements often resemble their siblings
🪿 mercury/neptune in 2H can create some confusion around personal values and material possessions, including clothing. This placement often influences how you perceive beauty, style, and worth. You might find yourself drawn to eclectic or unique styles that may not always conform to mainstream fashion
🪿 Sagittarius placements can get very moody when in love
🪿 Virgos are known for their honesty, but they can sometimes be dishonest to protect their image. They may not be habitual liars, but they may hide their mistakes or shortcomings to avoid being seen as imperfect
🪿 Aquarius placements hates small talk. They are totally disinterested in petty gossip and frankly could care less about people-please niceties
🪿 Aries is likely to be the first sign to say "I love you" because they are driven by their emotions and are quick to act on them
🪿 Taureans have a strong inner self-belief, which doesn't need shouting about, and this draws people to them because they can be trusted
🪿 Leo placement fear not being appreciated. They enjoy being praised and admired, so feeling unimportant is their worst nightmare
🪿 Capricorns are the masters of quiet beauty, elegance, and confidence
🪿 if you don’t know your birth time you can search your ephemeris birth year and look at the sidereal time convert it to the time zone of your birth location, it’s a really accurate and easy way to figure it out on your own if you don’t want to pay astrologers for birth rectifications.
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queers-gambit · 2 years ago
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU FELLOW VIRGO!!! 💜💜🥳🥳 I’m so glad you’re here and staying strong and positive! Hope you could/ can celebrate with all your loved ones and have a great time!!!!!!!!!!! 💜
And may I ask for the prompt "you have to talk to me - I can't read your mind!" (91.) with Tommy Shelby? 🥺💜 That’s all I need 🥺
virgo babies!!! how grateful i am that YOU are here, too, my sweet!!! love you tremendously!!! thank you so very much!!!
i hope this tickles your pickle 🖤
Coming Home
prompt 91: "you have to talk to me - i can't read your mind!"
pairing: Tommy Shelby x female!reader fandom masterlist: Peaky Blinders word count: 2k+ words warnings: explicit language
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They used to be a significant staple in Small Heath; where Tommy Shelby prowled, usually, his pretty woman was hung off his arm with a menacing glare of her own. Not dissimilar to a guard dog, it was rare to see one without the other; and often, at the dinner table, patrons of the neighborhood took silent bets on when the middle Shelby boy would pop the question.
Sure, they were young; but love never shone brighter than when radiated from those two. Tommy was rightfully obsessed, and she was head-over-heels for the second eldest Shelby son. Everything he said, or did, resonated with her; stuck to her soul; filled her with love and light.
She was an only child, but with Greta being her closest friend, it was like she suddenly had a sister. And being as Tommy had loved her since they were children, he didn't mind spending his time with the love of his life and her dying friend. It was calm when together.
However, when Greta lost the good fight, Tommy's woman wasn't the same; despair and grief has a way of reconstructing a person. She became harsher, cold like the winter snow; and unpredictable, as if testing the bounds of life, similar to that of a raging thunderstorm. Tommy hated watching his lover waste away from grief, and always did what he thought would help; despite her reverence and distance she created between them.
He didn't give up... Until the war, and he was forced to leave her.
Telling her that he had to leave was the hardest thing Tommy's ever done in his life. It was only a few months after Greta passed, and she was beside herself with grief over the idea of losing her lover, too. She needed Tommy around due to her fear of being alone, but now he was to leave her, too - and she had no honest idea what to do.
"Please, don't go," she begged, holding the lapels of his uniform jacket as a last-ditch effort. The train's whistle sounded behind them, the platform still crowded and noisy. "Tom - my love - please. Jus' run away wit' me. Jus' come away wit' me, please... Don't leave me."
Her Irish accent was slurred with emotion, making Tommy's stony heart sink to his stomach. "You know I can't, sweetheart," he murmured, petting a lock of hair behind her ear. "I'll miss you more than life, doll, wait - please, don't cry. Know I hate seein' yah cry."
"Then don't leave me," she whispered back; eyes and cheeks soaking from the tears she had tried in vain to keep at bay.
"I will come back to you," he promised. "We'll be okay."
He kissed her deeply, passionately; letting Polly hand her baby Finn to hug Tommy goodbye, before the men were swept away by the crowds loading onto the train.
But it was the first lie Tommy told her. While he did come home, he wasn't the same - no man ever was who came back from war. He was cold, distant, rude, detached, and aloof to all things - save for his business.
