#my cousin won’t eat honey because. I don’t even know why
“what do you hope for in 2023” i gotta say if people would actually realise how wool and honey and all those substances are created that’d be great
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mynameisjag · 2 months
Because I gotta.
Give me the feral man, give me the beastie who has probably been avoiding human contact as much as possible except to get drunk off his ass. This man has no idea of his own universe's tech, you think he has a chance understanding the one he has been kidnapped into? No. Bastard stinky man, feral, sad looking fucker…I adore him.
He needs to be more animalistic.
One would think by now, Wade would have experienced and seen what the multiverse had to offer.
Working with people over seeing different timelines did that.
So did being aware of the ‘audience’ and their many eyes.
Still, watching an almost naked knockoff werewolf scuttled across the room on all fours with what appeared to be a bloody carcass of some kind of animal in his mouth while growling like a demented cat, it was surprising.
“Well, chat, can I ask, what is this r rated looney tunes bullshit? Hey, Tasmanian Devil’s estranged cousin, you better be cleaning this up soon! We just got these floors!”
And Logan was already in the bedroom with his catch, probably hunkered down in his hammock and going to town some poor innocent creature’s remains.
“Whatever, I do cocaine, I have no room to judge.”
Sure enough, stepping over the trail of blood and pushing the door open revealed what he already expected to find. The crunch of bones and squelching of raw meat being chewed on, blown out brown eyes were glaring at him and a gutteral snarl giving warning.
“Easy there, boy, just checking up on ya, seems you brought home dinner for yourself tonight, didn’t even get me anything?”
The snarling stopped and the bloody remains were held out to him, the little head tilt would be cute if not for the smear of gore across his concerned face.
Actually it was still cute.
“Awe, thank you! But I’m good…and he’s going back to eating that, well…I’m going to go throw up now and contemplate the merits of becoming a vegetarian…so…how about a time skip for everyone's sake?”
With a time skip activated, cleaned floors appearing and a still half naked Logan chilling on the couch scratching Mary Puppins behind the ears as she chewed on bone with drool going everywhere.
Some of that drool might be Wade’s but who could blame him, but he had to pull himself together and not be distracted by the feast for the eyes and focus on the feast of the flesh that happened in the bedroom and not the fun type.
“Hey, honey, can we take a minute away from the,” he glanced at the show, “huh, didn’t think that was still going…no, focus Wade…right, Logan, my little murder puppy…the fuck did I just witness?”
“Got hungry, went hunting, ate.”
“Right, and the, not that I’m complaining about the view because I should be taking pictures, but why were you half dressed on all fours, should I be concerned?”
“Easier to hunt…comfortable…”
Okay, let’s give the big guy a moment…
Shrugging before plopping down nearly on top of the man, Wade just grinned at the sharp look sent his way as Dogpool jumped down and carried her prize off somewhere.
It took two episodes in before Logan huffed, voice barely audible over the TV as he finally spoke.
“…people hated me back home…when they hate you…you tend to be unwelcomed in most if not every place…hotels…bars…stores…”, bare hands were flexing, dark fingernails just slightly pointed and severely cracked, “you get used to the surviving…you get used to avoiding those places…”
Wade reached over to grab one of the hands, flipping it over to trace a pattern in the rough palm, “but they don’t hate you here? You can go in and if they try to stop you or have anything to say about it…then they won’t have a choice in the matter after I visit them.”
The smirk he sent to the ex X-man, wasn’t that a strange combination of words, was met with huff.
“…it’s the crowd of people, the smells, the sounds…it brings back the memories…but staying inside is like a slow torture…hunting and losing myself made it easier to cope.”
“Trust me, if anyone knows anything of trying to make yourself disappear using whatever is available for just a moment of not having to think of what kind of shit haunts you…its me…”
“So if being the feral little man you are makes you feel better, just little heads up next time, your hammock is still dripping blood on our new floors.”
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astranva · 4 years
Not One of Them.
// masterlist //
Word Count: 9.9k
Category: Fluff, single mom!Y/N
Warning: Some strong language. Slight mention of abortion. Not proof-read.
Note: time-skip to when covid-19 is dead ok
Summary: Harry is lyrically stuck, Y/N is the new big songwriter. She’s also a single mom to a 4-year-old girl.
Early italics are flashbacks.
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When you’re a young mother, the world isn’t always the kindest, especially when no partner is in the picture.
While you were young, having had baby Faith when you were only 21, you applauded yourself for years for the effort you poured into raising a child alone – with the help of family and friends, and too many books and videos, but you get the point.
Faith wasn’t a mistake, you hate it when anyone even dares to imply so, but she was unplanned. You were in a toxic on-and-off relationship for 3 years, at some point believing that it might have been an open relationship because of the amount of times you caught your ex-boyfriend flirting with women and men right in front of you.
You had done your part after knowing that you were pregnant after one drunken night that led to a rough make-up session. You approached your ex, sat him down and broke the news;
“I’m pregnant.”
“Whose is it?” He had asked, face falling.
Yours scrunched up in anger, almost disgust at the implication. “Yours, you dumb-fuck! I don’t sleep around while I’m in a relationship like some people.” You had emphasized.
He ignored your comment, releasing a sigh. “You aren’t keeping it, are you?”
You were never against abortion. You were never against planned pregnancy. You had freaked out alright on your own when you were confirmed pregnant, but something inside you told you to hold on to the human inside of you, to that little bundle of oblivion – a little bundle of faith.
It was when he asked you that one question, his tone almost sure that you would abort the child, that you felt angry tears pool your eyes. “I am.”
He wasn’t ready to hear it and his wide eyes showed that, “Wh-What do you mean you are? I can’t have a fucking baby! This wasn’t supposed to get this real!”
“This real?” You had chuckled bitterly, “You stay with me for 3 years, fuck me over more than I can count then you always come crying for me, then tell me it wasn’t supposed to get this real?” You stood up, draping your bag over your shoulder, “I’m having the kid, Will. It’s over between us and-“ you gulped, swallowing back the tears as you pointed at him, “I never want to see you again.”
“You bet your fucking ass you won’t.” He had grumbled, tearing eye contact to look somewhere else but your death glare before you left.
 Besides the university halls, Will had managed to stay out of your sight and you were grateful for that. Pregnancy was a roller-coaster, one you definitely screamed during all ride of, but nothing and nobody prepared you for the moment when you gave birth to your little love.
Your roommate and best friend, Cece, had driven you to the hospital and notified the rest of your family and friends, and you were glad that during that very period of time, you had someone beside you.
It was when you held your little love that it all faded away; the pain, the loss, the confusion, the fright – everything faded away the moment your skin made contact with your daughter’s, watching her with pure love and admiration.
You hadn’t picked a name before that moment, only nodding and smiling to the showering of recommendation from people, but one name wasn’t recommended, not even mentioned.
“Faith. You’re my little Faith.”
“You’re looking a little sick, honey. Have you been eating well? You overwork yourself-”
“Mom, mom,” you laughed quietly, tearing your eyes from watching your daughter play with her cousins before looking at your mom beside you, “I’m alright. Last project was challenging, that’s all.”
“Who were you writing for this time?” your mom asked with pride and excitement, curious to know the name of yet another big celebrity her daughter had been working with.
“Adele.” You smirked as you sipped your juice, hearing your mom gasp with a hand to her heart before letting out a small squeal.
In her dungarees and sandals, Faith ran towards you, making you set your juice aside to welcome your daughter in your arms. “Mommy, did you see me win Tag?”
“Yes! You were amazing!” You hyped your daughter up, pressing a sloppy kiss on her cheek, making Faith giggle.
With Faith standing between your legs, talking to her grandma, you checked your watch. “Ah, shoot. I better get going.”
“Will you be here for bedtime story?” Faith asked, looking up at you as you slung on your tote bag and held your car key in one hand before kneeling in front of your daughter.
“I will be, baby. Don’t give Nana a hard time, okay?”
“Okay, Mommy.”
“I love you.” With one last hug and a kiss on her cheek, you smiled at your daughter who clung to your neck, pressing a sweet kiss on her cheek.
“I love you.” Faith replied, moving to stand with her nephew after waving at you as you left.
“Call me at any time if anything happens or if you need anything, Mom, yeah?” You said as you walked towards the door, your mother following behind.
“Wouldn’t want to disturb your wo-”
“Mom.” You stressed, turning to look at your mom, “Nothing like that. I’ll get going. Thank you for watching her.”
“Oh, don’t thank me. You know I love spending time with little Faith more than anything. Drive safely, honey.”
“Hey, Andrew, got you a donut.” You beamed as you approached the studio’s receptionist, a 19-year-old intern.
“You’re an angel.” Andrew sighed in contentment as he opened the box containing his donut before looking at you, “Just adopt me. I guarantee I’ll be the best brother to Faith.”
You laughed, “Think having a 19-year-old son will make me feel old. I’ll pass.”
“Dammit.” Andrew shook his head jokingly. “Meeting with Jeffery Azoff, huh?”
“Yeah, do you know if he got here yet?”
“Like 3 minutes ago.”
You checked your watch again, finding that it was just on time for your scheduled meeting, feeling glad that you weren’t late.
“Alright, I’ll see you on the way out.” You waved at Andrew who nodded at you while raising his donut before you set off down the hall and into the elevator.
Walking out and down the hallway, you approached the room you had agreed to meet Jeffrey in before knocking softly, hearing a distant “come in!”
Gently opening the door and sticking your head inside, your eyes moved to the couch where 2 men looked up at you; one was Jeffrey – you had seen pictures of him from when you worked once with his father – and the other was, undoubtedly in your mind, none other than Harry Styles.
“Y/N?” Jeff asked, him and Harry standing as you walked in and closed the door behind you, approaching them.
“Yes,” you smiled, reaching for a handshake which he had happily accepted, “It’s great meeting you.”
Harry’s eyes were set on you, a small smile on his face that did everything but mirror the surprise he felt. He wasn’t sure why; he didn’t have any expectations but he certainly didn’t expect to see someone as radiant as you were.
You looked at him next with a polite smile as you reached for a handshake, “Pleasure meeting you. I’m a huge fan of your work.”
And God, his stomach flipped and his face flushed at the comment, feeling shy under your gaze as he shook your hand, “Thank you so much. Can say the same about your work, you’re very talented.”
“Thanks!” You beamed before motioning towards the couch, the 3 of you sitting down; Harry and Jeff on the couch, you on a chair across from them. “Do you want anything to drink?”
“No, thanks. Had the biggest cup of coffee just before coming here.” Jeff replied.
You turned to look at Harry, smiling and nodding when he raised his bottle of water.
“Alright, let’s get into it,” you leaned forward, “How can I help you?”
Jeff looked at Harry, signaling for him to talk.
“I know it hasn’t been a year since I released Fine Line,” Harry moved his hands as he talked, looking at the carpeted floor underneath him before looking up at you, “But I’ve been writing ever since but- something is missing. Something is wrong. I wrote 9 tracks so far, all of them are unfinished because I just feel like they’re missing something. I have the idea, have the concepts, sometimes I have the tunes,” he counted on his fingers, “But I can’t finish one song. It’s like I’m, like,” he shrugged, trying to find the right word.
“Stuck?” You suggested, staring at him with an assuring expression which he found soothing.
Harry’s body slumped, tilting his head slightly as he looked back at you and a soft, small smile made its way to his face at how you understood. “Yeah,” he nodded, “Yeah, stuck. That’s the word.”
“I get you,” you assured him, “Do you guys have any sort of deadline?”
“No, not really, no. Not yet.” Jeff shook his head.
“Great,” you clapped, your eyebrows going up, “Do you have any of these tracks’ lyrics now?”
“Yeah, lemme just-“ Harry reached beside him, holding his tote bag to take out his journal.
“Hey!” You grinned, grabbing his attention and making him look at you, seeing you holding out your tote bag to him.
You matched; right on the fabric in the middle was an illustrated design of a small cactus plant pot.
“I have the same one!” You looked down at yours before looking at him, Harry mirroring your actions before a grin broke out on his face.
“Well then, Y/N, it’s set. These will be the best songwriting sessions of the century. It’s fate.” He said dramatically in a joking manner, making you laugh quietly as you set your bag aside and he fished out his journal.
Flipping through the pages, he handed you his journal so you can see one of the songs he had half-written, watching as leaned back on the comfy chair, holding the journal in your hands and reading.
It was excruciating. Harry grew nervous, feeling funny in his stomach and he tried to convince himself that it might be the salad he had eaten prior to that meeting, and not that he was nervous you’d think he was the worst songwriter to-date.
He watched your eyes, taking notice of how you didn’t skim through the words, but read them carefully and taking your time to do so.
“This is really beautiful, Harry.” You said softly, eyes still on the page before looking up at him, oblivious to the breath Harry let out, “Really beautiful.”
“Thank you.” He smiled, discreetly wiping his sweaty hands on his pants.
“Not much damage really. The concept is clear. Post-breakup song.” You said, handing him his journal.
Harry nodded, confirming.
“Are the rest like that, too?”
“Not really,” Harry shook his head, “Figured that the last album had too many of that.”
You nodded, “Yeah, I understand. Just- I say take your time, honestly. I’ll help you with the songs you have, maybe we’d get inspired along the way to write new stuff, too, but you don’t want to force anything, you know? Sometimes some lyrics just aren’t meant to be, you know?”
“Yeah, you’re right.” He nodded.
“Don’t you worry,” you gave him a smile, “It’ll all work out.”
“Well, so do we have a deal?” Jeff asked with a smile, opening his arms.
“I’m in.”
Maybe it was because you said that as you looked at him, or maybe it was because he knew of how crazy talented you were – he had spoken to his good friend Ed Sheeran a week prior and Ed had sworn up and down on your talent and how “bloody lovely! Like a little bird” you were – or maybe it your smile – hell, it might be a combination of all that, but Harry was ecstatic to work with you.
“I’m very excited to work with you, Y/N.” Harry had said with a smile of his own.
“Likewise, Harry. It isn’t that common to find artists as real as you are.”
God, what was with your compliments that had him blushing?
“It’s a pleasure, Y/N,” Jeff, too, had said. “Let’s talk busi-”
“Let’s do that over lunch.” You pointed at him, standing up, “My treat.”
“You always this friendly with clients?” Harry joked with an amused smile, staring up at you.
But your smile dropped and instead, your face twisted to worry. “Oh God, I hope I’m not stepping boundaries. It’s just always a good idea to warm up to each other and- I’m sorry, you probably think this is unpro-”
“Hey, hey, no,” Harry was quick to stand, holding his hands out, “I didn’t mean it like that. I genuinely think you’re friendly. Half of the songwriters I worked with were strict and- Shit, no. Lunch sounds wonderful. Really wonderful.”
He felt like an ass. A proper one. He hadn’t meant to make you feel like you were too friendly but that didn’t turn out as well as he had thought.
“We’d love to, really. Besides, it’s probably a great idea that you and Harry know each other so the sessions can go smooth.” Jeff added, standing up.
At this, Harry found himself smiling when the smile returned to your face. “In that case, there’s a place nearby that makes amazing sandwiches and desserts.”
Jeff’s mind was squeaking from its gears working. There weren’t many people on this planet who were purely kind, and it was something he admired in Harry. But at that moment, Jeff knew he had met one more person who was genuinely kind, just like his best friend and “client” – he hated calling Harry that – and it was proof when you insisted that you could give them a ride to and from the place instead of them following behind you or using the GPS, Jeff sitting in the passenger seat during the ride to the place while Harry sat at the back.
The place was a 5-tabeled one, nothing big. One wall was decorated with polaroids of customers, the waiters and waitresses, the chefs, and another with colorful stick-notes with messages from customers. It was a lowkey place, one that Harry hadn’t visited during all his trips to the studio until that moment.
“Hey, Y/N!” The woman behind the counter beamed as she waved.
“Hi, Soph! How are you?”
Soph stood from the chair she was sitting on, taking a few steps back to show her pregnant bump, putting one hand to it, “Ready to pop!”
You had motioned towards a table to Harry and Jeff who were quietly watching the interaction.
You gasped, “Look at you! And you’re still coming to work? What a queen.”
Soph shrugged, sitting back down, “Got mouths to feed and a self to pamper.” She said before waving at Harry and Jeff, “Hello, gentlemen.”
Jeff waved with a smile while Harry added, “Hello! Congratulations on your pregnancy.”
“Why thank you, Mr. Styles.” Soph replied.
Harry liked it. The no-freaking-out. How homey it all felt.
“Rick will be with you in a sec.” Soph said.
You, Harry, and Jeff sat on the circular table, both Harry and you hanging your tote bags on their chairs.
“You come here often, huh?” Harry started the conversation, crossing his arms on the table and leaning forward.
“You have no idea. You’d think I don’t know anywhere else.” You chuckled, “Been coming here ever since I was in college.”
Harry’s eyebrows went up in surprise, “Really? How long ago was that?”
“Graduated 3 years ago, first came when I was 19 so that’s about 6 years.”
“True loyal customer you are.” Harry said.
“What did you study, Y/N?” Jeff asked.
“Music composition. Was the disgrace of the family.” You joked, “Definitely had no idea the entire time if I would actually work or not.”
“But look at you now, one of the best.” Harry motioned towards you.
You waved him off with a bashful smile, “None of that. I still have no idea what I’m doing most of the time, I just get paid now.”
“Who even knows what they’re doing now?” Harry rhetorically asked, “We’re just, going with the flow.”
“Word, sir. Word.” They heard, the 3 of them turning to see the waiter – Rick – by their table.
Harry laughed, “Right?”
“Absolutely. I don’t remember the last time my plans didn’t get fucked. Just riding now.” Rick shrugged.
Harry raised his fist up for a bump, Rick bumping his fist into Harry’s.
Time seemed to pass as Harry and Jeff let you order for them, talking about the music industry and sharing funny stories while at it, as well as you had discussed your own business as you ate the club sandwiches and sipped on the iced tea.
“What are you doing?” You asked with a funny face as Harry took out his wallet after you had asked for the check.
“Yeah, no. Said it’d be my treat.” You pointed at him, raising one eyebrow with a smile.
“Come on, I can’t just let you pay for us on the first day we meet.”
“Let’s at least split the bill.” Jeff suggested, watching as you shook your head.
“Absolutely not.” And with that, you stood up and walked towards Soph, paying for the food.
“How much do you want to bet that something will happen between the both of you?” Jeff asked quickly with a smirk, looking at Harry with a knowing look.
Harry’s eyes widened, tearing his gaze from being on you to his friend and manager, “What?”
“How much?”
“I just met her.” Harry tried to reason with him, finding Jeff to be bizarre and irrational. Hopeful, but irrational.
Jeff only gave him a shrug, “That’s a first.”
“That’s enough rom-coms at night for you, Jeffrey.”
At the sight of you walking back towards them, they both stopped talking and instead, smiled. “All sorted.”
“Thank you so much, Y/N. You really didn’t have to.” Harry stood, slinging his tote bag on his shoulder.
“I wanted to. Please don’t mention it.” You had smiled as you replied, the 3 of you putting back your chairs. “Bye, Soph!”
“Bye, sweetie!”
“Congratulations again on your pregnancy and good luck.” Harry put both hands together, pursing his lips into a polite smile at the woman behind the counter.
“You’re a sweetheart. Thank you, kind sir.” Soph joked, tipping an imaginary hat at him to which Harry responded to by holding up the tips of his imaginary skirt, putting one foot behind the other in a curtsy making you giggle.
With no spoken words, Jeff was quick to get into the backseat, pursing his lips to stifle his laughter at Harry’s face, who looked at him with wide eyes and an expression that screamed “What the fuck are you doing?” but he got into the passenger seat nonetheless, oblivious to the light shade of red that visited his cheeks but aware of the heat his face seemed to radiate.
The ride back to the studio wasn’t quiet. The radio was on for some background music but you and Harry were too engaged in a conversation to take notice of the songs playing. Anyone could have asked you what even started the conversation of French toast and you wouldn’t know how to reply because none of you knew how you suddenly began talking about French toast.
“Have you tried soaking the toast in lemon?” You asked, tone excited and face breaking into an eager smile.
Harry’s eyebrows furrowed, “Haven’t, no. How good is it?”
“God, it’s,” you shook your head, almost closing your eyes in delight as if you tasted the toast that moment but refrained because you were driving, “It’s so good.”
So what Harry secretly wished the ride was longer? He wanted to talk about French toast. That was definitely why.
“Y/N, it’s a pleasure working with you.” Jeff said, “Thank you for the food.”
“It’s no problem.” You smiled at him, turning around to look at him once you were parked.
“I’ll wait for you in the car.” Jeff said, patting Harry’s shoulder before getting out of the car.
Harry took a breath, slapping his hands against his thighs, “Well, that was fun.”
You nodded, looking back at him with a bashful smile that you mentally scolded yourself for; why were you getting bashful?
“Is it alright if I take your number from Jeff?” Harry asked quickly, “Uh, so we can schedule meeting up for the sessions.” He quickly added, “The writing sessions.” He nearly cringed at his addition and he guessed you caught on because you giggled quietly before straightening your posture.
“Actually, Jeff has my business number. Maybe you can just, take my personal one so I can reply faster. You know, the sooner the better.” You cleared your throat, nodding to yourself.
Harry’s lips stretched into a side smile as he looked at you before he coughed and nodded, “Definitely. The sooner you reply, the sooner we meet. For the writing sessions.”
“Yeah and I can give you the lemon toast recipe.” You said before your eyebrows rose up, “For business purposes, of course.”
Harry’s smile widened at that, holding out his phone for you to take after he unlocked it. “I’d love that.”
You typed in your number before handing his phone back to him, watching as Harry glanced down at it before your phone began ringing, “And that’s mine.” He said, watching you unlock you phone and type before you locked it back.
“Then it’s settled.”
“I’ll text you.” He smiled before opening the door and standing out, ducking to look at you, “Next time, lunch is on me.” And with that, Harry gave you a wave before closing the door and walking away, only giving you a smile over your shoulder and another wave before getting into the car with Jeff.
After getting some snacks from the grocery’s with a shit-eating grin on your face, you drove back to your mom’s to pick Faith up.
You stood on the other side of your car, watching the door open before you saw Faith, her backpack on her back with her grandma standing behind her.
At the sight of her Mommy, Faith was quick to grin before running to you and into you arms as if she hadn’t seen you 4 hours ago.
You hugged your daughter, pressing a kiss to her hair as you did. “Did you have fun?”
Faith nodded before she pulled away from the hug, still keeping her arms around you, “What about you? Did you have fun, Mommy?”
You almost blushed as you remembered, opting to reply a simple reply instead of getting into details. “I did. Ready to go?”
After giving Faith a shower and giving yourself one, too, you and Faith were sat in the comfort of your cozy apartment, sitting on the couch and watching The Greatest Showman for the umpteenth time seen as it was Faith’s favorite. With her cheddar cheese and lettuce sandwich in her right hand and favorite dinosaur toy in the other – a “Megalosaurus not a T-Rex, Mommy” – Faith was cuddling into your side while one hand of yours played with her wild hair as the other tapped absentmindedly on your phone’s screen, eyes set on the television.
“And if it’s crazy, live a little crazy.” Faith sang along with Hugh Jackman, eyes wide as if she was seeing the movie for the first time.
“You can play it sensible, a king of conventional.” You joined her, peppering kisses on her cheek causing her to squeal and giggle.
As Faith sang along with the song, you opened your phone’s camera before switching it to video, flipping the camera so that it was the front one. You started recording, the screen showing you your face as you smiled with pride, tilting it so Faith was shown as she sang, unaware of you recording.
Only 12 seconds into the video, a message pop-up had your eyes traveling to it, falling on a text preview from none other than the young man you were with that day – Harry.
‘Hey, Y/N. Sorry to bother but would you be able to send me that lemon toast recipe? Might treat myself to it tomorrow morning. Sorry for the bother. :) Harry’
After stopping the video and opening the text and reading it, if it weren’t for Faith, you wouldn’t have known that you had a grin on your face.
“Why are you smiling so big? Did Auntie Cece send a picture of her cat?” She had asked, looking up at you with curiosity.
Looking down at her, you laughed slightly at yourself. “No, she didn’t.”
“You look happy.”
There were many things you loved about your daughter, many things you were in awe at. As only a kid, Faith was one of the most empathetic people in your life and that moment as you both cuddled on the couch was proof.
With a matching grin, Faith’s eyes twinkled with glee at the sight of her smiling mom, curious to know the reason.
“They aren’t singing This Is Me yet!” Faith added, knowing that the both of you usually laughed and giggled while singing that song, only because you always sang it so dramatically and at the top of your lungs.
“Just happy you’re finally done with the sandwich because now I can do this!” And with that, you tickled her, Faith breaking into laughter and giggles as she tried to stop you.
5 minutes later, Faith was back to watching the movie while you typed a reply.
‘hey, harry! it isn’t a bother 😊 i’ll write it down and send it in a moment :))’
‘Thank you! x’
And you wrote it down and sent it to him, adding little notes, too just to make sure that he perfected the toast.
‘let me know how that goes for you :) x’
‘Will do, love. Talk to you soon. Goodnight :) x’
‘goodnight, harry x’
As if your little love took that as a sign, you looked down at her as you felt her body grow heavier against you and noticed her breath get steady, seeing her eyes closed as she snoozed.
Carefully, you turned off the television before holding her with your arm so she didn’t fall down as you stood, bending to carry her before kneeling a little to grab her fallen dinosaur, letting out a tiny groan as your back ached.
Tucking her in her bed, you sat beside her for a moment, brushing her hair back softly before bending to kiss her forehead.
“Story?” She sleepily asked, struggling to open her eyes.
You chuckled, “You’re already asleep, nugget.”
She hummed, still struggling to open her eyes, “Okay. I love you.”
“I love you, too.” You smiled before standing up, walking towards her small vanity and turning on her star light lamp.
Just as you were out of the door, you lingered, turning to look back at your daughter, “Was I really smiling big?”
In her sleepy state, Faith managed to reply. “Very big, Mommy.”
You chuckled to yourself and shook your head before walking out and towards your own room.
Harry felt like a kid. He was too excited that morning to get up and get on with his breakfast, wanting to deny that it wasn’t because he wanted a reason to text you, but who was he trying to lie to? No one, he was alone.
He followed the recipe, chuckling and laughing to himself during some moments when he was about to fall for some mistakes before reading your notes and saving his toasts, as if you were sitting right there and monitoring him.
His playlist was playing from his phone that he held in his hand, and he was humming along as he placed the two toasts on a plate before adding some powdered sugar to them and grabbing his juice.
Before eating, Harry had taken his time in taking a picture of his breakfast, thankful for the natural light his kitchen window was giving for his little photoshoot.
He was just as much nervous as excited as he sliced up a piece before taking a bite, taking his time to taste his work and his eyebrows shot up and he blinked twice in surprise.
It was so good.
While eating another slice, Harry held his phone and opened his messages app, going to your contact.
Attaching the best picture from his breakfast photoshoot, he added a text with it,
‘Tastes incredible! Would have burned it to coal if it weren’t for your notes hahah x’
And he put his phone back on the table, open at your messages as he continued eating while listening to music.
He was mid-sip of his juice when you replied and Harry hated how excited he got because the next thing he knew, he was having a coughing fit that had him go tearful before finally calming down.
‘looks incredible, too! oh trust me, i know. burned a fair amount of toasts on my own so i decided to spare you the damage. you’re a quick learner :)) x’
That morning, you and Harry exchanged multiple texts, drifting from his breakfast to how you both wished to have dogs.
It was around 4 when you were driving back with Faith from her gymnastics practice when Harry called, thankfully just as you were unlocking the door to your apartment.
“Hey.” You smiled to yourself as you answered, taking off your shoes by the door beside Faith’s before closing the door behind you, watching as Faith went to the bathroom to wash her hands.
“Hi,” Harry, too, was smiling to himself as he held the phone close to his ear, “I was walking around and I found this tiny restaurant that reminded me of where you took us yesterday and, apparently they make the best Italian pizza. Was wondering if you wanted to grab pizza with me and we can talk about, you know,” he chuckled, “The sessions.”
You thought, mind instantly going to who would watch Faith as you went before your eyes fell on your daughter who came back, whispering to you if she should wait for you in the bathroom seen as you were on the phone.
“One second,” you said to Harry before moving the phone from your ear and muting the sound, “Yeah, baby, do that. I’ll be with you in a minute.”
You unmuted, “Hey, sorry about that.”
“No worries.”
He was growing nervous at how you were yet to reply to his suggestion, having already had been nervous enough to suggest and call in the first place.
“Pizza and talking sound lovely.”
He released a breath, smiling to himself. “Great, great! Pick you up at 6?”
“Sure, yeah. 6 is great. I’ll go now. See you soon, Harry.”
“See you soon, Y/N.”
You didn’t trust strangers to watch your daughter, didn’t exactly trust strangers in your house unattended, too. It’s why at times when you couldn’t drive the 40-minute drive to your mom’s, your best friend, Cece, was always your go-to and that was especially nice because she also lived two buildings away.
Cece’s job was one from her home, making food and delivering it to people while she managed her business on her own through social media and it was why most of the time, she was home and always happy to have her goddaughter keep her company.
After calling Cece to make sure she was okay with babysitting Faith for some time and her assuring you that she was, you prepared dinner for your daughter after giving her a shower.
“Are you sure you’re okay with me leaving, baby?” You asked as you sat with Faith while she ate the pasta you made her.
It wasn’t frequent of you to leave Faith for anything but work. Maybe for a night out with some friends every now and then but you always went out with them for 3 hours tops before you began feeling guilty for leaving your daughter and going back to get her so you can spend time together instead.
And it wasn’t like you were frequently going on dates either. Cece had pushed you into it when Faith was 2, and you did go out a few times with different people, all whom you never heard of whenever they knew that you had a daughter and then you decided that maybe the single mom life was just too welcoming of you.
Hell, you didn’t know whether you should call having pizza with Harry a date. It wasn’t, was it? Not that you’d mind but it was for business, wasn’t it? Strictly business. Or maybe it wasn’t and that was fine by you- and now you were beginning to feel like a teenager again. Great.
“Mommy,” Your 4-year-old huffed, rolling her eyes, “I’m a big girl. You should have more fun.”
You couldn’t believe that you were getting advice from a 4-year-old, especially your daughter, but you deserved that.
“When did you get so big?” You rhetorically asked, “Thank you for being understanding, Nugget.”
Faith smiled at you, kicking her legs as she ate. “Where are you going?”
Now that question you weren’t prepared for, as much as you thought about it.
You couldn’t risk telling too much to Faith, knowing that she got excited over new people and couldn’t risk disappointing her if Harry ended up being, well, not one to stick or friendly to kids of single moms.
But at the same time, your daughter was your best friend. It was because of your honesty with her and how you acknowledge her and treat her that she was an understanding and empathetic person who could hold a conversation.
“Well, you know Harry Styles? The man who sings Canyon Moon?” You asked, knowing that that song was on her top favorite songs list after she had heard it once on the radio as you were driving her to her practice.
She nodded, “The pretty man with drawings?”
She had been curious to see the face behind her favorite song and once you showed her a picture, her smile got big and she had said that he was “very pretty” and had “nice drawings that she wanted to color in” meaning his tattoos.
You chuckled, “Yes, that one.” Again, Faith nodded. “Well, I’m helping him with his songs and I’m going to have dinner with him tonight.” You said, crossing your arms on the table.
Faith dropped her fork, looking at you with wide eyes and an open mouth, causing you to laugh heartfully at your daughter. “Mommy, really?!”
You nodded, opening your phone’s camera to record her, Faith not caring.
“Mommy you’re meeting Harry Styles!”
“I am,” you laughed, “Are you happy?”
“Very happy I’m going to cry!” She gasped, “Can I see him? Please, Mommy, please!”
“I don’t know, Nugget. I might have to ask him.”
“Do you think he’ll say no?” She frowned, “I can wear my Harry dress!”
And by her Harry dress, she meant the Fine Line black tee you had bought her, and even though it was sized small, she was only a toddler so you had resulted for her to wear it as a dress after you had trimmed it and its sleeves and had your mom fit it as tight as she could without damaging it. Needless to say, whenever your daughter wore the oversized tee dress, you had to snap multiple pictures of her because she always looked too adorable and fashionable in it.
“I don’t know what he’ll say but I’ll ask him. And yes, you can. You always look adorable in it.” You smiled, still recording her.
“Can you tell him I love his songs? I love Canyon Moon so much an-Oh! And Sunflower, too!” She grinned, “Are you going to show him this video?” Faith asked as she looked at you.
You shrugged, “You want me to?”
She nodded excitedly before looking at the camera, “Mr. Harry, I love you very much, sir. I hope I can see you but Mommy said she’ll ask you so please say yes. Make Mommy happy, not sad. Goodnight, sir.”
Your heart might have as well exploded that moment as she waved before you ended the video.
As if he was waiting for you to finish, your phone began ringing the moment you stopped recording, finding Harry calling you which made you instantly pick up the moment Faith began eating again.
“Hey, do you like strawberries?” He asked, the moment you picked up.
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion but a silly smile took over your face nonetheless, “Uh, yes?”
“Alright, great. I’ll see you soon. Bye!”
To make matters easier, once Harry had texted you that he was 2 minutes away, you grabbed your bag and left your apartment and into the elevator before walking outside your building, just in time to see a yellow Ferrari Dino pull up.
You smiled at him, watching as he parked before getting out, “Did I keep you waiting for long?” He asked as he approached you.
“No, just came down.” You answered, watching as he reluctantly slightly opened his arms. He was a hugger.
You wrapped your arms around him in a greeting hug, taking notice of how good he smelled. Just as good as he looked; he was in off-white textured knit Wales Bonner polo, paired with his Gucci flared denim pants and off-white Converse. Nobody should be allowed to look that good in casual clothes.
It wasn’t like Harry’s mind wasn’t doing flips at that moment, too. Instead of smelling like overpriced perfume, you smelled like coconut and roses; a refreshing smell that made Harry’s smile deepen enough for his dimple to make appearance. You, too, were in casual clothes; violet colored cropped culottes, a white tee tucked inside, white sneakers on, a black and white cross-bag and your hair was up in a messy ponytail that was kept by a hairband but you wrapped a black and white head bandana around the band just for the looks.
You looked effortlessly beautiful.
You both walked to his car, Harry opening the door for you before grabbing something from the passenger seat before you sat – a bouquet of strawberries.
“Didn’t know what type of flowers you like so,” he said before extending the bouquet towards you with sweetest and giddiest smile, “Hope that’s okay.”
You almost melted, your face changing to a pout as your head tilted to look at him while you accepted the bouquet, “This is so nice of you. Thank you, I love it.”
Alright so you don’t get strawberry bouquets to people you aren’t going on dates with, right?
The ride to the little pizzeria was nice – comfortably nice. You had shared the strawberries there and your stomach did a thousand flips when you offered Harry one only to have him open his mouth,
“I’m driving.”
And then he opened his mouth again, biting the strawberry you offered with your hand, laughing when it was about to drip on him if it weren’t for your fast reflexes – thank motherhood for that – as you held out your other hand beneath his chin.
By sharing strawberries, you mean you ate some as well as fed Harry some.
You both mentally took notice of how conversations flowed so effortlessly between you, as if you had met years ago and not just a day. Hell, even the texts were random and messy as well as entertaining and fun.
The drive wasn’t a long one, only about 20 minutes before Harry was parking in front of a place called ‘La Pizza’.
You both went outside the car, you waiting for Harry by your side as he walked towards you.
You might as well have melted right there and then when you felt Harry’s hand, very gently, on your back. It was very gentle, you almost didn’t notice and you felt that he was just making sure that he wasn’t making you uncomfortable but it was a reflex action of his. Nonetheless, you appreciated the concern and decided to show him that it was okay to touch you when you touched his arm as you both walked through the door.
Harry gulped, feeling hot as you touched him and he almost scolded himself because it only lasted for a second, yet there he was, getting flustered already. What the fuck was going on with him?
A waitress greeted the both of you, smiling widely as she motioned for you to follow her inside the place.
“There are more tables on the roof, would you want to check that?”
Harry looked at you the same moment you did at him, both of you nodding to each other to say that you wouldn’t mind.
“That would be great, thank you.” Harry said, smiling politely at the waitress who nodded and walked in front of you with the both of you following her up the stairs, Harry’s hand now more comfortably on your back as he walked behind you.
The roof was beautiful; cliché but beautiful fairy lights of small globe bulbs hung above the place, only 3 tables there, each at a good amount of distance from each other.
“Would you want to sit here or downstairs?”
Harry looked at you, you giving him a nod. “Here would be fine.”
The waitress nodded before guiding you towards a 2-chaired table. Harry had sat you down first before moving to his chair.
“Thank you.” You both said in unison as the waiter placed 2 menus in front of the both of you.
“I’ll be back to take your orders.” She smiled before leaving.
“Looks good.” You smiled at him before looking down at the menu.
“Didn’t know they had a roof.” Harry said, “This saved me.” He chuckled.
You looked up with confusion, “Saved you from what?”
Harry shrugged, now growing nervous. “Uh, wasn’t sure if taking you out for the first time here was chivalrous enough because it felt too casual, like a friends thing and not a date but now here seems right.”
He wished the ground he was on would split and swallow him whole. Wished to crawl up a hole and cry.
There were things he was practicing on on the way to you; like how he would hide that he was a nervous wreck, how he was excited to spend time with you, how he knew almost every single song you worked on, and finally, how he wouldn’t spill that he thought that was a date, no matter how much he wanted it to be.
You were amused. Contrary to how Harry truly felt, you thought it was nice that he was straightforward.
“Figured this wasn’t too casual the moment you gave me the strawberry bouquet, Harry.” You smiled, assuring him that you were okay with this being a date.
Looks like it wasn’t business after all.
Harry chuckled, raising an eyebrow, “That was nice, wasn’t it?”
You laughed, “Yes. Don’t think I was ever given a bouquet of fruit so yeah. Really nice.”
You both went through the menu, commenting on some plates and ingredients as you did and contemplating together.
“Maybe we should just get two pizzas and share, so we can try more than one option.” You suggested.
“Good idea.” He agreed, “What do you think of Quattro Formaggi?”
“Ooo, yes.” You then pointed on another topping, “Pizza Melanzane?”
“Yes.” Harry closed his menu with a nod.
Shortly after, your waitress came back and took your order before leaving.
“Finished a song yesterday.”
Your eyes widened as you took a sip of water before putting the glass back down, “Really?”
Harry nodded, “Yeah. A new one.”
“You mean you wrote a new one? Not finished writing one you already had?”
Again, he nodded, putting his arms on the table. “New. Very much new.”
You grinned at him, “That’s amazing. What is it about?”
Alright maybe he didn’t think that one through. He did write a song the previous night and he was proud of it and his gut did tell him that it would make it to the list of his next album, but telling you about it on your first – and he hoped it wasn’t the last – date? Well, not so ideal.
“It’s about opening up to someone new. Trying love again and unraveling yourself to the other person.”
Maybe it was because of your situation, but your breath hitched in your throat.
“You know when you get fucked from an ex and love as whole and you think that you don’t want to go through that again and you, like, close off,” Harry explained, “And it’s like you’re immune to feeling any sort of love or interest in anyone after that. Sure, maybe some sexual attraction here and there, but never something wholesome, you know?” He motioned with one of his rings clad hands as he talked, “But then you meet someone and you feel like a teenager or something,” he chuckled, “And it’s a nice feeling, it’s wonderful, that you start thinking that, hey,” he tilted his head, “Maybe I can do this again.”
You were speechless.
You were a woman of words, hell, you worked with words, but right then, you barely remembered the alphabets.
“You- You get me, right?” Harry asked.
You broke out of your trance, nodding absentmindedly, “Yeah, yeah, I,” you paused, an airy chuckle leaving your throat, “Man do I get you.”
He smiled in amusement, “Relatable?”
“Too much, you had me by surprise.” You answered honestly, releasing a breath.
It wasn’t a surprise to Harry that somebody broke your heart; it was always the good ones who got their hearts broken and got fucked over, always the givers.
But he couldn’t shake the feeling of shock at who would possibly have you at arm’s length, with the ability to kiss and cuddle you, and decide to break your heart?
See, maybe Harry had just met you but you know when you meet someone good. Someone kind. Especially when you’re in an industry that is full of shitty people and too many cold snobs.
“When was it?”
You understood his question, understanding that he meant to ask you about when your heart got broken – when somebody fucked you over.
“5 years ago.” You answered, “You?”
“Cheers.” You joked, raising your glass of water to clink it to his, chuckling when he did clink them.
“5 years is a long time.” He commented, gentle with his tone as were his eyes.
“It is,” you agreed, “Got over him, really.”
“You met someone after?”
His question made you think again of your answer, causing you to giggle before correcting yourself, “Got over him as a person but not over the whole thing.”
Harry chuckled, “So no.”
You shook your head, “No. Didn’t have the heart to.” And even though your sentence carried double meanings, you took a mental note of that same sentence just for future songwriting sessions. “What about you? Met anyone after it?”
“Not really,” he shook his head, “Friends set me up with some people but it never went further than a day.”
“You don’t click?”
“No,” Harry answered before a small smile made its way to his face, “I didn’t.”
Your face grew hot, breaking eye contact to glance beside you for a moment.
“How long did it take to write that song yesterday?” You asked, turning back to look at him, growing more flustered to see that he was already looking at you with the same smile.
“Think 25 minutes.”
Your eyes widened, “Inspiration really did hit you, Harry, huh?”
“Grabbed the journal and guitar and I just ran to the studio at home, and it just,” he shrugged, “Happened.”
“Let it keep hitting you like that and we won’t be working together.” You said with a smirk.
“Then I’ll purposely distract myself whenever it hits me so I can see you.” Harry was quick to reply, a smug smile of his own on his face.
“Oh my God.” You whispered under your breath, shaking your head as you covered your face, hearing Harry laugh before feeling his hands on yours, guiding them down.
Shortly after, your waitress was back with your orders; both pizzas looking mouthwatering.
You and Harry decided against utensils, exchanging slices with your hands and granted, as Harry had said, they did make the best Italian pizza.
After the pizza and paying, you and Harry had grabbed ice cream from the parlor right next to the pizzeria before sitting in the car, remaining parked as you laughed about everything and anything.
“And I had no idea that Paul McCartney was right behind me the entire time. It was awful!” You finished, laughing more at how hard Harry was laughing at your story.
“Would’ve changed my name and moved out of this planet if I were you.” He teased you as he regained his breath.
“Oh, shut up!” You laughed, rolling your eyes at him.
Harry laughed, reaching out to place a hand on yours, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Embarrassing shit happens to me everyday, too. On stage is the worst.”
You tried to ignore the tingly feeling that rushed within you at his hand over yours, but good heavens, you were a goner. “The falls?”
“At some point I thought it was good my tour got postponed because I see myself falling during most of the songs. Imagine Watermelon Sugar, I’d be a clown.”
You laughed, “Probably so,” you teased him, batting your eyelashes jokingly when he feigned shock, “But really, you’re an amazing performer. I actually have been to one of your shows once.”
Harry’s eyes widened and as did his smile, “No way.”
You nodded, “The one in Glasgow in November.”  
“You’re telling me that we were in the same room and-“ Harry paused, shaking his heads as he let out a chuckle of disbelief, “Wow. Alright. Did you have anyone with you?”
“Was just me and Faith.” You answered nonchalantly, only realizing once you did before your looked intently at Harry.
“Is that a best friend?” He asked, “Did they enjoy the show?”
“She did, yeah. Very actually,” You chuckled, remember how surprised you were at how 2-year-old Faith at the time was actually very interested and was dancing in your arms the entire time. “And she is my best friend at some point but she’s my daughter.”
You didn’t know what you were expecting but you definitely weren’t expecting Harry to grin excitedly.
“You have a daughter?”
“Uh, yeah,” you nodded, a small smile on your face as you inspected him, “I do. She turns 5 in December.”
Harry only seemed to get more excited at the news, which made your heart flutter at the sight of.
“Do you have a picture?”
“Yeah, of course,” you smiled more then, eager to show him your beautiful girl before unlocking your phone and opening your photos album, only to find the most recent addition to it – the video. “Hey, actually, she wanted me to show you something.”
You gave Harry the phone to watch better, most of the time keeping your eyes on him. Harry’s cheeks sported a shade of red at how highly your daughter spoke of him, laughing and giggling to himself as he watched.
“Nooo, I won’t say no. I’d love to meet her.” He cooed, continuing to watch.
As the video ended, Harry handed you back the phone, “Please let me meet her. And what’s that Harry dress?”
And so you told him about your adventure with the tee, to which his heart seemed to grow a thousand times more at.
“I wasn’t aware kids loved me, I’m sorry you couldn’t find her size.” Harry frowned, feeling genuinely bad.
“Hey, no,” you assured him, putting your other hand on his – that was still resting on yours – “Don’t worry about it. You don’t exactly sing the alphabetics, Mr. sex-inspired-my-last-album-and-I-made-it-on-shrooms.”
Harry giggled, shrugging at you.
You both talked some more, only about Faith. Harry’s eyes were wide with admiration when you told him about how you raised her alone – also assured when he realized that the father wasn’t exactly in the picture even though his heart broke at that – and he showered you with compliments of how brave you were to raise a kid alone.
