#my family really hates my new tablet
hardcorepug · 3 days
I do the Doodles to instill gladsomeness in ones heart.
0 notes
xomakara · 2 months
Roomies With Benefits
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(re-posting from my old account seulrinnie-rinrin/xomakara-secondary)
SUMMARY | You have no choice but to be roommates with San when there is a glitch in the leasing office’s system. The more time that you live together, the more that you both can’t help but want each other. PAIRING | San x Reader GENRE | non-idol!San, College AU, Roommate trope, fake dating trope, smut with some plot, protected sex (wrap it up everyone!), vaginal sex, oral sex, fingering RATING | Mature, 18+, NSFW, MDNI LENGTH | 7,380 words TAGLIST | -- NETWORKS | AUTHOR’S NOTE | I would not mind living with San (or any of the other members) if there was a glitch in the system. LOL. Hope you all enjoy, reblog, like, comment~ Love you all ❤️
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"There has to be misunderstanding," You looked at the management team of your apartment complex. "There's no way that you could lease the unit to two people who signed two different leases at different times. Please tell me I'm not crazy."
"My system shows that both you and Mr Choi are on the lease..." The manager searched for something on his tablet. "I will double check with my secretary to confirm if everything is correct. We should have an answer by tomorrow afternoon. Until then, can you and Mr Choi share the unit?"
You shook your head. There was no way that you'd share the apartment with Choi San, the most popular guy on campus and your arch rival since freshman year. Okay, sure he was stupidly, insanely hot with a sexy brain to boot but he wasn't someone you would ever let into your personal space, much less share the same living space.
There was also the small fact that he was one of the most eligible bachelors at school and always getting girls all over him. He had dated many of them before they got tired of playing second fiddle to his social life or wanted to get closer to his family money. You had seen him flirting with women during lunch, talking to his other stupidly, insanely hot friends about how he couldn't wait to bang yet another girl later that night. Every time he turned around, some new girl was ogling at him and that infuriated you.
Not that you hadn't had your fair share of guys sliding into your DMs just because they were interested in you, trying to impress you with expensive gifts or showing up on campus with roses, candy and other 'cute' things just to see you smile and notice them. Sure you were the Queen Bee on campus, even with barely any effort on your part, but that didn't mean you needed everyone else telling you how pretty and desirable you were, did it?
No. You were perfectly fine being single, thank you very much.
But it seemed like this misunderstanding would force you to spend more time together. How terrible.
"Let's just share the apartment for one night." San spoke up, the manager giving him a small nod. "Tomorrow, we expect answers."
You walked out of the management office, a scowl on your face as you waited for the elevator. San was by your side, tapping his foot impatiently while keeping an eye on your reactions. You were tired and just didn't feel like arguing with him right now.
"Let's just get to the apartment and figure something out." San muttered next to you. "It's probably not a big deal."
You sighed. "If only it were that simple." You tried to find the quickest route to the apartment unit so you could get away from him.
The last thing you needed right now was to come across San and a lot of sexual tension going through the roof, only making you more irritable than you already were. You hated how badly you wanted him, hated yourself for reacting the way you did whenever he was near you. It was disgusting, embarrassing and it made you want to punch the wall.
Shit. This was bad. Really bad.
San noticed the look on your face. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing." You said as you approached the front door and opened it. You looked at the boxes that littered the living room area, both yours and his mingled together in a weird mixture of feminine and masculine decor.
He sighed and followed you inside. "Are you sure you're okay? Everything seems fine to me. What's the problem?"
"We need to share this apartment tonight." You stated matter-of-factly. "That means I'll be sleeping here with you. By tomorrow, the whole campus is going to talk about how the Queen Bee and Alpha Male hooked up. No way can that happen. My reputation is on the line."
"And what do you care about your reputation?" He asked, walking towards you. You backed up against the door, causing him to stop.
"You know I care about my image." You snapped back. "Besides, I've worked too hard to maintain my social status for me to lose it because of a mistake."
His eyes narrowed as he took in your features. His nostrils flared slightly, his gaze darkening with every passing second. You knew what he was doing and you wished you could say something, stop him from approaching you and taking you against the door like a predator chasing down its prey.
Your heartbeat accelerated and your body started to react in ways you never expected, long buried desires resurfacing once again, feelings stirring deep within your heart.
If he touched you right now, you wouldn't fight him. You'd let him take you and fuck you into oblivion until neither of you could walk. All you cared about was his lips on your neck, his hands running along your hips and thighs, your fingers entwined with his. You'd be content to go slow and explore your bodies for hours, waiting for the moment when he finally plunged into you, thrusting hard and fast until you couldn't take anymore.
Instead, you were stuck with San, who was staring at you with his hot brown eyes, and even though he didn't touch you, the longing in his stare burned hotter than the fire raging behind his irises. You were powerless to do anything but stand there, watching him silently and hoping that he would finally make his move.
But he didn't. He turned away and gestured to the door of the bedroom. "Take the room. I'll sleep on the couch tonight. Hopefully, tomorrow we can find out why there was a mix-up and we won't have to worry about this shit anymore."
"Are you sure you don't mind?" You asked hesitantly. He glanced at you, the corner of his mouth twitching slightly as he stared at you intently.
"Yeah, take it." San nodded. "Despite all the things you hear about me on campus, I don't go around sleeping with women without their consent. Even you, Queen Bee. I respect that. Just take the room."
"Thank you." You breathed softly, thankful for his generosity and maturity. With a slight sigh, you walked towards the bedroom and closed the door behind you. You locked it and crawled onto the bed, pulling the blanket over your body and laying there for a few seconds before turning off the lights.
You lay on the bed for a few minutes, wondering what had gotten into San. Why did he suddenly act so mature? And was it really possible that you weren't imagining things earlier? Did he actually desire you as well?
It felt like a heavy weight was lifted off your shoulders. Yes, maybe it was a mix-up and the leasing office really did mess up your contracts. Maybe, just maybe, everything would work out just fine.
With those thoughts filling your mind, you fell asleep quickly.
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You woke up slowly, disoriented from the light pouring into the room. Your heart raced as your eyes adjusted to the sunlight. Slowly opening your eyes, you blinked several times, your eyes adjusting to the unfamiliar ceiling above you.
Getting up and unlocking the door to the bedroom to make your way to the kitchen, you looked at San's figure as he snoozed away on the couch. The covers were pulled up to his chin and his shirt was partially undone, exposing a sliver of chestnut skin.
For a moment, you just stood there and watched him sleep, the excitement from yesterday still lingering on your skin.
You started up the coffee machine, brewed a fresh pot and made your way to one of the boxes in the living one that had your clothes packed in. Careful to not wake San up, you closed the bathroom door behind you and locked it so that you could shower in peace.
After taking a quick shower, you dried yourself off and put on your clothes. You made your way back to the kitchen and poured yourself a cup of coffee, adding a spoonful of sugar to sweeten it a little. As you sipped on the delicious black liquid, you leaned against the counter and browsed on your phone. A minute passed before you heard the sound of footsteps on the wooden floor, followed by a yawn.
"Good morning." San said with a soft smile as you poured him a cup of coffee and slid it towards him.
"Morning." You replied. "After you get ready for the day, let's go down to the leasing office and see what they say."
"Sure." He said as he gulped down half his coffee, eyes trained on your form as you took another sip. You knew exactly what was going through his head and you didn't think he was going to be able to hide it from you anytime soon. The expression on his face was clear evidence that he liked what he saw.
About half an hour later, you and San both made your way to the leasing office. Walking past the crowds of students that congregated outside the main building, you arrived at the office and entered the queue. After a short wait, you finally reached the front desk and signed your name on the sign-in sheet.
"I'm sorry for the inconvenience." The manager apologized again as he looked at you and San. "Unfortunately, there was a glitch in the system and I'm afraid that our records show that we mistakenly assigned you the same unit."
"There's no other units that are available? Not even in a different location?" San inquired, a frown etched across his brow.
"There's nothing left." The manager shook his head. "All the other units have already been filled by other students that are no longer living in the dorms, sorority or frat houses."
"When is the next available unit?" You asked, putting on your best poker face. "How long will it take for us to get one?"
The manager paused for a moment, seemingly torn between wanting to tell you that there wasn't another unit available and being worried about offending you by saying so. "I'm so very sorry but there won't be any available units until the next school year. You may have to find someplace else to live if you cannot accept that."
"That won't be necessary." San interrupted. "I'm sure Miss Y/N and I will figure something out."
"That's good." The manager gave you a sympathetic smile before looking back at San. "Well, if you need anything at all, please let me know. If you need help finding a new place, I'm happy to assist."
San nodded and gave the man a polite smile before turning towards you. "We should go. Let's head back to the apartment."
You followed him back to the elevator, ignoring all the curious glances that the both of you attracted. Some people didn't know why you two were sharing an apartment, others were just trying to catch a glimpse of San and you, others were already forming their opinions and thoughts of the two hottest people on campus and if they were really dating. Either way, everyone wanted to know the answers to these questions.
By the time you got to the apartment unit, the sun had almost set and nightfall was upon you. Both of you dumped your bags inside the apartment and decided to sit down on the couch.
"So..." San said, breaking the silence. "I guess we're going to spend our last year of university in the same unit..."
You nodded. "Yep."
"Let's try to work something out. Why don't you continue to stay in the bedroom and I'll stay on the couch for the time being?"
"I can't let you sleep on the couch forever, San." You protested.
"Then just let me stay in the bedroom until we find another solution." He suggested. "Unless you don't want to share the bed with me either?"
"I-I'm fine with sharing." You stammered out, avoiding eye contact with him. There was a nervous twitch dancing on the end of your lips as you felt your cheeks grow warm with embarrassment.
"What are you thinking about, Y/N?" San asked, bringing your attention back to him. His eyes flickered from side to side, peeking at your lips before landing on your eyes.
"Oh...nothing." You mumbled, averting your gaze. "I can already hear the rumours..."
"Then why don't we just date?" San suggested. "At least to the public. No one will bat an eye if we said that we moved in together because after being a couple for a few months. But in private, we'll just be two roommates. Nothing more."
"Maybe...maybe we should do that." You murmured softly. Your cheeks grew redder and your voice was barely audible. You could feel your heart pounding loudly in your chest as your pulse raced in anticipation of what San would say next.
"I promise I won't touch you unless you ask me to." San said softly. "And I won't demand anything sexual from you."
You swallowed heavily, biting your lip as you met San's intense gaze. "You...you're sure?"
"Of course I am." He said firmly. "I don't want to pressure you into doing anything that you aren't comfortable with. So I'll leave it up to you."
Tilting your head to the side, you tried to decide how to respond. If this was truly the only option you had, then perhaps dating San would work out. “Okay, fine.” You sighed, giving in. “We’ll try it. But if I ever start feeling uncomfortable or I don’t want to date you anymore, you better not hold it against me.”
"Deal, now why don't we start unpacking?" San suggested, standing up and walking towards the bedroom. "This is going to be our home for the next year. Let's make it a nice home, okay?"
He was right. This would be your home for the next year and you should make the most of it. Putting aside your worries for the moment, you grabbed your bag and followed San into the bedroom. Once you had unpacked your stuff, you sat down on the edge of the bed while San sorted out the rest of his belongings. You both then moved to the living room and settled on opposite sides of the couch.
"I can already see the look on your friends' faces when we tell them that we're 'dating'. They probably think that we're crazy and that we're playing games. They'll see right through us." You remarked.
"Then should we practice on making it look real?" San asked. "Or is that asking too much?"
“I don’t think I have it in me.” You shrugged. “But if it makes you feel better…”
With a smile plastered across his face, San leaned forward and kissed you on the lips. It wasn’t overly romantic and it was brief, but it showed enough of his intentions to get you to agree to his plan. You hadn’t expected that kissing him would make you feel tingly inside, but your stomach fluttered as he pressed his lips to yours. You could taste the remnants of coffee on his tongue and you couldn’t help but pull him closer to you, deepening the kiss. Before you knew it, you found yourself pinned to the sofa by San, unable to move or resist his grip.
"Y/N..." San whispered hoarsely. "Do you want to stop this or...?"
"I...don't know..." You confessed, not wanting to lie. "We can keep kissing...but nothing else tonight."
He looked into your eyes, a brief smile gracing his beautiful lips. "Okay, I could deal with only kissing." He paused for a moment, letting you adjust to the idea. "Though...if you change your mind, just give me a sign and I'll stop immediately."
Relieved, you smiled softly at San before nodding slightly. "Yeah, I'll let you know."
"Okay, then I'm going to kiss you some more." San purred, leaning in once again. "If you tell me to stop, I will."
His lips descended slowly over yours, igniting your body with passion. He tasted like coffee and mint toothpaste and he smelled amazing. His hands explored your waistline, slipping under the material of your shirt. All you wanted was to feel San’s skin against yours. To feel every inch of his muscular frame pressed against you. To inhale the scent of his cologne and bask in the warmth radiating off his body. With those thoughts in mind, you leaned forward and ran your fingers through his hair, pulling him tighter against you.
Your kisses became deeper, your breathing erratic as you moaned louder than you intended. Your hips arched upwards, pressing against San's crotch. A small groan escaped his throat as you began kissing him harder, your breath hot and ragged against his ear.
You weren't aware that your fingernails dug into his scalp as you felt him push against you, trying to make you moan louder. "Y/N..." San moaned as you bit down on his earlobe, sending chills down your spine. "We should stop...while we can."
You lifted your head, panting heavily as you gazed at San. "Yeah, yeah we should stop." You agreed, trying to steady your heartbeat.
Damn, living with San was going to be interesting.
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That night you laid in bed under the covers as you turned your head to watch San snoozed next to you on top of the covers. You stared at his sleeping form for several minutes before realizing that you were staring at him. You smiled softly as you layed back down, curling up beside him. After a few moments, San opened his eyes and gazed at you.
"Are you awake?" He asked quietly.
"Mmhmm, yes I am." You responded softly. "Hard to sleep with someone lying next to you isn't it?"
San rolled onto his side and propped himself up on his elbow. "It certainly can be." He murmured. "But I've been doing it for so long that I just kind of accepted it."
"I guess I haven't gotten used to having someone next to me yet." You commented with a small chuckle.
"The Queen Bee is not used to having someone next to her?" San teased. "How strange."
Shaking your head, you smiled. "No, not at all. I know I get plenty of male attention being the Queen Bee on campus but I just turn everyone down. I guess it's because I prefer spending my time alone. Besides, the guys who are attracted to me are creeps anyway."
"I'm attracted to you." San chuckled. "Does that make me a creep?"
"There's no way you're attracted to me, Choi San." You replied, shaking your head again. "I'm not exactly your type."
"Who says you're not my type?" He countered. "All the other girls that try to get into my pants? You don't think I notice you?"
