#my fav criminal baby bastard
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dark-martian · 5 years ago
Yancy Headcannons
Just the baby boi in general! It’s Yancy lovin’ time 💗(GIF from Markired)
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smokes, but smokes in solitary because this boy knows second hand smoking is bad. He could never hurt his prison family like that.
I feel like he would host a therapeutic dance and or theatre class for the inmates. It’s relaxing and builds strength. They work their musical numbers on Thursdays.
He takes an angermanagment class. Today he got his 30 day chip for not throwing the first punch.
Yancy is smart, don’t get me wrong, but he is a slow learner. It takes him a few tries to get something down. However, once he’s got it, he’s got it for good. Yancy needs constant examples to get things. Also, he’s definitely a kinetic learner too. He prefers to “do” the action to understand it.
“Soes what yous sayin’ is, if I press this dohickey right here, it’ll take me home.”
“Yancy, it’ll take you to the Home Screen, not your physical home.”
“Oh. Soes that’s how it is, well, whats if I wanna go home?”
“You drive...there?”
Phones have definitely changed since his time in prison.
Yancy is extremely touched starved. He craves the tenderness, but never admits it. Give him a hug, he needs one.
For SURE snores in his sleep. They are light snores.
If you somehow get your hands on a buckeye (Ohio’s famous peanut butter fudge dipped in chocolate), or better yet, make one for him, this boy will be over the moon. Yancy will do any favor for you, nothing too big nor too small—he’ll do it.
On visitation days, Yancy didn’t have anyone to talk to him. No friends (they’re all in prison), no loved ones, no nothin’. But now, every third Sunday, he waits for you.
He watches everyone go to their loved ones, but he waits for you. He twiddles his thumbs, head droopy until he spots your handsomely beautiful face come through the other side. Yancy smiles and his face feels warm; he’s happy. You made him happy. He can’t remember the last time he was this happy.
He likes to feed the birds in the courtyard. Anything left over from lunch he’ll squirrel away—bread crumbs, sesame seeds, corn. Seeing the birds reminds him of you. He reminisces about the time he helped you escape, and nostalgia hits him like a jab to the stomach.
Parole is coming up soon. Maybe, he thinks, it ain’t so bad on the other side. Maybe I can be free too. Yancy stands in the yard and the birds flock as he tosses the last of his bread crumbs.
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Listen. I love Yancy.
That’s it.
(Click for better quality)
You’re welcome.
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baconkath · 2 years ago
my take on HOTD E8
 we get to see Rhaenyra x Daemon as the power couple we deserved
Rhaenys blaming Rhaenyra for Laenor’s death while we know he’s living his best life with his hotass boyfriend
daddy Daemon choosing dragon egg for their baby
my fav Daemon is criminal Daemon  
the sluttiest thing a man can do is cutting off the head of the man who called his step sons bastards
Viserys meeting babe Aegon III aka future king and Viserys Jr
defend me and my children
Viserys stole the show
what an entrance
man could barely breathe, much less walk and he did it bc he loves Rhaenyra above all, above himself even
Daemon loving and supporting his brother
that dinner made me recall awkward Christmas dinners
it’s cute to see that Luke and Jace actually get along with Baela and Rhaena
Aemond is a hot little shit, sue me 
but again
if Alicent had just agreed to bethrothing Jace and Heleana, so much blood would have been spared
boy, the tragedy of having so many people with the same name
and the golden end
m y  l o v e
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relax-and-read-on · 3 years ago
absolutely adoring your Konrad takes
Hahaha oh BOY im gonna use this as an excuse to babble about my favorite murder hobbo and sexuality.
I Love Konrad. I adore him. He's 100% my fav. I love him, and his sons, and his horribly shitty bat armour. God they are so ugly it goes right back to being funny.
I know that this is warhammer and that people care more about "where are the ammo clip" than the deep psychology of your fav, but shit, i do, and I have some THOUGHT.
Konrad grew up alone. He never had anyone actually care for him as a child. He was a homeless, nameless orphan, eating rats and corpse. He only survived by virtue of being a primarch full of instinct. If kids aren't properly socialised in early childhood, it develop a TON of issues for them (*Pointed look at Lion in the corner*). Anyway, at least Konrad had exposure to humans around him. The problem was, it was the happy fun criminals of Nostramo. I know a lot of people go "he was a primarch, he could probably take them when he was 4", but I call bullshit. In part because, at that early age, he probably craved human contact desperately. Babys are trusting. They *want* to be loved. That's how humans work.
