#my company can't get mad at me for this it isn't my fault
tinyienzo · 1 year
be a developer they said
it'll be fun they said
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beomboomboom · 6 months
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genre: fluff, angst, established relationship
pairing: idol!Jihoon x reader
summary: Jihoon is a busy guy, everyone knows that. But why does it hurt so much when he can't even make time for his own girlfriend? All you want is Jihoon's love and affection, why is that so difficult?
warnings: a bit of swearing
note: This fic includes some lyrics from the song All My Love by SEVENTEEN (If you haven't heard this song, I strongly recommend you listen to it. It's such a good song!!) I hope you enjoy reading the fic <33
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"Am I really that important to you?"
There's tears in your eyes when you ask Jihoon the question you've been wondering about for the past few weeks.
Part of you knows you're just being irrational. Jihoon has other things he needs to focus on. He's an idol and a producer for fucks sake, it's practically guaranteed that he's going to be busy with work 24/7. So it's unrealistic for you to expect him to be able to make time for you whenever you feel the need for some company.
But the other part of you feels lonely. Coming home everyday to the sight of an empty apartment without Jihoon isn't exactly the most uplifting sight to see. And even when Jihoon on the rare occasion, does come home, all you are able to see is his passed out figure before he leaves in the morning while you still sleep.
All you want is Jihoon's love and affection, why is that so hard?
You receive your answer to that very question in the way Jihoon sits in a distracted silence when he hears your question. His eyes looking at his computer in a daze, too busy thinking up of ideas for new songs to produce rather than looking at the way you're about to burst into tears.
"Fine. If you can't even give me one second of your time and focus I'm going to leave," you yell angrily as more tears spring into your eyes. You quickly stand up from your position on Jihoon's couch and exit his studio, slamming the door behind you.
"WAI-" Jihoon starts to shout, finally finding his voice. His eyes widen while his hand is outstretched toward the direction of his door as if it's going to make you come back.
But it's too late.
You're gone.
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Jihoon knows he fucked up.
More than that actually.
He knows that it's his fault your relationship with him feels so one-sided. He has a habit of overworking himself. Oftentimes minutes in the studio turning into hours before turning into days of being cooped up producing songs, causing him to neglect the very people he wants to spend all his time with.
Jihoon wishes he could tell you how much he loves you, that he's not trying to neglect you on purpose. He just sometimes gets caught up in his work and doesn't realize when it's time to take a break. He wishes he could tell you that he misses you as much as you miss him, even though he doesn't show it.
But now he has no idea what he could possibly do to solve the predicament he's in. Jihoon could talk with you, but he knows he's not the best with confrontation. Jihoon could give you a few days of space, but he knows that it's probably not the best choice since the whole reason you got mad was because Jihoon wasn't around you enough.
So, Jihoon turns to what he's best at doing. What he does when he doesn't have a clue on what to do.
Sometimes he'll write songs for his members, comforting them through his lyrics. Other times he'll write songs for Carats, wanting to share with them some encouraging and happy tunes.
But this time, he's writing a song for you.
Jihoon knows that writing a song for you won't make you forgive him instantly, but the most he can do is try to make things better a little bit at a time.
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It's 3 in the morning when you hear a knock at your front door. As the rain falls softly on your window, the only question that on your mind is, who the heck is outside your house at such an ungodly hour?
Feet shuffling along the cold floor, you sleepily walk over to your door and open it. Your sleepy eyes are still trying to make sense of the situation when Jihoon stands outside your apartment door.
In front of you stands a drenched Jihoon with puffy red eyes carrying his signature black backpack that is absolutely ginormous on him.
"Jihoon? What are you doing here?"
Mumbling something incoherently, you watch, still half-awake, as Jihoon slowly walks up to you and gently wraps his arms around you.
As you feel the wetness from Jihoon's shirt begin to seep into your own shirt, you try to softly push Jihoon away. But that only makes Jihoon hug you tighter. "Don't go...,"you hear him mumble as he presses his face into the crook of your neck, and that's when you realize that Jihoon is crying.
You're torn.
Seeing your boyfriend cry is a rare occurence and as much as you want to hug him tightly and kiss away all his tears, you want to run away because how can he come back to your apartment as if nothing had happened in these past few months.
"I'm sorry," Jihoon says, his voice cracking and mouth quivering, as he cries, letting his tears drop messily into the fabric of your shirt.
Taking Jihoon's face in your hands, you quietly rub away his tears which only makes him cry harder. Leaning into your touch, he takes hold of your wrist and gently rubs it. "I-I'm really sorry. You don't deserve a terrible boyfriend like me."
"No, don't say that. You know what, how about I get you a towel so that you can dry yourself off and then we can talk more, okay?
By the time you return from the bathroom, towel in hand, Jihoon is sitting on the couch and pulling his computer out of his bag. "oh...are you going to be working more?"
He can hear the disappointment in your voice when you ask the question, you're so used to him working all the time that you're not even angry ... you're just disappointed. Jihoon feels a wave of guilt wash over him as he realizes that all the things you said to him before were true, he was just too busy to realize it.
"Ah, no. I have something to show you," Jihoon says with a tired smile as he pats the seat on the couch beside him, inviting you to sit.
Hesitant, you take a seat next to your boyfriend and look at his computer screen where you can see him open a file. You then watch as Jihoon pulls out a pair of earphones and plugs them into the computer.
Putting the earbuds into your ears, Jihoon presses play as his eyes shake, nervously watching your face for any kind of reaction.
The second the melody of the song plays into your ears, you feel like crying out of disbelief. "You made a song for me?" you ask, suprise etched all over your face, as you look towards Jihoon's direction.
Nodding with a small but nervous smile, Jihoon then motions for you to continue listening.
And it's when you reach the part of the song where you can hear the lyrics sung by the sweet honey voice of your boyfriend, when you begin to cry.
Just likе a pouring meteor shower Please be the light in the dark sky I can do everything for you For you I just want to give you everything And that makes me feel small, a fool who only accepts It suddenly makes me hate myself And makes me feel sorrier towards you
"Oh- Jihoon-," you start to say with tears in your eyes as you close the gap between you and Jihoon and give him a tight hug, your face pressed against his chest. "This is beautiful," you continue on to say sincerely.
Blushing, Jihoon quietly mutters with a nervous laugh, "you haven't even finished the song, listen to what i'm trying to say."
Following Jihoon's instructions, you lean on him and quickly refocus your attention back on the song.
Though it was hard writing my feelings down And all I have is this song and these lyrics For you, for you, for you, for you I sing this song for you tonight So I can get closer to your love
My love only amounts to this But my feelings will never change, for you baby Even if my love only amounts to this I'll be your umbrella in the rain I'll protect you on all your days
By the time you finish listening to Jihoon's song for you, you're in shambles. "fuck- Jihoon, I love you so much you know? I'm still mad at you but I still love you so much," you say as tears roll down your cheeks. Pressing your forehead against Jihoon's, you lean in to give him a chaste kiss on the lips.
Jihoon freezes for a moment before immediately tugging you closer to his body and reciprocating your kiss. "I don't deserve someone as precious as you,"he whispers before devouring your lips into another kiss.
When both you and Jihoon finally break away from each other to get some oxygen into your lungs, Jihoon gently takes your hands into his own. "I-I'm really sorry though. I was a terrible boyfriend these past few months, but I'm going to work on trying to improve myself. Even though I'll probably be busy with producing songs, i'll try to make time for you."
You let out a relived smile when you hear Jihoon's sincere words. "Okay, and I understand if you need time for other things too."
Jihoon gives you a small nod and a smile. "And to answer your previous question, of course you're important to me. For fucks sake you're my girlfriend, you're one of the most important people in my life. How can you not be important to me?" Jihoon says while cupping your face before continuing on to say," just because I don't show it, doesn't mean I don't feel it."
"I love you," he finally whispers with a smile as he places a small peck on your lips.
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cannellee · 8 months
If requests are open? May I receive a yandere!alpha baji with a resistant darling (knows what's up and immediately skedaddles)
If the request is too similar to any previous ones? You may disregard it.
Have a nice day:)
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୨୧ yandere! alpha! baji x omega! reader
— his reaction to a resistant omega
cw : yandere (possessive, jealous) behaviour, delusional baji (a bit).
read baji's yandere profile here : ☆
my masterlist : ☆
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if baji takes a liking in you, good luck trying to avoid him.
if you know what's up and put some distance between the both of you once you're close enough to notice some strange behaviour from him, it's already too late.
baji is assertive and determined, it takes more than that for him to renounce. especially when it comes to the omega he claimed as his own a good while ago.
it doesn't take long for baji to notice if you start taking your distance, making short replies and always finding ways to decline his offers to hang out with him.
he is not pleased, and while his feelings for you are very clear in his mind, he's extremely dense. you slowy backing away from his life isn't his own fault, nor yours. something is probably going on in your life, a friend of yours or an issue you've yet to fix, something which might prevent you from being your usual warm and cute self he oh so loves.
baji will confront you. he knows all of your whereabouts. he isn't much of a stalker : if he wants to see you he will make his presence known and force his company. but he remembers your usual routine from the way he would always take you home after school.
he'll pin you against a wall in a dark street. now you have no way out and can't excuse your way out from his questions.
"I asked you a question. you don't think I didn't notice how much you're avoiding me ?"
