#my contribution to the support squad
matmiraculous · 8 months
Grey: So. Who broke it? I’m not mad. I just want to know. UnusualBrother: I did. I broke it… Grey: No. No, you didn’t. World Tour? WorldTour: Don’t look at me. Look at EY. EldestYoungest: What?! I didn’t break it. WorldTour: Huh. That’s weird. How did you even know it was broken? EY: Because it’s sitting right in front of us and it’s broken! WorldTour: Suspicious. EY: No, it’s not! Crystal: If it matters, probably not… Brotherhood was the last one to use it. Brotherhood: Liar! I don’t even drink that crap! Crystal: Oh really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier? Brotherhood: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles. Everyone knows that, Crystal! UB: Alright let’s not fight. I broke it, let me pay for it, Grey Gray: No. Who broke it? EY: [whispering] Grey, Fratricide has been awfully quiet… Fratricide: Really?! EY: Yeah, really! Fratricide: Oh my god!
Grey: I broke it. I burned my hand so I punched it. I predict ten minutes from now, they’ll be at each other’s throats with warpaint on their faces and a pig head on a stick. Good. It was getting a little chummy around here. Fratricide is @rdostuff 's Crystal Dory is @tea0w0stache Brotherhood AU is @tea0w0stache and @0ketlyn-s World Tour is @year2000electronics Grey JD is @ijjstlostthegame Unusual Brother is mine and @ijjstlostthegame Eldest and Youngest is mine
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woso-dreamzzz · 1 month
Barcelona Femení x Teen!Reader
Summary: You manage to humiliate yourself in front of everyone
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Your first ever tournament with England ends in defeat.
Defeat to Spain by one goal.
You'd contributed well through the campaign, coming on as a super sub most matches.
You were still young, nearly sixteen and a half but still making waves in the Championship. You'd played at Bristol City, helping them secure promotion.
Then you'd gotten the call from Sarina to join her World Cup squad.
You'd happily accepted.
A natural midfielder, you'd tended to replace whoever needed to be replaced during the World Cup campaign and made waves with the amount of chances you'd created.
Most of them never came to anything, an intercepted pass or a save by the keeper.
But you still made chances, still unpicked midfields and defences like it was easy.
You were a talent, hidden away in the Championship where no one could see you.
You were adaptable, able to play wherever you were put, eager to get just ten minutes on the pitch to show off your skills.
You were a little bummed at hearing your friend Grace would be called away from Bristol City now they were in the wsl but you reckoned you'd still see each other during matches.
That had been the plan until Barcelona paid your release clause.
You'd only been signed to Bristol for one year, your first professional contract and you were already being transferred over to a different team.
To Barcelona.
That was the scary thing.
Their midfield was stacked. You'd even go so far as to say the best midfield in the world, at least in your humble opinion.
In your humble opinion as well, you'd never been more excited.
You were as English as they came but your father had worked in Spain straight out of university and only got interested in football because his coworkers dragged him out to a Barcelona game.
You'd have to thank them at some point, for igniting that love of football and Barcelona in him because it was the only reason he'd started you in football in the first place.
'My daughter will play for Barcelona one day' is what he'd said to people.
And here you were, practically trembling at Keira's side as you looked up at the building.
You'd come into the England team by yourself, not knowing anyone.
It's nice to know that you have Keira and Lucy here with you now. You don't think you would be able to cope with introducing yourself to such legendary players by yourself.
The nerves threaten to overtake you but you force yourself to stay strong. You force yourself not to show your new teammates how in awe of them you are.
"You'll do great, kid," Keira says to you, ruffling your hair.
"Just try not to embarrass yourself," Lucy teases," We know what you're like."
Your face flushes red and you look down.
"Lucy, leave her alone."
You both know what Lucy's referring to though.
You were a Barcelona supporter through and through but you had a great deal of respect for anyone that played in the midfield. You'd nearly thrown up all over Keira and Georgia when you first met them, mindlessly blurting out their statistics from last season that you'd memorised from watching all of their games before the embarrassment set into your bones.
It was nearly the most embarrassing moment of your life, second only that time when you had accidentally knocked both you and Grace out at training by trying to head the ball at the same time as her.
Lucy and Keira were sworn to secrecy over the first matter and you knew they wouldn't betray you to anyone who wasn't English.
Both times were humiliating but, at least, at Barcelona it was a fresh start.
Or, it would have been an embarrassment-free fresh start had you not completely humiliated yourself the moment Alexia Putellas shook your hand.
The words rush out of your mouth before you can even stop them and Lucy bursts into hysterical laughter.
Keira catches your shocked expression as you turn to look at her, brows shooting up to your hairline and eyes wide like you can't even understand why you opened your mouth in the first place. It would have been better if you pretended to be mute.
Alexia Putellas cocks her head to the side curiously.
"What was that?"
She even sounds understanding.
"I...er...It's nothing."
"She said that you're on her wall," Lucy, the traitor, says once she's recovered from her laughter.
Somehow, your face burns even brighter and you hide away behind Keira.
"On her wall?"
"As a poster," Lucy confirms, nodding," She collects them."
"Please stop. Keira, make her stop," You beg but Keira just soothingly pats you on the back.
"No accounting for taste," Patri Guijarro teases, laughing herself as her hand falls onto your shoulder," Is it just Ale on your wall?"
"Lots of different players," Keira says, saving you from embarrassing yourself further yet somehow managing to still humiliate you," Not just Alexia."
"Is it a good picture of me?" Patri asks, already assuming there's a poster of her somewhere up in your childhood bedroom," Did it catch my best side? Because some photographers don't, you know."
"Am I on it too?" Pina asks," I don't think there's enough posters of me. I should be on more people's walls."
"It was a group poster. Everyone's on it," You manage to force out of your mouth.
"Except the Alexia poster," Keira, to your horror, keeps talking," That one's solo."
This whole situation is super humiliating and you can't make eye contact with anyone.
A finger taps your shoulder though and it's rude not to look at someone when they want to talk to you so you have to force your eyes up.
Alexia Putellas is the one that tapped you and your throat bobs nervously.
"I am on your wall?"
"You play midfield, right?"
"I do."
"I thought so," She says," When I heard we were signing you, I watched some of your games. You had some good ones during the World Cup. You were Bristol City's playmaker."
You nod. "I...Er, that's what they said, yeah."
Her hand goes over your shoulders.
"You have a lot of talent but you hesitate too much. You could have scored in the World Cup final if you hadn't passed the ball. Come on, I have a few tricks I think will work well for you."
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niqhtlord01 · 4 months
Humans are weird: What must be done
( Please come see me on my new patreon and support me for early access to stories and personal story requests :D https://www.patreon.com/NiqhtLord Every bit helps) (meeting screens fizzle on one by one)
High Commander: Thank you all for attending this alliance conference.
High Commander: I know many of you are scattered across the quadrant, so this conference will have to do for now.
Volgond: Is it not unwise to meet over a transmitted conference?
Vologond: Our enemies could hack into the signal and gain a tactical advantage from our discussions.
Primary C: (In robotic voice) This outcome is unlikely.
Primary C: My people are encrypting the signal with an ever morphing signal frequency that not even our enemies most advanced machines could detect.
Primary C: Only a Cythogen can detect and translate the signal for it to be understandable.
High Commander: To which we are grateful you have contributed your people’s talents to the war effort.
Vologond: (Grumbles) I would still insist our next meeting be in person.
High Commander: Noted.
High Commander: We shall begin with updates along the northern front with Sun Bearer Arthrix.
Sun Bearer Arthrix: We’ve made great strides in recent months in the Hepestus cluster. Three systems have fallen to our forces there but our supply lines now are dangerously spread thin. Our enemies have taken note of this and begun raiding our supply convoys with ever increasing ferocity stalling our campaign.
High Commander: I will dispatch the 4th and 5th reserve fleets to begin escort duties which should alleviate the pressure. In the meantime consolidate the new territories you have captured until you are ready for continued operations.
Sun Bearer Arthrix: It will be done.
High Commander:  Now (flips through some pages) for the ongoing battle for Merina, have you made any progress General Anthony?
General Anthony: The world now rests entirely within alliance hands.
(Several gasps and looks of surprise among the gathered alien commanders)
High Commander: You can confirm this?
General Anthony: Aside from the occasional squad or two of enemy forces that escaped the final battle all major installations and population centers are under terrain control. The previously mentioned scattered survivors are being hunted down now.
Taskmaster Folgar: I find this unbelievable.
General Anthony: Careful now, I may take that as an insult.
Taskmaster Folgar: It took me over a year to establish a beachhead on that planet and my forces were nearly wiped out by the automated defense systems employed. Yet you come along and relieve me of my command and suddenly the planet falls within a month?
(murmurs of commanders heard over the background)
High Commander: While it begrudges me to ask this, can you present proof of the conquest?
General Anthony: (says nothing as screen changes to live feed from Merina)
(The feed shows Terran soldiers patrolling through the shattered remnants of once proud cities that had been protected by advanced sky energy domes that blocked orbital fire and walls lined with powerful automated plasma cannons that annihilated enemies from several miles away
Walls of the fortress cities were cracked wide open and shattered in many places. Many of the fierce automated guns now lay broken and battered on the ground and the ones that still were atop the battlements were being dismantled by terrain engineers to send back to their R&D departments)
General Anthony: Our enemies became complacent while they hid behind their walls; so assured of their durability that once they were breached they lacked the ability to mount a suitable defense.
Primary C: How did you breach the walls?
Taskmaster Folgar: I wish to know this as well.
General Anthony: It was rather simple really.
General Anthony: While observing the enemy we noticed that the automated guns would not fire on an area if they detected one of their own within to projected blast radius.
Primary C: No doubt a safety feature built into the weapons targeting parameters to prevent friendly fire incidents.
General Anthony: (Nods) That is what we figured as well.
General Anthony: So over the course of a month we captured as many enemy soldiers as we could-
Taskmaster Folgar: (Scoffs) We tried interrogating them before and they gave up no useful information.
General Anthony: (Glares at the taskmaster before continuing)- and loaded them on to trucks packed with explosives.
High Commander: You did what?
General Anthony: We then remotely controlled those same trucks to drive directly into the base of the wall segments our engineers determined that if damaged would trigger a structural collapse of the entire-
High Commander: YOU DID WHAT?!
General Anthony: These interruptions are quite tiresome now.
Taskmaster Folgar: Do you have any idea the violations of war you have committed?
High Commander: You will be stripped of your rank for such actions!
General Anthony: And what of you then, High Commander?
High Commander: Me?
General Anthony: When you gave me the order to relieve the Taskmaster you told me that you wanted Merina captured by any means necessary.
General Anthony: (Emphasizing) “By any means necessary”.
General Anthony: I followed your orders to the letter and captured the world; so it is you yourself that has ordered any such violations.
High Commander: Do not think you can twist my words to get yourself out of-
General Anthony: (cuts in) Primary C, would you not state that my actions were the most efficient method to bring about the end of a costly conflict?
Primary C: (Silent as it calculates) 
Primary C: While removing the organic factor of “honor” and “morality”, I compute that your actions did resolve the matter of Merina without further losses to manpower and resources.
General Anthony: And taskmaster, dear taskmaster; when you spent over a year attempting to crack the planets defenses how many of your men did you lose?
Taskmaster Folgar: That is not the-
General Anthony: How. Many?
Taskmaster Folgar: (Remains silent)
General Anthony: That is what I thought.
General Anthony: (Turns to address High Commander) You cannot give me an order and ask it be completed by any means necessary and not expect me to follow your instructions to the letter.
High Commander: Do you not have a soul?
High Commander: Do you feel nothing for those you sent to their deaths?
General Anthony: Such is the nature of all those who hold positions of power.
General Anthony: But if you must know I was the one who escorted the prisoners to the trucks myself, and they were quite enthusiastic about it.
High Commander: What?
General Anthony: Yes. I told them that they were going home and they hopped right in.
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virgoilluminati · 3 months
A Match Made in England
Episode 1: Just two kids from england; the ups and downs of football...