What im getting at, is that Konrad was definitely, 100%, irrevocably, abused by criminals as a very young child. In the very bad no no way. That kind of abuse is also what probably lead to his mind splitting in with the Night Haunter, because Did is mostly caused by extreme abuse in early childhood. Poor Konrad, who was never touched of loved, and when it finally happen, it's only to brake and hurt him.
Now all that is fun, but as an adult, how does that bombs of trauma translate??? Weeeeell~! It's a mess!! On one hand, you have Konrad, who DO wants to do good. Yes, I know we always think of him as our favorite murder hobo who roll around in guts, but like. He wanted Justice. He wanted peace. He wanted people to be SAFE. Isn't that noble as fuck?? Doesn't that seem to you like the crooked wish of a survivor wanting others to never have to endure what he went through?? I think that, because of those facts, his baseline is being sex repulsed. He has just seen/experienced so much abuse and disgusting things, sex means nothing to him anymore. It's a power thing and he has no desire for it.
Than big E show up and goes "HEY LET'S WEAPONIZED YOUR TRAUMA SON" because he's a bastard.
And he has to be violent. And dangerous. And also discover a new world beyond the star, were some people actually love each others and are nice. He has to deal with motherfucking Fulgrim, who hug him and call him little brother and smile at him and very clearly sleep around and fully enjoy it, no pain at all. Poor Konrad. He cannot handle this at all. And ofc, the only person who realise this is Good ol' madlad Sevatar, aka "best fucking character in 40k, I accept no one else". Sevatar has a lot of similar trauma than Konrad, but instead of wanting to destroy any potential abuser or trigger, he just roll around in it and decide that you can't be traumatized if you never ever think about it. Charge ahead ayooo.
So ofc Sevatar get to Konrad, see him upset because his boss/dad walked in of Fulgrim enjoying heads or something, and goes "lmao I can suck u off too" wich probably earn him a beating. Except he take it sexually, wich weird out Konrad even more. Then he still probably still get sucked, because Sevatar aint a quitter.
And that's how the weirdest relationship ever in 40k start. Sometime Konrad wants to punish. Sometime he wants to be punished. He wants to hurt and then he wants to BE hurt the only person that seem to fully get it it is Sevatar, who happily and loudly goes along with everything. They show up the next day both looking like they had a fight with cave bear and missing some chunk of meat, and Konrad may not be saner, but at least he's getting some. It's 100% not romantic, he does not do that, he doesn't understand that. Sevatar like to jokingly call him "Daddy" if someone ask. He get punched into the face every time.
That's basically it! Wow that's a lot of ramble. Well, ok, he also probably after had a fling with Fulgrim, because everyone has, and probably slept with Dorn a few times before it became too weird. And there is the entire ~Thing~ with Vulkan but that's like, another giant rambly post entirely.
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blorbologist · 2 years ago
26 and 37
26. You must swap one nat 1 die roll with one nat 20 die roll. They must both be from the main campaigns, but can be cross-campaign. Which are they, and why?
Ooooof, how dare you make me have to do research for this? :vvv
See, I'm torn between making them both of similar magnitude or pulling a cheap shot and taking a nat 20 that didn't matter much to swap for a nat 1 that did matter.
Okay, let's take two important ones and make them both WORSE, because I'm a bastard
For the 1 -> 20, hmmm let's say Caleb trying to persuade Essek to pretty please let him invite mages that want to kill them both onto this expedition. Gives Liam his bisexual maelstrom early, and it would so badly fuck with their dynamics. Would Caleb backshift into bad coping mechanisms? Would Essek call him out? Would Trent or Astrid or Wulf try to kill either of them? What the fuck! Just about one of the few times I think a high roll would actually be worse for everyone involved. Another that came to mind was Kaylie's initial confrontation with Scanlan. (A good one to turn into a 20 would be the Sunken Tomb 'Sam immediately jokes it's instant death and SIKE IT IS', because it would change SO MUCH of the campaign.)
For the 20 -> 1 :) well since you got me in an angsty mood :) True Love's Nat 20 made into True Love's Nat 1. Even if the roll had succeeded over-all thanks to the other contributions, I can't see Percy coming back if he didn't hear Vex specifically. We'd have Molly in Campaign 1. Vex might do something reckless and Briarwoods-esque to bring him back (winks loudly at Nova). Completely derail everything. (Of course, there's any number of villain Nat 20s turning into Nat 1s would likely be huge net positives, but I don't feel like researching any more than I already have :V)
37. You have to take a 16 hour road trip with one NPC from each campaign (all at once, ie, three other people). The NPCs cannot shorten the road trip in any way and the road trip must be via driving but you can do it in two 8 hour days and share a motel room if you'd like. Who do you pick?