In the meantime, she had helped Aunt Polly not just keep the Shelby business afloat, but thriving; beginning expansion processes, and ironing out details for future developments when the men returned. Everything in Small Heath changed - again. Men returned and took their old jobs, leaving the once-independent women to be pushed to the sidelines; only, Polly refused to bow out quietly.
With the return of all three Shelby brothers, life was supposed to go back to 'normal', but everyone in Small Heath walked on eggshells when they noted the absence of her on Tom's arm. The distance between the two created tension that the entire town - and Tom's business partners - all felt.
And then... The other woman moved to town.
Grace was a beautiful, blonde, well-put-together woman who had stolen Tommy's eye the moment she breezed into her new job at the Garrison pub. And Tom's girl was forced to watch the pair glide around one another like a pair of courting swans, all delicate when she had endured his hardening edges from before. It wasn't fair. It fucking hurt to watch the two slowly grow closer together; strengthening their trust and desire in one another.
Small Heath was sure to burn when Tom's girl caught sight of them.
Yet, when Tommy was dancing around Grace, he kept an eye on his woman. He noted the way she had retreated into herself and often avoided all of the Blinders, yet couldn't walk away from her in-full. He knew he never could move on from her, and while Grace was a nice distraction, his woman was all Tommy knew and all he wanted.
When he came home and saw her on the train's platform, he wanted nothing more than to take her in his arms and never let go. Yet she just held an older-Finn's hand as the three men disembarked their train, letting the little boy rush forward to greet his big brothers. When Tommy looked up, she had disappeared; and he didn't know until later, that Finn only ever knew about Arthur, Tommy, and John because of the way she kept them all alive with conversation and stories. Finn was far too young to remember them when they first left for war, and Tom's heart lightened at the idea of his woman telling Finn bedtime stories of them all.
For weeks, the isolation continued, and Tommy hated how he decided to cope. Smoking opium seemed the only remedy for Tom's overactive mind; yet, one night, he found himself wondering the dark, damp, cold brick streets of Birmingham. With about 4 or 5 glasses of whiskey under his belt, Tom had skipped the pipe, and chose to wonder around with a half-drank bottle of whiskey held in a loose fist.
His feet lead him to her old family home, and up to her front door; his heart forcing his hand to raise and pound against the wood. The bottle sloshed as he took another unsteady pull of alcohol, setting the bottle aside to a stone step to let him time to adjust his suit jacket and vest. He wanted to look presentable - to show her that he hadn't changed as much as she thought.
When she opened the dark wood that separated them, he only caught a glimpse of half her face before she was adverting her gaze and keeping the door between them, as if a shield. Tommy breathed her name, wanting to reach out and feel her flesh, but only felt confusion when she answered, "What do you need, Mr. Shelby? It's barely acceptable to visit a lady at this hour."
"'Mr. Shelby'?" He repeated with distain, rolling his eyes slightly as he readjusted his position in discomfort. "Since when have you called me anything other than Tommy? Hey, sweetheart?"
"Since everything changed."
"What's changed, love, hmm? 'M still here."
She scoffed, "Everything's changed, Shelby. Now, please - "
"Doesn't have to be different," he shrugged some, cutting her off. "Can try to go back - to how we were. Before..."
"Why? Why go back? There's nothing left, Tommy."
"Hey? What're yeh on about?"
Her sigh was heard from behind the door, "Jus' get on, Tom. 'S late. Don't need anyone seein' yah here, at this hour, then report it back t'yer woman. Go on, get gone."
Tommy's foot shoved between the door and frame, preventing her from shutting it in full. "What're yah on about? I have no woman - not since you decided we weren't worth anything."
"Me!?" she snarled, hand tightening to a white-knuckle grip on the dark wooden door. "Yer the one who left!"
"I had to fight - "
"'Had'!?" His woman raged, ripping the door open to glare at him in full. "Yeh had t'fight, is it? Yeh had t'leave me? Hey? I didn't do this t'us, I needed yah - an' yeh left!"
"I was needed - "
"No! They didn't need yah - but I surely did! Hey? One man made a big ol' difference, did he?" She snarled, pain dripping off every syllable. "One man made a difference in that whole bloody war?"
"Maybe I did," Tommy sneered. "Maybe I did make a difference - "
"Then why're yeh botherin' me now!? Hey!? Fuck are yeh doin' here, Thomas?"
"Because you have to talk to me - I can't read your mind! I want to know what's goin' on with yah - why you're so far from me!"
It made her pause, almost shrinking away from his glare and heavy panting. "Fuck are yeh on about?" She asked quietly. "'M right here..."