A/N: This got put as mature (i have no idea why hahah) so I've re-uploaded it to make sure it's appropriate.
Series Masterlist | Next part
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Episode 1
Settling into the inviting cushions, you became a tableau of spring comfort. The distant hum of a camera being activated blended seamlessly with the rustling leaves outdoors. Levi, the seasoned producer with a knack for drawing out personal narratives, sat across from you. His demeanor was calm yet engaging, a reassuring presence amid the studio's buzzing equipment.
"Okay, where to begin..." you mused aloud.
Levi nodded thoughtfully. "What about signing for England?"
The scene transitions to a bustling pressroom years earlier, where a 17-year-old you, with long, flowing hair cascading down your back, sat nervously next to Sarina Weigman after being signed to the England national team.
Reporters leaned forward eagerly, their cameras clicking and pens poised.
One interviewer asked, "Y/N, you're the youngest Lioness to join the senior team. Do you feel the weight of expectations?"
With a shy smile, your long hair framing your face, you responded, "Honestly, it's an honor to be here. I'm just going to give my best and learn from these incredible players and coaches."
Another reporter chimed in, "Y/N, what do you think you bring to the team at such a young age?"
You took a moment, glancing at Sarina for reassurance. "I think I bring a fresh perspective and a lot of energy. I know I have a lot to learn, but I'm eager to soak up as much as I can from my teammates and coaches. Being young means I have time to grow and improve."
The flashback showed you nervously twiddling your fingers as more questions came your way.
"Do you feel any pressure considering your brother's legacy in football?" one reporter asked, the question hanging heavily in the air.
Your smile faltered for a brief second before you composed yourself. "Of course, there's always pressure when you're following in the footsteps of someone successful. But I'm here to make my own mark and contribute to the team in my own way."
Cutting to a childhood flashback, you and your older brother Noah were seen playing football in the backyard, his encouraging voice guiding your early steps in the sport.
Back in the present, you ran your fingers through your now slightly shorter hair, reflecting on that moment with Levi."
"I probably would've lied back then and said I had nothing to prove. At the time, I truly hated people who asked me about my age," you laughed. "I hated people knowing I was so much younger than everyone else, you know. I guess I felt belittled and also very undermined."
Levi looked intrigued. "How come?"
You sighed, thinking back. "I don't know, when I look back on it now, l'm like damn, you know. I was just a kid. The amount of pressure I was under—"
The little screen continued to display snippets of that press conference, overlaying the commentary, "Y/N Morrison, only 17 when she first started playing for England. Now, at 19, she stands as the youngest player in the senior squad."
Levi leaned forward with genuine curiosity. "Can you tell us more about Noah? How did he influence your journey in football?"
Another childhood flashback played out, this time of you and Noah practicing together, his supportive presence shaping your early skills and love for the game.
Levi continued, his voice gentle and probing. "Do you think some of that pressure came from your brother and the legacy he left behind?"
An awkward pause hung in the air before you let out a light laugh, breaking the tension. "Uh, yeah. Haha- I don't think being the sister of an already well-known Morrison did me any favors, no."
As the crew members bustled around, adjusting cameras and discussing logistics for the next segment, you took a moment to collect yourself, reflecting on the profound journey you had just shared and preparing to continue with the interview.
The screen seamlessly transitioned into a poignant montage. One particular video clip unveiled a pivotal moment in your shared narrative. It was a chilly evening at a local pitch, where a younger you, barely a teenager, kicked the ball around with a sense of determination mirrored in Noah's watchful gaze. This seemingly ordinary moment turned out to be a precursor to the journey that awaited you.
The video shifted to a rainy afternoon at a school tournament, where Noah, now a mentor as well as a brother, stood on the sidelines cheering your every move.
The camera caught a glimpse of Noah sharing insights and encouragement, laving the foundation for a dvnamic that encouragement, laying the foundation for a dynamic that extended beyond sibling ties.
As the montage continued, it unfolded a series of snapshots: Noah consoling you after a tough loss, the two celebrating victories with infectious joy, and the subtle exchange of nods and smiles that spoke of an unspoken understanding. Your story went beyond the spotlight, a tale of shared passion, shared defeats, and the unwavering support that siblings uniquely understand. Y/N Morrison, shaped by the echoes of Noah's footsteps, began to carve her own narrative in the beautiful game.
The scenes shifted to a day of reckoning, the moment you received your call-up to the national team. Noah, now a seasoned player, embraced you in a tight hug, the pride in his eyes telling a story of shared dreams realized. And then, the turning point. Y/N Morrison, amidst her brother's legacy, emerged as a rising star in her own right. The torch passed not just through genes but through a bond forged on countless pitches, a bond that shaped you into the player you are today.
In a touching moment, the montage included a clip where, as soon as a match ended, Noah handed his sweat-soaked shirt to you—a symbolic gesture of support and shared triumphs.
As the montage concluded, the screen faded back to the interview room, where your reflective gaze spoke volumes.
Levi, now deeply moved by the narrative that had unfolded, adjusted his notes and looked at you with a newfound respect for your journey.
The interviewer, acknowledging the depth of your shared journey, posed one final question.
Interviewer: "Looking back now, how do you see your role within the legacy you and Noah have created in the football world?"
You, with a thoughtful smile: "I see it as a story still unfolding. Noah laid the foundation, and now I'm building upon it. lum-"
Levi nodded approvingly, allowing the weight of your words to resonate in the room. However, the interview had ventured into personal territory, and you couldn't shake off the vulnerability that surfaced with the last question.
Emily, noticing your unease, interjected gently, "Why don't we take five, everyone? Y/N, take your time. We can continue whenever you're ready."
You nodded gratefully, feeling a mix of emotions after reliving such intimate moments of your journey.
You walked off the set, feeling a whirlwind of emotions after the intense interview. Emily followed closely behind, her pace matching your thoughtful stride.
"Did I do okay?" You asked with a hint of uncertainty. "I stumbled at the end—"
"You did great, Y/N! Don't worry," Emily reassured her with a warm smile. "These guys can be quite intense, don't worry I'm sure Jude is in Madrid right now, getting the same level of interrogation. Why don't you wait here—" She gestured towards the makeshift living room that had been set up in one of the spare rooms. "I'll call you back in ten?"
You nodded gratefully, finding comfort in Emily's words. You entered the cozy room, furnished with plush cushions and soft lighting, and sat down on the comfortable sofa. The room exuded a sense of calm, a stark contrast to the a stark contrast to the bustling energy of the studio outside.
As you waited, you pulled out your phone and began scrolling through messages. Moments later, a text from Jude popped up.
Jude: Hey there, dove! How's the hot seat treating you?
You grinned at his message, appreciating his attempt to lighten the mood.
Y/N: Surviving so far! They didn't ask me about my secret dance moves yet.
Jude: Phew, dodged one there! Remember, if all else fails, just dazzle them with your best dance move.
You chuckled softly, enjoying your playful banter despite the distance between them. You felt a surge of warmth and affection for Jude, grateful for his ability to make you smile even in challenging moments.
Your messages continued, Jude teasing you about his own interviews and you responding with playful comebacks.
Jude: Hey, have you thought any more about Madrid?
You hesitated, your heart sinking as you read his message.
You took a deep breath before responding.
Y/N: Jude, please. I can't have this conversation again.
Jude: It's been six months, Y/N. First it was the press mania, then it was your sister's baby, now it's this TV show. When are we going to talk about it?
Your fingers hovered over the screen, conflicted emotions swirling inside you.
Y/N: My answer hasn't changed, Jude. I love you, but I love my life here too. Things are finally starting to settle down, and—
Jude: No, they're not. You're lethargic, you're sitting out almost every game now, you're always not sleeping-
Your heart raced, tears welling up in your eyes. You couldn't bear to have this argument again.
Y/N: I've been helping my sister, Jude.
Jude: But it's not just that, is it? Your barely eating, your constantly distracting yourself with work. You need to take a break.
You felt a pang of guilt. You knew Jude was right, but you weren't ready to face that reality.
Y/N: Jude, I can't have this row again.
Jude: Y/N, I'm trying to be there for you, but you won't let me in!
You closed her eyes, tears streaming down your cheeks as she struggled to find the right words. Your eyes scroll along judes words once more, lethagic, trouble sleeping, weak fitness, trouble eating...
He was right of course. Ever since the end of the world cup, you had become incredibly tired, with limited energy for the basics of tasks. You had made excuses that it was the press interviews, the constant ware and tare of family life and fame, or even sometimes just thinking you weren't getting enough hours. Deep down, you knew it was something more.
As much as you would regret it, there was a part of you that wished it was a ACL injury, something that yes would take time to heal, but could be cured. Atleast you'd know what was wrong with you. Instead whatever kept you up at night, made it difficult to keep down food and made it impossible to stay on top in football games, was tearing both you and your relationship with Jude apart
Setting your phone down on the sofa, you walked over to the kitchenette area to pour herself a glass of water. As you stood there, contemplating your next move, you felt a sudden pang in her abdomen—a sharp cramp that caught you off guard.
You winced, clutching your stomach as you leaned against the counter. It wasn't the first time you'd felt this way lately, but it was a stark reminder of your ongoing health struggles.
Taking a deep breath to steady herself, you returned to the sofa and picked up your phone. With a determined expression, she typed out a message to Jude.
Y/N: Good luck with your match tonight. See you monday
Jude sat in a cozy room tucked away within the Real Madrid training grounds, the distant echoes of his teammates preparing for their final training session before the upcoming match seeping through the slightly ajar door. His phone buzzed incessantly with messages from you. With a faint sigh, he retrieved it from his pocket and read your latest text:
"Good luck with your match tonight. See you Monday x." His jaw tightened in frustration; you had once again changed the subject, avoiding the difficult conversation he knew you were reluctant to have.
"Jude, you still with us?" Romeo's voice cut through his reverie. Jude blinked, refocusing on the Spanish producer seated across from him. "Oh, uh, yeah. Sorry about that." He slipped his phone back into his pocket, mentally shifting gears to engage in the interview.
Romeo chuckled knowingly. "No worries. Let's continue.
Your journey in football-from your early days in Birmingham to now playing for Real Madrid-has been remarkable. How do you reflect on your career so far?"Jude nodded thoughtfully, a flicker of nostalgia in his eyes.
"It's been a whirlwind, mate. Starting out at Birmingham City as a young lad, then moving to Dortmund, and finally landing here at Madrid-it's been nothing short of a dream come true. Each step has taught me invaluable lessons, both on and off the pitch."
Leaning forward with interest, Romeo probed further."You've undoubtedly faced numerous challenges along the way. What would you consider the biggest challenge of your career?"
Jude grinned wryly, his mind drifting momentarily to thoughts of you. "Well, besides dodging defenders on the pitch, adapting to different leagues and cultures has been quite the challenge. Each club has its own unique style and expectations. But hey, I thrive on challenges; they've helped me evolve as both a player and a person."
Romeo's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "And what about the immense pressure of playing for a club as prestigious as Real Madrid? How do you manage that?"
A faint smile tugged at Jude's lips as he thought of his experiences. "Oh, you know, I just pretend I'm still kickin' it back in Brum with me mates. Nah, seriously though, the pressure is immense, but it's also an incredible privilege. Playing for Real Madrid demands peak performance every day. I rely on my training regimen, the banter with my teammates, and saying focused on my goals."
Romeo chuckled at Jude's casual demeanor. "Looking ahead, what are your personal and professional aspirations for the future?"
Jude leaned back, considering. "Well, professionally, I want to keep raising the bar, winning titles with Real Madrid, and maybe snaggin' a few Player of the Year awards along the way. But personally, I want to be there for the people who matter most to me, supporting 'em in every way I can."
Picking up on the personal note, Romeo inquired further.
"Family and relationships seem pivotal in your life. How do you manage to balance the demands of your career with your personal commitments?"
Jude's expression softened with a genuine warmth as he thought of you. "Ah, it's a juggle, mate. But having a strong support system makes all the difference. My family, friends, and my girlfriend-they keep me grounded. Despite the challenges and the distances, we find ways to make it work."