... I read this as PC at first FUCK ME. Including the two I'd written for PCs + why I didnt pick my fav under the cut as a lil bonus.
a) Essek. Okay, hear me out: yes he is a war criminal, but he's also dealt with trying to get grant money and as someone procrastinating on two deadlines rn? mood. I'd poke his brain for hours about blasphemous magic if I could. Also, soup is cheap for when we're done for the day and an easy meal. I think he'd either be a perfectionist backseat driver or a panicky one and either way the research talk is worth it to me ok. I'll survive.
b) Vesper - never said specials were excluded, and she IS in her 30s by this point in the timeline! We have no clue about her personality, but I think, given her family, she's likely very smart and good conversation. Has money to throw at any problems we run into. Also allows me to get De Blorbo lore without wanting to throttle her dad. If she doesn't count because she's a Baby in the oneshot she's in, I guess Cass? Look I adore her but I worry she's never driven a day in her life + trauma + is a noble would make her a pain in the ass to be stuck in a car with, BUT I love her enough I'd take it in stride For Her.
c) Imahara Joe. Look! He's a vibe! If anything goes wrong he can fix it! He can keep conversation going! I have huge Mythbusters nostalgia!
a) Caleb! I think we could talk about our respective cats for hours, or I'd hope we could, and talk magic-science, and Keen Mind would make keeping rest stops/the time/maps/etc. in mind a breeze. And if he isn't up to talk he would just! be quiet! and read a book! which is good for my stress brain! And if both of us are overstimmed that's a 50% vote on getting people to turn the music fucking down so we can relax.
b) Fjord, actually? He's captn' Tusktooth, he knows how to organize a voyage and what goes into sharing cramped quarters with other people for hours on end and how to keep distracted and not kill eachother. Plus, Star Razor is a convenient flashlight if ever. His music selection would also likely be fun to sing as a whole car together - shanties or good roadtrip songs.
c) oufff this one's hard.
(I'm Not saying Percy because so help me I'd want to throttle him within the hour. Beau would bully me I think. Both are also so hot and my favs I think I'd die and be incapable of driving. Laudna would also make Noises with her Existing and I think I'd lose my marbles, sorry babe :c)
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naralanis · 4 years ago
Fic Writer Review!
Thanks @mssirey for the tag! I totally didn't have a crisis with the very last question, not at all bwhahaha
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
41, soon to be 42. ASJKLDBLAHSDSD how. And also why. But mostly, how.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
565,934 EXCUSE ME WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. I was going to check my unpublished works but ya know what. Maybe I've written enough akdjsa
3. How many fandoms have you written for?
Technically speaking, I've written and published fics for five fandoms. However, I only have one story for OUAT (and I have @shadowdianne to thank for that... or do I?) and one for Captain Marvel. Mirandy was my first love, Cissamione the second, and Supercorp has burrowed in my brain and just won't let go.
I've also technically written for Xena, Legend of Korra, and Criminal Minds, but since I never published those, we're going to pretend they don't exist!
4. Top 5 fics by kudos?
Only two are WIPs! YEAH! They're the top two, but WHO CARES, here they are:
1) Perhaps, aka my baby, my child, my darling, the apple of my eye. If I ever had to choose to finish only ONE of my WIPs, this would be the one. This story has grown with me, and I think you can tell when you read. Or maybe not!
2) For the Better. If the former is my baby, this one is like... my moody teenager. I love it dearly, but... it takes a lot out of me. An ode to one of the first fandoms I actively wrote for, it sits unfinished, but nearly, oh so nearly done. I will finish it, damn ittt.
3) The Date. Honestly, this one really surprised me -- it's one of my oldest one-shots, and something I definitely dashed off between lectures back in Scotland, maybe alternating with FtB chapters. It's one of my first attempts at humour, I think.
4) Bits and Pieces. AYY, I wasn't sure Supercorp would make the cut, WOOOT! This one was the second Supercorp fic I ever wrote, and I did it because Lena Is Baby and the idea just wouldn't leave my brain.
And lastly, the fabulous number 5... Perfect. AKA Nara's First (published) Explicit Fic, featuring Praise Kink and an Enchanted Dildo (for... reasons). I'm not gonna lie, I am so HAPPY this one made it, because it has a special place in my heart. It's where Soft Butch Hermione comes to life, and if you don't love Soft Butch Hermione, I'm sorry, we can't be friends. I love her.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why/why not?
