#my family told our cousins i went crazy
pumpumdemsugah · 10 months
I've never been scared for cutting a lot of inches but never enough to take me from having long to short hair. Tbh I wish I took off more when I chopped most of my hair off 2 years ago. Right now I don't have the desire to have it that short but in the future, I'll definitely go really short and see what my head shape is like
As fucked up many of us ( black women ) are about hair, we're not scared to cut alot of hair or become bald.
The reason I cut my hair is I literally couldn't handle it because I was temporarily mad and in pain and couldn't handle long hair. I'm surprised by how quickly it grew back but it's nice to feel like I can always just do that
It was a shame that it was during the worst of COVID and not many people had a chance to see me with cute little curly fro. The last time my hair was that short was because I was little and my head and body was smaller
Having 7 inches of hair is short FOR ME! lol and I went back and cut another inch or two. I went from waist length, so please allow me
I don't have many pictures of my hair like this because again, she was crazy and falling asleep at 8am to 4pm then crying because I didn't see the sun for very long
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becauseimswagman1 · 6 months
Toxic Love
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A/N:.... it's been forever since I've posted...I'M BACK WITH THE SMUT GUYS. Don't be afraid to comment either!!!
A/N#2: he got some pretty teeth y'all
This for you @itsbackwoodsbby 🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾
(She wrote something for me. Gotta get her backkkk)
To say that you and your man are a toxic couple is downplaying just how toxic y’all actually are. He cheats and cheats, yet you stay. “Why?” is the million-dollar question. You could say you love him, but you could also say you love the money he makes. See your man is a drug dealer, but not just any ole drug dealer, he’s feared. He’s not to be messed with in any way, so what made you finally get his lying and cheating ass back? The most recent bitch he cheated on you with.
Her name is whor- Hazel. Hazel been tryna get at your man forever. You’re surprised he even fucked that fuck-anything-that-walks, homewrecking ass girl, but niggas will be niggas you guess. You’ve come to realize that they’ll fuck anyone and anything.
Anyways, you got him back by fucking his fine ass, big dick-having-ass cousin. Guess it really does run the family, but the dick was trash and the head was bomb, but if your man asks then all of it was better than him.
You could only imagine how crazy he acted once he found out, but he was almost done with his drops for the day so you’d find out in a minute or two.
You hear a car door slam and shortly after the front door slam too, “Ayo what the fuck am I hearing bout you fucking my cousin Dre?!”
You almost laughed, his anger was comical to you. You admit you did act like this when you found out he cheated the first time, but as smart as he is… you figured he would’ve figured everything out by now.
You shrugged at him, “Oh they talking about that already? Damn word get around fast. And don’t be slamming the doors in this house!”
“It’s true? You sit up here living this lavish ass lifestyle and you decide to act like one of yo lil friends and fuck anybody with a pulse.”
Okay, he was doing too much now. It’s not like you slept with half the motherfuckers in his gang unlike someone (Hazel).
You stood up off the couch, “Nah, Trevante fuck you! I don’t know why you tryna make me out to be some type of hoe but that shit not gone fly. Yo black ass acting like I fucked yo brother or something. It was just your cousin so back up off me.”
He walked over to you and got in your face, “Tell me that shit not true. Tell me it’s not so I can go pop the nigga that told me.”
Damn, did he have the grill in today? Top AND bottom too? Mhmmmm.
You stared up into his eyes as innocently as you could while he looked down at you, “Sorry baby, but… it’s true. And it was sooo good, too. He fucked me way better than you.”
God, he’s wearing the cologne that makes you soak your panties in record time.
“Oooooh now he’s better than me? I’ll murk that nigga right now, blood or not. Keep on testing me, ma.”
He’s gonna fuck you up. He’s no longer mad at the get back, but the thoughts of another man fucking you better and that you could possibly leave him because of that haunt him now.
“I’ll be here to wash your clothes when you get back. Just don’t come in here dripping blood and shit. It’ll be a bitch to get out our new carpets.”
Trevante could see how unphased you were about this whole thing and it only pissed him off more. You gave away your pussy and that belonged to him.
He grabbed your neck and got real close to your face, “Say he’s better than me again, and watch what happens to you.”
You smirked, this is exactly what you wanted, “He’s better than you. Maybe this will teach you not to fuck with dirty ass hoes.”
He chuckled, tightening his hold on your neck a little, “So you mad I fucked one of yo lil friends?”
“She’s not-” He cut you off, “Right. She’s not. But you really went out and did what you did as a get back? You put on your big girl panties and took a shot at me? That’s a mistake, baby.”
He pecked your lips then threw you over his shoulder, “You gone regret that shit.”
“Nah, don’t “baby” me now. You was just talking all that shit, it’s time to put your money where your mouth is.”
Trevante took you to your shared room and sat you down on your feet then grabbed your neck again, making you look at him, “You gonna be good for Daddy?”
“Mhm.” you avoided his heated stare. You knew what he had in store for you was gone have you acting right...for now.
He tightened his grip on your neck, “Words ma, or you not gone get what you deserve.”
“I’ll be daddy’s good gir-” he adjusted your head to look at him in his eyes, “Good what?”
“I’ll be daddy’s good little slut.”
He pecked your lips and let your neck go, “Take your panties off. Ass up, face down.”
Taglist: lmk if you wanna be added or taken off
@prettyisasprettydoes1306 @thatone-girly
@blackerthings @roguekiki @enigmadivine
@novaniskye @ziayamikaelson @twocentuar
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davinashifts333 · 8 months
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THE SECRET AFFAIR (Jason DiLaurentis x Liar!Reader):
⚫️summary; one year after Alison’s disappearance everything in Rosewood went haywire. Y/n, Aria’s maternal cousin & now 1/5 of the remaining Liars, who had either an equal amount or possibly even more secrets than her childhood friends, had been dating her now presumed dead best friend’s brother. That’s right, since before the summer of Alison’s disappearance Y/n & Jason had secretly been hooking up & began officially dating due to her helping him sober up & help him through his toughest nights that now gloomed over his past. She was his main alibi for the night everything happened with Alison but, obviously couldn’t tell anyone why she was with him. So why now, that they’re finally putting Alison to rest does it all go to shit? Because the whole town believes one of the liars did it.
⚠️warnings; swearing, age gap relationship (Y/n is the same age as the girls but one of the oldest, so 5-6 years younger than Jason), adult themes, murder, gore-ish?, PLL shit dude, it’s crazy, 18+ ONLY!
Y/N’s POV (the night of Ali’s disappearance)
I woke up with a blazing headache to my phone ringing a very specific tone that had become all too familiar. Jason. Thunder rolled in as lightning flashed the barn awake. The text from Jason saying to meet him at our spot which was a small bench in the woods behind his house. I head over, carefully leaving the barn door ajar so the girls won’t wake up when I come back but, I notice i’m not the only one who had planned to escape. Ali was gone and so was Spencer. I brushed the thought from my mind as I remember Jason’s text,
‘Garrett and Ian brought over some weed and I have the shakes now, meet up? I’m freaking out. Be safe. xx’
Jason had been trying to get clean, key word, trying. His friend group wasn’t as lenient as I was though, every now and then I had to help clean him up and sleep through the high or drunken daze. He wasn’t the best at being drunk believe it or not, he got drowsier than me after smelling the fumes when filling my car up with gas. Regardless, Jason was there for me when my dad left to hunt down my mom’s murderer. Yeah, Aria is my cousin, our moms are sisters.. Well.. Were.. That was until one night in the winter of 1998. I woke up after hearing glass shatter and walked down stairs, all I remember seeing was a shadow of a tall man standing over my mother’s body. Since then, I’ve lived with my aunt Ella and her family. Jason was our neighbor from down the street and Aria knew Alison, so obviously I knew them too. He always told me that death brought new life and my new life I had to live in honor of my mom. We clicked from then on. Of course being older he always taunted us girls and would do the typical big brother things to Ali. But one night when I was 14, I kissed him. He was shocked at first but then admitted he always liked me best out of Ali’s friends. The only bad thing was, Alison saw us kiss. She held it over my head like a looming sword on the thinnest of threads, threatening to tell her parents that Jason tried to force himself on me. Which obviously was a lie but who would they believe. Little did she know, I had secrets of hers to shoot back with so, we bonded in that way. A battle for dominance as one might call it. But nonetheless we were best friends, and secrets so keep us together.
I walk up to the bench hearing the crunching of leaves coming from the opposite direction, they staggered a bit and I saw Jason stumbling towards me, tripping on a rock and landing right on top of me.
‘Shit, sorry babe. I guess drunk me has two left feet.’ I giggled at his comment as we sat up, backs against the trunk of the tree that stood tall above our bench.
‘Who bought it this time?’ I asked, changing the subject back to the issue at hand. Jason then took position on my lap, my hands running through his hair. He sighed.
‘Ian. As always. But Garrett also brought booze. You know I can’t resist a nice cold beer. Those two idiots are probably still up in my room thinking I passed out somewhere. How was your sleepover?’ I rubbed his temples, knowing he got headaches when he drank.
‘It was okay, had some drinks too, courtesy of your sister. Hanna and Emily knocked out first and well you kno-.’ Suddenly the sound of someone walking by caught our attention. Jason shot up and stumbled a bit before helping me up. I held his waist to help him gain balance and he whispered to me to head back to the barn. That we’d talk the next day. With a swift kiss goodbye we went our separate ways. But, just as I got back to the door of the barn I heard a scream. I quickly made my way inside to see Emily, Hanna and Aria still asleep. Gladly I didn’t get caught by Spencer or Ali. I went back to my place on the large ottoman and curled up, hoping for Jason to have gotten back in one piece. He wasn’t as drunk or high as other times but, he still could continue through the night or worse, be pressured by Ian. God, I hated his “friends”. They only enabled him to fail at sobriety and I knew the truth behind their little club. Ian started it all with Jason when Ian took a photo of the girls and I in Emily’s bedroom. Creep.
An hour or so went by and I couldn’t sleep with all the thoughts running in my mind but, I kept my eyes shut. Spencer had come back but seemed a bit off, her breathing was ragged and stuffy. Like she had been crying or running. I wondered if Ali had gone back home or if she was coming back but, my question was answered when a loud crack of thunder woke us all up. Emily and Hanna huddled together while Aria “woke” me up.
‘Damn Y/n/n. You sure can sleep through anything.’ Spencer joked trying to lighten the mood and we all slightly laughed.
‘Where’s Alison?’ I finally asked and Spencer spoke up.
‘I think I heard a scream.’
That night marked a huge change in our lives and seeing how things were, my Uncle Byron and Aunt Ella decided it would be best to move to Iceland for a while, to get away. But now that we were back, things seemed way different. I hadn’t heard from Jason much after Ali’s disappearance. We kept in tough but after I was forced to move across the world, we decided it was best to be apart. I hoped he stayed sober but, I also knew the loss of his sister was taking a toll on him.
Aria and I had begun to unpack when Mike announced he was hungry. So Aria and I took my car that my mom had when she was my age, to a little dive bar/restaurant near Hollis College to get some burgers. When I waited for our order, Aria snuck off with this really cute guy who was apparently studying to be an English teacher. I let her have some fun while I contemplated texting Jason. Low and behold I folded.
‘Hey, I know it’s been a while since we last spoke but I figured a check in from our old spot in Rosewood could be cool? I just got back today and could sneak away from Aria for a few. If you’re up for it. Hope you’re doing well. xx.’
He read it almost instantly as if he had known I was thinking of texting him.
‘Welcome back to hell. I can meet you there in 10?’ I felt my heart skip a beat at the thought of seeing Jason after a whole year and quickly shot Aria a text letting her know what I was doing. During our time in Iceland I confessed to her about Jason and I secretly dating to which she was impressed but mainly saddened by and even wrote a modern day Romeo and Juliet based off of us. It was sweet, Jason had even liked it when I read it to him on one of our phone calls early on. He also felt proud that I was able to trust someone enough to talk about him with.
I drove the 10 minutes to the last secluded park where we had to start meeting after our bench had been compromised by the investigation and waited. A few minutes went by and I heard a knock on my car window. I shut it off and climbed out. He looked good, way better than he did when I left. Healthier, a bit more put together and like his face was hurting from smiling so much.
‘I don’t remember you being this bubbly. Are you sure you’re Jason DiLaurentis?’ I joked and he pulled me in for a hug. His signature cologne engulfed me in the most comforting way.
‘No more red streaks in your hair, you’ve grown up. You sure you’re Y/N Y/L/N?’ He responded and I playfully punch his arm. We walked over to the picnic table and sat down. We talked for what felt like hours but in reality was about half an hour until Aria texted me saying she had the food and was getting dropped off at home. I responded with an excuse she could give her parents and she said she’d have my back. I came back to the conversation at hand and decided to ask the big question.
