#my current laptop does not like games and the lagging would make it SO MUCH WORSE
wingedarrows · 2 years
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vixonspixels · 9 months
Hi, I love your profile and sims! I’m ‘kind of’ new to the sims world! I’ve been playing since 2018, but not religiously. I just wanted to ask about your mods folder (sorry if it states somewhere on your profile these kind of questions aren’t allowed, i’m new to tumblr too and still understanding how it works). Feel free to ignore this question if it’s not allowed. I understand that by having lots of folders within the mods folder it can make the game lag. I just wanted to ask how your mods folder looks? As I want to keep mine tidy and be able to find certain cc easily. I’m also in the process of buying a pc as I am currently using a macbook and have so much cc it’s starting to not work… If you have any tips or suggestions with having a pc (if you have one yourself) and how your set up looks, I would really appreciate it. Thank you!! 🤍
Hello darling and thankyou so much! 🤍 Welcome to tumblr 💁‍♀️🤍
I think lag in your game mostly depends on what kind of computer/laptop you're using. I have just over 50gb at the moment and my game still runs as smooth as it does vanilla ( no mods at all ). I know some people who have 100gb+ and they don't have lag issues either. Again I think it boils down to the computer itself, and what it can handle
I personally chose to go for a custom built computer so that I could choose my own parts as I really wanted a computer that could handle a lot of mods and also I wanted my game to run nice and smoothly, my partner is a bit of a nerd when it comes to computers so he knew exactly what kind of specs I needed
When it comes to my mods folder I am super organised, that way when patch day comes I know exactly where everything is to be able to take it out of my mods folder until its updated etc. I'll pop in some photos of what my folder looks like so you can see below. Trust me it didn't always look like this 😂
If you're struggling with lag then a short term fix would be to have a good clear out of your mods folder and delete everything that you don't reach for often, you can even go as far as deleting swatches of clothes and build buy items that you don't like. I cleared around 5gb last week just by removing swatches from some build buy items that were high in mb's. For example, I had a bed frame that was 320mb in size so I deleted all of the swatches except for the one that I liked the most lol
What my mods folder looks like
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The only suggestion I will give regarding picking a computer out is to take your time and do your research! I really rushed my build and didn't want to wait for the white case that I liked so I ended up with the black one I have now that doesn't match my set up at all haha
When getting your computer the main things to look out for is making sure you've got enough storage and a good graphics card, obviously everything is important but these two for me where the main ones I focused on. If you do go custom built for example, you can always upgrade your parts very easily, where as if its pre built I'm not too sure if the cases are universal to fit different brands of parts in if that makes sense?
I am in no way a pro, I had alot of help from my partner when it came to building my computer. If you need help when the time comes feel free to give me a message and I can run things by my partner to help you choose what parts or pre built etc
I'll leave a few photos below of what my setup looks like, I just got the aurora collection for christmas and I also have the razer quartz collection too ( I prefer the aurora lol ). I can easily recommend you some good equipment also if you're not into the aurora or razer products. If you're looking for set up inspo then I would highly recommend browsing through Pinterest, that's where I got the majority of ideas for the aesthetic of mine. Pink and white are my favourite colours, hence the colour palette haha
If you need any help at all with specs or anything else at all feel free to pop me a message or reply to this post 🤍
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hollowsart · 2 years
I’ve never been lucky with having a good computer.
every computer I’ve had has always had something missing or whatever that just makes the experience of using it so limited.
- the only windows computer I had, it had no internet and had windows 95/98 on it and was mainly used for playing old cd rom games. really not much to say as that was the only real function it had.
- first linux computer I had, playing a game on that thing was a miracle. I could hardly even play those old cd rom games. definitely fell victim to some viruses because I was very young and stupid with internet browsing safety. it wasn’t very fast and lagged.
- the first laptop I had. behatedly dubbed the craptop 5000 because it really wasn’t great. horribly slow, outdated. was frakensteined to life by my dad because he didn’t wanna buy me a new laptop. playing games on it didn’t really work. it would cause it to overheat so fast. I tried playing yume nikki on it once and it would lag and overheat quickly. just really not a great experience overall.
- my current laptop. was dumb at first and ended up accidentally bricking it thus losing 99% of all windows related stuff on it so running games on it is near impossible so I just never even bother. for whatever the heck reason, it needs to be forced to update instead of updating automatically like it should and my dad claims it’s normal and happens to everyone :/ hard to believe that. occasionally lags a bit depending on the site or the program used. just keeps getting worse overtime with each update.
so all in all I really do have computer problems. and my dad who works with computer tech for a living does little to nothing to actually help. :|
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appreciatingtokrev · 11 months
i suppose it is normal then and the duration must be a factor too regarding the sadness. have you seen the film called loving vincent then? it's an biography of his life and it's animated in paint to reflect his art style.
i think it's mainly ios users that play it on their phones? but again, still need load of memory. does your laptop heat up when you play for a long time? my phone did despite being an iphone. i know nothing about hi3rd, i really thought GI was their first game lol. as students, we all have those moments lol.
i hope you get your meds soon then because that will probably help a lot, which style of studying do you prefer? where i live only marine biology is rare and that's a huge con :( but the sea sick might change over time. medicine is 5 years here, how long will it be for you? i dk what forensic medicine entails lmao. i'm sure you will be able to figure it out then.
i know stray kids belong to JYP and that's about it and that's cool but her playlist is probably longer lol.
oh, they are silver, my bad there is too many characters in TR that wear earrings ;-; what do you think of silver as a colour? apart from fanfic/cosplay, have you ever tried making anime edits? i started making youtube anime shorts yesterday and i like it where i do upload them online.
the power of self belief is everything! good luck but i think the quality of the wig probably make a difference? so might need to research beforehand so you can pick a good base.
yes, six months left to the big reveal ^^ no worries and oversided hoodies are cool.
oh, loving vincent! i’ve heard of it, but haven’t watched it (yet?), no. it kinda sounds like something i’d enjoy though.
personally i only know three people who play genshin on their phone, but two of them are samsung users lol. my old laptop would heat up like crazy (i mean... it’s like 8 or 9 years old at this point) but with my current laptop i hardly have any issues regarding that. that said i’ve still got to play on low graphics settings because it just lags a ton otherwise, but i hardly mind that. (tho i haven’t been able to play genshin in weeks bc it keeps crashing for some reason :( i’m waiting it out & hoping an update of my laptop will fix it but who knows. i might get a ps5 for christmas though so i’ll at least be able to play it on there ig? and maybe sooner on a phone bc i definitely need a new one even sooner.)
ah, my meds. i’ve got a prescription now, but they’re out of sale until at the very least january :') i really like studying with classmates/friends bc i hardly have the motivation to study alone tbh but if there’s at least someone else i do. i’ve p much got a study bestie tho and for most subjects we study together :D
well where i live i’m pretty sure you can’t study marine biology since there is no ocean lmao. so i might just study biology & then move somewhere for the specifics? idk. but i’ve got lots of time to figure it out still lol yep, hopefully it’ll get better,, medicine is 5 years here too! forensic medicine is p much examining dead (human) bodies, either bc they died in the hospital/in an accident (so for science) or because they died an unnatural death (criminology). tho the forensic medicine field entails more than just forensic pathology (doing autopsies), e.g. you could be working at a lab doing dna testing.
ngl i hardly know anything abt the few kpop bands i listen to, i just enjoy their music lol. but yeah i’m sure she knows more.
no no i get it, there truly are a lot,, i like silver as a color, especially in jewlery! tbh i prefer it over gold in most contexts.
ohh edits,, no, i haven’t done anything apart from cosplay attempts, making merch, writing fic & doing art for fandom so far lol. i don’t use tiktok & hardly use youtube for fandom stuff though (i usually listen to asmr or hour long explanation vids on yt, not much more adhkgdfjf) but if i do come across edits somehow, i’m always excited :D imo they’re very fun, but i don’t have the right apps or space on my phone for them to make any.
very true! yep, i’ll definitely do some research to try and find a rather cheap but still rather good quality wig,, bc it very much does make a difference.
only four more months.. 👀
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chosenmango4233 · 1 year
My Experience with Farworld Pioneers (Console)
TLDR : {Do not purchase the game in its current state. The core idea/heart of the game have vast potential, but at the moment it is too unstable to be playable. The art is stylized (but not without flaws), and the music is pleasant… but this is quite far from a public release. Frankly, it is a flat out lie to call this a 1.0 version, bugs aside, there is a blatant lack of content in the world itself. This is an alpha, and infant alpha at that. This is a demo that was puffed up with what feels like rushed filler so it could be released prematurely and needs years of work before it is stable and ready for the public. If this were advertised as a playable concept and was free to gain feedback, I would be a lot more eager to encourage others to give it a try, but this is clearly unfinished and is unplayable on console}
[ Bullet points are basic ideas to skim this faster for those of you who do not wish to read the entire thing! ]
° Peaceful mode is disabled randomly no matter how many times I enable it. 
{Players who don't want mobs are punished by thinking they are safe only to find out their colony was raided and everyone is dead because peaceful mode was disabled without their consent. This is incredibly frustrating for a player who doesn't want to get murdered within their first few minutes playing a game when they are struggling to learn the controls}. 
° Overall very poor performance, which progresses into Unplayable Lag and Stuttering, by hour three/four game is unplayable at < 7 frames per second. 
{Early game lags frequently, and the game pauses completely frozen for a few seconds while it saves. Occasional freezes last a second or less but are frequent. This only gets worse the further into the game you get, by the time you are a few hours in the game is unplayable}.  (This happened on my laptop as well, started fine and progressed into unplayable lag within an hour).  
* Every block placed, mined, or explored, NPC gathered/killed adds to the lag. These gameplay fundamentals, the very core of the gameplay loop punish the player by worsening the performance. {And by the time the cause is clear it is too late to salvage your save}. After commiting hours to brute force my way through as much of the game as possible I'm in an unplayable state of <10 frames a second, and it's only getting worse. Game stutters every other second (not exaggerating) and the stutters are getting more frequent and longer in duration. By comparison, the early game lag is a dream as at least it was playable}. ( TLDR ; anything and everything the player does makes the game lag. Having NPCs follow you lags the game so much I don't ever have them follow me. )
° Several Game Mechanics straight up do not work sometimes. 
{Most commonly inventory things break, such as the quick transfer, and build menus}. 
° Scroll bar in craft menu glitches graphically. 
{Occasionally the bar will display at the top but you are actually viewing the bottom of the menu, and it will only reset the graphic when you scroll up forcing it to snap to the bottom and accurately display where in the menu you are viewing. This becomes confusing and frustrating when you try to scroll down to view the menu but nothing happens because the graphic is wrong}. 
° Inventory build bug, randomly freezes the build menu and you cannot select a stockpile or any of the craft stations unless you restart your world. {This happened immediately in my first world and I couldn't place a craft station after placing a stockpile during the tutorial and was very frustrating as I was softlocked before the game even started}. 
* {Time should pause until the tutorial is complete/And Peaceful mode should remain activated for the entire duration/on by default (and stay on). My first game had this bug where I couldn’t complete the tutorial because I physically could not select the craft station because this menu bugged after placing the required stockpile. And peaceful mode deactivated (another bug), and I was killed by monsters over and over as I was confused and overwhelmed because the game was broken. I had to restart to place a craft station, and continue to restart after placing one of every station, because the menu would break after clicking once on this menu, even if nothing was actually placed, it would bug out after opening}. 
* {Also during this nonsense I tried running away from monsters and not even a hundred blocks away from spawn was a raid camp which killed me (mostly from the horrific lag which left me immobile), and followed me to spawn and spawn killed me, even with peaceful mode on. It was a very sour first experience and yet it was better than the long term hours I have played}. 
° When selecting blueprints to place, pressing (A) to select the item will also place one blueprint immediately 
{There is no way to select the item and avoid accidentally placing the item. Only way to correct the issue is to cancel the order which is tedious when you are trying to build which is in a completely different menu}. 
° Are doctors supposed to actually heal the player or the NPCs? ‘Cause they don’t even heal themselves. 
{Even with bandages, med kits, and other misc items they do nothing to stop bleeding of the player or help low health players. NPCs do not even heal themselves with medical items, they only regain health from food regeneration if they bother to eat the food I had to put in their inventory because they wouldn’t grab it themselves}. 
°  NPCs frequently enter lag teleportation loops by running to a location and blinking back to the start of their run and repeat.  
{This escalates the more colony members you have recruited}.
° Console cursor can be lost on screen, it disappears and is unable to be recovered by moving thumbstick or changing tools. 
° NPC AI needs extensive tweaking 
{so they remove themselves from various threats (monsters, cold, hunger, etc). {NPC ai needs to allow them to run to a warm spot when freezing to death, stop claiming more than one bed, actually sleep in their bed rather than being on the floor near the drop ship, and most importantly they need to consistently grab food rather than tell me they are starving when they have access to food and sometimes even HAVE food on their person and still won't eat it until they take damage}.
° Each NPC added exponentially lags the game. 
{Game gets more laggy with more npcs, and this may be a given but it is exponential no matter if they are good or bad/ recruited or not. This has been stated above, but needs reiterating as this is a colony simulator and the colony functions of he game are not polished}.  
° Ladder pathfinding and physics break frequently. 
{Trying to walk through one is difficult and you cannot jump through one without mounting the ladder. Dismounting does not work consistently}.
° Items dropped from an NPC digging are unreliable. If you are too far away, no items drop, and the npc will continue to dig but no materials would be collected. 
° NPCs sometimes won't pick up items or even acknowledge that they're there. 
{Happens with wood and blocks, but mostly occurs with farm materials like carrots and potatoes and they just sit on the ground until the player picks them up. This happens even if their inventories aren’t full}.
° Actual build range/radius for building planned objects is inconsistent. Not only does it feel too small but it changes size inconsistently. Sometimes it's a five block diameter and sometimes it's only two blocks. Incredibly frustrating. 
° Cursor mode changes randomly and I do not know how to toggle it. 
{Sometimes it's tile based to move the thumbstick to click to tiles, and sometimes it's aim-based and I don't know what button it is to switch the two. In the ladder, sometimes the cursor goes offscreen and gets lost and won’t come back until a restart}.
° NPC dialogue boxes do not override controls of other open menus. 
{If the LB section menu is open to give tasks while you talk to an NPC you cannot navigate the NPC menu at all. Opening an NPC menu should close this menu or override controls temporarily to avoid the clunky menu feel of having to exit a dialogue to close a menu then reactivate their dialogue menu}.  
° There is nothing at the underground/mineshaft markers on the map, says 0 blocks away but nothing was generated, and there was no reward for digging hundreds of blocks down. 
* {On a similar note, tutorial pop ups can overlap on each other. Instead of one becoming dominant in full opacity, they blend and become unreadable}. 
° Background block placement is completely broken. 
{On my first boot of the game I got to place a few tiles once, and I haven't been able to place a single background block since {even on a whole new world}. I drag out the blueprint and they won't click. Not even the blueprint will place. Can't even place background blocks from the hotbar, just doesn’t work, period}.
(An inconvenience but not really fixable on its own) - When lagging, the item pick up is severely delayed. You have to linger on items to actually pick them up and if you run past them they magnetize towards you and fly over you until they hit the ground and remain un-grabbed. This can also happen without lag if you move too quickly over items. 
° Literally no game options. {There are little to no options to customize anything in game aside from volume}.
>No UI scale/opacity options. {Hotbar could use options for size and opacity to improve immersion and visibility, especially on larger screens}. (I personally hate the visuals for the UI. Most of it hurts my eyes just like Starbound’s UI. The default screen in game looks like a mobile game there is too much on screen constantly, and it’s just so big.)
>No font options.  {The main font used is very hard to read, and the style of letters is very harsh on the eyes. The letters blend together, it’s too claustrophobic}.
>No Text scale options. 
>No UI opacity/ visibility options.  {Once a player knows the controls they do not need every instruction on screen in massive font}
>No Color options.  {The fully saturated white on blue backgrounds is as painful to read as Starbound’s white on black text and there are no options to change the color of text and text boxes}.
>No brightness options {The game is too dark and hard to see, even after adjusting my device settings}. 
>Cannot name your saves? (not that I have figured out anyway.) 
>No button binding options {There is no way to remap buttons which is a major downside to tweaking the controls to make it easier for people who need those accessibility options, and for making quality of life adjustments player by player. For example, I want to use the trigger instead of the (A) button for placing blocks from your hotbar. Why is default (A)??  Alternatively, having to press LB and down in sync to open a vital menu is awful and not accessability friendly. Even on a good controller it’s difficult.}
>No camera placement or zoom options. {I want to have my camera centered or at least have the option to move it to reduce eye strain. 
° Using the D-Pad to navigate the inventory only works if the cursor is already lined up on a tile, otherwise it won't snap to the inventory, forcing you to align the cursor via thumbstick before being able to use the d pad.
° Can’t drop items from inventory.
° Several blocks do not have a sound effect when broken or interacted with.
° NPC dialogue is extremely barren. 
° Pressing (B) in Buddy’s menu doesn’t take you back to the menu selection. 
{Instead it closes the menu entirely, making accidental misclicks time killers as you have to try to press two buttons in sync again and if the game is lagging it will push you into Buddy’s menu repeatably}. 
° The map is useless and feels unfinished.
{Icons have color but the map itself is just grey and purple, it does not even display blocks mined/placed. This is just a placeholder concept}. 
° Unable to hold down the triggers to zoom in and out.
{Instead you have to press for every tiny tick to zoom (and a small tick at that). Would definitely need to have the ability to hold the trigger to zoom alongside being able to press it for refined adjustments. Tunnels you carve don't even show on the map, or your blocks. There is no point to it, and it shows things you haven't discovered yet including raider camps and mineshafts. 
