#my english minor rn
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erwinsvow · 11 months ago
I just feel like Rafe would totally love the fact that you've been in a long term relationship but you lost your virginity to him instead
omg YESSSS he's so freaking possessive. he would adore that you didn't feel right with the other guy but that youre ready with him <3333 lemme try to write a lil blurb with shy reader!!
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"so, you're sayin'... you dated him for, what?"
"like a year. ten months." you admit quietly, glancing up at rafe and then looking back down at your shoes. your face feels hot, embarrassed already—you're shy about a lot of things and your virginity is number one on the list.
"and you didn't sleep with him? not even once?"
"no..." you trail off, fiddling with your dress. "didn't feel right."
you're worried rafe is judging you, so you try to cover your own tracks.
"we kissed though. um, and one time he fing-"
"shut up." you listen immediately, quieting, eyes brimming with tears. rafe tilts your downtrodden face up with his fingers, looking into your eyes. "if you finish that sentence i'm gonna have to go kill him. i don't think y'want that, hm?" you shake your head.
"are you upset?" you ask, almost afraid of the answer.
"why would i be upset?"
"b-because i don't have any experience. and, um, i thought you would like that-"
"i like you like this." you look up, eyes wide, beaming. you rush in for a hug, pressing your face against his chest, listening to rafe's laugh from your position. "you're cute, kid. thought i'd be upset that i'm gonna be the first to wreck that virgin pussy. hah."
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xxsunoosprincess · 9 months ago
Hi! How are you doing? I love your writing btw, you’re definitely one of my favourite writers 🙈
I don’t know if anyone has asked this yet, but enha legal line + aftercare?? What they’d do, how they’d act kind of thing? Maybe even how they’d like to be taken care of? It’s perfectly okay if you don’t want to do this 🤗
hi hi!! I’m a little sick rn but doing good because I’m finally done with school >:3 also u make me blush sweet anon… I’m glad my stuff makes you happy!! sorry it took a minute to get around to this but I’m indulging in some softer stuff while I sniffle away in bed :,) thanks for the request!!
Enhypen and Aftercare (OT6)
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pairings: Enhypen legal line x reader
warnings: 18+, minors dni, mentions of sex but not pure smut, fem bodied!reader
His face contorts into an expression halfway between pain and pleasure as he slow lying inches his sensitive length out of you, a breathless “hahh” escaping him as he shivers, collapsing onto you. It pulls an unexpected grunt out of you, followed by a series of giggles as he borrows into your neck, huffs of hot air tickling your sensitive skin.
“What the fuck” he whines out. You feel his hands squeeze your hips “your pussy is crazy”. The seriousness in his voice has you caught between a belly laugh and a faux scandalized gasp, swatting his ass gently as you scold him for such crude words. “I’m serious! You. Your body. You’re just perfect…” small pecks between each word, sleepy yawns, and a dopey heeseung clinging to you like a koala. Has fallen into the routine of fucking you before bed, claims it’s “the only way I can sleep now. Need you so bad”, and it might just be true because you can already feel the gentle vibrations of his snores against your collarbone.
Don’t play rn Jay is literally the embodiment of doting aftercare. The routine is locked and mf loaded. After he bullies your cunt until it’s sore and you are sure you can’t walk, this pillow talk starts. This part is just as much for you as it is for him, because he doesn’t think he could walk right now either. Promises of a future together, a catch-up on how your days have been, chats about if you liked the newest thing he introduced to your romp in the sheets. Just hearing your sweet voice cut through the quiet of night is enough to reground him (plus, he really does care about what you have to say).
I think he’s a little lazy with clean up, keeps a pack of wet wipes at the bedside table to give you both a once over, makes a half-promise to shower with you in the morning, and then rolls over to spoon you, peppering light kisses down your neck as your naked bodies intertwine to watch an episode of your guys’ favorite tv show. To Jay, aftercare is just as intimate as the actual sex. Unintentionally romantic in every way.
He’s the one that needs the most extensive aftercare, and come on, doesn’t he deserve it? He will eat you out for hours until you are kicking and squealing and prying him away by his hair. He will fuck into you from behind like it’s his sole purpose on his earth. And when all is said and done, he can hardly talk, slipping between English and Korean as he mumbles out a mix of curses and “so good, princess, so good”.
We wants you to play with his hair, curling up into your chest and peppering light kisses across your skin. He won’t admit how his heart skips a beat when you coo out a soft “good boy” to him, instead, he playfully bites you in retaliation. He won’t say anything about it, though. He loves the extra soft treatment, it’s like a reward for pushing himself to his limits to make you feel good.
He’s such an angel. He’s sweeping you up in his arms to carry you to the bathroom. It doesn’t matter how big you are, he insists on carrying you because you are his baby (“you know, I don’t lift all those weights for nothing” cue the cheesy flexing). Lets you soak in the shower for a bit while he changes the sheets and prepares pajamas for you. Big believer in actions speak louder than words.
“Was I too rough on you today?” he pouts, slipping into the shower after finishing his post-coital rounds and eyeing the redness that has stuck around on the meat of your ass. No amount of reassurance of you liking it will erase the worried expression, eyebrows drawn together and lips pressed into a thin line. The only thing that makes him stop, makes him burst out into laughter and splash water at you, is the promise you make to spank him next time around.
I’m sorry but he is definitely crying afterwards. Y’all know I’m not on the babygirl Sunoo agenda all the time, but this is something I’m absolutely positive about. He’s just so overwhelmed with emotion, so happy that you trust him to see you in such a vulnerable state, so happy to be with you, so in love with you, the tears are forming in his eyes the moment he watches you reach your finish underneath him. “My pretty girl” sniffle sniffle “you’re so- fuck- so gorgeous”. Doesn’t matter how long you have been together, there is about a 50% chance of tears every time you guys fuck.
He tends to get embarrassed about crying like that so please give him lots of reassurance :(. Gets a little shy and whiny at vocalized praise, but loves gentle back rubs and showers together. Let him wash and dry you, he likes to feel like he is taking care of you just as much as you take care of him <3.
I’m sorry he’s so silly and sweet after. Needs to make you laugh after an intense moment. Eases his mind to see you so happy after being so vulnerable (firm believer in the wonie softie agenda). Still naked as the day he was born as he playfully wrestles with you in the sheets. He’s right next to your ear, letting our exaggerated high-pitches moans and squeals of “wonnie harder!”. He giggles at your indignant protests, reassuring you that he loves how you can’t get enough of your “very hot and sexy boyfriend”.
He seems like the type that needs to be constantly moving, fetching you towels and water and hand feeding you snacks. “Anything for you, babycakes”. Cheesy ass grin while calling you corny pet names in a teasing voice, dodging the pillow you launch his way.
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a/n: reminder that requests are open. I have some to work through and might not do all requests I get, but I love hearing from y’all :3 also this isn’t proofread, just like every thing else 😭 xx - princess
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mortallydeepestobservation · 5 months ago
The holiday pretense -1-
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Summary: Namjoon has never been a fan of the holidays. In fact, he could list more things that sucked about ‘The most wonderful time of the year’, than things that brought him joy. Yet, beneath his cynicism, a flicker of hope appeared this year, as the faint scent of homesickness hung in the air.
Unfortunately, there’s one tiny little thing that keeps him from calling home- his lack of a girlfriend.
But fear not; this holiday season, Namjoon’s smart mouth gets him in a situation where he has no choice but to approach you- his longtime friend and roommate- with an unexpected request.
Pairing: Namjoon x f.reader Genre: fake-dating, friends to lovers/roommates to lovers au; crack, smut, fluff. Rating: explicit. Minors do not interact. Warnings: every single trope in the book; but with a twist. Dialogue heavy. OC is really bad at lying, anddd… I didn’t write in literal years so yeah, this is gonna be fun. And I know I am literally that meme rn, the: summer is over-skips straight to Christmas. But do you have any idea just how slow I write? Yes. It is a warning. Smut warnings: to be added~ Word count: Chapter 1-9k Credits: this was literally one of those ‘if no one is going to write this, I will’ because there are not enough friends-to-lovers Namjoon fics out there. And none (that I know of) where the main character feels bad for lying to his family when pretending to date him. This work would not have been possible without the very kind and patient @callmenoona25, who not only helped me beta-read but also served as a guiding light during those moments when I wanted to rage-delete everything. Thank you for all your help! (and please keep helping me coz idk what I’d do without your constant encouragement) Author's note: again, I didn't write in 8-ish years, so this is very very scary. Add in a dash of 'English is not my first language' and you get whatever this is. enjoy. Merry Christmas. part 1: reading, part 2: here , part 3: here , part 4: here
Ah winter, the most wonderful time of the year.
The season when the air is crisp, and the city gets blanketed in thick, white snowfall. When the satisfying sound of crunching snow accompanies every step and every word transforms into nothing more than a puff of steam dancing through the chilly air.
When Mariah Carey’s voice echoes in literally every store for an obnoxious 24/7, as if she has some kind of personal vendetta against silence…
When the heating bill increases by 37%, and it takes an extra 15 minutes for the heater to kick in and for the hot water to grace the showerhead. Ergo, Namjoon now has to wake up half an hour early if he wants to take a shower and not freeze half to death during the day, because the landlord was adamant that there was nothing to be done about the situation.
But it wasn’t all bad.
Sure, Namjoon was never one to possess the so-called Christmas spirit. In fact, he was known to be a bit of a grinch among his friends.
Jin, in particular, enjoyed telling anyone who would listen about their first Christmas at college, when Namjoon adamantly refused to help him decorate the tree after begrudgingly lugging it to their shared apartment.
And most years Namjoon’s lack of enthusiasm for the season was palpable. While his friends reveled in the cheerful atmosphere, he somehow managed to remain detached and aloof, his grinch-like demeanor becoming a defining characteristic, much to the amusement of his companions.
However, there were still aspects of the holiday that Namjoon couldn’t help but secretly enjoy. The food, for instance, was undeniably good. Although the movies were mediocre and the music overplayed, he still found himself humming along to Winter Wonderland whenever it played. And the energetic buzz that seized his friends was no doubt contagious;
This year, before he could even process it, he was dubbed designated fairy-light fixer, the judge of the ugly sweater contest (solely because he had the audacity to show up wearing a black hoodie) and somehow promised Jungkook to help him pick up gifts for his mom, his cousin, and girlfriend.
And now, with the holidays looming just around the corner, and the entire city buzzing with chatter about family feasts, romantic rendezvous, and the art of gift-giving, Namjoon couldn't help but feel a little pang of longing. It had been a solid two years since he last set foot in his hometown, and the melancholic urge to return home seemed like the only logical response to it all.
Or maybe he just needed a vacation…
But there was just one thing that kept Namjoon, a logical being, from making that phone call home.
He knew that part of the reason behind his mother’s question was for organizational purposes, yet he couldn’t help but notice the mischievous twinkle in her voice each time she sweetly asked:
“And are you coming alone?”
Few things managed to irk him as much that specific question in that specific context. And even with countless nights analyzing the emotions it stirred within him, Namjoon found himself very stupidly replying with:
“Uhm, no actually-” despite being painfully single, and fully aware of it.
Following that, the hope of regaining any sensible thought was gone as a chorus of ecstatic comments erupted form his mother’s end of the phone. With a hurried, “Can’t wait to see you, yeah, love you too,” he was left in the suffocating silence of his bedroom, with a new predicament he needed to solve.
Now, let’s not forget, Namjoon is no ordinary man. He possesses a brain that could rival Einstein’s, and he knows all too well that he could simply call back and clarify that his plus one is as real as Santa Claus.
But Namjoon doesn’t half-ass anything. He full-asses it.
That and showing up alone would undoubtedly result in his mom’s attempts to play matchmaker. And if he were to show up alone, after lying about it, well, he might as well prepare for an arranged marriage.