You sighed, rolling your eyes at San's persistence. He was determined to prove his point, despite the fact that you still disagreed with him. "Look, I'm flattered that you think I'm attractive but-"
"No, Y/N." San interrupted. "Just hear me out. You're beautiful, smart and funny. Plus, you don't put up with any crap from anyone. Do you know how rare that is?"
For the first time since San spoke, you stopped to think about his words. "Am I really that special?" You asked.
"You're pretty damn special, actually." San admitted. "I don't know why you don't think you're attractive if half the student body and myself fall at your feet."
Laughing lightly, you shook your head. "I think I'd rather spend my time alone than get wrapped up in relationships." You decided. "Besides, I'm not interested in hook ups."
"You didn't say that when we kissed earlier." San pointed out.
"I-it was different!" You protested. "A kiss doesn't mean I want to have sex with you!"
San smirked. "Why did you kiss me then? Just to test the waters?"
Blushing bright red, you ducked your head low as San reached out and gently stroked your cheek. "Not necessarily..." You muttered, glancing away.
"Don't be embarrassed by what happened earlier." San said, placing a finger underneath your chin and lifting your head. "I liked kissing you and I know you like kissing me too. If you don't want to do anything else tonight, then that's fine with me. But you need to at least admit that there's something between us."
Your heart pounded loudly in your ears as you fought back the desire to lean forward and kiss him. "So what do you suggest we do instead?" You asked.
"Well..." San trailed off. "There is one thing I've always wanted to do with you."
"Oh?" You asked.
"Mmhm." San nodded. "I was hoping that maybe you'd let me kiss you again."
A grin tugged at the corner of your mouth as you watched San's face light up. "I'm not opposed to another kiss." You admitted. "But..."
"But?" San prompted.
"I was thinking..." You trailed off, trying to find the right words. "Maybe we could just go slow and enjoy each other's company."
San regarded you for a moment before nodding. "Alright, I can do that." He said. "Tonight's the first night we live together so it'll be the perfect opportunity for us to get to know each other. We can take things easy and see where they lead us."
You placed a hand on San's cheek, tracing his soft features with your thumb. "I like the sound of that." You told him. "Now you can kiss me."
For the remainder of the night, you were lost in his kisses.
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It had been several weeks since you and San started living together as roommates. In the comfort of your own home, the both of you led your private lives away from the prying eyes of others. Nowadays, the both of you would talk for hours on end about your day or complain about the latest episode of your favourite drama. You never thought that being able to converse with someone was such a relief, especially after a stressful week at work or class.
When the both of you were out in public together, you both played your parts as a couple convincingly. You'd hold hands with San, kiss him, blush when his hand slid lower than where it needed to be and even grab onto his arm whenever the conversation turned serious. Even San's friends were convinced that the both of you were dating and no one batted an eye when you came out of the bathroom in the middle of the party to hug San, accidentally brushing your breast against his arm or when he would wrap an arm around your waist to pull you close to him and kiss your forehead.
Friends would ask about your sex life but you clearly didn't have one. At least not yet. You were content spending the night in bed telling each other stories or just cuddling while watching television. Exchanging kisses every now and then but making sure to limit yourselves to making out and no further. It wasn't that you didn't want to have sex with San, it was just that you weren't ready for a relationship at this point in your life. Not to mention that you didn't want to rush into anything. If you took your time getting to know San better, it would make everything less awkward when the time finally came.
And then San's friend Wooyoung wanted to throw a small get-together at the apartment.
"Why does everyone want to throw a party here?" You complained as you walked into the kitchen. "Can't anyone take care of their own parties?"
"Scared that everyone will find out?" San teased you.
"How will they find out when our apartment has both of our stuff scattered everywhere?" You mumbled. "Our apartment literally looks like a couple. If anyone steps into the bedroom, I will murder someone."
San chuckled as he stood beside you, handing you a cup of tea. "I know you'd rather be curled up on the couch with a book but let's try to keep appearances up tonight. Okay?"
You sighed, taking the offered cup. "Fine."
Wooyoung had invited all of his friends and a few girls from the campus. Although you didn't want to mingle with the others, you did it for San's sake. But as the night progressed, you became increasingly bored. Most of the guys in attendance were there to ogle over the attractive women but San stuck close to you the entire time. The girls, on the other hand, kept flirting and vying for San's attention but he refused them all politely.
He only had eyes for you.
Sighing, you excused yourself from the room to use the restroom. After finishing your business, you left the restroon and tried looking for a seat but noticed that they were all taken. Everyone was drinking, eating, and conversing with each other. When San saw you standing there, he gestured you over to him, only to pull you into his lap.
"San!" You whispered, his hands resting on your hips.
"Shh...it's time to play house." San murmured huskily into your ear. "Need to keep up the charade."
You blushed deeply, glancing around at the amused stares of his friends. For the sake of San, you accepted his invitation to stay seated on his lap. At first, it seemed innocent enough, but soon you could feel San running a hand up and down your back, his soft fingers caressing your bare thigh. The tips of his fingers slowly inched higher until they brushed against the bottom of your skirt.
"San..." You whispered again, surprised by his sudden boldness.
"Can I kiss you, Y/N?" He breathed into your ear. "Please? I really want to kiss you right now."
Your breath hitched in your throat, knowing full well what he meant. Not that you were opposed to kissing San, you enjoyed the feel of his lips pressed against yours whenever you got the chance. But he'd never made a move on you like this before in public. Sure, you'd gotten hugs and a quick peck on the cheek from him for appearances sake but none of those kisses made your heart race like this.
"What do you think?" San whispered, pulling back from your ear long enough to meet your gaze.
"In front of everyone?" You questioned quietly.
"Baby, we need to give them a show so they can get up and leave the apartment." He reasoned. "Besides, I've been thinking about kissing you this whole day. And you looked so sexy today, dressed in that short skirt and that tight, sexy top. So yes, in front of everyone is exactly where I want to be kissing you."
With a soft sigh, you reluctantly nodded. "Alright, let's give them something to watch."
Slowly, San pulled you closer, placing his free hand on the nape of your neck, gently holding your head still. Then, with his mouth just inches away from yours, San whispered, "Kiss me, Y/N."
You closed your eyes and lowered your head, offering your lips to San without hesitation. In return, San captured your lips in a gentle kiss that melted your insides and made you gasp. Your mouths remained connected, devouring each other with lustful desire. There was no hesitation, no inhibitions; it was purely a display of raw lust and intense passion.
The way he held you, tenderly caressing your back, sending goosebumps all over your body and the pressure of his lips against yours sent shivers down your spine. All you wanted to do was to run your fingers through his messy, black hair and slip your arms around his neck, begging him to touch you wherever he pleased.
As if reading your mind, San broke the kiss, grinning as he rested his forehead against yours. "Well, are you satisfied?"
Hearing San speak like that caused your cheeks to burn red. "You could say that." You replied, a little breathless.
"Good." San grinned, lightly running his fingers down your side.
You heard a cough and you both looked up to see Wooyoung staring at the two of you with a smug grin on his face. "Sooooo, is this the cue for us to end the party and go home so that ya'll can fuck each other senseless? Because that's what I'm hearing."
San chuckled lightly as he rose to his feet, pulling you along with him. "Yep, I guess that is what we're doing. Time to shut the party down. Y/N is feeling tired."
"Tired, my ass." Wooyoung sneered, eyeing the two of you with amusement. "You guys are just horny. Look how the two of you can't keep your hands off of each other."
"Once you get a taste of pussy, you can't get enough of it." San commented and you couldn't help but bury your head in his shoulder out of sheer embarrassment. You looked up at San and he grinned down at you.
"Alright, folks. Party is over." You announced. "Go home so that I can have my boyfriend all to myself. Bye!"
You smiled brightly as you waved goodbye to everyone. Soon, the apartment was empty except for the two of you and it felt nice to finally be alone with San again. As soon as you sat on the couch, San's hands grabbed onto your thighs and pulled you closer to him.
"You don't have to pretend anymore, baby." San whispered in your ear, making your heart flutter uncontrollably. "All of these people aren't here to judge you. We can enjoy ourselves in our own little world."
He stroked your leg softly, trailing his fingers down the edge of your skirt.
"It feels good to not have to act like we have a charade going on." You murmured, smiling up at San.
"Why don't we make this charade real then?" San gave you a mischievous smile, unbuttoning your tight shirt and letting it fall to the floor. "Why don't we live in reality instead of this fantasy that we're putting on for everyone else?"
"San...what are you-"
But before you could finish your sentence, San reached up and cupped your face with his hands, giving you a deep, passionate kiss that left you breathless. Once he released your lips, you stared up at him with wide eyes. "Baby, I don't want to just kiss anymore. It's so hard for me to control myself around you. I want to throw you over the couch, tear your clothes off and fuck you until neither of us can move anymore."
"I know you want it too, Y/N. It shows in the way you look at me sometimes." San admitted, leaning down to give you another gentle kiss. "When you kiss me sometimes. When you wear these sexy clothes and don't think I'm not paying attention to you. I pay attention, I pay so much attention that I want to rip your clothes off and fuck you until you're screaming my name. I want you, baby. More than I ever thought possible. I want to lose myself in you. Take you any which way I please. Make you scream my name so loud that everyone within earshot knows who you belong to."
Fuck, you wanted this man. So bad that you ached in places that you never knew existed. Your body hummed with pleasure as you moaned against San's lips. "And why hold it in?" You whimpered, raising your hand to trace the outline of San's jawline.
"Because you're a queen that deserves to be treated like one." San growled, slowly slipping his tongue into your open mouth. "And if my queen wanted to wait and take things slow, then I would respect her wishes. I would wait until she wants me inside of her, filling her with the sweet warmth of my love."
You gasped as his warm tongue slid over yours. His kiss was different from the ones you shared in the past. Now, it wasn't as if you two were strangers; there was an unspoken connection between you two that grew deeper with every passing second. "And now?"
"I want you, Y/N. I want you more than anything in this world." San rasped. "Tonight, I want you in ways that I haven't even imagined before. You've made me realize that there are a lot of things I've never experienced in life, and now that I have you, I plan on experiencing everything."
Your heart swelled in your chest as you gazed at San with longing. You leaned forward, pressing your lips against San's once again, wanting nothing more than to be in his embrace forever.
This. Was. It.
"I want you too." You mumbled against his lips. "Every part of you, San."
A single hand ran through your hair, tugging gently while the other caressed your cheekbone. Your hands grasped the sides of his shirt, gently pulling it upward until it fell to the floor with a thud.
"Oh God, baby." San moaned as you kissed your way down his neck, leaving a trail of fire-like kisses along his collar bone. When you finally stopped teasing him, you placed your palms against his muscular stomach and ran them downward until you reached the waistband of his jeans. Slowly, you unzipped his pants, revealing his hard length for the very first time.
"San...you're so beautiful." You breathed, caressing his shaft with trembling fingers. "I've always loved the way you smell, but seeing you with your pants undone, sporting a cock so big and thick in front of me has made me a complete mess."
He groaned as you took his dick into your hand, admiring the thickness and length of it. It was perfectly shaped and there was a huge vein pulsating down its center, stretching out towards the tip of his erection. His dick was so perfect, so breathtaking, that you had a difficult time keeping yourself from taking him into your mouth and sucking on it.
Instead, you cupped his balls in one hand and began massaging them with the other, causing him to groan even louder.
"Are you trying to drive me crazy?" He asked in between pants.
"Is it working?" You teased.
"Yes..." He muttered through clenched teeth. "More, baby. Please, give me more."
His words fueled your already raging desire for him. You squeezed his balls harder, eliciting a low moan from him. You dropped to your knees and started to pull his underwear down until they pooled at his ankles. San threw his head back, moaning louder as your mouth descended upon his cock, tasting the salty essence of pre-cum as you engulfed the entirety of him in your mouth.
"You're such a good girl." San moaned, running his hands through your hair as you pleasured him. "So eager to please. So eager to swallow my cum, just like you swallowed all of me. That's it, Y/N. Suck it like you mean it. Suck it like you fucking love it."
Breathing heavily, you licked the head of his dick, humming as you continued to suck on him. The taste of him was intoxicating, addicting, almost like drinking your favorite cocktail. Each time you slid your mouth further down, taking him deeper into your throat, you felt yourself getting lost in his intoxicating scent.
Soon, you found yourself drooling over the sight of his dick sliding between your lips. And as you looked up at him with hooded eyes, you noticed the way he looked at you. Like you were his entire universe. Like you were meant to be his.
"Please..." San whispered, his voice barely above a whisper. "Take it all."
You hummed against him, continuing to stroke him in a circular motion with your hand as you kept up with your ministrations with your mouth. You could feel him getting close to climax, so you slowed down, taking his dick out of your mouth. "Cum for me, San. Coat my throat with your cum."
You wanted him to cum so badly. You wanted him to fill your mouth with his semen so that you could drink it down greedily. "Let it flow, San. Let it all flow down my throat."
A few seconds later, you heard San release a strangled gasp. A second after that, he flooded your mouth with his cum, shooting stream after stream down your throat.
It didn't matter if you weren't prepared for it. All that mattered was that San came, and that he did it because of you.
As he pumped out the last of his semen into your mouth, you felt the vibrations in his dick as he became still. A moment later, you took the head of his dick into your mouth, sucking the remaining cum off of him. Then, you raised your head and looked up at San, panting slightly as he tried to catch his breath.
"Did I do good?" You asked, tilting your head to the side as you watched him carefully.
"You blew me away, baby." San chuckled, reaching out to touch your cheek. "And now I really want to fuck you."
"Mmm, okay." You nodded. "That sounds like a great idea."
With a wicked grin, San wrapped his arms around your waist and picked you up off the ground, carrying you over to the bedroom. Once he laid you down on the bed, he climbed atop you, kissing your forehead, his hands pulling off the last of your clothes. After that, his lips followed their path southward, lingering against your skin as his mouth moved down to tease your breasts.
Once his lips latched onto your nipples, he began sucking gently on them, occasionally releasing them to circle around them with his tongue. At the same time, his fingers began circling around your core, his thumb dipping between your folds and pushing into you with soft, tender strokes.
"Ahh..." You cried out as your entire body began to tingle. "S-San!"
"Tell me what you want, Y/N." San murmured against your breast. "Tell me how you want me to fuck you."
Gathering all of your courage, you pulled his face upwards and locked eyes with him. "Do whatever you want with me, San. Do whatever you need to do to get you off. Fuck me however you want. But please...fuck me hard."
At the sound of your begging, San laughed softly and said, "Well, when you put it that way...you make it very difficult to refuse."
Grabbing a condom out of the nightstand drawer, he ripped it open with his teeth, using his other hand to roll it down his throbbing member. Soon enough, he positioned himself between your legs and settled himself on top of you, sinking into your wet heat with one thrust.
It was the best feeling you'd ever experienced. Being completely filled by this man. This man who you desperately wanted to claim as your own.
San grabbed your wrists, pinning them over your head as he started to pump his hips, slowly. "God, you feel amazing." He grunted. "You're so tight around me. So hot. So fucking hot. I can't believe that I'm finally here, buried deep inside of you. Your pussy is tighter than I could have ever dreamed of. How is that even possible?"