° Map Icons do not have actual Structures.
{I dug hundreds of blocks down to multiple mineshafts and stood on the icon, the map even said 0 blocks away and there was nothing there, or in the surrounding area}. 
° There is no confirmation text stating you actually set your spawn. {I only found out it worked when I died. A message stating your spawn has been set to {object} could be beneficial}. 
° Can’t Navigate select Menus with the thumbstick and dpad.
{Sometimes navigating the menus just doesn’t work, and some menus you can only navigate with one or the other, like with the menu talking to Buddy you should be able to use either rather than get confused when the thumbstick (which is the main navigation tool) does not work here}. 
° Tutorial should pause the day/night cycle until completed. 
° Tutorial should also remain locked in peaceful mode until completed. 
° Cannot continuously scroll the hotbar, you have to tediously go back and forth rather than continue to hold one direction and loop the hotbar. 
° The hit boxes for clicking on NPCs are terrible for controllers. {There should be a proximity auto lock or a setting for an auto lock to easily click on NPCs rather than aim precisely with the right thumbstick and press a button (X or A, can't remember) at the same time}.
° Console controls are very clunky, and even after playing for 5+ hours I'm still fumbling because they feel unintuitive. 
° Torch radius is very small, and would benefit from a bigger radius. This is especially obvious with no zoom options.
° Torches burning out is extremely annoying.
{With an upgrade to cheap lights and oil lamps available it makes sense to encourage the player to use them instead, but the dimness of these light upgrades makes them almost unusable matched with the lack of brightness options. The radius and brightness for the lamps should be better than torches rather than worse or the same}. 
° Campfires burning out is not challenging, it is only annoying, more so than torches.
{Having to recraft a campfire every ten minutes to cook on it once before it burns out again is very obnoxious, especially in the first hour of gameplay. Torches burning out is the same thing, just annoying rather than being an interesting feature, but at least you can upgrade to something that doesn't burn out, the campfire just disappears without an early game upgrade (that I’ve seen, I may have missed it)}. 
° Extreme difficulty giving items to NPCs
{Especially once you have more than three and you can't tell them apart. Possibly could use a slot in the menu to access crew inventories directly to equip colony members or a button in storage piles to have a {specific npc} collect item instead of having to find them, and click on them to give them items}. 
° Building with blueprints feels way too clunky.
{Having to exit blueprint mode to actually build the blocks, along with being unable to jump while placing blueprints, it is punishing and tedious in this method. I like the idea here but it just isn’t smooth, crafting blocks is easier to actually place but the hotbar and inventory navigation is also not great for building}. 
° Cloud animation is janky, the frame rate is too low, and they move across the screen too fast, very distracting and out of place with the art style. 
° Should explicitly state you can build the same stuff in two ways, as in crafting blocks in your inventory and placing them or placing blueprints and crafting the blocks. I didn’t know I could craft and place blocks that I could place in the build menu until several hours in. 
° Player has to press the button for every item quantity for crafting, and this would benefit from holding down the button to craft in mass rather than repeatedly click. 
° Meats have identical textures but are labeled differently and thus cannot be stacked.
{This is annoying, would rather they were all generic 'meat' or actually different meats from different sources with reason to be different from one another even if just cosmetically}.
°  There should be a more direct commands to move or organize colony members faster
{Such as 'stand still' or ‘go to x coordinates' command for NPCs so they can be managed easier. The only way to move them is to get them to follow the player, and they are not able to pathfind to the player very well, especially for parcore jumps}.
° The button to heal yourself should not be the same to heal an NPC, the hit boxes are so fleeting you will heal yourself 10 times trying to heal a moving or stationary NPC. 
° Having to aim with the right stick and use action buttons to build/place blocks with X and A is not feasible. That does not work. Humans do not have two thumbs. Why in the world is this a default control for core gameplay? 
° There is no difficulty curve or protection for early game and tutorial.
{Zero gradual increase. On my first world Buddy was killed over and over until I ran out of supplies to help him, because peaceful mode kept disabling and monsters would spawn and kill him, and immediately after the tutorial started a snow storm spawned before any base was built and he died from the cold. NPC raider Dave killed me immediately after barely traveling to the left (looking for food for buddy to heal from the cold) and Dave proceeded to follow me hundreds of blocks to the right and kill me again, then came to my lack of base and spawn killed me and I had to lure him away and relog to get him to stop targeting me. And after all that Buddy died for real and there was nothing I could do}.
° Drops from animal carcasses can’t be picked up until they land on solid ground, even if they pass directly through the player. I find this very annoying as they can launch far away and it takes extra time to gather the drops. This also is inconvenient on ladders because ladders aren’t solid blocks so the drops fall down until they hit solid ground no matter how far away it is.
° Load times take way too long, and the duration gets significantly longer each time you use your save.
{Game load screens take way longer than they should (about 20-100 seconds). Generating a new world takes less time than loading an old save. The game is only one gigabyte total, loading a few hundred explored blocks, how do the load screens take so long?? And how do they get significantly longer each time you load it??}.
° I do not like the ladder climbing animations at all. Sliding down is okay, but the model is not facing the ladder and it feels like a placeholder animation.
TLDR 2 : The world feels very empty to be a 1.0 release. What little there is is unrewarding and unfinished, with nothing special to find. There is nothing that stands out as unique to me, and any investment of time is burned out from the unplayable lag that takes over your save. It's a demo, not a full release.
I had fun, but I had to brute force my way the entire time, so the percentage of time I was actually having fun is a lot lower than my game time would show for it.
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latibulesims · 4 years
Hello! Could you maybe tell what laptop/computer you use? The one I have can handle the sims 2 but there's some lag (probably because I have 8gb worth of cc lol) and my graphics card isn't the best, so I was wondering if you had any suggestions? :) thanks in advance!
The laptop I use is pretty outdated, imo! But here are my specs <3. It’s a Samsung laptop, Windows 7, i3 2.50 GHZ, intel(R) HD Graphics 4000, with a 8.00 GB RAM and 500 GB of space divided between drives (C:) and (D:)
Despite some outdated specs, I think it works relatively well! It hardly ever lags, despite huge downloads folders. But, it does take hours to load, lol. figures. My old downloads folder was 50+ GB and would take 2.5 hours to load, while my newly restarted downloads folder is just about 30 GB and takes an 45 mins-hour. My gameplay downloads folder is also around 10 and takes 20 mins.
That’s it for specs! Hope it helps.
If you’re a sims 2 director who’s struggling to film, I shared some tips on how to avoid a lagging game, from a director’s perspective under the cut c:
OK. So here is a couple of things I do to avoid my game lagging while I try to film:
1 - The newest thing I’ve been doing that I’ve found helps A LOT is something that people have been doing since like the beginning of sims lol and it’s separating your downloads into folders, or, at the very least, body shop CC + buy/build mode CC. What I do is, after using that approach, I load the body shop with my body shop CC only, and make the sims I need for the episode. Then, I place the buy and build mode CC and take out the body shop CC, and package the sims I dressed up earlier in body shop. That way, I would load my game with all the buy/build CC i need, and the body shop CC I need for that specific episode (so, I’d end up with, let’s say, 8 hairs instead of 100). (P.S. don’t forget to include the accessories CC alongside the buy and build mode CC, tho, since they dont package with the sims!).
2 - I avoid heavily decorated neighborhoods!!! Whenever I try and decorate the a neighborhood to look all nice and pretty in the windows of sets while I film, the neighborhood doesnt survive a couple of scenes. Now, I just decorate one (1!) spot in the entire neighborhood and strategically place every lot i need in that same spot thats surrounded by building decorations and trees lol.
3 - Unless I absolutely need to, I always avoid having more than 8 sims in one lot. I feel like my game tends to lag/crash a lot when I do. Alternatives I use: If you need to make it look like the room is crowded (i.e. party), try and move the 5-6 sims you’re working with to fit in the angle you’re currently using. It may get hectic moving the sims from one angle to the other, but it beats your game crashing/lagging every 5 mins. :’) And you can always use deco sims, though I try my best to always avoid that because I don’t like how still they are vs. the sims that are being filmed
4 - I never use full sets. lol. that shit lags and crashes my game soooooo often, especially with how heavily decorated my lots usually are. Instead, I make every room I need a set independent from any other room. For example, if I have a scene in the main kitchen, that’ll be a lot by itself. When my sims move from the kitchen to the living room, I log them out from the “kitchen” lot, and into the “living room” lot. I know it sounds like a lot of work, but trust me, it has saved me from so much unnecessary lagging and crashing when you go from a 2-story heavily decorated home to one (maybe two, if im feeling dangerous) rooms. Back in 2017, I shared four sets that showcase how my sets usually look like in series (skip to 5:55). Think of the lots as....sets from tv shows. Where the actors go from one cluster of a room to another lol. P.S. I build the exterior as a separate lot as well, and shoot however many shots i need of it before I move on to the interior sets to start filming
5 - Don’t overwork your laptop/computer. Now, this has nothing to do with CC, but i’ve found that the game usually lags while I film (With Fraps, sometimes dropping the framerate to 2 frames per minute), because I have other programs on like Sony Vegas or Photoshop. Try and have the sims 2 and fraps being the only programs you have open when you film, and see if that helps. 
Hope you found any of these tips helpful!! <3 Good luck with your game!
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avale-reves · 4 years
So what happened to your gameplays channel?
Discontinued, basically. For a couple reasons that I shall outline now in excruciating detail because I’m currently bored, lol.
1. Probably the biggest reason, and the tipping point, was that I kept experiencing huge technical obstacles. Every time it felt like it was going to be the end of me doing LPs and such, but I would push through it and keep going, but it just kept happening, over and over and over, and ultimately the last time was just the final straw really. Took the sign. First my computer completely broke, leaving me without a computer of my own for months. My boyfriend graciously let me use his laptop because he saw I was passionate about the channel and didn’t want me to give up. So I was pretty much commandeering his laptop for a few months, the idea being that I’d mostly use it to just finish the series I had already started recording and editing until I could get a new computer. I kept having technical issue with his computer since it was pretty old (audio sync issues being the biggest thing) so that was another headache. Eventually figured it out and things were okay. Then, for Christmas+My Birthday my boyfriend went in on a new gaming laptop for me. This was well timed as he needed his laptop back for work and me using it was putting a strain on things in that regard. So thing’s all good, right, new laptop, ready to go. Except now I’m having issues with this new computer. I try recording things but the video will always lag and glitch out (which then makes the audio out of sync) and it does it in a way that is pretty much impossible to edit around. I troubleshoot for weeks trying to figure out the issue, but basically, it just doesn’t work. Then I thought about using my boyfriend’s old laptop, and just only recording at night when he wouldn’t need it. I get this all set up for ReMind only to find out that he had updated the computer to a new OS (it’s a Mac thing idk) and now his laptop won’t recognize my mic. So yet ANOTHER problem. I’m still committed to giving it a go and recording ReMind because it’s the first KH game where I could record it blind and all that. So I end up having to record video using his laptop, and audio using mine. It’s a hassle, it’s messy, but I do it. But then during recording i had YET another issue. At this point, it was just way more work than it was worth, and I felt like... Idk, hitting issue after issue after issue it was like a sign that I should give up. So that was one of the major reasons. But also,
2. My videos weren’t doing well. After BioShock Infinite and Night in the Woods, I noticed a trend where each series after just performed worse and worse and worse, and since I was spending literally all of my time on this channel, it was just hugely demoralizing (in addition to the tech issues). This culminated in my final LP series which pretty much got 0 views for like 90% of the series. Crushing. And given all the technical stuff that was happening in addition to this, it was just another thing on the pile on my back, yknow. I was struggling so hard to make the videos, I was spending ALL my time recording and editing (and basically let all my other hobbies and interests vanish to make room for it), and to top it all off, no one was even watching them anymore. Just felt really pointless and demoralizing.
3. Recording blind playthroughs was negatively impacting my enjoyment of those games. Always having to be “on” and stuff was one thing, but it also just made it be a worse experience. I found that like the act of recording was keeping me at a bit of a distance from the game, I wasn’t getting as invested or connected to the games, as emotionally reactive as if I was just playing it myself. It was hard to get lost in and taken away with a game when I could only play for a couple hours and then had to spend the next few days editing those videos before I could play again. The biggest part of it though was that it just led to a worse experience for me usually. The biggest example of this was Pokemon Shield. I had gotten it and recorded a few episodes before my boyfriend was able to get his copy. But once he got his copy, I’d sit on the couch beside him while he played and we had so much fun, making jokes, getting into it, playing alongside each other using the multiplayer functions and stuff. It was honestly really great and improved the experience so much. But once he caught up to where I was in the story, we couldn’t do it anymore. Because I was doing a blind playthrough and I couldn’t record + edit at the rate he was playing, it basically meant that we couldn’t play together anymore. I couldn’t sit with him and play alongside of him because I didn’t want the story spoiled and all this stuff. And so the second half of the game just felt so much lesser of an experience for me. And I was just getting very resentful of having to do the LP because it meant I was losing out on this moment and experience with him and our other friends. Recording the LP made it worse for me. And I hated that.
4. Let’s Plays are a very crowded niche, hard to break through, especially with Blind playthroughs. Basically, my LPs weren’t different enough to really set me apart from any other channel, especially when it came to Blind LPs. Why would someone take a chance on my (hour long) video from someone they don’t know when they could just watch a YTer that they did know and liked? It was just too much of an ask, but I found that longer videos was easier on me (meant I could get through games more quickly instead of dragging them out for months). So there wasn’t really a way to win. This also played an obvious part in why my series started doing a lot worse when I transition to Blind playthroughs instead of informative ones (Bioshock Infinite/Night in the Woods). With the Informative Playthroughs, I was bringing something unique, my commentary. I knew the game, I had thought about it deeply and had a perspective on it. That made the playthrough interesting even for people who already knew the games. I also would bring up development trivia, and such, too. Basically, it was just more unique, more rewarding than the more reaction-based playthroughs. The problem was: 1) I had mostly started the channel with the intent to do blind playthroughs of new games because, at the time, I liked the idea of having my first experiences with a game perserved, 2.) I don’t have many games that I could do informative playthroughs of. Bioshock Infinite and NITW are kind of it, aside from KH games (which I wouldn’t do because I had intended on starting a kh-specific channel). There just weren’t that many games I could talk deeply about (was what I told myself anyway). So while I knew what the problem was, I didn’t feel like I could fix it, really, so the whole thing felt kind of pointless. My videos were too long (but any shorter and it would take months to get through these games), Blind playthroughs aren’t unique enough (but I had so few games I could talk deeply about like my Informative LPs), etc. 
So, that’s pretty much why the channel ended. I had originally intended to try transitioning more into like video essays or smaller authoured videos (instead of LPs) and I might still do that (though the recording thing is still a bit of an issue). But after spending literally ALL my time on the channel (seriously like, from when I woke up until I went to bed) for MONTHS, only for it to end with my videos getting 0 views, my new computer being expensive but useless for it, the technical issues, etc. I was just EXTREMELY burnt out, and felt that I had just lost the first thing that had made me feel passionate again in literally years. And I’m still feeling that burn out/depression a bit now, so I haven’t started exploring doing authoured content, or my KH channel yet.
Next month marks the year anniversary of me starting the channel though. It might be time that I start thinking about picking it up again, but if I do, it wouldn’t be LPs anymore. They just aren’t worth the time and energy. It might be a KH channel. I don’t know. But anyway, that’s the longwinded answer as to what happened to my gameplay channel. rip.
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arsnovacadenza · 5 years
So I finally played The Wolf Among Us
 Being the big bad wolf fan that I am, I’d been dying to get my hands on the game after seeing images of Bigby floating around pinterest. Then I found out it was discounted around 50% yesterday and I knew I GOTTA have it.
Here’s a not-so-short rundown of my thoughts since no one’d read my full review anyway. Also, bear in mind that I never read the graphic novels so I’ll be judging the characters and plot solely on the first and (currently) only game. Spoilers under the cut!
The good:
Bigby. God I ENJOYED playing as him. There was great satisfaction being able to play this rough, potentially dangerous character and see him grow into this person that Fabletown finally grows to accept. During my first playthrough, I wasn’t able to play him as a brutal, full blown anti-hero because I need to keep him on the community’s good side. I’m definitely gonna replay the chapters and choose the more violent options and see him go full badass wolf on everyone. Speaking of badass, I constantly kept thinking to myself “Wow, I’d LOVE to play as him in an action game.” That one big fight scene against Bloody Mary made me go “You’re doing great, sweetie! Keep it up!” 
The story definitely got me hooked. There wasn’t a time when I wished a speed button was available unlike Hashihime in the Old Book Town where I got bored during a sex scene.
It didn’t remind me of Happily N’ever After and its forced self-awareness that borders on annoying. Mini rant: I love when stories are set in a world where fairy tale characters meet and interact with each other, but that doesn’t mean every work that does it interests me because the handling of  the theme may not quite work (for me at least). I haven’t rewatched Shrek, but I never rolled my eyes every time they make a joke about a fairytale character. I never watched Once Upon a Time but I feel it’s gonna be a pretty mixed bag? It’s just weird seeing all these adult characters taking the whole thing seriously and not in an endearingly self-aware kind of way. The Wolf Among Us kinda did it nicely in that yeah, these were fairy tale characters. Let’s see them work their way as poor people living in New York. I like how they take on the poverty angle because it kinda reminds me of my country, sorta. 