"if you know what's good you better answer me"
you merely can get out any words because of his domineering speech which reflects itself in his pheromones. your nose is burning and face is twitching, he's unbelievably close and you know your lack of response is getting on his nerves.
when you don't respond he's dragging you to his home. if you don't want to cooperate, he'll make you. you can try and trash all you want, baji is much more stronger than you and no amount of pleadings is working.
he won't hurt you though, you're his precious omega. but he'll make things clear with you until everything goes back like before. your smiles, your laugh, you greeting him every morning and helping him with homework after school, he missed them all terribly.
he's throwing you inside his room, locking his apartment door.
you're apprehensive and watching his every moves when he approaches you. you have nowhere to run anymore and your scent is sour.
you're trembling in front of him, wide eyes and avoiding his gaze. your vulnerability makes him go softer, he didn't mean to scare you but your behaviour makes his alpha go mad.
he can't protect you if you're always away from him. you should stay close by so he can look after you. by running away the way you do, you only make him chase you harder. as if he could leave you alone!
he presses a gentle hand to your cheek, rubbing his thumb under your eyes where a few tears had unknowingly fallen. he visibly calms down and soothes you by assuring you everything is fine.
you only shake further, weakly getting rid of his big hand and turning yourself away from him. the proximity only makes you uncomfortable and you wish to cut off your nose if it makes his scent disappear.
by now you can tell he's forcing himself to stay calm, for you. what could make you have such a change ? he never did anything wrong. you blamed him a couple of times for how restrained he made you feel, but he only did that out of worry for you. he remembers your complains about the way he beat up a friend of yours, but baji wasn't in the wrong, if only that friend of yours knew to keep his eyes for himself he wouldn't have done that.
at the end of the day, you could blame him all you want for your problems, but he did it all for your sake. he's incredibly jealous and nobody seems to respect boundaries : you're his omega and others still act friendly around you. they should be thankful baji didn't gouge their eyes out for looking at you the way they did.
only he sees that, the lust and envy, both meddled in these people's scents. he hates it.
it took a lot from him to simply scent you, mark you subtly. it's still not enough, nobody seems to take a hint. but he held himself back, because he knows you and knows you need time. he also understands that he sometimes is a bit too overbearing, you told him countless of times. that's why he took it slow, never doing anything you wouldn't forgive him for.
but look at what it led the both of you to ?
you needed a strong presence right from the beginning, you're lost without any guidance. baji thought giving you time was the right way to naturally make you accustomed to him, make you long for him.
turns out he needed to be stricter. an omega should learn to ask for her alpha's touch but you only got further away from him. he wasn't present enough, didn't assure enough protection to the point that you felt like you had to find it somewhere else. he surely didn't give you enough attention, that's why.
baji will fix that!
now that you're here, you'll have plenty of time to start over. he'll show you how much his presence is needed, he'll demonstrate his affection and shower you with love. all of that just to engrave in that little brain of yours that you can not live without him the same way he can't live without you.
he will physically restrain you if needed, and keep you inside as long as he feels like you might leave him again if he lets you out.
and when the right time comes, he'll mark you, so you both can be bound forever!
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irondad-defensesquad · 10 months
edit (december 6th 2023): this has been getting a lot of notes - thank you for the love btw! - so i just wanted you to know that this idea has a full story! it's right here. thanks again!
tony is checking his notes while he works, when he hears the door opening.
"oh peter, is that you?" he says, a little relieved but also annoyed. "care to explain why you haven't replied to any of my messages-?"
when he looks behind him, though, there's nobody in the lab.
... the meow startles him.
tony finds the black cat sitting on his notebook, and doesn't appear to plan on getting off.
"seriously?" tony groans. "friday, why is the little black hole in here?"
"he is boss jr., isn't that correct?" the A.I. replies rather smugly.
the man glares at the ceiling. "very funny." then he turns to the cat. "why are you like this. i thought cats liked to be alone. but i guess you just love bugging me."
the cat doesn't reply. he dares to lie down, refusing to let tony work. before they settle on yet another glaring contest today, the older man's phone vibrates on the desk, much to the cat's curiosity. tony quickly takes it and sees he has new text messages from peter.
peter: sorry mr stark, i can't come over today
peter: i have a decathlon meeting and i can't miss it
tony audibly groans. yeah, of course. obviously.
then peter sends another one.
peter: how is tony jr? is he behaving?
tony aggressively texts back.
tony: that is not his name. and no, he's being a little menace, alright. he ruined my couch, he knocked my favorite mug over, and now he won't let me work.
peter: aww mr stark, he just wants attention!
tony: yeah, but he doesn't have to be such a little shit.
peter: stop being mean to him!!!
tony: he's being mean to me.
tony: so what, i'm gonna be stuck with him for another night?
the teen spends a while writing the next text, which becomes many of them, probably indicating he's anxious.
peter: look mr stark i'm sorry i forced you to look after him
peter: i just couldn't leave him in the cold and aunt may already has a lot in her plate
peter: but i didn't mean to make you mad either
peter: i promise i'll try to come over as soon as i can to take him to the shelter
tony's anger fades. he sighs it out.
tony: kid, it's fine. i get it. you have a good heart and i'm proud of you for that. i just wasn't ready to have a stray cat home.
tony: but this isn't your fault, okay? you did the right thing.
he almost texts more but decides not to.
peter: ok mr stark
peter: i'll try to get him to the shelter by the end of the week
tony: no pressure, kiddo.
when he thinks it's over, peter sends yet another one.
peter: hey mr stark? could you take a pic of him? i miss his little face 🥺
tony rolls his eyes and positions the starkphone in front of the cat. the little feline seems to notice it and looks back. and he tilts his head almost instantly. though tony knows it's not out of confusion - it's like he's posing for the photo.
the hero sends it to peter.
who in turn, replies with several stickers of people exploding with heart emojis.
peter: omg!!!! bby!!!! i would die for him!!!!
tony: please don't.
peter: aww he even posed!
peter: guess he rlly takes after you 😊
tony: he is still not my cat.
peter: still... just be good to him until i get back ok? he just wants some company
you don't get it, pete. i'm irresponsible and i ruin everything i touch.
tony doesn't send that.
instead, tony looks at the cat deep into his golden eyes.
his hand approaches the little void. he expects to get bitten or scratched like he has been all day. but worse...
i ruin everything i touch, and i'm going to kill another innocent creature. i'm going to kill him. i'm going to kill him.
the cat is snuggling against his hand, purring.
then he lets tony pet his whole body and his tail touches his fingers.
indeed... all the cat ever wanted was love and attention. the things he never had in the past.
with a relieved smile on his face, tony finally answers peter.
tony: okay.
just a simple reply. but many promises.
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11queensupreme11 · 3 months
Me: I'm going to read Arsenic blues, wishing to see what the queen has to us ❤️
After reading the note: The fuck!?
Can't believe people are really stealing your job and asking why they haven't the right to it. People are crazier every time I check is half concerning and half amazing how their brains work
Have to be nice, living in that fantasy world for free and without Isekai yourself.
Be for real and growth. Write your own stuff and don't come here asking yourself why the author is mad when you literally just committed a CRIME
Anyway, great character as always queen! ❤️
It is amazing how Loki has one type, defender of rights only person here that knows about human rights and thinks they deserve it.
Loki's the "fuck around and found what happens" god and is always hurting him but he can't scape the consequences of his own actions
Dumb bitch, you're lucky you're hot
Baldur was the first to say: they deserve to live cause you created them and if they're bad it is because you all are worse, maybe if you all learn a minimum of moral they would be better ❤️
I love him, Loki really didn't deserve him, he doesn't deserve Percy either but Baldur is... *Chef kiss*
He was the first, if you know what I'm saying, it is even wonderful how a person (god) can be so kind without knowing what it really is. It is hard to be kind, but without an example!?
Made him the god of humanity and sent him far away from Loki's (too late)
Loki: what's wrong here? Him or me?
Me: You have one chance, and hint, it isn't Baldur you asshole
(That hint of karma. Poseidon is going to lose his daughter, one as loved as Baldur and it's just his fault cause he doesn't have a heart. Love that for him. I love him but I also love the drama)
(Maybe we're more like the gods that we like to think I guess)
Thinking about it, maybe Percy being too gremlin with him IS a good thing.
No matter what, that side of her, the way she's always ready to fight but also being ready to relax with him is his... Well, Loki is always on the edge, but her giving so much kindness to him is also pushing him away.
She chooses to spend time with him and genuinely enjoy that time when he isn't tricking her (to the surprise of EVERYONE including him)
(Percy, being too kind is one thing)
At least he's learning that maybe killing and hurting your loved ones isn't the best decision.
Took him millennials but progress is progress
For now, act 4 is going to give him a ticket express to that fall to madness
Well, his trauma is stopping him right now, but I trust him to find a way, it's the smartest one so I'm going to wait before saying something
(For once, the author's favorite is one of my favorites)
(Just laughed cause that is karma right there, you were the one always making the deals with bad ends, now is your turn babygirl. Still rooting for you king ❤️)
Thanks for the chapter Queen and remember, a alive Nico is the best kind of Nico ❤️
bro omg that plagiarizer was weird af. did you see the old ask asking for permission to make an hp x pjo x ror fic inspired by mine? THAT TURNED OUT TO BE THEM. they made a third wattpad account sfahdvbjhv 😭😭😭
i made another chapter calling them out on wattpad and they deleted the books and fucked off (they'll probably be back with a fourth account 💀) but yeah, that's just weird behavior fr 😭
and also.... the thing i wrote about poseidon getting karma? yeah, that's a big ass hint for the future HEHEHEHE
and yesss percy actually does enjoy loki's company most of the times, he just ruins it by... you know, being an asshole to her sometimes, but other than that, she likes hanging out with him! she actually considers him as a friend (but beelie is her #1 bestie in the ror verse LMAO)
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sunshinelivesforever · 10 months
My Opinion on Calypso and Caleo in HOO
Alright, it's time to talk about this because I love the smell of fresh controversy in the morning. So today, I'm going to be expressing my opinion on the character Calypso and the ship Caleo in The Heroes of Olympus. Keep in mind that this is simply my opinion. Feel free to disagree.
I'll be honest and straightforward. I don't really like Calypso and I don't ship Caleo.
