skunktactics · 1 year
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atlafan · 4 years
Take it Slow - Part Seventy-Four
a/n: okay this is my first shot at a harry:y/n fic, and it will be multiple parts. y/n had a bad experience with an ex over a year ago, and finally accepts her coworker and good friend Niall’s invitation to go on a blind date with his friend Harry.
Warnings: Fluff and smut.
You woke up to the sound of yelling and laughing the next morning. You went into the bathroom to wash-up, threw on some shorts and t-shirt and headed into the kitchen. Anne, Harry, and Gemma were all making breakfast.
“Mornin’, love.” Anne says. “Sorry if we woke yeh.”
“Oh!” You laugh. “No it’s fine, needed to get up anyways.”
You all sit down to breakfast. It was nice having them here. Harry was the most relaxed he’d been in weeks.
“Think I’m gonna take Buster out for a good walk, it’s so nice out.” You say slipping your sneakers on.
“Mind if I join you?” Anne asks.
“Not at all! I’d love it.” You smile. She puts her sneakers on and the two of you head out.
“What’s all tha’ about?” Harry asks Gemma as they go out to sit on the balcony.
“Don’t know.” She shrugs. “Mum gave you a bit of a talk last night, she probably wants to do the same with her. See where her head’s at.”
“You know, I appreciate everyone being so concerned, but at the end of the day it’s our life together, not anyone else’s.”
“Yeah…but you’re her only son, and she’d like for you to only get married once, so she just wants to make sure she’s the right choice. You’ve had a lot of girlfriends Harry.”
“No, I’ve just had a lot of girls.” She punches him in the arm. “Oi!”
“Don’t be a pig.”
“M’not. Just sayin’, really haven’t had a lot of real relationships.”
“Exactly. Probably another concern of mum’s. I mean, you haven’t brought a girl to meet us since you were in high school, Harry.”
“Yeah, yeah. So I suppose you wanna have a private chat with her too?”
“How often are we here to do so?”
“Well, you can do that tomorrow. She told me she’s workin’ from home a couple days to spend time with you and mum.”
“Mum’s plannin’ to go to the studio with you tomorrow so she can watch you in action. She quite likes the park across the street, she’ll probably read there while you’re workin’. So I’ll spend the day with Y/N and Buster. It’ll be nice to have some girl time.”
“Good boy Buster!” You say as you pick up his droppings and throw them in the trash. “So much easier when he goes right away, now he can just enjoy the walk.” Anne laughs.
“He’s a very good dog.”
“Yeah, we got lucky.”
“Whose idea was it to get him?”
“Harry’s.” You sigh. “His friend Adam called him and told him he had a fresh litter and we could have one if we wanted. As soon as he showed me the picture I couldn’t say no.” Buster yips. “That’s right, mummy knew right away you were her baby.” You giggle. Anne raises an eyebrow at you. “Sorry, that must sound weird.”
“No, it’s sweet actually. You think of him as your own.”
“It’s hard not to.”
“If you don’t mind me askin’, do you think you’ll want children, eventually?”
“Yeah, eventually. Not anytime soon though. I’m only a couple of classes into my master’s program, and I’d like to have that all settled before I even think about it. I know a dog is way different than having a kid, but it’s already so much extra work making sure he’s taken care of on top of everything else.”
“Mm, and I know my son can be a handful. Quite the baby himself sometimes.” You both laugh.
“Only sometimes, he means well.”
“Can I ask, is this your first serious relationship?”
“Yes and no. This is the longest relationship I’ve had. I’ve certainly never lived with a guy before. I can’t really explain it, Anne, everything just felt right with Harry.”
“You didn’t feel like you were rushin’ when you moved in together or anythin’?”
“To be honest with you, we were practically living together as it was before he asked me if I wanted to.”
“It’s amazing to me. You know there was a girl he was seeing a couple years ago, they were together for like seven months, and he refused to even give her a key to his apartment. Granted, he was a little younger, but still. You’ve definitely had an effect on him.”
“I also chalk it up to a guy’s maturity level. He probably saw his life flash before his eyes you know? Now I think he’s a little more grown up, that’s what Niall tells me at least.” You laugh.
“Very good point. You know we talk weekly, and he always raves about you. Even from the beginning. I could tell he met someone. He didn’t come right out and say it, but he was in such high spirits.”
“Can I ask, when was the first time he mentioned me?”