"Fuck, San..." You panted, rocking your hips underneath him. "Keep going."
"Okay." San replied, smiling as he pushed into you harder. "You want it harder? Okay, I'll give it to you."
One of San's hands went to your hip, gripping you tightly as he slammed into you. His other hand gripped your hair, bringing your face closer to his as he bit down on your shoulder. "Fuck, baby." He whispered. "Your tits look amazing bouncing in the air."
"Does it feel good, Y/N?" He whispered, pushing into you even harder. "Tell me what you like. Tell me what you want me to do."
"Ahhh..." You cried out. "I like this, San. Just keep doing this. Keep doing exactly what you're doing."
His lips left your shoulder and traveled to your ear where he nibbled lightly on your lobe. "I love the way you say my name." He murmured, brushing his nose across your cheek. "It's so sexy. So, so fucking sexy."
He then trailed kisses down your neck, pausing to kiss and suck your collar bone as he continued to plunge into you. Before long, he was running his lips back up to your ear, whispering against it. "Y/N, are you ready for me to take you to heaven and back? Because I am. I am right now. As soon as you let go, I'll take you to paradise and fuck you until we both pass out from exhaustion."
"Oh god, San..." You whimpered, tightening your thighs around him. "Take me there. Take me to paradise. Don't stop fucking me. Never stop fucking me. Don't you dare stop fucking me."
"Never." He agreed, running his hand over your ass as he increased his pace, slamming into you over and over again. "I don't ever plan on stopping."
"Yes, yes, yes!" You screamed, burying your head into the pillow beneath you as San increased his speed yet again. You dug your nails into the mattress as you panted loudly, attempting to regain your breath. "San, oh god, San!"
"Cum for me, baby." He panted against your ear. "Can you cum for me?"
"Yes!" You cried out, arching your back and grabbing hold of the sheets, wrapping your fingers around them. "I'm coming! Oh god, I'm coming!"
A few seconds later, San's entire body stiffened and his dick began pulsating inside of you. For a brief moment, his cock twitched as he held onto you for dear life before the orgasm hit him and washed over him. He fell forward onto your chest, gasping for breath as you clung to him. When he caught his breath, he pulled out of you, sitting upright on the bed next to you and pulled the condom off of his dick. With a small smile, he tossed it onto the floor, then collapsed beside you, spooning you from behind.
After several minutes, you finally recovered from your near death experience and opened your eyes. You smiled softly as you saw San lying naked next to you.
"Hey." He murmured, brushing his fingertips along your arm. "You okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine." You assured him, snuggling into him.
"I didn't hurt you, did I?" San asked, stroking your arm with his thumb.
"No, you didn't hurt me." You giggled. "Actually, it felt pretty damn amazing."
"I'm glad." San sighed. "And to think that we've been living together all this time and haven't done this. We definitely need to remedy that situation."
You couldn't help but laugh as you pressed a kiss to his lips. "And how do you propose we do that?"
"Anytime, anywhere." San grinned. "I don't care. As long as it involves you and me and lots of sex."
"Oh, we can definitely work with that." You giggled. "Speaking of which...I'm kind of curious about something."
"What's that?" San asked, running his hand up and down your thigh.
"Now that this whole thing has happened...are we still playing pretend or...?"
"We're not pretending anymore, Y/N." San interrupted you. "From now on, you're mine and I'm yours."
You swallowed nervously. "Yours?"
"I'm saying that we're together, baby." San explained, pulling you in close. "For real this time. No more games. No more pretending."
You smiled softly, resting your head against San's chest. "That makes me really happy, San."
"Now that that's settled," he murmured against your neck, "how about we get this night started again? Because I know I can't wait any longer to fuck you again."
"San!" You let out a laugh as you squirmed in his arms. "Don't you dare."
"...Too late." San smirked as he slid into you. "I told you that I wouldn't stop until I fucked you again. And I meant every word."
And he certainly wasn't kidding.
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erenjaegerwifee · 2 months
Summers In Pandora 🌸 Day 3 - Angry/Hate Sex
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Paring: Lo’ak x Fem!Omatikaya!Reader
Summary: Lo’ak doesn’t like it when you spend time with his brother so he shows you he’s the best you’ll ever have.
Warnings: MDNI 18+, established relationship, mentions of alcohol and drinking, smut, hate fucking, angry sex, rough sex, spitting, explicit language, choking, marking, overstimulation, begging, gagging, orals (m receiving),
Word Count: 3.6K
Index: kelku - house,
Disclaimer:  All my characters are aged-up! If this makes you uncomfortable feel free to scroll and don’t interact with my posts.
Main M.list | Event M.list
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You struggle to tie your new top around your neck, it was beautifully made using red and yellow beads by your boyfriend. He was always so generous when it came to you, and that wasn’t just with gift giving. Getting into a relationship with Lo’ak was one of the best decisions you ever made, you were so excited when he asked to court you. You love him dearly but of course it’s Lo’ak, he tends to have a knack to piss you off.  
It’s not really his fault though, you try so hard to show him you’ll be a good wife to him when you both officially mate. And you know he is aware you’ll treat him with love and respect when it happens, what sets you off is the way every woman in this clan wants to climb on his cock. 
In the past few months you’ve grown quite close with Lo’ak’s family, hanging out and having dinner with them daily. They have grown to become like your family. Tonight, there will be another clan celebration, as much as you love your clan wholeheartedly, you hate seeing girls trip over their feet to be close to your man knowing that he was courting you. You are so tired of them getting in your way constantly, you can’t even kiss him without getting side eyed by the next bitch.  
You decided to get ready with Kiri at her family kelku and leave from there, but when you arrived everyone was at the house but Lo’ak was nowhere to be seen. You didn’t think too much off it as everyone was finishing up either attire for the party. Everyone looked ethereal as they should as the leading family, sometimes you wonder how you got so lucky to join it.   
Kiri stepped out to help her mother with some last-minute health paste which left you with everyone else in the kelku. Neytiri had asked you so kindly to get Tuk ready while she was gone so she wouldn’t be rushing and you couldn’t say no. You styled her hair pretty and helped her knot her clothes properly and she ran out of the room excitedly to show her big brother and father who were seated in the common area.  
When you turned around and she disappeared you go back to struggling with your top and not getting anywhere. You keep ducking your head out to curtain to see if either Kiri, Neytiri or Lo’ak comes in but instead Jake and Tuk leave. So now you stand helplessly in the house with Neteyam.  
He has always been a sweet big brother to you, always defending you and protecting you when he sees necessary. The only reason he hesitates to ask him for help is because Lo’ak hates it when you have to ask or depend on Neteyam for anything instead of him. But at this moment you don’t have a choice. You loosely tie your loincloth on your hips not finished with your body jewelry and stuck your head out the room. Neteyam sits with a tablet in his hands scrolling through something you can’t make out from here, you glance around to see if there was anyone else before you call out to him, “Hey, nete” Neteyam’s head snaps to your voice and chuckles at your floating head, “Yea?” it made you smile how quickly he was ready to drop what he was doing, “I need help, come here” you duck your head back into the room and make sure to hold the top covering your body properly before he walked in.  
When he entered, he stood at the doorway looking at you in the mirror reflection, “Hm?”
“I need help to tie my top, my fingers are slipping I don’t know why today of all days I can’t tie a knot” you giggle. Neteyam laughs at you and walks up behind you pushing your hair over your shoulder, you watch his hands disappear behind your back grazing your skin to tie the knot. It feels a little more intimate than usual but you chalk it up to Lo’ak’s opinion of you asking Neteyam for help.  
“How long have you been struggling in here you know how long I’ve been waiting for you to finish?” he laughs as he focuses on securing your top. “What do you mean?” you ask him watching his eyes dart to make eyes contact with you through the mirror. “Dad went with Tuk to meet mom and Kiri, Lo’ak is Eywa knows where so he said wait for you until you’re done so we can go to the party.” his explanation makes sense he has always been that kind of gentleman.  
“I don’t know where Lo’ak is either and I’m not done I still have a couple things to do so it looks like you’re still waiting” you laugh and he joins in with you giggling about stupid stuff. All of a sudden Lo’ak yanks the curtain open and barges inside catching you and Neteyam in front of the mirror, “Hey baby Kiri said you were- what's going on here?” 
You can hear it in his voice, he feels sour Neteyam is in here with you, they always had a good relationship but Lo’ak has a serious sharing problem, he just couldn’t get it past his head that Neteyam respects your relationship, he doesn’t want you, and you don’t want him.  
“Nothing baby bro, I’m helping your girlfriend tie her top.” Lo’ak notes the loosely tied loincloth around your hips, you could see the gears turning in his head, he must think something happened between you while he wasn’t here, speaking off, where was he? 
“No one else was here and I wanted to finish getting ready” you voice spoke up, “And where were you? I thought you’d be here when I got here” you look at him in the mirror as Neteyam finished securing your top and stepped away from you looking at Lo’ak. 
Neteyam is also well aware Lo’ak doesn’t like it when he is around you, it honestly amused him how much you apologize to him about Lo’ak’s behavior in those matters. “I was busy, and I think she’s good now bro don’t need to wait anymore I’ll Walk her to the party.” Lo’ak said to Neteyam. 
Neteyam left the room after sending you a quick goodbye and you turn to Lo’ak, “you don’t have to act like that I just asked for his help, and who were you with?” you ask him as you start fixing your clothes better. “Oh, so you care so much about how I treat him why don’t you let him help you take your clothes off now he can see how sorry you are” he rolls his eyes. 
“Lo’ak don’t be like that you know that nothing happened and if you were here, I wouldn’t have had to ask him in the first place” you know the argument is brewing, he’s gonna say something he doesn’t mean much like he just did and you’re both gonna be at that party glaring at each other instead of dancing on him, “And where were you, Lo? What were you so busy with?” you turn to face him now one hand on your hip as you wait for him to respond. 
“I was helping out a friend, I just ran a little late.” 
He sighed he knew you were gonna take this in the wrong way but he was honest anyways, “Cilia, she asked me to restring her bow a couple days ago, today was the only day I had some time” your brow furrowed at his response, “Cilia? That girl you flashed you at the river a week ago? The one who is constantly trying to bend over your lap? You went into her kelku willingly?” your voice raised with every question.  
“Why are you always on my case about this sluttly girls? It's not my fault they want me-”  
“No Lo’ak but it is your fault when you entertain them, how many times must I explain this to you?” 
“I don’t know what more you want from me. Ever since we’ve been together, I never crawled into bed with any of them. You on the other hand always wait for me to turn my back so you have a reason to run to my fucking brother” 
“I’m sorry, hold up. Don’t let me misunderstand, are you telling me I’m in some kind of secret relationship with your brother?” 
“Well, are you? I mean come on your basically asking for it tying your loincloth like that while he was in here? It just sat on your hips waiting for a light breeze to blow it off”  
“Oh, fuck you Lo’ak, how can you even accuse me of something like this, you're such a dick” you storm out of the room walking to the celebration by yourself. You know he is right behind you; you can hear him walking behind you but you make no effort to slow your pace or even turn to talk to him.  
When you made it to the party your branched off going in different directions, you walking over to the drinks table and he went somewhere else. Kiri came up to you while you were pouring yourself a drink and asked why you were looking so pissed. You explained what Lo’ak did and how you two argued and no surprise she understands your issue with it. It seems only Lo’ak has his head up his ass. 
You start to feel the music a bit and sway your hips from side to side, Lo’ak was nowhere in sight even though you were fully ready to forgive him and dance like you originally planned. But it seems that asshole has other plans, you walk through the crowd politely greeting people who tried talking to you until you spotted Lo’ak across the clearing. He sits next to Cilia a little to closely laughing at some stupid joke she just said.  
Why is he doing this to you? Why is he torturing you like this? He knows you don’t like her; he is well aware you would throw her ass off a cliff if you could and right now you feel like you might. Your eyes dart to everyone else sitting around them. Spider making small talk with a na’vi girl. Tuk runs circles around the fire with her friends and Neteyam has a girl pressed up against a nearby tree looking like he’s ready to eat her. 
You felt bad for what you were about to do, you know it will only add fuel to the fire but Lo’ak fucking deserves it right now, he has done nothing but be mean to you and ignore your wishes you’ve had enough. You prance your way over to Neteyam tapping on his shoulder to get his attention away from the girl. 
He doesn’t seem too happy about being interrupted but his face softens when he sees yours, and not only that but your glassy eyes make him concerned, you look like a sad baby kitten. He never liked when you cried, no matter who’s fault it was. “Hey, hey what happened?”  
You pout your lip out like you were about to sob and glanced at Lo’ak giving him the hint, “I’m sorry- I didn’t mean to interrupt I just don’t know who else to- to-” you sniffle clearly holding in your cries “It’s okay, don’t cry, let’s get you something to eat” he walks you over to the food table that was a couple feet away from Lo’ak, his arm was rested around your shoulder as you dried your tears laughing at his bad jokes in attempt to cheer you up. 
He stood with you while you ate, even cleaning the side of your mouth when you got a little messy. On the other hand, Lo’ak was pissed, he could kill a palulukan. Why on this planet is his girl eating off a leaf Neteyam is holding? Why is his girl so close to him, he knows Neteyam can smell her, why is she so close they are smelling each other.  
Lo’ak gets up and storms over but to his surprise Neteyam don’t budge this time, “bro back up let me talk to my girl” 
“Your girl? Has talking to that girl make you lose braincells? You know y/n doesn’t like her; anyone can tell you that. Why are you over there grinning your teeth at her?” 
“Not that it’s any of your fucking business but Jackson asked me to put in a good word”  
Neteyam’s angry turning into confusion, “Avatar Jackson? He’s into that bimbo?” 
“I know right, her conversations are fucking mind numbing” Lo’ak matched his tone easily, it was not Neteyam he was mad at, it was you, for being dumb. “Now can I talk to my damn girl?” he said in a less angry tone and Neteyam raised his hands in surrender and went back to his girl. 
Truthfully you felt kind of bad, you had no idea he was helping out a friend, but it’s too late for you to not be mad because you are sure he is. He doesn’t say a word only pulls you in the direction of his family kelku, he knows no one is home so he can have privacy.  
When you entered his private room, you turn to face him watching him close the curtain shut, “Do you just leave home every day thinking about how to piss me off? Seriously, you fucking know I hate it when you do shit like that. And fake cry? What are you a child? Did I take away your fucking lollipop?” 
“Well by that logic Cilia is trying to take away my lollipop” you cross your arms over your chest. Lo’ak ran his hands over his face trying to gather up the patience to deal with you, problem is he ran out of it when he caught you getting dresses with another man’s help. He knows he could have ended this whole thing earlier if he told you he was just being a wingman but he was too caught up in the shit you were doing, he didn’t think that far. 