“Think I should head back now. I still need to pick Faye up from my best friend’s.” You said, leaning your head on the headrest as your body was turned towards Harry, his hand sandwiched between yours on your thigh.
“Can I help?” He asked, “Only if that’s okay. I don’t want to be crossing my limits.”
Your eyes searched his, growing emotional at the man in front of you. “Are you sure?”
Again with the double meanings.
That time, Harry noticed, his face softening as he looked back at you. Softly and ever-so-gently, he leaned to press a soft kiss on your cheek, “I’m sure.”
As he drove, you and Harry held hands on your thigh, the both of you singing along to Fleetwood Mac on your way.
As you gave Harry directions, he was absentmindedly rubbing your hand with his thumb. If you would have told him that he was doing that, he would have denied it; not because he wanted to deny it, but because it felt too natural that he didn’t realize he was doing it.
“Right here.” You pointed at a building, “She’s two buildings away. You can go, it’s a short walk.”
“I’ll wait for you here.” Harry said, parking before turning to look at you.
“Harry, seriously, you can leave if you want. I’m right there.” You pointed at your building.
“Nonsense, love. I’ll wait here.”
You sighed in contentment, giving his hand a squeeze before getting out of the car and into the building.
“Why did you not tell me that you were on a date with Harry fucking Styles?” Cece whisper shouted as soon as she opened the door, “Knew from Faith, you shit.”
“Because you’d overr-“
“He could be the one!”
“-react. You’d overreact and plan our wedding.” You teased your best friend, “Where’s Faye?”
“Won’t you come in for a drink?” She asked before turning, “Faith, it’s your mom!”
“Can’t. Uh,” you cleared your throat, “Someone’s waiting for me.”
“Some- No fucking way!” She exclaimed, muttering a “sorry” when you hushed her, “He-Harry is downstairs? Are you shitting me?” Cece excitedly asked.
You couldn’t stifle the smile on your face as you nodded.
Cece was about to talk some more before Faith appeared beside her, her backpack hung on one shoulder as she rubbed her eyes.
You knelt down, hugging her. “Hey, Nugget. You sleepy?”
Faith only nodded, wrapping her arms around you as you carried her, feeling her rest her head on your shoulder and you instantly knew that she slept.
“I’ll text you, alright?” You whispered to Cece.
“You better.”
Carrying Faith as well as having her backpack in one hand, once Harry saw you, he was out of the car and rushing towards you, taking the bag from your hand.
“Thank you.” You smiled thankfully, noticing how he walked beside you and guided you to the car, opening the door for you and sleeping Faith before closing it as gently as he could.
The lack of backseats made Harry place the purple backpack on his lap as he drove towards your building, a seconds drive.
He stopped the car and was out of his seat the moment he parked, slinging the bag on his shoulder before helping you out, taking your bag for you, to which you quietly thanked him for.
“Um, you can place the bags on my shoulders or something.”
“I can help you upstairs, come on. It’s no problem.”
You knew he was set on it and you let him, mostly because of how surprised you were that there were people who didn’t cringe and run the moment they knew the other person had a kid.
Harry did all the work; opened the building’s door for you, pressed for the elevator, pressed your floor number and had even taken out your keys once you told him to to unlock the door.
“Come in, come in.” You whispered.
Unsure of what to do, Harry walked inside and mirrored your actions by taking off his shoes before lingering.
“You can follow me.” You whispered again, turning around for a moment to look at him with a smile.
A quick take of the apartment was what Harry could do as he followed you, feeling an emotion of comfort and coziness engulf him as he did.
You were never less thankful for yourself for every time you changed Faith into pajamas before taking her to Cece’s, because it only made the process of tucking her in easier.
Harry had helped you by moving the covers so you could place Faith in bed before he stepped back, letting you tuck her in.
He smiled, watching how you seemed to shift around her or even when you just talked about her, like she was the most important person in your life and he knew that she was exactly that.
Faith was beautiful, and more often than not, you were glad that she got most of your looks and not her biological father’s because it only meant that he really was out of your life.
Harry noticed it, too. She had your nose, your lips, your facial outline, and your hair color. And from what he had seen in the video from when Faith was awake, she had your eye color.
You placed a kiss to her forehead before turning around, your eyes falling on Harry whose eyes were set on Faith with a ghost of a smile on his face.
His eyes came up to you and you noticed that he was still holding on to Faith’s backpack and was wearing your crossbag across his own chest.
You smiled as you grabbed the backpack from him and putting it aside on the floor before looking at him.
The only light in the room was from the hallway, making the room dimmed and making the both of you in a much more sentimental moment.
“They usually run away when they find about Faith.” You whispered, stepping closer to him, “Now is your cue.”
Harry’s eyes were on yours until they glanced at your lips, and butterflies erupted in your stomach at that.
“Thank God I’m not one of them, then.” He replied gently in a low whisper before he leaned closer, shamelessly looking at your lips.
It was you who took the final step, closing the minimal space between you by placing your lips on his.
His hands went to your waist as yours went to his neck, feeling him kiss you back softly but eagerly before pulling away from less than a second to tilt his head, getting a better angle before his lips were back on yours.
Pt. 2 
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atlafan · 4 years
Heal - One Shot
a/n: werewolffry is here!! I rewrote this like three different times because supernatural au’s are just not my thing, but I’m pretty happy with how this turned out. I didn’t research anything, I sort of just came up with my own lore, and based some of it off of the show Teen Wolf, but not by much. Feedback and reblogs are super helpful, I can’t wait to know what you think! I have some other Halloween requests, but keep them coming! I’m hoping to post one every week until Halloween. Enjoy! (not proofread)
Warnings: Fluff, a little angst, smut (pegging)
Words: 14.8K
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Harry, Niall, and Louis are all werewolves; it was that simple. What wasn’t simple was they were university students, trying to live regular lives. The three of them all came from different families, but these families had truces, so they were allowed to interact. Over the years, hunters had started breaking their codes, and wolf numbers were starting to dwindle, so many families were starting to extend their packs to keep everyone safe.
Harry’s family was probably one of the most important; they were healers. Healers were a rare and special breed of werewolf. They were basically the wizards of their kind. All werewolves had the ability to heal themselves, sure, and they could take the pain away from others, but healers had the ability to fix broken bones, extract bullets and close wounds without stiches, they had herbs and “potions” to help humans when they felt so inclined. They were pure, kind, and empathetic. Anne was the head, the matriarch, and Gemma was next in line. However, Harry, needed to be protected at all costs. Male healers…they were easily persuaded, and often got a little too attached to the people they mated with. The women were much more reserved, careful, so when Harry was in secondary school, and started dating…Anne had Gemma give him a little talk about the birds and the bees.
Now, there were no rules saying that wolves couldn’t date or mate with regular people. Because of the dwindling numbers over the years, many partners were being turned. It was essentially like going through the process of converting religions. There was some studying involved, some promises that needed to be made, and some understandings on both parties’ sides.
The boys had all grown up together, and they all learned how to fight and protect themselves, although, Harry hated fighting. As a healer, he had his qualms about hurting other people. He’d always feel bad if he accidentally hurt one of his trainers, rushing to their side immediately to help them. Louis, once a very free spirit, had become hardened after becoming the leader of his family’s pack. No one blamed him, his immediate family got murdered by hunters. Now all of his cousins and other family members looked to him for guidance. It was why he took a gap year before going to university. He also wanted to wait to be able to go with Harry and Niall. Anne was grateful that Louis would be watching over her son. Niall was great and all, but he could be a proper dolt in his own right. He was a skilled fighter, but that was about all he had going for him.
They were going into their second year, and this year they had a flat all to themselves. Being in the dorms…well, it was nothing short of a disaster. They were in a triple their first year, and that was just not enough space for three young werewolves. Now they all had their own rooms so they could do as they pleased. Harry was excited to start his new semester. There was a girl he enjoyed the scent of that worked at the bookstore café last year, and he hoped she would be returning. She was the only one that made his coffee correctly. Not that Harry was snooty, but he was practically royalty, so he had his moments where he acted a little spoiled. He wasn’t sure how someone could fuck up a small black coffee with a little butter in it, but if it wasn’t her who made it, it was fucked up. She was American, so he had no idea if she had just been studying abroad last semester or not.
As much as he frequented the bookstore café, he didn’t say more than his coffee order to her. It killed him. He wanted to flirt with her, tell her how good she smelled, and god, did she smell good. It’s what drew him into the café in the first place, the scent of honey and vanilla. He didn’t talk to her because he didn’t know her, he didn’t know her family. Anyone Harry dated in secondary school he had known his whole life. He knew if they came from a hunter or not. He wasn’t sure how things worked for werewolves in the states. He had no idea if the codes were different, and anytime he asked his mother about it she just told it was something he didn’t need to worry about. The girl seemed nice enough, but Gemma had explained to Harry long ago that male healers were gullible when it came to the people they wanted to mate with.
That’s not to say Harry didn’t mate…he mated often, but mostly with people he had no mental attachment to. He didn’t like the idea of not having a lot of control over his mind, so he stuck to random hook ups. At first he didn’t believe Gemma when she first explained everything to him once he hit puberty, but when he found himself in the woods one night with a rabbit in his teeth that he had killed for his regular girlfriend, he understood. He dropped it out of his mouth. “She’s not a werewolf, she won’t want that.” Gemma had said as she put a hand on his shoulder. “I know you want to please her, but this isn’t the way.” She had chuckled. His sister had laughed at him. He didn’t want to give her a reason to do that again. Granted, he was fifteen, and in puppy-love, but still.
He had learned to control himself, as did Niall and Louis, when it came to the people he was attracted to. He was cautious and observant, and perhaps would just admire from afar. Much to his delight, and surprise, as he was walking around campus with Niall and Louis before classes started, he saw the girl in the bookstore window helping put out inventory. Harry smiled to himself. Even if he was still too shy to get to know her, he could at least sleep peacefully knowing he’d be getting a decent cup of coffee.
Working at the university bookstore was an easy gig. Sure, once in a while Y/N would get a disgruntled student who wasn’t pleased about how expensive a book or a sweatshirt was, but other than that things were pleasant. She loved seeing prospective students and their excited families come in to buy their first piece of memorabilia. The bookstore also house a small café for students to grab some coffee and a pastry, and sometimes they’d stay to do some studying. Sometimes she was behind the bar making drinks, sometimes she’d be working the register, and other times she’d be in the back taking stock.
One of her favorite customers was a boy she barely knew, but had seen around campus plenty. His name was Harry, and he’d order a whipped black coffee with butter every morning. She didn’t work every morning, but any morning she was working, she’d make it for him.  Or, that’s how it was last semester, anyways. She had no idea what year he was, he could have finished school last year for all she knew. Y/N chose to study abroad for the entirety of her college career. She had done some traveling in high school, and loved it. She felt way more independent going to school in England, and way more adult. She and her roommates had their own flat this year, and she was excited to really make the space her own. She was in a cramped dorm last year, so having her own room was a major step up.
It was syllabus week, but she was dreading her Calculus class. It was the last math class she needed, thank god. In her first year she had to take algebra, and then precalc. She was a biology student, so she needed Calculus. It was just a lot to balance with her other major courses. Taking bio, chem, and math classes all at the same time was a pain in the ass. Another pain in the ass was that there weren’t a ton of other girls in her classes. Just awkward boys who thought they were smarter than her. She can’t help her jaw from dropping when she sees Harry walk into the classroom. His eyes scan over his options and then widen when he sees her. He knew he smelt something good. He smirks when he sees her obviously flustered, and he walks over slowly to sit down next to her. He flashes her his award winning, shit eating grin, and takes a notebook out of his backpack. He could feel her heart racing, and he almost felt bad, but her heart did that every time he came into the bookstore café. At first he thought it just did that because she was busy, but he realized soon he just made her nervous. Another reason he didn’t say more than a few words to her, until today that is.
Harry turns slightly to look at her, resting his cheek on his fist. She does a double take and sees he’s looking at her. She furrows her brows at him.
“Sorry, you just look really familiar.” He says. “Don’t mean to stare.” He was trying to play it cool. He didn’t want to seem like a stalker.
“Oh! It’s okay, um, I…I work at the campus bookstore.”
“That’s right! You’re the girl who knows how to make my coffee. I think you’re the only one who works there that can do it right.” He sighs.
“It’s not difficult.” She mumbles. “Maybe it’s just the unusual order that throws the others off.”
“Adding butter to coffee isn’t that unusual.” He rolls his eyes. He was talking to her like they were old friends. Maybe in his mind they were. She blinks at him. “What?”
“Nothing…it’s just, well, this is the most you’ve ever spoken to me.” She blushes slightly and takes a pull from her water bottle.
“I could say the same thing to you, you know?” He smirks.
“I’m not the one with the intimidating eyebrows.” She points at his face. “You’re very serious looking.” She gives him a soft smile to let him know she’s only teasing and he smiles back.
“I’m a bit shy, nothing more to it than that. Promise I’m not some scary monster.” God, the irony could have killed him alone.
“Um, how come you’re in calc one? Like, what’s your major?”
“Art History.” She blinks at him again. “I’m an allied health minor, need stats and calc for that.”
“Oh!” She laughs. “Makes sense.”
“What about you?”
“Biology. This is the last math class I need, thank god.”
“Not a fan of math?”
“It’s not that I’m not, I’m just annoyed. I took calculus in high school, but I didn’t know about the math placement assessment last summer, so I had to start out in college algebra last fall. Big waste of time.” She sighs. “Art History and allied health, that’s an interesting combination.”
“Needed a backup, you know how parents can be.”
Truth be told, Harry would go off to be a doctor if he could, but he’d expose himself no doubt. People would catch on to him working “miracles”. It was the empath in him, he just wanted to help anyone and everyone. His mother allowed him the minor for a couple of reasons. One, to scratch his itch for wanting to help people, and two, to learn more about how the body worked so he could properly heal others.
“I totally get it.” She scoffs.
“What do you want to do with bio?”
“I haven’t quite figured out my specialization yet. I don’t think I want to be a doctor doing surgeries, maybe forensics? Working in a lab, that kind of stuff?”
“That’s noble work.” He smiles and she smiles back. “Are you working at the bookstore again this year?”
“Mhm.” She nods. “Sort of have to if I wanna afford things.” She chuckles.
“Cool, good to know I can still get my coffee how I like it.”
“Is that all I’m good for?”
His eyebrows raise as her lips curl up. Oh, she was flirting with him. He has to suppress every urge in his body to not just yank her out of the classroom and take her home with him.
“We’ll have to see how well you do in this class. You may also be good for tutoring.” He wasn’t bad at math, but maybe he could pretend to be if it meant they could start hanging out.
She rolls her eyes at him and shakes her head.
“I’m Y/N, by the way.” She says as the professor walks in.
“Harry.” He whispers, and the class gets started.
Y/N bursts through her door later that day. Her roommates were getting lunch started.
“You’ll never guess what happened in calc! That hot guy that used to come into the café last year is in my class, and he sat next to me! He remembered who I was, and he remembered the way I make his coffee. I swear to god we were flirting, oh my fucking god!” She squeals and her friends giggle.
“Slow down, Y/N.” Talia says to her. “He’s just a guy.”
“But he’s not.” Y/N pouts. “He’s so fucking hot, and he seems really sweet.”
“It’s not a great idea to shit where you eat.” Georgie says. “I hooked up with a guy in one of my classes last year and it was super awkward.”
“Who said I was going to jump into bed with him?” Y/N scoffs. “Maybe I just wanna be his friend.” She shrugs and grabs a cheese stick out of the fridge.
“Mhm, a friend who you’d like to bone.” Talia smirks.
“Well…it’s not like I haven’t thought about it. He’s so handsome…he probably sees lots of girls. Although, I’m pretty sure if he snapped his fingers I’d take my pants off for him.”
All of the girls laugh as they eat. This semester would be interesting to say the least.
Harry started chatting up Y/N in class after that first day, and he went to the bookstore café every time she worked. Even if he wasn’t in the mood for a coffee, he’d pretend like he was, but it didn’t go much deeper than that. His life was complex, and he had to be careful about who he brought into it.
As he got older, Harry realized he had the ability to shift completely into a wolf, but only on full moons. All werewolves could do this, they just needed to reach a level of maturity to do so, and it was extremely dangerous because if they stayed like that for too long, it was difficult to shift back. However, Harry enjoyed going out on the full moon and just running around it his heart’s desire. It also served to satisfy many of his primal instincts. He could go out and kill a small animal, eat, and feel zero remorse about it. The catch was you had to be naked before shifting, and you’d shift back naked, so you had to leave yourself clothes. Niall thought it would be funny to steal Harry’s clothes after he shifted back.
It was extremely early in the morning, and Harry was standing in the middle of the woods naked. Normally it wouldn’t be a big deal, he could just hop from tree to tree, and get back unnoticed, but he found himself in a well-traveled runner’s path. Plus, he was tired from a night out of wolfing it up, so excuse him for not being thrilled with Niall’s prank. He had learned to control his body temperature, so it’s not like he was cold, he was just annoyed. He needed to listen carefully to every little thing. From afar he hears music and someone breathing heavily. Normally he wouldn’t be so phased, but the scent was familiar. Harry freezes when he realized it’s Y/N, so he quickly hides behind a tree. If she was ever going to see him naked it wouldn’t be like this.
Her music wasn’t up terribly loud, she wasn’t an idiot. Running alone early in the morning meant she couldn’t just zone out, no, she needed to be aware of her surroundings. However, it was fall and she was running in a wooded area, so she strips over a hidden tree root. It wouldn’t have been so bad, but it catches her ankle the wrong way, and Harry can feel the ligaments snapping. He winces for her. That wasn’t even the worst of it. Because of the way she twisted as she fell, her head knocked into the stump of the tree, and it knocked her out.
“Shit.” Harry says to himself as he peers at her limp body.
He had a couple of options. He could easily pretend he didn’t see what happened, and continue to get home unnoticed and let someone else find her, or he could go over there, pick her up, and take her to his place to heal her. He goes with the latter, physically not being able to just leave her. He looks around to make sure no one else was coming, and he strolls over to her. He kneels beside her, putting his palm over her forehead to make sure she was really knocked out. He didn’t want to startle her if she woke up. Something about seeing a naked man over your unconscious body…it probably work out well for him. He closes his eyes for a moment, just to take a little of her pain away, then he hoists her up, carrying her bridal style. He takes a deep breath, his eyes glow red, and then he sprints through the trees back to his flat.
“Took you long enough, what did you do, take extra-long to make me feel bad?” Niall says as he opens the front door. His eyes widen when he sees Harry carrying the girl.
“Got a bit side tracked.” He grunts as he walks in.
“What did you do?”
“I didn’t do anything.” He scoffs. “She tripped, and got hurt. I need to take her up to my room to help her. Where’s Lou?”
“He went to the market, we were low on groceries.”
“Good, keep him occupied when he gets back. I don’t think he’d be terribly happy about this.”
Niall nods as Harry carries Y/N up the stairs. He lays her down gentle on his bed, and her eyes flutter open some as he walks to his dresser. She thinks she dreaming because she can faintly see a man’s ass, a perfect ass might she add, and then her eyes rolls back into her head, passing out yet again. Harry grabs some things from his closet, namely a first aid kit. He starts with her ankle. He wraps his large hand around it, taking her pain away. He couldn’t take it all, and he couldn’t fully heal her. That would be too suspicious. He’d need to leave her in a little bit of pain. He heals her ligaments, though, and leaves it to make it feel like she may have just twisted it the wrong way. He wraps a makeshift splint on her for show, and then he moves to her poor head. She had an egg growing out of it, so he takes a deep breath and pops it back in with his thumb. He rubs his palm over her skull to feel around for the potential of a concussion, but he doesn’t feel anything that serious. She’d have a headache at most so he gets up and grabs a water bottle from the case in his closet, and a couple of aspirin from the first aid kit. Since he’s dressed now, and she’s mostly better, he feels like he can wake her up now. He nudges her shoulder gently, and her eyes flutter back open. She flinches when she sees him.
“H-Harry?” She sits up, and winces, grabbing at her ankle. “What’s going on?” She whimpers, and he thinks it’s about the cutest thing he’s ever seen. Her bottom lip slightly jutting out as she assesses herself.
“I was going for a run this morning, uh, the same path you were on I’m assuming, and I saw you trip. You hit your head pretty hard, so I carried you back here, I hope that’s alright.”
“You…you carried me all that way?”
“You’re not exactly heavy.” He mutters, and her cheeks grow red. “Here, uh, do you want some aspirin?”
“Yeah, thanks.” She takes the two pills out of his palm and the water bottle. “My head really hurts.” She looks down at her ankle. “Do you make this splint?”
“I didn’t know if you twisted it or sprained it, so I thought it would be good as a precautionary measure. I think you caught it on a tree root.”
“I’m usually a lot more careful than that…I’m sorry if I troubled you, or ruined your run.”
“You didn’t.” He smiles. “I’m just glad you’re okay, Y/N.”
She gazes at him. Before she can speak his door flies open.
“Harry.” Louis says. “What the fuck are you doing?”
“Hey, mate, thanks for knocking.” Harry grits his teeth.
“I need to speak with you and Niall, so take your friend home, now.” He leaves and slams the door shut. Harry sighs heavily and looks at her.
“Sorry about him, he, uh, gets uptight about house rules. Niall probably left the milk out overnight or something.” Harry shrugs. He could feel her worry radiating off her.
“It’s okay…you don’t have to take me home I should be able to make it.” She swings her legs over the side of the bed, and uses his shoulder to help her stand. She winces once her bad foot hits the ground.
“It’s really no problem. I’d feel better knowing you got back okay.”
“You’ve done enough, Harry.” She winces again as she takes a step. Maybe he should have taken more of her pain away. Now he feels guilty.
“I could give you a piggy back ride.” Her eyebrows raise at him. “Would you like that?” He chuckles.
“I…you’d really carry me all the way to my apartment?”
“It’s a flat, darling, we’re not in America.” He rolls his eyes and her face flushes at the term of endearment used so condescendingly. “And yeah, I’d carry you. I bet you’re not even that far away, c’mon.” He wraps his arm around her wrist to get her to stand behind him as he squats. She climbs onto his broad back and he lifts her effortlessly. “Light as a feather, you are. Now, where do you live?” He asks as he takes her out of his room and down the stairs.
“24D…Pine Street.”
“Pine’s barely a block away from here.” He looks over his shoulder and smiles at her on the way out.
“Won’t we look funny like this?” She nearly whispers as he carries her down the street.
“Nah, we probably just look like a proper couple. I’ve got no problem with that…do you?”
“No.” She rests her chin on his shoulder. She inhales some of his cologne and she likes what she smells. She couldn’t quite put her finger on it, but he just smelled really good to her. “You’re a proper cutie, Harry.”
“Look at you using our slang.” He chuckles. “I am pretty cute, huh?”
“Try being humble, hm?” She nudges the top of his head and it makes him laugh.
His grip on her tightens when they reach the front steps of her flat.
“Hand me your key.”
“I can make it from here.”
“I have to make sure you get inside okay.”
“I will, Harry. I…I’d like to run myself a bath, and I don’t need you there for that.”
“You don’t? Too bad, I’m an excellent bath buddy.”
“Put me down.” She says with a shaky voice, and he smirks. He gently lets her down to her feet and he turns to look at her. “Thank you for being so kind…”
“Do you often run alone?”
“Yeah, my roommates don’t really like it. I don’t blame them, running’s the actual worst, but I don’t really like lifting weights much, so it’s the lesser of two evils for me.”
“Text me sometime, I’d go running with you.” He fishes his phone out of his pocket and hands it to her.
“Yeah.” He smiles. “We could be two proper cuties out running together.”
“Mhm, okay.” She scoffs as she puts her number in his phone and texts herself. She hands it back to him.
“I mean it, you’re very cute.” She rolls her eyes at him. “You are! Especially in calc when your brows are all furrowed when you’re concentrating.” He steps a little closer to her. “You get this very serious pout on your face, it’s adorable.”
“Why…why are you watching me in class, and not paying attention?”
“You’re distracting.” It wasn’t a lie, and it wasn’t meant to be sexist. He wasn’t a little boy getting a stuffy from a bra strap, but she always smelled so good, and anytime she moved he’d get a fresh whiff of her. She looks down at her tattered sneakers and then back to him. She felt like she could easily get lost in his eyes. “Will you let me know later how you’re feeling?”
“Yes.” He nods at that and starts walks down her steps as she keys into her flat. “Harry?”
“I’m…working later if you wanna come by the café.”
He grins at her and turns to keep walking. She takes a deep breath as she gets inside. She had a lot of squealing to do with her roommates.
“Tell me again why you thought it would be a good idea to leave Harry, of all people, in the woods naked? I know you’re bored because you’re not allowed to be on the football team, I’m bored too, but that doesn’t mean you can prank him like that.” Louis was scary when he got mad at the boys. He didn’t yell, but you could hear the clear disappointment in his voice, and that was ten times worse. “Well? I’m waiting for an answer, Niall.”
“I guess I wasn’t really thinking.” He mumbles as he sits with Harry on the couch. The two of them looked like little puppies being scolded for shitting on the rug.
“No, you weren’t.” Louis huffs. “And you.” He looks at Harry. “You thought helping a girl, while naked, was an equally good idea?”
“I couldn’t just leave her there!”
“I know you couldn’t.” Louis sighs. “You just shouldn’t have been left alone. We’ve been lucky at this school so far, I’d like to keep things as easy going as they are. You brought a total stranger here.”
“She’s not a total stranger.” Harry mumbles as he twiddles his thumbs. “She’s that girl I’ve been crushing on from the bookstore, and she also happens to be in my calc class…so I know her.”
“We don’t know if she’s harmless or not.” Louis says.
“Looked pretty harmless when Harry carried her in like a limp noodle.” Niall chuckles, and Louis shoots daggers at him, getting him to shut up.
“Did she question anything?” Louis asks.
“No…I didn’t heal her fully so she wouldn’t be suspicious.” He runs a hand through her hair. “I had to help her, she smells to fucking good to not help.”
“You’ve mentioned that a couple of times, but I’m not smelling it.” Niall says. “Smells like any other regular person.”
“It’s because he likes her. You know how it is for us, we really like the way a person smells when we really like them. It proves the attraction.” Louis sits down on the coffee table in front of them.
“And I know she likes me back.” Harry says proudly.
“Yeah? How?” Niall inquires.
“Well, not only did she tell me I was cute, but she gets aroused around me all the time, especially today when I took her home. I could smell it. I’ve been trying to be careful and not act on anything, but I don’t think I can do that anymore.”
“No one ever said you couldn’t date.” Louis says. “You just need to be careful. You know how easily you lot can get attached.”
“I’m fully aware.” Harry rolls his eyes. “Don’t worry, I won’t be going out into the woods to fetch her a dead rabbit.”
Harry started coming by the bookstore even more after that. Y/N had told her friends what happened, that basically Harry was her knight in shining armor. She got excited every time he’d walk into the bookstore. Even if it wasn’t a shift where she was making coffee, she’d make his for him. A flirty friendship had started to form between the two of them. Sometimes he’d come at the end of her shift so he could walk her home, or they’d go grab a bite to eat. She wondered why the most they had done is hold hands, but she didn’t mind that he was taking things slow with her, it was actually a breath of fresh air. And the antics they’d get into in class…he’d pass her notes, actual notes! Sometimes they’d do homework together too. He was slowly swallowing her whole, and she didn’t mind one bit.
“Hello, love.” He says to her as her shift is ending.
“Hi, Harry.” She smiles. “How was your day?”
“Good, better now.” He sighs with a smile and she blushes.
“I just need to take care of some things in the back, and change.”
“Alright, I thought you could come over for a movie tonight. I could order us some food and we can just hang out.”
“I’d like that.” She smiles and goes into the backroom. About ten minutes later she comes out good to go. “Could we watch something with a Halloween vibe? Nothing too scary, of course.”
“Sure.” He loops his arm through hers and she giggles as they leave the bookstore. “You’re into Halloween and all that?”
“Into it? I love it! We decorated our flat yesterday with a ton of Halloween stuff. You’re not a fan?”
“No, I don’t mind it.” He shrugs. “Just think people can get carried away with their costumes sometimes.”
“I agree, some people ruin it for everyone else. I don’t like the scary aspects of it, like, you won’t catch me at a haunted house.”
“Oh, but I’d protect you, Y/N.” He smiles down at her and she blushes.
He gets her inside and he tells her to go up to his room, and to get comfortable. Louis always preferred if they hung out that Harry brought her over, so she was no stranger to their place now. He grabs some menus from the kitchen and meets her upstairs.
“What are you in the mood for?” He asks her. “Chinese, Italian…?” He furrows his brows at the menus as he looks over his options.
“You pick, I’m fine with whatever.” She says.
“Chinese then, do you like dumplings and stuff like that?”
“Brilliant.” He sits down next to her and grabs his laptop so he can order everything online. He sets it on his desk, and turns his TV on. He sits up against his headboard and so does she. “Here.” He hands her the remote. “You can pick the movie, babe.”
Her heart fluttered every time he called her that. It was just like any other term of endearment, but she still really liked it.
“Hmm…” She flips on Netflix to look over her options. “Oh! What about Teen Wolf, the old one with Michael J. Fox?”
“Uh, that’s a little unrealistic, don’t you think?”
“Well…duh, it’s about a werewolf.” She scoffs. “The whole thing is unrealistic.”
“I just mean, um, oh, look…Hocus Pocus, now that’s a classic.”
“You’re absolutely right. Way better choice.” She hits play and he sighs with relief. “Besides, the show Teen Wolf is way better. I mean, the first two to three seasons were good, and then it just got really bad, but it was still fun.”
“Are you, like, a wolf fanatic or something?”
“No.” She laughs. “It was on MTV when I was younger and it was fun to watch.” She shrugs and looks up at him. “Don’t worry, I think you’re much cuter than the actors on the show.”
“You do, huh?” He puts an arm around her and she cozies up to him. “Good to know.”
She lets her arm fall on his waist as she gets comfortable, and her leg even goes over one of his. It was a proper Netflix & Chill and neither of them had any problem with it. About thirty minutes into the movie, there’s a knock on the door downstairs.
“That’s our food, I’ll be right back.” He pauses the movie and gets up.
“Do you wanna eat downstairs? I’d feel bad about making a mess up here.”
“Don’t be silly, it’s fine.” He chuckles and goes downstairs. He returns shortly with the food. “Alright, I got dumplings, sushi, egg rolls, rice, noodles, and veggies.”
“It smells so good.” She licks her lips and opens the sushi first, popping a piece into her mouth. “Which one’s your favorite?”
“The dumplings.” He mutters as he bites into one.
Eating a dumpling satisfied the more primal side of Harry. It was plump and juicy, like a small animal that he might be ravenous for on a full moon while he’s shifted.
“I like them a lot too.” She takes one and bites into it. She grabs a napkin to dab the corners of her mouth. “Mm, so good.”
“Want some water?”
He grabs her a bottle from the case he keeps in his closet. They eat a bit more while watching the movie, and then Harry puts everything away downstairs so they can go back to cuddling. He pops a piece of gum into his mouth, and offers her some as well.
“We’re gonna have a Halloween party, by the way.” She says to him.
“Mhm, would you maybe wanna come? Niall and Louis can come too.”
“We usually lay low on Halloween…lot of freaks come out that night, you know?”
“Please?” She pouts. “I have a really cute costume planned, and I want you to see it.”
“What is it?” He blushes.
“I can’t give it away, then you won’t be surprised.” She boops his nose and he smiles.
“I’ll…I’ll ask them to see if they wanna go.”
“Great.” In a bold move she kisses his cheek. His eyes widen as he looks at her.
“C’mere.” He says, and pulls her onto his lap. She straddles him and wraps her arms around his neck. “I like you a lot, you know that, right?” He tucks some hair behind her ear.
“I think so.” She says shyly. “I like you a lot too, Harry.”
“Can I kiss you?”
She nods yes, and he cups her cheek with one of his hands while the other grips her hip. He presses his lips to hers, and her eyes flutter closed. Her hands slide into his hair and he tugs her closer. His fingers dig into the skin between her shirt and pants. Their lips move along each other’s. Her lips were so incredibly soft, he just want to-
“Mmph!” She grunts as he bites down on her bottom lip and sucks on it.
Harry had learned a lot of restraint over the years, so he didn’t need to worry about his teeth growing sharper or his nails growing longer, or even shifting slightly. He just needed to keep his breathing steady. She seems to like what he’s doing because she doesn’t tell him to stop. In fact, she rolls her hips down on his and tugs at his hair harder. She opens her mouth slightly, and he takes it as a signal that he can lick into her. His tongue swirls around hers, and she moans again. Her breasts press against his chest, and she continues to grind against him.
She tugs his head back to get some air and she moves to kiss on his neck. She mouths and licks over the area just under his earlobe, and his hands squeeze at her hips.
“Y/N.” He breathes. “It’s getting late, do you wanna spend the night?” She pauses her actions and nods yes against his neck, causing him to chuckle.
“What, um…” She moves to look at him. “What do you feel like doing? Do you wanna stop?”
“Do you?”
“N-no, but I feel like we should. I really do like you, and I don’t wanna mess anything up by moving too fast.”
“I feel the same way.” He smiles. “Want something of mine to wear to sleep?”
“Yeah.” She smiles. He pecks her lips again before she moves off him.
Harry grabs her a tee shirt and a pair of boxers. He also gets her a spare tooth brush, and off to the bathroom she goes. She gasps when she sees Louis waiting in the hallway when she’s done.
“Spending the night, pet?” He asks her.
“Y-yeah, is that alright?”
“Course it is.” He smiles. “You know you’re welcome here.”
“Thanks, well, goodnight.” She smiles and makes her way back to Harry’s room.
“I knew you’d look cute in my clothes, but wow.” He blushes.
“Oh.” She blushes too. “Thanks.” She looks him up and down. “You’re gonna wear sweats to bed?”
“I didn’t wanna make you uncomfortable.” He rubs the back of his neck.
“Don’t be silly, you’ll sweat buckets if you stay like that. Sleep how you normally do.” She says as she slips into his bed.
“Can’t do that…”
“Why not?”
“Because I usually sleep naked.”
“M-maybe just your boxers?”
“You’d be okay with that?” She nods yes at him. “I’m just gonna go use the loo. I’ll be back.” Harry washes up quickly, and then turns the light off when he comes back in. He takes his clothes off, staying in his boxers, and then he gets into bed with Y/N. “Did you let the girls know you’re staying here?”
They both slide down and face each other. He slots a leg between hers and rubs at her side and back. Harry really liked being petted on, so he figured other people did too. He never got any complaints, anyways. She sighs slightly and moves closer to him. She nuzzles her face into his chest and she realizes it’s bare. It was pitch black in the room, so she couldn’t see any of his tattoos. He pets on her until she falls asleep. His eyes flutter closed, and he falls asleep holding her.
The next morning Y/N wakes up with an immense amount of pressure on her bladder. She was laying on her back, she never slept like that, and she couldn’t physically see Harry. She hears snoring from under the covers, so she pulls the blankets back to see Harry’s head in her lap, and his body wrapped around the rest of hers. It was a little bizarre, but not the weirdest way she had ever woken up with someone. She doesn’t want to startle him so she runs her fingers through his hair and scratches at his head. His hold on her thigh tightens and his eyes flutter open. He looks up at her dreamily, like a puppy, and then he flinches when he realizes his head is in her crotch.
“Jesus, I’m so sorry.” He says as he sits up and knuckles at his eyes. “I have zero idea how I ended up like that.” A lie, but he couldn’t very well tell her the truth.
“It’s okay! I just really need to pee.” She giggles and climbs over him to get up. “Be back in a second.”
Harry takes a deep, and gets dressed in some joggers and a sweatshirt as he waits for her. She comes back in, feeling much fresher, and smiles at him. Harry uses the bathroom next and walks in on her just getting her clothes back on.
“Do you mind if I keep the boxers?” She says as she zips up her jeans. “Men’s underwear is so much more comfortable.”
“Consider them yours.” He smiles and wraps his arms around her waist. She presses her hands to his chest. “I’m glad you stayed over. Can I make you breakfast?”
“I’d like that, but I have to get back to my place so I can shower before my shift in a couple of hours.” She bites her bottom lip. “But another time for sure.”
Harry nods, and walks her down the stairs to the front door. She kisses him goodbye, and he watches her walk away. He desperately wanted to go to her Halloween party, but he knew it would be tough convincing Louis.
“Hey.” Harry stands in Louis’ bedroom doorway.
“How was your night?”
“Good, Y/N just left.” Louis nods at that. “She invited us all to a party at the end of the month.” He mumbles.
“Oh, yeah? That was nice of her. When exactly?”
“Very funny.”
“C’mon, Lou, what better night of the year to blend in.”
“The hunters could be feeling the same exact way, Harry!”
“It’s not like we’d be party hopping.” Harry whines. “We could go, make an appearance, and then leave.”
“I think it’s a great idea.” Niall chimes in as he heard the conversation. “We could wear costumes that have masks or face coverings so we’re not as obvious.”
“What do you propose?” Louis asks. “The three fucking musketeers? The Justice League?”
“Well, we’d all look fabulous in spandex, so I’d be cool with that.” Harry smirks.
“No.” Louis shakes his head. “I’ll need to be able to see your faces. I’ll go as David Beckham.”
“Wait, you’re serious….we can go?!” Harry asks excitedly.
“We could use some fun.” Louis sighs. “And I know you really like this girl, and we’ve all started to trust her. She’s no threat. We can go for an hour, at the beginning of the night, and then we’re out of there.”
“Thank you!” Harry throws his arms around his friend. “I can’t wait to tell her.”
“Is she your girlfriend now?” Niall asks.
“I don’t know what we are. We only made out last night, I didn’t wanna take it too far in case I lost control. I didn’t think I would, but I could tell I was really fighting to keep my teeth from shifting. She smells so fucking good, I woke up with my head in her lap.” He runs a hand through his hair. “I feel really comfortable around her, you know?”
“Could you not be so stereotypical?” Louis smirks.
“Yeah, it’s literally puppy love.” Niall chuckles.
“Don’t make fun of me.” Harry pouts. “She doesn’t know that I know, but she sprinkles a little cinnamon into my coffee, literally giving me a treat. I’ll gladly be her puppy.”
Louis dresses as David Beckham, Niall dresses as a basketball player, and Harry dresses as Zorro, but without the mask, Louis wouldn’t let him. They all walk in, and plenty of people are there already. Harry scans the room and his jaw drops. Y/N was standing in front of a tapestry on the wall taking pictures with her roommates. The three of them were dressed like bunnies, classic 1960’s playboy bunnies. His mouth waters, she looked good enough to eat.
“How nice of her to dress as your favorite snack.” Louis nudges him. “Have fun.”
Y/N giggles as she looks at that photos. She turns in Harry’s direction and beams at him. They make their way to each other through the crowd of people.
“You made it!” She throws her arms around his neck and kisses his cheek, leaving a nice, red lipstick mark behind. “You look so hot like this.” She looks him up and down. “Doesn’t Zorro wear a mask?”
“Lou wanted to be able to find me easily.” He smiles nervously. “And…if anyone looks hot it’s you, I…this is the last thing I’d expect you to be wearing.”
“They were on sale at the costume store.” She blushes. “And the accessories were easy enough to find. We figured it would be fine to dress a little skimpier since we’re not leaving here.”
He circles around her, like he was checking out his prey, and he nearly loses it at the sight of the cotton tail at the base of her spine, never mind how perfect her ass looks with the nylons she’s wearing. He thinks of the thong she must be wearing.
“You’re not even revealing that much.” He clears his throat. “Still plenty left to the imagination.”
“Mm, well…” She tugs at the open collar of his shirt. “Hopefully not for long.” She says against his lips and then backs away. She smirks and walks away from him as his mouth falls open. He was a little shocked she’d deprive him of a kiss.
“Where do you think you’re going?” He walks after her.
“I need to mingle with all my guests, and be a good hostess, don’t I?” She raises an eyebrow at him. “Go on and have something to drink, Zorro.” She winks at him.
“Sure thing, Bunny Rabbit.”
She giggles and continues to walk away from him. Harry didn’t want to seem clingy, so he lets her go about the party, being a good little hostess with her roommates. He, Niall, and Louis all sip on the same drink to keep up appearances. Alcohol and drugs had zero effect on them, which at times was extremely annoying, but for the most part it was fine. They needed to keep their wits about them anyways. Y/N eventually finds her way to Harry, keeping her arm snaked around his waist. She felt special to have him as her guest. He was so fucking handsome, and she knew there were people looking at him, wishing they were the ones standing with him. His arm was draped around her shoulders, his thumb rubbing at her bare shoulder. She almost wanted to pull him upstairs, but she wasn’t the type to do that at a party. No, it could wait until everyone left, when they’d have a little more privacy.
“Hey.” She says to him, and he looks down at her. “I need to go use the ladies room, could you hold onto my drink?”
“Course, love.” He kisses her temple and off she goes with her heart fluttering.
After she’s done in the bathroom, which takes ten fucking minutes because the costume was impossible to get on and off, she makes her way through the party. She gets the distinctive whiff of weed coming from outside. She groans, and steps out and sees a group of people passing a blunt around.
“Guys, not to be a party pooper, but you can’t do that here…”
The group makes an annoyed noise, but they listen to her. Suddenly, she’s alone outside, and she realizes how fucking cold it was. She shivers, and moves to go back inside…
“Talia, have you seen Y/N?” Harry asks her. “She went to the bathroom twenty minutes ago, but she’s not in there now.”
“How do you know?” Talia slurs.
“Because Niall just fucked some girl in the bathroom, that’s how I know.” Harry says bluntly.
“Oh, then I don’t know.” She shrugs. “Maybe she went up to her room. You can go check if you want, she’s been dying to get you alone in there all night.”
“She has?” He perks up.
“Duh.” She rolls her eyes. “She’s crazy about you, mate.” She walks away from him.
Concern washes over his face because he knows she’s not in the building. He’d be able to feel her heart, he’d be able to smell her, but he can’t. He finds a freshly fucked Niall, and Louis and tugs them both into a corner.
“I think something’s happened to Y/N.”
“What do you mean?” Louis says.
“She’s not here anymore. She wouldn’t have just left without telling me, she had me hold her drink…she clearly thought she was coming right back.”
“I can feel how worried you are.” Niall sighs. “Do you think she might have gone outside for any reason?”
“No idea, but we could check it out.” Harry says, and they all make their way through the flat, and out the back door. All of their eyes glow red so they can see outside better. Harry takes a whiff, and his head snaps to the left. “Over there, there’s something…an object…” He runs towards it and the boys follow. It was one of he her heels. “Oh, no.” He picks it up and nearly wants to cry.
“Don’t worry, Harry, we’ll find her.” Louis takes the shoe and sniffs it to get her scent, as does Niall. “Hunters may have taken her to get to you, so we need to be smart about this. No fucking around, and no full shifting. Claws and fangs at best.”
“I don’t understand hunters.” Niall says. “If they just got to know us they’d see we’re not dangerous in the slightest.”
“We used to be.” Harry says. “But you can brush up on your history later, right now there’s a girl in the woods dressed like a bunny that we need to go rescue. Poor thing’s probably freezing.”
There Y/N was, cold, annoyed, and tied to a tree. She had tried to scream, but someone put their hand over her mouth. They dragged her out into the woods, and she lost one of her shoes. They were awfully expensive too. There were a few people with guns standing near her, and two others pacing around. She had zero idea what they wanted with her. She had cried out of fear, but she was quiet now.
“C-could I at least have a sweater or a blanket? F-fucking freezing out here.” She stutters through her sentence. “Not exactly dr-dressed for this sort of thing.”
“Be quiet, or we’ll gag you.” A man with a gruff voice says to her.
“G-gonna have to buy me d-dinner first if you wanna do that.” She musters up the energy to smirk, and a woman comes over to her with duct tape. She slaps it over her mouth.
“There.” The woman says. “Keep warm with that.”
Y/N tries wiggling her toes and fingers to keep her circulation going. It was only a matter of time until hypothermia would kick in, and she knew that.
“Where are they, hm? Bumbling idiots.” A man says to the woman.
“Maybe Harry doesn’t care about the bitch as much as we thought.” The woman shrugs.
Harry growls lowly when he hears that. He, Louis, and Niall had found the spot the hunters were keeping Y/N easily.
“How many total?” Harry asks.
“Ten.” Louis says. “Keep your emotions at bay. They may be willing to kill, but we can’t do that. Niall and I will knock out as many as we can, and then call for backup. You focus on getting Y/N out of there. Bring her back to our place, and give her something to fall asleep. Then in the morning tell her she was drunk and had a bad dream.”
Harry nods. All of their teeth and claws were out, but nothing more. He knew he had to look scary like this, but he couldn’t worry about it right now. The girl who he was seriously falling for was tied to a fucking tree. Her shoe fell off, but her bunny ears had managed to stay on, although they were a little dented now. The three take a deep breath, and jump up nimbly into the trees. Harry slips down the tree she’s tied to, and cuts through the ropes easily with his claws.