“Oh god, I think he said he had been seein’ someone, and he was havin’ trouble finding a way to ask you to be his girlfriend. Like, make things official with you. He was scared you were gonna think it was too soon.” You nod and smile. “So I asked him why he wanted to make things official so soon, and he said he didn’t want to risk anyone else scoopin’ yeh up.”
“That sound like something he’d say.” You giggle.
“How did he ask you to be his girlfriend? He never told me, he just said he asked and you said yes.”
Your mind flashes to making out with Harry, drunk, in your old apartment. You let him go down on you for the first time that night.
“Um…we were just hanging out at my place and he asked me if he was my boyfriend…something like that.”
“Not that I didn’t like you before, you know when we met and all that, but when he told me about the party you threw for him for his birthday, and the pearls, that was when I knew I could really trust you with him. He was devastated when he had to sell that necklace. I felt awful for him. He loves his jewelry. He didn’t have the heart to replace it once he could.”
“That means a lot to me to hear you say that.” You both turn around and head back the other way.
“You’re quite the party planner, clearly.”
“I know how to organize a function, that’s for sure. I try to play to my strengths.” You laugh. “I feel like he’s always really happy when he has all of his friends around.”
“Definitely. So…I know it hasn’t quite been a year yet, but I’m a firm believer in when you know you know…” You nod. “If my son asks you to marry him some day…do you think you’d say yes?” You stop short and look at her.
“You mean when your son asks to marry me?” She chuckles and nods. “I would definitely say yes, zero hesitation.” You both start walking again. “Although, I got a bit nervous last night when he called me over to him. When he does it, I don’t want it to be in front of a bunch of people like that. I just want it to be the two of us, you know?”
“Oh definitely. Don’t worry, that certainly wasn’t his plan last night. I think he just wanted you to know you deserved to be celebrated just as much as him.”
“So…from all of this, you’re okay with me becoming part of your family some day?”
“More than okay with it, love.”
You get to the front of your building, and she gives you a hug.
“I’m hopin’ to find out how your mum feels about him. I’m havin’ lunch with her Tuesday.”
“Oh, that’ll be great.” You both enter the lobby and go into the elevator.
“Your dad wasn’t at the party last night.”
“No he was not. He was invited, but he generally doesn’t go to things if my mom is going to be there.”
“Ah, that can be difficult.”
“Do you and your ex husband get along?”
“Well enough, we always put the kids first, that’s all that mattered.” You go inside and Buster goes running towards Harry.
“Hey buddy.” He says petting him. “Good walk?”
“Yup.” You smile.
The next day you wish Harry a good first day at the studio and off he goes with Anne. You tell him you and Gemma will be by around lunchtime with Buster.
“So, I’ll be up in the loft working if you need anything.” You say to her.
“Perfect, I’ve got my laptop, I need to work as well, so I may spend some time in the guest room. Let me know when you take him for a walk though, I’ll go with you.”
“Sounds good.”
Buster stays by your side while you work. You zoom into a couple of early morning meetings. Around ten you get the leash on him and knock on the guest room door.
“Ready for a break?” You ask her.
“Yes! Definitely.”
You get to down to the street.
“God, the weather is so much warmer here already than it is back home. Might have to start comin’ here for the summer.” She laughs. “So, what did my mum wanna talk to you about yesterday?”
“What do you mean?”
“C’mon, Y/N, she obviously wanted to talk.”
“You’re very perceptive.” You laugh. “We just talked about your brother. I think she wanted a pulse-check on where I’m at with him.”
“And where are you?” You look at her. “Sorry, I’m sure you’re sick of getting grilled by everyone…he’s just my baby brother, you know?”
“No, no, it’s fine. Basically she asked me what I would say when he eventually proposes and I told her I would say yes.”
“And you don’t feel like it’s too soon or anything? You both are still so young.”
“I know, but neither of us want to be with anyone else. Plus, by the time he does propose, and we pick a date and all that it could be another couple of years before we actually get married.”
“I’ve never seen him so in love, it’s really nice. He’s always been so sweet and considerate, an ally to women’s rights and all that. But when it came to datin’, he was like every other fuck boy out there, I’ll never understand it.” She scoffs.
“I think a lot of guys go through that phase. I had some guy friends in college that were amazing friends, but would treat other girls like shit. It’s not right, but I guess it’s good to get all that out of your system, right?”
“I’m just glad he figured his shit out. Personally, I think you have a great deal of patience to be able to even live with him. He can be a bit of baby, you know?” You start laughing hysterically.
