#my fault for not knowing but like sorry for expecting people to have common sense ig
californiaquail · 1 year
cannot fucking wait to get this new covid vaccine shoot me tf up ‼️‼️
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sanzaibian · 3 months
I look at my watch, it’s already 3 PM. He is one hour late, although I feel that he’s not as much late as he is not coming.
I sigh, and go back to the locker room. I wanted to surprise him by waiting in the lobby shirtless, but after so much time loitering and being told off multiple times by the staff, I guess I must cut my losses. I knew that he wasn’t all that fussed about me wish for a second date in the gym, even if he seems to be a health nut, but still, ghosting me like that really hurts…
As I walk next to the mirrors in the locker room, I look at my body.
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Honestly, with a body like that, guys should be drooling and yearning to be my boyfriend ! Yet, when I go on Grindr to find dates, I can only find people who will take me for a quick fuck, and never agree to anything further along… And this is why, no matter how fat my muscles are, how much hair is dusted on my body, how symmetric my face is, or just… how conventionally attractive to a gay audience I may be, I find myself waiting for a whole hour for a prince charming who will never come.
With a disappointed face, I walk towards my locker. By now, it’s no use to try and squeeze in an actual workout in addition to that whole hour full of variants of nothing – not that I really want to work out at all. However, as I reach my locker, I suddenly notice Ilham standing there in gym clothes, that he has presumably just put on.
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I guess you can call him a friend ? In the barest of sense ? We do talk sometimes, only the bare minimum, but he’s always the one who leads the conversation… Well, you can’t fault me he’s so ridiculously hot without even trying, it makes me feel self-conscious even when I look how I look ! And, as if on queue, he notices my gloomy expression, and immediately confronts me about it.
“Hey Vítor ! Good workout ? Why do you look so sad like that ?” He asks, way too energetic for the situation. - Ah, it’s nothing, I had a gym date, but I was ghosted…” I answer succinctly. I don’t want to dwell on it too much. - Oh…” I can almost see the gears turning in his head, as he tries to makes sense of what I say, before he gets it. “Oh ! I’m so sorry, bro ! What a bitch to abandon you like this ! Ya know, I know a few girls I could hook you up with, I’m sure they wouldn’t do that ! - I’m sorry, girls won’t do.” I smile at his answer. “Once again, I’m gay ! - Sorry bro, I forgot again ! I swear I can make up to you !” He apologies.
He’s Azerbaijani, and due to how homosexuality is seen over there, he has a really hard time conceiving of masculine gay people. But he tries, and that’s by far the most important.
“Don’t worry, don’t worry ! But I won’t hold you up too much, especially since I already butchered my workout by waiting for him.” I urge him, as I do want to come home sooner than later. - Oh, too bad… then see you next time, bro ! Have a good afternoon ! - Have a good workout !”
He smiles to me while I wave him goodbye, visibly trying to empathize with me, before leaving the locker room in a small trot. This is how far our “friendship” goes, just simple courtesy when we see each other in the gym, which isn’t often since I don’t have a lot of time to go in the first place, and nothing beyond. I could likely try to deepen our relationship, but I feel we don’t actually have much in common, since he’s much more of a social butterfly than I’ll ever be, no matter how eager he may seem to get to know me, with all of these allusions of making me meet people or inviting me to parties.
Finally reaching my locker, I open it and find inside all my regular clothes, my phone and my other belongings, as expected. However, I also find a small piece of paper inside.
Curious, I examine it, and notice that there are actually stuff written on it. Handwritten. A secret message ? In the gym ? That’s weird…
It reads :
“You with no name and no house, do not forget who you are.”
I try to find a signature of any kind, but I do not find anything but this… warning ? poem ? I don’t really know what it’s supposed to be…
But whatever it is, it doesn’t seem to have much substance. I guess it’s not that important for me to take further notice of.
I stick the piece of paper inside my bag and take my clothes. I’m happy to have thought of taking two sets of clothing, since with loitering this long in the lobby, the staff needs to see me leaving, even if it originally was in order to have something to wear for the after-workout date. So I change, I stock everything in my bag, and leave the gym, bidding farewell to the staff at the same time.
Once I’m out of the gym, I look around to find somewhere secluded enough. I wouldn’t want to do anything in public, after all. So I walk around a bit, until I find a public bathhouse, in which I enter, since it is perfect for what I’m about to do.
See, I have quite a big secret… or rather, you know the secret, but you don’t know why it is a secret…
Suddenly, my muscles start mellowing out, my abs fading, while the rest seem to deflate. My pecs start retreating inside my body while my shoulders narrow, losing at the same time all the muscle mass making them fuse into my neck. My v-line disappears, my calves and my arms thin out, and I’m losing mass all round. At the same time, the light dusting of hair on my torso starts thinning out, just like my big beard, losing loads of length until only a few short hairs on my lip and on my chin remain. My hair also grows wildly, covering my forehead in messy coiled hair, losing any order it may have had. And as both of these processes come to an end, I lose a few centimeters of height, while my face rearranges to become more square, my facial features arrange themselves in a less symmetrical way, until it all becomes… well… not a model’s face, just a normal guy’s face.
Here is the secret : the guy that was in the gym wasn’t the real Vítor Nunes. This is the real Vítor Nunes. Just a normal guy, a bit skinny-fat, a bit twinky, a bit nerdy, but most of all an unremarkable guy. And that normal unremarkable guy gets out of his big clothes to go into his small clothes, complete with jeans and a red t-shirt. When everything is secure, I go back out to the street to head to the cafe I go to every time after the gym.
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I think I owe you an explanation.
The way I look right now is the way I always looked – well, minus aging. However, one day, about a year ago if my memory serves me right, I suddenly gained the ability to transform. I still don’t know what caused it, but all of a sudden, when I concentrate, I can change my body to reflect what I have in mind.
Of course, I’m gay, so my first instinct when I discovered this gift was to give myself big muscles, and so they magically grew. God, I loved it, it was so exciting to see my muscles swell in the mirror, it’s really a one-of-a-kind experience ! However, this is also when I learned of the limits of this power : it’s actually really uncomfortable to maintain another form for too long, especially when it’s quite far from my normal form. If you have that experience, it’s a bit like when you are in high heels, everything starts to become tricky to do (don’t ask me how I know that). That’s why when I tried to become a woman, it was so uncomfortable I could barely remain like that for a few seconds before I made my boobs go away. Therefore, while I have access to a very hot persona, I can’t maintain it forever, meaning it’s not actually that useful aside from some kind of party trick.
However, the temptation was always too strong.
I used to be a virgin, both in sex and in romance, and the dream of prince charming was a reoccurring one, especially for someone as lonely as I am. However, with this power, I could spend some time in another body, in a body in which I could look like god amongst men. And so, the Vítor Nunes you saw, the one well-thought out to be as attractive for gay men as I could think of, was born. And it’s using his body that I lost my virginity in what could be its own sub-story.
But it never went beyond that, a quick one-night stand, even though I looked very hot and not very picky. I don’t even know what I am doing wrong ! Like, sure, when I’m on dates, the other guy always wants to directly fuck, but still ! Suddenly, someone hails me.
“Hey ! Vítor ! You hear me ?”
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I’m jerked out of my thoughts, and quickly cobble an answer.
“Oh, er… hey, Satoshi ! I… didn’t notice you here ! - Well, I noticed.” He answers me, dryly.
He’s always been quite dry with me, and I don’t know why. We go to the same university, and are in the same curriculum in writing, although most of our classes reflect our different paths throughout this degree. So we talked in the few classes we had in common, but nothing more, really. I guess he’s the closest person I could classify as a “friend”, and even that is a stretch. Recently, though, he’s been acting quite weirdly. I know that he’s started attending the gym, and he’s also bleached his hair. I wonder if he is trying to impress someone or what...
“What are you doing in this part of town ?” He asks me. - Oh, I… I was just at the gym, I want to be healthier, you see…” I half-lie, hoping he will be convinced. - I see…” He looks at me, squinting. He doesn’t seem convinced. “Well, what matters is that you become the real you. Now, I’m sorry, but I need to go. Bye.”
What ? What was he mumbling ? I look at him as he continues his way opposite to where I’m heading. He seems to be in quite the hurry, I wonder where he’s heading… Recently, he hasn’t got a lot of time, I always find him almost avoiding talking to people, and always disappearing once class is dismissed. Is gym this much of a time-eater or does he also have something I don’t know of ? … N-not that it interests me this much, of course, that’s his own private life !
Ugh… To save myself from my own thoughts, I enter the cafe and go at the back of the file. When I’m finally at the counter, I go to order, before the woman behind the counter, Sandra, recognizes me. I’m a regular at this cafe, after all.
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“Hey Vítor, I didn’t expect you this early ! - Yeah, I had something to do with someone, but he never showed up.” I once again lie by omission, though I admittedly give her a more accurate picture. - Oh, I’m so sorry for you !” She brings her hand on her mouth to empathize with me. She’s always been very expressive. “But speaking of people not showing up, I’m guessing you want an americano, like usual ? - Yes ?” I answer, unsure where she’s heading with this. - Well that’s great ! Because a kind soul actually bought you one !”
Smiling, she gives me an already prepared americano, to which a piece of paper is attached, that I take with a confused look.