She looks down at herself as she feels the ropes loosen, but she stays put not wanting to bring attention to herself. Y/N sees two figures moves swiftly, knocking the various people around her over. They evade the bullets being shot at them (the guns have silencers). She has no idea what’s happening. The men around her suddenly fall, and she gasps. A figure with a broad back picks them up effortlessly and tosses them into a pile of other people. He turns to look at Y/N and her eyes widen.
“I’ll explain everything later, I promise.” His voice was deeper, and she felt sedated. “Need to get you out of here, trust me?” She nods quickly, and he wastes no time picking her up bridal style, he claws digging into the meat of her thigh, and he jumps up in the trees.
She felt like she was on a roller coaster ride as she clings to him. She didn’t know a person could move so fast, but clearly Harry wasn’t an ordinary person. He was a thing she had only seen on TV or read myths about. Once he gets her inside his flat, he retracts his fangs and claws, and his eyes turn green once more. He carries her up to his bathroom and sets her down on the sink counter.
“This is probably gonna hurt.” He says as he starts to tug on the tape covering her mouth. She nods and closes her eyes. She squeaks out a noise as he rips it off. “Took it like a champ, babe.” He rubs his hands up and down her arms and shoulders.
“Been getting my lip waxed for years, that was nothing.” She breathes.
He looks her up and down. Her nylons were all ripped up, and she had dirt all over her. Did they fucking drag her? He growls angrily just thinking about it.
“I found your other shoe.” He takes it out of his pocket, and she nearly melts. “Did they hurt you?”
“They dragged me through the woods, and slammed me against the tree when they tied me up.” She pouts. “Almost knocked the wind out of me, but I’m okay.”
“I can make you feel better.” He cups her cheek. “But I need to draw you a bath in order to do it. You’re freezing anyways, so it’s a good idea all around.” He moves to turn the water on, and he grabs some bottles from the linen closet.
“Yeah?” He doesn’t look at her as he sprinkles whatever’s in the bottles into the warm water.
“Who were they? What did they want with you?”
“They either wanted to kill me, or take me as a prisoner.” He turns to look at her. He takes his jacket and shirt off, and her eyes widen. “M’not getting in with you, I just need to mix it all together once the tub’s full, and I don’t wanna get my clothes soaked.” He defends himself.
“No, I just…you have so many tattoos. I didn’t notice it the other night when we slept.”
“It’s really not a lot, Lou has way more.” He bends down to take her other heel off, and he puts the shoes together neatly on the floor. He stands back up and grabs at the bunny ears. “You’ll wear these again for me sometime, yeah? Be a shame if you didn’t.” She nods at him and he sets them down on the counter. “Good, bunnies are my favorite.”
“Your favorite what?”
“Snack.” He says as he grips her hips, helping her hop off the counter.
“Right.” She swallows, and her eyes rim with tears.
“What’s wrong?” He asks as he turns the water off in the tub and starts mixing everything.
“Are…are you going to kill me?”
“Now, why would I offer to make you feel better and then turn around and kill you?”
“I don’t know! Nothing’s exactly clear, Harry!”
“Okay, be cool, yeah?” He stands up straight. “There’s no reason to freak out.”
“No reason to freak out?! I was just taken from my own home, tied to a fucking tree, and then you come and you have these big teeth and these talons, and…shit, I need to text my roommates and let them know I’m okay. Or, maybe that I’m not okay…”
“They’re claws, not talons. I’m not a bloody chicken.”
“What are you then, hm?” She puts her hands on her hips.
“I’m a person, same as you.”
“My eyes don’t glow red, Harry.”
“They could, maybe you’re just not trying hard enough.” She makes an exasperated noise at him, and motions that she’s going to leave. “Okay, okay…I…I’m a werewolf. I was born this way, I wasn’t turned, but a lot of us these days are. The hunters want me because I’m a healer, and I come from a family of healers. They must have caught wind that I go to school here, and they must have noticed that we’ve been hanging out so…to get to me they took you. I feel absolutely terrible about it because the last thing I would ever want to do is put you in any danger. It’s why I barely spoke to you last year. I didn’t want you getting dragged into all this, and here you are now…literally being dragged into it.” He huffs.
“Great, so now I can add bestiality to the list of things that are wrong with me.” She shakes her head, more so saying it to herself. She looks at him. “I’m in a lot of pain, so I’m going to disregard a lot of what you just said, I’m going to not ask any more questions, and I’m going to chalk this up to being an extremely elaborate Halloween prank or something.”
“It’s not a prank, Y/N. I know it’s a lot to take in, I’m so sorry.” He shakes his head. “And being with a werewolf doesn’t make you into bestiality.” He chuckles softly. “You saw me out there, I didn’t grow any extra hair, my ears didn’t get all long and pointy, and I’m pretty sure you’re the only one with a tail on tonight. It’s not like what you think, we blend in really easily. I can shift so I can look like what you may have seen, but it’s rather uncomfortable and unnecessary.” He runs a hand through his hair. “Are you scared?”
“Of me?”
“No.” He sighs with relief at that. “I’m scared that they’re going to take me again.”
“They won’t.”
“How do you know?”
“Because…we have ways of protecting ourselves and others. I have something I can give you to keep you safe.”
“Like what?”
“I…I have to bite off one of my claws, and put it on chain for you to wear.” She grimaces at him. “Don’t worry, I’ll do it in the morning, and it’ll grow back. I can even paint it a nice color, I have some nail polish.”
“C’mon, the bath is gonna get cold. I’ll step out so you can get in, and-“
“I want you to stay in here with me.”
“I’ll come back, I just wanna give you some privacy.”
“I need you to unzip the back of this stupid thing for me first.”
She turns around and sighs heavily. She looks at herself in the mirror, and is shocked at how fucked up she looks. Her mascara had run down her face, and her bunny nose and whiskers that she painted on had smeared.
“Do…do you have any face-cloths?” She mumbles.
“Yeah, babe.”
He steps over to the linen closet after unzipping her. He hands her a blue cloth and steps out of the bathroom. He hears the front door open and close, and races downstairs to Louis and Niall.
“Cleaned up and taken care of.” Niall says. “I need a shower.”
“Y/N’s getting into the tub. I ran her a bubble bath so I could heal her.”
“I told you to put her to sleep.” Louis grits his teeth. “I really don’t like it when you don’t listen, Harry.”
“M’sorry, she…she just looked so scared, and I couldn’t lie to her. We can talk to her in morning, can’t we? It’s not like she’s the first regular person to get involved with a werewolf.”
“True, but you should really have ran this by your mum first. She’s not gonna be happy.” Louis says.
“I’ll deal with her in the morning too. Let me go tend to my bunny, yeah?”
He goes back upstairs, and taps on the door before entering. She was in the water, covered by the bubbles. She had pulled her hair up into a bun on the top of her head. He sits down on the toilet and faces her.
“I need to stick my hand in.”
“Excuse me?” Her eyebrows raise at him.
“To make what I put in work, I have to stick my hand in the water.”
He leans forward, and dips his hand into the warm water. His eyes glow red, and she feels every cut and bruise on her body disappear. She feels better than she had before the night even started.
“Holy shit.” She breathes as he takes his hand out of the water.
“How’s the temperature, still warm enough?”
“Yeah…it’s…it’s perfect.” He nods at her and she sighs heavily. “So, you could literally rip me to shreds, and you’re choosing not to?”
“Why is it your first instinct that I’m going to kill you? It’s what the hunters think too, and it’s just not the case, love. Especially with my breed. Healers don’t like hurting others, even in defense. We’re too empathetic. I wanna keep you safe more than anything.”
“Are there others? Obviously Niall and Louis, but, like, in our classes?”
“Not that I know of. The three of us stick together because we’re all in the same large pack. Our three families came together for safety. Other packs just tend to leave others alone, you know?”
“No, I don’t know.” She snaps.
“I never meant to put you in danger, Y/N.”
“Do you have a towel for me, I’d like to get out now.”
He sighs and gets up. He grabs her a fresh towel, and hands it to her. He turns around so she can stand and wrap it around herself. She steps out of the tub and looks up at him. She groans and presses her forehead into his chest.
“I can feel how conflicted you are.” He says as he wraps his arms around her.
“Must be nice to just sense how someone’s feeling.” She scoffs as she nuzzles into him. A thought occurs to her and she looks up at him. “Is that why you curled up with me the way you did that night? Like…are you more dog than person when you’re sleeping?”
“Wolf, I’m not a fucking dog. And…I don’t really know. Sometimes we can do that when we feel really safe with someone.”
“You feel safe with me?” Her eyes widen.
“Well…yeah. And you always smell so good.” He mutters as his hands splay on her back, pulling her closer to him.
“I…I think you smell good too.”
“You do?”
“Yeah, but I can never quite put my finger on what cologne you’re wearing.”
“I don’t wear cologne.”
“It would fuck with my natural scent too much. I have to wear a scentless deodorant even.”
“So…you just naturally smell good?”
“I…” He thinks for a moment. He had read about this before, and from what Louis and Niall said about not being able to smell anything particularly special about her, some things were starting to connect. “Let’s go to my room, Niall said he needed to shower.”
She nods, and he grabs all of her clothes as they make their way down the hall. She sits down on his bed, after he sets her things down on his desk. Her eyes scan over the broadness of his back, and how his muscles flex while he digs through his dresser. She clamps her legs together after shaking her hair out of its bun. He stands up straight after getting a whiff of her. She was turned on? He turns to look at her.
“Nothing, here, you can wear these.” He tosses her some boxers and a shirt.
“What if I wanna be like you and sleep naked?”
“Y/N, it’s late and-“
“That bath gave me a second wind.”
Harry wasn’t doing anything in particular, but healers had a way of bringing out confidence and truths out in others. Especially when they seemed to be this connected. They could be soulmates for all he knows, but he doesn’t want to say that and scare her off.
She stands up and walks towards him, reaching around for her bunny ears, and putting them on. She smirks at as he swallows.
“You’re really okay with all of this?” He puts his hands on her shoulders.
“I know I wanna be with you. Maybe I shouldn’t want that, but I do. I…I don’t think I could stay away from you even if I wanted to.”
“I feel the same way.”
“Is…is someone going to tell us we can’t see each other anymore?”
“No.” He scoffs. “I’m like a prince, no one tells me who I can and can’t see.”
“Good, because…” She presses her hands to his chest and lets her towel fall. “I got all dressed up tonight because I wanted to look cute for you, and I’m really sad it all went to waste.”
“It didn’t.”
He cups her cheeks and presses his lips to hers in a searing kiss. He backs her up against his bed, and lays her down. He gets his pants off, and climbs on top of her. . She wraps her legs around his waist and he grinds his clothed dick against her. She groans and scratches her nails down his back. He kisses down her body, and looks up at her to make sure it’s alright before he dives in. She nods frantically, and he goes for it. He licks all around her folds, essentially making out with her other lips, and then he sucks on her clit. Her hands fly to his hair, and she tugs harshly. He moans against her, and her mouth falls open. Her hips buck up towards his mouth. He thought she tasted so fucking good. He was nose deep, moving his face from side to side, and she loses it. He licks her clean and pops his head up.
“Holy shit.” She breathes. He chuckles and gets his boxers off. He moves to sit up against the headboard. His tip was leaking for her. “Are…are you that big because of the wolf thing, or…?”
“Nah, that’s just good genetics, love.” He grins. “C’mere, bunny rabbit, come bounce on my cock for me.” Her mouth falls open and does as he says quickly. She swings her leg over his lap, and lines him up with her. “Wait, uh, do you, like, want me to use a condom, or-“
“M’on the pill, it’s fine.” She smiles at him and he nods. “Thanks for asking, though.” The head of his cock pushes inside her and she bites down on his shoulder as she takes him deeper, inch by inch. She lets out a puff of air once he’s all the way. She looks up at him with big eyes. “Will you help me?”
He bites down on her bottom lip as he moves her up and down on his hard dick. She was so snug around him, he was starting to lose control a little. His claws grow and he scratches at her love handles. She gasps into his mouth.
“Shit, sorry, I-“
“No, it feels good, it’s okay.” She smiles and moves around in a circle on him.
“Here I was thinking you were this innocent little thing.” He smirks and runs his nails down her back. Her head rolls backwards and he notices goosebumps raise on her skin.
“I usually am, but you’re bringing something out of me.”
“Do you feel good?” He asks as he nibbles on her neck.
“Yeah, really good.” She bounces faster up and down on him. “I’ve wanted this for a while.”
“Me too.”
He slots his mouth over hers, and licks into her. She moans into him. This is exactly what they both needed right now. He retracts his claws and before she has a second to protest he snakes a hand between them to rub her clit.
“Oh!” She gasps.
“Gonna make you come again, baby.”
She moans out as she feels it bubbling in her stomach.
“You can come inside me if you want to.”
“Do you want me to?”
“Yeah, I really wanna feel it.”
He nods and rubs her faster. She cries out into his neck, and then he bursts inside her. He fills her to the brim, and it has her panting. He kisses her tenderly as she whimpers. He takes the bunny ears off her and tosses them elsewhere before carefully lifting her off of him. He lays her down, and grabs the towel she was using earlier to clean her up.
“Thank you, that’s so sweet.” She says tiredly.
“It’s the least I could, I made a fucking mess inside you.” He chuckles. “There we are, all clean.” He tosses the towel in his hamper and knees back onto the bed. She rolls over onto his chest as he turns the lights off.
“That was really great.” She nuzzles into his neck. “I’ve never felt so confident with someone before.”
“I enjoyed it too.”
“So, do you get, like, animal instincts or urges sometimes? Like, do you ever randomly chase after squirrels, what am I dealing with here?”
“No.” He laughs. “Nothing like that, although I really enjoy getting my head scratched, like, behind my ears like a dog would.” He mumbles the part about the dog. “The only time I would chase after another animal is I’ve fully transformed, and I only do that on full moons. It’s liberating to just run free like that.”
“Will you be able to tell when I’m getting my period, or if I’m on it?”
“Yeah. I have a keen sense of smell. My hearing’s enhanced too.”
“Oh my god.” She sits up a little. “So did they just hear everything?”
“Probably, unless they’re asleep already.” He shrugs. “It’s not a big deal, no need to be embarrassed, alright?”
“Are…are you gonna have to transfer schools since the hunters know you’re here?”
“We shouldn’t need to. We’ll need to see how many of them are here and what not. My mum might send reinforcements if need be. Don’t worry, I wouldn’t have fucked you if I thought I wasn’t going to be able to stay.”
“Okay.” She settles back down and he pulls the blankets over them.
“Do you mind if I sort burrow under the blankets again? I could just rest my head on your stomach.”
“Sure.” She smiles and he pecks her lips. He shifts under the blankets, and rests his head just above one of her hips. She mindlessly scratches at his head and he sighs. “Comfy?” She giggles.
The next morning Y/N sits comfortably in Harry’s sweats in the kitchen while Niall makes her breakfast. Harry and Louis were on a video call with Anne and Gemma.
“Does it bother you that they’re having you babysit me?” She asks him as he sets a bowl of fruit in front of her. He was making pancakes as well.
“Not at all, love. The conversation doesn’t really concern me. Harry’s talking to his family, and Louis is a pack leader so it makes sense for him to be in on the chat.” He sets a short stack in front of her.
“Thank you.”
“So…” He drums his fingers on the kitchen island. “You know everything?”
“I wouldn’t say everything, but I know the three of you are…a little special.”
“And you’re not scared?”
“The three of you rushed into the woods to save me. I’m more scared of the people who dragged me out with guns on their hips.” They hear a noise from upstairs that sounds like a puppy just got kicked. “Jesus, what was that?”
“Oh…Harry must’ve just ripped out one of his claws.” Niall gives her a soft smile and digs into his own pancakes.
“What will me wearing it do, exactly?”
“Alright, so basically, we’ve got this stuff all around the house that makes it so we can’t be tracked. I can’t really explain it, it’s outside my expertise. You may notice we all smoke a lot of cigarettes?” She nods at him. “They’re not normal cigarettes, they have the same stuff in them. It would kill you if you tried in inhale one, so we give normal people pieces of ourselves and it has the same effect. You’ll need to wear it all the time.”
“It won’t just decompose?”
“No, he has something to put on it so it won’t. It’ll sort of look like a shark tooth or something to the untrained eye.”
Harry and Louis come downstairs. Harry’s face is flushed, and he comes around behind Y/N to clasp the chain with his claw on it.
“I panted it black.” He mutters.
“Are you alright?” She asks as he sits down next to her.
“Yeah, it already grew back, see?” He holds his hand up for her.
“We’ve been given the greenlight from Anne, Harry’s mum.” Louis says as he pops a blueberry into his mouth. “But you need to be sworn to secrecy. You can’t say anything, Y/N.”
“I understand.”
“Do you? Because we’re trying to live normal lives, and-“
“She’s not going to say anything!” Harry slams his hands down on the island. “We literally just spoke with my mother about this for a bloody hour! I trust her, there’s nothing more to it than that!” His fangs peak out, and Louis growls at him.
“Do I need to remind you that male healers are extremely gullible? Or did your mother not drive that point home enough for you up there?”
“H-Harry…” She puts her hand on his back and he looks at her. Her heart was racing.
“Oh, baby, we’re scaring you.” His fangs retract and he takes her hand in his. “I’m sorry, we’ll cool it.”
“You’ll need to stay here the rest of the weekend.” Louis says. “It may not be safe for you at your flat.”
“What about roommates.”
“I’m gonna go check on them.” Niall says. “I have a class with Georgie, shouldn’t be too weird.”
“Y/N, have you ever taken any self-defense classes or anything?” Louis asks her.
“No.” The boys all share a look. “Should I?”
“Harry will take you to the boxing gym that he goes to and show you some ways to defend yourself. You should be safe, but you can never be too careful.”
She looks at Harry and smirks at him.
“Wanna get into the ring with me?” She giggles and he giggles too. Louis sighs heavily rolls his eyes.
“I’m gonna take my breakfast to my room.” He grumbles and leaves.
Harry started going to the bookstore twice as often, setting up shop there for most of Y/N’s shift. If he could have curled up in her lap and sat on top of her in calculus he would have. Whenever he’d go over to Y/N’s place, he was always laying on top of her. Her hands were in his hair, and sometimes his foot would start shaking if she scratched him just right. He was in heaven. Her roommates, however, saw an extremely clingy and possessive guy taking up all of her time. So, they decide to talk to her about it.
“Guys, I can’t talk long. Harry’s gonna be here soon.” Y/N says as she packs her overnight bag.
“We know, it’s just…we’re a little concerned.” Talia says.
“With what?”
“He literally lives up your asshole.” Georgie says.
“He’s…clingy, but it’s not a bad thing. He gives me my space when I need it.”
“You told him to go home one night and I swear to god I heard him whimper, Y/N, whimper!” Talia says. “Also….he likes to call you ‘bunny’, and I I’m pretty sure that’s a weird BDSM nickname. Like, does he make you wear a collar or some shit, or-“
“Okay.” Y/N laughs. “You are so far off. He calls me bunny because I was dressed like one for Halloween, and sometimes I wear the ears when we have sex, but that’s the extent of it.”
It wasn’t the extent of it, but her friends didn’t need to know when they were feeling especially naughty, they would play a game of big bad wolf. Y/N had hot glues the bunny tail from her costume to a pair of lace panties, and she’d wear a lace bra, and Harry would hide somewhere in his room, and he pop out with his glowing red eyes, his fangs, and his claws. He wouldn’t scare her, it turned her on to see him so forceful. And then…once he “caught” her, she was in charge. She’d ride his dick, and tell him to be good for her while she squeezed and tugged at his curls.
“So, you’re both just a little kinky, but he’s not making you do anything you don’t wanna do, right?” Georgie says.
“Exactly.” Y/N smiles. “Look, I love you guys. I appreciate you looking out for me, I really do. I promise, if anything felt wrong with him I would tell you. We’re in a perfectly healthy relationship.” There’s a knock downstairs, and she slings her bag over her shoulder after getting her jacket on. “That’s him, I have to go.”
She goes downstairs, and opens the front door. She throws her arms around his neck and kisses him before he takes his bag for her. He laces his fingers through her hand.
“How’s my little angel baby?” He asks her and it makes her giggle.
“Good, how are you?”
“Good.” He nods. “Sorry I couldn’t be there during your shift today, I was a little busy with the boys.”
“Oh, it’s no problem. I don’t expect you to be there all the time.”
He gets her into his place, and he can’t stop grinning. She gasps when she sees a folding table set up in the living room, a nice tablecloth on it, and delicious food piled high.
“What is all this?” She says as she walks over to the table. Niall and Louis come out of the kitchen with biscuits and wine.
“You celebrate Thanksgiving right? Not like you can easily go home for that, so we cooked.” Harry says. “We looked up what all the best stuff is.”
“You…you did all of this for me?” They look at each other like they’re the only two people in the room.
“Well…yeah.” He takes her hands in his. “I…I love you, Y/N.”
“Oh, Harry, I love you too!” She throws her arms around him and slots her mouth over his. He groans into his kiss and pulls her closer.
“Ahem.” Niall says. “We’ve got hot food here…so…”
“Right.” Harry clears his throat and steps back from Y/N. “Let’s eat, yeah?”
Everyone enjoys the meal. Y/N giggles as they boys tear into the turkey and pretty much obliterate it. Usually they all had manners, but she thinks seeing the turkey ignited something primal in them. She eats until she’s the happy kind of full, and then she helps clean up. After cuddling on the couch (and making sure to go to the bathroom), Harry and Y/N go up to his room.
“I can’t believe you did all of that for me.” She pouts at him as she sits on his bed. He kneels in front of her and rubs his hands up and down on her thighs.
“Do you wanna do something for me?”
He grins and pecks her lips as he stands up. He goes into his dresser and grabs a few things, keeping them behind his back.
“I’ve been sort of preparing myself all week for this, and I feel really close to you. These last couple of months have been incredible, and we love each other so…I was wondering how you’d feel about topping me.”
“Harry, I top you all the time.” She giggles.
“No, I mean, like…” He takes a strap and a bottle of lube out from behind his back.
“Oh!” She gasps. “Oh my god…you’ve been putting that up your ass all week?”
“No, I used a butt plug, and I got all cleaned out. Wanna give it a try, bunny?”
“Will you fuck me first?”
She smiles and nods at him. He eagerly gets his clothes off, and he helps her get out of is.
“I just…l don’t wanna lick you down there like you’ve done to me, is that okay? I’ll use my fingers, but I don’t wanna stick my tongue up your ass.” She says as he kisses on her neck.
“Yeah, that’s fine. It’s why I got so much lube.” He smirks at her. “But you have no problem with me doing it to you, that’s cute.”
“That’s because your tongue works all kinds of magic.”
He growls at her and kisses down her body, getting between her legs. He sucks on her clit while he fingers her, knuckle deep. He throws her legs over his shoulders and relentlessly fucks her with his fingers. She was a heaving mess underneath him. She comes around him, squeezing tightly around his fingers. He takes them out of her and sucks them into his mouth. He takes her hand and sucks two of her fingers into his mouth. She groans watching him.
“Okay, I wanna fuck you now.” She says.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah.” She bites her bottom lip. “I’m really into it now. I wanna make you feel good.”
He kisses her quickly before grabbing the strap and the lube. He helps her into it, and she gets the lube on her fingers. He lays on his back with his legs spread for her. He had trimmed everything for her, which she greatly appreciated. Harry didn’t always manscape, not that she minded, but he clearly wanted to make things as comfortable as possible for her. She swirls her fingers around his hole and he spreads further apart for her.
“Wish I could have seen you with the butt plug in.” She grunts as she fingers him easily.
“I’ll happily wear it for you any time you want.”
“What made you wanna do this with me?” She asks as he gets the dildo attached to the strap lubed up.
“I’ve always wanted to try it, but I’ve never trusted someone enough.”
“God.” She breathes. “That is so sweet. Okay, I’m gonna start. Make sure to tell me if it hurts or something.”
“I will, go ahead.” He holds his legs back for her and she slowly pushes inside him. He tries to keep his breathing steady as she keeps going. Once she’s all the way in she waits for his signal. “You can move.” He grunts.
She slowly moves out, and then back in. She puts more lube on the dildo to add to his comfort, and then continues. Eventually she’s able to get a pace going, and she wraps her hand around his twitching, hard cock. His head falls back into his pillows and his mouth hangs open.
“Oh! Shit, do that again.” He groans. “Think you hit my g-spot.”
“Here?” She thrusts into him again and his eyes roll back into his head. She bites her bottom lip and she hits the spot over and over while pumping him silly with her hand.
“Feels so fucking good, Y/N.” He was starting to pant. “Will you sit on my face when we’re done? I wanna fuck you with my tongue.”
“Y-yeah, we can do whatever you want.” Her legs were shaking. She was extremely turned on seeing him like this.
“Fuck, I’m gonna come, babe!”
She gives him one last good push while he comes into her hand. Some of his gets onto his lower tummy, but he doesn’t seem to care. She licks her palm clean of him, and he moans at the sight. She carefully pulls out of him and gets the strap off.
“Are you sure you wanna-“
“Get up here, now.” He growls at her, and his eyes flash red for a moment.
She didn’t dare fuck with him, so she crawls up his body, and he grips her hips harshly as he licks into her. She gasps, especially from the way he nibbles at her clit. She tugs at his hair as she starts riding his face. He moans against her, loving the way she tastes. She was dripping for him. No one had ever made her this wet before.
“H-Harry.” She moans and he presses her harder against him. “Fuck, oh my god, shit!” She comes on his tongue and he laps her up. He nips at her inner thigh before she gets off him. “W-wow, that was-“
“Wanna take a bath?” He asks, already getting up.
“Sure.” She shrugs. “How are you feeling?”
“Incredible, baby, you did such a good job. What about me? Was I good for you?”
“Yeah, Harry, you were really good.”
If his tail had been out he’d be wagging it. He grabs a couple of towels, and they head to the bathroom. Once the tub is full of bubbles and calming scents, they both get in. Harry sits in front of Y/N so he can rest his head on her shoulder, and so she can play with his hair.
“Are you going home for the holidays?” He asks her, turning slightly to make eye contact.
“Nope, can’t afford it. I just video chatted with my family last year, it was fine, why?”
“Well, how would you like to come to my house for Christmas? My family really wants to meet you, I want you to meet them too, of course.”
“I…I’d love to.”
“And you won’t be the only regular person there either, some of them choose not to be turned.”
“It’s nice everyone’s so cool about it.”
“Love is love.” He shrugs. “So, you really wanna come home with me?” He pouts up at her.
“Of course I do.” She squishes her nose to his. “Sounds like fun.”
“And we can travel a bit too, if you want.”
“I don’t care what we do, I’m just happy to spend time with you, Harry.”
He smiles and pecks her lips. After they get out they towel off, and go back into his room. They get cozy in his bed with his head laying on her chest.
“Do your parents know about me?” He asks as he fondles one of her breasts.
“Yes.” She giggles. “I told them I started seeing a very nice boy in my calculus class, and since my grades have been good they haven’t seemed to mind. They may come try to visit over winter break since it’s so long.”
“Would you let me meet them?”
“Yeah, of course.”
“I’d really wanna make a good impression.”
“I wanna make a good impression with your family too.” She whines slightly. “Your mom is this powerful matriarch.”
“Yeah, but she’s also like any other mum.” He kisses on her breast. “God, you are always as sweet as honey. I always wanna kiss you all over.”
“Mm, I like it when you kiss me all over.” She runs a hand through his hair.
“Your body is so perfect.”
“Harry.” She giggles. “No it’s not.”
“Sure it is. I love every little thing about it.”
“Thank you.” She leans forward to kiss his forehead. He yawns out and shakes his head. “Sleepy?”
She nods and reaches to turn the light off as he goes further under the covers to rest his head on her hip. It wasn’t the most conventional way to sleep, but he always made her feel safe, and he told her it made him feel safe to sleep like that. She wasn’t entirely sure what it meant to be in a relationship with a werewolf. It wasn’t too different from being in a relationship with a regular person, they just took more precautions than most. Sometimes being with Harry was like having a pet. He needed a lot of attention, and a lot of love, but it was okay, she had plenty of it to give him.  
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nadisabug · 4 years
Plus One
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Pairing: Oikawa Tooru x reader
Genre: angst, hurt/comfort, fluff
Warnings: cursing
Word Count: 3.1 k
Summary: You would do anything for Tooru, but is he asking too much when he asks you to be his plus one to his sister’s wedding?
A/N: Thank you to my lovely betas @luvnami and @snoozless !!!!! This is for the HQ Hangout Net’s Spring Formal Event! Everyone check out the other amazing works everyone else did @hqhangout​ !!!
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This was too much.
You felt like imploding. 
The pressure in your head was just too much to bear; tears welled at your eyes and a solid lump was forming in your throat. This was just too much. 
However, you kept up your facade. You were still smiling, eyes dry, looking up at Tooru. 
And he was smiling down at you. 
“Well?” He asked again.
There were a lot of things you could do. You were talented, not that you recognized it yourself. But you were strong, you could do anything you set your mind to. You could say ‘no’ and stand up for yourself. You have done it before. 
Like when that chump from your class asked you for your homework. Or like when he then asked you out on a date. Or like when he had asked to put his name on a project that he had done now work for. 
You could say no. 
You should say no. 
So why didn’t you?
“Hajime, I am going to die,” you groaned into the phone. Tooru had just dropped you off at your house.  You called your best friend as soon as you could, still reeling from the life-changing conversation.
“Well, I mean, what did you say?” His voice was level and calm like always, even though you were in hysterics.
“I don’t have a dress,” you sighed. 
“Y/n, that’s basically a yes.” 
“I am aware!” 
“What did he say?”
You fell silent. 
“Y/n, what did he say?”
You mumbled your response, pressing your mouth to the end of the phone. 
“Well I for one can’t fix that. You’re screwed,” he said matter-of-factly. 
“Don’t say that Hajime! You’re supposed to make me feel better!” 
“He wants to go dress shopping with you, on top of being his date to his sister’s wedding, you’re doomed. I'm sorry that’s just how it is.” 
“What, what am I supposed to say? I want to be optimistic but this is kinda the worst it can get. Especially since you’ve been in love with him sin-”
“I am not in love with him!”
Hajime didn’t respond. You sighed. 
“Fine I am, but how does saying it help anything?” 
“I’m just trying to get a better sense of your situation.”
“Oh really? It sounds like you’re trying to rub it in.”
“You know I would never,” Hajime sighed. 
“Yeah, you’re a good friend,” you paused. “A really good friend, the best friend. How long have we been friends? Quite some time right, I was thinking-”
“I am not coming with you and that is final.”
“Please, Hajime, I’m begging you.”
“Well beg someone else, Y/n, because I am not third wheeling.”
“Hajime, it won’t be third wheeling!”
“Yes it will, it’s a no and that’s final!” He paused for a moment. “Sorry, Y/n, but I just can’t. It’s already too much having to play therapist to you both talking about each other.”
“Oh shove off,” you rolled your eyes. “He does not like me.”
“Whatever,” Hajime sighed. 
“He does not. If he did, why wouldn’t he just ask me to be his date like a normal person?”
“Really? This is Shittykawa we’re talking about.”
“Okay true, but still. He had plenty of chances to date me back in high school and he never did.”
“You never made a move either,” Hajime noted. 
You didn’t respond to that. 
“How long has it been since you last saw him?”
You had to think about that for a minute. It had been years since you graduated high school, back when you saw him on a daily basis. You guys still talked all the time, but you really didn’t see him that often. 
“The night that he came to my house to tell me goodbye. The night before he left.”
Hajime hummed. He knew all about that night, you had called him as soon as you had gone back inside. It felt like he had something else to say, but instead he changed the subject.
“When are you guys going?”
“About that…”
“Oh no…”
“He’s waiting outside for me right now.”
“Right now? What are you doing talking to me then?”
“I said I had to do a few things then I’d be out. It’s fine.”
“Well you better get going. We’ve been talking for a while.”
“Please come with me?”
“Ahaha, no. Bye.”
“Wait don’t hang-”
You were greeted by the click of the receiver. Great. You tossed your phone beside you and sighed. You were sprawled out on your bed, in the same position as you were when you first threw yourself onto it. 
You laid there for a second, cursing your luck. Well, it wasn’t really your luck, you were the one who said yes anyways. You felt tears beginning to form in your eyes, but you shook them away. You got up and changed out of your work uniform and into better clothes for dress shopping. 
“I am not wearing that,” you spat angrily. 
“Aww, why not,” Tooru purred, sliding up to you while holding the offending dress out in front of him. 
“Because I like my privates to be private, thank you very much,” you rolled your eyes and pushed him away. 
The piece was a strapless, v-neck dress with a slit up the side. It also had holes in the sides, like those vintage swimsuits you saw in old magazines. It was a pretty color, but you knew you could not wear that in front of Tooru. 
“Okay, fine.” Tooru put the dress away. You knew he only plucked it out to tease you; he didn’t actually think you were going to wear it. 
“Why do you need a date again?” You asked while perusing the dresses. 
“Because,” he sighed. “I begged my sister to allow me a plus one and she finally granted my wish so I can’t show up alone.”
“But she knows me. She won’t believe that we’re dating,” you sighed. 
“What?” You whirled on Tooru. 
“I already told her that I asked you out… and you said yes.”
Your jaw dropped. What were you supposed to say? Tooru had that look on his face, the one where he knew he had done something wrong but was trying to weasel out of it. It never worked on Hajime, but on you… you could never resist his honeyed eyes. 
“What did she say?”
You laughed, genuinely. As if anyone would think that you two would get together. Tooru was just… out of your reach. 
“What? Is it that ridiculous that we could be dating? I’m hurt,” Tooru pouted. 
“Yes it is, as if you would ever date me,” you answered honestly, knowing in your heart he could never love you.
“And why is that?” He asked. You missed the look in his eyes as you pulled out another dress. 
“Because,” you shrugged. “You only see me as a friend, a little sister if I may be so bold. Now what about this dress?”
“But what if I didn’t,” Tooru smirked and leaned on the dress rack. 
You rolled your eyes. 
“Then I’d eat this dress. Simple. Now come on, what about this one?”
“Let’s try it on.” He smiled. “Then we’ll see.”
“I’m gonna throw up,” you groaned. Tooru just rolled his eyes at you. 
“No you’re not, you’ve seen my family a thousand times, this is no different.”
“Yes it is!” You hissed. “Back then I was a little sister, now I’m a fake girlfriend.”
“Well, they don’t know about the fake part, so can you keep quiet about that?”
“Whatever,” you sighed. You watched as he knocked on the familiar door, an unfamiliar sensation in your gut. 
You heard clamoring behind the door and suddenly you were swept up in Mrs. Oikawa’s arms. 
“Aw, Y/n, I am so, so, so happy you are here, and especially why!” She pulled back and you saw tears glistening in her eyes. “I always knew you and ‘ru would get together, I am just sad it took this long!” 
A sharp pain ripped through you. “Yeah, of course.” You forced a smile. 
“And ‘ru, how dare you take so long to confess!” She whirled on Tooru and hit him lightly on the shoulder. 
“Ah, sorry Mom.” He shrugged it off, scratching the back of his neck with his other hand. “I guess I am just slow to the uptake.”
“Yes.” Mrs. Oikawa nodded solemnly. “It was obvious you both liked each other way back in high school.”
“It was?” You stammered. 
“Yes, of course, the way you guys used to look at each other.” She smirked. “And still do.”
“Yeah,” Tooru said softly when you did not say anything. 
“Now let's get you two inside, we have a lot to do!” 
You were then rushed inside and whirled around as preparations fell into place. The rehearsal dinner flew by quickly. You didn’t have many responsibilities as a guest, so you spent your time talking to members of Tooru’s family. Which was… awkward, to say the least. You already knew all of them (you found out that this was supposed to be a very small family event) so it was awkward reintroducing yourself as Tooru’s girlfriend. It was harder because technically you weren’t supposed to be here. 
You found Tooru in a gap in his busy schedule and pulled him to the side. 
“Why didn’t you tell me this is a family affair?” You seethed. 
Tooru smiled shyly. “That’s why it was such a big deal that Sis allowed me a plus one, that’s why I just had to take you.”
“I hate you,” you spat angrily, but Tooru just smiled. “Do you know how many people asked me if we were engaged?” He leaned down and kissed your forehead. 
“Now is that anyway to talk to your fiance?”
Your jaw dropped. “You didn’t.”
“Just kidding, love. Don’t worry, we’re not engaged yet.”
“I hope your family gives you so much shit when we ‘break up.’”
Tooru frowned. “About that I-”
“Tooru? Where the actual fuck are you?” Tooru’s sister nearly screamed. 
“You better go,” you sighed. 
“Yeah.” Tooru frowned. 
He looked like he wanted to say more, but decided against it when his sister screamed for him again.
The wedding was beautiful. It was a small affair at a local meadow, with blooming wild flowers surrounding the guests. It was ethereal, overflowing with the spirit of spring. You sat alone next to family, as Tooru was a part of the wedding procession. After the ceremony, the reception took place at a nearby banquet hall. You were shuttled off into a separate car from  Tooru, but you didn’t mind. You had made friends with one of his cousins and you had been talking with him to pass the time. 
“So when did you and Tooru meet?”
“Back in high school,” you responded easily, recalling the memory fondly. “He came up to me randomly in class and demanded that I be the volleyball club’s manager. I had said no, of course, until his friend had asked me a bit nicer.” 
“Sounds just like him,” he scoffed. “Only concerned with himself.”
“Yeah,” you agreed absentmindedly. 
“So what made you date him? I mean, no offense, he’s my cousin and all, but why do you even like him?”
You paused for this question. What did you like about Tooru?
“I… well… everything. I didn’t like him at first, I actually hated him. He was so arrogant and cocky and rude, but after a while I realized that there was so much more to him.  He’s dedicated and strong. Tooru puts on this facade for other people so that he can be strong for them, too. He understands people and helps his teammates, he treats them like family. He’s so receptive and intuitive, you really can’t hide anything from him. He’s just… so perfect, yet so layered. He is so raw and human and I love that about him. I love that side of him, the one no one ever sees. So I guess I just love everything about him.”
“Wow,” he laughed. “Wasn't expecting that.”
“Sorry.” You shrunk in on yourself.
“No it’s fine, I was just gonna say I’ll shoot my shot if it doesn’t work out with him, but it turns out you really like him.”
“Oh,” was the only thing you could say.
“Can I have a pity dance?” He extended his arm towards you. 
You smiled. “Sure.” 
He led you out onto the dance floor and swept you up into his arms. You followed his lead, not really sure how to dance, but he assured you that you could just follow him. 
“You know, you look amazing in that dress.”
“Ah, thank you,” you smiled. “You don’t look so bad yourself.”
“Thank you, I can clean-”
A person behind you cleared their throat. You turned to see Tooru. If you were anyone else, you would have thought he looked pleasant, with the soft smile on his face. But you weren’t just anyone else. So you knew that there was a rage in Tooru’s eyes. 
“May I speak to Y/n?”
“Actually, we’re in the middle of a dance so-”
“That wasn’t a question,” Tooru smiled, closing his eyes and tilting his head. 
“Tooru,” you hissed. “Just let us finish the-”
Instead Tooru grabbed your arm and tugged you away from his cousin. The cousin scoffed and threw his arms up. 
“Calm the fuck down, Tooru. She’s all yours.”
The cousin walked off, and right after you whipped around to face Tooru. 
“What the actual fuck is your problem?” 
Tooru looked around him and then grabbed your arm again. “Let’s talk somewhere else,” he urged. You looked around to see a commotion beginning, with you guys at the center. You bottled your rage for a moment and allowed him to lead you outside. 
Once you were out of earshot of the guests, you let loose. 
“Oikawa Tooru, you explain yourself right now, because that just now was not okay.”
“He was hitting on you, I heard him,” Tooru responded, his face set into a scowl. 
“So? And if he was? What right have you to step in?”
“No,” you cut him off. “You have no right. I’m not even your girlfriend!”
Something flashed in Tooru’s eyes, but you were too angry to analyze it. 
“You’re right, I’m sorry.” Tooru hung his head. 
“You should be. You’re just so obsessed with your image that you don’t want a guy to hit on your supposed girl.”
“That’s not it,” Tooru bit out, looking up to meet your gaze. 
“Oh? Then what? Do you have such little faith in me that you think I would leave you for your cousin at your sister’s wedding?”
“Then what? Then what Tooru? What in the world could drive you to do something so fucking stupid-”
“I was jealous, alright!” When you didn’t respond to him he took a deep breath. “I was jealous,” he said again, except much calmer.
“Why?” You breathed softly. The air was tight between you two, and you felt like if another person yelled it might shatter.
Tooru slumped. “Don’t make me say it.”
“No,” you shook your head. “No you don’t.”
“Yes, I-”
“No, Tooru, you don’t. You are just hurt over your girlfriend and you're reaching out for something, anything, and I will not be it so don’t you dare say it.” You felt tears welling up at your eyes but you willed them down. 
“Y/n, I’m not. I actually-”
“Don’t you dare,” you warned again.
Tooru sighed. “Y/n, do you know why she broke up with me?”
You didn’t respond. 
“Y/n… she broke up with me because she realized that I was in love with you.” 
You blinked once. Twice. You took a deep breath and tried to process what he just said to you. 
“How…” It was the only thing you could mutter, you were too taken aback. 
“I was just talking about you and she asked me. She asked me if I loved you. I couldn’t lie to her any longer.” 
Your heart raced in your chest and you looked into eyes, searching for any dishonesty. The sheer earnestness in his gaze made you swallow thickly around the lump in your throat.
“How long?”
Tooru sighed and reached up to scratch the back of his neck. “Dunno. Been a while though.”
It fell silent. 
“So what do we do now?” You asked. 
“Well, will you give me a chance?”
“Pull that shit with your cousin again and it is a no.”
“Okay, okay, I said I was sorry I just didn’t like the way he was looking at you and you technically weren’t mine yet and I-”
You reached up and kissed him. It was a passionate kiss, years of pent emotion behind it. Once Tooru reciprocated, it just felt like he was smashing his face into yours, desperate to be closer. You pulled away, Tooru chasing you with his lips. 
“Calm down, I’m not going anywhere,” you smiled at him, cupping his face. 
“I know I just-” Tooru stopped mid sentence, but he really didn’t need to say more. You understood. 
“Tooru, where the- oh.” 
You tried to look behind you to see who it was, but Tooru was holding you too tightly. The best you could do was crane your neck to catch a glimpse of white. Tooru’s sister.
“About time, bro,” she laughed. 
You looked up at Tooru. He had a sheepish smile on his face. The gears in your mind suddenly slotted together. 
“She knew it was fake? But… then… why…”
Tooru didn’t answer, instead his face grew red and he averted his eyes. 
“He wanted to take you the whole time, sweetheart. He’s just emotionally constipated so he can’t ask like a normal person.”
“I am not!” Tooru cried indignantly. 
“Whatever, I need you back in there so you got five minutes with your new girlfriend before I drag you back in there. Got it?”
Tooru nodded. You heard the door close behind her and looked back up at Tooru. 
“You’re lucky I like you,” you sighed, shaking your head. 
“I really am.” Tooru smiled brilliantly. 
Then he leaned down and stole your lips in another kiss.
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@tanakas-hugs-and-kisses , @snoozless 
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148 notes · View notes
Out Of Time ~ First Anniversary
The following is a one shot for my series, Out Of Time.
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Word Count: 2,170ish
Requests: First: Can I get one about Tony and Y/N’s anniversary? / Second: Also I want some Steve and Morgan time.Maybe a request where Steve take care of Morgan for one night and they find them sleep in the coach Morgan over Steve stomach 🥰 (that how I used to sleep with my lil cousin when he was a baby)
Warnings: mentions of sex
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“Actually, uh, Tony, I don’t know.”
“Sweetheart, it’s for one night. Steve can handle Morgan, he’s done it before.”
“Yes, but not for longer than an hour or two.”
Tony understood why Y/N was so worried, this would be their first time being away from Morgan overnight. The couple had every right to be worried. But it was their first wedding anniversary tomorrow and Tony wanted to celebrate, just the two of them.
“Y/N,” Tony gently grabbed his wife’s waist and pulled her into him. He placed a soft kiss between her brows. “Steve is Captain America, he’s battled armies from outer space. I think he can handle his niece for a few hours.”
“I just… what if something happens? To her? To us?”
“You need to stop worrying so much. You’re going to over stress yourself and that’s not good for your brain. It’s still recovering.”
“I know. But—“
“No, no, no, no, no.” He shook his head. “No more buts. We are leaving for the night. That’s final.”
Y/N huffed and walked away, heading to the nursery. She wasn’t happy about leaving Morgan, even if it was with her own brother. Slipping into the room, Y/N smiled when she noticed that Morgan was wide awake in her crib.
“What you doing up, baby-girl?” Y/N teased in her baby voice as she leaned over to pick up her daughter. The girl babbled. “That’s right, your dad is being mean to mom.” She pressed a kiss to the child’s nose as she bounced her up and down. “He wants to take me away for the night. What do you think about that?”
Morgan babbled some more as Tony came and leaned in the doorway.
“Oh, you agree with mommy?” Y/N pretended to understand her daughter.
“That’s daddy’s being really mean by trying to take me away from you.” She pouted and looked at Tony.