‘Sorry about that, Aria was just letting me know she’d cover for me back at home. So, truth. How are you?’ I asked, his eyes saddening a bit knowing what I meant.
‘Well, i’m sober. A whole 9 months now. Still dealing with the whole Ali missing thing and just graduated from College. You?’ I felt his hand playing with my rings on mine and sighed.
‘Well, about to start Junior year of High School, still dealing with the whole Ali missing thing and now very proud of this guy I used to date. He was a bit of a mess when I left our hometown so, you know. Surviving.’ He chuckled nodding as I ended my response.
‘He was very broken up. I mean come on, not being able to see your gorgeous face for that long? It was criminal. Poor guy was torn up enough already. You just added to the mix.’ I took notice of how true his comment was, I had left him in a vulnerable moment.
‘Well, I tried to keep in contact with him but, didn’t know how else to help, I was grieving too. Just grieving in a different way and grieving him as well.’ He lifted my chin to meet my gaze.
‘You don’t have to grieve anymore love. He’s never given up that one day you’d make your way back to him. Believe me. He even thought about how if you didn’t come back soon, he’d have to go to Iceland to find you.’ His hand now cupping my cheek as my eyes glazed over with tears. Alison always did tell me she loved how I helped Jason become more human in her eyes. She had seen a change in him from when we started dating.
‘Well, I thought he would hate me for leaving. I know I had no choice but, I still wished I could’ve been there to help him, like always.’
‘Baby, listen to yourself. You were always there helping me. Even when you had to go. You called every day, texted all day long, checked in when you could. You did your part, it was just time for me to do mine and let you move on. I just hoped that if we really were meant to keep going, you’d eventually come back to me.’ At this point I was fully crying and listening to his grief and love pour out of him.
‘I did hound my Aunt Ella everyday in hopes of us coming back sooner. And look at us now. I don’t want to move on, I want us, I want to grow in life with you Jason. I wanna see you be the person you always dreamt of becoming and to let the past stay in the past, all the mistakes were just bumps in the road. You took control of your life, focused on yourself and I couldn’t be happier for you. You deserved to be free from those assholes you called friends.’ He placed his forehead to mine and pulled me into his lap.
‘Can I kiss you now? I’m dying over here.’ He whispered and I laughed nodding. At that moment, we were in bliss. Not knowing what was yet to come and how insanely twisted our lives would soon become. After our reunion we agreed on meeting up as much as we could and even heading to Philly for date nights. However until I turned 18, we had to stay under the radar for a bit. It was all rose colored glasses until the first text from -A. It was a picture of me in Jason’s lap and a whole album of pictures of us before Ali went missing. Who could’ve possibly gotten these?
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lynderman · 2 years
𝘼 𝙁𝙤𝙧 𝙀𝙛𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙩 (Xavier Thorpe)
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Pairing: Xavier Thorpe x Fem!Addams!Reader
Word Count: 2.8k+
Date Published: 12/9/22
Synopsis: You’ve always been 2nd place. First place for losers. Attending Nevermore was supposed to change that.
A/N: (I was so confident writing this, and I feel like I went down a rabbit hole because some shit doesn't even make sense. So idk if it’s good or not. It also isn’t proofread 💀)
Part 2
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Vi, are you still free after fencing today? I thought I’d take you up on that offer and go down to Jericho to get-“
“Sorry. I told Wednesday I’d meet her in the nightshades library to look for a certain book.” My smile instantly vanished as he said her name. It’s not that I hate her, no. I could never. We’re best friends! Well, as close as best friends could be to Wednesday Addams. I didn’t have a reason to hate her; But I did have more than enough to be jealous. Ever since we were kids she’s always been able to one-up me.
It started with small things like getting better grades in school. Then to committing higher and bigger crimes. And it eventually reached the point where I felt like everyone in the family preferred her to me. Even my own dad! Her precious ‘Uncle Fester’, the only one who made her smile. He made everyone smile though. Every time he came home from one of his jobs, I’d get a pat on the head and Wednesday would get a hug. His niece got more love and affection from him than his own daughter did.
I thought maybe, just maybe when I came to Nevermore I’d be able to fit in. Be my own person! Make my own friends, be someone who I wanted to be. Not living in the shadows of my cousin; Being known as ‘The other Addams?’ Or ‘Wednesdays’ Cousin!’ And I was for a while. For a whole year I was just known as Me. I wasn’t compared to anyone or told to be better. In fact I was great! Fantastic, even.
I’d made captain of the fencing team, like aunt Morticia. I was first chair in almost all my classes. I had friends of my own and was always asked to hang out. People were interested in me. They wanted me for me. Especially Xavier. God, Xavier. He was drop dead gorgeous. His long hair that framed his face so perfectly. His hazel eyes so full of hope and warmth. The smile that was always on his face when I walked up to him or when we hung out. He made me feel so happy and appreciated. Just loved and seen. I would do anything for him because I know he’d do the same for me!
Or so I thought.
The second that Wednesday showed up to Nevermore, any hopes I had of asking him out or just anything suddenly vanished. Like everyone else in my life, I was soon replaced by her darkening and compelling image. He became so infatuated with her. Our afternoon runs were taken away and replaced with him hanging out with her. He sat through and listened to her crazy theories all day and looked at her like she hung the stars herself. The same way he looked at me once.
My fists clenched my bag and I held back the urge to scream on the spot. Now the one time we were both free was taken away by her again? She wasn’t even a nightshade so that isn’t fair. “Have fun with that. I’ll be by the lake if you feel like I’m worth your time today.” My words seemed to get his attention because he finally looked up from his sketchbook. I caught a glimpse and saw it was an another drawing of Wednesday. He opened his mouth to say something but I walked off before he got the chance to. Or cry. Whichever came first at this point.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The sun shone directly onto my face as I continued to write down the finishing lyrics to my song. My plan for the day was to hang out with Xavier and show him my new music for my violin. He knew I played an instrument but he didn’t know what it was or that I sang. So I thought it’d be a good time to surprise him! But of course my plans were ruined thanks to Wednesday. Again.
Letting out a grunt of frustration, I threw my pen into the lake. “What’d the pen ever do to you?” My attention turned to Xavier’s voice behind me. I listened to the sound of the leaves crunch and stop before he sat down on my blanket beside me. I didn’t ask him to, but I always found it hard to be upset or angry with him. Peering over my shoulder he asked what I’d been writing. “Just some music. I was gonna go back to my dorm and see how it turned out.” He didn’t need to know I wanted him to go back with me.
“Really? Can I see it?” Hesitation filled my body but I still gave him the notebook. His hands flipped through my pages and the words. I prayed to god he didn’t under Latin. “You never told me you write music.” I shrugged and turned back to the lake. “You never bothered to ask.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
We sat at the lake for a while and just talked. It was nice; Feeling like I got my old friend back. The way he laughed at each joke I made and seemed to be genuinely interested in my topics made me realize how hard I’d fallen for him again. “Speaking of hair-“ He reached out to twirl the white strand in my black head of hair between his fingers. “Did you just decide it was a cool fashion statement or something?” I laughed lightly and shook my head.
“No, no. Back in 6th grade I was doing a science experiment, Y’know the one where you dissect frogs right? I was cutting him open and i just electrocuted myself without realizing it. That’s when I found out I’m like my dad. The whole lightning and shit. But I can do this weird thing with weather too where-“ I paused when I realized I was getting off track. “Anyways. I zapped myself and some shit happened with my hair when I did. It was only this piece though.” Laughing I turned the other way and buried my head into my knees. “I’ve tried to dye it back but it never works. All the other kids would make fun of me and say I’d get cancer or go bald. I dunno why though, that doesn’t make sense.”
What didn’t make sense was that I was basically Trauma dumping on Xavier for no reason. All he asked about was my hair and got some sob story in return. There was silence for a moment. I knew I overshared and he’d think I’m just some attention whore. It took me by surprise when he put his hand on mine, making me turn to face him. “I think it’s cool. Makes you stand out.” The blush that spread across my face was inevitable. Like an idiot I asked: “Really?”
A smile broke out in his face as he nodded. “Do you still wanna go to Jericho? The shuttle leaves in about 20 minuets? We can go to the weathervane and maybe check out that new music store?” My stomach was filled to the brim with butterfly’s, warmth spreading throughout it. Play it cool, play it cool. Don’t freak out. Just say that sounds fun. “Yes! Of course. I’d love to.” I mentally face palmed myself with the joy in my voice. It felt like a movie moment. Was this him asking me out on a date? Xavier finally got the balls to be the one to initiate it? No thoughts were going through my mind as my body leaned closer to his, him doing the same.
I could smell his cologne and feel his breath on my face; A mere 6 inches between my lips and his. Just as mine were to meet his, a phone rang. His phone. He blinked and apologized before picking it up.
“Hello? Enid? Since when did you call me? No, I’m not. She was busy so I’m at the lake, hanging out with-“ Xavier paused as Enid’s voice rose over the line, his brows furrowing as she spoke. I couldn’t hear what was going on. “Yeah, sure. Give me 7-8 minuets and I can. The quad or the courtyard? Mhm, sure.” He lowered his phone and hung up. “What’d Enid call about?” Standing up he began to brush himself off. “Wednesday asked her to call me since she doesn’t ‘want to be a slave to technology’. Said something about her finding a new lead on the monster and to meet her in the nightshades library.”
“But didn’t you earlier?” He shook his head. “No, she needed to do something else and talk to someone.” My lips pursed and watched as he grabbed his sketchbook from beside my bag. “Can we uh- rain check on Jericho?” All the butterflies and warmth my stomach were replaced with dread and insect repellent. “Again?” I muttered. “It’s nothing personal, I just need to-“
“No it never is with you is it? I mean do you even care about anyone or anything other than Wednesday?” The words left my mouth before I could process what I said. “Sorry?” Now I was standing up, arms crossed as I spoke. “Sorry? Oh shut up; Stop playing dumb. We both know you’re not so don’t try to bullshit your way out of this.” He took a step closer to me and looked down, irritation and confusion clouding his eyes. “What’re you talking about? What’s this even coming from? Why’re you getting so worked up about us hanging out?” Scoffing I took a step back from him.
“I’m getting worked up about this because you hang out with her all the time and not me! I’m constantly being ditched and put to the side cause you wanna go waste your time who doesn’t give a single fuck about you!”
“Don’t say that. She does but just act-“
“Acts distant and cold? Stand-offish and uninterested? She’s like that with everyone. What makes you think you’re any different to her? Do you think you’re special or some shit? Wednesday’s been like this her entire life and she’s certainly not going to change for some moron of a dude.” Xavier’s face only showed confusion as I spoke. “Oh come on. Don’t tell me you can’t put two and two together? Wednesday Addams; (Y/n) Addams? How many Addams’s in this school do you know? If you named more, I wouldn’t be surprised since you seem to pay attention to everyone else other than me.” “Not everything is about you (Y/n).” He snapped.
“You’re right. It’s not! It’s always about Wednesday. Everything is. It’s always ‘Oh, have you seen Wednesday? I’m looking for her.’ Or ‘Do you wanna see this new drawing of her? It looks better than the last!’ Anything that comes out of your mouth is about her! Have you ever noticed how you put me next to her? Below, If you will. She plays cello and you draw her. I play violin, but you never bothered to ask because you’re too busy talking about how good she sounds. You go with her to Jericho to get coffee while I’m left behind doing schoolwork. Everywhere I go I’m beneath her. I’m compared to her, I’m belittled because I’m not as edgy or mysterious as she is. My family seems to like her more too. My own father loves her more than me! Can you imagine that, Xavier? Having to live in the shadow of your little cousin because she’s so much better than you at everything? I thought the name I made for myself at Nevermore would stick! I’d have my own friends and interests and not be known as the other Addams girl. I thought that I could get away and have shit of my own! BUT NO. I CAN’T.”
The air around me felt chilly and vast, a small breeze inclining as my voice got louder. “But it’s never going to happen. Everyone will always choose her over me. I’ll always be second to her. And it’s not fair. It’s not. I try to hard at everything. Especially when making friends. I’m almost on my knees trying to get people to approach me but she just has to stand and glare at people and suddenly they’re wrapped around her finger. Like you. You’re just another string waiting to be pulled by her; Following and doing what she says like a lost puppy. You look at her with such admiration and longing in your eyes. Maybe if you turned your head the other way and fixed your eyesight, you’d see that’s how I look at you! If you weren’t so fucking blinded by her borderline manipulative tendencies you’d notice I’m the way with you you are with her.”