“And… to whom I owe the honor ?” In ask her. - Well, that person asked to remain anonymous ! But they told me that you should be able to piece together who they are thanks to this piece of paper I attached !” She answers, radiating in glee. Yeah, she also loves drama. - Okay… well, give them my thanks if you see them, I guess…”
I wave her goodbye and take place at an outside table. Another piece of paper ? It must be a coincidence, the consequences of it not being are way too scary for me to dwell on too much. Yet, when I read it, these consequences seem more and more like reality…
“For you really have a beautiful self, especially when you show your true face.”
It’s the same handwriting as the note I found at the gym ! Plus, when putting the two pieces of paper, it really does seem to be directly talking about my transformations… But who is it, and what do they want from me ? How did they find out about my secret ? And why this sudden… flirty tone ?
I sigh, and quickly drink my coffee. Due to the fact that it has already been prepared, it means that it’s a bit colder than usual, meaning it’s easier to drink. Wait… if it’s barely colder than usual… does this mean that the one having ordered it was here barely a few minutes ago ? But if it’s so, then how could they have slipped another piece of paper inside my locker ?
The caffeine starts hitting my brain, making me mull over the facts and imagine who could be the one to deliver these notes. Whoever they are, they seem to know my routine, since they knew that I would go to this cafe after the gym. It means that it’s very likely someone I know, or at least someone whose face I have already seen. They also have been witness to one of my transformations somehow, so they’ve likely hung out at the gym… or been one of my earlier dates perhaps ?
Everything is confusing, I just cannot find a way to make sense of all of that ! And… what will happen now that my secret is revealed ? Am I suddenly going to become a lab rat, as my weird condition is revealed to all ? Am I going to have to perform weird or even illegal tasks to stave off outing of my power ? Am I going to be recruited by a criminal organization in order to perform heists as an unknown person ?
Looking at my empty cup, I understand I’ve now gone too far in my thoughts. I’m likely not going to be coerced by a criminal ringleader to commit crimes. That’s ridiculous.
I dispose of my cup and head home. I’ve seen enough today, and I really need an actual break. So I take the bus, a few connecting ones until I’m finally back where I live. Before entering, I quickly go to check if there’s anything in the mailbox. And as if on queue, there is, some random account statements and other official stuff… and another of those papers.
They know where I live ! Now I can actually be scared ! For sure they’re going to make me do crimes or intern me inside a research center, I know it ! Shaking, I take out the piece of paper, and read it. It is written with the same handwriting as the others, so it confirms the fact that they do know a lot about me, but… er… eh ? Here is what it says :
“You are always worthy of love, so never forget the above.”
Wait wait wait, from the beginning, the flirty was what it was all actually about ? It is a love declaration ? … I guess it does rule out the criminal possibility… So who could it be ?
Thinking about it… It can’t be Sandra at the cafe, her shift wouldn’t let her go in the gym when I was there, and she was the one saying that they bought the coffee and left me the message. It can’t be Satoshi, although he could have bought me coffee, he couldn’t put the message in my locker, since I didn’t see him entering the gym, and he was actually walking towards the gym when I saw him. Plus, he’s so dry with me I’d think he hates me before I’d think he loves me. It can’t be Ilham, although he could have put his message in my locker before I entered, he’s currently at the gym, so he couldn’t buy me coffee. Plus, to my knowledge, he’s straight, and he’s still learning English, so he couldn’t have written such a complicated “poem”.
And I didn’t see anyone else during my little trip, so it could literally be anyone else !
But wait… looking back at the three pieces of paper, of the sequence they put together… it reminds me of something… I open my door and quickly make my way to my computer. I need to check something. To check a certain creative writing homework I had in first year.
And finding it… yes. I was correct. This is directly taken from it. The homework we did in duo back in first year of college. It’s weird… is it… really him ?
I close back up my computer, put down all of my stuff while continuing to mull over this revelation. But all of my thinking leads me to one conclusion and one only : I need to call him. So I take out my phone and do just that.
“Hello, Vítor ? Why do you call me ?” He asks, picking up almost immediately after me calling. - I just wanted to ask… do you remember our creative homework, back in first year ? - Yeah, I do, of course I do. - And… have you recently used it for anything ?”
I hear a sigh. Of course I was right.
“So you understood that it was me. I think we both have things to say to each other, so let us meet. - I guess we do.”
And so I go back out of my house, back to where it all started. Back to the gym. I walk for a bit, take a few buses, and when I’ve finally arrived, none other than Satoshi was waiting for me in front of the gym.
“Hello again, Satoshi.” I hail him. “So, you said we had to discuss ? - Yes. Let me be clear at first : I know that you have a muscular alter-ego that you can become. I don’t know why, or how, but I know you do. - How… did you know ?” I ask, a bit anxious, while he smiles at my question. - Well, you see… since the beginning of the year, you’ve been quite absent, and it made me quite worried.” He began recounting, feeling in his way of speaking way more personal and warm. “Honestly, while at first I thought to myself that you can have your own life, and that I shouldn’t interfere with it, your presence started to feel… missing.”
Huh, I didn’t know that I turned him down this much when I discovered my power. I thought that everything was just going as usual, only talking while in public transports and all… Yeah, I guess since I started going to the gym to get hookups, I changed my route after class, meaning that it overlapped less… I didn’t consider that…
“So, one day, I decided to follow you. Discreetly, of course, until you went to that gym. I… I didn’t know why you would go in there, but following you, I saw you entering a changing room… and out left a muscular man. It doesn’t take a genius to understand that it was you. - So this is how you understood that I had powers… - Yes. But this is not the end of my tale. Because I then thought of why I cared so much about you not being available. It wasn’t the first time someone would more or less abandon me out of the blue like that, but it was the first time I was this agitated. Especially because our relationship wasn’t that deep, all things considered. This lead me to the conclusion that I… er... want to spend more time with you, and made me realize that… in truth… er…” He blushes, suddenly trailing off and having a hard time to articulate clearly. “That… that I’m in love with you.”
Although I expected it, I still blush. He’s so straightforward ! And… it’s so unexpected, all things considered ! I guess I still had in mind the possibility that he was just trying to hype me up, somehow ?
“And what really angers me most,” He continues “is that you are overt there trying to be as ‘masculine’, as ‘beautiful’ or anything else to woo people, even though you’re already great the way you are ! And how you sabotage yourself by catering to this image of yourself you invented, going to the gym and all…”
I don’t know what to say. I guess I’ve been really focused in being as much of a gym rat as I could, else my cover would be ridiculous…
“Is it like that ?” I can finally manage. “That people don’t bye the muscular self I have ? - No. I- I don’t think that’s it. It’s more that you do it too well, so they don’t see you as anything more than a gym rat. I guess it all feels wrong and not personal, because it’s not you ! You’re forcing yourself to be someone you’re not ! B-but… since I have the privilege of knowing who you really are… I want to say that the real you is more. It’s beautiful, and warrants love…” He says, blushing even more. - H-how are you saying this with a straight face…” I answer, smiling, while being swept by the wave of awkwardness he radiates. - I’m not… But I really want to tell you what things really are. Because you deserve it.” He takes a large inspiration. “So. Do you want to go out with me ?”
By now, I fully knew what was coming.
And I know my answer.
“Yes, I do.”
“Hey, I’m home !” I announce, coming back home.
However, I do not find any answer to my call, even though Satoshi is supposed to come to my house this evening. He’s likely not there yet, I’m sure taken by his work, meaning that it’s going to be at least a small while until he makes it here.
I smirk. I know what to do to him. He will hate that, but it will be way too fun an opportunity to pass up. So I go to my room, completely undress, and take out some of the special clothes I still have stashed in the corner of my cupboard. In particular, I take out a very big par of jeans, the kind that would usually never fit me.
Then, all of a sudden, I feel my muscles tense up. They’re pulsating, getting progressively bigger and bigger. My pecs are the most noticeable of all of them, rounding up and sagging down in big globes attached to my torso, but everything else gains in mass. My shoulders crack as they’re pushing apart, muscles growing between them and my neck, and a light dusting of black hair starts appearing on them. They descend all over my body, on my torso, beneath my armpits, in my crotch, and on my legs. My crotch also embiggens, the hose hiding inside taking more and more place, while on the rear side my ass cheeks firm up, and gets bigger just like the pecs upstairs.
As it all happens, my face also itches, as the little hairs that are on it start growing, elongating my face at the same time. These hair grow all over my chin into a long beard, while on my lip they only grow denser. At the same time, my face rearranges to become more conventionally attractive, more symmetrical, and my hair starts shortening a bit, and becoming more well-kept.
As the last few details of my transformation arrange themselves, I put the large jeans on, not even bothering to put on underwear before that. Yup, that’s very sexy alright, he’s gonna hate that ! And so my muscular self takes place in the living room, waiting for his beloved to come.
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Because this time, I know my prince charming will come.
Hey ! A story (that was again hard to write) for the last few hours of Pride Month, if it's even still on in your part of the world ! ^^'
I hope we in the TF community can recognize all the colors of the rainbow and all the letters of the acronym, including bi (and similar identities) and trans people ! And I also hope that we can all help to build, each to our ability, a better and more tolerant world (especially in the face of the rise of hateful ideologies around the world, yes I'm quivering at the results of my elections ^^')
So yeah, happy pride, everyone !
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natailiatulls07 · 1 year
The golden trio Pt 6
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Lando Norris x female!reader
Carlos Sainz x female!reader
Max Verstappen & Female!reader & Charles Leclerc
Summary - Being bestfriends with two famous formula one drivers is never easy, but what will happen when you get involved with yet another formula one driver??