Namjoon sighed as he looked at his phone. He couldn’t understand why his mother had this new found obsession with his relationship status. Especially after she witnessed just how bad his last one ended. Now sure, he may have taken the whole ‘healing-era’ to a bit of an extreme, seeing as he had no relationship, no situationship and no inclination to entertain any romantic thoughts whatsoever. But this was getting ridiculous. Lying to his own mother?
Perhaps he could ask his assistant to pretend to be his girlfriend for the week? No, that wouldn’t work. She mentioned she was hosting the Christmas dinner this year. And it would involve more explanations to HR than it’s worth…
And he couldn’t overlook the fact that her fiancé would most certainly not be amused by that idea.
Just as he was about give up and plunge into another rabbit hole of despair, the solution to his problem came accompanied by the familiar sound of glass smashing in the kitchen.
You would be perfect.
Most people already assumed you two were dating, seeing how seamlessly you fit yourself into his life after moving in.
And last he checked you couldn’t make it home because of some pesky law-jargon issues that required your presence at the office. And changing your flight to a few days later cost you an arm and a leg, while changing it to January was completely free.
And last he checked; you were just as chronically single as he was. (He knew because your last date was so disastrous that he had to abandon his gaming night and rescue you from the restaurant).  
Another crash in the kitchen summoned him back into action. Swiftly snatching his hoodie from the designated clothes chair and making his way to you, detouring only to retrieve the medical kit from the bathroom.
He was quick to spot you, still clad in your work attire, crouched besides the counter, diligently sweeping the stray glass shards of what used to be an ugly mug. His eyes involuntarily wondering towards your ass, once again marveling at how flawlessly you wore that office skirt before snapping himself out of it.
“And I believe that evens out the score, seeing as I only broke a plate, and you killed two mugs this season” he declares, ensuring you weren’t bleeding before abandoning the first aid kit on the counter to fetch the trusty vacuum cleaner.
It was standard procedure by now.
“You also managed to break the microwave, so the title remains yours,” you grumble as you rose to your feet, a smile unconsciously tugging at your lips when you caught sight of his charming dimpled face. “Hey there.”
“Hello,” he replied, giving you a swift once-over in case he missed any hidden hemorrhages “what happened?”
“It just jumped out of the cupboard when I opened it,” you gestured towards the dust pan, as if to prove the cup suddenly acquired acrobatic skills before its untimely demise, causing him to break into a grin “I’ll get you a new one.”
“No worries, it was a gift form an ex, and it was hideous anyway.”
As he vacuumed the area, you disposed of the glass, making sure it wouldn’t slice through the trash bag like last time.
Once the kitchen was safe again, you returned to your previous task, grabbing a new cup and casually turning your back to him.
" Do you want to try an unreasonably expensive hot chocolate with me?" you playfully suggested, catching his eye as he noticed the purple tin on the counter, adorned with a big red bow, alongside a very generic Christmas card.
"Secret Santa?" he inquired back, picking up the card, already aware of the answer to your question.
Unconsciously, he began mentally listing reasons why you would make a good fake girlfriend. Topping the list was your uncanny ability to understand him without lengthy explanations. And it was all quite digestible, wasn't it? Two long-time friends and roommates, thrown together by chance, suddenly discovering hidden feelings for each other?
All his friends seemed to have unanimously agreed that the two of you would make a splendid pair, back when you met, when his roommate, Jin, started dating your roommate, Myeong.
 On their inaugural date, Myeong, in a fit of paranoia, asked you to tag along, in case her potential lover turned out to be a serial killer. And Jin, ever the considerate soul, felt compelled to invite Namjoon, not only to spare you the agony of being the third wheel, but also in the hope of pulling Namjoon out of his dating slump. Not that you would ever notice, as you were knee-deep in exam session, sleep deprived and buried in a mountain of law books.
Poor Namjoon somehow ended up carrying the weight of being third and fourth wheel simultaneously.
But you eventually made up for it, once your exams were over and had a proper 18 hours of sleep.
In no time you wiggled your way into his heart, transforming those awkward double dates into enjoyable hangouts. You’d spend countless hours discussing everything from books to the latest plot twists in popular dramas, to sharing dreams, fears and hopes.
As Myeong and Jin’s relationship blossomed, they gradually faded into the background of your outings, until they were eventually excluded all together. And neither of you seemed to mind, as you found it easier to focus on your conversations without their constant chatter.
That and they couldn’t be quiet in movie theatres like decent human beings.
It was during one of these outings that Namjoon realized just how alluring he found you. The way your eyes lit up when you laughed at one of his jokes made his heart race. Your sharp mind and wit were a match made in heaven for him. And your ability to render him speechless was both infuriating and exhilarating.
But Namjoon also knew that you were deeply committed to your studies, and he didn't want to do anything to distract you from your goals. So, he held back, admiring you from a distance and hoping that someday things might be different.
And as time passed, and he graduated, he came to terms with the fact that you two would never be more than casual friends.
Little did he know that the universe had its own wicked sense of humor. When fate decided to play its sly hand and leave you virtually homeless, because your respective roommates decided to take the next step in their relationship and move in together.
It was only logical, then, for the two of you to shack up as well. After all, you were friends, both neat freaks, and most of all, desperately in need of a roommate.
“The roommate switch”, as Jimin so eloquently put it.
And thus began the most wonderful living arrangement Namjoon ever experienced. Not that he would never tell Jin that.
Suddenly, his bathroom cabinet resembled a Bath and Body works store, and your pink pots and pans had taken over his kitchen. But he wouldn’t mind, seeing that the cooking interdiction was extended, once Jin started recounting all the times Namjoon almost turned their previous apartment into a bonfire during your housewarming bash.
However, you never scolded him for his butterfingers because, truth be told, you had your own healthy dose of clumsiness, (the cup chilling in the trash an indisputable witness to it).
It was quite refreshing to find someone who shared his knack for dropping things.
And he made up for all the free meals by taking care of the dishes. He even went above and beyond by meticulously following the odd care instructions for your fancy pots.
And the rest of your household chores fell into perfect harmony.
 He willingly handled all the ironing, including your own, simply because you couldn’t be bothered. In return, you would dutifully clean the lint tray in the dryer, even when it was his turn to do the laundry, because he found it absolutely disgusting, and you couldn’t resist the opportunity to gross him out.
It suddenly dawned on him why all his friends were convinced that you two were together. He was smitten with you, after all.
But again, time has worked its magic! His infatuation had been long departed, so he could proceed with his plan and not let it affect your friendship in any way, shape or form!
“You know, I never quite understood the purpose of Secret Santa,” you confessed, pulling him out of his thoughts. “I mean, sure, it makes sense in a small group where you can actually get to know the person and buy them something nice. But in a corporate setting, where you’re thrown together with people from different departments, it makes absolutely no sense!” you spoke with passion, even stirring the milk a little harder, causing an impish smile to dance across his face.
“Because you end up with situations like this, where creepy Greg from the watercooler suddenly feels the need to win my graces and splurge on stupidly expensive hot chocolate.”
Namjoon was familiar with your HR endeavors involving Greg, especially after he hit on one of your colleagues.
“Do you want to know how much this monstrosity costs?” you asked, trying to contain your amusement at the sheer absurdity of it all. Pouring the cocoa into the milk and placing the mugs in front of him, you couldn’t help but grin.
“Surprise me,” Namjoon took a sip, which he regretted because he choked once you answered,
“Sixty dollars!”
“That’s absolutely ridiculous” he coughed, once he regained control of his lungs.
The hot chocolate was nice, but nowhere close to justifying the hefty price tag. For all he knew, it could have been dollar store cocoa. But your contagious laugh made it all worthwhile, and he couldn’t help but think that maybe Greg deserved to lose his Christmas bonus on overpriced cocoa that you both would mock.
“Tastes like cardboard” you concluded after a mouthful, “maybe it was meant for that hideous mug your ex gave you,” you teased, earning a puzzled look. “This has horrible taste,” you tack on, noticing his raised eyebrow “just like your exes.”
“I’m not sure if I should be offended by that,” he replied, feigning offense.
“Well, they did break up with you, so clearly their taste is questionable,” You ruffled his hair as you walked past him, your cocoa abandoned on the table.
This wasn’t uncommon in your friendship. Afterall, you were his biggest supporter, as he was yours. But now, with the odd favor he was about to ask you; he couldn’t help but ponder your words for longer than usual. Until he heard the door to your room close and he realized he was left alone in the kitchen.
“Any updates on that flight of yours?” he asked, shooting a glance towards your door. Perhaps the universe would take pity on him and spare him the embarrassment he was dreading.
“Still in January!” you hollered back, your voice muffled by the commotion in your room.
“Ah, cool, cool…” he muttered under his breath, more to psych himself up and gather the courage needed to go over and make a complete fool of himself.  
“Are you still planning on heading home?” your voice was barely audible amidst the movement, so he walked over and propped himself against your door to keep the conversation going.
“Yeah, that’s the plan.” He replied absentmindedly massaging the back of his neck.
Not unless he can find a girlfriend for the week.  “Hey,” he continued, his voice devoid of any moisture, “can I ask you a favor?”
The door swung open, almost causing him to stumble, to reveal you, wearing pajama bottoms and a black tank top, clutching one of his sweaters.
“Depends.” You answered flatly. “Mind if I borrow this?” you gestured towards the sweater, awaiting his nod of approval before slipping it on and sauntering past him to claim your usual spot on the couch. With your feet cozily tucked under the cushion, you scrolled through your phone, probably looking up another horrible movie you’d force him to watch. Oblivious to the fact that you ticked off another item on his mental checklist: looking damn good in his clothes.
“Okay” he took a deep breath and settled down beside you, his posture impeccable and his gaze fixed on the blank tv screen. You glanced over intrigued by his sudden shift in behavior.
“This is going to be weird, and you can tell me to fuck off any moment this makes you uncomfortable. And I promise I’ll never bring it up again, and we can pretend this never happened,” he stumbled over his words, a stark contrast to his usually calmed and composed demeanor.
Your mind raced, conjuring up the worst-case scenarios as you slowly set aside your phone, captivated by every word leaving his mouth.   
Was he about to kick you out?
That only seemed to aggravate whatever Namjoon was on, as he continued to mumble, insisting that you didn’t have to agree to it if you didn’t want to. Which didn’t make any sense, because if he was going to kick you out, he should at least have the balls to tell you straight forward.
You gently collected his hands, causing him to halt abruptly. His wide eyes finally locked with yours as you softly uttered “Just tell me.” You peered up at him, bracing yourself for the worst, and completely unprepared for what was to follow.
“Will you please do me a solid and pretend to be my girlfriend for a week?” he stammered, unable to maintain eye contact, his voice fading into a whisper towards the end.
“I might have told my mom I’m in a relationship, and now I desperately need a stand-in girlfriend for the next few days” he confessed sheepishly, quickly adding, “But seriously, if you’re uncomfortable with this, just say the word and we can erase this whole conversation from existence.”
“Oh my goodness, Namjoon,” you breathed out in relief, a laugh escaping your lips as you rested your head on his lap, leaving him even more perplexed. “I thought you were kicking me out.”
“What?” he chuckled, watching you raise a few seconds later, rubbing your eyes before fixing your gaze on him, contemplating his request.
“How can you be so brilliant and so dumb at the same time? Just call your mom back…”
“No, you don’t get it. I can’t do that. If I do, she’ll set me up with the neighbor’s daughter again” Namjoon explained, clearly not in the right mindset to entertain that idea again.
“You want me to lie to your mother?” you asked incredulously.
“Please don’t phrase it like that.” he covered his face, deflating completely besides you.
“This is essentially what you are asking me to do... I don’t know how that makes me feel. Your mom, by the way, is an absolute sweetheart…” you trailed off, observing him intently as he brushed away the hair in his eyes.
You didn’t get to know her too well, but the last time she visited she made sure to stock up your whole fridge with homecooked meals. And to top it off, she even baked cookies especially for you once Namjoon mentioned he had a new roommate.
The discussion, however, took a bit of an unexpected turn when she realized the roommate was you. A girl and not another frat guy. But she quickly developed a fondness for you. Or at least, that’s what you believed when she gave you the tightest hug goodbye.