“Nu-uh,” Tony shook his head, coming further into the room. “That’s not going to work. We’re going. Morgan and Steve will be fine.” He wrapped his arms around her from the side and pressed a kiss above her ear. “We need this,” he whispered. Tony began leaving slow, wet kisses down her neck. “You know you want this.”
“We haven’t had time for us in too long.”
“Tony, please… our daughter is in my arms.”
Tony smirked against her neck and made his way back up to her ear, lips playfully brushing against it. “And that’s why Steve’s coming to watch her.” His breath goose bumped her skin, causing her to shiver slightly. They both noticed, his smirk grew. “I’m going to go finish packing for the two of us.”
Y/N gritted her teeth together, trying to hold herself with her daughter in her arms. Tony couldn’t get that smug look off his face as she waltzed away. How she hated how easily he could turn her on, and how he knew it. Y/N also hated how right her husband was. They did need to spend some time alone together.
“Where’s my favorite niece?” Steve asked as the came into the cabin.
Y/N laughed. “She’s your only niece,” she responded. She was on the couch as Morgan played on the floor.
“Doesn’t make her any less my favorite.” Steve set his things down and came around the couch. He pressed a kiss to Y/N’s head before sitting down by Morgan. “Hey Mo.” The little girl clapped as Steve picked her up and held her in the air. “Did you miss your Uncle Steve?”
“You were literally here yesterday.”
���Doesn’t matter. Where’s Tony?”
“Finishing up the packing.”
“How are you?”
“I don’t want to leave her. Even if it’s with you. Sorry, Stevie.”
“No, I get it. She’s your daughter and you’ve never been apart before. It can be nerve-racking. But we’ll be fine.”
“Doesn’t make me feel any better.”
Steve got up, Morgan still in his arms, and came to sit next to Y/N. “We’ll be fine, won’t we Mo?” Steve suddenly changed his voice, trying to sound like a baby. “Of course, mommy! Go and relax with daddy!”
“Please don’t do that,” Y/N cringed, shaking her head.
“Honey!” Tony called, coming down the stairs with the bags. “Are you ready?”
“Begin your good-byes. I’m running the bags to the car before I come back for you.” He opened the front door. “Oh, and hi Rogers.”
“Stark,” Steve gave a nod.
“Okay, give me her,” Y/N requested, holding out her hands towards her daughter. Steve handed Morgan over. “Your momma loves you, okay?” She mumbled as she held the little girl close. “No matter if your dad takes me away or not.”
“You know she doesn’t know what’s happening, right?”
“And that’s why I can’t leave her. What if she thinks we aren’t coming back? What if she forgets about us? What if something happens and I forget about her? What if—“
“Okay, okay,” Steve put his hands on his sisters shoulders. “You’re spiraling. Calm down. Nothing will happen… all of us will be fine.”
“You don’t know that!” Y/N stood up swiftly, freaking Morgan out. The baby began crying loudly. “Oh, no… ssshhh, I’m sorry, honey. Mommy didn’t mean to be so loud.” Y/N started walking around, bouncing her daughter up and down. “Sssshhh. You’re okay, you’re okay.”
“What did Rogers do now?” Tony said, coming into the living room.
“It wasn’t me!” Steve said, holding his hands up. “Y/N was freaking out.”
“Of course she was,” Tony sighed. “Honey, we’ve got to go, or we’ll miss our reservations.”
“No!” Y/N responded, holding Morgan closer while still trying to calm her. “I can’t leave her now.”
“She’s be fine. Steve’s got her and I have Natasha on stand by.”
“Hey!” Steve exclaimed, standing to join them. “I can handle twelve hours with my niece without Romanoff getting involved.”
“Of course you can, Cap. It’s just a precaution. Now, Y/N, hand Morgan to Steve.”
“No,” she shook her head, stepping back from the men. “I can’t do this.”
“Yes you can, sweetheart. Just hand her over.”
“I’m not ready.”
“Okay, Steve, grab Morgan, I’ll grab Y/N.”
Swiftly, the men took their targets. Freaked out, Morgan began crying. Y/N fought against Tony as he threw her over his shoulder. She kicked him and hit at him as Tony began carrying her away.
“We love you, Morgan!” Tony said. “Be good!”
Tony shut the door and hurried to the car. He set Y/N in the back seat before having FRIDAY lock the car to prevent Y/N from getting out. Tony quickly got into the driver’s seat and headed off. 
“I hate you,” Y/N pouted from the back.
“No you don’t,” Tony responded.
“Stop fidgeting with the phone, Y/N/N, and enjoy the dinner,” Tony reprimanded. “Steve and Morgan are fine.”
“How do you know that?” Y/N responded.
“Because FRIDAY would inform us if they weren’t.”
She sighed. “I guess you’re right… I think… I think it’s not just leaving Morgan that’s got me like this.”
Tony leaned closer, taking Y/N’s hand. “What’s going on, honey? Talk to me.”
“What if… well… we haven’t, uh, ‘done it’ since our wedding night. And I, well… I’m scared. What if it triggers something? What if I can’t even enjoy it?”
Without letting go of Y/N’s hand, Tony stood up and walked around to her. He gently tugged her to stand and set his hands on her waist, holding her close. His thumbs rubbed against her dress as he pressed his lips to hers and begged further entrance into her mouth with his tongue. Y/N responded willingly, letting him in eagerly and wrapping her arms around his neck. When they pulled away for air, they didn’t pull too far. There foreheads resting against each other.
“How did that make you feel?” Tony whispered.
“Like I was catching on fire,” Y/N responded with a slight giggle. “But, in a good way.”
“Good,” he smirked, bringing her into another heated kiss. “How about that one?” All Y/N could do was nod, too caught up in the passion of it all. Tony chuckled. “We’ll take it one step at a time, okay? And the moment you feel uncomfortable or that something is wrong, you let me know and we’ll stop. I’ll be completely content just holding you in my arms all night.”
“You’re too good to me.” This time, she pulled him in for a kiss. “I love you.”
“Not as much as I love you.”
“Come on, Morgan,” Steve pleaded. “Just let me lay you down.” 
He was dishelved. Hair poking out in every direction, stains on his shirt. After Y/N and Tony had left, it took Steve a while to get Morgan to calm down. He eventually did and got her to eat. It was good but not for very long. Morgan soon got tired and cranky, clearly wanting her parents. She whined and cried and threw anything Steve handed her at him. 
It had been hours and nothing was working. In fact, she was somehow getting worse. He was currently in her room, rocking her as he paced around. Trying to get her to calm.
“Mo, I’m not asking for much,” Steve continued. “I’m just asking for you to sleep for an hour. You can do that for your Uncle Steve, right?” Morgan cried louder. “Oh, come on. I’m already struggling to stay on your parents good side, especially your fathers, don’t make them regret this. I want to be able to keep seeing you.”
Steve kept pacing, bouncing his niece slightly. Eventually, she calmed. But as soon as he tired to put her down again, Morgan began fussing. It wasn’t long later when Steve decided to stop trying. He made his way into the living room and turned on a movie. He laid Morgan on his chest, where she quickly fell asleep. Too afraid to move her too soon, Steve left her that way, planning on putting her to bed once the movie was over. But before he could, he fell asleep on the couch, on arm securely around his niece.
“That was…” Y/N panted, laying tangled in the sheets of the hotel bed with Tony.
“Absolutely mind-blowing?” Tony finished. “The best sex we’ve ever had?”
Y/N laughed. “Something like that.” Their legs were wrapped in each other and Y/N’s head was resting on Tony’s bare chest, a hand rubbing the old reactor scar. “Though… there was that time on the island… in between my SHIELD missions.”
“Or the night Morgan was created.”
“That too.”
“Now that I’m thinking about it, I don’t think we’ve ever had a bad night.”
“Now don’t get too cocky there, Mr. Stark. You’re getting up there in age and you know how things began to get. Things stop—“
“Don’t you dare go any further! I don’t like you insinuating that I’m getting old and that I will stop functioning. I’m Iron Man.”
“I’m sorry, Iron Man, but that doesn’t do anything for the natural aging process.”
“You think?”
“I know.”
Tony quickly moved on top of Y/N. “I’ll show you, Mrs. Stark. The aging process has nothing on me.”
“Thank you, Tony. Last night was wonderful,” Y/N said as the couple headed towards their house.
“You’re welcome, darling,” he responded. “We should definitely do it more often.”
“Only if Morgan and Steve have survived.”
“Of course.”
“Do you think they’re okay?”
“We didn’t hear anything, so I’m sure they’re perfectly fine.”
Tony unlocked the door and held Y/N’s hand as he led her into the house. They set their bags down and looked around. There was no sign that Steve was up yet, which surprised them. Quietly, as to not wake Morgan, the two walked into the living room. They both froze at the sight they walked into on the couch. 
Steve was passed out, one arm hanging off the couch with the other securing Morgan to his chest. Morgan was sleeping soundly. Y/N quickly got her phone out and snapped a couple photos.
“I think they did fine,” Tony whispered, pulling Y/N in and kissing her temple. “I think we may even have time for another round if we hurry to the bed room.”
“Don’t you dare think about it, Stark,” Steve grumbled. “First, I don’t want to be here when you and my sister… well, fondue… and second, if you wake up Morgan, we will have another civil war on our hands.”
Y/N giggled. “I’m sorry, Steve,” she apologized. “I can take her—“
“Like I said, another civil war. Just stay away and stay quiet.”
The couple stifled laughs as they nodded and walked away.
“Do you think he’ll ever watch for us again?” Tony asked.
“Not a chance.”
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supercorpkid · 3 years
All love and pride.
Supercorp, Kara Danvers x Daughter!Reader, Lena Luthor x Daughter!Reader, Alex Danvers x Niece!Reader, Kelly Olsen x Niece!Reader
Word count: 2000.
Check out New Girl and Can you keep a secret? to understand this one better :)
“Wait, wait, wait.” Jamie props herself up in your bed and stares at you, looking lost and confused. “Why didn’t you tell me about the mall situation?”
“I didn’t want you to be mad at Maya.”
“Why not? She was terrible! I mean, I know it’s not how she feels, that was all an act for her mom, and I do believe she likes you, but-” And that ‘but’ comes with a slap on your arm. “How could you not tell me? I would have done something!”
“Done what?” You sit on your bed, crossing your legs, and Jamie mimics your action.
“I don’t know. Broken her arm? Threatened to murder her? Told her that I’m friends with Superkid, and that Superkid would totally leave her in Siberia in case she hurts you?” Jamie is obviously saying absurd things, but that makes you smile either way. It’s stupid, you know it is, Jamie is your cousin, your best friend, and you love her like a sister. Even though you two call each other dipshit and weirdo all the time, there’s nothing in the world you wouldn’t do for her. No lines you wouldn’t cross. But it feels good to know that she also feels that.
“Ok, no need to get all villainess on her.” You reassure her with a smile. “What if you had grown up thinking Luthors are the worst people in the universe? Which, by the way, we can’t blame them for it, my uncle did try to take over and then destroy the world a handful of times.”
“Not all Luthors are bad!” Jamie defends the name like it’s hers.
“Well, not all sharks will kill you.” You tease her, making her laugh. “Do you want to jump into the ocean and test it?”
“You’re too nice.” She crosses her arms. “How can you be so nice?”
“I don’t know. Trust me, I think it’s weird too.” You use your super hearing, then go back to Jamie. “Dinner will be ready in a few. Do we have to go by what we’re going to tell our family?”
“That you’re gay and I’m not?” She shrugs and you roll your eyes. “It will be fine; they won’t have strong reactions around each other. I mean, we all know your moms are terrified of saying something that will make my mami analyze them.”
“Aren’t we all?” You raise an eyebrow and Jamie gives you a soft chuckle in response. You know what’s going on in her mind. Telling them she is straight is probably overdue, since she’s been kissing boys for years now, but it’s still hard. When your whole family is composed of ONLY women, how do you tell them you have the intention to add a man to the girl’s club eventually? “Hey.”
You pull Jamie for a hug, and you feel her breathing out in relief by having your support. You kiss her temple.
“I love you. It’s going to be fine.” You feel one tear falling on your cheek, and you know it’s hers. You let go of her, and wipe her tears with your thumb. “They won’t mind. You know they’ll support you, right?”
“It’s not about support, it’s about expectations.”
“Yeah, I know. Isn’t it weird that in our family the default is being gay, and when you straight you’re the one that have to come out of the closet?” You and Jamie laugh at that. A straight person coming out of the closet. Now that’s something.
“Girls, dinner.” Kelly opens the door of your room, poking her head inside. You both agree with your heads. She sees you’re both too sentimental. “Is everything alright?” Jamie wipes her tears, agreeing again. “Jam?”
“It’s ok, mami. We’ll be there in a minute.” Jamie says and Kelly, the most comprehensive human being on the planet, knows exactly what she means so she closes the door leaving you two alone. If you were the one crying, you know for sure Kara would barge in, wrap you up in her arms, and not let go until all your tears were dried. “To the most awkward family dinner ever.”
Jamie raises her hand for a high five, that soon turns into your special handshake and she laughs.
“I love you, little Danvers. Thank you.” You open a smile and you two make your way to the kitchen.
“That they are!” Kara smiles at both of you, reaching for your shoulder and giving it a little squeeze. “Good to go?”
“Yeah.” You smile when you see her own smile, and Kara agrees with her head. Lena settles herself in one end of the table, and Kelly sits on the other. Kara and Alex sit in front of you and Jamie, after putting the food on the table.
“Hey.” Lena holds your hand before you serve yourself. “Eat some vegetables.”
“You too, Jam.” Alex adds and you and Jamie look at each other while rolling your eyes and smiling.
You two fall silent for almost the entire dinner. Sometimes you exchange looks with Jamie wondering a good time to do your revelations, but the moment doesn’t seem to come. That is until Lena looks at you, squinting her eyes in suspicion.
“You two are awfully quiet today.” Lena says and your heart beats faster knowing the time has come. You can also hear Jamie’s heart going crazy next to you, and Kara furrows her eyebrows looking at both of you.
“Is everything ok?” She asks and you know she can hear the symphony of heartbeats coming from your side of the table, so you can’t lie.
“Well.” You look at Jamie pointing at them with your eyes. Jamie does the exact same movement and you have a stare down for a few seconds.
“Oh my God, can someone say something already?” Alex complains, and Kelly holds her hand like telling her to calm down. She knows there’s something more. Of course, Kelly knows.
“Fine!” You say to Jamie and look at your moms and give them a little nod. “So, I don’t know if you all remember, but earlier today I got a text.”
“From Maya? Yes baby, that was less than two hours ago.” Kara jokes and you smile.
“Yeah, well. Maya is my girlfriend.”
First you hear a unison “WHAT”, from Kara, Lena and Alex. Then, you make up snippets of what they’re saying after they realize what you just said.
“You have a GIRLFRIEND?” It’s Lena’s take.
“Congratulations kiddo!” Alex’s reaction.
“Wait, how did I not know about this?” Kara’s huffs out of her mouth.
“That’s great!” Kelly reaches out to you, stroking your back lightly. “Do you want to tell us about her?”
“She’s cool.” You say, flicking your eyes to Lena’s confused expression and Kara’ stung one. “But, um, Jamie also has something to share.”
“Oh my God, are both of you in relationships and we were all unaware about this?” Alex asks and Jamie shakes her head, denying.
“No, I haven’t found a boyfriend yet.” Jamie says and both of you wait a beat until it sinks in.
“Wait, boyfriend?” Alex looks at Kelly with confused eyes. Kelly doesn’t look surprised at all. “Did you know that?”
“I kind of had figured it out already.”
“You did?” Jamie looks at Kelly, mouth agape. “I’ve been telling you guys I’m gay for years.”
“Yeah, no one can fake being gay, honey.” Kelly laughs her answer and Kara joins, momentarily forgetting your revelation. Alex elbows her and she huffs annoyed.
“Ok, whatever works for you, honey.” Alex finally reacts, and you look at Jamie with a ‘told you so’ expression. She smiles at you, and then at her moms.
“Thanks. Sorry for not saying it earlier. I didn’t want to disappoint you two.” Jamie says looking at her moms, and you raise your look at Kara and Lena, thinking you too are sorry for not saying it earlier. They look a little sad for only hearing your revelation now.
“What? Jamie! You could never disappoint us.” Kelly adds, reassuringly. Moving her hand from your back, to Jamie’s.
“I mean, if you kill someone, or turn into a supervillain I would be slightly disappointed.” Alex laughs and stands up rounding the table to hug her. “But for kissing guys? God, no. Never.”
Their hug easily turns into a family hug, and the subject is dropped for the rest of the dinner. It’s only when the three of them leave, and you and your moms are cleaning the kitchen, that Kara pokes your cheek.
“You have a girlfriend.” She says trying to look playful about it, but you know her so well that you know it’s just an act.
“Yeah.” You lift yourself up, sitting on the counter, getting a reprehensive look from Lena. She doesn’t make you move, though. “Sorry I didn’t mention it earlier.”
“Why didn’t you?” Kara leans over the counter next to you. Lena finished putting the rest of the food in the refrigerator and looks at you, too.
“I just-I don’t know.” But you know. It’s just impossibly hard to say it. “I thought you guys wouldn’t like it.”
“Why would you think that, baby?” Kara asks, squeezing your knee, and you look at Lena still silently staring at you. You stare back at her for a while and she sighs.
“It’s because of me.” Lena says matter-of-factly. “You were scared to tell me. So, you didn’t tell Kara either.”
“Is that true?” Kara looks at you, and you agree with your head, eyes still glued to Lena. “Why? You know your mom will support your choices. We are very happy you have a girlfriend, little one. Isn’t it right, Lena?”
“That’s not the problem, is it?” Lena stares at you for a while more. It’s so crazy the fact that you don’t even have to talk, for Lena to know what’s going on with you. Lena crosses her arms, raises her eyebrow just the slightest and you know she knows. “Who is she?”
“I think you know.”
“The girl from the mall.” Lena tries and you agree with your head. Kara lets out a loud gasp next to you.
“That’s why you were so quick to defend her!” Kara seems to have a revelation moment next to you, and you smile.
“She called you weird and you kissed her.” Lena is smiling hard, seconds away from laughing out loud at you. “Why is that the most Luthor thing you’ve ever done?”
“She didn’t mean it like that. I mean, she did in front of her mom, but-” You get down from the counter and go to Lena. “She can see past my name and she’s the first one that does not care about it.”
“She didn’t sound like it.” Lena says and you look at her. You really look at her. She looks like a worried mom. And not because you’re kissing a girl who doesn’t seem to like your name, but simply because you’re kissing someone, she knows nothing about. Her overprotective side is really shining through.
“Mom, I promised you I would never let anyone belittle me, or take my light away from me, remember?” Lena agrees with her head. “She’s not. She really isn’t. I know this is, um, different.” You look back at Kara when you say this, and she comes closer. “Can you both trust me?”
“We trust you.” Kara says with her hands on your shoulder.
“Of course we trust you, babygirl. And I’m glad she is adding up.” Lena kisses your cheek and smiles softly. “Because you know the rules of this house. It’s all love and pride, and never, ever, putting our heads down for who we are.”
“I know.” You hug her with one hand, and with the free one you pull Kara into the hug too. You three hug for a few good minutes, until you let go and look at their proud faces to you. “No following her around National City, Supergirl.”
“Aw man. That takes away all the fun!” Kara complains, making you and Lena giggle.
All love and pride, for sure.
Thanks @sophixsa for wanting more Jamie into the stories. This was pretty sweet, I hope it counts ❤️💙
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vintage-squid · 3 years
Threading Our Future
Summary: When up-and-coming designer Virgil Psykhe lands an interview with his favourite fashion label, he has no idea that the attention he's drawn to himself is being taken away from someone very important: the Lady of the Summer Court. Scorned and furious, she sends her son to kill the insolent human.
But when Janus lays eyes on Virgil for the first time, his breath is stolen by the fluttering of his heart and he knows he won't be able to follow through with his mother's orders.
A modern fae re-telling of the Eros and Psyche myth!
Pairing: Virgil/Janus (background Logan/Patton) Characters: Virgil, Janus, Roman, Remy, Patton, Logan, Remus  Rating: T Warnings: mild violence and blood mention, nonsexual nudity, literal sleeping together  Word count: 10 363 
Virgil Psykhe groaned as he stood from his chair, bracing both hands against the small of his back and pressing until he felt a satisfying series of pops from his hips and up his spine. He should know better by now than to spend hours on end hunched over his projects without taking proper breaks, but he honestly couldn’t help it. Once he got focused, his whole world narrowed to sketch, cut, sew, trim. It was like he was possessed by some crazy spirit who deemed his sarcastic, introverted ass worthy enough to use as a vessel for creation. At least, that’s how he described the near-frenzy he would fall into when his worried fathers questioned after his health.
Was he getting enough sleep? (No.) When was the last time he’d had something to eat? (Did the granola bar he had earlier count?) Would he be willing to drink more water if Papa cut up some citrus to add? (Actually, that wasn’t a bad idea...)
He knew their fretting came from a place of love. As the youngest of three, he was the baby of the family. Both of his older sisters had married a few years ago, now living with their husbands in a couple of larger, nearby cities. They had told their parents the distant moves were for their husband’s jobs, but Virgil knew better. His sisters had never seemed to fit with the unique … energy of their small hometown.
Virgil, however, had yet to even move out, let alone find anyone who would want to spend the rest of their life with him. Thankfully, while his dads did want him to eventually find love, they were mostly just happy to support his dreams of becoming a famous designer.
Rolling his eyes, Virgil glanced around his cluttered studio. Like he would ever actually be a big name in the fashion industry. Yeah, sure, he wanted more than anything to get his designs out there for models of all backgrounds and appearances to showcase the beauty that was in every body type, but he didn’t want his first name attached to that kind of attention. Nope. No thanks. He would much rather people enjoy his work for what it was, not just because it came from him.
Maybe a pseudonym would work? Eh, he still had time to think about it anyway. It wasn’t like he was going to be traveling far from his studio in his dads’ basement any time soon after all. Picking up his phone, Virgil glanced at the time and cursed under his breath. Shit, he was late to meet up with Remy, and he had forgotten to plug his charger in. He groaned as he shoved his phone in his pocket anyway and grabbed his wallet, headphones, and house key. That drama queen was probably going to bitch and moan about being made to wait until Virgil finally agreed to pay for his drink. Not that Virgil really minded, but he had appearances to keep up.
With one last glance around to make sure he had everything, he dashed up the stairs to head out.
Jogging down the street, Virgil turned past the Spirits’ Temple, where the town’s inhabitants left offerings to the spirits of the forest on the first of every month. Tradition claimed that each month was to be dedicated to one of the twelve local spirits who held dominion over different areas of day-to-day life, and that by honouring them, the town would prosper. At the height of the monthly festivals, there would be candles lining the marble steps, fake vines and string lights wrapped around the temple’s stone columns, and a wide spread of wine and honey-sweetened foods to be served. Some of this would be up for grabs on the buffet table, but a selection was always saved to be placed in one of the twelve bronze braziers, which one depended on the month, lining the sides of the temple. Each brazier was set in front of a stone statue carved with a symbol that denoted which spirit it belonged to.
At some point during the evening, everyone in town would take a moment to approach the massive fireplace along the back wall of the temple and toss in a part of their meal with a quietly murmured prayer for luck in some strange-sounding language. To this day, Virgil wasn’t sure what exactly he was saying, but his dad had taught him the correct pronunciation, and he was too superstitious not to follow through. Besides, it wasn’t like he could look too ridiculous doing it when literally everyone else was doing the same thing.
Approaching one of the two coffee shops in town, and the only one he ever frequented, Virgil shook his head to rid himself of thoughts of weird small-town rituals. Inside, it was easy to spot Remy sitting at their usual table with his sunglasses tucked into the front of his shirt and a drink already in hand. As he slid into his side of the booth, Virgil was surprised to see his favourite order (hot chocolate with whipped cream and rainbow sprinkles, and a slice of banana bread) already waiting for him.
“I was gonna apologize for being late, but clearly I don’t have to,” he said, glancing up and narrowing his eyes. “What did you do?”
Remy threw both hands up in a gesture of innocence. “Hey now, why did I have to do something wrong in order to surprise my best friend with his favourite goodies?”
Virgil snorted and crossed his arms, giving his friend a Look.
“Fine, fine!” Remy blew out a sigh and dropped his hands onto the table. “So, maybe I did do something, and maybe you’re gonna be a little mad at me for it, but I promise it’s okay! It’s gonna pay off and you’re totally going to thank me for this one day!”
Virgil dropped his face into his hands with a groan and dug the heels of his palms against his eyelids. “Just spit it out, Remy. What the fuck did you do?”
“Remember that photoshoot we did a couple weeks back with the latest ‘famous-one-day’ designs you sewed up?” Virgil could hear the familiar sounds of Remy typing on his phone. “Well babe, you’ve been making ‘one days’ for too long! So I decided to make ‘one day’ into ‘today’! Ta-dah!”
Bracing himself, Virgil peeked out from the dark safety of his hands, blinking a few times to clear his blurry vision and focus on the phone screen wavering in front of him. Right there, staring back at him from within Remy’s well-manicured clutch, was an email addressed to Penelope with attached photos from their shoot.
“Please, please tell me you didn’t sen-”
“I sent our pics to your favourite fashion label! The one and only Penelope! Known for their breathtaking lines like ‘Faith’ and ‘Fidelity’ that reimagined what it meant to be fashionable! And the best part!” Remy paused for dramatic effect, all but wiggling in his seat. “They emailed me back! They want to do an interview with you next month on the first!”
There was a loud thud as Virgil’s head met the table. If they hadn’t been sitting in public, he definitely would have started screaming too. Instead, all that came out was a muttered, “I fucking hate you. Why would you do this to me? You know I suck at talking to people; they’re gonna hate me and then tell all of the other companies to never work with me and then I’ll definitely never make it.”
A hand settled on top of his head and began to run through his hair, gently scratching at his scalp at the same time. “Don’t be so dramatic, Virge. This is gonna be great for you, I promise. When have I ever led you astray?”
Virgil glared at his friend and opened his mouth, but Remy cut him off.
“Ahp-ahp! Rhetorical question, babes. You're going to thank me for this, I promise.”
When Virgil remained silent, the hand that had been petting his hair slid down to cup his cheek and lift his chin up.
“Hey,” his best friend murmured softly. “If you really, really don’t want to do this, I can email them back and cancel, but I think you should go for it, Virge. This could be your big break!” Remy’s thumb had begun running a soothingly back and forth over his cheek. Virgil didn’t even try to hide the way he relaxed into the comforting gesture, leaning more weight into his friend’s palm. “I’ll even come with you to the interview, okay? I’ll be right there the entire time - gotta make sure they meet your number one model after all,” he added with a playful wink.
Damn Remy and his extroverted influence. Virgil sighed and sat up fully, reluctantly pulling away from the comforting hold and silently relieved when Remy’s hand dropped to link their fingers instead. “I guess as long as you’re there too, then I won’t be the only one making a fool of myself.”
“That’s the spirit!” Remy cheered, ignoring the looks some of the other patrons shot their way at the noise.
Keeping their hands interlocked, Virgil picked up his hot chocolate and took a sip of the sweet ambrosia as he listened to his best friend ramble about his plans for their future.
Somehow, the word got out. Everyone and their cousin’s dog knew about Virgil’s interview and had seen some of the photos that had been leaked. All of them wanted to get a glimpse of not only the representatives of the big fashion label (who may as well have been celebrities to the small community), but also the unobtrusive young man who had brought the attention onto their town.
Virgil clung to Remy’s hand as they approached the café where the interview was going to be taking place. It wasn’t their usual haunt, something Virgil was grateful for; if things went south, he didn’t want that memory attached to one of his favourite places. People were already gathering outside, gossiping amongst themselves or attempting to peer through the front windows. He longed to pull his hood up and hide his face, but Papa had spent all morning helping him make sure his hair and make-up (and everything else) looked interview ready. Not to mention he wasn’t even wearing his favourite hoodie to tuck himself away into.
At Remy’s insistence, he had donned one of the outfits he made last year. The top was made of a flowy material, tighter at the wrists and loose in the arms, wrapping comfortably around his chest to tie in the front above his navel. It was sewn from a high-quality plum linen with a black lace webbing over top. For the bottom, Virgil had pieced together different shades of grey and black fabrics until he had a pair of loose patchwork pants that sat at the hips and left a strip of his stomach visible. He had completed the look with a fresh pair of high-tops that tied the look together despite the discordant styles. With one last look to his best friend for reassurance, Virgil nodded and they waded through the crowd together, on their way to their future.
Singing to herself, Roman stepped through the woods with all the ethereal grace granted to her by her station. As she made her way to the quaint little human town, Roman was accompanied by a pair of mourning doves. While one had alighted on her shoulder, the other fluttered about, and both were cooing in harmony with her otherworldly song.
Her body was draped in a sheer chiffon number, as blood-red as the wine she drank from each year at the celebration of her power and beauty. It was naught much more than a thin layer of fabric over one shoulder and wrapped about her shapely waist, exposing one breast and leaving little work for the imagination on the rest of her body. The finest embroidery coloured the lower hem with twisting rose vines, as if they had sprung from the ground she walked on and reached up for her attention. Her hair was left to tumble free, as wild and untamed as the waves she had been born from so long ago. The Lady of the Summer Court had arrived.
In no time at all, the temple the humans of the village had built for her and her compatriots so long ago came into view. Roman hurried her steps, eager to feast on the delightful offerings she knew would be awaiting her. She hoped one of them left pomegranate; it was her favourite. The plump fruit so easy to tear open to reveal the juicy flesh inside - and the crunchy seeds! Oh!
Grinning, Roman moved around the side of the temple, stepping between the columns to slip inside and make her way towards her ceremonial statue along the right with the other ruling gentry of the Seelie Court. However, when she got close enough to see into the massive dish, indignation began to boil in her blood. Before her, in her brazier, lay half as many offerings as were given to her in the years passed. She looked around, hoping to find something else had been set aside or misplaced, but there was nothing. Seething, she spun on her heel and stalked towards the front of the temple in search of answers.
Outside, two attendants were working to douse the remaining candles to be collected on the morrow after Roman had departed. Well, they were certainly going to be in for a surprise when they returned to find their pitiful offerings still there in the morning. Even with the great distance between them, as a fae, Roman’s sharp ears did not struggle to overhear the conversation between the two humans.
“-believe something like this could happen in our little town,” the one on the right was saying. “Especially from that quiet kid! What’d you say his name was again?”
“He’s the Psykhe’s youngest boy, Virgil.
“No kidding! Sam was telling me the kid showed up for the interview wearing this wild statement piece, like a full fashion runway. I bet his dads sure are proud. I heard half the town was outside Burnsen’s hoping to get a front-row seat. They certainly weren’t here, that’s for sure.”
“Damn shame,” the second human agreed. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a turn out this small for a Spirit’s Night. I just hope it doesn’t come back to bite us in the ass.”
The pair continued their gossip as they finished with the candles and moved onto tidying some of the other nonessential decorations. Roman wasn’t interested in listening any further; she had what she needed. Turning away from the pitiful little temple those putrid humans had so desecrated on her day of honour, the Lady of the Summer Court stormed back into the forest, seething vitriol.
“How dare these humans offer this worthless boy the worship and reverence meant for me! My status is all but set in the very stars and they do nothing more than drag it through the muddy earth!” She screeched, scaring away the doves who had been lingering nearby. “So much for me, the ancient mother of this forest who feeds and fosters the very nature of this place! If nothing lusts, then nothing reproduces! Did they ever consider that before they forced me to associate my status with a mere mortal child?”
As Roman cried out, the very trees parted for her, leaning their trunks away and raising their boughs out of the path of the furious fae. She paid them little heed as she marched down a trail long familiar. “Won’t this boy, whoever he is, be glad to know he has claimed the honours that are due to me by right? Not for much longer, this I swear by my very name! He will regret this beauty to which he has no claim!”
At the climax of her tirade, Roman stopped before the ivy-woven doors of her son’s lofty domain. She would teach this Virgil what happened when you scorned the fae.
Across town, still wearing the outfit and makeup from earlier, though much disheveled, Virgil ran as if his life depended on it. At this point, though, his life may as well have been over, so what was the point in struggling on? Down the street and through the park, he sprinted until he could go no further and crumbled to the ground at the top of the large hill that overlooked the fish ponds. On his hands and knees, he clutched at the damp earth and panted heavily through his heaving sobs.
It was over. Penelope didn’t want to pick him up as a designer. Sure, they liked the selection that Remy had sent them, enough to come talk to him about it, but when the representatives had taken a look through the rest of his portfolio? They hadn’t said they hated it outright, but Virgil was certain his designs were too gothic, too dark, too risky for mainstream fashion. They were going to talk with some of the higher-ups back at the designer studio, but Virgil wasn’t going to be holding his breath. He’d seen their expressions clear as day while they flipped through his work.
Collapsing forward, Virgil buried his face into the crook of his elbow and curled his knees towards his chest, sobbing even harder. He had told Remy after the interview that he needed some space, but now that he was out here alone, he wanted nothing more than a hug from his best friend. Fuck, how was he going to tell his dads about this? It would break their heart!
Virgil shook his head free of the thought; he couldn’t handle any more right now. So he lay on the ground with his cheek pressed against the cool night grass, and cried until he passed out from exhaustion.
In the twilight between wakefulness and sleep, Virgil stirred when he felt a pair of arms slide under his body and hoist him up into a strong hold. His head lolled to the side until his temple dropped against a firm body. Then, a kiss was pressed to his forehead, tickling his skin with...a mustache?
“Go back to sleep, little human,” a high, scratchy-sounding voice said. “Jay doesn’t want you to see anything just yet! We don’t want to ruin the surprise, eh?”
Virgil’s face scrunched in confusion, but before he could crack his eyes open to see who was carrying him, a warm breath blew across his face and carried him off to his dreams like a gentle breeze spiraling high into the air.
When Virgil woke for the second time, it was with far more peace and tranquility than he usually felt when greeting the day. His bed was extra soft and luxurious beneath the swell of his hip and he was comfortably warm, though he couldn’t feel the usual weight of his blanket. Stretching his arms far above his head, Virgil suddenly snapped his eyes open when his fingertips were greeted not with the hard wall behind his headboard, but with a damp, spongy texture instead.
Scrambled to his feet, he looked around to discover he was at the edge of a clearing, carpeted with a thick moss that his feet sank slightly into and surrounded by trees who towered so far above him their canopies seemed lost secrets of the sky. To one side a stream babbled a song, its waters bright as day and clear as glass. Breathless, he turned a slow circle, feasting on the seemingly supernatural wonders with starving eyes. The sight that greeted Virgil as he turned full around, however, could have subsisted him for a lifetime.
At the very heart of the grove, sitting in its focal point, rose what he could only describe as a palace. The trees which made up its supporting columns were an ivory birch, though much wider than any Virgil had ever seen, with leaves seemingly grown from pure gold that glittered in the dappled sunlight they let through. Framed by these otherworldly goliaths, ivy vines had been woven together to form a grand door which opened of its own accord and bid Virgil to enter. Under a spell spun from his own awe and curiosity (and probably some of whatever magic this place had to be made of), Virgil strode forward.
Inside, the palace seemed to emulate its own light, reflecting off the vaulted ceiling and highlighting the polished stone walls decorated with endless silver reliefs of animals real and imagined. Virgil trailed his fingertips along the slithering spine of a snake as he passed, admiring the lifelike detail in each scale, but before he could venture much further, a voice spoke.
Virgil jumped, spinning around to search for the source of the voice, but no one was there. When they spoke again, it sounded like they were right over his shoulder.
“You have been invited into the home of the fae as a guest of honour, Virgil.” The man in question felt a strange twinge in his chest hearing his name from the voice. “If you follow the doors to your left, you will find a dining hall in which you may eat your fill; the foods are from your home world and you need not fear consuming them. To your right lay the bathing and bed chambers. Please, make yourself at home. You are safe here, my darling.”
“Who are you? How do you know my name?” Virgil called out into the empty room.
There was a small pause before the voice replied. “You may call me Janus for the time being. It matters not how I know your name, but you need not worry that I will give it to anyone else.”
“Not creepy at all,” Virgil murmured before raising his voice once more. “Where are you? Why can’t I see you?”
“Ahh, my darling, take care with your curiosity before it gets you into trouble. Fret not, I am here with you, though you cannot see me. I know it is hard, but you must trust in me, my love. I shall visit you this evening after the light of day has given way to the dark of night. So long as you promise not to look upon my face and let me remain shrouded in shadows, then I shall answer more of your questions then.”
“What? I’m supposed to trust you, but I’m not allowed to look at your face? What the fuck, dude?”
“I understand this may be a cause for alarm, but you must understand my perspective, dear one. If you were to gaze upon me uninhibited, I fear you would not fall in love with me in a manner which would be best for us both. Promise to me, Virgil.”
“Okay, okay, I promise. Why is this so important to you anyway?”
“Thank you. I wish to form a genuine bond with you, beloved, and I cannot do that if you are influenced by my appearance. That is not how I desire to court my future husband.”
“Husband? What do you mean future husband!?”
Virgil stood in place, waiting for any further response from the invisible person, but it seemed his host had vanished into the very air he spoke from. Blowing out a heavy sigh, Virgil looked from left to right and decided the faint grumbling in his abdomen was something he could ignore for the time being; he probably wouldn’t be able to stomach anything right now anyway. So, he made his way towards the baths, hoping a splash of cool water could wake him from this crazy dream.
Unfortunately, even after dunking his head under the cool water, Virgil was still stuck in the extravagant palace with an invisible host. He braced his hands on the sides of the stone bowl carved from the wall, staring blankly at the trickling waterfall that fed into the dish he had rinsed in. How the fuck did he get into this mess? The voice had mentioned something about this place belonging to the fae? What the fuck? There’s no way any of this could be real. Well, that Janus had said he would answer Virgil’s questions tonight, so there seemed little more he could do than wait.
The bedroom he had been given was grand, far larger than even his entire basement suite back home, and all of its drapings were more luxurious than Virgil had ever seen. He ran his fingers down the curtains that hung from the bedposts, marvelling at the quality and the depth of the colour. What he wouldn’t give to be able to create with fabrics of this pedigree. He fiddled with the tie of his shirt around his middle and settled onto one of the plush armchairs by the window. Now, to wait.
Hours later, Virgil was startled awake from a light doze by the sound of footsteps approaching his door. He scrambled to his feet, keeping one hand braced on a bedpost to orient himself as he squinted through the darkness. It was so dark he couldn’t even make out the vague outlines of the furniture around the room.
The door opened.
Virgil tensed, gripping the bedpost tighter and raising his other arm in front of him defensively. From what he could see, backlit from the hall, the figure entering the room was about his height, maybe a little taller. It was difficult to make out in the dark, but the shadow he cast onto the floor seemed to be larger than his body mass would produce. The door closed, leaving the two of them alone in the dark.
“Janus?” Virgil asked nervously, hoping there wasn’t anyone else in the palace who would be coming into his room this late at night.
“Breathe, Virgil, it is only me.”
It was as if a spell of calm soothed over him, easing the tension from around his neck and within his chest. Virgil took a deep, relieving breath. Janus hadn’t come any further into the room, seemingly content to linger by the door.
“Um… hi?” Virgil winced at how awkward he sounded, but continued on regardless. “You said you would answer more of my questions, right?”
“That is correct, beloved. I will tell you as much as I am able to at this time.” There was the sound of shuffling in the dark. “May I join you on the bed? I think we will both be much more comfortable being seated for this conversation.”
Virgil bit his lip, looking between the bed and Janus despite not being able to see either. Eventually, he nodded, and then blushed when he realized what he’d done.
“Yeah… yeah, you can come sit over here, I guess.”
“Thank you, my darling.”
When the pair had gotten settled, Janus was seated at the foot of the bed, leaning up against the bedpost and seemingly unbothered by the strange situation. Virgil, on the other hand, had his back pressed against the headboard with his knees hugged to his chest. His feet were buried in the blankets and he was absently scrunching the soft material under his toes in a comforting, rhythmic motion. It was Janus who broke the silence first.
“What would you ask of me first, dearest?”
Virgil blew out a sigh. “Why did you bring me here? What are you going to do with me? Am I ever going to be allowed to go home? Will you-”
"Sh sh sh,” Janus crooned, “One at a time, beloved, all will be answered. In short, I do not know when you will be able to return to your home, or if you ever will, but it is for your own good!” Janus hurriedly added before Virgil could panic. “You see, there is someone very powerful who is very angry with you. Intentionally or not, you have caused her a great disrespect, and she will not rest until her dues have been met.”
“How do you know all of this?”
Janus sighed. “Because she is my mother, and she sent me to kill you.”
“What!?” Virgil screeched, throwing himself off the bed and slamming against the nearby wall. His nails scrabbled at the stone, desperate to clutch, claw, escape. No, no, no, he didn’t want to die! He snapped his head back and forth, searching for any sort of way out, but he was blinded by shadows and fear. A sharp cry escaped him when a hand suddenly wrapped around one of his own and he whimpered as it squeezed, expecting pain. Instead, a gentle crooning cut through the ringing in his ears.
“Breathe, Virgil, you are not in danger. You must calm down and listen.”
Janus’ voice was surprisingly tender for how powerfully it could be heard through Virgil’s panic. He was able to focus on it like a tether to pull himself into a more relaxed state of mind. At some point, he had begun to time his breathing with Janus’ as well, steady and even to a count known only to the fae holding him. When Virgil had relaxed enough to come back to himself, he tensed all over again, waiting for the other shoe to drop.
“How can you say I’m safe, when you’re gonna kill me?”
“Because I have no intentions of killing you,” Janus replied, now cradling both of Virgil’s hands to his chest. Even this close, the darkness was so impenetrably thick that Virgil had no hope of glimpsing his face. He kept his eyes averted regardless. “I brought you here to remove you from my mother’s gaze and conceal you from her misplaced wrath.”
Virgil was silent, processing, as Janus gently tugged on his hands and guided him back onto the bed. There, the fae leaned against the headboard with his legs stretched out in front of him and carefully pulled Virgil to recline on his chest. Virgil resisted for only a moment before complying. Everything else about this was already way out of his depth to manage, he may as well allow himself to be comfortable wherever he could. Janus was either going to kill him or leave him alive, and there likely wasn’t anything Virgil could do to sway that decision at this point. So, Virgil settled himself against Janus’ chest with his body laying between Janus’ legs and stretching out until their legs tangled together. He was grateful now for the dark that hid a probably searing blush as his cheek pressed flush against the fae’s warm skin; Janus wasn’t wearing a shirt and his nude torso was warm to cuddle against.
“Now,” Janus murmured, shifting Virgil’s focus from his embarrassment to the situation at hand. His fingers ran over Virgil’s scalp and through his hair, carefully brushing out any tangles and soothing in the same motion. “If you will let me continue, I was going to say my mother had ordered for you to be killed, however, I do not agree with her decision. She is acting rashly over a slight you did not directly commit.”
“What did I even do to piss her off so bad?” Virgil murmured from where his face was tucked against Janus’ collar, resting more of his weight closer with each breath.
“I do not know the exact details, only that you were the cause for drawing her worshippers away from the temple on her day of adulation. The fae do not take kindly to being stolen from, especially not my mother.”
“The interview,” Virgil breathed in horror. Pushing himself upright, he clutched at Janus’ arm. “I swear, I didn’t mean for everyone to skip out on the Spirit’s Festival! If it had been up to me, none of them would have even been at the cafe! I didn’t want them there, you have to believe me!”
“Calm yourself, beloved. I believe that you did not intentionally act to anger her. However, you must understand that even a perceived slight is considered very real and serious to the fae. That is why you must remain here under my protection, until my mother’s ire cools or I can convince her to redirect her anger.”
As Janus fell silent, Virgil curled in again and pondered what he had been told, trying to remember anything he could about the fae. It wasn’t like there was one consistent guidebook he could follow, but some of the stories the older people used to tell his grade school classes at the library were starting to make a little more sense now. He had been told the forest couldn’t lie, so maybe that meant the fae were bound by the truth? A stretch, sure, but weren’t all myths rooted somehow in reality? They were also regularly told that the spirits of the forest loved beauty, especially in the form of attractive people, and could bestow gifts on those they enjoyed looking upon. Virgil had always felt so disheartened hearing that. He wasn’t anything special, just a plain-looking boy, so the forest would never favour him.
Why then had Janus?
“So,” Virgil broke into the quiet, “you supposedly brought me here to protect me from your mother, but that doesn’t explain why you called me your future husband earlier.”
Janus hummed. “When I set out to observe the human who had offended my mother, I was prepared to be faced with a disgusting example of your kind. What I found instead was the most beautiful face I had ever laid eyes on.” Virgil gasped when the hand that had been in his hair slipped down to cup his cheek and tilt his chin up. He felt a pair of lips brush so lightly against his forehead that he thought he imagined it. “You were sobbing so hard for a deeply rooted pain. I found myself desiring nothing more than to stop your tears and see how much your already breathtaking countenance would shine when lit by a smile.”
“I - you -”
Virgil was sure that he had been kissed before, because now he felt those lips curl into a smile.