To my surprise, the fight scenes DID IT for me. It’s satisfying to be able to beat the shit outta people I wanted to punch from the very beginning of the game (the Tweedles and Mary. Boy I wanted to see them banged up real badly). To be honest, I never played these Telltale games and I had my doubts about the combat mechanics. Turns out they were done pretty well. Also, I can’t shut up about the final brawl against Mary because....Big Bad Boi.
The meh:
Most of the character designs didn’t wow me. I could name the characters whose design I liked: Bigby, Georgie, Flycatcher, Bluebeard. The rest? Not so much. Some characters like Nerissa were a hit-or-miss while the rest are predictable (Bufkin, Crane, etc) or completely forgettable (Faith and Vivian’s design. Faith’s was at least memorable because her introduction was). The worst one, to me, was Bloody freakin’ Mary. Her design was simply underwhelming. I absolutely adored her true form, but her glamored form was simply...not there. I understand they don’t  want to play the edgy up to eleven which was probably why they didn’t make her tattoo-ed up like Georgie (which is a shame because her emblem has a cool design. Imagine the cool tattoos she could’ve had), but her design was just half-assed (to me anyway). Not gonna lie, I actually was hooked up by her first appearance  —a tough looking enemy with big butch energy  —and then she opened her mouth and she sounds like fucking Bayonetta. This is probably just my personal taste, but I hate the femme fatale villain trope to death and I hate seeing this masculine lady sounding like a generic seductive villainess. Plus, I didn’t see her much during my playthrough so she ended up NOT coming across a real threat or a worthy opponent to Bigby, just a violent bully I need to get through. 
The love interest character’s development was a mixed bag. I didn’t hate Snow White (like some people seem to do), but I was disappointed that she drifted away from Bigby before she gets the chance to solidify herself as his equal and partner. I know she marries him in the graphic novels, but I didn’t quite root for them to be together in the game. Mostly because of the boss-employee dynamic they had towards the end of the game, but it’s also because I also started to see how she didn’t grow to be somebody who understands Bigby and the plight of the non-human characters of Fabletown (case in point being Mr. Toad and TJ). She keeps saying that she does understand what life is like for people like Holly and I did sympathize with her when she talks to Bigby about her wanting to make Fabletown a better place, but the plot cuts her development once she has to act as Deputy Major in Crane’s place. She eventually becomes affixed as a cog in the machine. Sure, she’s needed to keep the system running, but her insisting on going by the (outdated) book just didn’t work I kept getting reminded of Louis from Beastars and how got his character development was. In Louis’ case, he started out as an covert bigot who strongarms his way to obtain authority, thinking he’d be able to make the world a better place. He does make good out of it, but we also see him coming to terms with his vulnerability which leads him to reach out towards other people with the same goals. Simply put, he changed from a know-it-all who wants to change the world so they’d suit his own views better to someone who genuinely wants to make a difference for other people. This....kinda doesn’t happen with Snow White. It’s probably because the POV (who stays on Bigby the entire time) or they’re saving  her character development for the sequel; we can’t really tell until Season 2 comes out.
Speaking of which, how does being a giant, fearsome wolf in disguise reflect on Bigby’s relationship with other animal characters like Mr. Toad? I thought there was some potential in contrasting Mr Toad’s inability to afford glamor and Bigby having his lycantrophy knife handed to him by Snow. I imagine the animal townsfolk would take jabs at him having the privilege to remain constantly human without having to constantly return to the 13th floor but it never happened. 
The resolution of the Crooked Man’s plot felt rushed and I was disappointed with how they handled the organized crime plot. It was built to be a grand scheme beyond Crane and the murder of the girls, but they resolved it way too quickly. It’s probably just me, but when you have organized crime and financial exploitation by (persumedly) a mafia, do you expect the villain to have their ass handed back to them in two chapters after their buildup?I  mean, during Bigby and Crooked Man’s confrontation at the factory,  I kept expecting the  Crooked Man to make his escape after the battle against Mary  — him being immediately dragged to court was anti-climatic. Does it really take that short a time to take down a big, magical mafia boss? Shouldn’t he have other witches at his beck and call (the secret lab at Johann’s place definitely hinted at that!)
I won’t refute if somebody brings up the lack of diversity in the entire cast. As far as I know, there was only one black person and they didn’t do anything with her character. I thought It would be nice if we get to see POC characters like Aladdin or Yeh-Shen (or replace Aladdin with Sinbad or Ali Baba if we want to go for total accuracy). It doesn’t help that the predominantly white characters look generic. Heck, some of the girls could have some variety in body shapes. For example, why not make Holly be a big beautiful woman? If you don’t want to make her morbidly obese, at least make her look heavier. You know, because she’s a troll. No, her wanting to look beautiful by concealing her troll form doesn’t work. Her wanting to be her own kind of beautiful (especially according to Troll standards) can be contrasted nicely to Lily having to wear her human skin because she needs to cater to her clientele, thus further emphasizing her lack of choice in her employment to Guido (and by extent the Crooked Man). 
How long has it been since the exodus? Why is the Fabletown government still this terrible? I really want to be able to see the demographic at a bigger scope. For example, I’d like to see more of the dynamic between people like Bluebeard and the people at the Business Office. Also, what’s up with people with various problems going straight up to the Business Office? Do they not have accountants? How do they handle the legal stuff with the mundies? Who’s handling legal? The organization at the Business Office is just...weird. I thought they’d have some sort of higher council since I thought they’d need a bigger power to keep more powerful magic beings (like the witches) in place. Are things done better in the graphic novel?
Some of the animation lagged/look really janky on my Envy 13 laptop. Also, I encountered a bug at the beginning of some chapters where choices show up when they don’t need to, as well as some weird cuts during scene. Had to exit and reboot the game to proceed. 
That’s all I can think of now. Feel free to send an ask so we can gush about the husbando material that is Bigby Wolf if you have other opinions!
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diveronarpg · 5 years
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Congratulations, ART! You’ve been accepted for the role of EDMUND with an approved FC change to Max Irons. Admin Minnie: I knew this was a winner while reading your plots Art, but it was your para sample that really left me speechless. The way you showed us how he had suffered and how he had ached, all that bitterness and resentment and ambition and pride... it was so clear how deep your love for Edmund goes. I am thrilled to see someone with such an intimate, intense grasp on Easton’s soul. Please stay forever, and please ruin us for the rest of your life! Please read over the checklist and send in your blog within 24 hours.
Alias | Art
Age | 19
Preferred Pronouns | He/him
Activity Level | Well here’s the thing about quarantine. I will be spending the next two-three months in a house, all day, every day, with consistent access to a laptop. I also lost my job and because the US economy is a flaming pile of garbagé, I don’t imagine getting another any time soon, especially since all my skills are in food. All this to say, I believe I will be incredibly active, outside of my Skype’d classes and grocery runs and whatnot.
Timezone | MST
How did you find the rp?  | A discord friend DM’d it to me after I went on a rant about Edmund and the layers to his “Thou, Nature, art my Goddess” soliloquy. They know me so well, and acceptances were literally in like six hours from when I got the link, so I sat my butt down, put down my real-world obligations for a moment, and typed this whole thing out like I was writing an unstarted essay due at midnight.
Current/Past RP Accounts | All my old RP writing is from years ago and is, frankly, really really bad. Thank you for making this optional.
Character | Edmund or Easton Craven. I love Daniel Sharman’s wonderful, gorgeous face with my whole heart (hello gay awakening), but I’d like to use Max Irons instead, if at all possible.
What drew you to this character? | So, my love of Easton/Edmund actually began about a year ago, when I cut my hair and started playing around with names and different clothes. I was in a Shakespeare class at my college, and it was a requirement that we perform a monologue. It didn’t need to be Broadway-worthy, we just needed to deliver it, and we could do this as often as we liked. I performed two. One from a play we had read and analyzed, as my professor asked, and I did another. That second one was Edmund’s “Thou, Nature” soliloquy. It was the first time I performed as a guy to an audience that thought I was a guy, not a girl playing dress up. So I have a really strong emotional connection to Edmund, regardless of the form he’s in.
I was really excited by this particular version of him, however, because I thought it played right along the line of a monstrous asshole and charming young man doing what he can to deal with the hand dealt to him. He’s both of those things, to me, and I really enjoyed that you brought that forward. Edmund, from the source, reminds me of Chris Evans’ character from Knives Out, in a way? Completely self-motivated, selfish and cruel, and yet really fun and charming, as long as it isn’t you he’s screwing over at the time. I know he isn’t that character and I’m honestly really glad for it. I just found a similarity there.
I just really like those kinds of characters in fiction, and that, combined with my emotional ties and vague debt to the source character, meant I arrived and started writing as fast as I could.
What is a future plot idea you have in mind for the character? |
These are all ideas, nothing here is set in stone, and are entirely dependent on the beauty of the other writers free will.
Some Twelve or Fourteen Moonshines Lag of a Brother: From the get-go of this awful experience known as the human existence, Easton has existed just slightly behind Everett, just enough to keep the guy freezing in the shadows. It’s the last name, the mannerisms, and the goddamn eyes that sit in his skull. It is a truth, acknowledged by both me and him, that there is an association to Easton he really wishes wasn’t there. This is why I want someone to look at Easton and see Easton, not a Craven.
Now, I want to pause here, and say that Easton is a lying snake of a man that would and probably will sell out his own family for one corn chip. He is completely self-centered, convinced of his superiority, and willing to bleed the world dry to get the pound of flesh he is owed. I want someone to see this, to realize there is a snake curled around the Capulet’s necks, willing to bite and kill every single one of them if it means he gets to sit comfortably on a throne of gold and bones. Because that is what he wants, he wants the world to pay for every second of misery he endured in his life. But he is charming, slippery in the way only the truly awful can be. He’s accepted the labels thrown at him and become them, which is its own kind of armor. Who doesn’t love a bad boy?
But beyond all that, he is rotten through and through. I’d like his armor to crack and reveal the duplicity underneath, maybe around someone like Maeve or Catherine, someone that might not be believed right away. I love the idea of Easton being the wolf among some very dangerous sheep, but the really, truly awful ones not realizing. This could produce a really fun dance, where the two parties involved both try really really hard to overthrow or remove the other from their position while still trying really hard to maintain a veil of normality.
But that dance is what makes this all so terribly fun. They’re on a rock, doomed to eventually die, and Easton wants his power, but why can’t he play a few games while trying to get it?
I Grow, I Prosper: Easton, poor guy, was brought into the world and then spent the next twenty-six years being told his existence and all the things that came with it were his fault. They weren’t, or at least they weren’t in the way he had been told his entire life. He has learned to move past the label of “bastard” or “illegitimate”, meeting all such claims with the certainty that he must act the part. But does his position fulfill him? Does his current lot in life spark joy? I think not! He is a captain, yes, but so is his brother. He is, at best, on equal footing with his brother and at worst, he is the younger brother desperately following behind Everett as a living shadow yet again. Easton needs to be more than Everett. He’s wanted this his entire life. The whole city needs to look at Easton and see him, not his brother, and then Easton wants to rub it in Everett’s face, lord it over him for the next century at the shortest. That is the general idea behind this plot: Everett surpassing and overcoming his brother. The fact that he’d end up lording over so many others is really just a plus!
This plot would require effort. Loads and LOADS of plotting and communication on my part, and a whole lot of cutthroat, stepping-on-literally-everyone-else-in-Verona from Easton. He is going to have to exploit the hell out of Celeste and the information she can get him, potentially leading to her downfall just so Easton can succeed. He will need Rafaella and Tiberius to trust him almost unconditionally, which, just from what I’ve seen poking around the main, seems pretty much impossible. And of course, he has to successfully and continually one-up Everett, which might be the hardest job of all, given the whole awful tangle of EmotionsTM that Easton has towards him. It’s hard for him to be clear-headed when he wants to tear Everett into little tiny pieces with his bare hands.
But hey, that is, again, the whole point of this plot: the destruction of the legitimate son. Eliminating the sun so the moon can rule 24/7.
My Services are Bound: No matter how ambitious, how desperate Easton is to rule the world, he doesn’t yet. He works for the Capulets and he is a tool used to further the wishes of those above him in this terribly illegal food chain where dog eats dog. No matter how much Easton wishes it was different, it isn’t, at least not at the moment, and he must bide his time until something better happens.
Yes, Easton is a tool, and I want him to be reminded of that. He has the ambition to rule the world, can picture himself with a crown he may never hold, but he is a knight on the chessboard. I want his ego to be checked, I want him to be taken down at the knees and reminded of the situation he is in, who he works for. Now, ideally, this would come from the Capulet family themselves and not a rogue Montague or something.
The Capulet family, in order to win this war they’ve found themselves in, need their tools to be obedient and ready to deploy at a moment’s notice. This is not the case with Easton. He’s a rebellious man, more loyal to himself than any of the lofty ideas the Capulet heads have surrounded themselves with. So the family he serves would need to get Easton back in line, somehow. They’d need to remind him who he is and whom he serves no matter what it took and use whatever tools at their disposal. This could potentially happen after Easton completely blows off a mission he was handed to advance his own agendas, which I think would probably be the best choice as it would probably send these awful shrieking sirens off in the Capulets.
I want this particular plot because Easton is so assured that he will be able to make the world pay and yet he’s just one man against so very many others.
Are you comfortable with killing off your character? | Oh most definitely. As a writer, I am a firm believer in conditional happy endings, probably because I play so many video games. In order to get a happy ending, in order to survive, the character has to do all the right things. The likelihood of Easton doing all the right things is just tiny, absolutely microscopic.  
I was going to do both, but I’m running out of time so…
In-Character Para Sample:
There is something beautiful in standing alone, where there are no silent reminders of how Easton arrived in this world, how he stepped into it screaming and no one cared to change that. There were no side-eyes, reminding him of how unwanted he was, how utterly unworthy he was to bear the name “Craven”. No hands hiding giggles at the boy his mother ran from and his father hid away. Here, under the bowed ceiling in the transept of the Capulet’s cathedral, there was only him and God.
“I hope,” Easton began, fingers lightly running across the back of a pew likely not used for praying, “that you know what is coming.” The eyes that proclaim a taint to his family’s name were raised to dance across the ceiling. “If word is to be believed, you, an old man in the sky, a Father,” he spat out, “brought me here. Placed me here upon this Earth to do whatever it is I so wish.” A smile, small and dangerous with heavy promises was birthed on his face, an expression that could not have been more familiar to his muscles. “I suppose that’s all a father has ever done for me. Perhaps,” he mused, lightly tapping his chin as he continued to wander aimlessly among the seats of a flock absent. “Perhaps I should be grateful that both You and him are both so delightfully hands-off.”
“I suppose this rock is where You chose to put all Your bastards, isn’t it? Shoved them away from Your kingdom, making them fight for their place in Your home despite them all being Your children?” The noise that escaped Easton’s mouth was not fit for the place he stood in, but it hardly seemed to matter to him as he collapsed into a pew, feet raised to rest on a Bible, feet that had stood in a man’s blood not hours before. “I suppose that must be how it is, because we’re all made in Your image, aren’t we? And that man had to learn it from somewhere.”
His head fell back, eyes closed to the beauty above him in a silent condemnation for Who it was built for. “You’ve released yet another snake into your garden by making that woman my mother and handing me the Craven name, you know.” The observation was quiet, laced with the bitterness of cyanide, perfected over years of similar declarations. The words were familiar, not on his tongue but rather to his mind, the idea similar to ones he had kept close for years.“I have crawled in the dirt on my stomach for too long because of You, and I shall take a throne and dare You to steal it from me.”
He inhaled, once, a desperate attempt to calm the words he could feel rising like acid in his throat. It didn’t work, though Easton didn’t try very hard. He rarely did when alone. “I am owed this, you miserable old bastard,” he hissed out from behind his teeth, sounding like the snake he had just claimed to be. “I will take everything because this is Your fault, and I will make your precious sheep pay for every inch of Your mistake. It’s mine, I deserve it.” A hand was clenched into a fist in his lap and Easton shifted forward, only to slam it into the wood of the pew ahead of him. “It’s mine.”
He stood suddenly, coat rising around him like smoke rising around a fire, warning the world of the danger just over there. Turning on his heel, he left the cathedral without a look back, without a fear of God. And though there had been no one around, the air hung heavy with a question. Just which father had he been addressing?
Extras: If you have anything else you’d like to include (further headcanons, an inspo tag, a mock blog, etc), feel free to share it here! This is OPTIONAL.
I submitted this through an Easton mock blog! There was going to be stuff there but my laptop crashed and I need to eat dinner!
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Im too lazy to look at the questions so DO ALL OF THEM. (if you dont wanna then go on a random number generator and get 5 random numbers)
ITS REALLY LONG BUT I DID IT KJSHADJS HERE GOES i love oversharing my lifealso im putting a read more line bc its hella long
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?
water bottles
2. chocolate bars or lollipops?
ehhh depends on my mood. i’d say it’s (dark) chocolate most of the time (love that 70% dark chocolate mmMmMm)
3. bubblegum or cotton candy?
cotton candy!! except when it gets all over my face and hair o no
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?
common report book comments included
- very active
- bright
- “the live wire of the class”
- usually distracted but still does well
- mischievous
- playful
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?
bottles so that i can close it and save the rest for later and not have to chug it yeet
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
sportswear #sweatpantsalldayeveryday
7. earbuds or headphones?
def headphones but they’re inconvenient sometimes :/
8. movies or tv shows?
tv shows!! (also, my adhd ass can’t get through a movie without zoning out oops)
9. favorite smell in the summer?
i haven’t experienced /real/ summer (thank u singapore’s tropical climate) but i rly like the smell of rain :”)
10. game you were best at in p.e.?
making up excuses to skip pe
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?
belvitas before morning practice
croissant sandwich and chocolate milk after practice
if there’s no practice, then scrambled eggs from the dining hall lolol
if i’m too lazy to go to the dining hall, then cereal
12. name of your favorite playlist?
it’s literally called jams and the description is “a clusterfuck of stuff i’ve jammed to at some point”
13. lanyard or key ring?
key ring
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?
gummy bears/sour patch kids
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
death of a salesman - arthur miller
16. most comfortable position to sit in?
with one foot up on the chair and the other leg sitting normally
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?
a pair of asics sneakers
18. ideal weather?