Eeermmm... some? I do want to respond, but I'm terrible with keeping up with comments, I really am. For whatever reason, even when I do my best, I don't really love responding directly on AO3. I also turned off all email notifications for AO3 because turns out my brain WILL be distracted by even a single one.
I'm much more responsive on Tumblr, I promise!
6. A fic you've written with the angstiest ending:
Any of my Narlily works, I guess? Like... All Flowers Wither or Carry On.
Unshackled would be another one, though it's Cissamione... but I caved and made a happy(ish) second part for that one.
7. Do you write crossovers?
Nope! Crossovers just don't do it for me, generally speaking (reading or writing).
8. Ever received hate on a fic?
EvEr rEcEIvEd hAtE-- yes. Oh, yes. I've been told my writing is terrible, I've been told my stories were a 'waste of time,' or 'overhyped,' I've had people tell me there was only One Way to write a certain pairing and my way was definitely Not The Way.
The list goes on.
It used to really, really bother me--still does, but in a much smaller way. Delete/Block buttons are my friends.
9. Do you write smut?
I write an absurd amount of smut. I just don't publish any of it because. Fear.
My pretty, pretty pens have created some filthy, filthy things.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
A couple of times -- only once or twice like, straight up attributed to someone else who acted like they were the one writing it. The other times were reposts or translations (without my permission, so still. stolen).
11. Ever had a fic translated?
I've authorized a couple of translations of a few of my DWP works. I'm usually cool with people translating my stuff IF THEY ASK ME FIRST and GIVE ME PROPER CREDIT.
9/10 it's some Brazilian who translates it to Portuguese without my permission and then gets upset when I, another Brazilian, do not endorse it and politely ask them to take the thing down. Thankfully it's been a while. ASK ME, DAMN IT.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Nothing published bwhaha!
13. All-time favourite ship?
Right now SuperCorp is definitely barking a little louder, so to speak, but I don't really have one favourite overall. It depends on the fandom, sometimes! Cissamione is very dear to my heart, because it's just so fucking out there and literally every one in this ship has some of the most fascinating headcanons for this pairing and it's just. So wonderful.
14. WIP you want to finish, but don't think you ever will?
Eeeeuuughhh.... Right now? Probably The Appraisal. I forget what I wanted to do with it, I'm not sure if I'm still feeling the premise... IDK.
I think the same could be said of For the Better, but I PROMISED to finish it, and GOD DAMN IT, I am so close I can't throw in the towel just yet.
15. Writing strengths?
You want ME to say good things about MYSELF? I'm still learning how to do that asldkjbasdn it's a work in progress. But I think I'd say... maybe world-building, at least on my longer works?
I would also like to think I do pretty OK in... IDK, some of the punchy stuff? The 'oh wait a minute' moment? IDK if that makes sense!
16. Writing weaknesses?
Organizing. Plot (HAHA IKR). Consistency. Editing (which is rich from someone who literally edits shit for a living... but go figure). Pacing. Weirdly long sentences? Commas for DAYS.
I could go on.
17. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
I am a-OK attempting it in French/Spanish/Portuguese. It may not sound natural, but it will be correct. If I'm trying another language, I'll definitely get help! But I've got no problem with it.
18. First fandom you ever wrote for?
Harry Potter, Dramione specifically, and you'll never find a shred of it. I was like 12, and almost a decade later I figured out Hermione was much better off with Draco's mother.
19. What's your fav fic you've written so far?
I mean, obviously Perhaps is one of them -- it is my baby, that has been established. I think Little Bumps in the Road is also up there, because it was just a random writing exercise that got out of hand, and honestly? I'm here for it. Andddd.... I GUESS I'll put A Valentine's Evening up there as well, because it was the first time I didn't second guess every word I wrote when posting smut. I just... felt it, went for it, wrote it, and it felt really, really good to release some of that into the world lol
WHEW, this was a long one! I'll be tagging @intheinkpot, @shadowdianne, @delirious-comfort, and @16-pennies because I am a curious bastard. But, as always, feel free to treat this as an open tag. Go nuts!
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kanna-kizuchi-enjoyer · 3 years ago
Hi can you do the yttd ask thing?
First character I fell in love with: Joe cuz he's so sweet and baby
Character I never thought I'd love as much as I do now: shin, at first i wanted to hit him with those lilttle podium things from the trials every time he showed up on screen but now I love him and him and Joe are tied for 2nd best boy
Character everyone loves but I don't: Keiji. The fandom is split in half ik cuz half loves him and wants him to step on them and the other call him pisshair. I'm with the pisshair league
Character everyone hates but I love: Rio fucking lazier. I love that kleptomanic bastard
Character I used to love but now no: Hayasaka. I do kin him yes, but that's why he went down to neutral. I hate myself so I don't like those who are like me. But Hayasaka is still criminally underated.