“Is it so hard to believe you are so attractive?”
“Well, yeah,” Virgil huffed, his eyes closed as he leaned into Janus’ palm. “It’s not like I heard it all that often.”
“Mmm, I shall have to change that, then,” Janus whispered, resting his cheek on Virgil’s head, cradling him close once more. “Do you have any more questions, beloved? If not, it is time for you to rest, you’ve had a long day.”
The gentle petting and warm embrace were taking their toll on Virgil’s exhausted mind. He let himself rest heavily on Janus, nuzzling his face into the crook of his neck and wrapping an arm around the fae’s chest. “Jus’ one,” he murmured, voice already dipping into that sleepy slur. “Wanna make sure m’dads know ‘m safe…”
“I’ll see what I can do, my love. Rest now, Virgil.”
Like a spell had been cast over him, Virgil drifted off to a dreamless sleep.
When Virgil had awoken, he was alone in the massive bed. He was surprised to feel a twinge of disappointment in his chest, having hoped Janus would stay despite the fae not wanting to show his face. Sighing, he slid out of bed and got himself ready for the day, slipping into some comfortable clothes he found in a set of drawers. When he came down for breakfast, his host’s invisible voice greeted him and informed him that his dads had been told of the situation and were relieved Virgil was alive and relatively safe.
The next few days played out much the same. Virgil was left to his own devices during the day, waited on by some sort of invisible staff as he explored the palace. He never saw another soul, but whenever he needed something, he learned to simply call out for it and it would be delivered to him by magic.
Each night, Janus would arrive in his bedroom once the sun had disappeared. He never asked for more than Virgil was willing to give, but Virgil found himself cuddled close every night without fail. They would speak for hours - about Virgil’s dreams, his dads, and Remy - nothing was too simple for Janus to inquire about. The fae was fascinated by every aspect of human life, and Virgil enjoyed discovering a sense of romantic joy over the little things he had experienced. There was something about Janus that soothed away the ever-present worries that were always yelling inside Virgil’s head.
There was one worry that couldn’t be silenced, however. No matter how much Virgil was coming to trust his protector, he could not ignore the fact that he had no idea what Janus even looked like. It was eating away at him not to know, and the longer he sat alone, the Janus in his head looked more and more like a monster waiting to prey upon him. This couldn’t go on. He had to know.
During the day before he was going to enact his plan, Virgil spent his time in the massive library he had discovered on the second day, scanning the shelves and making a show of selecting a couple books. He made himself comfortable in one of the oversized cushions piled near the floor-to-ceiling window and pretended to read. Between absently scanning the pages, Virgil looked up and glanced around the room, as if his mind were wandering with the tale he was apparently focused on. In reality, he was scouring the room for ideas.
Countless candles were lit around the library, their wax melting at different stages, some newly pooling while others formed thick layers around the base of the candelabras. They were lit now, but there was no way for him to have an already burning flame in the bedroom when Janus arrived for the night. He would have to find some way to light one on his own. Maybe he could just -
“Excuse me?” He called into the air. “Could I please have more candles, and some matches for them? I want to go read in my room, but, um, the smell is really nice in here.”
Like always, the items he requested popped into existence on a low table nearby: three candles and a pair of matches. Huh, he hadn’t actually thought that was going to work.
“Thank you!”
Hugging both books to his chest, Virgil collected his new tools and jogged up to his room. There, he placed the candles onto the small table between the armchairs and lit them with a match. The second match, he carefully tucked inside the front knot of his shirt, pressing against his breast. Now prepared, he settled in to actually focus on the novel he had picked up. There was nothing but time to kill.
By the time Janus arrived, Virgil had already blown out the candles and crawled into bed. He cuddled in as soon as Janus had laid down, laying his head on the fae’s chest and trying to keep his breathing steady as they fell into their usually nighttime conversation. Janus’ claws delicately traced the bumps of his spine the entire time they spoke.
Once Virgil was sure Janus had fallen asleep, he began the slow process of extracting himself from the fae’s embrace. Janus really was a cuddler, and loved to hold Virgil close while they slept, but thankfully he was also quite a deep sleeper. Virgil was able to carefully pull himself away and tuck a pillow into Janus’ arms. The fae squished it to his chest and curled onto his side, none the wiser.
Breathing a sigh of relief, Virgil went to work. He grabbed one of the candles and fished the match out from under his shirt, striking it against the table to light it. One hand held onto the base of the candle, while the other carefully cupped around the flame, protecting it as Virgil walked around to the other side of the bed where Janus lay. With a deep breath to steady himself, he pulled his hand away and gasped at the sight in front of him.
Janus never wore a shirt, which meant Virgil’s hands had felt the broad expanse of his naked back every night they had slept together. That didn’t explain why there were now a pair of gorgeous, tawny wings sprouting from between Janus’ shoulder blades. The feathers looked softer than anything Virgil could imagine and shined like spun gold in the candlelight. Virgil ached to caress the speckled feathers, to scrunch his fingers in the fluffy down near the wings’ base, but as he reached out, Janus rolled over and Virgil’s breath was punched from his lungs. The face of his protector was carved by the gods. Janus’ skin was a rich, dark brown, reflecting the candle light to accent his strong jaw and sharp cheekbones. Virgil could only imagine what colour his eyes could be behind his lids, framed by perfectly shaped brows and a shapely nose. Oh! Those lips! So plump and full! What would they feel like pressed against his own?
Enraptured, Virgil tried to get a better look, but as he leaned forward, some of the melted wax from the candle spilled over and landed on Janus’ cheek. The fae yelped, startling awake and clutching at his face as he threw himself upright. Virgil jumped back in shock, falling on his ass while somehow keeping the candle lit. The clatter drew Janus’ attention and his head snapped to the side to look at Virgil, who saw the moment Janus’ eyes widened with understanding and heartbreaking betrayal.
“You promised!” Janus hissed. “You promised me you wouldn’t look! Does your word mean so little to you!?”
“N-No - I, I just, I wanted-”
“What!? What was so important that you had to break your promise?”
“I wanted to, to make sure you weren’t some sort of … monster … who had kidnapped me to… to eat me,” Virgil muttered, suddenly feeling incredibly foolish. Why did he have to give in to his anxieties so easily? The next moment, his heart crumpled with Janus’ expression.
“Get out.”
“Wait, what?”
“I said. Get. Out.” Janus growled, spreading his wings high above his head as he leaned over the edge of the bed. “Get out of my sight, and out of my home! If you cannot hold to one simple promise, then I will not protect you! You can deal with my mother’s wrath on your own!”
About to protest, Virgil cried out in fear as Janus slashed out him, narrowly missing his face with those lethal claws. He didn’t waste any more time, dropping the candle and scrambling to his feet to run out of the bedroom. The empty halls echoed with his laboured breathing and the slap of his bare feet against the tiled floor as he sprinted through the palace and out the ivy-woven doors. The moment he was out, the doors slammed shut behind him.
Panting heavily, Virgil bent over with his hands on his knees, his entire body trembling from fear and exertion. He dropped to the ground and clutched his head in both hands, curling smaller and crying as silently as he could muster. It was a long time before his breathing evened out and he was able to drag himself back to his feet.
A glance around the clearing revealed what he had known upon his first arrival: he had no idea where in the forest he was, or which way led back home. So, he did the only thing he could and picked a direction to start walking. Through the night he stumbled over roots and around tangled shrubs, not stopping until he finally tripped over his own exhausted feet and fell into the shockingly cold waters of a stream. He spluttered and gasped, miserably dragging himself back up the bank. The sun was rising overhead, the forest waking up around him; he didn’t have the time to huddle here in a ball feeling sorry for himself.
As the day progressed, Virgil noticed the trees beginning to thin and the gaps between the trunks growing wider. Suddenly, the canopy overhead parted to reveal a mountain, vast and tall, that should have been visible long before this moment. Placed at irregular intervals up the cliffside were six palaces woven of different plants woven together with even more grandeur than Janus’ home. Over the edge of the mountain, the tips and edges of presumably more palaces - these ones sculpted and shaped from various stones - were visible against the pale sky.
Virgil squinted, trying to get a better look at the strangely familiar shapes carved into the rock face near each palace. He gasped. The symbols matched those carved into the statues above the bronze dishes in the Spirit’s Temple, more specifically, the dishes meant for the spirits honoured in the spring and summer. That would mean - there! On the left! Beneath a palace of myrtle trees and rose vines, was the symbol belonging to the seventh spirit. That had to be the home of Janus’ mother, the spirit - or fae, rather - who was supposed to have been honoured at the start of this month.
Biting his lip, Virgil looked back the way he came then up at the palace once more. If what Janus said was true, and he wasn’t going to be offering protection anymore, then Virgil would have to face her on his own. It was either that, or cowering away until she tracked him down and killed him. Also not a desirable option, but Virgil would rather have some form of control over the end of his life. Beginning to climb, he just wished he would have been able to say goodbye to his dads first.
While there were worn deer trails to follow, the journey was not an easy one. Virgil had to cling to the rocks, heaving himself ever upwards, trying not to slice his bare feet or palms on the uneven shale. The summer sun climbed alongside him, growing hotter and hotter, sapping his energy and strength. Still, he pushed on until he stood before the lush gates shaking with exhaustion and dizzy from the heat.
Before he could gather his wits, the thorny vines that sealed the palace from the outside world began to withdraw. Where they parted, massive sanguine roses bloomed, as if to cushion a passerby from the sharp thorns. From within the depths of the palace strode out a figure so radiant and commanding, Virgil immediately felt subservient to her will. He quickly looked away, cheeks hot, as both of her breasts were exposed and only a lightweight wrap covered her lower body. His body recoiled when her piercing laugh broke the silence.
“Finally! The wretched beast comes crawling to its master, the Lady of the Summer Court. Had enough of playing at royalty, have you? Look at me when I’m talking to you, Virgil!”
Virgil immediately snapped his head back towards her, paling when his eyes met with her seething ire, but unable to drop his gaze any lower. He gripped the sides of his pants with white knuckles. “I - I’m so, so sorry! I n-never meant-”
“Look at this!” The fae cut in, causing Virgil to flinch again. “The pathetic mortal trying to inspire pity from me with your anxiety and melancholy! I will not be made a fool and relegated to some cheap handmaiden!”
With a shriek of rage, the Lady of Summer darted forward faster than Virgil’s eyes could track. The next moment, he was sprawled on the ground, ears ringing. He brought a shaky hand up to his stinging cheek and felt his stomach drop when his fingertips came away bloody. Rolling onto his back, he choked. The Lady was looming over him, one of her hands dripping with his blood as she pinned him down with a foot on his chest.
“It seems only fair to me, mortal, that I give you some chance to win back my good graces. Therefore, you shall complete a task for me, or else I will take your life as compensation for your disrespect.” The Lady of Summer announced with a wave of her hand. Virgil looked to the side, wincing as the cuts in his cheek dug into the gravel, and watched in surprise as a pile of mixed grains appeared nearby.
“You will sort this mass and disarray of seeds - wheat, barley, millet, poppy, chickpea, and lentil - into individual piles. I will know if a single grain lays with the wrong group. You have until this evening.” With that, the Lady of Summer kicked off his ribs and spun her skirts, vanishing into thin air with a flourish and leaving only the heady scent of roses as a sign of her presence.
Virgil lay on the ground in silence for a long time after she disappeared, barely daring to breathe. When he was finally able to bring himself to move, he slowly rolled onto his hands and knees, hissing at the pain in his ribs - definitely bruised. Crawling over to the pile of seeds, he reached a hand out but hesitated before he could touch the tiny grains. How the fuck was he supposed to sort these? He could hardly begin to tell them apart! Sitting back on his ass, Virgil dropped his face into his hands and burst into tears.
Then, he heard a high-pitched giggle.
Flitting to-and-fro above him were four - five - eight, no - seven? Seven little pixies were spinning, twirling, dancing through the air above him. Their bright, insect-like wings caught the sunlight and sent out flashes of colour like a rainbow in motion. One-by-one they drifted to the ground, settling in a half circle in front of Virgil and his miserable collection of seeds. They stood only several inches tall and were dressed in leaves and petals. A pair stepped forward in front of the rest; they were holding hands.
“Hello, hello!” The one on the right chirped, waving up with his free hand. He had gorgeous light blue butterfly wings that fluttered when he spoke. “We heard you crying and came to see, to see! What happened here, here?”
Virgil sniffled, wiping away his tears and snot on his sleeve. “Well, um,” he hiccupped and took a deep breath. “It’s the Lady of the Summer Court. She wants me to sort all of these seeds by type before tonight, but I have no idea how I’m going to do that so she’s definitely going to kill me!” He slapped a hand over his mouth to muffle a sob, tears running down his face.
“Easy now,” a new voice murmured as two little hands pressed against his knee. Virgil blinked his eyes open to see the second pixie - this one with veiny wings like a beetle’s - rubbing his leg soothingly. “You need to take slow, deep breaths to calm yourself.”
Virgil nodded and attempted to follow suit, counting to four on each inhale and exhale until the tears had slowed and he was able to relax somewhat to continue the conversation. “Th-thank you, um, what are your names?”
“You can call me Pat, Pat!” The first pixie announced twirling himself up into the air and drifting back down again.
“Ah, so you are quite new around here,” the second pixie mused, keeping his hands on Virgil’s leg. “You may call me Lo. Names have great power to the fae and it is imperative that you do not give yours away lightly, else someone may have complete control over your will.”
“But the Lady of the Summer Court already knows my name, and so did Jan- her son.”
“At any point did you give it to them, though?”
Virgil thought back over the last few weeks. “No… no, they both just, sorta, knew it somehow. Oh, uh, I guess you can call me Vee, then?”
Lo nodded. “Then it is likely they only heard your name somewhere, but they do not own it. Do you understand? They can exert some measure of power over you, but they cannot remove your free will entirely. Now then. Why is it the Lady wants you dead?” The pixie offered a small smile, nodding his head as Virgil explained how he got into this situation, that he knew Janus (though he referred to him as Jay), and why he wasn’t with the other fae anymore. When he finished, it was Pat who puffed up angrily.
“The Lady has gone too far, too far! You didn’t mean to make those people leave, leave! And it sounds like you didn’t actually make a binding promise, so Jay is acting a bit silly, bit silly. So, we’re gonna help you sort these seeds, and get everything cleared up, up!”
Logan nodded in agreement. “Indeed. Pat, you stay here with the others to aid Vee. I am going to go have a word with our feathered friend.” With that, Lo leaned in, kissed Pat’s cheek, and flew off down the mountainside.
Virgil watched the glint of Lo’s wings until he was out of sight, then turned back to the remaining pixies to watch as their quick, tiny hands got to work on the grains. “So… how do you know Jay?
Pat grinned widely up at him. “Jay is one of the Princes of Spring, Spring!” He works with love magic, and helped Lo and I get together decades ago in exchange for our help weaving that pretty gate in front of his palace, his palace!”
While they continued to converse, the pixies worked away at the seeds to form six unique piles, sorted from darkest to lightest. Before long, the entire jumbled mass had been reorganized without a single seed out of place. Once their job was complete, the five other pixies twittered their goodbyes and flew off up the mountain. Only Pat remained, sitting on his knee and chattering away as the sun set. Virgil shivered as a chill breeze licked at his exposed skin.
A sudden snap rent the night air, spooking Virgil, who lurched forward to cradle Pat in his hands protectively. Looking over his shoulder, he felt like vomiting when he saw the Lady of Summer standing over the grain piles with her arms crossed. He internally thanked any of the spirits who may be on his side that her chest was covered this time.
“This is not your work,” she hissed. “These were not organized by your hand, but by his!” She pointed an accusing finger at Pat, who had been peeking around Virgil’s arm but quickly hid back against his chest at the attention. “How dare you attempt to deceive me, you cretin!”
With a wordless shriek, the Lady lashed out with her vicious claws, aiming for the unmarked side of Virgil’s face. He scrambled back on his hands and heels, his ass dragging on the ground while Pat clung to the front of his shirt. Before she could take a second swipe, however, the dust and grit kicked up around them, obscuring their vision.
With his eyes covered, Virgil could only hear the flapping of large wings that cut off before there was the thud of a body dropping in front of him. Opening his eyes, he gasped. There, with his back to Virgil, stood Janus, with his great wings spread wide and his claws flexed at his sides. Lo, who had been holding onto the fae’s shoulder, now zipped down to the pair on the ground, holding Pat close and ensuring he was unharmed while the pixies huddled together on Virgil’s lap.
“You will not lay another hand on him,” Janus hissed, standing over Virgil protectively. Virgil felt Pat grip his thumb, but he couldn’t look away from the pair above them.
“What are you doing? Get out of the way, my son.”
“No. You wanted your revenge on him, and you got it. Look at him; he’s terrified, injured, and exhausted. The original disrespect against you was not even intentionally caused by him; it was the doing of numerous others. I do not fault you for your affront, but you are carrying on like a tantruming toddler!”
The Lady of Summer took a step back and clutched at her bosom. “You dare to speak to me like that?”
“I do, and so does the rest of the Seelie Court.” Virgil watched as Janus rolled his shoulders back and stood straighter. The Prince of Spring then reached into a bag tied at his hip and pulled out some sort of wooden charm dangling from a hemp rope. At the sight of it the Lady of Summer gasped and covered her mouth. “I have spoken before the Queen and her retinue, and she has decreed you will leave this mortal alone. In exchange, he will return to his town and gather a proper celebration for you by the end of this month.”
Virgil held his breath, not daring to twitch a muscle as he awaited his fate. The Lady of Summer let nothing show in her expression, but the hard lines of her face had softened attractively as Janus spoke. She shifted, looking over Janus shoulder and directly at Virgil. “You. You will do as this deal demands?”
Nodding rapidly, Virgil held up his hand in oath. “I will, I promise. I’ll go back home and speak with the curator of the Spirit’s Temple. We’ll host another festival and you’ll get the offerings you were supposed to be given at the start of the month.”
As if a switch had been flipped, the Lady of the Summer Court beamed a smile and grasped her hands over her heart. “Well then! That wasn’t so hard, was it! My dear, smart son, finding a way to set things right. I’m so proud of you, my little songbird.” Looking at her son, she cooed and cupped Janus’ cheek to tilt him up to kiss his forehead, smiling at his grumbling. “I won’t linger much longer, don’t you worry. I wouldn’t want to embarrass you in front of my future son-in-law after all! I’ll see you soon, Virgil, dear,” she called, a cool edge to her voice for a moment before she smiled brightly once more and waggled her fingers. With a dramatic wave of her hands, the Lady of Summer vanished once more.
A quiet settled over the remaining quartet, broken by a tinny clearing of a throat. Lo stood in Virgil’s lap, tugging Pat up next to him. “I believe it is time for us to depart as well. I am relieved we were able to arrive in time to prevent any harm coming to you, Vee.” The pixie looked from Janus to Virgil and smiled. “Let us know when you are in the woods, we would enjoy visiting under more ideal circumstances. Farewell, for now.”
“Goodbye, Vee, Vee!”
In a flash, the pair of pixies flew off into the night, their hands held tight together. They flew loops and circles over the others before darting off in the direction the other pixies had traveled hours ago.
On the ground, Janus helped Virgil to his feet. He cooed in sympathy, tenderly touching the tips of his fingers beneath the angry red cuts on Virgil’s cheek. “I am so sorry for what she has done to you, darling. And I am even more sorry that my own actions drove you from the safety of my side. I was meant to protect you from unearned rage, but instead I subjected you to further punishment and drove you towards your would-be killer. If I hadn’t gotten here in time-” Janus exhaled heavily, his wings sagging behind him. “I am so sorry, Virgil.”
“I mean, I’m not gonna say it’s okay, because none of this has been okay, but, I guess I can understand where you were coming from. If I were as attractive as you, I’d also be worried about people taking advantage of me.” Virgil blushed and dragged his big toe through the dirt. “So, yeah, I forgive you, or whatever.” He looked up with a fire in his eyes and jabbed his finger into the center of Janus’ chest. “But don’t you ever do that again, you hear me?”
Janus hands cupped around his own, cradling it close. “I swear, to the end of my days, I will treat you with the dignity and respect you deserve, my dearest.”
Despite the tenderness of the gesture, Virgil was unmoved. “I mean it, Janus. If you want us to work out, then I can’t be afraid that you’re going to banish me from your home every time you get upset. It’s not a relationship if you’re going to treat me like I’m disposable. I’m worth more than that. If you want more reassurance, or something, on my promises, then we can work something out, but what you put me through was terrifying, and I can’t go through it again. I won’t.”
Janus sighed, holding Virgil’s hands up to his lips and resting there a moment before slowly gathering Virgil into his arms. His embrace was loose enough to break, if Virgil wanted. “I understand, darling, and I will never be able to apologize enough for what I have done. However, it is not my words you want, but my actions, and I will do whatever you desire of me in order to make it up to you.” He cupped Virgil’s uninjured cheek. “I want us to work, too.”
There was a long pause as Virgil searched Janus’ golden eyes for any signs of deception. When he found only an earnest honesty, Virgil allowed himself to be held closer. He wasn’t sure which of them moved next, but they came together as one, lips pressing softly at first before quickly gaining heat. Then he was spun and dipped down, laughing hard as he clung to Janus’ shoulders, the fae’s wings held aloft to keep them balanced.
Maybe ‘future husband’ didn’t sound so bad after all.
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jordanstrophe · 4 years
Going One, Going Twice, Part 8
Calm Before the Storm
CW: Pet whump, Panic attacks, Some dehumanization, Whumpee considering themselves “property”, Then F L U F F 
Robert sat at the table, dozens of newspapers and magazines spread out before him. “What about this one?” Lukar pointed. “No, it’s smack in the city, I want someplace quiet.” Robert mumbled. “But not too quiet! I don’t want to make him ride in a car for an hour just so we can do something for thirty minutes. What if he wants to go to a restaurant, or coffee, maybe a picnic at the park?” Robert explained. 
Lukar couldn’t help but to let out a laugh. “You really thought this through, huh? I’m sad to see you go, so don’t move halfway across the state now. Who’s going to take me golfing.” He laughed. “How about my cousin? I’m sure she would love to take you” Robert smirked.
“Are... Are you trying to kill me?” Both men laughed, hardly paying attention to the magazines anymore. Robert glanced back at Peter, who stared at a blank canvas. He had been holding a brush with blue paint on it for ten minutes now, too scared to touch it to the canvas.  “Sweetheart the paint is drying on the brush.” Robert chuckled. “But.. What if I mess up? It’ll be permanent!” He cried. Robert stood up and sat behind him, talking his hand in his.
“Then that’s okay. It doesn’t have to be perfect.” He coaxed him to at least touch the brush to the canvas, as it finally made contact. “Good job, now have fun with it.” He gave him a pat on the shoulder before heading back to the table.
“So I heard your demon of a cousin is hosting a party.” Lukar said. “Yep. She doesn’t have time to return my calls, but she has time to throw a party.” He groaned. “What’s the occasion? Welcome to Hell?” Luke giggled. “Might as well be. It's-.. It’s a Pet party.” 
“It’s... A what now?” He asked, setting his coffee cup down. “I don’t know, they all invite their fake friends to show off their status through their Pets. It’s disgusting, they treat them so horribly. Some even trade or borrow each other's Pets there.” He said. “Part of me wants to slip in the crowd to Nina, but you can’t even get in without a Pet. Because... It's a Pet Party.” He shrugged. 
“Why do you need to talk to her that badly? I’d avoid her like the plague if I were you.” He asked.  Robert let out a pained sigh, slinking further into his chair.
“In Aunt May’s will, there was something else that was supposed to go to me, but didn’t. Something that belonged to my mother.” Robert muttered.  
“What? Why didn’t you get it? That has to be really important to you!” Lukar yelled.  “Nina is why, she swears it’s missing, but I know she has it somewhere. She’s holding out on me because she’s angry about the inheritance. I’m hoping if I can talk to her face to face, or even buy it from her if that’s what it takes, I’m willing.”
Lukar ran his fingers through his hair with frustration, before glancing over at Peter who was as slowly as possible, streaking the brush around.
“Him.” He nodded. “He can get you to her.”
“No, That’s out of the question. I’m not bringing him an inch near that place!” 
“It’s a get in get out. You can be there for five minutes if you want to.”
“No! My decision is final! This conversation is over!” Robert yelled.
Both men fell silent. Robert crossed his arms and stared at the floor. 
“I’m sorry, I won’t bring it up again. I need to head off to work soon, good luck at the house search.” Lukar sighed, setting his cup in the sink. Peter very quietly crept up, nervously holding the canvas in his arms, hiding it.
“Hey! What do you have there?” Robert asked, brushing off his sour mood and sitting up straight with a smile.  “It’s.. Not much. I didn't know what to do.” He muttered, nervously turning the canvas around and holding it up to cover his face. It was perfectly covered in one shade of blue, every brush stroke even across.
“Oh, it’s lovely! Is it... Uh.. The ocean?” He asked. Peter’s arms dropped the canvas to his knees. “No. It was the sky.” He muttered sadly. “Of course it’s the sky! It’s a beautiful sky.” He smiled.  “I’ll do better next time.” He sadly turned around.  “Hold up now.” Robert grabbed his arm before he could slink away and snatched the painting from his arms. He glanced around the room for a bit, before pulling off an old painting of a landscape, and replacing it with his. 
‘’There! Perfect.” He smiled, glancing over to Peter, whose face was red with blush. 
“M... Master?” He asked, giving him a tug on the sleeve. “We can go, if you want. I’ll be okay.” He muttered, pulling the coat up that was draped around his shoulder as if he could hide.
“Go? Go where?” He asked. A spike of excitement shot through his chest. Finally! He was coming out of his shell and wanted to go somewhere.
“T-t-to the party...” He mumbled.
“The.. Party?” He repeated... Trying to figure out wha- Oh.
Oh no.
He had overheard the conversation.
“No. No no no, we’re not going. It was a stupid suggestion. I would never take you somewhere like that, it’s not safe.” Robert said with a serious tone.
“But, it would help, wouldn’t it?” He pleaded. He felt so spoiled since he came here. No punishments, no neglect, no torment. This was the least he could do for his saint of a master. Robert sighed, mentally conflicted, but he had still made his decision. 
“Little one, you don’t know what Nina is like. She’ll use every opportunity to hurt me, and if you’re there, she will do it through you. She’s manipulative and cruel, nothing good will come from the trip.” He said. “B-but-!” -”No! No buts, I appreciate you trying to help, but we’re not going and that’s final.” 
Peter quickly shut his mouth, looking at the floor sadly, before nodding his head. 
“Do you want to help me make breakfast now?” Robert asked, trying to lighten the mood. It surprisingly worked, as Peter’s eyes lit up, as he enthusiastically nodded his head. Robert was nervous letting him handle any knives or stoves, so he mostly had him watch the pancakes. 
Robert came over to stand next to him, as Peter glanced over, this was the first time he felt comfortable around another person, and it’s a Master of all people. He almost felt like a normal person, not what he actually was...
He shakily glanced over at the man next to him, just realizing how high he had to look up just to see his face. He caught Robert’s eye, as he glanced down and gave him a comforting smile in acknowledgment. He jolted and shot back to his straight posture, pretending he wasn’t just noticed. His heart pounded in his chest, quite shaken that he wasn’t just slapped across the face like normal for being so skittish, but it gave him some confidence to test the waters a little bit.
He glanced back again, slowly inching his way closer, and slowly wrapped his arms around Robert’s arm. He moved so slowly Robert didn’t even notice. Well, he was here now, no turning back. He fully latched onto his arm in an instant, practically hugging his arm for what felt like dear life.
Robert jumped at the grip, looking down at the man who was trying to hold his arm, but looked petrified with fear, staring blank ahead, trembling. His heart fluttered, as he smiled and gently held his arm back. He was tempted to try and spike up a conversation and give his hair a pet, but he knew how much bravery doing just this probably took, so he gave him some breathing room.
After the pancakes were done, Peter awkwardly slid his hands off and held them shyly, as Robert set everything on the table. He nervously glanced at the tall stool, then back at Robert, who already knew he was asking for permission. He held his hand out for him, as he excitedly took it as he was pulled up into the chair. 
‘’So what do you think about this one?” Robert asked, handing him a magazine with a two story house.  He tilted his head a bit, why did master care about his opinion? He was just a house Pet, meant to do chores and be quiet. “I-I, It’s,-” He stuttered, trying to decipher what the man wanted. “It’s okay if you don’t like it, it’s for the both of us.” He smiled.  
“Master, why do we need a new place? What’s wrong with this one?” Peter asked. “Well, it’s a bit crammed, I got this place originally because it was just me, I didn’t need anything fancy. Also we only have one bedroom.” He chuckled.
We only have one bedroom... huh? 
Wait, we only have one bedroom!?
It finally clicked in his brain, as Peter shot to his feet.
“We only have one bedroom!?” He shrieked, his voice cracking. Robert jolted, almost spilling his drink.  “I-, Yes? That’s correct.” Robert stuttered. “All this time, you were sleeping in that chair because of me, isn’t it?!” He cried, he slid off the chair, and collapsed right onto his knees on the hard floor. “I-I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! I didn’t know! T-That was the m-master bedroom, wasn’t it?” He broke down sobbing, covering his face. He felt something heavy thud right in front of him, as he sensed a looming presence. 
Two hands wrapped around his wrists and gently pulled them down, so Robert could dry the tears. “Honey, it’s alright, shh, quiet down now. It’s okay.” He soothed. “You didn’t do anything wrong, you were sick and you needed rest, I don’t mind, plenty of nights I fell asleep on that chair in the past. I’m even bringing it with us too when we move, even though it’s awfully beat up.” He chuckled. 
“B-But... But it’s not right! I don’t deserve it! I’ll sleep on the floor, or in a cage! I don’t care!” He cried.  “Peter, look at me.” Robert said sternly, cupping both cheeks. He immediately stopped crying, slowly looked up. 
“I’m going to take care of you, okay? It doesn’t matter to me where you sleep, or what you eat, so long as you’re healthy and happy, okay?” He asked. Peter couldn’t quite understand why, if this was a trick, a test, maybe part of training? Maybe he was also testing the waters... But what if he wasn’t? 
That night, when Robert tried to tuck him in bed, he rebelled a bit. He squirmed out of his grasp, and kept slipping out from under him as soon as he tried to pick him up. “Honey, please, we talked about this! It’s okay.” He soothed. Peter only sat on the floor, looking up at him with a mischievous grin. Wait, was he playing with him? He chuckled, shaking his head as he picked him up and tossed him onto the bed before he could break his grasp. He immediately slithered off the bed back onto the floor, as Robert pushed him up again. 
“I feel like I’m trying to wrangle some wild animal.” Robert laughed, as Peter giggled, trying to evade his grasp. After about ten minutes, he got tired out and face-planted into the pillow, letting out a sigh of defeat. “Victory!” Robert cheered, throwing the blankets over him, and giving his hair a ruffle before turning out the lights. 
It was such an odd feeling, having someone else living with him that he was responsible for. But every part of his body only wanted him to be protected and cared for. He missed out on life a lot because of a cruel system that forced him to lose his freedom, his very soul, but he was determined to give it back as much of it as he could.
When he woke up that morning, he felt like there was a heavy blanket hugging him, but when he blinked his eyes open, Peter was happily snuggled up beside him on the chair with his head resting on his chest.
Well, he did say he could sleep wherever.
Tag list: @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @moose-teeth @ill-eat-you-if-you-cross-me @yet-another-heathen @sillypizzazineoperator @freefallingup13 @alien-octopus @unicornscotty @whumpzone  @penny-for-your-whump @girlwithnoballons242 @whumpingredroses  @rippedjeansandfadeddreams  @cupcakes-and-pain
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Thank you for reading!
It’s oouut! I was afraid this was going to be a bit boring, since it’s a set up for the next one, but I think I managed to salvage it?
61 notes · View notes
Taken Care Of (Derek x Reader)
A/N: I love a sick fic. It’s good, low-stakes hurt/comfort style fluff. The title was originally “Is it really love if he’s never seen you shoot snot rockets?” but since there was no actual said rockets, it seemed misleading. 
Apparently, also my writing is prophetic because I’m finishing this under feverish duress of some sort of cold (its 81 degrees, I’m wearing a hoodie, and I'm freezing. This is bullshit.)
Word Count: 2437
Rating: G - descriptions of illness (mostly pain, dizziness), crying and self-deprecation
For what will soon become obvious reasons, this is set pre-movie.
“Derek? What are you doing here?” you asked, crossing the school lobby quickly to greet him, your friends trailing behind a little slowly.
“Hey Baby Girl,” he said with a grin. “You've been so busy, I feel like I don't ever see you. I missed you,” he gave you that pout he was frustratingly good at, the one that made you melt like butter no matter what else was going on, as he laced his fingers between yours.
“So you decided to visit me at school?” As glad as you were to see him, part of you wished he hadn’t just shown up. This hadn’t been how you planned for him to be added to this part of your life, and it wasn’t exactly good timing. 
“I thought we could get lunch? I didn't know you'd be hangin out with your friends. Don't let me interrupt.”
His words nudged you, and you hastily made introductions. 
“Oh, so you're the mysterious Derek. I always knew Y/N had good taste,” Alli hummed, looking over him with a flirtatious hunger.
You felt your stomach clench at the look she gave him. It wasn’t quite jealousy, trusting him far too much for concern to ever cross your mind, but something like fear settled over you. Or maybe it was just the nausea you’d felt all week, you tried to tell yourself. Derek seemed to sense the tension you held in every part of your body, and gave your hand an affirming squeeze.
“I don't know about mysterious,” he chuckled, “Y/N reads me like an open book.”
Jen laughed. “Perfect answer,” she slung an arm over your shoulder with a grin. “I like him. Definitely approve.”
“Ladies,” Alexi said, interrupting on their way past. “As curious as we all are to meet and drool over the boy Y/N’s been keeping to herself, let her have him to herself.” 
They hooked their arms through the other two’s elbows who planted their feet and refused to be dragged away. You couldn’t help but laugh at your friends' antics, as tired and slightly embarrassed as you were. Derek was grinning at them, still holding your hand and keeping you tucked against him. 
“Wait wait,” Jen protested. “Y/N. You’re taking him to Aida’s right? You have to.” 
“I don’t know…” the smirk on Alli’s face continued to roil your stomach. “I’d just take him home.” 
“What’s Aida’s?” Derek asked, hiding his face in your hair, surprising you that he was actually embarrassed by your friends’ comments.
“Only the best food ever,” Alexi answered with a smile. “Y/N can tell you all about it on the way. Just do that cute thing and share a milkshake with two straws, or I’ll hunt you. Byyyye.” 
Giving up on pulling the others, they decided to push you two out the doors instead. Rather than dealing with more of their nonsense, you let yourselves leave, and stopped just out of range. 
“Aida’s is a place around the corner. Cheap. Definitely knows how to cater to the student crowd. Good food, pretty amazing milkshakes. And coffee has unlimited free refills in a two hour window.”
“Sounds great. I wanted to take you to lunch. Do you want to?”
“It’s no big deal,” you shrugged. “I go there all the time. We should do something special, since you came all this way.” 
“Y/N. You know I don’t care about that. I’m happy anywhere you decide. Besides,” he leaned closer to purr in your ear, words like honey sending a shiver down your spine, “I want to know all your places.”
“You’re terrible. Maybe another time. It’s a longer walk but...I’m feeling ramen?”
“Lead the way.”
You felt your steps dragging as you and Derek walked, trying your best to hide it from your boyfriend. Your lungs burned despite the walk normally being well within manageable, and several times you stumbled, doing your best to stay upright in the wake of a wave of exhaustion.
“I know you wanted to get lunch,” you said suddenly, pausing, “but can't we just get to-go and go back to my place? I’m pretty tired, and I really don't…I was just hoping for a nap before work tonight.”
He caught your hesitation and frowned. “Baby, what's wrong?”
“Nothing. I just...haven't been feeling myself for a couple of days. It's been a hard semester, that's all. The walk’s making it hit me a little.”
Derek stopped, turning to face you, eyes tracing over your face. No doubt he was taking in the deep, almost bruise-colored bags under your eyes that were only sort of hidden by your makeup. Or maybe it was the glossy sheen behind them. Once he had spotted one, the other signs started to jump at him: your fever-flushed cheeks and discolored skin, your dry, cracked lips, the slump of your shoulders, even your unusually loose and ill-fitted clothing. 
You watched his jaw working as he struggled to contain whatever thought was on the tip of his tongue.
“Go ahead and say it,” you said with a sigh, throat burning with the exaggerated airflow.
“Say what?”
“Whatever you’re holding back.”
“Baby girl, you look awful,” his tone was flat and his face apologetic. 
You tried to laugh, but it came out in more of a wet cough that made you wince, partially from the feeling, but mostly from the look he now wore.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were sick?”
“I’m not. It’s just a little cold,” you protested, the argument weakened by another coughing fit, this one hitting harder and leaving you wheezing. The fit, or the way you swayed, dizzy and unsteady as the blood rushed back out of your head when it was over, seemed to be the last straw.
“That’s it,” he said, tone serious and sharp. “We’re going to my mom’s and she and I are gonna take care of you.”
“Nope. You lost your protest privileges.” He was already steering you back in the opposite direction of where you were headed. “You can call Nino and tell him you won’t be in while I drive.”
“I don’t want to rob you of lunch,” you tried to fight anyway, voice weak and throat raw.
“I’ll eat somethin at home. I can’t believe you’re still tryin to...” he shook his head, muttering fondly about stubborn Irish pains in the ass. 
After begrudgingly making the call to Nino, who sounded shocked but completely forgiving, you decided on one last ditch effort to escape admitting to and dealing with being sick. 
‘Help I’m being held hostage!’ you texted Sean. 
His response came only a moment later. ‘What??????!’ 
‘Your stupid bestfriend is making me admit I’m sick and keeping me from going to work.’
‘He’ A second text came through a moment later. ‘Good.’
‘WHAT? You’re my cousin, you’re supposed to be on my side. Rescue me. Before he sics his mother on me.’
There was a long pause, more than you thought Sean should need to respond. When the message finally came through, you couldn’t help glaring at the screen.
‘I’d rather fight an actual bear than Ma Sandoval.’
‘Ah. So you’re in on it. I see how it is. Your betrayal will not be forgotten.’
‘Feel better soon.’ He added a smile to the end, and you could practically see it as his signature smirk.
‘I hate you.’ 
You sighed, shoving your phone back in your pocket and slumped down in the seat. You closed your eyes, hoping that it would combat the movement of the car and the effect it was having on your headache. You were frustrated at Derek for making you admit something was wrong (even though you knew really that he was right to) and at the fact that it seemed like the minute you admitted it, the symptoms seemed to get immediately worse. 
The next thing you knew, you were stirred from a light doze by a change in movement. Instead of the steady, rocking vibration of the car and the smooth, cool feeling of the glass under your cheek, you were pressed close against something warm and solid, bobbing in a more natural, if uneven, rhythm. Your mind was sluggish but after a moment, and a soft, familiar chuckle as you buried your face into him to escape the sun in your eyes, you realized that it was because Derek was carrying you, bridal-style across the lawn and into his house. 
You suppressed an involuntary whine and the urge to cling to him as he settled you down in his bed. Heavy blankets that smelled like him were pulled up around your shoulders, the sudden warmth making you realize how cold you’d been.
“Not sick my ass,” he murmured, pressing a kiss to your hairline. “Get some sleep baby girl.” 
The door clicked quietly behind him and you let the comfortable darkness pull you back under.
Some unknown time later, there was a knock that pulled you out of strange, feverish dreams and you croaked something that you hoped sounded like come in, squinting against the light that poured through behind the person.
“Y/N, you should wake up for a little while,” Derek’s mother said, flicking on a bedside lamp. “I made you soup.” 
You pushed yourself up into a seated position and smiled gratefully at her. “Thank you Mrs. Sandoval.”
“How many times do I have to tell you, you are dating my son, you at least call me Ma. Just like everyone else.”
“Sorry,” you looked down bashfully, the word tasting foreign in your mouth. “Ma.” 
“Why are you not taking care of yourself?” she tutted as she set the bowl down and sat on the edge of the bed. “You are so busy trying to be able to be a fancy lawyer and change the world but you can’t do that if you drop dead. And of a little cold?” 
“And you made Derek worry.” She placed a wrist against your forehead to check your temperature. “He’s going to fret over you forever, now. It’s how he shows his love. I hurt my back a few years ago, and still he is ‘Mami you shouldn’t reach so high, Mami let me get that for you, Mami don’t carry so many heavy groceries.’ Imagine when you have children. They won’t be able to scrape a knee. If your doctor doesn’t put you on bed rest, he will.”
Her words made you choke on the food you had just sipped into your mouth, sending you into a coughing fit that left you short of breath.
“See, you wouldn’t be doing that if you said you were sick to begin with.”
“I just...thought if I took some cold medicine, it would go away on its own. I’ve been so busy. And I didn’t...want anyone to worry, or think anyone would care?” you admitted sheepishly, looking down at the soup in your lap and the blanket over your legs and trying not to think too hard about what you were telling her.
“Mija, look at me,” she said firmly but kindly. When you didn’t follow her instruction, she used a hand to tilt your head up. “You have family now. You don’t have to do everything alone. Now eat  your soup.”
The sentiment, and the matter-of-fact way she delivered it, broke down a dam inside you, and suddenly you were crying, and she was hugging you, rubbing small circles on your back with one hand while the other cradled your head against her. You wanted to attribute your overwhelmed feelings to being sick, but in your heart you knew: it was a kind of acceptance and love that you had never expected, especially from someone who didn’t even have to like you. 
After sitting like that for several long minutes, letting you sob and offering you comfort, she shifted back to nurse-mode. 
“You need more fluids, not letting them all out through your eyes. Eat your soup, and I’ll go make you tea,” she said, nudging you back to rest against the headboard and standing. 
You laughed wetly and tried again to thank her, only to have it waved away.
“How is she?” Derek asked, almost as soon as he walked through the door a few hours later.
His mother laughed, shaking her head wryly. “She will survive. Just needs to rest for a few days. It’s a cold.”
“That’s like asking the tide to take a few days off,” he chuckled, until his mother fixed him with a glare. 
“Maybe if you told her the truth about how you felt, and she didn’t feel like she was on her own trying to be everything, she would.”
“Ma that’s not--”
“Derek Michael Sandoval, do not argue with me,” she crossed her arms over her chest. “You have been telling me for weeks now how much you love this girl, and it is obvious to a blind saint. Yet she is sick and doesn’t tell anyone because she thinks it would be a burden no one would want. Now what would give her that idea?”
Derek felt his stomach twist guiltily. It was true that he hadn’t told you he loved you, even though he was completely certain he did. But he thought it was for your benefit, to not scare you off by pushing too hard. He had never considered that it might be making things worse. He opened his mouth, looking for an answer to give his mother and found that he couldn’t get any words out. Instead, he just looked at her helplessly. 
She rolled her eyes. “You are both so stupid.”
You were fast asleep when he slipped through the door, and as he got ready for bed as quietly as possible, he kept finding himself stopping to look down at you. You were burrowed deep in the blankets, wrapped in one of his hoodies in addition as the fever made you shiver. You looked so small and fragile and vulnerable there in his bed, and his chest ached with a need to protect you, a desire for taking care of you and loving to be his entire purpose in life for the rest of his life and it nearly knocked him on his ass. 
As he slid under the covers beside you, you seemed to cuddle closer instinctively, and he wrapped his arms around you.
“I love you, Y/N,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to your hair. “And I know you can’t hear me right now, but baby girl, I promise, I’m gonna make sure you know, soon.”
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tchallasbabymama · 4 years
Make it Better
Heyyy y’all! Here’s Ch 8 of Playlist. Check out my masterlist HERE to catch up and read my other stories. This is a long one....
Check out the actual Playlist HERE
Word count: ~10k
CW: Smut
“What?!” K’Hari yelled at his only child as she cried at the kitchen table. Tamala had sat both of her parents down to tell them the news and so far her father was not taking it well. “Say that one more time so I know I understood you. You’re what now?”
“I’m calling off the wedding,” she said through her tears.
“What happened, busi?” her mama asked softly as her baba continued to seethe next to her.
“What happened doesn't matter, Aja. What matters is your daughter has lost her fucking mind if she thinks-”
“Baba, he loves someone else!” Tamala yelled as K’Hari’s eyes rolled in exasperation. “He’s always loved someone else.” She hung her head and berated herself for not seeing it sooner when her mother’s hand reached out to tip her chin upwards to meet her gaze.
“Sithandwa, he could learn to love you,” Aja said softly while using her other hand to wipe the tears from her daughter’s eyes.
Tamala moved away from her mother and looked at her in horror. 
“I thought you would be on my side! He doesn't love me, mama, and he never will. He said so himself...he only loves her.”
“Who is this elusive love of his?” K’Hari’s voice took on a sinister tone.
“H-her name is Ashanti, she's from the Merchant Tribe-”
“Owns an art store?” he asked, already knowing the answer.
“Y-yes, how did you know?”
K’Hari sighed and his head fell back. He should have known all along.
“She’s the girl that got herself kidnapped by Princess Zenzi, but the king never said why she was the target. Demethi!” He struck the table, shocking Aja and Tamala. “Does he still see her?”