15ºc/60ºf when its like cool but not too cold but also not ridiculously hot and also when theres no insane wind (a light breeze is fine)
19. sleeping position?
on my left side and hugging a pillow/bolster/soft toy
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
i like the feeling of pen and paper but im disorganized as hell so an apple pencil + ipad makes a good enough substitute
21. obsession from childhood?
frogs (i’ve loved them since i was 3 hehe)
22. role model?
a dude i used to train with for a while in 2014. he retired last year but he’s always looked out for me like an older brother since we trained together (he’s 8 years older than me lmao) and even thought i’m so far away rn he still checks in on me and stuff and idk he’s probably one of the swimmers i respect the most.
23. strange habits?
i cant fall asleep at night if im not hugging something.  like. it could be a pillow. or a soft toy. literally anything. once on a school trip i hugged a pair of sweatpants to sleep bc i legit cant fall asleep if im not hugging something.i have no problem falling asleep in class/on buses/cars/planes though.
24. favorite crystal?
idk i never really paid enough attention to crystals to actually have a favorite and know their names. they’re all rly pretty tho.
25. first song you remember hearing?
uhh h h i honestly can’t remember. probably some classical music bc i played the violin and that was my first experience of music that i was actually aware of????
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
switch on the aircon and take a nap / sit in bed on netflix/playing on my nintendo switch. and swimming outdoors i guess.
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?
switch on the heater and take a nap / sit in bed on netflix/playing on my nintendo switch.
do u see a pattern here
28. five songs to describe you?
jet lag - simple plan (bc time zones suck and i miss my fam & friends)
avalanche - bring me the horizon (pretty much sums up how tf my brain feels)
high hopes - p!atd
astronaut - simple plan
the reckless and the brave - all time low
29. best way to bond with you?
doing dumb shit with me
also Quality Time™️ like idk even if we’re chilling and doing our own shit i like just spending time with people im comfortable enough with
30. places that you find sacred?
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?
a hoodie and sweatpants
for no reason other than that’s what i wear 90% of the time
32. top five favorite vines?
this bitch empty. yeet.
im in my mom’s car VROOM VROOM
the one of that dad playing the saxophone (???) and the kid slamming the oven door open and shut
road works ahead “haha yea sure hope it does!”
33. most used phrase in your phone?
either lmao or lolol or LMFAO or yeet
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?
gOD i had spotify ads stuck in my head all the time before i switched to premium and now i cant remember any of them (thank god)
35. average time you fall asleep?
i’d say 12:30-1ish
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?
the tROLL FACE MEME LIKE those rage faces idk what they’re called but BASICALLY THOSE 2010-2012 era memes
37. suitcase or duffel bag?
suitcase!!! i like sitting on them and yeeting myself around on them or getting people to push me around and then falling off
38. lemonade or tea?
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?
ngl i havent had either of them before
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
so in jc2 (aka 12th grade), for some reason PEOPLE WERE PUTTING PRE-PACKAGED HARD BOILED EGGS ALL OVER THE SCHOOL. like they were still in their wrappers and all but u could open ur schoolbag and find like 5 eggs in there. and no one knew where they came from. i think at one point there were even eggs hanging from the pull-up bars. all i know is that they were everywhere and people in my batch still remember it as the egg invasion of acjc.
41. last person you texted?
my mom
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?
def jacket!!! especially when they have zips hehe
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?
44. favorite scent for soap?
idk man depends on my mood
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
sci-fi bc im a fricken nerd
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
shirt and sweats
47. favorite type of cheese?
cheddarrr also i like mozzerrella sticks
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
a fineapple B)
lmao jk ummmm maybe a watermelon bc when u hit it it sounds hollow, just like how my skull would sound if someone hit it (h a)
49. what saying or quote do you live by?
here for a good time not for a long time
never give up without a fight
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
idk probably some dumb meme. i laugh at a lot of stuff like i laugh anything even mildly funny. some that i can think of off the top of my head are:
- i was tryna type ducky but typed fucky instead and sOmEOnE (could be the person who submitted this ask, idk tho) changed my facebook messenger nickname to fucky and the notification was like ”poopy butthole changed your nickname to fucky” and i think that’s still the funniest sentence i’ve read in my whole life
- one time we went to mcdonalds and a friend said mcfluffy instead of mcflurry and idk why but i laughed so hard at that
- once @doduo and i spent half a chinese lesson cutting out random faces from the chinese newspaper and sticking them randomly all over the classroom and idk. it was the funniest thing ever. until the teacher came over and confiscated my scissors rip.
51. current stresses?
- an essay draft (that i am procrastinating rn by doing this, oops)
- CANADIAN TRIALS (but thats a good kind of stress)
- submitting a proposal for a group project but none of my groupmates are freaking replying my texts ugh
52. favorite font?
avenir next!! i find san serif fonts way easier to read than serif lolol.i like helvetica neue too.
53. what is the current state of your hands?
dry af but also i just got my nails done so they pretty rn hehe
54. what did you learn from your first job?
i…havent had a real job yet
55. favorite fairy tale?
idk i was never rly one for fairy tales even as a kid.
56. favorite tradition?
chinese new year when we get CASH and we spend 3 days just eating junk yEET im rly sad im gonna be missing it the next few years tho
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?
hh h h hh hhh hh hh they’re pretty personal i don’t /really/ wanna put it out here but i can text you the answer to this if you want (i’m perfectly fine with that!!)
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
- i think i’m pretty intuitive!!! i can guess anyone’s mbti if i’ve spent enough time with them/gotten a detailed enough description of them /winks/ and i can read people pretty well in general and i can draw links to themes/symbols in lit pretty well….???
- i’m somewhat decent at lettering…i think
- i’m good at pull-ups and also vertical jumps i’m secretly a froge
- i’m decent at photography…i guess….
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
pokemon !!
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
/sweats/ i’m not very good at remembering lines from books/movies/shows WELP
62. seven characters you relate to?
rosa diaz - b99
linguine - ratatouille (he’s permanently confused and he let a ratto take over his job bc he had no idea what he was doing like damn what a big mood)
dory - finding nemo/finding dory (i relate to the forgetfulness)
percy jackson
kale bae /winks/
mitt (during bad phases) /winks again, but sadly/
63. five songs that would play in your club?
idek man i wouldnt even be at my own club i’d be at home taking a nap i’ll just ask someone else to handle my playlist
64. favorite website from your childhood?
club penguin !!!
65. any permanent scars?
yE one of them was from jumping onto a treadmill going at 13km/h 2 years ago bc i thought i was a good idea
66. favorite flower(s)?
i dont have any
67. good luck charms?
i eat pancakes for breakfast on meet days!!!! altho i think this is more of a habit than a good luck charm tbh lmao.
also i guess pip???? he’s my emotional support narwhal :’)
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
durian. i cant stand the stuff or anything flavored like it ugh.
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?
red food coloring is derived from beetles
70. left or right handed?
71. least favorite pattern?
overly-floral patterns i guessssss. also i hate wearing stripes.
72. worst subject?
besides that, math and physics
73. favorite weird flavor combo?
i rly like vanilla ice cream and fries
also i would eat ketchup with nearly anything
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?
i usually just suck it up and go to sleep when it comes to pain but i guess an 8??? idk. i usually take advil/ibuprofen only for fevers
75. when did you lose your first tooth?
i got my first loose tooth on january 11 2005 and it fell out on january 18 2005 & it was a tuesday (pls don’t ask me how i remember this bc i dont know)
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
tater tots
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?
cactus i guess. idk im not good at plants.
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?
grocery store sushi (it was pretty decent in singapore so yeeeee lmao also i ate a lot of that as a kid)
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?
its the same photo for both so yeAh
80. earth tones or jewel tones?
81. fireflies or lightning bugs?
idk i always called them fireflies
82. pc or console?
83. writing or drawing?
drawing (more like doodlign for me bc i cant draw for shit)
84. podcasts or talk radio?
neither but if i rlllllly had to choose then podcasts i guessss s sss
84. barbie or polly pocket?
neither LMAO i gave all my barbies haircuts when i was a kid bc i didnt know what to do with them
85. fairy tales or mythology?
mythology for sure!! i love greek mythology (may or may not be bc of percy jackson lolol)
86. cookies or cupcakes?
87. your greatest fear?
losing those i love and care about (could be drifting or actual death it goes both ways)
88. your greatest wish?
rn, for my essay to write itself
for the short-term, to make the olympics (and WUGs…and worlds…and sea games…and asian games…and commonwealth games lmao)
for the long-term, uhhh idk. i just wanna live a life i’m satisfied with and to have a job i actually like and to be able to support my parents
89. who would you put before everyone else?
my mom
90. luckiest mistake?
i always say that i regret doing a year of college in singapore instead of coming here for freshman year but if i’d come in a year earlier like i was supposed to, i proba wouldn’t have made it past swim team tryouts and i made some pretty great friends in my first year of college soooo it all worked out i guessi cant think of any others rn
91. boxes or bags?
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?
fairy lights are rly pretty!!but i like natural light :”)
93. nicknames?
alpha childuhh h h i think thats about it??? i cant remember any others
94. favorite season?
spring’s pretty great rni like fall too (before it gets cOLd)
95. favorite app on your phone?
96. desktop background?
a photo of me looking rly cool at the starting blocks before a race B)
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?
4 - mine (singapore & US), my mom’s and my dad’s
98. favorite historical era?
uhh h h idk the ice age seemed pretty cool haha sike it was actually coldmedieval times seemed pretty cool too like damn i want a suit of armorWHEW I SPENT WAY TOO MUCH TIME ON THIS but i had fun so yeet
also if you read all the way down here ily and you’re cool
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tweakedouttexan · 5 years
5 Best Webcam For Streaming 2019 Plus Buyer’s Guide
I am convinced that technology is becoming bigger and bigger part of our lives. Knowing this, we must admit that communication has gone as far as using visual technology when two people are trying to connect. The most important aspect here is playing the webcam. There are a number of things one person can do with the webcam when it is attached to his/her computer. Just by using or installing some software you can do a lot more with your camera than just the regular video calls or checking your make-up or hair. These things sound great, And if you are a guy seeking a webcam for streaming, This Guide: Best Webcam For Streaming 2019, will set you on a right path.
Top 10  Best Webcam For Streaming 2019
# Preview Product Price 1
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Logitech C922x Pro Stream Webcam – Full 1080p HD Camera – Background Replacement Technology for… $72.46 Buy on Amazon 2
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Logitech BRIO – Ultra HD Webcam for Video Conferencing, Recording, and Streaming $176.80 Buy on Amazon 3
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Pro Stream Webcam 1080P HD Video Auto Focus Camera for Streaming, Game Recording, Conferencing, USB… $59.99 Buy on Amazon 4
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Logitech 1080p Pro Stream Webcam for HD Video Streaming and Recording at 1080p 30FPS $84.95 Buy on Amazon 5
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Logitech C922 Pro Stream Webcam 1080P Camera for HD Video Streaming & Recording 720P at 60Fps with… $79.63 Buy on Amazon 6
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Spedal Full HD Webcam 1536p, Beauty Live Streaming Webcam, Computer Laptop Camera for OBS Xbox… $42.99 Buy on Amazon 7
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Razer Kiyo: Full HD 1080p 30FPS / 720p 60FPS - Built in Adjustable Ring Light - Advanced Autofocus… $87.80 Buy on Amazon 8
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Logitech C920S Pro HD Webcam with Privacy Shutter - Widescreen Video Calling and Recording, 1080p… $69.99 Buy on Amazon 9
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Spedal Full HD Webcam 1080p, Beauty Live Streaming Webcam, Computer Laptop Camera for OBS Xbox… $32.99 Buy on Amazon 10
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Dericam 1080P Full HD Live Streaming Webcam, USB Desktop and Laptop Webcam, Mini Plug and Play Video… $24.95 Buy on Amazon
Why You Should Buy a Webcam
You can get your own camera for the price of 50$ up to 100$, and there are many places where you can get them. If you are asking yourself what are the cool things you can do with your camera here are some examples that might help you: •    You can use your camera as a surveillance system in your home or even your office. •    You can use your face to log in to windows. •    Optical character recognition. •    You can create cool time lapse videos. •    Turning your boring PC into a photo booth. •    You can use it to watch the birds that visit your bird feeder. •    You can even create your own fonts. •    You can do live streaming. •    You can use it to make your gaming sessions more fun.
How I Picked These Top 5 Webcam for Streaming
When it comes to streaming cameras I have 5 favorites that happened to be liked by other users as well. The first one is Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920 with its 1080p Camera. The second one is Logitech C922x Pro Stream Webcam, then the Microsoft LifeCam HD-3000, then the Logitech C930e 1080P HD Video Webcam and the last, but not least, is Logitech HD Pro Webcam C910.
Top 5 Picks Reviews: Choose Your Best Webcam For Streaming
All of these webcams have 1080p camera, which is probably the main reason why I picked them. Another important thing when choosing a webcam is how fast and compatible with most of the computers they are and these 5 stand strong on that point. You will also want a camera that is easy to use, so easy that even beginners can use it, out of all these 5 the Microsoft LifeCam HD-3000 is probably the easiest to use. Of course, when I invest my money in something I want quality products and all five of these have great quality for a relatively fair price. Another thing is that these five webcams have similar design and they are easy to install on the monitor. Therefore, low price, great picture, good sound, handling dark and light settings with ease, fast installation, looks good on your monitor what else can you ask for a fairly priced webcam? For me personally, these are the main characteristics that I look for when I buy a webcam.
Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920 Reviews
The Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920 has no bounds with self-expression. No matter if you use it for Skype or video blogs, this webcam will offer you lifelike HD picture. For Skype video calls this camera offers you full HD 1080p up to 1920 x 1080 pixels same as the video recordings. This webcam also has built-in microphones, which has an automatic noise reduction and that will ensure natural stereo sound. The webcam has a lens that has a five-element glass with very precise auto-focus that will give you amazingly clear and detailed picture. It also has a low-light correction and it can be used with a tripod and it has a universal clip for LCD monitor and laptops. This webcam is compatible with Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 or later, Mac OS 10.6 or later, Android v 5.0 or above, Chrome OS, Available USB port, and Internet connection.
What Current Owners said This Webcam
People, who have bought this webcam, say that it is more than what they expected from a webcam that does not cost much. They are surprised by the quality and the wide view that this webcam offers. Another thing that the users like is that you are able to adjust focus, color, white balance, zoom and so on, the way you prefer it. Buyers are also pleased with this webcam’s monitor mouth, which can be clamped at any monitor. Probably the biggest pro for this webcam will be the low cost, and then the quality and clarity of the view and that it can be put on any monitor. The only con might be the auto-focus meaning  when you use this camera for streaming the auto-focus will constantly try to find focus and that might make the stream unwatchable.
The Logitech C922x Pro Stream Webcam Reviews
The Logitech C922x Pro Stream Webcam is the webcam you need if you what your YouTube or Twitch videos to have a professional quality. The recordings or the stream will have a very lifelike view with this webcam with its HD 1080P video at 30Fps/ 720P at 60FPS. This webcam has full HD glass lens with premium auto-focus that will give you clear video. This product also has built-in microphones that will capture the voice in rich Stereo Audio. You do not have to worry if you are recording in dim or poorly backlit settings as this webcam has an automatic light correction.  For all the streamers out there by purchasing this webcam you will receive, for free, a six-month Xsplip license, an app that can help you make your streams as professional looking as possible.  If you are streaming games, lagging will never be an issue with the Logitech C922x Pro Stream Webcam. The performances that this webcam offers will simply give you a quality that will raise you above the others and that will be possible from your very own home. The webcam also has technology that offers background replacement and you can use it without the need for a green screen.  This webcam is compatible with Windows 7-10, Mac OS X 10.9 or later, Chrome OS, and Android v5.0 and above, all you will need to start broadcasting is a USB port.
People find it easy to set up this webcam and they are very pleased with the quality of the view. The con would be that some people have experienced difficulty when streaming music due to the sound phasing when you use it in stereo.  Anyhow, once you figure out how to work with this webcam the possibilities that it offers are endless.
The Microsoft Life Cam HD-300 Reviews
The Microsoft Life Cam HD-3000 offers you a widescreen with 720p HD recording and video chat. The built-in microphone has noise reduction, which is always a good thing. Thanks to the True Color technology your videos will be colorful and bright. You can attach it to any laptop, desktop or notebook thanks to the universal attachment base. As its manufacturer would say ‘your picture or video is worth 1,000 texts’ and this webcam will interpret that with HD view. Another thing is that this camera is easy to use that you do not have to be a professional to make good videos.
What Current Owners said This Webcam
Users have reported that you get your money worth with this webcam. They are satisfied with the clarity of the picture, as well as with the wide angle lens which allows for a better picture. Users have noticed that this webcam handles dark and light settings with ease and the attachment that comes with it is easy to put on any monitor without damaging it.  The video is stutter free on record and the microphone offers crystal clear audio. There have been noticed some flows like Windows 7 might not support this webcam and so far there has not been found a solution for this problem. Also, some people have reported that the webcam is not compatible with Windows 10. Knowing that this is a relatively cheap camera you cannot expect a long working period, but it is a good webcam that, for a low cost, can give you a good starting point with your streaming hobby.