“Are you crazy? No one is tryna take anything away from you baby. I’m right here missing a perfectly good party to put your ass back into place”  
“Excuse me? Put my ass back into place? She was practically grinding on your lap; you should know by now I don’t fucking like her and I have good fucking reasons to.”
Fair enough you do but still it’s the principle, you tried to one up him with his own brother, what were you planning to do if he didn’t interrupt you? “Do you hear yourself when you talk? Honestly, I don’t see how you could have blown this more out of proportion, I am your man, I’m happy to provide for you for the rest of my life but Eywa knows you have to pat down his fucking attitude.” 
“Make me” you voice was stern you aren’t giving up, yet those words make Lo’ak growl. 
Lo’ak didn’t say anything more only walking you to you and grabbing you by the throat, he pushed you back until your back hit the wall behind you and you were up on your tippy toes. “You need to fix that fucking mouth.” he growled out. 
Lo’ak was towering you even on your toes and pulling your body forward by your neck to meet his lips. His kiss was rough but his lips were soft, he took your bottom lip between his teeth pulling on it before he lets go and comes back in for your lips. 
His heated kiss make you blush, you felt the heat run down your neck and you whimper. Your hands move from your side to hold around his neck but with his free hand he grabs them both pinning them on over your head, “Nah no touching” he said meanly. 
“Lo’ak I-” he shushed you with a kiss and sucked down the skin of your neck. Lo’ak felt marks on your collarbone and neck admiring the way your skin bruised so easy. He let go of your body completely pushing you down by your shoulders roughly. Your knees hit the floor hard but you didn’t think about the pain to focused on you boyfriend untying his loincloth watching his cock spring out. 
Lo’ak brough a hand up to stroke it over your face, you looked so cute crossing your eyes to watch his length before you. “Open” he demanded and when you obeyed, he spit on your tongue, “Don’t swallow, stick your tongue out. You're gonna learn what this fucking mouth is good for”  
He stuck his cock down your throat without warning, making you gag on it. He threw his head back as he thrusted back and forth into your tight mouth not giving you a chance to breath. Lo’ak moaned when your throat tightens around him, your mouth felt so good on him. “Gonna let anyone else fuck your mouth like this?”  he pulled his cock out for you to answer and he rubs the tip from your lips to your cheeks and back while you answer a strained ‘no’ shaking your head. 
Lo’ak rams his cock back into your mouth making your breathing uneven while you gag on him. When he pulls out of your mouth, he pulled you up by your hair and grabbed your bicep pushing you towards his bed. Lo’ak ripped the sting holding your top on behind your neck and snatched your loincloth off. You gasped at his actions but it really wasn’t out of the ordinary for Lo’ak to rip up your clothes. You'd say you quite liked it when he fucked you this rough because he doesn't always do it. Whether it is because he is angry at you or in his rut, Lo’ak still knows how you like it.  
He pushing your body up on the bed and got on his knees spreading your legs. He didn’t say much as he tapped his cock on your clit making you jump. Lo’ak didn’t want to say right now but you looked so pretty, tear stains down your cheeks and puffy lips, he did a number on you, and you’re just getting started. 
He pushing in harshly not giving you a chance before he’s fucking into you. No matter how much times you take him, you never really get used to the feeling of his stretching you out like that but it always feels heavenly. Lo’ak thrusted into you with a brutal pace, rocking your entire body as he did, “no smart comments now? You all out baby?” you couldn't even answer him you could only moan and whimper under him. 
Lo’ak pulled out and flipped you over on all fours, “You wanted to be a little slut huh, prance around my brother knowing I fucking hate it, tell me who do you belong to?” he thrust back into you gathering up your hair into a makeshift ponytail and pulling your head up to stare at the ceiling. He fucked into your cunt using your hair to pull you back into his thrust you mewl feeling his gritty cock stretch you out.  
“Y- you Lo, I belong to you-” your cut yourself off with a moan, as he pounds into you. Lo’ak knew you were close, he knew you wanted to release, but did you deserve that? “Wanna cum baby?” he bent over your body to talk to you, “Yes, Yea wanna cum on your cock” your words are jumbled but he understands anyways.  
“You sure it’s my cock you wanna cum on? You sure it’s not my brother’s?” you barely process his question before you answer, “No yours- yours" you shout. “I don’t know baby I'm gonna need a little convincing” he said cockily. 
“Please Lo- wanna cum so bad please?” he doesn’t respond to your pleads as you muster up the breath to do it again. “Love your cock yawne, not his pleasee” Lo’ak again said nothing to your words, he loved here them but he didn’t want you to know how that just yet. “Lo’ak I’m gonna cum gonna cum!” you were reaching the end of your resolve. You can’t hold this much longer you’re about to burst.  
“Lo’ak, Lo’ak, Lo’ak-” your chant his name as if it would change his mind, “Can’t believe you purposefully used him to get me jealous, you get off on watching me get man at Neteyam?” his mistake for saying Neteyam’s name, your cunt gush on his cock unintentionally just as Lo’ak utter his brother’s name and he felt it. 
“Oh, I see, you want him so fucking much you’re cuming at the sound of his name now?! Such a fucking slut.” Lo’ak doesn’t let up, he pounds in your cunt making you scream in overstimulation, you beg and beg him to give you a break but he never lets up. You cum three more times in his cock due to it, “yea take it, fucking take my cock, he’ll never be able to fuck you the way I do and you’ll fucking remember that”  
Lo’ak bent his head down to your neck and bit you, making you scream out and leaving a nasty purple bruise on your skin, he loves hearing how he makes you scream, gives him a nice since of pride knowing his girl gets off on his cock so well. “Gonna cum in this tight cunt, make you mine for real now, let’s see you flirt with other men.”  
Lo’ak jackhammered into your cunt letting his cum shoot deep inside you. You left his cock twitch before you drop down onto his bed sideways with him spooning you form behind. Lo’ak made no move to get up or pull out he simply rubbed along your skin gently as you fell into sleep for the night.  
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🌸 I hope you all enjoyed reading this one! Ik it learned more towards angry sex than hate sex but I do still like it! Please don’t repost my work on any other app or website!
🌸 Reblogs, comments and likes are always appreciated
@rivatar @strongheartneteyam @xylianasblog @delusionalwh6re @nilahsstuff @neteyamsoare @inlovewithpandora @m1tsu-ki @teymars @kylimarz
226 notes · View notes
factual-fantasy · 5 months
23 asks! Thanks a bunch! :}} 🌠
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She does! Her name is Gloria :))
And if my motivation and health stays in my favor.. ya'll will learn a bit more about her and Bonnie soon... 👀👀👀
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(Referencing this post)
The secret 9th eeveeloution, ghost type! <XD
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....Whelp, guess I'm canceling my Netflix account! <XD
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(Monopoly post in question)
It was mostly a joke, XDD but none the less I'm sure no one would have taken it too much to heart! Its well known that Grim and V have a very strong bond so no one would have been surprised XDD
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Thank you so much!! :DDD
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AAAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :DDD I'm glad!! :}}}
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(Comic in question)
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I just slap the watermark on the drawing as its own layer and lower the opacity :00 usually putting a back blob cloud behind it at lower opacity if more visibility is needed!
....If that made any sense at all--
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This is amongst the highest compliments my fanart can receive. Thank you 🥺🥺🥺
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:DD Thank you so much!! I'm glad you love it!! :}}
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Alas, I do not have a good tablet or stylus.. :((
But that's ok! I think I'm getting better! <:D .. I hope so at least! <:}}
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I haven't really ironed it out yet.. but one thing stays consistent. It sucked.
I wanted to create a situation where Mario and Luigi both did not want to go back to Earth. Sure there are things that would undoubtedly bother them a bit that I couldn't just whisk away. Never seeing another human again, never seeing any animals again.. Never hearing human songs again.. never tasting the food from Earth again..
But what I could do is make their old lives so horrible, that they were both willing to give up what they had for this new life as the "Hero's of Legend."
I pictured Mario and Luigi both being very poor. Just barely making it paycheck to paycheck. No friends, no family. No sentimentals even. Perhaps their childhood home burnt down.. so no family photo albums or old plushies to be attached to..
I couldn't decide what kind of relationship they had with their parents.. but either way, they've passed on. They worked a crappy job as plumbers which they both hated. They lived in a cruddy apartment that was too small for them. Rotten neighbors, disrespectful customers..
I pictured them having this terrible company van or truck that always broke down and stunk of cigarettes thanks to the previous owner. They were drowning in debt and bills. Trynna pay off the van, trynna buy new clothes, trynna by food...
I even imagined some of their bills and debt were medical related. I imagined Luigi being very ill and them being unable to afford food and medicine.. So Mario stole food from his clients. Maybe even robed a store or two. Now they've got "criminal" added to their list of problems.
They hated their apartment. They hated the van, they hated their neighbors, they hated people, they hated the world. They hated their lives. The only thing they had the room in their hearts to love was each other. The only thing that didn't hurt them or make them cry was each other. The only thing that made living in this horrible world worth it, was each other.
Then the mushroom kingdom came along.. "Hero's of Legend?" Magical powers? Kind people who care about us and respect us? No more debt, no more bills, no more van or apartment, no more stealing, just.. adventure. And they get to experience it all with their most favorite person in the world?
Why would they ever want to go back?
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Alas, I do not know of any. :((( But I can imagine that the crew is nerdy enough to make their own shanty! A theme song of sorts. And you can bet that Seafoam would take pride in that song and sing it loudly with the rest of the crew! XD
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@neo-metalscottic (100,000 reblogs post in question) (Octo clarification post)
Awe! That's so kind! Thank you!! :DD And I've been very glad to see my condition improve too 😌 though I'm not quite out of the thick of it yet.. :(( I hope I can fully beat it soon! <:))
As for the Great green toad king and company, I have actually never heard of them before! <:0 Though it would be very easy to label them as some far off kingdom and not put much thought into it <XDD Perhaps some of the species found in that kingdom could have become wandering travelers like Wario and Waluigi? Maybe we'd see them that way? :00
Now I know mentioning Birdo was a joke XDD But I do have plans for the Birdo species! :00
I had this idea that Yoshi's used to be smaller, about the same size they are in canon. Back then they acted as these passive.. almost farm like animals..?? In a way?? The toads used them to haul carts and as a form of transportation. Like horses! But eventually the Yoshis discovered "Yoshis island". A fruitful island planted in the middle if a giant river. A large sum of the Yoshis migrated from the forest and began to live there. Eating the super fruits and veggies it produced and slowly transforming into the giant mega Yoshis that are there today.
However, not all the Yoshi's left. A fair amount of them were kept and somehow made their way to the coast near Daisy's Kingdom. After generations and generations of Yoshi's eating red cheep cheeps and living in the water, they transformed and are now called Birdos. In present day Yoshi's and Birdos are extremely closely related, though they look a bit different from each other. And while Yoshi's come in all different colors, most Birdos grow up to be different shades of red, Pink and purple due to their red cheep cheep diet. Just like flamingos! :D
Anyways- on to the Goombas. The Goombas start out as these very poisonous brown mushrooms and are brought to life by Kamek. They form mouths and the poison that they originally had becomes poisonous saliva. So when they bite someone the poison does its job.. Even if who ever they bite is somehow immune to their poison, their bites are still nasty. They're dirty creatures and they really shred you up.. So the chance of natural infection is there none the less-
And WHAAAT?? Illumination whyyyyyyy 😭😭I love Toadsworth you had no right to scrap him--
And wow! That last battle looks crazy! My only question is who's this guy?? <XDD I don't recognize him!
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Anywho- thanks again for the ask! Feel free to send more Mario ones, or not, which ever you please! I'd love to read what ever you may send :}}}
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8 0 0 0 P A G E S ? ? ?
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That is the most cursed creature I have ever seen- XDD
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I wanna say Louis has the most wins, buuuttttt Seafoam is so much bigger than Louis.. I feel like he would have the ability to overthrow him just by using his own body weight XDD Its hard to say!
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(Ask was sent in response to this post)
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Oh- in order to make these ask posts I take screenshots of the asks, crop them, and then compile them all together. Usually I put them together on Tumblr desktop, so they're all blue.
But recently I've been batting some health problems and have been stuck on the couch all day.. which means that I've been making my ask posts on Tumblr mobile. Which is all black themed for me :00
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Aw, thank you! Though I advice eating it with a spoon actually! In order to scoop up the tears of the characters- XDD
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:0 Sponchbop! :DD Its hard to feel down with him around!
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I have written many stories where characters have lost family or friends to death... but as for a character that was in the main story and I actually drew them? ..Not that I can recall! :0
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thiccpersonality · 8 months
Damian (Gremlin) Wayne...and his even more gremlin-esque family
A newly introduced Damian sits in Bruce's Bat-chair, observing his new "siblings" with judgmental eyes. His emerald green ones rolling into the back of his head at the ex-carny babying him: "Look you fool, I shall let you know right now that your efforts to entertain me like I'm some child will prove fruitless. Whatever I have done to make you think I'm approachable, forgive me, because I already hate you."
Richard's smile slowly fades and he clears his throat. His medium blue eyes narrowing into a suspicious glare, his lips forming a tight lipped smile: "Right down to business I see? I'll have you know that you may be the baby, but I was Bruce's first one. Whatever title you held before doesn't matter now...in fact, I would suggest you get rid of it before someone helps you get rid of it."
Damian scoffs and picks at his nails, swiveling side to side in HIS father's chair: "Worried about the competition already? As expected from a weak-willed and spineless peasant such as yourself. I suggest whatever title you held before-" his green eyes rake up and down Richard's lithe form like a predator with it's prey-"Which from your disposition I would say you are the favorite-ah! Or I should say EX favorite."
Jason grunts from where he's punching at a dummy: "Look you little shit. All we did was exist-"
Damian: "Then stop."
Jason: *stops punching to glare at the small fry* "Ex-fucking-cuse me? I already un-existed before, I am NOT doing that again. And drop the attitude before I drop kick you back to your mother."
Damian: "How cute. It's like a puppy learning to bark for the first time. I can already tell you are desperate for my father's attention like a dehydrated ma-"
Jason: *cocks his gun and points it at Damian* "Did no one tell you along the way here that I don't mind killing for Bruce? Would've tried to get rid of Bozo the Clown over there if I knew I could get away with it. And then I'd shoot Bruce myself."
Tim looks up from his tablet with a sigh: "Trying to kill another bird I see? I guess I wasn't enough for you?"
Jason: "That was due to my pit induced rage. I had no control over that-" gestures towards Damian-"But this overly confident little bitch is a choice."
Tim raises his hands in defeat: "Just saying that you shouldn't threaten the new one so soon. Plus...I'm the smart one, Bruce needs me more than all of you combined. And I know everyone's weaknesses well, do you really want to test me?"
Damian sighs and finally hops down from the chair: "Childs play. My mother has made sure I knew everything from acrobatics to knowledge of cultures, religions, languages, books and other things you plebeians would surely combust from the brains it takes to memorize such things. She made sure I had it all so I can replace all of you. And father will be mine and mine alone."