“Your mum said the exact same thing.”
You both turn back and head to the apartment.
“All in all I’m he’s found you. I hope your family feels the same way about him.”
“I think they do…” You get inside and take the leash off Buster. “It’s a bit more complicated with me and them. They’re…a little more apprehensive to trust someone in my life.”
“Why’s that? If you don’t mind me asking…”
It dawns on you that Harry probably never told Gemma about what happened to you.
“Um…I’ve just been burned in the past, and I’m the baby, I know Harry’s the youngest too, but my siblings actually helped change my diapers. I’m more than just a little sister, you know?”
“Oh sure. Plus I can imagine it’s tough for your parents to see their last kid growin’ up so much.”
“Exactly. I think they’re happy that I’m happy. I’ll be curious to see how our moms do at lunch together.”
“To be a fly on the wall, right?”
At noon you and Gemma head to the studio with Buster. Him and Mariah were working in separate areas, snapping away. You walk up to Isaac.
“Got a dog biscuit for him, can I give him one?”
“Only if he does a trick for you.”
“Alright, sit Buster.” He does so. “Good boy!” He gives him the biscuit. “Got a little bed for him right here behind my desk.”
“Go ahead baby, sit with Uncle Isaac.”
Buster looks at you and then goes to plop down in his bed.
“It’s been busy all morning. Lot of senior photos. It’s great having the park right there, they’ve both been able to take pictures of the kids by the trees and stuff.”
“That’s great!”
“Thought one girl was going to wet her pants when she first met Harry, poor thing.”
“Oh no, why?” Gemma asks.
“Oh, honey, I know he’s your brother, but he’s hotter than sin. If I were a little seventeen year old girl, my god, I don’t know what I’d do if I had that man standing right in front of me with a camera telling me to smile.” You burst out laughing, which catches Harry’s attention. He looks over at you and his sister and shakes his head. “He should be done any minute. He wanted to get some inside shots with that one.”
“No problem, it’s why there’s a waiting area right?” You and Gemma sit down on the comfy chairs.
Harry walks the young girl up to Isaac.
“When’s your mum gettin’ back?”
“I’ll text her now to let her know I’m done.” She smiles. “Thanks for showing me some of them. I’m gonna tell all my friends to come to you this summer.” Isaac hands her one of Harry’s business cards. Buster comes sniffing around. “Oh!” She squeals.
“That’s my boy, Buster. You can pet him if you want.” The girl beams at him and crouches down to pet him. Her mother comes rushing inside the studio.
“Sorry, honey, long line at Dunkin. All set?”
“Yeah! They look great already.”
“When can we expect them?”
“Couple of weeks, I’ll need to sit and edit them. Then you’ll get an email with a link to our site, and you can pick which ones you want to purchase. I’ll send you the files electronically cause I know the schools prefer that for the yearbook, and I’ll email you all the actual prints.”
“That sounds great. I have to say too, you have the fairest prices for everything. I’ve told a few of the other parents about you and Mariah.”
“Thanks! We really appreciate that.” He smiles. “Isaac, m’goin’ to lunch, can you wrap this up?”
“You got it.” He smiles.
“Wanna eat outside? It’s beautiful out…mum’s already out there.”
“Sure! What she pick up?”
“Salad and sandwiches I think.” He wraps an arm around you. “Buster!” He whistles to him and grabs his leash.
You all walk across the street to the park and sit with Anne at one of the picnic benches. It’s a great lunch. You like spending time with them.
The next day Anne borrows Harry’s car to go meet your mom for lunch at a halfway point. Harry had Mariah come pick him up so you’d have your car to go to therapy later.
“Hi, Lynn!” Anne says to your mom.
“Oh, hi!” she laughs. “Hope this wasn’t too hard for you to find.”
“Not at all.” She smiles. They’re both seated fairly fast. “I’m so glad we could do this.”
“Me too. Y/N speaks the world of you and Gemma, I was wondering when we’d get a chance to meet you. It was such a nice surprise for Harry.”
“I felt horrible keepin’ such a secret from him. But last month when Y/N called me told me she wanted to surprise him, I had to jump in on it.”
“She’s the queen of surprises.” Your mom laughs.
“They’re a lovely couple, don’t you think?” Your mom nods in agreement. “You met my son by accident, right? At the mall?”