My hands were moving with immense exaggeration as I spoke. The feeling of static shooting through my veins when I threw them down to my sides in anger. “Look, I’m sorry. Why don’t we talk about this and-“ A short circuit of lighting extended from my fingers when I held my hand up to him. “This isn’t a two way conversation right now. It’s one where you listen to every word I say because that’s all I’ve ever done for you, especially ever since Wednesday’s gotten here-“
Speak of the devil, and she’ll arrive. Looking to my left I could see her standing a few feet away from us. “I think your feelings for Xavier are getting in the way of our goal, (Y/n).” I deadpanned. “Our goal?” She didn’t answer my question, only asking another one in its place.
“How would your father feel if he knew you were letting your emotions get the better of you?”
“Gee, I dunno. Why don’t you ask him since he was with you early in the nightshade’s library!” She said nothing. “He finally shows up after being on the run again and stops to say hi! Not to his daughter, but his niece.”
“It’s not my fault if Fester approached me and not you.”
“It’s never your fault is it? Nothing ever is. You’re just perfect Wednesday who’s above all others. Especially her cousin who’s done everything in her power to help her with her bullshit conspiracies. I’ve been on your side since day one. Believing in your shit when no one else would. And how do you thank me? By stealing the few people I have In my life away from me. Again and again. It’s a never ending cycle. And I never bother to break it because we’re family, Wednesday.” The overwhelming emotion of anger and hatred died down, the slight breeze fading completely. Now it was just cold and quiet. Water began to drop onto my clothes and belongings. When I looked up I realized It was raining; But only on me. As cliché as it sounds, there was a small storm cloud hovering above my head. Hence the weather thing I was telling Xavier about earlier.
“Do you know what you struggle with, (Y/n?).” Laughing, I faced Wednesday again. “No, but I’d love to hear your piercing insight on it!” “You don’t know when to turn your emotions on and off. You let them consume and confuse you. How you’re just a fool with a slow heart; Putting out love for others only to never get any back.” The rain became heavier as she spoke, each drop hitting harder against my face. “I understand that emotions are a foreign concept for you, Wednesday, but you don’t have a right to talk about mine if you don’t have any.” Is what I’d like to have said. But it isn’t. It was more along the lines of:
“Maybe you’re right. I do love too much because no one has ever given me any. I hope that one day you’ll think about all of the love I’ve given you, and maybe feel generous to reciprocate it.” Turning from her I grabbed my bag off the now drenched blanket and sling it over my bag. “The same goes for you, Vi. When you come to your senses and realize that I have and will still do anything to get a small sliver of your validation or time, my dorm room door will be open.” I meant to passive aggressively hand him his sketchbook back, but it was really just me shoving it into his chest. I didn’t dare look back at the two as I literally stormed off into the forest.
The sun still was shining around me even as I made my way back to the courtyard, through the quad, and up to my dorm. The cloud only got bigger when I was alone in my dorm room. Sitting in my shower I thought. Thought about how Wednesdays’ right. Despite ending up with nothing, I’ll still give everyone else everything I’ve never gotten in hopes someone will one day do the same.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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flowerxbunnie · 10 months
Star Crossed
Chris x Fem reader
Warnings: angst, cheating/breakup, underage drinking, scene involving cigarettes
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“Fuck you Garrett, like actually.” I spat, gripping at the handle of his jeep and threatening to leave.
“What is your problem? You never told me that it wasn’t okay. She’s literally Tristan’s cousin. And your best friend is a guy, I thought you would be okay with this.” he argued, his face plastered with confusion but his voice filled with anger.
“Don’t try to make me feel crazy,” I warned, turning back to face him and pinching the bridge of my nose. “I’m okay with you having friends of the opposite gender. But I don’t care if it’s the Queen of England, since when is it okay to text other girls private details about our relationship?”
“I only do it when we’re in arguments and I need someone to vent to. She told me I could come to her when I was upset. It’s not like it’s an everyday thing.” He throws his hands up in frustration.
“Okay,” I let an angry chuckle out. “I’m gonna call up one of my girls’ cousins and tell him about this right quick then. See if he maybe has some advice for me.”
“That’s not the fucking same and you know it. He’d try to fuck you or god knows what else.” He scowled.
I stare into his eyes, blinking slowly, hoping the hypocrisy behind his words catches up to him. But it doesn’t.
“I just don’t get why you treat me like I’m some horrible boyfriend,” he starts, “I meet my best friend’s cousin at a bonfire, get her number and text her casually and you fly off the handle.”
“You text her about OUR RELATIONSHIP. When we’re at our worst. Why do you need advice from a random fucking girl who you barely know?” I snapped, my cheeks burning and my hands shaking. Tears threaten to spill over, something I hate about myself when I get angry. “Let’s not forget that you went through and liked every single one of her instagram pictures. Every single one. Was that a piece of the advice she gave you? To make your girlfriend look like a fucking idiot?” I fumed, his hands moving to grip the steering wheel with white knuckles. “And how do I know that’s all you talk about, hm? All the texts are deleted.”
His face remains blank as he grabs the gear-shifter and throws the jeep into reverse. His eyes flick up to the rear view and he backs out of our spot in the random shopping outlet’s parking lot, roughly shifting into drive a he pulls out and into the road.
“What the fuck are you doing, Garrett?” I grumble, watching the streetlights lining the road zoom past my window as he speeds down the highway.
“I’m taking you home. I’m not gonna stay with a crazy bitch who thinks she can micromanage my every move.” He spoke, his tone calm and his expression unwavering.
I take a deep breath. I’m done with the arguing.
I close out of her instagram account, still trying to convince myself that my eyes are playing tricks on me as Garrett’s name is plastered under her newest scandalous photos. I toss my phone into the space between my bed and the wall, knowing it’s unhealthy to stalk her and mourn my relationship everyday. It’s been a week.
Somehow I’ve managed to drag myself to class everyday. The lessons don’t click in my brain this week, my notebook is empty and my pen is dry. I’m not even sure I have a voice anymore. I haven’t spoken to anyone unless I had to. None of my friends know what happened, I’m too embarrassed to come across as the crazy ex-girlfriend who got her heart broken because she can’t mind her own business.
Aside from class I’ve been lying down rotting for the past seven days, going back and forth on if I’m in the wrong or if I’m valid in my feelings. Garrett was right, my best friend is a guy, but I’ve known him since middle school. We know everything about each other, he’s like family. Garrett threw everything away for a girl he had just met, deleting text messages and completely failing to ever mention her name in conversation.
My body feels like it’s physically reacting, my muscles aching and my head throbbing. My mind races with questions.
How can someone who I poured so much of my love into take it and wring it down the drain?
How can I even feel angry? He just wanted a new friend.
Why did he like all of her pictures, even the first embarrassing one she ever posted in 2013?
Why are you so controlling?
Why didn’t he tell me?
Why do you care so much? It’s just Tristan’s cousin.
Is it bad for my boyfriend to like pictures of a girl in a hot tub?
I hear my phone vibrating, but I can’t even find the energy to move the comforter off of my body. I put a pillow over my ears and try to wish it away. I’m tired of the questions. I don’t want to explain why I’ve seemed down.
It keeps going off, vibrating against the wall over and over relentlessly. Huffing, I shove my hand down into the gap and dig for it, pulling it up and squinting as the screen beams light into my eyes.
“Party tonight at the same house as last week. Y/n please get off your lazy ass and come!!!”
“yeah y/n i need to see ur pretty face!”
“If Garrett gets mad tell him he can come too”
“its senior year pleaseee we don’t have many parties left :(“
My group chat is flooded with messages from my girl friends. I can’t even reply right now. Maybe getting out would be good for me, but I really want to sit in my two day old clothes and stuff my face with Oreos tonight. How dumb am I gonna look dancing alone?
My mind races for the next hour, contemplating whether going out will make me feel better or become a huge regret. Garrett and I never officially broke things off, we just haven’t talked in a week. What if he’s pining over it like I am? I can’t exactly just dance my feelings away with some random guy when I don’t even know the status of my relationship.
After a phone call from Sophie and a lot of convincing, I decide it would be best for me to get out tonight. I need the interaction, and maybe a couple drinks if someone was able to bum them from their college friends. I need to hear music, I need to speak with other humans. But I can’t go alone.
My phone hovers over Chris’s name, worried I might wake him up since it’s already late. I click it anyway, the dial tone only going off twice before I hear his voice on the other side.
“Y/n/n, what’s up!” he chirps.
I smile to myself, my best friend always cheering me up whether he knows it or not. “You know, the usual. Coming up with a blue print for a new and improved Golden Gate Bridge. You?”
“Fuck off,” he stifles his laughter. “I’m watching some show Nick and Matt told me about. For real though, what’s up?”
“Sophie is begging me to go to a party tonight. You down to be my plus one?” I question as I shuffle through my closet.
“Garrett didn’t wanna go?” he asks puzzled.
I take a moment and debate whether or not I want to tell him. I really don’t want to bring down the mood of the night. I’m supposed to be having fun.
“Nah, not tonight. He’s on some boys trip upstate.” I lie through my teeth.
“Sounds lame. I’ll be there, what time?” He asks and I hear rustling, presumably him getting up off the couch or his bed.
“Uhhhh like two hours….” I trail off, nervous it might be too short of notice.
“Alright, I’ll meet you at your house and we can walk together.”
“Perfect! Thank you Chrissy.” I feel tears well up in my eyes, actual happiness igniting, even if only a small spark, for the first time in a week.
“Don’t thank me, weirdo.” He laughs. “See ya dude.” The line goes silent.
I spend the next couple hours taking everything slow. I eat a meal, my first fulfilling one since that night. I wash my face, do my hair, throw on makeup to look and feel more alive. I decide on a maroon slip dress, silky and comfortable. As I’m saying my goodbyes to my parents and about to walk out the door, my phone vibrates in my hand.
“What color are you wearing?”
I smile as I text him back, knowing he’s gonna wear something to coordinate our looks. As cringe as it may be, that’s just Chris.
We meet exactly where we planned, the chill in the air causing us to walk shoulder to shoulder for any sort of warmth. We don’t talk much, but the silence is comfortable. We never felt the need to force something out of nothing. Nothing is everything with him.
We walk in and we’re immediately greeted by Sophie and a bunch of other people she’s been hanging around.
“Y/n!” She pulls me into a hug. “Where’s Garrett? Hey Chris!” She waves in his direction.
“Boys trip.” I shrug, going into as little detail as possible.
“Oh, well I’m SO glad you came. You haven’t been yourself the last few days.” She says while giving me a look of genuine concern.
“Class has been super stressful,” I lie. “But I’m so glad I came too!”
Chris smiles as he listens in on our conversation, waving at various people who greet him in passing.
He looks so handsome. He’s wearing a maroon sweater with a button up peeking out from underneath and some jeans that fall perfectly over his long legs. I’ve always been so jealous of his ability to throw anything together and make it an outfit, a good one at that.
“Chrissy I love your outfit,” I whisper in his ear, the music too loud to try to talk from a distance.
“Had to layer, it’s too cold for a ratty tshirt,” he jokes. “But I could say the same to you. You look gorgeous.” He smiles and bumps his shoulder against mine.
The night goes on and we drink, dance, take goofy photos in front of a prop wall, and talk to so many fucking people. I’ve went over my social meter for the night, but Chris looks like he’s having so much fun and I would never say anything to ruin that. He makes his way back over to me after a round of beer pong that he absolutely crushed everyone else at.
“I wanna get one more picture in front of the prop wall and then I think I’m gonna call it a night. Gonna walk to McDonalds if you wanna comeee..” he sing songs, giving me a pleading look.
“Thank fuck,” I laugh, relief washing over me. “I was done an hour ago. Just didn’t wanna take the experience away from you.”
“That’s crazy because I was also done an hour ago, but I thought you were having a good time.” He laughs, his nose scrunching up.
We walk over to the prop wall and find someone to snap a photo for us. I grab a pair of red heart glasses, he grabs a bow tie on a stick and holds it up to his neck.
“3.. 2.. 1… and cheese!” The girl slurs before the flash blinds us.
She tosses me my phone and we thank her before slipping out the door, thankfully going unnoticed by Sophie. We giggle and walk alongside each other on the sidewalk, the smell of dewy late night air flooding my nose. The streetlights carve out Chris’s cheekbones as he looks down at me, rambling about nothing and everything all at once. I listen intently, glad to have my mind on anything other than what it’s been rampant with recently.
“It’s fucking cold,” I complain as I cross my arms across my chest and rub some friction onto them.