Richard plasters a friendly smile back on his face: "Seems like the one spot she missed was etiquette. Don't worry kid, I'll be happy to show you the way things work around here."
Before the argument can get further out of hand, a clearing of the throat stops the four boys. They quickly turn to see Alfred standing at the bottom of the cave steps with a tray full of cookies.
Polished shoes click across the cave floors unhurriedly, the older gentleman quietly serving the boys their cookies and turning to leave. Not before clearing his throat once again and turning to give the four boys stern looks.
Alfred: "All this bickering is pointless. You all are now family and I hope you lot will act like it. Master Bruce is already making arrangements for your schooling young master Damian, and he expects a somewhat peaceful dinner tonight."
The older man can't help the small smirk he gives, one that is confident and self-assured. "Plus, as long as I am here, there is NOT much competition. You may be his first child master Richard, but I am his first partner in anything he's done. I do hope from here on out you ALL will remember your places. Good day."
The four boys frown at the authority radiating from the usually calm butler.
Damian clicks his tongue and slinks into the shadows while silently plotting his new victims demise.
(Hello everyone! I write fics on AO3 by the same name, Thicc_Personality. I'm sorry this is my first post and it's nothing but chaos, threats and crack...they truly (do) care for each other, they just don't know it atm XD. But I am a sucker for gremlin bat family and an oblivious Bruce to the very obvious competition. That or he lets it slide so easily (especially for Damian) cause he thinks his baby son is the cutest thing ever. If anyone manages to see this...well, I hope there was some enjoyment found here xD. Stay safe, happy, healthy and of course lovely as always. 💜)
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I love love love reading WIPs, the anticipation, the excitement of getting the notification for a new chapter, even sometimes the cliffhangers... So here are some of the lovely fics I'm currently reading!
Oh and if you read these, please consider taking a minute to leave a comment, let the author know you appreciate their work 💖
This Is More of a Comment Than a Question by @caterpills
Rating: Mature | Chapters: 3/10
Three weeks before Henry Fox's tour for his fourth, highly anticipated, awards-bait novel A Brief War in December begins, his publicist Janella breaks her foot on a bunny slope at Windham. Alex can't be mad at her, even though he kind of is. Saying it out loud would be like kicking her when she was down, and she already went down a literal mountain in the worst way possible. Now crammed in Rafael Luna's corner office, Janella is shooting Alex extremely apologetic looks while slumped on her crutches, wearing a bright orange cast. The conversation about who is going to be joining Henry Fox on his multi-city trek across the U.S. is also going downhill. Alex is feeling the same sort of free fall while standing still. Because out of all the publicists available in their tiny underfunded department, the only one left to escort their company's best-selling author is regrettably him. The problem is, well, Alex absolutely hates Henry Fox.
Or: Alex is the publicist for Mountchristen Publishers, and is stuck on a two-week tour with their best-selling, but frustrating, author Henry Fox.
Her Royal Highness by @tailsbeth-writes
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences | Chapters: 5/?
'Shaan, can you please put an appointment in my diary?' 'Certainly sir, what is it for?' 'A reminder to kill Alex for getting me into this mess.' Shaan tried to hold back a smirk as he stepped back, tapping away on his tablet. 'Personally I think the blue glitter really brings out your eyes, sir.' This terrible idea had started like most of Alex’s did, a seedling planted by the most chaotic of the chaos demons; Nora.
or How Prince Henry ended up as a guest judge on RuPaul's Drag Race UK.
the full spectrum of human emotion by @firenati0n
Rating: Mature | Chapters: 3/6
Alex grips his hand tighter. They’re going to need to have a long, hard conversation in the next five minutes, or else Alex is going to combust right here in Pez’s fancy office. Explode for all of Midtown Manhattan to see. Here lies what remains of Alex, for all the world to witness—taken out by a rogue marriage proposal from his evil boss-turned-fiancé.
Or: Working under editor Henry Fox-Mountchristen was only supposed to be Step One in Alex’s plan of achieving his big dreams—but when his boss winds up facing an even bigger problem, potential deportation, Alex finds he isn’t just a beleaguered assistant anymore. He’s the solution.
It’s fine. They only have to fool his friends, his family, the United States Government…and themselves.
Life Is Not A Movie (But We Can Have The Fairytale) by @lfg1986-2
Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 3/?
Three years after the smashing success of the first Red, White and Royal Blue film, Nicholas and Taylor are preparing to return to their roles as Henry and Alex to film the sequel. After a late night of catching up with each other and reestablishing their close bond just before rehearsals begin, they wake up to find themselves in a crazy twist of fate, where fiction blends with reality and the lines between fictional characters and the actors who portray them become irrevocably blurred.
What happens when Taylor is transported into the movie universe and comes face to face with Prince Henry, while Nick wakes up to find Alex Claremont-Diaz in his living room in the place of his friend and costar? Both pairs must work together to figure out how to get themselves back where they belong, and along the way they discover some things about themselves and each other that has the potential to alter their relationships forever.
take me back to San Francisco by headabovethewater / @getmehighonmagic
Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 2/8
“You don’t look like you’re having a very good time,” a soft voice suddenly startles him from his thoughts. Henry’s entire body jerks and he spills some of his drink down the front of his shirt.
“Oh, bloody-” He leans over to put his drink on the table and starts wiping at his shirt. “No, I’m- It’s not that, it’s-” He glances fleetingly at the stranger and then down at his shirt again, before his brain finally registers that oh, glasses, dark curls, white smile, exposed chest. Henry’s head snaps back up and his lips part in astonishment. Handsome doesn’t even begin to cover it. Him.
“Hi,” the man says, then chuckles. He hands Henry a napkin and gestures towards one of the other chairs at the table. “Would you mind?”
or, Henry and Alex meet on vacation in San Francisco and an instant spark between them has both of them unable to let the other go. With only two weeks to spend together and the knowledge that it can't last beyond that, it's just a massive, insurmountable recipe for disaster.
Or is it?
Unattended / Unsent mails by amnesia_on_ice / @amnesiaa-on-ice
Rating: General Audiences | Chapters: 4/?
Alex is a Singer Songwriter, henry is his arch nemesis Actor but also secretively writer. There is a long running feud between Henry and Alex. Now they are meeting for the first time in person in a vanity after party and the stan twitter have lots to digest of the meeting.
The story of Unattended/ unsent mails.
the drag of your lips by rizcriz
Rating: Mature | Chapter 2/3
Alex isn’t sure how he got here.
Here being pressed into the couch, his roommate straddling his lap and warm against every point they’re touching, soft lips moving against his own in the most sensual, leisurely pattern that Alex’s fingers instinctively flex where they’re clinging into his lower back. He’s hard in his pants, straining towards Henry, but there’s no desperate hands grasping, no drive to take this any further.
Or, Alex just really wants to make out with someone. Henry helpfully volunteers.
Foxden Park by myheartalive / @myheartalivewrites
Rating: Explicit | Chapters: 4/9
“Yes, Alex, what a terrible destiny,” Nora says. “To be hosted for a week by all these charming rich people, who have bent over backwards to accommodate us, including sending their own carriage into town to fetch us. How very dare we drag you into their nefarious scheme.”
Invited to a week-long house party at the Duke of Windsor’s country residence, Alex Claremont-Diaz does not expect to find anything to enjoy about his time there. What he does find is Lord Henry, the duke’s younger brother—and a boatload of things to learn about himself.
Seven days in the country in a duke's house. What could possibly happen?
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captain039 · 3 months
Craving the wild side (Sam Winchester)
Sam Winchester x reader
Warnings: AOB, medical things, mental health issues, abuse, light swearing, Angst, hurt/comfort, violence
Huzzah I write something without finishing my other stories 🙃
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Case file No.2864
Name: Samual Winchester
D.O.B 2/3/1983
Age: 41
Sam Winchester (Feral alpha) found, then captured by our special team delta on the 1st of February 2024, Alpha was found at the fighting dens known as ‘Knocked Out Alphas’ in an underground base lead by omega leader Henry While. Alpha assaulted three officers in his feral state after the fighting pit door was left opened in the shootout. The feral alpha made a run for it before officer John Dennis tranquillised him and brought him to head facility 202. Alpha Sam Winchester has been here a total 5 months with little progression. Former head doctor Grace Peggy has been sent on maternity leave and this case now is being handed over to you.
Please see attached files regarding this case.
Your computer dings in notification at the files sent your way after your email from head office. You brief over them, before replying and log out before heading to lunch. Jimmy meets you there with a smile on his face as you both order a meal and sit down.
“So, I hear you’re on a new case?” Jimmy asks spooning some rice into his mouth.
“Yep, Sam Winchester case since Grace on leave” you answer taking a bit of your own food.
“She and her mate must be excited” Jimmy says and you grimace internally, the thought of a child, a human growing inside of you not comforting or exciting.
“If I could I’d do it for the paid leave” Jimmy says and you raise an eyebrow at the man.
“Uh huh” you say as he just shrugs with a small grin making you shake your head, he was strange sometimes.
“Should be a pretty easy case hopefully, though he’s been here 5 months, he has family, thankfully, hasn’t had any feral outbursts, things like that, he’s just quiet according to Graces notes” you say with a small shrug and sigh.
“You’ll get through to him” Jimmy comforts and you nod giving him a small smile.
After your weekend and more reading over Sam’s case you finally head into work Monday morning ready to meet the man. Though you really did hate the meeting through glass thing it was precaution, but they were human too, not some caged up animal, no matter their past life. You greet the guard outside his door and he lets you in with a nod of his head. You head inside and sit down before turning off the privacy screen. You look to room, clean, a little too clean, the beds made, actually doesn’t look like it’s been slept in for a while, the desk, chair are neat, the desk contents are neat some papers, crayons, the single couch seat and small pillows on it are neat and placed perfectly and the alpha in the middle of the room is sitting with his spine straight, clothes cleaned and unwrinkled, hair cleaned and fresh. You think he’s meditating and hesitate to say anything till he’s finished. So you wait for about ten minutes before he stands to his full height, geez the alphas a sky scrapper. You shake your head briefly focusing on him as he stretches his arms above his head before he turns around and jolts. His whole body tenses and you curse yourself silently, you hadn’t been watching him the whole time you’d been on your tablet.
“Greetings Sam, my names Doctor Y/l/n” you introduce yourself.
“Sorry for startling you, I thought you were meditating and didn’t want to interrupt!” You say trying to justify sitting here for ten minutes without a word, poor man. He nods his head a small frown on his face before he goes over to his desk and sits down. He picks up a black crayon and begins writing, ignoring your presence.
“Doctor Grace Peggy has gone on leave as I’m sure you’re aware, I’ll be your new doctor till she comes back” he doesn’t turn to you, or acknowledge you’ve spoken and you hesitate. He just keeps writing, back overly straight, like he needed to be any taller.
“How’s your day been Sam?” You ask trying to get him to communicate with you, but he just ignores you.
“Well it was nice meeting with you, I’ll be back around 3 to catch up some more ok?” You say but still get nothing. You turn on the privacy screen and stare down at your tablet with a frown, Grace did mention he didn’t speak or make eye contact, you assumed he’d respond some way and not straight out ignore you. Every case was different you guess.
You head back to your office write down somethings about your first meeting wondering how you should go about this. It will be difficult if he continues ignoring you, hopefully he was just having a quiet morning.
He was not having a quiet morning, he was having a quiet week. He didn’t acknowledge you once even when you greeted him first, he didn’t startle, didn’t glance or look to you at all even when you’d wait for him to finish his meditating. You tried to speak to other doctors about what could help, but they didn’t say much, then again it was probably some weird you weren’t old enough to be a doctor thing or wouldn’t understand it as some older generation doctors have told you. It was a Monday morning when you walked in again, he was meditating once more and you decided to head inside his room. The guard gave you the all clear and the door opened for you to step in. You greeted him quietly as you watched the door close before looking to him. You didn’t expect him to have his eyes staring at you wide with his jaw tense.
“Sorry for coming in suddenly I did say though” you tell him as you hold your tablet close. You watch his nose flare as he breathes deeply watching a frown crease his brow. You frown slightly also thinking back to this morning when you put deodorant on, did you smell? You try to subtly sniff yourself and fail when you catch nothing but muted alpha smell and muted omega smell. It was a requirement in the faculty for all in the faculty to use a scent blocker. Maybe he didn’t like the smell of muted omega, seeing as he’d been around them most his life, on the other hand you feel as if he should be thankful for no over powering omega smell, you know you would be.
“May I sit with you?” You ask gesturing beside him and he gives one curt nod. You find relief in that and go over to his desk.
“Can I put my tablet here?” You ask looking back to him but he’s closed his eyes and put his head forward. You shrug to yourself laying it neatly as you can before going to sit in front of him. He doesn’t open his eyes or acknowledge you as you sit a meter away from him on the uncomfortable cold floor. You cross your legs the best you can, straighten your back and let out a small sigh as you close your eyes.
There’s no noise, beside your soft breathing and his, perfect silence. You think to your apartment, you didn’t make your bed this morning, then again you didn’t go to bed till four in the morning. You should also vacuum your house, the place was dirty from you being busy all the damn time, hell you swear Cobalt complains every time his little paws walk over the floor. Hm, you could go with some Cobalt cuddles, nice fluffy grey fur through your fingers, his purring in your ear, warmth in your lap. You smile at the thought, peeking an eye open seeing Sam perfectly still, his breathing is slow and steady. You close your eyes again wondering what he’s thinking about, does he go through memories, to loved ones or is it blissed silence that you find hard to get in your mind. You’re jealous for two seconds at that thought till you hear him move. He sits up and you follow suit less gracefully as he lifts his hands above his head and stretches out his body. You do the same hearing your arm crack and wince at the noise. Sam glances at you briefly, eyebrow slightly raised before he goes over to his desk. You follow him to remove your tablet before he sits down and begins to write. You smile to yourself and head to the door before it opens and you step out, you call that progress.
Another week passes, you find out when Sam starts meditating and head in just before he sits on the floor to sit with him. You both sit there for thirty minutes though you find it increasingly hard to focus and sit still while the alpha in front of you sits like a rock unmoved and sturdy. You wonder how he does it honestly. Then he gets up, stretches, your bones stop cracking after a few days thankfully, then he goes to his desk and writes. You’re going to ask him if you can bring a second desk in, so you can sit and write with him also. You’re on the way to his room but there are a few guards out the front, a red light above his door. You head into the privacy screen area and flick it off. You gasp at the sight, the chairs are turned over, the table is broken his crayons and papers are everywhere, his bed is messy and bloodied, the wall is also bloodied where he keeps punching it. You can’t hear the other doctors or guards as you raise your voice.
“Let me in!” You say to one of the guards. The older doctor tries to stop you but you’re already opening the door and stepping in. You shudder at the change in the air, god. He keeps punching the wall despite his bloodied knuckles, despite the sweat on his body. How long has he been doing this? Surely they would’ve tranquillised him.