“God, I completely forgot about that. That’s right, we bumped into him and Niall. He was very funny, and he wouldn’t let me pay for lunch, quite the gentleman.” She smiles.
“What did you think about when they moved in together so quickly?”
“Well…to be honest I wasn’t thrilled, but it’s not my life.” She shrugs. “It wasn’t that I didn’t like Harry either, I would have been concerned with anyone she was dating.” Anne nods. “Y/N’s always been very independent, moves to the beat of her own drum. She’s got a different way of seeing things.”
“She’s very bright.”
“You have no idea! I feel like each one of my kids just kept getting smarter and smarter.” She laughs and then sighs. “I can’t get too much into it because I know she’d be upset with me if I tell you this, but my daughter has been through…something tragic…something I wouldn’t wish on anyone. Something I never thought would happen to any of my kids. She’s made it through and she’s very strong, but when her and Harry started getting serious, I did get worried. I’m not worried anymore though. I can see how much he cares for her, and she’s happy. Her siblings are very protective of her too, as I’m sure Gemma is of Harry.”
“Oh my, of course. I’m sorry to hear she’s been through something…” She looks down at her food then back to your mom. “She’s the baby of your family too, I can see you all wanting to watch her like a hawk.”
“Her father especially so.” She takes a sip of water. “I’m sorry he wasn’t there last night for you to meet him.”
“That’s alright, I’m sure in time we will. Harry told me he was a great help in gettin’ the studio together.”
“He’s nothing if not handy.” She smiles.
“Lynn…my son wants to marry your daughter.” Your mom nearly spits out her drink. “Jesus, I’m sorry.” She hands her a napkin.
“When exactly does he plan to do that?”
“I’m not sure…he’s not plannin’ to propose for another few months, but it’s comin’. I gave him my blessing. I think the world of your daughter.” There’s an awkward pause. “I hope you’ll accept my son the way I’ve accepted her.”
“It’s not that I don’t accept him…it just feels so fast!” She sighs. “But who am I to say anything? At the end of the day she’s going to be asked a question, and it’s her choice to say yes or no. I’ll back her up no matter what.” She chews on her lip. “Her father, however, he’ll be happy for her at first, but he’ll find a way to ruin it. I try not to speak poorly of my ex, but he’s an asshole.”
Anne bursts out laughing.
“That’s quite alright.”
“He just always finds a way to be negative, and he’ll ask them a million questions. Everything always comes down to money. I know she’ll want a nice, big wedding too. And he’ll say ‘well, wouldn’t you rather save that money and put it towards something important’. As if he and I didn’t have a wedding like everyone else.”
“Did you get married in a temple?”
“We did.” She smiles. “It was really informal. I wore a purple pantsuit.” She laughs. “I was already pregnant with our first daughter, Bridget, so I didn’t exactly want to be a in a white dress. It was a nice ceremony though, good reception.”
“Harry told me if they have kids they’d raise them as Jewish…”
“Are you okay with that? Having Jewish grand-babies?”
“Sure.” She shrugs. “He said they’d still do Christmas and Easter, of course.”
“My son’s wife isn’t Jewish, they make it work just fine. Erica’s boyfriend isn’t Jewish either, we’re not a super conservative family in that sense. Do you think he’d want the wedding overseas?”
“No, not with so much of your family here. We have a small family. And a lot of his friends are here now anyways, only a few he sees back home.” She takes a sip of her drink. “I know this conversation may seem a little premature, but I wanted to have it with you in person while I was here.”
“I understand completely. I’m glad we were able to do this.”
You and Gemma cook dinner together so Harry would have something to eat when he got home. You’d mostly likely be home after him.
“Well, I’ll see you both in a bit.” You smile. You had your gym clothes on, you didn’t really feel like explaining you were going to therapy.
“Alright dear, see you soon.” Anne says.
She told you all about her lunch with your mom and how well it went. You texted your mom a big thank you right after.
“How are you Y/N?”
“Really good actually.”
“Did you just come from the gym?”
“No, I just put this on because Harry’s mum and sister are staying with us, and I didn’t want to explain I was going to therapy…”
“Ah, I see.”
“I didn’t know if they’d ask why I was going to therapy, and I just didn’t want to get into it.”
“I understand.” She smiles. “How did the studio opening go?”
“Oh my god, it was incredible!”
Harry gets in around 6:30, and smiles when he sees his sister and mum. He grabs the dinner you had texted him about and sits down on the sofa with them.