Logitech C930e 1080P HD Video Webcam Reviews
The Logitech C930e 1080P HD Video Webcam is a business grade HD video webcam that offers full 1080p HD videos at 30 frames per second for the purposes such video conferences on your PC or Mac. This camera has the widest field of view of 90 degrees and it is the perfect tool for face to face video collaboration or whiteboard presentations in any office. This camera comes with a universal clip that fits laptops, CRT or LCD monitors. The webcam has HD 1080p H.264/SVC UVC 1.5 encoding, this frees up system bandwidth and your video stream will be smoother by putting video processing in the camera. Other features are pan, zoom and tilt functions as well as the advanced light correction technology which will deliver you the best video experience that you can ever fish for. The autofocus is smooth and it will keep your video image razor-sharp, even in close up situations. This webcam is compatible with Microsoft Lync 2013 and Skype and it is compatible with the of most UC and web conferencing applications.
What Current Owners said This Webcam
People who have bought this camera are pleasantly surprised by how wide the screen actually is. Another pleasant feature, that its users found, is how professional the image looks with this camera and no need to mention that the clarity of the image was impeccable. When it comes to this webcam’s flows some users have noticed that the autofocus can get jumpy at times. Every single time something moves the camera will try to readjust the focus and you end up with a few frames of defocus before everything becomes sharp again. You can get around this issue by setting the focus to manual.  Also, the camera sometimes might not be recognized by your computer even after you have unplugged it and restart it several times. And finally, some of the users have found that the sound is not so great and the recording capacity of the microphone is poor.
The Logitech HD Pro Webcam C910 Reviews
The Logitech HD Pro Webcam C910 has a Logitech Fluid Crystal
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Technology which gives you Full HD 1080p video recording and smooth HD 720p video calling. With this webcam, it will take you only click to upload a video on either YouTube or Facebook. The webcam also has 5 MP HD sensor and precision Carl Zeiss lens. For crystal clear videos and awesome 1- MP photos this webcam has autofocus and an intelligent auto light correction. The built-in microphones have noise-canceling properties which will make your sound be heard in clear and rich HD quality dual stereo.  This webcam works with Logitech Vid HD, Yahoo Messenger, Microsoft Live Messenger and Skype. The wide HD 720p screen will is with no doubt a nice feature.
What Current Owners said This Webcam
People that had the chance to try this product have reported that the installation is very quick and easy and they find the menu easy to understand. Users are also satisfied with how sharp the picture is with this webcam and the longevity of the camera is also quite long. The users have also noticed that the built-in microphones are capable of picking up even the quiet voices. About the flaws, some have noticed that the quality of the picture is not as good when they have used the webcam for video chats. Also, the clip that comes with the camera might not fit some laptop monitors.
If I Were You, I Will Choose Logitech C922x Pro Stream Webcam, Here Are the Reasons
Now comes the question which one out of these five should you buy. Since we are mainly interested in streaming my personal favorite is the Logitech C922x Pro Stream Webcam. This is the webcam that will make your videos look very professional, even if you are only a beginner. The audio is impeccable and it will capture even the quiet voices and the auto-focus will make every frame look crystal clear. Plus, we can forget that by purchasing this webcam you will receive, for free, a six-month Xsplip license, this the app that can help you make your streams as professional looking as possible. So, if you are about to start career or hobby with streaming, this is the webcam that I would strongly recommend for you.
5 Important Features when Choosing a Webcam
The functionality of the camera you choose has a direct correlation with the sum of money you are ready to spend on that camera. Naturally, if you need a webcam for the sole purpose of video chatting with your friends and family, then you will need one that cost less and that does not have high quality. But, if you are in search of a webcam for professional purposes, then you might want to check one with functionality such as video conferencing, because those are the ones that offer more features and higher picture quality.
The market is offering thousands of different webcams that have different sizes, shapes, prices, and specifications. Here are the 5 main tips you should pay attention to, and that will help you select the one that will meet your own needs:
The megapixels – Those tiny color dots that when they are combined they make the resulting visual picture are named megapixels. Naturally, the more megapixels one webcam has the more vivid and clear picture it will deliver. Nowadays, there is no big issue with the quantity of megapixels as there have been in the earlier period. The majority webcams on the market today are providing a realistic image quality. You are advised to for one that has 640X480 or 320X240 pixels as it will give you a good picture. You should pick a better specification for your webcam of 1280X720 pixels if you have the HD functionality.
The frame rate – First we saw that the megapixels are responsible for the image and its color vividness, and the frame rate is the one responsible for the smoothness and quality of the video. The amount of images that are displayed per second is decided by the frame rate. For a webcam that you will need for standard use 30fps (or frames per second) is more than fitting for you. But, those who are looking for with higher quality moving image and also one that is smoother should pick a webcam with the capabilities of 60 frames per second.
The lens quality – the video processing comes in stages and the first one is the lens. Naturally, it is very important for you to buy the exact lens to cater to your needs. Here you are advised to get a webcam with glass lens and not with plastic one because the glass one has more quality.
The continuous autofocus – Many times you will want to record with your camera scenario where there is a significant amount of movement in the background and the autofocus will enable the webcam to maintain you as the central focus and not diverting to another movement inside the frame.
The low light quality – You will with no doubt end up with very poor image quality if you use your camera in low light surroundings or in the evenings. In case you try interfering with the screen contrast and brightness, you will create a foggy and continued bad image on the screen. Some of the Logitech webcams have created ‘Right Light’ in the webcam. This will enable the image quality to be optimized in the reduced light conditions.
Other important thing you should consider when you use a webcam is your Internet connection’s speed. The speed of your computer processor and Input/Output ability is also an important issue. The video images take up lots of the capacity of the computer’s communications, therefore the faster it is the better it will work. I would suggest the fastest broadband speed you can find for the money you have, to avoid jumpy, start and stop video images. A lot people have bought webcams and very soon have faced a disappointment because of the bad video quality that resulted from the communications and computer limitations.
Choosing Webcam? It’s your turn now!
Just like when you want to buy a computer, there are many models of webcams available on the market. The prices start from low and very affordable to extremely pricey ones. You have to figure out what you need and want from your webcam so that you will not end up buying some extra features that will cost you more and you will never need to use.
What You Definitely Need
You need to pay attention to the webcam’s resolution; you will want one with high resolution. If you buy one with a lower resolution you will end up with an image that will look grainier on other’s screens. Your starting point for a good resolution should be 640 x 480.
Just like with the resolution the frame rate is also crucial, so you should look for a high FR. The reason for this is that high frame rates mean that the webcam will produce images will not periodically freeze or stutter on the viewer’s screens. Just look on the webcam’s packaging and find the fps (frames per second) a good frame rate starts at 15 fps and above. The higher you go the better you streams will be. Try to get as close as you can to 30 fps if you can afford higher than that it’s going to be even better for you.
What You Should Get
When it comes to the lens of the webcam you should always go for the glass lenses and try to avoid the plastic ones. This is because the glass ones will offer you a better performance and the price for them is not so much higher than the plastic ones. Needless to say, the lens is a crucial feature for the webcam’s performance.
If you are going to use your webcam in a room with a poor light that the auto-focusing, as well as the auto light adjustment, are the technologies that will come very handy to you.
Other standard webcam features are the ability to take still images and the built-in microphone. Also, make sure that the webcam you choose is able to take at least 2.0 megapixels images.
Bells and Whistles
Some webcams come with the feature like motion sensor and this is useful if you want to use your webcam as a security system. This feature can be built into the webcam or you can later download the software for it.
Some webcams have the abilities that include special and video effects; this will come handy if you want to include those kinds of things into your streams and videos. These features can also be downloaded as software.
High-Def Considerations
Another popular feature that a webcam can have is the ability to capture videos in high-definition. This feature will come handy if you plan to use your webcam for video streams to the YouTube or Twitch sites. You must be aware that this feature will also make the webcam cost a lot more; therefore, if you do not need it then it is better to not spend your money on it. Capturing video in 720p or higher is considered to be an HD.
What You Should Get
You will want a webcam with high resolution and high FR fir better images that do not tend to freeze or stutter. A glass lens for better performance alongside with auto-focusing and auto light adjustment. Your webcam should be able to take at least 2.0 megapixels images and to have a built-in microphone.
When it comes to the prices, just like I mentioned above, they can be from very affordable to the high-end ones. Usually, the prices start from $9.97 and go up to $299 on websites like Amazon.com and ToysRUs.com. What you must figure out is exactly what you want and need from your webcam so that you will not end up buying or not buying the features that you need or don’t need.
Read 5 Best Webcam For Streaming 2019 Plus Buyer’s Guide on Game Roe.
source https://www.gameroe.com/best-webcam-for-streaming source https://sheepmone.tumblr.com/post/183955438267
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ken-harrison · 5 years
5 Best Webcam For Streaming 2019 Plus Buyer’s Guide
I am convinced that technology is becoming bigger and bigger part of our lives. Knowing this, we must admit that communication has gone as far as using visual technology when two people are trying to connect. The most important aspect here is playing the webcam. There are a number of things one person can do with the webcam when it is attached to his/her computer. Just by using or installing some software you can do a lot more with your camera than just the regular video calls or checking your make-up or hair. These things sound great, And if you are a guy seeking a webcam for streaming, This Guide: Best Webcam For Streaming 2019, will set you on a right path.
Top 10  Best Webcam For Streaming 2019
# Preview Product Price 1
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Logitech C922x Pro Stream Webcam – Full 1080p HD Camera – Background Replacement Technology for… $72.46 Buy on Amazon 2
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Logitech BRIO – Ultra HD Webcam for Video Conferencing, Recording, and Streaming $176.80 Buy on Amazon 3
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Pro Stream Webcam 1080P HD Video Auto Focus Camera for Streaming, Game Recording, Conferencing, USB… $59.99 Buy on Amazon 4
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Logitech 1080p Pro Stream Webcam for HD Video Streaming and Recording at 1080p 30FPS $84.95 Buy on Amazon 5
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Logitech C922 Pro Stream Webcam 1080P Camera for HD Video Streaming & Recording 720P at 60Fps with… $79.63 Buy on Amazon 6
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Spedal Full HD Webcam 1536p, Beauty Live Streaming Webcam, Computer Laptop Camera for OBS Xbox… $42.99 Buy on Amazon 7
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Razer Kiyo: Full HD 1080p 30FPS / 720p 60FPS - Built in Adjustable Ring Light - Advanced Autofocus… $87.80 Buy on Amazon 8
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Logitech C920S Pro HD Webcam with Privacy Shutter - Widescreen Video Calling and Recording, 1080p… $69.99 Buy on Amazon 9
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Spedal Full HD Webcam 1080p, Beauty Live Streaming Webcam, Computer Laptop Camera for OBS Xbox… $32.99 Buy on Amazon 10
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Dericam 1080P Full HD Live Streaming Webcam, USB Desktop and Laptop Webcam, Mini Plug and Play Video… $24.95 Buy on Amazon
Why You Should Buy a Webcam
You can get your own camera for the price of 50$ up to 100$, and there are many places where you can get them. If you are asking yourself what are the cool things you can do with your camera here are some examples that might help you: •    You can use your camera as a surveillance system in your home or even your office. •    You can use your face to log in to windows. •    Optical character recognition. •    You can create cool time lapse videos. •    Turning your boring PC into a photo booth. •    You can use it to watch the birds that visit your bird feeder. •    You can even create your own fonts. •    You can do live streaming. •    You can use it to make your gaming sessions more fun.
How I Picked These Top 5 Webcam for Streaming
When it comes to streaming cameras I have 5 favorites that happened to be liked by other users as well. The first one is Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920 with its 1080p Camera. The second one is Logitech C922x Pro Stream Webcam, then the Microsoft LifeCam HD-3000, then the Logitech C930e 1080P HD Video Webcam and the last, but not least, is Logitech HD Pro Webcam C910.
Top 5 Picks Reviews: Choose Your Best Webcam For Streaming
All of these webcams have 1080p camera, which is probably the main reason why I picked them. Another important thing when choosing a webcam is how fast and compatible with most of the computers they are and these 5 stand strong on that point. You will also want a camera that is easy to use, so easy that even beginners can use it, out of all these 5 the Microsoft LifeCam HD-3000 is probably the easiest to use. Of course, when I invest my money in something I want quality products and all five of these have great quality for a relatively fair price. Another thing is that these five webcams have similar design and they are easy to install on the monitor. Therefore, low price, great picture, good sound, handling dark and light settings with ease, fast installation, looks good on your monitor what else can you ask for a fairly priced webcam? For me personally, these are the main characteristics that I look for when I buy a webcam.
Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920 Reviews
The Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920 has no bounds with self-expression. No matter if you use it for Skype or video blogs, this webcam will offer you lifelike HD picture. For Skype video calls this camera offers you full HD 1080p up to 1920 x 1080 pixels same as the video recordings. This webcam also has built-in microphones, which has an automatic noise reduction and that will ensure natural stereo sound. The webcam has a lens that has a five-element glass with very precise auto-focus that will give you amazingly clear and detailed picture. It also has a low-light correction and it can be used with a tripod and it has a universal clip for LCD monitor and laptops. This webcam is compatible with Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 or later, Mac OS 10.6 or later, Android v 5.0 or above, Chrome OS, Available USB port, and Internet connection.
What Current Owners said This Webcam
People, who have bought this webcam, say that it is more than what they expected from a webcam that does not cost much. They are surprised by the quality and the wide view that this webcam offers. Another thing that the users like is that you are able to adjust focus, color, white balance, zoom and so on, the way you prefer it. Buyers are also pleased with this webcam’s monitor mouth, which can be clamped at any monitor. Probably the biggest pro for this webcam will be the low cost, and then the quality and clarity of the view and that it can be put on any monitor. The only con might be the auto-focus meaning  when you use this camera for streaming the auto-focus will constantly try to find focus and that might make the stream unwatchable.
The Logitech C922x Pro Stream Webcam Reviews
The Logitech C922x Pro Stream Webcam is the webcam you need if you what your YouTube or Twitch videos to have a professional quality. The recordings or the stream will have a very lifelike view with this webcam with its HD 1080P video at 30Fps/ 720P at 60FPS. This webcam has full HD glass lens with premium auto-focus that will give you clear video. This product also has built-in microphones that will capture the voice in rich Stereo Audio. You do not have to worry if you are recording in dim or poorly backlit settings as this webcam has an automatic light correction.  For all the streamers out there by purchasing this webcam you will receive, for free, a six-month Xsplip license, an app that can help you make your streams as professional looking as possible.  If you are streaming games, lagging will never be an issue with the Logitech C922x Pro Stream Webcam. The performances that this webcam offers will simply give you a quality that will raise you above the others and that will be possible from your very own home. The webcam also has technology that offers background replacement and you can use it without the need for a green screen.  This webcam is compatible with Windows 7-10, Mac OS X 10.9 or later, Chrome OS, and Android v5.0 and above, all you will need to start broadcasting is a USB port.
People find it easy to set up this webcam and they are very pleased with the quality of the view. The con would be that some people have experienced difficulty when streaming music due to the sound phasing when you use it in stereo.  Anyhow, once you figure out how to work with this webcam the possibilities that it offers are endless.
The Microsoft Life Cam HD-300 Reviews
The Microsoft Life Cam HD-3000 offers you a widescreen with 720p HD recording and video chat. The built-in microphone has noise reduction, which is always a good thing. Thanks to the True Color technology your videos will be colorful and bright. You can attach it to any laptop, desktop or notebook thanks to the universal attachment base. As its manufacturer would say ‘your picture or video is worth 1,000 texts’ and this webcam will interpret that with HD view. Another thing is that this camera is easy to use that you do not have to be a professional to make good videos.
What Current Owners said This Webcam
Users have reported that you get your money worth with this webcam. They are satisfied with the clarity of the picture, as well as with the wide angle lens which allows for a better picture. Users have noticed that this webcam handles dark and light settings with ease and the attachment that comes with it is easy to put on any monitor without damaging it.  The video is stutter free on record and the microphone offers crystal clear audio. There have been noticed some flows like Windows 7 might not support this webcam and so far there has not been found a solution for this problem. Also, some people have reported that the webcam is not compatible with Windows 10. Knowing that this is a relatively cheap camera you cannot expect a long working period, but it is a good webcam that, for a low cost, can give you a good starting point with your streaming hobby.
Logitech C930e 1080P HD Video Webcam Reviews
The Logitech C930e 1080P HD Video Webcam is a business grade HD video webcam that offers full 1080p HD videos at 30 frames per second for the purposes such video conferences on your PC or Mac. This camera has the widest field of view of 90 degrees and it is the perfect tool for face to face video collaboration or whiteboard presentations in any office. This camera comes with a universal clip that fits laptops, CRT or LCD monitors. The webcam has HD 1080p H.264/SVC UVC 1.5 encoding, this frees up system bandwidth and your video stream will be smoother by putting video processing in the camera. Other features are pan, zoom and tilt functions as well as the advanced light correction technology which will deliver you the best video experience that you can ever fish for. The autofocus is smooth and it will keep your video image razor-sharp, even in close up situations. This webcam is compatible with Microsoft Lync 2013 and Skype and it is compatible with the of most UC and web conferencing applications.