Romeo nodded, impressed by Jude's candid responses.
"Thank you for sharing your journey with us, Jude. It's been a pleasure."
"Cheers, Romeo," Jude replied warmly, though his thoughts were still partly occupied by concerns for you. As the interview concluded, he couldn't shake off the growing determination to support you, despite your stubbornness. It reminded him of the first time he had got sick, a couple weeks after they had moved into your family home.
Jude lay in bed, feeling utterly miserable. His head throbbed, his throat felt like sandpaper, and every muscle ached. He had caught a nasty bug, and it was knocking him down hard. Despite his condition, he had a match later that day, and he knew he had to rally.
You, always the caretaker, had spent the entire morning fussing over him, bringing him tea and making sure he took his medication. You were a natural nurse, your concern evident in the way you flitted around the room, fetching blankets and adjusting pillows.
"You really don't have to stay," Jude protested weakly, though secretly grateful for your presence.
You chuckled softly, brushing his hair back from his forehead. "Of course I do. Who else is going to make sure you don't forget to take your medicine?"
Jude managed a weak smile, reaching out to grasp your hand. "You're too good to me, you know that?"
"Just rest," you insisted, squeezing his hand gently before heading out to run some errands.
The next morning, Jude woke up feeling marginally better but was still under the weather. You, on the other hand, woke up feeling awful. Your head pounded, your nose was stuffed, and you felt like you hadn't slept at all. Despite feeling under the weather, you stubbornly insisted on going about your day as usual. You had meetings to attend and training sessions to oversee-there was no time to be sick.
Jude watched you with increasing concern as you hurried around the apartment, trying to ignore your symptoms.
"Y/N, maybe you should stay home today," he suggested again, his voice laced with worry. "You look like you could use some rest."
You waved off his concern with a weak smile. "I'll be fine, Jude. It's just a cold. I can't afford to miss work today."
Jude sat up in bed, his expression earnest. "I know you're tough, but pushing yourself when you're sick won't do you any favors. Let me take care of you for a change."
You paused, torn between your determination and Jude's heartfelt plea. You sighed, knowing he had a point but not wanting to admit defeat. "I have so much to do today, Jude. I can't just stay home."
Reluctantly, Jude nodded, knowing from experience that you were fiercely independent and determined once you set your mind to something. "Okay, but promise me you'll take it easy," he said softly.
Hours later, you returned home earlier than expected, your face flushed and your eyes watery. You sank onto the couch with a defeated sigh, clutching a box of tissues.
"What." You sniffle, your eyebrows frowning.
"Nothing." Jude says with a glint of a smirk.
"Stop smiling." You respond
"I'm sorry, it's just i told you so."
Jude, seeing your exhausted state, moved closer and gently took the tissues from your hands. "Why don't you let me make you dinner tonight?" he suggested, his voice tinged with concern. "You've pushed yourself enough today."
You looked up at him with a stubborn glint in your eyes, still not fully willing to concede. "That actually sounds really nice," you admitted reluctantly, finally allowing yourself to relax.
Jude smiled warmly, relieved to see you starting to unwind. "I'll take care of everything. You just rest and recover," he said softly, knowing that even in your stubbornness, you trusted him to take care of you when you needed it most.
But now, he wasn't so sure. Ever since the World Cup he had begun to see a change in you. You were absent most days, granted he was in Madrid which didn't help, but even on days when you could have dinner together, your mind was always somewhere else.
He understood the pressure of being the world champions, the demands to make public appearances, but sometimes he wished that you hadn't won. Not because you didn't deserve it, but because it was taking a huge toll on you and there was very little he could do about it.
Leah glanced over at you with a raised eyebrow as you took a breather during your training session at Arsenal's practice ground. You had been noticeably tense all morning, and Leah, her teammate and close friend, couldn't help but address the elephant in the room.
"Yeah, okay, but what's up with you two at the moment?" Leah asked bluntly, wiping sweat from her brow. "You keep picking at each other like cats in a sack."
You sighed, your frustration evident as you leaned against the goalpost. "It's just... we've been on edge lately. You know how Jude can be sometimes."
Leah nodded knowingly. "He's a good guy, but he can be a bit cheeky," she remarked, recalling a recent incident.
"Remember that comment he made last week? You were fuming."
You rolled her eyes, her irritation flaring again. "Yeah, and rightfully so. Sometimes he doesn't think before he speaks."
Leah gave you a sympathetic look. "Look, I get it. But you two have been solid for ages. Maybe it's just a rough patch.
You should talk it out."
You sighed heavily, running a hand through her sweaty hair.
"I know.. it's just been one thing after another. First the media frenzy, then family stuff, now this reality show nonsense he's pushing for. It's like we're not on the same page anymore."
Leah nodded in understanding. "Relationships take work, especially with all the craziness in your lives. But you guys are strong. Don't let a few bumps get in the way."
You nodded thoughtfully, grateful for Leah's perspective.
"You're right. I'll talk to him. Thanks, Leah."
Leah flashed you a reassuring smile. "Anytime. Now, let's finish this training strong. No distractions!"
With renewed determination, you and Leah resumed their training, focusing on their drills and pushing themselves to perform at their peak. The afternoon sun beat down on the training ground, casting long shadows as you ran through your routines.
As you practiced, you couldn't shake Leah's words from your mind. You knew Leah was right-you needed to address the tension with Jude before it escalated further but as much as you wanted to clear the air, doubts nagged at you.
Leah noticed your distracted demeanor and decided to lighten the mood. "Hey, Y/N, remember that game against Chelsea last season?" she asked with a grin.
You chuckled, grateful for the diversion. "Oh, don't remind me. That was a tough one."
"Yeah, but you scored that amazing goal in the last minute!" Leah exclaimed, mimicking the commentator's excitement.
"The look on their faces was priceless."
You laughed, the tension easing slightly. "Yeah, that was a good moment."
You continued your banter, reminiscing about past matches and sharing stories from your time on the pitch. Despite the weight of your conversation earlier, you found herself enjoying the camaraderie with Leah, grateful for her support.
You and Leah resumed their training drills at Arsenal's practice ground, your focus returning to the swift exchanges and precise footwork demanded on the pitch. The air was alive with the sound of coaches' instructions and the rhythmic thud of balls being kicked.
After a particularly intense sprint, you paused, a slight grimace crossing you face as she clutched her abdomen.
Leah, noticed this, her brow furrowing with worry. You had been training together for years, and Leah had noticed your occasional bouts of discomfort over the past few months, especially since the incident during the World Cup where you collapsed briefly.
Leah slowed her pace, coming alongside you. "Hey, Y/N," she began cautiously, "perhaps what I should be asking is, whats up with you lately?"
You sigh defeatedly, indicating to the pain in your stomach. "It's cramps. "They come and go, but they've been worse lately. It's stopping me from sleeping and making it hard to eat-"
Leah's expression softened with concern. "Since the World Cup?"
You nodded, avoiding Leah's gaze for a moment. "Yeah. It started then, but I didn't think much of it at first."
Leah frowned, her mind racing with possibilities. "Have you seen a doctor?"
You hesitated, her voice quieter now. "Not yet. l've been putting it off. I don't want it to be a big deal."
Leah shook her head gently. "Ah now i understand Jude's frustration recently. Y/N, your health is important. You can't keep ignoring this."
You sighed again, your frustration evident. "I know, I know. I just... I don't want it to affect my game, you know? And with everything else going on..."
Leah nodded sympathetically. "I get it. But you can't keep pushing yourself like this. Promise me you'll see someone soon?"
You met Leah's gaze, her resolve firming. "Yeah. I promise."
You stood in front of the mirror, smoothing down the fabric of your emerald green dress. The soft candlelight flickered around you, casting a warm glow in Jude's apartment. You had gone the extra mile tonight, not just with your appearance but also in preparing a special meal for Jude. As you heard the door open, you turned to see Jude entering the room.
"You look stunning," Jude said softly, a brief smile appearing on his face as he closed the door behind him.
"Thank you," you replied with a shy smile, feeling a mix of nerves and anticipation. "I thought we could use a quiet evening together. No cameras, no distractions just us!"
Jude nodded, his eyes lingering on you appreciatively. "It's perfect," he murmured, though his mind was still clouded with the tension between you.
You sat down to dinner, the delicious aroma filling the room as you exchanged polite conversation about work and football. Jude was keen to lighten the mood, steering the conversation towards a recent match.
"So, what did you think of our performance against Barcelona?" Jude asked, taking a sip of wine.
You smiled, grateful for the change in topic. "I thought you guys played brilliantly in the second half. That goal you scored was top-notch."
Jude grinned, a hint of pride in his voice. "Thanks. It was a tough match, but we pulled through."
As you continued discussing tactics and upcoming fixtures, Jude noticed how you winced slightly every now and then, how you seemed to sit more rigidly than usual.
"You seem a bit off tonight," Jude remarked gently, reaching across the table to take your hand. "Is everything okay?"
You hesitated, your gaze flickering away for a moment.
"Yeah, just tired from the week, I guess," you replied, forcing a smile.
Jude searched your eyes, sensing there was more you weren't saying. "You know you can talk to me, right?" he said softly. "I'm here for you."
You nodded, grateful for his understanding, but unable to voice your worries just yet. The conversation shifted back to lighter topics, but the tension lingered between you.
After you finished your meal, Jude cleared the dishes while you tidied up the table. You could feel the pain in your abdomen intensifying, a relentless throb that seemed to squeeze your insides like a vice. You tried to push through it, not wanting to spoil the evening.
Jude glanced over at you, concern etched on his face.
"Damn it, y/n" Jude's voice echoed through the kitchen, frustration and worry pouring out in a torrent. "How can we be together if you won't let me in? Do you even trust me?"
You froze, your heart sinking at the raw honesty in his words.
You knew he was right, knew you had been keeping him at arm's length out of fear and stubbornness.
"I made dinner tonight to try to change this, but we keep arguing," you retorted, your voice tinged with frustration and hurt.
"You keep doing this to yourself, y/n!" Jude's voice cracked with emotion, his frustration palpable. "Pushing yourself until you can't anymore. Why won't you let me help you?"
You looked up at him through tear-filled eyes, your face contorted with pain. "I'm sorry," you managed to say, your voice barely above a whisper. "I didn't want to ruin tonight. I just wanted one night... ONE night where it wasn't about how I was feeling. I wanted to celebrate you-."
Jude takes a sigh, loading a couple of dishes into the dishwasher before turning back over to you. "And this is surely the best way to celebrate me- being quiet and constantly wincing in pain-."
"No- !" You try to finish your sentence before the pain pulls you down, you stabilise yourself on the edge of the table, dropping a fork on the ground. A annoyed sigh leaves your body, as you attempt to pick up the fork. Jude glances over, reminding himself, that despite how stupid you could be, he still cared about you.
Jude turned around at the sound of your stifled sob, his annoyance quickly giving way to concern as he saw you doubled over in agony. Without a word, he crossed the kitchen in quick strides, his heart pounding with worry.
As he glances over, he see's your weak body, attempting to keep you from falling down. Jude's expression softened, guilt washing over him as he realised how much you had been hiding from him. As he saw your body give way, he closed the distance between you, gently taking your arm to support you.
"Hospital. Now," Jude said firmly, his tone leaving no room for argument.
You nodded weakly, clutching his hand tightly as you hurried out the door, the weight of your unspoken fears finally giving way to a shared resolve to confront whatever lay ahead.
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gamma-rae-bursts · 1 month
Temily anon here, if you’re comfortable with it please give us the essay-long rant!! No worries if you don’t have the spoons for it, but I would love to hear a more in-depth analysis of their relationship, especially if the person telling it is as passionate about it as you are! :)
Hi Temily Anon! Let's pretend I didn't abandon this idea for well over a year. But here I present to you the essay long rant about how Tara and Emily are literally made for each other!