Sure, I get that it must've been hard for Calypso. She was cursed to fall in love with heroes who eventually had to leave. She was abandoned on an island with no one else for company just for supporting her father in a war, resulting in her missing eons of change in the world. She must've been really lonely and upset and sick of having her heart broken. But that's no excuse for her to be so mean, especially because she wasn't like that when we saw her initially. In TBOTL, she was so sweet. How can someone so soft-spoken and polite become so nasty? I was hoping that after she stops being mad we could get to see the Calypso we saw in the original PJO series. But apparently, that Calypso is gone. It seems like her entire personality was changed just to make her a "tough girl" (which isn't exactly the character's fault). It's just that so many writers assume that to make a female character strong she can't have any soft traits. But in TBOTL, Calypso was strong and caring and kind at the same time. So if you ask me if I like Calypso in BOTL, yes, absolutely. But if you ask me if I like Calypso in HOH and TOA? No, I don't.
I also don't like her relationship with Leo. Okay, maybe I'm a bit biased about this since I'm in love with Leo myself, but the whole thing just happened so quickly. We needed an entire book for Frazel, an entire book for Jiper, a whole dam series for Percabeth and you're telling me these two fell in love in the span of four chapters? Like, is falling in love really that easy? I don't think so. What Leo and Calypso have just doesn't seem deep enough for me. And their relationship is kind of toxic as well. Like in TOA, Calypso never tried to understand Leo or actually acknowledge his help. She acts as if Leo is worth nothing. I deeply dislike the way she treats Leo. And for Leo, I feel like he doesn't genuinely love Calypso. I feel like he wanted to go rescue her because he felt like he finally had someone who chose him, someone who needed him. Because for once, he wasn't the seventh wheel. The odd one out. The second option. Also, I kind of get the feeling that Calypso was there just so that Leo could get a love interest and not be a seventh wheel. But Leo deserved more than that. He deserved a different kind of love. He deserved coming home to find that he belongs, to find that there are people who care about him, that his friends need him. He deserved acceptance from his surroundings to actually not feel like a seventh wheel. He needed to find that coming back to life was worth it because he has friends, he has a family. I feel like just a romantic relationship can't give him that, especially one with Calypso, who knows nothing of his trauma and experiences.
So there you have it, that's why I don't like Calypso and don't ship Caleo. Please don't hate on me for this because it's just my opinion. Keep in mind that you can have a different opinion and disagree with mine, and that's okay.
Yours in demigodishness and all that, peace out. :)
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wishing-stones · 1 year
Hii,,, hope I'm not bothering you too much. I've been a really big fan of your writing for a couple of months now. You don't have to respond to my ask if it makes you uncomfortable, I understand.
I'm someone who easily falls into paranoia spirals, and constantly second guesses whether my behaviour is socially appropriate since I have such a hard time reading a room. I have a habit of unknowingly stepping over the line when I get excited and thus making people uncomfortable, and only being aware of it if I'm directly confronted about it? Though because I absolutely hate conflict I often distance/isolate myself from the people I'm close to and find myself forming deeper emotional attachments to stuffed animals than people.
Would the guys find this to be a problem? Would they particularly care about someone being more open to an inanimate object than them, or if they need to regularly switch between reminding the person of boundaries and assurance that they aren't a selfish or awful person?
(Again, feel free to ignore this if you don't want to respond, I won't get upset if this ask gets deleted for being too much)
- 🖍 crayanon
Okay first of all Crayanon is adorable
Secondly, sending me asks is in no way bothering me! If I don't have the time or energy to respond to them, I often sit on them until I do (or until I come up with a sufficient answer for some of them). The only ones I wind up deleting are the ones I legitimately don't have an answer to LOL.
Thirdly, I'm seeing some self-deprecation here, and I'd like to remind you that you aren't a selfish or awful person for your neurodivergence. I prefer the company of animals, stuffed or not, to people most of the time as well. It's no shortcoming of yours that you have issues reading social queues-- especially when excited. You're far from alone in that aspect, and honestly? You can't blame yourself for crossing a boundary that you didn't know existed. All you can do is keep that boundary in mind going forward. You're not psychic, so you can't have known, and anyone who gets mad at you for crossing a line you weren't aware of... might be someone you may wish to rethink being around. This is a very annoying thing that happens with Neutotypical people, I feel. They expect you to know the exact social standards of every single setting everywhere you go when they... don't communicate that whatsoever. It isn't your fault, and this is all a very long winded way for me to say: Don't beat yourself up over stupid unspoken societal standards. It doesn't make you a bad person, and neither does wanting to avoid these situations. You aren't selfish, and you aren't awful.
With that out of the way...
Generally speaking, the guys are really good with mental health and neurodivergence in general. It's kind of a monster society thing-- since monsters are all so vastly different from one another, they don't tend to balk at anything that has to do with appearance or mentality. It's just the way you are, and if it happens to cause problems for you or them, they're still very supportive. They might nudge you towards professional help if it becomes a serious problem, but on the whole, these guys are very hard to offend by behavior.
Killer also has issues with boundaries sometimes, and needs to be corrected. With the guys, this usually comes in the form of playful violence, but you can shove him off or tell him to back up or steep off just as easily. His are hard to cross, but if you manage it, he's pretty gracious with letting you know, and if he sees you edging up on that line again, he'll playfully remind you of it. He won't get mad. The most you'll get for your troubles is a noogie.
Dust may snap if his boundaries are crossed in any serious way, but he's kind of a withdrawn person. He doesn't mean to be mean, but he'll be firm. He might get a little short and brisk to get you to back off... but he'll explain why once he's wound down from it. He might get a little rattled, but he won't hold it against you. Learning to be around new people can sometimes have a steep learning curve that can go on for years after you've met and grown close to them.
Axe only snaps if you get near his skull injury. Otherwise, he's pretty chill. If it's a social boundary, he isn't bothered too much, and will remind you that it's there calmly. He'll also warn you off of it if he feels you're creeping toward his or anyone else's boundaries, and praise you with reassurances if you remember these on your own. It'd do you well to remember that one of his biggest boundaries is to not startle him awake, since... that's less one for him and more one for you, so you don't get hurt on accident.
Cross will gently bodily move you if it's a physical boundary and just... say your name correctively if it's a social one. He'll explain his boundaries, but prefers reminding you rather than telling you. He thinks that you'll remember these on your own soon enough if he just... nudges you away from them. He's pretty understanding, even if he looks stern. Baggs takes note of these behaviors and works with you on them. Little memory exercises to remind you of where general boundaries might be, offers different methods of mindfulness, and takes everything in stride. Even if you cross his, he's patient and explains gently. He also likes the subtle sort of nudging you in the right direction-- making your own associations and your own corrections are far preferable than straight directions. It allows you to build your own habits and reminders that are custom-tailored to you.
Nightmare has arguably the hardest time with this because he is not pleasant when a boundary of his has been crossed. He'll get a little sour, but still remind you carefully of what that was and why he didn't like that. It's really not you, it's him. He gets cranky and bitter when bothered, but... he also has to remind himself that no one here is psychic and can't possibly know what he's thinking. He likes to lead you into conclusions yourself ("Do you remember what happened last time?") rather than actively correcting it, and does so as gently as he can. This bothers you deeply, and he can tell. He doesn't want you agonizing over a simple mishap that, in the grand scheme of things, matters very little.
As for being closer to stuffies than to them...
...They might get a little jealous, but the most that nets you is them sitting with the plush so that you have no excuse but to spend time with them. Oh no. Fortunately, they can be pretty still and quiet if you don't feel like people at the moment. Just hanging around quietly is enough.
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aislingarrow · 3 months
@tilosecretbirb continued
Aisling didn't even hesitate, the last thing she wanted was for her brother to have a shattered hand. There wasn't anything to throw, "sorry brother" Aisling muttered, taking out one of the pins in her hair throwing it at her brother so it hit his arm. That made him stop immediately, walking out of the company into the fresh air. No hands were getting shattered today.
"he has a right to be mad at Kili" Aisling commented, picking up her ale. Deciding in that moment not to make eye contact with Fili, "He did find us together" She took a sip of her drink, how would she put this delicately? "In a ... Compromising state" Aisling cleared her throat, feeling the slight smirk pull at the corner of her lips. "He is just protecting me. Although I think your uncle has a similar view like my brother" She mused.
"It isn't just Kili's fault, I had a hand in it too.. but I can't help how I feel. I love him.." She admitted, Aisling didn't regret anything, even when Robin found out what they had done.
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freakattack · 5 months
I found this video essay about Wario and I want to know what you think of it. youtu(.)be/jSzc28SIvKQ
First of all, i am obsessed with how this ask is formatted like a phishing scam directly tailored to me. This is not a dig at you at all, but this message did make me realize that if someone actually sent me a malware link with the word "wario" on it, i would fall for it without question. Much to think about. Anyways
I did see this video in my recommended for a while but i never clicked on it because i was afraid i would get mad at it. Something about me that may surprise you is that i get really mad about stupid shit. I have to know my limits. But after doing some breathing exercises and drinking some water, i steeled my nerves enough to watch this video, just for you. And it's pretty good! It's by the tamatoa guy, and I don't remember any of the tamatoa guy's other videos but at least one must have left a positive enough impression on me that I trust the tamatoa guy to talk about wario at me. He didn't even fall into the trap of "wario land wario is completely separate from warioware wario", which would have made me eat my leg probably! But I appreciate that he thoroughly researched for this video despite having stumbled into the World Of Wario by pure chance; he even got sound bomber in there. He leaves the question of wario's relationship with waluigi open, which I can only assume is because he's hinting at a future waluigi video because there's no way he didn't figure it out after all that sleuthing. He did introduce to me a disquieting question that I had not stopped to consider until he said it out loud: What would I do if a stranger stopped me on the street to ask me "Who is Wario"? Would I give them a clinical rundown of his wikipedia article? Would I wax poetic about how he has inspired me to become a better person? Would I die? Hard to say. It makes me sad that 9 out of 10 people on the street presumably do not know him like we do, but I realize now that that is why this video is so important. This is a public wario announcement. But to address the central thesis of the video: yeah. I disagree with the idea that mario kart wario is particularly lacking in characterization compared to other incarnations - I play as him specifically to hear his Warioisms when I lose - but I agree with the general sentiment being presented here, which is that WarioWare the company is what allowed wario to finally shed the rivalry that was holding him back prior to his foray into game design. Don't get me wrong, wario will never fully be okay with mario, but now it's moreso a simple desire to dunk on him than festering hatred and envy. Wario used to be "the evil mario", but nowadays mario isn't even in his top 3 rivals. (The top 3, if you're wondering, are syrup, pyoro, and - at number one - toad. Can't say I blame him.) The fact that this microgame exists at all is a testament to how far he's come:
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It's funny too, because I was just thinking the other day about how wario's friends basically domesticated the guy. A couple decades ago he spent his days terrorizing woodland creatures and putting curses on forests, and now all he does in the woods is hang out and grill hotdogs for a flock of animals and children. Finally, a wario for the whole family!