“Sam” you call but he doesn’t stop.
“Samual” you try stepping a little closer. His jaw is so tight you fear he’ll break his teeth if he doesn’t relax his jaw.
“Sam?” You try again going into his space. You rest a hand on his arm and he swings around fist just by your face before something passes over in his eyes. He recoils, looks around the room in a panicked state, he begins to shake as he backs against the wall and slides down.
“Sam, Sam it’s ok, we can fix all these things and have them replaced ok?” You say as a few guards come in.
“Take the desk and chairs out if you can” you say to them and they nod grabbing the broken desk and taking it out. As they do that you sit in front of the alpha who’s gripping his hair tightly and breathing heavily.
“Sam” you say softly and his eyes dart to yours.
“What happened?” You ask relaxing your body so you don’t appear tense or let him see how fast your hearts beating. His mouth opens and closes as you added his hand, it looks horrible and requires medical attention.
“Your hands look pretty bad, we’re going to need a medical personnel in here to treat them, is that ok?” He nods quickly and you sigh in relief looking to the privacy screen as one of the doctor nods and gets on the phone before you look back at Sam.
“Do you want to tell me what happened?” You ask as he watches the guards take the couch seat out.
“I-“ he says and your heart leaps at the single letter.
“Memory’s” he mutters and you nod understanding.
“To your past?” You ask and he nods as the medical member walks in.
“Hello, I’m Doctor Philips, is it alright if I take a look at those hands?” The medical doctor walks in and you shuffle a little out the way ready to stand when Sam’s hand reaches out and holds your wrist. Those in the room tense as you stare at his large hand around your wrist. He breathes heavily eyes wide in panic and you settle by him more out the way so the doctor can help.
“It’s alright, I was just moving out the way” you say letting him hold your wrist before the Philip comes over. Sam nods eyes darting between you and Doctor Philip’s before focusing on Doctor Philip’s solely as he begins cleaning his free hand. Sam holds your wrist the whole time his right hand gets cleaned, tensing sometimes when things hurt or when the numbing needle went in. You’re thankful for the mobile doctor package the medical team receives here.
“I’ll need your other hand now” Doctor Philips says as he finish bandaging Sam’s right one. Sam looks to you and you smile at him and he lets go of your wrist hesitantly before giving it to the doctor. You let out a small breath looking to your lap as you try to settle your heart and ignore the tingling in your arm.
Next part ->
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celiawrites14 · 4 months
Okay here's the request!
So call me crazy but I kinda wish they had Link be like a big brother to Lucas to help him through his first year of intern , but what if he was also hiding something else that made him more Blacksheep of family, he has a 2 year old son of his own and single parent , but wirh both Meredith and Maggiw gone Lucas needs help with new place and goes to Link amd Amelia for help (sorry for the rambling)
Warnings: fxf, Amelia x reader, illusions to smut, Link taking Lucas under his wing, Link x Lucas platonic, Link x reader platonic, Lucas x reader platonic
"And why can't you do it?" Link asked me and I set the tablet down, looking at him with a hard look. "Okay, I'll do it."
"If I do it, it seems like I'm being too much of a big sister/aunt thing, and I don't want to be overbearing. If you do it, it's just like an attending wanting an intern who's doing a good job in on a surgery."
"I don't need an intern, I have Nico." I stared hard at him again. "And I have an intern. God, the look you give could rival my mother's and you're not even a mom!"
"I may as well be," I laughed at him. "I take care of you lot and have been since Meredith and I were interns. I gotta go find Amelia. Something about needing a consult?"
"You just want a good lay."
"You're not wrong," I winked at him, scurrying off to find my girlfriend.
Amelia and I were in a heavy make out session in the on call room, my hands in her hair, hers on my ass, hips rolling together like waterfalls, when Lucas came in.
"Oh God!" He covered his eyes in horror. Amelia and I pulled away from each other to stare at the intern in annoyance.
"What do you want?" I snapped at him.
"I - I wanted to take a nap before my surgery!" He complained. "Not see the hospital mom screwing my aunt." He pulled his hand away from his eyes and glared at us.
"Well, find somewhere else!" Amelia snapped at him. "I haven't orgasmed in days."
"I don't need to hear this, you've already scared my eyes."
"Then leave because I'm going to --" I started to say but was effectively cut off.
"Where were we?" Amelia asked me, hands going back to their place on my ass.
"I think we were," I pushed myself into her arms and humped. "Here."
"How did the surgery go?" I asked, stepping up next to him to fix the board.
"It went really good. Link let me close!"
"Oh! How nice! Congratulations!"
"Sorry if we ruined your nap," I said, feeling a little guilty.
"La la la! Can't here you!" Lucas said, walking away.
I giggled to myself.
"I need Lucas today." Link said coming up to where I was.
"Get your own intern." I scolded him, looking back at the iPad.
"No, I need him. We did a similar surgery two weeks ago and Nico is helping Hunt. I need him."
"You're going soft! And you said you hated interns." I shook my head at him.
"Can I have him or not?" Link asked, growing impatient.
"Yeah, yeah, you can have him."
"Ditching me for ortho?" I asked Lucas, perching myself on Amelia's lap.
"Ditching me for my aunt?"
"What can I say? I'm a sucker for her mouth." I smirked at him, making Amelia smile when he made a face.
"I think you do most of the sucking." Amelia said.
"I will definitely ditch you two for ortho any day." He told us, standing up and walking away.
"Wanna have another round before surgery?"
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imaginesforeveryone · 3 months
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Arranged (Part 4)
Pairing: Finn Shelby x Y/N Warning: hangover, fluff Summary: You were the youngest child of you fathers, being part of a mob family in the heart of New York, your family had many enemies in the city, and even further away, and your life was about to change after a Peaky Boy barged into your life.
“Fuuuuuckkkkk.” You groaned out as you opened your eyes the next morning with your head still on Finn’s chest. You rolled over and held you head in your hands. 
“You okay love?” You heard a deep groggy voice say. 
“My head.” You said sighing out. 
“Look on your bed side.” He said as he flipped onto his side to look at you. You looked over and there was some tablets and water. 
“Your the best.” You said to him and grabbed them off the table and took them quickly. You laid back on your back and closed your eyes. 
“So what are the plans today?” You asked. 
“Well, I was thinking I’d show you around the city a bit. Go to the Garrison, which Tommy owns. Meet some new people. Then we can go back to my house and get you all set up.” He said placing his hand softly on your forehead. 
“Sounds good to me. I’d just like to get the alcohol out of my system first and not feel like shit. How bad was I?” You asked not ready to hear how big of an ass you made yourself look like. 
“Not too bad. You were pretty mad at me because I wasn’t around you. You caused some good laughs but nothing near the shit that normally goes on here.” He said rubbing your head softly now. 
“Here. I’ll run you a bath and you can get ready for our day, then come downstairs and have breakfast wit everyone.” He said getting up from the bed only in his boxers. He pulled his pants on and walked to the bathroom. You stood wrapping the sheet around your body to keep somewhat warm and went to the bathroom. 
“Come on. It nice and warm.” He said motioning you over. You dropped the sheet, exposing your completely naked body now to him. Trying to cover up slightly, feeling somewhat uncomfortable. 
“I’ll let you know right now, your body is beautiful, I saw you naked last night, and you never have to hide from me.” He said standing and looking over at you. You smiled and walked over to the bath he stood in front and got in. The bubbles he put in covering you completely. The water was so warm on your skin, and relaxed all the muscles in your body. 
“Are you excited to see England today?” Finn asked kneeling beside the bath tub and putting his arms on the edge of it. 
“I am. I’ve never left New York. So, I’m excited to see new things.” You said looking at him. He smiled at you and put his arm over and put his finger tips into the warm water you laid in. He looked down at the water as he caught bubbles in his hands and just kind of looked like he was thinking hard. 
“Hey.” You said putting your finger up to his chin to lift it up to look at you. 
“Everything okay?” You asked looking into his eyes. 
“Oh yeah. Just thinking.” He said with a small grin. 
“About?” You asked trying to understand him. 
“Just thinking about my future. What will become of you and I. What you want from me. If you really want to be in this marriage. I’ve seen how arranged marriages go and most of the time, the couple ends up hating each other.” He spoke up explaining his thoughts to you. 
“Well, it is only day 4 of being married, so I can only tell you what I think at this moment. Right now, I think I would very much like a future with you. Do I think we will get along all the time? No, of course not. You have Shelby blood flooding your veins, I know there is anger in there somewhere. I have Italian blood, Gotti blood to be exact, running though my blood. But, I could see us having a beautiful family, kicking ass, and growing old together.” You said explaining what you thought. He smiled and kissed your forehead softly. 
“Well, I’m happy you feel that way. Now go ahead, clean up and I’ll see you downstairs.” He said standing and walking out. You smiled at yourself. He was a good man, he may not do some not so good things, but the people he loves, they know he loves them. That’s all you ask for. To know you were loved, and safe. You finished up your bath and got out, wrapped your self in the robe that hung on the back of the door. You walked out drying your hair with a small towel. You opened your suit case that laid on the ground on your side of the bed. You grabbed out the pinstripe blazer, with a black button up shirt, and leather pants. Also, grabbing your fedora, and black heeled boots. You slipped into all your clothes and looking at yourself in the mirror before stepping out of the room. You made your way down the stairs and heard the talking coming from a few rooms over. You made your way to that room and entered it.
“There she is!!” Arthur yelled. You smiled at everyone, scanning the room to find Finn, and finally your eyes landed on him on the other side of the table with an open seat next to him. You began to round the table. 
“You need to give me the name of whoever makes that suit. I need it.” Polly said as you passed her. 
“I’ll have one specially tailored for you from New York.” You told her with a smile and made it to Finn. You sat next to him and pushed your chair in. 
“You look amazing.” He whispered to you. You smiled at him giving him a thankful look. 
“Alright, so Item one, Welcome to the family officially Y/N. Hope you wont get to annoyed with all of us.” Tommy said standing from his seat and clanking a knife on his glass. Everyone cheered and hooted. 
“Item two, now with Y/N in the family, we have made amends with the Gotti family, which means we’ve made amends with pretty much all of New York. So we can began our move into America. We may have some trouble with Jack Nelson again, but with the Gotti family, and our men there now. We shouldn’t have too much trouble.” Tommy went on to the next topic. Thinking to yourself that you married Finn, for the business, but looking over at Finn and thinking even if it was just a business transaction you might actually have feelings for this man. Everyone ate and talked over their breakfast for about an hour longer. 
“alright well I’m sure everyone has their own things going on today, so everyone have a nice day. Finn & Y/N have fun around the cities, but Finn remember to be careful.” Tommy said before everyone broke away from the table. You stood along with everyone else. 
“Alright you ready?” Finn asked as you both stood. 
“Yes.” You said with a smile and followed him out of the house and to the Bentley that sat out front for the two of you. You got in and Finn rounded the car to get in and drive off. 
It was an amazing day with your husband. You drove around London met some Peaky boys that you’d be seeing around a lot. You danced, ate, sat and watched people walking around town, learned more and more about each other. You two were back in the car and on your way to Small Heath for the last stop of the night. You pulled up to the Garrison where it seemed like the place was packed.
“Here we are, where everything started.” Finn said before getting out of the car and coming to open your door. You took his hand and stepped out lightly. 
“Wow. This place seems popular.” You said with a smile. 
“Well it is run and owned by the men who own and run this city, so they know where the best stuff is. Come on in, have a few more people for you to meet.” He said leading you into the Garrison. It was covered in gold and beautiful lights hang from ceiling. 
“Wow, this place is beautiful.” You said looking around. 
“Yeah, had somewhat of an upgrade after it got blown up.” Finn said. You looked at him with wide eyes.
“Business.” Was all he said and you understood. 
“Finn!!!” You heard a tall, blue eyed, black man say from a booth on the other side of the pub. 
“Y/n, I’d like you to meet Isaiah. One of my best mates, and one of the Peaky Blinders.” Finn said as you met with Isaiah. 
“Well fuck Finn, look at you, finally got yourself a pretty one. No more slags for this guy, ey?” Isaiah said laughing and putting Finn in a headlock. 
“Very nice to meet you Y/N.” He said holding his hand out for you to place it in his and he kissed the top of it. 
“Nice to meet you to Isaiah.” You said with a smile. 
“Y/N!” You heard your name called from behind you. You turned to see Polly stood at the bar waving you over.
“I’m going to go get a drink.” You said before walking away from the two men. 
“Hey Pol.” You said meeting her and sitting st one of the hightop seats at the bar next to her.
“So, how was your time being introduced to the city?” She asked lighting a cigarette and motioning it to you. You took it and took a drag off of it. 
“It was very nice. I think I’ll like it here.” You said with a smile. 
“Hey! can we get a whiskey over here for the women?” Polly yelled at the bartender. The bartender hurrying to get that whiskey for you. You took a sip and relaxed a bit more. 
You and Polly sat and talked for what felt like hours. Getting to know more and more about the family. 
“Scuse. miss.” You heard a man say from behind you and brush your hip with his hand. 
“Mrs. and you can back up.” You said turning to the man who wanted to get severely close to you. 
“Sorry. Mrs. But you are beautiful, and I don’t see your Mr. next to you. So I’m sure it’ll be okay if I just.” He said as he began to move his hand towards you waist again. Pulling out the knife from your boot, standing up, flicking it open and pushing it to his throat causing him to push back up against the bar. 
“You didn’t let me finish. Mrs. Shelby it is.” You said and his eyes widened as you felt a presence behind you knowing it was Finn and Isaiah. Polly just sat and watched you, studied your movements. 
“I suggest you don’t come back here.” You said backing up and he stood straight up. 
“Fucking, Peaky Blinders.” He said as he ran out of the building. You turned to look at Finn. 
“Well. Didn’t think you had that in ya.” Finn said grabbing ahold of your hips and pulling you into him. 
“I think there’s a lot you may not know about me Finn. But you will learn as time goes on. But for now, let’s dance!” You said pushing him to the middle of the room where everyone danced and joining in. 
You and Finn danced through the night, drinking, laughing, even kissing every once in awhile. It rounded just about morning time when you and Finn sat in a booth just talking and realized there were people passed out in other booths and even on the floor.
“Well shit, we should probably get home. Get you acquainted with the house, and get some sleep.” He said standing up sliding out of the booth. You followed behind him, and to the front door. You walked out, it wasn’t sunrise yet, just before the sunrise where it was light out, but no sun appeared. You got into the car and Finn drove about 20 minutes away from the Garrison. Pulling up to a house secluded with trees around it, and a big farm. The house wasn’t as big as Tommy’s, but still big and just enough room. 
“This is beautiful Finn.” You said looking around the property. 
“Yeah. It not huge, but I don’t need huge. Just need enough room for the horses, and somewhere I’m able to get away from all the craziness.” He said as pulled into the driveway. 