The Temily Thesis - Exploring the Subtle Chemistry and Romantic Potential Between Emily Prentiss and Tara Lewis in Criminal Minds
This essay is dedicated to @/temily anon, without whom this would not be created, as well as the no.1 Temily stan @gaelic-symphony, my no.1 supporter @nightmarish-fae, and the best of best-brainstorming besties @storiesofsvu
Warnings: heavy lean into academic writing lol
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The two main characters from the American TV show Criminal Minds, the FBI's Behavioural Analysis Unit (BAU) agents, are Emily Prentiss and Tara Lewis. Despite sharing an identical team and comparable professional responsibilities, the characters' relationships and story arcs couldn't be more different. By delving into the possibility of a love connection between Tara Lewis and Emily Prentiss on Criminal Minds, the show expands their dynamic beyond their professional encounters and brings the emphasis closer to a personal bond. Looking at their common history, characteristics, and how their current connection may develop is necessary to explore the possibility of a love relationship between these two characters, even though the show doesn't show it happening. Agent Elle Greenaway's replacement, Emily Prentiss (Paget Brewster), debuted in Season 2. Upon her arrival at the BAU, several of her teammates were skeptical since they believed she had been brought there because of her political ties. Nevertheless, Prentiss quickly showed her value and earned the respect and confidence of her coworkers. Her importance in the BAU grew over time, and she was subsequently named Unit Chief. Debuting in Season 11, dr. Tara Lewis, played by Aisha Tyler, is a forensic psychologist who was called in to assist the BAU while other team members were temporarily absent. Tara, in contrast to Prentiss, was accepted into the squad with open arms. Her unique viewpoint was amplified by her extensive training in forensic psychology, especially in the field of psychopathy.
The Development of Their Relationship and Their Characters Initially a mysterious agent, Prentiss transforms into a powerful and compassionate leader during the series. As the team tackles a multitude of challenges, both in their careers and personal lives, her bond with the whole team, and for the purposes of this rant, Tara, deepens. As Emily takes on more responsibility in the bearou, her bond with Tara becomes more settled in one of professional cooperation and mutual regard. Tara grows into a vital element in the BAU, despite her character development not being quite as exciting as Prentiss's. Even while she and Emily have a professional relationship most of the time, there are times when they bond on a more personal level which shows how strong their collaboration is. Tara is a reliable friend for Emily, especially in difficult instances, thanks to her competence and constant presence.
Analysis of the Professional Relationship between the Characters
The dynamic between Prentiss and her teammates, notably Tara, changed from that of a peer to that of a leader as she rose through the ranks of the BAU. Decisiveness, sensitivity, and an in-depth knowledge of her team were hallmarks of Prentiss's outstanding leadership abilities. She frequently consulted Tara for her psychological insights throughout cases, and her leadership approach encouraged team cohesiveness and trust. As a forensic psychology specialist, Tara frequently contributed to the team's case-solving efforts by providing in-depth psychological examinations of suspects. The efforts that Tara made were much appreciated, even if she did not take on a formal leadership position like Prentiss. Both Emily and Tara respected one another; Prentiss was a strong leader, and Tara was an expert in mental health, so it was no surprise that the two had a warm relationship.
Analysis of the Personal Relationship between the Characters
As a trusted friend for her coworkers, Prentiss is known for the deep emotional ties she has with them. Respect and unwavering loyalty are the foundation of her relationships with her teammates. Emily develops a close bond with Tara after years of working with her professionally. This becomes especially clear in later seasons when Prentiss puts her trust in Tara's intuition and judgment at crucial moments. Tara and Emily have a more professional relationship based on trust. Emily's fiery and protective personality is balanced by Tara's cool and collected attitude. Tara is less dramatic than Prentiss, but she proves her devotion by standing behind Prentiss's decisions, even when those are difficult or controversial.
The Evolution from Professional to Personal Relationship
From Tara's joining the team it has been painfully evident that there is a high potential for more than a platonic relationship between the characters. Emily and Tara's common experiences within the BAU are one of the greatest possible triggers for a love connection. As a team, they endure the psychological toll of dealing with terrible crimes, which holds a high potential for strengthening their bond. Emily and Tara's capacity to lean on one another during these challenging moments has the potential to strengthen their bond beyond that of friends and colleagues. Emily and Tara are both highly intelligent, driven women who share a deep commitment to their work. Their intellectual compatibility could be the foundation for a romantic relationship, as they would be able to engage in meaningful conversations and understand the complexities of each other’s professional lives. Additionally, their emotional compatibility—Emily’s empathetic nature and Tara’s calm, grounded presence—could provide a balanced dynamic where both partners complement each other’s strengths and weaknesses. If the writes decided to go into a romance between these two, the foundation for the relationship has already been laid out in previous episodes, the deep conversations between the two characters, opening up to one another on a deeper level, sharing more vulnerable times, and learning to lean on one other more emotionally give a perfect opportunity for expanding the relationship between the two women from simply platonic to a romantic connection. On top of that, in the latest seasons introduction of Tara's new love interest quickly followed by a break of the relationship forms a greater foundation for introduction of a love potential between Tara and Emily.
Given Emily's hesitancy for developing strong emotional connections, it's not out of the question that her feelings for Tara may have already progressed beyond simple admiration and respect and into something more personal, but she is simply too hesitant to admit them to herself, let alone Tara.
Underlying Chemistry and Compatibility
Emily Prentiss is known for her fierce independence, yet she also has a lot of compassion and is very devoted to her team. Throughout her career, she has consistently developed strong bonds with her teammates. Her ability to manage her emotions while still meeting her professional obligations has been on display in her leadership job, which bodes well for a more intimate relationship with someone she admires and trusts, such as Tara. In contrast, Tara Lewis is level-headed, collected, and motivated by her intelligence. Her training in forensic psychology betrays an empath who places a premium on listening, expression, and complexity of feeling. Tara would be a reliable and encouraging companion for Emily because of her level-headed and considerate attitude to all interactions. The chemistry between Emily Prentiss and Tara Lewis is rooted in their shared experiences, complementary personalities, and the way they interact on both professional and personal levels. Chemistry, in this context, refers to the unspoken connection and mutual understanding that can naturally evolve into a deeper relationship. While Emily is a complex character, marked by her resilience, intelligence, and empathy, Tara is characterized by her calm, analytical nature. The chemistry between Prentiss and Tara could be seen in how these complementary traits interact. Both Prentiss and Tara excel in their respective roles—Prentiss as a leader and strategist, and Tara as a psychological expert. Their professional interactions are marked by mutual respect and a recognition of each other’s expertise. This professional respect can be a foundation for deeper personal chemistry, as it is built on admiration for the qualities that each brings to the team. Throughout the series, Prentiss and Tara have worked together on numerous cases, often relying on each other’s insights and instincts. Their successful collaboration, particularly in high-pressure situations, could naturally lead to a closer bond. The ability to work seamlessly together, understanding each other’s methods and thought processes, creates a sense of partnership that can easily extend beyond the professional realm.
To conclude this very academically written rant, I just wanna express my hopes that Temily is going to become canon, considered all of the above I think this would be a perfect wrap up to the show and giving the audience exactly what they want. The characteristics of both of the women outlined above work together in a great harmony, as it is known that both of them always have each others backs. Note to writers: please give us Temily.
Thank you.
Tags: @inlovewithmiddleagewomen @venromanova
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whoishotteranimepolls · 2 months
hello, finn here, resident one piece "insane tag" writer.... im doing my duty to defend mr. smoker. smo-yan, if you will.
what are my credentials in commenting on this matter? Well. Glad you asked. I've been a onep fan for admittedly not that long, but in that time (like... 8-9 months?) i've messaged one of my close friends. hm. discord receipts.
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681 times about him. also you know that one post? yeah from "smoker. smo-yan." to "i fucking love him good god" that's all me. glad we've established my expertise here
2. look at him. first of all, im raising my eyebrow at you anon because woahhhh looking 60 is fine for me. just perfect, actually. they grey/white hair is fucking wonderful to me personally considering i also love rayleigh and beckman.... also just like. every other part of him. he has huge boobs that he refuses to cover because he's allergic to shirts for some reason. he has leather gloves (would suck on any day). when also jacketless, he wears his jitte with a thick strap over his chest that is So droolworthy. he has a Fat Ass. search up stampede smoker because that's like his peak look. his face scar is endlessly sexy. the slicked back hair (more recently) and the more messy spiky look from earlier in the series both serve in contributing to his bad boy persona, which leads me to my second point: the dichotomy of personality.
3a. part a - the bad boy delinquent persona. if you only take him for his surface level actions and words, he seems a little bit mean. like every gruff, rough-around-the-edges mad dog delinquent type. just look at him as a marine cadet, head shaved and frowning. look at the illustration oda did of him as a kid, holding a nail-imbedded bat. he's loud and brash and commands a whole marine squad, he's big and always has a frown on his face and he's arguing and cursing and you just expect him to be unkind. but. But.
3b. But he's not. he's not unkind at all. He's not nice, maybe, but he's so kind. when tashigi has her crisis about justice vs the marines vs "doing the right thing" are often, actually, at odds with each other, smoker supports her in his own gruff way. tells her he'll be there to support her. and. the scene of all time;
4. la pièce de résistance - his character introduction. oda does character introduction SO well in general (see: mihawk, zoro, galley-la shipwrights, countless others) but the smoker intro is my top intro of all time, it's SO good. to recount to those who don't know, we basically see this big scary gruff guy - shirtless, obviously strong, all spiky hair and big stompy boots - and a kid bumps into him and spills their ice cream all over him. He obviously has a reputation as a powerful guy, because the villiagers around all beg him for forgiveness, ask him not to hurt the kid - and yknow what he does? He says to the kid "looks like my pants ate your ice cream," drops a few coin into their hand, and tells them to buy more scoops next time. that's the most attractive thing i've ever seen. he does masculinity like NO other. gods.
5. strong moral compass - doesn't often agree with general marine guidelines. he's pretty shit at being a marine, honestly. tells the brass to go fuck themselves often. follows his own sense of justice, and even though he hates pirates.... temporarily allying himself with them is not off the table, not if it means more justice (in his eyes). he doesn't like innocent people being killed. in stampede, even as everyone attempts to leave the island in light for abuster call, he stays because there must be something he can do. hina sighs and calls him stupid for it, but takes tashigi koby and helmeppo away anyways, showing that this has happened before, likely multiple times.
6. can he stub those cigars out on me. please. please. plea- [comically large piano falls on me, cutting off my speech]
For context, they are responding to this post about Smoker
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It's always the last paragraph that pushes it into horny jail territory every time
And he does have one of the best intros. I hope they keep it in the live action
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texasagocarafe · 3 months
III. a Breath and a Sigh | AJ SHABEEL
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word count: 2k+
warnings: swearing(?)
a/n: condolences to my beta squad girlies.
The quiet of the night —
You hummed to a Smokey Robinson tune playing on the speakers while painting your toenails. You sat by the window of the studio, the soft murmur of the city below mingling with the distant sound of traffic. You set the nail polish on the ground and slipped in toe spacers to keep the polish from smudging each other. You sipped your chamomile tea, the warmth seeping through your fingers, and stared at the skyline, lost in thought. The charity gala had been a whirlwind, and although you’d left quickly, your mind kept drifting back to Aj.
Why didn’t I see him? Did he even come?
You shook your head, trying to push the memory away. It had been years since you’d seen each other, and you were content with your life now. Your work as a performer was fulfilling, and you had found solace in the quiet moments between the chaos of your career.
Your phone buzzed on the floor near your feet, snapping you out of your daze. You set your cup down and picked up the device, glancing at the screen. An unknown number.
With a slight hesitation, you answered.
“Hi! It’s Sarah from the charity organisation. How are you?”
“Hi, Sarah. I’m good, thanks. What’s the occasion?”
You sandwich your phone between your shoulder and your cheek so you can continue painting the rest of your toenails.
“There’s something we’d like to discuss with you, we’re planning a documentary to highlight the impact of our work, and we believe your story and involvement would be incredibly powerful. We were hoping you’d be interested in participating.”