“How was day two?” Gemma asks.
“Great! It was nice to have Buster with me the whole day, right buddy?” He hips and sits at their feet. “Sure he misses his mum though.”
“She’s been at the gym a while.” Anne says. “Does she always go for so long?”
“Yeah, she had her gym clothes on, I just assumed that’s where she went.”
You get in around 7PM and see them all watching TV. Harry gets up after you say hello and follows you to the bedroom.
“Hi.” He says.
“Hi, how was your day?”
“Good, busy.” You hum your response and find some sweats to put on.
“A.C.’s up a bit high.” You chuckle as you pulls some sweatpants on.
“Did you go to the gym?”
“So, I went to see Dr. Mara, why?”
“My mum said you went to the gym, that’s all.”
“No, I just put gym clothes on to make them think that’s where I was going. They don’t know I go to therapy Harry, and then don’t need to.”
“It’s a perfectly normal thing to say you’re doin’.”
“Yeah, but what if they asked why?” You look at him. “See? Not a good answer for that, is there. I don’t exactly feel comfortable telling your mum and sister that I was assaulted.” You whisper.
“Okay, yeah, that’s fair.” He wraps his arms around you. “I feel like I miss you.” He buries his face in your neck.
“Aw, why?” You rub his back up and down.
“I don’t know…haven’t been able to cuddle much.”
“Can’t cuddle with your mum and sister sitting on the sofa with us.” You kiss his cheek and hold him tight. “They probably think something’s going on here as it is, let’s go sit with them, hm?”
“No, I’m tired, and I’m sick of TV for the night. I feel like readin’.”
“So, we can watch TV and you can read. We’ll go to bed early so we can cuddle for a bit, okay?”
“Fine.” He grabs his book and his glasses and follows you out.
Harry sits down and yanks you into his lap.
“Harry, I-“
“S’fine, love, you can sit with him.” Anne says. “It’s your home, after all.”
The three of you watch TV for a bit while Harry reads. Around nine you and Harry tell them you’re heading to bed. You say goodnight to Buster and go into your room. You both do your usual routine and get into bed.
“Wouldja just lay on top of me?”
“I know what that’s going to lead to, and I don’t feel-“
“Y/N! I’m not fuckin’ around, come here!” He pulls you on top of him and you swat at his chest.
“Shhhh, do you want them to hear you?”
“I don’t give a fuck.” He holds you tight to his chest and strokes the back of your head. You relax into him. “See, isn’t this nice?” You both chuckle.
“Shut up.” He kisses your hairline as you nuzzle into him. “They’ll only be here two more days, Harry. You should make the most of it.”
“I am makin’ the most of it. Mum and Gem are both comin’ to the studio tomorrow since you’re back to work. I just think we should be able to do whatever we want even if they’re here.”
“Well, I feel weird about it. It’s icky.”
“Icky?” He laughs.
“Yeah, do you really want them to know what it sounds like when we’re fucking?”
“Babe, I’m sure they’ve heard me before. I used to sneak my girlfriends over all the time.”
“How nice for you.” You say sarcastically.
“I just wanna love on yeh, is that so bad?”
You smile at him and kiss him. His hands slide down to your ass, and he lightly squeezes you. You moan softly against his lips. You feel him getting hard against you and you can’t help but grind against him. He pushes his hips up towards you as you grind down again. You put your hand over his mouth just as he’s about to moan.
“We have to be so quiet.”
Harry nods yes. You tug his boxers down slightly, and move your panties over. He slides right in.
“Oh my g-“ You put put your hand back over his mouth.
“Yes, I’m really wet, we been knew, now shh.” You whisper in his ear.
You keep your hand on his mouth, and your face is buried in his neck. His hands move to your hips to rock you back and forth on him. You both were under the covers, causing you to sweat more than usual, but it helped muffle the noise.
Harry wanted it to last as long as possible, you just felt so good. He wanted to tell you how good you felt, but your hand was still over his mouth. Your other hand moves to grip at his hair when he takes a hand to rub at your clit. You bite down on his shoulder. Your hand moves from his mouth to grip the pillow bellow him. You grind against him faster and he does all he can to not let out a noise.
“I needja to kiss me.” He breathes. “Please.”
You crash your lips to his and you both moan into each other. He rubs his fingers faster on your clit. Your back arches and you gasp as you release around him. As you tighten around him he comes up inside you, causing you to moan. You clap your hand over your mouth and press your forehead to his as he thrusts up one last time.