“Its perfect.” You said smiling and becoming more happy to be here by just seeing where you’d live. You got out of the car and met around it to Finn who wrapped his arm round your shoulder and walked with you to the home.
“Welcome home, Love.”
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serpentsillusion · 6 months
Sebastian, Ominis, and my x MC
What are their zodiac signs and birthdays? *Near the end of 5th year* 🤔💚
Ever wondered what our 2 favorite idiots were, based on the stars? I studied astrology and similar things before it was mainstream. From what I've gathered based on their characteristics and personalities in the game this is the assumptions I've gathered (and some random other observations I've gathered). These are not fact but just my personal ✨Lore✨ plus a little bit about my MC. Welcome to my spicy brain and my spicy imagination. 💚 I hope you guys enjoy the lore! Hopefully it will give you more insight into my next coming shorts. 🐍
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Sebastian: born March 28th 1874. He's MOST definitely an Aries. Aries personality traits include confidence, passion, and independence. But this sign can also be impulsive, impatient, and self-centered. They're Competitive. As a fire sign, Aries are fueled by intensity. They love to challenge others to friendly competition. Positive Traits: Energetic, Bold,  possesses Leadership Skills. Negative Traits: Impulsive, Stubborn, Impatient. Aries brings dynamism. His Mother and Father were named Johnathan James Sallow and Mary Anne Sallow. I figure his middle name is probably of his father's also. I kinda dig the thought of Sebastian James Sallow. 🤔🤭
Sebastian 100% smells like Sandalwood. Have you ever smelled that on a man? Holy Merlin TAKE ME AWAY! 😭 Sandalwood screams masculinity to me. But like a mysterious and seductive, curious masculinity way. The first time MC smelled his cologne on him she immediately had to know what it was. He told her, because she asked, very bluntly to be honest.... And now sometimes her girls bed room smells like burning sandalwood when she misses being around him or his dumb ass gets detention and she has to go to classes without him. (my real life partner wears this and it is INTOXICATING) Give it a try. 😏🤭
Nicknames: Seb, Sebby Boi, idiot #1, Sebs, sex panther (MC keeps that one to herself)
Sebastian's talents: he's really good at wood work and tinkering. He likes carving things for his friends out of tree branches. One of the very few things he doesn't use magic for. He once made a tiny carved bear for MC for her 16th birthday, she put it in a trinket box next to her bed and cried about it when she went to bed that night because it was so precious. Ominis got a teeny tiny carved peepee one time as a prank. He was not amused. ALSO Seb's surprisingly good at making food. (had to survive on his own for a little while)
Favorite food: literally anything. Jelly beans, haggis (he's Scottish, and his mom used to make it ALOT) Tablet (look it up) MC's Dad once sent a whole loaf of homemade banana nutbread to the Slytherin common room for her and she only had like maybe a bite. That was a new thing for Seb he had never tried, and unfortunately he ate most of it and was very upset with himself afterwards because it was for her. It was DELICIOUS 😂 MC couldn't help but love that he loved it. He wanted the recipe but she told him no. It was a family recipe, and if he wanted it, he'd have to marry her. That was a challenge accepted in his mind. Ominis doesn't like Bananas but he tried it and was nice about it, after spitting it in the trashcan without MC seeing. (he really hates Bananas...it's a texture thing.)
Seb=Dom. Likes to be in control 24/7. Turns into a complete and utter almost feral animal when confronted with matching Dom energy. Especially with a female.. aka MC
Probably most definitely has sad boi depression and anxiety. Which turns into fear, which turns into anger. Probably has PTSD. MC shares his pain from her upbringing and that's another reason why they have bonded so incredibly fast.
Ominis:  born September 25th 1874. Definitely a Libra. Libra's are extroverted, cosy, and friendly people. Libra's, like the Scales that symbolise the sign, are often concerned with attaining balance, harmony, peace, and justice in the world. With their vast stores of charm, intelligence, frankness, persuasion, and seamless connectivity, they are well-equipped to do so. I'm going to assume his father was British and his mother was Irish according to ✨le internet.✨ His father's name was probably something fancy like Elias and his Mother was probably something super classy like Violet. Idk 😐😂
Ominis probably smells like vetiver, tobacco (for some reason) and leather. Like a high society lounge for men. With ✨class✨ The epitome of sophistication.
Nicknames: idiot #2, omnomnom he hates it when MC calls him that but it's cute, snakey boi.
Ominis=Sub. Too nervous to touch a girl. Doesn't know what to do. Too gentleman like. Wants to wait until marriage. Probably screams and runs if he tries to be kissed by a girl. Like Poppy.
Ominis and Sebastian are already best friends but Ominis feels drawn to MC in a way a brother is drawn to protect his sister. Ominis feels obligated to help protect MC because he views her as a sister, and the fact that his best friend is absolutely smitten with her. Ominis will 100% be the best man at Sebastian's wedding to MC. She just doesn't know she's gonna get married to that idiot yet.
Ominis talents: is surprising very very good at playing the piano. It was something he was made to do as a child for his parents extravagant parties.
Favorite food: Anything, except fucking bananas.
My MC: aka Jessica "Jess" Garyn Burke born October 16th 1874. The youngest of The Silver Trio, and also similarly of Borgin and Burkes owned by Mr Borgin and Mr Burke, who were known to deal with unusual and ancient artifacts.😉 I picked Jessica because it's actually an OLD name meaning "To Behold" and Garyn meaning "warrior" Everything she knows she learned from her Dad, including protecting herself magically and *physically* like when she decked Leander Prewett in the face for calling her a rather "prude" name and teasing her in front of everyone including Sebastian and Ominis. 0/10 does not like being sexualized by other men, finds it incredibly disrespectful. She can handle her own. Obviously. It only cost her 2 weeks of detention. Leander and her are cool now btw. He's fine. His pride is not. Sebastian purposely got 2 weeks detention shortly after that so he could be around her more. 😂🤭😁✨ She is incredibly sassy, blunt, domineering, sharp as a whip, and not traditionally "ladylike". MC is not afraid to dig her nails in the dirt if she has to. And she will 100% knock a man on his ass for grabbing her butt. "Bitches get shit done." Is her Mantra.
MC=Dom a dangerous mix when tangled around Sebastian. They constantly fight for dominance but he usually always wins. Only because he's taller and a lot stronger than she is. Not sexually active because she's afraid of her father finding out and killing the poor guy. But she does know how to tie a cherry stem in her mouth without using her fingers. 10/10 proud of herself for that after almost choking on a few in her time trying. She learned that from one of her friends back in London. Father doesn't approve of said friend. Useful skill for seduction. Will keep in her back pocket for later. Is actually kinky. She's read A LOT of books about it. Can "work her magic" so to say if need be.
MC usually has her butternut ash brown hair up in a beautiful and detailed bun with intricate pieces framing her face. Slightly pale skin with mild freckles and bright blue eyes. She loves fresh flowers but fresh roses are her ABSOLUTE favorite!! Which is her perfume of choice. Just straight up Rose.
-She also cries when she gets yelled at. Because she's sensitive, but also immediately gets immensely pissed off. You would prefer having her as a friend, and not an enemy. That is why Sebastian and her formed an incredibly strong bond shortly after becoming friends. They are actually very similar. Did not speak to Sebastian for a whole month after he got mad and called her ignorant that one time. Made her cry after he left the undercroft. Did not understand why she would walk past him in the halls and ignore his owls until he apologized.
MC talents: loves drawing. She doodles some of her classmates in her spare time outside the grounds of Hogwarts, while on picnics or laying against trees. She's drawn Ominis and Sebastian. Especially Sebastian. Several times. She hides those ones because she doesn't want him to know she gets butterflies in her stomach around him. MC is also really good at singing, she just doesn't do it in front of literally anyone. She plays the lute but doesn't really care for the high pitched twang if it. Sometimes she wants someone to invent something very similar. They both should have 6 strings so it wouldn't be hard to learn a different instrument that's very *similar* to a lute. Does not like playing in front of anyone. Sebastian heard her one time when she was sick and stuck in her room practicing all day because she was bored. Everyone was "supposed" to be in class. He was befuddled and so incredibly impressed he couldn't move. MC is also formally trained in hand to hand wandless combat, trained executively by her father, Incase expelliarmus gets casted on her. Doesn't want anyone to know she can whoop ass. Also MC is like REALLY good at dancing, LOVES music and making people laugh. Will purposely embarrasses herself dancing just to make her friends laugh.
MC parents and Family: David Burke and Ramona Nielson. Wizard and Muggle. Divorced cuz Ramona is not dependable as a mother and is scared if her magic welding children, had to be obliviated regarding that part of her children. Ramona still got custody even though she wasn't really around for her daughter growing up which made MC want to stay longer with her father during summer vacation, away from school and sharing holidays between both homes. MC has to have that little bit of stern staleness from something...🤷🏻‍♀️ MC was "raised" by her loving and supportive father who served in the Royal Wizard Military as an elite and very powerful wizard. After he retired from the RWM her father decided to travel, collecting ancient artifacts which is why MC is so good at tracking them down so fast. Her uncle is Caractacus Burke who is the founder of Borgin and Burkes. MC has 2 other siblings. An older brother Roderick, and an older sister, Seraphina. Both past Slytherin alumni. Seraphina is diplomatic but deceitful. Spending most of her time working for the Ministry of Magic directly under the Minister. while most unfortunately Roderick is estranged from the family due to criminal "acts" on house elves. MC's father was in Gryffindor. He is somewhat a little disappointed that none of his children were accepted into Gryffindor, however he is still grateful they ended up possessing magic. Does not know his youngest child can see ancient magic. Wouldn't be surprised if she did. MC's bff is her father and her cat Oliver. MC constantly stops to pet cats in hogsmeade whenever she can.
ANYWAY! I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKED THIS!! It took me literal hours as I'm still trying to figure out how to navigate Tumblr editing 😂 my eyes and hands hurt. Lol
Stay stunned for more ✨lore✨
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other-fan-fiction · 1 year
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Down to the memory line.
New chapter of RED SANDS is here!!!  Raph// F!Raph-centric fanfic SUMMARY: Raph is the ONLY ONE who didn't die. He promised Mikey he will not end himself. So he tried, he really tried to make Krang to do it. But of course , the universe hates him, so he develops a new power and is able to kill all Kraang Prime and single handedly win the war. But is he happy? Nope, because who cares about the word that is so empty.Is it possible to teach an old warrior to find a life purpose with the help of a new family?Or- Future Raph is torn out of his reality and meets the Rise family. Will they be able to extinguish the fire that has burned his soul for centuries? ............................ Do you like my art? Wanna support my work and help me create? Or maybe You want me to make something for YOU?PM me :) Target for my funding- new graphic tablet (  HUION KEYDIAL KD200) PLEASE help me develop my skill and create my content <3 Here I invite you for coffee. Song for art:   What If I Forget Your Face ~male cover~ Jacob Sutherland
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villainessprefect · 2 years
title: when you wish upon a star
summary: Ortho asks you what you would wish for during the Starsending. Your answer is unexpected, but makes him even more excited for this event.
ship: Idia x gn!reader
word count: 1,712
note: written bcuz I joined in this twisted hell too late and missed this event :’) I totally love this event tho and hope we get a rerun plz I want the bros!
Read on AO3!
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"Prefect, what are you going to wish for?"
Out of everyone to ask you this popular question, it's Ortho. You expected Deuce to at some point, but with him running around the school and trying to be the best Stargazer around, you doubt he'd have the time. Hell, you even thought Trey might humor you and ask. Neither had.
"I let Grim take the wish," you answer.
"Oh, you share a Wishing Star?" You nod. He hums. "But if you could wish for something, what would it be?"
It's such an obvious answer, you think. Anyone who knows you (which may as well be everyone at this point) would know your number one wish.
'I wish I could find a way back home.'
Perhaps that's why the other two hadn't bothered asking you the question.
Yet, you find yourself hesitating to utter those simple words. Those same ones you chanted relentlessly during your first night here. Oh, how they had slipped from your lips daily back then.
You want to go home, that is your goal...or so you've been telling yourself. Lately, the thought hasn't crossed your mind. It made you wonder- did you even want to go home? Back to that familiarity, the comfort of your home, your family. A part of you does. It's a little unsettling how weak that 'wish' of yours is considering you couldn't even voice it.
"My wish isn't that important," you answer.
"Afraid it won't be granted?" This time it's Idia who chimes in, his voice coming loud and clear from his tablet. For a second, you thought he'd been preoccupied with a game with how silent he'd been. "This is all just for fun if you can call it that..." You can hear a long sigh come from the tablet. "'Sides, bet your wish can't be as lame as new shoes."
"That isn't lame!" Ortho rebuttals and huffs. "I think all wishes are worthwhile. Especially since they all come from the wisher's heart. The Wishing Star hears what they truly want as they put all their hopes and dreams to make it come true."
"...and magic," Idia mumbles, his volume a lower setting than earlier.
"Even I have one!" Ortho then returns his gaze to you. He doesn't need to repeat his question. The bright-eyed and curious look in his eyes is enough to know that he is waiting for your answer.
And boy, is it hard to turn him down. Especially when he's looking at you like that.
The thing is, you really hate how seriously you're taking this question. It's meant for fun, but you've heard a couple of wishes already. Even if their wishes are forced out of them, they're genuine enough that they want them to be true.
You consider an easy way out. Wishing for Grim's wish to come true or perhaps your friends to stay out of trouble for at least a week. Better housing would be nice and so would some extra thaumarks.
But is that what your heart really wants?
"I know your wish already," Idia says, monotone. "You wana go home, right?"
"And what if I say it's not?" You challenge, a little too quickly for your own benefit. You didn't mean to blurt that out, but now you've caught both of their attention. At least, you assume so from Ortho's gaze and the 'oh' that came from the tablet.
Damn it. Now you have to think of one- and quick! Wishing for a wish might work at this point.
That is, until something sparks from your chest. A wish that lay deep in your heart and lingers whenever you're around a certain housewarden who'd been forced to become a Stargazer against his will. It causes your cheeks to warm, and your gaze to shift elsewhere from the two hovering beside you.
"Well..." You raise a hand and scratch at your cheek. Now you wish that Deuce or Trey had asked. Neither would make fun of you for it, maybe question your decision, but in the end, they would encourage it. To say it in front of him, though...that is out of the question!
"I'll only tell Ortho."
"Huh?! B-But I'm the Stargazer here?!"
"And you're not here in person." Despite your blush, you wear a proud grin. "Besides, it's an unofficial wish. You technically don't need to hear it."
Grumbling comes from the tablet and you feel a little bad for excluding him. Although, he could always get it from his brother if he really wanted to hear it. And if he finds out...well, what could you do?
For now, you gesture for Ortho to come closer. The boy hovers with a hop in his...floating steps. When he's close enough you lean towards him. Your lips close to where his ears would be and a hand raises to conceal them from the tablet's lens.
"I wish...to play the sequel to Star Rogue with Idia when it comes out."