You paused, tilting your head with furrowed eyebrows as you considered the offer. You have always been passionate about the cause, and a documentary could be a meaningful way to contribute. You eye one of your pens and grab a notebook. “That sounds interesting. What would my role be?”
“We’d like to follow you as you visit some of the projects we’re supporting. There’s another group we’ve invited to join the documentary, and we think it could be a great opportunity to showcase different perspectives.”
“Who else will be involved?” You asked, curiosity piqued as you doodled little people.
There was a brief silence on the other end of the line. “Beta Squad. They’ve agreed to participate as well.”
Your breath caught in your throat. Aj. You hadn’t expected to hear of him again so soon. Memories of your shared past flooded back, and you felt a mix of emotions you couldn’t quite untangle.
“Are you still there?”
“Yes, I’m here,” you replied, your voice steady despite the turmoil inside. “I’ll do it.”
“Wonderful! We’ll send you the details soon. Thank you.”
As the call ended, you stood in the studio, your mind racing. You crack your knuckles and down the rest of your tea. You hadn’t seen Aj in years, and now the both of you were going to be working together on a documentary. You couldn’t deny the flutter of anticipation mixed with anxiety at the thought of seeing him again.
You picked up your camera, snapping a quick photo of the setting sun as if to capture the moment. You cracked your knuckles once again and took a deep breath.
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The sun was setting, casting a warm golden glow over the city as you made your way through the bustling streets, towards the cafe where the documentary crew was gathering.
"I can't believe you're actually doing this," Ena exclaimed, nudging you playfully.
You roll your eyes at your best friend with a small smile on your face, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. "Calm yourself, it’s not that big of a deal.”
Ena playfully glares at your nonchalance and links her hand with yours.
As the both of you approached the café, you spotted Sarah waving enthusiastically, her clipboard in hand. On the other side of her, Leia, your manager.
“Leia!” Ena unlinks her hand with yours, slightly hitting your shoulder as she runs to embrace your manager. You stumble a little, a little ‘hmph’ leaving your mouth as your hair falls around your face.
This girl.
Disgruntled, you bring your hands to your head to pat some balance into your hair.
Beside Leia sat Aj, in the midst of a conversation. He had the same charming smile but carried himself with a confidence that seemed new. In this cafe, he looked slightly less professional, but only because the evening’s warmth had made him messily roll up the sleeves of his button-down shirt and remove his tie. His curls were mussed, too, in that way that the city’s evening warmth always managed. But the ring was still there, large enough to knock out bank robbers, and he still had that handsome glow. The glow that meant he had been living well.
Sitting with him was your old friend from Beta Squad—Niko—sitting there in all his tall glory laughing at a joke Aj made.
“Over here!” Leia called out to you beside Ena, her voice filled with excitement.
Your nose scrunches as you smile at her. You wave back and walk over to embrace her. “Hi, bub.”
Aj laughs at a joke Niko cracks and you don’t notice his complicated smile as he watches your figure.
As Sarah and Ena exchange excited greetings once again, you look around. Aj's vision lingered on you, a mix of emotions playing across his features, and you met his eye.
The stone of his eyes blocked any warmth you felt from your observation of him just earlier. He instantly looks away.
Odd. You huff. Then you’re a little confused. And then again, you huff.
You scratch your left shin with the moon boot adorned on your right foot before standing straight.
"Hey," you said, offering a friendly smile as you rubbed your arm with the opposite hand.
Niko notices your presence and instantly stands to greet you. “I’m so glad you made it!” Niko hugs you with a smile and you return it. It was nice to see an old friend again.
"It’s good to see you again. You look good."
You turn your vision to Aj sitting on the table, scrolling through his phone. Niko follows your line of sight and you worry at the way Niko suddenly falls into a coughing fit.
Niko rubs the back of his neck. You’re still standing and looking at the man sat in front of you who has decided he doesn’t want to acknowledge you.
The fuck?
An awkward silence hangs in the air.
You breathe in and paste a small smile on your face. “Hi Aj.”
Said man looks up to you—or with the way his face has fallen at your presence, through you—and looks back down to his phone.
“Okayyyy,” you sing-song the word in an awkward attempt to soothe your rejection, “Yeah cool.”
You look at Niko in confusion, only to see his face has completely mirrored yours. He genuinely has no idea what’s gotten into Aj. You excuse yourself and find a seat to sit in while Niko mutters something of an apology before going to fuss over his rude friend.
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The meeting went on as planned, but you couldn’t shake the feeling of AJ’s coldness. After the introductions and a brief overview of the documentary, Sarah clapped her hands to get everyone’s attention.
“Alright, everyone! We’ll be travelling together for the next few weeks to various project sites. Our first stop is tomorrow morning at the community centre. I hope you’re all ready!”
You were by all means a petty person, but as the meeting concluded, you found yourself lingering behind. You hesitated to approach AJ, but your confusion overrode your pettiness, and you needed some clarity.
“AJ,” you called out softly, hoping he’d look up.
He did, but the hardness in his eyes remained. “What?”
“I just… I don’t get it. We used to be friends. Why are you being like this?”
He sighed, running a hand through his curls. “It’s complicated. Just focus on the work.”
Before you could respond, he turned and walked out of the café, leaving you standing there. You crossed your arms on the spot and raised an eyebrow. If he wanted to be an asshole, by all means he could be an asshole; but that didn’t mean you were going to take it. You decided right then and there that if he was going to act this way, there was no other way for you to interact with him but mirror his attitude.
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The next day, you arrived at the community centre. The kids there were excited to meet you, and their enthusiasm was contagious. As you performed for them, you caught glimpses of AJ interacting with the staff and children. He was patient, kind, and genuinely interested in their stories. It was a side of him you hadn’t seen in years.
You were seated at a table, colouring with a group of children, when you overheard AJ speaking with one of the staff members.
“Thank you so much for your help today, AJ,” the staff member said. “The kids really enjoyed spending time with you.”
“It’s my pleasure,” AJ replied with a warm smile. “They’re great kids.”
You couldn’t help but feel a pang of envy. Why was he so kind to everyone but you?
During a break, one of the kids accidentally spilled juice on the floor near AJ. Without missing a beat, he crouched down, helping the child clean up the mess.
“You’re doing great, yeah?” he said softly to the child, patting them on the back. “No worries at all.”
You watched from a distance, feeling a mix of emotions. Seeing this side of AJ only deepened your confusion about his attitude towards you.
As the day came to an end, the crew gathered to wrap up. AJ was chatting and laughing with Niko and the staff, his demeanour light and approachable. He walked past you without a word, his expression indifferent. You couldn’t help but feel a sense of frustration building inside you; but you didn’t want to let a man of all things sour your mood on this fine evening, so you kept yourself busy with organising the equipment into the trunk of the vans.
You walk over to the rest of the group where Leia, Ena, and Sarah are in what you observe to be a heated debate, you discern from Ena’s loud gesticulations.
As you all made your way to the waiting car, you couldn’t help stealing glances at Aj. He seemed relaxed, chatting easily with Sarah about the project. You remembered how he used to be more reserved around strangers, a contrast to his current demeanour. The presence of Beta Squad seemed to amplify his confidence.
Ena, nudged you playfully. “He’s cute. No wonder you couldn’t stop talking about him.”
You rolled your eyes and tuck your hands in your jacket. “Keep lying, yeah? Get in the zone, Ena. We’re here to work. And don’t think I didn’t notice you flirting with the Giraffe over there,” you nod your head in Niko’s direction.
Ena scandalously gasps and wraps you in a headlock. You both end up playfully wrestling on the ground, filling the air with giggles and loud laughter. Exhausted, you both call a truce and dust yourselves off. The both of you make your way to the black van.
This project was important, and you wouldn’t let AJ’s attitude ruin it for you. You had fun today, and for a good cause too, so you were content.
The ride back to the house was loud and obnoxious, with AJ and Niko chatting animatedly while you and Ena cracked jokes amongst each other non-stop. At one point, you all settled down and you stared out the window, your mind racing with thoughts of the day’s events. The only other noise in the car was that of Niko and Ena whispering amongst one another.
Once back at the house, you headed straight to your and Ena’s room, needing some time to process everything. As you closed the door behind you, you couldn’t shake the feeling that this was just the beginning of something. You didn’t know what exactly, but you couldn’t be bothered to find out at midnight. Right now, what you needed was rest.
You glanced at the moonlight streaming through the window, taking a deep breath. For now, all you could do was take it one day at a time.
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“GOOD MORNING BUB!!!!” You feel a lump of weight submerge you deeper into the mattress. Squinting your eyes open, you’re greeted with the sight of your early bird roommate.
“Ena it’s literally”—you slide your vision from her face to the clock on your bedside table—“6:30am in the morning.”
Ena takes the pillow next to your head and suffocates your face under it.
You scream—obviously.
“Exactly! Rise and shine! Sarah’s got something set out for us today, we’ll be busy.” You tap out on her leg that’s draped over your waist and she frees you from the pillow.
With a sigh, followed quickly by a dragged groan, you sit up and face your friend. “Genuinely, I think you’ve got something wrong in the head. How do you have this much energy?” You yawn and crack your knuckles.
“I run on your love”—she flirts with you and you roll your eyes—”oh, and also coffee.” She yanks the covers off your legs. “Get up now! We have places to be.”
Reluctantly, you stand up, rubbing your eyes. “Fine, fine. I’m up.”
As you get ready for the day, Ena chatters away, her excitement fueling your energy despite the early hour.
“...like the brother’s dating profile said he travels for a living. I checked his occupation, right?”
You nod your head in acknowledgement, suppressing a giggle at the build-up of the story.
“The man is an uber driver.” Ena deadpans.
You burst into laughter. At the sight, Ena joins in, your laughter infectious. She’s told this story multiple times but it always manages to kill you both every time.
Eventually, you find a casual yet presentable outfit, grab your essentials, and head out with Ena.
The morning air is crisp and refreshing, and you take a deep breath, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep. The city is already bustling with activity, the streets alive with the sounds of people starting their day.
As you arrive at the filming location, you spot the crew setting up. AJ is there, of course, talking animatedly with Leia, Sarah and Niko. You steel yourself, determined not to let his attitude affect you today.
"Morning, everyone," you call out, joining the group.
"Morning!" Sarah responds with a smile. "We’re just about ready to start. Today’s shoot is going to be great."
You nod, glancing briefly at AJ, who barely acknowledges your presence before turning back to his conversation.
Oh! Okay! You thought. Then you huffed.
The day unfolds in a blur of activity. You throw yourself into the work, engaging with the people you're interviewing and ensuring the segments run smoothly. AJ remains distant, his kindness evident with everyone but you. It’s maddening, but you push through, refusing to let it get to you.
During a break, you find a quiet spot to sit and catch your breath. Ena joins you, offering a bottle of water. "You're doing great, by the way," she says encouragingly.
"Thanks," you reply, taking a sip. "It's just...AJ. He’s being such an ass."
Ena sighs. "I know. He’s always been complicated. But you’re handling it well."
You nod, appreciating her support. "I just wish I understood why."
Before Ena can respond, Sarah calls everyone back to continue filming. You take a deep breath and stand up, ready to dive back into the work.
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That evening, back at the house, you sit with Ena in the lounge, reviewing the footage from the day. AJ is there too, sitting across the room with Niko, their heads bent over a laptop.
“You know,” Ena begins softly, “Aj is a real dick, but maybe you should try talking to him again. He might open up.”
You sigh, feeling the weight of her suggestion. "Maybe. But right now, I just want to focus on the documentary."
Ena nods, understanding. "Just don’t let it eat at you, okay? You’re doing a slightly good-ish job. Ish."
You slap the back of her neck. "Gee thanks, En. I’ll try."
You don’t miss the glee in Ena’s smug smile as she rubs her neck.
As you head up to your and Ena’s room, you can't help but glance at AJ one last time. He looks up, catching your eye, and for a brief moment, his expression softens. But then he looks away, leaving you with more questions than answers.
What is this man doing to me?