“No,” Tamala sniffled, “I put the fear of Bast in her and told her I would have her exiled if she contacted him again. It must have worked, I’ve never seen T’Challa so angry before.”
“Did he hurt you?” 
“No, mama, not physically anyway. He told me...he told me I would be his queen but she would always have his heart and that this was just an arrangement. What does that even mean?!” Tamala broke down crying as her parents gave each other a look.
K’Hari and Aja Obu had wanted nothing more than for their daughter to marry well, so when the opportunity to have her marry the king presented itself they took it. In council meetings K’Hari and several of the other elders voiced their concerns about the king not being married. He would always brush it off until K’Hari had the idea to align himself with the Border tribe and not allow his immigration proposal to pass. He knew the king would want to speak with him one-on-one about it, and during their meeting he insinuated that his vote could be bought if the king would marry his daughter. Three birds, one stone. They didn’t expect the king to be so cruel and tell Tamala about their deal though. 
There was a long silence as K’Hari shook his head frantically at his wife, knowing she was on the verge of telling Tamala everything.
“Aja, no-”
“Thula! This was all your idea anyway,” she snapped and K’Hari shrunk into himself. Aja wiped Tamala’s tears and held both of her hands. “Honey, your father made a deal with the king-”
“What kind of deal?” she asked through her stuffy nose and freefalling tears.
“My dear, I-” he cut himself off with a sigh. He never imagined his plan going south, so he had hoped that he would be able to get away with not telling her what he did, but all of that got thrown out the window the minute she showed up at their house in tears. “I made a deal with the king. He wants to open Wakanda even further to the Lost Tribe and allow them to immigrate here. It is a good proposal, but I split the vote and convinced Hodari of the Border Tribe to follow my lead. The king came to speak with me about it and well, uh, long story short I promised him my and Hodari’s votes if he would take you as queen. I knew how important his proposal was to him, and how the rest of the council had been pushing him to find a wife. It was the perfect plan.”
“No it wasn’t! You used me! And mama, you knew about it!” She snatched her hands away from her mother and stood from the table.
“Busi, we-”
“No! You basically sold me to the king! Actually, nevermind, because in order to sell something the buyer has to actually want it! You pushed me onto him and you thought that was ok? You thought I wouldnt eventually find out?!” She quickly gathered her things and ignored her parents’ protests as she stormed out of their home.
Tamala had nowhere she could go and be alone away from everybody, so she retreated to her temporary quarters in the palace. She stayed in there for a week, only letting kitchen staff in and out, but she was upset even more by the fact that nobody came to check on her wellbeing. She already knew she wasn’t wanted by the king, but it wasn’t until then that she realized how much the rest of the royal family never seemed to like her either. She knew she could be abrasive at times, but for them to be so cold? Then it dawned on her that they must have all thought she was involved in her father’s schemes.
“I wouldn’t like me either.” she mused to herself and decided she would go set the record straight at breakfast. 
The next morning Tamala was so anxious that she almost couldn’t make it in time, but she was able to pull herself together at the last minute. She emerged from her room and made the long walk to the elevators that would take her down to the dining area. The butterflies in her stomach flew faster and faster the closer she got, and she was sure other people could hear her heart beating out her chest. By the time she reached the door she had forced herself to calm down again, knowing that what she had to do required a clear head and an unwavering disposition. 
The palace guards opened the doors for her and when she saw them she immediately lost all of the confidence she had worked so hard to build. She had expected to just see the four of them there, but for the first time since she moved into the palace a month ago they had several guests at the table as well. 
M’Baku and his chieftess Shani were seated next to each other across from Queen Mother and Shuri. N’Jadaka sat next to his little cousin with Okoye to his left. It was her off day so they had invited her to join them for breakfast. Her ex-husband W’Kabi was nowhere to be seen, but instead there were two colonizers at the table next to M’Baku. One that looked like a human version of a golden retriever and the other seemed to be part robot. The empty seat at the foot of the table was her only option, so she sat down and tried to drum up the courage to make her announcement.
“Tamala, we have barely seen you this week,” Ramonda remarked, without looking up from her food, only partially interested in her response.
Tamala cleared her throat and when everyone reluctantly turned to look at her she locked eyes with the king. She could still feel how cold and detached he was towards her, which only solidified her decision.
“I needed some time to myself, to think. I have decided to...to call off the wedding.” Everyone was shocked. They all knew of the arrangement since they had each cornered T’Challa at some point to try to talk sense into him. None of them liked Tamala. She was rude, she was entitled, and she had a jealous streak that rubbed them all the wrong way. Worst of all, they thought she was only with T’Challa because she wanted the throne. “I didn’t know about my father’s plan, but I do now and I can’t go through with it. I can’t spend my life with someone who doesn’t love me.”
She kept her eyes on T’Challa and saw his face fall when he found out she was unaware of her father’s plan. He immediately felt bad for what he said to her when he realized her feelings for him were real.
“Tamala, I-”
“I know. You thought I was after the title. I wasn’t, but my father was.”
“That still doesn’t excuse what I said to you.”
“No, it doesn't, but I would have done the same thing if I were in your shoes.”
A silence fell over them and she looked around at the guilty faces surrounding the table.
“Did all of you know?”
Everyone nodded or grumbled their response and she felt even more embarrassed knowing that everyone knew it was a lie but her. She sat back in her chair in disbelief.
“If it helps, that’s not the only reason we didn’t like you,” N’Jadaka stage whispered to her from across the table. Shuri and M'Baku snickered as Ramonda reached behind Shuri’s chair to hit her nephew upside his head. 
“That does help, thank you N’Jadaka,” Tamala said sarcastically, rolling her eyes. 
“Could someone fill me in on what just happened?” the blonde colonizer, Steve, asked of his friends after another silence filled the table.
“I got you, man. So basically T’s been trying to make it so Black people can move to Wakanda, but her daddy is head of the Mining tribe and won’t let it go through unless he marries her.”
“What happens to the proposal now? Will he still block it from going through?” Okoye asked.
They all turned to look at Tamala.
“I-I don’t know.”
“Have you told your father about your decision?” Shani added.
“Yes, a week ago.”
“So you decided to wait until the wedding was damn near upon us to let us know?” Queen Mother was getting a headache. “Come with me after you finish eating, we have to call the press and cancel all the vendors and-”
“Mama, I will handle whatever needs to be done. Tamala has been through enough in regards to the wedding.” Ramonda wanted to argue with her son, but she knew he was doing the right thing.
“Very well then,” she gave in.
“So what are you gonna do now?” Bucky asked Tamala and everyone’s ears perked up in curiosity. 
“I’m not sure, but I definitely can’t go back to my parents’ after this.”
“That is understandable. You are welcome to stay as long as you need to.” T’Challa said across the table.
“Thank you, T’Challa.”
“It is the least I can do.”
With three weeks left until the wedding, Ashanti was finally leaving for her month-long trip to New Orleans. She had purchased a cell phone and linked her beads to the archaic device so she wouldn’t have to use them in public. She had done her research on the city and even though her itinerary mostly involved just letting her creative juices flow, there were a few things she knew she had to see and do before she left.
When Chidi and Bisa dropped her off at Wakanda International they were still a little uneasy about Ashanti’s plan. She had never left Wakanda before, but here she was flying across the globe by herself to a city where she doesn’t have any friends or even extended family to look out for her, but they were supportive because they knew it was her dream. When she was young she always wanted to explore the world, but Wakanda was still closed to the outside so she let the idea slip away. She thought the only way she’d get to see it is if she became a War Dog, but Ashanti never had any interest in being a spy. Now her dream was finally coming true, and despite the anxiety twisting her stomach she couldn’t be more excited. 
Her flight only took about 7 hours on the Wakandan jet, and when she touched down and stepped out of the airport she was met with the wet heat of the southern United States. The temperature wasn’t too different from what she was used to, but the humidity made her feel like she was under water. She summoned a Lyft and people-watched as she waited for it to arrive.
She was relieved when it finally pulled up, looking forward to what she hoped would be an air conditioned ride.
“How’s it going ma’am?”
“Hi, uh, it’s good. André, right? How are you?”
“Yes ma’am. Here picking up,” he looked at his phone for confirmation, “Ashanti, but uh, I’ve had better days. Where you from? I hear your accent.”
“Do you hear yours?” she asked playfully as she slid into the back seat while he put her bags in the trunk. He laughed and the warmth of it brought a smile to her face. “I’m from Wakanda.”
“Ohhhhh, Wakanda huh? What made you leave paradise?” He asked as he plopped into the driver seat and closed the door.
“It’s not a paradise.”
“For those of us out here it is.” He looked at her through the rear view mirror for just a second. Her face fell, forgetting how privileged she was to grow up where she did. She had been so focused on getting away from the king that she forgot just how beautiful her homeland could be. “You should be careful out here, I’m sure it’s pretty different than what you’re used to. Crazy folks out here...you going down to Bourbon at any point?”
“Most likely, I’ll be here a while.”
“Hm. Well if you do please, please be careful chère. People get real stupid when they drink.”
“Thank you, I’ll keep that in mind. Are you from here?”
“Born and raised. I moved up to Memphis for a while, but came right back. Always on the Mississippi though. What brought you here? You don't seem like the partying type and judging by all that luggage you’re planning to stay for a while.”
She sighed, not sure if she should get into it with her driver, but decided there was no harm in talking to him. 
“My ex is getting married and I just needed to get away for a while.”
“Still love him?” he looked at her through the mirror again and she looked back at him before nodding.
“Yeah I do, it’s complicated…”
“Sounds like it. I been there though. My babymama moved on a couple years ago and I still ain't over it. He’s a nice guy though so I can’t be too mad about it. As long as my girls are taken care of, that’s what matters.”
Ashanti listened and nodded along, watching the city pass by as they drove down the interstate to her new temporary neighborhood. She knew they had arrived when he turned off the exit and she saw a mural painted along a wall that read “Tremé” in colorful letters. They drove a few more blocks before André stopped the car in front of a house with a colorful, plant filled fenced-in courtyard. There was a fat tabby cat lounging in the walkway by an adorable little iron bistro set. Before getting out of the car she used her iphone to review the instructions the host sent her, then she swung the door open, ready to see her living space in person. André grabbed her bags out of the trunk and placed them on the sidewalk for her.
“Could you help me carry them in?” she asked of her Lyft driver who turned to look at her like she was crazy.
“Ma’am, you sure are trusting. I’ll help you, but you can’t be out here just letting people in your place like that.”
Ashanti blushed, she hadn’t even thought of the danger she was putting herself in and she was thankful that André seemed like a good man. He brought her bags into the living room and took a look around, whistling at the sight. 
“I’ve never actually gotten a look inside one of these new Air Bnb’s, these are niiiice. Ruining the neighborhood though, but what can you do?”
“How is it ruining the neighborhood?”
André chuckled a little at her naivety before concern crept up on him, too. This girl had let him into her home, alone, and he wondered what other stupid things she might get into.
“You know, how about I show you around. I’ll be your personal chauffeur while you’re here. For a fee, of course.”
“Of course. That sounds like a good idea...ok lets do it.” 
“Great, did you want to settle in or go out now? I can run some quick errands while you rest up”
“I’ll be hungry in about a couple hours. Come back then?”
“You got it miss lady, see you later,” he turned to leave the house but turned back with a serious look on his face. “Make sure you keep these doors locked, you seem like the type to just keep them open.” 
“I will.”
He squinted at her, not believing a word she said.
“I said I will, Bast!”
“You better,” he pointed at her as he closed the door behind him.
She plopped on the couch and she was thankful to have the space all to herself, but the vibe was quickly ruined by him yelling at her from outside.
“Lock the door Ashanti!”
She scrambled from her spot and locked the door.
“Happy now?” she shouted at him.
“Thank you!” she heard him say right before the car door closed and he drove off. 
She was finally alone and could really feel the energy of the place. It would be perfect for her little artist getaway. The south facing windows let in so much natural light that she wouldn't even need to turn the lights on during the day. She had already scoped out where she would set up her easel, and she made a mental note to ask André about art supply stores since she could only bring so much on the plane.
She made her way to the bedroom and plopped down on the bed, testing its softness. Once she was satisfied she rolled off and went to the bathroom to set up her toiletries. When she opened the door she was thrown back in time to when T’Challa first invited her to his quarters after their first date. The monstera in the corner and the ivy draping down the walls reminded her of what she always called his “jungle chic bathroom”, but she quickly shook the thought out of her head. She stripped down and stared at herself in the mirror as the water heated up, but ran back to her suitcase to grab her kimoyo beads. They were synched to her phone, but she thought the sound quality was better on the beads.. 
“Hey Kim, play music.”
How do you mend when you worlds apart?
Ooh, carry on
Ooh, from the start
Somehow, we fell in love, then fell right out of touch
And ooh, that was hard
But ooh, here we are
And it's easier to walk away
Than to look for what would make you stay
“Next song please.” she grumbled, not in the mood for a love song. Thankfully the next song was anything but. 
“There’s some whores in this house, there’s some whores in this house…,” she sang along loudly while scrubbing down.
When she was finished she got out and did her usual routine before laying down to take a nap until André came back. When he did, she was excited to see that he brought gumbo. 
“I wasn’t sure if you were too tired to go out or not. Either way, this’ll heat up pretty good tomorrow. I made a big pot yesterday, figured you’d like some authentic ‘Nawlins’ cuisine.”
Her eyes lit up and she dug right in, obviously hungrier than either of them thought she would be.
“Mmm, this is amazing. You made this?” she asked, having yet another flashback to her first date with T’Challa. 
“Sho did, my daddy’s recipe.”
“Well tell your daddy I said thank you.”
“Tell him yourself. We having a fish fry this weekend, you should swing by. His place is just a few blocks from here.”
“I’ll be there! It’s not like I have any real plans or anything.”
“Yeah, what you gonna do while you're here?”
“Walk around, explore, paint, take in some sights, do some touristy things.”
“Let me guess, voodoo museum and cemetery tour?”
“That’s on the list, yeah.”
“Nah, my granny can probably tell you all that better than some tourist trap.”
“Will she be there this weekend?”
“Oh she never missed a fish fry in all her 79 years.”
Ashanti laughed
“Good. So about our chauffeur situation, how about $2,000 a week?”
He stared at her in disbelief.
“What? I’m sorry, is that too low? I’m not good with the conversion rate-”
“No that’s way more than I been making, you got yourself a deal. Hell I’ll be your protection detail too if you need it.”
She giggled a little bit and finally felt her shoulders relax. As much as she knew she needed this trip, it scared her to be so alone so far from home, but André’s warm aura made her feel safe in his presence. As far as she could tell, he was a Bast-send.
The two stayed in for the night, talking and getting to know each other until André left around 9. Ashanti locked up behind him and carried herself up to bed, falling asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.
The king chose to take the day to himself, and he decided to spend it the same way he spent his favorite off-day, with Ashanti at her shop. She had to have seen the news by now and known the wedding was off, but she was still not answering his calls. He grew concerned and decided to use his day off to try to make things right. 
As he walked through the market with his Dora, waving at the occasional excited passerby and stopping to talk to the children that wanted his attention, he felt lighter than he had in a while. He was finally free of Tamala and once her father’s scheming was revealed to the council, he and Hodari were replaced by their second in command. The proposal to open Wakanda to the Lost Tribe had passed and now they could start prepping for the day when their doors would truly open to the world. His plan had gone through, he wasn’t being forced into marriage, and the council had even backed off of their incessant need to marry him off. All he needed now was his lady.
Chidi was the first to see him round the corner and he waved the king over, saluting him to keep up appearances in public. 
“What are you doing here, my boy?”
“I wanted to see Ashanti, do you know if she’s in?”
“She’s been gone for about three weeks now, she needed to get away from all the wedding coverage. She’ll be back next week unless her plans have changed. She barely calls us so I have no idea. Can you believe it, my only daughter goes halfway around the world and can't even call me to say she’s alive! Don’t have kids, T’Challa, they’ll rip your heart out.”
“I’ll keep that in mind. Where did she run off to?”
“New Orleans.”
“That fits her,” T’Challa smiled fondly while picturing her painting on an old balcony with jazz musicians playing down below or eating beignets and sipping coffee at Cafe Du Monde. 
“Not enough to forget about her parents, it doesn’t!” Chidi fussed, causing Bisa to stick her head out from the back. Her face lit up when she saw the king.
“Oh hi T’Challa dear.” She came out from the kitchen and gave him a hug, surprising the few customers  Zana Cafe had during the after lunch lull. 
“Bisa, a pleasure as always.”
“I’m sure he told you Ashanti is off galavanting around the world avoiding your wedding. By the way, congratulations on being single again. I could tell you hated every moment of being with that woman, she seemed too clingy for you.”
“Thank you, it is good to be single again.”
“Not for too long, I hope,” Chidi’s eyebrow raised as he stared up at the king.
“I wouldn’t dream of it.”
“Good.” Chidi clapped him on the back and the king said goodbye to who he hoped would be his future in-laws.
As he crossed the street to Taj’s his nerves picked back up.
“She’s not even here man, chill out.” He spoke to himself softly and took a couple deep breaths before entering the store.
The doorway chimed every time a customer passed through, so when Zina heard it chime and  looked up she nearly dropped the beads she was sorting.
“M-my king!” She saluted him as Jafari came from the back room to see what all the commotion was about, before stopping and saluting him as well.
“Please, no need for that.”
“What can we do for you, your highness?” Jafari asked since Zina seemed to be stuck in a trance staring at the handsome king. 
“I was hoping to place a custom order.”
“The jewelry artist is out of town currently, but we can still take your order. It probably won’t be ready for another month or so. She doesn’t allow special orders to skip the line.”
“That is fine, I can wa- is your friend ok?”
Zina was still glued to the spot, staring at the king.
“Z, why don't you finish the beads in the back, I’ll handle up here.”
“Yeah. Ok, yeah, sorry, heh.” She shook herself out of it and rushed towards the back to get away from the king so she didn't embarrass herself further. 
The two men shared a knowing look and the king chuckled, used to that reaction by now. He had, after all, been fine as hell his whole life.
“So, what would you like?”
“First, I would like it to be anonymous.”
After about 30 or so minutes of finalizing the design, the king left the shop still feeling light, but now with a tinge of anxiety. He wasn’t sure how she would feel seeing him again, but the one big obstacle keeping them apart had finally been removed and he hoped she saw it that way, too. 
Ashanti’s time in the Crescent City was coming to an end, and she didn’t want to say goodbye to André and the rest of the François family. She invited them to come visit her in Wakanda and she was sure at least a couple of them would actually take her up on her offer. Saying goodbye to everybody had been rough, but she was more than ready to go back home. She even said goodbye to the fat cat that laid around in her courtyard most mornings. When André dropped her off at the airport they were both misty-eyed. They had become the best of friends and he was already planning to come visit Wakanda during the summer with his daughter Désirée, who simply adored Ashanti. They hugged and kissed each other's cheeks before he sent her on her way through security.
The flight back seemed to take a whole lot longer than the flight there, but she still made it in about the same amount of time thanks to the jets being infused with Wakandan tech. As they got closer to the border, she could feel the tattoo on her inner lip start to tingle, and when they landed it finally subsided. She nearly ran off the plane when she saw her parents and roommates waiting for her at the gate, and she attacked all four of them with a giant hug.
“I missed you all so much!”
“Chile no you didn't, you barely texted me.” Kwame joked as she hit his arm.
“And you barely called us. Must have been some trip!” Chidi added.
“It was! I have tons of pictures. I met this guy who-”
“A guy?” her mother interjected, concern written on her face. Ashanti misinterpreted it as concern for her safety but she was actually concerned about the state of her and T’Challa’s possible relationship. 
“Yes, mama, a guy. He was my driver and we became friends and his family sort of took me in for the month. It was great!”
The five of them made their way to  Zana Cafe and were met with Zina and Jafari, who were both ecstatic to have their boss back.
“Bosslady! You look well-rested.” Jafari pulled her in for a hug before Zina could do the same.
“That’s because I am. I need to do the whole vacation thing more often. Travelling is so cheap thanks to the conversion rate. Did you know our money is worth five times as much as American money?”
“Can’t say I’m surprised. Why don’t you go ahead and start telling stories and I’ll bring the food out?”Chidi suggested.
Ashanti had them hanging on her every word all night long. She told them about everything, from the cemeteries to the swamps to Bourbon street to the history of Marie Laveau. She told them about the jazz musicians and what she learned about the effects of hurricane Katrina and gentrification. She told them about the François family and the kindness they showed her, and even pulled up some pictures of her work on her beads to show them.
“I’m definitely going back at some point.”
“Don't you want to go somewhere else instead?” Zina asked, stuffing her face full of food.
“I want both,” Ashanti said with a laugh. She had missed her friends and family, but wouldn't trade the last month of her life for the world.
It started getting late so Zina and Binta left to go be with their respective significant others, while the others cleaned up the table. Jafari was the next to go, and after he left the remaining three descended upon Ashanti too quickly for her comfort.
“Do you know already?” Kwame asked her suspiciously.
“Know what? You’re freaking me out.”
“About the king.”
“Why would you- I left to get away from him, I don’t want to think-”
“Intyatyambo, they called it off weeks ago,” Bisa added.
Her whole world stopped, but she was too tired to process the information they had just given her.
“I-I don't...why?”
“Nobody knows, but the king came down here looking for you the other day.” said Chidi.
“He did?!” Ashanti asked, looking to her mother for confirmation.
“He did.”
“Well, um- that’s cool I guess. I-I need to get some rest, it’s late and my brain hurts.”
“Get home safe sithandwa,” Chidi ordered.
“I will baba, bye. Bye mama.'' She hugged them both before she and Kwame drove home in his new hover car.
“So this André guy?”
“Just a friend, Kwame.”
“Ok but is he cute?”
“You know that American show you like to watch? Oh, what’s it called...Insecure! He looks like the light skinned guy on there.”
“Nathan?! Girrrrl and you didn’t hit that?”
“No, ew, he felt more like a brother.”
“Mmmhm, so you didn’t go get your groove back?”
“Did you get that back blown out in Nola or no?”
“Girl I swear, the wrong one of us is doing all the travelling.”
The two laughed as they entered their home and said good night before going their separate ways.
As comfortable as her bed back in New Orleans was, it pales in comparison to her bed at home. She knew not to even sit down until she was ready to pass out. She quickly showered and threw on a big t-shirt before hopping in her bed and drifting away to dreamland.
Mmm, Ashanti.
Come sit on your throne, kitten. 
Ride me just like that.
Bounce on it.
Cum on my dick.
Nah-uh, don’t fucking move, I’m cumming in this pussy. My pussy. 
“Your pussy, baby,” Ashanti whimpered in her sleep just moments before her eyes flew open. She hadn’t had a dream like that in months, now all of a sudden her body was acting crazy just because she heard he was single again. As far as she knew, the council could have another wife lined up for him so there was no need to even get excited. Apparently, nobody told her pussy that. 
She looked at the clock and was surprised it was well after 10am, until she remembered she probably had jet lag. Her thoughts were interrupted by a light knock at the door.
“Oh good you’re up, I was just checking to make sure you were breathing,” Binta joked as Ashanti threw a pillow at her from the bed. 
“I’m alive, just jetlagged. I don't think I’ve ever slept this late in my entire life.”
“Yeah girl that's why I came up here to make sure you were ok!”
“I guess it’s something I’ll have to get used to if I’m going to be travelling a lot.”
Binta sat on the end of the bed.
“You really did love it huh?”
“I did, and there are so many places to see!”
Binta laughed and was about to say something when her beads rang.
“Oop, gotta go. Mrs. Obi is going into labor, but her doula came down with a stomach bug this morning so I get to step in.”
“Good luck!” Ashanti shouted at Binta as she frantically ran down the steps to grab her work bag and go.
Ashanti sat up in bed and stretched her arms out wide before swinging her legs over the side and standing up, stretching even further. She padded her way to the bathroom and checked herself out in the mirror while brushing her teeth. She decided to shower again since last night was more of a quick rinse, so she cut the water back on and got naked. 
“Hey Kim, play music.”
How do you mend when you worlds apart?
Ooh, carry on
Ooh, from the start
Somehow, we fell in love, then fell right out of touch
And ooh, that was hard
But ooh, here we are
And it's easier to walk away
Than to look for what would make you stay
This time she was in the mood for the love song, so she allowed it to play all the way through.
Remember when we first met?
We were having so much fun
So, now, how can we both forget
Telling each other, "We're the one"?
We would make love (We would make love)
At the drop of a hat
Remember that?
I remember you and me (You and me)
Close as any two can be (Two can be)
Now we're strangers in the night (Strangers)
Awkward in the tight
Oh baby, do you want to make it better?
Do you want to stay together?
Hey, if you do
Then let's please
Make some new
The song was cut off by her beads ringing. She finished rinsing off and hopped back out the shower to see who was calling her. She threw on a robe, then answered the call. She was surprised to see Zina on the other end.
“Hey Z, how’s it going?”
“Hey Shanti, so um the shop is really busy and Jafari got that stomach bug that’s going around and-”
“I’ll be there in 30, no worries. Breathe Zina.”
She took a deep breath and was able to destress a little bit.
“Sorry, I just get a little tense sometimes.”
“I understand. If it's too busy for you to handle, just close the doors and we can reopen when I get there. See you soon.”
She ended the call and searched for something to wear. She threw on a white t-shirt and colorful joggers with sneakers before grabbing her bags and heading out the door. 
When she arrived at Taj’s the customers had died down so she was able to work in the back and look through her commissions. There was one that stood out to her, it was an anonymous client who wanted a very simple necklace. They could have bought one like it at the front of the shop, but she guessed this person wanted it made just for them. Looking at her calendar and other commissions she guessed it would be ready in a  month or so, but with it being such a simple design she decided to go ahead and make it to get it out of the way.
The king was surprised when Jafari called him to come pick up his order. It was way earlier than he had expected, but he would never complain about getting to see Ashanti sooner rather than later. T’Challa decided to take the day off again, and he knew his sister wouldn’t take too kindly to it so he decided to make her favorite breakfast for her. When his mother and sister rolled into their en suite kitchen, following the delicious smells wafting through the royal wing of the palace, Shuri immediately knew something was up. 
“Unyana, shouldn’t you be working?”
“Oh no. Is this a bribe?” Shuri asked, eyes scanning over the American-style breakfast and mouth watering at the fluffy golden pancakes. She wanted to stand her ground, but they called to her. T’Challa knew what he was doing. 
“Don’t think of it as a bribe, think of it as a thank you in advance,” he said with a sly smirk on his face.
“Let me go clear my schedule-” she sighed.
“No need. Already done,” he smiled at her as he shovelled scrambled eggs onto her plate.
“You’re the worst. This better be for a good reason.”
“It is.”
“Are you going to tell us what it is?” Queen Mother inquired. 
“No, not yet.” T’Challa didn’t want his family to get too excited.
“Ugh, I deserve to know since you're making me queen for a day.”
He stared at her, deciding between telling her and keeping it to himself. His decision was cut short when his kimoyo beads rang and he answered to see Nakia looking very excited.
“N’Jadaka told me everything! How did it go?”
“Oh so you told him but won’t tell us?! Your own mother and sister? Your own flesh and blood? How rude.” Shuri said, crossing her arms and giving him a look of disapproval, making him roll his eyes at her dramatics.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to start anything, I was just so excited. You know the prince can’t hold water, I don’t know why you ever tell him anything.”
“You are right as usual, umhlobo wam.”
“Well, I’ll let you go since you obviously have some explaining to do,” she looked behind T’Challa at the princess and Queen Mother who had looks of displeasure on their faces. “Call me after!” And with that she ended the call and her hologram disappeared from his hand. He took a deep breath and turned to face his family.
“So?” Ramonda asked impatiently, Shuri nodding along.
“So...I am going to see Ashanti.” He paused as their faces lit up and he couldn't help but smile, too. “I went to see her on my off day a couple weeks ago, but she was out of town. Apparently she left to avoid the wedding coverage...but she’s back now, so I took the day off to go see her.”
Their smiles were up to their ears despite the silence that followed T’Challa’s explanation.
“I haven’t seen you look this happy in a long time, unyana wam.”
“Thank you mama, I’m hoping all goes well.”
“Bast be with you, dear.”
“Ugh, I guess I’ll do your job for you. Tell my sister I said hi and I miss her!”
Ramonda smirked at her daughter’s choice of words, and T’Challa fought to keep a smile off his face.
“I’ll do just that.”
“Well, go ahead and eat so you can get out of here,”  Ramonda encouraged her son.
T’Challa chuckled at his mother’s insistence, but did what she said. He tried his best to not rush through the meal, but his excitement took over and he inhaled his breakfast before kissing Shuri and Ramonda on their foreheads and running out the door.
As soon as he left the kitchen his nerves kicked in and he decided to smoke a little something on his balcony before heading out. The royal grower had left him a nice hybrid strain, and after a couple of hits he felt calm enough to do what he needed to do. He ashed his blunt before making his way down the palace elevators and out the front entrance. 
He strolled through the city with Okoye and three other Dora, standing tall and smiling at the few other pedestrians when they caught his eye.
“You’re in a good mood today. Is it the weed or our destination?” Okoye teased him.
“Yes.” he responded and chuckled as she gave him a knowing glance. She hadn’t seen her king this happy in...well it’s been a while.
They stopped just around the corner from Taj’s and T’Challa took a deep breath before walking forward. Thankfully it was still early and the market hadn’t livened up yet, so Taj’s would most likely be empty or at the very least not busy. 
The Doras stood watch at the open doors and he stepped in, causing the chimes to ring out once again. He was met with the same smiling faces as before and he immediately deflated since he had been hoping he would get to see Ashanti.
“My king.” Zina and Jafari said in unison, saluting him in the process. 
“Hello, I received a message that my order is ready. I would love to speak with the artist if she is in.”
“Sure, I’ll go grab her. She’s just in the back working on another order, I’ll be right back,” Zina said before hopping off her stool and disappearing behind a multicolored curtain that had been dyed by children in one of their art classes.
By the time Zina reached Ashanti’s workstation, she was overflowing with excitement.
“The-anonymous-client-is-here-and-they-want-to-meet-you!” she rushed out.
“Zina, breathe. One more time, please.” Ashanti looked up from measuring the pair of pendulums that would become pearl drop earrings when she was through with them.
“Just come out front and see for yourself.”
Ashanti sighed and set down her tools, brushing off her clothes as she stood and following Zina out to the front. She figured the anonymous order was either from someone she knew or from someone of nobility from one of the tribes, but nothing had prepared her to see T’Challa standing in her shop just like he did almost two years ago. She froze on the spot when she saw him and her two employees snickered at what they assumed was her “starstruck” face, not knowing it was anything but.
“Hi.” he said softly with a smile.
“Hi. So you’re my anonymous client?” her voice softened as she took in his form. T’Challa was many things, but he was not someone who repeated outfits, yet here he was in her shop wearing the exact same clothes as the day they met.
Zina and Jafari’s jaws fell to the floor as they both realized that Ashanti knew the king.
“That I am. I hope you don’t mind, I needed a way to see you. I didn’t want to just pop up at your home, but you blocked me, so...I understand though-”
“Holy shit-” Jafari said under his breath but much louder than he anticipated, causing Zina to elbow him in his side.
“W-we’ll just be in the back,” she stuttered as she pushed Jafari into the back room to give them privacy.
There was a tense silence for a moment before T’Challa spoke.
“I heard about New Orleans. How was it?”
“It, uh, was great. I was there about a month and met some really great people. Got a lot of painting done-”
“Hm” T’challa nodded with a warm smile on his face.
“When Chidi told me you were in New Orleans that’s exactly what I pictured you doing. You, on a balcony, painting, with Jazz musicians playing on the street below.”
“So you pictured me, huh?” she teased.
T’Challa laughed. “Yes, quite often I’m afraid,” he took a step forward. “And you? Do you still think about me?” he asked her while moving closer so that the only thing between them was the counter.
Ashanti’s heart beat faster and her palms got sweatier with every step he took.
“All the time.”
“Do you have someone special in your life?”
“No. Any more arranged marriages on your end?”
He chuckled and shook his head, “No.”
“Ashanti,” he took a deep breath. “I really am sorry.”
“For what?”
“I should have never let you go-”
“I needed to go, T’Challa. If you had chased me I just would’ve run further away.”
“Ok,” he nodded. “However, I know that if I had to see you with another man it would tear my heart to pieces, so I am sorry from the bottom of my heart that you had to experience that pain.” His big brown eyes twinkled with sincerity and her nerves simply melted away.
“Eh, I’ve had worse,” she joked, shrugging and holding up her pinky.
The two of them stared at each other in silence with small smiles plastered on their faces.
“Ashanti,” he began as he grabbed her hand and kissed it, feeling the cold metal of her robotic pinky beneath his lips, “I know it’s been a rollercoaster, to say the least, but my heart will always be yours.”
Tears welled up in her eyes and one escaped, prompting his thumb to reach out and swipe it away.
“Please don’t cry, kitten.” he said as tears threatened to escape his eyes, too.
“I’m sorry, I just-”
“Don’t be sorry, my love.”
She looked at him in that moment and took in his face that she missed more than her heart could bear. She missed his deep dark eyes, his broad nose, his bushy yet tamed eyebrows, and that lopsided gap toothed smile. She missed scratching his beard when they kissed and oiling his scalp with him seated between her legs. She missed the little things about him and their time spent together, and she was tired of running. She was tired of letting her fear dictate her happiness. She was tired of other people standing in their way, but now there was nothing in their way but a wooden countertop.
“I’ve missed you,” she whispered. 
He quickly rounded the counter and pulled her body in close, planting his lips on hers. She melted into him as they both finally let their tears fall. They stayed in that embrace for Bast knows how long, taking in the moment and reacquainting themselves with the feel of each other. 
T’Challa had missed the smell of her perfume and the pomegranate leave-in conditioner she used in her hair even more than he realized. Her soft body conformed to his and it took all of his willpower to not explore her body more, so he leaned back to untangle himself from her momentarily only to be pulled back into her embrace. She rested her head on his chest and listened to the comforting sound of his heartbeat.
“Not yet,” she whimpered as she pulled him in tighter. He chuckled and rested his chin on top of her head after placing a light kiss on her crown. He saw the curtain ruffle slightly and knew her employees were eavesdropping.
“I think we have an audience.”
“I figured.” She refused to let go. “Can we go somewhere else?”
“Anywhere you want.”
The wheels in her head turned and turned. She didn’t want to be bothered by either of their loved ones, but she wanted privacy.
“Take me back to the lake.”
“Anything for you.”
She looked up at him with a twinkle in her eye. This time it was true, he really would and could do anything for her. There was no fiancee or council standing in his way. 
“Zina, Jafari, you two can come out now,” she said as she pulled only halfway out of the king’s embrace, his arm still around her waist. Her two employees tripped over themselves from behind the curtain and emerged with guilty looks on their faces.
“I’ll be gone the rest of the day. If it gets too crazy I trust you two to handle it on your own.”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Of course, bosslady.”
She momentarily left T’Challa’s warmth to grab her bag from the back before they sauntered out of Taj’s hand in hand.
When you take somebody for your own
It can't survive on history alone
Meet me at the hotel, motel
Though we got a room at home
Go to a place that we don't know so well
It be nice, add a little spice
Try some new seduction
Show each other how
Give each other new instructions
On what makes us
Feel good
I just wanna make you feel good now
Do you want to make it better?
Do you want to stay together?
And it's easier to run away
Than to look for what would make you stay
The music played in the background as they swayed back and forth. Her ear was planted directly over his heart again, listening as it beat in time with her own. His right hand intertwined with her left as he held her close and his chin found its home on the top of her head once more. They were both too full of emotion to speak, so they let the music do the talking for them. 
Do you want to make it better?
Do you want to stay together?
If you do
Then let's please
Make some new
Do you want to make it better?
Do you want to stay together?
If you do
Then let's please
Make some new
Do you want to make it better?
Do you want to stay together?
If you do
Then let's please
Make some new
Do you want to make it better?
Do you want to stay together?
Eventually the two of them tired of dancing and laid back in the grass talking about their time apart. When she spoke of New Orleans her face lit up, and he made a mental note to take her around the globe. The conversation turned serious about halfway through and T’Challa told her the whole truth about what happened with Tamala, even telling her of his behavior towards her.
“That poor girl.”
“I know. Had I known she was serious I wouldn’t have been so crass with her, but in my mind she was just another obstacle blocking me from you. We’ve since made up and are on good terms, but I still feel like shit about it.”
“Challa, you hold on to too much. You apologized, she accepted, and you two made up. Let it go, don’t let it eat you up inside.” She cupped his face in her hands.
He nodded in understanding and kissed her wrist, sending chills down her spine.
“How is the sobriety going?”
“It’ll be six months next week.”
“I’m proud of you, you know that?” 
“For becoming an alcoholic?” he joked.
She pinched his arm.
“No, silly. For getting a handle on it. My umalume was an alcoholic and I saw what it did to him. I’m happy you were able to get better.”
“I am too.”
They sat in another comfortable silence staring at each other until Ashanti got an idea. 
“Want to go for a swim?”
A smile slowly crept up the king’s face before he bolted up, already pulling his shirt over his head.
“I’ll take that for a yes,” Ashanti laughed. “Help me with my zipper?” She stood up and turned around, moving her beaded cornrows out of his way.
“Of course,” he said as he came up behind her and pulled her zipper all the way down, revealing a lavender lace bra and the top of what he assumed to be matching panties. “Still into lingerie, I see.”
“Oh please, like you aren’t into it too.” She looked at him over her shoulder and smirked.
“You’ve got me there’” he said with a chuckle that rumbled from deep within his chiseled chest and made her weak in her knees. Ashanti turned around and her dress dropped to the ground, revealing her almost naked body. She undid her bra and let it fall next, freeing her breasts that he loved oh so much. Last to go was her underwear, which she slowly slid down her legs before standing back up and looking him in his eyes as if to challenge him. “You’re next” her eyes said to him. 
T’Challa undid his belt buckle before unzipping his pants and pushing them to the ground. He had nothing underneath and Ashanti’s eyes were immediately drawn down to his thick, beautiful dick. She moved closer to him and placed a light kiss on his lips before taking his hand in hers and leading him to the water. The waded in to where Ashanti’s feet could still just barely touch the ground and she finally let his hand go and turned around to face him.
“I want us to start over. Like you said, we have a rocky history and I don’t want to carry that baggage with us anymore. We deserve a fresh start,” she brought her hands up to his shoulders, “You know, my umakhulu used to always tell us to take our problems to the river. He said freshwater had healing properties and could wash away your sorrows...well, it’s not the river, but I imagine this could work about the same way.”
A smirk fell on T’Challa’s face as he listened to her speak. “I never told you the name of this lake, did I?”
“I don’t think so, why?” Her big brown eyes stared up at him curiously.
“This is the Ichibi Lokuphilisa, blessed by Bast herself.”
“Oh...damn, I’m good.” she said as they both busted out laughing. Her bringing them to the Lake of Healing must have been a sign from Bast. Just like the dreams she had before meeting T’Challa and the ones she continues to have to this day. 
“You brought us here for a reason, what will you have me do now, my love?”
“Do you mean that? Do you love me?”
His hand splashed up out the water and cupped her face while his other arm snaked around her waist, pulling her into him.
“I’ve loved you since our first date. Before I even met you I had these dreams-” 
Ashanti’s eyes widened in shock.
“I saw you, too! I mean, it was blurry, but I saw you come into the shop and then I’ve had like a million sex dreams about you. Those haven’t gone away, either.”
“Neither have mine. My dream was blurry too, but I kissed you in your shop and then when we met and you dropped that broom, I felt sparks when our hands touched. I knew then you had to be the woman from my dream. Ashanti, my soul loved you before I even knew who you were.”
He wiped away the tears that were steadily falling from her eyes before kissing her forehead, her nose, then her lips. 
“I love you too,” she whispered against the king’s lips while they stood there forehead to forehead, looking deep into each other’s souls. “And I don’t want to be without you again. I know I’m the one that left-“ she was cut off by him pressing his lips to hers.
“None of that matters now. Fresh start, right?”
She looked up at him and nodded.
“Fresh start.” 
He leaned back in for a kiss and the two of them got lost in each other’s mouths, lips suckling and tongues swirling. Her hands found their way to his curls and his travelled down to her ass before giving it a squeeze, making her melt into him even more. Her legs came up and wrapped around his waist and he growled into the kiss, deepening it and holding her tighter. His dick rested between her cheeks as she rocked her hips back and forth along his length, grinding her clit into his pelvis as she let out a soft moan. She had missed how he felt inside her and couldn’t wait any longer, so she lifted herself up to place him at her entrance, and he rolled his hips forward to enter her slowly.
Ashanti hadn’t had sex with anyone since Zane, but her body immediately opened up for T’Challa, allowing him to slide into her with ease until they were connected pelvis to pelvis. Neither one of them realized the tears that fell from their eyes as they kissed and rocked into each other, letting the water hold them steady.
“Ndiyakuthanda” he whispered over and over in her ear, imprinting himself on her body once more as he nibbled on her earlobe.
Ashanti couldn’t open her mouth to form words, only moans of pleasure. She wanted to return the sentiment and tell him she loved him too, but the feeling of him inside her overwhelmed her senses. Tears continued to  stream down her face as the pain of being apart from him  the last year and a half washed away. Her body felt tingly all over and everywhere he touched her a searing heat followed, warming her skin from the inside out. 
It took most of T’Challa’s strength to keep his knees from buckling from the pleasure he was feeling , but the lake waters kept him upright. He felt at home inside her and he couldn’t help the words of praise and adoration falling from his lips.
“You’re so beautiful.”
“I missed you so much.”
“Mmm you feel so good around me.”
“I’m yours, Ashanti.”
The tension inside her rose with each whisper, and when she was finally able to find the strength to speak she pulled back to look at him, taking in the tears that had made their way down his beautiful face. 
“Ndiyakuthanda, T’Challa. With all my heart.”
Their lips smashed together and he lifted her higher, allowing the water to cushion her fall back down on him as he went impossibly deep inside her. His thrusts got rougher and she saw stars.
“Come with me, kitten.”
That was all Ashanti needed. She had missed so many things about T’Challa, but hearing him call her by her favorite nickname of his sent her over the edge.
Every time their hips met she grinded further into him and the tension rose in both of their bodies. His toes dug into the sediment as she wrapped her legs even tighter around him, both preparing for their orgasms. Ashanti was the first to break, his thrusts sending her over the edge. She called out his name as she released all over his dick, making his thrusts falter. Her walls contracted around him, locking him in place as he came deep inside her.
Neither could bear the thought of not touching the other, so they stayed just like that, trading light kisses and declarations of love as the waters around them stilled.
Next Chapter
Taglist: @maddeningmayhem, @theblulife, @ljstraightnochaser @determinednot2fall
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 years
Pure Blood 40 (Sirius Black x F!Oc)
Warnings: Babies <3
Words: 2,644
Chapter 39 / Chapter 41
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"Do you think he can hear us?" Sirius asks me, kneeling next to the couch. He puts a hand on my belly.
“Maybe," I lift my shirt a little.
"Hi baby,” He whispers with his lips close to my skin, tickling me. "I want to meet you.”
"We want,” I correct him.
"We want to meet you, and to know what name we’re going to give you, because we’re panicking.”
I roll my eyes. Since we knew it would be a boy we have put three options on the table. No matter how many times we vote, we can never decide, so Sirius thinks we’ll know when he's born.
“Your mother doesn't want to call you Perseus. I say it’d be nice, I could call you both Percy.”
“And I say that he’s going to confuse us. I like Leo.”
"We're going to win,” He whispers again, this time he receives an answer, the baby kicks where Sirius' hand is. "Ha! He is on my side!”
I laugh when I see his big smile, I put my hand on his.
"Did you ever imagine yourself in this place, Sirius?"
"With you or in general?"
“Both," He observes me.
“I never thought I was the type to get married and have children. When I met James and he told me what he longed for the most, I was sure that I would not go through the same thing. I'd be the funny uncle, but,” He grimaces.
“You'll call me corny, but, before you know, being together, I could imagine it. You and me together with our little family. You were always the reason I would yearn for more,” He smiles.
"You're corny" I say with a hoarse voice making him laugh. He kisses my forehead and then returns to my belly.
"Don't worry, little Percy. Your mom doesn't cry easily, it's the hormones. She's fine,” Another kick. "And you shouldn't worry either, your name will be Perseus, maybe we’ll call your brother Leo.”
"Brother?" I interrupt him.
"Oh, come on. Being an only child must be boring. James always says so, we must give him a brother or sister…”
"And you’ll carry it in your womb for nine months this time?" I raise my eyebrow.
"Hey! You know that if I could, I would. I've been a great help, love.”
In that I cannot complain, Sirius has been very attentive in all my whims during pregnancy.
“We'll talk about a brother later, first we make sure this one comes out alright.”
“I take it as a yes. I'll remind you how fun it is to make one,” He winks at me.
I laugh out loud.
"I don't need to remember.”
August 18, 1980
"He has Sirius's eyes," says James smiling. In his arms he has little Perseus. "If I didn't have a son, I could say he's the prettiest baby I've ever seen," He jokes
"You can say it, neither Harry nor Lily are here,” says Sirius sitting next to me.