Other thoughts i had:
-Appreciate the wario world acknowledgement. In my heart of hearts i want to believe that there is a wario-esque doppelganger of my own out there that is just as passionate about Wario World as i am about warioware. Where are the dinomighty comics? I know they're out there
-I did actually get mad exactly once during the video, and it was at the very very end when he used the "what if wario had a website" question just to plug squarespace because wario's websites are some of my favorite websites on this god damn planet. I don't hold this against him because it's not his fault but it kind of felt like he kicked my dog. But that's the only time! I still deserve a sticker for that.
-On a meta level, I think wario's character development is a beautiful testament to how the cartoon characters that we shape with our hearts and minds can become so real that they begin to shape themselves. I know i'm the wario guy but believe it or not i have made my own flock of cartoon characters, and it is a beautiful feeling when they start naturally coming into their own like that. I always took this quote at face value but the interview where they say that "wario is really stupid and is always doing idiotic things" totally represents that turning point moment for him. Not that his character fits the role, or that it would be funny to have him do stupid things, but that he's already doing them! In real life! You hear that, Wario? You're a real boy!
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shi-daisy · 5 months
Misery Business
Day 7 for best boy, this week flew by but let's keep giving Tam love! For the final day I chose to make a songfic and drag everyone back t9 their emo era (not mine, I'm still on it!) And also Elain dunking cuz rereading has made me super salty, apologies to the cross shippers. So enjoy modern-college- band AU with Tamcien and Paramore. Hope you like!
Tamlin Week 2024- Day 7: Free Day (Songfic)
Misery Business
I'm in the business of misery
Let's take it from the top
She's got a body like an hourglass, it's ticking like a clock
It's a matter of time before we all run out
When I thought he was mine she caught him by the mouth
They were all standing in the middle of the campus with their mouths agape. Daphne had dropped her books, Azalea's tan skin was pale and Tamlin knew he hadn't fainted because Tamarand held him in place despite his shock.
Lucien and Elain were kissing. Not a French kiss but not a chaste one either. Both he and the triplets were nauseous and rushed off before they could be seen.
"I'm calling Dore to pick Tam up!"
"I have agricultural science after this, Lea! I can't skip-" He tried to protest but his younger sister stopped him.
"Tell me you can sit beside Elain without throwing up and I'll let you stay!" His sister said.
Tamlin wouldn't argue with that. Tamarand and Azalea stayed in college while Daphne who was done with class left with him and Dorevan.
The eldest sibling made a detour for chicken wings and ice cream. "Mom and Dad are coming back today business trip in the meantime Mama Ophelia and Mama Asteria will keep us company." He said.
"Mama will help with the broken heart. She's good with words."
Tamlin knew that to be true. Their head housekeeper and her wife had become family to the Evergreens before he was even born, so when they chose to start a family his father had been more than willing to help them, getting him and his brothers triplet half siblings he loved more than anything and two more parents he desperatly wanted to see.
Asteria had the living room ready with cushions and greeted him with a hug. "It's okay, sweetie. It'll be okay."
"Its my fault Mama. I never told him! I can't be mad about this!"
"Darling if there's anything I know well is that things have a way of working themselves out. If this isn't meant for Lucien then in time you'll get the redhead back, and will be able to confess."
He decided to trust Asteria's council.
I waited eight long months
She finally set him free
I told him I couldn't lie he was the only one for me
Two weeks we caught on fire
She's got it out for me
But I wear the biggest smile
In the coming months he was supotive of his best friend turned crush, while he cried on his siblings shoulders. Tamarand and Dorevan left for military service and Azalea soon started residency in another town, which left Daphne and Andras to cheer him up along with the rest of the band.
During practice Ophelia had nearly drowned them in snacks. Nemesis took his place at the drums while Daphne picked up the bass and Andras the keyboard. Only Feyre and Lucien were left.
He was surprised to see his mother also coming down to the basement with them. Bringing tissues and blankets left on their grey sofa.
Feyre was letting Lucien cry on her shoulder and it looked like she'd been in a fight.
"What the fuck happened?" Andras asked.
"Lulu got dumped and I threw hands with my sister." Feyre said with a grin as if her eye wasn't bruised and he didn't catch a long hair stuck in between her nails.
Band practice was canceled and they all focused on comforting Lucien. Rosabella and Ophelia made sure they were cozy and even barred Oisin himself for making a single comment. Tamlin tried not laugh at his father's defeated look and acceptance of the 'pity party' now taking place in the basement.
"Ugh, well that was a waste of eight months and for The Syphons guitarist?! That band has as much charisma as wet paper towel!" Andras ranted as he took a spoonful of cookie dough ice cream and then passed the pint to Feyre.
"Ugh I know! I can't believe their front man is a creep! Man should be in jail, I knew that martini was spiked just from smelling it!" She said. "Like dude, I am not into men and if I was it wouldn't be your manipulative, self centered, entitled ass!"
"Is that why Ness dumped their bass player?" Daphne asked as she took the ice cream.
"Nah, she said the man always prioritized Rhysand over her. Maybe they should get together and leave everyone else alone!"
The group laughed but Tamlin was only half listening to the conversation, his focus was on Lucien. Nemesis had all but fed him his ice cream and soda and tucked him in letting him lean on Tamlin's shoulder.
He was relieved but also so very sad, because despite his dislike for Elain or his wish to have Lucien by his side, Tamlin wanted to see Lucien happy. His tears all felt like a burn.
Two hours later, the others were leaving. Asteria offered to let Lucien spend the night and winked at him as she left.
They stayed still on the basement sofa for a bit. Eventually Lucien spoke.
"How come I can stay with you but Andras can't stay over with Daphne?"
"Because neither of us can get pregnant."
For the first time that night he heard Lucien laugh, and that was all the push needed to not let him be stolen away again.
"Luce. I know it might not be the best time now but I have something important to tell you."
"Oh sure. I always love hearing from you! What is it?"
Tamlin took a breath. "I love you. I been in love with you since we were young. I didn't tell you because I didn't want to ruin our friendship but...I don't want to ever see you slip away again, without saying anything.
You're the only one for me and I love you, but I'll respect any decision you make."
Lucien was surprised for a moment but then he smiled and planted a soft kiss upon his lips. "I never thought I'd hear this from you but it makes me very happy.
The truth is I've realized my feelings for you also go beyond frienship. Elain's been dead set on having me focus on college and the future and despite it being slightly overbearing I obliged. But when she suggested I drop off the band and cut you off as a friend I vehemently refused and nearly broke things off myself. She did it for me and well...even if it was time wasted it still hurt, but not as much as it would hurt if I lost you.
It'll be a while until I'm over it, but it'd like to be with you if you'll have me."
The next two weeks were full of dates, band practice, and of course lustful fire. His sweet Lucien was all but glued to him except for classes and while they prepared for auditons he also made time for cuddles and less innocent moments between them. Tamlin couldn't be happier, his grades were even improving.
'Ciaran's gonna think I stole his weed stash while he's wedding planning.' He thought as he put everything away in his lab locker. He hadn't noticed Elain standing beside him, glaring ar him.
Tamlin didn't mind, rather her smiled at her sweetly. "Hello Elain."
Whoa, I never meant to brag
But I got him where I want him now
Whoa, it was never my intention to brag
To steal it all away from you now
But, God, does it feel so good
'Cause I got him where I want him now
And if you could then you know you would
'Cause, God, it just feels so
It just feels so good
"We need to talk about Lucien."
"What about him?"
"You're derailing him!"
"Lucien is studying to run his father's business, your constant band practice is derailing him from that!"
He laughed. Tamlin knew Lucien's history and intentions better than the woman before him. He'd heard it from his beloved himself. 'Mother and Beron were force to wed and after they had Nemesis and Eris to get their families off their backs they amicably divorced and wedded who they actually loved, I'm the result of Mama's second marriage.'
Lucien wasn't in need to inherit anything, he was the youngest of the Spellcleaver children and unlike Beron's one track mind and high expectations Helion was a relaxed father and worker. The redhead could do as he pleased and only studied for the sake of a degree. His true goals were the band, just like him, just like the others. Funny how Elain didn't know that.
"You really just wasted his time, huh."
"If you knew Lucien like I do, you'd know he's a musician first and businessman second. I have no doubts he could excel there if he wanted to, but Luce told me himself his goal was to play, not to do paperwork.
The only reason you're telling me this is because auditions are next month and you want us to fail against your boyfriend's precious band. Don't you?"
"That is not true! I'm saying this because I care about Lucien and you're dragging him down!"
"Please, you didn't even bother to know him. You just wanted to change him into what your perfect man. But Lucien isn't stupid, and he's certainly not one to chase unhappiness.
You're just livid he's moved on quickly and didn't entertain your bullshit. It's not often a man tells you no, is it flower girl?"
"How dare you?!"
"I'm his partner sweetie, I dare defend him because that's my duty. A duty you never upheld when having said title. Let me tell you, you missed out. There's no better man than him and there's no better revenge that having him live well without you.