Warning - swearing, crying
A/n - 😌😋
The golden trio
username It’s been five days since Lando was caught kissing that other chick and Y/n hasn’t posted ANYTHING!!
username He has sooooo fucked up mate it’s unbelievable and by the looks of it he hasn’t done anything to apologise yet 😖
username You know I don’t think anyone has seen her leave the apartment building either, like we know Max and Charles are around but they haven’t be looking all that happy
username Yeah cause someone who is practically their little sister has been hurt time and time again!! What do you expect?
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Spotted: Y/n L/n leaving her apartment complex with both of her roommates, Max Verstappen and Charles Leclerc.
Liked by username and 1,583 others
username Lando fucking Norris you are a fucking idiot 😒
username Oh mate, she looks devastated
username She can’t get a break!!
username Did you guys see Max and Charles though?! They were so annoyed
username I hope the chick is happy, she ruined a relationship 🙄
Max Fewtrell twitch live stream
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username Anybody watched Max Fewtrells twitch this evening?? Lando??
username You can tell he’s so guilty with himself!!
username Like he was so blunt!
username He had it coming, like you can’t go around kissing another girl whilst you’re in a relationship. It’s common sense.
Text (White: Reader) (Red: Carlos)
Hey, I heard about what happened with Lando I’m sorry
Yeah these things happen, it’s not your fault
Look I have a idea but you can back out if you want totally your choice
Ok?? Go on
So I’ve was thinking if we could date until Lando gets jealous
Oh right…
Please don’t feel like you have to do this tho
Sure I’ll do it, I don’t want to let him down easily
Perfect! So should we go on a date tomorrow night and make sure people see??
Yeah that’ll be a good idea, the gossip instagrams just love to post about me so it’ll spread fast
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Spotted: Y/n L/n and Carlos Sainz, former McLaren teammate of Lando Norris, seen on what seems to be a date in Monte Carlo this evening. It has been a few days since Lando Norris, who seems to Y/n’s ex now, was seen kissing another girl.
Liked by yourusername and 3,263 others
username Mr Norris what will you do now??
username She really said get even bitch 😚
~~ Liked by yourusername
username Ooooo more gossip more gossip!!!
username Yk I would sell my kidney to see what is going on behind the closed doors 👀
username Y/n in her reputation era??
username Yk, Idk what to think??
Gossip Groupchat (White: Reader) (Blue: Max) (Red: Charles)
Hey Bee…
Yeah I’d everything ok?
Um Lando is currently stood in our living room, pestering Charles on where you are…😬
Why? Ask him why he’s there!
Seen 2 minutes ago
Yk I don’t like the fact that it’s taking forever!
He is here to apologise, he feels horrible and I think he means it
Well tell him that I am busy and that he should consider this relationship done
Ok soooo he’s gone but
I don’t think he was very happy that you are completely blocking him out, more angry in my opinion
Look that’s his problem, you can’t go around kissing other girls whilst you’re in a relationship it’s common fucking sense
Ok, what time are you coming back tonight?
Around 9pm, Carlos has a flight in the morning
See you then Bee
Bye guys
Bye Bee
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Since Y/n’s date this evening we have noticed that the former couple have both gone and unfollowed each other on instagram and other socials. Maybe the ship has really sailed away.
Liked username and 2,583 others
username Oh Shit!
username So that really does mean…
username No I can’t do this, nope not today 😭
username True love? Yeah no that doesn’t exist
username What do we do now?!?! 😰
username Friends to Lovers to Enemies 🥺
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But now you’re on your knees while I’m wrapped up in his sheets 😚
Tagged: carlossainz55
Liked by carlossainz55 and 75,925 others
username MISS GIRL!!!
username Karma really is a bitch!
carlossainz55 ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
= yourusername 😋😋😋
username Lando you know this is about you!!!
~~ Liked by yourusername
username Loving this whole thing!!!!!
username She moved onto a real man, not a little boy. Well deserved!
Tag list: @eviethetheatrefreak @janeholt3 @raizelchrysanderoctavius @namelesssav @amalialeclerc @eugene-emt-roe @skepvids @ravisinghs-wife @bellaturner @roseseraj
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dark-frosted-heart · 2 months
Roger Barel Main Route - Chapter 2
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As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this. I’m doing this for archiving purposes and you can probably find a better translation out there.
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Roger: …Yeah, last night was pretty hot, wasn’t it lil’ lady?
(N-no way…Me and Roger?)
Just the thought of what could’ve happened in bed set my face ablaze.
Kate: Thank you for bringing me back. I’m sorry for the trouble… But…to make a move on someone drunk
(Sure it’s my fault for not remembering what happened last night, but still…)
Unable to deal with this embarrassment, I scowled at Roger.
Roger: Sorry for any outrageous expectations you had, but I didn’t do any of that to you.
Kate: Right, I let my guard down and was eaten up…what? You didn’t…?
Roger: Yeah. The moment Ellis and I brought you here, you threw up.
Kate: …I threw up?
Roger: Yeah. Violently.
I froze, eyes wide, as I realized that something even more shameful happened.
Roger: But don’t you worry. Ellis had the sense to call a maid to undress you.
Kate: …Then why are you dressed like that, Roger?
(Also earlier…)
Kate: Didn’t you say that “last night was pretty hot”!
Roger: I was gonna leave after you fell asleep. But you grabbed my shirt like it was your favorite stuffed toy and wouldn’t let go. So I had no choice but to sleep here. It was “hot” last night ‘cause of your high body heat.
(Um…so that means I got drunk and caused trouble for others?)
Kate: I am so terribly sorry…!
I bowed on the bed while still wrapped up in the sheets.
Roger: …I thought so.
(You thought what?)
He suddenly grabbed my chin and our eyes met.
Kate: …??
Roger: Had been thinking about it, but…you’re like a dog.
Kate: Dog?
Roger: You’re just like my corgi back at home. He barks and yaps, digs his own grave, and makes himself sad. Just like you.
Kate: Wha?!
Roger: Haha, show me that pitiful face. I couldn’t see well without my glasses on.
Kate: Then put your glasses on?! Or rather, you’re too close. Please let go of me, now.
Roger: I get more fired up when someone tells me no or says they don’t want to.
Provoked, I was about to start whining like Roger’s corgi…when someone knocked on the door.
Liam’s voice: Kate, are you awake? I made breakfast that’s easy to eat after drinking if you want it?
Harrison’s voice: No response. I wonder if she’s lying dead inside right now. They say that the day after drinking a lot is dangerous.
Liam’s voice: What?! Kate, Kate, are you alive?!
I could hear Liam and Harrison from the other side of the door.
(They came to check on me because they were worried. B-but…)
I wanted to open the door, but I wasn’t wearing anything.
Worse…Roger’s here.
Roger: You’ve only been here a week, but everyone already likes you.
Kate: Now’s not the time for that!
(What sort of misunderstanding would they have if they saw Roger half-naked in my room…)
Liam’s voice: If anything happened to Kate, I’d…Sorry, I’m coming in.
Kate: Ah.
Roger: Haha. They’ve seen everything.
(...This is the worst)
To be honest, I wish I could forget everything that happened after the door opened.
When Liam and Harrison saw Roger and me on the bed, they froze like statues and I spent half an hour frantically explaining that “nothing happened last night between us.”
—Finally clearing up the misunderstanding, we sat down for breakfast.
Roger: Glad everything was cleared up, lil’ lady. The way you tried to explain yourself was adorable.
Kate: …And whose fault was it that I had to explain myself.
Roger: I wonder. Let me know if you find out?
(Ugh, he has a comeback for everything)
(I’d like to withdraw the thought that he was a mature older brother with common sense…)
And correct it to…Roger’s an extremely egotistical person who’s a bully, pushy, and treats people like dogs.
But it’s definitely thanks to Roger that this fruit sandwich I’m having for breakfast tastes delicious again and that I have the energy to argue.
(I don’t know if I should feel happy or frustrated)
Kate: Huh? Now that I think about it, it’s rare to see everyone together today.
Elbert: Yeah…Because Victor called us.
At that moment, light footsteps were heard coming into the dining room.
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Victor: Good morning my beloved Cursed Ones and Fairytale Master!
Harrison: You’re too loud.
Victor: I’ve gathered you all here today to discuss something important.
(Discuss something important? What could it be…)
The usually cheerful Victor looked serious.
Victor: Am I making Kate work too hard?
Kate: ……Excuse me?
Victor: I’m the one that made you Fairytale Keeper and asked you to record Crown’s evil deeds! But I can’t possibly imagine the burden it must be to record all nine members. It was a huge oversight on my part. So we’re now going to have a contest for the rights to an exclusive Fairytale Keeper. Yay!
Kate: Exclusive Fairytale Keeper…contest?
Harrison: That topic came out of nowhere that it’s hard to keep up. In short, you’re going to be the personal Fairytale Keeper to one of us.
Kate: I see. Thanks for the simple explanation.
Liam: I want you to be my exclusive Fairytale Keeper. Then I’d always be with you.
Ellis: If you become mine…will you be happy? I’ll do my best then.
They each had their own motives, but were all interested and fought over the kind of contest.
Victor: Tada! I made this just in case something like this ever happened.
(This is…)
Victor: A fair and square ladder lottery*.
With the lottery, it was decided that the contest was going to be arm wrestling— 
Victor: And the winner is—Roger Barel!