"I can't betray my son, Padfoot,” He looks back at the baby, who’s also watching him closely. "I already have the perfect nickname for him: Paddie."
"Oh no," I complain.
They both laugh.
“I’m very proud of both. They’ll be the second best family,” He tells us. The baby begins to move in his arms.
"Percy doesn't agree with that," Sirius says taking it carefully. When he sits back down, the baby is still uncomfortable. "I think he wants his mother…”
I hold him against my chest and he finally relaxes.
"I hope I don't have to fight for your attention like I did with Atlas when we first met."
"Sirius, he’s your son.”
"With all the more reason I say it,” He jokes and kisses my forehead. I shake my head.
"Anyway, tell James," I remind him.
"Oh yeah!" He look at his friend with a huge smile. "Persephone and I wanted to ask you and Lily if you would like to be his godparents?”
"Why are you so surprised?" I ask him.
"I thought you would ask Remus!”
"No, he’ll be for the next one,” says Sirius. I hit his leg.
"Stop saying we'll have another one!”
“So what do you say, Prongs? We’re Harry's godparents. Sounds like a good deal?”
“But it won't bother Remus? He has done more than I have for you…”
"We already talked to him, we made another deal,” I laugh, accommodating the baby. “We made a small arrangement to the name of Perseus.”
Sirius smiles.
“Perseus John Black-Singh. Sounds great, don't you think?" He says proudly.
James looks at us in surprise.
“Now I’m jealous. For your second son I want him to have a James somewhere,” He points out.
"Your son already has a James,” I frown. "No wait— Stop saying that we’ll have another child!"
“It’s a deal, James.”
"He's so small," Sirius whispers.
"And delicate…”
"I'm not going to drop it, Percy,” He frowns. "I won't drop Percy, Percy.”
"I told you it’d be complicated.”
“I'll have to think of new nicknames."
“Yes, of course…”
The baby squirms in his daddy's arms and babbles, leaving a trail of drool. We both laugh. His gray eyes watch us with fascination.
“I can't believe this little one is ours. I can't wait to teach him magic, or to play Quidditch…”
"You didn't even play at school!”
"But if he wants, we can try.”
“Fair enough. Come on, it's time to sleep,” The three of us went into the baby's room.
"Can I stay to hear the story?" Sirius asks smiling.
I take out one of the books that Remus gave Percy. Sirius sits in the recliner and I sit in another. The baby squeals with happiness when he recognizes the colors in the book: The Tales of Beedle the Bard.
“Someone's excited…”
I start to read a story, but I don't get very far. I look up and they’re both sound asleep. Percy has his head resting on Sirius's chest and they both have their mouths open. I laugh at the tender image.
I spend a few minutes looking at them, analyzing the resemblance. Perseus has Sirius's eyes, his lips, and I'm afraid to say the same personality. When he smiles, it's like seeing my best friend again when we were little. I can't help but think that I would do anything to see that smile on both of them always.
Although our baby looks a lot like Sirius, he also has a lot of me. And what excites me the most is that he’s a mama’s boy. Every morning when I go for him, he welcomes me with a joy so pure that it melts my heart.
I put the book on the shelf and slowly pick up the baby to put it in his crib.
"My baby," Sirius babbles at the movement, sighs and stretches his body. After making sure that Percy won't wake up again, I go back to the other boy and stroke his hair. He rests his forehead on my stomach and wraps his arms around my waist. "It was a good story.”
“It fulfilled his objective. Come on, it's also time for you to sleep,” I take his hand and guide him to our room.
After doing the whole routine, we both go to bed. I hug Sirius around his waist and hide my face against his neck.
"I've never felt so tired in all my life,” I laugh.
Since Percy was born, every night I feel all the hard work that is taking care of a baby.
“Same," He whispers.
Sirius stirred and now he's the one hiding his face on my neck, but he decides to leave little kisses on it. I chuckle.
"You don't seem very tired, darling."
"I left a little energy for my girl…”
"Well, your girl doesn't have any energy and tomorrow we have to go to Remus's house early.”
Sirius growls.
“What if we just leave Percy with him? You and I could have the apartment to ourselves and have a lot of fun…” He says kissing my cheek and then reaching my lips.
"It sounds quite tempting though," I gasp as his hand goes up my shirt. "We can’t, Sirius.”
“We can, you just have to—”
A cry interrupts him. I laugh when he growls again.
"Just what, Sirius?"
"Forget it. I lost it,” I laugh out loud. “Oh, don't get ahead of yourself, precious. I'm not done with you.”
"Good luck waking me up, darling."
He knows this battle is lost. When I fall asleep, it’s very difficult for him to wake me up in a good mood and he knows it.
"Now, now, Perseus. Dad is on his way,” He announces himself, leaving the room.
"One, twins, four..." I point to each baby sitting on the blanket on the grass. I frown. "Hey! Mine is missing, Sirius! "
“I don’t have him," He says, going out into the garden.
"Where is Perseus?"
"I thought they were all here!”
"Except for him,” I get up looking everywhere.
"We found the little runaway,” says Remus laughing with the baby in his arms. I feel my soul return to my body. "I almost saw him running towards the gate," He reports, handing it to me.
"You mustn’t go alone, Perseus!” I scold him. He stops laughing and then pouts.
"Your mother is right. Next time, take Harry too,” says Sirius and I hit him on the arm.
"I can't handle two children at the same time," I complain, taking my son with the others.
"Harry, no!" screams Lily lifting her son off the ground where there are several plants.
"Oh, our little ones are already showing signs of being geniuses of mischief," says James putting a hand on his chest.
"Aunti, Phoney. Your baby is naughty,”Atlas informs me.
“I already noticed. Could you keep an eye on him? He’s still very small and can hurt himself.”
“Okay," Atlas nods and sits next to Perseus and then takes his small hand. I laugh at his actions.
"It's time to eat," says Apollo. "Atlas, go clean yourself.”
"But I must take care of Perseus!”
I look up at my brother.
"He's being a good cousin,” He smiles at me.
"Your aunt must also go home,” Atlas nods and obeys his father. I take the baby, but Apollo takes it from me.
"Hey!" I complain.
“You took my son from me when he was born. Now we are even.”
"Apo!" Percy laughs.
I roll my eyes.
"It's good you have two more,” I tease taking who I think is Hades, who at first freaks out, but when he sees me he smiles. I kissed his plump cheek.
“Phoney!" says his brother not far from us.
"But it isn’t easy, being the favorite aunt, huh?" Apollo scoffs, walking away with my son.
I frown and watch the two children trying to get my attention.
"Oh no,” I say when I see little Harry wanting to follow the other two. He squirms in his mother's arms trying to get down.
"No, honey, it's time to eat," says Lily.
"It's baby chaos!" I pout.
"I got you,” says Remus taking Hercules in his arms. I get up with Hades. “And then you tell me that I should have one— I can't imagine another baby right now!”
After the delicious meal, we all sat in the living room. The twins are asleep in his room, while Atlas, Harry and Perseus still have a lot of energy. The older one is explaining to the other two how they can make a tower out of their favorite blocks. Thanks to Merlin, Atlas is willing to share with his cousins.
"It's amazing how much Perseus looks like you,” says Apollo looking at me. "It's a copy.”
"I see more of Sirius in him,” I add laughing.
"You have to admit that Perseus makes the same face as you when something doesn't go as planned," says Jane.
"Oh yeah!" Remus points out. “When I picked him up he wrinkled his nose and, oh, merlin! It's the same!”
"I don't think that’s funny," I complain.
"Harry, no!” James says when his baby throws one of the blocks.
"He doesn't like that color either," Atlas reports smiling.
Percy and Harry laugh and they both take other blocks and throw them.
"I don't want to imagine what they'll be like when they grow up," says Lily, taking another block from Harry.
"Geniuses, I already said it," repeats James.
"It's good to see so many happy babies," says Apollo. "It's been a long time since I saw a big and happy family,” We both share a look. "I remember the mansion, full of laughter…”
"Although it was easier back then, I didn't have to pick up the mess!” I add making him laugh.
Apollo looks at his wife and then at the others.
“Believe it or not, when we were little, Singh Manor was child chaos. Isis and Balder were the ones who always broke things, Persephone would run after them imitating each evil and creating more disaster, I’d chased her so that at least she wouldn't get hurt, while Juno scold us all…”
"Even Dad was an accomplice on some occasions," I add, sighing. "I miss that."
I feel Sirius's hand on mine.
"The memories will stay with you,” says Jane. "We know that your families weren't easy at all, but those that you’re forming now will not suffer the same.”
“Whatever happens,” Apollo continues, “you can count on us, guys. You won’t be alone, and if necessary, we will take care of your children."
I lean back in my chair with a sigh.
"Mom?," says Percy, interrupting the silence. He moves a little to look for me.
"Here I am, baby," He sees me and smiles, then continues playing.
"It always happens," Sirius jokes. "Every time he loses sight of her when we're inside, he looks for her everywhere."
“Awww," They all say at the same time.
"Yes, very cute, but sometimes he starts crying very hard,” I add.
“Mommy’s little boy without a doubt,” We all look at the babies, oblivious to all the evil and chaos in the world.
I wish this could stay that way forever.
"I don't understand what's wrong," I complain trying to lull Perseus who hasn't stopped crying. "Sirius, I’ve tried everything!” I say about to cry myself.
"I don't know what he has either," He answers overwhelmed. “Maybe he's scared by the Halloween decorations. In the morning walk he was calm, maybe he saw something that scared him…”
"I don’t know. I'll call Jenna, maybe she can help…”
I hand over the baby and go to the phone, but it rings first.
"Please tell me you have something to control colic for Harry?”
"What?" I say trying to listen to Lily between Percy's cries.
“I don't know who else to ask! Harry has been uncomfortable all day…” She says in distress.
"Percy too, he hasn't stopped crying, I was about to talk to Jenna—”
"When you have an answer, please ask her what I can give Harry?”
"Sure, don't worry. I’ll stop by your house later…”
I hang up the phone, I decide it's better to go straight to the hospital with Jenna. If she has any medicine, I'll give it to Lily.
I tell Sirius my plan and get ready to go out, I don't want the two babies to suffer more from whatever is happening to them.
@avipshamitra   @auroraawrites @findzelda  @lizlil @siriusmuch   @chloe-geoghegan1 @reverse-hxlland  @may-rapp @the-specific-oceans @eveft  @secret-obsessions  @theeicedamericano @xkonpinkx    @inkandpen22​ @just-here-to-escape-from-reality​
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ezgithechaotic · 4 years
The Parent Trap | Chapter One; two sides of the same coin
pairing: Harry Styles x Reader
AU: The Parent Trap,  dad!harry
series summary:  Identical twins Benjamin and Edward, separated at birth and each raised by one of their biological parents, later discover each other for the first time at summer camp and make a plan to bring their wayward parents back together.
chapter summary: Benjamin and Edward tries to convince their parents that they aren’t children anymore, but it’s harder than they think.
author note: I’m sorry in advance if I have any fault. English is not my first language. But please let me know if you see anthing that doesn’t seem right. And an important note about Harry and Y/N; They probably won’t see each other for a long time. But I plan on mentioning their thoughts about each other from time to time as I did in this chapter. So, buckle up, It’s gonna be a long way :)
Please leave a comment about what you think, love you.
The Parent Trap Masterlist 
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Between all the paperwork, Y/N was feeling like she could go crazy any minute. When she had decided to work from home, she didn’t think that anyone could reach her at any minute. It didn’t matter whether it was weekdays or weekends. She was either answering some phonecall from her customer or choosing the right fabric for her designs. Well, except the times she was with her son, Edward. 
Y/N loved her job. She started at a very early age, it would even be proper to say that she had nothing or no one but her family when she had started this job. Now, she was one of the best designers across the world. She truly loved her job. But if there was one thing she loved more than her job, it was her son. The only person who could brighten her after a long day in her study room. He was the best thing Y/N had. So, when he brought her a cup of hot coffee while she was dealing with her job's most boring side, paperwork, he brought the sunshine inside the room with him.  
When Edward knocked on the door she was so focused she didn't even hear it. So little boy quietly sneaked in and gently put the cup on the big desk. When Y/N realized, she looked up and saw her son, smiling at her. With his bright green eyes and long brown locks, Edward reminded everyone of his father. At least, the ones who knew him. Y/N was very cautious about her son’s and her private life. He was her treasure that she kept away from the whole world. 
"Since when are you serving coffees, young man?" Y/N smiled as she raised an eyebrow to her nine-year-old son.  
Edward shrugged and made himself comfortable at one of the leather sofas. "I thought you could use some break. I know you wouldn't stop if I didn't come in." 
"You know I don't need you to be the mother, it's my job." 
"It's not like I'm the mother every day. I'm okay with being the mother every once in a while. I know you love your job." Y/N got up from her chair as her son kept talking. Watching him talk was like watching a flower bloom. She would give everything to stop him from growing old. "Plus we have Nate to be the mother, I'm more like, the cool aunt of family." 
"Don't ever let Nate hear that. Poor guy would be devastated." 
"I think he would prefer my sassy remarks rather than yours." 
Y/N sat beside Edward on the leather sofa and raised an eyebrow. "What is that supposed to mean?" She couldn't help but laugh as her son giggled. "Well, you can be very mean sometimes, mom." 
"Ouch, I'm bruised, Eddy." 
Y/N hugged her son with one arm. He laughed as he let his mother embrace him. Edward loved physical contact even though he didn't show it. He loved resting his head on his mother's chest as they did nothing. He wasn't a very social child, he liked staying inside and being alone. He didn't have friends at his age and was never a team player unless he trusted the people around him. But with Y/N, he felt safe.
"I haven’t seen you around today."
"Well, it's because you spent your whole Saturday trapped in here. I planted those flowers in the garden with Nate today. It was fun until he started to give me lectures about being responsible." 
Y/N knew her assistant could be a bit much sometimes. But he still helped her a lot, not just as her assistant, but as her friend too. Edward loved him. He was one of the best friends Y/N had. Y/N knew growing up without a dad was hard for Edward. So she was grateful to him because, after her father, Nate was one the father figures for Edward. 
"You know he loves you." 
"Yeah, I know." 
They sat there in silence for a moment. Y/N closed her eyes as she stroked her son's hair and listened to his breathing.  
"Mom?" Edward said as if he was checking his mother. 
"Yes, baby?" 
"You know, my birthday is coming..." Y/N frowned but still kept her eyes close. 
"There are still two months until your birthday, you know. Not two days." 
"I know, mom." He rolled his eyes. "I was thinking... Since I'm turning ten this year maybe you could buy me a computer. I'm not a child anymore." 
"You will always be a child for me. Your age doesn't matter." 
Y/N laughed at his son's reaction. "I thought we talked about this before, honey. I'm not comfortable with you interacting with social media. People can be cruel." 
"I'm not saying I want to have a social media account or something. But, you know, it would be good to have a computer." 
Y/N took a deep breath. "I will think about it." She said and smiled. Edward hugged her with joy and thanked her for even considering it. Y/N knew people on the internet could be cruel. All she wanted was to protect him but she knew she couldn't keep him to herself until forever. He was already homeschooled and didn't have as many friends as children of his age. People were eventually going to find out. She knew it was inevitable. 
"If you want to be more social, you can always think about that summer camp that Zayn was talking about." 
"Mom, I don't want to be social. I don't need friends." 
"Friends can be very helpful. I had a lot of friends when I was your age." 
"We both know that they were Aunt Abby's friends." Edward laughed when he saw his mother's face. It wasn't wrong. Her big sister, Abigail, had been her best friend through childhood. And she was still her biggest supporter. "Plus, I have Becky. She's my age."  
"Becky isn't always around." 
"Yeah, because Aunt Abby isn't always around." 
Since Abigail was always traveling her daughter, Becky was traveling with her too. Becky was two years younger than Edward. And Edward loved his cousin like a sister. He was happy to be her big brother. 
"They won't be here for summer. So, you can always take the opportunity and go to that summer camp." Although Edward wasn't eager about it, his mother wanted him to have friends. "I will think about it." 
With that, Nate stuck his head through the open door and eyed two of them. "Sorry for interrupting your mom and son time. But are you guys hungry? Because I'm dying over here."
Y/N groaned as she rested her head against the sofa. "I'm starving."
"So, tacos?"
"You know I will never, ever say no to tacos," Edward said.
Y/N laughed but before she could answer her phone started to ring. She got up and found her phone inside the whole mess. "I need to answer this. Why don't you guys go ahead and order?" 
Before he got up, Edward looked at her mother with meaningful eyes. "You will think about the computer, right?" Y/N smiled and planted a kiss on top of his head. 
"I will, baby." 
While Edward made his way to the kitchen, Nate stayed back.
"How long are you planning on keeping it secret from him?" 
"As long as I can, Nate." 
"He deserves to know." 
Y/N took a deep breath. "I don't need a lecture about it. I know he will eventually ask. I will just let future Y/N deal with it." 
"This is one of the worst answers you've ever given." 
"You're being very helpful, Nate, thank you." 
"You're welcome." Y/N shook her head and answered the call as Nate returned to the kitchen. 
At the same time, Y/N made her way to the kitchen, Harry was walking towards Benjamin's room to wake him up, in a completely different country. 
Harry knocked three times on his son's door. Even though he knew it was going to take more than three knocks to wake Benjamin up, Harry still had faith. But Ben was still asleep at the other side of the white-painted door. After a second or two, Harry opened the door with a sigh. 
"It's time to wake up, buddy!" 
Benjamin was tangled between his dark blue sheets. His short curly hair lying on the pillow, his green eyes shut. It was still mindblowing how much he looked like his father. At times like these, Harry never wanted to wake him up. If someone looked at him from where he stood, they would think that he was an angel. The only thing was that his son was the devil himself. And he didn't know if he should be proud or disappointed.  
"Benny, breakfast is getting cold," Harry said as he opened the curtains. "Get up, now." 
Benjamin groaned into his pillow. If there was one thing he hated most, it was waking up. He was never a morning person. The resemblance between Benjamin and his mother always made Harry a little bittersweet. It was like the universe didn't want him to forget her. As if forgetting her was an option. She was in every song he heard or wrote. 
"Why can't I sleep more?" Benjamin asked, his eyes still closed. "Why do you have to be so cruel to wake me up at the crack of dawn?" 
"It's almost noon, Ben." 
"Well, still the crack of dawn." 
Harry laughed at his son's reaction. Benjamin had always been sassy, but he always found a way to people's hearth, especially Harry's. He was something Harry couldn't explain. Benjamin was everything Harry had and he would give everything up for him without a doubt. 
"So, should we let Jeffrey eat all the pancakes?" 
Benjamin peeked through one open eye with a smile on his face. "Pancakes don't sound so bad. I like Katty's pancakes." 
Katty was Benjamin's nanny and she usually helped Harry around the house with chores and dinner. She was one of the exceptional people around Benjamin. He liked her, and she helped him when he needed some woman influence. 
Benjamin never held back what he thought about the person across him. Whenever Harry found some nanny he either scared them with his pranks or his remarks. But Katty was the only nanny who could have fun with him rather than running away from him. She was more like a sister to Benjamin. And Harry was happy that Benjamin could trust Katty as much as he trusted Gemma. 
"Sorry, pal, you have to settle for my pancakes because Katty won't be here today."
Benjamin sighed. "So we're eating burnt pancakes, again?" 
Harry acted like he was annoyed. "You weren't saying that before Katty." 
"Because I didn't know chocolate chip pancakes existed." 
"You always have something to say, don't you?" 
Just like your mother.
" And I'm not even awake, yet. Think about the things I would say if I was awake." 
"You sound pretty awake to me, buddy." He let Benjamin free from all the sheets. "Time to get up."
After five pancakes and two glass of orange juice, Benjamin was awake more than ever. While he was playing a game on the big television, Harry and Jeffrey were talking about upcoming projects. 
"...for June we'll be recording the album and then you have that project with Gucci in July." 
"I thought we were going to go to Holmes Chapel and see grandma this June," Benjamin questioned, suddenly not so interested in his game. 
"I don't think we'll be able to do that, buddy. We'll be in Los Angeles." 
"Will Camille be with us?" 
Camille was Harry's current girlfriend. And Benjamin did not like her at all. After Y/N, Harry didn't have any relationship for a long time. Not just because he thought it would be hard for Benjamin if it didn't work out, but also he wasn't ready for getting heartbroken again. Camille was his longest relationship despite Benjamin's dislike for her. 
"Yeah, probably." 
Benjamin grunted with vexation and let himself fell on the couch again. 
"Do I have to be there?" Benjamin looked at his father with hope. "Can't I just stay with grandma?"
"A month is a long time Benny." 
"Yeah, dad, I know. That's why I don't want to spend it with Camille."
"I would appreciate it if you just tried to like her." 
"Or you could just send me to the summer camp I've been talking about." 
Harry took a deep breath. "We talked about this, Benny. I can't send you somewhere I've never heard before." 
"But Freddie is going too." Benjamin whined.
"What's up with this summer camp?" Jeffrey asked when he couldn't help his curiosity. 
"Something he heard from Freddie, I guess. He's been talking about it non-stop." 
"Why don't you just let him go?"
"You know why, Jeff."
"You're just being paranoid, Harry. Let him have some fun. It's already hard to be the son of a famous pop star." 
Jeffrey made Harry hesitate. He was right and Harry knew that. It was just scary to be away from him for more than a month. And since Benjamin wasn't a calm kid, it made it harder for him to decide. He wasn’t going to be there when things were going to go bad. But when he saw his son sitting there not even giving attention to the game all devastated, he couldn't help but say yes. 
"You can go as long as you promise to be nice." 
"You're the best, dad!"
Benjamin hugged him so tight and smiled so bright that it made every bad thought Harry had, vanish. He hugged his son back. Apologizing to him without words for everything he took away from him, for everything he could have if he and his mom hadn’t been so stubborn.
If he only knew that Benjamin would take everything back with a simple summer camp. 
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captaincartervalues · 4 years
My Stubborn Alien (for the fic title thing)
“Jus truuusst me, Lena thi- thisis a greaaat idea!” Kara empathically waves her hands.
“Kara, you’re drunk and this is most definitely not a good idea.” Lena replies matter of factly.
“Imnot drunk. Yooou’re drunk.”
Lena shakes her head at her girlfriend in exasperation.
“N Ssure it is! S’its what the peeople want. ANd it’s gunna be gREAt for ma image! No more ‘Oh Supergirl’s sooo uptight’ or ‘Oh Supergirl is toooo muchofa goodie tooshoes’ or ‘out of touch with the people’!” Kara airquotes.
Lena raises her eyebrows and tries to conceal her smirk.
“Imma be hip! Imma be wit da people, LenAa!” Kara reaches out to boop Lena’s nose as she’s making her last point. “Supergirl is CoOl Ssupergurl is sFun! Thhiss is gonna show everyone that. Okay? Okay.”
“Does this have something to do with the article Andrea had William publish this week?” Lena asks gently.
“So this has nothing to do with her saying Supergirl isn’t the kind of hero you wanna have a drink with?” Lena presses.
“Uhh noo.” Kara insists defiantly. “It’s about the gAys!” Kara comes up with.
“What?” Lena laughs out.
“Nia said Tiktok is on the rage and the gays love it! And I wannabe something the gays love toooo” Kara points out.
“Darling, I’m pretty sure the gays already love you...”
“Yeeaaaahh BUT do they knooow I love them back?! Isdunno... Isss why I need Tikstok!” Kara exclaims as if her reasoning is flawless.
Lena looks at the innocent face on her drunk girlfriend and knows they’re going to be in trouble tomorrow. “There’s no talking you out of this right now, is there?”
“NOpe!” Kara smiles triumphantly.
Lena sighs as she acquiesces “Fine.”
Kara jumps up and down with exuberance.
“But I’m not taking any of your complaints when you regret this tomorrow.”
Kara wakes up with a decent hangover, which wouldn’t be so bad, if she didn’t also wake up to an empty bed and no Lena to snuggle.
With a pouty face and her eyes half closed, Kara glacially shuffles out towards the kitchen and freshly made coffee. Although, she quickly realizes her and Lena aren’t alone this morning when she hears a whispered conversation.
“Alex? What are doing here so early?” Kara inquires as she excitedly spots the donuts her sister must have brought over.
“Oh you know just catching up with my future sister-in-law about how your night was.” Alex says sharply.
Kara brushes past the sister-in-law comment and looks skeptically at Alex as she eats her second donut. “It was fine. Pretty low key.” Kara says with her mouth full.
Alex scoffs “LOWkey?! Mmm and how much of it do you remember there, Kar?”
Kara looks to Lena with questioning eyes but Lena won’t quite look at her as she chuckles behind her coffee cup. “Most of it...I mean I don’t really remember going to bed once we got home but -”
Lena bursts out laughing at Kara’s unassuming admission.
“This isn’t funny, Lena.” Alex chastises.
“I mean it kind of is, Alex. Come on, it wasn’t that bad in the end” Lena argues.
Kara cuts Alex off before she can argue back “What wasn’t that bad?”
“Oh why don’t we just show you superstar!” Alex quips.
Lena takes pity on Kara’s still confused face and pats the seat on the couch next to her “You’re gonna want to sit down for this one, honey.”
Kara takes the offered seat as Lena hands her phone over to Kara after opening the Tiktok app. Kara’s mouth immediately drops when she sees herself in her Supergirl suit on the screen.
“Oh no!” Kara gasps.
“Oh YES.” Alex digs. “Go on, press play.”
Kara presses play and immediately regrets it as she watches herself stare back with ‘sexy’ eyes and lick her lips before lip syncing:
“I wanna put you in 7 positions for 70 minutes. You get it babe. You got a lot on your mind and I want to ease it up and lick it and slip it in. You do a light scream on the ice cream when I scoop it and dip it in.”
“Oh. My. Rao.” Kara groans as she presses pause to stop the video. “Why am I seducing the camera in my Supergirl suit?”
“That’s a great question, isn’t it Kara?” Alex jabs sarcastically. “Lena?”
“You said it was trendy and that the TikTok gays would appreciate it.” Lena offers.
“Why didn’t you stop me??” Kara whines.
“I tried!” Lena defends. “You told me it was homophobic and a hate crime not to post it!”
“I am never drinking Vahorian Rum again.” Kara says as she sinks into the couch.
“You said that last time.” Alex mocks.
Kara glares at her sister before attempting her patented optimism. “Okay, so I made a TikTok as Supergirl last night. At least it’s just this one video with only - um” Kara checks the phone “3.6 million views...”
Kara sighs, “It could be worse.”
Alex and Lena exchange a knowing look and Kara’s eyes go wide.
“I made MORE than one video?!?” Kara postures.
“Try like six.” Alex huffs disapprovingly.
“Oh Rao!”
“Weeelllll, she only posted six...” Lena adds.
“OH RAO!” Kara groans. “Show them all to me now.”
The three of them proceed to watch all of Kara’s drunkenly produced TikToks from the night before.
“Ayyyoooooo bisexual check!”
Kara doesn’t even know how she manages to roll the sleeves and pants of her supersuit but she watches herself do it before putting a beanie and chucks on, grabbing her ukele, and topping it off by replacing her cape with a bisexual flag.
“I don’t even have a bisexual flag!” Kara blurts.
“You do now.” Alex points to it draped over the dining table.
Kara looks at Lena baffled.
“You said it was ‘essential’, yelled ‘brb’, and came back with the flag and some candy before I could open my mouth.” Lena explains.
Kara sighs and scrolls to the next video.
“Ayyyoooooo everyone thinks my cousin is hot check!”
This video turns out to be just Kara rolling her eyes and shaking her head with embarrassment in front of a bunch of pictures of Kal in his Superman suit. Most of the comments on the video are either ‘well they ain’t wrong doe’ or ‘not as hot as you Supergirl’ and Kara isn’t sure which she hates more.
The next one starts with Kara and Lena standing next to and looking at each other with background music and the caption ‘whenever Lex tries to take over the world’ and ends with them not missing a beat as they turn towards the camera and lip sync:
“What kind of fuckery is this?”
“Okay this one is kind of funny.” Kara cautiously proclaims.
“Yeah I liked that one too.” Lena admits with a smile.
“Should have said ‘whenever Lex does anything’.” Alex corrects. They all burst out laughing at that.
With the mood slightly lightened, Kara scrolls to the next video.
“Ayyyoooooo jawline check!”
Kara is already cringing again as she anticipates watching herself show off her jawline but is surprised when the camera flips to Lena rolling her eyes as Kara’s hand turns her head to its profile to hype up her girlfriend’s impeccable jawline.
“I’m so sorry” Kara says sheepishly.
“It’s okay, babe.” Lena reassures her as she presses a quick kiss to Kara’s lips.
“I mean...Lena’s jawline was made for this trend sooo...” Alex concedes.
Lena rolls her eyes again as Kara shrugs, “She’s not wrong, babe.”
“Yeah, yeah. Just watch the last one you posted because it’s Alex’s and mine’s favorite.” Lena says as she and Alex laugh in anticipation.
“Oh no.” Kara sighs before scrolling.
Music plays as she watches stock images of Superman, the Flash, and the Arrow pop up before Kara appears and lip syncs the last line with a cocky grin:
“These boys ain’t shit.”
“Oh my - Lena! How could you let me post theeeese?” Kara tries again.
“Listen,” Lena starts “you’re very stubborn when you’re drunk and it took everything I had to keep you from posting the other videos!”
“Do I even want to know?” Kara questions.
“I do!” Alex says taking a little too much enjoyment in Kara’s suffering.
Lena pulls out another phone.
“At least you guys were smart enough to use one of Supergirl’s burner phones and not your personal phones.” Alex says.
Lena tosses Alex a side eye. “Do I look stupid to you?” Lena asks rhetorically. “I also added extra layers of encryption to the app and the phone just in case.”
“Well I don’t know! You were stupid enough to fall in love with this idiot.” Alex mumbles as she points toward Kara.
“Normally I would be offended, but after last night, you might have a point.” Kara says.
Lena pulls up the the drafts she refused to let Kara post.
The first one is Kara floating with Lena in her arms in a bridal carry and the caption ‘when you save Lena Luthor from an attack’. Kara is looking at Lena before she turns to the camera and lip syncs:
“I think. You know. Where this about to go.”
Drunk Kara added some eyebrow raises and a wink before kissing Lena at the end.
“Okay it’s probably a really good thing you didn’t let me post this.” Kara admits.
“You think?!” Alex chastises.
Kara clicks on another video in the drafts to avoid Alex’s judgmental gaze.
This video is Kara and Lena standing in from of the camera facing each other as Kara lip syncs to her:
“You say we’re just friends....”
Kara smiles and pans to the camera. “But friends don’t know the way you taste.”
Kara smirks as Lena’s mouth drops and she goes to stop the recording immediately.
“OHkay I did not need to see that last one, Lena!” Alex complains.
“You asked for it.” Lena shrugs.
“She’s right. You did.” Kara backs up her girlfriend.
Alex glares at them both. “You two are lucky no one pieced together where you were or who you are!” Alex scolds as she points at Kara.
“I think it helped that Supergirl and I have a known working friendship.” Lena admits. “No one questioned why she was drunk and with me.”
“What has been the overall reaction to these?” Kara inquires.
“Honestly, it’s been mostly positive with most fans loving the content and an inside look at playful Supergirl.” Lena explains.
“Though there have been some critics questioning why a hero would get drunk at all with the responsibilities you have.” Alex levels. “And some negative responses from parents about the appropriateness of some of the content.”
Kara sighs resigned to the damage she has done.
“But. On the positive side, you were right!” Lena adds with encouragement.
Kara tilts her head quizzically.
“The gays LOVED it and they loved that they now definitively have a shot because you like girls!” Lena teases.
“Oh Rao! I can not believe Supergirl came out as bisexual on TikTok! Kate got an incredibly well written and thoughtful article on what it means to her and the world that Batwoman is gay and I got thirst traps! THIRST TRAPS!” Kara groans.
Alex shakes her head and Lena tries to hold back her laughter.
“I can’t believe you let me do this, Lena!”
“Hey, I told you it’s not my fault! You’re one stubborn alien when drunk.”
“But I’m your stubborn alien and you’re responsible for me.” Kara counters with a whine.
Lena sighs as she takes Kara into her arms. “You are my stubborn alien...with a drunken propensity for thirst traps.”
Kara embraces her drunken mistakes and utilizes her newly created TikTok fame to connect with the people and kids of National City on a more human level. She does PSAs and educational material in her videos as well as more lighthearted fun ones that people love.
She also managed to convince her superfriends to be in videos with her. The most liked videos on her page are the ‘flip the switch’ videos she’s done with the other heroes where the light goes off and they swap costumes. It started with Dreamer when Nia told her about it and convinced her to do it. Then Kara got Barry to do one (pretty easily) and then Sara, Killer Frost, J’onn, Mia, Constantine, and even Kate (after a lot of convincing). She also roped Kal into doing one with her old suit so he ended up in a skirt. That one is definitely her fav.
Generally, Supergirl’s official account has veered aware from making any more thirst traps, but that doesn’t seem stop other creators from making raunchy thirst traps about Supergirl.
Though, after some time and much convincing from Lena, Kara releases the last video in her drafts from that first drunken night.
“They say drunk words are sober thoughts” a sober Supergirl says as she shrugs and the video cuts to the clip of her drunk sprawled out upside down on the couch “Women are just like...sooooo HOT”
A lot of women liked that post.
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jemmahazelnut · 3 years
Motorcycle flight - Chapter three
Summary: Laxus is a biker, and as soon as he discovers that in the city there’s a motorcycle track for enthusiasts where races are organized every month, he decides to go. As soon as he arrives, he will fall in love with that wonderful place, and will meet the handsome green-haired owner. [Freed/Laxus]
Link: AO3
Here you can find Chapter One, Chapter Two.
The ride
Laxus was in a good mood. Finally, the insurance had paid him, he only had to wait a few weeks and then the motorbike would be in his hands again. He couldn't wait for it, even if to tell the truth, Freed let him ride his bike on the track. He had won the race, much to Lucy's happiness, and although Freed had been annoying because he had repeated several times that the credit was all of his bike, Laxus found himself laughing and having fun.
He no longer mentioned the excuse Freed had come to his workshop, but realized that the boy was very open to him. They were very close, lately they always drunk together and even if they didn't see each other elsewhere, Laxus was almost convinced that Freed might like him. Almost, because Freed was nice to everyone. Almost, because Freed still hadn't opened up to him about his private life. He avoided talking about his family, even though he occasionally hinted at him about the problems he had running the track.
But that was fine with Laxus, he just hoped he wasn't deluding himself. Honestly, he was waiting for Freed to take the next step. He thought he was pretty clear with his intentions, had answered his jokes and always chatted with him willingly.
That evening he had just come by to say hello and as usual he was lost chatting with Freed more than expected. The two boys had been sitting at the table for more than two hours, and they were lost in talking about everything and more. Until they heard loud thunder rumbling around the place. The two boys looked up from the table and Laxus looked out the window.
“Fuck” he cursed. Normally he liked thunderstorms, especially the summer ones. At the moment, however, he only thought that he would’ve to return by bus in the rain to his house, crossing the whole city. He didn't use Freed's bike off the track, he already felt quite a scrounger like that. And even if he had used it, he would still have drenched everything.
“Great,” Bickslow commented.
“I'm running home,” Lucy said instead, placing the money on the counter and then going out next to Natsu, greeting everyone quickly. They weren't the only ones, all the people who had come up there had done so on motorcycles and no one was going to get wet. Freed, on the other hand, seemed quite calm.
“Well, I guess I'm going too,” Laxus said, getting up “Magnolia's public services are bad enough, I wouldn't be surprised if the bus didn't even go by” he commented.
“If you want, I'll give you a lift, I came by car,” he said. Laxus thought about it for a moment, in reality he already owed Freed enough for his kindness, but the idea of waiting in the cold and without an umbrella didn’t excite him too much. Had it been a short walk he’d have taken it himself, but so...
“Well, thanks then.”
“Will you accompany me too? I'm a long way away,” Evergreen said.
“Yes, if you wait half an hour the bar closes, so bring me too,” Bickslow intervened. Freed sighed slightly.
“As you like,” he replied and sat back at the table. Laxus sat down as well. “Maybe next time check the forecast before coming here on the bike,” he muttered but he wasn't really upset. In any case, no one would’ve come to the bar by that time, so Evergreen and Bickslow closed five minutes early and then all four ran to Freed's car. Even if they only remained under the water for not even a minute, when they entered, they were all deep. Bickslow was standing next to Freed, while Evergreen and Laxus were behind.
“What a lousy time,” the girl complained. “Will you accompany me first?”.
“If the others are okay,” Freed replied. Laxus and Bickslow had nothing to argue and Freed turned on the headlights and drove off in the car. It was the first time Laxus had gotten into Freed's car, and he was a little surprised to see it wasn't such a nice car. He had expected him to drive one of the latest outings. Apparently, his passion for cars was not as much as that of motorcycles.
The weather, however, was getting worse and worse, and suddenly Freed was forced to slow down to practically a crawl. He reached Evergreen's house and the girl greeted them, running out to enter the house as soon as possible.
“Maybe it's best to wait before continuing,” Bickslow commented, glancing out. He wasn't all wrong, they could barely see where they were going. Freed, however, decided to continue slowly, as Bickslow didn’t live far away and shortly afterwards he too went out.
“Do you want to sit in front? At this rate, I think we'll arrive at your house tomorrow morning,” Freed commented as soon as they were alone.
“Nah, I don't want to go out even for two seconds,” Laxus replied. “And then I feel like I'm in a taxi,” he smiled.
“In fact, I feel like a taxi driver, except I don't get paid”.
“Not that you need it.”
Freed laughed.
“Where exactly do you live?” he asked.
“Near Acalypha square, if you reach it then I'll give you the directions” Laxus replied.
“Oh,” Freed said.
“Yes, I know, it's a bit far,” Laxus commented. “If you want, I can call a taxi,” he then added. Even though it was Freed who had offered to accompany him after all.
“No, I think it would be the same problem. Do you want to wait for the storm to calm down a bit and then I'll take you home? My house is just behind that street,” he explained. Laxus shrugged. He was fine with it. So Freed drove off and continued for a couple of meters, then turned right and parked under cover. The two boys got out of the car and Laxus looked around curiously. They were in the parking lot of a building, probably Freed lived in an apartment there.
He turned to the boy who, however, had his gaze fixed on a car and had a dark look. Laxus frowned slightly.
“Everything good?” he asked.
“Yes. My cousin is here” he just said and then turned to the stairs of the building, snorting. “She's a little... strange girl, don't pay too much attention to her,” he said.
“What do you mean weird?” he asked a little curious to know the girl. He didn't even know Freed had a cousin. To tell the truth, he didn't know anything about his family. He only knew that he had no siblings and that he had quarreled with his parents.
“It's just too hard to explain,” Freed replied as he climbed the stairs. The two boys arrived at the atrium of the building, from there they took the elevator and reached the third floor. Once there Laxus saw two girls outside a door and immediately spotted Freed's cousin. She was probably the green-haired girl drinking fruit juice.
“Finally, you arrived, we were waiting for you” she said in a bored tone.
“Hello to you too” was the response of Freed, who then greeted the blonde kindlier, who smiled and greeted him. Freed took out the keys.
“Nice to meet you, I'm Dimaria” said the blonde, holding out her hand. Laxus shook it, introducing himself, then turned his gaze on the green-haired girl.
“Brandish,” she said without reaching out, then she turned and walked through the door Freed had just opened. “I'll take your bath, I need to warm up,” the girl said.
“Make yourself at home,” Freed commented wryly.
“Obviously. Do you have something good to eat?” she asked bored.
“Honey, would you go get something from the fridge? I'm sure Freed has a supply of gummy candies hiding from me,” she said. Freed put his hands to his temples.
“Only you can eat gummy candies at your age,” he commented vaguely irritated. Dimaria giggled.
“You can take them yourself,” she replied.
“That hassle,” Brandish said as she tossed her jacket on the sofa, which Freed got annoyed and moved it from there, hanging it up in part right away.
“Why are you here?” he asked.
“We were in the storm, and your house was close,” she replied as she walked to the kitchen. Laxus looked at the two boys with a bit of curiosity. Brandish apparently acted as if it were her home, and Freed made no secret of his irritation. The girl found no candy, but she took a packet of peanuts and then walked to the bathroom.
“Can you avoid acting like you're at your home?” Freed snapped.
“You said I can do it,” Brandish retorted.
“I was obviously... you know what, do whatever the fuck you want, but you won't sleep here tonight,” he clarified right away.
“We won't bother you and your boyfriend,” Brandish said quietly. Freed was already about to say something but Dimaria put an arm around the girl's shoulders.
“Sorry Freed, I told Brandish to warn you but she didn't want to, considering it a nuisance.”
“I imagine it,” Freed muttered softly.
“Anyway, we're actually here because she has something to tell you,” she revealed. Freed frowned slightly and turned to his cousin.
“Now I don't feel like it,” she said, shoving a handful of peanuts into her mouth. Freed was already about to blur something, and Laxus was a bit on the sidelines without knowing how to behave. Maybe it was better to call a taxi, he really didn't want to make his friend uncomfortable if he had to talk to his cousin.
“Look Brandish, talk and hurry, I'm getting annoyed and I won't hesitate to kick you out of the house just to be nice to your girlfriend,” he said. Brandish snorted.
“What a hassle,” she commented. “Can I use the tub later?” she asked.
“I just hope whatever you have to tell me is worth it,” he muttered. Brandish nodded and sat down on the couch, crossing her legs and gesturing for Freed to go get her jacket. The boy turned to Laxus.
“Sorry, I didn't think she was here. You can sit down in the meantime, can I bring you something to drink?” he asked.
“No, I'm fine.”
“You're nice to your boyfriend and you're not to your cousin,” Brandish commented.
“I'll never be nice to you, and Laxus isn't my boyfriend anyway,” he replied irritably. The blond sat on the other sofa while Freed went to get his cousin's jacket and passed it to the girl. She took it and then reached into her pocket for something, took a paper and pulled it out and passed it to Freed.
“You're welcome,” she just told him. Freed frowned slightly but instead of opening it he went into the kitchen. Soon he returned with three beers and a fruit juice. He passed the last one to Brandish, while he gave Dimaria a beer and Laxus one. The two thanked him, while the green-haired girl just said 'Finally'without receiving any response.
Laxus looked at the two girls and then his gaze fell back on Freed, who had opened the paper and was reading it, darkening his face more and more. He didn't take long to read it and as soon as he finished, he closed it clearly irritated.
“You can use the tub,” he told them.
“I knew it,” Brandish smiled satisfied as she stood up and headed for the bathroom. Laxus was relieved that the two girls had disappeared from the living room. He had nothing against them, but it was all a bit embarrassing. He was silent for a moment in the living room with Freed, until he decided to break that atmosphere.
“You were right that your cousin is weird,” he commented with a smile. Freed smiled back, but it was clearly forced.
“Yes, she lived in wealth and is a bit spoiled and lazy,” he explained. Laxus nodded.
“Does she come to you often?” he asked him, although he was more curious than the piece of paper he had received.
“Occasionally, not very often though. We don't get along so well, but she has a sort of 'friendship bar rivalry' with Lucy. When I lived with her, I saw Brandish more often,” he said. Laxus nodded and glanced at the paper in Freed's hands. “What is it that she gave you? If I may know,” he asked, just not being able to restrain himself. Freed sighed wearily and ran a hand through his hair.
“You can read it,” he said, handing him the paper. “It's an article my father will probably publish shortly. Guess I'll have to call him,” he explained. Laxus took it and opened it. As soon as he started reading, he understood why Freed's mood had deteriorated dramatically.
It was an article against the motorcycle track, explaining how dangerous it was and how bad it was for the boys. How the underage boys found themselves fascinated by that place and frequented it, occasionally driving vehicles they couldn’t get on. And then he was talking about a group of bikers selling weed to kids. Laxus frowned slightly. He had never seen young boys at Raijinshuu, he was sure. He finished reading the article and looked up at his friend.
“Are they lies?” he asked him.
“Not really. Let's say he made connections that have no reason to exist. I know which group of bikers he’s referring to, I kicked them out of the Raijinshuu a few months ago. They have nothing to do with us, but you know… since they go on bikes they are associated with my track,” he said irritably. “Apparently my father has changed his strategy, he wants to ruin my reputation and lead me to bankruptcy like this,” he commented sourly. Laxus didn't know what to say. He honestly didn't even know how he could help him, always if there was a way.
“I guess talking to your father isn't going to solve the situation,” he said.
“Imagine well” replied Freed in a resigned and tired sigh “I'll call him, but I already know what he’ll ask me in exchange for not publishing the article”. Laxus raised an eyebrow and Freed snorted. “He's going to ask me to come back to him, go to some stupid rich party and act like a good son should and… I don't even know why I'm telling you. I don't want to stress you out with my problems,” he sighed.
“You don't stress me out,” Laxus said immediately, perhaps faster than he should have. “Maybe it would do you good to let off steam to someone,” he added. Freed seemed to think about it for a moment, then looked down at the coffee table putting down the beer from which he had only taken a small sip. For a moment he said nothing and Laxus didn't push him, peering at him and thinking what he could do to help him. Unfortunately, however, he had no ideas.