“I know. It’s a stupid idea.” He muttered, rubbing his face a bit harder than necessary. Then he locked eyes with you and continued. “I am well aware of how dumb this is. And that is exactly why I need you there with me.” His statement left you dumbfounded, completely unable to find any words. “I just want to go home and relish in the fact that I am there without constantly worrying about being single.” he took a shaky breath before continuing,
 “I can’t comprehend why my mom is so fixated on this matter.” He paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts. “I just need someone to navigate this absurdity with me for the holidays, and then we never mention it again.” 
His little speech left you stunned, and before you knew it, you were actually considering his proposal.
 Your Christmas plan was already ruined, and agreeing would mean that you would not be confined to your couch, enduring cheesy Hallmark movies and crying alone on Christmas eve.
Moreover, you were convinced that you had moved on from the little crush you had on him back when you met. Refusing still to admit that you’ve always had a soft spot for the gentle giant that slowly became a staple in your life, and that spending the holidays with him would be the best scenario that could ever happen.
But could you make it through this without getting your heart trampled and your friendship going up in smoke? As these thoughts started to swirl in your mind, your eyes began to wander aimlessly. From his eyes to his chiseled cheekbones and strong jawline, down to his neck and collarbone, and finally to his impressively muscular chest that seemed to only have grown since he started attending the gym religiously with Jungkook. And not to mention those arms that give the most incredible bear hugs. It was strange to allow yourself to notice his physicality in such detail, as if you had been willfully blind to his newfound buffness until now.
“Forget it, I’m sorry I asked,” he said, sensing your hesitation and preparing to end his suffering. But you stopped him in his tracks.
“If we are going to do this, we need a plan.” His eyes light up, color returning to his cheeks, before he squeezed you in a tight embrace “and just so you know, you owe me,” you laughed once he released you.
“Yes, yes, of course, whatever you want.”
“You take out the trash for a month,” he was too quick to nod “and I want you to take me to that bakery you and Jin always rave about.”
“Ajumeoni’s bakery?” he smiled at your request. That was the bakery Namjoon visited with his sister every Friday as a child, and every other day with Jin, on their way to school, because the milk bread was to die for. “Of course. It’s already part of the commute, so consider it done.”
“Good. We have a deal then,” you extended your hand as if sealing a business agreement, instead of setting yourselves up for a disaster. He reciprocated with a firm shake, and you swiftly retrieved your notepad from the coffee table. “So, what’s the plan?”
“Well, let’s establish a few key details about us. We need to become well-acquainted with each other’s personal preferences, so it doesn’t come across like we are just… pretending” he looked over at you as you scribbled.
“I mean, it’s a digestible story already. Two oblivious roommates, suddenly realizing they have feelings for one another after living together for years.” You mused, only to be met with his response.
“And once this is all over, we can simply tell everyone that we figured out we were better off as friends than lovers,” he pondered aloud.
“Right,” you replied, looking up from your notebook “How long have we been dating?”
“Anywhere from three to six months” he promptly answered and you jot it down before firing off your next question.
“And why haven’t we told any of our friends and family?”
“To avoid the inevitable ‘I knew it!’ and because we like the trill of keeping a secret.”
“Fair enough,” you chuckled “So, how did we get together?”
“You finally realized how charming I am and just couldn’t contain yourself?” he flashed a cheeky smile and you playfully deflect by giving his chest a gentle push.
“How about your birthday party?” you offered “We were both buzzed enough to share a kiss and then you confessed?”
“Why do I confess?” he whined, peering over at your notebook page where you already wrote down your version of events.
“Because I’m shy about that kind of stuff” you mumble, burying your face in the cozy confines of his sweater, avoiding any potential eye contact.
 “That’s adorable,”
“Shut up.” You chuckle “Alright, is there anything I should know about you?”
“I’m not a big fan of PDA, especially when we’re out and about, so don’t expect me to be all over you.” He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “But since we’re going home and pretending to be a couple, what level of affection are you comfortable with?”
“Well, I’m comfortable with you,” you cleared your throat, that bit of information being more truthful than intended “we can hold hands, and do normal couple stuff.”
“How do you feel about kissing?”
“Well, yeah, sure,” you responded nonchalantly, eyes fixating on the notepad in your hands.
A mischievous grin played on his lips as he teased, “Good, because I happen to be quite fond of leaving hickeys.” That broke you out of your little spiral, rolling your eyes at his poor attempt.
As if you weren’t already aware of this tidbit from his past conquests during your college days, before you two became roommates.
“You do know this is all pretend, right?” you retorted, refusing to take the bait.
“Oh, but baby, we’ve got to make it feel real,” he insisted, his tone dripping with charm. However, it did nothing to sway your logical approach to it.
“Right, ‘baby’” -you said it as if it was a legal term, “any preferences for pet names?”
Your serious charade did little to detour him. “Just promise me that our interactions won’t be like Jin and Myeong’s.”  He smiles, eyes twinkling with mischief.  “And surprise me, I’ll be putty in your hands.”
“So, you are not set on honorifics. I can call you Oppa if you want,” little did you know, your innocent suggestion struck a hidden chord within him. A new kink that needed further assessment later on, preferably after this week was over.
“That won’t be necessary,” he said, clearing his throat and reclining against the couch. “Anything I should know about you?”
You pondered his question for a few seconds, allowing a sly smile to play your lips. “I don’t like feet.”
“No duh!” he laughed, shaking his head in disbelief, before regaining his composure. With a meticulous air, he went over all the details once more. “Ah, you need a new background on your phone.”
 Swiftly, he snatched your phone form the coffee table, catching you off guard, and planted a quick kiss on your cheek before snapping a selfie. “Perfect,” he declared, a proud smile spreading across his face as he set the picture as your home screen and background, leaving you to gather your frenzied thoughts.
“But wait, you also need a new photo,” You retorted, only to find him already one step ahead, pulling out his phone from his pajama bottoms and scrolling through his camera roll.
“Done.” He announced, turning his phone towards you to reveal the horrendous picture he had chosen as his own home screen. 
 A candid shot he took during your last year at college, on one of those late-night noodles runs to the local shop next to the library. You were draped in an oversized hoodie, greedily slurping a mouthful of noodles. With eyes blissfully shut, you savored every bite, as it was your first meal of that day, completely oblivious to his hidden photography skills.
It wasn’t until you accidentally stumbled upon your caller ID that you saw it and naturally, grabbed the nearest pillow and hurled it at him, demanding an immediate change. But he stood his ground, claiming it was his favorite photo of you.
Claim proven yet again as now it was Namjoon’s home screen.
“I hate that photo.”
“I know.” He gave a smile, before safely tucking his phone back in his pocket, and rose to his feet, stretching leisurely. “I think we are good to go, girlfriend,” he said it in such a way that sent a swarm of butterflies fluttering in your stomach. “I’ll go book our train tickets, and you better start packing soon,” he playfully pointed at you, before gracefully disappearing into his room to retrieve his laptop.
“Oh, wait, I need to get a present for your mom!”
Before the train even arrived in the station, the sky was threatening to unleash upon you. The air filled with delicate snowflakes, determined to bury you, Namjoon, and your luggage.  But it was yesterday’s conversation that still lingered in the atmosphere, weighing heavy on both your minds.
The darkness of the night had given you both time to process what was about to unfold. Your only anchor on reality being Namjoon’s surprisingly warm hand clasping your freezing one, and tucking it away in his warm coat pocket.
And the fact that he looked like he just strolled out of the latest winter Vogue edition for men didn’t help. While you attempted to make a lasting impression, donning a cream knitted dress, black stockings and boots, topped off with a cream coat, that was far too flimsy for the weather, Namjoon effortlessly sported a navy-blue hoodie, snug jeans and a stylish black trench coat, and even a matching beanie that made his hair look absolutely flawless.
But beyond his impeccable fashion sense, he also proved to be quite the gentleman. Not that you ever doubted it, but now he seemed determined to showcase his chivalry. He wouldn’t even let you lock the door to your own apartment. It was a miracle he allowed you to carry the bottle of Chardonnay you insisted on getting his family, despite his protests that it wasn't necessary. You slightly regretted it now, seeing as your other hand was enduring the elements, instead of being intertwined with his.
“You have snow in your hair,” you pointed out, stating the obvious with the brilliance of a water-is-wet revelation.
“As do you.” he looked up from his phone, where he was engrossed in checking the train’s schedule for any potential delays. “And your lips are blue.” with a swift motion, he untangled his scarf and gently draped it around your freezing form. Something he had done many a time before, anytime he saw you slightly cold, but never before had you considered this gesture to be more than your friend looking out for you.
But today, things were different. Today you were pretending to be his girlfriend.
The sudden surge of warmth that enveloped you left you wondering if it was due to all your blood rushing to your cheeks or his scarf possessing some sort of magical heating abilities.
“It says here that the snow storm shouldn’t intervene with the scheduling, so the train will be here in a few minutes.” He looked up again, a cheerful grin appearing across his features as he caught sight of your pink face. “Aw you’re blushing again,”
“Shut up.” you retorted with the quick-wittedness of a third-grader.
“If I would have known it was this easy to make you flush, I would have made my fictional moves much sooner.” His voice did that thing again, where it went slightly deeper and, only the look in his eyes ticking you off to his teasing.
Your only response was to nervously nibble on your lip. Again, the realization that you are about to deceive not only his mother, but his entire family nestle in your chest, squeezing at your heart like a snake wrapped around it.
“Namjoon, I’m not sure about this.” you confessed, pulling the scarf closer to your face. It was a bit late to be getting cold feet, but this was your last opportunity to speak your mind before embarking on this little ordeal. “I don’t think I can pull this off.”
“Come on now, aren’t you an intern at a law firm?” he raised a playful eyebrow, attempting to ease the tension, but you only glared at him.
“I can’t lie.” You stated firmly “I’m the absolute worse at it. That is why I always find alternative ways of convey the truth. That’s what lawyers do. We don’t resort to lies.”
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that," he quickly apologized, before falling silent for a few seconds to ponder a solution. "Okay, listen. You don’t have to say anything."
"What do you mean?" you looked up at him, a hint of skepticism in your voice.
"I can take care of all the relationship talk, and I won’t say anything unless prompted.” he replied, trying to inject a touch of wit into his response. “Afterall, you are just my friend that just happens to be a girl.” He playfully wiggled his eyebrows at you “And I want you to spend Christmas with me and my family instead of being alone at home.” Namjoon gave you a sincere smile, and you couldn’t help but smile back, feeling the grip on your heart slightly loosen.
“Okay,” you gave a small nod “Thank you Joon.”
The nickname slipped by unnoticed, but you noticed the way Namjoon reacted, rekindling your burning cheeks.
“So, no Oppa?”
When your train arrived, Namjoon swiftly took charge, effortlessly carrying all the bags to your seats, settling in comfortably for the four-hour journey ahead.
He had come prepared, armed with at least three books to keep himself entertained, while you had grand plans of getting a head start on your work, perhaps even sneaking in a personal lecture and a quick power nap. However, much to your surprise, the allure of a nap quickly surpassed all other ambitions, your head found a cozy resting place on Namjoon’s shoulder, and you drifted off into a blissful slumber for the remainder of the journey. A sleepless night imagining what it would be like pretending to date your roommate could do that to you.
Only stirring awake when you were less than a few minutes away, because Namjoon was constantly shifting in his seat, half of his body numb from your weight on him.
“Oh hey,” he whispered, swiftly stretching his legs as soon as you moved off him. “I just spoke to Minhi, she said she’d come pick us up from the train station,”
“Oh, that’s nice.” you yawned, rubbing away any remnants of sleep from your eyes “You could have told me to move, you know.”
“Yes, but you looked so peaceful. It felt almost wrong to disturb you.” He grinned, fully aware that he also indulged in a little nap, using your head as a pillow just half an hour ago.