Roger: Well, it was bound to happen. Their muscles are just for show. The only one looking bony was Ellis.
The tournament became everyone else vs Roger, with the goal of beating him.
Despite never taking a break, Roger won one game after another, winning them all.
Also Jude was given a forfeit since he disappeared half-way through.
Roger: Now then, lil’ lady. I wanted you to be my exclusive Fairytale Master no matter what, you know?
He looked at me so passionately that my heart skipped a beat.
(What reason did Roger want me to be his exclusive…)
Roger: Organizing materials and helping me with research and investigations…Research is a lot of work. I’m in a situation where I’m gonna a hand from a dog. I’m counting on you, Kate.
(Hm? …Dog?)
Kate: So you’re saying…you need a dogsbody?
That sly grin gave a clear answer…
(You are the worst…!)
A few hours later, Roger was in the palace office with investigation reports in hand, along with Victor and William.
Roger: Victor. These are the results of the analysis on the illegal marijuana seized during a recent mission that you asked me to do.
Victor: Thank you. Your quick work’s always a big help.
Roger:  By the way, I wanna ask why you rigged the lottery to arm wrestling so that I’d win.
William: Haha…see Victor. Roger’s a sharp man. It’s best to confess.
Facing blood-red eyes full of amusement, Victor held his hands up in defeat.
Victor: I surrender. I’ll confess. To tell you the truth, I’m still wary of Vogel. They publicly claim that they want to deepen our friendship, but I’m certain that they have other motives. Should they plan to harm us in any way… You know who they would go after first, right?
Roger: …Our lovely Fairytale Keeper.
Victor: Yes. Therefore I thought you’d be the best to protect her. You always keep your composure and you’ve got a strong arm.
Roger: Thanks. But in the end, it all depends on the person themself. I can only do so much.
William: Is that a no then?
Roger: No…I’ll look after her for the time being. Been needing a dogsbody you know?
With some sort of hidden meaning in his words, Roger agreed to their proposal.
Roger: Oh right, you can transfer the remuneration for the report later. See ya.
A steady man never forgets to mention that before leaving.
Victor: Roger really is a shrewd and rational man.
William: Vic, like Vogel, you haven’t revealed everything yet. …What’s the “other purpose” for having Roger and Kate work together?
Victor: Roger’s a strong man. Not just physically and mentally, but he’s also someone that can survive all on his own.
William: Perhaps. I’ve never seen him distressed or depressed.
Victor: It’s wonderful to be unshakeable. However—Unpredictable chemical changes is what makes life so interesting.
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William: So you paired the two to satisfy your own curiosity? Ahahaha, you’re as terrible as ever.
Victor: You don’t need to tell me that. You know I’m not a good person.
William: Yes, to your very core.
After becoming Roger’s exclusive Fairytale Master, I was assigned to organizing his basement lab.
Kate: I don’t think this is in a Fairytale Master’s job description.
Seeing the books scattered everywhere and piles of paper on the desk, I glanced at Roger.
Roger: A Fairytale Master should get a variety of perspectives so that time isn’t wasted.
That’s a stretch
Are you trying to win me over? 
That may be true +4 +4
Kate: That…may as well be true.
Roger: Your honesty’s a virtue.
Kate: Did you say something?
Roger: Nothing. Come one, let’s get to work.
The lab was filled with an extensive amount of medical books, equipment, and chemicals that I’ve never even seen before.
(It’s pretty amazing…)
Roger used to be a doctor and had been treating the members’ injuries since joining Crown.
He still continued with his research and trials, and some of the books had difficult to understand titles.
(...What exactly is Roger researching?)
One by one, I picked books off a stack and shelved them by subject.
(Um, this is anatomy so…it goes here)
The moment I reached for the shelf, I felt a presence behind me.
The warmth on my back was obviously his pecs…
Kate: Roger, you can’t just go around touching someone just because no one’s around!
Sandwiched between the shelf and Roger, I wobbled around in place to face him. His eyes were narrowed in displeasure as he placed a hand on the top shelf.
Roger: You know you can stop treating people like starving beasts like you did the other day. I just wanted to get this book off your head.
(Um…so I misunderstood?)
Roger: Well…you do look pretty good though.
Kate: …
I gasped when Roger took advantage of my confusion and closed the distance between us.
…But then stepped away.
Roger: I quit. It’s gonna be too much trouble.
Kate: Future trouble?
Roger: Kate. Do you think romantic love exists in this world?
I’m sure every adult has thought about love.
But I’ve never thought about its “existence”.
Kate: I think there are people who don’t fall in love. But if you’re asking if it exists, it does, doesn’t it?
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Roger: That’s the general consensus. However, I believe that romantic love doesn't exist in this world. What you call romantic love’s just a dysfunction of the brain or a misunderstanding caused by sexual desire.
I suddenly remembered the book I had picked up earlier, “Functional Anatomy and Maturation Process of the Brain”.
(Love can be explained through the brain’s structure, right…?)
Kate: But if romantic love’s not a dysfunction or misunderstanding…
Roger: There’s no rational explanation for it at the moment. You can’t separate love from human society, but it’s never been proven. I don’t believe in or value anything that can’t be proven through science or medicine.
Kate: So, then when you…
Roger: When I do it, it’s for release. Once it’s done, that’s it. We mutually agree on no repeats.
Kate: T-that’s to the point.
(But that’s typical of Roger with his rational mindset that doesn’t like pointless things)
Roger: Well, having said that, I’ll play with you for as long as I can if you’re fine with it. Ah, but you’ll have to keep it a secret from the rest of Crown.
His somewhat seductive smile sent my heart racing.
Kate: I’ll pass.
Roger: Haha, how boring.
Currently, my goal was to complete my job as Fairytale Keeper safely. There was no time to think about love.
(No one can predict how people fall in love with each other)
(Meaning it’s not impossible, but)
There’s no way Roger and I would fall in love…I think
—Yeah, biggest and only goal at the moment was to complete my job as Fairytale Keeper safely.
The day after I became Roger’s personal Fairytale Keeper was when my job started.
My first assignment…was to infiltrate a “death party”.
*Stealing a tears of themis ladder lottery example
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Dogsbody is British slang for someone who does menial tasks. Not related to a dog itself, but still kinda fitting?
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konigsblog · 1 year
Ok I saw something involving incest and I think it’s come to the point where I have to unfollow. I’m sorry but when this blog first started getting popular it was okay with normal kinks and things that were popular within the fan base to begin with but now it’s just gotten extremely pervy and this isn’t what I signed on for. Honestly maybe take a step back. I know we shouldn’t kinkshame anyone or anything but this is getting to incredibly pervy territory and I can no longer support this or anyone else in the COD fan base who supports this weird stuff. Furry, incest, and most bizarre to me given the actual cannon lore of some of the characters- CNC??? Like bffr guys ghost would never be into something like that and it’s blogs and fans like this who are ruining ghost for everyone else. Jesus Christ.
why are you following me if you don't like the stuff i post? no one forced you to, that's on you. 🤷‍♀️
ive mentioned multiple times times the wai k write characters isn't how i view/portray them, so your point is pretty useless there
“this isn't what i signed on for” yet my blog has always been dark content, you knew what you were getting into, that's your own fault for continuing to follow
and i don't even write furry, incest or CNC so that was just pointless to bring up while talking about MY blog
“incredibly pervy territory” no way.. it's almost like my blog is pretty known for being perverted with dark content... what a shocker when a blog that's always posted about dark content actually posts dark content...
idk why you had to say this !! just unfollow 😮‍💨
edit: how is this ruining ghost for everyone else? most people who like ghost and are uncomfy with what i post would block me or scroll, but you just chose to continue reading. what did you expect to see when you saw that this blog was dark content? rainbows and butterflies? no, course you wouldn't, use your common sense and think about what you're getting yourself into..
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againkari · 3 months
obey me brothers as winx club characters ('cause i can and i will)
lucifer: he gives me strong aisha/leila vibes. in the s1 he didn't like mc much and saw them as a threat to his family. this REALLY remind me of aisha attutide towards nabu in s3. also they both very independent and might seem too cold at first glance but actually they care deeply about their dear ones and would trade the world for them. i also think that lucifer as much as aisha (but for other reasons) might be afraid of loneliness, he is family man after all. they wouldn't be friends but would have respect for each other. though aisha might think that luvifer is still an asshole
mammon: look me in the eyes and say that he isn't bloom. they are both impulsive and have this main character vibe. fear of being not enough/either too much for their family/friends. i adore and love mammon and bloom the most from both fandoms so maybe i just simply biased. oh and i want to remind that they are both secret NERDS (bloom's obsession with fairies before she became the one and mammon is canonicaly harry potter huge fan). they DEFINITELY would be friends, i can see bloom befriend my sweet boy and them both ending in some life dangerous adventure.
levi: that's pretty expected but yeah, tecna. people often don't understand them because they may seem to close off or distant. others aslo might underestimate them or find them weird because of their hobbies. they wouldn't become friends because levi would be too shy/scared to approach tecna and she on other side wouldn't see the reason for communication. though if she learns about these games (where brothers and mc always end up trapped in) she would be really interested and would try to start a converstaion.