"No, you're not. Since I've come home," Tommy panted, head shaking minimally, "you've avoided me like the plague, and I need to know why. Why're you avoiding me? We used to be... So much more, doll, why're you against me now?"
"'M not against yeh, Tommy..."
"No? Then what're yah?"
She sighed, leaning on the inside of the doorframe to meekly meet his blazing gaze, "'M not who yeh want anymore, an' I know tha'... I jus' never wanted t'admit it. Means I'd have ta let yah go... 'M not ready ta."
Tommy's head shook again, "You would think so little of me? That I'd fall for any woman with a pretty smile, when I had you? That I'd want any woman - when I had you?"
The woman shifted on her feet shyly, glancing to her feet, and asking in a whisper, "'Had' me? 'M not yers anymore, am I?"
Tommy frowned and decided - fuck it - before stepping up to cross her home's threshold. Tom's hands reached for her cheeks after slamming the door shut behind him, crowding her back into the wall of her foyer.
"Tommy," she whispered, hand held to his stomach to try and keep distance between them. But he pressed forward, still.
"Listen to me," he stole every lucid thought from her mind as he cupped both of her cheeks, "you are everything to me. Hey? You hear me? Everything. No matter how much time has passed, no matter how you might feel - you are everything to me, doll. Hey? Hear me?"
"An' wha' of Grace - "
"Grace? Grace?" he repeated with distain, "Fuck Grace. You're all I need, you hear me? You've been there from the beginning, and I need you with me now. No more runnin' from me."
"No more runnin'," she repeated.
"No more avoiding."
She nodded with tears swelling in her eyes, "No more avoidin', aye, love, yeah. No more secrets..."
"No more secrets," he agreed. "No more mind readin', hey? You come t'me from now on, I can't help if I don't know. Don't push me away."
"Not anymore," she nodded, pressing closer to him as she flattened her palms to his chest and caressed gently. "An' Tommy?"
"Yes, love?"
"No more Grace."
His lips slowly pulled into a grin, "Aye, my love, no more Grace. So long as you don't shut me out - never again. You always have a place in my life, poppet. Always have a place at my side."
She nodded, "'M sorry. S-She died, an' yeh left, tha' I just didn't know wha' t'do wit' meself."
"Don't," he breathed, reaching up to push a lock of hair from her face. "Don't apologize to me, you've done nothing wrong, my girl. I'm the one who's sorry. I should've come home sooner. But I'm here now."
"Hey?" She asked in a whisper.
His fingers gently pet over the skin of her cheek. "You," he nodded, "you're home to me - and when we left France, I didn't come home. Not really... Not until now," he glanced down to confirm she was in his arms. "Now - here, with you - I'm home."
"Yeah? Yer back?" she asked through her emotion.
"'M back, sweetheart. Not leavin' you again."
It made her beam at him through her tears, nodding with a whisper, "Welcome home, then, Mr. Shelby."
He smirked, holding her cheek still as he leaned in to press a long-overdue kiss to her waiting lips; curing years worth of tension and unknown, her salty tears mingling between their lips and tongues. He was home - finally - and had no intention of leaving again; not when he knew life without her, deciding then and there, he'd never make either of them go without the other again.
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requesting rules and masterlist
Peaky Blinders masterlist
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soleilnomoon · 2 years ago
describe your moots in one word
૮₍˶ •ᴗ• ⑅₎ა sure why not~ (except im long-winded so one word won't cut it sry, so this is just me praising them bc i can)
@strawhatsoraya - ❤️️*doja cat*❤️️that's my bes fren, she a real bad bitch; perfect, 100/10 would recommend; thee funniest bitch alive i s2g; i would fight anyone if they even blinked funny in her direction ★
@spitfire-of-the-sea - super sweet & talented & fun to talk to 😊 (check out her ace fics u won't be sorry) ★
@h3rfave - nana enthusiast & my chaotic lil sister 🤭 no1 can tell me shit abt lil kaia, idc she can do no wrong ★
@thefatiguedfatale - such a lovely person 💛 her writing is next level poetic & she has excellent taste ★
@thunderboltage - down to earth w. a cute personality 💕 has gr8 taste in games; love seeing her on the dash ★
@nothingbutasoldier - fellow virgo & one piece aficionado 💙 which makes them infinitely cooler than most ★
@wurm-food - 😌 has excellent taste in anime and no one can tell me different ★
@ottersdeservelove - we share a husband; a literal sweetheart 🥰️ & such a delight to talk to ★
@510hz - funny, cool as hell, & marches to their own beat 🤩which i love to see ★
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