“Shut up,” you whispered, poking his thigh and retrieving your makeup bag to quickly fix your face before the train pulled up in the station.
The frigid air pierced through your very bones, sending an instant shiver cascading down your spine as you stepped into the snow filled air. You pull your coat tighter around yourself, trying to ward off the cold as you looked around for Minhi, seeing as Namjoon was on luggage duty again.
However, before you could spot her, Minhi’s voice sliced through the chilly air,
“Kim Namjoon, you have got to be kidding me.”
Namjoon’s little sister, all bundled up in a thick winter coat had fixed you two with a piercing stare, her hands on her hips in a classic display of sibling disapproval. 
Namjoon’s wonky smile did nothing to deter her piercing gaze, or calm any of your fraying nerves. “It’s good to see you too?”
You feel your heart drop as Minhi's gaze shifts from her brother to you, her expression a mix of confusion and suspicion. Your worst fears are confirmed - she's figured you out and you haven’t even been off the train for 5 minutes. Now Namjoon will be married off to some rich middle-aged woman and you'll never be able to look him in the eye again.
 You can feel the heat rising to your cheeks, and you look away, silently praying that the snow beneath your boots doesn’t melt into a puddle while she stares.
But then, unexpectedly, Minhi starts to laugh. At first, it's a quiet chuckle, but soon it grows into a full-blown laugh. She laughs so hard that she has to hold her stomach, and at the end she wiped an imaginary tear from the corner of her eye.
“You two are perfect for each other,” she says still chuckling “Fine, I’ll play along. How did you two end up together?”
“Got drunk one night.” Namjoon casually replied, rubbing the back of his neck before wrapping his arm around you, “Turns out all I had to do was say something, because she was all over me the next second.” 
Minhi raised her eyebrow, clearly unconvinced. “Right,” She hugged Namjoon tightly, and then turned to you, surprising you with a warm embrace. She muttered something about Namjoon never confessing his feelings in your coat, but you were too busy drowning in a whirlwind of confusion and relief to register it.
“We'll talk more later about how inappropriate this is." She added cheerfully, beckoning you to follow her towards her little yellow jeep, bright against the snowy backdrop.
You look back at Namjoon just in time to catch him winking in your direction and giving you a thumbs-up that sent your heart whirling in your chest.
 The car ride was over faster than you would have wanted. Minhi navigated the snow-laden road while she and Namjoon chatted away about mundane topics—work, rent, the best coffee in town. You sank deeper into the backseat, overwhelmed and lost in your thoughts. Because What the hell was that and If this was how you were kicking things off you might as well turn around now. Was it just fear of ruining the friendship or was an old crush budding again? The way he ‘claimed’ you in front of Minhi clearly ignited something in your chest that was not appropriate for friends or roommates or roommate-friends pretending to be dating.
As if sensing your turmoil from the front, Namjoon caught your eyes, giving you a gentle, reassuring smile before the car came to a halt. He gallantly opened the door for you, his hand grasping yours and squeezing it tightly.  
 “I got you, baby,” he says, teasingly, but the poorly-timed joke earns him an immediate glare and an elbow to the ribs.  
“Oh, come on. They are lovely people.” Minhi interrupts before Namjoon can retaliate, “You should’ve seen the way mom was dancing around the kitchen once she heard Namjoon was bringing someone over.”
You just blink at her, your breath misting in the air as you unconsciously step closer to Namjoon, giving him a small nod of support. His presence radiates warmth, his fingers tightening around yours as you walked towards the small house that looms in front of you. Minhi ambles ahead, dropping her bag near the entrance, while you could practically feel Namjoon vibrating with excitement.
“Someone’s in trouble” She whispers dramatically, letting you both into the warmth of the household, where laughter and the mouthwatering scent of home-cooked food intertwine. You follow her into the kitchen and you see the older couple husting about, half-focused on a pot bubbling over the stove and half on each other.
“Mom! Dad! Look who I’ve brought!” she announces, and the couple turned, smiles blooming as they spotted you and Namjoon.
For a fleeting moment, you felt exposed. Like an exhibit at a museum, thrust into the spotlight. Your breath hitched as Namjoon gently nudged you forward, a gesture both comforting and terrifying, but steeling yourself, you bravely stepped ahead, bowing as a sign of respect.
“I knew it!” The affectionate glow sweeping across Mrs. Kim face relaxed your nerves considerably, “I’m so glad you could make it!” her eyes sparkled with genuine delight, and you suddenly realized that Namjoon inherited his dimples from her. But the thought was quickly squeezed out of you as she enveloped you in that bone-crushing hug.
Namjoon’s father, a tall elderly man with kind eyes, patted him on the back. His approval apparent, before he turned his attention to you, “Welcome to our home,” he said warmly.
“I’m honored to be here.” You managed to respond, your voice quacking slightly but laced with sincerity. You heard Minhi groaning in the background but did your best to ignore her exaggerations and focus only on Namjoon’s parents, as you exchanged the required pleasantries.
“Dinner is almost ready,” Mrs. Kim said, bustling around the kitchen with effortless grace. The contrast between her elegant movements and Namjoon’s clumsy demeanour in the kitchen made you smile inwardly “I hope you’re hungry.”
“Yes, we didn’t get a chance to eat today,” Namjoon added quickly, casually leaning against the counter and stealing a taste from the simmering pot.
“I’ll call you over once it’s done. Go show our guest to your room until then,” Mrs. Kim commanded, expertly shooing him away from the stove and passing plates to Minhi.
“My room?” Namjoon echoed, his eyes widening as if the concept had floored him.
“Yes, dear. I know we are old-fashioned, but we are not under any illusions that you two don’t already share a room.” Mrs. Kim replied, stirring the bubbling pot without sparing him a glance.
Minhi shot you a look that was equal parts amusement and something you couldn’t quite place—sympathy, perhaps? Or pity?
“Yes- No. I just thought that it would be more appropriate to let her have the guest room,” Namjoon articulated, his voice half-hearted in its conviction.
Mrs. Kim merely cooed, waved away his protests with a flick of the wrist. “Minhi and Jackson are staying in the guest room. You can have your room.”
“Come on, Namjoon. You always make everything so complicated,” Minhi chimed in, her voice laced with mischief. “Just accept it. You guys will have an entire night to sort things out, right?”
“Right.” he grumbled, shooting her a glare that softened as he turned his gaze back to you “Let’s get you settled in,” he gestured for you to follow him.
The moment you step into Namjoon's room, a charged silence enveloped you- like the kind that proceeds a brewing storm. The room was exactly as you imagined, a blend of cooler minimalist décor and hints of his personal touch, a few pieces of art and pictures hung up on the wall, all whispering tales of youth, friendship and moments you yearned to know more about.
But all those sweet memories fade into the background as the reality settled in: there was only one bed.
“So, let me get this straight,” you began, the awkwardness hanging heavily in the air “You thought about everything, including phone wallpapers, but forgot you only have one bed in your room?”
“No, of course not.” He lied, that endearing grin spreading across his face. “I just thought it would be polite to let you have the bed… since you’re my guest.” He seemed genuinely proud of the excuse, but that pride melted when you teased,
“Before or after you plan for the guest room fell through?”
“After.” He admitted at last, glancing away, as if the walls held all the explanations he could not muster.
“Don’t tell me you planned on sleeping on the floor too,” for a brief moment the ridiculous image of him curled up on the hardwood floor, blankets draped haphazardly around him pops into your mind, and you couldn’t help but giggle.
“No.” He smiles, “I knew you’d take pity on my lower back,” his dimples deepened and you playfully rolled your eyes at him.
“Very strategic Mr. Kim,” you laugh, walking further into the room and taking a seat on the edge of the bed. The playful banter creating a familiar atmosphere, dissolving any lingering tension. A part of you almost couldn't believe you were in Namjoon’s personal space, taking your sweet time admiring the various little parts of him decorating the room, while another part was acutely aware of his gaze on you, observing you as if he were trying to read your thoughts.
He stepped closer, his expression sincere, drawing you in gently as he took your hands in his. “Are you sure?” The tentative nature of his voice hinted at a deeper question—he was about to add an ‘I was only joking’—but you quickly shushed him.
“Yes, of course.”
There were a few past occurrences where the two of you ended up falling asleep together on the couch, limbs tangled under the fuzzy throw blanket, with a movie playing in the background. Without fail, one of you would wake up in the morning to find the other wrapped around them, as the night was chilly and body heat was a rare luxury. Most of the time it was Namjoon that dozed off first, his head lolling in an awkward position until you gently nudged him into a more comfortable posture, knowing he’d whine about neck and/or shoulder pain come morning time if you didn’t. But his lug of a body was always warm, so you didn’t mind snuggling closer to him when it mattered.
This was more of the same. Just in a bed.
You swallow drily, eyes flickering away for a quick second, “I told you, I’m comfortable with you.”
“Come on, lovebirds!” Minhi’s voice rang through the door, breaking the spell. “Dinner’s ready!”
You shared a hurried glance, perspectives shifting as the familiar nervousness rushed back to you.
“Ready?” he asked, his smile spreading across his face, deepening the dimples in his cheeks as he tugged you up to your feet. You nodded, suddenly buoyed by a sense of belonging.
To your surprise, dinner goes by without a hitch. You may have gone a little overboard on the kimchi, but it wasn’t anything you wouldn’t recover from. However, the warmth of Namjoon’s hand resting softly on your thigh might etch itself into your memory for all time.
Halfway through the meal, Jackson showed up, and you got to observe with amusement as Minhi transformed in his presence, her demeanor shifting from the laid-back hostess to a giddy schoolgirl. The way she playfully nudged Jackson, her eyes sparkling each time she teased him, be it about his late arrival or some inside joke, was a refreshing sight. And you couldn’t help but snicker each time Mrs. Kim would chastise them, before dotting lovingly on anything you and Namjoon did together.
As the lively conversation flowed around you, you leaned into Namjoon’s warmth. It felt easy, and so right to nestle beside him, to let your fingers brush against his with familiarity, each touch igniting tiny sparks. You stole a glance at him, watching as he engaged wholeheartedly in the conversation, his contagious laughter filling the room.
After dinner, you offered to help Mrs. Kim clear up the table, even if it was to get a second to clear your thoughts, but to your surprise, Mr. Kim placed a soft hand on your shoulder, smiling, as he gently guided you back to your seat.
“You’ve done enough, dear,” he said, his tone warm and reassuring “We appreciate your help, but tonight is for you and Namjoon to enjoy.” He gave you a kind nod, and you felt your cheeks warm.
“Yeah, there will be dishes tomorrow too,” Minhi interrupted, getting a heartfelt laughter from her father before he left the room, to join his wife in the kitchen.
You shared a sheepish glance with Namjoon, who watched the exchange with an amused smile. His eyes twinkling in the soft light of the dining room, and you felt your heart pick-up the pace in your chest again. You really needed to get away, perhaps splash some cold water on your face. But just as you felt the urge to excuse yourself, you overheard Jackson's whispered confusion.
“Wait, so they’re not actually dating?” His voice was muted, and laced with confusion as he looked between you and Namjoon, his eyes wide with bewilderment.
“Kyung Min!” Namjoon called Minhi by her full name, which made her owlishly blink up at him.
“What? He asked how long you two have been dating for,” she defended.
“And you couldn’t just say three months, like a normal person?” Namjoon shot back, half laughing, half exasperated and watched as her brows knitted.
“No! He deserves to know.” She persisted, glaring at her brother, and you felt the heat crawl up your neck, trying desperately to remain inconspicuous under Jackson’s incredulous stare.
“So how exactly does this work?” Jackson asked, stopping the siblings from their bickering “Is it like friends with benefits or-?” just when you thought it couldn’t get any more awkward, the sip of water you took ended up going down the wrong way, making you choke and sputter.
“No! it’s nothing like that.”  You stammered, trying to form a coherent thought, but all you could manage was a mangled mess of words.
“No babe, they don’t even kiss,” Minhi added, placing her hand over his as if she were breaking some bad news.