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Unable to sleep, you decide a cup of chamomile tea might help. You slip out of bed quietly, not wanting to disturb Ena, though your footsteps wouldn’t be heard at all even if you walked normally; if it had anything to do with your best friend’s snores. You make your way to the kitchen area in the house.
The kitchen is dimly lit, the soft hum of the refrigerator the only sound. You fumble around in the dark, trying to find a cup. As you reach up to the cupboard, your hand brushes against a knife left on the counter, and you feel a sharp sting.
“Ow,” you mutter, pulling your hand back to see a small cut on your finger. Blood starts to ooze out, and you hiss in frustration.
Suddenly, a shadow falls over you, and you turn to see AJ standing in the doorway. His expression is unreadable, but he steps forward when he sees your injury.
“What happened?” he asks, his voice surprisingly gentle.
“Just a small cut,” you say, trying to brush it off. “I was getting a cup for some tea and didn’t see the knife.”
Without a word, AJ grabs a clean towel from the counter and gently takes your hand, pressing the towel against the cut to stop the bleeding. You watch him, feeling a mix of surprise and annoyance at his sudden kindness.
“You should be more careful,” he says quietly, his eyes focused on your hand.
You purse your lips and try not to roll your eyes.
Who is he to fuss over you?
“Mhm, got it,” you reply, your tone clipped. “You should get to bed. It’s late.”
“I couldn’t sleep,” he admits, glancing up at you briefly before looking away. “Figured I’d get some work done.”
You both stand there in silence for a moment, the tension between you palpable. The glow of the moon that filtered through the window struck him. His usual charming smile was replaced by a more hardened expression. The late hour had left him slightly dishevelled in his sweats, with the sleeves of his black hoodie rolled up. His curls under his hood, tousled by the night’s warmth framed his face in a way that accentuated his eyes, and you didn’t know how to feel. Despite your annoyance, you could appreciate his current state. Finally, AJ makes a move.
Grabbing your hand, he leads you to the sink and you don’t miss the ghost of his hand on your back. “Let’s clean this up,” he mumbles to himself. He washes your cut gently,  then finds a band-aid in one of the drawers and wraps it around your finger. His touch is careful, almost tender, and you feel strange.
Your gaze lingers on your newly bandaged hand. You didn’t want to look at him. You couldn’t look at him. "I could’ve done that myself," is all you can muster. He’s making you feel weird and you’re frustrated at your own confusion.
He raises an eyebrow at you, stepping back. “Then why didn’t you?”
Irritated that you set yourself up, you simply mumble a ‘Goodnight, Aj’ before turning around, trying to navigate the darkness to get to your room. But your journey is stopped short when He wraps his fingers around your forearm.
“Wait. Stay.”
You pull your arm out of his grip, frustration simmering beneath the surface. This man has flipped and flopped with your emotions the entirety of today and yesterday. You tried to be civil when you met for the first time after a long while, and he completely shut you out. He doesn’t deserve the privilege of requesting anything from you.
“Look, I appreciate the help with the cut, but you don’t get to play hot and cold like this,” you say, your voice tinged with irritation.
He looks at you, his expression unreadable for a moment before a flicker of something crosses his eyes. “I know,” he admits lowly, his tone softer than before. “I saw you and I didn’t handle things well earlier. I just…”—he runs a hand through his curls, pulling his hood back up over his head—”I didn’t know what to expect, and I wasn’t sure how to react.”
“That’s a shit excuse, you know that right?” You retort, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Yeah. I know.”
“I don’t forgive you.”
“I figured.” He leaned against the kitchen counter, his hands in his pocket. His ring glimmers against the moonlight.
You stand there, not sure how to process it all. Part of you wants to lash out, to push him away and protect yourself from getting hurt again. But another part—the part that still remembers the good times you shared—hesitates. Maybe it’s the nostalgia that pushed you to make your decision but you didn’t really care too much at this point. You were strung out and you wanted to sleep.
“Fine,” you say finally, your voice softening slightly. “You better be nice tomorrow.”
A small smile emits from the man in front of you as he pushes himself off the counter. “I will.”
Your gaze from the floor rises to meet him already staring at you; a chamomile tea bag dangling from his hand. “You wanted tea, right?” You tilt your head questioningly at his smug smile. You nod your head and he sees the way you try to hide your smile. Gotcha.
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letsquestjess · 6 months
Hello it's me again! I have another request for Tech if it's not a bother.
Ok, so it's based on my habit of reaching out to my best friends hand for like comfort or just because I feel calm with them. So WHAT HAPPENS WHEN (in some senerio you can pick) WE REACH OUT FOR TECH'S HAND. Just imagine we're out here holding his hand, not even realizing it, and Tech is just confused or a bit panicked/flustered because it was out of nowhere.
Just a little idea I've come up with, so no pressure to actually write it.
I hope you have a good day see you later!
Hello again!!! This idea is so sweet. Thank you for sending it in! 😊💜
Your Hand in Mine (Tech x GN!Reader)
Summary: Tech misses Echo, and all you want to do is offer him some support.
Word count: 1.2K
Warnings: None.
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With a grunt and sweat dappling your brow, you exerted all your strength to turn the wrench one last time until the final bolt resisted beyond your might. “That should do it,” you said, your grip tightening on the rails as you descended the wobbly steps braced against the side of The Marauder. “Try it again.” 
A few rhythmic taps on the datapad set the capacitor unit into motion. The inner workings clattered, and a momentary panic washed over you. After a minute, the mechanism settled, the pipes trilling to mock your initial worry. 
“How are the readings looking?” you asked, stepping back a pace to admire your handiwork. It wasn’t too shabby, if you said so yourself. 
On your homeworld, you had only been able to work on practice builds, never experiencing the thrill of fixing up an actual ship until your swift escape with the Batch. Eager to repay the clones who had saved your life, you insisted on helping them maintain their craft. Tech had welcomed the assistance and wasted no time in creating detailed lists and charts, keen to pass on his expertise to a willing listener.
“Everything works as expected,” Tech reported. “You are a quick learner.” 
“It was my second try,” you said with a disappointed shrug. 
“Echo used to say that a second attempt meant a lesson truly learned.” 
At the mention of your missing team member, you spotted the involuntary twitch by Tech’s right eye and the shadow over his expression. You may not have noticed the subtle changes if you hadn’t been by his side almost every waking hour for the past few months. Echo had only ever been mentioned in practical terms, if a communication had come through or if providing vital intel. This time, however, you could tell it was different. Tech missed him. Not as an asset to the squad or for his contributions, but as a brother. As a treasured part of their family. 
He cleared his throat with a short cough and worked his fingers on the screen. “While I cannot vouch for the sentiment’s accuracy, I will include your second attempt in the records.” 
When he lifted his gaze, a reticent look pinched at your features as though something unspoken idled on your lips. Assuming you were still downplaying your work, he stood up from the makeshift table. “Please do not think poorly of your efforts. You are progressing well and your assistance is appreciated. I am confident that you will be capable of making repairs on your own soon.”
You went to assure him you would always welcome his presence, but the comment snagged in your throat. Despite your reluctance to admit it outright, you couldn’t deny that you secretly enjoyed his company. His calm demeanour and sincere words of encouragement helped ease the anxiety of your escape, and you itched to reach out to him. There were moments when you had got close to sweeping your hand over his, when that saddened look burrowed so far into his usually softened expression that you were forced to make the conscious effort not to soothe his apprehension with a supportive touch. You had no way of telling if that was what Tech wanted, and the last thing you wished was to make him uncomfortable and risk damaging the bond you had built. 
“Thanks,” you said, collecting the tools scattered on the lowered steps. “I can put the panel back myself. I know you have other tasks to get done.” Without waiting for a response, you ascended the ladder and secured the metal bulk, the deafening shriek of the drill drowning out all other sounds. 
He blinked up at you and analysed the intense concentration on your face. Not wanting to disrupt your work, he quietly entered the ship to carry on with his daily duties. 
 * * *
Omega’s giggle infused the air in the seconds before she appeared from behind The Marauder, Wrecker in quick pursuit. Just as he reached out to catch her, she evaded his grasp and hoisted herself onto the front turret, perched like a little assassin waiting to strike. 
“You’ll have to be faster than that,” she called down to the brawler. 
“You don’t think I can climb up there?” he challenged. 
“Don’t even think about it,” Hunter yelled from beside the smouldering ashes of the fire. He stacked the cleaned plates and cutlery into the storage boxes and propped them on the steps. “Back inside.” 
“Five more minutes,” Omega pleaded over Wrecker’s huffed groan. 
“No. Come on.”
With a nimble leap from the turret, the girl retrieved the box of dinnerware on her way aboard. Wrecker followed her inside the ship with a whispered promise to continue their game when they next landed. He was, after all, still winning, and he wasn’t about to lose because of his brother’s overprotective nature. 
Hunter swung to you and Tech, one foot on the ramp. “I want you both ready to go in ten. Okay?”
Attention glued to his datapad, Tech responded with a half-mustered salute, and you reciprocated with a nod of your own. 
Once you had finished clearing the rest of your equipment, you wriggled the slim crates into their designated spots in the storage hold underneath the ship and locked the hatch. Dust clung to your jacket, and you wiped off the dry specks as you made your way towards the intelligence clone. 
“Need any help with the receiver?” you asked, gesturing to the small device plugged into his datapad. The disc hummed as the blue light traced its perimeter, scanning and collecting data. 
“That will not be necessary,” he assured you. “I have a strong enough signal for incoming transmissions.”
You positioned yourself next to him, your hands resting in your lap as you took in the view of the tundra and plateaus. The setting suns painted the horizon with fire and from the growing shadows, nighttime animals stirred. With sunlight fading fast, you wouldn’t be able to remain outside for much longer, but Tech persisted with his personal mission, resolved to make the most of the remaining light. 
“Still waiting to hear from Echo?” you questioned. As he lowered his head, your eyes followed the motion, drifting along the peeling bark of the log where his hand rested. Guided by instinct, you gravitated towards him and brushed against his knuckles. 
Tech stared transfixed at your connected hands, lips parting and a verbal response dithering on his tongue. Before you could retreat, the fluster within him relaxed into an appreciative peace, and he entwined your fingers. 
A warmth flooded your cheeks as you met his eyes. Sincerity swelled in the amber and erased the furrow between his brow. 
He held onto you like a lifeline, like an anchor keeping him grounded when worry clouded his thoughts and the fear that he may have to face a tomorrow with one less brother haunted him. “Thank you,” he said, barely a whisper amongst the rising coos and whistles of the wildlife. 
“What for?” you asked.
He cradled your palm to his chest, and a reverence came over him, a surety that wrapped him up safe, and warm, and secure. “Everything,” he whispered, thumb rubbing the back of your hand. “Thank you for everything.” 
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stormoflina · 8 months
you wont answer me cuz you know im right. i loved szobo in the early days but his drop off was huge and now he is just another hospital merchant. for all the hype of him being the next kdb he cant even score a solo goal and im yet to see a good pass from him in the final third
Well hello anon.
I didn't answer you, because
1. The last couple of days my head was moving in between the Moon and Mars, and I'm not sure if I would have been able to remain respectful.
2. I'm getting tired of all these anons coming to my infobox and, for the lack of a better expression, trying to take the piss out of me. If you read my posts you know that he's one of my favourite players, and that I'm not mindless hater about any of our players, but especially not towards him.
3. You were being very condescending and annoying.
But buckle up my dear salty anon.
Dominik, naturally, is an offensive minded midfielder. At Leipzig, he basically played as a wide 10 (or occasional RW) and for the most part he does the same for Hungary. In both teams he was a pressing monster, his pressing is arguably one of the best in the current Liverpool squad as well. The difference is, that in both teams he had other midfielders behind him. He still had defensive duties, but not this current caliber. In Hungary he plays one of the hardest and most taxing roles: he drops deep to collect the ball, helps the build up from deep, and he contributes a LOT in defense, but he also has freedom to roam around the pitch, and enjoys the other midfielders support when he appears in the final third.