Ortho lets out a gasp as he hovers away from you as if you had just sent a shock through his system. His eyes are brighter than ever, almost like a Wishing Star. His hovering seems bouncier as his gaze drifts between you and the floating tablet. For a second you think he's going to blurt something out to give away what you wished for, but he only smiles behind his mask.
"I'm sure your wish will come true!"
"H-Hey, you can tell me your wish now, can't you?" Idia asks, almost pleading.
"It's a secret!" You shout before Ortho could respond. "Please, don't tell him."
"I won't." Ortho declares right in front of Idia. "I'll even keep the recording safe from him." He chuckles. "I'm so happy to hear a wish like that. It makes me very happy."
"Ortho," Idia whines, but his brother doesn't budge. "Ugh. Whatever. I don't want to hear a normie wish anyway..."
"What's up, Ortho?" Idia asks, taking his eyes away from the screen for a moment. His brother had been in a cheerful mood lately. He figured it was thanks to the festival, but lately, he seemed...happier. If that is even possible. It could be due to the fact that the final event, aka Idia's doomsday, is upon them.
"I just can't wait until we send off all the wishes," he chirps. His gaze drifts upwards as his mind creates an image of the perfect setting for their hard work. Despite the news about the weather, Ortho still has his hopes up.
"That makes one of us..." he mumbles. He does his best not to rain on his brother's parade, but could you blame him? Just thinking about what he has to do sends a cold chill down his spine. He needs to get his mind off his cursed role. "You wana tell me what the Prefect's wish is?"
Ortho doesn't respond, only giving his brother an angry look. "As they said, it's a secret!"
Couldn't blame him for trying, right?
"I guess it really was to go home. What else would they want?"
"Nope! They weren't lying about that." Ortho was serious when he said he wouldn't tell him your wish. It made him feel lighter, and happier, to know that someone else has a place for Idia in their heart. Of course, he wanted to tell Idia your wish. He was certain it would make his brother happy, even if he may deny it.
"Can I at least get a hint?"
Ortho pauses.
"I suppose a hint wouldn't hurt." It's not like his brother would guess it correctly anyway. So, your secret wish is definitely safe with him! "The Prefect and I have a similar wish."
Idia...isn't sure what he means by that. Sure, he overheard Ortho's wish, but it couldn't be the same, could it? The Prefect, as overly kind as they were, wouldn't dare to waste something like that on him...would they? This is a wish! They could literally wish for anything!
And yet, it wasn't to go home...what could be more important to you than that? To think it could relate to him in some way...was he that important to you? He could feel his face burning up already. Hopeful thoughts begin to form and he has to push them away before they decide to stay.
"N-No way they'd wish for anything like that..." He breathes out, not caring if his brother hears him. "It has to be something more basic. Definitely."
Idia nods, agreeing with himself. While his curiosity concerning your wish will linger in his mind, for now, he decides to focus on his current game. Star Rogue.
"Brother," Ortho starts as he resumes watching him play. "Do you think the Prefect could play Star Rogue with us sometime?"
"Eh?" He blinks, caught off guard by the question, and actually has to pause the game to look at his brother. "Wh-Why would they want to? I mean, I know why. Star Rogue is a top-tier game and any true gamer has to 100% it at least twice in their life. But...why with us?"
"I think it would be fun! Don't you?"
Idia bites down on his lips. He'd be lying if he said he hadn't been wanting to play games with you. You manage to hold yourself in gamer talk despite not knowing this world's games. Which is startling to him. And the games you spoke of from your home? Some sounded like rip-offs from his world while others sounded like they could rival his favorite game. Or at least you made it sound like they could with how you spoke of them.
The only problem was initiating a conversation and finding the perfect dialogue options to lead him on that route.
"Could be fun, I guess..." He answers. "B-But not right now! After this stargazing nonsense is over...I don't need two big events back to back right now."
"I can't wait! I'm sure they'll be happy to hear it!" Ortho chuckles. Even if you didn't have a Wishing Star and your wish didn't count, Ortho would do his best to ensure it comes true.
For you and his brother, he'll make sure that this year's Starsending is 100% successful.
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Types of People in a JW Congregation
The professionally-trained(?) opera singer; always extroverted, with a booming laugh, and is either a super nice person, or the most passive-aggressively hateful son of a bitch you’ve met in your life. If they’re a guy, he’s an elder; if they’re a lady, she’s an elder’s wife
”Promising” young brother (fourteen-year-old mic handler) who has such a suave voice, it sounds like he’s recording an audiobook any time he opens his mouth; probably can’t carry a conversation to save his life
Group of plump old ladies who always sit in the back and wear fancy suits with matching hats; they have arms like a hydraulic press and will crush you when they hug you
That one brother you swear is a closeted gay man because he wears loud suits, bow ties, and has all the stereotypical mannerisms; but then he gets up on the platform and says the most homophobic shit ever; usually really nice, not necessarily because he actually is, but you feel that way because you feel sorry for him
Five-year-old who gives disturbingly articulate comments and is probably hyperlexic (reads their parents’ words off a card and gets all the credit for it); householders think she’s adorable and she places literature without trying it it’s a me
Old crotchety elder (or group thereof) who likes to fuck with the mind of one specific guy for a prolonged period of time, to the point of giving said guy severe health problems; has driven at least five people out of the congregation and/or out of this mortal coil
Young People who present “The Truth” in such a new, hip, and cool way, it’s physically painful to listen to
Mother who nudges their kid to answer and whispers what she wants them to say in his ear, word-by-word; said kid always sounds like he was just awoken out of a dead sleep
The elder’s wife who smiles too much; probably bursting at the seams to gossip about you
Super Witness Wife and her unbaptized mate who you could have sworn was already a ministerial servant; they’re both really fun, actually
Middle-aged pioneer with seventeen studies who’s dying from stress; usually ends up having some kind of mental breakdown or health concern
The POMI who shows up once in a blue moon; visibly dissociated from reality
Keepers of the Bonfire Party (probably old and/or wealthy, with a forest for a backyard)
That One Sister with a questionable hairstyle who everyone lets slide because she’s a pioneer; has dyke energy
Quiet single person who never comments and always leaves immediately following the prayer; either everyone wants to talk to them, or no one seems to like them and ignores them, depending on how old, attractive, and visibly neurodivergent they are
Person who will talk both your ears clean OFF about Jehovah and how he “helped” them; seems happy but is severely depressed and you‘re very concerned about them
Group of kids who all talk about watching Naruto and Marvel movies in the company of each other; they seem PIMO, but they’re so unafraid about their spiritistic tastes that you can’t tell
Witness family who thinks all modern-day media is demonic, and only watches, reads, and listens to old stuff; the whole family seems like they’re suicidal; there’s definitely more abuse going on than meets the eye
The ten-year-old unbaptized publisher who admits to staying up all night on their tablet because they can never get to sleep before 1:00 AM, but gets nervous when you ask what they were doing on said tablet; probably browses gore websites and reads about methods of torture to feel something and/or reading My Book of Bible Stories got them into it
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tosteur-gluteal · 2 years
Doodle Sunday! Here, three pages of my sketchbook.
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For the first one, I'm going through a massive brainrot. I'm obsessed with @runawayballista 's crossover SPY x PSYCHO. I'm obsessed. I both ADORE MP100 and Spy X Family, I'm loving the characters dynamic, I'm loving the action, I love everything about it please help me. Everyday of waiting for the new chapter to come out is torture. I need professional help 👍
These are just doodles so yeah uh I'll come with a proper fanart later. Too lazy to bring my graphic tablet with me I have school guys.
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I love auby lemme have chaotic auby in my life.
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Aaaand finally, a bunch of snuuys. With long hair! And a mauve streak because that Sunny from @mozzaremi 's Eldritch AU is just peak character design. I hate the fact that as a beginner digital artist i'm more skilled with digital materials which leads to terrible traditional doodles. Aaaaaa i'm dishonouring that flawless Snuuy.
So yeah male pigtails Snuuy is my religion aaaand I really need to work on my own AU but school is tiring aight bye
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creative-soul-22 · 11 months
I watched all 3 Night at the Museum movies!
1. I liked all 3 movies, they were all good!
2. They were all really funny, I laughed a lot!
- Favourite movie:
Hard to tell, but I maybe the second one. Yeah I guess I liked that one best.
- Favourite Character(s):
Jedediah! He's such a cool cowboy and such a buddy you could hang out and really have a good time with him. He's def the one who invites his friends to the saloon (imagine him and Octavius at the Saloon). And of course, I know he hates it (sorry, Jed) he's tiny and cute and I would totally cuddle and kiss him and adore him because he's a small figurine! (@professional-termite would snatch him and run away because tinyyyyy boiiii)
Very close second is Akmenrah! He is a very distinguished, elegant son of a pharao and he is really kindhearted. I like him.
Teddy Rosewelt! He is so caring and such a father to everyone it's heartmelting. Robin Williams, may he rest in peace, was the perfect cast for him because, well, that's how I always saw Robin Williams. As a loving, caring father who encourages others and wants to make everyone feel special and who is there for others when they have a problem (maybe because he was always casted for these roles?).
- Favourite relationship(s):
Larry's and Jedediah's friendship! They are such bros and they really care for each other, it's so cute!
Jedediah's and Octavius' friendship! I know you ship them, and I totally understand why. I see it. But for me it's more like Jed and Octavius ARE a little in love with each other, and maybe would want to make out BUT also don't want to change their relationship so they decide to be bros. It's bromance. Brotherhood with a romantic touch (That's just how I see it please don't kill me!!!).
The exhibits and Larry growing to a big found family!
- What I liked:
The opening scene of Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb
How natm 3 adressed the "returndiscussion" (as we call it in Germany). It might never went beneath the surface (which is indeed a bit of a pity but it's okay), but still it adressed and paid attention to it. And that's important because this has become a thing for museums nowadays (gonna put this in a seperate post for further discussion/explanation)
The whole lore/story arch about the tablet
Jed and Octavius in Pompeii (I just wish it wouldn't have been by the time it went down because they were finally in a place in the right size for them and they would have really enjoyed Roman citylife, especially Octavius, he almost felt home there)
The opening show for the new planetarium because it's magical (I just wish it wouldn't have been interrupted by the tablet loosing it's magic causing everyone to glitch)
Amelia Earheart's adventurous spirit (she's just an AU Giselle, not only, but mostly because it's Amy Adams)
Abraham Lincoln (I wish he and Teddy had met!)
Dick van Dyke! It's always a pleasure seeing him so this was a nice surprise. Pretty sure it was the best day of their life for the residents of the retirement home when Dick van Dyke came in to dance with them to "Shake your booty".
Everytime Dexter was cute with Larry or anyone else (hugs!!)
Akmenrah's mum, she is pretty
Ben Kingsley playing Akmenrah's dad (that wasn't the only time Ben played a pharao, right? He played a pharao in another movie? Can't put my finger on it rn)
Akmenrah being together with mumy and daddy after 4,000 (?) years
All 3 movies ending with a party - creates a full circle
The Night at the Museum main theme (epic!)
The little bird-thingy before the xiangliu (forgot it's name but it's cute)
Somebody listening to Abba's Dancing Queen on the bus
Jed and Octavius using the internet/phones (the machine for the comments! Commentmachine!)
- What I didn't like:
Everytime Dexter was peeing on somebody/something (Ewwww!)
Everytime Dexter was mischivious
The way the museum director was depicted (seriously, what was that? Messiest character arch ever - if there even WAS a character arch?)
The solution to the problem with the tablet (for real guys that thing looses it's magic and all it takes to fix is to put it in MOONLIGHT?! Okay then how about you put it on the roof of the museum like a solar panel so it can charge like a glow in the dark sticker everytime the moon shines on a starry night?)
The museum director holding the tablet at the end of natm 3 whilst grinning like Dexter (seriously, after what we've seen from him, he knows what the tablet can do - which is no longer in HIS museum - and you're telling me he's not up to SOMETHING?? I'm not buying it.)
The tablet staying in the British Museum (I know they want Akmenrah and his parents to be together and I really like it BUT how do you explain this to the Museum? "Oh, we're leaving the mummy and it's tablet here, you know, the mummy's their son so we think it's nice for the family to be united. They might be very precious artefacts but we'll present them to you. You can have them.")
The ceremony being interrupted by the corroding tablet which caused the exhibits to glitch (this was the ONLY! moment of glory for Larry and the exhibits in public and it turned into a disaster - heartless filmmakers!)
Tilly's and Larry's cringey talk when we first meet her (annoying! Also, her name is Tilly... Jennifer Tilly namedrop here!)
Jed being picked up like a kitten (ruuuude!! And humilliating!)
- What I found hilarious:
The notion of dinosaurs just being doggos who want to catch sticks might not be historically accurat but it's totally funny
The cuts everytime Jed and/or Octavius did something epic to demonstrate how small they actually are (although it's a bit rude)
Octavius in the pillory and Jed watching it like "ooh"😎 by the time the sun has come up so they stand there until the sun goes down
Abraham Lincoln snatching Kamunrah's army as if they were pigeons and them disapearing to where they came from just like "Nah. We're out."
Jed in the cage like a little birdy (although I feel sorry for him but he looks just like a little titmouse in there - yeah, @professional-termite : snatched again!!)
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msrhaxoz · 4 months
Jokes aside, I really started spinning disgusting thoughts in my head about the lack of a relationship after I drew this comic. I hate this topic so much with all my heart. This is something that cannot be controlled. If you are alone, then you are alone, especially when you do not communicate with people and are not looking for new acquaintances. I know how to love with all my heart, but every love experience I had ended in a quick breakup. Although I wouldn't even call it a full-fledged love relationship. I get terribly attached, and then I suffer because emotions choke my throat, scratch my eyes, make me helpless. Yes, I am transferring these feelings to Otto. We can love, but circumstances bind us. And the objects of our love are inaccessible. For me personally, love has always been inaccessible. I can enrich anyone with attention and they will respond to me, but after a while I still remain alone. And I'm not saying that I'm so misareble and everyone around me is cruel. It just happened that way. It's just that my being chose those people who were either not ready for this, or they were negatively influenced from the outside. Or I still don't know something. Without creativity I would have died a long time ago. I'm so glad I can draw. I'm so glad that I have characters who help me get through the negativity. My characters are my condition and I metaphorically perceive the world around them as my world. I transfer my feelings to an imaginary world and though this may not be enough, without it I would terrorize my friends and family with whining. More than usual I mean, hahahaha. And I would have destroyed myself to hell. And I don't understand why I'm writing this here. In my six years in Tumblr, I haven't written a word here. THANK YOU SO MUCH for responding to these posts, although you don't have to at all. I'm used to people caring about creations, not the creator himself, and you're showing me that I can be wrong. My voice is important too. That. That is. Wow. In sum I'm sad. I'm sad that I can only love from a distance. I can admire people, I can fantasize about how they pay attention to me in society, how I show my singing and my ideas in drawings and characters. And then I come back to reality, take my plush toy and a tablet and draw until three in the morning.
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