“Here.” Chris quickly stops in his tracks and pulls his sweater off, his button up left behind. He tosses it my way and gives me a small smile.
It smells like him as I slip it over my head and bring the sleeves over my hands.
“Thank you.”
We make it to McDonald’s relatively quickly. Chris holds the door open for me and we order our food and find a booth to wait in. My feet ache and my hair just feels tangled.
“What a fucking night. I can’t wait to crash after this,” I sigh and lay my head on the table.
His hand comes down to rub my hair, a sweet gesture he loves to do. His love language has always been physical touch.
“Aww, I was hoping you’d hang out with me a little longer. I’ve got ideas!” He whines.
I look up at him with a raised eyebrow. You never know what this kid is going to come up with in the spur of the moment.
“Just wanted to walk around that nature park down the road. Seems spooooky at night.” He laughs and turns his head, standing up as the cashier calls out our number.
We laugh and eat, my mind completely free of any thoughts besides how much fun I’m having with Chris. Ever since we met in 6th grade art class he’s known how to keep a smile on my face. He’s the kind of person you can’t help but be drawn to. His laugh alone is infectious, filling up any room he’s in. He’s such an attentive friend, which is why I’m not surprised when his mood shifts and he starts to question me.
“So what’s been going on, Y/n/n?” He looks down at his fries and scoots them around.
Do we really need to do this right now? I’m prepared to sink back into my sadness once I’m alone. I don’t plan on telling anyone until I’m sure of where we stand myself.
“Uh, nothing really,” I mumble, taking a sip of my blue Powerade. “Just stressed from assignments and stuff I guess.”
“Not gonna fool me, kid. What’s up?” He looks me in the eye this time.
His blue eyes hold so much genuine concern. They flicker back and forth between my own and he blinks slowly awaiting my response.
“It’s Garrett.” I admit.
“What about him this time?” He huffs as his eyes harden, sitting back against his side of the booth with his arms across his chest.
“He… I don’t know. He crossed a boundary and I wasn’t comfortable with it,” I start, breaking eye contact and pushing my hair behind my ear. “And then he acted like I was out of line. He dropped me off at my house and I haven’t heard from him since.”
His gaze softens and he puts his elbows on the table, scooting closer to me with a knowing look. “I figured it had something to do with that. You know I can read you like a book. So is it over, or…?”
“I don’t know. He didn’t say, and I haven’t even tried to reach out.” I close my box of chicken nuggets as my appetite fizzles away.
“I’m so sorry, Y/n. He fucking sucks.” He leaves it at that and gathers all our trash. “Let’s go.”
We walk to a nearby gas station in silence, the mood heavier this time. I wander around the snack aisle as he makes his purchase. I hear the bell on the door ring and look over as he holds it open and nods his head at me. The black bag swings lazily at his side as we walk to the park.
“What did you get?” I ask as we settle on a bench under a lamp post.
“Cigarettes. Oh and a lighter.” He says casually as he pulls them out of the bag.
“What the fuck,” I laugh, my eyes widening as I realize he’s serious. “Why?”
He shrugs, “I don’t know, just figured we could try something new. You’re stressed and shit so I kinda just thought it would be nice, I don’t know.” He flicks his thumb across the lighter and the yellow flame illuminates his face before he blows it out.
“I mean.. I guess. I’m probably gonna cough super bad.” I laugh and straighten my legs in front of me, crossing my ankles.
“Eh, fuck it. I probably will too.” He laughs and rips the pack open.
He brings a cigarette between his lips and holds it there, cupping a hand around it to block the wind. His other hand comes up with the lighter and sparks it a couple times before he gets it to light. He holds the flame against the end and draws in a breath, the tip glowing red as it catches fire. He immediately pulls it away from his mouth and coughs loudly, standing up and holding his chest.
“What… the FUCK.” He says between heaving coughs, small puffs of smoke escaping his mouth each time.
I can’t help but laugh, throwing my hands over my mouth and taking in the sight in front of me. He shakes his head back and forth with his eyes closed, his brown waves flopping around. He extends his arm to me and squats down trying to take control over his breath again.
“Good fuckin’ luck.” He coughs out.
I lean forward and grab it between my fingers, his warm ones brushing mine in the process. He looks up and smiles before shaking his head in disgust again.
“So fucking dizzy.” He says as he sits down fully on the asphalt.
“Baby’s first nicotine buzz!” I joke, stopping my laughter quickly as he squints his eyes at me.
I bring the cigarette between my lips and drag on it, my lungs immediately filling with thick, rancid smelling smoke. I cough one big time and try to hold it in, puffing my cheeks out and attempting to hold my breath. My chest starts burning and my eyes are watering, and my body instinctively coughs over and over to try to clear my airway. I see Chris laughing through my blurry vision, smacking his knees and stomping a foot on the ground.
“Oh… my.. god.” I choke out, my head spinning and my fingers erupting with a static feeling.
“Yeah, shit’s no joke. How do people enjoy this?” He stands up and drags himself back over to the bench, reclaiming his spot beside me and grabbing the cigarette from me.
I cough on and off, still trying to rid my lungs of the contaminants. I throw my head back and my hair dangles off the backrest of the bench. Chris’s hand finds its way to me and strokes my hair softly and slowly. I bring my head back up and look at him, shaking my head with disappointment.
“Can’t believe you would do that to me.” I tease through a stifled smile.
“Just wanted to see what it was like..” he giggles and brings it back to his lips, the end glowing again as he takes a smaller puff.
He coughs once or twice as the smoke billows out of his mouth and dissipates into the foggy air around us. He looks at me with wide eyes. “Hey, that one wasn’t so bad!” He holds it back out to me, gesturing me to try again.
“Uhh.. I think I’m good. My lungs feel like they’re collapsing.” I push his hand back.
“You should try one more time..” he looks away in thought before snapping his head back. “What if we shotgun? I’ll take the brunt of the smoke and you can have whatever’s leftover. It’ll be less harsh that way.”
I’m sorry, but shotgunning a cigarette? First of all, that’s nasty. Does not sound appealing in the slightest. Secondly, I can’t fathom bringing my lips that close to Chris.
“Uhhh..” I trail off and shake my head slightly.
“Come onnnn Y/n/n!” He pouts, scooting closer to me on the bench. “I’m not gonna peer pressure you into it if you really don’t want to..” he says seriously.
“Fine. ONE more time.” I say and narrow my eyes at him.
He nods furiously and scoots even closer, our thighs touching and his cologne strong in the breeze. I can see every detail of his face under the light of the lamp post. His bushy but clean brows, his smile lines, his pink lips wet from obsessively licking them. His hair falls over his eyes as he brings the cigarette back into his mouth and takes a big drag. His eyes widen and he grabs my face in a rush, his warm hand against my cold cheek.
He pulls me close and our noses brush against each other. Time feels like it slows down to a crawl. I open my mouth and he does the same, our lips micrometers apart. His hot breath mixed with the smoke fan over my face as his eyes close, his long eyelashes fanning across his cheeks. I can feel heat in my cheeks that I’ve never felt around him.
He exhales as I inhale, the smoke that was once in his lungs filling my own. I take all that I can and he stays for what feels like a moment too long, his icy blue eyes opening to lock onto mine. I feel a weird pit in my stomach and the blood stills in my veins. Why am I feeling like this?
He pulls back and scans over my face, watching as I exhale and a comically small puff of smoke blows out.
“Well, that was lame.” He laughs and brushes his hair back.
“Yeah, little bit.” I agree flatly.
We sit in silence and finish the cigarette together, our lungs adjusting and my mind racing. I try to take my mind off the feeling of his thigh still brushing against mine, but the nicotine doesn’t have any effect at all. I thought these things are supposed to relieve stress.
Once we’ve burnt it to the end, he rubs the bud against the asphalt and flicks it away. It rolls until it hits the curb and we both sigh at the same time. We look at eachother and laugh at our ‘jinx’ moment, not knowing just how different we were feeling internally but thankful that we feel no pressure to be perfect when we were together.
“I’m so thankful to have a friend like you, Chrissy.” I smile and blow some warm air into my frozen hands.
He smiles lazily at me for a second, an almost sad look flashing across his eyes as his hand comes to lay on top of mine and stroke the back of it with his thumb. “Don’t know what I’d do without ya.”
The morning sun comes out from hiding, her rays illuminating his brown hair on his pillow beside me. I watch his chest rising and falling steadily, a calming rhythm that could lull me back to sleep any day. Nothing makes me happier than waking up and feeling warmth on his side of the bed. I feel whole in his presence.
I look around at our bedroom and realize just how far we’ve come. We’ve both left the comfort of our parents homes and have made these four walls our own. Piece by piece we made a sanctuary like a bird collecting sticks and paper straw wrappers for its nest. I could go anywhere with him and build a nest. He makes everything okay.
I take my phone off the charger and scroll around aimlessly, hoping not to disturb his sleep, his pink lips hanging open and his eyes moving under his lids. I go through instagram and flip through recipes, gym videos, and dog compilations before I’m bored and close it out. I try Facebook and my distant older relatives have flooded my timeline with political garbage, so I close it out too. I open Snapchat and see a memory, smiling as I start to click through the photos and videos taken on this day from the previous years.
The first video plays, a snippet from last year of us in his car, lip syncing to one of our favorite songs. The next one is from the same night, a photo of him with his arm around me in front of the door to our then-new apartment. His eyes shimmered with happiness, mine mirroring his own with a huge smile plastered on my face.
I click again and watch as our past plays out on the screen in front of me. I can’t help but feel so thankful for the way everything worked out. So much would be different if the world hadn’t knitted us in the exact pattern it planned, one frayed thread and I wouldn’t be sitting in this room with the love of my life.
My smile fades as I scan over the photo. I reminisce on the night, remembering everything as if it were a movie playing in my brain. They used to be some of the best times of my life. He made me so happy.
It’s strange how well you can know the inner workings of someone, sometimes more than your own. You know the temperature they like to drink their water, their favorite salad dressing, the commercials that make them cry. And you sit together and watch the commercials from time to time, because you know the end makes them smile again.
It’s strange how quickly it can all fizzle out, both of you existing in the world without a clue of who the person could be today. Here one minute and gone the next. I know he’s out there. He knows I’m out here. But who is he?
How different would my life had been if I did end up with him? Would I have had the same opportunities, the same zeal for life, would I be happier? Would it be my single biggest regret?
I wonder if he thinks about me and everything we went through together. I wonder if he remembers the angsty songs we played in his car late at night, or the scent of the air freshener I always bought for him when he ran out. Does he wonder what his life would be like with me, or has he moved on and found his own paper straw wrappers?
I know he was in love with me. I knew I loved him. But sometimes things are star-crossed and confusing and they hurt and there’s nothing we can do about it. Sometimes the right people come into your life at the wrong time. Do we pine about it forever, or do we let the world continue knitting while hoping the strings don’t fray?
I look over the photo once more, our shadows on the ground innocent and unaware of the future.
I look over and the boy beside me stretches his arms above him and takes in a deep breath before turning over to me, his brown waves a mess. He smiles from ear to ear and I can’t help but return it.
“Morning, baby.”
“Good morning, Garrett.”
a/n: i sobbed many times writing this im sorry if you like happy endings
taglist: @lustfulslxt @whotfisade @soursturniolo @recklesssturniolo @lxvlysworld @chrisolivia4l @kiarastromboli @mattnchrisworld @cupidsword @kvtie444 @xplrfear @knowingnothingnoel
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pycobutterpie · 5 months
#samweek2024 Day 1 Sam Winchester x my hobby (writing supernatural fics and roleplays), set in his world, regarding the books of Carver Edlund Triggers: none Words: 1600
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Glancing at the clock, I sighed. I had been sitting in the library for two hours and didn't know where to begin or where to end. On the left were books about Indian culture and customs, on the right about rituals and deities of the South Asian country. Not that I ever wanted to travel there. It was all research. A glance at my Discord channel told me that Minnie was still waiting for my response in our previous chapter of the written Supernatural RPG. My chat buddy had already planned our story with India. And there were two stories running through my head again. I bit my lower lip and tried to decide which one to write now. Either the research for the new chapter, where Dean and his family are being hunted by a demon in India, or the current story, where Dean's daughter had learned to teleport and had simply showed up in her cousin's kindergarten.