But Namjoon reacted with the prove-your-sibling-wrong part of the brain, making you stare at him in disbelief.
“Not that it’s any of your business, but we do.”  
And your pulse picked up again when you saw him leaning in, the implication clear in your mind. You steeled yourself, closing your eyes. But to your astonishment, he didn’t press his lips against yours as you had envisioned. Instead, they grazed the curve of your cheek, followed by a loud, exaggerated kiss.
“I’m confused.” Jackson mumbled, looking over at Minhi as she rolled her eyes.
“You’re not the only one.”
Why didn’t he just kiss you?
The thought still lingered stubbornly at the edge of consciousness, even as the icy water from the shower jolted you into the present. You fumbled with the knobs, trying to figure out the right temperature, but your mind was elsewhere.
That scene kept on replaying on a constant loop in your head, each time leaving you just as stumped.
What stopped him?
You talked about this- he brought it up! And you agreed, so what was the hold-up? Was he really so uninterested that the mere thought of kissing you sent him into retreat mode?
Frustration bubbled up alongside the steam, and you invertedly cringed at the image of his nervous smile that still haunted you, his eyes darting away. Scrubbing harder at your skin, you wish the shame and embarrassment would simply wash away with the suds.
And the absurdity of getting worked over your friend not kissing you was not lost on you, but at least if he had gone for it, you might have been able to push that nagging question aside ~What would it be like to kiss Namjoon?  
His lips looked so soft, like they were meant for more than just talking…
You violently shook that thought away, and with a resigned sigh, you turned the water back to cold in an attempt to wash away your sins. Friends don’t kiss!
And he clearly wasn’t interested, so the sooner you silence these thoughts, the sooner you could go back to being normal. Just four more days of pretending to be his girlfriend. You could manage that. And after, you promised yourself you’d lock yourself in your room and avoid human interaction for rest of your miserable life.
As the water continued its relentless pour, you felt your fingertips start to wrinkle, a reminder that perhaps it was time to step out of this session of self-pity. With one last shudder, you turned the water off, determined to face the world- if only for a little while longer.
When you stepped out of the bathroom, the soft glow of a lamp illuminated the room. Namjoon was already tucked into bed, gold-rimmed glasses perched on his nose as he quietly looked over the pages of a book. Only, in reality he hadn’t been able to absorb a single word in the past fifteen minutes, his gaze lost in a world of his own.
Silently, you made your way to your side, wrapping yourself in the blanket and turning your back to him. A slight shiver coursed through you as you felt the warmth envelop you, the little tremor alerting Namjoon to your presence.
“Why are you so cold?” he asked softly, shifting slightly closer to you.
Your heart thudded at the caring tone, and for a moment, all the questions crowd your mind again.
Instead of answering, you huffed in frustration and turned to face him.
“Why didn’t you kiss me?” the words blurted out before you could stop them, surprising you both with their boldness, but your face flushed when you met his gaze.
Namjoon’s eyes widened, and he froze, the book forgotten on his lap. “I-I don’t know.” He stuttered, his hand running though his tousled hair, the soft strands falling back in place but not hiding the flush creeping up his neck. You watched the muscles in his jaw tense, eyes averted again in a way that tightened your stomach.
“It would’ve convinced Minhi sooner,” your added, your words hanging heavy in the air. Namjoon chuckled awkwardly, running that same hand down his face.
“You want me to kiss you?”
You hesitated, the corners of your mind fanatically searching for a safe answer
“I’m just saying it would’ve made things easier,” you deflected, avoiding his question much like he had done moments before.
He studied you for a moment, gears visibly turning in his mind before his lips curved into a small, daring smile. “Because I can kiss you if you want.”
Your breath caught in your throat, surprised by the sudden shift in tension.
“Now?” you breathed.
“Why not?” he shrugged “We’re both clearly anxious about it, so why not just get it over with?”
Your mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water, lost for words, staring up at him. All the courage from before evaporating into thin air. You quickly searched his features, seeking the playful glint, the laughter behind his eyes, but instead, his eyes just flickered from yours to your lips.
“Do you want to kiss me?” you finally found the words, and his eyes snapped back to your own.
“I think it would make things easier going forward,” he replied, his voice low and earnest.
A heavy silence settled between you, stretching like an elastic ready to snap at any moment, as snowflakes continued to drift outside, dressing the world in white.
You took a deep breath, “Fine.” Ultimately you mumbled, sitting up against the headboard and turning to face him.
“Are you sure?”, The way he phrased it made your stomach flop, as if he were validating a choice that seemed both reckless and somehow still challenged you.
“Yes, now stop talking and just-” The words were lost as the space between you disappeared. But now you knew; his lips were soft, warm and tentative against yours. It felt wonderful, and sent tingles shooting through your veins while your heart tried erratically to catch up. He hesitated for a heartbeat- less than a fraction of a second- before he leaned further in, deepening the kiss, his hand coming up to cradle your cheek. And you soften against him, all the tension melting away. Your hands found their way to his shoulders, gripping lightly as if anchoring yourself amidst the storm of emotions that released once you tasted his mint toothpaste.
When he finally pulled back, both of you gasping for breath, the world resumed its muted noised- the quiet hum of the heater, the faint sound of voices downstairs, Namjoon’s breath against your lips. You could hardly meet his eyes, until you heard the first thing that left his lips.
“I just kissed you.”
Your eyebrow arched, blinking at him as if waiting for the punchline that never came.
“I know. I- was there too.” You replied, a little smile creeping on your face despite the rapid thump of your heart. Namjoon laughed softly; his cheeks still tinged with a shade of pink. “You’re a good kisser.” You added after a few beats of silence, before chewing on your lip, and unintentionally drawing his attention back to them.
“You too,” He gave a curt nod, remembering he has a book on his lap and fumbling to bookmark and put it away.
Another moment of silence followed once he settled back, and your eyes desperately scanned the walls for something, anything to say.
“This isn’t weird, is it?” you settled on the worst option, slightly cringing.
“No!” he answered louder than he anticipated, slightly shocking you which in return startled him. “I mean-” he let out an exasperated breath, “Friends kiss all the time.”
He didn’t believe it. And neither did you. But you still nodded in agreement.
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diremoone · 1 year ago
“make me (yours).” | r. sukuna
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w — [ minors do not interact ] modern! AU, hints of sugar daddy vibes ;), older man/younger woman, age gap, everyone is above 20+ and legal age, male masturbation, Sukuna imagining seggs positions and shit like that, Sukuna is around 36 & Reader is around 22/23, tbh sukuna being a comfort character rn. jjk after 235? it’s non-canon lmao
a/n: this is the most I’ve ever written that’s sinful I’m not used to this (it’s been so damn long since i have written anything remotely sinful omfg) and it’s not even that much I’m so embarrassed y’all HELP— also part two depends on you guys and any ideas you want to send in through my ask box :3
part one | part two
[ first divider by @/benkeibear, the second by @/cafekitsune ]
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♥️ Rich! Sukuna who meets you through his younger brother, who’s a few years older than you. You’ve been in Japan for a few years now, that much he knows, attending the same school his little brother got into. And now he’s determined to find out everything about you.
♥️ Rich! Sukuna who’s so fucking glad you can speak Japanese. He knows English, yes, but he prefers it when you speak his native tongue, because he fucking loves your accent and gets off on it. It’s exotic — you’re exotic — and he can’t help the temptation of wanting you and more.
♥️ Rich! Sukuna who knows to keep his smug smirk into himself when his little brother finally mans up and finally introduces you to him one day when he comes home to work on a project that you’re helping him with. And he knows that Yuuji knows about the look on his face. Because he knows his history with women. Yuuji knows he’s made a mistake introducing you to each other.
Or so he thinks.
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Sukuna is thoroughly amused by you, although there are times where he becomes frustrated. You’re not an easy case to crack, and not easy to tease and rile up. Perhaps that’s the part of you that’s from accelerated maturity.
You’re smarter than the average person, even the people slightly above average. You’re intellectually and psychologically challenging and he very much likes it. It’s been a long time since he’s had the kind of stimulation you’ve brought him. Since his and Yuuji’s father passed away.
He watches from a distance as you and his brother go over notes and work and crack jokes that put a pretty smile on your face. He can’t hear your laughter from where he stands, but he’s positive it’s as lovely as your smile.
As for you, you know you’re being watched. You look to the tall man out of your peripheral vision and halt rolling your eyes.
“Your brother is never subtle, is he?”
Yuuji sighs heavily. “Never.”
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♥️ Rich! Sukuna who hates the fact he can’t see you more often. So he digs and digs and then finds out about some old family debts and a couple things for medical expenses he can easily pay off to hold over your head, to use as a means to be something akin to a sugar daddy so he can order you around and see you whenever he wants to.
And it comes as no surprise to him when he mentions it the next time his brother brings you over for schoolwork that you’re startled by him finding out. He only mentions it after Yuuji has fallen asleep on the couch. You give him the wide-eyed expression of shock, probably wondering how he found out about it.
But unlike his expectations, you don’t ask how he knows. you don’t get embarrassed and try to hush it away with the option of using yourself as his favor. You shrug, going a little more into depth and detail about the financial struggle that’s been kept under wraps for several good years.
Sukuna himself is surprised in return, by both you and the way he sits down for you — to listen to you.
♥️ Rich! Sukuna, who finds out that even though you see him as super attractive, you’re not as swayed by his flirting and all of his advances like many women and young women your age are. Yes, you know he’s super fucking stupidly hot, and yes you’ve more than likely thought about certain things while in bed under the sheets, but you’ve got more important things to prioritize than hot men. Which he applauds you for just as much as he despises it. It makes him frustrated, because he’s attracted to you and wants you in his bed so bad; because it should be so fucking easy like it has been with other women. But you’re not the same, and while his lust is as prominent as ever in his older age, he also has the desire for something more than just a fling.
♥️ Rich! Sukuna who manages to get ahold of your schedule through his baby brother (who’s prepping for your broken heart) and asks you out, setting up a date for when he knows you’re free. He much enjoys the look on your face when he brings up the date he’s set, knowing you’re wondering about how he managed to nail the exact day you’re free for the day he’s set for the outing. He enjoys it even further when you quickly deduce how he knows about it.
Goddamn, he loves a sharp woman.
♥️ Rich! Sukuna, who orders you a dress to be made that’s a mix of beautiful deep crimson and black, one that shines but doesn’t shine too much to glare at people eyes. He drums his fingers against his desk in his home office as he sees the notification pop up on his phone that the item has been delivered.
But as usual, you surprise him. You don’t end up wearing the dress he’s made, but something completely different. You arrive to the restaurant he’s bought out for the night in a deep silver-gray tux, hair styled in a simple manner with minimal makeup that he knows you don’t need because he’s already seen and fallen for your natural looks anyway.
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Sukuna hates you. He doesn’t, but he doesn’t know what the fuck to do with the feelings he has. You’re so much younger than him, but holy fuck has it been so long since he’s been given any sort of challenge or stimuli, especially from a woman. He both hates and is glad you’re not easy. And it only fuels his drive to get you to give yourself to him.
You drive him up a damn wall.
He’s been in the shower for at least forty minutes, alternating between hot and cold every five minutes. Forty minutes and the painful hard on he’s had all morning still hasn’t gone away.
Sukuna leans his head forward against the wall and cusses at himself. His hand isn’t enough, but there’s some relief as he starts leisurely pumping his shaft. He cusses and swears worse than a sailor as he starts off slow, imagination running wild (at what could be).
He wants you so fucking bad. He wants you on your knees in front of him; on the soft carpet because no way is he going to let his pretty woman have sore knees while taking his monstrous dick down her throat.
He wants to bury his face between your legs and make you cum so much and so hard you see fucking galaxies, then let you catch your breath just barely enough before he uses your juices as lubricant and permanently molds your pussy to the shape of his fat cock.
He wants your legs over his shoulders as you throw your head back and moan as he fucks your better than anyone ever has and ever will. He wants to see a white ring around his cock as he pumps himself in and out of you like he’s a starved man. And that he is. For you, anyway.