So keep on yelling at the void. None of us will listen, much less Luce. We're too busy being happy and getting ready to get signed."
With that he left the lab, putting away his lab coat and letting the hickeys Lucien made be seen without the protective clothes. He knew she glared at him even when his back was turned and he left.
Tamlin Evergreen wasn't one to gloat but he enjoyed this more than he should.
I watched his wildest dreams come true
Not one of them involving you
Just watch my wildest dreams come true
Not one of them involving-
It was a perfect night. No other performance of theirs had been this good, and despite big brown eyes being present in the audience Lucien's gaze only went to his family, their managers Vassa and Jurien, and the talent agent who'd sign them if they won this. However when it came to love songs, Lucien only looked at him. Tamlin reciprocated.
By the end of the night they all wrote their names on a recording contract. Both Lucien and Vassa bounced so much he thought they'd break the floor. Jurian spun Feyre around in a hug and Nemesis was squishing him, Andras, and Daphne into a group cuddle. Once the papers were signed and everything was settled he ran into his beloved's arms. "We did it! I'm so happy!"
"Me too sunshine, me too." Tamlin said.
Whoa, I never meant to brag
But I got him where I want him now
Whoa, it was never my intention to brag
To steal it all away from you now
But, God, does it feel so good
'Cause I got him where I want him now
And if you could then you know you would
'Cause, God, it just feels so
It just feels so good
"Why are the Syphon's still on the waiting area? They got a contract too?" Lucien asked as he and Tamlin walked out of the office and into the hall.
Their rival band was still waiting, an exasperated Cassian slumped onto a sofa while Amren made calls and Azriel and Elain looked tired as hell.
"Nope. Rhysand contested their lost and got into a fistfight with the agent. The others are probably waiting to get a bail for batsy frontman."
Nemesis chuckled. "I know they say to act like rockstars but this is a bit too much. I'll go get the van, wait here. Feyre text Lena before she goes overboard with the celebration party."
"Gotcha! I'll make sure she doesn't go overboard."
"Let her. Tonight's for celebration!" Daphne said while she jumped.
"Hey! Not too much celebration! You're not gonna drink for the next nine months!" Andras tried to reel in his girlfriend.
"No but I'm eating for two!"
Tamlin laughed at the chaos of his friends and band mates, he finally got his dream come true, and beside him was the man he wanted to share it with.
"After we're done with the party, want to up to the roof and stargaze? Lunara's been teaching me how to read zodiac. I feel I predicted our win quite well."
Lucien smiled. "That you did. I'll be happy to oblige you. There's something I must know if you cam predict."
Tamlin tilted his head but nodded, unaware that there was wedding ring in Lucien's pocket intended to be given tonight.
He glancef at their rivals one last time before the honk of the van hurried them to leave. He'd gotten everything he wanted from all rivals, including the romantic. It was so good to finally have the upper hand.
Lucien all but princess carried him as they had one last kiss before heading home.
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emabatis · 7 months
About a Zombie Working at an Amusement Park
This one's 923 words of drudgery. For the full working-at-a-theme-park experience, reread 60 times with loud annoying ambient noise in the background.
I've never been on this ride. The one I'm operating, that is. I guess I died before it opened. It's one of those spinny ones where guests go around in high, exciting circles in a metal container, instead of going around in boring circles with their feet. The line around the fence is one of those boring circles, which, since I'm kind of the one keeping them there, makes a lot of guests mad at me. I'm not sure how I would feel on either of these rides. Or, "feel," I guess. Guests go on these things to feel something in the speed, the height, the weather and good vertigo that can only happen because of this machine. I don't feel those things anymore, so what would the point be. I can hold this stick with the pointing hand on top, which probably isn't a real hand, and I know that it's slimy from sweat and years of grime on the peel-y paint, because I would see what it's made of if I could see, and I could hear how heavy it is if I could hear, but I can't. But I don't know what it's like to be tall and fast and spinning in the exact pattern I initiate every four to five minutes. It's weird, maybe. It doesn't feel weird, of course, but it is, and maybe if I had time off I could think it's weird, too, but as it is, it just is. I can only think spinny things.
I know, sometimes, but not how, that people who work with computers or in offices with copiers and printers, that those little machines get cute names and pseudo-personalities. Mine doesn't, even with the faces painted on the cars. It works too reliably to have much of a personality. It isn't anybody's, especially not mine. Same thing with the Uniform, The only thing keeping me different from the other yellow-shirts is the company hat that keeps my bald spot appropriate for guests.
There's a huge difference between the ground-rides that I usually operate and the roller coasters. The ground rides, there's only one of us, maybe two if it's big and un-understaffed, which isn't often. Roller coasters need a team. But when I work roller coasters, I'm always working. There's an endless stream of trains coming in and going out every time, and I like it when it rains because I'm allowed to stand still for more than a "second," I don't even talk to anyone or do an activity, there'd be no point, it's not allowed, I just stand. It's the closest thing to euphoria I have. I get to stand when I work ground rides, but I need to stand around guests, and no one else is there to chase them away. I don't know any of the other ride operators, even though we're all the same. I don't know myself, either, though, so it's more like "because."
Guests aren't allowed to bring certain things onto rides, that's on the signs, I know, but I can't read them, and neither can the guests but they don't know. In front of a few roller coasters, there's a glass case effigy, like the skeleton in a hanging cage holding a sign that says "pyrates beware," but instead of a skeleton it's scraps of glass and metal that used to be phones. Now they're one big broken phone that's only good at being a broken phone. They bring them on anyway and it's always my fault. Is it possible to be hungry without a working stomach?
The onboarding procedure is the worst part. Parents need to be told they're too tall to ride, even though there's words about that on the sign, too. Kids need to not unbuckle the restraints, I need to make sure. Guests expect to talk to me. They don't like that they talk at me. I lock-gats-turn-the-key-pull-out-the-E-stop-press-down-on-foot-pedal-press-start and guests still want to talk to me. It's part of my job to make sure none of the small guests turn into small hurt people. I'm only allowed to eat people, which is a shame, I never see them. Is that the amusement? That they get to be nothing but spinny wind and noise for a day? Why do they want to bring their backpacks and purses and phones onto rides?
At noon there's a chime that lasts too short, and I don't know where it comes from. I can't see anything, but I can see clocks even less. Sometimes I catch a glimpse of the numbers on a guest's phone, I actually look out for them, keeping a lot of my lack of awareness on the number of guests and the rest on their hands. I don't know why, it never means anything. It's never nine o'clock. I don't know how I get here. I don't know how I get home. I don't even know how I get to other rides. It's not surprising, though, I guess. I also don't know how to do something as simple as smell.
My job isn't to help guests have fun, that's up to the ride manufacturer and the guests themselves. My job isn't to sell tickets, people need to buy them in order to become guests and enter in the first place. I guess I have a million little jobs, but I can't put "doesn't rot too much" on a resume, if I ever get to make one. My job is to make this line shorter. And it spins and spins and spins.
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justaduckarts · 2 years
21."you really think i won't choose you in a heartbeat?"
Seems fun-
I don't know which AU you might want this for so I have decided to do DNC because it DOES NOT get the love it deserves.
This is NOT CANON. It's more of a what if.
Well. This was inevitable, you supposed. Alicia had mentioned Dave having a crush on you. Once. Like, two weeks and several horrible incidents ago.
But now? NOW was the time he chose to say something? Here? In the daycare? With Sun right beside you? Dude.
"Ahem," you shifted, rubbing the back of your neck, "uh. Wow." You laughed awkwardly. "...Sunshine. Could you give me and Dave some space?" You turned to your darling solar animatronic. The two of you had been kind of... dancing around saying how you felt. But I mean. The lingering touches. The long looks. The way he held your hand... If he didn't like you, you'd be shocked.
And probably crushed.
"O-Oh! Of course, starlight! Yes, of course! This does seem like a... private conversation... I won't be far! Just call if you need me!" Sun gave a little spin and skipped off.
"Right," you turned back to Dave, "...hi."
"Hey," he chuckled, "is that... a no, then?" He rubbed the back of his neck, looking bashful. Oh, Dave. The sweet cinnamon roll of a man.
"I'm really sorry," you said quietly, "I mean, you're really nice, but-
"You're into Sun?" He tucked his hands into his pockets. You shifted.
"I might be," you crossed your arms.
"Hey, I'm not judging you," he shrugged, "believe me, I'm his handler. I know he's... pretty charming. But I mean... he's still a machine." He looked at you pointedly. "You can't really have a relationship with company property." He shrugged.
Something about the way he said that... bothered you.
"We'll make it work," you frowned, "isn't your shift over?"
"Ah, struck a nerve, did I?" Dave shrugged once more, "well! If you change your mind, you've got my email."
"I won't," you said firmly.
"You might!" Dave tossed a wave over his shoulder. You frowned after him until he was gone.
"Jeez," you sighed, running a hand down your face. Turning, you searched for Sun. But he didn't appear to be down in the playroom anymore. Your eyes trailed up to the balcony. Maybe?
The door beside the security desk was, mercifully, unlocked. You started up the long staircase to the boys' room.
Halfway up, you could hear them talking. Well. You could hear Sun's side of the conversation anyway.
"Moon, you have to calm down, we're going to-
"I know! And- And I'm sure our star will tell him no! Mr. Dave's not their type-
"Well, no, I don't actually know, but I think-
"Moon, please, we're-
Static. You took the last half of the stairs two at a time. Through the storage room, past that creepy old arcade cabinet. You threw open the door to their room.
What stood at the center of the room, violently gripping at its rays, was not exactly Sun. It wasn't quite Moon, either. It twitched and writhed. The colors of it continued to shift and swap. Like one of those old color changing lamps, blinking in and out in some unknown rhythm. Only it was happening in several patches across the poor animatronic as they struggled for control.
"Oh no," you said quietly, "you guys eclipsed again." You crossed the room.
"His fault," Sun's voice came out in a static-filled hiss.