In Liverpool, he is a box-to-box midfielder. A different role, and not just a different role in midfield, but he is a midfielder under Klopp, played in the RHS in a triangle with Salah and Trent. Salah is our main goalscorer, Trent is our main creator. His job is to provide a stable link up between the two, allowing them to express themselves freely, offer his support, keep the width when needed, etc etc. Without him doing this, that rhs can't function properly. And this is just one of his many responsibilities. When Trent inverts into midfield he drops back into either help out (Ibou), or takes up completely the RB position. A position he has never played, by the way. He's constantly pressing, constantly running, constantly covering/contributing in defensive duties. He is the 5th fastest player this season. Other than his pressing, his other great quality is his off-ball work. Again, arguably, his awareness and intelligence when it comes to that is one of the best in the current squad. I encourage you to watch back some of our recent matches and take notice of him instead of the one giving the assist/scoring, many cases, without his efforts it wouldn't get to the point of it being a goal scoring opportunity.
I'm not going to argue with you and say that his passing hasn't looked a bit off in certain matches, that he didn't have some bad first touches or unnecessary long shots. He did. But please also think about all these NEW and constant duties, (other than the pressing& off-ball work), doesn't come natural to him at all and how these can affect his performance in the final third. Yes, it's an excuse,but a reasonable one in my opinion, maybe not for you, whatever.
All in all, it's easy to fail when you have been shifted from a role of being supported to being the one who is the constant and many times only support. Mind it, this is happening in a much more physical, much more demanding and stronger league. It's no wonder fatigue and eventually injury caught up to him. Other than Endo (and he only had like 5-6 starters in the PL), all of our starting midfielders struggled with injuries throughout the season, Domi was the last one to go down.
Anyways, this is the last time I did this. I'm so sick and tired, especially now with all the hate towards him, having the same conversation again and again. You think he's a bad, selfish person with a big ego, who insults and makes fun of his teammates etc etc. I'm not here to change your mind. But maybe try at least watching football with your eyes open before you start accusing one of the team's most selfless and most hard-working players, who is literally out injured (and likely very upset and heartbroken about that) because he tried to give his everything for his club, manager, teammates and fans.
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So...... Erwin went all that trouble to get Levi, even risking his own life knowing how dangerous Levi is, and....... to do what exactly? What did he actually gain? Because every time it feels like Levi can make a huge difference, he's not there. The plot always pushes him out of the story. He's only allowed to come back when our main characters are truly cornered and instead of creating a plot hole or weakening the storytelling by "conveniently" saving them, Yams uses his OP captain to save the day and then pulls a "my job here is done" act & disappear. It feels like Levi didn't really live up to Erwin's expectations or at least how he imagined to use his strength because was Levi even useful to Erwin's plans?
What did Erwin actually gain from Levi?  This. 
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Levi doesn’t just contribute his strength to Erwin’s cause by fighting, he also provides stability and support. Agreed, there are numerous times when Levi swoops in to save the day with his extraordinary speed and strength, but more often than not his most important role is to inspire courage and resolve in others, whether it’s Historia, Hanji, Gabi, the 104th, or Erwin himself.  Levi is a constant; he embodies the spirit and the heart of the Survey Corps and the cause that their fallen comrades died for.  He is there to remind them what they are fighting for and to give them the strength to keep fighting. 
Erwin himself explains this beautifully in the Smartpass Close-Up Interview:
Erwin: Starting with Levi…I think he is excellent at shouldering important duties. With the title “Humanity’s Strongest” as part of the SC, our reputations have also been elevated. On the battlefield, he has also faithfully completed the tasks I have assigned to him. Despite his warmhearted nature, I’ve asked him to carry out some cruel missions… Journalist: Is Captain Levi very…”warmhearted?” E: You’ve already interviewed his subordinates, right? Then you must have heard just how much they trust their captain. J: Indeed. I even heard the same thing from new recruits who are not from his squad. E: He just has a rude attitude…but he cherishes his comrades’ life more than anyone else. His reputation cannot be established based on strength alone, Humans can subconsciously detect how much concern others have for them… and when they notice this kindness, it inspires power…That is something that I can’t do.
You ask if Levi was even useful to Erwin’s plans. My question would be how far would Erwin have got with his plans if he hadn’t had Levi by his side?  Levi was his most trusted comrade, his steadfast right-hand man and, perhaps more importantly, his friend. He helped Erwin to bear the weight of all the lives lost under his command, and of the dream that drove him to the point of despair.  And when it all became too much to bear, when Erwin faltered and almost succumbed to guilt and despair in Shiganshina, Levi was there to lift that burden and to help Erwin to summon the courage to sacrifice his own life for Humanity.  That is Levi’s real strength.
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World of Heroes R - Spider Squad
Who are the Spiders of New York? MENACES, that's who! Vigilantes with no official backing, who have taken it upon themselves to act as the 'protectors' of this city, but lack the real means to handle the crimes here. They focus on some maniacs with animal costumes tackier then even their own, and don't do anything to mitigate the damage left behind from their fights. I thought it was bad when there was just one of these freaks of nature here, but now there are three of them! Who knows when they'll strike next?! Whenever that is, you can bet the Daily Bugle will be the first to call them out on it!
Spider-Man - the most infamous vigilante menace in this here fine city. Sure, his rabid fans will say he's "their favorite hero" who "never gives up" and "will always stand up for the right thing, even when its hard." And he sometime pays lip service to the idea of "Great Power coming with Great Responsibility." But if he wanted accountability, he'd register with the Avengers or Justice League or, hell, even the X-Men. But NO! He's a rogue, and that makes him just as dangerous as the 'villains' he fights!
Venom - For a month, Spider-Man tried out an edgier color palate maybe to avoid some real consequences for a shuttle incident, only to change back later. Then this guy showed up with the exact style, calling himself New York's new Lethal Protector! And wouldn't you know it, he's taking the Spider-Man motif and applying the Batman method of striking fear into the common man. Hell, some people claim he's actually a host to an alien symbiote, but I personally think that mouth is just... I dunno, makeup effects.
Web Ghost - The third webslinger to show up randomly in New York, and she's surprisingly even more active then Spider-Man herself. I don't know if she's just that dedicated to being a menace, or if she's trying to prove something. Hell, some people theorizes she's the reanimated corpse of the one person Spider-Man's confirmed to have killed "on accident," Gwen Stacy. I don't think this is true, but I can't help but wonder what it says to the world if it was. Like, the girl died at Spider-Man's hands and now she's swinging around the city like he does. Would he feel even a hint of regret? ...Ah, who am I kidding, she's just another girl with spider-powers, none of that death stuff.
J. Jonah Jameson - Former Top Reporter and Now Editor of the Daily Bugle, the best damn newspaper in the city of New York. People come to me for the truth, and I give it to them. You want my opinion on rich billionaires like Lex Luthor going into politics? They should have to give up literally every cent over 5 million as taxes, that way they actually contribute to society. You want my opinion on the Avengers? Reliable defenses against unwanted alien invasions, and so humble about it, too. Metahuman rights? That's something I support, and I hope Professor Xavier helps everyone. And Spider-Man... a goddamn menace playing hero in my city. This guy wants to help the greater good? Then show who you really are behind that stupid mask. Secret Identities are just a coward's way of avoiding accountability... unless we're talking the internet.
Mary Jane Watson - Some theater kid who works near the Bugle, I don't know. She's better behind the scenes then out front... look, what do you want me to tell you? I know nothing about her! Do you... look, just get out of here already.
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oltammefru · 7 months
After having done IS4 D15 ending 3 here's my first impressions on the gamemode. Do note that I've only played this gamemode on D15 since a friend farmed difficulties/progression tree for me:
The squads are all relatively balanced, there's a lot of interesting options between them. I favored Support Squad in my first clears for early snowballing reasons but I think I'll likely play something like Scientism more once I learn the stages better. All the class squads seem relatively balanced with each too.
Lin is really goated she is so very useful.
The early game is incredibly fucking snowbally. If you do well early game and transition into midgame with a decent team, it is so easy to get to the point where the game is just over. In the run where I did 3rd ending, I had like 8 E2 6stars, 28 collectibles, and about 30 life + shields at the end of floor 3.
Objective shields, in particular, early game ones, are way more impactful. Often times they're the difference between an entire collapse level worth of collapse.
Collapse effects are far far more negatively impactful than rejections. I know a lot of people had a lot of issue with IS3 rejections but honestly I think they just rarely ever affected the game.
One thing I liked about the design of IS3 stages / the light system is that basically every stage is made much much easier if you choose to leak a few elites, and leaking on one or two stages is rarely enough to fuck up your run on your own. In contrast, in IS4, every leak you make is incredibly impactful and has long-lasting impacts. Life itself as a number only matters in the sense that once you leak once, there's not much of a downside to leaking more so you can use that to take hard stages you'd otherwise leak like 10 on. (I have a post planned analyzing leaking in IS3 vs IS4 and how it contributes to the various themes of the gamemodes.)
6 stars are even more dominant. Part of this is because of the fact that the +1 hope cost to 4 stars and above (proportionally) affects 6 stars the least, but also because hope is way more plentiful and you only have limited squad / deployment units, so you might as well spend your hope on the more slot-efficient units.
Collectible quality is much much higher. Basically everything is at least somewhat good, every variant collectible is just incredibly efficient for its effects.
Golden chalice is honestly kind of mid? Unlike other collectibles, which have instant effects, chalice takes a while to scale up, while not being great early game (which is the main point in time where you really want good collectibles, because of how snowbally IS4 is). It's also far from the most efficient thing you can do with your money, if you get a -50% shop even with chalice it's generally better to spend at least some of it?
Robbing shop on F3 is way way better as an option now (although I've done it quite a few times in IS3 too, I think it is an underrated option in IS3). The F1-3 rob combat is much much harder though.
There's a lot of combats with <25 enemies there seems to be an emphasis on combats with lowish enemy counts. Like I said before, in IS4 it is much more important to play stages perfectly than in IS3 but I do think this creates an interesting gameplay dynamic where like if you've accepted you're going to leak on like Musical Disaster (very easy to leak on that one!) it doesn't even feel that bad to leak a few more.
Emergencies give way more exp than normal commands (and the gap seems far bigger than previous ISes).
Foldartals are neat. I like them a lot. Some of them feel pretty imbalanced though, in particular the one that has an accord that turns selected nodes into Bosky Passages and maxes out your index is so stupidly good compared to most of the other high rarity bottom ones.
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Joan E. Greve at The Guardian:
Summer Lee, a Pennsylvania congresswoman, easily beat back a primary challenge on Tuesday, delivering progressives one of their most significant victories yet of this election cycle as they brace for a wave of pro-Israel funding targeting pro-ceasefire candidates. The Associated Press called the 12th district Democratic primary at 9.21pm, roughly an hour and an half after Pennsylvania polls closed at 8pm ET. Lee defeated local council member Bhavini Patel, who had criticized the progressive “Squad” member over her calls for a ceasefire in Gaza. Patel had pitched herself as a “pro-Biden Democrat”, suggesting she would better support the president’s agenda in Congress.
But Lee waved off that criticism, and she often pointed to the $1.2bn in government funding she delivered for her Pittsburgh-based district over her first term as evidence of her legislative effectiveness. “I am so humbled and proud to win my first primary re-election to be the congresswoman for this incredible district I’ve spent my life fighting for,” Lee said in a statement celebrating her victory. “Our campaign was built on a record of delivering for our democracy, defending our most fundamental rights, and expanding our vision for what is politically possible for our region’s most marginalized communities.” That argument appeared to sway many of Lee’s constituents as well as local Democratic leaders. In February, the Allegheny county Democratic party formally endorsed Lee for the first time, after the group backed her rival in the 2022 primary.