Sukuna just knows your pussy is so fucking warm. He’ll bet his dick that you’ll have the tightest pussy he’s ever going to have. The best he’s ever going to have.
His hand pumps his shaft faster and faster, gripping it harder as he nears climax. His massive cock aches painfully, desperate to cum. Fucking hell… He wants you so bad, underneath him, or on your knees, calling him by whatever pet name or name from whatever kink you might have.
Forbid everything if you call him ‘Daddy’ or ‘Master’. Game fucking over.
He doesn’t even care if you have those kinds kinks or not. He just wants the pretty girl that’s done more than caught his attention under him as he makes her feel pleasure that only he can provide.
But the selfish part of him can’t help but hear you call out those names in his head. And that’s what does it.
Sukuna’s thighs and back muscles flex almost painfully as his balls draw up and cums. He tosses his head back, the feeling of his load spurting from the tip making him groan in pleasure. He cums so hard he feels like he’s about to keel over.
“Fuck yeah…” he pants, oxygen finally catching up to his lungs’ need.
But now he’s disappointed and just a little pissed off. Because the cum on the wall shouldn’t be there. It should be on or in you. And he doesn’t like that.
And as he rewashes himself, his jaw clenches, can’t help but thinking determinedly he’s going to change things between the two of you.
Come hell or high fucking water.
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♥️ Rich! Sukuna who’s finally shifted the relationship to being something else. Although you can’t tell what it is. The first date he takes you on is to break the ice, getting to know you better as a person. It’s also to see if you’d fuck him, but he knows you’ve got stronger convictions than the women he’s used to.
He takes you on a second date, this time in more casual clothes on a drive to a house he’s set up to have dinner and stargaze at.
He gets to tell you he’s paid off your family’s old debts now, relieved them of the medical bills and taxes that haven’t been paid yet. But it backfires, and now he’s left to make you understand that it wasn’t to make you feel beholden to him in any manner, like owing debt to the mafia.
♥️ Rich! Sukuna needs you to understand that despite how much he wants to fuck you, it’s more than just because he finds you attractive and wants to satisfy his dick. He wants you to know you’re not temporary; he doesn’t see you as a quick fix to his primal needs.
Not at all.
You’re the long term fix to his primal needs. And perhaps the only one he’s going to need ever again. And once the expression of understanding crosses your face, he goes to cradle the back of your head and hungrily slots his lips on yours. He may not get to take all your clothes off right now, but he’s happy with his results tonight.
Besides, he knows he’ll get you into his bed with a shiny diamond ring on your left hand eventually.
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wheeeew im gonna go take a cold bath
@vagabond-umlaut here’s ur man babe pls enjoy.
& everyone pls feel free to send in more ideas for this series if you want im having fun with this lmao
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drysdalesworld · 1 year ago
ducks, ducks, ducks
jamie drysdale x fem!hughes!reader
social media au set before injury & trade! (still salty about it)
series masterlist
y/n.hughes just posted!
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liked by adamfantilli, uoregon, yourbestie, and more
y/n.hughes: ducks, ducks, ducks 🦆
tagged: yourbestie, anaheimducks, uoregon
( loading comments! )
yourbestie: ducks!!
userone: the best duck there is
usertwo: fr!
userthree: who? jamie or y/n?
userone: y/n 100% userthree
trevorzegras: i’m still petty over the fact that you didn’t hug me first
y/n.hughes: i would’ve if you didn’t take forever to leave the locker room
jamie.drysdale: you were too slow z
trevorzegras: ☹️
userfour: trev being petty over the fact that he wasn’t one of the first people to hug y/n after the game has me ROLLING 😭
userfive: fr!! i love how jokingly possessive he is over the hughes siblings. it’s too funny
usersix: esp over jack and y/n. it’s hilarious 😂
yourroommate: how much sleep did you get this weekend?
y/n.hughes: none ☺️
yourroommate: babes
yourbestie: she literally brought her suitcase to the party so she could immediately go straight to the airport afterwards
userseven: stop!! that’s so cute!!
y/n.hughes: worth it tho
jamie.drysdale: loved having you at my game baby 🤍
jackhughes: is that why you ignored my facetime earlier 🥲
y/n.hughes: yes. i had other priorities
jackhughes: wow. so your older brother isn’t a priority? i see how it is 😒
y/n.hughes: dramatic ass
jackhughes: i’m telling mom!
usereight: y/n knows where her priorities lie lol
_quinnhughes: hope you had fun sis!
y/n.hughes: i did! thank you quinny <33
lhughes_06: take notes jackhughes
jackhughes: i’m being attacked at all sides aren’t i
colecaufield: when are you going to visit 😖
y/n.hughes: bake me your moms homemade cookies and then we’ll talk
colecaufield: done ✅
anaheimducks: the best duck we know!
markestapa: visit us next!!
tyler_duke5: on my knees begging
alexturcotte: hope oregon’s treating you well girl hughes!!
y/n.hughes just posted!
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liked by trevorzegras, rutgermcgroarty, and more
y/n.hughes: why do i have to be such a studious gf that’s pursuing her college degree and not a stay at home gf 😫
tagged: jamie.drysdale
( loading comments ! )
trevorzegras: just drop out. problem solved
userone: that’s not
jackhughes: are you encouraging my sister to drop out of college z 🤨
trevorzegras: just saying j. it’s an easy fix
lhughes_06: that’s what you get for double majoring in english and communications with a minor in political science girlie
usertwo: did luke just refer to his sister as girlie?
userthree: yes, yes he did
y/n.hughes: at least i’ll have a degree in my name & not just on the back of a jersey
y/n.hughes: same goes for you trev
userfour: oop
jamie.drysdale: because you’re a smart and hardworking girl baby ☺️
y/n.hughes: awww jimmy!! i love you so much ❤️❤️
userfive: are we just going to brush over the fact that y/n is a double major with a minor?? babes is getting NO sleep
y/n.hughes: ZERO
y/n.hughes: sleep is for the weak!
usersix: praying for your health & sanity bbg
userfive: get some sleep girl!! it’s important for your health!
yourbestie: get that degree babes!! be the most studious wag ever!!
yourroommate: FRFR
anaheimducks: getting the jack ready rn
luca.fantilli: the smartest hughes
lhughes_06: offense taken
y/n.hughes: thank you luca <3 speaking the truth fr
rutgermcgroarty: speaking of the smart hughes, can you help me with my essay y/n.hughes 😖
y/n.hughes: ofc rut! i’ll call you at 9
rutgermcgroarty: bless thank you 🙏
elhughes: so proud of you baby 💚💚
y/n.hughes: thank you mama!! i love you so much 🤍
jackhughes: the smartest sister i have
_quinnhughes: she’s the only sister you have idiot
jackhughes: okay and ???
userseven: the pic of jamie tying her shoe 😭😭
masonmctavish23: the most studious person i know!
trevorzegras: idk why but i feel offended
y/n.hughes: babes, we all know you practically have an iq of a grape
jackhughes: she isn’t wrong z 😂
y/n.hughes just posted to their story!
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caption: last date night with lover boy until thanksgiving break jamie.drysdale :(
trevorzegras replied!
finally! i no longer have to deal with you and jimbo’s lovey dovey grossness 🤢
jk! love you 🫶🏼 you make jimmy more tolerable
jamie.drysdale replied!
i’m going to miss you baby! :( study hard & take care of yourself lovey 🤍
lhughes_06 replied!
since when were you NOT coming home for turkey break??! 🤨
567 notes · View notes
aurora-starlight-silly · 4 months ago
Helloooo ! You are looking to my tumblr ? Wow, thank you !
So, I hope you are doing well ! You can call me Aly, Aurora/star-light (or star)/sunny !
Others : sunnymilky/ giantslow(among us)/ Celeste (roblox griffin game) !
Pronous: she/they !
Fandoms: Undertalle, utmv, TSaMS, among us, hollow knight, gravity falls, wings of fire, cuphead, the upturned, epic the musical...
I'll do principaly utmv !
About me:
•I'm often silly
•english isn't my first langue so sorry for bad english
•I'm undertalle addicted/j
•I'll always answer your questions/coments !
•I LOVE questions pls ask me or my ocs questions :3
•I'm just here to have fun ! I hope you'll have fun with my art too
I'm opened for RP ! (Only utmv) But I won't answer with art...I RP my OCs, but maybe I can rp a sans or a character that's not a OC idk
Ask Aurora:
(closed for now but will be back soon !)
First / last
-pls add '' to Aurora:'' on the ask so that I know if you're asking me or her !
-You can ask anything you want ! Anything !Just not something, y'know...really weird. Like NSFW. I'm a minor. Don't.
-You can also give things ^^
Pls ask, Aurora and I love questions🥺
//statue: I will open the asks again once I've finished the other ones ! Taking a break for doing other things rn but I'll continue soon !
Aurora sans :
Her ref here
For any other aurora content (there's alot) you can search ''#aurora sans'' :3
His ref here intro post here
For any other trust content (none yet) you can search ''#trust sans'' :3
Among us:
banana ! Idk for a real name ._.
Some things/art abt her: here , here and here
I have other OCs for other fandom and for these but I didn't show them yet :D
I'll add my persona soon ^^ (you can already see her if you search ''#aurora answers'')
For the use of my characters: well you can do whatever you want, fanarts, interactions, I'd be happy you do actually ! But pls, no NSFW. I'm a minor.
Just tag me so that I can see what you did :3
Also don't steal my art pls, try to make your own art it's better ^^
Followers: 161 (?)(TYSMM !! :OO)
Thanks for reading! Remember to drink water and take care of yourself ! Stay determined and Have a nice day ! ^^
62 notes · View notes
monscrow · 6 months ago
intro post, i guess!!!
askbox open only on weekends (when i remember lol); got too overwhelmed by spam, my apologies.
last updated 10/feb/2025
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⚠️flash warning for blinkies at the bottom⚠️
free gaza, free palestine, stop genocide. you don't agree? block me.
i go by mons, crow and vic/víctor!!
my pronouns are they/them, he/him and any neos/xenos that you think would fit either comedically or off of vibes.
lvl 16, so, a minor !! beware
aroacespec, something like that; qprs are sick asf and all hail relationship anarchy.
art sideblog is @monscrowdraws
audhdcd (asd + adhd + ocd 😻😋) and hEDS. i use tonetags, feel free to ask for clarification!!!
bday is oct 7. 🎉🎉🎉
i'm mexican 🇲🇽!! i speak both spanish and english.
timezone is cst/utc-6.
i say slurs i can reclaim (mainly the f and t queer ones) and swear a lot, though if that makes you uncomfortable please either block me or lmk so i can try to tone it down when around you.
i love interacting!! feel free to tag me in stuff, send some asks (be it on anon or not), or message me! moots can ask for my discord even if we've never actually talked before. though i suck at keeping consistent; nothing personal i promise</3 /gen
i tend to spam-reblog so do with that information what you will.
some tags you might see me use here and there:
#mons rambles ← just my thoughts, ideas, opinions, and whatever i feel like throwing into the tumblr void.
#ask a crow / #anon asks ← askbox replies.
#save / #art save / #fav / #hellsite faves ← these are more for myself, but yeah they're pretty self-descriptive. just in case you get curious or anything.
hyperfixations/interests/things i'm passionate about !!! i guess, kinda
→ mcr (+ most of the members' solo projects)
→ killjoys (california + national anthem, but mainly calif and fanon)
→ demolition lovers lore (i have literally written like at least three different essays about it for school help me i'm so serious)
→ emo/alt/diy culture
→ will wood
→ bandom in general
→ sonic the hedgehog (franchise)
→ graphic design, arts and crafts, illustration, animation (that's right y'all graphic design IS my passion 😔)
→ fnaf (bonnie fnaf they could never make me hate you)
→ cosplay/costume-making
→ d&d
→ crows (no way, crow, really???)