“My parents and I have been fighting for years,” he began. “Ever since I started dating guys. I thought they would get used to it over time, but they never did. Or rather, my mother more or less did, let's say that she tries to be the link between me and my father but… in the end she always ends up taking his side and it's tiring” he sighed.
“I'm sorry,” Laxus said quietly. Freed shook his head.
“It doesn’t matter. By now I’ve put my soul in peace. The problem is, they didn't. My mother calls me every now and then just to hear me, to find out how I am, but she always has to do it secretly from my father. And then... well, there’s the whole story of the track. When I opened it, I did it both to piss them off and to show that I could become someone even without their help” he explained. Laxus nodded without interrupting him, although he already knew that piece of history because Lucy had already told him.
“At the beginning it was more difficult to manage the track, I didn't have many customers, I had to make myself known and invest a lot. I had some savings, and thanks to my surname I was able to get a loan from the bank” he admitted a little annoyed. “So, let's say I was lucky, and I know it. My father reproached me, he called me every day, telling me that he’d make me fail, that I couldn’t tarnish his name in this way and at that point… I put out an article about him”.
Laxus said nothing as Freed smiled bitterly.
“It was a low blow on my part, and maybe I shouldn't have done it, but I haven't thought about it much. I went to the reporter and told my story with my parents. Not all, only some parts. How they behaved with their gay son” he spat almost disgustedly “After that article my father had a couple of problems, but to tell the truth it's not that his companies have gone bankrupt. They had a bit of a breakdown but after a few months everyone forgot about it and everything was back to normal. My father, however, tied it to his finger, and from that moment on he did everything to make me shut up” he said, running his hands through his hair.
“I honestly think this war between us will never end. I also thought about withdrawing my accusations, but I don't think it would make more sense since no one remembers them anymore, and then... it's a matter of principle” he blurted out a little irritably. He stopped and said nothing more, leaning on the sofa and just staring at Laxus for a moment. The blond realized that he should have said something.
“Can't you threaten him in some way so that he understands that he doesn't have to go against you?” he asked. Freed smiled and shook his head in resignation.
“I've thought about it, but you’ve no idea how rich my father is. He has the best lawyers, the best reputation, I literally can't do anything against him.” Laxus didn’t reply, although the story made him nervous. It was obvious, even if Freed didn't want to admit it, that he still felt bad about the way his parents treated him.
“I'm sorry,” he said at that point. Freed shrugged.
“Well, I stressed you a lot and the storm stopped hitting. I can walk you home before it starts raining again” he said, turning his gaze to the windows. Laxus took a look outside. Indeed, even though it was still raining, the roads were probably more practicable.
“I can call a taxi,” he said.
“It’s not necessary. I offered you a ride,” Freed insisted.
“There's your cousin,” Laxus pointed out. Freed shrugged.
“Knowing her she'll be in the tub for hours, by the time I get home she'll probably still be there,” he said casually. Laxus at that point agreed and got up from the sofa, albeit thanking him. The two boys left the apartment and reached the garage and the car again.
The drive home was long and quiet, but as soon as Freed parked in front of Laxus' house, the blond decided to take a confidence that he had never taken before. He put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed it lightly. At the gesture Freed turned surprised to him with slightly wide eyes. Laxus tried to ignore the blush that was spreading across the boy's face.
“I'm sorry for what you have to go through, and I can't help you. But you’re clearly an intelligent and capable man, I'm sure you won't let the track close. And if you need some entertainment in the meantime, I'll be happy to help you,” he told him. The blush on Freed's face intensified even more, and Laxus was almost tempted to lean over and kiss him. Almost, because it probably wasn't a great idea to do it right after what the boy told him. He smiled at him and let go of his shoulder, opening the door.
“Thanks,” Freed said before he left. Laxus turned to him once more.
“Don't worry,” he replied and then greeted him, running to his own building before getting all wet, unaware of the chaos he had caused in Freed's body with those simple sentences.
Freed had been thinking about Laxus' words and his strong grip on the shoulder for days. Every time he did it, he felt a certain agitation in his stomach and a warmth in his face, and each time he struggled to lock those thoughts away before they took a turn for the worse.
He looked down at the newspaper and those thoughts were immediately swept away, while he read the article on the front page. In the end, despite the fact that he called his father, the article came out anyway. If he had expected it, they had just fought on the phone yelling at each other as usual. Freed at one point found himself with the call closed in his face and pissed off he threw the phone at the wall and smashed it. The fact had irritated him even more, and only the thought of Laxus had managed to make him sleep.
But now not even the thought of the blond could calm him down. Nor are the calls with the lawyer or the journalist who published the article. Nothing could calm him down. In the middle of the afternoon, when he was tired from all those bureaucratic chores, he left the office slamming the door behind him. He didn't care about the customers who were queuing at the counter, and he badly told Bickslow to get him a beer.
“Arrive immediately” replied the boy a little worried about his friend.
“Do it to me later. Is the track clear?” Freed asked.
“Uhm... no, there are Mira and Lucy who...”.
“Fuck” Freed growled and left the club without listening to the sequel, nervous as ever. He hadn’t noticed Laxus' presence, nor the fact that the blond had observed him a little worried. Freed made for the bike. He didn't care who was running around the track, he needed to let off steam and that was the best method he knew.
“Would you like to take a tour around Oak Town?”. Freed whirled to Laxus, who had a slight smile on his face.
“Look, I'm not in the mood,” Freed said annoyed, immediately regretting the tone he had used. Laxus certainly didn’t deserve that treatment, as indeed Bickslow didn’t.
“Precisely for this reason I propose it to you. You need to let off steam, right?” Laxus asked. Freed looked at him for a moment in silence, while Laxus took the phone from his pocket and turned it towards him, showing him a photo of some waterfalls in the middle of nature. “There’s a nice path and if you like I can take you here” he said. Freed smiled slightly and hesitated for a moment.
“I don't know if I'll be the best of the company,” he admitted.
“That's why I'm here. Come on, move your ass,” Laxus said taking his helmet. Freed at that point found himself forced to accept. Perhaps it was the best idea. He walked to his bike and climbed on it, while Laxus joined him. “And don't be a dick. Just follow me”. Freed smiled and nodded as he adjusted his helmet and exited the Raijinshuu parking lot.
The motorcycle ride had given him more vent than he had thought. Driving along the mountain roads was much more beautiful than running on the track, on that he had to agree with Laxus. It was liberating, and the landscapes were really beautiful. Plus, even though they were standing still at the time because Laxus apparently didn't remember where he was going, it was fun to see the blonde pissed off with Google Maps. Freed leaned on the handlebars of the bike smiling amused.
“Have you lived here for years and got lost?” he teased him lightly.
“I was a kid and I haven't been here for years” Laxus justified himself “And up here the signal doesn't even pick up” he growled a bit irritably, picking up the phone, hoping that something would change. Freed chuckled.
“We can reach Oak Town,” he proposed.
“No,” Laxus growled. Freed didn’t reply and for the moment decided to enjoy the view. Since they were stationary in an open space that was to serve as a parking lot in the middle of the mountain, he could observe the valleys below him and the mountains on the other side. He had never been there but he had to admit it was a nice place.
“Fuck you, phone shit,” Laxus snapped and Freed turned to him, noticing how he had given up.
“So?” Freed asked.
“Those waterfalls are buggered in a nowhere to be found place,” Laxus muttered irritably. Freed smiled.
“Is there any other place around here to see?” he asked. Laxus gave him a grim look.
“Here there are so many places to see, there’s only the embarrassment of choice” he replied as if it were obvious.
“Well, then let's go to one of those, if we don't get lost again,” he offered with a smirk.
“Shut up,” Laxus grunted. Freed laughed and followed the blond's example when he put his helmet back on. Shortly after he left and Freed followed him back the way they had come. The journey didn’t last long, in a few minutes they arrived near a lake. The two motorcyclists stopped, parked and then set off towards the lake shore. As Freed walked his eyes widened ecstatic by the sight. He had to admit, Laxus had taken him to a nice place.
The lake was bordered by trees on one side, while on the other there was a shore with boats and a small farmhouse. The mountains that rose behind the farmhouse were reflected in the clear waters of the lake. He saw some ducks swimming in a point not far from there and for a moment Freed stood looking at the landscape, breathing in the fresh mountain air.
“Nice, huh?” Laxus asked with a smile. Freed folded his lips up and nodded.
“Did you come here often?” he asked him.
“Yes,” Laxus said as he walked to the shore side. “In fact, I know everyone, I just hope my grandfather isn't here,” he commented. Freed followed him and the two boys walked quietly and calmly until they reached the small pier to which small rowing boats and pedal boats were tied.
“Can you take a ride?” he asked. Laxus nodded.
“Yes, you can also take a bath, if you dare,” the blond grinned. Freed raised his eyebrows. He knew for himself that the lake's waters were frozen despite the hot weather.
“I don't have a bathing suit,” he replied.
“All apologies,” Laxus retorted. Freed shook his head but didn't reply and the two sat down on a bench. For a while they remained silent, until Laxus began to tell him how he had once 'stolen' a pedal boat as a child and left in the middle of the lake, making his grandfather and all his old friends worry. He laughed at the memory and Freed joined him, and Laxus explained how his grandfather had eventually sent a man to retrieve him. A certain Macao, who had followed him on another pedal boat but without being able to reach him before an hour, when Laxus was tired.
“That man has hated me since that time” Laxus laughed and Freed found himself giggling with him.
“He's not all wrong,” he smiled. “Why were you running away from him?” he then asked.
“I don't remember,” Laxus admitted. “Maybe I had a fight with my grandfather and I wanted to piss him off,” he explained shrugging. “Anyway, if you want to go get something safe to eat, we'll meet Macao and Wakaba, and they'll probably tell you how I got them damned as a child.”
“Oh, so I'm really curious to go there,” Freed smiled.
“I imagined it”.
“For the food, of course. Not for you.” Freed smiled. Laxus didn’t believe him but followed him when Freed decided to reach the farmhouse. The two boys sat outside, and as suspected, Macao and Wakaba were there and greeted him surprised to see him. The two men hadn't changed much, they were flirting with the local waitress, who kept rejecting them politely. Freed and Laxus took two soft drinks, and then spent the rest of the afternoon talking about Laxus' old memories.
Laxus and Freed had stopped talking too long, and they both agreed that it would take too long to go home, so they stopped to sleep in the farmhouse, discovering that they had two free rooms. They had dined together on the porch of the restaurant, and between one beer and another they were melting more and more and the laughter increased for stupid reasons.
“I guess you drank too much,” Laxus told Freed, who was tipsier than him and had flushed cheeks and a looser gab.
“I wouldn't say, I drank less than you,” he objected.
“Yes, but you hold up even less than me,” Laxus noted with a smirk. Freed snorted and grabbed a handful of chips and munched on them, having nothing to argue with. After a moment of reasoning, however, he smiled again.
“I wouldn’t say, I don’t miss the words. You can't even remember the movie you saw last week,” he retorted.
“Bickslow dragged me to see it, and it was shit. I removed it from my mind for this.” He defended himself and Freed smiled.
“Nah, you just have a short memory” he laughed and Laxus didn't know why but joined in the laugh. He wasn't drunk, but the alcohol in his body relaxed him. At that point the purple-haired waitress approached them, and she warned them that the bar was closing and if they could go to their rooms. The two boys didn't reply and got up from the table. Freed staggered for a moment and Laxus chuckled at the sight.
“You didn't drink too much, noooo,” he said wryly.
“Shut up” Freed muttered as he walked towards the interior of the room and the stairs. He climbed up to them by holding on to the handrail, walking a little crooked. Laxus would have made fun of him if he hadn't been busy staring at his ass. Eh, it was right in front of him. His instinct told him to reach out, and he didn't know how but he managed to stop himself. Maybe walking cleared his head, the fact is that when he got to the first floor, he had a lot of unchaste thoughts that he struggled to hold back.
Freed turned to him, leaning his back against his bedroom door, probably to stand up. At that moment Laxus realized how the boy's eyes were wandering freely around his body. Freed was really into him. Laxus had had the feeling that he was, but the boy had never been so blatant.
He would have kissed him, but despite the alcohol in his body, he forced himself not to. It wasn't the best time, maybe Freed would regret it the next morning. Laxus started to greet him, but before he could say anything Freed moved towards him.
In fact, Laxus had plenty of time to push him away, because Freed put his hands on his chest before rising to his toes, and paused for a moment before their lips collided. He peered into his eyes and, probably seeing that the blonde hadn't moved away, he pushed forward closing the gap between them.
That was enough to drive out all the rationality that was left in Laxus. He felt Freed part his lips and Laxus instinctively did it in turn, immediately making the kiss wet and making their tongues meet. He felt Freed's hand go up under his shirt and Laxus didn't stop him, in response he put his arm around Freed's waist and squeezed it against him. He felt Freed nibble on his lower lip and Laxus let out a groan, lowering another hand, feeling his buttock.
He knew it wasn’t the right way to do it, that he should have stopped, but maybe because of the alcohol or maybe because he had wanted to jump on Freed all afternoon, Laxus didn't stop. He let Freed wander his hands where he wanted, and in turn felt free to touch the boy's body.
After a while the two boys separated to catch their breath, and stared at each other for a moment, stunned. Laxus realized that Freed's hand was resting on his back under his shirt, and that Freed's thigh had landed between his legs, pressing on something that was hardening. Laxus's hand was touching Freed's ass directly under his pants, with only the fabric of the boxers separating it from the bare skin.
Fuck was going crazy. The desire to go beyond him was more and more, his heart galloped in his chest and he felt his lips burn, while the excitement continued to grow. Freed reached out and placed his lips on his neck, starting to kiss and suck voraciously. Laxus let out another moan as the urge to go through the door and slam Freed into bed grew out of all proportion.
And that's what he did as soon as Freed broke away from his neck. Laxus removed his hand from Freed's pants and looked for the key, entered the room and after closing the door, dragged Freed onto the bed. He didn't even know how but found himself lying on top of the boy, with Freed's hands lifting his shirt and their lips glued together. He no longer wondered if it was wrong or right, he didn't think about it himself. He let their clothes fly to the floor and soon after their bodies joined in uncontrollable passion.
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goldenraeofsun · 4 years
Remember Me, Honeybee
Part I
Two hours into the farmers market, and Dean’s had enough. Even the gorgeous day outside, sunlight streaming down from a cloudless sky, does nothing for him.
Next to him in their produce stall, Sam rearranges their vegetable display with all the intensity of Bobby Fischer facing off against the Soviets. He adjusts an eggplant a few inches to the left, eyes it critically, and moves it back where it was.
Yesterday, Dean got sunburned from too many hours in the sun harvesting. But before he could even think about a shower, a visitor pounded on their door because some neighbor ratted them out to local Fish and Wildlife. So on top of dealing with a peeling forehead and an aching back, Dean had to take care of Ms. Rosen nearly breaking and entering to get at Sam or his watercress - she wasn’t really clear on which was her priority.
Sam, the cowardly sasquatch, bolted the moment her car tires pulled up to their farm.
It took an hour to get Ms. Rosen to leave. First, Dean had to show her Sam’s pet watercress plants at the edge of their property. According to Ms. Rosen, they’re an invasive species, which Sam could’ve mentioned to Dean at some point. Then, Ms. Rosen explained the $150 fine - all the while heavily implying she could dock a few bucks if left alone in a room with Sam.
Dean forked over the money. Sam’s virtue got to live to see another day.
At least Becky gave Dean plenty of blackmail material. If Sam pisses him off one more time, guess who’s getting Sam’s phone number faxed straight to her field office?
Dean was looking forward to sharing the whole story with Cas when they pulled up to the farmer’s market that morning. But his favorite beekeeper, potter, and candlestick maker is notably absent again.
As Hannah steps away from her stall to replenish her display, Dean seizes his chance. “Be right back,” he calls to Sam as he darts out behind their table.
When she catches sight of him, Hannah turns her back to lift a crate of soaps that would’ve left Dean sore for days. Goddamn angel strength.
“I may be a dumb human,” Dean starts, “but even I know that angels don’t get sick.” His voice drips with disdain. “Where’s Cas? The real reason, this time. Not that BS you fed me last week.”
Hannah sighs, her normally refined tawny wings fluttering in barely-concealed agitation. “He’s… indisposed.”
Dean folds his arms over his chest. “Cas has been here, rain or shine, every market for two whole friggin’ years. Is he,” he forces out the words, dread trickling down his spine, “dying or something?”
“No.” Hannah shakes her head. “He’s not mortally ill. He’s just indisposed.”
Dean gawks at her. “What the hell does that mean?”
“You have customers,” Hannah says shortly.
Dean waves off a soccer mom armed with a bushel of kale and a hungry leer. “Sam’s handling the orders.” He points at the line in front of Sam, and the lady walks off in a huff.
“Is that right?” Hannah asks innocently once Dean’s attention darts back to her.
“Cut the crap,” Dean says sharply. “Why hasn’t Cas shown for the past two weeks? The real reason. None of that indisposed bullshit.”
Hannah sighs. “You’re keeping me from my own customers.”
Dean raises his eyebrows. “So you’d better talk fast.”
Hannah makes a face like she smelled Sam’s post-Chipotle farts. “Castiel was cursed.”
“Keep it down,” Hannah hisses, leaning in. “He - well, it’s a long story. Our cousin, an archangel, cursed him.”
“For fuck’s sake, why?”
Hannah’s lips purse. “Gabriel has been very hard to contact for the details. He apparently thought Castiel was moping too loudly or too frequently. ”
“Moping?” Dean echoes, his brow furrowing. “Cas always seemed fine to me.”
Hannah shrugs. “Ask Gabriel. Now, if you don’t mind,” she lifts her nose into the air, wings straightening, “I have customers.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Dean retreats to his vegetable stand, his head swimming.
Dean never saw himself as a farmer until his health nut little brother decided to ditch his high-paying (and stressful) lawyer job to play Green Acres, and Dean, naturally, followed since there was no goddamn way Sam knew his way around a tractor. Sam was more likely to mow down his own gigantor foot than move a clod of dirt. Luckily, to Dean, an engine’s an engine.
At the farmers market, Sam’s booth was placed next to Cas’s. On their first day, Cas walked over with a complimentary jar of honey. He was stilted and awkward, sure, but he was also the first one to welcome them into the fold.
Lost in thoughts and worries about Cas, Dean almost gives a customer a twenty dollar bill instead of a one, blanks on when their summer squash will be in season, and accidentally rings up asparagus as broccoli.
“Look,” Sam says after apologizing for Dean’s latest mistake, “why don’t you head back and check on the tomatoes? It’s winding down here.”
Dean dubiously eyes the hubbub of people browsing vegetables.
Sam gives him a light shove towards their truck. “Just go. I know you don’t want to be here, anyway.”
Dean grimaces. “It’s that obvious?”
“To everyone and their grandmother,” Sam says under his breath.
Asparagus Man at the front of the line nods gravely.
“Thanks,” Dean says sourly to both of them.
“Go check on Cas,” Sam says as he gestures for the next customer to step up to the register. “Swing by and pick me up in a few hours.”
* * *
At the foot of the unpaved driveway up to Cas’s house, Dean cuts the engine. He taps his fingers on the steering wheel, debating with himself. Cas might not want visitors.
But Dean brought pie.
Homemade, of course. And if it was supposed to celebrate Sam’s birthday tomorrow, what Cas doesn’t know won’t hurt him. Sam likes cake better, anyway, because he’s a freak.
Dean grabs the pie, shoves open the door, and strides up the dirt road to Cas’s house before he can talk himself out of it for good.
This is what you do for sick friends, anyway. Charlie drove all the way up to the city with chicken noodle soup, Settlers of Catan, and prime gossip on Benny’s on-and-off-again thing with Andrea when Dean had the flu a few years ago.
Dean is just being a good friend. It’s not weird.
He knocks on Cas’s cobalt blue door, his heart beating double-time behind his ribs as the seconds wear on with no answer.
Dean dawdles on Cas’s welcome mat. He tries again. Cas’s house isn’t exactly small, with its pottery studio in the basement and wax room in the back. Cas might be in his nest, on the can, or in his garden by the hives. Hell, with this mysterious curse, Cas might not be home at all - but stuck in some angel hospital being poked and prodded by docs. He probably should have squeezed Hannah for more details.
The door opens as Dean contemplates, for the hundredth time, bailing with his tail between his legs.
“Hello?” Cas says, peering curiously at Dean.
“Cas,” Dean says, relieved. From one cursory look, Cas seems normal. His hair’s fucked up, of course. His dark wings are equally unkempt, feathers sticking out every which way. All typical Cas.
Cas blinks. His mouth opens, closes, and opens again. But no sound comes out.
“You’re up,” Dean says stupidly. Of course Cas is up, or he wouldn’t have been able to answer the damn door. Dean shifts his weight to his other foot. “Hannah mentioned you’d, uh, been cursed,” he says awkwardly.
Cas relaxes a fraction. “Ah, yes, I was.”
Dean gives Cas another once-over. “I just found out this morning, so I thought I’d stop by. Bring pie." He holds up the pie as evidence. "See how you are. But you look good.”
Cas squints at him, his head tilting. “Thank you?” he asks like he had a half-dozen responses in his head and chose that one at random.
“No prob.”
Cas’s gaze darts down to the pie in Dean’s hands for the first time. “Would you like to come in?”
Dean grins. “Yeah,” he says, stepping inside. “I’ll take this to the kitchen. I’m starving. Do you wanna eat it now?”
Cas gestures him forward. “This way.”
Dean throws him a funny look but follows him to the kitchen he’s been in about a hundred times before - for Cas’s annual Spring Equinox party, for a handful of dinners with other farmers in the area, for water breaks in between weeding Cas’s bee-friendly garden.
Afternoon sunlight from the beautiful day outside streams through the large windows that overlook the back porch and garden. It illuminates the kitchen table, absolutely covered with what looks like all of Cas’s beekeeping books.
Dean clears enough space for pie and strides over to the drawer for the baking utensils, saying over his shoulder, “I hope you’re hungry.”
When Cas doesn’t answer, Dean hastily turns back around - only to find himself practically nose-to-nose with Cas.
Dean takes an instinctive step backwards, his ass smacking the drawer closed again. “Dude,” he says in a strangled voice. His heart pounds in his chest at the close proximity and intense look in Cas’s eye. “We talked about this. Personal space.”
Cas retreats, his brow furrowing. “My apologies,” he mumbles. “I must have misread the situation.”
“I - yeah - I guess,” Dean stutters as he grabs plates and stacks two forks on top.
Cas falls heavily into a seat at the kitchen table. Silently, he moves enough books around for them to sit and eat.
Dean eyes the haphazard piles as he takes his own seat. “D’you have a problem with one of the hives or something?”
Cas shakes his head. “I don’t think so,” he says, his brow furrowing. “But it’s hard to tell.”
Dean snorts as he cuts them both slices. “I thought you knew everything about bees.”
Cas shoots him a dour look. “I did,” he says pointedly.
Cas fusses with a pamphlet on colony collapse. “I’m trying to catch up, but there is a lot of information to learn.”
Dean frowns. “Catch up to what?”
“To where I was,” Cas says, head tilting.
Dean sets the pie server down to focus on Cas, since he’s not making any goddamn sense. “What the hell are you talking about?”
Cas looks at him like Dean’s the one who lost his mind. “I don’t remember how to take care of them.” After a beat, he clarifies, “The bees. I’ve spent the better part of two weeks relearning how to maintain the hives, harvest honey, check if there is enough honey to harvest...” he drifts off, looking more than a little lost.
Dean blinks. “That’s the curse?” He grimaces as he forks off a generous corner of pie. “Dick move on Gabriel’s part. That’s your goddamn livelihood.”
Cas tilts his head, eyes narrowing. “He didn’t just make me forget the bees.”
Dean chews at Cas thoughtfully. “What else? Please tell me you forgot that time with the goat and a hooker.”
Cas stares at him. “I don’t remember anything.”
Dean’s next bite of pie freezes halfway to his mouth. “What do you mean anything?” he demands.
“I didn’t think it needed explaining,” Cas says waspishly, as all the pieces finally fall into place for Dean. “I thought Hannah told you about it.” His feathers rustle against the back of his chair.
“Hannah only said you were cursed!” Dean flails, “Not that you have goddamned amnesia. Do you know what pie is? Do you know who I am?”
Cas blinks, a little taken aback by Dean’s reaction. “I retain my general knowledge. I know what pie is,” he says. “I don’t remember eating it, but I know it is meat or fruit wrapped in pastry.”
“Oh my god.”
Cas’s gaze falls to the uneaten pie in front of him. “And, no, I don’t know who you are.”
Dean blinks, all the blood draining from his face. He forces out, “You’re serious.”
“I’d hardly joke with a stranger,” Cas says frankly.
Dean lets his fork drop back to the plate with a clatter.
Cas peers at him curiously. “The curse erased all my personal memories, but I was assuming we were friends, is this right? You know your way around my house, and Hannah wouldn’t have divulged my condition to just anyone.”
“Yeah,” Dean says gruffly, “we’re friends. I - my brother and me, we have a stand next to yours at the farmer’s market.”
“Oh,” Cas says. “Work colleagues, then.”
Dean snorts. “A little more than that.”
Cas bites his lip. “But you told me to respect your personal space. If we were -”
“Woah!” Dean cuts in before Memento can come up with any more bright ideas, “We’re close friends, alright?” he says before Cas can get another word out, “But not… like that.”
Dean doesn’t even know if Cas goes for humans. Most angels don’t. Cas never mentioned any romantic partners, and Dean never pressed. Better to keep that box locked up tight. Cas never shied away from giving his opinion to Dean or anyone else. He’s the most blunt, sincere person Dean knows - angel or human.
If he felt anything for Dean - the barest speck of more-than-friendly feelings, he’d have said something.
“Oh,” Cas says, and, behind him, his wings droop the smallest fraction.
Dean scans the table and pushes Cas’s worn copy of The How-To-Do-It Book of Bee-Keeping by Richard Taylor his way. “Test me.”
Dean shovels more pie into his mouth. “As’ me anyfin’,” he mumbles.
Bemused, Cas opens the book to a random page. “How do you use a bee escape?” he reads aloud.
“Do you know what they are?” At Cas’s headshake, Dean holds his fingers about three inches apart, “They’re little plastic doodads with little bee-sized holes in the middle. You slide ‘em in the hive right before you’re about to harvest. Once they’re fitted, you smoke out the bees, one comb at a time. Once they’re out of the way, you can scrape off the honey.”
Cas’s eyes narrow. “Do you also keep bees?”
Dean can’t help his loud laugh. “God no,” he says as he closes his mouth around another bite of pie. “I’m just a farmer. But I’ve helped you out a few times.”
At least twice a month since Dean moved to this corner of semi-rural America, but who’s counting. Honey is only harvested once a year, but Cas can always use an extra set of hands in his garden. Or around the house. Dean’s worked off more than one argument with Sam by kneading clay in Cas’s pottery studio basement.
“So you know all this from me,” Cas says dubiously.
“Sure do,” Dean says, smacking his lips as he debates another slice of Cas’s get-well-soon pie. “You’re a good teacher, and once you get on a roll about the bees, it’s kinda hard to shut you up.”
“Don’t be,” Dean says as he cuts himself another (smallish) slice. “I look hot in a beekeeper suit, anyway.”
Cas frowns, confused. “Do most humans find baggy coveralls and heavy veils sexually appealing?”
Dean snorts. “That was a joke.”
Dean doesn’t mention that he finds the beekeeper getup hot as hell as long as it’s Cas wearing it.
It’s just - Cas doesn’t usually bother with the veil since he likes to have a full range of vision when caring for his bees. Dean once let a whole comb drop on his foot at the sight of Cas bent over, wholly concentrated on the hive, a barely-there smile hidden in the corners of his mouth. His blue eyes were luminous in the bright sunlight, and every few seconds he would lick his lips, probably to wipe away the beads of sweat gathering on his upper lip.
“Oh,” Cas says, a faint blush touching his cheeks. His gaze drops to his plate, and his wings sag behind him.
Dean mentally kicks himself. Cas might still have all a whole encyclopedia shoved in his brain, but jokes will fly right over his head like so many of Cas’s precious bees. Since Dean started hanging around, he had been getting better with the jokes and references, but Total Recall Cas got that goddamn factory reset, so Dean has to cool it for now.
“Forget it,” he tells Cas. “I’m an asshole.”
Cas squints across the table at him. “You are not.”
Cas carefully spears off a bit of pie. “You came by to check on me, offer me food,” he slips his fork into his mouth, eyes closing as he savors the tart cherries and buttery pastry, “stay and talk.”
“I, mean, yeah,” Dean says, wrongfooted, “we’re friends. ‘S the least I could do.”
Cas has another bite. “This is really good.”
“Thanks,” Dean says before he crams the rest of his slice into his mouth. He studies Cas as they both eat, an uncomfortable foreboding settling deep in his stomach. Now he sees it, how Cas doesn’t look at him with any familiarity. It’s more like, to Cas, Dean is some fucked up jigsaw puzzle slash zoo animal. Eventually, Dean has to ask, “Are you going to get your memories back?”
Cas shakes his head, his expression hardening. “I’m not sure.”
Dean’s mouth falls open. “Are you serious?” He braces both elbows on the table. “But you were cursed - there’s gotta be a way to break it. That’s how curses work, right?”
Cas exhales a slow sigh. “Gabriel did say there was a way to break it.”
“And you haven’t yet?” Dean demands, almost offended on Cas’s - his Cas’s - behalf. “You’re okay forgetting your whole life?”
Cas’s eyes narrow. “Are you insane?” he hisses, his feathers puffing up like an angry cat. “Of course I am not ‘okay,’” he says, air quotes and all, which Dean hasn’t seen since he told Cas they were lame. (He felt bad about it for a week afterward and gave Cas a free apology pumpkin. First of the season.)
“I am able to navigate the outside world as well as a human toddler,” Cas continues heatedly. “What do you think I’ve been trying to do for the past two weeks?”
Dean huffs an impatient breath. “What have you tried so far?”
Cas grimaces. “Gabriel said it could be broken like all curses could be broken.”
“What the fuck does that mean?”
“I have no clue,” Cas says frankly. “I spent a week in Heaven’s archives and libraries. The most common way to break curses is by consuming a stone taken from the stomach of a goat -”
Dean makes a gagging noise.
“-or bathing in the blood of a virgin at the new moon.”
“Not any less gross,” Dean says emphatically. “Where the hell are you going to get virgin blood? Are they talking about, like, a whole virgin? Or does born again count?”
Cas shakes his head. “The new moon was four days ago.”
Dean frowns. “Did you have to do the blood thing?”
From the look on Cas’s face, Dean isn’t going to make him watch Carrie anytime soon.
“So I went to more obscure magic,” Cas continues. “I tried bathing in a natural source of water. And then I ran a bath and filled it with salt, since salt repels evil.”
“All I’m hearing is lots of bathing so far.”
Cas rolls his eyes. “I lit sage in every room and burned three types of wood. I wore an evil eye bracelet. I sprinkled consecrated water blended with honey over the threshold.”
“No dice?”
Cas throws him a baleful look. “I have ants now.”
Dean snorts. “Well that sucks,” he says, since what else can you say when your best friend swaps all his memories for a Bug's Life?
Cas sighs. “From my notes and research, I can’t leave the hives completely unattended, so I’ve spent the past few days trying to figure out how not to kill them,” he says, gesturing to the rest of the kitchen table. “Once I’ve determined if the bees will survive on their own, I can look back into the curse.”
Dean purses his lips. “Have you prayed to Gabriel? Tried to convince him to take it back?”
“Every day since it happened,” Cas says, his face somber.
“Alright,” Dean says, grabbing Cas’s empty plate, “I can’t help with the curse stuff since I save the teen witch adventures for Sabrina. I can help with the bees, though, if you want.” He gets to his feet and dumps the plates in the sink.
Once his back is turned, he frowns as he thinks his words over. Who knows if this Cas actually wants him around? This Cas doesn’t know him from Adam.
To the dishes Dean says, “The next beekeeper is a few towns over. I could give him a call for you, if you’d rather have him. Cain’s mostly retired, so he’d probably have the time to show you the ropes.”
“Is Cain an angel?”
Dean laughs over the splashing water. “No, he’s a crotchety old bastard who would rather live with bees than people. You get along.” He sets the rinsed plates out to dry and faces Cas. “I’m sure you have his number in your phone too, come to think of it.”
Cas meets Dean’s cautious gaze with his usual soul-searing stare. “I wouldn’t mind if you helped me. Maybe I could call Cain if there are any advanced problems we can’t figure out together.”
Dean smiles. “Sounds like a plan.” He jerks his head towards the backyard. “You wanna get suited up?”
“Now?” Cas asks, alarmed.
“No time like the present,” Dean says as he walks out of the kitchen without waiting for Cas to follow. “Come on, we’re wasting daylight.”
* * *
Cas stares at his beekeeper suit, hanging in its usual place on his screened back porch, next to his gardening gloves.
“You okay?” Dean asks. “You’ve got a spare in your shed, so I’ll grab it on the way.”
Cas picks up the suit like it’s about to bite him.
“’S a good thing I’m here,” Dean says as Cas slowly unzips the front. “It’s always a bitch to get your wings covered.”
Cas’s wings slump. “I have a feeling this is going to be more trouble than it’s worth.”
“Hey,” Dean says, taking a step forward, “no, it’s your bees. You love them.”
Cas frowns. “But I don’t remember how.”
Dean grins. “Then you’re a lucky son of a bitch who gets to fall in love with something all over again.” He sighs wistfully. “What I wouldn’t give to erase Star Wars from my brain and watch it again for the first time.”
“What is Star Wars?”
“A trilogy of movies from the 70s and 80s,” Dean says, his smile widening.
Cas nods. “I’ll have to rewatch them, then.”
“Damn right,” Dean says. “I gave you the DVDs for my birthday last year, so they should be around here somewhere.”
“For your birthday?” Cas asks, eyebrows rising. “Isn’t gift-giving normally the other way around?”
Dean shrugs. “But I’d been bugging you to watch ‘em with me for years. Trust me, it was an awesome birthday.”
Cas opens his mouth like he’s not sure where to poke holes in Dean’s story first, so Dean reaches for the wing covers. “I think we should do the hard part first.”
“You’re currently the expert,” Cas says as he sets the suit aside.
Dean frowns as he takes in Cas’s black wings, reflecting muted tones of magenta, purple, cobalt, and green. Normally, Cas rocks the sex wing look - a few feathers askew here and there like someone raked their fingers through them - but now his wings look more like Cas stuck his alulas in an electrical socket.
Without thinking, Dean says, “It’s gonna be hard to get them in the wing covers. They’re a little messed up, dude.” As Cas’s face falls, Dean adds quickly, “Nothing a little grooming can’t fix.”
Cas flushes. “I haven’t been able to reach my whole wingspan on my own. Hannah offered-” he breaks off, his gaze skittering around to settle just over Dean’s left shoulder. “But I don’t know her, not really, so I was uncomfortable accepting.”
Dean takes a step back. “I mean, you don’t need to do it. I’ll have to touch a couple feathers to get these on you, if you’re okay with that.”
Cas swallows. “No, you’re right. My wings are a mess.”
Dean’s fingers practically tingle with the urge to reach out and smooth down the closest feathers, but he shoves his free hand deep into his pocket instead.
“Can you help me?” Cas asks.
Dean quietly dies inside.
Cas’s wings flutter in anticipation, and Dean is so, so weak.
“Yeah,” Dean says gruffly as he drops the wing cover and approaches Cas’s back. “You sure, man? I - I’ve never done this before.”
Cas turns his head. “Never?”
Dean clenches his hands into fists. Don’t touch. Not until he says so. Dean can keep his goddamn hands to himself. Cas deserves that much.
“Do you want me to walk you through it?” Cas asks softly. “I know how, since it’s only personal memories about my life that seem to have been affected.”
“Ah,” Dean hesitates, a hundred and one wing kink porn videos flashing through his head like popup ads. “No,” he coughs, “I know the mechanics.”
Cas’s eyes narrow. “Are you sure?”
Dean fidgets in place. “‘S like picking beans, right? Don’t pull on them too hard. They’ll come off if they want to come off. Make sure nothing is sticking out at weird angles.”
Cas makes a face. “Did you just compare my wings to legumes?”
“Maybe?” Dean says defensively. “Look, I know vegetables, and I know what your wings are supposed to look like. What else do you want from me?”
Cas’s mouth opens, but no words come out. With a sigh, he faces forward, presenting his wings for Dean.
Dean inhales a deep breath. Christ, his hands are goddamn shaking. Get a fucking grip, Winchester. He lightly touches the base of Cas’s left wing.
Cas shivers, the feathers rippling.
Dean yanks his hand back.
“Sorry,” Cas says sheepishly. “You took me by surprise. Please continue.”
Gently, Dean grazes the base of the wing again. The feathers rustle like under a moderate breeze, but Cas doesn’t tell him to stop, so Dean keeps going. He feels along the surface of Cas’s wings, most of the feathers slipping, glossy smooth, under his fingertips - until he catches the first snag. Nerves rocketing up to eleven, Dean tugs lightly on the first feather out of place.
Cas sucks in a breath.
It comes loose, and Dean has a fleeting, stupid thought to steal it for himself. But he lets it flutter to the floor.
Dean soldiers on, biting his lip as he tries to keep himself from grabbing handfuls of feathers and burying his face in Cas’s wings. Meticulously, painstakingly, he combs through the mess. As he moves closer to the second joint, Cas’s feathers, which had been subtly shifting the whole time, stiffen.
“You okay?” Dean asks.
Cas nods, stilted. “Please continue,” he says, his voice rough.
Dean frowns. If Cas is uncomfortable and doesn’t want to tell him, Dean’s not going to be the asshole who turns a blind eye to the signs. He withdraws his hands, and Cas’s wings -
They flare out, seeking Dean’s touch.
Without thinking, Dean blurts an astounded, “Dude.”
“Apologies,” Cas says, and, from this angle, Dean has primetime viewing of the back of Cas’ traffic light-red neck. His wings retreat to fold stiff as a board behind Cas’s back.
“Hey, no,” Dean says as he lays a hand along Cas’s wing, petting it gently. “I just wanted to check in with you.” He grins lopsidedly, not that Cas can see him. “Communication is important.”
Cas coughs. “Indeed,” he says, and his voice still sounds off. “Please continue. I,” he breaks off, turning a little in place so Dean can see half of his face, “I was enjoying it.”
“Good,” Dean says with a little too much enthusiasm. “I - uh, me too.”
Cas blinks. “You were?” He frowns. “Grooming is… boring. A chore.”
“Not for humans,” Dean says as he picks up where he left off. “We don’t have big fancy wings to lug around everywhere. They’re-”
“What?” Cas waits, clearly expecting an answer.
Dean sighs. “Cool,” he supplies lamely. “Your wings are cool.”
Dean can’t see Cas’s face with his back turned, but his wings fluff up ever so slightly, so Dean counts it as a win. “I’m glad you think so,” Cas says quietly.
“’Course,” Dean says, easy as pie. He pulls on another feather, and, when it doesn’t come out, tucks it back into its proper place, “I’ve never seen an angel with wings like yours. Malachi’s got dark grey ones, and I thought they were your shade of black, but they’re not. Plus, he’s an asshole.”
Cas chuckles. “I don’t see how him being an asshole has anything to do with his wing color.”
“No, but, if you ever run into him - an angel with dark grey wings - now you know.”
“So you’re only looking out for me.”
“You don’t know this yet,” Dean tells him conspiratorially, “but I’m awesome.”
“Yes, I’m beginning to see that for myself.”
Thank God Cas can’t see Dean’s face. Equally embarrassed and pleased, Dean rambles, “You should also watch out for Metatron - the white-winged dude who runs the thrift shop down the road. He’s been angling to set up shop at the farmers market for fucking ever even though he has a storefront for all his crap. Whoever said white wings meant purity was full of shit because Metatron’s a douche.”
Cas laughs, and Dean nearly slumps over in relief.
He can still make Cas laugh.
“Hannah, she’s okay,” Dean continues as he combs through the rest of Cas’s secondaries and coverts before he gets to the primaries, large and built for flight, and completely within Cas’s reach to groom himself. “But her partner, Duma, hates you for some reason, so I’d steer clear of her.”
Cas’s wings dip a few inches. “It doesn’t sound like I’m on good terms with many angels.”
Dean lightly runs his palm over Cas’s flight feathers - while he’s back here, he might as well. “I guess not,” he admits because Cas is right, “but they’ve all got massive sticks up their asses, so you’re better off.”
“They’re family.”
“They’re dicks,” Dean corrects. “Come on, you’re goddamn cursed with amnesia , and not one is here helping you out? Dick move for dick angels,” he finishes.
“Hannah visited.”
“Like I said, Hannah’s okay,” Dean says as he straightens up.
“At least you’re here,” Cas points out.
“Yeah,” Dean says bitterly as he brushes out bits of fluffy down near the base of Cas other wing, “After two weeks.”
“You said you didn’t know.”
“I should’ve.”
“How?” Cas asks, sounding baffled.
Dean scoffs as he cards his fingers through the shorter feathers near the bone of Cas’s wing, “You didn’t show at the farmers market. You always show.”
Dean shakes his head. “I should’ve known something was up.” He yanks a little too hard on a feather, and the brittle shaft breaks between his thumb and pointer finger. Dean lets it fall to the floor in disgust. “But Hannah said you were sick, and I didn’t know if you were the type who wanted company or everyone to stay the hell away. And then I talked to Sammy, and he said angels don’t really get sick like we do.” He exhales a slow breath, consciously holding himself back from tearing any more feathers out. Cas doesn’t deserve that, especially after all the shit he’s dealing with.
“We do get sick,” Cas says, his voice breaking through Dean’s morose reminiscing of the past week, “But never with the type of illnesses that can be treated outside of Heaven.”
“That’s what Sammy told me,” Dean says heavily.
“You were worried?”
Dean pokes him in the muscular part of the wing. “Of course I was worried.”
Cas’s head tilts, but not enough that Dean can make out his expression. “Because we’re friends.”
Dean swallows. “Yeah,” he says quietly, “because we’re friends.” He tugs on a few more feathers, and one comes loose. He holds it between his fingers for a beat, rubbing his thumb along the vane. With a sigh, he moves onto Cas’s other flight feathers. He gives them a few long strokes, unable to help his smile as he feels at the power, the potential, all hidden in Cas’s wings. But, eventually, he has to straighten up.
“All done,” he says with forced cheer as Cas turns around to face him.
Cas blinks a few times like he’s coming out of a trance. “Thank you,” he says gruffly.
He spreads his wings.
Dean’s breath catches in his chest, and his awe must show all over face, judging by Cas’s barely-there smirk. But, dammit, Dean’s going to enjoy the sight. Cas never puts himself on display like this, preferring to play the nerdy beekeeper in a trench coat rather than an almighty Angel of the Lord.
Cas turns his head to inspect Dean’s work. He gives an experimental flap, sweeping all the old feathers littering the floor up into the air. “Thank you, Dean,” he says sincerely. He folds his wings back, and Dean’s heart aches for something he never had in the first place.
“Don’t - don’t mention it,” Dean chokes out.
A fluffy piece of down drifts down to settle on Cas’s nose. He goes cross-eyed to keep it in view.
Dean cracks up. Grinning, he reaches up to brush away the offending bit of down.
Cas catches his arm in an iron grip, his own face oddly intense.
But before Dean can finish his sentence, Cas pulls him closer and seals their mouths together.
Dean lets out a muffled (completely manly) noise of surprise against Cas’s lips before muscle memory takes over. As Dean kisses back, Cas makes a light soothing rumble in the back of his throat, his touch gentle and warm. Dean’s other hand grasps desperately at Cas’s shirt, anchoring him in place. An electric, bubbly feeling is exploding in his chest, a wild kind of joy Dean normally would tamp down, tell himself, watch out for the other shoe to drop.
Other shoes like Cas’s missing memory.
Dean freezes, and it takes him a long moment to realize Cas isn’t moving either. His grip on Dean’s arm has gone slack. Dean opens his eyes to find Cas’s eyes wide open and glowing with an electric blue light.
Dean’s watched his fair share of angel-on-angel porn and more than his fair share of angel-on-human porn, and kissing’s not supposed to do that.
Dean takes a stumbling step back. “Cas?” he tries.
But Cas doesn’t move. He doesn’t give any sign he heard Dean at all.
Dean falls forward, tripping over his feet. He grips Cas, hard, by the shoulders. With his heart in his throat, he gives Cas a small shake. “Cas?” he tries again, and his voice sounds alien to his own ears, loud and breathy with his panic. He shakes him harder. “Cas!”
Several agonizing seconds pass, and the light slowly dims from behind Cas’s eyes, leaving behind his normal blue.
Dean’s knees nearly give out with relief. “Hey,” he says weakly, “Nice to have you back, buddy.”
Cas blinks a few times. He swallows, a strange expression coming over his face.
“You okay?” Dean demands. “What the fuck was that?”
Cas stares at him. “That was the curse breaking.”
Read Part II here!
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