satan: that's a hard one... but i guess he is something in between musa and bloom. trust issues and parents issues (for satan, i mean obviously lucifer and for musa it's both her parents). in the first 3 seasons musa was a punk/tomboy type and it have something common with satan's rebellious type of behavior towards lucifer. also satan would clearly be impressed by her singing skills, talent and fact that this girl can play any musical instrument. but there also bloom's rage that have nothing in comparison with any other's of winx club and, again, parents issues (though, for another reason). and i think satan also have main character vibe
asmo: yes i know it quite obvious but stella. like, absolutely. they are both fashion icons and celebrities. they definitely would be friends and would gossip about EVERYTHING. asmo and stella would like each other's sense of fashion and would go shopping together. they also deep insecure and afraid/believe that peolple see only their beauty. they both have this suss behavior and funny coments towards people they don't like.
beel: oh he is so flora coded, for real. they are both sweethearts who just don't like to be loud or mean towards other people. they othen fill the role of mediator in heated arguments. but they can stand they ground when there is a need for this, especially if this is about something or someone they care about. they are teddy bear of man and a flower girl but they can and will destroy you if you try to hurt their family or friends (or talk bad about food or plants... that's also an option)
belphie: he is brat. there is no brats in winx club. im sorry that's not my fault. still love him though
barbatos is a griselda and diavolo is faragonda, the dynamic is the same.
simeon is daphne. sweet and caring mentor
luke is mirta!! i would kill for them
solomon is griffin (shady ones)
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brontekotlcyan · 3 months
Okay so i wrote the Solreef family fanfic. Its very short and surprisingly tragic. Fic under the cut.
He couldn't shake that feeling. The feeling that everything was going to collapse again. Tiergan fiddled with his beaten-up rings, contemplating his life choices as a quiet melody played in the background.
This somewhat peaceful scence was quickly abrubted as someone bust through the front door. Tiergan jumped up, expecting a battle to commence, but it wasn't a Neverseen member at his door, rather a dripping wet linh.
Tiergan immediately assumed she had flooded her parents house again, or something along the lines of that. Except... She was wrapped in a towel. How peculiar.
As she cried, Linh spoke, "I was just in the shower when the hot water ran out- I didn't care but about two minutes later I heard my mother banging on the door. She yelled through the door, There better be hot water left!" Linh stopped for a minute to catch her breath, then continued, "I was immediately scared, so I told her a feeble no...then she unlocked the door with an old metal button! I was exposed-obviously and this shock caused me to instinctively propell water at her, before I could tell what had happened, I was being pulled put of the shower without a towel." Linh fidgeted with her towel, gulping down the knot in her throat. 
"Then she started yelling about how I was a good for nothing child who deserved to die abandoned and alone...she went on to say how much she hated me and my uncontrollable ability, and-" Before she could find the power to continue, she was weeping again.
Tiergan was astonished- but at the same time unsurprisied. How could parents be so hurtful to their children when it's all some people want...? During the crying fest, Wylie had heard and was now at the bottom of the staircase, mouth a gape. (He was visiting Tiergan, like he did nearly every day.)
"Uhm. That is completely unacceptable! How could she do that? Hold on." Wylie said. 
"I'm sorry for coming her unannounced, but I just couldn't bear being around them any longer." Linh muttered through sobs.
"No- It's fine. You can come over anytime." Tiergan told her.
"Do you want me to give them a piece of my mind?"
Linh half-smiled, "No thanks. I'll probably have to be back over there in a while anyways..."
Wylie called Linh from one of the downstairs bedrooms. She walked over, with tears still rolling down her cheeks. Tiergans anger was rising. People just didn't have any critical thinking skills. Never mind common sense. 
Within two minutes, Linh was back and fully clothed, Wylie had found some stuff to fit her. 
Linhs silver-tipped hair was like a satin curtain as she looked at the floor.
"You can stay you know. For however long you want." Tiergan offered her. Linh did a couple little sniffles,
"Could I stay for a couple of hours...?" 
"Of course."
A couple of hours later, Linh was all dry and wrapped in a blanket Tiergan had given her. Prentice had arrived and he and Tiergan were discussing which Star Wars film was the best.
"Yeah I don't care if it has walking robots. That's not as good as Darth Vader turning to the light side!"
"That's exactly what an uncultured person would say. Hmh."
Wylie was watching them, smirking while sipping on cinnacreme. Eventually they stopped fighting and decided to watch The Last Jedi. They all loved Star Wars. It was one of Tiergans comforts, mostly because it was a distraction from everything going on around him.
It was dark now, and all four of them watched the movie peacefully. But Linh's mind was still running. Tam would come back any minute. She couldn't bare to face him. She just wanted things to go back to how they were. She wanted loving parents.
Meanwhile, Tiergan was glancing at his 'family' none of them were his. Linh, Wylie and Prentice would have to go home eventually...and he'd be alone again. Tears swelled in his eyes but he knew he had to force them back. It was his own fault for never making an effort to find a wife. But at the same time, Wylie was thinking about how safe he felt in this make-shift family.
Within the next few hours, everyone had gone home and Tam and Rayni had arrived. Tiergan used to love Tam like a son, but now he was even more closed off and obviously struggling. But Tiergan didn't want to push too far.
Tiergan lay in his bed, the stomach pain had come back and he just wanted someone to be there for him. He wanted a hug. Or for someone to tell him how much he means to them. He stared at his gilded curtains. Wishing the pain would end. It wouldn't. Eventually Tiergan fell into sleep, hoping the next day would be some improvement.
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Hello, twins asking! ( •ᴗ•)⸝🍵 ☕️⸜(•ᴗ• )
I L-O-V-E-D this the moment I saw it, everything looks really cool!!!! So I showed it to my brother and we both started gushing about it.
Since you don't mind answering questions, I would love to know if the game will have the option to indulge their yandere tendencies? I love Xenos, he would just need to bat his eyelashes for me to smooch him, even if he just admitted to killing a whole group of people (ง ˃ ³ ˂)ว ⁼³₌₃⁼³ ~ Coffee
Following what Coffee said, I was wondering... I saw that they all have different stats for jealousy levels, which is interesting!✧*。Anyway, my question was, how would their different personalities play into how they acted when, you know, losing their shit? Like, full on yandere mode! (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧ ~ Tea
Hello! Thank you for sending in an ask! I'm so glad you like my game so far, and I'm super excited for it to come out! After reading your ask, I literally had a giant smile on my face!
The whole reason I made this game was so people could choose their personality and how they want to react to a yandere. What gave me this idea is when I was reading fanfics I always saw people complaining about the MC so I really want this game to be like choose your own character type kind of thing. And tbh right now Xenos is one of my favorites and I would give him everything so OF COURSE there will be options to indulge them :3
Each character I made after a certain type of personality so you get the full Yandere experience, Which means varying levels of jealousy and other things ;)
Apollo, in his delusional state, is quick to feel betrayed and insecure, especially when things don’t go the way he imagines. His mind spirals into irrational conclusions, leaving him in a whirlwind of confusion and hurt. In these moments, he’s like a puppy desperately seeking reassurance. But no matter how much pain he feels, he’ll never direct the blame at you. To him, you’re flawless, untouchable. Instead, he turns on himself and those around him, lashing out with accusations. He'll say things like, "They must’ve tricked you," or, "It’s all their fault!" He becomes his own worst critic, convinced that he must be the one who’s not good enough, or that everyone else is conspiring against your love. Yet through it all, in his mind, you remain perfect—beyond reproach, untouched by his anger, the center of his affection.
Soren, on the other hand, has two sides. His sadistic side where It doesn’t matter if it’s not your fault—he finds a twisted pleasure in watching you squirm under his accusations. His sadistic tendencies ensure that punishment is inevitable, and while he might take his frustrations out on you, there’s no need to worry about your pretty face. Soren values beauty too much to mar it, but that doesn’t mean you’ll get off easily. His temper flares unpredictably, much like Xenos, and when he lashes out, it’s with a dangerous mix of frustration and cruelty. He might bind you, lock you away, or even subject you to mental torment, always ensuring you’re aware of who’s in control, but the surface will remain unscathed—after all, you’re his pretty little thing.
Soren his most common side is where he manipulates you. If he senses you drifting away, he’ll break down, tears streaming down his face as he pleads for your attention. His soft, angelic appearance makes it easy for you to feel sorry for him, to comfort him despite your better judgment. In those moments, he knows exactly how to make you fall back into his grasp, using every bit of his charm to ensure you stay right where he wants you. His manipulative side is just as dangerous as his sadism—he plays both roles effortlessly, depending on what keeps you in his collection.
Lynx, in all his arrogance, expects nothing less than complete devotion. In his mind, you belong to him—his possession, his plaything—but he’d never admit it openly. Instead, he hides behind layers of pride and tsundere denial, acting as if your existence is merely to serve him and fulfill his every whim. You’re there to do his bidding, cater to his needs, and he’ll rarely give you the satisfaction of knowing just how much he actually cares.
When jealousy strikes, that’s when his true feelings bubble to the surface, though he’ll never express it in any way other than through sharp words. He’ll lash out, insulting you in that indirect, roundabout way of his. Maybe it’s something like, "Why would I care what you do? It’s not like you’re important or anything," or a sarcastic comment meant to remind you of your place. It’s his way of asserting control, of letting you know that he’s the one in charge, and you’re his. But deep down, you might catch a glimpse of the truth—the possessiveness hidden behind his words, the flicker of insecurity that drives his cruel tongue.