Carver Edlund would be proud of us, I was sure of it. One can always make a crazy story even crazier, and that's what we had done. But who deserved a happy family more than Sam and Dean from Supernatural. Nobody, right? They had been through so much that a little fluff was only appropriate. We hadn't made it that easy for them either. Thinking about how Sam's heart is gong to be broken…
With a sadistic smile on my lips, I was about to start my post about Sam's son when a huge guy appeared on the other side of the small desk and took my light. “Hi,” the brunette said quietly, balancing a stack of old books on both arms. The tendons of his forearms were taut, his muscles well defined. “Hi,” I said shyly, quickly looking back at my screen, because guys like that didn't usually talk to me. He cleared his throat briefly, but his shadow didn't disappear. Why was he still standing there? I looked at his face again, which looked a little questioning. That handsome face… “Um,” he snapped me out of my thoughts, “can you make room for me? Otherwise it's already full.”
I winced briefly, because I shouldn't be daydreaming so much. Instead, I jumped up, the chair crashing into the shelf behind me.
"Sure, sorry!" I hurriedly pushed my books to one side, which took up most of the space on his side of the table. “No problem,” he said with a gentle smile, lowering his tomes onto the table. They looked a little dusty and weren't even labeled on the spine. I would imagine old spellbooks in a magical library would look like this. Oh, that was an idea! I straightened up my chair and went straight to the chat with Minnie and wrote in the 'Ideas' channel:
@ Y/N: “Maybe there's some kind of magical library in hell where Alex and Cassy cantry out all sorts of things as soon as they can read?” I grinned and immediately felt the inspiration to finish the text Sam's about little son again.
I just managed to send my text before my computer went PLING. My friend had replied in the ideas channel.
@ Minnie: “Wow, that sounds great^^ Maybe they'll get caught too. Or they'll tear up one of Bobby's important books.”
I had to laugh a little.
@ Y/N: “No way, he made copies of all of them.” PLING @ Minnie: “Then Crowley’s books.”
Before I could answer, I felt an annoyed look from across the table. The young man had pressed the fingers of his left hand to his forehead to hold his head, while the light from his own laptop setting off his sharp cheekbones. "You should turn off the sound," he said, looking pretty good even when annoyed. Inwardly, I had long since made the comparison to Sam, the way I imagined him and the way Edlund had described him. Muscular, masculine, but also a few soft features and incredibly velvety flowing hair. I thought guys like that only existed in books. Suddenly, his laptop emitted an urgent beep and the light on the gentleman's face disappeared. “Oh no, please don't…” he cursed under his breath and hitting a few keys in vain.
As I was waiting for Minnie to post anyway, I ventured a conversation: “And you should charge your laptop. Do you need it urgently?” “Hm… Deadline,” he said, chewing on his lower lip. I wondered if he often worked under time pressure. His eyes flew over my laptop and my books. “Are you studying too?” I had to smile. “No, not anymore. This is more of a hobby. I'm Y/N, by the way. What's your subject? Magic?” Now he had to laugh as well. “Sometimes it seems that way to me, but no. Law. And I'm Sam, nice to meet you.” My forehead felt like it was frozen in a wrinkle. The guy's name was the same as the one in the story of all stories and he studied law in the same way? Especially since his books didn't look like they came from the legal department at all. More like… My imagination was too vivid, far too vivid. It was just a story. There were no monsters and therefore no hunters. And the name was completely random. Thousands of people were called Sam. How about Sam Witwicky? Just to name one character… But still… It was worth a try. I could already imagine what his search history would look like. Determined, I slid my laptop over to him and gave him a trusting smile. “If you don't delete anything, you can use mine. I should look in the books anyway. I haven't made much progress yet.” “Really,” Sam asked. “You know you should never give your electronics to strangers.” I wouldn't put it past him that his little eyes had looked so desperate earlier, like a puppy that had its toy taken away. Instead, I leaned back and pulled the book of the Indian gods towards you. “No, it's okay, I'll have your fingerprints and my sister is with the FBI.” A lie, but never mind. The real Sam always gave the FBI a wide berth, unless he was impersonating them. “Okay… thanks then,” he said and pulled my laptop towards him.
We were absorbed in our work for a while until my laptop made a few sounds again. Minnie had replied! And her text was more than 2000 characters long, otherwise it would have been just one pling. My eyes widened a little and my fingers tingled to read what she had written from the perspective of Dean's gifted daughter. Or from Sam's, or probably both in one post. After all, I had ended my part of the story earlier with a phone call from the kindergarten teacher to Sam. But the Sam in front of me made no move to return the laptop. Instead, he stared at it, quite fascinated, and then happily started typing again. I just stared at him for a few moments, but he didn't seem to notice. Instead, it soon plinged again. Minnie was notoriously quick with her lyrics. But surely Sam wouldn't dare? His fingers stopped and he grinned at the screen again. “Hey!”, I said to him and pulled my laptop back towards me.
Sam flinched, startled, and raised his hands: “I didn't do anything.” With a frown, I looked at the open window on the screen. Of course it was Discord and Minnie's latest post wasn't even about the story. Just a real life conversation. “You chatted with her?” I looked reproachfully at Sam, who was staring out of the window at the end of the hallway. “Sam, you don't have to ignore me, I can see that.” I quickly skimmed over the brief chat between the two of them. “You're giving her tips on what Sam would do? Are you a roleplayer too?” My curiosity clearly outweighed my annoyance that he had been snooping through my chat. “A what? No, sorry. I was just reading the text. And I thought Sam wouldn't give his son to a stranger in a nursery after all.” Oh, so he was a fan too. I gave him my sweetest smile, because you never meet other Supernatural fans in real life. “It's really cool that you love Supernatural too. One would think you are a LARPer for Sam. And do you also write fanfiction?”
Sam tilted his head slightly. “No, I just had a quick look at the books. My brother has…” He stopped the sentence so abruptly that I felt like he was biting his tongue. I rested my chin on the palm of my hand with satisfaction and grinned broadly at him. “So I've been writing the story for a while now. We let Sam and Dean become fathers almost simultaneously and involuntarily. That's really good stuff. Sam's girlfriend is not only in the FBI but also a monster without him knowing it. Suits him, doesn't it?” I looked directly at the Sam across from me as he swallowed and turned a little paler. “I… No, I don't think so. I have to go now.” By then he had already stood up, gathered his things without looking at me again, and stalked off. Was he offended? Sam was certainly his favorite character. And what we did to him in the story was pretty intense. But sometimes you stepped on other fans' toes. But there were be others who were just as excited about the ideas as you were. ------------------ (It would be really fun to read this story from Sam's point of view :D If anyone fancies it, feel free to tag me in the results). Written for #samweek2024 by @seasononesam and @suncaptor <3 You can find the topics of the individual days here.
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acourtofmarvels · 1 year
Azriel x OC
Summary: Azriel's mate is Rhysand's sister. She died a long time ago by the hand of the High Lord of the Spring court. Something happens when the Inner Circle goes to Hybern...
(I should point out this is my first time ever posting something I wrote on Tumblr. I have wrote things before on Wattpad, thought I'm not very good. This is short but I hope at least one person likes it lol.)
I changed the ending of ACOMAF sorry not sorry. I liked the idea of this fic lol
Warnings: uh, murder and violence? (did i do this right?)
Word count: 2647
Azriel was never the same when she died. None of them were. She was family. A sister. A cousin. A best friend. His mate.
She was taken from them in such a surprise. The High Lord of the Spring court took her and her mother, for what? Hatred? Maliciousness? Out of pure evil?
Rhysand got revenge for his sister and mother. Azriel got his revenge for the woman who raised him, and his mate. Alongside the High Lord of the Night Court, who lost his life that day too.
Killing the High Lord and his sons, except for one.
Azriel and Rhiannon didn't find out they were mates for about 100 years. It was a shock to both of them. They never had the chance to accept the bond before she was killed.
"Tell me about her," Feyra whispered, running her fingers up and down her mates bare chest. Rhysand didn't talk much about his sister. None of the inner circle did. It was too hard on them. No one even mentioned her name, especially not in front of Azriel.
Rhysand had told Feyre what happened to his sister and mother long ago. And Feyre talking about Elain and Nesta reminded him of her.
Rhysand smiled as he remembered her. "She was kind, selfless. Stubborn and hard headed," he chuckled a bit. The sound of his laugh warmed Feyre's heart. "Her and Cassian were much alike. The two of them were always causing mischief. It drove our mother crazy..." Rhysand paused, trying not to get choked up. "She was strong. Hell of a fighter. We taught her everything we knew. Illyrian women weren't meant to be fighters long ago, thats why most of them got their wings clipped."
Just the mention of what they use to do in the past made his blood boil. He took a deep breath to contain his anger. "Father never wanted her to fight either. But everyday after training I would come home and teach her everything i learned that day. Didn't matter how tired and sore I was. And she would do it perfectly. Never faulting. She loved to fly. Father never clipped her wings but he didn't want her flying either. I always went with her or covered for her when she wanted to."
"Can I ask about her and Azriel?" Feyra was nervous to ask about the two of them. She knew they were mates but never got a chance to accept the bond.
Rhys moved the hair out of her face, staring down and admiring her. He loved that she got him to talk about Rhiannon again.
And he nodded simply at her question.
"Why didn't they accept the bond?"
"They were going to. There was going to be a wedding. Mother even made her dress. But then she... " He couldn't talk about her death.
"I don't know when the bond snapped into place for them but the night Azriel came to tell me, I knew something was off with him. I have never EVER seen Azriel that scared and nervous. Azriel is so good at hiding his emotions but that night..." A huge smile was on his face as he remembered. "I thought Az was going to shit his pants right in front of me."
"But I was so happy for them. Two important people in my life becoming mates... I envied Azriel for a while. That he found his person. I wanted that." Tears welded up in his eyes as he looked down at Feyre. He lifted her up so he could place a kiss upon her lips. "Now I have and when I look at him I... I feel guilty. His mate his gone."
"I understand. I feel it sometimes too. How can I be so happy when others are not? How is it fair?"
"We never got a proper sending for them. We never got their wings. I-I don't even know what he did with them." As Rhys began to cry all Feyre could do was hold him. She herself cried for her mate, feeling the pain he was feeling through the bond.
Azriel smelled it the second they entered the castle. He knew that intoxicating scent anywhere. No matter if it had been centuries, he would never forget. It had to be old. He knew she had been here before. Just two times in the past with Cassian for whatever mission it had been.
Azriel almost got sick to his stomach when they finally saw it. Right above the cauldron, pinned to the wall like a trophy... Her glorious wings.
Everyone knew who they belonged to the second they got there. Somehow Feyre even figured it out, never even knowing her.
"The trap was so easy, I'm honestly a bit disappointed you didn't see it coming." Faster than any of them could see, Jurian fired a hidden ash bolt through Azriel's chest. Mor screamed.
They had no choice but to go with the king.
"They are beautiful... Illyrian wings. I just had to get some for myself." The King smiled evilly. "I have your father to thank for that." He directed it that to Tamlin. He motioned his soldiers to remove the wings from the wall.
What more could he do? Azriel is dying. Cassian's wings shredded. He's turned the Archeron sisters into Fae. He plans to turn the human queens too.
"Daemati are hard to come by nowadays. Your sister was also one, wasn't she Rhysand?" None of them dared to move. Rhysand said nothing, curling his fingers into fists. "Daemati are powerful. To have one at my hands..." He ran his dirty fingers down the wings. He snatched them from his guards and without blinking he threw them into the cauldron.
The room filled with a piercing screech and a blinding light from the cauldron. The room shook as if there were an earthquake. When he light faded everyone stared at the cauldron, waiting. Just waiting to see what happened next.
Then it happened. A hand shot out, followed by another as a figure pulled themselves out of it. The King of Hybern smiled wickedly as his plans were coming all together.
Everyones eyes were wide, even the Kings own men were shocked. The woman who submerged out of the cauldron, a ghost, but never forgotten. Her eyes completely white and fogged over. Not a single emotion on her face.
"Come," The King's voice echoed, ordering the female to him.
"Rhia," Rhysand choked out. His sister didn't even look at him. She just went and stood by the King of Hybern, doing exactly as he said as if she were a puppet, and he were the puppet master. "Rhiannon, please. It's me." Rhys was pleading with his sister. To look at him. To show something, anything. Was it really her?
Mor screamed her name through her sobbing. With whatever strength he had, Cassian had to hold her back. He couldn't risk the King of Hybern hurting her too. Cassian pleaded for her also. But none of them could snap her out of whatever spell the cauldron put her under.
"Rhiannon," Azriel's voice was barely a whisper. He was going in and out of consciousness. Feyre watched as the white light flickered for just a second in her eyes.
"Call to her again," Feyre said to Azriel only.
"Rhiannon," Azriel said as loud as he could. Feyre saw that her eyes flicker again. Again, she spoke. "I love you, Rhiannon."