"You were mad, too," Moon shot back with a vicious snarl, "Dave-
"Went home," you said quietly, "I told him to leave." The two slowed their struggle, looking at you. One brilliant blue eye. One burning red.
"So you didn't..." Sun looked at you. Moon growled at the meer implication.
"No, I am not going on a date with Dave," you scoffed, "I barely know him!"
"Really?" A blue hand reached for you. You took it delicately.
"Really," you nodded, "why would you think I would want to go out with Dave?"
"Well, he's human, for starters," Sun spoke in a clipped tone.
"Can leave the park," Moon added.
"His humor could use some work," Sun chimed.
"Not pretty enough for our star," Moon nodded.
"Guys! Focus," you shook your head, "I don't care about Dave."
"But what if..." Sun's hand searched for something to fidget with. You reached out and took it, grounding him there with you. You nodded for him to continue.
"What if..." He frowned, "another human liked you? Someone you liked, too?"
"You think I wouldn't choose you in a heartbeat?" You smiled up at the twitching animatronic. The color shift had finally stopped, leaving them stuck somewhere between Sun and Moon. Eclipsed.
"Star," Moon said quietly. The blue half of their face twisted with a look between longing and relief.
"You mean that?" Sun's hand squeezed yours.
"Of course I do!" You nodded eagerly. "I..." You took a breath. "I love you guys."
Sun and Moon had never before been able to operate so smoothly together while eclipsed. It was as if they were truly one. Single minded in their goal. Which, at that moment, was to drop to their knees, cup your pretty face, and kiss you with all of their heart.
You were a little shaken by the sudden action, but given how screwy their impulse control had been lately, you let it go. You threw your arms around their shoulders and laughed as they wrapped tight around you.
"Our star," they spoke, and their voice was both Sun's and Moon's, layered together in a strange harmony. Discordant. But not grating.
"Moonbeam. Sunshine," you squeezed them tight, "we need to talk about how you handle your pent up feelings." They stiffened in your arms.
"Of course," Sun said cheerfully, "Moon needs to learn to manage his temper!"
"And so do you," Moon grumbled.
"Guys," you pulled back, "c'mon. No more arguing. You'll get stuck like this." You vaguely gestured to their eclipsed form.
"Wouldn't be so bad," Moon shrugged, "if we get to keep kissing you." He grinned, sharp teeth glinting in the light.
"He's right," Sun nodded eagerly. Your face burned.
"Hold on, you guys can't gang up on me," you laughed.
"We're not," Sun said, wrapping an arm around you to prevent you from escaping.
"We're just sharing," Moon chuckled, his arm circling you as well.
Oh. You were going to melt.
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jaymber · 11 months
Second Conflict
Timeline 20151 - Protagonist : V Temarii
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V managed to pull Nancy out of the Maelstrom nest without much issue. If Johnny was delighted to see her again, V kept quiet. He felt still resentful at the way he had been treated before going to Kerry's mansion. A weird bitter knot was building in his stomach. He had been Johnny's only friend and confident for weeks now, suffering or enjoying the engram's company. Suddenly, old friends were showing up left and right, putting Johnny in a better mood than V ever could. It pissed him off, even more so when Johnny seemed completely clueless to the way he felt.
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"Shame Henry blew it," the dead rockerboy kept rambling, "But man, this is preem. Samurai: back for one night, and one night only! Can't remember the last time I felt that excited. Eh, think I do, actually. 2007. One hell of a gig, and an even better afterparty, if you know what I mean." "Johnny, c'mon." "Man, you really are getting jealous," he teased, reappearing before his host, "You're lucky I find it cute. You're like a desperate little groupie. I missed this. Hey, V, wanna feel the real Samurai experience? I have the perfect idea on how to unwind until Nance-"
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"I'm good, Johnny," V grumbled as he pushed him away, "Lil' groupie's done for the day."
V laid down in bed in silence after lighting a cigarette. It softened his mood a little, but Johnny didn't take kindly to being ignored.
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"Fuck, what got your panties in a twist this time?" he mocked, "Gave me the green light on this idea, want to back off now? Or is this about Kerry? Mad I'm having fun with someone that isn't you, or disappointed I won't give him the Rogue treatment? Huh? Ignoring me, now? Fuck, V, we really back to that?" He simply wouldn't shut up, and V snapped.
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"You're a fucking asshole, know that?" he yelled, "Still only fucking care about yourself. Rogue lead you on, and that sucks, but why you gotta make it my fault?" "V, what-" "You acted like I wasn't ever there! I tried talking to you, but you just ignored me! Closest friend? My ass! Only had Kerry on your mind!" "That has nothing to do with Rogue. Sreamsheets said-"
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"What fucking screamsheets?" "Right, you weren't there." "Mean when you betrayed my trust?! So why did you wait to get into Rogue's panties first, if checking on your best friend was so important?! That's just another fucking excuse! You just wanted a distraction, and apparently, I wasn't enough." His voice suddenly broke as he swallowed back treacherous tears. He tried to hide his next words, but their minds was one, and they echoed in the tensed silence of the room. I'm nothing compared to them, am I? You're gonna leave me behind now that they're back in your life. "We both know that's not something I can do, V," Johnny said, and, feeling the wave of worry from his host, added, "And I wouldn't. Even if I could."
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"Bullshit." "V, it's just old habits. Went to Rogue when I fucked up with Alt, went to Kerry when I fucked up with Rogue. Not used to putting you into that equation just yet. Was in my own head - forgot you were here." "But, I called you. Reach out for you." "Gonna have to listen harder, I guess. And you need to speak louder," he added, "Still need some getting used to - our situation. Usually, I’d just fuck off. Find a quiet place. Cenzon in one hand, Black Lace in the other. Get skizzed out of my mind, and find some easy groupie to bring home.” “Lucky for you: easy groupie's right here.” “You? With your constant whining and ball-busting? You make me work hard to get to you, V.” “And I should apologize for that?” he retorted, still feeling hurt.
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“Nah. Thing is: I can’t do that anymore. Can’t wallow on my own. That, I’m still getting used to.” “Do you miss it? That method of yours?” “Why? Up to give me the reins once more?” he hoped. “Nah, but you got the company already. I can provide the buzz. Interested?” he proposed, clinging to the idea he could cheer Johnny up despite his doubts. He needed to feel useful. “See, V?" Johnny said, too distracted by his promise to worry about the knot in their stomach, "Thinking like a real rockerboy.”
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zooophagous · 2 years
 Strauss paced the halls with a chipper clip of a cane on the hard linoleum. He didn't really want to use a cane, but the doctor wanted him on a crutch or in a chair, and this was a compromise. When Artemis mentioned the cane looked distinguished, he eventually submitted to it. Utility aside, it was fun to use, the rythmic clicking did have a satisfying sensory feedback to it. And really, he needed exercise.
It wasn't the exercise he wanted. It wasn't a self defense class. It wouldn't help him learn to properly fight back. It did free up a bit of time for his mind to wander and plot his next move. Any activity was better than bed rest.
He passed the commisary and paused and backed up and peered inside. Troy was there, eating alone. Strauss changed trajectories and approached him. He looked glum.
"Herr Cunningham. Guten abend. I've missed you."
"Hey Strauss." Troy replied listlessly. "Sorry I've sort of been avoiding you."
"Yes, the infirmary is incredibly boring without good company. May I sit?"
Strauss sat down next to him. "I was worried I had done something to insult you. Some very terse words were exchanged on our last outing, and perhaps I owe you an apology."
"It's not that." Troy sighed. "I don't know a good way to explain it. There's just a lot on my mind."
"Do you want to talk about it? Perhaps over some light exercise? Sparring?"
"Sparring?" Troy snorted and looked up incredulous. "Sparring between a lycan and a vampire isn't what most folks would consider 'light,' ya know."
"Maybe so. But I am eager to begin self defense training, and I believe you may benefit from it as well. Besides, it is more fun with a friend than with a dummy."
"Aren't you still recovering from surgery? You sure I won't break you?"
"I would like to see you try, Cunningham." Strauss smirked.
Troy furrowed his brow at the challenge. "Oh, ok, ok, it's like that. Sure, let's dance then."
Strauss clicked down the hall with Troy in tow. He hadn't had a chance to demonstrate the effects of his new diet to Troy, just yet. He hid a mischeivous glee under a stoic facade. He'd catch him by surprise. Exercise might not banish depression, but it would help.
Strauss found his way to the supply locker and picked out a set of large, padded gloves. They were meant for humans to practice kickboxing, an art he'd become recently interested in- but no doubt this equipment wouldn't withstand the full wrath of a lycan.
Luckily Troy didn't seem to have the energy to unleash his full wrath at the moment, so it would do.
"You may go first. Take your frustrations out on me. Hit as hard as you please, I can take it." He slid his hands into the targets and held them up, ready to catch a punch.
"I don't know that that's a great idea, bud."
"Please. As a doctor, I am perscribing you exercise, and I believe it would be good for you. You have much on your mind, I can tell. Beat it into submission."
Troy reluctantly balled up his fists and threw a limp punch into the target.
"That is not the strength of a lycan. Again."
"Oh fine." He threw a marginally harder punch. Still holding back, but he at least now had some 'pep in his step' about it. Strauss allowed him to warm up.
"I get the feeling the incident of our last outing weighs heavily on you." Strauss talked between blows. "You haven't been yourself. You also haven't been much company. Are you angry with me?"
"No, it's not like that. I'm not angry at you." He threw another firm punch. His fist connected with the boxing target with a loud, satisfying clap. "I'm angry at the situation."
"But I am part of that situation." Strauss braced himself a little harder. Troy was coming out of his shell, and he was slowly becoming more of a match. "I am a sensitive creature, Troy. I know when someone is avoiding me. Please tell me if it is something I can fix."
"You can't fix anything. None of this is your fault." He punctuated 'fault' with another heavy blow."I guess I'm just mad that I put so much effort into myself, you know? So much effort into treatment and being normal and getting myself under control, and right when I was starting to get out of here I have to go right back in for shit that isn't my fault."