Character id kiss: reko, nao, shin, pregame Miley, I'm in the same age as them so, joe and Sara
Character I want to be: I want rekos clothes And wife so reko
Character id hit: the bitchass cabbagefucking bastard motherfucker, midori
Ship I love: my fav wlw is naoreko, fav mlm is Keisou/keishin and fav straight is Joesara
Ship I hate: all the pedophilic ones and soushin
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moonvalecrossing · 5 years ago
Now here's something I haven't asked you in a long time: a "Fav and Least Fav" ask related to Pokémon. Favorite and least favorite Gym Leaders of each type they specialize in? Kahunas and Trial Captains will count, but if one ends up as your fav/least fav, I'd suggest separating them and the actual Gym Leader that's your fav/least fav of their type. Also, Bede and Marnie's statuses as Gym Leaders will count too, mostly just so Piers can have some competition with his sis. :P
Alrighty. Time to sit down and tackle this!
Normal Type- Least Favorite: Whitney. WHITNEY. That damn Milktank. I’m sure she’s killed many a Nuzlocke team. And yet still has the gall to cry like a baby when she loses. She also comes across as one of those vapid dumb and pretty trend girls. “Everyone was into pokemon so I got into it too!” I really think skill is the only thing they care about when they hand out the title of Gym Leader sometime because this chick really doesn’t seem to be the type who’d normally get this type of authority.
Normal Type- Most Favorite: Cheren. He is adorable baby husband. Though mostly it’s really cool to see another rival become a gym leader like Green did. I just wish they’d kept his glasses instead of for some reason swapping them to Bianca for some reason.
Fighting Type- Least Favorite: Korrina. Her character art bugs me. Is she seriously supposed to be wearing skates and also doing fighting moves? I can’t even stand on four wheel skates without nearly breaking every bone below my waist. And you’re telling me this girl runs around doing axe kicks on roller blades??? No thank you. Also she hoists a Lucario onto you. I like raising my pokemon from their earliest point and you go and make me have to take one because I’d feel bad if I didn’t since it wants to come with me now.
Fighting Type- Most Favorite: Brawly. Mostly because he’s hot. Slightly because his gym is actually a gym with workout equipment in the remake and I find that amazing and hilarious.
Flying Type- Least Favorite: Skyla. Partially because of her anime counterpart. Mostly because I hate her design. Why are her wrists so thick on those gloves? Why is she wearing boots, a cropped jacket, those weird gloves, and what look closer to boxer style panties than shorts underneath a bunch of bondage-y belts? She looks like a generic anime waifu more than a pokemon character. Like a Mega Man OC. Of one of those weird dating games where the women are just objects in female coded human form Skyla’s a humanized seatbelt.
Flying Type- Most Favorite: Falkner. Because Kahili isn’t a gym leader. Congrats, Falkner. You cute little bugger. Also he’s the only notable male flying type trainer.
Poison Type- Least Favorite: Prepare the flame shields. I don’t like Roxie. Small children as Gym Leaders bug the hell out of me. I see Gym Leaders as characters with high authority in the pokemon world. I hate the idea of kids who look like they’re only a few years out from learning the alphabet and basic mathematics having any kind of power in a region. The only exception I have is Galar because the gym leaders feel less important since they’re merely sports celebrities. ...Also I hate Roxie’s Pebbles Flintstone hair. It makes her look even more like a baby to me.
Poison Type- Most Favorite: Koga. Despite the fact I still think that he and Sabrina had their gyms switched, he’s still my favorite. He even became a member of the Elite 4 and left the gym to his daughter. I find that sweet.
Ground Type- Least Favorite: (Actually Hapu, because of reasons stated above for Roxie, except even more because this kid is a freaking KAHUNA. Why is this little mud farm girl chosen to be the KAHUNA of a whole dang island and one of the most important people in Alola? Surely the Tapus could find someone better, but then again the gods must be crazy.) Clay. Because he looks like a Texan Business Tycoon. And I’m a left-leaning American. That should probably explain things well enough. Because boy howdy do I not wanna open that can of worms. Maybe if I ever get to the point of fighting him in Black Version my opinion will change. But like I said. My real answer is Hapu. Clay just has the misfortune of being next at the bottom of the line.