And just like that, her eyes turned back to her normal glowing purple and her hands were around the King's throat, her entire body pinning him down to the ground. Rhysand, Mor and Feyre, the only ones not completely hurt were up to their feet in an instance to fight off the soldiers running to their king.
"You will never be a god," Rhiannon hissed, squeezing onto the Kings neck as hard as she could until his head was separated from his shoulders.
She stood up slowly, rolling her shoulders back and cracking her neck. She turned around to see her family, dripping in blood but all alive.
Rhia looked down at her bloody hands, to her arms, her legs. Her body was completely bare. Her skin still glistening from the liquid of the cauldron. She was alive. She flexed her wings out as she realized she had them back.
She looked down at the ground, seeing Cassian and Azriel. Both of them bleeding out and barely alive. Her eyes met her brothers. He was the last thing she saw before she blacked out.
Rhiannon awoke with a gasp, clutching onto her chest, body flailing around in the bed she was in. She began to calm down once she realized where she was. Though the room was different, she recognized the townhouse anywhere. She couldn't remember how she got here or what happened. Darkness. She remembered darkness. How long has it been?
She looked around the room, only now noticing the many people sleeping on the floor and in the chairs. Cassian was hanging off the couch in the room, Mor opposite of him, her feet basically kicking him in the face. Below them layed her brother on a mattress, a woman unfamiliar to her tangled beside him. To their left was Amren, arms crossed over her chest and her head hanging back as she was asleep in the chair.
As she looked to her right she finally saw him. He was using his arm as a pillow as he was sitting in a chair but laying his head on the side of the bed she lay. She reached out to him, his shadows wrapped around her fingers. His eyes shot open and he sat up quickly. She gasped and jumped back, eyes wide.
They stared at each other for what felt like minutes but was only seconds. Azriel made the first move as he grabbed her hand, winnowing them out of the bedroom and downstairs away from the sleeping others.
Images of what happened circled in her mind as she began to remember what happened in Hybern. "I heard you," Was the first thing she said, a sob escaping her mouth. Azriel placed his scarred hands on the sides of her face, tears rolling down his face.
"You were here and I still couldn't believe it. Madja said you may never wake up. It's been weeks. We never gave up on you. I never left your side. I'll never leave your side again." They held onto each other for a long moment, taking in this moment. Azriel dreamed of holding her in his arms every night. Against all odds, against everything, his dream came true. His mate was alive.
There was a loud thud upstairs making Rhiannon jump out of Azriel's embrace. Running, loud, footsteps shook the house as multiple people ran down the stairs. Azriel grabbed hold of her again, needing that closeness.
"Fucking move, Cas!" Was the first thing she heard from her brother as him and Cassian fell off the bottom two steps. Rhysand pushed Cassian's body off of him, looking up at his sister. Matching smiles came upon their faces as Rhysand jumped to his feet, pulling her out of Azriel's grip and into his arms.
"I thought I lost you forever," Rhys whispered into his sisters hair, kissing the top of her head. He pulled away just looking at her face. They're matching violet eyes both filling with tears.
"I couldn't save her," She shook her head. "I fought so hard Rhys. If not save myself then save her."
"I know, I know." Rhys soothed her, stroking his hand down the back of her hair. Rhys found the aftermath of the people who took them. There was at least 20 dead Spring Court soldiers. He and his brothers trained her well. "You're safe now."
"Okay, my turn!" Rhysand was pulled away from Rhiannon harshly. She let out a yelp as Cassian picked her up and spun her around the room.
"Easy, Cass. Don't break her." Amren barked behind him.
He set her down to her feet, kissing her cheeks and forehead. A goofy smile on his face. "I missed you too, Cassian." She leaned up and pressed a kiss to his cheek also.
"Simmer down, Az. You're stinking up the room." Mor joked, making everyone else laugh. "Jealousy isn't a good look on you."
"Aw, Azzy you want a kiss too," Cassian reached for Az, only to get punched in the gut.
"Finally, come here my sweet," Mor laughed, pulling Rhia to herself now. Kissing her cheeks just as Cassian did. Everyone finally got their hugs and kisses with Rhiannon. Most going back for seconds. Even Amren wanted a hug.
Azriel always had to be right beside her, needed to be touching her always. Wether that was a gentle hand at the lower part of her back, or holding onto her hand.
"Rhia there is someone I want you to meet." Rhysand held his hand out to the woman who had been quietly observing the reunion from the side. "This is Feyre. My mate."
Rhia almost began to cry again but she held it back. "Your mate?" Rhysand's smile was so big. "You found your mate." She placed a gentle hand on her brothers face, seeing how happy he was just by the mention of the female.
Feyre waited patiently for Rhia to acknowledge her first. Rhiannon approached Feyre slowly. This was it. This is the moment Feyre had been nervously thinking about for the past few weeks.
"You're so beautiful," Rhia beamed, a bright smile on her face. Feyre and Rhys both let out a sigh of relief. Rhiannon's eyes immediately went down to the tattoo covering Feyre's arm. Her eyes wide at realizing what it meant. "High-" Her sentence was cut off short by Feyre hugging her.
"It is an honor to meet you." Feyre said to her. Everyone laughed at the look on Rhia's face, certainly not expecting that.
"The honor is mine, my High Lady." Rhia did a small bow to her, before taking Feyre's hands in hers. "I've always wanted a sister."
"Hey! What about me?" Mor barked loudly, making everyone laugh.
"Just ignore her, I have no idea who she is." Rhia 'whispered' to Feyre.
"Alright just cause you came back to life and shit, and this is easily the happiest day of my life, doesn't mean I won't kick your ass." Mor jumped toward Rhia who started to run away laughing loudly.
That laugh. That laugh is music to everyone's ears.
"Mother save us," Amren muttered, shaking her head.
As the moment came by, Azriel grabbed his mate, shielding her from Mor. A rare smile on his face.
"Ha!" Rhia laughed, pointing at Mor who couldn't get past Azriel's wings.
"So not fair." Mor pouted, crossing her arms over her chest. "You can't hide behind him forever. He'll have to walk away at some point."
"Who says I'm ever leaving her side?" Azriel challenged. Mor rolled her eyes dramatically.
"So are we gonna be planning a wedding soon?" Cassian spoke up, wiggling his eyebrows and sending a wink at Rhia.
She suddenly got nervous, stepping out from behind him so they could face each other. "Do you still... Do you still want to accept the bond?" Rhia didn't know how long it had been she she died, but she knew it had been a couple centuries. What if Azriel found someone else? What if he's already married and fallen in love with someone else?
It was if Azriel could see exactly what was going on in her mind. Maybe he felt her sense of nervousness and fear through the bond.
"I have loved only you for centuries, and I will love you for many more." Azriel cupped her face in his hands, pressing a kiss to her lips. "I am yours, forever."
"And I am yours."
Acotar Masterlist
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allay-j11no · 5 months
𝙵𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚕 𝙳𝚊𝚢𝚜
𝕨𝕙𝕖𝕟 𝕤𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕠𝕝 𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕤𝕦𝕞𝕞𝕖𝕣 𝕓𝕖𝕘𝕚𝕟𝕤. . . Introduction | CHPT .1 | TBR ----------------------------------------------------------------
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TW: Blood, cursing. CW: bullying, school, Older brother, cousin, Childhood friends to lovers.
Antsy kids and tired adults welcome this day. School ends, friends meet, adventure begins. Simon and me were planning the annual summer hang out, Kyle and Timothy were planning the yearly family water balloon war. The bus ride home was long, too long, kids were yelling, jumping from their seats. I was waiting to get home, throw my stuff into the back of my closet till next school year. "Rory, when we get home, we all meet at the parks Gazebo?" Kyle said tiredly, I nodded to my cousin, "could you and Tim get the bikes ready too?" Timothy and him both nodded as the bus stopped near our small neighborhood, all four of us getting off, Kyle running to Auntie Aria's and Uncle Kojo's. Mom's sister was always kind to us, unlike our own mother, but she made up for it with yummy food, sometimes I catch her smile when we eat like a normal family. Sometimes... I walked behind Timothy when we walked in like any other day, zooming to my room and shoving my heavy rucksack into my closet, the garage door opening and Tim calling for me. These days were always the best, we didnt have mum and dad breathing down our neck, I could freely hang out with people... I hop onto my bike, riding to the Gazebo, racing my brother and Kyle. when we got there, I was...shaken, Simon, big bad Simon, was on the ground...bloody and bruised. So I stepped in. I threw Adam to the ground, throwing a hard right hook to his nose, Ezra was trying to pull me off, Kyle was helping Si up, "RORY LET UP NOW!" Timothy yelled, allowing Ezra to sock a hit to my gut. I toppled over, on my hands and knees, still ready to fight. "Your crazy woman!" Adam screeched, Ezra was sitting him up. "hrm..." Kyle sighed, Adam walked over and kicked me in my gut before the two boys went running, being chased after Timothy, "You alright Rory?" Kyle asked. "A-As good as I can be.." I weakly smiled. The day after, Simon started teaching me self-defense, he then told me about his idea of the military, I agreed with him to join as soon as we can. "we might've been in year 8 last year, but we're freshman's next years Rory" Simon started, I nodded along, "We can take the BARB in year 10." "thats...true Si, but we can only go to basic during the summer of year 11." We both considered our options, deciding to aim for SAS. We had everything planned and ready. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1503 words! ill write more chapters when school becomes less and less of an impervious task (aka when summer break rolls around)
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shelbgrey · 2 years
Next to me(Emmett Cullen)
Chapter 15: the cold ass Beach
Table of contents
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The beach was freezing today but Mike and Jessica were suiting up to go surfing. Me, Emmett, and Angela were all snuggled up in blankets and hoodies in Tyler's van. Bella on the other hand was setting up in the driver's seat of the van reading a book and tuning everyone out.
“So I keep thinking Eric's going to ask me to prom, but then he just doesn't,” Angela told me and Emmett. I looked over at her with a smile.. “You should ask him”
Angela got flustered as I continued to talk. “Take control, you're a strong independent woman” I said.
“Yeah, guys dig chicks that take control,” Emmett added.
“I am?” she asked us. Me and Emmett both nodded. It went silent for a while but then Jacob and Paul came over with Sam. They both had big smiles as they said hi to me and my cousin. Jacob smiled and nodded towards Emmett but Paul just ignored his presents
“Hey, n/n” Paul smiled, coming over to sit next to me in the van.
“What's up kid?" Sam said, leaning on the van.
“Not much” I smiled as I pulled my blanket around me tighter and rested my head on Emmett's shoulder.
“Hay Bella” Jacob smiled as my younger cousin crawled out from the front seat to see her friend.
“You surfin'?” Jacob asked us. I shook my head like he was crazy. “Definitely not, too cold”
“You're cold and yet you're cuddling a leach” Paul mumbled. I threw my empty Coke can at the back of his head as I glared at him.
Angela waved at the boys while Eric looked at them with a questioning look. I sighed and pointed the the boys.
“Guys this is my other cousin Sam and our buddies Paul and Jacob” I smiled and introduced the boys to my other friends.
“Keep Bella company, her date bailed on her" Jessica teased. “to be nice” Bella said but I ignored her.
“What dates?” Eric asked. “Bella invited Edward,” Jessica said to Eric.
“We tried to invite Emmett's siblings but they weren't up for it,” Angela said softly.
“Public gatherings aren't my family's thing,” Emmett said.
“well I'm glad you came, '' Angela said. Everyones looked at me kinda shocked but at the same time they all looked happy.
“Wait what?” Bella asked bitterly but she was ignored again. “I think it's nice they invited them, no one ever does” Tyler said softly.
“Because the Cullens are freaks,” Mike joked, totally forgetting Emmett was right there. Eric pushed his shoulder. “shut up, man”
I snapped my head towards the blond trying to fight the urge not to rip him to shreds
“sorry about him” Angela said to Emmett just brushed it off.
I looked over to Jacob and Sam and they both just shook their heads with a frown.
“You know them?” Bella asked the boys.
“The cullens don't come here… Well they're not supposed to, " Paul said bitterly.
Jacob just looked at him with a wary look. I looked up at Emmett as he shook his head.
--------( ....... )--------
"What did your friends mean by the Cullens don't come here?" Bella asked Jacob as we walked around the beach. Bella and Jacob were a couple of feet behind me, Emmett, and Paul. Me and Emmett walked hand in hand trying to ignore Paul's heated stair.
“Oops. you caught that huh?” Jacob asked. I chuckled. “Dude everyone did,” I said, moving closer to him with Emmett behind.