“Shit.” You say against his lips.
“So fucking good.” He breathes.
You get off him slowly and roll onto your back. You wiggles your panties off and sigh. You get up and go use the toilet. When you’re done you come back over to him and lay your head on his chest. He rubs your back slowly.
“Do you ever think…neither of us zero self control?” You ask giggling. “I mean, we can’t go two nights without fucking? What other couples do you know have sex as often as we do?” Harry starts laughing too, and kisses your forehead.
“I hope to God we always stay one of those couples that can’t keep their hands off each other.”
The next morning you’re up and out early. You decide to bring Buster to work with you since you missed him so much yesterday. Anne is out on the balcony sipping her coffee while Harry and Gemma have breakfast.
“Sleep well?” He asks her.
“Yeah, it’s a comfy bed. You?”
“I’ll bet.” She smirks. Harry raises an eyebrow at her while he sips his coffee.
“What do yeh mean by tha’?” She puts her hand on his shoulder.
“I think you know.” She winks and walks out of the kitchen.
“Thank god you’re back.” Niall says, coming into your office. “Hate when you take two days off in a row.” He pouts.
“Technically I wasn’t off.” Buster runs towards Niall.
“I was talkin’ to the dog.”
“Oh, shut the fuck up.” You both laugh.
“So how have the last couple days been with Anne and Gem here?”
“Really good actually. I’ve had some good talks with them. I think Harry’s been enjoying spending time with them. I think it really helped relax him, you know?”
“Yeah I’ve texted him a bit, he’s really busy with work already, it’s great.”
“I’m so proud of him. I think he prefers getting to take pictures of people.”
“Oh, for sure.”
Before you know it, you and Harry are driving Anne and Gemma to the airport Thursday evening. Everyone hugs and kisses goodbye.
“So, we’ll see you in July?” Anne asks.
“Yup.” Harry smiles. “Have a safe flight, let me know when you land.”
You both get back in the car. Harry kisses your hand as he drives off.
“Thanks again for gettin’ them here. It was great.”
“Of course! I know it meant a lot to you to have them there for the opening.” You take your phone out and connect it to the Bluetooth. “Now, we need to listen to the Weeknd because the concert is only a month away and I want to make sure you know all of the songs, okay?”
“I know quite a few.”
“Not off his new album! We’re going to be so close to the stage, what if he looks out to us and doesn’t see you mouthing the words because you don’t know it? You’ll look like such a local.”
“A local?” He laughs. “What the fuck is a local?” You sigh heavily. “Okay, okay, why don’t we play it when we get home? I’ll fuck you to it how you like.” Your mouth falls open. “Would yeh like that?”
“Yes.” You nod excitedly.
Harry takes Buster out quick when you get home and you run off to the bedroom. You decide to put some lingerie on. The black lace bodysuit. You get the music started and lay on your stomach. Harry gets Buster tucked into his dog bed and sprints to the bedroom.
“Oh, wow.” He says. You make a come here motion with your finger and sit up on your knees.
He cups your face in his hands and kisses you, like really kisses you. His tongue molds to yours and you moan into his mouth. You tug at the hem of his shirt and he lifts it off. You run your hands over his tattoos. You felt like you hadn’t been able to really touch him for a while.
“Tonight.” He says against your lips. “We’re takin’ our time.”
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Y’all, I was just being self-centered for a while and reading all my old posts and it dawned on me that I haven’t updated about my life hardly at all since I stopped working at Dairy Queen. I have a funny feeling that no one actually gives a shit but just to pump my ego I’m going to pretend that I have followers who legit read my crap and are interested so here is the official last six months update and it’s probably going to be really long.
So I stopped working at DQ and had that job as a cashier at Superwalmart starting in April and the job was cool at first (as most jobs are). I went from fast food where everyone is just angry all the time to people actually greeting me when they’d come to my line. Also in fast food, you do not leave work until you are permitted to do so whereas at Wally World, once my shift is over I walk my happy ass to the breakroom and clock the fuck out whenever I want (this proved to fuck me over in the end, more the come on that though) and that was very cool I thought. Then as it always goes, the job got shittier. The managers are real fucking up your ass when it’s slow and there’s literally NOTHING to do apart from zoning (straightening up the candy/magazine displays by your register) or cleaning your register but then when you actually need for something they disappear. You have to wait for permission to use the bathroom which is crap because there was another girl I worked with who had bladder problems due to a freaking miscarriage and she HAD to use the bathroom frequently but she would get in trouble for it. And my final point involving managers is about ordering money because shocker sometimes you run out of singles or quarters or whatever and you have  to type in the code and order more but they take their sweet damn time getting it to. It was really bad one night when I had an 11 shift and there were only like 4 registers total open but I was LITERALLY rejecting people paying in cash because I only had 20s and 100s and nickels in my drawer and the fucking managers WOULD NOT listen to my calls for help. 