What Current Owners said This Webcam
People who have bought this camera are pleasantly surprised by how wide the screen actually is. Another pleasant feature, that its users found, is how professional the image looks with this camera and no need to mention that the clarity of the image was impeccable. When it comes to this webcam’s flows some users have noticed that the autofocus can get jumpy at times. Every single time something moves the camera will try to readjust the focus and you end up with a few frames of defocus before everything becomes sharp again. You can get around this issue by setting the focus to manual.  Also, the camera sometimes might not be recognized by your computer even after you have unplugged it and restart it several times. And finally, some of the users have found that the sound is not so great and the recording capacity of the microphone is poor.
The Logitech HD Pro Webcam C910 Reviews
The Logitech HD Pro Webcam C910 has a Logitech Fluid Crystal
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Technology which gives you Full HD 1080p video recording and smooth HD 720p video calling. With this webcam, it will take you only click to upload a video on either YouTube or Facebook. The webcam also has 5 MP HD sensor and precision Carl Zeiss lens. For crystal clear videos and awesome 1- MP photos this webcam has autofocus and an intelligent auto light correction. The built-in microphones have noise-canceling properties which will make your sound be heard in clear and rich HD quality dual stereo.  This webcam works with Logitech Vid HD, Yahoo Messenger, Microsoft Live Messenger and Skype. The wide HD 720p screen will is with no doubt a nice feature.
What Current Owners said This Webcam
People that had the chance to try this product have reported that the installation is very quick and easy and they find the menu easy to understand. Users are also satisfied with how sharp the picture is with this webcam and the longevity of the camera is also quite long. The users have also noticed that the built-in microphones are capable of picking up even the quiet voices. About the flaws, some have noticed that the quality of the picture is not as good when they have used the webcam for video chats. Also, the clip that comes with the camera might not fit some laptop monitors.
If I Were You, I Will Choose Logitech C922x Pro Stream Webcam, Here Are the Reasons
Now comes the question which one out of these five should you buy. Since we are mainly interested in streaming my personal favorite is the Logitech C922x Pro Stream Webcam. This is the webcam that will make your videos look very professional, even if you are only a beginner. The audio is impeccable and it will capture even the quiet voices and the auto-focus will make every frame look crystal clear. Plus, we can forget that by purchasing this webcam you will receive, for free, a six-month Xsplip license, this the app that can help you make your streams as professional looking as possible. So, if you are about to start career or hobby with streaming, this is the webcam that I would strongly recommend for you.
5 Important Features when Choosing a Webcam
The functionality of the camera you choose has a direct correlation with the sum of money you are ready to spend on that camera. Naturally, if you need a webcam for the sole purpose of video chatting with your friends and family, then you will need one that cost less and that does not have high quality. But, if you are in search of a webcam for professional purposes, then you might want to check one with functionality such as video conferencing, because those are the ones that offer more features and higher picture quality.
The market is offering thousands of different webcams that have different sizes, shapes, prices, and specifications. Here are the 5 main tips you should pay attention to, and that will help you select the one that will meet your own needs:
The megapixels – Those tiny color dots that when they are combined they make the resulting visual picture are named megapixels. Naturally, the more megapixels one webcam has the more vivid and clear picture it will deliver. Nowadays, there is no big issue with the quantity of megapixels as there have been in the earlier period. The majority webcams on the market today are providing a realistic image quality. You are advised to for one that has 640X480 or 320X240 pixels as it will give you a good picture. You should pick a better specification for your webcam of 1280X720 pixels if you have the HD functionality.
The frame rate – First we saw that the megapixels are responsible for the image and its color vividness, and the frame rate is the one responsible for the smoothness and quality of the video. The amount of images that are displayed per second is decided by the frame rate. For a webcam that you will need for standard use 30fps (or frames per second) is more than fitting for you. But, those who are looking for with higher quality moving image and also one that is smoother should pick a webcam with the capabilities of 60 frames per second.
The lens quality – the video processing comes in stages and the first one is the lens. Naturally, it is very important for you to buy the exact lens to cater to your needs. Here you are advised to get a webcam with glass lens and not with plastic one because the glass one has more quality.
The continuous autofocus – Many times you will want to record with your camera scenario where there is a significant amount of movement in the background and the autofocus will enable the webcam to maintain you as the central focus and not diverting to another movement inside the frame.
The low light quality – You will with no doubt end up with very poor image quality if you use your camera in low light surroundings or in the evenings. In case you try interfering with the screen contrast and brightness, you will create a foggy and continued bad image on the screen. Some of the Logitech webcams have created ‘Right Light’ in the webcam. This will enable the image quality to be optimized in the reduced light conditions.
Other important thing you should consider when you use a webcam is your Internet connection’s speed. The speed of your computer processor and Input/Output ability is also an important issue. The video images take up lots of the capacity of the computer’s communications, therefore the faster it is the better it will work. I would suggest the fastest broadband speed you can find for the money you have, to avoid jumpy, start and stop video images. A lot people have bought webcams and very soon have faced a disappointment because of the bad video quality that resulted from the communications and computer limitations.
Choosing Webcam? It’s your turn now!
Just like when you want to buy a computer, there are many models of webcams available on the market. The prices start from low and very affordable to extremely pricey ones. You have to figure out what you need and want from your webcam so that you will not end up buying some extra features that will cost you more and you will never need to use.
What You Definitely Need
You need to pay attention to the webcam’s resolution; you will want one with high resolution. If you buy one with a lower resolution you will end up with an image that will look grainier on other’s screens. Your starting point for a good resolution should be 640 x 480.
Just like with the resolution the frame rate is also crucial, so you should look for a high FR. The reason for this is that high frame rates mean that the webcam will produce images will not periodically freeze or stutter on the viewer’s screens. Just look on the webcam’s packaging and find the fps (frames per second) a good frame rate starts at 15 fps and above. The higher you go the better you streams will be. Try to get as close as you can to 30 fps if you can afford higher than that it’s going to be even better for you.
What You Should Get
When it comes to the lens of the webcam you should always go for the glass lenses and try to avoid the plastic ones. This is because the glass ones will offer you a better performance and the price for them is not so much higher than the plastic ones. Needless to say, the lens is a crucial feature for the webcam’s performance.
If you are going to use your webcam in a room with a poor light that the auto-focusing, as well as the auto light adjustment, are the technologies that will come very handy to you.
Other standard webcam features are the ability to take still images and the built-in microphone. Also, make sure that the webcam you choose is able to take at least 2.0 megapixels images.
Bells and Whistles
Some webcams come with the feature like motion sensor and this is useful if you want to use your webcam as a security system. This feature can be built into the webcam or you can later download the software for it.
Some webcams have the abilities that include special and video effects; this will come handy if you want to include those kinds of things into your streams and videos. These features can also be downloaded as software.
High-Def Considerations
Another popular feature that a webcam can have is the ability to capture videos in high-definition. This feature will come handy if you plan to use your webcam for video streams to the YouTube or Twitch sites. You must be aware that this feature will also make the webcam cost a lot more; therefore, if you do not need it then it is better to not spend your money on it. Capturing video in 720p or higher is considered to be an HD.
What You Should Get
You will want a webcam with high resolution and high FR fir better images that do not tend to freeze or stutter. A glass lens for better performance alongside with auto-focusing and auto light adjustment. Your webcam should be able to take at least 2.0 megapixels images and to have a built-in microphone.
When it comes to the prices, just like I mentioned above, they can be from very affordable to the high-end ones. Usually, the prices start from $9.97 and go up to $299 on websites like Amazon.com and ToysRUs.com. What you must figure out is exactly what you want and need from your webcam so that you will not end up buying or not buying the features that you need or don’t need.
Read 5 Best Webcam For Streaming 2019 Plus Buyer’s Guide on Game Roe.
source https://www.gameroe.com/best-webcam-for-streaming source https://sheepmone.tumblr.com/post/183955438267
1 note · View note
cecilvandekamp · 5 years
5 Best Webcam For Streaming 2019 Plus Buyer’s Guide
I am convinced that technology is becoming bigger and bigger part of our lives. Knowing this, we must admit that communication has gone as far as using visual technology when two people are trying to connect. The most important aspect here is playing the webcam. There are a number of things one person can do with the webcam when it is attached to his/her computer. Just by using or installing some software you can do a lot more with your camera than just the regular video calls or checking your make-up or hair. These things sound great, And if you are a guy seeking a webcam for streaming, This Guide: Best Webcam For Streaming 2019, will set you on a right path.
Top 10  Best Webcam For Streaming 2019
# Preview Product Price 1
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Logitech C922x Pro Stream Webcam – Full 1080p HD Camera – Background Replacement Technology for… $72.46 Buy on Amazon 2
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Logitech BRIO – Ultra HD Webcam for Video Conferencing, Recording, and Streaming $176.80 Buy on Amazon 3
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Pro Stream Webcam 1080P HD Video Auto Focus Camera for Streaming, Game Recording, Conferencing, USB… $59.99 Buy on Amazon 4
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Logitech 1080p Pro Stream Webcam for HD Video Streaming and Recording at 1080p 30FPS $84.95 Buy on Amazon 5
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Logitech C922 Pro Stream Webcam 1080P Camera for HD Video Streaming & Recording 720P at 60Fps with… $79.63 Buy on Amazon 6
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Spedal Full HD Webcam 1536p, Beauty Live Streaming Webcam, Computer Laptop Camera for OBS Xbox… $42.99 Buy on Amazon 7
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Razer Kiyo: Full HD 1080p 30FPS / 720p 60FPS - Built in Adjustable Ring Light - Advanced Autofocus… $87.80 Buy on Amazon 8
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Logitech C920S Pro HD Webcam with Privacy Shutter - Widescreen Video Calling and Recording, 1080p… $69.99 Buy on Amazon 9
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Spedal Full HD Webcam 1080p, Beauty Live Streaming Webcam, Computer Laptop Camera for OBS Xbox… $32.99 Buy on Amazon 10
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Dericam 1080P Full HD Live Streaming Webcam, USB Desktop and Laptop Webcam, Mini Plug and Play Video… $24.95 Buy on Amazon
Why You Should Buy a Webcam
You can get your own camera for the price of 50$ up to 100$, and there are many places where you can get them. If you are asking yourself what are the cool things you can do with your camera here are some examples that might help you: •    You can use your camera as a surveillance system in your home or even your office. •    You can use your face to log in to windows. •    Optical character recognition. •    You can create cool time lapse videos. •    Turning your boring PC into a photo booth. •    You can use it to watch the birds that visit your bird feeder. •    You can even create your own fonts. •    You can do live streaming. •    You can use it to make your gaming sessions more fun.
How I Picked These Top 5 Webcam for Streaming
When it comes to streaming cameras I have 5 favorites that happened to be liked by other users as well. The first one is Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920 with its 1080p Camera. The second one is Logitech C922x Pro Stream Webcam, then the Microsoft LifeCam HD-3000, then the Logitech C930e 1080P HD Video Webcam and the last, but not least, is Logitech HD Pro Webcam C910.
Top 5 Picks Reviews: Choose Your Best Webcam For Streaming
All of these webcams have 1080p camera, which is probably the main reason why I picked them. Another important thing when choosing a webcam is how fast and compatible with most of the computers they are and these 5 stand strong on that point. You will also want a camera that is easy to use, so easy that even beginners can use it, out of all these 5 the Microsoft LifeCam HD-3000 is probably the easiest to use. Of course, when I invest my money in something I want quality products and all five of these have great quality for a relatively fair price. Another thing is that these five webcams have similar design and they are easy to install on the monitor. Therefore, low price, great picture, good sound, handling dark and light settings with ease, fast installation, looks good on your monitor what else can you ask for a fairly priced webcam? For me personally, these are the main characteristics that I look for when I buy a webcam.
Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920 Reviews
The Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920 has no bounds with self-expression. No matter if you use it for Skype or video blogs, this webcam will offer you lifelike HD picture. For Skype video calls this camera offers you full HD 1080p up to 1920 x 1080 pixels same as the video recordings. This webcam also has built-in microphones, which has an automatic noise reduction and that will ensure natural stereo sound. The webcam has a lens that has a five-element glass with very precise auto-focus that will give you amazingly clear and detailed picture. It also has a low-light correction and it can be used with a tripod and it has a universal clip for LCD monitor and laptops. This webcam is compatible with Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 or later, Mac OS 10.6 or later, Android v 5.0 or above, Chrome OS, Available USB port, and Internet connection.
What Current Owners said This Webcam
People, who have bought this webcam, say that it is more than what they expected from a webcam that does not cost much. They are surprised by the quality and the wide view that this webcam offers. Another thing that the users like is that you are able to adjust focus, color, white balance, zoom and so on, the way you prefer it. Buyers are also pleased with this webcam’s monitor mouth, which can be clamped at any monitor. Probably the biggest pro for this webcam will be the low cost, and then the quality and clarity of the view and that it can be put on any monitor. The only con might be the auto-focus meaning  when you use this camera for streaming the auto-focus will constantly try to find focus and that might make the stream unwatchable.
The Logitech C922x Pro Stream Webcam Reviews
The Logitech C922x Pro Stream Webcam is the webcam you need if you what your YouTube or Twitch videos to have a professional quality. The recordings or the stream will have a very lifelike view with this webcam with its HD 1080P video at 30Fps/ 720P at 60FPS. This webcam has full HD glass lens with premium auto-focus that will give you clear video. This product also has built-in microphones that will capture the voice in rich Stereo Audio. You do not have to worry if you are recording in dim or poorly backlit settings as this webcam has an automatic light correction.  For all the streamers out there by purchasing this webcam you will receive, for free, a six-month Xsplip license, an app that can help you make your streams as professional looking as possible.  If you are streaming games, lagging will never be an issue with the Logitech C922x Pro Stream Webcam. The performances that this webcam offers will simply give you a quality that will raise you above the others and that will be possible from your very own home. The webcam also has technology that offers background replacement and you can use it without the need for a green screen.  This webcam is compatible with Windows 7-10, Mac OS X 10.9 or later, Chrome OS, and Android v5.0 and above, all you will need to start broadcasting is a USB port.
People find it easy to set up this webcam and they are very pleased with the quality of the view. The con would be that some people have experienced difficulty when streaming music due to the sound phasing when you use it in stereo.  Anyhow, once you figure out how to work with this webcam the possibilities that it offers are endless.
The Microsoft Life Cam HD-300 Reviews
The Microsoft Life Cam HD-3000 offers you a widescreen with 720p HD recording and video chat. The built-in microphone has noise reduction, which is always a good thing. Thanks to the True Color technology your videos will be colorful and bright. You can attach it to any laptop, desktop or notebook thanks to the universal attachment base. As its manufacturer would say ‘your picture or video is worth 1,000 texts’ and this webcam will interpret that with HD view. Another thing is that this camera is easy to use that you do not have to be a professional to make good videos.
What Current Owners said This Webcam
Users have reported that you get your money worth with this webcam. They are satisfied with the clarity of the picture, as well as with the wide angle lens which allows for a better picture. Users have noticed that this webcam handles dark and light settings with ease and the attachment that comes with it is easy to put on any monitor without damaging it.  The video is stutter free on record and the microphone offers crystal clear audio. There have been noticed some flows like Windows 7 might not support this webcam and so far there has not been found a solution for this problem. Also, some people have reported that the webcam is not compatible with Windows 10. Knowing that this is a relatively cheap camera you cannot expect a long working period, but it is a good webcam that, for a low cost, can give you a good starting point with your streaming hobby.
Logitech C930e 1080P HD Video Webcam Reviews
The Logitech C930e 1080P HD Video Webcam is a business grade HD video webcam that offers full 1080p HD videos at 30 frames per second for the purposes such video conferences on your PC or Mac. This camera has the widest field of view of 90 degrees and it is the perfect tool for face to face video collaboration or whiteboard presentations in any office. This camera comes with a universal clip that fits laptops, CRT or LCD monitors. The webcam has HD 1080p H.264/SVC UVC 1.5 encoding, this frees up system bandwidth and your video stream will be smoother by putting video processing in the camera. Other features are pan, zoom and tilt functions as well as the advanced light correction technology which will deliver you the best video experience that you can ever fish for. The autofocus is smooth and it will keep your video image razor-sharp, even in close up situations. This webcam is compatible with Microsoft Lync 2013 and Skype and it is compatible with the of most UC and web conferencing applications.
What Current Owners said This Webcam
People who have bought this camera are pleasantly surprised by how wide the screen actually is. Another pleasant feature, that its users found, is how professional the image looks with this camera and no need to mention that the clarity of the image was impeccable. When it comes to this webcam’s flows some users have noticed that the autofocus can get jumpy at times. Every single time something moves the camera will try to readjust the focus and you end up with a few frames of defocus before everything becomes sharp again. You can get around this issue by setting the focus to manual.  Also, the camera sometimes might not be recognized by your computer even after you have unplugged it and restart it several times. And finally, some of the users have found that the sound is not so great and the recording capacity of the microphone is poor.
The Logitech HD Pro Webcam C910 Reviews
The Logitech HD Pro Webcam C910 has a Logitech Fluid Crystal
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Technology which gives you Full HD 1080p video recording and smooth HD 720p video calling. With this webcam, it will take you only click to upload a video on either YouTube or Facebook. The webcam also has 5 MP HD sensor and precision Carl Zeiss lens. For crystal clear videos and awesome 1- MP photos this webcam has autofocus and an intelligent auto light correction. The built-in microphones have noise-canceling properties which will make your sound be heard in clear and rich HD quality dual stereo.  This webcam works with Logitech Vid HD, Yahoo Messenger, Microsoft Live Messenger and Skype. The wide HD 720p screen will is with no doubt a nice feature.