Lee’s 2022 primary made national headlines because of the involvement of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (Aipac). According to OpenSecrets, the Super Pac United Democracy Project, which is affiliated with Aipac, spent a total of $3.3m against Lee in 2022. She ultimately defeated her opponent, Pittsburgh attorney Steve Irwin, by less than 1,000 votes, or 0.9 points. This year, progressives largely expected pro-Israel groups like UDP to again invest heavily in attack ads against Lee. But surprisingly, they chose to stay out of Lee’s primary, a choice the congresswoman’s allies credited to her popularity and legislative record. Despite the absence of the pro-Israel lobby, one Super Pac did get involved in Lee’s primary to boost Patel’s campaign. The Moderate Pac, which aims to support centrist Democrats and is largely funded by Republican megadonor Jeffrey Yass, spent more than $600,000 supporting Patel. Lee and her allies turned Yass’ involvement in the race into a campaign issue, lambasting the billionaire’s Super Pac contributions.
[...] Although UDP opted to stay out of Lee’s race, progressive leaders believe her successful campaign strategy could still be instructive for other pro-ceasefire lawmakers expected to be targeted by pro-Israel groups in their primaries. Aipac and its political affiliates reportedly plan to spend $100m this election cycle, after pouring nearly $50m in to the 2022 midterms. At least two other “Squad” members, Jamaal Bowman of New York and Cori Bush of Missouri, have already attracted primary challengers, and Aipac has already endorsed their opponents. Lee alluded to Bowman and Bush on Sunday, telling supporters that her victory would reverberate around the country.
AIPAC and pro-Israel Apartheid groups got handed an L last night, as incumbent pro-Gaza Ceasefire progressive Dem Summer Lee holds on in the PA-12 primary, fending off Bhavini Patel.
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eiloveir · 3 months
songs from my kinnie playlist that I would like to link with specific characters from naruto based on their traits
warnings: none, apart from possibly referencing a toxic personality or similar topics
a/n: just adopted the habit of using songs as inspiration for writing(i’m at a loss for blog ideas)
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“if you need to be mean, be mean to me. i can take it and put it inside of me.”
uzumaki naruto
“just don’t leave me alone, wondering where you are. i’m stronger than what you give me credits for!”
it’s clear-cut—even people on tiktok have said his kindness is beyond what seems real. personally, i aim to give correct answers, but maybe i’ve just never met someone as genuinely kind as him before
he dealt with the villagers’ hate as the jinchuriki, knowing they wouldn’t like him, and worked hard for their acknowledgement.
“you can lean on my arms as you break my heart” is literally just the same when he said, “will you kill me calmly, sasuke?” LIKE HELL
this is his song, no further explanation needed.
uchiha sasuke
“it’s no surprise you turned out this way, when they closed their eyes and prayed you would change.”
honestly, it’s kind of difficult to find a song in this playlist that isn’t mentally connected to him (I relate to him so much, it’s painful)—but if I had to pick one that really stands out, it would be this one.
this song portrays the events that happened for him after meeting orochimaru. had he not crossed paths with itachi long after orochimaru’s invitation, he might have pursued an entirely different course of action.
“there are lessons to be learned and consequences for all the stupid things I say” he abandoned the village, parted ways with his friends, and sacrificed everything to gain power because, in his conviction, it was the only path to defeating his brother. his sole purpose in life became to eliminate him.
“I wanna contribute to the chaos, and that is the decicion I have made.” if i were in his position, I might have made the same choices. it’s hard to blame him considering he witnessed the tragic fate of his family and clan, all without knowing the truth behind their deaths.
and he shouldn’t be blamed for holding hatred towards Itachi. like, the fuck you mean, “he should have just asked for an explanation”
haruno sakura
“i don’t care, i just want to be apart.”
this is the foremost thought I have when I think of her. despite my disappointment (blame the author, jk) with how her character was portrayed, it only deepened my attachment for her.
her lack of fighting scene, despite almost three years of training, is what made her battle with Chiyo so meaningful to me.
her desire to change herself because she feels burdensome to her team is highly relatable. unlike most of her friends who possess kekkei genkai abilities, she was born without any power, which makes her situation similar to tenten and lee.
she also yearns to be regarded as an equal member of the team, rather than someone who merely supports from the sidelines. (unfortunately, the author struggled to write her character well, especially as the heroine character.)
hatake kakashi
“feels like we had matching wounds, but mine's still black and bruised, and yours is perfectly fine now. feels like we buried alive something that never died. so, god, it hurt when i found out.”
the loss of obito and rin has left him with severe emotional scars. scars that are still deep and neglected.
although he has made an effort to hide his feelings of regret and guilt over the deaths of his friends, they have persisted to haunt him.
it was a great shock for him to learn that obito, the man he had believed to be dead, had actually been alive during the shinobi war. it brought up old grudges and made him face his resentment for his erstwhile partner and friend.
well... he has remained at the exit thus far because he is the only member of his squad to survive, but he has already gained friends that he will always think of as family.
uchiha itachi
bruh, my playlists are filled with songs that genuinely speak to the uchiha “doomed” brothers, man. i’m unable to make a proper decision because everything is related to them.
“be the one, be the one to take my soul and make it undone. be the one, be the one to take me home and show me the sun.”
the worst of his suffering comes from being forced to be a spy for a criminal organization; his duty as a shinobi is far from over, even when he kills his clan and everything.
he followed through on his mission, keeping everyone in the dark about his pain and suffering alone without anyone asking him how he was doing! (they could never make me hate you)
he did, in fact, dehumanize his brother because, in his defense, it would help sasuke become a skilled konoha shinobi and seek revenge against him using his own gained power. but as he himself stated, what he did to him simply made matters worse.
uchiha obito
“take aim to obtain a new name and a newer place but my name is lame, i can't walk and i ain't the same and my name became a new destiny to the grave.”
he’s neither obito, tobi, or Madara, but he’s a “no one”
he kept committing crimes in order to acknowledge his dream of a utopia called tsukoyomi, where everyone would live in peace and no one would be consumed by hatred as he was.
although he was tricked into thinking that nothing would change unless he followed madara’s instance and listened to what he had to say, he wasn’t brainwashed by the fact that he wanted to do the tsukoyomi thing.
“repentance is taking commission, it’s taking a toll on my soul.”
for his part in the deaths and suffering of numerous people, including his friends and supporters, obito bears a great deal of sorrow and regret for his deeds. he aspires to atone for his previous deeds throughout the whole show. he tries to make amends and accepts responsibility for his faults.
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pocketramblr · 10 months
Ask Game: How about bio dad might for Bakugo?
1- he puts him up for adoption like i do this ask- i kid i kid
lets try to make this fun, hmm
1- Ok so Toshinori gets Masaru pregnant (oh my god he's a support designer not unlike David. Toshi you can't keep doing this.) and the baby just has a boosted version of Masaru's tiny sparking palms, big explosion palms. because ofa i guess. Except, Masaru is like 'i dont think i can handle being All Might's lover publicly but also i don't think i can handle being a single parent' so when Mitsuki is like Interested he just jumps on that immediately. Toshi figures the baby is safer with a normal couple, pays child support and gets sent pictures occasionally, but doesn't want to impose any more, tho tbh both of the bakugous would be fine if he did.
2- Katsuki has no idea btw. He was told once that Mitsuki was actually his step mom and he didn't believe it. Both his parents figured he didn't need a bigger ego and didn't tell him the truth but did have a lot of fun giggling over getting him All Might merch. This sounds funny now but oh man will it contribute to issues once he knows the truth-
3- speaking of issues, Toshinori does recognize the kid in the slime that the previous kid in the slime is rescuing. he doesn't say anything, but he's extremely glad that this perfect worthy successor kid happened to also save his son. In a panic of losing someone he's never really had, Toshi asks Masaru if he could meet Katsuki in person, maybe start visiting. They and Mitsuki discuss it (complete with injury reveal) and decide why not, though continue to keep his identity a secret. So Toshi spends three hours a day as All Might, and the rest of his time is focused on training Izuku, and in rare breaks from that, hanging out with the Bakugous. Katsuki takes a month before he really believes this guy is who his parents say he is, but he decides the training tips aren't half bad- for a toothpick coughing up gallons of blood every day. For his own part, Toshinori doesn't really pick up anything amiss yet in the family- remember at this point, Katsuki has started to leave Izuku alone, and wouldn't mention him to Toshi anyway. Busy with training and not getting into trouble, none of the more questionable of Mitsuki's and Masaru's parenting choices would be causing much issue or be obvious then.
4- And then UA starts, and on the first day, Toshi watches behind a building as his son attacks his successor, and is as surprised as he is unhappy. but he's not sure how to bring it up, or to fix anything. So he just tries bridging things as All Might for Izuku and as Yagi-san for Katsuki, which... is a process, and also crazy that none of the students realize anything is up there. But so it goes. highlights of things that actually get better because of this: at one point, as Katsuki tells Yagi-san that its a problem because Deku is supposed to be quirkless, Yagi tells him that he's quirkless. Based on his parents expression, Katsuki assumes they didn't know either, but it doesnt make any sense because Yagi isn't annoying and creepy and weak like Deku, he's good at giving hero advice and- oh. oh katuski doesn't like that realization and shoves it down deeper, but also doesn't bite as much about it. Also, Katsuki admits how awful All Might giving him the medal at the SF was for him, and Yagi is very quiet. All Might apoligizes to him the next day.
highlight of something that is so much worse: the final exam.
5- SO THE REVEAL its gotta be at kamino right. The Idiot Rescue Squad has succeeded and are watching the news, and see... All Might lose power on camera. Izuku is already basically in tears, but at the sight, Katsuki reacts by going "OTHER DAD???" which shocks Izuku out of feeling anything else but "WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL HIM???"
there's a lot of shocked screaming. Iida can't even say anything and Kirishima is on the ground giving up trying to understand as Katsuki and Izuku realize how they're both connected to All Might.
The police finally come help take the kids home. No one dares breathe too loudly or text anyone, afraid of another explosion of conversation like that. For his part, Katsuki is going to shake answers out of Toshi as soon as he steps into the house, no attempting to hide behind Aizawa will make it better. Once that... ordeal of a visit and explanation is done, Toshi wearily suggests he have the conversation with the Midoriyas alone. Aizawa looks at the Bakugos, looks at Toshinori, and is like 'oh hell no im not missing this for the world. lets go round two'
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myechoecho · 6 months
I love that he's her first love and I also screamed when she said she'll come pick him up as an angel meaning she's the person who loves him the most. She really does love him very much but I think her upbringing has left her so foreign to what an actual loving relationship between two people is, HW is her family and all her family does us treat eo like sh*t, so what if they do the same to him? What if she does the same to him? He's her family and they'll always be together. She knows that's not how relationships work she knows that she treated him badly because how could she not? She just thinks it's normal but she's a grown woman and needs to reflect on her actions and understand that his wanting a divorce with how he was treated is valid, he's already apologized multiple times for multiple things but we've never heard her say I'm sorry and I'm hoping that's deliberate on the writer's part and we actually get to see HW express his emotions regarding the abuse her family has put him through and even how coldly she acted and for her to take responsibility for her part in all of it.
I don't believe Hae In has a lack of accountability for her role in everything. Hae In should apologize for her role in things. She's already started to make amends and I think she will get there.
Yes, for sure her family has warped her idea of relationship. But I think some part of her understands that it's not normal. Before Hae In and Hyun Woo's relationship fell apart, it seemed fairly healthy though there was still a lack of communication.
They treated each other poorly, and my suspicion is that Hae In has actually protected Hyun Woo from the absolute worst of her family's treatmetn. I could be wrong on that, but it's my feeling. Keep in mind, the psycho squad has pointed out that Hae In always listens to Hyun Woo. It's clear she values his judgement regardless of the distance between them.
Their problems have really always stemmed from a lack of communication and not understanding what the other needs in terms of love. Hae In dropping her walls, and Hyun Woo really listening to her and BOTH of them telling the other how they feel has already started to change their relationship. We've seen that unbeknownst to the other they have supported one another.
I know Hae In is surprised by the divorce papers. But we really haven't seen the fallout from it yet. Personally, I don't think it will be as big a deal as they are making it out to be but again. She might need time to assess, given all the emotional turmoil she's in.
Both of them are at fault for their marriage breaking down. Both of them need to take responsibility and admit their part. While Hyun Woo has apologized, but not really for his actions that contributed to their breakdown (as far as I remember).
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