Boom, boom. A double punch into Strauss' waiting hands.
"I see. And even if I didn't mean to be, I am the catalyst for that problem."
"It's not fair to blame you for it though."
"But you still do."
"I won't lie to you Strauss, I don't blame you but I resent it. I resent that things got fucked up just from you being here."
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"What are you going to do, leave? You did that once, and things got exponentially worse already. At least you're trustworthy though. You actually WORK on yourself."
He furiously threw a punch into the target. Strauss found himself backing up.
"Sylvain is out here actually causing the problem, and she never worked on herself. Hell, she went out and got worse on purpose. And now it doesn't MATTER how well I'm doing because other people are determined to fuck it up for no. Good. Reason."
He punctuated with blows.
"Like, what do I have to do to earn the privilege of having a friend over? What do I have to do to make this GO AWAY."
Strauss backed up against the wall. Troy was more than shouting now, he was roaring. This was bad. He could hear his heart pounding faster and faster.
"Troy, I am sorry. We need to stop. We need to-"
The lycan beneath Troy's placid surface was beginning to boil over. He grabbed Strauss by the shirt and hefted him into the air with both hands and then turned and threw him bodily across the room.
Strauss landed hard and scrambled backwards. Troy took two steps towards him and fell to his knees, gripping his head in apparent pain, his chest heaving with every breath.
"No no no no I knew this was going to happen. God dammit I KNEW this was going to happen." He whined and grunted. Dark hair begain to ripple down his arms in waves. His nail beds and gums began to bleed as new pieces erupted from inside of him.
Strauss found his feet and was momentarily rooted to one spot. The instinct was to flee. But that would leave Troy to face his demons alone. He couldn't abandon him. Not yet. Not until the bear like being stood up to its full height, dwarfing even the tall tent-pole figure of Strauss himself, and snarled down at him in a way that could almost be understood as plainly as English. Vampires were the cause of the problem, and the wolf had a whole sharp arsenal of solutions.
Time to go.
Strauss bolted down the hall. He could hear the chaos erupt behind him. Nurses screaming, security scrambling, chairs and furniture and other office accoutrements being flung into walls and shattered. Nobody was being mauled at least, Troy had a singular goal. Good, that meant Strauss could focus on saving his own skin. He needed to find Frau Harker. Where was Frau Harker.
Ursula stood thin lipped and silent in front of her dry erase board, the gentle squeak of her marker leaving a tidy row of neat handwriting. She narrated to her class in a droning voice.
"So, if you look at the syllabus, our upcoming anatomy lecture was scheduled for module three, however given our new collection of MRI images courtesy from the lab, we'll be moving that up to next week. I'll remind everyone that participation is graded in lab classes-"
The door slammed open. The handle of it struck and cracked the cinderblock wall. Strauss ran in and over the desks, jumping on them like stepping stones. Troy barreled after him, parting screaming students and flying desks in his wake. Strauss made for the window. Locked, of course, and too heavy to break. He slammed his fist into it. It spiderwebbed but did not give.
Troy grabbed him by the neck and held him aloft in one hand. His grip tightened like a python. Strauss did not need to breathe. He did however have to be mindful of his spine. He grabbed the heavy claw around his neck and scratched at it desperately. He kicked, connecting with the lycanthrope yet accomplishing nothing.
"Herr Cunningham. Bitte." He croaked. He sank his teeth listlessly into the cruel hand.
Thunk. Thunk.
The soft sound of shining darts hitting the hide of the beast cut through the panic in the room. Troy's grip slowly became looser, and looser. Strauss fell to the ground with a reflexive gasp for air.
Troy stumbled and fell, draped like a fur coat over a broken lecture room table.
Ursula ran to Strauss' side. "Mr. Strauss. Are you more dead than usual?"
"I wish." He muttered, and struggled to his feet. "Herr Cunningham needs to speak to a therapist."
"Evidently. Why did you lead him here of all places? Are you TRYING to kill my students?"
"You were the only one competent enough to handle it."
Ursula sighed. "I hate it when you're right." She turned to her cowering students.
"Well? what are you all standing there for! Begin containment protocol before he comes to! Chop chop." She clapped her hands. The students broke from their fearful trance and rushed into action.
"Do you kneed help, Mr. Strauss?"
"All I need, Frau Harker, is a break."
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sheisaloneandlonley · 5 months
"Man, I wish I hadn't killed myself. Those people down there really loved me."
It's a permanent solution to a temporary problem
It's a permanent solution to a temporary problem
It's a permanent solution to a temporary problem
It's a permanent solution to a temporary problem
It's a permanent solution to a temporary problem
I want to die
I want to die
I want to die
I want to die
I think about it a lot, and I know I am not unique in it. It's a rising sentiment. There are thousands of us, even still knowing that understanding that fact, this feeling is completely isolating. There's no way someone could be this sad they pray to not wake up in the morning, consistently. I'm not even the only one in this family who thinks it. How the hell do I not have company? How am I so alone.
I think I have sundowners, I only get like this right before Im trying to go to sleep.
My mom doesn't like it when I talk. But my dad does, but he doesn't really like me, well neither of them really do...but he listens and thinks it's interesting what I have to add...but my mom gets mad
"It's just not that much fun having fun when you don't want to have fun, mom"
This is why fake it to you make it isn't working this is why faking it is making it worse this is when you need to realize that grass on he other side is astroterf and the sun has heated it to burning, it is not an appropriate place for a picknic. There is no keeping up with the Joneses here...this illness is chronic and I can't continue to give energy to a future that is unatanibly green as the fact plastic on the other side.
My mom says I'm good at making something out of nothing. So I say nothing and I say nothing and I say nothing and Drs get away with assault and murder and my boss gets away with sexual harassment and my God father gets away with calling me a joke and I say nothing and I say nothing and I say nothing and when it's to much and the cracks in the damn break and all the abuse I have shouldered silent come out of me in a torental fit a barrier that can no longer hold back the hurt mom has the audacity to be shocked at all that I've had to endure and she has the nerve to make me guilty of keeping my silence so I say nothing and I say nothing and I say nothing how much is truly her fault and how much is mine? Mom says you make something out of nothing and then asks me for stories....and how much should I be able to lay at her feet and how much can I take accountability for? Blame. How much is hers and how much is mine.
It occurred to me that someone must wonder why I am so obsessed with my mom but she made herself all I had once, she made herself paramount in my life. At one point my mother was the only kind touch in my world and I wonder if she felt power in denying me that. I wonder if she isolated me on purpose or accidentally and I wonder which is worse, and I convince myself it doesn't matter because the end result is the same. The cornerstone of my life is my mother's approval and it is exhausting digging down to replace it.
As low as she makes me, she makes me as high. She is still a safety net. She still will catch me, reassure me that no matter how badly I've blundered she will pick me up. And she is the only one who is this unwavering, no matter how sad she makes me, she still loves me. No matter how much she doesn't understand me she still loves me. No matter how much hate I feel it's still love underneath all of it. And I don't want to remove her as my cornerstone, but I don't know what to do when she makes me sad.
My cousin blocked me after I was posting about being sick, I think that's why. Idk. My mom told me, my cousin said she'd rather die than be in my shoes. But I'd rather die too. I'd rather be dead. I want to die, I don't want to be sick, I'm not enjoying this and I'm not gonna hide it for everyone's convince, and now I feel rejected. I feel abandoned. She's sick too she's like me, and I was so excited to have comrodery. I was so happy to not be alone in this illness. And she just....it's a boundary and I will respect it. But "can't I have something that's just mine" seriously? I'm so upset. I'm mad and I'm sad and I want to throw things so they break and I want to die. And I feel like an idiot screaming it's not fair. I didn't want to be so so alone. I'm so alone. Everything sucks and I wanna die. I just, this isn't anything close to what I had pictured for myself, and I don't know how to pivot. I don't know how to roll with this anymore. I don't know how to go with the flow of this hand life delt me. And I just don't know what to do. I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing. And I don't have the energy to pretend anymore. I just want to die. I'm so tired. And no matter how much sleep I do or don't get, I'm exhausted and fumbling for what to do. I'm not getting better. I'm stagnet and getting worse. I'm getting worse and the worse I get the more people leave
A d the more people leave the worse I get. And it's the ugly endless cycle that I'm being eaten up by and I don't know what to do.
My Nino said I was a joke. And I knew he thought that, and it wasn't surprising to have that confirmation. I feltlike I should have had more of a reaction. And I justified it in my mind as him not being to serious about it.reverce psychology or somethkng. But now that my cousins are cutting me off, now that it's my generation and the one after, now that it's the ones who have gone through this same hell, now that theyre not here for me. Now I'm so madsadsickx about this. He called me a joke, to my face. He called me a joke to my face. I'm not. I'm sick. I'm in heart failure, I'm actively sick and I'm struggling so hard to get better. And I'm a joke. And I just I'm so so so so so so so so so so so so so so upset
I want to die and I can't. Because I have responsibilities, and people who would be sad. A nd I resent them. I resent the hell out of them for making me stay here with all of this. I don't know how to let this go. I want to be happy, but it's so much of an impossibility that I don't even think about it. There's no way to that outcome anymore. Theres none of that for me. And I just don't want to even try. I'm so fucking depressed I can't even get out of bed most days and I'm so fucking disappointed that I wake up and have to keep doing this. I don't want to do this anymore, but I don't have a choice. I'm so tired.
I asked for this. I asked God to let me shoulder the burden of suffering I asked for this I prayed for this I was so obsessed with stigmata and miricals and saints and I wanted to help like them. I fucking prayed for this. And now look at me.