→ australian shepherds
→ the umbrella academy (s4 isn't canon in my heart + currently reading the comics !!! )
→ gravity falls
→ neurodivergencies/psychology/disabilities (this one's pretty meta ngl)
→ lgbtqia+ identities (emphasis on the aroace-spec ones + relationship anarchy)
→ politics/activism
→ linguistics + conlangs
→ fantasy in general (high fantasy, magic, vampires, tieflings, you name it)
→ boardgames
→ the count of monte cristo (book + 2024 movie)
→ webfishing :3
→ uhhhh there's more but i don't remember rn, i'll keep adding as i see fit (probably... maybe..... perhaps....... quizás........ puede ser..........)
trump supporters, terfs, transphobes, anti lgbtqia+/queerphobics, exclusionists, ableists, racists, prolifers/antichoicers, proshippers/anti-antis, irl gore, pro-israel/zionists, pro-ai generated "content", pro-nft, non-critical media consumers, classists, ed blogs, sh blogs.
also, i'm aware that dnis tend to not be effective and i probably will still get shitty ppl in my inbox so i can and will block. though i'm p chill as long as you're chill. this blog is run by a very neurodivergent, mentally ill, mexican, transmasc, aroace faggot, and any kind of bigoted hatred will not be tolerated.
blinkies made with blinkies cafe !!!
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pssst btw, before you go, if you read my intro post i'd heavily encourage you to like it, so i can know!!! :] (/nf though!)
48 notes · View notes
ansteeze · 1 month ago
I'm a little too late and i'm a small blog but seeing everything that's going on i felt the need to speak just like many of us.
TW for this post
cause there's gonna be triggering things. Also English is not my first language so i'm sorry if this is hard to read.
First post that saw yesterday was from Kay @endereies and i felt so sorry for what had happened. But when i woke up today and saw that this affected many others it made my blood boil.
I'm 22y.o. and i've been in therapy for 3 years now. When i was in the age 15-18, in my teen years, unfortunately i had experienced harassment not once. It was from people who was older than me, 18-22 years, and from people who was my age. At the time i didn't find it disturbing. I had many bad friend groups, we were drinking and partying so it all seemed like jokes. I didn't realize the impact it had on me until i was in therapy for 2 whole years. I used to tell my friends "stories" about how many guys tried to fuck me and i used to find it funny, cause joking about it probably was my coping mechanism.
So with that being said. I'm so proud of everyone who unfortunately experienced such traumatic interactions but decided to speak about ongoing situation. When you are a MINOR you couldn't possibly know when or if some people have bad intentions. Cause from my experience when i was underage i didn't understand that. So anyone who spread hate or blaming the literal WICTIMS of that situation can go fuck themselves.
About this Bri or Juno or whatever she is. I'm glad that I've never interacted with her and i feel so bad for everyone who unfortunately have. When i saw information about her age and personal life i was in pure shock to say at least. As a 22y.o. I have many nieces and nephews who are in their early teens rn. So i literally can't bare with thoughts that someone who way older than me could interact with minors that way and don't even see a problem with that. All these excuses that she wrote is completely out of hand. If that's how she responded, either she completely loco or just stupid. And i genuinely don't even know what is worse.
I'm so sorry for everyone who has experienced interactions with this particular person and for everyone who experienced any other form of harassment abuse sa or anything else in their lives. And i'm so proud of everyone who spoke about this. And i feel so much appreciation for everyone who hasn't been affected by this personally but brought up this issue cause this is the things we should talk about for many reasons: to inform people, to prevent such things from happening, to make a safe space for people to speak out loud and to even educate people who don't know what could be wrong.
Thank you for reading
Sending love to everyone 🫶🏻
16 notes · View notes
hyperfix-and-fanfics · 1 year ago
heyyy! do you have any headcannons for alastor with a knot? and his 'activities' with his male S/O?
Okay so,
Teehee ty :3
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-Super possessive.
-Rubs his face into you like a cat. Like, you'll be just sitting in your room and he busts in before jumping on top of you and nuzzling and head butting you like a cat.
-He bites you a lot. You’ll have bite marks and hickeys all over you by the time he’s done with you.
-He usually forgets to prep you in the heat of the moment and you end up a crying, babbling mess beneath him.
-Usually he likes to be agonizingly slow and watch you beg for more as he slides himself in and out of you but when he’s so irritated and needy, your going to be in a wheelchair for the next few weeks.
-He loves to dig his hands into your waist and thighs until they’re bruised.
-He probably just speaks in French the whole time. He doesn’t have the time or patience to speak in English.
-He probably bites you for leverage
-His aftercare is absolutely peak though
-Cuddles? You got it. You’re hungry? Got it. You want a shower? Got it. You want to sleep? Got it.
-The list goes on.
that’s all I really got rn. Sorry it was kinda short but I might revisit? hope you enjoyed
make sure to eat at least three meals a day, drink six cups of water and get good sleep. :)
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screaminglygay · 2 years ago
pinned post
INFO ABOUT ME: my name is adele, im 22 and im very fruity (that´s basically the whole info lol), english is not my first language so bear with me, please, i´ve been on here for such a long time, but rn i have a little more courage to actually write something.
MY WRITING: i will write for any marvel girls and scream girls (wlw), if it´s requested i can try write for someone else:) all characters in my fics will be portrayed as adults and 100% things are fictional! i can write everything even a smut and dark themes, it´s gonna be mostly bottom!reader, but every story will have it´s own description.
I dont write anything with: rape, male!reader, if i think about anything else i will add it here.
ALSO! this is 18+ blog, minors do NOT interact, if you do so, you will be blocked, the same goes to everyone who doesn´t have their age on their profile.
don´t repost my work elsewhere!
request is pretty much open!:)
masterlist is under the cut:p
Natasha Romanoff x Wanda Maximoff x fem!reader
third time is a charm, right?
third time is a charm, right? (part two)
third time is a charm, right? (part three)
third time is a charm, right? (part four)
third time is a charm, right? (part five)
third time is a charm, right? (part six)
third time is a charm, right? (part seven)
Wanda Maximoff x fem!reader
Rough day
I get it now
Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
Was it worth it?
Hop on
Kate Bishop x fem!reader
Happy ends are cheesy (part one)
Go for it (part two)
Burning match (part three)
Series headcannons
Amber Freeman x fem!reader
dark!amber headcanons
(DAY 1) - siren! natasha x fem!reader
(DAY 2) - stalker!amber x fem!reader
(DAY 3) - vampire!kate x fem!reader
(DAY 4) - witch!wanda x fem!reader
(DAY 5) - ghostface! sam carpenter x fem!reader
(DAY 6) - shapeshifter!maria hill x fem!reader
(DAY 7) - clown!carol danvers x fem!reader
(DAY 8) - ringmaster!yelena belova x fem!reader
(DAY 9) - dark!quinn bailey x fem!reader, tara carpenter x fem!reader
(DAY 10) - darkish!marvel ladies x fem!reader
(DAY 1) - witch!wanda maximoff x teasing
(DAY 2) - kate bishop x roleplay
(DAY 3) - natasha romanoff x dirty talk
(DAY 4) - serial killer!yelena belova x lingerie
(DAY 5) - wandanat x punishment
(DAY 6) - dark!carol danvers x edging
(DAY 7) - yelena belova x overstimulation
(DAY 8) - kate bishop x masturbation
(DAY 9) - dark!wanda maximoff x fem!reader + love quinn x fem!reader
(DAY 10) - marvel ladies x multiverse
170 notes · View notes
iknowshocker · 3 days ago
Hooooookay I am reading Hits Different for the first time rn and 😩🤌 I'm literally gnawing at my fists because I'm loving the Parker sibling interactions so much. The twin connections between Jokai and between Luke!Kai and Liv are everything to me. I'm loving your descriptions, from Jokai's conversation at the brink of death, to the layout of their Portland home and Kai's dingy little attic room... Gobbling it all up like a turkey.
I'm dedicating my whole night to reading this. Making a cup of coffee as we speak, bless you for writing my boy Kai so well. Expect more of me screaming in your inbox.
Anyway, onto the ask game: 5, 9, 13, 28!
ahhhh thank you so so much!! <3
if there's one thing i love it's painful family dynamics and i fear we need to look no farther than that tragic af group. i could write a dissertation on the parkers alone. so it was really important to me to explore all of those relationships and give everybody the space to deal with what they went through so that it didn't feel OOC for them to move forward together in the end.
navigating kai's complicated disaster of a mind brings me so much joy, you don't even know. the fact that they cut off his growth in canon disappoints me to this day.
omgggg i can't wait to hear how you like the ending!! <3
ask answers under the cut:
5. What's something you learned while researching this fic? Without spoiling anything, Kai takes the heretics over to France and they go to a town called Lille. my lovely friend @nevereverthem suggested it and helped me figure out to utilize the location. I LOVE using real locations in my work so this was a lot of fun to do!
I'm also always trying to use my knowledge of craft when I can - so any use of magical herbs, holidays, etc. comes from my personal research
9. How did you get into writing fanfiction? I've been a writer my whole life, but the first fic i ever posted was back in 2014 for sasusaku. I had been out of the naruto fandom for a few years but then we were given a weak ass ending and i simply had to fix it lol
I've also written for zutara and dramione, although those works never manage to hold my attention for very long and i end up using them more as exercises in between my own stuff. (but i'm sure you can see i have a type in ship dynamic lmao)
i rewatch tvd s6 every october, and last year the bonkai fixation just came back with a vengeance. I wrote the first draft of my original work last spring and then got swept into writing Hits Different because I wasn't ready to let go of them yet - and now here we are <3
13. Do you have an 'official' creative writing background such as a degree or previous experience publishing? I do! I majored in theatre performance and minored in English and Creative Writing.
I'm currently working on querying my original bonkai work which will (hopefully) be an 8 book fantasy series inspired by bonkai and the parkers.
28. What's the angstiest idea you've ever come up with? Oof, bestie, did you get to chapter 24 yet?
i don't want to spoil anything but i had a lot of fun taking canon events and going: now what if kai and bonnie were in that scene? It was great to prove how easy it would have been to center bonnie/the gemini's in the plots of s7-8 the way they so clearly should have been.
in general a lot of my work both fanon and original deals with grief, childhood trauma and mental health, which is one reason why kai means so much to me as a muse character. i end up working through my own stuff with him (or my kai coded mmc) more than i'd like to admit, lol
thank you so much for stopping by!! <333
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ultra-raging-ghost · 1 year ago
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This is my "intro" post even tho ive been here for several years, new hfx new me
Names Ghost or Lily, im 20 and i use all pronouns including neos/xenos
I don't have any particular fixation at the moment, my main thing rn is TRSMP which I liveblog BBH's pov from but I also have interests in Homestuck, UT, etc. I'm watching star trek right now tho
Im VERY liberal with my block button, i block over minor or major things, but i try to be fair
My DMs and ask box are always open, im always free to talk to, i mutual a lot of people for fun but i dont ask to mutual bc i dont like to pressure anyone :3
I dont RB those posts that are like "RB this for good luck/or else youll get bad luck" because i think those are stupid
My first language is english but i know a little spanish and can infer stuff in Portuguese since they're really similar
My timezone is EST but i have a shitty sleep schedule cause im out of school/not working right now so its anyones guess as to when im awake
otherwise uhhh have fun here i guess :3
(cover by @mangofanarts adding it here so more people see it please go check out their art theyre really cool^^)
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ryndicate · 2 years ago
As you wish ⨳ Thorkell 
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Pride is not worth dying for.
notes: this will probably be updated with smut at another time, it's been sitting in my drafts for a bit and i just don’t have the brain for adding the spice rn </3 but i really enjoy the idea, and the next part will have a fun little plot twist sooo yk. hehe. enjoy my little story dump for now. drabble length, less than 1k.
warnings: wrote this from the time period of the series itself, so pls note that reader was sold to her husband! time period misogyny! also blood/death mentions
By expanding, you are consenting to viewing adult/dark content, and all warnings listed above. 18+ Minors DNI
Blog Rules/DNI
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The giant of a man leers around the destroyed hall, one eye clothed the other crazed. His face and clothing are splattered with blood, the same which drips from the flat blade of his remaining axe. The other still lays embedded in your husband's—former husband's—chest plate.