Xenos is the embodiment of obsession, always lurking in the shadows, watching your every move with a twisted sense of fascination. He prefers to stay hidden, observing from afar as he documents every detail of your life. His favorite pastime? Playing little tricks on you, just to see your adorable reactions. Maybe it's something as simple as moving your belongings or sending anonymous messages, but he lives for the moments when your confusion shows on your face, savoring every expression as if it's a personal gift.
However, when jealousy consumes him, his calm facade cracks wide open. Much like Kanto from Diabolik Lovers, Xenos doesn't handle jealousy well—he’s far too emotionally unstable. He’ll lash out in a childish fit of frustration, screaming and crying as if the world’s crashing down. His tantrums are unpredictable, full of wild accusations and irrational behavior, all fueled by the fear of losing his obsession.
Nox is perhaps the most overprotective among them, making him seem like the tamest at first glance. His primary concern is your safety, and he genuinely believes that no one can care for you as well as he can. Nox doesn't outwardly display jealousy; in fact, he convinces himself that he's not jealous at all. But actions speak louder than words. He might subtly isolate you from others under the guise of protection, insisting that the world is too dangerous for someone as precious as you.
When he locks you away, it's not out of malice but out of a twisted sense of love and duty. "It's for your own good," he'll say softly, assuring you that this is the only way to keep you safe from all the bad creatures out there. His demeanor is gentle, his touch soft, making it easy to overlook the fact that you're essentially a prisoner in his care. Nox creates a comfortable environment for you, tending to your needs and lavishing you with attention. He might bring you your favorite books, cook your favorite meals, and spend hours engaging in conversations to keep you content.
Deep down, Nox struggles with the fear of losing you to the dangers he perceives in the world—or perhaps to others who might win your affection. He masks his insecurities by focusing on your well-being, convincing both you and himself that his actions are justified. In his mind, he's your guardian angel, the only one capable of ensuring your happiness and safety. While he doesn't throw fits of jealousy like others might, his overprotectiveness is a cage wrapped in kindness.
Kaine is the ultimate flirt, always playful and teasing, never seeming to take anything too seriously. His charm is effortless, and he thrives on the reactions he gets, especially when he makes you blush or sends a shiver down your spine. It’s a game to him—he’ll scare you just enough to have you running straight into his arms, unaware that he’s the danger you should be fleeing from. The thrill of seeing fear flash in your eyes is something he relishes, and unlike others, he’s not subtle about it. He openly adores how vulnerable you become in those moments, how easy it is for him to slip in and play the hero to the very terror he creates.
While Kaine shares a sadistic streak with Soren, he’s far more forward about it. He doesn't hide behind tears or manipulative tactics; he sees no need to. In his mind, he doesn’t have to play mind games to make you his. He’s confident—perhaps even cocky—in his ability to get what he wants without resorting to deception. He believes he can break you down, piece by piece, and mold you into his perfect, compliant doll with nothing more than his charm and his sadistic tendencies.
Kaine’s affection is fierce and dangerous, but he’ll never hide it. He’ll show you exactly how much he enjoys your fear, how much it excites him to see you squirm, all while flashing that irresistible smile. There’s no need for manipulation when he can so easily bend you to his will with a mere glance or whispered word. His goal isn’t just to own you; it’s to reshape you, to transform you into his ideal creation—a perfect doll that responds to his every whim, trapped by the very affection that feels both comforting and terrifying.
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indigosabyss · 6 months
Unexpected Baggage Pt 4
They had scarcely been fished out of the ocean and given towels to dry themselves off when Charles was already herding Erik towards Raven.
"This is my sister." He explained quickly, as the two sized each other up. She's like us, he added mentally, sensing Erik's defensiveness.
Erik pinned him with a look, "Is that your only trick?" He asked. 
Charles shrugged, "More or less, I can read people's thoughts."
He didn't spend much time dwelling on the more malicious uses for his abilities.
Erik continued looking at him with a considering look, gears turning in his head.
Before he could give into his urge to look deeper than just vague impressions, Erik asked him outright, "Is there a range? For how far you can read a person?"
"Uh, well, I never tried to experiment much, but I'd say a mile? Maybe??" He hazarded to guess, unsure what Erik meant by the question.
"Why're you asking?" Raven asked bluntly.
Erik looked at her again, "I need help finding someone."
Charles licked his lips, "Well, in that case, I'm sorry, but I can't help you. I know what you'll do to the unlucky fellow when you find them."
Erik huffed a laugh, "I'm not going to kill them. I know how to find my targets by myself. This is a favor to someone else."
"Someone not hellbent on vengeance?" Charles asked. Somehow he doubted Erik socialized much outside of that circle.
"Yes." Erik agreed emphatically, "She's waiting on the docks and needs help from someone like you. I'll introduce you when we get back to shore."
Raven and Charles looked at each other, and Raven shrugged in whats-the-harm way.
[this got longer than expected, so the rest is under the cut]
Back on shore, Charles convinced their CIA escort to let them slip away from the hubbub, letting Erik lead the way towards the dark containers.
"She's around here somewhere." Erik assured them distractedly, cupping his hands around his mouth, "Kamala!"
A consciousness nearby sparked in recognition at the call. Charles turned at the right time to see a person walking up to them.
On first look, she was a young girl, perhaps in her mid teens, and on the shorter side if that. She was also radiating amusement.
"Hey, Erik." She said between laughs, "I saw the Coast Guard got called in. What happened to me being a liability?"
"The Coast Guard wasn't my fault." Erik told her crisply, "And you would have alerted them faster if you came with me."
"Alright, Mr 'I Am The Night, I Am Vengeance'." She put on a growly voice before collapsing into peels of laughter.
"I never said that." Erik ducked away to clarify to Charles, before shaking his head at her, "I brought these people to help you find your friend, but if you're just going to laugh at me-"
"Wait, really?" The girl gravitated towards them, hopping slightly in place, "Hi! How're you planning to do that? Why's Erik trusting you with this? What're your names? I'm Kamala Khan, by the way."
"Raven." She was grinning as she shook the new girl's hand.
"Charles Xavier." He repeated the greeting, "And Erik has been very accommodating of us because we all have a commonality."
Kamala squinted at them, "You all... hate Shaw." She guessed.
"No." Though goodness knew the man deserved to be hated, with what he saw in Erik's mind, "We all have a mutation in our genes which allows us incredible powers."
There was a faraway look in Kamala's eyes as she muttered, "Holy shit. Bruno was right?"
"Kamala has powers too." Erik cut in, "There's a lot going on with her except that, too, but she's a mutant."
"Oh?" Raven cocked her head, "What can you do?"
Kamala beamed, and held up her right hand into a fist.
A layer of purple light began to flow over the hand, fluid for barely a moment before it was crystallizing into a brightly glowing solid. A translucent shell under which he could still see the normal flesh and blood.
But it didn't end there.
The glowing fist began to expand, until it was about the size of a bowling ball. Kamala frowned in concentration as she opened the fist, flexing each finger, before stretching it forward to poke Charles.
The construct was a sharp contrast of warm and cold, and the contact was surprisingly solid, sending him stumbling back an inch.
Raven let out a shocked laugh, "That's a good trick."
Kamala beamed again. Literally, this time. The purplish glow had formed a halo around her face. 
For the last eighteen years, Raven had been his only proof that there were others like him in the world. That mutants weren't a far off hypothetical. And now in short order Charles had found five others, two of which were on his side.
It was a heady feeling.
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ultimate-weirdo-tk · 3 months
Re-introduction Post~✨
Hello there, everybody! So... This is my third attempt trying to come back to Tumblr.
Many years passed by and I feel like this blog needs some changes, since I don't feel like I connect to my past self anymore. Hopefuly, my social anxiety won't get in the way this time.
Anywho, we're here to reintroduce ourselves, right? Then let's waste no more time!
Who am I?
For those who don't know me, I'm Ultimate Weirdo, but you can call me UTK for short.
I'm a sfw tickle artist who makes silly fluffy drawings just for fun and comfort.
If you're not interested in this type of content, you might aswell visit my normal account:
Where I also post drawings that aren't tickle related.
If don't, you're free to explore around other Tumblrs that might be of your liking. Everyone has their own tastes and that's ok!
Where did the fandom list go?
I figured I don't wish to have a fandom list for many reasons.
But the main ones are that I'm in way too many fandoms to name, and the other one is that I prefear focusing my blog in my current fixation at that moment.
Note: My current fixation will always be stated in my blog's description, and will vary depending on the fandom I'm in at the moment.
Also, English is NOT my main language, so I apologize for any misspellings.
Things I do support and don't support in this blog
Some of the things supported in this blog are:
•OC x Canon
•Self Insert x Canon
•LGTBIQ+ Community
•SFW Tickling
•Alternative Universes
•And many more!
Things that I will NOT be supporting:
•Animal Abuse
•Any kind of Political Topics (Srry but this blog is to keep your mind away from the real world for a few minutes. Reality sucks so bad)
•And pretty much any other common sense stuff that is considered immoral
When will you be posting?
Only God knows. After a couple of tries of coming back to Tumblr (Each of them failing misserably), I've come to the realization that I will post whenever I feel like it.
I'm awful when it comes to managing my time and schedules, so you can expect a post coming out of absolutely nowhere in the least expected time.
Did I read "Social Anxiety" up there?
Yes you did, my friend. I really need to state this and it's quite important for anyone who wishes to interact with me at some point.
I suck at social interaction
That doesn't mean I don't want to make friends tho.