I graduated from highschool (yay) and went on a bomb ass senior trip (a cruise to Belize and Roatan Island and one other place that I legit cannot remember rn) with three of my best friends and one of their families.
The day I got home from the trip I told my dad that the following day I’d be moving out. And here comes the next long ass part. So if anyone remembers my dairy queen tales posts, they’ll remember the oh so important cute guy from work. well guess what, we didn’t end up becoming a thing, disappointing, I know. But interestingly enough, I did end up with another ex DQ person. While working together, we always flirted and shit to the point where other coworkers (MORE THAN ONE) straight up asked me if we were a thing. His Name is Allan and he is...wait for it...33 years old. I was actually 17 when we first started working together so nothing happened AT ALL until I became legal and even after that, hardly anything happened until neither of us worked there anymore. We became official about a week before I graduated and we are still an item. So he is the mystery man that I moved in with. He actually has a daughter also and she is 14. It sounds super weird but we all coexisted perfectly fine. my parents were obviously not cool with this guy but I’m not going to get far into that shit. All I’m going to say is that for the first month of living with him, my father and I didn’t talk and at least for that time I think it was better that way. 
We were part of a pretty scary accident on June 9th (I believe that was the date) Me, Allan and his daughter were out walking our two dogs (a 2 year old white pitbull and a 5 year old rat/jack terrier) and a 17 year old girl going around 40 the opposite direction drifted too far towards the grass line and clipped my right arm with her passenger side mirror and with the very same mirror clipped Allan’s daughter in the forehead and threw her back in a ditch. She also hit the pitbull. His daughter’s injuries were actually really bad and she had to be brought by helicopter to a hospital in Galveston, fractured skull, broken arm, broken nose orbital fracture in her eye and jaw broken on either side (and a lot of bumps and bruises and scrapes from when she fell of course). She spent a few days in the hospital and then when she came home she stayed with her grandma for a bit because I wasn’t comfortable taking care of her (she REALLY needed care still when she got back) and it was too much for me. Apparently the hospital didn’t take great care of her hygiene-wise because she ended up having to buzz her hair completely because it was SO dirty and there were still leaves in it from the accident like two weeks later when they buzzed her. of course with a buzzed head she didn’t look good, but now that it’s grown out a bunch, she actually really likes having short hair (The first like three times I met her, she always said how much she liked my pixie cut) so we think she’s going to keep it short for a while. She’s doing fine now, started her second semester of freshman year last week but she’ll have a scar that takes up about half her forehead forever probably, she’s not self-conscious about it (at least so she says) which I am really happy for. The dog that got hit ended up needing to be put down, he had a lot of internal stuff and it just isn’t practical to spend as much money as it would've taken on a dog when your daughter is also in the hospital so Allan made the tough decision and put the puppy down. But when we put him down, we got a new replacement puppy from the same doggie parents (more to come). And finally my injuries were not bad. At all lol. I sprained my wrist when I fell and got bone bruises (one step below anything qualified as a break) where the mirror connected with me. And I’ll have a tiny scar probably forever and idk if it’s actually discolored or if it’s just the angle I see it from but it looks like there’s still discoloration from the bruise but like I said idk. So I am now able to add “hit by a car” to my resume. 
I got fired from Walmart in (i think) September because at the time, I had just gotten a new script for birth control and the pills were making my stomach upset so I racked up points on my record from leaving early too many times. so that ended that.
Not much happened up until like 2 weeks ago when I moved to New York state to live  with my aunt and go to college which starts in a few days and I am excited about.I am taking a math class, a biology class, a class about preventing war and stuff like that and I had an English class but it got cancelled so I signed up for women's studies instead and I think it’ll be good. No job yet, I want to get into the swing of school first  to see how much work I’ll be able to balance with it. MA and Allan are currently texting and I am listening to my old music on my ipod touch that I found a charger for yesterday. 
You are now caught up. 
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