The other women lay cowering beneath the tables, some silent and shaking and other's shaking and crying. You, however, remain seated at the head table, as you have been since this giant and his men stormed the lord's hall.
His shoulders seem to sag as his bellowed call goes unanswered, and he shakes another stream of red onto the floor. His stare rounds the room and this is the moment you choose to stand, and he notices. His expression doesn't seem to change as you round the table, brows set, but his head tilts as you gather your skirts and crouch by the dead lord's side.
"He was almost worth the effort."
You glance up at him, finding the giant standing above you. He gives you a broad smile and his expression, misplaced in the chaos around you, recalls to you something you already knew, but had forgotten. His appearance meets the description; towering height, tall blond hair tied back in a headband, muscular beyond reason.
"I imagine there aren't many men worth your effort, Thorkell the Tall," you return impassively.
"Those are pretty nice words to give your lover's killer," Thorkell banters with you far too easily.
Resolutely, your hand closes around the shaft of the axe in the corpse, and it takes you great effort to pull it free. Besides the incredible heft, there is nothing special about it. But still, you trace its blade almost lovingly, fingers smoothing down from iron steel to the pine finish. You pay the blood no mind.
The enemy warrior doesn't tense, doesn't stiffen, nor show any sign of threat. You don't imagine you pose any to the likes of him, even with a weapon in hand. You tilt your head back to gaze upon his face as you lift the weapon towards him in offering. "That man was my husband, but I have yet to take a lover in this lifetime."
Thorkell pauses only a moment before accepting his axe. "Yet?"
You smile at him coyly. "If you so wish, I yet have a life ahead of me. I choose to be optimistic."
"Yer placin' your life in my hands?" He rumbles now, scratching his head with a slow forming grin. He’s peering at you closely now, and you can only hope you’ve got his attention.
"I was one of the many slave wives of this hall, but it was me you saw seated at my master's side. I can be valuable to you, if you wish to buy me."
"And who's to sell you then if your master rots at my feet?"
"My cost is them." You step closer to the giant, catching his gaze and purposefully drawing it towards the women still trembling on their bellies. They certainly haven't escaped his notice, nor his followers'. "You nor your men are to lay a finger on them. Allow them the choice of their own freedom, and in return I am whatever you wish of me. My fate lies with you now, Thorkell the Tall."
“Any of them English?”
You tilt your head curiously but answer him all the same. “No. Each of us are a spoil of conquest. Our homelands are elsewhere.”
Thorkell hums to himself and rests his axes on his shoulders. He seems to be mulling over your words, and you’ll take that for what it is, holding your head high and not allowing yourself to tremble after coming this far. Coming this far means nothing if it ends in naught. You are not scared of this warrior. You are not scared for even your own life. Your last few years have been hell under your former lord and way he treated you. Your only peace has been the kindness shared between the other wives and servants, so failing to save them is the only thing you fear. If you can do this for them, even if it leads to more suffering or your own death so be it. You will stand tall.
“As you wish then.” A weight leaves your shoulders for a bare moment, but he continues, and it begins to thump and patter as you try to keep a calm expression. His cheer remains untouched; there’s something deeper in his eyes now that calms you somewhat, though you don’t quite understand. “I like ya. Not like most dames, I’ll give ya that. So, I’ll give ya the chance to prove yerself.”
“To prove myself?” 
The warrior turns his back to you and slams both axes into the wood of table, shafts held aloft from how deep the blades sink in. It’s loud, frightening the other women into short shrieks as they curl in on themselves. “Men! We’ll be resting here tonight and taking advantage of their fine hospitality. Anyone who touches the women here will be responsible for the stain on my honor and will answer to me. If ye be so bold, I look forward to it. We'll rejoin Askeladd in the morn.”
Some of his men laugh, cheer. Others look chastened, intimidated. You resonate with both. You imagine there are few who would find themselves at perfect ease with such a formidable fighter.
Thorkell turns to face you, grin still in place, and you find yourself cast in his shadow.
“Show me to yer dead lord’s chambers. They’re ours for the evening.”
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gowonders · 1 year ago
So sorry, my writing kinda sucks
I meant G!P Hyeju as a Yandere Idol who’s like obsessed w her gf (reader) but reader cant tell anyone because Hyeju is a very loved idol and no one would believe her? I’m sorry if this doesn’t make sense, my brain isn’t working rn😭😭
nooo bae don’t apologize, my english isn’t perf so i definitely don’t understand things a lot… 😋 also idk if this is good.. i don’t really write dark stuff like this and g!p.. but ykw.. i tried ⭐️
minors dni&lt;3
warnings: english isn’t my first language, not proofread, implied dubcon, drugging, toxic + manipulative hyeju, somno????, jerking off to you.. lmk if i missed any!
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a grin across her face as she places a small tablet that could ruin hyejus career in your drink, swirling around the fizzing capsule before placing the glass in front of you. “mm, drink up, hon.” she says flatly, taking a sip of her own drink. your shaky hands reach out to wrap your fingers around the glass. you knew what would happen, if you drank it, you’d wake up feeling all fuzzy in the morning. if you didn’t, you were in for a nightmare of the world of hyeju threatening everything and anything about you. with a regretful sigh, you take a sip, or two, or another.. till the glass is gone. “see.. wasn’t that hard at all. was it? wasn’t that good?” hyeju coaxes, coming up behind you to rub at your shoulders. “yes but.. hyeju. the drinks you give me always make me feel weird.. like.. i wake up and feel staticky.” you mumble, looking down at the empty glass between your hands. this makes hyeju scoff and shake her head. “doll, it’s all in your head. why would i do anything like that? i’m an idol after all, you’d think out of all people, i’d be scared of being drugged. not some normal person like you.” she says in a flat tone, taking your glass to rinse it in the sink. “baby, aren’t you tired? why don’t we get you to sleep.” she says, and that you do. because you can never reject hyeju. what she says, goes.
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you’re asleep. and unbeknownst to you, hyejus night isn’t near over yet. you’re so pretty when you sleep, lips parted, eyes shut, soft breaths as your chest rises and falls.. you look so vulnerable. so.. innocent. and it was really a shame that hyeju has to do this, but she really doesn’t want to be a bother, after all, you sleeping here was more than enough.
with a stiff groan, she’s already pulling her waistband down just enough to make her cock spring out. her eyes dart all over your unconscious body, and her fingers ever-so-slightly wrap around her length, her eyes gliding to your thighs, and a stifled moan leaves her at the thought of just being able to touch them. use them. to her own expense. you’d be so, so easy.
she was in for it now. all you had to do was wake up, she’d use you, all confused and sleepy for her.
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thatone-artsykid · 4 months ago
Ummmm... Since I have almost 300 followers, then ig, i should make some welcome post or smth, so, HIIIIIIII, HAIIIIIIIII EVERYONEEEE!!!
(I'll TRY to keep this updated, no promises tho)
I'm Kamil, you can either call me by my name, or Kamik, or any other way you want (except slurs ofc, unless we're close friends lmao). I am a minor, trans/enby artist, who went to artschool BUT most of the art has learned by themselves:333
The comms are open!! (Feel free to ask about em if you have any doubts)
Askbox is also open, if you have any doodle ideas or smth, feel free to share (I don't promise I'll do em, sowwy😭)
I mostly do digital art (I use Krita for everything), occasionally i do some scribbles in my sketchbooks, doodles in class, or generally school assignments (which i hate, but let's move on). I am a multifandom artist, who draws whatever they are hyperfixating on (rn im again stuck in re8 brainrot).
Here's the list of fandoms im (mostly) in:
Resident Evil series (mainly Resident Evil Village)
Just Shapes and Beats
Hollow Knight
Detroit: Become Human
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (mostly Stardust Crusaders)
Original characters
I'm trying to finally bring my original characters to life, and give 'em a proper lore (which isn't going well, for now, lmao). Here's the list of em!
Claire/Clara Heisenberg (re8, Karl Heisenberg is her uncle, who became like a father to her)
Carl/Clara Heisenberg (same as Claire, but in D:BH universe)
Kazakura Marcatney (jjba part3, i'm shipping her with Kakyoin Noriaki)
Surya (Kazakura's stand)
Asuril and Lumi (Hollow Knight oc vessels)
Blixer Fresh (my version of that circle coward from jsab)
Lessyr (golden eyelash pit viper oc I made based off a song Snakes from Solence)
Spooder (a jumping spider oc I made when I was bored)
Bumblee (oc based off my ikea bumblebee plushie)
Other socials i post on (including my redbubble shop)
Now, let's settle out, 🚫DNI 🚫 if you either are a:
transphobe/homophobe/anyother lgbtq+phobe, a terf, JK Rowling Supporter, pro-shipper, racist, NSFW/18+, p0rn bot, sexist, or any other problematic folk (if you have an blank blog with an emtpy bio, then im also gonna block you)
More things about me :333
I come from Poland (therefore my english might not be the best)
My b-days are on 29th April
I have 4 budgies (named Lemon, Lemonade, Lime and Larry) and one rabbit (named Robin)
Im not the best with human interactions, sowwy
I easily get overwhelmed, and tend to disappear for few hours/days if I do, bear with me
Not looking to become friends with anyone, but if our vibe match, then hell yeah
I'm taken by the sweetiest pookie ever existed on this earth (my bf)
I have a tons of plushies occupying my bed
I've lived most of my life having high anxiety levels, so now im tryna take everything slowly (please be patient with me)
My fav music genres are metal, alternative metal, rock, rap-rock or anything that sounds good for me
I mostly listen to System Of A Down, Solence, My Chemical Romance, Grandson, Linkin Park and Cavetown (ofc)
I want to have many face piercings and tattoos in the future (I wish to have a septum, snake bites, a helix piercing and brow piercings so bad)
i'm a really really big bug nerd, if you have any cool bug pics, SEND EM OVER!!(im not joking)
my fav drinks are green tea and mojito (alcohol-free cuz i despise alcohol)
My comfort characters are:
Karl Heisenberg from re8 (I see him as a father figure)
Connor from dbh (the tism android)
Kakyoin from jjba part 3 (he's such a nerd, istg we'd go along together)
Lucas Baker from re7 (im not joking, i love this psycho-nerd)
Luis Serra Navarro from re4 (he so diva)
Angel Dust from hazbin hotel (i love him by his feminity and sassines)
Quirrel from Hollow Knight (another father figure, yes, I see a pillbug as a father figure, don't judge me)
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cloudgyubi · 10 months ago
tuned in ... ! ♡
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requests are . . . open !
seventeen masterlist | zb1 masterlist
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-ˋˏ✄┈┈ ash - 19 - she/they;
hey everyone! im a new blog and i will write in my free time for seventeen and zerobaseone! my biases are mingyu and gyuvin but i consider myself ot13 and ot9. <3
english is not my first language (and also rn is almost 6 am lmao) so sorry for spelling mistakes and so! im still learning and i will try to get better with time.
i usually prefer being requested stuff rather than writing myself so please, let your thoughts go crazy in my asks!
i will write fluff and smut, i also wanna attempt at smaus so wait for it in the next few weeks. note that i will not write something other than fluff and humour for zb1's han yujin, as i don't feel comfortable writing +18 stuff about a minor. :)
i will do idol x reader only, and reader will be gn most of the times unless requested female or male. <3
for smut requests, i will allow idol x idol just in threesomes or situations like those; i usually go for dom!idol x sub!reader but ofc feel free to request other types of power play! you can go crazy with kinks but mind you that i write the line at: r4pe, non-con (cnc is okay, dub-con to discuss), piss/sc4t, incest and so on. if your request contains any of this, i will just delete it right away. :)
hope you're gonna flood my asks these days! can't wait to see what caratblr and zeroseblr have to say. have a good rest of your day. :)
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