I started writing goodbyes in my head. I started with my mom, then Alda, then my dad....which got a little mean, and a lot more vindictive, and then I got to Madison and I couldn't do it, not even in my head. I couldn't stop repeating I'm sorry to her. There's no one I lobw more in existence, I know what the big bang felt like because of how I love her. Every love I've felt before her is so different in comparison. Like I was looking at the world through dirty scratched up sunglasses, then Madison happened and my heart exploded open BANG it's the truest love. I can't understand how my mom and Ron treat her sometimes. She is joy personified even when she's being "bad" and I can't say a permanent goodbye to her. I can't make her sad like I'm sad. When my brother made the attempt I was devastated, I couldn't stop crying for days. If he has successfully done anything I think I wouldn't be far behind. I can't do that to them. I could consider it when it was just brother, because he would understand right, he knows what this feels like he knows how hard it is to keep going. He would forgive me. But Madison is too little I can't do that to her she wouldn't understand. I can't be sorry enough about it. I can't be that dark spot in her life. I can't do that to her. I love her so much and I want that to be enough...it has to be. It has to be! She's so good, she deserves so much better than what life is for her. She deserves siblings who aren't suicidal and parents with endless patience. And adoration and so much more love. And I can't do that to her. The guilt has to be enough, even if the love isn't. Because it's easier to hang into, to feel. Especially right now. I didn't feel better trying to outline a goodbye to her and realized I loved her too much to do it, I was just too guilty about the outcome. What if that guilt and shame doesn't go away after you die. What if you have to just exist with it indefinitely. What if God decided that was my hell. You destroyed your sister's love, now you have to carry that around for eternity. ....... It's worse right then being miserable alive? Right?
Is DISPAIR worse than guilt? No... It can't be. How the hell are these my only options? How did I end up here? What did I do? This feels like a punishment.
I was okay when it was my Nino, I was okay when it was my Tia Tweety and Jessica, it hurt a lot and I was sad, but I was okay.
I'm not okay now that it's my Nina...She baptized me, she did my confirmation, her laugh was my favorite sound in the world. I felt so good when she called me "my Sandra" I'm not okay. I know grief does weird things to people...I know her daddy died. I know how hard that was she was in charge of all of that. But I would never want her to feel the way she's making me feel. Is there a word for the saddest sad? It doesn't seem to encompass this feeling.
Remember when I was your favorite? How can you not remember that? How can you not remember who I am to you or who I am as a person. How did I get here? What did I do? Why do they hate me. I swear I swear I didn't do anything!
Did you ever see the movie Gravity? When Dr Ryan Stone gets thrown off structure in space? And all she can yell in her panic is "What do I do?!" Yeah....yeah.
I want to die it it to be not my fault.i want my Tata to come get me, I want my Nana to come get me. I want my Nana to come get me. I want my baby doggies to come get me, my Kisha baby and my baby Miss Eva
I want it to not me by fault so no one can blame me. And I want someone who loves me to come get me. And I screaming as loud as I can in my head "please come get me, please please" please let it be like the TV shows, please let them come and hold my hand and call my name and come get me. Please let me be so happy to see them, and them me and were reunited with joy and love and the take my hand when they come get me. Andnim not punished for wanting it and I'm not punished for doing it to myself. And they're just a little bit upset that noone stopped me or that jonone noticed how bad it was for me.
I thought I heard my Tata calling me last week. I was just waking up, and I thought he was standing outside my door and he called me, like he needed me to do something. Like he needed my help. I thought I heard him... I thought he was going to tell me something. Maybe about the dogs? Or my car? Maybe I had mail? Or maybe he has gotten pizza and wanted to let me know. I was awake and I heard him call me, and I just forgot he was dead in my foggy state I'm always in when I wake up. But I didn't open the door when I got to it. I heard my Tio ferny and turned around and went right back to bed. I want him to call me away, I think if I had opened the door....I think he might have been standing there, maybe he would have offered his hand, maybe I would have just dropped dead on the spot. Maybe I missed him too much, maybe
I spend so much time being sad, I'm wasting this finite resource. I do think I enjoyed the time I had to be happy well enough, I think I took it for granted that my default was willing to see the silver lining. I think I'm blowing it. It's beautiful outside. My dogs love me. I'm not expected to do anything but exist in this space, I
And I'm wasting my time being sad! And I can't stop, and I'm frustrated, and then sad, and then frustrated. And every feeling that I have is colored by this base feeling and it sours everything else. And it doesn't matter how long I go without falling back down here to my sadness, because I'll always end up here again. And I can't look at it like yin and yang, like there's a balance to this, because this is too much! When I know this is my default when I know that I'll end up here over and over again. There isn't enough time or resources that'll make any of this balanced out! And whatever comfort I have I can't enjoy enough because it's been colored by this eventually. And anyone who's loved me knows that and they're no longer giving me the time, because they know it's wasted!
My Nino said if I died tomorrow he'd be sad, but he'd get over it. I'd end up a little pocket picture on my ninas shelf and that would be the end of me. My Nino, the "good" father figure in my life. That I only had my Nana and Tata who truly "gave a rats ass about you"
And my Tata is dead and maneuvers me into a worst position before he died. If they are the only ones who truly cared for me...it feels minimal.
I can't stop chastising myself for feeling so childish. I understand nuance and complexity. But I can't stop thinking about how unfair all of this is. I can't stop thinking that I should be loved unconditionally, that I have a right to ot. That it was given to me so freely for so long by so many...and it was pulled out from under me and how much that hurts...it's not fair...and I can't make due with what little I have left, and that's making me lose more...and I would beg if it would make a difference, if that's how loved actually worked I would beg! Pride be damned! I would do it...but I know better...and I know that these feelings are coloring the things I do in my day to day and it's making me bitter and making everything worse and I don't know what to do, because I need more then I'm getting and I don't know how to fill this deficit, or how to adapt to it.
I see people like Kay (Kay and Taylor from tt) struggling with chronic illnesses and mental health, and she has such a good life, such a good support system and there are so many things going for her, and she still struggles so hard... And with all that's going on for her she still has a hard time, and I think oh God, I don't even have that kind of support, not even close and if she's struggling with that, then how the hell do I have a chance to even begin to cope?
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missnancychavez · 2 years
I had a thought for this and then I started writing. I don't know how much I actually like this, but if goes to my drafts, it's not coming out so, here.
Fandom: FBI
Pairing: OA Zidan x Maggie Bell
I Heard
She knew exactly who was at the door whe she heard the knock and she scoffed. She stormed over and opened it, rolling her eyes at her partner standing sheepishly on her stoop.
"You could've used your key" she spit out, spinning on her heel to pick up Elmo, her eight month old kitten that she had gotten, from OA no less, after the first stint where he couldn't get to her place for a few days due to a case.
"He'll keep you company when I can't " OA had reasoned at her eye roll
"Yes, but who will keep him company when I come back?" She had retorted,
"Well, then we'll get him a friend"
"I, um, I know you're mad, and I get it. But I brought you take out, and I hoped that maybe we could talk? I want to explain."
"Explain what, OA. I think you made yourself pretty damn clear earlier. You are supposed to trust me."
"I do trust you, you know I do. I'm just worried okay? You almost didn't make it, and it would have been my fault." His words enraged her even more, he wasn't her god damn protector. He was her partner, her equal.
"I'm not a child, you don't need to hold my hand" she fumed as he stood awkwardly in her living room, takeout in hand.
This wasn't what he imagined when he had come over to apologise. He knew he was out of line, but he was just trying to help. He needed to keep her safe. She stormed into her kitchen, filling Elmo's food bowl as she tried to avoid her partner's gaze. OA followed her, looking at her every move. The small grey kitten, rubbed up against his ankle. He quickly kneeled down and gave him a scratch, breathing out before speaking quietly.
"Maggie, I was-"
"Trying to protect me, OA, I know! But that's not an excuse. This is my job! You are supposed to trust me and I told you that I didn't take anything. You didn't believe me. You haven't believed me all day when I've said I'm okay."
"Because I'm not okay!" He exploded and Maggie spun to look at him, astonished.
"What?" She spoke, her tone softer than it had been moments prior.
"I'm not okay Maggie! You almost died and I cant- okay, I can't lose you, I love you and I cannot lose you."
"The last six and a half months, since you've come home, the only thing I've had to worry about is whether you'd trip over Elmo. And now you're back, and I've realised how I feel and I need to learn how to work next to you with those feelings, because you are my partner, first and foremost and I can't lose you. In any capacity-"
He was silenced as she looped her hands around his neck and pulled him down, her lips meeting his roughly. OA snaked his arms around her waist and pulled her flush against him. He moved her against her counter and hoisted her up so that she sat on her countertop. Her hands moved from his shoulders to his cheeks and she stroked her thumbs against his skin. She pulled back and rest her forehead against his, staying there until Elmo meowed from somewhere behind him.
"OA," she whispered and he opened his eyes to stare at her. When had he even closed them? "You aren't the only one who was scared. Who is scared. And you aren't the only one who has feelings."
"Maggie, I don't-"
"I love you too, I'm still furious, but you need to know that. And I heard you. At the hospital. I'm not going anywhere, okay? Regardless of what this becomes, you aren't getting rid of me that easy" she whispered. Maggie slid off the counter, and grabbed the food from where it has landed on the stool when she had kissed him. She pulled him to the living room couch, where Elmo was already curled up. She put the food the coffee tablee before turning back to OA, tucking her leg underneath her.
"I need to know that no matter what, I can trust you. That this" she gestured between the two of them "isn't going to affect how we work together. Because I can't lose you either. In any capacity. You are the best partner I could have ever asked for. And I want this, but I don't know if I can give up you as my partner."
"We have a lot to figure out still, don't we?" He asked, bringing his hand to her cheek. She nodded and he moved closer. "I'm sorry for making you think I didn't trust you, Maggie. I neeed you to know that I'm all in. This, this is what I want, Mags. At work, at home. All of it."
"I want it too" She whispered and this time he moved first, slanting his lips against hers in a chaste kiss. "I love you" He murmured against her mouth.
"I love you OA" she replied, before pulling back and turning to the food. "Now, let's eat before it gets cold."
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