“But why doesn't your family come here?” Bella asked Emmett. Him not knowing what to say shrugged. Bella then turned to Jacob as he sighed and lowered his voice.
“I'm not supposed to say anything,” he told Bella. “me either” Emmett added.
“I can keep a secret,” Bella smiled. Jacob nervously chuckled and shrugged at her eagerness.
“It's just an old scary story” I said before Jake or Paul could let out any information Bella shouldn't know. Bella looked back at Jake and nodded for him to continue . He sighed but still had a slight smile showing he wasn't annoyed with her. Jake looked at me wanting me to continue. He knew I had the story down and knew it better than him.
“Okay, did you know the Quileutes are supposedly descended from wolves?” I asked. Bella nodded her head.
“Wait wolves?" Bella asked, moving closer to Jacob. “So what's your res's beef with the Cullens?" Bella asked Emmett and Jacob. Jacob sighed as their thoughts flooded my head.
'Jake and his big mouth,' Paul thought.
'It's just a story right? It's no big deal they know' Jacob thought.
“Well the Cullens are supposedly descended from this,” Jacob said in a spooky voice trying to scare bella. I Chuckled and playfully elbowed him. “They're supposedly from an enemy clan but they claimed to be different, so we made a treaty with them”
“Didn't you just move here?" Bella asked Emmett. He nodded. “yes we did”
Paul was quick to but in. “Or they just moved back,”
Emmett shot him a glare as Bella looked even more confused. “They just moved her from Alaska, back off,” I said
“So what is the treaty?” Bella asked.
“If they promised to stay off Quileute lands, we wouldn't expose what they really were” Jacob paused as Bella shivered. He was about to tell us but Angula and Eric raced past us screaming.
“Let's get out of here,” I mumbled to Emmett. I pulled him away but Bella stopped Jacob when he tried to follow.
“Wait...what were they really?” Bella asked. Emmett just shook his head. “Bella, it's just a story about our ancestors… Nothing more” Emmett stated as he started to get annoyed.
Bella looked at me with slight fear almost , maybe disturbed. I only nodded telling her it's okay. Something I haven't done in a long time.
<Next chapter>
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harrisonarchive · 1 year
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In Florida, November 1970. Photos via Meet The Beatles For Real.
“We were really determined to find him. From various sources, we had learned that George Harrison was somewhere in the Deerfield area. We cordoned off a five-block area and patiently began our search. Claudette Cyr, Beatle fan Club president for Florida, went over to the area to investigate personally while I was on the phone. She got several leads, many bad answers and enough suspicion for us to know the rumor was true. We drove to the place later at night and went about looking at all the places she had selected as likely spots. No luck in any of them. Disappointed, we decided on one more sweep by the beach. Standing on the beach we saw four long-haired figures and I figured they must have been looking for Harrison too. We asked them and got negative responses and strangely, no interest. Once in the car, I told Claudette I thought one of those people was indeed George. She thought I was crazy. Back we went and this time we saw them walking through a parking lot. I aimed the car lights on them. George and Patti[e] Harrison and two aides. I jumped out of the car and told him, ‘George Harrison, nice thing to do. We have been searching for you for almost two days and you are dodge us.’ He smiled and our conversation began. We asked him about the breakup of the Beatles and about Paul McCartney’s departure. He replied in a non-committal sort of way. He compared the Beatles after so many years to four guys in jail, trapped in an image and trying to break out. The new album was also a topic. He expects it to be released within the next few days. Included in the album are 25 songs.[…] About the fans (us included) he was grateful but worried the place where he was staying might be discovered. ‘I am not famous anymore. I am not Beatle George anymore. If I wanted to hear screaming I would play Shea Stadium. But I don’t. I am George Harrison, a musician. That’s all.’ George was in Florida to rest and relax. He plans to come back. His wife, Patti[e], was with him. She remained silent all throughout our conversation. She wore no makeup at all. Patti[e] used to be a top model before marrying Harrison, and her face has a way of lighting up when George says something. She smiles a lot. I have talked to pop people before in my position as entertainment editor for The Phoenix Broward Community College’s newspaper. Harrison’s honesty struck me as being out of this world. Here we were, intruding in his private life, and he took the time to talk to us, sign his autograph, and make some memories we will never forget.” - "BCC Editor 'Traps' A Beatle - George Harrison Stops To Chat," by Ruben Betancourt, Fort Lauderdale News, November 21, 1970
“[George] told [Adria, Tom Petty’s daughter] something that he had never mentioned to me, which is that he had a cousin from Florida who reminded him of me. Before George was really settled at Friar Park, he and this Florida cousin would sleep in every room in this, well, this castle, trying to figure out which one had the best vibe and ought to be the bedroom.” - Tom Petty, Runnin’ Down A Dream (2007) (x)
More about these photos, via the comments section of the Meet The Beatles For Real post:
"A friend of the family pulled up in a station wagon with the mountain lion that day. I was living at the apt. complex owned by George'd uncle (Gregg Apts.). We all had a fun picnic that day." - anonymous [x]
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mysticstarlightduck · 5 months
Personality Through Quotes Tag
I was tagged by @illarian-rambling (here)! Thank you so much (:
MY PROMPT WAS: "A quote about siblings"
YOUR PROMPT IS: "A quote about their relationship with money (in the past and nowadays)"
I'll go with the main cast of "Of Starlight and Beasts" for this one!
Corah: "Oh I wish I had siblings! I've always wondered what that would be like - I mean, I've seen enough siblings around that I have a rough idea, but that's always such an individual experience. It would've been cool to have someone my age, other than just regular friends, around at all times. Though I'm sure we'd have driven Dad crazy with our antics if that was the case - I was chaotic enough on my own (giggles)."
Arammys: "The bond between siblings is among one of the strongest there is, and often one of the purest. At least that's what I...think - in my intuition, I mean. I haven't had any progress in recalling my memories, so I can't speak of my own experiences with siblings - if I had any at all - yet. But something tells me that my intuition might be right, at least in my case. At least I hope so and I want to remember whoever they were, or are."
Eidan - "I didn't have any siblings or parents, but my older cousin fit both of those roles perfectly throughout my childhood - he was the closest thing I've ever had to a true family. We didn't have much - we often had nothing at all - but we had each other, and he always kept me safe, and was always there for me when I needed him the most, even if we sometimes annoyed each other to no end. And though he was not my brother by birth he was by choice - and I just wish I had known how lucky I was before it was all too late."
Masen - "You know, having siblings ain't what it's cracked up to be. Especially if you have a twin. Yeah, it's all loyalty and mushiness until they've got something else they want to achieve - and that something's more important than you. Then they stab you in the back when you least expect it and run off with the people with the money into a perfect new world where you're not invited - Yeah. (shrugs awkwardly) I realize this got a bit too specific, my bad."
Kyran - "What even is there to say? You're born, and so are they, you grow up trusting one another until they start hanging out with shady people and become someone you barely recognize, and then you annoy the hell out of each other and don't speak for the next five years. Oh, and then they blame you for leaving them when they were the ones who made that mess to begin with -"
Elias - "(Without a drop of emotion in his voice) My siblings are the reason I truly believe I will have gone fully grey before 30. I'm almost certain they're trying to make it a competition. They're twins. I do not know where I went wrong with my life but here we all are. Now pass me the rum."
Tomasa - "I don't have any siblings, Gods know Ma had enough trouble keeping me in line when I was a little ankle biter. But I've been told having 'em is like flipping a coin. You are either best friends for life or want to kill each other. Sometimes both, from what my friends tell me, ha! I don't really fancy having any siblings of my own, if I'm being honest - but having someone I could prank 24/7 does sound really tempting. I guess Arammys will have to do (laughs, already plotting her next prank on the poor, unsuspecting mage)"
Nimwen - "I've learned your true siblings aren't always those you're bound to by blood. They may be, sure, but not always! Sometimes, the strongest family bonds are those we choose, bonds nurtured like a small weed that grows into a mighty tree - and I personally know that to be one of the most important truths of life. "
Rin - "I never really cared for that. That's just another word - and that's it, a word. Most bonds are a fantasy made to comfort the hearts of the common folk from the harsh truth. Real people are fickle, they don't care for you when they've got no use for what you have to offer. My Nest surely didn't. (There's a moment of pause and a sense of sorrow behind his eyes before he shakes it off with a sly smirk, hiding it) But who cares for that sentimental junk. Besides, gold's a much more reliable company, don't you think?"
Leora - "Family is the most important thing in the world - by blood or by choice it matters not as long as the sentiment is there and it is pure. I would do anything for my siblings and I know they would do anything for me. I know this all too well. Where we come from, you learn to make your actions and your words count - you never know what tomorrow might hold and you must cherish those you hold dear, always, because they can be taken from you. At least, that's my perspective."
Florynce - "Mine have been dead for many years now. I remember all of their names." (You think she's about to say something else about them, but she changes the subject so jarringly you almost feel whiplash) "I don't wanna talk about that. Do you want to see this cool bug I found? It's glowing."
Tagging: @mk-writes-stuff, @eccaiia, @the-ellia-west, @memento-morri-writes, @little-peril-stories, @littleladymab, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @talesofsorrowandofruin @doublegoblin @oh-no-another-idea @cowboybrunch @ybotter @thepeculiarbird @crowandmoonwriting @your-absent-father @rickie-the-storyteller @jasperygrace @jay-avian @saltysupercomputer @winterandwords @autumnalwalker and OPEN TAG
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Rules: Make an Am I The Asshole? post (look at r/amita or r/AITA for examples if you haven’t seen them) for an OC. The community will then vote to see who is the asshole in the given scenario.
Thank you for the tags @willtheweaver and @mundanemoongirl!
AITA for killing my tyrannical uncle (and indirectly his entire family)?
So long story, my father used to be king of Labisa. I'll admit he wasn't the best king, anyway, my uncle lead a coup and tried to kill my father. My father escaped but my half-brother (an eight year-old btw) was killed and my (ex)step-mother ended up marrying my uncle :/
My father lived as a guest at the court of the Fapacha in Apuna. That's where I was born. My father constantly told me stories about Labisa when I was growing up and about how one day we would return. Unfortunately our family illness got him before that could ever happen. So I decided to return and reclaim the throne myself. I spoke with people from Labisa and the surrounding cities and they all agreed that my uncle was a tyrant and a wasteful ruler. I went there myself and saw how many beggars were on the street and how unkempt the temples were. It was terrible. And yet my uncle was covered in gold and silk.
I killed him. I killed my uncle, and my eldest cousin. I took his crown and I am king now. If it had just been a matter of killing my uncle I wouldn't be making this post, he was a greedy monster who needed to be killed. But it was the other people that got hurt. I only killed my uncle and eldest cousin (older than me) directly, but one of my collaborators went behind my back and killed all of my other cousins and aunts, including the children. Additionally some of the Makurians I hired went a bit crazy and killed a couple people. I skinned the rogue Makurians in retribution for what they did to the innocent people (something that I never ordered them to do.) But the person who ordered the murder of the royal family was a Kishite and a Nobleman, someone that was integral to this plan working at all. He is the king of a vassal city, who is essential to the stability of Labisa. I can't punish him without there being serious repercussions.
Am I the asshole for starting this whole endeavour in the first place and am I the asshole for not punishing the nobleman, even though doing so would cause more problems?
Update: I just found out that one of my cousins escaped. Part of me is relieved, but a larger part of me is horrified. I know what I would do in their place. I'll have to get rid of her, unfortunately.
Tagging @illarian-rambling, @kaylinalexanderbooks , @elsie-writes, @mk-writes-stuff, @roach-pizza
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dettiqueen · 1 month
more cousin lore uhh.
(i did not post this for ppl to feel bad for me or to vent!! i just want to share stories of her bc shes weird and having a crazy cousin is part of my character development)‼️
“hi! [cousin] ”
“you straightened your hair..”
“oh yeah js for tonight tho”
“um who did your makeup…”
(it was mascara and lip gloss??)
“i dont rlly wear face makeup but if youre talking abt the eye makeup then it was me”
“you did that to yourself?”
“do you have acne masks? because i can see all your acne”
(dude my skin was the clearest it had been in so long?)