What Current Owners said This Webcam
People that had the chance to try this product have reported that the installation is very quick and easy and they find the menu easy to understand. Users are also satisfied with how sharp the picture is with this webcam and the longevity of the camera is also quite long. The users have also noticed that the built-in microphones are capable of picking up even the quiet voices. About the flaws, some have noticed that the quality of the picture is not as good when they have used the webcam for video chats. Also, the clip that comes with the camera might not fit some laptop monitors.
If I Were You, I Will Choose Logitech C922x Pro Stream Webcam, Here Are the Reasons
Now comes the question which one out of these five should you buy. Since we are mainly interested in streaming my personal favorite is the Logitech C922x Pro Stream Webcam. This is the webcam that will make your videos look very professional, even if you are only a beginner. The audio is impeccable and it will capture even the quiet voices and the auto-focus will make every frame look crystal clear. Plus, we can forget that by purchasing this webcam you will receive, for free, a six-month Xsplip license, this the app that can help you make your streams as professional looking as possible. So, if you are about to start career or hobby with streaming, this is the webcam that I would strongly recommend for you.
5 Important Features when Choosing a Webcam
The functionality of the camera you choose has a direct correlation with the sum of money you are ready to spend on that camera. Naturally, if you need a webcam for the sole purpose of video chatting with your friends and family, then you will need one that cost less and that does not have high quality. But, if you are in search of a webcam for professional purposes, then you might want to check one with functionality such as video conferencing, because those are the ones that offer more features and higher picture quality.
The market is offering thousands of different webcams that have different sizes, shapes, prices, and specifications. Here are the 5 main tips you should pay attention to, and that will help you select the one that will meet your own needs:
The megapixels – Those tiny color dots that when they are combined they make the resulting visual picture are named megapixels. Naturally, the more megapixels one webcam has the more vivid and clear picture it will deliver. Nowadays, there is no big issue with the quantity of megapixels as there have been in the earlier period. The majority webcams on the market today are providing a realistic image quality. You are advised to for one that has 640X480 or 320X240 pixels as it will give you a good picture. You should pick a better specification for your webcam of 1280X720 pixels if you have the HD functionality.
The frame rate – First we saw that the megapixels are responsible for the image and its color vividness, and the frame rate is the one responsible for the smoothness and quality of the video. The amount of images that are displayed per second is decided by the frame rate. For a webcam that you will need for standard use 30fps (or frames per second) is more than fitting for you. But, those who are looking for with higher quality moving image and also one that is smoother should pick a webcam with the capabilities of 60 frames per second.
The lens quality – the video processing comes in stages and the first one is the lens. Naturally, it is very important for you to buy the exact lens to cater to your needs. Here you are advised to get a webcam with glass lens and not with plastic one because the glass one has more quality.
The continuous autofocus – Many times you will want to record with your camera scenario where there is a significant amount of movement in the background and the autofocus will enable the webcam to maintain you as the central focus and not diverting to another movement inside the frame.
The low light quality – You will with no doubt end up with very poor image quality if you use your camera in low light surroundings or in the evenings. In case you try interfering with the screen contrast and brightness, you will create a foggy and continued bad image on the screen. Some of the Logitech webcams have created ‘Right Light’ in the webcam. This will enable the image quality to be optimized in the reduced light conditions.
Other important thing you should consider when you use a webcam is your Internet connection’s speed. The speed of your computer processor and Input/Output ability is also an important issue. The video images take up lots of the capacity of the computer’s communications, therefore the faster it is the better it will work. I would suggest the fastest broadband speed you can find for the money you have, to avoid jumpy, start and stop video images. A lot people have bought webcams and very soon have faced a disappointment because of the bad video quality that resulted from the communications and computer limitations.
Choosing Webcam? It’s your turn now!
Just like when you want to buy a computer, there are many models of webcams available on the market. The prices start from low and very affordable to extremely pricey ones. You have to figure out what you need and want from your webcam so that you will not end up buying some extra features that will cost you more and you will never need to use.
What You Definitely Need
You need to pay attention to the webcam’s resolution; you will want one with high resolution. If you buy one with a lower resolution you will end up with an image that will look grainier on other’s screens. Your starting point for a good resolution should be 640 x 480.
Just like with the resolution the frame rate is also crucial, so you should look for a high FR. The reason for this is that high frame rates mean that the webcam will produce images will not periodically freeze or stutter on the viewer’s screens. Just look on the webcam’s packaging and find the fps (frames per second) a good frame rate starts at 15 fps and above. The higher you go the better you streams will be. Try to get as close as you can to 30 fps if you can afford higher than that it’s going to be even better for you.
What You Should Get
When it comes to the lens of the webcam you should always go for the glass lenses and try to avoid the plastic ones. This is because the glass ones will offer you a better performance and the price for them is not so much higher than the plastic ones. Needless to say, the lens is a crucial feature for the webcam’s performance.
If you are going to use your webcam in a room with a poor light that the auto-focusing, as well as the auto light adjustment, are the technologies that will come very handy to you.
Other standard webcam features are the ability to take still images and the built-in microphone. Also, make sure that the webcam you choose is able to take at least 2.0 megapixels images.
Bells and Whistles
Some webcams come with the feature like motion sensor and this is useful if you want to use your webcam as a security system. This feature can be built into the webcam or you can later download the software for it.
Some webcams have the abilities that include special and video effects; this will come handy if you want to include those kinds of things into your streams and videos. These features can also be downloaded as software.
High-Def Considerations
Another popular feature that a webcam can have is the ability to capture videos in high-definition. This feature will come handy if you plan to use your webcam for video streams to the YouTube or Twitch sites. You must be aware that this feature will also make the webcam cost a lot more; therefore, if you do not need it then it is better to not spend your money on it. Capturing video in 720p or higher is considered to be an HD.
What You Should Get
You will want a webcam with high resolution and high FR fir better images that do not tend to freeze or stutter. A glass lens for better performance alongside with auto-focusing and auto light adjustment. Your webcam should be able to take at least 2.0 megapixels images and to have a built-in microphone.
When it comes to the prices, just like I mentioned above, they can be from very affordable to the high-end ones. Usually, the prices start from $9.97 and go up to $299 on websites like Amazon.com and ToysRUs.com. What you must figure out is exactly what you want and need from your webcam so that you will not end up buying or not buying the features that you need or don’t need.
Read 5 Best Webcam For Streaming 2019 Plus Buyer’s Guide on Game Roe.
source https://www.gameroe.com/best-webcam-for-streaming source https://sheepmone.tumblr.com/post/183955438267
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sheepmone · 5 years
5 Best Webcam For Streaming 2019 Plus Buyer’s Guide
I am convinced that technology is becoming bigger and bigger part of our lives. Knowing this, we must admit that communication has gone as far as using visual technology when two people are trying to connect. The most important aspect here is playing the webcam. There are a number of things one person can do with the webcam when it is attached to his/her computer. Just by using or installing some software you can do a lot more with your camera than just the regular video calls or checking your make-up or hair. These things sound great, And if you are a guy seeking a webcam for streaming, This Guide: Best Webcam For Streaming 2019, will set you on a right path.
Top 10  Best Webcam For Streaming 2019
# Preview Product Price 1
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Logitech C922x Pro Stream Webcam – Full 1080p HD Camera – Background Replacement Technology for... $72.46 Buy on Amazon 2
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Logitech BRIO – Ultra HD Webcam for Video Conferencing, Recording, and Streaming $176.80 Buy on Amazon 3
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Pro Stream Webcam 1080P HD Video Auto Focus Camera for Streaming, Game Recording, Conferencing, USB... $59.99 Buy on Amazon 4
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Logitech 1080p Pro Stream Webcam for HD Video Streaming and Recording at 1080p 30FPS $84.95 Buy on Amazon 5
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Logitech C922 Pro Stream Webcam 1080P Camera for HD Video Streaming & Recording 720P at 60Fps with... $79.63 Buy on Amazon 6
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Spedal Full HD Webcam 1536p, Beauty Live Streaming Webcam, Computer Laptop Camera for OBS Xbox... $42.99 Buy on Amazon 7
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Razer Kiyo: Full HD 1080p 30FPS / 720p 60FPS - Built in Adjustable Ring Light - Advanced Autofocus... $87.80 Buy on Amazon 8
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Logitech C920S Pro HD Webcam with Privacy Shutter - Widescreen Video Calling and Recording, 1080p... $69.99 Buy on Amazon 9
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Spedal Full HD Webcam 1080p, Beauty Live Streaming Webcam, Computer Laptop Camera for OBS Xbox... $32.99 Buy on Amazon 10
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Dericam 1080P Full HD Live Streaming Webcam, USB Desktop and Laptop Webcam, Mini Plug and Play Video... $24.95 Buy on Amazon
Why You Should Buy a Webcam
You can get your own camera for the price of 50$ up to 100$, and there are many places where you can get them. If you are asking yourself what are the cool things you can do with your camera here are some examples that might help you: •    You can use your camera as a surveillance system in your home or even your office. •    You can use your face to log in to windows. •    Optical character recognition. •    You can create cool time lapse videos. •    Turning your boring PC into a photo booth. •    You can use it to watch the birds that visit your bird feeder. •    You can even create your own fonts. •    You can do live streaming. •    You can use it to make your gaming sessions more fun.
How I Picked These Top 5 Webcam for Streaming
When it comes to streaming cameras I have 5 favorites that happened to be liked by other users as well. The first one is Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920 with its 1080p Camera. The second one is Logitech C922x Pro Stream Webcam, then the Microsoft LifeCam HD-3000, then the Logitech C930e 1080P HD Video Webcam and the last, but not least, is Logitech HD Pro Webcam C910.
Top 5 Picks Reviews: Choose Your Best Webcam For Streaming
All of these webcams have 1080p camera, which is probably the main reason why I picked them. Another important thing when choosing a webcam is how fast and compatible with most of the computers they are and these 5 stand strong on that point. You will also want a camera that is easy to use, so easy that even beginners can use it, out of all these 5 the Microsoft LifeCam HD-3000 is probably the easiest to use. Of course, when I invest my money in something I want quality products and all five of these have great quality for a relatively fair price. Another thing is that these five webcams have similar design and they are easy to install on the monitor. Therefore, low price, great picture, good sound, handling dark and light settings with ease, fast installation, looks good on your monitor what else can you ask for a fairly priced webcam? For me personally, these are the main characteristics that I look for when I buy a webcam.
Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920 Reviews
The Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920 has no bounds with self-expression. No matter if you use it for Skype or video blogs, this webcam will offer you lifelike HD picture. For Skype video calls this camera offers you full HD 1080p up to 1920 x 1080 pixels same as the video recordings. This webcam also has built-in microphones, which has an automatic noise reduction and that will ensure natural stereo sound. The webcam has a lens that has a five-element glass with very precise auto-focus that will give you amazingly clear and detailed picture. It also has a low-light correction and it can be used with a tripod and it has a universal clip for LCD monitor and laptops. This webcam is compatible with Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 or later, Mac OS 10.6 or later, Android v 5.0 or above, Chrome OS, Available USB port, and Internet connection.
What Current Owners said This Webcam
People, who have bought this webcam, say that it is more than what they expected from a webcam that does not cost much. They are surprised by the quality and the wide view that this webcam offers. Another thing that the users like is that you are able to adjust focus, color, white balance, zoom and so on, the way you prefer it. Buyers are also pleased with this webcam’s monitor mouth, which can be clamped at any monitor. Probably the biggest pro for this webcam will be the low cost, and then the quality and clarity of the view and that it can be put on any monitor. The only con might be the auto-focus meaning  when you use this camera for streaming the auto-focus will constantly try to find focus and that might make the stream unwatchable.
The Logitech C922x Pro Stream Webcam Reviews
The Logitech C922x Pro Stream Webcam is the webcam you need if you what your YouTube or Twitch videos to have a professional quality. The recordings or the stream will have a very lifelike view with this webcam with its HD 1080P video at 30Fps/ 720P at 60FPS. This webcam has full HD glass lens with premium auto-focus that will give you clear video. This product also has built-in microphones that will capture the voice in rich Stereo Audio. You do not have to worry if you are recording in dim or poorly backlit settings as this webcam has an automatic light correction.  For all the streamers out there by purchasing this webcam you will receive, for free, a six-month Xsplip license, an app that can help you make your streams as professional looking as possible.  If you are streaming games, lagging will never be an issue with the Logitech C922x Pro Stream Webcam. The performances that this webcam offers will simply give you a quality that will raise you above the others and that will be possible from your very own home. The webcam also has technology that offers background replacement and you can use it without the need for a green screen.  This webcam is compatible with Windows 7-10, Mac OS X 10.9 or later, Chrome OS, and Android v5.0 and above, all you will need to start broadcasting is a USB port.
People find it easy to set up this webcam and they are very pleased with the quality of the view. The con would be that some people have experienced difficulty when streaming music due to the sound phasing when you use it in stereo.  Anyhow, once you figure out how to work with this webcam the possibilities that it offers are endless.
The Microsoft Life Cam HD-300 Reviews
The Microsoft Life Cam HD-3000 offers you a widescreen with 720p HD recording and video chat. The built-in microphone has noise reduction, which is always a good thing. Thanks to the True Color technology your videos will be colorful and bright. You can attach it to any laptop, desktop or notebook thanks to the universal attachment base. As its manufacturer would say ‘your picture or video is worth 1,000 texts’ and this webcam will interpret that with HD view. Another thing is that this camera is easy to use that you do not have to be a professional to make good videos.
What Current Owners said This Webcam
Users have reported that you get your money worth with this webcam. They are satisfied with the clarity of the picture, as well as with the wide angle lens which allows for a better picture. Users have noticed that this webcam handles dark and light settings with ease and the attachment that comes with it is easy to put on any monitor without damaging it.  The video is stutter free on record and the microphone offers crystal clear audio. There have been noticed some flows like Windows 7 might not support this webcam and so far there has not been found a solution for this problem. Also, some people have reported that the webcam is not compatible with Windows 10. Knowing that this is a relatively cheap camera you cannot expect a long working period, but it is a good webcam that, for a low cost, can give you a good starting point with your streaming hobby.
Logitech C930e 1080P HD Video Webcam Reviews
The Logitech C930e 1080P HD Video Webcam is a business grade HD video webcam that offers full 1080p HD videos at 30 frames per second for the purposes such video conferences on your PC or Mac. This camera has the widest field of view of 90 degrees and it is the perfect tool for face to face video collaboration or whiteboard presentations in any office. This camera comes with a universal clip that fits laptops, CRT or LCD monitors. The webcam has HD 1080p H.264/SVC UVC 1.5 encoding, this frees up system bandwidth and your video stream will be smoother by putting video processing in the camera. Other features are pan, zoom and tilt functions as well as the advanced light correction technology which will deliver you the best video experience that you can ever fish for. The autofocus is smooth and it will keep your video image razor-sharp, even in close up situations. This webcam is compatible with Microsoft Lync 2013 and Skype and it is compatible with the of most UC and web conferencing applications.
What Current Owners said This Webcam
People who have bought this camera are pleasantly surprised by how wide the screen actually is. Another pleasant feature, that its users found, is how professional the image looks with this camera and no need to mention that the clarity of the image was impeccable. When it comes to this webcam’s flows some users have noticed that the autofocus can get jumpy at times. Every single time something moves the camera will try to readjust the focus and you end up with a few frames of defocus before everything becomes sharp again. You can get around this issue by setting the focus to manual.  Also, the camera sometimes might not be recognized by your computer even after you have unplugged it and restart it several times. And finally, some of the users have found that the sound is not so great and the recording capacity of the microphone is poor.
The Logitech HD Pro Webcam C910 Reviews
The Logitech HD Pro Webcam C910 has a Logitech Fluid Crystal
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Technology which gives you Full HD 1080p video recording and smooth HD 720p video calling. With this webcam, it will take you only click to upload a video on either YouTube or Facebook. The webcam also has 5 MP HD sensor and precision Carl Zeiss lens. For crystal clear videos and awesome 1- MP photos this webcam has autofocus and an intelligent auto light correction. The built-in microphones have noise-canceling properties which will make your sound be heard in clear and rich HD quality dual stereo.  This webcam works with Logitech Vid HD, Yahoo Messenger, Microsoft Live Messenger and Skype. The wide HD 720p screen will is with no doubt a nice feature.
What Current Owners said This Webcam
People that had the chance to try this product have reported that the installation is very quick and easy and they find the menu easy to understand. Users are also satisfied with how sharp the picture is with this webcam and the longevity of the camera is also quite long. The users have also noticed that the built-in microphones are capable of picking up even the quiet voices. About the flaws, some have noticed that the quality of the picture is not as good when they have used the webcam for video chats. Also, the clip that comes with the camera might not fit some laptop monitors.
If I Were You, I Will Choose Logitech C922x Pro Stream Webcam, Here Are the Reasons
Now comes the question which one out of these five should you buy. Since we are mainly interested in streaming my personal favorite is the Logitech C922x Pro Stream Webcam. This is the webcam that will make your videos look very professional, even if you are only a beginner. The audio is impeccable and it will capture even the quiet voices and the auto-focus will make every frame look crystal clear. Plus, we can forget that by purchasing this webcam you will receive, for free, a six-month Xsplip license, this the app that can help you make your streams as professional looking as possible. So, if you are about to start career or hobby with streaming, this is the webcam that I would strongly recommend for you.
5 Important Features when Choosing a Webcam
The functionality of the camera you choose has a direct correlation with the sum of money you are ready to spend on that camera. Naturally, if you need a webcam for the sole purpose of video chatting with your friends and family, then you will need one that cost less and that does not have high quality. But, if you are in search of a webcam for professional purposes, then you might want to check one with functionality such as video conferencing, because those are the ones that offer more features and higher picture quality.