Ground Type- Most Favorite: Giovanni. Because he is my mafia husbando and I am a garbage human. Have you seen a picture of the man in the “How I became a Pokemon Card” manga? Hot damn. And his newer pokemon cards? HOT DAMN.
Rock Type- Least Favorite: Gordie. This Ronaldo Fryman looking fucknugget with accessory tips from Bling Bling Boy on Johnny Test. He looks like one of those smug basement dweller types who’d call me a FEEEEEMALE if I turned him down for a date. Also his official art does the same thing I hate about Diantha’s. His knee faces more inner-forward but his foot’s pointing outward. Unless that picture’s drawn with him in mid dance spin, dude’s ankle is broken. At least he looks kind of cute when he doesn’t have his hair styled back in that douchey style. I feel like he’d yell about feemales again if I told him I thought his mom was hot. Also he’s not wearing socks with dress shoes and that should be a criminal offense.
Rock Type- Most Favorite: Roxanne is super cute. Even if she’s skirting the line of young people in positions of power she actually looks like a mature person who was ahead of her age level in school. However I will object to the idea of her being a teacher in any shape or form like in the anime. This person hasn’t even struggled through the mental ravages of puberty aint no way she should be allowed to be a teacher.
Bug Type- Least Favorite: Burgh, if only because people use him as a stereotype a lot and I hate that. Toxic masculinity is bs. MEN CAN BE FABULOUS WITHOUT BEING GAY. That said, his pants and shoes are a color crime.
Bug Type- Most Favorite: Guzma is the equivalent of a Bug Type trial captain and you will never convince me otherwise. I- what- you’re really gonna fight me on this? Fine. Bugsy. Bugsy is my precious bug-catching child. Precious baby.
Ghost Type- Least Favorite: Acerola. I’ve already stated why I hate kids in power like this. Plus I just. do not like. characters with the bubbly personality and the cat mouth. I instantly know I’m going to dislike a character the moment I see that damn catmouth. I’m not coming up with a non-trial alternative for this one. I am either neutral to or love the other ghost trainers.
Ghost Type- Most Favorite: Morty. Because 1. He’s hot. 2. He’s got a sweet scarf. 3. Agatha’s not a gym leader. :P Morty has a very nice design. After the remakes came out anyways.
Steel Type- Least Favorite: There’s only like two of these. I don’t hate Jasmine at all but she’s the only other actual gym leader of the Steel Type. So we’re gonna use Molayne anyways. Mostly because his stick-ass gangly legs give me the creeps.
Steel Type- Most Favorite: I’ve never met him but Byron looks like a miner hobo and I dig that. Plus he made Roark and Roark’s hot. (Then why isn’t Roark my favorite rock gym leader? Because not all my favorites can be because of my asexual thirst.)
Fire Type- Least Favorite: Blaine always makes me think of my grandfather and I am not that fond of my grandfather. Even though Blaine seems much much nicer and friendlier a grandpa than my actual grandfather.
Fire Type- Most Favorite: Flannery’s design is adorable and I love it. Doesn’t hurt that it’s also the kind of outfit my more pro-fire trainer would wear.
Water Type- Least Favorite: Marlon. Don’t get me wrong. Marlon’s hot. But he gets to be least favorite for lying about being a tan boy. Seriously look at that tan line around his swim suit that pastey white skin does not do his design favors.
Water Type- Most Favorite: Wallace. This one is pure thirst. Pure. Thirst. Wallace is a babe. I love everything about this fabulous bastard. Especially his hat and scarf in the remake. Especially the remake. Babe.
Grass Type- Least Favorite: Milo. I’m starting to feel like the people who design and did the art for some of these newer characters don’t know how bulkier people’s legs work. Because Milo and Gordie’s legs just look really, really wrong. These characters do not have ankles their calves just end at flat feet. Also milo’s leg is doin that broken ankle thing too. Other images don’t make them look as bad, though. Other than that I hate characters who have no whites to their eyes. It’s freaking creepy and Milo’s baby face doesn’t help. And I can not figure out the design of this guy’s eyebrows either. I know he has them but they don’t look like the anything but exist to blend with his bangs.
Grass Type- Most Favorite: Erika. I like her design a lot. I guess some of the weeb in me still exists deep in there.
Electric Type- Least Favorite: Sophocles. I just don’t like his design. At all. Only other arguments I could give are the kid with with Clemont again. That and his jumpsuit.
Electric Type- Most Favorite: Lt. Surge, Volkner, and Elesa are are great. But Elesa wins because Lt. Surge is a paranoid soldier who makes getting to him a chore and Volkner looks like he takes the same brooding pills they fed to Cloud after Final Fantasy Advent Children turned into into the broodlord. Also ‘urgh need actually challenging opponents’ characters bug me, regardless of how attractive they are.