I just really need everyone to understand that I will not always be avaliable to interact, or that my brain tends to overwhelm so bad that sometimes I tend to leave the conversation.
This has been a trouble I've had for so many years now. And although it's theorically easier for people to interact via internet, for me that's not the case. I really hope everyone understands this, and I'm so sorry if I cause any trouble in the future because of this.
Take in mind it will not be your fault, but mine.
Well, that's about it! ✨
I really really hope this time I can keep up with this blog.
I also wanted to thank everyone who had been supporting this blog even if it was inactive for so so long. It really means so much to me and I really really want to try again and come up with more tiggle related stuff.
Take good care everyone! UTK out!
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22degreehalo · 5 months
The more I think about it the more I'm just. obsessed with aroace Yuno!!!!
Like c'mon... 'The wanted wanting the wanter /isn't that just too perfect?' She's not doing this compensated dating because she needs the money or has any huge past trauma, there's something else attracting her: it's that normal relationships feel so fake and dishonest (meanwhile even if her clients get feelings for her, it's not her fault because she was upfront that this is a transactional thing) and with these types she can have full control of what goes on and when and where and why!!!
Which is Also making me think of. Complicated slightly fucked up Yuno+Kazui friendship.
And FIRST OF ALL I'm. very new to this fandom and haven't read Most of the drama CDs hahahaha so this is just my first impression BUT
so she approaches him early (i have no idea if any of this is canon im sso sorry this is just what I want. right now.) because guys like him are common clients (either bc they're divorced and lonely or want to feel young again or whatever) but he's just easygoing abt it but Firm No. ('I'm old enough to be your father.' 'Haha, yeah? Isn't that the point?') And genuinely doesn't seem interested which is kinda annoying but whatever.
So she kinda tries or or two approaches with him, like playing the more sexy role of her second MV, but still he's not giving Anything back At All, and honestly it's weird that she's even trying this hard? Normally it's the other way around??? Like it's not like he can even pay her in here so.
She stews a bit and wonders if she does genuinely have feelings for him finally which'd be both annoying and a relief, and honestly it just Fits that that'd be how these things go lmao that she finally has real legit feelings for a guy with no interest in her. (And Mahiru is probably super excited about it bc this is early when she's still perky and happy and wanting to push them together.)
Maybe at some point Kazui does admit that he feels lonely without someone physically there with him to touch and be close to. So Yuno finally gets him to lie in her lap or vice versa or whatever. But it feels sorta weird. And he gets a bit somber. And wonders aloud if this is what it would've been like to have a daughter.
And she just. Gets up and leaves.
She's had guys say stuff like that before. Sometimes cause they pitied her and wanted to 'save her', which was frustrating, and she'd cut them off immediately. Usually because it was some kinda fucked-up incest roleplay, which she enjoyed; more than most roleplays, actually. The sweet lovey-dovey rps are okay but kinda false and make her feel weirdly guilty; the more messed up ones, she can relax in. Fucked up familial relationships, fucked up romantic relationships: what's the difference?
But Kazui actually meant it. No ulterior sexual or compassionate motives.
She apologises later saying that it's because they never hashed out their red flags or what the scene would be about, but she's the professional here and she didn't make sure that happened so it's her bad. And he just seems to accept that, and says he doesn't want to overstep her boundaries. And seems to mean it.
There's some commonality between them. A willingness to hold themselves back. To not talk about things that people don't want to talk about. This dance of fake affection, until it's impossible to tell what one's true feelings are anymore.
She likes having her relationships set out in clear words, without the actual emotional honesty of having to delve into her own psyche. But now she sort of wants to share things with him, and she has no idea what to do with that. And on his side, he senses some similar circumstances between them, but he still isn't yet able to be honest about what he knows about himself deep down. But maybe if he was, he could talk to her.
There's some talk abt sex among the prisoners. These two are expected to have the most experience, but she's kinda like 'sex is okay. It feels good and it's a means to an end.' And he's weirdly mysterious about it all but claims that his perspective is closest to hers, which confuses everyone else.
And............somehow from that they end up being able to have a conversation about Not Wanting What Society Wants You To Want and the weird relationships you have with all that and the ways you do or don't get what you Actually want, an d it's all very good and meaningful but idk I haven't thought that far yet hahahaha that's as far as I got before I had to type it all up :')))
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darksaiyangoku · 1 year
Avengers of Remnant: Spider-Men and Silk
Oscar lay flowers on the grave of his Aunt Terra, who was buried next to his Uncle Oliver. He kneeled down and clasped his hands together, crying.
Oscar: I-I'm sorry, Uncle Oliver.... I couldn't protect her, or you... I'm sorry.... I'm so so sorry.... It's my fault.... it should've been me who died..... not Terra.....
The tears were flowing faster and Oscar couldn't hold back. He placed his hands on the grass, gripped it tight and screamed. Suddenly, he heard some rustling and he turned in a panic. Oscar couldn't feel his spider-sense working. He raised his fists exepcting an attack. What he saw instead, however, were three people at the top of a tree. Two human and one faunus. They each jumped down and revealed themselves. Oscar's eyes were wide in shock. He was looking at Jaune Arc, Sun Wukong and Ruby Rose. However, instead of their original superhero gear, each of them wore a variation of a spidersuit. Oscar raised his fists, expecting an attack.
Oscar: Are you LMDs sent by Torchwick? Is A.I.M back? Or maybe you're skrulls? Who the hell are you?!
SP-Jaune: Easy there, Oscar. Calm down. *raises hands* We're not here to hurt you.
SP-Sun: It's us, Jaune, Sun and Ruby. We're your friends.
Silk-Ruby: Or rather, we're variants of your friends.
Oscar: *lowers fists* W-Wait. I-I don't understand.
SP-Jaune: We aren't the same Jaune, Sun and Ruby from this universe. Each of us has a different history.
SP-Sun: But we all have one thing in common; each of us is a Spider-Man.
Silk-Ruby: Well, most of us. I go by Silk. Anyway, you're probably wondering how we got here. The truth is, we're wondering the same thing.
SP-Jaune: We were in our universes one minute and the next, we wound up here.
SP-Sun: All of our memories are a little hazy too. I can't recall the last thing I was doing before I got here.
Oscar sunk to the ground, his left eye twitching.
Silk-Ruby: Oh my- are you okay?
Oscar: *shakes head* Not really. I mean... this is a lot to take in. I've dealt with sime very weird stuff here. Monsters, aliens, killer robots, wizards and even gods! But this... this is nuts! I mean, I'm not the only Spider-Man?
SP-Jaune: It doesn't seem like it, no.
SP-Sun: I know this is a lot to ask, but is there any way you can help us?
Silk-Ruby: We need to know what happened so that we can get home. We have no idea if our worlds are in danger or not. Please. *grabs Oscar's hands*
Oscar stared deep into the Ruby doppelganger's eyes. They were filled with so much emotion. Sadness, hurt, and desperation. Oscar clasped his hands around hers and nodded his head.
Oscar: I'll do it. I'll take you to one of the smartest people I know. Dr. Bartholomew Oobleck, a.k.a Mr Fantastic.
(This doesn't have any major story here, I did this for fun. 😆)
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sisi-chan-draws · 3 months
. . .
Oh, someone arrived!
Shoot, I knew I should've learned the script...
Ahem ahem...
Welcome, fellow user!~✨
You have arrived to my small tiny little blog. Yeah, it's pretty messy around here, but I can asure you that I post interesting stuff from time to time!... Maybe.
But anyways, this is an:
✨~Introduction Post~✨
To get yourself in context, yeah? I'll try to be quick about it!
What can you find in this blog?
This blog will mostly be filled with drawings, fanarts, Original Characters and Fan Characters from the current fixation I am.
Some of the things supported in this blog are:
OC x Canon
Self Insert x Canon
LGBTIQ+ Community
Alternative Universes
And many more!
Things that I will NOT be supporting:
Animal Abuse
Any kind of Political Topics (Srry but this blog is to keep your mind away from the real world for a few minutes. Reality sucks so bad)
And pretty much any other common sense stuff that is considered immoral
Note: My current fixation will always be stated in my blog's description, and will vary depending on which fandom I'm in at the moment.
Also, English is not my main language so I apologize for any misspellings.
When will you be posting?
Only God knows. After a couple of tries of coming back to Tumblr (Each of them failing misserably), I've come to the realization that I will post whenever I feel like it.
I'm awful when it comes to managing my time and schedules, so you can expect a post coming out of absolutely nowhere in the least expected time.
Did I read "Social Anxiety" up there?
Yes you did, my friend. I really need to state this and it's quite important for anyone who wishes to interact with me at some point.
I suck at social interaction
That doesn't mean I don't want to make friends tho.
I just really need everyone to understand that I will not always be avaliable to interact, or that my brain tends to overwhelm so bad that sometimes I tend to leave the conversation.
This has been a trouble I've had for so many years now. And although it's theorically easier for people to interact via internet, for me that's not the case. I really hope everyone understands this, and I'm so sorry if I cause any trouble in the future because of this.
Take in mind it will not be your fault, but mine.
And... I think that's all I have to say for now! ✨
I really hope this time everything goes well for me in Tumblr.
Guess I'll see ya' around!
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Hi! Sorry if this is rambly as I'm in the middle of brain fog. I just wanted to say,I really like your blog! Even though I follow it,it won't show up on my dash (60 % of radfem blogs don't) so I just pick random days to come visit,like it was a favorite shop. And it feels like coming home. This place made through your words feels truly comforting.