The market is offering thousands of different webcams that have different sizes, shapes, prices, and specifications. Here are the 5 main tips you should pay attention to, and that will help you select the one that will meet your own needs:
The megapixels – Those tiny color dots that when they are combined they make the resulting visual picture are named megapixels. Naturally, the more megapixels one webcam has the more vivid and clear picture it will deliver. Nowadays, there is no big issue with the quantity of megapixels as there have been in the earlier period. The majority webcams on the market today are providing a realistic image quality. You are advised to for one that has 640X480 or 320X240 pixels as it will give you a good picture. You should pick a better specification for your webcam of 1280X720 pixels if you have the HD functionality.
The frame rate – First we saw that the megapixels are responsible for the image and its color vividness, and the frame rate is the one responsible for the smoothness and quality of the video. The amount of images that are displayed per second is decided by the frame rate. For a webcam that you will need for standard use 30fps (or frames per second) is more than fitting for you. But, those who are looking for with higher quality moving image and also one that is smoother should pick a webcam with the capabilities of 60 frames per second.
The lens quality – the video processing comes in stages and the first one is the lens. Naturally, it is very important for you to buy the exact lens to cater to your needs. Here you are advised to get a webcam with glass lens and not with plastic one because the glass one has more quality.
The continuous autofocus – Many times you will want to record with your camera scenario where there is a significant amount of movement in the background and the autofocus will enable the webcam to maintain you as the central focus and not diverting to another movement inside the frame.
The low light quality – You will with no doubt end up with very poor image quality if you use your camera in low light surroundings or in the evenings. In case you try interfering with the screen contrast and brightness, you will create a foggy and continued bad image on the screen. Some of the Logitech webcams have created ‘Right Light’ in the webcam. This will enable the image quality to be optimized in the reduced light conditions.
Other important thing you should consider when you use a webcam is your Internet connection’s speed. The speed of your computer processor and Input/Output ability is also an important issue. The video images take up lots of the capacity of the computer’s communications, therefore the faster it is the better it will work. I would suggest the fastest broadband speed you can find for the money you have, to avoid jumpy, start and stop video images. A lot people have bought webcams and very soon have faced a disappointment because of the bad video quality that resulted from the communications and computer limitations.
Choosing Webcam? It’s your turn now!
Just like when you want to buy a computer, there are many models of webcams available on the market. The prices start from low and very affordable to extremely pricey ones. You have to figure out what you need and want from your webcam so that you will not end up buying some extra features that will cost you more and you will never need to use.
What You Definitely Need
You need to pay attention to the webcam’s resolution; you will want one with high resolution. If you buy one with a lower resolution you will end up with an image that will look grainier on other’s screens. Your starting point for a good resolution should be 640 x 480.
Just like with the resolution the frame rate is also crucial, so you should look for a high FR. The reason for this is that high frame rates mean that the webcam will produce images will not periodically freeze or stutter on the viewer’s screens. Just look on the webcam’s packaging and find the fps (frames per second) a good frame rate starts at 15 fps and above. The higher you go the better you streams will be. Try to get as close as you can to 30 fps if you can afford higher than that it’s going to be even better for you.
What You Should Get
When it comes to the lens of the webcam you should always go for the glass lenses and try to avoid the plastic ones. This is because the glass ones will offer you a better performance and the price for them is not so much higher than the plastic ones. Needless to say, the lens is a crucial feature for the webcam’s performance.
If you are going to use your webcam in a room with a poor light that the auto-focusing, as well as the auto light adjustment, are the technologies that will come very handy to you.
Other standard webcam features are the ability to take still images and the built-in microphone. Also, make sure that the webcam you choose is able to take at least 2.0 megapixels images.
Bells and Whistles
Some webcams come with the feature like motion sensor and this is useful if you want to use your webcam as a security system. This feature can be built into the webcam or you can later download the software for it.
Some webcams have the abilities that include special and video effects; this will come handy if you want to include those kinds of things into your streams and videos. These features can also be downloaded as software.
High-Def Considerations
Another popular feature that a webcam can have is the ability to capture videos in high-definition. This feature will come handy if you plan to use your webcam for video streams to the YouTube or Twitch sites. You must be aware that this feature will also make the webcam cost a lot more; therefore, if you do not need it then it is better to not spend your money on it. Capturing video in 720p or higher is considered to be an HD.
What You Should Get
You will want a webcam with high resolution and high FR fir better images that do not tend to freeze or stutter. A glass lens for better performance alongside with auto-focusing and auto light adjustment. Your webcam should be able to take at least 2.0 megapixels images and to have a built-in microphone.
When it comes to the prices, just like I mentioned above, they can be from very affordable to the high-end ones. Usually, the prices start from $9.97 and go up to $299 on websites like Amazon.com and ToysRUs.com. What you must figure out is exactly what you want and need from your webcam so that you will not end up buying or not buying the features that you need or don’t need.
Read 5 Best Webcam For Streaming 2019 Plus Buyer’s Guide on Game Roe.
source https://www.gameroe.com/best-webcam-for-streaming
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officialotakudome · 4 years
New Post has been published on Otaku Dome | The Latest News In Anime, Manga, Gaming, And More
New Post has been published on https://otakudome.com/peacock-streaming-service-review/
Peacock Streaming Service Review
NBC Universal is now the owner of a fresh in-house streaming service. Acting as a competitor to Netflix, Amazon Prime & perhaps more appropriately HBO Max, Paramount+, and CBS All Access the service unlike the aforementioned offers both a premium and free subscription option. While a handful of content is locked behind premium, the free offerings aren’t too shabby. 
Peacock is a 2020 over-the-top streaming service it is owned and operated by NBC Universal. It is currently available in free and premium ad & premium ad free subscriptions priced at $4.99 & $9.99 respectively. Annual premium tiers are offered at $50 and $100 respectively. 
Editor’s Note: This review is based upon the three different subscription tiers currently offered by Peacock. Peacock was reviewed on an iPhone SE 2nd Gen, Windows laptop, and Playstation 4.
Peacock’s user interface.
As everyone and their grandma is coming up with their own in-house streaming services to get a piece of the pie originally baked by Netflix it was only a matter of time before a Hollywood giant like NBC Universal got onboard. With streaming becoming ever more competitive and lucrative it is a bit surprising that NBC and Comcast hadn’t gotten on with their own service much sooner, especially after HBO Max was announced years prior to its initial launch. I will say that NBC Universal offering a free tier instead of forcing people to sign up out of the gate is a brilliant strategy. But if they want to entice people into sticking around they might want to offer a bit more on the originals side for free viewers.
Peacock’s channel guide.
THE GOOD: Peacock was launched in April 2020 for a preview to Xfinity users before opening up to the public just three months later. While I can’t speak from the perspective of the Xfinity customers that were lucky enough to experience the early build of the service as a public customer I can honestly say that so far, I’m impressed with what I’ve seen from Peacock. As I probably mentioned in my HBO Max review Peacock is a fresh service so some hiccups are always expected. But unless those technical issues are embarrassingly bad the content library will always be the big selling point for these things. 
So what exactly is offered from NBC Universal’s extensive, endless tape library? Quite a bit actually. From the free tier there’s a ton of options for starters next day access to premiere NBCU shows become available with no extra cost or cable provider needed. Live news and sports can also be accessed from the free tier, free users also have access to currently aired seasons regardless of whether they just aired weeks or months ago. Though some content is locked to premium due to being made a Peacock exclusive. This is a bit of a raw deal for fans of AP Bio which stars Glen Howerton as it suffers from this fate. Though in fairness, AP Bio was moved to Peacock because the series was revived for it after initially being cancelled following it’s second season. 
Peacock stands out by offering what other streamers don’t; an impressive free library.
In regards to the premium offerings of Peacock there’s the aforementioned AP Bio season three and it’s upcoming fourth season. For wrestling fans there’s also WWE content available from it’s run of documentaries. Speaking of, starting March 18, 2021 WWE Network will be absorbed into Peacock meaning the entire WWE library will become available in addition to premiere episodes of NXT, NXT UK, and 205 Live at no additional cost to premium subscribers. Peacock also has classic and modern films & TV shows like the original Jurassic Park trilogy, Everybody Hates Chris, Trolls World Tour, Superstore, and the original Saved by the Bell. Original to Peacock include a remake of Saved by the Bell, Curious George (which is apparently still on the air), a reboot of Punky Brewster coming in February, and other shows. 
Peacock offers a bold blend of old school and modern classics between it’s free and premium services.
THE BAD: It should be noted that this could possibly be pinned down to internet speed/amount of devices connected, but I have experienced some issues with the UI. For example, something so simple as starting from where I left off on an episode just flat out refused to work for me on Peacock. This was regardless of whether I was taking advantage of the premium or free options. Not everyone is going to have the same problem(s) as me at least I hope to God, but that’s a pretty dependent feature to just not work. There’s also a bit of heavy lag when browsing throughout the UI, most of this was on my laptop and PS4 so I’m going to give the service the benefit of the doubt by placing the blame on speed or lack thereof. While Peacock has one of the strongest free content libraries I’ve probably ever seen from a premium service I do think they could do a bit more to entice subs. For example, why not offer a season or half of a season for an original of the would be customer’s choice? Maybe offer select content from premium channels outside of first episodes? These are just some thoughts the fact that Peacock offers an annual ad tier at $50 is probably more than enough to satisfy people into signing up. 
Another thing hurting Peacock is the fact that many key NBCU properties such as The Office will be leaving the service due to NBCU signing those properties off to other services for a limited window exclusivity. There’s also a lack of major user profile features that kind of limits control for personal preferences. I’m more than sure these issues will be wrinkled out over time, but it’s something that’s definitely going to be a turn off for several potential customers. 
Peacock’s user interface for mobile.
OVERALL THOUGHTS: While still fairly young Peacock is making some smart moves to take aim at it’s competition. The free tier is way more impressive than it was expected to be though it admittedly has room to be even better which says a lot about Peacock’s potential. While the original content is nice I think Peacock might have a harder time making it a selling point compared to other streamers. There’s also some UI issues that need to be worked on depending on the device, but again this could be put down to speed. Some strong NBCU properties like The Office are also leaving the service soon due to previous deals which could be an unfortunate deal breaker for would be Peacock subscribers. Even with all of it’s issues Peacock has a strong future just simply based on it’s free offerings alone, but it’s variety heavy library does a solid job of helping it stand out from other streaming services. Otaku Dome gives Peacock a 78 out of 100.
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tech-battery · 4 years
Dell's XPS 17 Proves Big-Screen Laptops Are Back, and They're Awesome
A few years back, a lot of major laptop makers began quietly paring down the number of 17-inch laptops they made (aside from monstrously large gaming rigs), with Apple and Dell dropping the 17-inch MacBook Pro and XPS 17 respectively. However, thanks to improvements like smaller bezels and improved energy efficiency, thin and light laptops with plus-sized screens and big performance are making a comeback.
After Apple re-envisioned its big-format laptop as the 16-inch MacBook Pro in 2019, Dell made a similar move by bringing back the XPS 17 this year. While the circumstances are different this time around (especially considering 2020 is a tire fire of a year), the revival of Dell’s flagship 17-inch laptop couldn’t have come at a better time. Big-screen laptops are back, baby, and they’re even better than before.
For the big reintroduction of the XPS 17, Dell didn’t deviate too much from the classic XPS design. The XPS 17 has a tapered wedge-shaped body with a silver aluminum lid, a big carbon fiber deck in the middle, and another aluminum tub on bottom. Despite its overall size (14.74 x 9.76 x 0.77 inches) and weight (5.53 pounds), the XPS 17 still manages to feel quite sleek and surprisingly portable—until you stack an XPS 15 on top and see how big the difference really is. In some ways, the size and design of the XPS 17 feels like a mirage, because when you open it up, you can’t help but appreciate how much display you get from a system that seems smaller than it is, especially when you consider the last time we saw the XPS 17 was back in 2012, when it weighed more than eight pounds instead of five.
Along its sides, the XPS 17 comes with an ample assortment of ports, including four USB-C ports with Thunderbolt 3 (all support charging, too), a headphone jack, and a full-size SD card reader. The only ports you might be missing are HDMI and USB-A, though Dell has that covered too with an included dongle.
Inside, Dell maximizes the XPS 17's display (which comes in a multitude of options, from a 1900 x 1200 non-touch panel to a 4K UHD+ screen), with razor-thin bezels. Dell’s super tiny webcam and IR camera module, which sits above the screen, are exactly where you want them. The built-in IR camera offers support for Windows Hello face login, while the 720p HD webcam is meant to handle all your video-calling needs, though I must say that the XPS 17's webcam image quality and resolution aren’t quite as high as I’d like.
Below on its deck, Dell flanks the keyboard with large stereo speakers that feature a 2.5-watt woofer and 1.5-watt tweeter on each side capable of delivering rich, room-filling sound. And as for the keyboard itself, Dell wisely hasn’t messed with the feel of the XPS 17's keys, which are crisp and bouncy. I’m not gonna call them perfect, but the XPS 17's keyboard is pretty much my platonic ideal of how keys on a laptop should feel. And finally, there’s that huge 6 x 3.5-inch matte touchpad, which leaves just enough room for your wrists on either side while providing accurate gesture recognition and more mousing room than most people probably need.
The one potential oddity about the XPS 17's deck is Dell’s decision not to include a dedicated numpad like you sometimes see on 17-inch gaming systems. Some might bemoan that call, but on a well-rounded system like this, I think sacrificing the numpad for bigger speakers and an overall cleaner design was ultimately the right choice.
And then there’s that screen. Our review unit features the upgraded 4K 3840 x 2400 touchscreen, and I just can’t get enough. It puts out over 450 nits of brightness and has some of the richest and most vivid colors you can get from a laptop LCD panel today. If you’re intending to buy an XPS 17 to edit photos or videos, I would highly recommend upgrading to the 4K screen instead of the base FHD+ panel. Furthermore, with its 16:10 aspect ratio, the XPS 17 also provides a bit more vertical screen real estate, which is exactly what you want from a big all-purpose laptop.
The XPS 17 ain’t no slouch when it comes to performance, either. The base config comes with a 10th-gen Intel Core i5-10300H CPU, but our more expensive review unit came upgraded with a Core i7-10875H CPU, and it absolutely flies. In our CPU rendering test in Blender, the XPS 17 took almost four minutes less to render the same image (4:40) as MSI’s Creator 15 (8:33), despite the smaller Creator 15 having the same CPU.
And when it comes to graphics performance, it’s a similar story, with the XPS 17 (6:26) beating the MSI Creator 15 (8:36) by more than two minutes in our Blender GPU rendering test, once again with both systems featuring an RTX 2060 GPU. This kind of performance makes the XPS 17 a great choice for content creators, and while it’s not intended to be a competitive gaming machine, the XPS 17 is able to pump out more than 80 fps in Shadow of the Tomb Raider at 1080p with all the graphics bells and whistles turned on, so it’s not a bad fragging machine either. Thermal headroom also seems quite respectable, because while the XPS 17 will throttle itself a bit when maxed out, I didn’t notice any major lag or dips in performance during more normal loads.
Even the XPS 17's battery life is pretty solid for a system this big, with it lasting just shy of 9 hours (8:58) on our video rundown test, nearly two hours longer than the MSI Creator 15 and an hour longer than HP’s ZBook Create G7.
After using the XPS 17 for several weeks, I only really have one complaint: its price. Because even though it starts at just $1,350 for a 17-inch FHD+ screen, Core i5 CPU, 8GB of RAM, 256GB SSD, and integrated graphics, when you start upgrading components, the cost balloons quite quickly. So in comparison, our review unit, which features a 4K touchscreen, Core i7 10875H CPU, 32GB of RAM, 1TB SSD, and RTX 2060 GPU, costs more than double the price at around $2,750. And annoyingly, if you want to cut back on a few components like RAM or storage to save money, currently the cheapest model with an RTX 2060 card starts at $2,450. Thankfully, if you’re less concerned with graphics, you can split the difference for a system with a GTX 1650 Ti GPU, which starts at around $1,800, and if you’re looking for the best balance between price and performance, that’s where I’d start.
But for me the biggest takeaway about the XPS 17 is the way it fits into 2020. While a lot of people wait for the world to get back to normal, I feel like it’s also important to think about what normal even means. Right now there are millions of people who have to work or learn from home, and even when things start opening up again, a lot of people won’t be returning to the same buildings or positions they were in before. This makes it even more important to consider what you need from a personal computer.
For years, 15-inch systems have been the most popular laptop size, as they generally offered the best balance between price, power, and portability. However, if you’re the kind of person who is only going to travel with their laptop a handful of times every year (or less considering the ongoing pandemic), a bigger system like the XPS 17 suddenly becomes a very intriguing option. Not only does its bigger screen translate into more productivity (or better movie-watching) when you’re stuck at home, you also get more ports and a wider range of upgradable components.
Meanwhile, the XPS 17 doesn’t suffer from being tied to a desk or table like a normal desktop or all-in-one. And all of this comes in a package that’s not that much larger (or much more expensive) than an XPS 15. (Though you will want to make sure you have something to carry it in, because the XPS 17 definitely doesn’t fit in my normal messenger bag.) So in a strange way, 2020 was sort of the perfect time for Dell to bring back the XPS 17. You get a bigger, more powerful system from one of the best laptop lines on the market, but in a body that’s way less of a burden than its predecessors from the not-too-distant past. So even if a 17-inch laptop might not be in your immediate future, the XPS 17 has demonstrated why they’re making a comeback, and it’s done so with power and style.
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