Psychic Type- Least Favorite: Tate and Liza. But this time the main reason ISN’T because they’re babies. No, no. That’s a big reason, but even being psychics can’t save them. They have a BIG problem. The main reason for these two is that their gym team is garbage. Emerald and Black2/White2 not counting in this because of the remake being their current gym team in my eyes its just a damn solrock and lunatone! I love me Lunatone, don’t get me wrong. But damn, kids. How are you actually gym leaders with a team of pokemon that is barely suitable for the gym trainer in the first gym of the region? The only starter that can’t hit you with a super effective move is the fire starter. Being a double battle only means that I can get rid of your pokemon faster because I get to use TWO pokemon moves on my turn.
Psychic Type- Most Favorite: Olympia. Her design is absolutely beautiful. I want her dress. I want her cape. She is the black and silver space queen and she WILL BE RESPECTED IN THIS HOUSE. Even if whoever did her art doesn’t seem to realize dresses don’t slip into the navel or hug into the crotch hole. Surprised whoever drew it didn’t also add the camel-toe since they think fabric works that way. If I were her I’d strangle someone with one of those magical floaty ring bracelets. Space mom aint having non of your objectification shit.
Ice Type- Least Favorite: Candice. You live in a winter town. Your gym is an ice slide hell. Put on some goddamn pants and a coat. I’m not gonna give you any sympathy when you end up with the worst cold ever.
Ice Type- Most Favorite: Melony. She is adorable and has actual weight to her. And she loves her kids. And holy shit look at her she’s actually dressed for cold weather and ice unlike nearly every other goddamn Ice Gym Leader besides Pryce.
Dragon Type- Least Favorite: Claire is an arrogant b-witch who cant accept defeat and is worst that whitney because at least Whitney gave you your earned badge when she stopped crying like a baby. Claire refused until you did some ‘trial’ and still didn’t think she’d have to give you the badge until granddad dragon master told her to stop being a child. Also she gets more least favorite points because she’s what has prevented me from talking about how much I hate Iris here. That’s right, Claire. I dislike you so much you get MORE hate points because you prevent me from hating another character more than you.
Dragon Type- Most Favorite: Raihan is a babe and the most challenging Gym Leader I’ve ever faced. Bonus points because technically I wouldn’t call him a type-based gym leader but a strategy based leader because he focuses on weather more than dragons. Plus his “Leader Challenges You!” post makes him look a little wild.
Dark Type- Least Favorite: Marnie. Because I wanted to see her brother again so I invited him to the Championship thing and Marnie freaking cockblocked me by beating her brother in the first round. LET ME SEE YOUR BROTHER, MARNIE.
Dark Type- Most Favorite: Piers is my husband and Marnie’s just gonna have to deal with it. :P He’s super cute and his worrying over Marnie in the post game was the cutest damn thing. Plus young Piers in his rare league card is so precious and gives me life. It’s gonna take a lot of work for any other dark type trainer to top Piers.
Fairy Type- Least Favorite: Mina. I hate Mina. Lazy/Unfocused/High artist characters piss me off. Alo Mina should have been a normal type trial captain because of smeargle and the fact that Ilima has pink hair and the same huge buggy-like water eyes Valerie has. Mina even dips her damn hair in paint like Smeargle does with its tail. Mina couldn’t be assed to have an actual trial the first time around. Second time around she just made you go collect something from people you already beat.
Fairy Type- Most Favorite: Bede. If you can’t look this beautiful sparkly eye angel of a child in the eyes and find him amazing once he becomes Opal’s apprentice, you have no soul and should probably get that looked at.
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gaymingbinosaur · 4 years ago
Like I always liked lelianna with dwarf wardens and cousland because both understand the pain of betrayal. Like amell I guess would some with jowan with him lying as he put them in danger (and yes I know why and I have no hatred towards them) but there was no “I’m doing this knowing I’m going to physically hurt you” like the other three I mentioned. And I like Brosca is underrated tbh because their story would make them understand every single romance in a unique way. Like Brosca finding out their nephew I think don’t remember if the babies gender was mentioned but their niece/nephew is a potential heir to throne and is and their sister being in love with the a potential king. Might give them some understanding of being a bastard king who could very well be king. Having royal life be something that seemed like a pipe dream for them as an actual possibility. Like not my fav of the four for them but still I think there’s something there. Lelianna has the betrayal liked mention. Morrigan and brosca both have abusive moms and would probably understand their emotions about their parents better then anyone and Zevran and brosca are both forced into a criminal life styles. With zev being a slave for assassins and brosca being forced into a gang by poverty. Like yes different circumstances but I do feel that their would be no judgements for the people they killed in their past or what they were forced to do to survive. Idk I just really like brosca
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ohdizzy · 8 years ago
is taegi ur fav?? i love them together even tho there's not as much moments as i'd like..
actually taekook is my fave…. my ride or die [clenches fist] but taegi is a close second!!!!!!! 