You might say you are rambling but I personally love long,complex explanations. It doesn't read like you are repeating things,but like you are covering the shades of grey too,instead of only the broad strokes.
Also,I have had a gender identity and identified as male for a couple of years. Many otherwise good radfem posts focus too much on shaming "gendies" and reiterating how delusional/abnormal/jobless sad freaks they are. So it all makes me feel like I'm in high school again,getting bullied by the popular neurotypical squad. To be honest,the tumblr "queers" of today are more similar to me,as a weird,socially inept,bisexual woman who cares more about ideas than actual physical reality. However,they threw women's rights under the bus. They started encouraging 4chan incel-like levels of misogyny,and cult-like levels of obedience. So I lost any desire to belong there or to ever interact positively with them.
I fully agree with,and admire many radfem bloggers,as they really know their shit and have the courage to stick to their beliefs. But I feel that even that side is sometimes guilty of misogyny and especially ableism. And I have seen textbook narcissistic bullies being hailed as defenders of human rights even there.
So thank you for making a blog and building this in-between space here. It is very necessary to understand the opposing side are humans too,and your kindness and ability to see multiple points of view really shines through. This is very hard to do in 2024. I personally am completely out of empathy and have become a very intolerant and bitter person. So it's kind of amazing to still be able to encounter more reasonable and calm points of view online,like this.
Still,if it gets too tiring and exhausting(because it does!) you have full permission to change and go as cold and uncaring as you want,at any time! (I feel every woman needs to be told this)
wow, first of all, thank you for such a lovely message !! my instinct is to make a self-deprecating joke about how this is definitely going to fuel my ego but I have actually been trying to build my self-esteem up lately, so maybe I will let it get to my head this time lmao
I definitely see where you're coming from, I find that radfems (and I have to admit, I myself am guilty of thinking like this too) find some kind of catharsis in ripping into adherents of gender ideology, whether it's out of anger, a sense of justice, or satisfaction in just pointing out how wrong someone else is. I think it's just a sort of natural behavior with political/ideological spaces, think atheists dunking on christians, leftists dunking on the right, or conservatives dunking on liberals. "dunking" culture and solidifying your own beliefs by making fun of an opposing view is just something I feel has to be expected online at this point, even though I feel like it's the most unproductive aspect of online ideological communities, especially when I otherwise agree with their beliefs.
that being said, I really can't fault people, especially individuals within smaller, niche ideological communities such as radblr, from seeking outlets for their frustration and bonding through a common enemy. ironically, I find it way easier to understand this behavior on tumblr communities because blogs feel much more like a reflection of an individual, and I can at least understand when an individual makes mistakes or lashes out negatively, but that might just be my bias towards blog culture in general.
overall though, I definitely find that it helps to look at a variety of blogs for a diversity of opinions within the community (I swear my following list gets longer and longer every day) and find the places that do curate a space you can feel comfortable in. I am honored that you might find my blog as that kind of avenue, and I'm certain there are just as many more blogs on this platform and beyond (perhaps with better writing lol) that accomplish a similar goal of fostering empathy. in fact, I know those blogs are out there because I hope one day my writing will be even a fraction as good as some of them !! I also hope one day tumblr fixes their algorithm (they won't but I will stay hopeful in slight delusion) and I can find more awesome radfem blogs without having to scroll through the oft spammed tags...
whew this response turned out way longer than I though lmao (and as always I have thought of even more words to say sigh) but once again thank you for the ask, I wish the absolute best for you !!
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elmaxlys · 1 year
@mk-shigaraki replied to your post “if y'all want to know how it would have been if I...”:
He's eaten his parent's... Kanou tortured him much more. He's just not so mentally strong than Amon :< I don't think it was really a "choice" to become like this. He's a shadow of himself now. That's my opinion. Sure he is the same person. But he acts so much different than before.
​I'm so sorry but your answer unlocked some of the thoughts that had been brewing in my mind since this post
Amon lived the same thing. He's eaten his siblings. He helped his dad prepare his siblings to be eaten. He was fully conscious of that and was not in a state of frenzied ghoul hunger state when that happened. And Amon was just a kid when that happened. On top of that, he also got tortured by Kanou. Amon and Takizawa lived the same torture - and it's not just the Kanou part they have in common.
They didn't get a choice in what happened to them. "Choice" was maybe the wrong word to use here (tho I stand by it) but they got through it differently. This is not a dig at Takizawa btw, his choice is perfectly understandable: he committed the unforgivable and thus thinks that 1) he cannot fall lower than he already did 2) he has no right to try to climb up because no one is waiting for him at the top and that's his fault (or so he feels. it's very much Kanou's). But as put in his will: he doesn't want to die (and that part is why Kanou pushed him so much more. He understood pretty quickly he couldn't make Amon an Aogiri puppet because Amon would die for what he believes in a heartbeat). So he lives, carrying with him what he's done. He feels so bad because he cannot reconcile what he's done in accordance to who he is. Hence why I say he still has the same identity.
No one expects him to act exactly the same after his trauma, what I'm saying is that his trauma wasn't "enough" (bad phrasing but idk how else to put it) to shatter his sense of identity - unlike Kaneki who developed a new alter after Jason and yet again after Arima, and unlike Rio who. well. you've seen Shikorae.
If we're to further the comparison with Amon, as you said Amon has a stronger sense of identity, and he's willing to die to preserve it. Kanou prevented that by feeding him just enough to keep him alive for his experiments but he was well set to let himself die before Hide came to pull him out and gave him purpose. He knew who he was and what he had done and he was unwilling to repeat it. That's what he meant when he told Takizawa not to give up. After he got out, he only ate ghouls because of his trauma around eating humans. Taki, on the other hand, killed humans willingly and gladly because he feels he cannot do worse than he already did. And that's why Takizawa is stronger as a ghouls and keeps his sanity when kakuja but Amon is weaker and very much doesn't, ironically enough. Again, I'm not judging but choices were made. (the choice to live mostly, and the the willingness to evolve for it)
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I understand what you mean and why people voted the other way around and I'll respect the choice made by the majority regarding the poll but I stand by my words.
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barbiegirldream · 1 year
ouch yeah the difference between comics and movies is what created the rift on how civil war is perceived by the audience. like in the comics it was very blatant commentary since if i remember correctly the talking points were fascist and the main target were mutants for simply being born like that and it was deeply fucked up to put them on any kind of register/list because again nazi rhetoric obvious even to a complete idiot. but the movies had a lot of problems to transfer this idea, mainly i think because of:
a) no mutants, already bad plot change since the mutants were literally the main point of it all, beings simply wanting to exist in peace because they were born like that. they changed it into superheroes being the main target but the thing is with mutants it was literal blatant fascism but here the waters were muddied because none of the avengers were born like that, which brings to point
b) the avengers and mcu as a whole were trying really hard to be realistic and gritty and when you go full realism, yeah country sovereignity and oversight of powerful organisations are common and expected. when the writers tried to make it based on our reality they wrote themselves into a corner, because yeah no shit the avengers would be fucking hated to hell and back if they were real, they do whatever the fuck they want with zero oversight and no respect for any law of any country. when in the comics mutants were treated horribly even as babies then the discrimination is very in your face and no sane person would agree but when a team of random people have the power of several nukes combined in a story that hopelessly clings to realism? no sane person would say "yeah sure leave them unchecked, i trust this group of strange unstable people to never do anything bad or destructive"
have no idea if my ideas make sense im sorry i might be blabering but this was the thing that has been bothering me for a while like yeah obviously comics address real life issues all the time through smart storytelling but the mcu movies are simply not smart enough for that they just fuck everything up . idk how to explain it better but the comics have a type of suspension of disbelief (destroyed towns being magically fixed, conflicts being solved in a few issues, etc.) like old cartoon shows where after the episodic disaster the town is back to normal. but mcu really wanted to copy reality and the laws of it 1:1 ratio and it became a huge mess
exactly but also civil war the movie was a mess. cause t'challa was only on tony's side to catch bucky. peter didn't know what the fuck they were fighting for just that iron man wanted him to help contain captain america. tony grabbed him last minute cause he saw spider-man catch a car with his bare hands and figured yeah that'll be useful. a lot of tony's support hinged on being able to leverage the Winter Soldier against people. cause I feel like a lot of people forget in Civil War that most people involved were not interested in the Accords. Like yes Steve opposed them but he more opposed keeping Bucky locked up.
Natasha swapped sides half way through cause she also didn't give a fuck and she's an international super spy she was Neva signing something that would allow the government to track her actions. Black Widow the movie kinda proved this.
Once T'challa realized that Bucky was not at fault he helped him and gave shelter to Steve. In the end Steve had all his friends by his side ready to back him up and fight to the death for him. And Tony had Rhodey and Pepper... right back where he started but Steve was still in his corner.
AND after Far From Home/No Way Home I think it's safe to say if Peter was ever asked to actually sign the accords he'd have been right there with Steve punching Tony in the face.
So I think it's safe to say the narrative of the MCU Civil War ultimately shows you that Steve is the good guy in the right but since the law branded him a fugitive all these cop brained people who only ever say acab cause they saw it trending are on Tony's side
(ALSO Civil War as a movie completely disproves the premise of Endgame and I think Steve got the worst ending out of any character including those who fucking died.)
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