“uh i mean i have a whole routine?...”😬
“yeah i can really see it you should get one of those face masks”
and then she laughed and asked if i was stupid bc i told our little cousin happy birthday even tho her birthday has been 2 days prior
(me and baby cousin have the same bday i THINK i know her bday isnt today😭)
i went to the car and cried 💀 uhh yikes im not supposed to have emotions
actually, you guys know Jordi? (bless her i love her so much) i was like crying in the car and she left me a really sweet comment on my pin and it genuinely made me feel better. a lot of you guys make me feel so much better and you have no clue when🫶🫶 this is a big part of why im so appreciative of you all
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millerflintstone · 9 months
Logged into my original facebook account that I rarely look at anymore and realized my childhood best friend liked a post from 2017. I last updated that account in 2018 so that's not too crazy. No friend request. I'm guessing she didn't realize she liked it and that I've realized she looked me up. I was only facebook friends with the brother out of that sibling group and wondered if she found me through him. Nope. He's deactivated. My last name isn't on the account so I'm not even sure how she found me. She doesn't have the email tied to it. I'm guessing they all probably looked me up before he deactivated and she remembered the name.
We lived across the street from each other in Miami. I met her when I was 10. She is 3 years younger than me and has 4 siblings. The youngest (the boy) was born in 1985 or 86. I was there when the second youngest walked her first steps. We ended up being roommates for a year at UNC. Her family had moved to NC in 1990, which is what had me looking at schools in that area in general.
In 1985 ish, a male cousin from Pakistan came to live with them. He was in his 20s, weird/ awkward and would try to flirt with me. I was 11/ 12. ELEVEN OR TWELVE. This continued on until he left. He even tried to get me to come into his room so he could "show me something". He said this with the other 2 older girls around. We all pretty much jeered at him and he went away. Sometime in 1986 or 87, he moved out. I learned that he had been trying to get into the two youngest gal's rooms at night. The ex best friend told me that they would sleep with shoes to throw at him. The mom found out what was going on and he had to leave.
Fast forward to when we were all adults. I learned that it was not only the cousin, but that he and their father had been actually assaulting the two youngest girls during that time period. It wasn't just attempted abuse. They were maybe 8 (3rd oldest) and 5 (4th oldest) at the time. After that was discovered, the mom still stayed with him.
3rd oldest got heavy into drugs and alcohol because of it, but we didn't know that at the time. We all just thought she liked being an edgy emo girl or whatever we as teens called it back then. I remember we really were annoyed by her being a drunk fuck up, but didn't realize she was coping from that trauma.
I went to my ex friend's wedding in 2004. I remember being pissed that 3rd oldest drank most of the bottle of Kahlua I had gotten them, so I don't think we knew yet about the abuse now that I'm typing and trying to remember. We learned after the wedding.
When I learned ex best friend and her husband were trying for kids, I was surprised that they were going to keep her father in their lives knowing what happened. Granted, it didn't happen to her so I'm not sure if that was the reasoning. I just couldn't keep interacting with that level of toxicity after a while. There were also other things that happened that added to the distancing, but I don't think I could've continued to pretend everything was ok after learning those awful facts. I last saw them in 2004. Our last email was in 2007. I never met any of her kids or any of the other siblings' kids.
I found the 3rd oldest girl's facebook a while back and she was not friends on facebook with her dad but other siblings were. It looked she got cleaned up. The last time she visited us in GA, the girls had taken the car to get serviced at Sears and they were all freaking out because 3rd oldest left cocaine somewhere in the car.
The mom had gone back to her maiden name on facebook but she still interacts with her (ex?) husband. And they all still all get together for holidays. I saw a couple of public pictures today of everybody and was just sickened by younger daughters near their pedo / abusive grandfather. I don't get it and it's not really for me to get, I guess. Everyone has their own fucked up family drama at varying levels.
I don't really feel any kind of way about this. I've wondered about how they all are in the past but have no need to reach out to rekindle anything.
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that-one-i-think · 4 months
FAMILY LOTE! Yay! Also like I feel like this deserves TWs tbh but hahah oh wellll
My favourite piece of family lore, I found out whilst on holiday. Big family holiday with my mum's side of the family, not uncommon for us. It was my family (me, my mum, step dad, Sister D and Brother E), and my aunt's family (my aunt S, her fiancé, my cousin O) and also probably my sister's boyfriend at the time. None of that matters I just need you to know we bring our entire family abroad if and when we can.
Next big family holiday will have one of mh other aunt's family joining + our grandparents so.. fun...
But, anyways, I was sat with my aunt, and she was a little tipsy but she's great, and she just kinda went oh! Has your mum ever told you about her favourite time your dad broke into her house?' And I was a little confused at first bc I was like 'huh?? He's broken into her house before??'
I rationalised, immediately, that 'oh yeah my dad accidentally locks himself out of places sometimes and he probably did that when they were dating' and so on had to break into her house to get in one night.
I remember I had to wiggle through the window of my uncle's kitchen bc the front door locked itself and my dad left the key inside when we went on a day out. I was like 9, that was the same summer I found out my dad smoked. I felt like a spy.
Anyways, my aunt went on to tell me that I was WRONG
After my mum and dad broke up (unclear whether this was the first or second time, I want to assume second bc why would she get back with him), my dad, on SEVERAL OCCASIONS, used to break into my mum's house to leave her LOVE NOTES telling her that he wanted to get back together with her, and stuff. Or just generally do creepy shit in her house when she was out.
And on her favourite occasion, because again, FAVOURITE OCCASION, (she says it was really weird and creepy and kinda scary at the time but, like most things about their relationship, is fucking hilarious in retrospect), she had gotten back from a night out with her friends and saw rose petals infront of her door straight away. She was already a bit 'for fucks sake' about it, and just followed them, and they lead up to her BEDROOM, and were in a heart on her bed, with a box of chocolates and a bouquet of roses, with a note from my dad. Another love note. She was just like 'ugh, this fucking guy' and my dad JUMPED OUT OF THE FUCKING WARDROBE and started yelling at her for being ungrateful because 'what kinda fucking reaction is that?' And so on and so forth.
And my aunt was pissing herself laughing telling this story (as well as the story of the LAST time my dad broke into my mum’s house), and my drunk mother was laughing with her.
Also, one of my mum's favourite songs is Fuck it (I don't want you back) by Eamon because after they broke up, my dad got his friend to drive him outside of her place so he could blast the song really loudly for her to hear. The same man with the breaking in and love notes. Was blasting Fuck it by Eamon.
My dad is an absolute STATE. And my mum finds so much humour in it, I worry about her sometimes. She says it's just her, she just has an aura that drives men crazy be she's never dated a man that's been normal, and l'll be honest l'm inclined to believe her. Teenage boys have gone feral at me because they saw pictures of her on my social media. I got blackmailed into sending a guy more pictures of my mum. She just has an effect on men that they cannot be normal about her. My stepdad had a mental break down last year and she uses that as proof (he spent a few months driving up and down roads burying roadkill… it was a thing, he can’t remember any of it)
Honestly, your mom and my mom (who at 17 ran away and got a work visa in Canada to be a stripper) would either get along really well or hate each other to the core.
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So as someone who has been to multiple cons before, I feel like I have quite a bit to say on the topic. As an autistic person, I feel like I can add some nuance that not everyone experiences, but I’d like to specify I speak for myself ONLY on the autistic experience at cons. Autistic support needs vary widely across the community.
The first con I went to was a local con in 2020. It’s a smaller con, and my friend had invited me to go with her for her birthday. It was definitely a lot more muted of an atmosphere given the fact that we were in the midst of a pandemic, but I’d like to specify everyone I was with took any and all necessary health precautions. Being in that environment for the first time was unbelievable, even for as small and toned-down of a con as it was. It’s nerd culture EVERYWHERE. I was 17, it was my first experience going to any kind of fan event, and I’m sure anyone who’s been to cons before could probably tell I was new at con culture. Everyone we met was friendly and we saw lots of cool collectibles. I’ve been back to that con a few times now, and there was a lot more to see and do when restrictions lessened. I’ve also gotten more into cosplay since I started, so my con pictures have been UPGRADED in a major way.
The biggest (and best) con I’ve attended so far was FanExpo Philly 2023. The pictures above were all taken there, and it was overall just a really amazing experience. I’d never been to Philly, and I asked my cousin on a whim if she wanted to go to the con when I heard a particular guest would be there (10 points if you can guess who I’m talking about), and she said YES. So I took my first solo plane ride across the country and went to a huge con in a city I don’t know. And it was worth it ten times over.
Going to a con that big is overwhelming. There’s multiple show floors in a huge convention center, and the amount of people going to a con in such a major city is about 100 times more than my first con. It was also my cousin’s first con EVER, so it was really interesting to get to introduce her to con culture. (Spoiler alert: she loved it.) The con was bustling all three days, and certain lines were HOURS of waiting. My social anxiety was naturally still present, but there was a sense of camaraderie there that I can’t say I’ve felt anywhere else. We spent so long looking at all the different vendors and shopping in addition to meeting our favorite celebrities. (Seriously, cons are a fan’s paradise. I’m a sucker for Funko Pops for about 3 fandoms and I was SO HAPPY.)
Saturday we had a photo op with Michael J Fox & Christopher Lloyd, and that line was insanity. Definitely the biggest individual draw there especially for Gen X. We spent maybe 2 hours in line, and people didn’t really get snippy like they do at theme parks, we all just wound up talking (and yes, sometimes moaning and groaning about the wait) with people around us for the most part. When we got to the photo op, it was super quick due to the number of people, but my cousin whispered “we love you guys!” To Michael and Christopher and Michael turned around to say something to us. Unfortunately we didn’t hear it because it was so loud but he didn’t turn around for the previous guests we’d seen. I also handed an attendant a letter I’d written to Michael J Fox about what an inspiration he is for disabled people and how thankful I was for his advocacy work.
Sean Astin’s line was less crazy, still packed but less crazy. With him, we were allowed to hug or stand next to him, it was a little more casual, and he was cracking jokes and very friendly. When we went back up to the autograph table (me for a signed 8x10 and my cousin to get her Balrog Funko Pop signed) he was super friendly and just such a nice person. I told him my family said hi, and my mom had been a fan since the Goonies, and he said “next time bring your mom”. So when he came to my small local con in March 2024, that’s exactly what I did. He was just as nice and friendly the second time, and my mom enjoyed it too.
Sunday at FanExpo was my busiest day. We had multiple photo ops with the Stranger Things guests that had all gotten pushed to one day because of some visa issues for one of the guests (poor Joseph Quinn had to do THREE DAYS of stuff in one day). I was pretty nervous, I’m a HUGE Stranger Things fan, my first cosplay was actually season 3 Eleven. We got up to photo op 1 with Joseph and I asked if I could hug him for the photo and he went “of course you can!” Photo op 2 was with him and Grace van Dien, and I’d made friendship bracelets for both of them. She was an absolute angel (I WILL DEFEND GRACE VAN DIEN AGAINST THE HATERS!) and wore the bracelet for our picture and I saw it in the next picture too. Photo op 3 was just Joseph (I’d purchased multiple intending to do it on multiple days and have multiple cosplays). I wound up by myself in line while my cousin went to go get food (we were DYING). I met some of the nicest people in line (we’re Facebook and instagram friends now) and honestly I don’t know when social interaction has been easier. That photo op was the BEST one yet, and had the best story behind it, which if you want, I can share more details of. Suffice it to say, he is an absolute gem of a human being and deserves every bit of success he’s getting, and I’m really glad I got to meet him when he was only famous for Stranger Things. Anyone who thought I was cringy at the time for going to meet him is going to regret not meeting him when they could’ve, especially with Gladiator II and Fantastic Four coming out soon.
Something I’d like to mention in regards to Joseph Quinn, and any celebrities you meet at a con. You need to be respectful of their boundaries NO MATTER WHAT. THEY DO NOT OWE YOU ANYTHING BUT WHAT YOU PAID FOR, which is a picture or an autograph. They’re human beings and just because you paid for a photo op doesn’t mean you get to touch them in any way you want or put them in uncomfortable situations re: posing. I say this because a few weeks after I met him, at another FanExpo, a con-goer tried to touch him in an inappropriate way that was overtly sexual in nature (best approximation from witnesses is attempted groping). This is deplorable, and CONSENT IS KEY whenever you are having an interaction at a con. You can ask, but they don’t owe you hugs, poses, anything. CONSENT should always be the top priority when interacting with celebrities and other guests, no matter what. He was kind enough to give me a hug, but not ONCE did I expect or demand it, nor would I have hugged him if he hadn’t said yes. Paying for a photo op isn’t consent, being famous isn’t consent, cosplay isn’t consent. He was so lovely to myself and other guests and it’s heartbreaking anyone would do something so blatantly sexual and inappropriate.
Rant aside. I LOVE CONS. I love them so much. I’ve met some of my absolute heroes at cons and fan events, and it’s honestly such a wonderful experience overall, at least speaking for my personal experience. I encourage you if you’re curious, go to a con. Get single day admission even and just go get a photo with someone you think is cool. Chances are you’ll have a great time.
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