GOD there’s something about their dynamics that brings a tear to my eye :’) 
ANON NO U GOTTA THINK POSITIVELY. because taeGI IS SO RARE, it makes it that much more [thumps chest] U KNOW WHAT I’M SAYING??/???////? no probabLY NOT BUT BEAR WITH ME ANON BECAUSE
ok. firstly, let me start off with height difference. GOD, NEED I SAY MORE????? YOONGI, PRETENDING NOT TO BE AFFECTED BY TAEHYUNG’S TOWERING HEIGHT AND TAEHYUNG SMIRKING LIKE THE SMUG BASTARD HE IS AND USING IT TO HIS ADVANTAGE BECAUSE HE LIKES “protecting his tiny cute hyung” (to which yoongi would glower and pretend he hates that but lets be real who doesnt want taehyung protecting them) 
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LIKE??? UMM?????? look at the way taehyung’s feet are resting on that lil bar while yoongi’s legs are LITERALLY DANGLING ABOVE FUCK SO FUCKING PRECIOUS AND THEIR THIGH SIZE DIFFERENCE UM can taehyung choke me with his fucking thighs  wow totally not thinking about how daddy taehyung is how much bigger tae is than yoongi uh huh nope 
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yeah but like. imagine this: taehyung shopping with jimin and buying that big old jacket and when jimin asks WHY he is buying a jacket that’s clearly five fucken sizes too big for him he like. nonchalantly shrugs his shoulders like, “yoongi gets cold easily so it’s big enough for the both of us” WOW CRY
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did someone say FUCK YEAH 
look at taehyung’s fond smile, clearly milking every moment and yoongi with his resigned acceptance of his fate. which is being coddled to death by taehyung 
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a concept: yoongi hating to be cuddled by everyone. but theres something about taehyungs hugs that arent as shitty as everyone elses (probably to do with the fact that yoongi is literally ENVELOPED by taehyung and like. snugly secured against his chest but we wont dwell on that because ill get emo) but then since he is THE mon yoongo, anti-huggist and grouch supreme, he must uphold his reputation of hating hugs. hence his oh-so-displeased nose scrunch
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another classic. a true masterpiece. mona lisa WHO? i only know this photo of taegi, thx
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AND THEN WE HAVE THE RARE PHOTO OF YOONGI HUGGING TAEHYUNG. even tho i yap on and on abt taehyung protecting yoongi with his big old size there’s something abt yoongi’s aura and general vibe that gives off the impression that he’s the one protecting tae, doesn’t it??? wow. /wipes tear away/ 
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and then TAEGI AS BOYFS/ON CUTE DATES!!!!!!!! 
did you mean; FUCK YEAH 
wow taegi in MATCHING JUMPERS AND DRINKING MATCHING DRINKS!!!!!!!!!! y’all this only happening cos taehyung has yoongi WRAPPED RIGHT AROUND HIS PINKY FINGER OK 
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orrrrrr taegi on a vaCAY together!!!!! 
“yoong. hyung. yoongles. baby. u getting my angles???” 
“yes love i’m getting ur angles” (taehyung thanks his lucky stars that his boyf does photography on the side cos that means at all times his insta is POPPING) 
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and to finish, i thought i’d finish with something that probably makes taegi for me
ok so literally, look at how SOFT yoongi is for taehyung. yeah he pretends he’s exasperated by taehyung (AND MAYBE HE IS WHEN HE GETS UP TO HIS ANTICS) but it’s this kind of fond exasperation bc seriously my man yoongletov has a soft spot for taehyung like no other AND THAT JUST FUCKING. PULLS. AT. MY. HEART. STRINGS. 
look at that love and affection and support and fondness in his eyes. he’s literally like YASSS THAT’S MY BABY SPEAKING YASSS KIM TAEHOT!!!!!! TAESEXY!!!!!!! THAT’S!!! MY!!! BOYFRIEND!!!!!!!! 
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and to finish off this something-something, here is my all-time favourite gif of taegi that pretty much sums up taegi in one go: 
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aaaaaaaaaaaaaand on that note, i’m out
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